HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190319notice_of_schedule_order_no_34274.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date March 19,2019 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO STUDY )CASE NO.IPC-E-18-15 THE COSTS,BENEFITS,AND )COMPENSATION OF NET EXCESS )NOTICE OF SCHEDULE ENERGY SUPPLIED BY CUSTOMER ON-) SITE GENERATION )ORDER NO.34274 On October 19,2018,Idaho Power Company petitioned the Commission to initiate a docket to study the costs,benefits,rates,and rate design related to on-site generationand net excess energy provided as a resource to the Company,as required by Order No.34046 in Case No.IPC- E-17-13.Petition at 1;Order No.34046 at 31. The Commission set an intervention period in Order No.34189 and the Idaho Conservation League,Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association,Inc.,IDAHYDRO,Rocky Mountain Power,Vote Solar,City of Boise,Idaho Sierra Club,and the Idaho Clean Energy Association timely intervened.Further,Order No.34189 directed Staff to confer with intervening parties about the procedural and substantive scope of the docket,proposed schedule,and other matters,with Staff to report back to the Commission by February 28,2019.Id. STAFF REPORT Staff timely filed its Report on February 28,2019.Staff stated that parties are currentlyidentifyingwhat to study and beginning to discuss how to study each item.While this process takes time,Staff is optimistic that the collaborative approach thus far expressed in the first four meetings will continue to lend toward the construction of a reasonable and proper scope of study and methodologies, while also more likely leading to settlement. Staff Report at 2.To illustrate the progress made during the first prehearing meeting and three subsequent settlement meetings,Staff submitted "Table 1:Study items and Implementation Issues,"as an attachment to its Report. Staff stated that "Table l ...summarizes the parties'work thus far and represents the initial substantive scope the parties foresee this case embodying."Id.Table 1 displays the parties' general understanding on issues that should be analyzed to determine on-site generation cost and benefits,as well as issues that may also benefit from quantitative analysis,but only after continued NOTICE OF SCHEDULE ORDER NO.34274 1 discussions between the parties.Id. Finally,Staff stated that the parties are working congenially and in good faith toward settlement,and requested the Commission allow them to continue on their current analytical and settlement tracks,with another report due back to the Commission by May 28,2019.Id. COMMISSION FINDINGS AND DECISION We decided this matter at our March 12,2019,public Decision Meeting.We appreciate the parties'congeniality and progress toward settlement in relation to studying and better understandingthe costs and benefits of on-site generation as it relates to Idaho Power's system. We encourage Staff,the Company and parties to continue to diligently pursue an outcome that would allow settlement.It is obvious to us,based on the content of Table 1 to the Staff Report, that the parties are thoroughlydiscussing difficult issues in a timely manner.We therefore find it reasonable for Staff to report back to us by May 28,2019,with another progress update. NOTICE OF SCHEDULE ORDER NO.34274 2 ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED Staff must report back to the Commission by May 28, 2019,with a progress update and report,as outlined above. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho this day of March 2019. PAUL KJE ANDE PRESIDENT KRIETINE RAPER,COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON,COMMISSIONER Diane M.Hanian Commission Secretary IPCE1815_Scheduling Order_sel NOTICE OF SCHEDULE ORDER NO.34274 3