HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180725Idaho Power Cross-Petition.pdfSffi*RECE'VsD rCI,B JUL a5 PH &: 29 l/r lsslof,J E. Walker @ An TDACORP Company DONOVAN E. WALKER Lead Counsel dwal ker@idahopower.com DEW:csb Enclosures July 25, 2018 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary !daho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. !PC-E-18-07 Petition for Modification of 90/110 Performance Band and Calculation of O&M Charges for PURPA QFs - ldaho Power Company's Cross-Petition and/or Petition to Modify the 90/110 Firmness Requirement for Establishing Eligibility for Avoided Cost Rates Pursuant to a Legally Enforceable Obligation Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed forfiling in the above matter are an original and seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company's Cross-Petition and/or Petition to Modify the 90/110 Firmness Requirement for Establishing Eligibility for Avoided Cost Rates Pursuant to a Legally Enforceable Obligation. Very yours, Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE !DAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF IDAHYDRO, SHOROCK HYDRO, !NC., J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY, AND RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION FOR MODIFICATION OF THE 9O/1 1O PERFORMANCE BAND AND CALCULATION OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE CHARGES FOR PURPA QUALIFYING FACILITIES RTCE IVED ?OIB JUL 25 PH h: 29 - rnr rnilir.. ,' I r-J[-'.Li\,' i:l l'rii:li CLtlJh{lSSl0N CASE NO. !PC-E-18-07 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/1 1O FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABL!SHI NG EL!G!B! LITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY EN FORCEABLE OBLIGATION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company"), pursuant to RP 53, 57, and 326, hereby cross petitions and/or petitions, as appropriate, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to modify, alter, or amend existing orders or rules and to clarify rights, obligations, and the implementation of Sections 201 and 210 of the Public IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 1 DONOVAN E. WALKER (lSB No. 5921) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwal ker@ id a hopower. com Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA'), 16 U.S.C. $ 824a-3 ef seg., and various Commission orders, as set forth herein. RP 57 addresses answers to complaints and petitions. Surprisingly, unless the Commission modifies the time within which to answer, RP 57.02 references and contemplates answers to petitions within 21 days after service of petition in the same manner as one would answer a complaint, which is contrary to the customary practice in front of the Commission where a formal answer is seldom, if ever, filed in response to a petition. Additionally, while RP 57.02.a references both complaints and petitions, the rule is silent as to a cross-petition, while stating that matters alleged by cross-complaint must be separately stated and numbered. Thus, ldaho Power hereby files this pleading as a cross-petition and/or petition. As referenced and further discussed below, the parties to this proceeding have previously discussed converting this matter into a GNR, generic proceeding applicable to all Qualifying Facilities ("QF') and all utilities, but have been unsuccessful in reaching agreement as to the scope of this proceeding as wel! as a procedural schedule, with those efforts still ongoing. And as further discussed below, ldaho Power believes that the issues raised by the QF Parties' petition necessarily, and expressly, implicate the Commission's overall implementation of Federal Regulation, 18 C.F.R S 292.304(d), and the proper implementation of PURPA for the state of Idaho. ldaho Power asks that the Commission either grant leave to allow ldaho Power to cross petition, or alternatively, that it consider ldaho Power's pleading as an independent petition and consider both ldaho Power's petition and the QF Parties' petition in one consolidated proceeding. ln any event, ldaho Power believes that the proper scope and determination requested of the Commission by both the QF Parties' petition and ldaho IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS.PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 2 Power's cross-petition/petition is applicable to all potential QFs regardless of generation type and would be appropriately considered in a GNR, generic, case for the general applicability to all QFs and all utilities of the Commission's implementation of PURPA in the state of ldaho. This would presumably require a new Notice and lntervention Period prior to the establishment of a procedural schedule. Accordingly, ldaho Power petitions the Commission to determine the proper breadth and scope of its implementation of 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(d) in the state of ldaho, and the proper firmness determination and requirements in order for a QF to establish a legally enforceable obligation thereunder along with the associated pricing determined at the time of entering into such legally enforceable obligation or contract, as more fully set forth herein, and as stated in the Prayer for Relief. II. BACKGROUND. INITIAL PETITION. SCOPE AND PROCEDURE On April 16, 2018, ldaho Hydroelectric Power Producers Trust ("ldahydro"), Shorock Hydro, lnc. ("Shorock"), J.R. Simplot Company ("Simplot"), and the Renewable Energy Coalition ("REC") (collectively, "QF Parties" or "QF Petitioners") filed a petition with the Commission asking that the 901110 requirement for firm pricing contained in PURPA QF energy sales agreements ("ESA") with utilities be abandoned as it applies to "small hydropower, cogeneration, biomass, and baseload QFs" and, further, that the Commission-approved schedule of operation and maintenance ("O&M) charges contained in ldaho Power's Schedule 72 be revised to "only allow charges to QFs for actual O&M expenses at the time of occurrence." QF Parties' Petition at 9-10. ln the QF Petitioners' Prayer for relief they ask the Commission to order, among other things: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 90/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION .3 That small hydropower, cogeneration, biomass, and baseload QFs that choose to enter into an ESA or otherwise legally enforceable obligation after the date of such order issued in this proceeding may elect to sell their electrical energy and capacity to electric utilities regulated by the Commission at forecasted, fixed avoided cost rates calculated at the time the obligation is incurred under 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(dx2xii) under a long-term ESAs that does not contain the 90/1 10 Performance Band requirement. td. The QF Parties' petition has been Noticed twice by the Commission, and petitions to intervene have been granted for Tamarack Energy Partnership ("Tamarack") and Avista Corporation ("Avista"). Since the filing of the QF Parties' Petition, the QF Petitioners, as well as Commission Staff, have served several lengthy rounds of discovery upon ldaho Power. The parties to this proceeding have attempted unsuccessfully to reach agreement as to the scope of this proceeding as well as a procedural schedule, with those efforts still ongoing. With ldaho Power's cross-petition/petition, ldaho Power believes that the proper scope and determination requested of the Commission is applicable to all potential QFs regardless of generation type or geographic location within the state of ldaho and would be appropriately considered in a GNR, general or generic, case for the general applicability of the Commission's implementation of PURPA in the state of Idaho. The issues raised by the QF Petitioners regarding the Commission requirements surrounding the 90/110 provisions, and the previous orders of the Commission discussing the same, as well as the changed circumstances since said orders, necessitates clarification and revision of the Commission's implementation of 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(d) for the state of ldaho. The QF Petitioners allege in their petition that the Commission's IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 4 901110 provisions and the requirement to provide "firm" power delivery "does not arise from, and is contrary to, 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(d), which distinguishes QF energy sold on an 'as available' basis at the time of delivery ('Non-firm') and energy sold pursuant to a ESA for delivery over a specified term ('Firm'). See Order No. 181190, U-1006-20.' QF Parties' Petition at 3-4. ldaho Power disagrees and petitions the Commission to clarify and modify its provisions regarding firm QF delivery and the Commission's implementation of 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(d) in ldaho. Contrary to what may be indicated by the areas of inquiry from the discovery questions delivered to ldaho Power and Avista thus far, this case and question is not a matter of integration costs, damages, replacement power costs, forecasts, the utility's risk management, operating plans, or non- performance penalties; rather, it is a matter of the proper and lawful implementation of eligibility for firm versus non-firm avoided cost rates for purchases as set forth in 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(d) in a manner that is not harmful to ldaho Power retail customers. While the 90/1 10 requirement as a determination of firmness is better than having no determination of firmness at all, the current implementation of the 901110 requirement is an insufficient determinant of the firmness of QF generation deliveries, and results in large amounts of non-firm generation receiving firm generation avoided cost pricing, locked in for the entire duration of an ESA. This results in overpayment for QF generation, and harms ldaho Power's retail customers. ldaho Power asks the Commission to clarify its implementation of PURPA in the state of ldaho with regard to the definition of firmness for QF generation, and the relationship of that firmness determination to a QF's ability to establish a legally enforceable obligation and thus gain access to the firm avoided cost rate that is established at the time of the legally enforceable obligation, as opposed to the IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 5 non-firm avoided cost rate, established at the time of delivery. ldaho Power petitions the Commission to order that only firm QF generation resources can establish a legally enforceable obligation and the right to firm avoided cost pricing, locked in for the duration of their ESA. The definition of a firm QF resource should be the same as the definition of a firm resource applicable to non-QF generation. The 90/110 definition of firmness should be modified to require firm scheduled deliveries of QF generation where the QF must schedule and guarantee the amount of generation that is delivered at a particular time as firm. All other generation deliveries are non-firm and should be priced accordingly. This cross-petition and/or petition is further based upon the following: !II. QF DEVELOPMENT AND COST ON IDAHO POWER'S SYSTEM ldaho Power has a long history with active PURPA QF projects, and has acquired a very substantial amount of QF generation that currently operates on its system. The first QF projects were constructed and started selling their output to ldaho Power under PURPA in approximately 1982. Attachment 1. For the next 20 years, ldaho Power accumulated a large number of predominately small hydro PURPA QF projects that steadily increased and maintained energy deliveries under 200 megawatts ("MW") tota! generation. /d. To this day, small hydro QFs make up the majority of the number of PURPA projects under contract with ldaho Power. Attachment 2. ldaho Power has 68 PURPA hydro projects out of a total of 134 PURPA projects under contract. /d. PURPA hydro, however, provides a relatively small amount of the total PURPA generation. ld. PURPA hydro provides approximalely 147 MW of the 1,120 MW of total PURPA nameplate generation capacity that is on-line. ld. Since approximately 2002, ldaho Power has experienced a dramatic increase in the number and size of PURPA projects, IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION .6 predominately wind, and now solar, QF projects coming on-line and under contract. Additionally, many of the early QF hydro generation projects, many of which are members of the QF Petitioners' organizations, are running the fu!! term of their initial PURPA ESAs, and have and will be seeking to enter into new obligations with ldaho Power and its customers. Approximately eight of these existing QF projects have already entered into replacement, long-term ESAs with ldaho Power. Over the next several years, approximately 1 more existing QF hydro contract is set to expire tn2018, 9 more ESAs in 2019, 14 more ESAs in 2020, and 18 hydro ESAs thereafter through 2024. As shown in Attachment 2, as well as the table below, ldaho Power currently has a total of 1,149 MW of PURPA QF projects under contract. Of that total, 1,120 MW of capacity from these projects are on-line and operationaltoday. /d. ldaho Power has 627 MW of PURPA wind capacity currently operating on its system. /d The Company has 290 MW of PURPA solar capacity under contract and on-line, an additional 286 MW of PURPA solar capacity in the queue actively seeking PURPA energy sales agreements, and 300 MW of additional solar generation seeking to interconnect to ldaho Power's system. Attachment 1; Attachment 2. ln total, ldaho Power today has 2,290 MW of PURPA generation operating, under contract, interconnecting, or currently requesting long-term, fixed-price energy sales agreements to obligate the Company and its customers. ld. For comparison, total load on ldaho Power's system varies from a minimum of approximately 1,100 MW to a maximum of approximately 3,400 MW throughout the year.1 lActual 2017 minimum load was approximately 1,064 MW. ldaho Power's historical record high peak load was 3,422 MW on July 7,2017. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 7 Renewable Energy PURPA Qualifying Facilities Under Contract and On-!ine Biomass CoGen Thermal Hydro Solar Wind MW Subtota! 36 16 5 147 290 627 1 20 1 2011 Under Contract, but NOT On-line Hydro Solar 2 2729 1,149 Pending (Not Under Gontract, Not On-line) Biomass Hydro Solar Wind 48 7 586 5001,141 2,290 Non-PURPA Projects On-line Power Purchase Agreements Geothermal Wind MW Subtotal 35 101 136 136 2,426Total Renewable Energy - PURPA and Non-PURPA ldaho Power also has an additional 136 MW of non-PURPA renewable generation under contract. The Company's non-PURPA renewable projects consist of: Elkhorn Wind, 101 MW; Neal Hot Springs Geothermal,22 MW; Raft RiverGeothermal, 13 MW; and the Oregon Solar Photovoltaic Pilot Program, 60 projects with 0.46 MW. Attachment 2. The current customer obligation of $3.4 billion for a!! PURPA generation currently operating on ldaho Power's system would increase to $4.1 billion with the addition of the PURPA generation that is currently proposed. Attachment 3; Attachment 4. This additional obligation and risk borne by customers is being added to the Company's IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION. S system at a time when it does not need any additional generation resources to serve customers' needs well into the future. At the same time, PURPA power supply expenses are growing at a rapid pace and becoming quite large. The graph below shows the historical and projected increase in annual PURPA power supply expense from2004 through 2028, and includes all contracts signed and approved by the Commission through July 25, 2018. ldaho Power PURPA Payments $" "S ,s" "d ,uo. $" ,*" .,S ,S ,$ .,." d d" "^$ ,"- "S ,*" S' d ,6i $" "rd ,*" ,$ $. As shown in the graph above, annual PURPA power supply expenses in 2004 were approximately $40 million. 2004 approximates the beginning of the addition of large- scale PURPA wind, under 2O-year, long-term, fixed-rate contracts to ldaho Power's system. lt took more than 20 years of the accumulation of PURPA contracts to reach the $40 million in costs seen in 2004. Just five years later, in 2009, the annual power supply expense grew by 50 percent to approximately $60 million. As more wind was coming onto the system at a rapid pace, just three years later, in 2012, annual PURPA power supply expense almost doubled, to nearly $120 million, and eventually leveled off for a few years just under $150 million. With the rapid addition of the recent PURPA solar contracts, which came on-line in 2016 and 2017, and additional development of solar, IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 90/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 9 3m 29 I r*,,,,rllllllllllllll e E hydro, and biomass QFs, PURPA annual power supply expense is estimated to increase to over $250 million by 2028. This is a staggering 625 percent increase in annual PURPA power supply expense in approxim ately 24 years, over the previous 20 years. This growth trend continues during a time when ldaho Power has no identified need for new generation resources identified by its lntegrated Resource Plan ("lRP"). The Company is capacity sufficient through 2026, and energy sufficient beyond the next decade. ln addition, ldaho Power's average cost of PURPA generation included in base rates is $63.49/megawatt-hour ("MWh"). This price is always high when compared to current alternatives. ldaho Power's avoided cost, established through the avoided cost methodologies approved by the Commission, has historically exceeded market price, and is projected to always exceed market price into the future as shown in the graph below. AveEge PURPA Price vs, Mid-C lndex 110 1m s m 70 I* 50 & to 20 10 ------=-" - 2mo 2m2 )@4 2@6 2ma 2010 2012 2014 2016 201 A 2020 2022 2024 2026 2024 2030 2032 2034 2036 -PURPA Hi5toric.l - Mid c Historicrl - PURPA foNard ftke Obtigationt - - Mid C Futures *ttled kices The cost of PURPA generation, on a dollars per MWh basis, is not just greater than Mid-C market prices, it is greater than all the net power supply cost components IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 1O currently recovered in rates: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") Account 501, Coal; FERC Account 547, Natural Gas; FERC Account 555, Non-PURPA Purchases; and FERC Account 447, Surplus Sales. At $63.49 per MWh, the average cost of PURPA purchases is greater than the average cost of coal at $29.40 per MWh, greater than gas at $29.75 per MWh, greater than non-PURPA purchases of $47.60 per MWh, and significantly greater than what is being sold as surplus sales at $25.73 per MWh. Attachment 5. This economic relationship between PURPA and the Company's other power costs illustrates that as the Company is required to purchase unneeded PURPA generation, it may be required to back down or curtail other less expensive sources of generation or market purchases in order to continue purchasing PURPA generation at a higher cost. This would mean that the Company's overall net power supply expense, on a dollars per MWh basis, would increase, adversely impacting customers. The large disparity between the cost of ldaho Power's PURPA power supply expense and other generation, as well as the gross exceedance in all years of market prices for equivalent, and the often more valuable and firm, market generation prices, is largely a result of the current implementation of 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(d) and the 90/110 provisions that unreasonably allow large amounts of non-firm QF generation to establish long-term lock-ins of firm rates pursuant to a legally enforceable obligation. If much of the QF, non-firm generation were more appropriately priced as-available, then the PURPA power supply expense would at least start to move closer to a market price. The Commission in its approval of the last 11 large PURPA QF solar ESAs with ldaho Power has questioned the continued acquisition of such large amounts of PURPA IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 11 generation when there is not an associated need for that generation on ldaho Power's system.2 The Commission stated in those orders, "Unfortunately, PURPA does not address and FERC regulation does not adequately provide for consideration of whether the utility being forced to purchase QF power is actually in need of such energy." See fn. 2. ldaho Power currently has generation capacity sufficient to reliably serve customers' peak consumption, or demand, through the year 2026, and has sufficient resources to meet customers' energy consumption until 2029. 2017 lRP, Appendix C: Technical Report at 31, 49. Additionally, the Company's 2017 IRP has identified the Boardman to Hemingway transmission line as the primary resource in the near-term action plan. The Boardman to Hemingway transmission line would serve additional growth for years beyond the next identified need in 2026 without adding any new generation plants. The Commission has previously expressed concern about passing those substantial costs for unneeded resources on to ldaho Power customers. The Commission concluded each of the orders, footnoted above, with expression of its concern about ldaho Power's ability to continue to take such large amounts of intermittent generation stating, "While we are pleased with the progression of the IRP methodology, avoided cost rates are not the only terms to a PURPA contract. The utilities are in the best position to inform the Commission if review of additional PURPA contract terms and conditions is warranted." See fn.2. The requested modification to the 90/110 requirements and a revised implementation of eligibility to form a legally enforceable obligation and entitlement to firm avoided cost rates is necessary to prevent further harm to ldaho Power's customers that 2 Order Nos. 33198 at5-7;33199 at 5-7; 33200 at5-7;33201at5-6; 33202 at 5-6; 33204 at6-7; 33205 at6-7;33206 at7-8;33207 at 6-8; 33208 at 6-8; 33209 at 6-8. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION . 12 may result from entering into additional long-term, fixed-rate purchase agreements/obligations, not only when there is no need for such generation, but also improperly paying the firm avoided cost rate for non-firm QF generation, thus passing on such overpayment to customers. ldaho Power should not be obligated to enter into prospective long-term contracts that pay for firm generation but receive a non-firm product, nor should ldaho Power customers be obligated to pay for such long-term purchases as firm deliveries when they are actually providing much less valuable, non- firm generation and power production. IV. DISCUSSION A.round-PURPA and Firm Versus Non-Firm Prici Sections 201 and 210 oi PURPA require electric utilities to offer to purchase electric energy from qualifying cogeneration and sma!! power production facilities. 16 USC S 824a-3(a). PURPA further specifies that the purchase rates set by state commissions for electric utility purchases of energy generated by QFs may not exceed the incremental cost to the electric utility of alternative electric energy. 16 USC $ 824a- 3(b) PURPA defines incrementa! cost as the cost to the electric utility of the electric energy which, but for the purchase from such QFs, such utility would generate or purchase from another source. 16 USC $ 824a-3(d). PURPA also requires state commissions to set the rates for purchases of power from QFs at levels that are just and reasonable to the utility's customers and in the public interest and that do not discriminate against QFs, but that are not more than avoided costs. 16 USC $ 824a-3(b)(1) and (2). Congress enacted PURPA to encourage the development of cogeneration and small power production facilities, and directed FERC to promulgate regulations to further IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 13 this goal. 16 U.S.C. $ 824a-3(a); FERC v. Mississippi, 456 U.5.742,750-51, 102 S.Ct. 2126,72L.Ed.2d 532 (1982). PURPA also requires that the state regulatory authorities, such as the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, implement the FERC regulations. 16 U.S.C. $ 824a-3(f). !n FERC v. Mlssissippi, the U.S. Supreme Court found that a state may comply with its obligation to implement PURPA and FERC regulations "by issuing regulations, by resolving disputes on a case-by-case basis, or by taking any other action reasonably designed to give effect to FERC's rules." 456 U.S. at751, 102 S.Ct . 2126,72 L.Ed.2d 532. FERC has further stated that states may fulfill the requirement to implement its rules by "either 1) through the enactment of laws or regulations at the State level; 2) by application on a case-by-case basis by the State regulatory authority, or nonregulated utility, of the rules adopted by the Commission [FERC]; or 3) by any other action reasonably designed to implement the Commission's [FERC's] rules." Policy Statement Regarding the Commission's Enforcement Role Under Secfion 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978,23 FERC P 61304, 61644, 1983 WL 39627 (May 31, 1 e83). With regard to the rates for purchases by utilities from QFs, FERC outlines, among other requirements, that such purchases be priced either at the time of delivery, or at the time a legally enforceable obligation, or contract, is incurred. 18 C.F.R. S 292.304. FERC's regulation states: (d) Purchases "as available" or pursuant to a legally enforceable obligation. Each qualifying facility shall have the option either: (1) To provide energy as the qualifying facility determines such energy to be available for such purchases, in which case the rates for such purchases shall be based on the purchasing utility's avoided costs calculated at the time of delivery; or IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 14 (2) To provide energy or capacity pursuant to a legally enforceable obligation for the delivery of energy or capacity over a specified term, in which case the rates for such purchases shall, at the option of the qualifying facility exercised prior to the beginning of the specified term, be based on either: (i) The avoided costs calculated at the time of delivery; or (ii) The avoided costs calculated at the time the obligation is incurred. 18 C.F.R. S 2e2.304(d). The Commission has implemented the provisions of 18 C.F.R. S 292.304, Rates for Purchases, with regard to ldaho Power by making available the two pricing options referred to in $ 292.304(d). First, in accordance with 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(dX1), a QF may elect to sell "as available" pursuant to ldaho Power's Tariff Schedule 86, Cogeneration and Small Power Production Non-Firm Energy. IPUC No. 29, Tariff No. 101, Sheet No. 86-1 through 86-7. This pricing option is available for QFs choosing to provide non-firm generation, or provided as the QF determines such generation to be available, and receives rates based upon the utility's avoided cost at the time of delivery. Second, in accordance with 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(dX2), for QFs that demonstrate by compliance with 901110 that they are providing "firm" deliveries, such QFs may elect to have pricing established either at the time of delivery, as in 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(1), or at the time of contracting, or when the obligation is incurred. The Commission independently reviews each QF ESA, and Commission approval of each agreement, including its prices, terms, and conditions is required prior to such agreement being effective. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 90/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 15 B The Gommission has Exclusive Authoritv to Determine Firmness Requirements for the Establishment of a Legally Entqreeable Obliqation ad Firm Avoided Cost Pricinq. A state regulatory commission charged with the implementation of PURPA has the exclusive authority to determine within its discretion the parameters for creating a legally enforceable obligation, including when it is created. Exelon Wind 1, L.L.C., v. Ne/son, 766 F.3d 380 (sth Cu.2010; ldaho Power Co., v. ldaho Pub. Util. Comm.,'155 ldaho 780, 316 P.3d 1278 (2013) ("Grouse CreeK'). A state commission's determination that only firm QF resources can create a legally enforceable obligation and that all non-firm resources could only receive the "as available" avoided cost rate has been confirmed by Federal Court as a lawful and proper implementation of PURPA. Exelon Wind 1, L.L.C., v. Nelson,766 F.3d 380 (sth Cr.2014). In the Exelon Wind v. Nelson case, supra, Exelon Wind, a QF, sought contracts with Southwestern, a utility required to purchase QF generation under PURPA. ld., at 386. Exelon sent letters to Southwestern demanding that Southwestern purchase Exelon's energy output for the next 20 years, and purported to create legally enforceable obligations with Southwestern. ld. Southwestern refused to purchase Exelon's generation stating that the rates demanded by Exelon exceeded the as-available prices and that Exelon could not form a legally enforceable obligation, nor receive such avoided cost rates, because it could not provide firm power. ld. Exelon filed a complaint with the Texas PUC. ld. The Texas PUC held that Exelon's power was non-firm, that it had not created a legally enforceable obligation, and that it was only entitled to as-available rates. ld., at 386-87. Exelon appealed the Texas PUC's ruling to the state district court in Texas, and at the same time filed a petition for enforcement and request for declaratory order IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 16 with FERC. ld., at 387. FERC declined to initiate an enforcement action against the Texas PUC, but issued a declaratory order stating that the Texas PUC's order was inconsistent with FERC's Regulation and that a QF could form a legally enforceable obligation even if its power is non-firm. /d. Exelon then non-suited its state court appeal and filed an action in federal district court seeking declaratory and injunctive relief against the Texas PUC Commissioners arguing among other claims that all QFs could form legally enforceable obligations, and that the Texas PUC's rule and orders did not properly implement FERC's PURPA regulations. /d., at 387-88. The federaldistrict court granted summary judgment in favor of Exelon concluding that the Texas PUC's order failed to implement PURPA and permanently enjoined the Texas PUC from requiring a QF to provide firm power as a condition of creating a legally enforceable obligation. ld., at 388. The Texas PUC, Southwestern, and Occidental (Southwestern's largest customer) appealed to the United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit. /d. The Fifth Circuit reversed the federal district court's ruling and, in so doing, determined that several of Exelon's claims were as-applied challenges, which were within the exclusive jurisdiction and authority of the state to determine. ld., at 388-94. The Fifth Circuit directed the district courtto dismiss forwant of subject matter jurisdiction allclaims determined by the Fifth Circuit to be as-applied claims, and proceeded to determine only Exelon's remaining claim that the Texas PUC's rule fails to implement FERC's regulations. ld., at 394. The Texas PUC had passed an administrative rule with regard to implementation of 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(d) limiting establishment of legally enforceable obligations and the associated pricing to firm resources only. /d., at 385. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 17 The [Texas] PUC's rule implementing FERC's Regulation permits only a Qualifying Facility that generates "firm power" to enter into a Legally Enforceable Obligation. 16 Tex. Admin. Code $25.2a2@) (PUC Ru\e25.242). The PUC defines "firm power" as "power or power-producing capaci$ [from a Qualifying Facilityl that is available pursuant to a legally enforceable obligation for scheduled availability over a specified term." ld.525.242(c)(5). The [Texas] PUC defines non-firm power from a Qualifying Facility as "[p]ower provided under an arrangement that does not guarantee scheduled availability, but instead provides for delivery as available." ld. $25.2a2@Xg). ln otherwords, only those Qualifying Facilities able to forecast when they will deliver energy to the utility - and capable of delivering the specified amount of energy at the scheduled time - are eligible to take advantage of the pricing options in subsection (d)(2) of FERC's Regulation [18 C.F.R. S 292.304(d)1. By contract, Qualifying Facilities with non-firm power that cannot guarantee such delivery may charge the utility only the current or "as-available" market price for the power. Exelon Wind 1, L.L.C., v.Ne/son, 766 F.3d 380, 385-86 (sth Cr.2O14) In reversing and remanding the district court's decision, the Fifth Circuit summarized its determination as follows: ln sum, Exelon has failed to show that PURPA and FERC's Regulation mandate that all Qualifying Facilities be able to create Legally Enforceable Obligations at any time. PURPA allows states discretion in determining when a Legally Enforceable Obligation is created, and [Texas] PUC Rule 25.242 falls within that discretion. The PUC is therefore entitled to deference in defining the parameters for creating Legally Enforceable Obligations. Here, the PUC has reasonably distinguished between Qualifying Facilities that can, and cannot, provide firm power. As Occidenta! notes, mandatory long-term contracts between generators and utilities can burden customers by imposing prices well above the actual market prices. The PUC made a reasonable decision that only those Qualifying Facilities capable of providing reliable and predictable power may enter into such arrangements. Thus, Exelon has not proven that the PUC failed to implement FERC's PURPA regulations. ld., a1400 (citations omitted). IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION . 18 Eligibility for a legally enforceable obligation and the associated rates determined at the time such obligation is incurred is an extremely important determination and condition of the obligation, contract, and sale from a QF to a utility and its customers. The price, terms, and conditions in a mandatory PURPA purchase, when the QF elects rates determined at the time of contracting/obligation for the duration of the contract, cannot be changed, adjusted, or affected at all, once approved and effective. FERC's view with regard to the Commission's inclusion of costs in long-term contracts was discussed in an ldaho Power case. ldaho Wind Partners 1, L.L.C., Docket No. EL12-74-000,140 FERC !t 61.219 (September 20, 2012)(Order Granting Petition for Declaratory Order); EL12-74-001, 143 FERC 1161,248 (June 20,2013) (Order on Rehearing). ln the Idaho Wind Partners case, FERC insisted that all long-term PURPA contracts containing rates established at the time of contracting wi!! be assumed to include all costs, even in the face of direct evidence that certain costs were not included in the avoided cost rates at the time of contracting. Order on Rehearing, supra. Additionally, FERC's position is that once avoided cost rates are established in the contract at the time of contracting, they cannot subsequently be changed. /d. While FERC's position is that the state commission may not change or revise a PURPA contract during its term because such action may constitute utilitytype regulation of a QF in violation of 18 C.l.*.S 292.602(c)(1), the state commission may review and approve a PURPA contract at the time it is submitted by the parties for final approval, in furtherance of its state duty to ensure that the agreement is consistent with the public interest. Crossroads Cogeneration Corp. v. Orange & Rockland Utilities, lnc., 159 F.3d 129, 138 (3d Cir.1998)("ln other words, while PURPA allows the appropriate state regulatory agency to approve a power purchasing agreement, once IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 19 such an agreement is approved, the state agency is not permitted to modify the terms of the agreement."). The Commission has the obligation to ensure that the avoided cost rate and the purchase of QF generation is just and reasonable to the utility's customers, in the public interest, and that customers are not harmed by the PURPA QF obligation. lnherent in that authority is the ability and authority to determine the appropriate conditions of the purchase and sale, and specifically to require firm delivery as a condition of establishing a legally enforceable obligation and the associated pricing. The ldaho Supreme Court has upheld the Commission's authority and procedure by which it approves or disapproves PURPA power sales agreements and determines whether a legally enforceable obligation exists that would bind the QF, utility, and its customers even in the absence of a contract. ldaho Power Co., v. ldaho Pub. Util. Comm.,155 ldaho 780, 316 P.3d 1278 (2013X"Grouse CreeK'). Determination of the proper terms and conditions of a required PURPA ESA, including the authority to require firm power deliveries in order to be eligible for the firm avoided cost rate, is soundly, and completely, within the authority and discretion of the Commission. V. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, ldaho Power respectfully requests: 1. That the Commission clarify and modify its previous orders and direction with regard to the 901110 requirement, QF firm delivery standards, and the Commission's implementation of FERC Regulation 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(d) by: (1) permitting only QFs that generate "firm power" to enter into legally enforceable obligations and receive the associated pricing determined at the time such obligations are incurred; (2) defining "firm IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 20 power" as power or power producing capacity from a QF that is available pursuant to a legally enforceable obligation for scheduled delivery of a specified amount of generation delivered at a specified time; and (3) defining "non-firm power" as power provided under an arrangement that does not guarantee scheduled availability, but instead provides for delivery as available; and 2. That the Commission consider ldaho Power's cross-petition/petition and the QF Parties' petition in one consolidated proceeding applicable to all QFs and utilities; and 3. That the Commission deny the QF Parties' requested relief with regard to any change or revision to the collection of O&M charges as authorized by ldaho Power's Schedule 72; and 4. That the Commission direct any other relief deemed appropriate and in the public interest. Respectfully submitted this 25th day of July 2018. c E. WALKER Attorney for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 21 CERT!FICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 25th day of July 2018 I served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Gommission Staff Edith L. Pacillo Edward Jewell Deputy Attorneys General !daho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 J.R. Simplot Company Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Idahydro and Shorock Hydro, Inc. C. Tom Arkoosh ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES 802 West Bannock Street, Suite 900 P.O. Box 2900 Boise, ldaho 83701 Renewable Energy Coalition J. Kahle Becker Attorney at Law 223 North 6th Street, Suite 325 Boise, ldaho 83702 !rion Sanger SANGER LAW, P.C. 1117 SW 53rd Avenue Portland, Oregon 97215 X Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email edith.pacillo@puc.idaho.qov edwa rd. iewel l@ p uc. ida ho. qov _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Emai! peter@richardsonadams.com qreg@richardsonadams.cem _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email tom.arkoosh arkoosh.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX X Email kah le@kahlebeckerlaursam _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email irion@sanqer-law.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION -22 Tamarack Energy Partnership Michael C. Creamer Preston N. Carter GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street (83702) P.O. Box 2720 Boise, ldaho 83701 _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FAX X Email maa@gtyenspursley.cem pnc@givenspu rsley. com Avista Corporation Michael G. Andrea, Senior Counsel Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue, MSC-23 Spokane, Wash ingt on 99202 _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email michael.andrea@avistacorp.com Clint Kalich Manager, Resource Planning and Analysis Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue, MSC-7 Spokane, Wash ingt on 99202 _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mai! _FAXX Email clint.kalich@avistacorp.com Christa Bearry, Legal IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S CROSS-PETITION AND/OR PETITION TO MODIFY THE 9O/110 FIRMNESS REQUIREMENT FOR ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY FOR AVOIDED COST RATES PURSUANT TO A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION - 23 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I8-07 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 % %o, eb? "rr, +oa ,,,, ,,,, ,% %, %, %, %, ,% "q? %, qt qt, +6I %u, bet +r"SREEEEEESESE (mw) spernela61 Ito eo& =E<oavO EEH9tr Ee_> =E-?RE: !l 6o 63 CI cc:6. -\ r-I5 tP tr5* T E I Ir &I =Ee o c c a o co &oEt eoO E = ooo ac, a E 5 TTE?:Elso =Ia ;o €Faa o coo E ooa ec,=e a t E $ ffi , ire $ iri i-, :TTl6o ot $ iri I! s i:; trge o BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-I8-07 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Project List as of 712412018 For Projects in: lD, MT, OR SUMMARY PURPA Projects OregonSolar Projects Non PURPA Projects 134 60 3 1,148.99 MW 0.46 MW 135.65 MW 197 SUMMARY BY FACILITY TYPE 1,285.09 MW PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE Biomass CoGen Solar Thermal Hydro Wind 11 1 14 2 68 32 35.70 MW 15.90 MW 289.50 MW 5.00 MW 147.12 MW 626.92 MW 128 1,120.14 MW PURPA PROJECTS UNDER CONTRACT NOT YET ONLINE Solar Hydro 5 1 26.75 MW 2.10 MW 6 28.85 MW OregonSolar PROJECTS ONLINE OR Solar 60 0.46 MW 60 0.46 MW Non PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE Geothermal Wind 2 1 35.00 MW 100.65 MW 135.65 MW Totals Projects Capacity 197 1-Renewable Energy Project List Page 1 1,285.09 MW 3 Idaho Power Gompany Renewable Energy Project List as of 712412018 For Projects in: lD, MT, OR PROJECT DETAILS PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE Project Number Facility Iype LMW) CountyStateProject Name 31616150 Biomass 41365515 Biomass 31615100 Biomass 31616100 Biomass 31616115 Biomass 21865113 Biomass 21615100 Biomass 41455091 Biomass 316161 10 Biomass 20170214 Biomass '1 1766004 Biomass Total Biomass Projects 86 Anaerobic Digester Bannock County Landfill Bettencourt Dry Creek Biofactory Big Sky West Dairy Digester (DF-AP #1, LLC) Double A Digester Project Fighting Creek Landfill Gas to Energy Station Hidden Hollow Landfill Gas Pocatello Waste Rock Creek Dairy SISW LFGE Tamarack CSPP 11 ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID lD Power Gooding Bannock Twin Falls Gooding Lincoln Kootenai Ada Bannock Twin Falls Cassia Adams Power Power Elmore Malheur Malheur Ada Elmore Owyhee Malheur Ada Malheur Elmore Malheur Malheur 2.28 3.20 2.25 1.50 4.50 3.06 3.20 0.46 4.00 5.00 6.25 35.70 15.90 15.90 20.00 20.00 80.00 6.00 9.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 4.50 20.00 10.00 10.00 289.s0 41875695 CoGen Simplot - Pocatello TotalCoGen Projects: 1 25586937 Solar 25591644 Solar 12616100 Solar 12727358 Solar 12739324 Solar 25088520 Solar 25031625 Solar 25524198 Solar 12705219 Solar 25573998 Solar 12741175 Solar 25580735 Solar 12745920 Solar 12719362 Solar Total Solar Projects: 14 American Falls Solar ll, LLC American Falls Solar, LLC Grand View PV Solar Two Grove Solar Center, LLC Hyline Solar Center, LLC lD Solar 1 Mt. Home Solar 1, LLC Murphy Flat Power, LLC Open Range Solar Center, LLC Orchard Ranch Solar, LLC Railroad Solar Center, LLC Simcoe Solar, LLC Thunderegg Solar Center, LLC Vale Air Solar Center, LLC 1-Renewable Energy Project List ID ID ID OR OR ID ID ID OR ID OR ID OR OR Page 2 trrnianlSizp ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Project List as of 712412018 For Projects in: lD, MT, OR PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE Proiect Number Facilitv fyPe (MW) CounWStatee&jcelName 21662100 Thermal Tasco - NamPa 31616082 Thermal Tasco - Twin Falls Total Thermal Projects: 2 ID ID ID OR ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID Canyon Twin Falls Canyon Baker Ada Gooding Gooding Gooding Gooding Twin Falls Twin Falls Jerome Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Jerome Lemhi ldaho Fremont Canyon Gooding Gooding Lincoln Blaine Jerome Jerome Jerome Boise Gooding 2.00 3.00 5.00 216'.t5205 20150601 21615078 31214058 3141 5065 20140708 31 61 5140 31 41 601 3 31 51 51 00 31715126 31416020 31616081 315't6014 31 61 5057 314',t5025 31 61 51 06 44395973 11615077 41717137 216152',t5 31615121 31415134 31 61 5098 31 31 5093 31715128 31715140 20140328 11715144 3141 5094 Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Arena Drop Baker City Hydro Barber Dam Birch Creek Black Canyon #3 Black Canyon Bliss Hydro Blind Canyon Box Canyon Briggs Creek Bypass Canyon Springs Cedar Draw Clear Springs Trout Crystal Springs Curry Cattle Company 2018 Dietrich Drop Eightmile Hydro Project Elk Creek Falls River Fargo Drop Hydroelectric Faulkner Ranch Fisheries Dev. Geo-Bon #2 Hailey Cspp Hazelton A Hazelton B Head of U Canal Project Horseshoe Bend Hydro Jim Knight 1-Renewable Energy Project List 0.45 0.24 3.70 0.05 0.14 0.03 1.63 0.36 0.60 9.96 0.13 1.55 0.52 2.44 0.25 4.50 0.36 2.00 9.10 1.27 0.87 0.26 0.93 0.06 8.10 7.60 1.28 9.50 0.34 Page 3 ProieclSize ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Project List as of 712412018 For Projects in: lD, MT, OR PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE Project Number Facility Iype tMw) CountyStategrsjeet]lame 31 61 5031 31615030 31 61 5056 31 31 601 5 315151 10 31 61 51 05 31 51 51 07 31 71 5099 31 61 51 30 3161s',t25 31715123 31 51 5009 31615117 31 61 51 54 12614070 21615200 31 51 5005 31414111 20150729 12616071 31 61 5067 31 41 51 66 31415167 21415119 31 61 5004 31 61 51 04 31 51 51 03 31 61 71 00 41515122 11415010 316'15158 31416002 0.90 1.25 2.06 0.08 1.25 2.85 0.87 7.97 2.50 2.79 9.07 0.62 1.20 1.50 2.09 '1.85 0.52 0.21 1.30 5.00 1.89 0.10 0.20 0.26 2.17 1.90 0.43 0.50 0.53 0.22 0.58 0.36 Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Kasel & Witherspoon Koyle Small Hydro Lateral# 10 Lemoyne Little Wood River Ranch ll Little Wood Rvr Res Littlewood / Arkoosh Low Line Canal Low Line Midway Hydro Lowline #2 Magic Reservoir Malad River Marco Ranches Mile 28 Mitchell Butte Mora Drop Small Hydroelectric Facility Mud Creek S and S Mud CreekMhite North Gooding Main Hydro Owyhee Dam Cspp Pigeon Cove Pristine Springs #1 Pristine Springs #3 Reynolds lrrigation Rock Creek #1 Rock Creek #2 Sagebrush Sahko Hydro Schaffner Shingle Creek Shoshone #2 Shoshone CSPP 1-Renewable Energy Project List ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID OR ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID OR Twin Falls Gooding Twin Falls Gooding Shoshone Blaine Lincoln Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Blaine Gooding Jerome Jerome Malheur Ada Twin Falls Twin Falls Lincoln Malheur Twin Falls Jerome Jerome Canyon Twin Falls Twin Falls Lincoln Twin Falls Lemhi ldaho County Lincoln Lincoln Page 4 h--:^ ^14:-- ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Project List as of 712412018 For Projects in: ID, MT, OR PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE Project Number Facility Type ProjectSize (Mw) CountyStateProject Name 31315021 Hydro Snake River Pottery 31414075 Hydro Snedigar 41717139 Hydro Tiber Dam 31415027 Hydro Trout-Co 12616072 Hydro Tunnel #1 31315029 Hydro White Water Ranch 31715141 Hydro Wilson Lake Hydro Total Hydro Projects: 68 21615101 Wind Bennett Creek Wind Farm 12618240 Wind Benson Creek Windfarm 31765170 Wind Burley Butte Wind Park 31315050 Wind Camp Reed Wind Park 31318100 Wind Cassia Wind Farm LLC 21615115 Wind Cold Springs Windfarm 21615120 Wind Desert Meadow Windfarm 12618230 Wind Durbin Creek Windfarm 31315035 Wind FossilGulch Wind 31765160 Wind Golden Valley Wind Park 2'1615125Wind HammettHillWindfarm 31315130 Wind High Mesa Wind Project 41718140 Wind Horseshoe Bend Wind 21615105 Wind Hot Springs Wind Farm 12618220 Wind Jett Creek Windfarm 12618200 Wind Lime Wind Energy 21615130 Wind Mainline Windfarm 31720'190 Wind Milner Dam Wind 31315075 Wind Oregon TrailWind Park 31315060 Wind Payne's Ferry Wind Park 31315045 Wind Pilgrim Stage Station Wind Park 12618210 Wind Prospector Windfarm 4'1455300 Wind Rockland Wind Farm 21615135 Wind Ryegrass Windfarm 1-Renewable Energy Project List ID ID MT ID OR Gooding Twin Falls Liberty County Gooding Malheur Gooding Jerome Elmore Baker Cassia Elmore Twin Falls Elmore Elmore Baker Twin Falls Cassia Elmore Twin Falls/Elmore Cascade Elmore Baker Baker Elmore Cassia Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Baker Power Elmore 0.07 0.54 7.50 0.24 7.00 0.16 8.40 147.12 ID ID ID OR ID ID ID ID ID OR ID ID ID ID MT ID OR OR ID ID ID ID ID OR ID ID 21.00 10.00 21.30 22.50 10.50 23.00 23.00 10.00 10.50 12.00 23.00 40.00 9.00 21.00 10.00 3.00 23.00 19.92 13.50 21.00 10.50 10.00 80.00 23.00 Page 5 Idaho Power Company Renewable Energy Project List as of 712412018 For Projects in: lD, MT, OR PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE 31618100 Wind 21615110 Wind 31315055 Wind 31315065 Wind 31315150 Wind 21615140 Wind 12618245 Wind 31315070 Wind TotalWind Projects: 32 Salmon Falls Wind Sawtooth Wind Project Thousand Springs Wind Park Tuana Gulch Wind Park Tuana Springs Expansion Two Ponds Windfarm Willow Spring Windfarm Yahoo Creek Wind Park ID ID ID ID ID ID OR ID Twin Falls Elmore Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Elmore Baker Twin Falls 22.00 22.00 12.00 10.50 35.70 23.00 10.00 21.00 626.92 Project Number Facility Type ProjectSize (MW) Project Name State County 1-Renewable Energy Project List Page 6 ldaho Power Gompany Renewable Energy Project List as of 712412018 For Projects in: lD, MT, OR PURPA PROJECTS UNDER CONTRACT NOT YET ONLINE Project Number Facility Tyoe (MW) CountyProject Name State 12992535 Solar 12975375 Solar 12985329 Solar 20180124 Solar 12963059 Solar TotalSolar Projects: 5 Baker Solar Center Brush Solar Morgan Solar Ontario Solar Center Vale I Solar OR OR OR OR OR ID Baker Baker Malheur Malheur Malheur Ada 15.00 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 26.75 20190301 Hydro MC6 Hydro TotalHydro Projects: 1 OregonSolar PROJECTS ONLINE 2.10 2.10 Project Number Facility Type ProiectSize (MW) CountyStateProject Name 90001412 9000141 1 9000131 1 90000088 90000073 90000001 9000141 6 90001 41 3 90000067 90000084 90000080 90000086 90000063 90000062 90000059 90000055 90000072 90000028 90000079 90000077 90000025 Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar Solar OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 0.00 0.0't 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Sth Ave Pivot OR 6th Ave Rental OR 7 kW Shaffer Solar OR 7.7 kW lrrigation OR 8.64 kW Home OR Bauer Solar OR Chamberlain Dairy OR Chamberlain House OR Circle M Farms OR City of Ontario PV Array #2 - WWTP Building OR City of Ontario PV Array #3 - WWTP Aerators OR City of Ontario PV Array #4 - WWTP Lift Station OR City of Ontario PV Array #5 - City Hall OR City of Ontario PV Array #6 - Public Works Shop OR City of Ontario PV Array #7 - WTP (East Building) OR City of Ontario PV Array #8 - WTP (West Ponds) OR City of Ontario PV Array #9 - Golf Clubhouse OR Cliff and Pat Looney OR Dean Mackeyl Main House - PV Array OR Dean Mackey3 lrrigation Pump - PV Array OR Findley Land and Livestock, LLC lrrigation OR Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur 1-Renewable Energy Project List Page 7 Prnier:lSizrl ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Project List as of 712412018 For Projects in: ID, MT, OR OregonSolar PROJ ECTS ONLIN E Proieci I raiititu lNr6-oo I -T*; I l-l - I rulu) Project Name 90000002 90000075 90000081 90000006 90001 302 90000076 90000044 90001 41 7 90001 41 5 90000005 90000003 90000007 90001 306 90001 31 3 90001 31 5 90001414 90001410 90001 31 2 90000051 90000064 90000078 90000057 90000060 90000043 90001 31 0 90000045 90000048 90000047 90000056 90000054 90000050 90000052 OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar OR Solar Findley Residence Findley Shop Findley Well Gary T. Taylor Green House Ham Piv House Jackie Hansen Jake's House Kennington Dairy Solar Luther Homestead Luther Wetlands Malheur County Fairgrounds #1 Malheur County Fairgrounds #2 Malheur County Fairgrounds #3 Michael McGourty New House Onion Storage Pine Eagle High School PV Array Pine Eagle Middle School PV Array Pine Eagle Pump Station PV Array Pump 1 Pump 12 Pump 15 Pump 16 Pump 17 Pump 19 Pump 2 Pump 20 Pump 3 Pump 4 Pump 9 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.0'1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malhuer Malheur Malheur Malheur Malhuer Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Baker Baker Baker Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur 1-Renewable Energy Project List Page 8 ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Project List as of 712412018 For Projects in: lD, MT, OR OregonSolar PROJECTS ONLINE Proiect I Fiiiiit, INrfr-oo I -TVD;_ I T Stare lt-l lF.i""tSiz" l--lMW)| - Project Name Countv 90001307 OR Solar Pump A 90000046 OR Solar Pump B 90000061 OR Solar Roger Findley 90001309 OR Solar Schuster 90001303 OR Solar Scott Piv 90001301 OR Solar Shop 90000004 OR Solar TVCC Livestock Center Solar Project TotalOR Solar Projects: 60 Non PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Malhuer Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.46 Project Number Facility Type Project$ize (rvrw) CountyStateProiect Name lOOOOOO3 Geotherma Neal Hot Springs Unit #1 10000002 Geotherma Raft River Unit #1 Total Geothermal Projects: 2 10000001 Wind Elkhorn Wind Project TotalWind Projects: 1 OR Malheur lD Cassia OR Union 22.00 13.00 35.00 100.65 100.65 1-Renewable Energy Project List Page 9 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-18-07 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 3 Resource Tvpe Developer Project MW State Term Estimated Obligation A A1 4.7 ID 20 $21,855.781 B B1 2 OR 20 $4,907,799 Biomass C C1 48 ID 2 $23,436,186 Solar D D1 80 OR 20*$149,759,594 D2 50 OR 20*$81,902,351 E E1 18 OR 20*$37,682,058 E2 I OR 20*$19,154,809 E3 I OR 20*$18,436,133 E4 I OR 20*$18,181 ,938 E5 I OR 20*$18,083,795 E6 I OR 20*$18,722,861 F F1 3 OR 20*$6,975,817 G G1 300 ID 2 $39,293,162 H H1 45 OR 20*$90,418,974 H2 45 OR 20"$90,418,974 Wind I t1 500 ID 2 s11.578.279TOTAL: $650,808,512 NoG: 'Contraclterm is 20years, howe\,ertheestimaEd obligation is based on l5years of fi)ed pricing. The remainingf\,e)rears is based on an index price, which is not included in the estimaEd obligation Hydro BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-I8-07 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 4 Facility Type Total January 201 I thru December 201 8 ldaho Power Company PURPA Contract Obligations January2019 January2020hru thru December 20'19 December 2020 JantjE,ry2021 thru December 2021 Jaill€,ry2022 thru December 2022 January 2023 thereafter Solar Hydro Biomass Wnd CoGen Thermal $1,035,723,633 $307,1 99,906 $158,946,762 $1,929,540,300 $4,534,150 $95,356 $28,853,808 $31,920,945 $10,4'10,650 $107,971,800 $3,875,031 $4,1 89 $30,717,202 $31,614,509 $11,612,238 $111,122,772 $659,'r20 $4,188 $33,718,517 $27,912,933 $10,715,41 1 $'t 14,180,448 $0 $4,188 $38,1 72,963 $26,282,993 $9,896,815 $117,358,846 $0 $4,188 $43,520,550 $25,517,323 $10,131,254 $118,493,694 $0 $4,188 $860,740,593 $163,951,204 $106,'180,384 $1,360,4'12,740 $0 $74,415 AllProjects $3,436,040,108 $183,036,432 $185,730,028 $186,531,497 $191,715,805 $197,667,009 $2,491,359,336 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-18-07 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 5 o\oNa ir,o E 9 oq N{g C)ooo o\oNo idoE9 oaoN bioEo stooooslo>INNO*OlS =l -.iddcil.i-l@@@@@l@Cl@oa@olo @Ot@Fl;i6N6N6IYolN@(o$6lX'9lri d ot d ljl H EJ8.5. 3. 3. R]IxlFSFoolujl o$o@@l.EEEEEI IsF@NOltOF@tlEl@t+-OlElssBSal-t-NOONINNNNNI I oooooq\qc!qN*tFoOONNroe@@e ON-@OFO@O\to- o- N- o- o- NSN*rN@@O@g- r- O- N- O-qNoooONONOggggS so@ooOrON$N_ V- r- @- @-oo$aooNoooO- N- N- r- !:rNrrN NO600to$$oo@ooo @tFFNNN$Oro_ o_ o_ o- o.$o@ooooo$o@_ o_ N_ o- @-oN@@*ooooN@oooo NOOOOFOFFNN_ t_ o_ @- N-ooo@oN@@roN- @- N- O- $-.FFNF $@@soOONNNeo6eo OFOrO$oto@o- @- (O- q F-$@$NOo(o$ooN- O- O- O- O-*otrN0totoooeeo oNFOO@0ot-S- 6- t'-- O- O_ @SO-ONNNNOO- F- O- N- n_FrNFr 6NOtONNNOO660@O -O(OOO{NOO@OIN r o N @ :lo N o 6 ohlN N @ @ ollN r N @ @Plo@'jNNrijl@oooo@o@o@ FOOOO@@NNrEl 6 o o F oElpasestro@@oN @o$$o LOt6@NO-??--^oooooo>NNNNN EI =lEIct Eoo oo tr ooo o-tlo- 6a6 ooo F!tro ooo oG(9 E 6z