HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180216Comments (4).pdfDiane Holt From:annalindquist90@gmail.com Sent:Friday,February 16,2018 9:09 AM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Anna Lindquist Name:Anna Lindquist Case Number: Email:annalindquist90@gmail.com Telephone: Address:1315 W Ada St Boise Idaho,83702 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Idaho should be growing clean energy options to reduce our reliance on out-of-state fossil fuels.The net metering program is the only means for individual Idahoansto invest money in their own locally generated clean energy. The Idaho PUC staff looked at Idaho Powers documents and found no reason to segregate solar customers.Instead,I ask the PUC to direct Idaho Power to consider the full range of costs and benefits that arise when customers avoid utility power and meet their own needs with local clean energy. Because I cant choose my utility,I rely on the PUC to ensure fair programs.Please maintain the current net metering program. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:brian@ekcconstruction.com Sent:Friday,February16,2018 9:01 AM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:brian ellsworth Name:brian ellsworth Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:brian@ekcconstruction.com Telephone: Address:113 w.crestline boise ID,83702 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Regardingthe current net metering case I am asking the Commission to deny Idaho Power's application to move customers with on-site generation to a new schedule.Without fullyconsidering the costs and benefits associated with distributed generation there is no evidence to support the need for this change.The majority of studies investigating the value of distributed renewable generation have determined that it provides great value to the grid and other customers.Before any changesto the current net-metering situation are considered it is in the public interest that the commission assure that the full range of costs and benefits are studied in a manner that fairly accounts for the benefits in addition to the costs. Sincerely, Brian Ellsworth Unique Identifier: 1 Idaho Public UtilitiesCommission PO BOX 83720 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 Rolf Kilchenmann 26628 Hidden Valley Middleton,Id 83644 208-550-1239 Comments regarding Case No.IPC-E-17-13 Members of the Idaho PUC, During the summer of 2015 I decided to invest in a 7.26 kW roof top solar array for my house.The costofmysystemwasroughly$39 000,for which I took out a loan and on which I will continue to pay forseveralmoreyears.$39 000 is roughly half my annual salary and is a major expense in my budget.ImadethedecisiontoproceedwithmyprojectaftercarefulcostandROIconsideration.Idaho Power'srequestsinfrontofthiscommissionintheircurrentformwoulddrasticallyde-value my investment and are fundamentallyunfair.The proposed changeswould have caused me not to proceed with my solararray.If new rules/rates are necessary-and it is debatable if they are -let's have a grandfatherclausethatpermitscurrentnetmeteringcustomerstokeeptheirplanunderthetermsandconditionsineffectwhentheyappliedfortheirOff-Site Power Generation permit.This would allow new customers to make an educated financial decision BEFORE they make large investments. I question if new rates and rules are necessary in the first place:A 2017 study conducted byBerkeleyLab(Electricity Markets &Policy Group)shows that solar power affects utilitycompanies with electricity prices equal to the national average very little.It only caused power rates to increase ordecrease0.5 cent/kWh.Energy efficiency and natural gas prices have a far greater effect on power ratesthansolarpower.Is Idaho Power considering rate increasesfor people who decided to install energyefficientappliances?Idaho Power encouraged and incentivized more efficient windows in the past!Isthecompanynowseekingtopenalizethesehomeownersaswell?Energy efficiency affects electricalratesfarmorethansolarpower. Idaho Power is more interested in maintaining its monopoly in the power market in our State,than in integrating clean,green and emissions-free power generation into its long term energy plan.PastactionsbyIdahoPower(law suits and lobbying efforts on legislators)clearly demonstrate that the Company is more dedicated to its bottom line than to find a balanced long term energy approach thatbenefitsallIdahoans. In conclusion,I request that the current net-metering rates and plans remain unchanged.If that's notpossible,there should be a grand-father clause,exempting urrent net metering customers from rate and plan changes. Sincerely Stacy Kilchenmann 26628 HiddenValley La Middleton,Idaho RECE VED 83644 208-550-2199 SS ON FEBRUARY 12,2018 Comments regardingCase #IPC-E-17-13 Idaho Public Utlity Commission In 2015 my husbandand I decidedto make a very substantial investment in solar power for our residence.I was nitiallyquite skeptical because the cost was a most $40,000.However,there were two factors that played into the decision to proceedwith the project;the long term payoff,and Idaho Power'ssupposed support for clean energy sources. Obviously,the Idaho Power net metering structure was crucial to the long-term investment return calculation.It is repressiblethat peoplewere encouragedto make these large investmentsin solar power to and then havethe whole thing turned upside down within a coupleyears,nice bait and switch maneuver.Idaho Poweris more concerned abouttheir profit margin then in environmentally friendly power,power that someone else paid to install.Following this line of thinking Idaho Powershould be institutingsurcharges for energyefficiency appliances,weather proofing, wind power,and lowering the thermostat.Theyshould also be thinkingabout how alternative energy helps them meet power needs during high usage time.Or,maybe thinking about how they need to change their business model as the world desperatelylooks for,and turns to renewableenergy sources, n conclusion,I request that the current net-metering rates and plans remain unchanged,at least for current net metering customers who made these substantial personal investmentsin clean energy. Sincerely, Stacy Kilchenmann