HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180301Comments 1.pdfDiane Holt From: Sent: To: dickjordan@cableone.net Thursday, March 1, 2018 12:44 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Dick JordanSubject: Name: Dick Jordan Case Number: IPC-E-17-13 Email: dickjordan@cableone.net Telephone: 2O886L7752 Address:953 E. Bergeson St. Boise ldaho ,837OG Name of Utility Company: Mr. Comment: Dear Commissioners Kjellander, Raper and Anderson, I appreciate the opportunity to submit my testimony in response to Case Number IPC-E-17-13 (ldaho Powe/s application to establish new schedules for residential and small general service customers with on-site generation). My name is Dick Jordan and I am a retired AP Environmental Science teacher and I have a home in Boise ldaho. I am already using solar energy and I have purchased an additional array of photovoltaic panels that I will be installing early this spring, so this proposed action directly affects my family and me. ldaho Power has not provided you, as commissioners, with a cost-benefit analysis to justify this request. Their own studies have shown that rooftop solar would only cost shift less than .O2Yo of its annual revenues within our customer class. Two separate reports in 2015 (one from the Brookings lnstitute and other from Solar City & the Natural Resources Defense Council) showed that net metering actually benefits all ratepayers. "Regulators everywhere need to put in place processes that fairly consider the full range of benefits (as well as costs) of net metering as well as other policies as they set and update the policies, regulations, and tariffs that will play a critical role in determining the extent to which the distributed solar industry continues to grow," the Brookings study said. ldaho Power is not asking for a rate hike at this time but your approval of their application would allow them to raise rates whenever they so desire. The Brookings report found that new residential solar installation permits plunged 92 percent in Nevada in just the first quarter of ZOLG after that state approved a rate hike, effectively shutting down this a lternative energy initiative. ldaho Power states on its own website that: (1) "there's potential for customer-owned power generation systems to become sufficiently cost-effective and efficient. With that in mind, an increasing number of our customers may choose to installsuch systems on their homes or businesses," (2l "climate change is a significant policy issue that willhave major implications for ldaho Powe/', and (3) renewable generation resources have little if any greenhouse gas emissions." lt even brags about its Solar 4R Schools program and for using "small PV panels in its daily operations" yet this proposal seems counterproductive to their commitment. As consumers, we are stuck with a monopoly that is saying one thing and is trying to do something else. This action is punitive to those of us who are leading the way by becoming more self-sufficient. We should be encouraged to conserve and generate our own energy, thereby reducing ldaho Powe/s dependency on 'dirty' fossil fuel sources from their seven different coal, natural gas & diesel power plants. ldaho is fortunate to have fairly 'clean' hydroelectricity but that market is totally'saturated' and the future is undeniably in alternative energy sources. 1 Thank you for your leadership in regulating our (often self-serving) utilities in order to protect us, the consumers, safeguard our environment and assure our access to safe, sustainable and reliable energy. I am optimistic that you will make the right decision in denying this request based on the lack of evidence from ldaho Power and the preponderance of evidence & logic on the people's side. Respectfully yours, Dick Jordan Sources: https://www.reviewjournal.com/business/energy/net-metering-benefits-all-ratepayers-two-reports-conclude/ www.ldahoPower.com U niq ue ldentifier: 24.LL7 .LL8.257 2