HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170417Customer Notification.pdffi:ffi*. '",.-.atrtt/rr\r.--"J-lli-U An IDACORP CompanY , .i rl ' i',i i k Pi{ l-r: 5l NEWS RELEASE ldaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment The power cost recovery proposolwill meon a price increose for customers if approved os filed effective June 7, 2077. BOISE, ldaho, April 14, 2OL7 - Today, ldaho Power filed its annual Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) with the tdaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). The PCA is a cost recovery toolthat passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to ldaho Power customers. Neither tdaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financia! return on this filing-money collected from the surcharge can be used only to pay power-supply expenses. These typically represent approximately one-fourth to one-third of the company's annual cost of serving customers. lf the PCA proposa! is approved by the IPUC, the typical ldaho residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per month will see an increase of about SO.SS on their monthly bill, beginning June 1. The amount all ldaho customer classes pay for electric service will increase by 510.6 million; the actual percentage of change will depend on a custome/s class and the rate they pay. 2Ol7 PCA Revenue lmpact by Class: Cha from Current Billed Revenue There are a few main factors contributing to this year's PCA increase: Hydro conditions are expected to be better than norma!, resulting in more low-cost hydro generation available to serve customers. However, the benefit from improved hydro conditions is expected to be more than offset by higher costs associated with new solar and wind power purchase agreements under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), and higher coal-fired generation costs. Additionally last year's actual power costs exceeded forecast levels mostly attributable to worse-than-expected water cond itions. lncluded in this year's PCA rates, customers will receive a S13 million refund of previously PO. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W' ldaho St. Boise, lD 83702 Smal! General Service Large General Service Large Power lrrigation Overall Change Residential O.58o/o O.27o/o L.LO%L.75o/o 0.94%o.93% more-more-more ldaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment Page 2 of 2 collected energy efficiency rider funds. This refund will have no impact on existing and new demand side management services. A full portfolio of demand response and energy efficiency programs for all customer sectors will continue to be offered. "lt's also important to understand that the availability of water for hydroelectric generation depends on many factors, including how fast spring runoff occurs, which in turn shapes how much runoff remains in the summer when demand for electricity peaks," said ldaho Power Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Tim Tatum. "lf the snow melts too quickly, flood control efforts take priority, and in some cases excess water must be spilled, rather than used for generation, to avoid overfilling reservoirs. ldaho Power is currently facing this situation." For more information,see idahopower.com/PCA Opportunities for Public Review ldaho Power's filing is a proposal that is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the application are available to the public at the tPUC offices 1472 W. Washington St., Boise, ldaho, 837O2l,ldaho Power offices or on ldaho Power's website, idahopower.com, or the !PUC website,puc. idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via emai! about the case. Written comments regarding ldaho Power's application may be filed with the IPUC. You can view additional related materials on the filing at ida hopower.com/rates. About ldaho Power Company: tdaho Power, headquartered in Boise, ldaho, and locally operated since 1916, is an electric utility that employs more than 2,000 people who serve approximately 535,000 customers throughout a 24,000-square-mile area in southern ldaho and eastern Oregon. With 17 low-cost hydroelectric projects as the core of its diverse generation portfolio, ldaho Power's residential, business and agricultural customers pay among the nation's lowest rates for electricity. IDACORP, lnc. (NYSE: IDA), ldaho Power's independent publicly traded parent company, is also headquartered in Boise, ldaho. To learn more, visit idahopower.com or idacorpinc.com Contact:Stephanie McCurdy Comm unication Specialist tdaho Power 208-388-6973 and SMcCurdy@idahopower.com 1-800-458-1443 media line ### , I r l..i;' _ :' i_- i., Opportunities for Public Review Idaho Power's filing is a proposal that is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the application are available to the public atthe IPUC offices (+ZZ W. Washington St., Boise, Idaho, 83702), Idaho Power offices or on Idaho Power's website, idahopower.com or the IPUC website, puc.idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding the utility's application maybe filedwith the IPUC. You canviewadditional related materials on the filing, including a news release, at idahopower.com/rates. @ Printed on recycled paper ?*11 ia:i ilr PH tr: 58 ldaho Power Files 2017 Power Cost Adjustment On April 14, Idaho Power submitted its annual Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) proposal for approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). The PCA is a cost recovery tool that passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to Idaho Power customers. Neither Idaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return on this filing - money collected from the surcharge can be used only to pay power-supply expenses. How the 2017 PCA Will Change Prices If the PCA proposal is approvedbythe IPUC, the typical Idaho residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kwh) of energy per month will see an increase of about $0.59 on their monthly bill, beginningfune 1. The amount all Idaho customer classes pay for electric service will increase by $10.6 million; the actual percentage of change will depend on a customer's class and the rate they pay. 3Iffi*@ 201 7 ldaho Pows Percentage Change from Current Billed Revenue Residential small General Service Large General service Large Power lrrigation overall Change 0.s8%0.21o/o 1.10o/o 1.750/o 0.94o/o 0.93o/o PROPOSED 2017 PCA RTVENUE IMPACT BY CLASS: an lDAcoRp conDrnv 3lIE.lf You[@ llUhy is the PCA an increase this year? The PCA has two components: the forecast and the true-up. . The forecast reflects Idaho Power's anticipated fuel costs, purchased power costs and customer benefits from sales of surplus energy for the upcoming April through March. . The true-up brings last year's forecasted costs in balance with costs actuallyincurred bythe company bylooking backatwhat happened the previous April through March. Prices are established based on the forecast and the true-up to align actual collection with actual costs. There are a few main factors contributing to this year's PCA increase: Hydro conditions are expected to be better than normal, resulting in more low-cost hydro generation available to serve customers. However, the benefit from improved hydro conditions is expected to be more than offset by higher costs associated with new solar and wind power purchase agreements under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 197S (PURPA) and higher coal-fired generation costs. Additionally, lastyear's actual power costs exceeded forecast levels mostly attributable to worse-than-expected water conditions. Included in this year's PCA rates, customers will receive a $13 million refund of previously collected energy efficiency rider funds. This refund will have no impact on existing and newdemand side management services. A full portfolio of demand response and energy efficiency programs for all customer sectors will continue to be offered. Itt also important to understand that the availability ofwater for hydroelectric generation depends on many factors, including how fast spring runoff occurs, which in turn shapes how much runoff remains in the summer when demand for electricity peaks. If the snow melts too quickly, flood control efforts take priority, and in some cases excess water must be spilled, rather than used for generation, to avoid overfilling reservoirs. Idaho Power is currently facing this situation. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers manages a region-wide flood control plan and sets water elevation targets for Idaho Power's Brownlee Reservoir. In above average water years, such as this year, lower than normal water elevation targets are set for Brownlee Reservoir, as Idaho Power has to make room to capture anticipated spring runoff to prevent downstream flooding. What will be the combined effect of the Annual Adjustment Mechanisms (PCA and the FCA)? On March 15, Idaho Power filed its annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA). The FCAonlyapplies to Residential and Small General Service customers. If both proposals are approved as file{ the combined impact for those two customer classes will be a $9.85 million increase in the amount they pay for electric service, beginning Iune l. The typical Idaho residential customer using 1,000 kWh of energy per month would see an increase of about $1.90 on their monthlybill if both the PCA and FCA are approved as filed. How can I manage my bill and control costs? Also, you can go to idahopower.com/highbillhelp to find out howto understandyourbill, review payment options and get information about Idaho Power's energy efficiency programs. d0,5o !o Eo-rt Io Ul NoI\l !o Eo -noUl;| o.hrtr UI,+ 3o:,* /t .I l> II a f6 oofr!oofc f HF tIf +aaira 5+fif+93+a= !o IilEE=eE 3g+i6t+Fii -o I'eEEIgit*< r 6 tig E k B -.E i gais;E fi :EfflfE:E Ie8:sg[Et*$i a [:i *; iE s # HErS =ilIssH 5EE&;1 gFf l f€ ig.flHE&ii$ 3Eg* !\r *EE EiE€ d E€ ?5 r5.E XI d q q9.=E'EX Lo 5 gotl d rE fi ; E EE EgE FHFEEFT '-fiit|:-(!^?ir; 6- :i=- ^ o N O-f H g;E tf iarEEE iE iE s3E E[r r iF* at?,a;r s n 8.r rEE ris 3 tiffi$sgaFE rr 3 PEE E ee A , r i EE f g 3 i $ ruE gia +r1 I H;,; ]i< R E dE' P ,+B =gE 6rH i =F = 5i' 7r1 i l,l e -E$ aE t r E€ rH ' F* E :I, A<* [EAEi E€EIEeEi ? g[Eaa i$$[tEfu E t Iu@s IN{s ?;;Bt= cci, ; e,Eos EE {1,ls IrO5s !o o5 OtrOo,o,:(cto o3nc ol E 6-o-vo o3co I(ol!s ?2 B1 !no!o mIu(> ! !rl,d mz m =! -tE' r Hc 3s - i3atB > iE8 3t " xEi!r@ qr- 3.3 0c 1+Jo- QO a3iri to.r, O 3 = ll;]I Et E Hv 5 .)oa a)o315 Eri:oo.iJo lD -oo39m d.:!uo u:eaNqd -O J 5=*J 3E -l)*qr 0,r*r -tator+I) o, f =(I r!5 6.lzaD or = iil3$ qg E iiii* =1es;5qBaEa=H='€AeddilDilO.D ==3a3=6hi4-'= iaEg=* f*=**ca2'eai396-+he 3c 6 6i." 4=lo Fa -EIEEIFEE1EEEEE[i s;igrccrfstl$* o ='< = >+P--.L =F=(clihA I - -^E'H s: s= € iSFiXEUEP ^-rJ,-JciE &9 iSoq:I o < =o---t-r=HiiiF a* 3'aA'5COJi'(D;to p ito5-a3ElH=.E(.0 ^'u a!r_x tr:rr I e85=a!Ili Q.ui \Qn Iax lilb d-o = f a -= I 3ed@{o,(,l 'lr I :', i ,- i:'.._, o;'$J