HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180226Comments (14).pdfTo:Idaho Public UtilityCommission (PUC)RECEVED Date:February 18,2018 Cc:Idaho Power Company From:Phillip G.Eisenhauer 3608 Foothill Blvd. Redding,CA96001 g g-/"/-/ Greetings, Last summer,I installed a solar array on my property near Salmon,Idaho under the current Net MeteringService rules.I have received the 12/12/2017 Idaho Power (IP)letter that proposes to modify these rules and this letter contains my comments. I am so happy to have been able to install a solar system for my residence in Carmen Creek.It has been a lifelonggoal.The site has a very sunny southerlyexposure and is a perfect location to optimize solar power generation.Only time will tell if my investment will pay me financial dividends but I know that by doing this it will contribute to reduced carbon emissions for the Salmon River Valley.The valleyhas real air quality issues duringthe winter months especially during times of temperature inversions.The more people that do this will result in cleaner air and lower carbon emissions.The PUC should encourage this growing source of energy as much as it can while ensuring the power utilities are fairly compensated for the use of their infrastructure to transmit this power. I support Idaho Power's (IP)proposal to modifytheir service rate charges to compensate for the loss of revenues created by the placement of solar power arrays that are tied into their grid.I trust that the PUC will establish fair rates when doing so.However,I feel that the service costs should be allowed to be paid by energy credits created during the calendar year.IP will still benefit by reduced future productioncosts as the solar power is added into the grid.The more power that an individual array produces the less IP has to spend on developing additional sources as power demand will certainlyincrease over time.Making the service costs available to be paid by credits would remove a small barrier when people are considering whether to go with solar power.One of the reasons I installed my array was because I could establish credits under this IP program and so I added panels to exceed the estimated use of my residence. Using the credits to defray the service costs could help increase clean solar energy production. Another comment that I feel would also encourage the developmentof solar power within the IP service area is allowingenergy credits to be applied to no more than one meter that is not contiguous to the propertywhere the power is beinggenerated if it is the same rate.I own a rental house in Salmon and I would like to apply a credit to that meter and am not clear why I shouldn'tbe able to do that.I certainlyunderstand that we don't want people constructing Iarge arrays to pay for multipledwellings'power use but limiting it to one meter at the same rate would preventthat.Here is what the schedule states: ii.The meter is located on,or contiguous to,the property on which the Designated Meter is located.For the purposes of this tanff,contiguous propertyincludesproperty that is separated from the Premises of the Designated Meter by public or railroad rightsof way; I read that to say that I can apply the credits to the meter on my bam which is on the property with the array but not to my rental in town.As long it is within the IP service area,at the same rate,and even in the same countyI feel I should be able to without affecting the goal of the current rules.It would encourage domestic,clean energy production that could cover the use of two residences. Please consider these changes as you consider IP's Modification to Net Metering.Thank you. Sincerely,Phillip G.Eisenhauer Diane Holt From:ktinsv@cox.net Sent:Monday,February26,2018 4:09 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Kiki Leslie Tidwell Name:Kiki Leslie Tidwell Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:ktinsv@cox.net Telephone:2085787769 Address:300 Let Er Buck Rd Hailey ID,83333 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:To Idaho PUC: In your consideration of net metering rates,it is my understanding that there exists special rates for special customers. Commercial customers and irrigators pay lower rates than homeowners.Idaho Power desires to change rates for solar net metering customers.At this time all rates should be disclosed and discussed as to the appropriateness of discounts in 2018.Until there is a transparent discussion of all rate classes,it would be unfair to focus on only one class of customers. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:sherisix@gmail.com Sent:Monday,February26,2018 12:57 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Sheri Six Name:Sheri Six Case Number:IPC-E-17-1383201 Email:sherisix@gmail.com Telephone:2088831105 Address:856 Kenneth St Moscow ID,83843 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:I oppose allowing Idaho Power assigning rooftop solar power users to a different rate class.There is nojustificationtodothis;it is simply an attempt to make people pay more for less energy use. Rooftop solar is growing in Idaho,which means clean power and jobs for Idahoans.If Idaho Power is allowed to chargepeoplemoreforlesspower,Idaho will move backwards rather than forwards,and our environment and our health willsufferforit. Thank you. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:klclark10@gmail.com Sent:Monday,February26,2018 10:06 AMTo:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew EvansSubject:Case Comment Form:Kathryn Clark Name:Kathryn Clark Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:klclark10@gmail.com Telephone: Address:605 E Holly St,Apt 204 Boise ID,83712 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Regardingthe current net metering case I am asking the Commission to deny Idaho Power's application tomovecustomerswithon-site generation to a new schedule.Without fullyconsidering the costs andbenefitsassociatedwithdistributedgenerationthereisnoevidencetosupporttheneedforthischange.The majority ofstudiesinvestigatingthevalueofdistributedrenewablegenerationhavedeterminedthatitprovidesgreatvaluetothegridandothercustomers.Before any changesto the current net-metering situation are considered it is in the publicinterestthatthecommissionassurethatthefullrangeofcostsandbenefitsarestudiedinamannerthatfairlyaccountsforthebenefitsinadditiontothecosts. Unique Identifier: Diane Holt From:kiclark10@gmail.com Sent:Monday,February26,2018 10:06 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Kathryn Clark Name:Kathryn Clark Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:klclark10@gmail.com Telephone: Address:605 E Holly St,Apt 204 Boise ID,83712 Name of UtilityCompany:Idaho Power Comment:Regardingthe current net metering case I am asking the Commission to deny Idaho Power's application to move customers with on-site generation to a new schedule.Without fullyconsidering the costs and benefits associated with distributed generation there is no evidence to support the need for this change.The majority of studies investigating the value of distributed renewable generation have determined that it provides great value to the grid and other customers.Before any changesto the current net-metering situation are considered it is in the public interest that the commission assure that the full range of costs and benefits are studied in a manner that fairly accounts for the benefits in addition to the costs. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:pdcomley@gmail.com Sent:Sunday,February25,2018 6:26 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Paul Comley Name:Paul Comley Case Number:Jfd -E -I T ¯IL Email:pdcomley@gmail.com Telephone: Address:810 CD Olena Dr Hailey Idaho,83333 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Idaho Powers net metering program enables local citizens to support Idahos clean energy sector.Supporting this growing sector of our economic reduces the current reliance on out-of-state fossil fuels for roughly 50%of our electricity. Investing in local solar power keeps more energy dollars in our communities and allows individuals to meet their own energy needs.Individual control and local economic growth are Idahoan values. Please stand up for these values by maintaining the current net metering program. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:marthasbibb@gmail.com Sent:Sunday,February25,2018 4:18 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Martha Bibb Name:Martha Bibb Case Number:pd-E-l7~/3 Email:marthasbibb@gmail.com Telephone: Address:810 CD Olena Dr Hailey Idaho,83333 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:We want to join the rest of the world to decrease our dependence on pollutingfossil fuels and on electricitygeneratedbydammingourrivers. Idaho should be growing clean energy options to reduce our reliance on out-of-state fossil fuels.The net metering program is the only means for individual Idahoans to invest money in their own locally generated clean energy. The Idaho PUC staff looked at Idaho Powers documents and found no reason to segregate solar customers.Instead,I askthePUCtodirectIdahoPowertoconsiderthefullrangeofcostsandbenefitsthatarisewhencustomersavoidutilitypowerandmeettheirownneedswithlocalcleanenergy. Because I cant choose my utility,I rely on the PUC to ensure fair programs.Please maintain the current net metering program. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:cyberbiz90@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,February24,2018 11:01 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Danette Phelan Name:Danette Phelan Case Number:.rPC-E -17-ii Email:cyberbiz90@gmail.com Telephone: Address:6213 S Survival PI Boise Idaho,83716 Name of UtilityCompany:Idaho Power Comment:Please do not discriminate against customers who produce part of their own energy from solar rooftop panels. Yes to Idaho's booming clean energy economy. No to putting these customers into their own customer class which would be a step toward charging rooftop solar customers different rates. Let's move forward toward clean energy and a healthier environment -never backwards,which benefits a few and hurts the rest of us for generations to come. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt - Frorn:eirobertsonjr@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,February24,2018 9:00 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:edward robertson Name:edward robertson Case Number:ipc-e-17-13 Email:eirobertsonjr@gmail.com Telephone:2083434427 Address:4201 w.quail ridge drive Boise ID,83703 Name of Utility Company:idaho power Comment:Hello,I have recently purchased a home that has a perfect south/southwest roof exposure.This Spring I am hoping to install solar panels and enjoy the current benefits of direct metering.I would encourage the PUC to continue to encourage alternative energy small projects such as mine and to keep connection rates fair.With climate change we can no longer be assured of as much hydro power as we have had in the past.Thank you. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:sbmiller@wyoming.com Sent:Saturday,February24,2018 3:55 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Susan Miller Name:Susan Miller Case Number:Jfd -6 -I FS Email:sbmiller@wyoming.com Telephone: Address:10435 S 1750 W Victor Idaho,83455 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Idaho Powers net metering program enables local citizens to support Idahos clean energy sector.Supporting this growing sector of our economic reduces the current reliance on out-of-state fossil fuels for roughly 50%of ourelectricity. Investing in local solar power keeps more energy dollars in our communities and allows individuals to meet their ownenergyneeds.Individual control and local economic growth are Idahoan values.As an Idahoan who lives in a solar-powered home,I can attest to the importance of solar power and fair prices for net metering. Please stand up for these values by maintaining the current net metering program. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:jfsmith@boisestate.edu Sent:Saturday,February24,2018 3:09 PM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:James Smith Name:James Smith Case Number:TR-e-i7-17 Email:jfsmith@boisestate.edu Telephone:2084263551 Address:1612 N 9th St. Boise Idaho,83702 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:I strongly oppose Idaho Power's request to put customers who off-set their electrical consumption throughsolarpowergenerationintotheirownratecategory. The concept seems mind-bending at least.Customers who use less should haveto pay more for what they use?Thiswouldmeanthatpeoplewhodrivefewermilesorhavemorefuel-efficientvehicles should be charged more for gasoline?People who eat less would be charged more for food at grocery stores and restaurants? Generating solar power through rooftop panels is a great way for Idaho Power to claim that they are purchasing solar energy -why try to discount this? Lastly,I feel betrayed by this claim.For as long as the program has existed and we have been in our house we have beendonatinganextra$10 per bill to help Idaho Power offset the costs of green energy.Where has that gone? We now have solar panels on our roof and are thrilled to be generating green power.We will be generating far more electricity in the summer months than we use and Idaho Power will get that back,and be able to claim it is purchasing green energy during some peak usage times.We should not be punished for that! Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:kgoldenS5@frontier.com Sent:Saturday,February24,2018 10:26 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Kim Golden Name:Kim Golden CaseNumber:žR-E-17-15 Email:kgolden55@frontier.com Telephone: Address:3104 6th St Coeur D'alene Idaho,83815 Name of UtilityCompany:Idaho Power Comment:Investing in rooftop solar to control energy bills while supporting Idahos clean energy sector is important to me.Please maintain the net metering program as a simple and fair means to enable Idahoans to meet their own energy needs. The PUC staff looked at the details and found no evidence to support Idaho Powers request to segregate solar customers.I agree. Because I cant choose my utility,I rely on the PUC to ensure fair programs.Again,please maintain the current net metering program. Unique Identifier: Diane Holt From:lindyco10@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,February24,2018 8:48 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Lindy Cogan Name:Lindy Cogan CaseNumber:yff-6 I7-)S Email:lindyco10@gmail.com Telephone: Address:530 McKercher Blvd Hailey Idaho,83333 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Idaho should be growing clean energy options to reduce our reliance on out-of-state fossil fuels.The net metering program is the only means for individual Idahoansto invest money in their own locally generated clean energy. The Idaho PUC staff looked at Idaho Powers documents and found no reason to segregatesolar customers.Instead,I ask the PUC to direct Idaho Power to consider the full range of costs and benefits that arise when customers avoid utility power and meet their own needs with local clean energy. Because I cant choose my utility,I rely on the PUC to ensure fair programs.Please maintain the current net metering program. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:andi@andiolsen.com Sent:Saturday,February24,2018 3:54 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Andrea Olsen Name:Andrea Olsen Case Number:7 -E-O °$ Email:andi@andiolsen.com Telephone: Address:PO Box 306 New Meadows Idaho,83654 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Idaho Powers net metering program enables local citizens to support Idahos clean energy sector.Supporting this growing sector of our economic reduces the current reliance on out-of-state fossil fuels for roughly 50%of our electricity. Investing in local solar power keeps more energy dollars in our communities and allows individuals to meet their own energy needs.Individual control and local economic growth are Idahoan values. Please stand up for these values by maintaining the current net metering program. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:dmhou90@aol.com Sent:Saturday,February24,2018 1:26 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Michelle Hiseley Name:Michelle Hiseley Case Number:TPG-6 ~~/7 -15 Email:dmhou90@aol.com Telephone: Address:4465 Wirth Drive Coeur d'Alene ID,83815 Name of Utility Company:Avista Comment:IDAHO POWER'S HAS NOTCOMPLETED A COST-BENEFITANALYSIS OF ROOFTOPSOLAR Idaho Power claims that solar customers,which todayconstitute less than 0.19%of all customer demand,unfairly shifts costs of providing electricity service to other residents.However,the Company has yet to complete a comprehensive cost-benefits study to demonstrate there is even a cost-shift issue that needs to be addressed. In contrast,a 2016 report by the nonpartisan Brookings Institute found that net metering "frequently benefits all ratepayers when all costs and benefits are accounted for"in states that had performed analysis.Idaho Power's own analysis of rooftop solar identifies a cost shift that amounts to less than 0.02%of its annual revenues within the customer class.Without conducting a cost-benefit analysis,Idaho Power has not put PUC is a position to make informed judgments about cost shifting by failingto account for the long term benefits rooftop solar provides,such as avoiding the need to build new power plants and transmission and distribution infrastructure. Completing a comprehensive benefit-costs study is necessary before any changesto existing net metering policy are implemented.If it is determined that the fair value of energy exported to the grid is less than retail rates,any changes to existing policy should be focused on the value energy exported to the grid.Idahoans should continue to havethe right to offset their own electricity usage at retail rates all customers pay,just like customers havethe right to pursue energy efficiency. The proposal to create a new rate class is only the first step in attacking the financial benefits of rooftop solar --this change produces uncertainty for current and future solar customers that will destroy the rooftop solar industry in Idaho. Idaho Power is targeting small customers who choose to self generate electricity,punishing them for reducing energy use and rewarding higher energy use customers.The proposal effectively seeks to eliminate consumer choice,energy independence and a consumer's ability to do what they wish on their rooftops. If Idaho Power is proposing to treat solar customers differently,why not create a separate rate class for urban vs.rural customers,or customers who have A/C vs.those that don't?The only state to create a separate rate class for solar customers is Kansas.Do we want to be like Kansas? IDAHO POWER'S NEW RATE CLASS THREATENS IDAHO'S SOLAR INDUSTRY AND CUSTOMERSSolar is booming in Idaho, driven by rapidly falling costs and interest in harnessingsolar power's tremendous potential to generate clean power. Idaho Power received nearly 900 net metering applications in 2017,which is great,but still one of the lowest installs per capita compared to neighboring states.Rooftop solar provides significant value to all Idaho residents and businesses, helping to creating hundreds of jobs statewide.In fact,a recent report shows that solar jobs grew in 2017 to 654 in Idaho. Rooftop solar is a zero-emission renewable energy resource that leverages millions in private investments to diversify Idaho's energy mix,reduces Idaho's reliance on out-of-state fossil fuel energy,improves air quality and reduces future Unique Identifier: 1