HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171218Comments_3.pdf1-01-1995 O:01AM FROM P.1 December 11,2017 IdahoPublic UtilityCommission Sent via fax:208-334-3762 From:E.Vanderpool 6177 Somerset Ln Star,ID 83669 208-28d-0459 RE:IPC-E-17-13 Dear IPUC Commissioners: I would like to voice my opinion and concerns over IdahoPower's request to put all of the (current and future)net-meteringcustomers along with the (current and future)small businesses with solar /wind into a separate class.In their petition they indicatethe current Distributed Energy Resourcefolkswillbegrandfatheredforawhile.They cite one of their reasons for creating a separate class is so they can "study"the effects of small scale solar /wind upon the grid.Their past behavior is proven history their desire to extract much more money from all net metering/small businesseswithsolar/wind,and not to fail to mention with their adversarial approach with the "DER folks"who produce small -moderate electrical energy, It is my understanding one of their main complaint and claims are net-meteringI small businesses"DER folks"do not pay their fair share of the grid expenses.Net-meteringI small businessinstalledsolar/wind intent is to off set their expenses.In my opinion that Idabo Power has fails toindicatetheamountofenergytheyclaimthe"DER folks"produced,which IPC has claimed causesgridproblems.Curious is it not,they can not quantify excess energy problem?Yet they seem toknowthereisaproblemandtheyseentothinktheonlywayforthemknowwhatitisby"studying"the problems by putting these DER folks into a separate class. Furthermore,IPC minimizes the fact they sell the energy produced by DER folks at full retail to our immediate neighbors.All of the net-meteringand small business with solar /wind have foot the billoutoftheirpocketfortheirownsystems,that fact seems to be overlookedby IPC.IPC does not pay DER folks for the excess energy they sell to our neighbors.Nor do they seem to place anyvalueontheenergytheDERfolksproduce.Odd is not?Yet when IPC's community solar projectproducesenergy,theypay their customers who contributedmoney for their solar project (approx.$3/kwh). Many utilities in the country claims these small "DER folks"create a surge problem to the grid whenever clouds I weather move throughthe State of Idaho.Strangely one could reason orconcludebasedonIPC's petition that those same weather conditions do not seem to impact the large energy producers here in the State.Odd,is it not?Clearly the large energy producers are inthebusinessofproducinglargeamountsofenergyandputitallontothegrid.One could reasontheselargeproducershaveenormousimpacttothegridandthuscancausemajorelectricalfluctuation.Whythen,one must ask,are the DER folks being pushed into a separate class andchallengedforproducingsmall-moderate amounts of energy? 1-01-1995 O:01AM FROM P.2 It is my understanding that IPC has determined for the sake of grid that all future net-meteringalong with small businesses with solar /wind must have "smart inverters"installed prior to the conclusion of their study.Yet,they can not seem to quantify the current excess energy in order to explain the fluctuationproblem(s)onthegrid.No doubt after their study is completed,IPC would then expect the IPUC to rule that all of the current net metering and small business folks with solar /wind must also have smart inverters installed in the near future too. Interesting is it not,they fail to mention the "smart inverters"clears the way for them to step over IPC's smart meter into the customer's smart inverter,so they can control its output remotely.It is my understanding the smart inverters can be programmed very quickly thus altering all potential energy flow onto the grid in the speed of a lighting bolt(s). Yet IPC still want these same DER folks to be held responsible for any damages or loss of life of their personnel and/or equipment.Odd is not?Almost all of the net-metering folks that I have met had their systems installed by a professional.Almost all of the DER folks are not technically capable of installingtheir systems.Let's not overlook the fact that the State of Idaho electrical inspector must sign off on these systems along with IPC personnel as to the safety of these systems. Moreover IPC does inspect these systems from time to time to insure the safety of the systems. Certainly,everyone wants IPC's personnel to be safe along with their equipment /grid to work properly.Whythen should the DER folks be held responsible if IPC can program smart inverters and control it remotely? And if system problems occur,how on earth would any professional solar /wind installer fix the difficulty when they have no idea precisely what programming changes were made by IPC?Would IPC be held responsible for the safety of those installers? Why should the DER folks pay thousands of dollars more for these smart inverts if IPC can not explain why these smart inverters are necessary?My inverter has worked since it was installed and approved by the state inspector along IPC's personnel.I live on a fixed income and must budget every dollar that I have along saving for any possible household or medical emergency.What is to stop IPC from demanding all DER folks have new types of inverts &/or some other equipment installed every 3-years or so?What next,control of my hot water &furnace?It isn't fair for IPC or any utilityto use my assets &hold me responsible for any damages they can cause including loss of life &limb,not to mention the damages they caused to my equipmentM Then to rub more salt,they can always approach the PUC for more funds for what ever reason they can come up with &we foot the bill for everything.Almost anyone livingon social security can tell you that the government almost never give you anything but largertax bill and then reduces your deductions. It is reasonable to assume that IPC store its data on computers.How secure are their computers / databases?Is that information held in the "cloud",or some other entities bank of computers in a different state?Almost everyone has become quite aware ofthe data breaches to Equifax (millions of customers),CIA &NSA computer breaches.What steps has IPC taken to protect the grid from cyber terrorist? How will their use of the smart inverters be monitored&by whom?What agency will fairly represent to customer &the utility?Will we know that agency will not be politically motivated or how do we know if the state legislation will get involved to insure of an even-handed approach into the future?It is no wonder folks are asking how can we get off the grid? Diane Holt From:aherndon9@aim.com Sent:Sunday,December 17,2017 8:41 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Anne Herndon Name:Anne Herndon Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:aherndon9@aim.com Telephone: Address: Boise Idaho,83704 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Case Number IPC-E-17-13 I oppose Idaho Power's proposal to create separate rate classes for customers with on-site generation systems such as rooftop solar. Idaho Power contends that customers who participate in the net metering program are not paying their fare share for infrastructure.This argument is outrageous and demonstrates clearly that Idaho Power is attempting to crush programs that promote the use of clean,renewable energy.Rather than seeking to impose new rate structures that stifle the growth of renewable energy,Idaho Power should welcome and encourage programs such as net metering. Idaho Power claims that customers who do not install solar are subsidizing those who do.To the contrary,solar customers are investing thousands of dollars at their own expenseto build infrastructure that provides green energy for the grid.Non-solar customers receive power from this same grid;the excess power that is added to the grid from solar customers is available to all users. Idaho Power's proposal demonstrates that it is putting its desires as a private for-profit enterprise above its obligations as a public utility.A public utility should be focused on providing renewable energy for the public at fair,reasonable rates.Net metering customers should be welcomed and treated as valuable contributors to a system that generates and distributes clean,renewable energy. Idaho Power's current management of net metering customers is unfair,and the new proposal will further discourage the public from embracing solar energy.Currently,net metering customers have to wait until January to receive any credit for excess power that they have contributed to the grid during the previous 12 months.If net metering customers wish to use their energy credits to offset power used by a second building on their property,Idaho Power requires them to submit a special request form and pay a processingfee. In summary,Idaho Power seems to view net metering customers as enemies who will ruin their for-profit business. Idaho Power needs to start acting like the public utility that it is.Net metering customers should be welcomed and receive benefits for their efforts to create infrastructure that adds clean,renewable energy to the grid. Respectfully, Anne Herndon Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:aberndon9@aim.com Sent:Sunday,December 17,2017 8:41 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Anne Herndon Name:Anne Herndon Case Number:IPC-E-17-13 Email:aberndon9@aim.com Telephone: Address: Boise Idaho,83704 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:Case Number IPC-E-17-13 I oppose Idaho Power's proposal to create separate rate classes for customers with on-site generation systems such as rooftop solar. Idaho Power contends that customers who participate in the net metering program are not paying their fare share for infrastructure.This argument is outrageous and demonstrates clearly that Idaho Power is attempting to crush programs that promote the use of clean,renewable energy.Rather than seekingto impose new rate structures that stifle the growth of renewable energy,Idaho Power should welcome and encourage programs such as net metering. Idaho Power claims that customers who do not install solar are subsidizing those who do.To the contrary,solar customers are investing thousands of dollars at their own expenseto build infrastructure that provides green energy for the grid.Non-solar customers receive power from this same grid;the excess power that is added to the grid from solar customers is available to all users. Idaho Power's proposal demonstrates that it is putting its desires as a private for-profit enterprise above its obligations as a public utility.A public utilityshould be focused on providing renewable energy for the public at fair,reasonable rates.Net metering customers should be welcomed and treated as valuable contributors to a system that generates and distributes clean,renewable energy. Idaho Power's current management of net metering customers is unfair,and the new proposal will further discourage the public from embracing solar energy.Currently,net metering customers have to wait until Januaryto receive any credit for excess power that they have contributed to the grid during the previous 12 months.If net metering customers wish to use their energy credits to offset power used by a second building on their property,Idaho Power requires them to submit a special request form and pay a processingfee. In summary,Idaho Power seems to view net metering customers as enemies who will ruin their for-profit business. Idaho Power needs to start acting like the public utilitythat it is.Net metering customers should be welcomed and receive benefits for their efforts to create infrastructure that adds clean,renewable energy to the grid. Respectfully, Anne Herndon Unique Identifier: 1