HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200117Answer to Petitions for Reconsideration.pdf3Effi* an toAcoRp comDanY REOEIVED rl?c JAi{ l7 Pll 2t 2? ,,.,,, _,,1-,i.iC',,:-.r rl;:.:i:jl-qSlCN January 17,2020 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 Re:Case No. IPC-E-18-15 Study of Costs, Benefits, and Compensation of Net Excess Energy Supplied by Customer On-Site Generation ldaho Power Company's Answer/Cross-Petition to Petitions for Reconsideration Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find an original and seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company's Answer/Cross-Petition to Petitions for Reconsideration in the above matter. lf you have any questions about the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, t4a*4 (*-tta*^- LDN:kkt Enclosures LISA D. NOROSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahoDolrrer.com Lisa D. Nordstrom IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO STUDY THE COSTS, BENEFITS, AND COMPENSATION OF NET EXCESS ENERGY SUPPLIED BY CUSTOMER ON-SITE GENERATION RECEIYED ::J-riii t] Pil 2:22 'i : r''jr,' ;'iSSlOli Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. tPC-E-18-15 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION On December 20, 20'19, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") issued Order No. 34509 rejecting a Settlement Agreementl intended to resolve on-site generation issues for residential and small general service ("R&SGS") customers. Order No. 34509 also established the criteria under which existing customers with on-site generation could continue to net meter under the terms in place as of December 20, 201 S. On January 10,2020, Micah Hornback, ldaho Clean Energy Association ('ICEA), and the ldaho Conservation League ("lCL") and Vote Solar (collectively, "the Grandfather Extension Petitioners") filed Petitions for Reconsideration. The Grandfather Extension 1 lvlotion to Approve Settlement Agreement, Case No. IPC-E-1 8-15 (filed October 1 1 , 2019) IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION . 1 LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 lnordstrom@idahopower. com Petitioners asked the Commission to reconsider their ruling on the finite grandfathering period outlined in Order No. 34509. Additionally, Thomas Baskin filed a Petition for Reconsideration on January 10, 2020, asking the Commission for clarification/reconsideration on how a system expansion would impact a customer's grandfathered status (collectively refened to as "Petitioners"). ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company"), in accordance with /daho Code $ 61-626 and RP 331.02 and 331.05, files this Answer/Cross-Petition'? to the petitions for reconsideration filed on January 10, 2020.3 ldaho Power will explain (1) why the recommendation made by the Grandfather Extension Petitioners should be rejected and how ldaho Power's recommendation proposed in its Petition for Reconsideration filed January 10, 2020, addresses the concerns expressed by the Grandfather Extension Petitioners, and (3) the Company's interpretation of the Commission's direction regarding system expansions. Acceptance of the Grandfather Extension Petitioners' proposed grandfathering extension would inappropriately rmpose higher costs on ldaho Power's non-net metering customers in order to provide economic certainty to solar installers and prospective solar buyers. The Commission could provide the desired certainty referenced by the Grandfather Extension Petitioners by adopting the recommendations made by ldaho Power in its Petition for Reconsideration. Therefore, ldaho Power respectfully requests the Commission reject the Petitioners' recommendations and alternatively reconsider , RP 331.05 describes answers to petitions for reconsideration as "(pleadings that disagree with a petition for reconsideration, but do not ask for affirmative relief from the Commission's orders)." Because the Company requests the "afflrmative relief' described in its Petition for Reconsideralion filed January 10, 2020, ldaho Power also characterizes this pleading as a cross-petition to facilitate that result. 3 On January 16,2020, ldaho Power separately filed an Answer/Cross-Petition to Richard Kluckhohn's Petition for Reconsideration. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION - 2 Order No. 34509 to adopt the recommendations made by ldaho Power in its Petition for Reconsideration. I. EXTENTION OF GRANDFATHER ELIGIBILITY The Grandfather Extension Petitioners generally request the Commission reconsider its decision to limit the grandfather eligibility period in Order No. 34909 and extend the eligibility date for grandfathering to include all customers who install on-site generation until the Commission has approved a successor program to replace the existing net metering offering. A, Idaho Power Acknowledoes Unce ai . ln each of their petitions for reconsideration, the Grandfather Extension Petitioners explain that, without having a successor program in place, potential R&SGS on-site generation customers will be left with uncertaintyo and it will be difficult for installers to provide accurate information.s ICL and Vote Solar explain that "this level of uncertainty makes it very difficult for distributed energy system providers to give accurate information to the public" and that "[with] no successor program in place, providers are unable to make informed disclosures."o ICEA went as far as to say that: "Many customers and installers might find it easiest to evaluate an investment based on existing rates even while recognizing (and disclosing) that changes are anticipated.e ICEA described what it thought would be the result of this uncertainty and potential misinformation when it said: a ICL and Vote Solar's Petition for Reconsideration, pp. 1-2; ICEA Petition for Reconsideration, p 3, Hornback Petition for Reconsideration, p. 1. s lCL and Vote Solaas Petition for Reconsideration, p. 2; Hornback Petition for Reconsideration, p. 1; ICEA Petition for Reconsideration, pp. 2-3. 6 ICL and Vote Solaas Petition for Reconsideration, p. 2. 7 ICEA'S Petitaon for Reconsideration, p. 3 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION . 3 ''This breeds confusion and, ultimately, customer discontent both now and if changes are proposed in the future."8 ldaho Power generally shares the same concerns as the Grandfather Extension Petitioners; however, the Grandfather Extension Petitioners' proposed method of addressing those concerns would inappropriately lock-in an avoidable cost shift to non- net metering customers. The Commission could provide the desired certainty referenced by the Grandfather Extension Petitioners by adopting the recommendations made by ldaho Power in its Petition for Reconsideration B. Extension of Grandfather Eliqibilitv Would Financiallv Harm Non-Participants. ldaho Power does not believe extension of grandfather eligibility best serves the entirety of its 465,000 R&SGS customers. lf reconsideration is granted, ldaho Power will present evidence describing the annual and long-term financial impact to R&SGS customers without on-site generation. lt will also present evidence supporting the more reasonable alternatives set forth in the Company's Petition for Reconsideration. Based on the Company's initial comprehensive study addressing on-site generation,e the Company has projected the estimated additional cost shift if the Commission were to adopt the Grandfather Extension Petitioners' recommendation to extend the eligibility date for grandfathering to include all customers who install on-site generation up until the Commission has approved a successor program to replace the 6 ICEA'S Petition for Reconsideration, p. 3. s The Company's initial comprehensive study was based on (i) a class cost-of-service study performed in the same manner as those performed for general rate cases, and (ii) quantification of the revenue deficiency that exists under net metering and net hourly billing. See Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement, Att. 1-7 to Att. 4 for the cost-of-service study. See Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement, Att. 9 to Att. 4 for the quantification of revenue deficiency. I DAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS.PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION - 4 existing net metering offering. An excerpt of the relevant portion of this study which quantifies the existing cost shift is included in Figure 1.to Figure 1 . 2017 Cost Shift for R&SGS On-Site Generation Customer Classes (a) (b) lc) Ia -bl Revenue Requirement IOAHO POWER COMPANY NET METERING HOURLY BILLING RTSULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDING DECEMBTR 31,2017 Net Monthlv Billine s1,434,220 Net HourlY Bllllnr sl,434,22O Net Monthly Billing s3s,3s3 Ne! tlou&!!!l!os S3s,3s3 521,1763117 is122,s59) 917 74 (S8,177) Based on the annual cost shift per on-site generation customer identified in the cost-of-service study of approxrmately $415 for residential on-site generation customers and $515 for small general service on-site generation customers, the Company estimates an ongoing annual cost shift of $2.2 million for the initial groupll of customers grandfathered by Order No. 34509. The Company currently collects under recovery of fixed costs through its Fixed Cost Adjustment mechanism, passing along any cost shift to all R&SGS customers, including non-participants. Glven that it could easily take one or two years for interested parties to complete the study on the costs and benefits of distributed on-site generation to the Company's system, it is not reasonable or in the best interest of ldaho Power's other customers to extend the grandfathered eligibility date until the Commission approves a successor offering. To estimate the additional cost shift associated with the new on-site generation customers if the Commission were to extend the eligibility date, the Company forecasted 10 Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement, Att. 9 to Att. 4 11 The initial group consists of 5,010 customers as of December 20, 2019, and 309 applications for which ldaho Power has received documentation of financial commitment through the afternoon of January 15,2020. The fanal number of grandfathered customers will not be known until after the date of this filing, but the Company had received an additional approximately 250 applications for which it has not yet received documentation of financial commitment. IDAHO POWER COIVIPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION . 5 Resid entia I On-S ite Generation (s4s0,934)cost-shift Small Gen. On'Site Generation st7,678 R&SGS on-site generation customer g rowth for 2020 and 2021 in a manner consistent with a forecast test period used in rate change filings. The projected R&SGS customer counts for grandfathered customers are 8,209, and 13,628 in 2020 and 2021, respectively. These customers represent an additional ongoing annual cost shift of approximately $1 .2 million and $3.4 million if the Commission were to extend the eligibility date until the end of 2O2O or 2021 , respectively. The results of the Company's estimated ongoing cost shift using historical growth rates are depicted in Table 1. Table 1. Estimated Annual Cost Shift Usins Historical G rowth Rates S8.om S7.om 5b.um Ss.om 54.0m S3.om 5t.um S1.0m So.om 52.2m 51.2m 52.2m $3.qm S2.2m 2020 Projection 202l Projection r Annual Cost-shift - Additional Each Year Delay IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS.PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION . 6 Moreover, if the Commission were to set an open-ended date in the future for customers to be grandfathered, it would surely cause a "run on the bank" scenario where application rates increase significantly in anticipation of imminent less favorable terms. Assuming a "run on the bank" occurred, using historical grov,rth rates would be an overly conservative estimate; NV Energy experienced net-metering customer groMh of 68 percent over a five-month period after signaling future changes to its net metering lnitialGroup Annualcost-shift program in Nevada.12 lt would not be unreasonable to assume the adoption rate would increase by 50 percent more than ldaho Power's existing customer growth forecast. The Company estimates the additional ongoing annual cost shift under the "run on the bank" scenario with customer growth 50 percent greater than its own forecast to be $1 .8 million and $5.2 million if the Commission were to extend the eligibility date until the end ot 2020 or 2021, respectively. The results of the Company's estimated cost shift using the "run on the bank" scenario is depicted in Table 2. Table 2. Estimated Annual Cost Shift Usinq "Run-On-Bank" Growth Rate S8.om S5.2 m S7.0m S6.om 55.{Jm S1.8m S4.0m 53.0m S2.0m S2.2m S2.2m S2.2m S 1.om So.om 2020 Projection 2021 Projedion t Annual Cost-shift "Run on the bank" - Additional Each Year Delay ldaho Power recognizes the Commission's desire to minimize cost shifting to non- participants by limiting grandfathered participants to those customers with existing systems or binding financial commitments to install them on the service date of Order No. 12 On July 31,2015, when NV Energy originally proposed to change nelmetering compensation, there were 10,540 interconnected solar systems. OnJanuary 1, 2016, whenthe new rates came into effect, there were 17,655 interconnected systems. https://www.qreentechmedia.com/articles/read/nevada-net- meterinqiecision IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS.PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION - 7 lnitialGroup Annual Cost sh ift 34509.13 As described below, ldaho Power believes the solutions proposed in the Company's Petition for Reconsideration reasonably balance concerns about cost shifting to non-participants with certainty for future participants. G. Recommendations in ldaho Power's Reconsideration Petition Provide Reasonable Solutions. ln its Petition for Reconsideration, ldaho Power requested the Commission approve the Settlement Agreement on reconsideration, or alternatively, (1) immediately implement net hourly billing for new Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 customers with no immediate change to the compensation value, which ensures a neutral financial impact to those customers during this interim period, and (2) initiate a public process to explore the appropriate value to be assigned to hourly exported energy from all non- grandfathered on-site generators (i.e,, Export Credit Rate) in the future.to Either solution has four benefits: 1. Establish a Clear Distinction Between Classes of Customers lf the Commission reconsidered the Settlement Agreement or alternatively immediately implemented net hourly billing (with no immediate change to the compensation value for non-g randfathered Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 customers), the Commission would more clearly create the distinction it explained in its orderls by implementing the new net hourly offering for on-site generation customers who do not meet the eligibility criteria for grandfathering. r3 Order No. 34509, pp. 14-15 14 ldaho Power's Petition for Reconsaderation, p. 27 15 Order No. 34509, p. 10 ("After the issuance of this Order, however, we believe it will no longer be reasonable for a customer to assume the net-metering program fundamentals will remain the same over the expected payback period of their investment"). IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION .8 2. Enhance Bill Clarity for Customers and lnstallers lf the Commission reconsidered the Settlement Agreement or alternatively immediately implemented net hourly billing (with no immediate change to the compensation value for non-grandfathered Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 customers), customers would begin to clearly understand the fundamentals of net hourly billing. Perhaps more importantly, customers will have the energy amounts (net hourly consumption and net hourly excess generation) printed on their bills that enable them to estimate the potential impacts of the future Export Credit Rate that will be determined in the upcoming study.15 3. lnstallers Will Have Accurate lnformation to Share with Customers lf the Commission reconsidered the Seftlement Agreement or alternatively immediately implemented net hourly billing with no immediate change to the compensation value for non-grandfathered Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 customers, installers would be able to provide accurate information to the public and have an accurate and consistent source for the numbers and assumptions they use to make payback calculations. ICEA expressed the importance of accurate and consistent numbers when it said: "An accurate and consistent source for the numbers and assumptions used to make payback calculations is important for purposes of solar installers' compliance with the statute, and to ensure that customer receive information that is as consistent and accurate as possible."l7 16 ldaho Power's Petition for Reconsideration, p. 27. 17 ICEA's Petition for Reconsideration, p. 2. IDAHO POWER COI\4PANY'S ANSWER/CROSS.PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION - 9 ln ldaho Power's Petition for Reconsideration, the Company explained that the alternative recommendation to immediately implement net hourly billing with no immediate change to the compensation value for non-grandfathered on-site generation customers, would have no financial impact to customers. The Company explained how it would implement net hourly billing with no financial impact to customers, The Company will base both the energy consumption rate and the Export Credit Rate at the same retail rate, which will result in a neutral financial impact to customers. That is, the Company will immediately begin netting on an hourly basis, but because for the time being the energy consumption and crediting rates will be the same amount, the ultimate amount charged or credited to the new Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 customers during this period will be the same as it would have been under a monthly netting billing construct.ls The Settlement Agreement likewise contained provisions that transitioned on-site generation customers to the new Export Credit Rate over eight years that, if approved on reconsideration, would not result in a gradual rate reduction toward the lower Export Credit Rate until January 1,2022.1e II. SYSTEM EXPANSION GRANDFATHER ELIGIBILITY As part of the Commission's specifics on grandfathering, the Commission stated, "we are grandfathering the customer at the meter site at the originally installed nameplate capacity of the system."r0 ldaho Power interprets this language from the Commission to 18 ldaho Power's Petition for Reconsideration, pp.27-28. 1e l\4otion to Approve Settlement Agreement, Attachment 1, Section lV.G., Transition Period, p. 4 20 Order No. 34509, p. 15. IDAHO POWER COIvIPANY,S ANSWER/CROSS.PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION - 1O 4. No lmmediate lmpact to Customers mean that, if the customer installs any expansion to their system, said customer would forfeit their grandfathered status for their entire system. Mr. Baskin filed a Petition for Reconsideration asking the Commission to clarify its intent on how a system expansion would impact a customer's grandfathered status. Mr. Baskin suggests in his Petition that he believes ldaho Power's interpretation of the Commission's directive on this issue is incorrect. Mr. Baskin suggests a different interpretation, that "some simple rule could be established to define what percentage of my power generation should be subject to the grandfathered export credit rate."21 ldaho Power requests the Commission deny Mr. Baskin's request to grandfather material expansions of the originally installed system nameplate capacity. Mr. Baskin's suggestion that the Company could define a percentage of the generation to be grandfathered is not practical, or even possible with a single metered point of delivery. Such a calculation would require combining two different billing constructs such as net monthly billing and net hourly billing - which use different measured billing determinants over different time periods - and would require costly, customized change(s) to ldaho Power's billing system. As an alternative, to accommodate minor system changes resulting from replacement of system components, ldaho Power would not be opposed if the Commission were to reconsider its directive on system expansions such that "the customer may not increase the capacity of the system by more than a total of 10 percent 21 Thomas Baskin's Petition for Reconsideration, p. 2 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION - 11 or 1 kW, whichever is greater" in order to retain their grandfathered status. This is consistent with a ruling made by the California Public Utility Commission: Renewable generation systems eligible for the 20-year transition period adopted in this decision that are modified or repaired shall remain eligible for the remainder of their original transition period, as long as the modifications or repairs do not increase the system's generation by more than the greater of 10 percent of the system's capacity at the time the customer completes all application requirements to receive permission to operate (marking the beginning of the system's specific 20- year transition period) or'1 kilowatt, not to exceed a total generation capacity of 1 megawatt, and are sized to meet but not exceed the customer's annual onsite load.22 Arizona Public Service similarly implemented the same criteria to limit expansion of grandfathered systems: "Over the term of the grandfathering period, a Customer may not increase the capacity of their grandfathered solar generation unit by more than a total of 1Oo/o ot 1 kW, whichever is greatsr."r. ilt. coNcLUSroN ldaho Power believes the recommendations made by the Petitioners in their Petitions to extend the eligibility date for grandfathering is not in the best interest of all R&SGS customers. ldaho Power believes the recommendations made in ldaho Power's Petition for Reconsideration better address the concerns expressed by the Petitioners while creating a clear distinction between grandfathered and non-grandfathered customers. Consequently, and pursuant to the reasons set forth above and in evidence 22 California Public Utilities Commission, Order lnstituting Rulemaking Regarding Policies, Procedures and Rules for the California Solar lnitiative, the Self-Generation lncentive Program and Other Distributed Generation lssues, R.12-11-005, Decision 14-03-041, p. 39 (issued April 4, 20'14). 23 Arizona Public Service Company, Rate Rider Legacy EPR-6 (frozen), A.C.C. No. 5959 (effective August 17, 2017). IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION - 12 in the record, ldaho Power respectfully requests the Commission deny the Grandfather Extension Petitioners' request for reconsideration and instead reconsider Order No. 34509 on the recommendations made by ldaho Power in its Petition for Reconsideration. ldaho Power also respectfully requests the Commission affirm the Company's interpretation of "nameplate capacity" as it relates to system expansions for the evaluation of a customers grandfathered status. Respectfully submitted this 17th day of January 2020. LISA D. NORDST M IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION - 13 Attorney for ldaho Power Company I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 17th day of January 2020 I served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 837 20-007 4 ldaHydro C. Tom Arkoosh ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES 802 West Bannock Street, Suite LP 103 P.O. Box 2900 Boise, ldaho 83701 ldaho Conservation League and NW Energy Coalition Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North 6th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 NW Energy Coalition F. Diego Rivas NW Energy Coalition 1101 8th Avenue Helena, Montana 59601 ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc. Eric L. Olsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Suite 100 P.O. Box 61 19 Pocatello, ldaho 83205 _ Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail -FAXX FTP SiteX Email edward.iewell@puc.idaho.qov IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS.PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION - 14 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail -FAXX FTP SiteX Email tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com tavlor.pestell@arkoosh.com _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email botto@idahoconservation.orq _Hand Delivered_ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email d ieqo@nwenerqv.orq _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email elo@echohawk.com Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 Vote Solar Briana Kobor Vote Solar 358 South 700 East, Suite 8206 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 David Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madison, Wisconsin 5371 1 Al Luna Nick Thorpe 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 702 Washington, DC 20036 City of Boise Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 North Capitol Boulevard P.O. Box 500 Boise, ldaho 83701-0500 ldaho Clean Energy Association Preston N. Carter GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street Boise, ldaho 83702 _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email tonv@vankel.net _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email dbender@earthiustice.orq _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email aqermaine@citvofboise.orq _Hand Delivered _ U.S, Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email prestoncarter@q ivensou rslev. com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION - 15 _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email briana@votesolar.oro _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email aluna@earthiustice.oro nthorpe@earthiustice.orq _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP Site X Email kelsev@kelseviaenunez.com Zack Waterman Michael Heckler ldaho Sierra Club 503 West Franklin Street Boise, ldaho 83702 PacifiCorp d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power Yvonne R. Hogle Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail -FAXX FTP SiteX Email yvonne.hoqle oacificoro.com Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail -FAXX FTP SiteX Email ted.weston@pacificorp.com lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email d read ino@mindsprinq. com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION - 16 ldaho Sierra Club Kelsey Jae Nunez KELSEY JAE NUNEZ LLC 920 North Clover Drive Boise, ldaho 83703 _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email zack.waterman@sierraclub.orq michael.p. heckler@qmail.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email peter@richardsonadams.com Micron Technology, lnc. Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Holland & Hart, LLP 555 Seventeenth Street, Suite 3200 Denver, Colorado 80202 Jim Swier Micron Technology, lnc. 8000 South Federal Way Boise, ldaho 83707 lndividual Russell Schiermeier 29393 Davis Road Bruneau, ldaho 83604 lndividual Micah Hornback 209 East 34th Street Garden City, ldaho 83714 lndividual Thomas Baskin 3688 N. Willowbar Way Garden City, ldaho 83714 _ Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail - FAXX FTP SiteX Email iswier@micron.com 4-*^tr--tlrUl kimGrlyTowell6laec-uti\€Assistint IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANSWER/CROSS-PETITION TO PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION - 17 _ Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail _ FAXX FTP SiteX Email darueschhoff@hollandhart.com tnelson@holland hart. com aclee@holland hart. com g lq a rqa n o-ama ri@ ho lla nd ha rt. com _ Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail _ FAXX FTP SiteX Email buyhay@qmail.com _ Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail _ FAX _ FTP SiteX Email micah.hornback@gmail.com _ Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail_ Overnight Mail_ FAX _ FTP SiteX Email tombaskin3@qmail.com