HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171127Comments.pdfSEAN COSTELLO DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO. 8743 RECEIVED ?fill ttiiY 27 Pil 2: 3 | ,,,', l,r liiP$#*,?,h18*' o* Street Address for Express Mail 472 W . WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attomey for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLTC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 2OI7 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN CASE NO. IPC-E.17.11 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Sean Costello, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Modified Procedure and Notice of Comment Deadline issued in Order No. 33889 on September 26, 2017 , in Case No. IPC-E- 17- I I to submit the following comments. BACKGROUND On June 30,2017, Idaho Power Company filed its 20lT lntegrated Resource Plan (IRP). The IRP is a status report on a utility's ongoing, evolving plans to adequately and reliably serve its customers at the lowest system cost and least risk over the next 20 years. The Commission requires the utility to update the IRP biennially, allow the public to participate in its development, and to implement the IRP. See Order Nos. 22299 and25260. The Company's pending Application asks the Commission to acknowledge that it has complied in filing its 2017 IRP. By acknowledging the IRP, the Commission has stated that it is acknowledging the Company's ongoing planning process, not the conclusions or results reached through that process. See OrderNo. 33441. ) ) ) ) ) ) ISTAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER27,2OI7 More specifically, the Commission has asked that a utility's IRP explain its current load/resource position, its expected responses to possible future events, and the role of conservation in its explanations and expectations. The IRP should also discuss "any flexibilities and analyses considered during comprehensive resource planning, such as: (1) examination of load forecast uncertainties; (2) effects of known or potential changes to existing resources; (3) consideration of demand- and supply-side resource options; and (4) contingencies for upgrading, optioning and acquiring resources at optimum times (considering cost, availability, lead time, reliability, risk, etc.) as future events unfold." See Order No.22299. The IRP should separately address: "Existing resource stack," by identifying all existing power supply resources; "Load forecast," by discussing expected 20-year load growth scenarios for retail markets and for the federal wholesale market including "requirements" customers, firm sales, and economy (spot) sales. This section should be a short synopsis of the utility's present load condition, expectations, and level ofconfidence; and "Additional resource menu," by describing the utility's plan for meeting all potential jurisdictional load over the 2l-year planning period, with references to expected costs, reliability, and risks inherent in the range of credible future scenarios. rd. In this case, in its Application, the Company explained that its 2017 IRP addresses available supply-side and demand-side resource options, planning period load forecasts, potential resource portfolios, a risk analysis, and an action plan that details how the Company intends to implement the 2017 IRP. The IRP filing consisted of four documents: (1) the 2017 IRP; (2) Appendix A - Sales and Load Forecast; (3) Appendix B - Demand-Side Management2}T4 Annual Report; and (a) Appendix C - Technical Appendix. The Company noted that it incorporated stakeholder and public input into its 2017 IRP by working with an Integrated Resource Plan Advisory Council (IRPAC), consisting of various stakeholders, and held eight IRPAC meetings while developing the 2017 IRP, including a workshop designed to explore the potential for distributed generation to defer grid investment. The Company further explained that the primary goals of its 2017 IRP are to: (1) identifu sufficient resources to reliably serve growing demand for energy over the 2)-year planning period (2017-2036); (2) ensure the selected resource portfolio balances cost, risk, and a \ a 2STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER27,2OI7 environmental concerns; (3) give balanced treatment to supply-side resource and demand-side measures; and (4) involve the public in the planning process in a meaningful way. STAFF REVIEW Staff actively participated in the IRPAC and believes the Company's IRP satisfies the Commission's requirements as specified in Order No.22299. Although Staff believes the IRP satisfies these requirements and several aspects of the IRP were well-constructed, Staff also finds that this IRP has significant deficiencies which unduly influenced the final portfolio selection. While IRPs are conducted every two years to capture any changes anticipated in the planning period, the Company repeatedly emphasized the importance of this IRP in making two critical resource decisions that must be initiated before the next IRP: 1) investing in Selective Catalytic Reduction Units (SCRs) for Units 1 and2 at its Jim Bridger Coal Facility in Wyomingand2) evaluating the economics of the Boardman to Hemingway transmission line (B2H). Staff supports the Company's analysis of generation, average energy forecasting, and the analytical construction of its portfolio development process, but believes that the Company's methodology for peak capacity forecasting, the natural gas price assumptions, and similarity of the modeled portfolios to each other combined to make this IRP far less robust than the 2015 IRP process. In addition, the Company did not take any steps towards improving its methodology for modeling demand-side resources similarly to supply-side resources. Load and Resource Balance The Company's system peak and load forecasts reflect continued growth in the Company's service territory. The IRP anticipates the number of customers will grow from 534,000 in 2016 to 756,000 by 2036. The Company anticipates that average energy use will grow by 0.9 percent per year (a reduction from the 1.2 percent increase forecasted in the 2015 IRP) and peak hour demand to grow by 1.4 percent per year (a reduction from the I .5 percent increase forecasted in the 2015 IRP). The 2017IRP predicts l.22percent residential load growth, 0.74 percent commercial load growth, 0.58 percent irrigation load growth, 0.70 percent industrial load growth, and additional firm load growth of 0 .7 6 percent. Nearly all of these are reductions from the 20 I 5 IRP forecasts, which were 1.3 percent for the residential, 1.0 for commercial, 0.5 for irrigation, J NOVEMBER27,2OI7STAFF COMMENTS 2.0 for industrial, and 0.6 for additional firm load growth. The Company's forecasts also show that the greatest increases in load appear in the early years of the planning period (2017 through 2022) with the increases leveling off in the out years (2022 through 2036). The Company's load and resource balance compares the capabilities of existing Company resources with monthly forecast average load and peak demand over the 2O-year IRP planning period. Without new resources, the Company expects a capacity deficit in July 2026 (the 2015 IRP predicted a2025 capacity deficit) and the first average load (energy) deficit in July 2029 (the 2015 IRP predicted no deficits through 2034). The Company forecasts that first year peak hour capacity deficit of 34 MW in2026 grows to 986 MW in 2036. The largest capacity deficits occur in the summer months when irrigation load coincides with residential and commercial air conditioning load. As it has for several IRP cycles, the Company uses the 70th percentile water conditions and the 70th percentile average load for energy planning. For peak-hour capacity plaruring, the Company uses 90th percentile water and 95th percentile peak-hour load. Staff notes that the Company's load and resource balance analyses are sensitive to its growth rate assumptions and believes that the Company should include an analysis of the sensitivity of projected peak capacity deficit dates to changes in assumed growth rates in future IRPs. Staff also believes that the Company's peak load forecasts could be improved by incorporating class-specific forecasts in its analysis. In a typical year, the Company generates approximately 73 percent of its energy requirement using Company-owned resources and purchases the remaining 27 percent. The Company's hydroelectric resources account for the largest share of energy (39 percent) provided to Idaho Power's customers, followed by coal (24 percent) and diesel/natural gas generation (10 percent). See IRP at23. To some degree, the ability of all of these resources to deliver power is dependent on local environmental conditions, but the Company's hydroelectric resources in particular, are heavily dependent on forecasted hydrological and watershed conditions such as stream flow, snow pack, and temperature. The Company forecasts resource capacity with stochastic models that take these variables into account, and uses the results to determine the probabilities of streamflow conditions necessary to operate its hydroelectric plants. The Company bases its energy adequacy analysis on 70th percentile stream flow condition. It bases its peak hour 4STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER2T ,2017 resource adequacy on 90th percentile streamflow conditions. Staff acknowledges the Company's comprehensive approach to modeling its resource capabilities, particularly its hydroelectric modeling. The Company's average monthly load forecast predicts the amount of energy that it expects customers to use each month. The average energy load forecast is used to predict the variable costs that the Company incurs producing and procuring energy. The Company developed its monthly average load forecast by adding together the individual 70th percentile forecast monthly loads from each of its customer classes. These class-specific forecasts were developed using assumptions about customer growth rates for each class, energy consumption as a function of weather (Heating Degree Days), and assumptions about changes in average consumption per customer over time. Staff believes this methodology is sufficient for the IRP planning process, but also believes that the Company should include an analysis of the methodology's sensitivity to growth rate and modeling assumptions. While average energy forecasting is an important aspect of resource planning, decisions to build or buy generation and transmission plant are driven primarily by peak demand rather than average load. Despite the oversized importance of peak demand forecasting in resource planning, Staff notes that the Company's system peak demand forecasting methodology is much less refined than its average load forecasting methodology. The Company's peak demand forecast model was developed by applying monthly 95th percentile peak temperatures to a single system-wide regression model, rather than to the multiple class-specific forecasts, which is how the average energy forecast was developed. These values were then extrapolated for 20 years resulting in an average 1.4 percent system-wide growth rate per year. Because of the impact of peak capacity deficits on resource planning needs, Staff conducted a sensitivity analysis to determine the effects of a slightly smaller peak growth rate would have on the Company's first capacity deficit. Staff s analysis found that an extremely small (0.1 percent) decrease in the annual projected growth rate pushed the Company's first capacity deficit date out by an entire year.l Larger changes in either direction compounds the impact to the first capacity deficiency date. Since all portfolios modeled in the IRP process must ' This finding is consistent with the difference between the results of the Company's 2015 and2017 IRP analyses. Using a I .5 percent peak load growh assumption in the 20 I 5 IRP, the Company identified a 2025 first capacity deficit date. In the 2017 IRP, the Company used a 1.4 percent peak load growth assumption and identified a2026 first capacity deficit date. 5STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER27,2OI7 meet the first annual capacity date, a small change to this internally-generated growth rate assumption can have major impacts on the forecasted resource costs identified by the Company in the IRP process. Given the importance of demand forecasting to the IRP results, Staff believes that the Company should refine its demand model to include individual coincident peak demand forecasts for each customer class, similar to how it creates average load forecasts. Staff also believes that the Company should include sensitivity analyses for the Company's key growth rate and modeling assumptions. This will help the Company and stakeholders identif, the potential for the system to be overbuilt in the event that the demand forecast over-estimates actual demand and identify the most cost-effective ways to meet capacity deficits in the early years of the IRP planning period. Natural Gas Price Forecast The most critical difference in this IRP was the Company's decision to change the source of its natural gas price forecast. In the 2013 and 2015 IRPs, the Company used the EIA's Henry Hub reference case forecast adjusted for Sumas basis pricing to reflect the Company's city gate price. The reference case is the median forecast which the Company specifically requested to use for IRP planning puposes in its 2013 IRP. At the time, the Company explained that the EIA planning case was the most credible gas price forecast available. Stakeholders at that meeting were in near unanimous agreement. In the 2017 IRP, the Company made an abrupt and unexpected departure from that position. Instead of using the reference case, the Company announced that it would use the EIA's Henry Hub "High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case."2 This forecast assumes extremely low natural gas prices throughout the 2O-year planning period on the basis that natural gas drilling technology will advance so quickly beyond currently available technology that production will increase at a volume that keeps natural gas prices almost entirely flat for next twenty years. As demonstrated in Attachment A3 it is the lowest EIA gas price forecast. 2 This is not to be confused with the EIA's Mountain Region forecast, also available in high, low, and reference ranges, which is used in SAR methodology pricing calculations. 3 Attachment A is slide #5 from the Company's January 12,2017,IRPAC presentation. The "2017 EIA Low" reflects the "High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case" and the "2017 EIA Planning" case represents the reference case. 6STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER2T ,2017 This change surprised stakeholders and prompted intense discussions during the IRP meetings. In those meetings, the Company defended the shift by stating that the EIA reference case had over-estimated the price of natural gas over the past two IRP cycles. In its view, the move to the "High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case" corrected that over-estimation and is reasonable because it is consistent with Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) futures natural gas settles transactions. See Attachment A. In the IRP meetings, stakeholders stated that many in the natural gas industry, including forecasters, failed to anticipate shale gas fracking and the unprecedented fall in natural gas prices. Stakeholders also asked the Company why it was reasonable to assume that six years of Intercontinental Exchange (lCE) futures prices would persist over the subsequent fourteen years even though the Company's graph shows no data beyond 2023. The Company merely maintained that the futures market reflects actual transactions occurring for those years and therefore serves as a credible indicator about what prices will be in the future. After much discussion, the IRPAC stakeholders unanimously opposed moving to the new forecast. Importantly, Idaho Power's Oil and Gas Industry advisor on the IRPAC repeatedly voiced concerns with the new forecast because he believes natural gas prices are likely to rise as utilities across the country shift from coal-fired generation to natural gas generation and as exports of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) increase. Staff conducted considerable research on this issue in Case No. GNR-E-17-02, where the Company proposed the EIA "High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case" as the basis for SAR Methodology avoided costs. That research informed Staff s analysis of the Company's 2017 IRP and, as a result, Staff disagrees with the Company's logic and position on this issue.a First, the EIA has significantly reduced the reference case forecast to capture the decline in market prices. Staff also confirmed with the EIA that the reference case includes ICE future options as a key component of its near-term price forecasting. This is standard practice in natural gas price forecasting and is clearly demonstrated by the low gas price in early years of the reference case. 4 Staff notes that Idaho Power withdrew its request to switch to the EIA's "High Oil and Gas production case" in Case No. GNR-E-17-02 on August 23,2017. 7STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER2T ,2OI7 Second, ICE futures contracts are option contracts. They provide buyers and sellers the option to make the trade at a certain price on a certain day if both parties still agree to those terms when the contract date arrives. Futures options include clauses that allow either party to exit the agreement by paying a penalty or losing the upfront cost paid to secure the option. Under that structure, buyers and sellers in the futures market are protected from drastic divergences between their contracted futures prices and actual spot market prices. Third, buyers participate in the ICE futures market as a hedge specifically because they believe future spot market prices will be higher than prices available on the spot market on that day and year. Sellers in the futures market also understand that prices are likely to rise, but are willing to commit to those prices to ensure that at least some of their product sells. So rather than being a reflection of actual future spot market pricing, ICE futures options are merely a reflection of what today's market is willing to pay now to have that option within the next six years. Fourth, the volume of trades in the futures market declines dramatically over time as very few buyers or sellers are willing to commit to a futures option beyond the sixth year. As shown in Attachment B,5 trading volume is highest in the first year, steadily declines through the remaining five years, and ceases to exist entirely by 2028. Staff believes it is unreasonable to base a 2}-year forecast on six years of declining sales volume data. Lastly, using a very low natural gas price forecast is the equivalent of planning to a "best case" scenario. This directly contradicts how the Company plans for water conditions, average load, and peak-hour capacity. As previously noted, the Company uses 70th percentile water conditions and the 70th percentile average load for energy planning. For peak-hour capacity planning, the Company uses 90th percentile water and 95th percentile peak-hour load. While the EIA reference case would be approximately a5Oth percentile gas price assumption, Staff estimates that the "High Oil and Gas production Case" forecast is closer to perhaps a 5th or 1Oth percentile assumption. Since the Company does not assume favorable conditions for any of its other planning metrics, Staff does not believe it is appropriate to assume the lowest available gas price forecast. Most importantly, assuming extremely low gas prices creates a disproportionate upside price risk. A very low gas price forecast makes resources whose variable costs are closely linked 5 Attachment B is Idaho Power's response to Simplot's Request for Production No. 13, pages2-4, in GNR-E-17-02. 8STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER27,2Ol7 to gas prices (such as natural gas plants and transmission) appear less costly than other resources which have lower variable price risk (such as coal-fired or solar generation). That means that an IRP could use the low gas price forecast to select large capital investments which are linked to natural gas. The Company benefits from the capital investment and passes the significant risk of variable price increases to customers. Equal Treatment of Demand and Supply-Side Resources Staff continues to have two concems with the Company's treatment of demand-side resources in its planning process. First, the Company still includes non-utility costs when assessing the costs of DSM, and second, the Company deducts demand-side resources from the load forecast rather than modeling it alongside supply-side resources similar to the method used by Avista, PacifiCorp, and other regional utilities. The Company's current practice minimizes the amount of cost-effective energy efficiency included in the resource plan and also means that each portfolio and every future scenario includes exactly the same amount of energy efficiency, despite the fact the value of energy efficiency rises in a high natural gas or high carbon scenario. In Order No. 33441, the Commission encouraged the Company to explore whether "its IRP could more effectively incorporate energy efficiency by using a model that is similar to those used by PacifiCorp, Avista, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, or Puget Sound Energy." In its Application in this case, the Company maintains that it "led discussions with the 2017 IRPAC describing its approach of developing portfolios that include an IRP target for energy efficiency expansion under planning (or expected) case inputs and assumptions." The Company believes that changing its methodology is not warranted because the contractor who developed its Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA), Applied Energy Group (AEG), adhered to the standards outlined in the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (NAPEE) Guide for Conducting Energy Efficiency Potential Studies. However, AEG's practices and the NAPEE standards are both consistent with Staff s position as it relates to the equal treatment of demand and supply-side resources in the IRP process. Idaho Power directed AEG to include non-utility costs when it established the costs of demand-side resources in its potential study. Including costs not incurred by the utility is inconsistent with supply-side planning practices. During the January 72,2017,IRPAC meeting referenced in the Company's Application, Staff asked AEG how difficult it would be to include 9STAFF COMMENTS NOVEMBER27,2OI7 only utility-costs in its CPA assessment. AEG confirmed that it would be quite simple and that AEG had already produced a CPA for another state using that methodology. The NAPEE guidelines, which are generally quite broad, specifically permit using utility- only costs when modeling energy efficiency (see NAPEE at 3-6 though 3-7) and do not address or take any position on how energy efficiency potential should be incorporated in IRPs. Regardless of the methodology used to determine the amount of energy efficiency potential, the Company still fails to incorporate energy efficiency as a resource alongside supply- side resources in its IRP modeling process. Instead, it still deducts the energy efficiency potential from forecasted load and then, with the exception of some additional demand response, builds supply-side resources to meet the remaining load. This means that the exact same amount of energy efficiency is included in every resource portfolio and in all possible risk scenarios (e.g., high gas prices, low hydroelectric conditions, high carbon prices) even though the value of energy efficiency obviously increases under each of those circumstances. In contrast, Avista has moved from a static, non-utility cost analysis - similar to Idaho Power's current methodology - to an almost entirely dynamic, utility cost-based analysis of demand-side resources between its 20 i 5 and 2017 IRPs. AEG performed Avista's CPAs in both of those IRPs. Deferred Transmission and Distribution Consistent with the Company's previous commitments and the encouragement provided it in Order No. 33365,6 the Company has studied the value of transmission and distribution benefits that can be deferred with demand-side resources. The results of this study were presented to the IRPAC on October 13,2017. While Staff appreciates the Company's analysis, the benefits were calculated using a 7 -year stream of deferred investments rather than the 2)-year stream used in all other resource investments. Pursuant to Order No. 33908, Staff looks forward to working with the Company through its Energy Efficiency Advisory Group (EEAG) to address this issue and "report back to the Commission if the 2}-year analysis is not acceptable." See Order at 7. 6 Case No. IPC-E-15-06. STAFF COMMENTS 10 NOVEMBER27,2OI7 Portfolio Design The Company designed the portfolios for this IRP in order to make two important near- term resource decisions: 1) deciding to make SCR investments required for Jim Bridger Units I and2by 2022 and202l, respectively; and 2) deciding to proceed with the B2H transmission line. A series of systematic altematives to each of those resources investments was analyzed and modeled to inform both decisions. The Company states that four scenarios were analyzedto study the SCR investments: 1) Scenario 1: Install SCRs and operate Units I and2 through the entire planning period; 2) Scenario 2: Do not make SCR investments and retire Units 1 and2 in202812024; 3) Scenario 3: Do not make SCR investments and retire Units 1 and2 in203212028; and 4) Scenario 4: Do not make SCR investments and retire Units I and2 in202212021. Under each of these four Jim Bridger scenarios, the Company developed three altematives (for a total of 12 portfolios),7 which are: (a) A portfolio includingB2H and reciprocating gas engine generation; (b) A portfolio including utility-scale solar and reciprocating gas engine generation; and (c) A portfolio including reciprocating gas engine generation and a Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine (CCCT). This approach is a more systematic method for designing resource portfolios than the previous IRP. Although the systematic approach can be preferable because it provides a more meaningful way to ensure that portfolios within the design do not unintentionally exclude the most beneficial portfolio, the method used by the Company falls short in a very critical way: the original l2 resource portfolios only analyzed three categories of generation (natural gas fired generation, transmission, and utility-scale solar). Considering that the Company went to great lengths to research, produce, and update the fixed and variable costs of about 30 resources before designing portfolios, Staff asked the Company in the IRP meetings why it chose to constrain the resources that it modeled so dramatically. In response, the Company reiterated that the purpose of this IRP was to determine if the Company should invest in SCRs at Bridger and pursue B2H. The Company believed that these resources were the least expensive and therefore provided the most difficult threshold that the SCR/B2H decisions must pass in order to be economic. ? All 12 portfolios comply with the final Clean Air Act (CAA) Section I l1(d) mass-based emission limits. STAFF COMMENTS il NOVEMBER2T ,2017 At Staff s request, the Company added 50MW of cost-effective demand response to the non-B2H portfolios. However, no other least cost resources, such as additional cost-effective energy efficiency, time-of-use rates, or any other type of generation were included in any portfolio. In addition, the Company made no effort to design portfolios in order to minimize risk and cost in a most probable future. Staff continues to believe that a better portfolio design approach would be to forecast a host of specific future scenarios around customer load, gas, hydro, and carbon variations and then strategically select resource portfolios to mitigate the largest and most likely risks associated with each scenario. The Company maintained that its Bridger retirement dates were future scenarios around which its portfolios were designed. But since the decision to run or retire the plant lies with the plant owners, it does not qualify as an exogenous risk for the Company to mitigate. Another Staff concern with the portfolio design process is the assumption that the Bridger units could avoid SCR installation on the compliance dates of 202212021 in exchange for early retirement. The Company maintains that similar agreements have been reached across the West on multiple coal plants. Staff does not dispute that. However, current EPA leadership may be less inclined to encourage early retirement of coal plants than the leadership in place when previous deals were struck. If early retirement in lieu of SCRs is not achievable, customers could end up paying for SCRs in addition to the other resources which were built in advance to replace the Unit I and2 generation. Portfolio Selection After completing the portfolio design process, the Company analyzed each portfolio for cost and risk in a two-step process. First, fixed and variable costs were calculated to establish the net present value (NPV) over the 2}-year planning period for all twelve portfolios. The lowest cost option was Portfolio 7, which included Bridger Units I and2 retiring in202812032,82H coming online in2026, and then either a reciprocating engine or a CCCT being built in all but one year between 2031 and 2036. Second, all 12 portfolios were subjected to stochastic risk analysis to see how the ranking of portfolio cost changed when the three variable assumptions were changed: natural gas prices, STAFF COMMENTS t2 NOVEMBER27,2OI7 customer load, and hydroelectric generating conditions. The Company created a set of 100 iterations based on those three variables and then calculated the 2)-year NPV for each of the l2 portfolios. Portfolio 7 was the lowest cost portfolio for 92 of the 100 stochastic iterations, and also the lowest for average, median, lowest minimum value, and lowest maximum value. This was not a surprising result. The insufficient resource diversity among the 12 portfolios meant that as the input assumptions change, the cost of nearly all the portfolios would rise and fall together. This is especially true when many of the portfolios rely so heavily on resources susceptible to natural gas price changes, including transmission and natural gas-fired generation. Although a risk assessment of very similar resources is not very robust, the Company's analysis confirmed that Portfolio 5 (which included 520 MW of installed solar capacity and B2H) had the lOth highest average cost across the futures, but the lowest variation in cost across the futures. In contrast, Portfolio 7 (B2H and natural gas plants) had the lowest average cost but the 9th highest standard variation. This means that Portfolio 5 is far less susceptible to changes in the input variables than Portfolio 7. However, the Company maintains that the $20 million difference in standard deviation between Portfolio 5 and Portfolio 7 is dwarfed by the $175 million average price difference between the two portfolios. That is true, but in part because the average resource costs of Portfolio 7 benefit more from the Company's unreasonably low gas price forecast than the resources costs in Portfolio 5. Staffalso notes that unreasonably low gas prices assumptions disadvantage portfolios with coal-hred generation and SCR investments. Based on the results of the stochastic risk analysis, the Company selected Portfolio 7 as its preferred portfolio. In addition, the variable price risk in Portfolio 7 being disproportionately borne by customers, Staff is also concerned that Portfolio 7 assumes that Bridger Units 1 and 2 would be allowed to operate for 10 andT years, respectively, after the mandated SCR compliance dates. Action Plan The stated goal of this IRP was to make a determination on SCR investments at Bridger and the economics of B2H. The Company states that its action plan for 2017 through2}2l includes beginning and successfully completing negotiations necessary to allow Bridger Units I and2 to operate beyond their compliance dates without SCRs and retire in2028 and2032. STAFF COMMENTS l3 NOVEMBER27,2OI7 Regarding B2H, the Company states that the action plan includes continued permitting as well as preliminary construction beginning in 2018. The action plan also includes moving forward with the previously determined plan to retire Valmy Units I and 2 in 2019 and 2025 and acquire the subsequent transmission availability from northern Nevada. Other items in the action plan include proceeding with the Gateway West transmission project, pursuing the cost-effective energy efficiency identified through the CPA process, preparing for EIM participation in April 2018, ongoing involvement in the CAA Section 111(d) proceedings, and investigation of solar PV contribution to peak and loss of load probability in preparation for the 2019 IRP. Staff believes this plan is adequate to implement the preferred portfolio. However, Staff believes that the Company's methodology for peak capacity forecasting, the limited energy efficiency resource modeling, the very low natural gas price assumptions, and similarity of the modeled portfolios to each other combined to make this IRP far less robust than its predecessor. RECOMMENDATIONS After reviewing the Company's 2017 IRP, Staff believes that the Company performed sufficient analysis, gave reasonably equal consideration of supply and demand-side resources, and provided acceptable opportunities for public input, resulting in an IRP that satisfies the requirements set forth in Commission Order Nos. 25260 and22299. Staff thus recommends the Commission acknowledge the Company's 2015 IRP. Respectfully submitted this zvn day of November 2017 Sean Costello Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Stacey Donohue Michael Morrison Umisc/Comments/ipcel 7. I Iscsdmm comments STAFF COMMENTS t4 NOVEMBER27,2OI7 -g .90I lu F\ot\l I 9. 0, ulL) I 3o) UJ F.r{oN I ED .gE g o-gIJ l\r.{oN I ;s uJ rn oa{ : uo.gcc -9a ttlr!dor'.1 i 6.9 o E I 9€02 5€02 ,E0z E€OZ Z€OZ T€OZ 0€02 6Z0Z SZOZ LZOZ. 9ZOZ szoz nz0z EZOZ zz0z tz0? ozoz 6TOZ 8r0z LlOZ 9r0z sr0z nloz €toz ztoz rT0t 0r0z 6002 8002 L00z 9002 s00z nooz €002 a00z r00z 0002 666r 866r L66t ooooooooqgqqqqqq(ostr\lOOtOstNr{ d t{ d {/} {.rt .rt {/}(/I .t> 1r, 1rt lno(J .ILo- ln tU (, -fE.^ =eP(EtE=zosroa -=tuIC rIfs= Attachment A Case No. IPC-E-17-l I Staff Comments I t/27 /17 I </| nlsutl r/s a Open interest as of: June 12,2017 Month Henry Hub Natural Gas Lad Oay FinancialVolume Contract size= 2,500 mmBtu Open lnterosl Total mmBtu 56,5'17 141,292,500 52,128 130,320,000 49,427 123,567,500 62,089 155,222,500 47,450 118,625,000 48,653 121,632,500 64,155 160,387,500 35,064 87,660,000 41,473 103,682,500 50,676 126,690,000 35,278 88,195,000 33,128 82,820,000 u,738 86,845,000 35,146 87,865,000 33,322 83,305,000 46,051 115,127,500 31,355 78,387,500 33,445 83,612,500 19,929 49,822,500 16,547 41,367,500 18,857 47.142,500 14,321 35,802,500 14,497 36.242,500 14,078 35,195,000 143U 35,835,000 14,297 35,742,500 13,962 34,905,000 14,777 36,942,500 14,180 35,450,000 15,015 37,537,500 11,147 27,867 ,500'10,177 25,442,500 10,785 26,962,500 9,877 24,692,500 10.344 25,860,000 9,976 24,940,000 10,465 26,162,500 10,506 26,265,000 10,167 25,417,500 10,397 25,992,500 10,085 2s,212,500 10,015 25,037,500 5,197 12,992,500 4,792 1 1,980,000 5,162 12,905,000 4,902 12,255,000 5,06s 12,662,500 4,976 12,440,000 5,127 12,817,500 5,164 12,910,000 4,948 12,370,000 4,975 12,437,sOO 4,856 12,140,000 5,018 12,545,000 Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures Contract size= 10,000 mmBtu Open lnteresl Total mmBtu Total Open lnteresl in mmBtu 2,252,172,500 2,067,720,000 1,823,077,500 1,996,722,s00 845,325,000 793.762,500 1 ,281,187 ,500 538,490,000 843,642,500 1,01 1,350,000 487,545,000 302,700,000 339,655,000 287,145,000 259,31 5,000 534,587,500 285,307,500 31 1,492,500 1 56,982,500 76,647,500 95,242,500 92,602,500 51,822,500 49,51 5,000 48,865,000 48,31 2,500 47,045,000 70,91 2,500 49,890,000 52,057,500 37,287,500 30,762,500 32,91 2,500 32,302,500 32,250,000 30,370,000 31,422,500 31 ,165,000 30,3'17,500 31,132,500 30,422,500 33.227,500 14,372,500 1 3,270,000 14,075,000 1 3,07s,000 1 3,342,500 1 3, 1 20,000 13,477,500 1 3,580,000 1 3, 1 10,000 13,127,500 1 2,820,000 1 3,575,000 JUL 17 AUG 17 SEP 17 ocr 17 NOV 17 oEc 17 JAN 18 FEB 18 MAR 18 APR 18 MAY 18 JUN 18 JUL 18 AUG 18 SEP 18 OCT 18 NOV 18 DEC 18 JAN 19 FEB 19 MAR 19 APR 19 N/IAY 19 JUN 19 JUL 19 AUG 19 SEP 19 ocT 19 NOV 19 DEC 19 JAN 20 FEB 20 MAR 20 APR 20 MAY 20 JUN 20 JUL 20 AUG 20 SEP 20 OCT 20 NOV 20 DEC 20 JAN 2,I FEB 21 MAR 21 APR 21 MAY 21 JUN 21 JUI 21 AUG 21 SEP 21 ocr 21 NOV 21 DEC2l 211,088 1 93,740 1 69,951 't 84,150 72,670 67,213 112,080 45,083 73,996 88,466 39,935 2'1,988 25,281 1 9,928 17,601 41,946 20,692 22,788 '10,716 3,528 4,810 5,680 1,558 1,432 1,303 1,257 1,214 3,397 1,444 1,452 942 532 595 761 639 543 526 490 490 514 521 819 138 129 117 82 68 68 66 67 74 69 68 103 2.1 10,880,000 1,937,400,000 1,699,510,000 1,841,500,000 726,700,000 672, 1 30,000 1,1 20,800,000 450,830,000 739,960,000 884,660,000 399,350,000 219,880,000 252,810,000 1 99,280,000 1 76,01 0,000 41 9,460,000 206,920,000 227,880,000 1 07, 1 60,000 35,280,000 48,1 00,000 56,800,000 1 5,580,000 14,320,000 13,030,000 1 2,570,000 12,140,000 33,970,000 14,2140,000 14,520,000 9,420,000 s,320,000 5,950,000 7,610,000 6,390,000 5,430,000 5,260,000 4,900,000 4,900,000 5,'140,000 5,2'10,000 8, 1 90,000 1,380,000 1,290,000 1 , 1 70,000 820,000 680,000 680,000 660,000 670,000 740,000 690,000 680,000 '1,030,000 Attachment B Case No. IPC-E-17-11 Staff Comments lll27ll7 Page I of 3 Open interesl as of: June 12,2017 Month Henry Hub Natural Gas Las{ Day Financial Volume Contract size= 2,500 mmBtu Open lnteresi Total mmBtu 3,749 3,388 3,757 3,701 3,805 3,672 3,777 3,773 3,663 3,891 3,509 3,621 2,478 2,360 2,595 2,516 2,595 2,516 2,571 2,571 2,492 2,571 2,492 2.571 1,740 1,636 1,740 1,688 1,740 1,688 1,740 1,740 1,688 1,740 1,688 1,740 1,092 984 1,092 1,056 1,092 1,056 1,092 1,092 '1,056 1,092 1,056 1,092 536 488 536 520 536 520 Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures Contract size= 10,000 mmBtu Open lntereS Total mmBtu 50,000 50,000 60,000 1 30,000 140,000 1 30,000 140,000 140,000 1 30,000 1 30,000 1 30,000 20,000 30,000 Total Open lnteresi in mmBtu 9,422,500 8,520,000 9,452,500 9,382,500 9,6s2,500 9,310,000 9,582,500 9,572,500 9,287,500 9,857,500 8,902,500 9,072,500 6,225,000 5,900,000 6,487,500 6,400,000 6,617,500 6,400,000 6,427,500 6,427.500 6,230,000 6,467,500 6,230,000 6,427,500 4,350,000 4,090,000 4,350,000 4,220,000 4,370,000 4,230,000 4,350,000 4,350,000 4,220.000 4,350,000 4,220,000 4,350,000 2,730,000 2,460,000 2,730,000 2,640,000 2,740,000 2,640,000 2,730,000 2,730,000 2,640,000 2,730,000 2,640,000 2,730,000 1,340,000 1,220,000 1,340,000 1,300,000 1,340,000 1,300,000 JAN 22 FEB 22 MAR 22 APR22 MAY 22 JUN 22 JUL22 AUG 22 SEP 22 oc'l 22 NOV 22 oEc 22 JAN 23 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 JUN 23 JUL 23 AUG 23 SEP 23 OCT 23 NOV 23 DEC 23 JAN 24 FEB 24 MAR 24 APR 24 MAY 24 JUN 24 JUL24 AUG 24 SEP 24 ocT 24 NOV 24 oEc24 JAN 25 FEB 25 MAR 25 APR 25 MAY 25 JUN 25 JUL 25 AUG 25 SEP 25 ocr 25 NOV 25 oEc 25 JAN 26 FEB 26 MAR 26 APR 26 MAY 26 JUN 26 9,372,500 8,470,000 9,392,500 9,252,500 9,51 2,500 9,1 80,000 9,442,500 9,432,500 9,1 57,500 9,727,500 8,772,500 9,052,500 6, 1 95,000 5,900,000 6,487,500 6,290,000 6,487,500 6,290,000 6,427,500 6,427,500 6,230,000 6,427,500 6,230,000 6.427,500 4,350,000 4,090,000 4,350,000 4,220,000 4,350,000 4,220,OOO 4,350,000 4,350,000 4,220,000 4,350,000 4.220,000 4,350,000 2,730,000 2,460,000 2,730,000 2,640,000 2,730,000 2,640,000 2,730,000 2,730,000 2,640,000 2,7s0,000 2,640,000 2,730,000 1,340,000 1,220,000 1,340,000 1,300,000 1,340,000 1,300,000 1 10,000 1 30,000 1 10,000 40,000 20,000 1 0,000 I 0,000 5 5 6 13 14 13 14 14 13 13 13 2 3 11 13 11 4 2 1 Attachment B Case No. IPC-E-17-l I Staff Comments 1ll21ll7 Page2 of 3 Open intere$ as of: June 12,2017 Month Henry Hub Natural Gas Lasl Day FinancialVolume Contract size= 2,500 mmBtu Openlnterest Total mmBtu 1,340,000 1,340,000 1,300,000 1,340,000 1,300,000 1,340,000 542,500 507,500 542,500 52s,000 542,500 525,000 542,500 542,500 525,000 542,500 525,000 u2,500 Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures Contract size= 10,000 mmBtu Open lnteresl Total mmBtu Total Open lnteresl in mmBtu JUL 26 AUG 26 SEP 26 ocT 26 NOV 26 DEC 26 JAN 27 Feb 27 Mar 27 Apr 27 May 27 Jun 27 Jul 27 Aug 27 Sep 27 Ocl27 Nov 27 Dec 27 JAN 28 FEB 28 MAR 28 APR 28 MAY 28 JUN 28 JUL 28 AUG 28 SEP 28 OCT 28 NOV 28 DEC 28 536 536 520 536 520 536 1,340,000 1,340,000 1 ,300,000 1,340,000 1,300,000 1,340,000 u2,500 507,500 542,500 52s,000 542,500 525,000 542,500 542,500 525,000 u2,500 525,000 542,500 Attachment B Case No. IPC-E-17-11 Staff Comments l1l27l17 Page 3 of 3 217 203 217 210 217 210 217 217 210 217 210 217 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2017, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-I7-II, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: LISA D NORDSTROM IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-mail : lnordstrom@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower. com PETER J. RICHARDSON RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC PO BOX 7218 BOISE ID 83702 E-mail : peter@richardsonadams.com ERIC L. OLSEN ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 PERSHING AVENUE STE IOO PO BOX 6119 POCATELLO ID 83205 E-mail: elo@,echohawk.com C. TOM ARKOOSH ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES 802 W BANNOCK STREET STE 9OO PO BOX 2900 BOISE ID 83701 E-mail : tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com erin.cecil@arkoosh.com TIMOTHY E TATUM MICHAEL J YOLINGBLOOD IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: ttatum@idahopower.com myoung DR. DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-mail : dreading@mindspring.com ANTHONY YANKEL I27OO LAKE AVENUE T]NIT 2505 LAKEWOOD OH 44107 E-mail: tony@yankel.net PETE BENNETT MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC 8OOO SOUTH FEDERAL WAY BOISE TD 83707 E-mail : cbennett@micron. com .com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE THORVALD A. NELSON EMANUEL T. COCIAN KIM STANGER HOLLAND & HART 6380 S. FIDDLERS GREEN CIRCLE STE 5OO GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO 80111 E-mail : tnelson@hollandhart.com etcocian@hollandhart. com kc stan ger@holl andhart. com khall@hollandhart. com GREGORY M ADAMS RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 N 27TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-mail : s.r e p(d.richard sonadam s.com GLORIA D SMITH SIERRA CLUB 2101 WEBSTER STREET, SUITE 13OO OAKLAND CA94612 E-mail: gloria.smith@sierraclub.orq JIM KREIDER STOP B2H 60366 MARVIN RD LA GRANDE OR 97850 -b SECRETAR CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE