HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170315Harris Direct.pdfili:CIIVED Jtii i1i? I 5 PFI tr: 0,i --l;/'r'.,'- Li.r': i,;.i;i;Sl0N BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILIT]ES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OE THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY EOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT ("FCA") RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM ,JUNE L, 2017, THROUGH MAY 31, 2018. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E_77_02 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTTMONY OF ZACHARY L. HARRIS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 O. Please state your name and business address. A. My name is Zachary L. Harris and my business address is 722L West fdaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83'702. O. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A. I am employed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") as a Regulatory Analyst in the Regulatory Affairs Department. O. Please describe your educatj-ona1 background. A. In December of 2008, T received a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounti-ng from Brigham Young University- Hawaij-. In December of 20L7, I received a Master of Science degree in Accounting from Boise State University. After f began my career with Idaho Power in May 20L1-, T attended the electric utility ratemaking course offered through New Mexico State University's Center for Publ-ic Utilities. I al-so attended the "Cost-of-Service Concepts and Techniques, " as well as the "Rate Design for El-ectric Utilities" courses offered by Electric Utility Consultants, Inc., in 201,2. In 201,3, T attended the "Electric Rates Advanced Course" offered by the Edison Electri-c Institute. O. Please describe your work experience with fdaho Power. A. I have been empJ-oyed by Idaho Power as a Regulatory Analyst in the Regulatory Affairs Department since 201,1,. I have been the Company's witness supporting HARRIS, DI Idaho Power 1 Company 10 11 72 13 14 15 1_6 77 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 its annual Eixed Cost Adjustment (*ECA") corresponding rates since 2012. O. What is the purpose of your A. The purpose of my testimony Company's request to implement its annual cal-cul-ation and testimony? is to describe the FCA rates in conformance wlth Idaho Public Utilities Commi-ssion ( "Commission" ) which approved Residential and Order No. 32505 (Case the ECA as a permanent Small General Service No. IPC-E-17-L9), rate mechanism for customers. 10 Specifically, my testimony will discuss three areas 11 related to the FCA mechanism and Schedule 54, Fixed Cost the FCAAdjustment. First, f mechanism itself and will briefly discuss calculation of the FCA 72 13 20 74 Second, I will describe the determination of the 20L6 ECA 15 amount. Lastly, I wil-l dj-scuss the rates the Company is proposing to be 2011, through May 31, 2018. 16 effective June 7, !1 18 I. ECA MECEANTSM 79 how the ECA amount 1s determi-ned. What is the purpose of the FCA mechanism? The FCA is a true-up mechanism that or separates, billed energy sal-es from revenue remove the financial disincenti-ve that exists 21 22 o. A. "decoupl es , " in order to 23 when the Company invests 24 resources. Under the FCA in demand-side management (*DSM") , rates for Resj-dential Service 25 (Schedules l, 3, 4, and 5) and Small General Service HARRIS, DI Idaho Power 2 Company 1 (Schedul-e 7) customers are adjusted annually t.o recover or 2 refund the difference between the level- of fixed cost 3 recovery authorized by the Commission in the Company's most 4 recent general rate case and the l-evel- of fixed cost 5 recovery that the Company received based upon the actual 6 billed energy sales during the prevj-ous calendar year. 7 Q. What leve1 of incremental annual DSM energy 8 efficiency savings did Idaho Power achieve in 20L6? 9 A. On a system-wJ-de basis, Idaho Power achieved 10 710,792 megawatt-hours of incremental annual energy 11 effici-ency savj-ngs Ln 2016, which is a 4 percent j-ncrease t2 from savings reported j-n 201-5. 13 O. Please describe the ECA mechanism. 74 A. For both the Residential and Smal-l- General- 15 Service classes, the FCA mechanism is the same. The 76 formula used to determine the FCA amount is: 71 FCA : (CUST X ECC) (ACTUAL X FCE) 18 Where: 1-9 ECA : Eixed Cost Adjustment; 20 CUST : Average Number of Customers, by class; 2L FCC : Fixed Cost per Customer rate, by class; 22 ACTUAL : Actual Bil-ted kilowatt-hours (*kwh") 23 Energy Sa1es, by class; and 24 FCE : Eixed Cost per Energy rate, by cl-ass. HARRIS, DI Idaho Power 3 Company 25 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O. Can the FCA deferral balance be either posi-ti-ve or negative? A. Yes. The ECA amount is the di-f ference between the Company's l-evel of "authorized fixed cost recovery" (CUST X FCC) and the level of "actual fixed cost recovery" (ACTUAL X FCE), which can result in either a positive or negative FCA deferral- balance. A positive FCA indicates the Company's authorized level- of fixed cost recovery is greater than the level of fixed costs recovered through the This would occur when10energy rate. actual biIled customers,' i. sales is less the growth rate in than the qrowth rate in11 72 energy e., the use per customer has decreased. The 13 effect would be that the Company has under coll-ected its 74 authorized level of fixed costs. In a similar fashion, a 15 negative FCA indicates the Company's authorized fixed cost LG recovery amount is less than the fixed costs determined to 1,7 have been recovered through the energy rate and results in 18 a refund to customers. !9 II. FCA DETERMINATTON FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2OL6 20 O. Did the rates for the ECC and ECE change in 27 20L6? 22 A. No. The ECC and FCE rates used to determine 23 the 2076 FCA deferra1 bal-ance did not change and are the 24 same rates used to determine the 20L5 FCA deferral balance. 25 The FCC and FCE rates were established in the Company's HARR]S, DI Idaho Power 4 Company 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 1 most recent general rate case, Case No.IPC-E-11-08, and Schedule 54, Fixedare found in the Company's tariff under Cost Adjustment. O. How is the authorj-zed leveI of fixed cost recovery derived? A. The authorized level of fixed cost recovery is the product of the FCC and the average number of customers, by class. The Company uses a prorated customer count based on the number of active utility service agreements at the end of each month. This approach applies the same 11 methodology that was used to determine customer counts in L2 the Company' s most recent general rate case. The annua.l- 13 average customer count is derived by calculating the L4 average of the 12 monthly prorated customer counts. 15 O. How j-s the actual level of fixed cost recovery 16 determined? 1,7 A. In compliance with Order No. 33295 issued in 18 Case No. IPC-E-14-I7, the actual- Ievel of fixed cost 19 recovery j-s the product of the FCE and the actua1 bil-l-ed 20 energy sales for the calendar year, measured in kwh. 2L O. Does the Company compute a monthly ECA 22 deferral bal-ance and report the estimated monthly ECA 23 deferral balance to the Commission? 24 A. Yes. Although the FCA is an annual mechanism 25 that is ultimately calculated and determined using customer 10 HARRIS, DI Idaho Power 5 Company 1 counts and bi11ed energy sales data for the entire cal-endar 2 year, to maj-ntain compl-iance with Generally Accepted 3 Accounti-ng Principles (GAAP), a monthly FCA deferral 4 balance is estimated and recorded in the Company's 5 accounting records. At year-end, once the annual FCA 6 amount is determined, an adjustment is made to the sum of 7 the prevj-ous1y recorded 12 monthly estimates to align with 8 the annual ECA deferral- balance. The annual customer count 9 is the average of the 12 monthly customer counts and is not 10 available until year-end. An adjustment is needed 11 primarj-1y because the monthly customer counts used to t2 determine the estimated monthly FCA balance will- not align 13 with the average annual customer count. 14 Since 2009, the Company has continued to report the 15 estimated monthly Report provided to of the monthly FCA end information. O. What 20 estimates 21-year-end A. 23 recorded in To align with the the Company's 2076 annual FCA amount to be financial t6 t1 18 19 22 24 25 FCA deferral- balance in the monthly ECA the Commission. Exhibit No. 1 is a copy Report for calendar year 20L6 with year- adjustments were made to the 2076 to align these amounts with the Company's 20L6 FCA deferral- balance? monthly f inal, statements, an the Residentialupward adjustment of $95,44L was customer class, reflected on line made for 5, col-umn O of Exhibit HARRIS, DI Idaho Power 6 Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 No. 1. An upward adjustment of $2,098 was made for the Small General Service customer cIass, reflected on line column O of Exhibit No. 1. The total- upward adjustment both customer classes is $97r539. O. What is the total amount of the FCA, not lncluding interest? A. The total amount of the FCA for both the 20, for 10 Residential- and Sma11 General Service customer classes, not including interest, is $34,70'7,004. Exhibit No. 2 shows the calculation of the FCA for each customer class. The 11 calculation of the ECA uses the average annual customer 72 count and the annual billed sales amount, which are 13 i-ncluded in Exhibit No. 3. The calculated ECA deferral 74 balance for the Residential customer class, not amount is al-so including found in15 interest, iS 1,6 Exhibit No. 1 $33,4 68,647 . This , line 6, column P t7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 deferral balance for the Sma11 class, not incl-uding interest, $7,238,355 is found in Exhibit The difference between Exhibit due to rounding. o. incJ-uding in rates . The calculated FCA General- Servi-ce customer is $I,238,357. An amount of No. 7, l-ine 20, col-umn P. No. 1 and Exhibit No. 2 is What is the total amount of the 2076 ECA, interest,the Company is requestj-ng to implement 2077 ? HARRIS, DT Idaho Power 7 Company 25 on June L, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. The total amount of the 2076 ECA the Company is requesting to begin recovering in rates on June 7, 2077, is $35, 01,2,042.03, reflected on line 32, column U, of Exhibit No. 4. The ECA for the Residential class is $33,762,166.01, reflected on l-ine 15, column U, of Exhibit No. 4. The ECA for the Smal-l General Servi-ce Cl-ass is $7,249,275.96, reflected on line 29, column U, of Exhibit No. 4. Exhibit No. 4 shows the FCA deferral balances and adjustments, plus interest, through May 20L7. Exhibit No. 4 and Exhlbit No. 1 both contain the same information as the FCA Report Exhibit No. 4 sent to the Commj-ssj-on each month,' however, calculates i-nterest 10 11 72 13 t4 15 2t 22 o Ytay 20L7 for the while Exhibi-t No. 1 shows 20L6 from January 201-6 that informati-on through only costs that charges Service 16 respect to the Company's recovery of its fixed costs? 77 A Because the FCA for the Resi-dential class is a 18 positive number, it means that the calculated average use 19 per customer has decreased the Company's .l-ast general the approved mechanism, the an adjustment to allow for 20 recovery of the fixed cal-endar year. What is the significance of these numbers with from the l-evel establi-shed in rate case. In accordance with Residential cl-ass will receive 23 were not recovered 24 during class the year. actual billed for the SmaLl through The FCA energy General is also a positive number, meaning that the HARRIS, DI fdaho Power I Company 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 calculated use per customer for this class has al-so decreased from the l-evel established in the Company's most has not recoveredrecent general rate case and the Company its authorized level of fixed costs based on actual billed sales f or the SmaII General- Servi-ce c1ass. For both customer classes, the average use per customer based on actual bil-Ied sales for the year was lower than the 1evel established in the Company's most III. CAI,CT'I,AUON OF TEE recent general rate case. 2OL7-2OL8 FCA RATE 10 O. Please describe the calculation of the FCA 11 rates the Company i-s proposing to go into effect on June 1, L2 2011. 13 A. The FCA rates the Company proposes to go into 14 effect on June L, 2077, were calculated by taking the ECA 15 deferral balances for each customer class described above 16 and dividing by the respective class energy sales forecast 71 for the June t, 2071, through May 37, 20L8, time frame 18 ("Test Year"). The forecasted June 1 through May 31- time L9 frame is the same period 20 and is al-so used for the that has been used historj-calIy Power Cost Adjustment mechanism. 2t 22 23 0 What energy sales to General Service be has the Company determined the forecast for both the Resi-denti-al- and Small classes ? energy sales are class and 1,26,287,347 24 A. The Company's forecasted 25 5,042,670,883 kwh for the Residential- HARRIS, DI Idaho Power 9 Company 1 kwh for the Smal1 General Service class. The forecasted 2 energy sales are found in Exhibit No. 5. 3 Q. What are the corresponding FCA rates for the 4 Residential and Small- General Service classes based on a 5 combined and equal ECA rate changer ds defined in the 6 approved mechanism? 7 A. To recover the authorized level of fixed I costs, the FCA rate for the Residential class woul-d be 9 0.6728 cents per kWh and the corresponding rate for the 10 Small General Service class would be 0.8576 cents per kwh. 11 The calculation of these rates is found in Exhibit No. 5. 72 fn Order No. 32505, the Commj-ssion ordered that the ECA 13 deferral balance will continue to be recovered or refunded 74 equally between the Residential and Small General Service 15 customer classes. Order No. 32505 at 9. Because the 76 Residential and SmaII General Service classes reduced their t7 energy consumption per customer such that the Company under 18 coll-ected its authorized level of fixed costs as 79 establlshed in Case No. IPC-E-I1-08, each class requires a 20 rate surcharge. 2! O. What is the difference between the ECA 22 deferral balance currentl-y in amortlzatj-on and the proposed 23 FCA deferral balance? 24 A. In this fiJ-ing, the Company j-s proposing to 25 col-l-ect rate's based on an FCA deferral bal-ance of HARRIS, Df Idaho Power 10 Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 $35,0L2,042, which is $6,951,500 more than the current FCA deferral balance of $28,054,542. The current deferral balance was approved in Order No. 33527, issued in Case No. IPC-E-1 6-02, with rates based on that balance effective for the period June L, 20L6, through May 31, 2077. Order No. 33527 at 4. O. How is the 3 percent rate adjustment cap determined? 10 by the A. As agreed to in the stipulation and approved Commission 1n Order No. 33295, the Company 11 calculates the 3 percent cap on annual increases 1,4 0. Does the proposed FCA deferraf balance exceed 15 the 3 percent cap on annual increases over base revenue? 76 A. No, the proposed ECA deferral balance does not I7 exceed the 3 percent cap on annual increases over base 18 revenue. The proposed FCA deferral balance is an increase 79 of $6,957,500 over the existing FCA deferral balance. The 20 total base revenue for the Company's Test Year for the 2l Residential and Small General- Service customer cl-asses is 72 13 22 23 24 dividing base rate $471,,575,824. base revenue 3 percent cap. the percentage ($6,957,500 Exhibit /$q11,575,824), No. 5 shows the by forecasted percent higher than which is below the determination of the proposed FCA deferral change by the revenue. The ECA increase is 1.48 of the annual increase over base revenue. HARRIS, DI Idaho Power 1t_ Company 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o revenue as measured from total bilIed recovered from Residential and Small customers, including the current FCA? V'Ihat is the percentage change in billed amounts General currently Service A. The resulting increase of Company is proposing to collect through effective June 7, 201-'7, through May 31, $6,957,500 the the FCA rates annual j-ncrease of L.29 percent from current for the affected customer classes. The percentage change 201,8,represents an billed revenue revenue is found in Exhibit No. 6 How will- the Company i-ncorporate the FCA for the Resi-dential and Smal1 General Service customers' bilIs ? The Company proposes t.o contj-nue including the Annual Adjustment Mechanism line item on and Small General Service customers' biIls. Does this complete your testimony? Yes, it does. 10 13 L4 15 ECA with the 76 Residential t1 a 18 A. in bill-ed o. surcharges cl-asses on A. 11 72 1,9 20 2L 22 23 24 HARRIS, DI fdaho Power 72 Company 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ATTESTAIION OF TESTIIIOIW STATE OF IDAHO ss. County of Ada I, Zachary L. Harris, having been duly sworn to testify truthfully, and based upon my personal knowledge, state the following: f am employed by Idaho Power Company as a Regulatory Analyst in the Regulatory Affairs Department and am competent to be a witness in this proceeding. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of fdaho that the foregoing pre-filed direct testimony and exhibits are true and correct to the best of my i-nformatlon and belief . DATED this 15th day of March 2017. ry L. Harris SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 15th day of March 2017. TA t Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: Boise Idaho .nI My commission expires: 02/04/20 1 ID HARRIS, DI 13 fdaho Power Company 10 11 L2 t_3 L4 15 t6 77 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I a Op talal + BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-17-02 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARRIS, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 I oE3- oqo(oq N1.)ro F. f".\N oq (Y)(v)$.ro(o ro_oF oqooro- CDN s(v)(t€qo Fc? Nqt Fo? N +t Fo?$lJ)u? o,o(o-o oqooco,61.c, Oq!+ c,)aoO) oq 6too- CDN(o Nao,oCD s(r)(t @qo g) oqoCD* (0 c?o(Y)a (o c?(\l (V)c! o(l' (Y' a? N@\oo)c! o, @c! o,r\e6 I oq(tr\\N o- oeto,rt-oct (oq N ri o (o = oq GIsfqsf(Dqsi oq oo q coroeN oq O(D(o- NlJ)ro- F (oao(o(\t- N s(,(toqo t C'siq N oqooln- o,N oqo(o F(\i@ro- N ocF(r)e6o o -Nn oq€o(')- o)6ro Nc! N(')lJ, s(v) av)oqo oc!t\ot Nn6)(v) CD Nnr\tryoC')ro FqooaNF d :fa?(o(,\ Fol(\l oo,i (o-€too- 6l oq Fsf-oo c?N$q N l!o oc (v,\O)(t(\l o. +rl)n(.) oq Nto-to,(0-t (o\No,@- F. s(Y)c')oqo o\N(o a? o) (oao(o(\tr\ (o16to(')_ \t oq Faro$(? O d a? :+ oq N(r) @_ @@t o)at+c! s(t (Y)€qo €\F€(! Fc! N(Y)lr) r\n{ o)(oc? o)6$ e)\ Nqooc\lro oaF(\tclFoq(, oq c?$tJ)a(Y) oq(o(o(t)-(')t 6aol.(tq Or UJ sc, (E = oq(t\iu?(oooq(o oq 6€ e.j n$ oq (,\o,(/,(\l o? F6l(\{ (\l s(')(tcoqo lJ)ecn(oq to (o\r\ct,o- N (o\€slq F q oqo(t o? F.(t) co ro N$ C)q r\t-tr,sf(,) q o)N s(')(v)6eo ooq (o o)a+tN o)art)\ltt(v) IOc!$$a?(')o,U? (v)\rrlro U?(oou?t oq€€ ('i(v)asf oq (v)(Y)lJ)r.-l (r)r\+(')q ro o a(Ef .ct(l, LL oqoro4$Nq N r.r)coc! $ oq c)$ro_(oo @_(o I s(v)(v,€qo o? FNq N ol NN(\l N o?or\\6oe(0 oqoF14 rocn oo(o c? N oq€(r, o? N CD I s(,(v)6qo q CDF q o)F q Fqo CD Nu?€€\aooq F Nu?o(oq(o(oN.t oq rooo? (Y) + oq @(o(n- 6to NU? Foc?(\t o eo =cGa Oq oo t"r)q $l'.qq C{ oq Ol,)to_tF(o- N s(Y)(Y)oqo I oq€lJ) tr?tFq N I F-tr)lri oqoFU? roC" s(o(,6qo oqoFro 'rio) oq @N oF\al oqoN oF\N oq @rJ)u?t]\q6t oqor\ro- 3t CD I 6 4'6 ,e,6 e e g,et I o 4'a g, oaoE, -= co = o Eo =!, ooo !,o.x TL (o o(\,I -(q o,-ctEc)oo)o Eq)E'cq, (!q) o o oII 6F oPooG o)og (od) u '= .E o6 ooc -qtUdl E E LrJ !,0) o (l,o oE o(l) o)c o =o (L = o =oo s 6,cC, d)(! CL o Eo E o = o.x I.JJ (, ;oo o c, o = 0,o!,o !,o, oo o Eo) tolr a!'e opooG .E o olro.9 Loat, (E o oo o EU' (,o ootr]o .E 0)tr] E'o ooo =o E (l)(J -g(o(D E' E LIJ o Eo) o =o o- = (E =oo s 6,cE o (E E, o(t) os co = oxLlJ og oo) (t)c .> o = o) (EEo oo oo ooo E oLr-o(,.E oU' (E ocoo o Eo .E oF coc tn =E oooEoxiI o o oo) uJ 6lo(Y)-tro$l Noc)N@ o,o,cn oooox o)o)ro Fo(')o:f\f o)o,o, ooooxq)o,rJ) o(Y,Ntr+ o,o,o, oooox o,o)rrt (') o (v)t @oo Nto,o,o, oooox o,o,ro (\,t (t t rtt (o r\6 o)o N (r)t to (o o(\l 6t NN (Y) N tN roC! (06t FGI o)N o(')atl (\l (V)(t(?t(Y)lJ)(')(o(,F(t o(t CD(v)Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-17-02 Z. Harris, IPC Page 1 of2 o ooF oqr\$(o_o(Da(,(, r\ oiN\tlJ) FIo)(oe(')Nq(t(, ocroE)a?o(Y) C\l q c:(o\L) c!o +tc\t, ocNo-f. F@oqt(Y) @a? Fo\t- F(oo.+(, oq Ft(0_o(ot (v)(v) oq lJ)lt:(t). @(?)N. @cra,o+.o(o o co Eo.=E oq G'oN.(tr\(r- (V)(v) oq snr-o(r) oqr\sqo(oa(, c4t I s(o(?,oqo I I oeFtq 6(oa(')(r) oorrrJ)N.(oc)N. ocoo a.; oq rt)1r)a?€(v,c! I s(o(v)oqo oorit,(v)-o(') nt- oq(\loqFo\sl(Y) oq C')c)rt.Fo, oq -ftu)o, oqoC')_o.c! z o-oE(,oo)o oq 6lo(r. c) N. o,(\ oqsN co_ tr) $ oq(oo ry(Y)Fc? (?) (v) (\t.qr\€c?o(, s(v)c)oco lr)\-f(ocsfC! r\ criN\sfro F dNo? FNu?(t(, oqsf(o o? \fo- oq N - oqFlr)c!(o(,c! ooq(\t6_t s(v)(v)€qo ao(\I C'I c! 6r,(o\ro ryoNq(\ttc! oc? @ ol o)@\t(7' (o criot(o (r.t oq \fNoq o)to + oq (Y)N(n (r) (o roroN. lI,(\ = o)-oEo) oz oq€o)@-oto)-+(\t +co-j: c!f'.N. $ oq Noc? (o ryo,it roq Io)o s(,(,6qo F\lJ)F\c)N (\,tat\€(v)-o(, $tno)(o\(,ta? o,N oqto\f.(\oq c) rr, Nc) oqs(,olto- (oF F.oo-t s(Y)(o6qo Fq r4tc:€ ooqc!t @_t ooq(oFr\ oto- Nn@slu?(r)roto av) \t€++rr.(oo,(r. t+ o<>+ot6tN(\l $ oqol,:a(\o toqo q N J o-ctooo oq ro-ocno- N q l--@ (f)_ LO ^{ oqocnoqoto?tN 14,e(0Fa? o) sc)(,6co oet(oc! 6 roq (o- ct)o lr)q o)ou?oroero(\I oq rJ)oqo,F€ o;r-oq NN oqt6a(\Ioq 6tq tJ)Noqc, s(t(v)6qo \ OJ(')F at,\Noo-sf (t\ o,\f.(ooo. @c? oq Ft.c,q(o(\,t u?(')(v)c! N(n ('i oq No(totno.(, oq o)Noq NN U? N(o o?o Y 0)-ctE6) Elo)a oq (v) -o\o, oq co (o- oo c.i oq u?oo)oq N Noqto(0ol$F s(Y)(ooqo (v)q n(o rooq(oN(')_ o, roq F€oq 6o? (\ oq(,(t,t-Ng)F NF-. F.co ocrooq o)r\@ NC') $ @-N s(t(noqo o C'(o(o Nq I()FN.(', 6lqo@o. N€O N@rr(o\t(ooqc{6t (',I \t(0- (r,o)(\- N oqoo)(?r- o,o c\i oq 6lF F.6 (')I r\q F a o =o = oq (v)o)cD- (o\f- 6 oq N ,.j(') N- oq (,) -o\o) oo?(0€u? o)ro s(Y)ooqo i+oqor\a? 1r) Nel.o(o Or-tN c!c@Fq(oN\o) oqN(tc! NtF Oq ON. oq(,(,aNct)N tq(oo)o)- s(v)(r)oqo @q6 (0 No?* (0- GI oto? Nr+o.too,t- t\(0N-t\lJ).oN N d (r. rJ)o(r- oqoN o(oN. oq oc!oro N rro)o)- rJ) =- oq (Y)(,$-to(o ro- @ o oq(')o)o? (oa6 Fo? 6l 3s s(,(,oqo q rr)(oarJ) €ol(o€lo- o)to oo? o)r\u? 6tu? @ oq No@. o)N(o c! oq N(')(! (\t$N (0ao(')$- s(t(t)oq C) €q .o(o u') tq(o C')o). tq 6 O,lryt$F Nq @o@-to@c.lo, N 6Fo)-t(\t oqo<t (Y)o oqoav){_(\(o o,C\l (Y)o.(0 N (,t ln (0 r\o o)o 6t (t +ro (o r\@ oN N (\tN (v) N sl6t u)N (o(\t r\(\l 6 e.{ o(o atl (\l (Y) (')(')$(')1r,(7'(o(Y:r\c)6(,) Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-17-02 Z. Harris, lPC Page2 of2 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-17-02 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARRIS, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.2 2016 Annual Fixed Cost Adiustment Deferral Calculation Residential Customer Count FCC Authorized Recovery Amount 426,737.05 s5so.63 5277,641,926 Billed Sales in kWh FCE Actual Recovery Amount 4,73t,973,L7O So.os1Go2 5244,L79,28O Residential FCA $33,458,647 Small General Service Customer Count FCC Authorized Recovery Amount 28,L86.26 s350.s7 s10,163,119 Billed Sales in kWh FCE Actual Recovery Amount 130,035,018 s0.068533 58,924,762 Small General Service FCA $1,2t9,357 Total FCA 534,707,N4 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-17-02 Z. Harris, lPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-17-02 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARRIS, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO,3 2016 Monthly Customer Count and Billed Sales Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Residential Customer Class Customer Count Billed Sales 423,336.66 564,959,539 423,2L7.21 477,972,396 423,873.7L 396,403,976 424,756.59 351,096,769 425,422.87 299,220,022 426,568.43 325,793,773 427,03L.65 407,600,291 427,924.52 457,556,56L 428,598.84 396,692,502 429,273.07 2gg,g2g,O4g 430,054.60 320,715,997 430,885.35 456,244,496 Annual Average Customer Count 426,737.O5 Total Annual Billed Sales 4,73L,973,L70 Small General Service Customer Class Month Customer Count Billed Sales January 28,126.7L L3,823,125 February 27,936.L3 12,460,287 March 28,245.73 10,599,733 April 28,040.69 9,678,27L May 28,068.83 8,554,335 June 28,565.94 9,630,852 July 28,162.25 L1,266,L50 August 28,277.44 L2,2O6,9L3 September 28,L80.44 tl,l4t,65L October 28,177.72 9,3!1,290 November 28,t7t.03 9,454,724 December 28,282.17 LL,808,677 Annual Average Customer Count 28,186.26 Total Annual Billed Sales 130,036,018 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. IPC-E-17-02 Z. Harris, IPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-17-02 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARRIS, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.4 N r-o,o! 1r) oq O'loO,! N\tF Oc ry 6 oe(,oa6lo)r *ee60gE OY;:o 66l6 6 (\Iq\} q N NqFtt nc,ts t\(06tI Fu?osl qi e?r)oc? oq oN.oro-o =of o(,o:ol @1o o dN oimcl ooo-o\o 6o?(oou?g,u, sc)(Y' @co !tq6F ri NoqV'(ooltr\ NcoFe(or\o ocoel1r,(o u?6 6ol o,Na). slq6 oq NooqoN@ q Oa N6 oq NoN ^i$N @6F' (t:o:i 99rfYF-o 6c! @(ob \tq roo,o? 4oNa\rttF Nq coooq lr)(oc!o \oFo?tol eqo{F'o oqoo!f_ N@ o oq(o2 a o O oo oqo(no: (o96 Fo? N ++ s(t(')6qo q ll)(o1n €ot(ool.c, o,D eqo@q (oNN ri oq(,FF\ciq- Oo O ra CD(t,(t) Be6o6oci I ooqoort (,cN@\oct6! o) (oc! C'IFod- oc- r\ teo(o6qo oq tct \tc?r3ci N oq @oo o;6 oq6q6raq N (, oqo(l' ni6U?r\ N$-oO Fc!N(,lr, !eoc)€oo ocl Fot r\qooa F d; rtod(t\ l\ol G rt N F a(,(ooqo (r,q $N *o6oco @rr6N ts cioI() F\ ryoc) oi6<t (Y,\rqoo6lr; (l,.q FOIc? F\oq(o oo a!t6st(t oq @(.) c?(,,tt 6aor{,q d,L c oq (!)\ot(r)C\ Oq el 6 ri oo c{rlqItoqrt @r\ F.o)oqr\ Eear)mc,oci o\N(()c(D oao(oN"r\ (oaNoc? \t og F!t blt(o ccc oor-(ooqoot Eo o = ! qcc q(Dr\ @oqt@ CDa$t({ otro Nris nqt\tori(Du? (t,\r,ou? G)ou?t oqoo d(,atf ococt6 F.t o\!tI',6 !ollJ eq(?{U?(ooe@ do don oq otso(to! o?rNry(t s(Y'(,oqo uteC':@q 6 @\ro6 F. (I,\(oCtqrtry oq 00o(D. Fct CIc r oq F-tr,tfm o:or\6oo(o oq c)F()- rato Cq (cc oc6(?olFg, d qc c qo:F q(r,N q N do, ^tu?o6\@ocr stu?o(I)q(oc) ^l\f ocrnoo? o + oq6(oc o 6llr, Nom_o eGf !olr oq6rou?!tF(o ^i OO 6q oq(r,ttu?(Dooq(o *oc)oqo q. Fq q NNhl. N oq 6rou?\tFq N *c,o Fn rJ)6 oeosl c,rl\ c.i oqoN c;F\ oc6lI)u?tFq N oqots6 'rioro z(! cs- oq€nnitrq N *(,ooqo oqo1r,tn!tNqN CC crI6o oqoFu? ll,o) dt I gt aI olr oo.E oo Eoc E =EE oxuJ oc oo o) co EoE 6f E ooo 8xIL Eo ooot:Eco =co EaPt ooo Bl!L oocsG6 o.Eccoo oog -goo E,.=cCcl0,dl olr G., Eopa6 oooc s 6 =cc 0)GE o oc tco5 co =o L PE ofoo oxUJ oc oo oc EEco = o (o!,o !,oIoo o Eoc <ol!o(,.E oo ooc E o Eo E ot- oo cul No(ot6 (\Io(o(\l @ o)o)o oooox o)C')ll, o(')o$\tq,o)CD oooox o)o)rD omN+tq,oro) oooox o)o)rn o o ot @oo Ntl o)o)o) oooox o,orr) ((} o(\t-o (,!Eo,oo)o!,(,Ecq, o0, q,c o 3co =o o- eg, Gfoo4 ;e E =cc o Goc. o Eog co = o G!,o !,ofoo oooc tolt 6 oP6otr Eo !,o ooo trfoE 0,oc.!s(s(D o.c!,cUJ toto{,o cloE ()ocs6.D El.=E'cllJ aooc N N NN (c FN Na,o(,lncl (cc:NItrcIloNI!EEEEE EE Exhibit No.4 Case No. IPC-E-17-02 Z. Harris, IPC Page 1 of2 l ooFEcgo oqr<lq @(oaoo T\q d) .+o)N Fq @@\ (!t:co o LOro dime! (! 01 Nolo (oqnN ry cD+ry oq Nstq Nq 6o oq o,tsu2nlot oq ta6o) oq6 CDq N (')gotlo-no(') F o = oq Ft@o@$-oo ocN{'q 6oq mm o)qo,oo{ @(oN so(,@go roc? o,F\er6I r ot +oN Fc(!(!rsi@\o(': oebroa?o(v) C\ oqnloFl"oory -s$o s8oio hu? mq (ooci6lo?o @o? Dr ryoIry oq N\to ol q hm oolo oto (ooloo odN a o oqr<tq @@am(, oq Nttqooq n a?o(ood(,6t soooqo 6a? ('Jroqro,t o)q o,m ryo@N o@ cioqtol:o(': oqr)loo_(ooN. oq b(lo-ooc! @ts€@o E8odo nlr) ; a@ooq 6) qq<lryo+ ry oIo rioq <t(?J (,o?o o!o6l ooc; o_oN t =oo oqr$q co(oaoo oq Ntfqo@q m (, o?oorf.o $t ;3oooqo 6o o;roqr\6l o € N o Foq tsoFeo oc1r,rom_ aooo{ oorioa? 6ocl *soo EE|io t:u? (4c (oeF\rooq 6 loq N ryN$ry r dNIrt6a+o oo!o o) @ ooo o)-oCT a aof !ot! oqF$L6(o9(o(r) oq N<fq 6@too rJ)u? o(t? No N oiot\ttn sooogo sooogo 6oo;F.oqts 6a?oNeNN oqr,roo_6oN- oq 6ba?€oc.l 6+tsoio Rq(do -kNO FE6-o nu? oq a? @(\ oq F F? o ro$ry N oioalnNolttm (,oto o!oN oo?o ol @ ooo o- @N I zG =co ooF.\tqo(oao(r) oq Nrfq 6@amr, oeb6o-€(tN- oqnna? 6ory t/)u? mq (or+o\@ @\o)\t ri+ry c? @olc(oo4+('J oo:o o_oN o coE @.:E' e@oo!oFa?(r, oeGI6a?o o{oN Oq .t 6o oosrfq6GIa s,taF.coc?oo soooqo ;ec,ooqo r niNr+o nts+oc?tN r oi(! c?mNq o Cc{oIN -No oqoocloo.{ oo F6o! @(tnt ;eoo6qo L oBs $E+o c.! m@\n 6lo@\b 6cl F@ar@{tt(' octNqo6N @ siort- @ a?tt oq taroo, ;oq$ eoro + oq€o)I$l €c?n6tt-o(o z ooEoooo oO+Ncq o6 $ F caNa,F uiec 9 No qo(or: b @m di qa(or <to ooriNa? (o (o rinc{-hC{ = ooEo oz oq6ooqo oltsl oc 6RNrq N6 ryo,N nq q o)o s(tr)oqo F\@rt:oN NIN6 j 1a@\orlaio oq rf6tf- Noo- C CqYN oqtoo1$o- oaar\ C,)i3Bq{o rqnoCE ooqstsoqs oq @Nt:oo- q @<tu? mr)som toq+ta @o,qt c,qt6aNNc!ri oqo6q No $6o I ) oq u?oooq N Oor qO6qo lr)e(orC? o soooqo oo+oc!6 rq o:Cuj C4 nN C or ^iN ogsf@s. Noq c.r ;eoo IEaio r orFoq<f do lr) atoN.Nch (" ogrcoa?or')ori oqoF.eNN ul N(o o?6sto+N @o mr oqr4o(oN Y oo Eo ooo oo(J-o\o Oc€ oot6 6i o q oq N Noq b@o)tF.. ae,(o@qo oc a(o oqoFo- o) n6r.6oq 6o) N oqoot_No,r Nr s€ oqnoqots@ e.r ;eoot3ioCN-o @@ ^lq bF.c!m Nqo€q Ncoo F6 F(or\t(ocNN oI \tqoo)N. N oqoo)a?o@ ni oq NF r-o oI r\o F- lo -lo N tl:(l)N NN oN r oN o,N N(,oo @o Fe D Exhibit No. 4 Case No. IPC-E;I7-02 Z. Harris, IPC Page2 of 2 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-17-02 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARRIS, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.5 aNaF oqou+ 6(ONNa\ r'tTD€ooqcoosaN t\,tnaNF ooa? a?r) rr)@@NC\.d .d.O \O a.+ N\Oq.q -otr)o\o-qO\ (\lN@qo-(9-(') {+a .o o\.o()o-\o\ \oco@o\ l/)<i+r)FS {r+a (t-cot00- (,)-oF.N@\oNoi <ttNo--tr) N. \Ocq\o r)\O F\F\ C\ci oi.oS\n (f) -c') {4 \c6€aFl sl(\l6 1.')r\u)j F =l<.rl ooIn Nlr)ot i.o1t\ fisf,*l--o mm (')q Nto-N o.r)(9g tt<\ @-rot\r)- NsI sNNdr)o\ cd\o rt (,eNso. N o-rr, (?)c+ ofco o,c,o lEc,o0.!o oot0a! Eo,C' 0,roC'Eoo i5 (Jtf G =ctr ., =co oGo lEGooG6 !o 0(Ego or dratYlrno OEz!gl!!,ro La!o!LO9tio.046EHE3EEsR;rzl-uP E.= odE &_aI LIJtri E lr o.E ovl IE E EoE,gg*==EqEorEocl,u Exhibit No. 5 Case No. IPC-E-17-02 Z. Harris, IPC Page 1 of 1 o oe EcrDtra0r-lJEIC oEc= o o ,=ELooarao<EUU ooP s$ E Ea9bEtr oz e*! $Eg<o t lrEIElrICloILloElx .E lEE IE E13o t9alio ltrEls (JtrrL BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-17-02 IDAHO POWER COMPANY HARRIS, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.6 soqssooc! a? @oo@oi oool (ootoo_ N_NT(Doto6G (DOqq ON ooN@@o+oo6o--N@ o6 olrlclol>toldl =lBIvl-tol(Ll 6NOF -OONN_ F- b- N-oo- n@$ N(i e cri -Oo6 B#HId .o oal sssso!tooNOOO-;ci- oolcoEo 4sesPB;s ooooo(ostoo- t_ @-NO O@o N6goe EtsqpbdE NNOOONero- o_ o_*@oNO Not Nci' 6 f\iF9o6ss El Eo =@o E -E.D coo o(L oIoo oocft@-no0e N artooroG o -== oooo60otoNNN_ O-oo nao oo crio oo oo6Nh <t No6ooro 6 oo+or+ N oo.E oo Eoco(9 q E@utOEEEut .qdEbg =d6&=60EOOF h@ E9>66 =e>oH*E->UJF88.E'E C'O@o .o .6EE,{roppooooEt e5l gAE'El !8l ofl $ sEPI EI .EE.ol 66 =l ==EI EEsl &E E-,' Eg#EI- uag &l EIil EIo.I :loool gEEI "2e o == g co oEE--car=86ctt!4,oI bgecc9Ho >rcEgEOell,;! 6 Eo o oo>9 ,=EE E=ao Fo EEiiEo.Ea!o-o"96=EE2 0g6.8 X:r Eo (lJEo ogl !o=ao oEcEE oEG2ou o4 OFo*oodNNO(oNr.i@iN6-d -Oo3l.-_ @-@Nool!t $!toooo tON Nrtd {F@ (D@Fnor niort Eo =tt Ed9'El nNott.- ot oINn'j $ Uc UG Go oFEo oIo oL cO od o N oN .iocl FOtbOi6 0:ltu)zl o.E) Exhibit No. 6 Case No. IPC-E-17-02 Z. Harris, IPC Page 1 of 1 FNoSolzl