HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191011Motion for Settlement Agreement.pdf8!ffi*. An IDACORP Company October 11,2019 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 Re Case No. IPC-E-18-15 Study of Costs, Benefits, and Compensation of Net Excess Energy Supplied by Customer On-Site Generation Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement and Settlement Agreement Dear Ms. Hanian Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find an original and seven (7) copies of the Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement and Settlement Agreement in the above matter. The enclosed disk contains the workpapers described in Attachment 4 to the Motion in both pdf and active files. While the parties already have access to this data, ldaho Power will provide the executable Exce! files contained in these workpapers to members of the public upon request. Also enclosed are copies of a Press Release, the direct mail letter that will be sent to all current Schedule 6 and 8 customers, and the direct mail letter that will be sent to all customers who have applied to be Schedule 6 and 8 customers. Both direct mail letters will be sent via U.S. Mail the week of October 14,2019. lf you have any questions about the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahooower.com LDN:kkt RE fi E IVTD tillg0[Tll PH3:39 l- i , ,i {",-', ,. i'i 'l'''I '' X,r^,!.qu/4^- Enclosures Lisa D. Nordstrom EDWARD J. JEWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83714 (208) 334-03 l4 IDAHO BAR NO. 10466 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO STUDY THE COSTS, BENEFITS, AND COMPENSATION OF NET EXCESS ENERGY SUPPLIED BY CUSTOMER ON-SITE GENERATION REOEIVED t[19 ilflT I I Pt{ 3: 39 ',,,,:, i,'.;;:lih,\tsrnr+ Attorney for the Commission Staff LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) Idaho Power Company l22l West Idaho Street (83702) Boise,Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 lnordstrom@idahonower.com Attorney for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-18-15 MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT AGREBMENT Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") and the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission move the Commission, under Commission Rules of Procedure ("RP") 52, l2l, 123,241, and 274, for an order approving the attached Settlement Agreement by December 27,2019, to be effective on January 1,2020. This Motion is based on the following: L In Case No. IPC-E-17-I3,ldaho Power filed an Application with the Commission requesting the Commission: l) Close Schedule 84, Customer Energy Production Net Metering ("Schedule 84") to new customers with on-site generation after December 31 ,2017; 2) Establish new schedules for residential and small general service customers with on-site generation that request to interconnect to the Company's system on or afterJanuary 1,2018; 3) Acknowledge that smart inverters provide functionality needed to support the ongoing stability and reliability of I IPC-E-18-15 Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement the distribution system and to require the installation and operation of smart inverters within 60 days of the adoption of an industry standard definition of smart inverters by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ("IEEE"); and 4) Initiate a generic docket at the conclusion of IPC-E-I7-13 to establish a compensation structure for customer-owned distributed energy resources ("DER") that reflects both the benefits and costs that DER interconnection brings to the electric system. The Company did not request a change to rates in IPC-E-17-13. 2. In Order No. 34604, the Commission closed Schedule 84 to new residential and small general service customers. The Commission approved the creation of new customer classes for residential and small general service customers with on-site generation and established Schedule 6 for residential customers with on-site generation and Schedule 8 for small general service customers with on-site generation, effective June l, 2018. The Commission acknowledged that smart inverters can benefit the ongoing stability and reliability of the Company's distribution system, and directed the Company to file a tariff advice with the Commission within 60 days of the final adoption of IEEE 1547 and 1547.1. The Commission approved the Company's request for a docket to study the costs, benefits, and related issues of net metering on the Company's system and to establish a compensation structure for DERs. The Commission encouraged the Company and interested stakeholders to work together to resolve the difficult issues inherent in designing a fair,just, and reasonable net metering program. The Settlement Agreement attached to this Motion as Attachment I results from the docket ordered by the Commission in Case No. IPC-E-17-13, and represents the culmination of the thorough, data-driven evaluation undertaken by the Company, Staff, and numerous stakeholders in a collaborative manner, as directed by the Commission. 3. The Company, Commission Staff,, Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc., IdaHydro, Rocky Mountain Power, Vote Solar, City of Boise, Idaho Sierra Club, Idaho Clean Energy Association, Northwest Energy Coalition, Micron Technology, Inc., Industrial Customers of Idaho Power, and Russell Schiermeier are all parties to this case. In total, one prehearing conference and eight settlement conferences were held. Commission Staff presented three Staff Reports to the Commission during the settlement process updating the Commission on progress toward settlement. All parties to the proceeding agreed to either sign the Settlement Agreement or to not oppose the Settlement Agreement. The signing parties are the Company, Commission Staff, Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc., IdaHydro, City of Boise, IPC-E-18-15 Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement 2 Idaho Sierra Club, Idaho Clean Energy Association, lndustrial Customers of Idaho Power, and Russell Schiermeier. 4. The signing parties achieved compromise on a significant number of critical elements to the Company's on-site generation program. However, the Settlement Agreement does not resolve whether existing customers taking service under Schedules 6 or 8 are covered by the terms of the Agreement, how existing customers will be defined, or whether such customers will continue to be compensated under the existing retail rate net metering structure. The signing parties agreed to submit this issue to the Commission for determination. The signing parties agreed that if the Settlement Agreement is approved by the Commission, the Settlement Agreement will take effect regardless of the Commission's decision on grandfathering. 5. The signing parties recommend the Commission process the Settlement Agreement by Modified Procedure with a public hearing under Commission Rule 274. All signing parties to the Settlement Agreement intend to file comments to support the Settlement Agreement. The parties recommend at least a 30-day public comment period. For the decision about existing customers with on-site generation in Schedules 6 and 8, the signing parties leave the determination of procedure up to the Commission, but request a schedule that can effectuate a January 1,2020 effective date. [n conformance with RP 125, this Motion will be brought to the attention of Idaho Power's customers by means of a press release to the media in the Company's service area and a customer notice distributed in customers' bills, both of which accompany this filing. In conformance with RP 121, to the extent that it applies, workpapers showing data are attached as Attachment 4. 6. The signing parties to the Settlement Agreement stand ready for immediate consideration of the Motion. NOW, THEREFORE, the Company and Staff respectfully request that the Commission issue an order in Case No. IPC-E-18-15: l. Granting the Motion to accept Attachment l, the Settlement Agreement, in its entirety, without material change or condition: 2. Authorizing revised tariff schedules, which are provided in clean and legislative formats in Attachments 2 and 3, respectively, with an effective date of January 1,2020. IPC-E-18-15 Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement J trL*,DATED at Boise, Idaho, this of October 2019. Lisa D. Nordstrom Attorney for Idaho Power Company a&eJdC Edward J. Jewell Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission IPC-E- 1 8- 1 5 Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement 4 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I9-15 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ATTAGHMENT 1 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Settlemelt Agreement Idaho Power Schedule6, Schedule 8 and Schedule l, Schedule 7 Non-Export Customers with On-Site Generation This settlement agreement ("Settlement Agreement" or "Agreement") is entered into by the following participants to the on-site generation collaborative process initiated by Order No. 34046: Idaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company"), the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, the ldaho Clean Energy Association, Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc., IdaHydro, City of Boise, Idaho Sierra Club, lndustrialCustomers of Idaho Power, and Russell Schiermeier. These entities and individuals are collectively referred to as the "Signing Parties," and individually as a "Signing Party" to the Agreement. WHEREAS, in Case No. IPC-E-17-13, the Company requested, and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") ordered, a follow-on docket to comprehensively study the costs and benefits of on-site generation on the Company's system, as wellas proper rates and rate design, transitional rates, and related issues of compensation fornet energy exports provided as a resource to the Company, and directed the Company to work with interested stakeholders to find compromise on these issues; and WHEREAS, the Commission directed the Parties to confer about the procedural and substantive scope ofthe docket; and WHEREAS, the Company and interested stakeholders engaged in a prehearing conference and eight settlement conferences and agreed on certain aspects of ldaho Power's on-site generation servlce. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, the sufliciency of which is acknowledged, the Signing Parties agree as follows: I. Recitals. The above-stated recitals are incorporated and made a part of this Agreement to the same extent as if the recitals were set forth in full. II. Public Interest. This Agreement is a fair, just, and reasonable compromise of contested issues and its acceptance by the Commission would be in the public interest. The Agreement, and its acceptance by the Commission, will reasonably resolve many issues related to Idaho Power's on-site generation service. Therefore, the Parties recommend that the Commission approve the Agreement without material change or condition under Commission Procedural Rule 274. IPC-E- 18- 15 Settlement Agreement I IIII. Term. The effective date of this Agreement is the later of January 1,2020 or the date on which it is approved by the Commission. This Agreement shall apply to all residential and small general service customers in Idaho Power's service territory with on-site generation beginning January 1,2020, subject to the outcome of the proceeding described in Section IX of this Agreement for existing customers, and continue until the Commission approves a change. IV. Desisn. The following will apply to all customers on Schedule 6 and Schedule 8, subject to the outcome of the proceeding described in Section IX of this Agreement for existing customers. A. Net Hourlv Billine. At the end of each hour, consumption and exports within the hour will be netted and net hourly exports will be compensated at the Export Credit Rate. B. Methodolosy to Determine the Exnort Credit Rate. The Export Credit Rate will be based on the value of exported energy from all solar photovoltaic ("PV") customers in each class, and will be applicable to all distributed generation ("DG") resources taking service under Schedule 6 and Schedule 8. Signing Parties recognize the exported energy value may be different for other DG resources. Parties retain the right to advocate for export credit rates specific to other DG resources in future proceedings. The methodology to determine the Export Credit Rate will be: 1. Avoided Enersy Value. The energy value will be the two-year levelized energy-weighted average of the Demand Side Management ("DSM") Altemate Cost obtained from the pricing periods set forth in the most recently acknowledged Integrated Resource Plan ("lRP") calculated as the summation of the product of hourly energy exports and the DSM price divided by Total Annual Energy Exports for the class. a. The Total Annual Energy Exports will be the actual energy exports for all solar PV DG systems in the class that were active for a full l2 months. b. For reference, the 2017 DSM Alternate Cost pricing periods are Summer On-Peak, Summer Mid-Peak, Summer Off-Peak, Non-Summer Mid-Peak, and Non- Summer Off-Peak. c. For levelization ofthe energy value, pricing years will be the two calendar years for which the Export Credit Rate will be in effect from the most recently acknowledged IRP. IPC-E-l 8-l 5 Settlement Agreement 2 d. The energy value will be decreased by l0% to reflect the non-firm nature of the energy provided by on-site generators. The methodology to determine such value is not part of this Settlement Agreement, but Parties retain the right to advocate for a methodology to determine such value in a future docket. 2. Avoided Capacity Value. The capacity value will be the product of the DSM Capacity Resource Value, Nameplate Capacity, and the Peak Contribution Factor divided by the Total Annual Energy Exports. a. The DSM Capacity Resource Value will be the 25-year levelized cost of the present value of the DSM marginal capacity resource established in the most recently acknowledged IRP. The 25-year levelized cost calculation will not include any avoided capacity cost recognition until the first capacity deficit year most recently approved by the Commission. From the first capacity deficit year until the end of the 25-year term, the Z5-year levelized cost calculation will include the present value of the DSM marginal capacity resource. To determine the present value, the DSM marginal capacity resource is escalated at the inflation rate identified in the most recently acknowledged IRP until the first capacity deficit year. The resulting capacity value component of the Export Credit Rate will include avoided capacity value in the first year of its application. b. Nameplate Capacity will be the gross DC nameplate capacity of all solar PV DG resources in the class that were active forthe full 12 months of the most recent calendar year. c. The Peak Contribution Factor will be determined using the highest 100 hours of the marginal system load duration curve and the system load duration curve netted of utility-scale solar resources on the Company's system. d. No firmness adjustment is applied to the capacity value. 3. Avoided Transmission & Distribution Capacitv. Parties recognize there may be avoided transmission & distribution ("T&D") capacity value. The methodology to determine such value is not part of this Settlement Agreement, but Parties retain the right to advocate for a methodology to determine such value in a future docket. 4. Avoided Transmission & Distribution Line Losses. The avoided energy value and the avoided capacity value are increased by 8.1% to reflect the avoidance of transmission and primary distribution level line losses. Because Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 ) IPC-E-l 8-l 5 Settlement Agreement customers take power at the secondary distribution level, there is no credit for avoided secondary distribution level line losses. 5. Intesration Cost. Parties recognize there may be a cost to integrate distributed on-site generation systems. The methodology to determine such costs is not part of this Settlement Agreement, but Parties retain the right to advocate for a methodology to determine such costs in a future docket. 6. Environmental Benefits. Parties recognize there may be environmental benefits of distributed on-site generation systems. The methodology to determine such benefits is not part of this Settlement Agreement, but Parties retain the right to advocate for a methodology to determine such benefits in a future docket. C. Updates to Export Credit Rate. The Export Credit Rate inputs will be updated biennially in a separate proceeding to become effective following or concurrent to Commission acknowledgment of the IRP. D. Export Credit Rate Offset. The Export Credit Rate can offset energy and Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") charges. The Export Credit Rate cannot offset service charges, the Fixed Cost Adjustment ("FCA"), the Energy Efficiency Rider, or franchise fees. E. Export Credit Rate Expense. l. During the transition period, as described in Section IV(G) of this Agreement, the difference between the Export Credit Rate and the Blended Base Energy Rate will be collected through the FCA. The Blended Base Energy Rate represents the total revenue to be collected through the base energy charges for each respective class divided by the total forecasted annual energy for each respective class. 2. After the transition period, the Export Credit Rate will be recovered 100% through the PCA. F. Rate Stabilitv. Except for the biennial updates to the Export Credit Rate according to the methodology established in this Agreement, Idaho Power will not propose to modify rates or rate design for customers on Schedule 6 or Schedule 8 until the next proceeding in which the Commission determines whether to change rates or rate designs for all customer classes. G. Transition Period. Subject to the final outcome in the proceedings described in Section IX of this Agreement for existing customers, all customers on Schedule 6 and IPC-E-18- l5 Settlement Agreement 4 Schedule 8 will transition from retail rate compensation to the Export Credit Rate according to the following timeline. 1. The transition period for Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 will occur over 8 years, as described below. There will be an update every 2 years to the transition rate concurrent with the IRP cycle, as outlined in Section IV(C) of this Agreement. a. Beginning January l, 2020, Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 customers will be compensated for net hourly exported energy at the Blended Base Energy Rate for their respective customer classes. b. On January 1,2022, the transition rate will be reduced by 25oh of the difference between the then-current Blended Base Energy Rate for the customer class and the then-current Export Credit Rate for each respective customer class. c. On January 1,2024, the transition rate will be reduced by 50% of the difference between the then-current Blended Base Energy Rate for the customer class and the then-current Export Credit Rate for each respective customer class. d. On January 1,2026, the transition rate will be reduced by 75%o of the difference between the then-current Blended Base Energy Rate for the customer class and the then-current Export Credit Rate for each respective customer class. e. Beginning January 7,2028, customers on Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 will be compensated for net hourly exported energy at the Export Credit Rate. V. Smart Inverters. Idaho Power will work with the parties to establish procedures to apply default smart inverter settings based on the IEEE 1547.1 standard. Until the Commission approves settings that deviate from the default settings, Idaho Power will require only IEEE 1547.1 default settings. VI. Return Trips. Idaho Power willwork with the Idaho Clean Energy Association to identify improvements that installers can make to reduce the number of return trips required by the Company to approve a new on-site generation system. If the number of return trips is not reduced, ldaho Power will file a tariff advice to implement a cost-based return trip charge. VII. Initial Export Credit Rates. Based on the methodology described in Section IV of this Settlement Agreement, the initial Export Credit Rates based on the 2017 IRP are: 5 IPC-E-l 8- I 5 Settlement Agreement Schedule 6 ($/Mwh) Schedule 8 ($/Mwh) Avoided Energy (10% reduction for non-firm energy included) $31.06 $31 .l s Avoided Capacity $9.70 $ 14.70 Avoided T&D Capacity s0.00 $0.00 Avoided Losses $3.30 $3.71 Integration Cost $0.00 $0.00 Environmental Benefits $0.00 $0.00 Total:s44.06 $49.56 VIII. Non-Export Option. The Company will work with Parties to agree upon specific interconnection and inspection requirements to implement the non-export option. Once an interconnection tariff schedule for a non-export option is approved by the Commission, non- export customers may request service under Schedules 1 and 7. Parties reserve the right to address issues related to the non-export option, whether or not addressed in this Agreement, in a future proceeding. A. Before exercising the non-export option, Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 customers must file an application with the Company demonstrating the functionality and safety of the non- exporting system. B. Capacity limitations for non-export customers will be the same as the capacity limitations listed in Schedule 6 and Schedule 8. C. If exports occur and are not rectified within 30 days after the customer's receipt of notification by Idaho Power that the customer's on-site generation system has exported energy to the Company's system, at the customer's election, one of the following actions will occur: 1. The customer's solar disconnect will be locked out and no longer available for use until the issue that caused the export is remedied. Or, 2. The customer will be placed on Schedule 6 or Schedule 8, as appropriate. If the customer elects to be placed on Schedule 6 or Schedule 8, the customer will be given the option to submit an additional application and be moved back to Schedule I or Schedule 7, as appropriate, after I 80 days. 6 IPC-E-l 8- I 5 Settlement Agreement IX. Existins On-Site Generation Customers. This Settlement Agreement does not resolve whether and under what terms it will apply to existing customers with on-site generation. A. Concurrent to or shortly after filing this Settlement Agreement with the Commission for approval, Commission Staff will request that the Commission establish a procedure to determine whether existing customers with on-site generation will be subject to the terms of this Agreement. This proceeding will include defining "existing customers" as used in this Agreement. B. This Agreement shall be effective and binding, if approved by the Commission, regardless of the outcome of the proceeding for existing customers with on-site generation. C. If the Commission determines that existing customers are subject to the terms of this Agreement, ldaho Power will convert those customers to Net Hourly Billing over the course of each customer's billing cycle, starting with the first cycle after the Commission determined applicability date. Any kilowatt hour credit earned by a customer prior to this date will be converted to a financial credit valued at the Company's Blended Base Energy Rate and will be carried forward indefinitely by the customer. D. If the Commission determines that existing on-site generation customers are not subject to the terms of this Settlement Agreement, the Company will implement the methodology and rates as determined and ordered by the Commission. X. Follow-On Docket Resardine Avoided Cost Methodolosy. Currentl y, ldaho Power applies diflerent avoided cost valuation methodologies for different resources, such as energy efficiency, demand response, and small and large qualifying facilities ("QFs") under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). This Settlement Agreement would adopt another avoided cost valuation methodology to be applied to the exported energy from residentialand small commercial on-site generation. Because energy efficiency, demand response, PURPA QFs, and customer-owned on-site generation all represent load-serving resources on Idaho Power's system, Signing Parties agree it is reasonable to investigate the establishment of a single common resource valuation methodology to be applied consistently across all categories of resources. To that end, Signing Parties request the Commission open an investigative docket to explore development of a common avoided cost resource valuation methodology within 120 days of the issuance of an Order approving this Agreement. 7 IPC-E- I 8-l 5 Settlement Agreement XI. Severabilitv. If, after Commission approval of this entire Agreement without modification, any immaterial term or provision of this Agreement is found to be void, prohibited, or unenforceable by local, state, or federal law, that term shall be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions of this Agreement. Upon a determination that any material term or provision is void, prohibited, or unenforceable by local, state, or federal law, the Signing Parties shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement to maintain the original intent of the Signing Parties without such material provision. XII. eonfidentialitv. As provided in Commission Procedural Rule 272, other than any testimony frled in supporl of the approval of this Agreement, and exceptto the extent necessary for a Party to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Agreement, all statements made and positions taken in negotiations relating to this Agreement shall be confidential and will not be admissible as evidence in this or any other proceeding. No Party shall be bound, benefitted, or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Settlement Agreement, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Settlement Agreement be construed as a waiver of rights, unless such rights are expressly waived herein. XUI. Commission Procedure. The obligations of the Parties under this Agreement are subject to the Commission's approval of this Agreement in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal by a court of competent jurisdiction, if challenged. Only after such approval, without material change or condition, has been received shall the Settlement Agreement be valid. The Signing Parties will submit this Settlement Agreement to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to Commission Procedural F.ule274. Signing Parties shall support this Agreement before the Commission, and no Signing Party shall appeal a Commission order approving the Agreement or an issue resolved by the Agreement. If this Agreement is challenged by any person not a party to the Agreement, the Signing Parties to this Agreement reserve the right to file testimony, cross-examine witnesses, and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented, including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlements embodied in this Agreement. Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Signing Parties to this Agreement agree that they will continue to support the adoption of the terms of this Agreement. IPC-E-1 8- I 5 Settlement Agreement 8 If the Commission rejects any part or all of this Agreement, or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of this Agreement, each Signing Party reserves the right, upon written notice to the Commission and the other Signing Parties to this proceeding, within l4 days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Agreement. In such case, no Signing Party shall be bound or prejudiced by the terms of this Agreement, and each Signing Party shall be entitled to seek reconsideration of a Commission Order, file testimony as it chooses, cross- examine witnesses, and do all other things necessary to put on such case as it deems appropriate. No Signing Party shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory, or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in arriving at this Agreement is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future. However, the Signing Parties acknowledge that the Commission expects a consistent application of principles from IPC-E-18-15 to the IPC-E-19-15 docket, and the Commission stated in Order No. 34335 that findings in IPC-E-18-15 will be presumptively reasonable, though not binding, in the IPC-E-19-15 docket. XIV. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and its attachments constitute the entire agreement between the Parties regarding the subject matter hereof. There are no oral or written understandings, representations, or commitments of any kind, express or implied, which are not expressly described in this Agreement. XV. No Third-Partv Beneficiaries. No right or obligation contained in this Agreement shall inure to the benefit ofany person or entity not a Party or successor or assign ofa Party. XVI. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. 9 IPC-E-l 8-l 5 Settlement Agreement Idaho Power Companv By Its: Date Idaho By: l(ze;r, l1)-aIts: P..c).1 - ^1- / Date: lO -tt-zat g City of Boise By: Its: Date: Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Russell Schiermeier {a/_ Its By: Its:<-el( Date: lo -lt-17 Date: lo/rr/t1 Staff of the Public Utilities Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association. Commission Inc. By: Its:4 Date: /r//r Ita,-r IdaHydro By: Its: Date Idaho Sierra Club ( By: Its: Date By: Its: Date IPC-E-l 8- I 5 Settlement Agreement 10 Idaho Power Comnany Staffof the ldaho Public Utilities Commission By: Its: Date: Idaho Clean Enersv Association. Inc. Date: Citv of Boise Date Industrial Customers of Idaho Power By: Its: Date: ldaho Irrigation Pumpers Association' Inc. Russell Schiermeier Date By: Its: Date: -------.------ IdaHydro Idaho Sierra Club By: Its: By: Its: Date By: Its: By: Its: By: Its: Date: By: Its: Date: IPC-E-l 8- I 5 Sertlement Agreement t0 Scanned with CamScanner I By: Its: Idaho Power Companv Staff of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission By, Its: Date: Idaho Clean Enerqv Association. Inc. By: lts: Date: Citv of Boise By Its: Date: &l?,rJ**>^ Russell Schiermeier By: Its: Date: Idaho Irrigation Pumners Association. Inc. By Its: Date IdaHvdro Idaho Sierra Club Date Date Date By: Its: By: Its: By: lts: oDate IPC-E- l 8-1 5 Settlement Agreement l0 a- Idaho Power Companv By: Its: Date Staff of the ldxho Public Utilities Commission Its: Date: Idaho Clean Iincrgv Associalion. Inc. B1 Its: Date: Citv of Boise By: Its: Date : Industrial Customers of Idaho Porve r By: Its: Date: Russcll Schiermeier By: Its: Date Idaho l.rrisation Punrners {sJociation, l)1 : Its: Date : IdaHldro Idaho Sicrra Club 131 Its : Date Inc. By: 131 : I ts: Date IPC-E-l 8- I 5 Settlemenl Agreement l0 ATTACHMENT TO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ooo 6>2 ui o- !?Pd 6 -'! :l ^ tuE d.d,6sracOX ^Cu!2eg e*u i uE o>-=> AE' EE q 9;-Ei-Fp> .=!99, O--tr65 EIE Xxdo o=E ; pod.eoootrl i: o- dx=osHb€uo E_o i5-o o YO-'aaYcGd 3->'oef' =Go O.-oE;3o o_ O >rE9= trLGO.or'E =E.c o E=-_ts'!? oo! 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IPC-E-I9-15 IDAHO POWER COMPANY MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 2 TARIFF SCHEDULES - CLEAN SCHEDULE 6 ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 6-1 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 6-1 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION AVAILABILITY Service under this schedule is available at points on the Company's interconnected system within the State of ldaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltage are adjacent to the location where Residential Service, On-Site Generation is desired, and where additional investment by the Company for new transmission, substation or terminal facilities is not necessary to supply the desired service. This service is available to Customers intending to operate Small On-Site Generation Systems to generate electricity to offset all or a portion of their electrical usage. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for residential service Customers for general domestic uses, including single phase motors of 7/z horsepower rating or less, subject to the following conditions: 1. When a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for business, professional or other gainful purposes, or when service is supplied in whole or in part for business, professional, or other gainful purposes, the Premises will be classified as non-residential and the appropriate General Service Schedule will apply. However, if the wiring is so arranged that the service for residential purposes can be metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. 2. Whenever the Customer's equipment does not conform to the Company's specifications for service under this schedule, service will be supplied under the appropriate General Service Schedule. 3. This schedule is not applicable to standby service, service for resale, or shared service. 4. Customer owns and/or operates a Generation Facility fueled by solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydropower or represents fuel cell technology, with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kilowatts (kW) or less, that is connected in parallel with the ldaho Power System. 5. The Generation Facility is interconnected to the Customer's individual electric system on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through the Company's existing watt-hour retail meter. 6. Customer meets all requirements applicable to Small On-Site Generation Systems detailed in the Company's Schedule 72, lnterconnections to Non-Utility Generation. DEFINITIONS Desiqnated Metq is the retail meter physically connected to the Small On-Site Generation System. Excess Net Enerov is the amount of energy generated, as measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), by the customer in excess of the customer's energy requirements less any energy supplied by the Company during each hour, summed over the course of the Billing Period. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 6-2 Cancels OriqinalSheet No. 6-2 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Export Credit Rate is the rate, per kWh, that customers are compensated for Excess Net Energy. Generation Facilitv means all equipment used to generate electric energy where the resulting energy is delivered to the Company via a single meter at the Point of Delivery or is consumed by the Customer. Generation Credit is the Excess Net Energy multiplied by the Export Credit Rate, provided as a bill credit. The Generation Credit will offset base energy charges and Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) charges in each Billing Period. lnterconnection Facilities are all facilities reasonably required by Prudent Electrical Practices and the applicable electric and safety codes to interconnect and safely deliver energy from the Generation Facility to the Point of Delivery. Net Consumption is the amount of energy supplied by the Company less any energy generated by the Customer during each hour, summed over the course of the Billing Period. Parallel connection means generating electricity from an on-site generation system that is connected to and receives voltage from ldaho Power's system. Point of Delivery is the retail metering point where the Company's and the Customer's electrical facilities are interconnected to allow the Customer to take retail electric service from the Company. Prudent Electrical Practices are those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly used in prudent electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully and with safety, dependability, efficiency and economy. Schedule 72 is the Company's service schedule which provides for interconnection to non-utility generation or its successor schedule(s) as approved by the Commission. Small On-Site Generation Service is the Company's service which provides for transfer of electric energy to the Company under the terms of this Schedule and of Schedule 72 or their successor(s) as approved by the Commission. This optional service provides for Customers to install Generation Facilities to interconnect to the Company's system to offset all or a portion of their electrical usage. This service is comprised of all customers taking service under Schedule 6 or Schedule 8. Small On-Site Generation Svstem is a Customer-owned Generation Facility, with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kW or less, interconnected to the Company's system under the applicable terms of ScheduleT2 and this schedule. TYPE OF SERVICE The type of service provided under this schedule is single phase, alternating current at approximately 120 or 240 volts and 60 cycles, supplied through one meter at one Point of Delivery. Upon request by the owner of multi-family dwellings, the Company may provide 120l2QB volt service for multi- family dwellings when all equipment is U L approved to operate at 120/208 volts. IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 6-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 6-3 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE GENERATION (Continued) WATER HEATING All electric water heating equipment, including water storage and tankless water heaters (hot water on demand), shall conform to specifications of the Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc., and the Company. The installation of the water heating equipment shall conform to all National, State, and Municipal Codes. No single electric water heating unit shall exceed 6 kW; and where two or more heating units are used, these units shall be so interlocked that not more than 6 kW can be connected at any one time. Where electric water heaters not complying with these specifications are installed, the Customer will be required to pay the original installation or upgrade costs for any nonstandard facilities needed to supply the electrical capacity to meet the water heater demand. Water heating equipment must not impair or interfere with service to any other customer. RESI DENTIAL SPACE HEATI NG All space heating equipment to be served by the Company's system shall be single-phase equipment approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc., and the equipment and its installation shall conform to all national, state, and municipal codes and to the following: lndividual resistance-type units for space heating larger than 1,650 watts shall be designed to operate al24O or 208 volts, and no single unit shall be larger than 6 kW. Heating units of 2 kW or larger shall be controlled by approved thermostatic devices. When a group of heating units, with a total capacity of more than 6 kW, is to be actuated by a single thermostat, the controlling switch shall be so designed that not more than 6 kW can be switched on or off at any one time. Supplemental resistance{ype heaters, that may be used with a heat exchanger, shall comply with the specifications listed above for such units. CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shall apply to all transactions under this schedule. 1. Balances of Excess Net Energy and Net Consumption by the Customer: a. The Customer shall be billed for the Net Consumption in the Billing Period at the rates contained within this schedule, in accordance with normal metering practices. b. The Customer shall receive a Generation Credit for any Excess Net Energy delivered in the Billing Period. c. lf a balance of Generation Credits remains after the Billing Period, the remaining balance shall be carried forward to offset base energy and PCA charges in subsequent Billing Periods. Generation Credits are subject to the following provisions: IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 6-4 Cancels Oriqinal Sheet No. 6-4 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ITE GENE N (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) i. Generation Credits can only be used to offset base energy and PCA charges. Customers shall be billed for all other applicable charges for the Billing Period according to the applicable standard service schedule. ii. Generation Credits shall carry forward provided the Customer maintains electric service at the same Point of Delivery. iii. Generation Credits are non-transferrable in the event that a Customer relocates and/or discontinues service at the Point of Delivery associated with the Small On- Site Generation System. Any unused Generation Credits willexpire at the time the final bill is prepared. c. Compensation for the Excess Net Energy and Net Consumption by the Customer is subject to change upon Commission approval. 2. Aggregation of meters for the annual transfer of unused Generation Credits: a. lf a balance of Generation Credits exists at a Designated Meter at the end of the Customer's December Billing Period the Customer may request to transfer the unused Generation Credits to offset base energy and PCA charges at eligible meters. A meter is eligible for aggregation if it meets all of the following criteria: i. The account subject to offset is held by the Customer; and ii. The meter is located on, or contiguous to, the property on which the Designated Meter is located. For the purposes of this tariff, contiguous property includes property that is separated from the Premises of the Designated Meter by public or railroad rights of way; and iii. The meter is served by the same primary feeder as the Designated Meter at the time the Customer files the application for the Small On-Site Generation System; and iv. The electricity recorded by the meter is for the Customer's requirements; and v. Generation Credits may only be transferred to meters taking service under Schedule 1, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, or Schedule 8. b. Customers may submit requests to transfer Generation Credits between January 1 and January 31 of each year. All requests must be postmarked or timestamped before midnight, Mountain Standard Time, on January 31. lf a Customer does not request to transfer Generation Credits by the January 31 submission deadline Generation Credits will carry forward to offset base energy and PCA charges at the Designated Meter until they become eligible for transfer on January 1 of the following year. IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 6-5 Cancels LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 6-5 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) c. Requests to transfer Generation Credits must be executed by the Company no later than March 31. Transfers will be based on the balance of Generation Credits available at the time the transfer is made. d. lf multiple meters are eligible for aggregation, Generation Credits must first be applied to the Designated Meter, then to eligible meters on the same rate schedule as the Designated Meter. Remaining Generation Credits may then be applied to offset base energy and PCA charges at eligible meters on differing rate schedules in accordance with Section 2a(v) above. e. A meter aggregation fee of $10.00 will be assessed per aggregated meter per annual transfer transaction. 3. The Customer shall never deliver or attempt to deliver energy to the Company's system when the Company's system serving the Customer's Generation Facility is de-energized for any reason. 4. The Company shall not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a Small On-Site Generation System to the Company's system, or for the acts or omissions of the Customer that cause loss or injury, including death, to any third party. 5. The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities. The Customer is also responsible for all costs associated with any Company additions, modifications, or upgrades to any Company facilities that the Company determines are necessary as a result of the installation of the Generation Facility in order to maintain a safe, reliable electrical system. 6. The Company shall not be obligated to accept, and the Company may require the Customer to curtail, interrupt or reduce deliveries of Energy if the Company, consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices, determines that curtailment, interruption, or reduction is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, or other critical operating conditions on its system. 7. lf the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries of electricity to its customers, the Company may require the Customer to curtail its consumption of electricity in the same manner and to the same degree as other Customers on the Company's standard service schedules. 8. The Customer shall grant to the Company all access to all Company equipment and facilities including adequate and continuing access rights to the property of the Customer for the purpose of installation, operation, maintenance, replacement, or any other service required of said equipment as well as all necessary access for inspection, switching, and any other operational requirements of the Customer's lnterconnections Facilities. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 6-6 Cancels |.P.U.C. Ne. 29, Tarjff No. 101 First Revl SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 9. The Customer shall notify the Company immediately if a Small On-Site Generation System is permanently removed or disabled. Permanent removal or disablement for the purposes of this Schedule is any removal or disablement of a Small On-Site Generation System lasting longer than six (6) months. Customers with permanently removed or disabled systems will be removed from service under this schedule and placed on the appropriate standard service schedule. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non- summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGES AND CREDITS The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). The following rate structure, charges, and credits are subject to change upon Commission approval: Service Charge, per month Energy Charge, per kWh First 800 kWh 801-2000 kwh AllAdditional kWh Over 2000 Summer $5.00 8.5422i, 10.27150, 12.20190, Non-summer $5.00 7.93710, 8.75040, 9.6910/ Export Credit Rate 8.6800 8.680d PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho SCHEDULE 8 ldaho Power Company |P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 8-1 Cancels Orisinal Sheet No. 8-l SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION AVAILABILITY Service under this schedule is available at points on the Company's interconnected system within the State of ldaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltage are adjacent to the location where Small General Service, On-Site Generation is desired, and where additional investment by the Company for new transmission, substation or terminal facilities is not necessary to supply the desired service. This service is available to Customers intending to operate Small On-Site Generation Systems under this schedule to generate electricity to offset all or a portion of their electrical usage. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service supplied to a Customer at one Point of Delivery and measured through one meter. This schedule is applicable to Customers whose metered energy usage is 2,000 kWh, or less, per Billing Period for ten or more Billing Periods during the most recent 12 consecutive Billing Periods. When the Customer's Billing Period is less than27 days or greater than 36 days, the energy usage will be prorated to 30 days for purposes of determining eligibility under this schedule. Customers whose metered energy usage exceeds 2,000 kWh per Billing Period on an actual or prorated basis three times during the most recent 12 consecutive Billing Periods are not eligible for service under this schedule and will be automatically transferred to the applicable schedule effective with the next Billing Period. New customers may initially be placed on this schedule based on estimated usage. This schedule is also applicable to non-profit or tax supported ball fields, fairgrounds or rodeo grounds with high demands and intermittent use exceeding 2,000 kWh per month. This schedule is not applicable to standby service, service for resale, shared service, to individual or multiple family dwellings first served through one meter after February 9, 1982, or to agricultural irrigation service after October 31,2004. Service under this schedule is also subject to the following conditions: 1. Customer owns/and or operates a Generation Facility fueled by solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydropower or represents fuel cell technology, with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kilowatts (kW) or less, that is connected in parallel with the ldaho Power System. 2. The Generation Facility is interconnected to the Customer's individual electric system on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through the Company's existing watt-hour retail meter. 3. Customer meets all requirements applicable to Small On-Site Generation Systems detailed in the Company's Schedule 72, lnterconnections to Non-Utility Generation. IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 8-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 8-2 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) DEFINITIONS Desiqnated Meter is the retail meter physically connected to the Small On-Site Generation System Excess Net Enerov is the amount of energy generated, as measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), by the customer in excess of the customer's energy requirements less any energy supplied by the Company during each hour, summed over the course of the Billing Period. Export Credit Rate is the rate, per kWh, that customers are compensated for Excess Net Energy. Generation Facilitv means all equipment used to generate electric energy where the resulting energy is either delivered to the Company via a single meter at the Point of Delivery or is consumed by the Customer. Generation Credit is the Excess Net Energy multiplied by the Export Credit Rate, provided as a bill credit. The Generation Credit will offset base energy charges and Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) charges in each Billing Period. lnterconnection Facilities are all facilities reasonably required by Prudent Electrical Practices and the applicable electric and safety codes to interconnect and safely deliver energy from the Generation Facility to the Point of Delivery. Net Consumptiqn is the amount of energy supplied by the Company less any energy generated by the Customer during each hour, summed over the course of the Billing Period. Parallel connection means generating electricity from an on-site generation system that is connected to and receives voltage from ldaho Power's system. Point of Deliverv is the retail metering point where the Company's and the Customer's electrical facilities are interconnected to allow the Customer to take retail electric service from the Company. Prudent Electrical Practices are those practices, methods, and equipment that are commonly used in prudent electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully and with safety, dependability, efficiency and economy. Schedule 72 is the Company's service schedule which provides for interconnection to non-utility generation or its successor schedule(s) as approved by the Commission IDAHO lssued per Order No Etfective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 8-3 Cancels !.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 8-3 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON.SITE GENERATION (Continued) DEFINITIONS (Continued) Small On-Site Generation Service is the Company's service which provides for transfer of electric energy to the Company under the terms of this Schedule and of Schedule 72 or their successor(s) as approved by the Commission. This optional service provides for Customers to install Generation Facilities to interconnect to the Company's system to offset all or a portion of their electrical usage. This service is comprised of all customers taking service under Schedule 6 or Schedule 8. Small On-Site Generation Svstem is a Customer-owned Generation Facility, with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kW or less, interconnected to the Company's system under the applicable terms of ScheduleT2 and this schedule. TYPE OF SERVICE The type of service provided under this schedule is single and/or three-phase alternating current, at approximately 60 cycles and at the standard service voltage available at the Premises to be served. CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shall apply to all transactions under this schedule. 1. Balances of Excess Net Energy and Net Consumption by the Customer: a. The Customer shall be billed for the Net Consumption in the Billing Period at the rates contained within this schedule, in accordance with normal metering practices. b. The Customer shall receive a Generation Credit for any Excess Net Energy delivered in the Billing Period. c. lf a balance of Generation Credits remains after the Billing Period, the remaining balance shall be carried forward to offset base energy and PCA charges in subsequent Billing Periods. Generation Credits are subject to the following provisions: i. Generation Credits can only be used to offset base energy and PCA charges. Customers shall be billed for all other applicable charges for the Billing Period according to the applicable standard service schedule. ii. Generation Credits shall carry forward provided the Customer maintains electric service at the same Point of Delivery. iii. Generation Credits are non-transferrable in the event that a Customer relocates and/or discontinues service at the Point of Delivery associated with the Small On- Site Generation System. Any unused Generation Credits will expire at the time the final bill is prepared. c. Compensation for the Excess Net Energy and Net Consumption by the Customer is subject to change upon Commission approval. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 84 Cancels OriqinalSheet No. 84 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 2. Aggregation of meters for the annual transfer of unused Generation Credits: a. lf a balance of Generation Credits exists at a Designated Meter at the end of the Customer's December Billing Period the Customer may request to transfer the unused Generation Credits to offset base energy and PCA charges at eligible meters. A meter is eligible for aggregation if it meets all of the following criteria: i. The account subject to offset is held by the Customer; and ii. The meter is located on, or contiguous to, the property on which the Designated Meter is located. For the purposes of this tariff, contiguous property includes property that is separated from the Premises of the Designated Meter by public or railroad rights of way; and iii. The meter is served by the same primary feeder as the Designated Meter at the time the Customer files the application for the Small On-Site Generation System; and iv. The electricity recorded by the meter is forthe Customer's requirements; and v. Generation Credits may only be transferred to meters taking service under Schedule 1, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, or Schedule 8. b. Customers may submit requests to transfer Generation Credits between January 1 and January 31 of each year. All requests must be postmarked or timestamped before midnight, Mountain Standard Time, on January 31. lf a Customer does not request to transfer Generation Credits by the January 31 submission deadline Generation Credits will carry forward to offset base energy and PCA charges at the Designated Meter until they become eligible for transfer on January 1 of the following year. c. Requests to transfer Generation Credits must be executed by the Company no later than March 31. Transfers will be based on the balance of Generation Credits available at the time the transfer is made. d. lf multiple meters are eligible for aggregation, Generation Credits must flrst be applied to the Designated Meter, then to eligible meters on the same rate schedule as the Designated Meter. Remaining Generation Credits may then be applied to offset base energy and PCA charges at eligible meters on differing rate schedules in accordance with Section 2a(v) above. e. A meter aggregation fee of $10.00 will be assessed per aggregated meter per annual transfer transaction. 3. The Customer shall never deliver or attempt to deliver energy to the Company's system when the Company's system serving the Customer's Generation Facility is de-energized for any reason. IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. 8-5 Cancels !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 8-5 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 4. The Company shall not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a Small On-Site Generation System to the Company's system, or for the acts or omissions of the Customer that cause loss or injury, including death, to any third party. 5. The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities. The Customer is also responsible for all costs associated with any Company additions, modifications, or upgrades to any Company facilities that the Company determines are necessary as a result of the installation of the Generation Facility in order to maintain a safe, reliable electrical system. 6. The Company shall not be obligated to accept, and the Company may require the Customer to curtail, interrupt, or reduce deliveries of energy if the Company, consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices, determines that curtailment, interruption, or reduction is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, or other critical operating conditions on its system. 7. lf the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries of electricity to its customers, the Company may require the Customer to curtail its consumption of electricity in the same manner and to the same degree as other Customers on the Company's standard service schedules. 8. The Customer shall grant to the Company all access to all Company equipment and facilities including adequate and continuing access rights to the property of the Customer for the purpose of installation, operation, maintenance, replacement, or any other service required of said equipment as well as all necessary access for inspection, switching, and any other operational requirements of the Customer's lnterconnections Facilities. 9. The Customer shall notify the Company immediately if a Small On-Site Generation System is permanently removed or disabled. Permanent removal or disablement for the purposes of this Schedule is any removal or disablement of a Small On-Site Generation System lasting longer than six (6) months. Customers with permanently removed or disabled systems will be removed from service under this schedule and placed on the appropriate standard service schedule. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non- summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 8-6 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) MONTHLY S AND CREDITS The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). The following charges and credits are subject to change upon Commission approval Service Charge, per month Summer $5.00 Non-summer $5 00 Energy Charge, per kWh First 300 kWh AllAdditional kWh e.73836 11.59840, e.7383/ 10.21740, Export Credit Rate 10.2220, 10.222i, PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I 8-1 5 IDAHO POWER COMPANY MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 3 TARIFF SCHEDULES - LEGISLATIVE SCHEDULE 6 ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 6-1 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29, Ta SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION AVAILABILITY Service under this schedule is available at points on the Company's interconnected system within the State of ldaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltage are adjacent to the location where Residential Service, On-Site Generation is desired, and where additional investment by the Company for new transmission, substation or terminal facilities is not necessary to supply the desired service. This service is available to Customers intending to operate Small On-Site Generation Systems to generate electricity to redueeoffset all or 1pa*portion of theg m€nff energyelec!11gal usage. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for residential service Customers for general domestic uses, including single phase motors of 7Y. horsepower rating or less, subject to the following conditions: 1. When a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for business, professional or other gainful purposes, or when service is supplied in whole or in part for business, professional, or other gainful purposes, the Premises will be classified as non-residential and the appropriate General Service Schedule will apply. However, if the wiring is so arranged that the service for residential purposes can be metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. 2. Whenever the Custome/s equipment does not conform to the Company's specifications for service under this schedule, service will be supplied under the appropriate General Service Schedule. 3. This schedule is not applicable to standby service, service for resale, or shared service 4. Customer owns and/or operates a Generation Facility fueled by solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydropower or represents fuel cell technology, with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kilowatts (kW) or less, that is connected in parallelwith the ldaho Power System. 5. The Generation Facility is interconnected to the Customer's individual electric system on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through the Company's existing watt-hour retail meter. 6. Customer meets all requirements applicable to Small On-Site Generation Systems detailed in the Company's Schedule 72, lnterconnections to Non-Utility Generation. DEFINITIONS Desiqnated Meter is the retail meter physically connected to the Small On-Site Generation System. Excess Net Enerov is the amount of enerov qenerated, as measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). bv the customer in excess of the customer's enerqy requirements less any enerqv supplied by the Company durinq each hour, summed over the course of the Billinq Period. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34O216 Effective - June-L+O4€ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 6-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29.Iariff No. 101 Oriqin SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) Generation Facilitv means all equipment used to generate electric energy where the resulting energy is delivered to the Company via a single meter at the Point of Delivery or is consumed by the Customer. Generation Credit is the Excess Net Eneroy multiplied bv the Export Credit Rate. provided as a bill credit. The Generation Credit will offset base enerqv charoes and Power Cost Adiustment (PCA) charges in each Billinq Period. lnterconnection Facilities are all facilities reasonably required by Prudent Electrical Practices and the applicable electric and safety codes to interconnect and safely deliver energy from the Generation Facility to the Point of Delivery. Net Consumption is the amount of enerqv supplied bv the Companv less anv enerov qenerated bv the Customer durino each hour. summed over the course of the Billino Period. Parallel connection means generating electricity from an on-site generation system that is connected to and receives voltage from ldaho Power's system. Point of Deliverv is the retail metering point where the Company's and the Customer's electrical facilities are interconnected to allow the Customer to take retail electric service from the Company. Prudent Electrical Practices are those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly used in prudent electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment laMully and with safety, dependability, efficiency and economy. Schedule 72 is the Company's service schedule which provides for interconnection to non-utility generation or its successor schedule(s) as approved by the Commission. Small On-Site Generation Service is the Company's service which provides for transfer of electric energy to the Company under the terms of this Schedule and of Schedule 72 or their successor(s) as approved by the Commission. This optional service provides for Customers to install Generation Facilities to interconnect to the Company's system to offset all or a portion of their electrical usage. This service is comprised of all customers taking service under Schedule 6 or Schedule 8. Small On-Site Generation Svstem is a Customer-owned Generation Facility, with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kW or less, interconnected to the Company's system under the applicable terms of ScheduleT2 and this schedule. TYPE OF SERVICE The type of service provided under this schedule is single phase, alternating current at approximately 120 or 240 volts and 60 cycles, supplied through one meter at one Point of Delivery. Upon request by the owner of multi-family dwellings, the Company may provide 1201208 volt service for multi- family dwellings when all equipment is U L approved to operate at 120/208 volts. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 340z16 Effective - June-+20{+} lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho DEFI NITIONS (Continued) Export Credit Rate is the rate, per kWh, that customers are compensated for Excess Net Energy. ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 6-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 6-3 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) WATER HEATING All electric water heating equipment, including water storage and tankless water heaters (hot water on demand), shall conform to specifications of the Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc., and the Company. The installation of the water heating equipment shall conform to all National, State, and Municipal Codes. No single electric water heating unit shall exceed 6 kW; and where two or more heating units are used, these units shall be so interlocked that not more than 6 kW can be connected at any one time. Where electric water heaters not complying with these specifications are installed, the Customer will be required to pay the original installation or upgrade costs for any nonstandard facilities needed to supply the electrical capacity to meet the water heater demand. Water heating equipment must not impair or interfere with service to any other customer. RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATING All space heating equipment to be served by the Company's system shall be single-phase equipment approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc., and the equipment and its installation shall conform to all national, state, and municipal codes and to the following: lndividual resistance-type units for space heating larger than 1,650 watts shall be designed to operate at240 or 208 volts, and no single unit shall be larger than 6 kW. Heating units of 2 kW or larger shall be controlled by approved thermostatic devices. When a group of heating units, with a total capacity of more than 6 kW, is to be actuated by a single thermostat, the controlling switch shall be so designed that not more than 6 kW can be switched on or off at any one time. Supplemental resistance-type heaters, that may be used with a heat exchanger, shall comply with the specifications listed above for such units. CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shall apply to all transactions under this schedule. 1. Balances of @ and usageNe!_.lQ9nsg1p[sn by the Customer: a. lf eleetrieity supplied by the Cempany during the Billing Peried exeeeds the tlhe Customer shall be billed forthe cNet Consumption in the Billinq Period@ the-eempany at the rates contained within this schedule, in accordance with normal metering practices. b. lf eleetrieity generated by the Custemer and delivered te the Cempany during the ing Peried, Exeess ing-previsiens.The Customer shall receive a Generation Credit for any Excess Net Enerqv delivered in the Billinq Period. c. lf a balance of Generation Credits remains after the Billinq Period, the remaininq forward to offset base and PCA in uent Bill Periods. Generation Credits are subiect to the followinq provisions: IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34&16 Effective - Jsn€'+2O4€ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 6-4 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 6-4 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENT SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) i. Generation Credits can only be used to offset @ienbase enerqy and PCA charqes. Customers shall be billed for all other applicable nereFergy charges for the Billing Period according to the applicable standard service schedule. ii. Generation Credits shall carry forward provided the Customer maintains electric service at the same Point of Delivery. iii. Generation Credits are non-transferrable in the event that a Customer relocates and/or discontinues service at the Point of Delivery associated with the Small On- Site Generation System. Any unused Generation eCredits willexpire at the time the final bill is prepared. c. Compensation for the ba{anee-ef-€eneratrenExcess Net Enerqy and usageNet Consumption by the Customer is subject to change upon Commission approval. 2. Aggregation of meters for the annual transfer of unused gxeess-lte++nergyGeneration a. lf a balance of Exeess$lelEnergryGeneration eCredits exists at a Designated Meter at the end of the Customer's December Billing Period the Customer may request to transfer the unused Generation eCredits to offset base energy censumpti€nand PCA charqes at eligible meters. A meter is eligible for aggregation if it meets all of the following criteria: i. The account subject to offset is held by the Customer; and ii. The meter is located on, or contiguous to, the property on which the Designated Meter is located. For the purposes of this tariff, contiguous property includes property that is separated from the Premises of the Designated Meter by public or railroad rights of way; and iii. The meter is served by the same primary feeder as the Designated Meter at the time the Customer files the application for the Small On-Site Generation System; and iv. The electricity recorded by the meter is for the Customer's requirements; and v. Generation Credits may only be transferred to meters taking service under Schedule 1, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, or Schedule 8. b.CustomersmaysubmitrequeststotransferegreditsbetweenJanuary1andJanuary31ofeachyear.Allrequestsmustbe@ bypostmarked or timestamped before midnight, Mountain Standard Time, on January 31. lf aCustomerdoesnotrequesttotransferegreditsbytheJanuary31submissiondeadlinee9reditswillcalryforwardtooffset eensumptrenbase enersv and PCA charqes at the Designated Meter until they become eligible for transfer on January 1 of the following year. eCredits IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34046 Effective - June-++O4€ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 6-5 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 6-5 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) c. Requests to transfer gxeess-lte++ner9yGeneration egredits must be executed by the Company no later than March 31. Transfers will be based on the balance of Exeess-Net CnergyQene1alg! eCredits available at the time the transfer is made. d.lfmultiplemetersareeligibleforaggregation, eQredits must first be applied to the Designated Meter, then to eligible meters on the same rate schedule as the Designated Meter. Remaining Cxeess-lte++nergyGeneration eCredits may then be applied to offset €onsumptr€nbase enerqv and PCA charges at eligible meters on differing rate schedules in accordance with Section 2a(v) above. e. A meter aggregation fee of $10.00 will be assessed per aggregated meter per annual transfer transaction. 3. The Customer shall never deliver or attempt to deliver energy to the Company's system when the Company's system serving the Customer's Generation Facility is de-energized for any reason. 4. The Company shall not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a Small On-Site Generation System to the Company's system, or for the acts or omissions of the Customer that cause loss or injury, including death, to any third party. 5. The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities. The Customer is also responsible for all costs associated with any Company additions, modifications, or upgrades to any Company facilities that the Company determines are necessary as a result of the installation of the Generation Facility in order to maintain a safe, reliable electrical system. 6. The Company shall not be obligated to accept, and the Company may require the Customer to curtail, interrupt or reduce deliveries of Energy if the Company, consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices, determines that curtailment, interruption, or reduction is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, or other critical operating conditions on its system. 7. lf the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries of electricity to its customers, the Company may require the Customer to curtail its consumption of electricity in the same manner and to the same degree as other Customers on the Company's standard service schedules. 8. The Customer shall grant to the Company all access to all Company equipment and facilities including adequate and continuing access rights to the property of the Customer for the purpose of installation, operation, maintenance, replacement, or any other service required of said equipment as well as all necessary access for inspection, switching, and any other operational requirements of the Customer's lnterconnections Facilities. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 340.'16 Effective - Jsne-++O4€ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company LPU.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Firstseggld Revised Sheet No. 6-6 Cancels Orie+na{First Revised Sheet No. 6-6 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERAT toN (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 9. The Customer shall notify the Company immediately if a Small On-Site Generation System is permanently removed or disabled. Permanent removal or disablement for the purposes of this Schedule is any removal or disablement of a Small On-Site Generation System lasting longer than six (6) months. Customers with permanently removed or disabled systems will be removed from service under this schedule and placed on the appropriate standard service schedule. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non- summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. I ruoruruty cnnRces Ruo cRrorrs The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). The following rate structure, and-charges, and credits are subject to change upon Commission approval: Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.00 $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh First 800 kWh 801-2000 kwh AllAdditional kWh Over 2000 8.5422(, 10.2715Q, 12.2019i, 7.93710, 8.7504(, 9.69101 Export Credit Rate 8.680d 8.680d PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34349 Effective - June-{r201€ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho SCHEDULE 8 ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 8-1 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 10't Oriqinal Sheet No. 8-1 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION AVAILABILITY Service under this schedule is available at points on the Company's interconnected system within the State of ldaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltage are adjacent to the location where Small General Service, On-Site Generation is desired, and where additional investment by the Company for new transmission, substation or terminal facilities is not necessary to supply the desired service. This service is available to Customers intending to operate Small On-Site Generation Systems under this schedule to generate electricity to redueeo'ffse! all or a padpo rtion of thei r men+Hyenergye lectrica I usage. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service supplied to a Customer at one Point of Delivery and measured through one meter. This schedule is applicable to Customers whose metered energy usage is 2,000 kWh, or less, per Billing Period for ten or more Billing Periods during the most recent 12 consecutive Billing Periods. When the Customer's Billing Period is less than27 days or greater than 36 days, the energy usage will be prorated to 30 days for purposes of determining eligibility under this schedule. Customers whose metered energy usage exceeds 2,000 kWh per Billing Period on an actual or prorated basis three times during the most recent 12 consecutive Billing Periods are not eligible for service under this schedule and will be automatically transferred to the applicable schedule effective with the next Billing Period. New customers may initially be placed on this schedule based on estimated usage. This schedule is also applicable to non-profit or tax supported ball fields, fairgrounds or rodeo grounds with high demands and intermittent use exceeding 2,000 kWh per month. This schedule is not applicable to standby service, service for resale, shared service, to individual or multiple family dwellings first served through one meter after February 9, 1982, or to agricultural irrigation service after October 31,2004. Service under this schedule is also subject to the following conditions: 1. Customer owns/and or operates a Generation Facility fueled by solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydropower or represents fuel cell technology, with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kilowatts (kW) or less, that is connected in parallelwith the ldaho Power System. 2. The Generation Facility is interconnected to the Customer's individual electric system on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through the Company's existing watt-hour retail meter. 3. Customer meets all requirements applicable to Small On-Site Generation Systems detailed in the Company's Schedule 72, lnterconnections to Non-Utility Generation. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34&16 Effective - JuneJ-+O48 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 8-2 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 8-2 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) DEFINITIONS Desiqnated Meter is the retail meter physically connected to the Small On-Site Generation System. Excess Net Enerov means the ?esitive is the amount of enerqy qenerated, as measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), by the customer in excess of the customer's enerqv requirements less anv enerov supplied bv the Companv durinq each hour, summed over the course of the Billinq Period. Generation Facilitv means all equipment used to generate electric energy where the resulting energy is either delivered to the Company via a single meter at the Point of Delivery or is consumed by the Customer. Generation Credit is the Excess Net Enerov multiplied by the Export Credit Rate, provided as a bill credit. The Generation Credit will offset base enerqv charoes and Power Cost Adiustment (PCA) charqes in each Billino Period. lnterconnection Facilities are all facilities reasonably required by Prudent Electrical Practices and the applicable electric and safety codes to interconnect and safely deliver energy from the Generation Facility to the Point of Delivery. Net Consumption is the amount of eneroy supplied by the Company less any enerqy qenerated bv the Customer durinq each hour. summed over the course of the Billino Period. Parallel connection means generating electricity from an on-site generation system that is connected to and receives voltage from ldaho Power's system. Point of Deliverv is the retail metering point where the Company's and the Customer's electrical facilities are interconnected to allow the Customer to take retail electric service from the Company. Prudent Electrical Practices are those practices, methods, and equipment that are commonly used in prudent electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully and with safety, dependability, efficiency and economy. Schedule 72 is the Company's service schedule which provides for interconnection to non-utility generation or its successor schedule(s) as approved by the Commission. ren e IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34046 Effective - Ju€e-+2O4€ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Export Credit Rate is the rate, per kWh. that customers are compensated for Excess Net Enerov. ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 8-2 Cancels OriqinalSheet No. 8-2 ( TYPE EF TERVICE IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34&16 Effective - June++O4€ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 8-3 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 8-3 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) DEFINIT (Continued) SmattOn-Site Gene energv to the Compan approved by the Com facitities to inte seruee-is-eo-mpised of all cus Smatt On-Site Gene nameotate caoacit terms of Schedute Z TYPE OF SERVICE fne tvpe of service p at approximatetv O CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shall apply to all transactions under this schedule. 1. Balances of @ and usageNg!_lQs1gg!0plen by the Customer: a. lf eleetrieity supplied by the Cempany during the Billing Peried exeeeds the tfhe Customer shall be billed for the nNet Consumption in the Billinq Period@ t+e-gempany at the rates contained within this schedule, in accordance with normal metering practices. b. ing Peried, Exeess Net he Customer shall receive a Generation Credttfor any Excess Net Enerqv delivered in the Billinq Period. c. lf a balance of Generation Credits remains after the Billinq Period. the remaininq balance shall be carried forward to offset base enerqv and PCA charqes in subsequent Billinq Periods. Generation Credits are subiect to the followino provisions: i. Generation Credits can only be used to offset billed kwh censump base enerqv and PCA charqes.Customers shall be billed for all other applicable Fen-energy charges for the Billing Period according to the applicable standard service schedule. ii. Generation Credits shall carry forward provided the Customer maintains electric service at the same Point of Delivery. iii. Generation Credits are non-transferrable in the event that a Customer relocates and/or discontinues service at the Point of Delivery associated with the Small On- IDAHO lssued per Order No. 340zt6 Effective - Jrrne-+404€ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 8-3 Cancels LP.LJ.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 8-3 Site Generation System. Any unused Generation eQredits will expire at the time the final bill is prepared. c. Compensation for the and usageNe! Consumption by the Customer is subject to change upon Commission approval. a' fa AaUnee ef gx @ EChft>d+H# IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34&16 Effective - June-X-20{+} lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 8-4 Cancels Oriqinal Sheet No. 8-4 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 2. Aggregation of m Generation eCredits: a. lf a balance of Ex GenerationcQredits exists at a De at tne enO ot tne Cus unused Generation eCredrtslooffselbase energysensumotienand PCA charqes-aleltg]ble nncterc= n meter is etigible i. fne account subl ii. fne meter is l Oesignated Meter i prooertv tnat is sep riohts of wav: and iii. The meter is served by the same primary feeder as the Designated Meter at the time the Customer files the application for the Small On-Site Generation System; and iv. The electricity recorded by the meter is forthe Customer's requirements; and v. Generation Credits may only be transferred to meters taking service under Schedule 1, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, or Schedule 8. b.CustomersmaysubmitrequeststotransfereCreditsbetweenJanuary1andJanuary31ofeachyear.Allrequestsmustbe@ bypostmarked or timestamped before midnight, Mountain Standard Time, on January 31. lf a Customer does not request to transfer Cxees++te++nergyGeneration eCredits by the January 31submissiondeadlineeQreditswillcarryforwardtooffset attheDesignatedMeteruntiltheybecomeeligiblefor transfer on January 1 of the following year. c.Requeststotransfere9reditsmustbeexecutedby the Company no later than March 31. Transfers will be based on the balance of Exeess-Net Cnergyceneralg! eCredits available at the time the transfer is made. d.lfmultiplemetersareeligibleforaggregation, eQredits must first be applied to the Designated Meter, then to eligible meters on the same rate schedule as the Designated Meter. Remaining Sxeess-lte++ner9yGeneration eCredits may thenbeappliedtooffsetateligiblemetersondifferingrate schedules in accordance with Section 2a(v) above. e. A meter aggregation fee of $10.00 will be assessed per aggregated meter per annual transfer transaction. 3. The Customer shall never deliver or attempt to deliver energy to the Company's system when the Company's system serving the Customer's Generation Facility is de-energized for any reason. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 3402[6 Effective - Jsne-++O4{, lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 8-4 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 8-4 aggitiens; megit ines-ere egdfl€a+€y€+em= IDAHO lssued per Order No. 349216 Effective - June 1, 2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company F+stSegqrclRevised Sheet No. 8-5 Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 OrieinalFirst Revised Sheet No. 8-5 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) +. fne Companv snal an attacnment of a S omissions of tne C The Crrstomer is resnonsihle for all costs associated with the Generation Facilitv and tnterconnection fa aOOitions. moOitl necessarv as a result of the installation of the Generation Facilitv in order to maintain a safe. reliable electrical svstem. O. fne Comoanv snal Customer to curtailgectricat Practl construction or ma svstem. 7. lf the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries of electricity to its customers, the Company may require the Customer to curtail its consumption of electricity in the same manner and to the same degree as other Customers on the Company's standard service schedules. 8. The Customer shall grant to the Company all access to all Company equipment and facilities including adequate and continuing access rights to the property of the Customer for the purpose of installation, operation, maintenance, replacement, or any other service required of said equipment as well as all necessary access for inspection, switching, and any other operational requirements of the Customer's lnterconnections Facilities. 9. The Customer shall notify the Company immediately if a Small On-Site Generation System is permanently removed or disabled. Permanent removal or disablement for the purposes of this Schedule is any removal or disablement of a Small On-Site Generation System lasting longer than six (6) months. Customers with permanently removed or disabled systems will be removed from service under this schedule and placed on the appropriate standard service schedule. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non- summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MENTHEY GHARGE 5 IDAHO lssued per Order No. 340z16 Effective - June++O48 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Firstsecond Revised Sheet No. 8-5 Cancels l.P.U.C. No.29, Tariff SHmmer Nen ssrnrner W IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34046 Effective - June 1, 2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho PA#+'4EAE ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 8-6 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATI ON (Continued) MONTHLY CHARGES AND CREDITS The Monthlv Charoe is the sum of the followino charoes. and mav also include charoes as set forth rn Scnedute S+ ffl Efficiency Rider). 1 anO Smal farm ener The following charu* and credits are subiect to chang Summer Non-summer Service Charoe. oer month $5.00 $5.00 Enerov Charoe. oer kWh first 3O0 kWn 9.2383 AllAdditional kWh 11.5984d, 10.2174d Export Credit Sate 10.222d 10.2226 PAYMENI fne montnU bitt re oast due 15 davs from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 34046 Effective-June 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I9-15 IDAHO POWER COMPANY MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 4 WORKPAPERS (PROVTDED ON CD) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 11th day of October 2019 I served a true and correct copy of the MOTION TO APPROVE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT and SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A (83714) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 ldaHydro C. Tom Arkoosh ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES 802 West Bannock Street, Suite LP 103 P.O. Box 2900 Boise, ldaho 83701 ldaho Conservation League and NW Energy Coalition Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North 6th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 NW Energy Coalition F. Diego Rivas NW Energy Coalition 1 101 8th Avenue Helena, Montana 59601 ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc. Eric L. Olsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Suite 100 P.O. Box 6119 Pocatello, ldaho 83205 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email edward.iewell@puc.idaho.oov _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com taylor. pestel l@arkoosh. com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email botto@idahoconservation.orq _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email diego@nupnelgy.ercl _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email elo@echohawk.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 1 Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 Vote Solar Briana Kobor Vote Solar 358 South 700 East, Suite 8206 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 David Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madison, Wisconsin 537 1 1 Al Luna Nick Thorpe 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 702 Washington, DC 20036 City of Boise Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 North Capitol Boulevard P.O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701 -0500 ldaho CIean Energy Association Preston N. Carter GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street Boise, ldaho 83702 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email tonv@vankel.net _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email briana@votesolar.orq _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email dbender@earthiustice.orq _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email aluna@earthiustice.orq nthorpe@earthjustice.orq _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email aqermaine@cityofboise.orq _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email prestoncarter@qivenspursley.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 2 ldaho Sierra Club Kelsey Jae Nunez KELSEY JAE NUNEZLLC 920 North Clover Drive Boise, ldaho 83703 Zack Waterman Michael Heckler ldaho Sierra Club 503 West Franklin Street Boise, ldaho 83702 PacifiCorp d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power Yvonne R. Hogle Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email kelsey@kelseyjaenunez.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email zack.waterman@sierraclub.orq michael. p. heckler@qmail.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email yvonne.hoqle@pacificorp.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email ted.weston@pacificorp.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email dreadinq@mindsprinq.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 3 Micron Technology, lnc. Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Holland & Hart, LLP 555 Seventeenth Street, Suite 3200 Denver, Colorado 80202 Jim Swier Micron Technology, lnc. 8000 South FederalWay Boise, ldaho 83707 lndividual Russell Schiermeier 29393 Davis Road Bruneau, Idaho 83604 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email darueschhoff@hollandhart.com tnelson@ hol land hart. com aclee@holland hart.com g lgargano-ama ri@ hol land ha rt. com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email iswier@micron.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email buvhav@qmail.com Ki T Assistant CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 4