HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171202Comments (2).pdfDiane Holt From: Sent: To: Subject: bethelandi@gmail.com Saturday, December 2,2017 1:27 PM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Beth Landis Name: Beth Landis Case Number: IPC-E-17-13. Email: bethelandi@gmail.com Telephone: Address: Eagle 1D,83616 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: Please consider renewable energies including solar power from your net metering customers. We like our solarpanelsandlikethatwedonotusecoal. Weseeevidenceofglobalwarmingandbelieveitisimportanttotakecare of the earth for the sake of the next generations. Unique ldentifier: 2O9.715.177 .7 8 1 Diane Holt From: Sent: To: ted.stout'l @gmail.com Saturday, December 2,2017 6:23 PM Beverly Barkef Diane Holt; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form:Ted StoutSubiect: Name:Ted Stout Case Number: IPC-E-17-13 Email : ted.stoutl@gmail.com Telephone: 2085787877 Address: 310 First Street Picabo Bellevue lD, 83313 Name of Utility Company: ldaho Power Comment: ldaho is a state rich in potential renewable sources of energy. Please do everything possible to encourage the use of these healthy alternatives rather than discouraging their use as ldaho Power is currently trying to do. Solar energy is the future...embrace and encourage the use of this clean technology. U nique ldentifier: 75.98.157 .97 1