HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170629Application.pdfAn IDACORP Companv ',.r.tlj J,' I X$ Pli 2: 3tr LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel I nordstrom@idahopower.com June 29,2017 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane M. Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-17-10 Joint Application of ldaho Power Company and the City of Rupert to Approve Territory Allocation Ag reement Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find an original and seven (7) copies of the Joint Application. Very truly yours, 3Iffin. 4."- n,vL^/.hq.L) , I r:: l-:lj l\/ [ il -' l.':-1i.,. ,h :i1r,lt'rLl ri 1..,1(-rLJtVt{ Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:csb Enclosures 1221 W. ldaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise. lD 83707 rl :r.rl\itrn.:.1.-lnLiJLISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I no rdstrom @ id a hopower. com Attorney for ldaho Power Company Michael P. Tribe (lSB No. 6816) ROBINSON & TRIBE P.O. Box 396 Rupert, ldaho 83350 Telephone: (208) 4364717 Facsimile: (208)436-6804 mpt@idlawfirm.com Attorney for City of Rupert BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND THE CITY OF RUPERT TO APPROVE A TERRITORY ALLOCATION AGREEMENT. CASE NO. IPC-E-17-10 JOINT APPLICATION ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power") and the City of Rupert ("the City"), in accordance with ldaho Code S 61-332, ef seg., and RP 52, hereby respectfully make application to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order approving the Territory Allocation Agreement ('Agreement") between ldaho Power and the City (hereinafter referred to as a "Pafi" or "Parties"). The Agreement is attached to this Joint Application as Attachment 1. JOINT APPLICATION - 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ln support of this Application, the Parties represent as follows: I. BACKGROUND Luke Adams owns approximately 350 acres located at 500 North Meridian Road in Minidoka County, ldaho. ldaho Power currently provides Mr. Adams with residential and irrigation service using single and three phase power at various locations on his acreage. Mr. Adams would now like to install three phase 480 volt service to solely serve four to six grain bins to be constructed on 1.98 acres located near the southwest corner of his 350 acre parcel, which is located within ldaho Power's service area. No other services would be interconnected on the 1.98 acre parcel. ldaho Power currently has single phase power located near the southwest corner of Mr. Adams's parcel. ln order for ldaho Power to serve the 1.98 acres with three phase power, Mr. Adams would need to pay to have the single phase line rebuilt for approximately 900 feet. This would consist of installing four new poles and three phase wire in order to accommodate the three phase service, with ldaho Power's end pole in tight proximity to the City's line. Mr. Adams's property is adjacent to the City of Rupert's service area. The City has three phase power approximately 30 feet from the location of the grain bins; it would need only to install a transformer to provide three phase service to this portion of Mr. Adams's property. Please see Attachment 2 to view a map illustrating the location of the City of Rupert's lines, ldaho Power's lines, and service to the 1.98 acres at issue. !I. TERRITORY ALLOCATION AGREEMENT The Parties have entered into the Agreement in order to allow the City of Rupert to provide three phase electric service to the 1.98 acre portion of Luke Adams's parcel on which the grain bins are located: Part of Tract H in Section 28 (more particularly defined in Attachment 1), Township 8 South, Range 24 East of Boise Meridian, Minidoka County, ldaho. JOINT APPLICATION - 2 Notwithstanding ldaho Power's right to be the sole provider of electric service to this location pursuant to Section 61-3328 of the Idaho Electric Supplier Stabilization Act, ldaho Power agrees to allow the City of Rupert the right to provide electric service to Mr. Adams's grain bins located on the 1.98 acres as set forth in the Agreement. ldaho Power will continue to provide single and three phase residential and irrigation electrical service to Mr. Adams on the remainder of the 350 acre parcel. The Parties believe that the Agreement benefits Mr. Adams with lower line extension charges, will avoid duplication of facilities, and will avoid disputes between the Parties. The Parties believe that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully request that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201, ef seg. III. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS Communications and service of pleadings with reference to this Application should be sent to the following Lisa D. Nordstrom ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 I n ordstrom @ ida hopower. com dockets@ idahopower. com Michael P. Tribe ROBINSON & TRIBE P.O. Box 396 Rupert, ldaho 83350 mpt@idlawfirm.com Kristy Patteson ldaho Power Company 1221West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 kpatteso n @ i d a h o powe r. co m James Bowers Rupert City Department Manager City of Rupert 121 South 50 West P.O. Box 426 Rupert, ldaho 83350 iames. bowers@rupert. id. us JOINT APPLICATION - 3 rv. coNcLUStoN ldaho Power and the City of Rupert respectfully request the Commission approve the Territory Allocation Agreement to allow the City of Rupert to extend its facilities to provide service to Mr. Adams at the in Rupert, ldaho DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 2f day of 2017. SA . NORDS Attorney for ldaho Power Company MIC P. TRIBE Attomey for the City of Rupert JOINT APPLICATION .4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ! HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 29th day of June 2017 I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing JOINT APPLICATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: The City of Rupert Michael P. Tribe ROBINSON & TRIBE P.O. Box 396 Rupert, ldaho 83350 James Bowers Rupert City Department Manager City of Rupert 121 South 50 West P.O. Box 426 Rupert, ldaho 83350 _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail_FAXX Email mpt@idlawfirm.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email iames.bowers@rupert.id.us ch rista nt JOINT APPLICATION - 5 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-17-10 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTAGHMENT 1 TERRITORY ALLOGATION AGREEMENT TERRITORY ALLOCATION AGREEMENT This Agreement to Supply New Service ("Agreement") is entered into this 2q day of .\U np 2017, by and among the City of Rupert, an Idaho municipality (hereinaftEr "the City'), ldaho Power Company, an ldaho corporation (hereinafter.lPC") and Customer, Luke Adams a sole proprietor, located at Minidoka County, ldaho (hereinafter "Custome/'). RECITALS A. The City and lPC each own and operate electrical power systems that provide electric service to customers in southern ldaho. B. IPC and the City currently have specific service territories in accordance with the terms and conditions of ldaho Code S 61-332, ef seg., the ldaho Electric Supplier Stabilization Act ("the Act"). C. Customer owns approximately 350 acres located within the service territory of lPC and currently has residential and irrigation service accounts with lPC. The Customer has requested electrical service from the City of Rupert to grain bins that will be constructed on the 1.98 acres identified in Section 1 below. D. lt is less expensive for the Customer to interconnect to the City's system for three phase service to the grain bins than it is to ldaho Power's system. E. IPC agrees to allow the City to provide electrical service to the Customer's grain bins located on the 1.98 acres identified in Section 1 below and the City is willing to provide electrical service to Customer. F. lPC will continue to serve the Customer's residential and irrigation accounts with single and three phase power on the remainder of the Customer's 350- acre parce!. NOW THEREFORE, it is mutually understood and agreed among the parties hereto as follows: 1. Customer hereby confirms that it desires the City provide it with its three phase electric service needs on the 1.98 acres of his property at the following location, to wit: Part of Tract H located in Section 28 in Township I South, Range 24 East of the Boise Meridian, Minidoka County, State of ldaho. Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Section 28 in T.8 S., R.24 E., B.M. said corner marked by a brass cap; Thence Page 1 of 3 North 88 degrees 52 minutes 34 seconds East (East, Rec.) along the south line of Section 28 for a distance of 188.91 feet (189.3', Rec.) to the Point of Beqinnins; THENCE North 00 degrees 04 minutes 28 seconds West for a distance of 230.00 feet to aYz" rebar; THENCE North 88 degrees 52 minutes 34 seconds East for a distance of 375.00 feet to aYz" rebar; THENCE South 00 degrees 04 minutes 28 seconds East for a distance of 230.00 feet to a Yz" rebar on the south line of Section 28; THENCE South 88 degrees 52 minutes 34 seconds West along said line for a distance of 375.00 feet to the Point of Beqinnino. These 1.98 acres are hereinafter referred to as the "Property." This Property is a portion of a larger 350-acre parcel, the remainder of which is and will continue to be served by ldaho Power Company. 2. Notwithstanding IPC's right to be the sole provider of electric service to Customer pursuant to $ 61-3328 of the Act, by this Agreement, IPC hereby agrees to allow the City the right to provide electric service to the Customer at the Property described in Section 1 pursuanlto ldaho Code S 61-333. 3. The City hereby agrees to provide three phase electric service to Customer's Property identified in Section 1. 4. The right to provide electric service to the Property identified in Section 1 is deemed permanent and shall not be modified unless mutually agreed upon by and between the City and IPC (or their successors in interest) or unless modified by statute. 5. Except for the change in electric service providers to this Property, no other modification to IPC and the City's present service territories is made or intended by this Agreement. 6. This Agreement is subject to the approval of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"). In the event the Commission does not approve the customer allocation and associated electric service rights described herein, this Agreement shall be void ab initio. (signature page follows) Page 2 of 3 Dated thb ?q 0", or?S%l, Custorner ldaho Porryer Company Cityof Rupert By: By: lts: By: tts: Page 3 of 3 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-17-10 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 MAP C!N F-c{ t)o (n4. CD UJ N co O lr)c!c!t-c\l tc1 3&O e c{N N @N g r= :I :l o)c =E.9o .9, E atc(E F o =o(L o.c(EE o.=Jc .o =ll .oo^.o QH>-o;ril-c-(Eg!, l- o =c.e lt oi5 6' -b3-EocLo- d)9E, EA III !I occ) EEEX =g€atso .12 <Or =6aoo.(5 =-cE+tr* a'r -9oo=}EE 15 c: IIIII E g FF E d! r 0,O E3 A EFE FSHfEE g$gFsEH [* r * I N N N oN 39i a, USSI P $ 39 !fN ,US8I 6c! re E€I b c!N c rOc)No Ioo €E(! e C\c\F-N ( t+-uJ .o ?@ 3 / o) t, o 4- * (f)o IIII rurOh! u. 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