HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180315Aschenbrenner Exhibit 1-3.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I8-03 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ASCHENBRENNER, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 ldaho Porrer Company 2017 ldaho DSM Expenses and Adjustments for Prudence Filing Expenses Rider Expenses Demand Response Program lncenuves Recorded in PCA Total Expenses Ene tg y Ef ti c ie n c yl De m a nd Resporrse Residontial A/C Cool Credit Edu€tional Oistributions Energy Efiicient LightirE Energy House Calls ENERGY STAR@ Homes Northu,est Fridge and Freezer Recycling Program Heating & CoolirE Efficiency Program Home Energy Audit Home lmprovement Program Multifamily Energy Savings Program Rebate Advantage Shade Tree Project Simple Steps, Smart Savings * Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers Commercial/lndustrial Custom Programs Flex Peak Program New Construction Retrcfils lrrigation lnigation Efiiciency Rewards lnioation Peak Reu/ards 495,142 $ 3,323,O24 4,787,259 170,691 320,637 259,480 575,404 281.125 165,483 167,342 93,891 't94,695 185,354 1,137 ,209 4@,112 S 337,77',| 895,254 3.323.O24 4,787,259 170,69't 320,637 259,480 575,4U 281,'t25 165,483 167,U2 93,891 194,695 185.354 1,137 ,209 8,352,626 86.861 2,186,213 4,'193,475 8,352,626 424.632 2,186,213 4,193,475 2,230,798 743p48 6,245,430 2,230,798 6,989,379 Eneru v Eff ic ie nc vlDe mand RE oonse .,29,950,660 $6.983.311 S 36.933.973 MartetTnnsfomtiil Total $2,563,818 t 2,563,81E Other Progr6m3 and Actiyitie3 Commerciaulnduslrial Energy EffcierEy Oveftead 336,335 Energy Effciency Direct Program Overhead 2$,251 Residential Energy Effciency Education lnitiative 210,215 Residential Enerov Effcierrcy Overhead 1,001 ,005 336,335 2W,251 210,215 1,001,005 OtherPrqnmsandActiviti$Tohl $ 1,E37,E07 $.,1,837,807 lndirect Program Exp6nses Energy Efticiency Accourning & Analysis Energy Efficiency Advisory Group S rPJci al Aeou nti ng Ent ies Special Accountino Entries 878,239 21,685 878,239 21,685 1,833,875 1,833,875 lndircct Prcgnm ExFnses Totat $ 2,733,799 t . $ 2,733,799 Total Expenses $ 37,086,084 $ 6,983,314 $ 44,069,397 4cljqstments Prior year-end accounting adjustments: Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers Conection(") Special Accounting (Fridge & Freezer Recycling Program) Cormtion(b) Special Accounting (Residential Energy Efiiciency Education lnitiative) Conection(") 2016 Vehicle Charge Enold) 2O'16 Chamber of Commere and Rotary Club Fees(') Cunent )rear-end accounting adjustments: 2017 Labor Coreclion(o (56,571 ) 22,O22 4,266 16,705 't92 89,304 89.304 (a)ThisexrEnewaschapedtotheOregonfi,€rin20l6,aNshouldhavetunchaeedtotheldaboithr. The@@clionwasmdein2017. (b) This exf€ns Gieds a double invoin chaqe in 2016. TIE @recibn was m& in 2017. (c)ThisexrEn*waschaeodtotlbldahodhrin20l6,andshouldhaveb@nchaedtonobRkJettundedO&Mexpen@g Thecoredionwasmdein20lT. (d) This ex.En* refeds an incorecXy @bulated Ghbb chege ftom 2016. flE @nsdion was mde in 2017. (e) This ex.En@ releds e coreclion of dialtawd chaqes in 2016. The @rec7ion was mde in 2017. (f) T his e x F nse retucts a @reclbn in the la bot @lculation br m 1 7. The corecTion was m& in 20 1 E. Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-18-03 C. Aschenbrenner, IPC Page 1 of 1 Market Tmnsformation Northurest Enerov Eff ciency Alliance 2,563.81 8 2.563.818 (56,571 ) 22,022 4,266 16,705 192 37,162,002 $6,983,314 $ 44,1€,316 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-I8-03 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ASCHENBRENNER, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.2 2017 Cost-Effectiveness Summary by Program, Sector, and Portfolio * Commercial/lndustrial Energy Efficiency Sector cost-effectiveness ratios include savings and participant costs from Green Motors Rewinds. ** lrrigation Energy Efficiency Sector cost-effectiveness ratios include savings and participant costs from Green Motors Rewinds. 2017 Benefit/cost Tests Program/Sector Total Resource Cost ITRC) Utility Cost (ucl Participant Cost (PcI) Educational Distributions 6.33 3.O2 N/A Enersv Efficient Lishtins 4.63 4.09 7.O7 Energy House Calls 1.65 L.26 N/A Fridge and Freezer Recycling L.t4 0.60 N/A Heating & Cooling Efficiency Program 0.8s 7.48 1.47 Home lmprovement Program 0.41 2.54 o.70 Multifamily Energy Savings Program 3.55 L.75 N/A Rebate Advantage 1.19 1.88 2.59 Residential New Construction Pilot Program L.47 2.36 2.46 Simple Steps, Smart Savings 5.05 2.38 6.94 Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers 0.48 0.37 N/A Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers o.46 0.34 N/A Residential Energy Eff ciency Sector 3.64 2.69 7.74 Custom Projects 1.95 3.s3 L,7L New Construction 4.64 3.90 6.22 Retrofits 1.11 2.92 1.38 Commercial/lndustrial Energy Efficiency Sector I 1.81 3.42 t.87 lrrigation Efficiency 3.64 4.75 3.33 lrrigation Energy Efficiency Sector **3.65 4.78 3.33 Energy Efficiency Portfolio 2.50 2.75 3.67 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-18-03 C. Aschenbrenner, IPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-I8-03 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ASCHENBRENNER, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.3 oodct Eo Ui Et! h0occo oU L! 6 EoooLAotigoCLttlo&!Cl! Eoo o E \ ts ct o o o E ro o E o o o E c, o oc o E rto o o d o E do o d o E a^ El! o0oa lEFco! 6o0c oii CL Efc 6 OJ- OJ o =o c.9 .C i5 cco.F oI =!U OICF bt = .9 U U o,cU I @IJ @ lo- bI (ucU o;Etoz @ Eo-Id. F (9 G,UzU Eo dto L IE.9IiEUotc ooU 06 b(cE@(u- !E a( OJcU OJ EoI oCLoc. o0 ocU o Eo- ob!o cG T' (u @-ood OJ .93sco.,oIfEU Ic CJ'o iEU d( OJCU E c CJ!.G c,E. EG b0oc o0C'to u OJcu. E6q .F f I0)o c OJc, F 0.)Eo= a bIc.; 6 G E CIq, oio E,i o Eo =(J Eo =@ld o oa o .9 C.9 6N osoOJ = o Eo (J _9.ctgu o troFlo E.9o otoo ts .9of oU 3oz Eo f(J iEo OJE, ! o3od Ic.oI U o 6 .q0: .=!,o U EoUU E6 ooo CJoocx _gr E GBOJE.JoOJCLcoFo .99: trgAco (E:G UJ Eru u0o o- cor{oNI(n F{oN C'c .9C' IJ o0 oclr| T'tro lnco sod o Eo ln5u Exhibit No. 3 Case No. IPC-E-18-03 C. Aschenbrenner, IPC Page 1 of 1