HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180911JR Simplot Unopposed Motion to Extend.pdfPeter J. Richardson, ISB No. 3195 Gregory M. Adams, ISB No. 7454 RICHARDSON ADAMS, P.L.L.C. 515 N. 27th Street Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-2236 Facsimile: (208) 938-7904 Email : peter@richardsonadams.com Email : greg@richardsonadams.com IN THE MATTER OF PETITION OF IDAHYDRO, SHOROCK HYDRO, [NC., J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY, AND RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION FOR MODIFICATION OF THE 9OlI IO PERFORMANCE BAND AND CALCULATION OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE CHARGES FOR PURPA QUALIFYTNG FACILITIES Case No. IPC-E-18-07 J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S UNOPPOSED MOTION TO EXTEND STAY OF PROCEEDINGS RTCEIVED ?0lB SIP I I Al{ I l: L0 cSICN Attorneys for Petitioner J.R. Simplot Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Petitioner J.R. Simplot Company ("Simplot") hereby respectfully moves the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), pursuant to Rule of Procedure 256.03, to extend the existing stay on all pending deadlines and proceedings in this matter for an additional 2l days or until such time before 2l days that any party moves to lift the stay, and to the extent an answer or motion to dismiss is necessary to Idaho Power Company's ("ldaho Power") cross-petition, that such deadline be extended until seven days after the stay is lifted. On April 16,2018, Petitioners Idaho Hydroelectric Power Producers Trust, an Idaho Trust, d/b/a Idahydro ("ldahydro"), Shorock Hydro, Inc. ("Shorock"), Simplot, and the Renewable Energy Coalition ("REC") filed the petition initiating this proceeding. On July 25,2018,Idaho J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S UNOPPOSED MOTION TO EXTEND STAY OF PROCEEDTNGS rPC-E-18-07 PAGE I Power Company ("ldaho Power") filed its cross-petition and/or petition in this proceeding. The parties have engaged in several rounds of discovery since the filing of the initial petition, but no procedural schedule has been established yet in this proceeding. By rule, there may be a Zl-day period to file an answer or motion to dismiss Idaho Power's cross-petition and/or petition, see RP 57 .02, but if the cross-petition is itself deemed a late answer, no response would be necessary. However, before expiration of that 2l-day period the Commission issued Order No. 34128, staying the proceedings for 28 days from the date of the order, August 15, 2018. As explained in the initial motion for a stay, since the filing of Idaho Power's cross-petition and/or petition, the original petitioners (Idahydro, Shorock, Simplot, and REC) and Idaho Power have engaged in discussions as to procedural and substantive matters related to the issues in dispute, and wish to complete those discussion prior to the occurrence of the next procedural steps in this proceeding. At this time, those discussions have been productive but have not yet concluded. These parties wish to continue to engage in such discussions prior to the next procedural steps occurring in this proceeding. Therefore, Simplot requests that the Commission issue an order extending the stay of proceedings in this matter for an additional 2l days or until such time before 2l days that any party moves to lift the stay. Additionally, Simplot requests that to the extent an answer or motion to dismiss is necessary to ldaho Power's cross-petition, that such deadline be extended until seven days after the stay is lifted. The initial 2l-day deadline would have been 2l days after July 25,2018, which would have been August 15, 2018. The Commission's Order No. 34128 noted that Simplot's unopposed stay motion also requested that the Commission toll pending deadlines beginning on the date of the stay motion on August 8, 2018, which would have tolled the 2l-day period to file J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S TINOPPOSED MOTION TO EXTEND STAY OF PROCEEDINGS rPC-E-18-07 PAGE 2 an answer or motion to dismiss with a due date on September 19, 2018. However, the ordering paragraph of Order No. 34128 states all pending deadlines are tolled from date of entry of the order, August 15,2018, which suggests the 2l-period could nrn on September 12,2018. To clarify the deadlines going forward and to facilitate ongoing discussions without filing of such an answer or motion to dismiss, tdaho Power and the original petitioners have agreed to extend the due date for any answer or motion to dismiss the cross-petition until seven days after the stay is lifted. Therefore, to the extent an answer or motion to dismiss is necessary to Idaho Power's cross- petition, Simplot moves that such deadline be extended until seven days after the stay is lifted. Counsel for Simplot has contacted all other parties to this proceeding, and no party opposes this motion. Resolution is therefore appropriate without further process. See Rule of Procedure 2s6.03. DATED tf,i, -flay of September, 2018. RICHARDSON ADAMS, P.L.L.C. Gregory M. Adams Peter J. Richardson Attorneys for Petitioner J.R. Simplot Company J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S UNOPPOSED MOTION TO EXTEND STAY OF PROCEEDTNGS IPC-E-18-07 PAGE 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the I lth day of September 2018, a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing UNOPPOSED MOTION TO EXTEND STAY PROCEEDINGS BY THE J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY in Case No. IPC-E-18-07 was delivered to the following persons in the matter indicated: Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 _U.S. Mail, postage prepaid X Hand Delivery X email to diane.holt@puc.idaho.eov Edith Pacillo Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 X U.S. Mail, postage prepaid _Hand Delivery -X_email to edith.pacillo@puc. idaho. gov Donovan Walker Idaho Power Company l22l W.ldaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 X U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand DeliveryX email to dwalker@idahopower.com C. Tom Arkoosh Idahydro P.O. Box 2900 Boise, Idaho 83701 X U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand Delivery X email to tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com J. Kahle Becker Renewable Energy Coalition 233 N. 6th Street, #325 Boise, Idaho 83702 _X U.S. Mail, postage prepaid _Hand Deliveryj email to kahle@,kahlebecketlar,v-qorrr Irion Sanger Renewable Energy Coalition I I l7 SE 53'd Avenue Portland, Oregon 97215 X U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand Delivery _X email to irion@sanger-law.com Michael C. Creamer Preston N. Carter Tamarack Energy Partnerships P.O.Box2720 Boise, Idaho 83701 X U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand Delivery X email to mcc@.qivenspursley. com pnc@ qivenspursley. com Michael Andrea Avista Corporation l4l I E. Mission Avenue, MSC-23 Spokane, Washington 99202 X U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand DeliveryX email to michael.andrea@avistacorp.som Clint Kalich Avista Corporation l4l I E. Mission Avenue, MSC-7 Spokane, Washington 99202 X U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand DeliveryX email to clint.kalich@,avistacorp.com Kandi Walters