HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180501JR Simplot Comments.pdfPeter J. Richardson ISB # 3195 Gregory M. Adams ISB # 7454 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams. com greg@richardsonadams. com Attorneys for the J. R. Simplot Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION REC T IVE D ?il!$ H.{Y - l Alt l0: h7 li],",:;l FUSLlc ; i:.'.=:1 :l; C0ilLttSSlON UPDATE TO PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES TO REFLECT AN UPDATED NATURAL GAS PRICE FORECAST OF THE U.S. ENERGY TNFORMATION ADMINISTRATION ("EIA") CASE NO. IPC.E.18.O5 J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S COMMENTS ) ) ) ) ) ) The J. R. Simplot Company ("Simplot") respectfully submits its Comments in Opposition to Idaho Power Company's ("Idaho Power") suggestion that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") should abandon its well-established methodology for calculation of published avoided cost rates. Simplot is impacted by this issue because Simplot's current energy sales agreement with Idaho Power expires early next year, and Simplot will therefore be eligible to sell its cogenerated output under the rates approved in this annual rate update. As further explained herein, the only change proposed by Idaho Power is not computational in nature but is instead a major policy change to a major input to the previously approved surrogate avoided resource ("SAR") methodology for calculating published avoided cost rates. Therefore, the Commission should approve the avoided cost rates calculated by the Commission Staff s letter dated April 5, 2018, with an effective date of June l, 2018, just as it has done each year J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S COMMENTS CASE NO. IPC-E-I8-05 Page I since issuance of Order No. 32697 in20l2. The Commission has used a streamlined process to update the published avoided cost rates without controversy ever since 2012. Specifically, the Commission decided in Order No. 32697 to conduct an annual update to the natural gas price forecast used in the surrogate avoided cost model. This process results in an annual update to the most significant input to the published avoided cost rates to ensure the avoided cost rates are promptly and accurately changed. Prior to 2012, the Commission had used a natural gas price forecast developed by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council. Because that forecast was updated infrequently, disputes arose due to the unexpected nature of the updates and other issues. The Commission intentionally moved to the use of the U.S. Energy Information Administration's ("EIA") "reference case" natural gas price forecast for the Mountain Region's Electric Power sector included in EIA's Annual Energy Outlook to avoid the uncertainty and unpredictability that formerly existed with the use of the Power Council's natural gas forecasts. The Staff s letter simply proposed to again update the published avoided cost rates using the same forecast as prior years. The Commission policy on this point is now longstanding and well-established. In the time since Order No. 32697, the Commission has used the EIA's Mountain Region "reference case" to update the published avoided costs for each of Idaho's three electric utilities effective on June I in 2013,2014,2015,2016, and 2017. See Order No. 32817, Case Nos. AVU-E-I3-03, IPC-E-13-13, PAC-E-13-09 (May 29,2013); Order No. 33041, Case Nos. AVU-E-14-04,IPC-E- l4- I I , PAC-E- l4-03 (May 30, 2014); Order No. 33305, Case Nos. AVU-E- I 5-04, IPC-E- l5- 16, PAC-E-14-07 (May 29,2015); Order No. 33538, Case Nos. AVU-E-16-04, IPC-E-16-12, PAC- E- l6- l0 (June 14, 2016); Order No. 33773, Case Nos. AVU-E- l 7 -02,IPC-E-L7 -07 , PAC-E- I 7- J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S COMMENTS CASE NO. IPC-E-18-05 Page 2 05 (May 31,2017). The Commission has unambiguously explained that this is an automatic tpdate to the published avoided cost rates. In the words of Order No. 32817, "this Commission stated that each year the final release of the Annual Energy Outlook should automatically tigger a re- calculation of the published avoided cost rates." Order No. 32817 atp.l (emphasis added). The Commission has further explained, "the update should occur on June I or within 30 days of the final release of the Annual Energy Outlook, whichever is later." Id. The Commission provides the utilities the opportunity to review the proposed rate computation before it goes into effect, and it has corrected "what amount to clerical errors in the SAR model" during these annual updates. Id. at 2. But there is no basis for any changes to the underlying methodologies and indexes used during such automatic updates because "[t]he annual update to the SAR methodology's natural gas price forecast is a relatively simple arithmetic re-calculation." Id. at 2. Indeed, the Commission has never provided notice during any of these annual update proceedings that other parties should, or even may, intervene to review and comment on the underlying forecasts, inputs and methodologies. The "process" has been limited to the computational review allowed by the utilities themselves. This year is no different. The Commission provided no formal notice it might change the underlying natural gas price forecast used for the last five years and invited no such proposals from Idaho Power or any other utility. Instead, Staffls April 5, 2018 letter to Idaho Power merely asked Idaho Power to confirm the rate computations by Staff utilizing the 2018 publication of the EIA's Mountain Region reference case J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S COMMENTS CASE NO. IPC-E-I8.05 Page 3 Yet Idaho Power appears to suggest that the Commission should summarily abandon use of the Mountain Region's reference case as the basis for this annual update. Although Idaho Power disputes that the Commission has ever expressly mandated use of the Mountain Region's reference case, the Commission has indeed used that reference case as the input in each year's automatic update since Order No. 32697. Furthermore, the Commission has in fact declared in at least one of,its orders that "[i]n accordance with the methodology approved in Order No. 32697, the 'reference case' natural gas price forecast for the Mountain Region's Electric Power sector included in EIA's Annual Energy Outlook serves as the basis for computing published avoided cost rates." Order No. 33538 at p. l. Idaho Power's assertion is therefore misplaced. Idaho Power has attempted previously to change the use of the EIA's Mountain Region reference case as the natural gas price forecast for use in the SAR model, but it has never gone through the proper procedural channels to obtain such a change. Last year, Idaho Power filed a response letter to the Staff s annual update letter, wherein Idaho Power proposed use of EIA's natural gas spot price at Henry Hub: High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology forecast, adjusted for Sumas and Idaho City Gate, just as it proposes again this year. However, the Commission appropriately declined to make such a major change during the automatic update proceeding last year. The Commission correctly noted that "the EIA's 'reference case' natural gas price forecast for the Mountain Region's Electric Power sector has been used to update published avoided cost rates each year for the past four years without objection. See Order Nos. 32817,33041, 33305, 33538." OrderNo. 33773 atp. 3. Last year, the Commission generously treated Idaho Power's misplaced objection as an application to commence a new generic case, which was promptly opened so that "the other utilities and any interested parties can provide comments to fully inform the Commission about J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S COMMENTS CASE NO. IPC-E-I8-05 Page 4 the issue." Id. ln the newly opened case, a number of interested parties intervened to oppose Idaho Power's proposal, and the Commission directed that a schedule be established for prefiled testimony and live hearings. See Order No. 33848, Case No. GNR-E-17-02. The Commission explained that "the sole "issue to be decided in this case is whether the Commission should use the EIA's Henry Hub forecast instead of the EIA' s Mountain Region forecast to calculate published avoided cost rates each year." Id. at 4. Thus, the Commission provided Idaho Power with a forum and procedure to implement the change it now seeks. Shortly thereafter, however, Idaho Power voluntarily dismissed its own application. The issue was next discussed in Case No. IPC-E-17-ll, where the Commission reviewed Idaho Power's 2017 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP"). Idaho Power drafted its 2017 IRP to use the EIA's Henry Hub "High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology" case, just as it proposes for use in published avoided cost rates in this case.l However, as the Commission's order reviewing the 2017 IRP illustrates, Idaho Power's proposal to use this new gas forecast was among the most controversial proposals in the 2017 IRP, with Commission Staff and several other parties objecting to Idaho Power's changes to its natural gas forecast. See Order No. 33983 at pp. l3- 14. Among other issues, these parties pointed out that "the use of very low natural gas price forecasting contradicts how the Company plans for water conditions, average load, and peak- hour capacity," and that "the Company's continued reliance on low natural gas prices will cause under investment in conservation and inaccurate avoided costs rates." Id. at p. 13. Staff, in particular, strongly opposed the switch to the arbitrarily low natural gas forecast in thorough and persuasive comments. See Staff's Comments, Case No. IPC-E-17-l l, at pp. 6-9 ' Somewhat confusingly, the "High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology" case results in the lowest natural gas prices because more gas can be accessed and developed with high technology. J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S COMMENTS CASE NO. IPC-E-I8-05 Page 5 (Nov. 27 , 2017). As Staff demonstrated, use of an artificially low natural gas forecast can lead to imprudent acquisition of major resources that use natural gas as a variable cost (such as natural gas plants and transmission). At the same time, use of a low gas price forecast undermines the cost-effectiveness of demand side management programs. It also sends the wrong price signals to qualifying facilities seeking to sell their output to Idaho Power at the avoided cost rates. But the Commission does not approve Idaho Power's IRPs or any element of the IRP, and it therefore had no occasion to resolve the dispute in the IRP order. Instead, the Commission's order on the 2017 IRP unambiguously stated "the Commission is not approving the IRP or any resource acquisitions referenced in it, [or] endorsing any particular element in it . . . ." [d. at 18. The order stated the "appropriate place to determine the prudency of the IRP or the Company's decision to follow or not follow it, and the validation of predicted performance under the IRP, is a general rate case or other proceeding where the issue is noticed." 1d. (emphasis added). Thus, despite the suggestion in Idaho Power's letter at issue here, the Commission has not approved the new natural gas price forecast for use in the published avoided cost rates during this automatic rate update. And no such notice has been made to institute such a change as part of this automatic rate update. It is not clear from Idaho Power's response letter whether Idaho Power believes any additional process is needed to make Idaho Power's proposed change to the natural gas forecast, but Simplot opposes making such a major change without additional process and opportunity for input from interested parties. The substantive suggestion by Idaho Power is a highly controversial proposal. As it did last year, the Commission should not adopt such a major change without providing a full opportunity for input and participation from other parties. However, Idaho Power has not asked for any other proceeding to address the issue, and Idaho J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S COMMENTS CASE NO. IPC-E-I8-05 Page 6 Power itself dismissed its own proceeding on the issue last year. Therefore, the Commission should decline Idaho Power's proposal this year without opening another docket. ln sum, Idaho Power has provided no basis to depart from the previously approved methodology and use of the EIA's Mountain Region reference case as the natural gas forecast, and therefore the Commission should approve the automatic update as proposed by Staff s April 5, 2018 letter. Respectfully Submitted on May l, 2018. RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC M. Adams, ISB # 7454 Peter J. Richardson, ISB #3195 Attorneys for J. R. Simplot Company J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S COMMENTS CASE NO. IPC-E-I8-05 Page 7 r -) -7 CERTFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the l't day of May 2018, a true and correct copy of the COMMENTS of the J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY in Case No. IPC-E-I8-05 were delivered via U. S. Mail postage prepaid and electronically to the following: Diane Hanian (Hand Delivery) Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 diane.holt@puc. idaho. gov Sean Costello Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 sean. costello@puc. idaho. gov Donovan Walker Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 dwalker@idahopower. com Kandi Walters