HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191210Replacement Pages.pdfSEffi* VIA HAND DELIVERY Re Case No. IPC-E-18-16 Study of Fixed Costs of Providing Electric Service to Customers ldaho Power Company's Replacement Pages to Fixed Cost Report and Appendix Dear Ms. Hanian On September 30, 2019, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") filed a Motion to Accept Fixed Cost Report and Fixed Report in the above matter. After the filing was made, it was discovered that Figure 21 in the report (pages 35-36), also included in Appendix K to the report (page 83), was incorrectly referencing a prior version of the studied rate design. Therefore, ldaho Power is submitting an originaland seven (7) copies of the enclosed replacement pages with the corrected information in both final and legislative formats. The Company regrets the inconvenience of this oversight and appreciates the opportunity to submit the corrected pages. lf you have any questions about the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. lz-.-%91.1**- Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:kkt Enclosures cc: Service List via email An roacoRP company RECEIVED ,J19 OiC l0 Ptt !: 06 .,. .,,t ., ,.,Llc r r, i i r ., I'r-l,,,i.llssl0ll December 10, 2019 Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83702 Very truly yours, LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahoDower.com CLEAN FORMAT ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis encouraging behavioral changes that may help reduce future costs. However, TOU designs that are not cost-based may reduce the assignment, and recovery ofexisting fixed costs, resulting in a continued need fbr a mechanism like the FCA. Collection of Revenue 700% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% LO% O"/L Cost of TOU (5:1) 5ervice schedule 1 Cost of TOU (5:1) Service schedule 7 ! Energy I Demand Service Charge Figure 20 Collection of revenue; time of use (5:1) Figure 2l provides an illustration ofthe percentage ofcustomers impacted by the change in rate design from the base case to a 5:l TOU rate design. Based on current customer energy use, 69 percent of Residential will have an increase in their monthly bill. Ifthis plan was introduced on a mandatory basis, some customers may not be able to reduce their energy during the on-peak summer time frame and could result in larger bills for a certain customer segments as compared to a volume-only based measurement. However, as customers understand how their bills are aflected by their usage, customers are likely to shift their energy usage which may result in a lower bill than the static presentation below. Moving from base rates to a 5:l TOU rate, results in 6l percent of LIHEAP and Weatherization customers having reductions in their bill, prior to any behavioral changes. The rcsulting bill impact analysis is presented in Appendix K. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 35 ldaho Power Company Rate Desagn Analysis 40% 'a 35o'4 I E 30% 25% 75% 70% 5% o%,rrhl <- 5100 -S25to- -S25to-S10 -S10toS0 S0toS10 S10toS2s S2sto5100 >5100 s 100 rAllCustomers LIHEAP rWeatherization Figure 2l Percentage of residential customer average monthly impact-base case to 5:l TOU Of the three rate designs evaluated in this section, the company believes the three-part rate design that includes a demand component would result in the most equitable assignment ofcosts to customers depending on the demand placed on the system by each customer within the class. As customer and demand-related costs are moved out ofthe energy charge, collection ofthe revenue requirement is less exposed to eroded fixed cost recovery when customers rcduce overall energy consumption. While the rate designs presented in Figurc l5 do not perfectly align with the underlying cost structures for each class, a three-part design would represent a vast improvement in aligning fixed cost collection with cost causation than the current rale design. B. Residential and Small General Service On-Site Generation Customers (Schedules 6 and 8) l,ike standard service Residential and Small Gencral Service customers. customers currently taking service under Schedule 6 (Residential On-Site Generation Scrvice) and Schedule 8 (Small General Servicc On-Site Gcneration) pay a fixed monthly service charge of$5 and a monthly seasonal energy charge with tiered energy rates; the current rates under each of these service schedules mirror those ofthe standard scrvice offerings. Schedule I and Schedule 7. The difference between Residential customers taking service under Schedule 6 (or Small General Service customers taking service under Schedule 8) and those taking service on Schedules I and 7 is that customers on Schedules 6 and 8 produce some or all oftheir monthly or annual energy requirements, but rely on Idaho Power to balance those energy needs when their systems are no1 generating. The on-site gencration systems installed by customers are designed to generate electricity when resources (e.g., rooftop solar) are available-without regard to when the customer actually consumes electricity. To-date, customers with on-site generation have been billed under a billing construct commonly referred to as net metering where Idaho Powcr measures and bills the customer based on each customer's net monthly consumption. Page 36 IPC-E-I 8-'16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Appendix K Schedule 1 BGo Cale TFr€d Volumstric Rrtes Studi€d Case TOU (5:'l) Energy Ch.rgeTiers Sunmer Hol}summer o-a00 kwh $0 083026 s0.077146 801 2 000 k\,Vh $0 0SS835 $0 085051 over 2 000 kwh $0 118597 $0.094192 Energy Chrrge Summor Non-Summer s0.?75066 s0.05,{708 s0.054708 Summer Non.Summea Noh-Summet S€rvice Ctarqe $17.28 $1728 Servlce Charqe 15.00 $5.00 Summ€r Nocsummer A\€rage iront{y Consump{on A\€rage Bill lncrease A\erage Bill Decrease A\,erage O€ral Bill lnpact 93,6 $9.67 (288,,160 cullomoG) -$r8.59 (135,962 aElomeis) 30 75 On.Poak Olt-Pe.k 3-10 PMI\ilF i\uA Al olhe. hdrrs Avg $ Chang€ (ironthlY) Number of Customers' oh ot Customeas CumuhivG v. Ave.age Base Caae Bil Avarago Studhd C..€ Blt Average ironthv Diff Average Annual Diff -14o 3.9'I GT $25 LE $100 GI S15 LE 625 GT $10 LE 115 GT $5 LE $10 GI TO LE $5 61 35,669 117,137 85,058 50,159 o.o1va 8.40% 27.67% 20.u% 11.42% o.o1% E.42% 36.09% 56.13% 67.95% s68 $57 s52 963 s80 $95 s74 s64 t70 s82 $27 $17 i12 $8 s3 $u2 $202 61,18 $s3 (|2 No Chanqe 0 156 o-O.a% 67.w%s88 s88 t0 s0 d) B GI IO LE 35 GT '5 LE 3iO GT!10 tE 115 GT t15 LE t25 GT $25 tE 3100 GT 3100 33,607 21,617 18.672 25.129 32,063 1,300 7.97% 5.60% 1.10% 5.990,6 0.31% 75.95% 41.75% 86.15% 92.14V. 99.89% 100.00% $s5 $t 1t $126 $148 s211 $5,{2 393 $104 t114 s129 sl72 s386 -$2 -$7 -912 -120 -642 -s156 -128 '$9 -1149 -5235 -$500 -$1,869 'Cusromerswithlesslhan12monihsordalawereexclud€drromlheUllimpacianalysis. 40% E E 35% 30% 25% 20"n 75",4 70% o% < 5100 -S25 to - -S25 to -S10 -510 to S0 S0 to S10 S10 to 925 S25 to 5100 > 5100 Sloo I All Customers IIHEAP I Weatherization Percentage of Residential customer average monthly impact-base case to 5:'l TOU IPC-E-1 8-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 83 Appendix K Schedules I and 7 Base Case compared to Time of Use (5:1) Rates LEGISLATIVE FORMAT ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis encouraging behavioral changes that may help reduce future costs. However, TOU designs that are not cost-based may reduce the assignment, and recovery ofexisting fixed costs, resulting in a continued need for a mechanism like the FCA. Collection of Revenue 700vo 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 10% 70% o/. Cost of fOU (5:1) Service Cost of TOU (5:1) Service Schedule 1 Schedule 7 ! Energy I Demand Service Charge Figure 20 Collection of revenue: time of use (5:'l ) Figure 2l provides an illustration ofthe percentage ofcustomers impacted by the change in rate design from the base case to a 5: I TOU rate design. Based on current customer energy use, 69 percent of Residential will have an increase in their monthly bill. Ilthis plan was introduced on a mandatory basis, some customers may not be able to reduce their energy during the on-peak summer time frame and could result in larger bills fbr a cenain customer segments as compared to a volume-only based measurement. However, as customers understand how their bills are affected by their usage, customers are likely to shift their energy usage which may result in a lower bill than the static prcsentation below. Moving from base rates to a 5: I TOU rate, results in 6l percent of LIHEAP and )3-pereent-tr{. Weatherization customers having reductions in their bill. prior to any behavioral changes. The resulting bill impact analysis is presented in Appendix K. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 35 ldaho Power Company Rate Oesign Analysis 'o .E Eo 40% 35% 3004 250/6 20% 75% 10% 5% ooA rl <- s100 -S25 to - -S25 to -S10 -S10 to S0 S0 to S10 S10 to S25 S25 to 5100 > 5100 Sloo lAll Customers , LIHEAP !Weatherization 50"/6 E n".a E 30% E o%2 o%II ti 70% <- Sloo -525to- -S25to-S10 -S10toS0 S0toS10 Sr0toS25 S25to5100 >5100 Sloo IAllCustomers ! LIHEAP I Weatherization Figure 2l Percentage of residential customer average monthly impact-base case to 5:1 TOU B. Residentialand Small General Service On-Site Generation Customers (Schedules 6 and 8) Like standard service Residential and Small General Servicc customers. customers currently taking servicc undcr Schedule 6 (Residcntial On-Site Generation Service) and Schedule 8 (Small General Service On-Site Generation) pay a fixed monthly servicc chargc of$5 and a monthly Page 36 IPC-E-1 8-16 Fixed Cost Report Of the three rate designs evaluated in this section, the company believes the three-part rate design that includes a demand component would result in th€ most equitable assignment ofcosts to customers depending on the demand placed on the system by each customer within the class. As customer and demand-related costs are moved out of the cnergy charge, collection of the revenue requirement is less exposed to eroded fixed cost recovery when customers reducc overall energy consumption. While the rate designs presented in Figure l5 do not perfectly align with the underlying cost structures for each class, a three-part design would represent a vast improvement in aligning fixed cost collection with cost causation than the current rate design. ldaho Power Company Appendix K Appendix K Schedules 1 and 7 Base Case compared to Time of Use (5:1) Rates Schedule l Balo Crse Tbred Volumet.k Rates Studied Cce TOU (5:1) TieIs Enerqy Chrrqe Sulttltea Nonlsumnor Energy Charge Summer Non-Summef 90.0a3O26 $0.oss35 $0.1185S7 s0.077146 s0 0a5051 $0.094192 s0.275066 $0.054708 $0.054708 Summer Non-Surxner Summer Non-Summer Service Charqe t5 00 s5 00 Summcr l{on-Summcr Alerage Monhly Consumptm A\erage Bill lncrease A\€rage Bill Decrease A\erage O\€rall Bll lmF'ect 956 $9.87 (286.460 custsneG) -S18.59 (135.962 custmers ) $0.75 On-Pe.k Of"Pe.k Avg I Charg€ {ilonthk) Number of Custoncrsr .ad CrEtdrErs Cumulrtive Avorago Bale Cala Bil Aveiagc Sludbrl Casa Bal Average tibnthtv Oi6 Average Annu.l D I ao I GT S25 LE S1M GT $15 LE $25 GT $10 LE $15 GT $5 LE $10 GT $O LE $5 61 35.6€9 117,437 85,058 50,159 0,01% E.40% 27.67% 20.u% 11.42% o.o10/, 4.12r/r 36.090/0 56.130/o 67% s68 $57 s52 s63 $80 s95 s74 $Br $70 $82 s27 $12 $8 $3 s322 s202 $148 s93 s32 No Chanoe 0 67.98%$88 ffia $o $0 in iI GT $O LE $5 GT $5 LE S1O GT $10 LE 515 GT $1s LE S25 GT S25 LE $1@ GT $100 -s2 -s7 -$12 -$20 '$42 ,$1s6 -$28 _tEg -t149 -1235 ,t500 -$1,869 Cuslomers wilh less thar 12 modhs or dala we.e etclud€d rrrn lhe b rmpaci aralys s Page 83 IPC-E-I 8-16 Fixed Cost Report e800 kwh a01-2,000 kwh Over 2,000 kwh Sewice Chaiq€ $17 28 S17 28 }10 PMi'F I\/A Al olher horrs 156 0.(x% 33.807 7.97. 75.95% ?4.617 5.4tr/6 A1-75%1E672 4lryh 86.15% 25 49 5.990/6 S2-11y, 32.063 7.55% S9.69,6 1.300 0.31% 100.0oY" 395 $S t1r1 $104 9126 1114 s14a $129 3214 $172 $542 $366 ldaho Power Company Appendix K 50% o. E 40% 30v. to% ooa II <- s100 -s2Sto- -s2sto-s10 -s10tos0 s0tos10 s10tos25 s25tos100 >s100 Sloo r All Customers LIHEAP t Weatherization 40"/o E E Eo 35% 30% 25% 20/. t50/. 7004 5"/" 0%a <- Sloo -s25to- -525to-s10 -s10tos0 s0tos10 s10tos25 525tos100 >s100 Sloo r All Customers LIHEAP I Weatherization Percentage of Residential customer average monthly impact-base case to 5:1 TOU IPC-E-1 8-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 83 ll I I