HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190430Staff Report.pdfEDWARD JEWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO. 10446 RECEIVEO i0l9 iPR 30 Pil 2: rr5 ' r, ri? iH,tgu#,} | 8r,o* Street Address for Express Mail 472W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attomey for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO STUDY FIXED COSTS OF PROVIDING ELECTRIC SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS CASE NO. IPC.E-18.16 STAFF REPORT BACKGROUND On October 19,2018, Idaho Power Company petitioned the Commission to initiate a docket to study fixed-cost recovery in basic charges and other rate design options as required by Order No. 34046 in Case No. IPC-E- 17 -13. Petition at I ; Order No. 34046 at 3l . In Order No. 34190, the Commission directed Staff to confer with intervening parties about the procedural and substantive scope of the docket, proposed schedule, and other matters. Order No. 34190 at2. The Commission further directed Staff to report back to the Commission by April 30,2019, after which the Commission stated that it would issue additional orders or notices setting further scope and procedure. As a result of Order No. 34190, the parties in this matter have met for one pre-hearing conference and three settlement meetings. Intervening parties (Parties) are Idaho Conservation League, Avista Corporation, NW Energy Coalition, Idahydro, Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc., Rocky Mountain Power, Vote Solar, City of Boise City, Idaho Sierra Club, and Idaho Clean Energy Association. ) ) ) ) ) ) 1STAFF REPORT APRIL 3O,2OI9 STAFF REPORT The parties have a general understanding of the scope of the study that will be conducted by the Company. Parties also understand the rate structures and attributes to be studied, as well as a general framework for the Company's analysis. Definitions of fixed cost are still being discussed. The process has been collaborative. In addition to vigorous and constructive discussions about issues that are critical to the Company's analysis, individual parties have conducted and presented the results of their own detailed analyses for discussion. Staff appreciates these parties' willingness to conduct and present their own analysis to the group. Staff also appreciates the Company's willingness to provide timely information, as well as thorough explanations of that information. Staff notes that the Company has actively assisted individual intervenors by helping to model their proposals. Parties agree that it is appropriate to discuss specific aspects of the Class Cost of Service (CCOS) model that influence fixed cost collection. Parties also agree that it would be appropriate to identify and consider specific changes to the CCOS model. Given the large number of possible rate designs, parties understand that the Company intends to study a relatively small number of base case designs, and then study how fixed cost recovery and other attributes are impacted by changes to those base case designs. Base case rate designs will include the Company's current rate designs, rate designs informed by Cost of Service, a number of "end points" used to exemplify the behavior of extreme variations to each design, and a few specific rate designs that are of interest to parties. A list of base case rate designs currently under discussion is included as Attachment A. In addition to studying rate design attributes that are directly related to fixed cost recovery, the Company will study additional attributes that may be considered when adopting or modifying the Company's rate structure. These additional attributes include billing impacts across customers with different usage patterns in each class, price signaling impacts to conservation and peak reduction, and implementation costs. A list of rate design attributes currently under discussion is included as Attachment B. Staff anticipates that these issues will continue to be discussed at the Parties' next meeting on June 18th, 2019. In the interim, the Company has indicated that it will be able to continue developing models and tools for its analysis. 2STAFF REPORT APRIL 30,2OI9 RESPECTFULLY submitted this TCvr day of Apr il,2}lg Edward J Deputy General Umisc/comments/ipce I 8. I 6ejmm staff report JSTAFF REPORT APRIL 30,2OI9 (a) o0 U)(.)E (.)(tk H(.) o C6 lr)oboli(B (-) (-) cr)d!u)^ q0 >\ahao>AO -c)nO!qLcsEtvo-c)q)*066lXQc=o9aho Farr!(.5 r. j4E()e8 a)'(Jc)cE>+.o<& !rh Q ox a-t< (.) o o d \ii Ioo 1thqt o- !a o\ al Attachment A Case No. IPC-E-18-16 staff Report 04130119 Page 1 of 2 (.)'oEz& 5HEtrifE(,H::rubHEI -ri5aE'o)= E 0).\ U A -x f EEE F.39>'el r- -(s o- <tE _r.'(, CU-^>'ti (d (,€! s frdPP!o.l5 U."t'ta).I QrA* o -0)EE E 2'-'EloYe ,,.9orE0) d ooo.iLk6 HU(VL: Pd EEEN: -.- + (B8- E€!v G) 'v nrvrU\HY]-J'-9!50,)(.)() v*iJE;f; U 19 .i I>€d6 E z\o (.) OrOz O a() .V C)q 0)cr)a C)aa (.) bolr(t C) (6 C)a (.) C) o'!3ta*a .i 0) .()x.c(!H ^o-c)hcEH -rC(g()'tfEt* - rllAq)C)()ad!s a OOr.= >. (,3 S9raQ^.e E; . E-H.; o)(g OOc)-C Lr '-p CgJro EH _-=0) Y oA = =Je-eXc)>EO. 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IPC-E-I8-16, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: LISA D NORDSTROM IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOrSE rD 83707-0070 E-MAIL: lnordstrom@,idahopower.com BENJAMIN J OTTO ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 7IO N 6TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: botto@,idahoconservation.org DAVID J MEYER ESQ VP AND CHIEF COI.INSEL AVISTA CORP PO BOX3727 SPOKANE W A 99220-3121 E-MAIL: david.meyer@avistacorp.com ELECTRONIC ONLY Joe Miller j oe.miller@avi stacorp.com ERIC L OLSEN ECHO HAWK & OLSEN PLLC PO BOX 61 19 POCATELLO ID 83205 E-MAIL: elo@,echohawk.com TIM TATUM CONNIE ASCHENBRENNER IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOrSE rD 83707-0070 E-MAIL: ttatum@idahopower.com caschenbrenner@idahopower.com ELECTRONIC ONLY do c kets @,i dahopower. corn PATRICK D EHRBAR DIR OF REG AFFAIRS AVISTA CORP PO BOX3727 SPoKANE W A 99220-3727 E-MAIL: patrick.ehrbar@avistacorp.com F. DIEGO RIVAS NW ENERGY COALITON 1101 8TH AVE HELENA MT 5960I E-MAIL: dieso@nwenerqy.com ANTHONY YANKEL I27OO LAKE AVE UNIT 2505 LAKEWOOD OH 44107 E-MAIL: tony@vankel.net CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE C TOM ARKOOSH ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES PO BOX 2900 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com erin.cecil@arkoosh.com YVONNE R HOGLE ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER I4O7 WN TEMPLE STE 320 SALT LAKE CITY UT 841 I6 E-MAIL: Yvonne.hogle@pacificom.com DAVID BENDER EARTHJUSTICE 3916 NAKOMA RD MADISON WI 53711 E-MAIL: dbender@eartU ustice.org ABIGAIL R GERMAINE BOISE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFFICE PO BOX 500 BOrSE rD 83701-0500 E-MAIL : agermaine@cityofboise.org KELSEY JAE NT-INEZ IDAHO SIERRA CLUB 920 CLOYER DR BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL : kelsey@kelseyj aenunez.com TED WESTON ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER I4O7 WN TEMPLE STE 330 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I16 E-MAIL : ted.weston@,pacifi corp.com BRIANA KOBOR VOTE SOLAR 358 S 7OO E STE 8206 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84102 E-MAIL: briana@votesolar.ors ELECTRONIC ONLY AL LL]NA E-MAIL : aluna@earthj r"rstice.org NICK THORPE E-MAIL: nthorpe@earthjustice.org PRESTON N CARTER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W BANNOCK STREET BOISE TD 83702 E-MAIL: prestoncarter@qivenspursley.com ZACK WATERMAN MIKE HECKLER IDAHO SIERRA CLUB 503 W FRANKLIN ST BOISE TD 83702 E-MAIL: zack.waterman@sierraclub.org michael.p.hecker@email.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE