HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200110Attachments 1-6.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. !PG-E-18-15 IDAHO POWER COMPANY PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND/OR CLARIFICATION ATTACHMENT 1 3Iffi*. An !oACoRP Company Export Credit Rate Study Gase No. IPC-E-I8-15 Petition for Reconsideration and/or Glarification Attachment 1 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary....... ..........1-2 2. Schedule 6 Export Credit Rate (Summary).... ........................3-5 a. Export Credit Rate lnputs b. Demand Side Management ("DSM") Alternate Cost Pricing Periods c. 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data d. 2017 Schedule 6 Export Data by DSM Alternate Cost Pricing Period e. Avoided Energy Cost (DSM Alternate Energy Costs).......101 f. Avoided Generation Capacity Cost g. Schedule 6 Export Credit Rate 3. Schedule 8 Export Credit Rate (Summary).... ................104-106 a. Export Credit Rate lnputs b. DSM Alternate Cost Pricing Periods........... c. 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data d. 2017 Schedule 8 Export Data by DSM Alternate Cost Pricing Period e. Avoided Energy Cost (DSM Alternate Energy Costs) f. Avoided Generation Capacity Cost................ g. Schedule B Export Credit Rate 4. Capacity Value of Solar (Summary) o 7 8-99 . 100 109-202 .......203 102 103 107 108 204 205 206 a. Capacity Value of Solar on ldaho Power's System 5. Schedule 6 Capacity Value of Solar Exports (Summary) a. Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports............ b. Schedule 6 Capacity Value of Solar Exports 6. Schedule 8 Capacity Value of Solar Exports (Summary) a. Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports b. Schedule 8 Capacity Value of Solar Exports 7. Settled Export Credit Rates for Schedule 6 and Schedule 8................ 207-211 212-293 294-295 296-424 425-426 427428 429-559 560-561 s62.s63 Executive Summary ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Order No. 34046 directed ldaho Power Company (''ldaho Power" or "Company") to initiate a new docket to conduct a comprehensive study of the costs and benefits of on-site generation on the Company's system, as well as proper rates and rate design, transitional rates, and related issues of compensation for net excess energy provided as a resource to ldaho Power. The Company hereby submits the comprehensive study related to compensation for net excess energy provided as a resource to ldaho Power, herein referred to as the Export Credit Rate Study, which was previously filed with the Commission as Attachment 1 to ldaho Power's Comments in Support of Settlement. This Export Credit Rate Study is intended to serve as the foundation for a finding on reconsideration that the Signing Parties did in fact produce a study in fulfillment of the direction provided by the Commission in Order No. 34046 and, thus, that the recommendations in the Settlement Agreement are adequately supported and can be approved. The Export Credit Rate Study is the culmination of a year's worth of careful and deliberative work, collaboration, and compromise among parties in the IPC-E-18-15 case. The parties include the Company, Commission Staff ("Staffl'), ldaho Conservation League, ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association ('llPA), ldaho Hydroelectric Power Producers Trust ("ldaHydro"), Rocky Mountain Power, Vote Solar, the City of Boise City ("City of Boise"), ldaho Clean Energy Association ("ICEA"), ldaho Sierra Club, Northwest Energy Coalition, Micron Technology, lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power ("lClP"), and Russel Schiermeier (collectively, "the Parties"). ldaho Power initially presented a strawman methodology for calculating net excess energy compensation to the Parties. This initial strawman evolved over the course of multiple settlement workshops and hundreds of hours of work conducted by the Parties, and ultimately resulted in this Export Credit Rate Study. This process also resulted in a Settlement Agreement filed with the Commission on October 11, 2019, that was signed by ldaho Power, Staff, llPA, ldaHydro, City of Boise, ldaho Sierra Club, ICEA, lClP, and Russel Schiermeier (collectively, "the Signing Parties"). Among other items, the Settlement Agreement includes the methodology for calculating the Export Credit Rate presented herein. The Settlement Agreement also establishes a process to update the Export Credit Rate biennially as part of ldaho Power's lntegrated Resource Planning ("lRP") process, and a phased schedule for implementing the Export Credit Rate over an eight-year transition period. The Export Credit Rate Study details the compensation components for net excess energy provided to ldaho Power's system and the methodologies for determining those components. The Export Credit Rate utilizes actual data from the Company's existing on- site generation customers and is based almost entirely on information that is publicly available and methodologies that have been vetted through public processes. Attachment l -Page l The compensation components include avoided energy, avoided capacity, and avoided line losses. While there were studies developed and presented during settlement negotiations quantifying values for integration costs and benefits associated with deferred transmission and distribution capacity and environmental benefits, those studies were not mutually agreed to and are not included in the final Export Credit Rate Study. lnstead, zero-dollar placeholders are included for now, with the ability for parties to advocate for different values in future proceedings. To determine the avoided energy value, the Signing Parties agreed to use the Demand- Side Management avoided cost structure, which is developed through the public IRP process and reflects the seasonal value of the resource. To determine the value of the avoided capacity costs, the Signing Parties agreed to rely on a National Renewable Energy Laboratory-based methodology, which was also used to determine the capacity value of solar for the Company's 2019 lRP. Both the energy and the capacity value were increased by 8.1 percent to reflect avoided transmission and distribution line losses. Detailed explanations, as well as the calculations for the avoided energy and capacity values are provided within the respective sections of this study. Based on the methodologies agreed to by the Signing Parties, the initial Export Credit Rate is $44.06 per megawatt-hour ("MWh") for Residential on-site generation customers taking service under Schedule 6, and $49.56 per MWh for Small General Service on-site generation customers taking service under Schedule 8. ldaho Power appreciates the collaborative efforts of the Parties and the exhaustive analysis and deliberation undertaken to reach mutually agreeable terms for an Export Credit Rate methodology. Attachment 1-Page2 Schedule 6 Export Credit Rate Attachment l - Page 3 Schedule 6 Export Credit Rate The following section details the determination of the Export Credit Rate for residential on-site generation customers taking service under Schedule 6. The value components of the Export Credit Rate include avoided energy, avoided capacity, and avoided line losses. These components and the resulting 2-year levelized Export Credit Rate utilize actual data from the Company's existing on-site generation customers and are based almost entirely on information that is publicly available and methodologies that have been vetted through public processes. All data used to calculate the Export Credit Rate is contained within this section. For context, the Company has provided a narrative of the calculation of each component of the Export Credit Rate below, as well as the page numbers to reference the underlying data used in the calculation. Avoided Eneroy Value The energy value is the two-year levelized energy-weighted average of the Demand Side Management ('DSM) Alternate Cost obtained from the pricing periods set forth in the most recently acknowledged lntegrated Resource Plan ("lRP") calculated as the summation of the product of hourly energy exports and the DSM price divided by Total Annual Energy Exports for the class. o The Total Annual Energy Exports is the actual energy exports for all solar photovoltaic ("PV") Distributed Generation ("DG") systems in the class that were active for a tull 12 months. The actual hourly energy exports are provided on pages 8-99. The actual energy exports by DSM Alternate Cost pricing period are provided on page 100. o For reference, the 2017 DSM Alternate Cost pricing periods are Summer On- Peak, Summer Mid-Peak, Summer Off-Peak, Non-Summer Mid-Peak, and Non- Summer Off-Peak, as shown on page 7. . The DSM Alternate Costs by pricing period as set forth in the most recently acknowledged IRP are provided on page 101. r As described above the annual energy value is the summation of the product of hourly energy exports and the DSM price divided by Total Annual Energy Exports for the class. The energy value is decreased by 10% to reflect the non-firm nature of the energy provided by on-site generators. The 10olo discount is provided with other general inputs used in the Export Credit Rate calculation, as shown on page 6. The result of this calculation is provided on page 103 of this study. For levelization of the energy value, pricing years are the two calendar years for which the Export Credit Rate will be in effect from the most recently acknowledged IRP. a Attachment I - Page 4 Avoided Caoacitv Value The capacity value is the product of the DSM Capacity Resource Value, Nameplate Capacity, and the Peak Contribution Factor divided by the Total Annual Energy Exports. . The DSM Capacity Resource Value is the 2S-year levelized cost of the present value of the DSM marginal capacity resource established in the most recently acknowledged lRP. The 25-year levelized cost calculation will not include any avoided capacity cost recognition until the first capacity deficit year most recently approved by the Commission. From the first capacity deficit year until the end of the 2S-year term, the 25-year levelized cost calculation wlll include the present value of the DSM marginal capacity resource. To determine the present value, the DSM marginal capacity resource is escalated at the inflation rate identified in the most recently acknowledged IRP until the first capacity deficit year. o Nameplate Capacity is the gross DC nameplate capacity of all solar PV DG resources in the class that were active for the full 12 months of the most recent calendar year. . The Peak Contribution Factor is determined using the highest 100 hours of the marginal system load duration curve and the system load duration curve netted of utility-scale solar resources on the Company's system. The Peak Contribution Factor will be discussed in greater detail in the Capacity Value of Solar sections of this study. o The resulting capacity value component of the Export Credit Rate will include avoided capacity value in the first year of its application. . No firmness adjustment is applied to the capacity value. . All of these inputs as well as the derivation of the avoided capacity value are provided on page 102. Avoided Transmission & Distribution Line Losses The avoided energy value and the avoided capacity value are increased by 8.1% to reflect the avoidance of transmission and primary distribution level line losses. Because Residential customers take power at the secondary distribution level, there is no credit for avoided secondary distribution level line losses. The loss factor ot 8.1o/o is provided with the general inputs on page 6, and the resulting value for avoided line losses is shown on page 103. The initial Export Credit Rate is $44.06 per megawatt-hour for residential on-site generation customers, as summarized on pages 103 and 563. Attachment l - Page 5 Schedule 6 - Export Credit Rate lnputs Levelization Start Year Levelization Period Model Start Year 2020 2 2020 Rate Schedule Schedule 6 Ener8y Losses Capacity lnflation Discount Rate Non-fi rm Energy Discount 2.to% 6,74% 10.00% Resource deficiency year Cost of marginal capacity resource (S/kw-yr) (52020) PV Exports Contribution to Peak s 2026 129.85 7.5% Marginal Loss Factor 8.1% Export Credit Rate Elements ActiveGeneral Parameters Generation Capacity Active Electrlcity System Losses Attachment 'l - Page 6 Active DSM Alternate Cost Pricing Periods 2017 Hour Ending Summer 1 OFF 2 OFF 3 OFF 4 OFF 5 OFF 6 OFF 7 OFF 8 9 10 72 13 Hour Ending SAT/SUN 1 OFF 2 OFF 3 OFF 4 OFF 5 OFF 6 OFF 7 OFF Holidays r/2/zoL7 s/zs/2017 7 /412077 e/4/2017 rL/23/2Or7 12/2s12077 1177 Hour Ending Non-Summer l OFF 2 OFF 3 OFF 4 OFF 5 OFF 6 OFF 7 OFF 8 9 10 L2 1.3 1,4 15 16 77 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 OFF 14 0N 1.5 0N 16 0N 17 0N 18 0N 19 0N 20 0N 21 0N 6 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ?4 OFF z3 24 OFF MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID Attachment l -Page7 20'17 Schodulo 6 Hourly Export Data tol) {orl F .7l (t1l.2l l6r.,l (9.4t ll3.!) (o,r) (o,rt t0.ol .. . aq :, lr2) lerl 12ri (o, (r.4r ':.' Attachment l - Page 8 2017 Schodu16 6 Hourly Exporl Data 167-51 11., Attachment l - Page 9 o0 o0 oo 00 oo 00 o0 o0 o0 o0 oo 5 2017 Scheduls 6 Hourly Export Dsta D.Yorw..r Hourrndii3 Yrft 10.01 lo.q ,:, :, - (0.0) (o0) ,-n, ,-n, l[4 I0.11 '1" : "'o| lo1, o.1l (r.e] (14 t05l t33l {u.51lll3l o..!) Ir.o Attachment l - Page 10 2017 Schodulo 6 Hourly Export Data (0.0) : t0.r) (oo) o. 0t .. - l0rl 0 0 (r1r) lr 7) l2-31 Attachment l -Pagell oo 0o0 0 o0 o0 o0 oo 0o o o0 ooo o00 o o0o o 00 oo0ooo0o o o o0o o 0 0 000000oo oo o o o o 000oo0o0o0 oo ooo0 oo oo0o oo00ooo0oo 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oatr 'l' '. , ,:, ,:, . ,:, {oo) ,:., . lo,l3rl {!.21 10.5) Attachment l - Page 12 oo 00 oo 00 oo oo oo oo 0oo0 00 oo o0 r 5t5 t04 . . l *. , to o) i (&2t Attachment l - Page l3 2017 Schodule 6 Hourly Expon Data 2017 Schodule 6 Hourly Expon Oata lur.1) f' 115r7) lor) t00l (!16) l56r.r, l?r.rl t0lt (o1l (0.11 Attachment l - Page {4 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data . . {0.01 oo) lo.o1 ':' : r:0) ro.1) ,." : t?.,.t t6.1) Attachment 1 - Page 15 Attachment I - Page 16 2017 Schodul€ 6 Hourly Export Oata 0o 0o oo oo oo 6o o0 oo oo oo o0 oo oooooo oo o0 00 00 oo oo ".n ,_", 2017 Scheduls 6 Hourly Export Data t1.31 (rl) tr., 10, t0.11 l0rl tool :, *. , , . :, T' ,o ':' Attachment 1 - Page 17 o 0 o0 00 o00 o o o o 00 0oo 0oo o6 0 o0 o00 o o o o o oo oo oo oo 0 o o o o oo0 o0 o0 0 o0 00 ,r.rr 2017 Schodulo 6 Hourly Export Data o.yorw..iHo(ltid'^tY'N ' . Ioot ' ' * t.!1t Attachment l - Page lS 2017 Schedule 5 Hourly Export Data lorl o1) 11.11 t1.216rl o15l {!3.r1 (51,-.1 trs,rl(ue.! GLsI Attachmentl-Page19 2017 Schedule G Hourly Export Oata 0.4 Attachment l - Page 20 2017 Schodule 6 Hourly Export Data k.9nD.Yolw..i (2.5) \z,tl t.o la.7l (0.4 Attachment l -Page2l o0o ooo o0 o0o oooo0 oo0 oo ooo ooo 0o 0oo ooo o0o o0 oo ooo o0 o0 o0o 00 o0 0o 00 2017 Schedulo 6 Hourly Export Data ,:., (o.o) {0,0) {0.4 o.o) -. . {1.r1 lr..l 11.11 ll.o) lo.1l 11.1t 11.71 (1..1 Attachment 1 -Page22 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Exporl Data {12t Attachment l -Page23 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data Itu.rt (5.1t lorl 16r) Attachment 1 -Page24 : {0.31(ot (1.3t (13t l51.rt l.rl o.r) o.a l0 tl orl lt.1lllo l0.D lr, lzr) Attachment l - Page 25 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export oata 2017 Schodule 6 Hourly Export Data tou o.5l 0., t12l olt olt o.rtort Attachment l - Page 26 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data I12t t0 0) i1.r) l0.st (0.5l (ort 16.11 0t9.51 (550.t1 10.41 lt.lir.ll 10., Attachment 1-Page27 20'17 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data 11,661.21 t221r,Ol l1,022.tl (0,9t B.6n.l) t352.r) (1.3) t2.5'(ot (o.{ (322.9) (.r5.6) 153r.,(r!!.9) lllto,1) l1-,) E,O' lr rlllrl trr) llrl (11!.r) llrll,ol (!11 Attachment 1 -Page28 oo o0 o0 ooo ooo 0o 000 o 0o 0o 0o o 0o 0o oo0 ooo o o o0 o 2017 Schodulo 6 Hourly Export Data (1e.:) (25&et o.et Attachment I -Page29 o0 o0 o0 00 00 00 I I 2 I 2017 Schodu16 6 Hourly Export Data (1.O 10., 10.1r 11.21 12.5r u.5r 12.21 t!11 {2.5)o.t 12.?) 11r, (0,5) 0.4 (?.4 Q,') (?.r) (r.3) 0.1) to.1) 01.61 ('r9$t (2.4 Attachment l - Page 30 2017 Schedule 6 llou.ly Export Data 15 2?1' {14 o.a o.1) (0.t to1) (1.3, tr.1, lr.z) lz.t) '!En.r.)tr o o o o o 0 oo oo o o o o o o o o o Attachment I -Page3'l pq ':' :n . tr.rt l1.r) 2017 Schodulo 6 Hourly Export Data 00 o0 00 00 o0 o0 o0 o0 00 oo 00 3 5 5 Attachment l - Page 32 {z-r) {.51 {1rr (1.{) l" (2135' Attachment I - Page 33 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data 76 2 3 tror 2 r0 l.to 2 L2 21L2 24U tal6 :re , 2L 2all 7'17 za23 2U5 2421 !t:l0 3. a L2 2116 ?41! l'19 }a/o 242 a 1 2'n5 2$' 2a9t z160 1{41 2452 7'61 l'5' a z. 7412 2415 a17 1A19 24ar 2ats :.1, 2.91 5 21 2193t* 20{7 Schedule 6 Hourly Erpon Oata tr,t ,2) (62.51 lr.21 175.11 (!.11 to6l lorl l10l lr.or 11.?) (1o?) l0,6l 11.!) (0.3) (!! l6!.4 Attachment l -Page34 o o o ooo o o o o00 00 00 o o o oo0 o 0d o00 oo oo o00 ooo oo oo0 oo 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Erport Oata {13.r) t0.51 (o, (2.6) (2,a) (1.r1 l1,rl lo.sl Is.et (0., 10.!l (1.61 o.rl Attachment l - Page 35 2017 Schedule G Hourly Export Oata (0.5) (2.1) t, t1.rln4 l0.r) *' , 10.1) 10.0t (0.11 lr.o) lr.ol G,4 (2..' {2.{r 117) lo.r) lo.r) Attachment l - Page 36 0o oooo00oo oo o0 0o0000oo o0 00 0000 oo o0 oo oo oo oo oooo00oo oo oo ooo0o0o00o 00 oo 2 2 2 ! 20't7 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oata t.rs o.vol w..r (r.e) ,:, t1-r) Attachment I - Page 37 2017 Schoalulo 6 Hourly Export Data '. , {1.31 o.lt (2.3) (05) (o0l l"' ll.q t2.r) lt.4 (r5., F.r) ll.3) 12.11 13.1) (r.6) llr.5) 0.3) Attachment l - Page 38 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oata 0u.a (B,rt Ir.0l o.7l 11.2) o.0) lo.o) *.a o,r) (1.11 ,. " (2,2) (1.!l t!r) E.r) (rr.e) (ru.I Ir"r51,7l Aftachment l - Page 39 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export oata I 10.3) (o..) 0.1) (r.rl {2.r) \1.4 c.) 0.7) G.4 (r.1 {ot) 1.3.s) l2,l) (1.5) (r., lL3l (L5t t09 (09 t1.3) Q.4 (4.3) t5r4., (22s.5r 11!4 l!.11 t2.ol Attachment l - Page 40 (3.4 0-e| (3.4 11!6.rl (0., lo.5l tri5l.2l 0.4 i1r) 101) (2.1t (2.st c.!) {2,5) t2.5t (1.e1 l1.rl (0.51 l0.rl or]1) (o5, Attachment l - Page 41 2017 Schodulo 6 Hourly Export Date 000o 0 oo oo oo o0o0 oo oo 0 o0oo 0o 0 0 oo 00 0o 0o oo oo o o o0 o00o 0o o00 o o o 0 2017 Schodule 6 Hourly Export Deta eyo'w!.lHolitid]i.YrH 12.z) 12,7t u.a :,, lr.2t lr.4 t1.6) 1', lool t0.3) tr,o t?., c., (r.1) {1.r) {14 ,:.", l't.71 4.4 F-31 esl lo, tr.t) (5_1r Attachment 1-Page 42 2017 Scheat!le 6 Hourly Export Oata 0., (512.2) (3.4 8.1) 0..) (1,a lr..l 10.!t 11.7t o.rl t:5t (261 (2.5r (2.?r 11.7r lrr) r2.2) rzr) oll lIlt Attachment l - Page43 00 0o oo 0o 0o o0 00 0o 00 00 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data (rr) {!4' olt {o1) o.r) {r.5) {r.o {r.5) o.1) {o, t0rl hr) {0.4 {0.r1 0.6) (r., (?., o.c) Attachment 1 - Page 44 oo oo o0 00 00 oo 0ooo oo oo oo o0 o0 5 t o52.lt tolt 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oata l1.tl t?4 (r 2l to11 lzl) lz.lt t13r o.) r2,r) {, o) l0r) Attachment 'l - Page 45 20'17 Schodule 6 Hourly Expo( Data Dlolw*I{o[tid'n..'itl tzd t2 sl t2.r, o.5) (1.r) url (r.1) o.t) 0.6, Attachment l -Page46 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data t21l (21) {0!) l0u 11.3) ts.ll Attachment 1 - Page 47 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data (0 el 10.e, t2.el o.5tll, t1r.1l Attachment l - Page 48 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Dala Attachment l - Page49 2017 Schedulo 6 Hourly Export Data 11.4 111) (r!,2) l? 2, t15, 10.11 11.11 tu3.a) {1'',) o.o) ll t) o5t Attachment l -Page50 ! 2 2 5 2017 Schodulo 6 Hourly Export Data (0.5t (2.' lr.?l arl (011 (0lt Qrt (1s, (1.' (1.5) {r.1) Attachment 'l - Page 5l 2017 Schodule 6 Hourly Export Data bYolw..rioultid.DlYr ort t12t 115) r7 r) t2.2' rr5) Attachment l - Page 52 2017 Schedule 5 Hourly Export Data Attachment I - Page 53 ! t2 2017 Schedulo 6 Hourly Export Data (L7l 12.tl (2.rr tLt5r.2) lr.6) {1.1' {0.o) o.4 o.5) 0.5) 0.1) (0.0) (o.o) o.r) t0.5, u., (1.r1 15r.rl lo1, losl Attachment l - Page 54 2017 SchedulE 6 Hourly Export Data o.rl lo.rl le.5l o, (:.0) , o5) or) o.1) lr.!) rre) lrt Attachment l - Page 55 1 1 z 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oata o.eolwrr Ho{rtfdina Y r losl ttr.1l (r,35t.lt t726,31 €.r) {o5) 10.5) Attachment l -Page56 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oata Dno'wRkHdlE.dn3yft 11,r) (1.e) (r.2) (e.4 45U a5u 45U Attachment I -Page57 2 I 5 t 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oata (1.1r Attachment l - Page 58 2 1l 15 2017 Schodule 6 Hourly Expo.t Oata 12 21 1 3 Attachment 'l - Page 59 20'17 Schedulo 6 Hourly Export Data lr.rl r;.q orl o5t lo ol llrl ll.5t 117l t1.6t lr.5l l05l to5) Attachment l - Page 60 0 0 -0rr50o0 0 .otu o -27.t70 .,r6,tarl o -7sAatt 0 .17t4.!021 .rar..tn, o 0.1r2rrlt.179.*175 o O00.13'(lU5 o 0 00 o -orloo oo o 0 {5u o o a.ru o .tgn 2 oo -rlcdroao -6/t tli o o -lcu.uaa o -ulorco o .191163!o arilo|o .t$do .rolor0 .s,aaoa o oo o0 o0 o -tr*urto r6as.5sa 0o -llzl.!179 o -15G.045,o -!nl.oar!o -nL5n o 692.@o .rl9.u o .udoa 0o -aiu6o 4t5a o oo0 o 0 .o5a 0oo o0o o {aor6a3 o .lltzlr!9 0 -11st.9974 o 0 -t135.4171 o O ,!!0032 o 0 .!5t55 o 0 0o 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oat 111) (1.4t olt {r.2) Attachment l -Page61 2017 Schedu16 6 Hourly Export Dalr 0.4 o.2) o.r) to5, losl lo5l los, lo6) l1,1sr.s) ts5,2) (11.e) t0.r) (0.5) (r6a.r) lt.2l l0.e) 10.6) (1.s) Attachment l - Page 62 20'17 Schedule 6 Hourly Erport Data t 5 tr,) (0 rl ttlt (erl 11?r.51 {1.0 o..) {1.t) 631.4 Attachment l - Page 63 20'17 Scheduls 6 Hourly Export Data '!6.lont2-lt (0,!) (0.5) l0.rl 11.41 11.11 l2 2)lrll l1.r) t1!l t0.?l ,:, "., o.ri 0.3) (?.4 (1.4 {tu u2) l1.e) tr.r) (0.1) {o5l (1,1t2.3) i" Attachment I - Page 64 2017 Schodulo 6 Hourly Expon Oata 0.4 t! (121 tll Attachment l - Page 65 2017 Schodule 6 Hourly Export Data (ort (o5l (2rl oll ,:, irrl t1.1t rcrt t1.1t l15t l1.at ll.rl .05u .tot 4it1 or., Attachment I - Page 66 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oata 10., tllt (Lrr 11l) Attachment l - Page 67 5 5 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oata r: or o,ot '- , Attachment l -Page68 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oata to,4t to5t 0,5r5,5' tlJ,5t l0rl io.al 10.!l (0..1 (0.!l t0,5tu.l t9t2t (u..) tl.sl (r.rt (r1l *. , {0 0) o.1) i1.71 0,!tt.3t io.s) Attachment l - Page 69 o000oo o o oo oo 0 ooo o o o ooooo0000 o oo ooooo 000 0 o ooo 0 ooo o o0o oo o 0oo ooo o 0 1 I 2 2 2 20'17 Schodule 6 Hourly Expon Data ,:, o.r) (l.t) (o5! to5t t0,5t 127-el l1,rer.5) (2.o1 (0.3) (1.4 {10u.4 117l 11.!l u.3l {r.4 11.5) 11.t) r1.3) l0r) Attachment { -Page70 o oo0 o o o oo0 ooo oo 000 000 0 0 0 0 o 0 o ooo 2017 Schedul€ 6 Hourly Export Oata (r.01(r.l o.r) (1-e) o.el 0.3) {1.6) l3.t) t!5t losl (2.01 l!r) 14r.1) Attachment 1 - Page 71 o o o 00o0 o00 0 o 0 00 o0 0oo o 0 0oo0oo oo o ooo o0o o o o0 00 00oooo oo0o 0o oo o o oooooooo o0 o0 00 00 oo oo oo 000o lo.lt 11.4 (la54rl (61.r) t6-ot 2017 Schedule 5 Houily Expon Data GYofw..rHoc,.ndiisvrHi t0.r) ls.1l (1.4 (131 ,o.ol tt.t) {:.r) ' 11.7) l1.o) ,:., Attachment 1 -Page72 5 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oata tlst (r-71 (3sr.5l Attachment l -Page73 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data t0g ,:, . - *, 0.4 (2.4 i!r, :, l0 0l 0.4 {a5l t0.0t P.rl (1.1) t3..t (Lrr9.s) Attachment 1-Page74 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data rl^,1I to.3t (1,r) o.!) (1.!l (r.1) i0.3) l0.o l0.sl u2) (r.2t u.1) 10.11 T' toot 11.!) ,. o too) {0.01 0.4 (?.21 o2t t1.1t Attachment I - Page 75 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data 5.:3o.yolwer lt15s.5l ,:, *- , o'6l 0.4 'l' . (121 llrl E.rl lo' - . {D.o) (1, l?.ol lLsl 10.3) ' (L?) (?.?) (r.3) {Lrr IoU Attachment l - Page 76 20t7 Schedule 5 Hourly Expott Data ,0, o" t1r) lL.) lLc) 106) (101 o.4 (r.0r 15r.5) (L3l (o. 11 Attachment 1-Page77 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data 111.a) Attachment l - Page 78 1! 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data 5 5 5 "., Aftachment l - Page 79 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data :" o-" Eor4 F.9 Attachment I - Page 80 o o oo ooo o 0 ooo o0 oo0 0 0 0oo o00 o oo 0 o00 oo oo 20'17 Schedulo 6 Hourly Export Data t3 2l tz.l a.a (oa o.5l u.1) {o., lo3) l0r) {oo o.,) t1.a) lri) 10.31 Attachment { -Page81 2017 Schodulo 6 Hourly Export Oata tl.ol 11.51 11.91 lrst 0.! u.tl (0.01 {oo {o,a tl-4 l1.e) l!51 Attachment l - Page 82 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data p.2t (2.3t E9' {16t Attachment l - Page 83 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Expod Data 12,3) {1,3) (oo t, o0) (1.1) (1.rr Ida) 111.71 {e.71 I,.61 o.rl It.t) lt)l (?6.r) l1r,o) (r.e) is.t (e 7) {r.er lB.5l lr5.{ Ir.11($.el Pr.c) Attachment l - Page 84 2017 Schsdule 6 Hourly Export Data t0.o a0) , o, (r.3) (rer3l Itr?.e) Aftachment l - Page 85 l0.tt 0o oo 00 0o 00 00 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 00 0o 0o oo oo 0o 0o 2017 Schodule 6 Hourly Expo.t Data to.ot t0.!) (0.o lo.2t 10.51 lo3l t0.21(0.t ':n (0,0) (0r) IO.2t l!2t 11.2t 10.!l l01l (0,r) (0,5) (0.1) Attachment l - Page 86 20'17 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data (11.1) or.! (r.er t3.5t Attachment l -Page87 2017 Schedu16 6 Hourly Export Data .o5u .o256 6rl : 0.1) o.rl lor) 0.4 5 Attachment l -Page88 2017 Schodule 6 Hou.ly Exporl Data I0., t3,1t(r1.t a4) 10.11 15.51 (6.0,:, Attachment l - Page 89 o0 0o oo o0 0o 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data loot i04 lo.2t l0.rl T' (oo) ,-r, 0-rl o0t : ".q {r.ol lr.5l l15l llol 10.?l 10j| (15) t1l, Attachment l - Page 90 o0 00 o0 oo 00 00 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Oata lr5) tL.n IO' Itrt {3.6t ro,{ (0,, 10.2) Attachment 'l - Page 91 oo 0oo 0oo o0 oo ooo ooo ooo ooo o 00 oo 000 000 o0 20,l7 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data 10.!l 10., 1o.or i0.3) 'l' ,:, 'l' ':'n ,:., o.1t o3) u4 (r.4 {1'o) lr., -1.192 .. to., Aftachment l - Page 92 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data ,-o, .. ,:, ., - . lr.1) (!2.r1 Attachment l - Page 93 2017 Schedule 6 Hou.ly Export Data oryolw..fHoultidin.Yd l3t2,t) - o0) . ' : ,:, l5.e) (1e2., (:.E Attachment l -Page94 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Erport Data ",,o,or o - ,,,, Attachment l -Page95 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Exporl Oata t {o0) {o0l {oo {ort Id1l Idlt {o1l ,1, . lo0t to,ol to0l lozl {0st 10.9t 10.4 t0.0l . . lo.2) Io9 (t.2t ,-- ' . . {oq (o1) {o0) {oo o 0 0 0 or.o (11) (1.1r (ost (r.rl le.rr Attachment I - Page 96 2017 Schodule 6 Hourly Export Data o1.r) Attachment l - Page 97 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Export Data {225.r) (0.0) '1', (0.0 t' : 10.4 ,:, :, r;.o) (o.or 'l' o.1t v, ""(r.6) Ba.) F7.3) (56.r1 151.11lzul to4 (3t9 lr,.) Attachment l - Page 98 -r.19t o.rl l1.e) to.t) 2017 Schedule 6 Hourly Erport Oata i url i1.11 lr,orr.7r..) 11,031.7J Attachment l - Page 99 2017 Schedule 6 Export Data by DSM Alternate Cost Pricing Period (3,053,733.37) 1m% (4?0,088 29)1638,391.26) z1% (11,718.411 (1,554,809.09) 55% (318,726.33) 10%0% Nameplate (a p.city (kw)4,J94 Attachment l - Page 100 Avoided Energy Cost DSM Alternate Energy Cost (20'17 lRP, Technical Appendix C, Page 64) Year Summer on-Pea k1 Summer Mid-Peak Summer Off-Peak Non- summer Mid-Peak Non- Summer Off-Peak 2020 2027 sss.s9 ss7.00 S32.s6 S33.08 s30.s3 $30.94 530.7s S3o.7s S28.99 529.0s # of Hou rs % of Hours 520 67o 936 1.L% 752 9% 3648 42Yo 2904 33% 1. Average of ldaho Power variable energy and operating costs of a 170 MW SCCT Notes Summer On-Peak -Average of ldaho Power variable energy and operating costs of a 170 MW SCCT, which is the marginal resource for peak hour load deficits during summertime heavy load hours. Hours fall between lpm and 9pm, weekdays, June 1 - August 31st. Summer Mid-Peak -Average of heavy load prices from June to August (excluding the Summer On-Peak hours) Summer off-Peak -AveraBe of liBht load prices from June to August Non-Summer Mid-Peak -Average of heavy load prices in January through May and September through December Attachment l - Page 101 Avoided Generation Capacity Cost 2020 $ 20?1 $ 2022 $ 2023 $ 2024 $ 202s $ 2026 $ 2027 $ 2028 $ 2029 $ 2030 $ 2031 $ 2032 $ 2033 $ 2034 $ 2035 $ 2036 $ 2037 S 2038 S 2039 $ 2040 s 2041 $ 2042 $ 2043 $ 2044 $ 147.09 147 09 147.09 '147.09 147.09 147 .09 147.09 147.09 147.09 147.09 147 .09 147 .09 147 .09 147.09 147 .09 147 .09 147 .09 147.09 147 .09 Levelized Capacity Value ($/kW-yr. )$82.31 PV Exports Contribution to Peak 7 .50o/o Capacity Value ($/kw-yr.; Nameplate Capacity (kW) Annual Exports (kwh) $6.17 4,797.63 3,053,733 Annual Capacity Value ($) Capacity Value ($/MWh) $29,616.63 $ 9.70 Attachment 'l - Page 102 Schedule 6 Export Credit Rate Value of solar, $/Mwh nominal s ) 30.92 s 31.20 s 3.29 3.31 s 9.70 9.70 s s 43.9L 44.22 Value of Solar, S/MWh Levelized S31.06 S3.30 s9.70 s44.05 Generation Capaclty Total 2020 202L Energy GeneEtion Capaclty Total Levelized Energy Losses Losses Attachment l - Page 103 Schedule 8 Export Credit Rate Attachment { - Page 104 Schedule 8 Export Credit Rate The following section details the determination of the Export Credit Rate for Small General Service on-site generation customers taking service under Schedule 8. The value components of the Export Credit Rate include avoided energy, avoided capacity, and avoided line losses. These components and the resulting 2-year levelized Export Credit Rate utilize actual data from the Company's existing on-site generation customers and are based almost entirely on information that is publicly available and methodologies that have been vetted through public processes. All data used to calculate the Export Credit Rate is contained within this section. For context, the Company has provided a narrative of the calculation of each component of the Export Credit Rate below, as well as the page numbers to reference the underlying data used in the calculation. Avoided Enerov Value The energy value is the two-year levelized energy-weighted average of the Demand Side Management ('DSM') Alternate Cost obtained from the pricing periods set forth in the most recently acknowledged lntegrated Resource Plan ("lRP") calculated as the summation of the product of hourly energy exports and the DSM price divided by Total Annual Energy Exports for the class. . The Total Annual Energy Exports is the actual energy exports for all solar photovoltaic ("PV") Distributed Generation ("DG") systems in the class that were active for a lull 12 months. The actual hourly energy exports are provided on pages 109-202. The actual energy exports by DSM Alternate Cost pricing period are provided on page 203. . For referen ce, the 2017 DSM Alternate Cost pricing periods are Summer On-Peak, Summer Mid-Peak, Summer Off-Peak, Non-Summer Mid-Peak, and Non- Summer Off-Peak, as shown on page 108. The DSM Alternate Costs by pricing period as set forth in the most recently acknowledged IRP are provided on page 204. As described above the annual energy value is the summation of the product of hourly energy exports and the DSM price divided by Total Annual Energy Exports for the class. The energy value is decreased by 10olo to reflect the non-firm nature of the energy provided by on-site generators. The 10% discount is provided with other general inputs used in the Export Credit Rate calculation, as shown on page 107. The result of this calculation is provided on page 206 of this study. For levelization of the energy value, pricing years are the two calendar years for which the Export Credit Rate will be in effect from the most recently acknowledged IRP. a Attachment l - Page 105 Avoided Caoacitv Value The capacity value is the product of the DSM Capacity Resource Value, Nameplate Capacity, and the Peak Contribution Factor divided by the Total Annual Energy Exports. . The DSM Capacity Resource Value is the 25-year levelized cost of the present value of the DSM marginal capacity resource established in the most recently acknowledged lRP. The 25-year levelized cost calculation will not include any avoided capacity cost recognition until the first capacity deficit year most recently approved by the Commission. From the first capacity deficit year until the end of the 2S-year term, the 2S-year levelized cost calculation will include the present value of the DSM marginal capacity resource. To determine the present value, the DSM marginal capacity resource is escalated at the inflation rate identified in the most recently acknowledged IRP until the first capacity deficit year. r Nameplate Capacity is the gross DC nameplate capacity of all solar PV DG resources in the class that were active for the full 12 months of the most recent calendar year. The Peak Contribution Factor is determined using the highest 100 hours of the marginal system load duration curve and the system load duration curve netted of utility-scale solar resources on the Company's system. The Peak Contribution Factor will be discussed in greater detail in the Capacity Value of Solar sections of this study. The resulting capacity value component of the Export Credit Rate will include avoided capacity value in the first year of its application. No firmness adjustment is applied to the capacity value. All of these inputs as well as the derivation of the avoided capacity value are provided on page 205. Avoided Transmission & Distribution Line Losses The avoided energy value and the avoided capacity value are increased by 8.1% to reflect the avoidance of transmission and primary distribution level line losses. Because Small General Service customers take power at the secondary distribution level, there is no credit for avoided secondary distribution level line losses. The loss factor ot 8.1o/o is provided with the general inputs on page 107, and the resulting value for avoided line losses is shown on page 206. The initial Export Credit Rate is $49.56 per megawatt-hour for Small General Service on- site generation customers, as summarized on pages 206 and 563. Attachment { - Page 106 a a Schedule 8 - Export Credit Rate lnputs 2020 2 2020 Rate Schedule schedule 8 Energy Losses Capacity lnflation Discount Rate Non-firm Energy Discount 2.10% 6,74% 10.00% Resource deficiency year Cost of marginal capacity resource (S/kw-yr) ($2020) PV Exports Contribution to Peak s 2026 129.85 15.1% Marginal Loss Factor 8.t% €xport Credit Rate Elements General Parameters Generation Capacity Electricity System Losses Attachment l - Page 107 Levelization Start Year Levelization Period Model Start Year Active Actlve Active DSM Alternate Cost Pricing Periods 20L7 Hour Ending 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 t3 74 15 16 L7 18 19 70 zt 22 23 24 Summer OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Hour Ending non-Summer Hour Ending SAT/SUN 1 OFF 1 OFF 2 OFF Z OFF 3 OFF 3 OFF 4 OFF 4 OFF 5 OFF 5 OFF 6 OFF 6 OFF 7 OFF 7 OFF Holidays 712/2017 sl29/20t7 7/4l2Or7 e/4l2ot7 11123/2017 L2l2sl2077 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 1-6 77 18 19 20 2L 22 23 8 9 10 1.1 L2 13 t4 1.5 16 L7 18 19 20 2t ?2 23 OFF 24 OFF 24 OFF Attachment l - Page l08 MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Expo( Oata (1r) (r.! E.e) lott Attachment 'l - Page 109 io., {1,0) lu.r)(!.o t6.Tt !' r51 2017 Sched!le 8 Hou.ly Export Oata s..En D.yorw!.t nou.tndii. Y,H (rlt (0,0) t, :, :, :,, ".,o-o ,:, . 0.5) o2t Attachment I - Page 110 5 5 20,l7 SchEduls 8 Hourly Erpo.t Data 12.11 lslt 15.1t ., . to.o1 :,, . . . :, F.3r t0 o) Attachment 'l - Page 111 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data o.yofw..r tuu,fnd'na YrHr l0.ol t17r) pr.2) 13.3) (0.0t (0.rr Attachmentl-Pagell2 2017 Schedule I Hourly Export Data . . l0.o) :,, . "., (o.0) , 0r) (1r.r) i3r.r) F5,r) (425' or5,tr4(o:l (0.1).:, 11.4) o.e) Iu,A) {16.9) (7.1' Attachmentl-Pagel13 0.Yolwa.l HourEftdinr YrHr 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Dat i3.t) 11.11 ls.1) ir.r) Irr, r5.rl Attachmentl-Pagel{4 2017 Schedule 8 Houdy Export Data 22 621 r615 10.!) o., (4.5) ir.7) (11.1' \yt t65' 13.11 p.3) (2.,U t22tl (2s),:, Attachment l - Page l{5 2017 Schedule 8 Hou.ly Export Data oryofw.!r Hoqriah. YrHr :, . ,0.0, - (: or (_0,0) : , , -l,rUa5 .55,5162 u.o:0! 0 0 6s5) ,:" (s.1, 101l (e.1) Attachment I - Page 116 2017 Schedul€ I Hourly Export Oata Ie.5l 115.7! tr.3lllra (0,2) . . - ,:, ,:, .- (o9l (!rl t22., ut,0t ,:., os.7) Attachment l - Page l lT 2017 Schodulo 8 Hou.ly Export Data ofw.et HdrtDd'it Y'& kwh (r1.!l 16lt (o0J (1.!r t..11 (3.!) (r1.2) (r5.4 {r15) tro,5) 11.21 :'' Attachment 'l - Page I l8 2017 Schedulo 8 Hourly Export Data D.v o,w.El kr rnd' Y,k (7.rt t5.2t ls.7l t6.7r t{7t (r.9t o.1t t4.7) I?.e) 166.s) Fr.r) t2ral trs.rl t3a0) €14 i5r.9) Attachment 1 - Page 119 sumn.r-oft 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Erpon Oata Drvorw..r hou,tnd,ia YrH :01 {o1t lorl (o1) lot) l0.ol : (0,1) :,, . ;" lo.o) . (o0) (s.r) i0.21 6e?) (: 'I) l?r.71 P.rl t5.4) Attachment I - Page 120 2017 Sch.dule 8 Hourly Export Data D6yorw..r Hour tidi., YrH. 5 5 5 (5.4t 01.4 IO.O) (o,ot (0.0t Attachment 1 - Page'121 2017 Schodulo 8 Hourly Export Oata G7l t122) (s.2) t0ll l5a0l ttr_21 11.., Attachment 1 - Page 122 201? Schedule 8 Hourly Erport Data 85t {rt3) (o0l (0.0t (0.r) (!2t 65.5) tt-st Attachment 'l - Page 123 5! 2017 Schsdule 8 Hourly Export Data o.yolwel H@rridiq Ydr tr1.3t o7.6) 10.lt (r,11 (o1l tsl.2l Attachmentl-Page124 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Expon Oata tl1.4 Grsl($51 113,6) 17121 :, . ' :, : aq ,:r, . ' . t2!0t (1,0) (0.r) t3.11 Attachment I - Page 125 20'17 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data summror -3,3075 -20152 ,2,t621 .l4,ltt t25.5t Fl) 10.!) (6.1t ls1-31 o.4 {or} Ir.el (14,3) {rr.o F.r) t0.0) a.a,." lr.1) l1 5 !t Ii 22 13 16 ,3 I 5 11 2 3 3 5 5 5 Attachment I - Page 126 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Expo.t Data 17D r735 17!3 l0.t) t0.3t Attachment 1-Page127 1 I 1 I 7 2 2 7 2 7 2 3 l l 3 3 I ! 5 5I 5 5 t 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 s 5 5 6 53,161 -15.2527 $23 llt2 lSat 10.51 l0.r) I0.1) ,:o, . - (o.o . (r.o, Attachmentl-Page128 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data 1 1 1 2017 Sch6dule 8 Hourly Expott Data (0.r) (3.r) (15.1) Q6.1) 12121 (0.01 (r.1) ta1! lorl {oot tzlt o.1) t0.11 Attachment 1-Page129 1905 1915 1925 t924 1!51 2017 Schodule 8 Hou,ly Export Oata 1131 ,63 (rr.el ts3) o.rt !l7lt (6r.rl ure)(16.4 {22.r) ta.t) (u.rl (5:.0) Attachment I - Page 130 I 5 , 5 7 2017 Scheduls 6 Hourly Export Data 0.y orwe.k HourEndi[ YrN 2110 212! 21!a 21t6 2r5r 2131 toa {sr) F1rt o.,, ,." 11.01 (r.3) Attachmentl-Page131 20'17 Schedu16 8 Hou.ly Export oata 2$r ,at7 ,225 2223 1251 o.,r)loot lo.o)p.lt l0.r) t0.rl l0.r) t0.t) 0 o 0 ,22J126 {2.3} (0.11 (011 10.1t to.rl t0.rt (or, (0.t, o,rl lot) Attachment l - Page 132 2017 Schedule I Hourly Export Data 122) (o.o) (olt (0,1, (0.1) t0.0t (o0t 11.0, o.o l0.ol l0-2) (25) tslt Attachment l - Page 133 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data o.yorw..r Houridr^a Y.Hr thrurM'd .toa.3tt2 0 0 0 (2.5t t0.1) o 0 0 o t59 {ol} (ou 0 a&6:t5 lre.31 t0.rl Attachmentl-Page134 1 15 I I I 2 2 2 2 2 I 2 2 , 2017 Schsdule I Hourly Export Data O.vorwe.r Hod tndins Y,3, {l'.?l lu.rl to.l lr.4 06.51 t0.r, t01l lr2, Attachment 'l - Page 135 5 tl.ot t17.11 a,n 20'17 Schodule 8 Hourly Erport Data Drv ol w..r h!' tnd, Y,Hr to,o) i (o.rt (0.!t lool,1, : {0.1t (0.0t (4r5) (r.! ttll o5r, u.rl llr'3l t222t (0,r) {ol} (a4 lno t52.0, t0.01 Attachmentt-Pagel36 0 0 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Oata winl.Ioli0 "43.3r7e0 -32.aa71o '13.231 00 {.0410o 0 o o 0 -r.2.r42 0 0 0 il.996a 00 -97.9rm o0 .11..,u720 -r09J17A0 -l04.r72s 0 o l85,rlo -23.r7S5 o o0 0 00 0 o 00 o o '5oJ0l7 o0 -106t137o -1:1.163 0o .11]l.5351 o ,95.5657 o -79.6153 o 4,7193o -rdr626 oo -2.nEs 0 0000o .2.rooa .11.609 't25r29 925951 '3alal, oo 000 ,0319r :652 tortloll {ns) Q1l (26.e1 Attachment I - Page 137 5 3 3 3 5 3 5 5 5 s 5 5 6 6 6 I I 1 1 t 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data 0.r orw*k Hof tndint Y(H. 104 t2rsl les) Attachment I - Page 138 2017 Schedule I Hourly Export Data !e..on 0.vorwek Houtidh. Y,Hl kwh 23r2 2332 2335 2452 2355 29lt te.:, I5LTl ,:.0) o.t {1.o1 Attachment l - Page l39 i.ut9 0 o 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 2017 Schedule I Hourly Export Data 5..e oryofwEt 2915 1921 29?5 ,931 2945 t935 29l5 0 0 o o o 0 {o4 l0r) t0.1t (0rl Attachment I - Page 140 1l 2' 2! u 15 2l 5..sDaYofw..l}toultid'nl I2.2t (1J) 15r.4 (er.o Attachmentl-Page141 o 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Expott Oata 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Dala a1r2 !115 ,!u ,tE 3135 tt!50 115t tt55 t16l t135 !191 12..t Gr-rl F.t! {o1) lor)loll lorl 0 o 0 o o (2-21 t1r.tl Flrl tr.st (0.s1 (r.5r (3.3t Attachment 1-Page142 2017 Schedule I Hourly Export Oata 3213 3:3t ual !2v 37n (01) (0.r, 9'?) o.?l lo.st Attachment l - Page l43 5 r3 20 22 15 1l 3 5 ,t 13 21 I Io2l (001 0 l32a 1327 3330 3r33 , l ltst (r3.e) (0,3) Q,n {10,') 03,a) (s35) (30,1) 0 0 o 0 (20.r) €s.a or1) t0.t) (o0l loll(olt (o1, (o1t (o0, 15.41 Attachment l - Page 144 2017 Schedulo 8 Hourly Export Oata t 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data {o,{) (2tl (s5.11 0.?) {o4 I 5 6 t0ll z 15 13 22 t 22 tl 21 o 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 Attachment 'l - Page 145 5a,oi Oryofwet .urnd,ia Ydr. 3aa1 x9,d2 3521 525 3524 ,531 !s50 3555 3556 Attachment 1 - Page '146 2017 Schedule E Hourly Expo.t Data I 15 t1 21 21 to 13 3 I 15 22 I u t5 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Expon Data 'MID 0 o 0 0 o 0 .115.5192 ,26.t640 0 10.11 i0.r) t0.rt (0.11 ta2.3t tt_1t *. n F.t 17.7t l0.ll 117.21 or.4 Attachment 'l - Page 147 1573 !575 21 a53l l$r 2r0 ,rl 2 1s '191 J59' r55 , L501 !50! ]5o. '6r' t6l7 r520 *22 r5la 122 511 5Lt 0 0 0 0 2017 Schodule 8 Hourly Export Oata Dryolwek tur tndms Y4, (1.2' l1&71 lrrir 1r2.6) ts5.3t (r.2r 101) {?rs) -5tuoo o o o 0 065) {o11 t0.1) l0 tl Io1' Attachment 'l - Page 148 2 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data suhm..On tum s Mid 0 o .!, 55raB o 0 0 o.2l (e.3, (5,5) (5.1, orr) o7.!) (o1l tolt(olt ,n 151.11 ts3.sl Attachmentl-Page149 2017 Schedu16 8 Hourly Expon Data (o.1) (0.r) (0.D (:r) (o.1, (or, (0.0, {o0,,:, . to.ol 0 -45J32' 11,5365 i0.:) I,.s) .t.r55l (3ll trst Attachment l - Page 150 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data D.vorw..I rd.lndrB Ytu (o0t (0.11 p.6t (r., o6t Attachment l - Page 151 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data l]].rl 0 .ltL6!5 o (0 r) (01, t0.r) (0.lt 10.1) Attachment 1 - Page'152 20{7 Schedule 8 Hourly Expon Oata 5 5 ! s t 5 0 o 0.YolwRkNoUltndin!YlH. {ot} {orl {or) u-ll Attachment I - Page 153 5 s 5 5 5 5 5 5 ! 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data 0o 000o oo000000 00 00 0000 00 0 oo o0 0o 0o oo 0o 00 0o 0o 00 0o 00 00 0o 00 0o 00 oo 0o 0o 0o (t.rt (3.rt lr1r) u.5r Attachment l - Page 154 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Oata 5 n 5 I 15 1 4t56t o 0 o -1354&i -r.ll52 13.2!O7 0 o 0 o .9!!155 {5.5731 -15.81 o.) to.3t t27.t) o-" Attachment l - Page l55 20'17 Schedule 8 Hourly Exporl Data D4.rw*k Hourlndiq Y , I0,0) l0.r) l0.r) t0,r) t01) to.t) .42.1555 55,r5' .25,1!41 o 0 0 0 0 -41,3713 -35,1134 tu.1 15.t55r lr5.!' t0.11 (01) (0.1t 62.5475 Attachment I - Page 156 ,0,, 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data 5 I! 5 lwh 4555 i0.rl t0., o l0.rl (rs.2l 10.1) 10.! Attachment 'l - Page 157 I 5 11 t3 I 5 l5 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Oata iwll 161.' (0.e) t0.! (0.1) Attachment l - Page 158 2017 Schedulo 8 Hourly Export Data t0 0, l0.rl o Attachment 1 - Page 159 22 22 5 2 t 2017 Schodule I Hourly Export Oata (23.4 trs.3) 41331t io.ll lr.4 (0.9 t0.Il Attachment l - Page 160 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data 0'yo,w..kHoUltndin.Yrll o 0 o 11.5) 0r.51 lr.3t t0.sl 4U29 0 0 0 101) lr6r Attachment 1 - Page'161 0.2t t3.51 tr.!, ,.", 20'17 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Oata s{mm.rMd (01) t0.11 (0.r) 12.3) (32.1) (21.3) t7.9) (0.1 lr.e) (1r.sl 167.r) t22rl 165) (o.l (0.! (2.l) tssll lrzrl (o,r) (o1t 6s.a Attachment l - Page l62 ,55,6599 0 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data D.vdIw..r Hou.rid'., Y,k (53.3) (.e., t22r) tt.6) :, , i0.rl t0r) l0.rl :, (5:,9) Gr,2) t0.r) Ir.tl or.2l l5!3t 16l.6t ,1, . (1.3) 110,r] Attachment l - Page 163 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data s ! t I s 5 5 3 5 5 t I t 5 s ory orw*I iournd,4 Y r .t.16, tsl ol (ro.r) l0r) o! lo.1 ls3-lt 157.9t ({5t l0 r) t0.1, lo.r, t5.rl t665) p0,r) (15.5) 12,t) loU 11-r) {5.9) or.9 12r.5t 15r.rl l11.rl (4.51 '1" (o0l {o0t (o5, l0.l) Attachment 'l - Page 164 1 1 2 2017 Schodul€ 8 Hourly Erport Data Dryorw..k Houtndhs Y,3. 'l75 5!55 (15.1) (51.1) (55.5) (41.51 13.21 ,.n, la1) t).]) (10r) t255) t1.7) 19.7) (2r7t (s0.s) 115,6) 112.1) ,0., 13r., Attachment l - Page 165 20'17 Schedulg 8 Hourly Expot Oata D4 olwek HourEndfi Y r .0,u29 -!'t1 0 {t26t t1.51 pr, €!., lr.4 pl5) (4r.3) 115.3,t2" {r..1 tool (0u (01) t0.rl i52.st ,:, Attachment 'l - Page 166 2017 Schedsle 8 Hourly Export Data 90N 90N t3:.4 t2:.r) rc.rt l0o).5,514' 0 o 10.1) to! lo1, Attachment l - Page 167 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data t I s I s s s s s t s 5 st 3 D.yorwek H.oi tndin3 Y.H,tumRrM'J 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 -2.m 4&A -L37lt.a.Dtt o 0 0 0 0 o.r) (0.1t (2.3' 11.11 Attachment 't - Page 168 5 ?2 5 2 12 1 I 1 1 l t662 5t12 .2,22 ,r,ou2 0 12rl (01t (0.1t t0.! (o.rt t0.o l0.r) 10.1) 10.1t Attachmentl-Page169 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data o:vorw..k Hortndrnr Yd. kwh (ss.) !n 2017 Schedule I Hourly Export Data t t Dryolwet rbr tnd'nt Y,h art2 5312 5315 542: 5315 .29,6e t6r.r) i2s.1) t1.tt llt_zt tsr.2) Attachment 1-Page'170 20't7 Schedule 8 Hou.ly Export Data (r.1) F!.5) (73.r) l1.o) .. p.ol l0l) l0-11 10.11 tolt lolt {o0l ,1, . - i0.1) 10.11 10.11 t0ltoq l_ool : *, (o.o) (oo) (or) (or) IO-r) l0-t) t0.1) ,a . t0ol tool oD lol) l0-1) t5.3' ira,5) (7r.r) t53,3) (1.r) t55.21 t7t.ol lrr.1) -r2,1l,5 .2ts36 I s 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 o.o) 1 L 1 I I Attachment 1 -Page1,71 2017 Schedulo 8 Hou,ly Export Data i' . . p.q t0rl oq (o.0) 'l' : (o0l (o0l lo0l (o0t {o0l {0.0t (oot toot {oot toot Ioot lool : (o.o) (001 (0{ (0.rt ,., 10.0) (0.0t I0.ot to.ll t0.1) t0.ol (or) F.0l (r3,7t i19.5l t2r.1l t .st l05l (0,7) (1!.3) (26,9) (15.Q {x.4 c5.r) 11!..1 G5t to.st o5.?, 6.r) Attachment 1-Page172 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Erport Data (1.1) (0., Irr.2) 05., t5.e) t0.r) Attachment 'l - Page 173 0 0 0 5 5 5 1 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data o.yolw..r H.uaidma Y,n, 'uhrulotr 0 0 0 -25.671' 612r 6U6 (s,r) {3.1t (21,1) trt.l) l7t.7J t51.lt tt-21 l0r) tou t0.1) Attachment 1-Page174 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data (32.6) (9..7t t6.21 G.1) I13.1) {1...} (s,t) lrll G ' (0.r) Attachment l - Page l75 5 I I 1 1 2 2 I 2 2 ! t 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Expon Data o,o, t5!..1 1,0.6t Ioot 11.3t t55t t13.q l6.rl (1S.21 i0.4 l0ll 1.ll (60,t, (101,5) (6to (37!l 10.4 t0.tl (0.rt {o! Attachment l - Page 176 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Expott oata D'yotwar Hou,tidi't Y n t7.11 p.q t0.1) t0,1tp.rt p.rl t0.{r0ll t0rtlcq ,:, : (o0l (o.o) ol) o1) o1) (o1) t0.0J,:, : t0,ot to.lt tolt lolt {olt {oo) 9', : (0.0) (0.o)po t0-1, to.1) l0.r) I0.r) 10.1) I0,!) tol) 10.o} :o t2.st l5atl Attachment 1-Page177 1 I 2 ! 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data hoi orY or w*k dur rid,q ts7.5) t0.rl 10.1r t0.11 Attachmentl-Pagc,l78 ,91.125t 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 11.0) (32.1) ts1.o) ,-", o-" I I 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Oata I 2 t15rl (oo) Attachment l - Page 179 D.vorw..r lburtndi{ YrNr lr3.r) €.1, tuot lolt {o1t i01l lor, (o1l loll la1) v . . to,lt ,1, : (o1t (o1l {o1l {d1t (ool Attachment l - Page 180 0 0 0 2017 Schoduls 8 Hourly Expo.t Data 5 l1 I, 15 t 5 t 5 t 5 s 5 5 5 5 6 t4.5) 1 I 1 L I t 1 1 2017 Sch6dule I Hourly Export oata {55.1} (1.4 (o1t 0 0 0 .0,625 ",trs, (2.1' rc.r) t0.11 -152G -r2.$42 -1i91t! s.a,li, ,11.35t1 (0,0) (0,1) Attachment l - Page 18l 2017 Scheduls 8 Hourly Export Dala 5umm.rofi t].rl o 0 (r.e) 10.r, (0, t0.tl(0rl t0.1) t0.rl (0.r) (0.0t C,D Attachment l -Page'182 D.yorw€.r HourtndLI!3 Y,rr 33,1419 -!9.G5! -2242:t 45ril5 o 0 0 o -22.45U (r.21 Attachmentl-Pagel83 20'17 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data 2017 Schedule I Hourly Export Data (0,o1 . 0 {l},u61 12.rt Frsl 0.,t1 loo {res, 0.4 11.1) isr.2)lor,p.rl 10.1, 10.11to! l0.o) 101) Attachment l - Page 184 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data rs.ol {33.6} (17.1) G.rt (,3.1) {5r.3) io1) to1,orl {ou Attachment I - Page '185 5 5 20{7 Schedule I Hourly Export Data (0,7) (ro) (5e.0) lo.5)u5,' te.2t F -2t Attachment l - Page 186 I 2 3 23 2 LI 2017 Schedulq 8 Hourly Export Data kwh l1s) p.rt F.!Itrt t5.1 rlr) t0.21 t01t (2.4 Attachment l - Page l87 summro,I 11 1 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Oata (5r.1) Attachmentl-Pagel88 20,l7 Schedule 8 Hourly Export oata 7525 t3a2t 12.7r (r.2t trr.3, t6r.rl 'l'' 6.s) (2.3) Attachment l - Page l89 0 I 1 I I ! I 13 15 2 22 1 !t l1 1 3 5 !2 t5 t3 21 2a 5 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data 0aolwekH.UIndn.Yl slnmot (rot .r1,5955 (.zl l1r.3l o.et F.rr [0.r1 i5.51 t0Jl 1", Attachment l - Page l90 2017 Schedule I Hourly Export Data o (55.1) 0 t0.11 G9 {3&sl(6..0t (re_61 {sr.1t G5TI {r7rtlrll (o0) -r.t9t5 -tL,ot2t 0 Attachmentl-Page191 lr5tlrlI tu.q loa) ,-", l0.rl 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export Data o5.3) (31,r) (10.6) t:.st t37.9) t53.5) ir.6) (15.7) o.s) (0.2) t0.01 l0.ol (0.o1 :, ' Attachment l - Page l92 ('.t, oe.t (39.?1 (2s.rl (10.0t (o.. o 20{7 Schedule I Hourly Expod Oala 0r.5) e.r) la!r) 0so trs.1) {rr9ttll) (55.1) Attachment l - Page 193 -3.3515 2017 Schedulo 8 Hourly Erpon Data 3061 (]3.r) lool I00l 0 0 .1!.6112 (1r) let) t13-6) Attachment l - Page 194 2 5 u 11 19 5 15 la 23 2 5 3 lo 2017 Schodule 8 Hourly Export Data o,yoaw..r Horrtndhs Ylill kwh (L1' 02.r) . . . . t0ot :, . . (0.0t :, . i2s) (2rr) tt.l (15.9) (1.2t (?sr Attachment 1 - Page '195 2017 Schedule 8 Hourly Export oata t7.tt (o0l (o0t .2-'n,l2 0 0rr) t93) E.tl Attachmentl-Page196 t 5 I 3 3 5 s t 5 I 5 5 5 6 o., (35) t15.2) l2o7l l?r.el ,0., 2017 Schsdule 8 Hourly Export Data ory olwdk 3ou'Endi( YrHr (o7t P1) ().e] (1,,r) t15.3t l0.ol t0.ol (o.r) (!.7) t3.q (5.01 Attachment l - Page {97 2017 Schedule 8 Holrrly Export Data oryof w..r NarEidin3 Y.H. o.0t (0,9) t33.11 lrrsl t!.21 l:531 ls.rl 10,3) 0.0t (19.31 10.0) lool 13.6) ls.6l l6.s) Attachmentl-Page198 5 t s 5 g 1 t 1 t , 2017 Schodulo I Hourly Export Data . ' ' (o0, 'l' - ", ,:., . . loo ,:, . ' ,0.", l0 3) tr.l ta14 l1.e) 133) ttll t3.11hl, Attachment l - Page 199 2017 Schedula 8 Hourly Export Data 0.Yorwet Hourrndrr Y,Hi lr.a) {5.6r ta.tl 05.61 i5.31 11.3) o.4t (r.2t tltl lr ol G,3' (r.2, (s.7t (s., 1..3) i0.71 Attachmentl-Page200 t1 lt 21 3 5 l3 1, 5 11 2o I 5 t t5 la 2017 Schedule I Hourly Export Data 11.4 162) l5.i) te.tl lr.3t l1r) trr.7t G5.r) lr.?) ," 0t,61 01., ezlol" {o5) (r.sr i1r,2) l2s.2t :'' Attachment l -Page20l 11 13 2o 21 z , I 22 12 1' 15 1! 2017 Schedule I Hourly Export Oata D.v.rw..r ku tidtll. Y.H. o2l ,:., Attachment 1-Page202 o 2017 Schedule 8 Export Data by DSM Alternate Cost Pricing Period 1150,38r.79) 100r( (21,346.35) 14% (32,452-{)9) zz% (78,443.49) 52% {17,147.16) Lzx (652.70) 0% N.heplale Capacity (tW)177 9l Attachmentl-Page203 Avoided Energy Cost DSM Alternate Energy Cost (2017 lRP, Technical Appendix C, Page 64) Year Summer On-Peak1 Summer Mid-Peak Summer Off-Peak Non- summer Mid-Peak Non- Summer Off-Peak 20?o 2027 5ss.s9 ss7.00 532.s6 S33.08 530.s3 S30.94 $30.7s S3o.7s S28.99 s29.0s # of Hours % of Hours 520 60/o 936 L7% 752 9% 3648 42% 2904 33% 1. Average of ldaho Power variable energy and operating costs of a 170 MW SCCT Summer Mid-Peak -Average of heavy load prices from June to August (excluding the Summer On-Peak hours) Summer Off-Peak -Average of light load prices from June to August Non-Summer Mid-Peak -Average of heavy load prices in January through May and September through December Attachment l -Page204 Notes Summer On-Peak -Average of ldaho Power variable energy and operating costs of a 170 MW SCCT, which is the marginal resource for peak hour load deficits during summertime heavy load hours. Hours fall between 1pm and 9pm, weekdays, June 1 - August 31st. Avoided Generation Capacity Cost Levelized Capacity Value ($/kw-yr 1 PV Exports Contribution to Peak Capacity Value ($/kw-yr.) Nameplate Capacity (kW) Annual Exports (kwh) Annual Capacity Value ($) Capacity Value ($/MWh) 2020 $ 2021 $ 2022 $ 2023 $ 2024 $ 2025 $ ?026 g 2027 $ 2028 $ 2029 $ 2030 $ 2031 $ 2032 $ 2033 $ 2034 $ 2035 $ 2036 $ 2037 $ 2038 S 2039 $ 2040 $ 2041 $ 2042 $ 2043 $ 2044 $ 147 .09 147.09 147 .09 147.09 147 .09 147 .09 147 .09 147 .09 147 .09 147 .09 147 .09 147 .09 147 .09 147 .09 147 .09 147.09 147 09 147.09 147 .09 $82.31 15.10% $12.43 177 .91 150,382 $2,211.14 14.70$ Attachment l -Page205 Schedule 8 Export Credit Rate value of solar, S/Mwh nominal s s 31 31 .01 .30 5 s 3.10 3.13 s 74.70 14.70 s 49.42 49.73 value of Solar Levelized s31.1s 5?.7L s14.70 s49.s6 GenerationCapacity Total 2020 2021 Energy Losse5 GenerationCapacity TotalEnergyLosses Levelized Attachment l -Page206 Gapacity Value of Solar Attachment 1-Page2O7 ldaho Power Company Capacity Value of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems The analysis method described herein quantifies the amount of customer energy exports likely to occur at the time of ldaho Power's system peak loading periods. The Company calculated class-specific on- peak capacity values of PV ("capacity value") for both Schedules 6 and 8. For purposes of this discussion, the capacity value of residential PV (Schedule 6) is presented and demonstrates application of the method as applied to any customer class. The first section of this document describes capacity value and the methodology for determining capacity value usinB NREL's capacity value computation method (Load Duration Method) 1. The second section describes application of this methodology to determine the capacity value of residential PV on ldaho Power's system. l. Load Duration Method Generally, capacity value is a measurement ofthe contribution of installed capacity to reliably meet demand. The capacity value is expressed as the fraction of nameplate capacity that contributes to the top peak net load hours. The Load Duration Method uses duration curves of load and net load for the entire year. The Load- Duration-curve ("LDc") reflects the total load, which is sorted from the hours of highest load to lowest load over the year. The Net Load-Duration-Curve ("NLDC") represents the total load minus the time- synchronized contribution from existing variable generation ("VG") resources, and is sorted from highest to lowest load. The marBinal NLDC(6) represents furtheraddition ofa VG resource. ltiscalculated by subtracting the time-synchronized generation of an incremental capacity addition from the NLDC, and sorted from highest to lowest load. The capacity value is the difference in the area between the LDC and NLDC during the 100 highest hours of the duration curves divided by the nameplate capacity. These 100 hours are the hours with the highest load loss risk where capacity provides the greatest value. The marginal capacity value (value of additional VG capacity) is the difference in the area between the NLDC and the NLDC(6). Fiqurc 1. 8760-Bosed Method to Colculote Copocity Volue 1 "8760-Based Method for Representing Variable Generation Capacity Value in Capacity Expansion Models, 20L7. https://www.nrel.sovldocs/fv17osti/68869.pdf LOC xrDc(6) '_'---. aI; E National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Aftachment l -Page208 ll. Capacity Value of ldaho Power Connected Residential Solar PV The load-duration method may be applied to variable Beneration such as residential solar PV. The method was applied to ldaho Power's 2017 system load and solar generation profile to calculate the marginal capacity value of residential solar PV for the Schedule 6 class. The net system load was obtained for the year of 20u by subtracting utility scale PV from the system load. To calculate the marginal capacity value for 2019, the utility scale PV includes the online systems and systems in construction as of July 2019. The total amount of residential PV generation connected as of July 2019 is 35 MWoc. A 1.2 DC to AC ratio was assumed to estimate the amount of MWrc PV generation connected to the system. The NLDC was obtained by sorting the net system load from the highest load hour to the lowest load hour, as shown in Figure 2. 4000 Nst System Load 1000 Jan 00 000 30 2 B E o Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AUO Sep'fime (hrs) Load.Duratlon-curve Oct Nov Dec Jan 2017 4000 3000 2000 1000 6000 7000 8000 s000 Figurc 2. Net System Lood ond Net Lood Dutotion Curve A model of a typical system in the Boise area was created using NREL'S System Advisory Model (SAM) modeling tool. Weather data for the year of 2017 was used for correlation with the 2017 load data. The model assumed a 1.2 DC to AC ratio. The marginal NLDC was obtained from the net system load minus the time-synchronlzed contribution from residential solar PV, where the resulting marginal net system load is then sorted from highest to lowest. Figure 3 shows the marginal net system load and system duration curve. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Time (hrs) Attachment l -Page209 B = E o lrlarginal l{et Sysbm Load E = E o = E o 3000 000 2000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Time (hrs) Marglnal Net Load.DurEtion-Curvs Nov D€c Jan 2017 0003 2000 10000 1m0 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 E000 9000 I'ime (hrs) Figurc 3. Net system Load ond Net Lood Durotion CuNe The capacaty value is defined as the area between the NLDC and marginal NLDC during the 100 highest hours. The net capacity value for the currently installed residential PV (35 MWoc) is 30.35 percent. This total marginal NLDC is comprised of a contribution to peak associated with generated energy consumed on-site (the non-exported energy) and the energy exported to the grid. The marginal capacity value declines as more PV generation systems are added to the system, either in the distribution or in the transmission system. Export Differentiated Capacity Value of Solar To determinethe capacity value for exports only, additional analyses were required. Forthe purposes of this analysis, on-site solar generation will be composed of two components: non-exported energy and exported energy. This analysis utilizes the following time synchronous hourly data sets: . Net system load, total system load excluding utility scale PV generation (measured value) . Per unit distributed residential PV generation profile (modeled value) . Total residential PV generation. Equalto the customer on-site generation AC nameplate multiplied by modeled per unit generation profile (calculated value) o Total residential Pvgeneration. Equal to the sum of the non-export solar and export solar (calculated value) o Exported energy. Residential energy export measured by customer meter (measured value) . Non-export energy. Modeled residential energy generation minus metered residential energy export (calculated value) First, to calculate the marginal capacity value of solar the time synchronous hourly data sets are sorted by net system load from highest to lowest load. Each of the energy exports, non-export energy and total residential PV generation during the 100 highest hours ofthe marginal NLDC, are independently summed. The percentage of each capacity value of solar are then calculated by dividing the summed solar exports by the total PV generation and the summed non-exports by the total PV generation. Table 1 illustrates the first 3 of the 100 highest hours of the LDC. Attachment l - Page 210 llme Net Load (lYt'{rl Totil PV Ger lkwac)Solar Erpotu (kwacl Non.hport Sohr (kwa(l % PV &port 96 PV Non-Erpod x PV Opeoty Value llllll.fi 3111 10.s 112.0 91 91!r llj lSlllll.fi 32i6 127.6 883 118.21 $t 3t lilfin.fi 3LS 528.81 8.n $0.04 8t 92!r 151 Toble 7. Time synchronous doto somple oJ the top 700 most looded houts with results Figure 4 shows the component contribution to the capacity value of solar for the top highest 100 hours ofthe marginal NLDC. Note, hours with missing values have no solar generation as they occur after sunset. PV Capacity Contribution by Type (Export vs Non-Export) I % PV Export. r % PV Non-Erpon 100% 4 ? 10 13 t6 79 22 25 28 31 321 17 40 43 45 49 52 55 58 61 61 61 70 7i 76 79 82 85 8E 91 94 97 10 Top 100 Load l-lours Figure 4. fhe percent component contribution of the top 7oo lood hours. The analysis described above resulted in export differentiated on-peak capacity values of 7.5 percent and 15.1 percent for Schedules 5 and 8, respectively. 9096I 3 r", I 7ot6 I eox .9, 509{ .E o 4016o cg 30'6 oo- b 20e6oa 1096 t% Attachment I - Page 211 t 1B/r 'l I I I Capacity Vrlue of Soler on ldeho Pow.r'3 Sy.tem Attachment 1 - Page 212 Capacity Value ol Solar on ldaho Power'8 SFtem Attachment I - Page 213 C.pacity Valus ofSolar on ld.ho Powers Sydem Attachment 1-Page214 Capacity Valu€ ofSolaron ldaho Poweis System Mrl vrrirlw, i.srr6:o&(Mw) 6ri, Attachment l - Page 215 C.pacity valus ofSolaron ld.ho Powor'a SyBtem t.!t!!!nrdiM hd dhtELdsrrr rdtMw) u hYn..$trlMwt M,rN(Mw) Attachment l - Page 216 Capacity Value ofSohron ldaho Power's System N.lsrmEr(Mw) M.E rl Attachment 1 - Page 217 Capacity Valuo ofSolar on ldaho Power's System G rrri'n rd srrm d (M*1sr.hoi'M*) uitb.rntwi Mfr^rtv*r !.tFrn.qrrMrl Attachment l - Page 218 Capacitv vrlue ofSolaron ldaho Powsr's System N sFtrnbi(Mw) Mr! Attachment l - Page 219 Capaclty Valuo ofSolar on ldaho Powor's Systgm !91;4,1&l@llhf nn(w) !iiyb.eb(w) e[ir (0*J r.1116:drMwi &r*ortr.rr*hLdtwj Attachment l -Page220 Capacity Value of Solar on ldaho Powers Sy3tem Attachment 1-Page221 Cap.clty V.lua of Sol.r on ldaho Powg/a Syal.ln Attachment 1-Page222 Capacity Value of Solar on ldaho Power's Sy8tem Attachment 1-Page223 Cspacity Value ofSolsr on ld6ho Povreas System tr M4d t.r trro td iir*)*'r'Ldtm) u04brbnl Attachment 1-Page224 Capacity velue ofSolar on ldaho Powsr's Systom Attachment 1-Page225 Capacity Value ofSolar on ldaho Power'3 SFtem Attachment 1-Page226 Caprclly v.l!. orSol.ron ldrfto Powe/t Sy.tom onr.rN tubrdrMwr u'hb.b,tv{ vd rlwr rd@nroi{Mwr M.trd{dh.irdtw) ?rr.J \: '!{f'r L*i.trMrdr*w) (* Brrnn idsri rd tMtl Attachment 1-Page227 Cap8city Velue of Solaron ld.ho Poweis SFtem rDc Eid ksF!6 rd lwl Attachment 1 - Page 228 Capacity Velua ofSolaron ldaho Powe/s Systom Attachment 1-Page229 Cap.city Velue ofSolar on ldaho Powor's System Attachment l -Page230 Capacity V5luE of Solaron ldaho Power'3 System Attachment l -Page23'l Caprcltv Value ofSolar on ldaho Pow6r'a System turrrh srli6Ldlw) urirq*r!i,xiMwt erd(tu) xdsin ird(Mrl Mrtirnds@Ebdlswr Attachment 1 - Page 232 Capacity Value of Solar on ldaho Power'3 Sy3tem Attachment I -Page233 Cap.clty V.lue ofSolaron ld.ho Powe.'s SyEtsm i* u.tri^i rd srh d tr$lq!!i!!d sFhd(nq) !!rqr..bL,(riw elhr(MwJ rdifrGL.r(m) M4dx rilrrd(w) Attachment 1-Page234 Capacity Value ofSolar on ldaho Power'3 System 4n4i \t6 4\.111\1n1nqr1ta(6 ./\11171@.^./171ro .n41r 1tu .lt41t M ,L/17 ns.lt l1rtzfi4i./rra4 4sl1l@.l!st1110th5a1?fi .1t417.n 4rs/11tfi4t5l11w{^fi' m ,!5/17 ro48n7tu.irt7 !@ .1141r t1fi ./1y17 tro,lfir13d {/lrrrEo 41lr'ttt fr ./1t17Do./ryl7!E 4151t 1tfi 4rltrr 22a4$liafr {/r5,r,1& ./16/1rro 4\6ltttu 4161\' n ./ryDe6 ./rv1, no.nfirD@./r4r, E:o.,,16r!.o i^.^7 so ./r+rr rh 4/!qrr7,e1l,1417rm..llr,@.l\4\r1\:6 11611r ze.lt4rr1.fi4t ar@ 4t1Artu 4r1t1r.n .l\rlt 5n.t\Tlrrte1Nl\r6 4t t\71ffi 4t l\t11n .lt t\t1M 4\rfir\.n 41rltr 1tfr4rrnrr.44rrllt le 4rrt\, @ 4111112!tu.llrt\r21@ .1141r@ ./1qr rd4\4t72n 414111n 4rtl11tfi./8rr50 4Llt tn 41rl11e:@ ./rv17 !o:@qt,rtt!@./t4\1Dn 4\4\71.16 4/rv, r. o .t14r111:@ 4l\4t11116 4A&!7 !904l14t1b@1lrqt1?l., 4\4t112@.Ar17 r1@.nri1t@ Attachment l - Page 235 Capacity Value of Solar on ldaho Powers SFtem vrtl\,rfi 4rrlD 2n1trtlt lfr 41r11r 1n./r$7 !@4liltr.n41tlt 1@4ret17.41/1r' s ./1r, uo ./!*1rnn 4/r{r, !.o./rrrrres./!$7r6s{D/rrrrn.lr.lt7ltfi{!/r7rE4rrltl7@4ttl\71n4t4ttltfr.ltetrrlre llb/lr@.l&lr7 \@.t,!lr, L@.Bntl ra48nr.$.Ntt 5{4/)qr!rd{$tu/1rtu4,,10.,e .txhr,@ .lzttt w ./rq!r$:@.lul\l\&./L/1rrJO4rnrffi.r!Arrls.r!ar7tM .r10l1rrio.rrlr16.tbh, L@44n176 ./roalrB@.a!t@azllt x@.t rr10 a2!t a@.t1tl\r 4n 4111\r@ .T''T'E .Eli, tm .,rvD u! +ttln sfr 4'N'gfr .EVr' r.o 4r!\, M +rnrrn 42U112rfr 41rl1r@ .l11trr tfi .114112n 412lrr rfi.114\r.n 4l22lrrtfr 4l1rl1r.n.t2ztlfr..l1rtrr.n .l12J1rrfr .l11ltt t@.mt 1\fi 4llltrDa{rrrao 4211\11tfr th1llrlrfi 1n i$fi 414t 2tD 41r1r 22fr 4111111rn.l1tlrldo.nrrr ro.n tr1fi 1l1tl17 tn.nti.fi .lr4\7r@.l2tlr|6fr4Lt1rrfi.12!lt tfr4lthree 4131i to@4rrnr lln Attachment l -Page236 Capacity Value ofSolar on ldaho Powe/3 Syslem Attachment 1-Page237 Cap8cltyV.lue ofSol.ron ld.ho Pos./. Sy.t m Attachment l -Page238 Capacity Value ofSolar on ldaho Powe/s Swtem Attachment l - Page 239 Capacity Value of Solar on ldaho Powe/e Swt€m rEMqb krtn.6dlM*]h.rno! knoldrM*) u hyerlr,&wr h,ri. r $ rnhlrrdrlrw) r!!4!!!q!{!!1rd(vwJ Attachment 1-Page240 Capacity value of Solar on ldaho Power's System ndt*.hLoilMwl Mrl Attachment 1-Page241 Capacity Value olSolaron ldaho Power's System Attachment 1-Page242 Capacity Valu6 ofSolar on ldaho Powor's Systsm Attachment 1 - Page 243 Cepacity Value of Solaron ldaho Powe/s Syrtom 5fr.6td(Mw) uuhye.5klN, MrdtMsl {dr'trib..tMwl e4dxd*nrnb.drw) Attachment 1-Page244 Capacity Valu. otSolar on ld.ho Powe/3 System Attachment 1 - Page 245 C.pacity Value ofSolaron ldeho Pow6r's System E knir nd sFrn Ld lrwJ Attachment l -Page246 Caoacity Value ofSolaron ldaho Powe/3 Syatem tr sshrbirMwj M4rr Attachment 1-Page247 Capaclty Valua of Solar on ldaho Powr/a Syitsm h.&nft *,r.rrdrM u ih$t!-rMwr M:4irrN) {dhrnbirw} M{pr&,en.Fbdrw, Fqri.,/r nrrd LEi.r$r.i6dlMwt LEMmhr( $kobn( l] Attachment 1-Page248 Capacity Value of Solar on ldaho Power's Sy6tem AttachmEnt l -Page249 Cepaclty Value ofSolaron ldaho Powgr'3 Svatem Lk cqrd rd sYfr rcd (gw, Attachment l -Page250 Capacity Value ofSolar on ldaho Power's Sy6lom Attachment 1-Page25'l C.pecity Value ofSolar on ldaho Powc/s SyBt.m Attachment l -Page252 Capaclty Value ofSolar on ldsho Powers SFtem Mw) qr[iiilMwl r.$rDd rE M3!d Nn,Ydn bi lrwl Attachment 'l - Page 253 CapacityValuo ofSol.r on ldaho Powor'! Syrtem oft.nn. M'idrwr n rrnb.eLrwr u.nhnrM$ r.tdr6b.ad$ eLiJndli.,toldrw, d.hdlrqn,rxdr terdk.pG.drMwl !E .dhr .t$rmb.rr w,ka?ln ,tstl, !fi ,lelt 5n 1111111t@,t,tr.6lEllrtD,Ltrl$fr 1t l\r\tfitLlrr ttpltttrT tr@tBllt Lfi,Nrr re@ 7,!/17eo,ltt118 ,Ett t6 thlr1bt@ ,tt\tufi llrol\r@tltolt1ro,lbl\17@ 7,10/,17,:.o,lrol, 4@,lbnr9fi,/&lrr.@ 7l1oh11:@llroltr r:@ 7/r.v1rer@,lolr, @zlq/rr1rfi 7r4r, !o 1ltollr 1.fi 1lrttlr tsb 1llolr, tr6ltgt\r\N,nolulri ,l10lr, *@7l&lltt@ TlFllr1r:@7l\rltr:@,/lolr7u4 tltlll@ tirlll z$llt\1l1r@ llr\lt 5@ 1ttl/1, tu tlt lret@ 11111!tb:@tl1lt Ltfi 71{r' Bs 1/1U1716N ,rrlrr r$,/rvlr re,lrtit,!d ,lltnln;@ ,11!iafi 1/141' Lfr lbrtl, tfr 11111111fi 1lrrtlt t@ll1Ztr.olEnrr@7nlrrortDlt fi 1ltt110fr,lr1lt1rt@ ,lt1JL1D@llr1lrl aa ,l12ll' {a 1t12ltt Bfr,t14t 16fi ,lr4t7Ln ,/Dn7,6 ,Etn 216,trrtr1lt6 111!L1d@ ,lttlD L@ ,l\tlt 4@ rv11361lr1ir.)@'tlttltr 1fi1lt4\, ra,try|1a$ ,tt41, @ 1^rltr tlo1nl|r 111@ Attachment 1-Page254 Cepacity Value of Solar on ldaho Power'B SFtom Attachment I -Page255 Capaclty Value of 5016r on ldsho Power's Syltsm Attachment l -Page256 Capacity Value of Solar on ldaho Power's Swt6m Attachment 1-Page257 Capacity Veluo ofSoler on ldaho Powor's SFtem Attachment l -Page258 c.p.city Value of Solar on ldaho Powsr's SFtem N.synlF(dlw) M4i!.1 Attachment l -Page259 Cap.city Value ofSolar on ldaho Powor'! System Attachment l -Page260 capacity Value of Solar on ldaho Power's Syst€m Attachment l -Page26l Capacity Value ofSolar on ldeho Power's SFtem c knd rd r'rn ro.a lMw) Attachment 1-Page262 Capacit Value ofSolar on ldeho Powor'6 System Attachment l -Page263 Capacity Value of Solar on ldaho Power.s System !x M.{ ir i{ sFh d (M*)q,!!!!! l!!!!r!!Lkl !uirrlr.nk(tu) brir {Mwl (dt6E6'dlm) M4irrrtntiLdrur) Attachment 1-Page264 Cepacity Velue ofSolaron ldaho Powe/3 System Mw: Mrrr lewt n.!F6LdlM*) M,rrr Attachment I -Page265 Capacity Velue ofSolaron ldeho Powe/s SyBtom Attachment l -Page266 c.pacity Value otSolar on ldaho Powe/3 System Attachment 1-Page267 Capacity Value olSolar on ldaho Powsr'! Svstom Attachment l -Page268 Cap.city valuo ofSolar on ldaho Powe/3 System Attachment l - Page 269 Cap.city Valus ofSolar on ldaho Pow6/s Svstem Attachment l -Page270 Capacity Value ofSolar on ldaho Power's System Attachment 1-Page271 Capacity Veluo ofSolsron ldaho Pows.'6 System Attachment 1-Page272 Capacity Value ofSolar on ldaho Powor'! SFt€m Attachment I -Page273 Capacity Value of Solaron ldaho Powor'3 Sy.tem Attachment 1-Page274 Capacity Vatue ot Solar on ldeho Power's System Attachment 1 -Page275 C.pecity Velue ofSolar on ldaho Powe/s System Attachment 1 - Page 276 C.p.city V.luo of Sohr on ldaho PoYvo/a Syateh c.siyv. E dsr Attachment 1-Page277 C.pecity Value of Solaron ldaho Powgr's Systom lfrndlwl !r&i'.$h(w) M,rh. (Mw) idsFkoLd(w) r4rd{dsrnlnLdtw) Attachment l - Page 278 Capaclty Value olSolrron ldaho Pows/s System Attachment l -Page279 Crpecity Valus ofSolar on ldaho Power's Syslom Attachment I -Page280 cap.city Valus ofSolar on ldaho Power's System Attachment l - Page 28l Capacity ValuG ofSolaron ldeho Power'a Sy3tsm Attachment 1-Page282 Capacity Value of Solar on ldaho Power'3 System Attachment l -Page283 Capacity Velue of Solar on ldaho Power's System Attachment 1-Page284 Cepacity Vrlue of Solar on ldaho Pow€r'5 SFtem Mwl M.4rB (Mw) Nds6tnbnlMwl vnfi. Attachment l -Page285 C.pacity Valuo ofSolaron ldaho Powo/B Systom Attachment l -Page286 Capacity Value of Solsr on ldaho Power'e SFtem Mwr E4hr (w) rd 5$.i Lc.d lMwl Attachment I - Page 287 Capaclty Value of Solar on ldaho Povrers System Attachment l -Page288 cap.city V.lue ofSolar on ldaho Po\rer's System Mw) Mrndlw) ndsrr@LdtMw) M4d Attachment l -Page289 C.pacity Valuo otSolaron ldaho Powa.'E System uA{17 !@ rrl!/1? r:6rfr, ]@ ,11L1tr.6flre\r'@D/rl/r6 @ 121r.1\t1@ 1211611 .frtllwrrwr1/4rrffi 12b!/t1126u^vf 86tr^rr? r+o rrl11, $o 141r!,\' t efl/rr"?1t0,?l141tbett1t4r1ztfi 1r1t4\11L@ 1r1t17 rt!f/r9/l7@ 1rl1r471@1rl\17@,2)r.li ra,ztrytr.!rzlrrrro D!141t rn r2/\rl1r.fi rvlell7 !ffiu/ria71@r: trTtlorrlrr17D@tzllrll1L:e:r/rr, aotzltttt6fi lzlcArao ellelnffi 12l1el1r1t@ 12/191720 L2^eltrlr@r/D/rr@,r!iqr, !o 11lbllr2:@,,i./r7.:6 rTrqlr50 q41r rfr 1,r!/r7s r1.:4rr[o9 Drt1srrr!^740 tvnlltBt@ \4rclt L1fr t tblllLn Dtbllr1lb lvaolir11fiLrtbnrafi ,arlr1o \2lr!\, tt@lvttllr.:6,1n{rt@ ,l1211l76fiullttt r4r2,vlrro D/?tlrl@qnlarrminul7t1fiDtl!1t 12o!uur1 tlsu/In7!otrl2!/t7r!-rurv1760 t712tlr1 11:@ t l2thlD:@ lrl2ur?,E lznlt zD t2lt\lr72tb1r14r7or0 tzlt tlr tfivznrst2mnltarrr:/D@ Ltnz/1l r@ t11221t1*@ ,t)21J11f,@t1n1ir.@ ,zJUJLl@t1t14\1@r,/,.,!,uo 121141112@ Attachmentl-Page290 Capacity valuo of Solaron ldeho Power'3 SFtem rd*nlFhrlw) Mrr rr Attachment l -Page291 Capacity Value ofSolar on ldaho Powe/! Syitem d r,!d rd t*m Ld (st)r:h6Ld(uwt uftri&un(Mw) M4lirwt id !r,.i rd I{w) Attachment 1-Page292 Capaclty V.lue of Solar on ldaho Power's Systsm Attachment l -Page293 Schedule 6 Capacity Value of Solar Exports Attachment 1-Page294 The following section includes the supporting data and calculation of the capacity value of solar exports for Residential customers taking service under Schedule 6. As described in the section titled, "Capacity Value of Solar", the capacity value of solar exports is derived from an NREl-based methodology that was used to determine the capacity value of solar for the Company's 2019 lRP. The NREL-based methodology was taken a step further in this case to determine the capacity value of exported solar specifically. The methodology utilizes actual system load data and data from the Company's existing on-site generation customers to determine the amount of customer exports likely to occur at the time of ldaho Power's system peak loading periods (as determined by the 100 peak hours in 2017). The analysis resulted in a capacity value of solar exports for Schedule 6 (also referred to as the Peak Contribution Factor) ol 7.5%, as shown on page 425. That is,7.SYo of customer generation is exported to the Company during ldaho Power's system peak loading periods. The resulting value of 7.5% is an input in the calculation of the capacity value component of the Export Credit Rate, as shown on page 102. Attachment l -Page295 Schedule 6 Capacity Value of Solar Exports Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrtall.d Pv N.meplat. lkwd.) E*imar.d Pv ira m.plate (kwacl 4798 1.2 3998 3266 3250 3370 3174 3375 3234 3276 3194 3418 3185 3242 3392 3359 3375 1122 4221 3315 a2a2 3293 3ito6 3371 3113 34(r4 3342 3087 3083 3303 3(J79 3376 3137 3071 3320 3322 3330 3056 3297 3285 33!l 3336 3096 3024 3230 x2a7 3036 3306 3313 3211 3294 3159 3:'O3 3@l 3089 3175 2991 3012 32fa 3025 3265 3217 3255 3267 2971 3244 3115 3139 3175 3035 7lrlrl2rtOO 1lalt121:oo 7/a/17 2O:OO 1nltt 22:oo 7/7 /t7 zotoo 7/6/71zt:oo 7/5117 2l:00 lr4lrr 21t6 1n/7119100 7/13/112\:@ 7/11/71IOIOO 716/7718:oo 7ls/71?O]OO 1lal77 t9.@ 7nlr7 r7:oo '7ho/77 2r:oo 7/t3lt7 t9 oo 7/1,4/17 20:@ 7161112o:oo 7n/17 $:@ 7/a/i $:0o 7/a/r1 22t@ 7/1117 !5:OO 1/6/t119too1/r t-] 22:OO 7/517122:@ 1 /7017, 2O:OO 16177 22:OO 't/6/77 t7:oo 1/\Z/7r 27t0o 1174/77 22:oo Tltaltlta:OO 6126/t7 $:0o 7lalt717:oo 7/ro/r719:00 1ltolt122:00 7/L3lri 71:00 1/r4h1t9:@ 715/tt tg:oo 71711715:@ 6/70l\7 2ltD0 1/7/t12!too 7/77/17 2o:oo 7/74h1]a:OO al2/112t:oo 7/to/i !t@ 1/6/t116:@ 1/13/1716:00 7/Lo/117t:oo al2/t7 2o:oo 715/17 !A:W 1lt2lL7 22:@ 711/77 27t0o 6/26/t7 71too 6/20/77 22:oo 1 /3t/77 21,tOO 7l5ht 77too 719/77 27t0o l7ol7l t6too 7174177 tl:@ 7/s/17 L6|OO 1/a/77 t6:oo la/1123:Oo 7/r2/t7 tg:oo 7l37lt12o:@ 7/gltt 2o:@ 6/70/11 2OIOO 1/24/t1r9:oo Net syttem toad (Mw) 1217 32r6 3195 !172 3165 3158 3151. 1141 3140 3139 3136 3129 3129 3125 3124 3121 3117 3114 3111 3110 3109 3109 3104 3102 3oa6 3083 3079 3078 1077 3075 3071 30€5 3062 3058 3056 3056 3048 3045 3o43 :t041 3035 3024 3019 30!1 3015 !o15 3012 3012 3008 3006 3m4 3@1 7992 2990 2989 2985 2983 29AL 2980 2980 7974 7972 2971 2958 2966 2966 2!)66 2955 P.r Unil Ohtibut d solar 0_0308859 o.0!77713 0.15728 0 0.158401 0.035a462 0.033185 o.o2u2 0.36@36 0.0264815 0.157054 0.535527 0.161361 0.352621 0.685451 0.029231' 0.367047 0.153543 0.16m25 0.545221 0.534303 0 o.77994 0.350874 0 0 0.16145 0 0.641467 0.o271444 0 0.557316 0.141418 0.671005 0.368445 0 0.703114 0.346!99 0354129 0.83374 0.0291662 0 0.160552 0.52133 0.0175952 0.560a72 0_7851 0.804574 0.710897 0.134581 0.539329 0 0.0285559 o,692979 0 0.0196875 0.679496 0.0324286 0_417383 0.654746 o.77635 o.755474 0 0.372586 0.13945 0.158368 0.154823 0.19289 (kw) u3.44 t27.O5 528.41 0.00 633.29 143_31 131.67 113.62 1439.43 105.87 677.91 214!.05 645.12 1409.79 2142,05 176.47 7467.46 513.87 539.78 2179,41 2136_15 0.00 3118.22 1402.80 0.00 0.@ 645.48 0.@ 2124.t7 108.54 0.00 2224.$ 565.39 2682.70 1473.05 0.00 2811.07 1387.31 1431_81 3333-41 116.61 0.m 641.89 2084.29 70.35 224234 3138.85 3217.10 2842.18 538.06 2156.25 0.@ 114.17 2770.55 0.m 74,t7 2778.24 129.65 3767.97 2617.69 3103.86 3020,40 o.0o 1449.61 557.52 633.16 618.99 77t,ta 10.88 44.77 0.64 58.75 8.58 960 9.22 164.71 10.50 47,36 421.14 59.65 154.94 71\-71 8,06 16?.05 9.50 52_72 M.91 350.85 013 1057.87 164.73 0.26 l.t5 44.a0 0.38 739.t1 11.39 0.26 408.19 178.43 643.43 166,02 0_51 726.76 189,36 188.93 1306.82 7.At 0.00 61.18 461.54 3.97 442.42 1072.06 1059.08 747.7f 37.76 445.57 0.34 16.24 757.lO 1.66 4_35 712_99 9.17 1138.39 757.44 1096.90 883.03 0,00 225.15 35.46 41.47 60.35 t02.27 Non-E&on€d solar {kw) 112.60 118.21 s80.04 -0.64 574 54 7!4.14 773.O1 104.41 1270.77 95 38 580.55 1719.90 585.48 1254.85 2000 34 108.80 1305.41 559.37 541 56 7770.U 1745.31 {.13 2060,35 1234.07 4.26 -1.15 &0.68 -0.34 1985.35 97.75 -o.26 1819.97 386.96 2039.27 1307,04 0.51 2084,3t 1797.95 u42.48 2026.59 108.80 0.00 54O,77 t672.77 66_3t 1799.56 2066.79 2158.02 2054.41 500.10 1710,68 {.38 97.93 2013.44 -1.66 7416 1985.25 120.18 2129.53 1a60.35 200696 2L17.47 0_m 1264.45 522_O7 591.69 558.63 664.91 Attachment I -Page296 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports ln3t.lled Pv Nam.plare lkwd. ) trt.mated Pv N.mlplate (kw.c) 4798 7.2 3998 7lla/Li 27:oo 719/1719:00 7/7/t7 t4t0o 7/2t./t7 2o:0o 7/79/77 21:oo A/2/lr t9:oo 1l9lr7la:oo 7h3lti t5.oo A/!17 2o:oo 7191t716:N alzolfl $:@ 1la/17 2l@ 7/9/t7 tl,@ s/7/17 27:oo 7/751t1 27:OO 719/1172.oo 6lt9/17 2l:oo 6/25/r7 76:@ 7/5/t7 r5:@ 6/26/t1 L9:OO 812/17 22:oo t/r3/!7 23too al2/77 lAtoo 7ls/77 2a:oo 6120/17 19:OO 716/17 21:oo 1l3r/77 \9:oo 6120/77 77:@ 7/14/\1 76:00 1/74/77 23tOO 1/7a/712o:oo 7lr2/17 \A:@ 7/3177 20:oo 7 /t1/77 zt,oo 71A17715:Oo 6121171zt:oo a/29117 2o:oo 7/5177l5:oo al2/17 77too 7/lO/17 79:OO th9/r7 2o:oo 7l|aly 27:Cfr 7/75/77 2o:oo 7l7o/77 23:00 1129h1t9:@ 6/26/77 15:oo-r/11/17 7a:oo Tlat/17 22:oo TltsltT 22:oo 7/12/t717:@ 1/4/17 2o:o0 6119/77 2?:oo 1l79ltf 22:(fr 7l25llr 2o:oo 7/t7/17 27:oo 7/24/t7 2rtOO 7l29lt12oto0 7/la/t719:N 114/1719:00 7/2/!7 2\:oo 7126/17 r1,OO ala/tr 2o.oo 8129/11 tgtoo 7l4ltl tBtOO-t/25/ti 2t:o0 TlallLT !1:@ 6/a6li 20:00 7h/t1 t9.oo 3009 3207 3252 29E1 3005 3198 3206 3Zl2 3055 3208 3224 2941 4207 2948 2971 29:t2 2999 3139 3229 3039 2926 2925 32@ 2923 320r'l 2917 3154 3lE7 2911 3109 3193 3146 2956 3184 2948 2926 3182 3175 3175 309i1 2419 3010 2677 3014 3131 1747 2473 zE5 3165 3114 2469 2858 2970 2915 2A74 2969 3135 3145 2958 Esa 2994 29E3 3145 288'l 3137 2940 3146 Pcr Unir DBtributed !ol.r 0.0241294 0.35125' 0.8425E6 0 0208'144 0.0234502 0.338859 0.531137 0.859954 0.134332 0.769934 0.546735 0 0.67157 0.0196283 0.0295157 0 0.02299!5 0.591635 0.844449 0.2la:t34 0 0 0.534522 0 0.357037 0 0.337804 0.695605 0.747638 0 o.157027 0.s65066 0,163374 0.0?44349 0.80@5 0.0353022 0.0278561 0.848367 0.684764 0.876965 0.158249 0 0,155158 0 0_305178 0.422859 0.531981 0 0 0.71!955 0,r58155 0 0 0.121!59 0.0267558 0.001792a 0.117@2 0.366771t 0.352146 0.0284122 0,292792 0.135027 0_0845t99 0.53012 0.02891 0.684719 0.000704171 0.17055 96,47 1404.33 3369.06 83.34 93.75 1354.77 2123.50 :t438.11 537.06 1074.27 2185.86 0.00 268rr.95 fa,47 118.00 0.@ 91,93 2365.t7 3376,29 472.90 0.00 0.00 2137.03 0.m t427.44 0.00 1350.55 2781.04 2989.07 0,00 6?7.80 2259.15 653.17 97.69 3198.62 141.14 !11.37 3391.79 2137,70 3506.13 632.44 0-@ 620.33 0_00 1220.1r 3289.41 2126.41 o.@ 0.m 2846.42 632,31 0.00 0.t 0 4E5.20 105.97 7.71 470,18 1466.37 1407.89 113.s9 1170.59 539,84 338.19 2119.43 115.58 2737.57 2.42 1481.47 Attachment 1-Page297 l{.t Sy.tdn toad (MW) 2959 2956 2953 t951 2949 2944 2945 29!9 t93E 293a 2916 2914 2912 2932 29!O 2930 2929 292E 2926 2926 2926 2925 2922 29ZO 2920 2917 2914 2913 29t2 2917 2910 2906 2899 2E9l 2891 2889 2849 2849 2888 2aa7 2886 2479 2479 2E71 zat6 2a75 2474 2871 t873 2873 2472 2669 2858 2457 2467 2865 2465 2E63 2853 2862 2861 265E 2858 2856 2453 2852 2851 solar Exports (kw) Non-ExFrt d solar {kw)8,70 Af.r7 126.02 Dn.321491.72 1875.3519.33 6rr.01 9.22 44,54 146.52 1208.25300,48 1823.021355.06 2083.054t.74 s05.32 881.14 2t91.O7 514.37 1671.491,02 -1.02613.85 2071.103.20 75.71 7.55 110.45 0.38 ,0.38 11.7a 80-16855.25 151,0.72 1389.58 1935.71 30.72 842.18 0.@ o.@0.26 -0,25 174.12 1754.91 0.51 -O.5! 22l.At 1203,63 0.00 0.00712.17 1197.78947.27 7A3a.771012.56 7976.520.38 ,0.38 56.75 569,05566.G 1693-071@.32 552.8511.65 46.041212.58 1986.039.98 131.15!E.69 92.68 14@.72 1991,0759A,67 2039.031451.04 20ss.09 51.95 570.89 o.(rc 0.00 52,74 567.590.51 {.51195.01 1025.101412.73 7An.O7 380.03 7746.840.00 0.000.51 -0.51 946.27 $60.1549,86 582.450.m 0.000.25 -0.26 58.1E 411.02 8.32 98.657,54 5.6350.30 419.a7 230.14 1236.23 194.32 1213,57 11.65 101.94359.84 ar0.7535.rt8 503.36 115.47 222.32438.57 1680.866.35 109.2375E.26 1979,21 17.8tt -15.02219.11 1262.35 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rBt lr.d Pv N.meolat€ (twdc) Estim.tedPvN.n.plat (kwa() 4798 7.2 3998 7l29lr7 21:oo aB/17 $t@ Alrltl 22:oo 7/!ll7 7a:oo a/3h-l2t 0O 1/7t11122:& 7l3lt7 t7,@ altl77 tg:oo 7ha/17 ta:oo 7/4/77 27,@ 7l24ll716:00 6120/17 r5,oo 1/7411715:oo 1/?8/ti 2o.0o a/2911121:Oo 6/2711r 22:oo 7 /24/!, B:Oo 7 /t9/77 t9:oo t/6/77l1:oo 7l2ol77 21,00 6/79/t7 ZO:OO 1125/17 $:e 8/2/17 t6:@ 8la/1719:oo TlTlTr ttoo 7 /24/1, L7t0o 7 /12/77 231oo 'tl9l77 t5:oo 6/27117 2o:oo al4ltl2o:oo 1/!l/112o:& 7l9lt121,oo l12l7r t6,oo a/1,/tt La:OO 7 ll!177 t4:oo 1/2!77 27:oo 7126/17 La:oo a/29/17 $,oo 6/25/\7 7t:& al4/t7 2t,@ 6120177 za:oo 1la/77 o:oo 7 /7a/77 \4:oo 6126/77 27:OO Tltlv l9:0o 1nAlt $:@ 7/211772:oo 1/t7/1120:@ l21l771r,oo 179/1, B:OO 7l7A/77 t7:oo 7/t/77 t6:oo 7h/17 2t:OO 1lalt7 t6:oo 7l4ll7l7:OO 5/20/17 t5:@'U5lt7 74:00 1/29lrr ta:oo 7/241,7 2a:oo 7/4/t7 22tOO 1l3oltt 2t:oo ,/2/r7 2o:oo ABl1177:oo 7/2a/172t:oo a/1117 t7:00 112611716:@ 6/ao/11 21:00 7/1,r/1122:@ sytt.m Load (Mw) Net5ynem Load (Mw) Pfi Unit Oiit rbuted Sol.r 0.0253445 0.5111906 o o.5lt4ra 0.0157945 0 0.612044 0.265892 0.560403 0.0327952 0.49062 0.amo7 0.810977 0.139342 o 0 0,51289 0.371219 0.85826! o.027762' 0.154586 o.274917 0.78149 0_34329 0.813097 0.573135 0 0.833237 0.165144 0.132048 0.167358 0 0.812E85 0.199043 0.886413 0.0199854 0.12:t651 0.33823 0.0257475 0,0148714 0 0 o.472364 0 0.322319 0.340445 0 0.160958 0_01779 0.563308 0.71442 0,824206 0.035711 0.787315 0.650491 0.865659 0.864826 0.467795 0 0 0.0200041 0.164255 0.6t341 0.0203348 0.639537 0.634251 0.0287054 o 101.33 2166.95 0.00 2Z8/,.7a 67.75 0.00 1445.97 1067.04 22t|0.50 131.12 r161.5l 3194.70 3242.30 557.09 0.00 0.m 2050.55 L4A4.L4 3431.35 91.00 618.04 1099.36 3124.41 1372.44 3250-74 2297.4t 0.00 3331.30 664.25 527.91 569.10 0.@ 3249.93 ?95.74 3543.90 79.90 494.'to 1352.25 102.94 59,45 0.m 0.00 3447.71 0.00 r288.64 r36!_11 0.00 643.51 17.72 2232,12 2457.81 3295.19 l42.ra 4747-70 7642.26 34€o.X2 3457.59 1870.25 0.00 0,00 79.98 656.70 2772.27 81.30 2556.48 2535.7s 714.77 0,00 solar Exporri (kw) Non-txported sola, (kw) 2862 3105 28/6 3142 2853 2442 3r27 3062 3r25 2989 3037 3116 3096 2902 2A!4 2al3 3049 3113 3127 2841 3038 2986 3111 3064 3121 3021 2818 3lo7 3031 2947 3027 2Al2 3095 3031 3104 2476 2A71 2953 2487 2422 2403 2403 3095 2437 2937 2966 2805 3005 2a:,t 3093 JOl7 3096 2429 3076 3059 3094 3080 3014 27AA 2826 2818 3024 3057 2792 3032 2954 2A4t 2779 2849 2147 2416 2845 2845 28.2 2U\ 2841 2839 2839 2439 2834 2837 2836 2834 2833 2Aa2 2831 2831 7427 2425 2423 2422 2A2t 2820 2818 2at1 2a15 2814 2814 2812 2810 2810 2808 2808 2AO1 2805 2804 2803 2403 2803 2803 2802 28ot 2801 2801 2800 2794 7798 219A 2196 2195 2r91 7f93 2797 2188 27AA 2748 2746 21A5 2143 2742 218L 2781 27Al 2J79 5.44 409.O2 0.00 49!.77 3.46 0.51 811.94 tt8.oE 544.45 8.19 65jr.89 13@.65 1131.53 44.42 0.38 0.!8 318.85 232.32 7576.97 10.11 69.20 194.37 to72.75 t72,51 7441.37 568.@ 0.00 1152.E6 70.72 27.79 70.40 o.@ 1425.92 241.47 1635.24 7.42 120.8! 256.00 12.80 1.93 0.90 0.00 1513.06 5.89 r91.35 154.31 1.02 65,32 7.81 572.10 998.14 1303.59 5.t2 1135./t2 794.36 1561.86 1548.56 142.O2 0.00 0.13 4.86 76.80 792,77 5.50 481.98 967.42 15.49 0.00 95.89 lt57 5J 0.@ 1793.01 63.69 -0.s1 1635.02 928.96 1695.05 t296.62 1898.05 2110.7E 512.68 {38 {34 t7at.10 1251.82 1854.39 80.49 548 84 905.00 2051.67 1199,87 1769_47 1723.41 0.00 2774.44 593.t3 500.15 598.70 0.00 1824.01 548,30 1908.66 72.44 t13.57 1096.25 90.14 57.53 {.90 0_00 1974.51 5.89 LO97.28 1206.80 -L.O2 518.20 63.32 1640.02 t439.72 1991.50 t31.66 zotz.29 1847.88 1899.06 1909.03 1424,24 0.00 -0.13 75_71 579 90 1940.16 15.79 2014.91 1564.31 99.28 0.00 Attachment l -Page298 ln!t:lled Pv Nameplat. ([wd0 Estimated PV N. meelate {kwad 4198 7.2 3993 7/e/77 r4:@ 7/3/t7 ZIOO 7 /2a/t7 7a:@ 7/19/17 71:0o 1/2o/7t 2o:oo 8/4/t7t9:00 7/14/17 t4:OO a/tU17 2o:oo 6/261r-t 72too 1/t7/p r9:@ 117/t729t0o a/291t7 71:oO 6/2a/17 22:oo ,/27/17 27:oo 7/75/71t9:OO 5l21lt1t9:@ 1/9/77 o:OO A/t1/t7 79:oo 7/25/17 22:0o 7/27/t7 2o:oo 7/7/t1]a:OO 7Bo/r7 2o:OO 1 /20111 ?2:oo 1 lt5lt1 21:OO a/30/17 76:00 6/3O/t7 2Z:0O 8/4/177a:OO 8/1/1122:oO 6/2r/fi ta:oo 8la/71 t9:OO 7/1/11?2:oo alaoltl9:OO 7 /23117 2otoo 7/2/r7 r9:0o 1291t122:Oo 7/20/77 r9:@ 1/28/L7 L7lOO alrl17 t6:oo 1ll9lt116:00 a/t2/t119tOO 5/19/t7 t9:OO 6/261t7 74:OO r/17/i ta:Oo ,/17/17 L9:oo 7l25l71ta.OO a/8lr12o:oo 7/4/t7 t6tOO 6n lt1 2oto0 1/3O/9 7a:@ 7ha/r1t6:oo a/Ut7 t5:@ 7/2/t7 ta:OO 1 l23l|i 22:oo al4li 17:@ 7/t1/t111toi 7 /27 /t7 72:@ 7hlt111:6 7/9/r7 r4:oo r/3o/t7 L9.OO f/26/Ll rqOO Al2ali 7o.oo 6/25/17 2o:oo A/2/t12ltOO 7/23/ri 19:@ 1lJ/t7 t5:@ f /2o/i B:oo r/71/77 2o:oo 6/711121:oo Per Unit Distributed Sol.r 0-a10681 0 0,521249 o.707534 0.158376 0.!25234 0.600{77 0.117449 0 0.38713 0.1s1023 0.424917 0 0.0219156 0.341]533 0.!7206 0 0,314406 0 0.145545 0_49893! 0.139253 0 0 0.257855 o 0.526579 0 0.570638 0.298411 0 o.0421725 0,153333 0.374248 0 0.37905 o.66105 0.599677 0,816721 0.232878 0.360509 0.854684 0.58A198 o.377742 0.541275 0.118905 o.7x2971 0,742213 0.547841 0.81515 o.826508 0.565889 0 0.687343 o.747944 0 0.613t32 0.847E9s 0.349131 0.305176 0.0679r94 0.16194€ 0 0.35983 0.832891 0.5t0052 0.156935 0.0351054 t241.12 0.m 2083.96 2a2A_74 633,19 1300.29 2400.72 469.12 000 1547.75 @3.79 1698.83 0,00 41.62 1393.84 1487_50 0_m 1257.00 0.00 541.89 1!194.74 556-74 0.m 0.@ 1030.91 0.00 2105.26 0-00 224L.42 1193.05 0.@ 171.01 613.03 1496.25 0.00 1515.45 2666.92 2797.32 ,265 27 931.05 l44L_32 3433.04 2351.6! 1510,38 2188.02 475.14 2930.46 568.65 2190.28 3254.99 3304.40 2762.44 0.00 2744.O7 2990.30 0.00 2454.51 3389.90 1395.83 1220.10 277.78 655.47 0.@ M74.59 3529.82 2319.06 527.43 Irlo.35 Non-Export€d solir (tw) 1850.52 {.64 1706.81 182s.12 565.76 1135.64 1247.1,7 447.49 o.13 7272,60 525.59 7272.!6 {_38 79.18 1224.46 1213.14 0.00 1133.55 0.00 524.93 1500.34 515.52 -0-64 -0_26 558.17 {.38 7672.62 0.m 161s.41 1083.18 -0.77 0.40 557.73 1255.61 4.64 1255.12 1886-97 2071.74 !794.96 847.85 1176.41 1713,34 1599.79 1250.60 1731.12 454_75 1862.35 514.76 1871.16 1811.61 1913.73 7712.60 ,0.13 1899.86 1850,01 0.00 152'1.64 220r.92 t269-f5 1172.61 259_48 579.18 '0.13 1242.94 1938.78 1710,86 569_70 129-92 svnem Load (Mw) Netsystem Load (Mw) 3071 7777 3002 3060 2942 3011 3000 2815 2772 3045 2881 2931 2169 7a2l t990 3031 2763 2896 2162 2944 2915 29]6 7157 27ra 2452 7751 3025 Ttto 3011 2904 2747 2At7 2957 3040 2t4l 3026 3005 79-14 3016 2848 3023 3015 3016 3026 2981 2794 7997 2424 2993 1024 3008 2993 7739 3014 3005 2711 2916 3011 2977 2804 7t77 2969 2/Zl 2988 3028 3019 7926 2754 2774 2777 2176 7775 2775 2775 2774 2773 27t7 2770 2169 276' 2761 2764 2764 2764 7761 2762 ?762 276o 2757 2756 2755 2154 275t 2750 2750 2749 2747 2747 7747 2741 2744 ?74! 2740 2740 2719 2734 2137 2747 2737 27X1 2736 27X5 273t 773! 2113 2/32 271\ 27XO 2729 7724 2725 2127 772' 2724 2726 2724 2721 ?121 2721 2770 2770 2718 2117 1390.60 0.64 171.15 1003 61 66.43 1 .61 1113.55 0.13 275.15 78.21 4f6_67 0.34 8,45 169.38 274.31 0.00 123.45 0.m 56 96 494.40 4t.77 0.64 026 312_74 0.18 412.64 0.00 666,01 109.87 o_77 170.61 55.30 240.64 0.64 259,31 779.95 785.54 1470.31 83.20 264.92 1719.69 651.84 259.78 456.90 20.64 1064.11 53.89 319.12 1447.34 1390.67 519.84 0.13 848.15 1140.29 0.00 979.41 1187.98 126.08 47.49 11.90 16.29 0.13 Its.65 1591.04 608.20 57.71 10.43 Attachment l -Page299 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnit llEd Pv Nameplate {kwdc) Estimated PV Namepla!. lkwac) 4198 L,2 3998 7/6117 ta:oo 6/2A/\7 77:@ 8/7/77 2O|OO a/29/77 16.00 1/29h7 r1:@ 7/21/17 tg:oo 1/72/t715:@ 6/?7/t7 21:OO 814117 22,@ 6/19/t7 2X:OO 7/2177 t7:oo alaltT tT:0o 1/22117 2t:@ 7/281t7 72,00 8/31/17 zo:&anli $:oo 1175/t7 t4to0 7h5/17 t7too 7l8l17 23:00 1/3oltl22:OO al2a/i 2t:oo 1/7slt7 75:W Altllt1 2]'@ 11791112!:oo 8/8/17 18100 7/75/11t6:oo 6179/D latoo 7/27|,7 7A:OO 7h0/t173:00thlltl $tOO 51271r171:oo 1/15/9 laloo 7/2817176100 a/28/fl 1a:@ A/lO/11 l9:OO 7lt5/17 O:OO slto/t7 2o:oo 6125111t9:@ ,12717111:oo 6/!0/77 2o:o0 7/21/71\AOO 7/t1/7175100 7/2!11719:@ 5/29/17 Trtoo 6120/7714:o0 8122177 20:00 2A/7122100 ,IZO/U 77:oof/t!/rl 76100 711/7712:oo 1lt1/77 \A:OO alQl7l zotoo 1116/1121:6 A/11t716:00 1/2411715:oo 8/1/11tg:OO 1l2rlt1 22.@ a12411719,@ 7/1l77O|OO 7/7/17 21:oO ,/417 231@ 16177 o:o0 6/7117 79:04 allolu r'@ 1l2sl17 77:q a/29/11 27tOO 7/27/111ao0 Tlgll-t TrtOO 3014 2807 2764 2886 z9a7 2981 2996 2773 7709 2707 2924 7927 2158 2705 2740 7974 2912 2942 2100 2700 2700 2945 2697 2695 2919 2971 2988 2997 2990 2926 2971 2960 2955 2429 2801 2648 2115 2941 2979 2464 2980 z97t 2966 2760 2986 2749 2645 2977 2974 2970 !986 2148 2734 2964 2896 2A2t 7676 za2! 2674 2513 267X 2613 2841 2441 2929 2671 2963 2961 Net Syst.m Lo€d (Mw) 771 2?76 7774 z77t 2714 2714 2711 2713 2709 2701 2707 2105 2704 2704 2704 7703 2102 7702 2700 2700 2699 2696 2696 2695 2695 2694 269t 169t 2692 1692 2691 2591 2690 2690 2648 26€8 2648 2684 7@7 2637 2647 2686 2645 2644 2684 2643 2583 2642 2682 2681 2681 2680 2680 2619 2614 261C ?6'76 2675 7674 2611 2673 2611 2672 2672 2672 2671 7671 2670 Pcr Unit Diitr'buted solrr o.a2na2 0.0281629 0.124366 0.0582996 0.573674 0.35804 0,a70a17 0 0 0 0.715983 o.6t2704 0.0210758 0 0.0599@4 0.784946 0,510871 0.679329 0 0 0 0.559631 0.0103296 0 0.4E1828 0.68040r 0.544514 0.551088 0.850574 0,511052 o.729955 0.532622 o.7ns46 0.0a51235 o.27071! 0 0.10969 0.377151 0.695229 0,166187 0.568975 0,a!9064 0.378298 0.0283208 0.879882 o.os2a27 0 0.73892 0.856595 o.724712 0.579311 0.0971585 0.0233555 0.7998a6 0.670197 0.303552 0 0.251142 0 0 0 0 0.146453 0.55815 o.6115274 o 0.579503 0.748958 3309.49 112.60 497,22 273_05 2693.36 143135 3481.55 0.00 0.@ 0.00 2462,52 25?9.s4 u.26 0.00 239.48 3154.r2 2042.41 271r,91 0.00 o_oo 0.00 2277.40 41.30 0_m 1926_36 2120,27 2r76.99 2204.26 3400.63 2043_20 29$.34 2129_43 3108,65 340.33 1@2.44 0.00 438.54 1507.85 2779.31 664.42 zn4.7a 3354_50 1512.14 r13.23 4517.79 330,41 0.00 2954.22 u21.69 2913.41 2316,10 388.r14 93.38 3197.16 2679.46 1213.65 0.00 1044.05 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 585.52 2231.50 2179.12 0,00 7aL6.A7 1154.27 1600.68 18.58 20.35 622.51 797_16 198.02 \766.7, 0.26 0.(rc 0.00 883,34 672.45 rc.84 0.00 11.90 1132.96 684.04 67a-11 0.51 0.oo 6.27 677.19 7.94 0.51 333.18 520.88 u4.91 498.82 1642.09 172.54 1767.47 395.42 7124,22 155.54 76-93 0_51 77_4t 288.70 a73.05 97.41 484.54 1453_6.1 262.14 74.72 1649_59 19.5a o.77 1075.98 r596.84 !342.65 64,5.2A 18.34 12.85 1230.01 aaz.22 11a.07 0.00 98.43 0.13 0.64 0.00 0.26 14€_80 926.44 834.r8 0,00 624_28 1395.49 Non Exporred so ar (kw) 1708 81 94.0t 476.47 -349.46 1895.91) 1233.44 !7L4.14 -0.26 0.00 0.00 1979.18 t856.73 73.38 0.00 227.54 2027.26 135a43 2037.86 -0.51 0.@ {21 1600.20 33_35 {.51 1593.18 2099.39 1532.O1 17(N.45 1758.54 1670.65 1750_90 t734.02 1980.42 !44.79 1005.51 -0.51 421.13 1219.15 1906.49 567,01 1790_23 1900_96 1250.30 98.51 1828.10 310.82 -o.77 1878.23 1827.85 1570.76 1670.81 370.10 80 53 1967.95 1791.25 1095.58 0.00 945.62 -0.13 -0.64 0.00 4.)6 436,72 1305.05 1945 54 0.00 1688.59 71SA.7A Attachment l -Page300 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnst,lled Pv Na meplare {kwdc } Estimar.d Pv N.meolate (kwsc) 4798 l_2 399a 1/!1/7713:oo a/917120:oo Tlao/7171:oo 1/2211110:N 7/74/\7 o:o0 8/&/r7 t8:0o 71n17123:oo al9/77 t9too 611/7122:oo 7lrlr7 t6:oo eBo/\1 19:oJ a/72/77 la:oo aD4/712o:oo 8/U71 r9:u) 1/5/77 tat0o A/Za/!119:oo 6125/17 ri:oo 8/7177 7t.oo al9lt1 78:oo 't/17/17 23:oo Alaolrl 2!:oo 6/29/71 22:oo al22/77 2t.oo a/a/t1 7r:oo 6/26/tt 231VJ abl/17 2o:oo 1 /zo/77 \6:00 a/!o/71 lgt0o 5/21/7716:00 117111711:@ 6/24/t1 2t:o0 6/27/!7 2t:oo 7/4/71|s:oo 1/21/77 t1:oo 1lr5l17 73:oo 6130117 t9tOO 1/21/11\E:cn 8/91t7 71100 7/1/77 23:oo 81117123:@ 6/79/77 t1:oo 4/29/17 15:oo all!711710, a/9177 2t,oo 7/71/7rO:oo t/29/1176:00 7/26117 2t:oo a/za/77l7:oo 1/79/77 73too 1/1al17lt:N 1/25/tt 16:@ 7 /16/17 72:oo 611/t1r1:oo 1/r6/D 2o:oo e/1/r'1 lstoo 9/4/77 2O|OO 6nn7 7a.oo a/21 /17 2o:oo 1/24117 23:oo 6/30/17 2t:oo 7l1lt7l4:oo 1/26/L7 2o:oo 7l74l l7 7a:O0 7122/t122:@ 1/tl/t7 23:00 a/72117 2t:o0 tl9lt7l3:oo 9/4/77 79:oo P.r Un.t oirtribut.d 5ol.r 0.835755 0.115952 o.696677 0.15662 0 0.440079 o 0.281951 0 0_612124 0,053524 0,520751 0.0811976 0.0231851 0.831391 0.235445 0.56836 o.01,21547 0.43706t 0 0 0 0 0.0145399 0 0.0153842 0.E44143 0.402868 o.a4a744 o.7114?2 0.0266035 0,0243604 0.744175 0.734443 0.66808t 0.375961 o.79t241, 0,587552 0 0 0.690607 0.825063 0.569471 0.0127918 0 0.7531188 0.02a362 0.52t048 0.873713 0,a71505 0,789446 0 0.51832 0.16275 0.843064 0.0179429 0,447416 0.0733576 0 0 0.897297 0.10698s 0.806672 o 0 0.0106874 0.614354 0.152663 3341,37 463-56 2785.33 626,17 0.00 1759.45 0.00 tt27.25 0.m 7547.97 213.9' 2081.97 324,63 92.70 3323.92 941.31 2212.32 49.79 1747.49 0-00 0,00 0-@ 0.00 58.13 0.00 61.51 3!74.90 1610.57 3373.31 29'U.23 706.36 97.39 3135.15 2936.32 2677,O3 1503.10 3163 43 2349.45 0.00 0-00 2761.05 3298,62 2674.76 51.14 0.00 3012.46 11!.!9 2490.96 3493.12 3484,30 3155.22 0.00 2472_06 650.68 3370,5' 71.90 u90.34 293.29 0.00 0.00 3587.41 42f.73 3225.09 0.m 0.00 12.71 3255.42 610.35 No.-Erport d sol.r llw) 1107.90 456.70 2092.7' 557.05 -o,26 1518.93 0.00 1028.17 -0.38 1435.72 145.16 1745_95 313.11 -585.18 t117.49 855.52 1519.24 49.57 1451-43 0.@ -1.80 -0,38 0.(rc 56.98 -0.26 46.77 1871.12 1465.94 1776.44 1832.97 87.30 47.67 t7tl.t6 1609.85 17!9.3s 1144.64 1935-54 1734,41 -0.64 0-m 16111.01 2301.08 19!6.78 1l3.15 {.26 1992.7s 112,37 1867-58 1745.36 l(E7.40 1954.50 '0.51 1655.61 576,25 201!.43 68.57 1244.46 217.AO -0.13 4,26 1813.26 404,18 1a85.31 '0'13 0.00 40.96 2039.69 565.29 synem Load (Mw) Nelsystem Load (Mw) 2957 2142 2944 2865 2666 2Ar4 26@ 2803 2665 2851 272-l 281A 2696 2844 2954 2816 2954 2664 2830 2654 2655 2654 2653 2662 2551 2686 2941 2141 2920 29113 2731 2723 2910 2933 2883 2860 7926 2425 2638 2637 2912 7457 2918 2642 2633 2914 2640 2831 2972 2915 2862 2626 2838 2449 2889 2fl5 2855 2696 2623 2622 2926 27t9 2851 2621 26t9 2626 2898 2731 2669 2669 2668 2661 2666 2665 2564 2663 2662 2660 2660 2658 2654 2656 2656 2656 2656 2655 2655 2654 2654 2653 2652 2651 2651 2650 2650 2@9 2648 2647 7647 2646 7641 2642 7647 2647 7610 2540 2638 26!7 2635 2635 2634 2633 2633 2630 2630 2630 2630 2629 2624 2626 1676 2625 2624 2624 2624 2624 7671 2622 7672 2622 2620 2620 2519 2616 2616 2675 1633,46 25.E8 692 61 69,12 0.26 240 51 0.00 99.07 0,38 7757.24 67,A1 336.02 11.52 774,88 1546.43 a5,79 653.04 0.13 296.06 0.00 1,80 0.38 0.@ 1,15 o.26 1503.7t t44.14 r595.82 1115.26 19.05 9.73 1417.39 1125.47 951.69 358.46 1221.a9 615.04 0.54 0.00 1120.05 997.34 681.37 2.99 0.26 1019.71 1.02 623,38 \747.17 r796.89 !t97-12 0.51 816.45 74.42 1357.16 3.33 541.92 15.49 0.13 0.26 1774.15 23 55 1339.79 0.13 0,00 7.71 1216.13 45.05 Attachment l - Page 30l Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Gensration Exports and Non-€xpods lnrtall.dPvN.mcplat lkwdc) Estimated Pv Namepl.t. (lwacl 479A 7.2 3998 7l2lt1 16:00 1l|oltl1LN a/8lt7 t6:OO alTO/17 \7:oo 7 /26/17 L5:OOallli za:oo 1/?111711:@ 6/2t/t122,00 alslti zo.oo 7ltutr tS:@ A/24117 ta:oo a/?2/77 1,9too 7la/717:oO 719/17 r.oo a/70/17 zt,oo llto/t7otoo ,/24/7714:00 a/251112O,@ 6/25/\7 l3:oo a/2/77 t4:OO 5125177 23:oo 6110/17 $:@ 6/2a/t7 ?OIOO ,/22/!719:oo a/1!77 t6:OO th177 ts:oo a/4/77 ts:oo 917/17 t9:@ 7lt2l17 r4.0o l2alt1 t5:@ 8/31/17 2r:@ 8/3t/77 78tco 6120177 t3:@ 6/21/7715:oo A/27 /17 77:oo alTli $,oO9lli ao:oo 11261!7 Z2:& 6124/7122:oo 7lt6/77 79:@ 7/2O1r123:@ 116/t7 t2.OO 7/72/i $:oo 7/291t7 Z3:@ 8lttl17 79:@ 1/aO/17 76:00 7/25/712!too B/zalv $:oo an/7122:oo a/t2/77 t1:oo 1127/1716:00 9/1117 2l:@ 6125/17 1 :@ 8/2alr7 22:@ 7/2017175:oo 6l2a/77 19:oo 912117 2O,@ 1ltll17 t6.oo A/27 /17 tg,oo 7127177 ts:oo 1lt5lt7 t?:@ 6/a4/17 tl,oo 116/!7 ',8:OO8/1/77 $:@ 8/5177 71:@ a/t!771,s:@ 9/U17 ta:oo 6129/17 2O:oO P.. Unit DLtibut.d Solar 0.81259E o.762169 0,732803 0.568746 0.814201 0 0.727257 o 0.128435 0.913063 0.45749 0.260,449 o 0 0.t0!,75211 0 0.595284 0.0793268 0,84154 0.829811 0 0.559803 0.173259 0.371571 0.600943 0.546/175 0.866453 0.237309 0.8a6638 0.839454 0 0.45596 0.451235 0.912129 0 0.394614 0.0558!31 0 0 0.414747 0 o.7x9971 0.581639 0 0_244s63 0.799963 0 o,257321 0 0.68160t 0.439448 0 0.719a27 0 0.912299 0,4052!3 0.0537219 0.a44478 o.277259 0_83{O25 0.557734 0,709311 o,5770o7 0.481058 0.0134187 o,795422 0.445777 o.171524 x24e.7A !048.37 2929.75 2273.85 3255,19 0.00 2887,60 0.00 513.49 !650.45 1830.55 1041,28 0.00 0.00 34.99 0.00 2379.9' 317.t5 3364.50 3317.64 0.00 2234,10 692.73 1509.56 2402.74 2344.74 346,4,10 944.77 3S4r1,80 3356.20 0.00 1822.94 3403.26 36116.r1 o.o0 7577.68 223.42 0.00 0.00 1514.24 o.@ 295E.'t4 2325.41 0,00 917-77 3194.27 0.00 1028.80 0.m 2725,08 3356.13 0.oo 2An.aa 0.00 3647.39 1620.13 2!4.7E 3!75,24 1108.49 3334.45 2229.E3 2835.84 2306.89 1923.28 53.55 3181.71 7742.2! 685.76 Sysrem Load (Mw) N€t syneh L@d lMw)solar Exront lkw) i'lon+xpotud Solar (kW) 28:11 2909 2At7 2851 28a7 2512 2906 2611 2708 2905 2816 2195 2eJ9 2609 26t7 2608 2847 2614 2898 2888 2605 2425 2452 28r7 2863 2748 2885 2803 2854 2881 2594 2AJ7 2495 2474 259? 2449 2653 2591 2598 2Aa7 2589 2886 2870 2584 2736 2869 2583 2652 2574 2838 2876 25t6 2874 2575 2464 2474 2622 2876 27AA 2810 2790 2868 2779 2573 7AO7 2at2 2791 26t4 2613 2513 ?612 2612 2612 26t7 2611 2611 2610 2610 2610 2609 2609 2608 2608 2601 2606 2606 2606 2505 2605 2605 2603 2602 2602 2600 2599 2599 2595 2594 2593 2593 2593 2592 7597 2592 2591 2590 2590 2589 2547 2586 2584 2584 2583 2583 2580 2574 2577 2577 2516 2515 2575 2573 2572 2571 257! 2569 2567 2566 2566 2565 2562 2561 2561 2560 2558 7240.14 1473.56 7071.47 499.31 1436,56 1.79 856.93 1.92 24.42 7467,74 369.41 131,07 o.26 0.13 o.t1 0.00 1010.00 15.49 1760,42 7t92,A7 0.51 807.34 115.97 271.10 990.15 7442.77 1557,19 t56.42 192S.67 7432.94 0.38 326.14 1593.20 1899.01 0.26 974.7t 17.6 0.38 1.28 268.94 0.64 1440.7' 6t7.54 0.38 99.33 949.07 0.51 138.11 0.00 610,61 1605.38 0.00 1101.70 4.13 1825.55 393.70 13.57 1540.67 121.98 1445.18 1029.55 1336.58 592.07 353.13 l.2a 1278.15 447.26 119.55 2m8.04 t574.81 1908.19 t774.55 1818.63 t.79 zo30.6f -1_92 445.07 t7a1.1t 1461.25 910.21 -0.26 {_13 38.22 0.00 1369.97 301.66 1604.07 1724.11 0.51 t430,11 576_77 1238.46 1412.59 962.03 1906.91 792.35 1619.12 1923.25 {.38 7496.79 1710.06 1741.10 -o.26 598.97 20s_75 -0.38 t.2a 1245.30 -0.64 7477.65 7707.87 -0.38 474.44 2209.20 -0.51 890.69 0.@ 2L74 41 7750.76 0.00 7176.!9 413 ta27.74 1226.43 201_21 1835.57 986 51 1888,27 1200.24 1499,27 17t4.a2 1570 15 52.11 1903_57 1294.94 565.20 Attachment l -Page302 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hst lled Pv Nameplate (kwd.) Estinat.d Pv Na n.plate (kwac) 4194 t.z 3998 6n/t1t6:N 8/9/1122:00 t /3Ur1 l4:oo a/\2177 22:oo a/75/77 21:oo a/5/1719:00 717!77 o:@ a/2s/17 19:@ aho/t122:oo 6/28/17 18:0o 7 /4/t1o:oo a/7o/t7 221OO e/24/11 27:oo a/alD 22:@ 6/19/17 76:00 6/2a/ti tl.t o 6/24/17 2o:oo 9/4/77 l8:oo a/21/71 t9:oo 6/77/17 o.oo 6/2A/t121:N a/r2/t1 16:00 th/!117:0o a/22/r1 27:oo 8/26/77 2o:oo a/22111 IA:OO 1/5/17 o:oo a/N/17 16:@ 6/27/t120:@ 6/30/11 t6:oo 8/1/17 23:oo 1/21/71231OO al9ll7 t6:oo 6/29/t7 21:oo e/5/D 7A:0o 7/17/17 77:oo 1/r1/t1tz:tfi 7/23/17 23:oo 8/z4lU l7:oo 8/23/t1 2O:@ 7 /27/t7 23:oo 1/3/t1tlOO 7 /2Alt1 21:00 7/29/17ls:oo 8/4/77 23:oo 7l4h1t4:OO 1/t9/t7 t4:@ 7/2/1715:@ 1/21/t7 !6:@ allaltt 2o.oo 7l5ll7l2.Oo 8/21/t7 tl:oo 5/30/1719:00 J/t6lt1 t7:oo 1/e/t711:oo a/ral\12t:@ tl6/719:oo 8/3o/ti t4:oo 't/7t/1714:oo 1l25lt7l5:OO 6/21/\7 19t0o 1/76/77 o:oo al21/t1 2tt0o 6/23/11 27:oo e/3r/17 L6:OO 6/10/17 15:oo 6/2tll7 le:@ 7n/t7 7r:oo 2807 2551 2844 2555 2555 2757 2554 2f66 255! 2854 2552 2552 2554 2551 2842 2412 2194 z?45 2616 2549 2549 2797 2810 2547 25ZL 2746 2546 2A12 277e 2f6l 2545 2544 277\ 2142 2774 2475 2826 2540 2805 257t 2538 2842 2812 2536 2E10 2420 2755 2A2A 2662 2834 2650 2673 2421 2420 252' 2766 2815 276t 2420 2523 2525 2@2 7791 2694 2815 2794 .t Syrtm Load (Mw) 2557 2557 2556 2555 2555 2554 2554 2554 2553 2553 2552 2552 2552 2551 2551 2551 2551 2550 2549 2549 2549 2548 254' 2547 2ra1 2546 ?546 2546 2546 2545 2545 2541 2543 2542 2540 25rU) 25{, 2540 2539 253E 2534 2$a 2537 2535 2536 2535 2534 2534 2533 25a2 2531 2531 2530 2530 2529 2526 2526 2524 2523 252a 2523 2523 2521 2521 2520 7519 2518 P.r Unit Oirtibut.d 5ol.r 0.678351 0 0.E434)3 0 0 0_315046 0 o,213479 0 0.615935 o 0 0 0 o.79603 0.778904 0.164031 0.337222 0.19!107 0 0 0,692575 0.518506 0 o-o767914 0.446393 0 0,697901 0.159374 0.8181118 0 0 0.503245 0 0.502545 0,739052 0.746' 0 o.62771t 0.06959s3 0 0.862463 0 0.804789 0 o.807328 0.492262 0,866454 0,E27764 0.101783 0.736m1 0.515797 0.230719 0.733468 0.7255sr 0.m523301 0.0125s97 0.729277 o.927477 0.847342 0,394833 0 0 0,0258024 o.757597 0.887r84 0.6t)2126 0.597945 tkwl 2772_06 0.00 3112.74 0.oo 0,00 1259.72 0.@ 1093.37 0-00 2462.32 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 3182.55 3114.08 67t.19 1348.22 776.04 o_00 0_00 275€.94 24f2,40 0.00 307.02 1744.69 0.00 2790_22 677.t5 1272.O5 0.00 0.00 2411.95 0.00 2009.19 7954.75 2986.12 0.00 2485.55 274.64 0.00 3444.15 0,00 3233.56 0.00 1227.71 3567.28 3464.10 3309.42 406.93 2942.54 2062.!7 922-42 2932.42 7900.71 20,92 50.21 2915,'13 3707,45 3ts7.69 1578.55 000 0.00 103,16 3028,89 3546.98 2407.31 ?t90.60 1335.11 1.66 15'1.OO 3.26 0.77 152,38 0_uo 154 94 0.m 864.47 0,51 0.00 o.25 0.00 1556.36 1326.49 121.1a 19E.83 72.43 1.02 0.38 455.77 1046.66 0.00 18.30 422,81 0.25 1030,98 7E.14 1829.78 0,00 0.00 947.42 o,71 427.26 1078.70 7525-62 o.o0 823,21 10.96 0.00 1793,64 0.13 1259.82 0.41 1618.58 1914.71. 1539.67 126\.78 3a-27 1491.21 430.02 196.98 951.73 1308.71 r,92 1.28 952.52 2001,84 1231.07 335.06 0,38 0.5r 21.38 1214.55 2114.59 8a1,a5 1045.90 Non-Elponld soln (lW) 7X16,95 .1.65 117a.75 -3,26 '0.77 1107.34 0.00 938.43 0,00 1598-05 .0.51 0.00 .0.26 0.00 7626.19 77A7.59 550.61 1149.39 703.21 -1.02 {.38 1912.16 1426.14 0.00 zaa.77 1361.88 4.26 1759.24 599.02 1412.77 0.@ 0.00 t1u.t2 -0,77 1581.92 1876.05 1460.50 0.00 1662.44 267.6t 0.00 1654.50 {.13 1973.73 '0.41 1509.14 1652.58 1924,43 2U1.64 368_66 1451.34 1532.15 725.44 1980.69 1592,05 19.00 44,93 1952.91 1706.O2 2156.62 1242.49 .0 38 {_51 61.74 1814.34 74!2.40 1525_it6 r344.70 Attachment 'l - Page 303 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstall.d Pv Nameplate (kwdc) Ertjmated Pv N.m.prate (rw.c) 4794 t.2 3998 7/Xo/1121:oo 1l7glt-t t4,oo al8lti Lr:Oo 6/29111 t9:oo 9/7/t1 t9:o0 6/27/ti L1:@ 6/24/1719:@ aD/17 !7:OO 6l22lt1 22:oo 6l78lt1 75100 a/76/r7 21:OO r/6/t719:oo aB/17l4:@ 8lt7/17 2t:oo 8/25/t178:@ 9l5l\7 79:N al2Y17 2o:@ t/6/1,1 IOIOO 6/7/t7 2t:oo Tlrolr1\t:oo t7/t1a:OO 8l26lt7 l9:oo 9/3117 zO:N 8/71/1,12oto0 6/ZX/11 22:oo 6/22/71 27too 9n177l9:oo 5l2o/17 l2.oo an/t7 16:@ a/5/17 22:oo 8/29/17 14:oo 6/2r/77 21:oo ll4lr7ll:@ a/21li $.@ 1/t7177 Ls:Oo Al2a/!7 21:00 6/7alr7 r5:oo 1/26/11r4:oo 6/2r/1711:Oo 71917112:oo 7/15/1,7 ttoD A/26177 27:oo anthT r7:oo r/6117 2|:oo 8/6/17 u;m alslt7 t7,qgl2ltr 2t N 8/7/17 t!:@ 6/26/7r t}@ al4ltl $:OO 7177/11 9:o0 a/5/1779.@ 6l2.rlt1 76:00 7/9h7 2:o0 ah7/Ll t9t00 6/24/tt 23:00 9/7/\7 2ltoo r/6117 8:oo 8lt6h7 20:oo 712117115:00 t/6/17 llt0o 6/2A/D otoo th/1,114:@ Ahall7 t9:@ al9/77 ts:oo 6/29177 $:oo 9/sll7 2O:@ 9/all7 t1:o0 2518 2El0 27ea 2At2 2709 2814 2804 2710 2514 28r6 2512 77A7 25t7 2787 2559 2@1 2501 2505 2744 2503 27LZ 254a 2635 25@ 2581 2524 1795 1692 2497 2743 2196 2752 2764 2800 2493 2799 2716 2749 276' 2490 2490 2757 2489 2583 2746 248A 2729 2742 2766 2445 2539 2779 24At 2749 2480 24a7 2479 2610 2f75 247a 2474 2@6 2716 2679 2777 24a7 2679 Pe. U.it Dittribut.d 50lar 0 0.88249 0.60tt21 0.39715 o,21761 0.429244 0.390127 0.60818 0 0.892064 0.00742224 0 0.E43925 0.00632285 0.485003 0.r6,1413 0.0909093 0.369629 0 0.521954 0 0.276886 0.0509513 0.102411 0 o.0271121 o.\70622 0.769421 0.606958 0 o.uo572 0 0.54291 0.487951 o.90799? 0 0.951791 o.421749 0.767981 0.74la49 0 0 0.631436 0 0,241513 0.6554r8 0 o,177241 0.770948 0.841591 0.0675168 0.086033 o.aro72! 0 0.835783 0 o 0 0.106274 o.490r7, 0.m543 0 0.761889 0.324152 o.793427 0.503377 0.0218674 0,493296 0.00 3528.21 3215.49 1587.81 949.97 3715,14 7559.74 7411.52 0.@ 3566.49 29,67 o.o0 3374.03 25.28 1539.05 6s7.33 36346 747f.f8 0.00 2486.@ 0,00 1107.00 204.70 411.04 0.00 110 79 682.15 1076.77 2426.61 0.00 3360.63 0.@ 2tto.51 1950.84 3610.17 0.00 3805.28 3283.37 3070.40 2966.09 0.00 0.00 2574.49 0.00 1125.50 2620.38 0.00 3107,43 3082,43 3524.62 269.93 343.96 3521.15 0.00 3141.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 424.49 3562 15 2120.52 0.00 3046.05 7295.97 3172.14 7412.3L 87.43 1977_71 0.00 1964.35 t!51.22 424.96 110.21 2055,81 41o.2, 575.33 0.26 !769.16 74,92 0.00 1516.80 2.43 1140.90 30.72 29.44 18.18 0.38 I122.14 0,00 149,06 11.39 47.34 1,15 19.77 2E.93 7477.2A 861,97 0.00 1563.32 0.90 982,71 394.90 1883.27 4.05 2123.01 !642.87 74A3.1? 1G3.11 0.51 13,44 756.97 0.00 143.E5 74\74 0,33 7457.O7 r657.52 1754.32 3.89 56.19 1917.56 0.13 1608,24 0.3E 0.25 0_00 46,22 1914.07 51.84 0.64 t749.77 22t.1 1333.45 923.40 2.:to 477.27 lon'E&oft.d sol.r (tW) 0.00 1553.86 ta65.27 1162-a5 s19.76 161t9.33 1149.46 1856.19 4.26 l7!7.33 4.75 0.@ 1457.21 22,A5 1498.16 626,61 134.02 1459.61 -03a ].64.46 0.m 957.94 192_31 369.70 {.15 91.@ 553.22 1604.89 1554.66 0.00 7797.30 {.90 l$7.86 1555.93 t746.90 -4,05 \@2.27 1540,50 15a6,64 lEE2.98 .0.5r -13,44 1757.53 0.@ 9E1.65 1878.60{.la 1640.42 1414,91 l7(,0.30 266.04 247.n l@3.49 -0.13 t7t3.24 .0.38 -0.26 0.00 474.6 $44.o7 2368.68 _0.64 LZ96.2a 7012.aa 1838.69 1488.91 85.12 149s.00 Attachment l - Page 304 l{.t Svstem Lo.d lMw) 2518 2517 25L5 2515 2515 25t4 25t4 2513 2513 2513 2512 7572 2577 2509 2508 25'A z*1 2507 2505 2504 2503 2504 2502 2499 2499 2499 2498 2497 7497 2497 7497 2495 2495 2494 2491 249! 2492 2490 2490 2490 2490 ?490 2449 2489 2489 21AA 7481 2446 2446 2445 2444 2483 24al 2481 2440 24aO 2479 24,9 z47a 7474 2478 2178 2474 z47B 2477 74f4 24r3 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnttalled Pv Nan.plate (kwdcl E timat.d PV Nam€plate (kwacl 4194 l2 3998 2717 2753 247! 2470 2470 2743 2169 2762 2774 2570 2467 2714 2449 2466 27L 215a 2452 2462 2550 2461 275s 2774 2711 2727 24A5 24,li2 2719 2456 ?547 2753 2722 246! 2623 2454 275t 2669 2452 2452 2452 2511 2451 2740 2679 ?751 27tO 2753 2494 2444 ,750 2531 2445 2445 272' 2443 2724 1412 2441 2551 2440 2732 2575 2553 2417 2739 2435 243t 2432 7724 al22lt7 t :o0 6/25/17 t6:OO 7122/77 23:OO 1/2/770:@ 813/77o10o th2/7713:oo 7nl71|tOO 7/30/7715:oo 6/79111 75tOO 9/s/77 Tatoo 7/7/t7 lo:oo al24/t7 761oo sl3o/17 27:oo lr4/r7 7:@ al12lr7 t5:N 7/20/77 l4:Cfr r/6/77 2|OO 7/1/17o:@ sl3ol77 Totoo aoTlrt 22too 7/22/t716:00 slro/t1 75too 7/16/t176too a/28/17 16:00 al6/r12ot0ogltlllT 2O:o0 7lza/i U:00 7/76/17 23:@ 913/77 t9:@ 6/24/17 tAoO s/26/L7 ta:oo a/75hr 2l:Oo 6l1olt7 t4tOO 1/7lt7 t7too 7/6/t7 77:oo 1/2/r114tOO 6/20/17 O:oo 7/6/7? T|OO 7/26117 2a:o0 9/6/1719:N a/2sll7 22:@ 7/27/17 L4:90 a/7!/77 t4:OO 6/29/17 t7.oo 912/tl IA:OO 6127lr, r3:oo 61611121:oo sltt/t1 23tOO 6/21,/ti 75too s/xo/17 l8:oo 7la/77 2:oo a/24117 22:00 alzlr7 tl:oo a/21/tr 22:@ a/25/7717:OO 6/6/r.7 22:OO 7/72/77o,oo all'ltt 2o:oo 7lL9/r7 Otoo 7l1tlt7 t3too Tltslti 77tOO 9/7/t718too 6/21/17 o:oo 6/2aht t4:oo 16/17 9:oo 1D/t7 r9:Oo 11701711:OO a/B/t7 ra:oo {et System Lo.d (Mw) 1473 2472 24 lt 2470 um 2459 2469 2469 2467 2467 2467 2466 2466 2465 2165 2462 2462 2462 2461 2461 246E 2459 2458 2458 2454 2457 2457 2456 2455 2455 2455 2454 2454 2454 245t 2457 7452 2452 2452 2452 2451 2451 2450 2450 2/t49 24,49 2444 2448 2444 2445 2445 2445 2443 2441 2443 2442 7441 2441 2440 2439 24X9 2438 2417 2436 24!5 2432 7417 7437 Ps unit Distributed Solar 0.600073 0.428M9 0 0 0 0.456141 0 0.a5404 0.863806 o.345472 0.0254065 0.735701 0 o o.42374! 0.926533 0 0 0 0 0.849501 0.770613 0,836706 0.727155 0 0.0304:!05 0.857249 0 0.238332 0.590051 0.489959 0.00555213 0.908091 0.0570499 0.611882 0.870831 0 0 0 0.130383 0 0.84293 0.415541 o.767646 0_432193 0-a9548 0.0248996 0 0.940031 0,553485 0 0 0.792418 0 0_659196 0 0 0.108t52 0 0_490263 0.585578 0.34389 0 0_964894 0.0555514 0 0 0.542904 2399.10 3310.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 3422.4' 0.00 34t4.47 3453_52 1382.80 105.57 2941.35 0.00 0.00 3291.34 3704.30 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.m 4t96.12 3080.93 3345.17 2907.14 0.00 12t.26 3417.30 0.00 952.86 2359.04 1958.87 72.70 3630.57 224.O9 2446.12 3481.64 0.@ 0.00 521.77 0.00 3370.05 3260.95 3049.04 7727.97 3580.15 115 54 0.00 3754_26 2272.45 0.00 0_(x) 3168.10 0.@ 2635.48 0.00 0.00 435.19 0-00 3559,29 2341.15 1374,88 0.00 1457.67 222.t0 0@ 0.@ 2770.54 9olar Exports (tW) Non-Erpdt dsol.,ltw) 911.69 l4a7,41555.54 1755,02o.@ 0.000.64 -0.64 0.38 -0.38 1919.21 1503.660.00 0.@1273.58 2140_891a90,18 1561-14 12!,72 1261.08 1.54 104,Cr41278.89 1662.464.82 -4.82o.5l {.51 1t66,60 2721.71 1927.55 7716,740.32 -0.32 0.64 4.6449.5a -49-68 0.38 -0341512-48 1883.84,399.77 1681.161334.83 2010.341199,62 L707,57 11.90 -11.907.2A 115.981705.73 1127.370.51 {.51 85,3a 867.48 919,72 1439-32458,62 1500-24 tal 20.19 2259.64 870.84 8.58 219.511153,69 1292.631677.28 1804.32 0.64 -0.54 0.26 -0.26 0.26 -0.25 37,a1 4a3.460.00 0.00 1667,62 7102.4X1549.06 1711,891512.52 1536.55397.64 1330.282036.07 15rt4.O8 25.66 89.841.95 -1,95 2113.89 1644.3E 673.63 1539.220.13 ,0.13 0.00 0.001619.41 $44-70 0.00 0.00 a92.20 7744.280.13 {.130_25 4.?642.8a 192.31 0 64 {.641960.7a 1598.51901.54 143r.61204.61 7t70.27 0.51 ,0.51 2721.26 1634.411.54 220.560.00 0.00 0.00 0.00653.18 151.1,36 Attachment l - Page 305 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Installed PV N.mepl.te lkwdcl Estim.ted PV ltameplate (tw.cl 4794 1.2 t998 1lt9/r17at0o a/8/t122:@ 5117/t7 77:oo 8/10/1,713:@ 8/t7lL1 22:@ 6/1/t17s:o0 a/21t7 22tOO 1l2olt7 o:o0 9/7/712O|OO 916177 2OtoO 9/5/7121:oo als/rt r6too 1lrlr7 o:oo al,6/17 22tOO a/$lt122tOO 7/3/71r2:oo L/6/i $too ,h/719:oo 914/17 22:@ Llt1l717O:@ 7175/7174:@ t/76/77 79OA r/1/77 72:00 1,/1 177 tEtOO 6/22171 2JtoO a/77/77 t9too a/2ah1t6:oo 612!77 2o:oo 8/6177 21:oo 7hr,/71t:oo 9/3/77 2l:@ 1/16177 IO:OO 9nlt7 21:oo 7/29/17 r4:@ 7/7a/ti tt:oo 7/6/ti t2:0o 6179/ti L5'@ sl3t/t1 zotoo 1/3th1ta.@ 9ltrltl2t:@ a/6/lr tltoo 14/17 t]:oo !76/11 2OOO 1l24lr7 t3:OO 7/6/1712:@ 1/$h, La:ooa/ali 74:oo 7 lalt1 ll:@ 9/3/t7 78:N 1/25/77 o:o0 8/L/tl O:OO 8llalt7 77:o0 s131.111 16:@ r/5/7119100 tlt6ltl8:@ s/31/tt 2l:oo 8/26177 771o0 5/10.17122:@ 9lrtl71 tg:oo 7 /23177 rs:oo 8/3/r713:00 5137/77 $:0o a/7/77 23:OO 916117 21:oo e/77117 11:oo 6/?o/t1 rt:oo 6/z7ltt M:oo th2/t7 23:00 2125 2431 2582 2655 2429 2f26 2428 2127 2430 2434 2421 2643 2421 2421 2420 2127 2419 24t9 2418 242t 2654 2a$ 2415 2477 z4!4 2584 2505 2656 2419 2411 2472 2413 2413 270t1 2552 2411 2711, 2505 2102 2409 2562 2674 2406 2644 24At 2698 2671 2692 2652 2400 2@ 2647 2r77 2399 2399 2423 26aO 2398 2565 2693 2670 2510 2397 2397 2675 2590 2702 2395 tld syst n Lo.d (Mw) 24a2 2431 243r 2410 2429 2424 2t28 2427 2425 2423 2421 2422 2a27 ,42! 2420 2419 2419 2419 24la 2418 2417 24t6 2415 2415 2414 2414 2413 2413 2412 2411 2477 2411 24t7 2411 2410 2410 24.9 2449 2109 2tto{l 2408 2408 2405 2405 24@l 2ao2 7102 2/to1 2400 2400 24@ 2399 2399 2399 2399 2399 2399 2398 2491 239f 2397 2497 7197 2!97 2397 2391 2395 Per U.it Dbtributed Solar 0.463363 0 0.601238 o.15t625 0 0.854749 0 0 0.0255587 0.0135951 0 o,162067 0 0 0 o.742701 0 0 0 o.16577 0_460749 0 0.07768t9 0 o 0.329116 0.4669611 0.170531 0 0 0 0.353755 0 0.82lirrr3 0.328951 0.r57!25 o.473779 0.146154 0.406855 0 0.36263 o.790271 0 0.8$317 0 0.412745 q.8u457 o.@t25a 0.446296 0 0 0.71226r o.742967 0 0 0.03468 0.660256 0 0.215489 0.882243 0.8@205 0.542662 0 0 0-65468 0.644439 0.95513 0 (kw) 345r.74 0.o0 2403.75 3005.01 0.00 3433.30 0.00 0.m 102.18 54.35 0.00 :'046.76 0.m 0.m 0.@ 3129.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 1462.36 344t.29 0.00 310.58 0.@ o.@ t315.81 1866.9:' 581.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 1414.32 0.00 3284_15 1315.15 3027-00 3493.39 544.37 3225.83 0_@ 11t49.80 3159.52 0.00 4271.65 0.00 3369.31 !244.22 2427.41 1784.30 0.00 0.00 2447.64 3l!o.:to 0.@ 0.00 138.65 7639.72 0.00 863.11 3527.21 3199.24 2169.S7 0,00 0.00 2677.42 2576.44 3814.53 0.00 1a42.90 o.23 766.46 1192.48 0.00 1824_!0 0.13 1.02 2.41 1.92 0.30 1113.53 0.38 0.54 0.13 1650.56 0.00 0.46 0.00 96.54 1203.68 0.m 10,68 0_00 0.@ 279.25 797_70 148.67 7,O2 0.00 40.54 0.26 14,14.10 746.49 1o5.22 1974.50 29.46 1654.93 1.38 394.@ 1515,49 0.00 1500.67 0.00 1906.45 tstt.77 1034_63 302.81 o38 0.@ 1ta3.45 1435.42 0.00 0,00 2.18 905.46 0_46 9!.91 1544.47 1557.08 459.59 0.26 0.@ 815.18 1166.38 225t.79 4.40 Non-Expod.d sol.r (*w) 1568,85 -o.23 1637.3! 1812,53 0.00 1609,00 {.13 '1.02 99.75 52.43 -0.30 1933.23 -0.:t! ,0.54 0.13 1478.70 0.m -0.46 0.oo 1365.81 2247,67 0.00 299.90 0,00 0.00 1086,56 1069.83 533.11 -1.02 -0.64 0.00 1373.19 -o.26 1840.05 558.67 2927.79 1518.89 554.51 1570,90 -1_34 1055.72 1544_03 0.00 1170.94 0.00 1t62.46 1732.45 1393,20 1481.49 {.38 0.00 r663.78 1694-87 0.00 0.00 136.48 t744.26 -0.46 764.22 7942.75 1642.15 1709.98 -0.26 0.00 1a01.25 1410.10 1566.84 Attachment l -Page306 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnnalted Pv Nam.plate (kwdc, Esrim.rEd Pv ir.fi€plare (kwad 4194 1.2 3998 anl17 t5:@ a/76/17 l9:o0 5l3o/7717:Oo 612417717:@ 't/1117174100 6/21/77 23:@ al9/7123100 al29/77 2r:oo 1lsl712O10o 7/5/117t:oo 6/21/77 !2:oo 7ltll71t1:ao al2lti o:Oo 91s17177:@ a/24/77 rStOO 7 /9/Li 3:oo 1l7ol71l,Otoo 6l2al77 7L00 9/a/t7 79.oo 6/t/t1 19:@ 912/11\1:0oaliln $:@ a/77/9 tg:oo 1/16/17 t'lOO alls/rl 22:oo 6/6117 2o:oo 7/7a/i O:oo alfi/r7 2ltOO 6/22/t7 2otoo 1/714t@ 7l5l77 r:oo 7/2o/t7 L3:@ a/22/77 t5:OO Lll/r7 r3.oo 9l6ltl ta:@glalt, B:oo rh6lt1 27too 9/81t7 2otoo 6/3o/t7 lt:oo alal,-t 2ato0 7/27/l7 ta:oo 8/6/77 22:00 7126/7713:OO 612!/17 t9:oo Utlltl T:Oo t/71/7719:oo 7l7z/7712:oo 6125/77 73tOO 8/2sl1716:m 7/t6/tt 7t,@ 7/a0117 o:oo 1,15/tl2r:oo 7l?2111 ls:oo a/23111 l5:oo 7/21/71t4t0o t/7/11t4:OO 1lrl71t1:@ algltl r4:@ thltl Lrtoo e/2a/i!5:oo 6130/77 o:0o 9/21r722.@ 1/7)1717:@ 1/26/17 o:oo 8/26/17 22:oo 6129171 r5,oo 714/77 TtoO 5l1tlt7 21too Net systcm ro.d (Mw, 2395 2394 2394 2394 2393 2393 2!93 2393 2392 2392 7392 2391 2391 2390 2t90 2390 2390 2390 2387 2347 2385 2385 23e4 2344 2383 Ba3 2340 2380 2X79 2179 2374 2174 2374 23n 23'|7 2476 2176 2375 7375 2375 2374 7371 2373 2a72 2r7t 2469 2358 2368 2368 2364 216t ?x6 216! 2364 2164 236rr 2364 2363 2363 2162 2361 2360 2360 23@ 2359 854 2358 2a13.75 1309.09 2452.29 2961.81 3674.12 o.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 2416.O2 3243.21 2455.14 0.oo 1802.42 3208.it4 0.m t75t.7a 3699.49 250.84 1003.78 2175.71 218?.55 l22l.14 3597,98 0.00 595.11 0.00 o.o0 691.19 0.00 0_00 3545.44 2848.38 220.19 1152.28 1558.71 0.@ 154.69 3520.75 0.00 323t.70 0.00 3151.82 1594.27 0.00 0.00 3107.31 3574.96 3125.09 2355.74 o.00 0.00 3644.78 1759.56 3605.18 41.32 332!.60 3234.14 77.41 2736.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3na.7s 0.0o 0.@ 1125.38 244.O7 1254.02 1494.06 2056.51 0.51 0.51 0.13 0.@ 1160,52 1815.50 1166.43 0.01) 334.46 t594,47 o.26 538.41 2101.61 45.45 97,59 805_57 651.53 219.61 \s47.96 0.23 55.47 0.26 0.38 149.18 0.m 0.51 1865.11 1403.18 5.27 171.05 206.44 0.00 2.05 2198.02 0.90 1604.23 0.13 1641.74 501.78 0.0t) 0.00 1716.58 1852.37 1346.33 207.56 0,51 0.61 1841.46 1099_74 2061-61 1.79 1880.75 1531.38 0.00 1232.33 o.6a 0.38 o.26 0.26 0.13 2226.64 0.64 0.51 Non-Expo .d Sol.r (kw) 2616 2657 2503 2686 2700 2393 2393 2393 z19Z 2694 2695 7674 2391 2549 2666 2390 2668 2692 2523 2459 2657 2677 2621 2652 2383 2546 2380 2340 2624 2a19 2479 7652 2641 2380 2483 2547 2316 2391 2546 2375 2645 2174 2662 7664 2372 2373 2658 2652 7654 2391 2364 2367 2646 2533 2662 2364 2577 7165 2513 2!62. 2361 2360 2360 2360 2661 2358 2359 7704.r1 1065.02 1594.77 1461.75 1617.61 -0.51 -0.51 -0.13 0.00 12S5.50 1427,7t 1288.71 0.@ 1467.96 1613.97 -0.26 7t12.92 1597.49 205.39 906.19 1521.14 1535.02 1001.46 2050.02 -0.23 s29.14 -0.26 "0.38 542.51 0,00 {.51 1680 32 t445 20 213.92 981.23 1152.27 0.00 152.64 t322.72 {.90 1635,48 -0.13 1504.04 1096.49 0.00 0.00 1370.73 1712.59 t776.76 2148,17 -0.51 {.61 78,7.32 669.82 1543.56 39.53 1442.85 1652.77 17.4t 1503.74 -0.54 {.38 4.26 -o.26 -0.13 1S51.51 -0.64 -0.51 Attachment l -Page307 P.. Unit Dist.ibuted 5016r 0.708784 0.327435 o.7l!426 0.74042 0.9r8985 0 0 0 0 0.604304 0,811204 0.6140€9 0 0_450828 0.802506 0 0.438149 0.925331 0.0521402 0,251069 0.581969 0.547157 0.305435 0.899939 0 0.r48851 0 0 0,173033 0 o 0.886798 0.712448 0.055075 0.288213 0_38987 0 0.0346907 0.810622 0 0.410327 0 o_744144 0-399764 0 0 0.7772t! 0.4t4$2 0-781659 0.589226 0 0 o.912641 0.442m' 0,90174 0.0103347 0.831311 0.8089t6 0.00435464 0,684354 0 o 0 0 0 0.945006 0 0 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv il:m.pl.r. lkwdc) Estim.ted Pv Nameplate (kwacl 419a 1.2 3998 Per Unit Dir tri but.d sola r 0.603976 0.59709 0 o 0.611518 0,839495 0.64384 0.033629 0.84t463 0.0206508 o.290737 0 0.542884 o.4tu5 o.321922 0.117021 0,605659 0 o_o99t227 0 0.575S4 o.714881 0.834236 0.6705 o 0 0 0.830983 0.91t195 0 0 0 0 0 0.787t05 0 0.0225197 0,862588 0,810446 0.828763 0.404928 0_434746 0 0.612796 0.847454 0 0 0.398588 0.0345022 0.00326415 o.646a77 0.725358 0.851318 0.80502 0 0.825082 0.694049 0.188624 0 0 0 0.0345141 0-380565 o.744t7 0 0_252696 0 o o€ts & T m€ 9/4/t7 76:00 9/e/D 71:oo !/6/111:o0 6/29/t7 o:oo 1/917171:00 a/4/ t7 r3:oo 6126/t1 tttoo t/7/rl rs:@ 6/t9/rr 4:@ ln ltl 1,6:00 511\/\7 79:@ tho/t123:@ 8/t6/11 78:00 7l7lr7 7o:oo al15/t1 791o0 6/1/t12o:oo 6/23/t7 te:oo 9/t/1122:OO A/79/r1 2o:oo 6/2t/771:oo a/6/1116:00 8/t1/t11t:oo 7 /2/17 !3:(to 6/21/t7 7t:o0 6l26lt7 o:@ 7/141t7 2:o0 7l7tlri o:o0 6/28/17 72tOO 6/21./t7 t3:oo l/f/112O:Oo 7 /76177 t:oo 7/7/172:oo 1/ls/71 2:@ 8/za/i 23:oo 8/tol11!4:N ullhl2o:@ th3ltl2o:o0 7/30/77 74:00 7/71/17 \2:o0 a/78/r7 t6:oo 6122/Lt 19:ooalpli 7a:oo a/5/t7 23:oo 9/3/17 77:oo 5/1r/t175:Oo ,16111?a:oo 7/29/t7 o:o0 6lal717a:oo 9/9/L12o:o0 a/79/ti 27:oO 7/2.4/111?:OOglali $:oo a15lt7 r5:oo 8/29/r7 t3:oo 6128/11 t:OO l6/t7 73:oa a/\/17 72:oOgltal7,79:N 7/22/t1O:o0 7/2a/t7 o:oo a/5/r7 o:oo 6/1/1t 27OO 7lt4/771o:oo thl77 t6:@ a/22117 23,oo 9/t2/17 ta:oo 9/a/!r 21,:Oo 9/7/1122:oo 2585 2598 2356 2356 2635 2638 2652 2356 2560 2355 2116 2353 2643 2629 2@3 2386 2647 2348 2412 1341 25t4 2il4 2554 2619 2144 2344 2343 2644 2644 2342 2342 2340 2340 2440 2609 2338 2631 2528 2627 2639 2598 7313 2611 2526 23!l 2331 2505 2350 2339 2524 1548 2603 259! z12A 2330 25t9 7439 ?425 2324 2222 2335 7465 2580 2120 1376 2!19 23la N.r sy3rm Lo.d (Mw) 2357 2X57 2356 2356 2356 2356 2355 2355 2355 2354 2353 2X53 2351 2350 2349 2:'49 2343 2348 234E 2317 2346 2X46 2146 2X44 2v4 2!44 2i143 2343 2343 2t12 234t 2340 2340 2X40 2339 2!34 233E 834 2337 2335 2336 2334 2333 2132 2Xa1 2331 2:'31 233t 2330 2330 2330 2330 2329 2129 2X2A 2124 2127 2326 2325 2!14 2322 2322 2321 2321 2120 2319 2a79 23la 851,13 528.59 0.00 0.51 757.73 7752,24 1335.!8 0,34 2(X1.01 0.13 159,09 0.13 647,94 523.32 248.81 24.10 1046,18 0.00 35.54 0.77 913.72 1238.93 1694.97 1399.42 0.m o.3a 0.51 1889.50 2263.61 0.00 0.54 0.13 0.56 4.99 1619.71 0.@ 3.33 1443,05 1731.19 1676.65 516,16 l4!E.7E o.26 654.64 1968.8'l 0.m 0.@ 1r0t.t6 7,04 1.54 1192,83 1017.18 13!5.80 1570_23 0.64 151.84 1384.14 59.84 0.13 0,13 0.51 5.15 484.03 1524.52 0.00 123,64 0.00 0.25 1563.54 u58.59 0.00 -0.51 r693.13 1604.04 1256.87 ta4.o7 150O.69 82-43 1m3.28 {.13 7522.54 1041.64 r050,24 443.76 1375.26 0.00 359.75 -o.71 1392.50 1619,18 1656.32 1281.25 0.00 {.34 -0.51 1412_79 1407_14 0.@ -o.64 -0.13 .0.66 4.99 1527.96 0.00 86-7! 2005.60 1508.99 1636.76 1118.75 1918.55 -o.26 1785.33 1419.30 0.00 0.oo 1192-40 131.30 11.51 1393.40 1842.82 2017.19 1648.26 -0.6,4 3166.86 1390.68 694.28 {.13 -o_13 -0.51 132.84 1037.4a 1451.49 0.00 886.64 0.00 -0.26 247417 2387.18 0.@ 0.00 2444,86 3356.12 2592.25 134.45 3541.70 82.55 1162.37 0.00 2170.48 17M 96 129905 467.85 2421.44 0,00 396.29 0.00 2!06.22 2858.11 3351.29 2680.67 000 0.@ 0.00 3322.79 367097 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3147.67 0.@ 90.03 t448 65 3240.18 3113.41 1634.90 3337.33 0,00 2M9.97 3388.14 0.@ 0.@ 1593.96 138.34 13.05 1586.2! 2900.@ 3403.59 3218.49 0.00 3298.70 2714.42 754.t2 0.00 0.00 0.00 13799 1521.51 2976.01 0.00 1010,28 0.00 0.00 Attachment l -Page308 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstal ed PV N.meplate lkwd.) E rrmared Pv Namepl.te (kwac) 4794 1.2 3994 9l9lv l9:Oo 9/12111 t9:OO t/la/17 a:oo 9/9111 latoo 617171r4:oo al4/r7 O,Og 9/1/t7 77:@ 1/5/1722too a/16/ti 77:OO 6l22lv $:@ 6/a3li t7too 7 /6/77 2:oO 7124/17 OIOO 6124177 16,@ 7lalfi 3,OO 9/61t7 tTtOO anlP Y:oo 7125/11tltoo al7ll7l2:0o 1/t7/t7 2l:0o 7/3/t7 t7.OO s/7/r7 r2:oo 8/r5/1718:00 9/r7lu B:oo th?ltlzltoo 915/t7 t6tOO 9lt3lt7 zttm 5/3/17 22t0o 5/30/u 16:00 112/71!:oo 6/30/77 t2:OO 7/2a/r7 t3,oo ll1ll17:oo 6/6/17 2atoo th6/t714:Oo 9/9/t717tOO 6l29lt7 t4:o0 7/U117t0o 6/6117 tg:oo rlroly a:oo 6/22/t7 l7:OO al2!17 $:OO tlTs/|l 2o:oo alalt7 73:oo 8/24/!7 !4:oo 8l75lt7 7ltOO ,]t7lt717:@ 9/2117 $:@ 1/13/77 gtoo 1/!O/r7 2:oo a/26hr t6:oo lltO/119:oo 7l6lt7 TOIOO 1176/17 22tOO r/15/t7 79too 9/l2ll7 2o:oo 6/25lt1o:o0 6/20/171o:@ B/77l77 t6tOO 6l2a/77 t710o 6122171Ot@ 1111/t12too 1/r7/17 !3:oo 1/23/17 74tOO 7l29lt7 7rt00 9/3117 22:00 1lX/71ltoo aF!17 r4:@ 2452 2314 2376 2491 2672 2314 2515 2313 2Ar8 2613 2@7 2310 2310 2@ 2308 2461 2514 2547 2391 2104 2611 2591 2585 2566 2301 2491 2300 2301 2514 2299 2464 2596 2294 2294 2579 2511 2@4 2197 2556 2295 4596 2580 22t4 2560 2553 2551t 2325 2559 2290 2290 2570 2480 2584 2288 22A9 2293 zza1 2555 2576 2580 2245 2245 2590 2579 2582 22AX 2242 2554 N.t Sy3t m LD.d (MWl 2311 2317 2316 2316 2314 2al4 2314 2313 2311 2311 2310 2310 2310 2309 23@ 2308 2!O7 2305 2305 230! 2302 2302 2301 2301 2301 2300 2300 230o 2299 22Ut 2Z9A 2298 2294 2298 22tB z29A 2297 2297 2291 2295 2295 2294 2291 2791 2Z9t z29l 2291 2291 2290 2290 2290 2289 2249 22AA 27Aa 2288 2247 2247 2246 2285 2245 22AS 2243 2283 2243 2243 22a2 2281 Per Unlt Oirtribot d sol.r 0,2051a1 0.0937E 0 0,40a63 0.883763 o 0.4E5Eit8 0 o.705674 0,626914 0.76E07E 0 0 0.843573 o 0.425295 0.576157 0.551124 0.390128 0 0.645972 o.102261 0.54o192 0.13,,673 0 0.565E52 0 0 0.830146 o 0.798E52 0.826155 o 0 0,917205 0.515428 0.955499 0 0.355!59 0 o.196307 0.520502 0 o.768a77 0.8r9547 0,84541 0.599553 0.596662 0.059!329 0 0_78125 0-22915r 0.it41523 0 0 0.0149:t48 0 o.1l 746 0.E32143 0.68229! 0 0 o.a77M2 0,892392 o.791291 0 0 0.854393 820.16 174.93 0,00 1633.71 3533.30 0.m 1945.43 0.00 2621.30 2506.12 3070.79 0.00 0.00 3373.02 0.00 1700.34 2303.49 2(O3.21 1559.74 0.00 25€2.61 2807,65 2159.70 lr37.a1 0.m 2262.29 0.00 0.00 3318.94 0.00 3193,83 !302.99 0,@ 0.m 3567.01 2064.69 3820.11 0.00 t4zo.73 0.00 3183.65 2040.98 0.00 to13_75 3275.57 t379.97 719' 03 27a5-27 237.21 o.o0 3123.49 918.55 7155.22 0,00 0.m 59,r1 o.@ 1658-16 3325.93 27?.7_al 0,t0 0.00 3506.E! 3567.80 3187.51 0.00 0.00 3415.88 58.86 24.12 0.53 208.95 2075.50 0.00 555.86 0.00 1196.75 1134.51 1651.59 0.34 0.38 1949.64 0.31 460.01 977.42 949.90 386.48 0_00 1299.04 t473.36 690.47 395.€ 0.00 722.O9 0.00 2-46 1759.67 o.n 194{.72 1724.50 11.20 0,00 1665.3{ 617.58 7177.20 0.51 302.65 0.00 1199.21 655.94 0.(x) 1570.38 7769.29 1740,90 374.O9 1244.35 3.6a 0.09 1361 23 to3.04 10!.87 0.00 0.00 0.38 034 709_51 7745.17 1447.26 0.64 0.26 1986.95 1771.24 1614.12 0.00 0.51 1810,14 on-Exporred sola, (kW) 761.30 350.61 -0.5:, !424.75 1457 80 0.00 1380.57 0.00 t624.54 1371.90 1419.2t -0.38 .0.38 1423 39 .0.3r 1240.31 13t6.06 1653.31 1173.26 0.@ 1241.57 1334.30 1,469.23 7342 A1 0.00 1940.20 0.00 -2.46 1559.28 .o.71 125311 7574.49 .11.20 0.00 2001.67 t441,lt 1442.91 {.51 1118.08 0.00 1384.44 1425.04 000 1503.37 1501.27 1,619.O7 2022.94 1540.92 233.53 -0.09 7167.76 715.51 1063.35 0.00 000 59.13 -0.34 948.5s 1581.61 1280.55 {.64 {.26 1519.88 1790.55 1573.49 000 -0.51 1605.75 Attachment I -Page309 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstall€d Pv Nam.Pl3r. lkwdc) En,mat€d Pv Namepl.te (kwa4 4794 t.2 3998 oat6 & Time 6/21|1,'OO 7191714:oo a/71t7 r1:@ 9l9h1zr:N 7114177 9:(n 6l2ut7IZ|OO 1/ttlrlo:oo 7 /3!17 l2:OO a/25/77 23:@ Tlto/71 9:OO 7lt9ll712tOO a/tt/t7 71:oo alMl!7 zt:oo 714/t7 r2:oo 9ls/112Z.OO 9l1,3lt l9t0o tl7glti 9:oo olZOltT t:OO 7/27/17 tz:oo al15lt7!7:@ 5lAltt Otoo 8/19/17 t9:00 rh,ltt 7:N 8127/7776:@ 9/\2/77 71:oo A/22/77 75100 aqo/7,77:oo 7htl|l Trtoo 7/26171t2too Lh3l17 A:OO 9/6177 72:oo 7/2011,712:@ 6/23/17 $:00 7123/11O:@ aBlr1 ttoo l5/r7 gttfr al7lt7 7:O0 71617714:(n All4l11 2O:OO 6/22177 t6:oo !/S/17 ta:oo al2ali M.oo alltT rz:(n al23lt7 \4:OO a/$ll1 t5:00 ll7l172r:& 1lrz/tl tt:@ rl5/11to:@ 6/6/i IA:OO tlTSltl IO|OO 6/78/17 2t:oo al9hr 22:oo alBltl 23:oo 8l7al17 73tOO 7125/7r l:OO Y6/t171:@ 7lt3l!7 to:w 112117127:@ 7/15/71 21,tOO 9/7X17-l77t,o ,l2r/7113t0o ,122/1114:oo 9l7O/77 2O.@ 7/7a177 to:Og 5/Lal77 22:OO a/72/71o:oo 7/11779:oo 6/2/t7 2t.OO 2747 228r 2439 2280 2314 2585 2279 2277 2541 2554 2279 2550 2275 2470 2274 2273 2532 2514 7177 2499 2277 2551 2ax 2536 2513 2563 2553 2269 2264 2560 2561 7266 2266 2265 2265 2266 2359 2560 2264 2472 2534 2432 2549 2262 2551 2260 2522 2260 2334 2254 2258 2407 2257 2258 2536 2327 2255 2466 2550 2$a 227! 2252 l25L 2490 2309 Ilt Sy5t.m Load {Mw} 2ZE1 22a7 22AO 2280 2280 22EO 2279 2279 2274 227' 2277 2276 2276 2275 2215 22f4 7274 7271 2271 2272 2272 7271 2271 2271 72rl 2270 2270 22rO 2269 2269 2268 2257 1266 2266 2266 2265 2265 2265 2255 2264 2264 7264 2252 2252 2262 2252 2261 22fo 2259 2259 2258 2258 2234 2257 2257 225? 2257 2256 2235 2255 2253 2252 2252 2252 2252 2251 2250 2250 PE Unil0istributed solar 0 o 0,406.402 o 0.191221 0.825702 0 o.117379 0 0.016918 0.745407 0.808658 0.00753566 o.730{4 0 0,402012 o 0 0.725903 0.705909 0 0.t05886 0 0.76539 0.271133 0,797424 0.654 0_665244 0_712633 o 0 0.79361' 0.877258 0 0 o 0 0.E11@7 0.11479 0.915024 0 0.342!34 o.722L 0325806 0.892035 0 0.641909 0.174t19 0.544409 0,360045 o.0232704 0 0 0.31594 0 0.273131 0.€4904 o.020627 0 0.583531 0.862687 0_923323 0.0309103 0.0319703 0 o o,22A6 0.0302985 0.00 0.00 1624.80 0.@ 754.51 3301,17 0.@ 2868.10 0.00 6r.u 3140_07 3233.03 30.13 2920.31 0.@ 1507_25 0.@ 0.00 2906.77 2422.24 0.00 7722.94 0.@ 30@.05 r084.00 3155.73 26t4.71 2659.58 2449.12 0,00 0.00 3772.97 3507,30 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.m 4212.42 454.93 3658.29 0.00 1367.46 28d8.2! 1702.38 3566.38 0.@ 2566.r7 772.12 2r92.55 1439.63 93.04 o.o0 0.@ 7267,11 0.(,0 1091.98 1714.75 82.47 0.@ 2337.97 34119.04 !697.47 123.58 r27.82 0.00 0.00 913.95 727.73 sola, Exportt lkW) lton'Erpo.t.d Solar IkW) 1.54 0.51 536.34 0.38 136.54 2@t.05 0.62 7527,71 0.38 o.77 1684_46 1652.43 1.02 1553.16 0.m 281.73 3.53 0.64 r519.54 1292.92 0.64 724.26 0.00 1252.29 301.60 1739_04 1110.25 1307.61 !46r.67 1.60 0.00 7724.37 2143.44 0.00 0.51 0.35 0.@ 140.80 39_62 2254.83 0,00 711.20 7!50.57 1063.21 2001.17 0.00 1330.64 10.24 820.15 74.33 18.62 0.00 2.37 947.37 0.51 6.27 684.49 9.22 0.00 691.24 2027.97 2mo.19 6,O2 45.95 0.64 764 213.18 12,80 1.54 .0.51 1068.46 -0.38 627-96 1297.12 -0.62 1346.11 -0,38 66_47 1451.22 1580.61 29.10 1367,15 0.00 1!25-52 -3 53 .0.64 1386.63 1529.32 -0.64 998.68 0.00 t807.76 742.40 1426.69 1504.46 1352.06 1381.46 -1.60 0.00 1444.53 1163.85 o.m {.51 .o.35 0.00 3101.62 419.32 139346 0.00 656.66 t537.72 639.77 1562.66 0.00 t235.72 701.8a 1372.40 1365.29 14.41 0.@ 319.76 ,0.51 1065.71 1069.85 71.25 0.00 1635.69 t427.07 16t1.2a 777.56 81.87 -0,64 -1.64 7@.76 10a,33 Attachmentl-Page310 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports ln!t.lled rry Nam.plare (Iwd.) Enrmated PV Namephte (kWac) 4194 L2 3998 P.r Unit Oittribut€d SoLr 0.a60159 0.613229 o.68722f 0.91432 o 0.730489 0.835099 0 0 0.819178 0 0 0.90E26 0 0 o 0 0 0.8q9E03 0 0_4:t40!7 0 0.615139 0.7!3044 0.0599588 0.7195:X o_232791 0 o.771331 0.539453 0 0 0 0 0 0_045842 0.310233 0.413147 0,376789 0 0 0 0 0 0.512058 0 0 0.743285 0 0.470511 0.523255 0.4311!4 0.441202 0 0 0.920181 0.0544025 0.395543 0.874961 0.173288 0.a62a89 0 0.24E002 o.7597t3 0.681457 0.902562 0.338359 0.897433 6/79/77 t3:oo ,/71/\7 t7:OO 9/4/t715:oo 6/25177 l4t0o 7/t2/t17:oo a/4/1172tOO 9lLlU 71:00 7/t4/113:oo a/24/L7 23:@ al76l77 t6:OO th6/77 8:oo 7l27ll7 O:oo 6/74/17 75:oo 6/2/t7 21:OO 7/t9lt17:oo 1/29/11 r:@ 5/2a/17 2.2:00 a/76/77 23:OO 9/a/77 rs.oo 7 h,l77 3:OO 1/ t to:oo A/a/!121too 7/25/1712:@gltalri 16:00 1lLOltTA:@ 9/3/7r t6:@ th3/17 La:oo 8l18lt1 23:OO a/9lt1r3.oo 6/3/tl tltOO 1/7177o:oo \h4/11 19:@ 5/3oll7 2}@ 7/11/712:@ 9/77/11 22:oo 1/25/17 9:oo ,/241!1r7:oo 7lt5lr7 Lo:@ 6/alr1 ttt0o 6124177 O:0o al,4/rt 22:oo tl1/17 5:oo 8/17/17 23.oo 7/\7ll1ra:oo alt9ltl ra,oo 6123117 o:oo 7/7lU 1:oo 7lt5/17 1,2:00 115/17 2.Oo 6/26/tt ro:oo 9/s/17 rs:00 8173/71 l7:OO 7lal171o:@ V3ll1 19:@ r/6/17 6:00 6/291t7 73.00 7/74/17 a:oo 6lalt174:@ 5/3r/11 td:oo 7/25/17 L\too al5/71 t4:oo 7l\7ll7o:oo an/L? 7t:oo 7/2/t7 72:00 th/1712:oo 5laol17 ls:oo rl74/1,1 7rt0o el77/77 75:@ 2552 2524 2499 2523 2247 2329 2527 2216 2246 2536 2285 2245 2539 2243 2243 2242 2211 2241 2471 2239 25!3 2239 2436 2425 2312 2512 2330 2245 245{ 2457 2234 2234 2244 2234 2234 2264 21,, 21at 2323 2?32 2232 22tl 7231 2234 2503 2230 2210 2306 2229 252E 2436 2335 2524 2277 2227 2529 226s 2317 2424 1371 2503 2226 2309 2429 2444 2415 2230 2512 l'l.t syrtlm lo.d {lllw) 22rO 7249 774a 2247 z24f 2247 22a6 2216 2246 2245 2746 2245 22.44 zz43 2213 2242 2247 2741 2?40 2239 2234 2238 22rA 2238 2217 2217 2216 2235 2234 7234 2234 22y 22a4 2Z3a 2213 2733 7232 2237 ?232 7232 27t1 2217 2231 2230 2230 2230 2229 2279 2Z2A 2226 2224 2227 2221 2227 2277 227' 222' 2776 2276 2226 2226 7225 2275 2225 2?24 2018,30 918.02 tr5E.25 2043.67 o.26 1539.81 1912.69 0.38 0.m 1679.69 0_26 0_38 2243_54 0.64 0,51 1.!5 0.00 0.54 7375.74 o.26 708.53 0.38 500.85 1163.62 28.04 1099.64 89.47 0.38 1504.'lo 97t.t7 0,00 0.m 0.59 0.26 1.38 72.29 591.83 560.75 521.32 0.26 0.m 0.14 0.13 0.13 624.13 o.64 0,13 499.56 0.64 825.!7 1l0B.0a 304.94 630.90 0.00 0,42 2327.30 16,13 706.6t 2t49.19 189.07 r593.48 0.64 365.91 1s53.56 1570,36 2179.r7 156.54 207A.74 rion-Erpod.d sol.r (kw) 1420.63 1533.69 1s89.29 1611.80 -0.26 1380.70 1426,Ot -0.38 0.m 1595.41 -0.26 {.38 1347.74 -o.64 -o-51 -1.15 0.@ {,54 1862.43 4_25 1026.76 -0.38 r958.49 1647.t4 21t.12 1777.07 u1.24 ,0.38 1503.40 1185.57 0.00 0.00 {_59 {,26 -1.38 171.99 644.49 1091.02 979.70 {.26 0.m {.14 ,0,13 -0.13 1423_09 {.54 ,0.13 24J2.O7 -0.64 7054.75 1382.71 141a.66 1133.04 0.00 -0.42 1351.61 20r.37 a75.76 1364.31 503.74 1856.37 -0.64 624.61 1483.79 1054.15 148t.09 1196.23 7559.72 Attachment 1 - Page 311 3438,93 2457.70 2747.55 3655.47 0.m 2920.51 3338.74 0.00 0.00 3275.09 0.00 0.m 3631.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3237.61 0,00 1735.29 0.00 2459.34 2450.77 249.76 2E76.71 930.71 0.@ t107.80 2715.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 la7.za 1240.32 L6rt.77 1506.41 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7U7.22 0,00 0.00 297L.57 0.00 1831.11 2491,79 tl?3.60 1753.94 0.00 0.00 3578-90 217.50 1531.79 3514.11 692.81 3449.85 0,m 991.52 3037,35 2724.52 3604-46 1352.77 3587.96 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports t.3t.tt.d Fry N.m.Dtate lkwdc) Eitim.ted Pv Nlm.plat. (twacl 4794 t.2 1998 o.te a rm6 9lali 22:oo r/4/17 !9:N ltall1 72:(fr 5129/77 27100 L/t4/17 TO|OO 7/30/11 lg:oo a/2O/71 2o:oo 6l3o/t1tt:@ 9/9/17 76:@ 8lL3/1179:@ 6lali 22:6 8/toh7 73)00 6/711717o:@ a/?\/7717:OO al2lt7 Ttoo !6/1115:oo 6/s/77 21:@ 7/9/77 to:oo t/17 /17 2L@ 6/a17712:00 7/15/17 !O:& 5/3t17' za:N 612t/r7 2:oo 1/al\14:oo 8/13/U 16:00 6/2r/17 L7:oo 1,/2/17 l9:oo UL5/1,7 to:oo 9n/17 t6.@ 6/2211715:@ a/!2/t113:@ 7/71177 r2:@ 9l1ol7, r9,oo 7 /751!t t3:OO 8/6/77 t5:oo 1/1477 t9:oo l5/tle:oo 715/17 rt:oo 6/a/u B:0o 1/3/1120:oo al2rltT za:oo 8lt/7717:oo 9/rO/7127100 6/23177 ts:oo 711/l7A:OO AllSllT 16:00 7/6lti t6:oo 7l14/17 9,00 llTtlri to,oo !74ltr 2o:@ rh8/177:@ a/73/ti o:oo A/27/112a:OO 6/3/1123:oo 7Bollr L:@ l/13/t71t:@ 6/5/t7 22100 6/2a/tt 2:N 7l$1t71:@ L/5/r7 zarn 8/t5/712a:N 9/7217716:@ 2/2/1119,@ 7l3olu L3:@ 6/20/!7 9:cn 9/6117 16:@ 7/21/77 9:oo 6/29/77 t:oo 2224 2223 2515 2271 2222 2223 2295 2349 2449 2244 22ta 24t6 2521 2510 22!6 2271 227? 2491 2215 7129 2309 227! 2273 2274 23:tO 2511 2272 2273 2434 2516 24A3 2510 23@ 2490 2477 227! 2210 2341 2201 2207 2465 2206 2509 2294 2440 2205 2205 2463 2204 220! 2204 2204 2203 2207 27t4 270t 2201 220t 2200 22m 2354 2203 2495 2420 2l7A 2197 2197 Net syn.m to.d (Mw) 2224 2223 2123 2Z2t 7221 2270 2219 2279 2279 2277 2217 22t7 22t7 2211 2215 22t6 2216 2273 t2lt 22t1 2211 2213 2213 2213 2213 22t2 2212 72t2 2212 2tt2 2Ztl 2211 2211 2211 2210 22r0 2209 2209 2209 ??o7 ?207 2207 2206 2206 2205 2205 2205 2205 2205 2204 z2u 2204 2204 2203 7202 2202 2201 2201 2101 22@ 22@ 22tn 22@ 2199 2199 2197 2L97 2797 Pd U nit Dirtribltcd 5ol. r 0 0 o.756068 0.0255122 0.205097 0.120478 0.0830262 0.554l34 0.7090:)4 0.0266253 0 o.r51767 0.441252 0.585192 0 0_710354 0.03@454 0.431309 o 0.229395 0.30214E 0 0 0 0.578645 o,642472 0 o.a62rt2 0.59@E5 0.944769 0.799853 0.783733 0.{3922 0.843073 0.623715 0 0 0.30a343 0.20?2t 0 0 0.355983 0 0,935584 0.0630938 0.820654 0.529637 0.00841068 o!11466 0 0 0 0 0 o 0.584541 0 0 0 0 0 0_4764n6 0 0.823154 0_109316 0_51!'476 0.0s04577 0 0.00 0.00 3022.7a 102.00 823.98 461.67 331.94 2655.24 2834.81 106,45 0.00 3005.58 1924.06 2739.41 0.@ 2840.05 123.32 7724.34 0.00 917.13 t20?.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2313.44 2730.14 0.00 1450.13 2362_37 !937.13 3197.87 3133.38 7!5.12 3530.54 2493.63 0.00 0.00 1276.77 808.44 0_00 0.m 1463.21 0,00 3140,49 232.2s 3281.03 2r17.50 33.63 1692.93 0.@ o_m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 2337.O1 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 1905.64 0.00 3290.99 437.05 2076.84 201.77 0.00 0.26 0.00 1711.32 15.86 55.49 25.7! 28.03 7497.@ r012.15 27.O2 2.6t 163r.2r 830.50 7249.97 0_m to7_78 16.64 420,t7 0.00 515.43 92.95 0,76 0.64 0.13 497.19 7327,40 0.04 40.!2 979.03 2551.18 1495.35 1162.@ 61.06 1676.27 1152,48 0.00 0,00 42.41 555.09 0.00 0.38 985.01 0.oo 2435.19 30.90 1785_99 47,62 2.59 771,81, 0.14 0.m 3.20 0.16 2.59 0.51 305.05 0.26 0.(,4 0.64 0.m 0.00 707.22 0.68 1505.05 232.94 809-69 0.90 0.51 otr'Export d solar llw) -o.26 0-@ 1311.45 86.14 767.49 454.94 303.91 1158.16 1AZ2.06 84.43 -2.6! 1358.37 1093.56 74a9,44 0.00 27:!2.27 106.68 1304.01 0.00 401.69 1115.03 4.76 {.64 {_13 1816.24 t202_73 -0.04 tao9.81 13a4,34 1315.95 7102,t7 1370.78 471.2' 185rr.33 1341.15 0.@ 0_@ 1174.36 253.35 0.00 {.38 47A,ZO 0.00 1304.30 221.35 1494.O4 2069.44 30.94 1118-11 {.li| 0.00 -3.20 _0.25 ,t.59 -0,51 2031,95 4.26 {.54 {,64 0.00 0,oo 1704.42 ,0.68 1785.94 204.tt 125r.18 2@.47 {.51 Attachment 1-Page312 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lntt lled Pv N.mepl.te (kwdc) Estimated PV Nameplate ikwad 4798 1.7 t998 oat6 & Tifie 5/291t7 22:oo 6/alr7 27:00 A/20/11 21:Oo 6128/17 rotog U1slL7 9.oo LltSltl22tOO 7 /t6h,7 2:oo t/4/717100 7/6/11a:oo 9/72/77 22:go a/29/77 t2:oo ll?1/17 A:oo 6/30/171r00 9/41t7 21:OO 7 /26117 7:@ 9/t/1r73:OO 11261!19:@ al74h7 t9:@ 719/77 5:OO 6/a/17 ro.oo 6lglfi ls:OO 7/t7/17 6too 212h7 ZOTOO 5/a/i $:OO 6/7/r7 t3:o0 7/73/17 2O,OO 717117 5:oo a/a/77 otoo !$/t717tOO r/2177 2t0o Al26/17ls:6 6lt9/17 r2:OO A/3t/1, 23:Oo t/r7/t7 t3,oo 8l25lt7 t4:@ l/3177 gtoo 6/2ll712tOO al7V77 o:@ r/27ltl to:OO L/4117 $:oO a/fi/110:oo 72lttl77 r9,@ 8l24ltr t1:@ 8/23/t7 LtOO 7125/77 a:oo Tllglo r7:@ 7lzoltl t7:OO 9/2/17 rstoo 8/20/17 L9'OOrl3li $:@ r/3o117 7too !3,/77 Atoo 5l6lt7 \7t0o 111,011,7 3:@ a/$/11o.@ 7/lr/tr l2:Og ll24/t7 to.@ ,llglt1 t7.oo t2lt2/t719t0o 7l2a/t112too 7l1ah7 19:6 7/ts/t7 t!:OO 6/4/L7 B:OO a/a/\712:oo 7/21117 7:@ alt6lt175.@ 7/4/r7 7g:@ 7h4lt12t:@ Per Unit Obtribotcd sol.r 0 0.0317679 0 0_489143 0.058a051 0 0 0 0 0 0.69236 0 0 0 0 0 0.13246 o_304152 0 o.l!932 0.344935 0 0 0.101786 0.E59755 0 0 0 0.0659154 0 0.E3628s 0.747651 0 0.461453 0-858879 0 0 0 0.24510! 0 0 0 0.781084 0.507941 0.0141r87 0.623307 0.547992 o.770527 o223428 0 0 0 0,691023 0 0 0.746867 0.242805 0.61t7395 0 0.538275 0 0.135216 0.482862 0.615898 3.89 tl.ol 0.@ 856.25 2.30 0_m 0.51 0.64 0.26 0.@ 1389.36 0.0:, 0.41 0.00 0.51 0.00 32.00 243.84 0.26 345.17 6{4.28 0,00 0.00 264.56 2104,24 0.00 0.00 0.64 30.72 0.51 1691.13 1844.41 0,26 2727.27 1945.03 0.00 0.64 0.38 zl.4 0.00 0.51 0.m 1694.35 1057_38 2.30 1219.63 7244.47 1581.33 271.74 0.00 5.44 0.00 1386-02 0.@ 0.?6 6€2,54 234.01 1293-55 0,00 1179.30 0.00 109.76 522.31 1356.58 o.64 2027.44 0.00 0.00 tron-Expon.d sol.. (kw) -3.a9 109.94 -0_64 1099.35 232.80 0,00 -0.51 -o.64 {.16 0.00 1374.71 {.03 {.41 0.o0 -0.51 0-@ 4t7,58 974.57 -o.26 251.82 7lo.1a 0.@ 0_m l34.38 1333.12 0.00 0.@ {.64 232.41 '0.51 1652.35 1304.66 -0.26 1316.84 I'U4.79 0.oo -0.64 .0.34 956.62 0.00 .0.51 0.00 1428.44 13r3,$ 54.74 7212-17 taol_22 1499.66 683.09 0.oo -5.1r4 0,00 !376.71 0.@ ,0.26 2303.45 735.71 ,2t4.75 0.00 1372.54 0.@ 430.84 1408.12 1105_79 -o.54 1503.42 0,00 0.@ 2198 2234 7204 248/ 7196 2196 ?195 7L94 2t94 z194 2451 2193 2193 2794 2!92 2192 2218 2385 7266 2324 2188 2148 2296 24A6 2747 2186 2186 2793 7744 2462 2477 2183 2391 2454 2142 2182 2182 2184 2181 2181 2181 2450 2338 2188 2471 2469 2451 2338 2179 2779 2!19 2468 2t7A 2l7a 2237 2371 2475 2777 2477 7777 2185 2341 2441 2t74 2458 2773 2713 0 883162 0 0 Attachment l - Page 313 €t synem Lod (MW) ?t9, 2197 2196 2196 2196 2196 2195 2194 2r14 2194 2191 2193 2193 2t93 2192 2192 2192 21e9 2189 2$8 2t6E 2188 2184 2188 2ta1 2!47 2185 2146 ?ta4 2184 2lE4 218/ 2183 2$3 2la2 2182 2182 2182 2,aL 2181 2181 2181 2180 2180 2lEO 2rEO 2179 2\7.t 7119 7179 2179 2179 ?va 2DA 2178 2174 2t77 ?t77 2r7a 2176 2175 2!75 2715 2114 zt73 tt7! 0.00 127.01 0.00 1955_60 235.11 0.@ 0.00 0.0{) 0.@ 0.@ 2-16A.07 0_m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 529.54 1218_41 0-@ 596.98 1379.06 0.00 0.00 406.94 t437.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 263.53 0.00 3343.49 3149.07 0.00 3444.71 3433.82 0.@ 0.00 0.00 979.92 0,00 0.00 0.@ 1t22.79 2430.56 5645 2491_99 2s90.69 30€0.98 894_47 0_m 0_m 0.00 2762.12 0.00 0.00 2985.99 970.71 2548.!O o.00 255r.84 0_00 540.@ 1930.49 2462.47 0,m 3530.90 0.00 0.00 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled PV Namepl.te {kwdc) E5tih.r.d Pv Na meplate {kwac) 4794 7.2 3998 svstem lGd IMW) Nltsyrtem toad (MW) PPr Unit Distrabut.d sola. 0.@186703 0.238883 0.387697 0 0 0 0.46707 0 0 0 0.814184 0 o.774475 0.580465 0.881957 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.214356 0 0.831529 0,301574 0.921283 0,228051 0 0 0.@439879 0.0151575 0 o 0.00900145 0.591901 o.671675 0 0.128582 0-78:la6 0.586353 0 0 0 0.0258335 0.31r348 0.268913 0.00632736 0.730819 o.tB749 0.183676 0 0 0.0665306 0-945455 0 0,05094a7 0 0.@330871 o 0.668515 0.251851 0.708409 0.535311 0 0 0.6020a9 0 0.90t13 7.46 955.06 1550.02 0.@ 0_@ 0.m 1867.36 0.00 0-00 0.00 3255.13 0.00 3097.97 2320.71 3526,O8 0.00 0-00 0.00 3998.02 0.00 o.0o 857.00 o.@ 3X24.47 !205,70 3591.31 911.75 0.00 0.00 17.59 €0.60 0.00 0.00 35.99 2X6.13 2693-37 0.00 514.O7 3133.89 2314.25 0.00 0,00 0.00 103.28 1244.94 1075.12 25.30 292t.43 3t97.4t 734.14 0.00 0.00 265.99 3779.95 0.00 203.69 0.00 13.2! 0.00 7672.74 10t6,89 283!.83 2140,18 0.00 0.m 2407.L5 0.00 a6\4.71 Non-Export d sol.rllw) 1.45 72t.46 1482.50 0_00 .0.3E {.54 1092.84 -1.63 _0.51 -0.E0 1494.95 4.24 1315.39 t224.rO 1487.34 0.00 '0.25 -73.51 1345.12 -0.51 0.00 71t.42 -0.64 1272.03 486.79 1323.91 681.74 -0.26 -0,38 17.00 58.55 .0.34 -0.51 31,12 1552.52 t540.ll -1.09 f4.77 1810.95 1376.57 4.92 0.00 0.oo 103.03 1030.22 843.73 24,35 1456.36 1745.33 a24.1A 0.00 -1,15 219.65 1297.40 0,00 t75.99 0.00 12.59 -0.26 1273.25 730.68 7412.4t 950.7E ,1.09 -70.72 t127.25 -0,92 1453.94 12h2lt17a:@ 7/6/719:oo 7/51t7 72:oo !1oltl2o:o0 1173/17 t:oo a/9/17 o:@ 1/3/t1 L9too 7/2117 2o:oo 7/1tl7r 3:Oo U2/n $.oo a/3tlt1 71:00 9/2/1121:@ 1127/t1t2.OO al2lti tt:oo 6/23/lr Lltoo t/a/77 a:oo Elatlt1 o:oo 6/a/t-t 20:00 6/7211714:@ A126/1123too llxalri r9too tlaoh1r\:o0 7lz9l11L00 6/29/7r L2OO 7 /26/77 to:oo 6/24117 ta:oo 919/ti 22too 1lt7/17 9:oo lt2/\12.0o a/6/710:oo a/rzl71 2o:oo 7/26/t7 r7:0o al$177 t7:oo r/7 /11 2:00 6/8/\117tN 919/77 7s:oo 8l3lt7 t7:@ 7h/77 z2:oo 1/11/171:@ rl1/1710:@ an/1r 1o:@ t/74/t7 71t0o 9/1,t/77 l5:oo 6lllll l5:Oo als/tt t:@ 612A/t A:OO 6121/17 t4t0o 7122/t1t:@ 7h3/U 8:@ 7/r 77 271co 6/26/1,7 7.oo 8/9/77 t2:oo 6/2a/t19:OO al7!t7 r2:oo 1/1/17 3t0o r/78/r7 2o:0o 1125/17 a:oo alla/D M:oo 2774 2442 2777 7171 2t1t 7t/7 7469 2169 2169 2',172 2414 2t61 2468 2450 2441, 1165 2165 2215 24172lu 2t7a 2181 2163 7464 2308 7459 2404 2t62 21,62 2166 2161 2161 2161 ?t7t 24$ 2443 2160 2267 2385 2409 2159 2t59 2158 2159 2231 2716 2165 2431 2395 2207 2156 2156 2747 2462 2155 2272 275/ 2155 2153 2351 2409 2433 2425 2151 2151 2401 2150 2434 2t1t 2112 2t7l 2r7l 2171 7t7l 2169 2169 2169 2168 2168 2767 2767 2766 2166 7765 2165 2165 7164 2764 7164 2163 2163 2161 2162 7762 2t62 2762 7762 2762 2161 2l6t 2151 1t61 2161 2161 2160 2160 2159 2159 2159 2159 2158 2158 2158 2157 2t57 2156 2156 2L56 2156 2156 2155 2155 2155 274 2t54 2153 2153 2752 2151 2151 2r51 2150 2150 2149 0.00 233.60 61.52 0.00 0.3a 0.64 174.5t 1,63 0.5r 0.a0 1760.18 0.26 1781.57 1096.61 2034.74 0.00 0.26 73.54 2652.90 0.51 0.00 115.54 o.64 2052.44 318.91 2367.40 230.02 0,26 0.!8 0.58 2.05 0,38 0.51 4.86 8r3.92 1153.26 1.09 439,30 1322.9{ 967.64 0.92 0,00 0.00 0.26 214.72 231.39 0.94 1465.47 1452.09 109.94 0.00 1.15 45 34 2482.55 0.00 27.70 0.@ 0.64 o.26 1399.49 316,21 ,421.42 1189.41 1.09 to.72 979.91 0.92 2160.80 Attachment l - Page 314 h5talled PV Nameplale (kWdc) Estim.red PV Na heplate (kwac) 4798 t.2 3998 1/t7/77 7o.oo 1 /37/t1 tt:00 1116/!7 21:oo 6lal\7 23,00 17/11/17 2o:oo 8122177 l4:oo 8177/17 r5,@ 6/20/!7 2:oo'//75/77 4:@ 6la/e $:oo 111177 2:oo '117/17 4:oo 9/7/1r t4:oo r/31!, Z1:oo 8l2alt7 22tOO 9/t3/L722too 46/17 8t0o 9/Alt7l4:@ 7lr/712:@ 17/72/77 2o:@ 5lal77 \6:00 6l9lt719tOO 7/t6/t7 6too lr4lv 8:o0 L2/r1/17 79:@ 6/2/77 73:oo 6/4/\716:00 9/10117 B:oo r/29/7-l 2O]OO 612/77 z9too 5/23117 2O]OO l$/1712:oo eoo/77 7t:o0 8/14/1718:0o 6130/77 lO:Oo 9/71171 7s:oo 8/15/17 15:00 r/71/71lt:oo r/6117 5too 6/20/77 a:oo 7/2/77 2t.oo 6/2slt7 r:oo 8l29lt7 O:OO',/25/17 2:oo 72112/17 9t0o 9lt2l77 t5,oo 6/22/t1 tltoo 1177/1t9tOO U$lv !a:@ e/3177 2:@ a/4/17 ltoo 7/27/1711,:Oo 1/22ltr t3:oo r2/t3lt1 18:N 72/26/t1 tgtoo rh'lt7 t8:@ t/a/715:o0 7/9/77 5:@ 1l2alt1\:oo u18/17 r8r00 5/6lt716:00 8/21/t1 16:00 alBlt1 75:Oo 7h,t/718:@ t/15/77 a:@ t2174177 9t0o r2lt4/17 B:o0 r/79/77 19:oo N.t lyst.m Load (Mw) 2719 2149 2149 2149 2149 2148 214a 2!18 2148 2147 2t4t 2147 2\47 2t46 2la5 2145 2145 2t{4 2744 2144 zt44 2143 2143 2141 2141 21ito 2740 2lilo 2139 2139 2138 2138 2138 2138 2rl1 2117 2L17 21!5 2136 213t 2135 213S 21!5 2134 2114 2133 2133 2133 2133 2133 2133 2732 zt32 2t3Z 2!31 2131 2131 2t3t 2131 21lt 2130 2130 2130 2129 2129 2129 2129 Pu unat Distributed solrr 0.459075 0.5t256 0 0 0 o.197569 0-a28495 0 0 0.0751a95 0 0 0.855287 0 0 0 0-0610425 0.830093 0 0 0.29859 0.310518 0 0 0 0 0.806149 o.414757 0 0.148438 0.130'r64 0.0965729 0.241523 0.555487 0-441585 0.79E376 0.876804 0.406:t45 0 0.0653795 o 0 o 0 0 0_77555 0.958509 0.245286 0 o o 0.593428 o.442421 0.r19745 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.58716! 0.799659 0.555 0.0501742 0 0 0.011964:t 0 1835.39 2369,07 0.00 0.00 o.o0 3188.70 3312.34 0.00 0.00 300.61 0.00 0,00 3419.46 0.m 0.m 0.00 244.O5 3318.73 0.00 0,00 1193.77 7241.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3223.00 1738.14 0.00 593-46 521.60 386.r0 965.61 2220.85 1925.39 3191,92 3505.48 1624.54 0.@ 261.39 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.m 3100.67 3832.14 980,66 0.00 0.00 0.00 2372.54 452t.96 474.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.o0 0.00 0.00 2147.29 3197.05 2218.90 2@.60 0.00 0.00 47.83 0.00 176 2t 1171.20 0.00 2.51 0.@ t439.24 1581.40 o. 0.26 153-46 0.64 0.42 2103.48 0.00 0.26 0,00 33.55 1354.23 0.38 0.00 659.14 /r03.25 0,00 0.00 0.m 0.51 1520.46 285.91 0.00 125.50 112-05 39.17 73r.37 600.85 E95.34 15?8.69 2047.46 81.60 0.34 36.42 0.00 o.26 7.46 0.51 6.91 1106.43 2521.44 258.11 0.00 0.51 0.00 1104.22 1956.63 0.00 0.00 o,77 0.26 0.13 0.51 o.@ 1875.16 1814.43 771.14 37.77 0-00 1.66 0.@ 0.00 Non-&pod€d sol.l (tW) 1059.18 1797,87 0.@ -2.61 0.@ 1349.46 17!O.94 -0.64 4,26 147.15 .o_64 '0.112 1315.98 0.@ {.26 0.00 210.50 1960.50 {.38 0.m 524_6! a3a,2l 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.51 1702.54 1452_23 0.00 467.95 rur9.54 346.93 234.24 161r.99 1030.01 1611.24 1418_02 1542.98 -0.34 224.97 0.00 {.26 ,0.5! -6,91 19!t4.24 L307.26 722.55 0.00 {,51 0.m 1264.12 1571.33 474.74 0.00 -o_77 ,0.26 {.13 {.51 0.m 472.73 1382.63 7147,12 162_43 0.00 -1.66 47.43 0.@ 2435 2447 2149 2749 2149 2412 2425 2744 21,44 2249 2741 xL47 2421 2146 2145 2145 2247 7157 2t44 7144 ?29, 2197 2143 2141 2141 2140 2384 2386 2139 2352 2331 2154 2385 2374 2305 2351 2401 2146 21:'6 7769 2135 2135 2l3s 2134 2134 2302 2447 2351 2742 2133 2133 2418 2419 2143 2133 2154 2131 2131 2131 2133 2389 2425 2303 27L2 2t29 2129 2130 2133 Attachmentl-Page315 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-cxports r.stall.d Pv Nameplate (kwd.) E5timated Pv Nam.plate (kwac) 4794 1.2 3998 r/3171 7!to0 6/21/77 13:oo A/17/1,114100 rlr3/7112:@ t2h4/7719:@ r/27/17 r9:oo 8lt3/17 2!:@ Sllolt? t4t0o t/s/717at0d 911/1123:Oo 72114/D a:@ 1/2177 21:OO L/29/77 2L:Oo llaol7l 2t:0o 6lzaltT 3:0A 7/5lt71too 7/29/77l?tOO 6/2,/\7lO:Oo 7/24/719:@ 1 /2X/17 \3:oo 7/25/77 9:Oo 7/11/17 7:@ 6/28/171:o0 \2n/t7 s:oo t2n/1? 9:@ 12124/17 to:oo ,,/L/77 L9:OO 6/7alt7 23:oo 7126/71a:oo 7/t1lr71r1oo a/23117 12:o0 !217a/r1 ro:q r/4/t7 2t:oo 72/73/17 9:Og 8/5/1713:oo 9n/171,5:@ 6/2Vlr 3t0o Lh4lL122:Oo t2172/i a:@ 5/72/\7lt9o 7l7a/17 Stoo 7l2o/711o:oo 913/717stoo 6126/119:OO tlt3/t7 78:oo 116/17 OtOo 1/2o/t17to0 !2/L3ll7 C:N 6/29171 Tttoo 71611,7 7:Og 1ls/\'t 9:Oo Ut6/77 r3:oo 915/t7 r4:@ 7lL/tl tttoo r/1,2/t7 gtOO t2lL7l179:@ !2a11119:oo !3!/17 to:oo 6/7a/77 2o:0o 6/9117 2o:oo 8/to/t7 72.@ 1/t9/77 2:o0 !2/r1lt12O:@ t2l2t/t7 9:@ a/zo/fi \aoo a4o/l19:Oo 72/tXlr12tctr t2/17/tl tgtoo 21:14 2435 2112 2150 zt2a 2130 2130 2343 27?7 2727 2lz1 2126 2126 2t26 2126 2125 2127 212A 2224 2423 2125 2132 2114 2113 2tza 2t24 2t27 2122 2134 2&A 2254 2t2t 2120 2120 24{o 2338 2119 2118 2l1E 2117 2717 2374 2386 23aE 2725 2116 2115 24t7 2t24 717a 2200 2!39 232E 2113 2t7a 2l1S 2116 t3a7 2154 23a0 2110 2ll0 2110 2366 2165 2109 2114 i.t Systm toad (Mw) 2129 272A 2724 2t2A 2t2A 2L2a 2t2a 2127 2tx1 ?121 2t21 2126 2126 2126 2!26 2126 2126 7126 2125 2125 2125 2724 2773 2123 2113 2123 2722 2122 2t27 2721 2721 zlzt 2120 7720 2720 2119 2119 2118 21$ 2177 z7\7 2177 2177 tl16 2116 2116 2116 2115 2116 2115 2115 2174 2113 2113 2113 2113 2tt2 7lt2 2112 2111 27tl 2110 2110 2110 2110 2109 2109 2109 P.r unit otstribut€d sol.r 0.05m134 0.90795 0.904315 0.721015 0 0 0 o.923417 0,802601 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.723635 0.492805 0.138957 0.850916 0.0105357 0.oo4zt0l53 0.00947289 0 0 o,0oo97377a o 0 0.0440555 0.64614! 0.x73912 0 0 0 0.821099 0.652425 0 0 0 0 0 0.453515 0.786793 0_256803 0 o 0 0 0.6919!t4 0.00450545 0.237437 0_403586 0.585913 0_640612 o.0514724 0 o 0.0962572 0.15891 0.122523 0.625616 0 0 0 0.407331 0_14788 0 0.158153 727.94 3530.m 3515.47 2842.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 3692.08 1204.42 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2893.11 lt70.25 555.59 3401,98 42.71 77_@ 37.87 0-00 0,00 3.89 0.00 0,00 192.13 2585.68 1495.15 0_00 0.m 0.00 3242.71 2510.01 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0,00 1E13.16 3145.62 1026.70 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 2756.67 34.01 949,36 3212.15 2742.30 2561.18 231.38 o.m 0.@ 3E4.84 635.33 489.85 2501.23 0.00 0.00 o.m 1628.52 591.23 0,00 632.30 Attachment l - Page 316 5o{.r Elporb (kW) No.'Erpo.ted solar (kw) 2.$ 275.711403_99 1226.012$7.19 1427.94 543.30 2339_330.0{ 0.000.07 -o.o7 0.90 ,o.90 2262.57 1429.51 79.34 3129.470.64 -0.64 0.m 0.oo 0.@ 0.@ 0,00 0.m 0.00 0.@0.64 {-640.51 {.51 15!4.24 1358.87916.M 10$ aO64.50 491.097770,75 1631.830.34 4L74 0-96 16.632.56 35.310.00 0.@8.96 {_9615.49 -11.59 0.23 -O.23 0,38 -0.34 4.46 1a7.261297.03 1288.65 723.26 77L4931.63 -31.63 0.o8 -0.o8 0.51 .0_51 1587.23 1695.541250.62 1359.380.64 {.640_00 0_000.o0 0.oo0.64 -0.61l 0,26 "0.267tt.13 1101_03I'144.31 1?01.31297.A1 728.900.m 0.000.@ 0.00 !.oz -1.02 0.ol -0.04 1591.65 1174.950.90 33.11749,47 699_49 724.92 Z4A7.U 1384.15 135a.151:t51.10 1210.087..32 229.06534 -5 it 0.@ 0.0o21,38 363.468149 503.4476.54 413_31t441.97 1053.310.64 4.Uo.fi, 0.005.31 -5.31 423.81 1204.7734.42 556.410.00 0.000.00 632.30 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports l.st.lled Pv Nah.plate lkwdc) Ertimat.d PV N.meplate (tw34 4798 1.2 3998 L/14/17 71:oo a/41r717:N lll2/118:00 7/2/t7 3:oo 9/4/17 t4:@ 7/37/77 l9:oo 7/a1119:oo rl72lt12O:OO 7176/t172tOO r2ll3lr7 7o:o0 6/22/17 72:00 6h/17 22:00 6lA/717:oo 7217t/71A:OO 1?l1U\1tO:@ t/8/1719:00 7 /t4/77 6too 12/24/17 9:N 61211719O0 7/2A/17 t!:oo 1/71/111:oo al1/719:Oo 2/74h / a.oo 1176/17 1:OO 7/24177 7:oo th2/17 Lg:oo 5/291112o:@ 6/27171a.oo 7h3/lr 22:@ 1/28/t7 2o:oo l/9/17 t9:oo al17lt7 r2:oo t2126/1120:00 a/$/t7 76100 1/1/t7 2o:oo 613lL7 21:00 61771113:oo 72/t2171 27:Oo t2/ts/17 9:oo 7/27/t7l@ 6/241t1 t1:oo A/8/17 Lt:@ 9l6lt7 75:OO 114/71 3.oo 116/77 4:0o 8/23117 o:oo 7/2177l7:oo 1/18/17 13:oo r/311712,@ aqol7l a:oo 7/2Ut7 7t:oo 6/lltt o:oo tll!9/\1 lt:oo 6/5/112o:oo a/74/77 77:oo 1l7ll1 rr:oo 1/12177 2L:N 7/271r12O,0O 7h3/17 A:oo TltgltT 2t0o 6/2/r17a:oo r/z/17 rotoo 6/29/t7 2:oo 619/17 2r.:oo 7/a/17 1't:oo 7/26/t7 2:o0 8/7/17 7:o0 l25lr1to:N 2129 210E 2108 2359 2110 2367 2106 2395 2108 24!1 2105 2105 2104 2105 2r03 2103 2103 2358 2t61 2108 2133 2102 2102 2702 2703 2312 2246 2101 2101 7702 2352 2!00 2384 2099 2099 7099 2099 2099 2098 2200 2293 2091 2091 7097 2305 2lzt 2112 2105 2396 2096 2109 2331 2345 2!15 2095 2095 2095 209t 2325 2096 2094 2707 2099 209! 2083 2096 Net synem road (Mlr/) 2108 2108 2loE 2108 2707 2!O1 2106 2106 2106 2106 2105 2105 2105 2104 2104 2103 2lo3 tt03 2103 2103 2103 2702 zl02 2to2 2to2 2102 2102 2101 2101 2101 2101 2r@ 2100 2099 2099 2099 2099 2099 ?099 209E 2097 7097 2097 2097 2097 2097 2097 2087 zo97 2096 2096 2096 2096 2096 2095 2095 zolls 2095 2095 2095 2095 2095 2094 209i| 2004 2093 2093 2093 P.r Unit Distribut.d 561.r 0.214271 0,584356 0 0 0.708268 0 0.234153 0 0.795888 0 0.85!932 0 0 0 0.0414029 0 0 0 0.259307 0.!47812 0.00563054 0.151128 0 0 o o 0.139264 o,o7to724 0 0 0 0.631508 0.892057 0.398012 0.614518 0 0 0 0.633547 0.0428694 o.o18a12t 0.0112373 o.64247L 0 0.0149862 o.757237 0.127947 0.400644 0 0 0 o.547465 o 223129 0 0.0395614 0 0 0 0.10315 856-67 23a6.27 0.@ 0.00 2817.67 0.00 936.15 0.@ 3185.98 0.00 3446.02 0.@ 0.00 0,00 325.45 0.00 0.m 0.00 1036.72 1550.48 22.57 644.19 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 556.78 284.15 0.00 0.00 0.m 2524.18 0.@ 3128.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,m 0.@ 3566.46 1591.26 2456.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 2533.33 331,31 319.33 44,93 2568.51 0.00 59.92 624.64 2910.35 1601.94 0.@ 0.m 0.m 2r88.38 0.00 158.17 0.00 0.00 0.@ 477.40 303-49 1159.88 0.00 0.64 1344.51 0.00 725.O2 0.00 1524,31 3,58 2213.tto 1.02 2.22 0.00 79.23 0.@ 0,26 o.71 296.t4 756.46 0.54 38.39 0.13 0.5r 0,00 0.00 9L.O7 48.@ 0.00 0.00 0.02 1453.66 0.00 1593.86 0,30 0.@ 1.15 0.00 2,18 0.51 2315,26 344.13 1101.89 0.51 0.51 1,54 1202.74 106.88 2.05 1tt2,64 0.26 45,57 139.52 1183.30 4.35 0,oo 0.00 0,06 0.51 909-44 0.64 0.64 19,93 0.00 0.38 0.00 6.74 Non-Exporicd solar (kw, 553.16 r165.39 0_oo {.64 1487.16 0.@ 771.t3 0_@ 1661.67 -3.58 1232.62 .1.02 -2.22 0.m 245.22 0.@ -0.26 4.77 139.9? 794.02 27.47 605.80 -0,13 -0.51 0.00 0,00 465.71 236.15 0.m 0.00 -0,02 1061.12 0.@ 1534,49 {.30 0.00 -1.15 0.@ -2.18 -0.51 12s1.21 1247,ta 1354.97 {.51 -1.54 1330,6{' 224.43 306.12 42.44 1235.97 {.26 14.35 489,12 1,727.O5 1597.59 0.@ 0.00 -0.06 -0.51 127E.90 892.23 {.64 134.23 o.@ -0,38 0.00 406.25 0 0.782473 o 0 0 0 0 0 Attachment 'l - Page 317 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non.exports lnrtalled Pv Nam.pl.t. lkwd.) tstim.t d Pv Nameplate lkwac) 4798 1.2 3998 t2l\U11tot@ 7 /9/t19t0o !/at/!1 2O:o0 al7l77 totco 1/9/r17:oo 1?/\4/t7 lltoo tltslLl 23:oo r/26/118:@ 1/23/t7 7tco 8/t211,7 ltOO altXlTl 22too a/19/11 23:oo l2h4/t7 1O:OO L2/27/tt 8:0o 6123/t1 l:O0 1n/9 StOo 1l37lt17too A/28/t111:@ al21/119:oo a/23117 to:og 117/116:@ al26/71o.oo 6/30/tl2:0o 7/13/t14:oo 7/2a17, 1O:OO 61717712:oo 6/23/77 t2:oo 5/r8/1719:00 a/6/17 M:oog/tt/u r5:OO 7/24/77a:0o 614/ti t9:oo al76/17 l4too 8/a/77 t7:oo U\a171 21:oo 9/alt121:oo 72/6/tt 8:oo 6/2!77 9:o0 t/s/11t11@ 5123/7t 2!:o0 7/7r/r14:oo iholtl TtOO 6l21lt7 7:@ t11,7 /t7 \3:OO 6/t7/t122t0o rl4ltl77:@ ,/$h7 rotoo 8/24/7-t rztco 72/12/71 11,:W 1llolt11:Oo 6126/t1a,oo 1/t5/r79:OO L/29/t19:oo 7laltl 6:00 111/17 9too 1/26171 t9too t2/L/71r7:@ 6/30/77 gtOO 7/7s/771tOO 713011,12:oo 9/5lt72a:oo 7z/a/17 a:00 612/t7 79:00 212111 1o:@ 7 /e/D aloo rl27/71 t2to0 tl26/rt 2o:oo zl7/tt A:OO Pef Unit Dirrribut.d 501a. 0.0795331 0.226972 0 o.390242 0.@528563 0.0255916 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.519243 0.0754543 0.181908 0 0 0 o o.370721 o.1au27 0.8229s5 0.3a0142 0.75213 o_797157 0.0496496 o.271709 0.893625 0,45359! 0 0 0 0.266869 0.261034 0 0 0_0lm145 0.0114499 0.8135 0 0 0,443154 o.62647 0.351476 0 0.0648101 o.276102 0.0565946 0 0 0 0.03a3533 0.259905 0 o 0 o 034fl23 0-0623843 0,055a575 0.521078 0 0 317.98 907.44 0.m 1560.20 21.13 t02.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ o,o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 2$5.9r 301.71 727.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 1482-15 3132.16 3290.19 $19-a2 3m7.01 3187.05 198.50 850-42 a572.74 1833.46 0.@ 0.00 0.00 1056.95 1043.62 0.@ 0.00 40.o4 45.78 a252,39 0.@ 0.@ 1771.74 2506.24 1405.21 0.@ 259.11 863_94 266.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 153.34 1039.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1392-20 249,47 271.32 2083.28 0.oo 0.o0 43.84 167.29 0.00 561_70 034 82.14 0.@ 0.20 0.13 2.34 034 0.26 0,00 0.52 0.64 o.37 0.64 1060.17 1:1.31 92.03 0.51 0.26 0.55 0.35 72.29 1924.10 2182,41 446.86 120!t.59 1844.57 73.M 118.45 2191,44 924.09 8.41 0.00 0.00 306.51 0.26 0,38 1.66 2.18 863.18 9.02 0.00 742.U 1486.56 192.53 0.@ 46.64 184.39 0.01 0.00 0.q, $.32 338-32 0.64 0,51 o.00 0.00 1t09.83 4.8! 35.44 202.50 0_00 0-oo Non'Erponed sol ltw) 234.-14 740.15 0.00 994.50 20.7s 20,18 0.@ {_20 {.13 -2.X4 {.aa -o,26 0.@ -o.52 {.64 4.37 {.64 1095.74 288.40 635.24 -0,51 -0.26 -0.55 -o.35 r469.87 t2@-0s 1707.7A 1077.95 1197.44 1342.48 185.06 ,31.96 1375.30 908.58 -4.41 0_m 0.m 7@.44 103a.a8 -0.26 -0.18 1437 41.60 23E9,21 -9.02 0.oo 7029.70 1019.68 1212.64 0.@ 772.47 675.59 251-5t {_01 0.00 0.00 135.02 700.78 -0.64 {r.51 0.oo 0.00 94237 244.54 187,8a 1840_78 0_6 0.@ system Ldd {Mwl Net syrtem t@d (Mw) 2096 2321 2092 2335 2094 2@A 20sl 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2090 2090 2090 2310 2tt5 2L45 2m9 2089 2088 2068 2090 2391 2392 2383 2305 2352 2118 2170 2369 2327 2085 2045 2045 2349 20ll4 208, zou 2096 2097 2770 2083 2084 2374 ,355 2090 2042 2224 2299 2081 2081 2080 2082 2086 2237 2079 2079 2079 2019 2333 2082 2222 2096 zoTa 2074 2093 2093 2092 2092 2092 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2097 7091 2097 2090 2090 2090 2090 2090 2089 2049 2089 2088 2088 2084 2oaa 2088 2087 20a7 2047 2086 2086 2085 2085 2045 2089 2085 2084 2@4 2084 2084 2084 2084 2084 2083 2043 2083 2082 2082 1042 2082 2081 2oat 2041 2090 2080 2079 zo79 2079 2019 2079 2079 2079 2079 2079 207A 2074 207A Attachment l - Page 318 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrtalled Pv nameprate lkwdc) Estimated PV Naheplate {kwa.) 4798 7.2 3998 7ltslrl 5,OO 7l29lri ro:oo t2/t5lL7 l0t0o 12/241t7 1t:@ 6/29/17 \o:0o 9/8/17 23:oo 7l7O/17 L9|OO r/30/17 t2:oo 6/21/177:@ t2/a/77 9:OO 12/73/17 8:00 l2l21li r9:@ 7ltgltl to.oo UE/17 2:oo l/5/!7 l4tOO tl2sl11 r9:oo ,15/17 a:Oo a/25/t7 !1:@ l/6/77 t:oo Al3ll7 tO:Oo 5/r\/17 l2:Oo 6h/L127tOO 6l24lt7 ttoo U3\/171:oo 7/ta/t1 77.O0 1/8/L71:o0 1/26/112!@ 7/25/173:OO a/21t7 2:oO A/24/t7 o:@ t2l7tl71 2r,@ t2/26/17 21,:00 6lt9/t7 TttOO a/t2177 72:OO a/7172:oo 9/70/71 t1:oo 212/u 71:oo aho/77 7o:OO l/4117 76:00 7/26/17 9:OO 7/70/116:00 a/r4/71 |a:oo Ll1/77 71tOO 7lgli a:oo al!4/71 76too Dlzalt19:@ 7/2/77 7A:@ 7l2Bl77 7O|OO ,ltl77 ro:oo U6117 4:oo 6/2s/77 1.2too 6127 /17 a:oo A/2i170:OO 6l2a/r7 6:00 ,h2/1,13:00 6122177 tt:OO Zl2ll a:oo 6/2al17 4:@ 7 /\3/r7 6:00 1/2O/i atOO it1/17 2a:OO !Z/14/r7 21:@ L/75/17 t2:oo 1172/71a:oo a/26/t7 l4:Oo ah7/71BIOO 6/a/77 8:oO \/s/77 7:oo N.t sFt.m Ldd {MW) zo1a 2074 2078 2077 207, 20t7 20n 207' 2076 2076 2076 2076 2015 2015 2075 2075 207t 2074 2074 2073 2073 2073 2072 2071 zo70 7070 2070 2070 2070 2010 zo70 2070 2070 2070 2010 2070 2059 70{9 206t 2069 2069 2059 2069 2059 2066 2068 2068 2064 2067 206' 2061 2067 2066 2066 2056 2065 2055 2065 2065 2054 2064 2064 10 zou 2064 2063 2063 2063 P.. Unit Dirtributed solar 0 0.285079 0 0.0592458 0.497218 0 0 o.72E991 o.0192241 o 0 0 0,459494 0 o.234022 0 0.0686632 0,819557 0 0.31575 0.792821 0.0273533 0 0 0.00642187 0.007a165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,661486 o,722254 0.0235417 0.515366 0.1125 0.35067 0.00433376 0.00683645 0 0 0.0161858 0.060552 0.841614 0 0.m492358 0.240785 0,335152 0 0,80141 0.0536052 0.3519811 0 0 0,77127 0 0 0 0.0494272 0 0 0.110535 0.0505794 0.850509 0_0067991 0.0797332 0 0.00 1139.75 0.@ 736,41 t9a7.a9 0.00 0.00 29t4.52 76.46 0.00 0.00 0.oo $37.O1 0.00 935.63 0.m 174.57 3271.05 0_00 t262.38 3t69.72 109.36 0_@ 0.@ 25.67 29.65 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.@ o_m 0.@ 2644.64 2887.60 94.12 2462.25 450_18 1401.99 t7_34 2f.33 0.00 0.oo 64.71 242.09 3364.79 0_00 15.68 952.66 1339.98 0.00 3204,05 254.30 7407.24 0_m 0.00 2859.66 0.00 0,00 0.00 797.57 0-@ 0_@ 441.92 202.22 3400.35 27.74 318.78 0.@ Non-Export.d solar (kw) -0.42 1054.21 .36.85 207.77 t029.57 {.26 .0.81 t47a.t6 75_29 {.38 0.00 0.m 1096.8rr 0,00 839.53 0_00 2'14.56 13€6.25 0,@ 7!8.90 1324.00 9a-61 4.5r1 0_00 12.8r 77,99 0.m 'o3a 0.00 -0.71 0.00 0.00 !240.79 1533-25 90.01 1758.23 393.22 1085.15 16.69 -28.48 4.77 61.77 213.14 1722_74 ,16.95 35.42 496.11 1331.80 {.16 1309-98 217.79 t11.92 {.90 {.26 !133.50 '2.48 -1.41 -0,55 173.82 o.oo 0.00 221.98 170.4r 1535.@ 25.77 244.36 0.00 2078 2090 2080 2@9 2371 2077 2078 7370 2@a 2076 2076 7076 2370 1075 2076 7077 1724 2!49 20,4 z2a9 2274 2712 2072 207t 2077 2079 2070 2070 2070 2070 2070 2070 2371 zo1t 2329 2088 2250 2069 2069 2069 2069 207' 2155 2301 2064 2084 2281 2076 2067 2345 2208 2330 2066 2066 2174 2065 2065 2065 2744 2064 2u64 zL72 2194 2345 2070 2108 2063 o.4z 71.55 36.86 29.70 958 32 0.26 0.81 1435.76 1,57 0.38 0_00 0.00 740.2X 0.00 96 00 0.m 29.95 1890.79 o.m 523.48 1845.72 10.75 4.54 0.00 12,86 1.66 0.00 0.38 0,00 o.77 0.00 0.m 1403.85 1354.15 4.11 704.01 56.96 316.83 0.64 0.m 28,48 o.t7 0.00 18.95 1642.05 16.95 o.26 466.55 8.18 0.16 1,894.O7 36.51 595.32 0.90 0.26 1726.16 2.84 1.41 0.55 23.79 o.m 0.@ 279.95 31.81 t465.27 1.41 34.42 0.00 Attachment l - Page 319 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv N.h.pr.r. (lwd() Estimaled PV N.mepl.tc (kW..) 4794 1.2 3998 6/20/77 3:oo Anl71O.OO 6/91r722:o0 2lL/Lt t9:& thl77 B:@ 1/72/17 tO:@ 2/t177 9:OO al29l77 t7:oo l/Lll7 2l:oo r/t1/77 5:oo 2/13/779:@ 9/7Ol\7 2l@ Vzslri tt:oo 7/3/r73lo0 1l7ol77 5:oo t/3o/171}@ L2l6l77 9:@ 12/\3/t7 72:@ algli rt:oo 6l4lt7 75:oo 5/23/1711:@ 613/71 tStOO !2r/t7 ?7:oo Z/r/t12o:OO rh6/t7 74:oo 7/a/17 7r:CN UlllT a:6 916/712!:oo 12/tO/11 79:@ 7/71/717otoo a/2o/r1 t7too rlaltl t3:oo t2/a/t7 ,o:oo 7/77/17 9t@ iali 72:N t/4/7175:oo L/LOlLl rtOO 1,124177 2o:oo 7/2s/77 27:oO 1/t/113:OO 7121/112:ooallllti L:@ 8l1t/17 ,7:0o 8/tr/17 77too 2l\41t79:OO 8l2s/11o:@ t2/2a/t7 tg:oo 6/24177 12100 6/3oli a:oo rlt/1.7 9:OO 716/716.00 a/!7/17 rX:N L2/28/17 to:@ 6129177ltoo 1/20/17 gtOO r/27/171too tzl2rh, \o:@ l/11/r7 2t:oo L2/76/t7 78:OO 9/21t7 74:Oo tlr4lt12!:@ \/29/t122:fr 2/2/17 9to0 1/61t1 5:oo thglrl o:OO t2/r5/71 ta:oo 1/3/7113:oo UL6/11r1:@ 2063 2063 2064 2061 2079 2068 2062 2316 2061 2051 2057 2067 2013 2060 2060 2092 2059 2071 2246 2374 2361 2310 2058 2058 2139 2059 2051 zo57 zo57 2311 2326 2061 2061 2X2t 2056 2056 2056 2056 2056 2056 2056 2056 7127 7784 2055 2055 2055 2149 2145 2054 2054 ?345 2057 2070 22-tO 2053 2053 2052 2065 2324 2051 2051 2051 2051 2051 2054 2070 2140 Nst syrt.m lold (Mw) 2063 2053 2063 2053 2063 2063 2062 2062 2061 2061 2061 2051 2061 2060 2060 2059 2059 2059 2059 2059 2054 2058 2054 2054 2058 2058 xos7 2057 2057 205-l 7057 msf 2057 2055 2056 2056 2056 2056 2055 2056 2056 2056 2055 2055 2055 2055 2055 2034 2054 2054 2054 2054 20s1 2054 2053 2053 205! 2052 2052 2051 2051 2051 2051 2051 ?051 2051 2050 2050 Per Unit Di3tributed 50lar 0 0 0 0 0 o,347207 0.00922251 0.47:Ba4 0 0 0.!55!97 0 0_0701!72 0 0 0.217033 0 0.0766E13 0.504879 0,750236 0.591497 0.859354 0 0 0.60@35 0.015545 0 0 0 0.456027 0.7@553 0.0098612:' 0.110137 0.239525 0.0534177 0.0101674 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.560937 0,559543 0.169255 0 o 0.81893 0.0618233 0 0 0_852059 0 0.@780907 0.227171 0 0 0 0.188598 0.795897 0 0 0.@918752 0 o 0.00742193 0.203E67 0.296973 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 1348.14 36.87 1893.00 0_oo 0.00 624.48 0.00 24O.47 0.00 0.00 861.10 0.00 306.57 2018-52 2999_46 z?64.62 ,475,70 0.00 0.@ 2398.95 62.55 0.00 0.m 0.m 7423.21 2832.81 39.43 440.33 957.63 213.57 40.65 0.@ 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2242.64 2231.22 676.69 0.00 0.m 3274.10 247.77 0.00 0.00 3446.53 0.@ 3r.22 909.19 0.00 0.oo 0.00 754,O2 31a2.01 o_@ 0.00 x6.13 0.00 0.oo 29.67 815.05 1187.30 0.5r 0.51 17.34 0.@ 0.14 97.75 0,13 952.97 o.3a 0.00 41,09 0.13 54.77 1.69 0.00 453.62 5_12 30.21 952,92 1126.76 1671.35 1923.11 0.00 0-00 741.11 3.32 o.za 0.m 0.m 711.44 1044.06 4.U 32.13 256,86 l.7t 1_41 23.36 0.00 0.@ 0,64 0.51 2.25 l@t5.63 974.47 40,06 0.00 0.@ 2046.86 49.X7 0.73 0.00 2129.f3 31.36 2.43 2@.42 0.31 2.56 0.00 0.00 7774.8 0.m 0.@ 0.47 0,32 0_51 0_00 9.50 62.85 Non-Export€d sol.r (rW) {.51 {_51 -77.39 0.00 -0.14 1290.39 36.74 9ito.03 -o-38 o.@ 583.39 {_13 226.74 -1.69 0.@ 404.09 276.17 1055,60 1213.20 lo91.2l 1552_59 0.00 0.@ 1557.84 59.23 4.23 0.oo 0.00 1089.37 t7a4-75 34.54 408.20 590.17 209.85 ,9.24 -2a,!6 0-@ 0.@ -0.64 -0.51 -2.25 1197.01 1250.35 636,62 0.m 0.@ 1227.24 197.80 {_73 0.m 1316,80 -31.36 24.79 704.38 -0.31 -2.56 0.m 754.02 1407.73 0.0i) -0,o8 36.31 -0.32 -0.51 29.67 805.116 1124,46 Attachment l -Page320 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstall.d Pv Nameplat. {kwdc) €itimated Pv Namepl.te (kw.c) 4194 t2 3998 7/ro/77 ra:oo 6110lL71:OO r2/r4/11t2:00 t2lt5lt7 19:00 ',.la/11 r4t0o 9/9/t1 !a:@ altsltl 74:00 ll24/17 9:oo 7/25/17 2o:oo 7/16117 t:oo alt5l71 74.00 7124117 19.00 1/37/t7lt:N 12/20/17 19:00 1l3hr 9:oo 1/t7/71t7:OO \/21179:@ r/77/17o:oo r/28/779:0O 7/11/17 5:OO',/1s/t7 5:oo 6/!1 /71 27:oo t/1a/11rs:oo th5h11:oo 1122/71r2:OO 7/77/77 6,00 t2/21/17 79:00 ,7/26/71 tO:@ 6/191t7 AoOallia:oo L/4/77 13.@ a/ta/t17X:@ a/9/t7 !o:N r/7/717t:00 a/22117 tl.OO 6/LA/i te:oo 5/7a/1,1 t9tOO s/3o/1713:00 8/9/77 t:OO AF/77 a.@ t2/251t1 7l:oo 5129/77 tg,oo 7/1,21tr7:OO rl1l71221OO Uall1 7o.@ 6/21177 4:oo 5/22/t7 2ttoo 7126/t7 7O-@ 8/23lt7A:oo rh /11 23:OO rlt4lt77.@ Z/\s/17 a:oo 5/t7/t12ttoo t2/7o/r7 2o:o0 1175/,7a:00 12llt1 to:oo 6/9/t7la:oo Ll2l11 rztoo l2ll5ll1 ll O0 12/17/17 7r,00 12/t2/t7 7l@ 2050 2054 2053 20lo 2049 2052 2254 2048 2048 204€ 2307 2054 2047 2059 7249 2330 2136 2045 z046 2046 2046 2046 !045 2723 2079 2049 2327 2044 2044 zo57 2046 22\4 21@ 20i13 2333 2151 2070 t314 2350 2307 2261 2042 2042 2077 2055 231r1 2052 2041 2o4l 2041 2088 2042 2100 2049 2040 2040 2040 2089 2044 ?138 201t6 2186 2071 2049 2039 2064 2056 N.t sytt m Lo.d (Mwl 2050 2050 2049 2049 2049 2019 2049 2048 2044 zUA 2048 2048 20,7 204' ?u7 2046 2046 2046 2016 2046 2045 20!6 2046 2046 2045 2015 20t5 2045 2044 2044 204! 2044 2043 2043 2@3 2043 20a3 2043 2042 2042 20{2 2042 2@2 20t2 2042 2042 2041 2047 2041 2041 2041 2O:11 2041 2041 2040 2040 2040 20!,O !040 2040 2039 2039 2019 2039 2039 2039 2039 2038 Per unit Dlrtribut d Sol.r 0 0 o.oo774786 0.0545588 0 0.01121t64 o.403774 0.656927 0.0264448 0 0 0.485058 0 0.18025 0 0.622825 0.249631 0.29758 0 0 0 0.088892 0 0 0.0218496 0.0325085 0.m112429 o.74992t 0 o 0.004E2199 0.(x25475 0.0547071 0_0421069 0.150649 0.863294 0.3713€8 0.560644 0.766015 0.582212 0.345285 0.89i1015 0 0 0.0377042 0.321968 0.349204 0.00554849 0 0 o 0.0189862 0.0714233 0.265806 0.00911845 0 0 0 0.0134884 0 0_0525:t43 0.0958868 0.585765 0_51226 0.0277902 0 o.34757? 0.0554633 0.00 0.00 :10.98 218.13 0.e 44_96 3211.51 2666.19 ,o5,74 0.00 0.00 3$A_44 0-@ 720,64 0.00 2490.07 t98.03 1189.73 0,m 0.00 0_00 355.39 0.o0 0.00 87.36 130-37 4.49 :t15t.12 0.00 0.00 19.24 170.11 254.70 168.34 602,30 !451.47 1484.82 2241.63 3062-54 7327,70 1380.46 a574.29 0.m 0_00 150.76 ua7.2a 1396.13 22.14 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 75.91 285.55 1062,70 36.46 0.00 0.m 0.m s3.93 0.00 210.03 :lt7_35 2341.90 2018.03 ut_1! 0,00 1389.50 271.74 o.@ 0.oo 1.41 135.70 0_t,0 r.41 7494.23 919.78 0.13 0.19 0.@ 2147.U 0.m '17,aa 0.m lt6t.2t 293_12 21.65 0.01 0.o0 0.00 o.77 0.51 0.13 21.76 to7.97 o.7a 1750.93 0.@ o.@ 1.47 18.27 60.03 11.54 2.05 2083.82 482.84 55.72 1728.821 966.14 433.14 222a.N 2.59 0.58 23.46 50.94 358.34 0.51 0.00 0.o0 0.51 10.62 2.94 246.80 t.79 0.00 0.@ o.oo 1,28 0.@ 24_70 $634 873.80 77_42 0.64 209-98 774.74 Non-Eryot.d sol.r (kW) 0.@ 0.@ 29.57 E1.42 0,00 43.56 7717,2A !745.61 105.61 -0,19 0.00 1356_64 0.00 641.27 0.00 1328.85 704,91 1162-08 .o-01 0,00 0.00 354.62 -o.51 .l).13 65.60 ?2.40 3.71 lito7_19 0.00 0.00 17.81 151.83 794.57 156.80 @o25 1367.65 1001.98 21a5,91 1333.70 94t.37 1346.20 -2,59 -0_58 127.29 7236.29 1037.78 21.67 0.00 0.00 -0.51 65.28 282-61 f75.49 44,67 0.m 0_m 0.uo 52.65 0.00 185,33 24o.97 l46a-11 2024.25 33.28 -0.64 1179.52 -57.04 Attachment l -Page32{ Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-expods rnrt.lled Pv Namep.re {kwdc) Esumated Pv Nameplate (kwac) 4794 1.2 3998 1/30/1718:00 7ltTltl rtOO 12/21/712o:@ ahlLT 9to0 rltBllT 6:00 t2/27/119:O0 7178/71a:oo a/7/r19:oo 7/19lt78:@ 7 /5117 4:oo 7/r9l1,71to0 Alglrl l:OO 9lal77 r3.@ 1/18/1716:00 9/7/77 t3:oo 6lrs/77 22:@ 7/22/t12t0O slLA/t7otoo l/5/7716tOO 2lt/77 to:@ 7l!177 16:00 rA1l1718i00 1/2/17 22:oo 6/26177 z:OO 7 /t1/77 5:oo 7/2a/77 2:0o 8/s/17 2:@ 8l1r/r1t:oo rl\-t/r1r4:oo 612/77 t1:oo llls/l17:OO 5l29lt7 23:oo 7/4/1,7 7t:o0 5/\t/t7 22:OO 5hlr12!,oo 6/2a/17 s:oo 1/79h1ztOO l2/7o/17 2o:oo t2/2a117 a:oo r/25/t171:@ 6/r/77 9:oo ,/El\1 7O:Oo 6l3OhT atOO t2l2tl!1 1o:@ a/79/!1 1,5:OO t2lg/r1latoo 9l5ll7l3:oo 6/U117-t:oo 6/7/t7 76:N \/r3117 13:00 ,/3lt18t0o t/t1/t14:oo t/30/r1 zztoo 1./2a177 t9:@ a/s/77 tz:oo A/t/71A:OO t/16/71o.oo 6/251t7 Z:@ 7l2o/771too 7/26/171:@ 8lrol1,7 7,oo aBVl, t:oo lzl2r/tl2OIOO lla/7714:oo 1/5/171s:OO r/rO/11 2o:OO 7124177 8:@ 72/s/17 8:o0 2068 2034 2038 2$4 2017 2037 2142 2725 2134 2035 2035 2035 2244 2054 2322 2035 2035 2035 2017 2037 2041 2045 2034 2034 2014 2014 20!4 2034 2177 2296 2033 2033 2032 2032 2032 2032 2032 2012 20tt 2047 2054 2031 2031 2036 13tl 2037 2248 2757 274! 2051 2184 7024 2028 2029 2XO7 2032 zo27 2027 2027 2021 202' 202f 2027 2083 2026 2026 2026 2026 N.t systen toad (MW) Pu Unit Diiibut d 5o1., 0.019E887 o 0 0.197765 0 0 0.051rt049 0.19716 0.0456912 0 0 0 0.651766 0.0212408 0.818579 0 0 0 0.505039 o.o59aa73 0.0509719 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 127 o.697477 o o 0.03736s 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.r88366 0.159049 0.m$3135 0 0.0150562 0,E47179 0.169675 0-5E0564 o487668 0.871545 o.779238 0.0544156 0 0 0 0-598045 0.0371301 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.1@454 0.68548 0 0 0 (kw) 79.52 0.(I, 0.m 7X.67 0.@ 0,00 205.52 784_25 142.61 0.m 0.00 0.m 2@5.77 84.92 1?12.70 0.00 o00 o.00 2019,16 239.43 203.79 0.00 0_00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0_@ 0.m 31!2.13 2784.53 0.00 0-00 149,39 0_00 0.m 0_@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 753.01' 675.46 21.31 0.@ 60.20 3388.24 578.36 2720.99 1949,71 3484.45 3115.41 233.55 0.@ 0.@ 0.1r0 zEO.AO M4.45 0.@ 000 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 401.66 2740.56 o.00 0.00 0.@ 1.15 0.51 33.91 136.06 0-00 o.57 30.85 1&.11 25.71 0.51 0.64 0.51 1192.'16 33,54 2037.53 0.95 0.13 0.38 35,20 6.14 0,3a o.26 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.26 0.64 0.34 852.81 162?.A7 0.00 0.72 0.26 0.!x) 1.28 0.77 0,51 0.00 0.00 27.39 84_10 2.80 4,& 170.39 1833,38 o_00 1379_93 757,42 1813.25 657.43 48.98 0.00 0.00 0.@ 1439-a3 3.07 0-@ 0.34 0,90 0_51 0.38 o,26 0.00 l22.AZ 75.47 3.m 0.m o.o2 Non-E&ort.d 5ol.r (tW, 78.36 {.51 -33.92 654,67 0.@ -o,57 774.67 628.13 156,95 -0.51 -o.u -0.51 1413.31 51,39 !235.77 {_95 {_13 {-38 19E3.96 233.29 203.40 -0.26 0.m 0,m 4.37 4.26 {.64 .o_34 2339.32 1165-66 0.m 4.72 149.13 {.90 -7.74 -o.n -0,51 0.@ 0,@ 715.m 591.n 18.51 -4_66 -110.20 1554.a6 674.36 1341.06 tt98.29 1571.21 2447.54 1a4.57 0.00 0_@ 0.m 1350.97 !45.17 0.00 {.38 -0.90 -0.51 ,0.38 -0.26 0.00 27A.U 2565.09 '3-00 0.00 4,O2 2038 2034 2014 2017 2031 2037 2037 2047 2035 20:t6 2036 2016 2046 2035 2035 2035 2035 2035 2035 2035 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 7014 2034 2034 2033 2033 2033 2032 7032 2032 2032 20!2 2032 2032 7032 2031 2031 2031 2031 2030 zo29 2029 2029 2029 )o29 2028 2024 2074 2028 2028 zoza 2027 2027 2027 2071 2021 2027 707f 2026 2076 2025 2026 2026 Attachment 1-Page322 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstall.d PV Nameplate lkwdc) trtmated PV Nam.plate (kW..) 4794 1.2 3998 rzlS/17 l9:oo 7la/77 74tOO 7 /r7 /r7 B:oo 917311114:oo 7/alr7 22:00 rl29l17 8:o0 a/&/11 l:00 8/t1/71O10o sl22/77 22:oo 6126171ltOO 119/L7 2o:oo al6l1173tOO 9l7ltl 74tOO a/17/t7 9:oo ,2l2Alr1 r7:@ 7/Za/r79lo0 Y72/77 72:@ 6/2711,14:@ 61617715:@ 6171117 23too 7/4/17 4:oo ah/77 3tOO 917/17 otOO 9qlt7 23:oo 7/3111,a:N 6/29/!19:o0 9/2/71O:OO 1217/7719:OO al2a/17 tttoo 1l2olt1 7t@ t/?.4/17 21:oo 2lL/17 2!:@ Yt6lt7 75:OO a/a/119:oo 6/517119:00 5/23/17 !8:@ t2/7a/t1 l3t0o 2121l71at@ s/11/t7 o:@ 5l20lt? 4tOO 72/70/\7 21:00 1216/17 79tOO al2Yt1 r5:OO t2172/77 17:@ ll14/77 t4tVJ tl73/77 23:00 Lzlzilt1 9:Oo al2lll atoo 7/4/17 7o:oo 7lt5/t7 4too 6'129/17 a:Oo l2/211t7 $t@ al27/17 \4:o0 7/31/7710:00 rl3/77 tstoo all77 3:@ 9l7Ur7 23t0o 7212a/71 2ot0o 6lr/i Taoo rlzali 72tOO Dlali 77:oO \2/27/1717:6 6/!71tLtW 5/27/77 6:@ 72/72h, 22too 72/271i $t@ alaltT totoo 7/25/t11tOO 2026 2031 2lo4 2267 2025 2025 2025 2025 2028 2041 2024 2209 2745 2131 2045 2196 2023 2023 2303 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2034 7172 2020 2020 2220 2074 2019 2019 2105 2129 2314 2291 2049 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2309 2044 2051 2077 2077 2079 2076 2016 2016 2017 2295 2102 2026 2015 2019 2015 2132 2UO 2043 2032 zt27 7074 2074 2032 2277 2013 l,i.t Syst m tdd IMW) 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 zo25 2025 2025 2024 zo24 2024 ,o24 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2022 2022 zo2l 2022 2027 2021 2021 2020 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 2019 tol8 201S 20u 20$ 20lE 2018 201E 2018 2018 2018 2018 20t7 20r7 2017 2011 2016 20t6 20t6 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2ol5 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 z0t4 20l! 20t3 2013 P€r Unit Dittributed Sol.r 0 0.0r09945 0.0573854 0.821078 0 0 0 0 0 0.0104905 0 0.369761 0.651182 0.146829 0.0690614 0.104023 0 0 o.7!t77 0 0 0 0 0 0.147432 o.267527 0 0 0.25m92 0 0 0 0.697475 o.777932 0_174676 0.5{5381 0.103069 0 o 0 0 0 0.868951 0.0210098 0.254033 0 0 0.0402571 o.0161722 0 o o.o1247?l 0.83927 0,417635 0.0789406 0 0 0 0.0396504 o.t422E4 0.3731124 0-012i1084 0.0298702 0 0 0.015E248 0.360983 0 0.00 43.96 229.43 32E2.69 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.54 0.o0 7478_34 2503.44 5E7.03 276.t1 415.49 0.00 0.00 2925.63 o.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.0t) 549.44 1059,98 0,00 0.@ 999-47 0.00 0.m 0.m 2744.52 711.38 1513.9s 2180.45 472,O7 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 3114.@ 84.m 105s.61 0.00 0.00 160.95 65,46 0.00 0,@ 49.85 1335-42 1569.7r 315,61 0.00 0,oo 0.00 159,32 568.85 1492.96 49.61 119.42 0.00 0.00 6t.27 1143.22 0.00 0.00 1.57 21,/6 17,5.49 0.00 0.00 0.51 o.19 0.00 2.26 0.00 1023.14 1339.11 85.08 103.94 226.94 0.00 1.20 1979.71 0,51 1.85 0.51 0.25 0.38 8.70 350,14 0.00 o_00 700.56 1.0E 0,00 o.o0 6@.37 91.01 529.41 955,22 74.62 0.13 o.72 0.64 0,00 0.@ 2158.73 0.57 344.44 0.@ 0.64 13.35 0.00 0,00 o.51 0.00 1786.56 680.47 2.52 0.m 1.63 0.@ 421.63 111.81 84.86 24.83 330.13 0.51 0.00 0_@ 477.19 0.00 Non-ElPon.d sol.r IkW) 0.@ 39.!8 207.67 1507.20 0.trc 0,00 {,51 '0.79 0.@ !9.28 0.@ 455,20 LzU.3t 501.94 772.17 188.95 0.m -1.20 945.90 -0.51 -1.85 .0.51 '0.26 {.38 580_73 719.b3 0,m 0.m 299.31 -1.@ 0.00 0,00 2180.15 520.37 984.55 333.4s '0.13 '0.77 -0.64 0.00 0.00 l:o5.35 E3.47 701.t7 0,m -0.64 147.59 65-45 0.00 '0-51 49.86 1568.46 989.25 313,09 0.@ '1.63 0.m -262.31 457.05 14@.09 14.74 -zlo.77 -0.51 0.@ 61.21 1015.03 0-m Attachment I - Page 323 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nam.pl.t. (kwdd Estim.t.d PV Nameplate (lwa.) 4198 1.2 3998 1176111ltoo t46/t12o:oo 72h1/t1Z2t0o 7 /79/77 7:N 7/t/178:W sltoll171100 \/1s/7173:@ 2/3lt19tO0 a/61t1 t:oo 't7l10/11 2l:@ t/24/7t to:oo 6/t5/t7 ?ltoo 5/t7/17 20:oo rl9l17 78:@ 1/17/17 9:00 12hs/7t 2ot0o 7/$lti r:oo 6/9/71 7tt00 9/t2/71 L4tOO 12124171 l2:@ 7/1/r17:oo 6/9/tl otoo 7/72/t7 4:@ al4ltl2:6 72n117 2O:O0 8/76/1/ 11:oo 1/t/11gtoo e/v17ltoo 7lt9lt79:oo 7/r,l119:oo a/4l77 to:oo r/17/112:OO 7lall1ro.@ ,2/13/17 r1:0o rlrhl 22@ r/23/t7 8:oo 7/B/t7ltOO 72/24/17 8:@ 61117117.@ 7 /?r/77 to:oo 7/2t/71IO:OOal$l\l t5:oo 7l76lt7 tr:@ 7l2s/t1otOO a/29/t1a:oo 6/2217-t totco 1123117 9:oo ,/26111 71@ 6/2111,7 6:00 9/12/77 73:oo lzh4/tt 11:OO rl77/17 t9:oo 72/7O/i 8:@ A/a/714:@ t/23/tl2o:@ l2/22h1rO:@ L2/D/r7 7}@ 6/91\1 17:oo t2115/71 t?too r/7s/r1 2r:oo 618/712:@ 7127lti 2:oO t21221119:@ 12/21 /t1 2tt0o t/14/1111:@ 5/!6117 ts:OA r/9177 27:00 713/1,7 4:@ 2013 2013 2013 2016 20t2 2266 207a 2011 2011 2011 2013 2049 20s6 2027 221,5 2010 2074 22t4 227' l04l 2020 2009 2m9 2009 2009 2298 2oo8 2009 2261 2264 2254 2@1 22,6 2035 2006 2006 2W 2006 2307 2310 2277 2254 2304 2@5 2023 2313 2004 2@4 2004 2004 2016 2m5 2010 2023 2@3 2003 2028 2211 2022. 2002 2@2 2@2 2m2 2@2 2026 2168 2ml 2@1 N"t Syrt .n toad (Mw) 2013 2013 2013 2013 2072 20t2 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2@9 2009 2009 2009 2009 2@9 2an9 2009 200€ 2008 2008 2008 2007 2@f 2@7 2@7 2m6 2005 2005 2006 2006 2005 2005 2@5 2@5 2@5 2004 200{ 2004 2t 04 2oct 2004 2@4 2@:t 2@3 2m3 2003 2003 2n03 2@3 2002 2@2 2@2 20t 2 2@2 2@2 2m2 2m2 2@l 2001 Pd Uhll Olitrlbuted solar 0 0 0 0 o 0.538892 o,142147 0.00879332 0 0 0.285574 0.02908E1 0.0897525 0 o.209469 o 0 0.725989 0.8@lot 0.11631 0,00662813 0 0 o 0 0.851304 0 0 o.7!3421 o.226969 0.39E573 0 0.44646! o.344222 0 0 0 0 0.655tl58 0.455852 0.412066 0.9142A8 0.652502 0 0,012a639 0.518334 0 0 o 0 0.0551111 o 0.155591 0.0353025 o 0 0.06t02:ta 0.750753 0,055637 0 0 0 0 0 0.145501 0.450531t 0 o 0.@ 0.o0 0.00 o.@ 0.m 2154.50 72E.23 35.16 0_00 0.@ 7147,7t 116.29 358.83 0.00 a3?.16 0.00 0.@ 2907.s2 32:10.81 465.01 25.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1403.53 0.@ 0.00 9!3.25 907.43 1593.90 0.00 t7a4.97 1376.21 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0,m 2620,54 1822.51 1647.4s 3655.34 2608.72 0.00 49.E3 2072.17 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 220.34 0,00 626.05 141.14 0.00 0.@ 253.96 3001.53 222.44 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.t0 0.00 542.r2 l80l-24 0.m 0.@ Attachment I - Page 324 5ol.r Expo.t! (kw) No.-Expot d Sol.. (rW) 0.6,t -0.64 0.00 0.m0_00 0,005.19 -5.19 0.@ 0.001020-a3 1133.6738.49 &4.!40.25 34.900,47 .0.47 0.00 0.m32.14 1109.3512.32 103.9732.13 326.50 0_13 -0.13 205.15 632,310_m 0.000_90 ,0.90 1848.45 105rr.06 D69_49 16@.r? 39.10 425.911.41 25.0t2.61 .2.51 0.26 -0.260.0o 0.oo0.00 o.@2$t.74 7257.750.15 .0.16 0.@ 0.00236.16 697.09247.59 559.83518.03 975.470.00 0.@766-65 101a.322.O5 7174.!6 0.33 .0.33 0.00 0,00 0.51 -0.51 0.m 0.001506.55 1113.91757_e4 1054.86$4.22 1009.237U4,96 1E10.!91179.89 1428.820.51 {.511.65 44.t71061.15 1011,160.@ 0.000.00 0.00o.77 -O,77 0.00 0.@0.79 219.540.00 0.@0.00 626.05 4.14 137.000.10 -0.10 6.99 -6.99 296.@ -32.04 1458.10 1543.43 132.61 89.83 0.00 0.002.22 .2.22 0.38 {.38o.42 -0.420_00 0.0013_82 568.299@,A2 E40.a20.@ o.o00,64 -0.64 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non+xports rnstalled Pv Nah.plrte (twd.) Estimated Pv Nameplate (kwa.) 4794 t.2 3998 8/16/170:00 7127 ltl atOO ll21l17lA:00 s/7!77 19:@ 7/26/77 lL:oo 1/27177 22:@ 6l22lti 2:oo 6177lri s:oo 72/2t/77 2tt0o 5/3t/17 !!:oo 1123177 72100 6/22/17 7:o0 t/2/tl8:N 1/1,71171:@ t2/6/71 2!:oo t2/1/77 27tOO a/11/r71O:@ L2/2a177 78)@ 6/1,/17 74:00 7/25/17 4:oo 61917716:00 6/79/77 7o:oo 5/20/t7 6:00 a/30/111:o0 1/a/t7 Ls:o0 12/14/77 73:@ 8/27/77 o:@ LUel71 2o:@ t2l6/77 1o:oo t2/14h17:oo l2a/i la:Oo 2lrlr7 7t:oo 6/23/771o:@ 611171r2:N 1lr7/ri t:@ 2lz4/l1a:OO 1215/t19tO0 6/2/17 76:00 7/211717:@ 9/to/t1 16:sJ 6/20/!7 s:Cro 1/71t7 4:Oo s/79/77 7a:@ l2llU71 l2:@ r/73/17 17:oo 5/70/11 22:oo t2/24177 79:Oo 7/2177 73:@ AlUll9t@ t/76/L1 t6:oo 6/t9/t7 otoo 6/29/t16tO0 a/2o/17 23:oo 2/23/77 7o:oo 7/271779:Oo 6124177 tt:oo al29lt19:oo t/23/77 IO]OO 7/3olt16t0o 2/7alt18:o0 B/29/t7 r:o0 t2/917719:N t2179/r7 9:@ a/24/t7 ),1:oo r/19/t7 !9:ooalultl 77t9o 6/3o/t16:00 7ls/r1 5:N 2001 2048 2014 2097 2011 2000 20@ 2000 20@ ?2to 2794 zo21 1999 1999 1999 19r9 2!96 2015 2159 1998 2216 22rl 1997 1997 2m5 2017 1996 1996 2004 1995 200€ 2ma 2299 2t52 1994 1994 1994 2263 2ot3 2764 1993 1993 2274 2031 2013 1992 1992 2030 2195 2082 1991 1991 !991 r992 2168 22a5 2105 1990 1990 l!,!r0 1990 1990 r990 2256 1992 2081 1989 1989 Nds$t mLoad (MW) 2m1 200r 2001 2@t 2000 2000 20(E 2o@ 2@0 ,000 r999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1998 1994 t99? tur7 1997 1997 1996 1995 1996 1995 l99S 1995 1995 1995 1995 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1993 199! 1993 1993 t4ta 1993 1992 1992 t992 t99Z 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1990 1990 1990 1990 r99o 1990 1990 !990 1990 1990 19at 198t 1989 0.00 75.O7 0.54 169.40 79,71 0.00 o,7 t t.02 0.00 1432.45 1619.72 3.71 o_o2 0.34 0,00 0.00 454.27 0.m 894.06 0.51 1674.30 853.73 0.00 0.51 0.64 151.94 0.38 0_00 22!.49 0.18 0.13 2t.76 1017.48 549.27 0_00 0.00 13.57 2077.56 0.13 118!.14 0-51 o.76 8tr.64 31:'.34 51.18 1.17 0.@ 39,86 167.62 335.95 0.64 0.38 0.64 0.00 145.92 1572.05 103.68 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.26 0.00 2.69 1056.23 0.00 514.63 0.28 0.64 No.-Export d Solar (kw) 0.00 158.80 52_29 @6.72 510.40 0.00 -0.77 -1.02 0.00 1221.14 1438.74 35.03 -0.02 -o.34 0.00 0.00 985.11 12_10 245.46 ,0.51 $33.32 1065.U 0,00 {.51 29-47 140.61 0.!8 0.00 244.77 .0_18 {.13 414.86 r023.18 993.92 0.00 0.00 -11.57 1069.15 856-32 1799.05 -0.51 -0.26 1375.02 {1,4o 1707.73 -1.17 0.@ 2195.81 623.49 l7a7.2t -o,u -0.38 .o.64 0.m 675.10 t166_84 526.85 96.77 0_00 0.@ {.26 0.00 -z_69 1049.59 0.00 9.61 4.24 {.64 Attachment l - Page 325 P.r Unit orrrlbut.d solar 0 0.0434904 0r157135 o.791127 0.132593 o 0 0 0 0.664551 0.763993 0.00959001 0 0 0 0 0.360006 0-@3027ir1 o.295276 0 0.877338 0.479948 0 0 0,m750594 0.0131722 o 0 0.171972 0 0 0.1t !,208 0.510116 0.345987 0 0 0 0.7a7065 o.2t6r2 o.745976 0 0 0.s48437 0.0579155 0.28987 0 0 0.559195 o.797975 0.s31056 0 o 0 o 0.205356 0.64506 0.157711 0.0240789 0 0 0 0 0 0-526715 0 o37A762 0 0 0.@ 173.88 62.42 n6-!2 530.11 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 2656.89 3054,46 38.74 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 1439.32 12.10 1180.52 0,00 3507.62 1918.84 0.00 0.00 30.01 29?.r4 0,00 0.@ 471.65 0.00 o.@ 436.62 2040.65 1543.18 0.@ 0.o0 0.@ 3146.70 866_45 2982.19 o.oo 0.@ 2192_66 231.55 1158.91 0.@ 0.00 22f,5.67 791.51 2121.77 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 821.02 273a.Aa 630.53 96.27 0.@ 0_@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 2rc5-42 0.00 1514.30 0.@ 0.00 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hnalled PV l{am.rl.t. (lwdc) tstimar.d PV N.h.plate (lWac) 4798 t.? 3998 1949 1989 2778 1988 1987 1987 1948 2!97 2286 1986 1986 2011 2ta1 2016 2122 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 2048 2256 2166 2224 1984 I984 1984 1984 1985 2021 2016 1983 1983 2019 2146 1997 2004 1982 1942 7942 7942 2236 1994 2066 2241 2092 1981 1981 19t1 2021 1988 1980 2002 1979 t919 t919 1980 2030 1978 L9r8 1978 t978 1978 2221 2270 2074 2030 \977 12/1lt7 r:@ LU13/17 7too 7/21t7 7o:o0 7426117 22:@ rl28/!7 22100 r2/s/71 tg:oo alalt77:OO 7l7lt71o:oo 7129/1,7IL|OO tlrLltT 2O:@ 6116171 22:oo L/37/7t r2t00 a/71/71 73:oo t/29/fi !aIOO alqTl l2t0o ,,/7t/11 6:00 xlzhr 8:o0 6/3oltt 4:6 72/5/77 2OtO0 72/l2l177too tl\o17127:@ A/25171 l2:Og 61717715:OO 6/9/71lAtOO 2lt5/t19:0o 6127/t15:@ l2/r4/77 21t0o 721,a/779:@ al2l17 7:@ t2/t3/77 t4:0o r2/1O/17 LA.@ ,1Y77 a.oo aF7/711,oo l/21lri t3:N 918/t7l2,OO 8124177 a:oo 6l!77 alo 1,11211,17:Oo 6/24177 2:oo t/9/t7 5:00 t2/71/t7 22,@ 9l4lt7 t1:oo tlalfi LSOO 819l17 9t0o 6/7a/17 t7:@ 7lzl11a:OO 7/2L/77 3:@ a/221\7 O|OO Al2AltT O:@ 12126/71 72:@ 6lAl17 7:oO 1124/t12:oo 7/25/77 l2tOO s/2s/77 22:oo 1/2/715:oo t2lzelT? 2t:@ 7/24/177:0o 6/16/17 z0t0o Yalt1 gtoo 613/77 o:@ 1lrzl7r 5.OO 12175177 2l:oo t2/191\1a:OO 6/t/17 74:oo 9/rl!7 72:@ L/77ltt L5:OO Ah4/rt totoo rlToltT 9:o0 Irl.t systlm Lo.d (Mw) 1989 1989 1989 $8a l9a7 r987 t9E7 t9a7 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 19a5 1985 r985 1985 t985 1985 1985 1984 19E4 1984 1984 1984 1944 1984 1984 1984 1984 1983 1943 1983 19a3 1983 19a3 1982 1942 1982 t982 1982 1942 l9a2 L9a2 1ra2 19E1 1981 1981 1981 1980 1980 1980 1979 1979 7919 !979 1979 7979 1978 1978 1978 1978 ,974 $?a 1978 197e DN 1977 Per Unit Diit,ibot d sohr 0 0 o.459559 o 0 0 o 0.467539 0_s94727 0 0 0.0648506 0.76885E 0.0184142 0.513453 0 0 o 0 0 0.015290! 0.635524 0.8587E1 0.877555 0.0162it49 0 0 0 0 0_0208665 0.169631 0 0 0.614034 0.ru9123 0.019096E 0.07s0391 0 0 0 o 0.6837E1 0.m295906 0.179075 0.73957 0.0432023 0 0 0 0.122392 0,00946872 0 o.170427 0 0 o 0 0.0806093 0 0 0 0 0 0.899144 o.642747 0.536473 o.274946 0 0.00 0.00 1837.33 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 1869.63 2377.73 0.@ 0.@ 759.27 :rc73.95 7a_61 2054,,lo 0.00 0,00 o.00 0.00 0,@6trl 2540.84 !473.41 !508.48 64_95 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.m 83.42 678.19 0.00 0.00 2454.92 1955-52 76.35 300.01 0,00 o.@ 0.00 0.00 2741.n 11.83 715.95 2956.42 172.72 0.00 0.@ 0.@ rl89.3a 37,86 0.m 581.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 322.24 0.@ 0,@ 0.oo 0.00 0.00 3594.80 2567.72 2144.43 1115_19 0.@ 0.06 0.02 718.70 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0_48 u2.44 1162.91 0_m 0.13 130.62 10la_59 o-77 931.60 0.00 1.60 0.24 0.@ 12.00 4.20 1644.94 1830.59 2@1,62 4!.@ 0.6.4 0.00 3.54 0.26 89.60 0.00 0.51 0.26 1142,01 1169.92 4.18 18.86 o.0t 0.55 0.38 0.oo 1326-23 2.2t 129.84 1516.73 30.0a 0.51 0.38 0.34 93,r14 5.30 0-38 91.97 0.00 0.64 0.64 0.38 17,30 0.51 0.64 0.26 0.00 o.77 2066.20 1768.51 311.64 259.16 0.00 Non-Erpoft.d solar (kw) -0.06 -0.02 1118.52 0.00 000 0.00 -0.84 1027.19 1274,42 0.00 {.13 128.65 20s5.26 72.85 1122.80 0.00 -1.60 {.28 0.00 12.00 56.93 895.90 1642.82 1506.86 22.95 -0.64 o.o0 -3_54 -0.26 ,6.1t 678.19 ,0.51 -o.26 20L2,91 745.60 77.17 281.15 ,0.01 -0.55 -0.38 0.00 1407_54 9.62 586.10 1440.09 742.64 -0.51 -0,34 {38 395.89 32.56 ,0.38 589.40 0.00 -0.6.4 {.64 .0.38 304.97 -0.51 -0.64 -o.76 0.00 -o.71 7524.@ 799.21 1833.15 t56.03 0.00 Attachment l -Page326 lnsralled Pv N. mepl.t. {lwd.) Enimated Pv N.meplate lkwac) 4198 1.2 3998 Pd Unii usrilured sor.r 0 0 0 0 o.2092 0.709741 0.796325 0 0 0 o21039r' 0.05E25t8 0.771511 o.762027 0 0.927431 0.m9E3566 0 0 0.206531 0 0 0 0 o.7@918 0.0929776 0 0.0376025 0 o.378224 0 0 0 0 0.0252584 0.0341387 0 0 0 0 0.316134 0.0696744 0 0 0.000a56027 0.420603 0.822525 0 o 0 0 0.147853 0.640655 0 0 0.763758 0.693185 0.341319 o 0 0 o 0.126952 0.545069 t/16/r7 2.oo rl28/17 a:oo !2/lll77 7:@ 12lralL1 t9:@ 6lt6/t1 t6tOO 7lt7lt7 t5:oo ,13/1714:@ r/16/113:@ 7/$/713:N a/2/713:oo 2121/17 9.oo zlaltl to:oo 9/9/17 71:oo 8/74/17 71:00 1ltol1177:N a/\4117 74:@ 6/211t7 7:O0 7/A/\7 2t:@ r/t6/!1ttoo 21241719:OO 713/116:00 7/t2/t16:00 72/l-1lU 79:@ L2/27 /P a:@ e/L7/77 72:00 6h6/1719:00 6lr/tlo:o0 ,l2a/11a:oo 2lLl718:@ a/29/71 1!:oo tla/t1-t:oo 7lla/r7 O:OO 3/6li a:oo 72/4/17 \9:0o 6/t6/t7 2l:oo 7/37/t7a:oo Tltolri 2l:oo 7l2slti 5:oo a/!111121:oo t2/9171 2!:oo ?/2/71 t2.@ t2/t2/17 r4:@ 9/3177o:0a 12/23/17 2t:@ 7l75lt7 78:oo 7/r3lr7 to.oo 8/20/11 16:00lllo/i a:oo 2/11/U7:oo 12l1all1 2O:@ 12/23/11 zo:u) 617/17 2o:oo 516/1174:oo \lt9/17 20:6 a/72/112:@ t/13/1, t4:oo 5123/1, l1:oo 6116117 tl.oo ,./t5/17 6:0o rl3tltT 22too 6/23/1,7 2:o0 913/!1o:@ 5lr7/17 t8:oo 9/5/17 t2:@ 8/15/r713ioo 7/771717:oo t/15/\7 o:oo L/,8/17 22:oo Net Syrtem L@d {Mw) 7917 7977 DN 7977 7977 7977 1976 7976 1976 1976 1r76 1916 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 \974 1974 1974 l9f4 1971 ,973 1973 1973 1973 1971 1973 1972 r972 !912 1972 7972 1971 7977 !971 797t t97t 1971 19?o 1970 1970 \970 1970 1970 1969 1969 1969 1969 1964 1968 l95a 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 l95a t957 7957 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 395.21 731.01 1650.32 0_0t) 0.51 0.00 12.93 32.13 1449.82 1440.41 0,q, 1E20.04 3.09 0.00 0.00 72.1A 0.51 0.00 0,00 0.00 1843 94 3E.27 o.77 27.52 o.26 503.46 0,00 0.00 0.38 0.m 2.59 16,m 2.44 0.51 0.77 0.00 135.42 260-9E 0.38 0.00 0.13 385,48 t617.9f 0.00 \7.76 0.m 0,00 115.58 1806,93 0.m 3.41 658.02 1589.36 494.33 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.m 332.43 1098.70 2132.83 0.77 0.00 7.94 Non-Expod.d soh. ltw) 0.@ 0.00 o.@ 0.00 417.12 2106,49 1533.41 0.@ {.51 0.00 82a,25 200.76 1594,70 1606.16 0.m 1887.84 36.24 0.00 0.00 802.93 {,51 0.00 0.00 0.00 1234.45 333.46 -o.71 122.42 {.26 106.69 0.00 0.00 -0.3E 0-00 102.29 135_48 -2.14 -0.51 -0.77 0.00 1124_49 ,18.41 {.3E 0.00 3.29 1296.10 1610.50 0.00 -t7.76 0_00 0,00 475.14 754.42 0.00 -3,41 2385.50 1182.00 am.27 0.@ 0.00 -0.64 0.00 175.13 1064.49 ,742.34 -o.77 o.@ -7.94 1977 1971 197 7 7977 2140 2053 2248 7976 1976 1976 !977 1980 2701 2155 1984 2205 1998 7975 1975 19r5 1915 1975 1975 1975 2210 ?o77 !974 2056 1988 22@ 1973 1973 1973 7973 7987 2050 1972 t972 1972 1972 2021 2005 7977 7977 1983 1995 2255 7970 1970 1970 1970 2145 2244 1959 1959 2005 7240 2t04 1968 195t 1968 1964 2012 2165 1971 1967 1967 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 836.39 2837.s6 3183.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 841.18 232 89 3084.52 3046.58 0.00 1701.49 39.32 0.00 0.00 425.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 3078.39 111.73 0.00 150.34 000 1512.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 104.98 152.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1263.91 261.57 0,00 000 3.42 1681.58 3288.47 0.00 0.00 000 0.m 591.12 2551.35 0.00 0.00 3053.51 7777.37 1364.60 0.m 0.m 0.00 0@ 507,56 2183.20 3375.21 0.00 0,00 0.00 o.84422 0 0 0 Attachment 1-Page327 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnst.ll.d Pv Namepl.t. {kwd.) OCiAC Ratio tstam.rcd PV am.plate lkwac) 4J98 1.2 3998 6/29/17 4:@ l2h6ht 79:W 7124177 22:@ 5/1o/t7 3:oo 7/3lt7'tOO 1/79117 4:oo 1/24117 4tco rl29lt7 7r:@ 6/111,7 r4:@ 7l3tl7r 2:@ 6/9/117a:@ alM/t7 7Z:O0 rl74lt7 6:00 7t/3o/D a:@ tzl78l17aoo 918/11o:oo 12/5/t7 2t:@ Uali 77:oo 512s/17 7r:oo t2/9/t7 78:oo 6/9/17 72:N lllr/77 2L:@ 2/tlt77:o0 7h6/17 s:OO t2179/r7 79:oo Z/21/r,7 tg:OO rl2a/17 2t:oo 714/17 5t0o 7/2/t7 74:oo 5lxtl1,7 7o:@ 6/tl17 73:o0 tl23ltllttoo t2/2U17 7:6 2/27/9 2OtW t2/79/fi 7a:@ r2/74/r1 76:00 2/23/11 2l:OO 5/29117 5:@ Llt4/11 l5:oo 7 /2L/77 7:@ tholt1 70:@ 7/1177 s:oo al3Ytl 2:@ t2123111 19:@ 12/ttl11 lat@ 12/9/17 71:oo t/26/17 7:oo 1/26117 4:oO al24l17 9:oo 8l26/tl t3:@ l2h5/77 7:oo 7 /2A117 7:@ 5l25lt12L:6 7/2U\7 3:o0 1/30/11 rtt90 1./15/77 77:oo 7/75/77 74:oo 9/lll11t4:@ l/3Ul1t7:oo t2/27/77 B,@ t/7/117:oo s/2/t14:@ a/2alt17:OO 9/t1/17 23:00 t2/16/17 ZOt@ 8/7a177 tz:oo t2l7a/77 lotoo 1/79/77 to:oo P.. Unit Dist.ibut€d Solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.171521 0.643231 0 o,144427 0.556209 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.67054a 0.16517 0.706862 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0559347 0.483322 0.12795 0.0504318 0 0 0.026365 0.0914272 0 0 0.383rt11 0 0.363386 0 0 0 0.071232s 0.365837 0 0 0.152356 0-6104E1 0 0 0.0292165 o 0.14996 0.303888 0,128091 0.415844 0.01:,441, 0.173235 0 0 0 0 0 0.77!616 0.0112223 o.o6/t7565 0.00 o.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.4 0.00 o.o0 1845.57 2577,65 0.00 2984.23 2224.74 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 2*7.27 564.35 2826.05 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 223.63 1710.95 201.61 0.00 0.00 105.4t 373.52 0.@ 0.@ 1532.89 0.00 v52.At 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 2,,4.79 \452.62 o.oo 0.(rc 509-12 3240.32 0.00 0.00 tt6.81 0.00 599.54 1214.95 512.11 3265.76 53_90 592.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.@ 3084.94 4!..41 25.49 0.51 0.@ 0.00 0.38 0.64 1.40 0,26 349.80 1700_44 0.38 2071.12 454.29 0.00 0.51 0.3E 0.64 0.00 0.00 1475.74 0.t5 t776.77 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0,00 t.7z 39.96 889,20 461.74 1.41 0.78 0,0t 0,15 39.04 0.32 0_51 340.23 0.85 525.70 0.64 0.51 0.m 355.97 117.35 0.00 0.38 90.90 1794.03 0.00 0_00 2_ro 0,@ 70.76 40.83 361.09 2@4_45 2.69 0.00 0.16 0_51 1.15 0.26 o.m 1824,68 46.84 3_20 {.51 0.00 0.00 -0.:,4 -0.64 _1.40 -o.26 1535.78 871.21 -0,38 9r3.r1 l:t69.44 0.00 -0.51 -0.3s -0.64 0.00 0.@ 1205,4a 664.00 1049.28 0.00 0.00 -0.26 0.00 0.00 0.@ -7.72 183_57 1043,13 849.21 2@.22 {.78 -0.04 105.25 334.48 -0.32 ,0.51 1r52.66 -0.E6 921.t2 {.64 {.51 0.00 -77,\A 1345.27 0.@ -0.38 518.22 1446.29 0.00 0.00 114.50 0,00 57E,74 t774.t2 151.02 12@.91 51.21 692.60 -0.16 {.51 ,1.1s {,26 0.00 1260.25 -1.97 22.69 Svslem L@d lMwl xet system Load (Mw) 7967 1968 1956 r966 1966 1965 1966 2026 2264 1965 2213 2721 1954 1964 1964 1963 1963 1976 2243 1969 2200 1962 1952 1962 t962 1981 1961 1961 1990 2747 2742 1950 1960 1961 1961 1975 1959 1959 1995 1963 2717 1958 t95a l97l 1998 1967 r9s7 1957 2073 2242 1956 1959 1977 1955 1991 2015 2028 1973 1988 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 2250 1962 1953 1967 7961 1966 1966 1966 1965 1966 1966 1965 1965 1964 7964 1954 L964 1964 1963 1963 1963 1963 7962 1962 7962 1962 1962 1962 1961 1961 t961 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1959 1959 1959 1959 19S8 1958 195a 1954 t9r1 1957 L957 t951 t957 1956 1956 1956 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1953 19s3 1953 Attachment l -Page328 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lrltalled Pv Namephte (kwdd Ernmat.d Pv Nameplate ikwac) 4798 1.2 3998 T ltalt1 4:oo 1/20/17 4:oo 7/24/115:o0 7/26h16:00 72/6/177:oo L7/9/77 7r:o0 alalTl A:@ 72/74/L1 14:00 6/511t la$O 6/25/17 stoo \2/8/17 27:oo A/22117 12:oo L2/75177 17:U 8/4/17 9:o0 t2/72/77 ts:N 617 77 23:oo !214/77 2o:oo 8/12lrt r7:oo !2/76h1totoo r/12/t7 77too 121141L7 r5t0o 1/23/11 2:oo t2/26/71a:oo t2/a/17 t2:@ tlTo/\7 tl:oo 12/75/77 t3:oo l/lolt7 ro:oo 6111717:Oo 7 /24/17 3:oo 72/a/77 rtOO 1/27/717:oO sl29lt7 17:o0 113U17 9:@ a/\9/r7 r4:oo th4/t7 t6:oo 72/24/77 2o:oo 12ll7/17 16:@ lllolt111,:Oo 6/26/713:oo f/Lhl 6:00 8/a/77 2:N \21771t7 \2:@ l2/2O/171o:@ 72/74ltt t3:@ 1?./llltr l5:OO 7/37/17 L3toO 2ltllt77:oo ll/?o117 *@ 6/22117 9,oO 6/t2/t7 Z2,OO 1/2o/tr ,@ L2/9h1rO:@ 12171117 9:@ 6/p/r7 2LOO 12/10/L1 7o:oo 5/24/71 22:OO 6/22/17 a:oo r2/241t7 r7:@ 6lt5l77 7a:oo 5ho/17 72:oo 7/76/17 6:00 8/29/17 7:oo 8/tolr, a:qo t2ltt/77 7t:OO 6/2/77 75:oo 616/1,7 o:oo 72/$lr7 27:@ 12l2o/119:@ 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 2011 1962 2252 1952 1952 22t9 1957 2141 r992 1951 1951 227' 1952 2000 1969 1950 1950 1990 1957 1982 1949 1949 !949 1949 1950 2229 2183 2230 19E0 1948 1983 22!t 1947 1947 7947 1942 19/t8 199' 1990 1980 1946 1946 2242 1945 1945 1945 1945 1946 1946 1949 2734 1952 2oa1 19144 1944 1944 1971 t97Z 7271 1943 1943 1943 Net Sysrem toad (MW) P.r Unit Disnibut.d sol.r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.038437 0.13{466 0.586629 0 0 0.539698 0,0375503 0_194614 0.0455668 0 0 0.54@99 0.0171778 o,554472 0.115241 0 0 0.113041 0,0406914 0.0755502 0.01E0117 0 0 0 0 0.704811 0.205578 0,859504 0.284206 0 0.0365!18 0.599448 0 0 0 0-0307894 0.0111463 0.156829 0.159095 0,0386456 0 0 o.2a21Aa 0 o 0.0970548 0 0.0216742 0.0916618 0 0,0692098 o.ol94{t86 0,115017 0 0 0 0.0!15443 0.393439 0.845243 0 0 o 0,@ 0,@ 0_oo 0-00 0.00 0.00 153.67 539.20 2345-36 o.m 0.m 215-t-12 150.53 774.O7 182.18 0.00 0.00 2319.25 58.68 2276.19 4@.74 0.00 0.00 451-94 162.69 302.09 f2_ot 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 2417.85 825.90 3436.33 1136.26 0.00 146.38 2396,61 0.m 0.m 0.00 123.10 44.56 627.O1 536-O7 154.51 0,00 0.@ 1130.57 0.m 0.00 348.03 0.00 45.65 166.47 0,00 276.m 197.85 a59.84 0.m 0.00 0.00 126.13 1572.94 3379.30 0,00 0.00 0.@ solar Exoort! {kwl Non Exported solar(kwl 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1952 \952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1992 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1950 1950 1950 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 L949 1949 1949 1949 1943 1948 1948 t947 1947 7947 1947 t947 1947 1946 1946 1946 1946 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1944 1944 1944 1944 1943 1943 1943 1943 0.51 1.02 0.@ 0,38 0_00 0.00 10.37 160.51 1130,42 0.26 0.00 1430.82 0.26 17683 z@.18 0.00 000 ,90.89 16 58 388_85 L3A 75 0.38 o.@ 159.23 3.13 747.67 0.51 o,71 0.00 0,00 0.68 1354.92 203.16 2045.22 169.98 0.00 70.74 11,22.a9 o.l3 0.26 0.6.4 57.34 75_!4 36,10 46.?7 90.43 0.00 9.47 401,86 0.26 44.18 0.80 70.40 1.41 70.06 0.00 170.1rc 0.26 0.51 0.11 9.09 2.94 2372.54 o.26 0.00 0t3 -0.51 .1.02 0.00 038 o.o0 0.00 143.30 378.69 1214.93 -o 26 o0o 726.90 150.21 601.24 ,21.60 0.00 0.m 1328.35 52.09 1827.94 321.98 {.:18 0.00 292.71 159,36 l& 42 71.50 -0.71 0.00 0.00 -0.68 1462.93 622.14 1391.11 966 28 0.00 75.60 t274.21 -0.13 -o.26 55.75 t9.22 590-91 549 79 64.08 0.00 -9.47 728,7r -0.26 343.85 -2.18 85.86 296.O7 -1.41 206.64 197.46 249,44 -0.26 .0.51 -0.11 117.04 1570.01 r006.75 -0.26 0.00 '0.13 Attachment l -Page329 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrtall.d Pv Nameprat€ (kwdc) Ertim.t!d trr' Namepl.t. (lwac) 4798 1.2 3998 a/14/77 9:o0 Sllr/17 7o:oo 2l74ltt 7o:oo 2h/t1 12:oo L/79/77 9tOO 12122/77 a:oo 8/9177 a:oo U2ol719:OO 6/26/77 6:00 7/2/77 6:00 71 771:oo Urlr111:N 2nh t 9.oO 2lth, \t:oo 7 /7a/i 6:00 8/t/77 4too 12/20/17 27:oo t2lr7lr7 7a1o 7/LY!7 9:@ AlB/t7 !2:0o 7ltlr712:00 9lsl171,t:N 1lt9ltl6,00 8l\r/t7 ?:oo 8/20/17 OIOO 9/!77 a:oo 5/11771:oo tzll7lr7 2o:@ r/26h7 7A:@ t/721t7 7a,o0 r/9/17 !r,@ 1127177 9:oo Y79lt1zt:oo t/to/17 a:oo 2/2/117:oO r/29/713:oD t2/16/17 2r:oo l2/23/lt z2:oo ll2ali 71:00 6/72/t7 7o:o0 L/9/17 22:00 r/t9/77 a,oo 6l!alt, zx:oo alloll7 9:OO 7/9/77 to:oo 5/30177 \1:oo 712477 t1.0o 2lzalv 9:oo 6/r/i r9:0o5/rtlirl:o0 A/t\/17 e:oo 2/altt rt,oo 217/1, ro:N 1l2ali !@ a/21177 7:oo 12129/77 1,9:00 714/171:@ YtolrT 72:oo al27/17 72:oo ,/t!77 8:@ l/29/\7 73:oO 2ltlt7 22:oo 218/17 8:@ 2h5/17 7:oo 6/8/t7 !:oo s/74/t71to0 a/26/t7 \:oo 72/24/17 27:00 1978 2178 1973 1955 1942 1942 1968 1941 1941 1941 1955 1969 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 7952 1942 2141 2017 2100 1939 1939 1939 1956 1938 1918 1956 1980 1948 2202 792' 1937 1937 7927 1937 1937 1975 1944 1935 1915 1936 2064 1938 2151 2222 1936 2133 2W1 t972 1956 1934 1934 19:,4 1934 1946 1949 1999 1933 1933 1933 1933 1933 r933 1933 1933 1933 Net synem Load (Mw) P.r Unit Drst rbuted solar 0.131509 0.368254 0.441944 0,146976 0 0 0,033$a1 0.00548282 0 0 0-00873149 0,0127 a 0 o.@477427 0 0 0 0.@98309 0 0.266486 0.114266 0.391157 0 o 0 0.00437374 0 o 0,0519359 0 0.0793642 0.230114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.170166 0,0712882 0 0 0 0.175844 0.0371596 0.813292 0.65r24 0.22E98' 0.36782r 0.38466 0_033157 0.105863 0.00[t657 0 o 0 0.00667241 0.0565665 0.730942 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 525.78 1472.!O 1766.90 587.61 0.00 0.00 134.09 21.92 0.00 0.00 34.91 50.45 0.m 35.10 0.00 0,00 0.00 359.15 0_00 1065.42 456.84 $63.45 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 17.49 0.00 0.00 207.& 0.oo 317.30 920.00 0.m 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 680.33 245,01 0.00 0.00 0.m 703.19 148.56 3251.56 2603.69 915.50 1470-56 1537,48 132.60 423.24 7.54 0.m 0,00 0.00 26.6a 226.15 2922.t2 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0_00 Non-Erpon.d Solar {kW) 470.16 914.31 t394.44 5@.45 -0.26 0.m t22.t7 21.41 {.67 -0.62r 32.99 50.72 -0.26 34,20 -0.51 0.m 0.m 359-15 o,@ 436.10 344.52 a17.20 -2.74 {,51 .0.13 15.05 {.26 0.@ 207.13 {.51 309.09 580.19 0.@ 0.00 0.@ -0.51 0.00 0.00 507.t9 279.76 0.00 -0.26 {.34 5t0.50 !t6.64 12!r.14 1283.08 910-64 957.98 801.24 123.39 393.93 6.69 -0.54 ,0.25 -0.24 21,19 2L.62 2788.39 {_13 0.00 0,00 0.@ 0.00 .2.22 -0.64 -0.51 0.00 1943 1943 1942 7942 7942 t947 L942 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1938 1938 1938 1937 t937 1937 t937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 \917 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1934 1934 1934 1934 1,934 1934 1934 1933 t9l3 1933 1933 19!3 1933 1931 1933 1933 1933 55.62 558.00 172.42 47.17 o.26 0.00 lt.72 0.51 o.67 0.64 0.13 0.26 0.90 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 679.32 172 22 686.65 7.18 0.51 0.13 2,43 o.26 0.00 051 o.51 8.21 239.81 000 0.00 0.00 0.51 000 0.00 112.74 5.25 0.00 0.26 034 t22 69 1,92 2020.22 1320.61 4.86 512.58 716. 9.22 29.31 0.90 0.@ 0.25 0.24 2.49 12.53 133.93 0.13 0.00 0.@ 0.00 2.22 0.64 0.51 000 Attachment l -Page330 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnrtalled Pv Nam.plat. lkwdc) trtimated Pv Namepl.te (kw.cl 4794 1.7 3998 3/6lti 2o:oo a/5/t1 l7:oo t/ta/t1'tOO 7 /26/t7 stoo l2/21/ti 21t0o 8/3/tl atOO ll26/Li 72:oo 7/2/U r:oo 6124/t1 tOtOO 6lt6/r7 t4too 7/t6/t7 to:oo 7/a/77 a:oo t2/to/t7 lt:vo 6/4/1173:00 12113/17 r5:0O 6ltsltT 20:0o a/25171 ll:0o rl7/711:@ 1/8/L7 o.oo r/141710:oo 1/75/tt 22:oo A/7/17 t:oo a/731712:oo 12/161119:oo th6/r7 r2:@ a/24/r1 to:oo l/30/Lr t3:@ 7/5/17 6:00 a/91112:OO 9/r/t7l:oo 6/1/11 t3:oo !/21/17 t2:oo 9/12/71 L3too 5/25/71 2O]OO 12/1/71le:oo 719/17 91OO 2/11/77 2r:oo ll3l/11 l4t(n 9l1l71t3t@ AlA/171:oo t2/27177 2Z|OO 2/25117 9:oo t2nl77 Lr:@ 9/5117 a,oo 1/10/17 r6:00 utlltl ts,N t/Z/771:oo 5/t2ll7 Lg:Oo Ut3/r1 t6,oo 6/9/17 rt.@ 7/11/712:@ 1/20/77 5:0o 7/27177 4:oo Al7/77 6:& s/30/17 2:N 6/4/t170.00 7/22/r7 79:00 8l2s/77 8:@ 2/f/77AOO 5/4/17 22:oo 6/22/111:o0 7/19/17 5:oO r2h0/rl 72:@ 912/t1 71:OO 2/25ltt a:oo 2l3ll1 19:oo 7l23ltla:oo a/zhr 4:oo N.t sy*.m t@d lMw) 1933 1933 1932 1932 1931 1931 1931 1931 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1929 1929 t929 7929 1929 1929 7929 1929 r929 1929 1929 1928 192E 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 7927 7927 7927 t9z7 7921 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 7925 7921 1925 7924 7924 7924 7924 1924 7924 1924 1924 7924 7921 7923 1923 1923 1923 7923 7922 7912 1921 7971 7921 P.r Unit Di{ibut d Sol.r 0 0.5@942 0 0 0 0 0.0806446 0.0t46951 0.502464 0.8124€3 0,463a28 o 0.35E512 0,870173 0.120873 0.155t!89 0.5637E8 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0_755595 0,345531 0-E45757 0 o o 0.553955 0.011154 0.776805 0.111337 0.157085 0 0 0.0956233 0.632375 0 0 0.231347 0.358127 0 o.oo/t15647 0.575195 0 0.0395554 0.519115 0.50243rt o 0 0 0 0 0.11338 0 0.0171459 0 0 0 0 0 0.774156 0 0 0 0 (rwl 0.00 2247.56 0.@ o,o0 0.00 0.oo 323.21 58.75 2008.86 3244.32 1854_39 0.00 1433.34 3474_97 483.25 624.05 2254.04 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.oo o_@ 0.00 3020.49 1381.44 3385_35 0.00 0.00 0.00 2254,70 44.63 3105_58 445.13 664.01 0,00 0.m 342_30 2524-25 0.@ 0,00 924.93 1431_ll) 0.@ 16.66 2703 41 0_00 154.14 2075.43 2404.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 453.30 0.00 68.5s 0.00 0_00 0_00 0-00 0_00 t095.13 0_@ 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.12 1035.79 0.00 0,51 0.00 0.51 77.74 1,.02 979.18 1598.90 641-O2 0_26 170.55 774X.64 35.84 65.04 1145.37 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 1.85 2.36 1843.65 461,22 776.47 0.00 0.70 0.26 1513,50 6.20 1594.50 68.10 2.!4 0,00 0.00 64.19 12/t4.61 0.16 0.@ 79.52 565.31 0.51 1_24 557.95 0_02 21.99 261.42 1341.14 0,51 o.77 0,64 0.m 0.78 15.85 0,19 3.35 0.m 0.26 o.77 4.83 0.@ !173.87 0_90 0.@ 0.13 0.m l,lon-Export.d sole. (kw) 4.t2 1206,47 0.00 {.5r 0,00 .0.51 246.05 57.7! 1029.69 1649.4X 1707.31 .0.26 7262.74 1739,33 44r.41, 558.97 1108.56 -0.14 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ -0.51 -2.36 1177.24 920.22 2668.49 0.00 '0,70 _0 25 741,.21 38.1K 1511.19 377.03 655,a7 0-00 0.00 318,11 1283.54 -0.16 0.00 845.31 856.49 -0.51 15.34 2t45.49 4.O2 136.15 1812.01 1057,40 {.51 4.77 {.64 0.00 -o.74 43745 .0.19 65.20 0.00 n.26 -o.77 .4.83 0.m 1321.26 .0.90 0.@ .o-l! 0.0o Attachment l - Page 331 1936 2203 1932 7912 7912 1931 1958 1935 2224 2158 2205 1930 1954 2747 1971 2052 2191 1929 19?9 1929 1929 t9z9 lt29 1929 2221 2154 199t 1928 1928 192S 2159 1930 2134 19a9 1954 1921 1927 1964 2134 1926 r926 1928 1975 1930 1942 1969 1925 t94l 1965 2146 1924 1924 1924 7924 !924 1983 1926 1944 1923 t923 t923 1923 1923 2199 1927 t'z, 1921 1921 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnsralled Pv Nameplate (kwdcl E3rrh.t.d PV Nam.plar. (kWac) 479A l_2 3998 osre & Tim€ 8l4l717:OO 6/7r/77 t2:oo \?l9l1t r2:@ t2lt7l77 ro,oo Urzl7r 23:oo 72/291719100 5/24/77 27:oo 6/2x/t1a:oo 6/4/17 7:OO 7/2r/!t 31oo 9/9/11O.Oo 9/19/77 t3:oo x/1/17 9,oo 915/lr LO:oo r/2/r715,@ 1./9/77 t2.oo 1/4/716:00 7/$/t15:00 allslv l:AO ,.110/17 rstn rl27lt711:oo 9ls/77 9.oo r/r/17 23.00 t2/7o/17 a:oo tzl3r/r't gtn t2l24lt7 t4.@ 6/23/17 9:@ t2/28/17 r2.@ 1,1211123:OO rltalt1 r:oo E/Lo/U 2,@ l2l7/17 22tat0 916/17a,oo 6/7lti to:N l/2/l7 t',Cn a/2a/fi a.oo 3n /r7 6,@ 514/17 2r:00 l/70lt1 71,00 t/zllri te:@ 5125h7 t9,@ t2l22lti tt @ r2l!81t718]@ 6121117 3too ttn/17 a:oo t2l6ltl 22:oo 7la\lU 1:oo 613/17 \7too l9li aoo a/!t7 6:00 Al4/17 ltOO !7t/t7 75:oo 5/6117 B$O ll74/r7 S|OO 5/17171 23:oo 6/731t7 3:OO 9la/tlO|OO 12/4/17 2t:Oo 72/17/7127100 72/29/1,1 2o:@ 72/31/77 79t0o Uz4/r7 lLtoo 8/6/77 771tfr rl4l77 2ttoo a/21t16:00 \7/t9/17 2O:@ t2/26ltt tatoo l2ll5/1, 14,@ 1921 1995 1938 1929 1920 1920 7974 2lo1 1919 1919 1919 2163 2026 1969 193a 1914 1914 l9u 1943 1944 1952 1917 l9t7 t9t7 1965 2213 7913 1916 1915 1916 1916 1919 2197 7941 193' 1915 7927 1939 1931 2012 1923 1935 1914 1914 1914 1915 2205 1913 1913 1913 1985 2182 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 L94Z 2074 1911 1911 1911 1959 1944 Net system Load (Mwl 1921 1921 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 19!9 1919 1918 1918 1918 t918 1918 19tE 1917 1917 1917 1917 79L7 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1915 1916 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 19l4 1914 1914 l9!l 1914 1914 1914 1913 1913 1913 1913 t91l 1912 1912 1912 1972 1912 1912 1912 1912 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 l91t 1911 Plr Un[ Oinibuted 5olar 0 o.143914 0.0384482 0.0183768 0 0 0.0216207 0.0593048 0 0 0 o.7a7o64 0.2t7525 0,29068 0.@5667E 0.11@76 0 0 0 0.0@72009 0.r79118 0.rc5417 0 0 0 0.181264 0.2E165 0.149941 0 o 0 0 0 oa75u2 0.!t57837 0.0105612 0 0.0180591 0.0723726 0 o.374997 0.01t71129 0.155393 0 0 0 0 0.751675 0 0 0 0.227985 o.af77a9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.473767 0.2E0704 0 0 0 0.$7r99 0.13234 (rw) 0.@ 1774.46 153.84 f3.47 0.00 0,00 46.44 27f.M 0,00 0.00 0,00 3146.70 870.07 1162,14 26.66 443.24 0.(x) 0.00 0.00 34.86 716.12 423.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 724.70 1125.08 599.t7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 1905_42 t470.42. 12.22 0.@ 71.70 249.35 0.m !t95_25 188.36 62t.26 0.m 0_@ 0-00 0.@ 3005.21 0_00 0.m 0.m 911.49 3509.42 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1894.14 Ll22.26 0_00 0.o0 0.m 668,47 529.10 N@-Erpon.d sohr lkwl o.@ 1453.25 -17.90 29.05 0.m -4.00 71,85 20€.50 -2.72 '0'70 -0.64 140E.!19 E14.O7 907.53 .2.5' 125.37 '2.70 .0.51 0.m 25.39 5t3.59 391.05 -0.21 0.m .5.80 703.19 737.92 422.12 0.00 0.00 -0.64 0.00 -0.38 9E9.53 1859.54 39.15 {.13 68.87 267.t9 0.00 t140.05 163.51 521.26 -0.51 {r.54 0.00 0.00 1187.4E 0.00 .0.E9 0.00 600.56 L407.45 0.00 "0.34 .4.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-@ 0.@ t767.92 q7.73 0.@ .0.03 0.m 551.35 378.19 0.00 321.60 t77.74 0.00 14.59 68.58 2.71 0.70 0.64 7717.77 55.00 254,61 29.23 7192 2.70 0.51 000 9.47 22.51 32.m 0.21 0.00 5.80 21.50 388.16 177.34 0.00 0.64 0.18 916.90 10.88 3.07 0.13 3.33 2t.76 0.00 355.20 24.85 o.@ 051 0.64 0.m 0@ 1817.73 0.00 0.89 0.00 310 94 2107.r1 0.00 0.38 4.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t26.2\ 514 54 0.00 0.03 0.00 117 t2 1S0.t1 Attachment l -Page332 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstill.d Pv [ameplate (kwdcl Enim!red Pv Nameplat! (kw.d 4798 1.2 3998 12129/t1 7o:o0 6/t2lt1 7r:oo l2/tt/17 l4:N 6/17117 2o:oo l/2s/17 73:00 12/16117 7r:@ t2/24177 16:@ 7/!7121:oo rl21/t7 23:oo !2a/17 23:oo a/llti 5:oo 7 /!/17 9:oo 7/16/111.oOg8ltl a:@ L/151!7 5:@ 72/2a/771:@ s/22/112o:N 2/t5/r1 to:@ 12/70/rt 9:0o \21t5/t1 22:@ 7h9/U t7:oo 2h3/tr 2o:oo a/1/111.oo 12122/t1 t9:OO Ul$o:oo 316117 9:oo t2/t6l11 18:@ 1/31/1715:00 7/4/179:oo al6/r7 z7:oo 6/22/116:00 t2/3111 to:oo 3/2/719:oo 9/6/119:oo U29/117:oo 5/Z4lt7 o:@ Al3lt7 s:oo alts/t1O:oo 72/72/71 7a:o0 77/24117 75:00 9l\o117 75:oo 6/2/17 L4:00 6/25/t7 4:OO 72/9/\7 12:oo 12124/171:00 6/9117 L0:00 al2al71 7o:oo t/7sl171:oo 6/73/116:00 1/3t/17 L6:oo 2/23/t7 9,OO 6/a117 6:00 t2/24/17 72:@ 5/231t7 \6:00 r/ra/77 4:oo 5l2r/1121:& 9lal1t9:@ A/1.U77 9:N 2/!/17 t2:oo a/29/17 2:oo 9l6ltr to:oo 6/26/17 4:oo 7 /30/17 4:o0 1214/718:oo r/Ur7 r1:@ italrl2:N 0.00 1330.81 410.29 649_14 172.61 1275,01 x29.70 0.00 0.00 0_00 0,00 9n-32 0-@ 0_m 0.@ 0.00 533,34 220.38 0_00 0.00 ,6.29 0.00 0.00 o.m 0.00 ,1,36 67E,E6 231.53 981,76 0.00 0,00 473.41 45.68 122.24 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 88.80 475.01 4292.f2 3455-67 o.@ 0.00 0.00 1655.64 1065.73 0.00 0.00 0.oo 527.27 0.@ 0.@ 3149.55 0.00 0.00 144_62 707,O',l 355.91 0.00 0.00 1020.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 1850.40 0.m 53.18 409.31 452.52 146.71 132.61 93.15 6.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 340.35 0.51 o.r7 0.oo 0.00 727.52 233,01 E-15 0-@ 10.11 0.00 0.51 0.t 0 0-00 33.41 0.00 23,22 304.84 0.m o.7l 275.48 144.39 27.63 0.00 0.64 0.64 0,59 0.01 70.75 1566.91, 2480.E7 0.38 0.@ 0.00 763-96 505.86 0.@ 0.64 14.98 0.00 2,42 3.40 0.00 2056.90 0.00 o.3t 21.49 125.56 41.98 0.90 0.51 180.83 0.73 0.75 0.26 84.80 0.00 Non-Export d Solar {kw) ,53.18 921,50 57.71 502.73 580.m 1181,85 323.30 0.@ 0_@ 0.00 0.00 638.96 -o.51 4.71 0.00 0.00 405.83 -12.63 €.1s 0.m 66.18 0.00 {.51 0.00 0.00 37.95 678.86 19a.31 676.97 0.m 4.17 137.99 -94.77 294.65 0.ll) -0.64 -0.64 -0.59 88.78 455.26 1725.74 974.19 {.38 0.00 0.00 892.64 559.87 0.@ -0.64 98.38 0.00 524.45 ,!.80 0.00 1092.65 0.00 {.34 120.73 581.51 313.92 -0.90 {r.51 439_94 4.71 -0.75 -0,26 r765.51 0.00 system Load (Mwl N€tsystem Load (Mw) 1914 r912 1961 zL69 1943 1932 1933 1910 1910 1910 1910 2771, 1916 1916 1909 1909 2720 1951 1908 1908 7922 1907 1907 r907 t901 1910 1935 1949 2t02 1906 1906 1930 1912 r939 1905 1905 1905 1905 1907 1945 2166 2181 1901 1904 1904 2747 2120 1903 1903 1935 1902 1902 1902 7902 2173 1901 r901 1941 2069 1923 1900 1900 198' 1899 1899 1899 1987 1898 1911 1911 1911 1911 1910 1910 1910 1910 191o 1910 1910 l91o 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1908 19oa 1908 1908 1907 1901 1907 1907 1907 1907 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1903 1903 1903 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1901 1901 1901 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 r899 1499 1899 1899 1898 1898 Attachment l -Page333 Pcr Unit Dinibuted sol.t 0 0.332867 0.102523 0.162{41 0.178241 0.318909 0.0824667 0 0 0 0 o.24195 0 0 0 0 0.13!402 0.0551215 0 0 0.0190817 0 0 o o 0-01784a2 0.1598 0.0579104 0.245551 0 0 0.103419 0,0114257 0.0806096 0 0 0 o o.0222099 0.119062 0.a235t8 0.464:,44 0 0 0 0.414364 0.266554 o 0 0,0283535 0 0.13[82 0 0 o.747777 0 0 00371739 0.176856 0.0890203 0 0 0.25533 0 0 0 0.46283 0 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled Pv Nameplat. (kwdc) Estimated Pv Nam.pl.t. (kwac) 4798 t.2 3993 5/22177lX:oo 6124/114:@-ll21lt7 6tOO 916/t1o:@ t7/3o/77 t9:@ r2l5lt17:@ 9/!7711:oo Aln lD Ll:oo 7/22/114:0o Al77lL1t:oo e1241111:0o !2116111 2z:@ 72115177 16:@ 6175/77 79t0o th/771s:o0 2/2a/1-t 2otm t/a/77 27:oo 2/Ali 9:OO 7/11/1,7 27too 72/a117 22:oo SltO/71 2o,oo 9/6/1712:oo r/9/77 L3:oo 2/2/77 1,3:oo r/22/t7 2o,oo 14s/1712:oo 6/5h/ t6:oo 9/6177 77:oo 6170177 21.@ 7/24/t7 6:00 7l2a/t7 4t0o a/6/t7 7:oo 8/t9/t7 Tt,o 72h/1719:oo !7/29177 $t@ 7lt5l71t6:@ 711177 a:oo 61241117:oo t/21/71t.,oo 7/21/L1s:Oo 2/26/17 ZO,OO a/221t7 t7.oo 7t/28/17a:oo 1l2ilr7 to:OO 616/17 r7:0o 1ll4/r1t:@ l/3o/77 21:oo 6126/1,7 5t0o 12/9/17 9:@ 6/7/t17100 t2/15h1t5,@ 5l17lt7 9:@ t2/3t/77 to:@ 7/?OIt7 t9:@ 2/22/7/ a:@ a/20/77 l5:OO 7/r/77 t6:oo 21271171,o:oo 5lltl17 t6:oo \/tVt7 22:ao 7/t51712.oo 7lt5l77 4:oo 2/2717771o0 72/281t7 22:@ t/2alr7 71:@ l/lo/t71,4:@ 619/77 9:o0 7tl1olt7 7o:@ s$t m Load ttvrw) NetSystem Load IMwl P.r Unit Dllt iDut.rl Solar 0 0 0 0 o o 0.518698 0.620€54 0 0 0 o 0.0631249 0.314:'1r3 0.0642637 0 0 lkw) 0.00 0.00 o.m 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 2071.77 2442.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 257.31 1255,59 272.9? 0.00 0.00 518.85 0.00 0.@ 470.14 1832.L2 274.51 521.22 0.00 0.00 2229.11 r25r.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.@ 143.90 2225.45 255.01 36.58 2093.44 0,00 0.00 1719.77 0.oo 325.66 2486.37 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 21.96 319.75 102to,86 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 3563.72 r75.72 1849.69 2486.31 0_t 0 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 72.94 516.34 984,56 335.65 Non-Export.d Sol.r (kw) 0.00 {.43 .o.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 855.83 t151.12 -0.26 4.91 -0.34 o.@ 242.52 969.17 243.60 0.00 0.00 535.53 0,00 0.00 353.69 995,41 251.38 453,93 0-00 0.@ 270.53 76r.!3 0.m 0.00 -0.51 .0.53 .0.51 0.00 143.90 2029.99 793,57 35-22 1529.92 -0,51 0.00 658.8t! {.26 2@.22 to76.t7 0.@ 0.00 -1.46 4_12 20.09 254.99 77r,9 -154_94 0-00 -0.38 1a93.Aa 169,96 1725.56 r2fl.4.1 o.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ -0.77 56.53 492.02 570,40 276.42 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 7t94 1897 LAg7 1897 1897 1921 2061 1946 1902 1896 1896 1896 1896 2048 207e 1928 1963 1895 1895 2186 2037 1494 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1906 1955 2013 1913 7937 1893 1894 2t62 1892 1894 2140 1891 1891 1891 1891 1893 2044 1896 $90 1890 2t69 7979 1919 2071 1849 1889 1849 t8a9 1889 1915 1916 7107 !909 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1897 1897 ra97 1897 1897 1897 1897 te97 1897 1897 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1495 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1a94 1494 1894 1893 18t3 1893 1891 1893 1892 1892 1891 1a91 1891 1891 1891 1891 1a91 1a91 1891 18r0 1890 1890 1890 1889 1889 1849 t849 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1884 o t3474 0.m 043 0.64 o.@ 0.@ o.m 72lt,9a 1331.07 0.26 0.97 0.34 0.01) 9.86 247.42 29.12 0.00 0.00 1.33 0.m 0.@ 115.46 436.71 27.24 167.30 0.00 0,00 1956.58 490.11 0,00 0.00 0.51 0.53 0.51 0.00 0.@ 195.46 61.44 2.35 563.52 0.51 0.00 1060.88 o.26 1410.20 0.00 0.00 1.46 4.\2 l.aJ €4.71 263.36 154.94 0.00 0,38 2059.89 5.76 124.11 t222,al 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o,77 77.4\ 24.32 314,15 109.44 0 0 0.117594 0.454257 0,0697015 0.155343 o 0 0.557554 0.31304 o 0 0 0 0 0 0.0359922 0.556634 0.0637834 0.m964897 0.52362 o 0 0.4301t4 0 0.0414556 0.6219 0 0 0 0 0.00549354 0.0199782 0.260343 0 0 0 0.891372 0.0439529 0.462651 0.621884 0 0 0 0 0 0,0184946 0.t29t4, 0.246261 o.oa400!7 Attachment l -Page334 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled PV Namepl.tE lkwdcl Ettrm.t€d Pv Nam.plate (kwao 4794 t2 3994 1884 1884 1884 2l!,4 20@ 1887 1887 1887 1887 1847 $47 1847 L974 2086 1936 1886 1886 1886 1886 ua5 1886 1899 1884 1965 1885 1889 7175 2164 1887 $49 1925 1914 l8t4 l8trl 1834 1946 2179 $43 1843 r883 2062 1842 laS2 1882 !929 2026 1971 1937 1972 1881 1a81 la81 $81 $85 7922 1912 2018 1880 1880 1880 1916 ,997 2055 2052 1879 $79 1879 $79 Net synem Load (Mwl P.r Unn DBtributed SoLr 0 0 0 o.77!714 0.0583818 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.153326 0.597765 o.0279321 0 o o 0 0 0 0.0119471 0 0-0504936 0 0 0.883957 o.794724 0.0195019 o 0.0571964 0.46901 0 0 0 0.14€258 0.622451 0 0 0 0.245649 0 0 o 0_0967801 0.0741544 0-0455738 0.250(83 0.151505 0 0 o 0.0349062 0 0.049565 0,@135172 0.144u5 0 0 0 o.o7566,27 0.@73237 0.135187 0.523449 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2845.45 233.4t 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 613.00 2389.88 111.67 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.76 0,@ 201.87 0.00 0.00 3534.12 3193.32 77.97 0,00 224.67 1875.11 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 592.74 2484.s7 0.00 0,00 0.00 982.11 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 386.93 313.25 182.21 10!9,82 506,12 0,00 0.@ 0.@ 139-56 0.m $L.74 5.40 592.21 0.@ 0.00 o.o0 302.50 349.12 540.48 2092,76 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0_00 r,lon-Export.d sol.r (rw) 0.@ -0.5r .1.86 981,82 1E6.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 '0.64 4.U -0,64 613.00 1312-53 91-99 0.00 0.00 4.71 o.m 4-51 ,0.51 46.44 0.00 139.11 0.00 -0.64 1241,31 1rlor.14 71_19 '1.51 224.26 1553.48 -0.15 0.@ -0.64 408-61 1r68.20 0.m ,1.15 -5.68 705.36 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 124.59 264.99 153.28 912.67 391.77 0.00 -0.90 -o3a 128.9! 0-00 -87.38 -69.44 490.56 0,00 0.00 0.m 2m.71 292.61 402,74 1463-92 0.00 -0-51 -0.41 0.00 al2lr17:@ altUtl l:@ A/12/17 3:oo 6/6/11r210o r/231177:oo 212/7122:00 zl1/177:00 2l2al77 7l:OO 5/3147 r:0o 6ltAltl O:@ al37/113:oo t2l5/i ]at0o 916177 7!:OO 611.0/17 2t:o0 !/24/lr 1:o0 6/22/17 5:Oo al2lt7 5:OO e/9117 7:oo 8/18/17 ri00 z/zz/71 2OtOo 7/117174.00 1,/15/17 a:oo A/7Oll71:oo a/21/17 14:oo al21lD 13:Oo 3l7ltl 9tOO 9/7lti a:oo L2/2171 t7:o0 2/24/7t t0t0o l7lt7 5:oo 2/3177 2O.OO 6/2/77 o,OO 12/8/t7 rl@ alra/rl 7r:oo t/18/tr 3:Oo 3lalia:OO t2/4lti 9:OO 7/2/\19:oo t/761712!t@ rholt7 ,@ z/24/r7 7:OO 12/17/1,7 75t0o 6/ t/77 a:@ 7/76117 a:oo 7l1o/!7 15:OO 6/12/17 t]:OO 1/28/117:oo 7l2alr1 6:@ t2l2slt1 to:OO 2/24/t1zotoo t2/ro/r712:00 6ltz/77 9:@ al2altT gtOO 7/73/17 22:@ t2l11lt7 a:oot|hsltl \9:oo efi/t79'@ 6/9/t7 *@ 9/!17 gtoo 9/A/t17r:@ 2/t4/t1 2o)oo 6l2Xlt7 4:oo 7123/171,00 t2/21/t1 23:oO 1488 1888 1888 l8a8 1887 1847 1887 7AA7 It87 r88' 1887 1887 1887 1887 1847 1t85 1886 1886 !886 1886 1886 1886 1886 18t5 1885 1885 1885 1485 1885 1885 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1883 1883 1883 1883 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 18t0 1880 1519 1879 1879 ta19 L879 000 0.51 1.86 1863.63 46.!9 0,00 0.00 0.00 o_m 0.64 064 0.64 0.00 10T1.34 19.68 0.00 o,o0 o.77 0_m 0.57 051 1.28 0.00 62.76 0.00 0,64 2292.81 7144_77 6.74 1-51 0.41 111.61 0.16 0_00 0.64 184 13 1320.34 000 1.15 5.68 276.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 261.X4 44.27 28.93 97.15 212.35 0.00 0.90 0.38 10 62 0.00 769 72 74.a8 101.65 0.m 0.00 0.00 3t.19 56.51 t37.74 628.84 0.00 0.51 0.81 0.00 Attachment l -Page335 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnnrlled Pv Nsm.platp {lwd.l Ettrm.ted PV n.m.pl.tE (kwac) 4794 t.2 3998 rl7!t7 to:@ 713/17 5:@ 7/2a/711,o0 1/t1/17 5:& 9n177 o:0o rr/791r1 L9t@ A/221t7 atoo !25/17 t1:oo 8/25/t7 gtOO 6/ra/D $:@ ,7/7117 9:@ 7/2/778:@ 6/23/77 s:@ 1/3!17 3:00 72113117 2!:@ 72126111 23100 116/!7 79too 2/73/71 7o:oo t2lr8lr711r00 rlt9l17 tB:oo t/2a/1,7 14:OO t/74/r7 3:oo U27/116:00 317/t11:0o 9/2/t7 ltoo 72/72117 23t@ 12la/11 17:oo 7/ZXh7 77t0o 1,/70177 2Z:OO l/\1/17 5:oo 1 /29/77 !O:OO r2/t477 1,6:00 6l7slr7 te:@ 7/t4/l12tOO 2/2tlt1 72:oo Z/261112t:N 6/a/77 4:@ alall11:oo 12/77/177:q t2/2o/11 tt:oo !19/17 t2:oo a/]7l71atOO r/3o/17 t{:oo 7 /29/71 4:Cn 72/22/t7 2O:OO 12117/tl 2o:@ 6/91171:o0 r2/z7l7t 73:@ 917177 72:00 u2111.179:OO U26171 1,!t0o 7/22/71 27:oo 6/16/1713i00 2/12/7191oo s/26117 22.00 t2lr9/7/ 21.oo 2tth1r9:@ LlalD 1:0o 7/7s/17 20:00 6/24/17 5:00 t2l25lt7tt,6 6177/ri ro:oo 2/8/11 tgtoo 612/17 t3:oo ll3t/17 6:00 6/alt1stoo 9fi/r1to:oo 8/16/u 11:00 1880 1878 1878 1878 1a78 1913 1904 2008 2747 1882 1963 lBn 7477 la77 1901 1891 1926 1895 1930 LA16 1876 ta76 1876 la76 1914 2772 la75 1475 2158 1977 2035 1874 1874 LA laa 1474 1A74 1909 1901 1915 1951 1873 1873 1873 1878 1925 2066 1905 1918 lal2 2119 1871 18r1 1871 1836 1870 1870 1870 1870 1953 7474 2144 1869 la69 1973 2160 N.t syst.m Load IMW) 1879 LaTA 1878 1878 1878 1676 1E78 1878 1878 1878 lE7E 1878 7877 1877 $11$n $77 $77 lEl7 $76 lE76 $76 1876 tg16 1876 La76 1876 1875 18'75 $75 1874 1874 \474 tE74 1874 $74 L87t 7474 lE74 1874 1474 1873 1873 $73 1873 ta73 la72 1872 LA72 ta72 la72 la72 1a71 1871 1871 1171 1870 !E70 1870 1870 la70 1870 lE69 1869 1869 1869 1869 P.runltOlst butedSolar o 0 o 0 0 0 o.o195339 0.0521186 0.161421 0.8i19547 0 0.064694 0 0 o 0 0.0282855 0.313931 0.2!5557 0 0.128034 0 0 0 o 0 0.421608 0_52t512 0 0 0.4159E7 0.580377 0.415204 o 0 0 0 0 0 0.243664 0.0980996 0.022059 o.!E3723 0 0 0 0.01296t9 0.041K34 0.488592 0 0.512829 0 0.817E65 0.157051 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.309212 0.0076531 (*w) 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 7E.50 208.37 645.36 3!96.51 0.@ 25E.65 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 113.09 1255.10 945-75 0.@ 511.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1685.50 2517.20 0.m 0,00 1653.13 2120,36 tltt,93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0,@ 974.11 392.20 44.23 !534.13 0.00 0.00 0.@ 51.85 1,77.55 1953.40 0.@ 2050.30 0.m 3259.E4 627.89 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 1236.24 30.64 0.00 3401,64 0.00 0.oo 977 A9 243t.67 SolarEiports lkwl lion'Erpo,ted solar lkw) 0 0.85083 0 0 7.17 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.00 6.30 111.88 1951.73 118.34 37_37 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.41 33.92 302.n 0.13 185.79 0.00 o24 000 0.26 0.00 3.01 1217.19 2.27 o.24 654.92 111.62 643.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 z.J5 0.51 0.oo 275.87 34.05 t.t3 661.94 0_51 0_00 000 1.02 66.82 1010.01 o.25 135.9. 0.14 1650.89 40.70 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.13 0.38 21.74 771,44 0.00 2383.00 0.00 325 217.76 1348.92 .7.17 0.00 0,00 -o.64 0.00 0.01) ?2.20 200.05 533.49 t414.74 -118.34 227.28 {26 0.00 0_00 0.oo 111,68 1221.18 642.98 -0.13 326.09 0,00 -0.24 0.00 {.26 0.00 1682.53 t3@01 -2.27 -0.24 1008.21 2208.74 1096.84 o.m 0,00 0.00 -2.35 {_51 0.00 758,30 358.16 78,30 472.79 -0.51 0.00 0.00 5083 !10.83 943.39 -0.26 1914.37 .0.14 1614.95 587.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.13 -0.38 t2@.46 .190.80 0.m 1018.64 0.00 .3.25 7@.32 1082,74 0 244493 0 608218 Attachment I -Page336 rnitalled Pv Nam.plate {kwd. ) Esrid.ted PV N.meplare (lw..l 4794 t2 3994 617ll7 9:oo 7/alg l3too alwt1 A:OO \lt/17 L@ 2/12ltl2O:@ alL5/r7 t2t0o 6lt7lt1L9IOO lllt/17lt:@ 6/19177 9:oo 2/r/r,r 2o:oo 6/24/77 5:oo 72129117 A,oo ll7ltt 11,@ 9/ttlri t1:oo 5/30/17 ur00 12/9/17 l1:o0 2/231,7 $t@ 6/9/17 23:OO 1/211714:oo 9/70/17 23:OO !213/11 2o:oo 7A176/7? a:@ 72/2!ti t7t0o 7 /t7ll7 3:oo a/25/t7 7too t2/29117 2t:@ al6/t7 Lo:@ t/9/77 t7:@ s/29/77 16.00 8/19/1713:00 2126117 t9too 6/51t715:oo 2/24/t7 zlt9o a/4/L7 atoo l2l25lt19:@ 7l2'l\7 2O:@ zl22/77 L9:6 6125/77 5.OO 7!7a/17 22.@ tl29l17 t2tOO 11/3o/17 18:00 a/$/17 Atoo a/21177 !:Oo 74t4lr7 2t:@ Al25l77 to:oo 316/t7 7:N 6/1/112:@ al5l17 4:Oo alBl71 2tOO 1v29ll7 2o:@ 1t/1o/17 2o:s) 12h/t7 a:oo 12lr9lt71:@ r/3o/17 ts:oo 9/7/1711:00 r/a/71 ttoo alfi/71 t:oo 21211714:@ 6/!6/17 1r:oo L/7r/17 B:OO 616/17 TOtOo rl24lt7 72:OO t2/76/77 12:6 ,2/4/7718:@ 6lX/1712:oo 'lzalrr ls:@ t2l6l77 lat0o 7/27 /r7 6too (rw) 1057.83 1rto.50 12t.62 0.00 0.m 2665.95 1s50.75 27.24 1055.35 0.oo 0.00 0.@ r7.43 at42.47 2709.30 208.14 505,86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 1355.25 0_00 0.00 0.oo 288.60 0.00 3244.21 32a0.$ 0.m 12Sr.S7 0,00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.@ 2$6.57 383.03 96.69 0.oo 0.00 1476.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1354.89 1460.03 0,00 0.00 661.70 1699_12 0-@ 1695.17 1952.50 2t75.79 620.76 2759.83 3:la4.12 607.!9 0.00 337.15 t7.57 4.35 0.14 0.(x) 1859.27 553.76 21.63 :t42_08 0.15 0.70 0.@ 4.19 1955.96 1573.44 215.55 2.69 0.51 0.54 o.26 o.@ 0.00 579.54 0.99 0.69 o.77 3.84 t769.21 1946.41 0.o0 2211-44 0.00 7.27 0.16 0.oo o.?7 0.38 0.00 644.85 0.00 7.64 0.26 0.@ 551.35 0.00 0.43 o.61 1.28 0.00 0,00 5.53 0.tl 255.43 515.52 0.00 0,00 214.91 444.32 0.65 833.0s 212.62 368.61 0.13 1586.67 2386.49 0.@ 0.77 r,lon-txporLd 5ol.r llwl 720,5a il.43 117.26 {.14 0.00 807.66 996.98 -0.39 713.2f -0.15 .0.70 0.00 9.21 1185,51 1135.83 -7.47 503.17 -0.51 -0.54 -0.26 0-00 0.00 n5.77 -0.99 -0.69 -o.77 30.21 -3.84 1515.00 1331_59 0.@ 1042,38 0.00 -1.27 {.16 o.m 4.27 ,0.38 0_00 1541.7! 383.03 89.01 {.25 0.@ 925.24 0.@ -0,43 -0.54 -1.28 0,00 0.00 -5.63 {.13 10G8.45 844.52 0.q) 0.@ 4A5.74 8511.80 -0.65 862.12 r709.EE 1807.18 620.53 1073.15 997,53 607.39 -0.77 system toad {Mw) N.t Syrtem L6d (Mw) 2737 1875 1875 $64 $64 7157 2713 1876 2744 1867 1867 ta61 1906 7141 2084 1900 1912 1866 1866 1866 1866 r865 7974 1865 1865 1865 1935 1889 1t47 zt41 $71 2161 1864 1864 1864 1864 7474 1863 1863 1949 1869 1904 1862 1862 2094 1861 1a61 1861 1861 1861 1a61 1861 1861 1939 2020 1860 1860 1931 2036 1887 2084 1912 1902 1893 2080 2132 1891 1858 1369 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1868 1467 ra61 1867 1867 la67 1867 1866 1866 1866 1a66 1866 1866 1865 1866 1866 1866 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 1865 18fl 18 1864 1864 1864 1864 1863 1863 1863 1863 1862 !462 1862 1862 1862 1861 1861 1861 1861 1861 1451 1S61 1861 1860 1860 1860 1860 1850 1860 t860 1860 1859 u59 1859 1459 1858 la58 1858 Attachment l -Page337 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Per Unt oiitribut.d 5ol.r 0.264588 0.035142 0.0104184 0 0 0,667068 0.387479 0.00531345 0.r63967 0 0 0 0-@43604 0,786007 0.671667 0.0520601 o.126327 0 o 0 0 0 0.33898 0 0 0 0.0721868 0 0.821464 0,420432 0 0,813869 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.546914 0.0958061 0.0241844 0 0 0.369331 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0.3!8889 0,365189 o 0 0.165506 0.42499 o 0.424003 0.484367 0.5412t7 0,155266 0.690298 0.&16448 0.151922 0 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rn3t!lr.d Pv N!m.otare (kwdc) tttimated PV [.m.pl.t. (lwa.l 4794 7.2 3998 a/7!/17 3:OO 72/7177 9:oo r/74/t1 78:o0 r/211r116:00 12/19177 t2:@ a/781t7 a:N 2/74/11 2LIOO a/|tlt1!:oo ll2llrt 79:oo 6/16/t-t 72:oo 72127/t7 72:@ 6/tolL7 lO:Oo 2h2lt12t:@ 9/91t1 L2:OO 1/tol71 79:00 1/21/71 tTtOO al26l!7 72:oo 6/4/712r:oo 2l2 r't z2to0 7/28/115:oo 9/7/lr7:@ LU29lt7 8:@ 6/75/11 7oto0 2/2A/t-' 7O:N 5/2a/71 22too t/9/17 t4t00 L2la/1,1$:@ t/1/715,oo t/r9/77 22:oo 9/10/71o:oo z/r/t1 73:OO 6/2/17 r2:0o 5/7o/t7 79:oo 7/21/\7 t1,tOO 2/2217127:@ 6131717:oo 12/9/1717:Oo rh/713:oo tl7l77 2oloo s/24/\7 23:00 a/22lt1t:oo 9/8/tl rotoo 914/ti t2tOO ,l2olt7 2o:oo u$/r1 o:@ Ual7r 2i:oo 8/9/713:oo 8/rO/77 5:oo t2/4/t 22:00 s/3u!7 8:oo 1/t6/77 9:o0 12/7slr72t:6 rz/1o/r1 \9:6 rz/791t7 t1:@ 5/70/11 23:OO a/4/L14t0o a/5/t1 Lo:oo 9ll3/11 12:oo 316/t7 ro:Oo 6/9/\1 2:Oo 6lt2ll7 74:@ 7176/1177:6 2/t5/!7 79:OA 6124/t79:N 2/1/77 tztoo 1/2slr1\4100 6/t7/77 2}@ 77/7a/719:oo N"tsFt m to.d (Mwl 1858 1858 $5a 1857 1857 1857 1857 ,a57 ta57 1857 r856 1856 1856 1856 1856 1855 1855 1855 $55 185S r855 1855 la55 1a55 1a55 1854 1854 1854 1854 1854 1a54 1a54 1854 1a53 1853 1a53 1852 1851 1851 1851 185r 1850 la50 1a54) la50 1850 1850 1850 l8s0 184t 1849 $44 1844 184{l la47 lE47 1847 la47 1846 1046 1846 1846 1846 1845 1845 1845 $45 1a45 Per Unit oi5tribut d sol.r 0 0 0,0560675 0.311185 0.0336672 0.0199897 0 0 0 0.610836 0.0951031 0.192384 0 0.63935 0.00140621 0.0352r79 0.633965 0.0346502 0 0 0 0 0_448$1 o.49019 0 0.@E67512 0,0765a61 0 0 0 0.177179 0.742408 0.259148 0.444655 0 0 0.418017 0 o.0oo139?91 0 0 0.0882649 0.542818 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0795543 0.235095 0 0 0.109496 o 0 0.341597 0-596239 o.206175 0 0.29154a 0.331781 0 o.z14u7 0,12040€ 0.162401 0 o 0.00 0.00 224.16 tz44.t2 134_60 79.92 o.@ 0.00 0.00 2M2.74 380.22 769_15 0.00 2596.r4 5.62 147.12 2534.61 138.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 1951.40 1962,19 0.00 34.f,8 306.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 7r0.56 3124_08 1035_08 1937.55 0@ 0.m t67\,24 0.00 2.96 0.00 0.00 352.88 2170_20 0_m 0_m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 318.06 939.92 0.00 0.00 437.77 0.@ 0.00 1525.6! 2783.58 826.69 0.00 1165,62 1326.47 0.00 1095.65 481.39 649.24 o.m 0.00 1.59 11.83 4.74 13!.63 50.42 11.65 0.00 0,38 0.@ 1350.70 77.06 269.43 0.00 1241.68 t4.14 2.18 1569.84 0.00 o.26 0.00 0.00 911.84 143.31 0.29 3t.11 0,13 0.16 0.00 0.26 151.94 2182_24 429.92 203.71 o.l5 2.8r 1,54 0.15 0.32 0.26 0.51 178.07 1123_51 0.m 0.02 0,00 0.58 0.26 0_00 51.58 ?14.78 0-00 0.@ 0.51 2.03 0,00 572.83 1483.53 246.!3 0.90 453.!8 30.98 0.13 385.48 a.70 151.49 2.18 54,O2 NoFExrort d solar lrwl ,1.69 -11.43 2\9.42 1tlo.tlg 74.19 8.27 0,00 -0.:tE 0.00 109133 308.15 499.73 0.00 1314.46 {.71 138.95 9&_76 134.30 0.00 -0.26 0.@ 0.m 1039.96 1818.88 {.29 3.52 :!o5.06 .0.15 0.00 .0.25 558.63 945.85 606.16 1733.95 {.15 .2.81 1669.71 .0,15 2.64 -0.25 -o.51 174.81 1046,69 0.oo 4.O2 0.(,0 .0.58 -0.26 0.m 265.38 125.t4 0.00 0.00 431.26 -2.03 0.(r0 952.E0 13m.05 s80.56 -0.90 102_43 1295.49 {,13 710.16 472.69 497.79 -2.18 -54.01 1858 1858 19l7 1898 l89l 1903 1857 1857 1858 2079 1416 1936 1856 2to2 ta72 1876 21,42 1865 1855 1855 1855 1855 2133 1870 1859 1885 1863 1854 1854 1854 L974 2123 2043 1884 1853 1853 7467 1851 1851 1851 1851 1985 2101 ta50 1S50 t850 1850 1850 1450 1950 2044 1848 1a44 1852 1847 ta47 2091 2043 7476 7446 1939 ua2 1859 2130 1854 1891 1845 1845 Attachment l -Page338 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnitall.d Pv Nameprare (kwd.) t mated Pv Na mepl.te (kwac) 4194 1.2 3998 oare & Time t2/ltltt2t:@ 12/23/17 1t:@ t2/t9ll1 \3:@ 5127ltl 22:@ 12/23/17 r2.oo 5128/17 27,00 2/3llr 27:oo a/4/17 6:00 12l10lti zot0o 2/7slt71o:oo 1/22/11 5:OO A/Lo/17 3:(n 7z/7r/77 2}@ 72127/77 2t:& sl25/17 27:oo 9l13lt7 a$o 6/!2/17 7a:oo r/28/17 76:00 t2/a7/t18:U 2la/17 73:oo 6/71177 78:oo 7/22/17 to:@ 5/2t/77 $:N 11251716:00 6/2s/t16:00 8le/r7 6:00 72/?3/77 7O:@ t2126/117:@ 1711,0/1,7 l,rlfi 5/s/t718:00 th3/r7 79:OO !23/1174:oo 8/l!/17 rr:0o 6lt6/t7 9:oo 5/76/71 ta:oo 5122h7 rg:N 216/17 19:oo a/3/!79:@ 7/27/t7 70:00 7/74/17 73:oo 7l79lrt 6:00 7/27lt15:oo 2/2/1117:oo 12126/71 tTtOO 7/30/17 5.oo t7/a/t7 a:oo t7/29/t7 2t:@ 12/24/17 21:@ 9l3lt1 tX:@ a/7L/71 t3:oo 71721t77:oo 5/76/71 2o:oo 7129h7 5,OO aBUtT 6:00 7/2A/17 15too 2h/t721]00 2/27/77 9:oo al4/r122.oo 9/8/77 1:oo 7l/10/r7 7:oo 72117/71221cD 6/24111a,@ t2lr7lll la',6 t/r/77 4:oo 7/30177 4:OO 2h3/t7 22:00 al29ll13:oo 72/1/t1 27:oo 18{5 78/7 1871 1850 1E53 1912 1844 1a44 7844 1886 1843 1843 1843 1843 1479 1848 1906 1883 1842 1E68 2t46 2123 1990 1841 la41 1841 1841 1841 1889 1878 186E 1859 2080 1919 1865 2104 1843 1845 1839 1639 1839 1839 1897 1905 la3a IE3E 1838 1838 2116 2095 1845 ta47 1837 18!7 1a9o 1835 1a35 1836 1836 1836 1836 2010 1a55 1El5 1835 1a35 1835 1835 et sytt.n load (Mw) P.r Unit Olstrlbut d sohr 0 0.0340052 0.041511 0 0,0774424 0.0259791 0 0 0 0.505031 0 0 0 0 0.0240462 0 0.0505952 0-0392141 0 0.15a197 0.59469 0.458512 0.59237 0 0 0 0 0 0.059!22 0_00598064 0 0.120139 0.567218 0.079m83 0.0410694 0,354912 0 0.00647852 0 0 0 0 0.0675572 o.424249 0 0 0 0 o762al 0.trt3557 0 0 o 0 0.05jto555 0 0.15798 0 0 0 o 0.0661264 0.20798 0 0 0 o 0 0,00 135.96 190.91 0.00 285.63 103.87 o.m 0.00 0.@ 2019.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 96.14 0.@ 202.24 156,78 0.00 532.1t8 2!77.54 1833,14 2358.31 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0@ 247.77 27.97 0.00 480.32 226r.75 315.88 154.20 7434.94 0.0t) 25.90 0.00 0.00 o.o0 0.00 270,10 7772.75 0@ 0-@ 0.00 000 3049.73 3372.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 216.12 0.00 631.61 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 26'4.47 831.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,74 47.8f 0,13 49.54 72.54 0_00 0.00 0,00 488.33 0.13 0.51 0.00 0,00 13.31 1.15 72.57 58.99 0.00 42.24 1158.24 774.0O 711.51 0,00 0.51 0.31 3.90 0.00 314.88 187.85 0.00 19.33 4!5.24 147,80 43.01 478.26 0.m 77.81 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.83 8.70 8.83 0.57 0.(rc 0.00 o.m 1664.50 la56.19 0.13 3,33 0.51 0.26 133.12 0.00 42.56 2.94 0.51 0.00 0.00 11_8 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.@ 0.!a 0.@ Non-Exported Solar (*w) 0.00 127.78 103.04 -o.13 236,@ 91.32 0.00 0.0t) 0.00 1530,79 -o-13 {_51 0.@ 0.00 -1.15 129.77 47.79 0.00 550_24 1219.34 1059.15 t656.79 0.m -0,51 -0.31 -3_90 0.00 -77_71 '159.94 0.m 460.99 1472.51 164.08 121.1' 956.61 0.00 -51.97 0.m 0.@ 0.@ -o.83 261,40 1703.:t2 ,0.57 0,00 0.00 0.00 1345.23 1516.37 -0.13 -3.33 o.5l ,0.26 83.00 0.00 589.05 2_94 {,51 0-00 0.00 190.39 431.51 0.16 0.00 0.00 {.38 0.00 7445 1845 1445 1845 1844 1844 1844 la44 1844 1843 1843 1843 1841 1843 1843 1843 ta42 \442 ta42 1842 1842 1842 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1839 1839 1839 la39 la39 1839 1838 1838 1838 1838 1838 1a38 1438 1838 1837 ta17 1837 1835 1836 1a36 1436 1836 1836 1836 1836 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 Attachment 'l - Page 339 Schedule 5 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnalled Pv Nameplar. ltwdc) Estiost.d Pv Nameplate (kwa.) 4798 l2 3998 r/25/t7 t6:@ 12123177 $:0o 2/!2/t7 to:oo 6ho/t7 9:oo 7/27/77 75too 3/11177:OO a/261!7 ztOO t2/6/17 lL:oo s/26/r7 A$O 917/t710:@ 2/a/\7 7o:0o 6/t7ht o:oo al6/t7 3:N a/8/\7 4:oo 6/6/118:oo 2/6/112O:OO t/21,/t7 to:oo t2/t0/t1t1:OO 6/19/17 8:@ 72126117 t4:fr 7/2/17 6:00 r/291t7 o:o0 Ur5/7177:oa 5/loltl OtoO 11/2a/r7 19:@ a15/t7 E:OO r/79/117:oo U17/L173too t2/27/77 7:@ 8/2011174:fr 8l22lL17O:N L/t3lt7 o:oo rlzo/t7 7:oo 2/77/17 a:oo 7/171r7 s:oo A/7/r12:OO alM/71o:oo a/24/\12:N a/2a/i rooglslt1 t:oo 2l2al t1 2o:@ 5/261t19:OO V11l17 r?:00 6/75/a177:oo 12/2a/t1 77too 11221116:@ 8/4/17 5:oo ah6/17 7:oo l/25/11 75:oo a/22117 9:o0 2/26/t7 9:oo 8/221t17:N 8/2a/r7 7:oo 12/15/71 23tOO 11291t17:oo 2/!77 16,00 lZ/4/77 LO:OO 7/20/77 $:oo llta/71 2a:oo 3/6/17 22:o0 7 /31/17 6:00 a/2s/t7 7:oo 12/30/17 Zt:@ 6/1211715,OO P!. U.ir Disrribut.d 50lar 0-102765 0.206605 0.426E59 0.1E6125 0,361963 0 0 o 0.381429 0.0775239 0.335551 0.3995rt9 0 0 0 0.06314 0 0 0.0591664 o.395727 0.0658354 0.187059 o 0 0 0 0 0.0379925 0 0 0 0.901947 0.3482ls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.259956 0.009EE644 0.5it42lr o.027777A 0 0 0 0.141432 0,173439 0.$28a3 0 0 0 0 0_u7402 0.0135206 0.10E971 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.570956 410.85 826.01 1706.59 752.t3 7447.14 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 1524.96 310.34 1341.58 1597.41 0.00 0.@ 0.00 332.40 o.m 0.m 236.55 !580.13 267.2t 747.a7 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 151.89 0.00 0.00 0.@ 3606.00 t5t2.09 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0-m 1079.29 39.51 2175-45 u.67 0.00 0,00 0.00 555.45 693,17 ,3\.r7 0.00 0.00 0_00 o-00 510.96 54.06 435.57 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0_m 0_m 0_m 2682-50 Svstem Load lMw) Netsysi€m Load (MW)5olar Exports (kw) Non axported 5olar lkW) 1872 1907 1861 1876 1878 1833 183! 1833 1915 1864 2119 ta42 1832 1832 1832 1938 1831 1831 1833 1868 7972 1898 l830 1S30 1830 1830 1830 1871 1829 1829 1829 2098 2077 1828 1828 1828 1328 1828 1828 1828 1828 1828 1832 1913 1845 2021 1884 7427 1827 7827 1868 1995 ta26 1825 ta26 1826 1827 1908 1875 1833 1834 1825 1825 1825 1825 1825 19!7 1.835 1.835 1835 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1833 1832 1832 1832 1832 1332 1832 1832 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1a30 1830 1830 1830 1830 1830 1829 1829 1829 1829 1829 1828 1828 1828 1423 1828 $28 1828 1824 1828 1823 I828 1828 ta21 ta77 LAz1 ta27 re27 rs27 1826 1426 1826 ta26 ta26 1826 1826 1826 1826 1825 1825 1825 1825 1825 1425 1825 1824 52.r4 0.@ 377.05 15€.42 389.18 0.00 2_45 0.51 106.!2 ,4.12 623.30 777.63 0.64 053 0.68 51.46 0.16 0.51 o.71 2.42 53.25 129.r5 0.02 0.00 o.29 0.72 0_00 1114 0.00 0.00 0.00 2179_91 600.70 0.00 0.oo 0.00 L4.24 0.66 0.51 0.77 0.51 0.38 o.o0 0.00 263.19 50.69 9ll.4a ?.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 7t7.17 767.16 20.26 0.13 0,38 0.00 0,00 146.15 s4.72 203.37 000 a.4l 0.oo 0,00 0,00 0.00 576.08 354.12 825.01 1329.54 593.71 1057.95 0.00 .2.85 -0,51 818.64 295.62 77A-2a 7479.77 {.64 .0.53 -0.68 280.94 -0,16 -0.51 235.78 7577.11 213.96 618.71 4.O2 0.00 {.29 -o.72 0.@ 140.76 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 7426.O9 951.39 o.o0 0.00 0.00 -18,24 -0.66 -0.51 -o.77 -0.51 -0.38 0.@ 0.00 816.10 -11,16 1264.37 82.24 0.m 0.@ 0,00 448.33 525.65 11o.92 ,0.13 -0.38 0.00 0.@ 324.40 .0.66 232.30 0.00 -8.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2106_42 Attachment l -Page340 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non+xports lntr.lled Pv l,l.meplat. (kwdcl Estim.ted PV N.mcplar. (twa.l 4194 1.2 3998 8/21/11 l1:oo 5/1tlt7 2:oo alv/177:@ t2l2o/t7 21:@ ah5/77 a$o s/\5/1722:00 alt2l7l a:oo 7r/rltt t9:oo t2/18/777:oo 6/2/t1 t\:oo r/9lt1rs.@ lnlrl 16:@ 2/271t7 7t0O 7/23/17 15:00 7/20/11 2l:oo 1/7/112o:oo t7l1/11-t:oo t2/lOl\7 a:oo t!29/17 *@ 1/t9lt1 11:N 7t/a/179:oo 7/20/17 tl:@ 12n/t112:oo 213/u $:oo 7/9/7123:oo 6h9/t17too 7/23117 4:oo 9/9/t7 L:OO 12/74/77 6:@ t2/25/U 18:6 Ltll5/71 tO:@ 2/t31117r:@ 1129/tla:oo a/D 6:00 7/17/117:oo !30/17 !,oo 7/25/\11:o0 6/1o/tl Otco 7/3r./r7 4:@ A/51117:oo alaoltl a:@ a/1r/\7 4:oo 12125/17 22:00 r/26117 71:00 7zh6/17 7a:@ 2/24177 t9:OO sl22l17 t8:oo 611ll7-t t7:@ r/22/17 7a:oo 2/l/17 74:oo 1?/771r711:@ 612511'7 7:o0 1212e/77 t1:W 5/76/719:@ 2172/77 a:OO 5/9171 22:OO 72/2rllr 2!to0 r/76/17 \4:oo 7/5117 s:oo rlllo/1, z!:w 12121/tt 2}@ 12/24/17 6:@ 1/27/lr L7:oo 6/16117 10:00 alt2ltl ro,oo 2/24/t127:oo 2/25/t7 zt:N 7l29lU 6:@ Netsyttem Load {Mwl P.r Unit Oistribot d sol.r 0.566924 0 0 0 0.0245248 o 0 o o 0.560499 0.006413@ 0.001E9171 0.650136 0.0999529 0 0 0 0 0 o,142227 0 0.154929 0.55{427 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0905508 0.0125518 0-536189 0.0393077 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.45170r 0.586025 0 0.574534 0.754461 0.00188475 0.16215 0.331453 0.00948023 0.205145 0.12705 0 0 0 0.50514 0 0 0 0 0.11357t 0.312925 0,394355 0 0 0 2346.53 0,00 0.m o.o0 98.05 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 2540_69 25.64 7.56 2599.26 399.61 0.00 0.00 0,00 0_m 0_m 528.65 0.00 559.39 2216.61 0.(x) 0.m 0.@ 0.m 000 0.00 362.46 50.18 2543.50 157.15 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_@ 0.m 0.00 1a05.91 2742.74 0.00 2297.OO 3016.35 7.54 644.28 1325_15 37.90 420.17 507,99 0.00 0.00 0.00 2023.55 0,m 0_m 0.00 0.00 454.09 1251.08 1516.64 0,00 0,00 0_m 2076 $24 la24 1822r 1857 1823 1823 1823 1823 2101 lE{9 lE53 1902 !855 ta22 $22 1It22 ta22 r823 1854 162s 1839 1901 18/t4 1821 1821 1821 1821 t82l 1835 1841 1911 19@ 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 $20 1820 1820 1820 1820 $64 1869 1859 2091 2127 la27 1885 1381 1839 $ta \E76 1819 1819 1819 1880 1818 18!E 1818 1814 1833 1912 2074 lal1 1Al7 1817 ta24 1824 1824 1824 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1822 1822 7422 1422 1822 1822 la22 ta22 $22 182r. 1821 1a21 1821 1821 1821 r821 7AZ' 1821 1820 1820 r820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1420 1820 1820 r820 1820 1820 1820 1819 1819 1419 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1419 1819 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 tatT 1817 1817 1817 5olar Exportt (kw) Non-Exporled Solar lkw) 949.11 0,51 o.7t 0.00 8.32 0.06 1.41 000 o.27 1656.r9 29.23 25.75 280.77 22.44 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 36.03 75.3' t6,65 132 55 924.17 o.17 0.00 0.64 0.32 071 012 4.96 85.06 984.57 t9.01 0.00 0.00 o.@ 0.@ 051 000 71.26 0.20 0,64 0.00 151.74 664.98 0.13 1062.56 1751.24 2.42 104.19 372.22 2.{3 232.06 92.73 o.m 0.@ 0.00 169.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 11.52 492.10 531.20 0.00 0.00 0.38 t397.42 0.51 -0.7t 0.00 89.73 {.06 -1.47 0.@ -o.27 974.20 -1.59 -18.19 23t4.49 177 71 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.03 453.25 -16.65 526.84 1291.8! -o.77 0.00 -0.64 -0.32 -0.77 .0.12 357.50 -14 a7 1558.92 118.08 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 {.51 0.00 -11.26 0.20 -0.64 0.00 1654.17 2073.76 ,0.13 7734,44 7259.12 4.12 544,09 952.93 3t 47 586.11 415.26 0,00 0.@ 0.m 1854.21 000 000 0.00 0.00 447.51 758.94 1045.'14 0.00 000 -0.38 Attachment l - Page 341 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnst.rr.dPv ameprareI*wd() Estimat.d Pv N.h!plate (kwad 4794 l2 1998 an!71o:@elltl r:00 9/t2/t7 o:0o 9/1,3117 O,OO t2/t6/77 23:00 6/6/719:oo Ll/rslt7 tg:OO t2/29117 1t:@ \l/79/\7 !a.00 r/73lti t6:oo U2a/17 o:q U21/171:oo 6/4/17 L1IOO 6170117 ll:oo 2/75/77 a:oo 7 /30/77 5:Oo 5h4/D $:0o U3177 o:oo 2/72/11 tgtoo th6/r12ttoo lltalt,ltoo Y3olTr t:oo 8/517f 5:N 8/t7ll170:00 12177/71 16:@ 9/2/7712:w 12/25/!1 72too t2/9/r1 14:@ t/t7117 l2:Oo 5124/t7 2o:OO 2/2e/17 22too 61517174:6 3/s/112ot0o 17/21/17l4:W 5/ttl71 tt:oo al,6lr1 9:o0 7/29/77 l3.Oo t/8/t12.oo ?14/17 r9:@ zlalt/ 1:@ 2/a/77 21:w 7t/a177 l9:OO ltl2Sll1 20,@ 8/s/719:oo 3/7117 t9:@ z/1lt7 to:oo r/2/11O,OO 2/t7lLl 9to0 al'lrl2t:@ 3l7lrr2\:oo 616/17 TOO 7219/17 23:oo 2/2a/tt l9:OO 6/61711:o0 s/5/t7 79:O0 rl3o/tll@ 72125/i a:@ 5/11,1t7 TtOO 2/1/71 r5:oo 5126111 za:OO 6lt4l17 22:oo a/77/17 4:OO Altaltl T:0o 7122/11a:@ a/6/t7 9tO0 r/9lt7 rtoo 12127/7172:@ t2/2o/71 L1OO t8t7 latT 1E17 1817 lE17 2025 18la lE54 18:13 184€ $15 lE16 2094 1951 1815 1815 206t 1814 ta27 1816 181! 1613 1813 2102 $12 2092 tE19 1854 1913 2019 1812 2llt 1814 1884 2047 2005 190! r811 tSll 1811 1E11 1811 la11 1976 1826 lE32 1810 1810 1810 $10 1E09 1809 1844 1822 $39 ${rE tEo8 1820 1875 1807 1807 1807 1807 r903 1852 1E05 1805 7867 x.t syrt.m Lo.d (MW) 1817 LatT 1817 1at7 1817 1817 1817 1817 1817 1816 lE16 1816 1815 1815 1819 tE15 1814 1814 1814 1814 lEla 1813 1813 1813 l813 1Et3 1812 1412 1a12 $12 1812 1812 1812 181? 1812 1a11 1811 1811 1a11 1811 1811 1a11 t8l1 1811 tE!! 1810 1a10 1810 la10 t6lo 1809 1809 !809 1809 1808 1808 18@ 1808 1807 lE07 1807 1807 1807 1EO7 1806 1806 $06 u06 PllUnltoirt buted501.r 0 0 0 o 0 0.263633 0 0.la3Ei9 0.161644 0.0731855 0 0 0.532518 0.5&a6a 0 0 0.515179 0 o 0 0 0 0 0.418812 0.0920158 0.58725 0.101726 0-068703 0.685337 0.145252 0 0-9511578 0 0.108473 0.581951 0.184365 0,646142 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.1871 0.0793121 0.220434 0 0.100643 0 0 0 0 0 0.0133291 0,00105451 0 0 0.0160131 0.0449477 0 0 0 0 0.0416379 0.ort €aE2 0 o 0.413184 0.00 o.00 0.m 0,m 0.00 1054.01 0_00 735.ts 646,26 292.60 0-@ 0.m 2524.42 2354.31 0.00 0.00 2459.50 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 7574.42 357.88 2347.A4 4&.71 274.64 2739.99 580.72 0.00 3E16.42 0.00 433.68 2326.69 ltr.to 25E3.?9 0,00 0-00 0_00 0.00 o,m 0.@ 748.03 317.@ 881.30 0.00 ito2.53 0-00 o_@ 0.00 0,00 0.00 53.29 4.22 0.(x) 0.@ 64,O2 195-69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 166.47 177.46 0.@ 0,m t651.t3 soler Erporte (rw) ilon Exported solar{kW} 15.68 o.26 \.76 0.38 0.00 t29.64 0.00 225.72 0.00 9.22 0.00 0.00 1651.28 960.58 1.15 o.70 1257.97 0.m 0.00 o,7l 0_00 0.64 697.O9 21.3A 1515.53 35.20 200.06 710.93 158.13 0.qo 2568 65 0.00 67.70 1590.97 ta2.2l 86.XO 0.00 o.79 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 165-06 0.13 69.70 o.21 44,80 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.00 1,41 1.54 49.48 0.2s 0.34 3.01 u.41 0.26 0.13 0.51 a_70 39.04 48.21 0,02 0.@ 453.a2 -15_64 {.26 .176 {.34 0.00 724.37 0.m 5r0.04 646.26 283.38 0.00 0.00 477.54 t39a.72 -1.15 -0.70 1201-s3 0.00 0.00 -o_71 0.m -0.44 -o,64 971.31 146_51 832.30 371.51 74.61 2029.6 47t.7' 0.00 L247.7A 0.00 371.98 635.72 554.82 t796.99 o.m 4.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 582.97 316.95 411.60 -0.21 357.73 0.00 o.oo -0,38 0.m -1.41 51.75 -45.66 -0.25 {.34 60.95 131.29 ,0.26 -0.13 -0.51 -8.70 127.41 129,25 -0.02 0.00 1198.11 Attachment l -Page342 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnrtall.d Pv N.neplrr. (kwd.) Eltimated Pv Na meplate (kwac) 4794 t.2 39S8 oare & Timo 6l72li a:@ 6/16/77 o:oo a/A/71s:oo al9/771:Oo eBoll1 r:oo 9/Bl717t@ l2/7 /t7 21tOO 2lA/\7lB:o0 an6lt1 1O:OO 2/2/17 ts:@ 6178/17 t5:OO 5/76/77 a.oo AnVl1s:oo 72nltt 6t0o s/24/11 77:oo rl29/17 77:OO l/alia:@ 2/7177 23:OO 211/77 7:oo 3l\/t7 21:oo 6lTltT atOO a/9/17 6:00 allt/ t7 6:@ Dlaltl 23:W 72/9/17 8:@ t2129/77 22:OO r/5111o:@ 12/31177 22:@ 5/23/11 74tOO L2/70/t7 74:W a/$h7 2too al2olt1 t.Oo a/21/17 re 915/777:00 tTltshT a:oo 6/1/71 rt:OO s/5/7117100 5/21 177 2t:oo th2/17 6,@ 2/6117 a:oo a/2a/116100 9/t4117 2t:OO 72124117 o:@ th5/71 tl:OO 1\/6/71 l9:Oo 519177 27,00 U27/17 o.oo 6/7/17 6:00 619171r0o TlltlrT 2O:0o t2/12/77 6:@ 1/Xo/77 7:oo 7219/!7 L6,OO sltGlLT to:oo 2/23/t7 72:oo 9/to/t714:oo rl2sl1773:@ 1/3t/11 5:@ 12/71/716:@ a/711719:oo 2l9lt7 r9:@ t/22117 22too 7/2a/17 6:00 2/6/719tOO a/M/17 22:OO a/19/17 2:Cfr 72/27/77 t7:OO 2176/119:oo P.r Unit Ditt,ibuted Solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.41169 0.16/1067 0.916a08 0.0527036 0 0 o.797247 o.777099 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8E:la4s 0.108633 0 0 0 0 0 oA10742 0.501523 o.022?542 0 0 0 0 0 0.509431 0 0.0143511 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0553727 0.342469 0.594405 0.73197A 0 0 0 0.1a5506 0 0 0 0.0536083 0 0 0,081995 0.012585 (twl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 1645.95 655.94 3665.42 210.71 0.00 0.@ 3187.41 704.05 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.@ 0_00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m 3532.03 434.32 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_t,0 tl62,!O 2005,10 89.01 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 2436.51 0.00 57_38 0.m 0.00 0.00 o.0t) 0.00 0,00 221.38 1529.12 2174.U 3006.42 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 741.56 0.@ 0.00 0,00 214.33 0.00 0.00 327.4? 50.32 23.84 0.51 o.70 0-83 0.51 0.64 0.00 o.4 713.59 242.88 2235-42 77.24 o.77 0.00 1970.90 23.30 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.30 0,13 0.70 0.38 0.00 0.@ L.79 0.00 0.00 2539.35 307.65 0.51 1.02 0.m 0.51 1082.36 871.09 11.90 0.00 7.77 o.71 0.13 0.m 1370.96 0.01 2-09 0,00 0.13 o.71 0.m 0.02 0.06 63.10 248.90 27r_26 1654.29 0.m 0.@ 0.00 186.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.30 0.00 0.64 0_33 5_25 Non-€xport d Sorar (kw) -23.84 {.51 -0.70 -0.83 ,0.51 -0.64 0.00 {.64 932-36 41!-06 1430.m 193.43 -o.7f 0.00 1216.51 644.75 0_00 0.m 0.m ,0.30 -0.13 -0.70 -0.38 0.00 0.00 -7.79 0.@ 0.00 992.68 126.57 {.51 4.77 -1,02 0.00 .o.51 679.13 1134,01 77,lt 0.00 -7.77 4.77 {_13 0.00 1065.56 -0.01 55.33 0.@ -0,13 4.77 o.m {.02 {.05 158-28 t28o_22 270?-74 1352.14 0_(x, 0.oo 0.00 555.30 0,00 0.m 0.00 ?12.o2 0.00 -0.64 127,48 45_07 Svnem Load (MWl l,letSyst€m Load (Mw) 1823 1805 1805 1805 $05 1805 1805 1817 2044 1889 2177 1834 1404 1804 2056 1843 1803 1803 1801 1a03 1803 1803 1803 1803 1803 1803 1802 1802 2071 1856 1801 1801 1801 1801 1801 2074 1899 1865 1800 1800 1800 1800 1300 2089 1803 1819 1799 t799 1799 1799 7799 1800 1826 1864 1853 2062 1798 1794 179A 2019 1801 1797 t791 1,791 t797 1797 1814 L196 1405 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 1805 1801 1804 t804 r804 1803 1803 180! 1803 1803 l8o3 1803 1S03 1803 1803 1801 1803 1802 1802 1802 1801 1801 1801 1801 1801 t80l 1801 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 lam 18m 18@ 1800 1799 1799 7799 7799 7799 t799 t799 1799 1794 7794 1798 r79A 1798 1798 179A 1798 1791 7197 7791 7797 7791 1796 1)96 Attachment l -Page343 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports ln!t.lled Pv NamcPr.te (kwdcl tstim.rld Iry NamlDtate ltwac) 4798 1.7 3998 alrolt7 6:@ tzlt1ll7 7:00 t2k/r1 79:oo 6112117l7:@ alt8lt? lO:@ 7/29/77 9:oo a/rgl!7 72tOO 9/t4lt7 2o:@ a/a/t7 6.00 916/t71too r|/|a/ri 9:o0 2/26h1 rOtOO t2179/tt 74:oo 6/76/!t 4@ Ul3l77 3:@ 2/75/t172:o0 z/261t7 22,N alBltT 4:oo a/17/t7 2tOO a/291t7 6:00 9/r/112:oo ll3oltt to:oo 1/6/11 8:@ t/25/t7 75:N 7/t3/77 r:N Zl22l17 22too 514177 2a:oo t47O/11231@ t7l8/11 !3tOO rtl75/11 lA:@ 911,a/1, gt0o th2/t1 1,2:oo 12l27/t7 72:@ 72/t9/17 7Ot@ l74lt1 19:@ PlalD lA:00 2l23l7l77100 2/72/71 22:oo Al7lr76:00 alloh, atoo 7211O/t7 2?:0O 3/2/17 2O:OO 12127/17 75:N 'lxoltl70:62l4lt7 2otoo al15/t77:oo 2/21/L1 l3tOO 9l12lL7 at0o rlglti stoo 6/9/17 6:00 t2/6/t7 7a:oo 12/26/1715:@ 12172171 7a:@ ,l21l77 totoo 7/zt/77 27100 7tl6l77 2o:oo t2/19/77 22:@ 2l2l\7 t6:@ s/24/77 t9:oo 1rh5/\19tOO t2lt9l77 t5:00 t7/!17 LO.Oo U2Y17 9.Oo 3/2lt72t:o0 5/t6lt7 22,00 6/7!77 o,oo tl2altT 5:@ s/77/!7aoo ln6 1796 1831 1913 2@7 2022 2082 1a05 1795 t7t5 t795 1819 1a32 1817 7794 l794 7794 1794 1794 1194 1794 2045 35 183It 1793 1793 1793 1793 1874 r797 1891 2044 1952 7794 la29 la67 1859 1791 t79tt1\i 1791 1792 1a53 2@1 1790 ,.790 $62 1796 178' 1749 1789 1870 1825 zo51 1784 1784 118a u47 2032 1747 1816 1807 7746 r786 1785 7746 t7a6 $36 Nltsrst mt@d (Mw) 1796 1796 1796 1796 !tt6 1795 7795 1795 u95 l795 1795 ,795 1795 1194 7f,94 1794 7794 1794 1794 t794 1794 ,794 1?93 7193 1793 1793 1793 t79a 1793 1793 t192 1792 tEz t79Z 1792 1791 L79l 119L t79t 1791 1791 1791 1791 r790 1790 1790 1790 1749 17a9 1789 1789 1789 1789 1784 1784 1788 1784 1784 1788 7747 1786 77a6 7786 77A6 7746 t7a6 1786 1786 P.r Unit Distrihrt.d 5ol.r 0 0 0.0697855 0.250854 oa2z465 0.203358 0.658491 o.ots7712 0 0 0 0.415529 0.166978 0.0357137 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0./r14666 o.o52u24 0.566409 0 0 o 0 0.1223 0_0157873 0.127559 0.6!t:too7 0.54a633 0 0 0.096965 0.336487 0 0 0 0 0 0.0888069 0,494706 0 0 0,564043 o 0 0 0 0-179769 0.127614 0_446193 0 0 0 0.12265r 0.385349 0 o.173576 0.0354453 0,0031691 0 0 0 0 0.0711512 0-@ 0.00 279.@ 1m2_92 1689.02 813,03 26X2-66 63.07 0_m 0_@ 0,00 1661.29 667.54 117.7E 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.(rc 0.m 0.@ 0.00 1657.84 251.25 226/.52 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 488.96 53.72 509.9E 2794.65 2193,45 0.00 0.00 3a7.57 1345.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 355.05 En.a3 0.@ 0.m 2255.05 0-@ 0.oo 0.@ 0.00 714_72 510.20 1783.89 0.00 0.00 0.m 490.36 1540.63 0.00 593.95 141.E7 72.67 o.oo o,00 0.m 0.m 246.89 0.69 0.00 138.24 224.97 69E.77 210,07 1631.60 0.71 0.51 0.@ 0,01 194.01 103.17 77.97 0.00 0.00 0.@ 2,@ 1.35 0.62 0.38 645.36 32.26 132.16 0.00 0-@ 0.5r 0.@ 148.48 0.00 45.12 r440.46 927,42 23.qI 0.14 54.02 34.30 0,00 0.26 0.64 0.00 0.00 52.06 957,52 0.@ 0.:,a 247.74 2.05 0.@ 0.38 0.00 102.91 58.35 651.74 0.m 0,00 0.m 279.42 573.47 28,22 14.:14 lza-17 0.@ 0.26 0.@ 0.m 13.70 l,lon-E.Ipo(.d solar (kw) {,59 o.o0 140.76 77t.95 990.31 602.96 1@1.06 62.30 .o.51 0,oo -0.01 t167.29 56431 124.42 0.@ 0,00 0.00 -2.09 .1_35 -o.62 -0_36 1012.49 218.99 2132.35 0,00 0_00 {.51 0.00 340.48 63.12 454.46 1354,18 1266,03 -23.04 'o.lil 333,65 13t0.98 0.00 {.25 -0.64 0.@ 0,00 302.99 1020.32 0.oo -0.38 1967.31 -2.05 0_t 0 -0.3E 0.00 615.81 451.a6 1132.15 0.00 0.00 0.@ 270.59 965.77 .74.22 679.62 18.40 12.42 0.oo .0.26 0,00 0.@ 273.19 Attachment l -Page344 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled PV N.meplate (kwdc) Ettimated Pv Nameprat. (kwad 4794 7.2 3998 5122117 77:oo 2/23/7174100 \/ath, o:oo 5/517t 22tOO 6ha/t7 r:OO 6112117 16:00 ttle/111o:@ 6lt9/771.0O llt1l17 2tOO 3la/17 a:oo 6/Ut7 2t!o ah7/115100 6ls/17 1r:oo 4/4/D a.oo 2126177 a.OO 612177 t:oo a/61r7 4tOO th4ll1 o:oo a/7h7 to:oo A/72/77 a:@ 6121171:oo 2/!117 tl:oo r/291t7 5:oo 2lturl 27,00 Al\477 5to0 IUA/17 zotoo t2141771:@ 2/14/17 t7:oo a/2177 A:oo llzoltl t2:OO 2ll6/t7 lotoo 7 /23/17 5:@ 811/713:oo 77/27117 L9:0o 514/77 20:OO 5/29117 ts:oo 2h1ltl lttoo 6117/t716100 7/4/!1o:oo 2/9/77 2O:OO 5/24177 t6:oo 6h0lt7 2o:oo 7 /to/71 atoo 7/2/17 5t0o lalr 4too Ul!77 71:00 17115/716:@ 6/77111 r9:oo 9/t4/77 73:oo tll8/|1 TgtOO rl3l17 5:Oo 713/77 71(n l2l5l77 21:oO 12/20171 77:@ alta/t1gtOO 7/26/17 6:00 llahl1too 5/7/17 6)00 6/4/171:oo al29lt71t0o 9/2/t7 7:oo 1Ul3l17 8:0o r/31/17 5,Oo 2/7117 6:00 2l1ll112o:@ 8l24lrl6:00 9/11111:oo 6/5lD r2oo 2056 1863 1785 1785 1785 1902 1812 1195Ila, 1744 L784 1784 206a 1791 t7a3 l7a3 1,al 1783 1830 1820 1798 1812 t7a2 l7a2 1742 !742 1742 1892 1815 ta27 1781 1741 1781 77A7 1923 2065 1E69 2089 1780 1780 2034 1959 1835 1779 17,9 1779 1779 1825 1884 1784l"a t718 177A l6a7 199s 1177 1777 7777 1,77 1,77 1171 1777 1776 7776 !776 7'76 1776 2042 ll.t svsrm Lo.d lMw) 17E6 1785 1785 l7a5 1785 1785 17a5 7764 t7u t7u 7741 17aa 1ft3 77Aa t7E3 1783 1783 1783 77E3 1763 1783 7742 t7a2 \142 !742 7742 7742 17E1 1781 1781 17E1 1781 1741 1781 17El 1780 1780 1780 1780 17EO 17EO t7r9 t779 1779 179 t779 t7E 171,9 7f79 7774 l77a 7na t77A i7a 77n 1777 7177 777f 177f 7771 1777 \7'71 7776 Ln6 1,774 7?76 t776 1716 P.r Unit Dinrlbuted 5oh. 0_741835 0,416945 0 0 0 0.133306 0.0964312 0.0103167 0 0 0 0 0.931712 0 0 0 o o 0.461414 0.0302975 0.0106!,45 0.00lE3525 0 o 0 0 0 0.655418 0.0201212 o215301 0 0 0 0 0.1034 0.894714 0,1291 2 0.8701E5 0 o 0.925881 0.16513' 0,0398906 0 0 0 0 0.00322E95 0.528712 0.(x22908 0 0 0 0_/lo8097 0.186454 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.847319 2965.87 1665,96 0.00 0-00 0_00 532.96 385.53 47.75 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0,@ 3725-00 0.00 0.o0 0_00 0,00 0.@ 1a44.71 121.13 12.76 7,U 0.00 0.@ 0_m 0_00 0.00 2620.38 80.44 a60.78 0.m 0.00 0.0t) 0.00 41l.ilo 3577.O9 t7t5.u 3479.O2 0.00 0.00 3701,69 6@.?2 159.48 0.@ 0.00 0.oo 0.00 12.91 ?!13.E0 r69.08 0.00 0.@ 0.00 1631_58 745.45 0,00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.0t) 0.00 3347.60 Non-Erp.rt d sol.r (kW) 1220.97 1373.69 0,00 -o3a .1.02 294.tfi 3t3.9lt 38.81 0_m -0.26 -1.15 {.84 l19t,93 {.51 -o.13 -0.64 _0.51 -0.51 13t1.14 ttz.26 .t9.22 0-00 0.00 -1.50 0.00 0,m !7?7.01 69,74 627.78 0.00 -0.55 {.64 0.@ 304.47 15it4.52 949.95 1288.35 0.00 0.m 1283.86 1157.04 140,62 -0.02 0.oo 0.00 0.@ 42,16 1568.30 169,08 0.00 0.00 0.oo 1618.78 55€.25 0.00 -0.6! -1.18 -2.72 4.56 -0,51 -o.7, 0.00 0.00 0.(rc .o3a {.13 1069-26 1744.91 293.27 0.00 0.38 7,O2 238 30 71.55 2.43 0.00 0.26 1.15 0.84 2533.06 0.51 0.13 0.64 0.51 0.51 463.60 4.81 10.54 26.56 0.00 0.00 1,50 0,00 0@ 893,31 10.70 233.60 0,00 0.s5 0.64 0.00 108.92 2U2,57 765.49 2190,67 0.@ 0.00 2411.84 203.18 18.87 o.o2 0.m o.@ 0.00 55.07 545.50 0.00 0.(rc 0.00 o.@ 12.80 187,20 0.00 o,6t 1.18 2.12 0.56 0.51 o,17 o.0o 0,00 0.00 0.!8 0.13 2318.14 Attachment l -Page345 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnetarr.d Pv Nameprar! (kwdc) astim.r.d PV,rlam.pl.t (tW..) 4798 7.2 3998 2lt6lr11o:@ 5/5ltl2l:OO 9l14lri 12:@ a/12/17 TtOO Dl2a/17 23tato 9/74/77 a:oo tl21l77 s:oo 5/71/ti 22.00 7l1all7 6:00 al$l!7 5:oo a/75/t7 t:oo 10/16/178:m r/1 1 t3:oo l/elD a:oo t2/2o/771.@ lzltgll7 7'@ 216/71t0t0o 9/17/77 9:oo 7/72/!7 t3tOO t212411,7 5:o0 \/24117 71:Cfr r/|o/ti 22,00 2l6lt 2t:oo 2Al179r00 2/14/77 6:00 613/77 2:oo Lzlll/t7 r7:@ 2/22/ti 7o:0o alL6l17 2:oo r!2911t 22.00 ,2/11/U SIOO 7ll5l77 9:@ rl79l17 r7:oo 6/ll/17 7a:oo r!28/ti $,00 5l7tl!7 r4,oo !7917, Z3:OO 10111177 at(x) t!21l77 2o:@ tU6l77 6:@ zl76lt7 $,OO 2hlti l3:@ 2l22ll7 B,@ alul|11:oo 9/73/77 r7:oo 5176/77l7:OO al2YtT to:oo 2/1/17 L4,OO 5/5/1120.ct0 122177 *@ slat/tT ttOO 8/9/71s:oo 9/4/!1r,:OO 72la/77 6:00 2/261t7 7a:o0 L/12/ri tg:oo rv2oli $:@ t/79/17ltoo 5/2517r L7:o0 6110177 t:ootlllt7 2l:OO t7/28/7r 7:o0 2/41t7lO:00 6n/t7 4:o0 12/7r/t7 6:@ \uralrl t2:@ 5h6ltT tt OO 12l22ll7 l6tOO P.r Unit obtrrbutcd solar 0.0464032 0 0.109719 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.249E84 0 0 0.210716 0.1E40!17 0.114562 0.757131 0 0.520106 0 0 0 0 0.231724 0.36542 0 0 0 0 0.121768 0.220972 0.141725 0.783222 0 0 0 0 0.155793 0.317935 0.0110E65 0 0.339349 0.0611025 0.393511 0.231062 0 o.229:jI,7 0 0 0 0 0.0447291 0,0519942 0.0r5564 0 0.67982A 0 0 0 o.o7270r6 0 0 o,395727 0.325484 0.134414 (rw) 185.52 0.@ 434.55 o.@ 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 999.04 0.(rc 0.00 8/'2.15 ,t5.o2 458.02 3027.0! 0.00 2079.40 0.00 0-@ 0_@ 0_00 0.00 926.41 1450.96 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 485.83 883.45 565.52 3131.3r1 0_@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 625.86 1271.11 44.12 0.@ 1356.72 ?44.29 1573.27 923.79 0.00 975.77 0.00 0,00 0.oo 0.oo 178.83 207.47 62,21 0.m 2777.97 0.oo 0.00 0,00 290.69 0.@ 0.m 1582.13 1305.31 538,9! 11.52 4.98 455.21 1,77 0.51 t.t9 0.11 0.11 0.42 0.51 0.70 0.00 112.83 0.90 0.00 50.30 31.04 78.01 471.49 0.00 1rc6.85 0,00 0.00 1,92 0.00 2.85 0.54 m0.92 0,00 0.00 0.00 5.71 15.62 197.10 0.00 2135.68 0,m 0.26 0.00 0.31 51_45 32.98 2.6t 0.13 995.82 123.13 707.14 225,62 13.05 26{l.14 0.54 0.70 0.00 0-00 5.38 24.39 0.m 0.@ 1296.26 o,77 0.00 0,00 11_52 0.25 0,99 665.54 580.02 7_9' Non-Expo.t d sol.. (rwl 174.00 .4.98 .!5.55 -7.71 .0,51 .1.19 -0.11 -0.31 4.42 {.51 .0.70 0.00 8S5.21 -0.90 0.00 i97.14 704.9 340.01 2749.54 0.@ 1672.55 0,00 0-oo -1.92 0.00 .2.85 925_40 1150.81 0.00 o-00 0.00 '1-'|1 111.22 685.35 566.62 995.55 0.00 .0.26 0.@ -0.31 575.41, 1238.13 41.64 .0.13 350.90 121.16 856.13 617.17 -13.06 648.03 '0-64 -0.70 o.(to 0.@ 173.45 1E3.49 62.23 000 1121.77 -o.77 0.m 0.00 279.t7 .0.25 -0.99 916.55 725.24 531.@ systeh tdd lMw) Net svftm Load (Mw) 1777 7741 t878 1775 7775 7777 7771 7774 !714 1774 1774 7774 1806 7711 7773 1820 t77l t82' 1862 77t2 1859 1777 1717 t71t 1777 7717 lal3 1,792 1710 \770 17-tO 7777 1a06 1831 1790 2011 1769 1769 7769 1769 1853 1807 1791 7764 7022 7A27 2058 t80a 1785 20t7 176f !761 1167 7767 1791 1769 t769 1766 1969 1765 1765 1765 1768 1754 1764 1853 1872 1785 7176 7716 1775 1775 7775 7775 7174 1114 1114 7774 1774 7174 7773 7r73 7773 7773 7773 1772 7772 7772 1771 7771 7771 t77t 1771 7171 1770 7170 1770 7170 L770 1770 1770 7770 1769 1769 t769 t769 t769 t769 1769 1,f69 176a l76a 1768 1768 t68 7767 7757 t761 1767 t761 1767 7767 7767 1767 t761 1766 1765 t765 tl65 7765 1765 1764 1764 1764 tl64 1763 Attachment I -Page346 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnst.lled Pv Namcplatc (lwdc) Ettimated PV Namepl.te (kwac) 47ra 1.2 3998 Dalc&Tim€ 2/2/t7 6:00 2ltoltT 9:oO 2122/177:oo 3/13/r7 a:oo 7171/71r7:@ 2ltoltl ro,@ 1l2!t1 $,N 12122/17 14:00 612177 A:Oo tTlao/\7 7r.@ rl2/7t 7.OO 5/24/77 7:oO 915/17 7:oo 6lalt7 23:@ 3/6/ti tltoo l/zrlt7 lztgo 13/17 22:OO Ll19/1714:@ 5/75/77 2t:@ 9/7r/L7 r2:oo 2176/17 21,:Oo 3ltl77 2z:oo Al24/t7 t:oo A/27 /17 2too a/79/r15:oO 9la/t12:oo t2hol77 75:00 2/23/77 76:00 5/24/11 l5:oo 2/76/717r10o A/Plt7r:oo 6/74/71211@ ll22/77 71:oo 5l2a/!1 71:oo a/2x/77 4,O0 3/6/17 77:oo 1l2t/r1 2O:Oo 51261771:oO 7/23/177:oo al73/71 IO:OO 9lt2/77 ro.oo i2a/77 5,OO 5127/t7 21to0 ah2/77 6:@ a/251713:OO 6/to/r1a:oo 8126/t7 t7.OO 6/75117 t6:oo U29ll7 t4:@ a/6/71A$O 6lra/t7 74:oo 7/4lr12rtm t2l7ll7 r9:o0 t2/a/tt z2:OO 12/16/711:@ 72./25/t7 t}@ 6l3lt7 tl:oo 6lltltlzotoo 7l5lL7 TIOO llali 23:(n 3/26/17 o:o0 t2lulrl o:@ ,,2/tt/71 ltOO al2o/1713:@ rtl6/7r to:@ 1,2126/17 76100 !/29/17 !:oo 2h3/t16tO0 1763 L76l 1763 1763 1845 1767 1779 7795 t9t1 1842 1762 1762 1762 1763 $21 1793 1761 lal1 1789 2043 7760 t7@ t7@ 1760 l7@ 1761) 1818 1831 2028 17q 1941 1803 t7m l,s9 1759 1794 1761 t762 1763 t97l $04 1754 1758 1758 1758 1785 2039 1993 la43 7774 206.4 r'157 7757 L757 7157 1783 2019 1802 1756 r't56 1756 1156 1756 2012 1770 1841 1755 1755 N.t System told (Mw) 1761 1763 !763 7763 1753 7763 1763 !767 1762 !762 7762 1762 7752 7762 7162 7761 1,767 1751 1767 1761 1760 1760 176D r760 7164 1760 t7@ 1760 t7& t7@ 1759 1759 1759 1759 1759 1759 t759 1759 1759 7759 1758 1758 1758 1758 1754 1758 1758 1754 1758 1754 1757 7757 1157 1757 l7r7 1757 175€ ,756 7756 1755 1756 r756 lr56 1756 t756 1756 1755 1755 P.r unit DBtribut.d sol.r 0 0.0543941 0 0 0_597214 0.181932 0 0.0676328 0.0790r 0.!553Et 0 0 0 0 0.40763E 0.0111024 o 0.181289 0,0r80087 0.70508 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0966401 0.339248 1 o.0442.2ra 0.182043 0.0416491 0.102023 0 0 0.0657115 0 0-014a45 0 0.304543 o.za159z 0 0 0 0 0.083782E 0.569147 0.549957 0.{4034 0,007191 o.9aa17l 0 o 0 0 0.141313 0.71685t 0.0107499 0 0 0 0 0 0,859498 0.193964 0.611043 0 0 0.@ 277.47 0.00 0.@ 2$7.67 727.31 0.@ 270.40 315.88 1021.02 0.00 0,00 0.@ 0.@ 1529.75 44.19 0,00 724.4O 72.00 2422,92 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 386.37 1356.32 3998.02 176.82 727.4t 156.51 ao7.a9 0.00 o.o0 767,72 0.00 59.35 0.00 !277.57 1149.80 0.m 0.00 0-00 0.00 l!4.97 2275.46 2794.74 1760.49 24.75 1732.O4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 564.97 2866.01 42.98 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 3436.29 ,75.47 2442.96 0,00 0.@ o.00 1.41 10.72 0.00 544.32 29_18 0.00 48,25 69.30 555.05 0.04 o.7f 0,13 4.13 554.91 83,56 5.94 179,33 28.35 1683,14 0.@ 0.00 0.4 0.51 0.65 0-51 215.68 132.99 2696_68 28.03 140.06 7.58 38.66 0,m 0.64 10.78 0.00 0.36 0.42 417_05 327.23 0.00 0.@ 3.82 0.@ 14.59 1125,31 726t.23 807,23 2337,44 0.09 0.@ 0.26 0_00 14_03 t79a,7t 42.55 0.00 0.m 0.sl o.m 0.00 2129.90 124.88 42.69 0.00 0,@ 0.00 216-06 -1o.77 0-00 1843.35 698.18 0.00 222.14 246.58 465.97 -0.04 -o.77 -0.13 -4.13 1074.E4 -39.17 -5.94 545.47 43,65 1139.7E 0.00 0.oo {.54 -0.51 {.65 -0.51 170.69 1223.33 1301.34 144,79 587.76 158,94 369.23 0_00 -0,64 191.93 0.@ 58.99 -0.42 800.51 422.57 0.00 0.00 -3.82 0.m 320.37 1150,15 937.51 953.25 24.01 1394.20 ,0.09 0.00 {.26 0.00 520.94 1067.30 o_42 0.00 0.00 {.51 0.00 0.00 1306,39 650.60 2400.24 0.00 0.00 Attachment l -Page347 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnrtalled Pv Nameplate ikwd.) Esrimated Pv ah.plate (lwac) 419A 7.2 3998 6/t1/11 z2too a/26/113:oo \t/2a/17 ?LIOO 9lt4/t1tt:Oo 2/ah7 tL:& zlto/tt 8:oo 5l7lt1 a:oo s/73/t7 SIOO al12lt17:oo l2lralr12a:& 12ltol77 t6:oo s/24/r7 \ztOO 1ll29l17 l0tOO 5123/t113:6 llro/t1 23to0 lzalt77:Oo 619h7 4:oO 'tt/6/71 21,tOO 17121|tl6t0o \2/29/117:@ 5/77177 7:oo a/75/t19:OO 6117lt7 t'tOO 2lr1/77 t9:0o 6/2/t7 1O:OO afiltl 4:oo 9/9/17ltt,O 5l24lr7 TtOO 5/261711o.@ U191714.Oo t1/?o/77 t9too 17/21/t1o:@ 6/3/1710r0o 2/6117 $ @ L/29/r7 2:@ 5l3ut7 6:00 9n ltl ltoo 77/LalL7 9,@ tzl1V77 21:oo s/7o177 ta:oo 9/1,4/17 L4:OO 12n/17 t3:oo a/27117 r2:oo 6/251119:00 3/2/tt to & L/5/1,7 4:@ 9lt3l771,oo 611/'L19:oo 2/2A/i rttoo 2/9/7r ta:oo 7/21/11 22:OO 7/ tltl 22:oo lOhZ/11 *@ 77/6177 8:00 9/4h7 lt:og 2ltl/t722:OO 2l2alr1 rL:Oo 3lal17 9:o0 6/4/D tttoo 6/77/11 21:oo al6/r1stOO rollltl aloo lo/25/t18:@ Lrha/1l9:Oo 2/t7l17 to:@ 716177 7r:@ t2l2oll7 t3:@ 9/5/tl2:0o P€r Unit Obtribut.d 5ol.r 0 0 o o-357222 o.472376 0 0 0 0 0 0.0773006 o.909227 0.0720505 o.875237 o 0 0 0 0 0 0,00649724 0.188914 0.932188 0 0.479579 0 0.4379€4 0.0101802 0.527041 0 0 0 0.411487 0.0247816 0 0 0 0 0 0.493249 0.445846 0.672238 0.632934 0.265617 o.2417t 0 0 0.181752 0.69636 0.0026741 0 0 0 0 0.41448 0 0.555149 0.0139417 o,477949 0 0 0 0 0 0.25E259 o_loo798 0.50116 0 0.00 0,m 0.00 1404,19 1EEE.57 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.@ o.@ 309.05 353s.11 288.10 3499.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.@ 0.@ 0.@ 25.98 755.28 3726.91 0.00 t977.37 0.00 1751.11 40,70 2to7.t2 0,m 0.00 0.00 1645.13 115.07 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 1972.O1 1782.90 zq1.62 2530.48 1061.94 974,36 0.@ 0.@ 726.65 27U.6 11.49 0.00 0.1)o 0.@ 0.00 1657.10 o.oo 2719.1$ 53.74 1911.01 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0,00 1032.s3 r202.60 2(rc3.65 0.00 1.02 0.38 0.00 346.69 267_4E 0.@ 0.26 1.28 0_43 0.00 92.61 2383.42 172,67 2422.55 2.57 0.@ 0.51 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.13 188.88 2419.77 0.0t) 998.65 0.51 804.06 1.66 743.47 0.00 0.00 0.25 848.07 0.90 0.00 0.51 0.00 72.15 0.@ 990.99 432.99 1049.34 t6a7_76 352.51 608,80 0.00 0.34 284.19 523.15 0.00 0,00 o_00 10.53 0_00 750.56 0.00 m34.54 t7.t! 1277.21 3.7t 0_60 0.40 0.00 100,73 129.29 76.53 424.4, 0.13 No.-ErFon.d lohr lkw) -1.02 "0.38 0.00 1017.50 1521.()9 0,00 4.26 -1.28 {.43 0.00 216.38 1251.69 115.43 1o76.57 -2.57 0.@ .0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.85 556.41 1211.14 0.m 918.72 -0.51 947.05 39.04 863.40 0_00 0.00 -o.26 791.06 l14.l7 0.00 -0.51 0.00 -7245 0-00 981.03 1349_51 16:14.28 912.17 709.13 365.56 0.00 {.:,4 412.46 2260.91 11.49 0.@ 0_m -10-53 0.@ 906.54 0.00 1181.25 38.33 693.80 -3.71 -0.50 'o ru) 0.@ -100.73 703.24 1126.07 777A.76 .o.t3 Syst.m Lfid (MW) Net5ynem !o.d (lvlwl 1755 1755 1755 1859 t798 t754 \754 t7t4 1754 l7g 1802 2024 2027 1753 1753 1153 1753 L751 1751 t754 1954 2060 1761 2029 t752 1987 t762 \924 1751 1751 1757 1944 t766 1750 t15A t750 1750 1750 2004 1837 2034 201? 1828 1749 1749 $79 1810 1165 1748 t74a t74a 7744 1982 1747 t85t 1749 2015 lTso t746 L146 t746 t747 1164 1755 1860 t745 1755 1755 1755 1754 t7s1 1154 1754 L7v 1754 1154 1754 1754 1753 1753 1753 1753 1753 1753 1753 1753 1753 1152 1752 1752 t752 1752 1751 1751 1751 1751 7757 1751 1751 1750 1750 t750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1749 1749 1749 t749 lf49 1749 1749 ,,749 1749 !148 1r48 1748 1748 7744 147 t47 1747 1746 tl46 t746 1146 tl46 1745 1745 1745 1745 Attachment l -Page348 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rBtalled Pv Nam.pr.r. (rwdc) Estrmat.d PV N.meplate (kwa0 4798 77 3998 Dale A Tm6 t2l15lL7 O:@ \zll5/17 o:@ 7/t217174100 5/t7/1713:00 5/24117 A:OO !212/77 7o:OO 12/28/17 74:00 211,5111 22100 al25/17 6:00 12/t3h' O:@ !23/77 21:OO 2124177 21:@ SlAl77 22:@ 6/to/t12:oo Al21/t15100 sl22lt7 76:00 12/7a/77 75:6 t2/22/71 75:@ 9/ltl1, a:cro t2llv $tOO 214/t7 9:@ AlL3/1,7 7:oo rc/$lt1 at@ 71127117 27:@ t2/?s/77 23:@ 2123/77 t5:OO Al19l77 tt:@ 2/9117 7o:@ 9lt1/t19tO0 s/7r/1,2r:oo r/1117 41OO Uzali 3:o0 6/74/77 ?.3too al6/717100 9lrlt7 3:@ 1O/31/17 8:00 2/4117 7L:oO l/12/17 77too 2l!6117 79:00 !s/77 22:00 5/r/!r 3:oo 1ol9l17 E:OO LZBA/71 7o:@ 5/26111 72too a/6/t16:00 8l1lt1 5:@ al,3/17 atOO !2/4/77 23:00 5176/77 l4:OO al21/77 9:@ 6/9/t7 stoo 7r/xo/1122100 t/22/t712:@ alLsltT TO|OO 2/20/77 7o:OO 6/25/\7 8:Ct0 5/24117 l4:oo 5/24/1-' 13:@ 7/25/17 stOO 1/27 /17 4:OO 7l2a/fi 4:@ 5l12/17 O:@ t/14/77 t:@ r7124/tt 4:@ 10/16/179r0O tt/17ltt 79100 L2/2/r7 7a:oo r/19/1716i00 P.r U.it Di!t.ibuted Sol.t 0 0 0.754063 0.90999 0.0695384 0.0179 023 0,430201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.854427 0.0354335 0.131323 0 0.0953!68 0.0132842 0 0 o 0 0.383039 0.605535 0.00174415 0.110309 0_0202874 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.128542 0,283008 0.00 0.00 3014.76 3638,15 z7a.o2 71.57 1719,95 0.oo 0,o0 0.00 0.00 0.@ o.m 0.00 o@ 3432_01 147_6 525.03 0.00 381.04 53_11 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 1531.40 2421.!1 6,99 i141.02 81_11 0_00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.m 513.91 1131.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 3467.30 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 1149.42 684.60 0.00 442.29 1559.72 401.02 256.72 3994.02 3974.23 0_m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 243_22 0.00 99.61 959.04 system Load (MW) Net Sy5tem toad (Mw)solar €xports (kW) Non Exported sorar (kW) t745 t745 1826 2048 1888 t755 1A36 t14J 1743 1743 1743 t743 2021 1831 7774 1752 11s2 l/42 t742 t742 1742 7741 fi24 2021 L19A 1775 t74l t74l 774! 1747 1741 t74t 1753 1a37 L714 t740 7740 1740 1743 t944 1739 1739 1739 1739 1846 1943 t71A 1718 t752 2014 l14l 1904 2009 2011 t731 1711 t717 tl37 t737 t737 r773 t739 t742 t77a 1745 1715 t745 t745 t745 7744 1144 L743 t74a 1743 1143 t74! 1712 tl42 t742 1742 1742 1742 7142 r742 L742 1742 1,742 t742 1142 t74! !141 1141, 1741 l74l 1741 t74t t74t 1741 1741 1740 1740 1740 ,74a tt40 1739 7739 1739 1739 1139 t719 1738 t738 t73a 1738 1738 9le 1738 t7l7 tl37 7737 7737 1la1 1731 t737 1711 t7!7 1,737 7737 7736 0_m 0.00 922.40 2316.64 60.66 14.17 212.10 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.77 0.89 2239.93 50.30 24.01 3.46 0.09 0_51 0.65 o_42 061 0.00 223.30 1183.05 8.70 26.94 819 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.27 0.38 0.13 57.72 99.32 o.26 000 1.66 0.00 25.86 1619,46 1.79 0,64 0.51 0_00 411.84 792.71 0.00 u.37 7L.62 76.26 63.10 2A24.66 2743.76 0.00 o.o7 o.m 0.90 0.38 0.00 2a t7 0.00 0.16 84.61 0.00 0.m 2092 36 1261.52 217_35 -2.54 1507.86 .0.26 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 477 .0.89 1192.04 91.36 500.96 -3.46 340.99 52.60 {.6S -0.62 .0.61 0.00 1308.10 1234.29 -t.71 414.08 72.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0,21 0.34 '0 13 456.70 1032.15 4_76 000 1.66 0.00 -25_86 t7a7.a4 -1.79 {.64 -0.51 0.00 717.54 496.33 0.00 117.92 926.10 384.76 193.61. 1173.36 1230.4a 000 -o 07 0.00 {.90 -0.38 0,m 250.05 0.00 99.45 474.41 0 0 o 0 0 o.467254 0 0 0 0 o.297503 0.17223s 0 0 o.770677 0.415136 0.100304 o,0642772 1 0.9940s o 0 0 0 0 0 0.0708348 o o0249147 0.239479 Attachment l -Page349 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports r.3tarred PvNampplat lkwdc) Esrimat.d Pv NEheptat. (Iwa.) 4798 1.2 3998 3lr/L177:oo al30/D ,atoo tol77/17 9:oo 2/75/17 6:00 9/t0lt1 Lt0o 2/10/7,77:@ 9/14/77 lsto0 713/t7 7:o0 12/71117:OO r2/1o/711,o0 6/5/17lo:oo 2126177 t7:oo t2l2alr7 ta:@ s/25/77 76t00 6lt7/17 74too 9/13/77 ro:oo 2/9h127:OO 2/25/716:00 a/$/17 3:OO 9l11lt7 221@ 2/17/\7 7o.oo L/72/Lt Ll:W a/t3117 9:oo 11/1s/17 u:@ 1124/rl t4tOO ll5/713:oo 1/2-tl71t:OO 212lt7 23:oo 2/7rlt7 21,:oo 2l25lt7 23:00 alt1/17 6:(n rrll5/r1 2Ot@ 5128/77 2otoo 1/7/11la:oo 6/lO/Lt 121co 5h2lt7 22:oo 2n /t7 78:OO 2/20/t1 2O:OO 3l3o/7127:@ 2/4/t7 !8:OO 5/24/71 77:00 2/a/77 17:oo t2/17/17 t7:@ t/28/112:OO 2123/t7 23:@ 5/15177 z3:oo 5lt6l77 t5:6 9/74/77 79too 1./20/1,7 79tOO 1125/71o.@ l/31/!17:@ 72/7/719:OO r1/2o/17 t1@ t2l16lr7 t4:00 3/2a/17 a:oo L/29/t7 t6:@ t0latlTT ,@ 9/74/t7 1o:oo a/1,1/11ltoo t2/2/r1 r9:oo a/7/tt t9:oo 1/30/77 9:oO 7/4/77 s:OO r/37/114:oo 2/qrr 6:00 2/27/!7 Z3]OO 8/t3/17 6tOO 5/rt/77 11:oo r780 1769 1758 1736 tTaa t749 LATl 1735 1735 1735 1966 1747 !831 l9fl 2041 1952 1734 1734 7734 1734 1735 7759 77{, 1774 1822 1733 7741 7713 1733 1733 1733 1733 1949 1766 1951 1712 1790 1733 r733tlal 2005 1753 1823 173-l r73l 1731 1831 1797 1740 1730 1730 1730 7712 1812 7712 1817 17!a 1820 t729 1729 1755 1945 7724 1728 t72a t72a 172a 1959 P.r Unit Oirtrabut d 5ol.r 0.454713 0.0543482 0.0436324 0 0 0_176157 0.01411t07 0 o o 0.521292 0.638304 0325441 0.788074 0.946648 0334604 0 o 0 0 0 0.0845417 0,ou5375 0.0420494 0.82t$ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.140E75 0.t8753r 0.49582 0 o.t2t774 0 0 0 0.757474 0.001815!1 0.33543 0 0 0 0.283961 o.725797 0 o 0 0 0.0730€18 o.7aaa26 0 0.295372 0 0.299325 0 0 0 0.202198 0 0 0 0 0 0.75trw 1417.95 777.45 0,00 0.00 712.28 56.53 0.@ 0.00 0.00 2092.13 2551.95 1701.08 1740.74 3745.52 135!.75 0,@ 0.00 0,00 0_00 0.00 338,00 194.45 164.11 3315.O8 0-@ 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 563.22 75,-t5 194230 0.@ 502.85 0.00 0.0t) 0.00 30?8.40 7.26 1341.05 0.00 0.00 0.0t) 1r35.28 502,94 0.m 0.m 0,00 0.00 292.18 2973.0! 0.00 1180.90 0.@ 1196_71 0.m 0-00 0.00 808.39 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 4032.29 274_@ 89.09 11.66 0.00 0.51 57.14 367.32 0-@ 6.53 0.oo 1085.27 50534 152.19 2052_18 2564.10 1&.6 0.@ 0.00 0.38 0.5/t 0.26 10,24 5-25 7@.92 57L74 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 o.97 0.m 121.19 5.12 1413.02 3.97 26.50 o.70 0.@ 0.38 1805.51 13.31 556.ito 0.00 0.00 0.26 388.46 59.26 0.@ 0.m 0,@ 7.68 10.11 7t2.61 0.13 243,32 2.43 146J9 1.61 0.00 o.14 193.d8 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0_m 1.33 2160.59 Non.Eeod.d 5ol.r {kW) 1543.96 12436 156.78 0.m {.51 545.14 .310,78 0.@ -5_53 o.00 r@5.86 2046.5' 1548.8!t 1098.55 t?.2t.12 9l!.09 0-00 o00 -0.34 -o.64 -0.26 321.76 189.21 67.19 2743.30 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.(m 0.00 {_97 0.m 442.03 745.03 569.28 -4.97 476.35 .o.70 0.o0 .o_38 1ZZ2.Aa -6.05 78r4.66 0.00 0.@ 4.26 746.A2 443.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 -7.68 ta2.o7 22@.42 -0,13 937.58 -2.4a 1049.72 0.@ -0.14 614.91 0_00 0.00 0.oo 0.@ -1.33 47L70 N.tsyst m lo.d (Mw) 1735 1736 1736 1736 t736 1735 1735 1735 17!5 1735 114' 1735 r735 1735 11a4 7714 1714 1734 7734 1734 7734 1714 !731 1733 1733 1733 t713 1733 77al 1r33 1733 1733 t732 1732 1732 t132 t732 t732 t712 1731 1731 1731 1731 1731 1731, 1730 1730 1730 l7:rc tTto 1730 1730 rr!0 1730 7729 tl29 1729 L729 t729 1729 1724 1724 t72A t72a 772E 1778 t12a Attachment 'l - Page 350 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled Pv NahEpl.i. llwdc) Ettrmated PV Nameplat. (kw.c) 4798 1.2 3998 P.r U.it Distributed Sol6r 0.275257 0.0104136 o.27A917 0.140903 0.0967X76 o 0 0 0 0 0.580533 0.330556 0.31a782 0 0 0 o 0 0.127265 0.453655 0_163559 0 0 0.00303749 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.117159 0.17134 0.209935 0_340498 0 0 0 0 0.529584 0.0314608 0,0572552 0.963163 0.00751323 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0445151 0,099879 0.691617 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.357181 0 0.0!ro292 0.57714 0 0 0 rl22/r713:@ lL/2olt1 to:@ 9/74/1717:oo 5/26/77 2o:@ 213/t115:@ rl2l17 !:oo L/2/t7 4:oo 7/3/t11tOO 12/r/112o:oo i/26/i 6:@ 5/26/77 t7:oO 5h5/\7 r3:oo 2l27lt7 r3:oo 3/7117 72:oo alla/r't 6to0 9/9117 ztoo rzh6l77 o:@ t2/10/1123:@ 7h9/77 rs:OO 5/12/17 t6:OO alslt| t9:oo 714/171:oo 7/5177 2:Oo 7/27/77 9:oo 2lt3/1123:@ 6ltl77 5:oO 8/24/!7 4:OO Lt/!9/r1 l9:oo ttl2olrT 9,oo 72/21/t7 t,@ 7?121/77 1 :0o l2/29/t711:@ 7l2olt171:@ t2/to/t1 7a:oo t/24/t7 tTtOO tol24/D a:oo lz/l7lt1 o:@ t2lt1 lL1 23,00 72/24/17 3:o0 5/5h1t6:@ 8l73ltt a:oo 1/30/11 15:oo 5/25/11 1s:oo 211/7176:00 2/12lt71:Oo 2l24lt7 6:00 6/6/17 2:0o 616117 6:00 9/31112:oo lr/8/117:oo 7r/77/77 2O:@ 12/aol119:OO 7r/2o117 7t:o0 12/23/17 7a:@ 5/lO/1717:oo rl2/712:oo 2/7/11r:oo 5lt7/r7 ltOO A/22/t7 6:00 U/8/1721:m D/2a/t-t o:@ t7/s/r7 t1:@ al2!t7 t9:oo A126/71a:oo L2/6/171?:@ 7/27/11a:oo 3/2/rt 22too al2l/111:oo 1763 1729 1835 1910 1777 777' 772' t777 \777 1,727 1935 1859 la02 1726 1725 7726 7726 7726 1744 $24 t74a t725 1725 !725 1725 1725 t125 1725 1725 1725 7725 lfTa 1751 1776 1814 t724 t7?4 t724 1724 1867 1753 t7a6 1964 1764 1723 t72a 1723 1lza 1771 1121 L721 1721 t72a !78' 7997 t722 lf77 1112 t722 1722 1722 1865 1740 1740 \847llzl t72l l72l N.t system Lo.d lMw)t2a 1724 r72a 1727 L777 1727 \'27 t127 7727 !127 t721 t717 t126 1726 1126 7726 7726 1726 L726 1725 1725 L125 7725 7725 7725 1725 1725 r725 7725 1725 !125 7725 7725 t725 1724 1724 7724 7724 7724 1724 \723 Ll23 1723 7723 1723 7723 7723 t723 1723 1723 1723 7723 !123 1,122 772? t7z2 t772 1722 1722 1722 1-l22 7722 1727 t?21 7121 1727 t771 772! 79.41 2.la 350.08 150.13 139.33 0_0! 0.03 0,00 0.09 0.m 1237.42 503.83 551,68 0.00 0.38 0.38 0.@ 0.@ 161.92 536,12 1.13 0.00 0.00 ,.5L 0.@ 1.15 o.14 0,00 0.19 0.00 0.18 0_38 15,10 0.oo 175.10 1.05 0.00 0.00 0.65 7414.80 5.66 107.05 2457.50 32.51 0.00 0.00 0.38 0-26 0.51 o.22 0,00 19.5E 10.59 159.79 7726.44 0.03 0.@ 0.54 0.38 0.00 0.00 770.07 0.75 2_69 7174.r7 0_00 0.00 1.27 Non-txport d sobr (kw) 7a0.79 39.46 165_25 413.21 247.43 -0.03 -0.03 0,00 -o-09 0.00 1043.56 e17.74 722.42 0.00 {-38 {.!8 0.00 0.@ 1146.49 7271.67 552.74 0.00 0,00 4.53 0.00 -1.15 -o.74 0.00 -0_19 0.00 {.18 468.02 669.92 839.32 1186.21 -1-05 0_00 0.00 {.65 542.89 r20.12 161.82 1383.25 -2.41 0.00 0,00 -0.38 {.25 -0.5r 4.22 0.00 -19.5E 167.38 229.53 1038.66 {.03 0.@ {.f,4 -0,38 0.00 0.00 557.95 o.75 93.40 1193.05 0_m 0_@ -1.21 860,60 41.61 1115,33 563.33 386.76 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 o.o0 2320.98 7327,51 1774.50 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 1308.41 1813,7! 653.91 000 0.00 12.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 468.40 645.02 839.32 1361.32 0,00 0.m 0.00 0.00 2117.59 125.18 268.89 3850.75 30.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 171.97 399.32 2765.L0 0,00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 o.@ 0.00 t424.02 0.00 56.09 2ao7,42 0.00 0,00 o.oo Attachment l -Page351 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports htlalled Pv I'Jameplate (kwdc) Estimated Pv Nam€phr. (kWac) 4798 1.2 3998 oa]. &Tims u/9/l78rCro 216/17 72:oo 5/25/77 7:oo s/t61777:N 2nlt17t:o0 1!28h1rO:N 6/4/t7 4:oo 8/28/17 7:oo 77/to/77 O:OO 9lt2lr7 7r:oo s/t2h7 !5:@ 7t/31/t7 71:00 alt3/779:oo 6/2117 9:OO 2/t /r,1 re:oo Lll/77 ztOO a/76/77 6:@ 12/29/17 21:oo 72/29/t7 12too 2/25/t7 79:00 9/9/17 9:OO 5l76lt1 72:v) 1/1a/17 a:@ 912/11 I\:OO 2/all7 27:oo 6/1h14:OO 9/1771:o0 9/91t7 7o:o0 6lLo/7111@ tt/7|t11,o:oo 8/76/t7 }w 9lLlr16:00 tl/29/117:Oo 6/l5lt7 7'@ t/tt/t7 74:00 2/2s/t7 1t:o0 5lz6lt7 75.00 5l25lt7 a:oo 2/77/t7 Ttoo a/2olt7 2:oo \2/21/17 a:oo 2/20/11 72:OO 5/ta/t7 2t:oo \l27ll7 2:oo \2117h7 6:q 72ltl71 77:oo 5/7?/11 r1:oo Uttlt-l9:OO 7l/ra/t, !9:@ l/22/t175:@ to/t2/77 9:@ 6/\Al11 73:O0 72lzrltl77.N 5/t6lL7 t6:@ 3/61!175tOO t/ltlr13:oo 2lllllo:oo ilaltt 3too r!/!7 /11 9:OO 5/3117 z2:oo t7/9117 9:& s/22/77 15:00 5/29/11 74:OO 7ol24l119:@ 2/27|]7 B:oo 9lt4/77 t6:@ 3/6/77 t6:oo r/19/11o:00 1721 7734 1735 7721 t729 1765 1120 1720 7720 1964 1829 7757 1856 1982 1753 17t9 77t9 1719 1ao4 !758 1717 la64 1808 1993 1718 tTta 1718 1883 1722 1818 t7t1 t717 7717 1974 7757 1828 19!2 ta76 1716 t7t6 l716 7742 tfz6 1715 1715 1750 la71 t7t4 t7t7 1752 1753 2019 lE47 1814 l7r7 1713 l7l3 1713 1713 t714 1774 2@? 1996 t732 1a02 1860 t157 t712 Nei sy(€m Load (Mw) P.r Unit Dstribut€d solar 0 0.556559 0.00756426 0 o.@849805 0.144167 0 0 0 0,340102 0.172395 0.257424 0.160475 0.269819 0 0 0 0 0.31@18 0 0.rca8tl 0.41a511 0.0399673 0.53975 0 0 0 0.281278 0,0121478 0.24885 0 0 0 o.7527E4 0.6709-t9 o,120275 0.ra3u o.olto167 0 0 0 0.261703 0,0167726 0 0 0.223953 0,174893 0.162107 0 0.225517 0,0872549 0.999747 0.4r5858 o.u7r4t 0.09253qt 0 0 0 0 o 0 0,920284 0.0499587 0.0426585 0.362051 0.227767 0 0,00 2275.13 30.24 0.00 33.98 592,37 0.m 0,00 0.00 r359.74 649.24 1030.79 641.54 7078.74 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 1239.46 0.00 435.03 1673.22 759.19 21,57,97 0.00 0.00 0.00 1124.56 49.37 994.91 0.oo 0.00 0.00 3009.65 26a2.59 2879.68 1456.55 28t.t7 0,m 0.00 0.00 1054.29 67.06 0.00 0.m 895,41 699.23 648,11 0.00 901.62 348,85 3597.21 1662.6r 1784.44 369.94 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35E3.70 3679.!2 t99_74 330.47 7447,49 884.63 0.00 o.17 76.75 t.79 0.00 38.30 142.7t 2.72 o,26 0.00 93234 667,75 1.66 106.12 18/.97 8.58 0.00 0.00 1_79 345.63 1.92 29.7t 629.19 12,74 1055.99 0.00 1.92 0.38 24O,27 o.3E 630.44 0.3E 0.26 0.00 1610.57 294,96 rc43.78 181t5.37 63.70 0,00 0.90 0_00 80_64 6.37 0.07 0.00 0.26 615.72 36.35 0.64 65-15 29.42 2250.99 5.52 44o.67 243.55 0.00 o.oo 2.72 21.66 0,00 27.39 2540.09 1147.29 13.10 34,69 507.52 157.36 10.21 tlon-Expon d Solar (kw) -o,?7 2149.91 2a.49 0.00 -4.32 150.24 ?72 -0.26 0.m 4.11.36 22.O9 1029.12 535.46 @3.77 -8.54 0.00 0.00 -7.tt 893.53 -1.92 405.32 l043-43 727,65 1101.9E 0-@ -1.92 -0.38 81t4.35 44.94 164.42 -0.38 -0.25 o.@ 1398.97 2387,63 1795.90 -3Aa_Et 220.41 0.00 -0.90 0.@ 973.65 60.68 4.O7 0.00 a95.tt 83.50 611.76 -0.64 435.47 319.02 rt45.22 16s7_09 1347.81 126.39 0_00 0_(p -2.72 -22.66 0,00 -77.19 1143.60 1432.02 u6.64 295.18 939.97 727.27 ,10.21 772t 7721 tf77 1127 7120 L720 7720 7170 7720 7120 7720 171,9 L7t9 17t9 1719 1719 17L9 1719 17t9 17t9 77lA ,774 1718 t71A 1718 1718 77tA 1?18 1718 7J77 t777 !t!1 !7L7 t7t7 77t6 11t6 t7t6 t716 1776 t776 1716 \1t5 1715 7715 t715 1715 1715 l7t4 1714 l714 r714 tTll 1713 t773 1773 1773 tl7t L17a 1713 t713 1713 1772 1772 lt72 7772 1117 117',1 t712 0 92138 Attachment l - Page 352 l.ttall.d PV Na meplate (kwdc) tetimated try Nam.plate ltwac) 4798 7.2 3998 1/27/t1!:N rl3tl\12:@ 2/20/119:6 a/26/U 7:oo 7124111 16:00 6177/1t 1?:oo 2/]0/77 TIOO AlL9/t a:oo 2/16/17 12:00 9174177 r8:@ 2lLtl77 r9:oo 6lt5lt7 9:OO 2/27/t7 B:oo 5111/t7 4:oo t2lt1lt7 5:@ 77/a/t7 7t:oo 5/51|t 73:oO ahsltr T:oo Ltl79/1,1 7o:@ 72/9/111too t2/2rlt7 O:@ 2l1lt7 74:oO 3/3/t7 7o:o0 z/t3/11 17:oo rl26ltl o:oo s/23lti o:oo 612117 2:og 6179/77 2:@ a/25/17 4:@ 7l2O/11 11:00 5l2lt7 t2:OO 8/24/7, s:oo 12/72/17 o:oo tl5l!7 r9:oo 5/25117 O:oo t7/t7/t12r:0o \2124/!12:@ 5/25117 t4:@ 3/30/17 tg:oo 7/24/U ts:oo 5181t127:oO 1,o/2s/r7 9:N 5l24h7 to:oo !29/17 t5:@ L/Z4l!16:@ al2Y717:OO 2/72/17 r1:oo rl72/17 Tttoo 4lLo/t7 a:oo t2/r/17 7L:00 7/15/t7 7:@ $/13l17a:oo ol2alti s:oo 7/t9/116:00 2/74/17 2r:Oo altlLT 27:oO 9/12/177:o0 5/r7/17 27:00 312/7119:oo 1/10/170:00 5/27/t7o:oo al26/t7 4:oo t1/2/!7 2otoo 5/3o/rr 9:00 9l!/t1r2:oo 2122/1111:@ 413/D a:oo 1/30/1,7 7a:oo 17t2 7712 77t2 t1l2 t193 2015 \727 7141 1130 LA24 17a2 1779 t77l 1711 1711 1713 1710 1710 1710 L770 1710 t769 1781 1841 r709 1709 1709 1709 7709 1770 1982 1704 1708 1709 170-l 7707 7m7 1953 7731 179! 1723 1724 $74 1795 t106 1706 1a12 t7a9 1710 17,4 r705 1705 1705 t704 t704 1704 17011 tTLO t7z? 170t 1703 1703 1703 1911 l9al 1737 17t0 1745 Net syn.m I@d {Mw) \771 1772 t772 1172 17'7 1712 t712 171r t7t1 1711 tTLl 1711 1711 1711 l7\t 1711 1710 17r0 1710 1710 1710 77tO t7t0 17tO 170!l 1709 7709 1709 1709 77Ct !7@ 17@ 1704 1704 1707 1707 770' 1707 1707 tml 1707 t706 1706 1706 1706 1706 1706 7706 7m6 1705 t705 1705 1705 770{ 770A 1?04 7704 1703 l70a 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1702 1702 \702 P.. Unit DLtributed 5o1., 0 0 0.0359555 0 o.5774a2 0.835224 0,295358 o.o2zl129 0.0559E16 0-250266 0 o,24t2A 0 0 0 o.27197 0 0 0 0 0 o,410749 0.166!68 0.763116 0 o 0 0 0 0.304721 0.813903 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.861189 o.0279273 0.714413 0.0139925 0.0425236 0.546414 0.2EEtos 0 0 0.54565 0.669692 0.00611957 0.15595€ 0 0 o o 0 0 o 0 o.0125667 0 0 0 0 0.273052 0.594364 0.0350879 0 o.!11709 0.00 0.m 143,75 0.00 23{a.79 3339.24 1180.85 48.65 221.42 10rl{,.55 0.00 964.61 0,00 0.@ 0_@ 851.46 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.@ 1682.16 664,34 3050.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 12u.28 3254.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 3{43.05 111,65 29?6.|E 55.94 770.47 2184.58 1153.05 0.00 0.00 254135 1677.44 24,47 623.56 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.@ o.00 0.00 0.00 130.20 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 1091.71 2376.10 140.28 0.00 446.62 0.15 0.m 5,t2 451.39 2079,49 173 63 5,89 49.E5 247.17 0.13 194.75 0.64 0.64 0.@ 342.85 0.38 0.53 0.00 0,00 0.00 134.13 565.83 1517.56 0.@ 0.26 0.51 0.51 0,00 471.E7 2172.19 0_51 0.00 0,42 1.56 0.00 0.m 2S5t.7X 20.61 610.05 13.43 1078,99 672.m 0,00 0.90 908.118 750.09 1.92 229.U o,4 0.lE 0-@ 0.00 o.o0 0.oo 0.38 0,00 0.@ 0.00 o.26 1.05 0,00 386.13 1486.75 20.10 o.E7 12.5X Nor.Exported solar (kw) .0.15 0.00 138.53 1857_39 1259.75 100r.22 s2.7S 173.96 751.14 .0.13 769.89 -0.64 -0 64 0.00 508.61 -0,38 -0,53 0.00 0-00 0.00 1548,03 98.51 1533 39 0.00 "0.26 -0.51 .0.51 0.00 '/46.4t 1081.82 -0.61 0.00 .0.82 -1.66 0.00 0.@ 891.33 91.05 236513 51.21 156.98 1105.59 480.35 0.00 -0.90 1672.49 1927-35 22.55 394 52 -0.64 .0.18 0.00 000 000 0.00 -0.38 0.00 130.20 0.m -0.26 .1.05 0.00 705,58 849.55 120.19 4.67 174 09 Attachment l -Page353 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rniiall.d Pv Naneplate (kwdc) Estimated Pv Nam.plit. (kwa0 4798 1.2 3998 D6re & Tim6 3/30/71 tztoo 21281116:00 ,tlt4/t7 2o:oo lll2/17 16:00 ttlllt17a:6 L/22/r114:@ 2/7o/a1 2o:oo 5/2o/r1 27:oo gl25lt7 s:@ trnolll 8:@ L2/22/tr O:@ 6ltLlt177:@ 10/18/179:m 212/tl otoo a/6/17 23:oo 6ho/11a:@ al22/77 3:@ 7t/14/r7 79:@ l2l7/171,4100 t2l4lr1 7t,o0 3nr/t7 8:@ 7/28/t1 Lz:oo 3l3o/t7 16:00 a/3olt7 2o:@ t2/2ltt 7t:oo 5/3r/17 5:Oo ttllall7 a:@ t2n/17 5:oo 12/11117 st@ 2/9/77 t2:oo 2122/17ll:@ 5/5117 75:oo 6/lo/ri 73:00 3/a/D 1:00 5173/1121:@ 6/71/17 o:oo 9l7A/11 21:OO 7215/716t0o 5/t2h7 r2:OO 2/4/t7 77:oo 7tl2olt1 11:@ 5/12/17 1,4:OO lall? 4.OO !22117 2!:oo 6/2/17 6:00 a/71/714:oo 916177 2:oO 9/t3/17 l.cto tUtT/11a,@ 4lltltT 8:oO 7/21/17 9:OO 5126/77 ta:oo 9/10/17 t3:OO 5/t471a:@ 1/4/771:oo 2/4/t7 Z2:0O 2/27177 5:o0 a/l/17 stOO t2/27/r1r:o0 u2z/t1 \6:00 L2/2o/17 74:00 2/a/i 76:@ 7l/20/17 13:OO 2lt2l1123:@ 6/lo/t7 6:007 !al' 2O:@ 1.2/76/17 6tOO 3/8/171o:oo lTza t70z t702 1795 1757 t755 1701 1701 t70t !701 1701 1797 t730 1700 1700 1700 ,700 7700 1795 t76t t7u 1785 1755 170t 1r45 1699 169:t 1699 1699t7lt 1750 1858 1939 r698 1698 1698 1698 1698 t8?4 7727 7705 18s8 1697 l6t7 1697 7@7 7687 7697 7691 tl12 1932 1921 r969 1750 1695 1696 1696 1696 1695 1743 1813 1723 7717 1695 1695 1695 1695 1710 N.t systcm Lo8d (Mwl 1102 1702 1702 1102 1102 r701 1701 1701 r701 1701 1701 l70l t7@ r7m 1700 1700 17(rc 1700 17@ 17@ r7@ 17m 1699 r699 1699 1699 1699 1699 1699 1699 1699 1698 1698 1698 $94 169E 1698 1694 1698 1697 1697 1697 t697 1697 1697 1697 1697 1697 1697 1597 1697 t697 1695 1696 1696 1695 1696 1696 1595 1696 1595 1696 1695 1695 1695 1695 1695 1595 P.r Unit O3tribut.d !ol.r 0.0477855 0 0 0.507887 0.167015 0.213588 0 0 0 0 0 0.2056 0.0599731 0 0 0 0 0 0.712789 0.366822 0 0.E24219 0.0650313 0.0038&82 0-109045 0 0 0 0 0.135161 o.497107 o.661272 0.616081 0 0 o 0 0 0.555613 0.0942E65 0.0593531 0.0@1045 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01454la 0.224505 0.473541 o,199727 0-0651242 0 0 0 0 0 o,171779 0-5559E2 0.0744513 0.0344!s2 0 0 o 0 o.t1,?7a 191.05 0.@ 0.00 2030.54 C67.7t 853.93 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 821.99 239.71 0.@ 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 2449.73 1466.56 0.00 3295.25 26,.@ 75,23 435.95 0,00 0.00 0.m 54l)_38 1988.64 2*7,r7 2463.11 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0_m 222!.33 375.95 737.30 240.30 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.14 897.58 1893_23 3193.37 2@.37 0.00 0.00 0.@ o.@ 0,00 646.78 29.77 t37.61 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 562.63 97,13 0.00 0.00 410.52 0.@ 75.X9 0.m 0.45 0.@ 0.05 0,00 363.93 20.44 0.m 0.@ 1_02 0.51 0.00 934.75 ,?4.90 0.67 770.45 96.16 3.45 176.70 0.51 0.13 0.11 0.@ 50.42 604.87 1560.66 L142.41 0_25 4.05 1-62 0.85 0.00 794.68 136.45 0.38 680.55 0.@ 0.@ 0,51 o.97 o.26 o_51 o.z5 4_35 211.19 1862.70 1730.48 20.26 0.00 0.00 0-@ 0.@ 0,64 20.22 975.77 a6.a2 25-34 o_00 0.90 0_m 0.00 186.24 Non-E)oorted Sohr (kw) 9392 0.00 0.m 1620.02 661.7t 774.54 0,00 {.86 0.m -0,05 0.@ 454_06 2 -93 0.@ 0.00 -1.02 -0.51 0.m 1910.99 141.* 4.67 2574.79 163_44 11.78 259.26 -0.51 {.13 {.11 0.00 !49.96 1383.77 1rc7.1r 1320.69 4,2' -4.05 -1.62 -0.85 0.@ 1426.@ 2ito.51 235.91 .440.25 0.@ 0.00 -0.5r -0.97 ,0.2E -0,51 -0.26 53.79 645.39 30.53 12162.49 240.11 0.m 0.00 0-oo 0.00 -0.64 566,55 1297.06 -66.55 !12.33 0.00 -0.90 0.o0 0.00 376.39 Attachment l -Page354 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstarred PV N.m€plat€ {kwdc) Estimated Pv ameplatc (lwa.) 4794 t.2 3998 211/77 t7:oo 5/77/77 to:oo 9/Ul1a:@ 6151711:@ 6/t6l!7 r:oo altaltl4:oo 1.ll2o/17 7o:@ 3/6/t7 74tOO 5lL2/t77:oo 7123h7 6tOO 72/22/17 2}@ A/26/17 9:@ 5/25/t7 17:oo 3/30177 17:00 70/4/!7 9:00 3l3ol77 1o:oo a/26/77 t0:@ 112/716:@ a/9/7173:@ dhtlrl t:oo 10/10/u8:0o 1.1/!5/71 79:@ 72/20/71 76:@ 72/75/1' 14:@ r/7t/7-J 77tOO 5/25/17 74:oo 2/9/t7 77:oo 1,lt2lt1otoo 2/26111 2!:o0 t2/22h7 6:N t2/t7/77 7Z:@ 7/e/17 72:o0 8/79/177:o0 2/70/77 r9:oo 2/211!114:oo 2/117177:oo 12/25/71 77:oo 2/15171 12:oo tlt2ltl5:@ r/251t? 4:Og 7/16/77 22:oo A/$lL1 4:oo 9lul7 4:oo r2lr/712L006l t7 r:oo tl4/17 2:oo U2o/17 o:oo 9/8/771:@ 77/L7/77 5.@ l2/27/r1]4:e 7/24h7 72:@ 17127 ltt !A:@ 4l4lt7 7.oo sl26lt7 t:oo 9/l?/17 Ltoo 9/tt/71 27:Oo 6/70/71 t9:oo 5h4lL7 9tOO 215/71 1o:oo sllslu a:@ 51t217171,@ 6/13/17 a.@ x/3oh7 t1:6 2/t7/t7 21,00 6/79/77 6.00 ll/\9/779:@ 7ol73ltl9:@ 919/17 a:oo 1700 $51 1705 1694 1694 1694 1694 1754 17@ r693 1693 1833 1973 1745 1699 1700 1943 1692 1592 r692 1692 1692 1819 1740 1753 1915 170€ 1691 1691 1691 1818 1738 1592 lt04. 7167 t717 1734 1805 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1690 1907 1689 1689 1689 1689 1819 1810 1,17 t6a8 1648 1648 1688 1954 1943 1690 tTaa 1790 1744 1710 r687 1687 1687 1701 1692 Net synem toad (Mw) Per unat Diitribur.d sol.r 0.00864025 0.390533 0.00393729 0 0 0 0 0.481303 0 0 0 0.161509 0.84164 0.1899?6 0.6443179 0,0004883a 0.375935 0 o 0 o 0 0.545671 0.397314 0.0397554 0,984104 0.0253167 0 0 0 0.532455 0,372@1 0 0 0.421963 0.0153871 o_227346 0.552671 0 0 0 0 o 0 o.292241 0 0 0 0 0,729358 0.57620s 0.16424 o 0 0 0 0.336031 0,292244 0.00182883 0,0694119 0.0173199 0-0460374 0,182416 0 o 0 0.0310153 0 34.54 1561.35 15.74 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m 1924.16 o.m 0.m 0.@ 6,,5.7' 3524.98 759.53 19.33 1.95 1507,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 o.(rc 0.m 2:t41.53 1588 47 156.94 393437 101.22 o.@ 0.@ 0.00 2124.17 1487.59 0,00 0.00 1687,02 61.52 909.09 2249.57 0.@ 0,00 0.@ 0.@ o_@ 0.m 1164_39 0-00 0-00 0.00 0.00 2915.99 2!03.58 656.64 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0,00 1343.46 1158,40 7.31 2n.51 69.25 343.94 729,30 0.00 0.00 0.00 124.@ 0.00 Solar Erports lkw) Non Erported solar (kw) 1695 1694 1694 1694 1694 1694 1694 1694 1693 1693 1693 1693 1691 r692 t692 1692 1692 1692 1692 1692 1692 1692 1692 1692 7692 7692 1692 1691 1691 1691 1691 1691 1691 1691 1690 1690 1690 1690 t610 1690 1690 1690 1690 I690 1649 1649 1689 1689 1689 1689 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 1688 1638 16aa 1647 l6€7 L6A7 1687 1647 1687 1687 1687 68.80 534.48 2.69 0.26 0.64 0.51 0.00 298 L1 3,71 0.00 0.00 126.53 2294.70 109.38 2.30 18.69 967,OO 0.00 0.54 o.26 0.oo o.oo \79.46 66.05 21.16 2037.79 4.48 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 680.25 422.75 0.63 0.00 548.80 62.93 0.13 1110.79 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.26 0.00 424.01 0_m 000 038 0.00 1154.95 1284.13 0.13 0.@ 0.82 038 0.00 557.71 388.82 22.74 39.20 300.13 16.62 102.12 0.00 0.26 61.1L 9.34 l.l1 -x4.26 t026.E7 13.05 -0.26 .0.64 -0.51 0.00 1526.09 -3.71 0,00 0.00 519.19 1226.27 650.15 t1.02 "16.74 939.99 0.m -0.64 ,0.25 0.00 0.00 2162,06 137.18 1897,18 96.14 o.@ 0.00 0.00 1448,52 1065.44 -0.63 0.m 1138.22 ,1.41 904.97 r138.7E -0.13 0.00 0.00 -0.38 -0.26 0.00 744.37 0.00 o.0o {.38 0.00 776t.O4 1019,55 556.51 0.m {,42 -0.38 0.00 785.69 779.57 -14.83 238.31 -2n.aa 317.36 627,74 0.00 -0 26 -67.f1 114.66 -t.t7 Attachment l -Page355 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnitall.d PV N.Beplate (kwdcl Estimat.d Pv Nameplate {kwac) 4794 1.2 3998 Per unit oistributed sol., 0.406101 o 0 0 0,43A406 0.140852 0.40483 0.88014 0 0 0 o 00515744 0.5753E9 0.00125574 0_372586 0.0117981 0.m87565 0.00365264 0.0971912 0.700553 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.563955 o.521742 0.735982 0.397537 0.0211405 0.376849 0.@58455 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0_126564 0.0268861 0.0?58008 0 0.074!055 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,954921 0.000307833 0.449022 0 0 0 o 0.138954 0.00174311 o.741656 0.0534997 0 0 D6te & rms 72n17711:oo 716177 22:6al$lll 4:00 7116/71 22:00 zltllll IO:OOr/rllu 75too a/$/77 lotoo 5/26/!1 76tOO 2/78/71 79too 2/!112r:oo 6177/11 23:oo 7!r1/r7 2l:@ rl/t3/1717:OO 5126/11 7a:oo 6/$lr, ?:0o1nli 7r:@ 6/1!717:(n sl3/t7 2t:@ 5/12/11 7t:o0 LhLlrT 76:00 6/tiltl 7t:0o 2/20lt7 U:OO 2/281t12L00 s/r1/77 o.oo 5119/1-122:@ 614177 s:oo 9/t/17 5:@ Dftlt7 O:OO t2l74lt7 t:oo t2h5ll7 3t0o 5l!?/17 l3:oo 6/7r/1l rttoo 5/25/77 tTtOO t2129117 t3:oo s/2o/17 27tOO tulglll tTtOO 2/7a11, tt:(fr tl|ohr 23:OO 2lzol71a:@ 614177 6:A0 6/tO/111:OO 77191711,o0 72nltl o.@ L2lt9lr7 6t@ s/5lti t2:oo 2/7e/P rc:00 lsalti tt:00 Us/17l9:@ 6hll7 a,OO 2125117 7:@ s/r4/!7 2:O0 a1751116:00 tol2ltT A:OO 1o/4/i a:oo r2l9/77 o:@ 5/25/1,r L3:OO 9/7a/77 2o:oo r2/7a/77 t3:oo 319/77 a:oo t7/9/17 tg:Oo LY15/17 2tOO t2/7x/1,1 t:oo 5/27ltr 2O:oO al,7 2o:oo 5l26lt7 77:oo 1t/20/t7 7s:@ 2l$ll? zotoo !/6/7t6:@ l80l 1686 t6a6 1646 l71o tt24 1935 1915 1696 1685 1685 1585 1697 1918 1688 7712 r689 1701 7703 7724 7942 1684 1684 76,]/ 768/ 1684 1684 1684 !684 1684 1870 1859 1964 1777 1693 7761 7694 1683 1643 r583 1683 1683 1683 1683 1845 1684 1698 1687 17a2 1682 1682 1582 1682 1682 1682 1948 1684 1S02 1541 16al 1681 1641 1901 1643 r9u 7712 1640 1640 Nct sytt.m Lo.d (MW) 1686 1686 1586 l6E6 1685 1685 1645 16a5 l6E5 1685 16a5 1685 t6a5 l5a5 1545 1645 1545 16€9 16E4 1684 168'1 1584 t68a 1664 1684 t@4 l58rt $44 l6a{ 1644 t6E4 1644 1684 1683 1643 1543 15E3 1683 1683 1683 158! 1663 1683 1683 1683 1683 l6t3 1683 1682 1682 r682 16E2 1682 1682 1582 1682 t6E2 16E2 1641 1581 15al 1661 1681 16at 1680 t6a0 l6E0 !680 32.82 0.@ 05t 0.m 414.29 419,09 612.46 tao1,27 0.00 0.25 0,53 0.1! 0,38 1010.28 2-65 56.8! 2.69 11.18 207.98 1635.78 0.00 0.00 2.15 0.@ 2.85 0.25 0.00 o.oo 0.00 786.6E 952.11 1781,48 !58.98 5,12 45_25 0.00 o.u 2.46 1.02 0.00 0.00 0.23 762.62 12,80 47.20 0.00 86,69 o.@ 1.28 0.3t 0.@ 0.51 0.00 2524.99 3.44 532.75 o.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 152.13 0.00 1532.19 6.02 0.00 0.00 ilon-Erpon.d 5ol (lwl 1590_78 o.oo -0.51 0.00 1334.47 144.U 1005.05 1711.55 0.00 -0.26 -0.53 -0.13 205.81 1290_14 2.17 1433_17 12.71 32.32 3.43 180.60 1165.05 0.00 0.00 -2.1s 0.00 -2.85 4.26 0.00 0.00 0.oo 1468.03 1155,58 1161.00 1230.79 79_40 1501.91 297.97 0.@ {r.64 -7.16 -1.02 0.0o 0.00 {_23 -256.61 94-69 15.95 0.@ 226.34 0.00 -7.24 -0.38 0.00 {.51 0.00 1292.80 -2.?l t422.17 {.26 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 403_41 6.97 1455.95 207.88 0.@ 0.00 Attachment l -Page356 1523.60 0.@ 0.00 0.00 1752.76 553.13 1518.52 351a.82 0.m 0.@ 0_00 o.@ 206-20 2:too.42 5.02 1490.01 47.t7 35.01 14.50 388,57 2E00.E3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ o_@ 0.m o.@ 2254.70 2to7,69 2942,47 1569.75 u.52 1506_65 3!.3.22 0,00 0,(,o 0.oo 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0,00 50€.01 107,49 103.15 0.@ 313.07 o.@ 0.@ 0.00 0,m 0.@ 0.00 3817,79 1.23 1955.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 555.!4 5-97 2989.14 213,89 0.00 0_00 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnttalled Pv Nam.plate (kwd.l E t,mrr.d Pv Nam.plate {kwad 419A 1.2 3998 12/3o/t7 t1:0o 9/2/!19:OO 5/30/77 a:oo !212t/77 t3:@ 6l\0/17 5:oo t7lt5lt17too t2/t7/t7 ot0o 2/27/r79to0 6ltaltl22:oo 1o/9/r7 9:@ 9126/t7 t9:cn a/2o/77 t2t0o 2/26/77 t7:oO ltl2ol77 l4:@ 2/71/1-t rltoo !9/r7 6too 7/2s/t7 ltOO 2/6/r7 Ttoo a/21/r7 a:@ lolslrl8:@ rt/79/77 2l:OO 1,2/21/77 5:@ \t/1o1119:@ 6l70hl ta:oo 6/3/\7 7:oo t2/11/t7 76t0o 2/70/t7 t8tgo 5l2alt7 tg:oo xl6lt7 tz:N 5/71/17 2t:oo 7/3/17 2o:oo 6/7a/r12:Oo 9114177 7:oO !\17f/17 \9t0o 6l74lr-t 2o:oo 2/26/t7 lzt9o 316/t7 73tOO 7/76/17 5:@ 2/rt/718:N a/26/77 5:oO 12/2r/17 5@ tz/25/77 6t0o 1tl79lt7 $t@ a/t6/t7 5too a/26/t16tOO 9ft/17 7:@ tr/291t123:@ t2l2/t7 27:OO 5/7!/t7 tt:@ a/79/119:oO 1l27ll7 2a:OO 51301771:OO a/2a/17 6:00 9/a/77 6t9o 9/9177 3too t!74l77 a:oo ,.1/2a/17 22:00 2127/t7 t?:OO 9/17/tt ll:Oo 5/25/!7 IO.OO 6lto/17 ta.oo 1l2sl17 2:oo 2/4171A:OO 6/7/171:oo aha/17 5:@ al22l77 a:OO 9/11,/17 o:oo 2/6/77 IX:OO 7716 1800 1802 1863 1679 7679 l6E 1680 I680 1734 1925 1950 7709 1710 7715 1678 1678 t6n 1678 7674 l57A 7674 1580 1913 1695 7754 7697 1951 !792 1700 7677 76t1 1677 1817 7743 1768 7576 !616 7676 1676 7676 1690 t615 1675 1675 1575 1675 1943 1840 7674 1674 1674 1614 1614 76t4 7674 7744 1964 1955 1921 1673 1673 7671 7673 1673 7673 7702 Itlt Sysllm Lo.d (MW) l6ao 15aO 1579 t6E 1619 1679 t679 1679 7679 1679 1679 1578 1678 t6r8 r678 l67A 1578 7674 7674 1678 1578 1678 t6ra 1678 1517 !617 1577 7577 7671 t677 1677 L5n$n 1617 1677 !576 1575 7675 1676 1676 1676 !675 1676 1675 t675 7575 1675 1575 1675 1675 1614 l67l 1674 1674 1614 1574 7674 l6f4 1674 1674 1671 1673 1673 1673 1611 !673 1673 1672 P.r Unit Dlstrlbuted 5ol!r 0.315652 0.140753 0.0746986 0.678105 0 0 0 o.20t47L 0 0.095689a 0.362355 0.675512 0.115889 0.0933581 0,411019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.611876 0.006535E5 0.346756 0.0257004 o.a52?23 0.191526 0.0233555 0 0 0 0 0.130571 0.564105 0.0804503 0 0 0 0 0 0.0675171 0 0 0 0 0 0.587!67 0.179821 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0.197111 0.566928 o.$4472 0.977002 0 0 0 0 0 o 0.0139995 7262,O2 562.77 298,65 2711.08 o.0o 0.@ 0.00 E05.49 0.00 386.5' 1/t48.70 2701,11 453.33 373.25 1643.26 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 2446.29 34,13 1386.34 r02.7, 1410.lt 765.73 93.38 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.m 522.03 2255.30 321.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 2r0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 2f4A.t7 718.93 o.oo 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.0t) 7E6.05 2266,59 2135.23 3905.08 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 55.97 t72.to 113.35 63.44 1772.70 0.90 0.10 0.00 65.97 o.26 45.42 505.61 t462.74 37,63 20.r4 5t7,26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.34 1_15 0,00 50.0E 1147.10 6.05 25.47 2.05 452.71 s12.53 2,69 0_00 1.15 0.68 0.51 107.3'l 475.1,4 512.44 0.00 0.@ 0.51 1.07 o.24 o_00 0,38 0.00 0.51 0.@ o_00 1675.13 166.63 o.o0 1.21 0.13 0.52 0.54 0.00 1.28 277.16 11a5.53 1056.76 227X.97 0,00 0.00 0,64 0.64 0.51 0.38 152.58 Non-aporr.d slar (kw) r069.93 449.42 235.21 r538.38 -o.to -0.10 0.00 739.37 o.26 310.74 943.10 63t.37 425.69 352.51 1126.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.54 {,38 '1.15 0.@ -50.08 1299.20 24,04 1350.87 loo.70 957.44 253.19 90.69 0.00 -1.15 {.68 -0.51 414.68 1780,13 -210.80 0.@ 0.@ -0,51 -1.07 -0.24 270.3:l .0.38 0,00 -0.51 0.m 0.m 1072.3t 552.30 0.@ -1.21 -0.13 -0.52 -0.64 0.00 .!.28 566.29 1@1.06 1078.47 !632.16 0.@ 0.00 -0,64 -0.64 {.5r .o.34 -95.61 Attachment 'l - Page 357 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports r.!t.x.d Pv N.m.Plrt. lkwd.l Estim.ted t'V l{.m.pl.te {kw.c) 4794 1.2 3998 0€!6 & T,me 1r/5ll7ll:@ r/21/1, t3t0o 9lrtl179:w 2/10171271cD 5116177 21:@ 9/141717,@ 77/5177 2o,oo l!/LA/17 2!:oo 1z/t5/t7 1:@ 9l2l17 to:oo ttl?o/|1 t2:@ sh2/719100 ?14/1MtOO 2/22117 z1:@ 5/71177 73:OO all547 3.@ 8/19/715:oo 2h9lt7 2O:@ Ltl29lt7 tt:oo 7n5/771:(n a/17lU 5.00 912/714.oo 9/51!7 6.00 t7/1ltt 22:6 ttl14l17 9:@ \2/6/17 OOO 17/tt/77 6:00 Xl4/17IO:OO 5/to/17 16:00 s/t71r179:@ !2holL7 75:6 s/221t714@ 4114117 9:@ 9ls/17 3t@ 9n/17 2:oo l?/8/l1s:oo 3/a/17 2OIOO2l!t s:oo 5/26/t15tOO 6/617f 5t0o 1t127lt172:@ 5h2lr710:00 6ltsl1174:@ 6/ttlt7 15:@ 72/?5/11 75100 2/5/7127too l0/l2l!1 zt:N rzl74/114:@ 5/6/77 21,:@ 6l17/17 16:00 2l2olL1 t3:oo lu?o/77 16:@lt/ali t too 2/21/i a7:Oo 6/t9/t7 S:OO 9l6lt7 6t0o lgl4/r7 27:OO 7z/21fl AOO 72/21/77 otOO 2l7a/77 tztoo 1/ao/77 9:oo 12116117 71:@ ril27 ltt 9,o0 2/16/t7 73:@ 2/25/17 otoo slr7l7123t@ 613117 4t0o 6/6117 4:o0 t72C 1128 1810 t672 1677 t672 !672 !672 !572 1905 1783 1818 1682 1671 1677 1571 1671 7672 7749 1570 7610 1670 1670 7670 1670 1670 1570 1671 7917 77ta 1400 1963 1703 1659 1669 1669 1670 1668 r568 1558 1668 1705 1936 1821 1707 1667 1667 1667 r693 1798 1706 $44 1694 1665 1666 1665 1666 1566 1666 7579 1564 1799 1645 7697 1665 1665 1665 1665 rid Syst.m Load lMw) t67Z t672 1572 t612 t672 7572 !577 7677 1672 1672 1677 1671 t677 7617 l57t !57t 1671 1671 1670 1570 1670 1670 7670 t6m 1570 1670 1570 1670 1670 7670 !670 7670 1659 1669 1569 1669 1669 r668 l5(a 1568 1668 l66a 1658 1654 1668 t667 1567 t66t 1567 1667 1567 1566 1666 1666 1666 1655 1666 1655 1666 1656 1666 1655 1555 1655 1655 1665 1655 1665 Pn Unlt Obt buted solar 0.417635 0,52154'a 0.141536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.345422 0-38543t 0.1a6:t43 0.00183555 0 0 o o 0 0.214708 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.@494585 o.7957f7 o.227592 0.692021 0.934321 o.ya7n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.u422 0.824794 0.03E4323 0.385741 0 0 0 0.00147906 0.0258023 0.1180E9 0.0984296 0_10€012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0615548 o 0.41t803 0.02654EE 0.134858 0 0 0 0 (kw) 1669.r1 20E5.30 565.86 0.@ 0.d) 0.@ 0.oo 0.00 0.00 1342.50 1542.59 745.00 7.11 0.m 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0.00 858.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0_@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.78 3181.51 909.92 2766.11 3735.44 t94.81 0_@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 t76.?9 3313.54 153.55 7517.20 0.(rc 0.m 0.m 5.91 103.15 472.12 393.52 431.43 0.@ 0,00 0.@ 0.6 0,00 0.00 246.* 0.00 1678.38 106.14 539.17 0-@ 0-@ 0.@ 0.00 solar Exports {kw) Non txpo'red solar ([W) 444.03 249.!0 116.55 0.00 05r 0.38 0.00 0.64 000 514 38 710.L5 194.94 6.34 0.58 0.00 0.38 0.64 0.00 297_46 0.00 1.10 0.64 0.13 0.00 17.O4 0.00 0.00 x1.63 2286.40 164.38 590.95 259L.25 13.18 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.51 0.38 o.o0 't4.86207r a2 640.09 60.93 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.05 506.76 98.37 320 294 0.00 0.64 0.13 0.@ 0.06 0.00 57.73 o.77 31.39 887 41.26 0.m 3.09 2.8S 0.38 1225.69 1836.01 449,31 0.00 -0.51 -0.34 0.m -0,64 0.m 868.23 772-44 550.06 0.99 .0.58 0.00 -0.34 -0.64 o.oo 565.54 0.@ -1.10 -0.64 -0.13 0.00 -77,U 0.00 0.00 -17,85 695.11 741.53 2t75.76 1144.19 581.63 -0.26 0.00 000 0.@ 0.00 -0,51 -0.38 0,00 131.93 L24t.7l -486.44 ]4Al.27 0.00 -0.21 0.@ 5.85 .403.60 371.15 390.32 428.89 0,00 -0.64 -0.13 0.00 ,0.06 0.00 taa.17 -o,77 1646.99 91.27 455_91 0.00 -4.o9 -2.45 .0.38 Attachment I - Page 358 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnrtalled Pv Nameplate {kwdc) Ertrmated PV Namephte lkwac) 4794 '\2 3998 71,/76/1 , 2otoo r2/25/ti t:@ r2l26lrt 5:@ P/8/17 74:@ 70/3/7r 9:oo 1,/221118:& 2ls/1127:oot2lrt/ti 5:@ t2l26lti o:oo 72/16/!1 15:00 6/5/r7 7,@ 2/11h1 r1:N 5/75177 710O a/31/77 9:oo 7l2o/11 74:oo 2/5/71 t2:oo t2l1/t7 LSIOO 219/77 t3:oo 5l1lll1 12:oo 5l2lr71:N 2/9/t122.oo 2/14/17 s:oo t7/tt lt1 22:oo 72/r/rt tt:oo 5/5/17 a:oo 8/14ltt 2:oO 8/28/173:oo 1ol4lt7 zo:@ 17/14/17 1:00 72/17/!7 5:@ 7U9/t1ro:@ 5/2a/r1 ra.oo 70l4/r1 !O:OO 2/9/17 t6:oo 5/17/179:oo 9/41t1 ro,oo 1/9/17 o:oo 9/4177ltOO 9l19/t7 2t:oo 12/r,l77 6:@ 77/76/17 ta:oo 1/74/11a:oo 5lr7ltl ta,oo 77/r,5lt t2:@ t/l9/17 5too 2/25/17 s:oo t2lt9/r771:@ t1/21/r7 ?:@ 9/8/17 t9:@ 5h2/!7 tg:oo 6h5/r7 Lo:oo a/1/17 6:@ ttlto/tlat0o t2/r1/t17:@ r2/2a/i t:N to/tolt19:@ 4/14/t7 to:@ 4/21/!1a:oo 1/s/719:oo 12110/\1 r:@ 11/18/r7 rO:00 3/L/t7 71:oo 5/5/L171too 2l9lt7 r,a:N a/t9/716:@ A/22/r7 5:oo 911/113:oo 70173171 7o:@ Net syll.m toad lMw) 1565 1655 1655 1655 1664 t6a 1554 1654 1654 1654 7@ 1664 1664 1663 1663 1663 1653 1653 1563 166! 1653 1663 1653 1653 1662 7652 7*2 1652 1552 1562 7562 1662 1662 1651 1661 1551 1661 1561 1561 1661 1661 1661 1661) l6a) 1660 1660 1660 l6@ 16@ 1659 1559 1659 1659 1659 1659 1659 1658 1658 1658 1658 l65a 165E 1657 1657 1657 1557 1657 t6r7 Ps Unn Usidbut.d !ol.r 0 0 0 0.524511 0,109249 0 0 0 0 o.7t632t 0.0135525 o,746776 0 0.13179 0_798la3 0.0233541 0.679!39 0.0507003 o.792734 0.m908246 0 0 0 0.0812225 0.08'15098 0 0 0 0 0 0.119403 0.544792 0,0!10307 0.0462288 0.267535 0.263591 0 0 0 0 0.117854 0 0.245758 0.0655E!2 0 0 0 0 0.0rt45E36 0.090196 0.255099 0 0 0 0 0.@4{924 0.103393 0.0289078 0 0 o.147075 0.54547 0.0700€19 0.0596591 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 2097.01 436.78 0.00 0.00 0.m 0,@ 2863.89 54.62 31rr5.55 0,00 526,90 3191.15 93.37 2776.01 202.70 at67.o5 36.31 0.00 0.00 0.@ 324.13 337.47 0_m 0-@ o.@ 0.00 0.00 477.t5 2174!9 124.06 184.82 1069.61 m53.44 0.m 0.00 0.00 0,00 471.18 0.00 982.59 262.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 174.25 360.61 1059.87 0.@ 0_m 0.m 0.m 337.80 413.37 119.57 0.00 0.00 711.93 2180,4O 280.19 2*_52 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.!2 6i]o.74 52.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 648.19 4.35 1336.76 0.68 59.29 855.36 t36.37 750.66 35.37 2771.02 1.06 0.@ 0.@ 0.0o 4!.20 59.50 0.00 0.51 o.@ 0,00 0.@ 112,51 91\t.42 19.01 18.33 105.75 320.09 0.00 0.00 1.85 0.@ 0.30 0.13 257.92 130.!7 0,90 0.00 0.00 1.09 4,51 124,03 517.69 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 13.81 66.56 9.86 1.79 o.0t) 453.69 1142.69 747,26 41.87 0.51 0.38 0.38 0.11 tlon-Erportld sol.r lkwl 0.00 0.00 4.27 1166.27 384.04 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 72L5,70 9.27 lEOa.78 .0.5E 467.67 2335.80 .t5,00 1965-35 167.33 993.03 35.25 0.00 0.00 0.@ 281.53 274.37 0.00 {.5r 0.00 0.00 0,00 354.86 1198.27 105.05 165.49 963.85 733.16 0.00 0.00 -1.85 0.m 470_88 -0.13 724.57 132.23 -0.90 0.00 0.00 -1.09 t73.73 236.57 542.16 0.@ 0.m 0-00 0.00 323.!19 l46.EO 105.72 -1'79 0.00 294.24 103E.11 457.07 196.64 -0.51 -0.38 .0.38 -0.11 1665 1665 1665 1762 t729 16q 1664 1664 1664 L7A2 1679 1818 1668 1704 t716 1672 1753 1684 1915 t6'r3 1653 1,663 1563 167A 1799 1662 1662 t662 1662 7662 15€7 1943 t10t 1680 1820 1857 1661 1661 1661 1674 1663 tTta 1704 1660 1650 1650 1650 7674 7723 1816 1659 1659 1659 1659 1686 1703 7704 1658 1558 1731 t167 ta2l 1679 1557 t657 1657 t5s7 Attachment { -Page359 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports ln3tall.d Pv Nameplat. (kwdc) E nated PV Namepla!. (kwac) 4794 1.2 3998 72/6/!7 slOO t2l2Yt7 t5:@ r1l7/77 9:0o 7125/17 7a,00 2/24/!7 l8t00 9l2glt7 77:oo 7719/17 2o:@ \?11411.7 7:@ 12/ao/71a,oo 4/t4/t a:oo 5/20/17 zo:oo 6/4/17 7.0o 9127/171l@ 17/21/17 r9:@ t7/29/77 76tW 6/$17172:N l!o/77 21:oo Alt4lr1 6,@ 9/a117 4:oo LO/12/77 2O:@ 216/7714:0a 2lto/7712:@ 72/3/17 t2:00 tl25/tl9t0oLlr V 6tW l/19/t7 7:oo 2/261t7 o:oo L2l29lt10:6 5118171a,@ a/74/71e:OO 6l\7/112:@ Alzolt73:6 ll/ta/|l 7:@ 513olt7 7:o0 70/19/1,7 8:@ sh2/7178:oo Ll26/r17:@ a/31r12!:oo 5124117 6:00 70/2/77 21.oo r2/77/r7 1:oo r2176/t7 L:00 614117 70:6 5lr7/r1zOtN 71,111/77 7a:@ x/8/r121:oo 9/2ltl ttoo 916l|13:oo 1116117 7:oo tol74/17 9:oo r2/t7 /r7 ts:@ 5l7ut71:@ 315/17 ro:0o 6l\0/1115t@ 72111/77 74:N 519/77 2ot0o l$lr7 z!oo 6/tt/712x:oo th'lD A\@ 70/6/17 a:@ 2/4177 t3:oo 6/16/712,oo rz/Ut1 22:oo 12127/U ,@ 3/4lt71t:0o 2/5/1711:oo 2/77/t7 $:OO 212/71s.oo 1657 1785 r660 1720 1744 1656 1656 1656 1556 1659 1706 7&6 1655 1555 1730 1962 16t4 1554 r654 1554 1689 1689 1674 1924 1653 1653 165! 1553 7741 1652 165e 1652 r652 1664 1655 1743 1651 1651 1651 1651 1651 19!9 1701 1701 1650 1650 1650 1650 l6a7 1145 1656 1656 1912 t740 1833 16.49 1649 1649 1649 1681 164E 1548 1644 1661 1654 1701 1547 Nd system Lo.d (Mwl 1657 1657 165t 1656 1656 1656 1656 1656 1656 1656 1656 1655 1655 1655 1654 1654 t6r4 1654 1654 1654 1654 1654 1654 1654 1653 1653 1653 1653 7652 1652 1552 1552 1652 1652 L652 1651 1651 1651 1651 1651 1651 1651 1651 1651 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 1650 I650 1649 1649 t€49 1649 1649 1649 1649 1649 16,49 1648 1648 164A 1648 18 1648 1647 7647 Plr Unit Dinributld 5ol.r o 0.702612 0 o.572772 0.0748317 0 0 o 0 0.0189945 0.12828 0.0103303 0 o o!77715 0.E13211 0 o 0 0 0.0142407 0.410909 0.144149 0.263182 0 0 0 0 0.0656216 0 0 0 0 0-0095E489 0 0.26673 0 o 0 0 0 0 o.471237 0.109743 0.19126 0 0 0 0 0.0833985 0.415196 0 0.0284593 0.96t75 0.760355 0,116513 0 0 0 0 0.(439211 0 0 0 0.0180611 0,129578 0.0419387 0 0.00 2ao9.06 0.00 2249.15 299,18 0.m 0.@ o,m 0.@ 75-94 5r2.47 41_30 0.0t) 0.00 710.51 1251.24 0.m 0.00 0.00 0,00 55.93 r5,2.a2 592.30 1132.17 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 262.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1066.39 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0,00 0.@ 1496.21 434.75 764.66 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 333.43 1659,96 0.@ 113.78 3449.10 3039.92 455.82 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.0o 335.52 0,00 0.00 0.@ 77,71 518.06 t67.67 0.m 0.00 829.14 3.07 't83.0042.lt 1.54 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.26 53.44 0.00 0.q) 50.24 2022.34 8.49 o.77 0.51 0.14 t70,?9 3(E.aO 76.10 367.40 0.25 0.m 0.52 1.15 43.14 0.00 0.96 1.02 0.@ 1.35 1.10 215.54 0.t)0 o.@ 1.15 0.00 0,00 0.@ 845.02 42.34 0.13 0_00 0_51 o.@ 0.m 15.71 123,90 1.47 71.94 2295_@ 353.47 137.45 0.00 0.@ 0.71 0.51 158.72 0.51 0.38 0.@ 110.28 192_43 0.@ Non-Export.d sol {kW} 0.m t979.92 -3.O7 18116,75 257.O7 _1.54 0.00 0.00 o.00 75.64 459,43 3E.07 0.@ 0.00 560.27 1228.86 -8.45 4.n .0.51 -0.14 .!13.!6 1334.02 516.21 764.75 -0.25 0.00 {.52 -1.15 2t9.22 0.00 -0.96 -1.02 0.m 36.96 -1.10 840.86 0.@ o.@ -1.15 0.00 0.00 0.m 651-18 595,42 764.31 0.00 -0.51 0.@ 0.oo 3t7.72 1536.06 -1.47 41.41 1553.10 2686.14 12?.97 0.@ 0.@ -0.71 -0.51 175.40 {.51 .0.3E 0.@ -38,07 x25,22 164.86 0.@ Attachment l - Page 360 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports ln5lalled Pv N.m.plate Jkwd.) Enimated Pv Nam.plate (kwacl 4798 t.2 3r9a 2lt1/7122:@ 6/2117 4:oo 6/17/t12t9o en/,76too al21lt7 TttooItltlltl to.@ t2/t1/t171:@ 5/t7/17 A:o0 2/9/17 7:go 6l2lt7 5.@ l2n/171:oo t2l13/ri 4:oo 12/15/17 4tOO 2/12177 tztoo 12/1177 7l@ 2/19/17 19:oo 7L/A/n 72p0 2n177 75:OO 6/3117 5:oO l1.l19lt7 a:@ L2/29177 L4t@ 311/77 t6:oo 2l2a/71 l3tOO tzl25l77 76.@ 5l1ol77 76,00 3nlL1 7s:oo 9/ta/t7 7a.00 3/111123:oo 9lslt7 7:@ 2/21/11ts:oo 6lt5/t7 atOO 313/17 19:oo 216/t1 l7:Oo 3n/77 72tOO 2la/77 75.00 6/11/77 74:00 U2o/7r 6:00 43lD o:oo 2lr9/r12ltco 912/t16tOO to/2/77 2otoo lollT/fi AtAo 7r/?ol!7 2t:@ 12/31/t7 g.@ 5/t7/17 71.00 s/s/77 74:oo 5l23ltl a:OO lhOltr 6:00 2h2lt7 6t0o 2/25/t7ltOO 516/77 22too 5l2ol77 2!OO 9/t1/17 2:oo lO/11177lO:N tUTo/71 79100 ll/3oltr 6:@ !91r7 9:OO t2l1/77 1O:OO lOllt/t7 9:@ 7/t7/t7 O]OO 2l24ll7 O:oo 4/271171'0o 10/3177 2rOO 10/16/17 7:@ l2h6lr1s:@ t2171171ltoo 6/t511-' !?:OO t2/6/77 l3tOO 1547 1647 1,647 1641 1929 1617 LlA2 t749 t646 16rt6 1646 1646 t646 1705 t1l7 1653 t771, 1123 1645 1645 ll4l 1684 1,742 1647 1885 1690 1667 7644 16!4 t776 L6A2 1659 t677 1688 1804 1643 1643 1643 1643 1643 1643 1643 L643 1701 1832 1789 t642 L642 1642 t6a2 1642 t642 1642 1642 1642 t644 1644 1658 1641 1641 1641 1641 1541 1641 1l 1864 1764 Net sy5tem Load (MWl P.r Unit O8hbuted Sollr 0 0 0 0 0.564943 0.128543 0_643112 0,0597115 0 0 0 0 0 0.449693 0.252457 0 0.632913 0.257504 0 0 0.265225 0.321t02 0.E9665 0.33@62 0.8998 0.154024 0.0950292 0 0 0.6652 0.0629625 0.0287155 0.13E955 0.499616 0.215938 0.5a6195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.613443 0-710581 0.0554338 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o.0726247 0.01291t8 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-643036 o.67997 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 2258.65 513.92 2571.18 238.73 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 1797.4A 1009.33 0.00 2530.40 1029.91 o.@ 0.00 1050.38 1286.97 3584.83 l3!9.60 3591,42 655.77 379.93 0.@ 0.@ 2559.48 331.69 115.13 555.55 1997.48 863.32 2743.42 0.00 o.@ 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 2452.56 2840.92 265.60 0.@ 0.m 0@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.o0 9,47 51.77 0.00 0.m o.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 2510.47 2718.53 Non-Expon d sol.r {rw) 0.@ .0.51 -0.90 0.00 rc99.40 153.41 2159.02 190.51 -0,64 '0.64 -0.28 0.@ 0,00 1190.97 529.23 0.00 2020.64 E3E.43 -2.85 0.@ 766,97 1163.52 2288,30 l3Oa.0a 1452.89 539.68 !50.74 0.00 '0.26 2U2.40 309.69 115.13 540.a3 1494.03 57E.57 1055.45 0.@ 0.00 0.00 '0.51 .0.13 -1.02 ,0.02 0,00 1921.09 1403.86 20r.80 .1.19 0.@ 0.00 -7.99 {.26 {.51 .0.13 0.00 0.@ r9.99 35.92 -11.78 -2.6 0_00 0.@ 0.@ .o.41 0.@ -0.43 947,70 1409.31 1641 1647 1647 1647 te41 7616 1645 16,46 1646 t645 7646 1646 1546 76t6 7646 1645 1645 1645 r645 1645 1645 1645 1645 1644 1614 1644 16rtr 1644 1644 7644 7644 1644 1644 164! 1643 164! 1,641 1643 1643 1643 7643 1643 1643 t64l 1543 1643 t641 t642 1642 lu2 1642 1642 1542 1642 1642 1642 1642 1642 7642 1641 1641 1641 1641 1641 1641 t64t 16al 1640 000 05t 0.90 0.00 1153.86 360 51 412.15 44.2L 0.64 0.64 o.7a 0.00 0.00 606.91 480.10 0.00 509.76 191.43 285 0.oo 293 41 123.45 1296.53 11.52 2144 53 116.10 29.18 0_00 0.26 617.09 72 a0 0.00 74_7t 503.44 1e4.16 1686.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.11 7.O7 0.02 0.00 531.47 1437 06 63.81 1 t5 o.o0 0.00 2.99 0.26 0.51 0.13 0.00 34.49 14.85 11.78 1.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.43 1583 t7 1309.23 Attachment 'l - Page 361 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrtalled PV Na m.plate (kwdd Enimated Pv Namepl.re (tw.d 4798 1.2 3998 PerUnt DritibutedSolar 0.109486 0.00a2435 0.901754 0.00774813 0.0457847 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.382971 0 0.105931 0.0317621 0,0318786 0.32i149 0 0 0 0 0.161059 0 o.272105 o.127649 0 0 0 0 0.431232 0-0989306 0,183407 0 0 0 0 0.569217 0 0 o o 0 0.327987 o.o299@t 0.53452! 0_894195 0.140a53 0.05594!7 4ltol17 9:oo 7l12ll17,OO 3/75/77 a,OO 6/19/11s:oo 1O/2tltl a:@ 11111117 2o:@ t2/t3/17 3t@ 721la/t16t0o 319/77 2OIOO 6110177 t|:oo 6/3/115:@ 917U111:OO tolt3/71 2t:oo 12/3/17 23:@ 9l77lt7 2o:0o 5/7711713:@ 71,/2t/77 78too 1o123/t1gtoo l/10/171:00 thzlt1 4,@ 2/14/77 O:OO 2l?5/17 4,OO 5/t9/77 23.oo 6h9/t14:00 9lal715:oo tol23/t7at@ 12/12/17 4t@ 121t3/112t0o 12lrtl77 4,@ 12/79171o.oo 12/21,/71 1:oo 2/24/7f t3t0o 9l2al77 ao:oo 2/241716:@ 1/25/77 A.OO rr/75/t7 731co l/20/t116:@ 3/5117 23.oo 721171!7 2:oo 77/2s/77 stOO 72l2Al0 4tOO 2/22117 t3:oo 3lzglv A:OO l/13/17 10:m !o/2olt71o:@ 518/17 21:rn a/2,/77 2.oo alZTllT 4:Oo tu71/17 }@ 12/77/\' \4:OO 11/5/17 18i00 1r^8lr718:0o 5/r2/r7l:oo al75/715:o0 77/1/77 8:00 t7/761t19:@ 2lt6lr1 1,4100 2l3lr7 5:oo 2lali 6:00 5/241t7 !:OO 17h6/11 2L|OO 14217122:@ ll/29/17 l2:@ z/1/7t t6:oo 2/Al77 t4t0o sl29/17 13:00 2/9lt7 t5t0o 2/7a/t7 t1t0o Net syrt.m tdd lMw) 1540 1540 1540 1540 l6a0 1540 1640 1540 16rrc 1539 1539 1639 1539 1639 1639 r638 1638 1638 16!8 163A 1538 1636 1538 1638 1638 1638 16!8 1638 1638 1538 1638 1638 1538 r638 !636 1637 1637 76t7 t617 1537 1637 1537 76t7 1536 1636 1536 1635 1636 1636 1636 1635 1635 r635 1635 1539 1635 1634 1634 1634 1534 1634 L6v 15:t4 1634 1534 1634 1533 1633 30.98 0.@ 0,08 0.64 o.10 1_O2 0.@ 0.00 0.m 1844.96 2.72 1,63 o.24 1.02 1.03 2450.64 0.00 7.06 0.@ 0.m 0,00 1,12 0.00 0.51 0-38 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.26 1186.39 2.21 82.94 1,65 150.34 181.63 0.m 0,m 0.00 0,00 477.92 1.04 125.06 3.57 0@ 0.51 0.51 0.09 258.61 0,87 o_25 o.77 0.51 3.45 612.42 0_m 0.00 1.24 0_00 0.13 439.55 100,74 414.59 2195.31 22.95 68.61 l{on-Expon.d soEr (rw) 40435 0.@ -0.08 -0,64 _0,70 -1.02 0.00 0,00 0.00 1294.41 '2.12 -1,63 -0,24 -1.02 3r.93 1154.60 30.98 175.98 o.0t) 0.00 0.00 .7.!2 0.@ '0.51 -0.38 -1.30 0.00 0,00 0_00 0.00 -0_25 341.73 -2.24 34{'.53 125.32 -22.88 1115.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 225.@ -1.04 965,22 506.78 0.00 {.51 -0.51 -0.09 1415.47 394.66 753_01 'o.77 -0,51 -4.16 -3.46 1653.33 0.00 0.00 -1.28 0.@ .0.13 41L75 19,06 1722.U 1479.70 5'lo_19 155.22 1645 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1640 1641 1890 1639 1639 1639 1639 t6a2 1934 1646 1649 1638 1638 1638 1638 1638 1634 1538 1638 1638 1634 1633 1638 1638 7754 1639 16Aa t611 t619 1692 1637 1517 t637 1637 1695 1640 1773 t644 1636 1636 1636 1636 7754 1667 1667 1615 1635 1635 1635 1664 t634 1634 1634 1634 1634 77t5 77t7 1634 1915 1663 1654 439.:'3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3139.37 o.@ 0,00 0,00 0.00 32.96 3605_23 30.9t 183,05 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.@ 0,00 0.00 1531.13 0,00 423.51 r26.99 727,45 1297.32 0.@ 0.m o.m 0,00 643.92 0.00 1090.28 510.34 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 7724.O7 395 53 113.76 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0.00 2275 71 0.00 0.00 0m 0.00 0.00 1311.30 119.80 2737.43 35r5.01 553.13 223.83 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o.7452!l 0 0 0 0 Attachment l -Page362 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled Pv Na mepl.te (kwdc) Estrm.ted Pv Nam.plate (kw.c) 4194 1.2 3998 rltoll? 4:oo r/2r/77 TtoO a/$/77 4:oot a/D 27tOO 1r/27177 9:0o 72/29/715t@ 6/75/77 t3:@ 7o/4/t, ll:oo 2/25117 t2,OO \1.129117 17.@ 1U15l17 r6r00 2lts/111r:oo 3le/L/ l9t9o 9171771:0o t2ftlr11t0o 72/72/77 stoo 5/5/77AoO 2/20/77 t4tOO 2/73/77 r3,OO gltaltT t7:oo 2/2/t1ztOO 6/5/17 o:oo 9/5/17 4tO0 9l1ol77 2tOO 9/29/17 2o:0o 70176/77 2O:@ 70/76/1,7 2t:@ tLl75/r7 2:@ 2/7711711:OO 12/29/17 15t0o 5/19/t7 21,:Oo 2177/r116:@ 6lralr13:@ 7lBlt1 tot@ 5/23/L7 to:@ 3/lA/719t04 72/2/77 r2:oo Toltall1 lO:@ 2hlt14:Oo 2/t3/t7 S]OO 71n /t7 6:00 l2lt5/t13tw 12125/11 2:@ 5/tz/177)OO 5/10/L7 7:00 tt/6/77 t8:N 517417719:@ 6/18/1711:0o 5/5/77 lltoo 1126/t7 ltOO 7/261t7 4too 12173/r7 7:@ 11/2a/17 2:@ 9/4/17 9:@ 7t/s/17 9:o0 3/al71ll:oo 5lltl71 1l:OO Ut9l1,7 5:OO 2/t8/tl9tOO 3/7/77 23:oo alMltT 3t0o tol2tl77 20.@ s/8/77 s:oo 5/t717110:00 2/e17113:oo 2/-tolt1 22:oo 5/1/t1 22:OO 5/14/71 22:OO 1633 1633 1633 1533 1533 1633 1900 1694 1755 1687 1653 1648 1654 1632 1532 1632 1673 1675 1756 1665 1631 1631 1631 1531 1631 1631 1631 1631 1685 7727 1698 1722 1530 !701 1a94 1703 7697 1698 1629 1629 t629 1629 1629 1630 1633 1714 la14 1934 1809 1628 1528 r628 1628 t722 1631 1669 la79 1521 t627 t627 1627 1627 7714 1818 1695 1626 1626 1525 NetSynem Load lMw) Pcl U.it Dkt buted Solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.876642 0,035m85 0.856768 0.399335 0.0832936 0.0104758 0.095364 o 0 0 0,0569597 0.333073 0.83073' 0.0611291 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.13E795 0.384607 0.0188787 0.255007 0 0.204!14 0.504152 o.720362 0.185567 o 149507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.173388 0.676045 0.246472 0 0 0 0 o.0942527 0 0.24t421 0.65945:' 0 0.00598562 0 0 o 0.0600582 0.355091 o.377745 0 0 0 ftw) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3504.81 139.96 3425.38 1596.55 3!3.01 41.8r 385.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 227.13 1331.63 !321.30 244.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 o.o0 0.00 0.@ 554.91 7531.61 19.44 1059.s0 0.00 816.45 2015,61 481.21 74!-90 597.73 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 693.21 2702.44 985.40 0.00 0,m 0.m 0.00 x76.47 0.00 1125-1s 2636.55 0.00 23.93 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 240.15 1419.66 1270.15 0.oo 0.00 0,00 Non-t&orted solar (tw) -0.5! 0.00 {.51 0.@ '2.55 0.@ !444.17 54.40 la44.l7 !5E2.09 3t7.O-' -54.50 385.35 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 209.80 1,221.47 150!1.29 196.15 {,09 .5.02 .0.26 {r.38 '0.51 4.71 0.00 0.00 512.01 1353.84 9.97 677.92 _l-28 220.10 956.36 102.87 It2.64 /u2.43 0.@ o,oo 0.00 0.00 0.@ -r.82 -0.64 .0.98 111.16 1149_59 73.89 0.00 0.00 0_oo 0-oo 321.81 -51.22 7l}a.O7 959.57 0,00 20.99 0.00 -1.15 ,0.1rc 212.72 1013.07 750.9s 0.m {,18 0.00 1633 1633 1633 1633 1633 1633 1633 1533 1632 1632 1632 1632 7632 1632 1532 1632 1531 1631 1631 1631 1631 1631 1531 1511 1631 1631 1631 1631 1630 1630 1630 1630 1530 1630 1530 1630 1629 1629 1629 1529 r629 1629 1629 t629 1629 1629 1629 1629 1628 1528 1628 1628 7624 1628 1628 1621 1621 t621 1627 t677 162J 1,627 1526 7626 1626 1526 1526 1626 0,51 0.00 0,51 0.m 2.56 000 20€o.66 a5-57 1581.21 14.46 15.94 96.38 0.00 o.m 0m 0@ 77_93 108.22 1812.02 4a 23 0.09 0.26 0.38 0_51 000 0.00 42.90 173.47 10.50 387.58 128 596.75 1059.26 7A.J4 259.26 115.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.82 0.64 098 255.71 1553 26 911_51 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 55.02 337.08 1676 98 0.00 2.94 0.00 t.t5 0_40 28.03 405.59 519,40 0.m 018 0.00 Attachment l - Page 363 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnst lled Pv Na mepl.te (kwdc) Estimd.d Pv N.6.plate (kwac) 4798 t.2 3998 9/2911127,OO 72117177 2:oo 77/7t/77 4:oO 9ll5/714:OO 4/12/71a:oo 514h7 L9:@ 2/22/t7 74:00 7/26/17 2:OO 21U77 2.Oo !2/77 r:oo 2124/17 ,@ tt/5/17 27:@ lrSo/17 23100 12111171:oo lUAlt1 4too il2al77 3:o0 rl27lt7 74:OO 72/aLlt7 7210o ,1a/17 9t0o 12/17176:00 2/$/!17a:@ 2/1s/t7 5:o0 2/75/t7 2tOO lloltl atoo 4/tt/t1r:OO 5/5/L7 o:oo 5/28/tl otOO tU16/fl a:@ L2l26ll7 4:@ 3/21/t19:O0 9/21/r1zotod 9/$/t71ot0o D/La/i t5:@ 7ol5l77 9:oo 72/!77 t3:@ \/24177 stOO 2/1177 23:oo 2lr5/t7 o:oo 2123177 6:00 9/5177 5:0o 9/76/t72Ltoo t2122171 t 6 4111/17 9:oo l2oh7 rStOO 317/17 t4:oo 1/5/71 1\:OO 617U17 7:OO t2l2/r1 11:oo 2h7lt172t@ 5/to/t7 75:oo 2l2a/17 74:00 2/2sll7 3:6 21261116:@ 9/14/17 23:00 9/20/7127:oo t2lslr1 otoo l2l9l77 6.@ 72/rol71 s:oo 4/5/77 27:oo a/4/77 2o:oo 5/1a1771:OO 2/22lt175too 70/2/77 9:o0 L7/rlL7 rOoO 5l1ol77 a:oo 2lsltl74:@ 9/2o/fi A:OO 2/6/7175100 P€r Unit OBtributed sol.r 0 0 0 0 0.0155888 0.3270A6 0.23521E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.121938 0.555027 0.0431851 0.578264 0.0269337 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0.0190937 0 0.@640157 0.399739 oo222152 0.20114E 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0.r92095 0,4:,5701 0.4i14611 0.0623512 0.0133525 0.10875 o.454303 0.470053 0€94053 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o.0(nl75722 0.241659 0.110632 0_043014 0.0s50519 0.114021 0 0.651228 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 6r.32 t307.70 944.40 0,00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 487.51 2219,01 172.65 2311.r3 107.68 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 76,r4 0.00 25.59 1598.17 8a.at 804.19 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-@ @8.08 17a5.94 7777.56 249,2A 53.3E 134.74 1832,31 3478.49 3574.41t 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 35.01 966.20 442.3! 771,.97 221.70 455.86 0.@ 2503.62 034 0.00 1.11 0.34 2.30 44735 333.89 0.00 0.m 0.14 o.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 384,70 916.04 a_45 393.07 4.10 0,00 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.64 0.00 1.89 0.00 27.O1 1.54 56,96 592.79 36.74 274_46 0.00 0.00 0,00 o.32 0.00 0.18 0.00 84.61 564.13 192,45 253.93 2.39 0.64 924.13 255A-L9 1406.86 o.m 0.09 0.34 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.38 1,10 0.14 0.34 194.18 39.57 34.89 43.46 722.r4 3.10 437.11 N6-Eipon.d solar {kw) -0.38 0.00 -1,11 -0.38 60,02 E20.34 510.52 0.00 0.00 {.14 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 102.81 1302.97 164.21 tt$.46 t03.59 0.00 0.00 -0.!5 0.@ -0.54 0.m -1.89 0.00 49.33 {.54 -31,37 loo5.37 52.08 375.7! 0.00 0.m 0.@ .0.32 0,00 ,0.18 0.00 523.47 118t.81 1585.11 -4.65 50.99 434,14 908.17 920.30 2167_58 0.00 {.09 -0.t8 0.00 0.m 0.@ -0.38 -1,10 -o.r4 3rr_63 772.O2 402.74 137.08 180.64 233.08 -3,10 2166.31 Synem Load (MW) NetSy(em Lo.d (MWl 1626 1626 1627 1641 1884 1690 1625 1625 7625 7625 162s 1625 1625 1625 1625 1583 1768 L644 tl37 1647 t624 t624 L624 1624 L624 1624 1624 1624 1649 1626 1650 1722 7676 1668 1623 1623 1623 1623 1623 1623 1623 1693 1682 1647 1648 1641 t642 1689 1891 1702 1677 t622 1622 t522 1622 \622 t622 L623 1624 t626 1684 1652 1713 1654 7623 16,49 1626 t626 1526 1626 1626 1626 1625 1625 1625 1625 \625 1525 1625 1625 7625 1625 1625 1625 1624 1624 1674 1624 t624 1524 1524 1624 1524 1624 1524 t624 1624 1624 162:! 1623 1523 1623 1623 1623 1623 1623 1623 1623 !623 1623 1523 1623 \622 7622 7622 !522 1522 t622 1622 t672 1622 1522 t622 1622 t622 1522 t622 1522 1622 1627 1621 162t 162l t62t Attachment l -Page364 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports r.stalled Pv N.m.pl.te {kwdcl Estimated Pv Nameprare (kwac) 4794 7.7 3998 ro/t9lt7 ,@ 2l24lt7 14.00 Lll2l/t7lotoo 4lL9/77 A:OO r/\o/t1 2:0o 3151719:OO 4/14/17 22:oo 5/a/1,7 7,Oo 5/7Y17 3,@ 6lrt/77 6tOO a/2o177 4too 11/27177 a:@ t2111713:@ 1,2/76/71 1:oo 3/to/17 9:oo 101411712:@ 2l2ali tTtoo thA/77 gtOO 414/7tgtoo 7U4/l7lo:@ 2/4/t7 t6:OO 4/27/17a:oo l/lo/77 3:oo 2/2171L00 6/7A/77 4tOO 7ol9/t7 zltoo \o/l7lt1 2t:@ lL/4/r7 2o:oo 17/12/17 t9:0o 7r/181177:oo Plalll 2:oo t2/3,/77 5t0o 4/14/1,7 r.7to0 rt/6/17 72:OO 5lt7/1t71:0o 6/\7/t7l9:oo 2/4/17 t4tOO 3/2a/t7 7:oo 5/21t7 21:oo s/2617121oo A/27/77 rt,o al2al77 stOO t/7477 3:oO th5/77 22:oo 7Ol77lt-l7,@ 2/Sh' $:OO sl2h7 a9o tl24/77 otoo 1/1771to0 t/9/17 77:oO A/21/17 6:@ 919/77 4:OO 70/ll/t7 ZO:@ toh7h7 2r:@ t2hl77 2tOO l2/al77ltoo lol2oll7 9:@ t7l3o/r7 16:00 t/79/712tOO 2/72/17 otOO 9/9117 6:00 9/731\7 6:00 4l2ol718too t7/13/11fi:@ l2l23h7 !1:@ 2/11/i $:oO 6/t3l17 6:00 lO/12/177:@ P.r Uhit Dilt ibuted Sol.t 0.0555052 0-38a14 0,143178 0.0285929 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0.0168376 0.0548278 0.0755795 0 0.141311 0.251123 0.@855919 0.00499902 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0600817 0.07E054s 0.672531t 0.509299 0.055998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0.0479563 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0162151 0.374743 0 0 0 0 0 0.00352178 0_460159 0.151893 o 0 221_91 1531.80 572.4! 114.32 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 67.12 2s9.18 302_77 0.@ 564.96 1004.0t) 14.62 19,99 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 240.21 312.06 2688.81 2036.19 221.44 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 t9t_71 0_00 o.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0,00 64.83 rr98.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.08 1839.73 607.27 0_00 0_00 svstem Lo.d (MW) N.tsyitem Load lMwl sol.r Erport5 lkw) Non Erpo ed sol.r lkw) 1649 1721 1629 1654 7620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 7620 1520 1620 1620 1621 1679 1656 1633 7727 7647 1640 1642 1619 1619 1519 1619 1619 1519 1619 1619 1619 1619 1700 1689 1798 1915 1650 1618 1618 1618 1618 1618 1617 t6lf 1617 1630 \657 1616 1616 1616 1616 1616 1616 1616 1616 t6t1 1619 1615 1615 1615 I615 1619 1631 1747 7775 1614 1614 1621 1670 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 r620 1620 1620 1620 1620 \620 1620 1620 1619 1619 1619 16!9 1619 1619 1619 1619 l619 1619 1619 1619 1619 1619 1618 1618 1618 1618 1614 1618 1618 1618 1617 1617 1617 t677 1616 1616 1615 1616 1516 r616 1616 1616 1616 1616 1616 1615 1615 1615 1615 1515 1615 1614 1614 1614 1614 21.78 to77.94 90.75 5.16 0.00 25.98 0.00 0.26 0.51 0.26 0.90 8.96 0.00 000 15.17 94.46 18 18 10 52 119.10 25_93 40.61 7.t7 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.00 42.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 142.74 809.42 475.14 995.29 742.74 0.00 o.26 0.51 0.51 0.51 o.m 000 0.00 128 13.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.38 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.81 64.13 0.38 0.00 0.64 0.38 1.54 0.00 30.62 53.38 L7.74 0.@ 200.13 453.86 '!t1.68108,56 0.00 -25.98 0.00 -o.26 -0.51 -o.26 -0.90 -8.96 0.00 0.00 52,75 764.72 2t3.99 .10,52 445.47 978 06 -5.99 12.82 0.@ 0.00 -o.64 0.00 0.00 -32_29 0,00 0m 000 0.00 98.06 -491.a6 1813.66 1040,90 81.74 0.m ,0.26 -0.51 -0.51 -0.51 0_00 0.00 0,00 1.28 t7a.27 0.00 0.00 0,00 o.3a ,0.38 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.02 !43rr,10 '0.38 0.00 4.64 0.38 '1.54 14.08 1809.r0 553.90 -11.14 0.00 Attachment l - Page 365 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports htLll.d PV Nameplat€ (twdc) Estimat.d Pv Nameplatc (kwa.) 4798 1.2 3998 t2/\l/t7 t:oo 5/17/t7 76:@ s/31t7 21:00 5/A/771:@ 2/2tlri ro,oo r0F0/175:m 9/4/77aOO 7/12/77 2:oo 9/6177 5:OO tolgltl 2otoo rl/!3/ll Zt:@ ltl78lt7 22,@ 9/1,8117 tl:oo sl5/77 gtOO t7/t6117 to:OO tolt7lr,7 ro:@ 212/77 4:0o 2lt4l77 4:tt0 2/75/1721:@ 2l2a/71o,oo tl/19/17 22:oo 72/76/71 4tOO 6114177 t1:oo tht/171o:OO 5/7tlt7 20:00 5/!5117 ?o:o0 r/9/77 r:@ 2n/17 6:00 2/20/17 22:oo 3lt1/77 a:oo 4/to/77 7:OO al2o/711:@ 9/78/11 22:oo lO/91171:oo lO/14/77 a:@ t1/74117 22:@ l1/lo/17 2:OO 72lto/71 3to0 t7lr6lr7 16:@ 2/4/t7 75:OO 14177 9:o0 to/ztlt1 1910d 9l78lr7 12:00 614/77 a:@ 5/6/17 2O:oO 2126/D 7a:oo 72/3olt7 72:oo l2/2s177 3:O0 11/30/1713:00gllslri 2o:oo 9/25/t7 At@ 2/73117 o:oo lo/31177:OO to/2611, a:oo \\/9/r7 2r:oo 72/6/77 4:@ t2l2!17 2:@ t2ls/L7 L2:00 to/r1/77 79:@ 6h4/!1 !A:OO t2/1/71 13:oornll stoo slzs/17 6:00 5/27ltlt:@ 9/6/114:0o th4h17t0o l2/6/t7 7:oo 72lt6lt7 2:@ t614 7707 1615 1616 1641 1619 1621 1513 1613 1613 1613 1613 1675 1699 1621 1715 1612 1612 7612 1612 1612 1612 1a32 a3 1815 l78a 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 !762 1636 1613 1613 l6a3 17l7 1620 1678 7679 1610 7737 1622 1612 1609 1609 1609 1@9 1609 1609 tE1 1613 ta22 1662 1a)8 1608 !@8 l@a 1608 1608 1508 Nlt syst€m Lo.d (Mw) 1514 15la 75L4 161a 1614 1614 1611 1513 1613 1613 r613 1613 1613 !672 1612 1612 76L2 1612 1612 1612 1612 1611 1611 1511 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1511 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 t6ll 1611 1611 161t 161l 1610 1610 1610 !610 1610 1610 1610 1610 1609 1609 1609 tart 1609 1@9 1609 I609 1609 1608 1608 1608 1508 16@ 1An8 1608 1608 Pcrun(oriiribut dSolrr 0 o.254442 0 0 0.469752 0.0@687241 o 0 0 0 0 0 o.299172 o,2277 0.0401205 0.20719! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.510386 0.370195 0.129934 0.129208 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6114325 o.otnz 0 0.0@46912a 0.15429s o.o751229 0.o51E121 0.620428 0.538593 0 0.539822 0.0166201 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0.550395 0 0.309995 0.422569 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0_00 1077.42 0.00 0.@ 1878.@ 2.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.m 1196.10 884.36 r60.40 828.36 0.oo 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 2040_53 1440.05 5r9.48 516.58 o.m 0-@ 0.m 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0,m 0.00 0,00 2a!6_10 70.u 0-00 1.a8 616.87 300.34 207.15 2'lr0-48 2153.31 0.00 21ra,22 66.45 0.m 0,00 0,00 0_00 0.(rc 0.00 0.@ 12@.49 0.00 1239.37 1689.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.@ o.m 0.m 0.00 399.61 0.26 0.77 502-O7 7.42 1,.66 0.00 0.26 0.30 0.38 o.4 r87.28 215.45 31_r0 250.77 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.@ 1.15 0.14 1054.67 *7_74 136.84 154.35 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.13 0.36 0.79 0.m 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.08 !13.07 75.\4 10.10 t87.61 48.59 6.94 494..14 1X'6.59 0.00 780-t4 5.14 3.78 0,00 0.08 0_74 0.00 0.m 0.@ 1157.05 4.22 564.11 86.40 0.26 0.13 0.26 0.26 0.51 0,00 0.00 tlon-Exported 50l.r {kwl 0.m 677_47 {,26 '0.17 1376.01 0.92 -1.66 0.@ {-26 {.30 {_38 .o_54 r008.82 664,91 129.30 577.59 0.cx) 0,00 {.26 0.00 .o.14 985.86 4t2.30 382.64 367.72 -o.13 o.@ 0.00 -0,84 -0.13 -0.36 4.79 0.00 'o-46 0.oo 0.00 {.08 2103.04 -4.29 -10.10 429.26 257.75 2m20 1996.04 1746,71 0.00 1371.48 61_30 '3'74 0.@ -0.08 4.74 0.00 0.00 0,0t) !043.45 -4.22 675.26 1603.04 -0.25 -0.13 {.26 {.26 -0-51 0.00 0.@ Attachment l -Page366 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rflst.lled Pv N.meolate {kwdc} Enimated PV Nam.plrt. (rw..) 4794 1.2 3998 2/12/i 7a:oo 51731771:oo 8/77/115:oo 8/ZAl114:oo tzl22/t7 5.@ 7!2slt7 4.@ 1U3/t7 Lg:oo t7/r6/17 rrtoo 1/2a/17 O:0o 214/r7 23:@ L2/7t/77 4.0o 7l/10/r7 lA:@ 2/11/71t4:oo tz/5171 L3too al5l17 r5:OO 2/10/771:@ 5/26/77 StOo 6/t!/17 4 N 5lt7lt7 12:00 12127117 76,@ 7/24/1,7 t7:@ 3/27/t1A:Oo s/7lt1l:@ 5l2s/t1 l Oo 9n177 4:@ lOl3O/77 AO0 12170/77 4:@ 72126/7711@ tzl3/!7 \4:@ 7LE/L7 $too 5/27/r7 r9:Oo 7U19/71 lg:oo 5l?8/11 t7.@ a/27/!7 A:oo 2/19/t7 ZZOO 314/1,7 2tt0o 3l3ol77 A:6 41251711:0o 6/t8/!r 6:00 70/781717t00 72/26/77 2.Oo s/73/17 a:oo 5/9h7 8:oo t2/31t7 16:00 tr/29/17 76100 tl2!77 otoo 3ltl77 6to0 s/241714:oo 5/29/t1O:@ a/74177 5:OO 70/3/17 2o.oo 1ol4lt7 22:OO 4l2al77 AOO to/26/77 9:@ tol6/77 9:OO ln/r7 7a:0o 4lzali 7:@ 5ll/t7 22:OQ 5/24/17 5.oo 611,slt1O:oo 17112117 7o:@ l2/2t/r7 3t0o t2/3o177 Otoo t1/4/1,7 tgtoo 6h,1/r71t@ 2Bl71a:& 4lzil\r 22:@ 9/72/711@ N.t sydem Lo.d (MW) 16@ 1608 1607 1607 l@1 1@7 1507 1507 1505 1506 1506 1606 1606 1605 1@5 1605 1505 1505 1505 1604 1604 1604 1€O4 1604 1644 1504 1504 1504 1604 1504 1604 1604 1@3 1@3 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1603 1503 1603 l@3 1602 1602 1502 1602 1502 1502 1502 1602 1602 t@z 1602 t60l 1501 l6l[ 1601 1601 1601 l60l t50l 160t 1@1 1600 1600 1600 1500 Per unit Diitribute d sola r 0.0832@1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.727222 0 0 0 0 0.357849 0.65691 0.0979204 0 0 0 0.777349 0.596392 0.187151 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,352798 0.0121544 0.359483 0.$588 0.684204 0.01113424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0638559 0.0540!01 0.347423 0.117613 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0{445 0.0294758 0.0998195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.010719 0 0 0 (rw) 312.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.@ 0.m 0.00 508.54 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 1410.61 2626,42 391.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 3104.02 2181.49 744.23 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 1410.49 44.63 1437.22 741.15 2135.46 59.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 259.30 232.0r 1389.@ 470.22 0.00 0.00 0.0i) 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 179.29 117.84 399.08 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.(rc 0.(rc 0.00 0.00 42,45 0.00 0-m 0.00 17.o2 t.22 0_26 0.51 0.00 0_00 17.04 325.57 0.m 0_q, 0_@ 583.46 1335.51 lao.52 0,00 0.r0 0.64 1209.02 342.54 x44.74 0.00 1.41 1.54 0_00 1.65 0.00 0.00 250,50 0.13 543.35 4at.86 1579.95 3.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0_38 0.00 35.42 31.50 26-50 xI.62 0.00 0.95 1.41 o.@ 0.26 0-00 12_40 14.14 39.94 0,00 o.@ 0.13 1.28 0.51 o3a 0.00 1,92 20.54 2.69 0.00 o.77 0.51 Nd-txported solar (kw) 315.61 -3.22 -0,26 -0.51 0.00 0.00 .17.04 183.07 0.00 0.00 0.@ .0.47 887,20 1290.91 210.86 0.00 {.90 -0.64 1898,99 2041.85 404.49 0.00 -1.41 -1.54 0,00 -1.55 0.00 0.00 1160.@ 4a,51 893.87 262.29 1155.51 55.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m {.64 ,0.38 0,00 279.47 200.50 1!62,51 379.60 0,00 '0.96 -1,41 0.m -1.15 ,0.26 0.@ 156,4t 103.71 359.14 0.00 0.00 {.13 -1.24 -0.51 .o3a 0.@ -1.92 -70,64 40.77 0.oo 4.f7 {.51 1649 1612 t607 t601 t@7 7607 1508 1621 1606 1606 1606 1519 1667 t764 1639 r605 1605 1605 1743 1162 1693 1604 1604 1604 1604 1604 1604 1604 1665 1631 1885 1666 $87 1622 1603 1603 1603 1601 1603 1603 1603 7674 1699 1666 L644 1602 1602 1602 7602 7507 7602 t607 1662 1617 1655 1601 1601 1601 1601 1601 1601 1601 1601 1602 1609 1600 1600 1600 Attachment l -Page367 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnit.lled PV Namepl.t. (kwd.) DC:AC Aatio E tim.t.d Pv am.plate lkwa.) 4798 t.2 3998 \ol5l1-l 21,:00 lolzol17 2O:@ 17/1.5/17 27tco 7t127/t7 9:oo t2/9117 1,tOO 9/201712O:@ 9lr9/71a,oo 2/2e/7-/ $tOO t{al17 t6:@ 70/27/17 9:@ 6lta/111:@ 6/14/17 l6t90 5/6/77 79tOO 2/70/77 tStOO 2/sl17 a.OO 2/tal77 22,oo 5/17/77 23:OO 9/t7/17 z2:oo 9119117 2o:@ 1y2/119:@ 5l9ll7 t4tOO lU9/11 1,\to0 slzhl27tOO 2/26171 t6:oo 2/2017116,@ 2/72/715:oo 2/76/77 21:OO a/11/717:oo 3/a!77 t(n 5lt7l17 5:oo 6lt7/17 5:(n a/20/17 6:@ 9l9lL? 5.OO tlltltl2o:oo LOI2O/I7 llt@ 2/75/17 t3tOO 5/5/77 to:oo 2/1711716:00 7l!911,71100 5/14/77 o:@ 5/771771:00 L0llo/t7 20:6 t2l5/17 5t@ 6l7rlt1 tOtOO 6/71lti e:oo 2l74lt7 ttOO 2/2alt7 s:@ slaolt l:0o loh0lll2L@ 7olt3/t7 72:@ Tllztlt7 zO:N tzl4ltl 6:6 9/2a/i 8:W 9llgl7173t0o 7oh9/712ot0o 3lt,ltl l0t0o 7U4/71t2:@ 2lt4/117:(n 2/19/719,oo 5/25/114:OO a/A/714:oo rl2vt1 t1:oo 70/21,/17 \O:00 t2/51t7 !7,00 5/lolr7 74:00 512 17 9:@ al2oli a:oo 9/29/11 19:N l6@ l6m 16m 16m 16@ 1601 1503 1719 !550 r605 1617 1851 1533 1645 1599 1599 1599 1599 1611 16@ 1879 1665 1509 1667 15/14 1598 1594 1594 1598 1598 1598 1598 t5t8 1598 1645 7734 1758 76,? 7597 7597 1597 7597 1597 t740 lTzz 1596 1596 r596 1596 1596 1596 1596 1597 1693 1501 1602 7721 1595 1595 1595 1595 1679 1645 1749 1867 1a45 1627 t627 i.t Syst.m Load lMw) t6@ l6@ 16m 15@ 1600 16@ 15@ 1500 1600 l6@ 1599 1S99 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1598 159S 1598 1596 1598 1598 1598 1598 1598 1598 1596 159E 1598 1598 1597 7597 1597 1597 1597 1597 r597 1597 !597 1596 1595 1596 1596 t595 r596 1595 rt96 1596 1596 1596 1595 1595 1595 1595 1595 1595 1595 1595 1595 1594 1594 1594 1594 (kw) 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 826.59 1186.78 66.74 37.E6 2494.70 450.03 1593.79 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0,0I) 0.00 0,00 394!.85 1055.52 35.79 962.10 151,90 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 955.49 2009,08 t779.72 957.91 0_00 0.00 0.00 0_m 0.@ 794.2! 274.07 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 343_35 0.@ 555.98 2264.4 0.00 500.33 0.@ 0.01) 54.35 t67,74 1570.93 3578.85 1106.46 89.02 531.62 solar Exports {kw) Non Expo ed solar (kw) 0.00 2.45 0,00 6.40 0,00 1.66 2.33 117,21 74.75 7.42 2.05 7712.54 65.55 t10.27 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 3.05 o_22 2445.91 633.54 3.60 r29.90 32.!9 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.67 2.05 0.51 0.51 0.70 8.89 54.86 968.51 711!7 129_54 0.00 5.86 192 1.60 0.00 453.90 59.16 0,00 0.00 t.29 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 1.31 181.42 0.00 103.04 tt20.ll 0.00 6.02 1.15 t.92 20.61 74.4! 48.13 2669,15 447.33 9.O2 17.76 0.00 -2.86 000 .6.40 0-00 -1.66 .2.33 775.32 1112.03 59.31 35.81 1152.16 384.48 1483.52 0.00 .0.26 om 0.00 ,3.05 4.22 1098.94 422.99 32.19 832.20 129.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.67 -2.05 -0.51 {.51 -0.70 -8.89 901,63 1040.57 1067.56 427.94 0.00 -5.86 -192 -1.60 0.00 3:14.33 218.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.14 0.00 0.00 161.93 0.00 452.94 1144.68 0.m 594.32 -1.15 -1.92 42.74 497.92 1522.81 909.70 659.13 80.00 493.86 Attachment l -Page368 ?er Unit Dirtibut.d Solrr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.206719 0.295E42 0.0166928 0,@9t59 0.724034 0,112553 0.39E645 0 0 0 0 o o 0.98670r 0.264251 0-00a95205 0.24{t643 O0:t04942 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0.239742 0.5025$ 0.445153 0.239,t97 0 0 0 0 0 0,199657 0.0695528 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.0858792 0 0.139065 o.5@7' 0 0-150158 o 0 0.0133432 0.142m6 0,392928 0.895155 o.275752 o.o2226tA 0.132971 rnrralled Pv l,lameplat. (kwdcl Estimated Pv Iameplate (kwa.) 4794 7.2 3998 2/8117 73:oo 2lt4l71a:oo 9/7 /77 5:oo th6ll7 2l:00 9ll9l1712:@ tzl76/7t 3:@ 2/a/77 L1.oO 70/18117 2o:@ 3l7lr7 ra:oo 8l20/ti rltoo 4/27/77 7:oo 5176177 OtOo 5/26/17 3:oO 9/31114:oo 9175/1127.00 tt/rhr 2o:oo ttlto/t1 zo:@ l?/6117 7:oo 12/t7/71lt& 2l5lr7 16:00 17ht/t7 t4tOO 2/79/17 to:oo 3/ls/17 9:oo 5/alt1 ta.@ 2/31171:@ 7/a/771:@ al27l77 6:00 9/21/17 a:oo 7Ol7/t7 27,00 lt/2ol17 7:oo rr/zVt1 a:@ 72/79/17 5t0o lZ/2477 2t00 th9l77 9:@ 9l3lr7 7r:oo 5h/17 a.oo 9175/t7 9:OO 6/t6lt7 3:oo a/2olt7 5:o0 9/4/77 3too 9/7r/t7 3:N ,l2olD 7a,OO 72/411777:oo 3/2/17 t1too ttl79/7t t5:oo 7lt4lr7 B:@ al9/i r9:@ 2/t5/77 76.00 516117 o:0o 6l76ltt 6,00 t2/3tlti 1:oo 2/72/71 72:OO 4124/7? ltto9 rolt3ll1 !a,@ 2126/17 ttOO 6/7a/77 5:oo LO/23111 2o:N t2lttltT 2:OO l2llrlL7 4tOO 9/$/L7aOO 5/4117 9:oO 9/26/17 IO:OO 6/t3/t7 2t:o0 7l5lr7 t6:oo 12lr8/r7 16:@ r/22/t7 otOO 2lts/t1 4:oo alllt1 o:o0 P.r Unit Dartributed Solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0119815 0 0.543341 0.60036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0255317 0.0047158t 0.360804 0.05E4523 0.550152 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.0198r5s 0.541094 0.042074' 0,112999 0 0 0 0 0.462346 0.392313 0.44641s 0.183545 0_445919 0.0293444 0.0632096 0 0 0 0.786893 0.101288 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o,770744 0 0.0280592 o.232764 0.333781 0 0 0 0.oo 0.m 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 41,90 0.00 2572.O9 2400.25 0.00 0_00 0.00 0,00 0.00 o.m 0.00 0.00 0_00 102.08 18.85 1442,50 233.69 2t99.52 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.m 0-00 0.00 19.46 2163_31 164.22 451.77 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 184S-47 $6a,48 7784.74 731.a2 3laz.ol 117.37 252.77 0.00 0,00 0.00 3146,02 404.95 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 10a!.44 0.@ 112.18 930.61 1334.46 0.00 0.00 o.@ syst.m Load (MW) Nersyrtem Load lMw)Sohrrxport5 {kwl Non Expo.ted sohr lrw} 1594 159! 1594 1594 1594 1594 1618 t591 1692 1880 1593 1593 1593 1593 1591 1593 1593 1593 1593 1624 1636 1603 1615 1869 1592 1592 1592 1592 L592 1592 1592 1592 1618 1874 1681 1648 1591 t59t 1591 1591 1?53 7732 tl47 1656 1749 1601 1659 r590 1590 1590 t711 1642 1610 1589 1589 t5a9 1549 1589 1590 1810 t593 1663 1621 7702 15a8 1588 158a 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1592 1592 1592 7592 7592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1591 1591 1591 1591 1591 1591 1591 1591 1S90 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 1590 1549 1589 1589 1589 1589 1589 1589 1589 1549 1589 1589 1588 1588 1588 1988 r5a8 0.00 0_m 0.00 0.00 2.55 0.00 16 13 0.00 366.74 1319.97 0.00 0.m 0.64 0.51 0,13 0.m 0.00 0m 0.00 43.33 81.28 97 73 11.35 7t25.27 0.00 0.00 0.611 0.00 0.00 0.13 5.46 0_m 11,40 10.56 1032.91 35.26 24.96 0.66 0.51 6.ft 0.64 654.98 34.66 102r.90 126.66 1659.30 o.77 55.1? 7_O2 061 0.00 t361.28 103.23 29.98 0.00 0.51 079 0.00 0.00 2.09 332.0r 2,30 27.76 142.21 722.O2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.m 37,77 0.00 2205.31 1080.28 0.00 0.00 -o-64 -0,51 -0.13 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 1a.75 -62.41 1344.77 222.35 to74.zt 0.00 0.00 -0.64 0@ 0.00 -0.13 -5.46 0.00 '11.40 68.90 1130 39 132.95 426.81 '0.66 .0.51 -6.1A -0.64 1193.49 1531.t2 756,88 607.76 t122.74 116.m 197.55 -1.02 .0.61 000 tJ7A.74 301.72 -29.98 0.00 {.51 ,0.79 0.@ 0.00 -2.09 750.43 -2.30 90.42 788.40 t2t2 44 0.00 0.00 0.00 Attachment l -Page369 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nameprar. llwdd Estimated PV Nameplat. lkWac) 4798 1.2 3998 31311127:OO a/t7/t1 2ttOO 7o/2o/17 7t:@ L2/22/17 4:OO 3124117 7o:@ s/t/77 27t00 3/29/t19tOO 3/17/11 73too 1V3lr7 rrO0 3/20/119:oo |U29/t713:@ 9/$lL17a:00 2.127ltlo:@ 9/22/t7 Etoo 7o/74/L7 2o:@ 1114lt19:OO t2118/71o,oo 5/5/\7 7:oo 2l1a/D M:oo 5129177 72:00 1216/17 14:OO 72/Zl717roO UL9l\11too 3/21711@ 7tl1/77 9:oo r7/r7117 73:OO 5lL7/17 t5.00 6ht/r19:0o 5/9/171too s/7/771o:@ t1/t5/l7 t5,@ 77la/77 t]:oo 7/72/77 6:00 1/9/111tOO 411/711:Oo 6h2/r7 o:oo LZ/3/77 9:W 5l72lt7 tz:oo 7121/17 5:(N 2/X/712:OO 3/t1/71a:oo 5/U/771:oo 6/tz/77 6:00 6/t3l77 t:oo al21/77 \(n 913177 5,OO 913/771:oo 9/27/77 zltoo to/72/17 22:00 tO/19117 2t:00 12/6/77 3:@ t2/22/17 3:@ 5/6/t7 7EtO0 1lt7lt1 9:o0 ?/1,5/L1 76tOO 2/4ltl otoo 2l4lLl7too 2121/17 7:oo 1/7/tlotoo t/76/D a:O0 LO/a177 21:00 t2lZO/116:@ 9/22/L/9tco ltls/7l to:@ 121211716:@ 2/lll77 r7:OO to/r!71 t7:oa ttl26/17 re:oo 1588 1548 1588 $aa 1647 1591 1628 1755 1605 1594 1676 1677 1587 1547 1S87 1547 1587 1588 1613 1467 1720 1664 1586 1586 1586 1586 7725 7t37 1589 1660 1628 1647 1585 1585 1585 t5a5 1585 7476 1584 1584 1584 1544 1544 1584 1584 1584 1584 1584 1584 1544 15aa 1544 1655 1@2 1649 1583 $a! 1583 1583 1583 1583 1543 1595 1644 1622 1680 1682 1591 Nel SYrt€m toad (MWl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 717_94 0.@ 376.96 3299.68 199.24 727_79 1571.07 500.16 0_(x) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 280.14 3246.54 2aao.77 1169_05 0_m 0.@ 0.m 0.00 1009.45 1024.39 0.00 1110.97 415.89 1964.25 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3264.04 0.@ 0_00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m o,m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 749.4! 26437 80.87 0.m 0.m 0,@ 0,00 0.0i) 0.(x) 0.00 151.93 712.34 697.49 2636.23 539.98 102.77 0.(rc 0.00 3.02 0.00 736.71 2.43 25.00 1228.96 77.t6 3.33 464-02 189.08 0.@ 0.13 0.88 12_06 0.00 0.30 101.12 1989.17 102a.46 7@.74 o.m 0.m 0.00 0,00 549.24 181.14 0.13 200.79 32.83 347.52 0,00 0.oo o.67 o.77 o.26 2196.Ss 0.@ 0.00 0.51 o-77 0.99 1.35 0.51 0_34 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 174.00 4.48 249.40 0.25 0.00 0,13 0.00 0.54 0.00 1.15 2.94 254.44 8.54 1010.22 345_41 0.20 Nd"Erported 5ol.r (kw) 0.(rc 0.(I, "!.02 0.00 135.18 -2.43 351.96 20m.11 $2.O1 223.46 1107.05 311.04 0.@ {.13 {.88 -12.06 0.00 -0.30 tlg.o2 1257.1' 1852.31 908.31 0.00 0.00 o.@ 0,00 1@.22 843.20 -0.13 910.18 343.06 1575.74 0,00 0.00 -o.67 '0.77 4,26 1067.5! 0.@ 0.@ .0.51 'o.77 -0.99 -1.35 {.51 {34 -0.51 0.00 0.oo -0.13 0.m 0.@ 575.83 263.89 -20€.93 .0.26 0.@ -0.13 0.m{.s 0.@ -1,15 148.99 457.* 684.91 1626.o1 194.57 102.57 1548 1588 1588 1588 1588 1588 1587 1587 1587 1587 1587 1587 t5a7 1587 1587 1587 1587 I587 1587 r587 1586 1586 1586 1586 1586 1586 1586 1546 1586 1586 1585 1585 1585 1585 r585 1585 1585 15t5 r584 1584 1584 t5a4 1544 1584 1584 r584 1584 1584 1584 1544 1584 1584 1584 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1543 1582 7542 Attachment l -Page370 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports P€r Unit Dirtibut d 5ol.r 0 0 0 0 0.06a0196 0 0,0942875 0.E25328 0.0498334 0.0568244 0.392951 o.725LO2 o o 0 0 o 0 0.0700691 0_s12035 0.720549 0_292ito6 0 0 0 o o.25249 o.255224 0 o.277E8r 0.104025 0,491309 0 0 0 0 0 0.816423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.187551 0.0671269 0.0202285 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0.0380015 o.174173 0.174459 0.659!aa 0.135061 0.0257062 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled Pv Namepbre (twdc) Estimat.d PV Nam€plate (kw.c) 4194 1.2 3998 Dars&Tine ll22l17 7:oo 1l21lt7 4:@ r7/4/r't 2ttoo 72/131t1 76:@ 7o/ta/i 21:@ 1o/3o177 7o:N 2/14/77 tstoo z/7/77 r2tOO 12ll/t717too 3/71t7 5tOO 5/6117 2!:oO 5ltl/17 7:oo Tolrolt7 2o:@ 70/74/17 ?t:(D 2l7o/77 $:OO 2/24117 ts:oo 1l2O/77 gtOO ro/4/t7 73:oo 51271t718:00 5/to/t7 L:00 !O/!1/r7 Lo:oo 9/10/\7 t?:oo 70/4177 r9'.OO !/24/t7 3:Oo 2126/77 stOO Zl27/77 5t0o lO/27/17 2t:@ 1,o/lt171 7:@ 77/26/17 r9:oo 9/29111a.Oo 1U3lu ro:00 3/3Ut7 to:oo 7/9/714tOO 2ll4/77 2:@ 3/27/t7 zt:OO 5/76/77 6:@ !0/2/17 27:oo lol73l71 2r00 7r/2/112o:@ 3/5li ratoo 9/27/77 a.oo l0l3lltT lo:@ t2lttltl t3:AO 5/20/77 r9,oo 4l24h,t to.@ 6lt5/17 7,@ 2/1,3/17 4:@ la/7/ 22:Oo 21261!7 !5:Oo alBlrT 7a:OO ah6/17 9:Oo 4l24lL7 gtgg 3/21!7 $:oO al27/17 s:N a/27/17 5,OO 914/17 7:oo 70/!/77 ?2:oo $/2alL71tOO 10/24/77 27:oo \2129/17 rtoo rtl2tl71 7o,@ 2/2elr7 77:@ 9/27/!.1 91OO 517177 2t:oo Y9lt7 Ttoo tO/25h/ 7too 72/9/17 a:oo l2l8lr7 7t@ 1582 1582 1582 17tO r585 1540 1693 7777 1649 1581 1581 uat $41 1581 1629 1687 1595 1553 1463 u52 1657 1854 1603 1580 1580 1580 1580 1540 1580 1581 1584 1679 7579 1579 1579 1579 1579 1579 1579 1683 1541 r708 77tt 1747 1610 158a 1578 7574 1648 1621 1594 1595 1633tn 7571 7577 t577 1577 ts11 1517 1604 !674 1587 t59t 1576 1576 t575 1575 Net stst m tord (MW) 1532 15€2 1582 1582 1582 1581 1581 1581 $at t58l 1581 1581 $41 1581 1581 15E1 1581 1581 15E1 1580 1560 1580 $40 15a0 1580 1580 1580 1580 1580 1580 1540 1579 1579 1579 1579 1579 1579 1579 7579 1579 1579 1579 1578 1578 1578 157A f7a 1578 1578 1578 7574 7577 7577 7S7f 1517 7577 1577 7571 1571 1511 r517 7577 7576 1576 1516 r576 7515 7576 Per Unit Distribut.d Solar o 0 o o.642557 0 0.0E44705 0.154333 0.693235 0.212557 0 0 0 0 0 0.107955 0.3E3415 0.0156542 0.197313 0.54489 0,877801 0.0231033 o.709229 0.0570729 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.0!6E327 0.399561 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.34245 0 0.271555 0.68iu73 o,24129 0.149469 o.0r!4487 0 0 0.342416 0.0@198:t48 0.045694! 0.0560571 0.0401721 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0-034@14 0.422464 0.m804694 0.0135638 0 0 o o 0.00 o.0t) 23.60 222.77 0.m 52,59 1537.90 1.28 0,00 2.47 1.59 13.15 6.57 84236 16.65 196.16 1111-78 25a2.63 160.70 1474_24 9.98 o_00 0,00 0.00 0.at 0.22 0.00 0.64 3.45 457.t9 0.38 o_m 0-@ 0.00 0.00 1.56 5.70 31.29 0.64 185.02 1105.22 744.74 35.65 1.79 0.46 0,14 301.51 !1.36 5.92 9.98 77_69 0.01 o,77 0,38 16.32 0.79 0.79 1.47 100,93 424.91 6.40 4.70 0m 0.00 o.0o 0_00 Non-Expod.d sol.r (Iw) 0.@ 0.@ .23.60 23Ai.5A 0.00 280.50 56.4.43 1233_66 9@.17 0.00 -7.47 -1.59 -l:l.15 .6.57 424_57 650.55 45.93 592.70 1145.05 926.84 .58-t4 1361.27 2!4.19 0.m 0.00 0.@ -0.17 4.22 0.m -0.64 7t.u 1!{O.06 -0.38 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 -1,56 -5.70 1331.83 {.64 913_05 1630.11 175-94 561.93 52.14 -0.116 -0.14 t727.40 -30.57 776_73 214.13 292.94 -0,01 .a.n -0.38 -16_32 {.79 -0.79 -1,41 35.36 1265,06 25.f7 45.53 0.00 0,m 0.@ 0.m {kw) 0-@ 0.00 0.m 2568_95 0.@ 337.71 617.01 2777.57 969.75 0.@ 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 431.61 15t2.91 62.59 788.86 2256.84 3509.47 92.11 2435.51 72A.tA o.@ 0.@ 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ ,5.?9 r597.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.m 0.m 1369.12 0.00 1098.0E 2735.34 9&.68 597.58 53.93 0.00 0.00 $24-91 o.79 182.65 224.12 320.53 o.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.@ 136.28 1649.04 32.17 54_21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m Attachment I -Page371 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Expofts and Non-exports l.stall.d Pv Nameplat. {kwdc) Ertrmated PV Na meplate (kwacl 4794 12 3998 tllloll1 ro:@ slltl,7 rooo 5/!a/77 22:00 3/511712:OO al21lt19:OO 9llal77 ts.oo U27/rl6:00 2/17/11 7:oo 3/7/171:@ 4/24/7127100 5/5/77 77:oo ,13177 8:oo 9/20/L19:oO r/71/11 7:OO 2123/11o:oo 5/41t71:@ 9121177 a2:0o 72lt/77 zltoo 5/22/117too t7/tzlD B.@ 5l2g/r7 l7:oo 2/24/112:OO 9lto/113:0o lol\/17 2O:@ Toqa/rl zrt@ 2/19/t7 lztDo 2/tO/77 t3:@ 9l2ol77 tg:og 4/s/77 2otoo 2/15/11 1:@ 2124111}@ 3/29117 2t.0o 9/2E/17 27t0o 7l/rl/77 t9t@ 1.212177 7:oo 9126/77 a:oo 1o/rs/719:OO 9l3lr1aio 5123/716.00 tOILO/771:@ ll/r/17 zt:oo 171t7/777:@ 17/25117 19.@ sl2/711:oo 4/1U17 IO:OO t7/!17].2.00 al21/77 9:oO 319/t7 ro.@ rt/ztlr77t.@ zll3hr l4:N l/2oh7 stOO 7/15/17 a:oo 2/241771:OO 4/alt7 22:oo 6/5/t7 6:00 5/17/7t 6:04 t2l7l17 73:@ 12/1?111 1'@ 2ll8/11 ls:oo 2/76/t14tOO 5/t7/7714:oo trlt4/17 M:@ t 2lt1 to:oo 11/11/1710:00 4lzo/r1zt:q !O/15/i a7:N 72/2/77 21too ro/2u171\:@ 1650 ta22 15aO 1628 t677 1676 t575 1575 1575 1575 1539 16oa 1620 7574 1574 1574 1574 1574 1585 1587 L754 1573 1573 1573 LS73 1608 1632 1592 1605 1572 75t2 1511 1572 7572 1573 1612 1542 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 7572 1654 $94 7728 1613 1603 r708 1570 1s70 1570 !570 7170 7570 1653 l69l 1602 1569 1724 1623 1591 1591 $64 1558 1568 1650 N.t syrtem lo.d (Mw) t516 1576 1575 1575 1575 1575 1575 1575 r575 1575 L574 1,574 1574 1574 1574 1574 1574 1574 1574 1574 1573 1573 1573 1573 1573 1573 1573 1572 7577 1577 7572 t5?2 7572 7572 7572 1572 1571 7577 1971 7177 1571 1571 l57l t37t 1571 1571 1570 15tO r570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1569 1569 1559 1569 1564 1568 $64 1564 1568 156€ 1568 P.r Unlt Distribut.d Soh. 0.115511 0.470359 0 0.525037 0,t01831 o.27265 0 0 0 o 0.31EE98 0.0714945 0.0947289 0 0 0 0 0 0.00929187 0.@583273 0.1rt4E93 0 0 o 0 0.349741 0.705849 0.0437621 0.o317541 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0.07595ss 0.00555116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.355625 0.095533s 0.159095 0.111326 0.124118 0.829E92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.{b573 0,741971 0.0266555 0 0.3r7oa 0.188001 0,0135765 0.113094 0 0 0 0,263123 466_21 1480.51 0.00 210311 407 12 850.18 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 1274.96 285.84 378.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 37,15 23.32 579.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1398.27 2A22.N t74.96 125.9S o.0o 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 303.67 2219 0_00 o_00 0.00 0.@ 000 0.00 1421.80 341.95 636.07 445.08 496.23 3:t17.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1601.50 2966.43 106.57 0.00 1307.67 751.63 54.28 452.17 0.@ 0.00 1051.97 224.70 $4.42 0.@ 438.23 19.30 277.57 0.00 0.0o 0-@ 0.13 524.45 6.27 19.24 0.38 0.00 1.15 0.@ 0.51 1.54 0.00 916.84 0.00 0,3a 0.13 0.00 140.16 62.2.14 16.73 13.05 0.00 0.@ 0.00 1.16 0.m 0.11 o,26 25.25 2,69 0_00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0,00 0.04 338.82 47.96 t29.U 156,41 181.50 1901.10 0.@ 0.00 0.00 2.43 o.u 480.56 382.91 43.65 0.00 710.36 0.13 14_45 215.'t5 0.77 0,@ 0.13 241.74 lon'Export€d sol.r (lwl 238.01 992.(,| 0.00 1564.88 387-a3 632.51 0.m 0.00 0.@ {.13 146.51 279.56 349_4t -0,38 0.m 'l-15 0.@ {.51 35.61 7!.12 .337.59 0.@ {.38 .0.13 0.00 1258.11 2799.22 156.23 113,90 0.@ 0.00 0.00 -1.16 0.00 {.11 -0.26 274.42 19.51 o.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 o_00 -0.04 1082.98 333.99 506.23 278.68 174.72 1414_43 0,00 0.00 0.@ -2.11 -1.66 -0.64 I120.94 25a3-52 62.92 0.m 597.31 751.50 39.43 215.72 4.17 0.00 -0.13 810.23 Attachment 1 - Page 372 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnst ll.d Pv Nameplar. (kwdc) Estrmated PV Na meplate (kWa( ) 4794 1.2 3998 72/6/17 !5:oo 5lt4l77 2l:Oo 6/B/717o:oo 2/$lr1 16:00 1/70/77 rlt00 9l!all1 16:00 2lL7lr7 L1:@ sl1a/t7 2t,OO sl13/17 o.oo t2l7lt7 5:@ ,tl1,1lt7 9:oo 1/zo/71 lo:@ 6lt7ltl 9,OO s/75/17 9:oo 9/19/\7 1t:o0 2172/17 4too 1/13/71 2r:oo 3/20/17 a:oo 4124/17 22tOO 5l1ol\7 6:00 9/3/17 6:00 t7/12177 2l:@ 72/9/112:oo 2/79/t1 rt:OO 4/74/77 27:oo 6/1r/171r:00 z/2a/17!@ 9/71/77 4.oo 9l2olt7 22:@ tol2s/71 2o:oo lt/27/1123:oo t7/10lt7 O:Oo t7lt9lr7 t.6 12130/171:e 72137/1f 1:@ 6/17/17 \1:cto 2halr7 3:oo 2l20lr71too 3/2/Li o:oo 6113/17 z:@ 6/tr/17 4:oo 1o/5/r7 2O:0o to/r4111 2otco 1/24/11 ?o:oo tt/30/77 r4too r1/alll 14:oo 4/8/17 9:N 2/2s/t7 71.00 r/9/\7 L00 Ulolt l t:oo 2h5lt, z:oo 2126/17 3tOO 4174/\7 21:oo th2lu 6:00 70/73/771:00 1tl2lt7 a.oo 71ft1t123:@ l7/7o/t7 2ttOO 71/u/17 23:oo 5/7117 ll:@ 9l22lt7 7o,OO t7/27/1711:@ 2ltgh, A:oo 2126/ti 2:oo 3/4/17 a:oo tl2a/77 23:oo 4lal77 27:OO 2/7a/t7 71:oo 1708 1593 1871 1594 1584 1655 1655 1599 1567 1567 1568 1592 1835 1791 16,{5 1566 1556 1565 1566 1566 1565 1566 1566 1592 1573 1793 1565 1565 l55s 1565 1565 1565 1555 1565 1565 1799 r564 1564 1564 1554 1564 1554 1564 1565 1694 1660 t58Z 1688 1563 1563 1563 1553 1563 1553 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1664 1518 1572 1562 1562 1552 1562 1563 1591 l{.t systeft Lo.d (rvM) 1566 1558 1568 1564 1558 1558 116' 1567 1567 1557 1567 1567 7567 1557 1566 1565 1566 1556 1556 1566 1566 1556 1566 1566 1565 1565 1565 1565 1555 1565 1565 1555 1565 1555 1565 1565 1554 1564 1564 1554 156,4 1564 1564 1564 1562t 1564 1563 1553 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1562 1552 1562 1562 1562 1562 1562 1562 1561 P.r Unit Distributcd sol.. 0,4E7075 0.0215343 0.448707 0.123798 o.27U7t o_0607517 0.309m2 0.01t569 0 0 0 0.214249 0.278182 0.282456 0.23A475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0s09959 0 0.618084 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.540547 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.00153653 0.458711 o.477327 0.0E67375 0.92749 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.217311 0.10539 0.0339328 0 0 0 o 0 0.0862216 1947.34 86.09 1953.45 494.95 1081.35 242.49 1235.40 78.24 0.00 0.oo 0,00 856-57 1112.18 7179.27 953.43 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3$.40 0.@ 2471.13 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 2167,24 0.@ 0.00 o-m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 5_14 1833.94 1488.57 34€.76 3708.13 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0-@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 46E.81 421.35 135.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,m 0.@ 3A4,72 709.55 5.53 946.50 53.25 385.55 42.91 597.03 2.42 2.05 0.3E 19,14 91-25 4m.64 301.75 ?8t.37 0.@ 0.64 0,00 0.26 0.59 0.51 0.26 0.00 176_m 0.13 1227.27 o.@ 0.51 o.00 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.m 0.00 1566.53 !.44 0.3E 0.00 0.64 2.18 0.00 3.47 0.13 491.88 274.47 14.59 1848.07 0.@ 0.00 0,oo 0,00 0.00 0.38 0.25 0.10 o.@ 0.00 0.64 460,54 41.60 0.25 0.@ 0.04 0.74 1.02 2.30 37.38 Non Erponed solar (kW) 7247.74 79.57 100r.36 44t,70 695.68 159.98 638.16 75.4) ,2.0s -034 .19,14 765.32 711.s4 427.57 672,05 0.@ -0.64 0.00 -0.26 -0.59 -0.51 -o.26 0.@ 187,80 -0.13 1243.86 0.o0 '0.51 0.@ -0.64 0.00 0.00 4.16 0.00 0.m 594 75 -1.44 -0.38 0.00 -0.64 -2.18 0.00 -1.47 6.02 1342.06 1215.10 332.19 1860.05 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.3a -0.25 -0.10 0.m 0.00 -o.64 448.2' 379.55 135.41 0.m -0.04 -o,74 1.02 -2.30 307.34 Attachment l - Page 373 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstall.d Pv Nameplate (kwdc) Estimat.d PV .m.pl.t. (*Wac) 4794 1.2 3998 8/zilt17O:OO 11/30/171s:m 211't /171 ro 2/r2lt7 r:oo 4/74/ti Ttoo 5/25177 2:oO 9/t!1,,l:oo t7/6/17 23:oo 12/s/77 1,:oo 9125/1120:@ 5l7olt7 tz:oo 4/7A/t7 a$O 9/16/17 2o:oo 1/71/77 5:o0 Ll/2lti 79:oo trlT/tl21.00 ttllltl t,:oo rll4/rl lrtoo 4/74/77 a:oo 5/2a/ri 76:00 4/75/71 8:o0 3/241t7 2l:Oi 5l3o/l7 a:oo 6/16lti 4:oo 7O/75/t1 2o:oo ttl79lt17:o0 2/2a/t7 ts:oo 17/3/17 !8:oo 3l70lL7 11:@ rl21.lll15:oo 7/13/117:o0 s/4/r1 r7:oo zhzlrr 7a:oo 2/24/t1 16:00 4/14/17 l2:Oo 1/19/177:o0 al2tltT 4:o0 9/16/7127:@ 7o/25/t1 27:ooruttltt 2o:@ t431/t7 2:@ \O/t2/17 19:oo 7tl29lt1 74:@ 6/rn711:0o 5/to/71 rTt9o 9/15/\1 !9:oo l0/21/t1 la:@ alsltl13:oo 2/ro/r7 23:@ z/17/116:00 a/74/77 23:N 9/l?/lT atoo 1th4lr7 7:@ 17/15177 22:@ 7z/29/t7 5:oo t7/27/77 t1:0o 11/t2/!19:@ 511/t7 a:oo 1/71/77 20:& 1lal17 r2.@ 1/74/t7 1,1OO 2/rU77 23too 2/2a/71a:oo 3/11/77A:OO 6/5/17 ]:oa 7t/2tlti 2t:@ tt/7a/t75:@ t2/5/17 4:o0 7422 1685 1561 1551 1561 1561 1561 1561 1561 1564 la4A ls67 1569 1560 1560 1560 t56l 1644 !554 18r12 1559 1559 !559 1559 1559 1676 1573 1547 1635 1554 1836 1702 1680 1680 1557 1557 1557 1557 1557 1557 1582 1652 t745 lE28 1634 1567 1625 1556 1556 1556 1556 1555 1556 1556 1615 1559 1553 1561 1633 1555 1555 1555 1555 1555 15t5 1555 1555 P.. Unit Dbtibut€d Sol.r 0.377109 0,431688 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.802751 0.0145933 0.01E0573 0 0 0 0 0.496485 0.0114225 0.7!xrxx, 0.0213009 0 0 0 0 0 0.756283 o.o277La4 0.210113 0.0445192 o 0,733314 o.847542 0.342025 0.367736 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.@87809 o.432mA 0,453!ral 0.673759 0.1t3221 o.0376972 o.36na4 0 0 0 0 0 o o o.392284 0 0.0438953 0 o.209399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r508.49 1775.90 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,209,42 58.34 12.t9 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.0t 19E4.96 45.67 3154.83 85.16 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 3021.64 110.80 840.04 193.98 0.@ 2931.81 3388.55 7467,42 7470.2? 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0,0{, o.oo 354,95 1729.98 1a55.01 2693.74 712.52 150.71 2269,81 0.00 0.00 0.o0 0.00 o,@ 0.@ 0.00 1558.36 0.00 175.49 0.00 437.$ 0.@ 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 585.31 243.24 0.@ 0.00 0,00 0.71 7.O2 0.00 23.04 1.28 2285,25 0.64 0.90 o.26 0-12 0.@ 0.43 3€.09 1.02 2021.30 5.63 0.00 1.21 0.78 0.02 o.26 1042.E4 3.09 168.70 531.90 0.m 1a _24 1572.95 542,r9 247.tO 13.44 o.n 0_m 0.@ o.o0 0.(,0 10.52 243.46 ,55.73 1784.21 101.53 E.68 284.66 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.51 0.26 0.@ 0.13 707,34 71.75 41,41 0.m 367.04 0.@ 0.26 0.00 r5.29 2.4? 0.51 0.@ 0,13 No.-Export.d sol.. (twl 923.18 l1lE2,62 0.@ 0.00 0_00 -o.77 '2'O2 0.00 -23.04 '1.28 921,17 57.m 71.30 -0.26 -0.12 0.@ '0.83 1536.87 1137.53 79.53 0.m -1.21 4.74 '0.02 -0.26 t9r(,.80 !07.71 671-33 -137.9t o.@ 1117.57 17t5.70 824.43 1223.11 .13.44 4.77 0,00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 344.32 1486.52 1099.24 909.54 630.89 142.03 1985.15 0.m 0.m 0.@ {.51 4.26 0.00 -0.13 E60.98 -71.15 134.09 0.00 470.\4 0.@ -0,26 0.m ,15.29 -2.47 .0.51 0.@ -0.13 Attachment 1 - Page 374 l,lst Syetem Load (M!/l/) 1561 r561 1561 1561 1561 1561 1561 156! 1s5t 156l 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 1559 1559 1559 1s59 1559 1559 1559 1559 1559 1554 1558 1558 1557 1557 1557 1557 1557 1557 1557 1557 1557 1557 1557 1557 1556 1556 1555 1556 1556 1556 1556 1556 1556 1556 1556 1556 1556 1556 1556 1555 1555 1555 1555 1555 1555 1555 1555 1555 lnstalled Pv NarneDlat. (twdcl Estrmated Pv Na m.pl.t. (kwa.) 4194 !.2 3998 72191t14:o0 9/t9/71 7o:o0 1l2L/77 76:00 9/77177 79:OO tualll1s:oo 2171/7115:oO r2l6/t1 17:oo rr/1/77 71tOO 4126117 22.00 9/71/17 5:oo t/5/7117:N 2h5lr7 !4:oo 2121/D 7&OO 314/77 72:oo rO/20/1,1 lgtoo al7ol71 2o,oo 12/5/t1 !4:OO 2/28/77 !00 !/4/77 22:oo Sl27lt7 2:@ to/71/71 22too 70/\6/77 22:oo ro/zoli apo rllall1 2t:oo 71/4/17 22:oo 7t/5/77 8:00 6/11/71 72:oo tt/76/11 TLOO 5/11/77 72:OO 5/a/77 2o:oo 5171111 7!:OO 7/13/17 2:oo to/r1 /77 22100 4/t1177 2r:OO 12/2/71 7s:oo 216/7123100 1/72/77 2r:oo 1ll4lr12l:@ 4/3/7122.00 4/17/777,oo 5/71177 6:00 17/26/71 2o:@ 5/7t/17 gtOO 2/71/71 t7:OO 4125171 2ttoo 5l21l71t1,OO s/\x/\7 z0:oo 1/6h7 5:@ 5/77117 6.00 rl/16/77 77:oo 3ls/t7 atoo 5/1A/71 23too 6h6/r15:@ 912917122,@ 72/9/17 3:oo 72/23/17 6,@ 5l7lt7 2o.OO 2/231t7 ,@ 21281112:oo 3/7/115:oo t/to/17 o,OO 3/2!/77 2,oo l!/2/t7 21,:0o 7ll3/17 A:Oo 2l2a/t1 16:00 2/s/77 23:oo 6/11/17 5tOO 1'l4lt7 7:oo 1555 1636 1637 1638 \62-' 1618 t773 176/J $54 1554 1637 1697 1651 1605 1561 1562 1703 r553 1553 1553 1553 1553 ls53 1553 r553 1553 17AA 1591 1743 1120 1723 1552 1s52 1565 1618 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 t7a3 1627 1558 la37 1665 1550 1550 159! 1549 1549 1549 1549 1549 1549 1568 1548 1548 $44 154{t 1544 1548 1548 1653 1547 1541 1541 Net syrt.m Load lMw) 1555 1555 1555 1595 1555 1554 1554 1554 1554 1554 1554 1554 l5!4 1554 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1552 1552 1552 1552 1552 1552 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 l5tl 1551 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1549 1549 1549 1549 1549 !549 1549 1544 154! 1548 1548 $44 1548 1548 1544 1544 1547 1547 tt47 Per unit 0ittrib'4ed solar 0 0.0559525 0.0338908 0.130781 o.ao717 0.5017E7 0.389863 0.504237 0 0 o.2na23 0.156928 0.1235 0,291355 0.0375073 0.015385 0.703939 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0.2863 o_797942 0.564088 0.115517 0.50259 0 0 0 o.497574 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 o.217947 0.691328 0 0.728414 0.0913465 0 0 o.247972 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0464t71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.635796 0 0 0 0_@ 223.70 135.50 522.47 1630.27 2m6.15 1554.68 2015.95 0.00 0.00 LltO,l4 627.40 494_76 1164.84 149.95 61.51 2814.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 1144.63 79L14 2555.04 465.84 2009.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 1565.92 0.00 0.00 0_m 0.o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 871.36 2153.94 0.m 2912 2l 365.21 0.00 0.00t 2t.aa 0.00 0.00 o.o0 0.m 0.00 0_00 $7.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 254t.93 0,00 0.00 0.m o.m 80,43 205.38 49.30 182.91 449.47 42.o2 7227.79 0.m 0.51 185.47 640.57 8.98 299.25 3.23 o.26 1271.17 0.00 0,00 0.26 0.00 0.13 2.76 5.55 23,11 1.02 I132.90 619.58 1203.S1 137.O9 1235.18 0.00 0.00 o.17 69.04 0.01) 0.00 o,26 0.54 0.77 5.84 0.@ 125.73 935.86 1.41 t725.15 96.30 0.00 1.33 7.40 7.O2 0.00 o_74 0.26 0,00 0_00 14.60 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0_64 0.26 6.90 0,m 1015.17 0.51 1_02 0.51 Non-Exportcd sor.r (kw) 0.@ \41.27 -69_49 473.56 1117.36 1556.28 1526.66 794.16 0.00 ,0.51 925.27 -13.17 444.74 855.s9 146.73 6\.25 1942.99 0.m 0.d) -0.26 0.00 -0.13 -7.76 -5.55 -23-11 -7,O2 11.73 771.79 1451.53 328.75 774,7a 0.@ 0,00 -o.77 1495.89 0.00 0.00 -0.26 4.54 4.77 ,5.84 0.m 545,62 1824.09 .1.41 118r.06 268.r1 0,00 -1.33 1124.91 -1_02 0.00 ,0-26 0.00 0.00 172.46 0.m 0.00 0.00 -0.64 -0.26 -6.90 0.m 1526.75 -0.51 -1.02 -0.51 Attachment 'l - Page 375 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exporls and Non+xports lnttalled Pv N.meplar. (kwdc) EitiEat.d PV [ameplate lkwac) 4794 7.2 3998 ro/261t7 7o:@ 2/121t7 Ttoo l!/9/r7 22:oo lo/a/i 2o:oo 4/77117 a:Cn 2/17/17 23:OO 3/10/r7 7r:0o to/2h71|0o til9l11 22:00 l\/1o/17 7:00 tr/|o/r1 22to0 ,/1\117 9:OO sl6ht 9too 5/15/t7 7o:oo 2/t4lt7 74:00 r/2XIl1l:OO t/24hr 7too 3/27/!7 22tOO tO/14/17 22:oo to/7s/fi al!/o r!5/t7 22100 lllLl/|1 llt{fr 5l22lt7 7t:o0 1/271t7 9:@ 72/4/1,1 73tOO 415/71751oo lttlLl2too Y27/17 rtoo 4l13/17 22:OO 5/2a/77 o:@ to/slt7 7t0{ 72/ta/t1s:@ 4E/t7 EtOO 9l2r/71 2otOO \u2lr1tt:@ 2O/9 4,OO 1/6/11o:oo 3l3n/17 23:@ 5/t7/t1OtoO th5/t-] 21:6 9/26/17 zlto0 7211o/t7 7:@ 17/6/77 t1:og 1/1/111tOO 4lttlTl 22,00 51251115:00 th4/771:0o ro/75/t7 2r:N L2/51r12:OO 4l24lr7 2o:oo 5/10h, rotoo 3hl77 t7:oo 7/9/77 23:OO 3124/77 7:OO 6/13/u 5:@ lo/5/t7 22:OO 1!a117 5:oo t2/79/17 4:@ 4/6lti atoo 4lalti 9:oo alz4hl tttoo 5/22/i a:oo 12/!0/1713:00 rt/31t1 ,3:OO ttlaslt1 r8:@ 4lZ7lP9tq zl3lu stOO 4/t9177 22:@ 1547 1546 t546 1547 1566 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1570 1@5 7792 1701 1544 1544 t544 1544 r544 1544 1544 $34 1575 16aO 1658 154! 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1558 1549 $84 1542 1542 L5A2 \s42 L542 1542 1547 1660 1541 1541 1541 7547 1541 1541 r556 1a13 1594 1540 1540 r540 1540 15rto 1540 1541 1645 159t t701 1636 1579 tg1 161a 1539 1539 Net Svsten toad lMw) Pd unit Distribur.d sol.r 0 0 0 0 0.0210799 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0255!43 0.0733007 o.5277A7 0.844826 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-681988 0.0421555 0.681759 o,271139 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0100526 0_00425185 o.o36t927 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.531535 0 0 0 o 0 0 o.0777172 0.489626 0.358996 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.151011 o.!38995 0,0641356 0.681583 0.154413 0.0221049 0.030193 0 0 0.00 0_00 0.00 0,00 84.28 0.00 0.00 0-@ 0_@ 0.@ 0_00 102.01 293.06 2110,10 33r/.63 0.00 0.00 0-@ 0.oo 0.@ 0.00 0.00 2725.@ 324.45 7725.69 1108.01 0.m 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0.00 o00 40,19 32_99 144.70 0.00 0.00 0,00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.m 2t25.09 0,00 0.00 0.fi) 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.43 1957.54 1435,21 0.oo 0.oo 0.00 0-00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 603.75 555.71 277.41 2124.94 671.32 4838 720-7r 0.@ 0.00 o.26 0.00 0.00 o.71 t.79 0_00 0.52 0.00 0.@ 0,00 0.38 206.72 68.16 9,7.65 l79A-41 0_m 0.m 0.00 4.43 5.61 0.00 0.00 1696.87 !9.65 1314.61 534_45 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.88 0.09 1.54 3.33 49_98 0.04 0.00 0.51 2.42 0.38 0.@ 2.05 1107.83 0.oo 0.64 0.61t o.77 0.00 0.@ 10.50 1063.12 1217.03 0,90 0.26 2.O7 0.m 0.10 0.00 0.64 101.21 322.8t 65.m 633.09 76.26 0.m 103.42 0,00 0.00 Non-Exported Solar (kW) {.26 0.oo o00 -o.77 42.49 0.00 -0.62 0.00 0-00 0.00 -0.34 -104.72 221.90 1!38.45 !579.!1 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.83 -5.61 0.m 0-@ 1029.74 308.82 1411.04 573.15 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ -0,13 {.88 {_09 38.65 29.6 94.12 -0.04 0.@ {.51 -2.42 -o-38 0,00 '2.05 to17.26 0.00 {.64 -0-64 4-77 0.00 0.00 @.:trt 894.42 2ll.24 -0.90 -1r.26 .2.01 0,00 {.10 0.00 -0.64 502.s3 232.83 207.41 2091.90 597.06 8t.34 17.29 0.@ 0.@ 7547 1546 1546 1545 1545 1545 7545 7545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 7544 7544 1544 1544 15{4 1544 1544 1544 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1S43 r542 1542 7542 1542 7512 t542 1142 1542 1542 1542 1541 1541 1541 1541 1541 1541 l54t 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 1539 1539 1539 1539 Attachment l -Page376 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rntt.lled Pv NameEl.r€ lkwd.l Estimated PV Nameplat€ (rwa.) 1.2 3998 77122/17 L9:@ 12/19/17 2:oo 9l28ltl tg:OO 611Llr7 to:oo 4/3/t127tOO 2/1911,7 Tatoo 5/19/17 7:oo t2l1t/1111:N 2/t3lr7 15:6 \t/1!/t1s:@ t2/5/713:oo 1.2/29/77 2:oo 4/24/t7 t7:oo 77/14ltt to,OO 9la/119:oo 7/tt/t13:oo 2/19117 8:oa Jl1/711t0o altr/r727:@ 9lt4/7t 6:00 1Y25/17 2o:@ 1/!/r7 La.@ 7/73/tr l7:oo 2/to/r7 t4,oo 4l1olr, lo:oo 2/16/77 6:00 2/27/17 7:oo 5/12/77 7:oo to/61t7 27too 7ih6h7 t9:@ 5/t4l71t:oo l/Zo/77 2:(fr 2179/77 t3:oo 72/7/17 r4.oo 72/4ht t4:OO 3l5lt1t6:oo 2/27/77 4:oo 1/91t7 22:oo 5/t4/t17:oO 12/70/77 o:@ 414h, zt:oo 6/1t177 9:oo 4/8/!7 to:6 7o/4/r7 t4:OO l/21/t7 4:oo al76ht z7,oo !281t121:oo 1/5/77 7:oo 9/4/tt 6too rOh/1121:oo 4hrlrJ2o:@ rrl2ahT tt:N 3171114:oo 4/27/17 22:oo 5/7/1713:oo 9/4/17 s:oo 72179117 3:oO 7oll7lti l9:@ 12l11lti t4:N 3129/17 lotoo 4/24/t7 t9:DO 6/7!/77 a:oo 4/2olr1 1o:0o 5l4hr t6:0o 4/l8/77 27:@ 70/2/77 tg:oo 4/12/r7 9:oo al2o/71 ro.@ N* syitem Load (Mwl 1539 1539 1539 1539 1539 1539 $34 $34 1538 15:!3 153€ 1538 $34 1538 1537 r$7 1537 1537 1537 1537 1537 1517 1536 1536 1536 1536 1536 1536 1536 1536 1535 1535 1535 1534 1534 1534 1534 15!4 1534 1534 1534 1534 1534 1533 1533 1533 1533 1533 1533 1533 1533 1532 1532 1532 1532 1532 1532 153r t53t 1531 l53l 1531 1531 1531 1531 1531 1530 1530 Plr Unit Distnbut€d Solar 0 0 0.153292 0.4067!l 0 o,7!2337 0.0072729 0.451159 0.756907 0 0 0 o.346357 o.20271 0.144382 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.206236 0.410228 0.52186 0.257006 0 0 0 0 0.0581977 0 0 0.00919245 o.248,77 o.72541 o-237195 o 0 0 0 0 0.252968 o.t44457 0.38788 0 0 0 0 o 0 0_0297454 0-ito253 0 0 0 0 0 0.0426664 o.749212 0.279297 0.04747 0 o.772 0.453066 0 0-00355777 0.153135 0.401347 0.00 0,00 512-85 1626.12 0.@ 529,09 29.08 1803.74 3026.13 0.0I) 0.00 0,00 1344.78 810.56 5rr.24 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 424.54 1640.10 2046,41 toz7.s2 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 112.66 0.00 0.00 15.75 993.22 2900.44 925_52 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 1011,37 577.r4 1550.75 0,00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 1u.92 160!t.32 0.@ 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0.m 170.5a 2955.47 1116.64 ta9.79 0.m 687.66 3450.55 0.00 14,22 671.74 1504.59 0.18 0.68 ItE.57 805.!4 0.54 8,19 0.13 25.98 1679-90 0.@ 0.00 1.02 320.90 547.81 93.20 o,li 0.11 0.00 0.@ 0.55 0.00 31.36 51E.38 604.49 267,26 1.10 0,00 1.02 0.@ 18.45 0.51 0.@ 3E4.96 154.35 t722.a7 280.80 0,00 0.00 0.13 0.38 o.!5 331.78 53.L7 4!5.17 0.00 0.50 0.00 o.77 0.00 0.00 1.41 991.02 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.98 8.88 1116.81 195.67 47.O4 0.77 98-30 2382.92 1.02 ?0.08 62.71 570.05 Non+xported solar Ikwl -0.18 _0.58 494_20 820.48 -0.54 520.89 28.95 t717.76 1346.23 0.m 0.m ,1.02 1063.89 262.75 444_04 {.13 -0.13 0.00 0.00 {_55 0.m 793.18 712t.12 1481.91 7@.25 -1.10 0.00 -1,02 0.00 254.21 {_51 0.m -3'18.21 828.86 7774.@ 644.77 0.0i) 0.00 -0.13 -0.38 {_35 679.@ 514-37 1133.98 0.@ -0.50 0.m '0.7, 0.00 0.00 117.51 618.31 0_00 0_00 0.00 -0.38 -0.98 151.70 $34_66 919.96 !42.15 -o.n 549.36 1057,fl -1,o2 -5.86 549.50 934.53 1539 1539 1632 1759 1540 1575 1545 1645 1675 r538 1538 1538 7671 1611 1671 1537 1537 15!7 1537 7517 7537 1634 1603 1639 1536 1536 1535 1536 r561 7ra2 1535 1583 1623 1670 1601 15:'4 1534 1534 1534 1535 7714 1573 7625 1533 1533 1533 15t3 1533 r533 1546 1704 1532 1532 1532 1532 7542 154' 1654 1508 t577 1531 r557 1811 1535 1593 1620 lal7 Attachment l -Page377 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nam.plar. (lwdc) Eetinat.d Pv Namepl.t. (kw..) 4794 t.2 3998 zlroltl t5:oo 5/19/178:qD 3/Ll71atoo 6/71177 4:oo 9/4177 4:o0 tol6/t7 2o,o0 lo/loll1 Z2:@ L2l29h7 |@ 7ol2olr1 r2:@ a/2o/17 9:oo tol77/11 t9:oo LOll9/17 lgt$O t/21117 7:oo \l/!/11 r1:oo 7l/2alt7 71:@ 5/77/17 !6:00 !/23/71 3:N 9/70/77 4:o0 7ol27lt7 22:@ \2/2a/17 l@ 5/3oltt 5:oo 5/t/17 79:OO 5172/t71:oo 4/77/71 71:oo U22/176:00 !2\lD A:@ 5l2o/17 o:oo lt/1/t7 77:oo Tolra/r7 79:@ 3/5117 74:@ 2/a/i 0:6 3/3/17 o:o0 70/20/77 22:00 ,122/71 7o:oo 4/tt/\7 t9too 3/29/17 2o:@ 3/241t7 r9:@ l/2olr7 3:oo rl27lt7 2tOO !2\/r,, s:6 2/5/17 o:oO 3/3177 2r:@ lholt7 7too 4hO/7122100 5halt7 Ttoo 4/t9/t7 2!t0o 1rl1/7717:oo Elrr/fl a:oo 5/11/17 l4:OO 3lt4/t7 to.oo 5/15/17 rri00 5/2a/i !@ 9lt5lt7 r:@ tt/73/t7 22:@ ttl22/t7 9:0o L2/4117 O]OO tt/2t/77 t2:@ 9/2rl77 to:@ 31217712:@ 70/4177 t6:@ 5/6h7 rOl0o 3/A/77 B:0o to/16/17 to:oo 7/ttl77 a:oo 1/22./77 r:oo 4/4117 22:oo 5lrU17 z,w 5122/17 o:oo 1633 151t5 1530 1530 t53o 1510 1530 1530 1623 t72a 1557 1548 1529 1569 1551 1413 1528 1528 1528 1527 1585 1528 1625 1526 1526 1525 1551 1542 t612 1525 1525 1525 1814 1549 1529 r535 t524 1524 1524 1521 1524 1524 1524 1524 1526 1700 r669 1705 1590 1788 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1570 1572 1684 1596 1666 1565 t72a 7522 1522 1522 1522 7522 N?t Syit€m L@d (MWl 1530 1530 1s30 1530 1530 1530 1530 !530 1530 15:,0 1530 1529 1529 1528 1528 7524 1528 t52E 1528 $2a t5?7 ts27 t5z7 1526 1525 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1525 1525 1525 1525 1525 1525 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 t52a t52l 1523 t52? r523 1523 1523 1523 1923 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1522 7522 1522 t522 t522 1572 1522 P.r Unit orstribut€d sol.. o.0713009 o.0692569 0 0 0 0 0 o 0.0781853 0.178541 0.0912t95 0_0450672 0 0.0953955 0_343394 o.441151 0 0 0 0 0 o.107397 o 0,495531 0 0 0 0.0698891 0,05332 o-0224I,4 0 0 0 0.496937 0.(xt62:143 0.0356473 0.0298459 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.362522 0.0719943 0.1503 0.209367 0.73159 0 0 0 0 0 0.192696 0.02$a3a 0.632121 0.4:lE7l 0.337579 o.216227 0.319397 o 0 0 0 0 285.06 276.49 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.@ 312.59 713_E1 365.02 180.18 0.00 381.39 1532.82 3t62,94 0.00 0,00 0.oo 0.@ 0.m 429.38 0-m 1985.14 0.(rc 0.00 0.@ 279,42 213.17 49.89 0.(x) 0.@ o.@ 1986.75 384.83 142.52 119_32 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 7449.37 :111.E2 500.90 a37,05 2924.91 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 7m_40 1tl.4E 7527.73 1753,97 1350.05 854.itE 1216.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.@ solar Erpons (kw) Noi'txpoded sohr (kw) 194,76 39.49 0.00 2,29 0.13 0,13 0.00 0.38 312.60 157.19 9,73 3.93 0.00 98.09 10.11 221E.53 0.00 0.70 0.:14 0.00 0.85 79.39 2.94 667.41 0.@ o.26 0.00 23.02 3.86 463,46 0.51 0.@ 2,71 1065.60 11.78 1.02 1.65 o.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.32 0.@ 4,15 5.18 !4.96 63.10 970,41 169.07 t713.57 0.26 0.51 0.13 6.06 1.54 30:'_98 85.17 7574,O4 476.56 325.71 13.82 373.25 0.00 0.@ 0.00 1,58 0.26 90.30 237.40 0.m -2_29 ,0.r! -0.13 0.00 ,0.38 {.01 546.62 355.29 776.75 0.00 283.30 7522.7t 11't4.41 0.00 -o./0 {.34 0.00 {.85 349.98 -2.94 M7.30 0.00 -o.26 0.m 256_40 209.32 -37t_57 ,0.51 0.00 -2.73 92t.17 373_0s 141.49 117.66 0.00 0.00 0_m 0.00 0.00 ,0.32 0.00 {.15 5.18 1414.47 z4a.7z -369.51 667.99 1209.35 {.26 {,51 {_13 -t.06 .15! 466.42 28 3t 953.19 t777.47 1024.33 850.66 904_7t 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.58 {.26 Attachment I -Page378 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lBtall.dPv ameplat.(lwdc) E!timated Pv Namepl.te (kwac) 419a l_2 3998 5/3olr7 4:@ 5/1/t7 9:@ 10/71/77 77100 IUL/t1 77:oo 5/2911117:@ 7o/2r/77 11:@ 5/3/77 zo:@ t2/5/77 ts:OO 3111L7 2:oo 9lt2/t14:oo rol6/r7 7:oo \o/2t/t1B:@ 70/22117 Zc:@ lo/2a/Li 9:@ 1/9/77 ra:oo 41917172:oo 5/2/t-, 2X:Oo 5/25/tT ttOO !U7/17 o:oo tUlAltl t:@ !20/7112:oo s/9/t7 t9:oo 9127/17 r9:OO 3/24117 72:oo 5/2s/t7 4:oo 71/Yr-t 1:oo \2/23/115:@ t2/291l7 a:@ 12/30/77 t1:OO 9/2o/r7 t4:oo 7L/22117 1O:OO 2/7oh,7 17:oo s/t5/17 18t00 3l24lt1 t':oo L2/l/17 14:oo 2/21/71 t:oo !/17/77 22:oo 4/t5/7t l:oo 4/181t7 22:oo 5h2/17 6:00 77/t/t/ ltOO 17/11716:00 tt/25/719:@ 5/10/719:@ 9/19/771,9.oo 9/79177 l2:oo 2/2t/17 17:oo 2/4/77 T]OO 2/23177 4:o0 2/21/77 2:@ 4hil17 21:6 5/21/771.oo 2125171 ra,oo shs/r1 r2:oo 2/27/77 SOO a/t5/t7 zltoo 4ltilr1 2t:oo 5/s/17 7:oo 6/1s/17 1:oo 70/74/171:OO t7/ t/t7 5tOO tlla/71 otm L!/1a/77 6t0o 3/5/t1r5:OO t/2t1719-0o 5/13h1 ro:@ !/21/t7 27:OO rol3olr1 19:@ P.r Unt Dist ihut.d solar 0 0.0557055 0.000439502 0.0e5533s o.679641 0.0757!rca 0.10132 0.673912 0 0 0 0 0 0.0270294 0.0670014 0 0 0 0 0 o.275127 0.35061 0.157064 0 0 o 0 0 0.451:ta5 0.232779 0.0701916 0.3:14984 0.599891 o02a5752 0.512052 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.259719 0.00478351 0.24166s 0.308043 0 0 0 0 0-00921243 0.211076 0.8a$5a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.452598 0.0470059 o54806 0 0 0.(rc 272-71 1-76 382.34 2711.23 303.01 405.08 2694.55 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 108.06 267.47 0.00 0.m 0.@ o.@ 0.00 1099.96 7407.75 627.95 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 1804.49 930_66 280.63 1339.27 2398.38 714.24 2M7.t9 0,01) 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 1038.50 35.12 967.06 1231.56 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0,00 36.83 443_89 3524.49 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.0t) 0,00 0.00 0.m 0-00 0.00 1809.50 187.93 2191.16 0.00 0.@ System Load (MW) N.tSyst€m toad (MW) t522 1603 1605 1584 1805 1541 t670 1670 1521 1521 1521 t52t 1521 1535 1543 1520 1520 1520 1320 1520 1556 1747 1618 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 7623 1614 1534 1581 1710 1540 t62l 1518 1518 1518 1518 1518 1518 1518 1518 7775 7571 1630 1604 1517 1517 1517 15la 1531 7637 1779 15i.6 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1S15 t597 1528 1759 1517 1519 sol.r Erpods {kw) Non Exported sol.r (kw) 1522 L527 1522 7522 l52t 752t 1521 1521 1521 1521 1521 1521 1521 1521 1520 1520 1520 1520 1520 t5zo 1520 1520 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1518 1518 1518 1518 1518 1518 1518 151E 1518 1518 1518 1518 1577 t5l7 1517 751,7 1517 t5t1 1517 1517 1517 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1515 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1515 1516 o_12 52.89 113_54 146.19 1541.63 33.10 119.91 949.42 o.0o 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.m 6.90 6.29 0.00 0.64 1.41 0.00 0.00 273.47 566.40 115.99 0.00 1.41 0.00 0.37 o.7t 31.82 351.65 81.50 99.27 1254.84 32.06 547.42 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.-t7 1.15 0.00 29.74 374.74 45.81 54536 232_46 0.38 0.00 o.@ 0.13 0.90 100.48 2252.21 0.00 0.08 0.31 0.51 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 357 99 6.14 795_14 0.75 12 31 -o.12 169.82 .111_88 236.16 1175.60 26r.91 285.17 1745.13 0.00 -0 51 0.00 0.00 0_00 101.17 261.59 0.00 -0.64 '1.41 0.00 0.00 826 49 835.35 511.96 0.00 -1.41 0.00 -o.17 4.77 t766.67 579.01 199.13 1240.00 1143.54 82.18 1514.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ -2.17 -1.15 0.00 -29.14 660.36 .10.59 2at.to 999.r0 -0.38 0.00 0.00 4.13 35.94 ,43.41 1?72.26 0.00 -0.08 -0.31 {.51 0.64 -o.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 1451.51 181.79 1396,01 475 -17.17 Attachment l -Page379 Schedule 5 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled Pv N.m.phtc (kwdc) Eirimar.d Pv Nameplate (tw.c) 4194 7.2 3998 l24lr7 1,2tOO 1/9/1177:@ 3/a/i 6:00 9l21lt7 22:ooto/lllt 7:OO 7t/2slt12t:@ 3/2/77 r:o0 1/7o/r7 22:@ 3l29lr7 7:oo 9/12/t7 5:OO 9/25/71 22:oo lthS/77 7:oo rtl26/t7 2r:@ ro/711t7 \L@ 9/29/t79rn ro/ztlti 12,@ 6/I8/178:00 3l!7r t7,oo 2/7!7712:OO 11,/22/77 1aOO 2/ta/77 23:oo 5l2r/\13.0o 9/22/17 2l:@ 3/25/t7 9:0o 1,r/s/t7 tttoo 516/11t7t0o 5/$177 9:oo 1712 77l5,OO 1/21113:oo 4/6117 2r:oo sllaltl6:@ 1U79117 231@ ,tl1/7172t0o 17/11/77 77:@ sl]5lrt l7:OO 9/20171 t3:oo 9/20/77 $:OO 4/26/17 2O,OO 4RlLl to:oo sh3lri s:@ ,r/t2/tt 8:N 7t/29/t7 6tcD 4/6h7 gtOO ,/tol1,1 72:@ 9ftol71t7.oo rzliltl t6:oo U2!/17 4:oO 2/3/tr7:N 317311,1 22:@ 3/79/71 22:oo 6/14117 O:oO 70/11171 2ttco t\/72/77 2Ot@ 6h8/t7 9.oo 5/rs/77 tg,oo 2/8/17 4:@ al2/112:0o 3n/t72t0o 4/2o/r1 23to0 5l23lL7 stoo sl27/t76:00 t7/1O/71 2l@ 9/!177 tO,@ to/re/71 to:oo LO/24/77 to:oo 1o/4li $:OO tol2!17 to:oo 2/6/17 6:00 1578 1582 1515 1515 15!5 1515 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1647 1584 1596 767-l 1563 1646 1524 1513 1513 1513 1540 L6A4 1682 L6A2 1546 1512 1512 1512 1512 t709 1652 1769 1619 1563 1542 1555 151l 1511 1511 1523 1548 1632 1690 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 l80l l,6a 1509 1509 1509 1509 1509 1509 1509 1763 1663 1679 1536 1627 1508 NetSvstem L@d (MW) P.. Urn Distnbut.d sol.r 0.05@667 0.214937 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5!1279 0.1118 0.416754 0,0653906 0.205419 0.803026 0.0352599 0 0 0 0.0996474 0.362143 o-275912 o2ua52 0.0555914 0 0 0 0 0.695742 0.310375 0.785097 0.284068 0.045129! 0.0210851 0.(N84306 0 0 0 0.0528778 0.380616 0.393465 o.40237 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.2660t5 0.367959 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0.356273 0,295564 0.300149 0.175043 0.286171 0 2@.17 859.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,64.O5 446.94 1655.19 267.43 32r0.52 L40.97 0.00 0-00 0.00 398.39 M41.A5 1103.10 1138.84 226.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 274t.59 1240.89 3138.83 1151,70 380.33 84.30 193.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 211.41 7527.71 1573.06 1@8,64 0.00 0.00 0.0t) 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 1063.86 7471,7L 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 1424.39 1181.67 1200.00 699.99 11114.12 0.m 45a.75 386.0!l 0.00 0.13 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.@ 1.86 0.51 0.15 0.00 o,17 979.15 62.46 445.33 6.21 54,06 u77.4! 0,00 0.13 0.13 0.00 5.42 297.79 772.57 301-63 6.78 0.00 0.92 0.06 o.f7 7577.43 762_77 ]l71.14 345,56 73.14 12.49 60.46 4.1,4 0.51 0,13 9.98 58!.03 504.01 384.06 0.00 0.@ 2.O2 0.m 0.00 o.41 0.64 364.56 601.38 0.00 0.m 0.@ 7.O2 1,09 0.00 o.26 520.17 321.99 314.08 724,51, 231.21 1,41 flon-E4o.t d Sola.{kw) -25E.5E 473,23 0.@ -0,15 -0.64 0.00 0,00 0.00 -1.46 .0.51 -0.15 0.(Jo -o.r7 11E4.90 384.51 1220.86 195.2! 75a.ao D32.m 140.97 -0.13 .0.1! 0.@ 3t2.94 1150.06 390.53 437.22 219.17 0.00 4,92 .0.06 4.77 1269.16 474,11 1267.39 765.14 307.L9 71.E1 133.16 {.t,4 {.51 20t.42 93E.68 1069.07 1724.62 0.00 0.@ -2.02 0.00 0.00 -o.47 -0.64 699.30 469.72 0.00 0.oo 0.oo -t.o2 -1.09 0.(rc -0.25 904.02 859.69 885.92 575,4A 912.90 -1.41 1516 1515 1515 1515 1515 1515 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1513 1513 1513 1513 1513 1513 1512 1512 1512 1512 1512 1512 1512 1512 1512 t572 1512 1511 1511 1511 1511 1511 1511 1511 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1509 1509 1509 r509 1509 1509 1509 1509 1509 1509 1504 t50a 1508 Attachment l -Page380 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnsrilled Pv Nameplat. {kwdc) Estimated PV N.h.Dlate (kwac) 4194 7Z 1998 a/2t/t7 2l:00 tola/i 22:OO 1O/3o/77 22:oO 9/30/77 71 :oo 314171t9:@ 3/7r/71 79:oo X/2t/77 7O:Oo 10/27177 7ot0o 2/41t7 6:00 3/7/r14,@ 3/7o/r7 7t:o0 6/72/115:OO lO/71/17 27:OO 11/11/17 t7too ro/?o/71 13:oo r/10/171r:00 tUtaltl71:@ 9/10/77 a.@ 5/13ll712:00 2/to/r1 75:oo 5/7/17 a:oo s/13/L7 tTtOO lO/4/17 tstoo 1l/31t7 rs:@ 4/9lt121tOO 5/17/17 5:oo 9170177 7:O0 516/fi a.oo 7o/7alt7 22:Oo 7o/9/r7 r9:oo 51131719:OO 5127lt1 t5t0o 6/t4177 TtoO 4/21/17 27:00 5/t4/716:00 9/\4/714:oo to/21/717:OO ttl9/77 17:OO lO/21/17 t9to0 3/76111 IO]OO r2/4/r7 75:oo tolto/tl t9:@ 1/a177 73:00 l/2\/11 atoo !22/7/ 2t:00 t1l4lt1la:oo 5/4/71 15100 s/2a/77 75tOO 9/20/17 77:oo 1/23117 22:OO 5ll6lt7 r:@ LO/79/77 22:N ,7/1111' A:@ 72l3li a:oo 12123/17 3:OO 516/77 72:oo 5l9A7lgtoo 6lulfia:@ a/23/119'00 4/2o/t71)OO ,/74/t7 2t:oo ll/1,4/L1 7!:oo lllSO/t1 4tO0 12lr/L7 16:00 rol24ll1 r9t@ 3/t3/t7 2O.OO 72/5/t7 76:00 2/12/\1 \4:OO Per unit 0irtributed solar 0 0 0 0 0.159218 0.0393233 o.t67246 0.265773 0 0 0 0 0 0.441609 0.293687 0.56291 0.0203592 0.00239177 0,908138 0.521802 0.016906 o.757629 0.0414511 0.0303157 0 0 0 0.0231086 0 0.061521 0.183,{43 0.905501 o_0118156 0 0 0 0 0.0342075 0.0365197 0,208885 0.6E5E89 0.0466201 0_317984 0 0 0.1E0222 0.938774 o.a7n34 0.0575023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_0659535 0.5t!24 0.0731521 0.1co748 0 o 0 0 0.159554 0.03106s4 0.0185255 o,574A42 0.836916 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 636-56 757.22 668.65 7062_57 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 1765.55 7tJ4.t7 2Z5o_53 81.40 9.56 3630.76 2085.18 67.59 3029.02 155.76 72\.20 o.!o 0.00 0_00 92.39 0.00 326.32 73341 1624.27 47.24 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 152.75 I'16.41 835.13 2742.20 186.39 1277.32 0.00 0.00 120.r1 a15a-24 3509_20 229_90 0.@ 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 253.68 2323.81 292.50 402.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1437.90 124.20 74,O7 7294.23 3346.01 2.56 0.00 0.00 o.17 o.33 0.1! 59.22 201.31 0.oo 0.@ 0.m 1.45 0.79 61.50 670.79 991.13 11.14 7.11 1818.18 805.75 6.14 1456.50 406.51 67.03 0.13 2.18 o.5z 10.05 0.00 13.33 242.51 2467,34 1.38 0_34 0-m o.5a 0.46 a.19 4.47 87.33 834.50 10.63 1t43.80 0.00 4.80 29,43 271!.t6 2323,18 227.47 0.75 0.m 0.13 0.@ 0.51 0.18 910.51 7271.39 68.54 36,85 0.m 0.00 0_00 0.00 90.75-r.19 1,54 449.6 1649.30 Non'Expo.t d 5ol.r (kW) -2.56 0.00 0.00 -o,37 636.23 157.(D 609.rt3 461.26 0.00 0.00 0,00 -1.45 -0.79 1781.07 503.98 1269.40 70.26 8,36 1472.57 12aO-42 61.45 1572.51 -2{o.1t 9.77 {.13 ,2.18 {-s2 82,34 0.00 312.99 490.88 1156.88 45.86 {.38 0.m -0.68 ,0.46 744.56 137.93 747.4O 1907.70 175.76 827.53 0,00 .4.80 691-10 101t2.0€ 1186.02 4.42 4.75 0,00 {.13 0.m -0.51 -0,18 -646.83 1052.42 223_93 365-95 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0,m 1!47.15 117.01 72.S3 1844,57 t6*.7! system Load (MW) Net syneh Load (Mv!) 1508 1508 1508 1509 1557 1526 1538 1656 1507 t507 I507 1507 1507 1613 1590 t775 1545 L5t2 t74X r5a2 1526 1746 1596 7562 1506 1506 1506 1531 1509 L534 \7!2 7791 1527 1505 1505 1505 1505 1564 1518 1565 1660 1525 t57a 1504 1504 1539 1785 1785 1566 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 t671 1781 t66t 1559 1502 1502 1502 1502 1595 l530 1508 7611 164t 1508 1508 1508 1508 I50a to7 1507 1507 7501 1S07 1507 1507 1507 1507 r507 7fi7 1507 150? 1507 1506 1505 1506 1506 1506 1506 1506 1506 1506 1506 150€ 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1504 15@l 1504 1504 1504 1504 1504 1504 1503 1503 1503 r503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1502 1502 1502 1502 1502 1502 rt02 1502 1501 1501 1501 Attachment l -Page38l Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hrtalled Pv N.m.plate (kwdc) Estimated Pv Nam.plar. {kw.c) 4794 1.2 3998 s/lsl1713:00 ltlt2/11 1o:oo 7/7/77 s:oo 2h9lt7 2t:W U2ol112r:o0 3/6/11ltOO 3/1/t1!:oo 4/4/116tOO 415/t122:oo s/2!/lr 3tOO 70122/17 2l:oo 4lalt17t:N r1/41r172:00 2/25/77 t4:oo to/37/71 19:@ 2/77/0 Laloo 9/281t7 9:oo 4l6lt1?2:@ 4lt7/tl22:oo 7olt5/t7 22:go 4/7/778:00 9/1o/t7 9:@ 4/27 lt7 2t:OO 2/11/17 t6:@ 4/71/fi La:OO 2l8lt7 ttoo 3lrlti stoo 3l26/11 7t:Oo 6/5/712:Oo N/2a/t112:@ 7tlt7/71 22:@ 1l!117 13:00 ro/25111 !Ot@ tt/221t1 t7t0o 4/2rlrl1otoo 2123/t1t:@ 1/6/1 4:oO 5174/77 2:oo t1/3o/17 tt0o thslL178:@ 4lslti a:oo 5/75/77 r4tOO 5/72lti 3:oo 9/791111:OO 9l7olll7tOO ro/79/17 Ttoo LO/2a/111:N 7t/241t/ 79100 7211ahr 4:w 9122/17 72too ?/17/71 77:oo 9/20/t172:@ 6/14171 t4:oo 42a/112,O0 3/t6/17 22tOO 4/a/77 23,oo sltr/r17:@ 6/12/tt 2:0o 10/21117 2ot0o 72lta/t7 2tco 2/2t/1117:@ 9/ao/tt 2o.OO 319/71t2:oo 4/11/77 a$O 2/A1712:Oo 3/14/t7 22:oo 5/6/17l:oo 7o/17/t12t:oo tn6 1580 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1s62 1620 1632 1507 1588 1592 1500 1500 1500 r501 1594 1503 1543 1541 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1641 1653 1540 1613 1498 1498 1498 1498 1650 r502 1774 t497 1rr97 7191 1497 1497 1497 1497 1594 1610 L622 1796 1495 1495 1496 14t6 1496 1496 1495 1590 14!r!' 1560 1503 1495 1495 1495 1495 N.t Syst m l-..d (Mw, 1501 1501 1501 1501 t$1 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 15q1 1501 1501 1501 t5@ 1500 t5@ 1500 1500 1500 15@ 15@ 1500 15@ 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1498 1498 1494 1494 1494 1498 !498 l49A 1497 1497 1197 1497 t49f 1497 1497 1497 1495 1496 14!'6 1496 1496 1496 1495 1496 1496 !496 1496 1496 1496 1495 1495 1495 1495 1495 1495 Per Unit Diitribut d solat 0.974394 0.128983 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0310364 o.573546 0.925425 0 0.!t4151 0,11944a 0 0 0 0 0.t35714 o.@744417 0.619211 0,$6947 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,912025 0.290909 0.190149 0.2!,475a o 0 0 0 0.396162 0,002a9269 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0886157 0,250019 0.586105 0.942805 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.689424 o o.253779 0 0 0 o 0 3895.65 515.6q 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 124.08 2693.01 3699.87 0.00 576.36 17,.56 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 542.83 29.76 2475,62 747.54 o.m 0.0o 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3646.10 1163.06 764.22 1178.45 o.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 1583.86 11,57 39r8.0? 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 354.29 999,70 2341.26 3769.!5 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 o.o0 7156.r3 0,00 tolz.72 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Attachment { -Page382 sohlExporB (rW) Iioo-Expo.t d Solarlkwl2533.38 1362.25270.85 244.830.00 0,00 0-@ 0.000.m 0.@0_m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 o.(rc 0.90 -0.90 0.13 -0,13 0.00 0.m114.82 9.27 82t,7' 1A7LZ4 1E59.74 18rr0.131.:'O -1,30 58.84 517,48 83.70 313.850.38 {.:tE0.45 -0.46 0.00 0.000.m otrc70.26 472.57 0.3E 29.3E1186.36 1289.2667.52 680.050.64 .O.54 1.63 -1.63 0.@ 0.000.64 -0.54 0.19 {.79 0.00 o.(tr17t2.(}8 1904.22303.49 459,17 293.53 466.59 5i11.75 635.700.@ 0.(x)0.51 -0.51 o.@ 0.m0.00 0.m379.54 1204.330,51 11.052731.65 1.256.3f 0.90 -0.903.15 -!,r5 0.m 0.000.65 -0.65 1.30 -1.30 0.@ 0.@0.00 0.00237.74 122.55386.82 51e.E9 469.63 1E73.63 2526.m 1142.650.m o,@1.18 -1.18 2,30 -2,30 t.79 -t.792.42 -2.420.11 -0.11 0,@ 0,00l!32./(, 1613.93 0.64 .O.54 87a.t2 138.695.12 .5,72 0.13 {.r3o,7, 4.77 2.69 -2.59 o13 -0.13 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstall.d Pv Nam.plare Ikwdc) Estrm.ted Pv N.meplate (lwac) 4794 1.2 3998 1t/r5h7 6.00 1z/3ol!7 6:00 5/9/Ll 17too t7/3/t7 r6:N l\l25ll7 tO:@ 3/t2/119:oo 11h/17 t5:oo rol72/77 to:@ 4/25111 19too 7r/lo/17 77:oo 10/25l17 19:00 X/2a/\7 22:00 9/1.4/tl 5:o0 lol3t/77 2o:@ tTla/71 22:00 to/4/11 17:oo !1/30/t7 74:@ 71172/17 22:6 77/2x/17 4:@ 17/5177 t2:OO 9l25lt7 9:oO 3/4/1123:oo 3lA/P o:oo s/r8lr70:00 Lr/7/17o.oo 72FO/712,00 t7/2/17 77:oo 5/21171 r9:oo 5/15/17 15:00 2l2th7 16:00 5/t5/t7 t6:@ 4h5/17 o:@ 5/70/!7 5:oo tol27/17 2t:@ 7t/72/71a:oo 5/t3lt7 t9,00 2lalrl 3:oo 2/9/!7 6:00 2/76177 o:@ 3lt7lt7 72:00 x/74/71?:@ 6/72/114:oo trl4/L7 *@ tllt9lLl otoo 11,/16/\7 77:N 1rlr9lt7 77:@ 1lZ/17 77:00 6/74/77 \S:@ 5l2ol17 t6:OO 3/rs/tl7:oo 9/t5/ll otOO 2/t4/17 71:oo 7oh7/t7 tr:00 9/22/17 1t:o0 s/27/1714:oo 4n117 9:oo 1/75171 2o:OO s/r/1123:oo tlll/17 6:00 9/rl/176:00 to/31/!7 7}@ 17/2171 6:00 2l2r/r1 73:oo 11/16/17 r3r00 6l13l7t 71:oo 12/31/17 7s:@ 10/3/17 ro:0o 4l26ltt a:OO P.r unit oiitribotcd sol.t 0 0 0.765306 0.083!03 0-0962014 0,0282465 0.21E273 0.3tt3003 0.052983 o.ou697f2 0,0155763 0 0 0 0 o.324221 0.743539 0 0 0.108501 0_127E59 0 0 0 0 0 0.16E199 0_!48505 0.989094 0.65919 0.910616 o 0 0 0 0-183522 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0970035 0. 9105 0_1rn23s o.n77|a 0.851565 0 0 o.4197f5 0.365593 0,098t397 0.925451 0.0496526 0 0 0 o 0 0 0.907569 0.s09072 0-811826 0.719905 0.362942 0.041691 0.00 0.@ 3059.71 332,65 344.62 112.93 472,65 1371.33 211.83 18.78 62.67 0.0t) 0,00 0.00 0.m 7296.74 ?972.69 0.00 0.00 43?.79 511,18 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 677.46 1a93.33 3954,42 2675.44 3641-46 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 731.72 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.@ 0.m 387.82 756.05 592.65 3189.29 3404.58 0.00 0.00 767A.77 1465.49 395.56 3700.09 198.5! 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 362a,88 2035.28 3245.70 !878.20 1451.05 166.68 0.67 0.38 1995_34 45.06 224.49 2.05 385.05 351.57 7l.ll 9.9!l 3.20 0.@ 0.5E 0.20 9.58 307.96 771.54 0.25 0,20 264.88 70.98 0,00 0.71 o.@ o.m 1.41 119,54 512.25 2634.77 475.59 2:t!6.54 0.00 0.3E 0.@ 0,26 147.74 0.@ 7,24 0.51 0.51 0.00 1.12 22.74 0.51 0.38 4.22 202.18 2357.30 1880-25 o.72 1.10 527.t3 744.6 125.91 2483.90 9.15 0.60 1.28 0.13 1.76 o.72 0.04 1249.11 660.16 7746.9t 902.14 447.62 4.13 Non-Erport.d sol.r (tw) -0.67 {.34 1063.37 2E7.59 159-73 110.84 486,61 1019.66 140-64 8.84 59.41 0.@ -0.68 -0.20 -9.68 988,28 2199.r0 {.26 {.20 164.91 /t40.21 0.@ -o.77 0.00 0.00 -1.41 552.88 811,08 1319.70 t,99.44 130t.92 0,00 -0.38 0.m {.26 386.58 0,00 .1.28 {.51 .{r.51 0.@ -7,12 .22.14 -0.51 187.M 757.42 390.47 832.00 1524.33 .o.72 -1.10 1151.14 721.43 259.65 1216,19 189.36 {.60 '!24 {.13 -1,76 4.12 {.t 4 2179.71 1375.12 1t158.76 1976.05 963.41 152,55 sy*en Load (Mw) N.tsynem Load [Mw] 1495 1495 1785 1555 1533 1499 1604 1708 1548 1538 1504 1494 1494 7494 1494 1531 1593 1493 1493 1625 1594 1492 1492 t492 1,492 1492 1573 1781 1773 t577 1754 1491 7491 1491 1491 1659 11190 1490 1490 1490 1490 1490 1490 1490 1514 1552 1575 1785 7129 1489 1489 1631 1664 1599 l71a 1509 148t 1488 l48a 1448 1488 14a8 $41 1561 1713 t622 1680 1508 1495 1495 1495 1495 1495 1495 1495 1495 1494 1494 t494 1494 149{ 1494 1494 1493 1493 1493 1493 1493 1492 7492 7492 1492 7491 1492 t49Z 1492 1497 L492 1491 1491 1491 1491 1491 1490 1490 1490 1490 1!90 1'190 1490 1490 1490 1490 1490 1490 1489 1489 14t9 1489 1489 1488 1488 1488 t488 1488 t4a8 1448 1488 1488 1488 1488 1488 7441 $47 1487 7447 Attachment l - Page 383 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrtalled Pv Na meprate lkwdc) Edimated Pv Namepht. (*wac) 4794 1.2 3998 DaleaTime ll72h7 2tOO 5127117 4:@ l,l4/1,7 13tOO 7tl24lt7 2tt0O t2l2lt7 o:@ 1/251,7 a:oo 5/22/17 9:oO 2l7olt7 l6tOO tll2lrT 8:oo 3/6/711:oo 3/271771:00 \Oltlt719:OO al79lr1 t9to0 t/22/r7 stoo 3126/71 22:gO 519177 o:oo 5/t6177 s:oo 5/?3177 4:OO 9/17/t173,00 t0/29/t7 20:6 tll2t/171:@ tl/27/77 22:00 tt/24/17 2O|OO tv3gl!1 a:@ 4lA/17 2O:OO 9/751t7 19:o0 l0/7o117 ro:@ 2l4lt7 7.OO 2/t7/71otoo s/t1lr1ztOO tholTl s:oo LOltAhT 21:@ 17/4/17 2t:0o t7/t9177 6.@ L2/4/77 ,@ !24lt1t4tOO 3/27/l7lo:oo 1/14/17 11@l7/5li B:OO 4lgli \2:@ r2l4/1716.@ allol7l7.OO tllll713:oo 1/13/!14:OOgli/t 2,oo 9122/17 22:@ $nltl 2t:@ tlh/17 22:oo 9/15/17 t71@ 5lrl77 7:oo 7oltl77 t9:oo 3lt3l77 l7.OO 2l!4117 \5:oo 3l22lt7 zo:oo s/t6/77 2:0o 6lslt7 5$ 70171112o.@ tol25/1r 22:@ tu25l77 22:00 72/$/17 3t@ al2ellT L3:00 7012211179,@ !1/6/17 r4:@ 4l73lt7 2O,@ 4/7!/17 $:q 1/72117 to:OO 419/77 TtOO 5/111713:oo t4a7 t4a7 14t7 1447 1487 14Aa 1767 1548 1506 t4a6 1446 1522 l5l2 1485 1485 1445 a5 1lut5 1485 1485 1485 1485 1445 1445 1511 1561 1,642 t4',,4 1484 1484 1444 1444 7444 1484 1,4U 1577 1512 7670 7@7 1561 l6a2 1483 1483 1483 1483 1443 1483 1483 1680 14aa 1542 1636 1637 1491 1482 1482 1482 1482 t4a2 1482 1554 1445 1636 1533 1$A 1527 1481 1481 Nlt syrtcm Lo.d (Mw) l4a7 1487 7447 744? 1437 1487 t4a7 7187 1446 1486 1lt€6 1itt6 1446 l4a5 1485 1445 7445 1ia5 1435 1485 1aa5 1485 1445 1485 1485 1i134 14t4 1484 1484 7444 1444 1444 14€4 14aa l4trt 148.1 1484 1444 1443 a3 1483 1483 1483 1483 1483 1443 11t83 1483 1483 1483 1483 1483 14{13 7442 1442 1482 7442 1482 1482 1442 1482 7442 1482 1482 148! 1481 1481 1441 P.r Unit Dirtributed sol.. o 0 0 0 0 0 0.272077 0,531997 0.057/11199 0 0 0.@139655 0.16@9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0749303 0.!E9945 0.3i1131 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0,415509 0.333722 0.371694 0.0@08457 0.142011 0.559247 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0.532519 0 0.132265 0.495603 o.7712t4 0.024543E o 0 0 o 0 0 0.091!x167 0.00666318 0,787681 o.ot2475 0.0420401 0.178314 0 0 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 1047_47 2126.94 229.59 0.00 0.00 5_54 643_24 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.@ 0_m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 299.57 759.40 tx64-s6 0.@ 0.m 0,00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0_oo 0-m 1665,21 1334.23 1446.04 42.32 567.79 2275-85 o.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2529.22 o.m 528.80 1981.43 3095,32 9a_13 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 367.40 26.61 1749.t7 49.48 168.24 772_90 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.13 0.00 't-40 O,G 0.63 419.34 6117.03 13.72 0.00 0_00 27.44 7,42 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.50 o-26 0.38 0.fi 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.49 62_65 315.1a 0.26 0.00 0.65 3-00 27,71 o.26 0.m 632.51 222.@ 4.73 294.O0 231.30 399.31 0.38 1.45 5,41 7.76 0.00 0,90 0.00 810.30 0.m 82-14 774,17 1541.10 2.O5 0.00 2.85 1.28 0.00 0.00 0.67 1.54 1101.65 18.62 5rr_59 44.00 1.14 2.47 Non-E4ort€d sol.r{kw) 0_@ -0.13 0.m -1.40 .0.@ -0.63 658.23 1479_90 215.96 0.@ 0.00 -21.42 535.82 0.00 0.00 -0.13 -0.50 .o.26 {.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 285.6A 696.76 lgla.39 -o.26 0.00 -1,22 -0.65 -3.00 -71.73 {_26 0.oo 1032-70 1112.15 841.31 -251.68 335.49 1876.55 {_34 '1.45 -5,41 -1.76 0.m {.90 0.00 1718.93 0.00 446.65 1267.17 1454.22 96-08 0.00 -2-85 -1.28 0.00 0.00 -o.67 144-42 25-10 2047.51 31.25 r13.65 664.90 -7,74 -2.4, Attachment l -Page384 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled Pv Nam.Dl.te lkwdcl tstimated PV N.meplate llwac) 4798 7.2 3998 77/9/tl OIOO 4/16/1712:N to/t7/t7 l7:@ 4177/17 t7:6 9/20/17 16:00 511/r1O:OO 6/5/111:oo 6/t5/t16tOO sla/rl9:0o !7slr7 to:oo 70/26/17 tg:oo LthT/t7 L2:@ 5/771713:OO 9l1All7 23tOO 10/76/t727:@ ttl22l1127:@ 2/72/1715:@ 7t/7/77 t5:oo 3/1/717.oo 1l79lt1 27-.OO 5/t1/t15:oo 5/29/17 7t0o 9/t6lt1 23:00 10/6/17 22:@ 4/8/77 9:OO r/15/lr ro:oo 4/73/119:oo t7l5/ti 77:oo 4/6/1,7 to:oo 3l4lt11:0o 3/7r/771:@ 3/7s/7r 22:oo ,/4/17 otoo 5114/77 3too s/1,7/r7 7:oo 5/71/t7 4too to/26/171:@ tz/zo/11 5:oo 4/23/17 27.00 7ol13lri t6:@ 9/26/t7 9tOO 9l1oll1 70:oo 6l!2/113:o0 1ol7lt7 23:00 Lt/2/77 22:oo rU!O/77 \@ 4/2t/t19:oo 519/1715:oo 3/27/t7 2O:@ 2/71/71o:@ al6/77 2:OO 4/2o/r7 r7:oo tu75l1r 23t0o 9127/t7 tl:oo 3/3/17 12:oo 3/11/r7 l\:oo 9l26lt7 t9:o0 10/s/1710:0o 5/77/17 t3:oo 2/79/t, t4:oo 7rh8/77 !l:o0 3lt5lt7 77:oogllslri to:w 2l9l77o:N 1/22/111too 4/13/77 23too sl21ll7 s:oo 9/to/t7 6too 14€1 1566 152s 1524 1550 laao 1480 t4€0 1692 1578 1488 1640 1479 1479 1479 7479 1521 1670 t47A l17A 1478 74lA 74,a 1478 1492 1564 l5r8 1567 1511 1477 7477 7477 1471 ,477 1477 7417 74t7 147'7 1479 t58'll 1553 1634 1476 1476 1476 1476 1661 1751 1508 1475 7475 1556 1570 1640 1618 t5t2 1553 1157 1539 1566 1541 1657 L473 7471 7a7! 7473 1473 .t syst.m to.d (Mw) 1481 1481 1480 I480 1480 1ta0 1440 1480 148I) l4iil 1479 7419 1479 !479 !479 1479 7479 b7a 1478 !474 1478 7474 1478 1478 1414 74-74 747f 7477 7477 147' 7477 1411 747' 1471 7477 7477 !177 1477 !4n 1477 1477 r476 7476 1476 1476 1476 t476 t476 1475 L475 1475 1475 t4r1 1471 1474 7473 1473 t473 1,473 1474 1413 1413 1473 L47a t47a t47a 1473 t473 0.00 548.06 376.r9 641.65 1198.24 o.m 0.@ 0.00 7077.87 1329.80 80.03 7426.71 0.@ 0.00 0,00 0.@ 3033.41 2249.E5 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0,00 0.@ 0.@ 40.89 1123.52 0.00 888.!0 485.90 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.o0 0-00 0,00 0.00 r27.17 490.27 1007.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 490.82 3870.58 204.15 0.00 0.00 2368.04 0.m 1346.41 2134.86 2565,07 644.72 344.58 3595.78 2250.12 1114.65 2043.92 1287.51 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.m o.cro 0,trc 2.47 53 472,52 !09.97 402.74 1.95 2.90 0.@ 273.62 1la.91 5.12 990,68 2.42 1.53 0.00 0.51 1479.r3 522.90 0.00 0.00 1.53 0.72 0.01) 0.00 2,56 154_53 50,20 24.44 50.30 o.@ 3,04 0.34 0.64 0.@ 2.18 2.18 0.38 o,17 22.75 323.91 63.20 151.32 1.5a 0.00 7.54 0.@ 218.40 2717.18 19,20 0.@ 0.00 725.E5 11.15 440.10 1705,57 1129.29 130,64 284.61 24U.56 746,86 9t7.42 710.21 371.58 0.3E 0.07 0.38 0.13 0,50 Non-r.rpon d sor, (lw) 0.00 30o.53 .t5.52 531.64 795.51 -1.95 .2.90 0.00 798.26 1210,a9 74.91 836.03 -2.42 .1.53 0.00 -0.51 1554_28 1726.96 0.00 0.00 -1,58 -0.72 0.00 0-@ 78.33 969.09 ,60.20 863,26 435_50 0-@ -3.04 -0.34 -0.64 0,@ '2.18 .2.18 -034 .0.f7 -72,76 -196.79 427.@ a45,89 .1.54 0.00 '7 t4 0.00 672.12 1093,41 184.96 0.@ 0.00 1642.19 .11.15 9rl5-71 429.29 1435.78 513.48 59,97 1131.22 1463.26 427,2t 1333.70 916,03 {.38 'o'o7 -0.38 -0.13 -0.50 Attachment l -Page385 P.l Unir DBr b'rt d sol.r 0 0,137083 0_0942947 0.160491 0.299709 0 0 0 0.268101 0.332615 0,0200$1 0_456903 0 0 0 0 o.75A7tA 0.552142 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.0202337 0.281044 0 0.22213s 0.121535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0317943 0.122612 0,251926 0 0 0 0 0.222414 0,958125 0.0510549 0 0 0.592303 0 o.346715 0.533978 0,641584 0.16111 0.0851865 0.89939 0.5628@ 0,436378 0.511232 0.322063 0 o 0 0 0 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled PV Namcprate {kwd.) E3timated Pv Nameplat. lkwac) 4194 7.2 3998 9/2a/t7 7:oo L,/AltT o:oo tt/tol71 r7.0o 2/2!/17 l4:Oo r/2ut13:@ 2/7/t7o:@ 2/lt/17 6:00 912tltt9too !/20/\1 13:oo 5l9lr1 16:00 9lt7/t7 $:oo tll25/t7 71:@ 5/13/u 18:00 3llll7 74:00 2/72/17 5too 1/1t/t16:00 5h4lr7 4:oO 5115lrr 2:@ t2/30/1r 3:@ 3l2t/t1 2o:oo 9/2t1t719:@ 6h4lr11t:o0 3122/17 22100 9/21/117:oo al26li a:oo Ttlto/tl 77:@ 9/22/17 7o:@ 2/]a117 O,OO 2lta/77 7:o0 3l3lr7 a:oo 4h2/112?:oo 4/78ht7tOO 511,t177 4:@ L2/!77 o:oo 9/20/17 7s:oo 4h/t-t 2t.04 1t/26111 Lo:6 sl2tlLT rztco ti/21,/t1 t6:@ 4/7/t7 22too 4/2llt7 6:00 519/7-t 6:@ 5lL4/17 s:oo 5/27h7 L,W ro/791t1 71:@ l1/13/176:O 5/2/17 9too a/2a/1, lo:oo a/21/t7 77:oo 7o/141t7 7o:o0 5/!77 a:oo a14lti 71,00 1/!4117 2O:OO 2122/77 o:oo 3/73/t77:o0 5/e/77 6:00 5/t21115:OO 9/t9ltl 2a:oo l2/2o/77 L:@ 7t/1tlt7 7a:@ 7tl2l/t7 75:@ tt/1/17 t2:o0 2/74/11 t6:oo 4/7a/t 7L:O0 2l4lti 5:oo 7/77/r7 s:oo 3la/i 23:OO t1126/17 9:0o P.r Unit Distribut.d soLr 0 o o.256221 0.900306 0 0 0 0.120198 0.339!l 0.4!D9la 0.294049 0.0822221 0.505284 0.900714 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.152472 0,914535 o 0 0 0.371393 0.00698437 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0.257519 0 o 0.819575 0.160572 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0.2t9162 0,316288 0.o2oa5a2 0.3113465 o,0,45732? 0.t89i173 0.@672!21 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.r35509 0.0E03133 0.0225458 0,636012 0.419106 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.m 1024.40 3599.44 0,00 0.@ 0.@ 480.59 1356.57 3561.99 1175.61 328,73 2020.t4 3601.07 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.(rc 0.@ 0,00 509.59 3556.33 0.00 0.00 0.()0 14t4.84 21.91 0.(,0 o.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 1029,97 0.(,0 0.@ 3275.6a 64L.97 0.00 0_00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 87E.51 1264.53 83.39 1373.1E 182,84 757.52 26.84 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 541,77 321.09 90.14 2542,79 1675.60 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0.00 synem L&d (MW) NetSyrtem Lcd IMW)Solar txpo.ts (kw) Non-€xportcd Solar (kw) 1473 l47a 1619 Lt74 1472 1472 1472 1565 1519 1750 1639 1489 7640 1618 l47l L47t t47l t47l t47! 7475 1514 l76a 1470 L470 ,471 1540 1477 1469 1469 1469 1469 1469 1469 1469 1585 1470 1474 t755 1514 1468 1468 1458 1468 146a 1468 1468 1631 1666 1518 1659 1543 1556 1478 1467 7467 7461 1467 1457 7467 1514 t517 1554 1612 7557 7466 1466 1466 1466 1473 1473 t477 L472 ta12 1412 1412 1412 1472 1472 ta77 \471 7471 1471 l47l l47t l41t t47l 747L !477 7470 1470 t470 L4rO 1470 1469 1469 1469 146' 1469 1459 1469 t469 1469 1469 1469 1469 1464 1468 1468 1468 1468 1468 1468 1464 l46a 1468 1468 1468 1468 146? 1467 t46l 1467 t461 t461 7467 t467 7467 7467 1467 1466 1466 1466 t466 1466 1466 1466 1.49 0,00 506.48 1492.02 000 0.00 0.00 74.9! 467.39 2493.96 353.11 2L7 641.12 1741.18 0.00 o.61 0.40 0.51 0.64 0.38 85 12 2560 40 0.00 0.00 0,55 643.45 154 064 0.00 o.42 o.6a 0,02 2.00 013 452.16 0.13 74.22 2:4174 107.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.38 o.26 0.64 229.85 514.01 150.14 284.39 25.47 571.32 2.05 o.26 0.75 0.51 1.80 1.70 0.51 000 47.2t )9f.59 1149,36 257.72 000 0.00 0.00 1.79 -1.49 000 577.92 2107.42 0,00 0.00 0.00 401.62 889.18 1068.03 822.51 326.55 1332.81 1859.49 0.00 0.6, -0.40 -0.51 0.64 -0.38 524.47 1095.91 0.00 0_00 ,0.55 841.38 26.40 -0.64 0.00 {.42 -0.64 -0.02 -2_O0 0.13 577 al {.13 1128.90 533.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1! -0.38 4.76 {.64 644.76 750.52 .6615 10€8.79 L57.11 186_20 24_81 0.26 -o,75 -0.51 -Lao 1.70 051 ,a7 71 273.86 -207.45 139343 1418.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 l_79 Attachment I -Page386 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled PV Nam.plate (kwdcl Eetim.t.d Pv Nameplate (kwac) 4794 7.2 3998 12/4/111:ootr4ltl t3,@ 1,1/7 /r1 r3:oo 2/tt/r7 73:00 r7/76/ti 12:oo 4/79/77 9:oo t/72/77 4,OO 4124/17 7:oo s/t2/r7 4:oo \Oh9/17 7:007 !A/U 5:@ 1!271r11:@ 4/75/1,a:oo 10/s/u 19:00 9l15ll1 ts:oo 5/t6/17 4:oo 5/2a/712:N 9/30/17 27:@ 72/t/115:00 4/30/77 22:oo !t/9177 r7:oo 9/751t1 75:OO 2/7 lU 4:ooq2alfi 22:an s/16/173:@ 9/$/U 1:oo 7t/7/t11:OO t1,125/tlA:@ 11/17117 14r00 7o/3o171 1r:@ 5/2lll7 7a:oo 77/51t7 76:00 t2/37/t1 76:@ sl4/7174:oo !/29/17 ra:oo SIA/17 1o:oo 4lt3ll7 fi:oo 9/19lt1 7a,oo t7/17h1!t:@ s/71771.o0 tL/5/1714:@ 4/r,1/71IO:OO s/9117 9.oo 312/t1 t4:OO 3/3177 4:oO tl/1117 7:N 9/22/17 t3:6 7t/r/17 ts:oo slla/\, r4:oo lslll ttoo 3ltTllJ zt:oo 3/37117 O:OO 4/23/U 22:@ Lo/aOl117:@ 12/!0/71s:oo lolz2ltl to:@ sl79/t-t 2o:oo 4l24li B:oo a/24/17 7!:oo 9/25/t17:@ 1o/2o/77 23:@ Lol3rh7 t3:@ 10/15/1719:00 9/29/17 21:oo $/2al\7 a:oo t7llalt1 t:6 5/6/t7 L6:00 tv6lrl t5:OO 1465 1583 1654 1608 1497 1625 1465 1465 1465 1465 1465 1465 1501 1515 1690 1464 1454 1464 7464 1466 15r9 1680 1463 1463 1463 1463 1453 1463 1591 1612 1753 r534 1.615 t742 1535 1694 1537 1563 1575 1464 1568 1512 1699 1611 7451 1461 1557 1534 7745 1460 7460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1474 1643 1539 1459 1459 1459 1640 t47A 1458 1454 1456 1m9 1610 N€t sylt.m Lo.d {Mw) 1465 1456 1466 1466 1465 1rt65 1465 1455 1465 1465 1455 1465 1465 1465 !464 1464 1464 L164 1464 t464 1463 1463 1453 1463 146! 1463 1453 1453 1463 1453 1453 1463 1463 1463 1463 1453 1463 1452 7462 1462 1462 1462 1461 1461 1461 1461 1461 1461 1460 1460 1460 1460 t460 1460 1460 1460 1460 1459 1459 7459 1459 1459 1458 1458 1458 145a !458 1454 Per unit Distiibsl.d s6l.r 0 0-405712 0.719148 0.472526 0.0225493 0.173195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0252685 o113819 0.211491 0 o 0 0 0 0.379541 0.7a2843 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.108208 0.175984 0.551755 0.460695 0-621454 0.962839 0.134902 0.514679 0.337352 0.023231 0.254141 0 0.06250E7 0.059567 o265222 0.732116 0 0 0.r55208 o.17?994 0.902564 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.l)423978 0.130217 0.275161 0 0 0 0.763646 0.0737659 0 0 0 0.794138 0.748972 0.@ 1622-05 2475.17 3488.3S 90.15 692.44 0.00 0_m 0-@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 101.02 455.05 445.55 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0,00 1517.41 3129.82 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 412.62 10?.59 2205.93 1841.87 24a4.59 3849.45 539.34 7057.70 1348.74 92.88 1016.05 0-00 249.97 238.15 1064.!6 2977.O2 0.00 0,00 624.52 711.64 3@A.47 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 169.35 520.61 1100.10 0.m 0.00 0.oo 3053-07 294.92 0.00 0.m o.@ 3174,98 2994.41 Non-Erport.d solar (tw) -1,54 514.56 1099.73 7674.64 -5.4' 530.35 '0'51 0.00 -1.28 .6.59 0.00 {.64 85.78 405.58 -776.42 0,00 {_13 '0.01 -0.04 -1.54 495.73 1871.89 0.00 0.00 0.m ,1.60 0.00 0.00 -484.82 359.@ 1100_24 1U7.9 2038_21 l(l85.09 467.98 1209.12 1154.05 -126.lt 369.76 -2.22 -196.90 49,35 709.27 1649.00 0.00 .4.96 289.43 239.54 1201.81 '0.34 .1.02 .0.38 {.53 4.26 0.00 151.93 349.87 u6.44-2.* .12.60 -191 1244.15 2E5.84 -0.38 0.00 0.0t) 1887,40 1994.30 1,54 1107.ru 7715.44 1809.74 95.58 162.09 0.51 0.00 1.28 6.59 0.00 0.64 15.24 762t.96 0,00 0.13 0.01 0.04 1.54 102164 1257.94 0.00 0.m 0.00 160 0.00 0.00 977.43 337.9S 1105.55 154.23 446.37 2764,36 71.36 848.58 194 69 219.47 626.30 446.4t 188.80 355.09 1278,01 0.00 4.95 335,10 472.!O 2405.56 0.38 1.02 0.38 0.53 4.26 0.00 17.4t 170,74 253,65 2.30 12,60 1.91 1768.93 9.08 0.38 0.00 0,00 1287.s9 1000,10 Attachment l -Page387 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports ln'Ell.d PV {ameplat. (kwd.) Estimated Pv Namepht. (ku/a.) 4798 1.1 3998 1U21lt7 r2:o0 \th2/t171:oo 7t123/t7 7o:@ 9/\slt7 74:00 9121/111:oo 4/!7/t1 t2:@ ?/27/L1 LstOO a/2/77 ta:oo Ll/1711713:OO 2/4/77 3:@ to/2/r7 23:oo 5/731t7 75:@ 72/30117 t5:@ 10/9/17 10:00 3l2o/11 22:oo 9/22/171:oo l7l2al77 o:o0 t2/3o/77 4:@ 1/29lt77ltoo 41Y17 a:oo 4/41!7 tOtOO 6/74/t1 tz:oo 313/17 2:oo 6lsl77 4:OO 71/6/17 6:@ 1t/21/t7 t7:@ \r/77/t7 76:@ 2/4117 4:o0 2/79/t77:o0 !27/r7 21:oo 4/72/t7 2\:OO 5/tol11r:@ 9/7117 3:Oo 9/20/t7 2a:oo 70/271t7 22:@ tt/27/77 7!:@ 3/21,/11 t\:OO to/1!/r1 L4too 4l,a/17 2o:oo 4/25/71gtOO 2/20/77 6:00 s/7s177 o:CN 6l7alt7 6:00 9/16lti Ttoo 9/28h.1 23:oo Lo/771t1 23:@ Nl2a/r1 2ot0o 7t/zo/t1 23:OO 5/6/771:oo 4hol11\t:(fr 77/2a177 77:@ 5/27 /77 77:OO 112/7176t00 5/2o/r17:oo \0121/7/ t9:@ 6/t4/t7 tt:oo rtl2al77 72:00 2/5/t16:00 4/22/t1rtlo 7r/24/77 27tco 2/t2/77 t6:oo al6l77 t7)OO 9/to/77 to:oo tl/13/17 t5:@ 1l2tlt7 22:00 ro/5/17 21:00 rt/La/77 4:@ tll2a/77 S:q 1507 1496 7474 1696 7457 1585 1562 7524 1@6 1456 1456 1706 1557 1695 1455 1455 1455 1455 1584 1462 1636 1742 1454 7454 1454 15a1 1568 1453 14S3 1453 1453 1453 1453 7453 1453 l554 1525 1583 1495 7452 7452 1452 \452 t49Z 1452 1452 7452 1453 1615 15@ t714 1561 1459 1461 1727 1647 l45l 1451 1451 1591 1513 1687 1516 1450 1450 1450 1450 N.t system Lo8d (Mw) 1458 1458 145E 1457 1457 7451 1457 7436 1456 1456 1456 1455 1455 1455 1455 1455 1455 1455 1455 1454 1454 1454 1454 14:{ 1454 1454 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 L53 1453 1453 1453 !453 1453 1453 t152 1452 t45Z 1452 1452 t452 L452 !t52 1152 1452 1452 1452 1452 1452 1452 1451 1451 1451 1451 1451 1451 1451 1451 1451 1451 145l, 1450 1450 1450 1450 Per Unit Drriributed sol!r o.267074 0.0241042 0.0547378 0.91802 0 0.454016 0.m463897 0.722971 o.57721:l 0 0 0.975249 0.725t62 0,354396 0 0 0 0 0.435959 0 o.3r24r1 0.830558 0 0 0 0.409849 0.00798412 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0,116813 0.294386 0.06441105 o_@22446 0.2311496 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0.552038 o,172296 0.585806 0.575307 o.0lE22957 o.oL11479 0-596407 0.591717 0 0 0 0.391342 0.113984 0.359597 0.0t3E401 0 0 0 0 1067.77 96.37 218.84 1670.26 0-00 $31_15 18.5s 2490.22 z{7.71 0.00 0.00 3a!8.07 2904.t|1 1416-83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1742.97 o_oo 1489.15 3320-59 0.00 0.00 0,0{ 1638.59 31.92 0.00 0.m o-@ 0.(rc 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 467.O2 1176.96 257.63 324.42 953.51 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.oo 0.00 0.00 2207.6 6aa.a4 274187 2304.09 32_90 70.16 2744.23 2365.82 0.@ 0.@ 1564.59 455.71 1438,08 135_29 0.@ 0.00 o.@ 0.00 sol.r Exrrtr (kwl 279_10 2_42 114.25 1776.76 0,05 755.27 77.44.31 1550.44 !068.r8 0.00 0.00 2259.U 68844 461.76 0.r3 0_00 0_oo 0.51 591.87 0.67 503.43 21.49.X2 0.00 2.94 0.00 56.03 4t4.73 0-@ 0,@ 0.oo 1_02 1.76 0.00 0.@ 267.93 189.47 716!0 42.69 54.50 0.00 0.@ 0.10 0,51 1.33 0.34 0.13 0.25 0_43 905.la 2U.15 1691.47 48a.52 0.38 4.55 1703.01 1367.53 0.23 0.34 0-00 ,89.61 184.95 433,35 50.02 2-69 0.m 0.@ Non-Expon€d sol.r (rW) 784.66 93.55 104.60 1943.51 {.05 1055_49 -1223-78 1339.78 1239.s3 0,00 0.00 1639_2! 2216.37 955.13 -0.13 0_@ 0.m -0.51 1151.10 4.67 945.72 loTl-37 0,@ '2.94 0,00 1582_55 .386.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.02 -o.71 -7.76 0.00 0.00 199,09 987.49 -159-26 246_13 895.01 0.00 0.00 .0.10 -0.51 -1.t3 '0.34 -0.13 -0.26 {.43 130148 484,09 1050.39 1820.57 12.52 65.60 1081-24 998.29 {.23 {.38 0.@ 371.94 2m.?6 1004_73 45.27 '2.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 Attachment l -Page388 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrt.lled Pv rlameplare (kwdc) E tinated P! Nameplate (kwacl 4?9a 7.7 3998 6/11/17 t6.@ 7t/41r1 16:00 10/2/11 tOlOO 4/20/17 29:oo 5lt4/17 a:oo s/77/17 a,oo 3lt5ll7 t9:@ tt/16/t7 15:u 4n/n $:N s/t9/t7 7o.OO 3/231t1 7O:0o ,llxlL, Ls:oo 314/17 La:oo 4lt1/177:oo tols/71 23tOO 4/21/7121:@ tt/4/77 r1:OO 71121/\7 14.@ 9/29/!71:@ 72/4/77 4.OO 9/24/77 2o.oo 3h9/17 9:00 9/29117 fi:oo 1171/111o:oo 1/10/71 t3:OO 4/7X111 tl:oo 4/74/71 r4tOO tr/r6/17 16:00 2n/n 1:oo 3125177 2t oo 4/3/77 2L00 3/22/17 6:@ 3/16/1,7 2o:o0 4116/17 2t:oo !11177 latoo t2lto/71 76:@ 10/31/171r:00 3la/77 14:oo !t/r'l/!715:oo 4l22lt7 2ltOO 319/17 71:oo 5/1h7 L:@ ro/?u\1 1s:@ 2/5/t, L:oo 1/12/17 AOO 1/11/717:oo Xlatl7122:@ 4121./77 23:@rtnl9 3:oo 917111121:oo 3/74/t7 1,\:oo 9/75/17 73tOO 1/26/\7 7o:oo 1ol7t/t7 2X:@ tllzglrt o:o0 s/13/17 77:00 3/7U!7lo:@7 2617716:00 sl1ll7l2:@ 11/13/1, r1:00 1t/r6/17 2!:o0 4/8/17 l3:oo 71175/t7 76:00 6/t4lt79t@ 1oh3lt7 7r:@ 9/t5hl t7:N 71/7olr7 t6:@ 2/70/77 6:00 tl04 1520 1659 1509 1579 1579 1455 1536 152s 1647 r630 1678 l5o6 1449 1449 1453 1512 $34 l44A vAa 1451 16€2 1637 $ao 1511 1511 1606 1537 1447 t44l 1447 1447 1459 1448 t473 1565 1659 1545 1580 1146 1495 1728 1512 1445 1445 1445 lirzl5 1445 1't45 1146 1539 1694 1455 1444 1644 1552 l41l 1639 1639 1443 l5!7 145S 17@ 1574 r682 1511 1442 Ner Srtem Lo.d (Mwl 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1449 1449 1449 1449 1it49 1449 11t49 1it49 14rt8 1448 1448 1448 1448 1444 1148 144{t 1447 7!47 7447 7447 !447 1447 1447 1447 1447 1441 t44? 1447 1447 7446 7446 7445 11t46 1446 14!.5 1445 t445 1445 1445 1{45 1445 7445 7445 1444 lilrl4 ,444 1444 t444 1444 la43 1443 1443 1443 1443 1it43 1443 1447 1442 7412 1442 P.r Unit Diitributed Sol.r 0.888795 0.532014 0.366177 0.0907448 0.062024 0.076006 0.0341244 0,349612 0.113464 0.517028 0.37518 0.438579 0.362348 0 0 0 0.379942 0_082681 0 0 0 0.277377 0.357494 0.305475 0.506457 0.21rc41 0.597573 0.402654 0 0 o 0 0.0280527 0 o.@7t77 0.525646 0.511697 0.363316 0_597301 0 0.1rt4305 0.929245 0.252262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,41621 0.87520r 0.0487236 0 0 0.800843 0,176269 0.167023 0.456043 0.441537 0 0.317946 o_131585 0.283194 o,291414 0.535073 o-ollo441 0 3553,42 2727.OO 1466,14 362.96 24r.97 lo3.a7 !36.43 1397.76 453.53 2067.O9 1499.98 !753.4s 1446.6E 0.00 0,00 0.00 1519.02 330.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 1108.96 1429.27 1221.30 zo24,g3 96!.16 2788.91 1509.8{ 0.@ 0.00 0_00 0.00 112,16 0.00 348.54 2501.51 2045.78 1452,55 23EE.02 0.00 576,94 3715.14 10o8.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1664.O2 3499.07 194.80 o.0o 0.00 3201,79 704,71 667.76 ta2!27 1765.27 0,oo 1271.15 526.08 rt32.22 1189,07 2139.23 44,76 0.00 2167.80 510.84 390.68 47.54 49.34 10.76 14.04 539.73 95.37 894.6t 415.93 1420.20 22.53 0.@ 0.00 1.66 236.O7 117,92 0_09 0,00 1.14 297.4O 4t4.69 282.94 9t5,71 379.85 1241.34 140,19 0.@ 0,63 o.67 0-00 1.69 0.13 8.@ 330_25 6E5.la 713.03 616,50 0.98 74.35 2657.O7 258-57 0,00 0.00 0.13 o.67 0.38 o.@ 0,00 661,26 1538.67 3.44 0_00 1.54 1536.62 530.59 7g.oa ll1l.54 o.@ 42t.t2 9.91 409.73 630,65 929.60 99.46 0.00 ilon-tt od.d ldl.r (kw) ra5.62 1516_16 7075.47 315.38 194.6:t 233.1! t2?.40 85a.02 354.25 1158.40 1043.05 333.65 1426.15 0.00 0.00 -1.66 1262.95 152_@ {_09 0.00 -1.1'l su.16 944.54 9!435 1109.06 581,31 t547.57 1469_64 0.oo {.53 4.6? 0.00 110.46 {r.13 339.90 2177.21 1360,59 739.51 ,771.52 -0.94 50t.59 1054_07 749.98 0,00 0.00 .o.13 {.67 {-38 0,00 0.00 1002.76 la60_40 190.96 0.00 -1.54 1655.17 174.74 664.43 1059.24 651.71 0.@ 850.03 516,17 722.44 554.42 1209.63 -55_30 0.@ Attachment l -Page389 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non€xports lnstarl.d Pv Nameplat. (kwd.) tttim.t d PV Nameplate (lwac) 479A t2 1998 osre & Time 4127/11?3:oo 9/25/t7 79:o0 11/2/17 !3:OO 7ol2llt7 1L@ al\3117 7o:oo lolzzltt tr:@ 1t/7lp $too !72/17 2OtOo 4/2/t7 27:oo r!7a/17 2:o0 t2/21711:OO 5/6/1 73:oo 7oltlll7 l9:@ 4lt1/17 2o:oo 3/\Ol17 71:00 3h9lt7 22.@ al2olrT 7:oo 1/25/1122100 4/751t7 5:oo rr/7/172:oo t7/8/t1'tOO 1Y7o/17 23:00 1!27/17l2tOO abolt7 2t:oo 5/2/t12o:oo 5/27/t7 7O:OO tt/tg/t1 7t:@ 2/10/!7 O:00 2/19/17 O:oo 10/22117 22q 7tl9/t1 2!:o0 7r/7o/ti 6:@ 4/78/11 t2too 5/4/17 L2too 4ltTltt 2o:@ sl2oll1 l5:go 4/22177 a:oo 9l21lt12a:o0 l!/2/771:OO ltlzs/tt 7}@ 4lt3lt1 17:oo 6/13111 14100 11/13/17 15:@ t7/25/t1 ts:@ 5/9/11 LOTOO 2/5177 g:oo 71111,7 ztOO 3l2qt7 21:@ 3/2a/77 5:oo 3l1tlt7 2l:OO 4/15/t7 22:00 5/5/17 L@ 519117 6:00 r2l2lr7 5:o0 9/1611718:00 7!25/11 11:@ 1t/7/t114tOO 518/17 Trtoo4llllv 2!:oo to/t6/t7 2at0o 7!51t7 2a:@ 911,9/17 14tOO rtl25lL7 74:oo lol20/t7 74:@ 9lt5l1172:N 2l25ll1 15:00 70111/17 \2:@ 4h5/LT rtOO t.t 5yn6 Lo.d (Mw) 7412 7442 7442 7441 114t 1,141 l44l 1441 744t ')141 7441 lirzll 11l41 744t 7440 1440 1440 1,t40 14!, u4a 1440 1440 1t140 7410 1it40 1t40 1439 1439 1439 1439 1439 ta39 r439 1439 11r38 1438 1438 1438 1438 1438 143a 1434 t4!7 l1l7 r1t7 1437 7417 1437 1437 7437 1437 1437 t4a7 1137 \417 L431 t4t7 1435 1136 1436 r€6 1436 1436 r435 1435 1435 1435 1435 Per Unit oinribut.d sol.. 0 0.t6E855 0.267148 0.459523 o.t6,752 0.0643053 0.112t49 0.018E133 0 0 0 0.52@16 0,0835535 0.0833969 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0.542691 0.0147754 o.107939 0.50rt067 0.447274 0 0 0 0 0 0.0171044 0.E9368 o-o714294 0,917t41 0.0342223 o 0 0.382183 0.!63585 0.876904 0.098€319 0_09114679 0.511965 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o.4to6n 0.256778 0.709829 0.719756 0 0 0 0.577581 o.r74706 0.0432736 0.70119,14 0.8461tt1 0,510275 0 0.00 675.09 105€,06 1E37.58 658.68 !37.0s 449,5',1 75.22 0.00 0.00 0.@ 2080.63 134.49 333.42 0,00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0,00 2329.61 59.07 437,54 2015.35 1787.99 0.00 0.@ 0.oo 0.(rc 0.m 54,38 3335-82 297.57 3567.95 135.82 0.00 0,00 1527.98 7454.62 3505.90 394.33 371.5A 2046.45 0.00 0.(rc 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.(,0 0.@ o.@ 1541-90 1026.60 2A3f.9L 2477.fi 0.@ o,o0 0,00 2309.58 698.48 173.01 2a18.38 3383.70 2040.(n 0.@ 5olar ErDort! {kw) Non-Erported sola, llw) 1442 1536 1551 1552 1579 1483 1497 1451 1441 1441 7447 1649 L416 1500 1440 7440 144o l,l,l0 1440 1440 1440 1440 1580 1560 7722 1633 1439 11139 1439 1419 1439 1556 1709 1460 1691 1495 1438 1438 1511 r696 1526 1469 t7t2 7437 1431 l4a7 t437 7437 7437 1437 t4a1 t431 1577 1533 1626 1686 1436 1436 1436 1598 MA7 1558 1685 1584 1631 1435 1.19 85.38 !22,79 632.39 205.74 97.35 26.50 2.41 3.20 0,00 0.00 1127.19 40.13 53.89 000 0.00 14.56 0.63 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0,26 1124.51 132.10 1022.18 975.69 0.64 1.56 0.@ 0.00 1.27 362.60 2344.t9 14.46 2231_95 15.87 000 0.00 431,48 378.43 2054.89 156.24 40,18 10€9.48 1,66 1.79 0,51 0,00 0.79 0.38 0_54 0.08 0.11 427.47 4t1.22 1597.20 1551,68 0.64 0.26 0.00 81?.93 102,86 653.84 1403.90 1631_it4 1019.90 2.70 -1.79 589.71 145.47 1205.20 452.90 239.71, 423.01 77.74 -3.20 0.00 o.@ 953.45 294.35 279 53 0.00 0.00 ,14.56 -0.63 0.00 0.00 0_00 -o.26 1201.10 54.34 299.44 993.17 4t2.29 -0.64 ,1.66 0.00 0.00 -7_27 -294.27 991.04 28311 1435.99 120 95 0.00 0.00 1096.50 1075.19 145r.01 238.10 337.50 977.37 -1.66 -1.7, -0.51 0.00 -0.79 -0.38 {.64 {.04 {.11 1214.02 593.39 1240.71 1325_92 0_64 -0.26 o.m 1436.65 595.62 -640.83 1414-49 1752.26 1020.1t -7.1o Attachment I -Page390 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rntt.lled Pv Nameplare lkwdc) E5tin.ted Pv Nam.plat€ (lwa.l 47rA t2 3998 4126/tl2):OO to/t4/t1otod LO/16/t7 6:@ t7/t9lt7 5:o0 to/22117 9:N 3la/P $:oo rtl28/ri r1:@ toh9hl to:w 2116177 5:N 9/t6177 o:@ tolzoli $:& 4/9/719:0o tolz6h1 to:@ 5/4/17 L7:oo 3116/771:oo 61751713:@ 9/7a/71a.@ a/24/t1 t6:Oo 7t/6/17 t7:oo 318/77 7:oo 319/Lt 23:oo 4/2/t7 22:oO 5/6/t7 2:oo t7/7/t7 71OO \\/17/77 23:OO tz13lt77:oo 5/4/119:@ 3/20/U r4i00 5lt9l11 tr:oo tUl6/71 14:@ lol6ltl \o:@ sl79/t1 7o,OO 6lLX/11 r9.oo 4/2a/i 9:q ,14/17 o:oo 4/73/17 t:oo 5hgl77 s:N to/\l /r7 73.@ 7t/9h7 5:W 77/78177 3:@ !/A/t111:0o 4/26/17 74:00 3/24/71 73,00 5/14/t7 ?o:oo 4/417120:OO 2D/171:oo 4/29/1 7:oo 5/3111 6:00 'lral7l t:oo6h'lli s:oo 12/r/r7 2:OO t2/20lt12:OO 11/70/77 14:00 \016/77 79:OO 4/2217122:@ to/1/7122:oo 7i3/17 7:Oo 5/4171 7o:oo 2176/71 77:oo 70/73/11 7rtoo s/18l112otoo 2/r7 /r7 7:oo 72h/t13:OO 72l4lt7 2:o0 slr9/17 13:00 4l24ll7 t7:@ !2t1r718:@ 5/221!11:N 1435 1435 1435 1435 1436 7703 1@2 1593 1434 1434 7529 1564 1592 1709 143t 1433 1435 1511 1616 t432 l4a2 1432 t432 1432 1432 1432 1652 1491 l68a 1539 1632 1774 1775 1521 l43l 1431 1431 1431 1431 143L 1525 1525 1506 1578 1453 1430 1430 1430 1430 1430 ta30 1430 1534 1483 1a29 1429 1429 1699 1480 1598 1565 1428 1428 1424 1672 1548 1436 1427 N€t Syrtem Load (Mw) 1435 1435 1435 1435 1435 1435 1434 1434 1434 1434 1434 14:'4 14!3 1433 t4!3 1433 14!3 1432 1432 74X2 1432 1432 1432 1432 1432 1432 1432 7432 7442 1432 7432 1432 1431 1431 1431 1431 t43t 1431 t43t 1431 t43l t43t 1430 1430 1430 1430 la!o la30 1430 !4!O l/l!o 1430 l4:to 1429 7429 1429 1429 7429 1429 1428 1428 1428 vza 1428 1428 t42E 1427 1427 Per unit Dirtlibuted solar 0 0 0 0 0.001512 0.344568 0.7038rt9 0,297399 0 0 0,!21059 0.177458 0.271904 0.688456 0 o 0 0.04912114 0.00606677 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2/t4@4 0,41505 o.712706 0.5:,4549 0_346905 0.498337 0.393121 o.244202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.141728 o.317773 o,0773925 0,134932 0,0643626 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.092!BL1 0.112293 0 o 0 0.487011 0.0385881 0.46408 0.105853 0 0 0 0.942751 0.11482 0 @84974 o 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.05 1317.59 2614.00 1189.01 o.00 0.00 843.80 709.48 1087.08 2754.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 356.32 24.26 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.@ 975.53 1559.34 2449_41 2137.30 1386.93 1992.35 1571.71 992.32 0_00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 565.63 1326.44 249.41 539.45 737.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_t)0 o.o0 0-00 0.00 371.74 448.95 0.@ 0.00 0.00 1947.08 154.28 1855,40 423.20 0.m 0.@ 0.m !769.74 459.30 33,97 0.@ 0,71 0.35 0,26 1.65 549.6,4 1485.0!) 342.44 0.51 0.5r 65.15 106.21 767-U 1762.84 0.54 0.51 0.50 33,1.11 143,85 0.s1 0,00 2.42 2.0s 0.00 0.00 o,26 354.51 52t-94 7167.12 763.85 494.55 970.84 645_33 219_33 0.@ 1.02 5.49 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 96.74 303.87 455.62 89.07 7.06 1.2a 0.@ 0.@ 0.13 0.34 0.00 0.oo 294.24 61.57 0.38 0.13 2.48 1019.28 129.0! 1084,39 106,88 0.00 0.00 1.28 2:140.16 632.95 4a_oo 2.37 Non'tl(port.d Solar (kW) -0.71 {.35 -9./t4 {.26 4,34 a27.95 1328.91 806.55 {.51 -0.51 a18.45 503.24 820.011 911.la -0.54 -0.51 -0.50 -119.59 _0_51 0.00 -2.42 .2.05 0.00 0.00 -0.26 621.02 1035.44 t287.70 1373.45 932.39 1021.49 926.t7 7t2.99 0.@ .1.02 -5.19 0_00 0.m 0.@ 469.90 1022.56 -166.19 450_39 25o.26 -1.28 0.m 0.@ -0.13 -0.:,€ 0_@ 0_m 17.5r 381.38 -0.38 -0.13 -2.Q 927.80 25.19 77t.Ol 315.32 0.00 0.00 -1.28 1388.98 -173.65 -14.03 -2.37 Attachment l -Page39l Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnsrelled Pv N.m.pl.te (kwdc) E tim.t.d Pv am.plat.{kwa.) 4798 1.2 3998 oate & Time 3/28/113:oo to/74/!7 6:00 tr/25/17 72:@ 7t126/t7 13:oo 3lz2/17 IO:OO 3/t7/t7 77:oo 2/22/17 4:oo 1/lail77 6:@ 7tl2alt1 74:@ 1!26h7 r':N 4lt3ll7 12:00 !77177 7t:o0 41161t177:@ Sl2olrl t:oo 9/24111 2Z:OO 10177/t7 6:@ tol2tlt7 7:@ ll/72/17 7too !3lU 16:@ 5/8/17 r2:oO 5/78/17 TOIOO 2/2olt7 o:oo 3178/t1 2rtoo 312!lr1 23tOO 4/26/117:oo 4/2-r/tr 6:00 filza/Y 2tt90 3l7a/D 7t:@ 1/26177 9:@ t7/2/17 77:oo 6/13/fi 7a:oo lvt2/rr 7r:@ 3/r7h, ?2:OO 91lV17 4:oo 9126/t7 23:oo \0/9/17 2}@ 4/26/t715:oo 3/20/17 zO:Cn 3/luLl trloo 1/r/t7 75:oo 11/10/1715:00 4/6h7 2o:o0 2/t6/1,7 t,@ 3le/!7 5:@ 5h5177 4:oo 9ltY17 5:@ t\lt9/17 t:6 2ltvt174:00 5/2lll7 11:00 ,/zall7 2o:@ 5l2al77 7!:o0 N/a177 79:N 4lr2/11 7o:oo 5/8h? rstm 2/l7ltl 4:oo 2l22lt7 7:oo 7o/r/17 7t:o0 71/25/77 2Jt!o 12/2117 4too 72/2o/t7 4tcD 7ll9/17 76:00 77/25177 Txtoo 9/22/17 14:oo 3/15/17 tztco 4l2alt7 71:@ 70129/77 *@ tol29hr t9:@ 5l2tl17 2,Oo 1427 1477 7427 1,474 1557 1506 1425 7425 7571 1463 1510 1627 1425 14r5 t425 1425 la25 la25 1530 1581 1660 1424 \424 1424 1424 t424 1424 14r18 1507 t4a7 1709 \s72 7423 7421 1423 7421 1529 1417 15211 1567 1513 7445 7422 1422 7422 1422 t422 l55l 1714 I't49 l70a t114 1559 t69a 1421 1421 1421 1421 l42l 1,42t 1502 1491 1539 1505 1428 1429 7129 1420 N.t Sy3t.m Lo.d lMr r) 1427 !427 7427 7427 7127 1426 1425 1425 t126 1426 1426 1426 1425 1425 1425 la25 1425 la25 1425 1425 1425 1424 1124 1424 la24 1424 1424 t1z4 1424 1423 1423 t12a 1423 la2! 1423 1423 7421 1423 7423 t42Z 1422 7422 7422 1422 1422 1,422 1422 1422 1422 !422 t42Z 1421 1421 la2t la21 1421 1421 t42l 1421 1421 l42t l42l t12l l42l 1420 1it2o 1420 1420 0.00 o.o0 0.00 427.49 1184.25 2208.91 o.o0 0.@ 2247.44 354,a2 t47.66 2505.25 0.m 0.(rc 0.@ 0_@ 0-@ 0_oo 2356.09 :t441.60 2100,13 0.@ 0,00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.m 554.43 2l:1o.55 579.43 2413.63 1112.57 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.(rc 417.80 140,07 l!45.44 3285.24 523.94 24s.61 0.00 0.00 0.(,0 o.@ 0.uo 3464.12 2825.6r 187.01 3535.45 453.20 1429.78 22U.Al 0.@ 0.m 0_00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 1319.91 1522.33 312.85 2303.15 29.03 75.76 0.00 0.@ 0_26 0.84 o77 79.58 279.31 496.25 0.00 0-@ 1463.23 27.52 575.47 644.67 0.64 0.m 0.@ 0.06 0,11 0.00 286_82 2110.43 47t.29 0.00 0,26 0.E8 0.00 2,18 0.00 2ta.u 59.12 158.68 1233-05 473.98 o.77 l.a9 0.00 0.00 321.59 3.46 697.27 1617.64 225.88 8.96 0.90 0_00 0.45 1.89 0.90 1E61-36 1679-03 la.05 2308.85 50.50 495-18 121a_32 0.m 0.71 0.m 0.@ 0.Bt 0.77 19.74 222.72 494_48 1047.02 2.94'L2t 4.41 0.26 Nontxported Solar (tw) -0.26 _0.84 -o,17 347.90 904.91 111,2.67 0.00 0.00 7U.25 327.30 -28.21 r821.58 {.64 0-00 0.oo {.06 -0.11 0.00 2069.28 1311.17 l22A.A4 0.00 -0.26 -0.88 0.00 -2_18 0.00 31rc.59 !70.8! 120_15 1180.59 638.59 -o.7, -1.89 0-@ 0.@ 96.22 136.62 654.17 7667.6t 300.06 226.17 ,0.90 0,00 {.85 -1.89 {.90 L@7.75 1146.58 168.96 7227.6r 402.70 934,@ 1065.49 0.(m 4.n 0.00 0.00 -0.04 ,o.77 1740.17 I3r9.6t -182.04 1256.14 26.00 68.53 -4.42 -o,26 P.r Unit oistiburcd sol., 0 0 0 0.106925 0.296208 0.552502 0 0 0.562r48 0.0847443 0.r36t83 0.626873 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.589315 0,860826 0,525292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,13a676 0.107692 0.14493 0_503707 o_274241, 0 0 0 0 0.104502 0,0350357 0.336527 0.821717 0,13155 0.0589461 o 0 0 0 0 0.867704 0,706753 o.0467745 0.844552 0.113355 0.357621 0.571445 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.330142 0.405783 0.07825 0.575076 o.oo7z62tt 0.01894!'4 0 0 Attachment l -Page392 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnltalled Pv Nameplate (kwdc) Eetim.ted Pv N.m.rl.t. (kw..) 4194 1,2 3998 P.r Unit Distribur.d sol.r 0 o 0.00€:14453 0.465204 0.222447 0.31429 0.0746114 0.!1928 0 0 0 0.599636 0.0913376 o.o7f8272 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0695789 0,799262 o,97229 0.503sort 0.742448 0 0 0 0 0.0185115 0.404107 0.594579 o.277753 0 0 0 0 0,758014 0.699982 0.1924116 o-2a7!96 0.211252 o.947547 0 0 0 0 0,514927 0,508738 0,215034 0.2935 0.571469 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0.168473 o,zt1062 0.155514 0.0655s08 0.222121 0 0 ttlt5ltTO,OO l2/lll7 4:oo 5/2!!7 7:@ 5/2lt7lotoo 9lt9/t7 13:OO 9l2L/11,a:@ ahsli $:@ sl7lt1 2o:oo 2/s/77 *@ 4hO/716:00 7t/!/tt 23,00 5/6/17 r4:oo 1ol22lt7 B:@ tt/261t7 74:@ ' 2/2\/17 6:00 tl9/t161!0 ,lltllT 23:00 3/r2/i a3:o0 4/4/77 23:N 4/A/71e:@ 419/11o:oo Ltl22/77 Z2:@ a/78lt7 to:@ L!/4/17 74:oo 5l!9117 14:oo 31791t172:@ 7r/27117 74:@ a/29/t7 23:OO s/5/175:oo 9/23/77 72:00 to/'t5/77 O:oO 4/1/712o:@ to/2177 l4too 3/2/77 75:oo 5l7a/71 79:oo 9/t6/t1a:oo 'lalt o:oo 7ofi/,7AoO tl/1t117 21:6 6/73/17 77:oo trl27/7t 13:@ t/r/!1 la:oo rv2a/71 7z.oo 4l26lt7 9:oo 5/79171 l5:oo 3/5/t1o:Oo 4l28lt7 6:00 to/!t1 6,00 LUaltT t:oa 71./2/17 14:00 6/14lt7 1O:O0 lo/l7l\7 7a:@ t7/13171 71:@ 9/27lrt t2:@ 5/19h7 6100 s/2o/t7 6:00 5/29117 2:oo 912U1123:@ 9125/17 Zt:@ tt/9h7 t,oo 7!20177 o:@ !1124/17 fi:@ lo/lul1 12:oo 4126/71 7a:oo 417/71r9:oo 5/18/17 18:00 2/tt/171:oO lol8/17 ?3:00 1420 1420 11t32 1653 1606 1510 744\ 1592 1419 1419 1419 1628 1446 7171 1418 1418 t4lE 1418 1418 1418 1418 1418 1431 1559 1564 1976 1553 1417 1417 1477 1417 1429 1512 1560 1584 1423 1416 lt16 1416 1694 r56B 1557 1512 t48t 1679 1415 tat5 1415 1415 1531 7706 1535 1480 1561 t414 1414 1114 14!a 1414 1414 1414 1595 1526 1446 t5E6 1413 1413 Nd Synem Load IMW) 1420 1420 1420 L420 t420 1419 1419 1419 1419 1419 1419 1419 1419 1418 1414 1418 1418 1,118 1418 1418 1418 14la 14t8 14$ 1418 1477 1417 1477 t4L7 t4t7 t41,7 1417 1477 1417 1416 1416 1416 1416 t4t6 1416 1416 1416 1416 1415 1415 1415 1415 1415 1415 1415 7415 1415 1414 1414 1474 1414 1414 1414 1414 1414 1414 1413 1413 l't13 1a1t 1413 1413 14t3 0.00 0.45 1.54 935.92 77217 405.75 135.5r 152.63 0.00 0.38 5.82 1351.35 20.86 54.98 0.00 0.m 7_24 0.(x) 0.38 0.13 7.79 0.51 78.99 1280.93 2467.O7 720.37 1301.01 0-38 0.@ 0.02 z.o1 4.06 498.19 1055.01 435.78 o.77 0.54 r.02 0.m 1815.65 t379.97 860.10 104,02 2396,56 0,00 0.13 0.@ 0.00 601.79 1061.99 229-24 137.72 952.47 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.51 7,81 a52.4' 440.85 72,!3 640.44 0.00 0,00 Non-Expodedsohr (kw) 0.00 0.00 33.38 1859.90 889.48 137548 298.30 476.88 0.00 0.00 0.@ 2197 t6 365.17 311.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 278.58 3195.47 3887.2'r 2013.02 296a.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 1615.61 2377.54 870.58 0.00 000 0.ot) 0.00 3070.54 2794.54 769.rlo 1149.02 844.59 !laa.a) 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0_00 2058.69 2033.95 859.71 t713.42 2296.74 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 673.56 to27.74 11121.35 261.O7 888.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 {.46 31.84 921.91 117 31 970.72 t62.79 324.26 0.00 -0.38 .5.82 1445.80 344_31 256.1' 0,00 0.00 -1.28 o.@ .0,38 0.13 -1.8 -0.51 199.59 1914,54 t420.77 t292.7t 1667,48 {.38 o.@ -0,02 .2.O1 66,35 lll7.44 1322.53 434.81 -0.77 -0.6.4 -1.o2 0.m 1254.88 1418.57 494,18 284.91 740.57 1392.22 0.00 -0.13 0.00 0.00 1456,90 971.9s 630.43 435.70 1344.21 0.00 0.00 -0.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.51 565-75 \65-26 gao 50 189.95 208 40 000 0.m Attachment l -Page393 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nam.plate {kwd4 Estimat.d PV Nam.plate {kw.c) 4798 1.2 3998 t2l4lt13:0o 5/13/1716:00 a/7011,1 zotm 7o/t6/71 77t0o 1t/$/r712:@ a/21/71 79too 3/11/17 lztoo 2/91t7 1:@ 2/L/t7 4.oo 2/17/t13:OO !221,7 3:oo 4/29/17 22:OO lollv7l23:@ tzllolll3:@ th9l11 lr:N 4/14/77 l5:OO 3/t/l177tOO 4/11/7176too 4/$/r116:00 3111/t1 t2:ooltlsltl o:oo lollllgtOO 5/3/119.oo 3/24h7 ts:OO 3/3/t7 t3:oo 2/31112:00 416/11rt@ 4/70/L121:oo 4/19/17 21:oo Ttlt9ltl xt0o 3/21/1711:oo 7tl6/71 76too 413117 2o:oo to/to/17 $:@ 2/19/1,711:OO t/6/t7 ts.oo 4/2r/t7 O:oo 5/7o/t7 2:oo 5/271116:00 7ol1o/17 2}@ lolt2ltl6t@ 3/14/L1 19to0 3/29/t7 l7:Oo 4/11171 TatOO 5l20lt1Btoo sl2gll1 6:@ 77119/71 4,oo 11,/13/17 l2:@ 4/24/77 t1:oo 4lt7l17 tr:oo 9/19/17 L6:OO 5/79117 t2.oo 5/a/17 r9:oo t7/r/t7 11:00 al5/t71:0o sl4/17 5too 5/6/t7 6,00 sltol7l s,oo lol6lti 2t:oo 70175/1 2!:o0 1O/7A/17 6t@ 1o/7o/t17to0 to/Xo/\1 2t:o0 tt/7t1117:oo 4/5/tt \gtOO 9l761t gtoo u/10/1713r00 UTUtl StOo 1413 1645 1449 1580 1601 1429 1584 1412 1412 t4t2 1412 1412 l4!2 1412 1555 1577 1569 1500 1544 7572 1411 1459 1645 1509 1567 1410 1410 1410 1410 1410 1509 1585 1463 1498 1499 1615 1409 1/rc9 1409 1409 1aoq 1455 1491 1505 1529 14oa 1408 1505 1571 1548 1512 1565 1671 1521 1407 1407 1407 !407 7407 740f 1407 1407 1407 7407 1448 1503 15{0 1406 ri.t sFtem to.d lMw) t4t3 1413 1413 1413 1'113 1413 1412 1rt12 1412 1472 !412 1412 t4t2 1412 1412 l4t2 1411 1411 1'111 1411 1411 1411 1411 1410 1410 1410 1410 1410 1410 1410 11110 14lO !109 140!' 1401) 1409 1409 1409 t4o9 1409 1/to9 1409 1409 1409 1409 14@ 14@ 1408 1408 1404 1408 1/rc8 1407 t4o7 1407 MA7 L4A7 :4A1 1407 1407 1407 1407 la07 1407 L07 t$7 l/to5 1406 Ps Unit Di*ibui€d sola, o 0.656375 o.o170!01 0,551755 0.584965 0.m13su2 0.619399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_413216 0,472453 0.465915 o.2u5l7 0.572086 0.821106 0 0.096209 o.242476 0.345646 0.742069 0 0 0 0 0 0.43127! 0.0112989 0.0664076 0.190655 0.351196 0.731351 0 o 0 o 0 0.0842054 0.333121 0.359864 0.0680122 0 o 0.612557 0.508343 0.61027 0.195333 0.855322 o.320tolt 0.116456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,114279 0.13125! 0.403942 0 0.00 2624.20 307.97 2205.93 7354_69 5.41 2796.27 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 1652.05 3488.09 1467.74 105?.54 1747.71 3242.80 0.00 384.65 969.42 1381.90 2966.81 0.00 0.00 oo0 0.00 o.o0 1121.45 45.L7 265.50 762.24 1404.09 2923,96 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 336.66 1331.82 1438.74 277.9t 0.00 0.oo 2449,06 2032.37 2439.47 780.95 3419.60 u79.40 465.59 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 o.0o 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 456.39 s24.75 1614.97 0.00 solar Expo.r! ([w) Non-Exported 5o]ar (lw) 026 1694 66 18,94 988.03 1364.58 18.82 1450.35 0.38 0.00 0.00 2.46 0.00 1.15 0.13 640.61 1618.30 390.88 241.76 1523.66 1785.63 18.11 59.46 331.36 715.85 1895.07 0.00 000 0.00 0.64 0.51 1131.16 59215 41.50 154.67 t57.45 1132.36 0.13 o.64 0.86 000 0.00 150.40 294.83 530.11 40.58 o_26 0.13 1155.00 662.86 952.38 '/4L.O1 2085.35 537.58 430.42 0.@ 1.44 0.00 0.64 0.@ 0.00 0.00 6.47 0.00 0.00 186.66 a7_59 431.13 0.00 {.26 929.54 289.03 121r.90 986.12 -13,41 1345.85 0.3t 0m -2.46 0_00 '1 15 {.13 1011.37 1869.78 t47t.a, 115.18 663.55 749) L7 -1a.11 325.18 638.07 66605 7077.14 0.00 o.m 0.00 {.54 -0 51 2192.79 -91.54 221.00 607.61 1246.14 1r91.60 -0.13 -0.6.4 -o.86 o.m 0.00 186.26 1037.00 908.63 231.34 -0.26 0.13 1284.06 1369.51 1487.50 39.91 1334.25 142 22 35.17 0.00 0.00 {.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 '6.47 0.00 0.00 270 23 437 16 1183.84 0.00 Attachment l -Page394 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports tnitalled Pv Namcprat! (twdc) Estimat d PV N.meplate (kwac) 4798 7.1 3998 4/9h7 6t9o 4/$177 2a:00 5/9/17 t:oo Sl1a/712:@ 5l2r/1,1!:oo 9/22/t1 2a:oo to/91t7 6too l2/2/t7 2:oO 1,2lXlt7 l:00 5/27/17 9:o0 9/2 77 70:00 ttl21l77 75100 4/26/77 7t:oo 1/79/71 2otoo 2/t6/112:OO 2hrlt1 Z:Oo ?/21/17 o.OO 3/11/17 5:Cr0 tlr9/71O:OO tt/2117116:00 4/11/r7 9:Oo 4/t5/17 9tOO 3/2glr7 2!:oO 9/ls/17 t:@ 9/75/17 6:00 5/14/71fi:oo 9/217717:OO 4l7lt7 9:OO 419/77 23:oo 4/tSlt7 4tOO slslr7 !:oo 5/28117 4.@ 77129/17 5100 3/a/77 77too 4125171 2t:OO sl28/t77:oo 10/15/1710:00 2lltlt1 77:OO 4ll9/17 79:oo l/9/7176.@ ro/r1 /77 73:@ 4lt1lD 7A:OO 5/20177 1,4:OO 4/2s/ti 6too 12/2/9 roo tt/72171 77:00 4nlv LZ,@ 4/25/77 22t00 5/7/17 5:oo 6lt4lrt t:OO lO/29/77 22:@ 3/7311,1 79100 sl9/17 l3:oo 4l26lt7 16,00 4lt7/77 75:OO 2/25/171,7:@ 9/10/17 9:oo 5l$/t177:OO 3/1ht l4tOO 3/25/L77tOO tU12l17 21100 11/19/17 2:@ 11/27117 2X:00 7U23/7r 9:@ 4/Dlr12O:Ao xl29/71 73tOO 511/77 7a:oo LOl21l1,7 lrt@ P.r Unit Di3tributed 50br 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.279442 0 0.706595 0.556949 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.596702 0.20tt484 0.198907 0 0 0 0.338754 032:'5:,4 0.134218 0 0 0 0 0 0,752102 0 0.0091371t7 0.333812 0.41410a 0,289451 0.272704 0.5814t2 0.259991 0.928532 0 0 0.123642 o,442272 0 0 0 o 0.210359 0.9527!t 0,219283 0.352115 0.476511 0.062516 0.417106 0.735629 0 0 0 0 0 0.0928@7 0.466055 0.538024 0.397371 0.m 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_m 0.@ 0.@ 1117,38 0.00 2421.94 2266.67 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 23a5.63 817_53 795.23 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 1354.35 1593.31 536.61 0.00 0.@ 0.(rc 0.00 0.00 3006.92 0-00 36.53 1334_59 1655_61 ttSt-2a 1090.29 2374.74 1079.43 3777.79 0.00 0.00 494.32 176I].21 0_00 0-00 0.00 0.00 841.06 3808,97 476.70 t407.76 1905.10 330.30 1668.80 2941,06 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 !71.05 1863.30 2151.03 158A.?0 system toad (Mw) Net synem Load (Mw) !106 1rlI}6 1406 1406 1406 1406 1406 1406 1406 1650 L477 153' 1501 1415 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1544 1539 1S75 t 404 1404 1569 1501 1503 1403 1403 1'to3 1403 1682 1405 1418 1524 1492 1481 1585 1482 1690 1402 1402 1437 1502 1401 1401 1401 1401 1459 1640 1542 1500 1570 r409 1607 15S0 1400 l40o 1400 1400 1400 1470 15S1 1679 1622 1405 t4o6 1405 1406 l406 1406 7406 1406 1406 1406 1406 1406 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 7404 1404 1404 1404 L404 1404 1404 1403 1403 1403 1403 1403 1403 14o3 1403 1403 1403 1402 7402 7402 1402 1402 1402 1402 7402 1402 1401 1401 1401 1401 1401 1401 1401 1401 1400 1400 14@ 14m 1400 1400 1400 14oO 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1a@ Attachment l -Page395 5ol.r ExporB (kW) Non-Erpon.d solar (kw) 0.64 {.640.00 0.@0.26 -0.26 0.04 '0.04 0,t3 -0.13 o.22 -0.22 0.00 0.000.m 0.00 0.51 {.51 3t5.19 722.192.09 '2.09906.90 t9$.O8 58}m 1683.64 a,7t "1.710.13 -0.13 0.00 0.000.m 0_00 0.00 0-00 0.13 -0.13 508.35 7477.24122.79 694,74155.90 639.330.00 0.m0.5r {.s11.15 -1.15 890,78 463.57 62A.77 1064.55aa_40 44a.200.00 0.000,00 0.000.51 {.51 0.13 {.130.00 0.001888.67 t118.2so.l3 '0.13 0.90 35.64 350-61 983,98524.02 1131.59349.38 407.86 206.84 883.45 1161.04 1163.74404,.74 674.692317.29 1395.011.92 -t.92 0.00 0.004.10 490.234a6.53 1?81.690.16 4.L67.77 -t.27 0@ 0.@0.00 0.@ 71.23 769.83 2680.09 1128.48 800.8a 75.41525.18 882.5t547.t7 1357,99 1.64 128.66 878,71 790.09 1534.06 1407.00o.75 -0.75 0_13 -0.130.00 0.000,00 0.0020.58 '20-53a).54 310.52 lol-t,4z 845.871206.49 944.54726.5S 462_12 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Expods and Non-exports l.rtalled Pv N.m.plar. (kwdc) Eltimat!d Pv Nam€phte (kwac) 4794 7.2 3998 Dare & Tim6 lO/3111 1\:OO 4/2o17-t r7,oo 2/9/!15:OO 4l2a/77 B:antl/a/i 4:@ trl26/17 8:@ 3/4/7717t00 ,o/!9/!7 lgtoo 70/5177 t7,@ 5/a/77 t5:(N 2/19/77 l6tOO 71]4117 ts:oo 519/t1t2:@ 9/3olt7 1o:0o 2ls/17 4tOO 2l6lL7 5.OO 2172/L7 2:oo 1/21/!7 T|OO 4/1177 7:0o 4/1s/1711:@ tO/27/fi 7A:00 to/\tltJ 7a,6 4/!3117 !6:@ 4177li rt:oo 2/7a/t7 t:oo 417/112tOO tol23lr7 2t:oo trlr1/17 6:@ 3lla/t7 72:00 LO/2AlL1t9:N 2125/t7 76:@ 2/7a/17 5:oo 1/ll/t7 6:00 4/6/1123:OO 516/17 t:oo 70ll9/17 23:@ t7/2a/77 4:oo slt4ltT 79:@ 9/23/17 9:00 3h6/717rtOO 70/12/11 77:@ 4la/!17AIOO 318117 2:@ 4/15/17 3:OO 5/70lt14:@ 1ol1llr16:@ Ly9h7 2t0o 4/6/17 L100 10/76/17 '2:@rl/111,715:OO 5lal77 t].oo 4/!5/!7 2:oo 5/51714:oo 5l2ol77 7:(n 5/2\117 5:@ sl2a/77 5,0o ulrolt7 6:@ 11124117 2a:@ 4/21/11 2o:OO 9/19/11 75tOO TOltOlLl l]:6 rcl2alu $:@ 1/t7/7719:OO 3lrol77 t4:@ !41716:@ 1l71lr12atoo 3/26/t71too lo/13/716:@ P€r unir oBribut d sohr 0.595r93 o.775704 0 0 0 0 0.445E65 0_258783 0.367573 0.878132 0.570557 0.756132 0-863656 0.293833 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.243567 0.235611 0.54951 0.564821 0 0 0 0 0.139054 0.015177 0.696641 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.0986235 o.135679 o.412t19 0.578648 0.25376s 0 0 0 0 0 0,319921 o.709472 0.660346 0.949482 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_0852551 0.911835 0.580856 o.264203 0.225672 0.625:t85 0 0 0 0 2479.59 7102.27 0.@ 0.00 000 0.00 7742.6 1074.50 1469.56 3510.79 2281.50 3023.03 3452.92 1174.95 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0_00 971.79 945.98 2196-95 7657.97 0,00 0.00 0_00 0.00 559.94 60.64 2785-19 0.@ 0_00 0_00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 !94,30 542_45 t727.AE 2313.45 1014.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0t) !279.05 2838.0€ 2640.@ 3796.05 0,00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 340.89 3645.54 2122.21 to12.2A 902,24 25@.30 o.@ 0.m 0.00 116149 519.m 1.28 0.13 0.10 0.0(, 225.92 742.20 161.92 2467,52 835.40 1096.27 2t5t.t2 46.12 0.00 o.77 0.59 0.00 0.28 1_15 147.9!' 136.53 660,80 960.01 1.28 22.08 0.79 0,00 285.39 4.22 1164.54 0.oo 19.20 o.64 1.15 0.00 0.00 339.07 49.45 572_O7 1024.63 264.13 0.51 0.00 0.64 2.@ 0.@ 537.53 7514.47 1020.s3 25t3.U o,77 0,51 0.34 0.13 0.13 0.00 0,00 24.70 7170.92 990.78 241.74 290.74 849.74 0-@ 0.64 0.@ 0.13 Non-Etport d solar (kw) 7717.70 5,83.27 _1,24 -0.13 {.10 0.00 1556.74 8t2,40 705_65 10{3.27 1445.70 1926.76 tt01.79 1@8.23 0.00 4-71 {,59 0.00 {.28 -1.15 725.79 809.45 1536.ls 1697.96 -L2a -22.O4 -0.79 0.@ 270.55 56.45 1620.64 0.00 -19.20 .0.54 -1.15 0.@ 0.00 55.23 493.m 1r55.79 1288.82 750.41 -0.51 0.{t) ,0.64 '2.00 o.@ 641.52 7223.67 r6t9.54 1222.27 -0.71 -0.51 .o.38 -0.1! .o.13 0.00 0.oo 315.19 2374.67 1331.49 430.55 611.51 1610-57 0.00 -0.64 0.00 -0.13 Svstem Lo.d (Mw) Netsvstem toad (Mwl 1635 150t r199 1399 1399 1399 1457 1517 1611 1669 t496 1633 t4,4,4 1398 1398 1198 1398 1398 1399 1S30 t49a 1488 1592 1397 1397 1391 1397 7437 1409 1552 1396 1396 1396 1396 t196 1396 15A1 1489 1514 1669 t474 1395 1395 1395 1395 1395 t492 1656 1589 1559 1394 1394 1394 1394 7a94 139'r 1394 t442 1581 1618 1549 1458 14€2 1393 1393 1393 1393 1400 1400 1t99 1399 ll99 1399 1399 1399 1399 1399 1399 1398 1398 1398 1398 r3r8 1398 1398 1398 1398 1398 7191 1397 1397 1397 1397 7491 1397 7191 1397 1397 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1395 1395 1t95 1395 1395 1395 1395 1395 1394 1394 1394 1394 1394 1394 1394 1394 1t94 1394 1394 1394 1394 1394 1393 1393 1393 1393 1393 1393 Attachment 'l - Page 396 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rntt lled Pv Nameprar. (kwdc) Estmated Pv Na meplate (kwacl 4794 t.2 3998 7tl28ltt l.OO rl21 177 73.00 2/19/L1 r5:oo 3lAl77 l6tOO 3122/\1 r1:oo alalv r5t0o 2lt7/t715:OO 1/5/17 6:00 tl24lt16:00 $/2A/!1 22:Ao 4/6/71 La:OO 9/29/7177:@ lol2il71 75,00 4/9/t12o:oo 5/2t/77 !6:00 7tl9l71 71:OO 2/771t7 2:oO 5l10lt7 X:OO 11/15/17 s:0o ttl2all7l:@ slt9l77 r9,oo 3129/t7 76tOO !U2/77 75:oo 4lrol71 72:OO 3hO/71 l9:oo 1/7A/71 2O|OO sltaltT t:oo 5/$/17 4:@ to/25/t-t 2LCx, 7l/8/17 2:oo 77/z/r1 16:00 rt/19177 12:OO 1/23171 2o:oo 1l/2a171 75tOO 4n/717r:oo to/th7 9,oo 3/20/77 75:00 5/15117 s:Cfr 1oh5l77 6:00 tol24/77 23:oo trl9/77 73tOO 3117/17 2otoo 6/14/17 s:(fi 7t/8/17 3,N 5/9/17ll:oo 3/781119:OO ttl26l77 7t:OO !0/!2/77 Tatoo 10/18/17 18:@ 2/9/17 2:oo 2177/t7 41OO 3/8/17 3:oo 1l26lt1 21:OO LtlglLT 4:oO 4la/77 14:oO 5129/r77too 4l2olt1 7r:Oo al2s/71 7o:oo 5/a/77 74.00 417a17717:OO 4/!a/77 73:oo 4/71111 7s:oo 7o/3o/7t 72too 1/B/r77:oo 4h5/17 5:OO 5la7li 4:OO LO/26/17 73:@ tolTl7l 1A:OO 1393 $40 1511 1511 1544 1525 7527 1392 1392 1392 1498 1626 1534 l43t 1676 1550 1391 1391 1391 1391 1669 1510 1501 1572 1440 1390 1390 1390 1390 1390 1494 15a8 1422 1561 1515 1423 1458 r389 13a9 849 1488 1395 D8E 1388 1665 1392 1407 1546 1513 t3t7 t!47 1387 1387 13A' 1493 1401 1511 1621 1661 1488 r$5 1478 1605 1386 13a6 r,86 1385 1497 Net Syrtem Load (Mw) P.r Unit Datrlbuted Sol.r 0 0.951001 0.652821 0.257012 0.510513 0.497214 0,78632 0 0 0 0.462475 0.552709 0.148885 0.0647993 0.807954 0.492142 0 0 0 0 0.35807r o.al4t77 0.524954 0.23628 0.229393 0 0 0 0 0 0.372086 0.631437 0.0449389 0.698526 0.163219 0.0837838 0.587089 0 0 0 0.148049 0.015979 0 0 o.71492A 0.0154591 0.0101512 0,330416 0.273042 0 o 0 0 0 0.311642 0.()096354 0.417538 0.5075811 0.943159 0.50436 0.732545 0-566445 0.297589 0 0 0 0 0.0139lEs 0.m 3802.12 2609,99 7021.51 2041.04 1987.87 3143.72 0.00 0.00 0.m 1848.99 2709.r4 595.2' 259,O7 3210.27 1967.59 0.oo 0.@ 0.00 0.00 1431.58 1256.09 2098.78 9rl4 65 917.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 47.61 2524.50 779.67 2792.72 652-55 134.97 2347.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 591.90 67.88 0.0t) 0.00 2858.30 51_81 43.18 1321.01 1091.63 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 1245.95 38.53 1569.33 2029.33 3930.69 2016.44 2924.49 2212.42 rtag.77 0_00 0.m 0.@ 0.00 5s.65 sol.r Exports lkW) Non Exported sohr lkw) 1393 1393 1393 1393 1393 1393 1392 1392 1392 1392 1392 1392 1392 1392 1391 1391 1391 1391 119! 1391 1391 1391 1390 1390 1190 1390 1390 13tO 1390 1390 1390 1390 1389 1389 1349 1389 1389 1389 1389 1tag 1188 1388 1388 1388 1388 1384 1387 1387 1387 13a7 1347 1387 1387 1387 138' 7XA7 1387 1387 1386 1386 1386 1386 1386 1346 1346 1386 1386 r385 0.00 1533.42 53! 14 2A9.74 608.23 483.14 1664.51 o.77 o.26 0.13 437.21 1146.29 613 69 13.44 2775.22 2.97 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.00 595.18 514.60 709.11 1310.91 7.42 o.77 0.13 0.38 000 0.00 345.04 1370.66 23.68 1033.04 202.85 20.72 770.31 0.38 6.78 0.79 456.99 2.94 o.o1 0.00 1805.59 23.95 85.12 27X.73 207.72 0.64 0 6.4 0.00 o.oo 533.63 7,25 946.41 298.09 2730.65 987.25 973.43 645,18 1031.21 2.44 0.00 o.26 0.m 721_97 0.@ 226a.70 20?6.25 47.40 1412.82 t504.69 L479.71 .o./7 0.26 -0.13 L41,1.17 1063.45 18 45 245.63 1115.00 7074.62 0.00 -0.64 0.00 0.00 836.39 77t.49 1389 67 .366.76 909.69 -0.77 -o.13 '0,38 0.00 o.00 1142.57 1153.84 155.99 1759.69 449.70 374.75 1576.83 ,0.38 -6.74 -0.19 134.91 64.94 ,0.01 0,@ 1052.71 37.85 -41.34 LO47.2A 844.51 0.64 0.o0 0.64 0.00 0.00 7t2.32 37.28 722.91 7711.24 1200,81 1029_19 1955.46 tsa7.63 158,56 243 0.00 {.26 0.00 -63.32 Attachment t -Page397 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lmtalled Pv Nameplar. (twd.) Enim.l.d PV Nameplate (kWac) 4194 t.2 3998 Oale & Tins 7l7a/17 3tOO a/a1714:OO 4/7/177:Oo lil22l77 o:@ s/81t115:(n 1r/14/r711i@ to/7B/17 2a:o0 3lloht 75tOO 10122/17 7z:oo sl7a/17 72:@ 3h8/t7 22.00 5129/17 3:o0 l|l24/t161@ til27/17 23:@ l1lS/17 6tOO trlgltl ttoo to/ahr e:oo 4/a/D 77:N s/7117 7a:Cn 3/9111L:00 al2r/7/ 72too 4/30/\7 7o:OO 2/7O/t7 stOO alt6/77 23:oo t/37/11 1:OO 4n lD 23:oo 4/l4l17 6:@ t7l4h1l:N 9/ao/77 79too 11h1/77 71t0o !13/7715:@ 4/t!11711:@ 3/1/77 \5,00 4/t4/71la,Oo 413/116:00 3/3171O:@ tOlt4/t7 5:00 al4/1714:oO l7lt2l77 16,@ t/3/77 t7:oo tO/17/77 t4:Oo llll9/17 t6:OO 5l79lt7 16:00 !/4/771:00 4/7lll7 l4:ct0 !29117 rs:oo 5122/17 5:OO 9/77/17 o:oo 1112/77 23tOO t7lt2l17 OtOo th6/r171:oo 1/6/71r:N 3l25lt7 21:@ sP/t72tO0 tho/77 23100 10/2sl17 6t0o lUzAlrT 2t0o 9/22/77 t9:@ 9/27 /17 $:OO a/91t1t!@ 9l2lll7 16:00 513/17 1-t,0o 5l20l77 5:0o t0lto/l1 6:@ rrl25lt71,@ 5114/17 7o:oo 3lt /!7 t3:oo 5/19/L1r7tOO 1385 1345 1385 1385 1663 1571 1388 1469 1459 7657 1384 !384 1384 1384 1384 1344 t4l9 1454 1619 1516 148! t452 134! 1343 1383 1383 1383 843 1464 1560 1515 1493 1551 lrt3 1382 1382 L3A2 1487 7442 1651 1562' 1493 1654 1381 1516 1530 1380 1380 1380 1340 1555 1379 1,179 1379 1379 1379 1379 t467 1614 1490 t5oz 1655 L37A 1378 r378 1649 1488 1664 Nct Systen Load (Mw) Per unit Diitributed so15, 0 0 0 0 0.957571 0,445t45 0 0.550876 0.1625S 0.812165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0306649 o.254027 0.331396 0,:t42451 0.0314E91 0.250359 0 o 0 0 0 0 0,150398 0.603532 0.703351 0,249318 0,678198 0.s2E34t 0 0 0 0.333241 o0397944 0.6E0325 0.682405 0.28605 0.866597 0 0.426355 0.456{Ot 0 0 0 0 o539907 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.190247 0_3t1988 0.49E511 0-568425 0_7105:t4 0 0 0 0.52624r 0.571998 o.746115 (rwl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 3428.39 1782_90 0_m 2242.39 650.@ 3247.05 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 122-68 1015,61 1324.93 1369.13 125.89 1000.94 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00q\.29 2413.33 2812.05 996.74 7717.45 2772.32 0-00 0.00 0.00 1332_30 159.10 2179.95 2124.27 1143.6! 3465.07 0_00 t1M.5A 1832-70 0.m 0.@ 0_00 0.00 2558.36 0,00 o.@ 0.(, 0.m 0.@ 0.00 7@.6t 1557.$ 1993.t6 2271.17 2841.13 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 2103.92 2286,86 2985.39 0.00 0.38 0-00 0.31 27L9.!6 t1'15.47 0.00 1334.59 247.* 2066.35 0.25 0-85 0,79 0.@ 3_95 0.00 r3.29 443,74 1089.40 !xla.t7 472.20 259.71 2.87 1.14 o.67 0.00 0.26 2!.55 95.87 996.26 105r.76 551.71 1163.18 777.56 0.80 1.28 0.98 1040.85 63.49 1m3.73 1718,73 195.45 2191-39 0_00 741.74 879.95 0.26 0,00 3.56 0.oo 1162.18 1.28 2-67 2.24 0_51 0,00 0.@ 105.@ @4.17 519.15 844.41 1921.10 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 918.39 1247.77 1763,78 Non-Exported 5ol!r (kW) 0_@ -034 0.@ -0.31 I109.23 637.42 0.00 907.80 402.49 1180_70 -0.25 {.85 '0.79 0.o0 -3.95 0.m r09.39 571.42 235.53 370.95 .296.30 747.21 -2.42 -1.14 -o.67 0.00 -o.26 -22.55 505.42 1417.04 t760.29 :,45.07 1548.27 1334.76 -0.40 -1.28 {.98 291.45 95.61 1016.23 1009.53 948.U 1273.68 0.00 959.80 957.74 {.26 0.00 -3.56 0-@ 1396.18 -1.28 -2.67 -2.24 4.51 0.00 0.00 655.01 953.00 7474.X| 1429.Xl 920-03 0.00 0.00 o.00 1185.53 1039.0e 1221.60 1385 13a5 1385 1385 1385 1385 1385 1385 1345 1385 1384 118'r 844 1384 1384 1344 1384 1384 1384 1384 1383 1383 1383 1383 1383 1383 1383 1383 1383 1383 1383 1382 1382 1382 t3a2 1382 1382 1382 1382 1382 1381 1381 1381 1381 1380 1380 1380 1380 1380 1340 ttSo 1379 1l?9 1379 137! 1379 1379 1379 r379 1378 1378 1378 1378 1378 7374 1377 t377 7371 Attachment l -Page398 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exPorts Inst lled Pv Namepl.te (kwdc)4794tt 3998E timated PV Nameplate (kwac) Dals & Time 4ll5/71 23:oo tolS/71 72:oo 4/29/77 2r:oo 10/24117 r1i@ t!2al11 16.@ lo/7/t7 7t.oo 9/29/17 l5:oo 7o/9/r1 7r:oo 2177/17 3:OO 2/79117 6:00 5/4/17ltoo sl22lt7 2:Oo s/29117 6:00 \oltoltl!7:@ 513/t7 75tOO 2l2o/771.@ 3/14/17 2X:OO 1/3L/17 23:oo 5/2/77 6:00 to/5177 6,00 \U14/77 6too 9/2A/17 7A$O 5/3/ri 74:00 s/tah7 16:@ 17172/17 t2:OO 2/1,9/17 7:oo 4lt7lt1 21:oo ,n1771:oo LOlLal7l Otoo 5h/17 1600 10/18/1711:m 5/3/17 t2:@ 4/6/17 r5to0 s/1o/77 r3:oo 3/721t trtoo 5/18/t7 !7tOO 4/?3/t7 21:oo 4l2olr1 t3:W 2/trlt7 16:@ to/lht tgoo 4/26177 tTtoo 5h4l77lr:oo 7t124/r1 rotoo 4/24/t7 t4tOO 4la/i 75too 219/t14:oO 4/\9/176:@ lOlY/!1 l:N 9/29/171s:@4lali ,9t0o !za/77 r!:oo 5/2t/17 75tOO 70/11177 7!:@ 9/30/77 7t:oo tO/20/11 16:00 4/5/17 9:oo 5/19177 $:OO 415117 23:@ 1O/4/t7 6too 7t/7a177 7710D tol2/7t 77:oo 1O/5/L1ta:N to/14/L/ 71100 3/11l17o:OO 3/22/11 23:oo 3l29lt7 6:00 4/9lr1s:oo 5l2lt7 Otoo 1377 r585 1383 1626 1546 1639 1606 1618 1376 1376 1376 1376 1376 7497 1651 1375 1375 7375 1375 1375 1609 1656 1548 1510 7374 1374 1374 1,174 1653 1596 1654 1458 1666 15@ 1635 137! 1947 1505 1427 1531 1635 1393 1555 t475 t!72 txTz txTz 1592 1174 1596 1654 1571 1,182 r529 1428 1659 1371 1371 t522 1616 1564 1545 1370 1370 1370 1370 1370 N.t Syst€m Lo3d (Mwl tll7 r376 1376 1376 ll16 7376 r376 1376 7175 1376 1376 1376 1375 1175 1175 1375 r375 1375 1375 1375 1375 !173 1375 7374 l!74 1lr4 137it 1174 1174 1374 7374 1374 1374 tt71 137! 137t 1374 1373 1377 1372 1377 t372 7a72 7172 1172 1372 1372 1372 1372 7a72 7372 7177 1371 1371 1371 1371 7377 1371 7a77 t37L L110 1370 7170 1370 1370 1370 13rc Pu Unit Dtrabut€d Sohr 0 0.416171 0.00827464 0.524571 0.571813 0.598805 0,695089 0.587949 0 0 0 0 0 0.351507 0.918189 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,39433a 0.90847 0.657988 0.396826 0 0 0 0 0.83363 0.363239 0.823221 0.14tt449 0.893758 0.326512 0.534819 0 0.504347 0.637501 0.111948 0_616442 0.121463 0.152644 0.457454 o.5?9782 0 0 0 0.7E3975 0_313f71 0.62737t 0.867567 o.746542 0.428915 0,125936 0.119334 o.5n5l1 0 0 0,432323 0.765444 0.442421 0.581514 0 0 o 0 0 (kw) 0_00 1906,15 33.08 z@7.25 2246_12 2394-04 21A2,9A 23s0.63 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 1405.33 3670.94 0_00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 1576.56 3761.69 2630,65 1546.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13!2.47 1452.24 3291.25 577.51 3573.26 1305.40 2134.22 0.m 2016.55 2544.74 447.11 2464.55 28aa.a2 650_25 1828.91 2377_94 0.00 0.oo 0.00 3134.35 1254.46 25(x).Orl 3468.95 2944_69 1774.At fi1.19 477.70 2308.93 0.00 0.00 lr2a.44 3061.84 t924.74 2324,91 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 solarEtpo s(kw) Non-Expodedsoar(lw) 0.51 1t69.16 115 960.66 247.62 978.29 1578.52 1117.63 000 0.00 0.51 0.5, 51103 2716_64 0.m 0.90 o.67 000 0.13 0.13 591.99 7769.72 1567.93 752.56 1.15 o.o0 1.71 0.13 2446.46 486.85 2304.52 345.92 2216.73 559.63 1948.91 0.00 1250.91 1150.78 53,38 981.36 1604.84 314.69 1135.37 727,09 1.15 0.m 1.OS 2041.85 176.43 1286.35 2101.84 1419.49 577.54 620.70 49.98 1197.06 102 0.51 20.49 1534-91 1294,74 915.11 0.00 0.90 0.01 2.69 {.51 716.34 31.93 1136.58 203a 50 1415.75 1104.46 1233.01 0.00 0.00 -0.51 0.54 '0 59 894.30 934.30 0.00 {.90 -0.61 000 '0.13 -0.13 978.56 992.41 1061.12 833.96 -t.15 0.00 1.17 -0.13 836.41 565 38 986_73 231.59 1336.54 745.17 189,31 0.00 765.64 1397.96 !94.19 1483.19 7279.54 315.57 693.54 1596.89 -1.15 0.00 -1.08 1092.51 7077 6a !272.70 1367.11 1545.20 Lt31.24 -113.21 427.72 1111.87 .1.02 '0,51 1707 _95 1526.90 634.00 1409,79 0.00 {90 4.01 2.69 Attachment l -Page399 Schedule 5 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lfftalled Pv N.h.plate (kwdcl tltimated Pv Nafteplate (kW.() 4798 7_2 3998 sl1/!7 SICN 7t/22117 7too 1L/73/17 t4:o0 Lolz5lt, rr:OO tolslt7 77:oo 3/9/t7 L4:@ 10/8/1r 10:m 9/?r/r1r1:N ,olTr/i $,@ 4122/71 23:oo s/6/1,7 4t0o 516/715:oo 4/251t7 tt:OO 4/22117 2o:@ 4/6/17 L9:00 4/2Alt1 to.oo 719/77 3:oo slat/715:oo 6/14/77 3:OO 9/22117 B:oo 9/221t7 t5:oo 1O/2Oll7 \1:oo 4176/ti 2o:oo 2ltal17 7:o0 th5l17 z:oo 12l3/17 6:00 to/23/7f rTtoo 9/2r/77 ts:oo 4/2011,7 !2:@ rO/22/1711.o0 4l30lt17t:oo 5/29/17 'tcoto/72/7, t3:oo 3/74/17 LI:OO alrllT 22:@ 4/22/77 o:o0 10/5177 otm 4127lti 2o:0o 412411115:@ tol77ltl Lzt@ 315/ti t:oo 1/15/71 2!:oo 4/2rl71stOO 5175171 4:oo Lo/22/lt 8t0o 4/29177 8:oo Llhlr1 75:oo 412117172:00 7t/9/U l4tOO !/26/77 l9too 2lrolt7 r:oo 3/28/11O:@ s/18/113:OO 77129/11 7:0o 1ol7/77 ro:oo tolrl/t7 r1:oo 1l7glt7 t9:0o 1119/r7 19:@ 2holLT t,oo 4/9/17 2:oo 5/20/11ltoo 1370 1370 1532 1615 1506 7492 1481 1539 7577 1369 1369 1369 1369 1600 7!97 1435 1610 1358 1368 1368 1495 1507 l519 1383 7167 7361 1167 1357 1588 1513 1365 1366 1541 14@ 1559 1365 1365 1599 1509 1364 135i1 1364 7457 1543 1625 1363 1363 1361 1363 1363 1i145 1447 1547 $47 1521 1419 1362 1362 1362 1362 t41t $$ 1369 l4f3 1417 1361 1361 1361 l,ld 5t5tem Lod (MW) 1370 1370 !3to \370 1370 1369 1369 1369 1369 1369 1369 r369 1369 1369 1369 1368 1368 1368 864 1368 1368 1368 1368 1358 l!67 736-l 1367 1361 1367 1366 1366 1366 1366 1365 1365 1365 1365 13A4 1364 t364 1364 1364 1363 1363 1363 1363 1363 1363 1363 t163 1363 1363 1363 1362 1362 1362 1362 7162 1362 \162 1t61 1361 1361 1361 1361 1361 1361 Per U.n Distribut.d solar 0 0 0,534961 0_52131 0.756161 0.521238 0.L2622 0.75i135 0.328658 0 0 0 0 0.731958 0,0!t06996 0.225986 0.515395 0 0 0 0.204801 0,059988a 0.394954 0.0129502 0 0 0 0 0_44982 0.893251 0 0 0.569389 0.178359 0.547911 0 0 0,738894 0.35t905 0 o o 0.106272 0.459739 0.744199 0 0 0 0 0 0.ot21009 0.340924 o.6463la 0.406179 o,2E6Z4 0,263121 0 0 0 o 0.260323 0.345433 0,@23768 0.357f72 0 o o o o.@ 0.00 2138,79 2084.21 3023_15 2043.92 50,1.63 !017.95 1314.02 0.m 0.00 0.00 0_00 2925.38 362.62 903.50 20@.55 0.@ 0,00 0.00 818.80 239.84 1595.04 51.78 0.00 0.m 0-@ o.m 1798.39 3571.24 0.@ 0.(rc 2676.23 773.08 2190.56 0.@ 0,m 2954_11 1410.92 0.@ 0.00 0.00 424,88 1a34.05 2993.71 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 168,32 r363.02 2743.91 1623.91 1117.94 1051.96 0.@ 0,@ 0.00 0.00 1040.78 tgo.97 9.50 1406.39 0.@ o.@ 0.00 0.00 sol., Erports {tw} ,{on'Expolt.d Solar (lw) 1.31 0.38 436,94 940.72 t757.a7 9@.85 727.41 1516.18 359 83 0.51 0.64 0.9s 2.16 56r.74 19.14 285.98 825.0a 1.02 0.79 0.00 204.15 566,03 437.34 3.07 1.15 o.m 0.51 0.00 77a.15 1233.84 0,6.4 1.37 903.65 91.05 949.47 0,13 0.85 1903.03 909.97 0,40 051 0.00 8a_45 1757.O7 1555.04 0,38 0.60 0,00 13.34 0.13 2t 38 656.55 1177.!7 1!07.52 622.58 82.30 0.00 o-77 0.00 115 216,61 679.03 5_76 626.42 t4.72 0.51 2.30 0.00 -1.31 -0,38 1701.84 1143.49 1265.34 11,15.O1 317.22 1*1.7' 954.20 -0,51 0.64 -0,95 -2.16 2364.64 343.48 617.S2 1235.48 -r.02 -0.19 0.00 6r4.65 -325.19 1157.70 44.70 -1.15 0.00 -o 51 0.00 1020.04 2337.19 .0.64 .7.37 tl77.51 622.03 1241.09 .0.t3 -0.85 105109 500.95 -0.40 -0.51 0.00 336.43 680.98 1338.68 -0.38 .0.60 0.@ 13.38 -0.13 146.94 706.48 1566_54 216.,|o 495,36 969.65 0.@ -o.17 0,00 -1.15 824.15 861.94 3.74 'D9,97 -54.72 -0.51 ,2.30 0.00 Attachment l -Page400 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnalled tt N.m.plat. Ikwdc) t5rinated w Namepl.te (lwac) 4794 t.2 3998 5129177 4.OO 91161171:oo 70/79/11a:oo 7t/72/t7 6t0o 77117/17 t2,OO 4/30/77 9:oo 4/91t7 7:oo 4/t2/t7 6t0o 4179/\121:oo 9l79lr1O:@ tholTl O:OO l\/71171 5:oo 7t/2O/71 r:OO s/3/77 ro:oo 9l24lv A:Oo to/9117 la]OO 4/3/171o:oo ttlT?/t7lxt0o 4/5117 6:00 9/$/11O:gO 10/6/116:@ !O/7s/71 \:0o 7t/75/714:@ 77/1,Alt7 r3:@ ttlL/|l t4too s/2olt1 72tOO 4/7/r718:oo loh1lr115tW 4h2/!7 2o:@ 5/$/r73tgo 70/1/17 O:@ 1o/t4/77 3t0o tol7altl7:@ lllzglll 4:o0 72/3/tl ZIOO 1/1t/77 TrtOO 4/51717a:oo 3lt2/tl1too 4179/lr 6:oJ 5/15/tr 2:00 5/2olt7 4:@ 6lt41172:oo 91231117:@ tr/trlrTo:oo LL/r5lLl ltOO 4h6lr19t@ 1O/r2111 71lo0 1llal77 ta:@ 7o/6/t1 lt oo 5/B/t1 l5:0o 7/2o/1r 2:oo 3k7/17 4:oo 6/74117 4tOO 7o/14/r7 4:oo lll24/17 9:@ slrqr7 9.@ sl2Vt7 a.oo 3lZ7lL1t9,OO 3/1,s/1,7 76:@ 4/5/17 71,0o 5/t411172:oO 5/3117l3:oo 2/t8/t7 5:oo 9/16/t77tOO 7olt7lt7 o:OO ro/14/17 2:oo tllslrlt:oo tYt6/17 6:00 1361 136l 1361 1361 1524 1425 1350 1360 1360 1360 1360 1360 1360 1626 1363 1506 1576 1473 1359 1359 1359 1359 1359 1537 1492 1654 1447 1540 1404 854 1358 1358 1358 l35a 1358 t522 M4A 1357 1157 1357 1357 1357 1357 1357 1520 Ir!41 1479 1596 1598 1355 1355 r356 1356 1356 1610 1495 $44 7447 1453 t6t6 1632 1355 1355 1355 1355 1355 1355 N.t syn.m t@d (Mw) 1361 t36t 1351 1361 136t 1!60 1360 1360 1360 1550 13@ 1360 1360 1360 l:,A' 1359 r359 1359 1359 1359 1359 1359 1359 1359 1358 t35E 1358 1358 l35l 1358 1358 1358 1358 1358 1358 135E 1357 1357 135' 1357 1357 1357 1357 1357 1357 1351 1357 1356 1356 1356 1356 1356 1356 1356 1356 1356 1356 1355 1356 1356 1355 1355 1355 1355 135s 1355 1355 1355 Per l,hlt Distribot d sol.r 0 0 0 0 0.3E6943 0.101735 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.48@6t 0 0.274312 o.42423 0.522379 0 0 o 0 0 0.614719 0.55961 0.811728 0.329506 0.197217 0.0753906 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.932E63 0.181837 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.lE591 0.300755 0_499299 0.s70147 o.l@522 0 0 0 0 0 o.242144 0.0664962 0.28463 0.447712 0.174094 0.861061 0.910962 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1547,01 106.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01) 0,00 0.00 1922.49 o.m 1096.71 1696.08 20E8.48 o.@ 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.@ 2457.6 2238.13 3245.31 1317.37 19E8.12 301.41 0.@ 0.00 0,00 0.(rc 0.@ 0.00 1729.61 726.99 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 742.27 1202.43 1996.21 2279.45 2800-70 0-00 0.00 0.01) 0.00 0.00 1130.42 265.85 1137.96 1790.20 596.03 3442.54 3642.0s 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.m 0,m 0.00 o.72 0.38 0.00 0.00 1165_03 69.94 2.30 0,00 0.@ z.z2 1.63 1.02 0.51 996.02 0.38 279.57 500-01 756.99 1.02 0.90 0.m 6.02 o.0o 1564.15 601-35 2041.$ 367_58 1318.48 ?2.31 5.89 0.00 139 0.51 0.3E 1.15 2224.34 203.74 0.@ 0.m 0.13 0.m 0.m 35.98 7.O7 0.00 147.76 435.55 718.42 1@7,19 2039.36 0,@ 0.92 0_@ 2_15 27.O1 327.98 60.45 296.96 779.66 1,74.34 2078,14 !619.14 o.@ 0.26 0.00 2.36 1.61 0.64 Non-Elpon.d solar (kW) 4.72 '0.34 0.@ 0.@ 380.98 335.79 '2.!0 0.00 0.oo -2.22 -1.63 '1.02 -0.51 926.48 -0.38 417,14 1095.07 1331.49 -1.o2 -0.90 0.00 '6'O2 0.@ 493.51 1536.71 1164.12 949.69 659.54 279,O9 5.89 0.00 -1.49 .0.51 -0.38 -1.15 1501.27 521.25 0-00 0.00 -0.13 0.00 0.00 -35.94 -1.02 0.00 596.0r 165.77 1241.79 tt92.27 761.34 o.@ {.92 o-@ -2,75 -27_O1 E02.44 205-39 84r.00 1010.54 521.69 1364.1t0 t022.90 0.00 -a,26 0.m -2.36 -1.61 '0'64 Attachment 'l - Page 401 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnrtalled Pv Na meplate (kwdd Ertihated Pv Nad.plate (kwac) 4798 1,.2 3998 312177 $:oo 1/7a/77 t3:oo 3/22177 l2:Oo 2/6/711:oo 4/25/110:OO tolsol,7 7a:@ 4/1r/17 \O:00 to/17|t1t6:@ 1/7rlri 11:& 2l2o/7-t 4,oo 3l7olt7 5:@ 9lm/17 O|OO 11/7/17 t5:oo lO/B/t7 r2:oo 4/t4h7 t1:afr 2/7a/71t:oo 3/s/77 ,@ 7o/al11a.oo lll22/11 15:6 29/7714:00 9/28177 17:go 1/7s/t7 OtOo 4/91t14:oo 4/20/L16tOO 5/8/t7 5:oo 5/9h7 5:og sl72/r1 3:OO al6/t178:@ alall116:@ 10/16/77 73100 X/!9/71 lotoo 9/22/7177100 4/2a171 tTtoo 3/tsl77 ts:oo la1/l12tOO to/1/71a,oo lY16/11o:0o LOl21/17 r2-co 5/2a/i i:oo 2/20/17 Xtoo 3/a/t7 5t0o 3ls/t12:oo 3/2olrr 21.oo 4/16/17 6100 5122/77 4:oo 77/11177 O|OO 7213177 5:oo 3/3thr 2o:oo 5/zo/t7 7t:oo slto/t7 75:00 3/r7/t7 \1.00 4l2glt7 o:o0 slaltT L:oo 5/Lltl9too 77/79177 7!:oo 7o/2s/11 l2:OO 3/18/u8r0o 4/8/717too 4lt2/77 23:oo 4/22/116:00 513/t15:@ tonltl23:00 r1/7o/r1 s:00 slllLl rztoo 4/2olti tg:oo 9/77177 a:oo 4/14/t7 Ot@ 519/t12too Net syst.m Load (Mwl 1354 1354 1154 1354 1!54 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353 1352 1352 1352 1352 1352 1352 1351 1351 l!51 r351 1351 1351 1351 1!51 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1:t49 1349 1349 1349 1349 rl49 1349 1349 1349 13119 1349 1349 1348 t147 t147 1347 tu7 1345 1345 1346 1345 1346 1346 l3a6 1346 1346 1346 1346 1346 1345 1345 Per U D8tributed5ol.r o.znTzt 0.0661435 0.631569 0 0 o.21t2E7 0.447234 o.492794 0.259069 0 0 0 0.405258 0.669323 o.@655t 0 0 0 0.19121 0.552643 0.501052 o 0 0 0 0 0 0.0a27501 0_579352 0.798556 o.222725 0.04224E7 o.745E72 0.343338 0 0 0 0.65109! 0.548377 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0.0567047 o.679t12 0.691997 0.553068 0 0 0.255623 0.731598 0.671?U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.793545 0.332587 0 0 o 1110.33 144.40 2525.O3 0.00 0,00 964.67 t947,97 1970.20 1035_76 0.m 0.00 0.00 1620.21 2615.91 2425.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 7U,46 2249.45 2403.02 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 o.m 0.00 0.00 330.8{ 2316.30 3193.08 888.06 328.83 2942.01 73?2.67 o.oo 0.00 0.00 ,@3.08 2752.15 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.oo 226.72 271S.10 2766.6? 22lLtA 0.@ 0.m 1021.99 292t.!4 2597.80 0.@ 0,oo 0.00 0.00 0.(lo 0.00 0.00 xL72.5L 1329.69 o.@ 0.@ 0.00 367.60 251.14 1o74.97 1.66 205 1r9.72 869.53 1114.13 86.21 0.@ 0.00 0.38 733.14 1371,99 1173.75 0.90 0.13 0.00 84.42 1250.45 125A,97 6.91 o.74 0.51 0.74 0.13 0.13 316.5' 722.34 2031.16 110.46 305.53 1575.05 7527.60 0.92 0.00 12.a] 1290.04 t612.t7 0.00 0.oo 0.51 0.51 1.2, 0,13 0.00 0.00 41.63 1681,45 t272.13 954.76 0.13 0.64 315.50 1476.39 1542.71 17.97 1.60 o.26 0.oo o.77 0.@ 064 2L47.96 251.13 0.64 0.00 0.26 Non-E4oi.d Solar lkw) 742.7a 93,26 1450.06 -1.66 -2.05 7U.95 7074.44 856.07 949,55 0.00 0.00 -0.34 886.89 130!.98 1251,26 -0.90 _0.13 0.00 640.04 999.@ 111t4.05 -6.91 -o.74 "0.51 -0.74 -0,13 -o.7! .5.73 1593.92 1151.92 177,60 23.!0 1i106.t6 -154.93 .0.92 0.@ '12.37 1313.04 1139.97 0.00 0.00 {.51 {.51 .1.27 -0,13 0.00 0.0o lE5.l0 1033.66 1494.49 t?56.42 {.13 .0.64 705.49 1a4a_95 1155-09 -11,97 -!.60 -o,26 0.00 4.77 0.00 -0.54 1029.65 1078.56 -0.64 o.@ -0,26 1418 1395 1577 1354 1354 1465 1605 1513 1410 1353 1353 1353 1460 7564 1445 1352 1352 7352 1422 1516 1611 1351 1351 1351 1351 1351 1351 L446 15aa 1381 t474 1601 1453 1350 1350 1150 1564 1634 1349 1349 1349 1349 1349 1349 13'r9 1349 1345 1639 1450 1541 73/1 t!47 1581 ls27 1564 1346 I346 1346 1346 t146 1346 1346 1603 1512 1351 1345 1345 Attachmentl-Page4O2 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nameplat. (kwdcl Estinated PV Nameplate (kWa.l 4794 7.2 3998 tol2l77 6.00 3/1t./17 $:0o 3/15/17 t7:oo 5/2r/lt l4:@ 2/6177 2.OO 3/4/77 2.oO 3/9/\1o:oo 10/15/17 5:00 ll/L/17 6:00 ttl6l7? O,OO 1U2t/77 o.@ tll22lt7 23:@ 9l2al11 ts:oo 3/t7/17 23too 3/27/t7 2310o 3l3l/77 xtoo 4/9l7t 1t0o 9/19/17 6:00 9l3o/t7 E:vo 70127/77 5t@ r0/r611718:m 7o/?./r7 7a.oo ro/z4/tt t2:OO 9/2!/17 L4:oo a/22/!7 l9tOO 4/7/11 23:OO 4/76/t7 o:oo rt/2t/t1 6too lll29/17 3:oo 5/20/17 9$ tol5/77 74:OO \oh2lt174:@ 3ltaltl tL0o Z/1911,7 1:oo 4/4/17 o:oo 9/75/77 5:OO 9/23/r7 73.oo 7ol3lt7 7X:@ 3/2s117 2o:oo 4l16/r7 ?!@ 9l75lt7 L00 \\l4lt7 o:@ trl6ltT 5:OO U/10/170:0o 4l11/r7 aOO 1/1,1/77 t9:oo 1/75/\7 \4:OO 3/7a171 ]aOO lol2/17 14:oo 5/B/r7 r3:oo 2/19/t7 2:oo 5l4lr7 5:oo 1l7tlt7 TrtOO 7ol7tlr7 74,@ 2/$/17 4:oo a/5/17 3:@ 3/27/t7 6:00 4/7A/77 16tOO 4/7/17 t3:o0 !2a17/ t2:oo tnY77 t7:@ 5/2!/17 l3:oo 4l7alt7 lltoo 21791713100 alt9ltT 2ttoo 4/27lr1s:oo 4/29lt1OIOO 5/79/17 lt9o P.r Unit Oiltribut d 5ol.r 0 0.111417 0,0823908 0.886586 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o.439741 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.294202 0.020511 0.687871 o.776756 0,146646 0 0 0 0 o,2m99 0_5:to554 0.587305 0.809595 0 0 0 0 0.851752 o.o477479 0 0 0 0 0 0.0!16539 0.13i1361 0.449535 o.olo7 t44 0.497551 0.942685 0 0 0,456405 0.78749 0 0 0 0.67398 0.488598 0.744115 0.565445 0.875698 0.987516 0 0 o 0 0 0.00 685.45 !29.40 3544.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m t357.33 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 1192_22 82./rc 2750.|t 3r05.49 586,29 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.@ 1083.42 1520.97 2117.86 t236,7A 0.@ 0.00 0_00 0_00 3405.32 148.66 0.00 0.00 0_oo 0.00 0.00 126.55 539.18 1197.25 43.08 35E8.43 3768.88 0.@ 0.@ !a24,?2 3144_40 0.m 0.@ 0.00 25U.59 1953.43 2974.99 2260.56 3501_05 3148.lt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 system Lcd (Mw) Nelsver.m Load{Mw)solar ExForts (kw) Non.Exported 5olar {kw) 1345 1421 1619 1344 13't4 7344 1344 !344 1144 1,344 7144 1585 1343 1343 1343 1343 1343 1343 1343 1520 1555 1579 1524 t374 t342 \342 1342 1342 1576 1520 1570 1513 1341 1341 1141 1341 1561 7367 1340 1340 1340 1340 1340 1366 1391 1462 1359 t567 1602 1339 1339 t4a7 1543 1338 1338 1338 1466 1570 1409 1610 7497 l3a7 t317 1317 1337 1337 1345 134! 1344 1,344 t344 l3M 1344 1344 1344 t344 1344 1341 1343 1343 1343 1343 1341 1343 1343 1343 1343 1343 1342 L342 1342 1342 L142 7142 73!2 73A2 l34l 1341 1341 1341 1341 1341 1341 1341 1340 1340 13{O 1340 13itt) 1340 1340 1339 1339 1139 1339 1339 1339 1334 1338 1338 1338 1338 1338 1338 t33a 1338 ,331 1337 1337 7117 1317 1337 7137 0.06 41109 390.90 2267.51 0.00 000 6_12 1.02 o.oo o.26 0.41 2799_27 0.s1 3.07 o,79 0.26 3.20 0.m 007 371.38 282.92 1540.04 t674.64 6X.41 0.00 1.54 123.94 1610.,18 t747_O5 1967.60 0_64 0_54 0,90 0.m 2220.45 13.55 0.64 2.4t 590 0.00 0.00 8.19 58.69 t215.32 44.03 1963.57 2729.79 1.28 1.91 1441.4t 1857.05 0.00 0.90 0.26 1277.46 617.22 1&0 e4 550.89 2338.95 1912.85 0.30 026 2.56 0.38 0.00 {.06 274.35 -61.50 7276.74 .o,77 0.00 o.m -6.12 .1.02 0.00 -0.26 '0.41 1158.06 0.51 -4.o7 Q.79 .0.26 .3.20 0.00 820.84 -200.52 1210.08 1426.85 522.e! -2.42 .0.71 0.00 .1,54 759.48 910.49 t0@.at 1269.18 o64 054 {.90 0.00 1184.87 175.11 .0.64 .2.44 -5_90 0.00 0.@ 118.36 480,49 521.93 .0.95 1624,86 1539.08 -1,28 .1_91 343.23 1291,35 o.o0 -0.90 ,0.26 14t6.73 1316,20 1094.75 1,709.77 1162.11 2035.26 .0.30 -0,26 -2.56 -0.38 0.00 Attachment l -Page403 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rn3r.ll€d Pv [am.pl.t. (twdd Estimar.d Pv N.m.pl.t. (kw.c) 4794 1.2 3998 P.r Unit Disvibut.d Sol.r 0.518952 0.2546 0.952025 0 0 0 0 0_466096 o.0742124 0.820313 0 0 0 0.231684 0.862437 0.751353 0.755281 0.52187 0.285976 0 o 0 0 0 0.0997813 0.575525 0.589482 0_204495 o.747146 0 0 0 0,493529 0.936917 0,827853 0.565425 0.440206 0.341656 o.750361 0.398695 0.36213 0.3t2381 0 0 0 o.59L724 o.371374 0.75122 0.571011 0.867555 0.103193 0.134049 0.296935 0 0 0 0.34793 0.845317 0.85171 0.3508r6 0 0 0 0 0 0.817519 o.67!Ot7 0.720129 r0/19/1711:00 4/77/t17o.o0 s/)/t7 L1:0o 9l27lt7 otOO l'/4/r7 o:N 70/to/17 ot@ t2/3/t71too 1Ol2/77 7S:OO 5/29/t18100 4/24/t7 t6tOO 2lrrlt1 4:@ 2/2U77 Ttoo X/51r11:Oo 9/2211t 16.00 \o/2h7 t3:@ lo/t4/17 t2:oo to/ta/71 t3.oo 9/r7 /U r7:oo 4/22/t1 r9:oo 1/4/!13:OO 3172/t1o:oo 4/3o/t7 7:oo 10/18/170:00 to/27/17 6:00 4/25/17 7o:@ 70123/t7 12:00 3/2s/t7 7t:@ 7rh2/17 75:00 9l2alt7 76:@ tholtl o:N 4121/171:6 11126ll, o:@ 5l2ol17 lc:Oo 412711,17!:o0 9/29/77 14100 ro/tglr1 72:W 4/5/17 11:oo 10/30/17 r3r@ ro/9/71 7z:oo s/78/\1 71:00 9/76/11 to:oo ttl22/r1 t4t00 1/28/11s:oo 4/18/t15t0o tolatlti o:o0 9/27/1 77:oo rol3/17 18:00 \!\e/\, r4:@ 4/17h7 7t:afr 9l2a/i 74:oo 4/3o/r7 7o:@ 9l2alt7 9:@ 4lr4/r7 79:@ 5/4/11Z:@ 5/79/t7 5:oo to/7s/17 L@ 11/19/171s:00 3127/t175:@ 3/27/17 74:@ to/5/t7 78:@ 3/tt/77 s:@ 4121/77 o:oo rthr/tr 3:@ t7/29/17 2:oo t2/!/17 4:@ to/51t7 7s:6 l0lt2/L? 15:00 5l7lr7 r4:0o t547 15:17 1586 1336 1336 1336 1336 1547 1491 I519 1335 1335 1335 7447 !580 1593 t527 1585 1414 1334 1:134 1334 r334 1334 l38l 1555 1549 1435 15t6 1333 1333 1333 161t 1555 1567 1533 1524 r548 1607 1596 ls50 1447 1332 1332 1332 1599 1519 1496 1533 1568 14tE 1419 1/l59 1331 1331 13!1 11t85 7t22 1534 1501 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1516 1551 1539 N.t svst.h Lod lMw) 1337 1317 1336 1336 1336 1336 1336 1336 1!:16 1335 1335 1335 1t35 1335 r335 1334 1334 13:t4 1334 l!34 1334 1334 1334 1334 1534 1333 1333 rt33 t!33 l!33 1333 r333 1333 1333 r333 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 l3l2 1332 1331 1331 1331 1331 133r 133r 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1035.80 475_t4 2355.1rc 0,00 0.38 0.00 0.43 1899.13 73.U 1570.01 0.26 0.25 0.90 619.01 1457.99 1460.90 7917.71 100€.02 402.38 0.00 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.91 1292.80 671.08 191,42 1864.84 0.@ 1.41 0.38 975.15 1839.71 2250.56 t672,77 1@0.44 147!,45 117r,.42 1409.14 515.66 675.24 0.00 0,13 0.00 1301.53 559.25 945.q1 1775.62 B9a.3a 34-18 @.99 224.52 0_64 0.00 964,22 1866.71 178S.04 469.25 0,14 0.17 0.09 1.54 1.23 1700,mt 72.42 1994.13 No.-Export.d solar (kw) 1039.02 558.74 1450.82 0.00 _0.38 0.(x) -0.83 1553.54 22t,66 7709.62 -o.26 -0.26 ,0.90 301.27 1590-05 1543.02 1102.51 1078.42 7&.96 0.@ -1.15 0.m 0.00 0.00 392.02 $04.56 1644.28 625.15 1122.11 0.00 -1.41 '0.38 997,19 1906.11 1059.2t 104€.21 919.'14 -105.50 128€_56 1S4.85 932.14 653,63 0.@ -0,13 o.00 104n.20 933,51 2@2.t4 1107.1O 1070.12 378.39 958.63 {r.64 0.@ 826.81 1512.89 7617.72 933_32 {.14 4.17 {.09 -1.54 -1-23 1564,46 917_91 844.96 2074.42 1033.89 3806.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 1462 61 296.10 3279.63 o.@ 0.@ 0.00 926.24 3448.04 3003.93 3019.63 2086,45 1143.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 398.93 2301.36 2358.36 817,58 2941.27 000 0.00 0.00 1973 14 3745.81 1!09.17 2650:'8 1919.87 1365.95 2999.98 1593 99 7447,80 1128.87 0.00 0.00 0,00 2365,73 1492.76 3027.38 2242.91 3464.51 4t2.t7 535.93 1187.15 0.00 0.00 000 1391.03 3379.50 3405.16 t402 57 000 0.00 o.0o 0.00 000 3268.46 2690.74 2879.09 Attachment l -Page404 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rn!r.lled PV Nemephte (kwdc) Ertimated PV Nam.prat. (kwad 7.2 3998 9129111 IO:OO 4178177 r510o to/3/17 74:oo 3/76/17 72tOO a/28/17 79:oo r7/L/17 77:oo 7ol26lt7 7at0o 3l2a/t7 7:oo x/!o/tlo:OO 1016/17 otrxJ tolt5/t13:@ to/t6/ri 5:6 5/1411713:oo 3/7Ell7l4:@ 5/29/17 9:oo 7t/78/77 l4tOO 9/76/t7 ts.OO 3126117 l5:oo 2/701112,O0 !O/17/!7 o:@ 4/791t7 IO:OO 7ol8lt7 tTtoo 3l23lti l7:oo 10/r9l17 rsr00 3/4/U 4:oo $/Lr/77 6tOO fil2a/t1lltN tr/5177 5to0 tvt1l716t@ 1V\5177 2:@ 5l18lt7 L4:@ ttlt2ltT r4:@ 3/26/77 6:00 9124/tr 23:OO to12/77 o:oo to/j/77 7OO to19/77 OIOO \o/7s/17 4:oo 10./16/17 t4:OO to/lo/\, L2:@ 10/18/17 14:00 4l7ol71 ta,@ sl2uti l1:oo 4l2olt1 t4:OO 4/Z6lL7 \o:oo 3/261t7 L6:@ 9/29/77 otoo 3/!9/L7 9:0o 4/251t-t t2:00 3/30/116:00 4/70/77 5:oo 9l2ol!r 5:oo 7ol76lt7 Ot@ lolzrltl ttco to/22/71 23too tl/71712X:@ ttlt2/tl Ttoo X/LO/!l l7:oo 10/24/71 tatoo 9/76/71 to:@ 5lr/77 r6t0o 9/24/17 19:oo to/19/17 L:@ 10/19/1714:@ a/241t7 O|OO s/9/t7 a:oo 5l19/17 2:oo to/25177 78:00 r555 1486 1544 1,t98 \452 1464 1466 7!29 1329 r329 1329 1329 1585 7479 1599 7497 1547 1397 1328 1328 1565 1496 1556 1500 1,327 7az7 7t27 7327 7327 ltz1 1596 1459 1326 1326 1326 1326 1326 1326 1557 t58t 1512 1501 1618 1528 150€ 1392 1325 1338 1560 1324 1324 l3z4 ta24 1324 1324 1324 1324 1452 1487 1557 1545 1423 1506 r496 1323 1123 1323 1450 Net system t@d (MWl 1329 1329 1329 7129 1129 1329 132' 1129 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1328 1328 1328 1324 1324 L327 la2t 1127 !127 L127 7127 1327 !x27 7327 7127 7427 7327 1326 I326 1326 1326 1326 ra16 1326 7!26 1326 1326 1326 1325 1325 1325 1325 1325 1325 1324 1324 1324 1!24 1324 1324 t114 Lz4 1324 7121 7t21 1324 1323 1323 1323 1323 1323 1323 Per Unii oistibqt.d Sola. 0.356071 0.864723 0.E78794 0.758067 o,229246 0.2/rc844 o.247624 0 0 0 0 0 0.847852 0,0571827 0.276,31 0,562986 0.E54991 0.042r,96 0 0 0,429a47 0.229529 0.53trr06 0,1!7A64 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.959G8 o.497412 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.823231 0.745689 0,777A9t 0.511913 0.690336 0.88962.. 0.405691 0,189697 0 0.0566985 0.693223 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.516343 o,269046 0.362852 0.565356 0.11948 0.753656 o.714518 0 0 0 0.256759 r423.58 3457.18 3513.ilt 3030.11 916.53 962.90 990.01 0.00 o.0o 0.00 0.00 0.00 atag,71 228.62 t105,20 2250,83 34t4.21 171.03 0.@ 0.@ 1718.5.1 917.66 2552.36 2950.00 000 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3874.43 l98a_74 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3291.30 29E1.26 3110,03 2045.64 2759.98 3555.74 1621.96 754.47 0_00 226.54 27-t1.52 o.0o 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2064.35 1075,65 1450.69 2550.\l-rtt.56 3013.17 3096.76 0.00 0.00 o.0o 1066 51 535.80 1707,16 2363.64 1353,02 258.88 239.68 257.O5 0.00 1.54 0.m 7.m 0m 2310.89 259.22 174.46 150r.92 2079.64 290,86 0.00 0.@ 746.85 591.84 1146.33 1864_t5 0.00 0.06 0,38 3,08 0.00 0.m 2341.60 510,23 0.51 0.00 0.00 1.15 0.00 5.61 2!77.49 1664.33 2075.19 647 $ 163301 1651.36 561.64 231.03 2.72 9.73 643_57 1.02 1.Ol 0.24 0.0() 0.84 0.38 0.00 0.00 719.63 767.O1 508.46 1785.67 97 80 1966_89 1954.25 1_01 0.38 0.38 221.03 Non-Expdt d solar lkw) E87.74 1719.72 1149.1\t 1677.75 657.65 72!,22 732.95 0.00 -1.54 0.00 -7,00 0.00 1078.84 -:to.60 7:rc.34 745.91 1338.59 -1!9.E3 0.00 0.00 97r.69 !25.42 1406.03 1081.55 0,00 {.06 {.38 -3.0E 0.@ 0.m 1532.83 1478,51 {.51 0.@ o.m -1.15 0.00 "5.61 1113-41 1316,95 1014_83 1359,49 1126.97 1905.3E 1060.32 527.39 -2.12 215.95 2@7.95 -1.02 -1.04 -0.28 0.00 .0.88 {.38 0.m 0.@ 7344.72 906.63 942.23 874.43 619.76 to45.2E 1142,53 _1.01 -0.!8 -0.38 845.ir8 Attachment l -Page405 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnalled Pv Nam€Plare (kwdcl Estrmated PV NamepLate (kwac) 4794 1.2 3998 4129/77 2o:@ 4l2ilr7 t6,OO 4/!17 2O:OO 1l?5/77 23tOO 5/8/712,Oo 17/17/11 5:OO t7lt4/r7 t2:oo 4/2177 2O:0o tollol\1 $:00 toll2lrT 17.@ lolz1/17 l8:Cn th6lt12:0o tlltl/L7O:@ ul2oltT LrrJ 9/76/ti tt.oo tol6h7 tz:w 4l22lt7 9too 4l4lt1tL@ 4l3lti tt.N 4/2tlt12o:oo 2hol77 4,.n 4l72lt7 o:oo sl4/t7 SOO 9l75lt7 4too 9/71/r7 t:oo tO/\1/17 SIOO tt/2o/77 a:oo tt/?5/17 OtOo t!\4/17 !3100 9/27/17l3:@ 5/2ali 7o:oo 2/2t/t1s:oo slaltr 4:oo tol3/115:@ 3/27/t77s:@ tolsl\l 1,3t04 4/28/t7 20too 4/70/77 o:@ 5/9/t, a:(fr 9l2t/tr 0:6 sl2!11712:@ 70/21!7 16:00 3121171761@ 9l7a/L11o:@ 4/r0/1713:00 9/25/77 7O:gO 4/5/u 18100 3/lllt7 Ttoo 3/tslti 6:00 ]ol18lrTstl, $17115:oo 4/r1lll lr:Og lOlLUtl lS.@ 51117719:oo l0/15/1715:@ 9127/77 t5:@ t7/72/!7 L3OO 9128/ll O|OO 1ol13/175:00 4/2t/7f tlt0o 9111/77 9:oo 3122/17 !7:OO 5l2lt7 79too 9126111 7a:OO 7olz9lt7 1o:@ 3l2ali 4:oo 4/4/t 4tOO 4l!l/17 5:OO 1359 1500 t355 1122 1122 1322 1530 1371 1494 1533 1465 1321 r32t 7t27 1556 1546 1514 t54t 1557 1420 1319 l3t9 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1496 1567 1602 1318 1318 1318 14t1 1517 1419 1117 1317 13l7 r@8 1542 1495 $n 1533 1569 L477 1315 1316 1315 1363 t467 1527 7574 1551 1575 1474 1315 1315 1569 1408 7412 1551 1563 ,462 1314 1314 1t14 Net Srt.m Load (MW) Pcl Unit Dinibut d 5ol.r 0.1@383 0.379042 0.0501701 0 0 0 0_529517 0.053@76 0-580234 0.559566 0.2703a4 0 0 0 0.5E2138 0,7257 o.2214 0-57558 0.677042 0.0911256 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o,47176 0.829318 0.504€1: 0 0 0 o.368763 0.820495 0.103264 0 0 0 0.811715 0.768816 0.91426 0.371rt1t5 0,900591 0.378157 0.464236 0 0 0 o.0520642 0.557097 o.7na57 o.332709 0.780993 0.738334 0.499r2 0 0 0.7rlaa2 0.138828 0.54649! 0.341036 0.399205 0.256818 0 0 0 401.33 1515.42 2m.54 0.00 0,00 0.00 2116.42 254_30 2!19,19 12t1.t6 1081.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2327.40 2901.36 494.76 2705.38 2705.83 364.32 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1886,11 3315.63 2o1a_25 o.o0 0.00 0.o0 t414.34 3280.36 412.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 3245.25 30?3.14 3655.23 1485 21 :,600.98 1511.88 1856.03 000 0.@ 0.@ 208.15 2221.29 3117.89 1410.14 1722.41 2951.88 1995,49 0.00 0.00 2854.12 555.04 2185.49 1x63,41 1596.03 to26.76 0_00 0.00 0.00 24.96 ,74.75 11.61 0.38 0.64 0.00 1345.68 4749 7325.76 1019.24 761.2a 0.51 l.2a o.77 1152.88 1709.r1o 24t.47 1646.60 1378.53 106.33 0.@ 0,64 0.64 2.05 0.00 0.07 0.64 0.46 1392.92 2250.44 1019.19 0.90 o.14 0.00 518,84 2724_42 118.08 0.00 0.31 0.00 2123_61 1614.74 7747_15 60c.45 112?.16 539-a8 577.73 0.05 0.34 5.9t 256-06 1025.32 1825.25 562.06 2093.14 1498.40 771.51 0.00 0.51 1669,93 51_65 1022.51 548.21 517.47 250.6' 0_00 0.00 o-25 oDErrort d 5ol.r ltw) 375.37 7&.57 184.97 -0.38 -0.54 0.m 1171.15 206.82 994_03 1tl7.8a 47r.72 -r.28 4.77 7771.52 1191.96 553.29 1018,74 1326.30 255.99 0.00 4.9 .0.54 .2.05 0_00 -0.07 -0.64 -0,45 493.19 1065.19 999.06 -0.90 -o.74 0.@ 955.51 1155,94 294.77 0.00 {.31 0.@ 1121.64 1455.00 1868.09 878.75 tan.52 972.@ tt7E.30 -0.05 -0.:t4 '5.94 4t,91 1201.96 1292.64 844.08 1029.29 1053.4E 1221.96 0.00 -0.52 1184.19 503.39 116!.98 815.26 1018.56 776,1O 0.@ 0.@ -0.26 1323 1122 ,122 1322 1122 1122 7422 1322 t!22 1321 1321 t32t 1321 1320 1320 1320 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1318 1318 1318 1318 1318 1318 1318 1317 7117 1317 71t1 1117 1316 t3t6 1316 1316 1316 1315 1316 1316 1316 1316 1316 1316 1316 1316 1316 1315 1315 1315 1315 1315 t3l5 1315 731,4 1314 1314 1314 1314 Attachment l -Page406 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstall.d Pv Namepkre (kwdc) Edrmat€d Pv Na meprare (kwad 4194 1,.2 3998 oats & Tim€ 4/21/17 4too 11791717t:@ 9lt6l77 16:00 3/4/t7 L',OO 3/t1/177a:oO 4/2A/r7 72:oo 4h2lr17t:OO 5h4/r714:oo s/2/17 t4:@ lO/17/17 t6:oo 3l25lr7 5:oo 4/2slr7 5.@ 9/z1lt16:@ to/79/77 6:00 lo/23177 6t00 lO/29/17 B:e t7/22/tt 75.@ 17/23117 la:Oo ah3/17 t4:oo 5/7117 to:oo 2/10/17 3:oo al2tltT 3:OO slalr13.@ t7/rh7 otoo 7!24177 a:N 417/1,715:@ 441t176.00 7o/3/r7 r5:0o 9/27h7 LO:@ 4/1/t7 t1:oO !0/26/17 t7:@ 319h,7 5:Oo 3/22/716.00 1/291t7 o:oo 4ltt/77 oto0 ll/6177 Ttoo 17/23/77 8:@ ttl26l1173:N to/9/1,7 t3:@ 9127/77 r4:@ 4/23/17 Lgtoo 4l75l77lO:@ 70124177 rt:@ 7t174/17 t4t0o 3/t4lt7 7!:oo 9/22/17 o:oo 7!/7/l7l:oo t7/2o/714:@ lt126l\r 7:@ r0l79/7717:o0 3l2a/7714:@ 41 7712:@ lglaal71 t4:o0 5l!4/77 77:oo 9/29/717at0o 3/13/11o:oo 5lt9/t7 4tOO 7oD/17 o:oo tolultl t:@ 3/26/71 71,oo 9/30/71 7a:oo t/31/v M:00 !1a17123:@ 4l7lt16:00 5/3/t7 4too lO/tt/t1O:@ rl/2/116:00 4nlr7 74:OO 1314 r395 1534 l4az 1443 1560 t572 1573 1564 1530 1313 1313 l3t3 1313 1313 1313 t42t t402 1483 t5?7 1312 1312 1312 1312 1312 1440 7429 153! 1559 1432 1552 13tt 1311 l3l! 1311 1311 1311 1311 1565 1546 1431 1570 1525 1461 1459 1310 1310 1310 1310 1484 1496 1520 1520 $:la 1551 1309 1309 1309 1304 1394 1480 t4El 130E 1308 1308 1308 1308 1449 N.t syst.m L([d {MW) 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 !3t4 1314 1313 1313 1313 1313 1313 1313 1313 1313 1312 1312 1312 1312 1312 1312 M2 1312 1312 1312 1312 1312 1312 1311 1311 1311 1311 1311 tlll 1311 1311 1311 1311 1311 1311 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1309 1309 1309 1309 1309 1309 1309 1308 1308 13m 1306 13@ 1308 1308 1304 Per Unit Distribut.d solar 0 0.363004 0.7762r1 0,735596 0.434844 0,918603 0.518037 0.958€52 0.871803 0.545721 0 o 0 0 0 0 0.466469 0,242626 0.841057 0.515805 0 0 0 o 0 0,485256 0.E27801 o.utna 0,364549 0.438732 0.491495 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.843143 0,456911 0,240836 0.4539 o-n7aa1 0.4743a2 o.666L79 0 0 0 0 o,254777 0,892367 0.634134 o.70r2at 0.669034 0.810027 0 0 0 0 0.353088 0.E55r97 0.983157 0 0 0 0 0 0.243021 0.00 1451.30 3103-39 2940_93 173t.52 3672.59 2470.9t 3833.51 3485.49 2341.7s 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o,o0 r864_95 970.02 !t62.56 2062.20 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 19110-06 :t309.57 3365.45 ,457.47 1754.06 196s.01 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 3372.10 3425.95 952.47 1814.70 31@.99 1896_59 2563_ilo 0_m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 1018.60 3567.70 2535.24 3067.62 2671.Sl 3238,51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1411.65 3419.10 3930.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 971.60 0.00 412.35 1602.49 1051.67 559.59 2104.98 7290.32 2456.44 22a5.17 1510.70 1.14 2.1! 0.13 0,00 0,79 0-64 304_74 474.56 991.64 0.00 0_00 0.64 1,96 o,77 653.78 568.33 2249.02 5€2.92 497.6X 897.66 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.23 0.51 7140.27 240t,27 271.1,E 692,62 1947.13 1615.28 1518,18 0.00 2.30 o.77 0.:}3 750.99 2410.67 1527.52 1729.35 7453.22 2219.18 0,00 0.00 1.15 0.38 2a0,89 1620.59 2502_90 0.26 0.20 0.90 0.13 0_00 528.20 Non-Exported Solar(kwl 0.00 1038.95 1500.90 1E89.26 1178.93 1557.61 1180.61 7371.O7 1199.71 831.05 1.1! .2.41 -0.13 0.00 .0.79 .0 64 1560,21 491.46 1104.19 1070.56 0.00 0.00 -0.64 .1.96 -0,71 l2a6.2A 2741.24 1076.43 874.55 1256.43 1067.35 0@ 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.23 -0.5r 1231.84 t024.74 685.68 ll22.0a tt62 a7 281.31 1145.22 0.00 -2.30 -0.r7 {.38 257.62 1157.01 1m7.76 1338.28 122r.59 1019.03 0.00 0.00 -1.15 -0 !8 1130.77 1798.50 1421,t9 {.26 .0.20 ,0.90 '0,13 0@ 441.40 Attachment 1-Page4O7 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnsralled Pv N.meplate (kwdc) Estimat.d PV N6m.plate lkwac) 47 1.2 3998 tol21l1t ta:oo ,0/79117 t6:@ 3/!6177 79t0o 3/76/11 Txtoo 3/t7/t7 4tOO !26/t1o:oo \t/4lt16tOO 7tl22l11O:OO 10/!71lt:oo 3/27/17 t6:oo 3/2olt7 t6:oo 5128/118:OO 3lt1lr16:N 4/a/t1o:@ al27/r7 2:00 9/t9/t7 7:oo 1o/2U1,7 5:W t7/5/17 ztOO 7tl12l117t0o 3/19/17 16100 tolt5ll1 t1:@ !75/11 TIOO 71/25/71 6:00 3/2a/17 t3:oo 9lz5/77 78:oO 9129117 71:00 a/17/t72:& a/20/t1OtOo to/5/t17t0o s/211,1 75too 10/27/71 76t0o 4/9/171o:oo 4ho/71t9:@ 41241116:00 4130/L1O:OO 514/714:oO ro/3/71 ttoo 1vul171:m 7t/14/tt o:0o 7ol2s/77 73:@ 71/14117 lrt@ 10/72/71 75100 4/r9/tl otoo 4/21ltT ttOO 9lt6lt7 6:00 lY\1/17 3t0o 3lt2/t1 t2:oo 4/r1/7112:oo 4/15/77 rr:OO 9l2s/17 t7:oO sl7/11 l:OO 5/3111 1:@ 9lra/116:00 LoltlLt o:oo to/51t7 5:@ 70/26/1,7 6:W lol2gll7 OtoO tU5/t1xtoo 7!t3lt14:o0 3/74171 t4:oo 10/18/1715:00 t1/t7/77 t1:oo 3/26/17 $:OO 5/19177 3:oo to/74/77 o:oo s/2lt71l:OO 41Y77 O.OO to/3o/77 6:@ l52l 1489 1420 1460 1307 1307 1307 1307 1481 1413 1426 t45l It(,6 t305 1306 1306 1306 1305 1305 1357 15El 1305 1305 1526 r$2 !569 l!04 1304 13ql 1549 1368 1531 1r141 1303 1303 tl03 1303 1303 l:rc3 r4t9 la91 1390 1302 1302 1302 1302 1490 1525 1561 t527 t5ol r:(,l 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1/t43 L91 L422 1399 1!00 1300 1546 1299 1299 l{et Systan Lo.d {Mw) Doat*7 tto7 t301 1307 1307 1107 1307 1307 1307 1307 1306 1306 1306 1306 1306 1306 1306 1306 1306 1305 1305 1305 1305 1304 130rt 1!O4 1304 1304 1304 1303 1303 !303 1303 1301 1303 1303 1303 1303 1303 1303 1302 1302 1302 1302 1302 1302 1302 1302 1301 1301 1:n1 1301 1301 130r 1301 1301 1301 t30r 1301 13m 1300 1300 1300 1:'00 1:too 1299 1299 P.r Unit Oistrlbuted solar o_5974oE 0.527507 0.248426 0,633026 0 0 o 0 0.360265 0.336678 0.153533 o.0724719 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.132349 0.52[:|91 0 0 0.868254 0.416299 0.s75492 0 o 0 0,442468 0_490469 0.149712 0.307118 o 0 0 0 0 o 0.75625 0.417344 0.26319 0 0 0 0 0.684415 0.660665 0.673566 0.530336 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.451573 0.717384 0.30669 0.408169 0 0 0.648r74 0 0 238845 2104.98 993.21 2530.85 o.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 1440,35 1346.05 653.81 249.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.m 0.@ 529.L 2296.44 0.00 0.00 3477.34 1564.37 2300.83 0.00 0.00 000 3363.21 1962 50 t1t1.96 tzzg.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3023.50 1664.55 t052.24 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 2736.31 2447.35 2692,94 2520.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.@ 0.00 3444.59 2948.08 1226.15 1631,87 o.o0 0.00 2591.41 o.o0 000 1687.64 7422.35 163.21 1582.01 o.77 1.14 16.13 0.@ 672.@ 480.34 735.85 73.22 0.26 0.13 o.77 3.55 0.51 44.02 0.(x) 13t.15 970.63 2.03 0,43 2310.37 543.58 1199.90 0.34 1.30 0.00 7261.43 468.55 594.70 367.43 o.@ 0.64 1,69 0.00 0.13 0.13 7916.17 119.44 548.66 0_it5 2.43 0.00 0.@ 1294.33 1930.95 1383.82 1?19.46 2.18 0.64 1.09 0.@ 0.@ 0.08 0.61 1.15 2065.44 2001,96 54.98 452_44 0,00 0.19 1657,66 0.92 2.48 oo-ttpon.d Sol.r (lw) 1@.77 646.64 830.01 948.84 -0.17 -1.14 -16_1! 0.m 768.34 865.71 -82.04 216.53 4.26 -0.13 4.77 -0.51 44.O2 0.00 t90.99 1325.80 -2.03 .0.43 1160.97 1120.80 1100.93 {_38 -1.10 0.00 1106.78 1493.95 1199.26 861.63 0.00 -0.54 .1.69 0.@ {.r3 {,13 1@6.74 1549.11 503.58 {,48 -2.43 0.00 0.00 1441.98 710.40 1309.11 1300.64 -2.1E -o-64 -1.09 0,00 0.00 0.00 -0.08 -0.61 -1.15 1379.11 945.t2 1171.18 1r69.47 0.00 4_79 933-15 -0.92 ,2.88 Attachment l -Page408 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports la5taled Pv Namep ate lkwdc) Esrimated Pv .m.pl.t.{kwrc) 4794 1.2 1299 1553 1484 1337 1546 1340 1468 1562 1298 1298 t29A 1298 1425 1543 1383 74-15 1398 rt25 !297 7297 1297 !22, 7297 7297 7297 1565 1522 1580 1560 1296 1296 1296 1296 1541 1567 1429 1534 1295 1295 1295 1457 1485 r520 1490 1294 1294 7294 1294 7422 1549 1494 1380 1415 11t62 1523 r293 1293 1293 1193 1551 1565 1415 1324 1498 14a7 1545 7t/7olt7 5loo s/7/L7 ra:oo !126/71 l0:oo 1lr8/r7 r1,@ 9128/).7 l1:oo 3l1a/t7 t6t0o 3/27/t7 r8:@ snlv t :oo 1/1t/r13:6 4/74/71 t:OO 10/12/71 S:0O 7t/72/17 4:@ AlThT t6tOO 9/26h.7 rt:oo to/22/t1 !4t0o 9130/ti 72tOO 4/77/11 ,8:o0 lol7tlrl t1:(D 4/14/1,1s:@ 4/r6/U 5:oo 4125/71 l:OO s/1/17 !:oo 9/r7/tl7:oo tO/9/113:oo to/37/r7 5:N 5/7117 7a:OO 1o/a/17 77:oo 5/21/77 lO:N 9/29/77 12:oo al5/11o:o0 tolzslt1O:@ 77/5/t14tOO t1/17 /17 s:@ 7O/74/r1 t3to0 5n/17ls:oo 31t417111:oo to/to/r7 73:@ 4129117 5:00 s/3/17 2:oo t!/11/L7l@ 4/19/71 t6:Oo 70/5171 t1:oo 4121/71t51OO 3112111 t1:oo 2/27/17 2too 9/22/77 6tOO 9/2a/77 6:00 10/1/171:0o 1/r4/rt t6:0o 5/2/!, L5:oo b/ta/\1 L6:oo 3h2/t719:oo 4/4lt7 tg:Oo 3127lti tTtoo to/tl/t7 ,6100 3/771716to0 41221L7 1:oo 5lt/116:00 9/76/77 3:@ 7o122/111:@ s/2lt1r1:oo sl7lrt t1:@ 3/21117 l4:oo 4/23/17 8:oo tol24lt1 t4t0o 1o/s/r7 16:@ 9l26lrt t6:Oo a/rl/17 6:@ N.r svlreh t@d (Mw) Per Unit oitt ibot.d SoLr 0 0.576004 0.304857 0,0619043 0.838779 o.o4504f7 0.3210995 o.7r64it 0 0 0 0 0,444054 o.ar8z7? 0.59032 0.364093 0.3958@ 0,53a145 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.547727 0.574$t 0.505723 o.724977 0 0 0 0 0,439622 0.980364 0.53135 0.840902 0 0 0 0.615359 0-568155 0.931212 0.732165 0 o 0 0 0,650557 0.80586 0.639819 o.224491 0.30!144 0.02169@ 0.671315 0 0 0 o 0 o.7@7 0.730556 0.58848 0.0355422 0,800521 o.772941 o.749257 0 0.00 230?.88 1218,82 247.49 335:t.46 180,10 1363.31 310t-4! 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 1791.33 1271.49 2360.11 1455.55 1582.45 2151.52 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 2341.75 2312.16 2027,89 29t4.20 0.00 0.00 0.m 0,00 3356.83 3919.52 2124.35 3361.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 24{o.22 22J1.50 3723,01 2927.21 0.m 0-00 0.00 0-00 2600.94 3221.85 2558.01 913.52 1205.18 86.72 2683.93 0.@ 0.00 0.00 o.o0 0,00 3038.7E 2920.78 824_40 1,42.1,O 3200.50 2490.34 2935.57 0_00 0-00 1310.!8 412.U t40.27 2226.Ot 222.97 691.54 1828.20 0.@ 0.13 0.26 0.@ 622.02 2125_09 1072-55 1019.10 456.94 1039.3r 0.38 3.32 2.18 0.64 0,00 0,00 0.52 t2'19.22 1302.44 979.04 1846,12 0.64 0.79 0.45 0,00 1934.00 245214 991.75 2111.90 0.m 0.5r 0.00 l5l1.a2 1113.47 7799.27 165r.20 0_51 0.00 0.83 0.@ 148t.83 2374.O9 1550.17 202.50 238.03 1308.51 1593.62 0.26 0.64 20.4! 0.13 0.38 20m.90 t792.44 1054,45 10.50 2707.41 1557.82 77A7.1a o.37 ilo.'Exported Solar (tW) 0.@ 992.49 805.98 107.22 7t27.11 -42_E1 677.77 7276.23 0.m -0.13 -0.25 0.00 1169.31 1146.39 1287,56 436.55 773.32 1112.21 -0.38 -3.!2 -2.16 {.54 0.00 0.00 -0.52 112E.52 l@9.74 1042.85 1068.0€ -0.54 -o,tt .0.45 0.00 t422.82 1467.33 1132.50 1250.qI 0.00 {.51 0.@ 942,90 115E.03 1923.74 1255.01 {.51 0.00 .0.E3 o.@ 1112,11 907.15 997,85 771.O7 957.15 -7221,19 1090,31 -0.26 {.54 -20_43 {,13 -0,38 1037.Et 1128.30 1274.95 131.60 1092.57 1332.52 tL67.79 4.37 1299 1299 1?99 1299 1299 1298 \294 1794 l29A 1298 1298 1298 1298 1298 1298 1298 't297 1297 t297 1297 1297 t291 t797 tz97 L297 t297 1296 t296 1296 1296 1296 1296 7296 1296 1295 1295 1295 12t5 1295 1295 7794 7294 1294 1294 1294 7794 7294 7294 t294 t794 tz94 1293 1293 1293 1293 1794 1293 1293 1293 1293 1292 1292 1292 1292 t29? Attachment l -Page409 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv nameprar. (kwdd Enimated PV Nam€plar. (kW.c) 4798 7,2 3998 Oate A Ti,i6 70/20/ti o:oo 9/26/t t4:oo a/27ltt l1:@ 4l?Ul7 s:oo 4126117 6:00 4/2a177 4:oo 9127 /77 o:00 tOhOlLT 5:q 9116ll, r4:oo 3lt\hr t6:@ 9/26/77 tl:oo rl/17/77 t3:o0 9127/17 t7:oo 4/7t/171:oo l1h6/r1t:oo tolrltT r7:oo 9/7.1/ll tX:oo 1/2tlri t3,00 4l!1h7 t1,@ 4/1olt7 t4,oo 3/29/77 5:oo 9/20/77 \:oo 7o/t/111:oo ,o/24/t15:@ lll23lt7 79:oo to/t9/77 o:o0 lO/5/171a:o0 1177lt7 72.00 9/281t7 r7:@ al24lr7 5,o0 4/4/t7 \:OO 9/26/ll otato 7o/2llt7 3:o0 7tl5/77 4:oo ttha/r1 !@ Lo/,3ltt 11:o0 ll2oltt !9:@ 4/27/t$:oo 70123/t7 74:oo 2/2U771:o0 1/417 a.N 41231171:oo slz/U 5:.n LOl25/17 L4:oo 4/79/17 t7:oo to/!/tt 76:00 altalrl s:oo 9129/lr 6:00 $/B/17 L:oo 7t123/t7 7o:oo t\l23lr7 7t:@ 9/2511171:N 711l€/t? !5:@ 70/26/71 72:@ 4/21/r7 4:oo 7t/25/t71:@ Toho/l714100 toltoltl l5:@ 5h4l77 ts.oo 70/9/77 t4:oo 3123/17 5,oo lolt2lrt 1:oo lo/27117 z:@ lo/27/r1t:@ 7t/4/771:oo 4/L5/t7 r9:oo 4/2tlt7 t2,00 9l16lt7 r2:oo N.t syst€m LoEd (Mwl t29Z 1292 1291 1291 l29l 1291 1291 7291 t29t 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 \290 1290 1289 1289 1289 l2E9 1289 l2a9 1289 1289 12E9 1289 1289 1289 1288 u8a 1288 1284 1284 1288 u8a 12aa r288 l2al DA7 ia1 t2a7 12.47 t2a7 L2E7 L2A7 1245 1245 r286 l2E6 1286 1285 !286 r285 1285 1285 1285 1285 r285 1265 1284 1284 1284 1284 l2E4 1284 72A4 1?e1 1283 Pd Unit Oittribut€d Solar 0 0.835625 0.47€32 0 0 0 0 0 0.825184 0.a)9645 0.5992 0,602515 0.5f6519 0 0 0.792851 0.025029 0.61423 0.956147 0.881452 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.3'44789 0.73375 0.744545 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.419712 0_242649 o612715 0.652344 0 0 0 0 0.788445 0.64399 0.737552 0 0 0 0 0 o.592612 o.727554 0.643736 0 0 0.861149 0.422933 0.74006 0.a70588 0 0 0 0 o 0.0429416 0.875945 0.743644 {kwl 0.00 3340.45 1842i0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 3303.10 2437.34 2195.6t 2404.E7 2305.05 0.00 0.00 3169,84 3298.4E 2455.70 3423.50 3524.10 0.m 0.00 0.00 o.(rc 0.00 0.00 7194.47 2933.55 2992.70 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.t)0 1917.90 970.92 2449,65 260€,09 0.00 0.(,0 0.@ 0.m a152.22 2574.69 29,19.15 0.@ o.o0 0.00 0.00 0.oo 2369.28 29@.ra 2573.67 0.m 0.(,0 3rlrt2.89 3290.10 2958,74 3440.63 0.00 0,00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 171.68 3502.05 t97!,10 1?97 75Zl 1529 1291 1291 1291 1291 1291 15!7 1389 1551 1459 1552 1290 7290 1477 1938 7{j6 1504 7196 1289 1249 1289 1289 1289 1,?92 74rc 1502 1551 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 1445 1408 1490 1492 l2a7 1247 t2a7 1247 1461 1545 1513 1246 1246 1286 1286 1286 1564 1465 1537 1285 1245 1515 1505 1542 1534 1284 l2a4 1244 1284 1284 1334 1543 1559 Attachment l - Page 410 sohr Expo.ti (kw) on-Exported solar ltw)0.00 0.002:to0.51 1040.23163!.:10 249.090,13 -0.11 0.00 0.m 0.25 -0.260,00 0,00o.m 0,002206,45 1096-653t9.47 2117.91 !234.95 17fr.671212,98 1195_491255.97 1044 080.26 -0.26 l.l5 -1.15 1205.80 1964,03 2274.74 1019.751272.66 1183,052195.26 1627.74 2169.83 135!..77 0,00 0.004.27 4.170,00 0.00o.79 -O.79 1.28 -1.240.00 0.@505.92 888.541687.26 1246.291842.33 1150_380.13 {.130.@ 0.00o.00 0.(m 0.64 -0.54 0,00 0.001.15 ,1.15 424,24 1093.66 232.51 734.40 1120.59 1329.061849.76 758.330_26 4.26 0.@ 0.@0.@ 0_000.26 {.262109.73 1042.491505,08 1069.60 1888.29 10@.850.00 o_@0.00 0.m0.00 0-m0.51 -0,51 0.90 -0.90l22l.a9 1147-a91059.@ 1849.18 !522.22 1051.45 2,55 ,2.56 7.49 -1.492a25.44 7177.492l0a.2l 1181.89 2156.08 802.69 2330.05 1150.58 0.75 -O.75om om 0.85 {.8s0.00 0.0017.29 -1,7.1975.14 96.552239.03 1263.021557.36 1315.74 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled Pv Nameplate (kwdc) Estlm.ted Pv Nameplate lkwa.) 4794 1.2 3998 3h2lt t 6:00 3/141172:oo 3/2-tltl o,oo 9117117 2:oo 9/26/17 6:@ 9/ro/17 L:00 to/r3/71 1:0o ro/27/71O:W t116111a:oo 9/28/17 tL:oo 70/7/17 t6:00 3/9/t7 t:oo 3/121711:oo 2e/77 3:oo 5/L/t7 ts:oo 3ha/t1rgtoo 3/t9/L? t?:OO 9126/t1 71:oo 9126/ti t2:oo 4/25/17 r3:@ 4/2a/712:U 9/74/771:oo to/3/77 4:OO 5/7/r7 16:00 2/21/17 4too 4/12/115:oo 9/25/17 6tO0 ro/25/17 5:@ 3/26/17 14:00 3l23lt7 t2:Oo to/6/17 r1:oo 4/2/77 8:OO 1/19/71a:oo 3/2a/112:oo 4/21lt1t:oo 9/r9/r7 1:oo 9/23/17 6tOO 9/21/t7 6:00 7O/4/t7 s:oo to/2r/t7 a:N 4/3177 72:00 3/17 /17 18:00 7o/3/ri 7:oo tolt3/t7 a:oo tr/1/t7 o:oolvll/r1 1:oo to/r/7,73:oo 1Vl8/r716:0o 3/26/77 5:o0 4/76lt7 t:oo 9/19/ti 2:oo to/3/t t 3:oo to/t6/114:@ rt/tt/t/ 5:oo 5lr/1714:oo 9/!1/1716:@ 9/25/71 76:00 77hah12:N ro/t5/11 7a:oo 1283 1283 1283 ua3 1283 1283 1243 r283 1283 157! 7447 1242 t2a2 t7a2 1544 1455 r387 7522 1546 1523 1281 7241 12El 1553 1280 1280 1280 r280 1280 14n7 1523 1417 r2E1 7279 1279 !279 7179 \zrt t279 121\t 1211t t219 t279 1516 1402 1279 t27a L27a 1278 t27A 1475 1461 1277 1277 7277 7277 1277 1277 t277 1271 1277 1551 t5!7 1276 1507 7275 7275 7426 N.i syst.m Lo.d {Mw) 1243 1283 1183 1283 1283 1283 1283 1283 1283 1283 1283 t782 t2a2 1282 1282 1282 1282 1281 1281 ual L2at 1281 1281 1280 1280 l2E0 1280 1280 r280 1240 12E0 1280 1280 t279 l2'9 1279 1279 7219 7279 1279 1279 1279 1279 t27A t27A l27A 1278 127A 1278 t27A 7274 72?7 1277 !277 7277 7277 7277 727f LZl7 1271 t777 t217 t216 1216 1216 !215 72t5 7215 Pet Unit Ottribut d SoLr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,590521 0.791315 0 0 0 0.81E3@ 0.415143 0.495921 0.795154 0.706165 0.79892E 0 0 0 0.904412 o 0 0 0 0 0.445433 0.841269 0.s61921 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.863271 0.259699 0 0 0 0 0 0.84671 0-619132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0I o.7l74l 0 0.528071 0 o 0317944 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2360,92 3163.69 0,00 0.@ 0.m 1271.61 1661.15 1982.70 3r83.04 2a21.26 3194.13 0.00 0.00 0,00 3615.85 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 17u.85 3363.49 2245.51 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 3451.3E 1038.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3545.09 2475.30 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3998.02 2944.$ 0.00 271t.24 0.00 0.00 1271.31 Sohr txDorts (kwl Non Exportedsolar{[wl 000 0.90 0.38 o.o0 0,00 0.38 0.51 0.m 0.m 12r1.35 1090.82 0.00 o_77 o.22 2354.08 23!.99 592.44 2206,06 1748.57 t7344 0.13 0.00 0.13 2314.96 0.00 0.55 1.02 0.31 0.00 785.95 1837.11 1017.32 0.58 0.oo 0.00 0.13 3.83 0.71 0.00 0.16 0.26 o.72 0.41 2021.31 285 39 000 0.00 0.51 1.49 0,64 1404.45 412.86 0.00 o,71 0.51 0.38 0.13 3.52 0.00 000 0.00 2846.83 1650.37 0.00 1505.83 0,38 0.90 3t1.t7 0.00 -0.90 -0 38 0.00 0.00 0.38 .0.51 0.00 1083.56 2072.aa 000 -0.77 -o.22 917.53 1429,76 r290.26 916.94 1034.69 2470.69 ,0.13 0.00 0.13 1100 90 0.0i) 0.55 .102 0.31 0.00 998.90 1526.38 0.68 000 0.00 -0.13 3.83 -411 0.00 -0.16 {.26 4.72 1430,0/ ,52.90 0.m 0.m -0.51 ,1.49 -0.64 1t40 23 2062.44 0.00 -0.17 0.51 .0.38 0.13 -3 52 0.00 0.00 0.00 1151.19 12t7 8t 0.00 605.41 -0.38 0.90 954.14 Attachment 1 - Page 411 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnit ll.d Pv Nam€plate (kwd.) Ertimated PV N.m.plar. lkw6d 4794 7,1 3998 s/L/L1 tzt0o 3l2alti 75:@ 3/79/171'@ 9/26177 t7,OO 9/t7/77 rs:@ !o/z/\f L7:oo 9/2!177 t9:oo 7Oh/77 ts:oo al27/r7 t9.0o 3/9/17 2:@ 4/lO/77}@ 4125/17 4:0o 4/29/l7 t:@ 9/t91r71,0o 9/\9/t-' 5:OO lo/5/77 stOO 70/76/77 7:o0 7o/r1/L7 7to0 t7/to/17 r:oo t7/25ll7l:@ 9/251t7 72.oo 9/271t7 72:o0 !0/26/17 74:@ 1l25ltt t2:o0 alro/tl $n 3/17/17 o:oo ll2olti 6:@ 4/19/\7 3:oo 9/16/17 4:oo 9/76/77 s:@ 9l2tlrl r:@ N/a/17 o:@ to/la/tr 3:OO fi/29/77 6:00 ttl6/r7 2:@ 9lt1/77 74:6 4/r?lr7 74:00 70/15/17 77:@ 9/t6/77 73tOO 4/24177 7t:oo 4ltolt1 4:@ 4ltll|11:oo 4lz3/t1o.oo 9/30/17 7:Og lollo/rI ltafi LO/r8/114:@ lt/l1l112:@ tol2slrl 15:6 3123/L1o:0o 3124/Lt 7:N 4/tGlt7 4:oo tolt2/77 4:@ t0ltT/17 4,@ 1olz9/1,71:Ao 4/3/17 L3:oo 3/2a/77 ta:oo 10/76/17 t6:oo al2l719:@ 3/r3l17 15:00 LO/UL7 74:oo 1/tlt7 73:00 4/25/77 2:oo 4/2a/i 3:@ to/6lrl r:00 rO/26/t7 o:@ rl/27/t7 7:@ 4/t1/77 75too 9124/t1o:oo 1553 1484 r345 15't4 1522 1534 1386 !146 1441 7271 7174 1274 7274 7771 1274 1274 1274 1274 1774 7274 1553 1553 1448 1514 1213 1273 t271 1271 1271 t27a 1271 1273 1274 127! t27a 1505 1445 1534 1545 1512 1272 1272 127' 1172 1272 1272 t27Z t4!x, lzfl l27L 12,L 7277 7777 t27l 1492 1435 1519 1335 1453 1455 1,?70 7270 1270 1270 1270 1270 1476 1269 N€r system Load {Mw) Ps Unil Oirtiboted solar 0_886552 0.962558 0.256228 0.565029 0.8205E9 0.00229703 0.18{005 0.618r89 o.295t76 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-743065 0.730626 0.7617r6 0.80405E 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0.598759 o.972136 0.514212 0.850276 0.9@1146 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0.755425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,84401 0.393814 0.678243 0.13779 0.828233 0.923144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.837554 0 35rt4.49 3848.33 1064.39 2259.00 3280.73 9.18 735.65 2113.93 1180.12 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.e 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2910.79 2921.06 3045.36 32:1O.63 0.00 o.m 0.oo 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0.oo 7793.61 3Aa7 A2 2095.83 3399.42 3600.()0 0.@ 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 3051.78 0,00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0,00 3174.3' 1574.48 27Lt,79 550.89 3311.29 3690.75 0-00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0_@ 3!48.55 0.m 2437.79 242X.70 493.07 1$4.@ 2035.34 886.28 148.92 1352,51 454.20 0.oo 0.00 2.43 0,26 1.79 t.75 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.68 1810_37 1877.85 2065.01 1433.84 0.m 1.18 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,51 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 2076.91 220!.6? 1039.93 2053.4a 2209.19 0.51 0.1! 1.02 0.06 0.00 0.02 0.64 1E26.62 0.@ 1.54 0.26 0.00 0.!9 0.94 2055.13 5a0,70 7674.46 72.U 2222.63 1319.71 0,81 2.56 0.31 0.@ 0.00 0,00 2153.08 0.00 1107,30 1424.62 571.32 1075.00 r245.39 -877.10 586.73 1111.42 725.91 0.00 0.00 -2.43 {.26 -3.79 -7.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_m ,3.68 1160.42 1043,20 979.35 t796_79 0,00 -1.18 0.00 0.00 0.o0 -0.51 -0.13 0.@ 0,m 0.@ 0_00 776.70 1585.76 1015,90 1345.94 1390.82 -0.51 -0.13 -1.02 -0,06 0-@ {.02 {.64 1235.16 0.00 -1.54 {_26 0.00 -o-19 -0.94 1308.24 493.77 1037.:!l 474.25 1048.67 2371,O4 -o.81 -2.56 {.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 1195.48 0-@ 1775 tz15 L275 1275 r275 \275 7274 7274 t274 1274 17.74 1214 1274 1274 ,274 1274 7274 7274 \274 12t4 1274 7274 727! 1273 1273 t213 t273 l27a 1273 t27! t27a t27a lzla 1211 l27l \213 1212 1772 t272 1272 1272 1272 1272 121? t272 1772 L217 l27l 1211 t271 L277 t27l l27l L27L t27t 1270 r270 1270 t270 1210 1270 1270 1270 L2rO 1270 1269 1269 Attachment 1 - Page 412 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrt lled Pv NameDlare llwd.) Enimaied PV ll.meplate {kwrc) 4794 1,2 3998 OdeETire 7olaltl1:OO toltll\7 2:oo 4/9/77 1l:oo !0/24/71 lstoo 4/11/L7 76:00 3/9/17 3:@ 4lt9/17 s:oo 4/all7 5:oo 4/16/171:@ 4/27/77 2tOO 1019/17 t:0o 701721112:@ 1o/!7117 3:@ 1tl3l77 6:00 17/2slt7 5:oo 1ol6/t1 t4tOO 4/!Z/!7 L9:oo 3lz6/t7 ltoo 4l4lt7 2.OO l lO/17 2,O0 1t/1U17 4:@ 7!76177 ZIOJ 17/14/17 1,5:00 5/27/77 9:00 9/t7 /t7 7o:OO to/26117 71:@ !2a1713:Oo sl2/17 2:oo 5/2/77 3.OO 9/20/77 2:OO 9/73/171:oo 7o/1alr7 2,@ tt/to/\1 4:@ N/ZA|L1 t!t@ 9l2s/t1 t4tOO 4/22/77]tOO 77/1177 5:@ tl77/77 4:@ rlz3/!7 O:@ to/15/17 t2:@ L0/27/r7 t3:0o 4/21/17 t1:OO 70/7/L7 l7:oo 1/25/77 2:Oo 4122177 2:OO 4/72/77 4:oo ttltll77 2:q 17/27/1,7 6:N 4/15/t7 zOIOO 70/9/77 4t0o 1U26177 5:oo tol3olt7 t5:@ 9/23/17 10:6 31221110:@ 4/7t/17 3t0o 4/29/77 2:oo 7o/1t/77 TIOO t7l4l17 5,oO 7ol9h1t1:OO 9117/tl tatoo roE/1,7 L:oo 5l2A/77 9t9o 4/5177 5t0o 4/77177 6:@ 111741715t@ 7r/22/77 6:00 7t/74h, L6:oo a/71/L7l7tOO 1269 t269 1505 1485 ta62 1268 1259 1257 1257 7757 7257 1257 1267 1251 1267 t479 1411 1256 1266 1266 126E 1266 1452 1512 1i168 1495 1265 1265 1265 1265 !255 1265 tz55 1514 1525 1264 1254 7254 125{ 1530 7474 1488 1458 1263 1263 1264 t263 1263 1346 1162 7252 1443 1500 1261 1261 1261 1r196 t199 1511 1525 1260 1!60 1260 1261, 1467 1423 N.t Syitem Load (MWl 1259 1259 1268 1258 1268 1268 1268 !267 7267 7267 7267 !767 1267 7261 7261 7257 1255 7266 1256 1266 7266 1266 1266 7266 1265 7265 1265 1265 1265 1265 1265 1265 1265 1264 1264 1264 1264 !264 !264 t264 1264 1264 1263 1263 1263 1263 1263 1253 1263 1162 126' t262 1261 1261 126l 1261 1261 1261 1261 1250 1250 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 PerUn Di3t ibuted50hr 0 0 0_690316 0.760c21 o.730647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.848045 0.269052 0 0 0 0 0 0,515495 o.776675 0.386172 0.733229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.492444 o.769047 0 0 0 0 0.740825 0.618739 0.660694 0.627903 0 0 0 0 0 0.0854236 0 0 o.73175 0.396613 0 0 0 0 0 0.449469 0.716595 0.837241 o.2a1107 0 0 0 o 0,598274 o.477621 0_00 0.00 2?59.90 3040,98 292t,74 0.00 0.00 o.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 3390.51 1075.68 0,00 0.m 0.00 0_00 0_oo 2060-96 1106.15 1543.92 293t.47 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 o.m 0.m 1968 80 1074.61 0,00 0.00 0.00 0_00 2961.83 2473.t4 2647.47 251,0.37 0.00 o.m 0.00 o.@ 0.m 341.53 0.@ 000 29?5.55 t545.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1796_99 2E&.96 1347_31 7124.67 0_m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 2391.91 1909.54 0.01 0.00 I314.42 2023.73 7676.37 0.m 0.@ 0.26 6_79 7.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 1.31 2258.16 29!,-ll 0.64 0.0t) 0.00 1_54 1316.95 371.04 542.59 1931.15 2.44 2.83 3.12 6.47 0.00 o.37 o.o0 427.15 2270.74 0.64 1.54 0.m 0.34 7567.24 l6a2_74 1615.83 491.71 1.14 0.21 o_38 0,00 0.62 62.46 o.37 0.90 1857.96 395.09 0.51 2.01 000 0.00 16.79 99a.70 1a75.58 2108.50 403.66 1.41 0.64 0.64 0.51 700.05 9AL_27 Noo'Erpoded 5ol.r (kW) {.01 0.m 1445.48 1017.25 t244.77 0.00 0.00 4.25 -6_79 -1.92 0.00 0.00 0.m -0.13 ,1.31 1132.3'l 783.96 4.64 0.00 0.00 {.64 -1.54 744.O7 135.t2 1ml,33 1@0.3! -2.4u -2_43 l.l2 -6.42 0.00 -0.37 0.o0 1141.56 863.89 {.54 {.54 0.00 {.38 1394.@ 790.99 1025.64 2018.50 -1.14 ,0.21 -0.34 0.@ -0.62 779.06 -0.17 {.90 1067.59 1190_57 -0.51 -2.0! 0.00 0.m -16.79 794.26 989.36 u:1a.81 777,O1 -7.4L {.64 {.64 -o.51 1691,86 924.27 Attachment l - Page 413 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnttall.d Pv Nameplate (kwdc) Estim.t.d Pv Nan.plat. lkwac) 4794 1.2 3998 oat6 a Tihe iltll7t 16:@ 4172/17 l7:Oo 3129/lr l:@ 4/74/77 2:@ llh6/171:@ r,/t6/77 ,@ 77123111 22:@ 4h9/77 79tOO 70127/7175:@ a/t4/71 r5tOO 10/6/11 16:00 1/70/113:OO 3176l17 Otoo 5l2ltl4too lllqltl2:OO tt/t7lt7 74:o0 7U73/17 l8tg0 3126/17 4too 4/6lD 0:6 4/B/tl otm 517/17 o:N 1,O/21t1 lt9o to/4/t7 4$ 7olr2/\13:@ !t/toltT at0o 3lt6l77 14:oo 9l1s/71 ts:OO 3/t517116.@ fi/a/77 r2:oo 9125/77 t3:oo anslrl st(0 4l7o/tt 2:oo 1ol5lt12:@ lolto/t1 2:@ 5/1,4/17 76t0o 4lt7/t17t0o 11,/4117 4:oo 3/19/71 TatOO 9/30171 t8:oo 41417113:@ 311211,7 11@ 75/71o,oo 3/25/!13:oo To/lo/D 4:oo 71/tt/17 3:00 l!25/114:@ t7/26/7121@ lO/?9/17 lgt@ 419/t1t9tO0 1/79lt7 t4t0o 3l2U!7 6:00 4lt2/711:@ 4116l!7 2:@ 9/711713.O0 9129177 7:oo 70/24/77 ltOO 70129/17 O:OO 17/71/L7 3:oo 5/7/17 t1:oo 4/2slt7 l4:OO 9lXO/17 74:OO 4/77/77 2:@ 4/24/77 O:o0 4/30/17 5:@ 9lr9lt7 4:o0 rolglt-r }@ r0lt0ll7 }@ 7olt6lt12:@ 139! 1385 1259 1259 1259 1259 1259 I'145 1470 1125 t474 1258 125E 1258 1258 1424 72t7 1757 1257 t2s7 1257 tztt L2t7 1257 l2r? 1465 t526 1423 1470 1530 1256 1256 1256 1255 15lE 1255 1255 1!71 1465 1492 1444 1254 1254 1254 1254 1254 1254 1373 l!77 1354 l25a 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1532 1500 7457 1252 7252 1252 1252 t252 1252 1252 N3t sy3t m toad (Mw) 1259 r259 1259 1259 1259 1259 1259 1259 1259 1259 1258 125a u5a !258 1258 1258 7257 t257 t257 lz57 t257 157 1257 1257 lz57 1257 7257 l25f 7251 t2s6 t256 1256 1256 1256 1255 1255 1255 1255 1255 1254 7254 1254 1254 1254 1254 1254 1254 1251 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 t25l 1253 1253 7251 t25! 1253 1252 7752 7252 1,232 t25Z 1257 l2s2 1252 P.r Unit Oi{ribut d solar 0335217 oa77r1, 0 0 0 0 0 0.303864 o.729199 0.64?675 o,715722 0 0 0 0 0.512072 0,0928739 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.925374 0.847983 0.672741 0.588617 0.832019 0 0 0 0 0.695865 0 0 0_666559 0.446404 0.466701 0.8,t4962 0 0 o 0 o 0 o.247241 0.235914 0_315827 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.980956 0.865855 o.a97mz 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1740.01 1670.14 0_00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0_m 1214_85 2975.75 2569.43 2861.47 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 2167.22 171.31 0.(x) 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.o0 3699.67 3390.25 2689.63 2353.30 3326.'13 q.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2782.@ 0.00 0.00 2664.92 1626.41 :t455.09 3378.18 0,00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 o.@ 0.m 954.49 943.19 1262.68 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 392taa 1181.77 3549.03 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.m 0-@ 0,@ 0.00 !06.23 1267.33 0.00 0.13 0.41 0.51 1.66 155Aa 1851.52 1545.57 1457.51 0.00 0_85 2.63 0_oo 916.53 0.26 0,64 1.28 0.26 0,@ 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0-00 1965_46 1896.28 $46.16 477.14 2752.67 1.99 0-@ o.@ 0.m 1827.53 0_13 13.45 1t47-27 552.87 2!51.5t 1e72.34 0.90 1.27 0.@ 0_26 15.06 1.15 206.38 262.11 765.00 0.o0 0.64 0.38 0.o0 0.00 0.79 0.51 0.m 2746.6 852.54 1a95.64 0.21 0.13 o.17 2.70 0.0{, 0.$ 0.00 Non-Expo.ted sol.r {kw) 1433.78 402_81 0.00 -0.13 -0.41 {.51 -1.66 759.12 1054.13 LO22,A6 1403.96 0.00 ,0.85 -2_6! 0.00 1190.58 371.06 {.64 1.28 {26 0_oo 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 77!4.21 1493.98 803.47 1416.77 rt73,76 1.99 0,00 0_00 0.o0 954.55 -0.13 -13.45 1517.65 1073.55 1113.51 1505.84 -0.90 -1.27 0.00 {.26 ,15.06 -1.15 758.10 681.05 497.58 0.00 0.64 -0.38 0.00 0.00 -0.79 -0,51 0.00 1135.82 2609.16 1693.39 -o.21 {.13 4.77 2.70 0.00 0.18 000 Attachment 1-Page414 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnndhd Pv N.o.plrt. (*wdcl Esrim.t.dPv ameolate{kwac) 4198 t.2 3998 oar. & Timo 7o/2r/t1 r:00 rtl4l77 Z,@ lo/9/t7 16:00 9/l7lt1 \7:@ 4127 /17 16:00 4/5/D r1:@ !10/77 2:oo 3119/77 4:@ 41741711:Oo 70/72/71 2.0o rrl25/11 3:0o filaali 15:@ a/16/17 1s.0o 4/7tlr19:Oo 3/77/7/ a:& X/r3/!71:0o tol1l716:00 1o/7r/77 1:oo 412911,19:@ X/76/7,6.00 1/29/712:OO 4/30/71 7:oo 5lL/77 7:oo 9/20/17 s:oo ro/5/114,o0tr/tiltl \:@ 7rl2tl71 5:oo 7t/25177 2:@ 3l7lt7 t1:oo !71hr tl:oo 7r/7a/r7 t5:@ 3/r3/174:00 3l26lt7 z:@ 413/17 stoo 4l25lt1r:Oo l1/7/r14:oo 70/741,7 TAOO 3/t2/t7 t:oo 4/3/17 74:oo 3/t2/t7 StOo 3/ra/r7 7:oo 3121/L-t O:OO 7ol2/t7 5:oo 1ol6/t7 4:oo tol2ilt16:& ro/21/r1 5:@ 4lt9/11 tz:oo 4/rlt7 to:oo l0la/11 7a:ootolttltl t1:& al29lt7 3:N 4/t4/17 4:@ rt/2117 o:oo 4/291t1 79,@ 3/t711711:00 4/22/17 7o:oo 70/6/17 7s:o0 4/21/t1 73.00 10/3rl1715i00 t/77/17 2:OO 9/7r/17 6:00 9/28/rt t:@ 70/511131co 7r/4/171:OO lo/Xlll7 4:oo$l2ali $:N to/t4/77 14:oo 4l30ll11tt0o 7252 7152 1501 1491 a0 7423 7257 1251 1251 1251 1251 1439 1454 1374 7250 1250 1250 1250 1482 1249 1249 1249 l?49 1249 1249 1249 r249 1249 l4l3 1448 1!27 1244 124€ 12{a 1248 1244 1447 1244 1454 t247 7747 L?47 1247 \247 1247 1741 1502 1459 la3a ua4 1246 1246 1246 1375 r459 1506 t472 1508 ,44! 12.45 1249 1245 124' 1245 1244 1372 1490 1412 tl.t syrt.m lo3d (MW) 7252 1252 1251 7257 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 !Z5o 1250 1250 72fi 1250 1250 !250 1249 t249 1249 t249 lz49 1249 t749 1249 tz49 1249 1249 t21Ut D4a 124{l t24a lz4t 121Ut 1248 t24a t747 1247 1747 1247 \247 7247 1247 1247 t217 7247 7215 7246 7246 1246 1246 7246 1246 12a5 7245 1245 1245 1245 7245 7245 1245 1245 lz44 1244 7244 1243 Per Unit Distribut€d Solar 0 0 0,997879 0.610987 0.270113 0,906446 0 0 0 0 0 0.7@102 0.666231 0.161625 0 o 0 0 0.253126 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0.662932 0.895441 0.526371 0 0 0 0 0 0,3284t 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.788914 0.365161 0.374259 0.46471 0 0 0 0,282638 0.853154 0.485199 0,812932 0.970453 0.751479 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.23981 0.864792 0.595856 0.00 0.00 2390.33 2522.70 ,,o79.92 3623.99 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.01) 0.00 304!.30 2653.51 546.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1012,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.oo 0.@ 2650.42 3579.99 2104.'t4 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0_m 7a71.77 0.00 3998.02 0.m 0_m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m 3154.10 1459,92 1495.30 1873.91 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 1729,99 !410.9! 1939.84 3250.12 3879.89 3004.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 958.77 3473.45 2382.25 Solar€xporB (kw) Non txpon.d sol.r (kw) 0.00 t4.42 1625.06 t 445_73 1836.39 1910.33 0.m 0.m 0.26 0.m 15.45 1987.13 2003.72 747.16 0.00 1.02 0.00 267.58 0.80 0.00 0.51 0.00 0.64 o.o0 0.00 0.00 77.41 1116-36 2439.97 564.25 0.00 0.64 1.05 1.92 2.42 422,04 21.88 2059.65 0.00 0,90 0.51 0.00 0.00 o.a6 0.00 2130.98 538,92 436.74 698.01 0.00 0.51 0.00 263.26 zt9z,43 425.07 2094.96 25t2.96 1795.18 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.31 14.58 034 228.60 2141.41 468.67 0.00 74.42 765.27 1076.97 -756.17 1713.66 0.oo 0.00 o.25 0.00 15_45 1054.18 659_89 499.02 -89.22 om -1,02 0.m 744.42 .0,80 0.00 -0,51 0.00 'o.64 000 0.00 000 -77.4L 1464.06 1140.03 1540.19 0.00 -o.64 -1.05 -1.92 -2.82 891.23 -21,88 t924.37 0.00 -0.90 0.51 0.00 0.00 -0.46 0.00 1023.11 921.@ lo59.52 1175_90 0.00 {.51 0.00 861.73 1218.s0 1114,76 1155.16 1266.93 1209,25 0.00 0.00 4.75 {.31 -14.54 {.34 730 77 1330.02 1513.57 Attachment l -Page415 lnstalled Pv Nameplate (kwdc) !stimated Pv Nameplate (kwa.) 4794 12 3998 N.t syst.m Lo.d (Mw) 1243 7241 1243 1243 7243 1243 7241 !242 1242 7242 t242 7242 1242 1242 1241 1241 7247 1241 1240 1240 1240 7240 1240 !210 1239 123t t23t 1239 1239 1239 1239 1239 1239 1238 1236 1238 1238 1238 1238 7237 7237 1237 7237 72t7 1217 7217 1237 1236 1236 1236 1236 1235 1236 1235 1236 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1234 1234 1234 1234 7234 P.. Unit Disttibut.d 50l.r 0.58938' 0 0 0 0I 0.659221 o.3rt360l 0il5a29 0.958894 0 0 0 0,5!al8 0.525039 0.546794 0.724917 0.768876 0 0 0 o o3tt931t I 0.811994 0.731799 0 o 0 0 o 0 0.348042 o 0 0 0 0 0.156813 0.433412 0 0 0 0 0 0.875r44 0.833726 0.285453 0.a36al 0.EE5628 0 0 0 0 0.84035E (rw) 2356,39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 !t!t8.02 2635.5E 1173.71 1252.69 3873.55 0,00 0.00 0.00 2151.66 2099.12 2166.09 2E9E.23 3073.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1796.36 3994.02 424$.41 2925,75 0-00 0.oo 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 L91.48 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 666,92 t732.79 0.00 0.fi) 0_oo 0.00 0_00 3501.24 3333.25 1145_29 3345.58 3541.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3319.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t372.74 26m.31 1323.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2536,65 5ola. tkpotu (kwl r'ron'€xported Solar Ikw) 0 0 0 0 0 0.39339 21x9.77 0.17 1.14 1.02 7.24 2224.69 t644.16 45a.66 477.70 2518.08 0.34 0.19 1.19 7114.42 912.59 1254.36 !965.93 $61.64 0.51 0.00 0.0i) 0.26 682.44 2399.27 1909.39 1995.8 0.51 1.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.28 527.47 0.51 0.51 25.@ 0.0t) 0.79 530.56 2094.43 159 t.o2 0.00 0.00 0.00 7407.67 1799.44 401,64 715.79 p22.47 0.77 0.54 0.00 190 1982.14 0.26 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.79 717.27 1474.77 490.21 0.51 6.15 1.54 0.17 1248.86 276.62 -0.77 -1,14 -1.O2 .1.28 7769 L 950.82 915.08 8i14.99 1355.54 -0,38 -0.79 -1,79 7017.24 1186.53 977.74 932.31 7212.44 -0.51 0.00 0.@ .0.26 1113.92 1398.75 1336.98 929.96 .0.51 -1,02 0.00 0.00 0.m -r.24 463 6l .0.51 {.51 -25.60 0.m -o.19 136.35 .351.64 -1.59 -1.02 0.m 0.@ 0.00 1093.58 1533.81 737 64 2@9.79 2318.59 4.11 {.64 0.00 .1.90 1177.61 4.26 0.00 -0.38 o.o0 .0.79 801.51 1181.54 833.21 -0.51 -6.16 -1.54 -o,77 7247.79 0.6504 0.331034 0 0 0 0 0.634476 Attachmentl-Page416 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Dale& Iirl€ syst.m Lo.d lMw)4128/r174:oo 1473 LAht O|OO 1243 1125117 4:OO 1143 4PA/77 S:OO 12a3 tol1ll1 ttoo 12a3 4/3/r, rs:qo 1532 tha/tt r6loo 1419 tolTltt to:oo l1lao 4/3/r719:OO 1423 3/37/17 \5:OO 14369/to/717:oo 7247$/Z4lr14:@ 724277/Y772:oo 7742 4/\9/t7 te:oo 1,452 3lr,7lt7 Ls:Oo 1!87 3l2a/17 71:oO 1434 to/26/tt ts:oo 14641il27ll7l4:@ 1441 3/71/77 stOO 12a0rolt/716:oo 1240tol4lt71:Oo l24ottl2zlt1t:oo 7240 4lt6/t7 to:oo 1494t/2!/1714:oo 1184 1lt2ll7 L2:OO 1478 !2A11176:00 14561/27/174:@ 123941721714:00 123991231712:00 12397016l!11:00 1239 fiDglll 5:@ 1239 tr/271772:@ 1239 4l2ahr 19:oo 1415 112611' lOO 12384l2ol71t:oo 12389/771714:00 1238 7O/6h.7 2:OO 1238lol24ll11:O0 12384l23ll17A:OO 74n24/28l]775:@ 1455 4/6177 6:00 7217 4172/77 7:OO 7217 9/2!77 s:OO 7211 7ol9l77 2:OO 7717 tol37/77 a:@ 12373/ttht75:Oo 1425 1l22ll7 75:00 1403 ,/17117 \9:00 1371 4125/t11s:oo 1475 ]olal]7 r3t@ 1455 9/7a/77 2:oo 1236101221116:@ 1236 to/3l/lt 2:@ 1236 t!26/713t@ 1236ro/rs/r713:@ 1482 9/27/tt 2:0a 1235 9122/17 t:oo 123s 1O/77/1r 1:@ 1235 to/17/77 5:oo 12357o/74/r12:@ 1235 3lt6/77 $:oo 1421 fi/2a/77 t2:oo 1479 4/23177 \o:Oo 13993/t9/71o,oo ,2349/2O/7131OO 12347t/r/713:oo 123477/L61713:OO 12341l7r/771a:Oo 1397 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnrtall.d PV Nameplate (kwdc) E!timat€d Pv Nameplare (lwac) 4798 7.2 3998 a/17 /lr L6:oo 3/771117:oo 3/27/7/2.oo 1/12/171:oO 9/271t7 7:oo LO/2s/17 2:@ to/24/17 16:N ro/alri r4:o0 Tola/i 6:00 LL/2/115:@ 7t/2t/713:@ 'tl/25/77 s:@ 4/!77 t6:oo 1/13117 2:oo 4/l/\7 s:oo 9/2o/r7 4:oo to/2s/rl4:oo r7/21/t17:o0 lo/3o/r7 16:@ 9l3O/77 rs:@ ttl24/7t tt:@ 1/30/71 r:oo a/5/t7 7:oo 9l2tlt7 5:oo tU2a/t-t 7:@ 4/72/11 77:oo 10/30/1717:00 7ol2s/77 17:@ 1/11/t7 !:oo 4D117 6:00 4/23/ti 6:00 9/1,8/17 5:@ 10/21/t t:N ro/2a117 76:@ 4/21/11 74:oo 4/t9lti t:OO 41231117:oo 9/Zt/t) 3:OO rol23/t7 o:oo 9l23ll1 tt:oo 4/tolt17a,@ to/37h7 r?:e 4/A177 L:OO 9/23/77}@ 9/23177 4:@ 70/25/7t 3.@ 3/71h-t 7:OO 4l2o/17 5:oo 10/r9l175:00 lO/22/171:@ tol26ltt 76:N 4/1,2/t1 73too tol25lr7 tr:@ 4/a1115:oo 9/26/77 r:oo Lt/76/71 4.oo 4/1/71O,OO 9/22/77 2:oo 1ol23lt) 17:@ lo/1lll1 l6tOO tr/rr/r7 ts:e 3l2O/17 O:OO 4/26117 o:@ P.r Unit Orrtribut d sol.r o.798{76 0 0 0 0 0 0.654665 o.67243 0 0 0 0 0345302 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.641167 0.87E532 0.399979 0 0 0 0 0.713307 0.474125 0.392819 0 0 0 0 0 0.656261 1 0 0 0 0 0.625718 0.553942 0.671615 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o oI 0,62585t 0.E24323 o.467019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_450443 0.497019 0.642911 0.520581 0 0 3192,32 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 2617.45 2688.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 374!.34 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 o.oo 2575.39 3512,39 1599.12 0.00 0,@ 0.@ 0.00 2851.82 1895.56 1570.50 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 2.{3.73 3998.02 0_00 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 2501.63 7274.67 2585_13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.@ 3998.02 2502,19 3295.66 1857.39 0.00 q.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,@ 1400.8€ 1987.09 2570.17 2081.29 0.@ 0.@ 2053.41 o,77 0.54 0.90 0,00 o,o0 1516,18 1506.88 0.38 0.m 2.43 0.80 1920.86 0.00 o.29 1.28 0.26 0.@ 0,92 1468.15 1858.26 641.t8 1.07 0.90 0.13 0.26 1615.14 806.19 a31.73 0.00 0.26 0,26 1.22 0.00 1542.65 2764.6t 1,66 o.77 0.13 1.02 990.32 1021.35 1330-55 o.25 0.@ 0.13 0.@ 0.00 o.5l 0.13 0.00 0.26 2615.95 1586.44 2256,99 926.25 0.13 0.m 0.13 0,26 0.51 0.00 1524.08 906.6' 1339.29 577,49 0.64 0.71 Non-Expoded sol!r {kw) 1134.92 -o.77 -0,64 -0.90 0.00 0.00 L@7.27 1181.51 -o.38 0.00 -2.'13 -0,80 1862.48 0.00 {.29 _1.28 -o,26 0.00 {.92 tto7.25 1644.13 957-15 -3.07 -0.90 -0.13 -0.26 t2x6.67 1089.37 73a,71 0.00 4.26 -l).26 -t.22 o.m 1121.G t2!7.41 -1.65 -o-77 -0.13 -1.02 1511_31 1193_32 13511.47 -0.26 0,00 .{r.13 0.m 0.00 -0,51 ,0.13 0.00 -0.26 1382.07 915.75 1038.67 941.13 -0,13 0.00 {.13 {.26 -0.51 0,@ 276.40 mao.43 12t1.08 $m.41 ,0.64 -o.77 syd.m Load (MW) N.lsystem Lo.d lMwl 1416 1231 1233 t2r3 1213 7213 t461 1433 1232 7232 7231 7732 1231 1231 tzxl 1231 1231 1231 7462 1451 1380 1230 1230 1230 1230 1498 1445 1459 t229 1229 r229 1229 L729 1451 1445 1228 t22A t22A u2a 1484 1427 1465 7227 7227 7227 1221 1226 t2z6 t2z6 1226 7226 1469 7477 1461 7475 1225 7225 7224 7224 1389 1459 1459 1394 7223 1213 1233 1233 1233 1233 1233 1233 1233 l2a2 1212 t2a2 1231 1231 1231 1231 1231 1231 1231 t23l 1230 1230 1230 1230 1230 1230 7229 t229 1229 t229 1229 1229 1229 t229 1228 1228 1228 1224 7224 1228 7227 7227 7227 7227 t22' t226 1226 t276 1226 t226 1226 7226 t226 1225 7225 1225 1225 1225 1224 t224 1224 1224 t224 L223 1223 1723 Attachment 1 - Page 417 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstall.d Pv Nameplate (kwd., Estmated Pv Nam.pl.t. (kw6c) 4798 t.2 3998 Ode A Timo 4/30h7 3:OO 9l22lt7 5:oo tL/7/t7 t:6 toltglr17:@g/tr/t? rltw 3/to/t71:oo 1/1o/t7 7:oo al2ltt-tt@ tolllll2:oo tol3!/t1 t4,@ 4/73/17 o:oo 9124/t7 6:@ 9125/11o:oo 7,/t6/tt 4:@ 4l\olr,7 tr:@ 3/221t7 5:o0 3l10/r7 5:oo 4/19/17 3:oo 7tlt4ll7 2:@ ulzlll1 4,@ lO/24177 t7:oo 9/30/77 t7:@ 4/1? /71 O.OO 9/$/113:oo 3l3l/17 t7:oo 9l3olt7 16:00 4/3o/D fi:oo 4/76117 rL,oO 412/t7 o,0o q5/r7 3:@ 4124/17 5:oo 9l2l/17 4too lO/2/17 4:oo 7U14/77 3:o0 1/23/17 L:oo 9/2a/t, r2:@ alt2/17 !4:Ao 4/tol!7 75:oo 4/!77 2:oo 4/5/77 2:o0 9117/t7 5:@ to/21r7 7:oo 4/22117 72tOO LO/251!1 76:00 to/zolr71:@ LO/221115:N rol29lt l:@ 4l2A/0 $:OO 4179/17 4:oo lol15lr7 t4:oo 3123/17l9:@ 4lt9lr7 tt:oo 4l3oll14:@ 9/$lt7 4:o0 9/2a/t7 2t0o 7O/l7lL7 2:00 7t121/t7 o.o0 3lr,4lr7 5,q 413177 4:oo 70/?1/77 s:oo 7O/2A/71 4to0 4179/1, t5:00 4/51t7 LO:@ 3l3tlt7 76:00 70/27117 75:@ 4/U77 4:oO 4la/1f 2:@ 4lrrltr 6:@ N.! sy3t.m t ad (Mwl 7223 1223 1223 1223 t222 t222 1222 t222 1222 tz22 !227 t22! 1221 t227 t227 t220 1270 1220 1220 72ZO 1219 1219 1219 l2l9 12t9 72t7 72t7 L?t7 t2t7 \277 1277 t2t7 t2t1 1217 1217 1271 1216 12t6 1216 1276 1215 l216 1216 t2!5 L2t5 1215 1215 1215 L275 lz14 !214 l214 1214 7211 12la 7214 1213 1213 t2t1 1213 12t! t2t2 1212 t2t2 t2.t2 t2L2 t212 P.r Unit OBt buted solar 0 0 0 0 0.461E 0 0 0 o o.749.729 0 0 0 0 0.525348 o 0 0 0 0 o.491747 0.630374 0 0 0.71t89tl2 o.79021 0.572957 0.617759 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9645t9 0_791982 0_E94554 0884128 0 0 0 0 0.884307 0.664794 0 0 0 0.601193 0 0.859974 o.27!fi22 0.5E4a19 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.938789 0.298!t88 0.88843 0.630553 0 0 o 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1846.29 0.00 0.00 o,@ 0.@ 3157,35 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 25@,15 0_00 0-00 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 1965.02 2520.25 0.00 0.00 2954.29 3159.35 2290.69 2469.45 0.@ 0.@ 0-@ 0_m 0_m 0_@ 3856.31 3166.35 3576.15 3514.16 0.00 o.@ 0.00 0.@ 3535.48 2655.86 0.qc 0.00 0.@ 2403.58 0.00 3474.77 1118,73 2338.12 0.0t) 0_00 0.00 0.m 0.& 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 3753.30 1195.36 3552.81 2520.95 0,00 0.@ 0.00 0.77 0.00 2,02 0.00 1202.26 0.00 1.78 0.5E 0.@ 1896.78 o,77 0.00 0.13 0.75 1644.78 0.00 1.15 0,52 0.54 0,13 956.13 1155,50 0.77 0.5r 1751.14 16t5.71 751.49 1270.26 0-64 1-2E 0.13 o_13 0.m 2!02,62 163E.17 2183.58 2729,99 0.54 0,90 0.@ 0.@ 2212.11 t542.35 0.4 0.25 o.64 1196.45 0.00 2152,30 !62.54 t6o4.22 1.02 t.t2 0.75 0.@ o.n 0.13 l 18 0.79 0.00 2434.41 44E.69 2242.92 1491.35 0.20 0.13 2.49 Non-Exported Sol.r lLw) -o.71 0.00 0.m 644.03 0.00 -1.79 {.58 0-00 t2@.58 'o.77 0.00 {.13 '0.75 a553A 0.00 {.62 {.64 .o_13 1009.88 1364.74 -o.77 -0.51 1243_15 1543.58 1534_70 1199.57 -0.64 -1.24 {.13 {.13 0.00 -1.38 1553.69 1528.19 r392.86 1304.r7 ,0.54 {.90 0.m 0.00 7?93,37 1113.50 -0.64 4.26 -o.g 1207.13 0.00 1325.88 756.19 7!3.90 'l-02 -1.12 4.75 0.00 4.77 -o-13 -l1a -0_79 0.@ 1314.88 746.67 1309.a9 1029-62 -0.20 {.13 -2.49 7223 1221 ,221 1725 1175 t277 L222 t2t2 1722 1431 t72l 7221 t22l t442 t270 t2zo 1220 1270 7220 1458 1460 7279 1219 1384 1456 1387 1470 72t7 1217 12L1 72r1 7277 12l1 7474 1453 1447 7467 1216 1216 1216 t2t6 1486 1441 1215 1215 1412 1216 !449 t:,95 1455 1214 1214 1214 1274 1274 1213 1213 1213 1213 1418 1393 1395 1453 72t2 7117 17t2 Attachment l - Page 418 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrtalled PV Nameplate (kwdd tstim.t.d F& Ia €plate (l!v..) 4794 7.2 3998 9/22/t7 3:oo 9/28/715:OO !o/2a/\7 2:@ 4122177 16:00 !/37/17 ra,oo 1/22/117:oo ,l2o/t7 2:oo 4l2o/t14:oo tO/26/17 l:N to/30/t7 Otod 3/22/11 14:oo 419/t7 tzt90 4l16lti r8:o0 3/26/17 1L:00 altg/tt 1:N 4/$/r12:6 9/30/113:oo l0/l/113:oo to/22/r14:@ tr/3/77 t:oo $/ah1 t7:oo 4/30/77 tg:oo 7g/7/11la:oo 1lr7/17 s:oo 9laal716too 4/79/17 l3:oo 10/28117 71:@ 3/16/t7 77too 4/70/17 76:00 7t/24/1177t0. a/7slri t1:oo 4/261115:oo ro/291116:@ ll/23/17 2}@ 4/2a/17 76:00 t1/23/17 16:@ 4ha/t15:N 9/22/114:@ lO/Ul1stoo tol1/712:OO X/r4/ri r:oo to126ltl5:@ 10/8/17 r5:00 3122177 75:oo 4/91717a:oo 70/74/71 75100 4/21/17 t6:oo 3127/t7atco 3/30/t7 !:oo 4h9lr12:o0 9l29l11s:oo 3/tSlt7 5:o0 4/20/17 3:o0 4/3o/t-r 2:@ 70/t/t1 4.@ !O/lr/t1 3:@ LO/zglLi 3:@ t l22ll1 2:@ X/26ltt t2:oo $lal71t6:oo 3l1olt7 4:oo l|/2/t7 3:oo lO/7/17 s:oo 7o/a/tt ltoo a/73/17 15:oo 3/20/r7 18i0o 9/29/tl2:(n tol21lt1 4:g P.. U.it DEtflbut.d 501.. 0 0 0 0.612744 0.541824 0 0 o 0 0 0.909379 0.861502 0.25849' 0.554593 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.61098 0.336746 0.361851 0 0 0.898984 0.741081 0,565711 0.693544 0.,t0397 0.921756 0 0 0 0.726452 0.332135 D 0 0 0 o 0 0.64t816 0.761519 0-33E305 0.828418 0_904822 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.657401 0.780513 0 0 0 0 0.996978 o 486874 0 o 0,00 0.00 0.00 2449.76 2156.22 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m x635.72 34114.30 1033.48 2717.67 0.@ 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2442.71 1346,32 1446.69 0.@ o.@ 3594.16 2962.86 7265.72 157247 1615.0€ 3685.24 0.0t) 000 0.00 2912.37 1327,88 0.@ 0,00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 2581.99 3044_97 1352.55 3312.03 3617.50 0.@ 0_m 0.m 0_@ 0.m 0-@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2628.30 3120.91 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 3985.94 1946,53 0.@ 0.00 l,lon-Expodld solar Ilwl 0.00 -0.74 0.00 900,99 ll02-03 '0.08 -0.26 -0.98 0.@ -2.10 1322.05 1528.83 667.t1 1281.56 .1.15 {.3E {.51 4.77 {.38 0.00 1423.19 1069.99 957.89 -0,51 -15.58 1021.95 1151.47 908.92 1386.87 1584.84 1702.55 {.13 -0.51 -1.19 959.83 1141.00 -1.06 0,00 0.@ -1.24 4.77 0.00 995,66 766.93 799.31 1200.37 1110.56 -0.13 -2.02 -1.74 .0.13 ,0.60 -0.51 -0.54 0.00 0.00 0,00 4.26 1345.19 1f,51.49 ,1.83 -0.13 -0.64 0.00 1347.16 1070.73 ,0.13 0.m System Load {MW) NeiSvltem LDad (MW) 7212 7271 1212 1380 7372 1211 l2r1 l2tL 1211 t2l1 1419 1454 1321 1427 12lO 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 1420 1397 1422 1209 1209 1415 1429 1388 1446 1343 1208 1208 1208 1431 1284 lzo1 7207 1207 7207 1206 1206 1414 1415 1369 1455 t446 1205 1205 1205 1205 1204 t204 1204 1204 1204 12011 1204 1402 1419 1203 1203 120r 1203 1441 1402 1202 1202 1272 L2t2 1272 1211 1211 1211 !2tt 1211 1211 72tl 1211 12LL 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 12tO 1210 1210 1209 1209 1209 1209 1208 1208 1208 1208 1208 ,204 1208 1208 1207 1,201 1207 1207 1201 1205 1206 1206 1206 1206 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1204 1204 1204 1204 t2u 1204 1204 1204 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1202 1202 0.00 o.7a 0.00 1548.78 1064,20 o.08 0.26 0.98 0.00 2.30 2313.66 79t5.47 365_57 93601 1.15 0.38 0.51 0.38 000 1019.53 276.32 478.80 0.51 15.6a 2512.20 1811.39 1356.80 2185.54 76 24 1982.69 0.13 0.51 7.79 1952.53 18688 1.06 0.00 0.00 1.28 olJ 0.0t) 1586.32 7274.O4 557,25 2111.66 2496.84 0.11 2.O1 1.74 o.13 0.60 0.51 0,64 0.00 0.m 0.m o.26 128211 t459 42 1.83 0.13 0.64 0.00 2638 '8875.80 0_13 0.00 Attachment I - Page 419 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hit ll€d Pv N.neplate (kwdc) DC:AC R.tio Ertimat.d Pv Nam.prate lkwad 4794 1.2 3998 t7/23/77 t7:0o 4/2s117 t6:0o rO/27 /17 r7:@ 4/2A17711:@ 4/a/t13:@ 4laltl4:oo 9/241t7 1:@ 9/1o/t7 4:o0 10/21 /t1 2100 4/19/1714:N 4/7lL7a:oo 7o/ttlt1 4:@ 4/71/17 15:OO 4oa/77 1!:oo 4/5/71 74:OO 5/rlti 5:oo 9/29/t1]too 3/2s/t1 7a:oo 4/4/111s:oo 9/21ltl5:oo !ol7ltl1:oo 9176/17 5:oo r!22111s:@ toQ ltl lt:oo 4/1/1119:oo 4/3/t7 78:oo 9/2a/77 3:oo 10/7/174:oo lih9/77 2:@ 3/261t713:N 9/26/17 2:@ ro/2e/17 a:fr 9/23/71 7a:oo 3l2olt1 11:@ 10/29/77 71,:@ 4l3ol11 16:@ a/5/7171:oo 4/ao/17 ts:oo 1/15/t1t:oo 4/24/ti L:oo to/27/t71:o0 4122/11 r4:oo t1l2a/11 tztoo X/14/77 2:oo a/76177 t:oo 417/771:oo tol2ol715:@ 4/75/ri 12:oo 9/21117 2:oo t7l2!77 t:@ 9/241t7 7o:oo 9/30/77 s:oo 3/22/77 2:oo 3/2?/17 r:oo 9/24/7t 5:oo 3177/774:oo 4/1a1771,:@ 9/2a177 2:N 9/2a/t7 4:N $/a/i 2:oo 4/7/77 7t:o0 al22/7175:W 414/1t 78:N Lt/3h12:O0 4l3o/11 17:oo 9/24/7178:@ 9/29/1,7 4:oo lt/22/t13:N 1261 1402 1439 14la 1201 r20l t20t 1201 1201 1459 12@ 1200 1461 1343 1417 1198 1198 1339 1414 1197 ll97 1196 1196 1464 1303 1414 1195 1195 13t8 1194 119/t 1127 1394 t14t 1376 t41l 1377 1193 1193 1193 1461 1353 1192 1792 1192 1192 1455 l19l 1191 1420 1190 1$9 1189 1189 t18E 11a8 1188 1188 llEa 143l 845 1406l7 1370 1382 1185 1186 Nd syrt.h to.d (MW) 1202 1202 1201 1201 1201 1201 l20l 1201 1201 1201 12@ 1200 1199 1199 1198 1198 1198 1198 1198 119' 1197 !196 1lt6 1195 1196 1195 1195 1195 1195 11t4 1194 1194 1194 lt94 1194 1193 tl93 ll93 1193 1193 1193 1193 1192 1192 1192 tt9z 1192 1191 1191 tl91 1190 1190 1189 1189 1189 1188 1188 l18a 1188 lua 1188 u8a 1187 1187 1186 tt86 1186 1185 Per Unlt 0lrtributed 50l.r 0.225t78 0.7137t2 0.4611432 0-5E6!69 0 0 0 0 0 0.947355 0 0 0,989576 0.609106 0.678 203 0 0 0,533479 0.9906@ 0 0 0 0 0.578839 0.2172a2 0.585054 0 0 0 0.411432 0 0 o.477!g 0-565476 0.4771A2 0.844965 0.62766 0,973946 0 0 0 0 E97665 0.30835 0 0 0 0 0.820173 0 0 0.391768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.623963 o.n1$7 0.559555 0 0.750986 0.433691 0 0 903.07 2973.38 1856.81 2351.19 0.00 o.00 0.@ 0.00 o.00 3787.55 0.00 0.00 3956.35 2435.22 77\t.47 0.m 0.@ 2132.86 3961.51 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0,00 2tt4.21, 858.70 2339.06 0.00 0.00 0,00 3244,72 0.@ 0.00 3507.72 2762.34 1908.58 3554.10 2509.40 3493.86 0_00 0.{s 0.@ 3588.83 1232.79 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.@ a279.O7 0.00 0.00 1566.30 0.00 0.00 0.(x) 0.00 0.00 0,@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 2494.62 3083.02 22a7.tl 0.00 3lr42.rt 1 1733.91 0.m 0.00 11,26 590.37 856.42 77@.57 0.29 0.26 0.@ 0.00 0.00 2746!7 0,26 0.@ 2735.71 1381.83 2253.62 0.00 0.50 817-90 2596.28 0.08 t.4l 0.@ 0.26 1122.50 284.89 1012,83 0.75 1.62 0.00 L452.74 0.00 0.5r 2001.03 !307_3t 819.42 1673.i16 1523.62 t927.25 0,98 0.26 0.26 2527.97 l274.al r.02 1.06 i|.70 0.43 r996.58 0.13 0.13 5@.80 0.26 0.00 o.7s 0.13 0.64 0.38 0.00 0-75 0.13 1262.!7 2020-n 10!5,57 0.34 1329.79 428-35 0.13 0.26 I'lon-txport.d Sol.r {lW) 891.80 2383.01 1000.3t 550_62 4-29 4.26 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 1041.07 {.26 0.00 7227,24 1053.3E 457.85 0.@ -0.50 t3t4.t5 1365.23 ,0.08 -1.41 0.@ -0.26 1191.71 583.Et 1326.23 -0'75 -1,62 0.m 1891.:l3 0.(x, -0.51 1506.69 955.O8 1089.16 1aao.64 885.74 1955.61 -0.98 -0.26 -0.26 10m.92 42.O2 ,1.02 -1.06 -4.70 -0.43 1282-49 -0.13 ,0.13 1065.50 -o.26 0-@ -0.75 ,0.13 -0,6,4 {.34 0.00 4.15 {.r3 1232.25 1062.25 1200.54 -o.38 !712.@ 1305.56 -0.13 .0.26 Attachment l -Page420 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled PV N.mep ate lkwd.) Estrmated Pv Nameplate {kwac) 4794 1.2 3998 4/7s/11 tl:oo \r/24/77 14:oo 4/3/u 3:oo tol20/tt z:oo 3ltTlri 2:oo 4l2alt7 3:oo 4/21/77 73:oo 3h4/114:OO 9/77 lti 3:oo to/a/t1 s:oo ro/26/112:oo rt/2/r12:oo 419/71 13:oo 1o/7s/77 17:00 7ol2el77 74:@ lO/7/77 77:OO 4/6/ri r:oo 9/26ltt 4:oo 414177 16:00 31221t14:@ 4/231t1 2:oo 4123/ri 5:oo 9/241t14:oo 9/25/t15:oo aqtlL7,6:00 a/25/11 t9:OO 1r/3/17 s:00 71124/t-t ta:@ 70129177 72:@ 4/5/17 5:oo 9124/17 3:OO to/t91713:@ $lrglri 4:@ 1ol7al11 t:@ 4ls/77 t6:oo 4125177 l9:OO 4/2a1714:oo tt/21/114:@ 11111113:oo 1/20/77 5:oo al23/71s:oo 9/26/713:oo 3/72/713:oO 9/21/r14:oo lo/a/77 4:oo 4123/77 tL:oo 1/74/L7 3:oo 4/29/771o:@ 4/27/L-t r7:oo 1/20/71 t:OO 4/2a/!7 2:oo 70/26/713:@ 7t/73/71 6:00 3l2S/77 l4:OO !/71./71 ts:oo 7o/7/17 r4:oo to/15/171,5:oo tt/2/713:oo 4/72117 l4:OO 4/5/77 \S'.OO 1/15/714too 70/29/1,7 5:@ 4/3/712:0o 4/77/77 5:oo 1/76/17 5:oo 70/76/71 4:oo 4/21/17 r9:oo 4/23/714:oo N.t sylt.h Lo.d (Mw) 1185 1185 1$5 1185 1144 1184 1$3 1183 1183 1183 1183 l$:l 1182 1142 l1a2 lu211 l18t 1180 11tO 1180 1180 l1E0 1180 1180 1179 171\t l1'9 1179 l17a 1178 t17a l17a 1178 1178 11,74 177? 1777 l1'5 1175 1175 1176 1175 ll75 tt'5 1175 t7f4 llf4 1173 1173 1113 1173 1173 1173 1173 1173 t772 Llf2 11,72 1171 l77l 1171 1170 1170 1169 1169 1169 1168 P.r unit 0istribut.d solEr 0.552959 0.719412 {kw) 2270.74 2476,22 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0-@ 3274.O1 0.(D 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 3t10.30 7744.26 n72.47 !Ir05.54 0.@ o.@ 3640.70 0.00 o.m 0.@ o.@ 0.m 3510.96 1lt4.8! 0.@ 2724.93 257!.10 0.m 0.@ 0,m 0.@ o.@ 3406.03 1299.14 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0,00 0,00 0.@ 0.@ 2250.49 0.@ 2048.96 3062.25 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 3891.42 3505.96 3540.11 3t22.95 0.00 3344.74 3731.06 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 1323,60 0.00 503.57 1343,05 1.1E 0.26 0.64 0.51 2400,16 0.26 0,00 1.41 0.1! 2.21 2243.51 920.25 t972-65 t772.a7 l.2E 0.00 2470.35 0.00 0.64 0.1! 0.@ 0.56 2!O1.3S 301,49 34.22 1476.43 1382.52 o.77 0.51 0.13 0.13 1.30 2122.39 74.65 0.13 o.26 0.51 0.51 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.@ 994.17 o.77 930./rc 2013,54 0.51 0.@ 0.oo 0.98 2211.99 2202.83 2174,42 2069.16 3.53 2510,65 ?520.46 0.85 0.3E 1.05 10.15 1.06 0.00 564,50 051 Non-Expon.d sol.r {kw) 1707.o7 1493.17 -1.18 .0.26 -0.64 -0.51 877.91 .0.26 o.@ -1.41 -0.13 1556.79 86a.02 7099.77 t293.tl -1.28 0.00 1170.35 0,00 .0.54 {.13 0.00 {.55 1309-58 803.34 -34.22 124It.49 1190.58 4.f7 -0.51 .0.13 {-13 -1-30 1083.64 1220_49 {.13 -0.26 .o-5t -0.51 {.75 o_00 0.00 {.25 0.00 1255.32 4.77 11la.56 1044.71 .0.51 o.o0 0.00 .0.98 1673-44 1303.13 1365.69 .3.53 834,09 1210_50 .0.85 -0,38 .1.05 .10.15 -1.05 0.00 759.09 -0,91 1401 1334 1185 1185 1184 1184 t446 1183 118! 1183 1183 1183 t123 1'r16 1394 1452 1181 1181 t12L 1180 1180 1180 tt80 1180 1425 1325 1179 13t2 1415 r178 Ltla 1178 1178 7t-18 1410 1343 7t77 7t7' tt16 1176 1176 7176 7175 1175 117S 1408 1174 1445 7t71 1173 tllx 1173 1404 1371 1409 742' 1t72 7421 1411 1171 1171 7t70 1170 1169 1169 1401 116S 0.953046 o.447247 0.768486 0.751758 0 0 0,910626 0 o 0 o 0 0.903!86 0.275345 0 0.581569 0.6435!'4 0 0 0 0 0 0.851928 0.324946 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0.562902 0 0.512493 0.765943 0 0 0 0 0.973337 0.876923 0.885{65 0.831149 0 0.836598 0.933226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.331063 0 0 0 0 0 0.819924 0 0 0 0 o Attachment 1 - Page 421 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnst.lled PV Nam€plate [kwd.l Estimated Pv Na m.plate (kwacJ 4798 t.2 3998 4/24/t7 a:oo L0/23117 4:@ 70/291t12100 3/2r/t7 r:N 9/25/t7 7:oo t7/11r7 4:o0 rO/117 7l:@ 4/3lri t:oo rr/alt1 a:00 4/17/17 7:o0 7o/2olt1!:@ tlr7lt1le:N 4h61t172:oo $/alt71:oo ro/loltl 4:@ 7ol23lt7 !:@ 'tt/17/17 s:fi 4l73lr7 71:00 4161112too t7l4t7 4:o0 !231t7 77:o0 !7alt7 6:00 ll2altl2:00 4l7alr7 3:o0 4/2117 r9:N 1tl24lt1 15:@ 1l79lt7 t:oo to/71/\7 2:@ al&lt1 t2:@qlallT 4:OO 7ol79lrt 7!:@ 3/2t/t7 5:OO 3l25lt1 75:oo 1l2olt7 4:o0 an/17 5:@ a/26117 3:o0 4/4h1 \7:@ ra/D Loo 4lt2lt1 7a:oo 416/77 t:oo r7l?7177 t:N tolTlt1 75:00 4/2lu 7\:o0 r0/r4l1716rO 4l2lt17o:o0 1/\S/77 2:N tU24/7t o:@ 3/16/77 2:@ 4/71t7 72:OO 4l23lt1 76:00 3/70/17 2:o0 3/20/17 3:@ 4/6/77 4:04 4lt2/t7 75:oo 4129lt7 11,:o0 412\/t71,8:00 4/29/tt 18:@ 4/7llr 2:OO 4/9/t7 74:oo rol3o/r7 s:@ 413/t171:oo 10/14/t7 11:OO $/2a/17 ts:oo 4/t5/i B:oo 9/25/r7 2:oo 4/16/t7 t3:OO 9/23/17 $:oo x/15/r7 lOO 1158 1168 1168 1157 1157 1157 1419 !!66 1165 1165 1155 1342 lal2 1164 1164 1154 1164 !365 1163 1163 1410 1162 1152 1152 1317 1318 1161 1161 1375 1160 1377 1159 1359 1158 1158 l15a 1390 1157 1391 It56 1156 14(l0 1358 1428 1336 1155 1155 115:l 1397 1349 1153 1153 1153 1ito8 1432 1424 1353 1151 ,122 1149 1369 1421 1370 t4t2 ll47 1373 1388 1146 NltSy3t m to.d (MW) 1164 1168 llSa tt67 1157 t767 1165 1165 1165 1165 l165 ll55 tt65 1164 1164 l164 ll5a t164 1163 l163 1163 1162 1162 It62 1162 1t6t 1161 1161 l160 1l@ !159 1159 1159 tl58 1158 ll5a l15E 1r57 1157 It55 1156 1156 lt55 1155 115s 1155 1155 1154 1154 1153 1153 ll53 1153 1153 1153 1152 1152 1151 1151 1149 1149 1149 1149 1148 7147 1146 1146 1146 P€r Unir oisnabur.d 50hr 0 0 0 o 0 o 0.E51456 0 0 0 0 0.471591 0.839906 0 0 0 0 0.327962 0 0 0.754€[2 0 o 0 0.!07385 0.689047 0 0 0.401556 o 0.73E559 o 0.959435 0 0 0 0.761024 0 0.444&2r o 0 0.849989 0.654526 o.726742 0.399866 0 0 0 o.791623 0.229218 0 0 0 0.802201 o,727524 0.5759E9 0.388232 0 0.942977 0 0.801933 0.560814 0_730654 0.917152 0 0.7E5517 0.438209 0 0.@ 0.q, 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 3404.15 0.@ 0.@ 0.oo 0.@ lEE5.43 3357.96 0.@ 0.m 0.00 o.oo l3tt.20 0.m 0.00 3016.92 0.00 0.00 0.@ 1218.93 2754.42 0.@ 0.ot) 1605.43 0.@ 2952.17 0.@ 38!5.84 0.@ 0.0t) 0.00 3054.50 0.@ 1935.06 0.@ 0.00 3398.27 2616.tt1 2905.53 1598.67 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 3154.93 916.42 0.00 0.00 0,00 3207.22 29U).O7 2302.42 1552.16 0,00 3929.96 0.00 3206.15 2242,75 2927.77 3666.79 0.00 3140.51 1751.97 0,00 0.13 1.30 0.f!4 0.64 0.00 0.00 2105.55 1.18 0,m 1.02 0,00 742.40 1908.36 0.@ o.74 1.05 0.39 1059.07 1_02 0.@ 1836.41 0.4 0.75 0.13 435.07 982.96 11.58 0.79 1363-27 0.26 1758.91 0_64 2t:,4.12 0.64 0.90 0.26 1926.97 0.77 1091.45 1.60 0.13 2135.65 1214.10 1702.32 498.34 0.98 1.92 0.93 1964.44 1605,44 0.54 0.54 0_90 u40.14 1705.53 1!25.46 809.58 0.90 2316.75 3.33 1581.53 1103.55 1S47.68 2477.97 013 1983.15 634.67 1.11 on-Export d Sol., (tw) -0-13 -1_30 .o.54 -0.64 0.00 0.@ u94.50 .1.!E 0.00 _1.02 0.@ 1143.03 !149.51 0.oo .o.zt -1.05 {.19 252.13 -1.02 0.@ lt80.5t {.54 4.75 -0.13 793.86 l11.a6 -11.58 -{r.79 212.16 4.26 1193.E6 {.64 t697.71 {.61l {.90 4.26 1t27.63 4.71 843.61 -1.60 -0.13 1261.63 t42.7t 1203,21 1100.34 .o.96 -1.92 {.93 t2@.49 -589.02 {.64 -0.54 {.90 755.43 1204,44 976.16 712.8 -0.90 1613,22 -3.33 1624.51 1138,60 1073.49 1248,83 -0.13 !157.35 1117.30 -1,11 Attachment 1-Page 422 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstall.d Pv l{ameplate (lwdc) €rlrmat.d PV Namepl.te {kwac, 4794 t2 3998 4lt3/t7 t:oo 4/26/112:oo 5l7ll7 4:OO 7o/1s117 76:00 9l25lt7 4too \0129/11 14:00 3/t6h7 4,OO 4l2lt7 6.@ t7l21lt7 2:@ fin /17 76:00 4/7117 X:oo 4/73/77 7s:oo a/$/i6:00 1/25/77 76:00 4/t2/77 16:00 !/21/114:OO to/29/u 3:@ 77124/17 6:@ 9124177 ,t:oo 3/16117 3:@ rolaol1t 2:@ to/lol!7 4:@ 412177 L:oo 912t17714:@ 4/2177 L3:00 4172/71 77:oo lo/7/7,17:@ a/23/71 TA0O to/30/t7 3:oo 4/7 /r7 4:o0 71124/1 1 76:@ 9/2s/t1t:oo 3/t2h7 t6:OO 4/2117 72:oo 9121/17 75:00 1/261717:oo t7/23/715:@ 9/241t7 tl:OO 3125177 77:oo 4/r1/17 2:o0 412317713:N 4/13/17 5:@ 4/2/1714:N lol2a/77 t7:@ 1/ra/9 2:@ 4/7t/714:OO s/t/t1 3:oo 4/2a/71t2:@ YtalTl s:oo 1/71117 3:@ 7U23177 3:@ 7t/77177 2:o0 70/29111 t5:8 3/t9/712too 4lt7lt1r:oo u/27/77 a:oo 4129/77 72:oo 7o128/r7 L6:N 4/26/114:oo 3/21/t7 4:oo 3h2/17 77tOO 4/t5lt7 79:oo 3/19/17 5:oo 3/2\/77 2:OO 4/ta/712:o0 4123117 14:00 4lr/t7 L:00 4l25li $:@ 1145 1146 1146 1385 1145 1350 1143 1143 1143 t&7 tt42 rl44 1141 lx27 1402 1140 1140 1140 1399 1139 1139 1!39 1138 1398 1354 1392 1404 1388 1135 1135 1288 1133 1337 1352 L3A7 1131 1130 1357 ll27 L!26 7177 1125 1336 1364 !123 1123 1123 1386 7122 !t22 7122 tt22 1336 1119 1119 1119 1399 1357 1118 1116 t375 1338 1tl5 1115 1115 1344 1359 L!42 NetSyitem Load {MW) Per Unitoist hutld sol.r 0 0 0 o.770791 0 0.71024 0 o 0 o,750877 0 0.945243 0 0.880368 0.851718 0 0 0 0_521968 0 0 0 0 0.914443 0.973/139 0,708453 0.590035 0.54557 0 0 0.581071 0 0.793922 0.8rt8086 0.884845 0 0 0.549354 0.2t0573 0 0.934006 0 1 0.45806 0 0 0 o.74317 0 0 0 0 0.7!5739 0 o 0 0.877909 0.621822 0 0 0.565724 0.299709 0 0 0 0.961454 0.895258 0.57883r 0,00 0.00 0.00 2447.74 0,00 3079.60 0.m o_@ 0.@ 3002.02 0.00 3779.70 0.00 3519.73 3405.r9 0.00 0.00 0.00 2446.64 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 1657_72 3t91.83 2832.41 2358.98 2181.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,74.12 3390.67 :!553.78 0.00 0.00 2596.19 2960.83 0.00 3734.18 0.00 3998.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 2912.47 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 2941.50 0.00 0.00 0_m 3509.90 2486.06 0_00 0.m 2561.58 119a.24 0.m 0.o0 3443.91 3583.30 231418 0.90 0,59 0.24 1596.61 o.@ 1a99.74 1.06 0.64 0.oo 1760.23 1.02 t7aa.l7 0.17 1152.64 2337.42 0.75 0.38 0.13 tt72.24 t.06 1.92 3.79 0.51 1202.99 2240.53 18t1.23 1722.92 1095.68 3.07 1.53 449.73 0.00 2025.54 r846.33 2130.70 0.51 0.64 1091.64 1440.45 1.02 1995.56 1.55 2499.98 840.33 0.90 1.15 0.00 t742.O7 0.90 0.75 0.51 0.00 1796.74 10,@ t.o2 1.30 2312.65 14,47.33 0.26 0,51 7517.79 459.25 0.51 0.64 0.90 2130.25 2413.57 295.49 Non-Exported sohr(kwl 1746 1146 1146 1145 1145 1144 1143 t143 1143 1142 1142 1141 1141 1141 1140 1140 1140 1140 1140 1139 1139 1139 tt3a t737 1137 1137 1137 1136 1136 1135 1135 1132 Lt32 1132 1131 1130 1128 L72A 1126 1125 1125 1125 1724 t721 1123 1122 L722 t722 t722 1727 1120 1119 1119 1119 1119 1118 1118 1116 1116 1116 1115 1115 1115 1114 1113 t1L2 -0.90 0.59 0.24 1285.13 0.00 1179.86 1.06 0.00 724t.79 -1.02 1990.9! o.J7 7167.09 7047.16 o.75 .0.38 '0.13 lt14.40 -1.06 7.92 -3.79 o.51 t454 73 1651.20 951.18 1236.06 10a5.52 3.07 -1.53 1833.41 0.00 1148.58 1544.33 1423.08 {.51 0.64 1504.51 1520.37 -1.02 1734.49 1.66 1498.04 991 00 -0.90 1.15 1230.34 0.90 -0.75 ,0.51 0.00 7744.72 10.60 -7.O2 1.30 tt91 25 1038.73 0.26 0.51 1113.79 738.98 -0.51 -0.64 -0.90 1113.61 7169.71 2018.69 Attachment 1 - Page 423 Schedule 6 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled Pv Nameplate (kwdc) tstimated PV Nameplat. (kwac) 4794 1.2 3998 Pcr Unit DEtribu!.d solar 0 0.949712 o,797224 0 0.637614 0.603772 0 0 0.86222 0 0.545E21 0.608661 o.652464 0.rlt9819 0.573021 0.796575 0 0.46978! 0 0.E52694 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.a94715 0.52E892 o.929022 I o o o 0.804!38 o.2.22497 0.4633!7 0.90255 0 0.957654 0 0.939725 0.784416 0,923402 0.95415E 0 0 0.928788 0.9!,!t057 0.E26049 0.923528 0.524585 0.701567 0.E9E902 0.446722 o.a1fiu o.977726 3121/t1|:N 4/75/L1r4:@ 9/24/t7 tZtOO 7t127 /t7 4:N 10/79177 t6t0o 419/71771oo s/rlri 7:oo 7t/23ltl4tW 4/t6l\1 14:oo 4173/t13:oo al29lt1 L7:OO 4/761\1 17:oo 9/2a/t177:oo 4/9/17 t5:@ 4/2/lr la:oo 9/2a/tt t6:@ 4/t1/77 4:OO tol29/t7 t7:oo 3/t9/77 4:oo alglt1 t6:oo 4/2/712:oo a/t9/r13:00 4l2lt15:oo 1U24/11Lt@ 3/r8/U 3:00 3/ra/r14:0o 9l24lt7 t3:@ 4/15/17 18:00 9124117 74:N 412117 75:oo 7t/21/17 2:@ 10/30/171:m 7rl24lt7 5:@ t/241r176:@ ah9/7111:OO 4l7lt1 1a:o0 9174/11 15:00 al2lt1 t:Oo 4l29lr1 tt:oo 412/1,4:oo 417/11tqoo 4/2/77 tl:oo 4/7s171 1,s:@ 4/16177 tstoo 77/24/71 3:oo 77124/77 4:OO 412117 t6:oo 4/29177 t4:oo 4/t5/77 t6,OO 4h/t7 r5:oo 4h/77 rl,OO 4lt5l17 t1:oo 4/29/17 t6:oo 4/U7716.00 4/16/71 16.00 4/29/77 r5:OO 11!2 1373 1387 1111 1!45 1330 1109 1109 1340 1107 1333 1297 t377 1345 1302 1375 1102 1339 1101 1326 1100 1099 rc94 rcg4 10!7 1096 1368 1354 135a t!01 1090 rc84 1084 1335 ll4t 1215 1343 1081 1365 1079 l3t6 1274 1308 1065 1064 7257 1335 1317 7270 1252 1305 1308 1258 1283 1313 0,64 2559.5E r791.83 0,25 1415.76 1244.91 o.26 1.15 20s9,00 4.53 1431,35 1235.36 1253.43 2245.14 1721.71 la13,24 4.68 7t1.55 o.61 7975,17 0.64 t0.47 0.64 1.54 0.90 0.90 2227.26 1178.54 2353.55 2545.57 1.24 2.43 0.64 1825.36 82.56 a22.90 2727.6 0,64 2575.31 0.64 2522.98 7797.!t 2521.0s 2151,31 !.2E 1.15 2338.69 2793.45 2334.22 2493.07 1501.78 1876.54 2295.33 2215.29 2117.09 2753.08 I'ld-Erporrcd sohr {kw) -0.54 l2x7.a9 1371.50 -0.25 ltx4.24 1168-93 -0,25 .1.15 13it8_17 -4_51 1154.55 1198.06 1355.13 1511,26 1756.2' r371.44 4,6E 1046.65 {_64 7434.47 -0.64 -10.47 {.54 -1.54 -0.90 {,90 1349.E3 935.94 1360.70 1452.45 -1.28 '2.43 -o.51l 1390.40 808.t9 t029.?7 r}3o.a0 _0-64 l192rl1 {.64 1234.06 8:!a,80 1772.13 1653.43 -1,28 -1.15 1374.63 12m.79 958.35 1199.61 995.33 924_34 1294.50 1164.92 1381,51 1155.89 Attachment 'l - Page 424 Net syitem Load (Mw) 1tt2 1111 1tt1 1111 1111 1110 1109 tlo9 1108 1107 1105 1105 1104 1103 1!0! 1102 1102 1101 1101 1100 1100 1099 1098 m!,4 1097 to96 1094 l0t3 to92 !091 1ott0 !@6 t@E 1086 1085 1084 loal t08t 1079 1079 1078 1076 7072 1067 1055 1064 1055 1055 1053 1018 1044 1042 1041 1039 r036 lo33 0.@ 3796.97 3163.33 0.m 7t19 2413_69 0.@ 0.00 3447_77 0,(rc 2566-00 2433.44 2604.57 3197.40 2290,95 3$4.72 0.00 1874.20 0.00 3409.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0i) 0.00 3577.09 2114.52 37\4.25 3998.02 0.00 o.@ 0.@ 3215.75 891.15 1452_67 3608.45 0.@ 3E6E.72 0.@ 3757.04 3136.11 3693,34 3414.74 0.@ 0.@ 3713.31 399a,25 3302.56 3692.64 2497,77 2804.88 3593,83 33E5.21 349E.60 3908,97 Schoduls 6 Capacity Value of Solar Exportg 91938 Tot.l tv trporB Conlributio^ Total P! N on-E xlonr co.tribur ion 22.9% 112 50 127 0S 333 3195 0.. 1165 6lt ?9 1/s/1,12L:04 3151 960 11t62 922 10 50 54055 1719.90 91!( 3125 l5% 1t24 214145 r5l.0t 51137 55937 537 t5 t1r0 3109 213615 3S045 1735l1 013 111322 026 .025 1r5 -o l3 026 565 39 7or9 27 1096 0.5r 139 16 138 9l llll41 2026.59 ll5 51 1015 7% 1015 2242 t3 1799 56 311345 105903 513 05 i156 29 7/t7117 27@ 2939 212953 ?930 310345 1096 90 7/A/t121:@ 2963 22515 t5152 2966 60.35 55S63 2959 29t6 r?60?1273 32 l9 33 2l% 93 75 972 1204 25 Attachment l -Page425 I I I I Schedule 6 Capacity Value ol Solar Exports l@06 91933 24.5XTod rv frporl3 conhbutbn Jot l Pv tlm-lx9oas cmrihrio 22.9X C.p..ny v.lu. of SoLr 3o.rx lMwt '7/9t!7 $t00 212350 1323 02 2919 ,159 06 ?918 505 32 2933 219107 2135 36 2934 1.01 r02 2932 320 15 77 2930 755 034 9t 93 2924 2165',t7 435 25 151012 59'i 137529 1339.53 6126/1179:00 842.13 a/71t7 72!n 2925 .o.16 2972 3/8.12 1753 91 1/5/r7 21:00 051 -0.51 22! A1 1350.55 152 77 1197 73 29rl 29tl 1012 56 197652 0la 2910 53 75 22\915 169307 PV Capacity Contribution by Type {Export vs Non-Export) r96PVErpon3 r*PVNon-txport i m., :**Bi* 5 {or $ rox E * r . , r0 B16 r29s5a61 6467 70 7r r5793U !5 Top 1m load Hou6 2017 Top 10O toad Hours Capacity Value of Solarr q{ tV C.D.cltv V.lue !m, El,ill lllilil ill Top lm toad Hours Attachment 1-Page426 I I fl^rl.r Schedule 8 Capacity Value of Solar Exports Attachment 1-Page427 Schedule I Gapacity Value of Solar Exports Attachment l -Page428 The following section includes the supporting data and calculation of the capacity value of solar exports for Small General Service customers taking service under Schedule B. As described in the section titled, "Capacity Value of Solal', the capacity value of solar exports is derived from an NREL-based methodology that was used to determine the capacity value of solar for the Company's 2019 lRP. The NREL-based methodology was taken a step further in this case to determine the capacity value of exported solar specifically. The methodology utilizes actual system load data and data from the Company's existing on-site generation customers to determine the amount of customer exports likely to occur at the time of ldaho Power's system peak loading periods (as determined by the 100 peak hours in 2017). The analysis resulted in a capacity value of solar exports for Schedule 8 (also referred to as the Peak Conhibution Factor) o'f 15.1o/o, as shown on page 560. That is, 15.1% of customer generation is exported to the Company during ldaho Power's system peak loading periods. The resulting value of 15.1% is an input in the calculation of the capacity value component of the Export Credit Rate, as shown on page 205. Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports r.nalled Pv Nameprare (rwl DcAc A.tio Enimated F^/ Nameplate (kwac) 777.9 t.2 148 3266 3260 3370 1174 x375 3238 3275 3194 3t118 3185 3242 3392 33s9 13?5 3422 x2zL 3315 1282 3293 3406 3a7r 3113 3404 !342 3087 3083 3303 3079 3375 3137 3071 3320 3t2E 1327 3330 3055 3291 3285 3331 3335 3095 3024 3230 3287 3035 !305 3313 32fl 3294 3159 3:lo3 3@1 3089 3175 2991 3012 *74 3026 3265 3247 3255 3267 7977 3244 3115 3139 3U5 3277 3216 3195 3172 3165 3158 3!51 3144 3140 3139 3135 3729 3129 3125 3124 3121 3117 3114 3111 3110 3109 3109 3104 3102 3085 3043 3079 3078 3077 !075 3071 3065 3052 3058 3056 3055 3048 3045 3043 3O:11 3035 1024 3019 3017 3015 3015 3012 3012 3008 3006 3004 3001 2992 2990 2989 298s 2983 2981 2980 2980 2974 79r? 2971 2968 2966 2966 2966 P€r Unit Dilt.ibuted 5ol.r 0.030Ea59 o.0177773 0.15728 0 0.158401 0.0358462 0.033185 o.028,2 0.360036 0.0264415 0.157054 0.535527 0.16135r 0.352623 0.685851 0-0292317 0.367047 0.153543 0.r6@25 0.54522! 0.534303 0 0.11994 0.:150874 0 0 0.16145 0 0.681457 0.02711a4 0 0.557316 0.141418 0.571006 0_35844S 0 0.703114 0.346999 0.358129 0.833754 0.0291662 0 0.160552 0.52133 0.0175952 0.550872 0.7851 0.804674 0.710897 0.1345E1 0.539329 0 0.0285559 0.592979 0 0_0196875 0.579896 0_0324286 0.817383 0.654746 0.n615 0.755474 0 0.372586 0.13945 0.r5B5E 0.$4423 {kw) 4.58 4.7t 23.32 o.m 23.4a 5.31 1.92 4.21 53.34 3.93 23.2E 79.39 23.92 s2.28 101.68 4.33 :!4 41 12.16 23.12 E0.83 n.27 0.00 115_63 52.02 0.m 0.m 21.93 0.00 10r.03 1.O2 0.m 82.62 20.97 99.18 54.62 0.m 704.24 51.i14 s3.09 123.61 4.32 0.m 23.80 77.29 2.51 83.15 115.39 119.29 105.39 19.95 79.96 0.00 4.21 102.73 0.@ 2.92 1m.79 4,81 121.18 97.07 115.09 112.(D 0.m 55.21t 20.57 B.4a 22.95 Non-Exportsolar (kw) 3.40 3.83 !t.32 0.m 1745 4.13 3.50 3.43 29.72 3.05 t7.L 42.86 15.04 21.45 5r.53 3.37 ,2.11 15-00 14.61 45.70 37.68 0.00 50.02 25.82 0.00 0.00 15.17 0.@ 45_ZA 3.15 0.m 5r.59 5.72 36.84 26.49 0.00 61.91 27-70 28.05 47.O1 3.57 0.m 15.56 39.81 2.28 40.92 45.39 72.66 44.89 15-38 45.E0 0.@ 69.28 0.m 2.67 54.85 3.92 50.46 40.22 49.03 21.31 0.m 21.96 15.09 18.33 17.7' 117 /a7 77:OO 1/A1L7 21:OO 7lahl zotoo ,/11r7 27:oO 7/7/r120:OO 7/6/17 2!tO0 1/5/\7 77t0o 7/14/17 27:N 1/71r7 79:OO 1111/77 2l@ 1/r3/t7 ?O:OO 7l6la7 $:OO 715/1t 7OIOO 7/ali 19:OO 7/-t/t717:OO 7/LO/tl2r:OO 7ltllDa9:o0 1l74lt7 2O:OO 1l6lt7 zO:W 7Dla7 $:oO 7/A/77 1A:OO 7/A/7122:OO 7 /7/77 16:00 1/617119:OO 7/73/1122:OO 1/5/17 22:oo 7/70/17 20:00 7 /6/17 22:OO 1/6/1717:N 1/7Llt7 Zl:N 7/74/17 22:oo 1173/1714:OO 6125/17 LA:OO Tlglal i.oo 7/70177 r9:OO 7/70/17 22tOO 7/\3/1717:oo 7/74/1179tOO 7l'liag:OO 111/1115:N 6l?0/17 27:N 1D/a7 B:oO 1/72/77 ?OIOO 7/74/1.1LA,OO A/2/17 27:oo 7l7O/7718:OO 7 /6/t7 16:00 7/73/t7 76tOO 7/70/1717:N a/2/r17O:0o 7bl!7 aa:00 7/72/17 27:OO 7 /3/77 27:00 6/26/7117:OO 6/20/71 22:OO 7111/17 77,00 7lslia7:OO 1/9/7127100 7/70/t716tW 7/74/7711:0o 11917-715:@ 7/A/!1!6.00 7/a/D 23:oo 7 /t2171 t9,OO 7/17117 2O:OO 719/17 2o:oo 6/20/71 2O,OO 1.1a 0.88 9m 0.@ 6.03 1.18 !.47 0.78 23.6 0.88 515 36.s1 8.88 74.42 50.05 0.96 2t.70 1.16 911 35.13 47,54 000 55.61 26.20 0.00 0.@ 8.17 0.@ 55.75 084 0.m 30.94 t5.24 62.61 28.13 0.@ 35.27 21.15 25 05 81.57 o-15 0.m 8.24 37.41 0.33 42 23 71.m 46.63 60.s0 4.57 34 16 0.@ 0.92 33,45 0.m 0.2s 45.94 0.89 70.71 56.85 65.06 al.w 0.00 27.?8 s.s9 5.15 5.19 Attachment l -Page429 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstarl€d Pv Nameplare (kw) DC:AC Ratio Estimated Pv Nameplate (lw.cl 777.9 7.2 148 Dare a Tlm6 1/24/17 a9:@ 1ltalt-t 2L:00 ,19/t179:@ 717117 74:oO 7/24/7t 20100 7/!9/!121OO A/U1179:OO 119/117A:OO 1 /71177 75:OO alY712O:OO 7/9/t176:00 6l20/17fi:N 7/1/r122.N 719117 71:00 A/r/77 21100 7175/77 71:OO 7/9/7122:oo 5/79171 21:OO 5125/rt 16:00 7/6/77 7s:oO 6126/71 79:00 A/2/77 22:OO 7/73/7713:OO alz/!1 $:@ 7lsl77 2!:oO 6/20171 79:OO 7 /6/17 23tOO 1/1t/77 79:00 6120177 77:oo 1l7al71t6:OO 7/14/17 ?3:OO 7l7A/77 20OO 7/72177 $:oo 1/3117 ?O:@ 7/7L117 27:@ 718/7-t 75:6 6l?7ltt 2ltOO 8/79/77 2ot90 119171 7st00 a/zl17 t7t0o 7l7ol77 ts:OO 717917120:00 7/7A/77 22:OO 7175177 2o:OO 7170177 23:6 7/29/17 79:oo 612617715:@ 7/3711178:OO 7/17/77 22:oo 7hsl|t 22:00 tl72l7t t7,oo 714177 2o:@ 6/79177 22:00 7/79/77 22OO 7/25/77 z0{n 7lr7lr7 27:00 7l24lt7 2t:0o 7l29ltl?0:00 7/LA/1719:N 7/4/17a9:00 7/2/t121,N 7lz6ht t7:@ al1/a7 2o:OO 8/29/11 19:OO '714/77 $:OO 1/75/1171:@ 713U77 71:00 3035 3{n9 3207 3252 2961 3m5 3198 3206 3212 1065 3208 x224 2934 3207 2948 2977 2932 2999 3139 3229 3039 2926 2925 3200 z92t 32('4 2977 3154 3212 3187 2911 3109 3193 3145 ,956 3184 2948 2926 llEZ 3175 3r76 3094 2879 3010 7877 :)014 3131 3147 2873 2E75 3r65 311a 2A69 2858 2970 2915 2874 2969 3135 3145 295E 2953 2991 2963 3145 2884 3737 2965 2959 2955 2953 2951 2949 2948 2915 2939 2938 2938 2936 z9!1 7912 2932 2930 2930 2929 2924 2926 7976 2926 2925 2922 2920 2920 2917 2914 2913 2972 2911 2910 2906 2899 2E91 2891 2889 2889 2889 2888 2Aa7 2846 2879 2479 2877 2875 2476 2874 2873 2A71 28rt 2472 2869 2858 2467 2li67 2E55 2855 2863 2863 ?a62 286r 2858 2858 265E 28s5 2853 Per Unit Distriblted solrr 0.19289 0.0241294 0.151257 0.842686 0.0208444 0.0214502 0.338859 0.531117 0.859954 0.r34332 0_769934 0.546735 0 0.67157 0.0196283 0.0295157 0 0-02299!5 0_591635 0.844489 0.218334 0 0 0.534522 0 0.357037 0 0.337804 0-69s605 0_74763a 0 0.157027 0.555066 0.163374 0.02443119 0.80005 0.0353022 0.0278551 0.848357 o.6E/764 0.876965 0.158289 0 0.155158 0 0-305178 0.822859 0.531981 0 0 0.711956 0.158155 0 0 0.12r359 0.0267558 0.m17928 0.117602 0.t66774 0-352146 o.02ll,722 o29ZE2 0.135027 0.o845E99 0.53012 0.02891 0.644719 u.@ 3.58 52.07 124.93 3.09 3.4€ 50.24 18.14 717.49 19.91 114.14 81.05 0.@ 99.55 7.97 4.38 0.m 3.41 87.77 725.20 32.37 0.00 0.@ n-24 0_00 52.93 0.00 50.08 103,12 110.84 0.m 23.28 83.77 24.17 3.62 11E.61 5.23 4.13 r25.77 101.52 1:t0.01 23.47 0.@ 23.00 0.m 43.21 121.99 18.87 0.m 0.m 105.55 23.45 0.m 0.00 17.99 3.97 o.21 17.43 54.37 52.2! 4.21 ,r3.41 20.02 72.54 78.59 4.29 101.51 13.@ 0.80 15.56 79_91 3.12 1.04 18.99 30.35 66.84 5.78 75.35 37.38 0.00 51.21 0.42 0.99 0.@ 0.80 39.3r 7?.$ 5.20 0.m 0.(n 3s.87 0.m 20.86 0.@ 22.44 54_45 75.80 0.00 4.47 40.91 E.1:| 0.58 .75 0.84 1.38 50.29 82.53 5.97 0.m 9.91 0.(D 22.52 62.51 3s.04 0.@ 0.() 61.60 4.EE 0.m 0.00 7.U 0.97 0.59 6.46 28.88 21.6E 1,17 25.69 5.01 t2.57 40.10 0.20 49.49 Non-Erport solar (kw) 15.59 2.14 36.51 45.O2 -0.31 2_43 31.25 4439 50.61 13.14 :18.79 43.68 0_00 4436 2.49 3.38 0.00 2.6t 44.40 47.24 26.77 0.00 0.00 43.34 0.m 32.07 0.00 27.64 48.6' 35.04 0.cp 14,81 42.86 16.10 3.04 2r.85 4.35 2,75 52.95 51.22 47.48 16.50 0.00 13.09 0.00 22.12 59.42 43.82 0.00 0.@ 43.95 74.5' 0.00 0.00 10.17 3.m {.32 _94 25-50 30.33 3.04 77.12 15.01 _0.03 38.49 4.08 52-02 Attachment l -Page430 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports r.n.lled Pv Nameplate (lw) Enimated Pv Nameplate (kw.c) 117.9 t.z 148 Oate & Time 6126/17 2OOO 1/)/r7 79:N 7/29117 27:N ah/77 7a:OO 811/17 22:oo 111/77 7a:OO A/1/77 21:oO 7llll1r 22:OO 7/3/77 77:OO Al7/1719:OO 7 /$lt1 7A:00 ,14/17 21:@ 1 l24lt1 16:00 6/2Oh7 76:@ 1 /14177 7s:oo 7 128171 2o:v0 E/29/77 zt:oo 5lZ7/77 22:oo 7 174171 18:OO 7/t9/71tg:OO 7/5/71 t4:OD 7 /ZO/77 77:00 6/19177 2o:@ 7l2s/71r9:OO A/2/t1 r6:(n aal7719:N',/7/77 73tgJ 7/24/i U,0O 1 172177 21:00 7/9/7t 75'@ 5/27/!120:oo A/4/11 2O:Oo 1/11/7710:00 7l9la7 aloo 7/1217116:00 al,/tlra:oo 7/70l17a4OO 7/23/t121tOO 7/26/i TAW a/29/9la:OO 6l?5/17 27:00 Al4/a7 27:OO 6/20/77 Z3:OO 7lgltt O:OO 7173/1714:oO 6/26/71 27:oo 7 /1117 79tOO 7/2a/0 79:oo 7/2/ti 22tOO 1/\1lrr 2O:@ 7l21ltl 27:00 1/\9/r7 7A:@ 7/7A/77 7t:N 7/1h716:(n 7/U17 27:oo 1/3rlr7 76tOO 7/4177 77:OO 6/20/17 75:@ 7/5/17 74tOO 7 /29/17 7a:o0 7 l24lt7 22:OOll4lti 22:00 1 /30/77 2t:OO 7/2/77 2O:AO A/ 1717:N 1/2a47 27:@ ahlll17:OO 2940 3145 2852 3105 28,,6 3!42 2863 28,2 3721 v62 3125 2989 3037 31!6 3096 2902 2834 2833 30a9 3113 3t2f 28E1 3038 2986 3!11 3054 3121 3021 2818 3107 3031 2941 !027 2812 3095 3031 3104 2475 2474 2953 7*7 2422 2803 2803 3095 2837 2937 2965 2805 lo05 2839 3093 3077 3096 2829 :|078 3069 3091 3080 3014 278a 2825 2818 3024 3057 2792 3032 7852 28s1 zug 28/1 2E!.5 2845 28,,5 28,2 2Ut 2E47 2839 2839 2E39 2838 2431 2836 2834 26:l:l 2832 243? 2831 2831 2427 za75 2823 2AZ2 2821 2820 2818 2A,7 2815 2814 2814 2At2 2E!0 2810 2808 zEo8 2807 zE06 2804 2803 2E03 2803 2801 2EO2 2801 2801 2801 2800 2198 2798 279E 2795 2795 2793 2793 2792 2797 2788 27aA 21aA 2746 2745 774! 2742 27El rer Unlt Obt.ibuted sola. 0.@0704171 0.37055 0-0253{46 0.541906 0 0.571478 0.0167946 0 0.512044 0.265E92 0.560403 0.0327952 0.49062 0.80007 0.810977 0.139342 0 0 0.51289 0.371219 0.858263 0.0227625 0.154585 o.2149n 0.78149 0.34329 0.813097 0.s7!135 0 0.83323' 0.165144 0.1320rU 0.167358 0 0.812E65 0_199043 0.886413 0.0199854 0.r23661 0.33823 0_0257475 0-0148714 0 0 0.872364 0 0.322319 0.340146 0 0.160958 0.01779 0.553308 0.71442 0.824206 0.035713 0.787315 0.660891 0.865659 0.864825 0.467795 0 0 0.02m041 0.154255 0.59341 0.0203348 0-539537 (kw) 0.10 54.93 3.76 60-34 0.00 u.72 2.49 0.m 90,74 39.57 83.08 4.85 72.73 118.6r 120.23 20.66 0.@ 0.m 16.V 55.03 127,24 1.37 22.92 10.7t 1r5.86 50.89 120.54 84.97 0.@ 123.53 24.61 19.58 24.81 0.q) 120_51 29.57 r31.41 2.96 18.33 50.14 3-82 2.20 0.00 0.m 129.33 0.m 47.78 50.47 0.00 23.86 2.4 83.51 105.97 122.19 5.29 115.72 97.98 128.33 7?4.27 69.35 0.@ 0.00 2.91 24.35 102.80 3.01 !,4.81 3.70 28.59 0.33 12.67 0.m 45.95 0.45 0.@ 57,16 21.20 43.f7 0.84 50.35 68.09 11.91 7.91 0.m 0.m 27.74 23.27 82.16 0.96 6.86 26.74 62.52 t1.54 74.72 39.57 0.m 92.30 7.36 3.51 5.25 0.m 76-29 33.65 83.87 0.83 13.51 29.05 0.97 o.42 0.m 0.@ 83.43 0.59 21.41 21.35 0,04 6.24 o.16 43.17 fi.37 75.98 1.30 63.a2 51r.35 74.95 77.52 a4,42 0.00 1.34 0.33 6.93 47.31 0.79 42,28 Non.Export solar (kW) -3.59 26.35 3.42 47,67 0.@ 2.03 0.fr) 33.s4 14.31 39.37 3.94 22-34 50.52 47.37 12.75 0.00 0.@ 48.30 31.82 45.(A 2.42. 16.06 14.63 53.24 33.36 45.82 45.39 0.m 37.22 17.2-t 15.97 18.55 0.00 44.71 -4.15 47.54 2.13 4.83 21.09 2.85 1.78 0.00 0.00 45.90 -0.59 20.31 29.13 _0.04 15_58 2.18 40.34 45.50 46.21 3_99 52.90 43.63 $.34 50.69 24.93 0.00 -1-3rl ?.63 77.42 55.49 52.5:t Attachment l -Page431 Scheduls I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnit.lled Pv Nameplare {kw} Dc:ac Ratio t5iim.r€d Pv N.meolate (kwac) 717.9 7.2 144 2954 2841 2779 3077 2717 3002 3050 2942 30t! 30m 2815 2172 30t5 2EE1 2931 2759 2427 2990 30t1 2763 2896 2762 2944 2975 2926 2757 2754 la52 2151, 3025 2750 3011 2904 2747 2at7 7957 3040 2711 3025 3005 2971 3016 2848 3023 3015 3016 3025 2981 7798 2997 2424 2993 3023 3008 2993 2139 30la 3m5 272t 2916 3011 2977 2804 ?771 2969 2721 2988 Dsts & Time 7126111 16:00 6110/r, 27:00 7/17/7122:OO 7lA/17 \1:OO 713177 23:oo 7l2al77 $:00 7h9/77 71:00 7l2gl17 ZO:OO Al4lr719:00 7h4lt7 74:6 8/u/u20:m 5126117 22tOO 7l77l7719tOO 7/7117 2OtW al29l7t t7t@ 6/75/17 22:OO 7121177 27:@ 7la5l71tg:OO 6127l77 r9too 719/11o:@ a/7!1719:OO 7l25lt7 22:fi 7127/17 2O:@ llly !at@ 7/10ll7 20t0o 7/20177 22:OO 1/15/17 23tOO al3Al77 75t0o 6l3Olt7 2?t@ al4l77 [A:OO 8/3/17 22t0D 6127/77 1SOO a/a/77 19 OO 1/U17 22100 AfiOl171,7t0o 7123177 20:00 112/17 79:@ 7l?9117 22m 7l2O/77 79tco 7/28/r-t 77oD 8/r/1715r00 7179177 76tW eh217719.@ 6119/77 l9:OO 6/2617714:OO 7/71/7718:OO 7/77/77 79:00 7/25/77 la:OO al8l17 2O:@ 714117 76:@ 6n/r7 2ot0o 7l3ol!7 7a:N 7l,l/771Ao0 8121117s:00 2/77 7A:OO 7173177 22,(n 814111t7.@ 7/77/71t1:@ 7/?7/77 22tOO 1/!/17 tlt00 719177 t4:OO 7l3ol77 t9:00 7126117l9:OO al2al,7 20:OO 612slt7 zo:io 8/21t7 21,@ 7l13l17a9:Og 2747 278! 2179 2774 2777 2176 2775 zn5 2175 77'4 2773 2771 27fO 2769 2199 2767 1765 7764 2164 2763 2162 2162 2760 2737 2755 2715 27t4 2752 2757 2750 2730 2719 2147 2147 2747 2747 2741 2741 2740 2740 2139 a73E 2737 2737 2737 2f37 2736 2735 2f3a 2733 2711 2132 2732 2731 7730 2729 1728 2724 2727 2727 2726 7126 2724 2721 2721 2727 2727 P.r Uiit Dirtibuted solar 0.634251 0.028705a 0 0.810681 0 0.521249 0.707534 0.158375 0.325234 0.600477 0.117489 0 0.38713 0.151023 0.4L917 0 0.0219166 0.348533 0.37206 0 0.314405 0 0.1455115 0.498933 0.139253 0 0 0.2578ss 0 0.526575 0 0.570638 0.298411 0 o.042I/26 0.153333 0-374248 0 0.3790s 0.55706 0.699617 0.8r6721 o.2a2a7a 0.350s09 0.858584 0.588198 o.177787 o.541275 0.118905 o.732977 0_142233 0.547U7 0.8151S 0.826508 0.555E89 0 0.687343 o.141944 0 0.613932 0.847895 0.349131 0.305175 0.0679794 0.153948 0 0.35983 94.03 4.25 0.m 120.18 0.00 17.28 104.89 23.44 44.22 89.02-rr.42 0.00 57.39 2?.t9 52.99 0.m 3.25 51.5E 55.16 0.00 45.51 0.00 21.54 73.97 20.4 0.@ 0.m 38.23 0.(D 78.06 0.m 84.50 44.24 0.00 6.34 22.73 55.48 0-00 56.19 98.89 103.73 121.G 34.52 53.45 127.30 41.20 56.01 81.13 17.53 10E.65 21-09 a7.22 120.85 122.53 83.E!) 0.m 101.90 110.88 0.m 91.02 125.70 57.76 45.24 10.G 24_31 0.00 54.83 54.55 1.05 0.m 99.01 0.00 !z.l! 60.95 7.19 16.1t5 70.0E 3.36 0.00 27.03 10.75 43_28 0.m 0.67 25.7a 24.@ 0.m 11.71 0.(re 4.33 41.51 3.69 0.00 0.00 21.96 0.m 30.6 0.m 43.29 11.85 0.m 18.75 6.25 25-El 0.m 30.37 50-50 t8.n f4.23 9.22 2?.il 69.a4 14.77 29.8s 38.s9 :1.15 55.13 5.02 32.06 75.S1 73.47 43./U 0.m 48.04 58.21 0.(p 64.32 87.25 13.24 5.79 2.(D 7.61 0.m 20.26 Non-E,eort solar (*W) 39.47 3.2t 0.00 21,17 0.00 45.15 43.9a 15.29 3l-77 1E-91 14.05 0.00 30.36 11.63 0.00 2.58 25.91 30.52 0.m 31.88 0.(I t7_25 32.46 15.95 0.00 0.00 75.27 0.00 4E.0t 0.m 41.31 32.39 0.m -12.40 15.49 29.68 0.m 25.42 48.39 44.95 46.85 25.v) 25.80 57.86 42.13 26.16 42,54 14.47 43.53 r5.06 49.16 /t4.3tt 48.55 40.45 0.m 53.85 52.68 0.m 26.70 38.t5 38.52 39.46 8.08 15.70 0.@ !4.57 Attachment 1 - Page 432 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Genoration Exports and Non-exports rnttalled Pv Nameplare (kw) a5timared PV Namep are (kwacl t77.9 l.z 148 3028 3019 2926 2758 3014 zw7 7768 2885 2947 2981 ?996 2773 21(E 2101 7928 2977 zr5a 2705 7740 29,4 2927 2982 2700 77tN 2700 2945 7691 2695 2919 7971 2988 2991 2990 2926 2977 2960 2955 2829 2801 2684 2715 2981 2979 2864 z9w 7971 2966 2760 2985 2749 2685 2977 2974 2970 2986 2744 2738 2968 2896 2421 2676 2821 26,4 2671 2673 2513 2441 P!. Unit Oist.ibuted &lar 0.882691 0.580052 0.156935 0.0151054 o.a2n82 0.0281629 0.124365 0.0682996 0.6f36r4 0.35804 0.870817 0 0 0 0.715983 0.&)2708 0.0210758 0 0.0s99004 0.788946 0.510871 0.679329 0 0 0 0.559631 0.0103296 0 0.44$2E 0.580404 0.544518 0.5510E8 0.850578 0.511052 0.729955 0.532622 0.771545 0.0851235 0.2m743 0 0.10969 0.3771s1 0.695229 0.166187 0.568975 0.8:|9064 0.378298 0.0283206 0.879882 0.0425427 0 0.73892 0.855595 o.724f72 0.579311 0.0971S85 0.0233555 0.799846 0.570197 0.303562 0 0.257742 0 0 0 0 0.146453 130.89 85.99 73.27 5.20 722.n 4.18 18.44 10.13 99.87 53.08 129.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 106.1a 93.80 3.12 0.m 8.88 116.95 75.74 100.71 0.q) 0.q) 0.@ 84.45 1.53 0.00 71.41 1m.87 ao.1z 81.70 126.10 75.75 108.22 7E.95 775.21 11.62 40.14 0.00 16.26 55.91 103.07 14, 84.35 724.39 55-08 4.20 130.44 72.25 0.00 109.54 126.99 106-03 85.88 14.40 3.45 118_58 99.36 45.@ 0.m 38.71 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 z\.77 85.31 44.71 8.51 105 E3.53 1.82 4.46 50.61 57.06 25.55 85.51 0.m 0.00 0.m 64.97 41.53 0.50 0.d) 1-33 56.m 50.79 56.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.29 0.13 0.m 23.41 55.07 42.42 44.20 84_80 31.32 55.91 14.62 50.89 21.11 72.14 0.(I) 1r_30 25.21 56.78 11.46 41.36 71.35 !1.81 1.55 77.97 2_74 0.00 63.91 ,2.8 62.37 44.97 3.42 0.rl 62.O7 5E-55 71,77 0.00 12.41 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 16.67 No.-ErportSolar Ikw) 45.54 41.76 74.76 4.15 39.19 2.36 13.98 -40.48 32-81 71.51 43_49 0.@ 0.m 0.00 41.18 57.16 2.62 0.00 1.55 60.96 24.9t 43.96 0.00 0.m 0.00 32.16 1.40 0.m 47.56 44.80 38.31 37.50 a1.30 51.31 34.35 54.38 -8.49 28.00 0.00 11.96 29.68 46.29 13.17 42.99 53.04 24.27 2.65 52.93 9.48 0.00 45.61t 54.51 45.C,6 40.91 10.99 56.51 40.70 31.23 0_(xl 26.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.05 1/31t1 rstm 7/20/7718too 7/27/7120.00 6/7lt72t:@ 716/11 l}@ 612A/11 Zl:00 ADllr 2o:oo A/29/ t7 t6,OO 7/19/1711:OO 7/2711119:OO 1/72lt1t :OO 6121 lti 2r:oo a/a/t127:OO 6lt9/r7 2!:OO 7lzlri 77:oO alalfi t7:N 1l22lt7 2t:N 1/2a/17 22:N AB7/77 2O:OO 811/7716:00 1/15/1714:oo 1175/171-1100 7l$177 23100 thll17 72:@ A/ZAl11 21:OO 7lL5/17 75:Oo alrTh-l 21:OO 1ll9ll173:OO ala/77 7a:an 7/73/77 16:00 6179/77 7a:00 7/27l]] aa:N 7/70177 73:00 8l77l71rA:@ 6121/L1tl:oo 7175/71tg:OO 7lZ8l77 t51OO a/2a/0 ra:oo 8/10/17 19:00 7/15lt7o:@ Al70/71 2O,@ 6l2Slt-t tgtoo 7/27 /17 77too 6l30lt1 2o:oo 7l23lt1tBt0o 7/3t/17 tstoo 1/77/-tt t9:00 6lZ9ltt 27:OO 6/20/17 l4:OO a/22111 2o:oo 517817, 22:oo ?/2gll7 t1:oo 7l7tlt1 \5:Oo 1/1/ri 12:oo 7lLlll7 7B:oO al72/t7 2o:N 7 lt6lt7 27:OO al4lv 76:00 7/241t7 15:00 8/7/77 79:N 7/Zt/\1 22:@ al24/77 19:@ 1nl71o:oo rlzlU 23:@ 714/t123:OO 7/6/11O:OO 6/7/1179:oo 7720 2)20 2118 2717 2711 2716 27t5 27t5 ?7L1 2714 2714 7713 1709 2107 7707 2705 2704 270! 27()! 2703 2102 2702 770o 2700 2699 2696 2696 2695 2695 2694 2693 2591 2692 2692 2691 2691 2690 2690 26a8 2688 2688 26aa 2641 ?64' 7647 2685 2686 2684 268/ 2683 2643 16€7 2682 2@! 2681 2680 2680 7579 2678 2676 2675 2675 2674 2673 1673 2673 2612 Attachment l -Page433 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exporta and Non-exports rnnalled Pv Nam€plate (kw) Estimated Pv Nam.plate (kwac) 177.9 12 144 o8t€ & Tlms 8/30/17 15:00 175/77 17:00 al29/17 22:oo 1121,/t 1a:OOllalt t3:w 7/13/,7aa:0o 8l9lt1l0lo '7/XO/L717tco 7122/t7 zot@ 7l74l7tOlo A/1OI,7 tA:oO 11111117}N 819/11r9:OO 6nla7 22:oo thll176too 8/30/17 19r00 a/72/17 LA:OO 8/74/17 10:OO allal $:oo 1/51111}@ al2alv $:@ 6125177 7a:@ 817/711\:oo a/9/v !a$o 7131,/t7 z1:W al39l712t:N 6129117 22:00 a/72/7171:N elal1121:00 6/261712t1& A/$/7120:Oo 7/70/17 76:00 8/3o/1718r00 6121177 16:00 1/77177 77:OO 6124171 21:@ 6/21 /77 2r:oo 7/4/7715:OO 712!7711:OO 7/75177 73:oo 6/30/77 79:@ 7127177 76:00 Al9l17 77:00 117/t7 2}@ alTltt 23:00 6lt9/i a7:00 8129/tt 75tcr0 All1lt7 7r:oo A/9117 27:W 717,171o.fi 7129177 t6:oo 1126/17 2t.N allahr ll:OO 7la9/a7 $:oO 7 /1a/P \5tOO 7/25/11\6tOO 1lfila1 22:oo 611/1171:OO 1la6la12O:@ al3l77 75100 9/4117 2O:OO 6h177 7a:OO Al27l77 20,00 7/24/77 ?3,00 6130177 23:@ 1/3/7174@ 7l25lt7 2A:00 2Ul 7979 2677 2963 2951 2951 2742 2944 2865 2665 2834 2664 2803 2555 2851 2t21 2878 2596 2884 2954 2815 7954 2664 2830 2654 2655 2654 2653 262 2651 26€6 2943 7741 1920 2944 7737 2723 2910 2933 2883 28@ 1926 za25 263a 2617 2932 2857 2918 2642 2633 2914 2640 2831 2912 2915 2462 2626 2834 2849 2849 2645 2855 2696 2613 2612 2926 2779 2512 2612 7577 2677 2670 2559 ?fi9 2668 2661 2666 2655 2664 2663 2652 2650 2660 2658 2658 2656 2556 2656 2656 2655 2655 2654 2654 2553 2652 2691 2651 2550 2650 2549 2648 7641 2641 ,@6l$t 2642 2541 2641 2644 2640 2638 2637 2635 2635 2634 2633 2633 2530 2530 2630 2530 2629 2624 2526 2676 2625 2624 2674 2621 2624 2623 2622 2622 2622 P€r Unit Dirtributed Solar 0.55815 0.695274 0 0.579503 0.788958 0.E35755 0.u59s2 0.696611 0.15662 0 0.440079 0 0.281951 0 0.6f2324 0.053524 0.520751 0.0811975 0_0231a53 0.831391 o.231445 0.56436 0.0124547 0.437089 0 0 0 0 0.0145399 0 0,0153842 0.844143 0.402868 0.8437]t4 o-7314.22 0.0255035 0.0243604 0.78,4776 0.734443 0.66808a 0-375961 0.791?48 0.5a7652 0 0 0-6s0607 0.825063 0-669a71 0.0127918 0 0.7514aa 0.028362 0.623048 0.873713 0.871505 0.789445 0 0-6r832 0.16275 0.84304 0.0179829 0.1147416 0.0733576 0 0 0.897297 0.106985 42.75 103-07 0.00 85.91 115.96 123.90 17.19 r03.28 za.u 0.r10 65.24 0.o 41.80 0.m 99.67 7.93 77.20 12.04 3.4A 123.25 34.90 84.26 1.85 54.80 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 z.t6 0.00 2.18 125.14 59-73 125.09 109.32 3.9a 3.6r 116.25 1m.8a 99.04 55.74 117.30 8'.12 0.@ 0.@ 102.38 127.37 99.31 1.90 0.q) 111.70 4.20 92.?t 129.53 729.20 117.01 0.m 91.67 24.13 124.98 2.67 65.39 10.88 0.@ 0.@ 133.02 15-85 Attachment 'l - Page 434 soler Export! {kw) Non'Export solar (kw) 15.35 37.3942.11 60.950.m 0.@4r.19 34.7291.33 25.6185.44 36.464.89 12.30 55.06 48.22 8.99 14.63 0.00 0.0025.59 39.6s 0.00 0.0o14.39 21.470.m 0.0080.76 18.919.32 -1.38 33.G 44.132.27 9.7752.85 .lg.az 79.93 43.32 13.64 21.2618.94 35.32 0.21 '.921.58 43.220.@ 0.m0.m 0.m0.m 0.m0.13 {.13 0.13 2.03 0.d) 0.m1.59 0.6982.33 42.4715.56 43.t7 59.54 55.4r55.5r '1.?1t.:t4 2.611-35 2.267t.3X 38.7357.14 51.7461.84 37.2036.52 19.1170.15 45.85 3/r.70 52.120.m o.m0.m 0.m58.25 4 .74 @.42 61.8943.57 55.74 0.29 1.600.@ 0.0079.79 31.910-54 3.5741.02 51.3583.99 45.5484.55 a4.64 47.57 59.470.@ 0.00,t2.65 49.01 6.58 t7.13 65.21 59.711.26 1,4132.97 33.482.17 8.700.m 0.m0.m 0.00 66.45 46.51 {m 11.16 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non€xports r.!talled Pv Nameplate (tw) Estimated Pv Nameplare {kwac) 177.9 1.2 148 o€te a Time 7/t4/lJ 7J:00 7l2a/i 22:oo'tl1tht 2!:OO AhZltT 2t:N 7/91\7 71:oo 9/4/77 79:@ 7/2/77 76:@ 7/10/77 72:oo 8/a17716:00 a/1o/77 77:OO 1/26/17 75:OO alt!/l1 ?7:OO 1123177 77:oO 6/2U7122:OO A/s177 2O:OO 7 /17/17 7s:o0 a/14/11 78:OO a/22h7 79tOO 1/Alfi t:oo 7/9/717:@ a/ro/77 2t:00 1/10/17 O:Oa 1/24/17 74:N 8/2s/77 2O:oO 5126/77 73:OO al2/7714:oo 6/75/77 23:oo 6/30/71 7A:OO 6l2a/77 2O:OO 1 /72/77 79:oo A/1717/ 76:00 7/7/77 tstg? a/4/7175:OO 9/711119:@',lQl77 74:oO 7 /2a/71 7s:OO a/3L/r7 ZI:OO a/3!77 fi:oJ 6/20/1/ 73:@ 6/27/77 75.00 a/77177 2t:0o Al7l17 74:OO 91717120:00 1 125111 27:Oo 6/74/11 22:OO 7/76/D t9.OO 1/20/7123:OO 7/6/71tz:OO 7 /22/11 7a:oo 1/79/1171:oo 813117179,@ 7/30/7716t0o 7/25/77 2a.@ A/23/7174:N EhlLt Zz:W a/77177 \7:o0 1/27/7115:OO 9/41712t:00 612511711:0o Alzalll22:@ 7l2o/!1t5:OO 6/2A/9 tg:oo 9/2/17 2O:oO 7h7/71IAOO A/27/7179:Oo )/21h1r5:OO 7lt5/7712:oo 2851 2621 2619 2576 2498 2737 2831 2909 2An 2857 2887 76t2 2906 2511 z70a 2905 2816 2795 2609 2609 26t7 2608 2847 2674 2898 2605 2425 ?452 2477 2863 2788 2885 2803 2a6a 2881 2594 2817 2895 2874 2592 2449 2653 2591 2598 2837 2589 2886 7470 2544 2736 2A69 2543 2652 25'8 28la 2475 2576 7874 2864 2874 2622 2416 7788 2855 2a 2620 2520 2619 2616 2576 2615 2514 2613 2613 2677 2617 2672 2611 267t 2671 2610 2610 2670 2&9 za)9 2608 2608 2607 2505 zffi 7ffi 2m5 2605 2605 2603 2fr2 7@7 2m0 2599 2599 2595 2594 2593 2593 2593 2592 2592 2592 2591 2s90 2590 2549 2547 2586 2584 2584 2543 2583 2580 2574 2571 2577 7576 2575 2575 7571 2572 25tl 2577 2569 2567 2555 Per Unit Dirtributed sola. 0.806672 0 0 0.0106874 0.81435a 0.152661 0.812598 0.762469 0.732803 0.554745 0_414201 0 0.122251 0 0.128435 0.913063 0.45789 0.260449 0 0 0.@975211 0 0.59s288 0.0793268 0.84154 0.829821 0 0.559803 4.173759 0.177577 0.600983 0.585475 0.866453 0.237309 0.885638 0.839464 0 0.45596 0.851235 0.912r29 0 0.394514 0.0558831 0 0 0.374147 0 0.139971 0.581619 0 0.24rr553 0.799963 0 0.757327 0 0.681m7 0.8:19448 0 0.719427 0 0.912299 0.405233 0.0537219 0.844478 o.277259 0.834025 0,55n34 r19,59 0.00 0.m 1.58 120.?3 22.63 720.47 113.04 108.54 64.32 120.71 0.m !07.01 0.00 19.81 135.35 67.88 34.61 0.m 0.00 1._45 0.00 88.25 L!.16 724_76 723.02 0.m 82.99 25.69 55.98 89.10 66.94 128.a5 35.18 131.14 124.45 0.oo 67.50 726.?O 135.22 0.@ 58.50 E.28 0.(p 0.m 56.15 0.m r09.70 85.21 0.0 35.26 l16.s9 0.00 38.15 0.00 101.05 124.45 0.n0 105.71 0.00 135.25 50.08 7.96 125_19 41,10 123.64 82.68 50lar Expoltg (kw) 70.96 0.m 0.m 0.@ 92.83 9.13 42.77 75.66 57.E9 41,a8 80.34 0.m 62.61 0.m 4.50 80.48 32.64 14.37 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.m 58.46 2.01 73.29 77.6 0.m 54.55 9.76 28.71 55.02 92.87 72.@ 11.81 81.57 75.f5 0.m 29.04 75.63 85.18 0.m 56.51 1.0a 0.23 0.00 24.01 0.00 74.97 51.28 0.00 12.34 10.$ 0.@ 9.79 0.00 44.55 E0.79 0.m m.51 0.(D 46.21 33.02 7.77 75.7t 15.52 74.42 61.60 Non-Erport Solar (kw) 48.61 0.00 0.00 1.50 27.90 13.50 38.30 37.3E 50.74 42.83 40.35 0.00 44,41 0.@ 14.54 54.88 35.2a 24,21 0.@ 0.m 1.28 0.@ 29.80 9.15 51.46 45.31 0.00 24.44 15.93 27.21 33.08 _5.93 55.35 23.37 43.77 {4.70 0.00 38.s5 49.56 50.04 0.00 1.93 7_21 .0.23 0.m 32.14 0.00 34-73 v.95 0.00 23.92 t8_14 0.00 28.35 0.00 52.50 43.65 0.00 35-14 0.m 44.98 27.05 6.19 49.49 24.4E 44.42 21.08 Attachment l -Page435 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-sxports rnrtalled Pv Nam€plate (tw) DC:AC Ratio !17.9 1.7 148Ertim.ted PV Naheplare (kWac) Dat6 a Time 6/30/77 r7:OO 7176177 fi:OO 8/7117 7A:00 a/5l,7 27:00 all!7715:00 9/71t7 TaOO 6/29/r7 2otco 617/17 t6!o 8/911122tfr{J 7la7l77 74:OO 8112111 22:00 A/25/77 27:@ a/5/7719:@ 7/71/17 O,@ a/2s/77 t9:oo 8/30177 22,00 6/2a/77 $:OO 714/a1O:OO A/7O177 22:OO Al24lt7 2t:00 A/a/9 77:@ 6/19l17 7b:OO 5l2al17a7:0o 6l24lt7 70:00 9/4ll11at0O a/B/17 79:@ 6/27/71o:Cto 6l2ahr 21,oo ala2/17 t6:oo 9l1l't7 t7:OO 8/77/L7 22:OO 8/26/77 20:OO al27/77 1atOO 7/5/110:OO alrclt7 16:00 6127/17 2O:OO 6/10/17 76:A0 a/31t7 21:00 7 /27 /t7 71:00 8191t176.& 5l29lt7 21:OO Alsli l&W 1l22lri r7:OO 7lt3l77 t2:oo 1/23117 2 IOO a/24/11 tTtOO a/211a7 2otOO 1/21/7123:00 7l3ltl t3too 7/2ala7 B:@ 1/29/77 75:OO al4lt7 23:OO 7/4/1714:gO 7/\9/r174:W 7/2/77 a5:oo 7 /23/1,7 1,6:00 al\a/r1 7o:@ 7/511712:OO 812117171:N 5l3ol71 79:00 7/76/77 77:N 1/a/17 72:OO A/7a/77 27too 1/6h7 9tOO Al30ll174:OO 7l7t/77 74:OO 7175177 r5:@ 2790 2864 27f9 2573 2807 2412 ?791 2ao7 25s7 2848 2555 2555 2757 2554 2766 2553 2454 2552 2552 2554 2551 2{l,2 744? 2798 2145 2516 2549 2519 2797 2810 2547 2627 2-IA6 2546 2472 2na 275t 2545 1544 7771 2542 2na 2825 7876 2540 2805 2577 2538 28,2 2537 2432 2536 2810 2820 7155 2A2A 2552 zgv 2650 7521 2421 2820 2532 2527 7166 2815 276t 2s66 2555 2562 2561 2561 25@ 2554 2557 2557 2555 2555 2555 2554 2554 2554 1553 2553 2SS2 2552 2551 2551 2551 2557 2550 2549 2549 2549 2544 2517 ?547 2547 2546 2546 2546 2y6 25,5 2545 2944 2543 2542 2540 251(' 25rt0 25it0 2539 2538 2538 2534 2537 2536 2536 2534 2534 2533 2512 2531 2531 2530 2530 2529 2524 252.1 2526 2524 Per Unil Distrlbured sola, 0.709311 o.577007 0.441058 0.0134187 0-795422 o.445712 o.777524 0-678351 0 0_443603 0 0 0.315086 0 o.271479 0 0.6r5935 0 0 0 0 0.79603 0.28904 0.168031 0.337222 0.1s4107 0 0 0,692575 0.614506 0 0.0167924 0.446393 0 0.697901 0.169374 0.818418 0 0 0.503285 0 0.y)2545 0.739052 0.7469 0 o.6zL72l 0.0696953 0 0.862463 0 0.808789 0 0.Eo7328 0.892262 0.a66454 0.827164 0.r01783 0.736ml 0.515797 0.230719 0.733468 0.725551 0.00523301 0.0125597 0.729271 0.927422 0.847342 {kw} 105.16 85.54 71,.32 1.99 117.98 66.09 25.43 100.57 0.00 125.06 0_m 0.m 46.71, 0.0 40.54 0.00 91.31 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 u8.0r 119,47 24.91 49.99 28.78 0.m 0.m ro2-51 91.69 0.m 11.38 66.18 0.m 103.{5 25.11 121,33 0.00 0.00 89.it4 0.m 74.fi 109.s6 110,73 0.m 92.11 10.33 0.00 721.U 0-00 119_$ 0.@ 119.69 132.28 128.45 L2Z.7Z 15.09 109.!1 76.47 34.20 104.74 107.56 0.78 1.86 108.11 74t.49 125.52 72.6X 46,76 27.11 0.42 58.85 2E.95 11.33 59.83 0.00 75.52 0.00 0.00 15.93 0.@ 16.92 0.00 47.81 0.00 0.00 2.22 0.@ 14.27 54.78 9.08 7!.07 7.04 0.@ o.@ 59.07 49.24 000 2.80 31.04 0.m 54.43 9.62 89.21 0.@ 0.00 46.88 0.@ 44.45 74.t2 75.62 0.@ 53.72 1.36 6.96 86.35 0-m 91.56 0.m 85.72 86.70 96.54 17.t\ 4.24 12.63 20.21 20.o9 67.39 47.45 0.04 0.00 47.!4 84.44 53.15 Non-Elpon 50l.r (kW) 32.52 38.79 44.01 1.57 59.13 37.r3 14.10 40.73 0.00 49.55 0.00 0.00 30.7E 0.00 23.62 0.00 43.50 0.m 0.m 0.@ 41.71 @.69 15.63 28_92 2L.10 0.00 0.0t) ,13.50 42.45 0.00 8.58 35.14 0.m 49.03 15.49 32.72 0.00 0.00 42.56 0.00 ito.05 35.ilt 35.r1 0.00 38.45 4.97 ,5.96 41.51 0.@ 28.34 0.00 33.95 45.58 31.91 45.51 10.84 35-4E 55_24 14.11 41.35 20.11 0.73 1.86 60.97 53.01 12.15 Attachment l -Page436 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstall€d PV Namepr.t€ (kw) DC:aC Ralio Enidated Pv Nameplate (kwad 1119 12 148 6l2t/17 tg:oo 7 /t5117 o:0o 8/21/11 Z1:O0 6l?3/1177:@ Al3-t177 16,@ 6l3Olt1 t5:OO 6l2t-l0 $:oo T ltlrl ttt9o 7/30/17 21:N 7/7A/r174:OO alalt7 t5.0o 6/29/!7 t9:oo 912/71 t9,@ 5121/77 L4:OO 6124/71 tg:oo 817/77 t1,O0 6/221t122:N 6/2all1 t5:@ a/76/\121:N v6li ag:N 8/3/77 la:an Al77/t1ZI:OO al25l71 $:oo 9/517179.00 8/2t/71 2O:OO U6/U ro:oo 6/71712L00 7hol77 tt:@ !t7lr.7 a:@ al26/7719t00 9/3lt1zotm A/77/17 7O:OO 6/23/11 22.00 6l2ali 2t:00 91711719:@ 6/20h1 t2:@ a/7/1r 16:00 A/5/71 22:OO 8/79/77 r4:OO 6l2lai B:oo 7l14l71t2.OO 8127/t7 $tOO 7/1711715:oo 8/2317121fo 6l28lt1tstm 712611714:00 612717717:OO 719/17 t2:00 7 /15117 7:oo A/25/r1 27:Oo al3l71 r7:O0 6/17 7o:@ 816177 $:@ 8/S/r7l7rn 9/21t7 27:oo A/71t173:N 61261171?:N a1411114N t/771119:00 El5/a7 $:oo 6l2L/!, t5:0o 7/9/tt 2,OO 8/1t/77 Ls,oo 6124/71 23:oo 9/7/71 2L00 716/77 A$O A176/11 7O:Oo 2420 2529 2602 2797 2694 2815 2794 2518 2810 27AA 2412 2709 2814 2804 2730 2574 2816 2513 2572 2182 2517 2747 1559 2607 2507 2505 218/. 2503 2773 254a 2636 2500 2541 2524 2195 2691 2497 2741 2496 2752 276a 2800 2493 2799 2776 2789 2t67 2490 2490 2157 2449 2583 2746 2488 27)9 2Ja2 2766 2445 2539 2779 2481 2149 2440 2aa2 2479 2610 2s23 2523 2523 2527 2521 2520 2519 2518 1518 2577 2515 2515 2515 2514 2514 2513 2513 2513 2572 2572 2572 2509 250€ 2508 2501 2507 2505 250rt 2503 2503 2502 2499 2499 2199 2498 2197 7497 2497 7497 2496 2495 ?491 2493 2493 7492 2490 2490 2,r90 2a90 2490 2a90 2449 2489 2449 2448 2441 2486 24E5 z4a3 24E! 2483 2481 2't81 2480 z4to 2479 2479 Per Un[ Diit.ibutcd Sol.r 0.394433 0 0 0_02s8024 o.151591 0.887184 0.502126 0.597945 0 0.8E249 0.804521 0.39715 0.2176t 0.9292114 0.390127 0.m818 0 0.892054 0.w742224 0 0.84392s 0.00632285 0.485003 0.164411 0.0909093 0.3695?9 0 0.521954 0 0.276846 0.0509513 0.102811 0 o.o277121 0.170622 0.769423 0.606958 0 0.840572 0 0.5429r 0.487951 0.907992 0 0.951791 0.821249 0.757981 0.741889 0 0 0.631436 o 0.281513 0.655418 0 0.771247 0.770988 0.881591 0.0675158 0.@6033 0.840723 0 0.E35781 0 0 0 0.106274 58.53 0.@ 0.m 3.83 112.31 r31.53 89.27 88.55 0.@ r30.&| 179.27 5a.Ea 35.23 737.76 57.U 90.15 0.ct) 132.25 1.10 0.00 125.11 0.94 71.90 21.37 13.48 54.80 0.@ 92.2t 0.q) 4r.05 7.55 !5.24 0.00 4.11 25.29 174.07 89.98 0.m 1,24.57 0.m 80.1t9 72.34 134.51 0.00 141.10 121.75 113.85 109.99 0.00 0.@ 93.61 0.m 4!.73 97.77 0.00 115.23 114.:tO 130.70 10.01 12.75 130.57 0.00 123.90 0.m o.@ 0.00 15.75 29.11 0.m 0.@ t.22 66.63 93-57 50.29 52.59 0.m 85.45 65.61 35.31 13.69 84.89 32.61 38_99 0.@ 70_4$ 0.0a 0.00 64.56 0.21 38.23 4.51 2.74 0.00 0.00 57.16 0.@ 15.88 1.18 4.85 0.@ 1.01 5.12 70.01 46.07 0.00 69.63 0.@ 54.83 39.99 84.28 0.@ 8E,37 83.01 52.99 E2.71 0.m 0.m 51.24 0-m r6.54 57.87 0.00 69.85 70.95 76.95 2,43 10.19 18.49 0.00 72.95 0.m 0.00 0.m 5-51 ilon-aport solar (lw) 29.4X 0.00 0.00 2.60 45_59 37.96 36.98 36.06 0.00 rt 1.38 53-65 21.54 25.21 51-17 0.00 61-79 1.02 0.00 @.s5 0.73 33.68 19.85 10.70 54.80 0-00 35.04 0.00 75.77 6.38 10.39 0.00 3.10 20.17 41.U 43,91 0.00 54.98 0.00 25.66 32-35 50.33 0.00 52.73 34.74 50_46 21.25 0.00 0.00 47.37 0.00 25.19 39.30 0.00 45.18 43.35 53.74 7_58 2-51 52.08 0_m 50.95 0.@ 0_fl) 0.00 70.24 Attachment l -Page437 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exporta and Non-exports rnstall€d Frv Nameplate (kw) oCiAC Ratio tstimated Pv Nameplate (lW.c) 777.9 7.2 148 Dare & Iim€ 7l2l/17 !5:OO 7/6li aroo 6/28117 o.N 7h/t1 !4,N A/1A/7119:N al9/t7 75:N 5/29/!7 TADO 9/5/77 2O:OO 914/tt 17:OO A/22/11 t7:oo 6/25/7115fi 7122./117390 7/2la7o:oo thlllo:00 7 h2/t7 1.\04 717/l7 t:@ 7l3O/17 75:00 5/79/11 75:oo 9/5/77 7AtO0 711177 t0:00 a/24/11 L6:oo 5/30/71 71:Oo 7l].4lr71:OO Al72/71 7s:oo 7/20/77 74:OO t/6lt71t:00 1/]lalo:oo 5/30/7170:N Ani7122:OO 7/72/77 76:W 8/70/77 7s:N '1/75/77 76100 8/28/17 r6too 816177 2otoo 9/7t177 2O:OO 7/2A/n la:OO 1/76/77 71:oo 9l3lt7 79too 6l24li u:oo 8/26177 7a:Oo A/7s11127:U 6/30/!7 14:Oo l/7/77 77:N 716177 77t00 712/77 74:oo 6120/11O:OO ,16/!17,@ 1126177 23:oo 9/6177 79,00 8/25/17 22:oo 7/27/77 74:C)O a/7!r7]4:@ 6129117 71:0o 9/2/1718:@ 6117/1713:00 6l6lL7 27:oo a/r7/ti 2}W 6lz1,lD t5:N 5l3olt7 B:oo 7lA/77 L@ a/24/!7 22:oO a/2/71r3:OO alarli 21:OI) a/25117 t1:oo 616/7172:OO ,112/17 O:OO A/15/17 20:oo 2775 2474 2474 2685 2t16 2579 2777 2441 2679 2731 2751 2171 2170 2470 2141 2459 2762 2174 2570 2467 2738 2489 24t5 2713 z75A 2167 246? 25v) 2!61 2155 2724 2731 2727 2445 2442 2149 2456 2647 2153 2-?ZZ 2461 152' 2454 7751 2669 2452 2452 2452 2511 2457 2740 7579 2153 2110 2753 2494 2444 2tso 2631 2445 2445 2727 2rt43 27?4 2442 2141 2561 2478 7478 ?418 24tA u1a ?418 2477 2474 2473 7471 2472 2477 1470 2470 2469 2459 2459 2161 2467 2467 2466 2466 2456 2465 2462 2462 2462 246r 2461 2460 2159 2458 2454 2458 1451 2457 2456 2455 2455 2455 2454 2454 2494 2451 2452 2452 2452 7452 z452 2451 2451 2450 2450 2449 2449 2444 2a48 2444 2416 2445 t44t 2443 2443 7443 2442 2441 2447 132.09 89.75 0.@ 112.95 48.06 117.53 89.45 3.24 73.73 88.96 't27-16 0.(D 0.m 0.@ 126.92 0.m 126.61 128.06 51.28 3.91 109.07 o.m 0.m 122.05 737.a6 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 125.94 11a,24 124.04 107.E0 0.m 4,51 727.O9 0.@ 35.33 87.48 72.9 0.82 134.62 8.45 90.71 129.10 0.(D 0.m 0.m 19.33 0.@ 124.96 720.92 113.(r u-07 732.75 4.28 0.@ 139.36 82.05 0.00 0.00 711.4 0.00 97.73 0.00 0.00 16.14 sol.r E4ort' ltw) 89.68 0.25 0.00 93.52 22.U 55.82 58.65 0.46 42.39 50.47 89.94 0.q) 0.@ 0.m 85.95 0.00 80.50 83.73 lt.ra 0.00 69.27 0.80 0.q) 70.24 65.15 0.m 0.m 4.94 0.@ 94_65 67.66 77.57 tfr.77 2.21' 0.50 83.43 0.00 73.22 55.90 36.54 0.04 .76 0.@ 61.72 97.n 0.00 0.(tr 0.m 4.27 0.m 79.37 66.09 ,7.56 30.36 78.50 0.84 0.@ 84.63 !9.6r 0-13 0.m 76.30 0.@ 62.08 0.m 0.0 6.35 Non-Erpori sola. (lw) 42.41 89.50 0.00 19.33 61.80 30.80 7.79 30.74 38.49 32.82 0-m 0_m 0.00 39.97 0.oo il5.11 {4.33 39.54 3.91 39.80 -0.40 0.m 51.81 52.27 0.m 0_00 4.91 0.m 31.28 46.54 45.53 47.53 4_O.' 43.66 0.(x) 22,77 30.57 36.10 0.78 t.a7 8.46 28.99 31.31 o.@ 0.m 0.m 0.00 45.50 54.83 35-40 33-72 54.25 3.14 0.@ 54.72 12.45 -0.13 0.00 41.18 0.00 35.6s 0.m 0.@ 9.74 Attachment l -Page438 Per Uoit Dist.ibut€d Solar 0.890977 0.60543 0 0.751E49 0.324r52 0.793427 0.503377 o.0218674 0.493296 0.5m073 0.828049 0 0 0 0.855141 0 0.85404 0.863806 0.3,{5812 0.0264066 0.735701 0 0 0-823241 0.926533 0 0 0 0 0.849501 0.770613 0.836706 0.727155 0 0.0308305 0.857249 0 0.238!32 0.590051 0.489959 0.00555213 0.904091 0.0570499 0.611882 0.870831 0 0 0 0.130383 0 0.84293 0.815641 0,752646 0.432193 0.89548 0.0288996 0 0-9qto31 0.553485 0 0 0.792414 0 0.559195 0 0 0.108852 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nameplate lkw) [rc:ac Ratio Estimated Pv Ndm€plate (kw3c) t77.9 t2 148 7/L9ll, o:oo 1l7r/71t3,00 th5l71t7:oo 9/1/!1l€:oo 6127/170.@ 6128/77 14,@ rh6lv 9:@ t/717719.00 7 /10177 7t0o B/7a/77la:w 7/7911711:00 al2rt7 22:00 5131-171 77.@ 8/3Ol1713:00 al71/!722:oo 6/7/77 ts:OO A/2U77 22:oO 7l2o/t1o:oo 9/?/7120:@ 916117 2o:oo 9/s177 27tOO 8/5117 75:W 7lUUo:00 A176/77 22:00 811817122.@ 71317112:00 u6/\118:@ 7l1lt19:@ 9/4/77 22:OO U17/ \1 r0:O0 7125/17 r4.@ 7h6/7719.@ tl7/r112:OO r/7 /9 taoo 6/24t7 21100 sl77ltl79:& a/23117 !6:00 6123171 2O:OO Al6lt7 21:OO 7 /t7ll7 7:OO 9/3/77 27:00 L/16/U to:oo 917/7127,00 1/29/7114.00 7l!4/Li t7:oo t/6171 tzt00 6l29lt1 76tOO sha/17 20:OO 7/3!r713100 gl't7lri 21:00 al5ltt t7:OO 714/a7 t3:00 7/15/71 20.6 7l?4/\1t3:OO al6/71 22:oo 7l1a/77 r3:oo AIA/71 t4:OO 1/A/7117:OO 9/3/t1latoo 1/25/17 o:oo a/7/77 OIOO alTa/P tr:w 5l3ul1 t6:N rlsl7l79:OO rltolll A:@ 5/3ll1r 2l:OO A/25/ 1, 17:00 2it40 2132 2615 2553 2411 2739 2435 2412 2412 2724 2125 2417 2942 2656 2429 7726 7428 2427 2430 2414 2423 2683 2427 2427 2420 2127 2419 2479 2474 7471, 2654 2418 2415 2477 2414 2684 2505 26s6 2419 z47l 2477 2471 2413 210! 2552 2a77 2171 2505 2702 2409 2562 2614 2405 7644 2404 2698 2671 2692 2662 2400 24m 2647 2512 2399 2399 2473 2680 2a40 2t39 2439 2438 2417 2436 2435 2432 t432 ?432 2432 2431 2411 2430 7429 247,] 2428 2427 2426 2423 2423 7427 2421 2421 21ZO 2419 2419 2119 2418 24la 2411 2416 2415 2415 2474 7474 2a13 2413 2112 2411 2417 2417 2411 7411 2410 2410 2409 2409 2409 2404 2408 2408 2406 2405 2401 2402 z,oz 2rrc1 2(X) 2400 2400 2:199 2399 2399 2399 2399 239!' Per Unit Ditttibuted Soht 0 0.890263 0.585578 0.34389 0 0_96489a 0.0555514 0 0 0.542904 0.853363 0 0.m1238 0_751625 0 0.858749 0 0 0.0255547 0.0135951 0 0.762067 0 0 0 0.782703 0 0 0 0.35577 0.a60749 0 0.0775839 0 0 0.329116 0.456964 0_170531 0 0 0 0.:t53755 0 0.821443 0.328951 o.151125 o.aB779 0.145154 0.806856 0 0.36253 0.190271 0 0.818317 0 0.l,,2745 0-811457 0.507258 0.445296 0 0 0.712151 o.7a2957 0 0 0.03468 0.6602s6 0.m 131.98 86.81 50.98 0.@ 143.05 8.24 0.m 0.@ 80.49 127.99 0.00 89-13 111.43 0.m 777.17 0.m 0.00 3.79 2.02 0.oo 112_98 0.00 0.oo 0.m 116.04 0.m 0.m 0.00 54.23 127.67 0.@ 11.52 0.@ 0.00 4a_19 69.23 25.28 0.@ 0.00 0.m 52,44 0.m 721.78 48.7' 772.24 129.54 2t.67 119.62 0.00 53.76 117.16 0_m 121.32 0.m 724.94 120.30 90.03 55.16 0.@ 0.00 10s.59 116.07 0.@ 0.oo 5.14 97.84 0.m 79.65 61.28 15_13 0.00 a9_29 0_54 0.00 0.@ 43.13 83.16 0.m 39.09 47.89 0.00 76.77 0.00 0.00 0.58 o.62 0.00 69.51 0.m 0.@ 0.m 7E.31 0.m 0.00 0.00 1!_26 56.76 0.00 0.15 0.@ 0.00 ?4.55 35.40 8.30 0.08 0.m 0.m 4.U 0.00 94.74 45.64 1.48 aan 3.10 74 55 0.@ 30.11 78.36 0.m 66.21 0.00 84.67 65.05 72.12 30.41 0.00 0.00 64.52 56.43 0.00 0.00 o.!7 53.@ Non'Eport Sola. (lw) 0.00 52.3X 25.53 35.79 0.00 53.76 1.70 0.00 0.00 37.35 114.83 0.@ 50.04 63.54 0.00 50.54 0.00 0.00 3.21 1.39 0.00 43.36 0.m 0.00 0.m 37.r2 0.m 0.00 0.00 a0.96 70.85 0.00 11.35 0.00 0.00 74.24 33.43 16.98 -0.08 0.00 0_00 17_& 0.00 27.@ 3.12 r10.75 44.77 18.57 44.97 0.00 23.65 38.80 0.00 55.05 0.00 40.21 55.25 17.9! 35.75 0.00 0.00 41.O7 59-54 0.m 0.00 1.77 34.88 Attachment l -Page439 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalted Pv N.meplate (kw) Estrmated PV Namephte (kwac) 771.9 1.2 148 s/3o177 22'cn 9/7r/11 L9IOO 1/21/77 t5:00 A/3/7173:Oo 5/31/1718i00 aD/!123:oo 9/617121:OO a/21/77 77:00 6120/77 7r:oo 6/2!\7 74tOO alDltl 23:$ a/7/77 75:oo A/76/77 79:U s/30/U 17:00 6124/7177too 7/71/7174100 6/8/17 2300 A/9/77 23:OO al29l77 23:OO r/5/77 2o:oo 7/5/77l7:OO 61271\r t2OO 7173/77 77:oo a/2/71O@ 9/511717:OO 8/24/17 75:OO 719/77 !@ 7llolL1lO:00 5/2a117 B:oo 9/8/ri E:e 6/311179:W 9/211117,@ al7lltl taoo a/2t/17 t9:OO 7/t6/1115:Oo 8/75/11 22tOO 616/1120:OO 7/7a/17 O:OO Alro/-tt 21:OO 6l22ltt 20:aN r/7/a78:N 7/s/r1r0[ 7/70/t711:N Al22l117e@ 7hlt1t1:N 915/17 78:@ 9/8/717A100 L/76/77 27:00 9/8/17 zotoo 6lto/71 73:OO alal77 23:OO 7/21/7113,@ A/5/77 22:OO 7126/77 t3lOO 6123/77 79:oo r/71/71 t:00 7/t7ltl t9.0O 7hzh, r1:oo 6/2sh1IS:OO Al25/t7 76:00 7h6/t17t:00 7/30/t7 0:Oo 7/s/77 2r:00 7122/Lt 75:N a/23177 \5:00 1/2t/7174:oo 7/1/7114100 2398 2565 2683 2570 2t70 2397 2397 2615 2690 2702 2395 2615 7657 2603 25€6 2700 2393 2393 2393 2392 2694 2695 2578 2397 2949 2556 2390 2568 2692 2523 2459 2657 2677 2621 2A52 2343 2545 23aO 2:tto 2628 z3t9 2379 2532 2641 !3EO 2483 2547 7376 719! 2545 2375 26,5 2174 2652 266t 2!72 2373 2658 ?632 2634 2391 2368 2367 25rr5 2533 2662 2164 239E 239' 2397 2397 239' 2197 2?91 2397 2397 2391 2395 2395 239,1 2394 2394 2393 2393 2393 t393 2392 z39l 2392 2391 2391 2390 2390 2390 2390 2390 2387 2347 23E5 2385 2384 7144 2183 2343 2340 2380 2379 2379 2t79 2378 2314 2374 2377 2377 2376 2375 73?5 2375 2375 737a 2X-t3 z37Z 2171 2369 2:l54 2364 2354 2368 2367 2366 BE 2164 2364 Per Unit Diltributed Solar 0 0.215849 0.882243 0.800205 0.542662 0 0 0.65468 0_644439 0.95513 0 0.7047E8 0.327435 0.7t3426 0.740E2 0.918985 0 0 0 0 0.60rr304 0.811204 0.614089 0 0.45G28 0.802505 0 0.438149 0.925331 0.0627402 0.251059 0.5a1965 0.547157 0.305435 0.899939 0 0.148851 0 0 0.173033 0 0 0.845798 o.772448 0.055075 0.288213 0.38987 0 0.03a6907 0.880622 0 0.410327 0 0.788344 0.399764 0 0 o-nl77t 0.894r82 0.781559 0.s89226 0 0 o.9726!7 0.442609 0.90174 0-0103347 0.m 32.01 130.79 118.63 40.45 0.m 0.m 97.06 95.54 141.60 0.00 105.08 '18.54705.11 109.83 716.24 0.m 0.@ 0-m 0.m 89.59 120.25 91.qr 0_00 6.U ru.97 0.00 64.96 137,18 9.30 86.28 81.12 45.28 133.42 0.m 77.07 0.@ 0.00 25.55 0.00 0.@ \37-47 705-62 E.16 42.13 57,80 0-@ 5.74 130.55 0-0 1rc.13 0.m 115.87 59.27 0.00 0.@ 175.22 t32.55 115.88 87.35 0.m 0.@ 135.30 65.62 133.58 1.53 Solrr lxpo i {tw) 0.00 9.01 87.85 65.31 77.78 0.q) 0.m 59.28 53.06 86.89 0.00 57.28 56.13 7a_41 86.?7 0.@ 0.00 0.cx) 0.q) 55.16 75.85 60-51 0.m 22.1t 78.08 0.@ 36.00 80.56 5.93 13.59 4.71 45.21 16.92 86.51 0.00 6.09 0.q) 0.@ 9.58 0.m 0.m 86.37 59.83 0.04 r.3.3E 2r.m 0.@ 0.45 93.12 0.q) 7!.15 o.m 79.70 33.55 o.m o.m 79.17 100.13 m.27 24.50 0.00 0.00 r02.95 60.02 93.31 0.00 No.-Export 5olar llw) 0.00 22.99 12.94 53.32 53.17 0.m 0.m 37.7E 42.a8 54.71 0.00 47.80 26.29 49.U 31.19 49.97 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 34.33 41.40 30.53 0.@ 44,77 40.89 0.m 28.95 56.52 3.37 21.64 37.51 35.91 28.35 45.90 0.00 15.98 0.@ 0.m 16.07 0.00 0.00 45.10 35.19 8.12 29-34 36.10 0.00 5.24 37.43 0.m 46,5' 0.00 37.71 25.77 0.00 0.m 35.05 32_43 45.61 52.75 0.00 0.00 32.35 5-59 40.t7 1.53 Attachment l -Page440 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrtalled t1,/ Nameprate tw) Eitimated Pv Nameplate (kwac) 7t7.9 7,2 148 2512 7577 2365 7573 2362 2351 2360 23@ 2360 2553 2358 2359 2586 z59E 2356 23s6 2635 2634 2652 2356 2650 2355 2535 2353 2641 2529 2503 2386 2647 23a8 7437 234' 2514 2644 2554 26t9 2344 2344 2:143 2611 2548 2342 2L2 2340 23{o 23ilo 2609 2338 2352 2631 z62E 2621 2539 z59B 2333 2511 2526 2331 2331 2505 2350 2339 2574 2548 2@3 2593 2328 zXil 2W 2363 2363 2362 2361 2350 2360 2360 2359 2358 2358 2357 2351 2356 2356 2356 2356 2355 2355 2355 2354 2353 2353 2351 2350 2349 2349 2344 234E 2348 2a47 2316 7346 2346 7344 2!44 2144 2343 2343 2343 2342 23{2 2340 23:10 2140 2339 2338 2334 2334 2337 2336 2336 2334 2333 2112 2331 2331 2:t31 2331 2330 2130 2330 2330 2329 2329 2324 Per Unlt Dlrtribut€d 5ol.r 0.831311 0.808936 0.00435464 0.684354 0 0 0 0 0 0.945005 0 0 0.603976 0-59709 0 0 0.611518 0.839496 0.6443&l 0.033529 0.885863 0.0206508 0.790737 0 0.542888 0_112645 0.324922 o.7!7077 0.505659 0 0.0991227 0 0_576& 0.714881 0.838236 0.6705 0 0 0 0.83098J 0.918196 0 0 0 0 0 0.787306 0 0.0225197 0.8525EE 0_810446 0-828763 0-40E928 0_834745 0 0.612795 0-84745a 0 0 0.3986E8 0.0346022 0.00325415 o. 6,377 0.725358 0.8513!E 0.a0502 0 123.24 119.92 0.65 101,45 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 140.10 0.00 0.00 89.54 88.52 0_m 0-00 90.66 724.6 96.12 4.99 131.t3 3.05 43.10 0.m 80.4 63.2? 44.11 17.35 89.79 0.@ 14.69 0_00 85.52 105.98 L24.27 99.40 0.00 0.m 0.m 123.19 136.12 0.fr 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.oo t76.72 0.@ 3.34 t27.8 120.15 r22-86 60.62 723.15 0.00 90.45 725-g 0m 0.@ 59.11 5.13 0.44 95.90 107.53 726.27 1l9.3rr 0.@ Non'Export Solar ltw) 25.51 60.82 0.65 31.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 37.90 0.00 0.00 33.36 !4.47 0.00 0.00 28.59 51.49 37-79 4.99 43.54 3.06 26.92 0.00 35.56 24,42 23.95 12.43 32.33 0.00 12.05 0.(rc 35.5t1 38.07 34.00 40,18 0.m 0.00 0.m 46.52 50.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.50 0.00 3.09 47.2f a9.42 43.85 27.44 44.07 0.00 43.64 s9_70 0.00 0.00 31.41 3.89 0.44 41.11 59.99 {a.19 45.61 0.00 7/U7173:OO 8/917114:00 t/1/!7 t1:oo A/7A/71 73tOO 6l3o/ti o:tn 9/21!7 22:00 7/71lt7 t,OO 7l26ht o:oo 8/26/17 27:N 6179177 75.00 7/4lt7 t:N 5131./11 22:00 9/4/7176:00 9/a/11 t1:oo 7/61t77:OO 6/291t7 O|OO 7/9/77 lltoo Al4/77 73:oo 6/26/77 tt:OO 7h/1715:@ 6/19/77 74.00 r/7lt176:N 5/17/77 19:00 8/30/U 23:m a/76/tt ta:OO 711/77IO:OO 8/15/1719:OO 6/3/71 29:oo 6/23/71 tAtOO 9lt/77 22]00 a/19/17 2O:@ 6/27lt7 L00 a/6lt7 t6:OO B/77/t71r:Oo 1/2/77 t3:00 6/27/t71t:00 6/26/77 O:00 7/2!11, o:oo 6l2a/71 t2:OO S/2t/77 \3:OO r/7/!7 2O:oo 7/t6ht 7,OO 717ltl 2:OO 7 ltslt7 2:@ a/2a/ti 23:OO A/n/1714:oo 7/77 lt7 2OIOO 9173/t1 2Ot0O 1l7vlr t2:00 alTa/77 16:00 6/22hf r9:@ aln/\r t4:oo al5/77 23:oo 9/3/'t1 t1:OO 5l3v!r t5:oo r/6/77 23:OO 1/29/7/ OIOO 6/3/D B:oo 9/9/ri 20:OO AlTglti zlt00 7/2411712:OOg/A/ri t6:00 a/'/tt t5:OO a/29/1' t3:@ 6/2A/117:00 97.73 59.11 0.00 67_98 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 702.20 0.m 0.m 56.18 34.04 0.@ 0.@ 62.06 12.96 58.33 0.(D 87.59 0.m 16.18 0m 44.92 38.80 24.22 4.92 57.4$ 0.00 2.64 0.@ {4.98 67.97 90.27 59.27 0_m 0-m 0m 76.64 86.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 t5,2! 0.00 0.25 80.61 70.73 79.m 33.15 79.64 0.00 17_21 65.94 0.oo 0.00 27.69 7.24 0.04 54,-r9 47.54 78.01 73.13 0.00 Attachment l -Page44l Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Namepl.re lkwl Est,mated Pv Namephte (kwad 177.9 1.2 148 715/17 73:oo A/!77 t2:00 9/11/!-t Lg:oo 712?lr7o:oo 7128/110:0o a/5117 o:oo 6l3h12tOO 1/t4h1 7O:OO 9/7177 76:00 8122/t1 11:00 9/r2/D $:oo 9/A/r7 7t:00 911/r7 22:W 9/91t7 79:oo 9/12/t1t9:OO l/Bl17 8:an 919/717a:oo 517177 t4tOO al4lLl OIOO 9/7 /a7 i:oo rls/rt 22:oo A/16/t1tl:oO 6/22/117&@ 5/21/\1 1):OO 7/6lai 2:oo 1/24/110:00 6/24/17 76:00 7lB/771:oo 9/6/t7 r7:@ A/7/t7 74:Oi 1/25/17 r1:@ A/7/17 a2:oo rlt1l77 21:OO 7/3/L1rt:OO A/2/7172:@ 8/15/1718:00 9/Lt/11 ]aIOO 9/a2la7 27:oo 9/5/71 t6:OO 9/13/tl21:OO 6l!a7 a2:oo 5/30/1716:00 7/zltt t:OO 6l10/D a1@ 7l2alD73:00 l/7/77 7:OO 6/6/t7 73:00 1/t61tl74:V) 9/91t711:o0 512911174:@thltl t:oo 6/617179:oo 7/30/ti A:N 5/ZZ/U t7t90 A/2r/77 7A:00 t/t5/77 20:09 AIA/!1 tl:oo Al24/71 7a:OO a/25/r1 75:OO 7/7717711:OO 9/217116:00 rh3/r7 9,oo 7/$/r7 2:oo 8126171 76:00 1/10/t19:OO 1/6/77 70:OO r/76177 12:00 2330 2589 2439 2325 2321 2322 2335 2165 2580 2320 73f5 2319 2318 7457 2314 2315 2491 2672 2174 2515 2371 2608 2613 z@7 2310 2310 2604 2308 2461 2514 2547 2391 2304 2611 2591 2585 2565 2301 2491 2300 2!Ot 2514 2299 2468 2595 72 2298 2579 2511 7@4 2297 2556 229s 2596 2580 2294 2560 2563 2554 2325 2559 2290 2290 2570 2480 258I 2288 2328 2327 2325 2325 2324 2t22 2322 2321 2321 2320 2319 2319 2318 2317 2317 2316 8r6 2314 2314 2314 23tl 2311 23rr 2310 2310 2310 2309 2308 2308 2307 2:106 2305 230a 2302 2302 230r 2301 2301 2300 2300 2300 2299 2299 2294 2Z9A 2298 2298 2298 2298 zz97 2291 2297 2295 2295 2294 2294 2293 z29t 2291 2291 2291 2290 2?90 2290 2289 2289 22l]a 122.12 102.89 27.96 0.m 0.00 0.0 5.12 56.42 110.35 0.@ 31.45 0.oo 0.m 30.41 11.90 0.@ 60.58 1t1.02 0.m 12.74 0.@ 104.62 92.!t4 r13.87 0.m 0.o 72r.07 0.@ 63,05 E5-42 96.53 57.U 0.q) 95.n 104.11 60.04 u.44 0.m 83.89 0.()0 0.00 12t-07 0.@ 118-4:l 122.44 0.@ 0.m 135.98 15.$ 1r11.55 0.@ 52.68 0.m 118.05 77.75 0.m 1r3.98 121.50 125.33 88.E4 103.28 8.80 0.oo 115.82 34.06 55.45 0.0() 1.91 55.60 7.00 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 1.18 27.v 53,41 0.m 1,8.44 0.m 0.00 9.65 5.11 0.00 19.32 83.14 0.00 2a.u 0.00 67 'U 51'y 74.41 0.m 0.m 94.77 0.m 25.04 56.77 43.52 27.57 0.00 5&21 61.t1 rt4.23 30.66 0.@ 33.65 0.m 0.m 72.42 0.Ix) 83.23 81.31 0-00 0.00 8.97 3€.28 99.83 0.@ 26.110 0.@ 73.10 33.34 0.00 58.90 81.84 75.74 32.v 63.76 0.70 0.00 75.76 14.59 40.33 0.oo Non-Erpon sobr (tw) 120.41 37.29 20.96 0.m 0.m 0-00 3.93 28.18 46.94 0.00 t9,02 0.@ 0.@ 20.57 8.79 0.00 41.25 47.8a 0.00 43.34 0.00 35.78 35.60 39.03 0.m 0-00 30.37 0.00 17.97 28.55 53.01 N.27 0.oo 3r.55 36.94 35.85 33.78 0.00 50.24 0.@ 0_m 50.25 0.@ 35.20 47.77 0.00 0.tD 47.O1 :14.28 41.82 0.oo 26.24 0.00 44.95 a3.83 0.m 55.07 39.62 49.59 56.55 39.52 8.09 0.00 40.06 t9.47 25.13 0.00 Attachment 1-Page442 Per unt Distribur.d solar 0.825082 0.694049 0.lEE624 0 0 0 0.0345141 0.380565 0.74437 0 0.25t596 0 0 0.205141 0.09378 0 0.40863 0.883753 0 0.486848 0 0.705614 0.626914 0.768078 0 0 0.E43673 0 0.425295 0.576157 0.65rr24 0.390128 0 0.645972 0.702261 0.sirc192 0.a34673 0 0.565852 0 0 0.830145 0 0.798852 0.826155 0 0 0.917206 0.516428 0.955499 0 0.355359 0 0.795307 0.520502 0 0.76E81' 0.819547 0.E4541 0.599553 0.596562 0.0593329 0 0.78126 0.229751 0.44r523 0 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-€xPorts rnstarred Pv N.meprate (kw) DC:AC Ratio Estimated Pv Nameplate (twac) t71.9 ,.2 148 Daie & Tim€ 7/15171 79,00 9/721t1 2o:oo 6/25177 O:0o 6170/77 7O:OO a/71hr L6:OO 6/2a/9 r7:0o 6/22/17 O.OO 7 h7h7 2,OO 7/71/17 r3:Oo 7/23/1174:00 7l29li aloo 9l3lt7 22:N 713/717:N al37/17 74:N 5/71/717:00 719/714:OO Al7 /77 73:OO 9/9/7121:Og 7/14177 9:oO 6/2U7172:OO t/3!/710:OO 7/37/t7 7z:o0 A/25/r7 23tOO thol!19:00 1119177 72:@ A/17/17 71:N 8/74/77 2t:OO 1/a/77 72:00 915/7717:00 9lt3l717a:@ 717A/t7 9:OO 6/20/tl t:OO 7127177 72:oO 8/15171 71,00 6/ali o:oo A/79/1719:@ L/t5/171:N al27/77 !6100 9/72/1711:@ a/221t7 15:00 alsola7 D:OO 1l7t/77 t7:@ 7/25/t1r2.OO,/t3li a.oo 9/6177 22:oo 1/2OlLt tz:OO 5/23/t7 76:00 1/23/17 O:00 a/r77 7:OO 7lsl779:@ al7l71l:00 7/61!714:N A/M/77 2o:OO 6/22/77 16:00 715/11la:OO A/7ah7 r4:oo al317172:OO a/23117 74:OO A/LA/17 7s:oo 't/1 /r7 27:OO 7h2h7 rt:oo ll5l17 7o:o0 616/7174:N r/11/77 70:00 6/1a/77 zt:N a/E/7712:00 al23l77 21:oO 2289 2293 7787 2555 2576 2580 228' 2245 2590 2579 2542 2283 z2a2 2554 2281 2247 2439 2260 2314 2585 zzn 2572 22f8 2217 2581 2554 2279 2550 2275 2470 2274 ?.271 2532 2944 2272 2499 2717 2551 2390 2535 2513 2563 2553 2269 2264 25@ 2564 2266 2266 2265 2?55 2266 2359 2560 2254 7472 2534 ?.432 2549 ?262 2551 22fi 2522 2260 2311 2258 2258 Z2EE 2288 2241 2241 2286 2245 2245 2285 22A3 2283 2283 22E3 2282 2247 22at 2247 22EO 2280 2280 lzw 2279 2219 z21A 7217 2277 2275 1275 7275 2215 2274 2274 2213 2?73 2272 2212 2271 2271 2271 2271 2210 zzm 2270 2259 2269 2264 2267 2266 2266 7266 7265 2265 2265 2265 2264 2264 225. 2262 2262 2262 2261 2760 2259 2259 2258 2258 225a Per Unit Ditibuted solar 0 0.0149344 0 0.414745 0.832143 0.682291 0 0 0.477742 0.892392 0.797797 0 0 0-854393 0 0 0.405a02 0 0.191221 0.825702 0 0.7t7!79 0 0.016918 0.78540' 0.80E658 0.@753565 0.73044 0 0.402012 0 0 0.725903 0.705909 0 0.305845 0 0.76539 0.27rr33 0.791E24 0.654 0.665248 0.712633 0 0 0.793619 o.an25a 0 0 0 0 0.811@7 o.77479 0.915024 0 o.3'a2134 o.72213 0.425806 0.E92035 0 0.641909 0.178119 0.548(B 0.350045 0.0232704 0 0 0.00 2.21 0.(r 61.a9 123.37 101.15 0.m 0m 130.04 132.30 118.20 0.@ 0.@ 126-65 0.m 0m 60.25 0.m 2E.35 122.11 0.00 106.35 0.m 2.57 r16.44 r19.88 1,12 108.29 0.m 59.60 0.m 0-@ 707,16 10!.65 0.@ 45.35 0.00 77?.47 40.20 117.39 95.95 98.62 105.55 0.6 0.m 777_55 !30.05 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 120.23 rr,02 135.65 0.00 s0.72 107.10 63.13 112.24 0.00 95.15 26.41 81.30 s3.38 3.45 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.12 0.o 34.49 E!.27 60.71 0.00 0.oo 81.17 E9.71 91.94 0.m 0.@ ,2.4 0.m 0.00 37.30 0.@ 11.8r1 74.6 0.00 69.88 0.@ 1.98 76.86 62.93 o.!1 7 t.47 0.00 20.11 2.59 0.@ u-31 55.16 0.q) 18.14 0.00 73.97 2a.93 77,41 /t5.615 s4.44 12.9A 0.00 0.m 77.51 85.22 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m 1.78 4_e4 89.78 0.m 55.EO 59.73 60.20 90.53 0.00 61.45 0.@ 38.92 9.04 1.44 0.m 0.22 Non-Export Solar (kw) 0.00 2.09 0.m 27.@ 42.6 40.98 0.00 0.00 42.42 42.58 ?5.26 0.00 0.m 54.06 0.00 0.00 22_95 0-00 15-51 47.75 0.00 36.47 0.00 0.53 39.58 55.95 0.95 36.86 0.00 39.33 -2.59 0.00 43.42 3a-a9 0.m 26.61 0.m 39.55 15.27 39.94 50.30 a4_1a 37.67 0.00 0_00 10.13 i14.83 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 !18.45 12.38 45.88 0.(xl -s.08 17.37 2.93 41.72 0.@ 33.71 26A7 42.38 i14.35 1.9-l 0.00 4.22 Attachment l -Page443 Schedule I Hourly Solar Genoration Exports and Non-exporte rnstalled Pv N.meDlate lkw) Estimated Pv Nrmepl.te (kw..) t77_9 1.2 148 240' 2257 2254 2536 2372 2255 2456 2550 253E 2211 2252 2253 2251 2490 2309 2552 2528 2499 2123 7747 2529 2521 7246 2246 25t6 2245 2245 25t9 2243 2243 2242 2247 2247 2413 2239 2s33 22]a 24)6 2425 2312 2512 2330 2216 2450 2451 2234 ?234 2234 2234 2214 2254 2404 2481 2123 2232 2732 22!t 223r 225a 2503 2230 22!O 2306 2729 2524 2435 2335 oare & Irme a/zalt1t3:@ 1l25lt? t:N al6lat V:OO 113117 t0:OO 5/21/a7 27:00 7/75/71 27.00 th3l\711:OO 7la7li t3:OO 7122h71490 tholtT 2o:oo alaalL7 lotoo 6lt8lt122& a/72/77 O N 1/7/779t0o 51217121:OO 6/19/17 13:00 9l1ll11 77tOO 914/17 lst90 6/25111 \4:OO 7h2l0 a:@ al4la1 D:00 9l!1175:OO 71141-t13:OO a/24/r1 21:00 A/76117 l6tOO !!6/77 ra:@ 7/271170:@ 6121/77 75tOO 6/211122:@ th9l77 7tO0 7/7OlL7 !:00 5/21/tI22tco al75/71 23100 9lA/77 75:OO'tl7!l77 3t0O tl5l77 7O:0O a/6177 2]@ 712317712,00 9/73/77 76:00 7/10/77 A:OO 9/3177 76.@ alBl77 7A:OO AlTAltT 2}@ al9ht 73:00 6/3117 7r:00 r/7117 Ofi 7h4ll179tOO sllo/77 23too ?/13177 2:engltthr 22,OO 7l2sl77 9t0O 7/24/71 r7:OO 7h5h7 tot00 6lal17 L\|OO 6124117 O:OO ala4li 27:00 U7lr15:oo Ali/r173:OO al7l77 7a$O 8179171 78:00 6121/a7 O:N 717/1r 3:@ !76177 71:@ 7lsltt 2:00 6126117 10:00 9/5/1175tW Al13lrT 77tg9 2257 2257 2257 2257 2255 2255 2255 2253 2252 2Z5Z 2252 2252 2251 2250 2250 2250 2?49 2244 ?247 2217 2217 2246 2246 22.45 2246 2246 2745 2241 z24X 1243 2242 224t 2241 2240 2239 223E 2238 2238 z23E 2BA 2237 7237 2236 2235 2234 2234 2234 2214 22v 22,34 2233 2233 223? ?237 2212 2232 2231 2237 2210 2230 2230 2279 2229 2278 222A 2228 Per Unit Di3t.ibuted Solar 0.3169r o 0.273131 0.438904 0.020627 0 0.583531 0.E526A7 0.923321 0.0309103 0.0319703 0 0 0.2286 0.0302985 0.E@159 0.613229 o.6a-n27 0.91432 0 0.730{89 0.8!5099 0 0 0.819178 0 0 0.90828 0 0 0 0 0 0.809803 0 0.43403' 0 0.615139 0.713044 0.0599588 0.719534 o.232791 0 o.1773a4 0.539453 0 0 0 0 0 0.045842 0.310233 0.4!1147 0.375789 0 0 0 0 0 0.512058 0 0 0.743286 0 0,470511 0.523255 0.431114 a6.99 0.m 40.49 55.07 3.05 0.00 85.51 127.8 136.88 4.58 0.00 0.m 33.89 4.49 127.52 90.9r 101.88 135.55 0.€{l 108.29 r23.80 0.(rc 0.m t21.44 0.00 0.@ 134.65 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 120.05 0.@ 64.35 0.@ 91.19 105,71 8.89 106.67 34.51 0.@ 115.24 79.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-@ 0.m 5.94 45.99 61.25 55.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 75.91 0.@ 0.@ 110.19 0.00 69.75 92.{O 63.91 iton-Expo,t Solar {lw) .7.93 0.m 40.49 27.02 2.U 0.m 45.10 35-09 32-65 3.78 -7.55 0.00 0.00 21.27 3.27 45.98 40.20 32.55 32.5,t 0.00 1X.97 51.02 0.m 0-@ 39.28 -0.12 0.00 30.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 59.24 0.@ 28.18 0.m 5E.45 45.67 5.56 40.55 75.22 0.m 51.93 24.?7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.42 5.38 23.35 27.24 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.0 .o-16 39.27 0.00 0.00 55.03 0-00 31.37 54.m 34.25 54.9r 0.00 0.@ 38.05 0.42 0.m 40,41 92.41 104.03 0.80 12.39 0.00 0.@ 12.62 r.22 E1.54 50.71 69.33 103.01 0.00 64.32 72.79 0.m 0.q) 87.71 0.12 0.m 104.02 0.@ 0.m o.m 0.@ 0.@ 50.82 0.@ 35.16 o.m 32.74 60.04 3.33 66.12 ,4.29 0.(D 63.3r 55.25 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 3.52 40.51 37.89 28.61 0.m 0-m 0.m 0-m o.r5 35.4 0.m 0.00 45.16 0.00 34.38 38.40 29.67 Attachment 1-Page444 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exPorts rn(alled Pv Nam.prale (kw) tnamated Pv nam€plate {kwac) 777.9 1.2 148 25?4 2277 7727 2529 2265 2347 742a 237! 2503 2225 2309 2129 2441 2445 2230 2572 2224 2223 2515 2274 2222 2223 2296 2389 2449 224A 22tE 2485 2521 2510 22t6 2Zt7 2211 2497 z2t5 2129 2309 2213 2213 2273 2330 257.1 2277 2273 2434 2515 2483 2510 2360 2490 2a77 2271 2ZO9 2210 2!47 2W7 2207 2{65 2206 2509 2294 24ll/) 2205 2205 2463 2204 2204 Dare E Time 7 /B/t1 7O:W t/3lt-t 19:oo 7/6/\7 6:N 6/29/17 13:@ 7114/71A:OO 6la/77 \4:Oo 5/3lll7 14:00 7l75lt7 tt:OO A/sh, L4too 7/77/77 O:00 A/7lti 77:00 7/2/17 7):OO 7/7117 !2:N 5/30/17 7s:@ lh4/77 Lr:00 Allr/77 75:oo 91a17122:OO 7/4/7119:OO 1/LAl77 72:00 s/29/t1 21:OO 7h1/71t0:@ 1/30/17 10:00 a/2o177 20:00 6/30/7/ !t:N 9/91\7 76:00 El11l71 79:OO 618/77 22:@ allo/\1 73:oo 6117/77 70:OO al2U77 tl:oO al2/17 7:OO rl6/t715:OO 6/5117 zt:00 719171!O:OO 717117122:OO 6/a/17 t2:0o 7/7s/7710:OO s/3r/77 23:OO 6l2Ul7 2:oo 7/a/714tOO 8lt1lt7 76tOO 6/27117 77:00 7121r719:N r/15/r7 7o:N 917/17 75:N 6/22171 15:OO alPllT r1:oo 1/711r712:OO 9/to/71 79:OO 7/t6/ri 71:oO a/6/17 7s:o0 7h3h r 7r:00 ltl71a:00 L/5/17 7t:o0 5/8/1713:00 rl3l712O:@ alzlu 21:oo al7/17 71:Oo 9/lO/77 27:oD 6/23/7-1 75:OO 111h7A.W all5li 16:00 116/7-/ 16:00 7l7t/71to.oo 7174171 2O:Ao 7/$/117:OO 7227 2227 2ZZ7 2727 2221 2277 2221 7726 2126 2226 2725 2225 2225 2225 z2?4 7221 2223 2227 2220 2219 2279 2279 7777 2277 2277 2271 2?!7 2215 2216 2216 2215 2275 22L4 2214 2213 22t3 771t 2273 2772 2272 2272 7272 2212 2211 7211 2211 2271 2210 7210 2209 2209 2209 2201 2201 7207 2106 2206 7705 2705 2205 2205 2205 220! 270t P.r Unit Dirtibuted Solar 0.44t702 0 0 0.920lEl 0.0544025 0.395643 0.878961 0.173288 0.852889 0 0.248002 0.7597t1 0.581467 0.902662 0.338359 0-897433 0 0 0.756058 0.0255122 0.20@97 0.120478 0.ta30262 0.664138 0.709054 0.0265253 0 0,757751 0.441252 0.685192 0 0.710364 0.0108464 0.431309 0 0.229395 0.302118 0 0 0 0.578543 0.682872 0 0.162112 0_590485 0.944169 0.799863 0.74383 0.183922 0.883073 0.523715 0 0 0.304343 0.20221 0 0 0.365983 0 0.935584 0.0630938 0.82068r 0.529637 0.0084106E o.47!466 0 0 65.41 0.00 0.m 136.42 8.07 58.65 130.31 25.@ t27_97 0.@ !6.77 u2.53 r01.03 133.82 50.15 133.04 0.() 0.@ 112.09 3.78 30.55 77.* 12.31 98.45 105.12 3.9s 0.m 111.45 71.35 101.58 0.00 105.31 4.57 63.9 0.@ 34-01 44.79 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 85.78 101.24 0.00 51.77 87.50 145.99 116.58 116.19 21.27 130.92 97.47 0.00 0.00 45.12 29.98 0-@ 0-m 54.26 0.00 138.70 9.35 121.65 78.52 1.25 70.19 0.m 0.m 46.68 0.m 0.m 101.71 2.57 38.25 83.s4 20.34 42.73 0.m 22.90 8134 91.12 86.33 24.n 84.s, 0.@ 0.00 78.03 0.54 11.47 9.6'l 3.97 67.83 59.82 5.13 0.@ 73.65 t1.46 5l-,t4 0.m 1.44 0.89 3E.55 0.m 28.40 10.i10 0.m 0.m 0.00 15.34 fio.An 0.m 8.41 46.89 92.91 78.19 7a_@ 8.42 93.32 65.52 0.@ 0.(r 0.72 34'?8 o.() 0.00 50.33 0.m 91.61 5.09 77.89 o.77 2.07 35-20 0.m 0.00 non-ttpon Solar (kW) 14.72 0.m 0.m 34.71 s.39 20.40 46.11 53r 45,19 0.00 13.87 1!.25 9.91 47.49 25.38 44.24 0.oo 0.00 34.05 3.24 19.09 8.23 8.34 30.63 r5_30 '1.78 0.00 37.79 33.8E 44.14 0.m 103.87 1.69 25.39 0.00 5.61 34.39 0.00 0.@ 0.00 50.44 40.34 0-q) 45.36 40.70 53.G ao_19 3a.18 18.84 37.59 26.95 0.@ 0.m 45.00 -4.30 0.00 0.00 3.93 0.00 47.09 1.25 43.78 78.35 4.77 :til.99 0.m 0.00 Attachment l -Page445 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnn.lled Pv Nameplate ltw) DC:AC Rario Esthated Pv Nameplate (kwacl t779 !.2 148 a/11/110:OO 8127177 23:OO 6/111121:N 1/30/t7 !1N r/73/77 71:OO 6/5/7121:OO 6lzal17 2:oo 7l$lr7 t:OO ll5l17 21:OO Al75/77 73:OO 9lt2/71 76:00 2/2/D rqOO 7/30/7713:00 6/2olt7 9:00 916/7176:00 7/27/t7 9:OO 5l29/\11:OO sl29/a1 22:oo 6/alt12t:OO A/ZO/\1 ZI:OO 6/2A/77 1o:OO 1/15/179:00 7/t5/t7 22:00 7h5/17 2:00 1/41t7 2:OO 7l6lt7 3:oO 9/72177 22tOO a/29h,1 r7:oo !l2tlt1a:OO 6110/771:OO 9la/7121:@ ,/26/17l:00 917/t7 21:@ 7/261719,@ alultT t9:@ 1Eltj s:oo 6/8/1710i00 5lA/tr lst90 7177177 6:00 2/21t7 2o:oo 6lali $:w 6/7li a!00 7lt3/t7 20.N L/7/77 5:00 a/8177 o:OO V18lr7 r1:m 't/2h7 2100 A/76/17 Lst0o 5/19/17 r?:OO Al17/77 21:oo sl37/tt 71:OO a/25/t7t4:@ tlr77 9:00 6127177 2,N a/7!17 O:00 U27lt1 1o:@ 7/417178:OO A/to/17 o:oo 77/73/71 L9|OO a/24/71 t3:OO A/21/ai B:oo ,l2sl11a:OO lILA|P 1t:@ 7l2ol77 7t:oo 912/77 7s:N A/2O|L1 t9:00 7/1177 7a:q 22(X 2204 2203 2202 2274 220! !201 2207 2?00 22W 2364 2203 2195 z4zo ,374 2197 2!97 2198 2234 22@ zala 2196 2195 2r95 2194 2194 2194 2453 2193 2193 2193 2192 2792 22\8 23E5 2189 2266 2324 2188 2188 2296 2486 7781 21E6 2186 2193 2184 2452 2477 2183 2391 2454 2]a2 2182 2182 2184 2tEl 2r8r 218r 2450 2338 216Eun 2469 2451 2338 2179 220! 220! 2201 2202 2202 220r 2201 2207 220o 2200 2200 2200 2199 2799 2791 2791 2797 z!91 2797 2195 2195 2196 2796 2795 2194 2194 2794 2194 2793 2193 2193 2792 2!92 2792 2749 21E9 2188 2188 2188 2184 2188 2187 2!87 2185 2145 27t. 2184 2184 2184 21E3 21E3 2182 21a2 2782 2182 2182 2181 2181 2181 2181 2180 21E0 2180 2180 2779 2119 2719 Per Unil DBtibuted solar 0 0 0 0 0.584541 0 0 0 0 0 o_475646 0 0-823154 0.109316 0.519476 0.0504677 0 0 0.0317679 0 0.489143 0-0588061 0.13246 0.104752 0 0.14932 0.344935 0 0 0.101785 0.859766 0 0 0 0.0659154 0 0.835285 0.141657 0 0.8611153 0.858879 0 0 0 0.245101 0 0 0 0.7a1084 0.507941 0.0141187 0.623307 0.547992 0.170527 0.223E2E 0 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 86.66 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 70.56 0.00 722.O3 16.21 71.07 1.48 0-@ 0.m 4.71 0.@ 72.52 a.7z 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 102.64 0.@ 0.@ 0.oo 0.00 0.m 19.64 45.la 0.m 22.14 51.14 0.@ 0.(p 15.09 r27.45 0.00 0.@ 0.00 9.n 0.m 123.98 1t6.77 0.m t27.7t 127.33 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 35.:t4 0.() 0.@ 0.@ 115.80 90.13 2.09 92.41 96.06 1.14.25 33.18 0.m solar Exports (kwl 0.fr 0.0 0.@ 0.m 27.24 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 34.50 0.m 77.r0 12.55 34.24 0.20 0.@ 0.@ 1.31 0.@ 37.11 1.56 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 6t.24 0.@ 0.m o.m 0.0 0.m 5.39 18.89 0.m 18.38 32.@ 0.28 0.m 23.65 85.13 0.@ 0.m 0.o 5.91 0.00 77.41 75.05 0.m 87.v 82.49 0.m 0.@ 0.00 2.v 0.(I 0.o 0.m 81.57 t19.91 1.16 53.24 63.55 79.58 !1.a6 0.o 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 59-41 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.16 0.m 41_91 3.55 42.77 7.24 0.00 0.00 3.40 0.00 35.40 7,16 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.36 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 13.24 26.29 0.00 3.t6 19.14 -0.28 0.m -8.55 4?.33 0.m 0_00 0-00 3.85 0.(rc 46.51 4t.72 0.00 45.38 44.U 0-@ 0.m 0_00 34.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 14.22 10.22 0.93 29.76 32.52 34.67 77.72 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.69236 0 0 0 0 0 Attachment l -Page446 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exPorts rnst.lled Pv Nameprate (kw) DCrAC R.rio E timated Pv Nameplate (kwa.) t77.9 1,2 148 r/3o/771:00 1/31/178:00 616/t1t1:@ 7 /t9/r1 3.0o 8/30/1r 0:00 r/71/11t2.00 7/24/17 IO:OO 7lt9/7717:OO !7172/t7 tg:oo 7l2A/1712tOO l$/1l19tOO !/15/t7 Lrt0o 6/4/7178:OO ala/i P:OO 7/21/17 7:Oo 8lt6/77 15:00 !4/71 20:00 7/7a/71 )7:OO t2lt2/71 $:OO 7l61779too t/5/t112tOO 7/30/Lt zot00 1/11/771:oo al9l1,0:6 7 /3/a7 LO:00 l/2/1r 20:Oo 7 /17/11 3:OO 112/77 $:oO a/3r171 13:OO glzl-Li Z3:OO 7127/D az:oo 8/2/t171tOO 6/25ht 71W 711/77 a:N 8/31/170:00 6la/a7 20:OO 6/27/L7 LA:OO a/76/77 23100 r/10/L7 Lg:OO 7/30117 t7:Oo 1/29177 7:00 6/29/17 72to0 7126/i aOtO0 6124/L-t 74:OO 1/73/77 9:N 7 /74/71 4:N 919/77 22:OO 7lt0/771:OO 7/1tlt19:Og 7 h2h7 2:OO al6/77 o:OO A/71/ri 2O:OO 't /26/Lr tL:OO AI19/|7 77:00 7/1/77 2:OO 5la/t7 77:N 919lt7 7s:o0 8/3/1711:00 7h/77 LN 7/1/77 17:@ 1/13177 7:OO 7/alt71O:OO a/1/ti 7o:oo 7/14/ri 72:OO 9/u/r7 76:@ 6/3/1716:@ 2179 2779 246E 2178 2t1B 2237 2321 2475 2177 2471 2177 2185 2!47 2411 71,4 z45E 2173 2113 2na 7142 2771 2177 2177 2171 2469 2169 t169 2r72 2438 2!67 2468 2450 2441 2165 2165 2235 2477 2164 2t7a 2tEl 2163 2465 2308 21t9 2aol 2r52 2162 2156 2t6t 2161 2161 2171 2416 2443 2160 2267 2:!45 2409 2159 2159 2158 2159 2231 2775 2765 2431 2395 ?119 2119 2179 2l,a 2114 2774 2DA 2777 2t77 2t76 2t75 2175 2715 2175 2174 2713 2113 2t13 2713 2172 2777 7t7r 2l7l 2171 2159 2169 2r69 2154 2154 2757 2157 2156 2156 2165 2165 2165 2t5! 2764 7164 2153 2163 2163 zt52 2162 2t62 2162 2162 2!67 2151 2161 215l 2161 2161 2t61 z160 2160 2159 2159 2159 2159 2158 2158 215a 2157 2157 1757 2156 Per U6it Di3t.ibuted solar 0 0 0.691023 0 0 0.745467 0.242E05 0.647395 0 0.638275 0 0.135215 0_442852 0.5r5898 0 0.@ 0.m l02.tl4 0.m 0.m 770.-12 35.m 95.98 0.q) 94.62 0.@ 20_05 7r.58 91.!l 0.m 130.93 0.m 0.m 0.00 35.41 57.44 0.@ 0.m 0.00 69.24 0.m 0.m 0.m 120.70 0.q) r14.88 85.05 130.75 0.m 0.0 0.@ 144.25 0.m 0.q) 17.78 0.m 723.27 4!.77 I36,EE 33.81 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.m 1_13 87,75 99.E7 0.m 19.06 116.21 85.93 0.00 0.m 0.@ 3.83 46.15 39.87 0.94 108.34 118.55 0.00 0.00 58.17 0.m 0.@ a8.04 24.22 62.34 0.00 65.68 0.00 17.23 30.07 52.14 0.oo 87.80 0.00 0-(x) 0.00 16.14 0.31 0.13 0.m 0.m 34.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.24 0.00 79.35 57.27 100.15 0.@ 0.0 5.52 99.81 0.00 0.m 2r.92 0.@ 88.30 19.36 108.66 72,67 0.@ 0.@ 0.49 2.31 0.@ 0.00 7.47 42.11 56.27 0.@ 30.40 71.01 45.34 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.33 15.37 32.23 0.45 55.34 5E.65 Non.txport sol.r (kw) 0.m 0.m 44.28 0-m 0.00 62.64 7t.n 33.60 0.(x) 28.94 0.00 2-79 41.51 39.17 0.m 43.13 0.00 0.00 0_00 19.28 57.74 {.13 0-m 0.m 34.70 0-00 0.00 0.00 42A2 0.00 35.53 34.78 30.60 0.00 0.m 48.44 0.00 0_00 9-85 0.00 14.97 25.34 24.21 2\.14 0.m 0.00 0.15 -0.06 0.00 0.0t) -0.@ 45.64 43_60 0.@ _11.34 45_19 41,59 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.50 30.80 't.64 0.48 42.97 49.91 3162088 0 0 0 0.2r68a3 0.387597 0 0 0 0.46t01 0 0 0 0.814184 0 0,7748t5 0.s80465 0.881957 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.214355 0 0.831529 0.301574 0.923283 0.22E05r 0 0 0.00439879 0.0151575 0 0 0.00900146 0.591901 0.673575 0 0.128s82 0.78385 0.586!53 0 0 0 0.0258335 0 31138€ 0.268913 0.00632736 0.730819 o_799749 Attachment 1 - Page 447 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rn5talled Pv Nameplate (kwl Enimat€d Pv N.meplate (kwad 777 9 1.2 148 2202 2r55 2156 2247 2452 2155 2tv 2r55 2153 2351 2409 243! 2425 2151 2151 2447 2150 2L1 2435 7447 2749 2149 211t9 2477 7425 2148 2148 2X49 2747 2147 21?7 2146 2745 ,145 22E7 2361 zL44 7144 2297 2197 2143 2141 2141 2140 2384 2385 2139 2352 2337 2154 2345 2374 2306 2353 2{Ot 2746 2735 2269 2135 2135 2r35 2134 2134 2302 2417 2351 2155 2155 2156 2156 2155 2155 2r54 2154 2153 2153 2152 2752 215l 2151 2151 2150 2150 2749 rL9 2749 2149 2!49 2749 2744 214a 2148 2144 zt47 zl17 2147 2t47 2146 2745 2745 2145 2144 2744 2744 2144 2143 2t13 zt41 2141 2140 2140 2140 2119 2139 213a 2rl8 2134 2138 zL37 2737 213' 2136 2136 2135 2135 2135 2135 2134 2734 2133 2133 Per Unit Di3tibuted sola, 0.183676 0 0 0.0665305 0.945rt55 0 0.0509487 0 0.0033m71 0 0.65851S 0.251851 0.7(8E09 0.535311 0 0 0.602089 0 0.90413 0.459075 0.59256 0 0 0 0.197559 0.828495 o 0 0.0751896 0 0 0.855287 0 0 0 0.0610425 0-830093 0 0 0.29859 0.310518 o 0 0 0 0.806149 0_434751 0 0.148438 0.130!64 0-0955729 0.241523 0.555487 0.a8158S 0.798375 0.8768(X 0.405345 0 0.0653795 0 0 0 0 0.0814029 0.77555 0.958509 0.2452E5 (kw) 27.73 0.m 0.m 9-85 1it0.16 0.00 7.55 0.00 0.49 0.00 99.11 38.82 r05_08 79.36 0.m 0.@ 89.26 0.m l34.04 66-06 87.85 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 1lE.24 122.82 0.00 0.@ 11_15 0.m 0.m 126.80 0.00 0.@ 0-@ 9.05 123.05 0.00 0.m 44.27 45.03 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 119.51 64.45 0.00 22.07 19.34 14.32 35.81 82.35 77.39 118.36 r29.99 60.24 0.@ 9.69 0.@ 0.m 0.() o.m 72.07 114.98 142.10 36-35 5olar Erports (kw) 9.35 0.() 0.00 3-10 96.09 0.m 2.83 0.@ 0.25 0.m 54.20 15.53 55.00 65.13 0.00 0.00 50.23 0.m 98.04 40.15 55.65 0.00 0.m 0.o 13.U 89.54 0.@ 0.@ 15.96 0.m o.m 74.24 0.m 0.m 0.m 3.m @.74 0.@ 0.@ 14.7A 17,28 0.@ 0.00 0.0 0.m 70.25 27.57 0.00 7.91 6.59 8.64 33.31 29.24 '14.8071.33 86.84 6.58 0.05 3.44 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 1.35 47.07 94.39 !2.76 Non-Erpod 5ol.r llwl 17.84 0.(x) 0@ 6.76 44.08 0.m 4.73 0.m 0.24 0.00 44_91 21.29 49.(A 14-23 0_00 0-00 39-03 0_m 36.00 27.91 32.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.20 33.2a 0.00 0.@ .{.42 0.ttr 0.m 48,55 0.m 0.m 0.m 6.05 54.32 0.00 0.00 9.98 2A.76 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 49.25 35.E8 0.00 14.10 77.75 5.57 2-50 53.11 26.59 47.O1 43.15 53.65 -o-06 6.a5 0.oo 0.00 0.@ 0.q) 10.12 67.90 47.77 23.60 6/a/17 9:o0 7/1/ 11 4:OO Al5/t17t0o 6/2A177 ao1 6123/711100 7/22/11tOO 7/7)/71Atoo tlL3l17 27:OO 6126177 \$ alglrt 72:00 6l2al77 9:W 811711112,N 7/4117 t7:oo 1/7/77 3:OO 7/8/71 2O:OO 6/4/77 L7:oo r/75/77&@ a/ra/r7 r4:OO 7h2lt71o:0o 7 /37/t1 7t:00 1/16/t1 Z1:OO 6/A/17 7):00 t2lr1/r7 20:00 A/22/77 L4:oo a/21 /71 lst00 6/20/t72tOO 7/ts/t7 4:oo 6lalfl 79t0o 7/3117 2:oo 9/a/77 74:oo 1/3/t7 7t:OO a/20/17 ?2:oo 9/73/77 22:oo 7/61718:N 9/a/17 74tOO 7/7/t77:o0 72h2/71 20100 6/a/i t6too 619/7719:OO rl75l716.00 L/!4/!18,00 72171177 79:OO 5/1117 23:00 6/4/17 76:00 9l1O/77 7a:@ r/79/77 10t00 6/2/77 20:@ 5173/77 20:@ 8lt7 tz:oo alxl7l tl:oo A/74/11 t3:OO 6/30/71 IO:OO 9/t1/L7 r5:OO Alrs/ri r5:@ rl27ltl tt:@ r/6/77 5:@ 6/20/77 A:OO 2/2/t7 2t:o0 6/25/17 t:00 al29ltT O:OO 1/25/t7 7:00 t2/r2/r19:W 9/!2/11 TstOO 6/22/77 71too Attachment l -Page448 Schedule I Hourly Solar Goneration Exports and Non-exports lnnalled PV Nameplate (kw) Estimared PV Nam€plate lkwac) 777.9 1.2 148 Oate a Time r/L4lL7 7A:OO alal7l 2:OO 8141717:OO 7127/1717:N 7/22/17 73:@ 72h3/77 18:00 \2125/a7 8:OO 1/15/1718:00 Tlali 5:@ 7/9/77 6:00 1/2A117 7:00 !7alu aA:W 516l\116:N al21/1716:00 Al71/t7 ts:OO 1/11177 A:Oo ULsl\7 8:O0 DIM/17 9:oO t2/1,1177 8:OO llzglti 19:00 l/31t7 77:OO 6121177 altoo a/71lLt :4tOO !73/17 r2:N 721t411719:00 !27/a7 B:OO A/73117 27:OO 5l3O/17 r4to0 lslal B,OO 9/1/17 2a:OO \2/14117 a:00 t/21t7 27tOO 7l29lt7 2r:OO 7/30/112!:oo 5l2al77 3:& 7lsl71lN 1/29/a7 p:OO 5/21/17 1,0:OO 1/24/179:O0 7/211a7 B:OO tl25/77 9:oo 1/131717t0O 6/28177 7:OO t2/1171&@ t2l-t177 9:W 1212.4/1710:6 t/t/17 79:OO 6l7a/i 23:@ 7 /26177 a:OO 711,7111r1:OO 811311, 12:00 lzl74lt7 [O:OO 7/1/17 27:OO 1?/13/17 9:00 AlslLl 73tOO 911/1715:00 6111117 3:W L/14/17 22:6 t2lt2/71a:OO 5/22/t7 t:oo lr4/17 s.oo 7l2O/'L7IO:OO 9/3/t715:00 5/26/77 9:OO 7173177 $:oo 716/77 O:N 1/70/t7 2:6 2142 2133 27t3 2418 2479 2143 2133 ?r54 2131 2131 2131 2133 2349 2425 2:rc3 2272 zt29 2129 2130 2133 2734 2435 2472 2150 2t2A 2r30 2130 2343 2127 2121 zt27 2726 2726 2!25 2726 2726 2427 2424 2224 2421 2123 2732 773{ 2123 2123 2724 2722 2722 2!34 2408 1258 7t2l 27ZO 2120 24m 2338 2119 2118 2118 2tL7 2177 2373 23E6 2388 2725 2115 2776 2133 z13l 2133 2132 2137 2732 2132 2131 2131 2131 2131 2131 2131 2130 2130 2130 2129 2129 2129 2729 2t29 2t2a 2128 zua 2128 2128 2t2a 2177 2121 zl27 2727 2r26 2126 2r26 2126 2125 2125 2126 2725 2125 2125 7124 2123 2123 2r23 712:l 2!X2 2722 2!22 2121 2121 2t2t 2120 2120 2120 2119 2119 2118 211E 2777 2777 z!17 2717 2116 2t16 2116 2116 Per Unit Oistributed Solar 0 0 0 0.593428 0.882427 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.687163 0.799659 0.555 0.0501742 0 0 0 0 0.0570138 0.90795 0_901315 0_721015 0 0 0 o.973a77 0.80260r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o_723636 0_492E05 0.138967 0.850915 0.0105357 0.@4/l()153 0.00947289 0 0.0958458 0.059246E 0 0 0.0480555 0.546741 o.17r9?2 0-0255915 0 0 0.821099 0.652625 0 0 0 0 0 0.453515 0.786793 0.256803 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 87.98 130_82 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 101.87 u8.55 42.24 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.q) 8,45 134.60 134.05 105.89 0.00 0.m 0.m 136.91 118.99 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ 107.2E 73.05 20.& t26.15 1.55 0.55 1,40 0.@ 14.15 8.78 0.00 0.00 7.1,2 95,84 55.14 3.79 0.m 0.00 t21.73 96.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 67.23 116.64 38.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.@ 0.m 55.18 1@.98 0.00 0.m 0.04 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.04 75.34 70.55 55.42 2.43 0.m o.t2 0.00 0.00 0.62 94.U 95.26 42.90 0.m 0.m 0.12 47.74 0.84 0.@ 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.@u.v 40.64 8.42 89.30 0.00 0.29 0.20 0.@ 1.71 2.03 0.(D 0.00 1.55 59.94 12,71 0.78 0.00 0.14 77.72 56.42 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 3E.s4 7t.u 15.49 0.12 0.00 0.@ Non'Export solar {kwl {_04 0.00 0.00 31.80 29.U 0.00 0.00 ,0.m 0-00 0.00 0,00 -o.04 26.53 48.00 26.86 5.01 0.00 4-12 0-00 0.oo 7.43 x9.16 la.a1 64.m 0_m 0.00 -012 49.12 118.14 0.00 {.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 22.44 32-37 12.18 36.45 1.56 0.37 1.20 0.00 13.19 5.75 0.00 0.00 5-58 35-94 t.02 0.00 0.14 44.01 40.36 0.00 0.m 0.00 000 0.00 28.59 44.42 22.58 -0.12 0.@ 0.m Attachment 'l - Page 449 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnsr.lled Pv Nameplate Ikw) Ertimated Pv Nam€pl.te (kwac) t179 t.2 148 ftie & nm6 72/71/77 A:oO 5/29/77 t7:OO 716l!7 r:oo 1lsl77 gtOO 7lt6ht 13t..r} 9/5/17 74t0o 7l7lt717tOO rh4719:et0 12lt ri 9:OO ZahT E:@ !/3t/17 r0:oo 6/aa/77 zotoo 6/9/17 2O:OO altohT t?:@ 7179177 2:00 t2lt7lt7 20,& 72/21./77 9:N alToli $:OO El3Ol17 9:@ a2la3la7 27:@ 7?l7t/11 $tOO !/14/1,7 \3:OO A/4/a7 A:oO tl1471A:OO ?l2l7t ):oo 9l4lia4:OO 713\/t119:Cfr 7/B/77 9:oO 7h2lr7 2o.oo 11t6117121@ t2/11/11 1O:OO 6/22/a7 P:oO 5l!/77 77tOO 6181117:00 72lt7l71A:OO 12/72/1710:CtO 1/8/1119:N 7/74/77 6:00 lU24/77 9:OO 6l27lt7 9:N 1lzal9 t7:OO 7ltUt11:OO El7/r7 9:oo2h4li a:oo 1lt6l17 3:OO ,l24h1t:N 1,172177 ag:OO 5129171 2o:oo 6/21/77 A:N 1173177 a2:00 112817120:N 719177 79:@ a/3!7112:00 \2126/71 7O:OO A/79/a7 76to0 lhl1,12Ot0D 6/51!7 23:OO 5/11/113:OO 721t7117 17:oo 72/!51a7 9:oo 1/21/117:@ 5l24lr7 73:00 AlBltT 7t:0o 9/5/17 75:00 1/4/77ltm 1/6/77 4:0o a/8/17 O:OO 2116 2411 ?124 2378 2200 2339 2328 2113 2113 2115 2115 2347 215|4 2380 2110 2110 2110 2355 2165 2109 211a 2L29 2385 21()E 2108 2359 2110 2361 2106 2395 2108 2477 2105 2105 2104 2105 2103 2103 2103 235E 2361 2108 2133 2102 2702 2702 2103 23t? 2245 2101 2101 2r02 2100 2384 2099 2099 2099 2099 20E9 2098 2393 22m 2293 zo97 ?o9f 2091 zl16 2t16 2U5 2115 2114 2173 2171 2113 2113 2172 2172 ztl,? 2111. 2ll1 2110 2110 2ll0 2110 2109 2109 2109 2108 2108 210E 2r08 2107 2107 2106 2106 2106 2106 2105 2105 2105 2\U 210a 2103 2103 2103 2103 2103 2103 2102 2102 7702 2702 2102 2102 2101 2101 2701 2101 21tD 2100 2099 2(x,9 2099 2099 2099 2099 2o9E 2097 209? 2097 2097 zo91 2097 Per Unit Dirtibuted Solar 0 0.691994 0.oo85otL5 0.211451 0.803586 0-685913 0.6{0612 o.o51ar24 0.0795331 0 o.@67572 0.15891 0.722523 0.625616 0 0 0.0150562 0.a07331 0_14788 0 0 o.2!4271 0.584355 0 0 0.708268 0 0.234153 0 0.796888 0_03a3533 0.861932 0 0 0 0.351475 0 0 0.000973778 o.759x,7 0347E12 0.m553054 0.161128 0 0 0 0 0.139254 o.o7tD124 0 0 0 0.531504 0 0.1421,3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.492057 0.398012 0.614518 0 0 0 0.@ 102.59 1_26 35.20 !19.13 101.69 94.97 8.58 11.79 0.m t1.27 23.56 18.15 92.15 0.00 0.00 2.23 60.39 21.92 0.m 0.m 37,77 86.63 0.@ 0.@ rc5.m 0.00 34.71 0.@ 1lE.14 5.69 127.74 0.@ 0.m 0.0 52.11 0.m 0.00 0.14 38.44 57.49 0.83 23.89 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 20.65 10.54 0.@ 0.m 0.m 93.62 0.m 116.00 0.m 0.(tr 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 132.25 s9.0r 91.10 0.00 0.@ 0.4 Attachment 'l - Page 450 solar Erports (kw) Non-Exportsolar (kw) 0.m 0.00 6a-05 34.54 0.45 0.E112.79 22.9251.29 A.U43.47 58.2876.06 18.910.66 7.921.35 10.44 0.00 0.m5.20 a.o1 70.37 13.19 3.02 15,14 62.39 30.350.m 0.m0.00 0.000.68 1.5526.91 33.4a5.61 16.25 0.@ o000.00 0.00 38.39 -6.62 s1.04 35.59 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m79.34 25.66 0.m 0.0019.35 15-360.00 0.00 85.97 37.712.O5 3-6383.31 14.470.@ 0.000.m 0.000.m 0.0010.04 42.070.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.17 -0.0213.82 24.6245.62 10-870.20 0.535.94 77-940.20 -0.20 0.m 0.000.m 0.m0.m 0.m6.10 14.ss 3.14 7.39 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.oo0.m 0.0051.G 32_5a0.00 0.0080.62 35.380.m 0_m0.m 0-@0.m 0.m0.00 0.000.62 {.620.m 0_00 105.20 27.tt519.s9 19.4242.69 48.410.@ 0.000.@ 0.@0,@ 0.(x) Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nameprate (kw) Ettimated Pv Nameplate (kWad 7/2/77 77:oo 7/18/71 73,00 rl3/71!2.O0 a/30/r.7 a.oo 7/21/77 7r:N 6/11a7 o:00 12179177 7l:00 6/3lt12O:OO 8174/17 71:oO 7/2/77 77:OO rl12/71 27100 7/27/77 2O:gO 2/73/ri A:O0 Tlaala1 2:OO 6/21717A:OO L/Zltl !O:W 6/79/17 LN 519J712r:N !a/D 7a:00 7/76/17 2:oo A/7/ri 2:OO r/15/77 TOOO t2/t7/11 7O:OO 119/17 9:OO 7l3a/77 2o.@ a/7/7110:OO 7 /9/17 7:@ 12/74177 7t:00 U75177 23:OO r/26llt &@ 7173/171:oo A/72/ri 1:00 a/t3/71 22:OO a/$/712}@ t2/\4177 2O:@ 72/t/a7 a:oo 5/23117 r:& 1/7/!15,oo 7l3t/11t:oo a/24177 72:OO a/4/t7 9:@ A/23/77 7o:oo 7 /t /t7 6:00 a/26117 o:OO 6130/11 2:oo 7173/17 4:@ 7l2al77 1o:oo 6/717172:OO 6/23/7712:W 6hB/77 !9:00 al6/77 74:oo 9l17/11 75:OO 7/24/17 A:OO 6/411719:oO A/16/1114:@ Alallt 77:OO lal77 71:@ 9/3/7123:W D/6/r7 a:00 6/2r/77 9:00 rl5hM:Qa 5123177 21.00 1/71/t71:00 6/20/t71:OO 6l2al77 7:oO 7/t1 ltl 73:00 6lttlt1 22.00 1179 1.2 148 2305 2127 2172 2105 2396 2096 2109 2331 2:t45 2116 2095 2095 2095 209! 23?6 2095 2094 2101 2099 2093 2093 2096 2096 ?32' 2092 2336 2094 2m8 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2090 2090 2090 23r0 2115 2145 2089 2089 2084 208a 2090 2391 2392 2343 2305 2118 zL10 2369 232' 2085 20E5 2085 23r'9 20E4 2@4 2@1 1096 2097 2170 20E3 2W1 2097 209' 2()96 2096 2096 2096 2096 2095 2095 2095 2095 2095 2095 2095 2095 2094 2094 2094 2{)93 2093 2093 2093 20e3 2092 2092 2092 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2091 2090 2090 2(,90 2090 2090 2089 2089 2089 2OEE 2088 2088 2088 2088 2081 20a7 2087 2086 2086 2085 2085 2@s 2085 2085 20E/ 2084 2084 2084 20u 2044 2084 2083 Per Unit Distributed Solar o.633647 0.0428694 0.0784?2r 0.0112!73 0-642471 0 0.0336572 0.157237 o.r2E47 0.400684 0 0 0 0 0_547365 0.223329 0 0.0395514 0 0 0 0.103r5 0.347572 0.226912 0 0.390242 0.00528568 0.0545588 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.539243 0.0754543 0.181908 0 0 0 0 o.370724 0.783427 0.E22955 0.340142 o-752!3 0.197157 0.0495495 0.212709 0.893625 0.1158593 0 0 0 0.156859 0.261034 o 0 0.0100145 0.0114499 0.8135 0 (kwl 93.94 72.8 11.69 1.67 95.25 0.00 4.99 23.31 10r.92 59.40 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 81.15 33.11 0.00 5.85 0.@ 0.o 0.m 75.29 51.53 33-5s 0.00 57.85 0.78 8.09 0.@ 0.@ 0-m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 19.94 11.19 26.97 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 54_96 115.14 LzZ.W 56.36 111.9) 118.18 7.5 31.53 132.48 67.99 0.m 0.m 0.@ 39.55 38.70 0.0 0.@ 1.48 1.70 120.50 0.m 59.37 15.10 o.a1 t_16 54.85 0.00 5-58 7.tl 44.25 1.56 000 0.00 0.16 0.m 41,!7 1.48 0.15 0.G 0.@ 0.q, 0.@ 1.94 8.44 71.29 0Irc 0.29 7.74 0-q) 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 54.34 3.97 9.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 2.70 80.60 86.21 32.12 66.53 75.v 2.24 72.N 91.28 39.34 0.00 0.@ 0.00 14.47 0.m 0.@ 0.(p 0.46 0.46 55.10 0.@ Non+xport solar {kwl 24.57 -2.4t 10.83 0.50 30.40 0.m -0.59 15.54 63.67 57.U 0.0t) 0.00 {_16 0.00 33.98 31.63 -0.1s 5.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 tt-35 43.04 15_36 0.00 26.68 0.50 6.35 0.@ 0.oo 0.@ 0.00 0.oo 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 25.56 7.22 17.76 0.00 0.(x) 0.00 0.00 52.26 35.54 3s.80 24.24 4.97 42.U 5.12 18.84 41.20 32.65 0-@ 0.00 0.00 24.59 38.70 0.00 0.@ 1.03 1.24 55.50 0.00 Attachment l -Page451 r.nall.d P! Nam€plate (kW) DCTAC Ratio Estimated Pv Nameplate (kw.cl t7 t.9 1,2 14E 2084 2374 2355 2090 2082 2224 2299 2081 2oa1 2080 2042 20E5 2211 2079 2079 7079 2079 2333 2082 2222 2096 2074 7078 2074 2090 2080 ?099 2377 20f1 2078 2370 2094 2416 2416 7076 23r0 2015 20f6 2071 22?A 2t49 2014 2249 2218 2112 2072 2071 2011 2019 2070 2010 2070 2010 1070 2070 2371 2a52 2075 2129 2088 22SO 2069 2069 2069 2069 2073 2155 Oate E Time 2m3 2083 2m2 2@2 2082 2082 2081 2081 20E1 2080 2080 1079 zo19 2079 2079 2079 ?019 zor9 2079 2079 2078 wa &74 2074 7074 2018 2011 2077 2077 2077 2077 2075 2076 2076 2075 7075 2075 2075 zo75 2075 2071 zo74 2071 20f3 zoTx 7072 2071 2070 7070 2070 2070 2070 2070 2010 2070 2070 2070 2070 2070 2069 2069 2069 2069 2069 2069 2069 2069 Ps Unit Olstrlbuted Solar 0 ortrr3154 0.62687 0.0554533 0 0.0548101 0.215102 0.0655946 0 0 0 0.0766E13 0.259905 0 0 0 0 0.348223 0.0523843 0_0558575 0.521078 0 0 0 0.285079 0_0277902 0.11631 0.497218 0 0 0.728991 0.0192247 0.1!0137 0 0 0_459494 0 o.234022 0 0.0586532 0_419567 0 0.31575 0.792E21 0.0273533 0 0 0.00412187 0.0074165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.661t186 0.722258 0.0235a17 0.615855 0_1125 0.35067 0.00433375 0.006E3545 0 0 0.015185E 0_060552 0.@ 65.70 92.93 8.22 0.m 9.61 32.04 9.87 0.m 0.m 0.00 11,37 x.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 51.62 9.25 8.24 77.25 0.m 0.m 0.m 42.26 4.12 !7.24 71.77 0.() 0.q) 106.07 2.85 15.33 0.(p 0.m 68.12 0.@ 34.59 0.00 10.1E 1,21.52 0.00 46.81 117.54 4.05 0.o 0.m 0.95 1.10 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 9E.07 107.07 3.49 91.30 15.69 51.99 0.64 1.01 0.0o 0.@ 2.q E,9E 0.m 39.44 71_65 15.75 0.m 3.07 13.75 1.43 0.m 0.00 0.00 z.a1 20.68 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 27.97 3.45 14.24 0.00 0.m 0.q) r3.87 3.55 4.24 a3.77 0.@ 0.@ 67.53 0.25 0.37 0.m 0.q) 38.26 0.m 1.61 0.m 2.85 84.43 0.@ 25.75 72.96 0.84 0.m 0.@ 1.4{t 0.46 0.m 0.m 0.4 0.@ 0.m 0.00 61.59 7t.45 0.13 48.75 10.77 20.88 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 1r.02 Non-Erpon 50lar (kW) l/4/771,1:OO 7/7a/t7 IO:OO a/24117 72:@ r2/r2h, 77100 7/ro/77 4t0O 6/26177 Atco 7lt5/719:@ r/29/719:@ 1/A/17 5:OO !/4/17 9:OO 7126/77 t9:00 72/73/71 t7:OO 6/301719:OO 7/75/771:OO 7l3O/77 2:00 9ls/t721:0o TZ|A/71A1@ 6/?h119:@ 2/2lai ao:oo 1la/fi a:oo t/21/1,1r2:OO ,/26/17 2o:Oo 217l11A:0O 7/75/7t 5:OO 7/29/77 7O:OO t2/15/11 7O:OO t2/24/77 !:oo 6/29/r7 1O:OO 9/A/\173:OO uro/71!9:N 1/$/77 72:@ 6/27/t71tO| P/alD 9too t2/ts/t7 B:oo 72121171'\gtOO 7119/7110:OO 7/6/a12OO tlsl77 7a:oo U25/17 !9:@ 7lslfl a:@ a/2s/17 73:00 716/717:OO AB/17 7D:W 5l1tl77 72:00 6lL/77 27:@ 6/14/717:OO t/3r171 t:OO 7/78/77 L7:oo 1/a/111:00 !/26177 Z7:OO 712s177}@ a/4712:00 a/24/710:00 t2/17/t7 2t:N t2/25/t71r:00 5h9/L7 tt:oo A/12/ t1 D:00 alU 72:OA 9/70/77 77:OO 2/2/7177:00 A/30/71 tOtOO rl4/7716:00 r/26/719,00 7/70/7t 5:Oo A/74/77 23:00 t/3/77 rJ:OO 719/77 a:oo 0.00 25.22 21.28 7.53 0.00 6.54 18.29 8.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.50 17.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23 56 5.80 4.46 63.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.40 0,47 13.00 29.99 0.00 0.00 40 54 2.60 15.96 0.00 0.m 29.86 0.00 33.08 000 7_13 36.69 0.00 21.06 4-4.58 317 0.00 000 -0.45 o.u 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.48 35.62 3.36 42.55 s98 31.11 0.64 1.01 0.00 0.00 2.40 4.95 Attachment l -Page452 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-oxports Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Gsneration Exports and Non-exports 177.9 12 t4a Installed Pv Nameplate llw) Estimated Pv Nameplare (kwa.) Oat8 & Time al74lL7 a6tOO 72na/77 9:W 212/17 r8:& Tlaali 70:6 rl1l1710:00 al6/!14:@ 512s17712:@ 5127/!7 8:00 A/2l77 to:OO 61281716:00 7lt2l77 3tOO 6/72117 17too 2/4718100 6/2A/D 4tOO 7/73/77 6:00 ,/20/17 8100 !t7ltl 23:OO 72171117 2l:00 lt5h7 !7:& 7l72la7 a:@ A/7617714:N al3L/i a|@ 6lalfi a:oo 1/5/117:N 6/20/113:N ao/fi o:go 619177 22:00 2/7177 79:OO 1,/1,/11 7A:@ tll?ll70:@ z/ali e:oo 8129/17 r7:oo 1/7117 ?1:00 7l77la7 s:oo 11111119,@ gltol7-t Z2,OO l2a/1711:Oo 1/3/17 3,N 7/ao/at 5,00 rl3olu 12:00 1216/77 9:$ 72la!77 !2.00 Al9lr17l:00 6/4hr t5:00 612]j/17 7r:oo 611/77 t5.o0 lDls Z7OO U7/17 2o:oo 711617t t4,OO 1/A177 77,@ rl4li a,oo 9/6/117):(N l2l!O/1719:@ 7/77lt7 tOtOO 8l2olL7 77:oo r/a/r173tOO 72/Alr7 a0t0o 1112/77 9:@ rl4lt112:6 rl4l17|s:OO 1116/115:OO 7lZ4/17 ZO:O0 tl2g/17 77:OO 7/7117 3.OO 1/z7lt7 2:go alBlt1 7.oO 8/11/17 ur00 2307 20f,8 2084 2241 2076 2067 2345 2208 2130 2066 2066 2374 2065 2065 2065 2744 2064 2054 z7t2 21!'4 2Us 2070 2108 2063 2063 2063 2064 2067 2079 2068 2062 7316 2061 2061 2061 2061 2073 2060 2060 2092 2059 2077 7746 z12a 2167 2310 2058 205E 2t39 2059 2057 7057 20t7 237L 2326 2051 206r 7371 2056 2056 2056 2056 2056 2056 2056 2056 2321 2068 2068 2068 2068 206-t 7067 2061 2067 2065 206 2065 206s 2065 2065 2065 2064 208t 2054 2064 2064 2W 2063 2063 2063 2063 2063 2063 2053 2063 2053 2052 ?062 2061 2061 2051 2061 2061 2060 2060 2059 20s9 2059 2059 2059 2054 2058 2054 2058 2058 2058 2057 2057 2057 2057 2057 2051 2057 ,056 2056 2056 2056 20s6 2056 2056 2056 2056 2055 Per unit Dlrtrlbuted sohr 0.841614 0 0.00892368 0.240785 0.335152 0 0.80141 0.0636062 0.351984 0 0 o.71527 0 0 0 0.c/.94272 0 0 0.110535 0.0505794 0.E50509 0.0067991 o.0197332 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.31?207 0.00922251 o.4B4a4 0 0 0.156197 0 0.070!172 0 0 0.217033 0.177912 0.103069 0.504479 0.750236 0.691497 0.669354 0 0 0.600035 0.015645 0 0 0 0.456027 0.70€553 0.@985123 0.!11474 0.239525 0.0534177 0.0101674 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.560937 124.77 0.00 1.32 35-70 49.69 0.00 118.81 9.43 52.18 0.m 0.q) 106.04 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 7.33 0.00 0.m 15.39 7.fi 125-09 1.01 11.82 0.m 0-(x) 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.m 57.47 1.37 70.19 0.00 0.@ 23.16 0.00 10.40 0.m 0.00 32.18 17.49 15.28 71.83 11r.22 102.51 128.88 0.m 0.m 88.95 2.r2 0.q) 0.@ 0.@ 67.67 105.04 1,46 55.36 35.51 7.91 1.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.4 83.16 53.78 0.10 0.20 26.53 3.O 0.m 92.44 2.98 28.30 om o00 65.41 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 2.37 0.m o.m 31.91 3.04 86.E1 0.33 3.21 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 15.14 0.62 0.@ 0.m 5.84 0.0 5.?4 0.m 0.54 34.26 2.6 2.6 46.28 E4.69 70.31 82.58 0.00 0.00 54.61 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 35.30 52.43 0.13 2.21 14.55 0.(D 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 44.10 70.99 '0.70 1,12 9.15 46.69 0.00 26.37 5.45 23.88 0.00 0.00 39.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.95 0.00 0.@ -15.59 4.a6 39.25 0.58 E.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.33 0.75 22.75 0.00 0.@ 17.31 0.m 4_16 0.00 .0.54 -2.09 14.83 12.6? 2E.57 26.54 32.21 46.30 0.00 0.00 34.y 2.32 0.(x) 0.00 0.00 32-30 52.51 1.33 53.15 20.9s 7.92 1.51 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 39.05 Attachment 'l - Page 453 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hn.lled Pv Nameglate (kw) Ettimated Pv Nameplate (kwac) t17 9 t.2 148 al37l71 t7:00 2lt4lt7 9:00 A/25ll1OIOO 77/2A/11 79:OO 6124/77 72:OO 5/30/9 A$O 7lr/-\7 9:oo 7/5/a15:oo 817t17171:00 ru2ali 7oloo 5/29/11 1:N 7/2il7r qN 7127ltt 7:00 74771!7 7OtO0 r/3t/\7 ?7:W 72/26/77 7A:OO 912/77 74tOO rl74/77 23tW t/29/71 2Z:OO 2121t19100 7/5/t7 5:OO a/19lrTotoo 72/75/71 78:OO 711177 tl:OO 1/76/1177:OO 716l\13tOO al7ol77 7a:OO 6/301717:OO 72/74/77 72tOO 7zll5l77 79:OO tl417714:OO 9/9/77 74:OO ah3/17 74:N 7124l71 9:00 1/25/1120:6 ,l26hr 1:N alTslt7 74:N ll21l77 79:@ rl3t/71 7tt00 t2l20l77 tgt90 9151717a:N 7/31t79:W t/\1/!177tOO 7l2lt19:00 aihlt7 7:00 TllllLTO|OO 7lZalll9:OO 7hllri 5:OO',h5lt16tOO 5lr1l77 2l:OO \laal7l 75:OO 1/75/711:Og 'tl2U7-t 72:OO lllr15:oo 72/2!77 79:00 715/171:00 1!?5177 !O:@ 6/29/17 A:OOalli a:@ !al171r:00 al1a/1713:00 El9l17 ro:@ 7/711717:00 Al22lt7 73:00 6hali 7a:@ 5123/11 79:00 5/10/ri 13t00 2244 2055 2055 2055 2149 2745 2054 2054 2345 20s7 2070 2270 2053 2053 2052 2065 2124 2051 205! 2051 2051 2051 2054 2010 2740 2050 zo54 2054 2060 2049 2052 2?85 22t4 2048 2048 2048 2301 2054 2067 2059 2749 2330 2736 2qt6 2046 2Bl6 704.6 7045 2046 2123 2079 2049 2321 2044 2044 2051 2046 2274 2100 7041 2333 2161 7070 2314 2350 2307 2267 2055 2055 2055 2055 2054 2054 20t4 2054 2054 2054 2054 2053 2053 2053 2052 2052 z05l 2051 2051 2051 2051 2051 2051 2050 2050 2050 2050 2049 2049 2049 2049 2049 2048 2048 2o{a 2o4a 2044 zul 2041 20,7 20,,6 2045 2046 2(X6 2046 20.,6 2046 2046 20,6 204S 2045 2045 2045 2044 2044 2041 2044 2043 2043 204! 2043 2043 2(x3 2042 20{,2 204,2 2042 P€r Unit Distribut€d solar 0.559583 0-159255 o 0 0.81893 0.0618233 0 0 0.852059 0_0590514 0.@780907 0.227417 0 0.012/1084 0 0 o.n5a97 0 0 0.00918752 0 0 0 0.203657 0.296973 0 0 o.@774785 0.0137727 0 0.0112464 o.403274 o.666927 0.026rt488 0 0 0.845058 0 0.16025 0 0.622425 0.249631 0.29758 0 0 0 0.088892 0 0 0.021E495 0.0326085 0.@r12429 o.74992! 0 0 0.00482199 0.321968 o.ou701! 0.0421069 0.150549 0.E53294 0.371388 0.560584 0.765015 0.5822r2 0.345285 0.894015 (kw) 82.96 25.09 0.m 0.m 121.41 9.17 0.00 0.@ 127.80 10.24 1,15 33-11 0.00 1.84 0.m 0.00 117.99 o.m 0.m 1.35 0.m 0.m o.m 30.22 44.03 0.m 0.m 1.15 10.85 0.00 7,67 119.09 98.87 3.92 0.q) 0.m 131.21 o.() 26.n 0.m 92.33 37.Ot 44.77 0.m 0.m 0.@ 13.18 0.(tr 0.(I x.z4 4.83 0.17 !17.11 0.00 0.@ 0.71 47.73 9.59 5.21 22.!3 127.98 55.6 83.12 113.56 86.31 51.19 132.54 37_t5 6.56 0.m 0.@ 93.98 5.25 0.41 0.m 93.47 3.43 0.29 15.28 0.m 1.24 0.@ 0.@ 7a_n 0.m 0.00 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.@ 1.25 7.03 0.m 0.@ 0.33 2.95 0.m 0.m 83.12 50.68 o.t7 0.@ 0.04 90.69 0.q) 13.05 0.@ 41'q 13.13 5.79 0.41 0.00 0.q) 0.25 0.m 0.(p 1.55 17.19 o.t7 92.250.t 0.m 0.29 0.62 3-10 7.E7 0.0i1 92.15 25.46 7.at 72.6 57.06 29.52 84.13 iron-Export solar llw) 45.80 18.53 0.00 0.00 27.42 3.92 -0.41 0.00 34.33 6.41 0.87 18,44 0.m 0.60 0.00 0.00 39.67 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.@ 28.97 37.m 0.00 0.@ 0.82 ,.w 0.m 7.67 35.97 38.19 0-00 -0.04 {1.52 0.@ 13.67 0.00 44.94 21.E7 38.33 -0.41 0.00 0.m 12.93 0.m 0-m 1.f8 -12.36 4.20 74.4 0.m 0.00 0_43 47.1! 6.49 4.37 22.29 35.8/t 79.59 75.29 40.90 u.26 21.67 4847 Attachment l -Page454 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv NameDlate (lw) Estimated Pv Nameplaie (kwa.) 777.9 t.2 148 2042 20{7 7077 1055 2314 2032 2041 2(Nt 2041 2088 2042 2100 2049 2040 2040 2040 2089 2044 2134 2046 2185 2077 2049 2039 2064 2055 2068 2038 2038 2tEI 7017 2017 2142 ?275 2136 2036 2036 2036 7244 2054 2322 2035 2035 2035 2037 zo37 2041 2045 2034 2034 2034 2034 20?4 2034 2717 2295 2033 2033 2032 2032 1031 2032 203: 2032 2032 2047 2054 Pd U.it Oistributed Solar 0 0 0-0a71082 0.122192 0.349204 0.00554849 0 0 0 0.0189862 0.0774233 0.265606 0.00911845 0 0 0 0.0134884 0 0-0525343 0.358127 0.585755 0.51225 0.055537 0 0.0579156 0.0660234 0.0198887 0 0 0.797165 0 0 0.0514049 0.19715 0.0456912 0 0 0 0.551765 0.0212406 0.818s79 0 0 0 0.505039 0_0598473 0.0509719 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0.79E,'27 o.fi7477 0 0 0.037365 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.188356 0.169049 0.m 0.m 5.59 18.14 57.77 0.62 0.m 0.00 0.00 2.81 10.59 19.41 1.35 0.m 0.m 0-00 2.00 0-00 7.79 s3.09 86.84 75.9{ 8.25 0.@ 8.59 9.79 2.9s 0.00 0.00 29.37 0.00 0.@ 7.62 29.23 6.71 0.(p 0.m 0.m 96.62 3.15 121.35 0.m 0.00 0.@ 74.87 8-88 7.55 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 r18.37 r03.40 0.@ 0.00 5.54 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 27.93 ?5.05 0.m 0.q) 1,91 1.81) 29-51 0.25 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.57 0.51 16,25 0.95 0.m 0.20 0.25 0.16 0.00 2.03 7.83 27.77 1.m 7-81 0-q) r5.18 17.8A o.72 0.00 0.1)0 9.88 0.04 0.16 2.95 10.64 2.47 0.m 0.00 o0o 51-46 9.19 E1.12 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.34 3.E5 0.12 0.25 0.oo 0.00 0.m 0.oo 0.@ 0.00 54.70 57.83 0.00 0m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0-m 0.m 0-m 0.13 7.57 Non.ExportSol.r (lw) 0.00 0.00 3.68 15_35 22.26 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.m 2.14 10.08 23.15 0.40 0.00 -0.20 -0.25 1.84 0.m 5.76 45.25 59.07 74.87 0,44 0.m -6.59 -8-09 2.23 0.00 0.00 !9.44 {.{r4 -0.16 4.65 t8.59 3-91 0.m 0.()0 0.00 45.17 -5.04 40.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 74.5:t 5.03 7.43 _0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63-55 35-57 0.m 0.00 5-54 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.13 23A6 17.39 6/a/110:OO Al9lt17:00 al3l77 a:oo t2/25/17 11:Oo 5/29/11 19:00 7172177 7:OO 713/1122:OO lAlt7 2O|OO 6/7t/17 4:o0 5/22/712t:N 7126/77 lo:N 6/7/77 7O:OO alBlll 8:@ !7177 2}@ 7/14/111:0O 2/7s/17 A$O 5/17/77 21:oo r1/1O171 20:00 TlTtlva.oo 1,2/7/171O:@ 6/9/17 78:N r/2177 72:00 7211s171 7t:00 12177117 7t:oo 12/r2/71 t2:@ 1/30/17 18r00 1/77 /17 |@ t2l2717t 2O:OO a/1lt79,oo lla/77 6tOO 12/27/17 9:N 7/7a/a7A:00 a/117 9:00 7/79/17 a:00 7/s177 4:00 1/t9111 3:OO 8/8/t7 t:oo 9/a/0 B:o0 1/18/17 16100 9lrlLT tStOO 6/75/t7 77:Oo 1/27/171:00 A/aa/77 o:OO rlslrT 76:00 zlrlt1 !0:6 !/3/77 r6:N t/!t/1714:@ 712/1122:OO 6126/77 2to0 1/13/17 s:oo 1l2Al712tOO a/5/712tOO 8/17/77 7:oO 1171 lri l4tOO 6/21t7 77:OO Ur5/77 7:@ 5/?9/17 13:oO 7/4/77 7t:OO 5/7r/77 12:OO 6h177 23:OO 6/2a/77 5:OO 7 /29/71 2:OO t2/LO/t1 2O:OO 12/28/77 B:00 7l2sl17 7t:00 6/7/!19:@ 2042 2042 7042 20!2 2041 2041 2041 2041 2041 z0!l 2041 2041 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 2040 2039 2039 2039 2039 2039 2039 2039 2038 2038 2038 2038 2037 2037 2031 ?031 2037 2036 2036 2036 2036 2036 2015 2035 2035 2035 2035 2035 2035 2014 20t4 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2033 2033 2031 2032 2032 2032 2032 2032 2032 2032 2012 2031 Attachment l -Page455 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exporta rnrtalled Pv N.mcplale (kw) oc:Ac Ratio Estimated Pv Nameolate lkwacl 771.9 1.2 148 1/8/1710:00 6/30/17 3:00 72121/71 1,0:OO 8/19/17 15:00 77/A/77 IA:OO 9/5/7171,W 6/7/t7 77:OO 6/t/7716.00 r/11/71 73:00 7Bh7a:@ Tltlltl4tOO L/30/r1 22tOO t/21/!7 tg:OO 8/5/7172:00afilti A:OO 1116l,7 O:OO 6/15/17 2fl0 7l2o/7r 1:OO 1/26/77 31OO 8/30/17 L:tfr a/37/77 t:@ 7212t17120:OO 7A171 14:00 7/5/77 75100 r/70/71 20:00 7/24lti a:OO 12/s/t7 a:oo r2/A/71 r9:OO 7177/,7A:@ 9/73/t1 1,4:OO t/4/1122:OO 7/29/77 A:00 8/70/17 t:N alrl/1,1O:00 5/221t7 2}@ 6/76/171:OO 7/9/71 20:00 al6/71 t3:OO 9/1lu t4too AlX7/ri 9:OO i/2a/11 t!:OO l2Al119:OO lt2lrl22:OO 6/2r/7r 4:OO 6/6/1175:oo 6/11/11 21:N 8/3/17 3:00 917/tt o:W 9/9/1123:@ 7hh1 r4too 6129/t7 9:OO 912/tl otoo L2/1/U rgt90 A/7alfi tlt00 11201171:@ !24177 2ttOO 2/71712t:00 r/t6/t7 75tOO alali 9:OO 6/51717i:6 5/2Y17 7S:OO 11173177 73:00 2/21/r18:@ 5/37/t1O:OO 6/70/17 AIOO 2031 2031 2035 2312 2037 2244 2757 218r 2057 2188 2028 2028 2029 2y,7 2012 2027 2027 2027 7027 2027 2021 7027 2083 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 2031 2104 2267 2025 20?5 2025 2025 2028 204r 2024 2209 2245 2131 2045 2196 2023 2023 2303 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022. 2034 2372 2020 2020 22?O zo24 2019 2019 2105 2729 2314 2297 2019 201E 2018 2018 203r 2031 2031 2030 2029 2029 2029 2029 2029 2028 2028 2028 2028 2028 202E 2027 2021 2027 2027 2021 2027 2027 2026 2026 2015 zozS 2025 2026 2026 zoz5 202s 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2024 2024 2024 2024 202! 2023 2023 2023 2023 2022 2022 2022 2022 2012 2021 202t 2020 2020 t020 2020 ?019 2019 2019 2018 2018 201E 2018 2018 201E 2018 Per Unit oirtributed Sola. 0.m$3135 0 033498 o.u7479 0 0.580584 0.447564 0.8715a5 0.779238 0.0584155 0 0 0 0.698045 0.0371301 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.t0()454 0.58548 0 o 0 0 0.01099116 0-0573464 0-E21078 0 0 0 0 0 0.0103905 0 0.359767 0.651182 0.146829 0.149941 0.104023 0 0 0.73177 0 0 0 0 0 0,147432 0.267677 0 0 0.250092 0 0 0 o-59f47t 0.t71932 o378676 0.545381 0.020€565 0 0 0 0.79 0.m 50.25 125.64 0.@ 100.90 72_N 129.21 115,52 8.66 0.00 0.m 0.m r03.49 5.50 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 14_E9 101,62 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 1.63 E.51 721_72 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 1.54 0.m 54.82 96.54 21.77 22.23 15.42 0.()0 0.m 108.r18 0.@ 0.m 0.() 0.00 0.@ 2t.w 39.68 0.m 0.m 37.08 0.m 0.m 0.@ 103.40 26.38 56.la 80-85 3.09 0.m 0.00 0.00 solar txpotu (kW) 0.@ 0.m 10.2E 92.64 0.m 45.87 23.29 49.35 52.m 2.13 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 64.62 1.16 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.(p 16.86 1.06 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 3.01 59.99 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.50 0.m 53.84 59.73 4.86 10.48 13.35 0.m 0.m 75.17 0-m 0.m 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.92 19.0a 0.00 0.m 4!.41 0.25 0.m 0.@ 41.40 6.44 27.36 50.31 4.70 0.04 0.00 0.@ Non-Export 9lar {tw) 0.79 0.q) 39.91 33.00 0.00 55.03 49.01 79.85 53.52 6.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.85 4.34 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m .1.96 100.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 1.63 5.50 51.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 1.04 0.00 0.9E 35.81 15.90 11.75 2.O7 0.m 0.m 33.01 0.00 0.00 {.06 0.@ 0.00 20.94 20.63 0.00 0.(rc -6.33 -0.25 0.m 0.m 52.00 19.90 28.78 30.5tt -1.60 {.04 0.00 0.00 Attachment t -Page456 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnalled Pv Nameplate (tw) OC:AC R.tio Enimat€d Pv Nameplate {kwac) t77.9 7.2 148 a7l2ola1 27:OO t2l5/71 r9:@ a/21/1, l5:oo 12172/17 r7,OO 717417' t4:OO 73l!l Z3too a2/26177 9tO0 812177 BtW rl4lt7 7O:OO rh6l77 4:N 6l29lU 3too 12/74/77 tStOO 8121/7711:OO 1l3tl17IO:OO rl3/rl l'tOO a/!77 !:oo elTalu 2!:oo 72l2all7 zOtW 5lr/17 !a:N laalal n:OO pla/77 t7:oo 72127/17 l7:oo 611111t7:OO 6/2a1716:00 72/t2/t7 2l:OO 72127lt17a:oo alaltT to:@ U2sl717:N 7h6/714:N L2/6/!r ZO:@ 17/11/77 72100 7lr9/71T:OO 2/31\7 a:oo alTo/tl 77tOO llrsltt 73too 2/3/719:o0 A/61717:00 72/10117 21100 1/24/77 7O:OO 5/75/77 7\:& 5l1ll!1 ZO:oo 719177 7a:@ 7l71lt| gtOO L2/t5177 2O:Oo 7/7A177 7:OO 619117 75t0o thzllT l4:oo a2/24177 72,00 713/77 LW 619177 o:oo 7lr2l77 4:OO Al1/712:AO 7211/17 2O:OO a/$lt7 !3:oo tl.tl718:N 8ltlr71,N 7179/17 9:OO 1l7a/719:@ 814/U !o:@ al77l77 2:00 1/4lt11O:OO 12/t3ll7 t7:oo 7/7/17 22:OO r/2!77 A:00 7hgl11t:oo 72124/77 A,OO 6171717t:OO 2018 2019 2:109 2044 2051 7077 2077 7079 2016 2016 2015 1077 2293 2302 2026 2015 2015 zols 7712 2040 2013 2032 1127 zo74 2014 2032 221,7 2013 2013 2013 2013 20!6 2012 2265 2074 2011 2011 2011 2013 2049 2095 2027 2215 2010 2014 2214 2041 2020 2009 2@9 2009 2009 7798 20@ 2009 2253 2264 225E 2@7 zz76 2035 2006 2005 2006 2006 2301 2018 2018 20u 2018 2017 7077 2017 2077 2015 2016 2016 2076 2016 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2074 20l1t 2014 zo14 2013 2073 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2072 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 zol l 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2(x)9 2009 2009 2009 2m8 2@8 z00E 2008 2001 2001 2007 2007 2006 2m6 2006 2@5 2006 Per Unit oietributed 9lar 0 0 0.866951 0.@185703 0_254033 0 o.042s475 0.040257r 0.0153722 0 0 0 0.83927 0.417635 0.0789406 0 0 0 0.039E5q 0_142284 0_113041 0.0307894 0_0298702 0 0 0 0.360963 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5!8492 0.742141 0.q0879332 0 0 0.2E5574 0.0290881 0.0897525 0 0.209459 0 0 0.725989 0.804101 0.155829 0.00552813 0 0 0 0 0.851304 0 0 0.233427 0.226969 0.398573 0 0.ir46453 0.11974s 0 0 0 0 0.655468 (tw) 0.(D 0.@ 128.82 0.28 39.11 0.m 5.31 5.97 2.13 0.(D 0.m 0.m 12t.47 61.91 lLm 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 5.91 21.09 16.75 4.56 4.43 0.q) 0.@ 0.00 53.52 0.([ 0.(n 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.(t) 79.89 z1'@ 1.30 0.00 0.00 42.34 4-31 13.31 0.m 31.05 0.00 0.@ t07.51 119.80 23.25 0.98 0-m 0.m 0.m 0.00 126.21 0.00 0-@ y.67 33.65 59.10 0.m 66-19 77-75 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 97.17 solar oood5 lrw) 0-0 0-m 81.01 1.43 39.37 0_00 0.04 2.11 0.m 0.m 0.m 000 95.93 31.86 0.88 0.m 0.00 0.00 25.03 10.79 4.70 1.17 20.51 0.00 0.00 0.m 20.34 o.m 0.@ 0.00 0-00 0.20 0.00 50.53 37.4A 1.11 0.m 0.@ 5.m 1.38 3.55 0.@ 12.91 0.00 0.16 59.23 50.95 4.15 0.41 0.oo 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 84.57 0.@ 0.12 la,57 14.03 29.04 0.q) 11.28 0.53 0.00 0.00 0-@ 0_m u.87 on-ExportSolar (kw) 0-q) 0.00 47.81 .1.16 {.23 0.00 6.27 3.85 2.41 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 28.49 :I0.0s 10.82 0.00 0-@ 0.m '19,12 l0:10 12.06 1,20 -15.11 0.00 0.00 0.m 33.18 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 -0.20 0-00 29.36 -10.48 0.19 0.m 0.m 3f.26 2.93 9.66 0-lro 18.15 0.00 {.16 38.10 68-84 18.79 0-57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.& 0.m -0.12 19.94 19.61 30.06 0.00 24.91 77.12 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 32.31 Attachment l -Page457 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hrtalled Pv Nameplare (kw) DC:AC Ratio Estim.ted Pv Nameplate (kw.d 777 9 7.2 148 7l2tl77 !O:N 1/2-t/7170:oo a/74/77 73100 7/75/11ILIOO 1/25lti 6:00 ala9/\7 A:OO 6122177 ,o:oo r/21/rt 9:OO 1/26177 22:@ 6121/716:@ 9lt2/17 23tco 12lr4l\7 17tOO 7117177 79t0o 72/10177 78:@ a/8/r7 a$ 7/23/77 2O:OO 72/22/77 t0 OO 72/72/77 t3too 619/1711:OO t2lt5ll7 l?:00 1/25/ri 77:00 6/8/77 2:00 7/27/17 2t0o 17127117 9:OO tz/27/r121:OO \/14/7' l7:OO 6/16/11 rStOO 7/9/t7 2r:OO 7l3lt7 4:OO A/161a7 O:oo 1/21/71&N 1/271t1t8:00 5/71/77 79:Oo V?6/77 7t:00 r/21/77 22tOO 5122/17 2too 61211115:OO 7al2al77 ztOO Sl3r71 7t oo 7/?3/-17l2:OO 6/22/a11:OO U2l71A.oo !r1/11}@ 7216/17 2!tO0 7211117 27tOO ahl]77 70:N 72/2a/17 $.oo 6/l/17 r4t0o 7l2s/77 4:OO 6/9/77 t6:oo 6h9lt, ro:oo 6120171 5:OO 8l30la77:cE r/A/17 75:00 1,2/t1/\7 L\00 8127/tlo:W P/a/712otm t2/5/71 T9too 12/t4/r7 7:OO !2Al77 IAOO 2/717717:@ 6/23/77 IO:OO 6/!\7 LLOO t1711717:OO 2/2a/71a:00 7a/51719:0Q 6/21t7 76:00 2310 z?17 2254 2304 2m5 2023 2313 2004 2004 2@4 2004 2016 2005 2010 2023 2003 2003 2028 2714 2022 2@2 2002 2@2 2@Z 2m2 2026 27fi 2m1 2m1 2001 2044 2014 2@1 2011 2000 20@ 2ofi) 20@ 22tO 229,] 2027 1999 1999 1999 1999 2196 2015 2159 1998 2236 2271 t997 t991 2005 2017 1995 1996 2004 1995 200€ 2004 2799 2152 1994 1994 1994 2261 Pe. U.it Oirtdbutcd Solar 0.455852 0.412055 0.914288 0.652502 0 0.0124639 0.518334 0 0 0 0 0.0119643 0 0 0.035302s 0 0.0{71129 0.0655744 0.150151 0.0755502 0 0 0 0 0 0.145601 0.450534 0 0 0 0_0434904 0.0157135 0.194127 0.132593 0 0 0 0 0.664551 0.763993 0.{X)96!rc01 0 0 0 0 03@(m 0 0.295275 0 0.877338 0.4799t18 0 0 0.@750594 0.134856 0 0 0.381429 0 0 0.r09204 0.510416 0.385987 0 0 0.103419 0.787055 (kw) 67.58 61.09 135.54 96.71 0.m r,85 76.U 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 t,77 0.m 0.m 5.23 0.m 6.98 9.74 111_:tO 1r.20 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 21.59 66.79 0.m 0.0 0.@ 6,a5 2.33 2a-ft 19.66 0.00 0.00 0-m 0.m 98.52 113.26 1.'14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 53.37 0.@ 43.77 0.m t30.07 71.15 0.m 0.@ 1.11 19.99 0.m 0.@ 56.55 0.m 0.m 16.19 75.57 57.ZZ 0.m 0.@ 15.33 116,6a 38_28 34_n 53.43 69.6E 0.() 0.95 42.51 0.m 0.tD 0.m 0.@ 0.16 0.00 0.@ 0.55 0.00 1_90 18.70 45.20 $.34 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.25 0.@ 2.96 49.r2 0.(t) 0.q, 0.m 2.fi 0.04 13_rl2 2.59 0.13 0.@ 0.00 0.oo 53.54 82.19 0.29 0.@ 0.00 0.oo 0.00 17.* 0.@ 40.2' 0.o0 55.08 40.89 0.tE 0.m 0.08 3.77 0.m 0.00 15.87 0.@ 0.25 9.54 46.68 26.85 0.@ 0.m 7.49 74.19 on-Erport Sol (kw) 29.30 26.32 72.17 27.6 0.@ 0.91, 31.27 0.m 0.(E 0.m 0.00 1.51 0.00 0_00 4.59 0.00 5.04 4.97 65.10 4.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.25 0.00 18.52 17.04 0.m 0.m 0.m 3.89 2.29 15.35 15.97 -0.13 0.00 0.@ 0.00 44.98 31.08 1.15 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 35-73 0.00 !.50 0.00 74.98 30.26 0.00 0.00 1.03 16.23 0.00 0.oo 40.67 0.@ .0.25 6.65 28.98 30.37 0.m 0.m 12.U 42.49 Attachment l - Page 458 2m6 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2m4 lm4 2m4 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2@3 2003 2m2 2002 2002 2oo2 2002 2002 2002 2m2 2@r 2m1 2m1 2001 2mr 2001 2000 2000 2000 2oo0 2m0 2000 1999 r999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1998 1998 t997 7997 7997 7997 1995 1996 1996 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1994 1994 1994 19!la 1994 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnsralled Pv Nameplare lkw) Estimated Pv Nameplate (kwad 719 7.2 148 2013 7758 1993 1993 2213 2031 2013 1992 1992 2030 2195 2082 1991 1991 1991 1992 2168 2286 2105 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 2255 1992 2081 1989 1989 1989 1989 2774 1988 1987 t9a7 1988 2!97 2286 1986 1985 2011 ?ta7 2076 2122 1985 1945 198S 1985 1985 2048 2256 2166 2224 1984 r984 1944 1984 1985 2021 7016 19a3 1983 2019 2746 7997 2004 Pe, Unit oistributed solar o.21612 o.745916 0 0 0.vu31 o.o712323 0.28987 0 0 0.ss9195 0.197975 0_531056 0 0 0 0 0.205355 0.58506 o.!,51711 0.0240789 0 0 0 0 0 0.526715 0459559 0 0 0 0 0.467639 o.594127 0 0 0.0648506 0.758858 0,0184142 0.s13853 0 0 0 0 0 0.0r52903 0-635524 0.858781 0.877555 0.0162449 0 0 o-0t72221 0 0.159095 0 0 0 0.514034 0.489123 0.08m68 0.07s0391 (kw) 32.13 110.54 0.m 0.@ 81.31 10,56 42.91 0.0 0.q) 82.90 29.35 7a_13 0.m 0.(I 0.@ 0.m 30.44 101.56 23.38 3.57 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.q) 7E.09 0.@ 55.15 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 58.13 0.m 0.00 0-00 0.00 59.33 88.17 0.@ 0.00 9.61 113.98 2.73 76-18 0.@ 0.@ 0.(D 0.(re 0.m 7.27 94.22 128.80 130.10 2.41 0.@ 0.00 1.65 0.m 23.59 0.00 0.00 0.@ 91.03 72.57 2.83 11.12 0.33 72.f4 0.00 0.00 56.35 18.05 5.41 0.00 0.00 t.u 11.18 25.28 0.@ o.m 0.00 0.00 72.r5 78.36 8.11 0.51 0.@ 0.21 0.00 0.@ 0.82 55.01 0.00 21.49 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.@ 45.57 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.08 53.02 58.30 0.q) 0.m 16.73g,16 0.80 48.05 0.00 1.36 0.o 0.@ 0.00 0.30 76.49 59.86 74.72 6.48 0.@ 0.m 0.99 0.12 4.22 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 20.54 46.85 0.78 3.10 Non'Expot Soler {kwl 31.80 37.90 0.00 0.00 24.96 -7.50 36.57 0_00 0-00 81.86 18,17 53.45 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 18.09 23 20 75.27 3.05 0.00 -0.21 0.00 0.00 -0.82 23.08 0.00 31.66 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 {.08 16.31 19.87 0.00 0.@ -7.77 49.72 1.93 28.13 0.00 -1.36 0.m 0.00 0.00 r.97 1,7.73 68.94 55.38 .4.07 0.@ 0,00 0.58 -0.12 19.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.49 25.66 2.05 8.02 12/71t1(n 9/10/1716:00 6/20/77 5t0o 7/7/77 4t0O sl29l71 $:00 72/7th7 t2.@ l/73/17 L7:OO 5/10/17 22:OO Dl24la7 ,9!O 7/7/t7l1too a/21719:OO tl76/D a6tOO 5179/77 0:0o 6/29177 6:00 A/2o/a7 23:OO 2121/17 ZO:OO tl27/71gtOO 6/74/17 L7tOO 8/29/719tOO 7123/t7 TO|OO U)olu 6:N ?/7A/17 a:W a/29/71 t:oo 12/9/11 79:OO t2lt9lt7 9:OO A/24/77 77:OO 7/79/11 79:00 aluh7 !7:00 6110/17 6:@ 1/s/715:N L2/1/1.7 7:OO 12113/717:00 712/7710:OO t2/26/71 22tOO 7/2A/77 22:OO t2/5177 r9:oo a/1/a71.OO-l/7/7710:@ t/29/77 !l:@ 7/77/77 2o:OO 6h6171 22:OO rhL/71 r2lOO 8/13/17 13:00 7/29177 r8:OO a/6/77 a2:@ !13/77 6tW 3/1/1-1 8:oo 6110177 4:OO 72/s171 2O:OO t2/t2l11r:OO 5llo/!1 21:oo al2slrT i:OO 5/-t/t1 l5tOO 5/9/u 74:Oo 2/7s177 gtOO 51271715:OO 72/74/77 22:OO P/B/779:oo a/2/1t 1:OO 72/t3/t7 t4tOO 72/20/17 Tatoo 317/77 8:OO ab7/771:OO r/21/17 13:@ 9/A/17 r2:OO a/24/71Ao0 6/7171AloO 0 o.37A762 0 0 0 0 Attachment l -Page459 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1992 1992 1992 1992 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1!'91 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 19a9 1989 r989 1949 1989 1989 1948 1987 1987 1987 1987 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1984 198rr 1984 1984 1984 1984 1944 1984 1984 1944 1983 1983 1943 1983 1983 1983 r982 Schedule I Hourly Solar Gensration Exports and Non-exports hnalled Pv riameqlate (*wl oC:aC Ratio Estimated PV Namephte (kwad 177 9 t.2 148 1982 1982 19a2 1982 2236 1994 2066 22At 2092 1981 1981 1981 2021 198a 1980 2@? 7979 79.t9 7979 1980 2030 1978 1978 E7A 7974 7978 222r 2270 2074 2030 L971 1977 797 t 19t7 1977 2140 2063 774E 1976 1976 1976 1977 1980 2201 2155 1984 2205 1998 1975 1975 1975 1975 7915 1975 1975 2210 7077 1974 2056 1988 2200 1973 79-73 1973 1973 1987 2050 1982 \942 1942 1982 1982 1962 1982 19a2 1981 1981 1.981 1981 r98l) 198n 1980 1979 1979 1979 7979 7979 1979 7978 1978 1978 t914 !978 1978 1978 1978 19,7 7977 79n 1977 t97l 1971 1977 1977 1976 1976 1976 7976 1975 1976 r975 !975 1975 1915 1975 7915 7975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 7974 7974 1974 1974 1974 1971 1973 1971 1973 7973 1973 1972 Per Unit Difitbuted l,olBr 0 0 0 0 0.6837E1 0.00295906 0.179075 0.73957 0.0432023 0 0 0 0.167199 0.00946872 0 o.770427 0 0 0 0 0.080@93 0 0 0 0 0 0.899144 0.642247 0.535a73 o278936 0 0 0 0 0 o.2092 0.709741 0.796325 0 0 0 0_210399 0.0582518 o.77t511 0.76202t 0 0.927431 0.009E3565 0 0 0.206531 0 0 0 0 0.169914 0.0929776 0 0.0376025 0 0.374224 0 0 0 0 0.0262584 0.03E134' 0.(p 0.m 0.00 0.00 101.37 o44 ?6.55 109.64 5.lrc 0.m 0.00 0.00 24.n 1,40 0.00 25.71 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 11.95 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m r33.30 95.2! 79.5! 41.3s 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.01 105.22 11E.06 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 31.19 8.54 114.34 772.97 0.00 137.49 1.45 0.00 0.00 30.62 0.@ 0.m 000 0.m 114.t5 13.78 0.m 5.57 0.00 56.07 0.m 0.m 0.0 0.@ 3.89 5.55 7lt2lt7 7:OO 5124/112tOO 7/5/r16tOO 72/7a177 22:OO 9/417173:OO a/77 76t0o a/9/17 9:N 6l\/7177:OO 1/Z7l71aOO 1l2lll13:OO A/22/1.1OiOO a/2a/fi o:OO 72/26/71 72:00 5la/777t0o 7/24177 Ztco r/2511172:N 512511122N 7/2/77 5)OO 7Z/2A/t7 27100 1/24177 700 6h6/tt 2O:OO a/719:OO 6/3177 o:oo 7/72177 s:fi L2hslLT 27:@ t7l79lt7aoo 5/3/11 t4:OO 9/7/71 tz:oo 7/t7111t6:oo A/$/r7 L0:00 7/19/17 gtOO 7/76/77 2:00 7/2A/17 A:00 t2/11/111too 12/18/u 19:00 5/75171 l6tOO !77177 75:OO 9/3/77 74:00 1176/71 3:oo 7/3'/ti 3:@ a/21t13:@ 2127 117 gtlt0 2/3/11tOtOO 919177 71:OO 8/14/1713:00 l/70/77 t1:OO Al74/77 r4:OO 6123/711:00 !a/i 27 @ 7176177 1,:00 2/24/77 9:00 7/3/77 5:@ 7h2lr7 6:00 !7/a7/a119:00 11177177A:OO a/17/-t7 72:Oo 6/16/71 79:OO 6/7/110:OO ,/2A/t1A:00 2/1177 7&N a/29/71 TO|OO U7al17 O:OO 1/6/718:oo 12/4/77 tg:OO 6/76/77 27:OO 71171718:oo Attachment l -Page460 Solar Exports (kw) Non-t)(port Solar {kW)0.m 0-m0.m 0.m0.m 0.000.@ 0.m77.07 24.300.(D 011410.32 16.2274.55 3s.0€2.5E 3.820.m 0.m0.m o.0(lo.m 0.m 3.17 2t.62 0.58 0.830.00 0.008.55 15.500-@ 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0-!7 ,0.37 2.m 9.950.m 0.oo0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00o.(rc 0.oo0.00 0.0090.56 47.7467.74 2f.1723.53 56.0177.87 28.480.04 <,.(I40.(D 0.000.m 0.000.00 0.000.@ 0.0031.45 -0.44 42.53 62.6975.U 43.01 0.m 0.00 0.()0 0.000.@ 0.003.07 28.125.90 2.7477.24 43.1054.94 58.03o.z9 -0.29 52.17 75.02 0.33 1.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3-80 25-E1 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.@ 0.000_37 .0.37 85.32 28.E3 5.52 8.26 0.00 0.00 2.61 7_76 0.25 {.15 25.69 30.34 0.@ 0.@0.m 0.m0,13 {r.110.m 0.000.25 3.651,58 4.O7 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnalled Pv Nsmeplete (kw) ociAc Ratio tstim.t€d Fv Nameolate llwac) 177,9 L,Z 148 ftle A Tnne 1/1olr7 27:oo 7l7s/715:@ a/a!77 ?3:OO t2l9/17 ZO:oo 42177 72100 r2/r2177 74:@ s/3/17 o:00 12/23111 27:00 7/25117 7A:00 2la3/17 IOIOO a/20/77 76:00 7l7O/\1A:N 2174/77 7:00 P|TA/11 ?O:OO t2123117 20:oo 6/7177 20:OO 616/17 l4too 7l19/11 2O:OO Al72ll1 2:@ 7h3lu 74:00 5/2a177 71,N 6/16177 71)OO 71751!16:00 7/17177 22:@ 61231t12:oo 9/5/L1O:oosltui Taoo 915/1172100 Alrs/77 !3:@ 7/71/771.00 1175/17 O:N 7/aA/77 22:00 6/29/714:OO tzholll tg:oo 7/24177 22tOO 6/301t7 stoo 713ll7 Stoo 7/79/77 4,OO 1/24/17 4:00 7/29/17 !l:00 6/4/77 74.00 7llrlrl2:OO 6/9/17 t3:oo a/74/71 72:00 Lll4lll 6:00 7!3olt atw TUta/17 A:(n 9/a/!r O:oo a2/5177 2t:00 r/a/77 71.@ 61251717t:@ 7219/!7 IA:OO 6/9/71 t2,OO 7/17/77 2r:OO 2hll17:oo 7116111s:OO 12179171 79:W 2/2177 L9:00 7173/77 2t.00 114/17 5:OO a/2/77 r1:OO 5/17/71 7O:OO 6/1177 t3:oo 7/23177 77:OO 17/77/7r 1:OO ?1271!7 2O:@ a2/a9/77 7A,00 t972 7972 7972 1972 2024 2(x)5 7971 1971 19a3 1995 2?55 7970 1970 1970 1970 2145 7241 r969 r969 2005 2240 2704 1968 196E 1968 1968 2012 2165 2135 1977 1967 196-l 1957 196E 1966 1966 1966 1956 1966 2025 2164 1965 2213 2r21 1964 796/ 7964 1953 1963 7976 2243 1959 2200 1962 1952 1962 1962 1981 1961 1961 1990 2141 2142 1950 1960 1961 1951 7972 1972 r972 r977 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1970 t970 1970 1910 1970 7970 1969 1969 r969 1959 1958 1958 1956 r968 1958 1958 1968 1968 l95E 1968 1967 1957 1967 r967 1956 1955 1965 1966 1955 1966 1955 1955 l96rt 1964 1954 19At 19gr 1963 1963 1963 1953 1952 7952 1952 7962 1952 1962 1951 1961 196r 19@ 1950 1950 1960 1950 1951) 1950 Per Unit Oisnibuted Solar 0 0 0 0 0.316134 0.0455658 0 0 0.0@856027 0.420603 0.822575 0 0 0 0 0.147853 0.6405s5 0 0 0.763758 0.59318s 0-341319 0 0 0 0 0.126952 0.546059 0.477627 0.543231 0 0.146421 0.5s62m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.670644 0 0.706862 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0559347 0.483322 0.4?795 0.0504318 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.u) o.m 16.87 6.16 0.m 0.00 0.13 52.35 121.!'4 0.m 0.m 0.q, 0.@ 21.92 94.98 0.@ 0.(rc 113.23 702.16 50.50 0.@ 0.q) 0.00 0.00 18.82 80-95 125.16 0.00 0-00 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 59.92 95.36 0.e 110.66 82.46 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 99.42 0.o 104.79 0-m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 8.29 71.55 63.44 7.it8 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m o00 18-58 17.53 0.00 0.00 0.@ 26.18 67.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.22 75.22 0.m 0.@ 49.63 57.02 24.57 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0,00 23.94 39.21 a9.26 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.26 33.00 82.82 0.Ix) 75.05 41.76 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 15.63 0_m 52.88 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.q) 2.93 35.61 40.46 1.49 0-00 0.@ 0.00 l{on-Erporl 5olar (lw) 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 2E.18 -10.88 0.00 0.00 0.13 36_17 54,40 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 !5-70 19.76 0.00 0.m 63.50 35.75 26.03 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 -5.12 47.75 35.89 -0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m ,0.28 35.92 12.54 0.@ 34.51 40.59 0.00 {.04 0.00 0.m 0_00 0.00 23.80 0.@ 41.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 5.35 36.04 22.99 5-99 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.8i1422 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Attachment l -Page461 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hstalled Pv N.fteplare lkw) DcAc Ratio Estimat.d Pv Nameplate (kwac) 777.9 t7 144 oata & Tire 72/14/7-t t6:OO 2123117 2L:OO 6/291115:oo !/74177 75:00 1l7t/111:N a/fi177 70rn 7hlt7 5tm aB7/77 ztoo 77173117 79:OO 72177177 l3:@ 72/9177 t7.oo L/25/77 7:OO 7/75/U AIOO all4lv 9:oo a/26/t7l3:@ 72/79177 7t0o 7/2A177 7:W s/2s/77 2l:@ ?/22/113:oo rl3ollt l7:OO 7/asl7f t7100 7/75177 t4:@ t/17/11t4.@ 7/371t-' tt .@ r2/27lti a8:0o L/t/717100 8/3/17 4.cfr al23l77 7:W 9l13lri 23:OOa a6/77 20:00 a/7a/a7 P:ooDlBlr, 1O:OO 7h9lt7 t0:OO 7/18/17 4.@ 7/20/77 4:OO 7/24/77 5:& 7/26/17 6.@ 7?/6117 7:@ Dlgla| 2L:00 A/4/r7 A:oo rzll4/1, tAtOO 6/s/u 18:00 6/25/7f !@ 12/A/17 2l:00 al22l\7 12.00 t2l7slt7 71:ooql4ltt 9:@ 12/12/\1 LS|OO 6/15/77 23:OO r2l4/tt 20:00 allzltT rt:@ 12116171 7O:@ 1,172177 7L:09 7U74/77 75:Oo 1123177 LN a2la6/v aoo 72/Ah7 72:oo L/70/7177tco 77/75/!1 l3tOO 1/10/1710:00 611177 t:@ -t/24/77 3t0o Pla/77 7:oo 7/27/11t(n 5/29/17 t7.0o 7131177 9:00 altgltt 74:00 1960 1959 1959 r959 r959 195a 1954 1956 1958 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 rt56 1955 1956 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 195! 19S1 1951 195! 1951 1951 1950 r950 r950 1949 1949 1949 1949 191t9 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 P€r Urit Dletrlbut€d Solar 0.05511r1 0 0 0.383411 0 0.353386 0 0 0 0.102523 0.0384882 0 0 0.152355 0.810481 0 0 0.0292165 0 0.14995 0.36Ea8 0.12&t91 0.815844 0.0134417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.771615 0.235557 0.00647565 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.038437 0.115241 0.58t629 0 0 0.539698 0.m742193 0.194614 0-0365134 0 0 0.58m99 0.318909 0.55/t472 0.0934272 0 0 0.14815E 0.0405914 0.13234 0.0180117 0 0 0 0 0.704811 0.206578 0.859508 {rw) 8.17 0.0 0.00 56.84 0.@ s3.87 0.00 0.m 0.@ 15.21 571 0.00 0.00 22.59 120.15 0.m 0.00 4.33 0.m 22.23 45.05 18.99 121.10 2.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 114.39 35.07 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.q) 0.m 5.70 17.08 E5-97 0.00 0.00 80.01 1.10 28.8s 5.43 0.m 0.q) 85.m 47.24 82-20 13.85 0.00 0.@ 21.98 5.03 19.62 2.67 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 104.49 :10.63 127.17 1.23 0.00 0.(E 38.15 0.20 25.74 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 20.16 6-54 0.00 0.@ E.:to 82.96 0.00 0.08 0.25 0_00 5.08 8.49 42.19 76.03 3,15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 79.e,6 4.39 1.86 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 1.63 5.03 51.03 0.q) 0.m 55.2t 1.00 10.21 14.65 0.00 0.@ 55.99 0.89 38.57 3.59 0.m 0.00 7.77 3.42 12.E5 1.32 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.12 75.55 9.58 96.02 Non-txport solar (lwl 6.94 0.00 0.00 18.69 {.20 28.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.94 _0.84 0.00 0.00 14.29 37.19 0,00 -0.08 4.09 0-00 77.75 36.56 -23.20 45.05 ,1.16 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.71 30.68 .0.90 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.A7 12.05 !5.9t 0.oo 0.00 M.7A 0-10 r8.64 '9.22 0.00 0.00 30.01 46.39 43.63 10.26 0.00 0.00 14.81 2.61 6.76 1.3S 0.00 0.00 0.m {.12 28.94 21.05 31.40 1975 1959 1959 1995 1963 2t11 1954 1958 1971 1998 1967 1957 t957 2013 2747 1956 1959 7977 1955 1991 2015 2028 2225 7973 1988 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 2150 1962 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 2011 1982 1952 1952 1719 1967 274t 1992 1951 1951 2277 1952 2000 1969 1950 1950 1990 1957 1982 t 949 1949 1949 1949 1950 2229 2781 7230 Attachment l -Page462 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnst.lled Pv Namephte {kw) oc:aC iatio t5timated Pv Nameplate (kwac) L71.9 1.2 148 1980 1948 1983 223! 1947 1947 1947 1982 1944 1997 1990 1980 1945 1946 2242 1945 1945 r945 r945 1946 1945 1949 2134 1952 2081 1944 1944 1944 r9rr t972 2777 1943 1943 1943 197E 7t7A 1973 1965 1942 r942 r968 1941 1941 1941 1955 1969 19irc 1940 1940 1940 1940 1952 1942 2t41 2077 2lm 1939 1939 1939 1956 1936 1938 1955 1980 1948 2202 1937 Dale & Tim6 U!4177 76:00 72124171 2O:OO tZh2l71 76:00 1 /30177 71:oo 6/26/17 3:0O 7/a/17 6:00 818177 2:@ r2l27h7 TZ|OO 12120117 7O:W 72/74/71 71:@ a2/71/77 75:@ l/31/77 1,3:OO 21131717:00 t7/3o/77 9:OO 6/2U77 9:OO 5/r2lti 2?:00 ,l2ol77 6:00 12/91t1 7OtO0 t2l71l!19:W 5/12/17 77:N 72/10/77 10:00 5/24/a7 22:OO 5122/77 a:Og 7212a117 r7:@ 5lt6li $:oo 6ltO/t7 22:OO 7h6/17 6:00 a/29177 Ttoo al1ol77 a:N 72/7th7 tr:@ 6l2la7 $:oO 616/17 o:oo D/7a/a7 27:OO 72/2Oll7 9:OO slr!lt7 9:O0 alTltT totoo 2/71/t7 1O:OO 2/1/\712:00 !E/a7 9:OO 7212U77 a:& algln a:@ U7o/r7 9:oo 6/26/116.00 7/2117 6.00 ,h1177:OO rllt117:@ 2/7/779:OO 2/117? 17:OO 1/1alt7 6t0{ allrT 4t@ l2l2ola7 22:6 1217117174:OO l7tlt1 9:OO alB/71 t2:oo 717/7172,@ 915177 tt0o 1/19/17 5:N a/11,117 7:00 E/20/a7 OtW 9/!17 a:00 6/1/1t r:00 t2lt7l7120:00 7/26/0 7A:Oo 7/12/7,78:OO 719177 TalO 1/2!!7 9:oo 7lt9l11 2t:Og 1944 1948 1948 1947 ,947 7947 7947 1947 \947 1947 1945 1946 1946 1946 !945 7945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 19{4 1!'44 1944 1944 19'14 7944 7944 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 !917 1942 7942 7942 1942 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1940 1940 1940 19a0 1940 t9{o 19!O 1940 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1938 1938 1938 1937 t931 7911 1917 1937 Pff U.it Diitributed 5ol.r 0.284206 0 0.0210098 0.599448 0 0 0 0.04.t434 0.243654 0.181264 0.120873 0.0386455 0 0.0€40047 0.282783 0 0 0.365837 0.0183758 o.ozt6742 0.358512 0 0.0692098 0.0124721 0.115017 0 0 0 0.0315483 0_158153 0-845243 0 0 0.011lt63 0.131509 0.368258 0.4419411 0.745916 0 0 0.0335381 0.005482E2 0 0 0.00€73149 0.012718a 0 o.008,1a22 0 0 0 0 0 0.265485 0.114255 0.39r157 0 0 0 0.00437374 0 0 0-0519359 0 o.o793642 0.230114 0 42.13 0.00 3.11 88.87 0.@ 0.00 0.00 6.59 36.12 26.4, 77.92 5.73 0.q) 12,45 4r.92 0.@ 0.m 54.2a 2.72 3.21 ,3.15 0.m 10.25 1.85 17.05 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 4.68 23.15 125.31 0.00 0.m 1.55 19.50 54,59 55.52 21.79 0.m 0.00 4.97 0.81 0.m 0.m 1.29 1.69 0.m 1.30 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.([ 0.m 39,51 15.94 57.99 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.65 o.m 0.@ 7.70 0.00 77.77 34.11 0.q) 20.39 0.m 7.83 54.50 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 5.59 5.30 4.19 74-54 0.00 2.20 77.21 0.00 0.@ 5.@ 0.@ 0.12 10.58 0.00 3_40 0.@ 15.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,@ 1.59 85.52 0.00 0.00 o-51 5.94 24.14 27.1\ 15,14 0.00 0.m 2.33 0.75 0.00 0_00 0-29 r.03 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.(! 0.17 42,37 11.43 29.55 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.70 0.m 0.m 0.26 0.04 5.07 14.& 0.@ Non-Erportsolar (kw) 21.75 0.00 ,4.71, v.17 0.@ 0.00 0.00 1.85 30.53 21.57 13.73 ,8.81 0_@ 10-26 24.71 0.00 0.00 49.23 3.09 42.57 0.00 5.86 145 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 2_98 21.75 39.79 0.00 0.00 1.08 13.56 30.46 38.41 6.Ol 0.m 0.m 2.(,4 0.06 0.00 0.00 1.01 0.45 0-00 0.97 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.m 4.17 ,3.05 5.11 2I].44 0.00 0.00 0.00 {.05 0.00 0.& -0.04 6.70 19.31 0.00 Attachment l -Page463 lnrtalled Pv Namephte ilW) Ertimated Pv Nameplate (kw.c) 777.9 12 146 ll20l71AIOO 2/2ht 7:oo 7/79/17 a:OO 72/76177 27:OO 72/2177 22:oo 7/2A177 73:OO 6hZ/17 2O:@ t/9177 22:@ !791714:00 6/16/17 23tOO A/tO/77 gt0o 7/9/7170:OO 5/!0171 72:oo 7/22/77 71:OO Z/7a/77 9:OO 6/7177 79:oo ,/77177 71:OO Ahllla:OO 2/31L7 7t:@ 211/1170:00 1/2a/77 t:oo A/4/L17tOO \21?9/t1 79tOO rl7ol71 72,00 a/217112:OO t/lt/L7 a:OO 7129177 23.00 2/1117 22.oo ?/Al71a.OO 2/7s/77 1tW 6/8/77 3too A/24/t7 TOO A/76/77 1,:OO 12124/11 27.00 1/6/77 2O:OO S/t/7717:OO 1/18/17 s:00 1/26/!15:OO 17/27/77 72:@ 8/5/113:& rl?6117 72:OO 7 /7/77 1:N 6/2alD 70:00 6/76/77 74:oo 7176117 7O:OO 7/al71A:OO 72/70177 t7:oo 5/417713:OO !2h3/17 to.OO 6/15/r.7 20:00 A/25/17 7\:00 r/!77 7:0o 1/8/u0:00 L/14/17 0:00 U2sl77 22:oo Afil71\,OO Alr3l77 2:OO 12l16/17 9:OO A/76/71 r7:OO a/24/a7 $:oo 1/aO/r713:OO rl5/77 6:00 A/9/a7 2:N 9/7/77 t:00 6/3/17 73:W r/21177 72:oo 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1975 1944 1935 1935 1936 2064 193E 2151 2222 1935 2133 2087 t9f2 1955 r9t4 1934 1934 1934 1946 1949 1999 1933 1933 1933 1933 1933 1933 1933 1933 1933 1936 2203 1932 1932 1932 1931 1958 1935 zz24 2158 2205 1910 1954 2tE7 7917 2052 2t9t 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 7929 2221 2154 r993 1928 1928 1928 2159 1930 1937 1937 1937 1937 t937 1937 1936 1936 1936 1936 1935 1935 1935 1935 r935 1935 1935 1935 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1933 1933 1933 r933 r933 1933 1933 1933 1933 1933 1933 1933 1932 1932 1932 1931 1931 1931 1931 1930 19:tO 1930 1930 1930 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 7929 1928 1924 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 P€, Unit OBtributed SolEt 0 0 0 0 0 0.170155 o.o712llE2 0 0 0 0.175884 0.0371596 0.813292 0.651244 0.22E989 0.367821 0.38465 0.033167 0.105463 (kw) 0-00 o.m 0.o 0.m 0.00 25.23 10.57 0_00 0.00 0.00 26.07 5.51 !20.s7 96.55 33.95 54.S3 57.03 4.92 15.69 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.m 0_99 8-39 108.36 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m E3.16 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 11.99 2.lE 14.19 120.45 54.76 0.m 6,74 129.m 51.03 23.14 83.58 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 2.55 112.02 51.22 125.53 0.()0 0.00 0.00 83.51 1.65 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 77.7t 0.5rr o.m 0.m 0.@ 9.67 2.10 78_62 ft.75 l-21 19.18 39.75 1.65 8.27 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.41 1.97 6.69 0.00 0.m 0.0o 0.04 0.o 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 53.15 0.13 0.m 0.@ 0.m 6.54 0.25 51.19 56.:t6 41.75 0.00 77.26 86.70 4.11 5.29 53.78 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 E1.15 30.45 a8.66 0.m 0.m 0.00 72.29 2.59 Nol|.Expo.t Solar (lW) 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m f.52 10.03 0.m 0.00 0.00 16.40 3.41 41.95 22.8 22.74 35.34 11.2' 3.26 7.43 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 3,48 99.61 0.m 0.00 0.m {.ort 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 -0.13 0.m 0.00 0.m 5.'t4 1.93 23_30 54 09 2r.ot 0.00 -10.53 42.30 46_92 17.85 29.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o_00 0.00 2.55 30.85 20.78 76.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.32 {.94 0.0018965 0.@657241 0.0555655 0.n(}942 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.550942 0 0 o 0 0.0806485 0.0146951 0.502464 0.812443 0.453828 0 0.0454s65 0.870173 0.34!222 0.156089 0_561768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.017t778 0.755595 0.34s531 0.845151 0 0 0 0.563955 0.011164 Attachment l -Page464 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-sxports Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnall€d PV lameplate (kw) Estamated F / Nameolat€ {kw.cl t77.9 L.2 148 9la2h7 73:@ 5/25/77 2o:@ 7711/77 t8tOO a/9/11gtOO 2127lt7 2l:Oo 1/37lti 74tOO 9l7lrt 73too a/a/771:@ 72121117 2?:W 21251119:N t21717717:N 9/5/Ua:oo !1o/a716:00 !/73lrt l5:0O 1lzll7 7:oo 6172111 79100 7/71111 76:00 5l9ll7l7:o0 7177177 2:N 1/20/715:N 712U77 4:oo A/7117 6:00 al30l712t0o 6/4117 2o:go 7l22lti 19t00 a/251]7 a:oo 217177 Btw 5l4l17 22:00 6122/77 3:oo 7 /19177 5:00 12170/17 22tOO glzlal l3:OO 1125/77 a:OO 7/31t7 79tOO 2/23/77 atOO a/2/77 4:w al4l771:@ 6/a2/i 72:OO t2l9l77 t2:N 721!7/!7lO:Oo r/1217, 23:OO 72129/1? 9:oo 5/24117 2!:Oo 6/23/77 8:00 614171710D 7127lU 3:00 9/9177 O:W 9173/71t3tm 3lrlu gtoo 9l5l17 1O:OO 112171t5:@ rl9llr 12:@ 7/4/77 5:OO 1/78/u 5:N al25l\7 7:oo alaoli 75:OO t/21117 17:& el5/17gtw 7llat 23100 a2lzolfi a:oo tzl3 17 9:oo 7a/241r7 74tOO 6/21177 9:oo TZl2alV l2:cn lala7 2}@ UtglT/ 7:oo a/Lol77 2:oo 2138 1989 1958 1927 1927 1964 2138 t925 1925 1928 1975 1930 7942 1969 1925 1941 1965 2185 1924 t924 1924 1924 1924 1983 1925 t9!4 r923 1923 1923 1923 1923 2199 tgzz 1929 1921 1921 1921 1995 1938 1929 1920 1920 1978 2102 1919 1919 1919 2763 1972 2026 1969 193E 1918 1918 1918 1943 1944 1962 7977 1917 1917 1965 2211 1971 1915 1916 1915 1928 t92A t927 1927 1927 1927 7921 1925 1925 1925 1926 1926 1926 1925 1925 1925 7924 7924 7924 t924 1924 7924 1924 1924 1924 1,923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1922 7922 1921 L92! 1921 1921 1921 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1918 t91E 1918 1918 191E 1918 1977 1917 1917 1917 1977 1916 1916 1915 1915 1915 Per Unit oSrributed solar 0.776805 0.111337 0 0 0 0_09s6233 0.612375 0 0 0 231347 o.554421 0 0,00415647 0.675195 0 0.0395554 0.519115 0.602434 0.0171469 0 0 0 0 0 o.714!6 0 0 0 0 0 0.443934 0.0520601 0.33145:t 0 0 0.0216207 0.0693048 0 0 0 0.141064 0.211525 0.29058 0.m56678 0.r10876 0 0 0 0 00872@9 0.179118 0.105617 0 0 0 0.119052 0.28155 0.20514s 0 0 0 (rw) 115-15 15.5r 0-m 0.0 0.@ 14.18 93.75 0.@ 0.00 34.30 E2.19 0.m 0.62 100.25 0.q) 5.86 75.95 89.31 0.([ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 15.81 0.@ 2.54 0.@ 0.00 0-@ 0.00 0.m 114.77 0.q, 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 55.81 7.72 49.74 0.m 0.q) 3.21 10.27 0.@ 0.m 0.m 115-56 32.26 43.09 0.99 16.44 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 t.29 25.55 15.69 0.m 0-@ 0.m 7f.65 41.76 :!0.41 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 60.08 1.81 0.m 0.04 0.00 14.19 57.69 0.@ 0.@ 7.81 17.!8 0-53 1-85 38.03 0.00 1.59 23.98 51.95 0.@ 0@ 0.00 o00 0.@ 1.90 0.00 1.03 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 79.70 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.08 73_12 18.28 4.17 0.@ 0.50 7.77 3.55 0.@ 0.m 0.m 70.66 7.79 13.73 3.43 4.98 0.00 0.@ 0.o 3.66 2.46 4.96 0.79 0-m 1.16 3.56 21.84 2t_71 0.@ 0.o 0.00 Non-Export solar (lw) 55.08 72.70 0.00 ,0.04 0.oo -0.01 35.06 0.00 0@ 26.42 65.02 -0.53 '1.24 62-22 0.00 4.1' 52.98 37_36 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.91 0.00 1,51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 {.08 52.39 -10.56 0.00 ,0.50 2.03 5.62 0.m 0.00 0.@ 46.03 25.08 29.17 -2.14 1!.45 0,00 0.00 0.m -2.37 24.09 10.73 _0.79 0.@ 1.15 14.00 19.91 8.70 0_(rc 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.11334 0 Attachment 'l - Page 465 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstrlled Pv N.meplate (kw) DcAc Ratio Ertimated Pv Nameplate (twac) 777.9 7.2 148 oat€ & llm. 7217lt7 22.00 9/6/77 a:oo 6/7ltl to:$ U2lr7 t6,$ Al2Al17 a:@ !7lD A:00 5/4/a7 27:00 1/10/1713:00 \l23lr7 B:@ ,125117 t9:0o t2l22lr7 t1:& !2halu 8:00 6124/77 3:N a!7177 8:00 7216177 22:oo 7/37177 7:fi 615l\, 17.00 ,E/77 a:oo 811/17 6.00 8/4/D 3:oo 7l7r/77 ls:oo 616117 r3:fi r/14177 5:0o 5lr7lt7 23:00 612t17131Cr{J 9/4177 otm 7214177 21-:@ 72111/71271cD 72129171 2O:OO 72137177 t9:@ 7/24/77 l7:OO a/6177lt:oo L/4/77 23:oo 8lzl t1 6:@ 12/t9177 20:@ t2/26/17 7!:oo 72h5ll7 74:N fil29lr7 fioa 6172177 7a:@ 12177/71 l!:@ 6177117 2O:@ 7123177 71:oo 72/76/77 l7:OO 72124177 !6:00 t/3177 21:oo ,/211712r:6 Uzalp 23:@ 8,17/77 5:W 7llt19:N 7/L6lt7 7:@ 91811180o rh5lL7 5:@ 7212A177 7:@ 3/22177 2o,oo 2/$/r7 Totoo 72/70/119:OO 72/75177 22:6 7/19/17 77:00 2h3lt7 20:00 A/7/77 r,@ t2122/ti 79too 1/V18 0:00 316/17 9,$ t2h6ltT B:@ l/31/17 r5:00 714/179:@ 3l6la7 z7:oo 1916 1919 2L97 1917 1937 1915 7927 1939 1931 2077 1923 1935 1914 1914 1914 19t5 2205 19r3 1913 1913 1985 2142 1912 191? 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 19r2 t942 2014 1911 1911 1911 1959 1948 1974 1911 1961 2169 1943 1912 1913 1910 1910 1910 1910 2t71 1916 1915 1909 1909 2720 1951 1908 1904 1922 1907 1907 1907 1907 1910 1935 1949 2r02 1906 19r6 1916 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1912 1912 1912 L972 1912 1912 1912 1912 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1909 1909 r909 1909 1909 1908 1906 1908 1904 r907 1907 t907 1907 1907 1907 1906 1905 1906 Ps Unt Dinribut.d Sola, 0 0 0.476842 0.it578:t7 0.0105612 o 0.0180591 o.07z17z6 0 o.373997 0.0951031 0 0 0 0 0 o.75t675 0 0 0 0.227985 o.a7rr89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.473767 0.280704 0 0 0 0.187059 0.0799782 0.183879 0.332857 0.0967801 0.16244r 0-178241 0.5a4217 0.0494486 0 0 0 0 (kw) 0.m 0.00 70.69 59.35 1.57 0.0 z.5E 10.73 0.00 55.45 tI.10 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0-00 0.m 111.4/r 0.00 0.m 0.00 33.60 130.13 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.o 0.0 0.m 70.24 41.51 0.m 0.00 0.00 21.n 11.85 2f.25 49.35 lil.35 24.08 25.42 &).58 7.34 0.00 0.m 0.m o.m 36.3r 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.(tr 19.78 8.17 13.59 0.00 2.63 0.m o.m 0.@ 0.m 2.65 0.m 8.59 36.40 0.00 0.m 0.66 43.31 2.94 o.74 0.@ 0-t7 0.m 75-71 3.33 0.m 0.@ 0.2r 0.@ 0.12 65-52 0.m 0.m 0.00 35-25 83.03 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 12.89 34.07 0.m 0.m 0.(p 4. 15.84 9.38 20.80 21,95 10.45 11.15 8.78 0.64 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 2x.54 0.2s 0.20 0.m 0.q) 20.44 1.39 0.00 3.59 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 4.25 0.m 9.13 16.64 0-m Non-ExportSolar (tw) 0.24495 0.00 -0.66 21.38 66.42 082 0.00 2.51 3.49 0.00 38.73 70.77 0.@ 0.00 -0.21 0.00 -0.12 45.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.45 47.t7 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 57.35 7.55 0.m 0.00 0.m 23.09 -1.94 17.88 28.55 -7_@ 13.63 t5.21 71.90 6.66 0.00 0.0t) 0.00 0.00 !2.71 -0.25 -0_20 0.m 0.@ 12.34 -72.27 12.20 0.00 4.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.60 0.00 -0.5s 19.76 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.133402 0.0551216 0.0916518 0 0.0190817 0 0 0 0 0.01784E2 0 0.0579104 0.245s61 0 Attachment l -Page466 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrtalled Pv Nameplare (kw) t5tlmared PV Namephte (kwa.l !11.9 12 144 6l22ltf 5:Oo 72/5/17 |O:OO 3/1/119:OO 9161179.@ r/29/17 7too sl24/a7 O:00 A/3117 5.OO al$/\7 o:oo 12/22/!1 $:OO 12/24/11 75.@ 9/10/rt 15:N 6/2171 14:00 6/25/17 4:oo 12/9/!7 22:oo Dla.lti 7.OO 5/91t1 to:oo s/2a/D rotoo t/15/771:00 6/23/116:00 lwri $:OO 1,/rO/117:OO 2/231!7 9:oo 618/77 6:00 72/24/77 27:N 5/23/t7 t6:(D 7/$/714:OO 5/25171 23:OO 9lA/17 9:oo Alatl77 9tOO 2/3/11 72N 6/9111 1:@ A/29117 2:@ 9/6/77 to:OO 6126/771:OO 1/30/77 4:00 \2la/!7 a:oo rh/17 73:OO 7/$/77 2:N 5/22hr 23:oo 5/24/1,7 4tOO 7 /27177 6tO0 916/77 o:N 1U3O/r719:N 1?/5177 7:N 9/la7ll:OO a/71 171 7t:OO r/22/714:oo a/77/77 7tO0 81241117:@ 72/76/17 22:oO 72/!5/17 t6:oo 5l7sl17 19:OO u7/t17t:oo 2/2A/17 2O:oo 7la/17 22:& 2/41719:N 2/r1l7r 2t:@ DIA/77 21:OO 5/70/17 2o:oo 9/6/t7 72:00 l/9/17 73:N 2/1/17 73:w r/22/77 ?O:W 17/5/17 22:Oo 6/s/t176tOO 9/6/17 7\:00 6/\0/\7 la:OO 1906 1930 7912 1939 190S 1905 1905 1905 7907 1945 2166 2181 1904 1904 1904 2117 2120 1903 1903 1935 1902 1902 1902 1902 2773 1901 1901 1941 2069 1923 19@ 19(x) 1989 r899 1E99 1899 1987 1898 1898 uga 1898 1898 lE98 1898 2192 2194 1897 1897 lE97 1897 1921 2061 1946 1902 1896 1E96 1896 1696 2048 ?o7a 1924 1963 1895 1895 2186 2037 la94 1905 1906 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1904 1904 1904 19()4 1904 1904 190rt 1903 1903 1903 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1901 1901 1901 1900 1900 1900 19oO 1900 1899 1899 1899 1899 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1897 1a97 1897 r897 1897 1897 1897 r897 1a97 1897 r896 1895 1895 1a95 1895 1895 $95 1895 1895 r895 1895 1895 $94 0.m 52.95 1.60 11,95 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 12.23 122.10 128.14 0.00 0.m 0.6 61.43 39.52 o.@ 0.m 4.20 0.m 19.55 0.@ 0.00 115.79 0.@ 0.00 5.51 26.22 13.20 0.m 0.@ 37.85 0.q, 0.m 0.@ 54.61 0.m 0_m 0-m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 75.90 92.04 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 5.54 46.60 10.12 0_00 0.@ 19.98 0.@ 0.m 77.4X 67.94 10.33 23.0'l 0.oo 0.m 82.65 46.41 0.m 0-o 16.50 14.25 4,03 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 1.83 86.75 93.48 0.m 0.00 0.@ 30.39 17.70 0.m 0.m 5.78 000 0.81 0.00 0.00 81.95 0.00 0.00 4.26 9.21 11.47 0.m 0.00 13.32 0.m 0.00 0.@ 12-12 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ O.ID 50.53 67.08 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.m 3.03 19.1,1 6.71 0.00 0.m 1,78 0.@ 0-0 3,78 35.81 6.06 18.62 0.00 0.00 72.93 26.85 0-00 lion-Export solar (kW) 0.m 36.45 -12.56 7_92 0.00 0.m 0m 0-(X) 0.00 10.40 35.33 34.66 0.m 0.00 0.00 31.04 7.42 0.00 0.q) -1.58 0.00 18.71 0.00 0.00 34.84 0.00 0.00 1.25 16.95 1,72 0.00 0.m 24.53 0.00 0.00 0.oo 56.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 26.35 24.96 0.00 0.00 0.(rc 0.00 2.56 27.43 3.41 0.00 0.00 18.20 0.00 0.m 13.65 32.13 4.28 4,42 0.@ 0.@ 9_73 19.5s o00 Attachment l -Page467 Per Unit Dietrlbuted SoEr 0 0.357161 0.0114257 0.0806096 0 0 0 0 0 0.0824667 0.823588 0.E54344 0 0 0 0.it!t364 0.265564 0 0 0.02E3535 0 0.111882 0 0 o.ra7n? 0 0 0.0371739 0.176856 0.0890203 0 0 0.25533 0 0 0 0.46283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o51E698 0.520854 0 0 0 0 0.0376503 0.314303 0.0682637 0 0 0.13478 0 0 0.117594 0.4!4257 0.0697015 0.155343 0 0 0.55755{ 0.31304 0 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnalled Pv Namepl.te (kw) DCrAC Ratio Ertimated Pv Nameplate lkwad !719 L,7 r48 7/24lt16tOO 7/la/!r 4:OO A16/17 2:oo A/D/t1t:00 17/1/17 t9t90 12/19/71 ta:oo ll7sltt 76:00 7/7/]7a:oo 6/24/771:OO rl27lt1r4:@ 7127/t7 s:oo 2/25/t7 2O:OO a/72/11 r1:OO 7\/2Al\7Afl9 7/2o1t170:00 6/6/17 atoo tlll/l1 t:@ t/30/17 23:00 6/26/ti s:oo 72/91719:OO 6hlr11:OO t1/15/77 r5:oo 5/37/77 9:Oo r2/3lll7 LO:00 r/20/71 L9:00 2172/17 A:OO a/20/77 t'@ llr/11 t6:OO 2/21 /17 1O:OO sltT/tlL6:N rl7tl77 22:oo th5/112:OO 7lts/rt 4:OO 2/21/7t1:oo 12/2A/ri 22:OO 7/2alv i:00 7/tOl17 a4:oo 5/91179:N u/30/17 10:00 312/777:oo A1771771:OO alT2llr 3:@ 6/6/fia2:@ 1/4/77A:@ 7123/lr 11OO 2/2/77 27:oo 2l3l|t 1:00 2/ZA/77 2t:oo 5/37/77 r:OO 6/18/17 o:N all7/771:oo t2/5/71 $:OO 916/U r3too 6/70/71 2t:oo 7l,al77 a:OO ,/24hr 7:OO 6/22/77 s:ooalzlt 5:N a/9/t77:o0 a/B/\7 7:oo 6hlt|7:00 21221712o:@ r/r/7174,00 r/75/t7 3:OO A/70/77 7:oo Al2l77 7a:00 a/27177 73:t)O r894 1894 1894 r894 1894 1905 1955 2013 1913 1937 1893 1894 2762 1892 1694 2744 1891 1891 1891 r891 1893 2044 1896 1890 1890 2169 1929 1919 207X $a9 $49 1849 1889 1849 1915 1916 2102 1909 1E6E r888 1884 7744 2@O 1887 $47 1887 18a7 r887 1887 18E7 1924 2046 1936 r886 1845 1886 $45 1886 1886 1899 1E8E 1965 1885 18E5 2175 zL64 1894 1894 1E9rt 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1893 1893 lE93 1893 1893 1892 1892 1a!11 1891 189r 1891 r89r 1891 1891 1891 1891 r890 1890 1a90 1890 1889 1889 lEa!'| r889 1889 1EE9 1889 1EE9 r889 1884 I8EE 1888 1888 lEEE 1887 1887 1887 1887 $47 1887 1887 1887 r887 1887 1887 r886 1885 1886 1886 1EE6 r886 1846 $46 ua5 18a5 1885 r885 1885 Pc, Unit DBtrlbuted Sol.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.55{84 0.0637E3E 0.m964897 o.s2362 0 0 0_430154 0 0.0814556 0.6219 0 0 0 0.0970548 0.(xrs49354 0.05312t5 o250343 0.335a3 0 0 0.E91372 0.0439S29 0-462551 0.6218811 0 0 0 0 0 0.0184945 0.129149 0.246261 0.255381 0 0 0 o.77t714 0.0583818 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.597765 0.0279321 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0119471 0 0.0504936 0 0 0.88it957 o.794174 0.m 0.@ 0-00 o.m 0.m 0.m 42.52 9.45 1,43 77.61 o.@ 0.m 6!.77 0.m 12.08 97.20 0.m o_m 0.@ 14_39 0.81 9.35 38-50 49.73 0.m 0.m 132.15 6.52 68.59 92.19 0-00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 2.74 19-15 36.51 37.85 0.@ 0.m 0.(I, 105-51 8.66 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.00 0.@ o.@ 8a.62 4.14 0.m 0.q) 0.00 0.m 0-00 0.m 1.71 0.m 7.49 0.00 0.@ 131.05 118.41 0.28 0.00 0.(I 0.m 0.00 0.@ 23.97 4.!2 0.54 24.10 0.(D 0.m 49.10 0.@ 6.37 57.02 0.00 0.00 0.@ ,.52 0.61 6.n 13.97 $_st 0.@ 0.33 65.55 3.01 10,37 52.67 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.u) 5.75 9.20 15.35 15-2a o.m 0.6 0_(I, 74.24 3.72 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.q) 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 44.f,3 1.89 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.00 0.08 0.@ o.17 0.@ 9.77 0.m 0.08 88-54 90.38 Non-Export Sol.r (tw) {.28 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.@ 58.55 5_14 0.89 53.53 0.oo 0.00 14.67 .0.04 5.71 35.$ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 12.87 0_20 2-58 2a.62 :to.84 0.00 -0.33 46.50 3.51 39.52 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.q) 0.m -3.0r 9.95 21.16 22.62 0.00 .0.08 0-m 31.23 4.94 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.(p 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.9S 2.25 0-m 0-e 0.00 0.00 .o-0E 0.00 1.40 0.m -2.29 0.00 {.08 42.51 24.03 Attachment l -Page468 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnrt.lled Pv Nameplare (kw) DC:AC tutio Estimated Pv Nameplate lkwa.) 177,9 7.7 148 3n|fi9:00 9/1/tiA:OO 72lU/r7 L7:oo 2l24lr7 1O,OO U7/17 6tOO 2/3/17 2OtW 5/1/170:00 72/A/\1 t3:oo ElTali t7:OO 7/$lr7 3:00 3/3117 A:oo t2l4/17 9.OO '112/77gtOO 7/26/17 73:N U3ol77 s:00 2/241111:OO t2/7t/71 l5:OO 5/7 /ri A:OO 7116/17 a:@ 7l3ol77 76100 6/7217171t0o 2/ZA/lr 1:0o 6/a2177 4:00 1l21/t7 5:@ r2/Z5lr1 l9:oo 2124177 2O.OO t2hol71 tz:N 6/!2/71 gtoo A/2a/77 9.00 U2ll77 22:OO 7Ut7ltl A:Oo 12/75/71 79:00 9/1/17 9:@ 619/77 A,@ 9/r/rt glx 9/A/711L:00 uL4/77 70:00 61231114:OO 7/23/t7 3tOO 12/)3/1,1 73:OO 1/u/17 10:00 711/a7 6,00 !2a/711:00 1lt1/U 6:00 thl77 O:00 t7129177 l9t0o a/22/n a:oD 7/75/17 71:OO al2t/rt 9:@ 6/7A/77 16:Cfr ill/77 9:OO 1/2/71a:OO 6123/t7 5:OO 7/3r/Ll3too 17/13/17 2!:OO 72/26/17 21100 316/1719:@ 2/13/77 10:00 t2lral!7 lt:@ U79117 7a:OO 7/2A/17 74:OO 7/14/t7 3:o0 71271716:00 3/7/117:$ 9/2177 t:N 72177/a7 23:OO 72l8lrr t7:OO 1887 1889 1925 1914 1884 1884 1884 1946 2t19 1883 1883 1883 2062 1882 1EE2 1882 1929 2026 7977 1937 7912 1881 1881 1881 1881 1885 7922 79t2 2016 1880 1880 1860 1915 7997 2055 2052 1879 1879 1879 1879 1880 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1913 1904 200€ 2182 1882 1953 7871 \877 1871 tan 1901 1891 1926 1895 1930 7476 1876 1876 7A76 1875 1924 1885 1885 1884 1884 $8rl 1884 18E4 la84 1883 1883 1883 1883 1882 1E82 r882 1882 1882 1881 1881 188r r881 1E81 r88r 1881 18E1 8r a0 1880 1880 r880 1880 ua0 1880 1880 1840 1879 r879 1879 7479 1879 1479 1878 1878 la78 1878 187E 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 IETE ,a77 7877 1877 la77 1877 t877 la?7 18'5 1875 1a76 1875 1876 1875 1875 1875 Per Unit Dirtributed solar 0.0195019 0 0.0158248 0.45901 0 0 0 0.r27802 0.622451 0 0 0.1(8971 0.245549 0 0 0 0 58032 0.07835421 0_0455738 0.2$0E3 0.151505 0 0 0 0.309212 0 0.059322 0.00135172 0.laE12s 0 0 0 0.o756627 0.0873217 0.135187 0.523449 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0_0195339 0.0521186 0.161421 o.u951f 0.2rt885 0.064594 0 0 0 0 0.0282855 0.313931 0.395727 0 0.126034 0 0 0 0 0 0.169675 1.@ 0.45 1.16 23.95 0.m 0.04 0.m a.5a 65.70 0.@ 0.90 1.28 20.n 0.@ 0.m 0.m !7.37 3.80 2.m 71.62 9.91 0.oo 0.m 0.@ 0.oo 0.m 20.87 7.49 70,17 0.00 0.@ 0.00 4.61 s.:x) 8.09 33.68 o.m 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 1.78 0.@ 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 1.13 2.18 9.1!t 86.33 8.62 0.@ 0.00 o.@ 0.m 0.(E 4_39 74.70 0.@ 20.63 0.@ 0.(p 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.20 1.29 -0.45 7.79 45.58 0.@ -0.04 0.00 10_37 25-57 0.00 {.90 t4-87 15.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.73 7.at 4.05 20.94 72,57 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.84 0.m ,12.04 -7.29 11.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.61 7_ta 11.95 41.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m -1.78 0-@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.78 5.55 39.62 24.28 5.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.11 42,15 43_97 0.oo 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 2495 Attachment l -Page469 2.89 0.m 2-15 69.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 la.95 92.28 0.00 0.00 16.15 36.42 0.00 0.00 0-m 86.04 11.62 6.75 38.56 22,48 0-@ 0.o 0.m 45.8,4 0.00 8.79 0.20 27.96 0_m 0.m 0.00 1t.22 12.95 20.04 77.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0-00 0.00 0.m 0-m 0.00 2.91 7.11 23.93 125,95 35.89 9.59 0.m O,Trc 0.00 0.00 4.19 46.54 5a.67 0-m 18_98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 25.15 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-sxports rnstalled Pv Namepl.te (tw) Ertimated PV Nameplate (kwacl tl7,9 L.2 148 7/23/17 77:00 rholtT Zl:N alBltl 5:oo 1/29/717010D 12171,117 16,00 6/15/77 $:@ t/741712:oo 2l23ltl 22:00 7176117 Ztt}O 6/A/77 4:00 Ala/77 at0o 72/21117 7.oo 12/2Oh, 17,00 7/79/7r l2tOO altTll1 A:OO 7/1o/tt t4:00 7/29/77 4totr L2/22/t7 zON r2l11lt1 7O:OO 6l9lt77:@ 1Z/27/t1r3:OO 917/1112:OO 2/217179:oo 1/26/t1 73:OO 7/17/77 2LOO 6/16/77 71:N 2h2hr 9:6 5/26/11 22t!o 72/19/1,1 2r,t90 2l1lr179t@ TlaliTtOO 2175171 2O:Oo 6/74/-t1 5:@ 7212s177 7t:@ 6/71/17 l0t9o 2/a/77 79:oo 612171 73:OO rl!t/77 6.@ 6/A/71 \OO th/77 70:00 A/76/77 77:OO 611/-t19:@ 7/231t7 73tW AlTalTl gtoo 7h1712:N 2/17/77 20.@ Al75/77 t7:OO 6/77/77 r9:OO 1lt7/17 11:00 6h9/77 9:@ Urlle 20t& 6/2a/17 6.@ t2l?9117 aoo 2/!/a7 y$o 9/11/11 t3:oo 5/30/171r:00 12/9177 73:@ 2/?3/11 7A:OO 6/9/t7 23:N 7121/t14:@ 9/70/t7 23tOO r2l1/77 2OtO0 t2/76lt1AloO 12/27/71 tr.OO 7/77/713:OO 8/25/717.Cn lzl29lt7 27:00 2772 1875 1875 2158 791 20!5 187a 187a 1874 1874 ta74 7474 1909 1901 1915 1951 1873 1873 187! 1878 1925 2056 r905 1918 la72 2119 1E71 1871 1871 1885 18n) 1870 1870 1870 19s3 1874 7t14 r859 1869 7973 2150 2137 1875 1875 1866 1858 2157 2173 1876 ?t44 7867 1867 1867 1906 2141 2084 19@ 1912 1865 1865 1856 1866 1866 7973 1865 1865 $65 1875 1875 1875 18'4 184 1874 !814 tE11 7871 la74 1874 1814 7E74 1874 $71 1873 1873 7873 1873 1873 ,872 1812 7872 7E72 7812 1872 1871 1871 1871 1E7l 1870 1870 7a70 1870 1870 1870 1869 1859 1E59 1859 1859 1a69 1868 r858 1858 1868 1868 1868 7W7 7467 1867 1867 tE57 1867 1865 1656 1866 1855 1856 r855 1E65 1866 1866 1855 1865 r865 1865 93.34 0.00 0.00 6r.67 58.33 56.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.q) 61.26 14.54 3.27 55.49 0.oo 0.@ 0.00 1.92 16.08 72.41 0.@ 76.03 0.00 721.25 23.18 0_00 0.m 0.0 0.@ 0.00 0.00 r5.G 7.14 0.00 r25.!4 0.(p 0.m x6.25 9{,.77 39.23 5.21 4.51 0.m 0.m 98.89 57.50 o.E 39.13 0.00 0.qt 0.@ 0.6s 116.53 rm.45 10.19 18.?5 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 81.33 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 6,6.37 0.m 0.@ 'to.338.43 26.76 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 13.27 6.43 7.72 51,16 0.o0 0.m 0.@ 0.82 6.77 45.82 0.G 13.75 0.m 51.91 3.35 0.@ 0.m 0.() o.m 0.tp 0.m 0,13 13.96 0.@ 88.93 0-@ 0.m 74,52 62.45 r5.09 4.77 1.al 0.m 0.@ 16.95 33.54 7.41 19.14 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 4.26 74.80 64.11 14.6' 0.76 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.(x) 0.@ 29,54 0.cD 0.m 0.@ Non-Eryort Solrr (tW) 25.97 0.m 0.00 27.11 49.90 39_24 0.@ o.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.oo 4r.99 8.72 2.75 3.72 0.00 0.00 0.oo 1.11 9.91 26.67 -0.08 52.2' 0.m 59.34 19.92 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 14.95 -71.E2 0.00 31_ZO 0.00 0.00 21,71 27.72 24.14 0.44 3.10 0.00 o00 21.94 23.96 {.53 r9.99 0.00 0-00 0.00 _3.62 17.72 36.:!6 {.49 18.00 0_00 0.@ 0.0{ 0.00 0.m 51.80 0.00 0.m 0.m Attachment 't - Page 470 Per Unit oistibuted Solar 0.629612 0 0 0.415987 0.393t139 0.445203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.413 a 0.0980995 0.022069 0.383723 0 0 0 0.0r29699 0.108473 0.484592 0 0.512829 0 0.E17865 0.157051 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-101728 0.@76631 0 0.850E3 0 0 0.244493 0.608218 0-254588 0.035142 0.0304188 0 0 0.667068 0.387A79 0.0053r34s 0.263967 0 0 0 0.0043608 0.7E5007 0.57766r 0.068703 0.126527 0 0 0 0 0 0.548633 0 0 0 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports r.nalhd Pv iram€plate (kw) OC:AC Ratio E$mated Pv Namepl.te (kwad A/6/77 to:oo 719/11 LI:OO s/29/11 \5:OO 8/19/1713:00 2l26ltt t9:@ 6/slt715:N 2/24/t7 Zt:00 ABO|77 3:0o 77/25117 9:00 72/25/t7 2O:oO 2/22/77 l9:OO 6/251t7 5:@ 12lla/!177:@ 7/29/71 72:OO 71/3,li !A:N a/filr, a:oo a/77/71t.OO 72h4/77 23:OO a/25/11 rO:oD 3/5/111:00 6/71172:OO AIS/t7 4:OO a/23/17 2:oo a!/29177 20:00 11/10/77 2O:OO 72/rlti A:OO 72/19/17 7:oo 7l1ol71 TstOO 917/77 L!)OO lalD 1:oo a/75/77 7.& 212177 74:N 6/16/11 \r:OO ll t7/17 $:OO 616177 1o:oo 7/24/71 7l:OO 721t5117 7ztOO 12/4/U 7B:@ 6la/17 72:00 s/23/77 75:@ L2l6/17 7&@ 7/77/716:00 al13l7l3:N 72/1/119:OO 7/24177 7A:OO t/27117 76:00 a2179/17 72:OO 8/18/178r00 2/!4/17 2t:o0 a/t7/113:oo ,2rl17 r9:00 6116117 t2:@ 72/22117 77:oo 6/71lri TO|OO 2lt2lt7 27:@ 919/17 72:00 5/7611719:@ rl?1177 77:oo a/26/17 l2:OO 6l4hr 21:OO Z/?7 /11 2z:oo 7 /2Al7l 5:OO 9/7/77 7:oo tl/29/77 a:@ 6l2slt17O:OO 2/28/17 1O:OO 5/2A/17 72:oo t77.9 72 148 1935 1889 2117 ll41 7877 2767 1864 1864 1E54 1864 1874 1863 1863 1949 1859 1904 7462 1852 2094 185! 1861 1861 1851 1851 1861 1861 1861 1939 2020 18@ 1E50 1931 2035 1847 2084 19r2 1902 1893 2080 2732 1891 1E5E 1858 1858 1917 1898 r891 1903 1857 1857 1858 70?9 1876 1936 1856 2702 r872 7876 2742 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 2133 1870 1859 1855 1865 1855 1855 1a64 1864 1864 1654 1864 1864 1853 1853 1863 1863 1862 1852 1852 $62 1852 1851 1861 1861 t85t 1861 l86l t86l 1E61 1860 1850 1850 1860 1860 1850 1860 la60 1859 1859 1859 1859 1858 1858 1858 ta58 1858 1858 $57 1857 1857 1857 1857 r857 ta57 1E55 1856 1856 $56 r856 1855 1855 1855 la55 1855 1855 1a55 1855 1855 1455 Per Unit Oirvibuted solar 0.0721868 0 0.821454 0.820432 0 0.813869 0 0 0.0349062 0 0 0 0 0.546914 0 0.0241844 0 0 0.369331 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.338889 0.3651a9 0 0 0.165506 0.12499 0 0.42i1003 0.488367 0.68602s 0 0.69029E 0.846448 0 0 0 0-0354853 0.0560675 0.311185 o.04175t7 0,0199897 0 0 0 0.61G36 0.127614 0.192384 0 0.63935 0.m140621 0.0352979 0.533965 0.0345502 0 0 0 0 0.4t4191 0.49079 0 10.70 0.m i7.74 121.63 0.@ 720.6 0.@ 0.m 5.71 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 a1.08 0.00 3.59 0.() 0.m 54.75 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0-m 0.m 0.00 s0.24 54.74 0.00 0-00 24.54 63.@ 0-m 62.65 72.& 101.70 0.@ 102.34 125.49 0.00 0.m 0.o 5_26 8.31 45.13 7.08 2.96 0.00 0.00 0.m 90.56 18.92 28-52 0.00 94'n 0.21 5.23 93.99 5.14 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 72-17 77.76 0.00 19.14 1.91 91.13 99.43 0.00 42.64 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 46.99 0.m 7.24 0.00 0.m 30.97 0.@ 0.m 0.(r 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 24.72 28.70 0.m 0.@ 24,57 34.11 0.G 35.75 20.70 19.19 0.@ 74.71 89.28 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.64 0.26 11.25 6.45 0.95 0.m 0.00 0.m 56.85 5.19 25.38 0.m 63.22 3_28 7.79 58.16 o.37 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.04 51.75 9.44 0.m Non-tlpo.t Solar (kw) 'E {4 -1.91 30.65 22.20 0.00 18.02 0.m 0.m 5.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 34.09 0.00 2.11 0.00 0.00 23.78 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 2t.52 23.U 0.00 0.00 -0.03 28.83 -0.0E 27.71 s7.70 82.51 0.m 27.61 36.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.52 6.05 34.88 0.63 2.0! 0.00 0.m 0.00 3!.71 12.13 3.14 0.00 31.57 -3.07 3.44 25.82 4.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.04 zo.6a 63.28 0.00 Attachment 1 - Page 471 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Namepl.te {kw) tttimated Pv Nameplate (kwac) t179 71 148 1885 1853 1654 1854 1854 1914 2123 2043 1884 r853 1653 1867 1851 1851 1851 1E5l 1985 2101 1650 1850 r850 1E50 1850 1850 1950 zw 164E 18rt8 1862 1841 1E47 2091 20€3 1E76 1845 1939 1EE2 1859 2r30 1E54 1891 1845 1845 1845 18,47 1871 1850 1E53 1912 1844 1644 1844 1886 1843 1843 1E43 1843 1879 1848 1905 $43 1842 1868 2146 1990 1841 1854 1854 1854 1854 1a54 1854 1854 1E54 1853 1853 1853 1852 1a51 18S1 1851 1851 r850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1850 1849 1849 1848 1848 t84atul lu1 1847 tu1 1846 r846 r846 1846 1846 1845 1845 1845 1845 18115 1845 1845 1845 18,5 lE4rl 1844 !844 1844 1844 $43 1843 1843 7|y,3 1843 1843 1843 1842 1442 t*2 1842 1842 1842 1841 7847 Pcr Unit Dirtibuted Solar 0.00857512 0 0 0 0 0.1"77719 0.7a240a 0.2s9148 0.484655 0 0 0.16617 0 0.000739297 0 0 0.0842649 0.542818 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0795543 0.235096 0 0 0.026365 0 0 0.381s97 0.696239 0.206775 0 0.291544 0.331781 0 o.2710t7 0.120408 0,162401 0 0.143157 0 0,o174424 0.166978 0 0.099879 0.0259791 0 0 0 0.505031 0 0 0 0 0.0240452 0 0.0505952 0,0392141 0 0.15a197 0,59a69 0.458512 0.59237 0 solar tiports (kw) 1.43 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 16.76 85.m 23.96 r0.13 0.@ 0.@ 1.85 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0-m 12.97 54.93 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.(x) 0.00 0.00 3.55 17.m 0.m 0.00 1.11 0.m 0.m 29.!2 65.19 11.O7 0.6 18.65 1.O7 0.m 22.45 3.64 11.07 0.@ 5.74 0.@ 1a1 7.27 0.@ 6.59 0.57 0.05 0.@ 0.m 32.0r 0.6 0.@ 0.m 0.m 1.OO 0.51 7.42 74.17 0-00 18.08 lr0.77 48.40 34.11 0.00 lon'&pon Sola, (kw) -6.55 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 9.59 30.91 14.46 6t.72 0.00 0.00 22.78 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.m 0.12 15.55 0.00 -0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.15 17.E5 0.00 0.00 2,80 0-oo 0.00 21.25 37.03 t7.59 0.@ 21.57 46.12 0.00 1r.78 14.22 13.00 0.00 16.23 0.00 8.78 t7.s4 0.oo 8.21 3.18 .0.05 0.m 0.m 4.47 0.00 0.00 0.()0 0.00 2.56 -0.61 0.0€ -8.55 0.m 5.37 47.39 19.57 53.71 0.00 7/9/17 L4:00 71/3/t1 78t00 rl7/77 5:{X l/t9l17 22:oo 9lr0llT O:OO 211/\1 13:00 6/2/77 t2:0D 5/rc/u 19:00 7/23/17 Lt.oO 2/22/17 2t:@ 6/!177 t:v) 72/9lt? tl :oo r/7/17 3:OO 3h/t7 2O:OO 5/241a7 B:oo A/22ht 7:OO 9la/11 LO.oO 9/a/t172:@ 7/20/t7 20:00 1/30/170!n 2/A/r7 10:00 819/17 t:s) Al30ltT 6:00 L2/4/71 22:OO slSllll A:OO th6l77 9:oo 72/2s/tt 2r:OO 77/30/17 79:OO 72/t9/17 t:oo 5l70lt7 21:W al4/ti 4:00 A/5/77 rO:oO 9/73/77 t2:00 316/t1 tOtOO 6l9lt7 ztoo 6/72/77 1,4too r/26/tt 71:00 7/75/t7 19:OO 6/24/ti 9:N 211/77 72:00 l/25/77 74:oo 6/72/17 ?3:OO t7l2A/i 9:OO 72/37171 77:oo 72/23/71 t7:OO 7z/791t7 13:OO sl21/77 22:oo r2l?3/17 72:00 5l2Al17 27:N 213/7127tcD A/4/t-/ 6:N 77la0/11 2O:@ 7/25/7710:@ 7/22/77 5:00 A/70/713:oo t2/t7/17 21:OO ,7/22/17 Z1:OO 5/26/ri 2\:00 9/73177 A:U) 6lt2l177a:oo t/?A/ri 15:00 t2l17lri A:W 2/3/7171:oo 6/1,1/717AIOO 7l22lt1IO:OO 5l2sl77 la.oo r/25/716:00 Attachment 1-Page472 (kw) 7.29 0.00 0.m 0-m 0.m 26.35 115.99 :t8.42 71.85 0.@ 0.o0 24.63 0.m 0.11 0.m 0_m 13.(B 9.47 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.fl) 0.m 0.m 11.79 34.85 0.@ 0.00 3.91 0.m o.oo 55.57 103.22 30-55 0.(r 43.22 49.19 0.00 (o-53 17.85 24.08 0.0 21.97 0.m 10.59 74.75 0.m 14.81 3.85 0.00 0.(p 0.m u.a7 0.oo 0.m 0.00 0.00 3,56 0.00 7_9 5.81 0.q) 23.45 aa.15 61.97 87.82 0.@ Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstall.d Pv Nameplare (kw) Enimat€d Pv Nameplate (kWac) t77.9 12 148 1841 1841 1841 1841 1889 1878 1E58 1859 2080 1919 1865 2108 1843 1845 1839 1839 1839 1El9 1897 1905 183E 1838 1838 1838 2115 2095 1843 1847 1637 la3-l 1890 lE36 r836 1836 !835 1836 1E36 2010 1856 tE35 1835 1835 tE35 183s 1872 1907 1861 1876 1878 1833 1833 1E33 1915 1864 2119 1842 1832 1832 1832 1938 1831 1831 1833 lE56 7972 r89B 1830 6125/t15:W alaltr 6:N 72/73/77 7O:N 72/25/t7 7:N 't2/70177 73:00 Sl'ltl ta:w 2/73171 Lgloo 't113/71 t4:OO 8/13/77 t7)OO 6/16/17 9:oo 5/15/1718:00 5/22177 r9:OO 216/7719:OO 311/179:OO 7/2r/t7 2otD0 7/24177 23:& t/29/77 6t0O 1/27/17 s:oo 2/2/7171:OO 72/26/tt t1:00 71101715:OO 7r/A/17 8:00 tLl79/t7 2r:OO 12/24/77 23:OO 9/3/1713:00 a/2!17 t3:@ 7/22/717:OO Slt6/11 2O:OO 1/29177 5:oo a/17/77 6:@ !2A/r7 75:W 211lU 2t:an 21221719:OO 6/al71z2:.n 918/17 r:oo 17/)0171 1:OO 72/71/lr 22:oo 6124171A:OO 7213U11 TatOO r/1./17 4:oo 7/30177 4tOO 2/r3/u 22tOO 8/29/17 3:oo 71/3/17 27:00 !/25117 t6:oo a2/2!/77 $:00 2/72/17 70.00 6/10/u 9:00 7127/77 75:0A 6/4/77 2:@ a/26/11 2:Cto 't7/6171 t7:OO 5l26lt1gtOO e/7/\7 lo:oo 2/a111 tO:OO 6171/t1O:OO a16/t7 ):Oo AIA/17 4100 6/6/,7alo 2/6/77 ZOt00 7/27177 IO-OO t2/70/7111:0o 5/ tg/ri A:OO t2/?6/77 t4:oo rl2lt1 6t0o 1841 1841 1841 u4r 1841 $41 1841 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1a39 1839 1839 1a39 1839 1839 lE3a 1838 1838 1838 1838 183a 1838 1838 1837 1837 1837 1836 1835 1835 1E36 1836 1836 1835 r835 lEl5 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1835 1833 1833 r833 1a33 1833 1833 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1832 1831 1831 31 1831 1831 1830 1830 P.. Unir Oirtributed Solar 0 0 0.0340062 0 0.108533 0.005980at 0 0.120139 0.5672]a 0.0790083 0.0410694 0.358912 0 0.00647852 0 0 0 0 0.0575572 0.18E59E 0 0 0 0 0.75281 0_843557 0 0 0 0 0.0540555 0 0.1579E 0 0 0 0 0.0561254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.102765 0 0.425859 0.1a8125 0.361963 0 0 0 0.57174 o.o775239 0.335561 0.399549 0 0 0 0.0€314 0 0 0.0591664 0.156591 0.0564354 0.119769 0 {tw) 0.oo 0.@ 5.04 0.00 16.10 1.03 0.m 17.81 a4.o!, 11,71 5.09 53.21 0.@ 0.96 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.0 10.02 27.96 0.m 0.m 0.{p 0.m 113.09 125.06 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.01 0.00 13.42 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.c{) 9.80 0-m 0-@ 0.00 0_00 0-00 0.m 15.23 0.@ 63.28 27.E9 s3.66 0.@ 0.(p 0.@ 85.56 11,51 49.75 59.23 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 12.33 0.00 0.@ 8.77 23.21 9.91 26.65 0.00 solar Exports (tw) 0.00 0-m 0_66 0.m 2234 16.20 0.m 9.16 a1.30 9.88 4.65 2r.74 0_@ 9-13 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 4.17 0.12 0.m 0.41 0.00 0.00 w.27 65.n 0.16 0.70 0.00 0.@ 19.11 0.m a_75 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 4-16 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 6.52 0.00 77.77 14.32 22.43 0,m O,E 0.@ 30-30 1.35 26.80 15.41 0.@ 0.00 0.m 4.58 0.00 0.@ 1.09 1-81 5-19 5-59 0.m Non-rxpo.t Sola, (twl 0.00 0.00 4.38 0.00 $.21 15.16 0-m 8.55 4?.n 1.84 7.42 25.47 0.oo {.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 5.84 27.24 0.m -0,41 0.00 0.00 32-82 s9_29 -0.15 _0.70 0.00 0.00 -11,10 0.00 14.6E 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.72 0_00 35.52 t3.57 :11.23 0.00 0.m 0.00 55.27 10.15 22.95 43.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.69 2t.47 4.77 20.96 0.00 Attachment l -Page473 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rndalled Pv N.mephte (kwl Dc:ac Ratio Ettimat€d Pv N.meDl.te (kwac) 771.9 7.2 148 1830 1830 1830 1830 1877 1829 1829 1829 2094 20f1 1828 1828 1E28 182E 1828 1828 1828 1828 1828 r828 1432 1913 r846 zo27 1884 1827 la27 la?1 1858 1995 1825 r825 1826 1826 1827 t90E 7875 1833 lE34 1825 r825 1625 1825 r825 1937 2075 l624 1824 1824 1867 1823 7821 1823 1823 2101 1849 1853 1902 1855 1822 ta2z 1822 r822 1823 1658 r825 1839 oare & Time U29/t1O:00 2hs/t7 27!o 5l3olt1otoo 7!2a177 79:N a/5h1&N rlt9lrT 7:@ 7/31177 23:oo 12/72/11 7:OO a/2oll1 14:00 Al22l77 7o:oo 7141716:00 L/13/110:OO r/70/17 7:N 2/r1lrt a:00 11771115:oo All lt1 LN A/14/11O:N A/2a/t7 2:N 8l28ltt 7tD0 9/5/17 L:OO 2/15/71 7O:OO 5/26/119:00 r/7t/71 72:oo 5/7511177:OO tzl2ah1 t7:oo 7/22177 6:00 A/4/71 5:OO a/!6/711:oo l/25/71 ]-5:OO 8/27/77 9:N 2/76/17 9:N alz2ltt 1:00 a/2a/177:N t2175177 23:00 1/29/tt 1:OO t2l8/71 74:oo 2/t/77 76:00 L2l4/r7 LOTOO r/2o/71 7A:OO t/r8/-t7 21:00 31611122:oo 71171776:00 8/25/17 2:N l2/30/r7 zt:oo 6/12/17 r5:OO a/2 17 rtlo{ 5/17/77 2:oo 81771771:& t2/2llr7 23:oO a/15/17 a:oo 5/ts/7122:& AlQltl 4:oO 1,7/1/77 79:OO t2ltSlt t:00 6/2/!1 L7:oo \/9/1175:OO !19/11 t6:oo 2/21/7171:@ tl2!r175:Oo ll2ll7-t 2t:oo llU t7 2O:OO tt/7/17 7:OO 12/ao/a7 a:oo t1/29/'t7 9:OO r/t9/71 73:Oo rL/a/179:N 7/20/77 77:oo 1830 1830 1830 1830 1829 lE29 1829 r829 tE29 r828 1828 1828 t828 IE2E 1828 r828 1828 1828 1828 1828 1828 1628 $21 $27 1827 1827 7821 1a27 1826 1825 lE25 1825 1825 r626 1826 1826 1E26 1825 1825 1825 1825 1825 1625 1825 1824 7424 1824 1824 1824 1823 t8z3 1823 1823 $23 1823 1823 1822 1822 $zz 1822 7422 lazz 7822 1822 7az2 1822 1821 Per Unit Distib0ted SoLr 0 0 0 0 0.0379925 0 0 0 0.90194' 0.388215 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.269956 0.o(xlE8An8 0.s44231 0.m302741 0 0 0 0.141432 0.173439 0.182883 0 0 0 0 0.1223 0-0135205 0.365822 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.570956 0.s86924 0 0 0 0.0245244 0 0 0 0 0.660499 0.006it1308 0.00189174 0.550136 0.0999529 0 0 0 0 0.072050s o.t!2227 0.0954312 0.15i1929 (kw) 0-00 0.00 0.m 0.00 5.63 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 13:1.71 57.55 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0-@ 0.m 0_m 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.m 0.(D 40.02 1.47 81.58 0.45 0.m 0.m 0.@ 20.91 z5.rl 27.11 0.() 0.q) o.q) 0.m 18.13 2.c{l 5r1.38 0.m 0.(D 0.m 0.o 0.00 0.(rc 99.47 87.01 0.m 0.(x) 0.m 3.64 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.m 97.92 0.95 0.28 96.34 11t.82 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 10.f,E 19.@ 14.:O 24.45 solar Expods (kw) 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 2.29 0.@ 0.m 0.m 88.83 30.36 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.33 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 10.31 5.93 41,18 ?_u 0.o0 0.m 0.m 10.24 10.35 1.3? 0.04 0.00 0.@ o.7z 7.75 \1.22 9.14 0.21 0-00 0.m 0-m 0.m 0.m 18.73 47.97 0.00 0.@ 0.00 1.83 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 58.32 6-24 4.87 19.5' 8.79 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 3.49 12.23 3.80 19.81 Non-Erpon solar {kw) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 3.34 0.tp 0.m 0.m 44.88 27.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 {.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.77 39.50 '7.77 0.m 0.00 0.00 10.69 15.36 19.8O {.o! 0.oo 0.oo -0,12 10.34 -9,22 15.24 4.2t 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 80.74 39.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 La1 0.00 0.00 o00 0.00 29.60 -5.29 -t.59 76.81 6.03 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.20 7.37 10.50 4.64 Attachmentl-Page474 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv N.m€phte {kw) trtrmated Pv Nameolate (kwac) Daie & Tim€ t2lt/711):N 21311718:Cn 1.19177 21:@ 6179/77 7:@ 7/23117 4{n 9/9/17 7:oO 77/74/77 6:@ 12125/77 ]a!OO tTlt5/71 1O:OO 2113/71!1,@ 7/29/77A:00 1/8/17 6:N !7la71.OO 30117 3:OO 7/?5/771:0O 6170/17 OOO 7/37/77 4tOO 815/\71:00 aBolal 4:OO Al3tl77 4:OO t2/25/77 ZZ:00 !/26177 75:00 a2/76171 r3:OO 2124171 79:OO 5127177 79:oo 6/ri17171:@ 7122/77 7a:OO 2l7ll714tOO \211711711:00 51251a71.N a2/2A/77 13100 5176/17 9:N 2172/a7 a:oo 3/9/77 22:OO t2l21lr7 73:OO !126177 74:oO r/5/7t s:OO t7/1O177 27tOO l2/2U17 23too 72124/-t16:00 7121/77 !t,N 5/!6/77 1o:o0 Al72l71 70,00 2/24/7122,W 2125/77 7r:00 7129/716:00 a/2 17 O|OO 9/3/17 Ttoo 9/12/ri 0:00 9/7!t7 O:OO 12116/77 2:l:OO 6/6/17 9,@ t7/75/17 19,00 !2129177 7t:00 77129/71]a:@ rl23l71 76:00 !2a177 o:OO 7/231711:OO 614/77 72tOO 6llOl77 71tOO 7175/118:O0 7l\olal 6.00 5lz4l17 U:00 1/3/11O:N 2lt1/77 79tOO 5/16/77 21:@ -th31714:0O t7f.9 t.2 148 1901 1E44 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1835 1841 1911 1900 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1620 1820 1820 1820 1E68 1859 1859 2001 2117 7421 1885 IEE5 1839 1898 1416 1819 1819 1819 1880 1818 1818 1818 1818 18!3 7972 2074 1817 1817 1817 1817 1817 1817 18t' 1817 2025 r818 1854 1833 184E 1816 1816 2094 1951 ur5 1815 206/ 1814 7427 18!6 1613 1621 $2r 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1620 1820 1620 1820 r820 1E20 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 lE19 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 1819 r819 1819 tE19 r819 1819 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 u1a ta\1 1817 lE17 1817 1817 lE17 1817 1817 1817 1817 1817 1817 1817 1816 1816 1816 1815 1815 1815 1E14 1814 1814 1614 1813 Ps Unit Distrlhrted solar 0.61z23a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.042q94 0.635189 0.0393077 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.451701 0.7t3526 0 0.5743v o.754457 0.00188475 0.15215 0.532455 0_m948023 0.430201 o.72706 0 0 0 0.50614 0 0 0 0 0.113579 o.t7?923 0.394355 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0.263633 0 0.31m$ 0 0.0731855 0 0 0.632518 0.588866 0 0 0.515179 0 0 0 0 99.56 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.23 94.32 5.83 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0-00 0.m 0_00 0.@ 0.00 66.96 110.24 0.o 85-17 111.85 0.28 24.V 78.94 t.4t 53.7E r8.84 0.00 0.m 0.@ 75.04 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 15.E4 i16.39 58.46 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0_00 39.08 0.00 45.96 0.@ r0_85 0.@ 0.m 93.77 a7.4 0.@ 0.@ 91.20 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 32.09 0.12 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 E.19 43.20 1.91 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,49 33.13 0.@ 50.9s 80.25 0.38 17.!E 24.34 0.37 25.12 7.SO 0.m 0.q) 0_13 20.99 0.00 0.@ 0.{r0 0.00 5.29 23.63 28.69 0.m 0.q, 0-@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.71 0.@ 20.2? 0.00 5,al 0.m 0.00 19.97 51.15 0.20 0.m 56_6 0.00 0.@ 0.04 0.4 Non.Etportsol., (kw) 67.57 4.72 0-@ 0.@ 0.oI) 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.96 51.11 3.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 {.04 0.m 0-m 0.fi, 52.47 77.12 0.00 !4.22 31.60 -0.10 6.86 54.56 1.01 38.05 11,34 0.@ 0.00 -0.13 54.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 11_54 22.76 29.78 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.(x) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.37 0.00 25.74 0.m 5.44 0_m 0-@ 1t.80 36.15 -0.20 0_oo 44.54 0.m 0.00 {.04 0.m Attachment l -Page475 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-oxports rnstalled Pv Namepl.te lkw) €nimated Pv Nameplate (twac) t77.9-t7 148 1813 1613 7702 7E72 2092 1819 1854 19r3 2019 1812 2113 1814 1884 2047 2005 1902 1811 1811 1811 1811 1E11 1811 r975 1826 1832 $r0 1810 1810 1810 1&9 1809 1844 7422 1839 r808 lEOE 1820 1875 7W1 1807 1807 7l{,7 1903 1852 1E06 1805 1E57 1823 r805 1605 181)5 1805 1805 1805 :a77 20l/ ua9 2tt1 1834 18(N 1804 2055 1883 1803 1803 1803 1803 1813 1813 1813 1813 1Et3 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 18r2 1812 1811 1Et1 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 lE!0 1810 1810 1810 1810 1609 1609 1809 1809 1808 1808 180E 1808 1807 1807 !ao1 1807 1807 1807 1805 1806 1806 r805 1805 180s 1805 1805 1805 r805 1805 1805 r805 1805 1804 1804 1804 r8011 1803 1803 1803 1803 1803 1803 P€r Unlt Dlstrlbuted Solat o 0 03188r2 0.0571964 0.5E125 0-141313 0.0597856 0.685337 0.145252 0 0.954578 0 0.s4E059 0.581961 0.184365 0.546142 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1871 0_079:[zl 0.220434 0 0.100683 0 0 0 0 0 0_0133291 0.00105461 0 0 0.01@131 0.0489477 0 0 0 0 0.0t15379 0.0a43882 0 0 0.50r15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.41159 0.14067 0_915808 0.0527036 0 0 o.797247 0.177099 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.m 62.09 8.48 87.06 20.95 10.35 101.50 21.53 0.m 141.52 0.00 13.17 85.28 27.33 95.n 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.q) 0.m 0.m 77.14 77.16 32.@ 0.00 14.93 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.m 0.cp 1.98 0.16 0.(D 0.@ 2.3f 7.26 0.m 0.CI) 0.q) 0.m 5.58 0.m 0.()0 71.:|o 0.@ 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 61.03 24.32 135.92',8t 0.@ 0.m 11E.19 25.25 0.@ 0.00 0-@ 0.@ 0-@ 0.o 38.8!t 4.30 73.54 1.45 18.42 54.52 6-97 0.@ 91.55 0.m 5-!5 62.65 12.!1 54.28 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 10.5a 0.G 6.8 0.m 8-/rc 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.50 4.n 0.q) 0.m 0.58 12.31 0-m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 2.70 6.06 0.m 0.(I) 2a.05 3.95 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.(D 0.m 0.@ 0.50 37.22 27.@ 96.2' 1.86 0.m 0.m ,4.@ 6.76 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ Non.txpod solar (lw) 0.00 o.m 2t.20 4.18 13.52 19.50 {-07 47.0€ 14.5? 0.oo 49.9' 0_00 5-82 23.63 14.96 41.51 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 17.15 11.64 25.89 0.00 6.51 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 1.48 4_62 0.@ 0.m 1-80 -5-07 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.(rc 3.48 0.52 0.o0 0.m 50.24 -3.95 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0_50 23.81 -?.67 39.5s 5.95 0.00 0.00 43.59 19-49 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 7/30/17 7:oo a/5h-, s:oo 8lt7li ao:00 t2/2711716:6 9/2117 rz:N 12/251t717:00 !zl9h174tW 7lt2lt7 tz:oo 5l24ltt 2O:OO 2l2a/1, 22:OO 6/5/a7 M:oO a/5177 2o,oo t2l27ltt t4:@ 5l17/17 r.5:OO 81161119:& 7/29117 71:00 r/81\7 7$ zl4lr179:w 2lah7 t,N 2/81112r:oo 1U8/17 t9:00 17/2A/77 2O:OO A/5/77 9:OO 3/rh7 \9:@ 3l7l,7aooo r/2/17 o:vo 2/77117 9:$ !/s/t1 27:@ 3l7lt7 27:@ 6161171:00 Pl9/a7 z1:oo 7/2A/77 1,9:OO 6l6l1t 1:00 S/5lt7 tg:OO 7l3ol77 2:OO 721251l-t 8:00 5/37/771:OO 7/7117 as:oo 5126/111}@ 5lL4lt7 22:oO all1/tT 4:@ Alfi/r11:go 7l22liA:oO A/61t7 9:OO rl9lv t:oI) Dl22la7 27:oO r2l2!/71 72:OO 6/72/i A:00 6la6la7 OO0 818/77 5:N algltl 4:00 al30/17 5:00 9lA/ti 7:OO t2/1/77 21:oo 2lal77 7AoO alLiltl to:oo 2hl77ls:OO 6178177 15.00 5/1.6/s A:OO A/3!115:OO L2l1/t7 5:@ 5/24/17 77:q 7/29117 71:@ U8/77 3:$ 2l7lt7 21:oo 3l7lrr 71:OO Attachment l -Page476 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnst.lled Pv Nameplate (kw) Ertlmatpd Pv Nameplate (twac) 777.9 t,2 148 oare & Time 5/7/711:OO 8/91t16:00 B/7a/77 6tOO 72/8117 ?3:00 12/9117 a:oo a2/29/r7 22tOO r/5/uo:oo t2/37/77 Z2:@ 5123/77 74:00 t?/lol\1 74:00 alTg/l1 2t0O a/20lr1r:OO al?3/ti 1:OO 9lslt17:oo 71-/t5lti A:@ 6/3/71 LLOO 5/517717:OO 5/27177 27:OO 1-11,2117 6:00 216117 8,Oo 8/23177 5:N 9/7417? zlt00 72/24177 O:00 al75/11 rt:oo 7a1617179,@ 5/9177 2t:cn 1/27117 O:oo 6/7lti 6,00 6l9ltl3too 71/7/!7 2O:Oo 12h2l17 6.@ 1l31ltl1,OO 72/9177 16:00 9/15/\7 rot,o 2/23lti 72:oo 9l71lt7 74tOO 7l25lt7 23t0o 1l3rl!15:N 121131116:6 A/171719:OO 219/77 tg:oo 7/22/17 22:OO zali 6:00 216/11gtOO 2/74117 22tOO ah9li 7:oo 72/72/ti 77tOO 2176177 9:oo a/70117 6:00 1zlr7/77 7:o0 a2/91r7 73100 6112117 7-ttoo A/!al!7 lO:00 7 /79/719tOO 8/!91t7 72:N 9/!41a7 ?O:@ 815117 6:00 916117 7:@ a2123/77 9:OO 2126171 7O:OO t2/19/17 74:oO 6176177 &@ U1!713:OO 2l25lu 22:$ 2/a61fi 22100 8111/7? 4:@ 8117/r7 2:w 1803 1801 1803 1801 1603 1803 1802 1E02 2017 1856 1801 1801 1801 1801 1801 2024 1899 1865 1800 $m 18m 1800 1800 20E9 1803 1819 1199 1799 1799 1,199 7199 18m 1825 1864 1853 2052 1798 1796 1798 2019 1803 '1197 1797 1797 t97 lr97 1814 1795 1796 1796 1831 1913 20a7 2022 2082 1805 1795 1795 1795 1819 1832 1817 1794 1794 1794 7794 7794 r803 1803 1803 $o3 1803 1803 1802 1802 1802 !801 l80t 1a01 1801 1801 1801 1801 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1600 1800 18@ 7799 7799 1799 7799 7799 1799 1199 1199 1798 1798 1798 1794 1798 1798 1798 1798 1797 t797 1191 t7!)1 tnl 1796 1796 t?96 1196 t795 1795 t196 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 1795 !795 7794 1794 1194 1794 7794 7194 Per Unir ottribut€d solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.883445 0.0966401 0 0 0 0 0 0.4Ia742 0.501523 0.02226{,2 0 0 0 0 0 0.6119431 0 0.01ir3511 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.41E017 0.382469 0.594805 0.751978 0 0 0 0.18t505 0 0 0 0.0535063 0 0 0.0222099 0.012585 0 0 0.0553727 0.250854 0.422465 0.203358 0.658491 0.0157742 0 0 0 0.415529 0.210716 o,o357137 0 0 0 0 0 0m 0-@ 0.00 0_00 0-00 0.00 0.m 0.00 130.97 14.33 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.(J0 65.34 74-35 3.30 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.39 0.@ 7.71 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 67.91 56.70 88-18 111./E 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 27.50 0.m 0.m 0.m 7_95 0.m 0.m 3.29 1.47 0.00 0.@ 4.21 17.79 62.53 30.15 97.62 ?.!^ 0.m 0.m 0.m 61.60 31.74 s.29 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 95.08 22.34 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ o.29 59.12 4l_55 o.75 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.m 0.m 53.26 0.(x, 0.25 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0-12 8.55 20.26 14,48 a7.61 0.m 0.m 0.e 13.09 0.00 0.00 0.o 1.33 0.@ 0.@ 0.33 2.25 0.00 0.00 11_51 11,84 39.99 13.46 88.81 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.8 25.80 9.05 2.49 0.00 0.o 0.00 0.00 0.00 Non-Expon Sola. ltw) 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 35.69 -8.01 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.29 6.22 32.19 2.54 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 27.08 0.00 1.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 {.12 53.42 36.44 13.70 23.47 0-00 0-m 0.m 14.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.52 0.00 0.00 2.96 o.39 0.00 0.00 25.35 22.64 16.59 8.81 2.34 0.00 0.00 -0.08 35.80 22.t9 2.81 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 Attachment 1-Page477 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rn!talled Pv Nameolate (kWl OC:AC R.tio Estimated Pv Nameplare (*wac) 711,9 1.2 144 8129117 5:oo 9/7/77 z,N 7l10lD ao.oo ,l5li 7A,N 1126117 t6,Oo Ur3l771@ 2lz2lv ?2:oo 3/4/a7 21:oo 72/70/17 23:OO lzlal\r L5,OO a7l'tsl77 M:oo 9/71/719:oo thurl12,@ 1712711712:@ t2l19l17 r0.OO 2lt4li a9:oo 72/aln $:N 2123h7171W 2/r2/tt 22t0o A/71716:N a/70177 4:oO lzl3Ol17 77:OO 3l2l1r 2O.OO 72127/7715:oo 5l3ola7 lo:oo Z/4/!r 2O:OO A/75/77 Ttoo ?/2!/77 t3:OO 9/1,2/11A:OO !/8/115:oo 519/a7 6:00 7216/1-1 23:00 t2l26lt7 !5:@ t2l27lr7 L:W 7/23/t-t 7Ot0O Ll?.1/77 2ltOO 7al6/77 2otDo 72/79/77 22tOO 2lz/1716:N sl24l77 79:00 1r/15/179:00 72/79111 t6:OO 72/7/77 1O:OO tl2tl119:00 X/U77 77:oo 5/76177 22:oo 6/1U110:@ a2l2a/a1 6:00 S/17/714:OO 51221\7 71:@ 2l23lr7 74:@ tl3Y71o:cn 315/77 22t0o 6171177 7:tfr 6h2/17 76:N l/al717O:OO 6/79/77 7:OO Ur3/r7 2,$ !8177 a:w 6h/112:O0 A/71/77 s:OO 615/77 t3tOO 414/\18:00 2/26/77 a:oo 6/2177 7:OO 8l6lu a:cn th4l77 O:oo 1794 t794 2085 183s 1838 1793 1793 1793 7793 1874 1,797 1891 2041 1952 1794 r829 1867 1859 t79l 7791 7791 1791 7797 1853 2@7 1790 t790 1852 7795 1789 t7a9 1789 1870 1E26 20s3 1788 1788 1788 1847 zo32 7787 1816 7W7 1785 1786 1785 t786 17E5 1836 2056 1863 1785 1785 1785 1902 1812 1795 77l!4 L7a1 7784 t7u 2068 1797 1783 1783 1783 1783 Per unit DLtibot.d solar 0 0 0314666 0.0628424 0.s66{09 0 0 0 0 0.095955 0 0.127559 0.699007 0.678105 0.0149862 0 0.42r508 0.335487 0 o 0 0 0 0.0920158 0.494706 0 0 0.564043 0 0 0 0 0.611043 0.0676328 0.445193 0 0 0 0.122651 0.3E5:149 0.0125518 0.109.95 0.155955 0.0031691 0 0 0 0 o.o1tf572 0.7u835 0.41504S 0 0 0 0.133306 o.z1z97 0.0103157 0 o o o 0.931712 0 0 o 0 0 0.00 0.@ 61.47 9.32 83.97 0.00 0.q) 0.m 0.m 14.38 0.m 18.91 103.53 rm.53 2.72 0.m 62-50 49.88 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.q) 73.4 71.4 0.@ 0.m 83.62 0_00 0.00 0-00 0.00 90.59 10.03 66.15 0.00 0.00 0.m 18.18 57.13 1.86 16.23 23.12 0.47 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 10.64 109.98 61.41 0.00 0.@ 0_00 79-76 31.57 1.53 0.00 0.m 0-m 0.00 134.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0-@ 0.m 0.00 31.93 5-70 9.94 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 7.62 0.00 6.14 56_22 43.57 3.53 0.m 2.97 3.45 0.00 0.m 0.00 0-00 0.@ 5.04 42.O2 0.00 0.04 16.04 0.33 0.m 0.m 0m 5,47 5.98 38.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.11 79.73 4.18 !47 5.87 0.04 0_m 0.m 0.m 0.6 1.17 69.43 rs.54 0.@ 0.21 0.00 11.75 9.36 0.49 0_00 0.54 0.@ 0_m 97.32 0.33 0.57 0.00 0.m 0.@ Non-frportsol (kw) 0.00 0.00 29.54 2.61 74.03 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 5_75 0.00 72.77 17.14 56.95 -1_41 0.00 59.60 46.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-oo 8.56 31.32 0-00 _0 04 67.58 ,0.33 0.00 0.m 0.m 85.11 4.05 27.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 27.40 -7.12 72.11 77.25 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 9.47 40.55 46.27 0.00 '0.21 0.00 8.01 22.7\ 1.04 0.00 -0.54 0.00 0.0o 46.81 -0.33 -0.57 0.dl 0.m 0.@ Attachment l -Page478 1794 1791 1794 1793 1793 7793 1793 1793 L191 1793 1793 1792 7192 t79? 1792 7792 1791 1791 7797 1791 1791 7797 l79l 1791 1790 1790 1790 1790 1789 !149 1789 1789 1789 1789 1786 1784 1788 1788 1788 1788 1787 1786 1786 1766 1786 1786 1786 1786 1766 r786 1r85 1785 1785 1785 1785 1785tlu 118A r78, 176,4 1784 1783 ua3 1783 1783 1783 1783 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnnalled Pv Nameplate (kw) ErlimaGd PV Nameolate (kwac) 711.9 7.2 1rl8 1830 1820 1798 1812 1782 7782 7782 7782 7782 1892 1815 1427 1781 1781 1781 1787 792t 2065 1E69 2089 1780 17EO 2038 1959 1835 17'9 17f9 7r,9 ln9 1825 1884 1788 1778 7778 1778 18E7 1995 L777 1777 t777 t777 t7n t7n 1771 1776 1776 7f76 1776 7776 2047 1417 t78l la74 t175 t775 1777 1174 1774 1774 tt74 ,f74 7774 1806 7773 7f71 1820 ,f77 Pe, Unlt 0iitib!t.d sola. 0.461414 0.0302975 0.0106!,45 0.mu3625 0 ,0 0 0 0 0.555418 0.0201212 0.215301 0 0 0 0 o1034 0.897r4 o.429172 0.870185 0 0 0.925881 0.165137 0.0398906 0 0 0 0 0.00322895 0.528712 0 0 0 0 0.169631 0.186454 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.847319 0.045i{)32 0 0.r09719 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.249884 0 0 0.173576 0.184097 (kwl 68.40 4_49 r.59 o.2t 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 97.17 2.98 31.92 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 15,33 132.64 63.62 129.(D 0.@ 0.00 r37.25 24.48 5.9r 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.(D 0.€ 78.38 0.6 0.m o.(re 0.00 25.15 21.9 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.q) 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0-cp 125-62 6.88 0.o 16.27 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 37.05 0.00 0.@ 25.73 27.29 31.35 1.50 0.33 6.30 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 49.43 l.lt 29.v 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 4.9 103.56 38.33 93.42 0.m 0.00 90.25 11.59 2.17 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.m 5.15 34.08 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.m 0.76 12.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.o 0.20 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 81.35 5.43 0.G 28.7r 0.m 0.@ 0.29 0.00 0.m 0.o 0.q) 0.m 0.0 19.7E 0.m 0.00 5.03 4.09 Non-Expolt SolEr lkw) 37.05 2.99 1.26 -6.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.74 !.47 2.54 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.59 29.08 25.29 35.58 0.oo 0.00 47.00 12.90 3.79 0.m 0.@ 0_m 0.m .4.6E a4.30 0.00 0.00 _0 04 0.00 24.34 15.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m {.20 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 44,25 1.45 -0.@ -12.48 0.00 0.00 _0.29 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m t7.26 0.@ 0.m 19.71 23.20 3/1/7/ 1O,OO a/12/17 A:@ 6/7/177:@ 7/311171,@ r/29/17 5:OO 2/11/ t7 27t0o 8/17/17 5:N 7tlal77 20:00 t2/4/77 7:00 2h4/1111:00 al7!177 a:00 U2O/77 72:OO 2/75/D ZO.0O 1/23/17 5:@ 8/7/t7 31oo lr/77/9 r9:oo 5/4/71 2O:OO s/29/!1 t5,OO 7175/7117:@ 6111111-t6tOO r/4h7 otoo 2/9/77 lotoo 3/24/t7 16:00 6/70177 20:N 1/30/77 a:@ t/?/77 5:00 7/a177 4:oO 7/77/77 23:OO t2/tsl17 6.00 6/7r/17 t9:oo 9/74/17 r3:OO t7/a/u LA:OO \/3/17 5:Oo 7/3/77 22.00 t2ls/17 23:OO 72/70/17 t7:oo a/$117 9:00 7/26/77 6:00 3/3/77 TtOO 617/716:00 614177 3:oO 8129177 a:N 9/2/712:OO t7113/77 A:N t/37177 5:N 2/r/716:00 2/7t/77 2O:OO 8/24/116:00 9n/77 7:OO 6/511712:oo 2/75/77 1O:OO 515/r7 2r:OO 9/t4/t7 72:oO a/72/717:OO LL.2A|L1 23:OO 9/a4/77 B:o0 r/21171t:00 5127h7 2ZtO0 1173/77 6:@ 8/rO/715:OO a/$/71 t:OO rlh6/77 a:@ r/1,r/17 13:OO 2/9/i a:OO t7/201771:oo 12179/1, r5:OO 2/6lt71o:oo 1783 1783 1783 7742 7787 1782 7742 t1a2 7781 1781 1781 1781 1781 1781 1781 1781 1781 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1779 7779 7179 7179 1719 1779 7719 L779 7718 7778 t77a 1778 7718 1717 '1-777 -1777 7777 1177 71)7 t777 1777 1776 r776 L776 1776 1776 t776 t776 1776 1,775 1775 7775 7115 7f74 1774 t174 1174 tl71 t771 t773 t173 7773 Attachment l - Page 479 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non+xporta lnrtall.d Pv Namepl.te {kW} oc:Ac Ratio Estimated PV xameplate ((wac) t71.9 t2 148 782t 1862 \717 1859 7777 7771 7l17 7777 \771 1813 '),792 !710 7770 7770 !711 1ao6 183r 1790 2011 7.169 7769 1769 1769 L853 1807 1791 7764 2023 7827 2058 1808 1785 2017 7767 7767 1767 1767 7791 1769 \769 1969 1765 1765 7165 1768 11(a 17 1858 t872 1785 1753 1763 1763 t7b3 1845 1761 L779 1195 1911 1842 7167 176? !762 1763 1821 1793 9/72/77 9:OO 7h2l1111:OO 121?41t7 5:OO 7lz4lt7 t3:@ U2,ltl 22:OO 216/1t 2\OO 7/9/1191OO 2/141716:00 6/3/71200 12177/77 r'ltoo 2/2?/t7 10 OO al76/77 2t@ ,7/29/17 22:00 Tzlttll1 6:00 1tl6/77 9:00 7lt9lt7 77:00 6/11lrr 18:00 rUzal\1lat0o 5/17/1174:00 Llt9lrt 21:N 10177/77 Btoo ttl|ilt7 20t0o a2l6lt7 6:oo 2176117 7a:@ 2/-t177 73:OO 7177171 la.OO 9/73/711r:@ 5/76/7717:@ A/27/17 l0.OO 2/1/7714:OO 5/5/77 20:00 1/22/UgtOO 5/3r/71 3:@ a/9177 s:oo 914/11 r:@ r2/A/716:00 2/26/77 7A:6 1,122117 l0t0o 17l20lr1 TA]W 129/t1 t:oO 5/25/17 77too 6/r9/ri 7:OO L7/1/712t:00 t7/2A/177tOO 2/4/rl7OIOO 6hlt14tOO t2l2r/t7 6tOO 7217a/71 72tOO 5/76/11 !\tOO 771?7/11 l5:OO 2hlt7 6:00 2/70/!19:OO 2/22/!71:oo !71/a7 A:OO 2127177 72tOO 2/70/77 70:OO U1U77 !a:@ 77/21/77 74t@ 6/2/a1A:OO 11/30/t7 1,t:@ tl2l711:@ sl24lt1 7:@ 9/61711,1@ 6/4/ri 21t00 3/611177:OO 7/27/t7 72tOO 7772 1772 1772 7777 7777 7777 7777 !777 1771 1770 lno 1710 77m lno tlm t7N 77m 775a 7769 1759 7769 7769 7769 !769 1769 1768 L76a 1768 1768 t76f 1767 t767 7767 1757 t757 7767 r767 t767 7765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765 t1g 1764 1764 1764 1763 1763 1763 1763 1763 1763 1763 1753 1762 7152 tf62 t762 7752 t762 t762 t762 l76l Par Unit Diiributed 50lar 0.1!t552 0.757131 0 0.520106 0 0 0 0 0 0.m9&,09 0.36542 0 0 0 0.193954 0.121758 o.279972 0 o.743?22 0 0 0 0 0-156793 0.317935 0.0110855 o 0.339349 0.0611026 0.393511 0.231062 0 0.229307 0 0 0 0 o.0417z9! 0.0519942 0 0 0 0 0 o.o727016 0 0 0.449022 0.326a88 0.081995 0 0.05a39a1 0 0 0.597774 0.181932 0 0.131323 0.07901 0.34589 0 0 0 0 0.407638 0.0111024 16.98 772.24 0.m 77.',),! 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.32 s4,71 0.@ 0.00 0.00 24.fi 18.05 !2.76 0.00 115.1! 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 23.14 4r.!! 1-64 0.m 50.31 9.06 58.34 34.25 0.00 33.99 0.@ 0.0o 0_00 0.@ 6.63 7.71 0-00 0.m 100,78 0.00 0.00 0.m 10.78 0.m 0.@ ,2.9 44.lo 12.t5 0.@ 8.06 0.m 0.@ 84.54 26.91 0.m 79 41 11.71 57.20 0.0() 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 60.43 1.f,5 6.38 @.47 0-@ 25_m 0.00 0.00 0.81 0-@ 0.m 0.78 20.55 0.0 0.m 0.13 2.25 2.('4 18.76 0.@ 75.88 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 4.13 6.56 0.78 0-@ 49.49 11,@ 31.69 21.44 1.86 15,97 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 1,'o 9.07 0.(n 0.m 51-12 0.@ 0.00 0.m 1.98 0.@ 0.q) 30.92 26.06 1.29 0.q) 0.5a 0.m 0.m 38.67 4.77 0.29 5.11 3.22 33.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.56 15.16 iJ,on-Expolt Sol.r (tW) 10.60 51.37 0.@ 51.41 0.00 0.00 -0.E1 0.m 0.m 33.62 0.00 0.m {.r3 25.50 16.01 14-00 0.00 rl{).23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 19.11 40a7 0.85 0.m 0.82 -2.O2 25.55 11.77 -1.86 17.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.21 -1.35 0.00 0.00 49.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.80 0.@ 0.m 41.58 22.U r0.8, 0_m 7.48 0.00 0.00 49.87 22.27 4.29 14.36 E.50 23.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.88 -13.53 0.679828 Attachment 'l - Page 480 Schedu16 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hnalled Fv Namepl.re (kwl DCjAC natio Ertimated Pv Nameplrte (*wac) 777.9 t.2 148 DaG A Tims 5113117 22:@ 7lt9l7-, 74tOO 5/t5177 2l:oo 9lr7lt7 72tOO 2/r6ltl2tt0o 3/7117 22:OO a/7417, t:00 alultr 2:ol 8/29/17 5:tN 918/77 2:@ aZlNlU 75:N 7123171 75:OO 5ll4l71 7s:OO 2lt6/71 ll:Oo 8/12/ti 9:@ 6/14/71 27tOO 7122/71 77tOO sl2alt1 23:oo alzallr 4:oo 116177 71,00 2121-lt12o:N 5/26/171too 7/21/77 7:00 8/13/1710:00 thzll1lo:oo 7/7A17r 5.00 5127/7123:OO 8lt2/17 5:oo 81251t13:o0 6/Lol\7 8:oo a/26/71 l7,OO 6h5/77 r5:oo V29/t1l4t0o al6l77 a$o 6l78lt1 74tOO 2/4/17 zrt|,J 721U77191W 72/3117 2?:N r2h6l11r:w 77/15/17 r]:N 6/5/17 lt:N 6171/a7 2o:oo 7lsl17 7:oo altr 23:@ 5126117 O:@ r2/r4171 O|OO 12/3U77 7:oo 8/20/ri 13:00 t\/61\1 7O:OO 12126117 76:00 7129117 3t0o 2/13/116:Cn 6/1rl\7 22:oo 8/26/L1 3:oo 7l/2A/77 7r:N 9/14177 7r:N 2lal77 rt:@ 2/10/77 8:@ 617/115:oo Bl73lt15tOO 812!t1ztOO l2lLAllT 23:oo a2l,olt1 76tOO 5/2411? 72:00 111291!7 19:oo 512]/77 73.00 thol7t 23:N 776t 1811 l7E9 2041 1760 1760 t760 1760 7760 7750 1818 1831 2024 !1(A 1941 1803 7770 7759 1759 1794 7767 L752 7753 1971 190E 1758 7758 1758 1758 7785 2039 1993 1843 1774 2064 L757 17s7 1157 t57 1783 2019 1802 1756 1756 1156 rr55 1755 2012 1770 la41 1755 1755 1755 1755 1755 1859 179E 7754 7754 1754 7754 7754 1802 7024 l7a2 2027 1753 1761 1761 1751 1761 17tO 1760 1r@ 1760 \160 t760 t7& t7@ t7&lfa 1759 1759 1759 1759 1759 1759 1759 1759 t759 1759 17!8 1758 1758 1758 1758 1758 1758 1758 1758 1758 7757 7r'f 775f l7s7 7717 7757 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 r756 1756 1756 1755 r755 1755 1755 1755 1755 1755 t7t4 1754 1751 1754 1754 1754 7154 1751 1754 1753 1751 Per Unlt olstribured 5ol.r 0 0.181289 0_0180087 0.70fog 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0773006 o339248 ! o.0142273 0.182043 0.0415491 0.102023 0 0 0.0657115 0 0.014445 0 0.304543 0.2a7592 0 0 0 0 0.0437828 0.560147 0.549957 0-440311 0-@7191 0.933471 0 0 0 0 0.397314 0.71545E 0.0107499 0 0 0 0 0 0.859498 0.417635 0.428249 0 0 0 0 0 o.151222 0a72176 0 0 0 0 0 o.395227 o.99127 0.214706 o.a7s217 0 (lwl 0.m 26.88 ?.57 104.68 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.oo 0.m 0.00 11.46 50.29 144.25 6.56 26.99 6.17 15.12 0.00 0.00 9.74 0.00 2.20 0.00 45.15 12.U 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 72.42 84.38 81-53 65-28 1.07 13a-39 0.@ 0.00 0.(I, 0.m 58.90 106.77 1.59 0.m 0.q) 0.@ 0.fi) 0.m t27.42 61.91 63.49 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 52.O7 70.03 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 54.59 134.79 3143 t29.75 0.00 0.00 15.91 0.46 64.44 0.m 0.@ 0.(D 0.m 0.m 0.00 !7.91 7.12 1m.08 s.57 9.72 7,78 1La3 0.@ 0.@ 14_:t4 0.m 0.00 0.29 31.48 27.67 0.q) 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 2.97 54.96 53.75 o.7l 100-31 0.00 0-m 0.m 0.m 2.17 58.80 4.19 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.@ 45.59 72.14 a.!l 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 25.20 2a.80 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 9.85 86.57 16.17 90.73 0.m Non-biport solar {kw, 0.00 9.96 2.27 35.23 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 -6,51 43.18 44.17 0.99 77.27 4.40 3.30 0.00 0.m -'t,59 0.00 2.20 ,0.29 r3.57 20.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.45 29.41 11.78 9.76 0-35 38.08 0-m 0.m 0-@ 0.m 56.74 37.47 _2.(O 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.83 49.18 59.18 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.81 45.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 4.74 45.22 15.66 t9.03 0.00 Attachment l -Page481 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Genoration Exports and Non-exports lnrtall€d Pv Nameplar€ (kW) tstimated Pv Nanepl.te (kwac) 711.9 't.7 148 7/2a/77 ttoo 5/9/77 4:0A lU5/tlZ!:00 72127/77 6:00 t2129/71 1,OO 5h7ltl 7:@ a/751179:@ 6/lrltr ts:oo 2/77/a7 E:@ 5/2/7710:OO aD/!7 4OO 9/9/77 t7 OO s/24/711:OO 3/26177 10:00 't/79177 4:OO t7/20/r7 79:00 72/27/77 o:0o 61311170:W z/61L118too al29l77 2:oo s/31/7t 6:N 9/7/17 !:OO 7t/7A/77 9:@ 7213\177 23:@ 5/70/77 7a:oo 9/74/77 l4:OO !2/7/7-,l3.OO A/27/77 72:oo 6/25/719:oo 312/1710:@ ll5/11a.@ 9/71/a17:oo 613/719:OO 2lzall1 tt:W 2/9/77 7B:oo l/21/1,7 27t0o 2/7/17 2?tOO tO/t2/i a:oo 77/5/9 AIOO 914/11tt:oo 2177/77 22:oo 2124171 77.00 3/81t7 9,oo 6/4177 77:oo 6177171 2ttOO A16/11 5:OO 10/3/178:00 l0/2slu8:00 7r/71/77 9:oo 2/7?/71701@ 2/6/17 r7:OO 72/20lr7 73:N 9/5/tt l:Cfi 12175/17 O:oo rZ/25/r7 O:OO Lll2l77 74:OO 6/77177 71tcD sl2a/71A,OO \2/71!, IO,OO 7212a177 t4:oo 2/7t/71 22.00 a/25/17 6100 72/73/170:OO 712!/77 23:OO 2/24/17 23:oo 5lA/77 27:OO 61701712:00 1753 1753 1753 !75X 1753 1751 1954 2050 7761 2029 7752 7947 7752 7921 1751 7751 1751 1948 1756 !750 1750 1750 !150 1750 2m8 1842 1837 2034 2012 1828 7749 t749 1879 1810 116' 1748 7718 1748 1748 r982 t1a7 1851 17it9 2015 1780 t14$ 1746 tl45 1747 17il r755 1660 1745 1745 1745 1825 z0a8 1888 r755 1E36 7744 t741 7744 1743 1743 1743 7743 1753 1753 1753 1753 1753 1753 1753 !752 7152 7752 7752 t15? 1757 1751 7157 1751 1751 1751 1751 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 !149 7749 1149 u49 1749 7749 1749 1749 7149 171U L74A 7148 1748t$ \117 t7a7 1717 7'47 1746 1746 1746 tzl5 1745 1745 1745 1745 1745 1745 1745 1745 1745 1745 1714 7714 1744 1114 1744 1743 1743 1743 1743 Pd Unit Distrih&d Solat 0 0 0 0 0 0.00549724 0.188914 0.932188 0 0.479579 0 0.437994 0.0101802 0-527041 0 0 0 0.411447 0.0287815 0 0 0 0.187075 0 o.193249 0.ar15846 o.712789 0.532934 0-265517 0.21317 0 0 0.181752 0.59536 0.002E741 0 0 0 0 0.a14{8 0 0-555249 0.0139417 0.477989 0 0 0 0 0.201t314 0.t58259 0.100798 0.555942 0 0 0 0.754063 0.!t0999 0.0595384 0.109045 0.it25,181 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (kw) 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.q) 0_96 28.01 134.20 0.00 77.70 0.00 u.93 1.51 78.13 0.00 0.@ 0.00 61.m 4.77 0.00 0.(] 0.m 27.11 0-0 13.7t 66.10 105.67 93.83 39.38 36.13 0.@ 0.@ 26.!'4 103.24 0.43 0_m 0.m 0.m 0.(D 61.45 0.m 87.12 2.0' 70.85 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 30.29 34.29 44.59 42.42 0.@ 0.00 0.m 111.ii9 134.91 10.31 16.17 63.08 0.@ 0.m 0.oo 0.@ 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.04 12.03 104.69 0_00 42.81 0.00 45.21 0.33 29_56 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.25 0.00 0.@ 0.00 9.55 0.13 45.04 24,45 37.90 83.46 22.31 39.2s 0.m 0.m 18.75 33.23 0.04 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.08 M.27 0.m 49.O4 3.09 60.51 1.11 0.m 0.08 0.00 9.33 75.29 a.a2 35.0€ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 60.@ 104_48 342 10.97 24.69 000 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 on-Expo( Solar {lw) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.88 15.98 33.50 0.m 2A.Za 0.m t4.72 1.18 48.57 0.m 0.(rc 0.m 15.30 4.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.18 .0.13 28.08 41.55 57.77 10.37 L7.O' -3.72 0.m 0.00 8.20 70.01 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 _0.08 17.t7 0.m 35.6E -1.02 10.25 -1.11 0.00 {.08 0.@ 20.96 12.99 ls.n 47.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 5r.10 30.42 5-89 5.19 38.39 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Attachment 1 - Page 482 rnnalled PV Namepl.te (kw) OC:aC Ratio Estimated PV Nameolate (IWac) t77_9 7.2 148 7743 2021 1831 L752 7752 1142 1,747 7741 1742 7142 !824 2021 1798 7775 7747 t7a7 7747 7747 t147 7747 1753 7437 7774 1740 1740 1740 1743 1944 7139 t/19 1739 1739 7a46 1943 1738 1738 7751 20la 1747 1904 2009 2011 r731 1717 t73J r?3J t717 t717 7713 tl39 1747 7778 1780 1769 1758 7736 1736 1749 1871 1735 1735 t715 1966 1782 1831 8/23/11 s:N 5/22/77 76:00 l2llalfi 76:00 7212?/71 15:00glttlu a:OO 7217171 7A:00 U4/119:OO alB/t7 7:oo 70/181]7 A:oo t7127/7121:OO t2l2sl71 23,00 2123/77 ts,W a/$17711:oo 2/917170:OO 9/74h19:00 5127177 2t.0o 713/71 4:00 Ll2a/171:OO 6/14177 73:oo a/61111:OO 9/rlL7 3:OO 70/31/17 A:OO 2/4h7 t7:OO 7lt2l77 77:oo 2/16/11 19:OO 3/s177 22tOO 511/77 3.OO 10/9/17 8:OO t2/1o/77 IO,OO 5/76/77 72:Cro 8/6/17 6:N aD/!15.00 a/7a/9 3:Oo l2l4/77 23:00 sla6l77 74:OO A/2U77 9:OO 619/t15:OO r7/1O/\7 22:oo 7/22/71 72:OO a/$/717O|OO 2/20/77 7O:OO 6/25/17 8:@ 5124177 a4:OO 5/2!./11 13:OO r/Z5lr7 5:O0 !21/a7 4.oO !2a117 4:& 5lr2/17 O:00 alaqli t.oo 11241114:oo 101761119:Cn t1lt7lLt 79:OO 7!2/D 7a:oo Ur9l7176tOO 1/7/7-t 77100 3/30lr7 74:oo 10/71/17 9:OO 2l7sl17 6:@ 9l7ol77 t:@ 2l2olt111:@ 9/14/77 75:oO 7/3/17 t:oo 77/l/17 7:N r2/7o/!11:N 615/77 7O:OO 2126/1' tt:00 t2/7a177 7s:oo 7741 1747 1742 1742 1742 7742 7742 7742 7742 !742 7742 7742 7142 7742 1741 1741 t74t \741 l74l t74t t74t 1741 7747 7747 7740 !740 tf40 7740 !710 1739 7739 1739 1739 1719 1739 1738 7714 1738 7718 1738 1738 1734 '),137 173' 7737 1737 1737 7717 77!7 1717 t13t 1711 7717 7716 7716 1736 1736 1735 1736 7736 1735 1735 1735 1735 1735 1715 1735 Per Unit Distributcd Solar 0 0.858427 0.0211778 0.134814 0 0 0.0132842 0 0 0 0 0.383039 0.605635 0.m174815 0.110309 o.oto7874 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.128542 0.283008 0 0 0 0 0.315662 0.467254 0 0 0 0 0.297503 0.171235 0 0 0.110627 0,415136 0.100304 0.06421r2 1 0-99,p5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0708388 0 0 0.239879 0.454713 0.05438a2 0.0436324 0 0 0.178157 0.0141407 0 0 0 0.523292 0.638304 0.0354335 0.@ t27_25 3.14 19.99 0.00 0.m !.97 0.m 0.m 0.0 0.m 55.79 89.79 0.26 15-35 3.01 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.(D 0.m 0.m 19.06 41.96 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 tt5.80 128.51 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ it4.10 25.53 0.(D 0.m 16,40 61.54 14.87 9.52 148.25 t47.37 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m 10.50 0.(n 0.m 35.55 57.41 8.06 6.41 0.@ 0.m 26.41 2.10 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 77_58 94.63 5.25 0.@ 82.90 E.97 3,11 0.46 0.0 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 11.51 65.30 2.73 3.07 0.41 0.m 0.@ 0.c{) 0.m 0.m 0.00 11.53 a.7t 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.04 7.53 56.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 25.99 8.53 0.m 0.m 77.27 3779 3.20 3.82 702.24 102.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0,@ 1.91 0.m 0.0 7.(D 22.04 72,61 1.51 0.13 0.@ 8.94 25.85 0.00 0.@ 0.m 45_50 39.99 15,13 0.00 44.35 -5.83 16.87 -0.46 0.00 1.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.27 24.49 .2.47 13.2E 2.59 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 7_53 31.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 {04 ,9.27 69.64 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 18.11 16.91 0.00 0.00 5.13 21.r5 77.67 5.59 15.97 44.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 8.59 0.@ 0.00 28.48 45.37 -4.34 4.85 '0.11 0.00 17.47 '23.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.08 v.64 .10-86 Attachment l -Page483 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rn*alled Pv Namepl.te (kw) DC:AC R.tio Estimated Fv Nam€plate (twac) 117.9 1.2 144 Dare a The 5/25/77 16:00 6/t7lri 74:00 9/13/u 10:0o 2/9177 21:OO 2l25lt7 6:00 8/19/u3:00 9/14/17 22:OO 2/a7 /a7 2o:oo 7/77/171,7:OO 31731719:OO i/a5/D Ll:oo 7121/1714:@ v5h-r 1:@ 7/27/171:OO 2/2/tl23:OO 2/27/17 ZL:OO 7/25/17 7}@ Al17/17 5:00 tl/ts/t7 2o:oo 5/2ai12O:OO 3l1lt1$:@ 6/10/17 72:00 5/72/71 22tOO 211/11]a:OO zla9lai 2o:oo 1/30/11 21:00 2l4ltt B:OO 5/74/17 7t:OO 7lA/1711:OO l?/37/r1 7r:N 7/28/77 2:oo 2/23/1,7 73:OO 5/r5/r123:N 5/t6/1715:o0 9/t1/L7 19:00 7/70/1179:@ 712slt7 O:oo 1/37/171:OO 712/ri 9:OO !L/2o/!1 t2:oo 't7/76/17 74:OO 3l7Al17 a:OO r/29/11 76:00 tOl37lt7 9:@ 9/r4lr1 IO:OO a/77/17 3:OO r2/U77 79:OO 1/7/Lt 79:Oo 7 /30/17 9:@ 714/ti 5:N 7l17la7 4:oo 2/3/176:00 2/?7/!123:W a/71177 6:00 5/7t/7173l0o t/?2/71 73tOO 77170177 70:N 9114l77 77:OO 5/26/77 2o:@ 2/3/1715.00 7/7/77 ,@ 1/2/77 4:oO 7/3/77 3:OO !2/t/77 1O:OO 72/26177 6:00 5/26/t7 tt:OO 5h6/t7 r1:OO 1971 2041 1952 7714 1.tu 7734 7734 7735 7759 774€ 1774 ta22 1733 t731 1733 rr33 1733 7733 1733 1949 7765 1951 7732 7no 1733 1733 tTtl 2005 1751 1823 1731 t73L 1731 1831 1797 1714 1730 1730 1730 7f42 1812 1732 1817 lBa 1820 t729 t729 1755 1946 1178 tlu 1724 7724 D2A 1959 1763 1729 1835 19r0 1772 7727 t727 7727 7727 7727 19:t5 1859 173S 7714 7744 t7v 1714 7714 1734 1734 1134 1734 1733 1733 1733 1733 1733 7733 r733 1733 r732 1732 t73? t732 1737 1732 1732 t712 1r31 1717 1731 7731 1731 77X7 77aO t7t0 t7v 1730 r730 1730 1730 r730 t730 7719 1729 7729 7729 7729 7729 7728 tTza 1778 l7t8 1728 l72a tza t72A t72A 1728 1727 lr27 1727 7727 1127 1727 1727 t27 1727 Per Unit Diloibut€d lohr Generltion 0.7llf]074 0.946848 0.3386{X 0 0 0 0 o 0.0845't17 0.0485375 0.0656432 0.E2918 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1iroE75 0.187631 0.495a? 0 0.7?.5714 0 0 0 o.757474 0.m1E$31 0.559027 0 0 0 0.283961 0.125797 0 0 0 0.0179023 0.0344352 0.716327 0 0.295372 0 o-299325 0 0 0 0.202198 0 0 0 0 0 0.758rt48 0.2t5257 0.0445151 0.278971 0.110903 0.0967376 0 0 0 0 0 0-580533 0-330t55 (kw) 116.83 140,37 50.20 0.m 0-@ 0.m 0.m 0.00 12.53 7.2r 9.74 t22.93 0.m 0.(rc 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m 20.84 27.82 73.5r 0.m 18.65 0.00 0.m 0.m 112-30 0.2, 82.28 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 42.10 1E.65 0.m 0.m 0.@ 2.65 5.11 106.20 0.m 43.19 0.0 41_37 0.m 0.m 0.@ 29.98 0.m 0.m o.@ 0.q) 0.m 112,44 31.91 6.60 41_35 20.89 14.:|4 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.() 85.06 49.@ solar Expo(r (kw) 78.96 107.49 23.52 0.@ 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.54 1.78 11.59 26.O7 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 7.18 1.03 u.42 0.00 2.23 0.0() 0.m 0.0E 70.35 5.94 49.45 0.m 0.m 0.m 28.20 1.O7 0.(rc 0.00 0.00 2.03 7.ra 40.99 0.33 22.o2 0.49 11.57 0.m 0.m 0.08 13.18 0-00 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 80.96 13.93 1.53 zt.t7 6.12 17.41 0.0 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 48.32 27.24 Non-Expon Solar lkwl 37.47 32.89 25.51 0.00 -0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.E9 5.43 ,1.85 96.85 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.7t 76.19 9.09 0.00 16.42 0-00 0.m '0.08 41.94 -5.71 32.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.90 t4.5E 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 3.32 55.20 -0.33 27.r7 .o.49 32.80 0.@ 0.00 -0.08 15.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.48 17.98 4.97 20.19 14.77 -3.07 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 31.15 21.77 Attachment l -Page484 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nameplare (tw) oC:AC Ratio Enimar€d PV Nameplate (kwac) 777_9 7.2 148 oate a Time zl?llt t3:oo 111/t7 zt:oo a/78177 6:00 9/9lt72tOO a2/'t6177 OIOO 72l3oll7 23:N rllglu l5:oo s/72117 r6:N 3/5177 79:00 ,,/4/r1 L:oo 715171 2:00 7122177 9:oO zl73lt7 23:OO 617/77 5:oo A/24117 4:oo 't\/19/t7 79tOO 77/2|lt7 ':OO12/24/77 \:00 72175/711:@ 12/19117 7t:00 7/20/7711:00 72/30177 \8:N l/24/17 77:oO t9l24l71 a:OO r2l7t/77 O]OO r2lL7l77 23:@ 1424177 3t0o 515177 76too B/73/D atoo 3/30/t7 7s:@ 5/Z5lt715t@ 2l3lt715tOO 2/721771,00 7124/17 5:@ 616/17 2:& 6/5/t1 6:w 9/3/rr 2:o0 7a/a177 T|OO a7lul77 2O:OO 72/3OlL1gtOO tU2Ol71 t7:00 L2/23117 t3:OO sh0/7177too rl2lr7 2:@ 2lvl7 7:oo 6171177 L00 8l2zl17 6:$ Lla/17 21:oo 72128/a7 OOO 12/5/77 7t:00 2127177 79:@ 8126lt7 8:@ 7U6/77 r2.@ rl2Tlti a:oo 3/2/L1 22:oo Al271171,O0 \rlgli a,oo 21617712:@ 5/25/17 7:00 5/t6177 7:OO 2/9/77 lt:oo 1l/2A/77 7Ot0O 6141714:00 al28/17 2:@ 72l70lt7 O:(n th2/!1 t7:00 5112/71 tS.OO 1802 t115 \776 1726 1725 1126 ,,7U 1824 7744 1725 7775 7125 125 1725 t775 t725 1725 t725 1775 t774 1751 7776 1814 7724 7724 1774 7t24 7861 1753 1766 1964 1758 7723 1723 7723 7723 7723 7723 7723 1123 7128 7789 1997 172? 1722 1722 t722 1722 7122 1865 1740 t740 78j7 t72-l L727 7127 tt2l 1r34 tl15 1724 1129 1765 1720 1120 1770 1964 1829 1776 1726 7726 1726 126 1726 1125 1725 t115 t775 1725 1725 -tr75 t725 1725 1725 1725 7725 1725 1775 t175 1725 1724 t724 1724 1124 t724 !724 7723 7723 7173 712a 1721 t723 1773 7721 1723 t723 1,773 1723 7723 1722 1722 7722 7122 !722 7722 772? 1722 1721 1727 1721 L727 7727 1721 1721 7121 1721 1771 1120 1720 1720 1720 t720 LTlO t170 Per Unit Oistributed Solar 0.318782 0 0 0 0 0 0.127265 0.453655 0.163559 0 0 0.00303749 0 0 0 0 0.0104136 0 0 0.0359922 0.17134 0 0.340498 0 0 0 0 0.529684 0_0314608 0_0672552 0.963153 0.q)751t23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0730818 0.750355 0.691517 0 o 0 0 0 0 0.550395 0 0.0140292 0.67997 0 0 0 0 0_556559 0.m756425 0 0.00849805 030253 0 0 0 0.340102 0.172395 (kw) 17.76 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 €.s2 67.25 24.25 0.00 0.m 0.45 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 1.54 0.00 0_00 5.34 25.40 0.00 50.44 0.00 0.m 0.0 0@ 74.53 4.66 9.97 142.79 1_11 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 10.83 1t2.77 102.53 0.(I) 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 8r'@ 0.()0 2.08 100.81 0-00 0-m 0.m 0.m 1.12 0.00 7.26 59.64 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 50.42 25.56 Solar Exportl lkwl Non-Expo^ Solar (tw) 41.a1 5.850.m 0.000.@ 0.000.@ 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.11 -0.11 14_04 11.47 35.91 31.34 0-m 14.25 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 3.19 -2.74 0.m 0.00 0.() 0.@0.00 0.000.00 0.000.46 1.08 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 1.35 3.973.2a 22,1?0.m 0.009.26 47.22o.(xr 0.m0.@ 0.000.@ 0.000.m 0.0o65.48 13.04 7.2! 3.4518.49 -8.52 u.52 54.2713.02 -11.91 0.(I 0.000.m 0.000.00 0.000.m 0.m0.m 0-m 0.o 0-@ 0.m 0.@ 0.53 -O.53 1.610 9.2375.27 97.4569.19 3t.340-0o 0.000.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.0036-4a 45.12 0.m 0.m0.87 7.71 49.39 51,42 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.04 '0.04 0.16 ,0.16 !0.74 71.710.25 0.840.25 -0.25 7.47 -6.21 29.31 {,37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m0.00 0.m44.U 6.3839.18 -13.63 Attachment l -Page485 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnrtalled Pv Nameplate (kw) €rtin.ted Pv Naheplate (kwac) 177.9 1.1 14E Dals a Tim€ 1!/30/7t tl,OO A/73/77 9:OO 612/77 9:00 2/75/77 7a:oo 713/717:@ Elt5l116:@ t2/29/17 2!:@ t2129/t7 72:00 2l2sh7 79t0o 9/9177 9:w 5/76117 72:00 7 /23/17 A:OO 912177 71:OO 2l8lr7 27:@ 611177 4:@ 912/17 3:oo 9l9l!7 to,@ 6/70/77 7:OO 7t/7177]0.00 A/76/!13:OO 9/t/116:@ ll/29/11 7:OO 6/75/77 75:@ 7ll7ll7 74:@ 2l25lu !!:@ 5126/17 7s:@ 5125177 8!i0 2/17/r7 7N A/2O/L12tOO 72123177 A:go 2120111 72:00 Sl73l112t0o rl27l77 2:oo 72/11ht 6.efr 12/3/77 tt,OO 5172177 r7:OO 2/7t/77 9,OO u.l!a/i 79,00 7122177 75:OO 70172/719.00 6/18/17 13:00 t2l27lt7 77:@ 5/\611716rn 3/6117 75:oo !37177 3too zlUL1 otw 611177]tcD r,/t-t/719100 5/3117 22:N 7L/9/77 9:@ 512211,7 \5:OO ,/29/77 t4:oo 70/74177 9:OO 2127/77 $:OO 9/74/77 16:00 3/6/\716:00 Llr9lt-, o:@ 7177/77 ,@ 1137177 2:OO 2l2O/77 9:0o al76/171:OO 7124/11 15:00 6lt7lDa2:0o 2llOltT 71.@ Elt9l77 8:w 2h5177 a2:@ 9171/111a:@ 1761 1866 1982 1753 t?19 1719 !7t9 1804 7754 \771, 1854 1808 1993 lTtE 1718 1718 1883 7722 1818 l7t7 t7r7 7717 !974 7?51 1828 1932 1876 7716 1716 1716 7742 7726 17!5 1715 1750 Lan 7714 t7t7 1752 1753 2019 tll,7 1814 175f 1713 7173 1713 1713 l714 1714 2007 1996 7712 1802 1E50 t757 7712 7712 t712 17t2 1712 1793 zotS 7727 774t 1730 1824 1719 1719 1719 1719 1719 1719 t7t9 l7t9 1719 1718 1716 1718 1718 7774 1718 1718 1718 1718 1717 r777 1777 1777 l717 1716 1716 l716 1716 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1714 1774 1771 lr!4 1711 1713 l7t3 1713 1171 L7!3 1713 1713 1713 1713 !772 77!2 7772 !772 1172 1772 1712 1712 t7t2 tl12 1712 7712 77t2 77t2 1711 1711 17tl Per Unit Dirt rlbuted 5ola r 0.09s806r 0.150475 0.259819 0 0 0 0 0.397637 0 0.108811 0.418511 0.0399673 0.53976 0 0 0 0.281278 0.0123478 0.504237 0 0 0 0.752784 0.670979 0.120275 0-354318 0.0770767 0 0 0 0.253703 o.0757716 0 0 0.0755E51 0.174893 0.162107 0 0.225S17 0.(a725119 0.49914' 0-173235 o,4 7347 0.092530t 0 0 0 0.128543 0 0.119403 0.92138 0.920284 0.0499587 0.m25585 0.362051 0.271257 0 0 0 0.0359565 0 o.r77482 0.835224 0.295358 o.oz2tf29 0.0559816 0.250255 14,20 23.79 40.00 0.@ 0_00 0.@ 0.@ 58.95 0.00 15.13 62.04 5.93 80.02 0.m 0.m 0.(I) 47,m 1.83 71.75 0.m 0.00 0.00 111.@ 99.47 106.78 54.01 10.!l4 0.00 0.00 0.m 39.09 2_49 0.m 0.m 11.35 25.S3 24.03 0.00 33.43 12.94 133.39 25.64 66.32 1,3.72 0.00 0.00 0.m 19-05 0.m 17.70 136.59 135.43 7.4t t2.25 53.67 32.80 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 5.33 0.00 8s.61 ,23.42 43.79 3.29 a.lo 38.54 Non-Exportsolar (kw) 13.50 14.08 22.79 0.m 0.m 0.00 14.74 -0.04 11.59 30.79 2.86 24.44 0.00 0.00 0.m 21.84 1.30 46.01 0.00 0.m 0.m 51.67 70.79 49.18 -5.70 6.90 0.00 0.00 0.@ 27.E9 2.03 0.@ 0.00 10.97 -4.56 21.13 0.m 22,41 10.40 15.92 24.43 43.35 .8.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.19 0.m 13.26 46.49 32.46 6.24 5.16 28.00 9.15 0.m o.m 0.m 3.65 0.@ 66.5. 30.71 30.35 2.EO o.o7 22.52 o.77 9.77 77,2L 2.72 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 28.2t 0.04 3t.26 3.06 55.58 0.@ 0.oo 0.@ 19.86 0.53 28,/4 0.m 0.m 0.m 59-93 28.69 57.61 59.71 3.64 0.00 0.00 0.@ 11.20 0.46 0.@ 0.@ 0.18 30.48 290 0.m 11,02 2.53 97.47 1.25 22_96 72.t5 0.00 0.oo 0.@ 2.At 0.00 90.11 103.97 l.l1 6.09 25.61 23.64 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 1.68 0.00 19.07 93.11 13.43 0.49 8.23 16.06 Attachment l -Page486 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Genoration Exports and Non-exports Innalled Pv Nameplare (kw) Estimated Pv Nameolate lkwac) 717.9 7.2 148 oate & Tim6 2/tt/71 79:oO 6l7slt7 9:oo 2/2lD A:OO 5/3Ut7 4:o0 r?h4/77 5:N 77lB/i TLan s151712}@ al75h, z:@ ]1/19/77 7O:o0 72/9/771:@ t2l2t/71 O:OO 217/7714:@ 3l1l11ro:@ 7lt3/7712:@ 7/26/71O:OO 5123/17 O:OO 6/a/77 2:oo 6179171ztoo a/25/L/ 4tO0 7/20/17 7!:oo 5123/1111:fi al24/77 5:oo 72/121710:OO ttl5h719:N 5125177o:N 7t171/7127:@ r2/24/t7 2:OO 5/75/1, t4:0o 3/30/1719:00 124/17 L5:OO 5/a/9 77:oo 70/25/t19,OO s/241t1 to:oo 1/29/t7 tstoo r/24/77 5:OO A/27177 7:oo 2/72177 7l:OO 7/72/t715:W 4/10177 atfi 7217171 11:OO 2lt6lt11:@ l'lt3l!7 a:@ 72/28/11 S.OO r/t9/17 6:@ 2/74/71 23:Oo 2/17/1127.00 9lt2lt7 7.oo s/17/7122:@ 3l2lt7 r9:oo rlr0/tt O:OO 5lat li o:oo A126117 4:OO 72/2/77 ZO:00 5/lo/a7 9:0o 9/Y7172,ca 2122/t71,1:@ 4/1117 a:oo 3/30/1718:00 allo/71 7l:OO 2/2a/t16:00 r7/r4171 2O:@ 7/t2177 76tOO 7\/7/17 79:oo 1/22/1174:OO 2lto/17 2O:OO 5l2oll7 27:00 8/25/715:N 7737 7779 1771 t71t 1711 1773 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1159 1?87 1841 1709 1709 t709 1709 r709 t770 1982 l70E 1708 1709 lm1 1fo7 1707 1963 1733 1791 1723 1724 1978 1795 1705 1706 1812 1789 1710 7774 1705 1705 1705 1704 17c!. 1704 l7u 1710 173' 1703 1703 1703 1703 1911 1981 t732 17tO 1745 1123 1701 7102 719' 7752 1755 1701 t70l !701 7?t7 1711 7717 1711 !1tt 1711 tTlo 1710 1710 1710 1710 t770 1710 1710 1700 1709 1709 1709 1709 1709 170E 1708 1708 1708 7707 1707 t707 1707 1707 1707 7707 1706 1706 1706 1706 1706 1706 !706 1706 1705 1705 1705 1705 t704 7704 1704 770{ r703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 !702 !702 7102 1702 7702 7702 1702 7702 \707 7707 1701 1701 Per Unit Distributed solar 0 0.24128 0 0 0 0.632913 0 0 0 0 0 03207t9 0.166r58 0.753115 0 0 0 0 0 0.304721 0.813903 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.851189 0.0279273 0.714413 0.0139925 0.0a25236 0.545414 0.284405 0 0 0.54566 0.669592 0.(x)511957 0.152457 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0-0325657 0 0 0 0 0.273052 0.594358 0.0350879 0 0.r11m9 0.(X77855 0 0 0.50788? 0.& 35.71 0.m 0.m 0.q) 93.E3 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 62.38 24.63 111.13 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 1t.11 r20.6 0.00 0.00 0-00 0-@ 0.00 0.00 721.67 110_36 2-07 6-az 41.01 12.75 0.00 0.00 95.72 99.28 0.91 1,.41 0.00 0.00 0.m 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 4.88 0.m 0.(E 0.m 0.m 40.44 88.12 5.20 0.00 16.56 7.08 0.00 0.00 75,29 0-00 31.66 0.m 0-m 0.m 0.00 10.56 0.12 0.00 0.@ 19.96 0-oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 15,54 11.4L 62.73 o-q) 0-@ 0.@ 0-00 0.00 40.93 78.34 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0_00 0.m 93.02 3.47 21.72 0.20 1.m 38.71 47.76 0.@ 0.m 55.51 49.39 0.74 13.57 0.@ 0-53 0_m 0-m 0.w 0.8 0.m 0_m 0.qr 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 18.45 71.27 5.17 o.57 9.47 9.37 0-@ 0_m 25.87 0-04 4.61 0.m 0.00 0.q, No.+&ort Solar [tW) 0.00 25.2t -0.12 0.00 0.00 73.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.83 -9_78 50.41 0-m 0.00 0.q) 0.00 0.00 4.25 42.24 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.(rc 0.m 0.00 34.65 o.2l 85.54 1.87 12.10 .5.m 0.00 0.00 40.21 49.89 0.77 23.85 0.00 {.63 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 4.19 0.00 0.0{) 0.00 0.00 22.03 !4.90 0.03 4.57 7.(n .2.29 0.m 0.00 49.42 -0.04 23.05 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0 0.213588 0 0 0 Attachment l -Page487 Schedule I Hourly Solar Genoration Exports and Non-exports lnftlled Pv Namepht€ (kW) Estimated Pv Nameplare (kw.c) 771.9 1.2 t4a 1701 1701 1797 1730 um 17@ !700 t7m 1700 1795 L76L t7u 178S 1755 1709 1745 1599 1599 1599 1699 1711 1750 185E 1939 1698 1698 1698 1598 1598 1874 1721 1705 1858 1697 1697 1697 1697 1697 t697 1697 1772 1932 t92t 1969 1750 1695 1596 r696 1696 1695 1743 1813 7723 t7!7 1595 r595 1595 !595 1710 17m 1851 1705 1694 1694 1694 1694 1754 oale E Time 7t120/71AOO 72/22/710:N 6/7r/7177:OO t9/t8/rl 9:OO 2/2/t1o:oo 3/6/77 23:OO 6/\0/\7 3:OO a/22/713:oo 77/74177 tg,OO !2/7/7714,00 72/4177 17:OO 1/3r/71a.OO Z/2a/17 72:oO 3l3O/77 76:@ 3l3ol!7 20.@ 72/2/77 77:oo 5/371715:00 11/18/u 8:00 a2hl77 5to0 t2/t3/t7 St00 2/9/1712t00 2122/77 77:OO 515177 79:oo 6lnli 73:oo 3/ah17:oo 5/73/17 23:OO 6/a1/71a:oo 9/7A177 |t:OO r2/5/'t1 6:00 5/lzh712:00 214/77 72:oo 7r/20/1711:N 5/7a177 74:W 714/71 4:oo 7/?2/\7 2J:00 6/2/\16too Ali/77 4:o0 9/5/r7 2:00 9/L3lL7 -ttOO ttltTll7 a:oo alrllrl A:OO 1/231t19:OO 5/76/77 L3:00 9/10/1713:00 5h2/118:oO 714/a13:OO 2/41712}N 2/21111 6:00 311/\15:oo tzlzrl!1t:@ 7/22/77 76:Do 72/20/77 74100 2/8/1176N t7/20/77 71tc[ 2/72/11 23tDO 6/LO/t7 6:N 17l1al77 20:W !2/16/116,W !al77 to:@ 2/5177 t7,O0 sh2/7r to:oo 9/2/77 a:oo 615/17 3:00 6/76/77 7:Oo A/7a177 4:oo t7/2o/t7 2O:@ 3l6hi \4:OO 1701 1701 1701 1700 r700 1700 t7(,0 1700 u00 1700 1700 1700 17m 1699 1699 r699 r599 1699 1699 1699 1599 1699 l59E 1698 r598 !598 1698 1688 1698 1698 1597 1597 t697 1697 1697 1697 1697 1697 t691 1697 1697 7697 7@7 1696 1696 1695 1696 1695 1695 1696 1695 1695 1695 1695 1595 1595 1695 1695 1595 r695 1691 1594 1594 1594 1594 r694 1694 Per Unit Distributcd SoLt 0 0 0.2056 0.0599731 0 0 0 0 0 0.579339 0.556477 0 0.624219 0.0550313 0.00380882 0.185567 0 o 0 0 0.115161 0.197107 o.667212 0.5t60E1 0 0 0 0 0 0.555513 0.0942855 0.0r555/a 0.0601045 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0145418 0.u24505 0.473541 o.79aB7 0.0551242 0 0 0 0 0 0.117?19 0.592021 0.00744513 0.0933581 0 0 0 0 0.10728 0.m64025 0.390533 0.003937?9 0 0 0 0 0_4t1303 {kw) 0-00 0.m 30.48 8.89 0.@ 0.(I, 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 100.71 83.98 0.00 722_19 9.64 0.56 27.5t 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 20.u 73,74 98-92 91.33 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 42.x1 13.98 2_31 8.91 0.@ 0.oo 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 2.76 33.28 70_20 11E.41 9.65 0.oo 0.@ 0.00 0.oo 0.m 25.47 102.59 1.10 13.84 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 20.86 1.28 57.90 0.58 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ ,7.45 0.@ 0.00 24,27 1,59 0.m 0.(t) 0.m 0.q) 0.m 33.47 31.11 0.04 49.67 13,41 o.7! 20.96 0.m 0.16 0.00 0.@ 6.24 27.51 63.35 58.54 0.cl) 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 41.52 27_33 0.08 45_80 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.04 0.86 $.74 65.70 82.84 2.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 5.43 34.12 1E.43 3.70 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 10.20 tx.74 75.25 0.66 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 23.41 iron-E(Port Sohr {kW) 0.00 0.00 6.27 7_10 0.00 0_m 0.m 0.m 0.m 57.29 52.47 {.04 72.52 -r.7t {.15 6.55 0.00 -0.15 0.00 0.00 r3.80 46.r7 35.57 32.79 0_m 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0_00 40.85 -13.35 2.23 ,37.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m .0.04 1.lo u.50 4.50 35.54 7.26 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.oo 0.00 20.04 @.47 -17.33 10.14 0.00 0-00 0.m 0.m 10.66 -12.45 32.63 {.08 0Do 0.00 0.@ 0.00 47.94 Attachment l -Page488 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports 771.9 1.2 148 rnrtalled Pv Nameplate (tw) DC:AC Ratio Estimat€d Pv NameDlate (kwad Dare & Time 6/r7/171:OO 71231716:00 72122177 23:Oo A126/17 9:OO 5l2s/rt 7z:OO 3l30/17 77:00 10/4/719:00 3/3O/r7 7o:o0 A/2617170:@ 312/!16:00 5/9/7713100 5/11/77 7:00 to/1o/71&@ 7tlt6l77 79:OO 12/20117 16:00 L2/25/t7 74:00 1/t7/r't 7-t:OO 5/25h7 74100 219/17 77:@ 7h2/710:N 2/26/77 23:OO 12/22/71 6:00 1,2/11177 72:gO 2lalal D:oO a/79/717:OO 2/ro/17 19:OO Z/271t7 74:00 2/1/t1 77100 7?/25/t7 71:OO 2/\5/17 72:@ 7/12/715:OO 7/2s/714:OO 2/\6/17 22:oo A/16/11a:OO 91L/714:OO t2/1117 27:OO 6/5/17 9:00 rl4177 2:o0 t/201710:@ 9la/713:00 12lt7/77 5:N 72/?t/17 74:N 2124/a7 fi:oo 7t/21 /77 $:OO 5/26/77 7:oO 9/72/717:OO 9/r7 lli zt:OO 6170li a9:o0 5/24177 9:@ 2l'l77 aO:OO 5h5/D tN 5/1,2/L7 ,7:oO 6/t3/114:oo 3/30ltl t3oo Z/1,r117 23:oo 61191716:00 t7/79/77 9:OO !0/13/77 9:00 9/9/17 8:00 t2/11t711:OO 215/17 22:@ A/19l7t 4:N t7/6/a7 22:@ 2/1,t/17 ro:Oo 7/7\/77 r5:O0 6/19/17 10:00 r700 1693 1693 1833 7971 t745 1699 1700 1943 1692 7692 1692 7697 7592 1819 1740 1753 1915 1708 1691 1691 7697 1818 7718 1692 t7u t761 1157 t711 1E05 1590 1690 1590 1590 1690 r690 1907 1689 r689 168!t t6at 1E19 1810 7f22 1668 1688 r588 t6E8 1954 1943 1fljo t7u 1790 7744 77!O 1687 1687 1687 1701 !692 1801 1(,86 1685 1686 17LO tz4 1936 1693 r693 1693 1593 1593 169? 1502 1592 1692 1692 1592 1692 r692 1692 1592 1692 1592 t@2 1592 1691 1691 1691 1691 1591 1691 1591 1590 1690 r690 1590 r590 1690 1690 r690 1690 1690 1689 1589 1689 r689 l6E9 1689 1688 1688 r688 1588 1688 1688 1688 1548 16aE 1588 1687 1687 1687 16E7 1687 1687 l6E7 1687 1586 16E6 1586 1585 1586 1686 1685 P€r Unit Diltriboted solar 0 0 0 0.161509 0.88168 0.1a9975 0.m483379 0.mql883E 0.376936 0 0 0 0 0 0.408097 0.385741 0_039755a 0.984104 0-0253157 0 0 0 0.543112 0.3720E1 0 0 0.{21963 0.0153871 0.0906m8 0.562671 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.292747 0 0 0 0 o.702612 0.5r6205 0 0 0 0 0 0.336031 o.292244 0_m82883 0.0694119 0.0173199 0.0860374 0.182415 0 0 0.r8584 0.0310153 0 0.167085 0 0 0 0.438406 0.140852 0.40a83 0.00 0.m 0.m 23.94 130.71 28.16 o.72 0-07 55.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 60.50 57.19 5.89 145.89 3_75 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.34 55.16 0.m 0.00 52.56 2.28 r3.44 83.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 43.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 104.15 85.42 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 a9.82 43.33 o.21 10.29 2.57 t2.76 27.U 0.m 0.m 27.70 4.m 0.m 24.n 0.m 0.00 0.00 64.99 20.88 @.02 0.74 0@ 0.q) 9.78 90.59 12.60 0.70 3.11 :14,45 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.04 0.@ ,.94 4.40 3.27 59.i4 7.!4 0.m 0.m 0.& 37.28 3{.93 0.@ 0.@ 45.13 11.05 0.97 51.74 0.{p 0.m 0.@ 0.0 0.cx) 0.00 r6.51 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.(tr 57.97 0.m 14.49 0.m 0.@ 0.m 28.14 14.02 2.11 22.6' 2.09 17.77 0.o 0.q) 8.84 1_65 0.45 2.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.10 27.56 38.81 l,lon-Erport Solar (kW) -0.74 0.q) 0.m 14.16 40.12 15.57 0.02 -3.r0 2t.41 0.00 0.m 0.00 -0.04 0.00 52.52 52.t8 2.63 85.46 2.62 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 58.05 20-23 0.00 0.00 77.23 -4.76 71.47 31.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26_82 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 59,73 77.45 0.m -14-49 0.00 0.m 0.@ 21.5€ 29.11 4.17 7-56 -20.0€ 10.66 15.88 0.@ 0.m $.43 2.95 -0.45 0.@ 0.00 0.00 36.90 -5.67 21.2! Attachment 'l - Page 489 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hrt.lled Pv N.meplale (kw) DC:AC Ratio Crtimated Fir' Nameplate (twac) 771,9 t.z 148 Dsr€ & Tim€ 5/26/i 16:00 2/7A17719:OO 2/1/7121:N 6/7t171 21:oO 7\/74/71 71:OO 7t/!5/11 \7:OO 5126/a1 7a:OO 5/t6l177:OO 317/r177:OO 6/r.a/77 7:OO 5/3/111t:00 5lL2/11 2t:OO 1/71/77 \6:N 5l\717177:OO 2/20/77 27:oo 2/2a/r1 23tOO 5/Lt/t7 otoo 5179/17 22tOO 6/417, s.oo 9lr/!15:OOPlali 0:oo lZ/14/11 1:OO 72/15/11 s:@ 5/72/77 73:OO 6ll5h7 u:@ s/2s/i a7:o0 721?9171 73tOO 5l2ol71 27tOO 721laltl 1,1:W 2lrB/7717:@ U2O17123.@ 2l?o/77 A$O 514/77 5t0o 6/10/11a:@ Ltl9/77 -r:OO 7217/77 0:OO 7217917t 5:o0 5/5/L? 12,W 2/lalt7 r0:OO 311011111,@ zlsht t9:@ 5Blt7 AIOO 212611t1:00 5114177 2:OO al75l77 5:OO !o/?17, a:@ 70/4/77 a:oo 72/9/17 o:oo 5/25/t7 !3:N 9/7A/77 zO:N t2178171 73:00 3/9lD a:oo 17/9/7179:N 7t115/71 27:00 t2lt3/t7 7:@ 5/77/7170:@ 1/81t7 zo:@ 5/26/77 77:@ 77120117 r5:OO 2/7A/77 20:oo 3/5/115:OO t2/1olt7 1l:OO 9/2177 9:0o 5l3O/77 8:Cn t2lz7/t713:@ 6/70/77 s:@ 11/15/177:W 1915 1595 1565 1685 1685 1697 1918 tflEE 1772 r689 1701 1703 tl2A 1982 1584 t6E4 1684 1584 1f€4 1684 1684 1684 1684 1870 1859 1954 7771 1593 1753 1594 15E3 1683 1683 16E3 1683 1683 1683 1845 1584 159E 1687 17a2 76{l2 1682 1682 1682 1682 15EZ 19/t8 1584 1802 16a1 1681 1681 1581 1901 1683 1918 77t2 1580 1680 17t6 1800 1602 1863 1579 7679 1685 16as 1585 l6E5 16Es 1685 1585 1585 1685 1585 1685 1684 1684 r684 1684 16E4 1684 1684 r684 1664 1684 r584 1644 1584 r684 1684 1583 1683 16E3 1683 1543 1583 1583 1583 1543 1683 1583 1683 1683 1683 1683 1682 1582 1582 1682 1682 1682 1682 !642 1682 1682 1681 1681 1681 1681 r6E1 r681 1680 r580 1540 15EO r680 1680 1579 1679 1679 1679 (kw) r30.48 0.(p 0.m 0.m 0.@ ?.y 65.30 0.19 55.25 1.75 1.30 0.54 14.41 103.85 0.m 000 0.m 0.(! 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 83.51 78.r5 109.11 39.32 3.13 23.04 t2.73 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 18.75 3.99 3.82 0.@ 11.61 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 141,57 0.05 77.75 o.(I) o.m 0.m 0.(D 20.60 0.25 110.84 14.59 0.@ 0.m 79.85 20.47 11.07 108.13 0.@ 0.m 54.11 0-00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.41 35.92 0.37 5_45 0.33 0.21 0.29 19.04 ,1,i9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.0 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 44,49 42.94 75.35 28.50 0.12 0.9s 10.32 0.@ 0.49 0.@ 0.(re o.m o.m 0.@ 45.22 3.33 9.EO 0.m 4.55 0.00 0.m 0.o 0.08 0.04 0.00 90.96 0.m 29.19 0.55 0.m 0.00 0.m ,.99 0.m 48.65 0.83 0.m 0.00 77.23 6.29 3.05 50-tlo 0.00 0.@ llon-Expo.t solar (kw] 66.31 0.@ .0.05 0-00 0.00 1-93 48.38 -o.1a 49.80 1.42 1.0!l 0.25 .4.63 29.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0-00 0.m 39.12 35-22 32.?6 \o.72 3.01 22.@ 230 0.00 -0.49 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 -26.46 0.6s -5.98 0.00 7.6 0.00 0.00 0.m {.08 {.04 0.00 s0.61 0_05 18.96 -0.66 0.00 0.00 0_@ 12.61 0.26 62.19 t3.16 0_00 0.n0 62.62 14,58 8.03 57.13 0.(x) 0.00 Attachment l -Page490 Per U.it Disiibut€d Sol.r 0.88014 0 0 0 0 0.0157873 0.575389 0.mu5578 0.372586 0.0117981 0.0067565 0.00363264 0_0971912 0.700553 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.563955 0.527182 0-735982 0.25s225 0.02111105 0.155393 0.085845s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.126564 0.0258851 0_02sam8 0 0.0783065 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.954921 0.000307833 0.524511 0 0 0 0 0.l:14954 0.m174311 o.747556 0.0984296 0 0 0-53E59! 0.140753 0.0745985 0_729358 0 0 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exporta and Non-exports rnstalled Pv iram€pr.te (kw) E tihated Pv Nameplate (kwa.) 717.9 1,2 148 t2llllt7 o:oo 2/27117 gtOO 6173117 71:efi Lol9l779:N 512617719100 8l20ht t?t0o 212611711:@ 71120177 t4t@ 2/L1/1717:@ 719/17 6:00 al25lt13:OO ?/61t7 7:oo a/27/t7 3:OO tolslll a{0 7t/19/1127:oo 12/27177 S|OO 1l/10/179r00 6l7oln 8:oo 613177 7:N lzllrlu 76:N 2/2ola7 7A:OO 5/28177 79t0o 3/6/7r lztoo 5ll1l7r 21:00 2l5lrr 2o:@ 6/tA/77 2:OO 9/74/77 7:00 tUL3llT 79:OO 6174117 2O|OO 2125/11 12:an 3/61t713:@ 1126177 stoo 2177/71a:00 al26/!1 5:@ 72177/71 5:N 12/25/17 6:N 7 a9/77 $:00 A116/11 5:@ al26l1-16:00 9/2177 TtOO t7129117 23:00 7?/2117 zt:oo s/23/17 71tOO 81791719:@ 7l21ll7 23:Oo Sla|lll t,OO 8128/17 aN 9/8/L7 t@ 9/9/11 1:N 17/14/718:@ 1\128171 22:OO 2127/77 77:OO 9/\\177 77:OO 5/25177 IO:OO 5/1ol7174:oD 1/25/17 2:O0 2hlv A:oo 6/2/17 3,OO 8178177 5:oo a/ZZ/17 4:o0 9/7t/17 O,0O 2/61771}& rLloll7 7t:oo 7127177 71:OO 9l7t/r1g:CrO 2holv 2r:oo 5lt6l17 23:OO 1679 1680 1680 1716 192S 1950 t7(r9 1710 1735 1674 r578 l67E 1678 1678 1676 1678 1680 1913 1695 1754 1697 1951 !n2 :700 7577 1671 \677 1677 $17 1743 1768 1676 1675 !675 1576 7616 1690 1675 1575 1575 1575 1575 1943 1840 1671 7674 7674 7611 767a 1574 1574 7744 1964 1955 1921 r573 1673 1673 7573 1573 1673 770? t726 7724 1810 !572 7572 L519 7579 1679 76t9 1579 1578 1578 1578 1678 1678 167E 1578 r678 1576 1678 1578 1578 1578 1677 7577 t5f7 L577 1677 1677 16n 16'7 1677 1677 1677 1676 1675 r675 1575 t615 1576 1676 1675 1575 1675 1675 1575 7675 1575 1674 7674 1574 1674 1674 1674 1671 lSzl 7674 !674 1674 1673 7513 1573 1673 7613 1573 7672 1,612 761? 1672 7672 76'2 Per Unit Dlnnbuted 50lar 0 0_201471 0 0.0966898 0.352355 0-575612 0_115849 0.0534997 0.411019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.115611 0-6ru75 0.00853585 0.231724 0-0257@t o.352723 0.1915!6 0_0233555 0 0 0 0 0.130571 0.554105 0.0804503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.64467 0.179821 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.197111 0.565928 0.534072 o.977002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0139995 0.0780545 0.521584 0_141536 0 0 0.@ 29.81 0.@ 14.33 51.72 100.16 17.18 7.93 60.93 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.q) 0.m 0.@ 17_29 90.71 7.27 3rt.35 3.8r 52.29 28.39 3.i16 0.0 0.@ 0.q) 0.00 19.36 83.63 11-93 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0_m 0-m 0.00 0.00 0.00 101.90 26.66 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 84,05 79.14 744,94 o.m o.q) 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 2.OA 11-57 77.32 20.98 0.m 0.00 0.@ d.11 0.00 3,41 26.(A 80.69 E,E5 2.75 36.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 6.51 50.34 0.41 5.21 0.80 31.64 30.91 0.31 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.37 47.08 33.00 0.@ 0.04 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.@ 0.@ 65.17 1r.75 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0-qr 0.m 23.29 52.23 48.09 89.73 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.24 20-61 23.24 5.99 0.00 0.00 Non-ExportSolat lkw) 0_00 25.76 0.00 10.92 17,U 19.27 8.32 5-18 74_74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 {_08 0.00 0.00 10.68 40,37 0.85 29.77 3.01 20.65 3.09 0_00 0-00 0.00 0.00 10.99 35.55 -21-08 0.m -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.13 14,91 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m -0.04 0_00 5.93 31.82 31.08 55.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -20.77 -9.04 54.08 15.00 0.00 0.00 Attachment I -Page491 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Namepl.te (kw) Estlmated Pv Nameplat. {kwar} 717.9 1,2 148 9/14/11 1,:OO lvsl\7 ?o:oo 7!7A177 2t:@ t2hsl17 t:OO 912/11LO:N 7tl3ol77 aa:oo 5lr2lr7 9:N 21417171:oo 2/22/712}@ 5ltt/tl 23:oo 8/15/17 3:00 al,gltl s:oo 2h9/r1 2o:oo 7!291a7 TLOO 7l25lt1r:OO alallD 5:@ 9/7/17 4:@ 9/5/77 6:w 77/1/t7 z2:oo 71,/74/77 9:OO !2/6/17 olw 72/37/77 6:00 3lal97O,N SlLOltl t6:OO 5/71/7179:Oo 12120171 15:00 5/22/11 L4:oO 4/14117 9:OO 915/113:Oo 917117 2:00 72/A/77 5:oo 3la/17 2O:@ 2l7l71s:OO 3/26/716:00 6/6/77 5:OO t7l27lr7 22:00 5/t2/D 2A.0o 6/15l17 a4:0o 5lt7l\115:OO t2l25lt7 t5:oo 2l5lt7 27:OO tol\2|r, 77:oo 12174/77 4:oo 516/17 21:@ 6/u/u 16r00 2l2o/a7 B:0o 77/20/77 16:00 lllahf t7:@ 2127/17 22:oo 61191113:@ 916/716:00 1O/1117 7t:00 72/177 8:00 72/23/77 o:0o 2l1a11712,00 3/30/77 9,@ t2lt6l,7 a1:0o !0/27117 r:w 2lt6l17 t1:oo 2l2slt7 o:@ 5/12/17 23:OO 6l3lt7 4:oo 6/6117 4:OO rt/16/r,1 2O:OO r2l2slt7 7:oo 12l25lti 5:@ 721t8177 74:OO 1672 t572 t672 1672 r905 l7E! 1818 !671 1671 1671 7671 7572 1749 1670 r670 1670 1570 r670 1670 1570 1570 1671 7937 l71E 1g)0 1953 1703 1659 1659 1669 1670 166E 1658 1668 16fa 1705 1935 1821 770' 7fi7 7fi7 766' 1693 1798 1705 1684 1598 1656 r656 r565 1566 1555 1666 1679 1568 1799 r5E5 7697 1655 1555 1665 1655 1555 1655 1655 1762 7672 1672 7612 7672 t672 1671 1671 1571 t67t t57t 1671 7677 1571 1570 1570 1670 7670 1670 7610 1670 1670 1670 1670 1670 1670 1570 1570 1559 1559 1569 1569 1569 1564 1654 1554 1666 1654 1654 1666 1668 7561 166' 1,567 1567 !557 !ffil 1566 1565lffi 1665 1566 1655 1565 1566 1656 1665 1565 1665 1565 1565 1565 1565 1555 1565 1665 1655 1565 Per Unit Diltibut.d 50lar 0 0 0 0 0.:145822 0.539E22 0.186343 o.(rc1E3565 0 0 0 0 0 0.3279E7 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.(p s7.27 80.03 ?7.f8 o.27 0.m 0.6 0.m 0.tx) 0.@ 48.52 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 30.06 0.m 0.m 0.73 117.97 31.74 65.83 138.51 22.06 0,m 0.0 0-m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.56 D2.47 5.70 48.93 0.@ 0.@ 0-m o.z7 3.83 L7.51 a.Eo 6.27 0_00 0.@ 0.00 0.q) 0.00 0.00 9.14 0.m 25.1' 3.94 19.99 0.0 0-m 0.00 0-00 0.m 0.00 0.@ 59.26 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 27.65 34.75 12.47 2.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0@ 26.69 0.m 0_m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 5,95 0.00 0.00 4.95 81.09 10.17 23.@ 91.24 2.19 0.@ 0.00 0_m 0-m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 2.54 59.08 49.88 1.97 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.0€ 33.61 12-4) 0.37 0.94 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.04 0.00 7.97 o.7a 3.24 0.62 9.74 0.@ 0.00 0-00 0.00 0_00 0.o 0.m 27.62 Non.Erpo^ Solar (kw) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 23.62 41.28 15.15 -2.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.74 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,70 0.00 0.00 {.21 35.84 23.57 53.43 47.23 19.85 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 4,02 53.79 44.t4 44.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 -79.74 5.09 8.43 5.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.04 0.00 7.27 -0.78 21.921 3.31 10.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 3r.64 0 0 0 0 0 0.20274 0 0 0.m494585 o.7951rr 0.227592 0.585571 0.93{321 0.744171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04422 0.828794 0.0344323 0.330062 0 0 0 0.00147906 0.02s8023 0.118089 0.0593532 0.0422908 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0516548 0 0.1698 0 02554€a 0.134858 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.399739 Attachment l -Page492 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nameprare (tw) Estimated Pv Nameprare (kwac) 177.9 1.2 11a t729 1664 1554 1654 1664 77a2 1579 1818 1668 1704 1715 1572 t7s3 1684 1915 1573 1653 1553 1553 157E 1799 7562 1662 r662 1662 1652 1687 1943 170! 1680 1820 1857 1561 1551 1561 1561 1574 1553 7775 1704 1650 1660 1560 1550 1573 1723 1816 1659 1659 r659 1559 1585 1703 llu 1558 1658 l73t 1761 1827 1679 7657 1657 1657 1657 1657 t7E5 1660 tO/3/!19:N 1/72/714:N 2/5/77 22:OO t2117/\7 5:oO t?/76/71O]OO !2/16117 13:OO 6ls/77 7:OO 2/t4/77 72:00 5/15/17 7:o0 1131177 9tOO 712Oh174:OO 2/5117 72:00 11/7177 7s,00 21917/ 71100 5/77/77 l2:AO sl23/711:W 2/9/!7 22:N 2/74171 5:OO 7U71177 ?2:@ t2/3/!1 lt:oo 6ls/17aoo 8lt4/tl2:oo A/2A/17 3:o0 70/4177 2O:OO 72174h7 31OO t2l!1 /17 5:oo 77/9/77 7O.OO 5/2a177 7A:00 70/4/71\O:00 2/9/1716:Cn 5/\111r 9:OO 91417170:OO 1l9h1o:@ 9/4/17 2:oo 9/19/71 27:OO lzltolt7 6:00 11/16/17 18:00 3/24/17 8,OO 5l!1/t7 $:OO 7!/7s/7112:OO r/10/77 5:00 2/25177 5:oo 72179177 23:OO 7212t/71?t@ 9l7ah, t9:@ 5/72/17 t9:00 6/75/17 t0:@ lh/715:oo t7/r0l11A:Oo 72/171111:Oo 12/2a1fi 7:oo aolfi/77 9tOO 4/71/ti 70:oo 4/27177 BIOO 2/s/77 9:oo 72/70/77 7:N 1V1E/u t0:00 all/1717:00 5lsl77 73:N 2/9/!r 74:@ al19l776:00 8122/77 5:oo 9l3l!13:oo 70/ t3l\7 2O:OO 72/6/t15:OO 72/77/77 15:oo 7r/7/77 9tO0 1664 1664 1564 1664 1664 t6al 1664 1564 16al 1553 1553 1563 1663 1553 r663 1663 1663 1653 1663 1653 1652 !652 1552 7662 1562 1562 1662 r662 1661 1651 165r 1651 1651 1651 1651 1661 1550 1550 1660 1550 1550 1560 1660 1559 1659 1659 1659 1659 1659 1659 1654 1658 r658 1658 1658 1658 1657 1657 1651 1657 1657 1657 1657 1657 1657 P€r Unit Dittribut€d Solar 0.1092'19 0 0 0 0 0.604325 0_0136625 0.1851/6 0 o.13779 0.798183 0-0233541 0.578258 0.0507@3 o.797754 0.00908245 0 0 0 0.143149 0_0845098 0 0 0 0 0 0.254261 0.544792 0.0310307 0.0462288 0.267535 0.263591 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.245764 0.0318786 0 0 0 0 0-0445836 0.090195 0.265099 0 0 0 0 o.@44974 0.103393 0-0289076 0 0 0.43637E 0.545r17 0.0700819 0.0596591 0 0 0 0 0 0.595392 0 3.55 0.(p 0.m 0.00 0.oo 3r.55 0.57 69.78 0.3, 3.00 43.50 ?L?A 25.59 5.70 80.73 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.m 8.08 4.41 0.00 0.16 0.@ o.00 0.m 13_14 59.44 3.46 3.85 9.64 25.G 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.16 18.89 8.76 0.m 0.m 0_m 0.m 0.8E 9_!2 21.69 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 2.90 6.04 7.24 0.78 0.oo 35.35 54.05 47.97 6.65 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.53 0.13 78.67 0.45 Non-ExDon Sol.r (rw) 12.65 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 58.04 1_45 46.86 -0_37 15.54 74.73 -18_32 m.04 r,82 35.70 1.10 0_00 0-00 0-00 11.88 8.10 0.00 {.16 0.m 0.00 0.m 26.04 21.32 1.14 2.99 30.02 14'm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ {.15 t7.54 .4.03 0.m 0.00 0-@ 0.m 5.71 4_05 14.61 0.00 -0.25 0.00 0.(x) 9-63 9.25 3.04 {.78 0.00 29.34 26.82 -37.53 2.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.63 -0.13 59.74 {.45 Attachment l -Page493 (kw) 15.20 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 49.59 2.03 116.64 0.00 19.54 118.33 3.45 85.73 7.57 77-1.44 1-35 0-m 0-m 0.q, 21.96 12.13 0.(x) 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 39.18 4.77 4.60 6_85 39.66 39.08 0-m 0-m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 15.41 4.11 0.00 0.oo 0.m 0.m 6.61 13.37 39.30 0.m 0.00 0.0 0.m 12.53 15.33 4.29 0.@ 0.@ 64.6!, 80.87 10.39 E-84 0.m 0.m 0.e 0.m 0_m 88.47 0.00 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Namepl.te (kw) Estimated Pv Namephte {kwac) 777.9 1,.2 148 2/75/71 73tOO 2174/t1 \8:oo gl?alal ?a:oo t7l9/71 2O:OO 12l14ll, 2:OO 72110177 A9O 4/74177 A:OO 5/zo/t7 zo,N 6/4/771:00 9l21l112t:Cr0 t7/27117 a9:oo t21291t715:@ 6lLAlL7 tz,N 3llOlti 71& Al,alr7 6:00 9l8li 4.oo 70112117 2O:@ 2/6117 t4:go 7/ao/a7 P:oo 72/3/77 t7:OO sl25l17 9:cn ll7tl77 6:00 7/79/111:OO 21261710:OO 12129177 o:@ 5/18/178:00 3/74/77 a:oo 6/77/77 7:OO a/20/77 X:00qBlt1 7$ 5l3ol77 7:N l0h9/77 A:W 5/r2lu 18:00 7/26117 7:oo 313/17 27:OO 5124117 6rn 70/2/17 27:oo 72/71177 7:OO 12116177 7:@ 611/17 ro:oo 5ll7l\7 ZO:OO tTlrrlv 1a:00,lali 2t:0o 9/2177 s:@ 9/6/77 3,$ 7r/6/77 7:0o 7017477 9,.n L2lL7lL1 t5,N 5l\r177 7:@ 3/5/a110:N 6l$la7 $:oO ,2121/71 11:OO 519/1120:oo 2/ag/a7 2a:oo 5/73171 23tOO 9/15/11 zlt90 10/6l,7 atco 214/1173:@ 6la5la7 a:@ 7217177 2}@ t2/zr/113:@ 3/4/77 77:oo 2/9177 73,00 zl!7/r7 !8:oo 2/2/a1s:oo 2/77/77 22.6 6l2lv a:@ 1720 1744 1656 1655 1656 1656 1659 u06 1656 1655 1655 7730 1962 1654 1554 1654 1554 1689 1689 1678 1924 1653 16s3 1653 1553 t74t 1652 1652 1552 1652 1664 1555 7743 1651 1651 1651 1651 1651 1651 1919 1701 t704 1550 1650 1590 1550 1687 7745 1556 1658 1912 7740 1833 1649 1649 1649 1649 1681 1646 1644 164a 1661 1654 1701 1647 1617 r547 1555 1656 1655 1556 1556 1656 1555 1656 1555 1655 1655 1654 7654 1554 1654 1654 1554 1554 1654 1554 1554 1653 1553 1553 1553 1652 1652 1652 1652 1652 1552 1652 1551 1651 1551 1551 1651 1551 1551 1651 1651 1550 1550 1550 1650 1650 !650 1650 1549 1549 1549 1549 1549 1549 1649 1549 1549 1648 1548 1648 148 1648 164E 1547 7il7tal t647 Per Unt oiitriburcd Sol.r 0.572722 0.0748317 0 0 0 0 0.0189945 0.1zE2E 0.0103303 0 0 0.117159 0.813211 0 0 0 0 0.0142407 0.410909 0.2011ir8 0.283182 0 0 0 0 0.0555215 0 0 0 0 0.@958449 84.91 11.09 0.00 0.(E 0.@ 0.0 2.E2 19.02 1.53 0.@ 0.@ 17.37 r20.55 0.q) 0.@ 0.m 0.m 2.11 50.92 29.42 41.98 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 9.73 0.@ 0.00 0.00 o.m 1.42 0.ttr 39.54 0.m 0.(x, 0.@ 0.m 0.tE 0.00 55.44 15.27 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0,00 12.36 51.41 0.rtr 4.22 t42.13 110.00 71.27 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.(Il 72.44 0.(D 0.00 0.@ 2,68 19.21 6.2? 0.oo 0.@ 0.0 48.15 2.85 0.@ 0.00 0-m 0-m 0.41 0.87 0.00 0.00 9,15 87.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.17 71.75 1r.35 17.fi 0.m 0.@ 0.q) 0.@ 2.m 0-Bt 0.m 0.00 0.00 o-u 0.00 17.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 17.18 1.91 0.oa 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m r.17 15.42 0.20 11.78 84.59 zx.a 5.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.ot 77.70 0.m 0.m 0.@ 16.30 23.24 0.55 0.m 0-00 0.00 Non-txpolt Solar (lw) 36.75 8.25 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 2.41 14.e5 0.67 0.00 0.00 8.21 33 56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 -24.26 37.17 78.47 24.62 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 7.7) .0.04 0,00 0.00 0.00 l13 0.00 27.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 8.00 14.30 {.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.50 35.99 -0.20 58.14 E6.15 11.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.04 -74.76 0.m 0.@ 0.@ -13.62 4.07 5.6' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 o.25613 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.374231 0.109743 0 0 0 0 0 0.0833985 0.345756 0 0.0284593 0.95275 0.741974 0.116513 0 0 0 0 0.0E39211 0 0 0 0.0180511 0.129578 0.0419387 0 0 0 Attachment { -Page494 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrt.rred Pv Nameprate (kw) oC:AC Ratio trtimated Pv Namepl.te (lw:c) 1719 7.1 148 5/77/712:OA 9/7/17 6:00 8/2717t 7t:00 7rh7/77 7O:OO 72117/77 73:oo s/11/178:00 7/9/717:oo 5/2171 s:OO 7217/D a:N t2/73/71 4:@ t2/1-5/77 4:OO 2122177 72:oo r21U7717:OO ?/19177 79:oo 77/a/77 72:OO 2/1/7715:OO 5/3/t16:00 77/79/77 a:oo 72/29/11 74:00 1/-tltl 76100 2/2g/ti 73:00 l2/25/r't 76:00 6lto/ti 76:00 3/7lt17S:OAglLg/tl tA:@ )/7/1773:N 9191711:N 2/21h7 75:N 6/75177 a:N 1/3/1119:N 216/t7 77:OO 317/77 72:fr 2/A/1715:W 6/a177 74:oo 1/20/716:@ z/3/t7o:N 2/19/77 27:@ 9/2/716:00 Lo/2/7t ZO:OO lo/17/77 8:OO t\/?o/17 21:OO t2/17/71 o:Oo 5/71/\717:Oo 5/5/17 r4:oo sl23/71a:oo 1/t0l716:00 2h2lt16:00 2/2s/17 7:oo 5/6171 22:OO 5/|Olri 2t:oo th3/77 ztOO 1,0/11 /ti 2otoo 77/70/ri 19:OO tt/3o/77 6tOO 3/9/77 gtoo 72/3/t1 7O:OO ao/77/71 9:OO t/77/710:OO 2/24/17 O:o0 4/27/77 7:w 7O/3/r7 71:oo 70/16/17 7:oO 72/76/77 5:oO 72121/17 4:@ 6/t5h7 72:@ 7216111 t3:0o a/701L7 9:OO 7547 16{7 1929 7677 7742 1749 1645 76,,6 146 1646 7616 1705 1717 1653 t71l 1721 r545 1645 1741 1684 1742 1687 1E85 1590 1644 1644 1726 1682 1559 1671 t-t22 1688 l@r 1543 1543 1543 1543 1643 7643 1543 1U! 1702 1832 1789 1642 t@2 1542 1642 7647 t64.2 t64Z 1642 15112 1644 16it4 1558 1641 1541 1641 1641 1641 1641 1541 7AU 11tA 1645 1641 1647 t647 1645 1545 1645 1545 r645 r646 1645 r545 1646 1646 7645 1545 1645 1645 1645 1645 1645 1545 1644 1544 1514 1544 1644 76,4 7644 7544 1644 16rt4 1543 1543 1643 1643 1643 1643 1643 1643 1643 1643 1643 1543 1643 1642 7642 7642 1642 7642 1642 7642 r542 16/2 1642 16/2 1642 1642 l6a! 1641 1641 1541 1541 1541 1641 1641 1640 1540 Per Unit Distributed solar 0 0 0.5649a3 0.310375 0.431232 0.0597115 0 0 0 0 0 o.z!19693 0.4m573 0 0.491309 0.257604 0 0 0.384607 0.321902 0.89655 0.2?7346 O,E99E 0.16402a 0.0950292 0 0 0.6652 0.0829625 0-0287955 0.1]4955 0.499516 0 215938 0.686195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.513443 0.710581 0_06643ta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0126247 o.0472225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.543036 o.720s49 0.109886 0.00 0.00 83.75 46.01 53.93 8.E5 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 66.57 s9.38 0.@ 72.84 38.19 0.m 0.00 57.02 47.72 132.93 33.77 133.40 24.12 14.09 0.@ 0.00 98.62 12.30 4.27 20.6() 11.07 32.01 101.73 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 90.94 105.34 9.85 0.m 0.q) 0.u) 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 7.87 12.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 95.33 106.82 r6.29 0.00 0.00 65.04 17.56 30.34 2.lo 0.m 0.q, 0.m 0.(I, 0.(t) ?2.95 28.01 0.10 23.38 21.93 0.@ 0.08 2t.vl 7.88 51.18 1.4 85.79 10.23 5.25 0.@ 0.00 52.16 2.@ 0.(ts 3.84 30.55 15.91 7l* 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.c(, 0.m 0.04 0.m 0.@ 20.89 61.86 2.83 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.oo 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 6.14 1.78 1.52 0.00 0.oo o.@ 0.@ 0,(x) 0.@ 0.00 61.27 59.73 5.94 0.00 0.00 18.71 28.35 33.55 5-65 0.00 0.c[) 0.00 0.00 0.@ 4X.7t 31.37 -0.10 49.46 16.26 0.@ -0.08 33.52 39.81 71.14 3t.87 45.60 14-09 8.84 0.@ 0.m 45_45 9.70 4.19 76.72 43.42 15.11 28.74 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 .0.04 0.00 0.00 70.05 43.48 1.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0() 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.oo -4.27 r0.26 -1.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14_06 41.09 10.35 Attachment l -Page495 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nameplate {kw) DC:AC R.tio Estimat.d Pv Nam€plat€ (twac) 7172177 7:0o 3l7S/718fr0 6/79/t7 5:0o LO/271t7 A:@ lllt3/77 2O:W t2/t3/77 !:oo P/tA/716:00 3/9/t120t0o 6170/77 77:OO 6/1171s:OO 9/ttl177:oo L0/7!17 27:OO l2/r/77 23:OO 9/77/712o:oo 5122177 73:OO U2 r7 7a:OO to/21117 9:oo r/10/71 t:OO r/11/r1a:oo 7114/77 O:OO 2/25/17 4:gO 5/79/17 21:oo 6/19/77 4:OO 9la/17 5:N 7o/21/a7 a:oo 12/72/11 4:OO t2h3/17 2:OO t7/17/r7 4:N t7/79/17 o:N t2/27ltt t:N 2/2!/7t t3:o0 9l2al77 2o:o0 2/22171 76:00 4125/,7A:OO 7t/7s/77 73:00 rl20l71 16:00 3/5/1123:oO t2/t7/ti 2:oo r2/2s/tt s:OO L2/28/Ll 4tOO 2/27/77 t3:oo 3129/r't 8:00 la1li LO:oo 70/70/17 IO:OO slalti z3:oo al27l77 2:oo Al77/77 4:OO 77117/77 3:OO Dla7l77 t4:oo 1U5lr718:00 11/18/1718:00 5/771771:@ 8115/77 5:OO 7L/7/77 A:oo 77/16/77 9:OO 416/17 74:OO 2/1/77 5:oo 2/8/17 5:oo 5/24/711:OO 17/76/t7 21,:OO 72/1/1122:W Lr/29/i r2:oo 2/7 /77 76:N 2/A/7114:oo 5/29/17 11:oO 2/9177 7s:N 2/7a/71 7l:0o 17).9 l2 148 1640 1540 1540 1540 1540 1640 15r10 15111 1E90 1639 r639 1639 1639 76!,2 1934 t646 1549 1638 1538 1538 1638 1538 1538 1534 1636 1634 1638 1634 163E 1638 154 1539 1688 t671 7679 1592 1537 1537 1537 1637 1695 1540 1713 lfal 1535 1636 1635 1635 t7i,{ t661 t667 1635 r635 1635 1635 r668 1634 1634 1634 1634 1634 1715 t1\7 r684 1915 1563 1654 Per Unit Distibuted Solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.785231 0 0 0 0 0.m82435 0.901754 0 0.0457847 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.:!42971 0 0.105931 0.03r7621 0.00471549 0.32449 0 0 0 0 0.161059 0 0.272705 0.127649 0 0 o 0 0315196 0 0 0 0 0 0.040120s 0.559217 0 0 0 0 0 0.392961 0.0299il7 0.5311621 0.894195 0.!10853 0.0559847 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 115.41 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 7.22 133.69 0.@ 5.19 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 56.74 0.@ 15.70 1.77 0.70 48.11 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 23.84 0.@ 40.43 18.92 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.(D 6r.55 0.(rc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m s.95 84.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ o.o0 s8.26 79.26 132.s6 20.88 6.30 Solar Exports (kw) 0.00 0.04 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.oo 0.@ 0.@ 75-11 0.() 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.20 93.30 0.@ r.03 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.86 0.04 12.19 0.2! 12.2E 8.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.78 0.16 10.93 0.19 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 25.An 0.or 0_m 0-m 0.00 0-m 0.58 za.4? 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 27.56 20.55 22.92 105.21 1.75 8-94 No.-€xpo.t Sol.r (tW) 0.00 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 40.:to 0.00 0.00 -0.63 0.m t.o2 40.39 0.m 5.75 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0-00 0.m 0_00 0.00 0-m 0.00 0.oo 0.00 9.92 4.U 3.51 4.50 -11.54 39.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.to -0.15 29.50 18.14 o.m 0.6 o@ o.m 35.67 {.04 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 5.36 55.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 10-70 -16.11 55.34 27.15 15-14 ,0.54 1640 1640 1540 1640 1640 1640 16i10 1640 1639 1639 r539 1639 1639 r539 1638 1638 l63E 1638 1638 1638 1638 1638 1538 1638 163E 1638 1638 16!8 t6!8 16:t8 1638 !538 16:l 1638 1537 1537 753f 1537 7637 1537 1537 7637 1536 1536 1536 1535 1536 1536 1636 1635 1535 1635 1515 1635 1635 1634 1614 1634 1634 1634 1634 163r1 1534 1534 163/ 1633 1633 Attachment l -Page496 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nameplate (kw) DC:AC nato Estimated Pv Nameplate (kwac) 777.9 7.2 148 1533 1533 1533 1633 1633 1633 1900 1694 1755 1687 1653 I6EE 1554 r632 1632 t532 1673 1675 1755 1655 1631 1531 1631 1631 1631 1631 1631 1631 1585 t72l 169E 7722 1630 1701 18!t8 1703 7697 1698 1629 1529 1529 1629 1629 1530 1633 1771 r818 1934 1809 1628 1628 1628 1628 1722 1631 r669 r879 7627 7621 1627 7627 7627 77t4 1818 1595 r625 1626 1633 1533 1533 1533 1533 1533 1533 1633 1532 1632 1532 7632 1632 1632 1632 1632 1531 1531 1631 1631 1531 1531 1631 t53t 1531 163r 1631 1531 1530 1530 r630 1630 1630 r630 1630 1630 7629 7629 1529 1629 1629 7629 1529 1529 1529 1529 1529 1529 1624 1624 1628 1628 1628 1628 r628 1627 l5z7 1527 1621 1627 1617 1626 1526 1626 1626 1626 Per lJnit Dirtrib{ted Sola, 0 0 0 0 0.143178 0 o.876647 0.035m8s 0.856758 0.161544 0.05157114 0_0104758 0.095384 0 0 0 0.0569597 0.333073 0.830737 0-0611291 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1ta795 0.1777t5 0.0188787 0-255007 0 0./u1537 0_504r52 0.120362 0.292405 0.149507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.tB3Ea 0.576045 0.24 11 0 0 0 0 0.0942527 o.77817t 0.281427 0.659463 0 0.00598562 0 0 0 0.0500582 0.355m1 o.37f145 o 0 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.@ 2t.23 0.00 r29.96 5.19 121.02 23.96 7.65 1.55 14.29 0.m 0.o 0.00 8.44 49.34 121,75 9.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.o 0@ 0.00 0.00 20.58 26_35 2.80 39.29 0.@ 65.45 17.84 43.35 22.76 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 25.70 100.22 36.54 0.@ 0.o 0.00 0.m 13.97 26,41 1!.72 97.7t 0.@ 0.89 0.@ 0.()0 0.00 8.91 52.4 47.17 0.m 0e 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.43 0.00 59.85 13.51 7E_57 2.19 1.90 11.35 0.19 0.m 0.00 0.@ 1.32 10.57 83.12 9.04 0.m 0.m 0-@ 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.lx) 5.45 17.56 0.6E 35.09 0.m 29.47 41-22 5.63 29.23 11.86 0.00 o.@ 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.41 0.15 0.([ 18,12 70.75 39.97 0.00 0.fl) 0.@ 0.m 5.69 7.85 23.92 65.82 0.m 0.65 0.@ 0.m 0.@ r.52 19.58 31.85 0.00 0.00 Non+xport Solar (tW) 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 20_80 0.00 60.11 -4.32 44.35 21.74 5.75 -9.81 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.73 38.81 40_03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.12 a.7a 2.r2 3.ZO 0_m 35.59 30.52 11.21 74.72 10.31 0.00 0.00 0_@ 0.00 0.00 {.41 {.15 {.08 7.54 29.47 -3,43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.29 18.56 !7.4L 31.95 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.m 0.00 7.38 33.06 75.25 0.00 0.00 1/LO/114:OO U77/r17:oo Alrs/t t 4,OOtlalD 22tOO 1t/77/77 gtoo 1.2/29/77 b:00 6l7s/D a]:oO tOl4/7171:OO 2/25h71?:@ !L/79/77 77:N 7tl7s/17 t5:00 2/75h111:OO 3lA/1719:oo 9/71171:00 72/a/77 7:OO 12172/77 3:OO 5/5/t1A:OO 2l2olti 74:oO 2171/11 73:OO 9/$/t7 71:N 2/2/11 2:@ 6/5/7-/ O:OO 9/5/71a:OO 9/70/77 2:oo 9129/11 2O:OO tO/t5177 2O:OO tO/\6/17 2lt9o 7?/75/77 2:90 2/r7/77 77:OO 72/29177 75:OO 5h9/77 2t:00 2/27/77 76:@ 6178/71 3:N u/13/1710:00 5/23/17 1o:oo 3/2A/77 9:OO 7al2/71 72:OO tO/t3/71 7O:Oo 2/1,/ri 4:OO 2lt1lt7 5.@ r7/1/r7 5:OO 72/15/11 3:OO !Z/2s/77 2:oO 5/72/111:N slto/7t 7:OO 7t/6/t $:Oo 6/74/17 19:6 6l7ala7 t7:OO s/s/U t7:OO r/26/113:OO r/26117 4:OO \2/23/77 7:OO 72/2A/71 2:OO 914/17 9:04 1715/77 9:o0 3lA/fi1L:@ 5/1r/17 11:00 1,/19/77 S:N 2/t8/719:OO 1/2/at 23:OO A/fi117 3:oo 7O/21/r7 2O:OO s/B/77 AoO 5/17 /r7 Totoo llalri 73:OO 2lto/r1 22:OO 517/r7 22:00 Attachment I -Page497 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-export3 Instrlled Pv Nameolate (kwl DC:aC Ratio Estimated Fv Nameplate (twad 111.9 7.7 144 Dsre&Time 5/71/t1 22:00 9/19177 2t:00 t2lr2lt7 2:OO t2l7\/17 4t0o 9/t5/ria:oo 4/t2/i A:OO sl4/71 t9:OO 2/221t7 $:OO 71761112:OO 2lll77 2:OO 2/2/7r t:W 2/24/77 s:oo 77/5/t1 2t:OO 71/31lt7 73:N 7217/r7 t:N 72lali 4:U Q/2A/,73tO0 r/2t/7174:@ 72/31/71 L2tO0 3/t4/L7gtOO t2l1/1176:00 2l7al71 B:gO 2175177 SIOO 2125/77 2:OO 1/10/11Ao0 4/7t/171:00 515/tlO:N 5/7A/1, O:O0 11/16/t tN 72/26/71 4t0o 1l24lt7 9:OO 9/17/712O|OO 9/18/1710:00 72/7a/71 ts:OO 7O/5/t19tOO 7213171 73:OO rl24lt7 s:OO 2/7/77 73tOO 1/\5/710:OO 2/21/a7 6tOO 9/s/u 5:00 9126117 ?t:OO a2lz2la1 L@ 4177/77 9t0O 7l2!lt7 75:OO 3h/t7 74tg0 3ls/17 71t)a 6/1t/r't 7:N 7al7l1M.@ 2117117 r7:OO 5/70/71 t5:O0 7/7a/7r llt00 7/151113:OO 2/26/77 6:00 9/14/17 23:OOglzlhr 27:OO 7alsl77 0:@ 7719177 5:OO 12hO/77 5:00 4/5177 2l:OO 314/!120:N s/aa/i 7:oo 2/22/77 75:6 ,ol2/t7 9:N 71,17117 70:00 s/70/77 AOO 2/511114:N 1626 1525 1626 7626 1627 1641 7W 1590 1625 1625 t5?5 1625 162S 1625 r625 1625 1625 1683 1768 1544 1737 7647 15zil 1624 1624 t624 1624 1624 1624 1524 1549 7626 1550 7727 t676 1564 1523 1623 1623 1523 1623 1623 1523 1593 1682 1582 164E 1641 7il2 1589 1897 7701 162? 7622 7622 1622 1622 1622 t572 1523 1624 1625 16E4 1684 1552 1733 1654 1626 t625 1626 1625 r625 1526 1525 1525 1625 1675 1625 1625 1625 1525 1625 1525 1625 r625 1625 1624 1624 t6z4 1524 1624 1624 1524 1624 7624 7524 1624 1524 1624 1524 1623 1523 1623 1623 1623 1523 1523 1523 1623 1623 1623 1523 1623 1623 1622 7622 1622 1522 1622 7622 15r2 1522 7522 7622 7672 1622 7622 7622 1622 t6z2 t622 1621 1621 1621 P.r Unit Diltibuted Slar 0 0 0 0 0 0.0155888 0.327085 0.235218 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.12193E 0.584173 0.(X31E51 0.405101 0.0260337 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0190937 0 0.00640157 0.333781 0.0222152 0.352798 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.152095 0.435701 0.t144611 0.0523512 0.0133525 0.0249147 0.458303 0.8700s3 0.894053 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.@475722 0.24165!t 0.110532 0.043014 0.0s&519 0.114021 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.4 2.31 48.49 35.02 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 18.@ 101.43 5.(t 60.20 3.99 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 2.83 0.00 0.95 49,48 3.29 52-30 0.o 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 22.55 64.?4 55-91 9.2a 1.98 3.69 57.94 128.99 132.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.30 35.E3 16,'o 6.34 E.31 16.90 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 25.63 19.11 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 34.10 fi.69 2.48 13.12 0.70 0.m 0.m 0.54 0.m 0-00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 3.5f 0.m 7.42 79.79 3.78 26.74 o.q) o.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.(tr 8.49 26.n 12.73 25.12 0.20 0.25 48.14 94,88 55.47 0.m 0.13 0.o 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.16 15.93 3.15 4.60 2.42 24.03 iaon-Export solar (tw) 0.00 0.00 o0o 0.00 0.00 2.18 21.85 15.91 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-oo 0.00 0.00 -16.02 37.74 3.92 47.08 3.30 0.m 0.m -0.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.oo '0.74 0.00 .6.41 29.69 -0.49 25.55 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.@ t4.05 38.02 53.18 -15.48 7.77 3.44 19.81 34.11 77.@ 0.m -0.13 0.00 0.00 0.m o.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.13 19.90 13.24 r.78 5.89 -7,11 Attachment l -Page498 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports tnstalled PV Nameplrre lkw) DC:AC Ratio tstim.ted Pv Nameplate (kwac) 117.9 7? 143 9/20117 8:oo 2/6/a7 l5:@ 70lt9lt7 9:OO 2124/U l4:oo tU27/7710,@ 4/19177 AoO LhO/17 ztoo 3lsl779tOO 4l74lr7 2?tW 5l3lt1r:6 6/\'\/17 3:OO 6/rt/716tOO alzlllT 4:Og 71127117 a:00 t2l7l!7 3:oo 12126177 7tO0 1/t0177 9:oo 10/4117 72:OO 2l21ll7 \7:N 9/$l!79:N 414/719:@ !7/4/17 \O:00 2l4hr t6:oo 4/27/77 a:OO tlloll1 3:00 2/?lU !:oo 6laal77 4:00 70l9lt7 21:00 !O/17/17 ?t:N t7l4l77 20:00 7!a2/77 19:OO r1l,3/77 7:oo 72la/7t 7:oO 12l3lll7 5:Oo 4h4/17 7ltOO al6h172:OO 5lt7lU 71:oo 6/a7/r7 7O.OO 214177 74:(n 3l2a/u 1:@ 5/2177 22:OO 51261t12:@ al27ltl1:OO 8/281\7 s:oo ]/12h13:oo 9ltsl77 22,00 70177/171:N 2/5/771A:@ 512/17 a.N 2lrltt l:00 319/7127:00 a/77/ti 6.00 9/9ltt 41oo LoltT/l-l 29:oo 10lt1l71 27,@ t2/7h7 ztOO Dla/77 3too 7Ol2O/77 9:W t1/3OlL7 t6:& Ll79lt7 2:OO zlt2ltl O:$ 9/91t7 6:oo 9l73ll7 5:OO 4l2oll7 A:O0 1Vl3l17 tE:00 77/23117 l7tOO 1623 \u9 1549 L721, 1629 169 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 7620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1621 1679 1655 1633 7721 7647 1640 1612 1619 1619 1619 1619 1619 1619 1619 1619 1519 1619 1700 1689 1798 1915 1650 1618 16r8 1618 1518 1518 !677 7671 1517 1630 7657 1616 1616 1616 1616 1516 1616 1616 1615 1615 1677 1649 1615 1615 1615 1615 1619 1631 |t82 1521 1621 1621 1620 1520 1520 1620 1620 1520 1520 1620 1520 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1520 1620 1520 1620 1520 r619 1619 1619 1619 1619 1619 1619 1519 1519 1519 1619 1619 1619 1619 1518 t61E 161.8 1618 1618 1618 15lE 1618 76t1 1517 7617 7617 1515 1516 r616 1616 1616 16r6 1616 1516 1516 1616 1516 1516 1615 1615 1515 1515 1615 1615 1674 Per Unlt oisrribut€d Solar 0 0-65t226 0.0555052 0.:t8314 o.39228, 0.0285929 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0158376 0.064E278 0.07s5795 0 0.141311 0.495485 0.00855919 0.0(x99902 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0500E17 0.531535 0.672534 0.509299 0.0ss998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0479563 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0.0162161 0.257824 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.205505 0.rD 96.54 8.23 56.80 58.16 4.24 0.@ 0.@ 0.lx) 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.q) 0.m 0.@ 2.50 9.61 11,20 0.00 20.95 73.@ 1.24 o-14 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0-q) 8.91 78.80 99.71) 75.9 8.30 0.00 0.m 0.(D 0.(D 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.q) 0.@ 1.71 0.@ 0.()0 0.00 0.@ 0.& 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 2.40 3E.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 30.63 0.20 25.15 2.23 13.42 8.66 1.r5 0.@ 7.58 0.@ 0.12 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.86 12.35 4.!8 2.15 8.25 1.07 8.85 0.91 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.q) 0.m 9.30 35.55 3!.8{) 51.45 23.93 0.m 0-m 0.m 0_m 0.@ 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.37 1.00 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.41 7.88 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.!) 0.m 3.36 Non-E4ort Sola, (kW) 4.ZO 71.39 5-00 13.39 49.49 3.09 0.00 -1.64 0.@ -0.12 0.00 0-00 0.00 0-oo 0.00 0.00 {-37 '2.75 5.63 -2.15 12.69 70.44 -7.58 '0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.39 42.15 61.97 24.05 -15.53 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.oI) 0.00 0.00 0-00 -0.37 6,11 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.99 30.34 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.53 0.00 21.27 Attachment l -Page499 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hnall€d Pv Nam€pr.te {kW) DC:AC Ratio E!timated Pv Nam€plate (lWac) tll.9 7.1 148 ftte & Time 2h3/v ra,oo 6/13/77 6:00 70/72/17 7:OO 771\Ll!71:@ slt7lt7 t6:Oo 5/3117 23t00 5/8/17 7tr](J 2l27lri aOt0O rol30l77 9:00 914177 a:@ r/72/77 2.OO 9/51t7 5N r0l9/77 2O:OO 77173177 27:00 7r/7A/77 22too thAllt t7:OO sl5l77 9:00 t7h6li ao:@ rO/t7lt? 70,00 2/z/17 4.N 4174177 4:@ 2h5/tt 23.00 2l28ll7 OtoO 1rl79l7' 22:@ ,2116117 a:OO 6/74/a7 D:oo 9117/tt LOTOO sl27/1, 20:00 5/15/r,r 2o:oo r/9177 10o 2/1177 5,@ 2120/17 z?.@ 3123177 a:oo 1/10/171,N alzolu 1:oo 9/78/77 22t9o 7ol9/tt 1:@ tohil0 aoo 7t/74/17 2}@ 72170117 2:OO l?llollt 1:OO t2/76177 a6:@ 2/al1775:& 3/4/77 sN L0l2l/t719:00 9llBl\7 l2,OO6l1li a:oo sl5l77 2ot0o 7/26/!7 l4tOO 72/30/77 72:oo t2l25lt7 3tOO 1V30l1713:00 9/75177 2O:@ 9125/118:@ 2/11/a7 O:@ r0l1/171:OO to/26/118:@ 7tl9/77 27:@ t?15177 a$ 1212Y77 2:oo 7ll5/17 77tOO ryr311719:00 5h41fi $:oo 72l3ltr t5:@ tE/71s,OO slTsltT 6:00 51171r71:OO 1715 1514 1614 1514 7701 1615 1515 1641 1619 1621 1613 1613 1613 1613 1613 1675 1699 1521 7715 7612 7612 1612 1612 76t2 1612 1832 1883 1815 r781 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1511 1611 1611 t76Z 1636 1613 1613 1643 7112 1620 7678 1,619 1610 1737 t622 1677 1609 1609 16Cr9 1609 1609 1609 !797 1613 1821 !62 1604 1608 1608 1514 1614 1514 1514 15l1t 1614 1614 1614 1514 1513 1613 1513 1513 1513 1513 1513 1513 1512 16r2 76t2 1612 1512 1612 1612 !6t2 1612 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 16tl 161! 161l 1611 !511 1611 1611 1611 1611 1511 1611 t61l 1610 r610 1610 r610 r610 1610 1610 1610 1@9 1509 1609 1609 1609 1609 1509 1609 1609 1608 1608 16oE 1508 P€r Unit oitt buted sol.t 0.151893 0 0 0 o.254441 0 0 0.459752 0.000587241 0 0 0 0 0 o 0.299172 o.z21z 0.127222 0.207192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.510385 0.370195 0.129934 0.129204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.419803 o.o1n2 0 0.0@459128 0.154295 0.0751229 0.05lE121 0.62042E 0.58r583 0 0.458711 0.0156201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.65593 0 0.309995 o.34712X 0 0 0 (kw, 0.00 0.00 0.m 17.73 0.00 0.00 69.64 0.10 0.m 0.m 0.cp 0.m 0.m 0.00 44.35 12.19 18.85 30.72 0.00 o.m 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.m 75.65 54.84 !9.26 19.16 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 62.2a 2.53 0.(rc 0.07 22.41 11.14 7.[8 91.98 101.04 0.@ 6E.00 2.16 0.()0 0.@ 0.m o.@ 0.m 0.@ o.() 97.39 0.m 45.96 5l-51 0.m 0.m 0.@ 5_la 0.m 0.m 0.m 22.19 0.m 0.16 z2.u 0.70 0.49 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0_00 0.m 14.15 10.29 3.55 17.30 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 5r.65 27.* 5.19 7.16 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.m 0.m 0.m rE.67 15.17 2.45 0.16 13.10 4.74 1.83 47.77 28.88 0.m 37.54 0.33 0.16 0.m 0.00 0.(E 0.oo 0.@ 0.m 45.44 0.75 28.27 1.67 0.(, 0.m 0.m Non-ExponS,olar (kw) 17.34 0.00 0.00 0.@ 15_14 0.00 -0.16 46_41 -0.59 -0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30-20 22.50 15-31 13.42 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 24-01 27_30 !3-41 r2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.04 0.00 0.00 ,0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.57 -13.08 -2.46 {.09 9.78 7.00 5-85 49.47 72.77 0.m 30.45 2.13 .0-16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 51.95 4.75 77.@ 46.83 0-00 0_00 0.00 Attachment l -Page500 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnrtalled Pv Namepl.te lkw) DC:aC Ratio E5tim.ted Pv Nameplare (lwa.) 177.9 1.2 148 9/6177 a:ca 9174/712:00 l2/6/t7 t:00 12/75/17 2.o0 2172171 7A.00 sl73/771:00 al2lltr ,@ aPAltT 4:oo 77/12/ti s:OO t2/2s/11 41OO 71/3/\1 r9:OO \7/16/17 17,oo 7121/t7 o:@ 214/1,17}@ 72/7t/17 4:OO t7l1o/77 aa:oo 2/7117114:OO 12/5/t7 11:00 2/3/77 rslp) 2l70/771,00 5/26h7 5.OO 6/71/17 4:oo 5/1117172.@ t2l2tl71 t6:OO 2124/71t7:oo 3/27 lri 8:00 5/7/t7 7:oo sl2s/t7 7:OO 9/1/t14:OO TOl3Oli a:oo 72170171 4tOO 72/261t7 3:OO !2/3/7714:@ 7719/71 7a:OO 5/27ltl!9:00 77/79/77 70:00 5/2A/77 71,N a/27 hl a.N 2/19/77 72:oo 314/17 7r:00 3l3o/i a:oo 4/2slr11:00 6/$/116:00 lOhA/\7 7:oo 1?/76/ri 2:OO 5l73lL7 A:OO 5/9/17 8:@ 72/3h716:W i/a9177 76:00 1l2tl17 o:oo 313117 5:@ 5l29la7 o:0o 8/u/11 5:00 l0l3/77 2O.OO t0/4/77 22:W 1/2a/71a:OO to/261t19:OO 10/6/ t1 9:oo !/1/77 23:oo 4/2a/D7)@ 5/7/77 22:oD 5/24/7-7 s:OO 6/75/L1O:OO LU|T/|1 2o:@ ,2127/71 l:00 r2l1ol71 O:OO 1608 1608 1608 1608 1689 t6t2 1507 7@7 1607 1507 1508 1621 1606 1506 1506 1619 t661 7754 1639 1605 1605 1605 1783 1762 1693 1604 1604 1504 1504 1604 1604 1504 r665 1631 1885 1556 1887 1622 1603 1603 1603 1@3 1503 1503 1601 7674 1599 155514 1602 1502 1502 1602 1502 1602 1602 7652 1617 1556 1501 1601 1601 1601 1501 1601 1601 1601 1508 1508 1508 1608 1508 1504 1507 1607 7601 1507 7507 7@7 1506 1506 1606 1606 1605 1505 1605 1605 1605 1605 1505 1504 1604 1604 160a 1604 1604 1604 1604 1604 1m4 1604 1504 1604 1603 1603 1603 1603 1603 1603 1603 1603 1603 1603 1603 !q2 1602 7@2 1502 r502 1502 1602 1502 1502 1502 1502 1601 1601 150! 1601 1601 1601 1601 1601 1601 Per Unit DBtributed solar 0 0 0 0 0.0832001 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.797942 0 o 0 0 0.357849 0.703939 0.0979204 0 0 0 o.n7389 0.415858 0.167151 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.tt22569 0 0.359483 0.447274 0.584204 0.0148424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0638559 0.05E0301 0.223963 0.399335 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.044E45 0.0294758 0.otxl8r9s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.@ 0.00 0.@ o.m 12.33 0.m 0.m 0.q, 0.m 0.00 0.@ 29.! o00 0-@ 0.00 0.00 54.53 104.36 74.52 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 115.25 61.65 27.75 0.m 0.m 0.0 0.00 0_00 0.@ 0.@ 62.65 0.@ 53.29 66.30 101.43 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 9,41 8.@ 33.20 59,20 0.00 0.q) 0.m 0.@ 0.oo 0.m 0.m 6.65 4.3' 11.80 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.mtal 0.49 0.d) 0.m 0.00 0.00 000 10.23 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 28.85 57.44 23.83 0.m 0.m 0.m 32.4 1?.95 17.64 0.(B 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.q) r3.62 0.00 31.14 38.46 80.62 0.58 0.m 0-m 0-16 0.00 0_m 0.m 0.00 7.52 2.20 2.81 8.85 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.(,0 0.55 0.91 2.96 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m Non-Expo.tsola. {kW) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 8.41 .0.49 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.12 0.00 0.q) 0.00 0.00 25.54 52.92 _9.32 0.m 0.m 0.m 8?.91 48.r0 10.11 -0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.q) 0.m 49.03 0.(rc 22.7' 27.84 20.47 1.62 0.m 0.m .0-16 0.q) 0.m 0.00 0.00 5.94 6.40 30.40 50.35 0-00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 5.10 3.46 11.84 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Attachment l -Page50l Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnst.lled Pv N.m€plat€ lkw) ociac Ratio Enimated PV Namepl e llwac) t/1.9 77 148 oalo & Tlm€ !1./4/!7 r9lOO 6/r7/L77tOO ?13/ri 4:oo 4/20/1122:@ 9l\21t7 2:@ 10/5/17 21:00 71l2o/77 2o:oo t7/tslt1 22tOO t!/2rht 91oo ,219/77 1,:OO 91201t120:Nth9/i a:oo 2/2A/\1 7A:00 l!lA/17 !5:00 tO/77/17 9:@ 6lra/fi1:@ 5/!4/71 \6:00 s/6/7179:oo 2/20/71 7sto0 2/5/]7A:OO 2/7A/71 22:OO 5177/77 73:OO 9177/7122:oo 9/79171 2O:OO l!12/t19:OO 5/9/77 L4:00 7tl9/77 17:OO 5/2/77 ?L:oo 2/?6/17 76:00 7l2\l77 76:@ 2/72/77 S:00 zl!61!7 23:oo 1171117 7:fi 3/3r/711100 5/t7/r7 6100 6l7al77 s:DO 8l2ol7/ 6tco 9/9/tt 5:N 7t/3177 2O:@ 70120117 17:OO 2175l7t t3:oo 5/5/1710:00 2/17/17 16:00 l/79/77 4:Oo 5/74/11O:OO 6/!1/!7 3tOO 70/30177 2o:oo 12/5/715:00 allShr 1O:OO 6177177 a:Oo 2124171r:A0 2/2a/77 5:oo 5/30/77 7:00 tohg/17 zt:w tO/t3/t7 2t:0o \7/27/17 20:00 \Zl4l77 5:00 9/2a/17 a:00 9l1a177 73:OO 70/19171 29:oo 3/10/71 7O:OO t2l4/77 71:OO 2/t4/t7 t:oo 2/t9/t7 9:OO 5/26/t7 4:OO All.ltT 4:oo 7117/77 17:OO 76,2 1609 1600 1600 16m 16m 1600 1600 r6m 1600 1601 r603 1719 1550 !605 1617 1851 1633 1645 1599 1599 1599 1599 1511 16m tE79 1655 1609 1657 1644 1598 r598 1598 1598 1598 1598 159E 1598 1598 1545 1734 1758 1543 1597 1597 1597 1597 7597 1740 !722 1596 1595 1596 1595 1596 1596 1596 1597 r693 1601 1m2 7721, 1595 1595 1595 1595 1679 1601 1600 1500 1500 1600 1600 1500 1600 1600 1600 1600 16m 1600 1500 16@ 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 r599 1599 1599 1599 1599 1599 t59E 1598 1598 1598 1598 r598 r598 t59E 1598 1598 1598 1598 1598 1598 1597 1597 1597 1597 1597 1597 1597 1597 1597 r596 1596 1596 1596 1596 1595 1595 1596 1595 1595 1596 1595 r595 1595 1595 1595 1595 1595 0.00 1.59 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.oo 0.m 5.05 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 30-65 15.01 2.47 1_40 107.34 16.f!9 59.10 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 745.2E 56.27 1.33 35.68 6.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0_m 0-0 35-47 74.50 55.99 35.51 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.oo 0.m 29.60 10.31 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 12.7! 0.(x) 20.62 101.07 0.00 22.26 0.00 0.00 1.98 0.17 0.70 0.00 0.m 0.m 0-m 0.m 0.u) 1.39 0.00 o.17 0.12 7.55 6.32 0.5? o.37 70.13 1,77 12.59 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.29 0.04 107.90 28.74 O,G 18.89 6.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 5.83 ,-,-il 29.tt 11.45 0.m 0.00 0.0 0.m 0.m 21.30 3.96 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.63 0.@ 0.00 0-0a 14.04 0-m 11.9' 54.11 0.00 1_84 0-m 0.m 3.13 Non+xpotSolar (tw) -0.77 0.89 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 3.65 0.00 4.17 {-12 23.10 9.59 1.E6 1.04 37.m 8.92 45.51 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m .o.29 -0.04 3E.37 z7.48 1.25 16,7a 0-01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 2E.63 16.90 36.88 23.65 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 8.:rc 6.35 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 -0.63 0.00 0.@{.0 -1.31 0.00 8.E1 46.96 0.00 20.42 0.00 o.@ -1.t6 Attachment l -Page502 P.r Unit Diiribut.d Solar 0 0.010719 0 o o o 0 0 0.0!40474 0 0 0 0.205749 0.10E012 0.0156928 0.m9469 o.72ao3a 0.112563 0.398645 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.98670r 0.3795a1 0.00895205 0.240543 0.0404942 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.239242 0.502518 0.445153 0.239497 0 0 0 o 0 0.19!i557 0.058ss28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-085E792 0 0.139065 0.6E1759 0 0.150158 0 0 0.0133432 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rn!talled PV Nameolat€ (lW) DC:AC Ratio Ertimaled PV Nameplate (kWa.) t77.9 !,2 148 10/21/71 1O:OO L2/5/11 17:oO s/70/t7 74:N sl23/17 9t00 a/20177 a:oo 9/29/t179tW 2/8lt121tan 2114/U lt0oglt/t7 5:N 9/76/17 21:@ 9/79/17 22:00 12/16177 3:OO 2/5/1717:@ fi/1a/17 2O:OO 317 /1, r3:OO A/20/1r !7:Oo 4/21/r'17tOO 5h6/71otoo 5126/t7 3:oo 9/31t7 4:OO 9/?5/17 2t:@ a7/r/tl2O:OO 71/t0/t1 2O]OO 12/6/17 2:oo 17/71/77 3tO0 2/5lti 76:00 71-/75/t7 74tOO 2/t9/t170:N 3/\5177 9:oo 5141fi la:OO 2/3/717:N zl3l77 !:N 8/27177 6:00 9/2t/77 a:00 tlhl\l 2t:oo t7/20/77 7:OO t7/2t/77 A:OO t2h9/!1 5:@ 12/22111 2:OO 9/19/77 9:OO 9/3/7111:OO t/3/77 8:@ 9l!5/17 9:oo 6176/77 3too 8l2o/r7 5:oo 9/4117 3:oo 9/73/77 3tOO 5l20lt7 Taoo 72/1117 77:Oo 3l2lt7 7r:00 7t/29117 75:00 2/14l17 71:00 319/77 \9:OO 2h6/77 75:00 5/5/u0:m 6/76/17 6:00 72131/\7 t:00 2/12/17 72:00 4/24/77 7t.00 70/13171 7a:00 2126/\1 t:oo 6/781715:oo tO/23/71 2O:OO 72hUL12:@ 721371t7 4tOO 9lTaltlaoo 6/4/77 9:OO 1545 \149 LA67 1845 \627 t627 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1618 1597 1692 ua0 r593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1624 1635 1603 r615 1869 1592 r592 1592 1592 1592 7592 1592 1592 1592 1618 7474 1681 154E 1591 1591 1591 1591 1793 t732 t741 1655 1749 1601 1659 1590 1590 1590 1,713 1642 1510 1589 1589 1589 1589 1S89 1590 1810 1595 1595 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1594 1593 1S93 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1593 1592 7592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1592 1591 t59t 1591 1591 1591 1591 1591 1591 1S90 1s90 1590 1590 r590 1590 i590 1590 1590 1589 1589 1589 1589 1589 1589 1589 1589 1589 Per Unit Dlrtrlbuted 5ol.r 0-142m6 0.153326 0.895155 0.215752 0.02226511 0.132971 0 0 0 0 0 o 0.0119815 0 0.5,13341 0.6m35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0255317 0.104025 0.360Etx 0.0584523 0.550152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0198755 0.541094 o-04zo749 0.112999 0 0 0 0 0.452346 0.155266 0.4!5415 0.117613 0.845929 0.0293414 0 05320!,6 0 0 0 0.786893 0.l0u8a {kw) 21.05 22.73 t3z.7L 41.03 3.30 19.71 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.o 0-@ !.78 0.m 95.38 89.m 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.(t) 0.m 0.m 0.(p 0.@ 0.@ 3.79 15.42 53.49 8.67 8!.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0_m 0.m 0.m 7-95 ao.22 6.24 16.75 0.m 0_m 0.00 0.00 68.54 13.02 65.1a 77_41 125.41 4.35 9.37 0.@ 0.00 0.00 15.02 0.m 0.m 0.(D 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 40,14 9.15 3.97 96.41 15.52 1.12 3.03 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.0 0.m 6.22 0.@ 20.95 62_49 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.07 7.@ 70.14 1.@ 51.05 0.@ 0.@ 0.(E 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.04 0.@ 0.@ 2.6 55.20 1.41) 3.40 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 35.16 3.37 s7.29 10.34 19.U 0_oa 7.87 0.m 0.00 0.00 17.07 4.63 0.m 0.8) 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.45 21,53 Non-Expo( Solr {kw) 11.30 la-75 35.30 24.51 2.18 15.68 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 -1.44 0.00 74.41 26.51 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .11.29 7.74 42,75 7.06 30.51 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,0.04 0.00 0.00 0.88 25.01 4.83 13.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.38 19.54 8.89 7.70 45.57 1.27 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.m 39.55 7.49 .4.63 0.@ 0-m 0.@ 0.00 0-00 -0.45 1E.60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.270744 Attachment l -Page503 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrt.lled Pv Nameplare (kw) OC:AC Ratio Enimated Pv N.meplat€ (kwac) t77.9 7.2 148 1593 1653 7627 1702 1584 1588 1584 1584 1584 15EE 1584 7U' 1591 1628 t755 1505 1594 7676 1577 1587 1587 1587 1587 1567 1588 1611 1457 ''120 1554 1585 r586 1585 t5E5 1723 t737 15E9 16m r528 1587 1585 1585 15E5 1585 1585 1875 !584 $44 r584 1584 1564 1584 1584 1584 1584 1544 1584 1584 1584 1584 1555 1@2 15219 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 Oale a Ime 9/26/17 20:oo 6/71/77 27too 2/6117 16:00 1?/7A/71 t6]OO r/12/710:OO 2/75/71 4 OO 3/r/!1O@ 3/3/77 27:00 4llll17 77:OO 7O/2o/77 27:00 '12122/',\1 4:OO 3l24lt7 tO:@ sl7/\7 27:Oo !291719:00 ,lt1lt1 t3:N TaBli 77:OO 3/201719:00 ttl29l17 73:oo 9l1a11714:6 Z/21/17 O]OO 9122177 A:OO 70/24h1 20:00 a7/4/119:oO 72/7A/77 O:OO 515/717:00 2/78/71 74:oo 5/79/77 17:OO t2/6177 14:OO r2/2/tt t3:oo rl79l77 3:@ 3/2/715,@ l!11/!19,O0 77177177 23:oo 5177l771S,OO 6/11/119:OO s/9/717:oo 5/717170,00 lt/75/77 75,00 7r/8177 73:oo 2lz2/71 5:oo 319/1.7 7:oo 4/1/r17:oo 5/72/71O.00 tzlXl119:OO 5/7!77 71:OO t/23/u 5:@ 2l1lr12:N 3/71/71A:@ 5/21/711:@ 6la2l77 6:00 61731717:00 al2!t7 3:fi 9/3/17 5:OO 9/3/117:W 9/27/17 27:oo ,ol12l77 22:@ 10119117 27:OO 77/6/77 3:oo 72122171310D 5/6177 7a:OO 3/77/77 9:N 2/15117 76:00 2/4/17 O:@ 2/4/77 7:@ 2/27/717.00 3h/r7 O:oo 3/76117 a:Oo 0.41 1.60 77.20 10.09 0.m 0.m 0.c0 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.(! 12.29 0.04 3.65 rto.56 2.10 1.51 27.26 74.19 0.@ 0.04 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.12 10-13 92.93 55.05 26.51 0.q) 0.m o_G o.q) 35.33 &35 0.20 14.40 4.92 23.98 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.29 81.03 0.m 0.(rc 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 17.1E 7.37 22.72 0.qr 0.@ 0.@ 0.q) 0.q) ,{on-E4onSolar (kw) '0.41 2.56 17.30 45.14 0.00 0.m 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m -2.21 .0.04 10.33 81.81) 12.05 6.86 35.?a 3.73 0.00 .0.04 0.00 37.23 0.00 .0.12 0.26 27AS 17.16 10.t2 0.q) 0.m 2.71 0.c() 2.10 29.64 {.20 26.19 7,43 37.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.63 1l{).01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.rx) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.43 8.58 -19,72 _o-01 0.m 0-m 0.q) 0.m Attachment l - Page 504 1589 1589 1588 1588 158a 15€a r588 15a8 l5€a 1588 1588 1584 uta 1587 1587 1587 1587 1587 l5a7 1587 1587 1587 1587 1587 1587 1587 1587 15E5 1586 t5E5 1586 r585 15E5 1586 1585 1566 1586 1585 1565 1585 1545 1585 1585 r589 1585 1544 1584 1584 lsart 1584 1584 r384 1584 1584 1584 1584 1584 1584 1584 1584 1583 1583 1583 15E3 1583 1583 P.l Unit Distibut.d 5ol.r 0 0.0280592 o.232768 0.375849 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0580196 0 0.091t2875 0.825328 0.0955335 0.0554244 0.432708 0.125102 0 0 0 0.251r23 0 0 0.07m691 0_812036 0i47075 o.24U27 0 0 0.0u4327 0 0.25?49 0.256223 0 o.77lEE' 0.0832935 o.11?327 0 0 0 0 0-012948 0_416423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.187551 0.067126!l 0.0202285 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 4.15 34.51 55.87 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 10.6 0.@ 13.9E 122.35 14.15 4.42 64.r5 16.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.23 0.@ 0-@ 10.39 120.38 72.2t 36.8! 0.m 0.(D 2.79 0.m 37.41 37.99 0.@ 41_20 12.35 55.20 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 1.92 121.03 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.q) 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.4 0.m 0.m 27.* 9.95 3.m 0.m 0.(D 0.m 0.@ 0.m Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Ganeration Exports and Non-exports hrtalled Pv Nameplate {lw, E timated PV Nam€plare (kwac) Dale a Tim6 LO/a/17 77:oo 72/20/t1 5:00 9l22ll7 9:OO Ll/5/77 to:oo 72/2/71 16,@ 2/7rlt7 t7:@ 10/73/7711:@ 77/26/rl $:OO U22177 7:N t/24177 4tOO 7t/4/77 2r:OO 12/231 t7 16:00 10/$/-11 ?r.00 lol3ol77 7o:N 2174171 1A:OO 3llri P:@ lllt/71 r7:oo 1/7/t1s:00 5/6/7123:OO 5/77/t7 7:oo rO/rO/11 2O:OO tOlt4/77 2tlOO 2hO/717A:Oo ?/241t7 75:@ 41201119:o0 70/4/77 73:AO 5/27/77 !A:W 5/10177 73:oo 70/71/77 1O:OO 9/70/1712:w lO/4/77 19:oo 7l2al71 3:OO 2/261715:OO 2/27/77 s:oo rO/27/17 27:OO 70/37/117:OO 77/26/11 19:OO 9/29/118:00 !l/3/17 7o:oo 3137/17 70:00 !9/114:W 2174/77 2:@ 1/27/17 2l:OO 5/16177 6:00 lO/2/77 22:oo 10/71/17 27tOO t7l7/77 2O:OO 3/5/1718:00 9/271118:Oo 7o/3t/\t to:oo lah i 11:oO s/20/t1 79:OO 4124h170:OA 6h5177 7:oO 2/13171 4:N lAlri 21:W 4261t7 75:N 3/19/17 18:m 1lt6lt7 9:00 4/24117 9:0o 3/1/7174:@ 3/22h7 A:OO A/71115:oo 9/4/t71,OO 7|l3/7t 22:OO lo/24/r17:oo r0l24l712L00 177.9 l2 148 1583 1583 1595 1544 1622 1580 1582 1591 15E2 1582 1582 1710 1585 16E0 1593 7lt7 1549 1581 1581 l5Er 158r 1581 1629 1687 1595 1853 1E52 1657 1854 1603 1540 1580 15E0 1580 1580 1580 1581 15E4 1679 1579 1579 1579 7579 1579 7579 7579 !683 1581 1708 1717 t711 1610 1588 1578 1578 l648 7627 1594 1595 1633 t5?7 !517 7577 t517 7577 7577 1583 15&t 1583 1583 1583 1583 1542 1582 1582 1582 1S82 1582 l5E2 158r 1581 15E1 1581 1581 1581 1581 1561 1581 1581 156t 1581 1581 15E1 1580 1580 15E0 1580 r580 l5ao t5ao 1580 1580 1580 1560 1580 r579 1579 1579 r579 1579 1579 1579 1579 r579 1579 15,9 1578 1578 t57E 1578 1578 $74 1578 1578 L57a 7577 l5f7 1517 7577 1577 l'n 7517 1577 Per unit oistrabuted Solar 0 0 0.03800r5 0.362143 0-10875 0.659:tE4 0.135061 0 0 0 0 0.460159 0 0.0E44705 0.154333 0.593235 0.0953158 0 0 0 0 0 0.107955 0.3834r6 0.0156542 0.197313 0.564489 0.677801 0.0231033 0.709229 0.0570729 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.(N9E334 0.399s61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3245 0 0.214655 0.719232 0.24729 0.149459 0.01348a7 0 0 0.382416 0.m0198348 0-045@43 0.0560571 0.0&)1721 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.@ 0.m 5_53 53-59 15.12 97.75 20.02 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 68.22 0.m 12.52 22.8 r02.11 14.13 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 16.m 56.84 2.32 29.25 83.69 130.13 105.14 8.45 0.o 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.39 59.23 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0-00 0.m 0.m 50.77 0-m 40.72 lo!t.59 35.77 22.76 2.00 0.m 0.@ 56.@ 0.03 6.77 E.31 11.89 0.00 0-m 0.00 0.m 0.q) 0.m 000 0.00 7.29 20.627.{ 56.61 24.24 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 15.55 0.m 8.01 4.37 5?_33 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.63 1.56 36.53 3.79 14.10 58-29 88.88 12_55 15.92 1.62 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ o.72 0.74 24-56 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.02 o.t2 15_44 12.24 lz.Lo 4.30 0.70 0,13 0.m 34.U 4.03 0.E3 4.75 0.12 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0_m Non.txpo.t Solar (lw) 0.00 0.00 4.35 33.05 13.82 41.15 -8.21 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 52.65 0.00 4.51 18.51 35.44 13.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m {.63 11t.1t5 20.32 -1.47 1S.15 25.39 't1_25-9.13 29.22 4.64 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 '0.12 6.65 34.68 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.74 '012 25.24 37.35 23.57 17.86 r.30 .o-13 0.00 21.85 -4_OO 5.94 6.08 1.L1 -012 0.00 0-00 0.00 0-00 0.00 Attachment l -Page505 linalled Pr' Nameplate ([w) Enimated Pv Nameplate {kw.c) 117.9 7.2 148 Date A T'im€ 72/29/77 7,OO 7UzUtr ro@ 7l2al77 r7:@ 9/2t/719:Cr0 517117 21:00 tl9/717:@ 70125/1,7 7:OO 7219/77 5.0o 72123177 r:$ ttho/|l 7o,N s/t7lti 70:00 slrgllT 22:t)0 31511712:oO 3/77/77 9:W 9/lE/u 15:00 7/27177 6:00 2h2/r7ltoo 3lL/77 Ttoo 4/241a7 77too 516/71tTtOO 313/17 r8:@ 9l2ol77 9:oo 7117171r:00 2/23/710:oo 5/41771A0 9lZ7/17 72:00 72/a/fi z1:oo 5/22/771:@ 17/t2/171a:00 5l20/17 t7:N 2124/77 2:oo tholtT lN l0lll!7 29:an 70/10/9 a1o0 2/79/71721W 2/!g/!1 l3tOO 9/20/71 79:oo 415/712O|OO 2lL5lL7 t:oo 21741111:@ ,/29177 27100 9l2a/D 22:oo 77/7!77 79:@ P/21a11:00 9/Z6la1A:oo roh5/119:oo 9/1/118:oo 51211116:00 lol7|l717:@ \LIUU 2t:oo 7a177177 7:@ \tl25l17 79:00 5/?/771,00 1lt7lt7 r0:@ 71l3lr7 12.(X 8/27/77 9:N 3l9la1\O:W lUZlllT tt.@ 217311114:@ 7l2ilr7 5:w 2/t5/t13:N 2l24lr7 4:@ 118/7122100 615/t7 6trnJ ilo/a76:00 Plalfi 73:@ 72/21/77 75.oo 7577 1604 t674 15E7 1599 1576 1576 !576 7576 1560 1822 1580 1628 7617 7576 t5?5 1575 1575 1575 1639 160€ 1620 1574 1574 1574 ts74 t574 1586 1587 r754 1573 1573 ts7! t573 1608 1632 1592 1505 ts72 t572 1572 t5r2 1572 1572 1573 1612 1582 1571 7571 1571 1571 1571 7512 1554 1598 1728 1513 1603 1708 7570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1653 1691 !57f 7577 1517 1576 1576 1576 1576 7515 1576 1576 r576 1576 1575 1575 1575 1575 1575 1575 1575 !574 1574 1371 1574 1574 1574 13?4 7571 !574 !371 1S73 1573 1573 1573 r573 1573 1573 1572 1572 1S72 1577 1572 1571 1572 1572 1572 157t 1571 1577 1571 rsTr 1571 7377 7577 1571 1571 1570 ls7o l57o 1570 1570 !570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 r569 P.r Unit Dinrbuted Solar 0 0.124118 0.422464 0.00€0469a 0.0135638 0 0 0 0 0.256227 0.470359 0 0.525037 0.101831 0.21255 0 0 0 0 0.318898 0.0714945 0_09ir7289 0 0 0 0 0 0.00929187 0 0.141t893 0 0 0 0 0.349741 0.705E49 0.0437621 0.0317541 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0759555 0.00555116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.355626 0.15E413 0.159096 0.u1325 0.192696 0.8294t2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.512052 0.642557 0.m 18,40 52.63 1.19 2_01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.99 69.73 0.m 77.* 15.10 3r.53 0.(I, 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 41.24 10.60 14.04 0.m 0.(D 0.m 0.@ 0.oo 1.38 0.00 2r.{a 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0-@ 51.85 104,64 5_49 4.77 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 11.26 0.82 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 52.72 24.91 23.59 16.50 24.57 123.03 0.@ 0.(l, 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 75,91 95.25 0_00 5.3s 2A_67 1.01 012 0.m 0-@ 0.00 0_00 18,17 40.84 0.00 30.87 3.15 14.43 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.04 27.06 2.18 438 0.m 0.@ 0.6 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.m 49,76 0m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 14.21 34.45 7,J4 2.77 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.93 0.58 0.00 0.m 0@ 0.00 0.m 0.08 19.82 3.14 10.28 20.35 10.70 87.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 32 01 19 35 Non+xponSolar (kw) 0.00 13,05 33.96 0.18 1.89 o.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.22 28.85 0.00 47.72 11.93 17.10 0.00 0.q) 0.00 -0.04 20.21 4.4? 9-56 0.m 0-(p -0.08 0.m 0.m 1.01 0.00 -24.74 0.00 0.(rc 0.00 0.00 33.64 70.19 4.75 2.54 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 -0.25 9.34 o.24 0.(tr 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ {.04 32.90 21.83 13.31 "3.85 77.E7 35.64 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 43.85 15.97 Attachment I -Page506 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exporte and Non-exports rnsta led Pv Nameplate (kw) Esrimated PV Nameplate (kwac) L11.9 7.7 148 1602 1569 7714 1623 1591 1591 1554 1568 1568 1550 1708 1593 1871 159{ 1584 1665 1655 1599 1567 1567 1568 1592 1835 7197 1545 1556 1566 1566 1565 1565 1566 r565 r566 1592 7573 1793 1565 1565 1565 1565 1565 1565 1565 1565 1565 7799 1564 1564 1564 1564 1564 1564 1564 1565 1594 1660 1542 168a 1553 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1553 1563 1563 P$ Unit oiitributed Solar 0.0266556 0 0.32708 0 0.0135765 0.254ra1 0 0 0 0.253123 0.40237 0.0215343 0.488707 0.123798 o_270d71, 0.0 7527 0.309002 0.019559 0 0 0.11t098 o.214249 0.274742 0.282455 0-238475 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0909959 0 0.618088 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.540587 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00153663 0.431588 o.&177 0.@6/375 032749 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.95 0.m 4€.49 0.@ 2.01 17.68 0.m 0.m 0.@ 39.01 59_65 3.19 72.45 u-35 40.10 9.01 45.81 2.90 0.(I, 0.m 76.71 31.76 41.74 41.47 35.35 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.(x) 0.m 0.@ 0.00 13.49 0.m 91.63 0.m 0.m 0.d) 0.m 0_00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.@ 80.14 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0,00 0.(D 0.@ 0.m 0.23 64.00 60.45 17.6 r37.50 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 Non-txport Solar (kwl -3.64 0-00 19.91 0-m 0.97 22.05 -o.04 0.@ 0.00 15.56 20.93 2.99 14.U 10.45 20.27 ,1.35 12,70 2_77 0.@ 0.m 15.54 23.E5 19.87 25.92 14.59 0.oo 0.00 {_04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 36.08 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 77.57 0.00 0-m 0.m 0.@ 0_m 0-@ {.63 0.19 30.93 44.38 11.03 14_32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m .0.63 0.m 0.00 Dare & T.F E zltall1 75:@ 2/26/17 4tO0 5/all77 r4:@ t1h4/U 7A:N 17l7l77 70:00 11/rr1710:00 4l2ol!1 2l:oo l0l15l71 2r:OO 1Z/2/77 21:OO tol27/71 77tOO 7216/77 rstoo 5h4/7? 2l:Oo 5/18/17 10:00 2/l8ll7 t6:OO 3/70/77 1l:OO 9/78177 15:oA 2/!7/1711:N slaAlTT 2l:00 5/731r,0.00 t2llllr 6:00 7al77lL? 9:OO 3/20/71 IO:OO 6/L7lri 9:oo 5l75lr7 9.oo 9/19177 t7,OO 2/12117 4:@ 3/73/71 77:00 3lzolu a:oo 4/241t7 22tOO s/30/77 6too 9l3l!7 6:00 71172/71 21:OO 12/9/77 2:@ 2/L9/lr ll:@ 4174/17 27:OO 6l7t/77 l7:OO 2l2alr7 7:oo 9ll3l17 4:00 9l?01r, 22:oo 7ol25lt7 2O:OO 77127lri 23:oO 7l/30117 O:oo a2119177 7t0o 12110171 ltoo t2l11l!1}@ 6/77/17 73:@ 2/13177 1100 2l2o/77 7tod 3/2/17 0:00 6/t3/71 2:oo 61171774:OO 70l5l17 2O:@ 70lt4/71 2O:OO 3/24/!7 2o:@ 71ho/t7 74tOO 17lglt7 74:OO 4l\alV 9:oo 7/25/17 7L00 119/171,N 7/20/!7 L:w 2h5/77 2.00 2126177 \N 4la4/77 23:Oo 91721716:00 r0l73ltl7tOO 7t/2/P atOO 71/A177 23:OO 1569 1569 1569 1568 1568 1564 1568 1568 1568 1568 1568 1568 1568 1568 1568 1568 1567 1567 l56f 156? 156' 1567 L56) r567 1566 1566 1566 1566 1566 1566 1566 1565 1566 1565 1565 1565 1565 1565 1565 1565 1565 1555 1555 1565 1565 1565 1564 1564 15 t5 15t4 1554 1564 1564 1564 1564 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 1563 7.59 0.m 28.58 0.00 1.04 15.63 0.gt 0.@ 0.m 22.45 34.72 0.20 47.87 7.q 19.49 10.35 33.11 0.13 0.m 0.00 t.27 7.97 2!.37 15.96 20.76 0_00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.o 13.48 0.00 55.55 0.00 0.no 0.() 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.oo 0.@ 0.00 62.48 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.53 0.01 33.07 16.07 r.83 9:t$ 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.(D 0.63 0.m 0_m Attachment l -Page507 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstarred Pv Nameplate (tw) Estimated PV N.meplate (kWac) 771.9 1.7 144 tTholt? 27:@ tv,3lt7 23:00 sl1/r7 \$ 9172/r7 7O:OO 7t/2t177 \7:oo 2lBl77 a:oo 2l25lr7 2100 3l4l77AoD 77128/77 23:OO 4/A/77 2t:go 2/7a/77 77:@ Al27/17 70:00 t7/3o/17 75:00 zl7!17 7:N 2h2/77 3:N 4174177 f:N sl2sl77 2too 917,/77 7:00 71/5117 23:OO 7215117 7:@ 9/2alr7 20:@ sllo/77 t2:oo 4/7a177 AoO 9176ll, ZO}O 7177177 S:OO 77/21t1 tg:OO 7tl7ll7 23:00 77/7/t1 19:OO 77/4/t111:OA a/2a/778:& sl2al17fi.oo 4lr3/r7 A:W 1124117 21:90 sl30lt7}@ 6/16/ri 4:OO rolasl7l 20:00 t1,l19lt7 TtOO 2/7A/71 75:OO 11hl77latco 3l2O/77 7t:oo 21/77 75:002/ali L:OO sA/77 71:N 2/72/77 73:N al24l!7 76:@ 1l74lt' 77:@ 4/L9lt11:00 8/27/77 4t0D 9116117 27:N 70/25/77 2\:@ 7711,1,/17 2O.OO t2l3ll77 2.OO 7o/72/t, tgt@ 77129177 t4:OO 6/71/77 t7:O0 5/1o/t7 L7:oo 9/15/-t, r9:OO aolaTlu la:00 3/5177 at:@ zlLoltt 23:N 2l7r/!r 5100 5174177 23tOO t/lzlt r:6 17/14h7 7:@ 77/76/t,22:oo L2/29/77 5100 17177/r7 1!tW 1563 1563 1554 1618 '1512 156t 1562 1562 1562 1563 1591 1822 1585 155! 1561 1561 1561 1561 1561 1551 1554 1844 7367 1559 1550 1550 1550 1561 16rt4 1564 1642 1592 1559 1559 1559 1559 1559 1676 1573 l5E7 1635 1558 lE35 1702 r580 !580 1557 1557 1557 1557 1557 1557 1582 1652 7745 1E28 16:t4 1357 1525 1555 r555 1556 1555 1555 1556 1556 1515 1563 1563 1562 1562 1552 1562 1562 1562 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24.43 5.47 0.@ 0.04 0.m o.74 0.00 0.00 5.44 37-87 27-69 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0-00 0.00 0.04 83.03 0.33 o_61 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0-16 16.81 0.82 !!t.34 1.03 0.@ 0.(x) 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 58.70 0.91 11.61 29.t8 0.m 73.47 88.05 32.15 74_54 0.@ 0.oo 0.@ 0.@ 0.oo 0.m 1.95 17.68 31.42 66.7t 7.15 1.75 27.87 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 29.Ot I{,on-Erpo.t Solar lkw) 0.00 0.00 t.79 10.15 1.07 ,0-(X 0.00 '0.74 0.m 0.00 7.y 18.05 33-E6 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.04 35.98 1.84 2.01 0.m 0.oo 0.m -0.16 83.05 0.87 22.79 2_11 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53.42 ,0.91 19.54 -22.59 0.00 x5.29 37.61 18.55 29.98 0.00 0.00 0.(x) o.@ 0.@ 0.oo 71,22 9.53 35.37 33.18 20.01 3.84 55.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.oo 57.35 Attachment l -Page508 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnalled PV Nam€prate (kw) Estimated Pv Nameplare (kwar) 777.9 7.2 148 oate a Time 7 LZltl 9tOO 514/i a:oo 3lr7l71 20,00 3/Ali az:oo t/24/1'71:& 2/21/t7 21:00 2/2ala7 4:00 3l7U11a:OO 6/5hr t:@ 71171/17 27:@ 77l2Alt7 5:OO 72/5h7 4,OO ll/9117 4:OO th9/711O]OO !27/t7 76:00 9/77 /t7 79:oO 7!A/17 l5:N 21719 a5:oo 721611717:N t7/1ht t1,:@ 4/75/77 22:OO 9/13l71s:OO 3l5ht t7too 2/15117 r4:@ 2/11/17 18:OO 3/4/t7 TZIOO 7O/20/t7 79:OO 3/r9/r120:@ !215/17 74:@ 212a1711:00 3l4lt7 ?7:W 5127/172:oo 70117/77 22:OO 7Oh6/17 ?2:OO lgl2olfi a:oo 771317/ 27:OO 1L/4/71 22100 !l/5/r7 A:OO 6117111 72:00 17/16/77 72:oo 6/13/711}@ 5/8/7120:OA 5/73177 aloo 2/71/712:@ 70/71/L122:@ 4h3/17 2L:00 72/2/77 ts:OO 216/a123:@ 3/\2/17 27:oO 3/14117 77:OO 413/1122:OO 4ltz/77 7:OO 5/73/17 6:00 77/26/Li 20:00 5177/77 9:oo 2121'lt7 11:@ 4126117 27:@ 5/2r/17 77:N s/71/7120:N 3/61115:oo 5lr1-177 6:00 71176171 1?:OO Y5/71A:OO 5l1E/17 z3tOO 6/76/77 5:OO 9/291t7 22:OO 17191171:oO 1559 1653 1561 1533 1555 1555 155S 1!55 1555 1555 1555 1555 1555 1636 1637 1538 1627 r618 1713 1750 1554 1554 1637 1697 165r r605 1561 1562 1703 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1S53 1553 1553 1553 178/ 1591 7743 LTZO 7723 75t2 1552 1565 1518 1551 1551 1551 1S51 1551 1551 t55t 178! 1671 r558 7431 1555 1550 1550 1593 1549 1549 1549 1549 1549 1556 1556 1556 1555 1555 1555 1555 155s 155S 1555 1555 1555 1555 1555 1555 1555 1555 1554 1554 1554 1554 1554 1554 1554 1554 1554 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 r553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1553 1552 1552 7552 1552 1552 1552 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1549 1549 1549 1549 199 1549 Per Unit Dittriblt€d Solat 0.128983 0.0438953 0 0.209399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0559525 0.033890€ 0.130781 0.296842 0.501787 0.151922 0.695712 0 0 o.271823 0.156928 0.1235 0.2913S5 0.0375073 0.0$345 o.67!972 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2E63 0.509072 0.654088 0.116517 0.50259 0 0 0 0.u4{59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.217947 0.691328 0 o.77I!474 0.0913465 0 0 0.117854 0 0 0 o 0 79.72 6.51 0.(I) 3r.0a 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0-00 0-00 0.00 0.m 0.q) 8.29 5.02 19.39 44.01 74.39 22.32 103.14 0.00 0.00 41,19 23.26 18.31 a3,19 5.56 2.28 99.92 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 42.44 't5,47 98.45 17.27 74.57 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 25.86 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 32.3r 102.49 0.m 107.99 13.54 0.m o.m 17.17 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.6 E,E2 1.40 0.@ 30-70 0.00 0.oo 0.@ 2.51 0.m 0.0 0.00 0.@ 0.m 10.41 14-68 6.27 14_:19 21.51 4.41 53.11 0.m 0m 14.25 47.88 2.29 35.02 0.62 0.@ 45.27 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.ql 0.12 55.32 17_95 11.$ 7.m 65.44 0.@ 0.(E 0.m 7.9 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.() 0.m 0.00 !6.57 36-69 0.@ 79_19 3.25 0.@ 0.(p 0.20 0.66 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.q) Non-Export solar ltw) 10.31 5.10 0.(x) 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.@ -2.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 -9.65 13.18 29-52 52.88 $_11 50.03 0.00 0.m 26.93 -24.62 16.02 7,71 4,94 2.2E 53.65 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,0.12 -17.47 5t.52 50.46 9.68 9.07 0.00 0.@ 0.00 L4.37 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 75.74 65.80 0_oo 18.20 10.29 0.to 0.m r7.27 {.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Attachment I -Page509 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports tnrtall€d Pv ilameplate (kw) DC:AC Ritio tstim.ted Pv Nameprate {twad 771.9 t.2 148 oats & Time azlaslD 5:W sl1l77 20.@ 2lz3lt7 5$ 2l7AlD 2:OO 3ltlt15:0O sltoltT otoo 5l73lt1ZIOO LU2/11 1l:OO t7/3li a:OO 2l2gl71 76:00 2/5/17 73:OO 6la7la15:OO to/41177:6 70126117 20tco 2/12/17 Z:N 111917122:@ 7OlAl77 20:6 4/71177 aOO 2/!1/!123:OO 3/70/77 2r:00 tol2l717:en LOl9/r122t0o a,/7ol77 7t0o 77120/77 22:OO 1/!L/77 9 00 s/5/u9too 5/15/1710:00 2/74177 74:00 ,lz1l71 t:@ !241712:@ 3127ll7 27:N tolt4/ti 22:& 70175177 AOO 7!511122:N 77/17/17 27:W Sl22ll7 l7.OO 3l?2/t? 9$ 72/4/77 t3:go 2/75/77 rs:oo r/!L/17 ?too 7/2t/77 7:@ th3/17 22.00 5127117 o:@ aol5l77 r:@ 7?/7A177 5,00 4/9/77 8,00 91271\7 20.00 7!211711.00 ail2o/77 4:@ 3l6lt7 o:@ Slaoltr 23t0o s/17/t7o:@ 9l1sl71 23too 9/2611,1 22tOO r2/10lt7 l:OO 1U617171:OO Ytltl4:@4l7 1122tOO 5125111 5tOO 9lr4/a7 ]o0 70126/71 2t:@ t?lshr 2:@ 4124177 2O:@ sl1ol17 70lo0 3l3lt71t:$ 2l9lt7 23tOO 3/2a/77 7$ 1549 1568 1548 15r18 1548 1548 1548 1544 t54a 1653 t547 1547 1547 1547 1546 1545 -1547 r566 1545 15']15 r545 1545 1545 1545 1570 1605 7792 1701 1544 15rt4 1544 7544 1544 1544 \514 1E]E 1576 1680 165E 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1541 1558 1549 1588 1542 1542 7542 1542 7542 1542 1542 1660 1541 1541 1541 1541 1541 1541 1555 1813 1698 1540 1540 1549 1548 154E 1548 1548 154E 1548 1548 1S48 1548 7447 !547 7547 t547 1S{5 t546 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 154S 1545 1544 1544 1544 1544 1544 1544 1544 1544 1543 1543 1543 15a3 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1542 1542 1542 1542 1542 1542 154? 1542 1542 1542 1541 1541 1541 1541 1541 1541 1541 1540 1540 15irc 1540 Per Unit txstributed Solar 0 0.0468471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o635796 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0210799 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02s5143 0.0733007 o.527787 0.8a4825 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6a198a 0.042t555 0.72547 0.277739 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0100525 0.00825185 0.0351927 0 0 o o 0 0 o 0.787681 0 o 0 0 0 0 o.otnD2 0.rl89626 0.354995 0 0 (l(w) 0.m 6.95 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.(p 0.m 94.26 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.00 o.q) 0.m 3.13 0.0 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 3.74 10.87 7a.74 125.25 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.00 101.10 12.18 107,55 41.09 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 1.49 t.22 5.37 0.00 0.m 0.m 0-m 0-m 0.m 0.m t!6.n 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 2.53 72.59 53.22 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 1.84 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0-m 0-q) 50.99 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.q) 0.m 21.15 6.67 39.23 86.40 0.@ 0.o0 0.00 0.53 0.04 0.@ 0.00 68.19 57.11 38.65 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.(p 0.m 0.29 0.32 4.51 0.00 0.m 0.m 0-@ 0.m 0.m 0.13 43.52 0.00 0.0o 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 f.itl 41.15 60.09 0.00 0.00 Non-Export 5olar llw) 0.00 5.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.m 0.fl 0.00 43.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.oo 0.00 2.84 0.00 0.00 0-(x) 0.m 0.m 0.00 -71.97 4.20 39.02 38.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.63 -0.04 0.00 0.@ 32.97 10.05 50.44 2.43 0.m 0.00 0.(rc 0.m 0.00 0.@ 1,20 0.90 0.85 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m -0.13 73.15 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.72 31.4r1 -6.87 0.00 0.00 Attachment t - Page 510 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Inst.llEd Pv Namephte (kw) Estimat€d Pv Nameplare (kwa.) 177.9 1.2 148 1540 1540 1540 1540 1541 1545 1599 1703 15!5 1579 7541 15tE 1539 1539 1539 1539 1532 1759 1540 1,575 1545 1685 1575 1538 1538 153E 1622 1511 1671 1537 1537 1537 1537 t537 1537 t6!4 1671 1603 1539 1536 1535 1536 1536 1551 1542 1535 1583 1623 1,610 1501 1534 153t1 1534 1534 1535 1734 15r3 1625 1533 1t33 1533 1933 1533 1533 1545 1704 1532 1540 t5rl{} 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540 15'l10 1540 1540 1539 1539 1539 1539 1539 1539 1539 1539 1539 1539 1538 1538 1538 1534 1$a 1538 1538 1538 1537 1537 1537 1537 1537 1537 1537 1537 1535 1536 1535 1535 1536 1536 1536 1535 1535 1535 1535 1534 1534 15:14 1531t 1534 15:14 1534 1534 1534 1534 1533 1533 1533 1533 1533 153! 1533 1513 1532 1532 Pcr Unit Distrlbuted Solar 0 0 0 0 0 0.151011 0.134996 0.0681356 0.743539 0.0953955 0 0_030r93 0 0 0 0 0.153292 0.406731 0 0_132337 0.0072729 0.20798 0.755907 0 0 0 0.346367 0.445945 0.144382 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.205236 0.410228 0.52186 0.257005 0 0 0 0 0.06a1977 0 0 000919245 0.391674 0.685889 0.23r495 0 0 0 0 0 0.252968 0.1441t57 0.3€788 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0297454 0.597717 0 {rw) 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 22.39 20.61 10.10 110.23 L4.t4 0.00 4.48 0.(tr 0.m 0.m 0.m 2,2..73 60.30 0.q) 19.62 1.0E 30.83 112.21 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 51.35 55.11 2\.q 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 30.57 50.82 17.37 38.10 0.o 0_m 0.@ 0.00 10.11 0-00 0.@ 1.36 58.07 101.68 34.32 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 37.50 21.42 57.50 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 4.47 a7.73 0-cp Non-Erport 5ola, (kWl 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m -o.37 74.62 ,1.60 7.11 ,4.r5 7.OA 0.00 _4.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_fi1 14.53 20.33 0_00 16.84 0,75 75.47 32.95 0.m 0.@ 0.00 37_44 39-88 13.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 24.55 30.17 40.48 t9.11 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.94 -0.41 0.00 -26.10 42.9t 52,79 14.4O 0.@ 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 19_46 13_f4 37.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 Iao 11.67 0.@ 6/71/71 5:N 7ol5/7-/ 22.00 71,/A/fi 6A0 72/19/ti 4:@ 4/6/i a:Oo 4/3/119:OO 3124/71 71:OO sl22/fia:w t2/30ltl r3:w !t/!7711:N 77/2s177 7a:00 4/21/17 9:OO 2/ala7 s:00 4179/71 22:OO tt/2z/Lt t9loo LZ/19/17 7:oo 9/7a/17 r9:OO 6/rL/Lt to.oo 4/3/ t7 27.00 2/19/111a:00 5/79/77 7:OO 721311t1 11 :OO 2/73ht l5tOO tt/30/77 s:@ t7l5/713:OO t2/zsl77 2:@ 4/14/17 t2:oo 11174/17 IO,OO 9/3/77 9:OO 7ll1/77 a:Oo z/t9/17 8:00 3/7177 7:00 3/77/t7 77:OO 9/t4/17 6:oo 1l/75117 2o:@ 3/1l77 78:fi 2/a1/77 77:N 2l!O/77 14:Oo 4/70/771O:N 2/76/77 6:00 2/21 /'t1 7:OO 9/72/117:oo 7016/77 ?1:OO t0/t6171 79:OO 5/741111:OO t/70/17 2:N 7/19/7173:N 72/2/77 !4t00 72/4/77 74:00 3lt/7175:OO 2121117 4:00 3/9/1122:OO s/t4/t) 7:OO 72/20/t1O:OO 414/7127:OO 6l7utt 9:OO 1l7A/i $:OO 70/4/r714tDo t/23/77 4tOO 1/76h1 2r:OO 3/2g1fi 2t.00 4151111:OO 9/4117 6:00 7O/r/17 22:oo 4/rr/77 2O:OO r!2a/!7 L7:OO 3/2117 4:OO 0.00 0@ 0@ 0.00 037 21.27 2.99 31.1a 7.07 0.00 8.51 0.00 0.o 0.00 0.00 8.20 39.97 0.00 2.74 0.33 5.37 ,9.26 0.00 0.m 0.00 13.51 26.23 7.95 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 6.03 30.65 36.89 18.93 0.m 0@ 000 0.00 2.17 0.41 0.00 27.46 15.13 48.90 19.52 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.04 19 78 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.51 56.05 0m Attachment l - Page 5ll Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnalled Pv Nameplare (lw) E3rimated Pv N.meprste {kwad !17.9 l_2 148 Oale A Time 4127/17 2}@ 5/7117 23:00 9/41715:W 72h9/113:00 70/77/77 79t00 72/3t/71 74:OO 3/29177 !O:OO 4/14111 79:OO 6/t1/l13tOO 4120177 TOiOO 5/4177 '6 OO 4/7A/77 ?r:OO 10/2177 lgt09 4/72/719:@ a/2o/77 7O:OO 2/1611,1 75t@ 5/19/17 A:@ !a177 Jtco 6173/71 4tcD 9/4/t7 4tOO 70/6177 2O:@ 70110117 22.@ 72129/713:@ 1O/7Ol7t l2t0o 8/20/179:00 7o/a7/77 tg:go 70179/77 t9:@ rl73/17 ztOO 7r/3lt7 ta:oo 11laal,7 i:@ s/2711716:@ 7/23/17 3:N 9l7O/77 4.00 r0/271t7 22:00 7Z/23h1 2:00 5l30l77 5:00 shl71tg:OO 6h2lt7 TOO 4/1t/11 llt90 7/22/t16:00 3lztl,7 A:OO 5l2Ol11O:OO r7l1/-tt 71:@ LolLaltt tg:OO 315/r7 1,4:OO ?/8/17 otoa 311/77A:OO 7O/20/t7 22:OO 5/22/71 7O:OO 417111719t00 312917120:@ 3124/71 t9:OO 1/70/17 3too 1/71/117:OO 1,121/t7 5:OO 1/s/17 o:@ 313/1,7 23:OO 3l7O/171.@ 4/70/1, 22:OO sl13l77 7:oO 4/19/1, 2ltOO t7l7/11 t1:OO 6lt7l,7 a:00 5/13/11 t4tOO 3/14171 TgtOO 5/751t1 7t:OO sl7a/fi LIOO 1532 1532 15!2 1532 r549 1654 1608 ts17 1531 t557 1Et1 1535 1593 1520 1817 1533 1545 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1623 7724 7567 1548 1529 1569 1551 161! 1528 1528 152E 1528 7521 15E5 1528 7625 1526 7126 1526 t55t r542 1612 1525 1525 1525 1814 1549 1529 1535 1524 1524 1524 1524 152t1 1524 1524 152a 1526 1700 1659 1705 1590 1788 ls23 1532 r$2 r532 1532 1531 1531 1531 1531 r53l 1531 1531 1531 1531 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1S30 1530 1530 1530 1s30 1530 7529 1529 1526 1528 1528 7524 1528 1528 1526 1527 1327 l52f 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1525 1525 1525 1525 1525 1525 t524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 !524 1524 1524 1523 1523 7523 1523 1523 Per Unit Distribut.d 5ol.r 0 0 0 0 0.0426654 0.719905 0.2n291 0.0!747 0 o.t72 0.863066 0 0.00355777 0.153135 0.401347 0.071:1009 0.0692559 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0781853 0.178541 0.0912995 0.0450672 0 0.0303157 o.t4t7z5 0.841151 0 0 0 0 0 0.707197 0 0.495531 0 0 0 0.0271134 0.0s332 0.022484 0 0 0 0.495937 0.0962543 0.0356473 0.0296459 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.157015 0.onEg4x 0.1503 0.209367 0.73!59 0 0.@ 0.0 0.q) 0.m 5.33 105.73 41,41 1.U 0.(p 25.50 127.95 0.00 0.53 22.70 59.50 10-57 10.27 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 11,59 25.4f 13.54 6.68 0.00 4.a9 21.01 124.70 0.00 0.00 0.q) o.@ 0.m 15.92 0.@ 73.61 0.00 0.m 0.00 4.11 7.9 3.33 0.@ 0.m 0.00 71.67 74,27 5.2E 4.42 0.m 0.0 0.(n 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 24.76 11.55 22.24 31.04 108.a6 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.05 0.00 2.01 61'5/ 15.91 7.1,7 0.@ 8.67 97.49 0.m 2.76 5.74 32.8! 12.80 2.6 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 30.9 9.13 2.07 0.53 0.m 9.49 1.n 98.41 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 10.13 0.00 77.29 0-00 0.0a 0.m 4,38 0-65 34.12 0.00 0.00 0.m 43.4) 2.08 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.() 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.04 4,77 4.74 63.09 15.55 67.99 0.00 non-Erport solar (kw) 0.@ 0.(r0 .0.05 0.00 4.32 39.19 25.50 _0.14 0.m 16.83 40.45 0.m -2.21 15.96 75.51 -2.21 7.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 -19.00 77.!4 11.45 6.15 0.m -a.99 19.24 26.29 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 5.79 0.00 a6.32 0.00 -0.04 0.00 4.27 7.21 -30.79 0.00 0.00 0.oo 29.87 12.t9 5.28 3.73 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.m -0.04 20.05 7.1' -:10.E1 15.48 40.47 0.00 Attachment 1-Page512 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnalled Pv N.mepr.te lrw) DC:aC Ratio tstimated Pv Namepl.ie (lwa.) !77,9 1.2 148 DaG a Time ths/77 7:@ rl/73/17 72:Oo Ltl22ll7 9:O0 72/4177 0:oo 7r/2t/17 t2:OO 9/2,/17 N,OO )12/17 r7:oo r9/a/17 16.00 sl6l17 [O,OO 3/8/1718:00 !Oh6/71 1O:OO !17/17 4:@ 7l22lr7 r:oo 4141tl22:OO 5la7l77 2:oo 5/221710t0o sl3o/17 4too 5/7/779:N 10/73/71 77tOO7lali a7:OO 3129177 11:oo 70/2t/t7 77:OO 513177 2o:oo 72lS/77 15:OO 3hlt7 z:@ 9/12177 4:0o 1016171L$ Tolztlrl A:00 7Ol2!111o:@ 7O/7a47 9.OO !91!7 $.OO 1/9117 72:@ 5/1/71 23,00 slzsltT 3:OO 12/Ul7 O:OO 7z/L3lri 1:Og 3l2o/71 tz:Oo 519/7179100 9127/7-t t9t0o 3/24/77 22:oo 5/25ltt 4:OO a2/7/17 7:OO 72123/17 5:oo !7/29111 4:OO t2l3ol77 77:oO 9/20/1'1 14:W ul22l!1 70:00 7ltol77 71:oo 5/ts/71 la:OO 1/24171 7A:OO 72/7/77 !4:(n 2/73/17 t:oo 311117122,@ 4la5la71,@ 4/$/77 72.00 5172/17 6,N 7a/1h71:00 7!9/11 6:00 r7l?5/719:N s/ro/a19:N 9119/77 79:00 9/!91t717:N 2l2tl71t7:OO 2A/771:oo 21231714:OO 2127117 2:oo 4/70111 27:OO 1523 1523 1523 1523 1570 1572 1688 1595 1566 1565 1728 1522 r522 7522 1522 1522 7522 1603 1605 1584 1805 1541 1670 7610 1521 1521 1527 1521 1521 1535 1543 1520 1520 1520 1520 1520 1556 7787 1518 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 !623 1614 1534 1581 1770 1540 1521 1518 1518 15r8 1518 1518 1518 1518 1518 7775 7r71 1630 1508 1517 1517 1517 1518 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1923 1523 1523 1523 1522 7522 !522 t522 7322 7322 7322 !527 1522 7522 1521 1521 1521 1521 1521 1521 1521 1521 t5zl 1521 r520 1520 1520 1520 1520 1520 1520 1520 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 15r9 1519 1519 1519 1519 1518 1518 1518 t5lE r518 1518 t51E 1518 t5l8 1518 r518 1518 1517 1517 1517 1517 1517 1517 t5\7 Per Unlt oistributed 5,olar 0 0 0.0701915 0 0_116813 0.0283838 0-632121 0.43871 0.337679 o.215227 0.319397 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.05570s5 0.0m439502 0.0956335 o.6796/4 0.0757908 0.10132 o.574442 0 0 0 0 0 0.0270294 0.067m14 0 0 0 0 0 o.275777 0.35061 0,157064 0 0 0 0 0 0.2()9935 0.232179 0.190149 0.3]/1984 0.599$1 o028s752 0.?18273 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0962014 o.259779 0.00878351 0.241885 0.308043 0 0 0 0 0.m 0.00 10.41 0.m t7.37 4.27 93.71 65.04 s0.05 32.05 11.35 0.m o.() 0.q) 0.00 0.m 0.@ 8.26 0.07 14_18 100 76 71.24 15.02 85.22 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ 4.01 9.93 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 40.79 51.98 23.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 31.r2 34.51 2E.t9 49.66 88.93 1,24 32.!5 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 74.26 38.51 1.30 35.86 43.67 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 1.38 0.00 14.91 9.r0 74.27 16_01 22_4 3.11 21.43 0.00 0.00 0-@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.65 14.61 10.99 76.61 4.!3 3.91 :18.74 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.62 1.82 0m 0.{I) 0.m 0@ 0.@ 13.39 2A.78 5.19 0@ 0.q) 0.00 0@ 0.(x) 4.53 2180 5_31 11,43 48.71 5,31 35.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.61 18.62 5.29 :11.35 9.56 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m Non-Erlortsolar (kw) 0.m 0.00 9.03 0.m 2A7 -4.89 19.45 a9_03 21.42 24.75 25.92 0.00 0_00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.61 -14_55 3.19 24.7' 6.55 11.11 46,48 0.00 0.m 0_m 0-q) 0.@ 3.34 8.11 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 ?7,39 23.20 17.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.60 \2.71, 22.44 34.23 q.2z ,1.07 -3.05 0.m 0.00 0-@ 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.m 10.60 19.E9 -3.99 4.51 36.11 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m Attachment l - Page 5{3 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports r.srarred Fi/ Naneplate (kw) 0CrAC natio Eirimated Pv Namerl.t. ltWa.l 777.9 7.2 148 1531 1637 1719 1516 1516 1515 1515 1516 1515 1516 1516 1516 1597 1528 1759 1517 1519 1578 151t2 1515 1515 1515 1515 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1641 1584 1596 1671 1563 1645 1524 1513 1513 1513 1540 1544 1682 1642 1545 1512 1512 1S12 1512 1709 1652 1769 1519 1553 7542 1555 1511 1511 1511 1321 1544 t632 r690 1510 1510 1510 1510 1517 1517 1515 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 !516 1516 1516 t516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1515 1515 1515 1515 15r5 1514 1S14 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1513 1513 1513 1513 !513 1513 !512 t512 1512 1912 L572 1512 L5tZ 1512 1512 1512 1512 1512 1511 1511 1511 1511 1511 1511 1511 1510 1510 1S10 1510 1510 1510 P€r Unit Dinrabuted Solar 0.m92u43 0.211076 0.8815sE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.452598 0.0470059 0.54806 0 0 0.05@657 o.2749a7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-541279 0.1118 o.4!6754 0-0653906 0.205819 0.803026 0 0 0 0 0.0996474 0.108501 0.275912 0.284852 0.0339328 0 0 0 0 0.719144 0.455903 o.785091 0.288064 0.0951291 0.021085r 0.0484305 0 0 0 0.0528778 0.380616 0.3931165 0.389863 0 0 0 0 1.37 31.29 130.64 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0_00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 57.10 6.97 81.2s 0.00 0.m 7.42 tr.E6 0.@ 0.q) 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m u.24 16.57 61.78 9.69 30.51 119.05 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0-00 74.n 16.09 40.90 42.2i s.03 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 106.61 57.74 116.39 42,71 14.10 3.13 7.r8 0.00 0.m 0.q) ,.u 55.a3 58.33 57.80 0.@ 0.0 0.@ 0.00 tron-Expon Solar (kw) 1.04 21.77 43.39 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m -0.53 0.m 0.@ 0.m 45.s5 4.87 38.64 0.00 4.38 -21.24 -5.56 0.(,0 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-@ 0.m 28.28 t2.71 27.70 6.47 20.43 32.05 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 13.4E {.85 -4.32 2E.30 3.31 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 14.92 35.90 1t8.19 15-83 5.34 0.17 -1.63 0.00 _0.16 0.m 5.50 32.20 32.13 36.9s 0.m 0.00 {.49 0.00 5/21/17 TtOO 2125/77 la:OO 1/73/77 72:00 2/27/r7 3too 3/75/17 77:OO 4/77177 7l:OO 5/5/71 t:@ 5/15/171:00 70/14/1,17:00 7U1l71s:oo 1V18/170:m nl!8117 6tco 3/5/1715:@ !l21lt7 9:00 5/13/17 10r0o 3/23/17 27tOO r0/X0l11 !9tco 3l24lti 72tw 3/9ht t7t0o 3/8/t7 6:$ 912717122:@ to/tt/rl 7:@ ,,1/25/11 2L00 3/2ltl tan 1/r0/tl 22:OO 3/x9/t17:oo th2lrl s:oo 9125/11 22:OO t7lt6l171:OO 71126171 2tflO l0/13/1712:00 9129/tr 9:go 70121/77 72f0 5/18/17 8:00 1/31171,7100 2177177 72:OO L1/22/i 7&N 2lBlLl 23100 sl27/77l:W 91221712t:U a/z5l179:@ tvs/77 77:N 516/77 7r:U slLa/]7qw 17/2t/77 76:N 3l2lt7 3:00 4/6/77 2711fr 5/78/77 6too 7tl\9117 23t0D 7r/71r7 72:@ 77171/7717100 sltshr r,T:@ 9l2olti t}@ 9/20/7118)00 4/2.6/1, ZOTOO 418/77 1O:OO 5113/ti 5:OO t7h2/ti A:oo 17/291115:OO 4l6lv 9:oo 1l7O/71 L2:OO 9l2|l77 1t:@ !2/6171 16:00 r/7r/77 4tOO 2/5/77 7:OO 3/73h7 22 OO !/29/77 22 OO 0.33 952 87.30 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.63 0.@ 0.00 0.00 21.54 2.70 42.67 0.00 0.38 37.70 38.42 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0m 5t 91 3.47 34.08 1_23 10.09 87.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 1.29 16.94 45.22 13.93 1.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.70 30.83 68.20 25 88 7_17 2_36 8.81 0.00 0.16 0.00 2.34 24.23 26.20 20 8s 0@ 0.m 0.49 0.m Attachment l - Page 514 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnrlalled {,v NameDlate (lw) oC:AC Ratio Estimated Pv Nameplate (twac) 771.9 t,2 1/E Date & Time 5/741710:OO 70/a1/77 23:OO 7t122/77 7O:OO 6l7A/119:00 5/15/77 19:oo 7/A1714:OO 312/712:OO 317/77 2:oo 4/70/t7 23:OO 5l23lt7 5:OO 5/27117 6:00 71170/71 22tOO 9/3ltt to:oo 7O/1A/t ,.o:oo tllz4lri 70:00til4li $:oo 7O/21/t1 7O:OO 216/77 6tOO 3/21/17 77:Oo 10/8/\7 21100 7|l3olt7 22:oO 9/30/t7 21:N 1/4/t719:OO 3l7t /i a9:oO 3/2717710:@ tO/21/7710:00 2/4177 6:00 3/7117 a:@ 3/2lltt 2t:00 6lt2l77 5:0o 10123171 22:OO 7t/71|t711.@ 70/70/11 13:oo 9/tO/11 r7:O0 77111/\1t1:oo gltolt ] A:OO 5/73/71 t2:OO 2/10/77 ts:oo s/1/t78:oo 5h3/77 LI:OO 70/4177 ts:oo 77/3/7-t 7s:OO 4/9/7127100 Sl17 /r7 5:Oo 9/70/ti 7:N 516/,7a:oo $l$/7122:oo 70l9l77 t9:@ 5l7a/17 9:oo 5/27/111s:@ 6174/771,& 4/2L/77 22:N 5/14/17 6:00 9/74/17 4,& 70/21h71,00 7t/9/7717:00 10/23/7179.& !a6177 70:00 72/4/7715:00 LO/10/71 t9:W 3la/77 71:00 7/2r/71 3:00 1/22/117r:W t7/4177 7a:oo 5/4/77 75:OO 5l2A/t1 t5:OO 9/10117 r7:oo 1510 1510 1510 1801 1758 1509 1509 1509 1509 r509 1509 1509 1763 r663 1675 15E5 t522 1508 1508 15CE 1508 1509 1557 1526 15:18 1556 1507 7507 1507 L*7 1507 1513 1590 1775 1545 1512 7743 1562 1526 1716 1596 1562 1505 1506 1506 1531 1509 1534 r73? 1192 7527 1505 1505 1505 1505 1554 1518 1565 1650 1525 1573 1504 1504 1539 1785 1785 1556 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1509 1509 1509 1509 r509 15(B 1so9 1509 1509 1509 150E 1508 1508 1508 1508 1508 1508 1508 1507 1507 1507 1507 1507 1507 1507 1507 1507 1507 1507 1507 1507 150' 15(]6 1506 1505 1506 1506 1506 1506 1505 1506 1506 1506 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 !505 1504 1504 1504 15M 1504 1504 1504 1504 Per Unit Distributed Solar 0 0 0 0.26m95 0.367959 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_356273 0-295554 0.300149 0.175083 0.286171 0 0 0 0 0 0.159218 0.0393233 0.161246 0.265r/3 0 0 0 0 0 0-19126 0-293547 0.55291 0.00352178 0.00239177 0.908138 0.521802 0.015905 0.757629 0.0414611 0.083203 0 0 0 0.0231046 0 0.08162r 0.183443 0.906501 0.0118156 0 0 0 0 0.0121644 0.0366197 0.208845 0.559247 0.0456201 0.317948 0 0 0 o-934n4 o.a777U 0.0575023 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.45 54.55 0.(p 0.m 0.@ 0.q) 0.q) 0.q) 0.q) s2.42 4!.82 44.50 25.96 47.42 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 23.60 5.83 24.79 39.40 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 28.35 43.54 83.45 0.s2 0.3s 134.53 77.36 2.51 7t2.32 6.15 12.33 0.m 0.m 0.q) 3.43 0.m 12.10 27.70 134.39 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.@ 1.80 5.43 30.97 84.39 6.91 47.14 0.00 0.@ 0.m 139-17 t30.t2 8.52 0.m 0.63 0.m \9.7r 28.85 0.(n 000 0@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 2A 2s 17.33 20.80 14.15 13.59 0.00 0.@ 0.()0 0.@ 0.00 0.08 0.04 8.67 14.94 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 5.03 34.04 49.93 2.33 0.53 82.02 43_51 0.29 70.96 21.00 5.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 r.23 0.00 2.53 16.55 105.95 0.13 0.@ 0.00 0.oo 0.00 3.46 1.30 10.97 17.65 1.75 41.41 0.00 0.m 3.12 95.21 101.24 28.s8 Non-Exportsolar (kw) 0.00 -0.53 0.00 79.74 25.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 24.57 25-49 23.69 1l-81 28_83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.79 16.13 2,1.46 0.m 0.00 0.& 0.m 0.m 22.33 9.50 33.52 -r.81 ,0.18 52-61 3!.79 2.22 41.36 -14.86 6.84 0-00 0.00 0.00 2.19 0.00 9.47 10.64 2E-44 t.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.56 4,13 20.00 46,74 5.17 5.73 0.@ 0.00 -3.12 43_96 26.85 -20.05 Attachment l - Page Sl5 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnall€d Pv Nameplare (tw) Dclc Ratio Enimated t'v Nam.plrte (kwac, t17.9 1.2 1a8 Drte a Time 3/23/17 22:oo 5/76/77 71OO 70/79/77 22:OO 11/11/178:00 t2/3/77 A:oo 71/73/77 3:OO 5/6/77 r2:OO s/9/77 $:oo 6/74/11A:OO 1l23lt7 9:OO 41201771:Oo 9/24/17 2r:OO ttlt4/17 z3:oo 77/30171 4:OO 72/t/t7 16:00 to/24/D a9:@ 3h3/r120:oo 7Z/5/17 t6:OO 2lt2li a4:0o sltslti aS:00 l7/r2/r-t ,O:o0 2/7177 5:00 1/19/ri 2}W 2/20/t7 21:00 1/5/771:00 1/71113:OO 4/4177 E:OO 4ls/t1 22:W 5/211171:o0 LOlZ2ltT 2t:OO 4/a/t i:OO 17/417172:N 2/Z5ltt t4:oo ToBYri 79:OO 2/7r/71 78:OO 9l2Alt7 9:oo 116/!7 22:OO 4/77/77 22:OO !O/!5/a1 22:oo 417lta:OO 9lrolrl9:oo 4/21 /17 27:oo 2/13/17 t6:OO 4/1r/11 ta:OO zlAli ,]-oo 3/3/17 s:@ 3lz6/t1 2t:OO 6/5117 2:OO 70124171 77:OOr!! 1122:@ 3lrl t7 73:OO 10/29177 7O:OO 77/22/77 77:oo 4/2717710:OO 2/23/!7 3:oo 3/6/11 4:OO s/7a/712,00 !r/30/!1 L.oo 9175177 7a:OO 4/5/17 a:OO 5/7s/77 14:oo 5h2/113:00 9lD/r7 7:oo 9l2ol77 7:Oo 70/79/17 7:OO 10/23171 7:OO t1l24lt7 tg:oo 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 7611 7747 1559 1502 1502 1502 1502 1595 1530 1s08 1671 1649 ,776 1580 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1552 1620 7632 1507 1588 1592 1500 1500 1500 1501 1594 1503 1643 1541 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 l64t 1653 1540 1613 1498 1498 1498 1494 1650 1502 1714 7497 1497 t497 L197 1491 7491 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1503 1502 r502 1502 1502 1502 1502 1502 1502 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1901 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 1501 15ot 1501 1501 150! rs00 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1499 1498 1498 1498 1498 1498 1498 1498 1498 t497 1497 t497 1197 1497 749t t497 Ppl Unit oistibuted solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0659535 0.58124 0.0731621 0-100748 0 0 0 0 0.242551 0.03106t1 0.0185255 0.392928 0.a36916 o.974394 0.274?41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0310354 0.40s712 0.925425 0 0.144151 0,119448 0 0 0 0 0.715174 0.00744417 0.619211 0.185987 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.912025 0.290909 o.2aE96 0.294758 0 0 0 0 0.396161 0.00289269 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 lkw) 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.oo 9.14 &,77 10.85 14.94 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 35.96 4.61 2.75 s8.25 124.07 144.45 41.26 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 4.60 60,15 137.19 0.q) 21.37 77.7t 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 20.13 1.10 91.80 27,72 0.(I) 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.(n t35.21 43.13 42.61 43.70 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 58.73 0.43 14E.25 0.00 0.() 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0-00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.& 0.m 49_43 55.74 3.91 2.(ts 0.04 0.m 0.m 0.m 10.70 0.88 0.25 21.0E 91.18 98.23 21.64 0.00 0.oo 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ u.6a 14.41 96.44 0.29 il.9:l 1.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 4.fo 0.m 60.0t 7.13 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 77.67 19.{4 24.85 25.36 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m 22.45 0.33 !00.87 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.(x, 0.0 0.00 Non-Expo.tSolar (kw) 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0-00 -39.66 30.43 6.94 72.E6 {.04 0.m 0.m 0.@ 25_26 3.73 2,50 37.17 32.89 46_22 13_51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 '15.07 25.70 1t0.71 ,0.29 16.45 13,19 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,0.08 15.53 1.10 31,75 20.59 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m 57_54 23.69 17.75 $.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.28 0.10 47.38 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Attachment l - Page 516 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Gensration Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv N.meolate (kw) tstimated Pv Nameplat€ lkwac, 117.9 t.2 148 orto & Time 72/7A/77 4:o0 9/22/77 71:OO 2lt2/r7 71:OO 9/20/77 72100 6lM/1174.00 2/ala7 2.00 1/16/7/ 22,4) 4/A/77 23:00 5/a7 lfl t:N 6172/71 2:@ t0/2t/7120:OO \7/$117 2:oo 2127171 72:OO 9/N/a12o:OO 3/9171 t2:OO 4/13/tl AoO7/ali 2:oo 3/14/11 22,00 5/6h71:@ lO/3U71 27.oo tr/15/17 6tOO 12/30/77 6tOO 5/9/1717:Oo-tr/3/t7 16100 77/25117 TO0o 3/11/77 9:N 72/1/77 15:00 7g/72/a7 7o:OO 4125117 t9:OO 7L/70/17 t1:OO 10/25/1719:00 1/2A/17 22:OO th4l77 s:oo 70/31/17 zotoo ltl1l77 22:OO to/417717:OO 12/30l17 74:oo rth2/17 22:00 72/23/77 4:OO 77/5/17 17t9o 9/25/17 9:00 3/4/17 23:oO 3l8l11o:@ 5/7als o.oo 7!/1/17 o:o0 t2l3g/17 2:& 77/2177 72:00 5/27171 79:00 5h5/71!5:00 zl27/71 t6:OO 5l7sl77 76:00 4l7sl77 O:OO 5/t0/r16:00 tol27/a12\@ 77l22l0 a:00 5h3/71 r9:oo z/alD 3:OO 219/tr6,00 2/L6ht O:OO 3/1!L7 22:oo 1/74/1-/ T]OO 6/a2/77 4tOO l7l4/77 atoo 7t/79/77 Otoo 77/26h1 1t:OO 7l/\9/17 17:& 1/2/1711:00 1497 rs98 1610 \672 7196 1496 1496 1496 1496 1496 1495 1496 1S90 1499 1550 1503 1495 1495 1495 1495 1495 1495 1785 1555 r533 1499 1604 t7@ 1548 1538 1504 1494 1494 1494 1494 t58t 1593 1493 1493 1625 1594 1492 t192 1492 7192 7492 1573 7787 7773 7r11 7754 1491 1491 1491 1491 1659 1490 1490 149o 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22.19 41.91 0.@ 0.@ 23.18 4,15 0.00 0.m 0-q) 3.19 0.00 10.06 30.55 95.29 2E,62 80.65 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.m 79,17 0.00 o.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.15 1.11 16.35 Non-Export Sol.r (kwl 0.00 .5.7E 7.84 fi.20 41.37 0.(rc 0.m 0.00 0.m 0-00 0.m 0.00 59.27 _0.41 -13.73 -0.82 0.00 0.q) {.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.11 6.50 22.36 3.08 29.00 29.37 _1.69 -2.66 1.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.2? 55.80 0.00 0.00 -21.98 14.20 0.m 0.m 0.m ,3.19 0.m 1a.88 27.71 50.34 70.59 s1.37 0.m 0.@ 0_00 0.00 8.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.65 8.91 5.61 0 0.253179 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.765306 0.0698891 0,256118 0.028245s 0.359654 0.343003 0.052983 0 0.0r56763 0 0 0 0 0.324221 0.126562 0 0 0.00808457 0.127859 0 0 0 0 0 0.168199 0.148505 0-989094 0-66919 0.910816 0 0 0 0 0.183522 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o_0751067 o0676!71 0.14485 Attachment l - Page 517 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nameplate {kw) OCiAC Ratio E!timated Pv Nameplate (kwac) t719 1.2 148 1785 1129 1449 1489 1631 1668 1599 7773 1509 1488 1484 1488 1488 1488 1488 1581 1551 l7!1 1622 1580 1508 74E1 7481 7447 1487 1487 AE 7-t67 1S48 1506 1456 1446 7522 1512 1485 1485 1445 r4a5 1485 r4a5 1485 1445 1485 1485 1445 1511 1561 t642 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 148/ 1484 1484 7577 1612 1670 1607 1561 1642 11a3 1443 1443 1483 1443 6lt4l\1ts:N sl2olti t6:OO 3h5/r7 7,oo th5lr7 o:N 7/7411, t1:OO 7i/1r/-t7 t7:00 9/22/77 t7:90 5/X7/!711:OO 4/1/119:OO 1l7 71 2O:@ s/7/r7 23:00 5/151716:00 9l7tll7 6:00 1O/371r, 22:OO 7212177 6 0O 7/2111713:OO 17/16/17 71:OO 6lt3lt7 13:00 t2/3!/1715.00 10/3/\710:& 4126177 a:W 7122177 2:Cfr 5/27/77 4:00 \0/4117 2}@ ttl24lu 2t:@ 7212/17 O:@ 3l2slt7 &@ 5l?21r7 9tOO Zholri t6tOO i/2/a1 B:OO 316111ltoo 3/?1l117tOO ro/71a1 B:OO 3/29/11 t9:OO 11271115:OO !a6/a122:OO s/91t7 o:oo 5lr6lt15:OO sl23ltl4tOO 917t17121:@ t9/291r1 2O|OO 11/27/\7 t:N 71/211t1 22:N 11/24/11 2O:OO L1,/30/77 3tOO 418/7120:N 9lr5/r179:N 70/70/17 7OtO0 2l4l11 2:N zhrlr7 o:@ sl7xl712:6thllrl StOo lo/74177 23:N 71/411123tW 7',t /L9lr1 6:N 77/4/17 StOO 3l?4/!1 74tOO 3/77/17 TOIOO 4174177 73t0o tl,h1 l3,OO 4/al7r t2.@ t2/alt1 t6:OO 3l3olt7 7:oo 5l1rlt7 3tOO 5173/ti 4:an 9l1!lt7 2:00 9/27/71 2Z|OO 1489 1489 14E9 1489 1489 1484 1488 1488 1488 1488 !u8 1488 1it88 1484 14aa 1488 1€a 7447 74E7 1487 1487 ua1 7481 \481 1487 r487 va7 1487 t4a1 1485 t4E6 1486 1485 t4E6 1485 r4a5 1485 1445 1485 1445 1485 1485 1iE5 1485 1ir85 1ir85 t4a4 lit64 Itl84 r484 1484 1a84 1484 L184 1484 1484 1484 1484 1484 1483 1483 1,183 14E3 14E3 1483 1483 14E3 Par Unit Disvibuted Sol.r o.7977:I! 0.851555 0 o o.479775 0.365s53 0.0989397 0.925481 0.0495526 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.907659 0.534569 0.811826 0.521454 0.352942 0.041591 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.212027 0.531997 0.0574499 0 0 0.m1396sS 0.16089 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0749303 0.189945 0.34131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.415509 0.3x3722 0_371694 0.0625087 o.142017 0.392313 0 o o 0 0 118.26 725.24 0.m 0.m 52.23 54.34 7a,67 73-1-20 7.35 0-00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 134_55 79.25 120.35 92.13 53.81 6.1E 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.q) 0.(n 0.m 40.33 74.47 8.52 0.m 0.m 0.21 23.8S 0.m 0.tE 0.m 0.@ 0.(p o.o0 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.@ 11.11 28_16 50.60 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0-@ 0-00 0_00 0.m 6!.75 49.47 55-10 9.27 21.05 5E.15 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 93-91 74.t5 0.00 0.@ 31.57 40.73 13.80 108.36 0.96 0.29 0.m 0.@ 0-@ 0.00 0.@ 41.55 22.!7 66.93 51.44 27,44 0.65 0.m 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.ol 18.11 30.71 1.4E o.@ 0.00 1.f14 0.71 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.tp 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.91 8.01 21.03 0.(D 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.63 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 35.50 72.14 32.99 30.9a 24-59 77.12 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m tlon-Export solar (lw) 24.35 52.10 0.00 0.00 30.56 13.61 0.86 6.rrc -0.29 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m o.m 93.00 57.13 53.42 40.65 26.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 {.04 a4.16 7.03 0_00 0-00 '1.43 23.74 0-00 0.00 0_m 0-m 0.00 0.m 0m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.20 20.15 29.57 0.00 0.@ 0.oo 0.00 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.14 37.13 2.11 -2r.57 -3.53 36.04 0.m 0.tI, 0.00 0.00 0_m Attachment l - Page 5l8 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exporta r.stail€d Pv I'tamepl.te (*w) DC:AC Ratio Estimated Fv Nam€plare lkwacl 777.9 1.2 148 D€re&Time to/7/17 27:oo t7ltl17 2?:Oo 9/75/U L7:OO 517177 7:oo t0/3/71 t9:OO 3/!1/11L7:@ 2/14/17 ts:oo 3l?z/t7 20:00 5/76/77 2:(fi 615177 s.OO 7ol1/17 20.00 7Ol2Sl71 )2:Oo 1!/2511712.00 TalTali 1:00 al25l71 13:00 lOl2Z/!1 79.00 77/6177 74:00 4173177 70:00 4/73/77 !9:@ )/72/77lo:N alg/771:& 5/11/171:00 U/9/17 o:00 4/26177 72.@ a0/a7/77 7L:00 a/71/77 77:00 9/2olt7 t6:& 517/17 o:@ 6lsl71 3:@ 61751116:00 slal719:o0 3125/1710:N ro/z6h7 t9:N 7r/77 /17 77:00 5/77/1131ooglLa/i 23tOO 7O/25/t7 22:@ 7U2Z/1127100 2l72lt7 75:OO r1/7ltl75t00 3/3/77 !:oo 3/79/ti 27:oo 5/u-177 stoo 5/29/77 1.:OO 9/75lLi 23:oO tOlilLT 21:00 4la/77 9:OO 3/7s171 1O:OO 4h3ll7 9:OO Lll5lLt r7:OO 4/6/L1 ro:@ 4/r71.OO 3/t7/tl7:oo 3175/D 22:oo 5/al17 o:oo 5lr4/r13:00 5lL7lrt 2:oo 5/17 lri 4:OO 70125/t7 7:OO tzl20lti S:OO al23/t1 27:OO t0/13171 L6:OO 9/26/17 9:Oo 9l2olt1 rO:Oo 6/721t7 3:OO til72l71 23:@ t!/2/71 22:OO 1483 1483 1483 1483 1483 1483 1483 14E2 7482 1482 1482 7182 14E2 1482 1482 MA2 !482 1482 1481 1481 1481 1481 t48t 14El Ma0 1480 1480 l4E0 r48o 1460 1480 1479 1479 7479 t479 1479 7479 t479 1479 1478 u7a \478 t478 1478 r478 1476 1478 1418vn !4n 14f7un 1477 7477 1477 1477 7417 L477 74n 7417 1477 747? 7471 14r6 7176 1476 1476 P€r Unn Distributed Solar 0 0 0.532619 0 0.132?55 0.495601 0.774274 0.0245438 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0919967 0.00666318 o.748977 0-012475 0.0420a01 0_178314 0 0 0 0.137083 o.0942917 0.160491 0.299709 0 0 0 0.268101 0.3326r5 0.0200$1 0.00 0.m 93.19 0.00 19.61 73,47 114.78 3.54 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.(r 0.m 0.(D 13.54 0.99 1tl.0a 1.85 6.24 ?.6.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.32 t3.9E 44.43 0.00 0.@ 0.00 39.75 49.31 2.91 85.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 112.4E 53.74 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 3.q) 41.66 0.@ 14,67 t8.02 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0-00 4.7t 18.18 37.35 0.(rc 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 40.26 0.47 6.77 35.39 40.64 0.12 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.o 0.00 13.60 0.04 48,56 1.70 5.02 10,52 0.00 0.m 0_m 13.63 29.85 10.53 20.44 0.@ 0.m 0.m 13.04 12_52 1.10 36.94 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 80.16 25_17 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 2.46 13.44 3.67 4.78 a/3 o@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 25.2r0 3.84 19-39 0.00 0.m 0.m Non txpo(Sohr {rW) 000 0.00 53.53 -0.41 13.43 38.08 34.10 3.52 000 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.Bt 0.95 52.47 0.15 7.22 15.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.69 15.87 13.27 23.99 0.00 0.m 0.00 26.71 36.79 7.87 48.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.32 78.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 28.19 -5.6' 9.88 11.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.(rc -20 69 14,30 17.95 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 1483 1483 1680 1484 1542 1636 1637 1491 1482 1482 1482 1482 1'U2 1482 1554 1r185 1636 1533 1538 1527 1481 1481 1481 1565 1625 1524 1sfo 1480 !480 1480 r692 1578 1488 1640 1479 1479 t479 t479 1621 1670 1478 t478 t47E t478 1478 1478 1492 1554 1518 1567 1511 7477 1477 7477 1477 1477 7477 1477 7417 t4t7 1479 1584 1553 1634 74t6 74t6 1476 0.758728 0.367522 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0202337 0.281044 0 0 0!,89306 0_121535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_0317943 0.122612 0.251925 0 0 0 57721) 0 0 0 0 Attachment l - Page 519 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnarred Pv Nameolate {kw} E'limated Pv N.meplare (kwac) t '19 7.2 148 t1l6 1661 77r7 1508 t175 1475 !555 1474 1570 1640 1618 1572 1653 1757 15!9 1666 1541 7657 7473 7473 1473 7473 1473 7473 1473 1619 7574 7472 7472 1472 1565 u19 1750 1539 14€9 1640 1518 1411 1471 147\ 1471 7471 7475 1514 1768 7470 7470 1471 1580 7477 1/r59 1459 1469 1459 1469 1459 1459 1585 1470 t474 1755 l5l4 1468 1468 1454 1454 1468 o6t6 a Time rl/30/71 7:OO 4/21/719:OO 519177 7s:oo 3/2717120:oo 2/!/Lt O:Oo 3/6/117:OO 4/20/77 7r:OO tt/ts/71 21:oo 9/21/71 71:OO 311/77 72:OO 1/37111 7t:oo 9/26/71 tgt0o tolshl to:oo 5/2r/1171:@ 2/19/1174:@ rVrslu 11:00 3/\5/71 t1:OO 9/t5/17 ro:oo 219177 o:oo 3/22/711:00 4/71/77 23:oo 5/77/77 5:OO 9/70/716:00 9/2a/777:oo t7/a/17 O:@ u/N/771t:@ 212717714:@ r/22/71}@ 211/71o:oo 2lttl77 6:00 9/711719:OO 3l2ol71 73:OO 519/11!6:00 9/77/77 7a:oo 7t/25171 71:OO 5/13/u 18:00 3/1,/77 74100 2122/t1s:00 3/17/t7 6:00 5/t4/1,7 4:OO 6/tslt72:00 t2l10lr7 3:oo 1/Zr/11 TOIOO 9/1r/77 79:OO 6lr4/t1 73:oo 1122171 22,00 9lZtlt71,OO 3/26/i a:oo tU7Ol71 72,00 9l22ltlzO,N 47a/77 o:@ 7/7a177 7:@ 1/3/771:oo 4/t2/t7 27tX 4/ta/t1ltw 3l7al77 4:0o 72l3l71OtoO 9l20/17 75:0o 4/7/r7 77:00 17/16/1110:00 5/271t712:00 lO/2\/17 76:00 411/\122:00 4/27177 6:00 5/5/77 6:00 5174/77 5:OO 5127177 r:0o t476 1476 7476 7475 t475 1475 1475 7411 7474 1474 7473 7473 1471 1473 1471 7473 1473 1473 747! 1471 747X 1473 7473 7473 7473 L472 7472 1472 1472 1172 t472 1472 t472 t47l 1471 t47t t47l 1471 t47l t47l 1471 1471 t47t 1470 1470 1470 1470 1470 1469 1469 1469 1469 1469 1469 1469 1459 1459 t469 1459 1459 1468 1458 14€A 1468 1458 l4fa r468 Per Unlt Dbtrib{ted 501.r 0 o.722874 0.968125 0_0510549 0 0 0_592303 0 o.316775 0-531978 0.541584 0.16111 0-0861865 0.89939 0.562808 0.588965 0.511232 0.322063 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0371391 0.900305 o o 0 0.120198 0.13931 0-690934 0.294049 0.0221049 0.505284 0.9m714 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.7574f2 0.914535 0 0 0 0.403942 0-m698837 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.257519 0 0.0109512 0.8r9575 o.L@372 0 0 0 0 0 0.@ 33.03 143.52 7.57 0.@ 0.@ 87.81 0.00 51.41 79.16 95.11 23,EA 72.18 r33.33 83.tll 87.31 75.1',I' 47,75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 55.06 131.4' 0.@ 0.@ 0.m tl_42 50.30 132.G a3.59 !.2E 74.91 r33.53 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 22.@ 135.58 0.m 0.m 0.6 59.88 1.04 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.€ 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.19 0.@ 7.52 121.50 23.80 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0_m 12.51 102.54 o-67 0.m 0_m 32.02 0.m 27.44 73.62 53.31 7.(D 22_g 105.40 39.21 58-58 36.73 18.58 0.m 0-@ 0.m 0_00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 31.95 51.38 o.m 0.m 0.m 4.90 1E.20 91.98 29.57 0.77 38.m 79.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 7.10 92.94 0-@ 0.00 0.20 35.45 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.06 0.@ 0.@ ?7.40 0.oo 7.92 94.19 10.89 0.m 0.@ 0.oo 0.00 0.0 Non-Expo^sol (kW) 0.00 20.s2 40.89 6.90 0.00 0.00 55.79 0.@ 23.91 41_80 16.80 -9.80 27.93 4!.11 28.73 39.06 29.17 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 82.09 0-m 0.m 0.m 12.92 32.77 40.10 14.02 3_11 36.83 54.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.70 15.50 12.@ 0.00 0.m -0.20 74.43 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.(x) -0.05 0.00 0.00 10.79 0.00 -6.29 27.X\ 12.92 0.00 0.oo 0.oo 0.00 0.00 Attachment I - Page 520 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation ExporE and Non-exports r.sralled Pv Namepl.te (lw) Enimated PV Nameplate (lwac) 777 9 t.2 11l8 Daro a Tim€ 70/29/\7 21:OO 7rla3l77 6:00 tl2l719:00 3/28/\7 lo:Vn 3/2alia7OO 70lt4lt? 7o:oo 5/Ur7 8:00 3/4lri 7'oo 3lr4lti 20too 2122177 otoo 3123177 7:oo 5/8lU 6:00 5/72177 stoo 9lt9lti 23:oo 1.2120/!7 ltoo 71./7r/ti la]OO lllzl/ti r5:OO 7t/rll7 t2:oo 2/74/11 t6:OO 4/7alt7 r7,@ 2/41t7 5,oo 2/l7lt? 5,@ slEl\1 23,00 7L1261t7 9.@ t2l4/17 7:OO 71/4/17 r3,Oo 1,1/7/71t3:oo 2/1t/77 t3,OO 17126/11 l2lOO 4/L9lt7 9:oo 7l22lti 4.OO 4/241177'00 5/t2/114:oo LolL5/71 7:00 11/18/175:00 71/21/777:@ a/LGl77 Stoo 10/s/1719:00 9/75/71 l5:OO SlLOllT 4:OO 5/2a117 2.Oo gl?'g/tt 22:@ a2/11715:00 4l3ol77 22:00 1r/9lr7 t2:6 917517716:@ 2/r1714:@ 4/28117 z2:tP sl16l77 3:OO 9/7a/77 7t0o t7l1/17 4tOO 1t/25/Y atw 't7/77177 a4:OO 10/30/1711:00 s/2!1718:oo 7r/5177 a6:OO tzl3 t11600 s/4177 a4too 3l29l0 lArn 5/8117 \o:00 4/73/i aa:oo 9179/77 7a:N l!/ll/t1 Tt OO slllt71,OO 7tl5/77 74:@ 4lr3l!? \o:00 519lt79,@ 1464 1468 1631 1666 1518 1669 1543 1556 7474 1157 L46t 1,467 t467 L467 1167 1514 1527 1554 1612 1557 1465 1465 1466 1466 !466 1583 1654 1608 1497 1625 1465 1455 1465 1465 1465 1,465 1501 1515 1590 14C4 1464 1464 7451 1466 1599 1680 1463 1463 7461 14b3 1453 7463 1591 761? 1753 1534 1615 7742 1535 1694 7537 r563 7575 1464 1568 1512 1699 1468 1468 1468 14(,E 1458 1468 1467 7467 !457 1457 !457 1,457 7467 7457 1457 7467 1467 1456 1455 1466 1456 7466 1466 1456 1456 1465 1466 1466 1455 1465 1465 1455 1465 1465 7465 1465 1465 t165 l4u 14t4 1464 1464 716! 1464 1453 1463 1463 1453 1463 1a63 1463 1453 1463 1463 1463 1463 1463 1463 1463 1463 1,463 1462 1462 1462 1462 7462 1461 Per Unit Oilt.ibuld Sobr 0 0 0.2t9152 0.316288 0.020€582 0.343455 0.0437327 0.189473 0.m672321 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0555914 0.0225454 0-535012 0.4191@ 0 0 0 0 0 0.799262 0.709829 0.872526 0.106925 0.173195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0252585 0_1 t819 0-2111191 0 0 0 0 0 0.492!42 0.782843 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.597301 0.175984 0.551755 0.222135 0.4511S9 0.952839 0.134902 0.514679 0.337352 0.023231 0.386943 0 o.71799a 0.059557 o.26f22? (kw) 0.00 0.00 32.58 46.89 3.09 50.92 6.74 2E.0!l 1.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0@ 0.@ 0.@ 8.39 3.34 94.29 62.13 0.q) 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.@ 118.49 105.23 129.3t 15,85 25.6E 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 3.75 76.87 31.35 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.(D 0.m ,2.96 116.06 0.00 0.@ 0.0{, 0.oo 0.@ 0.@ 88_55 25.?4 81.80 32.93 65.88 142,74 20.@ 76.y 50.01 3.44 s7. 0.q) 26.39 8.83 39.47 0.00 0.@ 13.48 31.01 14.78 15_32 1.48 31.22 0.25 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 8.82 76-97 59.21 16.32 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.98 0-@ 44.f4 67.36 98.69 10 95 77.8 0.00 004 0.oo 0.m 0.00 0.m 1.24 3.85 77.75 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 38-21 61.10 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.04 11,50 26.78 58.74 12.50 79.15 97.36 29.86 !2.52 24.21 37_72 0.@ 38_34 15.23 18.87 Non-trpor! Solar lkw| 0.00 0.00 19.10 14,82 -11,69 34.50 5.30 -23.13 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0,43 -13.63 35-@ 45.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.98 0.00 73_85 37.81 30.65 4.91 13.88 0.00 -0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.51 13.01 -ilo.39 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 31.74 51.95 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,0.0a 55.95 -0.54 23.05 20.33 37-13 45.38 72.23 45.44 37-49 -20.79 19.51t 000 -11,99 -6.40 20.50 Attachment I - Page 521 Installed Pv Naheplate (kw) OC:AC Ritio E5timat€d PV Nameplate lkwac) 177_9 7.2 148 !2lt174tOO 3131714:@ t7l5/117:@ 912477 7t:an 1t/5177 75:00 sl2g/77 74:OO 3lsl717:@ 3/\71t7 Z\:OO !371a7 O:OOalnli 22:oo tol3oh, ?:oo 12110111 s:@ 70122177 7O:0O 5/19117 2o:@ 4/74/717&@ 4/?4/rt 23:00 9l25lt77tOO 1O/ZO/11 23:OO to/3t/r7 L3:oo 10/1s/17 19:00 9/?9/11 21:00 ,0l28ll7 A:OO trl\alr7 7:oo 516117 16:00 77/6/a7 $:OO 11123171 I?:OO ttlr2lt, \r:oo 77123/17 rOtOO 9ltslti l4too 9/27177 7tfr{J 4l!lll7 77tOO 2/77117 75tOO 3/2117 7t:N trlultT !3:N 214177 !6 7ol2l1? 23100 6lt3l!7 !5:N ,?/30177 75:6 70/9/77 7O,N 3/2,ll7 ZZ:an 9127/a71:00 17/24/1t O,N lu3ollr 41OO 3129177 7r:00 411177 8:00 4/al7170:N 6h4/\1r2:OO 3l3lU z:00 6/5177 4.OO 77/61115:@ ltlzr/17 L1:OO alailaT $:00 ?14/77 4:00 2/19177 7:oo 3/71/r.123:OO 4/12/17 27:OO slto/7l 7.OO 9/r7ht 3:OO 9/20/17 23:oo 10171117 22:@ 7rl2th1r3,N 3l21lr7l7t0o 70/13/ti t4:@ 4/18/tl 2OtgO 4/2t/17 grn 2/20/77 6:& 5175177 O:00 1511 1461 1461 755.' 1534 1745 1460 1,4@ 1460 L4fi lam r460 t474 1683 1539 1459 1459 1459 1680 1478 1458 1458 1458 1609 1610 1507 1496 7474 1696 !457 158S 1562 !624 1605 7456 1456 1706 1557 1696 1455 1455 1455 1455 1584 t467 r636 t742 1454 1454 1454 1581 1558 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1554 1525 1583 1495 1534 1452 1452 l46l 145t 1461 1461 1il5r 1450 1460 1460 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1459 1459 1459 1459 1459 1458 1458 1458 1458 1458 1458 1,r58 1458 1rr58 1457 t457 1457 l4t-l 1455 1a55 1a56 1455 la55 ta55 1455 1455 1455 1455 1455 1455 1454 1454 1454 1454 1454 1454 145i1 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1453 1452 1452 1452 1452 P€r Unit DBtributed solar 0.7321t6 0 0 0.156208 0.460595 0.90256/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0423578 0.130217 0.275161 0 0 0 0.763546 0.0737659 0 0 0 0.79a138 0.011298r!t 0.2935 0.m583273 0.172295 0.91802 0 0.458015 0.00453897 0.772913 0.10620a 0 0 0.975249 0.625586 0.rs4396 0 0 0 0 0.435959 0 o.372471 0.830558 0 0 0 0.16424 0.441609 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.08268r 0.294386 0.06441105 0.0822446 0.2:14496 0 0 rc8.54 0.@ 0.m 23.16 68.30 133.81 0.m 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 6.28 19.30 40,79 0.00 0-00 0.m 113.21 10.94 0.00 0.00 0.m 717.f3 1-68 43.51 0.86 25.54 1!6.10 0.00 67,90 0.69 !01.77 16.04 0.0 0.(l) 144.54 92.76 52.9 0.(D 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 64.63 0.@ s5.22 123.13 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 24.35 65.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m t2.26 43.64 9.55 12.19 35.!6 0.00 0.m 5ol.r Expo r (lw) 55.75 0.@ 0.@ 25.68 29.41 103.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 2.t2 7.76 18.25 0.0 0.m 0.m 76.80 0.96 0.00 0.m 0.m 46.64 *.71 zo.a7 1G 75.27 79.n 0.@ 35.34 43.55 73.4 41.73 0.00 0.00 79.49 35.34 !0.10 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.14 0.49 33.75 E5.47 0.m 0.@ 0.(p 3.25 20.33 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 21.02 15.08 35.90 2.05 3.73 0.@ 0.@ Non-E4ort solar llw) 42.79 0-0{, 0.00 34.89 30-49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 4.16 11.54 22,54 0.m 0.m 0.00 36.41 9.97 0.@ 0.m 0.m 71.09 -37.10 zt.@ '0.21 10.27 56.33 0.(xl 31.55 -a2.86 33.53 ,25.69 0.00 0.oo 65.09 5r.42 22.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.29 4.49 ?1.45 36.66 0.m 0.@ 0.m 21.09 45.14 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m '8.77 28.56 -27.34 10.14 31.63 0.00 0-00 Attachment 1 - Page 522 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hnaled Pv N.meolate (kw) OC:AC Satio Enimated Fi, Nameplare (kwac) !77.9 1.2 148 oare & Trme 6/74177 6:00 9/26/711tOO 9/2A/Lt 23:OO 10/27/17 2r:oo NlTAlri 2O:OO ,1l2olai 4:OO tl61171:oo 4/70/11 tl:OO 77/21/11 r7:OO 5177/17 r7:OO 3/2/!7 16100 5/20/117:oo tO/17/77 tg:OO 6/14/!7 LI:OO t7/2A/17 r2:Oo 2/5/ti 6:00 4122/ti 7:oo 71124171 22:OO 2h2/77 76:00 416/77 7t:oo 9/10/7t 7O:@ 7,/a3/77 76:00 1/27/17 12:OO tOl5/77 13:OO t7/7a/a7 4:OO t7/2a/11 5:OO 6/13/17 76:N L7/4177 76:00 rOl2/1170:@ 4/20/11|O:N sl74l71a:oo 5121/714:N 3l!5h7 t9:N 1t/16/17 75:N 4/1lri IO]OO 5/79117 TO:W 3/23/r7 70:N 5/73/17 15:00 !4lD ra:oO 4/17/771tOO 70/3/17 23tOO 4/21/1,7 27too 7r/4/r177tOO 17/2r-/t7 t4tm 9/29/171:W 9/24177 2o:OO sl79lt7 9.OO 9129171 IA:OO 3lt7/tl rotoo 3lto/77 73:OO 4/13/11 77tOO 4/14h7 74:OO 771t6/77 76:00 2[/|t17:OO 3/2s/17 27:OO 4/3/77 23:oo 5/22/t16:00 3176/77 2o:OO al76l11 27:OO 1/ttl77 tA:oO 12l3olt7 t6:OO 10/3r/17 u:00 3/A/\1 r4.OO i/77/a7 Ls:oO 4/12/71 27:OO 3/9/!1 r7:OO 1452 1452 r1r2 1452 1452 1452 1453 1515 1500 !734 1561 1459 1461 7727 7*7 1451 1451 1451 1591 1513 !87 1516 1450 1450 1450 1450 1704 1520 1559 1509 1579 1579 1455 1536 1525 1687 1530 1578 1505 1449 7449 1453 1512 1536 1448 1444 1451 1682 1637 1580 1511 l51t 1606 1537 1441 1447 1441 7447 1459 1448 147' 1566 1559 1545 1580 1446 1495 1452 1452 t452 1452 145? 7452 1452 7452 1452 7452 7452 1451 1451 1451 11151 1451 1451 1451 t45t l/t5t l45t t4v) 1450 1450 14y) 1450 1450 1450 1a50 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1449 1449 1449 1449 7449 1449 1449 11t49 1448 1444 1448 1448 1448 14a8 1448 1448 7!47 1447 1447 1447 t447 1447 t147 1447 t4A7 7447 1446 1't46 7446 1446 P€r Unlt olitrlbuted solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.552038 o.257074 0.685805 0.576307 0.00822951 0.0175479 0.695407 0.703849 0 0 0 0.391342 0.113984 0.359697 0.0203592 0 0 0 0 0.888795 0.379942 0.356717 0.0907848 0.062024 0_07606 0.0341248 0-ito2658 0.113454 0.517028 0.37518 0.438679 0.352348 0 0 0 0.7w222 0.0803r33 0 0 0 o2n3n o.357494 0.305475 0.506457 0-24041 0.697573 0.247972 0 0 0 0 0.0280527 0 o.o871/, 0.451346 o511697 0.363316 0.00798412 0 0.144305 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.q) 81.84 39.59 107.67 85,44 t.22 2.@ 103.24 104.35 0.m 0.m 0.m 58-02 16.90 53.33 3.02 O,() 0.m 0.00 0.00 131.76 56.33 51.37 13.45 9_20 lt.27 5.05 59.69 15-82 76.65 55.52 65.03 51.72 0.00 0.m 0.(x) 25-72 11.91 0.00 0.() 0.@ 1\_t2. 53.m a5.29 75,@ 35.64 103.42 41,80 0.@ 0.m 0.o 0.0 4.15 0.(E t2.92 55.91 75.6 53.86 1,18 0.00 21.39 solar Exports (kw) Non'Expo solar (kw) 0.@ 0.000.@ 0.000.00 0.000.m 0.00om 0.00 o00 0.00 0.29 -0.2917.99 39_85 15.01 24.5977.41 23.433.31 52.130.25 0.970.53 1.97 69.43 33.81 68.88 35.45 0.@ 0.q) 0.o1 -0.04 0.@ 0.@ 5E.E5 -0.E4 17.56 -0.65 77.33 30.995.51 ,2.49 0.m 0.000.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.0079.81 51.962!.15 32.5115.54 38.823.99 9.4'2.81 6.324.54 6.132.4 2.26 13.91 45.77 s.76 11.06 35.35 40.30 !&@ 37.6266.16 -1.134.84 44.880.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0072.97 13.1519.95 -8.06 0.05 .0.06 0.@ 0.oo 0.04 -o-04 10.9 30.1829.49 23.5174.87 30.4133.25 41.8323.8 12.3556.45 46.95 5.48 36.32 0.00 0.00 0.q) 0.o0 0.m 0.000.@ 0_m0.45 3.rt0.@ 0.m3.16 9.15 25.27 41.59 38.57 17.29 47.01 6.85 30.28 -29.10 0.04 -0.04 5.86 14.s3 Aftachmentl-Page523 lnltalred Pv Naneplare (kw) DC:AC Ratio Enimated Pv Nameolate {lwac) 771.9 t2 144 7728 1512 1445 1445 1445 1445 1{rl5 1rU5 1446 1539 1694 1455 1414 1414 l5{4 r552 t4f1 1639 1639 1443 1537 1468 17e 1578 1682 1511 7442 7442 1536 1551 1552 1679 1443 7497 1451 14'{1 1441 1441 16119 t476 l5o0 litrt0 1440 t440 1440 1440 t440 l4!0 1440 1580 1444 1560 7722 1633 1439 1439 14:19 1439 1439 1556 7109 1460 1591 1495 1438 1434 1522 D€!3 & T'm€ slal7l t3:00 ro/21/r1 L5:OO 2/5117 7t@ 3l17lr7 A:OO 3117177 7:@ 3l3ll17 21:OO 4l2llt, 23tOO ltl7l77 3rn 9123177 27t0o 3174/77 7ltOO 9/!5177 73:00 3126111 20:vl 70l7t/77 23:oo 7tl29l71o:N 5h3ll7 !7:W 3/1r/1710:oo 71,126171 76,N 5/7/t7 !2:00 7!/13/11 1t:00 7'.\176/77 21:00 4lali E:oo l7l25ll1 16:00 5ll4lr7 9:OO l0/13/171s:oO 9ltsltr t7.@ tt/loltf t6:00 2llo/77 6:00 4/27/17 23.00 9/25/71 r9:OO lrl2ht t3:oo l0lz7lll t3:OO 517!117 2O:OO 70/22171 t!:@ lvl/77 7&N 317217120:N 4/2/712a:oo l7/LA/77 7:OO 1712/t17:00 sl6/7173:oo lO/14/11 79:OO 4/7411120:@ lltoltl B:@ 3/1917122:N 3/20/171:OO 3l2slD a2:00 al75l77 5{$ 7rl1/712,N 11/8/175:00 1Vl0lr7 8:00 t7l27ltl t2:0o 4l3oll7 2r,:00slui zo:oo 5127l77 to:00 11/79/77 t7,00 2l7ol17 O,OO 2179/17 o:oo 70122171 22,00 t7l9l17 23:oo !1.120117 6:00 4hah1t2:@ 514/t712to0 4/17/1770:N 5/20/L7 t5t0o 4122177 a:oo 9l2tlt 2r{t0 7t/2/t7 r.0O r1lasl,7 a2:0o 7446 1445 1445 1445 1445 1'l|'5 1445 1445 1445 1445 14it4 1144 1144 1441 taA4 l44rt 1443 7443 Irt43 1it43 1443 1443 1443 7442 7412 7412 L4aZ 7442 7442 7412 1441 1441 14'?11 1441 1'141 1441 L14L 1'141 1441 t{4t 1441 1440 11l4{) 1/r{{t 1440 7440 1440 1440 1it40 1440 14r10 1440 1440 1439 1439 1439 1439 1439 1439 1439 1439 1434 1438 l43A 1438 1438 1436 Per Unit oistributed Solar 0.929245 0.252262 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0.41621 0.875201 0.0487236 0 0 0.800643 0.176259 0.0r7@35 0.456043 0.612567 0 0.317945 0.0822221 0.263194 0.297414 0.535073 0.00469772 0 0 0.16EE55 0.25244 0.459613 0.164752 0.0443053 0.112/t49 0.0188133 0 0 0 0.520416 0.0836636 0-0E33959 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.699982 0.0147758 0.107939 0.504087 0.631437 0 0 0 0 0 0.0171(X4 0.834368 0.0744294 0.917441 0.0342223 0 0 0.409783 737.76 17.40 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0-m 0.m 0.00 61.70 729.75 '1_22 0-@ 0.m 7la.72 25.r3 14.38 67.67 90.81 0.@ 47_t1 12.19 41-98 41.G 79.32 0.i() 0.00 0.00 25,03 39.@ 68.14 24.42 12.fi 16.67 2.79 0.@ 0.00 o.m 77.1,5 12.lrc 12.X 0.@ 0.m 0.oo 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ to3.n z.t9 16.@ 14,73 93.61 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 7.y fl3.m 11,03 136.01 5.O1 o.@ 0.@ 60.16 93.88 19.31 0.00 0-00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 o.77 35.76 4.23 0.33 0.m 0.00 64.59 irc.04 2.05 39.13 51,15 0-m 29.38 1.54 16.57 30.25 41.42 11.35 0_00 0-00 6-51 43-75 12.llt 74.24 4.91 0.25 0.@ 0.oo 0.00 64.54 3.06 3.25 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 47.(8 O,G 4.38 50.73 63.96 0.m 0-00 0-@ 0.@ 0.m 23.68 82.C 7.72 92.83 2.36 0.00 0.@ 3Lla Non+xport Solar (kw) 43.88 18.09 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.17 25.95 65.52 6.90 0.00 0.00 54.14 -13.95 12.33 27.88 39.56 0.00 17.76 10.65 25.1t 13.64 35.90 -10.65 0.00 0.00 18,45 18.36 24.39 12.28 -7.75lt.n 2.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.61 9.34 9-12 0-oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 56-09 2.11 11,62 24.00 29.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m -21.15 41.62 43.18 2.72 0.00 0.(rc 28.9E Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports Attachment 1-Page524 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-expods rntt.ued Pv N.m€plare ltw) OCAC Ratio Ertimated try NameDlate lkwacl 777.9 1.2 148 Dare a Tims 4171/17 tl:OO 6171/17 L4:OO lU73/17 ts:oo lt/25/17 ts:OO 5/9/a1 LO:@ 2/5lt7o:@ znltT 2:6 3124/17 73:oo 3l28lt7 5:oo 3l1r/!7 zt:OO 4175171 72:00 5/5/t12.OO 519/17 6,00 7212/17 5:oo 9/1611718i0 alz5/77 7t:oo t7/1177 74:00 5la/\7 77:004lilal B:N 70/761a7 l}N rll5/77 ?3:OO 9/\9/77 14:oo \t/25/17 t4:@ 7O/2Oh7 14:OO 9/',\s/77 t2:@ 2lz5/r7 r5:OO 70171 /a7 D:OO al,5,/\77:@ 4126ll, 73:00 7ola4/77 o:@ 70176/17 6:@ 7t/191t7 5:@ 7olz2/a7 9:6 5/A177 79:OO 7712a/]711:& 10/79/77 1o:$ 2116/17 5:00 9l!6/a7 O,OO 7ol2ol77 18:w 4/9/179.& a0/26177 aO:N 5/41711t:00 3h5/171:00 6175/11 1:o0 9123/118:N 3124177 L6:@ t7l6lr717:@ 31a1717,@ 3l9lt7 23:OO 412/17 22:00 5/6177 2:@ lLl-rl!7 7:N 77l7ali 23:00 t2/3/77 7:00 sl4l179:N !2olD a4:oo 5179lt7 71:N 7!/76/17 74tW 70/6177 ao:N 5l29l71ao:N 6/73/1719:W 4/aa/a7 9:oo 3/alfl0:@ 4/1.5/tl t,OO sll.ala7 s.oo lo/r7/712}U 7tl9h7 5:OO Net syrteft Load 1438 1438 7437 L4l7 7137 1'137 t4!7 71X' 143' 1137 1L7 1437 1117 1137 t137 t1l7 1437 1435 1a35 1435 1435 1435 la35 1435 1435 lt35 1435 1435 !r!5 1a35 1435 1435 1435 143S 1434 1434 la34 14:14 1434 1434 1433 1433 1433 1433 1433 1432 1432 1432 1432 1432 1432 t43Z 1432 7432 t432 1432 1432 1432 1432 1432 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 Per Unit Distributed solat 0.353585 o.a76s0a 0.0338401 0.13r585 0_511965 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o.410677 0.382183 0.650346 o-779756 0 0 0 0.577581 0.0944579 0.0432736 0.7049114 0.846344 0.510275 0 0 0 0 0 0.001512 0.3.r4568 0.562148 0_297399 0 0 0.2210S9 0,177458 o_7719c/ 0.588856 0 0 0 0.04,u44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,244004 0.41505 0.172706 0,349612 0.3116905 0.498337 0.393121 0.2,€702 0 0 0 0 0 53.90 130.m 502 19.51 75.90 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.0 0.(n o.o0 0.(p 0.(D o.m 5(r.88 56.55 97.90 106.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 85.54 14.@ 6.42 104.51 725.41 75.65 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m o.22 51.08 83.34 44.09 0.@ 0.@ 32.17 25.3r 4{.31 102.12 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 13-21 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 36.17 61.53 105.66 51.83 51.43 73_88 58.28 36.9) 0.m 0.m 0-@ 0.m 0.m 20.25 80.88 12,50 7.11 45.19 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.& 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.mo0 26.7! 34.09 55.04 53.21 0.m 0.m 0.00 46.O7 8.91 40.51 ,24 51.70 0.(r 0.(D 0.63 0.(D o.m 0.74 25.0E m.77 21.18 0.00 0.@ 9.7A 10.53 10.83 65.58 0.00 0.00 0.29 21.06 7-05 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 14.53 34.46 67.72 18.36 28.38 49.14 30.21 8.54 0.00 0.m 0.r3 0.q) 0.() Non-€xport50lar (kw) 33.55 49.13 -7.48 12.40 30.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.q) 34.16 22.56 42.86 53.49 0.00 0.00 0.m 39.57 5.10 -34.10 31.29 35.24 23.95 0.(,0 0.@ ,0.53 0.oo 0.00 -0.51 26.(x) r2.56 22.97 0.00 0.00 72.99 15.78 29.44 t5.54 0.00 0.00 {-29 -7.8s -7-05 0-00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2t.51 71.07 4:1.54 33.47 ?3.05 24.50 24.01 28.15 0.0t) 0.00 0.r3 0.0{) 0.00 1511 1696 \525 1469 1172 t437 \437 1437 t437 1437 1437 7417 7411 1437 7517 1533 1626 1686 1436 1436 1436 1598 7447 1558 1585 1584 1631 1435 1435 1435 1435 1435 1436 1703 1602 1593 1434 1434 1529 1564 1592 1709 1433 1433 1415 1511 1515 1432 11132 11132 1432 1432 1432 1432 1652 1491 1588 1539 1632 1774 t776 1624 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 Attachment l - Page 525 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports r.srallcd Pv Nameolate (kwl oc:ac Ratio Estlmated Pv Nalneplat. (tw.c) !17.9 1.2 148 oat6 & Tm6 17/$/17 3:OO 3/8/17 r7:OO 4/26/77 t4:oo 3/24/11 l3:OO 5/14/77 ?O:OO 4/4/77 7o:oo 211/713:@ a/29/711:oO s/3/77 6:00 51781717:@ 6/7s177 3:oo 17/1117 7:OO 72/20/17 1:OO 7tl7o/77 74:@ 10/6/7179:N 4122171 2Z:OO to/1177 22:@ 11/3/t1 /:OO s/4/77 7o:oo 2/76/7717:OO 10/13/1713r00 s/7a/71 2o:oo 2171/71 1:,A t?hlrl 3tw 7214/t7 2t0o sl79/717}X 4/24/717t:oo ,12u17 7A:N 5/77/t71:00 5/28/-t1 3:N tolt4ltT 6:00 tt/26/77 77:@ 7r/16/71 73:@ 3/221t1 lo:oo 3/t7/'t7 1,7:00 2/27/77 4:OO 4/77/77 6:00 t7/2A/17 14:@ t1/76/r1 15:OO 4/13/i r2:oo 3/77 /r7 1t:OO 4/16/17 21:N 5/20/77 r:@ 9/24/11 27:OO l,llT/17 6:00 70127/717:oo lU121111.N 3l1lt7 t6:oo slalDD:@ 5/1A/r7 7O:OO 2/20/77 o:oo 3/1a/rt 27:OO 1/73117 23:OO 4/26/77 7:oo a/21/115:OO $/2A/1r 21,:OO !aa/a7 i:oo 3/26/119:ogtlll/al L7:oo 5/73/11 IA:OO 7\/tz/u \t:oo !71/a122:oo 9/17/17 4:OO 9/26/11 23:OO rc/91a123:oo 1/25/11 75:00 3l7|l117|:oo 1431 1525 1525 1506 1574 1453 1430 1430 1430 1430 1430 1430 1410 1534 1483 1429 1429 1429 1699 1480 1598 1565 1428 142a 1428 1572 $44 1436 7127 1421 1427 1127 !474 1557 r505 t4z6 1426 lsf1 1463 1510 1627 t1z5 1425 1125 1425 112.5 1425 15!O 1683 1660 t121 7424 1424 7424 7424 7421 7448 !fil 7487 1709 7r72 7473 7423 7423 7473 1529 t437 1431 1431 1431 1430 1430 1430 1430 1430 1430 1430 1a:)0 1430 t430 14:)0 1a29 t129 1429 1429 1a29 1429 L42A 1a28 1428 1r28 1a28 1428 1428 llxT Irl27 1427 1121 t127 1427 1121 1425 !426 1426 7426 1426 1425 7426 1425 7425 t425 1425 1425 7425 7425 7425 1425 7424 1424 7421 7424 1424 7424 1424 7424 1423 7423 1423 1423 7423 1423 1423 L423 1423 Per UnI Dirtributed 50lar 0 0.741778 0.331773 0.0723925 0.134932 0 0643625 0.00 21.01 49.19 10.73 20.@ 9-54 0.m 0.m 0.m 0-m 0.o 0.m 0.00 !9.50 16.6S 0.m 0.@ 0.00 72.20 5.72 68.80 15.69 0.00 0-00 0.00 139.76 71.03 t.26 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 11.54 43.91 81.91 0.@ 0.@ 103.55 24.15 20.31 92.93 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 87.31 127.62 n.a7 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 20.56 15.97 27.49 89.s0 58.83 0.m 0.0 0.@ 0.m 15.49 5.19 Sohr Export! (lw) 0-@ 8.95 1a.23 32.94 5.53 1.20 0.m 0.04 0.@ 0.m 0_00 0.@ 0.m 31.93 3.71 0.@ 0.00 0.m 43.58 12.55 51-40 6.55 0.00 0.@ 0.oo 42.91 y.47 7.98 0.tD 0.m 0.63 0.00 11.55 17.14 51.41 0.m 0_m 58.80 5_72 27.67 30.34 0.00 0.e 0.m 0.m 0-a 0.m 19.45 7'1.03 38.21 0-@ 0.m 0.00 0.04 0.m 0_m 15.1rc 5.50 9.77 45.93 a0.20 0.@ 0-00 0.00 0.@ 19.52 0_92 Non-Export Sol.r (tw) 0.00 12.06 30.96 -22-27 13.4E a.34 0.00 -0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m -72.43 72.91 0.@ 0.00 0.00 24.62 .6.93 17.40 9,14 0.@ 0.00 0.00 56.8{) -17.U 4.77 0.oo 0.00 {.63 0.oo .0.0r 76.74 24.07 0.00 0.00 34.75 19.04 -7.30 62.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 67.92 53.59 39.65 0.@ 0.m 0.00 {.04 0.m 0.00 5.16 9.37 71.71 43.57 18.63 0.@ 0.0() 0.00 0.00 -4.03 4.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.r3155 0.112293 0 0 0 0.487011 0.0385881 0.45408 0.105853 0 0 0 0.942751 0.114882 0.00a4974 0 0 0 0 o_o778271 0.296208 0.552502 0 0 0.698526 0.167023 0.135983 0.6?6473 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.589315 0.460826 0.525292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.138576 0.107592 0.14493 0.603707 0.395825 0 0 0 0 0.104502 0.03s0397 Attachment l -Page526 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rn!talled Pv Nameplate (kw) OC:AC Ratio t!timat€d Pv Nameplate (kWac) \?79 7_2 148 Date a The 3lt7l77 7t:OO 317177 75:oo Ttho/71 75:OO 116177 2O:OO 2h6/111:@ 3/8/11 5:C/0 6/15/714:N 9l7t/77 s:OO t1h9/L7 t:oo ?/r,1/77 74,@ 5127/77 77100 3/7a/17 2O:W 5l78lt7 7l:@ to/ali 79100 4l72ll7 70:00 5lall7 r8:an 2/'17177 4:c)O 2/22/77 ltw !O/7/r7 2!:OO \1/25/17 zX:OO l?/7/77 4tOO 72/20177 4tOO 7t/9/17 lStOO t!?slri tltO0 9/221t1 t4tOO 3l75lr7 l2:OO 4l?A/17 27,00 Tola9li 9:00 t0l29/71 l9.OO 5/27/17 2:OO 71/751L7 O:gO 17171114:OO 5/27/t17:OO 5/2/u Lo:@ 9/19/17 13:m 9/2t177 $:00 3173/9 7A:OO 5/7/t110:00 2l5ltt 5:N 4l7ol77 5,OO 7L/3/77 23:00 5/6/17l4:OO 10/22/77 7A:00 a7/26177 A4,00 2/2t117 5:@ 319/11 5.& al'11177 Z3:N 1/12171 23,00 4/1/11?3:OO 4/8/rr 8:@ a/9177 o:@ 1tl22h t 22100 3/LAlt7 7O:OO ,7/4117 74:00 5/t9lt7 74tOO 3129117 72:OO 77/271r7 74:OO 3/29111 2ltOO s/5/t1stOO 9/23/\7 2Z:@ t'll5l77 O:OO 4/7lr1zotoo 7O/2U11 l4:OO 312/17 r5:OO s/18/17 19i00 th6lr7 a:oo 5/All1O|OO 1541 7567 1513 1445 1422 7477 7422 7422 7422 1551 7714 1149 1704 1474 1559 r698 1421 1421 L42l 1421 1421 t47t 1502 L49L 1539 1505 1,428 1429 1429 1420 1420 1420 1432 1653 r505 1510 7447 1592 1419 1419 1419 1628 1446 7474 1418 1418 1418 1418 14$ 141a 1418 1418 1431 1559 1664 1576 1553 1417 7417 1417 1417 7429 1512 1550 1544 7423 1416 1,123 1122 1422 t122 1122 t122 t427 1422 t4z2 1122 1427 t122 1427 142l !t21 1421 t42! 1421 1427 1421 1421 14z1 1421 1421 laz1 1421 1420 la20 1420 1420 1420 1420 1420 1420 1420 1419 1419 1419 1419 1419 1419 1419 1419 1a18 1418 1418 14lE 1418 1418 1418 14lE 1418 1418 1418 1418 7417 !417 1417 74t7 t1l7 1177 1417 t1L1 1177 1416 1415 1415 Per unit oinrahrted Sobr 0.33552' 0.a71777 0.0u0a47 0.0589461 0 0 0 0 0 0.867708 0.706753 0.04677a5 0.884552 0.113355 0.:t57621 0.s71485 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0382075 0,1?a706 0.07825 0_576076 0.m726217 0.0189494 0 0 0 0 0.0083853 0.465204 0.222481 0.3{429 0.0746114 0-11928 0 0 0 0.609636 0.0913376 0.0887483 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0696789 0.715132 o.97229 0.503504 0.705595 0 0 0 0 0.0186r15 0.404107 0.594579 0_27715! 0 0 49.89 121.82 1.64 8,74 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 724.9 104.78 6.93 131.13 16.9) 53.02 u.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.6 25.90 11.60 85.40 1G 2.81 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 7.24 58.97 32.98 5r.04 1r.06 17.68 0.m 0.00 0.00 103.72 13.54 13-16 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.0() 0,q) 0.@ 0.00 10.33 112.10 144,14 74.9 104.75 0.0 0.(r 0.m 0.@ 2.76 59.91 84.rc 12.24 0.@ 0.00 48.17 79.85 73.77 1.O4 0.m 0.m 0m 0@ 0.m 98.57 77.29 1.80 99.30 4.60 24.96 46.77 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 4.97 20.10 31.96 47.72 o.t2 0.50 0.33 000 0.00 0.00 066 41.17 44.15 1E.E3 14.80 5.42 0.@ 0.m 0.m 64.92 1.35 4.79 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0-00 0.@ 0.16 0.@ 0.00 9.94 51.41 75.31 39.87 45.63 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.53 1.83 34.44 55.79 2o.62 0.00 0.00 Non-trport Solar {kw) t72 47.97 -12.07 7.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.07 27.49 5.14 31.83 !2.70 24.06 34.0r 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.11 5.80 ,20.35 37.@ 0-95 2.31 {.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 27.N -11.1E 32-21 -3.74 12.26 0.00 0.m 0.@ 38.80 t2.79 4.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_oo 0-00 -o-16 0.00 0.00 0.39 60.69 68.a3 34-77 59-13 0.00 0.@ 0.m -o.63 0.93 25.47 12.37 11.65 0.00 0.00 Attachment 1 - Page 527 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-€xports lnnalled Pv Nameplate (kw) Esiimated Pv Nameplate (kW.c) 777.9 1.2 148 Da!8 & Tamg Tonli 8:00 71173171 21:00 5h3lL7l7.OO t712117713:OO slTltl ta:00 L1-/22117 77tOO 4/26177 9:N 5l19ltt 15:@ 1/5177 O:00 4l2el77 6:V0 !ol3/U 6t0o 7tlBl77 r:CtO 77l2ht t4 00 6ltqtT [O:OO t0llTltT la:OO t{231r7 t3 @ 9/27/17 t2:OO s/79177 6:00 5/?oh-t 6)00 sl79/77 2:00 9l27l7r 23:go 9/2t/1f 2\OO ty9/17 ffi 1v2ol17 o:cn 77124/a1 IA.OO 70177177 t2:N 4126117 IA:OO 4l7lt719t@ sl7al17 7A:@ 2l7al77 7{fr $lal17 231fro a2lal77 !tO0 S/13/t776tco 4holr7 2otw to/t6/t7 \7t00 tTlr8lrT 72100 3l2Llr7 r9:@ 3/13/17 72:@ 2lglai 7:00 2/L6lL14:@ 2/11/711fi 2/271113:@ 4/29/77 22tOO 70/31/17 ?3:OO 77/N/a13:oo 9/79/77 77100 4/74/77 75:OO 1l{!7 r7t0o 417]-177 76tOO 4174177 76100 3l3rl77 72100 7715/77 O:@ ]g/71t7 g:oo 513/t7 9$ 3174/17 75too 3/3/77 73:tN 2/5/77 2too a/61t17:lto 4ll0ll7 23100 4ll9ll7 23:@ 71179171 3:00 3/27/17 72100 71/5/77 75:00 4/31!7 20:@ 70/70/77 7At0D 2/79/77 t7t00 51617715:00 1416 1416 rt91 1558 1557 1512 1481 7679 1415 1415 1415 1415 1531 7?6 1535 1480 1551 1414 1414 1414 1414 7411 1414 1414 1595 1526 7446 1586 1413 1413 1413 1545 14rt9 1580 1601 1129 1584 7412 1412 74t2 74t2 7112 L4t2 74t2 1565 t577 1569 15@ $44 15t2 1411 1469 1545 1509 1567 1410 1410 1410 1410 1410 1509 1585 1463 1498 1499 1615 14l5 1416 1416 1415 1416 1416 1415 1415 1415 1415 1415 1415 1415 1415 1415 1414 1414 1414 1414 1414 1414 1414 L414 1414 1413 l/t13 1413 1413 1413 1413 1413 1413 1413 1413 1413 1413 t4l3 14tz 1412 1412 1412 1412 1412 1472 141! 1472 t472 !111 !u,t 1411 1411 1411 1411 1411 1410 1a10 1a10 1a10 1410 1410 1410 1410 1410 !(B 1409 1409 1409 Per Unt Distribut.d solar 0 0 0.758014 0.7424{a 0.192i146 o.522179 0.211252 0.947647 0 0 0 0 0.514927 0.s08738 0.2r5034 0.212626 0.574469 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0.2s7062 0.355514 0.06555&! o-222321 0 0 0 0.656375 0.0770304 0.551755 0-514719 0.00135192 0.599399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.413215 0.872453 0.465915 0-264517 0.5720E5 0.821105 0 0.095209 0,742476 0.345646 0.742059 0 0 0 0 0 0.E31273 0.00m6577 0.056lrc75 0.190565 0.351195 0.731351 0.m 0.d) 113-86 110.07 24.53 31.32 140.49 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 76.34 75 42 3r.84 35.97 85.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.c() 0.00 18.11 52.70 917 32.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 97_31 71.42 81.80 91.13 0.20 103.6S 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.26 129.34 69.07 39.21 84.81 727.73 0.m 74.26 35.95 51.24 110.01 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.(x, 0.00 723_74 0.9t) 9.U 78.77 52.06 108.42 0-04 0.@ 63.43 57./rc 72.95 43.70 9.38 13.62 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 26.80 46.25 t1.zo 34.54 38.36 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0_m 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 43_93 20.8!t 4.95 42.10 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 75.55 1.-t4 53.23 78.14 4.33 61.25 o.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m a}.77 75.35 27.57 19.51 63.82 8r.34 0.m 3.33 14.32 35.20 81.55 0.(rc 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.(I 44.2' 21.36 7.97 13.62 77,72 52.@ Non-Expo( Sol.. (kw) -0.04 0.00 50.43 52_58 5.58 33,74 21_9't 66-88 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 49.54 29.17 77_6E 1.43 46.80 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 -5.82 31.82 4.71 -9.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.76 9.68 28.56 12.99 -4.13 42.41 0.m 0.00 0-00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.54 52.98 41.50 19.70 20.99 40.39 0-m 10.93 21.53 16.04 24.36 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 74.97 -20.45 7.88 14.64 14.95 55,42 Attachment 'l - Page 528 Scheduls 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rn5ta led Pv Nameplate (kw) tetimated PV Nameplate (kwac) 4127/17 o:OO 5/t0/112:OO 5/2rli 6:@ 10/10/t' 23:@ ro/rzlr't 6:@ 3/74/a7 B:00 3/29/11r7:0o 4171/11 r3.OO s/2o/i A:00 s/2A/r7 5:00 rlr9/t1 4:OO 1t173/11 tz:oo al2a/71 l]tOO 4lt7/tt 73:00 9119/77 t6:oo 5/19171 72:OO 313171 tg:OO 71/1171 73:oo 215/113:OO s/6/\7 6:00 5/70/ti 5:OO 7016177 23:oo 7llrsl71 23:OO $/ta/116:00 to/2o177 7:oo 70130171 23:OO t7/7t/tl 7:OO 4lsl77 79:oo 9176/77 9:OO 11/10/1713:00 7117/L7 s:oo 4/9/116:00 4laq/77 23:OO sl9/71 l:OO 5l$/112:OO 5/21/77 3:oo 9122/71 23:OO 7Ol9/716:00 741/77 2too 71/3/717:OO s/271779OO 9/23/17 2O:Oo tr/71/17 r5:OO 4/26/77 tt:OO 3/1,9/77 7O:OO 2/t6lt12:oo 7/t7117 2:oo 2/27/17 O:OO 1/t3lr7 6:00 5h9h7 O:OO \r/21/1r L6:oo 4/ril179,OO 4/15h7 9:OO 3l2a/17 23:oo 9lts/r17t0O 9/t5/t16:00 5/74/0 LA:Oo 9/71/17 11:OO 4/7lti 9:OO 4/9/71 23:oo 4/15/rJ 4:OO s/s/t73:OO 5l2g/r7 4:OO 71,/79/ri 5:OO 5la/71t1:OO 4/25/7t 27:OO 1409 1409 1409 1409 tt{19 1456 1491 1505 1529 1408 !r08 1505 1571 1548 7577 1655 7677 1521 1407 1ao7 7407 1407 1401 7407 lq1 1407 7407 1407 1448 1504 1540 1405 1i105 141)6 1405 1iE5 1405 1406 1405 1405 1406 1650 t41l 1538 1504 1415 1rr05 1405 1405 1405 1405 1548 1539 157S 1404 1404 1404 1559 1501 1s03 1403 1401 1403 1403 1403 1682 1405 1409 1409 1409 1409 1409 1409 1409 14()9 1409 1406 148 14m 1408 140€ 14m 1408 1tto7 t147 1107 1ito7 1407 ua7 ra07 1407 va1 1447 1407 t107 1447 1407 1106 1405 1406 1406 r406 1406 1406 1406 1405 1,106 1a06 1406 1405 1405 1aos r405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1404 1404 1404 1404 1404 1404 1404 1403 1403 1403 1403 1403 1403 1403 1403 P.. U.it Dktribut.d 5o1., Generatlon 0 0 0 0 0 0.0€42064 0.333121 0.359E4 0.0680122 0 0 0.503532 0.5083a3 0.61027 0.1953!3 0.E55322 0.320109 0.11456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.114279 0.13t253 0.0929911 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.279482 0 0.596702 0.s65949 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.409849 0.204464 0.198907 0 0 0 0.338754 0.423534 0.134218 0 0 0 0 0 0.152102 0 (tw) 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 12,a8 49.39 53.35 10.08 0.o 0.m 89-49 75.36 90.il7 24.95 126.60 17.46 11.26 0.m 0.0 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.qt 0.@ 16.94 19.46 13.79 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.q) 0.@ 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.q) 41.43 0.m 6E.45 84.05 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 60.76 30.31 29.49 0.@ 0.m 0.m 50.22 62.79 19.90 0.m 0.8 0.m 0m 0.@ 111,50 0.m Solar E4orts lkw) 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 7.49 15.91 29.85 3.06 0m 0.m 44.32 26.93 ,t1.79 35.71 75.14 25.95 15.19 0.q) 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 15.84 5.41 :|8.23 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.0o 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 27.25 0.21 35.15 21.23 0.52 0.00 0.@ 000 0@ 0.00 18.89 775 13.73 0.00 000 0.@ 50.58 33.39 7,42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69.{4 0.04 ExpotSolar{kw} 0.00 0.00 0_00 0-00 0.@ 5.@ 32.44 23.50 7.03 0.m 0.@ 45.16 48.44 48.68 -7.75 s0.56 21.50 1.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.10 14.05 -24.13 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 20.18 -0.21 53.31 62.42 .0.52 0.00 0.00 o00 0.o0 0.00 47.87 22.56 15.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.36 29.40 72.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.06 -0.04 Attachment I -Page529 777.9 !.2 148 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rn$alled PV Namepl.le (kw) DC|AC Ratio Estimaled Pv N.meplate lkwac) 1/19 1.2 148 D6rs & Tims 5/7a177 7t}O rO/15/t710:00 2lL7lt7 77:0o 4/t8l,7 79:& 3/9/1116:00 to/17/17 73:oo 4ll1h7 \a:8 5l?ol77l4:@ 4lasl77 6:00 7212171!:00 7122/7171:oO 417/17 72:00 4/75/1121:N sll/17 6:00 6/u/t7 r:@ rg/29/t1 22100 3lt1/D ag:oo 5191t17}& 4/25/rT IQOO 4lr7l0 aS 0O 2/25/1117:& 9/3o/77 9:0o 5/lA/17 11 :00 3/3/1714:OO !23177 7:0o t7h2/r1 23100 77179/77 2t0O 17127/17 73:@ 7!2!17 9:0o alglrl 20:Un 3/29/77 71:00 5/3117 7a:@ 70/27/77 77:6 tol1lll 7L:N 4l2o/77 77:oo 2/9171 s:oo 4l2A/D 23:N ,1lSlai 4:@ ,r/26/71 A:OO 114/tl7t1OO 70/79/77 U:@ -\0/5/17 7rf9 5/A/D 76:00 7/79/71 16:00 11,14177 t5fi sl9l77 a2:@ 9/30/1710{O Zl5/11a:OO al6l11s:@ 2/221112.0O 3127/tt 7,oo 417117 7:OO 4/75/11 27:OO aolu lal $:oo 10/31/17 18:00 4/1X/11 16:00 4/27 /a7 t7:oo 2/rA/117:OO 4h/r7 27:oo 10/71/17 23:OO 11/r1/116:00 laa/al L2:oo 10/28/1719:00 1/75/\1 16:@ 2l$lt7 6:00 3lt7/t7 6:@ 41617113.00 141E 1516 1524 !492 1481 1585 7442 1690 1402 1402 1137 1502 1401 titot 1401 r401 1459 1580 1542 1500 1570 1409 1507 1550 14m 14@ 1400 14(p 14q) 1470 1551 1579 7522 1635 1509 1399 1399 1399 1399 1431 1517 l51l 1669 1496 l52t 1683 1444 1398 139E 1398 1398 1398 1399 1530 1498 1488 1592 !397 7397 7397 7397 7412 1409 1552 1396 1396 1396 1403 1403 1402 1a02 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 1402 l40l 1401 1i101 1401 1401 1401 1401 1401 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1aoo l4m t1& ra00 1400 tiloo 1400 1399 !399 1399 1399 1399 1399 1399 1399 1399 139E 1398 1398 1398 1398 1398 1398 1398 1398 1398 1397 1197 1397 1197 1397 1397 1397 1397 1397 1397 1395 1395 1396 P€r Unit Dirtribut€d Solar 0.m913747 0.333812 0.414108 0.?89451 0.272708 0.581482 0.269991 0.924512 0 0 0.0352599 0.4!zz7z 0 0 0 0 0.210369 0.952714 0.219283 0.352115 0.476511 0.082516 0.417405 0.735629 0 0 0 0 0.054737E 0.0928087 0_45@55 0.538024 0-397371 o595193 0.715704 0 0 0 0 0345885 0.258783 0.367573 0.878132 0.570557 0.532014 0.863656 0.293843 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.243561 0.236611 0.54951 0.66482r 0 0 0 0 0.139054 0.015177 0.696541 0 0 0 1.35 49.49 61.39 42.91 40.43 85.20 40.03 137.55 0.m 0.(tr 5.23 65.57 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.m 31.19 141.24 32.51 52.20 70.4 61.66 109.05 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 E11 13.75 69.09 n.76 58.91 88-24 40.87 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.@ 65.10 39.8s 54.49 130.18 E4'@ 78.87 128.Oa 43.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-@ 0.m 0.00 36.11 !5.0E 81.46 98.56 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 20.51 2.25 103.28 0.@ 0.(p 0.m 0.29 26.81 33.22 12,56 17.59 59.n 19.96 95.77 0.@ 0.00 0.51 26.72 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 5,15 70t.77 12.23 27.10 37.10 0.96 53.26 65.98 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.q) !.04 4.23 51.04 47,6 4D.26 s8.75 43.82 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 16,11 12.81 48.74 88.81 38.28 38.39 89.4-l 10.40 0.m 0.@ 0.(D 0.()0 0.(tr 0.m 14,55 5.54 20.91 46.17 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 25.95 0.45 67.53 0.@ 0.m 0.m Non-Erpon Solar {kw) t.o7 22.67 24.71 30.35 22.U 26.44 20.05 41.95 0.00 0_00 4,51 39.4r1 0.00 0.01) 0.00 0.00 25.03 39_s3 0.28 24.90 33.54 11.29 8.62 43.08 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 5.08 9.52 18.06 32.7L 18.55 29.49 -2.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49.99 27.U 5.35 47.37 46.32 40.48 34.57 33-17 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 21.55 28.54 50.55 57.79 0.00 0.m 0_m 0.m -5.34 1.79 35.75 0-00 0-m 0.m Attachment l -Page530 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled Pv Nameplate (lw) DC:AC Ratio tullmated Fu Nameplat€ (kwac) Date & Time 5/6/771:OO 1o/l9ll7 23:00 77l2gl9 4.00 5/14/77 79,00 9121/779:N th6/77 71'00 1O/71/77 7t,00 4lal77 78.00 318/!7 2tw 4175/71 3:OO 5hO/!7 4:00 tolaT/77 6.00 71/9177 2:oo 4/6/77 73:OO TOhGltT 72:00 1Ll7h, !5:OO 5lal77 73:OO 4l75lt12t@ 5/s/17 4:oo 5l2ol77 2:oo 5127177 stoo ,/28177 5:go 77/70/77 6:00 71/24117 2l:OO 4l23ll7 2OIOO 9/t9lt7 75:00 10/10/U 11:00 ao/aa/71 10,(n 4/17/77 79,90 3hO/!714:00 1la/77 6rn 3/73177 23:tx 3126/1111& 70/73/77 6:00 11128177 t,oo 3lz7/77 73:OO 2h9/77 75:00 811716:@ 3122177 TltOO 3lalfi 75:oo 2/tll77 l5:OO 3/s/t7 6:00 3/241t7 6too fi/2a/77 22tOO 4/6177 72:OO 9/791\7 t7:OO ao/2o/77 73:OO 419/1? 2O:@ 5/2ll!7 \6:00 7t/9/17 t3:OO 2/ala7 2:OO 5170/77 3:N 7r/75/lr stoo 71,/2a/17 1:00 sl79l77 79:e 1/29/U 75:tP 1L/7177 75:00 4lto/!7 71:00 a/ao/77 79t00 3l1A/77 7o:OO 5175111r:00 5/7A177 4:OO 70lZSl77 71:OO Lt/ElLl2:00 7L12/77 76tOO r1h9h1 r2too 3/23/77 2O:OO t71.9 11 148 1396 1396 1396 1581 1489 1514 1669 1395 1395 1395 1395 1395 1492 1656 1589 1659 1394 1394 1394 1394 1394 1394 1394 l4a2 1581 1618 1549 1458 7482 1393 1393 1393 1393 1393 1580 1511 1511 1544 1525 !527 1392 1392 7392 1494 1626 1534 1431 767b 1550 1391 1391 1391 1391 1669 1510 1501 7572 1480 1390 1390 1390 1390 1390 1494 1588 742? 1396 r396 1396 1396 r396 1396 r395 1395 1395 1395 1395 1395 1395 1395 1394 l39a 139,1 1394 1394 1394 1394 ll94 1394 1394 1394 1394 r394 1394 1393 1393 1393 1393 r39l 1393 1393 l39l 1393 1393 1393 1393 1392 1392 1392 1392 1392 1392 1392 1392 1391 1391 1391 1391 1391 1391 1391 1391 1390 1390 1390 1390 1390 1390 1390 1390 1390 1390 1389 Ppr Unit Disiributed Solar 0 0 0 0.0986235 0.135579 0.432179 0.578648 0.253765 0 0 0 0 0 0.319921 o.7@a72 0.567742 0.949482 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0852551 0.911E!5 0.st0856 0.258203 0.2255t2 0.525385 0 0 0 0 0 0.951001 0.6s2821 0.257012 0.510513 0.497214 0.78632 0 0 0 0.462415 o.532709 0.1/la845 0.0647993 0.807954 o.279621 0 0 0 0 0.35E071 0.31,1171 0.524954 0.23628 0_229393 0 0 0 0 0 0.372m6 0.73159E 0.0{49389 0.@ 0-@ 0.@ 74_62 20.11 54.07 45.78 37.67 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 47.43 105.24 83-43 140.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-@ tz.g 135.18 86.11 39.75 33.46 92.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 1q,.99 96.78 38.10 75.68 13.7t 116.57 0.m 0.@ 0.m 68.56 81.94 22.07 9.61 119.78 41,45 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 53.08 45-58 77.42 35.03 34.01 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 55.16 104_47 6.65 0.00 0.00 0.m 27.50 4.83 12.7' 48.34 24,45 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.01 0.m 26.E5 72.58 37.30 93.07 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 z.14 s8.16 55.16 19.91 10.44 41,83 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.63 0.@ 49.49 36.39 25.16 29.05 32.53 89 70 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.47 50.21 26.03 2.52 95.09 41.42 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 30.15 ?7-t7 23.00 44.97 0.16 0.12 0.(D 0.(D 0.(p 0.m 9.7 '77.42 1_8 Non txport Solar {l(Wl 0.00 0.00 0_00 ,12.E{t 15.29 11.92 17.t5 13.17 0_00 0.m 0.00 -1.01 0.m 20.54 32.6 46.13 17.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.50 n.o2 30.95 19.85 23.01 50.88 0_m 0.00 0.00 {.63 0.m 91.50 60.39 12.@ 46.61 41.18 26.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.75 31.73 -5.96 1_Oa 23.59 -1.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 72.94 79.47 54.83 -29.94 33.84 4.12 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 45.39 31.05 5.59 Attachment l -Page531 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non€xports rnstalred Pv Nameplate (kw) Estimated Pv Nameplat€ (kwac) 177.9 t.2 148 77l2al7-t 7s:6 4h/717t:00 rolr/119:N 3l?o117 75t0o slt5l77 5tO0 7O/7s/716100 tolz4/77 23tOO t7l9/77 75t00 3/71/712O]OO 6/t4/t13100 77/A/l13tOO 5/917177:OO 3l1a1t79:@ 7l/25/71 17.@ tolt2ltl $,OO 7ol7al77 8:OO 2/9/712:00 2/7t/77 4:00 3/8h,13:oo 3/26/17 23100 17/9/77 4:00 4/A/71,4:00 5/29/71J:00 4l2ol77 !5:00 4/25/17 1O:OO slAl,7 Y:00 4lB/17 lltOO a/r8/r7 r3:@ 4/r3h1 rs:oo tO/10/ti 72:N 4/73/771:00 4/7t177 5:00 5/2r/r7 4:00 LO/75/\7 23tOO 70/1/ri r8:@ 2/76/77 3:@ Xla/r7 4,OO 4/r/171:OO tolz2/17 o:@ s/8/11 r5t0o 7r/14/77 r1:OO 7o/7a/71 23:OO 3/10/71 lStOO !O/ZZ/!1 l2tOO 5/7a/17 LZTOO )/74/71 22:OO 51291111:00 LOl24l116tOO 70111/7113t0O 77/51t7 6:00 t1l9lt13:OO 10/8/179i00 4/A177 77:OO slll7173,OO 1/9/77 73:OO ,27177 72:OO 4/30/77 7A:00 2/20/71 5 OO 3/16/77 23:00 3lr\/111;cn 417/t7 23:@ a1741716:00 rValrl l:OO 9/3olt7 19:00 17/13/17 73:00 3/3/!7 15:N 4l73lt7 \4:N 1561 1515 1423 1458 r389 1349 1389 1488 1396 1388 1384 1555 r392 1@7 1546 1513 't387 1387 1387 1387 1387 1493 1401 1517 1621 1551 1484 1535 1478 1605 1386 1385 1385 1386 7491 1385 1345 1385 1385 1663 7571 1388 1469 1459 1667 13811 1384 1ta4 1384 1384 1384 1419 1454 1619 1516 L48j t452 r383 1343 1383 1343 1383 1383 1464 15fO 1515 1493 1389 1389 r389 1389 r389 1389 1389 1388 1388 1388 !388 r388 r388 l3a1 1387 r387 1387 1387 ll87 1387 1387 !387 r387 r387 l!a7 1385 1385 1386 1386 1385 13E5 1386 1385 1385 1385 1385 1385 1385 1385 13E5 1385 1385 1385 1385 1385 1384 1384 1344 1344 1384 13E4 1384 1384 1384 1384 1383 1383 1383 1383 1383 r383 13a3 1383 1383 1383 1383 13E2 Per Unit Distriburcd Solar 0.571E13 0.163219 0.0837838 0.5E7@9 0 0 0 0.330142 0.016979 0 0 0.714928 0.0154591 o.0275493 0.330416 0-273042 0 0 0 0 0 0.311542 0.0095368 0.417538 0.507564 0.983159 0.50435 0.732565 0.558485 0.297589 0 0 0 0 0.0139185 0 0 0 0 0,957511 0.629517 0 0.s60875 0.15254 0.812165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03058i19 0.254027 0.131396 0.342451 0.0314891 0.250359 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.150398 0.514951 0.703351 0.249318 u.n 24.20 72.12 67.04 o.@ 0.m o.m 48.94 2.52 o.m 0.m 105.99 7.29 3.34 48.98 40.44 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 46.20 1.a3 61.90 75.25 145.75 t08.61 84.28 44.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 2.06 0.q) 0.00 0.m 0.q) 141.96 93.33 0.m 83.15 24.10 120.40 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.(D 0.m 4.55 37.6 49.13 50.ft 1.67 x7.t2 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 22.{ 79.3t 704.27 36.95 43.08 1!.54 7.12 37.m 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 30.?.4 0.33 0.m 0.m 70.96 3.37 12.30 15.35 12.96 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.0 40.68 0.33 47.27 14_ll 96.05 31.70 45.42 30.9r 55.12 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 13.73 0-@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 9S.11 52.88 0.@ 44.37 18.8r 90.31 0.m 0-@ 0.m 0.m 0.() 0.m 7.67 30.92 55.94 57.55 25.06 23.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.([ a.69 39.05 45.42 34.23 Non-Elport 50lar lkwl 41.69 9.55 11-m 50.04 0.@ 0.(xl 0.00 18.70 7.79 0.00 0.00 35.02 -1.08 -4.96 11.62 27,52 0.cp 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 5.52 1.10 14-63 51.14 49.71 4l_07 63-19 53.36 -11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -11.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.85 40,45 0.00 38.74 5.26 30.10 0.m 0.@ 0.oo 0.m 0.00 0.00 2.88 6.73 -5-81 '6.78 -21_39 13.82 0_00 0-00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 17.67 ,l().25 58.85 2.71 Attachment l -Page532 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnarr€d Fi/ Nameprate (kw) Estimated Pr' Nam€plate (kwac) 777.9 7.2 148 317/77 t6:00 4/74h718:00 4/3117 6:@ 5/31710:00 t0lt4/77 5:OO 3/4/lr lAtOO 1r/12/77 r6tOO 5/1/l7 tL|OO 70/71 /11 l4tOO 7l/19117 16:00 5/l9lt 76:00 3/4/11 t:oo 4/17/17 74:OO 3/29/U 13:OO sl22l77 3:00 9/77lr1o:oa 71/2/17 23:Oo 71/72/17 0:W 9/r6lt7 71:00 2/6171lOA 3/25117 23:N 5l7ltl2:N 9/30177 23:OO 70/25/ \7 6:N llza/al 2:00 9/22177 79:OO 9/21 /77 7A:OO 3/9/17 7s:N 9121177 75:@ 5/317171:OO 3l2o/!7 s:@ 10/70/77 6:00 71-125/t11:OO s/r4/71 IO:OO 3/15/1713:00 5/L9ll7 t7:oo 4/ts/71 23:OO 7Ol5/71 l2:OO 4/291!1 27:oo tol2al71 t7.OO i/2a/77 16:00 7o/2ht rr:oo 9/29/7176100 10/9/17 r1r00 2/77/77 3:OO 2/79/77 bt90 5/41\7 7:oo 5/22/77 2tOO 5/291716tW 7O/79/r7 71:N 513/17 75:00 7/201117:00 1174/tt 23:00 a/3r/1, 23:oo 5/21716:@ 10/s/176:00 t7/l4l!7 5:oo 9/?a/7' ra:oo 5/3/17 r4:OO s/7a/1, 16:00 1r/72/ti t2:OO l/\9/71 t:OO 4/71 ltl 23:OO 5/7/77 r:oo 10/13/17 o:00 5/3/t776tOO fil1a/t771:00 1551 !t83 1382 1382 1382 1487 1442 1651 1562 1493 1558 t3E1 1515 1530 1380 1380 1380 1340 r555 13,9 1379 taJg 1379 1379 1379 1462 1614 1490 1502 1655 1378 1378 7374 1549 1488 1664 1377 l5E5 1383 1626 1545 16!9 1606 1618 1375 7376 1375 7376 1376 1497 !651 1175 1375 1375 1375 1375 1375 1609 1555 15EE 1510 7374 r374 1374 1374 1653 1595 Per Unit Diitributed 90lar 0.678198 0.s28341 0 0 0 0.333241 0.0241042 0.680326 0.682405 0.r89105 0.E65697 0 0.426355 0.458401 0 0 0 0 0.639907 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.t90247 0.391988 0.498611 0.s6882s 0.710634 0 0 0 0.526241 0,571998 0.146176 0 0,476773 0.00827464 o.s24517 0_383194 0.598805 0.596089 0.587949 0 0 0 0 0 0.351507 0.918189 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.394334 0.940487 0.557984 0.ir9912 0 0 0 0 0.83363 0.361239 lm.54 78.3! 0.m 000 0.m 49.40 3.57 100.86 101.17 2E.03 128-49 0.m 5!.21 67.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 !,4.87 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.20 58.11 13.97 84.33 105.35 0.m 0.@ 0.m 78.02 84.80 110.70 0.m 70.68 1.23 56.84 u.7l 103.20 87.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.11 r36.12 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 56.46 139.49 97.55 73.99 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 123.59 53.85 60.39 4{).19 0.m 0.@ 0.63 61.99 9.42 65-82 68-19 17.94 73.27 0.00 37_59 35.22 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m 55.23 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.(p 0.m 6.05 31.39 39.29 41.@ 70.79 0.m 0_m 0-m 50.96 47.fi 66.38 0.00 @.12 0.04 5116 14.16 36.09 67-71 61.55 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m t0.92 93.80 0.([ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 32.51 96.64 77.2' 51.37 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0-m 82.98 44.73 Non-Expon Sol.r (kw) 40.15 38.13 0.00 0.00 '0.63 -12,59 -5.84 35.04 32.98 10.09 55.72 0.00 25.52 32.74 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 34.53 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.00 22.76 26.73 34.53 42.73 35.16 0.m 0.@ 0.m 27.05 37.14 14.32 0.00 6.35 1.19 25.@ 42.58 52.68 35-49 25.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.@ 21.19 42.32 0.00 0.00 0.m 0-00 0.m 0.00 25.95 42.85 26.28 22.52 0.m 0.m 0-q) 0.00 40.60 9.12 Attachment l -Page533 Net s$tem Load 1342 1382 r382 1382 1382 1382 1382 1382 841 841 1381 1:la1 1380 1380 tt80 1380 13a0 1380 1380 1379 1379 1379 1379 1379 1379 1379 1379 1378 1376 1378 1378 1378 1378 7377 7371 7311 7t77 7311 7376 7176 1376 1176 7t76 7315 7176 1376 1376 7376 1376 1375 1375 1375 7175 1375 1375 1375 1375 1375 1375 1375 ,,371 1374 1174 1X74 1374 7174 7114 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exportg rnnalled Pv Namepr.te (kw) tstimated Pv Nameplrte (kw.c) t77.9 7,2 148 r654 14!3tffi 1508 1635 1373 t547 r505 1427 1531 1535 1393 1555 1475 7172 1372 1172 1592 1478 1596 155iI 1574 1442 1529 1428 1659 1371 1371 t522 1616 1554 1645 1370 1370 r370 1370 1370 1370 1370 1532 r515 1505 1,492 1481 1539 1517 1369 1369 1369 1169 1600 1397 1435 15r0 1358 1368 1368 1495 7SO7 1519 13E3 1367 1357 1367 1367 r588 1513 ll11 1374 7374 1373 1373 7473 1373 1373 7372 1372 1372 1372 t312 1372 1372 t372 1377 1372 1372 1372 1372 1371 1371 1171 1371 1171 1371 1371 1111 137(, 1370 1370 1370 1370 1370 7370 1370 1370 73m 1370 1370 136q 1369 1369 r369 r369 1369 !369 1359 1369 1369 1368 136E 1368 1368 1368 1368 136a r36a 1368 1367 1167 7167 7!67 7157 1356 Per Unit Dhr.ibut.d 5ol.r o.823221 0.14,419 0.893758 0.325512 0.534819 0 0.504347 0.637501 0.t1194A 0.616142 0.721463 0.399979 0.457454 0.579782 0 0 0 0.743915 0.313771 o.627571 o.46166, 0.746542 0.428915 0.1t6936 0.119334 0.s77s17 0 0 0.188407 0.755448 0.442424 0.581s14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0985319 0.52131 0.756161 0.521238 0.12522 0.75485 0.32E668 0 0 0 0 0.731954 0.0905896 0.225985 0.515395 0 0 0 0.20480r 0.0599848 0.398958 0.0129502 0 0 0 0 0.44982 0.893251 122.('4 21.41 r32.50 44.41 79.29 0.00 14.74 94.51 16.@ 9!.39 r06.95 59.30 67.82 E5.95 0.m 0.m 0.(p 1r6.22 46,52 93.04 128.63 710.67 63.59 r8.82 17.69 85.62 0.00 0.@ 27.93 113,54 71.52 85.21 0.00 0.00 0.q) 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 14.62 77.4 112.r0 77.27 14.71 111.91 4E.71 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 18.51 13-45 33.50 76.41 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 30.36 8.89 59.15 t.92 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 66.68 132.12 rion-E4on solar (lw) /rc-rc -1.03 38.26 6.83 -4.58 0.00 24.70 28.04 13.02 62.26 32.57 19.-12 28.85 48.23 0-00 0.00 -0.53 33.24 37.47 29.35 32.72 44.U 31,/t4 -15.96 10.30 32.16 0.m 0.m 24,77 5E.76 5.54 3rr.56 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -s.80 25.58 28.14 24_16 8.81 58.55 29.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ &).25 ro.74 18.05 41.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.19 -35.03 26.36 0.8s 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 26.81 79.16 81.95 24.50 94.24 47,57 83.96 0.00 50.07 66.47 3.58 29.13 74 39 $54 34.95 31.72 0.q) 0.00 0.63 82.98 8.55 63.69 95.91 66.63 32.74 34.78 7.19 53.46 0.@ 0m 1.72 54.74 65.98 5r.55 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 20.42 50.61 81.96 53.11 9.90 53.35 18.91 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 24.25 2-7t 't5.14 34.99 0.m 0.m 0.00 15.17 43.92 32.79 1.O7 0.m 0.m 0@ 0.@ 39.84 52.56 5l!t7 t2:go 4/517175:OO 9/20/71 73:OO !l72lt7 7t:OO 5l7A/77 72:oo 4/23/77 23:OO 4l2\lt7 13:00 2/7,-/77 76:00 tO/1/77 79:00 4/26/1711:OO 5114177 77:00 7t124/17 7O:@ 4/24/77 74:Oo 4/al7175tOO 2/9/17 4trxj 4/t9177 6:00 tg/r4/tl 7100 9/291]7 !'tw 4/8117 79tg0 3/2A/77 17:00 512117113,@ l0llt/1r 1}@ 9/30/u r1:00 lO/20/77 t6:@ al5/17 9:00 5/79/U LA0O 4/5/77 23:OO tO/4/77 6:09 77/7a/1r t1:OO 7Ol2/1, L2:OO 10/5/1713:00 r0/r4lr71r:00 3/r!/17o:@ 1/22/t12}@ 1/29/17 5:N a/g/rt 5:oo 5/7/77 O:N 5/f/77 5:00 ll/22/171:00 7t/71171 74:00 tol25lt7 7r:OO l'l3/17 72:OO 319/77 74:OO $la/77 tg:@ 9/2t/717}W !O/7t/77 7AtO0 4/22/77 23100 5/6/t7 4:00 5/6/r7 stootll2llll OIOO 4l2sl71 77:OO 4/2217120:@ 4/6/7719:@ 4/2A/71l0t0o 2/9/\7 3:oo 3/17/77 s:go 6174/713:OO 9/22/11 LA:OO 9/22/17 rStOO r0/20lr1t7:OO 4/76/71 2O:Oo 2halr12:@ 4/4117 5:OO 9/15171 2:Oo t2/1/ t7 6:00 7o/231t7 lt:OO 9/27177 75:Oo Attachment l -Page534 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv N.meprate (kw) DC:AC Ratio tnjmated Pv Nameplare (twac) 111.9 7.2 148 2/6/77 4:N 517 /ai 4:N 4/20/77 72:@ a0/22/77 71:N S/7177 71:@ 4/30/77 23:OO 5119/71 s:@ 7O/17/7-t 73:@ 1/t4/77 t2:@ 417177 27:oo 4/22/71O:OO 7O/5h10:OO 4Pi l17 2o:oo 4/24/11 7s:OO to/t2/77 7z:OO 1l'l711:OO 3/t5/t1 23:OO 4121-177 s:oo 5l7s/71 4:00 7O/22/i aloo 4/79/77 a:oo 1l/1/ri 76:00 4/4/ti 77:00 al21/17 77:00 1t/9/r174:N 3126/t7 79:oo 2l7O/77 5:OO za/tt O:W t/7a177 3:@ 7U29/111:OO tohhl to:N 70/71/17 77:N 3/7A/17 19:OO 4/6/17 74:OO 3/79/77 79:OO 2/rOl77 7:N 419/77 2:oo s/20/113:oo 5/29117 4:oo 9/t6/77 7:oo t0/29/71A:OO L7h2lt16:00 1r/7r/17 tz:oo 4/30/119.00 4/9/17 7:OO a/D/17 6:00 4/29171 23:OO 9/19117 o:oo 9/2O/t1O:OO 7r/7317r 5:OO rt/2!/!7 t:OO 5/3/t7 Totoo 9/24/77 A:OO 7O/9/t11atOO 4/3/t7 Lotoo 17/22/t7 1ltOO 4/5/77 6tOO 9l7a/77 0:OO 10/6/17 b:N 7o/1s/77 1:oo 7t/15/77 4:Oo u/18/1711:00 7t/7/77 74:00 s/20/71 77:00 1017717175:00 al12l712O:@ 1365 1356 1541 7448 1559 1355 1355 1599 1509 1354 1364 1354 1,451 1543 1625 1363 1363 !363 1363 1363 1445 t147 1587 1587 1521 la19 1362 1362 !352 1362 1177 1518 1369 1473 1477 1361 1361 1361 1361 1361 1361 '1524 1425 1360 1360 1360 1360 1360 13@ 1626 1363 1505 1575 ta71 1359 1359 1359 1359 1359 1537 7492 1654 7447 1540 1ro4 1365 1356 1365 1355 1365 1355 1365 1365 1354 1364 r36a 1354 1354 1:163 1363 1353 1353 1353 1363 r363 1363 1363 r363 1363 1362 1362 1162 1352 1362 1352 1362 1351 1361 1361 1361 1361 1361 1361 1361 1351 1361 1350 136t) 1350 13m 1:l60 1360 1360 1360 1360 1360 1359 1359 1359 1359 1359 1359 1359 1359 1359 1358 1354 1358 1358 1354 P€r unit Distributed Sohr 0 0 0.669389 0.178359 0.547911 0 0 0.738894 0.352905 0 0 0 0.105272 0.459739 o.744799 0 0 0 0 0 0_0421009 0.340924 0.64531E 0.406179 0.148049 0.263121 0 0 0 0 0.260323 0.345433 0-0023768 o.1577t2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.602516 0.!01735 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.480851 0 0.274312 o.41423 0.332381 0 0 0 0 0 0.962986 0.55981 0.811728 0.329506 o.497277 0_0753906 0.@ 0.00 99.24 26.44 81.23 0.00 0.@ 109.54 52.32 0.m 0.@ 0.m 15.75 64.$ 111.01 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 5.24 50.54 101,75 50.22 21.95 39.01 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 34.59 51.71 0.35 52.75 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 89.32 t5.0E 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.o 0.@ 0.m 17.79 0.m 40.67 62.89 49.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 E3./l5 82.99 120.3i 46.65 73_?2 11.18 0.00 0.00 t6.46 10.91 43.09 0.m 0.m 44.24 11,96 0.m 0_(x, 0-m 3.42 48.01 76.11 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 1.65 32_53 63.s6 62.57 35.94 4.86 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 13-80 28.04 1.52 27.89 5.04 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 57.34 9.21 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.tI, 0.@ 43.60 0.13 18.78 29.43 39.45 0.00 0.@ 0.(x) 0.@ 0.@ 81.93 23.11 84.84 2o.32 56.n 2.Ot 0.00 0.00 62.38 15.53 38.14 0.00 0.m 25.26 4. 0-00 0.m 0.@ 12.!3 20.15 34.90 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.59 17.97 38.18 -2.29 -14.99 34.15 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 71.79 29.06 -1.16 21.26 -5.04 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.98 5.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.69 -0.13 21.89 33.45 LAz 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 1.54 59-88 3l-45 28.53 16.95 9.77 Attachment { -Page535 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exporta lnstalled Pv NameDht€ ikwl Enimated Pv Naheplate (kwar) lf7 9 L.2 148 5/7s/7-/ 3:00 t!h/77 O:oO 10/14/11 3:OO 70/18/77 1:OO i/29/a14:oo t2/3/112:OO 3/3177 t3:OO 4/6/77 76:00 11721711:OO 4/29/t16:@ 5/15/17 7:@ 5/20/-t14:@ 6lulal a:oo 9123/17 7:N tt/ttltl O:OO i/as/a7 rN 4/t6/119:OO 70/22/77 r1:OO 4/7A/77 7A:00 -tO/6/7t 7t:N sllali r5:oo 2l2Ol11):N 311!lt1 a:00 6/t4lt14:N 70lt4lt1 4:U t7124/tt 9:o0 5/14/r79:00 s/27/ti a:N 1127177 79:N 1l75lt1 16:00 5/74/71 72:00 sl1lt1 L3:oo l$/r15:@ 9/r5/ri 7:00 toh2lti o:oo r0ltl/|1 7:00 7715/ri -t:00 ttlt6/17 6:00 3/22/0 7a:oo 3/1A/71 13:00 la a172:oo 2l5lt13t0o 4/15/r7O:OO 10/30/1718:00 4/2tl7t 70:00 N/r7/!7 16:00 3/1r/1177:OO 2/20/11 4:00 3hol17 6:00 9/30/t7otoo rv1l17 r5:@ 7o/7a/77 72:OO 4/74/7171100 2/$/t1}N 3ls/t73:00 -to/81t18:00 7t/22/71 76:N 3/29h-t 74trnl 9/7a/71 77tOO 3/2slt7 otcD 4/91t7 4t0D 4/20/t7 6tOO s/A177 s:DO s/9/77 stm 5/22/77 3:00 4/6/ti 78:oo 1358 1358 1358 1358 1358 1358 t5?2 l4itE 1357 1357 1357 1357 1357 r357 1357 1357 r520 1441 t479 1596 r59E 1355 1355 1355 1356 1356 1610 1495 r484 1441 1453 1515 1532 1355 r355 1355 1355 1355 1355 1418 1399 1522 1334 1354 1465 1&5 1513 1410 1353 1353 1460 1564 1485 1352 1352 1351 1422 1516 1611 1351 1351 1351 1351 1351 1351 \444 1358 1358 1354 1358 l35E 1358 1358 1357 13S7 1357 1357 1357 1357 1357 1357 1357 1357 1357 1356 !355 1355 1355 1355 1356 1355 1356 1355 1356 1356 1356 1355 1355 1355 1355 1355 1355 1355 1355 1355 1354 r354 1354 1354 r394 1353 1353 1353 1353 1353 t35l 1353 1353 1353 1353 1352 1352 t35Z r3s2 1352 t35t 1351 r35r 1351 1351 135r. 1351 Ps Unit Distributed Sol.r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.932853 0.181E37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1E591 0.300755 0.499299 0.5m147 0.700522 0 0 0 0 0.1626a4 0.78274 0.0564962 0.28463 o.u77r2 0.17t094 0.85106r 0.910952 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.217127 0.086ra35 0.631569 0 0 0.241247 0.a47234 0.a92794 0.299059 0 0 0 0.a05258 0.669323 0.606553 0 0 0 0.123642 0.562643 0.601052 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0827501 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 138.30 25.!t6 0.m 0.() 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.q) 0.m 27.* it4.59 74.O2 u.52 103.E5 0.() 0.m 0.q) 0.m 24.11 t|1.92 9.85 12.20 66.38 25.81 127.55 135.05 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.q) 41,17 72.77 93.63 0.m 0.m 35.77 72.23 71.6 38.4r 0.m 0.m 0.m 60.08 99.23 89.92 0.c{) 0.m 0.m 18.33 83.41 89.11 0.m 0.m 0.) 0.m 0.m 0.00 72.27 sola. o(pots (lw) 0-09 0.m 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 97.72 t7.29 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 L.13 3r.47 19.93 55.01 ar.9s 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.63 2.9 23.34 3.41 15.78 39.45 16.92 8!r.55 92.69 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.53 0.@ 0.@ 18.39 23.53 47.62 0.m 0.00 9.11 a8.46 a3.89 11.78 0-00 0.@ 0.m 29.80 65.47 57.35 0-m 0.00 0.04 9.96 s0.69 58.45 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0-00 0.00 25.m Non.Etpo( Sol.r (kW) {.09 0.00 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.57 9.6' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 13.it4 13.72 54.09 2E.52 13_90 0.00 0.00 0.00 {_63 27_57 .54 6.44 26.47 26.93 8.89 34.09 42.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.63 0.00 0.0{) 22.74 .10.85 tt5.0l 0.00 0.00 25.05 21.71 29.31 26.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.28 33.76 32.57 0.00 0.00 -0.04 8.37 37.72 30.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -13.43 Attachment I -Page536 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports ln!tall€d Pv Nameplare {kw) Estimated Iry Nam€pl.t€ (kwac) 777.9 t.z 148 al8/71 16:00 tO/76/!7 !3,O0 3h9/71 tO:Oo 9l?2/77 l7:O0 al2g/77 tTtOO 3/75/77 15:00 3/37/17 21oo 7Ol7/D a:00 r\lt6ltJ 0:oo t0/21/!112:OO 5/2A/71 l7:OO 2/20/17 3:oo 3/4/ti s:oo a/51t12:oo 3l2O/11 23:OO 4/76/1,7 6:00 5lzzlti 4:OO 77/771t7 O:OO 72/1/ri 5:Oo 3/a1177 20:00 5l2ol71 1t:@ tho/77 76:00 3/tr/77 7r:@ 4/2a/710:@ 518/77 r:oo 3/r/179:oo 7l/r9/77 7}@ 10/25/77 12:N 3/7a/0 a:oo 4/a/717:oo a/12/1713:N 4/22/!1 6:00 5/3/77 5too /O/r/77 23:00 t7/20/71 5:OO sl2/77 72:OO 4/ZO/!7 79:N 9/77/71a:OO 4h4l71O:OO 3/9/17 2:an 70/2/716:@ 3/\4/1718:N 1l7s/t7 77:N 5l21lr1 7a:OO 2/6/112:an 314177 2:@ 3/91710:.n 70/7t/r7 5:N t7l7/77 6:N t7l6/77 0:N tl/27/71Ot0o 77/22/t1 23100 9/2A/ti 15:oo !t1lti 23tOO 3/2a/D 1XIOO 1/37/771too al9l77 Stoo 9/79/77 5:Oo 9/30177 8:oo rO/2]-/17 6:00 10/16/1718r00 7ol2/t7lA:@ lO/24111 72:OO 9/27/t114tOO 3/22/7119:@ 4/Z/t173:00 1t46 1588 1381 1474 1601 1453 1350 1350 1350 1564 1534 1349 1349 1349 1349 1349 1:149 1349 1349 1385 1639 1450 1541 7!47 7347 1581 7527 1564 1345 1346 1t46 1346 1346 7446 1346 1603 1512 1351 1345 1345 r345 t1a1l4ll 1619 13114 134,t 1344 1344 1344 1344 1344 1344 1585 1343 1343 1343 1343 r343 1343 1343 1520 1555 1579 7524 1374 1:lzlz 1342 1351 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1349 1349 1349 1349 1349 1349 1349 1349 1349 r349 1349 1349 l3{a 1347 ty1 1347 1347 1346 1346 1346 1345 1346 1346 r345 1345 1345 1345 1345 1345 1345 l3rl5 1345 1344 r:xrl 1:t44 1344 1344 1344 1344 1344 1lil4 1344 1344 1343 1343 1343 1343 1343 1343 1343 1343 1343 1343 t34l 1142 llaz 1]l,42 7!42 Per Unlt olstrihtted 501.r 0.579362 0.798565 o.222725 0.0822487 0.7a5872 0.313338 0 0 0 0_6s1093 0.588377 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0567087 0.679112 0.691997 0.553068 0 0 0.255523 0.75722 0.6747E4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.793545 0.!32587 0 0 0 0 0.171417 0.0823908 0.885s86 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.839747 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.298202 0.020611 0.6E7671 0.716756 o.t16645 0 0 85.89 11a.40 32.93 12,19 110.58 50.90 0_m 0-& 0.m 96.52 102.05 0.fi, 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 8.41 1@.64 102.59 8r.99 0.@ 0.m 37.90 712.25 100.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 711,4 49.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 25.42 72.71 131,44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 724.19 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.m 0_m 0.m 0.00 44.21 3-05 101.98 115.15 21.74 0.m 0_d) a4.g 84_83 13.78 27.17 66.36 50.98 0.00 0.0€ 0.00 58.46 '14.87 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0m 0.(x) 0.@ 2.29 77.24 45.03 44,45 0.tp 0.m r0.61 79.56 13.!4 0.6 0.m D.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ n.96 B.2A 0.33 0.m 0.m 0.@ ?3.11 23_15 96.10 0.m 0.q, 0.m 0.(D 0.@ 0.(p 0.m 0.oo 85.13 0.00 0.@ 0.oo 0.m 0.oo 0.@ o.@ 16.1t4 21-18 70.u 58.11 7.59 0.m 0.m Non-Expot Solar (tw) 51.20 33.57 19.15 .74.97 44.19 .10.08 0.00 -0.08 0.00 38.06 27.24 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 5.12 23.44 57.56 37.55 0.m 0.m 27.29 32.70 26.90 -0.08 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 39.59 25.03 {.33 0.00 0.00 0.q) -r0.93 35.33 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 3a.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.71 -18.12 31,14 56.85 14.15 0.m 0.m Attachment l -Page537 rnn.ll€d Pv NameDrare (kw) DC:AC R.tio Enimated Pv N.m.pl.te (kwac, t77.9 7.2 148 Dato & Tlmo !U2Ur7 5:oo 7l/29/17 3t0o 5l2Ol77 9:@ 7Ol,lD aa!fr toh2h1 74t0o 3lL3lL7 B$ 7/79/77 3t0o 414177 O:0o 9175/77 stcp 9l23lt7 23100 7\l3lt7 71t00 3125/11 zotlrl 4h6h/ 23100 9/r5lr7 3$ 7rl4l77 O:W ttl6l77 5:0o !U1o/17 o:oo 4l30lt7 t@ 3/t ltt t9:@ 3h,ltl t4:OO 3haltt $:oo tolzlu t4:oo 5/18/17 r3:00 2179177 2:oo 5/4/t' S:@ 3171117 \3:OO 70177177 t4:00 2/$/1,7 4:OO 3/s/713:OO 3/27177 6,@ 4hal7r \5:00 4/7/7r t3.oo 3/2a/\r r2:oo 312\117 t7:go 5/21/77 t3,OO 4l1al7t l1:OO th9l77 5:@ 3/19117 23,00 1127ltl 5,N 4129117 o:oo S/t9117 7,00 1049/r7 r1i00 llllt lo.(n s12117 t3.00 912,/77 O:N lolqllo:@ 10/10/17 0:00 121]/77 !oo 7o/21r7 t5.$ 5129117 8M 4l74lt7 !6tq] 2/79/77 4tcr0 2/27/77 TiOO 315177 a:$ 9/22/t7 7bt00 7O/2/t7 t1:0O LOlL4lL172: rO/La/171,X:00 9lt7l77 a7:00 4/22177 79.N 3l4lt11:OO 3ltzltl o:@ 4l3il7r 1:@ r0/18/u0:00 rollltl5:W 4l2sl71 2o:0O 70123177 72:@ 1342 1342 1576 1520 1570 1513 1341 7341 1341 1341 1561 7351 1340 1340 1340 13rto 1340 1365 1391 1462 1359 1557 1602 1339 1339 7417 1543 1338 1338 r338 7477 1466 1570 1409 1610 1497 7331 1337 1337 7337 7337 7547 1537 1586 1336 1336 1336 1336 7547 1491 1519 1335 1335 1335 7487 1580 1593 1527 1585 1414 1334 1331 1334 1334 1334 1381 1555 7342 7342 1342 1342 7147 1341 1341 1341 1341 1341 1341 1341 1:t40 1340 1340 1340 1340 1340 1340 1339 1339 1339 1339 1339 1339 1338 1338 1338 1338 1:t38 1338 1338 1338 1338 133' 7137 1337 1337 7137 1337 1337 7137 733' 1336 1336 1336 1336 1336 t3t5 1336 1335 1335 1335 133S 1335 1335 1335 1334 1334 1334 1334 1334 1334 1334 1334 1334 1334 P.r Unlt Oirtdbuted Solar 0 0 0.27099 0.530554 0.587305 0.809595 0 0 0 0 0.851752 0.0471879 0 0 0 0 0 0.0316539 0.r34451 0.449535 o.olo1114 0.E9755r 0.942645 0 0 0.455405 0.q) 0.m 40.17 93.{A 101.89 120.02 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 126.27 7.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 4.69 19.99 55.54 1-60 13t.6 139_75 0.00 0.oo 51.6 116.75 0.00 0.00 0.m 99.92 72.43 110.32 83.83 119.82 145_40 0.m 0-@ 0.m 0.() 0.m 16.94 3434 141.14 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.@ 128.40 1!.m 121.61 0.00 0.@ 0.00 34.35 p7.46 111.39 111,97 77.37 42.4() 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.(I) 0.(D 14.79 85.:14 0.00 0.q) 20_10 76.51 76.52 81.89 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 95.93 1.07 0.@ 0.oo 0.00 0.@ 0.(p 1.69 7.52 50.85 7.16 79.97 86.07 0.m 0.@ 1r.45 74,91 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 43.13 29.8 79.88 27.21 97.69 62.99 0_m 0.m 0.@ 0_00 0.@ 54.m 19_56 a7.n 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 69.15 3.56 59.17 0.00 0.@ 0.00 35.71 72.11 74.28 n.59 59.77 20.16 0.00 0.m 0.08 0_m 0-m 1.4! 59.54 tlon-Expo Sol.r (tw) 0.00 0.00 20.0€ 15.94 25.X7 38.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.34 5.93 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 3.m 72.17 15.79 -5.56 53.14 s3.68 0.00 0.00 -5.80 41.84 0.m 0.@ 0.m 56.79 42.64 30.43 55.60 32.14 63.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 22.94 r8,78 33.21 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 58.65 7,44 62.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 .1.36 55.75 37.11 34.38 17.55 22.23 0.00 0.00 {.06 0.m 0.00 13-3E 2S.80 0.74)49 0 0 0 0.67398 0.488598 0.744775 0.555445 0.875598 0.987516 0 0 0 0 0 0.518952 0.2586 0.952025 0 0 0 0 0.856096 0.0742128 0420313 0 0 0 0.2316€4 0.852437 0.751353 0.755281 0.52187 0.24s976 0 0 0 0 0 0 0997813 0.575625 Attachment l -Page538 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-oxports Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnsralled PV Nameprate (kw) Ettimated Pv Nameplate (kw.c) 177.9 t.2 148 Dtt€ E TnrE 3l2t/77 7!& 7th2l17 75:00 9laA/77 76:00 3l70l77 Ot@ 4l2tl7? 7:OO l!l26lL7 o:00 5l2ilr7 lotoo 4127lt7 73:OO 9l29ll7 !4:00 tO/79117 77:6 4/5lv t:oo 7O/301r713:N aOlglti 12:00 3/1A/77 TltOO 9l16lri 70:00 77/22177 a4:00 3/28177 s,oo 4/?a/17 5.00 rc/31/u0:m 9/27/77 71.00 7Ol1/77 7A:00 \\/19117 74:00 4/17177 71.00 9/2A/77 74:00 4/30/77 ZO:OO 9/zal119:00 4/!4177 79:OO t/a/0 2:N shslu s:oo t9/15/77 2:@ 7t/79/77 l5t0o 3/21/17 15:00 3121/17 t4:@ 7015/17 $:oo 1lt7l1-l 5:OO 1/27ll7O:@ 11/15lri 3.00 rl29lt7 2:OO 12l3l17 a:oo 10/5/17 15:m tO/72177 t5:00 5/717171100 9129171 LO|W Allalv ts:oo r0l3l71 7a:OO 3lt6/71 72:OO 3/2all7 79:OO 17lll77 77:@ 70126l,7 $t@ 3l2a/77 rtoo 3l3ol17 o:oo 10/61!7 O:OO t0lt5/t1 3:oo 7oh6lt7 5.oo 5174171 l3:OO 3/$/1114.00 Sl29lt7 9.OO ,1lfi/7l r1,@ 9116/!1 Ls:@ 3/16111 ts,@ 4tg/r7 2:@ 10177 /17 otoo 4/19177 70:00 7O/Alt rTtOO 3/23117 TltOO 70/19/r7 75:00 3l4lt7 4:OO 1549 14!5 1585 1333 1333 r333 161! 1555 r567 1533 1524 $44 1607 1596 1550 l4a7 1332 1332 1332 1599 1519 1495 1533 1558 1418 1419 1469 1331 1331 1331 1485 7522 1534 1501 1330 1330 1!30 1330 1330 1515 1551 15E9 1555 1445 7514 1498 7432 1454 1/l56 1329 1329 1329 1329 r329 1585 l:t79 1599 1497 7517 1!97 1328 1328 1555 7496 1555 1500 7321 133:t 1333 1333 1333 1333 r$3 1333 1333 1333 1333 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1332 1331 1331 1331 1331 1331 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 1330 13:tO 1330 l3!0 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1329 1328 1328 1328 1328 1328 7327 7477 7321 7327 7!27 P€r unit Distributed !,olar 0.589842 0.039794E o.74t186 0 0 0 0.493529 0.936917 0.827853 0.555425 0./u0206 0.t41655 0.750367 0.398595 0.36213 0.466469 0 0 0 0.591724 0.373374 0.34793 0.571011 0.867556 0.103193 0.134049 0.295935 0 0 0 0.28605 0.E45317 0.85171 0-350816 0 0 0 0 0 0.817519 0.673017 0.720129 0.355071 0.881723 0.a78794 0.758067 0.229246 o.240a44 0.24t614 0 0 0 0 0 0.E47852 o.osl:a2t o.276417 0.727554 0.854991 0.0,,27796 0 0 o.429A47 0.229529 0.638405 o.737464 0 (kw) 87.45 5.90 110.77 0_00 0.00 0.@ 73.77 138.90 t22.71 98.65 71.19 50.65 111.24 59.11 53-69 69-15 0.oo 0.@ 0.00 47.72 55.35 51.58 84.65 128.62 15,30 19.87 44.01 0.00 0-00 0.00 42.47 125.32 126.27 52.01 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 127.70 99.11 106.76 52.79 128.20 130.24 112.:|8 33.99 35.77 36.71 0.m 0_m 0-m 0.00 0_@ 725_(8 8.48 40.98 107-86 1?6.15 6.34 0.m 0.m 63.72 34.03 94.64 109.39 0.m 41.64 20.01 11.07 0.oo 0.13 0.(I 51-24 11.65 91.33 73.15 44.23 69.02 83.02 49.77 30.15 39.18 0.(x) 0.m 0.m 59.01 31.84 57,15 96.75 2.25 7.45 16.55 0.m 0.00 0.00 36.11 12.74 69.82 26.09 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 72.14 16.76 47.67 2t.75 59.1t3 707.29 62.09 15.12 19.45 -t7.07 0.00 0.ct) 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 91.45 22.71 20.71 1S.U 90.35 77.U 0.00 0.00 33.51 41.02 48.€6 76.47 0.00 Non-txpo.t Sol., {kwl 45.81 ,14.11 13.70 0.00 -0.13 0.00 21.92 6r.25 3r.40 25.i18 22.94 -18.37 ?4.22 {.51 23.52 29.98 0.00 0.m 0.00 24.77 23.51 -5,57 43.19 31.85 13.05 t7.4t 27.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.26 52.38 56.44 25.92 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.m 0.m 48.96 23.02 19.15 27.U 58.r7 z''99 s0.30 r8.87 16.24 19.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.24 -74.23 20.28 32.82 36./rc -11.54 0.00 0.00 30.22 -6.99 45.99 32.96 0.00 Attachment l -Page539 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrtalld Pv Nameplare lkw) OC:aC Ratio tstimated FV r'lamepl.te (IWac) 777.9 l2 1€ oar. a Tim. 7OllU716:00 t0l2al,7 23,00 1tl5/17 5:@ lllTLlll 6:00 77175177 2:& 5lr8/r7 ]4:00 rvt2ltT 74:@ 21261116:@ 9l24lu 23:00 til2l11O:00 rlll/717:@ tolgltlo:@ 7O/1s/17 4:6 70176/71 74:00 ro/70/r7 L2:oo 7O/7A177 l4:@ alzoltl 78:@ 5/21/77 TttOO 4/20177 74:00 4/26/17 7O:OO 3126177 76:N 9129177 0:N 3/79/179fo 4l25ll7 72:00 3l3il7r 6:t0 4/70/17 5t0a 9/20/17 5:N lolt6lt7 o:oo 70/2!/77 \N tol22lt7 21:@ 77/7/t7 23:OO !!11?l7r \00 3ltOl17a7:00 lOl2ll17 7A,OO 9l26/11 t0:005l i a6:00 9l21lt7 tg,N roltglt7 13:00 tolt9/D a4:00 !2a177 0.00 sl9lD 3:@ 5179/77 2:OO r0/25/r1 78:00 1l29lr7 2o:@ 1l2gll7 76:@ 4l{\7 2O:@ q25/17 21:00 slalTr 2:N rl12lr7 s,@ 71,/14/77 72.6 412/77 2O:@ 10/10/17 15i00 1017a177 77:00 70123177 78:6 9116117 2:00 ll/73/71 OIOO tuzolll2l0o 9/76177 7t:@ 70/6177 72100 4/22117 9:oo 4/4/77 72:@ 4/3177 7t:N 4/2 77 2O:OO 2/70/714,00 4/12/U o,go 514/17 3,OO 9/75/71AtOO !321 1327 1327 !321 1327 1596 !t59 1326 t3z5 1326 1325 1325 1326 1557 1581 1512 1501 1618 1528 1505 1392 1325 1334 1560 1324 t324 1324 t324 1324 1324 r324 1324 1452 1487 1557 1546 1423 1505 1496 1323 1323 1323 1450 1359 15m 1355 7172 t122 1322 1530 1371 1,t98 1533 1465 1321 1321 1321 1565 1546 1514 1541 1557 1420 1319 1319 1319 1319 1127 13X7 7377 1327 1327 1327 1327 1325 1326 1326 r325 1326 1325 1326 1325 1325 1326 1325 1325 1325 1325 1325 1325 1325 1324 7324 1324 7324 7324 1324 1324 1324 1324 7324 7321 1324 1323 1323 1323 1323 1323 1323 1323 1323 1323 1322 1322 1322 1322 1322 1322 t322 1!22 1322 1321 1321 t32t 1321 1320 1320 1320 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 Per Unit Dirtribotcd sohr 0 0 0 0 0 0-9690a8 o-2u495 0 0 0 0 0 0 o-823231 0.745589 0.77749t 0.511913 0.690335 0.8{t9524 0.405591 0.189697 0 0.0555985 0.593223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.516343 0.269046 0.362852 0.665356 0.17948 0.753655 o.714578 0 0 0 0.266759 0.100383 0.379042 0.0501701 0 0 0 0.47176 0.0636076 0.580234 0.559565 0.27844 0 0 0 0.582138 o.7257 0.2238 0.67664 0.577042 0.0911256 0 0 0 0 (kw) 0.00 0-@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 7a1.67 v-32 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.oo 0.() t22.U 110_55 115.32 75.89 102.34 131.89 EO.14 28.12 0.00 8.41 lol.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75.55 39.89 53.79 98.64 26.61 111.71 114.83 0.00 0-@ 0.@ 39_55 14_88 56.!9 0.m 0-m 0.00 69.94 9.43 85-02 82.96 ilo_G 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 85.30 107_59 33.18 100.32 100.37 13.51 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.15 0.m 0.m 97.02 t7.72 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 88.19 74.57 83.28 12.49 75.29 52.04 77.76 16.79 0.00 3.04 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 2S.81 15.55 27.47 55.28 3.73 u.21n.u 0.00 0.(I 0.()0 15./tO \47 42.(A 1.58 0.00 0.o 0.00 65.79 2.25 58.01 39.97 t4.1,7 0.m 0.00 0-00 58.30 16.22 16.97 70.36 67.30 4.4 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 Non.Expo.t 5o1., (twl 0.00 0.m {.15 0.00 0.00 46.54 -7.44 0.00 0.00 0-oo 0.00 0.@ 0.00 !3.E6 35.88 32.04 43.1l0 26.0s 59.8s 34.38 0.00 s36 58.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 *.7t 24.32 32.38 32.36 22.8A 27.46 35.99 0.@ 0.00 0.00 24.t5 13.0r t4.tl 5.86 0.00 0.oo 0.00 4,15 7.1E 28.0r a2.98 25.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.00 31.36 15.21 29.95 33.07 8.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Attachment l -Page540 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled PV Nameplate (kwl Estim6ted Pv Nameplate (kWac) !17.9 1.2 148 9177lrt t:OO 70/111115:OO 77/70171 3:OO 77l25lt1O:OO t7114/71 r3:CtO 9/77/77 7s:OO s/28/t7 t0:00 2l77lt7 5:OO 5/81t1 4too !0/1/17 5:OO 3127171 7s:OO 70/6177 73.00 4/2A/t7 2OOO 4hO/77 O:OO 519/lr 4tOO 9l2a/710.@ 5/27/77 12:00 7O/2h7161oo 3/77/77 76:00 9/2817710:N 4/aO/77 B:OA 9/25/77 10:00 415/7718:OO 3/7t/71 r:OO 3/75/716:00 10/16/17 5:00 3/$/77 15:@ 4lt1/\7 77:@ l0/11/1715:00 sl7/17 79tOO 70lt6/7' 73tOO 9/27/L716tOO 71/12/ti 73:00 9/2A/77 O:00 ao/7!171 S|OO 4/21/t7 17:90 9l!7117 9:N 1l?2/17 77:00 Sl2/1719:00 9/26/17 7a:N 70/29/77 70:00 3/2a/714:00 4/17/77 s:N 4/271]7 a:OO 79/a7l7tOO 9/16/1, t6tgo 1l4ll, 15:00 1173177 tatoo 4l2alr7 t2tOO 1/721t7 l7:OO 5/74/Li !4:OO sl2/t7 74tOO 70/72/17 76:00 3/2s/!7 6:00 4/25/77 5tOO 9121/77 6:w !0/79/17 6:@ 10/21/77 6:N 70l29lr7 23tOO 17122171 L5:@ t1/73/ tt r4:OO 3/7r/71 t4:6 5/r/71 tO:@ 2/t9/ti 3:OO 4127/Li 3:Oo sla/D 3:00 1319 1319 1319 1319 1496 1567 1602 131a 1318 1318 1411 1517 1419 1317 1317 7317 16@ 1542 1495 75-17 1533 1569 7477 1316 1316 1315 136:r \467 l5z1 1574 1551 1575 1474 r315 1315 15fa l4{E 1412 1551 1553 7462 1314 1314 1314. 1314 1395 1534 1441 14/1 1560 l57Z 1573 1564 1530 1313 1313 1313 1313 1313 1313 t4?5 1't{t2 1443 t577 1177 1312 1172 1319 l3t9 1319 1319 1319 1318 1318 1318 1318 1318 1318 t3t8 l3!1 1317 1317 1317 1317 1315 1316 1316 1316 1315 1316 1316 1315 r316 t!15 1316 ll16 1316 1316 1316 1315 1315 1315 1315 1315 1315 1315 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1314 1114 1313 1313 1313 1313 1313 1313 1313 1313 1312 1312 1312 1312 1312 13r2 1312 Per Unlt Distributed solar 0 0 0 0 0.474382 0.829316 0.504812 0 0 0 0.358758 0.820495 0.103254 0 0 0 0.811715 0.758416 0.91425 0_371485 0.90(b91 0.x74131 o.4u2a5 0 0 0 0.0520642 o.351097 0.779457 0.352709 0.780993 0.738334 0.497432 0 0 0.7r!842 0.138828 0.546893 0.341036 0-399205 0.255818 0 0 0 0 0-353004 o.77623t 0.735596 0.434844 0.9r8@l 0.618037 0.958452 0.871803 0.545727 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.19121 0.s2637r 0_841057 0-515€05 0 0 0 0.0 0.@ 0.m 0.m 70.33 722.95 14.U 0_00 0.00 0.00 54.67 727,4 15 31 0.00 0.00 0.00 720.v 113.98 135.54 55.07 133.53 55.06 68.82 0_m 0.@ 0.m 7.72 82.59 u5.61 s2.29 11S.78 109.45 71.74 0.@ 0.00 105-83 20.58 81.04 50.56 59.18 38.O7 0-00 0.00 0.m 0.m 53.82 115.08 109_05 64.47 136.18 91.52 142.15 129,24 85,83 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.(x) 0.00 28.35 78.03 t24-69 76.17 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0_m 0.m 67.m 90.34 48.96 0.00 0.00 0.@ 33.76 u.01 5.69 0.m 0.(p 0.m 93.45 64.72 73.13 37.42 66.71 30.44 36.51 0.00 0.@ 0.00 24.09 43.55 79.23 2s.39 43.74 78.31 49.61 0.00 0.63 82-00 5.36 36.18 25.14 33.55 19,91 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 29.73 73.20 54.41 29.95 75.72 49.96 93.62 87.51 65-82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 25.51 34.09 91.15 37.94 0.m 0.00 0.00 Non-ErpoiSolar (rw) 000 0.m 0.00 0.00 3.33 32.61 25_46 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.91 37-57 9.52 0.00 0.m 0.@ 26.89 45.26 62.21 ?3-66 56-79 2r.fi 32.27 0.00 0.00 0_oo -16.37 34.94 t63a 26.90 32.04 11.15 14,74 0.00 -0.63 23.84 15.2! 42t.90 25-41 25.62 18.15 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 24.O9 41.88 54-65 14.57 @.4$ 41.66 44.33 47.74 27.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 z.a3 43_95 33-54 3a_52 0.00 0.00 0.00 Attachment l -Page541 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstarled Pv Nameplare (kw) DC:AC Ratio Ertimated Fv Nameplate (Iwac) 771.9 148 77/llrl O]OO ttl24l17 a:OO 4/1/711,5100 114/-ti 16:00 70/3/77 7s:OO 9/?1 /71 1,0:OO 4/7/77 t7tOO 7ol26lt7 TltOO 3/9/77 stoo 1/22/11 5:@ 3/29/t1o:@ 4/71,/ti O:OO 17l6ltt t:OO 7t/21/714:6 tt/?6/77 23:OO 70/911713:@ 912117174:W 4123/77 79:00 4/75/77 \OIOO 10114/11 73tOO 77/74/77 74:OO 3/74/17 !3tOO 9/22/77 OIOO t7/rlt7 7tqo 77/20/714:N 7t/26/77l:N 70119117 17,OO 3/28/77 r4:@ 4/r/1711:OO t0/30/u 14:00 5/74/17l7tOO 9/29/77 r3:OO 3/73/77 O:OO 5/\9/1,1 4:OO to/1/710:OO 70173171 1:00 3/26117 lltoo 9l1i/r7 t1:cr0 1l17lt7 t4:00 3lBl17 23:oo 4/1/77 5:(n 5/3/77 4100 70/71/77 0:00 1,t/2/77 6:00 tO/23/t711,@ 10/19/1715:m 3lt6lt1 19tOO 3/16/1713:00 3lt7/tt 4:OO 3125/t7 otoo 7ll4/\16:00 ttl22ltl O:00 l0/t/r1 77100 3/?r/17 76too 3/20/77 t6:00 5l2Al17AO0 3/t4/t7 6:00 4/A/17 OIOO 4/21/112:OO 9l79lt7 ttOO 70/21/17 5,@ r1/5/t7 2:OO 17112/17 Z|OO 3/79177 t6:OO to/t5/11 tTtoo 3/25/7t ltOO 1312 1312 144t) t429 1533 1569 1432 L562 1311 1311 1311 1311 1311 1311 1311 1565 1546 L31 1570 1525 1481 1459 1310 1310 1310 13r0 7484 1496 1520 1520 1538 1551 1309 1309 1309 1309 13!'4 1480 1481 13oa 1308 1308 130E 1308 1449 1521 1489 7420 1460 1307 1307 1301 1107 14El 1413 7426 1451 r306 1306 1306 1306 1306 1306 1306 1357 1581 1305 1312 1312 1312 1312 1312 1312 1312 1311 1311 1311 1311 1311 l31l 1311 l31l r31l 1311 1311 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1310 1309 1309 1309 1109 1309 1309 rtog 1:108 1304 1304 130€ 1304 1304 13m 1308 13m 1307 1307 1307 1307 1307 r307 r307 1307 1307 r307 1306 r306 1306 1306 r306 1305 1305 1306 1:}05 1305 1305 Per Unit oirtributed Solar 0 0 0.485255 0.427801 0.u7178 o.364s49 0.438732 049\495 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,843443 0.855911 0.240835 0.4539 o.n1aa3 0.515495 0.656179 0 0 0 0 o2v777 0.E92357 0.634134 0.761285 0.669034 0.810027 0 0 0 0 0.3$048 0.E55197 0.00 0.00 7r,94 122.72 124.i9 54.04 65.04 72_45 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0_00 125.04 1,27.U 35.70 57.29 115.32 76.42 98.75 0.m 0-@ 0.0 0_m 37.77 132.29 94.01 113.75 99.18 120.09 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 s2.3! u6.74 145.75 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.03 E4.57 78.20 36.83 93.85 0.q) 0.q) 0.m 0.@ 53.tt 49,91 24.24 1,0.74 0.@ 0.00 0.(r 0.m 0.(re 0.@ 0.m 19.52 85.15 0.00 Non-tvort solar (kw) 0.m 0.@ 39.04 92.99 29.21 23.24 42, 13 27.43 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.@ {.01 0.00 28A7 30.18 19.17 14.r7 29.51 37.62 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.m -2.55 35.40 21.44 39.03 21.35 24.?t 0.@ 0.m 0.m ,0.53 30.12 44.03 52.47 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 5.52 13-38 t3-42 26.45 22-O9 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 11-57 16.91 -16.66 8-29 0.fi 0-00 0.00 0_@ 0-@ -0.03 0.oo 3.52 24.20 0.00 098315 0.243021 0.597408 0.521tO1 0.244426 0.633025 0 0 0 0 0.3m265 0.335678 0.163533 o.o724779 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.132349 0.574391 0 0.m 0-() 32.90 29.73 95.52 30.77 22.37 45.04 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.(rc 95.57 95.56 15.54 1t8.52 85.81 6E.56 65.ra 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 40.33 96.89 66,17 74.72 17.41 95.88 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.63 22.21 74.75 92.E!) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.50 75.18 u.7a 9.98 1t.76 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.8,4 31.@ 40.90 2.45 o.m 0.m 0.(p 0.@ 0.m 0.03 0.m r5.01 60.96 0.m Attachment l -Page542 rnsrarred Pv Nam€plare (kw) Enimated Pv Namepl.te (kw.c) t17.9 7.2 148 0al6 & Time 7tl25la7 6:00 3/2a177 a1:OO 9/25117 la:N 912911711:00 1lttl77 2:OO 1/20l77o:@ 70l5l717t0o s/1/a7 Lstoo 10/22/17 16:00 41911,7 tO:00 4l7ola7 E:OO 412!.177 6:00 4l3oh7 O:@ 5/4177 4:oo tol3l17 t:00 a!77177 7:o0 lrl-t4177 OtOo 71/2sh7 73100 7!141t7 77:00 70122/17 79:N 4l19lr1O:N 4127/17 7:N 9/16/716:N Lth2l713:OO 3/12/7712:@ a/71117 r2:OO 4la5la7 i:@ 9/7517717:oo 5/21111:0O s/3177 a:OO 9l7al77 5:oo 70/t/t7 OtOo 70/5177 s:oo 10126/71 6tOO 7O/2Al!7 O,@ 71/5/171:o0 ,,7171/11 4.O0 1/14/77 74,00 \O/7A/77 75:00 U/7!/17 77:00 1126177 7a:00 sl79l17 3:00 1012411, o:oo 51417 7t:00 4/1/17 O:OO 7O/3O/17 6:00 71./70/17 5:oo 5/7/71 r8,OO 3126171 7O:OO 31fi11117:oo 9/2a/111}@ 311817116:00 3127177 aAOO 5/1/7717:Oo 3/u/17 3t0o 4/a4/a7 lOO tO/72/77 5:& 7ia2li 4t0o 4/111716:@ 9126/17 7s:OO 70122117 r4:@ 9/14/17 t2:@ 4112/77 t8:OO to/11/!7 LI,OO 4/rllr7 5:oo 4h6lt7 5:00 4la5/i 7:OO 1305 1526 1532 1569 1304llol 1304 1549 1t68 1531 1441 1103 1303 1303 1303 1301 1303 1489 1491 1390 1302 1302 1302 1302 1490 1525 1551 7577 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1rt43 1491 7422 1399 1300 1300 1546 1299 1299 1299 1553 L4U 1337 151t5 1340 1468 1562 1298 1298 1298 r298 1425 1543 7476 1398 1525 1297 7297 t297 1305 1305 1304 1304 1304 1304 1304 1304 1303 1303 1303 1303 13{r3 rlo3 1303 1303 1103 1303 1303 1302 1302 1302 r302 1302 1302 1302 1302 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1301 1300 1300 1300 1300 13m 13m 7299 12!Xl 7299 1299 1299 1299 1299 r298 1296 1298 1298 1298 1298 1298 1298 1298 1298 1298 t291 1297 1291 t291 1797 Per Unit Digtrlbuted solar 0 0.868254 0.416299 o_515!.92 0 0 0 0.842468 0-490a69 o.419772 0.307418 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-15625 0.188&1 0.26319 0 0 0 0 0.584415 0.650655 0.673555 0.630336 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.861573 0-737384 0.135509 0.ir08169 0 0 0.548174 0 0 0 0.57600r 0.304857 0.0519043 0.83a779 0.04504r, 0.3(}995 o.776497 0 0 0 0 0.448051 o.arat77 0.59032 0.364093 0.:t95409 0.538145 0 0 0 solar Exportr (kw) 0.00 100.79 28-45 57.54 0.m 0.m 0m 47.61 25.99 43.15 71.42 000 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 78.19 5.77 35.36 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 72.01 70.27 77.72 59.71 0-(p 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 75.56 19 40 5.86 20.13 0.m 0.@ 61.78 0.m 0.m 0.m 55.04 30.98 15,26 94.91 19.38 44.25 79.75 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 24.30 42.72 43.65 51.03 44.?9 51.27 0.@ 0.00 0.@ Non-Erport Solar lkW) 0.00 ?1.93 31-26 2?.74 0.00 0.@ 0.00 43.23 46.78 23.52 28.r5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.93 22,17 3.66 0.m o.m 0.m 0.m 29.45 27.57 22.14 31.73 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.07 14.21 40.35 0.@ 0.m 34.3! 0.@ 0.m 0.00 30.35 14.21 .6.09 29.44 -t2.70 6.29 35.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.t2 39.19 43.65 2.95 13.69 28.51 0.00 0.@ 0.m Attachment l -Page543 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports (kw) 0.00 128.72 61.17 85.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 124_90 '12.77 55.61 45.57 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 112.11 21.87 !9.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101.45 97.94 99.66 93.45 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 127.73 109.32 20.09 60-51 o.o0 0.00 95.09 0.m 0.m 0.m 85.39 45.20 9.$ 124_15 558 50.55 115.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 f6.42 121.31 87 51 53.98 s8.68 19.74 0.@ 0.@ 0'(D Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hnalled Pv Name9late (kw) Estimated Pv Nameplate (kwac, t17,9 L-Z 148 1297 1297 7297 1297 7797 1296 1296 1296 7?96 12!'6 72X; 1296 1?96 r295 1295 1295 1295 1295 7295 1295 1294 7294 1294 1294 7294 1294 1294 1294 1294 1294 1294 1293 7291 1293 1293 1293 7291 L293 1293 1293 129? 1791 1292 1292 7292 1292 7292 7292 1292 7797 129r 1291 1291 t29l 1291 t29t !290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1289 1289 12E9 1189 Per Unit 0ist buted solar 0 54122 0 57833 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 87.06 85.74 74.97 r08.06 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 724.41 145.:t4 7E.77 124.66 0.m 0.m 0.(p 91.23 u.23 134.05 108.54 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 96-45 119.47 94.85 33.E7 44.69 99.52 0.o 0.m 0.m 0,m 0.m 112.6€ 108.30 86.34 3.27 llE.6a 107.18 109.59 0.00 0.00 123.84 69.80 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 122.48 90.38 64.E3 80.36 85.47 0.m 0.@ 117.54 t27.37 91.06 1,4t.78 130.68 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.(D s6.2s 65.58 50.89 82.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 84.58 9S.A 40.49 90.17 0.m 0.m 0.m 51.02 51,45 50.24 57.65 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 62.11 85-@ 62.33 12.97 15.91 62.02 65.60 0.00 o.m o.@ o.@ 0.m 73.94 7t.59 ir5.59 2,77 8a.t3 77.59 69.59 0.00 0.00 79.16 73.69 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 102.7? 24.19 53.30 62.4' 53.m 0.m 0.m 72.2a 92.39 54.07 78.51 74.89 Non-Export Sola, (kW) 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 30.81 20.16 24.O9 25.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.90 49.70 38.28 34.49 0.m 0.m 0.00 30.2r 32.78 n.a7 40.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 34.34 t?.87 32.53 20.90 18.78 -58.81 32.93 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 38.74 35.71 39.75 3.16 !0.55 35.49 39.90 0.00 0.00 44.73 -3.8r!l 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.75 66.19 35.53 t7.a9 27.11 0.m 0.00 45.26 36.99 63.27 55.79 5/3/113:OO 91771717:OO tol9/77 5:oo 70/31/77 5:OO 5/7h7 $'OO 7ol3/a7 a7:00 5l27l177a:00 9/29/L-t t2:00 4/5/77 O:00 79125/77 O:00 7t/s/17 4:oo t7lt7/17 5:@ 10/1al17 r3:00 sl7/77 TstOO 3/74/71 71:00 10/10/u 13:00 4/79/17 5:OO 513/ri 2:OO t7/t7/t7 t:oo 4h9/7176:00 tO/5/71t1tOO 4127/77 Tstoo 3122171 73:OO 1/ZL/17 2:OO 9/22/17 6:00 9/18/17 6:<n 7017/!t t:oo 3/1,4/77 76:@ 5/211116:N 10/18/1716:00 3/72/77 79:oo 4/4/1119:OO 3117/77 71:OO 70/71/77 76:00 3/17/77 6:@ 4/?Zl77 t:OO s/7/77 6:@ 9/16/77 3:OO lO/22177 1:OO 5/2/a7 t7:oo 5/7/17 17:00 3/2!lt7 u:OO 4123177 a:oo rol21lfi 7a1o 70/s/D a6:0o 9125/t7 76:00 4/1A/77 S:00 7o/2o/77 0:00 9/26/17 74.@ 4/Z1h1t41W 4/221t7 ,W al26/r16:u) 4/2A/i 4:oo 9/27 /1,7 O:00 rO/t0/t1 t:OO 9/76/71 t4:o0 3/71,/77 76:00 9/?6171 tltOO 77177177 11:oo 9121177 r7.OO 4/2a/717:oo 1r/76/77 7:00 L0/7/77 r2tOO 9/27/77 L3:0o 3/71/77 t):OO 4/17117 L3:OO 4/to/17 t4:0o 0 505723 0.728911 0 0 0 0 0.419622 0.980364 0 53135 0.84C'902 0 0 0 0.61s3s9 0.56a155 0.931212 0.731165 0 0 0 0 0 650557 0.80986 0.639819 0.228493 0,3011t44 0.0216908 0.671315 0 0 0 0 0 0.76007 0 130556 0.582388 0.0355422 0.800521 o.722943 o 739251 0 0 0.835625 0.470432 0 0 0 0 0 0.82614{ 0.609646 0_5992 0.542072 0.576549 0 0 0.192457 0.825029 0.67423 0.956347 0.881462 L297 7797 t197 7297 1565 1527 1580 1560 1296 7295 1295 1296 1srU 7567 7429 1534 1295 1295 1295 1457 1485 1520 1490 t794 L294 r794 r194 1422 1549 7494 1380 1415 1462 1523 1293 1293 1293 1293 1293 1551 1565 1415 1324 1498 7481 1545 7292 t29Z 7527 1529 779r 7791 1291 1537 1189 1551 1459 1552 1290 1290 t41J 1538 7M6 1504 1496 0 0 0 0 1 7 Attachment 1 -Page 544 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-Exports rnstal!€d PV Nam€plat€ (kw) 177.9 DC:AC Ratio 1.? Ettimated Pv N.meplate lkwac) 1a8 3129/17 5:oo 9/20/117,OO 70/7/r7 7.OO 70124/17 5:@ 17123/t7 L9:@ !0179/17 o:oo 10/5/1718:00 3/17/71t2,@ 9/2A/71 72:oo 3/24/17 s,OO 4/41t7 7,@ 9126/17 O:@ 70/271171:@ 7tl6/77 4:@ 77173117 3:OO ,o/ral!l L1:@ 3l2ol77 79:afr 4/2717174,@ aolz3/11 14,00 2127/77 !@ 414/171:O0 4/211a7 7:oO sl2hr5:oo aol25l77 r4,w 4/19/77 11:oo !Ol3l7/ 76,N 3171/17 s,OO 9129/17 5:@ 10/18/171:m a7/23/77 ZO.OO 71/23/77 2t:oo 9175177 7t,N a7/$/77 !5,00 70126/77 12:OO 4121/lr 4:00 77/26/17 t:oo 1O/r0177 74,00 aolfi/71 !5,00 5/14/77 15:00 !Ol9l17 74.00 3l21la7 6.00 70172/17 t:OO tOl2L/17 Z:00 7O127/a7 rOO 7t/4/17 t:00 4/76117 19:00 4/27/77 !2.00 9/16177 t2:OO 3lLZ/r16:00 3/24/t1 Z:00 3177/\1o:o0 9/17/112:N 9/26/!16,W 9/30/77 t:oo tolt3/11 2:N to/21/!1OoA 11/5/71 3:@ 9/28/17 !r:N ro/7/77 76:00 319/71 t:00 3h2/t1 t:fi 3/2a/71 3:OO 5/r/77 75:@ x/ro/1718:N !t9/a7 72:N 9125/77 13:oo 9/26/77 72:OO 1289 1289 1289 1289 12E9 1292 7478 1502 1551 1288 1288 1288 12E8 1288 !2AA 1485 1408 1490 1492 1287 72E7 7787 7247 1461 1545 1513 1286 1286 1286 7246 1286 1554 1455 r537 1285 1285 1516 1505 1542 1514 728. 1284 778/ 1284 728/ 1334 1543 1559 1283 1283 1283 1283 1283 1283 1283 1283 1U83 1573 7441 7242 1282 7282 1548 1456 1387 1522 1946 12E9 1289 1289 1289 12E9 1289 1289 1284 1284 1284 l28a 1288 1288 1284 1288 t2Ea 7Za7 7247 1Za7 7787 7287 1Za7 \247 7287 1286 1286 1286 1286 1286 1ZE6 1286 1285 1285 1285 1285 1285 1285 12E5 1284 728/ LZ8r' 72e4 728r' 1284 72A4 7284 1283 1283 1283 1283 1283 1283 1263 1283 7283 7281 1283 1283 72AZ 7242 7242 7282 7242 1282 1281 1281 Per Unl! olsiribured 50lar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.348789 0.73375 0.748545 0 0 o 0 0 0 o.419772 0.242E49 0.612715 o.53?W 0 0 0 0 0.788445 0.4399 0.7!7652 0 0 0 0 0 0.592612 0.6r9132 0.643736 0 0 0.851149 0.822933 0.71006 0.870s88 0 0 0 0 0 0.0429416 0.87s946 0.74!644 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.590521 0.791315 0 0 0 O,EIE3OE 0.416143 0.495921 0.796154 0.706155 Attachment t -Page545 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.s 0.00 0.00 51.71 108.78 1!O.97 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 77.12 36.q) 90.83 96.71 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.m 115.89 95.47 rm.35 0.(t) 0.q) 0.m 0.q) 0.q) 87.85 9r.79 95.43 o.m 0.m 127.61 t?2.@ 109.71 129.06 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 6.37 r29.85 110.25 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 a1.v 117.31 0.00 0.00 0.@ 121.31 61.68 73.52 116.03 104.69 solr, Exporti {kw} tlon-Etpo solar (kw) o.ql 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 0-@ 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m28.28 2!.42?\.47 37.31E5.@ 25.970.m 0.000.q) 0.000.q) 0.000.m 0.000.m 0.00 0.q) 0.00 39.10 3r.02 12.75 21.2541.34 49_30 75.71 79.970.q) 0.000.m 0.00 0.04 -0.04 0.00 0.q) 80.31 35.58 59.41 36-06 81.41 27.91 o.cD 0.00 0.00 0.oo0.m 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 62.96 24-90 55.27 35.52 67_t3 2E.30 0.m 0.000.00 0.0093.53 34.13a].u 38.3688.75 20_95100.?5 28-310.00 0.000.00 0.00o.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.32 -7.96 9r.91 31.9579-52 30.72o.m 0.000.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.000.63 .0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.20 24.35 58.57 58.7a 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.0079.07 42.248.56 51.034X.62 29.90 71.@ 40.43 68.ito 35.29 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnit.lled Pv N.meprate(kw) DC:AC Ratio Ertimated Pv Nam.olate (kwac) t't1.9 1.2 148 DaE A ]irno 4175/77 t!:OO alul|| z:tN 9124177 7.@ r0l3l771:OO slTl0 \5:oo 2l7tl77 4:OO 3llali a:oo 4l12ll7 3:@ 91251\16l!0 tOl75ltlstOO 3126117 l4tm 3l23ll1 IZ:OO 1916lll LI:OO 4/2/i a:oo 3lt9ltla$o 3l2al77 ztoo 4/71711:OO 41271173:00 9l7A/77 T|OO 9l?3lt15too 91771176l!0 7Ol4/77 s:00 t0lt3/77 ltOO 70l7Llr7 4$O allla7 D:00 x/a|/77 $too AlrolU 7t0o 7013/77 2:00 70173/77 3:OO t!3/710:00 77/71171 1:OO 7Ol\/\7 t3tOO 77/1U77 t6:OO 319/77 4:oo 3/74/77 O:@ 3/25177 5:oo 417117 O.OO 4/75177 7:@ 9179177 2:00 10/3/17 3:00 70/751714@ 7r17U715:@ 5l!77 u:oo 9/7711175:@ 4/Z9ll7 4tOO 9125177 76:00 rol4ltl t:oo rtl13lr12:oo 10/15/1718:00 5lva177:oo 3lzalt $too ,19/1715$0 9/Z5l!1 ll:OO 9/7117175100 rll2/7171too 9/Za/!1 L9IOO filva17s:00 4/21/rt tg:OO 3/9117 ztoo a/tolt7 3too 4l25lrt 'tOOal29lD a:OO 9lt9lt7 3too 9/L9lL7 stoo 70/5/t7 S|OO tO/15/\l ltOO t0lt7lt7 a:OO 1523 1281 1281 128r 1553 1280 1280 1280 1280 1260 1407 1523 t477 1281 7279 1279 7219 1279 7279 7?79 1279 7279 7279 1279 1516 7442 7274 1278 1278 7218 7Z7A 7475 1a61 7Zn 7217 12,7 7717 71f7 1277 1277 7277 l2f7 1537 1537 lz15 1507 1275 1275 1425 1553 144/t 1345 1544 1522 15lrl 1345 7446 14al 7271 7271 !274 1274 7274 1274 727a 7274 1274 1281 12Et 1281 t28t 1260 r280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 7279 !279 1279 7779 7279 1279 1279 7279 7219 1.279 7218 7278 !218 7278 7218 !278 u1a D7A 1777 12-77 1277 1277 1277 1277 1277 1277 1?71 1277 1271 1276 \276 1276 1275 t275 1275 ,275 1275 t275 7775 7215 1275 7274 1274 7274 1274 7274 1274 7274 1274 1274 1274 7274 1274 Per Unit Distributed sola. 0.798928 0 0 0 0-904rr12 0 0 0 0 0 0.445433 0.841289 0.561921 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.863271 0.259699 0 0 0 0 0 0.88571 0.432323 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 o.7314! 0 0.528071 0 0 0.317984 0.845562 0.962558 0.26622a 0.565029 0.820s89 0.00229703 0.18{lo5 0.618789 0.295175 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 118.44 0.(I, 0.m 0.m 134.(E 0.00 0.(D 0.@ 0.00 0.m 56.18 t24.72 43.30 0.m 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 127.98 38.50 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.@ 131.45 64.09 0.m 0.@ 0.(D 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 1€-25 r09.32 0.(D 7a.29 0.00 0.@ 47,14 131.43 142.70 39,47 a3.n r21.65 0.34 77.78 91.74 43.76 0.m 0.00 0-m 0.00 0.00 0-@ 0.00 0_00 0.00 46./l8 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 95.31 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.00 0_m 34.S 71.08 s2.90 0.01 0.6 0.m 0.m 0_m 0-0 0.00 0.m 0-m 0-63 0.m 86.30 23.38 0.00 0.m 0.63 0.00 o.m 71.21 27.35 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.@ 97.4? 79.42 0.q) 79.32 0_m 0.m 19.30 E8.m 94.05 32.72 50.3E 9t.91 42.59 9-02 7t.zo 20.72 0.m 0.m 0.m 0-m 0_m 0-@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 Non-t4ort Sola, (kW) 17.96 0.00 0.m 0.m 34.?7 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.@ 31.28 53.64 30.41 ,0.ort -0.08 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 -0.63 0.m 41.58 15.12 0.m 0.m -0.63 0.00 0.m 60.22 16.74 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 50.43 29.50 0.m -r.04 0.m 0.m z7_u 42.73 48.53 6.75 33.39 27.69 .42.25 18.26 20.54 23.54 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m Attachment I -Page546 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports lnstalled Pv Nameplate lkw) Dc:AC Ratio Enimated Pv Nameplate (kw.c) r77.9 1.2 148 r!/tOltl l:OO 77l75lti t:OO 9125171 72tOO 9/21ltl71:00 L0/76/77 74t00 3/25/71 72.00 3/70/11 t:N 3/71/1r O:00 3/20/11 5:@ 4/29/11 1:@ th5/17 4:OO 9la6/i 5:OO 9l2t/1-, l.OO Tlla/ri O:N TolTaltt 3:OO 7o/2a/0 6:00 7r/6/112:00 9lt7/77 74:OO 4lt7/7174100 tO/16117 77:OO th6l77 73:oO 4/28/77 73too 4/70/11 4:OO 4/7U17 4tOO 4l?3/17 O:0O 9/301717:OO r0lt0/r1 TIOO rcl1a/17 4:OO tUrT/772:OO 70121/77 l5:@ 3/23/170:00 3/24/77 t:00 4/76/714tOO tOl72/71a:N tol71/\14:@ rOl79/717:6 4/a/17 73:OO !2alr7 8:oo 70/16117 16:N 4/2/77 9:o0 3/731r7 75tOO r!/7/r114:N 4/\/17 1ltOO 4/251712100 4/28/77 3:OO 10/6/717:OO 10/26/77 O:OO 7t/27/77 TIOO 1/71 lL7 tstog 9/2a/t,O:OO ,olalrT 7:O0 7O/t7/17 2OO 419111 l7.OO tolz4/17 r5:OO 4/71/a7 $:OO 3/9/17 3:oo 4/19/115:OO 4/Alt15:OO 4/161113.OO 4/27/7-t 2:00 10/9/\71:00 70/12177 2:OO to/77ht l:00 7713/11 6:00 t1/25/71 5.N to/6177 7\N a/72177 \9:oo 1274 1271 1553 1553 1t8E 1514 7273 7?73 7273 7273 1,2f3 7273 7273 7271 1773 1273 1273 1505 1486 1534 1546 1512 1272 1272 1277 7211 12t2 7272 1490 7177 7777 7277 7277 1271 1271 149? 1435 1519 1335 1453 1455 1270 t27o 1270 1270 1270 1270 7175 7269 r269 12(r9 1506 1485 1467 1258 1269 1267 1267 1767 1267 1767 7267 7767 7161 1479 1411 7274 lz74 7274 7274 !273 727' 1213 7273 7273 1Z7X 1273 7273 1273 7273 !273 1273 7213 !273 7273 7272 !272 7272 7272 1212 \772 1272 t2?2 1272 1272 t27l 1271 L27L t27l t27l t27L t27l t27l t27t 7270 1270 1270 7270 t270 1270 1210 t270 1270 1210 t269 1269 1269 1269 1264 12m r268 1268 1268 126' t267 t261 1267 7267 7261 !26f 7267 7251 1266 Per Un[ oirtributed Sol.r 0 0 0.74:t065 0.730626 0.76t175 O,EOEOsE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.598755 0.972335 0.514212 0.850276 0.900445 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.765825 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.84j101 0.3934r4 0.678283 0.13779 0.82E233 0.923144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.837554 0 0 0 0.690316 0.750521 0.730647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.848046 0.269052 0.00 0.00 u0.16 ro8_32 112.92 119.79 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.() 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 103.59 144.15 76.23 125.05 113.49 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.e 0.00 0.m 0.@ 113.53 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 125.7t 54.34 100.55 20.43 722.19 136.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0_m 724,11 0@ 0.m 0.e 102.34 1L2.16 108.t2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m t23.72 39.89 0.m 0.(D 81.61 85.59 83.58 77.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0-00 0.00 000 94.70 78.58 47.55 99.44 83.97 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.cp 13.22 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 91.16 35.91 59.14 3.51 84.07 71,15 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 74.16 0.00 0.m 0.@ 76.67 82.55 55.24 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.(n 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 89.26 16.50 ion-E4ort solar (tw) 0.m 0.m 28.55 22.73 29.34 44.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.89 65.57 28.58 ?6.57 49.52 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 40.31 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 33-96 22.44 31.42 16-81 14.72 55-70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49.7t 0.0t 0.00 0.00 25,67 30.11 53.08 0.00 0m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 35.46 23.39 Attachment 1-Page 547 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exportg and Non-exports rnetalled Pv Nam.prsr€ (kw) Estim.ted Pv Nameplate (twac) 717.9 7.2 148 1256 1255 1266 1265 1266 1452 1512 1468 1495 1265 1265 r255 1265 1255 1255 1265 1514 7526 7264 1264 t2 77tA r530 1474 1488 1468 1263 1263 1253 1253 1263 1346 7262 7252 1483 1500 1261 1261 1251 1261 1261 1496 1lt99 1511 1525 1260 12m 12@ 12m t447 1425 1393 1385 1259 1259 1259 12S9 1259 14,45 t470 1425 1258 u5a 1254 1258 1421 7266 1266 1266 1266 1265 1255 7265 1265 1265 1265 1265 1255 1265 1265 1265 t2u 12f,4 r2u r264 t2u 1?61 72 1254 72il 1253 1263 1263 1263 1263 1263 7261 7752 7262 1262 7161 1261 1261 1261 tzbl 1261 l2@ 1260 r250 1250 1260 1260 1260 1260 1260 1259 1259 1259 1259 1259 1259 1259 1259 1259 1259 1258 1258 1258 1258 1258 1258 P€r Unit Dirtributed sola r 0 0 0 0 0 0-594214 o.276671 o.146772 o.-133229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.492444 0.7@u7 0 0 0 0 0.740825 0.618739 0.550694 0.627903 0 0 0 0 0 0.0€54236 o 0 0.73175 0.396613 0 0 0 0 0 0.449469 0.716595 0.&17241 0.281307 0 0 0 0 o,177344 o-477527 0.30669 0.4!7t42 0 0 0 0 0 030384n 0.729299o. 7676 0.775722 0 0 0 0 0.s205E1 (kw) 0.00 0-00 0.m 0.00 0.@ 88.59 41.02 57.23 108.70 0.@ 0.m 0.(I 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m 73,@ It4.01 0.m 0.q) o.@ 0.@ 109.83 91.73 91.95 93.09 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.m 12.66 0.00 0.m 108.48 5E.A) 0.m 0.m 0-@ 0.m 0.00 56-53 105.24 124.12 41.m 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 61.87 70.81 45.47 61.93 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 45.05 108.12 95.28 106,11 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 77.18 Solar Expotu (kw) 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 56.82 22.84 32.62 76.78 0.m 0.o 0.q) 0.@ 0.q) 0.m 0.00 51.03 97.75 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.oo u. 13.74 53.54 36.15 0.m 0.@ 0.(re 0.m 0.m 2.69 0.m 0.m 76-95 26.0r 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 54.13 90.84 92.49 21.18 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 29.24 50.t14 20.35 53.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.8 7S.90 63.44 71.50 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.e 59.93 Non-Export Solrr lkw) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 31.88 18,14 24.63 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 o.m 0.00 0.00 76.21 o00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24_49 18-59 it4.31 55.91 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 9.97 0.m 0.q) 31.53i.n 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.50 15.36 !1.63 20.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 32.63 20.37 25.10 -1.97 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 22.45 32.22 31.80 34.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 7?.25 Y26/771:00 4/4/77 2:@ 77/70/71 1:OO LtlT!71 4.@ 7U761712:OO t7/7a/77 75:N s/2t/119:OO 9/77/1170:OO LO/26/77 73:oo 3/74/71 3tOO 5/U77 2:OO 5/21t7 3:oo 9/70lt-t 2:OO 9/23/u r:OO to/$/t7 2:oO 17/tO/t7 4:00 7O/2A/77 t1:00 9/25/11 14:OO 4/22/ti 3:00 7tl7/t7 5:o0 77/17/17 4:00 t7/21177 O W to/ts/D a2]oa tol21 /t7 73 00 4/27/t7 L7:N 7O/7/t7 17:@ 31251711:OO 4/22/77 2:oo 4122177 4:oo 1r/77/77 2:OO 1t/71/716:00 4/75/77 20:oo 70/9/714:OO 1U16/17 6:00 10/30/17 1s:00 9123/77 1O:OO 3/22/17 O:W 4/7a/77 3:oo 4/29/77 2:N 7O/31/t1ltoo a!4/77 s:oo 70/9/11 71:00 9/t111,7 73:oo 70/9/77 7s:N s/24/719:00 a/5/!1 5:@ 4/11/116:00 7t/74/77 5:00 tr/22/71 6:00 71/74/77 16:00 3113177 17:OO 7tl7tl77 76:00 4/22171 71100 3/29ht !:oO 4/14/r7 2:OO 10/76/17 3:OO L1/16/115:N 77/2117/ 22:N alg/1,7 79:@ tO/27177 75:OO 3/74/17 75:N Lo/6/t7 76:N 3/10/17 5:00 3/16/77 O:OO 5/2/114:oo tO/4/717:OO 11111/77 14:OO Attachment l -Page548 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnitalled Pv N3meolate tkw) oC:AC Ratio trtiruted Pv Nameplate (kwacl L17.9 7-2 148 oaro & Tims t7/73/77 TAOO 3126/P a:oD 4/6/17 o:00 4l7ali o:OO sl1/t7 O:OD 7O/2/r7 7:W \O/4/!7 4:oo r0/l2lr7 L@ 77l7olt7 3:OO 3h611114:@ 912517? 15:00 3lt6l77 a6:an TOIA/77 12:OO 9/25h713:W 3/75/17 s:@ 4/lO/17 2.N fi/5/a7 2:OO r9lr0/17 L@ 5h4/77 ,,6:00 4/1t/17l:N 77/4/77 4:00 3/79/t713:& 9/30177 aa:oo 4/4/7-t 73.00 3172/71t1:@ 3/15/77 o:oo 1/25177 3:@ Tolroli 4,00 ll/\1117 3:0o rV25l17 4.00 71126171 2:oO 10129171 7a:OO 419/!1 L9:00 3179/17 t4:0o 3/27/tl6,00 4/t2lt7 7:OO 4/l5ll7 2:OO 9/r7/17 3.00 9l29lt7 7:oo 70l2altt 7:oo t9/29/t7 O:OO ttlal/t7 3:oo 5lt/71r3:oo 4/25117 t4,OO 9l3o/17 r4:oo 4/l7lr12.OO 4la4l9 O:OO al3oh-t 6:00 th9l17 4:OO to/9117 3:@ l0lao/71 3:oO -tO/76171 2:OO t0/251t7 7:OO t7l4/77 2:oO 10l9lt7 16:00 9/t1/t172:00 4127lt1 76:00 4/5/t7 73tOO 1/ao/77 ztOO 3/19/77 4:oo 4/14171}@ aol22/77 2tO0 1U25177 ltoo 70125/1115:N !76177 75:W al23l77 9:oo 1112117 4:N 7217 1257 7257 7257 1,257 7257 7257 7257 7257 1465 1526 1423 1170 1530 1256 1256 1256 1256 1518 1255 1255 L377 1465 1492 1448 tz54 1254 1254 1254 1254 1254 1373 1377 1354 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1532 1500 1457 7257 1252 1252 1252 1252 1,252 7252 1501 1491 1480 t4z1 1251 1251 1251 1251 l25t 1439 1454 t374 1250 1251 1257 7257 t257 7257 7257 1257 7251 r25t 7257 7251 7257 1257 1256 1256 1256 1256 1256 1255 1255 1255 1255 1255 1254 1154 7254 1254 7754 1254 7254 1254 l25A 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1253 1252 1252 r252 !252 t2s2 t2s2 1252 t15Z 1252 7252 1251 1251 1251 7257 1251 1251 1251 1251 7251 1251 1250 1250 1250 Per unlt Distriblted Solar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.925374 0.847983 o.672741 0.5EE617 0-832019 0 0 0 0 0.69s86s 0 0 0.666s59 0-ilo6804 0.855701 0.844962 0 0 0 0 0 0 o-217217 0.235914 0.315827 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-980956 0.865855 o.a9n02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.597879 0.630987 0.270113 0.905446 0 0 0 0 0 o.7&702 0.665231 0.161625 0 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.q) 137.19 125.7r 99.73 87.26 123.35 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ rc3.15 0.@ 0.@ 98.82 60.31 128.49 t23.27 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 !5.16 34.97 46.82 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.@ 145.43 !28-36 133.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0-m 0.m 0.rc 88.64 93.54 40.91 134.38 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 712.77 98.71 2t.$ 0.00 0.(,(l 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ o.@ 80.66 91.01 79.44 61.68 90.02 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.00 79 80 0.00 0.00 56.61 3!.4 92.72 94.98 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 14.34 19.01 43.31 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 98.00 42.94 78.31 0-m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.m 76.20 77.97 61.32 80.19 0.00 0-00 0.00 0_00 0-00 17.76 76_74 13_05 0.58 Expolt Sol.r [tw) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 56-53 34.68 20.25 33_33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.36 0.00 0.00 42.2! 28.67 35.77 30.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m 21.42 15.94 3.51 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.42 85.38 54.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 72.44 15.64 -77.28 54.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.99 10.91 {.58 Attachment l -Page549 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnsralled Pv Namep ate (kw) Elrimated Pv Nameplare (kw.c) 777.9 1.2 148 3/13/t7 t:OO 7O/1lti 5:OO N/2AlD LOO 4129/11gtOO 3/16lri 5:OO 3l29ltt 2:oo a/30lt7 TIOO 5/7lt7 ttOO 9l20lt15:OO Tolslri 4:OO t7114/tt t:oo t7/27/11 5:OO ttl25ltlztOO 1/11/11t7:OO 1/71/71t4:OO tl21/a1 $:oo 3lr3lt 1:OO 3/261712:oo 4/3/ti s:oo al25/113:OO 10/14/u 18:0o 3lt2lti 3:@ arylrl M:oo 3l12l115:@ 3l-t81111:OO 3lz7/ti o:oo 1,0/Ur15:OO 10/6111a:oo tolz1lll6:00 tol27l17 s:oo 4h9/7112:OO tolall7 7a:oo 70/31/71|-t:OO 1l29ltr 1@ 4114117 4:oo tr/21110:oo 4129/71 t9:OO !711t7 71:oo 4/22/7110:@ tll6lri 75:OO 4l2al0 B:OO 7o/3!t7 75:@ th2/712:@ 9/t1/115:OO 9/18117 r:@ to/5117 3:@ t7l4/17 3:OO 10/31/11 4:OO 7o/2ali 7a:oo 7ll74l7-/ 74:OO 4/30/171r:00 4l2al77 74to9 3/18/170:00 1/25lt1a:OO 4/30/11 s:OO rOll/1,1rtOO 4ltl77 75:OO 3173/71 76:00 7O/-/li 7A:Oo 4/!77 79:OO 3717115:00 9/30/U 2:oo 70/24/11 4:OO t7/t/712:OO 4/79/77 $:oo 1250 1250 1250 1442 7?49 1249 1249 1249 1249 l?49 1249 1249 1249 11113 1448 1327 12€ 1248 12aa 12it8 u4a 1147 r248 1a64 t247 1747 1247 t241 1241 1247 1247 t502 1459 ta3a 146a 124$ 1246 1246 1375 1,159 r506 1472 1508 r453 1245 1245 1245 1245 1245 t244 1372 ra90 t472 la73 1243 1241 1243 1243 1532 1419 14AO 1423 1435 1242 1242 t242 1452 1250 1250 1250 12S0 1219 1249 1219 1249 1249 l2/t9 1249 1249 1249 1249 \249 1248 12/t8 1248 l2'll8 1248 7248 lZaE 1248 7247 1217 1247 7247 7247 121' 7247 1217 7247 1247 1246 7246 1246 1245 12a6 7246 !246 1245 1245 7215 1245 1245 1245 1245 1245 1245 7241 7241 \?41 1243 121t3 1243 1243 1243 1243 7243 1243 7242 7242 7742 \242 1242 1242 1242 Pe. Unit Ditt.ibut.d Sol.r 0 0 0 0.253126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.562932 0.895,1rt1 0.332135 0 0 0 0 0 0.32&t8 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.788914 0.365161 o374259 0.45871 0 0 0 0.262638 0.853154 0.485199 0.E12932 0.970453 0.731479 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.23981 0.858792 0.595E56 0.589389 0 0 0 0 1 0559221 0.343604 0.315829 0.968894 0 0 0 0.53818 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.53 0.m 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0-@ 98.28 132.75 49.24 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 44.7I) 0.o llt6-25 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 115.96 54.14 55.44 59.49 0.00 0.00 0.@ 41.90 u5.{a 71.93 120.52 143.87 111,41 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.55 r28.80 E4.34 87.38 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 1a8.25 97.73 50.94 45.82 143.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 79.n 0.m 0.m 0.00 18.93 0.m 0.m 0-@ 0-m 0_m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.e 53.16 99.74 31.11 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 20.77 o.21 E9.25 0_m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0-m 0.00 0.m 81.63 39.32 23.61 34.00 0.m 0.m 0.0 15.46 84.14 50.50 E5.55 114.43 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.m r6.04 84.09 45.25 80./lo 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 9s.33 70.05 24.42 22.57 93.t7 0.00 0.00 0.m 44.43 0.m 0.m 0.@ 18.60 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 45.12 33.01 16.1! 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 2?.9:l .0.24 58.99 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.00 35.33 14.82 31.87 35.49 0.m 0.00 0.00 26.44 34.34 21.43 34-97 29.44 35.96 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 19.51 44.77 43_09 6.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.92 27.8 24.31 so.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.35 Attachment l -Page550 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnetalled Pv Nameprare (rw) DC:AC Ratio tttimated Pv N.mepl.re (lwac) t719 1.2 148 Yr7/7-/ t5:N 3/2a/77 77:0o 7A/26/77 15:OO 70/27/77 !a:OO 3/17/77 s:oo -LO/r/77 6:00 7ol4/713:oo 17/221717:OO 4/16/111O:OO 1/23177 t4:oo 4h111712:OO 3/2a/r7 $:oo )/21177 4:oo 4/12/114:oO 9/2!/t7 2:oo 70/5/17 3:OO $/2A/77 5:OO a7/27/77 2:o0 4l2a/P \9:oa 1/26/713:OO 4/ao/77 7:o0 9/17/77 4tOO LO/6/77 ?:OO rO/2a/17 3:N 4/23/171a:N 4/zalD 75:oo a/5/77 6:& 4/1,2/r', 2:0o 9/23/77 5:oO rO/9177 7:@ -tO/17/17 3:Oo 3/77/11ts:@ 3122/71 t6:@ 3/1t/ti r9:@ 4/75/11 ts:oo 7O/A/71 t3.OO 9/$/Lt 2:OO 7O/22/r7 6:00 70/31/\1 2:OO 7L126/t71:0o t0/1s/71 73:00 9/27h12:OO 9/27/t7 7:oo 70/71/11 1:OO 7,h7lt1'@ 10174/17 7:oo 3h611178.N to/2a/77 72:oO a/23/7170:@ 3/79/110:@ 9/20/ti 1:@ tUL/17 1:o0 1t/76/11 3:@ 1/17h174:W 1/77/77 76:dJ 3121/71t:& 3/27/1.12:OO 4/72/17 3:N 9/1-//71t:OO t0/25/71 2:OO 10/24/77 16:00 rO/A/71 la:OO 7o/a/77 6:00 77/2/17 5:oo 17/17/71 1:Oo 17/26/77 5:oo a/11r7 16:00 1387 1434 1464 1441 1240 1240 1240 7240 7494 1484 t478 1455 1239 1239 1239 1239 1239 1239 1415 1238 1238 12la 1238 1238 1402 1455 t237 't737 r23' 1237 ,237 1425 1/rc3 7317 1475 1455 7236 1236 1235 1236 7482 1235 !235 1235 1235 1235 7427 1479 1399 7Za4 \zaA 123rr 7214 7397 1416 1233 1233 1233 1233 1233 1457 1433 7232 7232 1232 1232 1241 1241 l24l t24l 124{ 1240 1240 r240 r240 tl40 r239 1239 1239 1239 1239 1239 1239 1239 1239 1238 1238 1238 1238 1238 1238 723f 1237 7237 7237 1237 7237 1137 7237 1235 1235 1236 1236 1236 1236 1236 1236 1235 1Zl5 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 123/t 1234 1234 1234 1234 1231 1233 1233 1233 r233 1231 1233 1233 t23? 1232 r232 t2!2 t23t P€r Unit Distriboted Solar 0.525039 0.546794 0.124977 0.768a76 0 0 0 0 0.449311 I 0.811994 o.717799 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.38042 0 0 0 0 0 0.156813 0.433412 0 0 0 0 0 o.875714 0.833726 0_28646:t 0.83541 0.885828 0.65q1 0.331034 0 0 0 0 0.634476 o.794476 0 0 0 0 0 0.654546 Q.67243 0 0 0 0 0.946302 lkw) 77.4 81.06 L07.47 113.99 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 56.61 148.25 120.3E 106.49 0.m 0.0 0.& 0.m 0.m 0.m 51.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.73 64.25 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.00 129.83 r23.il 42.47 124-05 131.12 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 124.58 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 5E.32 96.42 49.08 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0@ 94.06 118.37 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 91.6 99.69 0.@ 0.0 0.00 0.m lao_29 49.96 61.48 42.41 '1,,54 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 16,25 106_27 9.76 83.74 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 25.89 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 35.14 77.13 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 97.15 71.18 20.la 43.40 67.24 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.87 91.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 36.91 76.y 32.51 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 67_50 87.60 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 68.49 74.42 0.@ 0.00 0.(D 0.@ 84.18 27.88 19.59 74.66 15.44 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.@ 20.36 41.98 55.62 14.75 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 25.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -11.41 -11.88 0.@ 0.00 o.m 0.m 0.00 32.57 52.42 21.99 m.65 64.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.87 32.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.41 20.08 16.54 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 26.56 {.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 78.57 20.86 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 52-ll 0 0 0 0 0.840358 0 0 0 0 0 0.39339 Attachment l -Page551 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnrlled Pv Nam.pr.te (kw) OC:AC Ratio tstimared Pv Nameolare (kwa.l 777.9 1.2 148 1231 1231 1231 1231 1231 1211 7152 1451 13EO 12:tO 12:X' 1230 1230 1498 !r45 1459 !729 1229 1729 \229 !229 1451 1485 u2a 1228 122a iza !u1t 1427 1a55 122' 1227 7227 t227 !226 1226 1226 rzzS 1226 1459 1172 1461 tafS t223 1229 7223 1224 1224 1389 1459 !t59 1394 1723 1223 1223 1223 1726 1475 122? 1222 1222 1222 1431 1221 1221 Dare & I me 3/13/tt 2:oo 417/rt 5:00 4/5/17 4:oo 9/10/714:OO 70/25177 4:OO 7t/23/77 7:oo 70/30/17 r5:@ 9/30/11 \5:OO 77/24/a7 i:oo 3l!O1717:OO al5/71 r:oo 9/77/77 5:00 77124/717.@ 4l22lt7 t1:0o tO/3O/17 71:00 to/25/17 1,7,W !173177 3:0o 4/71716:& 4123/77 6:00 9/7a/17 5:@ rO/27/77 7:00 tOl13/t7 76:@ 4l2Ul7 74tOO 4/19/77 ttw 4/23/77 7:oo 9/2,-/77 !@ LO/23/17 O:OO 9l2al77 77:oo 4l70l77 7a.@ lol\U\l 12.00 4la/77 7:@ 9/21177 3:oO 9/23171 a.U) 70/25/713:@ 3/70/77 4:OO 1/771117:OD 4/20/715.oo 1,0/79/77 5:OO 70/12/71 3:OO 4/4/77 74:oo 70126/77 16:00 4172/77 13:OO 70126/77 77:oo 4/A171 5:OO 9/26/ti r:00 7t/14117 4:oo 71125171 4:OO arylv O:OO 9/22117 7:@ 4/30/17 74:@ t0/23/t7 7t:@ r0/31/r716:m tt/trh7 t5tm 3/20177 o:oo 4126177 otm 4/30/77lN 9122177 5:N 1r/2/77 7:W 70/79/77 7:@ 9/17/t? 77:OO 3/10/17 3:OO 3/30/77 2:oo 412/771.& rO/!17 7:OO to/11-lt7 t4:oo a/73/110,@ 9124117 6:00 1231 1231 1231 1231 1231 1231 1231 1231 1230 1230 r230 1230 r230 1230 72?9 7229 1229 7229 7229 72?9 7279 1229 7229 L22a 7224 1228 1228 L?ZA 7227 1227 1227 1227 1227 1225 1225 1726 1226 1226 1226 1226 1226 1225 1225 1225 tz25 1225 1224 tz21 12?4 1224 7224 1223 1223 7221 t223 1223 1223 1223 7222 7222 LZZZ 7222 7222 L2Z2 7227 7227 Per unit oirtrlbuted Solat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.644157 0.878532 0.30835 0 0 0 0 0.713307 o.474725 0.392819 0 0 0 0 0 0.656261 1 0 0 0 o 0.625718 0.553942 0.671615 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0_52s8s8 0-824323 o167079 0 0 0 0 0 0 o450443 0.497019 0.542911 0.4392r7 0 0 0 0 o 0 0.4618 0 0 0 0 0.789729 0 0 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.50 130.24 45.71 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0-@ 105.75 70_29 58.24 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98.77 148.25 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 92.75 82.r2 99.57 0.o 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 148.25 92.78 t22.ZL 69.24 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 55.78 73.68 95.31 64.52 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 6E.45 0.m 0.m 0.(p 0.m tt7.G 0.(re 0.o 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 64.82 77.12 37_84 0.m 0.(I, 0.m 0.@ u.14 36.55 39.96 0.m 0.@ 0.oo 0.@ 0.@ 64-41 109.52 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 @.(B 4t.7t 62.04 0.m 0.m 0.m o.q) 0.m 0.m 0.cll 0.m 0.m 92.57 59.18 88.81 45.42 0-m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 63.13 42.59 55.23 36.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 63.40 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.(x) 80.22 0.m 0.tI, 0-00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.64 52.92 7.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.31 33.74 14.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.17 38.73 0.00 0.00 0.m 0_m !2.68 38.41 37.53 0_m 0-m 0.@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 55.63 23.50 33.40 22.83 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0_00 0.00 3.55 31.t0 40.0€ 24.25 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 5.05 0.00 0-@ 0.00 0.00 36.85 0.00 0.00 Attachmentl-Page552 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnsra led PV Naheplate (kw) 0CrAC Ratio Estlmared PV Nameplaie lkW.c) 9125171o:@ rt/r6lt7 4:w 4l7O/7117tfi 3/2217/ stOO 1/30/77 stoo 4/79/77 J:OO rL/\4lU 2:00 7t/27177 4t0D 10l24lt1 l7:N 9/30171r7:@ 4ll7lr7O:@ gl]alt7 lero 3137/77 77too 9/30/1716:00 4l3o/fi \a:00 4/r.6/71 t7:OO 4l2ltlO:OO 4/5lL13too 4/14lri s:OO gl2tl,7 a:00 7ol2llr 4:OO 77/74171 3:cfr 3/23/7711:N 9/2317? 1.2t00 1/72177 74:00 Alrolu \5:r.YO altl17 2:tA 415/712:00 9/11llr 5:OO 7gl2/r7 2:OO 4122/71 tz,OO l0l25/77 75,an r0/20/r1 7:OO 7ol22.lti 5:00 70129/17 a$O 4/2A177 TAIOO 41791114:oo t0/t5177 74:OO al23/77 79:OO th9l!1 l1:OO anu71a:oo 9/7Alt1a:OO 9l28lt7 L@ r0lTl/71 2:00 il27lal0:00 3l7a/9 5:N 411/77 4:& LOlz3/!1 5:00 rol2a/77 4t0o 4/19177 lst0o 4/5/77 7ot@ 3/31/1716i00 til27lr7 76,00 4/8l7t ztoo 4/7t177 6:00 el22lr'7 3too 9/2a/D stoo $/2a177 7:oo 4/Z2lt' \6:00 1117/77 $tOO 3/221771:oo 4/2oll17:@ 4/20/714tOO 10126177 TtOg rolsolU o:00 1/77/77 74:OO r17.9 1.2 148 t22l 12Zt 7442 t220 1220 1220 t2lo 1220 1458 14@ 1219 1219 1384 1456 1387 7470 !277 12!7 7217 121 t2t7 1217 7471 1453 1407 7467 12r6 1216 1216 1215 1486 1441 1215 1215 1215 1412 7776 1449 1395 1455 1214 1214 1214 12ta 1214 1213 1213 1213 1213 14,48 1393 1395 1453 1212 1212 7272 7212 1212 1212 1380 t!72 12tl 1211 1211 1211 1Z1t 1419 1221 1220 1220 1220 1220 1220 1219 12t9 1Zt9 1219 1219 72t7 !zt1 7Zt7 7217 72t7 7217 7217 1217 7717 1217 1217 1216 1216 7276 1216 1215 7216 7216 1215 1215 1215 1215 1215 1215 1215 7211 1214 1214 1214 1214 1214 1214 1213 1213 1213 1211 121]] 1212 L?t2 7212 7272 1?12 7272 1212 7212 7272 1211 l21t 1211 l21l 1211 1211 121t 1211 P€r Udh Dirtribur.d sobr 0 0 0.62534E 0 0 0 0 0 o.191747 0.6!0371 0 0 o.748942 0.79023 0.572957 o.6t1769 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.981555 0.791982 0.894554 0.8a412E 0 0 0 0 0.884:lO7 0.654291t 0 0 0 0.601193 0 0.869974 o.2EA72 0.5E4419 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.936r89 0.298984 0.884543 0.630553 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.677744 0.541824 0 0 0 0 0 0.909379 0.@ 0.00 92.71 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 72.fi 93.45 0.@ 0.00 111.03 117.15 84.94 91.58 0.m 0.@ 0.0 0.m 0.(n 0.m 143.@ 117.41 t3?.62 131.07 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 111.10 98-44 0.m 0.00 0.00 89.13 0.@ 128.97 41,48 86.70 0.m 0.@ 0.e 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 139.18 44.12 131.74 93.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 90.84 80-33 0.m 0.o 0.m 0.00 0.00 734.42 0.m 0.@ 61.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.00 45.30 57.97 0.00 0.00 77.74 73.$ 44.03 71.O2 0.@ 0.m 0_q) 0@ 0.m 0.6 86.65 90.58 108.00 80.78 0_00 0-m 0.00 0.(x) 105-81 54.32 0.m 0.00 0.@ 49.09 0.@ 97.f8 18.05 59.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.(x) 0.m 0.m 0-00 0.00 0.m 91.97 23.07 85.32 62.82 0.00 0.@ 0.(x) 0.00 0.@ 0.00 19-62 51.71 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 93.03 iron-Erpo^sol.r (tw) 0.@ 0.@ 31.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.61 35-44 0.00 0.00 39.29 43.98 a0.91 18.55 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ -0.06 56.:|4 26.83 24.62 50.29 0.00 0.00 0_00 0.00 24.24 q''16 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.04 0.00 31.19 23.43 27.t0 0-m 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47,20 21,.26 46.a2 30.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 000 11.22 28.62 0.m 0.m 0.00 0m 0.00 47.79 Attachment l -Page553 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exporta and Non-exports lnstalled Pv Naheql.te (kw) oC:AC Rntio tnimated PV Namepl.re (kWrc) 177-9 7,2 148 4/9/7712:00 4/76/77 7A:00 3/26/!7 \L:oo 1/79/711:OO 4/7a/77 2:oo 9/30/17 3:oo 10/1/17 3:00 70/72/71 4:OO t7/11717:N 70lal717t:@ Aln/D r9:@ 7ol7/7178:OO 1lt7ltl5:oo 9/30/t7 6:00 4/79/77 73tOO N/Za/\1 73:OO 3/76/7177100 a/7017-1 16:00 7t124/\7 77:N 3/2s/77 7!:N 4/26ltt 5:@ lO/29/11 6:00 71123/77 73:N 4l29li 7cW 71,/23177 76:00 4l7a/t1 5:OO 9/2?./11 4:OO to/r/71 5:OO tO/1/712:OO 1lt4lt7 t:oo rOlZSllT 5:OO 10/8/1715:00 3/221t7 ts:oo 4/9/!1 1a|OO 70/74/71 75:OO 4/2t/77 t6:o0 3/27/17 3to0 3/lOlDrrn 4h9/tl2:oo 9l29l115t0o )l15l115:an 4/20/tr lq 4/30/t7 L@ r0/7/lr 4:00 tollrlv !00 ao/28/771:N 7ll2Z/17 2:00 3/26117 t2:oo 7O/A177 76:00 1/30lri 4:oo t0/21t1 3:OO tgl1l715:OO 10/E/171:00 3/21/71 7sto0 3/20/77 7A$O 9/29lL7 t:00 t1l27lt1 4:00 t!23M 77:W 4/25/77 76:N tO/27117 71:OO 4/2Al17 77:W 4ft171]:W alA/71a:00 9/24/!1 l:00 91141714:00 70/27/17 2:@ 4/!9/\r \4100 1454 1321 7127 1210 7210 12r0 1210 1210 !2!0 1420 7397 t42Z 1209 1209 1473 1429 1188 1416 1343 1447 1208 1208 1208 14tl 1284 1207 1207 t207 1207 1206 1206 1414 1415 1369 1455 1446 1205 1205 1205 1205 1204 1204 r2o4 1204 1204 1204 1204 1402 1419 1203 r203 1203 1203 t447 ,4Az 1202 1202 1261 1402 1439 !t18 1201 1201 1201 1201 7207 1459 1271 1210 1210 1210 r210 t270 1210 1210 1210 r210 1210 1210 1209 t209 1209 1209 12oE r208 r208 12(E r208 1208 1208 1208 7207 1201 7207 1207 1207 1206 1206 1206 1205 7206 1205 r205 1205 1205 1205 1205 t20t 1204 1204 7204 r204 1204 1204 7204 1203 1203 7201 1203 1203 1203 1203 1202 t202 t202 t202 r20r t20t 1201 r201 1201 1201 1201 1201 Per Unit DBr but.d solar G€neration 0.851502 0.258497 0.554693 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.510!rE 0.335745 0.361851 0 0 0.89E984 0.741081 0.56571r 0.E93544 0.168473 0.921766 0 0 0 o.72U5Z 0.225878 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.545416 0.761519 0.338306 0.828418 0.904822 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.557401 0.780613 0 0 0 0 0.995978 0.485874 0 0 0.0928739 0.743112 0.454432 0.588089 0 0 0 0 0 0.9a7355 727.72 38.32 82.23 0.@ 0.00 0.0o 0.m 0.m 0.@ 90.5E 49.97 53.54 0.m 0.@ 113.27 109.87 84.01 7a2.47 24.98 136.65 0.00 0.m 0.00 70f.99 33.49 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.(D 0.m 95.74 112.91 50.15 122.81 134.14 0.m 0.m 0.0 0.q) 0.m 0.q) o.@ 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.m 97.46 115.73 0.00 0.(tr 0.m 0.00 147.8 72.78 0.m 0.m 7!.71 110.25 68.85 87.18 0.(t) 0.q) 0.00 0.00 0.@ 140.45 99.30 27.26 57.22 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 47.39 17.t) 30.27 0.m 0.m 99.81 a5.n 61.33 81.07 2.55 8E.91 0.m 0.m 0.@ 73.68 10.61 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 75.4 90.44 43.96 76.69 98.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_@ 0.00 0.00 0_00 0-00 0.00 64.1a 16.29 0_m 0.m 0-@ 0.m 104.02 43.31 0.m 0.00 2.51 37.40 40.93 64.53 0.@ 0.@ 0.{x) 0.m 0.00 103_56 Non-Erport solar {kw) 28.42 11.06 25.01 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0-@ 0.@ 43.19 32.14 2!.t7 0.00 0.00 33.46 23.09 21.68 51.40 22.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.31 7?.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m r9.90 22_43 6.19 46.13 35.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.28 39-44 0.@ 0.00 0.m 0.@ 43,78 28.87 0.00 0.00 11.26 12,85 27-92 18.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.89 Attachment l -Page5S4 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports hstalled Pv Naftepl.te (kw) Ertimated Pv Nameplate (kWa.) 117.9 7.2 148 Del6 & Tim€ 4llrt 1:OO 7O/tUl1 4tOO 4l21ll7 75:00 4l1!lt7 73:00 4l5ltl74tOO slrli stoo 9/29/17 3:oo 3/25117 18:00 4/41a7 E:OO 9127lt7 stoo to/l117 3:OO 9176/77 5:OO t1/22111 5:OO t\ll/7111:OO 4l!1719:6 a/!77 !a:00 gl2gltt 3:W 7OD /a' 4t00 70/79177 ztcp 1/26/77 73:& 9/76/1' LN 70/29177 4:OO 9l23lt1 TXIOO 3/70/r7 17:OO 7O/29/r7 77tOO 4/30h176:00 4/5117 77:OO 4/10117 TS]OO th5/77 T]OO 4124177 7:OO rO/271113100 4/22h1t4tOO 1r/74/7r r?:OO 3h4l712too alt6/717:@ q7177 !:@ 7O/7O171 stoo 4l7slt7 72tOO 9l2r/77 TIOO !r/23/17 T]OO 9/241t7 TOIOO 9Bo/r7 5:oo 3/22117 2.@ !23117 7,@ 9/24117 5t0o 3/r7 /\1 4:00 4lTalti 7:OO 9/21117 2:@ 9/2g/ri 4:OO lolah-r 2:OO ql/77 II:OO 4/22171 75:00 4/4/77 7A:00 7713/!1 2.N 4/30/17 71:N 9/24/i 7a:00 91791114:@ rt/22/71 3:00 4l2slt7 77:00 71l24hl 74tOO 413/713:OO aO/20177 2:OO 3/r717t 2:OO 4l23lt7 3:OO 4177/11 t3:OO 3/r4/r7 4:OO 9/27h11100 1200 um Ir51 13E3 1477 1198 r198 r339 1444 1r97 1197 1196 1196 1464 1303 1414 1195 1195 1195 1388 1194 1194 1421 1394 1441 1376 1411 1377 1r93 r193 1193 1461 1353 1192 1192 1t9Z 1192 1455 1191 1191 L4ZO 1190 1189 1l8g 1189 1188 1188 1188 1188 11EE 1431 1386 1406 1187 1370 1362 1186 r185 la0t 1334 1185 1185 1184 tl84 1446 1183 1163 1200 1200 1199 1199 1198 1198 1198 1198 1198 r197 1197 1195 1196 1195 1195 1195 1195 1195 1195 1194 1194 1194 1194 1194 1194 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193 1192 1192 1192 1192 1192 1191 1191 1191 1190 1190 1189 1189 1r89 118a 1Ua 1188 118a 1188 1r88 l18a 1187 1187 1185 1186 1186 1185 1165 1185 1185tlu 1184 1183 1183 1183 Per Unit Disvibuted Solar 0 0 0.989s76 0.609106 0.578203 0 0 0.533479 0.990468 0 0 0 0 0.57E439 0.217287 0.585054 0 0 0 0.E11432 0 0 0.877364 0.565876 0.471382 0.888965 0.62766 0.973945 0 0 0 0.897555 0.581569 0 0 0 0 0.820173 0 0 0.391768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.623961 o.t7lr37 0.559555 0 0.760986 0.1u3691 0 0 0.552959 0.689047 0 0 0 0 0.819924 0 0 0.() 0.@ 146.m 90.30 100.54 0.00 0-@ 79.09 145.90 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 85.81 32.2\ 85.73 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 120.29 0.@ 0m 130.07 E3-E!' 70.n 131.79 93.05 1it4,39 0.m 0.@ 0.m 133.08 101.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t21.59 0.00 0.00 58.c 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.m 0.e 0.m 0.m 92-50 114.32 82.95 0.00 112.82 .29 0.@ 0.0o 81.98 102.15 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.m 121.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t(,,.t-l 54.90 88.50 0.@ 0.@ 45.44 98-62 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 52.49 18.00 53.08 0.m 0.00 0.00 62.16 0.00 0.00 97.47 55.56 5l-98 75.77 65.17 70.95 000 0.00 0.m lt1.54 58.52 0.m 0.m 0.@ 0.@ 92.83 0.@ 0.00 29.20 0.00 0-00 0.@ 000 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0-m 73.54 95.66 43.92 0.00 63.53 28.15 0.@ 0.00 18,71 58.84 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.q) 113.17 0.m 0.m Non-Expot5ol.. (kw) 0.00 0.@ 4?.53 35.40 12.04 0.00 0.00 32.60 18.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.32 1,1.2t 33.65 0.00 0.00 000 58.13 0.00 0.m 12.66 18.23 75.79 56.08 25.21 73.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.54 42.52 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 28.76 0.00 0.00 28.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ IE.96 17.67 39.03 0.00 49.29 36.14 0.00 0.00 61.27 43.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 8.39 0.00 0.00 Attachment I -Page555 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnrralled Pv N.meorare {kw) E timated PV Nam€plate (kwac) t 7.9 7.2 148 1183 ltE3 1183 1423 1415 1394 t152 tlEl 1181 1421 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1425 r325 1179 l332 1415 1178 l17E 1178 1178 1178 1410 7343 !177 1!77 7776 7t76 7176 tL16 1175 1175 1175 1408 1174 7444 1445 1173 1173 ll73 1173 !()4 1X7L 1409 1421 'r,172 7427 !r11 t777 1171 1170 1170 1159 1169 1{O1 tt66 1168 1168 1168 1167 1157 1167 1419 Nlali 5:00 10l?61712:@ t7/2/77 2:OO 4/9/7113.00 7Ol7Sl77 77:00 7O/2a171 14:oo 7O/7/r7l2tOO 416177 t:OO 9/261114:Oo al4/11 16:00 3/22/ti 4:00 4/23/ti 2:OO 4/L3/r7 S|OO 9/21lri 4:OO 9/75llr 5:00 1123/t7 76100 3/25/1179:N tt/3/17 5)OO t1,l24lt7 71100 ro/29/t7 7Z:OO 4/6/!1 5:@ 9124177 3.Oo 10/19/17 3,00 roh9l77 4:OO to/23/tt 7:OO a/5/17 t6:OO 4/25/11 l9:OO 4/74/17 4:0o t|/77/17 4:@ 3177/17 3:@ !/20/77 5t0O 3/23/17 5t0o 9/26/77 StcA !/22/771100 9/27171a:00 tola/71 4:00 4/23/17 ,7:00 3/7a1113:00 4/29/17 lO:00 4/27/77 17:00 3/20/717:OO 4124/712t0o 70126177 a:OO 7al2!716:00 3/25/77 74tOO 3/12/11 79:OO 1O/1/L174:W 10/1s/1715:m 7U21713:N 4h2lt7 74:00 4/5177 75:00 3/15/77 4:oo 70/29/77 S|OO 4/1/71 ltOO 4171/77 5:OO 3/76/11tl0o 10/25/11 4tOO al2]./7719tW 4171177 4:N 4/24/71!:OO 70/23/77 4t0O 7OD9/771:00 3/2!\7 \:W 912s1717:00 1r/3/714:00 7O/7/7713:OO 4/3/717tOO 1163 1183 ru3 1182 7782 1782 1182 1181 l18l u80 1180 1180 1180 tlEO !1EO 1180 1173 1179 7779 1179 117E 1178 1178 117E 1178 1178 1178 1777 l17, 1175 1175 1175 Lt75 L175 1175 tt75 1175 1174 tt74 1173 1r73 1173 1173 ll73 1173 1173 L!71 t772 1772 1772 1771 1,t7t 7177 1170 1170 1169 1159 1169 1168 1168 1168 1168 t!67 1767 1157 1156 1156 P€l Unit Oirtributed Solar 0 0 0 0.953046 0.447247 0.768486 0.751754 0 0 0.910626 0 0 0 0 0 0.901185 0.276:!45 0 0,779412 0.543594 0 0 0 0 0 0.851928 0.324945 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.552$2 0 0.512493 0.765941 0 0 0 0 0.973137 0.876923 0.885455 0.E11149 0 0.836s98 0.933226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.331063 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.851458 0 0.q) 0.() 0.m t4t.29 65.31 113.93 111.45 0.m 0.00 135.m 0-00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.q) 133.90 40.97 0.00 106.65 95.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125.30 48,77 0_m 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.@ 83.45 0.@ 75.98 113.55 0.m 0.0 0.(p 0.()0 144.30 130.00 111.27 723.22 0.m 124.03 138.35 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 0.m 0.m 0.00 49.04 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.q) 0.m 0.m t26.2' o.@ 5ol.r Erpons ltw) 0.@ 0.00 0.00 770.67 49.89 90.76 8/t.38 0.e 0.m 96.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 95.01 16.!l 0.00 59.58 78.55 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.m 0.m 85.45 9.87 0.m 0.@ 0.m 0.() 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m s8.22 0.0 51.75 84.18 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.m 99.64 103.51 9s.91 95.72 0.00 9i1.75 97.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 23.24 0-@ 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.@ 0.@ 97.tl 0.00 Non-Export Solar (kw) 0.00 0.00 0.00y.62 15.42 ?3.t7 27.O7 0.m 0.m 3E.0t 0.m 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.00 37.&t 24.83 0.00 41.07 75.76 0.@ 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.m 39.85 38.30 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.@ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 75.21 0.00 24.23 29.37 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 44.65 26.39 35.35 27.n 0.00 29.24 41_15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m 25.80 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.92 0.00 Attachment l -Page556 Schedule I Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv Nameol.te lkw) Enim.red Pv Nameplate (twa.) 177.9 7.2 148 1tl3/1.1 3:00 1O/20/7-t 3tO0 th2h17a:oo 4/t6/t7 72:00 7o/A/t13tOO tO/?O/71 4:OO 7ol21lt7 3:OO 17/21/715:@ 4/23/7711:W 4/6/71 2:Oo 71/2/714:AO 3/21/7/ 71:N 3/7a/116:q 3123/11 zN 417a1713:@ 4/21t7 79100 77/24h1 t5:00 1l79lt7 t:OO 10123/11 Z:OO 4/10/17 12:00 4/7alu 4:OO 70129171 73:OO 3l?t/r7 5:Oo 3/25/77 75:00 3/10/714:OO 4/1/715:00 4176/71 3:N 3/7A/tl7:00 4/17/17 7a:W 4/6/713:00 a7/27/17 7:00 \O/7/17 75:OO 4121171r:OO 7olt4/77 76:00 4/2l|t 7O:OO 3/15/11 2:OO t7/24/71 O:OO 3/76/\1 2:N 417/1,712:N 4/23177 76:N 3l2il712tN 3/20/ri 3:Oo al6li a:00 4/12/11 7StO0 4/29111 7!:00 4/77117 IA:OO 4/29111 7A:OO 4/9177 14:OO 10/30/17 5:00 4/1/1717:oo ao/a4177 71:@ 7O/2A/77 \\A4 4h5/7713:o0 9125171 2:@ 4h6/1713:00 9123/t7 ]atoo 3/15/t7 3:00 4/1317t ltOO 4/26/t7 2:OO 5/U77 4:OO tO/75111 l6tOO 9125177 a:OO 70/29/77 l4:OO 3h6117 4:Oo 1155 1155 1155 1342 1412 1164 11f,4 11(,4 1164 1355 1153 1153 1410 1152 1162 1152 1317 1318 1161 1151 1375 1160 73?7 1159 1359 1158 1158 1156 r390 1157 r39l 1155 1155 1400 r368 1428 1335 1155 1155 1154 1397 1349 1153 1153 1151 1408 1,432 7424 1353 1151 1382 1149 1359 7427 1370 74t2 1741 r373 1388 1146 1145 1146 1146 1385 1145 1350 1143 1156 1165 1155 1165 1155 1154 11fa 116/t llftt 1154 1163 1153 1162 u62 1t62 1162 1161 1161 1151 l1(,0 11@ 1159 1159 1159 1158 115E 1158 1158 1157 1157 1156 1156 1156 1156 t!55 1155 1155 1155 1154 1154 1153 r153 115:t 1153 1153 1153 1152 1152 1151 1151 1149 1149 1149 1149 1148 1717 1146 1146 1146 1145 1145 1145 1145 1145 1144 1143 P€r Unit Diltributed Sol.r 0 0 0 0.471591 0.839906 0 0 0 0 0.327962 0 0 0.754502 0 0 0 0.307385 0.581071 0 0 0.a01556 0 0.734559 0 0.959435 0 0 0 0.76t1028 0 0.484004 0 0 0.849989 0.554s26 0.725742 0.399665 0 0 0 0.791623 0.229218 0 0 0 0.802201 0,77757a 0.575989 0.388232 0 o.982977 0 0.801933 0.550814 0.730654 0.917152 0 0.785s17 0.434209 0 0 0 0 0.720791 0 o-77024 0 0.q) 0.m 0.00 69.91 724,52 0.0 0.@ 0.m 0.(D 44.52 0m 0.00 111.E7 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.57 E6.14 0.00 0.00 59-53 0.m 109.49 0.@ 747.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 113.27 0-00 77.75 0.00 0.@ 126.01 97.03 !07.r4 59.28 0.m 0.@ 0.00 117.35 33.98 0.00 0.m 0.m r18.93 107.87 85.39 57.56 0.(D 145.73 0.()() 118.89 83.14 108.32 135.97 0.q) 116./15 54.96 0.m 0.m 0.m 0.@ 105.86 0.()0 114,19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.06 96.53 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 54.77 0.m 0.00 n.40 0.03 0.00 0.@ 24.46 41.4 000 0@ 62.72 0m E9.59 0.@ 85.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 78.36 0.00 41.46 0.00 0.00 100.41 54.25 6'.73 29.9' 0.m 0.m 0.00 97.20 70.72 0-@ 0.00 0.00 94.93 78.35 58.54 39.55 0.@ 102.53 0.00 72.O7 49.11 E7 69 107.35 0.m 96.75 37.21 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.@ n_59 0.m 90.97 0.@ lbn'Export Sola (kw) 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.85 27.98 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.m {.09 0.00 0.00 13.47 {.03 0.00 0.oo 21.11 44.51 0.00 0.00 -2.59 0-m r9.90 0.m 55.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 v.97 0.00 24.30 0.00 0.00 25.@ 32.79 40.01 29.31 0.m 0.00 0.00 20.15 -35-14 0.00 0.@ 0.00 24.m 29.51 26.65 18.01 0.00 43.20 0.00 46.82 v.03 20.53 28.62 0.00 79.7t 27,74 0.00 0.00 0.@ 0.m 29.27 0.@ 23.23 0.00 Attachment l -Page557 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnstalled Pv N.m€plat€ {kw) tstim.ted Pv N.meplate (kwa.) 1719 1.2 148 oare &]'ime 412/!? 6:@ 7a171177 2:00 7Ol117/ 76:@ 411/r7 3too 4/73/77 75:OO 1/t9lt76:W 1/25/17 75tOO 1/\2111 16:00 3l23lr7 4:OO 10129/77 3:OO 17/24/77 6:N 9/24/17 ll00 !/a6/771:00 1ol3ol77 ?t$ tOl3O/11 4:OO 412177 7:00 9123177 t4too 4/2/u t3t0o 4/77177 ttt00 7Ol7l7111ti, 3123/77l8t0o 70/30/77 3:OO 411177 4:OO 77/24177 76tOO 9/25/\7 3:oo 3lt2/r7 16:00 412/7172100 9/23/17 75loo 4/16/rr t:oo ttl2XllT 5,00 9/74/77 71.N 31251t777:N 4/77/17 2,N 4121177 71:00 4113177 5:0O 412117 l4.OO $lZA/\1 r1:OO 3l8l\7 21oo 4117/17 4.00 s171113,00 4/23117 t2tgo 3h8lr7 s.oo 317311,7 3:@ 7U2 17 !@ 7a127177 2:N 10129/rl 75tco 3/79/77 2$ 4177/77 lW 7a127177 3:W 4l29lt7 r2OO rcl2al\1 t6:N 4/16/!14:OO 1/2t/714:OO !/72177 tltOO 4/7tl!1 lgt09 1179177 5:00 3l2tl77 2100 4171177 Z|OO 4123/77 74tOO 4/rlt7 73too 41251t178:N t/21171}w 4lt5lt7 74t0{ 9l2qt7 77:00 77/2t/714:00 10129/77 75:OO 4/9/7717:OO 1143 1143 1107 ll42 1144 1141 7327 1402 1140 1140 1140 1399 1139 1139 11!9 1r:B 1398 1354 1392 1404 1384 !!36 1135 1288 1337 1352 1367 1131 1130 1357 1327 1125 1377 1125 1336 1354 1123 1123 1123 1386 1122 1t2Z 1122 tt2z 1336 1119 1119 1119 1399 1!57 1118 1116 1326 1338 ll15 1115 1115 1344 1359 1342 1112 7371 1367 1111 1345 1330 1143 1143 1712 tL42 1141 1141 1141 1140 1lao 1140 11ilo 1140 1139 1139 lt39 1t8 1137 tt37 1137 1137 1135 1r36 u35 1135 !133 1132 1132 1132 1131 1rx) 1128 1128 1125 1125 1125 1125 1124 1123 1t23 1123 1122 1122 1122 1t22 t722 1120 1119 1119 !119 1119 1118 1118 1115 1116 1115 1115 1119 1115 1114 111t 77\2 1112 1111 11ll 1111 1111 1110 Per Unit Distibut.d Solar 0 0 0.750877 0 0.945243 0 0.840368 0.85171E 0 0 0 0.621968 0 0 0 0 0.914883 0.973439 0-7084s3 0.59m36 0.94557 0 0 0.irc397 0 0.793922 0.848086 0.E84845 0 0 0.649368 0.740573 0 0.934006 0 I 0.1t5805 0 0 0 0.74311 0 0 0 0 0.735739 0 0 0 0.877909 0.521a22 0 0 0.563724 0.299709 0 0 0 0.961454 0.895268 0.578831 0 0.949712 0.791224 0 0.537814 o.@3n2 0.m 0.@ 111-32 0.m 1ilo.13 0.m 130.51 126.27 0.@ 0.m 0.m 92.21 0.00 0.@ 0.00 0.@ 135.53 !44.31 105.03 47.47 80.EE 0.m 0.m 59.E9 0.m 117,70 125.73 131.78 0.@ 0.q) 96.21 109.79 0.00 138.47 0.00 144.25 57.91 0.00 0.@ 0.m 110.22 0.m 0.0o 0.m 0.m 109.07 0.00 0.m 0.m 130.15 92.19 0.@ 0.m 98.69 44.43 0.m 0.00 0.m 742.9 132.E7 8s.91 0.m 140.79 117.30 0.@ 94.55 89.51 0.0 0.m 81.9E 0.m 76.71 0.00 88.9r 88.25 0.@ 0.@ 0.00 72.99 0.@ 0.()0 0.m 0.0 !01.53 1m.73 74.09 54.72 51,a8 0.6 0.@ 23.m 0m 98.29 85.92 9r.v 0.@ 0.m 51.48 67.50 0.00 92.50 0.@ 115.5,4 47.03 0.m 0.@ 0.m 84.50 0.07 0.q, 0.@ 0.m 87.4{t 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.55 71,.57 0.m 0.00 76.40 26.01 0.m 0.@ 0.@ E9,E2 7t7.26 12.66 0.00 95-58 94.E3 0.46 72_XO 69.35 Non-E4ort 5ol.r (tw) 0.@ 0.@ 29.34 0.m 64.00 0.m 41.50 34.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 79.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-oo :t4.00 43.59 !0.94 23.35 29.40 0.@ 0.00 36.89 0.00 !9.4\ 39.81 34.21 0.00 0.00 14-19 42.r9 0.00 45.47 0.m 32.77 20.88 0.m 0.m 0.00 25.72 -o.o7 0.m 0.m 0.@ 27.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 :rc.50 20.32 000 0.00 72.29 18.42 0.m 0.00 0.@ 52.72 21.61 73.13 0.00 27.41 -0.45 22.26 10.16 Attachment l -Page558 Schedule 8 Hourly Solar Generation Exports and Non-exports rnnall€d PV Nameplate (kw) Dc:ac Ratio Ertimated Pv Nameplate lkWac) 117.9 1,2 148 oaie & Tirno 511,177 2:OO 71123/77 4tOO 4/16/1114:oo 4/13/!7 3:00 4/29/t7 77tOO 4lt6/ti 77tOO 9/23/17 !7:OO 4/9lri 75:OO 4l2lt7 78:OO 9/231t7 l6tOO 4h3117 4too tollg/l,17:00 3/t9117 4:oo 4/9/77 t6:OO 4/2177 2too 3/19117 3:Oo al2l77 5:00 t7/24/77 7:OO 3lralL13:N 3ll8ll7 4:an 9/24/17 73:OO 4lt5ltl 7a:OO 9/24/17 !4:oo 4/21t7 75tOO 7t/24/77 2tOO \o/30/U !:00 7l/74177 s:OO 9124/ti 76tOO 3/79lt117tOO 4hlt1,a:OO 9l24ll, t5:00 412/713tOO 4/291t1 l3:OO 4/2117 4:oo 4/r/1714:OO 4h/7711:OO 4/75/a7 75:OO a/16/77 rs:oo t7/24177 3:OO t7/24/114:N al2lt116:N 4l29ll7 74:U 4/75/17 76:N 4/7/17 75100 4/7/t7 77!o 4/15/11 77:OO alzglrt 76:00 417/Li 76tOO 4/t5lri 16:00 4/29ht 75:oO 1100 1109 1340 t707 1333 L297 l37L 1345 1302 1375 1102 1339 1101 1328 1100 1099 lOBE 1098 l@7 1096 1368 1354 1358 1301 1090 1088 1088 1335 1144 t?75 1341 1081 1365 1079 1316 7274 1331 1308 1065 1064 t257 1335 1317 1270 1252 1305 1308 1258 1283 1313 1109 rl09 1108 1107 1106 1!05 1104 1103 1103 1102 1102 1101 1101 11m 1100 109{t 1098 1098 !097 1096 109t 1093 1092 1091 1090 1088 ma8 1086 r085 1084 1081 1081 1079 1079 1074 1075 roTz to67 1065 1064 1055 1055 1053 1048 1Bl4 1042 1041 1039 1036 1033 Pcr unit Drtribured solar 0 0 o.86Z22 0 0.545821 0.608561 0.552464 0.949819 0.573021 0.795575 0 0.4697a3 0 0.852894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.894715 0.528892 0.929022 1 0 0 0 0.804318 0.222491 0.463397 0.90256 0 0.967658 0 0.939725 0,784416 0.923802 0.954158 0 0 0.928788 0.9!90s7 0.826049 0.923628 0.624585 0.701557 0.898902 0.u5122 0.875084 0,977726 0.@ 0.00 721.82 0.00 95.89 90.23 96.73 140,81 84.95 118-09 0.00 69.65 0.m L25,44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 132.61l 78.41 ,37.73 148.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 119,24 33.01 68-70 133.80 0-@ 143.46 0.00 139.31 115.29 135.95 141.45 0.00 0.@ 137.69 144.11 122.46 135.93 92-59 10a.01 133.25 125.53 119.71 1/r4.95 Notr-txPonsol (kwl 0.00 0.00 32.54 0.00 29.49 25.6s 34.14 36.50 25.96 29.q 0.m 23.82 0.00 36.79 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 77.29 30.80 28.33 37.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.01 27.90 2X.t7 31.53 0.m 33.31 0.00 27.55 43.07 43.69 38.13 0.00 0.00 42.52 !5.54 &.12 29.28 21.57 36.02 39.52 30.64 31.52 3E.42 0.00 0.@ 95.14 0.@ 65.40 63.58 62.s9 104.32 58.99 88.20 0.(I, 45.82 0.m 89.55 0.m 0.m 0.00 0.m 0.m 0.m 105 35 47.61 109.39 1r0.98 0.00 0.00 0.@ 88.23 10.u 45.53 702-21 0@ 10!1.49 0.m 777_77 73.22 93.2b 103.33 0-00 0-00 105.18 772.51 a2.v 107.65 71.03 67.94 93.74 94.89 94.11 106.52 Attachment l -Page559 1522 2245 2777 Total Pv ExDorte conriburion TotdrPv No.-Erpodi cont but on 30.r* o2572 t4 t2 0 2553 3151 0:a9l 05399 1129 5? 23 5005 0 5073 0.2221 9.11 35 13 3102 52 0? 1517 55 75 315 o 7B)5 06256 r5 2A 572 .13 ri 06520 0239: 197 03259 15 55 33 15 a 2297 69 23 ?.92 o?5 12113 o 1152 515 519 1559 0.2939 3125 Schedule 8 Capacity Value of Solar Exports I Attachment l -Page560 Schedule 8 Cspacity Value of Solar Exports 4522 2245 ?277 ar.6xToLl lv tlron5 contnbutlon Iot r Pv tLFErpo.r3 cdMbutb. 30,3!a 15.tra 15.3X c2pacltY v.rue oi 5ol.r ,o 316 4354 0.5339 1912 q9 t6 51.11 0.5596 ?91 ll3 a 7770 1930 000 030 0.0192 6t26/tl L6 d)0 5518 1926 l2s.2a a 6777 1916 1211 2926 1/Lr/r72r:@ 3/?/1713:0o 1922 3537 {3l3 0.4525 1920 oo0 52.93 2035 01t75 16/17 73:@ 5003 t7u 0 5520 0 2315 2913 103 l2 2911 2910 23 7a PV Capacity Contrlbutlon by Type (Export vs Non-Export)r*Pvapon. r* rry on-Erpon 9I t'o! 0 eox .s Y ,o* LE0* a r . 7 r0 1l 15 19 22 11 23 11 1. 17 40 4r a6 a9 52 5t taa\Aat m Top 100 Load Hours 2017 Top 100 toad Hours Capacity Value of Solar . X rv C.r.city V.lu! ft10* E*Er* io .* E x rox I-J lulilil trll r 4 7 r0 I$192221rltl L17roala5a9't55l 61616'm7i Top lm Load Hours Attachment l -Page561 t ooo f---------tooool d I Settled Export Credit Rates for Schedule 6 and Schedule I Attachment l -Page562 Settled Export Credit Rates for Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 Scltdule 6 ($/Mwh) Schedulc 8 ($a{wh) Avoiled Errrry ( l0lo reduction for non-firm enegy included) $31 .06 $3l.r5 Avoided Capacity $9.70 $ l 4.70 Avoided T&D Capacity $0.00 $0.00 Avoitied Losses $3.30 $3.71 hrtegration Cost $0.00 i;0.00 Enr,"ironrrrnlal Benefits $0.00 $0,00 Total:s44.06 $49.s6 The Export Credit Rate components include avoided energy, avoided capacity, and avoided line losses. While there were studies developed and presented during settlement negotiations quantifying values for integration costs and benefits associated with deferred T&D capacity and environmental benefits, those studies were not mutually agreed to and are not included in the final Export Credit Rate. lnstead, zero-dollar placeholders are included for now, with the ability for parties to advocate for different values in future proceed ings. ldaho Power appreciates the collaborative efforts of the Parties and the exhaustive analysis and deliberation undertaken to reach mutually agreeable terms for an Export Credit Rate methodology. Attachment l -Page563 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. !PC-E-18-15 IDAHO POWER COMPANY PETITION FOR RECONSI DERATION AND/OR CLARIFICATION ATTACHMENT 2 RECORD OF PUBLIC NOTICE The public has been on notice about the potential for programmatic changes through several means during the IPC-E-17-13 case and as the IPC-E-18-15 case has progressed: '1 . May 9. 2018: The Commission found that "the Company's on-site generalion program reveals in unfairness in how current and future on-site generation customers avoid fixed costs,"1 "the present netting of energy not only allows these customers to avoid paying their fair share of fixed costs, but also prevents them from realizing presently unquantified benefits to the grid,"2 and directed that parties would "study the costs and benefits of on- site generation on ldaho Power's system, as well as proper rates and rate design, transitional rates, and related issues of compensation for net excess energy provided as a resource to the Company."3 2. October 23 2018 Shortly after filing its petition to initiate Case No. IPC-E- 18-15, the Company sent letters to all 2,637 current and 357 pending customers with on-site generation notifying them that ldaho Power had filed the case and inviting them to contact the Company for information about how to participate. This letter, and the email that was sent to installers, are included with this attachment as pages 4-5. 3. November 7 2018 The Commission issued a press release informing customers, in part, that ldaho Power was directed to conduct a comprehensive cost-based analysis of on-site generation, with a focus on the usage characteristics of on-site generators and their impact on the company's system, rates and rate design, and how these customers should be compensated for excess generation" and that "the study is intended to identify costs and benefits . . . on ldaho Power's system, and lo determine how those factors should be retlected in rates, rate design, and compensation for excess energy.'a The press release is included with this attachment as pages 6-8. 1 ln the Matter of the Application of ldaho Power Co. lor Authoity to Establish New Schedules for Residential and Small Gen. Serv. Customers with On-Site Generation, Case No. IPC-E-17-1 3, Order No. 34046, at 16 (l\ilay 9, 20'18). 2 ld. at 17 3/dat31 4 IPUC Press Release, issued November 7, 2018 (emphasis added) Attachment 2 - Page 1 4. November 9 2018 The Commission issued a notice of petition notifying the public of the requirements for intervention and the ability to submit comments without intervening in the matter.5 5. February 28,2019. Staff filed its first status report (that included a scoping document) with the Commission, stating that "Staff is optimistic that that the collaborative approach thus far expressed in the first four meetings will continue to lend itself toward the construction of a reasonable and proper scope of study and methodologies, while also more likely leading to settlement."6 6. March 19,2019: Res ponding to Staff's first report, the Commission issued Order No. 34274, stating "we encourage Staff, the Company and parties to continue to diligently pursue an outcome that would allow settlement. lt is obvious to us, based on the content of Table '1 to the Staff Report, that the parties are thoroughly discussing difficult issues in a timely manner."7 Aoril 5. 2O'19: The Company filed an application to initiate a collaborative process to explore modifications to the compensation structure and excess energy value applied under Schedule 84 and requested Schedule 84 be temporarily suspended. ln that application, the Company stated: "customers may not be considering the financial impact that a change to the Excess Net Energy credit may have on their investment decisions, if Excess Net Energy were to be credrted at a value-based rate, as is currently being discussed l, the 18-1 5 Case."8 8. Mav '1 5, 2019 ln response to the Company's petition to open Case No. IPC-E-19- 15, the Commission issued an order stating The Company expressed concern that customers are deciding to install net metering systems on a misguided assumption that retail net metering rates will continue indefinitely. The Company notes it is studying value-based compensation structures for net metering participants, the implementation of which will likely impact the economic calculus of investing in a net metering system. We reiterate. rates and rate structures are always subject to change... there 5 Order No. 34189, at 2 (Nov. 9, 2018). 6 Staff Report, at 2 (Feb. 28,2019) (emphasis added) 7 Order No. 34274, atz (Mar.19, 2019) (emphasis added). a ln the Matter of ldaho Power Co.'s Application for Authoity to Study the Measurement lnteNal, Compensation Structure, and Value of Net Excess Eneryy for On-Site Genention Under Schedule 84 and to Temporarily Suspend Schedule 84 Net Metering Seryice to New ldaho Applicants, Case No. IPC-E-19- 15, Application. at 5 (Apr. 5, 2019) Attachment 2 -Page2 7 is no guarantee that rates will stay the same indefinitely... As long as solar installers and other sellers of net metering systems are not misrepresenting how utility rates and rate structures operate, customers should have sufficient understanding that a change in rates and/or rate structures will impact the payback period for a net metering system.s 9. May 28, 2019 Staff filed its second status report, stating in part: "significant progress has been made towards reaching a shared understanding on several key issues since the last Staff report,'10 Staff also requested the Commission to "allow parties to continue on their current analytical and seftlement tracks . . .."11 10. Mav 31 - June 5, 2019: Ben Otto (a representative of intervening party ldaho Conservation League) issued an opinion article printed in the ldaho Press Tribune, MagicValley.com, and in the ldaho Mountain Express stating, in part. "But now ldaho Power wants to reduce the rate it credits for any extra power ldahoans generate . . . . That's right. Even though you're generating your own electricity, ldaho Power wants to reduce the rate they pay you for being independent and putting any excess on the grid." Copies of these articles are included with this attachment as pages 9-14. 11 Auoust 28, 2019: Staff filed its third status report, stating in part: "The settlement negotiations have been very productive over the last three months. Multiple detailed proposals from several parties have been shared, discussed, and refined. Much progress has been made on a range of difficult issues and Staff appreciates the commitment of all parties to adjust their proposals in pursuit of the Commission directive lo'diligently pursue an outcome that would allow settlement."'12 Staff further observed it believed "the settlement negotiations [were] in their final phase . . . .'13 s Case No. IPC-E-'I9-15, Order No. 34335, at 2 (May 15, 2019). 10 Second Statf Report, at 2 (May 28, 2019). 11 /d (emphasis added). 12 Third Staff Report, at 2 (Aug. 18, 2019) (quoting Order No. 34274, al2 (Mar. 19, 2019); emphasis added). 13 ld. al ?. Attachment2-Page3 S!ffi*. An OACORp C0rnornY october 23, 2018 Theresa Drake Senior Manager, Customer Relations and Energy Efficiency 1221 W. ldaho St- Boise, lD 83702 Su bject: Customer Generation Update Dear [Customer name]: As a valued customer of ldaho Power, we want to update you on our latest case filing and invite you to participate in the upcoming public process. on Oct. 19, ldaho Power made a filing with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) in compliance with an IPUC order regarding customer generation for our residential and small general service customers. As you may be aware, in May the IPUC granted ldaho Powe/s request to create new classes for residential and smallgeneral service customers with on-site generation. Our Oct. 19 filing begins the next phase of collaboratively studying the benefits, costs, rate design and proper compensation structure for on-site generation customers, as directed by the IPUC. We look fonrrard to hearing input from all parties as we participate in this open, public process. ldaho Power supports our customers' choice to install solar and other renewable energy sources, and we remain committed to offering our customers the lowest prices possible. By collaborating with all interested parties, we look forward to working toward a solution that both acknowledges the benefits of on-site generation and keeps prices low for all customers. lf you have any questions about this case or how to participate, please contact our energy advisors at 1-800-532-6605. Thank you for being an ldaho Power customer. We appreciate your business! Theresa Drake Senior Manager, Customer Relations and Energy Efficienry Attachment2-Page4 JM L/' C( 8c( cG@dahoporer cun 5end Cuslomer Genemtpn Updale Hello, As a solar installer for our valued customers, we want to update you on a recent case filint. On Oct. 19, ldaho Power made a filing with the ldaho Public Utilities Commlssion (IPUC) in compliance with an IPUC order regardint customer on-site Beneration for our residentialand small general service customers. As you are likely aware, in May the IPUC tranted ldaho Power's request to create new classes for residential and small general service customers with on site Seneradon. Our Oct. 19 filint betins the next phase of collaboratively studying the benetlts, costs, rate design and proper compensatlon structure fo. on sile genera6on customers, as directed by the IPUC. We look forward to hearln8 rrom all parties as we participate in this open, publlc process. ldaho Power supports our customers' choice to lnstall solar and other renewable ener6y sources, and we remain commlned to ofterlng our customers the lowest prices possible. By collaboradn8 with installers and other lnteresled parties, we look torward to workin8 toward a solution that both acknowledSes lhe benetlts ol on site Sene.adon and keeps prices low for all customers. Thank you for belng part of thls pro(ess. lf you have question!, please Sive us a call at 208 388 2559. ldaho Power Customer Generadon Team Attachment2-Page5 P.O. Box 81720 Boise, lD 8172G0O74 Case No. IPC-E-18-15 and IPC-E-18-16 Contact: Matt Evans Office: (208) 3j4-0339 Cell: (208) 520-4753 matLevans @ puc.i da ho.go c Intervenor deadline set in ldaho Power case involving on-site generation, written comments accepted BOISE (Nov. 7 , ZOIS) - State regulators have set a deadline for parties to intervene in an Idaho Power case involving the study of on-site generation. The study is intended to identify the costs and benefits of on-site generation - primarily rooftop solar but any customer-owned generation source - on Idaho Power's system, and to determine how those factors should be reflected in rates, rate design and compensation for excess energy. The deadline to intervene is Nov. 26. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission directed Idaho Power to undertake the study in a decision issued in May that also made changes to Idaho Power's net metering program, for customers who generate their own energy. ln its order in that case. IPC-E-17-13, the Commission found that Idaho Power customers with on-site generation have significantly different load and usage characteristics than customers who are unable to export enerry back to ldaho Power's system. As a result, the Commission directed the utility to reclassifu customers with on-site generation, creating new classifications that distinguish these customers from those with standard service. The Commission's order did not impact rates. Instead, the Commission directed ldaho Power, along with Commission staff and all interested parties and stakeholders, to conduct a comprehensive cost-based analysis of on- site generation, with a focus on the usage characteristics of on-site generators and their impact on the company's system, rates and rate design, and the how these customers should be compensated for excess generation. ldaho Public Utilities Commission Gov. C.L. "8utch" Otter, Governor Paul Kiellander, commissioner Kristine Raper, commissioner Eri( Anderson, commissioner Attachment2-PageB "The Commission recognizes the intractability these issues have created around the region and country generally, and would prefer that interested Idaho stakeholders work together in compromise," the Commission said in its order. The order also directed ldaho Power to conduct a study examining the recovery ofthe fixed costs it incurs providing service to all of its customers. Since a substantial amount ofldaho Power's fixed costs are recovered through volumetric rates, or the rate its customers pay per kilowatt-hour used, the utility said its net metering customers were essentially being subsidized by standard-service customers. This "regressive wealth transfer" will be exacerbated as the net metering program grows, the company said, adding that the number of participants was expected to increase from 1,468 as oflune 30, 2077, to as many as 7,032 customers by 2027. The Commission received more than 400 comments in the case, and heard oral testimony from dozens of ldaho Power customers at two public hearings, in Boise and Pocatello, The Commission's order called for ldaho Power to initiate two utility-specific dockets to conduct comprehensive studies of the costs and benefits of on-site generation and on the recovery of fixed costs. One of 10 intervening parties to the case, Vote Solar, petitioned the Commission to reconsider its order, arguing that the order should apply only to customers who export energy to Idaho Power's system. The Commission granted reconsideration and modified its order, expanding the comprehensive study to explore the feasibility ofa non-export option for customers with on-site generation. To intervene in either case, a party must submit a petition to intervene with the Commission. The petition should state the direct and substantial interest of the petitioner in the proceeding. For more information about the intervention process, go here and scroll down to Rules 71-80. Or go to the Commission's web site, www.puc.idaho,gov. and click on the "Laws & Rules" tab near the top ofthe page. Then click on "Rules ofProcedure" and scroll down to Rules 71-80. The Commission is accepting comments on both cases. A comment deadline has not been set. Go here to submit a comment electronically. Or go to the Commission's web site, www.puc.idaho.gov and click on "Case Comment Form" under the "Electric" heading. Please be sure to include the case number - IPC-E-18-15 for the case involving the study of the costs and benefits of on-site generation, and IPC-E-18-16 for the fixed cost recovery case. Comments can also be submitted via fax to (208) 334-3762 or by mail to P.0. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0074, Attachment2-Page7 AII documents related to the on-site generation docket, including ldaho Power's application, are available here. For documents related to the fixed cost study docket, go he re. Or go to the Commission's web site, www.puc.idaho.gov, click on "Open Cases" under the "EIectric" heading and scroll down to the appropriate case number. Attachment2-Page8 \ Guest Opinion: ldaho Power clouds your right to go solar Ben Otto May 31, 2019 It makes sense to save money if you use less of something. Use less gas, spend less money at the pump. Xeriscape your yard, save on your water bill. You'd be shocked if the gas station tried to charge you more per gallon for using less fuel. Or, the water utility raised your rates because you're saving water. Yet, ldaho Power wants to do just that with ldahoans who create their own energy. IDAHO PRESS ldahoans who generate their own electricity, typically from solar panels, are "net metering" customers. These customers pay for any power they consume from the grid. lf their electricity I c system covers their needs and generates extra, the utility provides a credit Each month net metering customers pay for the difference between the utility power they consume and any credits they receive. And net metering customers pay the same monthly customer charge like everyone else. So the only difference from a regular utility customer is a net metering customer invests their own money in clean energy to meet their own needs. lf they have a little extra power theyjust want to be paid fairly for providing local, clean energy to their neighbors. Attachment2-Page9 Local News Worth Holding I JrLJ But now ldaho Power wants to reduce the rate it credits for any extra power ldahoans generate ...That's right. Even though you're generating your own electricity, ldaho Power wants to reduce the rate they pay you for being independent and putting any excess on the grid. Many homeowners and business owners in ldaho want to reduce their power bills and support clean energy. They've invested millions of dollars into our local economy by installing rooftop solar systems, which support localjobs and workers. These ldahoans are reducing our reliance on out-of state fossil fuels and protecting our air quality. Just the thought of ldaho Power changing its net metering rates has kept potential customers from hiring installers. ldaho Power says it supports clean energy. too. But what they're doing with net metering doesn't make sense to me and it doesn't make sense for ldaho families, the local economy, and ldaho's air quality. lf you agree, contact the ldaho Public Utilities Commission and fill out a comment form, Case Number IPC-E-18-'15, to let them know you expect ldaho Power to treat net metering customers fairly. lf ldaho Power believes in their commitment to clean energy they should help, not hobble, ldaho's clean energy future. gen Ofto is the ldoho Conservotion Leogue's energy ossociote. Attachment2-Page10 Reader Comment: Ben Otto .lune 2, 20'19 It makes sense to save money if you use less of something. Use less gas, spend less money at the pump. Xeriscape your yard, save on your water bill. You'd be shocked if the gas station tried to charge you more per gallon for using less fuel. Or the water utility raised your rates because you're saving water. Yet, ldaho Power wants to do just that with ldahoans who create their own energy. ldahoans who generate their own electricity, typically from solar panels, are "net metering" customers. These customers pay for any power they consume from the grid. lf their electricity system covers their needs and generates extra, the utility provides a credit. Each month net metering customers pay for the difference between the utility power they consume and any credits they receive. And net metering customers pay the same monthly customer charge like everyone else. So the only difference from a regular utility customer is a net metering customer invests their own money in clean energy to meet their own needs. lf they have a little extra power they just want to be paid faidy for providing local, clean energy to their neighbors. But now ldaho Power wants to reduce the rate it credits for any extra power ldahoans generate ...That's right- Even though you're generating your own electricity, ldaho Power wants to reduce the rate they pay you for being independent and putting any excess on the grid. Many homeowners and business owners in ldaho want to reduce their power bills and support clean energy. Refer to oubl icnewsservi ce.or o / 2O1 7 2-19/enerov-oolicvlmore--1 ida hoans-so la rizinq-their- rooftops/a60685 - 1. They've invested millions of dollars into our local economy by installing rooftop solar systems, which support localjobs and workers. These ldahoans are reducing our reliance on out-of-state fossil fuels and Attachment 2 - Page 11 protecting our air quality. Just the thought of ldaho Power changing its net metering rates has kept potential customers from hiring installers. ldaho Power says it supports clean energy, too. But what they're doing with net metering doesn't make sense to me and it doesn't make sense for ldaho families, the local economy, and ldaho's arr quality. lf you agree, contact the ldaho Public Utilities Commission at ouc.idaho.gov/forms/casecomment.aspx and fill out a comment form, Case Number IPC-E-18-15, to let them know you expect ldaho Power to treat net metering customers fairly. lf ldaho Power believes in their commitment to clean energy they should help, not hobble, ldaho's clean energy future. Ben Otto is the ldoho Conservotion Leogue's energy ossociate. Attachment 2 - Page 12 !c I 0 ldaho Power clouds your right to go solar Ben Otto June 5, 2019 It makes sense to save money if you use less of something. Use less gas, spend less money at the pump. Xeriscape your yard, save on your water bill You'd be shocked if the gas station tried to charge you more per gallon for using less fuel. Or, the water utility raised your rates because you're saving water. Yet, ldaho Power wants to do just that with ldahoans who create their own energy. ldahoans who generate their own electricity, typically from solar panels, are "net metering" customers. These customers pay for any power they consume from the grid. lf their electricity system covers their needs and generates extra, the utility provides a credit. Each month, net metering customers pay for the difference between the utility power they consume and any credits they receive. And net metering customers pay the same monthly customer charge like everyone else. So, the only difference from a regular utility customer is a net metering customer invests their own money in clean energy to meet their own needs. lf they have a little extra power, they just want to be paid fairly for providing local, clean energy to their neighbors. But now, ldaho Power wants to reduce the rate it credits for any extra power ldahoans generate. ... That's right. Even though you're generating your own electricity, ldaho Power wants to reduce the rate they pay you for being independent and putting any excess on the grid. Attachment2-Page13 o IL lln l a I t\0 l, ah.9t9'--til .-) ) Many homeowners and business owners in ldaho want to reduce their power bills and support clean energy. They've invested millions of dollars into our local economy by installing rooftop solar systems, which support localjobs and workers. These ldahoans are reducing our reliance on out-of-state fossil fuels and protecting our air quality. Just the thought of ldaho Power changing its net metering rates has kept potential customers from hiring installers. ldaho Power says it supports clean energy, too. But what they're doing with net metering doesn't make sense to me and it doesn't make sense for ldaho families, the local economy, and ldaho's air quality. lf you agree, contact the ldaho Public Utilities Commission and fill out a comment form, Case Number IPC-E-I8-15, to let them know you expect ldaho Power to treat net meterinq customers fairly. lf ldaho Power believes in their commitment to clean energy they should help, not hobble, ldaho's clean energy future. Ben Otto is the nonprofit ldoho Conservotion Leogue's energy ossociote. Attachment 2 - Page 14 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO POWER COMPANY PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND/OR CLARIFICATION ATTACHMENT 3 CASE NO. rPC-E-18-15 rPc-E-18-15 Publlc Comment summary e Cou Webslle Comment PostinE Date on IPUC !s-s!. Comments ln Batch Exoort Credlt Structural chanres 11:1 credlt. rate deslrn, ek)Grandfatherlnr Othea lssucs / Not sseciflc Notes 6lsl2O7A I 7 'Comment from 2019 61712018 5 3 1 1 'Comment from 2019 7t1512078 2 1 1 1,7/t3l2}r8 1 1 ltl14l2O1a 1 1 1Ttl2Ol20ra1 7tl27l2OtA 2 1 1 7112512078 1 1 72l3l2O1A 1 1 r2l70l2O78 7 1 712/2079 1 1 2/r12019 2 1 1 21412079 1 1 3/2s12079 1 1 417sl2o79 1 1 417212079 1 1 611/2019 7 3 1 duplicate comment (erpon credit) 6l3l2O7s 5 l 2 duplicate comment (export credit) 6l4l2O7e 9 6 7 2 615/2079 1 1 duolicate of 6/5/18 labled comment 6/6/2079 1 1 6/1012079 1 1 6hu2o19 3 2 1 6h212D79 3 3 6lr7 /20Ls 4 1 2 1 6l17l2o79 7 2 l 7 6l18l2019 1 1 611912079 1 1 6/20/2019 1 1 6l7ll2079 1 1 1 1 16/2412079 3 1 1612612079I 612712079 1 1 7lL|LOL9 1 1 t/8l20r9 2 1 1 1th2l2o7s1 tolTol2ot9 - Subtotal I E4 I - 26 4 - L9 (less dups)I- Total B 81 - 33 - 26 - 4 E 18 40.7%t2.toa 4.9%22.204 II - - - - EE - I- I -- -- --- -E --- Attachment 3 - Page I 3sl tl Dlane Hoh From: Srnt: To: mnbrogers@grnail.com Monday, Noember 5, 2018 12:58 PM Bdrerly B6rke[ Diane Holt Erik Jorgensen; Mottho Evans C6e Comment Form: Monk? RogcIsSubj.cr: Name: Monlca Rogers Case Number: IPC-E-1&15 Emall: mnbrogersl9gmail.com Tehphone: 20&320-0038 Addr.ss: 226 Mountaln View East Jcromc 1D,83338 Name of t tility Company: ldaho Porver Commcm: I am a Solar customer and have lnstalled a system on my home. I believe the way it Is set up cur.ently, wlth ldsho Powlr, .nd thcm Sivlng qedits for over our needed trneratlon b a ririn-wln for us and them. Flrst, w€ are the oncs payirq for the rystem. lf rve are creatirE more than we are uslnS and ldaho Power Is able to redlstrlbute that they should b€ compenstlng us for them not havlng to tenerate thc povuer. lf our rystem has problems lt ls our problem to flx lt. ldaho Power ls not chaBed for those repairs, lf it were their system they would have to. we, home solar gener.tors, provlde a hu8e cost savin8s to ldaho Power and other utillty companles ln thls rcgard. lf we needto have work dorc by ldaho Power they charge us. This was paid when the unlts were lnstalled as well. Onc!, agaln, we are an lncome gcnerator to them. Please protect us owne6 who have inst.lled solar systems and our current buyback rates and other tax beneflts. We are dolng our part to help our loc€l economies and power companles stlle teneratlnB clean pow€r for our childrcn, ftrture 6€nerations, and our planet. Thank you. Unique ldentifier: 1 Attachment 3 -Page2 Diane Hoh From: S.lrt To: makeitgreen@me.com Monday, November 5, 2018 3:34 PM Beverly Barket Diane Holq Erik Jorgensen; Matthen, Ev6ns Case Comment Form: Elizabeth JeffreySubl€.t: Name: Elizabeth Jeffrev case Number: lP|'E' I Y' I5 Emall: makeitgreen@m€,mm Telephone: Address: Hiiley ldaho, 83333 Name of Utillty Company: ldaho Power Comment: To: PtlC Re: Customer Generatlon study Solar power makes a lot of sen3e for ldaho for so many rlasons.. we have 3olar re3ourc€s equi\ral€nt to thos. found in much of TeEs. That brings beneflts of app.oprlate tlming when, durlry hot summer afternoons, our energy demands p€ak right alont with peaklnt solar power output.. Every watt of clean energy produced means fewer dirty fossll fuels pollutlnt ldeho's alr.. Local solar projects create local construction jobs.. And, today solar costs about the same as alcctdcity from a natur.l gas plant. ldaho already has more than 300 megawatts of solar enerty provldlng clean local power. Besides solar flelds, hundreds of ldahoans haw installed rooftop solar systems on homas and businesses. As ldaho's summer temperatur€s rlse and more people arc movint to our major metropolitan areas, ldaho's energy needs are trowing and will demand increased production rnd the necessary lnfrastructure. Large solar projects, llke power plants, requlre a lotof land and transmisslon lines to connect to the 8rid. ln many locations the solar flelds and the transmlssion lines will negativev lmpact wlldlife habitat and and the beauty of our stete's spechl places. ProvidlnS a mutually ben.ficial relationshlp betureen on-site tenerators and the power company b.in8s the beneflts of:. savingnaturalspaces,. rcduclng costs of infrestructure build up. reduclng carbon productlon of frossil fuels andr provldln8lobs for our stete. Or}site teneration's varied beneflts equal or far exced utility rates (dependint on how many factors you consider important) and should be supported and promoted within the structur€ of the power company and reflect€d in beneficial economics for individuals who install their part of the company's production portfolio. Thank you, Elizabeth .,effrey Unique ldentifi er: Attachment3-Page3 1 From: S€nt: To: Subject: idatator@gmail.com Tuesday, November 13, 2018 1:11 AM Beverly Barker; oiane Holt; Erik rorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Melvin Mohr Name: Melvin Mohr Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: idatator@gmaal.com Telephone: Address: POEox 4569 Mccall lD, 83638 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: We have a small solar power generator ln the Mccall area making about 10 mw of power per year for our cabin there. We use about the same amount and the pav back of our system is goint to be about 11y€ars after applying the state and federal tax credits. ldesigned the system and builtit myself so my costs were significantly reduced from those available by commercial vendors. lF the cost of providing connected power is increase very much when the sun goes away then the solar generation systems added in ldaho will €ome to a complete stop. The payback is very marginal now. We provide our best power in the summer when the AC load is hi8hest and in the winter when the lemperatures arethecoldest. Solar panels make much more power when itiscoldout. lhavealmost record days in tebruary when it's very cold vs summer days when the amount of litht is almost twice as much. This has to help ldaho Power on their highest load days and reduce the necessary infrastructure to gen€rate for the increased load to our very fast growing state. Reduction in the increaie of hydrocarbon-generated power is very important to our atmosphere and the global warmin& (if it is caused by this increase in Co2). Very serious consideration and evaluation should be us€d in their request for increased compensation. lf itismuch morethanthe Ss/month now charged, thentheywill havetoadd hydrocarbon power plants to all our detriment a nd surely will increase all of our costs. I am a retired PE in ldaho and 3 other states. Thank You. Unique ldentif ier: 77 Attachment3-Page4 Diane Holt I Dlane Holt Flom: S.nt fo: mblaiser@gmail.com Wednesday, November 14 201812:58 PM Beverly Barkeq Diane HolR Erik Jorgensen; Mattheu, Evans Case Comment Form: Marl Blaiser9ubJcct: Name: Mark Elalser Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Emall: mblalsE(egmall.com T!l.phon€: 2088590812 Address: 2225 Scyene Way Boise lD, 83712 Name of Utlllty Company: ldaho Power Comment: To Whom lt May concern, Thank you for the opportunity to submlt comments concernlnt ldaho Powcr's Net Meterint progrdm. Our famlly invested in roof-top solar in July 2017. We dld so for multiple reason3, includint creating a better and more sustalnable energy futurc for our chlldren and because ofthe Net Metering program ldaho Pour€r was offering its customers. ldaho Power's Net Metcrtng pmgram ls currently a falr protram and was the decidlng factor fior our famiV to invest ln roof-top solar fior our home. ldaho Power's reasoning fror changing this program is insufllclent, ststlnt that since more customers wlll take advantaBe oftheir pro8ram (l stress their pro8ram, mcanlng they created and offirred the Net Meterlng proSrem in the frrst plac€) is unfair. Changing the program now, after our famlly lnv€sted over 520,0@ In solar pan€ls BECAUSE of ldaho Power's net-meterlng program Is the definition of renetlnt and not honorin8 the proSrem they offered to lts customers. A8ain, we made an investment of ovcr $20,@0 ln our home for the long-term because ofthe pmgram ldaho Power offered. lf IPUC allows ldeho Power to chan8e lt's exlstlng Net Met€dng program on us lt wlll cause our femily financial hardship we wer€ not planning for, and could not plan for slnc! wc assumed ldaho Power would honor it's eristint Net Meterint Program when we installed our roof-top solar aray. We urye you, as an ldaho hmily, phase do not allow ldaho Power to drante it's Net Metarint protram for individual roof-top solar homes. lt wlll wlthout questlon hurt us llnancially. And agaln, wc mad€ the initial d€clsion to purchase the roof top solar because of ldaho Power's Net Metering program. At a bare minimum, thos€ ldaho families such as ours that made this flnancial lnt Estment ln our homes should be 'trandfathered' ln to the N€t Meterlng ProBram that ldaho Power currently has and was in place when we made our lnithl lnvestment. ldaho Power is a laGe and wealthy corporation. lf you chan8e the existint Net Meterint proSram on ldaho f?mllies that invested ln roof-top solar under this protram you wlll negativev impact each and ev€ry one of these families financially, including ours, Thank you for the opportunity to subm lt thes! comments on behalf of our family, Mark Blaiser Unlque ldentifier: 6 3.146,206.212 I Attachment3-Page5 Diane Holt oa F:om: Scnt: To: Subject: joey@adaclubs.org Tuesday, November 20,2018 'l l:10 AM Beverly Barkerj Diane Holt; Erik.Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Commenl Form: Joseph Schuele, Name: Joseph Schueler Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: joey@adaclubs.org Telephone: 2087247047 Address: 1002 N 8th St Boise lD, 83702 Name ot Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Dear Commission, My wife and I purchased a 24 panel solar array to offset our power consumption on our primary residence in Boise, lD. We invested 538,000 of o ur own capital and willseea return on this investment in roughly ten years. We understand that we have sacrificed opportunity investments that those funds could have been used for, including paying down debt that would immediately resuh in savings that would benefit us more directly. Why then did we invest, you may ask? We sleep betterat night is my response. This is the type ofattitude and investment in our environment you should be promotinE, not making more dlfficult so please keep that in mind when assessing this issue. Weareproudof this investment and \ rholly support the continued advancement of solar generation in every posslble manner that results in lowered carbon emissions. To that end, ensurint on-sit€ sola r generating residences have the ability to make this private investment for a public good is critical to our nation and our planet in ensurinS a healthier and more sustainable future for those who will follow us. I would like to comment on a couple reasons why as follows: 1. Every resident must run a cost benetit analysis on some levelwhen considering whether solar production is right for their finances, th€ir long term plannlnt, and even the loSistical feasibility of such a development on their home with many factors diminishint thelr return. The dlrectio n thelr house or roof line faces, adiace nt foliage or nei8hbor obstruction, access to power, condltion of roof, etc. allfactor in. We have passed the time when the question of beneflts to solar power Beneration are being discussed. lt is nowa necessary part of ou r ener8y productio n that we encourate solar and is in fact past the time when we should have made major investments in this technology. Mosl residentialcustomeB won't due to cost and the time it takes to ;ealize a gain- When so many hurdles already stand in the way of this positive development, any finding of this commlssion to diminish the returns and period for net benefits to private investors in solar will have a detrimental and damagint effect on an outcome ldaho needs and everyone desires, even enouth to personally invest their own hard earned money into furtherint this noble cause. lfyou raise rates on solar poyyer Ben€rators, you effectively diminish the possibility of any solar power generator realizinS their return on investment while deterrint massiv€ numbers of people from doing the same healthy investment in our power grid system. I hope the absolutely ridiculous and damaging effects of raised rates on solar power generators above that of traditional utility consumers and how it will inhibit future solar power generation is also be factored into this study. Whether your findinSs sug8est a benefit to a public ulilities company, who is not the beneficiary of ldaho utllities, but the company contracted to service all ldaho citizens over indep€ndent energy producers or not, your decislon will invariably improve solar power generation or deter it and that, to me and hopefully to you, is equally if not more important than how a for profit contract company manages lts finances for the reasons that follow. 2. The death rate currently sits at seventy nine in the devastatinB California wilderness fires and that death count is rising with close to a thousand still missing or unaccounted for. This most recent example is sadly not the exception, but is more and more becomin8 the rule when faced with naturaldisasters in virtually every quadrant oI our nation. Massive earthquakeS the accompanying tsunamis, record number and intensity hurricanes, unheard of blizzards, Attachment3-Page6 .1A L v &t'tl ,l ri' oPttr 1 oa drought and deforestation, wilderness fires in every $/estern state depleting federal and state fire suppression coffers, bug infestations and mud slides. lcouldtoon, but lthink these examples and the impending increased frequency, duration, and magnitude of their effects ln coming years is more than an ominous warning. We mustdo mor€ about how we produce, consume, and manaBe energy in the United Stat€s and solar is perhaps one of the most viable solutions, esp€cially when funded by individual consumers to offset their own consumption. We ought to b€ traininB our nation to manage our own production and consumption, To somehow disconnect our actlons right here in ldaho from the effects that en€rgy consumption has on adiacent populatlons ls not only short sided; it is dangerous. llove how ldaho Power harnesses sustainable water energy, yet that too has it side effects and negative impacts on the environment. How has your salmon fishin8and native ldaho an8lint been BoinS in recent years? lbelievethe commission is already aware of the damating impacts on native river habitat and ecology resulting from the use of dams. Wind power is yet another excellent investment in sustainable wind power. Yet, that too effects migratory bird patterns, kills invaluable bird species at high rates, and has long term repair and maintenance costs not observed by solar powergeneration when a private financed option. We maintain and repair our own systems at nocoslto tax payers or other utility consumeB. Both dams and wind power are commonly seen as a necegsary evil, yet here we have a viable and sustainable alternative that is relieving some ofthose effects while lmproving our fossll fuel energy independence and a public utility company wants to detract from its success for what reason again? Ohyeah, sothey can own the utility supply and produce their own solar lor us to buy from them at whatever rate they choose. Hubris, I say. Good business acumen, but flawed in lts original principle; thal we work for the utility company inst€ad ofthe utility company working for its consumers and their innate right to free choice in the markel of energy production. They have a monopoly on the market and have benefited greatly from the production of utility supply and I appreclate their work greatly, but never forget who the utility rithts belong to. Theybelon8tothe public, notthe contract holderofthe production agreement. Open the gates to independent solar generation and even incefttiyize it and allow this state to develop a widely patterned and sustainable source of independent €nergy that feeds the grid while miti8a!inB long term repair and replacement costs while also distributing the power grid thereby mitisEtinB the effects of a large scale environmental disaster that co uld occur on a ny one large sca le energy producing system. Maybe a little competition will help them keep their rates low for once. 3. We've been on the net meter now for about four months. ln thattime, our system has helped us lower our utility balls aSreatdeal. lt has also e nco uraged usto be more aware ofour consumption while watchint our production as w€ll. By the end of the first year, we will hav€ a very stable picture of both aspects of what a good consumer should be aware of, Units in and units out. lndependent solar Seneration naturally accomplishes what the utilities commission should seeas agoal forall ldaho power consumers. We developed our 24 panel array as a 90% offset of ou r current consumption. The reason we chose not to invest in 10096 eneBy offset is we didn't want to spend more money to result in overates that did not return to us in th€ current system, as we do not get paid out for any net energy provided to ldaho Power, That does notmean $/e will notend uphelping power the grid. Besides our generation throu8h non peak energy production periods, we are now incentivized to lower our footprint to ensure that former 90% production meets today's 100% energy consumption needs. The resu lt is us findin8 new efficiencies in our home, our lighting, our insulation, our windows and doors, when we turn our lights on and off, our thermostats, and the list goes on and on. Wecancarveout 105 of our energy use to be entirely enerBy independent by 2020. How many traditional consumers do you know who have that type of incentive to be better with their energy? l'm sure they are out there, but how many invested S38,0m iust to try and also save costs on the demand side? You see, when passion isthereto makea positive change, nothing will stop it. Please incentivize what results in hope and opportunity and economic activity to far more than just utilities. It drives commerce, trade, and lonS term home valuation investments that prepare ldaho for the ener8y needs of the 21st Century. I could continue and am unsure what the word count limit is here. but as shown above, there are too many benefits that offset costs to the public to in any way detract from independent solar power teneration. We could afford to do this by the skin of our teeth and have tithtened the belt as welljust to ensure we could realize this return in 10-20 years. l'd happily continue to share the many reasons this is needin8 your supPort and do not hesitate to contact me for any further comments or questions reBarding lhis very important issue for ldaho- Respectfully, Attachment3-Page7 2 a aloey Schueler 1002 N 8th Street Boise, lD 837O2 l2o8l724-7047 Unique ldentifi er: 24.719.22O.243 3 Attachment3-Page8 Name: lohnathon Mccee Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Emall: irmcree@cableone.net Telephone: AddrEss: Bolse lD, E3714 NameofUt ity Company: ldaho power Comment: Idaho power has not demonstrated a greater demand by on slte genehtion users. Thls is an attempt to reoorer costs br seNkes that they tet a benetlt from. On slte teneratlon p.ovides for a morc stablc trld by provldint rlectrldty clth€r all more and somc that would typlcally be used at th€ tlme the trld vuould be most vulnerable. Thc elcctriclty ls not trawllnt mil.s away in practlcal appllcatlon lt ffows next door to the neBhborthat does not have on site Eeneration. ldaho power tets the benefit of not buying extra power. lnstead they are sr€ing the wrftlnt on the wall, they are attemptlng to mske on slte teneratlon lmpractkel a3 to keep p€ople fmm movlB from their seMce. The IPUC should not allow ldaho power to chante rates on on sit€ gcneratlon. Th.y should kc€p the same schedule as any resHcntauoommerclal customer as they only use what they can't produce, Typlcally at nl8ht wfien demand is low. This ls tha same anergy they would use in they were stlll a .esidentlaucommerclal us€r, As lt stands now ldaho power makes demands to attach to the grld tlrat adds extra expens! to customcri. They draw out the new meter heed for anoth€r month with thGlr 10 b$iness day lmpection .nd tlren afterw.rds another 15 d.ys to lmtall the meter. 25 days later (a whole billlng cycle) they ffnally albw a custome. to use thelr onslte Srneratlon. ldaho power ls trylnt to have a monopoly when lt comes to power lnstead ofwhat ls ln the best lnterest for ldaho. Pleasc don't let them pullthe wool over your eyes and tellthcm the people uron't stand for it. lJnique ldenttfl er: Attachment3-Pageg Diane Holt Frcm: Scnt To: Subloctr gregoryfrankl @ gmail.com Monday, November 19,2018 610 PM Beverly 8arke6 Diane Holt Erik Jorgenseq Matthew Evans Cas€ Comrnent Form: Gregory Mortensen Name: Gre8ory Mortensen Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Emall: gregoryf rankl@Bmall.com Telephone: 208-994-93 15 Addrcss: Mountain Home lD, 83647 Nlme of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: To whom h may concein: My name Is Greg and I live ln Mountaln Home and I just lnstelled Solar Panels last.,uly. I lnstalled the panels for two reasonsr 1. To provlde 6reen Enerty; 2 To have a lon8 term lnvestment. lf the credlt I get for puttlng energy on the ldaho Pow€r Grld ls r€duced signlficantly then the panels could become a worthless lnv€strnent. ls thls lnltlal look at the cost! and beneflts of Customer produced energy also tolng to lead to an lmmedlate chante ln eneEy credlts? Or is ldaho PowerJust assesslnS at this polnt? Also, lf credlt r€imbursement for Solar Panels eneBy ls tolnt to change is there Boing to be a publlc meetln8 to dlscuss the ch.rues for the benefit of both partles(consumeE and ldaho Power)? Thank you forllour tlme. Slncerely, 6regory Mortensen Unlque ldentmer: 2 16.147,24O,252 Attachment3-Page10 I Diane Hoh From: S.nt To: susangiimk@gmail.com Sunday, Nov€mber 25, 2018 10:l1 AM Beverly Barke[ Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Motthew Evans Case Comm€nt Form: Susan GiannettinoSubrcct Name: Susan Giannetllno Case Numben - IPC-E-18-15 Emall: susangimk@gmail.com Telephone; 20848d4319 Address: PO Box 4914 Hailey lD, E3333 Name of t tility Company: ldaho Power Company Comment: My husband Jlm Keller and l, Susan Giannettino, write to expr€ss concerns about the continuing efforts by ldaho Power to setregate (and thereby potentially penalizel those of us who, in tood falth, pald to lnstall solar panels on our hom€s. we did this, payint 520,000 a couple years ago. we feed the enerty we t€nerat. in to the ldaho Power 8rld. We will not recover our invedment ln our llfetlmes but we did the solar lnstall becaus€ it was the right thing to do, We support ldaho Povuer's efforts to consewe and have installed the most efficient electrlc appliances we can flnd. We also support what should be ldaho Power's goal; to diverslfy ener8v productlon and eventually elimlnate coel trneration, At some point, the hydro power we have enJoyed for years wlll become morc expensive and even limlted as the issues associated wlth salmon and steelhead are addressed. So, ldaho Power should embrace and encourage and even subsidlze solargeneratlon (and for that matter, wind). Please continue to include us in this study and the IPUC process, Susan Glannettino and Jam€s B. Keller Unique ldentifi er: 68.105,208.25 Attachment 3 - Page 1l I Diane Holt F om: Scnt: IO: subi!Gt: Mafthew Evans Monday, December 3,2018 2:42 PM Diane Holl Eisenhauer comments Name: Phillip Eisenhauer c.'" r,ii*,-r ,)6- -E t8 ' I I Email: ike eisenhauer@msn.conr Telephone: 5306059702 Address: 3508 Foothill Blvd ReddinB Ug 9@01 Name of LJtility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Please see my letter dated February 18, 201E. I reside in ldaho for 6 months per year and have installed a solar array in 2017 at 49 Parmenter Road Carmen ldaho 83462. All commenls in that letter remain valid. Especially want to encourate consideration of other compensation options for surplus energy credits, I endorse the 'one meter per year" concept but would like the flexibility to apply it to mete6 on properties that I o\ rn that are not contiguous to the propeny with the array. lalsowould liketo add anothercomment regarding the costs of recycling solar panels. The estimated duration of solar panels are approx. 30 years unless damaged. A recycling tax sho uld be added to the cost of solar panels when purchased to ensure appropriate disposal. Thanks for the opportunityto comm€ntl Here is the lette. from Februery 2018 hat Mr. Eisenhauer submitted as commcnt in IPC-E-17-13: To: ldaho Public Utility Commission (PUC) RECEIVEO Date: February 18, 2018 Cc; ldaho Power Company From: Phillip G. Eisenhauer 3608 Foothill Blvd. Redding,CA96001 Greetings, Last summer, I installed a solar array on my property near Salmon, ldaho under the current Net Meterint Service rules. I have received th€ 17h?/2O17 ldaho Power (lP) letter that proposes to modify these rules and this letter contains my comments. I am so happy to have been able to install a solar system for my residence in Carmen Cr€ek. lt has been a lifelong toal. The site has a very sunny southerly exposure and is a perfect location to optimize solar power Seneration. Only time wlll tell if my investment will pay me financial dividends but I know that by doing this it will contribute to reduced carbon emissions for the Salmon River Valley. The valley has real air quality issues durang the winter months especially during times of temperature inversions. The more people that do this will result in cleaner air and lower carbon emissions- The PUC should encourage this growing source ofenergy as much as it can while ensurint the gower utilities are fairly compensated for the use of their infrastructure to transmit this power. I support ldaho Power's (lP) proposal to modify their service rate charges to compensate for the loss of revenues created by the placement of solar power arrays that are tied into their grid. I trust that the PUC will establish fair rates when doing so. However, I feel that the service costs should be allowed to be paid by energy credits created durinS the calendar year. lP will still benefit by reduced future production costs as the solar power is added into the grid. The more power lhat an individual array produces the less lP has to spend on developlng additional sources as power demand will certaanly increase over time. Making the service costs available to be paid by credits would remove a small barrier when Attachment3-Page12 I people are considering lvhether to go with solar power. One ofthe reasons I installed my array was because I could establish credits und€r this lP program and so I added panels to exceed the estimated use of my residence. Using the credits to defray the service costs could help increase clean solar eneqy production. Another comment that I feel would also encourate the development of solar power within the lP service area is allowint eneGy credits to be applied to no more than one meter that is not contiguous to the property where the power is bein8 generated if it is the same rate. I own a rental house in Salmon and I would like to apply a credit to that meter and am not clear why I shouldn't be able to do that. I certainly understand that we don't want people constructing large arrays to pay for multiple dwellings' power use but limiting it to one meter at the same rate would prevent that. Here is what the schedule states; ii. The meter is located on, or contiguous to, thc property on which the Designoted Metet is locoted. For the puryoses ol this toriff, contiguous property includes property thot is separuted lrcm the Premises ol the Designsted Meter by public or roihood riqhts ol wdy; I read that to say that I can apply the credits to the meter on my barn, which is on the property with the array but not to my rental in town. As long it ls wlthin the lP service area, at the same rate, and even in the same county I feel I should be able to without affectlng the Boal of the current rules. lt would encourate domestic, clean ener6y production that could cover the use of two resldences. Phase consider these chan8es as you consider lP's Modification to Net Metering, Thankyou. Sincerely, Phillip G. Eisenhauer 2 Attachment 3 - Page 13 Dlane Holt ;r!m: S.nt To: agspic@yahoo.com Srturday, Dec.mber 8, 2018 910 AM B€ rerly Barker Diane Hott Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: D€nise AdkinsSubJcct l{rmc: oenise Adkins Ca!. Number: IPC-E-18-15 Em!il: etsplc@yehoo.clm T€lephone: 2085212983 Address: 3825 E G,.nger Dr Merldian lD, 83e06 Neme of Utillty Compeny: ldaho Power Commlnt: I am concerned about the dlredlon ldaho Power ls trylnt to take in connection wlth tie future of how we will be billed if we have a solar system. I feel that havlnB a personal solar systam doc! nothing but beneflt ldaho Power and is somethlng that they should encourage, as lt helps them reduce the smount of power they haw to generate, esgeclally In the dummer monthswhen eleclrical use is huge. Thank you for your considcration ln thls mayter. Unique ldentifler: 20{..229.5,247 Aftachment3-Page14 I 30 oecember 2018 Hello IPUC, I tried to submit via your web form but my comment submission created some type of error. My wife and I considea ourselves to be "pratmatic environmentalists" which basica lly means if we can support sustainable environmental policies through our actions and investments, we will take action. Our home net metering solar system went on-line early Jan 2018 and so far we have been able to generate about 80% of our household electrical req uirements. ln addition to the solar investment, we also purchased a full electric car and began a renovation process in our house and lifestyle to add/replace/upgrade appliances, lighting, home automation and our usage behaviors. Our plan was financially based with break-even periods calculated for the bigger investments including the solar system. lf IPUC/ldaho Power change the net metering schedule to recover a fairer share of fixed power grid costs, you will materially change the ROI equation that primarily drove our decision. I can only imatine how a schedule chante would impact the ROI for any potential future solar system customers and the direct impa.t on their potential break-even. Personally, we think this is a bad stratety and would m uch prefer to see IPUC / ldaho Power adopt a policy that encoura8es expansion o, the solar power generators in ldaho. Our suSgestion is to create a phased approach to allow the early solar adopters to enjoy the economic benefits currently in place with schedule 84. Two other points should be mentioned as well:with the tremendous growth ldaho is experiencing, we are concerned about purchasing power outside our own state generated throuth the consumption of fossil fuels like coal, We have always been proud of our high percentage of renewal power generation and think that solar and wind'based systems can augment hydroelectric and geothermal which are likely at capacity. Additionally, solar generators produce the maximum power during peak electrical demand periods in July and August. Effectively, solar can help buffer the surge demand much like the AC Cool Credit program does. Thanks for the consideration. Let's do the right thing for ldaho and the environment when it makes clear financial sense and is a good sustainability policy. #"*k( /-/"/6/e 11405 W Hickory Nut 5t 8oise, tD 83713 I odo . HdtIie ldCn n'rsn.!orn (208) 850-9686 Attachment 3 - Page 15 ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 /1,! - t. - t )'- / >- ., ,-( Comments on Case Numb€r: IPC-E"18-16 Flxed Cost Recovery Diane Holt ;7om: S€nt: To: Subject: ericthomaselliott@gmail.com Thursday, January 31, 2019 1 1:33 PM Beverly Barkec Diane Holq Erik Jorgensen; Mafthew Evans Case Comment Form: Eric Elliott Name: Eric Elliott Case Number; IPC-E-18-15 Email: ericthomaselliott@Bmail.com Telephone: 2088574566 Address: 2911 N Sheflield Ct Boise lD, 83702 A short story of how increasing cost ofgrld-tle solar would causc harm. My family innalkd a rooftop solar system in early 2018. My wife and I embraced thls move as a way to show our 3 children the importance ofdoing our pan to slow climate change. Wewould have been unable to do this proiect without the grid tie schedule of 1:1 credit for KWh produced and the ability to carry these forward and use in future months. We have slnce purchased a used Nissan Leaf and an e-bike and have tried to reduce our carbon footprint with changes in our diet. We would not have had the ability to start this whole movement with a solar installation lf the current schedule was not in place. The proposed chantes to increase cost of Srid-tie solar are aimed at protecting a monopoly of a pot/verful company that sees threat in the ability of customers to generate thelr own power. ldaho Pow€ r professes to support clean energy, continually encouraglng customers to use less energy, but then moves to stifle solar expansion. This does not seem to ma ke se nse, until you consider that their primary goa I is to profit from energy production and sale- They want to buy ener8y from rooftop solar customers at a discount, charge a fee for access, and sell as much energy to rnarkets with higher rates. lt's time that the public calls on ldaho Power to put it's actions in line with its words about being responsible to the environment. ldaho Power should continue the schedule for onsite generation with grid-tie, and must honor the trust of customers, who like our family, installed very expensive systems based on the understandlng that the agr€ement with the power company would remain stable. Please side with the environment and with customers and citirens of ldaho and keep the current schedule in place. lt's the right thing to do. Thank you, Eric Ellioft and family Uniqu€ ldentitier Attachment3-Pagel6 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment; Comm lssion Members: I Diane Hoh Frum: Sent To: subr.ct ericthomasclliott@ gmail.com Thursdsy, ianuary 31, 2019 10:58 PM Beverly Earkeri Diane Holt; Erik.,org€nsen; Matthew Evant Case Comment Form: Eric Elliott Name: Eric Elliott Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Emall: ericthomaselliott@gmail.com T€lephone: 2088674556 Address: 2911 N Sheffield ct Boise lD, 83702 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comrn€nt: We need more renewable energV Seneratlon in our nation, to decrease emission of carbon dloxide in order to slow the rate of climate change. Rooftop solar is an excelleot way to allow citizens to participate in the solutlon, and trk -tie is key to allowing average homeowners this opportunity. Our power company, ldaho Power, should be supponive of renewable and clean energy productlon ln evety form. and has a duty to accommodate rooftop solar as a public utility with a responsiblllty to the public trust. With current cost of solar installation and l:1 credit with no addltlonal fees or high minimum monthly blll, the financial investment is a near break-even in ldaho. Any proposed increase in cost to rooftop solar customers will definitely discoura8e further proliferation of this excellent power production method. The commission should oppose any rate lncreases or decrease ln Kwh credit ratio that trrtet solar and other renewable onsite generation of power. The right thing to do is to encourate furthea expanslon of renewable energy generation. Unhue ldentif ier: L60.2.736.22O Attachment 3 - Page'17 I DiEne Holt From: Sent: To: Sublcct: bentongarrett@ protonmail.(om Monday, February 4, 2019 12:19 PM Bev€rly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik rorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form; Benton Garrett Namei Benton Garrett Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Emaili bentongarrett@protonmail.com Telephonei Address: Boise 10, 83703 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Flrst off, I would like to thank the ldaho Public Utilities Commission for accepting public comment. A thorough €xchange of ideas and open minds are vital to cominB to a mutualty agreeable system for valuing distrlbuted energy generation in ldaho. I urge ldaho Power and the Utilitles Commission to fully consider the reality of climate change, Human life, at the very least, is under threat of extinction due to our irresponsible patterns of consumption in the past as well as the present. The wealthy and powerful, those few who mak€ decisions affucting the very many, often feel insulated from the most netative effects that are to come. lndeed, thelr money will protect them to some degree, but please consid€r: we are at a cruchl point in human history, Without bold action to reduce greenhouse emissions and net consumption overall, suffering will eventually come for us all. I understand that ldaho Power must remain solvent and that a solution may include adjusting the system for those who export enerSy to the grid. I ask that ldaho Power considers its role in preventlng the worst effects of climate change. I ask that ldaho Power encourate, rather than smother, efforts to increase distributed solar generetlon. I ask that ldaho Power become part ofthe solution-to move forurard with those who see a chance for us to overcome the Breedy practices from the past that have brought us to this point. There is still time to ward offthe worst effects of climate change, and decisions like the one ldaho Power is soon to make are, in fact, more profound than at may se€m at this time- We humans have the awesome ability to plan the future in great detail. Let'r look as far forward as we can, for the sake of our children and the world in which they must live. Unique ldentifier: I Attachment3-Page18 Fromt rgraves@sevarg.net [mailto:rgraves@sevarg.net] Sent: Sunda% March 24,2019 2:30 PM To: Beverly Barker <Beverly.Barker@puc.idaho.tov>; Diane Holt <Diane.Holt@puc.idaho.gov>; Erik Jortensen <Erik.Jorgensen@puc.idaho.gov>; Matthew Evans <matthew.evans@puc.idaho.gov> subject: Case Comm€nt Form: Russell Graves Name: Russell Graves Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: rgraves@sevarg.net Telephone: 5154600436 Address: 3791. Southside Blvd Melba lD, 83641 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: As ldaho Power evaluates the costs and benefits of solar on the grid, I would like to request that they also re-evaluate their solar permittinS process in litht of modern equipment costs and system designs. When going through the permitting process for a large, flexible, battery backed solar install, ldiscovered that the system size limits are based purely around panel nameplate capacity, regardless of panel orientation, inverter configuration, or any other system parameters. lf the STC nameplate capacity of the panels (which is a poor estimate of real world production to start with) exceeds th€ local transformer capacity, the system is not allowed. Even if installed inv€rter capacity cannot damage the transformer, a significantly overpaneled system cannot be installed under current ldaho Power guidelines due to concerns about transformer damage. As the cost of panels continues to drop, this limit should be relaxed to allow fo r "grid-friendly" systems that have a hlgher panelto inv€rter ratio than a south facint system. A system consisting of eastand west facing panels, paired to less inverter capacity than the panel area, will cost effectively provide a far better match between production and consumption for a typical residential home, and better match grid demands - but this soft of system (if large) is difficult to tet approved right now, because of the overly simplistic guidelines for permitting. lf and when ldaho Power changes their rate schedules for solar customers away from a pure 1:1 kWh net metering, the changes must allow tor more flexible system desitn. As storage corts drop and panel costs drop, system designs can become more flexible to better match production and consumption - to the benelit of both the customer and th€ larger Brid. Allowing for flexible system design helps reduce use of the grid without payint for it, as the current net metering schedule allows. I encouraBe ldaho Power to relax the restrictions on system design, and to use an enBineering-based analysis to protect their power system instead of a simple comparison. A system with l1kwof inverter export capability cannot damage a 15kW transformer, even if 20kW of panel is connected to charSe batteries. But, that 20kW of panel area can both provide for home power and export surplus during times of peak demand, and can allow the home to run with minimal grid interaction during partly cloudy days that, currently, would require pulling from the grid. lf the rate schedules are to change away from 1:1 net metering, I would like to see time of use schedules for solar customers that encourage matchint with the grid needs. Expensive morning and evenint Attachment3-Page19 power, paired with very cheap overnitht power (from the base load generated by the dams) would match well with Srid needs, and would encourage systems that match generation and demand. lnexpensive overnight power would also be useful for those with electric vehicles, which make a trem€ndous amount of sense for those in rural areas. Thank you for your considerationl Russell Graves Unique ldentifler: Attachment3-Page20 Diane Holt From: Senl; To: Subject: walterl 701 @outlook.com Friday, April 12,20'19 7:15 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holl; Erik lo.gensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Walter Rowntree Name: Walter Rowntree Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: walter1701@outlook.(om Telephone: 2OA247lOl9 Address: 5262 Yellowrtone Ave Chubbuck 10, 83202 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: All discussion of customer on-site Beneration should consider the difference between on-site generation strictly for s?lf-consumption (i.e. non-exported to Srid) and on-site generation intended lor intermittent export to the grid. ln Att cases, the customer should have the absolute ri8ht to self-generate for self-consumption. This ritht should be spelled out in an official PUC statement that all entities have the absolute ritht to generate electricity for their own consumption, a oistributed Energy Resource Bill of Rights, as it were. l-imiting non-exported electricitv Eeneration in any way violates individual liberties. We should be allowed to buy our own batteries, fill them with electricity from our own solar panels, and use that electricity any way we want without interference by Idaho Power, Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page21 From: Sent: To: Subjed: Name: Christian Chesley Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: lcheslch@tmail,com Telephone: 208-312-4734 Address: 171 East 9@ South Burley ldaho,833L8 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: On January 15, 2019 I put into production a 10Kw solar system at my house (using net metering) ro I have some 'skin in the game'. I am actually planning on addinB another 10Kw later this year to my current setup. I iust read the article in the llmes News (ldaho Power files new case to study net meteringl. I think it is wrong for ldaho Power to sugSest net Senerating customers are getting credited for thints ldaho Power is paying for such as customer service. What is customer service? ls it the power poles and lines or their website? Those would exist regardless of whether I tenerate my own electricitv or not. I strongly advise PUC to not allow ldaho Porrer to change the rates in which they pay for customer generation electricity. That is what this is all about. I also stron8ly advice PUC to not let ldaho Power close thelr net metering protram. lt is a major benefit of living in Southern ldaho that I can setup my own solar power system to be self sufficient. Attachment 3 'Page 22 Diane Holt Unique ldentifier; 66.232.7 0.7 4 l cheslch@gmail,com Monday, April 22,2019 8:20 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Christian Chesley I Diane Holt F om: Sent: To: jvandinter@centurylinkn€t Friday, N4ay 31,2019 7:00 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt Erik iorgenseni Matthew Evans Case Comment Form:James Van DinterSubJ.Gt Name: James Van Dint€r Case Number: IPC-E-I8-15 Emall: ivandinter@centurylink.net Telephone: 2082978288 Address: 12088 W. Tidcwater Or. Boise lD, 83713 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: I find ldaho Pow€rs attempt to lower the rate lt pays home solar provirers to be criminal. WE told you the commission thls Winter that this was the intent of ldaho Power. They denied this. Each of us is providing ldaho Power with additional power generating power at no cost to the company. We expect ldaho Power to trcat net met€ring customeB fairly. lf ldaho Power beli€ves in their commitment to clean energy they should help, not hobble, ldaho's clean eneEy future. Unique ldentifi €r: 75.t7 4-41.7 I Attachment3-Page23 l Diane Holt From: Sant To: mbarke14874@gmail.com Sunday, .,un€ 2, 2019 8:36 AM Beverly Earker; Dian€ Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Cale Comment Form: Michael EarkersubJecr: llame: Michael Earker Case Number: lPCEl815 Email: mbarker4874@gmail.com Telephone: Address: goise 10,83712 Name of Utillty Company: ldaho Power Comment: I am commenting regardin8 proposed changes to ldaho Power's net metering program. This program should be maintained so customers with onsite generation are credited the full retail rate and are not charged additional fixed fees above other retail customers. Accordint to data collected from my own solar PV system more than 55% ofonsite production occurs during peak energy hours, thus helping ofFs€t some of ldaho Power's most expensive Seneration. This number would likely be ewn hlgher for West and Southwest facing arrays meaning onsite solar PV tenerdtion has ancillary benefits in reducing peak power prices for allconsumers. Keep net metering intact. Unique ldentifier: 54,9.255.11 Aftachment 3 - Page 24 1 Diane Holt From: Sant: To: Subj.cr: ryredan2003@yahoo.com Sunday, ,une 2, 2019 8:39 AM Beverty Earkec Diane Holt Erik Jorgensen; Manhew Evans Case Comment Form: Oan Holbrook Name: Dan Holbrook Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: fyredan2003@yahoo.com Telephone: 2088565679 Address:2271 N Blueblossom Way (una lD, 83634 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Please do not reduce the dollar amount ldaho Power pays net meterint homeowners & businesses. Ooing so is not fair or right. ldaho Power says it is committed to clean enerSy but potential actions like this cause me to wonder. Unique ldentifler: Aftachment3-Page25 I Diane Hoh From: S€nt: To: Subjcct: dappelT@gmail.com Sunday, june 2, 2019 9:24 AM Beverly Earker; Diane Holt Erik Jorgensen; Mafthew Evans Cas€ Commeflt Form: Daniel Appel Name: Daniel Appel Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Emall: dappelT@tmail,com Telephone: 2089414U4 Address: 4190 N. Waterford Pl. Eoise lD, 83703 Name of Utility Companyj 1952 Commenl: lhave installed a roof-top solar system atmy personal residence. lrequest thatth€ Public utilities commission consider all aspects of this issue, especially climate change when making their decision. Any adion taken should not discourage additlonal investment in Renewable enerty sources- wind or solar. Rcducintthe reimbuEement rate (net metedng) to solar customers would have this etfect. ldaho Power has recently stated thatthey intend to Senerate allpower from renewables in the future. They should stand by this commitment and encourage additional private solar installations. Thank you for your consideration Dan Appel Unhue ldentifier: 77 4.27.3O.36 Attachment3-Page26 I Ftom: Safit: To: subJ.Cr: Jmccabe2SS@gmail.com Sunday, lune 2.2019 12:04 PM Eeverly Earker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgemen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: ,ean Mccabe Name: Jean Mccabe Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: Jmccabe286@gmail,com Telephone: Address: 3705 S Caddis pl Eoise lD, 83716 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: While I do not have solar panels, I fully support those that do so. I am strongly opposed to the way those with solar panels are treated by ldaho Power co. \ryhich is grossly unfair. My family and neighbors expect ldaho Pow€r to treat net metering customers fairly. Unique ldentifier: Attachment 3 -Page27 Diane Holt I Dlane Holt FrDm; 5.nt: To: Subject: pleasantviel rranch@msn.com Sunday, rune 2,2019 1:07 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holtj Erik Jorgensen; Matthe$/ Evans Case Comment Form: Judith Stockham Name: Judith Stockham Cas€ Number: IPC-E.18-15 Email: pleasantviewranch@msn.com Telephone: Address: 2135 Hwy 26 Gooding tdaho, 83330 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Rec€nt Tim€s News opinion was slamming ldaho Power for requesting a decrease ln the amount paid to net metering customers with solar. Why should the net meterin8 customers be paid what they would be charSed if they utili2ed the power from the grid. The infrastructure is paid for and malntained by customers utilizint power from the trid 24-7. The net metering customers a re riding along at a break if the payment continues as it ls currently. lam absolutely of the opinlon that if a solar array is desired they should have battery storage and not net metering. Unique ldentlfier: Attachment3-Page28 I From: S.nt To: markgutting@gmail.com Sunday, June 2,2019 3:01 PM Beverly Barker; Oian€ Holt Erik ,org€nsen; Matth€w Evans Case Comment Form: Ma* UttingSubJcct: Name: Mark Utting Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: markgutting@gmail.com Telephone: 20834O7747 Address: 424 N Mobley Dr 80is€ tD, 83712 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: I feel strontly that net metering should continue to help encourate the solar iration of pow€r generation at the consumer lev€1. Net metering on a one-totne basis should contlnue becaus€ realistically with the solar panels on my roof tenerating surplus power is Eoing to the houses east and west of me who do not have solar power to help run th€ir air conditioning in the summer and heatinB in the winter. Ther€ is no additional infrastructure required of ldaho Power to deliver this power to my neiShbors. This also helps reduce peal demand load as the air conditionint requirements will be high when solar power is being generated on residential rooftops. Unique ldentifier; 17 I Aftachment3-Page29 Diane Holt Diane Holt From: Sent To: Subject barcziconnie@g-mail.com Sunday, lune 2,2019 323 PM Beverly Barket Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans case Comm€nt Form: Barczi Connie Name: Barczi Connie Cas€ Number: IPC-E-18-15 Emall: barcriconnie@8-mail.com Telephone: 208-884-3175 Address: 947 W Loon st Meridian ldaho, 83642 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: I currcntly am on the net meterint. I am able to supply my home with solar energy when it is available and can reduce the amount ofenergy from other sources by 6096. This makes more ener8y available to others and helps keep the need lo purdrase out of state power. Being a Veteran and a Senior I am on a fixed income and work hard to keep my budget on target. Any increases in use rates will have a negative impact on my quality of life. I have never and will never accept welhre as lone as live. Please help me to keep moving forward usint my own resources. I am sure there are many others like myselfthat are also doing their b€st to be self-supporting and not a burden on society. Thank-you for givinS me the opponunity express my concerns. Respectfully,Connie Barczi Attachment3-Page30 Unique ldentifier: 77 1 I Diane Holt From; Scnt: To: SubJect hemassie@cableone.net Sunday, ,une 2. 2019 5:07 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; M.tthew Evans Case Comment Form: Hugh Massie Name: Hugh Massie Case Number: IPC-E-I8-15 Email: hemassie@cableone,net Telephone: 2089392240 Address: 10000 W. Prairie Rd. Eoise lD, E3714 Name of utility company: ldaho Power Comm€nt: I urte you not to let ldaho Powet to reduce the rate it credits to Net Metering customers. lf anything, ldaho Power should allow any extra credits from net metering customers to be donated to those customers who risk losing thier power due to deliquent bills. On average, I am producing more power than we use. We a re buildint a credit balance and I don't want that rate of credits Siven to change. This is just not fair and certainly not the ritht thing to do. Many of us have invested quite a bit of money in our energy systems and are tivinS power back to ldaho Power for not charge at this point. To chante the rate ofcredits is notiustified. Unique ldentifi er: I Attachment3-Page31 Diane Holt From: S.nt: To: SubJ.ct: Ecochrane3 I 8@gmail.com Sunday, June 2, 2019 8:02 PM Beverly Barkec Diane Holq Erik rorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Barbara Cochran€ Name: Barbara Cochrane Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: Bcochrane3lS@Smail.com Telephone: Address: 2335 Parkside Dr Boise |D,83712 Name ot Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Those of us who contribute solar electricity to the grid should not be penalired with hi8her prices nor not credited at the cunent rat$. lf I buy an economical vehicle I don't pay higher Bas prices. We are willing to pay various feesjust as all power consumers do, but citizens helpln8 lo con5erv€ energy should not be charged more!! Unique ldentifi er: Attachment3-Page32 I Diane Holt From: Scnt: To: Subjcct: Bcochrane3 I 8@gmail.com Sunday, June 2, 2019 8:02 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorge Case Comment Form: Earbara Matthew Evans ne Name: Barbara Cochrane Case Number: lPc-E-18-15 Email: Bcochrane3lS@gmail,com Telephone: Address: 233S Parkslde Dr Eoise lD, E3712 Name of Utillty Company: ldaho Power Comment: Those of us who contri r electricity to the grid should not be p€nalized with hither prices nor not credited at the current rales. lf I an economical vehich I don't pay higher Bas prices. We are willing to pay various fees iust as all power con , but citi:ens helping to conserve energy should not be charged more!l Unique ldentifier: 150.3. Lcte Attachment3-Page33 D*\ 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subj.ct: brct@cableone.nel Monday, June 3,2019 8:46 AM Beverly Earker; Diane Holt Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: chris brown Name: chris brown Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: brct@cableone.net Telephoner 2088412294 Address: 13135 w scotfield st Boise lD, 83713 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: How is it that ldaho Power states their commitment to cl€an €nergy and at the same time discourage consumers to install solar eneGy systems. First, n€t metering customers are worhing to delay the need to construct additional power plants or purchase additional power for fossil fuel plants, especially with the number of people moving into the valley. Second, how fair is it punish the indivlduals who have already made a substantial financial commitment with a solar installation. (l spent over 18,000) Finally, this proposal will discourage i)b creation and probably affect currentjobs in this nascent industry. NOT FAIR NOT RlGHTll Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page34 I 1 Diane Holt From: SGnt: to: Subrect: rapplebee@cableone.net Monday, rune 3,2019 1:25 PM Beverly 8arke0 Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; irlatthew Evans Case Comment Form: Ralph Applebee Name: Ralph Applebee Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: rapplebee@cableone.net Telephone: 208297:D05 Address: CALDWELI ID, 83605 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Net metered power rates should encourage extended generation of this clean power source while treatinB these customers fairly. unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page35 I Diane Holt Frcm: S!nt To: Sublect radtechs44@gmail.com Monday, June 3,2019 10:02 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holtj Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Cas€ Comment Form: Carrie Clot Name: Carrie Clot Case Number: IPC-E-18_15 Email: radtechsil4@gmail.com Tele phone: Address: 5013 loe Lane Nampa lD, 83587 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: I expect ldaho Power to treat net meterlng customers fairly, by not reducln8 the rate it credits for any extra power generated by sohr customers. Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page36 Diane Hott F?om: Sent To: Subject: Name: Jean Weingartner Case Number: IOC-e-18-15 Email: wein330@tmail.com Telephone: 9073882144 Address: 307 N Picardy pl Boise ldaho, 83706 Nam€ of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: As a new retir€e, I invested money I have now to pay for my electricity in the future. lt's a personal investment but it's also an investment in my community. Nuclear power is not "clean". Hydro is causing damage to the sa lmon mBration. wind is u8ly. Solar is clean, free, and hidden. Please continue to hold ldaho Power accountable to paying us for any extra power $re produce at the 3ame rate we buy extra from then. l(s only fair. Jean Weiflgartner Unique ldentifier: I Attachment3-Page37 wein330@gmail.com Monday, June 3,2019 3:21 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik ,orgensen; Mattha{ Evans Case Comment Form:.,€an Weingartner Diane Holt Fiom: S.nt: fo: wein330@gmail,com Monday, ,une 3, 2019 3:21 PM Beverly BaIker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Case Comment torm: Jean W€ingartner Evans subject: Name:Jean Weintartner Case Number: IOC-e-1E-15 Email: wein330@Bmail.com Telephone: 9073882144 Address: 307 N Picardy pl Boise ldaho, 83706 Name o, Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: As a new retiree, I invested money I h also an investmenl in my community. Wind is utly. Solar is clean, free, a idden Please continue to hold ldaho extra from then. lt's only fair. Jean Weingartner Unique ldentifie 84,99.123,159 ow to pay for my electricity in the futu,e, lt's a personal investmeflt but it's uclear power is not "clean". Hydro is causint dama8e to the salmon migration. accountable to payinB us for any ertra power we p.oduce at the same rate we buy Attachment3-Page38 C{ug\: cole I Diane Holt F om: Sent: To: pinkerton5@q.com Tuesday, ,une 4, 2019 8:50 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; lvlatthew Evans Case Comment Form: barbara kempSubject: Name: barbara kemp Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: pinkertonS@q.com Telephone; Address: 3314 camrose lan€ boise lD, 83706 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comm€nt: I oppose ldaho Power's proposal to reduce the rate of extra power geneGted and supplied to the grid by solar customers. That seems to me penalizint people willing to spend their own money to benefit us all by reducing reliance on fossil fuels. I somedaV hope to be among those solar power generators. Please be fair ln net metering. To do otherwise is not supportin& but instead deterrang clean enerty production. Thank you. Unique ldentifier: 65.729.51.67 1 Attachment3-Page39 Diane Holt From; S.nt To: SubJect lbhill@cablone.net Tuesday, ,une 4. 2019 9:02 AM Eeverly Barker,- Diane Holt; Erik Jorg€nsen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Bart Hill Name: Eart Hill Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: lbhill@cablone.net Telephon€: 2083767439 Address: 8950 W. Duck Lake Drive Garden City ldaho, 83714 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Greetings, My wife and I are in the process of having solar panels installed at our cabin. The panels are toint to offset our power consumption by a n estimated 59% year over year. The case in question is looking at whether commerclal customers ca n do the same thing oa not based on ldaho Power not wanting to allow commercial customers to install solar to offset power costs. We believe that the commercial entity, not ldaho Power, should be the sole determininB entity reSardinB whether they should installsolar or not to offs€t costs. Businesses are business€s and it is up to them to dete rmine whether makinS such a move is mst effective. Our installation at our cabin will not break even with regard to cost for at least 15 years according to our initlal outlay and proiected power consumption costs over that time- Businesses can dothe same sort ofevaluation themselves and should be allowed to do so. It is our view that anythinB we can do now to introduce relatively clean power into the ldaho power grid should be fully utilized. According to the www,€ia.8ov web page, in 2017 57% of ldaho power was produced in-state. The rest came from out of state, With ldaho's current trowth, ldo not believe ldaho Power is keeping up with in-state power teneration needsandthatthe percentate of internalty generated power will subsequently drop. Solar installations, both resid€ntial and commercial, can help offset this and the cost ofcontractinS forout-of-state power. To us, this is both prudent and more cost effedive than eith€r building more power plants or brinting in more out-of-state power. Thank you, Bart and Laura Hill Unique ldentifi er: 216.64.L7 L.2 I Attachment 3 - Page 40 Diane llolt F o0r:Sr: fo: Subjecr: daf @fergusondurham.com Tuesday, June 4,2019 9:42 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik rorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Formr Deborah Ferguson Name: Debordh Fertuson Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: daf@fergusondurham.com Telephone: 2084842253 Address: 5406 S Zonetailed Way Boise lD, 83715 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Pow€r Comment: ldaho Power should not be allowed to reduce the rate it credits for any extra power ldahoans Benerate. lf ldaho Power truly supports cleaner €nerty it should provide incentives to customers who are independent and are putting any excess energy on the grid. Net met8ring customers should be tneated fairly. Don't let ldaho Power punish customers who lnvested in solar. lt is our future. Unique ldentifier: I Attachment3-Page41 llom: Sent: To: SubjGct refergl @gmail.com Tuesday, June 4, 2019 945 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form; Richard Ferguson Name: Richard Ferguson Case Number: IPC-t.18-15 Emaili refergl@Bmail.com Telephone: 20&4842235 Address: 5406 S Zonetailed Way Boise ldaho, 83716 Name of utility Company: ldaho Power Comment ldaho Power should not be allow€d to reduc€ the rate it credits for any extra power ldahoans generate. lf ldaho Power truly supports clean energy it should provide incentives to customers who are independent and are puttint any excess eneBy on the grid. Net metering custom€rs should be treated hirly. oon't let ldaho Power punish customers who invested in solar. Please deny ldaho Power's request to reduce the rdte at which it credits excess power customers generate for their neighbors. Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page42 Diane Holt I Diane Holt From: S.nt: To: SubrcGC Name: NANCY WERDEL Case Number: IPC-E-I8-15 Email: iwerdel@yahoo.com Telephone: 2083359430 Address: E20 Parkhill Dr Boise 1D,83702 Name of Utllity Company: IOAHO POwER Comment: We installed solar on our home last summer at a considerable expense. We now 8en€rate extra clean power and want to simply be credited tairly for it. Reducin8 the credlts we reei\re for that extra power is contrary to ldaho Power's assertions that it has a commitment to clean enerty. They should prove it by creditint n€t metering customers fairly and support this important growin8 industry. Unique ldentifier: 17 4.27.L81.69 Attachment3-Page43 jwerdel@yahoo.com Iionday, June 3, 2019 5:06 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Fom: NANCY WERDEI- I Diane Holt Flom: Sent To: subj.ct: kgustavel@gmail.com Monday, June 3, 2019 7 .44 PM Eeverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Manhew Evans Case Comment Form: Kurt Gustavel Name: l(urt Gustavel Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: ktustavel@tmail.com Telephone: 208{4O8533 Address: 2105 N 26th 5t. Eoise ldaho, 83702 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: My family recently installed solar power generation in my home in Boise. The returnon our investment was a major consideration. lunderstandthat ldaho Power is proposing to reduce the rate it credits for extra power tenerated by net metering customers. Please consider the fact that many ldahoans invested their own capital based on the reasonable assumption that net meterinS custome13 would be credited at the same rate as any other customer. Net meterint clients reduce t he capita I ldaho Power must invest in eledricity Seneration and contribute to clean enerty production in ldaho. ldeallynet meterint clie nts wo uld receive a return on their capita I intheformof a hi8her rate credit than typical clients. Ata minimum and in th€ interest of fairness, please consider maintaining the status quo that many ldahoans like me relied upon in making their decision to install a rooftop solar system. Unique ldentifier: Attachment 3 - Page 44 I Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Charg rayS 5@ outlook.com Monday, ,une 3, 2019 9:,15 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holq Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Charlene Gray Name: Charlene Gray Case Number: IPC-E-1E-15 Email: ChargrayS5@outlook.com Telephone: 2O88a57775 Address: 525 4th Ave E Goodint lD, 83330 Name of utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Seems ldaho Power wants to change/reduce net metering rates it credits customeR who generate their own electricity and have some to sell. lsee no good reason for this and would consideritan unfair practice. ldaho Power says it supports clean energy yet a rate cut s€ems a discoura8ement for consumers to invest in a system. I applaud those who have taken the initiative to make our world a better place. Often ldaho Powe6'actions and intents do not align ,,vith their public claims. I hope a cuvreduction will not be allowed. Thank you. Unique ldentifier: 774.20a.35.244 Attachment3-Page45 I Diane Holt from: S.nt: To: Subjea: densalnampa@live,com Tuesday, June 4, 2019 6:39 AM Beverly garker; Diane Holf; Erik Jorgensenj Mafthew Evans Case Comment Form: Walter Eggleston Name: Walter Eggleston case Number: lPc-E-18-15 Email: densalnampa@live.com Telephone: Address: 4500 E Erooklyn Dr. Nampa ldaho, E3686 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Pow€r Comment: After makin8 a large investment with Solar Power, I now hear that ldaho Power wants to treat solar curtomers different with a rate that ls not as ftiendly as other customers get. I do NOT thlnk this is right. Attachment3-Page46 Unique ldentifier: I Diane Holt F om: Scnt: To; Subject: d248scott@gmail.com Tuesday, June 4, 2019 7:30 AM Eeverly Barket Diane Holt Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: oeirdre Scott Name; Oeirdre Scott Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: d248scott@gmail.com Telephone: 2O8-258-9389 Address: 216 14th Ave N Euhl lD, E3316 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: ldaho Power needs to treat net metering custom€rs fairly. lf ldaho Power believes in their commitment to clean energy they should help, not hobble, ldaho's clean energy future. Unique ldentifier: I I Attachment3-Page47 Diane Holt From: Sentt To: Subject: ldurtschi@blaineschools.org Wednesday, June 5, 2019 10;36 AM Beverly Barkeri Diane Holt: Erik.,orgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Lane Dunschi Name: Lane Dunschi Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: ldurtschi@blaineschools.org Telephone: 2087270774 Address: 5 MOUNTAIN VIEW DR cAREY rdaho, 83320 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Please keep the regulations & cods for solar and net metering as beneficial as possible to the homeowner. Th€re's a huge upfront cost to the homeowner who would invest in this treen energy resource that ldaho Power doesn't have to pay(lowering ldaho Power costs). ldaho needs to encourage the use of this natural renewable ener8y source. Also durinB some of the highest electricity needs(summer afternoonslthe solar panels are producing the most, which is often sold to other states at a much hither rate(which also benefits ldaho Power). ldaho Power should welcome this added source of power that costs them very little(mostly grid maintenance which is already required).Thank you for takin8 my comments seriously and I appreciate all you do to keep ldaho a great place to livel Unique ldentifier: 66.232.9O.254 Attachment3-Page48 I I I Diane Holt From: Sent; To: Subject: ldurtschi@blaineschools.org Wednesday, June 5, 2019 10:36 AM Beverly Barkec Diane Holt; Erik.,orgensen; Matthew ns Case Comment Form: Lane Durtschi Name: Lane Durtschi Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 tmail: ldurtschi@blainerchools.ort Telephone: 2087270774 Address: 5 MOUNTAIN VIEW DR CAREY ldaho, 83320 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Please keep the regulations & co for solar and net metering as beneficial as possible to the homeowner. who would invest in this green energy resource that ldaho Power doesn'tThere's a huge upfront cost to the hom have to pay(lowering ldaho Power . ldaho needs to encourage the use of this natural renewable en€rgy source, Also durinB some of the hiBhest icity needs(summer afternoons)the solar panels are producinS the most, which is often sold to other states at a higher rale(which also benefits ldaho Power). ldaho Power should welcome this added source of power that them very little(mostly grid maintenance which is already required).Thank you for takint my comments and I appreciate all you do to keep ldaho a great place to livel Unique ldentifier:.90.254 Drq\cdL Attachment3-Page49 I Diane Holt f rom: Senl: To: Subje(t: rkessler2 550@gmail.com Thursday, June 6, 2019 10:56 AM Beverly Earker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Rob Kessler Name: Rob Kessler Case NumbeL IPC-E-18-15 Email: rkessle12550@ gmaal.com Telephone: Address: 1048 West Julep Cl Nleridian lD, 83642 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Hello, I have a comment on ldaho Power's attempt to reduce the rate it cfedits net metering customers. First, I don't understand this attempt when they are campaignint to become 100% green energy by 2045. Reducint the rate of credit, would only hun this push toward green energy. Second, why should net metering customers be treated differently when they are actually improving the state of power generation that helps all consumers as well as ldaho Powers bottom line. The power net meterint customers generate helps reduce our reliance on out of state fossil fuels, which are expensive and environmentally unfriendly, ldaho Power should be encouraging its customers to install solar, not discouraging them by discrimination. Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page50 I From: Smt: To: Subiect: gebhardsj@gmail.com Friday. June 7.2019 3:15 PM Beverly Barker Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form:John Gebhards Name: John Gebhards Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: gebhardsi@gmail.com Telephone: Address: PO Box 4391 Mccall lD, 83538 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power COmpany Comment: As a home owner who has a solar array on my house, I am disappointed to hear that ldaho Power is wantin8 to provide a lower rate when lproduce more po\.yer than luse through net metering. Doing so will discou rage home and business owners from considering addint solar to their properties. The power that I provide is being sold to other customers at the IPCO rate, not what they would be buying it from solar producers. Have a double set of rates is unfair and I oppose adopting any such rule. lt would be n ice to see the IPUC su pport the consumer rather tha n the utility. Unique ldentafier: Attachment3-Page51 Diane Holt L Diane Holt From: Sert: To: Subject: jmcaldwell5 1 9@gmail.com Eriday, June 7, 2019 2:24 PM Eeverly Barkec Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Formr Jeff Caldwell Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Company Comment: What is ldaho Powers tru€ intentions? lam a conservative native of Bois€ ldahowith 4 generations before me gracinB the trounds at Morris llill Cemetery. I love this place, but I don't consider myself a so called Breenie or tree hugBer, However, I have and do make decisions that are Ereen in nature to help this community and world to be a great place. lrecycle, chip and compost yard waste, use l-Eo lithts, and have an all electric home, but I have to admit I do back up my h€at pump by burning wood in my wood stove on extra cold davs. A commercial building I own uses geothermal ground water for heat. ldaho Powers current application for changing the net metering reSulations is wrong for solar systems that are already installed or in the process of being done. Monetary decisions were made based on those decisions. leven question a change for systems goin8 forward. lfind it interesting that ldaho Power sends us inserts in our bills every month onhow well they are doin8 inthe Breen movement and how Breen ldaho Power is compared to other utilities. However, there current action speaks differently and quite honestly lfind it hypocritical. I made a capital investment in 2017 for e solar system installed on both my p€rsonal residence and a commercial buildinS. My decision was made based on one set of explicit and understood regulations and principles toverninB solar systems by the PUC and ldaho Power Company in 2017. The purchase of both of these systems was based on the payback period for both ofthese systems usinS the 2017 metering rules; not from a couple years in the future with new rules. ln short, you don't change the rules after the game has already been played to change the score and outcomel This present action by ldaho Powe, Company seems to lack forthrightness and a fairness of principle. lt's absolutely wronS and it creates a bad business atmospher€. lf the PUc doesn't say no to changes to the net metering rules on existint systems already installed or in process how do you trust them in the future. lfor one do not since lcalled their office before decidint to purchase my two systems and I was informed that the PUC would not change any regulations ,or already installed systems. I believe purchasers of solar systems save costs for the other customers of ldaho Power Company by taking the risk of the upfront expense ofthe capital investment. The upfront cost isn't passed through to existing customers like it would be if ldaho Power Company would expand its generatint operations. By installing these solar systems, it helps the utilitv to meet its peak loads durinS the summer when air conditionin8 is the big draw. With the rapid population growth of the ldaho, do you think don't you think citizen investments help keep up with the electrical demand? Wouldn't it be nice to charge interest to ld aho Power fo r the electricity we ge n€rate a bove ou r individ ua I usage? Whataboutthe discussion on global warming; maybe with this current application ldaho Power should put its actions where its words a re, Jeff Caldwell Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page52 Name: Jeff Caldwell Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: lmcaldwell519@gmail.com Telephone: 2088900514 Address: 1581Cow Horse 0r Kuna |D,83634 I Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: daralene@ mac.com Frida, .,une 7, 2019 1110 AM Beverly Barkec Diane Holt; Erik .iorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Daralene Finnell Name: Daralene Finnell Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: daralene@mac.com Telephone: Address: Hailey lD, 83333 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Dear Commissioners, As a person conc€rned about using clean energy and a solar panel owner, I urge you not to chang€ the buy back rate for enerSy tenerated by solar. Our future depends on clean sustainable eneryy. ldaho Power promotes their commitment to it and yet this would be a step in the other direction. Please continue the buy back rate as it is now. lt ls such a great feelinSto know that we are generatinS power for our own use and others.iust because the sun is shining. Thankyou for your consideration. Respectfully, Daralene Finnell Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page53 L Diane Holt From: Senl: To: Subject: sue99p@gmail.com Friday, .,une 7, 2019 9:00 AM Beverly Barker; 0iane Holt Erik Jorgens€n; lvlatthew Evans Case Comment Form:sue peteEen Name: sue petersen Case Number: IPC -E-18-15 Email: sue99p@gmail.com Telephone: 2087889647 Address: hailey lD, 83333 Name of Utility Company: none Comment: l'm writing to urgeyou to encourage ratherthan discourage citizens using rooftop solar. Yousayyouare anterested in clean energy and promoting a fossil fuel future. but your net metering policy say! otherwise. Treat your net meterin8 customers well. Unique ldentifier: f? Attachment3-Page54 I Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: Name: Nancy Holcomb Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: n lho lco mb52 @gma il.com Telephone: 208-78A-2170 Address: PO Box 3289 Hailey ldaho,83333 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: lt would be a sad state of affairs if ldaho Power reduced the rate it credits ldahoans for any extra power they generate. This is clean energy which needs to be promoted and rewarded. lt seems to me that lt would benetit ldaho Power as well. We all need to work together for the benefit of the planetl Thank-you for reading this. Unique ldentifi€r: 162.272.L96.L77 Attachment3-Page55 nlholcombS2@gmail.com ThuBday, June 6. 2019 5:31 PM Beverly Barkerj Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Manhew Evans Case Comment Form: Nan(y Holcomb I Diane Holt Fiom: Sent: To: Subject: Name: Matthew Stalker Case Number: IPC-E-l8-15 Email: purdumatt@yahoo.com Telephone: 2087273741 Addressr 12170 State Highway 75 Hailey 1D,83333 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: As a homeowner who has put their money where their beliefs lie, and installed rooftop solar, I have provided a benefit for ldaho Power and all ldahoans inline with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission rules. To change the rules, for people who invested or will invest in ldaho's future, will do two major things. 1. lt will shift any power away from the individual power producers {ie: homeowners). As power producers, again, under the exjstin8 rules of lPuC, we have created a seat at the table. To itnore or reduce our seat is against the goals of IPUC and a detrimental practice. We have provided a benefit to the community which is paid out at the rate previously agreed upon (net metering). To shorten this length of time which we have invested against is plain wrong. To shift the investment benefit away from the homeowner and Bive it to ldaho Power is stealing.2, lt will reduce future homeowner investment into clean energy. While IPUC's mission statement may not be for economic expansion or clean energy, the distribution of energy sources and the desire of homeowners to create jobs locally should be enough for lpUC to latch onto. The goal of the IPUC should be to create the greatest good and reducing the current net meterint retulations goes against this. Distributed {rooftop) solar has benefits to the grid, including decreasing the need for energy generation and transmission that the per-kwh fees are desitned to collect money for. There are studies whlch demonnrate that the net metering is responsible for financial benefits Breater than its costs. When power companies such as ldaho Power are getting, touting, and selling these b€nefits, at no additional payment to the rooftop solar owners and investors, it is discriminating that they then come back to the IPUC and request even further reduced benefits to us. Please do not allow this discrimination Matthew Stalker Unique Id€ntifier: Attachment3-Page56 purdumatt@yahoo.com Monday, ,une 10,201911:55 AM Beverly garket; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Malthew Evans Case Comment Form: Matthew Stalker I Diane Holt From: Sent: To: subjed: kpebertz@cox.net Tuesday, June 11, 2019 9:47 AM Eeverly Barker; Diane Holq Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Kirk Eberlz Name: Kirk Ebertz Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: kpebertz@cox.net Telephone: 208 720 2454 Address: PO Box 1901 Ketchum lD, 83340 Name of Utilitv Company: ldaho Pow€r Comment: You should ng people to use clean energy not penalizing them. I understand solar generators need to pay their share for infrastructure but make the fee fair and equitable and encourage users to use clean energy so we all can have clean air and water to live with. Thank you Unique ldentifier: 1 Attachment3-Page57 Diane Holt jlschott2 @f rontiernet. net Monday, June 10.2019 l0:34 PM Eeverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Formr John SchottSubject: Name: John Schott Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email:.llschott2@f rontiernet.net Telephonei Address: MccaI tD, 83638 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: I think ldaho Power should encourage more use of clean energy by treating net metering customers fairly, O,o not reduce the rate credited for the clean energy ldahoans produce. Rooftop solar crates iobs and keeps our dollars in ldaho, as well as improvint air quality and stopping Blobal warming. ldaho Power should help build ldaho's clean energy future, not hinder it. Thank you. Unique ldentifi er: Attachment3-Page58 From: S.nt: To: I Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subj.ct: summitecho@gmail.com Monday, ,une 10,2019 5:00 PM Bevertlr Barkec Diane Holt Erik Jorgensen; Matthev/ Evans Case Comment Form: W Northrop Name: W Northrop Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: summitecho@gmail.com Telephone: Address: Boise lO, 83702 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: ldaho Power wants to reduce the rat€ it credits for any extra power ldahoans generate. Many homeowners and business owners in ldaho want to reduce their power bills and support clean energy. They have invested millions of dollars into our local economy by installing rooftop solar systems, which support localiobs and wo*ers, These ldahoans are reducing our reliance on out-of-state fossil fuels and protecting our air quality. Do not change net metering as an obstruction to the critical role clean enerSy can play in creating a vibrant and healthy state. Unique ldentifien 96,19,8.225 Attachment3-Page59 I RECEIVED l0l9JUlt tZ ilt 8:38 .',' l? ; ii.'ibtf,5l8s roN June 11, 2019 ldaho Pu blic Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0014 -.:/C{ ll0 rp(r- E -/e-/t To Whom it May Concern, With ldaho Power's commendable efforts towards clean energy in the State of ldaho, I encourage you to tr€at net-metering customers fairly and equitably. lf I make efforts to save water by limiting my irrigation, the City of Hailey does not increase my rates. lf I drive a fuel efficient automobile, I don't pay extra at the pump, Likewise, when l'm banking credits w;th ldaho Power, thanks to my solar system, I expect to recerve full credit for that power in return. Tha n < you for you r time. Sincerely, t M ichael Wolter 541 Docs Hickory Dr. Hailey, lD 83333 Attachment3-Page60 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject; mnimages@hotmail.com Wednesday, June 12,2019 3:02 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holq Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Ron Marquart Name; Ron Marquan Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: mnimages@hotmail.com Ielephone: +11208344401 Address: 3300 E. Red Stone Dr Boise lD. 83712 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Why should homes generating alternative solar energy from the sun be penalized for using less electricity from ldaho Power? Solar ''net metering' customers pay for any power they use from the grid, and they pay the same monthly .ustomer charge like everyone else. lf we Benerate extra power, we just wantto be paid fairly for providing local, clean energyto our neighbors. We have already invested money into our local economy by installing rooftop solar systems by supportint lo€aljobs and workers. We are reducing the use of out-of-state fossil fuels and protectin8 our air quality. We should be rewarded for our efforts, not penalized! Unique ldentif ier: 75.77 4.7 5 -7 6 Attachment3-Page61 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To; Subject: remraf@rocketmail.com Tuesday, June 11,2019 8:2'l PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Gregory Farmer Name: Gregory Farmer Case Number: lpc-E-18-15 Email: remraf @rocketmail.com Telephone: Address: 568 Victoria Dr Boise ldaho, 83705 Name of Utility Company: ldaho power Comment: I understand that home owners with solar panels should help pay for infrastructure, but I have not seen any study results showing how that is calculated for all rate payers. As ldaho Power moves towards renewable and sustainable eneryy production, homeowners willing to invest in that future via solar panels should be applauded and rewarded, not punished via higher rates when they do use electricity from the grid Unique ldentifier: 107.2.24.t26 1 Attachment3-Page52 Diane Holt From: S.nt: To: Subrcct: michellemeyers@cableone.net Monday, June 17, 2019 8:45 AM Eeverly Earkq Diane Holt; Erik Jorgenseo; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Michelh Meyers Name: Michell€ Mey€rs Case Number; IPC-E-18-15 Email: michellemeyers@cableone,net Telephone: Address: Boise ldaho, 83706 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: My husband and I are considering installing solar panels on our roof because we wish to support clean ener8y and also want to save money on our electric bill. As estimated by two solar compa nies it will ta ke approxlmately 10-11 years before we break even on our investment. While we agr€e we should paythe "monthly customer charge" to use the trid like everyone else, we should not be penalized for doing 50 lhat lt prevents us and other homeowners from chantiq their power source to cleaner energy. Please keep the net meterint rates as they are so that more ldahoans elect to do the right thing for our environment. Unique ldentifi er: Attachment3-Page63 I Diane Holt Fronr: 5.nt: To: SubJact: maryjmadow@gmail.com Monday, June 17, 2019 lOrll AM Beverly Eerke[ Diane Hoh; Erik ,orgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Mary Jane Marlow Name: Mary Jane Marlow Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Emall: maryimarlow@Bmall.com Telephone: 8057207337 Address: 485 5. Winslow Bay Way srAR rD, 83669 Name of Utility Company: Ms. Comment: What is ldaho Power thinking by even considering changinB hs net metering rates!l Don't allow ldaho Power to hobble and curtail ldaho's clean enerty future by eating into homeowner's pocket books or other companies wantint to usc solar power, They should be helping the transition to solar not hindering it- Unique ldentifier: 72.14.t67.7E7 I Attachment3-Page64 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: 8941Dim@gmail.com Monday, June 17,2019 1:41 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Manhew Evans Case Comment Form: Margaret Dimmick Name: Margaret Oimmick Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: 8941Dim@gmail.com Telephone: 2088606843 Address:8941 W DUCK LAKE DR Eoise lD, 83714 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Poruer Comment: We are encourated by ldaho Powers commitment to clean energy. As net-metered customers of ldaho Pourer, w€ also arc doinB what we believe is ritht for the €nvironment. We have put our money where our mouths are on this issue, includint continuing to pay service fees to ldaho Power to support service-wide infrastructure. We believe the partnership between ldaho Power and its net-metered customers is best advanced if ldaho Power treats us fairly as panners in clean energy, rather than penalizint us for our commitment to the environment. Re s pectfu lly, Mar8aret Dimmick Unique ldentifi er: Attachment3-Page65 Subject: 1 Diane Holt F?om: Scnt: To: SubJ.ct neukurtl @gmail.com Monday, June 17,2019 2O7 PM Beverly Earker; Diane Holi Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Cas€ Comment Form: Kurt Burkholder Name: Kurt Eurkholder Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: neukurtl@Bmail.com Telephone: Address: 309 N. Picardy Place Boise 10,83706 I was further encoura8ed by ldaho Power's recent announcement of a 2045 Boal of 100% clean power. It now seems to be a step backward if ldaho Power is requestint the Commission in this proceeding to consider reducinS the rate credited or paid to residential custom€rs for excess power generated by their solar. I understand ldaho Power is concerned that the current tarlff does rot capture all costs or ls untair to other customers. However, reducing the nel meterlng rate would not be fair to customers like us who have already invested in solar, and would undermine incentives to achieve clean enerSy. Unique Identifier: 760.2.777.19 Attachment3-Page66 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: When moving to ldaho a year ago I was initially disappointed to learn that the state lacked a statewide requirement of net metering for solar. I was then encouraged that our electric provider, ldaho Power, nonetheless offered net meterint. Partly on that basis, my wife and I invested in solar installation at our home. Diane Holt fao]n SGnt: To: subject: MAILMLB2l @ICtOUD.COM Sunday, June 16,2019 2:54 PM Beverly BarkeI Oiane Holt; Erik rorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: MARCUS BUSHONG Name: MARCUS BUSHONG Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: MAlLMtB2l@ICtOUD.COM Telephone: Address; 2455 WOODSIDE ELVD HAILEY ID, 83333 Name of Utility Company: IoAHO POWER Comment: As an American, and as a customer of ldaho Power I do expect net meterint customers to be treated and billed fairly. We are all in this toSether. Thank you! Marcus Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page67 1 from: Scnt To: garyg388@gmail.com 5unday, June 16, 2019 1l:04 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holti Erik lorgenseni Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Gary DawsonSubject: Name: Gary Dawson Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: taryg388@gmail.com Telephone: 2088551779 Address: 523 N l-ocust St Boise lD, 83712 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: lam retired and ona fixed income. Before retiring I invested a lol of money in a sola r array to offset future predictable cost increas€s in electdcity. Since installation in 2014, mynet metering system has returned 43,539 kwh back to the 8rid. 6iven the current rates this comes to nearly 54,000 worth of FREE electricity I hav€ given to ldaho Power to use as they see fit. Ithink l have made a substantial contribution to not only ldaho Power's bottom line but also to shrinking my "carbon footprint". A fair price is not too much to ask, especialv since it is my investment that is at risk, not ldaho Power's. l,.inique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page68 Diane Holt Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subjcct: Name: paul dawson Cas€ Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email; pdawsonoSlS@Small.com Telephone: 2088596641 Addrers: 5180 E Forest Floor Av Boise lD, 83716 Name of Utility company: ldaho Power Comment: I urge you to treat metering customers fairly. Unique ldentifier: pdawson0818@gmail.com Sunday, June 15.2019 1:52 AM Eeverly Earkei Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: paul dawson Attachment3-Page69 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: 5ubject: paulagmeunier@gmail.com Satufday, June 15, 2019 5:34 PM Bevedy Barkeri Oiane Holt; Erit Jorgensen; Matthew Evan5 Case Comment Form: Paula G Meunier Name: Paula G Meunier Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: paula8meunier@Smail.com Telephone: 2084208200 Address: 1965 Northern Sky Dr Twin Falls lD, 83301-3918 Name of Utility Company: tdaho Power Comment: ldaho Power needs to treat net meterin8 customers fairly. ldaho Power needs to keep their word to consumers and businesses who in good taith switched to {or started businesses to provide) solar power with the promise that ldaho Power will purchase excess power and charge reasonable meter fees. For years ldaho Power has gotten away with taising rates on existint customers to pay for infrastructure for new customets... Then they got paid by the new customers and rat€s to existing customers never went down. I've never understood that.., Unique ldentif ier: Attachment3-Page70 1 Diane Holt Frcm: Sent: To: Subj.cl: range-rat43@gmail.com Saturday, lune 15, 2019 10:37 AM Eeverly garker; 0ian€ Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Anne Carr Name: Anne Carr Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: range.rat43@tmail.com Telephone: 2083155499 Address: 1i1023 HideawaV Cl. McCaI td, 83638 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Just read Ben Otto's article in today's Statesman, 8nd am outraged that you are reducing the rat€ at whlch you pay custome.s who may have spent many thousands oftheir own dollars to help create clean enerty. Yousayyou are committed to clean energy yet you do thls evil deed to punish those who help you achieve this supposed goal of yours. You should be ashamed! Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page71 I Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subj!ct: susanirene@cableone,net Saturday,.Jun€ 15,2019 8i48 AM Beverly Earkec Diane Holt; Erik Jorg€nsen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Susan Littlefield Name: Susan Littlefield Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: susanirene@cableone.net Telephone: 208 720-8307 Address: 2968 N Fairglen Ave Meridian lD, 83546 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Company Comment: We are trying to reduce our power bill and suppon clean enerty, so we installed solar panels and are now a net meterint customer. We feel it is imperative that net metering customers be treated fuirly, a nd that ldaho Power not change the net metering rates. People should be en€oura8ed to protect the environment in every way possible, not be punished for doin8 so! Please k€ep the net m€terang rates at theircurr€nt levell Unique ldentifi€r: 67.60.145,175 Attachment3-Page72 I Fromi Sent: To: Subject: f4ister@gmail.com Saturday, ,une 15, 2019 7:25 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comrnent Form: Richard Tholen Name: Richard Tholen Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: f4ister@gmail.com Telephone: 2088635234 Address: 751 W Headwaters Dr Eagle 1D,83616 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Company Comment: America's future is in producint clean, renewable enerty. While our federal and state Bovernments refuse to invest in clean, renewable enerBy, individual ldahoans have chosen to take on substantial risk and invest in solar energy. They have made significant investment in solar eneryy systems with a certain payback period in mind. This commission should protect these pioneering ldaho citizens and their sitnificant financial investments by requirinB ldaho Power to pay these investors the same rdte that the homeowner pays for the protons and electrons that move through the wires that connect their homes to the electric grid. lt's the right thing to do for these pioneering homeownert the ritht thing to do for our country, and the right thing to do for our planet. Please do the right thingl Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page73 Diane Holt I Diane Holt F om: 5€nt: To: Subjecr: burleyglass@pmt.org Tueday,.,un€ 18,2019 2:58 PM Beverly Earke[ Diane Hol! Erik ]org€nse0 Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Leslie Kerr Name: Leslie Kerr Case Number: z'l' , I Email: burleVgla!s@pmt.o€ lelephone: 208-670-0579 Address: 1013 W. 400 50. Heyburn lD, 83336 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: lexpect ldaho Power to treat net metering customers fairly. They cannot do that if they red uce the rate they pay me for beinB independent and putting any excess on the electric grid. Unique ldentifier: 7 Attachment3-Page74 I Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: marilee@henderson(orporation,com Wednesday, June 19, 2019 2:04 PM Beverly Barker; 0iane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Marilee Lovell Name: Marilee Lovell Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: marilee@hendersoncorporation.com Telephone:2089941284 Address: 91.5 N. 19th St Boise 10,83702 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: ldaho Power says it wa nts to promote Green Energy. They send information in each bill describing how they are trying to achieve a greener future for the Treasure Valley. 8y Setting rid of Net met€rin& they discount the benefit that individual and private corporation funded arrays provide to the grid during peak demand periods. It seems they only want to OWN the green power. Th€y suppon renewable power only they can charge for it. Net MeterinS empowers all of us to mak€ our own contributions and help make the Treasure Valley a lovely place to live. Please keep Net Meterint. Thank you. Attachment3-Page75 Unique ldenlifier: I Diane Holt From: Senl: To: Subject: t.weingartner@yahoo.com Wednesday, June 19,2019 4:t9 PM Beverly Ba*er; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Tom and]ean Weingartner Name: Tom aod lean Weinganner Case Number: Case Number IPC-E-18-15 Email j t.weingartner@yahoo.com Telephone: Address: 307 N. Picardy Pl Boise ldaho, 83706 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: We oppose ldaho Powe/s attempt to reduce the rate it credits net metering customers. How does this make sense when ldaho Power wants to generate 100% green energy by 2045? Reducin8 the rate of credit will impede this goal. Why should net metering customers be treated differently when they are improving power generation that helps ALL consumers and ldaho Power's financials? We invested S30,m0 on our home solar system with the expectation that this will be paid off in 15 years when present net meterint rates are factored in. Our decision to to solar was based in part on this assessm€nt. lP now wants to change the rules on us, which is unf"ir- lam not opposed to payio8 fixed fees to support the lP's infrastructure. but we sacrificed considerably in order to generate solar. Finally, solar power is a ErowinE economic engine in ldaho and changinB these rates will benefit outside investors while negativelV impact local businesses. Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page76 Oiane Holt trom: Scnt: To: bethelandi@gmail.com Thursday, .iune 20, 2019 1 '1:42 AM Beverly BarkeI Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; lvlatthew Evans Case Comment Form: Eeth LandisSubject; Name:8eth Landis case Number: IPC-E-18-15 €mail: bethelandi@Bmail.com Telephone: Address: 1540 E Rivers End Ct Eagle lD, 83616 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: I request that ldaho Power treat net meterin8 customers fairly. ldaho Power should enable and promote ldaho's clean energy future, U n ique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page77 1 Diane Holt From: Sent To: SubJ€ct bevandmike@q.com Friday, June 2'1,2019 1:47 Pi,l Beverly Earker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: N,like Sheeley Name: Mike sh€eley Case Number: IPC-E.18-15 Email: bevandmike@q.com Telephone: Address: Boise ldaho, 83703 Name of Utility Company; ldaho Power Comment: We had a small (7.Skw) residential solar panel system installed in 2014. When decidinS to install that system we considered a number of matters as follows: the initial cost outlay; the federal tax credit; the effect of net meterint; and,ofequal importance, the benefit to the environment. We made our decislon to install the system based, in no small part, on the details of net meterin8 as they then existed. Sance that point in time, it appears to me that ldaho Power has, contrary to its espoused adoptlon of "g.een philosophies" enBaged in an ongoint and systematic effort to undercut the production of alternative enerty in ldaho. lt s€ems patently unfair to allow people to expend significant amounts of money on solar panels ln rellance based upon existing net metering standards and thereafter endeavor to change the rulesoftheBame, That cond uct not only devalues our existint solar pa ne I system but also hasachllling effect on future alternative enerty pro.iects in the state. I think the following matters are also worthy of consideration. First, our solar pane I system sends energytothegird during periods of high demand which directly benefits ldaho Power. Secondly, the energy our system sendstoth€Bird onlytravels short d istances to our neighbors which minimizes a ny lossin transmission. Thirdly, ldaho Po!,yer receives amounts of energy produced by our system without havint had to make any capital investment in hardlvare. It should also be noted in the context of possible fixed rates/fees that solar panels decrease in efficiency over time, which could result in a situation where rates remain fixed while a system's production declines. I sincerely hope that the membe6 of PUC consider the value to all ldaho Power customers of the lack of harmful emissions avoided by alternative energy production. ln litht of its continued .eliance upon coalfired power plants, ldaho Power should be underta king €very possible effort to promote the installation of solar panels on its customers' homes rather than attemptinS to discoura8e such efforts. Thank you Uniq ue ldentifier: 75.77 4.172.227 Attachment3-Page78 lrequest that the PUC retain net metering with all its current rules and standards. I Diane Holt rlom; iGnt: To: Subjcct: kcclark@citlink.net Monday, June 24, 2019 12:37 PM Beverly Barkeri Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Kelly Clark Name: Kelly Clark Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: kcclark@citlink,net Telephone: 208-534-7995 Address:441 Krahn Lane McCall ldaho,83638 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: After installing a solar power system and goint to ldaho Power Net Metering I do not support ldaho Powers request to charge me more for when I am not producing my oeyn electricity (at nitht or during snow storms). I do not support ldaho Power request to payback less in energy credits when I am back feeding in to their system durin8 peek demands for them to be charging their other customers fullor premium rates. ltdoesnotseem correct to have to pay more money for the less you use. Please consider my request in this maner and say NO to ldaho Power for their rate increase application request to discriminate people like us tha t a re tryint to conserve € nergy. Unique ldentafier; 50.37.2f1.7 7 1 Attachment3-Page79 Diane Holt From: Sent: To; Subject: jw5227ok@msn.com Saturday, lune 22, 2019 8:29 AM Eevedy Barke( Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Jimmy Schmidt Name: Jimmy Schmidt Case Number; lpc-e18-15 Email: jw5227ok@msn.com Telephone: Address: 5227 Stuart Ave. Chubbuck ldaho, 83202 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Company Comment: I am opposed to any chanBes in the net metering program! When considering the installation of my new solar system part of the calculation that we us€d was the one to one ratio for power consumption and generation in the net metering program. After a large outlay of cost for building the system I have calculated mV cost and my needs on a fixed income since l'm retired. Chanting these values will adverselv affect my recovery cost from my system- Solar systems deSrade over time causing further investment on my part. As a power tenerator I use very little of the grid since my generation goes to local houses according to the ldaho Power companv solar spokesman. Some states have times of brownout durint hiSh peak us€. Solar systems produce power at peak use times thus benefiting all ldaho Power customers. As ldaho's population Broh/s we need to be diverse in our power production. We need to produce power efficiently and W€ need to welcome new power producers. As an ldaho Power customer I have helped build out the grid for 45 years as have other ldaho Power cuslomers. I do have investment in the grid as do most idahoans. Please help us keep ldaho Sreen by promotint the use of Sreen enerty and not changing the net metering program. lf this is not what you decide to do I ask at the very least that you consider grandfatherinB those of us who do have systems that are already installed on thls contrad. Please make the right decision and don't chante the net metering program. Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page80 1 Diane Holt From: Scnt: To: janet@buschert.com tnday, )une 21,2019 8:37 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holq Erik Jorgensen; lvlatthew Evans Case Commenl Form:Janet BuschertSubject: Name: Janet guschert Case Number: IPC-E-18^15 Email: ianet@buschert,com Telephone: 208-830-6878 Address: 235 w Floating Feather Rd Eatle ldaho,83616 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: we are customers of ldaho Power, and we've installed two solar arrays on our property - one to benefit our home and one to benefit a rental property next door. We invested in solar in order to assist the environment, which ldaho Power claims it does as well. Ey installing our solar we assist ldaho Power in avoiding future costs by providing energy back to the grid during peak hours. We help create a healthier grid, not one that causes them move expense. There's noneed to studythe costs and benefits ofon-site generation as well as proper ratesand rate design. Noris there reason to study related issues for compen:ation for net excess energy resource. There is no need for ldaho Power to move ahead with consideration5 that will undoubtedly result in us paying more while we use less energy, lask you to deny this petition Unique ldentifi€r: Attachment3-Page81 I Diane Holt From: Sent: To: SubJect: hudsonl 844@frontiercom Wednesday, lune 26,2019 2:18 PM Beverly Barkerj Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Carol Hudson Name: carol Hudson Case Number: : 1" I i '; ' Email I hudson1844@frontier.com Ielephone: Address; Post Falls ldaho, 83854 Name of Utility Company: Avlsta Comment: I respectfully ask that ldahoans who have chosen to install solar panels at their homes or businesses and investing their own money to meet their own energy needs not be penalized by utility companies raisinS their bills. Our utilities should treat these ldahoans fairly by paying them for any extra clean energy these citizens produce. Additionally, I ask that Avista speed up its exit from the Colstrap power plant. Thank you. Ca rol Hudson Unique ldentifier: 104.24O.7a.225 Attachment3-Page82 I Diane Holt From; S€nt To: Subject: stephen_veals@hotmail.com Wednesday, June 25,2019 2:25 PM Beverly Earket Diane HolU Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Stephen Veals Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Hello PUC, I am writing you on behalf of all home owners who install solar panels on their homes here in ldaho. l'm requestlng to have ldaho Power stop rate hikes on these climate change-fighting citizens who invest their own money to help fiSht an existential threat to all ldahoans, They should not be punished with utility rate hikes or face an unfair meager reimbursement since they are actually generating power and putting it back onto the grid which of cours€ benefits ldaho Power. This utility has made a commitmenl to shift 1m% of it's energy to renewable sources by 2045 and it needs to stand by it's commitment. Thank you. Sincerely, Stephen Veals Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page83 Nam€: Stephen Veals - .,.- case Number: T P' ' t' - 1'l ) Email: stephen_vea ls@hotmail,com Telephone: 2086@2122 Address: 5211 N Parkwood St Boise ldaho,83704 I Diane Holt From; Sent: To: SubJect: Name: Erin Hull case Number: zPt? f- /,'.' Email: Erinhull@hotmail.com Telephone: Address: Boise ldaho, 83713 Erinhull@hotmail,com Thursday, June 27, 2019 6:34 AM Eeverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Erin Hull Name of Utility Company; ldaho Power Comment: Please do not change the rules for customer-owned clean energy as ldaho Power would request that you do. ldahoans have a right to spend their own money to go solar and ldaho Power must treat customers fairly. Particularly since ldaho Power has committed to clean energy. Unique ldentifier: I Attachment3-Page84 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subjed: tjharris@gmail,com Friday, rune 28, 2019 8:10 PM Beverly Earker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Tyler Harris Name: Tyler Harris Case Number; lPc-E-l8-15 Email: tjharris@Bmail.com Tele phone: Address: Boise ldaho, 83712 Nam€ of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Please do not p€nalize forward thinkint energy consumers by allowing ldaho Power to reduce rates paid back to net metering solar customers. Those who are genelatins enerty usint renewable sources should be encouraged in their endeavors, not penalized. The effects of climate change are already apparent, and the state should be doing everything possible to shift sources of energy toward sustainable, green solutions like solar. Unique ldentifier: Attachment3-Page85 I Diane Holt From: SGnt: To: Subject: nortonsu@msn.com Monday, July 8, 2019 10:18 AM Beverly Earkerl Diane Hok Case Comment Form: Susan Norton Namer Susan Norton Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: nortoniu@msn.com Telephone:2083784248 Address: 2529 N. Fry St., 80ise, lD Eoise lD, 83704 Name of Utility Company: Ms. Comment: lthink it is important for ldaho Power to treat net metering customers fairly. ldaho Power should do everything possible to encourage the use and development ofclean energy. People who are using and producing solar power should be encouraged financially to continue. ldaho Power should be doing all it can to encourage more of us to install solar power. Unique ldentifier: 75.17 4.87.54 Attachment3-Page86 I Diane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: stevehlongl @gmail.com Saturday, July 5, 20'19 2:19 AM Eeverly Earker; Diane Holt Case Comment Formr Stephen Long Name: Stephen Long Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email; stevehlongl@gmail.com Telephone: 2084569141 Address: 5411 East Greenhurst Rd. Nampa ldaho, 83686 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Company comment: lrespectfully submit, that I am grateful for the Public Utilities existence, their forward thinking, and their uncompromising concern Ior serving the best interests of all utility customers, including a smaller base of net metering users. While some would advocate the elimination of residential net metering customers by removing all financial incentives to invest in smell scale solar power generation as the best solution for a diversified €lean energy future, I am hopeful that the PUC is not willing to eliminate solar net metering customers altogether in its etforts to address the unequal cost distributions concerns in th€ current rate structure as proposed bythe ldaho Power Company. While lam sure both ldaho Power and the PUC work together to provide the fairest rate structures for all customer classes it $,rould be interesting to identity as clos€ as possible what thal actual cost transference (by net metering customers)'is" and how offensive it may be, in consideration ofother realized cost inequities already beinB absorbed by ldaho Power customers within the conservation of energy programs provided by ldaho Power. (This is not to imply that the enerBy conseruation incentives are not beneficial but they do result in a cost transference) Thanks again for your advocacy for all energy customers and consumers. lt is appreciated. I am a ldaho Power Solar net metering customer. Unique ldentifi er: 75.17 4.37.62 Attachment3-Page87 1 Diane Holt trom: Sent: To: Subject: abrueck@mindspring.com Monday, August 12.2019 3;28 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt Case Comment Form: lohn Brueck Name: John Brueck Case Number: IPC-E-18-15 Email: abrueck@mindspring.com Telephone: 2083459667 Address: 5450 N. CitadelWay Boise lD, 83703-2832 Name of Utility Compdny: ldaho Power Comment: Thank you for providing this opportunity to comment on ldaho Power's application to study net excess enerSy from customeron site generation. lbelieve it is critically important to encourage generation of renewable enerty in particular to give the freedom and opportunity to people who would like to install rooftop solar on their homes to generate electricity from the energy of the sun! I al:o believe it is important to keep the electricity Srid maintained in excellenl shape to avoid any fire or transmission problems. I would hope that the IPUC can come to a fair conclusion to allow both of these thints to occur that benefits both the individual generatinB onsite energy and the power companies. Unique ldentif ieri 75.17 4.74L.245 Attachment3-Page88 I Diane Holt From: SGnt: To: marthasbibb@ gmail.com Thursday, October '10, 2019 9:28 AM Diane Holt Case Comment Form: Martha S BibbSubject: Name: Martha S Bibb Case Number: IPC-E-18-15, IPC-E-1E-15 Email: marthasbibb@tmail.com Telephone: Address: 810 CD Olena Dr Hailey 1D,83333 Name of Utilitv Company: ldaho Power Comment: ldaho Power should not be allowed to change their net metering rate for solar customers. ldaho power has not made the necessary investments into renewable energy. Private customers, resid€ntialand aSricultural customers, have made a commitment, both environmental and financial into solar power. We deliver power to the grid. We should also have the net metering rate to offset our power usage when we cannot deliver power to the company grid. Small users are payint to support r€n€wable energy. ldaho Power, a huge corporation, needs to support the individual solar users. Unique ldentifi er: Attachment3-Page89 I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-18-15 IDAHO POWER COMPANY PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND/OR GLARIFICATION ATTACHMENT 4 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Lawrence G. Wasden Consumer Protection Division 954 W. Jefferson, 2nd Floor P.O. Box E3720 Boise, lD 83720-0010 Phone: (208) 134-2424 For Oftice Use Only CONSUMER COMPLAINT FORM For your convenience, you can fill out this form on your computer. However, to file your complaint, you must print, si8n, and send this form to the Attorney General's Office. We recommend that you print two copies of the form, sending one signed copy to us with supporting documentation and keeping the other copy with the supporting documentation for your own files. Please do not attempt to e-mail this form. We wlll not receive it. Please print completed form and mail it to the address listed above. INFORMATION AEOUT YOU Your Name: (required)ldaho Power Company Address: (required)1221 W. ldaho Sreet City:Eoise state: lD zip code:83702 Country:USA Phone:208-388-2625 Email Address:sstewart@idahopower.com Ate Group: (optional) C Under2l O zr-Es O se-ss C over 55 INFORMATION AEOUT THE BUSINESS OR THE PERSON THAT YOUR COMPIAINT IS AGATIUST Business or Person's Name: (required)Elue Raven Solar, LLC (and certain other solar retailers/instdllers) Address:1220 s. 530 E.,ste 430 City:American Fork State: w Zip Code:84003 Country: Phone:800-377-4480 Website:blueravensolar.com INFORMATION ASOUT YOUR COMPTAIT{T Does your complaint lnvolve the pglghisglgllEllglleelg of a product or seruice? lf so, please answer the followinB: lX ves l- tto Product or Service:Sales and/or Leasing of Solar Energy Systems Date Purchased/Rented/Leased:Amount Paid: Did you get the product? f y"s f tto l- tn pan was the service completed? f yer [-ruo .tnpart Does your complalnt inyolve a telephone solicitation? CONSUMER COMPI-AINT - Page 1 of 3 Attachment 4 - Page 1 lX ves [- t'to USA Descrlbe your complaint, including names, dates, lnd actions. Attach additional pages if necessary. Do not attach originals (we will not return them.l Please see Attachment 1 aod Exhibits A-E, enclosed herewith, detailinS ldaho Power's complaint that Blue Raven Solar, LLC and cenain other solar installers have engaged in clea r violations of the ldaho Consumer Protection Act by knowingly, misrepresenting their affiliation with ldaho Power and providing consumers with deceptive and misleading anformation about the cost, benefits, and financlal returns of solar installation. - Exhibit A: ldaho Power employee notes of customer calls or emails reporting misrepresentations about solar installers "partnering" with ldaho Power, along with other misleading sales tactics. - Exhibit B: ldaho Power employee notes of customer ca lls or emails reporting conduct involving Elue Raven Solar. - Exhibit C: ldaho Power employee notes of customer calls or emails reponlng misrepresentations from solar installers reBardinS the results consumers will achieve from solar installation, includinB statements that consumers will no longer receive bills from lda ho Power or will receive extremely low bills from ldaho Power following installation. - Exhibit D: Copies of misleading advertisements and so€ial media posts. - Exhibit E; Copies of correspondence between ldaho Power and Blue Raven 50lar, LLC. What do you think would be a fair resolution of your consumer complalnt? Based on the above information and enclosed Exhibits, ldaho Power respectfully requests your Consumer Protection Divisioo take the necessary actions to (a) deter solar companies, and most notably Blue Raven, from engaging in deceptive and unlawful practices to market and sellthelr products, and (b) initiate an educational campaign to spread awareness to ldaho consumers of the misrepresentations and unconscionable sales tactics in which solar companies are engaging to deceive and induce consumers into purchasing solar installatlon. Did the business or p€rson identified on page I previously provide you with a written response to your concerns? lX yes f trto lf so, please attach a ggpy of the response you received. Did another office, such as the Better Business Bureau or the Department of Finance, previously mediate youl complaint? l- ves lX ruo lf so, please attach a ggpy of the office's most recent correspondence and a copy of any correspondence from the business or the person identified on page 1. Court and Case No. Has a court issued an order, iudtment, or other finel decision ln your lawsuit? f Yes lF t'to CONSUMER COMPLAINT - Page 2 of 3 Attachment 4 -Page2 lf you lost money because of this purchase or lease, how much money did you lose? Please explain how you calculated your loss: lfyou have filed a law3uit atainst the business or the person identified on paBe 1, provide: HOW YOU WANT YOUR COMPLAINT ADDRESSED Before checklng a bor, pleese make sure you undeEtand how the Attorney General's dispute resolution pro€ess works. An explanatlon of thls voluntary process is arrailable on the Attornev General's website or in the l€tter that came wlth this complalnt. ! luas: corstoER My coMpt-Atttlr FoR TltE ATToRNEy GENERAT'S DtspurE REsotunoN pnocEss. 8y checking this box, I understand that the Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division will review my complaint and decide whether to send it to the business for a response. I understand that the Attorney General's dispute resolution process is voluntary and the Attorney General cannot force the business to respond or resolve my complaint. ffi tntv comrr.atnr ts Fon TNFoRMATIoNAL PURPoSES oNty. By checking this box, I understand that my complaint will not be considered for the Attorney General's dispute resolution process. I also understand that the Attorney General will not take action on my complaint unless the Attorney General, in his discretion, deems further action is appropriate. As such, I understand that the Attorney Generel's Office will contact me only if the office needs more information from me. PUBLIC RECORDS ACT AND DOCUMENT NOTICE Pl€ase note that your complalnt Form and all documents you attach ere evallable to the public and media if a request is made under ldaho's Publlc Records AGt. We also 3hate ou? complaints wlth other law enforcement agencies. To protect Vour priyaqr, please remove all personal and conlldential informatlon, such as Social Securitv numbers, bank account and credlt card numbers, and medical lnformatlon from any documents you attach to your Complaint Form. Finally, plcase send only coples of your documents. Do not include any odtlnal documents. ACKNOWTEDGEMENTS I understand that the Attorney General is not my private attorney and that the office advocates on behalf of the state of ldaho by enforcing laws prohibiting fraudulent or deceptive business practices. I certlfy that the informatlon provlded on this form ls true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I ure (Date (Required) Our Complaint ke Procedure: ln most instances , we will mail you a copy of the correspondence between our ofiice and the business. Given the larte number of complaints and requests that we recelve, lt may be several weeks beiore you recllys communication from us. lf you need immedlate legal asslstance, pleasc contact a private aGorney. CONSUMER COMPLAINT Page 3 of3 Attachment 4 - Page 3 ATTACHME,NT 1 Attachment4-Page4 fiIffi*. an DACORp Complny S}I E LLI D. STEWART Senior Counsel sstewart@id:rhopo$cr.corn February 2l , 2019 Office of the Attomey General Lawrence G. Wasden Consumer Protection Division 954 W. Jefferson. 2nd Floor PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720 Re: l4olations of fie ldaho Consumer Protection Act by Certain Solar Energ; Installen Dear Mr. Wasden: This correspondence is regarding the numerous reports received by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") in recent months related to solar installation companies engaging in unfair and dcceptive practices to market and sell their products in the state of Idaho. As detailed below, certain solar companies are not only misrepresenting their affiliation with Idaho Power, they are providing consumers with deceptive and misleading information about the cost, benefits, and financial retums of solar power systcm installation. Idaho Power has signilicant conccms about the detrimental impacts certain solar installation companies are having on consumers and respectfully requests your office take the necessary action to deter these deceptive and unlawful practices. Idaho Consumer Protection Act As you are aware, the Idaho Consumer Protection Act (the "Act") protects consumers, businesses, and the marketplace in general against "unfair or deceptive acts and practices in the conduct of trade or commerce." I.C. $ 48-601. The Act generally prohibits "any act or practicc which is misleading, false, or deceptive lo the consumer," and specifically identifies, among others, the following unlawful solicitation practices: (i) misrepresenting goods or services as those ofanother; (ii) causing the likelihood of confusion or misunde rstanding regarding the source, sponsorship, approval, or certification of goods or services; (iii) causing likelihood of confusion or misunderstanding regarding the affiliation, connection, association with, or certification by, another; (iv) misrcprcsenting sponsorship, approval, characteristics, uses or benefits of goods or services, or sponsorship, approval, affrliation or connection ofthe individual or business marketing such goods or services; (v) disparaging goods, services, or the business of another by false or misleading representations; (vi) misleading statements conceming the reasons for existence, or amounts of price reductions, of goods or services; and (vii) false or misleading statcments regarding the extent ofuse applicable to goods or services. Seel.C. $48-603A. Attachment 4 - Page 5 PO Box 70 (81707) Borre, lO 83/02 Office of the Attomey General Page 2 February 21, 2019 The Act firthcr prohibits unconscionable methods, acts or practices before, during, or after a commercial transaction. Unconscionable conduct includes knowingly, or with reason to know, taking advanuge ofconsumers by inducing them into one-sided transactions excessively favorable to the violator. See I.C. $ 48-603C. Such conduct also includes offering goods or services grossly exceeding the price al which similar goods or services are readily available, or generally that which "would outrage or offend the public conscience." 1d. As detailed bclow and in the enclosed Exhibits, certain solar installation companies are engaging in clear violations ofthe Act by knowingly misleading and deceiving consumers into purchasing products that do not provide the promised benefits. Some ofthe false and misleading statements involve misrepresentations of: . Idaho Power endorsing a specific solar installer or requesting that the installer solicit the specilic consumer;o financial retums available from solar installation;r solar system functioning, including when and how solar energy is generated; and. the results consumers will achieve from solar installation, including statements that consumers will no longer receive power bills, or will receive extremely low power bills, foUowing installation. Based on the reports Idaho Power has received in just the last few months, this is a significant issue facing Idaho consumers that requires immediate attention. Idaho Power therelore respectfully requests your office take the necessary action to prevcnt solar installation companies from continuing to deceive consumers by misrepresenting their affiliation with Idaho Power as well as misrepresenting the costs, benefits, and financial retums of solar installation. Just as important, Idaho Power further respectfully requests your offrce take appropriate actions to make consumers aware of the unfair and unconscionable methods and misinformation being used by solar installation companies to induce solar power system purchases. Idaho Power and \et-Meterinq It is important that Idaho Power's customers, and consumers in general, receive accurate and complete information about electric services and the nature ofrelationships Idaho Power has with third parties. As you are aware, Idaho Power has been providing energy services to Idaho and Oregon residents for more than a century and is a highly-recognizable company in the communities it serves. It is extremely problematic for solar installation companies, in an effort to sell solar systems to Idaho Power customers, to misrepresent their affiliation with Idaho Power, and provide false and deceptive information about Idaho Power's solar net-metering program, to countless Idaho consumers with whom ldaho Power has a longstanding, trusted relationship. Not only does this create expectations of veraciry* on behalfofldaho Power customers, it creates a falsc sense of trust that the information provided by solar sales representatives originates from the local utility that has been around for more than one hundred years. By way of background, the extent of Idaho Power's involvement u'ith solar installation is ldaho Power connecting third-party solar systems to the poruer grid following installation, in accordance with Idaho Power's Tariff approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (I.P.U.C. No. 29, {00248340 D([x;2] Attachment 4 - Page 6 Office of the Attomev Ceneral Page 3 February 21, 2019 Solar Comnany Misreprescntations of Affiliation with Jdaho Power Despite Idaho Power having no involvement in solar sales, and very limited involvement with solar installation outsidc ofconnecting a net meter, Idaho Power continues to receive reports about solar sales representatives seeking to leverage Idaho Power's trusled relationship with its customers through gross misrepresentations oftheir affiliation with Idaho Power. In recent months Idaho Power has received more than twenty reports from ldaho Power customers and employees that solar sales representatives called or visited their homes claiming to be partnering with, working with, working for, or sent by Idaho Power to insta.ll solar power systgms. See enclosed Exhibits A and B for a sunxnary of such reports detailed in ldaho Power's customer service records. As you will see lrom the attached reports, solar sales representatives are taking advantage of Idaho Power's customer relationships and spreading grossly inaccurate information to convince consumers to schedule follow-up visits with the solar installers. One solar company misrepresented to an Idaho Power customer that he may qualify to be entered in a drawing for free solar panels from Idaho Power, leading the customer to schedule an appointment to find out if he qualified. Idaho Power offers no such drawing. Another particularly disturbing report came from an Idaho Power customer who received a phone call from someone claiming to be from Idaho Power, and representlng that the customer could get a solar array at no cost. Upon the customer agrecing to hear the sales pitch, he was transfened to a solar installer who ended the conversation by telling the customer they would call him back to schedule a time for the solar installer to visit his property. The customer called Idaho Power to ensure he was not being misled and was understandably surprised when he learned the true extent ofldaho Power's involvement, and that Idaho Power does not sell solar panels or solar power systems. An elderly customer reported someone claiming to be from ldaho Powcr visited her home in the evening after dark and, despite her unwillingness to open the door all the way, requested to see her power bill so he could check her energy usc. After he left, the customer calted ldaho Power to verify the sales representative was in fact with Idaho Power considering it is not typical for Idaho Power to send someone out after dark and without notice. This customer was not surprised to leam her instincts were correct, and it was not ldaho Power at her door after dark requesting to see her power bill. {00248340 DOCX;2} Attachment4-Page7 Tariff No. 101). Connection to the power grid is accomplished by Idaho Power installing a "net meter" at the customer's property upon receiving notice of solar panel installation by a third party. The net meter provides Idaho Power the ability to credit customers with the kilowatt hours of energy generated by the customer's solar panels, against the energy that customer obtained from the power grid in a given month. The customer then receives a monthly bill from Idaho Power for the net kilowatt hours of energy the customer used from the grid above the kilowatt hour credits for the solar energy generated by that customer. Contrary to what is being represented to consumers by certain solar installers, Idaho Power does not sell, install, or mainuin solar power systems, never engages in door-to-door sales, and does not contract, endorse, or partner with any specific solar companies. Oftice of thc Attomey General Page 4 February ?1,2019 In addition to the above reports, consumers zue contacting Idaho Power to complain that their solar panels are not functioning as promised, and are not producing expected outcomes, and wondering why they are still paying a power bill ifthey are generating solar energy. See enclosed Exhibit C for a summary report of several troubling calls recently received by Idaho Power related to this issue.r Most ofthese customers have already invested tens ofthousands ofdollars to install solar power systems and are now struggling to pay for their solar panels and their unexpected power bill. Consumers are reporting that they installed solar systems based on misleading and deceptive information regarding their solar panels covering all, or the majority, of their energy usage yeiir- round, and many are questioning if their solar panels are even generating energy considering the benefits are nowhere near w'hat they were promised by the solar installer. In addition, consumers arc being told that Idaho Power pays them for the energy they generate and that they are oompletely off the power grid and 100% reliant on solar energy v''ith solar installation, which is false. Residential rooftop solar systems have low capacity factors and, not surprisingly, do not g€nerate power at night and produce at low volumes during cloudy days. Typical solar systems also do not have sufticient capacity to power-up major appliances, such as air conditioners. As such, net metered customers remain heavily reliant on the power grid provided by Idaho Power for their service, and indeed use the grid bi-directionally. False Statements Regsrding Financial Returns Idaho Power has also receiyed numcrous reports that solar providers are spreading false and deoeptive information about the financial benefits consumers will realize with solar installation. Idaho Power customers report rcceiving information fiom solar companies that once solar is installed: (a) they are not required to pay their monthly Idaho Power bill because Idaho Power would do an "annual settlement" ofthe costs, (b) they will no longer receive or have to pay a power bill again, and (c) their power bill will be approximately $5.00 per month once solar is installed. As an example ofthe fraud taking place in this area, one customer explained to Idaho Power that she is a single mother, living in a low-income neighborhood, *ho purchased $32,000 worth of solar panels in November 2018 from Ion Solar LLC. She entered into a payment arangement of $200 per month based on the solar installer's representation that she would no longer receive a power bill from ldaho Power. When she received her December power bill for her net energy usage in the amount ofapproximately $100, she reported to Idaho Power her inability to pay both her solar panel and power bills. She further explaincd that she contacted the solar installer and was not provided any information or assistance to understand how the solar panels function or why she is still receiving a power bill. When she could not get any inlbrmation from the solar installer, she contacted Idaho Power for help. I Notsbly, ExhibitC does not inclndc rll cslis rcccivcd by ldaho Power from customcrs with sol&who lsck undcrstsnding of how lheir solsr p&els funclion, or who require explsndion ofhow the.v r.ccivc a retum iiom !h.ir generated solar €neBy Instcsd, Exlibit C includes only thosa calls involviDg cuslomeF conccm.d about misrsp.csentations m.de rc them sboul sol., installalion; Idsho Porvff does nol have acc€rs ro all solar calls r€c€ivcd givin the limitcd retenlion period ofsuch recordings. { 002aEl40.DOCX; 2} Attachment 4 - Page I Comnlaints of Solar lnstallation Outcomes Office of the Attomey General February 21, 2019 False Staternents in Written Advertisements In addition to direct reports from consumers, exaggerated and deceptive advertisements and social media posts by both solar companies and hired promotional models are compounding the problem. See enclosed Exhibit D for a sample of the advertisements and social media posts gathered in recent months. These messages are wrought with similarly misleading information about Idaho Power's affiliation with solar installers and the benefits and retums ofgenerating solar energy. Specific Misrepresentations bv Blue Raven Solar Although Idaho Power has received numerous reports about solar companies in general, Blue Raven Solar, LLC ("Blue Raven") continues to bc repeatedly named by consumers as holding itselfout as being afhliated with Idaho Power, and providing misleading information about solar energy. [n response to Blue Raven's reported conduct, Idaho Po*er sent a cease and desist letter dated November 9, 2018, to Blue Raven. BIue Raven responded by requesting evidence of the misrepresentations and stating it would remind its sales representatives oftheir duty to be honest and ethical. On December 17,2018, Idaho Power replied to Blue Raven with the requested information and thanked BIue Raven lor its cooperation. See enclosed Exhibit E for correspondence exchanged between Idaho Power and Bluc Raven. Another former Idaho Power employee reported two men from Blue Raven visiting her home and stating they worked lor Idaho Power and, *'hen she questioned them on this, they stated they are contractors for Idaho Power. The Blue Raven sales representatives went on to misrepresent, among ot}ler things, that ldaho Power is rurming out of electricity and needs more solar panels installed to help with the energy crisis, which is false. They also provided a 100%. guarantee that she would never pay another power bill, would have enough electricity for her home, and that she could charge Idaho Powcr for the rest ofthe energy her solar panels generate, all of which are false stat€ments. 100248340.DOCX; 2 ) Aftachment4 - Page I Page 5 Since corresponding with Blue Raven in late 2018, Idaho Power has continued to receive reports of Blue Raven representatives engaging in misleading, false, and deceptive conduct. See Exhibit B for a summary of reports specifically naming Blue Raven as the offender. One Idaho Power employee reported the Blue Raven sales representative who recently visited her home as stating, "ldaho Power sent us out-" A Blue Raven representative fi-uther misrepresented to that Idaho Power employee, among othcr things, that Idaho Power has a contractual arrangement to sell a certain amount of energy to Califomia and therefore needs to generate more energy from solar installation, which is a false statement intended to encourage customers to purohase solar installations. The representative made further false statements about Idaho Power's rates increasing annually because of its arrangement to sell energy to Califomia, and that installing solar panels now under Schedule 6 of Idaho Power's Tarift she can never be removed from Schedule 6, whioh is also a false statement. Office of the Attomev General Page 6 February 21, 2019 Idaho Pon'er's Request for Action by the Attornev General Based on the above information and enclosed Exhibits, Idaho Power respectfully requests your Consumer Protection Division take the necessary actions to (a) deter solar companies, and most notably Blue Raven, from engaging in deceptive and unlaufirl practices to market and sell their products, and @) initiate an educational campaign to spread awareness to Idaho consumers olthe misrepresentations and unconscionable salcs tactics in which solar companies are engaging to deceive and induce consumers into purchasing solar installation. If you require additional information or documentation, or if Idaho Power can assist with the Consumer Protection Division's action, please do not hesitate to contact me. I and other representatives ofldaho Power would also be pleased to meet with you or yow deputies to further discuss the issues raised in this correspondence. Thank you in advance for your prompt aftention to protecting Idaho consumers fiom these damaging sales tactics. Best ards, hrt^ -Y Shelli D. Stewart Senior Counsel, Idaho Power Company cc:Brian R. Buckham, Idaho Power Company Enclosures: ExhibitsA-E 100248140.DOCx; 2 ) Attachment 4 - Page 10 EXHIBIT A Attachment4 - Page 11 o]oo o3o! E,= 3 oog oc LGo. g o s soIA =ottt! vtco o trq, (, o.o .2 E E o od, ID ., 0, Eo t() Eo a, o2 too.a,c tl, Eo fl) iDi e E.ec: =dAE E 5 =ogiooE 9-c.=r:4;eEaE i-P-o E- or=;-g .E d. E:;i .sl! I IE < ceoil!l! !l E oO= U THsEg = iE 9qi ,|_'i o EE F ior3€ E5 o:.E l!YE-6q 6t.=E=oq)tc li- =Y O C'C(J=El!bD o!9r:z =-cuJ h .!l c r! fi,ocF€:6cPEo- aJ:=E 6iE q-Esi€Pe -ul!o F or :.' 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Qs Sclar )rc LLC ro, tr k Sol.l ,an(r Pi :obe( -il tlr Attachment4-Page31 ..lt:i aan SJcC: I I Cc $olar ald sav-o wi!h S II dt: Solar Pro LLC yC-i.:AICS .9:i' loahc ,O.rer hav+ b*an acreastnq t-st ave. 3-q6 eve/y 7e3r lor ihe las: sc/erJ'dccdccs. Co.rq sol.]' .s l,ke o.ryr,rg rcur eleatrcrly 't DLik Jl J ',rcd rJic lC' lllr. ncxl d ) y.rJrs S.)lJr .;,t nO b.ai,'Lrr! And .n.:tr rr: JDr,O.: CO_.t, r' s t J5,." ll-c.! rr.,l-rr tll ^'Jirt tlrL'S.n:Cr| Cnll ?18 50; 87:5,.) s,-.rl h)tt'nlt^h ya,r'li s.),,er Attachment 4 - Page 32 ,.bi,:,, Il.e tc bc, orcd It r Cw N(:: ML'tCl ccr ,nsigac of 3 consL-lc, cr :k celcr t,; le,)i" '( ,.,Crkr i-t gr,ii y'JJ Csntr:..,1 ,l,0' JO-'kl:rlrs,O ,l,f , t :,tr rlr)... tl x(I ! ,: .l:i. t! r (\I Co sular aiid save Attachment 4 - Page 33 Sclar P rI t r.t verizon f 10:24 AM < a 72%- "3 ,1..'-i.6 ldaho Power will now PAY YOU to go Solar cl*-,a ncrrer qyexper ts. ipa es .- oooo Attachment 4 - Page 34 (D t l F .l OECT ffir ldaho Green Energy Alliance ) IDAHO POWER Nou; PAYS Horreorvners for Solar Pou,lerl See lf Your Roof QLralifics HERE > NEIU (Net Energy Metering) Allows honreowners who produce sonre or all of tlteir electricity frorn solar power to lrse it at arry tirne. IDAHO POWER now pay homeowners for... i'"'1, rrr-' I I Glr iclaho- green-energiy-a1liance loaqes co Boise will now PAY YOU to Go Solar Net^r progr.rrrr expecied tc save over $17,BgB per h... O*'.' r--.l *oiln)a1t (:n I rLl_t i: Attachment 4 - Page 35 .I\,'v -7 tr,fr {r -''l t { at b ..ll Verizon e i ldaho Green Energy Authority' Spolrsored . \t ldaho Power Now PAYS Homeowners for Solar Power! See lf Your Roof Qualifies HERE > http: //brt iy/ldahoPowerN E N,4 NEM (Net Energy Metering) Allows homeowners who produce some or all of their electricity from solar power to use it at any time. ldaho Power now pay homeowners for surplus solar power! You can now turn your roof into a mini power plant and SAVE THOUSANDS in the process! Go solar now for $0 (yes you read that right) See lf Your Roof Qualifies HERE > http:i lbrt.lylld a ho Por,verN Elv4 Reduce or eliminate power bills . Remove your carbon footprint . lncrease the resale value of your home ' Save thousands on power bills . Stop paying increasing energy costs Sound too good to be true? Get the facts, WITHOUT the sales guy.., Click HERE to Wi-ite a conrment,. #rc€9'9II Attachment 4 - Page 36 a 7:26 AM e, -:, ( q search F - ^: @ tntermountain Wind & Solar lnterrnountain Wind & Solar is in the business of reducing or eliminating your power bills. F I HIt! \-a A SoLr Pan€t System ls hstalled Evc?.If our nhuliiltr 0r U.S, Learn ltlore rl VzW ?10:50 PM a'O 28% t,| oI Y Sign and Shine Sponsored {l -t '!I 1 I AOY 2T likes ldaho Power customers can go solar for $0 out .t --.1.-r -.--l _-- - ,,\/^6, -.- _- __ _t_-r.-:_ o a il T I D IH HI fi Attachment 4 - Page 38 F I L Learn More q2 ) a, find out if your home qualifies. Attachment4-Page39 Sign and Shine Sponsored l'1,. ' ' I X ".EI ' t'< ''4',-*<.'::ui.' -r--7 I I t it is / i ri.E !a . 't i','lr '' f -J-' t I ------.aJ--_ ldaho Power customers can go solar for $O out of pocket and save up to 607" on your electric bills. Click Learn More to E] IE ?q$l 85% 111:00 PM fO qn toonom'o ,iia' tl1,a SolarAdvisor Sponsored {tlttglil 9OY 49likes ldaho Power customers can now go solar for $0 out of pocket and save up to 60% on your electric bills. Click Learn More to find out how much you can save. g ospreypacks E A Attachment4-Page40 o TIId{ -l Jr Leam More ? * .tl verizon ?2:53 PM I gt"u' r (2OY 54 likes ldaho Power custorners - Go solar for $O out of pocket and save up to 60% on your electric bills. Click Learn More to find out how much you can save. o+,t Attachment4-Page41 .a lwiaq nm oY T) I t I \ a t Learn More ) R o,I 1 A 51%i. ), f'Solar Energy Experts Sponsored .O ldaho Power customers can now take advantage of a solar energy program, where you can go solar for $0 out of pocket + start saving money on your very first electric bill. Solar incentives are still available for a limited time. Click below to learn how much you can SAVE. Click Here - Free Solar Calculator Learn More @O'r'248 10 Comments 73 Shares tr) lire p Comment d Share j Attachment 4 -Page 42 rdlAT&T 6 8:50 PM }I l 4. ) TIl A I a : o ac i 'r,, r:: 4r. ! ;. ; -:l 1; t i:. 1i :i1 : jr Sr, {, r ?.o .,i i' r .r u r :-; ,-, 1.tt j9.a j,.i!:._a IEr: r- ri il I,lr il:,r a: i;il+::n_'i ! i; -, .: r .;. r - 4 g - ; r E ; - r, -. :,- . i, -_.':'o r,i;.!;i=,- -,!f i dil,i .2'l i:.i'. rt:1{i- :l-b= E,, !: I I rr-:,;. r-:-:l --': a g.:,n : ;r ; -.:., :,-'1!-;, 1;.:do tr; rr'---t,.._:,n:::: -:'t s ^= tl, i:,.;ii.iiiiixl+;i:{; ; :1 ,., ': a ' ,i .,i r,' ,r 3., ; ";.i 1;. i,. .,, -i 1!..{,;. :j .!, ;' .:'1s i r9 4l ,r, ; .:. 1 :. E:; = ..r, r; '! i; rl v it. ) { ri,: i.l o 1I I I I'!I Lt i rl I 0 L' v- EXHIBIT E Attachment 4 -Page44 sHmR. An oAaoRP Companv SHELLI D, STEWARI' Senior Counsel sstervart@i dahopower.com November 9, 2018 Via Cerlilied Mail, Return Receipt Requested Jelfrey Lee Blue Raven Solar Corporate Headquarters 1220 S. 630 E. Ste 430 American Fork, UT 84003 Jeffrey lre Blue Ravm Solar, LLC I1513 W. Fairview Avc, Ste. 103 Boise, Idaho 83713 Re: Misrepresentations to Idaho Power Customers Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") has received information thal Blue Raven Solar, LLC ("Blue Raven") recently, and on more than one occasion, has indicated to prospective customers that Blue Raven is "partnering" with Idaho Power thmugh Idaho Powcr's net-metering pro$am. As you know, the extent of the relationship between Idaho Power and Blue Raven is Idaho Power's facilitation ofinterconneotion in accordance with Idaho Power's applicable tariff. It is importaflt to Idaho Power that its customers receive accurate and complete information about electric services and the natue of relationships Idaho Power has with third parties. Accordingly, please consider this Idaho Power's formal demand that Blue Raven cease and desist from making future misrepresentations reg&ding Blue Raven's affiliation with Idaho Power in any capacity, and specifically in relation to Idaho Power's net metering program. If you bclieve thcre is a basis for Blue Raven's reprEsentations regarding its a{filiation with Idaho Power, please provide me with the suppoding information at your ea iest convenience. Otherwise, please be advised that if Blue Raven r€presentatives continue to make statements to Idaho Power customers that Blue Raven knows to be false, Idaho Power intends to pursue legal remedies. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter. Shelli D rds Attachment4-Page45 Po Box 70 (83707) 8oire. lD 83/02 Deer Mr. [,ce: I \- BLUE RAVEN Novembor 27, 2018 Shelli D. Starart ldaho Power Company 1221 W. ldaho St Bet P.O. Box 70 Bds€. lD 83707 ss{owart@idahoporer.corn RE: Bluo Revcn ltrponr !o 'llbrrprt.cnt lom lo ldaho Poulr Cu3tomart" Dear lvts. Stewart: ThiE lettsr is in r€Gponso to your @ase and dosist lstter dated Nor€mber 9, 20'18 conceming alloged misrEpr6ontalion by Blu€ Rsv€n Solar, LLC (f lue Rawn') salos r€p.os6ntati\re8. Thank lrou for bfinfing this b our atbnlbn. We trke 8u.h ell€galiorE vory seriously, and I em persomlly inv€Etigeling the claims you rais€ in your lettgr. W€ wordd appreciat€ you Sharing with uB any evidonce you rnay hare that support your claims so that m might beltgr addr€se lhe pmblem. Bluo Ray€n is nol affliabd wilh ldaho Porer exoept for frat Bimde rBlationship lrEt exisls, a6 lou so stabd, as a rgsdt of our mutual faciltation d inErconnedbn. As drr \rory buriness reli€s on cooporation hom utililios like ldaho PolEr, w€ maft€ 6 gcnuirie oliort b csteblbh ,nd maintain good r€lationships wlth ulilites. Like ldaho PoslBr. Blue Ravgn im/Bts slgnifcent resouces in educding the put lc about tle uffront costs, avelability, wlue, and €nvironmontal bonefits d gtoilg solar. We taka the responsib$ty of pDrriding conoc{ and obiodivB in ormatFn concsming solar €nsrgly seriously. Blue Raven does not train, encourage, prcmote, or tolerate any misropresentratlon by our salos r€prEsenta[v€s. As an axpr€ss condtoo ol lhelr enge6nlonl witr th€ company, our salos rcprosontelives cor,€nar , among othsr lhings, not b poeo or irrply that he or she b a r€pr8sontaliv€ or agent of a utility company. ld Je{fte'y Lee JEFFREY LEE VP of Sales Op€rations (800) 377-4480 jeff.lee@blueravensolar.com /f 1220 S.630 E., STE 430, American Fork, UT 84003 B hl BY: D tr@tr[vtr DEC 0 5 20lE Jei< Attachment4-Page46 Sent via USPS F,rsl Crass We hev€ taken this opportunity to rBmind our sah nrpresenteliwB of th€ir duty to be honeEt ard ot$d wilh all ssl€s bansadlons. They have boetr instuctod b ayoid even th€ app€erance tlret Blus Rsvun b efiliebd wih lddro Pow€r. lf y sd6 i€prwotatw is furnd b harre misregreseobd hinBf/heG€f c an afilaab of H6ho Por€r, his/hor rslalionship wilh Bluo Rav€n wil bo imrnedbldy Emimbd. Sincerely, an lDAc0iF comp.ny SHELLI l). STEWr\R1 Scnior Counsel sstewart/@idahopower.conl December 17, 2018 Yia Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested Jef8rcy Lee Blue Raven Solar Corporate Headquarters 1220 S. 630 E. Ste 430 American Fork, UT 84003 Jeffrey Lee Blue Raven Solar, LLC I 1513 W. Fairview Ave, Ste. 103 Bqise, ID 83713 Re: Misstatements by Blue Raven Agents Dear Mr. Lee: I am in receipt ofyour correspondence dated November 27,2018. ldaho Power appreciates your understanding of the company's concems and your cornmitment to ensuring the accuracy of information being provided to prospective customers of Blue Raven Solar. Prior to my November 9th cortespondence, Idaho Power received several repons from ernployees and customers describing interactions with Blue Raven representatives regarding the relationship betwepn ldaho Power and Blue Raven. Idaho Power was also made aware of misleading advertisements on Insta$am, which I have enclosed for your reference, appearing to directly connect Idaho Power's net-metering program with Blue Raven's services. In addition, and more problematic, during the last month I have received the following reports regarding Blue Raven's misrepresentations regarding its relationship with Idaho Power: November 13, 20lE: An ldaho Power ernployee reported that a Blue Raven Solar representative visited his residence and represented that Blue Raven was partnerirg with Idaho Power and that Idaho Power is encouraging customers to conveft to solar POWer. a <{tffi*. November 16, 2018: An Idaho Power customer contacted ldaho Power to determine if Idaho Power was endorsing Blue Raven Solar after a Blue Raven representative visited her residence, based on statements in that regard made by the representative. Aftachment4 - Page 47 P.o.8or 70 (83/07) l22l w.ldaho st. 8oire, lD 83/02 Page 2 December 17, 201E Novernber 24,2018: An Idatro Power employee reportcd thar a BIue Raven Solr representativ€ visited his residence and rcprcsented th8t Blue Raven and Idaho Power were partnering to complete solar panel installations. Thank you again for your cooperation and attention to Idaho Power's conc€rns. Best ards. Bluc Ravcn Solar Shelli D. Stewart Enc[. : Instagram postings l^rret- Attachment4-Page48 I ryra I , I !r-- t rl t a II !:'..1\\iI rt I rt t I a: b--- /1 t - '- "-aa b--_ Y 1O likes jeffrothboise ldaho Power's net-metering program allows us to put solar on your roof with $0 up front and saves you many thousands of dollars of the money you currently send to them. Free 20 min consult with no obligation. 208.850.6490, jeff. roth@blueravensolar.com, #boiseidaho #kunaidaho #meridianidaho #nampaidaho #idahosolar #idaho #solaridaho #caldwellidaho #bo isesolar #narnpa ;[*:11g i?i #boise Jt,fl Rotlr ,!ft.roth{rtrbluoelvenrollr. co.nr Attachment4-Page50 7 I \/ i) I I I ) -a I I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. !PC-E-18-15 IDAHO POWER COMPANY PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND/OR CLARIFICATION ATTACHMENT 5 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subiect: Aftachments: Stewart, Shelli Saturday, May 25, 2019 3:17 PM brett.delange@ag idaho.gov Leaphart-Daniels, Yecora, Kerchusky, Jennifer ldaho Power Consumer Protection Claim Re: Blue Raven Solar Attorney General Consumer Protection Claim.pdfi Blue Raven Transcript 4.30.'19 Redacted (00254324x8CD5C).pdf Hello Brett - We spoke a couple of weeks ago about ldaho Power's request to convert the attached "informational" claim into a "dispute resolution process" claim with respect to Blue Raven Solar, LLC. As we discussed, followin8 ldaho Power filing the attached informational claim with the AG's Office (which encloses a prior cease and desist letter ldaho Power sent to Blue Raven), Blue Raven visited an ldaho Power employee's home on two occasions and made a number of misrepresentations. The ldaho Power employee recorded portions of both conversations and I have those recordings on file, however, I have concerns about submitting the actual recordings based on them being publicly available through a FOIA request {my main concern is avoiding putting the employee in a precarious position). I have therefore enclosed a redacted transcript ofthe April 30,2019 recordin8. The second recording on May 1,2019 is less relevant to ldaho Power's claim but does contain the following misrepresentations by Blue Raven: "ldaho Power has had a 3.5% rate increase every year since inception" (6:05 into recording); "ldaho Power currently has a 7% rate increase in front of the PUC this year" (9:30 into the recording). Understanding you may need to hear the actual recordings to follow through with the dispute resolution process, l'd like to discuss options for protectinB the ldaho Power employee's identity from disclosure if we were to turn the recordings overtoyou. Onceyou have anopportunityto review the information, pleasegive mea call and we can discuss the recordings if necessary. Thanks again foryour help with th is - Shelli Shelli D. Stewart SENIOR COUNSEL ldaho Power I Legal Department 1221 W. ldaho St. I Boise, lD | 83702 Work: 208-388-2525 Fax: 208-388-5936 Attachment5-Pagel sstewart(Aidahopower.com I April 30, 2019 IPC: ldaho Power Employee BR: Blue Raven (Bryce) BR: Blue Raven (Jeff) tPc: BR: tPc: BR: tPc: BR: tPc: BR: tPc: Hi, So question for you? Yeah? So, if I give my number to you, you guys won't hound me, will you? No, no, no Ok, l'm going to give you a number. My name is I. Ok, ok So, is it like - So, ldaho Power is running out of energy? That's crazy, So Yeah, it's just going to be a high demand, so the prices normally go up every Summer like usual - Yep But with it being such a high demand since everyone's been moving here so rapidly - Yep Every solar company out there is, you know, pushing it right now because its, you know it's such a high need. Oh, I thought you were saying, I thought you said they were actually going to run out of en ergy? Well, they are about to - Oh, they're about to? Yeah? Yeah, like with everyone moving here and all the new homes that are getting built, you know like, the source, you know they are trying to find new ways to actually provide energv to their own company. Ok, So, you guys basically do work for ldaho Power? No, so we are a different company, so like, you pretty much go through us - it would add to your houses equity and then you would have eighteen months before you start paying them off So, it'sjust like any investment that you make and then once you pay them off, you don't owe a penny to anything but yourself - Yea h So that it's an investment of savings afterwards - ok. And then you don't pay two bills once you get it. You only pay for your panels - so you are not payinB for the power. Oh, so you have no ldaho Power bill? Yeah, so you don't have any ldaho Power bill. Oh, that's great. And if you guys did leave like on vacation or if you guys are never home, like du ring the summer or winteL you can actually resell your energy back to ldaho Power and get reim bursed. ok. So, you can save quite a bit of money - And you get money back from them or how does that work? Attachment5-Page2 rPc: BR tPc: BR: tPc: BR: rPc: BR: tPc: BR: IPC: BR: IPC: BR: rPc: BR: IPC: BR: rPc: BR:Yeah, so you can like sell it to them and I don't know all the aspects of it financiallv but the guy that comes and meets with you for that 10-15-minute brief, he knows a lot more about it and can go more in depth of exactly the process works. ok. But, um, let me see here - Well, we don't want to run out of power, that would be - that would be, bad. (laughs) I know, right. Ok. You said Jor the first name and last name or initial?I] ok. And then that telephone number? Um, it isII 22 Sorry-I Blue Raven, this is Jeff IPC: BR: rPc: BR: IPC: BR: tPc: BR: tPc: BR: tPc: BR/rPC BR: IPC: BR: tPc: BR: tPc: BR: tPc: BR: tPc: BR: tPc: BR IPC: BR: IPC: BR: BR: (.leff ) BR: (Bryce) Hi Jefi I am here with ! BR: -On just the benefit taxes (Bryce) BR: (.Jeff) BR: oK - here he is. (Bryce) I? - go ahead and pass the phone t[ Flease Attachment5-Page3 (Flustered) Ok. That's ok. Ok and then you said tomorrow? Yeah, lthink so. Ok, so I have an 8, 10, 12, 2,4 and 8? 8 at night, right? um hum 8 at night would be best Yeah, ok. Awesome. And Then l'm - And what was your name Bryce Bryce And then if you want to take my information, I totally understand, yeah. Yeah, that would be great. I am going to call my office, they are just going to confirm your appointment ok. And all the information you did give me, They aren't Boing to ask you anything too personal. They are going to ask you some qualification questions on - rPc: BR: (leff) IPC: BR: (leff) rPc: BR: (Jeff) tPc: IPC: BR: (Bryce) BR: (leff) IPC: BR: (Jeff) tPc: BR: (Jeff) tPc: BR: (lefr) IPC: BR: (l eff) tPc: BR: (leff) IPC: BR: (Bryce) rPc: BR: IPC: BR: tPc: BR: rPc: BR: tPc: BR: IPC: How are you? Good, how are you? Good Hey, I have a few quick queshons for you. First, are you the homeowner at f -? Yes, I am Perfect. And then I have your phone number as ls that correct? BR Yes. (to Bryce) And you are almost out of batteries I know And then for tax purposes, do you have a combined household income of S40,00O or more? Um yea, but umm yea Perfect and is that income taxable? Um, yes Perfect. And finally, do you know if your credit score is above 550? I think so, yes Awesome. Perfect, Alright, so you are all set for your appointment which is scheduled for tomorrow at 8. We will see you then. Ok. Could, do you guys answer any questions before then or is that - l, I don't really know much. lf you want to ask Bryce, maybe she can help you. lf not, the person who comes over tomorrow - Ok. Perfect - is the expert and can Ok. Sounds Good. All right. Thank you. Bye Ok. l'll see if I have a piece of- | know I have a pen in here - So how long have you been doint this? I have actually been with the company Boing on 8 months. 8 months? um, l'm actually 20 week pregnant now so - oh I had to switch departments ok Because I couldn't climb the ladder Oh ok. 5o, you were installinS? Well, I actually used to um - Hold on, let me see - ldon't have - (looking for pen /paper) 5o, how does it work with the company. Do they give you kind of a script to talk through for doing the sales? They kind of give you like a a small script to kind of go based off ol but over time, you will see what works and what doesn't work - you know, what people are actually interested in and want to hear. Attachment5-Page4 IPC: BR: tPc BR: tPc: BR: tPc: BR: IPC: BR: tPc: BR: rPc: BR: IPC: BR: IPC: BR: Well, I got to imagine, like if people think they are running out of power - that's Boing to work - (laughing) ls that one of the good ones? or what Bets people's attention? Yeah, um - the script normally says that we have to say we are working on the new net metering program, which is true, like - Yea h We are building it, you know, like and stuff like that - Yea h l'll also write "Blue Raven" so then you can google us if need be too. ok. Our main office line is going to be on google, so - ok. And then that's my personal information, um but yeah - it's like a small script and you kind of go based off of it and then it's just getting people interested enough to at least hear and see the difference because it is a huge difference by being on your own source than somebody else's source. Well, ya and never getting a bill again sounds pretty good. (laugh) Yeah, exactly, exactly. l'm just waiting to buy my own house. lf people are running out of power, that sounds terrible Yeah, you actually do have a few neighbors - actually, one down on this street and a few down this way that actually already have solar, so - Oh, they do? See, lthought nobody had it in this neighborhood because there was some weird HoA deal - um, no - our company is really good at working with them, especially around golf courses - oh, ok. We make sure they are on the right side of the house, you know, if they make a complaint - most of the people don't like the cu rb appeal messed with so we try - you know, so many people happy. Yeah. 5o, I haven't seen any neighbors with it yet. So - Most of them are on the back side or on the back side of the house where kind of trees are blocking to where you can't really quite see them. ok. But, let me see if my battery is actually alive enough, Um, so if you actually hop across the street and the second house in that cul-de-sac, actually has solar on it. oh, ok. So, it's on the back side of their house to where you really can't see - So, where was our house on there? so you guys just have a map - and - So, you are actually right down this road. Oh ok. Oh, interesting. 50, yeah. But, you guys have plenty enough space in the back of the house and on the siding right here, so if anything, if they want to put it on the front, you can always request for it to be on the back. Yeah - You probably won't be able to have it too much on the front because off the trees and shading - Yea h. Attachment5-Page5 tPc: BR: tPc: BR: lPc: BR: tPc: BR: tPc: BR: IPC: BR: IPC: BR: IP C: BR But yeah - they'll be able to answer any questions that you guys have and if you guys come across any -orif yougoogleusandcomeacrossanythatway-lwould justwrite them all down and then tomorrow he can answer any financial questions, any personal questions, installing questions and all that Bood stuff. Sounds good Ok. see ya Thank you. tPc: BR: IPC: Attachment5-PageG BLUE RAVEN October 10, 201 9 Sent via email Stephanie Guyon Deputy Attorney General ldaho Consumer Protection Division 954 W. Jefferson 2nd Floor P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0010 stephanie. guyon@ag.idaho.gov RE: Response to ldaho Power Co. Complaint No. 159276-223156 Dear Ms. Guyon I write in response to your letter dated September 10,20'19 concenring allegations by ldaho Power Co. ("ldaho Powei') that sales representatives of Blue Raven Solar, LLC ("Blue Raven") have engaged in deceptive business practices. As referenced in your letter, Blue Raven was generally made aware of ldaho Power's allegations in late 20 18. ln response, we promised to investigate our sales practices and ensure that we were providing homeo\,vners with correct and objective information concerning solar energy and our lelationship with ldaho Power. We stated that if any sales representalive was found to have misrepresented himself/herself as an affiliate of ldaho Power, our business relationship with that individual would be terminated. Despite our rcquest, ldaho Power chose not to share with us their evidence supporting their claims, which would have assisted us in our investigation and in taking corrective action. Our resulting investigation of ldaho Power's allegations uncovered that within our ldaho "Setter' team, i.e., individuals that set appointments with homeowners with our solar consultants, there was some misunderstanding concerning Blue Raven's relationship with ldaho Power and some use of ambiquous terrn-q ir.t our door approach. While it can be said that Blue Raven "works" r.44lh ldaho Power to facilitate interconnection of the solar systems we install, e.9., ldaho Power installs the net meter and offsets customer utility bills by the surplus energy he/she produces, it is not correct to characlerize that relationship as a partnership or that of contractor/subcontractor. Consequently, Setters received training in this regard and were reminded of their duty to be honest and cthical in all of their dealings, a new Setter manager was installed to ensure compliance, and two Setters believed to have misrepresented our affiliation with ldaho Power were terminated. Setters work for Blue Raven as indcpendent contractors pursuant to a written agreemenl. ns an express condition of their cor)tinued engagemcnt with us, they covenant not to pose or imply that he or she is a represenlativc or agent of a utility conrpany. As independent conlractors, Blue Raven provides them with lrttle training, and we do not control the method or means for lhe appointment setting services Setters perfornr. They are not coached to misrepresent our affiliation with ldaho Power. lnstead, Setters generate homeowner interest in residential solar by, among other things, stating that ldaho Power, like some but not all utility companies, offers net metering (385) 498 440lr j.)!il.nuvt,:'(.r)hlrreraverlso.tr.torn /,/ .140,i ll llt.,i:arr lr \,!.ry, ()rrtnr, tll g40q/ Atachment S _ page 7 BLUE RAVEN and uses energy produced by homeowners to help meet its aggressive goals of providing 100% clean energy to its customers by 2045.1 This infonration is fundamental to a homeowner's burgeoning understanding of the basics of up-front costs, availability, value, and environmental benefits of residential solar. Now, in responding to your letter dated September 10, 2019, Blue Raven denies that it trains or encourages its sales representalives to misrepresent our affiliation with ldaho Power. ln the past ten months, we have improved our training and our door-approach and removed tlvo individuals believed to have misrepresented our affiliation with ldaho Power. As demonstrated by the lack of recent complaints in ldaho Power's notes appended to your lelter, we are confident that our efforts have eliminated those bad actors and any gap in training that might have conlributed to past (intentional or unintentional) misrepresentation. Whilc we are unable to identify any Blue Raven sales representative implicated in ldaho Power's notes appended to your letter or confirm the surrounding allegations, the notes generally follow our own findings thal there had been a lack of training and the occasional use of confusing terms, e.9., work for, padnering, contractor, etc. We are confident, however, that the sales represenlatives now working for Blue Raven in ldaho (and elsewhere) are honest and ethical in all sales transactions with homeowners, that they provide correct information concerning solar energy and net metering, and that they do not misrepresenl our relationship with ldaho Power. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance in your investigalion of this matter. Thank you for your time and consideration. Yours truly, ,",m1 <".1-------1 General Counsel I Blue Raven Solar, LLC 1 ldaho Power Sets Goat for 11)-Percent Clean Energy by 2045,lDAHoPowER (Mar. 26, 2019), https://www.idahopower.com/news/idaho-power-sets-goal-for- 100-percent-clean-energy-by- 2045t. (385) 498-4408 josh.nevcs@ b lu eraverr so la r.conr // 1403 N. Research Way, Orenr, UT 84097 Attachment5-Page8 Via Email Only October 25. 2019 Shelli Stewa( IDAHo PowER CoMPANY l22l W Idaho St Boise. ID 83702 sstcwarl d idaho STATE OF IDAHO OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENEBAL LAWRENCE G. WASOEN ConsumBr Proteclion Division PO. Box 83720. Boise. ldaho 83720'0010 Located al 9g W Jetferson 2nd Floor Telephone: (208) 334-2424, FAX: (208) 334-a151 1800) 432-3545. Toll Frce in ldaho: TDD Accessrble \\ cr.uonl Re: Blue Raven Solar LLC/File No. 159276-223156 Dear Shelli. The Attorney General's Office received the enclosed letter from Josh Neves. general counsel of Blue Raven Solar l-LC. regarding Idaho Power Company's F'ebruary 21.2019. complaint. In his letter, Mr. Neves writes that Blue Raven Solar first investigated ldaho Power's allegations in late 2018 and identified two appointmenl setters who allegedly misrepresented Blue Raven Solar's affrliation with Idaho Pou'er Company. In addition to tenninating those setters' employmcnt, Blue Raven Solar insullcd a compliance manager and provided intemal sales training. Blue Raven Solar claims it is unaware of any new complaints tiom ldaho Pou,er Companv regarding this issue and denies that Blue Raven Solar cncourages its setlers to misrepresent the companv's afflliation with Idaho Por.r'er Company. According to Blue Ravcn Solar. it has sufficiently addressed ldaho Power Company's concems. Elascd on BlLre Raven Solar's leter. it appcars the company has implemented changes to address known problems. rvhile remaining vigilant to pr.rssible rcoccurrence- Additionally'. it is worth noting that the Atlomey General's Olfice has only t\.r'o complaints regarding Blue Raven Solar- one l'rom 2018. and Idaho Power Company's complaint lrom earlier this year. 1'he 2018 complaint alleges t'acts unrelated to Idaho Porver Company. Attachment5-Pageg Wc encouragc Idaho Power Company to instruct consumers to tile complaints u'ith our oflice if Blue Raven Solar solicits them and makes material misrepresentations about the company's goods or services. In addition to entbrcing the ldaho Consumer Protection Act. our olfice enl'orces the Residential Solar Energy System Disclosure Act. which places strict disclosure requiremenls on solar system sellers. Any violations ofthat law should be directed to our off,rce as well. Shelli Stervart Idaho Pou'er Company October 25. 2019 Page 2 We welcome Idaho Power Company's contributions to protecting ldaho consumers. If you or anyone llith Idaho Power Company has questions about this letter or our disputc resolution process or wishes to discuss this matter further. do not hesitate to call me at 208-334-4135. Sincerely, . t\.,:ll''riil.fU4^l- STEPHANIE h]. CUYON Deputy Attorney General Enclosure Attachment5-Page10 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPG-E-18-15 IDAHO POWER COMPANY PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND/OR CLARIFICATION ATTACHMENT 6 ORAFT C cg@idahopower.com lnformation Regarding Customer On-Site Generation lD =Sffi- Dear [Customer Name] On ldate] rve received your applicaiion to inslall an on-srte gene.ation syslem and interconnect il lo ldaho Pol,/e/s elecblcal sy8tem. we ar€ processing your applcation. You rvill receive a second communicalion shorlty rvith lfte resuns of our review of your apdication aod next slcps ln the meanlime, r4e are providhg lhis email to inform you $at on Decemb€r 20, 20t9. the ldaho Pub[c Utililies Commi$ion (IPUC) publcly i3Bued an order Ih.l reminds customeE thal the company's on-sile generalion taritrs (Schedulca 6. 8, and 84). as v,itfi all other tarills are not conhacls and are subjeci lo change at .ny lime upon order of the IPUC Changes lo the on-site generalioo taritr in the future may include, bd are not limiled to, modficalions to rates. tilling components bilng structure. compensaton 3tructures. and lhe value lor excess eoergy produced by the cuslomeis oo-site generation syslem iand thus the amoufli a customer rvolld b€ compensated). The IPUC'S order as coosislent $,ith lhc ldaho Residefllial Ene.gy Syltem Disclosure Acl yrhich requires a disrjosure itrat reminds cwtomers liat legislative o. regulatory actiorls cao afiecl or eliminate ooe's abilily lo s€ll or get cGdd for any exccss power generated by thc aystem and may afecl the pdce or value of lhal povrer. More infomation about cu3tooer generalion, including compensation 3tructure. lechnical requiemenb, and lhe application proce$ can be lol]nd al irahopoiver co[Vcustomergeneralion. Mo.e mfo.malion about the !!Sg and ihe gI!EI can be loufld at ${!j!!jd3Igjgy It you have questions about the on-srle generalion tarifi and requirements please contact the cuslomer generation leam at 800-632-6605 We aOpreciate lhe opportunity to serve you Shcerely Your ldaho Povie, Cu3tonrer Gene,alion Team cq@dahooour€r. com ldaho Power Alln Customer Generalion P O. Box 70 Boise. lD 83707 .,o