HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171114Application.pdfSEffi*.RECEIVED 2011UOV ll+ FH lr: Ztr iD,:,1'itl ir'uiii-iC : j I il I l'i i'-:l; COFiF,llSSl0N An IDACORP Company JULIA A. HILTON Senior Counsel ihi lton@idahopower.com November 14,2017 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane M. Hanian, Secretary !daho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Case No. !PC-E-17-16 Method of Recovery for Costs Associated with Participation in Energy lmbalance Market - ldaho Power Company's Application and Testimony Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find an original and seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company's Application. ln addition, enclosed are an original and eight (8) copies of the Direct Testimony of Tami White filed in support of the Application. One copy of Ms. White's testimony has been designated as the "Reporter's Copy." A disk containing a Word version of Ms. White's testimony is enclosed for the Reporter. Very truly yours, ulia A.ilton JAH:csb Enclosures 1221 W. ldaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 Re ( JULIA A. HILTON (lSB No. 7740) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-61 17 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 i h i lton@ idahopower. com RECEIVED ?0111{0V lE Pl'l lr: 2tr l-l;iiiil FilBLlC i :* :i i'i!=;:, COhltdlSSl0N Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COM PANY'S APPLICATION TO ESTABLISH A METHOD OF RECOVERY FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PARTICIPATION IN THE WESTERN ENERGY IMBALANCE MARKET. CASE NO. |PC-E-17-16 APPLICATION ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company"), in accordance with Rule of Procedure 52, hereby respectfully makes application to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order authorizing the Company to establish an interim method of recovery for costs associated with participation in the western Energy lmbalance Market ('ElM"), through a temporary rate component in Tariff Schedule 55, Power Cost Adjustment ("Schedule 55"). ln support of this Application, ldaho Power represents as follows. I. EIM OVERVIEW 1. ln November 2014, the California lndependent System Operator (.CA|SO') and PacifiCorp created an energy imbalance market to enhance real-time coordination. APPLICATION - 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) The western EIM is a five-minute market administered by a single market operator, CAISO, which uses an automatic economic dispatch model to find and determine the least-cost energy resources to serve real-time customer demand across a wide geographic area. The western EIM focuses solely on real-time imbalances and allows EIM entities to retain all balancing responsibilities and transmission provider duties. !n addition, it uses generating resources from market participants to meet real-time load efficiently and cost-effectively across the entire western EIM footprint. 2. ldaho Power plans to begin participating in the western EIM in April 2018, and, at that time, the western EIM footprint will include PacifiCorp; CAISO; NV Energy, lnc.; Puget Sound Energy; Arizona Public Service Company; Portland General Electric Company; and Powerex Corp. (collectively "Market Participants"). Market Participants voluntarily bid resources into the western EIM and the market operator provides least- cost dispatch instructions and generates a locational marginal price to be used for energy imbalances, factoring in load, available generation, and existing transmission constraints. Joining the western EIM is likely to result in real, sustainable cost savings in the form of reduced net power supply expense ("NPSE'). 3. In Order No. 33706, Case No. IPC-E-16-19, the Commission concluded that the Company's participation in the western EIM would provide an opportunity for benefits greater than costs, thus a possibility of a net benefit to the Company's customers. Additionally, the Commission found that the Company's joining the western EIM is reasonable and in the public interest. Order No. 33706 at 9. 4. ln order to participate in the western EIM and achieve the expected benefits for its customers, ldaho Power has incurred, and will continue to incur, ElM-related costs, including upfront and ongoing incrementa! costs as well as software and metering APPLICATION - 2 investments necessary for participation. ln Case No. IPC-E-16-19, the Company requested authority to defer to a regulatory asset account the incremental costs to participate in the western EIM and requested approval to recover the costs in a future rate proceeding. The Company did not, however, request recovery of the incremental costs of participation at that time, but indicated that it may be necessary to implement an interim rate mechanism for cost recovery to provide proper matching of costs and benefits in customer rates upon commencement of the Company's participation in the western ElM. 5. Order No. 33706 authorized ldaho Power to defer the upfront incremental operations and maintenance ('O&M") expenses associated with joining the western ElM, but declined to provide pre-approval for recovery of these costs, noting that recoverability in rates of Idaho Power's costs incurred to join the EIM will be determined in a future proceeding. 6. ldaho Power seeks authorization to establish an interim method of recovery for the incremental costs associated with joining the western ElM. The Company proposes to include the revenue requirement associated with the incremental costs of EIM participation as a temporary rate component in Schedule 55, until these costs and benefits can be reflected in base rates. This proposed interim method of recovery will allow ldaho Power to more closely match the timing of benefits and costs of participation in the western ElM. Furthermore, recovery of costs through Schedule 55 allows for administrative efficiencies and utilizes the same tariff schedule that EIM-related benefits will ultimately be reflected in. 7. This Application is supported by the Direct Testimony of TamiWhite, Senior Manager of Revenue Requirement, who discusses the benefits of participation in the western ElM, the updated estimate of incremental costs associated with ldaho Power's APPLICATION - 3 participation in the western ElM, and the Company's proposed interim method of recovery for these costs. II. REQUEST FOR INTERIM COST RECOVERY THROUGH SCHEDULE 55 8. By participating in the western EIM, the Company anticipates achieving NPSE benefits, which will automatically flow to customers through the Power Cost Adjustment mechanism upon the date the Company begins participating, expected to occur in April 2018. However, to achieve such benefits, ldaho Power has incurred, and will continue to incur, incremental costs to prepare for and participate in the western EIM. ln order to allow the Company to match the benefits that customers receive with the costs incurred by the Company to provide those benefits, ldaho Power seeks to recover the incremental costs related to participation in the western EIM through a temporary rate component in Schedule 55, until the costs and benefits are reflected in base rates. 9. To participate in the EIM and achieve NPSE savings, ldaho Power will incur incrementa! costs in a total estimated amount of $13.71 million, which include start-up costs, software integration costs, metering costs, and incremental annual ongoing labor costs, market fees, and hosted software fees. ln Case No. IPC-E-16-19, ldaho Power provided an initialestimate of total incremental costs associated with EIM participation of $15.77 million. ln total, estimated costs have decreased by $2.06 million primarily due to increased metering costs, which were more than offset by reduced software integration costs and lower than expected incremental ongoing O&M expense. 10. ldaho Power proposes to collect the Idaho jurisdictional revenue requirement associated with these costs through a temporary rate component in Schedule 55, similar to how revenue sharing and Energy Efficiency Rider transfers have been included in Schedule 55 in the past. ldaho Power proposes to update the revenue APPLICATION - 4 requirement associated with EIM-related costs as well as Schedule 55 rates annually, with new rates going into effect June 1 of each year. 11. ldaho Power proposes to true-up the EIM-related annual revenue requirement by recalculating the Idaho jurisdictional revenue requirement based on actual costs and comparing it to the revenue requirement included in customer rates. Any under- or over-recovery would be collected or refunded as part of the Schedule 55 EIM Participation Cost rate component in the following year, in conjunction with the following year's updated ldaho jurisdictional revenue requirement. To allow adequate time for review of the prudence of the incurred costs and accuracy of the true-up calculation, the Company intends to submit this information through a compliance filing made in this case by the end of February each year. 12. To better align costs borne by the Company with the benefits received by customers, Idaho Power seeks authorization to establish an interim method of recovery for its incremental costs required to participate in the western ElM. The Company's participation in the EIM is indefinite, providing benefits to customers for years to come. Ultimately, ldaho Power envisions a scenario where both the costs and benefits associated with EIM participation are reflected in base rates through a future rate proceeding. Because timing of the Company's next regulatory proceeding that would adjust base rates is not known, an interim rate mechanism for recovery is necessary in order to appropriately match the level of cost recovery with the provision of customer benefits. 13. Recognizing the unique nature of the costs and benefits of EIM participation, the Company asks that the Commission issue an order authorizing the APPLICATION - 5 Company to establish an interim method of recovery for costs associated with participation in the western EIM through a temporary rate component in Schedule 55. III. PROPOSED SCHEDULE 14. Idaho Power seeks to begin participating in the western EIM on April 4, 2018. In order to facilitate other regulatory requirements prior to that date, ldaho Power respectfully requests the Commission consider a case schedule that would allow for an order on this Application to be issued on or before March 31 ,2018. IV. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 15. ldaho Power believes that a technica! hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201, ef. seg. ldaho Power has contemporaneously fibd testimony in support of its Application. lf, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company is prepared to present testimony in support of this Application in such a hearing. V. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 16. Communications and service of pleadings with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Julia A. Hilton TamiWhite ldaho Power Company ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) 1221\Nest ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Boise, ldaho 83707 ihilton@ idahopower.com twh ite@ id ahopower. com dockets@ id ahopower. com VI. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 17. ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order authorizing the Company to establish an interim method of recovery for costs associated APPLICATION - 6 with participation in the western EIM through a temporary rate component in Schedule 55. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 14th day of November 2017. IA N for ldaho Power Company APPLICATION - 7