HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170727Application.pdfo .tlffi*. An roAcoRP company LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel I nordstrom@idahopower.com LDN:kkt Enclosures July 27,2017 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re Case No. IPC-E-17-13 New Schedules for Residential and Small General Service Customers with On-Site Generation ldaho Power Company's Application and Testimony Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed forfiling in the above matter please find an original and seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company's Application. Also enclosed for filing are an origina! and eight (8) copies each of the Direct Testimony of Timothy E. Tatum, the Direct Testimony of Connie G. Aschenbrenner, and the Direct Testimony of David M. Angell in support of the Application. One copy of each of the aforementioned testimonies has been designated as the "Reporte/s Copy.' ln addition, a disk containing Word versions of the testimonies is enclosed for the Reporter. lf you have any questions about the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Lisa D. Nordstrom a, LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208)388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I no rd strom@idahopower. co m rqlrii:lyf;n .:i;i?.Ji.ii" ,?? pj_ro Ir 3J -i Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH NEW SCHEDULES FOR RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL GENERAL SERVICE CUSTOMERS WITH ON-SITE GENERATION. CASE NO. IPC-E-17-13 APPLICATION Net metering service was established in 1983 during a time when nearly all customers received one-way power service from ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Company"). ln recent years, the number of customers choosing to insta!! on-site generation and to take bi-directional services from ldaho Power has increased notably. The rates currently charged to net metering customers were not designed to reflect the value of the bi-directional service being provided to them by the grid nearly every hour of every day, nor do they accurately reflect any potential benefits of on-site generation. These unnecessary inaccuracies in pricing could result in unfair cost shifting between customers who choose to install on-site generation and those who do not. As the electric utility industry nationally is assessing the appropriateness of net metering ) ) ) ) ) ) \ APPLICATION - 1 a policies and practices established decades ago, Idaho Power believes now is the time to review and modify those policies as they apply to ldaho Power and its customers to ensure that this growing segment of customers has available to it a service offering that is fair-priced, scalable, and sustainable into the future. ldaho Power, in accordance with ldaho Code SS 61-502, 61-622, and RP 52, hereby respectfully makes application to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order on or before December 29,20'17, authorizing: (1) closure of Schedule 84, Customer Energy Production Net Metering, ("Schedule 84") to new service for residentia! and small general service ("R&SGS") customers with on-site generation after December 31, 2017, (2) establishment of two new customer classifications applicable to R&SGS customers with on-site generation that request to interconnect to ldaho Powe/s system on or after January 1,2018, with no oricino chanoes at this time, (3) acknowledgement that smart inverters provide functionality that is necessary to support the ongoing stability and reliability of the distribution system by ordering the Company to amend its applicable tariff schedules to require the installation and operation of smart inverters for al! new customer-owned generator interconnections within 60 days following the adoption of an industry standard definition of smart inverters as defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ("IEEE"), and (4) commencement of a generic docket at the conclusion of this case to establish a compensation structure for customer-owned distributed energy resources ("DER") that reflects both the benefits and costs that DER interconnection brings to the electric system. APPLICATION - 2 e o o I. BACKGROUND 1. Idaho Power maintains a network of interconnected power plants, transmission poles/wires, substations, and distribution poles/wires to balance the supply of and demand for electricity in its service area. This complex system of infrastructure, people, and integrated systems is sometimes referred to as our "power grid" or "the grid." 2. Net metering service is offered by the Company through Schedule 84 to provide for the transfer of electricity to the Company from customer-owned generation facilities with the intent of offsetting all or a portion of a custome/s energy usage. The Company had 1,468 active and pending net metering systems in its ldaho service area as ofJune 30,2017. 3. ldaho Poweds current net metering pricing structure for R&SGS customers with on-site generation does not reflect the cost of serving those customers, nor does it appropriately reflect the benefits and costs of interconnecting customer- owned on-site generation to ldaho Power's system. Existing retail rate designs currently applicable to R&SGS net metering customers were structured to collect the costs associated with the grid under the assumption that customers would only need one-way services provided solely by the utility. While this pricing structure does not perfectly align costs incurred with prices paid for each individual customer, overall this rate structure has worked for R&SGS customers who receive one-way services from Idaho Power. 4. However, the existing retail pricing structure does not accurately reflect the cost to serve customers with on-site generation who require some services from APPLICATION - 3 o o ldaho Power (i.e., use of the grid and some of their energy), but who also meet some of their own energy needs with on-site, customer-owned systems (e.9., rooftop solar). Many within this growing customer segment use the grid every hour of the month, but when the existing rate structure is applied against monthly net consumption, customers with on-site generation may pay less than their respective share for the grid-related services they require while receiving credit for their respective kilowatt-hours ("kWh") of production at the full retail rate energy rates -- rates reflective of the cost of utility- provided energy and grid services and not the benefits and costs associated with customer-owned energy prod uction. 5. Net metering is a non-cost based policy that was implemented in 1983 when residential rate designs were limited by meters that could only track inflow and outflow, and DER were an expensive and nascent technology. The circumstances that existed when net metering policies and practices were originally established have changed dramatically. First, ldaho Power has deployed Advanced Metering lnfrastructure (AMl) in its service area, enabling the Company to achieve more precise usage measurement and facilitate more sophisticated, cost-based rate designs. Second, the cost of solar photovoltaic ("PV") has continued to decline resulting in increased adoption. Third, ldaho Power has witnessed rapid growth in its net metering service in recent years and has identified quantifiable cost shifts occuning between its residential net metering customerc and residential standard service customers. Considering recent growth, the Company believes it can reasonably predict that future cost shifting between these customer groups will increase substantially in the next few years if Ieft unaddressed. APPLICATION - 4 o II. REQUEST TO CLOSE SCHEDULE 84 TO NEW SERVICE 6. As explained more fully in the accompanying testimony of Company witness Tim Tatum, ldaho Power cunently bills its R&SGS customers two types of charges: (1) a flat monthly service charge of $5.00 and (2) per kWh energy charges that vary by season and total monthly consumption. Due to the limited billing components associated with these rates classes, most of the Company's revenue requirement is collected through the volumetric energy rates. This includes costs associated with all components of the electrical system, from investment in generation resources to the meters installed on customers' premises. Consequently, energy rates for R&SGS customers reflect not only the energy-related components of the revenue requirement, but fixed costs associated with generation, transmission, and distribution as we!!. For this type of rate design, recovery of fixed costs from an individual customer declines with any reduction in net energy usage. 7. The existing rate structure creates inequity between net metering customers and standard service customers as net metering customers, who still rely heavily upon the grid to both purchase power and transfer excess generation, are provided the opportunity to unduly reduce collection of class revenue requirement by reducing a portion or even all of their net kWh usage while other residential customers are left to compensate for the fixed costs that transfer to them through this revenue shortfall. As cunently structured, ldaho Powe/s net metering service also acts as a regressive wealth transfer from lower-income customers to higher-income customers. From a consumer protection perspective, the Company does not believe it is fair for its o APPLICATION - 5 a o customers without the financial ability or desire to install solar to subsidize those who do. 8. Because price signals sent by electric rate design are an important factor in customers' decision on DER installation, Idaho power is also concemed that some customers may be investing in on-site generation systems under the assumption that rate design changes or compensation for excess net energy will never occur; that misunderstanding may negatively impact the economics of their investment. ldaho Power believes that positioning stakeholders to address the cost shift with separate customer classes, coupled with customer education from DER providers and utilities alike, will provide increased transparency and certainty for a greater number of customers as they consider investments and will likely lead to increased customer satisfaction in the long run. 9. The Company had 1,468 active and pending net metering systems in its ldaho service area as of June 30,2017. The Company projects that the count of residential customers with on-site generation could be as high as 7,O32 customers or as low as 6,171 customers by 2021, with the median growth rate resulting in 6,816 residential customers with on-site generation. The most appropriate time for the Commission to begin to address cost shifting caused by the combination of net metering and current rate design is now, before DER penetration reaches higher levels. 10. Consequently, the Company is proposing to close Schedule 84 to new service for R&SGS customers after December 31, 2017, the effective date of the proposed new Schedules 6 and 8. The proposed Schedule 84 is included as Attachment 1 of the Application. Closing Schedule 84 to new participants will not APPLICATION - 6 oI impact existing R&SGS net metering customers; the Company proposes that existing R&SGS net metering customers remain on Schedule 84 for a period of time, under the same rate structure and compensation method, and transition over some period of years to the proposed new schedules in the future. The Company recommends the length of time these customers remain on Schedule 84 be determined by the Commission as part of a future rate proceeding, when different rates are proposed for R&SGS customers with on-site generation taking service under Schedules 6 and 8. III. REQUEST TO ESTABLISH NEW CLASSIFICATIONS 11. The ldaho Legislature specifically authorizes the Commission in ldaho Code SS 61-502 and 61-503 to determine just and reasonable rates, charges, classifications, rules, regulations, practices, or contracts for utility service in ldaho. This authority is limited by ldaho Code S 61-315, which bars unreasonable differences as to rates and grants the Commission power to determine what constltutes unreasonable rate discrimination. 12. Differences in rates charged to classes of customers are not per se unreasonable or unlavvful under ldaho Code S 61-315. The ldaho Supreme Court interpreted this statute in the Homebuilders' decision and explained that the setting of different rates may be justified by factors such as "cost of service, quantity of electricity used, differences and conditions of service, or the time, nature and pattern of use."2 The Homebuilders court also found that the Commission may consider other criteria for establishing different rates, including energy conservation, optimum use, and resource 1 ldaho State Homebuilders v. Washington Water Power,107 ldaho 415, 690 P.2d 350 (1984) ("Homebuilders"). 2 ld., 1O7 ldaho at 420, 690 P.2d at 355. APPLICATION - 7 o a allocation.3 The Commission has subsequently adhered to those enumerated factors "as guidelines for the Commission to use to evaluate whether there is a reasonable justification for setting different rates and charges for different classes of customers."4 13. The time, nature, and pattem of energy use by R&SGS net metering customerc are different than that of standard R&SGS customers because the standard service R&SGS customer segment only consumes energy from the grid, while the R&SGS net metering customer segment consumes energy from the grid and delivers excess net energy to the grid when not consuming all generation on-site. That is, the standard service customer has a one-way relationship with the grid while the net metering customer has a two-way relationship. This two-way flow of energy is unique and fundamentally different than a non-net metering customer. Further, while the daily demand requirements of the two customers may be similar, net metering customer's net monthly energy as a basis for billing does not reflect their utilization of the grid. 14. As described more fully in Mr. Angell's testimony, the Ioad shapes in Figure 1 illustrate the demand placed on the grid by the Company's residentia! net metering customer segment and the Company's residential standard service customer class on the 2016 adjusted peak day. s /d., citing Grindstone Bufte Mutual Canal Co v. ldaho Public Utilities Commission, 102 ldaho 1 75,'1 80-1 81, 620 p.2d 804, 809-81 0 (1 981 ). a ln the Matter of the Application of ldaho Power Company for Approval of New Tariff Provisions Relating to New Seruice Attachments and Distribution Line lnstallments or Alterations, Case No. IPC-E- 95-18, Order No. 26780 at 7 (February 6, 1997). APPLICATION - 8 ao Figure 1: Average Load Shapes for Residential Standard Service Gustomers and Residential Net Metering Customers Ms. Aschenbrenner testifies that the first noticeable difference is the distinct dip in Ioad during midday for the residential net metering customer segment caused by increasing production by on-site, customer-owned generation, which reduces their reliance on Company-provided energy. The second noticeable difference is the steep ramp-up of demand for ldaho Power-owned generation following the midday dip for the residential net metering customer segment caused by decreasing production by on-site generation combined with increasing loads. The residential standard service load shape maintains a steady demand profile with less variation from hour to hour. 15. The Company believes that establishing new customer classes for R&SGS customers with on-site generation is a first step toward modernizing its pricing structure and addressing the cost shift between net metering customers and standard service customers. Establishing separate customer classes now will position the Company to study this segment of customers, providing the data necessary to I I 3 't 5 6 7 I9lOll12tlltt15t6 ltlS19 lO2l 2:132'l ]iour Endiq -Residenthl N€t Metering rft$iclcntial Standard Service 4"m 3"00 200 l.oo l.m 3J 0.oCI APPLICATION - 9 oa understand how this customer segment utilizes the Company's system. The data quantifying the usage of the system will inform what costs and benefits (revenue requirement) are appropriately allocated to the newly established customer classes in a future rate proceeding (class cost-of-service process). This approach will limit the issues presented in a future rate proceeding to the evaluation of what an appropriate rate design and compensation structure is for R&SGS customers with on-site generation. 16. Therefore, the Company requests authority to implement two new tariff schedules, Schedule 6, Residentia! Service, On-Site Generation, ("Schedule 6") and Schedule 8, Small General Service, On-Site Generation, ("Schedule 8") to serve new R&SGS customers with on-site generation. Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 are included as Attachments 2 and 3 to the Application. The newly established Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 would initially contain rates that mirror those applicable to Schedule 1, Residential Service, and Schedule 7, Small General Service, respectively. Under this proposa!, the rates under Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 would continue to minor the rates contained in Schedule 1 and Schedule 7 until the Commission determines the proper rate design and/or compensation structures for Schedule 6 and Schedule 8 based upon appropriate cost-of-service studies and other applicable generation valuation studies. Other tariff schedules that ldaho Power proposes to modify to reference Schedules 6 and 8 can be found in Attachment 4 to the Application. 17. Existing net metering customers and those pending customers who have submitted a complete net metering System Verification Form electronically or post- marked on or before December 31, 2017, will continue to take service under Schedule APPLICATION - 1O oo 84. New R&SGS customers, who request to interconnect an on-site generation system (evidenced by the completion of the state electrical inspection and submission of the net metering system verification form) after the effective date of the proposed new schedules (January 1,2018) will take service under Schedules 6 or 8. ln the Company's experience, over 95 percent of applications received for net metering service submit the System Verification Form within 5 months (the proposed schedule of this case). Further, it is the Company's experience that customers desire to have their system installed prior to year-end to be eligible for the income tax credit in a given tax year. 18. The Company also seeks to revise Schedule 72 to incorporate the defined terms necessary to sync the interconnection requirements between Schedule 72 and the newly proposed Schedules 6 and 8. The Company proposes to make one minor revision to Schedule 72 to allow the Company additional time to complete the on-site inspection of a newly installed on-site generation system when circumstances beyond the Company's control arise, making the onsite inspection impracticable or impossible within the 10 business day requirement. Schedule 72 is included as Attachment 5 to the Application. IV. REQUEST TO REQUIRE SMART INVERTERS 19. The grid offers reliable electricity delivery, in the context of dependability and balance of supply, of a diverce portfolio of generation resources across large regions in the amount and at the instant of customers' demand. To provide safe and reliable energy on demand, ldaho Power must perform the following functions: voltage control, system protection, scheduling, dispatching, and load balancing. These APPLICATION - 11 t functions are @mmonly refened to and collectively known as ancillary services. A person with privately-owned generation is not required to be connected to the grid. However, most customers voluntarily choose to connect to the grid to enjoy the benefits that customers with privately-owned generation require: inverter operation, motor starting, energy balancing, and standby service. 20. Whib a single, small, independently-owned on-site generation system (capacity of < 25 kilowatts) may not be noticeable to the automatic generation control, the aggregate amount of DER installed across ldaho Powefs system increases the complexity of forecasting. As of June 30, 2017, ldaho Powefs net metering service had a cumulative nameplate capacity of 11 megawatts including customers who had submitted applications for net metering service. Because the net metered DER systems are installed on the customer side of the meter, ldaho Power is not able to detect the amount of DER at any given moment, which increases complexity of both forecasting and load following. 21. When DER is contributing power to the circuit, it changes the power requirement from the distribution substation transformer and causes the typical circuit voltage drop to change. High DER penetration amounts create distribution circuit operation challenges, such as voltage management, short circuit detection, and islanding. To reduce these operational challenges, ldaho Power first replaces the controllers and optimizes their settings for reduction of voltage deviation without substantially increasing the device wear. Beyond this, the only cost-effective option is to require voltage regulation from the DER. APPLICATION - 12 a Io 22. A DER system interconnected to the grid through a smart inverter can regulate voltage if its voltage controlfunction is enabled. lnverters convert direct cunent (.DC') electricity into altemating current ("AC') electricity. AC is the most common form of electric production, transport, and use. lnverterc are used in both off-grid and on-grid applications. Because solar panels produce DC electricity and the home appliances require AC power supplied by the inverter, an inverter is required for customers who installs a PV generation system. Without the grid, the custome/s generation system would not operate because these line commutating inverters would not be able to develop voltage or deliver energy. 23. A smart inverter provides configurable functions beyond the conversion of DC to AC. A few of the features are: voltage/reactive power control, anti-islanding, monitoring, and remote communication. States like California and Hawaii have already started requiring smart inverters in residential installations. Germany, the global leader in PV, has required smart inverterc for the last few years. 24. The industry adoption of smart inverter requirements will help to mitigate circuit voltage deviation. The lnstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ("IEEE") is in the process of adopting the standards around what constitutes a smart inverter that could be approved by mid-2018. 25. ldaho Power requests that the Commission acknowledge that smart inverters provide functionality that is necessary to support the ongoing stability and reliability of the distribution system by ordering the Company to submit a compliance filing in the form of a tariff advice within 60 days of the adoption of the revised IEEE standards, or 60 days of the conclusion of this case, whichever occurs later. This tariff APPLICATION - 13 I advice will seek to modify its interconnection tariff to require that customers with on-site generation install a smart inverter that meets the requirements defined in the revised IEEE standards. V. REQUEST FOR FURTHER PROEEEDINGS 26. Before the Company can propose an appropriate rate structure or compensation methodology for R&SGS customers with on-site generation, the Company would need to better understand the unique benefits and costs these customers may add to the overall system. This conclusion is consistent with feedback received from interested stakeholders and installers during its meetings held in 2016 and 2017. 27. Therefore, the Company requests that the Commission open a generic docket at the conclusion of this case where stakeholders and other utilities can collaborate to develop a compensation structure for customer-owned DERs that reflects both the benefits and costs that DER interconnection brings to the electric system. VI. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 28. This Application wi!! be brought to the attention of ldaho Powe/s current, pending, and potential net metering customers by means of a letter via U.S. Mail, copies of which are found in Exhibit Nos. 12 and 13 to Ms. Aschenbrennefs testimony. Mailed simultaneous with this filing, the letters inform recipients of the filing and how they would be impacted. The Company also provided information as to how those customers could submit a comment for the Commission's consideration. o APPLICATION - 14 oo 29. Communications and service of pleadings regarding this Application should be sent to the following: Lisa D. Nordstrom ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 837OT lnordstrom@ idahooower.com dockets@ idahopower. co m v[. coNcLusroN 30. The existing R&SGS rate design does not reflect the costs and benefits of the transaction between Idaho Power and its customers with on-site generation. Moreover, incentivizing net metering through rate design is no longer needed and results in inappropriate cost shifting. As more fully described above and in the testimony that accompanies this Application, the Company's proposa! is intended to facilitate the expansion of on-site generation in a way that is both scalable and sustainable into the future. 31. ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order on or before December 29,2017, authorizing: o closure of Schedule 84 to new service for R&SGS customers with on-site generation after December 31,2017, . establishment of two new classifications of customers applicable to R&SGS customers with on-site generation that request to interconnect to ldaho Power's system on or after January 1, 2018, with no pricing changes at this time, Timothy E. Tatum Connie Aschenbrenner ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 ttatu m@ idahopowe r. co m caschen bre nner@ idaho power. co m APPLICATION - 15 o o . amendment of the Company's applicable tariff schedules to require the installation and operation of smart inverters for all new customer-owned generator interconnections within 60 days following IEEE's adoption of an industry standard definition of smart inverters, and . commencement of a generic docket at the conclusion of this case to establish a compensation structure for customer-owned DERs that reflects both the benefits and costs that DER interconnection brings to the electric system. 32. ldaho Power requests that the Commission convene a prehearing conference in this matter at its earliest convenience to establish a proper procedure to expedite the orderly conduct and disposition of this proceeding. RP 211. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 27 day of July 2017. LI D. NORDST Attorney for ldaho Power Company APPLICATION - 16 O o BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-17-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 o o CLEAN FORMAT ldaho Power Company Fourth Revised Sheet No. 84-1 Cancels Third Revised Sheet No. 84-1 o ol.P.U.C. No 29 Trariff No.101 SCHEDULE 84 NET METERING SERVICE AVAILAB!LITY Service under this schedule is available throughout the Company's service tenitory within the State of ldaho for Customers intending to operate Net Metering Systems to generate electricity to reduce all or part of their monthly energy usage. Effective January 1,2018, Schedule 84 is closed to new service for ldaho residentia! and ldaho smal! general service customers. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to any Customer that: 1. Does not take service under Schedule 4 or Schedule 5; and 2. Owns and/or operates a Generation Facility fueled by solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, or hydropower, or represents fuel cell technology; and 3. Maintains its retail electric service account for the loads served at the Point of Delivery adjacent to the Generation lnterconnection Point as active and in good standing; and 4. Meets all requirements applicable to Net Metering Systems detailed in the Company's Schedule 72 lnterconnections to Non-Utility Generation; and 5. Takes retail electric service under: a. Schedule 1 or Schedule 7; and Owns and/or operates a Generation Facility with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kilowatts (kW) or smaller that is interconnected to the Customer's individual electric system on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through the Company's existing watt-hour retail meter. b. Schedules other than Schedule 1. Schedule 4, Schedule 5. or Schedule 7; and Owns and/or operates a Generation Facility with a total nameplate capacity rating of 100 kW or smaller that is interconnected at a Generation lnterconnection Point that, at the Company's discretion, is located either adjacent to or on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery and is metered through a meter that is separate from the retail load metering at the Customer's Point of Delivery. A separate meter from the existing retail load metering at the Customer's Point of Delivery is not required if the Customer meets the criteria below. The One Meter Option is available if: i. The Generation Facility has a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kW or smaller; and ii. The Generation Facility has a total nameplate capacity rating that is no more than 2o/o of the Customer's Basic Load Capacity (BLC) or comparable average maximum monthly Billing Demands. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company o Third Revised Sheet No.8zt-4 Cancels o |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 84-4 SCHEDULE 84 CUSTOMER ENERGY PRODUCTION NET METERING SERVICE (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) iv. The electricity recorded by the meter is for the Customer's requirements; and v. For Customerc taking service under Schedule 1, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, or Schedule 8, credits may only be transferred to meters taking service under Schedule 1, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, or Schedule 8. For Customers taking service under Schedule 9, Schedule 19, or Schedule 24, credits may only be transfened to meters taking service under Schedule 9, Schedule 19, or Schedule 24. b. Customers may submit requests to transfer Excess Net Energy credits between January 1 and January 31 of each year. All requests must be received by Idaho Power by midnight, Mountain Standard Time, on January 31. lf a Customer does not request to transfer Excess Net Energy credits by the January 31 submission deadline Excess Net Energy credits will carry fonruard to offset consumption at the Designated Meter until they become eligible for transfer on January 1 of the following year. c. Requests to transfer Excess Net Energy credits must be executed by the Company no later than March 31. Transfers will be based on the balance of Excess Net Energy credits available at the time the transfer is made. d. lf multiple meters are eligible for aggregation, Excess Net Energy credits must first be applied to the Designated Meter, then to eligible meters on the same rate schedule as the Designated Meter. Remaining Excess Net Energy credits may then be applied to offset consumption at eligible meters on differing rate schedules in accordance with Section 2a(v) above. e. A meter aggregation fee of $10.00 will be assessed per aggregated meter per annua! transfer transaction. 3. The Customer shall never deliver or attempt to deliver energy to the Company's system when the Company's system serving the Customer's Generation Facility is de-energized for any reason. 4. The Company shall not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a Net Metering System to the Company's system, or for the acts or omissions of the Customer that cause loss or injury, including death, to any third party. 5. The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities. The Customer is also responsible for al! costs associated with any Company additions, modifications, or upgrades to any Company facilities that the Company determines are necessary as a result of the installation of the Generation Facility in order to maintain a safe, reliable electrical system. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho o a LEGISLATIVE FORMAT ldaho Power company J.** Revised sheet Bfjfi !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0l SeeendThird Revised Sheet No. 84-1 I SCHEDULE 84 CUSTOMER ENERGY PRODUCTION NET METERING SERVICE AVAILAB!LITY Service under this schedule is available throughout the Company's service territory within the State of ldaho for Customers intending to operate Net Metering Systems to generate electricity to reduce all or part of their monthly energy usage. Effcctive Januarv 1, 2018. Schedule 84 is closed to new service for ldahqresrdentialand fdaho small qeneral service customers. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to any Customer that: 1. Does not take service under Schedule 4 or Schedule 5; and 2. Owns and/or operates a Generation Facility fueled by solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, or hydropower, or represents fuel celltechnology; and 3. Maintains its retail electric service account for the loads served at the Point of Delivery adjacent to the Generation Interconnection Point as active and in good standing; and 4. Meets all requirements applicable to Net Metering Systems detailed in the Company's Schedule 72 !nterconnections to Non-Utility Generation; and 5. Takes retail electric service under: a. Schedule 1 or Schedule 7; and Owns and/or operates a Generation Facility with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kilowatts (kW) or smaller that is interconnected to the Customer's individual electric system on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through the Company's existing watt-hour retail meter. b. Schedules other than Schedule 1, Schedule 4. Schedule 5. or Schedule 7; and Owns and/or operates a Generation Facility with a total nameplate capacity rating of 100 kW or smaller that is interconnected at a Generation lnterconnection Point that, at the Company's discretion, is located either adjacent to or on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery and is metered through a meter that is separate from the retail load metering at the Customer's Point of Delivery. A separate meter from the existing retail load metering at the Customer's Point of Delivery is not required if the Customer meets the criteria below. The One Meter Option is available if: i. The Generation Facility has a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kW or smaller; and ii. The Generation Facility has a total nameplate capacity rating that is no more than 2o/o of the Customer's Basic Load Capacity (BLC) or comparable average maximum monthly Billing Demands. IDAHO lssued Effective -Advi€e-N€rl€-06 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company U** Revised Sheet [";f#: t I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 84-4 SCHEDULE 84 CUSTOMER ENERGY PRODUCTION NET METERING SERVICE (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) iv. The electricity recorded by the meter is for the Custome/s requirements; and v. For Customers taking service under Schedule 1, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, or Schedule 79, credits may only be transfened to meters taking service under Schedule 1. Schedule 6.--er Schedule 7 or Schedule 8 For Customers taking service under Schedule 9, Schedule 19, or Schedule 24, credits may only be transferred to meters taking service under Schedule 9, Schedule 19, or Schedule 24. b. Customers may submit requests to transfer Excess Net Energy credits between January 1 and January 31 of each year. All requests must be received by ldaho Power by midnight, Mountain Standard Time, on January 31. lf a Customer does not request to transfer Excess Net Energy credits by the January 31 submission deadline Excess Net Energy credits will carry forward to offset consumption at the Designated Meter until they become eligible for transfer on January 1 of the following year. c. Requests to transfer Excess Net Energy credits must be executed by the Company no later than March 31. Transferc will be based on the balance of Excess Net Energy credits available at the time the transfer is made. d. lf multiple meters are eligible for aggregation, Excess Net Energy credits must first be applied to the Designated Meter, then to eligible meterc on the same rate schedule as the Designated Meter. Remaining Excess Net Energy credits may then be applied to offset consumption at eligible meters on differing rate schedules in accordance with Section 2a(v) above. e. A meter aggregation fee of $10.00 will be assessed per aggregated meter per annual transfer transaction. 3. The Customer shall never deliver or attempt to deliver energy to the Company's system when the Company's system serving the Customer's Generation Facility is de-energized for any reason. 4. The Company shal! not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a Net Metering System to the Company's system, or for the acts or omissions of the Customer that cause loss or injury, including death, to any third party. 5. The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities. The Customer is also responsible for all costs associated with any Company additions, modifications, or upgrades to any Company facilities that the Company determines are necessary as a result of the installation of the Generation Facility in order to maintain a safe, reliable electrical system. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 32925 Effective - January 1,20149 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho o o BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-17-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 O SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION AVAILABILlTY Service under this schedule is available at points on the Company's interconnected system within the State of ldaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltage are adjacent to the location where Residential Service, On-Site Generation is desired, and where additional investment by the Company for new transmission, substation or terminal facilities is not necessary to supply the desired service. This service is available to Customers intending to operate Small On-Site Generation Systems to generate electricity to reduce all or part of the monthly energy usage. APPLICABILIry Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service required for residential service Customers for general domestic uses, including single phase motors of 7% horsepower rating or less, subject to the following conditions: 1. When a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for business, professional or other gainful purposes, or when service is supplied in whole or in part for business, professional, or other gainful purposes, the Premises will be classified as non-residential and the appropriate General Service Schedule will apply. However, if the wiring is so arranged that the service for residential purposes can be metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. 2. Whenever the Customer's equipment does not conform to the Company's specifications for service under this schedule, service will be supplied under the appropriate General Service Schedule. 3. This schedule is not applicable to standby service, service for resale, or shared service. 4. Customer owns and/or operates a Generation Facility fueled by solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydropower or represents fuel cell technology, with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kilowatts (kW) or less, that is connected in parallelwith the ldaho Power System. 5. The Generation Facility is interconnected to the Customer's individual electric system on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through the Company's existing watt-hour retail meter. 6. Customer meets all requirements applicable to Small On-Site Generation Systems detailed in the Company's Schedule 72, lnterconnections to Non-Utility Generation. DEFINITIONS Desiqnated Meter is the retail meter physically connected to the Small On-Site Generation System. Excess Net Enerqv means the positive difference between the kilowatt-hours (kwh) generated by a Customer and the kWh supplied by the Company over the applicable Billing Period. a IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 6-1 ldaho Power Company O !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 6-2 o SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) DEFIN lTIONS (Continued) Generation Facilitv means all equipment used to generate electric energy where the resulting energy is delivered to the Company via a single meter at the Point of Delivery or is consumed by the Customer. lnterconnection Facilities are all facilities reasonably required by Prudent Electrical Practices and the applicable electric and safety codes to interconnect and safely deliver energy from the Generation Facility to the Point of Delivery. Parallel connection means generating electricity from an on-site generation system that is connected to and receives voltage from ldaho Power's system. Point of Deliverv is the retail metering point where the Company's and the Customer's electrical facilities are interconnected to allow the Customer to take retail electric service from the Company. Prudent Practices are those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly used in prudent electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully and with safety, dependability, efficiency and economy. Schedule 72 is the Company's service schedule which provides for interconnection to non-utility generation or its successor schedule(s) as approved by the Commission. Small On-Site Generation Service is the Company's service which provides for transfer of electric energy to the Company under the terms of this Schedule and of Schedule 72 or their successor(s) as approved by the Commission. This optional service provides for Customers to install Generation Facilities to interconnect to the Company's system to offset all or a portion of their electrical usage. This service is comprised of all customers taking service under Schedule 6 or Schedule 8. Small On-Site Generation Svstem is a Customer-owned Generation Facility, with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kW or less, interconnected to the Company's system under the applicable terms of ScheduleT2 and this schedule. TYPE OF SERVICE The type of service provided under this schedule is single phase, alternating current at approximately 120 or 240 volts and 60 cycles, supplied through one meter at one Point of Delivery. Upon request by the owner of multi-family dwellings, the Company may provide 120l2OB volt service for multi- family dwellings when all equipment is U L approved to operate at 1201208 volts. !DAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company O I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 6-3 o SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON.SITE GENERATION (Continued) WATER HEATING All electric water heating equipment, including water storage and tankless water heaters (hot water on demand), shall conform to specifications of the Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc., and the Company. The installation of the water heating equipment shall conform to all National, State, and Municipal Codes. No single electricwater heating unit shallexceed 6 kW;and where two or more heating units are used, these units shall be so interlocked that not more than 6 kW can be connected at any one time. Where electric water heaters not complying with these specifications are installed, the Customer will be required to pay the original installation or upgrade costs for any nonstandard facilities needed to supply the electrica! capacity to meet the water heater demand. Water heating equipment must not impair or interfere with service to any other customer. RESIDENTIAL SPACE HEATING All space heating equipment to be served by the Company's system shall be single-phase equipment approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc., and the equipment and its installation shall conform to all national, state, and municipal codes and to the following: lndividual resistance-type units for space heating larger than 1,650 watts shall be designed to operate at240 or 208 volts, and no single unit shall be larger than 6 kW. Heating units of 2 kW or larger shall be controlled by approved thermostatic devices. When a group of heating units, with a total capacity of more than 6 kW, is to be actuated by a single thermostat, the controlling switch shall be so designed that not more than 6 kW can be switched on or off at any one time. Supplemental resistance-type heaters, that may be used with a heat exchanger, shall comply with the specifications listed above for such units. The conditions listed below shall apply to all transactions under this schedule. 1. Balances of generation and usage by the Customer: a. lf electricity supplied by the Company during the Billing Period exceeds the electricity generated by the Customer and delivered to the Company during the Billing Period, the Customer shall be billed for the net electricity supplied by the Company at the rates contained within this schedule, in accordance with normal metering practices. b. lf electricity generated by the Customer and delivered to the Company during the Billing Period exceeds the electricity supplied by the Company during the Billing Period, the Excess Net Energy shall be canied forward as a kWh credit to offset energy usage in a subsequent Billing Period. Excess Net Energy credits are subject to the following provisions: IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE ldaho Power Company !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 o o OriqinalSheet No. 6-4 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON.SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) i. Credits can only be used to offset billed kWh consumption. Customers shall be billed for all applicable non-energy charges for the Billing Period according to the applicable standard service schedule. ii. Credits shall carry forward provided the Customer maintains electric service at the same Point of Delivery. iii. Credits are non-transferrable in the event that a Customer relocates and/or discontinues service at the Point of Delivery associated with the Small On-Site Generation System. Any unused credits will expire at the time the final bill is prepared. c. Compensation for the balance of generation and usage by the Customer is subject to change upon Commission approval. 2. Aggregation of meters for the annual transfer of unused Excess Net Energy credits: a. lf a balance of Excess Net Energy credits exists at a Designated Meter at the end of the Customer's December Billing Period the Customer may request to transfer the unused credits to offset energy consumption at eligible meterc. A meter is eligible for aggregation if it meets all of the following criteria: i. The account subject to offset is held by the Customer; and ii. The meter is located on, or contiguous to, the property on which the Designated Meter is located. For the purposes of this tariff, contiguous property includes property that is separated from the Premises of the Designated Meter by public or railroad rights of way; and iii. The meter is served by the same primary feeder as the Designated Meter at the time the Customer files the application for the Small On-Site Generation System; and iv. The electricity recorded by the meter is for the Customer's requirements; and v. Credits may only be transfened to meters taking service under Schedule 1, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, or Schedule 8. b. Customers may submit requests to transfer Excess Net Energy credits between January 1 and January 31of each year. All requests must be received by ldaho Power by midnight, Mountain Standard Time, on January 31. lf a Customer does not request to transfer Excess Net Energy credits by the January 31 submission deadline Excess Net Energy credits will carry forward to offset consumption at the Designated Meter until they become eligible for transfer on January 1 of the following year. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company o |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 OriqinalSheet No. 6-5 SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) c. Requests to transfer Excess Net Energy credits must be executed by the Company no later than March 31. Transfers will be based on the balance of Excess Net Energy credits available at the time the transfer is made. d. lf multiple meters are eligible for aggregation, Excess Net Energy credits must first be applied to the Designated Meter, then to eligible meters on the same rate schedule as the Designated Meter. Remaining Excess Net Energy credits may then be applied to offset consumption at eligible meters on differing rate schedules in accordance with Section 2a(v) above. e. A meter aggregation fee of $10.00 will be assessed per aggregated meter per an nual transfer transaction. 3. The Customer shall never deliver or attempt to deliver energy to the Company's system when the Company's system serving the Customer's Generation Facility is de-energized for any reason. 4. The Company shall not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a Small On-Site Generation System to the Company's system, or for the acts or omissions of the Customer that cause loss or injury, including death, to any third party. 5. The Customer is responsible for al! costs associated with the Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities. The Customer is also responsible for all costs associated with any Company additions, modifications, or upgrades to any Company facilities that the Company determines are necessary as a result of the installation of the Generation Facility in order to maintain a safe, reliable electrical system. 6. The Company shall not be obligated to accept, and the Company may require the Customer to curtail, interrupt or reduce deliveries of Energy if the Company, consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices, determines that curtailment, interruption, or reduction is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, or other critical operating conditions on its system. 7. If the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries of electricity to its customers, the Company may require the Customer to curtail its consumption of electricity in the same manner and to the same degree as other Customers on the Company's standard service schedules. 8. The Customer shall grant to the Company all access to all Company equipment and facilities including adequate and continuing access rights to the property of the Customer for the purpose of installation, operation, maintenance, replacement, or any other service required of said equipment as well as all necessary access for inspection, switching, and any other operational requirements of the Customer's lnterconnections Facilities. a IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company O o SCHEDULE 6 RESIDENTIAL SERV!CE ON-SITE GENERATION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 9. The Customer shall notify the Company immediately if a Small On-Site Generation System is permanently removed or disabled. Permanent removal or disablement for the purposes of this Schedule is any removal or disablement of a Small On-Site Generation System lasting longer than six (6) months. Customers with permanently removed or disabled systems will be removed from service under this schedule and placed on the appropriate standard service schedule. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non- summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 54 (Fixed Cost Adjustment), Schedule 55 (Power Cost Adjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule 95 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit). Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.00 $5.00 Energy Charge, per kWh First 800 kWh 801-2000 kwh AllAdditional kWh Over 2000 8.69016 10.44940, 12.41320, 8.07460, 8.90200 9.858880 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. lDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 6-6 The following rate structure and charges are subject to change upon Commission approval: a a BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-17-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 3 ldaho Power Company I !.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 OrioinalSheet No. 8-1 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERTION AVAILABILITY Service under this schedule is available at points on the Company's interconnected system within the State of Idaho where existing facilities of adequate capacity and desired phase and voltage are adjacent to the location where Small General Service, On-Site Generation is desired, and where additiona! investment by the Company for new transmission, substation or termina! facilities is not necessary to supply the desired service. This service is available to Customers intending to operate Small On-Site Generation Systems under this schedule to generate electricity to reduce all or part of their monthly energy usage. APPL!CABILITY Service under this schedule is applicable to Electric Service supplied to a Customer at one Point of Delivery and measured through one meter. This schedule is applicable to Customers whose metered energy usage is 2,000 kWh, or less, per Billing Period for ten or more Billing Periods during the most recent 12 consecutive Billing Periods. When the Customer's Billing Period is less than27 days orgreater than 36 days, the energy usage wil! be prorated to 30 days for purposes of determining eligibility under this schedule. Customers whose metered energy usage exceeds 2,000 kWh per Billing Period on an actual or prorated basis three times during the most recent 12 consecutive Billing Periods are not eligible for service under this schedule and will be automatically transferred to the applicable schedule effective with the next Billing Period. New customers may initially be placed on this schedule based on estimated usage. This schedule is also applicable to non-profit or tax supported ball fields, fairgrounds or rodeo grounds with high demands and intermittent use exceeding 2,000 kWh per month. This schedule is not applicable to standby service, service for resale, shared service, to individual or multiple family dwellings first served through one meter after February 9, 1982, or to agricultural irrigation service after October 31,2004. Service under this schedule is also subject to the following conditions: 1. Customer owns/and or operates a Generation Facility fueled by solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydropower or represents fuel cell technology, with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kilowatts (kW) or less, that is connected in parallelwith the ldaho Power System. 2. The Generation Facility is interconnected to the Customer's individual electric system on the Customer's side of the Point of Delivery, thus all energy received and delivered by the Company is through the Company's existing watt-hour retail meter. 3. Customer meets all requirements applicable to Small On-Site Generation Systems detailed in the Company's Schedule T2,lnterconnections to Non-Utility Generation. I IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs '1221West ldaho Street, Boise, Idaho ldaho Power Company t !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 8-2 o SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON.SITE GENERTION Continued DEFINITIONS Desionated Meter is the retail meter physically connected to the Small On-Site Generation System. Excess Net Enerqv means the positive difference between the kilowatt-hours (kwh) generated by a Customer and the kWh supplied by the Company over the applicable Billing Period. Generation Facilitv means all equipment used to generate electric energy where the resulting energy is either delivered to the Company via a single meter at the Point of Delivery or is consumed by the Customer. lnterconnection Facilities are all facilities reasonably required by Prudent Electrical Practices and the applicable electric and safety codes to interconnect and safely deliver energy from the Generation Facility to the Point of Delivery. Parallel connection means generating electricity from an on-site generation system that is connected to and receives voltage from ldaho Powe/s system. Point of Deliverv is the retail metering point where the Company's and the Customer's electrical facilities are interconnected to allow the Customer to take retail electric service from the Company. Prudent Electrical Practices are those practices, methods, and equipment that are commonly used in prudent electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment lawfully and with safety, dependability, efficiency and economy. Schedule 72 is the Company's service schedule which provides for interconnection to non-utility generation or its successor schedule(s) as approved by the Commission. Small On-Site Generation Service is the Company's service which provides for transfer of electric energy to the Company under the terms of this Schedule and of Schedule 72 or their successor(s) as approved by the Commission. This optional service provides for Customers to install Generation Facilities to interconnect to the Company's system to offset all or a portion of their electrical usage. This service is comprised of all customers taking service under Schedule 6 or Schedule 8. Sma!! On-Site Generation Svstem is a Customer-owned Generation Facility, with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kW or less, interconnected to the Company's system under the applicable terms of ScheduleT2 and this schedule. TYPE OF SERVICE The type of service provided under this schedule is single and/or three-phase alternating current, at approximately 60 cycles and at the standard service voltage available at the Premises to be served. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Comptrn, o I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tarffi No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 8-3 o SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERTION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE The conditions listed below shall apply to all transactions under this schedule. 1. Balances of generation and usage by the Customer: a. lf electricity supplied by the Company during the Billing Period exceeds the electricity generated by the Customer and delivered to the Company during the Billing Period, the Customer shall be billed for the net electricity supplied by the Company at the rates contained within this schedule, in accordance with normal metering practices. b. Effective at the beginning of each Customer's January 2014 Billing Period, if electricity generated by the Customer and delivered to the Company during the Billing Period exceeds the electricity supplied by the Company during the Billing Period, the Excess Net Energy shall be carried forward as a kWh credit to offset energy usage in a subsequent Billing Period. Excess Net Energy credits are subject to the following provisions: i. Credits can only be used to offset billed kWh consumption. Customers shall be billed for all applicable non-energy charges for the Billing Period according to the applicable standard service schedule. ii. Credits shall carry forward provided the Customer maintains electric service at the same Point of Delivery. iii. Credits are non-transfenable in the event that a Customer relocates and/or discontinues service at the Point of Delivery associated with the Small On-Site Generation System. Any unused credits will expire at the time the final bill is prepared. c. Compensation for the balance of generation and usage by the Customer is subject to change upon Commission approval. 2. Aggregation of meters for the annual transfer of unused Excess Net Energy credits: a. lf a balance of Excess Net Energy credits exists at a Designated Meter at the end of the Customer's December Billing Period the Customer may request to transfer the unused credits to offset energy consumption at eligible meters. A meter is eligible for aggregation if it meets all of the following criteria: i. The account subject to offset is held by the Customer; and !DAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ii. The meter is located on, or contiguous to, the property on which the Designated Meter is located. For the purposes of this tariff, contiguous property includes property that is separated from the Premises of the Designated Meter by public or railroad rights of way; and ldaho Power Company O !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 8-4 o SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON-SITE GENERTION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) iii. The meter is served by the same primary feeder as the Designated Meter at the time the Customer files the application for the Small On-Site Generation System; and iv. The electricity recorded by the meter is for the Custome/s requirements; and v. Credits may only be transferred to meters taking service under Schedule 1, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, or Schedule 8. b. Customers may submit requests to transfer Excess Net Energy credits between January 1 and January 31 of each year. All requests must be received by ldaho Power by midnight, Mountain Standard Time, on January 31. lf a Customer does not request to transfer Excess Net Energy credits by the January 31 submission deadline Excess Net Energy credits will carry fonuard to offset consumption at the Designated Meter until they become eligible for transfer on January 1 of the following year. c. Requests to transfer Excess Net Energy credits must be executed by the Company no later than March 31. Transfers will be based on the balance of Excess Net Energy credits available at the time the transfer is made. d. lf multiple meters are eligible for aggregation, Excess Net Energy credits must first be applied to the Designated Meter, then to eligible meters on the same rate schedule as the Designated Meter. Remaining Excess Net Energy credits may then be applied to offset consumption at eligible meters on differing rate schedules in accordance with Section 2a(v) above. e. A meter aggregation fee of $10.00 will be assessed per aggregated meter per annual transfer transaction. 3. The Customer shall never deliver or attempt to deliver energy to the Company's system when the Company's system serving the Customer's Generation Facility is de-energized for any reason. 4. The Company shall not be liable directly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a Small On-Site Generation System to the Company's system, or for the acts or omissions of the Customer that cause loss or injury, including death, to any third party. 5. The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities. The Customer is also responsible for all costs associated with any Company additions, modifications, or upgrades to any Company facilities that the Company determines are necessary as a result of the installation of the Generation Facility in order to maintain a safe, reliable electrical system. 6. The Company shall not be obligated to accept, and the Company may require the Customer to curtail, interrupt, or reduce deliveries of energy if the Company, consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices, determines that curtailment, interruption, or reduction is necessary because of line construction or maintenance requirements, emergencies, or other critical operating conditions on its system. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company o |P-U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 OriqinalSheet No. 8-5 SCHEDULE 8 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE ON.SITE GENERTION (Continued) CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE AND SALE (Continued) 7. !f the Company is required by the Commission to institute curtailment of deliveries of electricity to its customers, the Company may require the Customer to curtail its consumption of electricity in the same manner and to the same degree as other Customers on the Company's standard service schedules. 8. The Customer shall grant to the Company all access to all Company equipment and facilities including adequate and continuing access rights to the property of the Customer for the purpose of installation, operation, maintenance, replacement, or any other service required of said equipment as well as all necessary access for inspection, switching, and any other operational requirements of the Customer's lnterconnections Facilities. 9. The Customershallnotifythe Company immediately if a SmallOn-Site Generation System is permanently removed or disabled. Permanent removal or disablement for the purposes of this Schedule is any removal or disablement of a Small On-Site Generation System lasting longer than six (6) months. Customers with permanently removed or disabled systems will be removed from service under this schedule and placed on the appropriate standard service schedule. SUMMER AND NON-SUMMER SEASONS The summer season begins on June 1 of each year and ends on August 31 of each year. The non- summer season begins on September 1 of each year and ends on May 31 of each year. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is the sum of the following charges, and may also include charges as set forth in Schedule 55 (Power CostAdjustment), Schedule 91 (Energy Efficiency Rider), Schedule g5 (Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees), and Schedule 98 (Residentialand Small Farm Energy Credit). The following charges are subject to change upon Commission approval: Summer Non-summer Service Charge, per month $5.00 $5.00 O Energy Charge, per kWh First 300 kWh All Additional kWh 9.90706 11.79930, 9.90706 10.39440 PAYMENT The monthly bill rendered for service supplied hereunder is payable upon receipt, and becomes past due 15 days from the date on which rendered. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho o O BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPG.E.17.13 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY ATTACHMENT 4 ldaho Power Company OFirstSCqqOd Revised Sheet No H-l |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 OriqinalFirst Revised Sheet No. H-1 o RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUT]ON LINE !NSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS This rule applies to requests for electric service under Schedules 1, 3, 4,5, 0-7, L9, 19, 24, 45, and 46 that require the installation, alteration, relocation, removal, or attachment of Company-owned distribution facilities. New construction beyond the Point of Delivery for Schedule 9 or Schedule 19 is subject to the provisions for facilities charges under those schedules. This rule does not apply to transmission or substation facilities, or to requests for electric service that are of a speculative nature. 1. Definitions Additional Applicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Company to provide new or relocated service from an existing section of distribution facilities with a Vested lnterest. Alteration is any change or proposed change to existing distribution facilities. An alteration may include Relocation, Upgrade, Conversion, and/or remova!. Aoplicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Company to provide new or relocated service from distribution facilities that are free and clear of any Vested lnterest. Aoolication is a request by an Applicant or Additional Applicant for new electric service from the Company. The Company, at its discretion, may require the Applicant or Additional Applicant to sign a written application. Comoanv Betterment is that portion of the Work Order Cost of a Line lnstallation and/or Alteration that provides a benefit to the Company not required by the Applicant or Additional Applicant. lncreases in conductor size and work necessitated by the increase in conductor size are considered a Company Betterment if the Connected Load added by the Applicant or Additional Applicant is less than 100 kilowatts. lf, however, in the Company's discretion, it is determined that the additional Connected Load added by the Applicant or Additional Applicant, even though less than 100 kilowatts, is (1) located in a remote location, or (2) a part of a development or project which will add a load greater than 100 kilowatts, the Company will not consider the work necessitated by the load increase to be a Company Betterment. Connected Load is the total nameplate kW rating of the electric loads connected for commercial, industrial, or irrigation service. Connected Load for residences is considered to be 25 kW for residences with electric space heat and 15 kW for all other residences. Conversion is a request by a customer to replace overhead facilities with underground facilities. Cost Quote is a written cost estimate provided by the Company that must be signed and paid by the Applicant or Additional Applicant prior to the start of construction. Cost Quotes are derived from Work Order Cost estimates. Easement is the Company's legal right to use the real property of another for the purpose of installing or locating electric facilities. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.3a473,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - Mareh-{€;20l2January 1. 2018 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I uano Power Company UhNinth Revised Sheet No. H-11 Cancels o I LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lSeventhEiqhth Revised Sheet No. H-11 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE !NSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 6. Other Charqes (Continued) Underqround Service Return Trip Charqe. When a residential Customer agrees to supply the trench, backfill, conduit, and compaction for an underground service, an Underground Service Return Trip Charge of $90.00 will be assessed each time the Company's installation crew is dispatched to the job site at the Customer's request, but is unable to complete the cable installation and energize the service. 7. Line lnstallation and Service Attachment Allowances The Company will contribute an allowance toward the Terminal Facilities and Line lnstallation costs necessary for Line lnstallations and/or Service Attachments. Allowances are based on the cost of providing and installing Standard Terminal Facilities for single phase and three phase services. Allowances for Overhead and Underqround Line lnstallations and Overhead Service Attachments Class of Service Residential: Schedules 1, 3, 4,5-6- Non-residence $ Non-residential: Schedules 7,9-9,24 Single Phase Three Phase $2,226.00 $4,977.00 Large Power Service Schedule 19 Case-By-Case Allowances for Subdivisions and Multiple Occupancv Proiects Developers of Subdivisions and Multiple Occupancy Projects will receive a $2,226.00 allowance for each single phase transformer installed within a development and a $4,977.00 allowance for each three phase transformer installed within a development. Subdividers will be eligible to receive allowances for Line lnstallations inside residential and non-residential subdivisions. a 00,226.$z 000 b. IDAHO lssued Effective - Advi€e-N€i-4€-€g lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho j Maximum Allowance per Service I Uano Power Company SirstSCSAd Revised Sheet No. l-1 Cancelso ol.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oneina+First Revised Sheet No. l-1 RULE I BUDGET PAY PLANS 1. Residential Budoet Pav Plan - Schedules 1. 4, anC-5. and 6. A Budget Pay Plan is available to Residential Customers desiring to levelize payments for electric service. lf a Customer has more than one electric service on the account, each electric service charge will be levelized individually. A Customer may sign up for the Budget Pay Plan at any time during the year. !n order to be eligible for the Budget Pay Plan, the Customer's account must not be in anears and the customer must have received service at the same location for a minimum of nine months. The levelized payment will approximate the average of 12 monthly billings based on either the historical charges, or an estimate of future charges. The Budget Pay amount for each electric service on the account will be adjusted to the next higher dollar. Budget Pay amounts will be recalculated at the 12-month (or 365-day) anniversary of the first bill that was generated after the Customer enrolled in the Budget Pay Plan. The new monthly payment will be the recalculated Budget Pay amount(s). A Customer's Budget Pay amount(s) may decrease, increase, or remain the same. Customers with a negative balance in their Budget Pay Plan account at the time of recalculation will have monthly Budget Pay charges equal to the recalculated Budget Pay amount plus one-twelfth of the negative balance. At the Customer's request, a negative balance may be paid in full. Customers with a positive balance in their Budget Pay Plan account at the time of recalculation, or upon termination of the agreement after al! charges for services have been paid, will be refunded at the Customer's request. If no request for refund is made, the monthly Budget Pay charges will be equal to the recalculated Budget Pay amount reduced by one-twe!fth of the positive balance. Upon the Customer's request, a positive balance for one Budget Pay electric service may be transfened to the balance of another Budget Pay electric service on the account. Any estimates fumished by the Company with such Budget Pay Plan should not be construed as a guarantee that the total actual charges will not exceed the estimates. The Company, because of rate changes or other requirements, may at any time submit a revised estimate to the Customer and require that the Customer pay the revised monthly Budget Pay installment as a condition to the continuation of the Budget Pay Plan for the Customer. The Budget Pay amount(s) will be billed on the regular service bill each month. Once established, the Budget Pay Plan will remain in effect from year to year until the Customer notifies the Company not less than 30 days prior to the desired date of cancellation or unless the Customer fails to pay the agreed amounts. 2. Small General Service Budoet Pav Plan - Schedules 7 and 8. A Budget Pay Plan is available to Small General Service Customers receiving service on Schedules 7 and 8. lf a Customer has more than one electric service on the account, each electric service charge will be levelized individually. lf a Customer transfers to another schedule (other than Schedules 1, 4 er5J.f._Q), the Budget Pay Plan will not be available. A Customer may sign up for the Budget Pay Plan at any time during the year. ln order to qualify, the Customer must have been receiving service at the same location, under the same ownership and account number, and with all monthly billings paid on or before the past due date for at least 12 months prior to applying for the Budget Pay Plan. The Customer must maintain the payment status as described above or the Customer will be removed from the Budget Pay Plan on the next monthly billing and all past due balances wil! become immediately due and payable. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssued , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldahoEffective-@ o RULE ! BUDGET PAY PLANS (Continued) 2. SmallGeneralService Budoet Pav Plan - Schedules 7 and 8 (Continued) The levelized payment will approximate the average of 12 monthly billings based on historical charges. Budget Pay amounts will be recalculated at the 12-month (or 365-day) anniversary of the first bill that was generated after the Customer enrolled in the Budget Pay Plan. The Budget Pay amount for each electric service on the account will be adjusted to the next higher dollar. The new monthly payment will be the recalculated Budget Pay amount(s). A Customer's Budget Pay amount(s) may decrease, increase, or remain the same. Customers with a negative balance in their Budget Pay Plan account at the time of recalculation will have monthly Budget Pay charges equal to the recalculated Budget Pay amount plus one-twelfth of the negative balance. At the Custome/s request, a negative balance may be paid in full. Customers with a positive balance in their Budget Pay Plan account at the time of recalculation, or upon termination of the agreement after all charges for services have been paid, will be refunded at the Customer's request. lf no request for refund is made, the monthly Budget Pay charges will be equal to the recalculated Budget Pay amount reduced by one-twelfth of the positive balance. Upon the Customer's request, a positive balance for one Budget Pay electric service may be transfened to the balance of another Budget Pay electric service on the account. Any estimates fumished by the Company with such Budget Pay Plan should not be construed as a guarantee that the total actual charges will not exceed the estimates. The Company, because of rate changes or other requirements, may at any time submit a revised estimate to the Customer and require that the Customer pay the revised monthly Budget Pay installment as a condition to the continuation of the Budget Pay Plan for the Customer. The Budget Pay amount(s) will be billed on the regular service billeach month. Once established, the Budget Pay Plan will remain in effect from year to year until the Customer notifies the Company not less than 30 days prior to the desired date of cancellation or unless the Customer fails to pay the agreed amounts. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY lssued June l; 201Sner Order No. G+egerl-lAA€aidTimothv E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective -anuarv 1,2018 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I toano Power Company e$second Revised t*"fll;I,3 I I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 OrieinalFirst Revised Sheet No. l-2 ldaho Power Company ^ThidFourth Revised Sheet No. 54-1 ,t, *o. ,OE*** n"ur"O Sn"", *o. #i ' SCHEDULE 54 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT APPLICABILIry This schedule is applicable to the electric energy delivered to all ldaho retail Customers receiving service under Schedules 1, 3, 4, e+_5. or 6 (Residential Service) or under Schedules 7 and 8 (Small General Service). FIXED COST PER CUSTOMER RATE The Fixed Cost per Customer rate (FCC) is determined by dividing the Company's fixed cost components for Residential and Small General Service Customers by the average number of Residential and Small General Service customers, respectively. Residential FCC Effective Date January 1,2012 Small General Service FCC Effective Date January 1,2012 Rate $650.63 per Customer Rate $360.57 per Customer Rate 5.1602i, per kWh Rate 6.86336 per kWh FIXED COST PER ENERGY RATE The Fixed Cost per Energy rate (FCE) is determined by dividing the Company's fixed cost components for Residential and Small General Service customers by the weather-normalized energy load for Residential and Small General Service customers, respectively. Residential FCE Effective Date January 1,2012 Small General Service FCE Effective Date January 1,2012 The Allowed Fixed Cost Recovery amount is computed by multiplying the average number of Residential and Small General Service customers by the appropriate Residential and Small General Service FCC rate. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32t26,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - Nevember 1; 2012 tanuarv 1. 2018 1221West Idaho Street, Boise, ldaho I toano Power Company Ithrenth Revised Sheet No. 54-2 Cancels o I I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 E€h+hNinth Revised Sheet No. 54-2 SCHEDULE 54 FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) ACTUAL FIXED COSTS RECOVERED AMOUNT The Actualfixed costs Recovered amount is computed by multiplying the actual energy load for Residential and Small General Service customers by the appropriate Residential and Small General Service FCE rate. FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT The Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) is the difference between the Allowed Fixed Cost Recovery Amount and the Actual Fixed Costs Recovered Amount divided by the estimated weather-normalized energy load for the following year for Residentia! and Small General Service Customers. The monthly Fixed Cost Adjustment for Residential Service (Schedules 1,3, 4, anC-S, and 6) is 0.6728 cents per kWh. The monthly Fixed Cost Adjustment for Small General Service (Scheduleg 7 and Q) is 0.8576 cents per kWh. EXPIRATION The Fixed Cost Adjustment included on this schedule will expire May 31 ,2018. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33777Effective-@ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho power companv T*r"* Revised sheet [";*rJi |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lTenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 55-1 SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT APPLICABILITY This schedule is applicable to the electric energy delivered to all ldaho retail Customers served under the Company's schedules and Special Contracts. These loads are referred to as "firm" load for purposes of this schedule. BASE POWER COST The Base Power Cost of the Company's rates is computed by dividing the sum of the Company's power cost components by firm kWh sales. The power cost components are segmented into three categories: Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3. Category 1 power costs include the sum of fuel expense and purchased power expense (excluding purchases from cogeneration and small power producers), less the sum of off-system surplus sales revenue and revenue from market-based special contract pricing. Category 2 power costs include purchased power expense from cogeneration and small power producers. Category 3 power costs include demand response incentive payments. The Base Power Cost is 2.0838 cents per kWh, which is comprised of Category 1 power costs of 1.0927 cents per kWh, Category 2 power costs of 0.9108 cents per kWh and Category 3 power costs of 0.0803 cents per kwh. PROJECTED POWER COST The Projected Power Cost is the Company estimate, expressed in cents per kWh, of the Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3 power cost components for the forecasted time period beginning April 1 each year and ending the following March 31. The Projected Power Cost is 2.5708 cents per kWh, which is comprised of Category 1 power costs of 1.2815 cents per kWh, Category 2 power costs of 1.2365 cents per kWh and Category 3 power costs of 0.0528 cents per kWh. TRUE-UP AND TRUE-UP OF THE TRUE-UP The True-up is based upon the difference between the previous Projected Power Cost and the power costs actually incurred. The True-up of the True-up is the difference between the previous year's approved True-Up revenues and actual revenues collected. The total True-up is 0.2585 cents per kWh. EARNINGS SHARING Order Nos.30978,32424, and 33149 directed the Companyto share a portion of its earnings above a certain threshold with customers through the annual Power Cost Adjustment. The Company's 2016 earnings were below the prescribed threshold resulting in a credit of 0.0000. Schedule Description d oer kWh1 Residential Service 0.00003 Master Metered Mobile Home Park 0.00005 Residential- Time-of-Day Pilot Plan 0.00006 Residential Service On-Site Generation 0.00007 Small General Service 0.0000 8 Small Service On-Site Generation 0.0000 l 9S 9P Large General Service - Secondary Large General Service - Primary 0.0000 0.0000 IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33775 Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I taano Power Company {|p* Revised Sheet [:#-,! O I !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Fifthsixth Revised Sheet No. 55-2 EARN I NGS SHARING (Continued) 9T 15 195 19P 197 24 40 41 42 SCHEDULE 55 (Continued) Large General Service - Transmission Dusk to Dawn Lighting Large Power Service - Secondary Large Power Service - Primary Large Power Service - Transmission Agricultural lrrigation Service Unmetered General Service Street Lighting Traffic Control Lighting Monthly Credit Micron Simplot DOE 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo REFUND OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY ("EE") RIDER FUNDS The following rate schedules will receive a rate credit associated with the refund of EE Riderfunds in the form of a cents per kWh rate. Description d oer kWh Residential Service (0.1148) Master Metered Mobile Home Park (0.1097) Residential - Time-of-Day Pilot Plan (0.1107) Residential Service On-Site Generation (0.1 148) 26 29 30 I 3 5 6 Schedule 7I Small General Service (0.1463) eneration (0.1463)Small Ge Service On.S ite G 9S 9P 9T 15 195 19P 197 24 40 41 42 Large General Service - Secondary Large General Service - Primary Large General Service - Transmission Dusk to Dawn Lighting Large Power Service - Secondary Large Power Service - Primary Large Power Service - Transmission Agricultural lrrigation Service Unmetered General Service Street Lighting Traffic Control Lighting Micron Simplot DOE (0.0864) (0.0750) (0.0846) (0.2486) (0.0746) (0.0661) (0.0625) (0.0e3e) (0.1032) (0.1633) (0.0730) 0579) 0543) 0565) (0 (0 (0 26 29 30 IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33775Effective-@ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company O ** Revised Sheet t";"8]: OI.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FeudhFifth Revised Sheet No. 55-3 SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) The Power Cost Adjustment is the sum of: 1) 95 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 1 and the Base Power Costs in Category 1;2) 100 percent of the difference between the Projected PowerCosts in Category 2and the Base PowerCosts in Category2; 3) 100 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 3 and the Base Power Costs in Category 3; 4) the True-ups; 5) Earnings Sharing; and 6) the refund of EE Rider funds. The monthly Power Cost Adjustment rates applied to the Energy rate of all metered schedules and Special Contracts are shown below. The monthly Power Cost Adjustment applied to the per unit charges of the nonmetered schedules is the monthly estimated usage times the cents per kWh rates shown below. Schedule Descriotion Residential Service Mastered Metered Mobile Home Park Residential - Time-of-Day Pilot Plan Residential Service On-Site Generation d per kWh 0.6213 0.6264 0.6254 0.6213 1 3 5 6 7 8 Small General Service Small General Service On-Site Generation 0.5898 0.5898 9S 9P 9T 15 195 19P 197 24 40 41 42 EXPIRATION 26 29 30 Large General Service - Secondary Large General Service - Primary Large General Service - Transmission Dusk to Dawn Lighting Large Power Service - Secondary Large Power Service - Primary Large Power Service - Transmission Agricultural lrrigation Service Unmetered General Service Street Lighting Traffic Control Lighting Micron Simplot DOE 0.6497 0.6611 0.6515 0.4875 0.6615 0.6700 0.6736 0.6422 0.6329 0.5728 0.6631 0.6782 0.6818 0.6796 The Power Cost Adjustment included on this schedule will expire May 31 ,2018. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33+75Effective-@ lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Idaho Power Company O First Revised Sheet No. 61-1 Cancels o |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 OriqinalSheet No. 61-1 SCHEDULE 61 PAYMENT FOR HOME WIRING AUDIT AVAILABILIry Service under this schedule is available to residential Customers throughout the Company's service tenitory within the State of ldaho who are taking service under Schedules 1, 4, erS,cllQ. SERVICES PROVIDED A $40 payment is provided by the Company to residential Customers who have a home wiring audit performed by a licensed electrician. To have a home wiring audit performed, a Customer is responsible for contacting the Company to request the Home Wiring Audit form and then contiacting a licensed electrician to perform the audit. The Customer is also responsible for ensuring the electrician performs the audit per the instructions of the Home Wiring Audit form. The charge for the audit will be established by the electrician and will be billed by the electrician directly to the Customer. The Customer is responsible for paying the electrician the charge for performing the audit. The $40 payment is provided to the Customer upon receipt by the Company of the appropriate copy of the completed Home Wiring Audit form. The Customer is responsible for submitting the Home Wiring Audit form to the Company. PURPOSE OF PAYMENT The purpose of the $40 payment is to assist the Customer in identifying any wiring deficiencies that may be causing power usage problems. The payment is not an indication that the Company has performed any analysis as to the safety of the Custome/s wiring or that the Company concurs with the findings of the electrician's wiring audit. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.3e508,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldahoPowerCompany O % O|.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 63-1 SCHEDULE 63 COMMUNITY SOLAR PILOT PROGRAM (oPTlONAL) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Community Solar Pilot Program ("Program') is an optional program that will provide a limited number of ldaho Power's ldaho Customers the opportunity to voluntarily subscribe to the generation output of a 500 kW single-axis tracking community solar afiay. AVA]LABILITY The Program is available to Eligible Customers that hold evidence of a Subscription or an entitlement to the electric generation output of a portion of the community solar array. Participation in the Program is available on a first-come, first-served basis to all Eligible Customers who complete a Participant Agreement. Approximately 1,563 Subscriptions will be available. lf ldaho Power does not receive what it deems to be a sufficient number of Subscriptions for the Program, ldaho Power may terminate the Program and refund the Subscription Fees as set forth under "Refund of Subscription Fee" in the Participant Agreement. DEFINITIONS Elioible Customers. Residential Service (Schedules 1, and-S. and 6), Small General Service (Scheduleg 7 and 8), Large General Service (Schedule g), Large Power Service (Schedule 19), Agricultura! lnigation Service (Schedule 24), Micron Specia! Contract (Schedule 26), Simplot Special Contract (Schedule 29), and the Department of Energy Special Contract (Schedule 30) Customers. Non-metered and lighting accounts may not participate in the Program. Customers must be in Good Standing with metered electric service accounts with service addresses located in ldaho within Idaho Power's service area. Participants must be 18 years of age or older and have full power and authority to execute the Participation Agreement. Participant must be the customer of record on the ldaho Power account for the service agreement to which the Subscriptions apply. Good Standino. At the time of Subscription a Customer is in "Good Standing" if the Customer does not have a past-due balance of $100 or more that is 60 days or more past due. Participant. The Customer specified as the Participant in the Participant Agreement is the Eligible Customer that has received notification of acceptance into the Program, or a successor Participant designated in accordance with the Participant Agreement. Participant Aoreement. Eligible Customers will be required to sign the Participant Agreement prior to participating in the Program. Participants will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Participant Agreement. Subscriotion. A "Subscription" is the Participant's applicable portion of the electricity output generated by the community solar anay developed in connection with the 500 kW project. !DAHO lssued per Order No. 33638 Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. 63-2 Cancels OrioinalSheet No. 63-2 o o SCHEDULE 63 COMMUNITY SOLAR PILOT PROGRAM (oProNAL) (Continued) TERM The Program term will extend 25 years after the date of first production of solar energy on a non-test basis (Operation Date). Service on this rate schedule ("Enrollment") will commence with the first billing cycle following the later of (i) the approval of the Eligible Customer's Participant Agreement by the Company, and (ii) the Operation Date. SUBSCRIPTION FEE $562.00 per Subscription. PAYMENT OF SUBSCRIPTION FEE Customers have the following payment options: 1. A single upfront payment by check. 2. A single upfront payment made by debiUcredit card, mail-in check or money order, paystation check or money order, or personal on-line bank transfer ("Bill Me"). A Customer who requests the "Bill Me' option on the Participant Agreement will receive an ldaho Power Company generated bill, separate from their monthly electric service bill, which must be paid within 30 days. A convenience fee will be applied to debiUcredit card payments. 3. Monthly fee for 2 years (24 months). Residential Service Customers (Schedules 1. and 5. and 6) may choose the monthly fee option and will receive 24 monthly bills, separate from their monthly electric service bill, which must be paid within 30 days of the monthly invoice date. Payments may be made by debiUcredit card, mail-in check or money order, paystation check or money order, or personal on-line bank transfer. A convenience fee will be applied to debiUcredit card payments. The monthly Subscription Fee of $26.31 will cover the cost of the Subscription Fee, carrying charges, and an administration charge of $1.00 per month to reflect the costs of administering this monthly option. lnvoicing of the monthly Subscription Fee will begin with Enrollment. lf the monthly Subscription Fee is not paid within 60 days from the monthly invoice date, the Customer wil! be considered in default and the entire Subscription wil! be transferred to Idaho Power. To participate in the Program, a Customer must sign and return the Participant Agreement and elect its method of payment for the Subscription Fee. lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho PARTICIPATION IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33638 Effective - ldaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. 63-4 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 OrioinalSheet No. 63-4 aO SCHEDULE 63 COMMUNITY SOLAR PILOT PROGRAM (oPTroNAL) (Continued) SOLAR ENERGY CREDIT (Continued) Schedule 1. an+s, and 6 7and8 9S 9P and 9T 19 24 26 29 30 Description Residential Service Small General Service Large General Service Large General Service Large Power Service lrrigation Service Micron Special Contract Simplot Special Contract DOE Specia! Contract Solar Enerqv Credit d per kWh 3.0246 3.0209 2.9936 2.7352 2.7735 2.6559 2.5167 2.5371 2.4915 The Power Cost Adjustment rate set forth in Schedule 55 will be applied to the net of the Participant's total energy use measured as the Participant's monthly billed kWh less their proportional share of the monthly generation measured in kWh from the anay for that month. The Solar Energy Credit rate is subject to change as the average embedded energy cost reflected in retail rates changes or as othenrise approved by Commission order. CANCELLATION The Participant is not eligible to receive a refund of any portion of the Subscription Fee upon cancellation of the Subscription. The Participant may elect to transfer the Subscription within 60 days of the Participant terminating service with Idaho Power. lf no transfer is requested within such 60-day period, the Subscription and all benefits of the Subscription will revert to ldaho Power. The Subscription transfer terms are discussed below. SUBSCRIPTION TRANSFER A Participant may elect to transfer the remaining life of the Participant's Subscription to a new service agreement or service location for the same Participant that meets the eligibility requirements. Such transfers are not subject to additionalfees. Upon termination of a Participant's service, Participants may transfer the remaining life of their entire Subscription to another Eligible Customer's service agreement, including an eligible non-profit, for a $25 fee. Participants with more than one Subscription may transfer their Subscriptions in whole subscription increments to one or more Eligible Customers for a $25 fee per transfer. A single Subscription cannot be split for multiple transfers. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33638 Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company ^ FifthSixth Revised Sheet No. 66-3 O vaii--,s O LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FeudhFifth Revised Sheet No. 66-3 SCHEDULE 66 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (Continued) CHARGES (Continued) RULE F (alltimes are stated in Mountain Time) 1. Service Establishment Charoe Continuous Service Reversion Charoe Field Visit Charoe Schedules 1,3,4,5, L7, Lg Schedules 15, 19, 24,40,41,42 Service Connection Charqe Schedules 1,3,4,5, L7, L9 Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 6:00 pm 6:01 pm to 9:00 pm 9:01 pm to7:29 am Company Holidays and Weekends 7:30 am to 9:00 pm 9:01 pm to7:29 am Schedules 15, 19, 24,40,41,42 Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 6:00 pm 6:01 pm to 9:00 pm 9:01 pm to7:29 am Company Holidays and Weekends 7:30 am to 9:00 pm 9:01 pm to7:29 am Returned Check Charqe Late Pavment Charqe 2 3 4. $20 $40 $20.00 $10.00 $40.00 $65.00 $100.00 $65.00 $100.00 $20.00 12 percent per annum, or one percent per month. .00 .00 $20 $+s $80 $+s $80 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Remote Service Connection All schedules, all days, all times $13.00 The following is a list of company-recognized holidays and the dates they are observed: New Year's Day (January 1), Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday in January), President's Day (third Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), lndependence Day (July 4), Labor Day (first Monday in September), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November), and Christmas Day (December 25). When a holiday fa!!s on Saturday the previous Friday will be observed, when a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed. RULE G 1 2 IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssued , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Advi€e-N€r+s 07 ldaho Power company ITE sth Revised sheet [:fl.Ji O |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0l SeeendThird Revised Sheet No. 66-4 SCHEDULE 66 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES (Continued) CHARGES (Continued) RULE G (Continued) Fractional Period Minimum Billinos Schedules 1, 3, 4,5, [an47. and 8- Schedules 9 and 19 Secondary Service Level Schedules 9 and 19 Primary and Transmission Service Levels Schedule 24 Schedule 15 Schedule 40 3 RULE M 1. Monthlv Facilities Charqe Rate $2.00 $5.00 $10.00 $1.50 $3.00 $1.5 Facilities lnstalled More Than 31 Years 0.59% 1.500/o 0.59% 0.59% 0.59% 1.210/o 0.59% 0.59% Schedule 9 Schedule 15 Schedule 19 Schedule 24 Schedule 32 Schedule 41 Schedule 45 Schedule 46 Facilities lnstalled 31 Years or Less 1.41o/o 1.500/o 1.410/o 1.410/o 1.410/o 1.210/o 1.41o/o 1.41o/o The monthly Facilities Charge is determined by multiplying the Monthly Facilities Charge Rate by the Company's total investment in distribution facilities installed beyond the Point of Delivery. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY lssued August 7; 2015^er Order No. G+egery-l#,€aidTimothv E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Advi€e+N€F+5-€8 I Ioano Power Company arhtcE urth Revised Sheet [:#f3 I |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0l SeeendThird Revised Sheet No. 81-2 a SCHEDULE 81 RES!DENTIAL AIR CONDITIONER CYCLING PROGRAM (oPTroNAL) (Continued) AVAILABILIry Service under this schedule is available on an optional basis to Customers taking service under Scheduleq 1, er€ehed+rle-5. or 6 who have CentralAir Conditioning located at their residences and live within the Program Operation Area. Customers may request to be added to the Program at any time during the year by providing Notification to the Company. Service under this schedule may be limited based upon the availability of Program equipment and/or funding. The Company shall have the right to select and reject Program participants at its sole discretion based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program. Selection criteria may include, but will not be limited to, energy usage, residential location, size of home, or other factors. Customers' Central Air Conditioning equipment must be fully functional and comply with the National Electric Code (NEC) standards. Customers who are renting or leasing their home must provide to the Company written proof of the express permission of the owner of the Central Air Conditioning system prior to acceptance into the program. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Upon acceptance into the Program, Customers will be subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. Each eligible Customer who chooses to take service under this optional schedule is thereby giving the Company or its representative permission, on reasonable notice, to enter the Customer's residence or property to install a Device and, in certain cases, either a mass memory meter or an end-use meter and to allow ldaho Power or its representative, with prior notice to the Customer, reasonable access to the Device or other Program-related equipment following its installation. 2. Customers added to the Program during the Air Conditioning Season must be effectively participating in the Program prior to the 20th day of the month in order to receive an incentive payment for that month. 3. A Customer may Opt Out of the Program two times during the Air Conditioning Season 4. A Customer may discontinue participation in the Program without penalty by providing Notification to the Company. 5. lf there is evidence of alteration, tampering, or otherwise interfering with the Company's ability to initiate a Cycling Event, the Customer's participation in the Program will be terminated and the Customer will be required to reimburse the Company for the cost of replacement or repair of the Device or other Program equipment and the Company will reverse any amounts credited to the Customer's bills during the past twelve months as a result of the Customer's participation in the Program. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY]ssuedperorderNo.32923,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - Jalquafy-{,2€{4Januarv 1, 2018 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I uano Power Company Cxthseventh Revised Sheet [:r1]: OI I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Fifthsixth Revised Sheet No. 91-1 SCHEDULE 91 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER APPLICABILlTY This schedule is applicable to all retail Customers served under the Company's schedules and special contracts. This Energy Efficiency Rider is designed to fund the Company's expenditures for the analysis and implementation of energy conservation and demand response programs. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge is equal to the applicable Energy Efficiency Rider percentage times the sum of the monthly billed charges for the base rate components. Schedule Enerov Efficiencv Rider Schedule 1 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 Schedule 5 Schedule 6 3.750/o 3.75o/o 3.750/o 3.75o/o 3.75% Schedule 7 3.75o/o Schedule 8 3.75% Schedule 9 3.75o/o Schedule 15 3.75o/o Schedule 19 3.75o/o Schedule 24 3.75o/o Schedule 39 3.75o/o Schedule 40 3.75o/o Schedule 41 3.75o/o Schedule 42 3.75o/o Schedule 26 3.75o/o Schedule 29 3.75o/o Schedule 30 3.75o/o Schedule 32 3.75o/o IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33736Effective-@ Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I taano Power Company ethtrcFoufih Revised Sheet [:trf] I I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0l SeeendThird Revised Sheet No. 98-1 O SCHEDULE 98 RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL FARM ENERGY CREDIT APPLICABlLITY This schedule is applicable to the Qualifying Electric Energy, as defined below, delivered to Customers taking service under Schedules 1, 3, 4,5, 0-7, 8,_9, 1 5, or 24. The Residential and Small Farm Energy Credit ("Credif') is the result of the Settlement Agreement between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration ('BPA') Contract No. 11PB-12322. The Settlement Agreement provides for the determination of benefits during the period October 1,2011, through September 30,2028. This schedule shall expire when the benefits derived from the Settlement Agreement have been credited to Customers as provided for under this schedule. QUALIFYING ELECTRIC ENERGY RESIDENTIAL All kilowatt-hours (kwh) of metered energy, delivered during the Billing Period, to residential Customers taking service under Schedules 1, 3, 4, e+5, or 6 and all kWh of metered residential electric use delivered to Customers taking service under Schedules 7, & 9, or 15, as defined in the BPA Customer Load Eligibility Guidelines for the Residential Exchange Program Residential Purchase and Sale Agreements, will be considered Residential Qualifying Electric Energy under this schedule. SMALL FARM All kwh of metered energy, delivered during the Billing Period, to eligible small farm Customers taking service under Schedule 7. 8, or 9, as defined in the BPA Customer Load Eligibility Guidelines for the Residential Exchange Program Residential Purchase and Sale Agreements will be considered Small Farm Qualifuing Electric Energy under this schedule. !RR!GATION All kwh of metered energy, delivered during the Billing Period, to eligible irrigation Customers taking service under Schedule 24, as defined in the BPA Customer Load Eligibility Guidelines for the Residential Exchange Program Residential Purchase and Sale Agreements, limited to either the inigation Customer's actual metered energy or 222,000 kWh, whichever is less, will be considered lrrigation Qualifying Electric Energy under this schedule. lrrigation Customers will be identified by Tax ldentification Number or Social Security Number for purposes of determining !rrigation Qualifying Electric Energy under this schedule. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY lssued Nevember 5; 2013ner Order No. Gregerry-lAl=SaielTimothv E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairr Effective - 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Advi€€-N€';J{}-Og I loaho Power "orr"n, O F€uiqhFifth Revised Sheet *".? SCHEDULE INDEX SCHEDULE 1 3 4 5 TITLE Residential Service Standard Plan Master-Metered Mobile Home Park Residential Service............. Residential Service Energy Watch Pilot Plan (Optional) (Suspended) Large General Service Dusk to Dawn Customer Lighting....... Large Power Service lrrigation Peak Rewards Program (Optional) Agricultural lrrigation Service..... Non-Metered General Service Street Lighting Service Traffic Control Signal Lighting Service. Standby Service Alternate Distribution Service Fixed Cost Adjustment Power Cost Adjustment... SHEET NUMBER 1-1 - 1-2 3-1 - 3-2 4-1 - 4-3 Residential Service Time-of-Day Pilot Plan (Optional)................ 6 Residential Service On-Site Generation..............................................................6-1 - 6-6 7 Small General Service..... ................7-1-7-2 8 Small General Service On-Site Generation.........................................................8-1 - 8-5 I 15 19 23 24 40 41 42 45 46 54 55 60 61 62 66 72 73 79 81 82 84 86 87 89 91 95 98 ....24-1 -24-6 ....40-1 - 40-2 .,,,,.,,,,,41-1 _ 41-8 .45-1 - 45-5 23-1 -23-10 15-1 - 15-2 19-1 - 19-7 46-1 - 46-4 54-1 - 54-2 55-1 - 55-3 Solar Photovoltaic Service Pilot Program .......60-1 - 60-6 Payment for Home Wiring Audit 61-1 Green Energy Purchase Program Rider (Optional)62-1 Miscellaneous Charges ...............66-1 - 66-4 lnterconnections to Non-Utility Generation ..72-1 -72-334 Cogeneration and Small Power Production Schedule - !daho..... .73-1 -73-10 Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers Residential Air Conditioner Cycling Program (Optional) Flex Peak Program (Optional) Customer Energy Production Net Metering Service...........84-1- 84-5 Cogeneration and Small Power Production Non-Firm Energy ........86-1 - 86-7 lnterm ittent Generation I ntegration Charges 87-1 - 87-15 Unit Avoided Energy Cost for Cogeneration and Small Power Production..................89-1 Energy Efficiency Rider................ Adjustment for Municipal Franchise Fees....95-1 -95-2 Residentialand Small Farm Energy Credit ..98-1 - 98-2 ...........79-1 81-1 - 81-3 82-1 - 82-5 IDAHO lssued per Order No Effective - ffiZ+3e{€,&!Bg 1,2018 Advi€e-N€rl€-€4 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, lD Cancels l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 IhirdFourth Revised Sheet No. iii a BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-17-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY O ATTACHMENT 5 oo CLEAN FORMAT ldaho Power Company O rhird Revised Sheet [:#fi aI.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-1 SCHEDULE 72 lNTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION AVAILABILIry Service under this schedule is available throughout the Company's service area within the State of ldaho to Sellers owning or operating Qualifying Facilities that sign a Uniform lnterconnection Agreement or Generation Facilities that qualify for Schedule 6, Schedule 8, or Schedule 84. Generation Facilities that qualify for Schedule 6, Schedule 8, or Schedule 84 are not required to sign a Uniform lnterconnection Agreement. APPLICABILITY Service under this schedule applies to the construction, operation, maintenance, Upgrade, Relocation, or removal of transmission and/or distribution lines and equipment necessary to safely interconnect a Seller's Generation Facility to the Company's system. DEFINITIONS Additional Applicant is a person or entity whose request for electrical connection requires the Company to utilize existing lnterconnection Facilities which are subject to a Vested lnterest. Companv is the ldaho Power Company. Connected Load is the combined input rating of the Custome/s motors and other energy consuming devices. Construction Cost is the cost, as determined by the Company, of Upgrades, Relocation or construction of Company furnished !nterconnection Facilities. Disconnection Equipment is any device or combination of devices by which the Company can manually and/or automatically interrupt the flow of energy from the Seller to the Company's system, including enclosures or other equipment as may be required to ensure that only the Company will have access to certain of the devices. First Enerov Date is the date when the Seller begins delivering energy to the Company's system Generation Facilitv means equipment used to produce electric energy at a specific physical location which meets the requirements to be a Qualifying Facility or that qualifies for Schedule 6, Schedule 8, or Schedule 84. Generator lnterconnection Process is the Company's Generation Facility interconnection application, engineering review and construction process. The intent of the Generator lnterconnection Process is to ensure a safe and reliable generation interconnection in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements, good utility practices and national safety standards. !DAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company o Third Revised Sheet No.72-2 Cancels o |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-2 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO (Continued) DEFIN ITIONS (Continued) lnterconnection Facilities are all facilities which are reasonably required by good utility practices and the National Electric Safety Code to interconnect and to allow the delivery of energy from the Seller's Generation Facility to the Company's system, including, but not limited to, Special Facilities, Disconnection Equipment and Metering Equipment. lnterconnection Point is the point where the Seller's conductors connect to the facilities owned by the Company. Meterino Eouipment is the Company owned equipment required to measure, record or telemeter power flows between the Seller's Generation Facility and the Company's system. Feasibilitv Review is the Company's standard engineering review of proposed Net Metering Systems or Small On-Site Generation Systems. This review is intended to ensure that the Company's system is sufficiently equipped to incorporate proposed Net Metering Systems or Small On-Site Generation Systems in a manner that conforms with good utility practices and the National Electric Safety Code. Net Meterinq Service is the Company's service which provides for transfer of electric energy to the Company by means of a net metering arangement or its successor(s) as approved by the Commission. This optional service provides for Customers to install Generation Facilities to interconnect to the Company's system to offset all or a portion of their electrical usage. This service is comprised of all customers taking service under Schedule 84. Net Meterinq Svstem is a Customer-owned Generation Facility interconnected to the Company's system under the terms of Schedule 84. OATT is the Company's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved Open Access Transmission Tariff. Protection Equipment is the circuit-intenupting device, protective relaying, and associated instrument transformers. PURPA means the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 Qualifuino Facilitv is a cogeneration facility or a small power production facility which meets the PURPA criteria for qualification set forth in Subpart B of Part 292, Subchapter K, Chapter l, Title 18, of the Code of Federal Regulations. Relocation is a change in the location of existing Company-owned transmission and/or distribution lines, poles or equipment. !DAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company o Third Revised Sheet No. 72-3 Cancels o|.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-3 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) DEFIN ITIONS (Continued) Seller is a non-utility generator who has contracted or will contract with the Company to interconnect a Generation Facility to the Company's system to sell electric energy to the Company, or a Customer taking service under Schedule 6, Schedule 8, or Schedule 84. Seller-Furnished Facilities are those portions of the lnterconnection Facilities provided by the Seller Smal! On-Site Generation Service is the Company's service which provides for transfer of electric energy to the Company by means of a Smal! On-Site Generation System as approved by the Commission. This optional service provides for Customers to install Generation Facilities to interconnect to the Company's system to offset all or a portion of their electrical usage. This service is comprised of all customers taking service under Schedule 6 or Schedule 8. Small On-Site Generation Svstem is a Customer-owned Generation Facility, with a total nameplate capacity rating of 25 kW or less, interconnected to the Company's system under the terms of Schedule 6 or Schedule 8. Special Facilities are additions to or alterations of transmission and/or distribution lines and transformers, including, but not limited to, Upgrades and Relocation, to safely interconnect the Seller's Generation Facility to the Company's system. Svstem Verification Form is the form that a Customer must provide to the Company prior to the connection of Net Metering Service or Small On-Site Generation Service as described in Section 2 of this schedule. Transfer Cost is the cost, as determined by the Company, for acceptance by the Company of Seller-Furnished Facilities. Upqrades are those improvements to the Company's existing system which are reasonably required by good practices and the National Electric Safety Code to safely interconnect the Seller's Generation Facility. Such improvements include, but are not limited to, additional or larger conductors, transformers, poles, and related equipment. Vested lnterest is the claim for refund that a Seller or Additional Applicant holds in a specific portion of Company-owned lnterconnection Facilities. The Vested lnterest expires 5 years from the date the Company completes construction of its portion of the lnterconnection Facilities unless fully refunded earlier. IDAHO Issued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Third Revised Sheet No.72-4 Cancels Second Revised Sheet No.72-4 a o SCHEDULE 72 NON.UTILITY GENERAT!ON (Continued) SECTION 1: GENERAL INTERCONNECTION REQUIREMENTS The following provisions apply to all Sellers requesting interconnection to the Company's system. N AND PERATION FI NNECT All Seller-Furnished lnterconnection Facilities will be constructed and maintained in a manner to be in full compliance with all good utility practices, National Electric Safety Code, and all other applicable federal, state, and local safety and electrical codes and standards at all times. The Seller shall 1. Submit proof to the Company that all licenses, permits, inspections, and approvals necessary for the construction and operation of the Seller's Generation and lnterconnection Facilities under this schedule have been obtained from applicable federal, state, or local authorities. 2. Submit the designs, plans, specifications, and performance data for the Generation Facility and Seller-Furnished Facilities to the Company for review. The Company's acceptance shall not be construed as confirming or endorsing the design, or as a warranty of safety, durability, or reliability of the Generation Facility or Seller-Furnished Facilities. The Company will retain the right to inspect this equipment at its discretion. 3. Demonstrate to the Company's satisfaction that the Seller's Generation Facility and Seller-Furnished Facilities have been completed, and that all features and equipment of the Seller's Generation Facility and Seller-Furnished Facilities are capable of operating safely to commence deliveries of Energy into the Company's system. 4. Provide and maintain adequate protective equipment sufficient to prevent damage to the Generation Facility, Seller-Furnished Facilities and any other Seller-owned facilities in conformance with all applicable electrical and safety codes and requirements. 5. Provide and maintain Disconnection Equipment in accordance with all applicable electrical and safety codes and requirements as described within this Schedule. 6. Provide a 24-hour telephone contact(s). This contact will be used by the Company to arrange for repairs and inspections or in case of an emergency. The Company will make its best effort to arrange repairs and inspections during normal business hours and to notify the Seller of such arrangements in advance. The Company will provide a telephone number to the Seller so that the Seller can obtain information about Company activity impacting the Seller's facility. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, Idaho ldaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No. 72-5 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-5 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON.UT!LITY GENERAT!ON (Continued) (Continued) DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT Disconnection Equipment is required for all Seller Generation Facilities. The Disconnection Equipment shall be installed at an electrical location to allow complete isolation of Seller's Generation and lnterconnection Facilities from the Company's system. Disconnection Equipment for Net Metering Systems or Small On-Site Generation Systems will be installed at an electrical location on the Seller's side of the Company's retail metering point to allow complete isolation of the Seller's Generation and lnterconnection Facilities from the Seller's other electrical load and service. The Disconnection Equipment's operating device shall be 1. Readily accessible by the Company at all times. 2. Clearly marked "Generation Disconnect Switch" with permanent 3/8 inch or larger letters. 3. Physically installed at a location within 10 feet of the lnterconnection Point or exact, permanent instructions posted at the lnterconnection Point indicating the precise location of the Disconnection Equipment's operating device. 4. Of a design manually operated and lockable in the open position with a standard Company padlock. Operation of Disconnection Equipment. lf, in the reasonable opinion of the Company, the Selle/s operation or maintenance of the Generation Facility or lnterconnection Facilities is unsafe or may othenrise adversely affect the Company's equipment, personnel, or service to its customers, the Company may physically disconnect the Seller's Generation Facility or lnterconnection Facilities by operation of the disconnection device or by any other means the Company deems necessary to adequately disconnect the Seller's Generation and lnterconnection Facilities from the Company's system. At such time as the unsafe condition is remedied or other condition adversely affecting the Company is resolved to the Company's satisfaction, the interconnection will be restored. The Company will disconnect the Seller's Generation and lnterconnection Facilities in the event of any planned or unplanned maintenance or repair of the Company's system connected to the Seller's Generation and lnterconnection Facilities. ln the event of unplanned maintenance or repairs, no prior notice will be provided. ln the event of planned repairs, the Company will attempt to notify the Seller of the time and duration of the planned outage. oo IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho 5. For Net Metering Systems under Schedule 84 or Sma!! On-Site Generation Systems under Schedules 6 and 8, equipped with a visual disconnect that enables the Company to visually confirm that the Customer's and Company's conductors are physically disconnected. This requires the ability to visually inspect the actual conductors. Circuit breakers and/or switches do not satisfy this requirement if the conductors are not visible. ldaho Power Company !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Third Revised Sheet No. 72-6 Cancels Second Revised Sheet No. 72-G o o SCHEDULE 72 NON-UTI LITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 1 : GENERAL INTERCONNECTION REQUIREMENTS (Continued) DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT (Continued) The Company will disconnect the Seller's Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities in the event that any terms and conditions of any applicable Company tariff or contract enabling the interconnection of the Seller's Generation Facility is deemed by the Company to be in default or delinquent. All expenses of disconnection and reconnection incurred by the Company will be billed to the Seller. Net Metering Customers and Customers with Small On-Site Generation Systems will only be subject to disconnection and reconnection charges if the expenses are incuned as the result of a Customer's Net Metering System or Small On-Site Generation Systems and/or a Customer's failure to abide by the provisions of Schedule 72. ln the case of Net Metering Systems or Small On-Site Generation Systems, disconnection of the service may be necessary. The disconnection may result in interruption of both energy deliveries from the Seller's Generation Facility to the Company as well as interruption of energy deliveries from the Company to the Seller. Disconnection provisions specific to Customers taking service under Schedule 6, Schedule 8, or Schedule 84 are described further in Section 2 of this tariff. The Company will establish the settings of Protection Equipment to disconnect the Seller's Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities for the protection of the Company's system and personnel consistent with good utility practices. lf the Seller attempts to modify, adjust or otherwise interfere with the protection equipment or its settings as established by the Company, such action may be grounds for the Company's refusal to continue interconnection of the Seller's Generation and lnterconnection Facilities to the Company's system. 1. The Company will construct, own, operate and maintain all equipment, Upgrades, and Relocations on the Company's electrical side of the lnterconnection Point. 2. The Company will clearly mark the Metering Equipment and any other Company equipment associated with the Seller's Generation Facility and/or lnterconnection Facilities designating the existence of the Seller's Generation Facility as required by good utility practices. 3. The Seller will be required to submit all specific designs, equipment specifications, and test results of the Seller-Furnished Facilities to the Company for review. Upon receipt of the design and equipment specifications, the Company will review the design and equipment specifications for conformance with applicable electrical and safety codes and standards. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tat um, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company o o|.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 1 : GENERAL INTERCONNECTION REQUIREMENTS (Continued) OPERAT]ONS AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENSES The Company will operate and maintain Company furnished lnterconnection Facilities as well as any Seller-Furnished Facilities transfened to the Company. SECTION 2: INTERGONNECTION OF NET METERING OR SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES The following section is applicable to all Customers taking Net Metering Service under Schedule 84 and Customers taking Small On-Site Generation Service under Schedule 6 or Schedule 8. APPLICATION PROCESS Customers requesting Net Metering Service or Small On-Site Generation Service are required to complete the following application process prior to interconnection: 1. Customers must submit a completed application form and $100 application fee to the Company. Applications are available on the Company's website or will be provided to the Customer upon request. 2. Upon receipt of a completed application and $100 fee, the Company will provide the Customer with written or electronic mail notification that the application has been received and all necessary information has been provided. 3. The Company will perform within seven (7) business days the Feasibility Review based on project information provided in the application. The Feasibility Review for Net Metering Systems or Small On-Site Generation Service determines the capability of the Company's electrical system to incorporate the proposed Net Metering System or Small On-Site Generation Service and determines if Upgrades are necessary. a. !f the results of the Feasibility Review indicate satisfactory system capability, the Company will provide the Customer with an official "Approval to Proceed" notification via written or electronic mail. b. lf the results of the Feasibility Review indicate that Upgrades are necessary to accommodate the proposed project, the Company will notify the Customer through written or electronic mai! of such Upgrades. Funding, construction, installation, and maintenance of required Upgrades wil! be subject to the Company's standard Rule H regarding New Service Attachments and Distribution Line lnstallations or Alterations. Third Revised Sheet No.72-7 Cancels Second Revised Sheet No.72-T IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company I Third Revised Sheet No. 72-8 Cancels o I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-8 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 2: INTERCONNECTION OF NET METERING OR SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITI ES (Continued ) APPLICATION PROCESS (Continued) 4. Following receipt of "Approval to Proceed" the Customer is responsible for completing the installation of the Net Metering System or Small On-Site Generation System and fulfilling all applicable federal, state, and local inspection requirements. Upon completion the Customer must provide all forms of documentation outlined in Section 1-1 above verifying that all federal, state, and local requirements have been met. Customers must also provide the Company with a completed System Verification Form detailing the specifications of all installed components of the completed Net Metering System or Small On-Site Generation System. System Verification Forms can be found on the Company's website or will be provided upon request. 5. Once all required documentation has been submitted and the Company has verified that all applicable federal, state, and local requirements have been met, the Company will complete, baning conditions beyond the Company's control, an on-site inspection within ten (10) business days. Company on-site inspections will not be performed until the system has passed all applicable federal, state, and local inspection requirements as described above. The Company on-site inspection includes the following: a. Verification that actual installed components correspond to information provided on the initialapplication and the System Verification Formb. Verification that the disconnect is functional and reconnection time complies with IEEE Standard 1547c. Verification of the proximity and visibility of the disconnect or a sign indicating the location of the disconnectd. Photographic documentation of the installatione. Posting of appropriate Company signagef. Documentation of the meter number and system configurationg. Evaluation of inverters: i. Systems utilizing verifiable UL 1741 or IEEE 1547 inverters will not be subject to additional testingii. Systems utilizing all inverters other than UL 1741 or IEEE 1547 will be subject to third-party testing performed at the Customer's expense 6. Successful completion of the Company on-site inspection constitutes the conclusion of the application process. The Company must make a reasonable effort to move the Customer to the appropriate Net Metering Service or Small On-Site Generation Service rate schedule within five (5) business days. Under no circumstances will the rate change occur more than fifteen ('t5) business days from the date of the successfully completed inspection. Upon completion of this process, the Customer will receive written or electronic mail confirmation that the application process has been successfully completed. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company o Third Revised Sheet No. 72-9 Cancels II.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-9 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 2: INTERCONNECTION OF NET METERING OR SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) APPLICATION PROCESS (Continued) 7. ln the event that a Net Metering System or a Small On-Site Generation System fails inspection, the system will be locked and a tag providing Company contact information will be placed on the device. A Company representative will then follow up via telephone with the Customer regarding the reason(s) for failure, and assist the Customer in steps needed to bring the system into compliance with inspection requirements. Once all issues have been addressed and the Customer indicates that the system has passed all applicable federal, state, and local requirements, ldaho Power will re-inspect the system. APPLICATION EXPI RATION 1. Applications that are not completed within one year of the initial Feasibility Review are considered expired. Customers requesting connection or approval of expired applications are required to resubmit a completed application form and $100 application fee, and are subject to the full application process described above. RECERT!FICATION SYSTEM EXPANSIONS 1. Any modifications to Net Metering Systems or Small On-Site Generation Systems that impact the generation capacity of the system or modify the system in any way that may impact the safety or reliability of the Company's electrica! system are considered system expansions for the purposes of this tariff. 2. Customers wishing to install system expansions must submit an application form and a $100 feasibility review and inspection fee, and complete the application process according to the procedures required for a new installation. 3. Systems that have been expanded in the manner described above without gaining prior Company approval are considered unauthorized installations subject to the provisions of this schedule described below. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, Idaho 1. The Company will perform full recertification inspections of all Net Metering Systems and Small On-Site Generation Systems once every three years at no charge to the Customer. The Company will provide the Customer with written notice at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to performing a recertification inspection. Recertification inspections will be performed in the same manner as new Net Metering System and Small On-Site Generation Systems inspections described above. Customers may choose to verify the results of the Company's inspection through an independent inspection performed by a certified third-party at the Customer's expense. The Company reserves the right to inspect any Net Metering System and Small On-Site Generation Systems at any time if conditions are unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect the Company's equipment, personnel, or service to its Customers. ldaho Power Company o Third Revised Sheet No. 72-10 Cancels t |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-10 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTI LITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 2: INTERCONNECTION OF NET METERING OR SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACI LlTl ES (Continued ) UNAUTHORIZED I NSTALLATIONS AND EXPANSIONS 1. Net Metering Systems and Small On-Site Generation Systems that have been interconnected to the Company's system without Company approval are considered unauthorized installations that jeopardize the reliability of ldaho Power's system and the safety of its employees. This includes, but is not limited to, newly installed systems and unapproved expansions of approved systems. The process described herein provides the Company the ability to offer Net Metering Service and Small On-Site Generation Systems in an efficient, safe, and reliable manner. 2. Unauthorized installations are subject to immediate Company inspection without notice. a. lf proper disconnection equipment is present, the Company will open and lock the disconnect. When the system is disconnected, the Company will leave a tag on the system providing the reason for disconnection and Company contact information. A door hanger or card will also be left at the front door at the time of disconnection. Within twenty-four (24) hours of the disconnection, the Customer will be called and written notification will be sent via U.S. Mail. Upon completion of the full application process the system will be reinstated. b. lf proper disconnection equipment is not present, the Company will evaluate installed inverters: i. lf the system utilizes UL 1741 or IEEE 1547 inverters, the Company will contact the Customer either in person or via telephone in addition to written communication regarding the unauthorized installation. This communication will include the necessary steps to bring the system into compliance according to the following procedures: 1. Within fifteen (15) days of notification, the Customer must submit a completed an application and $100 fee. 2. Within thirty (30) days of completion of the Feasibility Review, the Customer must complete the remainder of the inspection requirements described above. 3. Customers who do not wish to bring their systems into compliance with this schedule may choose to disable their systems. Customers choosing to do so must notify the Company of their decision within thirty (30) days of receiving the initial Company notification regarding the unauthorized installation. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No. 72-11 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-11 SCHEDULE 72 NON.UTI LITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 2: INTERCONNECTION OF NET METERING OR SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACI LlTl ES (Continued) UNAUTHORIZED INSTALLATIONS AND EXPANSIONS (Continued) 4. Customers that fai! to complete the application process within the allotted timeframe and/or do not disable their systems within thirty (30) days will be subject to termination of electric service. ii. !f the system utilizes inverters other than UL 1741 or IEEE 1547, or if the presence of UL 1741 or IEEE 1547 inverters cannot be verified, the Customer will be subject to immediate termination of service without notice. 3. Customers subject to termination of service under this Schedule are provided two options for restoration of service. Under both options Customers are responsible for reconnection costs per the Company's standard fees contained in Schedule 66. a. Customers may choose to permanently disconnect Net Metering Systems or Small On-Site Generation Systems from service. Permanent disconnection must, at a minimum, include the physical removal of lnterconnection Facilities at the associated Generation lnterconnection Point or physical removal of the General Facility itself. Opening a breaker or switch does not constitute permanent disconnection. Customers choosing to permanently disconnect their Net Metering System or Small On-Site Generation System must receive confirmation from a state electrical inspector that the Net Metering System or Small On- Site Generation System is no longer operational and interconnected to the Company's system. The results of this inspection must be provided to the Company prior to restoration of service. b. Customers can bring the system into compliance with the provisions of this schedule by completing the full application process described above. SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON.SITE GENERATION FACILITIES The following section is applicable to all Sellers requesting interconnection of non-utility generation not taking service under Schedule 6, Schedule 8, or Schedule 84. SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUIREMENTS 1. Generation Facilities Less than 1 MW Nameplate Ratinq The following requirements are for Generation Facilities with nameplate ratings of less than 1 MW oo IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Idaho Power Company 3 Third Revised Sheet YJr2;|,3 |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-12 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON.UTILIry GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNEGTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) SPECI FIC PROJECT REQUIREMENTS (Continued) a. The Company shall procure, install, own and maintain Metering Equipment to record energy deliveries to the Company. This metering will be separate from any other metering of the Seller's load and may be located on either side of the lnterconnection Point. All acquisition, installation, maintenance, inspection and testing costs related to Meter Equipment installed to measure the Seller's energy deliveries to the Company shall be borne by the Seller. b. The Seller is responsible for all costs incurred by the Company for the review, evaluation and testing of Seller supplied designs and equipment regardless as to the outcome of the review or test results. c. The Seller, upon completion of installation and prior to interconnection of the Generation Facility to the Company's system, will provide the Company with certification from a professional engineer licensed in the State of ldaho stating that the Seller's Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities are in compliance with IEEE Standard 1547 and all applicable electrical and safety codes to enable safe and reliable operation. d. The Seller will obtain and provide to the Company an annual certification and testing by a professional engineer licensed in the State of ldaho, certifying the ongoing compliance with IEEE Standard 1547 and all applicable electrical and safety codes and that the Seller-Furnished Facilities successfully meet applicable testing requirements and standards. ln the event the Company does not receive and accept the annual certification within thirty (30) days of the annual anniversary date of the agreement, the project will be disconnected from the Company's system until such time as the certification is completed and accepted by the Company. e. ln addition to the requirements specified in sections a through d, Generation Facilities that are greater than 100 kW and less than 1 MW total nameplate rating require the following: i. lf the Company owns the transformer interconnecting the Seller's Generation Facility, then the Seller may own and maintain a secondary voltage disconnection device that can be operated by both the Seller and the Company. ii. !f the Seller owns the transformer interconnecting the Seller's Generation Facility, then the Company will own, operate and maintain a primary voltage disconnection device at the Seller's expense. iii. The Company will construct, own, operate and maintain all protective relays and any associated equipment required to operate the protective relays. 2. Generation Facilities Greater Than 1 MW Nameplate Ratinq The Company will own, maintain and operate all lnterconnection Facilities and Disconnection Equipment at the Seller's expense. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No. 72-13 Cancels !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-13 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECT]ONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERGONNEGTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) 1. Seller shall pay the actual costs of all required interconnection studies. Any difference between the deposit (if required) and the actual cost of the study shall be paid by or refunded to Seller, as appropriate. lf, during the course of preparing a study, the Company incurs costs in excess of the deposit amount, the Company may require that the deposit amount be replenished in an amount equal to the estimated costs for completion of the study. lf a deposit amount sufficient to pay for completion of the study is not maintained, the Company may suspend work on the study. 2. Unless modified by the provisions of this schedule, the FERC-approved Large Generator lnterconnection Procedures and Small Generator lnterconnection Procedures posted on the Company's website will apply to the Generator lnterconnection Process. 3. The deposit amounts for Generation Facilities up to 30 MW are specified in this schedule. Deposit amounts for Generation Facilities 30 MW and larger are covered by the FERC- approved Large Generator lnterconnection Procedures posted on the Company's website. 4. Application. The Seller will submit a completed interconnection application in the form posted on the Company's website. The application form includes a general description of the Generation Facility and its location. The application includes payment of an application fee to be applied against costs the Company incurs to perform the Feasibility Study described below. The amount of the application fee is $1,000 for a Generation Facility up to 30 MW. 5. Studv Aqreements. lf the Seller desires to proceed beyond the Application stage, the Seller will be offered a series of study agreements. The individual study agreements establish the time to perform the study and the deposit the Seller is to provide prior to commencement of the study. The deposit amount may be waived if a Seller meets the Company's credit worthiness standards for unsecured credit specified in Attachment L to the Company's OATT. The studies consist of: a. The Feasibilitv Studv: The Feasibility Study includes a general review of project impact, e.g. exceeding equipment capabilities and violation of electrical performance requirements. The Feasibility Study Agreement states that no deposit is required, since the deposit is covered by the application fee. b. The Svstem lmpact Studv: The System lmpact Study provides a detailed assessment of the distribution andlor transmission system adequacy to accommodate the Generation Facility through the evaluation of equipment capabilities and electrical performance requirements. This step may not be necessary for some projects depending on the size and location of the project. The System lmpact Study Agreement includes a deposit of $2,000 for a distribution system impact study or a $10,000 deposit for a transmission system impact study. oo !DAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company a Third Revised Sheet YJ#,] |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-14 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILIW GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERGONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) (Continued) c. The Facilitv Studv: The Facility Study includes the engineering to determine the design specifications of the project. The Facility Study Agreement includes a deposit of 5o/o of the total project costs that were determined in the System lmpact Study Report ("S!SR') or the Feasibility Study Report if a SISR is not required, capped at $30,000. At the end of each stage of the three-step study process, the Company will provide the Seller with an increasingly more refined and detailed report that, among other things, will present a list of required lnterconnection Facilities and a non-binding, good faith estimate of Seller's cost responsibility for the lnterconnection Facilities. lf long-lead time equipment items need to be ordered to meet Seller's construction schedule, the Company will request advance funding by the Seller to cover these equipment costs. 6. Generator lnterconnection Aoreement. The Generator lnterconnection Agreement (.GlA'), will be offered to Seller following completion of the Facility Study. The GIA will utilize the Uniform lnterconnection Agreement template included in this schedule. COST OF INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES All lnterconnection Facilities provided under this schedule will be valued at the Company's Construction Cost and/or the Transfer Cost for vesting purposes as well as for operation and maintenance payment obligations. PAYMENT FOR INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES Unless specifically agreed otherwise by written agreement between the Seller and the Company, the Seller will pay all costs of interconnecting a Generation Facility to the Company's system. Costs of interconnection include the costs of furnishing and constructing required lnterconnection Facilities, including Upgrades. Each request for interconnection will go through the Generator lnterconnection Process. Throughout the Generator lnterconnection Process, the Company will periodically bill the Seller for costs incurred or obligated. Failure to pay an invoice within the time specified in the invoice will result in suspension of work on the interconnection and if the suspension of work extends beyond thirty (30) calendar days, the Generation Facility will be removed from the interconnection queue. Seller can end the Generator lnterconnection Process at any time. lf Seller decides to end the Generator lnterconnection Process prior to completion, the Company will either refund any monies held for security that have not been spent or obligated, or issue an invoice to Seller for costs incuned prior to cancellation. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No. 72-15 Cancels a SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTI LITY GENERAT!ON (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) SECURITY FOR PAYMENT OF INTERCONNECTION COSTS Sellers will provide adequate security for payment of the costs of the Generator lnterconnection Process. Adequate security for Generation Facilities larger than 30 MW can be provided in accordance with the Large Generator lnterconnection Procedures contained in Attachment M to the Company's OATT. Adequate security for Generation Facilities up to 30 MW can be provided in one of the following ways 1. Sellers that meet the Company's credit worthiness standards for unsecured credit are not required to provide additional security. The Company's minimum credit standards for unsecured credit are described in Attachment L to the OATT. 2. Sellers that do not meet the credit worthiness standards for unsecured credit will be notified of the reason for the determination and shall be given the option to provide alternative security acceptable to ldaho Power. !n lieu of providing a cash deposit, Seller may establish an escrow account, provide a letter of credit or provide guarantee of payment by another person or entity which meets the credit worthiness standards for unsecured credit. Arrangements for alternative security must be acceptable to ldaho Power. TRANSFER OF INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES Transfer of lnterconnection Facilities is available only for Generation Facilities with nameplate ratings greater than 100 kW. 1. Transfer at First Enerqv Date. lf the Seller desires to transfer and the Company desires to accept any Seller-Furnished Facilities at the First Energy Date, the following will apply: a. Prior to the beginning of construction, the Seller shall cause the contractor that is constructing the Seller-Furnished Facilities to provide the Company with a certificate naming the Company as an additional insured in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 under the contracto/s general liability policy. b. The Company will provide the Seller's contractor with construction and material specifications and will have final approval of the design of the Seller-Furnished Facilities. c. During construction and upon completion, the Company will inspect the Seller- Furnished Facilities to be transferred to the Company. The cost of such inspection will be borne by the Seller. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company a Third Revised Sheet YJ.r.-J[ I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-16 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON.UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FAGILITIES (Continued) TRANSFER OF INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES (Continued) d. lf the Seller-Furnished Facilities meet the Company's design, material and construction specifications, are free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the Seller has provided the Company with acceptable easements, bills of sale and assurance against labor or materials liens, the Company will accept ownership effective as of the First Energy Date. ln the bill of sale, the Seller will warrant to the Company that the Seller-Furnished Facilities are free of any liens or encumbrances and will be free from any defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the First Energy Date. 2. Subsequent Transfer. lf, after the First Energy Date, the Seller desires to transfer and the Company desires to accept any Seller-Furnished Facilities, the following will apply: a. The Company will inspect the facilities proposed for sale to determine if they meet the Company's design, material and construction specifications. b. The Company will determine the Transfer Cost of such facilities. The Transfer Cost will be equal to the depreciated Construction Cost the Company would have incurred if it had originally constructed the facilities plus the cost, if any, of bringing the facilities into compliance with the Company's design, material and construction specifications. Depreciation of the facilities proposed for transfer will be determined on the same basis as the Company depreciates its own facilities in accordance with the appropriate FERC account numbers for the type and size of line or equipment involved. The time period used for the calculation of the depreciated transfer cost will extend from the First Energy Date until the agreed upon transfer date. The Transfer Cost will be paid to the Company in cash at the time of transfer. At the same time, the Company will pay the Seller in cash an amount equal to the depreciated Construction Cost. c. As a condition of the Company's acceptance, the Seller will provide the Company with acceptable easements, bills of sale and acceptable assurance against labor and material liens. The bill of sale will include a warranty that the transferred facilities are free of all liens and encumbrances and will be free from any defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of transfer. d. Effective as of the date of the transfer, the Company will operate and maintain the transfened facilities. VESTED INTEREST A Seller's eligibility for a Vested lnterest refund will exist for 5 years after the date the Company completes construction of its portion of the lnterconnection Facilities. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Fourth Revised Sheet No.72-17 O cance,s O!.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Third Revised Sheet No. 72-17 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILIW GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) VESTED !NTEREST (Continued) 1. The Company will provide a refund payment to each Seller holding a Vested lnterest in Company-owned lnterconnection Facilities when an Additional Applicant shares use of those lnterconnection Facilities. 2. The refund payment will be based on the following formula Refund = Linear Footage Ratio x Connected Load/Peak Generation Ratio Original Interconnection Cost x a. The Linear Footage Ratio is the length of jointly used Special Facilities divided by the length of the vested Special Facilities. b. The Connected Load/Peak Generation Ratio is the Connected Load or Peak Generation of the Additiona! Applicant divided by the sum of the Connected Load or Peak Generation of the Additional Applicant and all other Connected Loads and/or Peak Generation on the Special Facilities. c. The Original lnterconnection Cost is the sum of the Company's Construction Cost and any Transfer Costs for the lnterconnection Facilities to which the Additional Applicant intends to connect and share usage. 3. The Additional Applicant will pay the Company the amount of the Vested lnterest refund(s). AdditionalApplicants making Vested lnterest payments are in turn eligible to receive refunds within the 5 year limit described above. 4. Vested lnterest refunds will not exceed 100 percent of the refundable portion of any party's cash payment to the Company. 5. Vested lnterest refund payments may be waived by notifying the Company in writing OPERATION AND MA]NTENANCE OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENSES The Company will operate and maintain Company furnished lnterconnection Facilities as well as any Seller-Furnished Facilities transferred to the Company. For all projects not interconnecting as a Schedule 6, Schedule 8, or Schedule 84 customer, the Seller will pay the Company a monthly operation and maintenance charge equal to a percentage of the Construction Cost and Transfer Cost paid by the Seller. The percentage will change annually on the anniversary of the First Energy Date in accordance with the following tables: IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company LP.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Fourth Revised Sheet No. 72-18 Cancels Third Revised Sheet No. 72-18 o o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTI LITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERGONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON.SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Contunued} OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENSES (Continued) TABLE 1: MONTHLY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE CHARGES FOR 138 kV and 161 kV TABLE 2: MONTHLY OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE CHARGES BELOW 138 kV The monthly operating and maintenance charges in Table 1 and Table 2 will be applied as a percentage of the applicable original interconnection investment. These monthly operating and maintenance charges escalate annually and are equivalent to 3S-year levelized rates of O.4Oo/o for Table 1 and O.7Oo/o forTable 2. Where a Seller's interconnection will utilize lnterconnection Facilities provided under a prior agreement(s) and the combined term(s) of the prior agreement(s) is less than 35 years, the operation and maintenance charge related to those existing lnterconnection Facilities for the Seller's interconnection will be computed to include the expired term of the prior agreement(s). Where a Seller's interconnection will utilize lnterconnection Facilities provided under a prior agreement(s) and the combined term(s) of the prior agreement(s) is greater than 35 years, the operation and maintenance charge related to those existing lnterconnection Facilities for the Seller's interconnection will be computed at the applicable levelized rate designated at 36+ years. The cost upon which an individual Seller's operation and maintenance charge is based will be reduced by subsequent Vested lnterest refunds. Additional Applicants who are Sellers will pay the monthly operation and maintenance charge on the amount they paid as an Additional Applicant. Seller-Furnished Facilities not transferred to the Company will be operated and maintained by the Seller at the Selle/s sole risk and expense. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O&M Charge 0.260/o 0.270/o 0.28o/o O.29Yo 0.30%O.32o/o 0.33%0.35%0.36%0.38%0.40%0.41o/o Year 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 O&M Charge 0.43o/o 0.45o/o 0.47o/o 0.49%0.52%0.54o/o 0.56%0.59%0.620/0 0.ilYo 0.670/0 O.7Oo/o Year 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36+ O&M Charge 0.73%o.77yo 0.80%0.84o/o 0.87o/o 0.91%0.96%1.OOo/o 1.04%1.09%1.14o/o 0.40% Year I 2 3 4 5 o 7 I I 10 11 12 O&M Charge O.47o/o 0.49o/o 0.52o/o 0.54%0.56%0.s9%0.610/o 0.640/o 0.67%O.70o/o 0.73%O.77Yo Year 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 O&M Charge 0.80%0.84o/o o.87yo 0.91%0.95%1.00%1.04%1.09%1.14o/o 1.19o/o 1.24%1.30Yo Year 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36+ O&M Charge 1.36%1.42%1.48%1.55%1.620/o 1.69%1.77o/o 1.85o/o 1.93%2.02%2.11%0.70% ldaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No. 72-19 Cancels oTriff SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILIry GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNEGTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNI FORM INTERCONNECT]ON AGREEMENT (PURPA) This Interconnection Agreement ("Agreement") is effective as of the _ day of2O_, between hereinafter called "Seller," and ldaho Power Company, hereinafter called "Company." RECITALS A. Seller will own or operate a Generation Facility that qualifies for service under ldaho Power's Commission-approved Schedule 72 and any successor schedule. B. The Generation Facility covered by this Agreement is more particularly described in Attachment 1. AGREEMENTS 1. Capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings as defined in Schedule 72 or in the body of this Agreement. 2. This Agreement and Schedule 72 provide the rates, charges, terms and conditions under which the Seller's Generation Facility will interconnect with, and operate in parallel with, the Company's transmission/distribution system. Terms defined in Schedule 72will have the same defined meaning in this Agreement. lf there is any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and Schedule 72, Schedule 72 shall prevail. 3. This Agreement is not an agreement to purchase Seller's power. Purchase of Seller's power and other services that Seller may require will be covered under separate agreements. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to affect any other agreement between the Company and Seller. 4. Attached to this Agreement and included by reference are the following Attachment 1 - Description and Costs of the Generation Facility, lnterconnection Facilities, and Metering Equipment. Attachment 2 - One-line Diagram Depicting the Generation Facility, lnterconnection Facilities, Metering Equipment and Upgrades. Attachment 3 - Milestones For lnterconnecting the Generation Facility IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company a Third Revised Sheet No. 72-20 Cancels o l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-20 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCO NNECTIONS TO NON.UT!LITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERGONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALT ON€ITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN IFORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) Attachment 4 - Additional Operating Requirements for the Company's Transmission System Needed to Support the Seller's Generation Facility. Attachment 5 - Reactive Power. Attachment 6 - Description of Upgrades required to integrate the Generation Facility and Best Estimate of Upgrade Costs. 5. Effective Date. Term. Termination and Disconnection. 5.1 Term of Aoreement. Unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, this Agreement shall become effective on the date specified above and remain effective as long as Seller's Generation Facility is eligible for service under Schedule 72. 5.2 Termination. 5.2.1 Seller may voluntarily terminate this Agreement upon expiration or termination of an agreement to sell power to the Company. 5.2.2 After a Default, either Party may terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 6.5. 5.2.3 Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, the Seller's Generation Facility will be disconnected from the Company's transmission/distribution system. The termination or expiration of this Agreement shall not relieve either Party of its liabilities and obligations, owed or continuing at the time of the termination. The provisions of this Section shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Ol.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Third Revised Sheet No.72-21 Cancels Second Revised Sheet No.72-21 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTI ONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERAIION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN IFORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 5.3 Temporary Disconnection. Temporary disconnection shall continue only for so long as reasonably necessary under "Good Utility Practice." Good Utility Practice means any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric industry during the relevant time period, or any of the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost consistent with good business practices, reliability, safety and expedition. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method, or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be acceptable practices, methods, or acts generally accepted in the region. Good Utility Practice includes compliance with WECC or NERC requirements. Payment of lost revenue resulting from temporary disconnection shall be governed by the power purchase agreement. 5.3.1 Emerqencv Conditions. "Emergency Condition" means a condition or situation: (1) that in the judgment of the Party making the claim is imminently likely to endanger life or property; or (2) that, in the case of the Company, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to the Company's transmission/distribution system, the Company's lnterconnection Facilities or the equipment of the Company's customers; or (3) that, in the case of the Seller, is imminently likely (as determined in a non- discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the reliability and security of, or damage to, the Generation Facility or the Seller's lnterconnection Facilities. Under Emergency Conditions, either the Company or the Seller may immediately suspend interconnection service and temporarily disconnect the Generation Facility. The Company shall notify the Seller promptly when it becomes aware of an Emergency Condition that may reasonably be expected to affect the Seller's operation of the Generation Facility. The Seller shall notify the Company promptly when it becomes aware of an Emergency Condition that may reasonably be expected to affect the Company's equipment or service to the Company's customers. To the extent information is known, the notification shall describe the Emergency Condition, the extent of the damage or deficiency, the expected effect on the operation of both Parties' facilities and operations, its anticipated duration, and the necessary corrective action. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company O Third Revised Sheet No.72-22 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-22 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Gontinued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNIFORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 5.3.2 Routine Maintenance. Construction. and Reoair. The Company may interrupt interconnection service or curtail the output of the Seller's Generation Facilityand temporarily disconnect the Generation Facility from the Company's transmission/distribution system when necessary for routine maintenance, construction, and repairs on the Company's transmission/distribution system. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to contact the Seller prior to exercising its rights to intenupt interconnection or curtail deliveries from the Seller's Facility. Seller understands that in the case of emergency circumstances, real time operations of the electrica! system, and/or unplanned events, the Company may not be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to interruption, curtailment or reduction of electrical energy deliveries to the Company. The Company shall use reasonable efforts to coordinate such reduction or temporary disconnection with the Seller. 5.3.3 Scheduled Maintenance. On or before January 31 of each calendar year, Seller shall submit a written proposed maintenance schedule of significant Facility maintenance for that calendar year and the Company and Seller shall mutually agree as to the acceptability of the proposed schedule. The Parties determination as to the acceptability of the Seller's timetable for scheduled maintenance will take into consideration Good Utility Practices, ldaho Power system requirements and the Seller's preferred schedule. Neither Party shall unreasonably withhold acceptance of the proposed maintenance schedule. 5.3.4. Maintenance Coordination. The Seller and the Company shall, to the extent practical, coordinate their respective transmission/distribution system and Generation Facility maintenance schedules such that they occur simultaneously. Seller shall provide and maintain adequate protective equipment sufficient to prevent damage to the Generation Facility and Seller-furnished lnterconnection Facilities. ln some cases, some of Seller's protective relays will provide back-up protection for ldaho Power's facilities. ln that event, ldaho Power will test such relays annually and Seller will pay the actual cost of such annual testing. a !DAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No.72-23 Cancels I SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERAT!ON (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FAGILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNIFORM I NNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 5.3.5 Forced Outaqes. During any forced outage, the Company may suspend interconnection service to effect immediate repairs on the Company's transmission/distribution system. The Company shall use reasonable efforts to provide the Seller with prior notice. lf prior notice is not given, the Company shall, upon request, provide the Seller written documentation after the fact explaining the circumstances of the disconnection. 5.3.6 Adverse Operatinq EfFects. The Company shall notify the Seller as soon as practicable if, based on Good Utility Practice, operation of the Seller's Generation Facility may cause disruption or deterioration of service to other customers served from the same electric system, or if operating the Generation Facility could cause damage to the Company's transmission/distribution system or other affected systems. Supporting documentation used to reach the decision to disconnect shall be provided to the Seller upon request. !f, after notice, the Seller fails to remedy the adverse operating effect within a reasonable time, the Company may disconnect the Generation Facility. The Company shall provide the Seller with reasonable notice of such disconnection, unless the provisions of Article 5.3.1 apply. 5.3.7 Modification of the Generation Facilitv. The Seller must receive written authorization from the Company before making any change to the Generation Facility that may have a material impact on the safety or reliability of the Company's transmission/distribution system. Such authorization shall not be unreasonably withheld. Modifications shall be done in accordance with Good Utility Practice. lf the Seller makes such modification without the Company's prior written authorization, the latter shall have the right to temporarily disconnect the Generation Facility. 5.3.8 Reconnection. The Parties shall cooperate with each other to restore the Generation Facility, lnterconnection Facilities, and the Company's transmission/distribution system to their normal operating state as soon as reasonably practica ble fol lowi ng a tem porary d iscon nection. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company jThird Revised Sheet -t"rrr;1: !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-24 I SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON.UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SEGTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN I FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 5.3.9 Voltaoe Levels. Seller, in accordance with Good Utility Practices, shall minimize voltage fluctuations and maintain voltage levels acceptable to ldaho Power. ldaho Power may, in accordance with Good Utility Practices, upon one hundred eighty (180) days' notice to the Seller, change its nominal operating voltage level by more than ten percent (10%) at the Point of Delivery, in which case Seller shall modify, at ldaho Power's expense, Seller's equipment as necessary to accommodate the modified nominal operating voltage level. 5.4 Land Riohts. 5.4.1 Seller to Provide Access. Seller hereby grants to ldaho Power for the term of this Agreement all necessary rights-of-way and easements to install, operate, maintain, replace, and remove ldaho Power's Metering Equipment, lnterconnection Equipment, Disconnection Equipment, Protection Equipment and other Special Facilities necessary or useful to this Agreement, including adequate and continuing access rights on property of Seller. Seller warrants that it has procured sufficient easements and rights-of-way from third parties so as to provide ldaho Power with the access described above. All documents granting such easements or rights-of-way shall be subject to ldaho Power's approval and in recordable form. 5.4.2 Use of Public Riqhts-of-Wav. The Parties agree that it is necessary to avoid the adverse environmental and operating impacts that would occur as a result of duplicate electric lines being constructed in close proximity. Therefore, subject to ldaho Power's compliance with Paragraph 5.4.4, Seller agrees that should Seller seek and receive from any local, state or federal governmental body the right to erect, construct and maintain Seller-furnished lnterconnection Facilities upon, along and over any and all public roads, streets and highways, then the use by Seller of such public right-of-way shall be subordinate to any future use by ldaho Power of such public right-of-way for construction and/or maintenance of electric distribution and transmission facilities and ldaho Power may claim use of such public right-of-way for such purposes at any time. Except as required by Paragraph 5.4.4, ldaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this Paragraph 5.4.2. !DAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company Third Revised Sheet No.72-25 Cancels C.T riff SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Gontinued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNIFORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 5.4.3 Joint Use of Facilities. Subject to ldaho Power's compliance with Paragraph 15.4.4,ldaho Power may use and attach its distribution and/or transmission facilities to Seller's lnterconnection Facilities, may reconstruct Seller's lnterconnection Facilities to accommodate ldaho Power's usage or ldaho Power may construct its own distribution or transmission facilities along, over and above any public right-of-way acquired from Seller pursuant to Paragraph 5.4.2, attaching Selle/s lnterconnection Facilities to such newly constructed facilities. Except as required by Paragraph 5.4.4, ldaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this Paragraph 5.4.3. 5.4.4 Conditions of Use. !t is the intention of the Parties that the Seller be left in substantially the same condition, both financially and electrically, as Seller existed prior to ldaho Power's exercising its rights under this Paragraph 5.4. Therefore, the Parties agree that the exercise by ldaho Power of any of the rights enumerated in Paragraphs 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 shall: (1) comply with all applicable laws, codes and Good Utility Practices, (2) equitably share the costs of installing, owning and operating jointly used facilities and rights-of-way. If the Parties are unable to agree on the method of apportioning these costs, the dispute will be submitted to the Commission for resolution and the decision of the Commission will be binding on the Parties, and (3) shall provide Seller with an interconnection to ldaho Power's system of equal capacity and durability as existed prior to ldaho Power exercising its rights under this Paragraph 5.4. 6. Assionment. Liability. lndemnitv. Force maieure. Consequential Damaoes and Default. 6.1 Assiqnment. This Agreement may be assigned by either Party upon twenty-one (21) calendar days priorwritten notice and opportunity to object by the other Party; provided that: 6.1.1 Either Party may assign this Agreement without the consent of the other Party to any affiliate of the assigning Party with an equal or greater credit rating and with the legal authority and operational ability to satisfo the obligations of the assigning Party under this Agreement. I IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Third Revised Sheet No.72-26 CancelsI I Second Revised Sheet No. 72-26 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON.UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continuedl IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN I FORM I NTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 6.1.2 The Seller shall have the right to contingently assign this Agreement, without the consent of the Company, for collateral security purposes to aid in providing financing for the Generation Facility, provided that the Seller will promptly notify the Company of any such contingent assignment. 6.1.3 Any attempted assignment that violates this article is void and ineffective. Assignment shall not relieve a Party of its obligations, nor shall a Party's obligations be enlarged, in whole or in part, by reason thereof. An assignee is responsible for meeting the same financial, credit, and insurance obligations as the Seller. Where required, consent to assignment will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. 6.2 Limitation of Liabilitv. Each Party's liability to the other Party for any loss, cost, claim, injury, liability, or expense, including reasonable attorney's fees, relating to or arising from any act or omission in its performance of this Agreement, shall be limited to the amount of direct damage actually incurred. ln no event shall either Party be liable to the other Party for any indirect, special, consequential, or punitive damages, except as authorized by this Agreement. 6.3 lndemnitv 6.3.1 This provision protects each Party from liability incurred to third parties as a result of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. Liability under this provision is exempt from the general limitations on liability found in Article 6.2. 6.3.2 The Parties shall at all times indemnify, defend, and hold the other Party harmless from, any and all damages, losses, claims, including claims and actions relating to injury to or death of any person or damage to property, demand, suits, recoveries, costs and expenses, court costs, attorney fees, and all other obligations by or to third parties, arising out of or resulting from the other Party's action or failure to meet its obligations under this Agreement on behalf of the indemnifying Party, except in cases of gross negligence or intentional wrongdoing by the indemnified Party. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company o Third Revised Sheet No.72-27 Cancels o|.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. 72-27 SCHEDULE 72 NON-UTILITY GENERAT!ON (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERGONNECTION OF GENERATION FAGILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNI FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 6.3.3 lf an indemnified person is entitled to indemnification under this article as a result of a claim by a third party, and the indemnifying Party fails, after notice and reasonable opportunity to proceed under this article, to assume the defense of such claim, such indemnified person may at the expense of the indemnifying Party contest, settle or consent to the entry of any judgment with respect to, or pay in full, such claim. Failure to defend is a Material Breach. 6.3.4 lf an indemnifying party is obligated to indemnify and hold any indemnified person harmless under this article, the amount owing to the indemnified person shall be the amount of such indemnified person's actual loss, net of any insurance or other recovery. 6.3.5 Promptly after receipt by an indemnified person of any claim or notice of the commencement of any action or administrative or legal proceeding or investigation as to which the indemnity provided for in this article may apply, the indemnified person shall notify the indemnifying party of such fact. Any failure of or delay in such notification shall be a Material Breach and shall not affect a Party's indemnification obligation unless such failure or delay is materially prejudicial to the indemnifying party. 6.4 Force Maieure. As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause beyond the control of the Seller or of the Company which, despite the exercise of due diligence, such Party is unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilities, civil strife, strikes and other labor disturbances, earthquakes, fires, lightning, epidemics, sabotage, or changes in law or regulation occurring after the Operation Date, which, by the exercise of reasonable foresight such party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and by the exercise of due diligence, it shall be unable to overcome. lf either Party is rendered wholly or in part unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement because of an event of Force Majeure, both Parties shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: (1) The non-performing Party shall, as soon as is reasonably possible after the occunence of the Force Majeure, give the other Party written notice describing the particulars of the occurrence. IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Jniro Revised Sheet YJ.r.-"1: Second Revised Sheet No.72-28 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UT!LIry GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN IFORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) (2) The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the event of Force Majeure. (3) No obligations of either Party which arose before the occurrence causing the suspension of performance and which could and should have been fully performed before such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such occurrence. 6.5 Default and Material Breaches 6.5.1 Defaults. lf either Party fails to perform any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement (a "Default" or an "Event of Default"), the nondefaulting Party shall cause notice in writing to be given to the defaulting Party, specifying the manner in which such default occuned. !f the defaulting Party shall fail to cure such Default within the sixty (60) days after service of such notice, or if the defaulting Party reasonably demonstrates to the other Party that the Default can be cured within a commercially reasonable time but not within such sixty (60) day period and then fails to diligently pursue such cure, then, the nondefaulting Party may, at its option, terminate this Agreement and/or pursue its legal or equitable remedies. 6.5.2 Material Breaches. The notice and cure provisions in Paragraph 6.6.1 do not apply to Defaults identified in this Agreement as Material Breaches. Material Breaches must be cured as expeditiously as possible following occurrence of the breach. 7. lnsurance. During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall secure and continuously carry the following insurance coverage: 7.1 Comprehensive General Liability lnsurance for both bodily injury and property damage with limits equal to $1,000,000, each occurrence, combined single limit. The deductible for such insurance shall be consistent with current lnsurance lndustry Utility practices for similar property. 7.2 The above insurance coverage shall be placed with an insurance company with an A.M. Best Company rating of A- or better and shall include: IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company o Second Revised Sheet No.72-29 Cancels First Revised Sheet No.72-29l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNEGTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Gontinued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN I FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) (a) An endorsement naming ldaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee as applicable; and (b) A provision stating that such policy shall not be canceled or the limits of liability reduced without sixty (60) days' prior written notice to ldaho Power. 7.3 Seller to Provide Certificate of lnsurance. As required in Paragraph 7 herein and annually thereafter, Seller shall furnish the Company a certificate of insurance, together with the endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverage as set forth above. 7.4 Seller to Notifu ldaho Power of Loss of Coveraqe - !f the insurance coverage required by Paragraph 7.1 shall lapse for any reason, Seller will immediately notify ldaho Power in writing. The notice will advise ldaho Power of the specific reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taking to reinstate the coverage. Failure to provide this notice and to expeditiously reinstate or replace the coverage will constitute grounds for a temporary disconnection under Section 5.3 and will be a Material Breach. 8. Miscellaneous. 8.1 Governinq Law. The validity, interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement and each of its provisions shal! be governed by the laws of the State of ldaho without regard to its conflicts of law principles. 8.2 Salvaoe. No later than sixty (60) days after the termination or expiration of this Agreement, ldaho Power will prepare and fonrard to Seller an estimate of the remaining value of those ldaho Power fumished lnterconnection Facilities as required under Schedule 72 andlor described in this Agreement, less the cost of removal and transfer to ldaho Power's nearest warehouse, if the lnterconnection Facilities will be removed. !f Seller elects not to obtain ownership of the lnterconnection Facilities but instead wishes that ldaho Power reimburse the Seller for said Facilities the Seller may invoice ldaho Power for the net salvage value as estimated by ldaho Power and ldaho Power shall pay such amount to Seller within thirty (30) days after receipt of the invoice. Seller shall have the right to offset the invoice amount against any present or future payments due ldaho Power. a IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 fcono Revised Sheet YJ"rJ: First Revised Sheet No. 72-30 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UT!LITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: TNTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY N AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 9. Notices. 9.1 General. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, any written notice, demand, or request required or authorized in connection with this Agreement ("Notice") shall be deemed properly given if delivered in person, delivered by recognized national currier service, or sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the person specified below: lf to the Seller: Seller: Attention Address: City:State:Phone:_Fax: lf to the Company: Compa Attentio Address: State:Phone:_Fax:_ 9.2 out below: Billinq and Pavment.Billings and payments shall be sent to the addresses set Attention Address: AY' Co Attention: Address: Phone:_Fax:State IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Q^llar. City:_State: Zip:_ ldaho Power Company o First Revised Sheet No. 72-31 Cancels Oriqinal Sheet No. 72-31 oI.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON.UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FAGILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNIFORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 9.3 Desiqnated Ooeratino Reoresentative. The Parties may also designate operating representatives to conduct the communications which may be necessary or convenient for the administration of this Agreement. This person will also serve as the point of contact with respect to operations and maintenance of the Party's facilities. Seller's Operating Representative: Sel Attention: Add City:State Phone:ax: Company's Operating Representative: Company: Attention: Add City:State Phone ax: 9.5 Chanoes to the Notice lnformation. Either Party may change this information by giving five Business Days written notice prior to the effective date of the change. 10. Sionatures. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized representatives. For the Companv Nlo-o. Title: Date: For the Seller Nlo-o. Title: Date: IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, Idaho ldaho Power Company !.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No.72-32 Cancels Oriqinal Sheet No. 72-32 o o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNIFORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) Attachment 1 Description and Costs of the Generation Facilitv. lnterconnection Facilities and Meterino Equipment ln this attachment the Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities, including Special Facilities and upgrades, are itemized and identified as being owned by the Seller or the Company. As provided in ScheduleT2, Pavment For lnterconnection Facilities, the Company will provide a best estimate itemized cost of its lnterconnection Facilities, including Special Facilities, upgrades and Metering Equipment. Attachment 2 One-line Diaqram Depictins the Small Generation Facilitv. lnterconnection Facilities. Meterinq Equipment and Uporades IDAHO Issued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company a First Revised Sheet No. 73-33 Cancels a|.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 OriqinalSheet No. 72-33 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILIry GENERATION (Continued) SEGTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FAGILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN I FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) Attachment 3 Milestones ln-Service Date: Critical milestones and responsibility as agreed to by the Parties: Milestone/Date Responsible Party (1) (2) (3 (4 (5 (6 (7) (8) (s) (10) Agreed to by: For the Company Date For the Seller Date !DAHO Issued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company LP.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 o Oriqinal Sheet No. 72-34 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERGONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) Attachment 4 Additional Operatino Requirements for the Companv's Transmission Svstem and Affected Svstems Needed to Support the Seller's Needs The Company shall also provide requirements that must be met by the Seller prior to initiating parallel operation with the Company's Transmission System. Attachment 5 Reactive Power Req uirements ldaho Power will determine the reactive power required to be supplied by the Company to the Seller, based upon information provided by the Seller. The Company will specify the equipment required on the Company's system to meet the Facility's reactive power requirements. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Company- provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Company-provided equipment. The equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. The Company-owned equipment will be maintained by the Company, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to the Company by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total reactive power cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. Attachment 6 Companv's Description of Uporades Required to lnteqrate the Generation Facilitv and Best Estimate of Upqrade Costs As provided in Schedule 72 this Aftachment describes Upgrades, including best work upgrades, and provides an itemized best estimate of the cost of the Upgrades. o IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2018 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNI FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) ao LEGISLATIVE FORMAT ldaho Power Company O* Revised Sheet [:"3f1 I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-1 a SCHEDULE 72 !NTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTI LITY GENERATION AVAILAB!LIry Service under this schedule is available throughout the Company's service area within the State of ldaho to Sellers owning or operating Qualifying Facilities that sign a Uniform lnterconnection Agreement or Generation Facilities that qualify for Schedule 6 Schedule I or Schedule 84. Generation Facilities that qualify for Schedule 6, Schedule 8. or Schedule 84 are not required to sign a Uniform lnterconnection Agreement. APPLI ILITY Service under this schedule applies to the construction, operation, maintenance, Upgrade, Relocation, or removal of transmission and/or distribution lines and equipment necessary to safely interconnect a Seller's Generation Facility to the Company's system. DEFINITIONS Additional Applicant is a person or entity whose request for electrical connection requires the Company to utilize existing lnterconnection Facilities which are subject to a Vested lnterest. Comoanv is the ldaho Power Company. Connected Load is the combined input rating of the Custome/s motors and other energy consuming devices. Construction Cost is the cost, as determined by the Company, of Upgrades, Relocation or construction of Company furnished lnterconnection Facilities. Disconnection Equipment is any device or combination of devices by which the Company can manually and/or automatically interrupt the flow of energy from the Seller to the Company's system, including enclosures or other equipment as may be required to ensure that only the Company will have access to certain of the devices. First Enerqv Date is the date when the Seller begins delivering energy to the Company's system Generation Facilitv means equipment used to produce electric energy at a specific physical location which meets the requirements to be a Qualifying Facility or that qualifies for Schedule 6, Schedule 8. or Schedule 84. Generator lnterconnection Process is the Company's Generation Facility interconnection application, engineering review and construction process. The intent of the Generator lnterconnection Process is to ensure a safe and reliable generation interconnection in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements, good utility practices and national safety standards. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective-Oetege+JAnUry 1,201?9 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I taano Power Company *u*Revised Sheet No.72-2 Cancels Revised Sheet No.72-2l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond SCHEDULE 72 !NTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERAT!ON (Continued) DEFIN!TIONS (Continued) lnterconnection Facilities are all facilities which are reasonably required by good utility practices and the National Electric Safety Code to interconnect and to allow the delivery of energy from the Seller's Generation Facility to the Company's system, including, but not limited to, Special Facilities, Disconnection Equipment and Metering Equipment. lnterconnection Point is the point where the Seller's conductors connect to the facilities owned by the Company. Meterinq Equipment is the Company owned equipment required to measure, record or telemeter power flows between the Selle/s Generation Facility and the Company's system. Net4/ete+inq-Feasibilitv Review is the Company's standard engineering review of proposed Net Metering Systems or Small On-Site Generation Systems. This review is intended to ensure that the Company's system is sufficiently equipped to incorporate proposed Net Metering Systems or Small On- Site Generation Svstems in a manner that conforms with good utility practices and the National Electric Safety Code. Net Meterino Service is the Company's service which provides for transfer of electric energy to the Company by means of a net metering arrangement or its successor(s) as approved by the Commission. This optional service provides for Customers to install Generation Facilities to interconnect to the Company's system to offset all or a portion of their electrical usage. This service is comprised of all customers taking service under Schedule 84. Net Meterino Svstem is a Customer-owned Generation Facility interconnected to the Company's system under the terms of Schedule 84. OATT is the Company's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved Open Access Transm ission Tariff. Protection Equipment is the circuit-interrupting device, protective relaying, and associated instrument transformers. PURPA means the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. Qualifvino Facilitv is a cogeneration facility or a small power production facility which meets the PURPA criteria for qualification set forth in Subpart B of Part 292, Subchapter K, Chapter l, Title 18, of the Code of Federal Regulations. Relocation is a change in the location of existing Company-owned transmission and/or distribution lines, poles or equipment. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY lssued per Order No. 32€'z16 e+eg€fffAreaidTimothv E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - ge+eUe.rJeruery 1,20139 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho o ldaho Power Company d"*** Revised Sheet H.li: l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-3 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) a DEFIN ITIONS (Continued) Seller is a non-utility generator who has contracted or will contract with the Company to interconnect a Generation Facility to the Company's system to sell electric energy to the Company, or a Customer taking service under Schedule 6, Schedule 8. or Schedule 84. Seller-Furnished Facilities are those portions of the lnterconnection Facilities provided by the Seller. Small On-Site Generation Service is the Companv's service which orovides for transfer of electric enerov to the Companv bv means of a Small On-Site Generation Svstem as approved bv the Commission. This optional service provides for Customers to install Generation Facilities to interconnect to the Comoanv's svstem to offset all or a portion of their electrical usaqe. This service is comprised of all customers takinq service under Schedule 6 or Schedule 8. Small On-Site Generation System is a Customer-owned Generation Facility, with a total nameplate capacitv ratinq of 25 kW or less, interconnected to the Company's system under the terms of Schedule 6 or Schedule 8. Special Facilities are additions to or alterations of transmission and/or distribution lines and transformers, including, but not limited to, Upgrades and Relocation, to safely interconnect the Selle/s Generation Facility to the Company's system. Svstem Verification Form is the form that a Customer must provide to the Company prior to the connection of Net Metering Service or Small On-Site Generation Service as described in Section 2 of this schedule. Transfer Cost is the cost, as determined by the Company, for acceptance by the Company of Seller-Furnished Facilities. Upqrades are those improvements to the Company's existing system which are reasonably required by good practices and the National Electric Safety Code to safely interconnect the Seller's Generation Facility. Such improvements include, but are not limited to, additional or larger conductors, transformers, poles, and related equipment. Vested lnterest is the claim for refund that a Seller or Additional Applicant holds in a specific portion of Company-owned lnterconnection Facilities. The Vested lnterest expires 5 years from the date the Company completes construction of its portion of the lnterconnection Facilities unless fully refunded eadier. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY!ssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - getegerJglgq 1, 20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company }ry* Revised Sheet [:.kf: |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-3 I ^ll Seller-Fgrnish ime+ ies ie+ IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32€'z16,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - ge+egerJeru4 1,20138 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company O*Third Revised Sheet [?.r"r";i !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-4 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILIry GENERAT]ON (Continued) SECTION l: GENERAT ! SECTION l: GENERAL The followino orovisions aoplv to all Sellers reouestino interconnection to the Comoanv's svstem. All Seller-Furnish be in full comoliance with all good utility practices, National Electric Safetv Code. and all other appticabte feOerat, The Seller shall: 1- Submit Proof to the C necessarv tor tne con unOer tnis scneOul 2. Submit the designs, plans, specifications, and performance data for the Generation Facility and Seller-Furnished Facilities to the Company for review. The Company's acceptance shall not be construed as confirming or endorsing the design, or as a warranty of safety, durability, or reliability of the Generation Facility or Seller-Furnished Facilities. The Company will retain the right to inspect this equipment at its discretion. 3. Demonstrate to the Company's satisfaction that the Seller's Generation Facility and Seller-Furnished Facilities have been completed, and that all features and equipment of the Seller's Generation Facility and Seller-Furnished Facilities are capable of operating safely to commence deliveries of Energy into the Company's system. 4. Provide and maintain adequate protective equipment sufficient to prevent damage to the Generation Facility, Seller-Furnished Facilities and any other Seller-owned facilities in conformance with all applicable electrical and safety codes and requirements. 5. Provide and maintain Disconnection Equipment in accordance with all applicable electrical and safety codes and requirements as described within this Schedule. 6. Provide a Z4-hour telephone contact(s). This contact will be used by the Company to arrange for repairs and inspections or in case of an emergency. The Company will make its best effort to arrange repairs and inspections during normal business hours and to notify the Seller of such arrangements in advance. The Company will provide a telephone number to the Seller so that the Seller can obtain information about Company activity impacting the Seller's facility. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective-OeteUerJeng4 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I loano Power Company *U* Revised Sheet [:#f:O !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-4 +en +ea +Fg +as iee= +me+ iee' IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - getege+&nUry 1, 20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company O* Revised Sheet [";"rjf: I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-5 a SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON.UTILIry GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 1 : GENERAL INTERCONNECTION REQUIREMENTS (Continued) BtseoNNeeIoN eeu Oisconnection gqu Eouioment shall be installed at an electrical location to allow comolete isolation of Seller's Generation anO tnterconnecti ing Svstems or Small On-Site Generation Svstems will be installed a siOe ot tne Company Interconnection F fhe Oisconnection 1 Readilv accessi hv the Comnanv at all times 3 Phvsieallv installed at a location within 1O feet of the lnterconnection Point or exact oermanent instructions oosted at the lnterconnection Point indicatino the orecise location of the Oisconnection equ 4. Of a design manually operated and lockable in the open position with a standard Company padlock. 5. For Net Metering Systems under Schedule 84 or Small On-Site Generation Svstems under Schedules 6 and 8, equipped with a visual disconnect that enables the Company to visually confirm that the Customer's and Company's conductors are physically disconnected. This requires the ability to visually inspect the actual conductors. Circuit breakers and/or switches do not satisfy this requirement if the conductors are not visible. Operation of Disconnection Equipment. lf, in the reasonable opinion of the Company, the Selle/s operation or maintenance of the Generation Facility or lnterconnection Facilities is unsafe or may othennrise adversely affect the Company's equipment, personnel, or service to its customers, the Company may physically disconnect the Seller's Generation Facility or lnterconnection Facilities by operation of the disconnection device or by any other means the Company deems necessary to adequately disconnect the Seller's Generation and lnterconnection Facilities from the Company's system. At such time as the unsafe condition is remedied or other condition adversely affecting the Company is resolved to the Company's satisfaction, the interconnection will be restored. The Company will disconnect the Seller's Generation and lnterconnection Facilities in the event of any planned or unplanned maintenance or repair of the Company's system connected to the Seller's Generation and lnterconnection Facilities. ln the event of unplanned maintenance or repairs, no prior notice will be provided. ln the event of planned repairs, the Company will attempt to notify the Seller of the time and duration of the planned outage. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32€'zl6,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - Oetebe+Januaff 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Z. Cteartv marfeO' ldaho Power Company .eal* Revised Sheet [?"11;3 O LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-5 in Seetien 2 ef thistarffi IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32€46,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - geteUerJeruely 1,20139 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company af*"*r^* Revised Sheet [";"3]: l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-6 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECT!ONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 1 : GENERAL INTERCONNECTION REQUIREMENTS (Continued) DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT (Continued) The Comoanv will disconnect the Seller's Generation Facilitv and lnterconnection Facilities in the event that anv terms and conditions of anv aoolicable Comoanv tariff or contract enablino the interconnection o delinouent. All exoenses of disconnection and reconnection incurred bv the Comoanv will be billed to the Seller. Net Meterinq Customerland Customers Small On-Site Gengratjon Systems will onlv be subiect to Oisconne Customer's Net Met or Small On-Site Generation Svstems and/or a Customer' abide bv the orovisions of Schedule 72. In the case of Net Me or Small On-Site Generation Svstems, disconnection of fu seryice mav Ue necessa tne Setter's Cenem Comoanv to the Seller. Disconnection orovisions soecific to Customers takino service under Schedule 6, Schedule 8, or Schedule 84 are described further in Section 2 of this tariff. The Company will establish the settings of Protection Equipment to disconnect the Seller's Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities for the protection of the Company's system and personnel consistent with good utility practices. lf the Seller attempts to modify, adjust or otherwise interfere with the protection equipment or its settings as established by the Company, such action may be grounds for the Company's refusal to continue interconnection of the Seller's Generation and lnterconnection Facilities to the Company's system. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF INTERCONNECTED PROJECTS 1. The Company will construct, own, operate and maintain all equipment, Upgrades, and Relocations on the Company's electrical side of the lnterconnection Point. 2. The Company will clearly mark the Metering Equipment and any other Company equipment associated with the Seller's Generation Facility and/or lnterconnection Facilities designating the existence of the Seller's Generation Facility as required by good utility practices. 3. The Seller will be required to submit all specific designs, equipment specifications, and test results of the Seller-Furnished Facilities to the Company for review. Upon receipt of the design and equipment specifications, the Company will review the design and equipment specifications for conformance with applicable electrical and safety codes and standards. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 328216 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY , Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - Oeteger&ruq 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I loano Power Company t9f*Revised Sheet No. 72-6 Cancels !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-6 a 8+ W ien tp€+#€qffi+ IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective -OetegerJAlgelf 1,20139 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company O* Revised Sheet [";fJI !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-7 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON.UT!L!ry GENERATION (Continued) SEGTION 1: GENERAL INTERCONNECTION REQUIREMENTS (Continued) OPERATIONS AND MAINT fne Companv witt oo anv Seller-Furnished Facilities transferred to the Company. SECTI0N 2: INTERCO oR SMALL ON-SITE GENEBAIIQN EAGILTIIES fne fottowinq sectl &[ end Customers takino Small On-Site Generation Service under Schedule 6 or Schedule 8. APPLICATION PROCE$ Customers reouestino Net Meterino Servi or Small On-Site Generation Service are reorrired to comotete tne totl t. Customers must s Company. Aoolications are available on the Comoanv's website or will be orovided to the Customer uoon reouest. 2. Upon receipt of a completed application and $100 fee, the Company will provide the Customer with written or electronic mail notification that the application has been received and all necessary information has been provided. 3. The Company will perform within seven (7) business days the Net Metering Feasibility Review based on project information provided in the application. The Xe++,qe+erin+Feasibility Review for Net Metering Systems or Small On-Site Generation Service determines the capability of the Company's electrical system to incorporate the proposed Net Metering System or Small On-Site Generation Service and determines if Upgrades are necessary. a. lf the results of the N*-nqee++n+Feasibility Review indicate satisfactory system capability, the Company will provide the Customer with an official "Approval to Proceed" notification via written or electronic mail. b. lf the results of the lte+-Me+er+ng-Feasibility Review indicate that Upgrades are necessary to accommodate the proposed project, the Company will notify the Customer through written or electronic mail of such Upgrades. Funding, construction, installation, and maintenance of required Upgrades will be subject to the Company's standard Rule H regarding New Service Attachments and Distribution Line lnstallations or Alterations. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo'32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective-OetegerJanuery 1,20138 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I toarro Power Company *UIh,.d Revised Sheet [:rr":fl o I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-7 ins ien +eee in+ IEEE Standard 1517 M ien ignage IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY lssued per Order No. 32€46 e+egoryfpreaidTimothv E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - OeteOer&OUery 1,20138 1221Wesl ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I taano Power Company J"""** Revised sheet [:.r.rJ:al.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-8 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 2: INTERCONNECTION OF NET METERING OR SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACI LITIES (Continued ) APPLICATION PROCESS (Continued) 4. Followino receiot of "Aooroval to " the Crrstomer is resnonsihle for eomnletino the installation o or Small On-Site Generation Svstem and-fulfllling_all applicable federal, state, and local in provide all forms of documentation outlined in Section 1-1 above verifying that all federal, state, and local requirement Svstem Verificatio Metelng-System or Small On-Site Generation Svstem. System Verificat Comoanv's website or will be orovided uoon reouest. S. Once att requireO all aoplicable fede . barrinq conditions bevond the Company's control, an Comoanv on-site insoections will not be performed until the system has passed all aoolicable federal, state. anO tocat in the followino: a. Veritication tn on tne initiat applO. Veritication tna IEEE Standard 1547c. Veritication ot location of the disO. Pnotographic doe. Posting of approp f . Documentation of the meter number and system configurationg. Evaluation of inverters: i. Systems utilizing verifiable UL 1741 or IEEE 1547 inverters will not be subject to additional testingii. Systems utilizing all inverters other than UL 1741 or IEEE 1547 will be subject to third-party testing performed at the Customer's expense 6. Successful completion of the Company on-site inspection constitutes the conclusion of the application process. The Company must make a reasonable effort to move the Customer to the appropriate Net Metering Service or Small On-Site Generation Service rate schedule within five (5) business days. Under no circumstances will the rate change occur more than fifteen (15) business days from the date of the successfully completed inspection. Upon completion of this process, the Customer will receive written or electronic mail confirmation that the application process has been successfully completed. +en IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - Oeteger&nggry 1,20139 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company t:;td* Revised Sheet ["*:f: O |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-8 iens ffi + ies IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY lssued per Order No. 32€46 greg€qffArea+dTimothv E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - getegerJanUery 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l* Revised Sheet [:#f: I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-9 a SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERAT]ON (Continued) SEGTION 2: INTERCONNEGTION OF NET METERING OR SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACI LlTl ES (Continued ) APPLICATION PROCESS (Continued) 7. ln the event that eration Svstem fai.|s insoection. the svstem will be locked and a tao providino Comoanv contact information will be placed on tne Oevice. n Co inq tne reason(st for a with insoection reouirements. Once all issues have been addressed and the Customer indicates that tne svstem nas pass thesvstem- APPLICATION EXPIRA t. nootications tn neview are consiOerc are reouired to resubmit a comoleted aoolication form and $100 aoolication fee. and are subiect to the full aoolication orocess described above. RECERTIFICATION 1. The Company will and Small On-Site Generation Svstems once every three yea Comoanv will provide the Customer with w oerformino a recertification insoection. Recertification insoections will be oerformed in the same manner as new Net Metering and Small On-Site Generation Svstems inspections descr Customers mav cnoo right to insoect an and Small On-Site Generation Systems al-any*tlme-if conOitions are unsa service to its Custo I t. Any modifications to Net Metering Systems or Small On-Site Generation Svstems that impact the generation capacity of the system or modify the system in any way that may impact the safety or reliability of the Company's electrical system are considered system expansions for the purposes of this tariff. 2. Customers wishing to install system expansions must submit an application form and a $100 feasibility review and inspection fee, and complete the application process according to the procedures required for a new installation. s that have been expanded in the manner described above without gaining prior Company approval are ralthorized installations subject to the provisions of this schedule described beIow.!F&AEEFH€RIZEBM IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - OetegerJenuary 1, 20138 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I tOano Power Company *U* Revised Sheet B"r.rJ:o l.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-9 iac ifiredersi i IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY lssued per Order No. 32846 g+egoqffA€ardTimothv E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - getegerJerugry 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company d"*** Revised Sheet YJ.rrJ,3 o SCHEDULE 72 NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 2: INTERCONNECTION OF NET METERING OR SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACI LlTl ES (Continued) urunurnontzeo tNsm Small On-Site Generation interconnecteO to instatlations tna svstems. The orocess described herein orovides the Comoanv the abilitv to offer nNet mMeterino gSer'{iee and Small On-Site Generation Svstems in an efficient, safe, a. tt prooer Oisconn tne Oisconnect. Wne orovidino the reason for disconnection and Comoanv contact information. A door hanoer or card witt atso Oe tett at t Oisconnection, tn Uoon comptetion ot b. lf orooer disconnection eouioment is not oresent. the Comoanv will evaluate rnstaledlnyerters i. f tne svstem utl contact tne Custom eomnnunjcation regarding t tne necessary steps orocedures: t. Witnin fitteen (l a comoleted ne+-m€+ering-an aoolication and $100 fee. Z. Witnin tnirfu fgO) neview, tne Custom requirements describe UNNUTHER-ED INSTAL 3. Customers who do not wish to bring their systems into compliance with this schedule may choose to disable their systems. Customers choosing to do so must notify the Company of their decision within thirty (30) days of receiving the initial Company notification regarding the unauthorized installation. iesea*iee IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - geteUerJenuafy 1, 20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ].P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. lOlFirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-10 I Uafro Power Company *ry Revised Sheet No. 72-10 Cancels !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. lOlFirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-10 i+ iee= inc lisi i€+ e MUI IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY!ssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - OetegerJArueff 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho o ldaho Power Company d.""** Revised Sheet YJ.?,l LP.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 1O1Eir#Second Revised Sheet No. 72-11 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERAT!ON (Continued) SECTION 32: INTERCONNECTION OF l.lOl,l-NET METERING OR SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITI ES (Continued) UNAUTHORIZED INSTALLATIONS AND EXPANSIONS (Continued) +. Customers tnat tal attotteO timetrame be subiect to termination of electric service. ii. f tne system ut oresence of UL 1741 or IEEE 1547 inverters cannot be verified. the Customer will be subiect to immediate termination of service without notice. S. Customers suO,ie options tor restorat oer the Comoanv's standard fees contained in Schedule 66. a. Customers may ch or Small On-Site Generation Svstems from service. Perma minimum. inctuOe Generation tnterco breaker or switch do _lo permanently disco System or Small On- Svstem must receive confirmat or Small On- Site Generation System is no longer operat fne resutts of tnis l O. Customers can Or scneOute Ov compte SECTION 3: INTERGO RATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NEI METERING AND SMALL ON.SITE GENERATION FACILITIES The followino section is aoolicable to all Sellers reouestino interconnection of non-utilitv oeneration not tak 6. Schedule 8. or Schedule 84. SPECIFIC PROJECT R t. Generation facl The followino reouirements are for Generation Facilities with nameolate ratinos of less than 1 IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYIssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - OetegerJAlUary 1,20138 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho MW- I Uafro Power Company *"u*Revised Sheet No. 72-11 Cancels |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lFirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-11 + M iem ing C€ffipaale ien fufl€#in+ i +i. *tn iii ++ee The €empany will e ien IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY lssued per Order No. 32846 e+egory#aidTimothv E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - Oe+egerJanUary 1, 20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho o ldaho Power Company i}e**** Revised Sheet Y"r"2;|,3 I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lFirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-12 o SCHEDULE 72 NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF l.lO$.|-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FAGILITIES (Continued) SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUIREMENTS (Continued) a. fne Companv snal recorO energy deliver meterino of the Seller's load and mav be located on either side of the lnterconnection Point. All acquisition. installation, maintenano instatteO to measu b. fne Setter is res ieul evatuation and tes of tne review or test c. fne Setter, upon Generation Facitl orofessional enoineer licensed in the State of ldaho statino that the Seller's Generation Facilitv and lnterconnectl etectricat anO saru d. The Seller will o testino bv a orofessional enoineer licensed in the State of ldaho. certifuino the onooino comptiance witn tg Setter-furnisned tne event tne Compa davs of the annual anniversarv date of the aoreement. the oroiect will be disconnected from the esmBa$r e. tn aOOition to tn Facilities that are greater than 100 kW and less than 1 MW total nameplate ratino require the hlowins L. f tne Companv ow Ceneration facitl disconnection Oev ii. f tne Setter ow facititv, tnen tne Oisconnection dev iii. fne Companv wl retavs anO anv assoc Z. Generation facl fne Comoanv witt ow Eouioment at the Seller's exoense. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.328zt6,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - gercUerJanueff 1,20138 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I uano Power Company *"1}t Revised Sheet No. 72-12? Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lFirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-123 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTI LITY GENERATION Continued SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) 1. Seller shall pay the actual costs of all required interconnection studies. Any difference between the deposit (if required) and the actual cost of the study shall be paid by or refunded to Seller, as appropriate. lf, during the course of preparing a study, the Company incurs costs in excess of the deposit amount, the Company may require that the deposit amount be replenished in an amount equal to the estimated costs for completion of the study. lf a deposit amount sufficient to pay for completion of the study is not maintained, the Company may suspend work on the study. 2. Unless modified by the provisions of this schedule, the FERC-approved Large Generator lnterconnection Procedures and Small Generator lnterconnection Procedures posted on the Company's website will apply to the Generator !nterconnection Process. 3. The deposit amounts for Generation Facilities up to 30 MW are specified in this schedule. Deposit amounts for Generation Facilities 30 MW and larger are covered by the FERC- approved Large Generator lnterconnection Procedures posted on the Company's website. 4. Application. The Seller will submit a completed interconnection application in the form posted on the Company's website. The application form includes a general description of the Generation Facility and its location. The application includes payment of an application fee to be applied against costs the Company incurs to perform the Feasibility Study described below. The amount of the application fee is $1,000 for a Generation Facility up to 30 MW. 5. Studv Aoreements. lf the Seller desires to proceed beyond the Application stage, the Seller will be offered a series of study agreements. The individual study agreements establish the time to perform the study and the deposit the Seller is to provide prior to commencement of the study. The deposit amount may be waived if a Seller meets the Company's credit worthiness standards for unsecured credit specified in Attachment L to the Company's OATT. The studies consist of: a. The Feasibilitv Studv: The Feasibility Study includes a general review of project impact, e.g. exceeding equipment capabilities and violation of electrical performance requirements. The Feasibility Study Agreement states that no deposit is required, since the deposit is covered by the application fee. b. The Svstem lmoact Studv: The System lmpact Study provides a detailed assessment of the distribution and/or transmission system adequacy to accommodate the Generation Facility through the evaluation of equipment capabilities and electrical performance requirements. This step may not be necessary for some projects depending on the size and location of the project. The System lmpact Study Agreement includes a deposit of $2,000 for a distribution system impact study or a $10,000 deposit for a transmission system impact study. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective-getebe+JenUeff 1,20139 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho t I uano Power Company l.P J***Revised Sheet No. 72-1 Cance 1 l FirstSecond 1 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECT!ONS TO NON-UT!LITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF I.ICF.I-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET MEIERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FAGILITIES (Continued) (Continued) c. The Facilitv Studv: The Facility Study includes the engineering to determine the design specifications of the project. The Facility Study Agreement includes a deposit of 5o/o of the total project costs that were determined in the System lmpact Study Report ('SISR') or the Feasibility Study Report if a SISR is not required, capped at $30,000. At the end of each stage of the three-step study process, the Company will provide the Seller with an increasingly more refined and detailed report that, among other things, will present a list of required lnterconnection Facilities and a non-binding, good faith estimate of Seller's cost responsibility for the lnterconnection Facilities. !f long-lead time equipment items need to be ordered to meet Seller's construction schedule, the Company will request advance funding by the Seller to cover these equipment costs. 6. Generator lnterconnection Aqreement. The Generator lnterconnection Agreement ("GlA'), will be offered to Seller following completion of the Facility Study. The GIA will utilize the Uniform lnterconnection Agreement template included in this schedule. COST OF INTERCONNECT]ON FACILITIES All Interconnection Facilities provided under this schedule will be valued at the Company's Construction Cost andlor the Transfer Cost for vesting purposes as well as for operation and maintenance payment obligations. PAYMENT FOR INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES Unless specifically agreed otherwise by written agreement between the Seller and the Company, the Seller will pay all costs of interconnecting a Generation Facility to the Company's system. Costs of interconnection include the costs of furnishing and constructing required lnterconnection Facilities, including Upgrades. Each request for interconnection will go through the Generator lnterconnection Process. Throughout the Generator lnterconnection Process, the Company will periodically bill the Seller for costs incurred or obligated. Failure to pay an invoice within the time specified in the invoice will result in suspension of work on the interconnection and if the suspension of work extends beyond thirty (30) calendar days, the Generation Facility will be removed from the interconnection queue. Seller can end the Generator lnterconnection Process at any time. lf Seller decides to end the Generator lnterconnection Process prior to completion, the Company will either refund any monies held for security that have not been spent or obligated, or issue an invoice to Seller for costs incurred prior to cancellation. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32&16,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - geteber&ngery 1, 20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company **nTt* Revised Sheet *"."rr"J"0,3 I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lFirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-145 o SCHEDULE 72 NON-UT!LITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF !.|€|{-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) SECURITY FOR PAYMENT OF INTERCONNECTION COSTS Sellers will provide adequate security for payment of the costs of the Generator lnterconnection Process. Adequate security for Generation Facilities larger than 30 MW can be provided in accordance with the Large Generator lnterconnection Procedures contained in Attachment M to the Company's OATT. Adequate security for Generation Facilities up to 30 MW can be provided in one of the following ways 1. Sellers that meet the Company's credit worthiness standards for unsecured credit are not required to provide additional security. The Company's minimum credit standards for unsecured credit are described in Attachment L to the OATT. 2. Sellers that do not meet the credit worthiness standards for unsecured credit will be notified of the reason for the determination and shall be given the option to provide alternative security acceptable to ldaho Power. ln lieu of providing a cash deposit, Seller may establish an escrow account, provide a letter of credit or provide guarantee of payment by another person or entity which meets the credit worthiness standards for unsecured credit. Arrangements for alternative security must be acceptable to ldaho Power. Transfer of lnterconnection Facilities is available only for Generation Facilities with nameplate ratings greater than 100 kW. 1. Transfer at First Enerqv Date. lf the Seller desires to transfer and the Company desires to accept any Seller-Fumished Facilities at the First Energy Date, the following will apply: a. Prior to the beginning of construction, the Seller shall cause the contractor that is constructing the Seller-Furnished Facilities to provide the Company with a certificate naming the Company as an additional insured in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 under the contractor's general liability policy. b. The Company will provide the Selle/s contractor with construction and material specifications and wil! have fina! approval of the design of the Seller-Furnished Facilities. c. During construction and upon completion, the Company will inspect the Seller- Furnished Facilities to be transferred to the Company. The cost of such inspection will be borne by the Seller. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - getege+Jafuarv 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I Uano Power Company Revised Sheet No. 72-1 1 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF !.lOl,l-GENERATION FAGILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FAGILITIES (Continued) TRANS FER OF I NTERCON N ECTION FACI LlTl ES (Continued ) d. !f the Seller-Furnished Facilities meet the Company's design, material and construction specifications, are free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the Seller has provided the Company with acceptable easements, bills of sale and assurance against labor or materials liens, the Company will accept ownership effective as of the First Energy Date. ln the bill of sale, the Seller will warrant to the Company that the Seller-Furnished Facilities are free of any liens or encumbrances and will be free from any defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the First Energy Date. 2. Subsequent Transfer. lf, after the First Energy Date, the Seller desires to transfer and the Company desires to accept any Seller-Furnished Facilities, the following will apply: a. The Company will inspect the facilities proposed for sale to determine if they meet the Company's design, material and construction specifications. b. The Company will determine the Transfer Cost of such facilities. The Transfer Cost will be equal to the depreciated Construction Cost the Company would have incurred if it had originally constructed the facilities plus the cost, if any, of bringing the facilities into compliance with the Company's design, material and construction specifications. Depreciation of the facilities proposed for transfer will be determined on the same basis as the Company depreciates its own facilities in accordance with the appropriate FERC account numbers for the type and size of line or equipment involved. The time period used for the calculation of the depreciated transfer cost will extend from the First Energy Date until the agreed upon transfer date. The Transfer Cost will be paid to the Company in cash at the time of transfer. At the same time, the Company will pay the Seller in cash an amount equal to the depreciated Construction Cost. c. As a condition of the Company's acceptance, the Seller wil! provide the Company with acceptable easements, bills of sale and acceptable assurance against labor and material liens. The bill of sale will include a warranty that the transferred facilities are free of all liens and encumbrances and will be free from any defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of transfer. d. Effective as of the date of the transfer, the Company will operate and maintain the transferred facilities. VESTED INTEREST A Selle/s eligibility for a Vested lnterest refund will exist for 5 years after the date the Company completes construction of its portion of the lnterconnection Facilities. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32€46,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective-OetegerJAnuarv 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company +h#dFlrth Revised Sheet *"arr"Jj,l !.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. lOlSeeendThird Revised Sheet No. 72-167 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTI LITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERGONNECTION OF l.lO|,l-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON.SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) VESTED INTEREST (Continued) 1. The Company will provide a refund payment to each Seller holding a Vested lnterest in Company-owned lnterconnection Facilities when an Additional Applicant shares use of those I nterconnection Facilities. 2. The refund payment will be based on the following formula Refund = Linear Footage Ratio x Connected Load/Peak Generation Ratio Original lnterconnection Cost x a. The Linear Footage Ratio is the length of jointly used Special Facilities divided by the length of the vested Special Facilities. b. The Connected Load/Peak Generation Ratio is the Connected Load or Peak Generation of the Additional Applicant divided by the sum of the Connected Load or Peak Generation of the Additional Applicant and all other Connected Loads and/or Peak Generation on the Special Facilities. c. The Original lnterconnection Cost is the sum of the Company's Construction Cost and any Transfer Costs for the lnterconnection Facilities to which the Additional Applicant intends to connect and share usage. 3. The Additional Applicant will pay the Company the amount of the Vested lnterest refund(s). AdditionalApplicants making Vested lnterest payments are in turn eligible to receive refunds within the 5 year limit described above. 4. Vested lnterest refunds will not exceed 100 percent of the refundable portion of any party's cash payment to the Company. 5. Vested lnterest refund payments may be waived by notifying the Company in writing OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENSES The Company will operate and maintain Company furnished lnterconnection Facilities as well as any Seller-Furnished Facilities transferred to the Company. For all projects not interconnecting as a Schedule 6. Schedule 8, or Schedule 84 customer, the Seller will pay the Company a monthly operation and maintenance charge equal to a percentage of the Construction Cost and Transfer Cost paid by the Seller. The percentage will change annually on the anniversary of the First Energy Date in accordance with the following tables: IDAHO lssued Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, Idaho I uano Power Company Revised Sheet No. 72-1 1 Third 72-1 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILIry GENERATION (Continued) SEGTION 3: INTERGONNECTION OF |{O|II-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENSES (Continued) TABLE 1: MONTHLY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE CHARGES FOR 138 kV and 161 kV TABLE 2: MONTHLY OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE CHARGES BELOW 138 kV The monthly operating and maintenance charges in Table 1 and Table 2 will be applied as a percentage of the applicable original interconnection investment. These monthly operating and maintenance charges escalate annually and are equivalent to 3S-year levelized rates of O.4Oo/o for Table 1 and 0.70o/o forTable 2. Where a Seller's interconnection will utilize lnterconnection Facilities provided under a prior agreement(s) and the combined term(s) of the prior agreement(s) is less than 35 years, the operation and maintenance charge related to those existing lnterconnection Facilities for the Seller's interconnection will be computed to include the expired term of the prior agreement(s). Where a Se!!er's interconnection will utilize lnterconnection Facilities provided under a prior agreement(s) and the combined term(s) of the prior agreement(s) is greater than 35 years, the operation and maintenance charge related to those existing lnterconnection Facilities for the Seller's interconnection will be computed at the applicable levelized rate designated at 36+ years. The cost upon which an individual Selle/s operation and maintenance charge is based wil! be reduced by subsequent Vested lnterest refunds. Additional Applicants who are Sellers will pay the monthly operation and maintenance charge on the amount they paid as an Additional Applicant. Seller-Furnished Facilities not transferred to the Company will be operated and maintained by the Seller at the Selle/s sole risk and expense. IDAHO lssued Effective - lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West Idaho Street, Boise, ldaho Year 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 I I 10 11 12 O&M Charge 0.260/o 0.27o/o 0.28o/o O.29o/o 0.30%0.32o/o 0.33%0.3s%0.36%0.38%0.40%0.41yo Year 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 O&M Charge O.43Yo 0.45%0.47o/o 0.49o/o 0.52o/o 0.54%0.56%0.59%0.62%0.64%0.67%0.70o/o Year 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36+ O&M Charge 0.73o/o 0.77%0.80%0.84%0.87%0.91o/o 0.96%1.00%1.04%1.09%1.14%0A0% Year 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 I 9 10 11 12 O&M Charge O.47o/"0.49o/o 0.52Yo 0.54%0.56%0.59%0.61%0.64%0.670/0 0.70%0.73o/o 0.77% Year 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 O&M Charge 0.80%0.840/0 0.870/0 0.91o/o 0.95%1.00%1.O4Yo 1.09%1.14o/o 1.',tg%1.24o/o 1.30o/o Year 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36+ O&M Charge 1.36Yo 1.42o/o 1.48o/o 1.55Yo 1.62%1.69%1.77o/o 1.85%1.93%2.02%2.11%0.70o/o ldaho Power Company **nfp Revised Sheet *""rr"J33 I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. lOlFirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-189 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF NON-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN I FORM I NTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) This Interconnection Agreement ("Agreement") is effective as of the _ day of 2O--, between hereinafter called "Seller," and ldaho Power Company, hereinafter called "Company." RECITALS A. Seller will own or operate a Generation Facility that qualifies for service under ldaho Power's Commission-approved Schedule 72 and any successor schedule. B. The Generation Facility covered by this Agreement is more particularly described in Attachment 1. AGREEMENTS 1. Capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings as defined in Schedule 72 or in the body of this Agreement. 2. This Agreement and Schedule 72 provide the rates, charges, terms and conditions under which the Seller's Generation Facility will interconnect with, and operate in parallel with, the Company's transmission/distribution system. Terms defined in Schedule 72will have the same defined meaning in this Agreement. lf there is any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and Schedule 72, Schedule 72 shall prevail. 3. This Agreement is not an agreement to purchase Seller's power. Purchase of Seller's power and other services that Seller may require will be covered under separate agreements. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to affect any other agreement between the Company and Seller. 4. Attached to this Agreement and included by reference are the following Attachment 1 - Description and Costs of the Generation Facility, lnterconnection Facilities, and Metering Equipment. Attachment 2 - One-line Diagram Depicting the Generation Facility, lnterconnection Facilities, Metering Equipment and Upgrades. Attachment 3 - Milestones For !nterconnecting the Generation Facility. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY!ssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - OetegerJenuaqy 1, 20138 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I Uano Power Company ff"**Revised Sheet No. SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERGONNECTION OF l.lOl,l-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNIFORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) Attachment 4 - Additional Operating Requirements for the Company's Transmission System Needed to Support the Seller's Generation Facility. Attachment 5 - Reactive Power Attachment 6 - Description of Upgrades required to integrate the Generation Facility and Best Estimate of Upgrade Costs. 5. Effective Date. Term. Termination and Disconnection 5.1 Term of Aoreement. Unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, this Agreement shall become effective on the date specified above and remain effective as long as Seller's Generation Facility is eligible for service under Schedule 72. 5.2 Termination. 5.2.1 Seller may voluntarily terminate this Agreement upon expiration or termination of an agreement to sell power to the Company. 5.2.2 After a Default, either Party may terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 6.5. 5.2.3 Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, the Seller's Generation Facility will be disconnected from the Company's transmission/distribution system. The termination or expiration of this Agreement shall not relieve either Party of its liabilities and obligations, owed or continuing at the time of the termination. The provisions of this Section shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32&16,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - Oetege+&ruery 1, 20139 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company **flF Revised Sheet *"ar?.T* |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lFirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-201 O SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTI LITY GENERATION (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN IFORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 5.3 Temporarv Disconnection. Temporary disconnection shall continue only for so long as reasonably necessary under "Good Utility Practice." Good Utility Practice means any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric industry during the relevant time period, or any of the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost consistent with good business practices, reliability, safety and expedition. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method, or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be acceptable practices, methods, or acts generally accepted in the region. Good Utility Practice includes compliance with WECC or NERC requirements. Payment of lost revenue resulting from temporary disconnection shall be governed by the power purchase agreement. 5.3.1 Emeroencv Conditions. "Emergency Condition" means a condition or situation: (1) that in the judgment of the Party making the claim is imminently likely to endanger life or property; or (2) that, in the case of the Company, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to the Company's transmission/distribution system, the Company's lnterconnection Facilities or the equipment of the Company's customers; or (3) that, in the case of the Seller, is imminently likely (as determined in a non- discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the reliability and security of, or damage to, the Generation Facility or the Seller's lnterconnection Facilities. Under Emergency Conditions, either the Company or the Seller may immediately suspend interconnection service and temporarily disconnect the Generation Facility. The Company shall notify the Seller promptly when it becomes aware of an Emergency Condition that may reasonably be expected to affect the Seller's operation of the Generation Facility. The Seller shall notify the Company promptly when it becomes aware of an Emergency Condition that may reasonably be expected to affect the Company's equipment or service to the Company's customers. To the extent information is known, the notification shall describe the Emergency Condition, the extent of the damage or deficiency, the expected effect on the operation of both Parties' facilities and operations, its anticipated duration, and the necessary corrective action. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - getegerjanuary 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF |.lOl{-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FAGILITIES (Continued) I uano Power Company Revised Sheet No.72-24 SCHEDULE 72 NON-UTILITY GENERAT!ON (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNEGTION OF l.lOD,l-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNI FORM INTERCONNECT]ON AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 5.3.2 Routine Maintenance. Construction. and Repair. The Company may interrupt interconnection service or curtail the output of the Seller's Generation Facilityand temporarily disconnect the Generation Facility from the Company's transmission/distribution system when necessary for routine maintenance, construction, and repairs on the Company's transmission/distribution system. The Company will make a reasonable attempt to contact the Seller prior to exercising its rights to intenupt interconnection or curtail deliveries from the Seller's Facility. Seller understands that in the case of emergency circumstances, real time operations of the electrica! system, and/or unplanned events, the Company may not be able to provide notice to the Seller prior to interruption, curtailment or reduction of electrical energy deliveries to the Company. The Company shall use reasonable efforts to coordinate such reduction or temporary disconnection with the Seller. 5.3.3 Scheduled Maintenance. On or before January 31 of each calendar year, Seller shall submit a written proposed maintenance schedule of significant Facility maintenance for that calendar year and the Company and Seller shall mutually agree as to the acceptability of the proposed schedule. The Parties determination as to the acceptability of the Seller's timetable for scheduled maintenance will take into consideration Good Utility Practices, ldaho Power system requirements and the Seller's preferred schedule. Neither Party shall unreasonably withhold acceptance of the proposed maintenance schedule. 5.3.4. Maintenance Coordination. The Seller and the Company shall, to the extent practical, coordinate their respective transmission/distribution system and Generation Facility maintenance schedules such that they occur simultaneously. Seller shall provide and maintain adequate protective equipment sufficient to prevent damage to the Generation Facility and Seller-furnished lnterconnection Facilities. ln some cases, some of Seller's protective relays will provide back-up protection for ldaho Power's facilities. !n that event, ldaho Power will test such relays annually and Seller will pay the actual cost of such annual testing. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - Oetege+Jelggly 1,20139 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I uano Power Company Revised Sheet No. 72-22Q Cancels **ry o I I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101Fi+stsecond Revised Sheet No. 72-223 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON.UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF |,IOI.I-GENERATION FAGILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN IFORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 5.3.5 Forced Outaoes. During any forced outage, the Company may suspend interconnection service to effect immediate repairs on the Company's transmission/distribution system. The Company shall use reasonable efforts to provide the Seller with prior notice. lf prior notice is not given, the Company shall, upon request, provide the Seller written documentation after the fact explaining the circumstances of the disconnection. 5.3.6 Adverse Operatino Effects. The Company shall notify the Seller as soon as practicable if, based on Good Utility Practice, operation of the Seller's Generation Facility may cause disruption or deterioration of service to other customers served from the same electric system, or if operating the Generation Facility could cause damage to the Company's transmission/distribution system or other affected systems. Supporting documentation used to reach the decision to disconnect shal! be provided to the Seller upon request. lf, after notice, the Seller fails to remedy the adverse operating effect within a reasonable time, the Company may disconnect the Generation Facility. The Company shall provide the Seller with reasonable notice of such disconnection, unless the provisions of Article 5.3.1 apply. 5.3.7 Modification of the Generation Facilitv. The Seller must receive written authorization from the Company before making any change to the Generation Facility that may have a material impact on the safety or reliability of the Company's transmission/distribution system. Such authorization shal! not be unreasonably withheld. Modifications shall be done in accordance with Good Utility Practice. lf the Seller makes such modification without the Company's prior written authorization, the latter shall have the right to temporarily disconnect the Generation Facility. 5.3.8 Reconnection. The Parties shall cooperate with each other to restore the Generation Facility, lnterconnection Facilities, and the Company's transmission/distribution system to their normal operating state as soon as reasonably practicable fol lowing a tem porary d iscon nection. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32&16,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - eebgerJenUary 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company !.P.U.C. No. 29, TariffNq if** Revised sheet *""lr.ff,f 1 01 FirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-23{ SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECT!ONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF $.IOS,I-GENERATION FAGILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN I FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 5.3.9 Voltaoe Levels. Seller, in accordance with Good Utility Practices, shall minimize voltage fluctuations and maintain voltage levels acceptable to ldaho Power. ldaho Power may, in accordance with Good Utility Practices, upon one hundred eighty (180) days'notice to the Seller, change its nominal operating voltage level by more than ten percent (10%) at the Point of Delivery, in which case Seller shall modify, at ldaho Power's expense, Seller's equipment as necessary to accommodate the modified nominal operating voltage level. 5.4 Land Riqhts. 5.4.1 Seller to Provide Access. Seller hereby grants to ldaho Power for the term of this Agreement all necessary rights-of-way and easements to install, operate, maintain, replace, and remove ldaho Power's Metering Equipment, lnterconnection Equipment, Disconnection Equipment, Protection Equipment and other Special Facilities necessary or useful to this Agreement, including adequate and continuing access rights on property of Seller. Seller warrants that it has procured sufficient easements and rights-of-way from third parties so as to provide ldaho Power with the access described above. All documents granting such easements or rights-of-way shall be subject to ldaho Power's approval and in recordable form. 5.4.2 Use of Public Riohts-of-Wav. The Parties agree that it is necessary to avoid the adverse environmental and operating impacts that would occur as a result of duplicate electric lines being constructed in close proximity. Therefore, subject to ldaho Power's compliance with Paragraph 5.4.4, Seller agrees that should Seller seek and receive from any local, state or federal governmental body the right to erect, construct and maintain Seller-furnished lnterconnection Facilities upon, along and over any and all public roads, streets and highways, then the use by Seller of such public right-of-way shall be subordinate to any future use by ldaho Power of such public right-of-way for construction and/or maintenance of electric distribution and transmission facilities and ldaho Power may claim use of such public right-of-way for such purposes at any time. Except as required by Paragraph 5.4.4, ldaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this Paragraph 5.4.2. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY lssued per Order No. 32846 e+egoryfAl=Sa+dTimothv E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - Oeteger&ruary 1,201?9 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company **ry Revised Sheet *""113,3 I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. l0lFirstSecond Revised Sheet No. 72-245 o SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF NON-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNI FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued ) 5.4.3 Joint Use of Facilities. Subject to ldaho Power's compliance with Paragraph 15.4.4,ldaho Power may use and attach its distribution and/or transmission facilities to Seller's lnterconnection Facilities, may reconstruct Selle/s lnterconnection Facilities to accommodate ldaho Powe/s usage or ldaho Power may construct its own distribution or transmission facilities along, over and above any public right-of-way acquired from Seller pursuant to Paragraph 5.4.2, attaching Seller's lnterconnection Facilities to such newly constructed facilities. Except as required by Paragraph 5.4.4, ldaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this Paragraph 5.4.3. 5.4.4 Conditions of Use. lt is the intention of the Parties that the Seller be left in substantially the same condition, both financially and electrically, as Seller existed prior to ldaho Power's exercising its rights under this Paragraph 5.4. Therefore, the Parties agree that the exercise by ldaho Power of any of the rights enumerated in Paragraphs 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 shallr (1) comply with all applicable laws, codes and Good Utility Practices, (2) equitably share the costs of installing, owning and operating jointly used facilities and rights-of-way. lf the Parties are unable to agree on the method of apportioning these costs, the dispute will be submitted to the Commission for resolution and the decision of the Commission will be binding on the Parties, and (3) shall provide Seller with an interconnection to ldaho Power's system of equal capacity and durability as existed prior to ldaho Power exercising its rights under this Paragraph 5.4. 6. Assiqnment. Liabilitv. lndemnitv. Force maieure. Consequential Damaoes and Default 6.1 Assionment. This Agreement may be assigned by either Party upon twenty-one (21) calendar days prior written notice and opportunity to object by the other Party; provided that: 6.1.1 Either Party may assign this Agreement without the consent of the other Party to any affiliate of the assigning Party with an equal or greater credit rating and with the legal authority and operational ability to satisfy the obligations of the assigning Party under this Agreement. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY lssued per Order No. 32846 e+egoryfAreaidTimothv E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - OeteUerJeruery 1,20139 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I uano Power Company Revised Sheet No. SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILIry GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF },|€|.I-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FAGILITIES (Gontinued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN lFORM lNTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 6.1.2 The Seller shall have the right to contingently assign this Agreement, without the consent of the Company, for collateral security purposes to aid in providing financing for the Generation Facility, provided that the Seller will promptly notify the Company of any such contingent assignment. 6.1.3 Any attempted assignment that violates this article is void and ineffective. Assignment shall not relieve a Party of its obligations, nor shall a Party's obligations be enlarged, in whole or in part, by reason thereof. An assignee is responsible for meeting the same financial, credit, and insurance obligations as the Seller. Where required, consent to assignment will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. 6.2 Limitation of Liabilitv. Each Party's liability to the other Party for any !oss, cost, claim, injury, liability, or expense, including reasonable aftorney's fees, relating to or arising from any act or omission in its performance of this Agreement, shall be limited to the amount of direct damage actually incurred. ln no event shall either Party be liable to the other Party for any indirect, special, consequential, or punitive damages, except as authorized by this Agreement. 6.3 lndemnitv. 6.3.1 This provision protects each Party from liability incurred to third parties as a result of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. Liability under this provision is exempt from the general limitations on liability found in Article 6.2. 6.3.2 The Parties shall at all times indemnify, defend, and hold the other Party harmless from, any and al! damages, losses, claims, including claims and actions relating to injury to or death of any person or damage to property, demand, suits, recoveries, costs and expenses, court costs, attorney fees, and all other obligations by or to third parties, arising out of or resulting from the other Party's action or failure to meet its obligations under this Agreement on behalf of the indemnifying Party, except in cases of gross negligence or intentional wrongdoing by the indemnified Party. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - OeteberJAruery '1,20139 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I Uarro Power Company **ry Revised Sheet No. 7 2-262 Cancels O |.P.U.C. Nq. 2.9. Tariff NoJ01 Revised Sheet No. 72-267 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECT!ONS TO NON-UT!LITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF D^lOl.l-GENERATTON FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Gontinued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNI FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued ) 6.3.3 lf an indemnified person is entitled to indemnification under this article as a result of a claim by a third party, and the indemnifying Party fails, after notice and reasonable opportunity to proceed under this article, to assume the defense of such claim, such indemnified person may at the expense of the indemnifying Party contest, settle or consent to the entry of any judgment with respect to, or pay in full, such claim. Failure to defend is a Material Breach. 6.3.4 lf an indemnifying party is obligated to indemnify and hold any indemnified person harmless under this article, the amount owing to the indemnified person shall be the amount of such indemnified person's actual loss, net of any insurance or other recovery. 6.3.5 Promptly after receipt by an indemnified person of any claim or notice of the commencement of any action or administrative or legal proceeding or investigation as to which the indemnity provided for in this article may apply, the indemnified person shall notify the indemnifying party of such fact. Any failure of or delay in such notification shall be a Material Breach and shall not affect a Party's indemnification obligation unless such failure or delay is materially prejudicial to the indemnifying party. 6.4 Force Maieure. As used in this Agreement, "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means any cause beyond the control of the Seller or of the Company which, despite the exercise of due diligence, such Party is unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilities, civil strife, strikes and other labor disturbances, earthquakes, fires, lightning, epidemics, sabotage, or changes in law or regulation occuning after the Operation Date, which, by the exercise of reasonable foresight such party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and by the exercise of due diligence, it shall be unable to overcome. lf either Party is rendered wholly or in part unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement because of an event of Force Majeure, both Parties shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure, provided that: (1) The non-performing Pafi shall, as soon as is reasonably possible after the occurrence of the Force Majeure, give the other Party written notice describing the particulars of the occurrence. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - OeteOerJengery 1,201A8 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I Uano Power Company Revised Sheet No. 72-278 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON.UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF S.l€ll-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO COMPANY UN I FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) (2) The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the event of Force Majeure. (3) No obligations of either Party which arose before the occurrence causing the suspension of performance and which could and should have been fully performed before such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such occurrence. 6.5 Default and Material Breaches. 6.5.1 Defaults. lf either Party fails to perform any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement (a "Default" or an "Event of Default"), the nondefaulting Party shall cause notice in writing to be given to the defaulting Party, specifying the manner in which such default occurred. lf the defaulting Party shall fail to cure such Default within the sixty (60) days after service of such notice, or if the defaulting Party reasonably demonstrates to the other Party that the Default can be cured within a commercially reasonable time but not within such sixty (60) day period and then fails to diligently pursue such cure, then, the nondefaulting Party may, at its option, terminate this Agreement and/or pursue its legal or equitable remedies. 6.5.2 Materia! Breaches. The notice and cure provisions in Paragraph 6.6.1 do not apply to Defaults identified in this Agreement as Material Breaches. Material Breaches must be cured as expeditiously as possible following occurrence of the breach. 7. lnsurance. During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall secure and continuously carry the following insurance coverage: 7.1 Comprehensive General Liability lnsurance for both bodily injury and property damage with limits equal to $1,000,000, each occurrence, combined single limit. The deductible for such insurance shall be consistent with current lnsurance lndustry Utility practices for similar property. 7.2 The above insurance coverage shall be placed with an insurance company with an A.M. Best Company rating of A- or better and shall include: IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY!ssuedperorderNo.32€'zt6,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - getegerJanuafy 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, Idaho I loano Power Company Revised Sheet No. 72-289 Cancels F{€tSUd o I LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101Onq+na+First Revised Sheet No. 72-289 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILIW GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF NON-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Gontinued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNIFORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) (a) An endorsement naming ldaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee as applicable; and (b) A provision stating that such policy shall not be canceled or the limits of liability reduced without sixty (60) days' prior written notice to ldaho Power. 7.3 Seller to Provide Certificate of lnsurance. As required in Paragraph 7 herein and annually thereafter, Seller shall furnish the Company a certificate of insurance, together with the endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverage as set forth above. 7.4 Seller to Notifv ldaho Power of Loss of Coveraoe - lf the insurance coverage required by Paragraph 7.1 shall lapse for any reason, Seller will immediately notify ldaho Power in writing. The notice will advise ldaho Power of the specific reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taking to reinstate the coverage. Failure to provide this notice and to expeditiously reinstate or replace the coverage will constitute grounds for a temporary disconnection under Section 5.3 and will be a Material Breach. 8. Miscellaneous. 8.1 Governino Law. The validity, interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement and each of its provisions shall be governed by the laws of the State of Idaho without regard to its conflicts of law principles. 8.2 Salvaoe. No later than sixty (60) days after the termination or expiration of this Agreement, ldaho Power will prepare and fonuard to Seller an estimate of the remaining value of those ldaho Power furnished !nterconnection Facilities as required under Schedule 72 andlor described in this Agreement, less the cost of removal and transfer to ldaho Power's nearest warehouse, if the lnterconnection Facilities will be removed. lf Seller elects not to obtain ownership of the Interconnection Facilities but instead wishes that ldaho Power reimburse the Seller for said Facilities the Seller may invoice ldaho Power for the net salvage value as estimated by ldaho Power and ldaho Power shal! pay such amount to Seller within thirty (30) days after receipt of the invoice. Seller shall have the right to offset the invoice amount against any present or future payments due ldaho Power. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY lssued per Order No. 32€46 GregqyfffiTimothv E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective - Oe{eber January 1, 20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I uano Power Company Revised Sheet No. t.P SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF $^lOl.l-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNI FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 9. Notices. 9.1 General. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, any written notice, demand, or request required or authorized in connection with this Agreement ("Notice") shall be deemed properly given if delivered in person, delivered by recognized national currier service, or sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the person specified below: !f to the Seller: Selle Attentio Add City:State: Zip: Phone lf to the Company: Com Attention: Add State: Phone 9.2 out below: Billino and Pavment. Billings and payments shall be sent to the addresses set Sel Attention: Addtooo' State: Zip:_Phone:_Fax: Com Attention: Address: State: Phone IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32&16,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - geegerJanuaff 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company l.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 o Oriqinal Sheet No. 72-3e1 SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF |.lOl.l-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN IFORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) AGREEMENTS (Continued) 9.3 Desionated Operatinq Representative. The Parties may also designate operating representatives to conduct the communications which may be necessary or convenient for the administration of this Agreement. This person will also serve as the point of contact with respect to operations and maintenance of the Party's facilities. Seller's Operating Representative: Sel Attention: Address:City: State Fax: Company's Operating Representative Phone Com Attention: Address: City:State: Phone Fax: 9.5 Chanoes to the Notice lnformation. Either Party may change this information by giving five Business Days written notice prior to the effective date of the change. 10. Siqnatures. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized representatives. For the Company Name: Date For the Seller Name IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY!ssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - geteU,erJelgelt 1,20139 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho I'lafo' ldaho Power Company O|.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 72-342 - SCHEDULE 72 NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERGONNECTION OF NON-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UN I FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) Attachment 1 Description and Costs of the Generation Facilitv. lnterconnection Facilities and Meterinq Equipment ln this attachment the Generation Facility and lnterconnection Facilities, including Special Facilities and upgrades, are itemized and identified as being owned by the Seller or the Company. As provided in ScheduleT2, Pavment For lnterconnection Facilities, the Company will provide a best estimate itemized cost of its lnterconnection Facilities, including Special Facilities, upgrades and Metering Equipment. One-line Diaoram Depictino the Small Generation Facilitv. lnterconnection Facilities. Meterino Equipment and Uporades IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY!ssuedperorderNo.32846,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - geteUerJanualf 1,20139 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Attachment 2 ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 72-323 a SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF $.tO$l-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continuedl IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNI FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) Attachment 3 Milestones ln-Service Date: Critical milestones and responsibility as agreed to by the Parties: Milestone/Date Responsible Party (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (e) (10) Agreed to by: For the Company Date For the Seller Date IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYlssuedperorderNo.32€'z16,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - OeteUe.rJelgefy 1,20139 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company SCHEDULE 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION (Continued) SECTION 3: INTERCONNECTION OF l.lOS.l-GENERATION FACILITIES OTHER THAN NET METERING AND SMALL ON-SITE GENERATION FACILITIES (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY UNI FORM INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT (PURPA) (Continued) Attachment 4 Additional Operatino Requirements for the Companv's Transmission Svstem and Affected Svstems Needed to Suoport the Se!!er's Needs The Company shall also provide requirements that must be met by the Seller prior to initiating parallel operation with the Company's Transmission System. Attachment 5 Reactive Power Requirements ldaho Power will determine the reactive power required to be supplied by the Company to the Seller, based upon information provided by the Seller. The Company will specify the equipment required on the Company's system to meet the Facility's reactive power requirements. These specifications will include but not be limited to equipment specifications, equipment location, Company- provided equipment, Seller provided equipment, and all costs associated with the equipment, design and installation of the Company-provided equipment. The equipment specifications and requirements will become an integral part of this Agreement. The Company-owned equipment will be maintained by the Company, with total cost of purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to the Company by the Seller. Payment of these costs will be in accordance with Schedule 72 and the total reactive power cost will be included in the calculation of the Monthly Operation and Maintenance Charges specified in Schedule 72. Attachment 6 Comoanv's Description of Uporades Required to lnteorate the Generation Facilitv and Best Estimate of Upqrade Costs As provided in ScheduleT2 this Attachment describes Upgrades, including best work upgrades, and provides an itemized best estimate of the cost of the Upgrades. IDAHO lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY]ssuedperorderNo.32&16,VicePresident,RegulatoryAffairs Effective - getege+Jeluary 1,20138 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho