HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180518Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER IilELLAhtDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM: MICIIAEL MORRISON DATE: MAY 18,2018 SUBJECT:STAFF'S COMPLIANCE F'ILING IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPAI\TY FOR AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH NEW SCHEDULES FOR RESII}ENTIAL AND SMALL GENERAL SERVICE CUSTOMERS WITH ON-SITE GENERATION, CASE NO. IPC.E-I7-13. BACKGROUND In Final Order No. 34046, the Commission ordered Idaho Power ("Company") to close Schedule 84 and create two new schedules for Residential Service On-Site Generation (Schedule 6) and Small General Service On-Site Generation (Schedule 8). The Commission also approved the Company's proposed revisions to Schedule 72, and ordered the Company to work with Staff and other interested parties to finalize the details and file conforming tariff language by June I , 20 1 8. Staff arranged for a meeting to occur on May 17,2018, and invited all parties to Case No. IPC-E-17-13. In testirnony, Staffhad expressed concern that the Company's proposed changes went beyond the scope of its Application, and proposed that the Company's changes should be considered in a separate docket. ,Sse Morrison Di at 21. However, the Commission's decision to approve the Company's proposed Schedule 72 revisions obviated StafPs proposal to consider these changes in a separate case. On May 17,2018, Staff met with the Cornpany, and representatives from the Idaho Conservation League and Siena Club, to discuss the Company's proposed changes to Schedule 72. After an explanatory presentation of the changes by the Company, neither Staffnor the intervenors had any objections to the Cornpany's proposed Schedule 72 revisions, as filed by the Company in its Application. DECISION MEMORANDUM MAY 18,2018I Subsequent to the May 17,2018 meeting, ldaho Power completed its compliance filing by filing ils new TariffSchedules 6 and 8, and revised versions of existing lariffSchedules 72 and 84, Staffreviewed these schedules and believes that they comply wirh the intent of Final Order No. 34046. The Company also updated Schedules 61,63,66,74,81, 91, and 98; and Rules C, G, H, and I. Staff reviewed these updates, finding them to be minor aad necessary to assure that language in these schedules correlates with the changes made to Schedules 6,8,72, and 84. Staff believes that these changes are consistent with Final Order No. 34046. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staffrecommends that the Company's new Tariff Schedules 6 and 8 be approved as filed in the Company's May 17,2018 compliance filing. Staffalso recommends that Commission approve the changes rnade to Schedules 61,63,66,72,74,81,84,91, and 98, andto Rules C, G, H, and I in the Company's May 17,2018 compliance filing. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the Company's new Tariff Schedules 6 and 8, and changes to Schedules 61, 63, 66,72,74,81,84,91, and 98, and to Rules C, G, H, and I in the Company's May 17,2018 compliance filing? Michael UdmemosAdaho Porver Compliance Filing 180517-screv dec memo 2DECISION MEMORANDUM MAY 18,2018