HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180305Comments (26).pdfDiane Holt From:loxtjane@isu.edu Sent:Monday,March 5,2018 1:26 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Janet Loxterman Name:Janet Loxterman Case Number:IPC-E-17-1383201 Email:loxtjane@isu.edu Telephone:2082826167 Address:5665 Arrowhead Drive Pocatello ID,83209 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:I do not think Idaho Power should be permitted to segregate customers with distributed energy systems.This punitive proposal is counter to the worldwide move toward job producing clean energy systems.Idaho Power provides no evidence to support their claim,and in fact,would harm Idaho's growing solar industry. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:sdbenner1@cableone.net Sent:Monday,March 5,2018 11:24 AM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Steven Benner Name:Steven Benner Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:sdbenner1@cableone.net Telephone:208-869-1478 Address:2808 S.Colorado Ave. Boise Idaho,83706 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Company Comment:IPC-E-17-13 comments by Steven Benner The massive and historic transformation of the U.S.energy sector shifted into a higher gear in 2017.The rapid expansion of clean energy in America is delivering more jobs,greater energyproductivity,increased economic growth,and fewer emissions. Idaho Power Company is proposing to isolate net metering customers into a new customer class without analyzing how net metering customers differ from standard customers that do not generate on-site energy.While there is speculation on the motivation of the Company in this proposal,it is clear the proposal is putting the cart before the horse. Creating a separate class should be the last step in the process of determining the true costs and benefits net meteringcustomerspresenttothepowersystem.Idaho Power needs to analyze if these customers have a different load profileand/or a different costs of service. Before proposing changes to rates or classes,there should be a general proceeding which provides all interested stakeholders an opportunityto discuss how to properly value net metering customer technologies.Until there has been a proceeding on the costs and benefits of these customers to the grid and utility,there is not sufficient data to support the creation of a separate class. Then,once the data,methods,and stakeholder engagement has been conducted,the Company should model the impacts of any proposed separate rate class,cost allocation method,or rates.This will ensure any proposals advance economic efficiency and public policy objectives,and do not unduly discriminate against specific classes of customers.After evaluation of costs and benefits based on actual system performance,the utilitymay file for a change to rate classes or rates,if justified by the analysis.Idaho Power should get ready for the future and embrace distributed energyandlearnhowtoprofitfromitinsteadofputtingmoreroadblockstomorewidespreadadoptionofdistributedenergy generation and net metering. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:kayhum@cableone.net Sent:Monday,March 5,2018 10:50 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Kay Hummel Name:Kay Hummel Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:kayhum@cableone.net Telephone:208-631-7704 Address:420 E Crestline DRive Boise ID,83702 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:I am a net metering customer of Idaho Power.The Commission should not approve the new customer class. The utility has not demonstrated that its grid costs are significant for this extremely small class.Please deny IPCO's request. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:Jake.sunrisesolar@gmail.com Sent:Monday,March 5,2018 8:46 AMTo:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew EvansSubject:Case Comment Form:Jake Cutler Name:Jake Cutler Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:Jake.sunrisesolar@gmail.com Telephone: Address: Boise ID,83713 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:I think that Idaho Power creating new rate schedules for net metered customers is another over reach by agreedyutilitycompanywhowastesmoneyaroundeverycornerandonlywantstopassthatwasteontoclientswhohavedecidedtodosomethingabouttheirrisingpowerrates.Net metered customers are contributingpower to the gridthatisusedbyIdahoPowerforothercustomersthattheyaremostlikelysellingtooutofstateutilities. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:boltlarry@gmail.com Sent:Monday,March 5,2018 8:03 AM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Larry Bolt Name:Larry Bolt Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:boltlarry@gmail.com Telephone:9707974076 Address: Pocatello ID,83201 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Company Comment:For their own future prosperity,Idaho Power Company should be promoting and partnering all ways of putting electricity onto the grid AND paying back those that do.In this age of imminient climate crises,it wrong-headed to act otherwise.With droughts happening more often,there will likely come a time they wish they had supported and been part of alternative energies. Unique Identifier: Diane Holt From:annmt1949@aol.com Sent:Sunday,March 4,2018 4:20 PM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Ann Carlson Name:Ann Carlson Case Number:#IPC-E-17-1383201 Email:annmt1949@aol.com Telephone: Address: Boise ID,83706 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:I ask that you deny Idaho Power's request to segregatecustomers with distributed energy systems such as rooftop solar.Since they have not done a cost/benefit analysis,this could lead to an unfair financial burden on this class of customers and stifle transition to sustainable energy production and use. Thank you.. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:toddf@cadenux.com Sent:Sunday,March 4,2018 11:18 AM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Todd Fischer Name:Todd Fischer Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:toddf@cadenux.com Telephone:2083312779 Address:1005 N 12th St Boise ID,83702 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:I attended the Boise hearing,but with so many thoughtful speakers,I figured you would better appreciate my feedback in written form. There are two aspects to a regulated utility -the day-to-day operation so the utility doesn't abuse its monopoly power and the long term planning so the utility can continue to meet the needs of the communities being served.Case IPC-E- 17-13 is a day-to-day operations request,which is unnecessaryas explained by so many giving testimony at the hearing.What I would like to add is the pattern of Idaho's Power Company's stance on the short term concerns of renewable energy will leave IPC in a very precarious position in the future,being less able to meet the needs of the communities served.IPC has been the envy of all the other power companies around the USA for years because of the renewableenergyhydropowercomplexinIdaho.The uncertainty in fossil fuel price and availability,the likelihood of a carbon tax, and the need to respond to climate change all lead to the same obvious conclusion -renewable energy reduces the riskofdisruptioninserviceorskyrocketingcoststoconsumers.As the PUC engages with IPC,I encourage a broader context be considered so that we can put an end to these distracting cases and focus on the long term success of IPC as the primary provider of electricity to many Idahoans. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt Frorn:.toddf@cadenux.com Sent:Sunday,March 4,2018 11:18 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Todd Fischer Name:Todd Fischer Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:toddf@cadenux.com Telephone:2083312779 Address:1005 N 12th St Boise ID,83702 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:I attended the Boise hearing,but with so many thoughtful speakers,I figured you would better appreciate my feedback in written form. There are two aspects to a regulated utility-the day-to-day operation so the utility doesn't abuse its monopoly power and the long term planning so the utilitycan continue to meet the needs of the communities being served.Case IPC-E- 17-13 is a day-to-day operations request,which is unnecessaryas explained by so many giving testimony at the hearing. What I would like to add is the pattern of Idaho's Power Company's stance on the short term concerns of renewable energy will leave IPC in a very precarious position in the future,being less able to meet the needs of the communities served.IPC has been the envy of all the other power companies around the USA for years because of the renewable energy hydro power complex in Idaho.The uncertainty in fossil fuel price and availability,the likelihood of a carbon tax, and the need to respond to climate change all lead to the same obvious conclusion -renewable energy reducesthe risk of disruption in service or sky rocketing costs to consumers.As the PUC engageswith IPC,I encourage a broader context be considered so that we can put an end to these distracting cases and focus on the long term success of IPC as the primary provider of electricity to many Idahoans. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:ndblackburn@gmail.com Sent:Sunday,March 4,2018 9:17 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Nathan Blackburn Name:Nathan Blackburn Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:ndblackburn@gmail.com Telephone: Address:128 118th Street Orofino ID,83544 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:Although I am not an Idaho Power customer,this decision could have implications beyond their utilitydistrict.We need to be encouraging the switch to sustainable power,not discouraging it.The premise of wealthdistributionishorrificallyflawed,when in fact what the utility company is suggestingwe do is to redistribute wealthfromINVESTORSinsustainableenergytotheultrawealthycoalminingcompanyowners.This is a step backwards. I recognize the need to pay for maintaining and growing the grid,but to do it on the backs of those tryingto make ourworldabetterplaceisthewrongapproach.Please reflect this horrible request.Thanksfor your consideration. Unique Identifier: Diane Holt From:Tracyhouse@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,March 3,2018 8:23 PMTo:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew EvansSubject:Case Comment Form:Robert Tracy Name:Robert Tracy case Number:IPC-E-17-1383201 Email:Tracyhouse@gmail.com Telephone:(208)867-2843 Address:2786 N Lakeharbor Ln Boise iD,83703 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:I am strongly opposed to Idaho Power changing their rate structure for net metering customers,especially forthoselikeourselveswhohavealreadymadesubstantialinvestmentswiththeexpectationofreasonablereturnsforourlargeinvestments.We put solar systems in both our Boise home and our Cabin in Cascade,using the net meteringapproachsowecanbuildcreditstofuturebillsfromIPCwhenwegenerateexcess,then use those credits when we areusingless.Changingthe rate structure to disadvantage customers like us would be a gross injustice and must not beallowed. And we should also have rates for potential new investments that encourage green power,not discourage it. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:jody.brostrom@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,March 3,2018 4:51 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Jody Brostrom Name:Jody Brostrom Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:jody.brostrom@gmail.com Telephone: Address:15 Abbott Ln Salmon ID,83467 Name of UtilityCompany:Idaho Power Company Comment:I am writing to express my opposition to Idaho Power Company's (IPC)application to start charging an additionalfee for customers that install their own solar or wind electrical systems that are tied to the grid.Energy that is produced in excess of customer needs is made available to IPC for distribution and reduces the need for power produced by fossil fuels.Instead,IPC should be encouraging customers to install solar or wind electrical generation that keeps this energy,dollars and jobs in Idaho. I am concerned that IPC is not forthcoming on what are the additional chargesto customers with installed solar or wind systems that are tied to the grid.Customers should have a solid understanding of rate schedules.Open ended requests are not good customer service nor do they indicate a thoughtful planning process. I am opposed to IPC ending net metering.As someone with with a 6kw solar system that is tied to the grid,I feel that I in fact am benefiting IPC as they can sell the power I don't use from the grid to others,often at a higher rate.I and others who generate excess power should be credited for this.Instead of continuing to rely on fossil fuels,IPC should be making a clear investment in solar and wind generated power,for their customers,for the health of our environment,and for the security of future generations. I appreciate the opportunity to comment. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:janet@buschert.com Sent:Saturday,March 3,2018 1:50 PM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Janet Buschert Name:Janet Buschert Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:janet@buschert.com Telephone:2088306878 Address:235 W Floating Feather Rd Eagle Idaho,83616 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:In August of 2017 Adam Richins of Idaho Power had a column published in the Idaho Statesman addressing net metering usage of power.He suggestedthat there was a misconception that we (net metering customers)are "off the grid".We agree that this is a misconception.In fact,we know that we are a vital part of the grid.Our installations should continue to be part of the regular class of residential customers and should be treated no differently than them. And we are asking you to consider this when you consider IPC-E-17-13. Idaho Power's argument that net-metering customers should be considered separately (and eventually charged more we are sure)looks only at ½of the equation -the traditional business model side of the equation.It fails to recognize a future that embraces renewable energy and the challenges of our costly historic energy-generating environment.And it completely misses the positives to Idaho Power and residential and commercial customers on the network who receive relief through the presence of residential net metering. For example,we feed power back into the network during the summer during the peak usage periods,diminishing the need for Idaho Power to buy power from more costly sources.This seems to never be recognized as a benefit,but clearly it is. Over time,our rooftop generation also mitigates the need for Idaho Power to invest in additional power generation facilities.These are the most expensive investments,and adequate rooftop power generation could help either delay or avoid those investments.That delay and avoidance are both of benefit to all users in the network. Any change of this magnitude should require modeling that really demonstrates both sides of the equation,and we have not seen this work from Idaho Power.We would suggest you deny this petition until more balanced and transparent data is available. We are also frustrated that Idaho Power is re-visiting the current rate structure once again.Certainly there are more of us than there were,but our numbers do not create an existential threat to the status quo.We represent a small segment that adds benefits largely at our cost. We are not a separate rate group -we are residential,pure and simple.And we are a benefit to the grid.This is a move to protect Idaho Power's profit incentive and not trulyto protect the existing non net-metering base.We are a positive overall influence to the system and not a detractor.Please deny Idaho Power's application for a separate category and subsequently separate rates. Unique Identifier: Diane Holt From:ds2k@msn.com Sent:Saturday,March 3,2018 12:12 PM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Del &Susie Dickerson Name:Del &Susie Dickerson Case Number:IPC-E-17&3 Email:ds2k@msn.com Telephone:2088508850 Address:1035 Beverly Drive Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:We respectfully request that the IPUC deny Idaho Power's request to create a separate rate class for net metering customers,as per IPUCstaff recommendation. It would appear,from IPUC staff testimony,that Idaho Power did not present a sound,analysis-based case for their request.We also support the IPUC staff recommendation to initiate a docket to determine the appropriate value for the avoided cost of the resource. While Idaho Power claims to be concerned about wealth transference from lower to higher income individuals,we believe that their main concern is their ability to deliver profits to their shareholders.The eight hundred pound gorilla in the room is the fact that residential solar generation is turning the traditional utility business model,pioneered by Thomas Edison,upside-down. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:mmcgown73@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,March 3,2018 11:52 AM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Michael McGown Name:Michael McGown Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 83201 Email:mmcgown73@gmail.com Telephone:2089941316 Address:299 Valli Hi Road Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Idaho Power should not be allowed to create a separate rate class for solar power.This technology should be incentivized not penalized.This makes no sense with out a comprehensive cost benefit analysis demonstrating the need. Solar energy is the future of power generation in Idaho and the world,it should be embraced and discouraged. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:schmelzerma4@icloud.com Sent:Saturday,March 3,2018 9:52 AM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Marcia Schmelzer Name:Marcia Schmelzer Case Number:IPC-E-17-1383201 Email:schmelzerma4@icloud.com Telephone:2089391494 Address:299 W Valli-Hi Rd Eagle Idaho,83616 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Company Comment:I strongly believe Idahoans should have a right to offset their own electricity usage with on-site renewable energy.They make a financial investment and should reap benefits from that investment.Idaho Power is obligated to conduct cost-benefit studies prior to changesin the existing net metering program.IPC proposal to create a customer class for those who self-generate is without evidence and premature. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:schmelzerma4@icloud.com Sent:Saturday,March 3,2018 9:52 AM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Marcia Schmelzer . Name:Marcia Schmelzer Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 83201 Email:schmelzerma4@icioud.com Telephone:2089391494 Address:299 W Valli-Hi Rd Eagle Idaho,83616 Name of UtilityCompany:Idaho Power Company Comment:I strongly believe Idahoans should have a right to offset their own electricity usage with on-site renewable energy.They make a financial investment and should reap benefits from that investment.Idaho Power is obligated to conduct cost-benefit studies prior to changes in the existing net metering program.IPC proposal to create a customer class for those who self-generate is without evidence and premature. Unique Identifier: Diane Holt From:cristaworthy@hotmail.com Sent:Saturday,March 3,2018 8:40 AM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Crista Worthy Name:Crista Worthy Case Number:IPC-E-17-1383201 Email:cristaworthy@hotmail.com Telephone:2089064471 Address: Boise ID,83714 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:We need to make it easier for Idahoansto install and use rooftop solar,NOTmake it more difficult.Idaho Power is trying to make it infinitely more costly and difficult for Idahoans to install and use rooftop solar power. We should have the right to offset our own electricity usage with onsite renewable energy.Idaho Power must conduct benefit-cost studies prior to making any changesto the existing net metering program.Idaho Power's proposal to place customers who self-generate into their own customer class is premature and discriminatory. Unique Identifier: Diane Holt From:aliceanderson@cableone.net Sent:Saturday,March 3,2018 8:26 AM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Alice Anderson Name:Alice Anderson Case Number: Email:aliceanderson@cableone.net Telephone: Address:2105 Hillway Dr Boise Idaho,83702 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Idaho Powers net metering program enables local citizens to support idahos clean energy sector.Supporting this growing sector of our economic reduces the current reliance on out-of-state fossil fuels for roughly 50%of our electricity. Investing in local solar power keeps more energy dollars in our communities and allows individuals to meet their own energy needs.Individual control and local economic growth are Idahoan values. It is Please do all in your power to encourage the growth of alternate,non polluting sources of energy.The future of our planet depends on you. Please stand up for these values by maintaining the current net metering program. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:gmeyer9904@gmail.com Sent:Friday,March 2,2018 10:09 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Greg Meyer Name:Greg Meyer Case Number:596-E-i7-15 Email:gmeyer9904@gmail.com Telephone: Address:7909 S Indigo Ridge Ave Boise Idaho,83716 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Idaho Powers net metering program enables local citizens to support Idahos clean energy sector.Supporting this growing sector of our economic reduces the current reliance on out-of-state fossil fuels for roughly 50%of our electricity. Investing in local solar power keeps more energy dollars in our communities and allows individuals to meet their own energy needs.Individual control and local economic growth are Idahoan values. Please stand up for these values by maintaining the current net metering program. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:bcochrane318@gmail.com Sent:Friday,March 2,2018 9:00 PM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Barbara Cochrane Name:Barbara Cochrane Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 83201 Email:bcochrane318@gmail.com Telephone:2089495715 Address:2335 E PARKSIDE DR BOISE ID -Idaho,83712 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:I just had a home roof top solar system installed because it feels like the ethical choice to help in the production of electricity.We haveto continue to incentivize the public to install renewable energy sources whenever possible.As a customer of Idaho Power I continue to pay service charges and various fees.The net metering is a reasonable system and needs to be sustained.At the very least,a benefit-cost analysis needs to be completed without any new customer classification to ultimately discriminate and charge more to self-generating contributors to the grid! Unique Identifier: Diane Holt From:drmarymc@gmail.com Sent:Friday,March 2,2018 5:57 PM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Mary McGown Name:Mary McGown Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:drmarymc@gmail.com Telephone:2088710015 Address:282 S Mobley Lane Boise ID,83712 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comany. Comment:I am opposed to Idaho Power Company creating a separate rate class for small,distributed generation customers. First,I do not think that the company has justified the change.The analysis is superficial and incomplete as to the benefits of distributed generation and the actual costs of connecting to these customers. Second,I think customers should have the option of generating some of the power that they and other utility customers use.It is only through significant investment by individual customers that this distributed generation can be added to the utility's fuel mix.Solar panels can be used in urban areas and in the future are likely to be a growing source of generation.I'd like to see urban solar nurtured,not stunted by penalizing customers who are willing to pay the costs of installing and maintaining solar panels. Third,Idaho Power Company is a public utility.As such,I think it should be responsive and accountable to the public.The company is guaranteed a return on investment.I think it has a greater responsibility to the customers in its service territorythan a company that bears all the costs and uncertainties of doing business.Regulate it in the public interest. Fourth,Idaho Power Company has the talent to be innovative in all of its endeavors.Please nudge them to be innovative in addressing a small,but growing segment of customers who are committed to generating power on their roof tops and in their farm yards.They are addressing some technical and environmental issues that the company seems reluctant to do. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:Marylucachick@yahoo.com Sent:Friday,March 2,2018 5:11 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Mary Lucachick Name:Mary Lucachick Case Number:IPGE-17-13 83201 Email:Marylucachick@yahoo.com Telephone:2088905474 Address:671 N Morningside Way Boise ID-Idaho,83712 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Co. Comment:We made an expensive infrastructure improvement that effectively offsets electricity that the utility would have to purchase at times of high demand when the entire grid is peaking on a hot August day when the temp is hitting 110 degrees.There are many other ways that the electrical customer could be segregated to establish additional rate classes based on where they live or how they heat their homes.Establishing a separate rate class for people who are trying so very hard to do the right thing and wean themselves off dirty fuels (1/2 of IPC's electricity comes from out of state coal)is just wrong.We also offset gasoline with our roof based solar and plug-in vehicle. Thanks for holding the hearing last night.I hope the message of rejecting the new rate class came through loud and clear.The number of jobs created by solar installers is vital to our economy,and the uncertainty of future rate hikes will only hurt that industry,which is wrong.We need to promote clean energy and work with the limited population that has solar producing potential,not disenfranchise them. Thank you. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:jcketchum@earthlink.net Sent:Friday,March 2,2018 4:44 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:JanetWygle Name:Janet Wygle Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:jcketchum@earthlink.net Telephone:208-788-8406 Address:106 Columbine Dr. Hailey ID,83333 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:In 2016,I installed solar panels and a thermal system on my roof in Hailey,Idaho,and signed up for "net metering"with Idaho Power.My solar systems do not always produce all the power my house uses,especially in a snowy month.At those times,I use Idaho Power's electricity and pay for it on my monthly bill.Although my annual Idaho Power bills have decreased almost 40%,I have never had a month when I didn't pay Idaho Power something.I have never produced "excess"electricity to be used by Idaho Power and have never received a credit for such excess electricity on my bill. I hope any changesto the "net metering"arrangements with Idaho Power will not cost me any additional money,nor penalize me for tryingto switch to clean energy.Not all solar power users are in the same boat. Thankyou. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:Ikscop0661@gmail.com Sent:Friday,March 2,2018 4:16 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Lucy Scopinich Name:Lucy Scopinich Case Number:.TP &f -/6 Email:Ikscop0661@gmail.com Telephone: Address:3334 E Dowling Mill Ct Boise Idaho,83706 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Idaho Powers net metering program enables local citizens to support Idahos clean energy sector.Supporting this growing sector of our economic reducesthe current reliance on out-of-state fossil fuels for roughly 50%of our electricity. Investing in local solar power keeps more energy dollars in our communities and allows individuals to meet their own energy needs.Individual control and local economic growth are Idahoan values. Please stand up for these values by maintaining the current net metering program. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:tedsingletany@gmail.com Sent:Friday,March 2,2018 3:16 PM To:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Ted Singletary Name:Ted Singletary Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:tedsingletary@gmail.com Telephone: Address: Boise ID,83702 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Co. Comment:As an IDACORP shareholder I support Idaho Power's right to a reasonable profit.There are currently no firm data to suggest the proposal to change the rate structure for residential solar power customers will do this.Such a measure should only be taken after a thorough cost-benefit analysis.It seems reasonable,for example,that rooftop solar panels will reduce the need for peak power generation in the summer months,which is exactly when solar panels have peak output.It also seems likely that expanded residential and business solar generation will change the nature of the power grid to one that is more distributed and resilient.Although I am interested in IDACORP profits,all the economic impacts,including local job creation,must be considered.The Idaho Power request is premature and may ultimately be unnecessary but implementation will have immediate consequences. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:J_schlicht@msn.com Sent:Friday,March 2,2018 3:06 PM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Janet Schlicht Name:Janet Schlicht Case Number:IPC-E-17-1383201 Email:J_schlicht@msn.com Telephone:208-343-2858 Address:1316 N 26th St Boise ID,83702 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:I object to Idaho Power's contention that net metering for customers who generate their own power via roof top solar does not cover the cost of serving those customers.I believe that the PUC should be supporting efforts to create non-pollutingsources of energy. As Idaho Pwer has not yet done a cost-benefit study demonstrating that there is a cost shift issue,the PUC should deny its request for creating a new customer class of solar users. Bottom line:Idahoans should have the right to offset their electricity usage with renewable,on-site sources. Please do not allow Idaho Power to create a new customer class for renewable energy users. Unique Identifier: 1