HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190930Motion to Accept Fixed Cost Report.pdfLISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) Idaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 lnordstrom@ idahopower. com RTCTIVED iili! $[P 30 PH 2: 09 1r 'i :i1 ,..' . li:-i,--, _' ' :t' tl t'"i:! Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO STUDY FIXED COSTS OF PROVIDING ELECTRIC SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS CASE NO. IPC-E-18-16 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO ACCEPT FIXED COST REPORT ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company"), in accordance with Procedural Rule 056, hereby moves that the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") issue an order accepting its Fixed Cost Report for filing in satisfaction of its directive in Order No. 34046. This Motion is based on the following: r. MoTroN 1. On May 9,2018, the Commission issued Order No.34046 in responseto ldaho Power's Application for Authority to Establish New Schedules for Residential and Small General Service Customers with On-Site Generation in Case No. IPC-E-17-13. The Commission found that 'it is time for the Company to address fixed-cost apportionment across its system" and: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO ACCEPT FIXED COST REPORT - 1 lT lS FURTHER ORDERED that ldaho Power shall file a study with the Commission exploring fixed-cost recovery in basic charges and other rate design options prior to its next general rate case. Order No. 34046 at 17 and 31. 2. On page 23 of Order No. 34046, the Commission stated that it was "convinced" based upon evidence in the record of Case No. IPC-E-17-13 "that critical questions related to fixed costs must be addressed." Due to the unclear timing of ldaho Power's next general rate case, the Commission ordered the Company to undertake "a comprehensive customer fixed-cost analysis to determine the proper methodology and 'spread' of fixed costs as they relate to the Company's customers." 3. The Commission directed that "the Company, with input from interested parties, shall outline the scope of the study that should include exploring fixed-cost recovery in basic charges and other rate design options." Order No. 34046 at23. 4. On November 9, 2018, the Commission issued a Notice of Petition and lntervention Deadline. Order No. 34190. The Commission subsequently granted intervention to the ldaho Conservation League, Avista Corporation, NW Energy Coalition, ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc., ldaHydro, Rocky Mountain Power, Vote Solar, City of Boise City, ldaho Sierra Club, ldaho Clean Energy Association, ldaho lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power, and Russell Schiermeier. Order Nos.34194, 34201, 34208, 34356, and 34360. 5. Over the course of nine months, ldaho Power, Commission Staff, and lntervenors participated in one prehearing conference and five settlement workshops to scope and discuss fixed cost issues pertaining to the Commission's fixed cost study directive. With the feedback received, the Company prepared numerous analyses and IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO ACCEPT FIXED COST REPORT - 2 incorporated resulting feedback into its Fixed Cost Report, included as Attachment 1 to this Motion. 6. ldaho Power has interpreted the Commission's directive as seeking to inform and educate on fixed cost methodologies and apportionment to customers through rate design. Consequently, the Company makes no recommendations concerning implementation of the rate designs discussed in its Fixed Cost Report at this time. While it intends to propose rate modifications to address fixed cost issues when it files its next general rate case, ldaho Power stands ready to make incremental changes in the interim if directed by the Commission to do so. il. coNcLUStoN Having solicited stakeholder input and completing a fixed cost analysis, ldaho Power respectfully requests the Commission accept for filing its Fixed Cost Report in satisfaction of the Commission's directive in Order No. 34046. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 30th day of September 2019. LISA D Attorney for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO ACCEPT FIXED COST REPORT - 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 30th day of September 20191 served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO ACCEPT FIXED COST REPORT upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8, Suite 201-A (83714) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 !daHydro C. Tom Arkoosh ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES 802 West Bannock Street, Suite LP 103 P.O. Box 2900 Boise, ldaho 83701 ldaho Conseruation League and NW Energy Coalition Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North 6th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 NW Energy Coalition F. Diego Rivas NW Energy Coalition 1 101 8th Avenue Helena, Montana 59601 ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc. Eric L. Olsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Suite 100 P.O. Box 6119 Pocatello, ldaho 83205 Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email edward.iewell@puc.idaho.sov _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX gma il tom.arkoos h.com taylor.pestel h.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email botto@idahoconservation.orq _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email dieqo@nwenerqv.orq _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email elo@echohawk.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO ACCEPT FIXED COST REPORT - 4 Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 Vote Solar Briana Kobor Vote Solar 358 South 700 East, Suite 8206 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 David Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madison, Wisconsin 537 11 Al Luna Nick Thorpe 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 702 Washington, DC 20036 City of Boise Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 North Capitol Boulevard P.O. Box 500 Boise, ldaho 83701-0500 Idaho Clean Energy Association Preston N. Carter GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street Boise, ldaho 83702 _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email tony@yankel.net _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email briana@votesolar.org _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email dbender@earthiustice.orq _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email aluna@earthjustice.orq nthorpe@earthj ustice.org _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email aqermaine@citvofboise.orq _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP Site x Email prestoncarter@q ivenspu rslev.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO ACCEPT FIXED COST REPORT - 5 Sierra Club Kelsey Jae Nunez KELSEY JAE NUNEZLLC 920 North Clover Drive Boise, ldaho 83703 Zack Waterman Michael Heckler ldaho Sierra Club 503 West Franklin Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Avista Corporation David J. Meyer Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue, MSC 27 P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Wash i ngto n 99220-37 27 Patrick D. Ehrbar Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue, MSC 27 P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Wash i ngto n 99220-37 27 PacifiCorp d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power Yvonne R. Hogle Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email kelsey@kelseyiaenunez.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email zack.waterman@sierraclub.orq michael.p r@omail.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email david.meyer@ avistacorp.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email patrick.ehrbar@avistacorp.com ioe. m iller@avistacorp. com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email yvonne.hoole@pacificorp.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email ted.weston@pacificorp.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO ACCEPT FIXED COST REPORT - 6 lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 lndividual Russell Schiermeier 29393 Davis Road Bruneau, ldaho 83604 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email dreadinq@mindsprinq.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email buvhav@qmail.com Ki berly Towel Executive Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S MOTION TO ACCEPT FIXED COST REPORT - 7 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-1 g-1 6 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 ;..; .:jl i)'*-- f 11(,) f)(I iyl { r$ rj3ul II U I I I f f I t ] I I TT p An IDACORP Company {-. .18-1 6i ):t MI.EPcosr SEPTEM BTR 2019 _l ltn 's *^G, -'rq?r5m .:--ry' ,m> *-! ..*.&a ;_ --g*'ld 1 "rt .*il/\*a,.' .. .r ri # 7 w .l IDAHOPOWER.COM OIDAHO POWER 38ffi*. An lDAcoRP company lPc-E-18-16 Fixed Gost Report September 2019 O Idaho Power Table of Contents TeeLe OF CoNTENTS Table of Contents............... List of Tables ..................... List of Figures .................... List of Appendices L Executive Summary..... II. Background.................. IIL Rate Design Overview IV. Class Cost of Service Process Overview V. 2017 Class Cost of Service A. Development of the 2017 CCOS 8.2017 CCOS Results.. C. Effectiveness of Existing Rate Designs to Collect Fixed Costs.... D. Potential Modifi cations to the CCOS Methodology..................... CCOS Scenario No. 1 CCOS Scenario No. 2 CCOS Scenario No. 3 E. CCOS Conclusion VI. Rate Design Analysis A. Residential and Small General Service Customers (Schedules I and 7)..... Two-part, Tiered Rates Three-Part. Tiered Rates Time-Of-Use .............. B. Residential and Small General Service On-Site Generation Customers (Schedules 6 and 8)............ C. Large General Service-Secondary Service (Schedule 95) ........... Removal of Demand and BLC Inclining Block Structure and introduction of Time-of-Use Energy Rates .l ii ii iv ....5 7 .... 1 I .... I 3 .... I 3 .... I 3 .......... I 5 ..........16 ..........16 ..........19 ..........22 23 25 26 26 28 3l 36 39 40 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page i ldaho Power Company ldaho Power Company Table of Contents D. Large General and Large Power-Primary Service (Schedule 9P and l9P)..... E. Irrigation Service (Schedule 24)............ .....4t .....43 .,.,.45Introduction of BLC... VII. Conclusion.........47 Table I 2017 customer class characteristics 10 Table 2 Scenario No. 1 CCOS model....17 Table 3 Scenario No. 2 CCOS model.. Table 4 Rate Designs Considered ..25 LIST OF FIGURES Figure I Revenue collection to cost comparison .2 Figure 2 Bonbright's Ten Ratemaking Principles .....8 Figure 3 My Account, kWh data........... Figure 4 Illustrative overview of system facilities 9 ll Figure 5 Class cost of service process Figure 6 2017 company's CCOS revenue change required by rate schedule ($M) t2 t4 Figure 7 Rate schedule CCOS revenue percent change required (%). . Figure 8 Summary of 2017 CCOS results....... Figure 9 Scenario No. 1 interclass impact-required revenue..... t4 15 18 Page ii IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report LISI OF TABLES ldaho Power Company Table of Contents Figure l0 Scenario No. 1 intraclass impact....... Figure 11 Scenario No. 2 interclass impact-required revenue... Figure 12 Scenario No. 2 intraclass impact....... Figure 13 Scenario No. 3-fixed costs accounting definition ..... Figure 14 Collection of revenue: base case Figure 15 Collection of revenue: three-part, tiered rate Figure 16 Residential energy use per customer and residential demand per customer.................. Figure 17 Percentage of residential customer average monthly impact-base case to three-part, tiered rate.... Figure 18 Collection of revenue: time of use, cost based..... Figure 19 Percentage of residential customer average monthly impact-base case to TOU Figure 20 Collection of revenue: time of use (5:1) ......... Figure 25 Collection of revenue: TOU Figure 26 Collection of revenue: base case .19 .21 .22 .23 .28 .29 .30 .31 JJ 35 Figure 2l Percentage of residential customer average monthly impact-base case to 5:l TOU ...36 Figure 22 Collection of revenue: on-site generation using current rate structure 37 Figure 23 Collection of revenue: on-site generation net hourly using current rate structure.......38 Figure 24 Collection of revenue: base case .40 34 .4t 42 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page iii ldaho Power Company Table of Contents Figure 27 Collection of revenue: cost of service informed Figure 28 Collection of revenue: base case Figure 29 Collection of revenue: BLC LIST oF APPENDIcES Appendix A Scope of Attributes to be Studied (Attachment A-Staff s 4l30ll9 Report, IPC-E-18- l6)............ Appendix B Development of 2017 Results of Operations Appendix C Class Cost of Service Process Guide Appendix D Class Cost of Service Study Results Appendix E Scenario No. I Individual Modification Impacts.. Appendix F Scenario No. 2 Individual Modification Impacts.. Appendix G Revenue Requirement and Fixed-Variable Proportion Cost of Service Analysis by Class. .43 44 .45 ._..49 5l ...57 ...67 .7t t3 Appendix H Time of Use Period Selection Appendix I Schedules I andT Base Case Compared to Three-Part, Tiered Rates ......................79 Appendix J Schedules I and 7 Base Case compared to Time of Use (Cost-Based) Rates ..........81 Appendix K Schedules I andT Base Case compared to Time of Use (5: l) Rates ......83 Appendix L Schedule 95 Base Case compared to TOU Rates .................85 Appendix M Schedules 9P Base Case compared to Full COS 7l Page iv IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Table of Contents Appendix N Schedules 24 Base Case compared to Basic Load Charge 9l IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page v ldaho Power Company Table of Contents Page vi IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Executive Summary l. Executive Summary Fixed costs are those costs that do not vary by any measure of use of the system; these costs constitute a majority of the costs a utility incurs to provide electric service to its customers. Historically, the simplest and most common way for a utility to collect revenue from residential customers (both from an availability of metering technology and customer understanding standpoint) has been through volumetric energy charges coupled with a fixed service charge. In choosing this rate design, regulators have weighed many issues-the benefits of encouraging conservation, customer understanding of utilizing volumetric usage as a basis to collect costs, and the range of revenue uncertainty when fixed costs are recuperated via volumetric charges. "For this type of rate design, revenue recovery is at risk of any reduction in usage (e.g., due to variation in weather or demand energy response [DER]) unless there is a mechanism that decouples revenue from customers' usage."1 The existing rate designs for Residential, Small General, Large General, Industrial, and Irrigation classes collect a portion of fixed costs through volumetric rates rather than collecting the full fixed costs (customer and demand related) through the fixed monthly service charge and demand-related components of the rate design. This is especially true for Residential and Small General Service customers where fixed costs represent approximately 70 percent of the total cost to serve, while between 90 and 95 percent of total revenue is collected through volumetric energy charges. Because the energy rate is the primary component for collection of fixed costs related to generation, transmission, and distribution, the recovery of fixed costs per customer declines with any reduction in net energy usage and increases when net energy usage is greater than expected. A side-by-side comparison for each customer class for the existing rate design revenue collection proportions ("Revenue" column) versus the fixed and variable proportions informed by the most recent cost of service methodology ("Cost" column) is provided in Figure I to indicate how close or far any class's revenue collection proportions are to the current underlying cost structures. I NARUC Manual on Distributed Energy Resources Rate Design and Compensation,pp.63-64 (2016) IPC-E-I8-'tO Fixed Cost Report Page 1 Residential Residential On-Site Small General Small General On-Site Large General Large General P/T lndustrial lrrigation 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% o% .s"" q.d co'.s"" q.d c,cP c,ci'c q.d CCP .so" q.d CCT """c c&' """c & co'.so. q.d c&' r Energy I Demand Service Charge Figure 1 Revenue collection to cost comparison As can be seen in Figure 1, existing rate designs result in fixed and variable revenue collection that does not match fixed and variable proportions of incurred costs. Idaho Power Company's (Idaho Power or company) cost structure is largely fixed in nature and Figure I demonstrates that opportunity exists to better align revenue collection with cost structures. This misalignment of revenue collection with the overall cost-structure is the reason why a decoupling mechanism, the company's Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) mechanism was implemented. The FCA is an efficient and necessary mechanism that removes the financial disincentives that would otherwise exist when Idaho Power pursues energy efficiency on behalf of its customers. Applicable only to Residential and Small General Service classes, the FCA corrects for the majority of over, or under, collection of fixed costs that results from the use of volumetric charges to collect the majority of fixed costs for those classes. Many of the cost of service study methodologies and rate designs presented in this report, if implemented, would impact the level of reliance on the existing FCA (either up or down) or warrant consideration of a modified fixed cost recovery mechanism. It is critical to note that continued reliance on volumetric or otherwise variable rate components, including demand charges, for the collection of fixed costs would warrant continued consideration of decoupling mechanisms like the FCA. Page 2 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Executive Summary ldaho Power Company Executive Summary It is also important to recognize that conditions have changed since the current rate designs were established .In 201l, the company largely completed deployment of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) in its service area. AMI enabled the company to achieve more precise usage measurement and facilitate more sophisticated, cost-based rate designs. The company has also been successful at encouraging its customers to install energy efficient technologies and to use energy wisely through its energy efficiency program portfolio and marketing campaigns. In 2018 alone, the company's demand-side management programs saved enough energy to power over 16,000 average homes for one year in Idaho Power's service area. Additionally, the company has experienced rapid growth of customers choosing to provide some of their own annual energy needs with on-site generation. Because the volumetric rates contained within the company's current retail rate structure include costs associated with all components of the electric system-from generation resources to the meters installed on customers' premises- volumetric rates do not properly assign the costs and benefits of the transaction between Idaho Power and its customers with on-site generation. This leads to the potential for increasing intra- class subsidies. In its Order No. 34046, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) recognized these issues and directed the company to undertake a study investigating fixed cost recovery in basic charges and other rate design options prior to its next general rate case. In compliance with that Order, the company has prepared the following fixed cost study report (Report) that provides an overview of the rate design process, explains the class cost of service (CCOS) process, discusses the results of the 2017 CCOS developed as a basis for this Report along with a number of potentially modified CCOS scenarios, and finally presents an evaluation of a variety of rate design options. The rate design evaluation presented in this Report includes an assessment of the extent to which each rate design option may provide for recovery of fixed costs in a manner that aligns with the underlying cost structure, improves fairness in the assignment of costs to individual customers and appropriately balances a range of policy objectives. The 2017 CCOS study and accompanying CCOS scenarios, all suggest the company's current cost strucfure is 50 percent or more fixed cost related for every customer class. The company believes that rate design alternatives that move prices closer to the cost to serve, such as those presented in the following Report, would lead to significant improvements in the recovery of fixed costs, provide for rate stability, and result in overall fair and equitable cost allocation by minimizing customer cross-subsidies. While this Report does not recommend the immediate implementation of any specific modified rate design options, a number of preferred rate design options are presented for future consideration. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 3 ldaho Power Company Executive Summary Page 4 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Background ll. Background On July 27 , 2017 ,Idaho Power filed an application in Case No. IPC-E- 17 -13 with the Commission requesting, in part, for the Commission to issue an order authorizing the (1) establishment of two new classifications of customers applicable to Residential and Small General Service (R&SGS) customers with on-site generation, and (2) directing the commencement of a generic docket to establish a compensation structure for customer-owned DERs that reflects both the benefits and costs that DER interconnection brings to the electrical system. In its final order in the matter, the Commission found that separating on-site generation customers from standard customers will help the Commission and parties analyze the cost structure of these customers including subsidization, fixed costs, cost to serve, rates, rate design, and benefits and compensation for exports (Schedules 6 and 8).2 Further, the Commission ordered the company to undertake a study investigating fixed cost recovery in basic charges and other rate design options prior to its next general rate case.3 ln compliance with that order, the company filed an application in Case No. IPC-E- I 8- 16 ( I 8- l6 Case) on October 19,2018, to initiate a process that would facilitate stakeholder input on a customer fixed cost analysis to be completed by Idaho Power.a Since the initiation of the l8-16 Case,s the company has met with Commission Staff (Staff) and interested parties in five settlement workshops and received feedback and input on issues to be addressed in the company's Report. With consideration of the input received from parties, and in compliance with Order No. 34046, the company has prepared the following Report for the Commission's review. 2 IPC-E-I7-13, Order No. 34046 at 17 3 Id. at 31 4IPC-E-18-16, Application at 3 s The Notice of Parties to Case No. IPC-E-18-16 lists: the Idaho Conservation League, Avista Corporation, NW Energy Coalition, IdaHydro, Idaho Irrigation Pumper's Association, Inc, Rocky Mountain Power, Vote Solar, City of Boise, Idaho Sierra Club, Idaho Clean Energy Association, Industrial Customers of Idaho Power, and Russell Schiermeier. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 5 ldaho Power Company Background Page 6 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Rate Design Overview lll. Rate Design Overview The basic purpose of rate design is to implement a set of rates for each rate class that produces the revenues necessary to recover the cost of serving that rate class, otherwise known as the revenue requirement.6 The revenue requirement is assigned to different customer classes through the CCOS process, and rates are designed for each customer class to collect that customer classes' revenue requirement as determined by the Commission. Customer rates vary by class and have historically been comprised of several basic components, including the following: a Service charge-Intended to recover the customer-related costs which do not vary with change in energy consumption. These costs include investment in the service line and meter, costs related to customer care functions, as well as costs of meter reading and billing. a Demand (kw)-Measures the rate at which energy is used at a point in time. Billing demand is the average kW supplied during a period of maximum use during the billing period. Recovers a portion of the capacity-related costs associated with the generation and transmission of electricity. a Basic load charge (Blc)-Measured by an average of monthly billing demands or simply a maximum of an annual billing demand. The Basic Charge, billed on the basis of BLC, is typically implemented to recover a portion of the capacity-related fixed costs of the distribution facilities, which includes substations, primary lines and transformers. a Energy charges-Billed on the basis of kWh, is intended to collect the energy-related generation costs that vary with consumption of energy by customers. The energy charge has also been utilized to recover the portion of capacity-related and customer related costs when these costs are not otherwise collected through the service, demand, or BLC charges. Energy charges can vary by the time of usage or by the total volume of usage over the billing period. Each of these components is informed by the CCOS study and is intended to collect the portion of the revenue requirement attributed to the customer behavior that requires the company to incur those costs. To create a proper rate design, it is important to distinguish between fixed and variable costs-barring other considerations, the company endeavors to collect variable costs (those that can fluctuate with energy consumption) through the volumetric energy charges and fixed costs (those driven by customer counts or demand) through fixed monthly service charges and demand-related charges, including BLC charges. 6 NARUC Manual on Distributed Energlt Resources Rate Design and Compensation, p.20 (2016). IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report PageT ldaho Power Company Rate Design Overview The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) describes the importance of cost of service studies in the regulatory process, noting: "cost of service studies are among the basic tools of ratemaking," "the cost principal applies not only to the overall level of rates, but to the rates set for individual services, classes of customers, and segments of the utility's business," and cost studies are used by regulators to "determine how costs will be recovered from customers within each customer class."7 During settlement discussions, parties discussed several of those considerations referenced above, identified by Staff as "attributes" that should be considered by the company as it developed its final Report. The full list of attributes, as compiled by Staff during workshop discussions, is included as Appendix A to the Report.s The company agrees that the attributes suggested by parties are important to take into consideration when developing and ultimately implementing new or modified rate designs. Although this Report may not explicitly touch on each of the discussed attributes or rate designs identified in Staff s table, all the attributes and rate designs were taken into consideration when completing the analysis for this Report. To determine what rate design components may be most appropriate for a given customer class, it is critical to identify what objectives and principles of rate design a given utility is trying to achieve. Utilities, stakeholders, and policy makers alike often rely on Bonbright's Principles of Ratemaking as criteria deemed appropriate for establishing rate structures. Many of the attributes listed in Staffls attributes also stem from these Bonbright Principles, including the impact on fixed cost recovery, billing impacts to customers, price signaling and behavior changes, as well as fair, just, and reasonable rates. 1) Efiectiwness in yielding total re\enue requirements under the fair retum standard 2) Rerenue stability and predictability 3) Stability and predictability of the rates themsehes 4) Static eficiency 5) Faimess in allocation of costs 6) Dynamic effciency in promoting innowtion and responding to changing demand-supply pattems 7) Reflect all present and future pri\ate and social cost in the proMsion of electricity 8) Arcidance of undue discrimination in rate relationships 9) Simplicity, certainty, conrenience of payment, economy in collection, understandability, public acceptability, and feasibility of application 10) Freedom firom controwrsies as to proper interpretation Figure 2 Bonbright's Ten Ratemaking Principless 1 The 1992 National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Electric Utility Cost Allocation Manual, page 12. 8 This table was provided to the Commission as Attachment A and B to Staff s April 30, 2019 Report filed in Case No.IPC-E-18-16. e Bonbright, James C. Principles of Public Utilitv Rates,bypp.383-384 (1961). Bonbrighfs Ten Ratemaking Principles Page 8 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Rate Design Overview While there may be some agreement amongst parties regarding the objectives and principles of rate design, these objectives are often weighted or valued differently by individual parties. Also important to note, is that a single rate design may not meet all rate design principles and policy objectives as some may inherently contradict one another. Other goals beyond cost recovery- rate stability, promotion of energy efficiency, or fair allocation of costs among customers-are also considered by the company, stakeholders, and the Commission when ultimately recommending or approving rates. The weighting and balancing of goals may reasonably shift over time as conditions or circumstances within a given utility's service area evolve. Conditions have evolved in Idaho Power's service area since the current rate designs were established, which provides an opportunity to evaluate other rate designs. In 201 1, the company largely completed deployment of AMI in its service area. AMI enabled the company to achieve more precise usage measurement and facilitate more sophisticated, cost-based rate designs. In addition to providing additional billing possibilities, AMI technology also provides customers with information to better evaluate, manage, and understand how and when they use energy. For example, Idaho Power's predominate Residential rate design offering of a small fixed service charge and volumetric energy rates was established before deployment of AMI technology and before customers were providing some of their own energy use with on-site generation. Figure 3 provides an example of some of the data customers can currently access using My Account. Figure 3 My Account, kWh data The company has been successful at encouraging its customers to install energy efficient technologies and to use energy wisely through its energy efficiency program portfolio and marketing campaigns. In 2018 alone, the company's demand-side management programs saved enough energy to power over 16,000 average homes for one year in Idaho Power's service area. Additionally, while a net metering offering has been available to customers with on-site generation since 2002, the company has experienced rapid gowth of customers choosing to provide some or all of their own annual energy needs in recent years. Because the volumetric IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 9 Hourlv kWh t 3,1 3,6 3,' 2,7 :.4 2.r 1,3 1,5 1,2 o,t o.a o,3 :I t E l ;a I I ldaho Power Company Rate Design Overview rates contained within the company's current retail rate structure include costs associated with all components of the electric system-from generation resources to the meters installed on customers' premises-volumetric rates do not accurately represent the costs and benefits of the transaction between Idaho Power and its customers with on-site generation, leading to the potential for intra-class subsidies. Idaho Power believes that improved rate design will result in a reduction of those increasing subsidies. In this Report, the company describes additional rate structures that would improve its fixed cost recovery through the reduction of collecting the revenue requirement associated with fixed costs through volumetric charges, sending clearer signals to customers regarding the cost-to-serve while still providing customers with an opportunity to modify behaviors to reduce their bill. The usage and service characteristics of the customer classes studied within this Report are outlined in Table 1. Table 1 201 7 customer class characteristics I I 2017 | 2o17Ar"r"se lzotzlreraselI I Averase I Monthty I Monthty I custorner I nate lcustonrr I custonpr I oenana lrvg IType I Schedule I Count I Usage(k\tuh) lbyCustonnrI EligibilityTlpe of Service Residential Rsid6ntial Small general Small gereEl Large general Large power lrigatim Schedule'1 Schoduls 6 Schedule 7 Schadule I Schedule 9S Scheduls gP/T Schedule'19 Schsdule 24 430,921 1,088 28,136 u 33,955 223 110 1 8,104 955 785 365 7,876 186,885 I,650,799 8,079 I Single phase, '120 or 240 rclts '10 Single phffie, 120 tr 240 rclts 3 Single or thre+phase, 480 rclts or less 5 Single tr threBphase, 480 wlts or l6s 26 480 wlts or less 476 12.5 kilmlts (kV) to 34.5 kV 3,190 '12.5 kilowlts (kV) to 34.5 kV 4 - in seasm Single or lhBe*hase, 480 \olts q l6s Domestic use Dmastic Ge, m€ite gonoration Commercial use, < 2,000 kwh Cmmercial use, < 2,000 kwh, m€ite gBmmtim Commercial use, > 2,000 kwh Cmmrcial uss, > 2,0@ kwh, <'1,000 kW lndustrial use, >1,000 kW Agricullural us6 To evaluate proper rate design, Idaho Power believes it is first appropriate to identify and understand what customer behaviors drive Idaho Power to incur costs-identified through a CCOS study-and to understand which rate design elements can achieve important policy objectives and rate design principles. Page 10 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Class Cost of Service Process Review lV. Class Gost of Service Process Overview A cost of service study is used to assign or allocate a fair share of the utility's total revenue requirement to the various customer rate classes or schedules; the output of the CCOS is the cost of service or revenue requirement for each rate class or schedule. The CCOS is developed through a three-step process that recognizes the way costs are incurred by relating these costs to the way in which the utility is operated to provide electrical service. The process consists of a jurisdictionalized test year required revenue that is: (1) categorizedby function (functionalization), (2) classified based on the utility service being provided (classification), and, finally, (3) allocated to customer classes (allocation). Figure 4 provides an illustrative example of the types of facilities that are necessary for each of the distinct types of customers classes. Gencration Largc Gencnl CustomGrs Schedule 9P lrrigation Cudomcrs Schedule 24 Scheduls 1 and 6 Sccondary Scryic CustomcE Schedules 7,8 and 95 Figure 4 lllustrative overview of system facilities Functionalization is the process of dividing the total revenue requirement into functional components as related to the operating functions of the utility: production, transmission, distribution, metering, customer service, etc., and generally follows Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Uniform System of Accountsro prescribed for public utilities. 10 Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Public Utilities and Licensees Subject to the Jurisdiction of the Federal Power Act, codified at 18 C.F.R. Part 101. lndusEirl CusbmlE Schedules 19 and 9I IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 11 4 tr Stcp-Up Tnnrformcl ldaho Power Company Class Cost of Service Process Review Classification is the process of separating the functionalized costs by the primary driver for that cos! being either customer-related, demand-related, or energy-related, through direct assignment or allocation factors to enable cost assignment based on cost causation. In this step of the process, primary attention is given to whether the cost varies because of changes in (1) the number of customers, (2) demand imposed by the customers to serve their maximum energy needs kilowatt (kW), or (3) energy used by the customers kilowatt-hour (kwh). Once costs have been functionalized and classified, allocation to customer classes is completed through customer class allocation factors to divide up system and customer class share of the company's overall revenue requirement. Results of the CCOS study are presented as unit costs, which provide each customer class's revenue requirement by functionalized and classified component to inform cost of service based rate design. Figure 5 provides an overview of the CCOS and rate design process. Required Revenue Functionalization Classification Allocation Unit Costs Figure 5 Class cost of service process Generation Related Energy DemandRelated Related Demand Customer " f_elated lqEt_"_A Ir Demand Related :;; Page 12 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report {Transmission Related Distribution Related ,l { { { Energy Charge I ldaho Power Company 2017 Class Cost of Service V. 2017 Class Gost of Service A. Development of the 2017 CCOS To develop the 2017 CCOS, the company first prepared a 2017 Results of Operations (ROO) based on l2-months ending December 31, 2017 , using a methodology similar to developing a historical test year in a general rate case (GRC). While this process included standard regulatory adjustments including normalizing and annualizing adjustments, no financial data was grown or forecasted and the ROO does not include a requested rate of return. The results of the ROO were input into a jurisdictional separation study (JSS) to determine the Idaho jurisdictional ROO (Idaho ROO). A detailed explanation of the process used to develop the Idaho ROO is included in the Report as Appendix B. After the Idaho ROO was determined, the company used a methodology consistent with that approved by the Commission in the 2008 GRC and the same method filed by the company in the 2011 GRCIr to complete the 2017 CCOS study. Some modifications were necessary to incorporate new Schedules 6 and 8, and to develop an allocation methodology for company generation resources added since the 2011 rate case. Appendix C to the Report is a detailed overview of the company's CCOS process and describes the existing methodology and necessary adjustmentsl2 in greater detail. Because the company is not seeking changes to its authorized revenue requirement on a system basis, the 2017 CCOS study was completed based on the overall rate of return achieved by the normalized 2017 actual results (7.20 percent), not at the most recent Commission-authorized overall rate of return (7.86 percent). The company presents these results to inform the Commission of potential inter- and intra-class subsidies as they exist at the company's normalized and annualized2}ll revenue from the current rates. 8.2017 CCOS Results A required revenue summary of the 2017 CCOS study highlighting results by rate schedule is provided in Appendix D. This summary includes each rate schedule's allocated rate base, sales revenue, operating income, and achieved rate of refurn. Further, the summary also provides each class's earnings and revenue deficiency (or excess) and the revenue percentage change to achieve the required revenue as defined in the company's CCOS study. rrThe company's most recent general rate case was Case No. IPC-E-11-08, which was settled without approval of cost of service methodology. The Commission most-recently approved the company's cost of service methodology in the previous general rate case, Case No. IPC-E-08-10. r2 The company believes the adjustments made to incorporate Schedules 6 and 8 result in reasonable allocation of system costs, but notes that not all parties agreed with the company's method. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page '13 ldaho Power Company 2017 Class Cost of Service Figure 6 provides a comparison by rate schedule of the amount of additional (or reduced) revenue collection necessary to eliminate the existing revenue surplus/deficiency by class according to the company's 2017 CCOS. (s1s.3M) (s14.sM) (s1.oM) So.ozwt so.sM s1.7M s8.6M Szr.rvt Figure 6 2017 company's CCOS revenue change required by rate schedule ($M) To equalize for differences in magnitude of revenue collection from each rate schedule, as defined by the company's 2017 CCOS, Figure 7 is provided as a second comparison of change required to meet required revenue for each class based on percentage change to that respective rate class's revenue collection. Residential Large General Small General Small General On-Site Residential On-Site Large General (P/T) lndustrial lrrigation Residential Large General SmallGeneral SmallGeneral On-Site Residential On-Site Large General (P/T) lndustrial lrrigation a 5.6% - 7.5% I L5,8% -4.2% - -5.s% - -6.3% - LOO.0% 45.9% Figure 7 Rate schedule CCOS revenue percent change required (%) With the exception of the newly established onsite generation classes, the differences between classes in revenue change necessary to meet the company's 2017 CCOS in Figures 6 and 7 is largely a result of final revenue spread considerations from prior rate cases. Changes in CCOS methodologies between rate cases combined with the cap and spread considerations may magnify the over- or under-allocation revenue collection for each rate class. Page 14 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company 2017 Class Cost of Service G. Effectiveness of Existing Rate Designs to Gollect Fixed Costs As informed by the company's 2017 CCOS study, each customer class's required revenue by functionalized and classified component was utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of existing rate designs to collect fixed costs. First, the 2017 normalized retail revenue for each rate class was summed to determine the proportion of revenue collection through customer, demand, or energy charges from the existing rate design. Next, classified costs from the company's 2017 CCOS study were separated into the same classifications. A side-by-side comparison for each customer class for the existing rate design revenue collection proportions ("Revenue" column) versus the fixed and variable proportions informed by the most recent cost of service methodology ("Cost" column) is provided on Figure 8 below to indicate how close or far any class's revenue collection proportions are to the current CCOS study informed proportions. Of note, this graph is not designed to show collection shortfalls, rather the percentile comparison between how revenue is collected and the underlying cost of service informed fixed and variable costs. Residential Residential On-Site Small General Small General On-Site Large General P/T La rge lndustrial lrrigation General 700% 80% 60% 4Oo/o 20% o% ccr .s""q.d oci'.s"' $d <ro* &co'^Jood" cct'..oo"^s$" c,ci'.."".q.d c,ci'c^{$" c,ct" I Energy r Demand Service Charge Figure 8 Summary of 2017 CCOS results As demonstrated in Figure 8, the existing rate designs for the company's Residential, Small, Large General, Industrial, and Irrigation classes do not collect the full fixed costs (customer and demand related as calculated in the company's 2017 CCOS) through the fixed monthly service charge and variable demand-related components of the rate design. This is especially true for IPC-E-'18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 15 ldaho Power Company 2017 Class Cost of Service Residential and Small General Service customers; between 90 and 95 percent of total revenue is collected through volumetric energy charges and yet approximately 70 percent of total costs to serve are fixed in nature. Because the energy rate is the primary component for collection of fixed costs related to generation, transmission, and demand-classified and distribution, the recovery of fixed costs per customer declines with any reduction in net energy usage and increases when net energy usage is greater than expected. For the Residential and Small General Service classes, the FCA corrects the misalignment between the revenue collection and the cost structure by decoupling the collection of fixed cost from the volumetric energy charges and recoupling to customer counts. D. Potential Modifications to the CCOS Methodology In recognition that changes to the CCOS methodology may result in different classifications of a cost as either fixed or variable, parties asked the company to evaluate the impact of certain modifications to the company's CCOS study on the classification of fixed costs as well as how such fixed cost classification may impact the evaluation of the effectiveness of rate designs. Ultimately, two parties suggested multi-part modifications for the company to consider-each are described and presented below as CCOS Scenario No. 1 and CCOS Scenario No. 2. Additionally, one party asked the company to present the results of its 2017 CCOS using a classification method for generation plant-related fixed costs that more closely aligns with an accounting definition of fixed cost in lieu of the company's existing Commission-approved classification of those resources as both variable (energy) and fixed (demand)-this is described and presented below as CCOS Scenario No. 3. CCOS Scenario No. 1 Scenario No. I consists of four potential modifications in classification and allocation factors that affect the spread of interclass and intraclass customer class costs as calculated by the company's cost of service model. Page 16 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company 2017 Class Cost of Service Table 2 Scenario No. '1 CCOS model Category Existing CCOS Methodology Requested Modification lnterclass lmpact 1. Demand Response 2. PURPA Capacity 3. Base-load Production Plant 4. Fixed Transmission Plant Classified to demand and energy based on composite of baseload and peaking plant demand and energy classification Classified to demand and energy based on composite of production plant demand and energy classification Allocated to classes based on class's proportion of 12 monthly coincident peaks Classified 100% as demand Classify as 100% demand Shifts required revenue allocation to classes with summer "peakiness" Classify as 100% demand Shifts required revenue allocation to classes with summer "peakiness" Allocated to customer classes based on "above average load" Classify as 50% demand,50% energy Shifts required revenue allocation to classes with summer energy requirements greater than remainder of year Shifts required revenue allocation to high load factor classes The request for the first and second modifications were driven by the desire to have capacity- related costs associated with both demand response and PURPA classified as demand, instead of energy. These modifications resulted in customer classes with higher summer peaks receiving higher allocable shares of revenue requirement. The third modification was requested to replace the existing l2 monthly coincident peak (12CP) methodology of assigning base-load production plant with an "above average load" methodology that is intended to evaluate each hour of the test year by rate class and to only allocate base-load production costs for any hours where consumption exceeded the annual average. Generally, where the existing method results in every class receiving an allocable share of base- load production plant based on its load at the time of each monthly system peak, the modification resulted in base-load production plant allocation being heavily concentrated in the company's peak summer period, where approximately 85 percent of the "above average" load occurred. Under this method, no base-load plant was assigned to any hour where the load is less than the average. Due to its high energy usage during May to September, the customer class most impacted by the increase to allocation to summer season was the Irrigation class. All other classes experienced a revenue requirement decrease because of the modification. The final modification to change the transmission plant classification from 100 percent demand to 50 percent demand and 50 percent energy generally resulted in higher load factor customers receiving more cost assignment (Industrial), and lower load factor customers receiving less cost assignment (Residential). The modifications in Scenario No. 1 impact both inter- and intra-class subsidies through the allocation of required revenue among classes (interclass), and the fixed and variable cost allocation proportions within each class (intraclass). The impact of Scenario No. 1 on interclass subsidies is demonstrated on Figure 9 which compares the required revenue informed by the CCOS study and the combined impact of the four modifications for Scenario No. l-under this IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 17 ldaho Power Company 2017 Class Cost of Service scenario, the revenue requirement for all customer classes would decrease, with the exception of the Irrigation class, who would experience a $43 million, or 29 percent, increase in revenue requirement. Impacts for each of the four modifications in Scenario No. 1 are individually compared to required revenue informed by the CCOS study in Appendix E. Residential Residential On-Site Small Small General Large General On-Site General La rge lnd ustria I lrrigation General P/T1,40% LOO% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%I Cost Scenario 1 Figure 9 Scenario No. 1 interclass impact-required revenue Impacts of Scenario No. I to intraclass subsidies is demonstrated in Figure 10. This compares the fixed- and variable-cost proportions informed by current revenue collection, the 2017 CCOS study, and the combined impact of the four modifications for Scenario No. l. 120% P=-c.rh ofco oL Eo.! JooE, Page 18 IPC-E-I8-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company 2017 Class Cost of Service lndustrial lrrigation LOO% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% tOo/o Oo/o I Energy r Demand Service Charge Figure 10 Scenario No. 1 intraclass impact While the modifications proposed through Scenario No. I ("Scenario 1" column) materially changed the costs allocation to customer classes / revenue spread, the impact to the development of the class-specific cost structures (as depicted in Figure 10) was relatively minimal. Therefore, the assessment of the effectiveness of fixed cost collected through the fixed components of the existing rate design for all customer classes is only slightly improved under this modification. CCOS Scenario No. 2 Scenario No. 2 also consists of four potential modifications in classification and allocation factors that affect the spread of interclass and intraclass customer class costs as calculated by the company's cost of service model. Residential Residential On-Site Small General Small General On-Site Large General Large General P/T *.""t'"ro{."."t*"."ttt$,""-..d"$'c-".""t$t'"t*."".et$"t'"t-"."$"r$".J*."..d"r:1".'"to."..d'r$.c IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 19 ldaho Power Company 2017 Class Cost of Service Table 3 Scenario No. 2 CCOS model Category Existing CCOS Methodology Requested Modification lnterclass lmpact 1. Distribution Plant FERC Accounts 364-368 2. Market Purchases; PURPA 3. Fixed Transmission Plant 4. On-Site Generation Distribution Plant Allocator Classified to demand and customer based on 3-year load duration curve Customer classes with smaller customer counts receive greater distribution cost assignment Shifts required revenue allocation to classes with summer "peakiness" Shifts required revenue allocation to classes with summer energy requirements greater than remainder of yeat Lowers distribution plant allocation to on-site generation classes Classified to demand and energy based on composite of production plant demand and energy classification Classified 100% as demand Annual non-coincident peak (l NCP) based on delivered or received demand for class Market purchases- 100% energy; PURPA follows energy/capacity as characterized in ldaho ROO Classify as 50% demand, 50% energy (or by ldaho jurisdictional load factor) Annual non-coincident peak for delivered (to customer) demand at the time of combined schedule 1 and 6, and 7 and 813 The modification to classify distribution costs related to overhead and underground conduit, poles, underground conductors and devices, and line transformers (FERC accounts 364-368) as 100 percent demand matches the existing CCOS methodology for distribution substations, which are norrnally built to serve a particular load and whose size is not affected by the number of customer served. However, the number of poles, conductors, and transfoffners are directly related to the number of customers on the utility's system. Allocation of distribution plant accounts 364-368 between a demand and customer classification is commonly accepted in the electric utility industry and conforms with classification methods outlined by NARUC.ta Distribution plant accounts (364-368) are currently classified as demand-related or customer- related using a fixed to variable ratio derived from a three-year average load duration curve which seeks to approximate a system capacity utilization measurement. The system utilization measurement indicates the portion serving load in 99 percent of hours and classifies that portion's costs as customer related, while the balance is classified as demand related costs. There is a minimum amount of load the distribution system must be ready to serve solely due to the act 13 The company did not have a load research sample representative of the combined Rate Schedule 116 and718 and completed the analysis based on the 1NCP at the time of Rate Schedule I and 7, respectively, however to complete the analysis, it modeled the impact using the INCP for Schedules 6 and 8 at the hour of the Schedule I and 7 classes. respectively. ra National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Electric Utility Cost Allocation Manual January, p. e0. (1992). Page 20 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Classify as 100% demand ldaho Power Company 2017 Class Cost of Service of being a customer connected to the system, and classification of those costs as customer-related is appropriate. Like Scenario No. l, the request for the second modification was driven by the desire to have more capacity-related costs classified as demand, which generally resulted customer classes with higher sunlmer peaks to receive higher allocable shares of revenue requirement. The third modification to change transmission plant classification from 100 percent demand to 50 percent demand and 50 percent energy generally resulted in higher load factor customers receiving more cost assignment (Industrial), and lower load factor customers receiving less cost assignment (Residential). Finally, the fourth modification resulted in Schedules 6 and 8 receiving lower cost assignment from the combination of two drivers: (1) measuring system utilization for delivered energy only (which ignores any utilization of the system by these classes for their exports), and (2) using the time of another customer classes' 1NCP resulted in selecting a dayltime when Schedules 6 and 8 1NCP demand is lower. The second part of the modification departs from the current method for assignment of distribution related cost for all other classes, which recognizes each customer class receives an assignment based on their maximum contribution to the distribution system. Figure 11 compares interclass impact based on the required revenue informed by the CCOS study, current revenue collection, and the combined impact of the four modifications for Scenario No. 2-under this scenario, the revenue requirement for the Residential and Small General Service customer classes would decrease, while the Large General Service, Industrial, and Irrigation classes would experience 7, 10, and 1 1 percent, increases in revenue requirement, respectively. Impacts for each of the four modifications in Scenario No. 2 are individually compared to required revenue informed by the CCOS study in Appendix F. 120% too% 80% 60% 40% 20% o% Large lndustrial lrrigation General P/T I Cost Scenario 2 Figure 11 Scenario No. 2 interclass impact-required revenue Similar to the results from Scenario No. l, while the modifications proposed through Scenario No. 2 ("Scenario 2" column) materially changed the required revenue customer class allocation, the impact to the classification of fixed costs (as depicted in Figure l2) was relatively minimal. Residential Residential On-Site Small Small General Large General On-Site General P =ErJl qJ fcq) o E OJ.=fooE IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 21 ldaho Power Company 2017 Class Cost of Service The effectiveness of fixed cost collected through the fixed components of the existing rate design for all customer classes is only slightly improved. Residential lndustrial lrrigation 100% 9Oo/o 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% o% I Energy I Demand Service Charge Figure 12 Scenario No. 2 intraclass impact CCOS Scenario No. 3 Lastly, aparty requested the company complete an analysis that focused on a more accounting- driven definition of fixed costs to determine the effectiveness of the existing rate design on fixed cost collection. Inherent in the company's use of the Idaho jurisdictional load factor to classify base-load production plant between energy and demand, some portion of fixed plant is classified as a variable expense-for example,55.4 percent of fixed base load plant is classified as energy rather than demand within the CCOS. This method has been supported by the Commission in the past to recognize that the system load factor approach reasonably depicts the Idaho Power system.r5 The result of this analysis demonstrated that approximately 50 percent of the cost of service informed variable costs are due to the classification of base-load production plant to demand and energy by the application of the Idaho jurisdictional load factor. Figure l3 below highlights the ts IPC-E-08-10, Order No. 30722 at 35. Residential On-Site Small General Small General On-Site Large General Large General P/T ..r"o'r$..**."""s"r$.'* .o*1, -."r?C*."."tt"r$r'**."."tt"r$'c*."."d"r$.'J_"".d"r$.c*..."tt".$-8 Page 22 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company 2017 Class Cost of Service portion of energy classified costs based on the existing CCOS methodology which might be considered'ofixed" under a strictly accounting definition. When compared to the base case CCOS method, adoption of this CCOS method and its resulting classification of fixed and variable costs, would suggest an even greater need to move fixed cost recovery out of volumetric energy charges into fixed or demand-related charges to better align prices with cost. Residential lndustrial lrrigationResidential On-Site Small General Small General On-Site Large General Large General P/T LOO% 90% 80% 70% 60% so% 40% 30% 20% LO% 0% -"""$"r$"J -"."d"r$'.J -"."*"r$"J -"""e"r$"J o."."tt""$'f *."."d"r$t'J -"."d"r$"J o."."tt'"o{."t'J r Energy !Energy - "Fixed" I Demand o Service Charge Figure 13 Scenario No. 3-fixed costs accounting definition The combined impact to both required revenue and fixed and variable proportions for all suggested modifications is provided in Appendix G by rate class and reflects the information presented in Figures 8 through 13. E. CCOS Conclusion As can be seen in the three scenarios informed by the company's CCOS study, existing rate designs result in fixed and variable revenue collection that does not match the classification of the fixed and variable proportions of the company's incurred costs. All three scenarios suggest the company's cost structure is largely fixed in nature; rates should better align revenue collection with cost structures. To evaluate different rate design options on fixed cost recovery, the remainder of this Report is informed based on existing, most recent Commission-approved CCOS methodology. This includes an assumption that the "base" for rate design comparison is IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 23 ldaho Power Company 2017 Class Cost of Service the existing rate design updated to collect the required revenue for each rate schedules as informed by the 2017 CCOS study. Page 24 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis Vl. Rate Design Analysis The company considered several potential rate designs and ultimately investigated different class-specific rate design changes to improve fixed cost collection through fixed components of rate design with an eye towards reducing cross-subsidies. Table 4 provides an overview of those rate designs considered by the company. Table 4 Rate Designs Considered Structure Description lncluded in Report? 1. Single Rate Component 2. Seasonal Rates 3. Time of Use (Energy) 4. Demand Charges 5. Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) or Peak Rebates 6. Real Time Pricing Collects each customer's required revenue through a single rate element:a. Fixed monthly chargeb. Demand chargec. Energy charged. Connected load charge Collects a higher proportion of revenue requirement in the months that are higher cost to serve. Collects portions of the revenue requirement through energy charges that vary based on established time-periods. Collects the demand-related portions of the revenue requirement through demand- type charges (e.9., billing demand, on- peak billing demand, or BLC). CPP: Essentially a TOU rate on most days of the year, but when the utility system encounters critical conditions, the peak- period price rises to much higher, but known levels, typically on a day-ahead or day-of basis. Peak Rebates: Reward customers who reduce electricity consumption during periods of high-cost electricity with monetary rebates. A rate design that provides customers with information about the actual cost of electricity at a given time. No. Relying on a single rate element for the collection of the class revenue requirement may improve revenue stability and fixed cost recovery (in the case of a fixed monthly charge or connected load charge) but does little to promote efficient utilization of the system (whether through reducing system peaks or overall energy efficiency) and is not supported by the cost of service study. Yes. ln each of the rate designs studied, an emphasis was placed on aligning rates with the CCOS study - this generally resulted in collecting additional costs in the summer months because serving customer demand is more costly in the summer-months than the non-summer months. Yes. TOU energy charges can be effective at sending a price signal to customers that their energy usage in an on-peak period may be more costly to serve, however it is important to recognize collecting fixed costs through a volumetric charge may impact the company's ability to ensure fixed cost recovery. Yes. Demand charges (both TOU and seasonal/monthly) were evaluated for all customer classes. Demand charges can send a price signal to customers that encourages a more efficient utilization of system capacity, however it is important to recognize collecting fixed costs through a volumetric charge may impact the company's ability to ensure fixed cost recovery. No. ldaho Power has previous experience with running a CPP pilot in 2005-2006; however in its 2017 lRP, no deficiency period is identified until 2026. ldaho Power also has the opportunity to leverage its existing demand response programs to manage peak if necessary. No. lmplementation of this type of rate design would likely require additional metering infrastructure and information systems, as well as enhancements or upgrades to the billing system. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page25 ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis A. Residential and Smal! General Service Customers (Schedules 1 and 7) Customers currently taking service under Schedule 1 (Residential Service) and Schedule 7 (Small General Service) pay a fixed monthly service charge of $5 and a monthly seasonal energy charge with tiered energy rates. This is typically known as a two-part pricing schedule as it includes these two main billing components. Under the variable or energy related prices, the Residential rate structure has three pricing tiersr6 and the Small General Service rate structure has two pricing tiers.rT The summer energy charges are higher than the non-summer energy charges, which is intended to reflect the higher cost to serve during the summer months. Residential and Small General Service customers do not currently have demand or basic load charges. The application of the current rate structure for Residential and Small General Service customers results in between 90 and 95 percent of total revenue collection coming through volumetric energy charges with fixed costs representing approximately 70 percent of total costs to serve. Because the energy rate is the primary component for collection of fixed costs related to generation, transmission, and distribution, the recovery of fixed costs per customer declines with any reduction in net energy usage and increases when net energy usage is greater than expected. With this relationship in mind, the company believes that these two classes should receive the highest priority when considering rate design modifications. Two-part, Tiered Rafes A primary goal of a tiered structure is to encourage conservation by charging a higher rate as the energy consumption increases over a billing month. Once a threshold of energy consumption is exceeded within a billing month, the rate becomes higher to send a price signal intended to encourage energy efficiency and/or conservation. The tiered rate structure can also be effective in providing stability in the rates themselves and are considered to be simple for customers to understand. This existing approach to pricing is a well-tested approach for utility metering and billing. On the other hand, the tiered rate structure has potential to unfavorably impact bills of customers who reside in older, less efficient homes, or those homes with all-electric heat. These customers may be unable to reduce their energy beyond a certain threshold or may not be able to efficiently reduce their energy usage in response to the established price signals. Moreover, the tiered rate structure does not reflect how costs are incurred throughout the billing month and year and does not send changing price signals at specific or peak hours of the day. A two-part pricing schedule that collects a portion of the customer-related and all demand-related costs through a tiered 16 In 2009, the Commission approved Staff s recommendation of three-tiered rate structure for Residential customers finding that the tiered rate structure "is an effective tool to (l) promote energy efficiency within Idaho Power's increasingly capacity constrained system; and (2) enable cost savings." Order No. 30722 at 40. t1 [n2004, the Commission approved Staff s recommendation to introduce seasonal two-tiered rate structure for Small General Service customers, stating it would send a signal to customers to reduce consumption during the summer months. Order No. 29505 at 56. Page 26 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis volumetric rate leaves the electric utility potentially unable to collect its authorized level of fixed costs. The misalignment of revenue collection with the overall cost-structure is the reason why a decoupling mechanism like the company's FCA mechanism was implemented. Applicable only to the Residential and Small General Service classes, the FCA corrects for the majority of over, or under, collection of fixed costs that results from the use of volumetric charges to collect the majority of fixed costs for those classes. The rate designs presented in this report, if implemented, would impact the level of reliance on the existing FCA (either up or down) or may warrant consideration of a modified fixed cost recovery mechanism. For example, collecting all customer and demand-related costs through a fixed monthly fee of approximately $56 (for Residential) and $31 (for Small General Service) customers, respectively, is likely to increase the company's ability to collect fixed costs through base rates instead of the FCA; however, it does little to promote other policy objectives (e.9., energy efficiency or load shifting). Additionally, a hxed flat rate design continues to produce intra-class subsidies as each customer places different demand on the system at various times throughout the day and year. Idaho Power believes rates designs that incorporate cost-based service charges and BLC or demand charges to collect a portion of the demand-related costs better reflect the individual usage of customers and provide a price signals that customers can respond to. For purposes of evaluating potential modifications to rate design, the company developed a "base" rate design for the Residential Schedule I and a "base" rate design for the Small General Service Schedule 7 as informed by the 2017 CCOS study that mirrors the existing rate design for those classes, i.e., $5 service charge and tiered energy rates for each customer class. As demonstrated in Figure 14, under this type of a rate design when customers reduce usage- whether it is a result of energy efficiency, energy conservation, on-site generation, or a variety of other factors-the rate design is ineffective at ensuring collection of fixed costs. Likewise, if usage goes up, fixed costs could be over-collected. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 27 ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis Collection of Revenue 700% 90o/o 80o/o 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0o/o Cost of Base Case Service Schedule 1 Cost of Base Case Service Schedule 7 I Energy I Demand Service Charge Figure 14 Collection of revenue: base case T h ree- P a rt, T i ered Rafes To understand the merits of a rate design that better reflects how costs are incurred, the company evaluated a rate design that moves towards a cost of service informed rate design by introducing demand-related components: an on-peak demand charge that would be assessed between 3-10 p.m.l8 during the summer months and a BLC that would be assessed monthly. As such, the company's approach to this design is known as a three-partrate design. The three-partrute design the company studied seeks to collect (1) all customer-related costs through a fixed monthly service charge, (2) summer production-related costs through an on-peak demand charge and distribution-related costs through a BLC charge, and (3) all energy-related, the remaining non-summer production-related, and all transmission-related costs through tiered variable energy charges. A demand charge sends an efficiency signal-one that correlates with load factor and encourages customers to reduce their peak energy usage. While the company's Large Commercial, Industrial, and Irrigation customers are assessed demand charges based on a l5-minute 18 The summer on-peak demand of 3-10 p.m. is based on an analysis completed using2014-2018 data. The data indicates 90 percent ofthe daily peak occurs between these hours. Support ofthe development ofon-peak periods utilized for the Residential and Small General Service rate designs is included in Appendix H. Page 28 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis measurement, for Residential customers, the company studied a 60-minute measurement for the assessment of both the summer on-peak demand and the BLC. The rationale for studying a 60-minute measurement largely centered around customer understandability and evaluating the customer's ability to respond to the price signal- Residential and Small General Service customers have access to hourly data on My Account, providing them with access to see their daily and monthly usage patterns. The introduction of an on-peak demand charge, in lieu of the traditional monthly billing demand charge assessed on Commercial, Industrial, and Irrigation customers, is also intended to be easier for customers to understand because Idaho Power is required to procure or build generation to meet its annual peak demand, which occurs in the summer months. A three-part rate design that includes a demand component results in assignment of costs to customers more aligned with the demand placed on the system by each customer within the class. As demonstrated by Figure 15, as customer and demand-related costs are moved out of the energy charge, the revenue requirement is less exposed to eroded fixed cost recovery when customers reduce overall energy consumption or excess fixed cost recovery when customers increase overall energy consumption. Collection of Revenue 100% 90% 80% 70% 50% 50% 40% 30% 20% t0% 0% Cost of Three-Part, Service Tiered Rate Schedule 1 Cost of Three-Part, Service Tiered Rate Schedule 7 r Energy r Demand Service Charge Figure 15 Collection of revenue: three-part, tiered rate Figure 16 provides an illustration of how Residential energy and demand per customer, both variable measurements, are changing over time. While both annual energy and average demand per customer are declining, monthly energy per customer has declined at arate of approximately I .3 percent between 2008 and 2018. Demand per customer is declining at a slower rate of approximately I percent, measured from2014 to 2018. This analysis suggests revenue stability IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 29 ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis may be improved by transitioning away from the reliance on total energy usage as the primary mechanism to collect fixed costs to having some reliance on demand because demand per customer tends to be more stable than energy use.le It is important to note that the continued reliance on volumetric or otherwise variable rate components, including demand charges, for the collection of fixed costs, would warrant continued consideration of decoupling mechanisms like the FCA to ensure collection of f,rxed costs. Avg 12 Month Ending E nergy 14,000 Residential Demand Per Customer 6.8 13,000 12,000 6.3 11,000 -[6tu3l -felling 12 Month Avg Demand N Figure 16 Residential energy use per customer and residential demand per customer Figure 17 illustrates how customers' bills would be impacted on a monthly basis when rates are changed from the base case to the three-part, tiered rate. Generally, customers with high energy use and higher load factors are likely to see decreases in their bills, while customers with low energy use are likely to see an increase in their bill. To evaluate the impact of transitioning to this rate design for low income customers, the company first identified customers who had received paynents from the federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) as a proxy for a segment of low income customers.20 As a second proxy for low-income customers, the company also studied the bill re Between 2014-2018, actual residential energy use per customer and demand use per customer have a coefficient ofvariation of3.3 percent and 1.6 percent, respectively. 20 LIHEAP is a federal program that helps low income households (those that earn 150 percent or less of the annual federal poverty level) pay for heating their homes. Idaho Power does not administer the LIHEAP program, but it does notate accounts that have received a LIHEAP benefit in a given year. Because annual LIHEAP funding varies from year-to-year and a customer who may otherwise qualify may not receive a benefit each year, the company Page 30 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Residential Energy Use Per Customer Avg Monthly Hourly Demand 0,1.5.8000 @OiOHNm+tn(oF\OOOIooidddidddddooooooooooooNNNNNNNNNNNN o oN e oN N ON @ ooN ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis impact to customers who have participated in the Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers (WAQC) or Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers (Solutions) programs, collectively referred to as Weatherrzation.2t Figure 17 shows a three-part, tiered rate structure may be more favorable to customers that have received LIHEAP or Weatherization assistance; 55 percent and 59 percent of customers having decreases in monthly bills, respectively, compared to 38 percent of total residential customers who may experience a decrease under this rate strucfure. 40% E 35% o,E 30%(E ? 250/oE g ZON OJE 75%oR t0%lus% 0%II <- sroo -s25 to - -s2s to -sro -sro to so s0 to s10 s10 to s25 s25 to s100 > 5100 Sroo r All Customers LIHEAP r Weatherization Figure 17 Percentage of residential customer average monthly impact-base case to three-part, tiered rate The company has provided additional bill impact analysis within Appendix I demonstrating a shift from the existing rate design to a three-part rate design will have varying impacts on customers within the class. Time-Of-Use Idaho Power also studied two distinct time-of-use (TOU) rate designs that vary prices by different periods of the day. TOU rate structures can be effective in sending a price signal to customers to incent them to shift energy usage to specific hours in the day that are less costly to serve. Because a TOU rate design introduces a deviation from existing tiered pricing designs, identified service points that had received a LIHEAP benefit in any of 20 I 6, 2017 , and/or 20 1 8 calendar years for purposes of studying the impact on this customer segment. 2' The WAqC and Solutions programs help fund weatherization costs of electrically heated homes occupied by qualified customers who have limited incomes (for WAQC eligible customers earn 200 percent or less of the annual federal poverty level and for Solutions eligible customers earn between 175 to 250 percent ofthe annual federal poverty level). This data set included those service points who had participated in the WAQC or Solutions program in any of 20 1 6, 2017 , or 20 I 8 calendar years. IPC-E-18-'16 Fixed Cost Report Page 31 ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis additional customer education would be required to assist customers to understand these new pricing approaches. The first TOU rate design studied seeks to collect (1) all customer-related costs through a fixed monthly service charge, (2) distribution-related costs through a BLC charge, and (3) all energy- related, production-related, and transmission-related costs through time-differentiated energy charges. The TOU differentials were established by utilizing Idaho Power's actual net power supply expense data to first determine the price differentials in the energy-related costs. Those differentials informed the amount of energy-related costs to be collected in each time bucket- the remaining fixed costs were collected uniformly through the kWh charge. This TOU rate structure reflects a higher energy rate during periods when energy prices are higher, both seasonally and hourly. One aspect of this TOU rate design is that it is cost-based; it reflects the higher energy cost to serve during the summer months and seeks to collect all customer-related costs through the monthly service charge and distribution-related costs are collected through a BLC charge, which is demand based. Another aspect of this rate design is that it may result in reduced power supply costs for the utility by supplying energy to customers during less expensive times if customers shift their energy requirements to lower cost time periods. The on-peak energy periods used for rate development are 3-10 p.m. on weekdays during the summer and 7-11 a.m. and 5-9 p.m. on weekdays during the non-summer months. Further discussion of the development of the TOU periods is included within Appendix H. Page 32 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis Collection of Revenue LOl% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40o/o 30% 20% 70% 0% Cost of TOU (Cost Service Based) Schedule 1 Cost of TOU (Cost Service Based) Schedule 7 I Energy : Demand Service Charge Figure 18 Collection of revenue: time of use, cost based Figure 19 provides an illustration of the percentage of customers impacted by the change in rate design from the base case to a TOU rate design. Based on current customer energy use, 67 percent and 63 percent of Residential and Small General customers, respectively, will have an increase in their monthly bill. If this plan was introduced on a mandatory basis, some customers may not be able to reduce their energy during certain periods, either seasonally or hourly, and could result in larger bills for a certain customer segments as compared to a volume-only based measurement. By collecting all customer-related costs and distribution-related costs through the fixed service charge and the BLC charge, respectively, this rate design provides an opportunity for the utility to collect more of its fixed costs directly; however, because the price differentials between the time periods are low, it may not achieve the behavioral shifts that higher differentials would. Moving from base rates to the cost based TOU rate results in 52 percent of LIHEAP and Weatherization customers having reductions in their bill. The TOU rate design and the resulting billing impact analysis is presented in Appendix J. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 33 ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis 40% T 35% E zov"(D* 2s%trg ZON 0.)E 75%o6 t0%f(J s% 0%II <- Sloo -s2S to - -sZS to -s10 -s10 to $0 s0 to s10 s10 to s25 s25 to s100 > s100 Sroo I All Customers LIHEAP I Weatherization Figure 19 Percentage of residentialcustomer average monthly impact-base case to TOU The second TOU rate design was studied at the request of some parties in the case. Parties requested that the company study a TOU plan with a 5:1 peak/off-peak price (POPP) ratio with reference to a study22 that suggested the "peak/off-peak price ratio is one of the strongest predictors of customer peak load reduction, as higher ratios send a stronger price signal to shift consumption away from peak hours."23 The company prepared a 5: I TOU design that uses an on-peak summer weekday period of 3-10 p.m.; all other hours are considered off-peak and are charged at an off-peak time period. This type of TOU plan is more like the traditional TOU program used by utilities as a demand- side management tool intended to shift usage away from capacity-sensitive times. While this type of a rate structure is expected to result in the shifted usage, because the rate structure does not reflect the cost to serve (a POPP ratio of 5:l is artificially inflated as energy cost differentials are much lower), this design likely will not adequately collect the class's fixed costs when customers shift usage from on-peak to off-peak.2a Furtherrnore, if the TOU program is offered as an optional TOU offering, it may not be effective in getting customers to shift usage; natural winners are instead able to take advantage of reduced energy bills with no behavioral change and no cost savings. While this type of a rate design is expected to promote behavioral changes, it has similar risks as the current rate design, where reductions in volume result in the under-recovery of fixed costs that are included in those on-peak rates. As a result, TOU rate designs may be effective in 22 A Review of Alternative Rate Designs, Aman Chitkara, Dan Cross-Call, Becky Xilu Li, James Sherwood (Rocky Mountain Institute, 2016). p.27. 23 "A Review of Alternative Rate Designs," p. 6. 2a According to the referenced study, introducing the 5: I differential is expected to result in customers shifting approximately l0 percent ofusage from on-peak to oflpeak. Page 34 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis encouraging behavioral changes that may help reduce future costs. However, TOU designs that are not cost-based may reduce the assignment, and recovery of existing fixed costs, resulting in a continued need for a mechanism like the FCA. Collection of Revenue L00% 90% 80% 70% 60% s0% 40% 30% 20% 70% 0% Cost of TOU (5:1) Service cost of ToU (5:1) Service Schedule 7Schedule 1 I Energy I Demand Service Charge Figure 20 Collection of revenue: time of use (5:1) Figure 2 I provides an illustration of the percentage of customers impacted by the change in rate design from the base case to a 5:1 TOU rate design. Based on current customer energy use, 69 percent of Residential will have an increase in their monthly bill. If this plan was introduced on a mandatory basis, some customers may not be able to reduce their energy during the on-peak summer time frame and could result in larger bills for a certain customer segments as compared to a volume-only based measurement. However, as customers understand how their bills are affected by their usage, customers are likely to shift their energy usage which may result in a lower bill than the static presentation below. Moving from base rates to a 5:1 TOU rate, results in 6l percent of LIHEAP and 53 percent of Weatherization customers having reductions in their bill, prior to any behavioral changes. The resulting bill impact analysis is presented in Appendix K. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 35 ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis 50% 40% 30% 20% L0% Oo/o <- s100 -s2s to - -s25 to -s10 -s10 to s0 so to sro s10 to s25 s25 to s100 > s100 Sloo I All Customers LIHEAP I Weatherization Figure 21 Percentage of residential customer average monthly impact-base case to 5:1 TOU Of the three rate designs evaluated in this section, the company believes the three-partrute design that includes a demand component would result in the most equitable assignment of costs to customers depending on the demand placed on the system by each customer within the class. As customer and demand-related costs are moved out of the energy charge, collection of the revenue requirement is less exposed to eroded fixed cost recovery when customers reduce overall energy consumption. While the rate designs presented in Figure 15 do not perfectly align with the underlying cost structures for each class, a three-part design would represent a vast improvement in aligning fixed cost collection with cost causation than the current rate design. B. Residential and Small Genera! Service On-Site Generation Customers (Schedules 6 and 8) Like standard service Residential and Small General Service customers, customers currently taking service under Schedule 6 (Residential On-Site Generation Service) and Schedule 8 (Small General Service On-Site Generation) pay a fixed monthly service charge of $5 and a monthly seasonal energy charge with tiered energy rates; the current rates under each ofthese service schedules mirror those of the standard service offerings, Schedule I and Schedule 7. The difference between Residential customers taking service under Schedule 6 (or Small General Service customers taking service under Schedule 8) and those taking service on Schedules I and 7 is that customers on Schedules 6 and 8 produce some or all of their monthly or annual energy requirements, but rely on Idaho Power to balance those energy needs when their systems are not generating. The on-site generation systems installed by customers are designed to generate electricity when resources (e.g., rooftop solar) are available-without regard to when the customer actually consumes electricity. To-date, customers with on-site generation have been billed under a billing construct commonly referred to as net metering where Idaho Power measures and bills the customer based on each customer's net monthly consumption. !o) 0(o o_ E OJ Eo lU II I Page 36 IPC-E-18-'16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis From a pricing perspective, existing base rates were designed to reflect the bundled set of one- way power services that the utility provided to the customer-from generation, to transmission, to distribution. Generally, these base rates have been developed to recover the (1) price of the power the customer consumes, and (2) payment for the infrastructure needed to deliver that power to customers reliability. It is the combination of the billing and compensation structure (currently net monthly billing) and the existing rate design that creates the potential for an under-recovery of fixed costs from the on-site generation customers. The solution to the collection of revenue shortfall caused by the existing net metering policy is multifaceted: (l) the measurement interval of consumption and exports must be shortened to increase the accuracy and separate the measurement of the usage of the grid services and the amount of exported energy, (2) the net metering customer's exported energy should be compensated at a rate that reflects the value of exported energy, but reflective of the utility's avoided costs, and (3) the rate design for the on-site generation customers should be unbundled to separate the cost of the power from the cost of the other fixed and reliability related service (e.g., customer service, distribution, and transmission costs). The billing and compensation structure, and the value of the exported energy provided by on-site generation customers, are being evaluated by parties in Case No. IPC-E-18-15; however, for purposes of this Report, the company evaluated the effectiveness of the current rates (those applied to Schedules I and 7) under the current billing and compensation structure (net monthly metering) to determine whether the company would collect the Schedules 6 and 8 revenue requirement as identified by the 2017 CCOS. As shown in Figure 22, under monthly net metering coupled with the current rate designs, the Schedules 6 and 8 collections are not adequate to collect each class's revenue requirement. Collection of Revenue Schedule 6 Schedule 8 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 70% 0% Cost of Base Case Cost of Base Case Service Service r Energy I Demand Service Charge \ Revenue Deficit Figure 22 Collection of revenue: on-site generation using current rate structure IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 37 ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis To illustrate the improvement in revenue collection that results from a shorter measurement interval for consumption2s, the company also evaluated the effectiveness of the current rates under a "net hourly" billing structure. Under the net hourly billing structure, the measurement interval of consumption and exports is shortened from measuring net consumption or exports over the course of a billing month to measuring net consumption or exports that occur on a net hourly basis. Under this type of a billing structure, the customer's generation will offset up to 100 percent of the customer's usage within each hour, but any excess hourly production cannot be used to offset kWh consumption in another hour. As shown in Figure 23, while net hourly billing may reduce the revenue requirement deficiency by approximately 73 and 54 percent for Residential and Small General Service, On-Site Generation customers, respectively; opportunity exists to better align the pricing structure with the underlying cost structure. Collection of Revenue - Net Hourly Billing Schedule 6 Schedule 8 100% 80o/o 600/o 40% 20% Oo/o Cost of Net Hourly Service s Revenue Deficit I Demand I Energy (Net Metering) Cost of Net Hourly Service Service Charge IAdditional Net Hourly Revenue Figure 23 Collection of revenue: on-site generation net hourly using current rate structure When evaluating potential changes to the rate design applied to the on-site generation customer's usage, it is important to recognize the proportion of the revenue requirement that is associated with the price of the power and that proportion associated with the fixed costs of the utility system. According to Idaho Power's 2017 CCOS study, the proportion of those costs for a Schedule 6 customer is approximately 32 percent for the energy-classified costs and 68 percent for the fixed costs, and for Schedule 8 customers approximately 23 percent and77 percent, 2s CCOS is completed with cost assignment on a net hourly basis, therefore, using an hourly interval for rate design provides a more consistent comparison. Page 38 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis respectively. Continuing to apply the Schedule I and J rate designs (where the majority of fixed costs have been collected through a volumetric rate) to customers who are able to offset their consumption may not provide an opportunity to recover the classes' fixed costs absent a mechanism like the FCA. As outlined in the Schedules 1 and 7 rate design discussion, relying on a service charge to collect customer-related costs, a demand-based charge such as a BLC to collect those costs associated with the distribution system, and a billing demand or on-peak billing demand to collect costs associated with utility generation and transmission, would result in better alignment of revenue collection with the assignment of costs. C. Large General Service-Secondary Service (Schedule 95) The current rate structure for Large General - Secondary Service includes a monthly service charge, a two-tier declining block energy charge, a two-block demand and BLC. The demand charge and BLC have a block-rate that applies to the first 20 kW of billing demand or BLC (the rate is currently $0 for the first 20 kW of billing demand or BLC) and the second block applies to all additional kW. The first tier of energy is higher priced than the second tier because the demand-related costs that would have been collected through the first block of the billing demand and BLC are instead collected through the first tier of the energy charge. The existing rate design is generally understandable to Large General Secondary Service customers and administration is well tested for the company. The current rate design was instituted to minimize the impact to Small General Service customers transitioning onto the Large General Service Schedule.26 However, the current block schedule for energy, demand and the BLC does not send a price signal to encourage consumption at any specific time as compared to a time of use rate design. Moreover, the absence of a price for the hrst 20 kW of demand and BLC signals to customers that there are no fixed costs associated with serving this demand. Generally, having a tiered structure shields customers that are low energy users with minimal energy consumed during the customer's highest 15-minute interval. For purposes of evaluating potential modifications to rate design, the company developed a "base" rate design for Large General Service Secondary, Schedule 95, as informed by the 2017 CCOS study by utilizing the existing $16 service charge, $0 first-block of demand, and tiers for the energy. As demonstrated in Figure 24,under this type of a rate design the majority of hxed costs continue to be collected through the volumetric charge. That is, over 80 percent of total revenue collection for this class is through a volumetric energy charge when over 50 percent of the costs to serve this class are fixed in nature. 26 IPC-E-05-28, Pengilly Direct, p. l7 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 39 ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis Collection of Revenue 700% 90% 80% 70% 60% s0% 40% 30% 20% 70% 0% Cost of Service r Energy I Demand Base Case Service Charge Figure 24 Collection of revenue: base case Removal of Demand and BLC lnclining Block Structure and introduction of Time-of-Use Energy Rates As an alternative to the current or base rate design, the company evaluated a cost-based rate design that seeks to collect all customer-related costs through the monthly service charge, all transmission and fixed production-related costs through a demand charge, all distribution costs through the BLC, and all energy-related costs through a time-differentiated energy charge. Because Large General Service Secondary customers currently have demand and BLC rate components, the changes would require minimal education to customers regarding demand. The incorporation of an on-peak, mid-peak and off-peak summer rates, and mid-peak and off- peak non-summer rates would provide an economic signal that energy is costlier during both the peak hours of the day and peak months of the year.27 A change in rate design would require customers to receive education on the new energy rates and how shifting their energy use will affect their bill. This rate design results in a much lower energy rate during the off-peak times and higher energy rates during the on-peak summer time. Additionally, this rate design would 27 For purposes of evaluating this rate design, the company utilized the existing TOU periods for Large General Primary and Large Power customers. The on-peak energy time frame is in the summer, on weekdays from l-9 p.m. and mid-peak during the summer weekdays during 7 a.m.-l p.m. and 9-l I p.m., and 7 a.m.-l I p.m. on weekends. Mid-peak during the non-summer months is 7 a.m.-1 I p.m. Monday*Saturday. All other hours and holidays are considered off-peak. Page 40 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis not require upgrades to metering infrastructures and billing systems as the existing systems could accommodate this type of rate design. Under this rate design, higher load factor customers and those that can shift their usage outside of higher priced periods will likely see a decrease in their bill; lower load factor customers or those that cannot shift their usage outside of higher priced periods will see an increase in their bill. Additionally, low energy users with low demand will see a decrease in their bill. As demonstrated by Figure 25, as customer and demand-related costs are moved out of the energy charge, the collection of the revenue requirement is tied to the underlying cost structure and the company is less exposed to under collecting fixed costs when customers reduce overall energy consumption. Collection of Revenue 100% 90% 80% 70o/o 60% s0% 40% 30o/o 20o/o L0% Oo/o Cost of Service I Energy I Demand TOU Service Charge Figure 25 Collection of revenue: TOU With no behavioral changes incorporated into customer's bill, approximately 83 percent of customers will have an increase in their average monthly bill. However,20 percent of customers will have less than $15 impact on a monthly basis. Included in Appendix L is the rate design and bill impact analysis for this change in the customer bill. D. Large Genera! and Large Power-Primary Service (Schedule 9P and 19P) The current rate structure for Large General Primary (Schedule 9) and Large Power Primary (Schedule 19) service includes a monthly service charge, seasonal time-of-use energy charges, seasonal demand charges, a summer on-peak demand charge, and a basic load capacity charge. In addition, Schedule l9 includes a minimum 1,000 kW per month billing demand charge. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 41 ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis Large General and Large Power customers understand the existing rate structure and it is more aligned with CCOS informed fixed cost collection relative to other customer class rate schedules. Due to the cost-based nature, the rate structure promotes/favors a high load factor, or better utilization of the company's system. Although the rate design is more aligned with CCOS than others, approximately 50 percent of the fixed costs assigned to these classes are collected through the volumetric energy charge. The company developed its "base" rate design for Schedules 9P and 19P as informed by the 2017 CCOS study but utilizing the existing service charge and proportions of revenue collection through the remaining components. As demonstrated in Figure 26, while these rate classes have rate components that better align with the company's 2017 CCOS a significant portion of fixed costs are collected through the energy charge, resulting in over or under collections of the revenue requirement with change in energy usage. Collection of Revenue 700% 90% 80% 70% 60o/o 50% 40% 3Oo/o 20% lOo/o Oo/o Cost of Base Case Service Schedule 9P Large General Primary Cost of Base Case Service Schedule 19P Large Power Primary r Energy I Demand Service Charge Figure 26 Collection of revenue: base case The company evaluated transitioning the current rate design to full CCOS-informed rates to collect all customer-related costs through the monthly service charge, and all transmission and fixed production-related charges through a demand charge, all distribution charges through the BLC, and all variable production-related charges through a time-differentiated energy charge. In this rate design, the company maintained the current relationship between on-peak demand and summer billing demand charges as well as the relationship between the time-of-use energy tiers. Because this rate design is already in use, moving towards CCOS would have no system impact on metering and billing of Large General and Large Power customers. Figure 27 shows the results of moving towards a fully CCOS-informed rate design. Page 42 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis Generally, customers with high load factors are likely to have a decrease in their bill when moving towards full COS based rates. Conversely, customers with low load factors would generally see an increase in their bill, reflecting costs associated with their less efficient use of the system. Additionally, Large General and Large Power customers with high load factors (generally greater than70 percent and 90 percent, respectively) are likely to see a decrease in their monthly bill, whereas customers with lower load factors are likely to see an increase in their monthly bill. Included in Appendix M is the rate designs and the bill impact analysis for this change in the customer bill. Collection of Revenue LOO% 90% 80% 70% 60% so% 40% 30% 20% LO% o% Cost of Cost of Service Service lnformed Schedule 9P Large General Primary I Energy r Demand Cost of Cost of Service Service lnformed Schedule 19P Large Power Primary Service Charge Figure 27 Collection of revenue: cost of service informed E. lrrigation Service (Schedule 24) The current rate structure for Schedule 24has two uniquely defined sg3s61s-"in-season" and "out-of-season". The current in-season rate structure includes a monthly service charge, an energy charge and a demand charge. The energy charge utilizes a load-factor pricing mechanism by separating charges into two energy blocks. The first block charges irrigation customers a monthly rate per kWh for the first 164 kwh per kW of demand. The second block charges customers a lower monthly energy rate per kWh for all other energy use to encourage installation of energy efficient irrigation systems with reduced demand and longer hours of operation. The current out-of-season rate structure includes a monthly service charge and an energy charge. Customers pay a flat energy charge per kWh for all energy used out-of-season. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 43 ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis During the in-season, customers pay a higher monthly service charge than during the out-of- season; the lower out-of-season service charge encourages customers to continue service throughout the out-of-season period. However, during the out-of-season period, customers pay a higher energy charge than in-season to collect more fixed charges through a higher volumetric energy charge. The existing rate design for irrigation customers is complex and requires a higher level of customer sophistication. Seasonal activation, timing of in-season demand and efficient energy requirements are all components that can impact the customer's bill. The administration of the current rate design is well tested for the company. Customers with efficient irrigation systems are well-positioned with the current load-factor pricing mechanism. For purposes of evaluating potential modifications to rate design, the company developed a "base" rate design for Irrigation Service, Schedule 24, as informed by the 2017 CCOS study by utilizing the existing $22 in-season service charge, $3.50 out-of-season service charge and the current load factor pricing threshold of 164 kwh. As demonstrated in Figure 28, under this type of rate design, most of fixed costs continue to be collected through the volumetric charge. Over 80 percent of total revenue collection for this class under the current rate design is through a volumetric energy charge when nearly 60 percent of the costs to serve this class are fixed in nature. Collection of Revenue 700% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 70% 0% Cost of Service r Energy I Demand Base Case Service Charge Figure 28 Collection of revenue: base case Page 44 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis lntroduction of BLC The company evaluated a rate design that moves towards a cost of service informed rate designed by introducing a BLC that will be assessed in-season. As such, the company's studied rate design seeks to collect (1) all customer-related costs through a fixed monthly service charge, (2) summer-production related costs through an in-season demand charge and distribution- related costs through an in-season BLC charge, and (3) all energy-related, the remaining non- summer production-related, and all transmission-related costs through energy charges. As evaluated, the BLC would be charged in-season based on an average of the two highest months of 15-minute interval demand. Prior to implementation of this type of rate design, the company would need to educate Irrigation customers on the new BLC charge. Generally, this rate structure results in higher load factor customers realizing a decrease in their bill and lower load factor customers experiencing an increase in their bill. As demonstrated by Figure 29, as customer and demand-related costs are moved out of the energy charge, collection of the revenue requirement is less exposed to under collecting fixed cost when customers reduce overall energy consumption. Collection of Revenue t00% 90% 80o/o 70o/o 50% 50% 40% 30% 20% t0% o% Cost of Service r Energy I Demand BLC Service Charge Figure 29 Collection of revenue: BLC With changes to the rate design, low energy customers are likely to see an increase in their monthly bill due to the increase in the service charge. Whereas, customers with high energy use are likely to benefit from the reduction in the in-season energy charge. Additionally, customers with high load factors (generally, greater than 50 percent) are likely to see a decrease in their monthly bill, whereas, customers with low load factors (generally, lower than 50 percent) are likely to see an increase in their monthly bill. High load factor customers are the customers that are using their systems efficiently, thus, this rate structure encourages efficient energy usage by IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 45 ldaho Power Company Rate Design Analysis Irrigation customers. Additionally, with limited changes to the out-of-season rate structure, customers with continued service during the out-of-season months and with usage greater than 975 kwh will see a decrease in their out-of-season bill due to a slight increase in the service charge and a reduction to the out-of-season energy charge. Customers continuing service through the off-season months with limited to no usage, will see an increase in their out-of-season bills due to the increase in the service charge. Included in Appendix N is the rate design for irrigation customers and the bill impact analysis for these changes in the customer bill. As changes in rate design are contemplated for the Irrigation class, it is important to note that Irrigation customers are unique among the various customer classes as there is limited ability (in the short run) to increase or decrease their demand. The pump motors are individually metered and they are eitherooon" or "off'. Collecting more costs through the demand component of rates will lower the energy rates and may lower the incentive to conserve or reduce usage. The unique usage characteristics of the Irrigation customers has contributed to the success of the Peak Rewards Program where irrigation load is controlled (shut-off) by the company during times of high summer demand. The Irrigators ability to turn off their pumps, combined with the nalrow weekday timeframe when summer peak occurs, could result in a significant reduction in peak system load. One party suggested an alternate rate design could be developed such that if an Irrigator did not take service during these 3-4 hours then the customer would receive no demand charges for a given month. Under that type of a structure, if there was 100 MW of Irrigation load shutting down each weekday during these 3-4 hours, then the system peak load could be reduced by 100 MW; while the company did not study this type of a rate design, it is important to note implementation of this type of a rate design would likely require a change to the cost of service method to ensure adequate fixed cost collection. Page 46 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Conclusion Vll. Gonclusion Idaho Power believes that rate design alternatives that move prices closer to the cost to serve, such as those CCOS-based rate designs presented in this Report, would lead to significant improvements in the assignment of fixed costs, provide rate stability, and result in overall fair and equitable cost allocation in an evolving customer base and service area. As identified in the company's 2017 CCOS study and changes suggested by parties, the CCOS suggests the company's current cost strucfure is 50 percent or more fixed cost related for every customer class. Over the last 20 years, Idaho Power has continued to propose rate designs in rate proceedings that are more reflective of the cost of producing and delivering energy informed by the CCOS. By more accurately reflecting the true cost of service at a given place and time, these alternative rate designs help customers become informed consumers of electricity, which may in turn help improve efficiency and effectiveness of the grid. The company is committed to establishing rate designs for customers that are fair and sustainable into the future. Idaho Power appreciates the collaborative process with parties in this case, which has helped influence this Report and the opportunity to provide the Commission with a comprehensive fixed cost study, including CCOS and rate design options. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 47 ldaho Power Company Conclusion Page 48 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Appendix A Appendix A Scope of Attributes to be Studied (Attachment A-Staffs 4130119 Report, IPC-E-18-16) Attachment A: Base Case Rate Designs IPC-E-18-16: Idaho Power's Fixed Cost Recovery Docket. Explore fixed-cost recovery in basic charges and other rate design options. No. Rate Design Description and Comments 1 Company's current rate designs Single fixed charge Volumetric charge only Demand charge only Time differentiated rates Time differentiated demand Time of use rates, based on both time differentiated cost of energy and demand 8 Connected load based charge 9 Peak rebates Company's current rates will be studied as base cases All customers within class pay the same fixed charge. Use as an end-point. Rates based only on volume consumed. Current Schedule 42 (Traffic Control/Signal Lighting) rate. Use as an end-point. Customers pay only a demand charge. Use as an end-point. Volumetric rate that varies with time of day, day of week, or season. Note that Schedule 5 incorporates an optional time-of-use volumetric rate. Schedule 19 and 24 (Large Power Service and lrrigation) use a three-part rate structure that incorporates TOU or seasonal volumetric rates. Demand charge assessed at peak times (CP, NCP, etc.). Volumetric rate that varies with time of day, day of week, or season. lncludes both marginal energy cost and demand components. Will include PeaUOff Peak Price Ratio (POPP)rates. This is a type of demand charge that is based on service size (100 A, 200 A, etc.). This would be a rate structure-specific proposal. Rebates can be applied to volumetric or demand charges. How do we characterize and study it? 2 3 4 5 6 7 Updated April 15, 2019 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 49 ldaho Power Company Appendix A Attachment B: Rate Design Attributes IPC-E-18-16: Idaho Power's Fixed Cost Recovery Docket. Explore fixed-cost recovery in basic charges and other rate design options. No. Attribute Description and Comments 1 a lmpact on Fixed Cost Recovery Revenue stability Credit risk Relationship with FCA/PCA The ability of each rate design to recover the Company's fixed costs lmpact to future cost causation Billing lmpacts to Customers lmpact across class Low income impact Stability for customers Gradualism Price Signaling and Behavior Conservation b. Controllability Peak reduction, or other measures that result in decreased need to invest in fixed plant Predictability Simplicity Fair, Just, and Reasonable Fairness of the specific rates in the apportionment of total costs of service among the different customers Avoidance of "undue discrimination" in rate relationships Other Considerations lmplementation Costs Rate design's ability to recover Company's fixed cost. Sensitivity to weather, decreasing customer demand, etc. Effectiveness in yielding total revenue requirements under the fair-return standard. Effects on cost of capital. All rates can be set to recover the Company's fixed costs. This is the exercise undertaken in the general rate case. lntra-class cross subsidization. Study the impact across different usage patterns, including different volumetric patterns and different demand patterns, including consideration for outliers. To the extent possible, study impacts to low income customers in older homes, apartments, etc. Energy efficiency, including temporal effects such as energy and plant deferrals as functions of time. Efficiency of rate classes and rate blocks in discouraging wasteful use of service while promoting all justified types and amounts of use in the control of the total amounts of service supplied by the Company. Degree to which customers can control billing determinant. Actionable signal. Degree to which customers are incented to reduce consumption that drives the need to invest in new capital. Actionable signal. Ability of customers to understand and act on a signal, and freedom from controversy about proper interpretation. Basic regulatory standard. b c d e. 2 a. b. c. d. 3 a. c d. e. 4 a. b. 5 a. Updated April 15, 2019 Page 50 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Appendix B Developmenl of 2017 Results of Operations The 2017 Results of Operations (ROO) study, l2-months ending December 31, 2017, was developed using a methodology similar to that approved in the company's last general rate case, Case No. IPC-E-l l-08 (2011 rate case). However, unlike the 201I rate case, no financial data was grown or forecasted. Because the purpose of this study is to serve as the basis for a class cost of service study, this study does not include a requested rate of return. Rather, the return component included in the ROO study represents the difference between 2017 normalized revenues and the 2017 cost of service components. The following summarizes the process Idaho Power company (Idaho Power or company) undertook for the completion of the jurisdictional separation study (JSS) for the 12-months ending December 31,201728: a The company began with actual, audited and reported to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,20lT financial data (2017 Actuals) including; (1) other operating revenues, (2) other revenues and expenses, (3) operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses, (4) property insurance expenses, (5) regulatory commission expenses, (6) depreciation and amortization expense, (7) electric plant/regulatory assets- amortizations, adjustments, gains, and losses, (8) regulatory debits and credits, (9) taxes other than income taxes, (10) Idaho Energy Resources Company's (IERCo) statement of income and rate base components, (11) allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) related to the Hells Canyon relicensing, (12) electric plant in service and related items, (13) materials and supplies, (14) other deferred programs, (15) plant held for future use, (16) accumulated deferred income taxes, and (17) customer advances for construction. a Next, the company made standard regulatory adjustments, or adjustments in conformance with prior Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) orders, to the 2017 Actuals. The adjustments, which are explained and quantified in further detail below, included the removal of the following: o General advertising expenses o Specific memberships and contributions o Certain management expenses, and other exclusions that, although justified for business purposes, have historically been viewed by the Commission as more appropriately funded by shareholders than customers and therefore are not recoverable through the company's rates o Prepayments o A portion of incentive compensation, o Financial impacts of the Idaho and Oregon Energy Efficiency Rider revenues and expenses o Plant held for future use to remove structures and specific properties for which the furure use is uncertain 28 This document was initially provided to parties in Case No. IPC-E-18-16 as part of a response to discovery. The references to "attachments" contained within this summary reference supporting workpapers provided in the discovery response. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 51 ldaho Power Company Appendix B ldaho Power Company Appendix B a a In addition, Idaho Power adjusted the 2017 Actuals to reflect updated normalized power supply expenses (NPSE). Normalized or base NPSE is calculated by modeling the test period under multiple historical water conditions; in this case, the company modeled 90 historical water conditions (1928-2017). The term "net power supply expense" refers to the sum of the following Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) accounts: fuel expense (FERC Accounts 501 and 547), and purchased power expenses (FERC Account 555), minus surplus sales revenues (FERC Accotnt 447). The company modeled NPSE using the AURORA model, which is a comprehensive electric resource dispatch model that simulates the economic dispatch of the company's resources to determine NPSE. The Commission has accepted the use of AURORA to determine base level NPSE for general rate cases or other one off base level NPSE update filings (most recently, Case No. IPC-E-13-20), marginal cost analyses, and resource modeling for the company's Integrated Resource Plan. [n modeling NPSE in AURORA, the company updated a number of input variables including fuel prices, transportation costs, heat rates, forced outage rates, planned outages, normalized load and sales, contracts for wholesale power and power purchases and sales, Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act contract expenses, and wheeling expenses. Because the company has established recovery mechanisms in place for the Valmy and Boardman coal-fired plants, Idaho Power has removed all cost of service components associated with these coal plants that are recovered through the levelized revenue requirement mechanisms. Recognition of the Boardman and Valmy related levelized revenue requirement is applied as an adjustment to the class cost of service process as described in Appendix C. Finally, annualizing adjustments were made The financial data is then input into the JSS to determine the Idaho jurisdictional ROO. The resulting JSS is included as Attachment la. The JSS is a three-step process-the classification, functionalization, and allocation of costs-that separates costs among jurisdictions. [n all three steps, recognition is given to the way in which costs are incurred by relating these costs to utility operations. Classification groups the costs into three categories: demand-related, energy-related, and customer-related. Costs are also functionalized, or identified as generation, transmission, and distribution operating functions. Finally, the costs are allocated between the Idaho and Oregon jurisdictions, apportioning the total system costs among jurisdictions by introducing allocation factors. An allocation factor specifies the jurisdictional value as a share or percent of the total system quantity. Page 52 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Appendix B The classification, functionalization, and allocation of costs was performed in accordance with the approved20ll rate case methodologies 29. Once the individual accounts have been allocated to the various jurisdictions, it is possible to summarize these into total utility rate base and net income by jurisdiction. The results are stated in a summary form and measure the difference between 2017 normahzed revenues and the 2017 cost of service components. Jurisdictional Separation Study for the 12-Months Ending December 31 ,2017 The following is a description and quantification of adjustments made to 2017 Actuals in the order they appear in the JSS and a brief description of how the adjusted2}l7 Actuals were allocated to each jurisdiction (Attachment lb includes the workpapers that support the adjustments): a The first adjustment, on line 78, adds to the Idaho jurisdictional earnings deficiency $6,815,472, the level of recovery of AFUDC associated with the Hells Canyon relicensing project construction work in progress originally approved in the company's 2008 rate case (Case No. IPC-E-08-10) and again in the 201I rate case. Table I -Electric Plant-In-Service o Table 1 reflects Idaho Power's 13-month average electric plant-in-service values, excluding Valmy and Boardman, at December 3 1,2017. No other adjustments or additions were made to electric plant-in-service. o Production plant was allocated to the jurisdictions based on the average of the l2- monthly coincident peak demands and unless noted otherwise, allocation of transmission and distribution plant was based on the same methodology. Some transmission and distribution facilities were directly assigned to the customers who paid upfront for the facilities installed to serve them. General plant was allocated on the same basis as the sum of the allocated investments in production, transmission, and distribution plant. Table 2-Accumulated Provision for Depreciation o Accumulated Provision for Depreciation is reflected as the l3-month average at December 31, 2017 . A reserve adjustment was made to reflect half of the annualized depreciation expense adjustment that occurs in Table 6 and detailed below. The Accumulated Provision for Depreciation balances exclude Valmy and Boardman values. o The Accumulated Provision for Depreciation was allocated by total for each production plant type and for each primary plant account in other functional goups based on the related plant account in Table l. Amortization of other utility a o 2e With the exception of Electric Plant-in-service FERC Account 368-Line Transformers, which was allocated using the D60 allocator, distribution at generation level, as was approved in the last Oregon general rate case, Case No. UE 233. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 53 ldaho Power Company Appendix B a plant was functionalized then allocated based on the related plant items in Table 1. Table 3-Additions and Deletions to Rate Base o Balances of customer advances for construction (FERC Account 252), accumulated deferred income taxes (FERC Accounts 190, 282, and283), materials and supplies (FERC Accounts 154 and 163), and IERCo rate base components reflect the l3-month average. However, other deferred programs reflect the account balances as of December 31, 2017. o A number of adjustments are included in Table 3:. Fuel stock inventory includes only required fuel stock inventory of $33,559,334.. Removal of the following from rate base: . $16,865,877 inprepayments.. $1,921,626 in plant held for future use for which the plant use is uncertain at this time, the plant may be split, or for plant structures that will be razed.o $10,769,932 associated with the Siemen's long-term program contract regulatory asset that received deferred rate base treatment with IPUC Order No. 33420.o $85,531 of plant that was determined in the 201 I rate case to no longer be used and useful at the Bridger Coal plant. o Additions and deletions to rate base were allocated under a number of different methodologies: (1) customer advances for construction were directly assigned to customers by jurisdiction, (2) accumulated deferred income taxes are allocated by plant, customer advances for construction, or labor, (3) materials and supplies by their respective plant allocators, (a) fuel inventory on the basis of energy, (5) components of IERCo on energy, and (6) Commission-ordered deferred investments were either directly assigned to a specific jurisdiction or allocated based on energy. Table 4-Operating Revenues o Operating Revenues includes an adjustment of ($ 128,706,794) to 2017 Actuals to reflect the normalization and annualization of revenues and an adjustment of (553,352,221) for the removal of revenues associated with the Valmy and Boardman plants. In addition, an adjustment of $2,400,560 to FERC Account 447, Opportunity Sales, was made to reflect the normalized NPSE results from AURORA. Finally, $39,240,688 associated with the Idaho and Oregon Energy Efficiency Rider revenues was removed from FERC Account 456, Other Electric Revenues. o Operating Revenues were directly assigned to each jurisdiction. Opportunity Sales are credited to eachjurisdiction in proportion to generation-level energy use. Other Operating Revenues were allocated in a manner that offsets related Page 54 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report a ldaho Power Company Appendix B a allocations of rate base, or where a particular revenue item could be associated with a specific jurisdiction, directly assigned. Table 5-Operations and Maintenance Expenses o The following is a summary of the adjustments made to 2017 Actual O&M expenses:r An annualizing adjustment was made to operating payroll to reflect as though the year-end amounts had been in existence for the entire year.. All 2017 Actual non-fuel O&M attributable to the Valmy plant was removed as the expenses are recovered through the Valmy levelized revenue requirement mechanism.. NPSE were updated to reflect normalized conditions from the updated AURORA run.. $39,240,688 in Idaho Energy Efficiency Rider expenses (FERC Account 908) were removed.. $5,3 16,496 of incentive expense (FERC Account 920) was removed so that only the normalized incentive components that are attributable to Customer Satisfaction and Reliability were included.. $110,743 of property insurance expense associated with Valmy was removed from FERC Account 924 as those expenses are recovered through the Valmy levelized revenue requirement mechanism.r d deduction of $673,383 was made for general advertising expenses, certain memberships and contributions, senior management expenses, and miscellaneous other expenses, consistent with the methodology approved in the 2011 rate case. o The allocation of O&M expenses is detailed in Table 5. ln general, the basis for each allocation is identifiable with the source code listed in the JSS provided as Attachment 1a. Demands are identified by source code beginning with the prefix "D", energy use is identified by a source code beginning with an "E" prefix, related plant is identified by a line number source code, and customer-weighted allocation factors begin with a "CWr" prehx. For each functional group, the labor component was separately allocated in accordance with the detail provided in Table l3-Development of Labor Related Allocator. Total allocated labor expense served the additional purpose of allocating employee pension and other labor-related taxes and expenses. Table 6-Depreciation qnd Amortization Expense o Annualizing adjustments were made to reflect depreciation and amortization expense amounts as though they had been in existence for the entire year. o Depreciation and amortization expenses were identified by production plant type or by primary plant account for other functional plant groups and allocated consistent with the related plant account. a IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 55 ldaho Power Company Appendix B a a a Table 7-Taxes Other than Income Taxes o Federal unemployment, Social Security, and state unemployment taxes are eliminated by the state and federal payroll loading reversal. The expenses are removed to demonstrate that these amounts are not double counted. The hydro generation kilowatt-hour tax and irrigation tax refund expenses are normalized. o Individual taxes other than income tax items were allocated in a manner consistent with the bases by which the respective taxes were assessed. Table 8-Regulatory Debits and Creditso No adjustment was made to 2017 Actuals. o The amortization expense is assigned by jurisdiction for which the regulatory debit or credit was established. Table 9-Income Taxes: Federal, Oregon, Idaho, and Other Stateo Normalized state and federal income tax liabilities are summarized on Tables 9 through 12. o The deferred income taxes and the investment tax credit adjustments were allocated based on the company's plant investment and net income before tax adjustments. The respective tax bases were developed and calculated directly for each jurisdiction. Operating income before taxes represents adjusted operating revenues less all adjusted operating expense with the exception of deferred income taxes and investment tax credits. Adjusted interest expense was allocated by the combined rate base to develop net operating income before taxes. Subsequent additions to or deductions from the respective tax bases were allocated to each jurisdiction by aligning it with its causation or fundamental association, resulting in taxable income for each jurisdiction. The appropriate tax rate was applied and the resulting final tax amounts by jurisdiction derived. Tables l3 through lS-Development of Labor Related Allocator, Allocation Factors, and Allocation Factors-Rattoso No adjustment was made to 2017 Actuals.o The tables include the principal allocation factors used in the JSS and the respective jurisdictional values for each allocation factor. Table 15 lists the ratios of the principal allocation included in Table 14. o The summary of the JSS results are presented on page 1 of Attachment 1a. The development of the Idaho jurisdictional ROO is presented in the column entitled "Idaho Retail". When comparing the difference between 2017 normalized revenues and the 2017 cost of service components, the resulting Idaho consolidated operating income is $219,293,371 (line 31). Page 56 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Appendix C Appendix C Class Cost of Service Process Guide To help support the evaluation of the Class Cost of Sentice Process Guide, Idaho Power Company began with the guide previously provided as Larkin DI Testimony Exhibit No. 30 in IPC-E-11-08, Idaho Power's last rate case. The process guide is unchanged except to highlight new methodolog,, since the 201I rate case. All additions are denoted by two asterisks (**) at the start and end of the addition with added text in italicixed, bold font. The following is a technical description of Idaho Power's Class Cost of Service study. The methodology for separating costs among classes consists of a three-step process generally referred to as classification, functionalization, and allocation. In all three steps, recognition is given to the way in which the costs are incurred by relating these costs to the way in which the utility is operated to provide electrical service. l. Process Overview A. Classification The Electric Utility Cost Allocation Manual, published in January of 1992 by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, serves as the basis for the company's classification process. Classification refers to the identification of a cost as being either customer-related, demand-related, or energy-related. These three cost components are used to reflect the fact that an electric utility makes service available to customers on a continuous basis, provides as much service, or capacity, as the customer desires at any point in time, and supplies energy, which provides the customer the ability to do useful work over an extended period of time. These three concepts of availability, capacity, and energy are related to the three components of cost designated as customer, demand, and energy components, respectively. In order to classify a particular cost by component, primary attention is given to whether the cost varies as a result of changes in the number of customers, changes in demand imposed by the customers, or changes in energy used by the customers. Examples of customer-related costs are the plant investments and expenses that are associated with meters and service drops, meter reading, billing and collection, and customer information and services as well as a portion of the investment in the distribution system. These investments and expenses are made and incurred based on the number of customers, regardless of the amount of energy used, and are therefore generally considered to be fixed costs. Demand-related costs are investments in generation, transmission, and a portion of the distribution plant and the associated operation and maintenance expenses necessary to accommodate the maximum demand imposed on the company's system. Energy-related costs are generally the variable costs associated with the operation of the generating plants, such as fuel. However, due to the hydro production capability of the company, a portion of the hydro and thermal generating plant investment has historically been classified as energy-related. IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 57 ldaho Power Company Appendix C B. Functionalization In addition to classification, costs must be functionalized; that is, identified with utility operating functions. Operating functions recognize the different roles played by the various facilities in the electric utility system. In the company's accounts, these various roles are already recognized to some degree, particularly in the recording of plant costs as production-, transmission-, or distribution-related. However, this functional breakdown is not in sufficient detail for cost of service purposes. Individual plant items are examined and, where possible, the associated investment costs are assigned to one or more operating functions, such as substations, primary lines, secondary lines and meters. This level of functionalization allows costs to be more equitably allocated among classes of customers. G. Allocation and Summarization of Results Once costs have been classified and functionalized, they are allocated to rate classes based on the appropriate allocation factors. After individual costs have been allocated to the various classes of service, it is possible to total these costs as allocated and arrive at a breakdown of utility rate base and expenses by class. The results are stated in a summary form to measure adequacy of revenues for each class. The measure of adequacy is typically the rate of return earned on rate base compared to the requested rate of return. !!. Assign Module and Functionalized Gost Module The class cost of service model is comprised of two separate Microsoft Excel workbooks. The first workbook, called the Assign Module, performs the previously described classification and functionalization processes. This workbook categorizes the Idaho jurisdictional costs identified by FERC account into operating functions, such as production, transmission, distribution, metering, customer service, etc. It also categorizes the functional costs into demand-, energy-, and customer-related classifications. For example, the Assign Module categorizes the company's investment in steam plant into the production function and the demand- and energy-related classifications. The second workbook, called the Functionalized Cost Module, or FC Module for short, performs the class allocation process. This module allocates the classified and functionalized costs developed in the Assign Module to the various customer classes. For example, the FC Module allocates the demand- and energy-related production costs identified in the Assign Module to each of the company's customer classes and special contract customers. Each of the major operations performed by this module is shown as a separate worksheet to make the allocation process transparent and easy to understand. Page 58 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Appendix C lll. Classification A. Steam and Hydro Production In the class cost of service study all steam and hydro production plants have been classified on a demand and energy basis using the methodology preferred by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in prior general rate proceedings. The energy portion of the steam and hydro production investment has been determined by use of the Idaho jurisdictional load factor. By application of the load factor ratio to the steam and hydro production plant investment, the energy-related portion is easily determined. The balance of the steam and hydro production plant investment is then classified as demand-related. All other production and transmission plants have been classified as demand-related. **One update from the company's 2011 rate case is the addition of the Langley production plant, which is considered baseload production similar to steam production plants, thus it is classilied with the same demand and energl allocation as steam production plants. For classijication of costs related to all natural gas-ftred production plants, a new allocation factor was developed reJlecting the weighting of all gas-Jired production,** B. PURPA and Purchased Power Expenses PURPA and purchased power expenses booked to FERC Account 555 are classified as demand- and energy-related in the same manner as steam and hydro generation plant. Under the previous approach of classifying these expenses as energy only, customers who use a larger proportion of energy with respect to their demand (higher load factors) receive a greater allocation of these expenses than would have occurred if a power plant had been constructed to serve the same loads. For example, if the company had chosen to build and operate a power plant to serve the same customer loads served by purchased power, the plant would have been classified as both demand and energy. With that said, it is reasonable to classify these expenses as demand- and energy-related in the same manner as the company's steam and hydro generation plant. Under this methodology, PURPA and purchased power expenses are classified according to the same ratio of demand to energy used in the classification of hydro and steam generation plant. C. Distribution Plant Distribution substation plant Accounts 360,361, and 362 are classified as demand-related. Distribution plant Accounts 364,365,366,367, and 368 are classified as either demand-related or customer-related using the same fixed and variable ratio computation method utilized in the company's prior generalrate case proceedings. The fixed to variable ratio is updated according to a system capacity utilization measurement based on a three-year average load duration curve IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 59 ldaho Power Company Appendix C lV. Functionalization A. General Plant General plant is functionalized based on total production, transmission, and distribution plant. As a result, a portion of general plant is assigned to each production, transmission, and distribution function based on each function's proportion to the total. B. Accumulated Provision for Depreciation The accumulated provision for depreciation is functionalized using the resulting functionalization of costs for the appropriate plant item. For example, the accumulated depreciation for steam production plant shown is functionalized based on the functionalization of steam production plant in service. C. Additions to and Reductions from Rate Base Deductions from rate base include customer advances for construction and accumulated deferred income taxes. Customer advances are functionalized based on the distribution plant investment against which the advances apply. Accumulated deferred taxes are functionalized based on total plant investment. Additions to rate base consist of fuel inventory, which is functionalized based on energy production, and materials and supplies, which are functionalized based on the appropriate plant function. Deferred conservation expenses are functionalized based on the Idaho jurisdictional load factor resulting in a specific percentage of the deferred expenses being functionalized to energy production and the remainder being functionalizedto demand production. D. Other Operating Revenue Other operating revenue is functionalized based on either the functionalization of the related rate base item or, in the situation where a particular revenue item may be identified with a specific service, the functionalization of the specific service item. E. O&M Expense In general, the basis for the functionalization of O&M expense is the same as that for the associated plant. F. Labor Components For each applicable expense account in each functional group, the labor component is separately functionalized. For example, for Account 535 the labor-related supervision and engineering expense is functionalized based on the cumulative labor as functionalized for Accounts 536 through 540. In a similar fashion, the allocation of supervision and engineering associated with hydraulic maintenance expense, Account 541, is based on the composite labor expense for Page 60 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Appendix C Accounts 542 through 545. Total functionalized labor expense serves the additional purpose of functionalizing employee pensions and other labor-related taxes and expenses. G. Depreciation Expense, Taxes Other than lncome, and lncome Taxes Depreciation expense is functionalized based on the function of the associated plant. Taxes other than income are also functionalized based on the function of the source of the tax. Deferred income taxes are functionalized based on plant investment. The functionalization of federal and state income taxes is based on the functionalization of total rate base and expenses. V. Allocation A. Derivation of Peak Demands For customers taking service through interval meters, system coincident demands are taken directly from their meter read data. For all other customers coincident demands are estimated through the use of system coincident demand factors. These factors are defined as the ratio of the system coincident demand to the population's average demand. To determine the monthly system coincident peak demands by rate class, each class's monthly system coincident demand factors from the load research sample are applied to the test year monthly average demand values for each class. Similarly, a non-coincident (or "group") demand factor is defined as the ratio of a population's non-coincident peak demand to the population's average demand. To determine the monthly non-coincident peak demands by rate class, each class's monthly non-coincident demand factors from the load research sample are applied to the test year monthly average demand values for each class. Customers are billed throughout each month and billing periods, or cycles, typically include portions of more than one calendar month. Billing period data is converted into calendar month data using a nonlinear method based on load research data that utilizes actual daily usage patterns. Total daily consumption is assumed to fluctuate in proportion to the fluctuations in the daily consumption of the load research sample customers. This methodology captures the effects of weather on energy consumption and improves the process of determining coincident peak demand responsibility. **System coincident peak demand allocates capacity costs required to serve Residential and Small General on-site generation customers drawtng €fi€rpt and requires modijication to the derivation of peak demand. At the time of system peak, on-site generation service points registering negative demand are set to a demand value of zero. Because the valae for Residential and Small General on-site generation will be established independently through the Value of Distributed Energt Resource (VODER) in Docket IPC-E-18-15, this adjustment is necessary to avoid the double counting of benejits related to excess generation at the time of system pealc** IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 61 ldaho Power Company Appendix C B. Margina! Gost Usage While the 3CPll2CP methodology eliminates the need for marginal cost weighting in the allocation of production plant costs, this weighting is still necessary to properly seasonalize energy- and transmission-related costs. The use of marginal cost weighting strikes a balance between backward-looking costs already incurred and forward-looking costs to be incurred in the future, and injects into the allocation process recognition of the influence seasonal load profiles have on cost causation. The marginal costs associated with new resource integration are seasonalized based on the monthly peak-hour generation deficiencies which the company expects to encounter during the next five years of the planning period based on the 90th percentile water and 70th percentile load criteria used for planning pu{poses. The relative sizes of the five-year average monthly peak- hour deficiencies identified in the IRP are used to define the share of the annual capacity cost assigned to each month. The marginal costs associated with planned system expansions are seasonalized based on the monthly share of projected peak-hour load growth. The total demand- related transmission marginal costs for each month are then derived by adding the monthly values for both categories of transmission costs. Updated marginal energy costs are calculated by quantifying the difference in net power supply costs resulting from the addition of 50 megawatts of load to all hours of the company's base case system simulation run for the five-year planning period. It should be noted that the marginal costs have been used solely for purposes ofdeveloping allocation factors and not for purposes of developing the company's revenue requirement. C. Production Plant Gost Allocation The class cost of service study allocates the costs of the company's generation peaking facilities differently than its base-load resources. Rather than allocating all production plant based on the same allocation factor, this method allocates production plant costs based on the nature of the load being served. Under this approach, production plant costs associated with serving summer peak load are allocated separately from costs associated with serving the base and intermediate load. That is, the costs associated with building and operating combustion turbines, which are used primarily to serve summer peak loads, have been allocated to customers differently than the costs associated with the company's other generation resources. This method allocates production plant costs associated with serving base and intermediate load using an average of l2 monthly coincident demands (12CP), without marginal cost weighting. Using an un-weighted l2CP allocator is appropriate in this case given that fixed base and intermediate generation costs do not vary greatly between the summer and non-summer seasons. Furthermore, the study allocates fixed generation costs associated with serving peak load using an average of the three coincident peak demands (3CP) occurring in June, July, and August. This method of allocation isolates the costs associated with peaking resources and allocates those costs according to the load that is causing the investment. The cost allocation method used in the study is based on the concept that the costs associated with each of the company's generation resources can be categorized according to the type of loads being served. Utilities typically experience three distinct time-based production costing Page 62 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Appendix C periods that are driven by customer loads. The costing periods are normally identified as base, intermediate, and peak. The base period is equivalent to a low load or off-peak time period where loads are at the lowest, normally during the nighttime hours. The intermediate time period represents the shoulder hours which are driven by the mid-peak loads that typically occur throughout the winter daytime and in the early morning and late evening during the summer months. The peak category is driven by the peak loads that occur during summer afternoons and evenings. The base and intermediate loads on the company's system are typically served by the same generation resources. [n recognition of that fact, those two categories have been combined for cost allocation purposes. The generation resources that serve the peak loads, i.e., combustion turbines, are normally only utilized for that single purpose. Consistent with that concept, the costs associated with peak-related resources have been segmented into a second category for cost allocation purposes. Using this methodology there is no need for marginal cost weighting because the seasonal nature of the loads is reflected in the allocation factors. The production plant costs that have been classified as serving base and intermediate load are captured in Accounts 310-316, Steam Production, and Accounts 330-336, Hydraulic Production. The costs identified under the Steam Production category represent the company's investment in coal-fired generation facilities, and the costs identified under the Hydraulic Production category represent the company's investment in its hydroelectric generation facilities. Utilities typically utilize their generation resources to serve customer loads by operating the resources with the lowest operating cost first and as demand grows more costly resources are then dispatched. This is no different for Idaho Power. However, since hydroelectric generation is such a significant portion of the company's resource stack, stream flow conditions and economics can influence the proportionate share of output provided by steam and hydro resources throughout the year. Since hydroelectric output is highly dependent upon stream flows, steam production is ramped up or down according to the production capability of the hydro. Therefore, throughout the year, hydro and steam production plants are utilized at varying proportions to serve base and intermediate loads according to the production capabilities of the hydro plants. However, the combined monthly output of these two resource types does not vary significantly between the summer and non-summer months as does the output of the combustion turbines. Accounts 340-346, Other Production, contain the company's investment in gas-fueled production plant. The production plant investment captured in Accounts 340-346 represents the company's investment in the combustion turbine generation facilities. **Bennett Mountuin and Danskin power plants are** used to serve peak demands, **and the compuny's Langley production resource is considered a baselosd resource. The company, in the Idaho Results of Operations, has provided Accounts 340-346 values for Langley and peaking plants separately to allow for independent allocation of costs. ** The investment identified as peaking plant is the investment in combustion turbine generation resources that were constructed specifically to meet the summer peak loads. In the Functionalized Cost Module, the names "D10BS" and "DIOBNS" describe the factors used to allocate the production plant associated with serving the base and intermediate loads. The name "D10P" is used to describe the allocation factor used to allocate the production plant associated with serving the peak loads. The Dl0BS and Dl0BNS represent the non-weighted IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 63 ldaho Power Company Appendix C average twelve coincident peak demands for the summer and non-summer seasons respectively. The allocator Dl0P represents the non-weighted average three coincident peak demands for the summer months of June, July, and August. D. Transmission and Distribution Cost Allocation The company's approach to cost allocation for transmission and distribution facilities is an effective method for equitably assigning costs to customer classes. Under this method, transmission and distribution costs are properly segmented according to the manner in which the costs are imposed on the system. As a result, the cost responsibility of each class can be effectively identified through a combination of direct cost assignment and cost allocation based on the appropriate demand- or customer-based factors. The allocation factor Dl3 is used to allocate transmission costs to customer classes. The first step in deriving this factor is to calculate ratios based on the sum of the actual coincident peak demands for each customer class. Second, weighted coincident peak demand values are derived by multiplying the actual monthly coincident peak demands by the monthly transmission marginal costs. Corresponding weighted ratios are then calculated for each customer class. Finally, the actual ratios are averaged with the weighted ratios to derive the non-seasonalized transmission allocation factor Dl3. The company applies this "averaging approach" as a rate stability measure intended to mitigate any extreme impacts that the marginal costs may have on cost allocation. The capacity components of distribution plant, both primary and secondary, are allocated by the non-coincident group peak demands for each customer class identified as demand allocation factors D20, D30, D50, and D60. **The capacity components of distribution plant required to serve Residential and Small General on-site generation customers includes recognition of the bi-directional use of distribution plant to receive and export energy. To evuluate bi-directional capacity requirements, the Residential and Small General on-site generation customers' demand values were measured on an absolute value basis to derive the non-coincident group peak demand.** The customer components of distribution plant, both primary and secondary, are allocated by the average number of customers identified as customer allocation factors C20, C30, C50 and C60. E. Energy-Related Gost Allocation The energy-related cost allocators, El0S and E1ONS, are derived by averaging the normalized energy values for each customer class with the normalized energy values weighted by the marginal energy costs. First, summer and non-summer ratios based on each class's proportionate share of the total normalized energy usage for the test year are determined. Next, summer and non-summer ratios based on the monthly normalized energy usage for each customer class weighted by the monthly marginal cost are calculated. Finally, these two values are averaged, resulting in the E10S and EIONS allocators used in this study. This averaging approach is consistent with the methodology used in the derivation of the demand-related allocation factor Dl3. Page 64 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report I ldaho Power Company Appendix C **Normalized energt values for the Residential and Small General on-site generation customer classes are net hourly delivered energy. The value for Residential and Small General on-site generation hourly excess generation will be established independently through the VODER in Docket IPC-E-18-15. ** Customer Accounting and Customer Assistance Expense Allocation The principal customer accounting expenses which require allocation are meter reading expenses, customer records and collections, and uncollectible accounts. The meter reading and customer records and collection expenses are allocated based upon a review of actual practices of the company in reading meters and preparing monthly bills. The allocation of uncollectible amounts is similarly based upon a review of actual company data. Customer assistance expenses are allocated based on the average number of customers in each class. F. State and Federal lncome Tax Allocation The state and federal income taxes for the Idaho jurisdiction are allocated to each customer class and special contract customer according to each class's allocated share of rate base. Once the state and federal income taxes are allocated to each customer class, they are functionalized based on the functionalization of total rate base and expenses for each class. Vl. Revenue Requirement and Application Once all costs have been properly functionalized, classified, and allocated, the company is able to determine the revenue requirement for each customer class. The sales revenue required includes return on rate base, total operating expenses, and incremental taxes computed using the net-to-gross multiplier. **To mutch the FC Module's Revenues from Rutes with the ldaho Results of Operations' exclusion of Boardman & Yalmy levelized revenue, the FC Module includes an adjustment to esch class's cost of service results to add back each plant's levelized revenue requirement. Derivution of allocation to each class followed established Assign Module classiJication and functionalization methodologt for each plant. To allocate production baseload demand und energt to each class, estublished FC Module allocation factors were utilized,* IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 65 ldaho Power Company Appendix C Page 66 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report F@ q)o)o(L Eoo-c)t ooEo.xtL @ @ LrJo(L E $.f p" .E I N P^'3i u'!.N-U6T ts3pl{F S3l,+ lo6ni@6 oOrm oci \ogrd6 $' oala @o o xod0q 6 oo-o<,€o;<<fRnNEe6mn@dd Fa oo'6 .joo 0 bI [3e II$Hf;H5l;9 j-ld ; 3;'4 roro do@.i ra6 6 6 or<ldd 6ri d oio@ ctlo6qt xtt6aF (o6mr+ ocici^-oeD-3-8N;sRd= od"'L.ia' i^ \9ao-Q;x<t (o .^' no n i'..1 +N6XO :Sl:'"dSSii Eor>Es€o'-- EDO< Oi3E ;gr (Dod crt oc 6 @ o ro 00o @oooo6st sNo6d Om\oii|4d).!G6*HEEImddHrioo oastr:.aq, rf c, mct xolrtio6 m66d-6..iciX.!6d€.s,1 @NMO\Y$^ssBSdio04 EoHFs ehru: E:E 158.$HI E iifiEi gs HfiB' Es ctdo! do o o nr6N6r6@C)(Odd od.-hs E"or,4_E6!gEE oo0,F.9 EfE6oo uto ro lo6 ro(o ci 66 6 rr.} o lo sl, oc,od nExq<?6=Or6-Ea-o;go8 - o 6 rDd(rlo! 0 acoN 6Ct loo (od 9> tsF oNo6 x l\ d ,^oc>R-HR\9id+oY+ -'nHo;xnnod E9 on^-Ee QR.H"* =>:xNm E g =-y-4;? 8;ii o 6 (D l' o €rt d a o!o st :RorOc6<i EHXHS:-8dHS6dv4 lo!6So\'l N r 6Es*q --oOO EEtrE o.o =i;F3ieEob;(,o (n o1g1 oNNO 66(l (O <tol @(oNj FF\ d olaoi st Nsld (,rN(n o- sm N{ 6N-o^secBtid@€sEs-s,T€FFi- h-^:1orNdidl'ti(omr@6mmo;6-qqd6@6m6O5.3 3 .9co1' o0a do s6o N @ @d F o 10(o 6 eH.tl o IRIqo nooNo6tsoo\rrqc;NTNOOdooo oEl!! o oF od6odNr-qq@(D<to(oNq\\ rNdooN6i.io o Eo co-2u oOdEocl@oa o-Q:dv,oo?EooOdFIJ tr: o&, oo @d EEo0cto .Es o E3(,4 oIxU gE.ggiE6'o uoE EGr to Eo.:fC'o0co,tro o0c o xu c.E.9 ooo co oG, T'6,.: =C'0,0aon0EoEL'a goc. -CL oxo dgE >>oLoEyOE-r.iEsuE;Eo?Oer-i+o;u:oaf -9 o o >(J 6C @o o6o3dHEP EEoC>YE>cooc<<dd< 3 otEo o0ao.9ao6 o o r4G =I EtuTG E oz Ho o=foq)t Ef(/) 0).otoa Oo*o Eoooo-94 <o o .xEcc,oo- coo- Eoo o3o(L oE(oE EoCLoE ooo E'o.5Lr @ @ UJ O(L co@oo)(E(L ao E E3 cc, E0,.; C'q,0l 0,Jco ogc e,.9 E(, o o Io3 I !,ot Eoz do E EE BHx":g H$H.E R I Hfifr- o' rt t? oo oidtn d dOlro rO <to rOlOd x€ 6 od +6nq ditd-o';gK$i -didoq:^lNod::ul(o-Or:flH fr His" xsas I!O-9Eo.EcO.: (J .GRI 00(h 6lo d<rl ]n6t 6oo @ ad gi oll)x€ oi rr;H or6n(Dm (o ori :"dNoXio.66=(o d <f, .; f..lod=NNd*or.' oi i46 r,r! Eno><No\o:^- .o- "t $xmrNYslNo fi'fi; - E O!o.96gr:E3 o dsto! Hro Hv! a(o lo6 or@ tt rtgr GOloiDo'n x(n(oc! 6 3R or "$$HE $$ a ;.9 tt.E RRSEieP 863: $ 5.:. h3t1 - 10rO o rt dodItl o66 fn tim rOrod sorrOo o m*\oi-44+'q@(OdN66N@A€N6=Noo\o g s} ql.ns ?.H cilXii: vidi;id6 <rt = o1 ol€ost sf Ol rrl orlo1'l t/t orJ'lN d6o xrno(n 6 mN-o- -qnl Si_JOmo,;3$.frH9ddHO40 Es:s':.6 6 F.XKNq-1 o N co t, 0,o9E't ETE!!JOtrCEE rrtd@ d@H0 'oO)oro<t € @ @ rod tsrO }R NnN oorSi(!d6<i6fli*ied@(oor;vlir.}d- !q $[iu, € $. .t iij o.is E S3* HrA rO H dNN N(o oroor d (ni0omod scoNo cd s<<9<^\\,:\-zz6z o ord@OiF.rmrodd+O(OF.or\\m6N6NdOIONoJ'jo oEo =6 oF s6of,,l N @ loa o{r}dm rOio o o aooo c; crooiSomsf€oo\FjilqcirNNO4doorO6jjd u EoIco-2uo.:oCEboOOo^ diozoE9 coOdFU c J o&, oo 6c caoc Eo .E!(J G E a o0c o xU c.E Eoo a0 .EE Gu E(, Eo.! =(t0, OL OJ co tl,c, oxU Ic .g.9 ooo =tr(, 0,d E'a,.:, Eo0ao!0toE x cro&.. BEo dgE >>9;&Er.iEsuE;!jiOC,-isofioioo-fgoo>(Jdr@0J o6oSdHE g E Eoc>Yc>cooc<<Eo-< o .xE oo-CL cooEoo o3o(L o (EE ldaho Power Company Appendix E Appendix E Scenario No. 1 lndividual Modification lmpacts L40% L20% 1.OO% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Residential Residential On-Site Small Small General Large General On-Site General Large lndustrial lrrigation General P/T P=th o =Cc) OJL.(f, OJ.=fo0lE. I COS w Scenario 1 - Modification 1 L40% L20% L00% 80% 60% 40% 20% o% Residential Residential On-Site Small Small General Large General On-Site General Large lndustrial lrrigation General P/T P =tJl o =cq) oL'If c).=fooG I COS w Scenario 1- Modification 2 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 69 ldaho Power Company Appendix E Residential Residential On-Site Small Small General General On-Site Large lndustrial lrrigation General P/T La rge General P=-ctJl OJfco oL E(u .=fu(u G. 740% 720% 700% 80% 60% 40% 20% o% t40% t20% LOO% 80% 60% 40% 20% o% r COS Scenario 1 - Modification 3 Residential Residential On-Site Small Small General Large General On-Site General Large lndustrial lrrigation General P/T P =-Cth o)fCo o)L Eo).=fo o)G r COS Scenario 1 - Modification 4 Page 70 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Appendix F Appendix F Scenario No. 2 lndividual Modification lmpacts Residential Residential On-Site Small Small General Large General On-Site General Large lndustrial lrrigation General P/T PF =th o =-o) oL E O).: Joq) G, L40% t20% LOO% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% L40% t20% 1.OO% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% I COS ,,q Scenario 2 - Modification L Residential Residential On-Site Small Small General Large General On-Site General Large lndustrial lrrigation General P/T v =-Crt1 o):lc 0.) OJLE OJ.= =uoG. r COS Scenario 2 - Modification 2 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page71 ldaho Power Company Appendix F Residential Residential On-Site Small Small General Large General On-Site General Large lndustrial lrrigation General P/T =tJ1 o =go oL Eo.= =oo&. 1.40% L20% L00% 80% 60% 40% 20% o% 140% L20% 700% 80% 60% 40% 20% o% r COS "E Scenario 2 - Modification 3 Residential Residential On-Site Small Small General Large General On-Site General Large lndustrial lrrigation General P/T P=-th aJ:lcqJ (u T)o.=fuod. r COS Scenario 2 - Modification 4 Page72 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Appendix G Appendix G Revenue Requirement and Fixed-Variable Proportion Cost of Service Analysis by Class Residential ssooM s4s0M $4ooM Sssotvl s3ooM s2s0M s20oM s1s0M s10oM ss0M solv 5.7% 20.4%20.4% 21.2%L3.3% Reven ue Cost Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 I Energy IEnergy "Fixed" I Demand Customer Residential On-Site Generation s1.6M s1.4M L6.8%9.L%16.8% Sr.zvt 78.6% $1.0M so.8M So.swt so.4M so.2M so.oM Reven ue Cost Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 r Energy IEnergy "Fixed" r Demand 94.3% 48.8% 33.9%38.O% 17.8% 93.3% 3t.8%39.3% L5.4% IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Customer Page 73 45.7%40.8% 38.0% 45.7% 1,6.1% 5L.4% 42.0% 46.0% 44.8o/o 5L.4% L6.4% ldaho Power Company Appendix G Small General Service s18M s16M s14M srzrvr sloM ssrvr sswr S+w szwr Sow Reven ue Cost Scenario 1 IEnergy "Fixed" r Demand Scenario 2 Scenario 3 I Energy Customer Small General Service On-Site Generation So.o+rvt s0.04M so.03M so.03M s0.02M so.o2M so.o1M so.o1M So.ooM Reven ue Cost Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 r Energy !Energy "Fixed" I Demand Customer 89.2% 42.6%27.3o/"30.o% 39.3o/"23.7%28.9% LO.7% Page74 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report 108% 42.7% 3A.f/o 43.5% 26.4% 32.5% 24.9% 42.7% 30.1o/o 12.9% 74.4% 1L.7o/o 883% 24.7% tl 10/ 27.3o/o 43.8% 76.6% 44.O% 24.7o/o 52.2% 12.4% ldaho Power Company Appendix G s2s0M Large General Service - Secondary 2.9o/o 3.4% s.1%4.9% s20oM slsoM s100M ssoM Sow Revenue Cost Scenario 1 IEnergy "Fixed" I Demand Scenario 2 Scenario 3 I Energy Customer Large General Service - Primary and Transmission s4oM s3sM 2s% 2.7%2.7% 25%2.8% s3oM s2sM s20M slsM SloM ssM s0M Revenue Cost Scenario 1 I Energy "Fixed" t Demand Scenario 2 Scenario 3 I Energy Customer 80.5% 58.60/o 5L5% 24.5% 69.8%59.3% 46.7%52.O% 24.2% IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 75 48.7% 46.3o/" 43.4% 38.0% 48.7% 21.8o/o 27.7% 38.2% 50.60/o 45.3o/o so.6% 22.5% 16.6% ldaho Power Company Appendix G s0M $1GoM s140M s12oM slooM Saov SsoM s40M s2oM s2s0M s2ooM s1s0M slooM ssoM o.3% Reven ue L.6% Revenue Large Power Service 0.5% 05%o.5% Cost Scenario L Scenario 2 ! Energy IEnergy "Fixed" I Demand Customer lrrigation 3.7% 2s% 3.7% Cost Scenario 1 Scenario 2 I Energy I Energy "Fixed" r Demand Customer o5% Scenario 3 3.7% Scenario 3 Sorv 75.3%65.7% 58.3%52.7% 27.1o/o 77.5% 36.5%40.2% 20.3% Page 76 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report 24.4o/o 46.8o/o 41.2% 33.80/o 46.8% 25.6% 20.9% 56.t% 603%48.3% 49.2% s6.7% 19.8% ldaho Power Company Appendix H Appendix H Time of Use Period Selection To determine the on-peak demand and on-peak time periods that were used to develop the Residential and Small General Service rate designs, the company gathered system load data for its entire network each hour over the past five years (2014-2018). Because the company does not weather normalize data on an hourly basis for analyical purposes, it was prudent to include a wider scope than just one year of data to help alleviate annual impacts of weather variation from normal climatological conditions. Over the cycle of a day the company chose an hourly reading that was 90 percent or greater than the peak hour as a proxy for "peak level" demand on the system. The analysis of volumes 90 percent of the daily peak was analyzed using several measurement techniques. (1) Data was sorted by month and average hourly reads within that month for that hour, (2) data was sorted by month and maximum hourly reads over the five-year data collection period within that month, and (3) only weekend and FERC holidays were removed from data analysis. On an annual basis using scenario ( I ) stated above it was found that 207 hours of the year would fall under the scope of 90 percent of the peak value for the day. Histogram analysis telegraphed to the company that all the 207 hours occurred during hour ending 15 to hour ending 23 (see figure below). A similar, but not identical, pattern emerged under all three scenarios mentioned above. These results helped inform the recommendation to define the summer on-peak period of 3 p.m. to l0 p.m. during weekdays. Number of Occurances 50 Histogram of Occurances of Hours 90% of Peak (Summer) 40 30 20 10 llllr 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 0 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 Hour Ending IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 77 ldaho Power Company Appendix H A similar approach was taken to the non-summer time period, the outcome provided for two on- peak time periods for Residential and Small General customers time of use on-peak time periods shall be defined as 7-l I a.m. and 5-9 p.m. during weekdays. Histogram of Occurances of Hours 90% of Peak (Non-Summer) 70 850Iccqn 3 840 o30 OJt20:2 1"0 0 t 7 10 ll,r lr 2t 22 23 241234s611 72 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Hour Ending Page 78 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Appendix I Appendix I Schedules 1 andT Base Case Compared to Three-Part, Tiered Rates Schedule 1 Base Case Tlered Volurrtrlc Rates Studaed Case Three-Part Tiered Trers Energy Charge Surnner Non-Sumrpr Tiers Energy ChargeSurnnpr Non-Sumrner 0-800 kwh 801-2,000 kwh Over 2,000 kwh $0.083026 $0.099835 $0.1 18597 $0.077146 $0.085051 $0.0941 92 0-800 kwh 801-2,000 kwh Over 2,000 kwh $0.049863 $0.059957 $0.071225 $0.046331 $0.051079 $0.056569 Sunrrpr Non-Surrrpr Surrrpr Non-Sunrrer SeMce Charp $5.00 $5.00 Servlce Gharge BLC On-Peak kW s17.28 $1.15 $5.41 $'t7.28 $1.1s N/AArerage Monthly Consumption Arerage On-Peak kW Awrage BLC Awrage Bill lncrease Arerage Bill Decrease Arerage O,erall Bill lmpact 956 5 9 $8.82 (263,739 customers) -$16.22 (160,677 customers) -$0.66 Avg $ Change (ilonthly) Number of yo ol Cunuaative Custorersr Custorprs oA Averag6 Base Case Bl[ Average Studaed Case Btlt Avorage Avorage illonthly Ditr Annual Dltr o =iE I EDI GT $100 GT $25 LE $100 GT $15 LE $25 GT $10 LE $15 GT S5 LE $10 17 1,422 22,876 82,605 90,017 0.00% 0.UYo 5.39% 19.46Yo 21.21o/o 0.00% 0.UYo 5.73o/o 25.1gyo 46.40v. $128 $62 $35 $40 $s8 $80s $9s $52 $52 $66 $678 $33 $17 $12 $8 $8,1 33 $401 $207 $147 $91 GT $0 LE $5 66,709 15.72% 62.12% $76 $79 $3 $32 No Chango 0 207 0.05% 62.17% $84 $84 $0 $0 g iE oiJ GT SO LE $5 GT $5 LE $10 GT $10 LE $15 GT $1 5 LE $25 GT $25 LE $100 GT $100 45,823 31,778 22,822 27,953 31,148 1,051 72.960/. 80.45% 85.83% 92.41o/o 99.75o/o 100.00% $94 $111 $1 28 $1s2 $221 $578 $92 $104 $1 16 $132 $180 $423 -$2 -$7 -$12 -$19 -$41 -$15s -$28 -$88 -$148 -$2U -$492 -s1,860 1 Customers with less than 12 months of data were excluded from the bill impact analysis. 40% _a 35% o)t 30%(U ? 2s% 2 zowoE 75%oR 70% =us% 0%rrrrlll h <- Sloo -s25 to - -s2s to -srO -$10 to $0 s0 to s10 s10 to s2s s2s to s100 > s100 s10o r All Customers LIHEAP I Weatherization Percentage of Residential customer average monthly impact-base case to three-part, tiered rate IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 79 * On-Peak 3-10 PM 10.80% 7.49Yo s.38% 6.59% 7.34Yo O.25Yo Appendix I Schedule 7 Base Case Tiered Volumefic Rates Studled Gas ThreePart Tlered Tiers Energy Charge Summer J{onSummer Tiers Energy Charye Summer NonSummer 0-300 kwh $0.0921 l3 $0.1 09707 $0.0921 13 $0.096645 0-300 kwh O\€r 300 kwh $0.043830 $0.046368 $0.043830 $0.047635O\er 300 kwh Summer Non-Summer Summer NonSummer Servico Charge $5.00 $5.00 Service Charge BLC OnPeak kW $18.52 $0.80 $4.56 $18.52 $0.80 N/AA\erage Monthly Consumption A\erage On-Peak kW Awrage BLC Average Bill lncrease Arerage Bill Decrease Arerage Orerall Bill lmpact 381I 4 $10.30 -$14.63 $0.50 Summer (15,952 customers) (10,331 customers) Onfeak 3-10 PN/ Avg $ Change Number of Cuslomersr o/o ol Cu$omers Average Cumulative Base Case Average Studied Case Biil Average Monthlv Difr Average Annual Difr(Monthlv)o/" I o o CD = GT $100 GT $2s LE $1 00 GT $1 5 LE $25 GT$1OLE$15 GT$5LE$10 GT $O LE $5 25 192 1,230 7,235 4,'t21 3,149 0,10o/o 0.730/o 4,680/o 27.52o/o '15.680/0 11.98% 0.10% 0.83% 5.50% 33.02% 48.70% 60.68% $41 $29 $13 $11 $24 $36 $194 $6e $31 $24 $32 $39 $1 s3 $41 $17 $13 $8 $3 $1,836 $488 $208 $1 52 $91 $31 No Change 0 7 0.030/6 60.7O0/o $40 $40 $o $o I o o)oJ GT $O LE $5 GT$5LE$10 GT$1OLE$15 GT $1 5 LE $25 GT$25 LE $100 GT s1 00 2,566 2,058 1,678 2,147 1,881 1 9.760/o 7.83% 6.38% 8.17% 7.15% 0.00% 70.46% 78.29% 84.67% 92.84% 100.00% $48 $s9 $69 $86 $121 $832 $45 $52 $57 $67 $86 $652 -$2 -$7 -$12 -$20 -$36 -$ 180 -$29 -$89 -$ 148 -$234 -$427 -$2,164l Customerswithlessthanl2monthsofdataweree)<cludedfromthebill impactanalysis q 30% o E ; 20%f-oug+QO(oot * lO%hoF(o-= c0)?. o%oL <- s100 -Szs to s100 -S2s to -S10 -St0 to 0 S0 to S10 S10 to S2s S2s to 5100 > 5100 Average Monthly Change Percentage of Small General customer average monthly bill impact base case to three-part, tiered rate Page 80 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company ldaho Power Company Appendix J Appendix J Schedules 1 and 7 Base Case compared to Time of Use (Cost-Based) Rates Schedule 1 Base Caeo Tlered VolurEtrh Riles Studled Case TOU (Cost Based) Tiers Energy Charge Survrrr Non-Sunrrpr Energy Charge Surrrpr Non-Sunrrpr 0-800 kwh $0.083026 $0.077146 801-2,000 kwh $0.099835 $0.085051 Over 2,000 kWh $0.1'18597 $0.09.192 On-Peak Off-Peak $0.090098 $0.087271 $0.051747 $0.050780 Sunrrrr Non-SuflflEr Sunrrpr Non-Surnpr Service Charge BLC $17.28 $1.1s $17.28 $1 .15Service Charge $5.00 $5.00 Arerage Monthly Consumption Awrage BLC Arerage Bill lncrease Arerage Bill Decrease Arerage O€rall Bill lmpact 956 I $8.80 (285,029 customers) -$17.54 (1 39,393 customers) $0.15 Summer Non-Summer On-Peak Ofi-Peak $10PMIvl-F 7-11 AMtvlF, 5-9 PM tvtF Al other hours Awrag6 Avg 3 Change Number of Yo ol Cumrtdhrc Base Case(ilonthlyl CuEtorprsr CustorErs % Bal! Average Studled Case BII! Arerage lulonthly Dlfi Average Arrnml Difi c, o o oE GT $100 GT $25 LE $100 GT $15 LE $25 GT $10 LE $15 GT $5 LE $10 GT $O LE $5 13 1,028 12,029 105,800 1U,773 61.300 0.00% 0.24Yo 2.83Yo 24.93v, 24.69V. 14.44o/o 0.00% 0.25o/o 3.08o/o 28.01o/o 52.69Yo 67.14o/o $128 $72 $34 S4o 563 S84 $973 $106 $s1 $s2 $70 $86 $84s $34 $17 $12 $8 $3 $10,146 $413 $205 $14s S93 s33 No Chanse 0 169 o.uoh 67.18yo $94 $94 $o $o 3a o 'oJ GT $O LE $5 GT $5 LE $10 GT $10 LE $15 GT $15 LE $25 GT $25 LE $100 GT $'100 38,7U 26,435 18,900 24,350 29,570 1,327 9.13v. 6.23% 4.45o/o 5.74o/o 6.97o/o 0.31% 76.30o/o 82.53o/o 86.98% 92.72v. 99.69% 100.00% $101 $1 18 $134 $156 $222 $543 $99 $111 $122 $1 37 $180 $386 '$2 -$7 -$12 -$19 -v2 -$157 -$28 -$88 -$148 -$234 -$s04 -$1,880I Customers with less than 12 months of data were excluded from the bill impact analysis. 40% T 35% E zotr!* 25o/oE ! zooto OJE 75o/ooR 70% =,s% 0% <- Sroo -s25 to - -s2s to -s10 -sro to so s0 to s10 s10 to s2s s2s to s100 > sroo s100 I All Customers LIHEAP I Weatherization Percentage of Residential customer average monthly impact-base case to TOU IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 81 ldaho Power Company Appendix J Schedule 7 Base Case Tiered Volumetric Rat6 Dedgn Studled TOU (Cort Baed) Tiers Energy Charge Summer NonSummer Energy Charge Summer Non€ummer 0-300 kwh Over 300 kwh $0.0921 13 $0.1 09707 $0.092113 $0.096645 On-Peak Off-Peak $0.075639 $0.072971 $0.047s26 $0.046360 Summer J{onSummer Summer NonSummer Servlce Charge $18.52 $18.52Seryice Charge $5.00 $5.00 BLC $0.80 $0.80 A\erage Monthly Consumption Awrage BLC Awrage Bill lncrease Arerage Bill Decrease Awrage Owrall Bill lmpact 381 4 $9.90 (16,494 customers) -$13.57 (9,792 customers) $1.16 Summer Jton€ummer OnPeak OffPeak 3-10 PM t\,|-F 7- 1 AI\ll t\AF 5.9 PM MF Al other hours Avg $ Change (t{onthly} Number ol Customersi %ot Guslomers Avera96 Cumulatlve Bao Cata% Bll! Average Studled Cae BiII AYerage Uonthly Dlfi Average Annual Dlfi 3o os -9- GT $1 00 GT $25 LE $100 GT $1 5 LE $25 GT $10 LE $1 5 GT$5LE$10 GT $O LE $5 11 137 871 7,766 4,429 3,280 o.o4% 0.52% 3.31Yo 29.540/o 16.85% 12.48% 0.04% 0.56% 3.88% 33.42% 50.26% 62.74% $30 $30 $12 $11 $25 $38 $206 $71 $30 $23 $33 $41 $1 76 $41 $17 $13 $8 $3 $2,114 $492 $206 $1 s2 $92 $31 No change 0 4 o.o20h 62.750/o $51 $sl $0 $0 g E oioJ GT $O LE $5 GT$5LE$10 GT $10 LE $1 5 GT $15 LE $25 GT $25 LE $100 GT $100 2,639 2,056 1,553 1,979 1,564 1 10.04% 7.82% 5.91% 7.53% 5.95% 0.00% 72.790/o 80.61% 86.52% 94.05% 100.00% 100.00% $51 $62 $75 $92 $1 26 $832 $48 $55 $62 $72 $s2 $604 -$2 -$7 -$ 12 -$1e -$34 -$228 -$29 -$89 -$ 149 -$233 -$409 -$2,734 1 Customers with less than 12 months of data were e)cluded from the bill impactanallrsis q 30% c) Et 20% =-oug+oOGa*LO%boFro= (J?. o% OJc <- Sloo -Szsto- -S2sto-S10 -S10to0 S0toS10 510to525 S25to5100 >5100 s100 Average Monthly Change Percentage of Small General customer average monthly bill impact base case to TOU (cost based) Page 82 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Appendix K Appendix K Schedules 1 and 7 Base Case compared to Time of Use (5:1 ) Rates Base Case Tiered Volurptric Rates Studied Casa TOU (5:1) Trers Energy ChargeSunmr Non-Sumrner Energy Charge Surmr Non-Sumrner 0-800 kwh 80'1-2,000 kwh Over 2,000 kWh $0.083026 $0.099835 $0.077'146 $0.085051 s0.094192 On-Peak Off-Peak $0.275066 $0.0v708 $0.054708 N/A s0 1'r8597 Surrrpr Non-Sunrrrr Sunxrnr l{on-Surnpr Service Charge $17.28 $17.28 Service Charge $5.00 $s.00 Summer Non-Summer Arerage Monthly Consumption Alerage Bill lncrease Arerage Bill Decrease Arerage O,erall Bill lmpact 956 $9.87 (288,460 customers) -$18.59 (135,962 customers) $0.7s On-Peak Of-Peak 3-10 PM t\il-F N/A All other hours Aw I Ghange (itonthly) Nurter of Cudonprsr oh ol Customrs Cumllatlve Yo Average Base Care Bix Average Studled Gase BiI Average Monthly Diff Anerage Annual Dlfi $322 $202 $148 S93 932 $27 $17 $12 $8 $3 $95 $74 $64 $70 $82 $68 $s7 $s2 $63 $80 1A o oEo I -$2 -$7 -$12 -$20 -$42 g iE o 'o rrrlll GT $25 LE $100 GT $1 5 LE $25 GT $10 LE $15 GT $5 LE $10 GT $O LE $5 61 35,669 117,437 85,058 50,159 0.01o/o 8.40o/o 27.67v. 20.uv. 11.820/0 0.01% 8.42Yo 36.090/o 56.13% 67.95yo l{o Chango 0 1s6 0.O4% 67.98% $88 $88 $0 $0 GT $O LE $5 GT $5 LE $10 GT $10 LE $15 GT $15 LE $25 GT $25 LE $100 33,807 24,617 18,672 25,429 32,063 7.97o/o 5.80% 4.40v. 5.99% 7.550k 75.950/0 81.75Yo 86.15% 92.14o/o 99.69% $95 $111 $126 $148 $214 $93 $104 $1 14 $129 $172 -$28 -$89 -$149 -$23s -$5oo cT $100 1,300 0.31% 100.00% $542 $386 -$1s6 -$1,869 1 Customers with less than 12 months of data were excluded from the bill impact analysis. 50% 40% 30% 20% 70% 0% s10o -s25 to - -s2s to -s10 -sro to so so to sro s10 to s2s s25 to s100 > s100 s10o I All Customers LIHEAP r Weatherization Percentage of Residential customer average monthly impact-base case to 5:1 TOU !o (J(!o- E L OJ Eo fU IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 83 Schedule 1 ldaho Power Company Appendix K Schedule 7 Ba* Case Tiered Volumetic Rate Dedgn Sbdled Rate TOU (5:1) Tiers Energy Charge Summer Non€ummer Tiers Energy Charge Summer NonSummer 0-300 kwh O\€r 300 kwh $0.092113 $0.1 09707 $0.092113 $0.096645 On-Peak Off-Peak $0.250545 $0.050109 N/A $0.050109 Summer Non€ummer Summer NonSummer Servlce Charge $5.00 $5.00 Servlc6 Charge $18.52 $18.52 Arerage Monthly Consumption Arerage Bill lncrease Alerage Bill Decrease A\erage Owrall Bill lmpact 381 $8.79 (16,708 customers) -$1 1.78 (9,577 customers) $1.30 Summer NonSummer Onpeak 3-10 PM M- F Ofrfeak Al other hours N/A Avg $ Change (Monthly) Number of Customersi Yoot Cuslomers Average Cumulatve Bao Gas% 3iI AYerage Studled Cae Ball Average Monthly Difr Average Annua! Diff 4 102 7,723 5,205 3,674 0.020h 0.39% 29.380h 19.80% 13.97% 0.l'to/o 0.39% 29.77o/o 49.57o/o 63.54o/o $54 $29 $10 $25 $40 $81 $46 $22 $33 $42 $27 $17 $12 $8 $3 $328 $208 $ 148 $92 $31 No change 5 0.02o/o 63.56%w $44 $0 $0 g 6 o 'o GT$O LE $5 GT$5 LE $10 GT$10 LE $15 GT$15 LE $25 GT$25 LE $100 GT $100 3,020 2,145 1,555 1 ,753 1,102 2 11.49o/. 8.16% 5.91Yo 6.67% 4.190k 0.0'lo/o 75.O5o/o 83.210/0 89.12o/o 95.790k 99.98% 99.99o/o $53 $67 $80 $97 $129 $595 $51 $5e $67 $78 $96 $353 -$2 -$7 -$12 -$1s -$33 -$241 -$29 -$88 -$148 -$232 -$393 -$2,897 1 Customers with less than 12 months of data were ercluded from the bill impact analysis 30% otr6 2oo/oP f!Lr(uI E. ,on doF(o: OJ?. o% 0.,o-<- S1oo $25 to - -s2s to -s10 -s10 to 0 s0 to s10 s10 to s2s s2s to s10o > s1o0 s10o Average Monthly Change Percentage of Small General customer average monthly bill impact base case to TOU (5:1) Page 84 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report I GT $25 LE $100 6 Gr $15 LE $25b cr$io LE $15E.9 GT $5 LE $10IGT$O LE $5 0 ldaho Power Company Appendix L Appendix L Schedule 95 Base Case compared to TOU Rates Bao Case Tlered Volumebic Rate Studled Rab TOU Tlers Energy Charge Summer NonSummer Energy Charge Summer Non€ummer 0-2,(XX) I(Wh Over 2,0fi1 kWh s0.096640 $0.044728 s0.085930 $0.04009 1 OnPeak MldPeak OfrPeak $0.040609 $0.03747 1 $0.035419 N/A $0.027201 $0.026287 Non€ummer Summer Non€ummer Serulce Charge BLC > 20 kYv Demand > 20 kW $16.00 $1.13 $8.70 $ 16.00 $1.13 $3.97 $26.42 $1.80 $7.33 $26.42 $1.80 $6.90 Service Charge BLC (all kW) Demand (all kW) Awrage Monthly Consumption Awrage Monthly kW (1S-minute) Awrage BLC Awrage Bill lncrease A\erage Bill Decrease A\erage Bill Change 7,793 25 34 $67.66 (25,1 11 customers) -$34.24 (5,217 customers) $50.13 Summer Non-Summer Onfeak 1-9 pM IvtF N/A llidfeak 7 Al\4-1 PM & 7 AN4-1 1 PM l\ASat 9-1 1 PM Ivl-F, 7 ATA1 1 PM S-S OffPeak All other hours Avg 3 Ghange (ilonthly) Number of Cudomersr Average Studied Ga- Blll Average Monthly Difi Average Annual Diff AverageYoot Cumulative Ba* CaseCudomors Yo Bill s o osor GT 51 00 GT $25 LE $1 00 GT $1 5 LE $25 GT $10 LE $15 GT$5LE$10 GT $O LE $5 3,846 14,027 3,237 '1,683 1,272 1,046 1,202 $ 339 $ 24s $ 208 $ 229 $ 271 $ 1,428 391 265 220 237 274 12.68% 46.250/. 10.67% 5.55% 4.19o/o 3.45% 12.68% $ 58.93% $ 69.60% $ 75.15% $ 79.35% $ 82.80% $ 2,702 629 240 148 92 30 225 52 20 12 8 3 No change 0 0.000/o 82.80% $ 215 $21s $(0) $(0) g o o 'o 898 765 610 1,019 1,686 239 GT $O LE $5 GT$5LE$10 GT$1OLE$15 GT $1 5 LE $25 GT $25 LE $100 2.96% 2.52% 2.01% 3.36% 5.56% 85.76% $ 88.28% $ 90.29% $ 93.65% $ 99.21% $ 296 304 304 304 519 5,696 298 311 317 323 562 (3) $ (7) $ (12) $ (20) $ (43) $ UI 00 0.79% 100.00% $ 5,992 $ Customers with less than 12 months of data were ercluded from the bill impactanalysis e IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 85 $ $ $ $ $ $ (31) (8e) (1 50) (238) (515) (3,544) ldaho Power Company Appendix K Page 86 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Large General Primary Service Seasonal Timeof-Use Current 17C ldaho Power Company Appendix M Appendix M Schedules 9P Base Case compared to Full COS Summer Non€ummer Service Charge Energy Charge On-Peak Mid-Peak Ofi-Peak Demand Charge Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Basic Load Gharge $285.00 $285.00 $0.052626 0.048559 0.045900 nla 0.043545 0.042083 $ $ $ s.49 $ 1.03 1.38 $ 4.80 nla 1.38 Summer Non€ummer Service Charge Energy Gharge On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Demand Charge Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Basic Load Charge $ $ 300.65 $300.65 0.040331 0.037214 0.035176 $ $ $ 10.42 $ 1.96 2.83 $ 8.09 nla 2.83 Large General Primary Service Seasonal Timeof-Use Fu!! COS IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 87 nla 0.027u3 0.026425 ldaho Power Company Appendix M ldaho Power Company Typical Monthly Billing Comparison State of ldaho 2017 Test Year tPc-E-18-16 Schedule 9, Large General Service - Primary Weighted Monthly Average Line No Demand kw Load Factor Energy kwh (1) Base Rate l2l Studied Rate (3) Difference (2) - (1) (4) Percent Difference 7.2% 1.7o/o (2.5%) (5.8%) (8.5%) I 2 3 4 5 400 50% 60% 7Oo/o 80Yo 90% 144,000 172,800 20'1,600 230,400 259,200 8,172 9,453 10,734 12,015 13,296 8,760 9,613 10,466 11,319 12,172 588 160 (268) (6e6) (1,124) 6 7I 9 10 s00 50o/o 60% 70o/o 800h 90% 10,144 11,745 13,347 14,948 1 6,549 10,875 11,941 13,008 14,074 15,140 731 196 (33e) (874) (1,408) 7.2Yo 1.70h (2.5%) (5.8%) (8.5%) 11 12 13 14 15 600 50% 60Yo 70% 80% 90o/o 216,000 259,200 302,400 345,600 388,800 12,116 14,037 1 5,959 1 7,880 1 9,802 12,990 14,269 15,549 16,829 18,108 874 232 (410) (1,052) (1,693) 7.20h 1.7% (2.6%) (s.e%) (8.6%) 16 17 18 19 20 700 5oo/o 60% 70o/o 80Yo 90o/o 252,000 302,400 352,800 403,200 453,600 14,088 16,330 18,571 20,813 23,054 15,104 16,597 I 8,090 1 9,583 21,076 1,017 268 (481) (1,22s) (1,e78) 7.2% 1.60/o (2.60/") (5.e%) (8.6%) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 800 50% 60% 70To 80% 90% 288,000 345,600 403,200 460,800 518,400 16,060 18,622 21,183 23,745 26,307 17,219 18,926 20,632 22,338 24,044 1,160 304 (552) (1,407) (2,263) 7.2% 1.60/o (2.6%) (5.e%) (8.6%) 900 50Yo 60o/o TOlo 8004 90o/o 324,000 388,800 453,600 518,400 583,200 18,032 20,914 23,796 26,678 29,560 19,334 21,254 23,173 25,093 27,012 1,303 340 (623) (1,585) (2,548) 7.2o/o 1.60/o (2.60/,) (5.e%) (8.6%) Page 88 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report 1 80,000 21 6,000 252,000 288,000 324,000 Large Power Primary Service Seasonal Timeof-Use Current (2017 COS) ldaho Power Company Appendix M Schedules 19P Base Case compared to Full COS Summer Non€ummer Service Charge Energy Charge On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Demand Charge Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Basic Load Charge $299.00 $299.00 $0.057283 0.045551 0.040643 nla 0.042939 0.038386 $ $ $ 6.60 $ 1.04 1.38 $ 4.89 nla 1.38 Summer Non€ummer Service Charge $ $ 48s.76 $485.76 On-Peak Mid-Peak Off-Peak Demand Gharge Billing Demand On-Peak Demand Basic Load Charge 0.045682 0.036326 0.032412 nla 0.028/.11 0.025399 $ $ $ 12.66 $ 1.96 2.65 $ 9.33 nla 2.65 Large Power Primary Service Seasonal Timeof-Use Full Cosl- of€ervice IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 89 ldaho Power Company Appendix M ldaho Power Company Typical Monthly Billing Comparison State of ldaho 2017 Te$ Year rPc-E-18-16 Schedule 19, Large Power Service - Primary Weighted Monthly Average Load Factor Energy kwh (1) Base Rate (21 Studied Rate (3) Difference (2) - (1) (4) Percent Difference I 2 3 4 5 1,000 50% 600/o 71Yo 80% 90% 360,000 432,000 504,000 576,000 648,000 19,699 22,760 25,822 28,883 31,945 22,733 24,873 27,014 29,154 31,295 3,034 2,113 1,192 271 (650) 15.4% 9.3% 4.60/o 0.9% (2.0o/") 6 7 8 I 10 2,500 50% 60% 70% 80% 900k 360,000 432,000 504,000 576,000 648,000 48,799 56,453 64,1 06 71,760 79,414 56, 1 03 6'1,455 66,806 72,158 77,509 7,305 5,002 2,700 398 (1,e05) 15.0o/o 8.9% 4.2% 0.60lo (2.4y") 11 12 13 14 15 4,000 500a 60% 700h 80% 90o/o 360,000 432,000 504,000 576,000 648,000 77,899 90,145 102,391 114,636 126,882 89,474 98,036 1 06,598 115,161 123,723 11,575 7,892 4,208 524 (3, 160) 'l4.goh 8.8o/o 4.1% 0.5% (2.5%) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5,500 50Yo 60% 70o/o 80% 90% 360,000 432,000 504,000 576,000 648,000 106,999 123,837 140,675 157,513 174,351 122,845 134,618 146,391 1 58,1 64 169,937 15,846 10,781 5,716 651 (4,4',t4) 14.8o/o 8.7o/o 4.10h 0.4o/o (2.syo) 7,000 500h 60% 7lYo 80o/o 90% 360,000 432,000 504,000 576,000 648,000 136,098 157,529 1 78,959 200,390 221,820 156,215 171,199 '186,'183 201,167 216,151 20,117 13,670 7,224 777 (5,66e) 14.8% 8.7Yo 4.0% 0.4% (2.60/0) 8,500 50%o 60% 70o/o 80Yo 90% 360,000 432,000 504,000 576,000 648,000 165, 't 98 191,221 217,243 243,266 269,289 1 89,586 207,781 225,975 244,170 262,364 24,388 16,560 8,732 904 (6,e24) 14.8o/o 8.7o/o 4.0o/o 0.4Yo (2.60/") Page 90 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Line DemandNo kW ldaho Power Company Appendix N Appendix N Schedules 24 Base Case compared to Basic Load Charge ln€eaon Outof€eason Service Charge Energy Charge First 164 kWh per kW All other kWh Demand Charge $ $ $ 22.00 $3.50 0.06814 $ 0.06470 8.24 $ 0.07823 0.07823 ln€eason OutofSeason Service Charge Energy Charge First 164 kWh per kW Allother kWh Demand Charge Badc Load Capacity $ $ $ $ 68.57 $6.97 0.04087 $ 0.03880 8.44 $ 8.32 $ 0.07467 0.07467 lrrigation, Schedule 24 Base Case Current Structure based on 2017 cos lrrigation, Schedule 24 Addition of Basic Load Gharge Badc Load Charge IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 91 ldaho Power Company Appendix N Li ne No t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 L3 14 15 t6 77 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ldaho Power Company Tlpical Monthly Billing Comparison State of ldaho 2017 Test Year rPc-E-18-16 Schedule 24, Fgrlcultural lrrigation Service - Secondary ln-Season (1) (2) Demand Load Energy Base Studied kW Factor kwh Rate Rate 10 20% L,44O 5202.52 5294.99 35% 2,520 5273.09 5337.31 so% 3,600 s342.96 5379.22 65% 4,680 s4t2.U 5421.12 80% 5,760 5482.7L 5463.03 50 20% 7,2N 5992.73 51,247.56 35% 12,600 51,277.41 51,412.28 50% 18,000 5L,626.79 51,621.80 65% 23,400 5t,9t6.tl 51,831.32 80% 28,800 s2,325.55 $2,040.84 100 20% L4,4OO 51,963.46 52,414.55 35% 25,200 52,532.82 52,755.99 50% 36,000 s3,231.58 s3,175.03 65% 46,800 s3,930.34 s3,59+.02 80% 57,600 54,629.t0 54,013.11 300 20% 43,2OO s5,846.39 s7,106.50 35% 75,600 57,554.47 58,130.82 50% 108,000 s9,650.76 s9,387.95 65% 74O,4OO 511,747.04 510,645.07 80% r72,8OO s13,843.32 s11,902.19 5oo 20% 72,000 59,129.30 511,798.45 35% 126,000 5!2,576.!0 513,505.65 SU/o 1,80,000 s16,069.91 s15,600.86 65% 234,000 519,563.72 517,696.05 8tr/o 288,000 s23,O57.52 519,79t.27 750 20% L08,000 514,582.96 517,663.38 35% 189,000 s18,853.17 $20,224.19 5U/o 27O,N0 s24,093.88 s23,355.99 65% 351,000 s29,334.59 s25,509.80 80% 432,000 s34,575.29 s29,652.6L ln-season months include June, July, AuBust, September (3) Difference (2) - (1) se2.48 564.22 s36.26 Sg.za -Srg.se szas.sg 5134.87 -s4.ss -sraa.ss -528/,.7t s4s1.09 s223.77 -ss6.ss -5336.27 -561s.9e S1,260.11 ss76.3s -Szoz.sr -S1,101.97 -S1,941.13 52,069.t4 se2e.s4 -s+09.00 -5L,867.67 -53,2aa.2a 3,080.42 L,371.O2 (726.8el, (2,824.79) (4,922.68) (4) Percent Difference 45.66% 23.s2% 10.57% 2.07% -4.08% 2s.07% 70.56% -o.3L% -7.33% -12.24% 22.97% 8.87% -1,.75% -8.s6% -L3.31% 21.55% 7.63% -2.72% -9.38% -74.02% 21.27% 7.39% -2.92% -9.55% -14.L7% 2t.t2% 7.27% -3.02% -9.63% -14.24% Page 92 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report ldaho Power Company Appendix N ldaho Power Gompany Tlpical Monthly Billing Gorparison State of ldaho tPc-E-18-16 2017 Test Year Schedule 24, Aqricultural lrrigation Service - Secondary Out-of-Season Line Demand No kW 110 2 3 4 5 650 7 8 9 10 7L 100 L2 13 !4 15 16 300 t7 18 19 20 2t 500 22 23 24 25 26 750 27 28 29 30 Energy kwh 1,440 2,520 3,600 4,680 5,760 7,2W 12,600 18,000 23,400 28,800 14,400 25,200 35,000 46,800 57,600 43,200 75,600 L08,000 140,4@ T72,8N 72,N0 126,000 190,000 234,O@ 288,000 108,000 189,000 270,N0 351,000 432,OO0 (1) Base Rate s116.1s szoo.0+ s28s.13 SEog,sz s4s4.11 ss66.76 s989.20 S1,411.65 s1,834.09 52,256.53 S1,130.02 51,974.90 52,8t9.79 53,664.68 s4,509.57 53,383,05 55,9tl.lt 58,452.37 510,987.03 513,s2L.70 55,636.08 59,860.52 s14,084.95 S18,309.39 S22,533.83 59,4s2.37 S14,789.03 52r,r25.68 527,462.33 S33,798.99 (2) Studied Rate s114.s0 s19s.1s 527s.7e Ssss.44 s437.09 Ssa+.or 5947.84 S1,351.07 S1,754.30 $2,t57.53 s1,082.25 S1,888.71 $2,695.17 53,50t.6+ s4,308.10 53,232.87 55,o5z.zo s8,071.58 S10,490.96 s12,910.34 55,383.38 s9,415.58 513,M7.98 $17,480.28 521,512.58 58,071.58 5t4,tzo.o3 S20,168.48 526,2L6.93 S32,265.38 (3) Difference 2-1 (1.6s) (s.4e) (e.34) ( 13.18) (17.02) (22.14) (41.35) (60.s7) (7e.78) (se.oo) (47.76) (86.1e) (L24.62) (163.04) (20L.47l, (1s0.23) (26s.s1) (380.80) (4s6.08) (611.36) (2s2.71) (444.84) (636.s8) (82s.11) (L,O2r.24) (380.80) (65e.oo) (ss7.2o) (1,245.40) (1,533.50) (4) Pe rce nt Diffe re nce -1.42% -2.74% -3.27% -3.57% -3.75% -3.91% -4.L8% -4.29% -4.35% -4.39% -4.23% -4.36% -4.42% -4.4s% -4.47% -4.M% -4.49% -4.51% -4.52% -4.52% -4.48% -4.51% -4.52% -4.53% -4.53% -4.57% -4.52% -4.s3% -4.53% -4.s4% Load Factor 20% 35% s0% 55% 80% 20% 35% so% 6s% 8tr/o 2tr/o 35% so% 65% 80% 20% 35% 50% 6s% 80% 20% 3s% 5tr/o 6s% 80% 20% 35% Str/o 65% 80% IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report Page 93 ldaho Power Company Appendix N Line Demand No kW 110 2 3 4 5 550 7 8 9 10 tL 100 t2 13 74 15 16 300 t7 L8 19 20 2L 500 22 23 24 25 26 750 27 28 29 30 ldaho Power Corpany Tlpical Monthly Billing Gonparison State of ldaho rPc-E-18-16 2017 Test Year Schedule 24, Agricultural lrrigation Service - Secondary Weighted Average Monthly (1) (2) Energy Base Studied kwh Rate Rate 1,40 L44.94 L74.67 2,520 224.79 242.53 3,600 3U.4L 310.27 4680 384.03 378.00 5,760 463.il M5.73 7,200 708.75 776.93 72,600 1,085.27 t,t02.66 18,000 1,483.36 L,ML.32 23,400 1,881.45 L,779.98 28,800 2,279.54 2,LLg.il 14,40 1,407.83 1,526.35 25,200 2,160.88 2,L77.80 36,000 2,957.05 2,855.73 45,800 3,753.23 3,532.45 57,600 4,549.4! 4,209.77 43,200 4,204.76 4,524.M 75,600 6,463.30 6,478.40 108,000 8,851.83 8,510.37 140,400 11,240.37 Lo,542.33 172,800 13,628.90 L2,574.29 72,0@ 7,OOO.49 7,521'73 126,000 L0,765.7L 70,779.00 180,000 L4,746.6L 14,1_65.50 234,WO L8,727.50 t7,552.21 288,000 22,708.39 20,938.81 108,000 10,495.90 11,268.85 189,000 16,L43.74 L6,L54.75 270,000 22,LL5.O8 2L,234.65 351,000 28,086.42 26,314.56 432,000 34,057.76 37,394.46 Load Factor 2tr/o 35% 5tr/o 6s% 80% 20% 35% Str/o 65% 8U/o 20% 35% 50% 65% 80% 20% 3s% 50% 6s% 80% 20% 3s% Str/o 65% 80% 20% 35% 50% 65% 8tr/o (3) Difference (2) - (1) 29.73 77.74 s.85 (6.03) (17.e1) 58.18 77.38 (42.04) (LO7.47) (150.e0) L18.52 16.93 (101.s3) (220.7e) (33s.64) 319.88 15.11 (341.47) (5e8.04) (1,054.61) 527.24 L3.29 (s81.00) (1,175.30) (1,759.58) 772.94 11.01 (880.43) (7,777.86',) (2,663.291 (4) Pe rce nt Difference 20.57% 7.89% t.93% -1.57% -3.86% 9.62% t.60% -2.83% -5.39% -7.06% 8.42% o.78% -3.45% -s.88% -7.47% 7.6L% o.23% -3.86% -6.21% -7.74% 7.45% o.L2% -3.94% -6.28% -7.79% 7.36% 0.07% -3.98% -6.31% -7.82% Page 94 IPC-E-18-16 Fixed Cost Report