HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170227Application.pdfreffi*.il,I{lEivLD iilii p1 i;r ? ? Pl.l h: 5 il DONOVAN E. WALKER Lead Counsel dwalker@idahopower.com February 27,2017 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Case No. IPC-E-17-01 Franklin Energy Storage One through Four, LLC, and Black Mesa Energy, LLC - ldaho Power Company's Petition for Declaratory Order Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find an original and seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company's Petition for Declaratory Order. Very yours, novan E. Walker DEW:csb Enclosures 1221 W. ldaho 5t. (83702) PO. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 An IDACORP CompanY ',r i),,Jl- Re DONOVAN E. WALKER (lSB No. 5921) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwalker@ idahopower. com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER REGARDI NG PROPER CONTRACT TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND AVOIDED COST PRICING FOR BATTERY STORAGE FACILITIES. CASE NO. rPC-E-17-01 PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Comp?[y"), pursuant to RP 101, hereby petitions the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or "Commission") to issue an order determining the proper contract terms, conditions, and avoided cost pricing to be included in the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ('PURPA") contracts requested by several battery storage facitities.l ' On January 26,2017, ldaho Power received four separate Schedule 73 applications from proposed battery storage projects requesting published avoided cost rate indicative pricing and 20-year contracts from: Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC (32 MW); Franklin Energy Storage Two, LLC (32 MW); Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC (32 MW); and Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC (32 MW). See Attachments 1-4. All proposed Franklin Energy Storage projects were submitted by the same developer. On February 13, 2017, ldaho Power received another Schedule 73 application from a separate proposed battery storage project from another developer: Black Mesa Energy, LLC (20 MW). See Attachment 5. These five proposed projects are hereafter referred to collectively as "Proposed Battery Storage Facilities." PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 1 ldaho Power, a vertically integrated public utility electric service provider regulated in the state of Idaho by the IPUC, is the petitioner in this matter. PURPA requires ldaho Power, as a public utility, to purchase generation from cogeneration and small power production facilities that are certified as PURPA qualiffing facilities ("QFs" or "QF") at avoided cost rates determined by the IPUC. The Proposed Battery Storage Facilities claim they are entitled to published avoided cost rates with a 20-year contract term. Attachments 1-5, 6. ldaho Power asserts that the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities be subject to the same 100 kilowatt ("kW") published rate eligibility cap applicable to wind and solar generation. ldaho Power seeks a declaratory ruling from the Commission that proposed battery storage facilities over 100 kW are eligible for negotiated avoided cost rates determined by the incremental cost lntegrated Resource Plan ("lRP") methodology and a maximum contract term of two years-and that battery storage facilities up to a maximum nameplate capacity of 100 kW are entitled to published avoided cost rates and a 20-year maximum contract term. ln support of this Petition, ldaho Power states as follows: I. BACKGROUND AND FACTS After separate lengthy and contested proceedings, the Commission determined as part of its implementation of PURPA for the state of ldaho: (1) the published, or standard, avoided cost rate eligibility cap for wind and solar QFs is set at 100 kW, consistent with 18 C.F.R. 292.304(c), Order No.32262; and (2) the maximum contract term for proposed QF projects that are larger than the published rate eligibility cap is two years. Order No. 33357. The published rate eligibility cap for all other generation PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 2 types remains at the previously established 10 average megawatts ("aMW") on a monthly basis and all proposed projects that are eligible for published rates have the previously established maximum contract term of 20 years available to them. The Commission also previously directed that published avoided cost rates be distinguished by resource type. Order No. 32697, p. 15; Order No. 32802, pp. 5-8. Negotiated avoided cost rates, for projects that exceed the published rate eligibility cap, are based upon the incrementa! cost IRP methodology, which compares the specific generation profile of the proposed project to the displaceable resources used to serve load in the Company's resource stack to arrive at an avoided cost. Over an approximate two week period in late January/early February 2017, ldaho Power received five applications seeking PURPA energy sales agreements for a total of 148 megawatts ("MW") of proposed battery storage QFs. See Attachments 1-5. ldaho Power has attached hereto, and incorporates herein by this reference, as Attachments 1 through 5, the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities' five separate Schedule 73 applications requesting published avoided cost pricing and 20-year contracts, the Federa! Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") Form 556 QF self-certifications, and the projects' generation/output profiles submitted by each project to ldaho Power. Also attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference are: Attachment 6, ldaho Power's February 9 and 27,2017, responses to the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities; Attachment 7, February 10,2017, response from Franklin Energy Storage One through Four; as well as Attachment 8, maps depicting the location and layout of the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities. PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 3 Each Proposed Battery Storage Facility submitted a FERC Form 556 self- certification of QF status to ldaho Power, purporting to be a QF independent of its generation source. Attachments 1-5. As part of the required Schedule 73 applications, each Proposed Battery Facility also submitted a generation output profile, on an hourly basis, for all 8,760 hours in a year. ld. Each generation profile is nearly identical, and generally matches the shape, timing, and output of a solar generation profile. ld. The four proposed Franklin Energy Storage projects are located at the same site and were submitted from a single developer-the same developer that had previously submitted Schedule 73 applications and requests for energy sales agreements for the four proposed 20 MW Jackpot Solar facilities which were the subject of the Commission's final Order No. 33667 in Case No. IPC-E-16-21. Attachments 1-4,8. The fifth proposed battery storage facility, Black Mesa LLC, was submitted by a different developer at a different location, but with nearly identical information provided in both the Schedule 73 application and Form 556 self-certification. Attachments 5, 8. Each Proposed Battery Storage Facility in its individual Schedule 73 application requests published avoided cost rates, Rate Option 4, Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates, and a 20-year contract. Attachments 1 -5. Idaho Power responded to the four proposed Franklin Energy Storage facilities within Schedule 73's required 1O-business day response time with a letter dated February 9, 2017. Attachment 6. ldaho Power notified Iegal counsel for the four proposed Franklin Energy Storage facilities that the applications were not complete, identified several deficiencies in the Schedule 73 applications, and stated that "it does not appear that your proposed projects qualify for Rate Option 4 - Non-Levelized Non- PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 4 Fueled Rates and a twenty (20) year contract term." /d. The proposed Franklin Energy Storage facilities responded by letter dated February 10,2017, purporting to address deficiencies in its applications and demanding that ldaho Power proffer 20-year, published avoided cost rates for its proposed battery storage projects. Attachment 7, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. By letters dated February 27,2017, ldaho Power responded to all five Proposed Battery Storage Facilities that it does not agree that they are eligible for published rates and 2O-year contracts, and notified them of this case filing. Attachment 6. II. DISCUSSION A. The Commission has Jurisdiction to lssue a Declaratorv Order in the Case. The Commission has jurisdiction to issue declaratory orders under Title 61 of ldaho Code and the ldaho Uniform Declaratory Judgments Act of 1933. See Order No. 33667, pp. 5-6, Case No. IPC-E-16-21. A declaratory judgment "must clarify and settle the legal relations at issue, and afford leave from uncertainty and controversy which gave rise to the proceeding." Hanis v. Cassra County, 106 ldaho 513, 517, 681 P.2d 988 (1984) (citing Sweeney v. Am. Nat'l 8k.,62 ldaho 544, 115 P.2d 109 (1941)). For a declaratory judgment to be rendered, there must be "an actual or justiciable controversy" that is "real and substantial," and "definite and concrete, touching the legal relations of parties having adverse legal interests." ld. at 516 (quoting Aetna Life lns. Co. v. Haworth,300 U.S. 277,240-41 (1937)). ld. The Commission has further recognized its role when considering a petition for declaratory ruling as follows: Declaratory rulings are appropriate regarding the applicability of any statutory provision or of any rule or order of this Commission. See IDAPA; Uniform Declaratory Judgment Act, ldaho Code 10-1201 ef seg. A declaratory ruling contemplates the resolution of prospective PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 5 problems. The rights sought to be protected by a declaratory judgment may invoke either remedial or preventive relief; it may relate to a right that is only yet in dispute or a status undisturbed but threatened or endangered; but in either event it must involve actual and existing facts. ldaho Supreme Court in Hanis v. Cassra County,106 ldaho 513,516-517,618 P.2d 988 (1984). Order No. 29480, p. 16. Additionally, the Commission may clarify any order on its own motion. RP 325. ldaho Power does not agree with the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities' claims as to their QF status independent of a cognizable associated generation resource, and this Petition is without prejudice to Idaho Power's position before FERC on the validity of the self-certifications. However, QF status is within the exclusive jurisdiction and properly before FERC, not this Commission, for determination. Idaho Power does not seek from this Commission a determination as to QF status with regard to the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities. ldaho Power seeks a determination from the Commission as to the proper avoided cost rates, as well as the proper contractual terms and conditions applicable to the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities Schedule 73 requests for PURPA pricing and contracts. Although not conceding any argument and advocacy to the contrary at FERC, for purposes of the determination as to the rate eligibility and contract term length for the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities as requested in this Petition, ldaho Power does not dispute that the facilities are self-certified QFs without respect to the validity of those self-certifications. The legal controversy or question for the Commission is, under the facts presented by the requests of the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities, whether they are entitled to published avoided cost rates and 2O-year contract terms-or are instead entitled to the negotiated rate and contracting PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER.6 procedures and two-year contract terms. This is a determination that is within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Commission. The status of and applicability of the Commission's implementation of PURPA with regard to proposed battery storage facilities was not considered and/or addressed in the Commission's determinations as to published rate eligibility cap, differentiation of applicable avoided cost rates to different generation technologies, or its determinations regarding other contractua! terms and conditions, such as contract term. ldaho Power has now received, in a little over two weeks'time, multiple requests for a total of 148 MW from proposed battery storage facilities and disagrees with the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities as to the proper application of the Commission's implementation of PURPA with regard to published avoided cost rate eligibility and the maximum contract term applicable to such projects. There is a real and substantial controversy as to the proper application of this Commission's implementation of PURPA with regard to specific requests and actual and existing facts, applicable to the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities. !t is appropriate for the Commission to issue a declaratory order in this case. B. Battery Storase Facilities should be Subiect to the 100 kW Published Rate Eliqibilitv Cap. With regard to the five applications seeking PURPA energy sales agreements, the generation source that energizes all of the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities is solar generation. Attachments 1-5. The output profile submitted for each of the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities matches the shape and timing of the generation profile of a solar generator. ld. None of the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities propose to operate in a manner that would realize the potential benefits of energy PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 7 storage facilities-they simply propose to operate with substantially the same generation profile as a solar generator. The potential benefits and possible promise of economically viable, utility-scale energy storage facilities is in the unique operational characteristics to, for example: provide ancillary grid services such as reserve capacity, surge capacity, load-balancing, or voltage support; firming of variable generation; or time-shifting generation to match load. However, to realize these benefits, it would be necessary for operational control and dispatchability of the facility to be with the utility charged with serving load. When operated as proposed by the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities, it appears to be structured in a way that passes through as many kW hours as possible in order to maximize revenue under the must-purchase provision of PURPA. Furthermore, any of the potential benefits of utility-scale battery storage facilities cannot be recognized when the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities are configured in such a manner as to come under published rates, priced at the avoided cost of a natural gas combustion turbine, and standard contract terms and conditions. lt would only be through the project-specific avoided cost determinations of the incremental cost lRP methodology and the negotiated rate and contract process required of proposed projects that exceed the published rate eligibility cap where it may be possible to determine the value of the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities. Furthermore, from ldaho Power's perspective, the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities' Schedule 73 applications appear to be vehicles used to circumvent the Commission's rules and requirements in its implementation of PURPA for the state of ldaho. The four proposed Franklin Energy Storage facilities are all located adjacent to, and in the same vicinity as the previously proposed four,20 MW each, Jackpot Solar PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 8 facilities. See Case No. IPC-E-16-21. The four proposed Jackpot Solar facilities have the same developer, Robert Paul, and the same legal counsel, Peter Richardson, as the four proposed Franklin Energy Storage facilities. The proposed Black Mesa storage facility submitted almost identica! documents as the four proposed Franklin Energy Storage facilities, and the developers of all five proposed projects had some level of involvement with the Grand View Solar project, an 80 MW PURPA solar QF under contract with Idaho Power. As was made clear by the Commission in the previously referred to Jackpot Solar case, Case No. IPC-E-16-21, solar QFs are subject to a 100 kW published rate eligibility cap, and for any projects that exceed the published rate eligibility cap, the maximum contract term is limited to two years. Pricing for such facilities is determined at the start of each two-year contract term. Order No. 33667. The non-generator Proposed Battery Storage Facilities have proposed to classify themselves without regard to the solar generation that will energize their batteries, and further proposed to disaggregate into 10 aMW increments, which would avoid application of the 100 kW published rate cap and associated two-year contract term limitation for projects over the cap. First, the Commission should recognize that the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities are acting as nothing more than a pass through of the solar generation, in what appears to be a blatant attempt to manipulate the 100 kW published rate eligibility cap and two-year contract limitation for solar generators. Secondly, the four proposed Franklin Energy Storage facilities are all immediately adjacent to each other within the same one-mile section of land. Attachment 8. The projects purport to be in compliance with disaggregation rules by claiming separate ownership, but this appears to be an attempt to get 128 MW of capacity split up into four PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 9 separate 10 aMW increments, with the goal of qualifying for published rates and 2O-year contracts. This was the practice that the Commission determined to prevent when it first implemented a temporary reduction to a 100 kW published rate eligibility cap for wind and solar projects, Order No. 32176, and then made that 100 kW published rate cap permanent for wind and solar QFs. Order No.32262. See Case Nos. GNR-E-10-04, GNR-E-1 1-01 . Based upon the record, the Commission finds that a convincing case has been made to temporarily reduce the eligibility cap for published avoided cost rates from 10 aMW to 100 kW for wind and solar onlv while the Commission further investigates the implications of disaggregated QF projects. . . . Wind and solar resources present unique characteristics that differentiate them from other PURPA QFs. Wind and solar generation, integration, capacity and ability to disaggregate provide a basis for distinguishing the eligibility cap for wind and solar from other resources. . . . At a minimum, FERC regulations require that standard or published rates be set for purchases from QFs with a design capacity of 100 kW or !ess. These regulations also grant the Commission the discretion to set the published rate eligibility cap at a higher level. 18 C.F.R. $ 292.304(c). Whether it is a published rate or a rate for a larger QF, FERC requires that the avoided cost rates for al! QF purchases be just and reasonable to utility customers and in the public interest; and not discriminate against qualifying cogeneration and small power production facilities. 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(aX1). ln establishing a published rate, the Commission may differentiate among QFs using various technologies on the basis of supply characteristics of the different technologies; the availability of capacity and energy during daily and seasonal peaks; dispatchability; reliability; and other factors. 18 C.F.R. S 2e2.304 (cX3). . . . This Commission established a clear and reasoned distinction between small and large QFs in 1995 when it PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 1O adopted the use of the IRP methodology for larger QFs. Order Nos. 25882, 25883, 25884. The Commission explained that requiring Iarger QF projects "to prove their viability by market standards ensures that utilities will not be required to acquire resources priced higher than would result from a least cost planning [RFP] process. Ratepayers will not be disadvantaged and QFs will be treated fairly and consistently with the requirements and goals of PURPA." ld. at 6. The purpose, then and now, of distinguishing between small and large QFs with the application of the IRP methodology for large QF projects is to more precisely value the energy being delivered - not encourage or discourage QF resources. Order No. 32176, pp. 9-10 (citations omitted, emphasis in original). ln extending the 100 kW published rate eligibility cap from temporary to permanent for wind and solar QFs, the Commission stated: Based upon the record in this case and after careful consideration of the positions presented, the Commission finds it appropriate to maintain the 100 kW eligibility cap for published avoided costs rate for wind and solar QFs. We find that any attempt to implement criteria in an effort to prevent disaggregation would be met by attempts to circumvent such criteria. The economic incentive for the projects is obvious. QF developers are working within the current structure provided by this Commission. However, we emphasize that PURPA and our published rate structure were never intended to promote large scale wind and solar development to the detriment of utility customers. Avoided cost rates are to be just and reasonable to the utility's ratepayers. 18 C.F.R. S 292.30a(aX1). PURPA entitles QFs to a rate equivalent to the utility's avoided cost, a rate that holds utility customers harmless - not a rate at which a project may be viable. 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(aX2). !f we allow the current trend to continue, customers may be forced to pay for resources at an inflated rate and, potentially, before the energy is actually needed by the utility to serve its customers. This is clearly not in the public interest. PURPA and the implementing regulations require only that the published/standard avoided cost rates be established and made available to QFs with a design capacity of 100 kW or less. 18 C.F.R. S 292.304(c). . . . Wind and solar projects PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 11 larger than 100 kW continue to be entitled to PURPA contracts at avoided cost rates calculated using the IRP Methodology. Furthermore, a 100 kW threshold for wind and solar QFs provides a certainty to the parties in negotiations that disaggregation criteria would not. While we recognize the impact that this decision will have on small wind and solar projects, it would be erroneous, and illegal pursuant to PURPA, for this Commission to allow large projects to obtain a rate that is not an accurate reflection of the utility's avoided cost for the purchase of the QF generation. Order No. 32262, p. 8 (citations omitted). Once again, the Commission is faced with a rush of proposed PURPA projects that appear to be configuring themselves in such a manner as to circumvent the Commission's rules implementing PURPA to the direct detriment of ldaho Power customers, which is contrary to PURPA. The Proposed Battery Storage Facilities share the modular, and easily disaggregated, nature of wind and solar generation referenced by the Commission in its orders limiting those resource types to 100 kW for published rate eligibility. The 148 MW of Proposed Battery Storage Facilities' requests for energy sales agreements also came in a large amount of proposed MWs in a very short time, again similar to the previous wind and solar development. ln its order reducing the maximum contract term for proposed projects that exceed the published rate eligibility cap, the Commission stated: Based upon our record, we find that 20-year contracts exacerbate overestimations to a point that avoided cost rates over the long-term period are unreasonable and inconsistent with the public interest. We find shorter contracts reasonable and consistent with federal and state law for multiple reasons. First, shorter contracts have the potential to benefit both the QF and the ratepayer. By adjusting avoided cost rates more frequently, avoided costs become a truer reflection of the actual costs avoided by the utility and allow QFs and ratepayer to benefit from normal fluctuations in the market. PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 12 Second, shorter contract lengths do not ultimately prevent a QF from selling energy to a utility over the course of 20 years - or longer. PUPRA's "must purchase" provision requires the utility to continue to purchase the QF's power. . . . A shorter contract length merely functions as a reset for calculation of the avoided costs in order to maintain a more accurate reflection of the actual costs avoided by the utility over the long term. . . . This Order shortens the length of IRP-based PURPA contract in order to maintain a more accurate avoidedcost. This Order strikes a balance between just and reasonable rates for ratepayers, the public interest and interests of QFs, as is mandated by PURPA and FERC regulations. Order No. 33357, p. 23, 32 (emphasis in original). lt is appropriate and within the exclusive authority of the Commission to act in the public interest to protect customers from this manipulation of the rules and extend the 100 kW published rate eligibility cap to battery storage projects. ilt. coNcLustoN ldaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue a declaratory order, without prejudice to ldaho Power's position on the validity of the underlying self- certifications, finding that, under the facts presented, the Proposed Battery Storage Facilities are subject to the same 100 kW published avoided cost rate eligibility cap applicable to wind and solar facilities. More specifically, ldaho Power seeks a declaratory ruling from the Commission that the proper authorized avoided cost rate for battery storage facilities, such as those proposed by Franklin Energy Storage One through Four and Black Mesa Energy, as projects that exceed 100 kW nameplate capacity, is the incremental cost IRP methodology with a maximum contract term of two PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 13 years-and that battery storage facilities, up to a maximum nameplate capacity of 100 kW, are eligible for published avoided cost rates and a 20-year maximum contract term. Respectfully submitted this 27n day of February 2017. DONOVAN E. WALKER Attorney for ldaho Power Company PETITION FOR DEGI.ARATORY ORDER . 14 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 27th day of February 2017 I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Franklin Energy Storage One through Four, LLC Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Black Mesa Energy, LLC Brian Lynch Black Mesa Energy, LLC P.O. Box 2731 Palos Verdes, California 90274 _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail_FAXxEmail brian@mezzdev.com Christa C PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER - 15 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-17-01 IDAI;IO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE ONE, LLC Peter Richardson Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC 515 N. 27fr Street Boise, Idaho 83702 peter@richardsonadams.com January 26,20L7 Michael Darrington Senior Energy Contract Coordinator Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 HAND DELIVERY Re:Schedule 73 Energy Sales Agreement Request, Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC Dear Mr. Darrington: Enclosed, pursuant to Idaho Power Company's ("Company") Tariff Schedule 73 ("Schedule 73") you will find a completed Qualiffing Facility Energy Sales Agreement Application ("Application") seeking an "indicative pricing proposal" from the Company for the Franklin Energy Storage One project. The Franklin Energy Storage One project ("Franklin One") is a 25 MW battery storage QF located in Idaho a few miles north of Jackpot, Nevada. In addition to the information requested on the enclosed Application, Schedule 73 separately requests additional information and documents that should accompany the Application. Each information request from Section 1 of the Contracting Procedures Part of Schedule 73 is responded to in detail below: Section l(aXD requests a copy of the organizational structure and chart. Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC has only one member, BCL & Associates, LLC. Robert A. Paul the non-member manager. As the organization is very 'flat' there is no organizational chart. Section l(a)(ii) requests a description ofthe "generation and other related technology." This question is addressed in detail on the enclosed FERC Form 556 at Paragraph 7(h), which fully describes the electro-chemical battery system used by Franklin One, which has been self-certified as a QF pursuant to FERC regulations. Section l(a)(iii) requests specifics as to the "maximum design capacity, station service requirements, and the net amount of power, all in kW to be delivered to the Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC Schedule 73 Contracting Procedures Checklist Page I Company's electric system." That information is provided in detail at Paragraphs 7a through 79 on the enclosed FERC Form 556. Section l(a)(iv) requests a "schedule of estimated Qualiffing Facility electric output, in an 8,760-hour electronic spreadsheet format." The electronic spreadsheet is attached to the enclosed Application. Section l(a)(v) seeks information as to whether the facility will have the ability to "respond to dispatch orders from the Company." As described at Paragraph 7h on the attached FERC Form 556, "The Facility will be utilized to provide the purchasing utility [tdaho Power] with pre-scheduled and dispatchable AC energy within pre-determined time blocks" for a sustained time period of 5-60 minutes. Section l(a)(vi) requests a o'map of the Qualifuing Facility location, electrical interconnection point, and POD (identified by nearest landmark and GPS coordinates)." The enclosed Application contains the requested map and coordinates. Note that the Application requests the identity of the "Nearest City or landmark" rather than just the nearest landmark. The identity of the city of Jackpot, Nevada on the Application as the nearest city should suflice as satisfying both requirements (city and landmark) as we are unaware of a near-by physical feature of the land that would stand out as a landmark in the common usage of the term. Section l(a)(vii) requests the "anticipated commencement date for delivery of electric output." As noted in Paragraph 1l on the attached FERC Form 556, Franklin One anticipates a commercial operation date of June l, 2018. Section 1(a)(viii) requests a list, and status, of acquired and outstanding permits. The project is curently working toward finalizing Conditional Use Permit with Twin Falls County. The County has already granted permits for wind, solar, and electrical substation projects on this property - no major hurdles are anticipated. All of the necessary local agencies have been engaged to provide comment and feedback on the proposed project. Building permits will be obtained prior to construction. There are cumently no anticipated schedule impacts to the Q4 2019 COD due to permitting. Section l(a)(ix) requests a demonstration of the ability of the facility to obtain QF status. The attached FERC Form 556 satisfies this requirement. Section 1(a)(x) requests a description of the fuel types and sources. The direct source of energy provided to Idaho Power will be the electro-chemical reaction created in the battery storage system. The battery storage system does not consume fuel. It will, however, be energized by renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass and the like. The initial plan is to utilize the ample solar resource at the site to fully energize the battery storage system, although additional renewable energy sources will be considered and installed as necessary in the future. Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC Schedule 73 Contracting Procedures Checklist Page 2 Section l(a)(xi) is currently inapplicable as Franklin One has no plans to obtain fuel or arrange fuel transportation for the facility at this time. Should the battery system be energized with a renewable bio-fuel at some point in the future, then the project will provide Idaho Power with all the necessary fuel and transportation agreements at that time. Section l(a)(xii) is also inapplicable as the facility will be directly connected to Idaho Power's electrical system. Section 1(a)(xiii) requests information as to the interconnection status of the facility. The interconnection request is pending. Section l(a)(xiv) requests the proposed contacting term and rate option. As indicated on the enclosed Application, Franklin One is requesting a twenty year contract term and the published "Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates." Within the next ten business days and pursuant to Section 1(b) please provide your written notice of any deficiencies in this request or, if there are no deficiencies pursuant to Section l(c) please provide Idaho Power's indicative pricing proposal. Very truly yours,(.b0,M Peter J. Richardson, Counsel for Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC Cc: Donovan Walker Idaho Power Company l22l West ldaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC Schedule 73 Contracting Procedures Checklist Page 3 ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 73-9 SCHEDULE 73 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO (Continued) QUALIFYING FACILITY ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT APPLICATION ldaho Power Qualifying Facility (QF) contact information Mailing Address: Physical Address: Telephone number: E-MailAddress: IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,2015 Attn: Energy Contracts, P O Box 70 Boise, lD 83702 1221W.ldaho Street, Boise, lD 83703 208-388-6070 rallphin@idahopower. com Preamble and lnstructions All generation facilities that qualify pursuant to ldaho Power Company Schedule 73 for a QF Energy Sales Agreement and wish to sell energy from their facility to ldaho Power must complete the following information and submit this Application by hand delivery, mail or E-mail to ldaho Power. Upon receipt of a complete Application, ldaho Power shall process this request for a QF Energy Sales Agreement pursuant to ldaho Power Company Schedule 73. Qualifying Facility lnformation Proposed Proiect Name of Facility:Franklin Enerov Storaoe One Resource Type: (i.e. wind, solar, hydro,Batterv Storaoe Facility Location: GPS Coordinates: W {14.6 N 42.206 Nearest City or landmark: Jackoot Nevada Name of Facility:Franklin Enerov Storaoe One County and State:Twin Falls Countv. ldaho Map of Facility, including proposed interconnection point. (See Attached.l Anticipated commencement date of energy deliveries to ldaho Power: October 1.2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 73-9 SCHEDULE 73 COGENE-EIIATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO QUALIFYING FACILITY ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT APPLICATION (Continued) Facility Nameplate Capacity Rating (kW)32.000 Facility Maximum Output Capacity (kW):32.000 Station Service Requirements (kW):7.000 Facility Net Delivery to ldaho Power (kW)25.000 Facility interconnection status: Pendino Proposed Contracting Term (cannot exceed 20 years):_!Q1g Requested Rate Option (details provided in Schedule 73): Rate Option No. 4. "Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates" Does the Facility have the ability to respond to dispatch orders from ldaho Power Company (Yes or No)Yes Please include the following attachments / Hourly estimated energy deliveries (kW) to ldaho Power for every hour of a one year period. Attached. / List of acquired and outstanding Qualifying Facility permits, including a description of the status and timeline for acquisition of any outstanding permits. The proiect ls currentlv workino tourard fnalizlno Conditional Use Pemits with Twln Falls Countv. The Countv has alreadv oranted oermits forwind. solar. and electrical substaton orolects on this orooertv - no maior hurdles arc anticioatgd. All of the necessarv local aoencies have b6en enoaoed to provide comment and feedback on the proposed proiect Buildinq oermiB will be obtained prior to constructlon. There are currenflv no anticipated schedule imoacts to the Q4 2019 COD due to permittino. o At the minimum a FERC issued QF certificate/self-certification is required and/or evidence that Facility will be able to obtain a Qualifying Facility certificate. FERC Form 556 is attached. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,2015 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W, Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ,/ lf the Facility will require fuel be transported to the Facility (i.e. natural gas pipelines, railroad transportation, etc), evidence of ability to obtain sufficient transportation rights to operate the Facility at the stated Maximum Output Amount. NIA,/ lf the Facility will not be interconnecting directly to the ldaho Power electrical system, evidence that the Facility will be able to interconnect to another utility's electrical system and evidence that the Facility will be able to obtain firm transmission rights over all required transmission providers to deliver the Facility's energy to ldaho Power. N/A Owner lnformation Owner / Company Name: Franklin Energv Storaoe One. LLC Contact Person: Robert A. Paul. llllanaqer Address: 515N.m City: State: Zip: Eige-lSlgho_8ilZQ! Telephone: fl60) 861-1104 E-mail : robertaoaul0S@omail.com Applicant Signature I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all information provided in this Qualifying Facility Energy Sales Agreement application is true and correct. lsl Signature Robert A. Paul Print Name IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,2015 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Rogersory Idaho Franklin Energy Storage One LLC Franklin Energy Storage Two LLC Franklin Enetgy Storage Three LLC Franklin Energy Storage Four LLC Jackpot Solar Substation p.l!!crlQN!_IQ ijolEqrg]q_lBoM TWIN FALLSifri-E[fruy 3{), head South on Hithrvdy 93 for 25 hites Proiect Site is lo..d oaI of HiEhway 93 iEtSilth ot the h*n of Rogm, ldrho PROIECTSUMMARY Tot l Adea8e: radpot Sold 2: rl,(s ader Existint 2hninF Agio{Ud Preruati('n (A6 Pr6) DEVELOP€R INFORMATION A lterutive Porv6 Development, l.Jorthrves( LLC 5r5 N.27lhSt, &)i*, lD 83702 (760) 86r-U(u robe.tapaurct@ghsil @ LEGAL DESCRIT'TIONt'id pdfioniiftana;nth oI ldaho srare Hi8hway 93 loote.l in Towchip U Soul[Rqg! 15 Eist, S.diore 17,19,2!J, ed29 LOCATION Twh Falls stlE AIIERNATIVE DEVIIOPMENT FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC 515 N.27u Sneet Boise,Idaho 83702 (208) 938-7901 peter@richardsonadams.com January 31,2017 Attn: Energy Contracts Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 1221 West [daho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 rallphin@idahopower. com Re: Notice of Self-Recertification (Conected) Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC Dear Mr. Allphin: Pursuant to I 8 C.F.R . S 292.207(a)(ii) you are hereby provided a copy of the Notice of Self Recertification (corrected) filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission by Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerelv Peter J. Richardson Attorney for Franklin Energy One, LLC FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC OMB Control # 1902-0075 Expiration 0613012019 Fo rm 5 5 6 F:i:[i,:::::$:ll]lf#:::Yilfrr s""' ror a 'ma, Power General Questions about completing this form should be sent to Form556@ferc.gov. lnformation about the Commission's QF program, answers to frequently asked questions about QF requlrements or completing thls form, and contact information for QF program staff are available at the Commisslon's QF website, www.ferc.gov/CF. The Commission's QF website also provides links to the Commission's QF regulations (18 C.F.R. 5 I 31.80 and Put292l, as well as other statutes and orders pertaining to the Commission's QF program. Who Must File Any applicant seeking QF status or recertification of QF status for a generatlng facility with a net power production capacity (as determined in lines 7a through 79 below) greater than 1000 kW must file a self<ertification or an application for Commission certification of QF status, which includes a properly completed Form 556. Any applicant seeking QF status for a generating facility with a net power productlon capacity 1000 kW or less is exempt from the certification requirement, and is therefore not required to complete or file a Form 556. See 1 I C.F,R. S 292.203. How to Complete the Form 556 This form is intended to be completed by responding to the items in the order they are presented, according to the instructions given. lf you need to back-track, you may need to clear certain responses before you will be allowed to change other responses made previously in the form. lf you experience problems, click on the nearest help button (Q) ) for assistance, or contact Commission staff at Form 5 56@ferc.gov, Certain lines in this form will be automatically calculated based on responses to previous lines, with the relevant formulas shown. Youmustrespondtoall ofthepreviouslineswithinasectionbeforetheresultsofanautomaticallycalculatedfield will be displayed. lf you disagree with the results of any automatic calculation on this form, contact Commission staff at Form556@ferc.gov to discuss the discrepancy before filing. You must complete all lines ln this form unless instructed otherwise. Do not alter this form or save this form in a different format. lncomplete or altered forms, or forms saved in formats other than PDF, will be rejected. How to File a Completed Form 556 Applicants are required to file their Form 556 electronically through the Commission's eFiling website (see instructions on page 2). By filing electronically, you will reduce your filing burden, save paper resources, save postage or courier charges, help keep Commission expenses to a minimum, and receive a much faster confirmatlon (via an email containing the docket number assigned to your facility) that the Commission has received your flling. lf you are simultaneouslyflling both a waiver request and a Form 556 as part of an application forCommission certification, see the "Waiver Requests" sectlon on page 3 for more information on how to file. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice This form is approved by the Office of Management and Budget. Compliance with the information requirements established by the FERC Form No. 556 is required to obtain or maintain status as a QF. See 18 C.F.R. S 131.80 and Part 292. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collectlon of information unless it displays a cunentiy valid OMB control number. The estimated burden for completing the FERC Form No.556, including gathering and reporting information, is as follows: 3 hours for self-certification of a small power production facility, 8 hours for self-certifications of a cogeneration facility, 6 hours for an application for Commission certification of a small power production facility, and 50 hours for an application for Commission certification of a cogeneration facility. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the following: lnformation Clearance Offcer, Office of the Executive Director (ED-32), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, SS8 First Street N.E,, Washington, DC20426 (DataClearanceGferc.gov); and Desk Officerfor FERC, Office of lnformation and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503 (oira subnrission@omb.eop.gov). lnclude the Control No. '1902-0075 in any correspondence. FERC Form 556 Page 2 - lnstructions Electronic Filing (eFiling) To electronically file your Form 556, visit the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF and click the eFiling link. lf you are eFiling your first document, you will need to register with your name, email address, mailing address, and phone number. lfyouareregisteringonbehalfofanemployer,thenyouwlll alsoneedtoprovidetheemployername,alternate contact name, ahernate contact phone number and and alternate contact email, Once you are registered, log in to eFiling with your registered email address and the password that you created at reglstration. Follow the instructions. When prompted, select one of the following QF-related ft!ing types, as appropriate, from the Electric or General liling category. Filing category Filing Type as listed in eFiling Description Electric (Fee) Application for Commission Cert. as Cogeneration QF Use to submit an appllcatlon for Commission certification or Commission recertification of a cogeneration facility as a QF. (Fee) Application forCommission Cert. as Small Power QF Use to submit an application for Commission certification or Commission recertification of a small power production facility as a QF. Self-Certification Notice (QF, EG, FC) Use to submit a notice of self- certification of your facillty (cogeneratlon or small power production)as a QF. Self-Recertifi cation of Qualiffing Facility (QF) Use to submit a notice of self- recertifi cation of your facility {cogeneration or small power production) as a QF. Supplemental lnformation or Request Use to correct or supplement a Form 556 that was submitted with errors or omissions, or for which Commission staff has requested additional information. Do not use this filing type to report new changes to a facility or its ownership; rather, use a self- recertifi cation or Commission recertification to report such changes. General (Fee) Petition for Declaratory Order (not under FPA Part 1) Use to submit a petition for declaratory order granting a waivel of Commission QF regulations pursuant to l8 C.F.R. SS 292.204(a) (3) and/or 292.205(c). A Form 556 is not required for a petition for declaratory order unless Commission recertification is being requested as part of the petltlon. You will be prompted to submit your filing fee, if applicable, durlng the electronic submission process. Filing fees can be paid via electronic bank account debit or credit card. During the eFiling process, you will be prompted to select your ffle(s) for upload from your computer. FERC Form 556 Page 3 - lnstructions Filing Fee No filing fee ls required if you are submitting a self-certification or self-recertification of your facility as a QF pursuant to l8 C.F.R. S 292.207(a). A filing fee is required if you are filing either of the following: (1) an application for Commission certification or recertification of your facility as a QF pursuant to '18 C.F.R. I292.207{rb!,, or (2) a petition for declaratory order granting waiver pursuant to 18 C.F.R. SS 292.2O4(a){3) and/or 292.205(c). The current fees fol applications for Commission certifications and petitions for declaratory order can be found by visiting the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF and clicking the Fee Schedule link. You will be prompted to submit your filing fee, if applicable, duilng the electronic filing process described on page 2. Required Notice to Utilities and State Regulatory Authorities Pursuant to 18 C.F.B. 5 292.207(aXii), you must provide a copy of your self-certification or request for Commission certification to the utilities with which the facility will interconnect and/or transact, as well as to the State regulatory authorities of the states in which your facility and those utilities reside, Links to information about the regulatory authorities in various states can be found by visiting the Commission's QF website at www.ferc,qov/QF and clicking the Notice Requirements link What to Expect From the Commission After You File An applicant filing a Form 556 electronically will receive an email message acknowledging receipt of the filing and showing the docket number assigned to the filing. Such email is typically sent within one business day, but may be delayed pending confirmation by the Secretary of the Commission of the contents of the filing. An applicant submitting a self-certification of QF status should expect to receive no documents from the Commission, other than the electronlc acknowledgement of receipt described above. Consistent with its name, a self-certification is a certification by the opplicant itserf that the facility meets the relevant requirements for QF status, and does not involve a determination by the Commission as to the status of the facility. An acknowledgement of recelpt of a self<ertification, in particular, does not represent a determinatlon by the Commission with regard to the QF status of the facility. An applicant self-certifoing may, however, receive a rejection, revocation or deficiency letter lf its application is found, during periodic compliance reviews, not to comply with the relevant requirements. An applicant submitting a request for Commission certification will receive an order either granting or denying certification of QF status, or a letter requesting additional information or rejecting the application. Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 5 292.207(bX3), the Commission must act on an application for Commission certification within 90 days of the later of the filing date of the application or the filing date of a supplement, amendment or other change to the application. Waiver Requests l8 C.F.R. 5 292.204(aX3) allows an applicant to request a waiver to modifr the method of calculation pursuant to I8 C.F.R. 5 292.204(a\(2ltodetermineiftwofacilitiesareconsideredtobelocatedatthesamesite,forgoodcause. 18C.F.R.5292.205(c) allows an applicant to request waiver of the requirements of 18 C.F.R. 55 292.205(a) and (b) for operating and efficiency upon a showing that the facility will produce significant energy savings. A request for waiver of these requirements must be submitted as a petition for declaratory order, with the appropriate filing fee for a petition for declaratory order. Applicants requesting Commission recertification as part of a request for waiver of one of these requirements should electronically submit their completed Form 556 along with their petition for declaratory order, rather than filing their Form 556 as a separate request for Commission recertiflcation. Only the filing fee for the petition for declaratory order must be paid to cover both the wa iver request and the request for recertification lf such requests ore mode simultaneously, l8 C.F.R. 5 292.203(dX2) allows an applicant to request a waiver of the Form 556 filing requirements, for good cause. Applicants filing a petition for declaratory order requesting a waiver under 18 C.F,R. S 292.203(dX2) do not need to complete or submit a Form 556 with their petition. FERC Form 556 Page 4 - lnstructions Geog ra phic Coord i nates lf a street address does not exist for your facility, then line 3c of the Form 555 requires you to report your facility's geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). Geographic coordinates may be obtained from several different sources. You can find links to online services that show latitude and longitude coordinates on online maps by visiting the Commission's QF webpage at www.ferc.gov,iQF and clicking the Geographic Coordinates link. You may also be able to obtain your geographic coordinates from a GPS device, Google Earth (available free at hl!!p;1/_e-a$h.S9!Sle.cam), a property survey, various engineering or construction drawings, a property deed, or a municipal or county map showlng property lines. Filing Privileged Data or Critical Energy lnfrastructure Information in a Form 556 The Commission's regulations provide procedures for applicants to either (l ) request that any information submitted with a Form 556 be given privileged treatment because the information ls exempt from the mandatory public disclosure requlrements of the Freedom of lnformation Act,5 U.S.C. 5 552, and should be withheld from public disclosure; or (2) identifr any documents containing critical energy infrastructure information (CEll) as defined in 18 C.F.R. 5 388.1 1 3 that should not be made publlc. lf you are seeking privlleged treatment or CEll status for any data in your Form 556, then you must follow the procedures in 1 8 C.F.R. S 388.112. See WrUlyJ-e$gAghelUfillng:gsjdcl{ile::_ceii.aso for more information. Among other things (see I 8 C.F.R. 5 388.1 12 for other requirements), applicants seeking privileged treatment or CEll status for data submitted in a Form 556 must prepare and file both (l) a complete version of the Form 556 (containing the privileged and/or CEll data), and (2) a public version of the Form 556 (with the privileged and/or CEll data redacted). Applicants preparing and flling these different versions of their Form 556 must indicate below the security designation of this version of their document. lf you are nof seeking privileged treatment or CEll status for any of your Form 556 data, then you should not respond to any of the items on this page. Nott'Publlc Appllcant is seeking privileged treatment and/or CEll status for data contained in the Form 556 lines E indicated below. This non-public version of the applicant's Form 556 contains all data, including the data that is redacted in the (separate) public version of the applicant's Form 556. Publlc (redectedl: Appllcant is seeking privileged treatment and/or CEll status for data contained in the Form 556 lines f] indicatedbelow. Thispublicversionoftheapplicants'sForm556containsall dataexcep!fordatafromthelines indicated below, which has been redacted. Prlvllcged: lndicate below which lines of your form contain data for which you are seeking privileged treatment Crltical Energy lnfrastructure lnformation (CElll: Indicate below which lines of your form contain data for which you are seeking CEll status The eFiling process described on page 2 will allow you to identifr which versions of the electronic documents you submit are public, privileged and/or CEll. The filenames for such documents should begin with "Public', "Priv", or "CEll", as applicable, to clearly indicate the security designation of the file. Both versions of the Form 556 should be unaltered PDF copies of the Form 556 as available for download from www.ferc.gov/QF. To redact data from the public copy of the submittal, simply omit the relevant data from the Form. For numerical fields, leave the redacted fields blank. For text fields, complete as much of the field as possible, and replace the redacted portions of the field with the word "REDACTED" in brackets. Be sure to identil, above all fields which contain data for which you are seeking non-public status. The Commission is not responsible for detecting or correcting filer errort including those errors related to security designation. lf your documents contain sensitive information, make sure they are flled using the proper security designation. FEDERALENERGYREGULATORYCOMMISSION oMBContror#re02-oo7s WASH|NGToN,DcExpiration06130120.19 F o r m 5 5 6 ;''j:ffi,::::'.H:llT:,',#;:'3,[an st't" ror a smarr Power o o 0 v 0 0 Co o E o C co (o .tJEo- ta Fullnameofapplicant(legalentityonwhosebehalfqualifiingfacilitystatusissoughtforthlsfacility) Eranklin Energy Storaqe One, LLC I b Applicant street address 515 N. 21Lh Street 1c City Boise ld State/province ID le Postalcode 837 02 lf Country (if not Unlted States)1g Telephone number (208) 938-7901 lh HastheinstantfacilityeverpreviouslybeencertifledasaQF? YesI No t--l tl lfyes,providethedocketnumberofthelastknownQFfilingpertalningtothisfacllity: QFfz - 581 - 000 lj Under which certification process is the applicant maklng this flling? -, Notice of self-certification -, Application for Commission certification (requires filing6 (see note below) u fee; see'Filing Fee" section on page 3) Note: a notice of self-certification is a notice by the applicant itself that its facility complies with the requirements for QF status. A notice of self<ertification does not establlsh a proceeding, and the Commission does not review a notice of self-certification to verlfr compliance. See the 'What to Expect From the Commission After You File' section on page 3 for more informatlon. t k What type(s) of QF status is the applicant seeking for its facility? (check all that apply) ! Qualifiing small power production facility status ! Qualiling cogeneration facility status tl What isthe purpose and expected effective date(s) of this filing? i-] Originalcertificatlon; facility expected to be installed by and to begin operation on '- I Change(s) to a previously certified facility to be effective on __ _ (identlfr type(s) of change(s) below, and describe change(s) in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9) i I Name change and/or other administrative change(s) - ; Change in ownership i 1 Change(s) affecting plant equipment, fuel use, power production capacity and/or cogeneration thermal output fi Supplement or corection to a previous filing submitted on L / 26 / l'7 (describe the supplement or correction in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9) lm lf any of the following three statements is true, checkthe box(es) that describe your situation and complete the form to the extent possible, explaining any special circumstances in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. .- The instant facility complies with the Commission's QF requirements by virtue of a waiver of certain regulationsu previously granted by the Commission in an order dated (specifo any other relevant waiver orders in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19) ,.1 The instant facility would comply with the Commission's QF requirements if a petition for waiver submittedU concurrently with this application is granted The instant facility complies with the Commission's regulations, but has special circumstancet such as the I employment of unique or innovative technologies not contemplated by the structure of this form, that make the demonstration of compliance via this form dlfficult or impossible (describe in Misc. section starting on p. 19) FERC Form 556 Page6-AllFacilities o v a o q a co (u E €C Ul!coU 2a Name of contact person Peter Richardson 2b Telephone number (208) 938-7901 Which of the following describes the contact person's relationship to the applicant? (check one) ! Applicant (selfl ! Employee, owner or partner of applicant authorized to represent the applicant ! Employee of a company affiliated wlth the applicant authorized to represent the applicant on this matter I Lawyer, consultant, or other representative authorized to represent the applicant on thls matter 2d Company ororganization name (if applicant is an individual, check here and skip to line 2e) i' j Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC 2e Street address (if same as Applicant, check here and skip to line 3a)[t 2t City 29 State/province 2h Postal code 2i Country (if not United States) co lE(.,o !C(o co+,(U(J FCa)3 =.U tE 3a Facility name Franklin Energy Storage ONe 3b Streetaddress(ifastreetaddressdoesnotexistforthefacility,checkhereandskiptoline3c)[ 3c Geographic coordinates: lf you indicated that no street address exists for your facility by checking the box in line 3b, then you must speciry the latitude and longitude coordinates of the facility in degrees (to three decimal places). Use the following formula to convert to decimal degrees from degrees, minutes and seconds: declmal degrees = degrees + (minuteV60) + (seconds/3600). See the "Geographic Coordinates" section on page 4 for help. lf you provided a street address for your facility in line 3b, then specifing the geographic coordlnates below ls optlonal. l-l East (+)Longitude fr W"u t_l 114 .605 degrees Latitude "* i'"Tl[i 42. ]-e1 dsslgg5 3d City (if unincorporated, check here and enter nearest city) [ Jackpot 3c State/province Nevada 3f County (or check here for independent city) I , Twin Fall-s 39 Country (if not United States) vt .9.= f olC \Jo(^ctE F ldentifu the electric utilities that are contemplated to transact with the facility. rsa ldentifl, utility interconnecting with the facility Idaho Power Company 4b ldentify utilities provicling wheeling serrrice or check here if none [t 4c ldentihT utilities purchasing the useful electric power output or check here if none Idaho Power Company 4d ldentify utilities provicling supplementary power, backup power, maintenance povver, and/or interruptible power servrce or check here rf none I FERC Form 556 PageT-AllFacilities co (U oo-oEctE .g-cr/t 0)C =o 5a Direct ownership as of effective date or operation date: ldentiry all direct owners of the facility holding at least 1 0 percent equity interest. For each identified owner, also (1 ) indicate whether that owner is an electric utility, as defined in section 3(22) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.s.C.796(22D,or a holding company, as defined in section 1262(8) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16451(8)), and (2) for ownerc which are electric utilities or holding companies, provide the percentage of equity interest in the facility held by that owner. lf no direct owners hold at least 10 percent equity interest in the facility, then provide the required information for the two direct owners with the largest equity interest in the facility' Erectric utility or rf yes, holding % equity Full legal names of direct owners company interest 1) aCL & Associates, LLC Yes ! Yes! Yes I Yes I Yes ! Yes f Yes ! Yes! Yes! NoE -t NoE -s No fl -t 2l 3) 4l s) 6) 7) 8) e) l0) No No No No No No n n tr tr tr n tr t t c z t t IYes! No I Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9 if additional space is needed 5b Upstream (i.e., indirect) ownership as of effective date or operation date: ldentifr all upstream (i.e., indirect) owners of the facility that both (l) hold at least l0 percent equity interest in the facility, and (2) are electric utilities, as defined in section 3(22) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C, 796(22)), or holding companies, as defined in section 1262(8)ofthePublicUtilityHoldingCompanyActof 2005(42U.S.C.16451(8)). Alsoprovidethepercentageof equity interest in the facility held by such owners. (Note that, because upstream owners may be subsidiaries of one another, total percent equity interest reported may exceed 100 percent.) Check here if no such upstream owners exist. I % equity Full legal names of electric utility or holding company upstream owners interest l) 2) 3) 4l s) 6) 7l 8) 9t 10) t q B t q t % I B t Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 1 9 if additional space is needed 5c ldentifu the facility operator Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC Q FERC Form 556 Page8-AllFacilities fo-c ol oCLU 6a Describe the primary energy input: (check one main categoly and, if applicable, one subcategory) ! Biomass (specifu) [ Renewable resources Gpecifu) [ Geothermal E Landfillgas I Hydro power- river ! Fossilfue!(specifr) I Manure digester gas I Hydro power - tidal ! Coa! (not waste) ! Municlpalsolidwaste ! Hydropower-wave fl Fuel oil/diesel ! Sewagedigestergas I Solar-photovohaic fl Natural gas(notwaste) ! Wood fl Solar-thermal ,_ Otherfossilfuel fl other biomass (describe on page 19) f] Wind u (describe on page 19) ! waste (specify type below in line 6b) - other renewable resource n other (describe on page 19)X (descrlbe on page 19) LJ vlr r!' rvs'! 6b lf you speclfled "waste' as the prlmary energy input in line 6a, indicate the type of waste fuel used: (check one) ! Waste fuel listed in 18 C.F.R. S 292.202(b) (specifo one of the following) ! Anthraciteculm produced priorto July23, 1985 ,.-., Anthracite refuse that has an average heat content of 6,000 Btu or less per pound and has an average- ash content of45 percent or more ,- Bituminouscoalrefusethathasanaverageheatcontentofg,500Btuperpoundorlessandhasan - average ash content of25 percent or more Top or bottom subbituminous coal produced on Federal lands or on lndlan lands that has been ,- determined to be waste by the United States Depaftment of the lnterior's Bureau of Land Managementr-r (BLM) or that is located on non-Federal or non{ndian lands outside of BLM's jurisdiction, provided that the applicant shows that the latter coal is an extension of that determined by BLM to be waste Coal refuse produced on Federal lands or on lndian lands that has been determined to be waste by the ! BLM or that is located on non- Federal or non-lndian lands outside of BLM's Jurlsdictlon, provlded that applicant shows that the latter is an extension of that determined by BLM to be waste ,- Lignite produced in assoclation with the production of montan wax and lignite that becomes exposed - as a result of such a mining operation ! Gaseous fuels (except natural gas and synthetic Aas from coal) (describe on page l9) Waste natural gas from gas or oil wells (describe on page 19 how the gas meets the requirements of l8 D C.F.R. 5 2.200 for waste natural gas; include with your filing any materials necessary to demonstrate compliance with l8 C.F.R. S 2.,rc0) ! Materials that a government agency has certified for disposal by combustion (describe on page l9) ! Heat from exothermic reactions (describe on page 19) ! Residual heat (descrlbe on page 19) ! Used rubber tires fl Plastic materials I Refinery off-gas ! Petroleum coke Other waste energy input that has little or no commercial value and exists in the absence of the qualifring I facility industry (describe in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19; include a discussion of the fuel's lack of commercial value and existence in the absence of the qualifiTing facility industry) 6c Provide the average energy input, calculated on a calendar year basis, in terms of Btu/h for the following fossil fuel energy inputs, and provide the related percentage of the total average annual energy input to the facility (1 8 C.F.R. S 292.2A2tn)t. For any oil or natural gas fuel, use lower heating value (18 C.F.R.5 292.202(m)). Annual average energy Percentage oftotal Fuel for fuel annual Natural gas 0 Btu/h 0Vo Oil-based fuels o Btu/h 0 o/o Coal c Btu/h 0 o/o FERC Form 556 Pageg-AllFacilities gC .9 (o E o s =.U G't! E.9C Uo lndicate the maximum gross and maximum net electric power production capacity of the facility at the point(s) of delivery by completing the workheet below, Respond to all items. lf any of the parasitic loads and/or losses identified in lines 7b through 7e are negligible, enter zero for those lines. 7a The maximum gross power production capacity at the terminals of the individual generator(s) under the most favorable anticipated design conditions 32, O0o kw 7b Parasitic station power used at the facility to run equipment which is necessary and integral to the power production process (boiler feed pumps, fans/blowers, office or maintenance buildings directly related to the operation of the power generating facility, etc.). lf this facility includes non- power production processes (for instance, power consumed by a cogeneration facility's thermal host) , do not include any power consumed by the non-power production activities in your reported parasitic station power.r0 kw 7c Electrical losses in interconnection transformers 434 kw 7d Electrical losses in AC/DC conversion equipment, if any e20 kw 7e Other interconnection losses in power lines or facilities (other than transformers and AC/DC conversion equipment) between the terminals of the generator(s) and the point of interconnection with the utility 5,636 kw 7f Total deductions from gross power production capacity =7b + 7c + 7d + 7e r,0c'0.c kvv 79 Maximum net power production ca pacity - 7 1 - 71 25,000.0 kw 7h Description of facility and primary components: Describe the facility and its operation. ldentify all boilers, heat recovery steam generators, prime movers (any mechanical equipment driving an electric Aenerator), electrical generators, photovoltaic solar equipment, fuel cell equipment and/or other primary power generation equipment used in the facility. Descriptions of components should include (as applicable) specifications of the nominal capacities for mechanical output, electrical outpuL or steam generation of the identified equipment. For each piece of equipment identified, clearly indicate how many pieces of that type of equipment are included in the plant and which components are normally operating or normally in standby mode. Provide a description of how the components operate as a system. Applicants for cogeneration facilities do not need to describe operations of systems that are clearly depicted on and easily understandable from a cogeneration facility's attached mass and heat balance diagram; however. such applicants should provide any necessary description needed to understand the sequential operation of the facility depicted in their mass and heat balance diagram. lf additional space is needed, continue ln the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. The project consists of an energy storage system Qualifying Facility providing scheduled and dispatchabfe electricity in forward-Iooking time blocks. The energy storage system Lhat comprises the energy storage Qualifying Facility is designed to, and wifl, receive 100? of its energy input from a combi.nation of renewable energy sources such as wind, so1ar, bj-ogas, biomas, etc. The current initial design utilizes solar photovoltaic (PV) modules mounted to single-axis trackers to provi.de the electric energy input to the Qualifying Facilityrs battery st.orage system. The PV modules are planned to be connected in seri-es/parallel combinations t.o solar inverters, rated apprcximately 2.5 MWac each,(subject to change). The proposed electric energy storage Qualifying Facility w111 consisL of an electro-chemical battery and wilI have a maximum power output capacity of.25 MWac for a sustained time period of 5 - 60 minutes, The Facility wilI consist of an alternating current (AC) to direcc current (DC) cont.rol system. The QuaJ-ifylng Facillty will be utilizeci to provide the purchasing utility with pre-scheduled and dispatchable AC energy within pre-determined Lj-me blocks. The sole source of electric power and energy provided to the purchasing utility will be the electro-chemical reaction giving rise to the discharge of electric power and energy by the battery, In turn, the sole direct source of energy input provided to the battery Eacility wiII be, as described above, renewable sources. FERC Form 556 Page I0 - Small Power Production Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. I292.204(a),the power production capacity of any small power production facility, together with the power production capacity of any other small power production facilltles that use the same energy resource, are owned by the same person(s) or its afflliates, and are located at the same site, may not exceed 80 megawatts. To demonstrate compliance with this size llmitation, or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from this slze limitation under the Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production lncentives Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-575, 1M Stat.2834 (1990) as amended by Pub. L. 102-46, 105 Stat. 249 (19910, respond to lines 8a through 8e below (as applicable). 8a ldentiff any facilities with electrical generating equipment located within 1 mile of the electrical generating equipment of the instant facility, and for which any of the entities identified in lines 5a or 5b, or their affiliates, holds at least a 5 percent equity interest. Check here if no such facilities exist. I Facility Jocation Root docket # Maximum net power (city or county, state) (if any) Common owner(s) production capacity i I Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9 if additional space is needed QF 3)QF KW KW KW 1) _- 2l QF 8b The Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production lncentives Act of 1990 (lncentives Act) provides exemption from the size limitations in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.20a(a) for certain facilities that were certified prior to 1995. Are you seeking exemption from the size limitations in l8 C.F.R. 5292.204(al by virtue of the lncentives Act? ! Yes (continue at line 8c below) ffi No (skip lines 8c through 8e) & Was the original notice of self-certification or application for Commission certification of the facility filed on or before December31,1994? Yes i-' No t I 8d DidconstructionofthefacilitycommenceonorbeforeDecember 3l,lggg? Yesfl tto i'-] oUCc,2 o.oC+t b.EtJtrrts .=O -.tcoo.N'E talE.ut .-> oIJ & lf you answered No in llne 8d, indicate whether reasonable diligence was exercised toward the completion of the facility, taking into account all factors relevant to construction? Yes : No I I lf you answered Yes, provide a brief nairative ixplanation in the Miscellaneous section starting on pagE-i S of thetonstruction timeline (in particular, describe why construction started so long after the facllity was certified) and the diligence exercised toward completion of the facility. Pursuant to l8 C.F.R. S 292.204(b), qualifying smal! power production facilities rnay use fossil fuels, in minimal amounts, for only the following purposes: ignition; start-up; testing; flame stabilization; control use; alleviation or prevention of unanticipated equipment outages; and alleviation or prevention of emergencies, directly affecting the public health, safety, or welfare, which would result from electric power outages. The amount of fossil fuels used for these purposes may not exceed 25 percent ofthe total energy input ofthe facility during the I 2-month perlod beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy or any calendar year thereafter. 9a Certification of compliance with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.204(bl with respect to uses of fossil fuel: I Applicant certifies that the facility will use fossil fuels exclusively for the purposes listed above. oi3U?k9 o-o ut:c;s.o= G'O.9f 'r= o.tsu3 9b Certification of compliance with 18 C.F.R. S 292.204(b) with respect to amount of fossil fuel used annually: Applicant certifies that the amount of fossil fuel used at the facility will not, in aggregate, exceed 25 I percent of the total energy input of the facility during the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy or any calendar year thereafter. lnformation Required for Srnall Power Production Facility lf you indicated ln line 1k that you are seeking qualifying small power production facility status for your facility, then you must to the items on this Otherwise,10. 0 g FERC Form 556 Page 1l - Cogeneration Facilities c .9 (g s.E t', EotrrJx Gl-b=co(, Pursuant to 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.202(cl, a cogeneration facility produces electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) used for industrial, commercial, heatlng, or cooling purposes, through the sequential use of energy. Pursuant to 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.202(s), "sequential use' of energy means the following: (l ) for a topping- cycle cogeneration facility, the use of reject heat from a power production process in sufficient amounts in a thermal application or process to conform to the requirements of the operating standard contained in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(a), or (2) for a bottoming-cycle cogeneration facility, the use of at least some reject heat from a thermal application or process for power production. lOa What type(s) of cogeneration technology does the facility represent? (check all that apply) I jTopping-cyclecogeneration ; jBottoming-cyclecogeneration t0b To help demonstrate the sequential operation of the cogeneration process, and to support compliance with other requirements such as the operating and efficiency standards, include with your filing a mass and heat balance diagram depicting average annual operating conditions. This diagram must include certain items and meet certain requirements, as described below. You must check next to the description of each requirement below to certifi/ that you have complied with these requirements. Check to certifu compliance with indicated requirement Requirement Diagram must show orientation within systern piping and/or ducts of all prime movers, heat recovery steam generators, boilers, electric generators, and condensers (as applicable), as well as any other primary equipment relevant to the cogeneration process. Any average annual values required to be reported in lines 1 0b, I 2a, I 3a. I 3b, 1 3d, I 3l 14a, l5b, 15d and/or 1 5f must be computed over the anticipated hours of operation, Diagram must specifu all fuel inputs by fuel type and average annual rate in Btu/h. Fuel for supplementary firing should be specified separately and clearly labeled. All specifications of fuel inputs should use lower heating values. Diagram must speciry average gross electricoutput in kW or MW for each generator. Diagram must speciff average mechanical output (that is, any mechanical energy taken offof the shaft of the prime movers for purposes not directly related to electric power generation) in horsepower, if any. Typically, a cogeneration facility has no mechanical output. At each point for which working fluld flow conditions are required to be specified (see below), such flow condition data must include mass flow rate (in lb/h or kg/s), temperature (in "F, & "C or K), absolute pressure (in psia or kPa) and enthalpy (in Btu/lb or U/kg). Exception: For systems where the working fluid is llquid only (no vapor at any pcint ln the cycle) and where the type of liquid and specific heat of that liquid are clearly indicated on the diagram or in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19, only mass flow rate and temperature (not pressure and enthalpy) need be specified. For reference, specific heat at standard conditions for pure liquid water is approximately 1.002 Btu/ (lb*R) or 4.1 95 kJl(kg*K). Diagram must specifu working fluid flow conditions at input to and output from each steam turbine or other expanslon turbine or back-pressure turbine. Diagram must specifo working fluid flow conditions at delivery to and return from each thermal application. Diagram must specifo working fluid flow conditions at make-up water inputs. t! lnformation Required for Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line 1 k that you are seeking qualifilng cogeneration facility starus for your facility, then you must respond to the items on il 13. Otherwise,l1 13. v o FERC Form 556 Page l2 - Cogeneration Facilities $tI {, f, €8 €t -fl8 E=C(ootrEc.oO(J +,c|u,ig E 9., E8ottroOG.! +,ffuo-(Uts .n(J oolNbt'i cfHLlJv EPAct 2005 cogeneration facilities: The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) established a new section 210(n) of the Public utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), 16 USC 824a-3(n), with additional requirements for any quallffing cogeneration facility that (l ) is seeking to sell electric energy pursuant to section 210 of PURPA and (2) was either not a cogeneration facility on August 8, 2005, or had not flled a self-certlflcation or application for Com mlssion certification of QF status on or before February 1 , 2006. These requirements were implemented by the Commission in l8 C.F.R, 5 292.205(d). Complete the lines below, carefully following the instructiont to demonstrate whether these additional requirements apply to your cogeneration facility and, if so, whether your facility complies with such requirements. t la Was your facility operatlng as a qualifoing cogeneration facility on or before August 8, 2005? Yes i i No'- ' t I b Was the initial filing seeking certification of your facility (whether a notice of self-certification or an application for Commission certification) filed on or before February 1,2006? Yes . "1 No _, lf the answer to either line 1 1a or 1 1b is Yes, then continue at line 1 1c below. Othenivise, if the answers to both lines I I a and 1 1 b are No, skip to line 1 1e below. 11c With respect to the design and operation of the facility, have any changes been implemented on or after February 2,2006 that affect general plant operation, affect use ofthermal output, and/or increase net power production capacity from the plant's capacity on February 1, 2006? J-l Yes (continue at line 1 ld below) No. Your facility is not subject to the requirements of 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d) at this time. However, it may be i I subject to to these requirements in the future if changes are made to the facility. At such time, the applicant wouldneedtorecertifuthefacilitytodetermineeligibility. Skiplineslldthroughllj. 11d Does the applicant contend that the changes identified in line 11c are not so significant as to make the facllity a "new" cogeneration facility that would be subject to the 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(d) cogeneration requirements? Yes. Provide in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 a description of any relevant changes made to i I the facility (including the purpose of the changes) and a discussion of why the facility should not be considered a 'new'cogeneration facility in light of these changes. Skip lines 11e through 'l lj. No. Applicant stipulates to the fact that it is a 'new" cogeneration facility (for purposes of determining the' -' applicability of the requirements of 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d)) by virtue of modifications to the facility that were initiated on or after February 2,2006. Continue below at line 1 le. I lc Will electric energy from the facility be sold pursuant to section 210 of PURPA? . -, Yes. The facility is an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility. You must demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. S ' -; 292.205(dl(2) by continuing at line 1lf below. No. Applicant certifies that energy will not be sold pursuant to section 210 of PURPA. Applicant also certifies - its understanding that it must recertiry its facility in order to determine compliance with the requirements of ' 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d) before selling energy pursuant to section 21 0 of PURPA in the future. Skip lines 1 I f through 11j. t 1f ls the net power production capacity of your cogenetation facility, as indicated in line 79 above, less than or equalto 5,000 kW? Yes, the net power production capacity is less than or equal to 5,000 kW. 18 C.F,R. 5 292.205(dX4) provides a rebuttabie presumption that cogenention facilities of 5,000 klfl anci smaller capacity comply with the requirementsforfundamental useofthefacility'senergyoutputin 18C.F.R.S292.205(dX2). Applicant certifies its understanding that, should the power production capacity of the facllity increase above 5,000 kW, then the facility must be recertiffed to (among other things) demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.215(dl(21. Skip lines 1 1g through I I j. No, the net power production capacity is greater than 5,000 kW. Demonstrate compliance with the requirements for fundamental use of the facility's energy output in 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(dX2) by continuing on the next page at line 1 19. FERC Form 556 Page 13 - Cogeneration Facilities €'of s.EJo 16 s, EUE.E|E'i- EE rb€E9U?caOcolu8'=F BEGrtsrft io;oitc!=uoffer.rJ ilc UJ o Lines I I g through 'l 1k below guide the applicant through the process of demonstrating compliance with the requirements for "fundamental use' of the facility's energy output. 18 C.F.R, 5 292,205(dX2), Only respond to the lines on this page if the instructions on the previous page direct you to do so. Otherwise, skip this page. 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(dX2) requires that the electrical, thermal, chemicaland mechanicaloutput of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a qualifyingfacilitytoitshostfacility. lfyouweredirectedonthepreviouspagetorespondtotheitemsonthispage, then your facility is an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility that is subject to this 'fundamental use" requirement. The Commission's regulations provide a two-pronged approach to demonstrating compliance with the requirementsforfundamental useofthefacility'senergyoutput. First,theCommissionhasestablishedinl8C.F.R. S 292.205(dX3) a nfundamental use test" that can be used to demonstrate compliance with l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2). Under the fundamental use test, a facility is considered to comply with 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(dX2) if at least 50 percent of the facility's total annual energy output (including electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy output) is used for industrlal, commercial, residential or institutional purposes. Second, an applicant for a facility that does not pass the fundamental use test may provide a narrative explanation of and support for its contention that the facility nonetheless meets the requirement that the electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for lndustrlal, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a quallffing facility to its host facility. Complete lines 1 1 g through 1 I j below to determine compliance with the fundamental use test in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX3). Complete lines I 1g through 11j even if you do not intend torely upon thefundamentol use testto demonstrute compliance with l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d)(2). I tg Amount of electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy output (net of internal generation plant losses and parasitlc loads) expected to be used annually for lndustrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and not sold to an electric utility MWh I I h Total amount of electrical, therma!, chemical and mechanical energy expected to be sold to an electric utility MWh lli Percentageoftotalannualenergyoutputexpectedtobeusedforindustrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and not sold to a utility =100*119i(l19+11h)1 o/o t tj ls the response in line 1 1 i greater than or egual to 50 percent? Yes. Yourfacilitycomplieswith18C.F.R.5292.205(dX2)byvirtueofpassingthefundamentalusetest provided in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX3). Applicant certifies its understanding that, if it is to rely upon passing i I the fundamental use test as a basis for complying with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2), then the facility must comply with the fundamental use test both in the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy, and in all subsgquent calendar years. No. Your facility does not pass the fundamental use test. lnstead, you must provide in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 a narrative explanation of and support for why your facility meets the requirement that the electrical, therma!, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a QF to its host facility, Applicants providing a narrative explanation of why their facility should be found to comply with I 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dl!l in spite of non-compliance with the fundamental use test may want to review paragraphs 47 through 6l of Order No.671 (accessible from the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF), which provide discussion of the facts and circumstances that may support their explanation, Applicant should also note that the percentage reported above will establish the standard that that facility must comply with, both for the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy, and in all subsequent calendar years, See Order No. 671 at paragraph 51. As such, the applicant should make sure that it reports appropriate values on lines I I g and 1 t h above to serve as the relevant annual standard, taking into account expected variations in production conditions. I FERC Form 556 Page 14 - Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities !nformation Required for Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line 'l 0a that your facility represents topping-rycle cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the items on l4 and 15. Otherwise,14and 15.gThe thermal energy output of a topplngFcycle cogeneration facility is the net energy made available to an industrial or commercial process or used in a heating or cooling application. Pursuant to sections 292,2O2(c), (d) and (h) of the Commission's regulatlons (l I C.F.R. 55 292.202(c), (d) and (h)), the thermal energy output of a qualifring topping- cycle cogeneration facility must be useful. ln connection with this requirement, describe the thermal output of the topping-cycle cogeneration facility by responding to lines 'l 2a and I2b below. 12a ldentifl and descibe each thermal hosL and specifr the annual average rate of thermal output made available to each host for each use. For hosts with multiple uses of thermal output provide the data for each use in seporate rows' Average annual rate of thermal output attributable to use (net of Name of entity (thermal host) Thermal host's relatlonship to facility; heat contained in process taking thermal output Thermal host's use of thermal output return or make'up water) 5elect therrnal host's relationship to facilityr) BtuihSelect thermal host's use of thernral output ielect thermal host's relationship to facility 2) Select thermal host's use of thernral oLltput Btu/h Select thermal host's relationship ro facility Btu/h 3) Select thermai host's use of thernral output Select thermal host's relationship to facility 4) Select thermal host's use o[ thernial output Btu/h Select thermal host's relationship to facility Select thermal host.'s use of l,hennal outpr-rL Btu/h s) Select thermal host's relationship to facility 6) Select thermal host's use of therrnal output Btu/h -'I Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9 if additional space is needed uE UIo= .=6O- +r-6f6-o r!(tloE a/lLtrrOo-csFf a)t,f I 2b Demonstration of usefulness of thermal output At a minimum, provide a brief description of each use of the thermal output identified above. ln some caset this brief descrlption is sufficlent to demonstrate usefulness. However, if your facility's use of thermal output is not common, and/or if the usefulness of such thermal output is not reasonably clear, then you must provide additional details as necessary to demonstrate usefulness. Your application may be rejected and/or additional information may be required if an insufficient showing of usefulness is made. (Exception: lf you have previously received a Commission certification approving a specific use of thermal output related to the instant facility, then you need only provide a brief description of that use and a reference by date and docket number to the order certiffing your facility wlth the indicated use. Such exemptlon may not be used if any change creates a material deviation from the previously authorized use.) lf additional space is needed, continue in the Mlscellaneous section starting on page 19. FERC Form 556 Page l5 - Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities (l 0 e o a ECCo.Q PE hJubEo \,,ooE*x>vao)cca) ,.T u CLEO !.rJF Applicants for facilities representing topping<ycle technology must demonstrate compliance with the topping- cycleoperatingstandardand,ifapplicable,efficiencystandard. Section292.205(aX1)oftheCommission's regulations (18 C,F.R. 5 292.205(aXl )) establishes the operating standard for topping-cycle cogeneration facilities: the useful thermal energy output must be no less than 5 percent of the total energy output. Section 292.205(aX2) (1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(aX2)) establishes the efficiency standard for topping-cycle cogeneration facilities for which installationcommencedonorafterMarchl3, 1980: theuseful poweroutputofthefacilityplusone-halftheuseful thermal energy output must (A) be no less than 42.5 percent of the total energy input of natural gas and oil to the facility; and (B) if the useful thermal energy output is less than 15 percent of the total energy output of the facility, benolessthan45percentof thetotal energyinputof natural gasandoiltothefacility. Todemonstrate compliance with the topping-cycle operating and/or efficiency standards, or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard based on the date that installation commenced, respond to lines 13a through l3lbelow. lf you indicated in line 1 0a that your facility represents both topping<ycle and bottoming-cycle cogeneration technology, then respond to lines 1 3a through I 3l below considering only the energy inputs and outputs attributable to the topping-cycle portion of your facility. Your mass and heat balance diagram must make clear which mass and energy flow values and system components are for which portion (topplng or bottoming) of the cogeneration sy5tem. l3a lndicatetheannual averagerateofuseful thermal energyoutputmadeavailable to the host(s), net of any heat contained in condensate retum or make-up water Btu/h I 3b lndicate the annual average rate of net electrical energy output l(W 13c Multiply line 1 3b by 3,41 2 to convert from kW to Btu/h r Btu/h I 3d lndicate the annual average rate of mechanica! energy output taken directly off of the shaft of a prime mover for purposes not directly related to power production (this value is usually zero)hp 13e Multiply line l3d by 2,5441o convert from hp to Btu/h 0 Btu/h I 3f lndicate the annual average rate of energy input from natural gas and oil Btu/h 139 Topping<ycle operating value = 1 00 * I 3a / (13a + 1 3c + 1 3e) 0Vo l3h Topping-cycle efficiency value = 100 * (0.5*l 3a + I 3c + I 3e) / 'l 3f OVo 13i Compliance with operating standard: ls the operating value shown in line 139 greater than or equal to 5%? i lYes (complies with operating standard) 1-_] No (does not comply with operating standard) 13, Did installationof thefacilityinitscurrentformcommenceonorafterMarch 13, 1980? ,,.., Yes. Your facility is subject to the efficiency requirements of l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(aX2). Demonstrate -' compliance with the efficiency requirement by responding to line l3k or 131, as applicable, below. L j No. Your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard. Skip lines 1 3k and 131. t 3k Compliance with efficiency standard (for low operating value): lf the operating value shorarn in line 139 is less than l5%, then indicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 1 3h greater than or equal to 45%: Yes (complies with efficiency standard) No (does not comply with efficiency standard) I 3l Compliance with efficiency standard (for high operating value): lf the operating value shown in line 1 39 is greater than or equal to 1 50lo, then indicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 'l 3h is greater than or equal to 42.5o6: -i Yes (complies with efficiency standard) , : No (does not comply with efficiency standard) FERC Form 556 Page l6 - Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities lnformation Required for Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line 1 0a that your facility represents bottoming<ycle cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the items on l6 and 17. Otherwise,16and 17 qThe thermal energy output of a bottoming-cycle cogeneratlon facility ls the energy related to the process(es) from which at least some of the reject heat is then used for power productlon. Pursuant to sections 292.202(c) and (e) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. 9292.202(cl and (e)), the thermalenergy output of a qualifuing bottoming- cycle cogeneration facility must be useful. ln connection with this requirement, describe the process(es) from which at least some of the reject heat is used for power production by responding to lines 14a and 14b below. ltla ldentifo and describe each thermal host and each bottoming-cycle cogeneration process engaged in by each host. For hosts with multiple bottomlng-cycle cogeneration processes, provide the data for each process inseparaterows' Has the energy input to Name of entity (thermal host) the thermal host been performing the process from augmented for purposes which at least some of the of increasing power reject heat is used for power Therma! host's relationship to facility; production capacity?production Thermal host's process type (if Yes, describe on p. 19) thermal host's relationshi to fa 1) thermal host's Yesl I No l- ,"-.] lect thermal host's relationsh to fa lect thermal host's Yes' I No thermal host's relationshi to fa3) t thermal host's Yesi I lto : I i-- ;Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9 if additional space is needed 0)E Urol tro- Of, E9ootFtro=.AOut-OEc' =) outf l4b Demonstrationof usefulnessofthermal output Ataminimum,provideabriefdescriptionofeachprocess identified above. ln some cases, this brief description is sufficient to demonstrate usefulness. However, if your facllity's process is not common, and/or lf the usefulness of such thermal output is not reasonably clear, then you must provide additional details as necessary to demonstrate usefulness. Your application may be rejected and/or additional information may be required if an insufficient showlng of usefulness is made. (Exception: lf you have previously received a Commission certification approvlng a specific bottoming<ycle process related to the instant facility, then you need only provide a brief descriptlon of that process and a reference by date and docket number to the order certifring your facility with the indicated process. Such exemption may not be used if any material changes to the process have been made.) lf additional space is needed, contlnue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page I 9. FERC Form 556 Page 17 - Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facllities * q 0 Q !c 3E .=rg tE)LLJ 8.F ?Ey.Ev;01 uCC'=OLL'O(E 6 rrJo Applicants forfacilities representing bottoming-cycle technology and for which installation commenced on or after March 13, 1990 must demonstrate compliance with the bottoming-cycle efficiency standards. Section 292.205(b) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(b)) establishes the efflciency standard for bottoming-cycle cogeneration facilities: the useful power output of the facility must be no less than 45 percent of the energy input of natural gas and oil for supplementary firing. To demonstrate compliance wlth the bottoming-cycle efficiency standard (if applicable), or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from this standard based on the date that installation of the facility began, respond to lines 15a through 15h below. lf you indicated in line l0a that your fucility represents both topping-cycle and bottoming-cycle cogeneration technology, then respond to lines l5a through I 5h below considering only the energy inputs and outputs attributable to the bottoming-cycle portion of your facility. Your mass and heat balance diagram must make clear which mass and energy flow values and system components are for which portion of the cogeneration system (topping or bottoming). 15a DidinstallationofthefacilityinitscurrentformcommenceonorafterMarchl3, 1980? -- , Yes. Your facility is subject to the efficiency requirement of '18 C.F.R. S 292.205(b). Demonstrate compliance ' - with the efflciency requirement by responding to lines 15b through 'l 5h below. i i No. Your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard. Skip the rest of page 17. 1 5b lndicate the annual average rate of net electrical energy output KW t 5c Multiply line 15b by 3,41 2 to convert from kW to Btu/h o Btu/h 15d lndicate the annual average rate of mechanical energy output taken directly off of the shaft of a prime mover for purposes not directly related to power production (this value is usually zero)hp t 5e Multiply line 15d by 2,5441o convert from hp to Btu/h c Bru/h I 5f lndicate the annual average rate of supplementary energy input from natural gas or oil Btu/h 1 59 Bottoming-cycle efficiency value = 100 * ('l 5c + 1 5e) / I 5f A o/o 15h Compliance with efficiency standard: lndicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 159 is greater than or equal to 45%: i- I Yes (complies with efficiency standard) !' i No (does not comply with efficiency standard) FERC Form 556 Page 18 - All Facilities Certificate of Completeness, Accuracy and Authority Applicant must certiry compliance with and understanding of filing reguirements by checking next to each item below and signing at the bottom of this section. Forms with incomplete Certificates of Completeness, Accuracy and Authority will be rejected by the Secretary of the Commission. Signer identifled below certifles the following: (check all items and applicable subitems) He or she has read the flling, lncluding any information contained in any attached documents, such as cogeneration I mass and heat balance diagrams, and any information contained in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19, and knows its contents. x He or she has provided all of the required information for certification, and the provided information is true as stated, to the best of hls or her knowledge and belief. He or she possess full power and authority to sign the filing; as required by Rule 2C105(aX3) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. 5 385.2005(aX3)), he or she is one of the following: (check one) ! The person on whose beha[f the filing is made ! Anofficerofthecorporation,trust,association,orotherorganizedgrouponbehalfofwhichthefilingismade -., Anofficer,agent,oremployeof thegovernmental authority,agency,orinstrumentalityon behalf of whichtheu flling is made - ArepresentativequalifiedtopracticebeforetheCommissionunderRule2l0l oftheCommission'sRulesof6 Practlce and Procedure (18 C.F.R. S 3S5,2101) and who possesses authority to sign x He or she has reviewed all automatic calculations and agrees with their results, unless otherwise noted in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. He or she has provided a copy of this Form 556 and all attachments to the utilities with which the facility will interconnect and transact (see lines 4a through 4d), as well as to the regulatory authorities of the states ln whlch the facility and those utilities reside. See the Bequired Notice to Public Utilities and State Regulatory Authorities section on page 3 for more information. Provide your signature, address and signature date below. Rule 2005(c) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. S 3852005(c)) provides that persons filing theirdocuments electronically may usetyped characters representing his or her name to sign the filed documents. A person filing this document electronlcally should slgn (by typing his or her name) in the space provided below Your Signature Peter ,J. Richardson Your address 515 N. 21Lh Street Boise, ID 83702 Date I t)l'2c. Audit Notes Commission Staff Use Only:tr FERC Form 556 Page l9 - All Facllities Miscellaneous Use this space to provide any informatlon for whlch there was not sufflcient space in the previous sections of the form to provide. For each such item of information clearly identify the line number that the information belongs to. You may also use this space to provide any additional information you believe is relevant to the certification of your facility. Your response below is not limited to one page, Additlonal page(s) wlll automatically be inserted into this form if the length of your response exceeds the space on this page. Use as many pages as you require. The original Eorm 556 incorrectly listed the latitude and longitude coordinates in Paragraph 3c as West 114.060 North 42.206. The correct lati.tude and Iongitude coordinates are West 114.605 North 42.L91. l,r,ri\t.DI o ry E o? F H ul.e,c,(\I (Y) FC' I o C\iF iirs T (o P tf, CiIiI a\t rEio 0,(\I (\I sf l.l,NI u? 6 R 6 f,Gr 0qc,etd't qfoC! oo (:,o tro oEi c,ei trci (:, tri tr CJ oE €o c,dotric3E,trci c,o oo tro Eo oEi C'EitrloootrEooooootrtoocr oo oci C'dc!tri otri tfo oEi oo oEi trE;tr,oo od cId C'cr Eo (f EJ o(J E'o oE;tr E; oo c,Ei C'o tro c,(:;c,ooo trt E, tr,d trtFfit $(\If, oo tro trtd trtd c,o o CJ (f Ei oo fi, @(Yl trrdtrlto- 4tr.jEI\I (og+ (f,- c,o lntritr,!t rt t*,itf (o Eln (rf+fi,rt IDdav,6l,, rtcitr+ aY, c.iaoF Ftl Btt F(rJtoF (f, Ell trtF]f,a U' u', ffi\t Fc;trtNI(o ffir.r ffiE qi GI(\l(o Fg, ll) 14+c,u, 6)Frt rfft (v, od tr CtaoNI E d t+u,o Ef oo ,l*t lH E}o oo EIo tr,d trtc;tr,trt Etri otri ;ilE ao(r,(Y' oo tro oo oci oEi oEi c,tri o trci trto EoE}Ei od o tri oo od C'Ei oB o tr tri oo ootroooc, C, oo Eo oo trEi tro od oEitro6C'o oo oo oE o E; oci c,o otrt trtd E'Et tr-,trc;trE C'o oo E'E;oE,trtri oo c,E;c,e ;Zloiilo c,d IOlcit* ,lr I' oc; ffiry a.l otri E!:,6 g oo c,d E rie toI EoEli:.1 ,f;! olo oE; a III? oat aIIIT o 3 I,-ot{ Io oe @ .l FI ol ?l?:jl. il.i$ ;1.l C'o+!ai, Io- lqIE' ,6!rr iil! l- o(:,tr &,1 3 il qfNxNr-{ tro 6to oa o tso(l) b0 a C) crla >.b0l-ic)trrrlh oclfrr o0tr H (g o cor- C))'dC)-cOas.E 0.)€tr o.)o.Eo)F60H(rl'=aaa.9 >' lEuoo()O. r!b E o.) !v 6)rio BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-17-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE TWO, LLC Peter Richardson Franklin Energy Storage Two, LLC 515 N.27tr Street Boise, Idaho 83702 peter@richardsonadams. com January 26,2017 Michael Darrington Senior Energy Contract Coordinator Idaho Power Company l22l West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 HAND DELIVERY Re:Schedule 73 Eneryy Sales Agreement Request, Franklin Energy Storage Two, LLC Dear Mr. Darrington: Enclosed, pursuant to Idaho Power Company's ("Company'') Tariff Schedule 73 ('Schedule 73") you will find a completed Qualifying Facility Energy Sales Agreement Application ("Application") seeking an "indicative pricing proposal" from the Company for the Franklin Energy Storage Two project. The Franklin Energy Storage Two project ("Franklin Two") is a25 MW battery storage QF located in Idaho a few miles north of Jackpot, Nevada. In addition to the information requested on the enclosed Application, Schedule 73 separately requests additional information and documents that should accompany the Application. Each information request from Section I of the Contracting Procedures Part of Schedule 73 is responded to in detail below: Section l(aXi) requests a copy of the organizational structure and chart. Franklin Energy Storage Two, LLC has only one member, Mullen lnvestments II, LLC. Robert A. Paul the non-member manager. As the organization is very'flat' there is no organizational chart. Section l(a)(ii) requests a description of the "generation and other related technology." This question is addressed in detail on the enclosed FERC Form 556 at Paragraph 7(h), which fully describes the electro-chemical battery system used by Franklin Two, which has been self-certified as a QF pursuant to FERC regulations. Section l(aXiii) requests specifics as to the "maximum design capacity, station service requirements, and the net amount of power, all in kW to be delivered to the Franklin Energy Storage Two, LLC Schedule 73 Conracting Procedures Checklist Page I Company's electric system." That information is provided in detail at Paragraphs 7a through 79 on the enclosed FERC Form 556. Section l(a)(iv) requests a "schedule of estimated Qualifuing Facility electric output, in an 8,760-hour electronic spreadsheet format." The electronic spreadsheet is attached to the enclosed Application. Section l(a)(v) seeks information as to whether the facility will have the ability to "respond to dispatch orders frorn the Company." As described at Paragraph 7h on the attached FERC Form 556, "The Facility will be utilized to provide the purchasing utility [tdaho Power] with pre-scheduled and dispatchable AC energy within pre-determined time blocks" for a sustained time period of 5-60 minutes. Section 1(aXvi) requests a "map of the Qualifying Facility location, electrical interconnection point, and POD (identified by nearest Iandmark and GPS coordinates)." The enclosed Application contains the requested map and coordinates. Note that the Application requests the identity of the "Nearest City or landmark" rather than just the nearest landmark. The identity of the city of Jackpot, Nevada on the Application as the nearest city should suffice as satisfying both requirements (city and landmark) as we are unaware of a near-by physical feature of the land that would stand out as a landmark in the common usage of the term. Section l(a)(vii) requests the "anticipated commencement date for delivery of electric output." As noted in Paragraph 1l on the attached FERC Form 556, Franklin Two anticipates a commercial operation date of June 1, 2018. Section 1(a)(viii) requests a list, and status, of acquired and outstanding permits. The project is currently working toward finalizing Conditional Use Permit with Twin Falls County. The County has already granted permits for wind, solar, and electrical substation projects on this property - no major hurdles are anticipated. AII of the necessary local agencies have been engaged to provide comment and feedback on the proposed project. Building permits will be obtained prior to construction. There are currently no anticipated schedule impacts to the Q4 2019 COD due to permitting. Section 1(a)(ix) requests a demonstration of the ability of the facility to obtain QF status. The attached FERC Form 556 satisfies this requirement. Section l(aXx) requests a description of the fuel types and sources. The direct source of energy provided to Idaho Power will be the electro-chemical reaction created in the battery storage system. The battery storage system does not consume fuel. It will, however, be energized by renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass and the like. The initial plan is to utilize the ample solar resource at the site to fully energize the battery storage system, although additional renewable energy sources will be considered and installed as necessary in the future. Franklin Energy Storage Two, LLC Schedule 73 Contracting Procedures Checklist Page2 Section l(a)(xi) is currently inapplicable as Franklin Two has no plans to obtain fuel or arrange fuel transportation for the facility at this time. Should the battery system be energized with a renewable bio-fuel at some point in the future, then the project will provide ldatro Power with all the necessary fuel and transportation agreements at that time. Section l(a)(xii) is also inapplicable as the facility will be directly connected to Idaho Power's electrical system. Section l(a)(xiii) requests information as to the interconnection status of the facility. The interconnection request is pending. Section l(a)(xiv) requests the proposed contracting term and rate option. As indicated on the enclosed Application, Franklin Two is requesting a twenty year contract term and the published "Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates." Within the next ten business days and pursuant to Section l(b) please provide your written notice of any deficiencies in this request or, if there are no deficiencies, pursuant to Section l(c) please provide Idaho Power's indicative pricing proposal. Very truly yours, ("h9/"/*&") Peter J. Richardson, Counsel for Franklin Energy Storage Two, LLC Cc: Donovan Walker Idatro Power Company 1221 West ldatro Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Franklin Energy Storage Two, LLC Schedule 73 Contracting Procedures Checklist Page 3 ldaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 73-9 SCHEDULE 73 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO (Continued) QUAL]FYING FACIL]TY ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT APPLICATION ldaho Power Qualifying Facility (QF) contact information: Preamble and lnstructions All generation facilities that qualify pursuant to ldaho Power Company Schedule 73 for a QF Energy Sales Agreement and wish to sell energy from their facility to ldaho Power must complete the following information and submit this Application by hand delivery, mail or E-mail to ldaho Power. Upon receipt of a complete Application, ldaho Power shall process this request for a QF Energy Sales Agreement pursuant to ldaho Power Company Schedule 73. Qualifying Facility !nformation Proposed Proiect Name of Facility:Franklin Enerov Storaoe Two Resource Type: (r.e. wind, solar, hydro, efc): Facility Location: GPS Coordinates: W 114.6 N 42.206 Nearest City or landmark: Jackoot. Nevada Name of Facility:Franklin Enerov Storaoe One County and State: Twin Falls CounW. ldaho Map of Facility, including proposed interconnection point. (See Attached.) Anticipated commencement date of energy deliveries to ldaho Power: October Mailing Address: Physical Address: Telephone number: E-MailAddress: IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,2015 Attn: Energy Contracts, P O Box 70 Boise, lD 83702 1221W.ldaho Street, Boise, ]D 83703 208-388-6070 rallphin@idahooower, com lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal $heet No. 73-9 SCHEDULE 73 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO QUALIFYING FACILIry ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT APPLICATION (Continued) Facility Nameplate Capacity Rating (kW):32.000 Facility Maximum Output Capacity (kW)32.000 Station Service Requirements (kW)7.000 Facility Net Delivery to ldaho Power (kW): 25.000 Facility interconnection status: Pendinq Proposed Contracting Term (cannot exceed 20 years): 20 vears Requested Rate Option (details provided in Schedule 73): Rate Option No.4. "Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates" Does the Facility have the ability to respond to dispatch orders from ldaho Power Company (Yes or No)Yes Please include the following attachments / Hourly estimated energy deliveries (kW) to ldaho Power for every hour of a one year period. Attached. ,/ List of acquired and outstanding Qualifying Facility permits, including a description of the status and timeline for acquisition of any outstanding permits. The prolect ls currcntlv workinq toward finalizinq Gondidonal Use PermiE with Twin Falls Counly. The Countv has alruadv oranted permlts forwind. rolar. and electrical substation oroiects on this oropertv - no maior hurdles are anticioated. All of the necessarv local aoencies have been enqaoed to provide comment and feedback on theprooosed proiect. Buildinq permits will be obtained orior to constructlon. There are currentlv no anticioated schedule lmoacts to the Cl4 2019 COD due to parmlttino, o At the minimum a FERC issued QF certificate/self-certification is required and/or evidence that Facility will be able to obtain a Qualifying Facility certificate. FERC Form 556 is attached. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,2015 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W, Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho r' ff the Facility will require fuel be transported to the Facility (i.e. natural gas pipelines, railroad transportation, etc), evidence of ability to obtain sufficient transportation rights to operate the Facility at the stated Maximum Output Amount. N/Ar' [ the Facility will not be interconnecting directly to the ldaho Power electrica! system, evidence that the Facility will be able to interconnect to another utility's electrical system and evidence that the Facility will be able to obtain firm transmission rights over all required transmission providers to deliver the Facility's energy to Idaho Power. N/A Owner lnformation Owner / Company Name: Franklin Enerqv Storaqe One. LLG Contact Person: Robert A. Pau!. Manaoer Address: 5f5N.M City: State: Zip: &igg,lSE@S!29,2 Telephone: (7601 861-1 104 E-mail: robertapaul08@qmail.com Applicant Signature I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all information provided in this Qualifying Facility Energy Sales Agreement application is true and correct. lsl Signature Robert A. Paul Print Name IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,2015 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 122'l West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho qEqgr!.qry9 lo l8arEqr 9lfg-IEgMTwlN FAI,I.SFiiiil Fii$way 30. head Sourh on Highrvay 93 fd 25 nilesttoied Sile is locatedoffol Highway93 iustSorth of alc lown oI RoB€e( ldaho PROIECI SUMMARY Total AffiB€: Ja.lpotSolar 2: rId{).ses ExistingZmin8: Agrialltural kcs€Ration(At Prer) DEVELOPER INFORMATIONfri;ffiffim;ni-*--"-* Alterufi ve Por{er Devekpmeil,Northwel LLC 515 N 27th St.8oi*, IDa702 (760) 861-1104 .oberlapauloSogmilil m LEGAL DETRIFTIONiEt pord-N,;fi6; wth of ldaho Srate I tithway 93lffiled in Towrohip 14 9ruth Rilge 15 East, scdioG 17, 19. m, 3^d 29 fr euenNrrtvr IIPOWER DEVETOP^tENl FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE t*'l - Rogerson, Idaho --- Franklin Energy Storage One LLC _-- Franklin Energy Storage Two LLC -- Franklin Energy Storage Three LLC -- Franklin Energy Storage Four LLC -- IackPot Solar Substation Franklin Energy Storage Two, LLC 515 N. 27fr Street Boise,Idaho 83702 (208) e38-7901 peter@richardsonadams.com January 31,20t7 Attn: Energy Contuacts ldaho Power Company PO Box 70 1221 West ldaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 rallphin@idahopower. com Re: Notice of Self-Recertification (Corrected) Franklin Energy Storage Two, LLC Dear Mr. Allphin: Pursuant to l8 C.F.R. 5 292.207(a)(ii) you are hereby provided a copy of the Notice of Self Recertification (corrected) frled with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission by Franklin Energy Storage Two, LLC. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely yours; P,>ru*u*' Peter J. Richardson Attorney for Franklin Energy Two, LLC FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC OMB Control # 1902-0075 Expiration 06/30/2019 F o rm 5 5 6 ;il1[i:::::H:l?J:,',#*il,11" status for a smarr Power General Questions about completing this form should be sent to Form556@ferc.goy. lnformation about the Commission's QF program, answers to frequently asked questions about QF requirements or completing this form, and contact information for QF program staffare available at the Commission's QF website, www.ferc.gov/QF. The Commission's QF website also provides links to the Commission's QF regulations (18 C.F.R. 5 131 .80 and Part 29211, as well as other statutes and orders pertaining to the Commission's QF program. Who Must File Any applicant seeking QF status or recertification of QF status for a generating facility with a net power production capacity (as determined in lines 7a through 79 below) greater than 1000 kW must file a self-certification or an application for Commission certification of QF status, which includes a properly completed Form 556. Any applicant seeking QF status for a generating facility with a net power production capacity 1000 kW or less is exempt from the certification requirement, and is therefore not required to complete or file a Form 556. See 18 C.F.R. 5 292.203. How to Complete the Form 556 This form is intended to be completed by responding to the items in the order they are presented, according to the instructions given. lf you need to back-track, you may need to clear certain responses before you will be allowed to change other responses made previously in the form. lf you experience problems, click on the nearest help button (@ ) for assistance, or contact Commission staff at Form556@ferc,gov. Certain lines in this form will be automatically calculated based on responses to previous lines, with the relevant formulas shown. You must respond to all of the previous lines within a section before the results of an automatically calculated field will be displayed. lf you disagree with the results of any automatic calculation on this form, contact Commission staff at Form556@ferc.qov to discuss the discrepancy before filing. You must complete all lines in this form unless instructed otherwise. Do not alter this form or save this form in a different format. lncomplete or altered forms, or forms saved in formats other than PDF, will be rejected. How to File a Completed Form 556 Applicants are required to file their Form 556 electronically through the Commission's eFillng website (see instructions on page 2). By filing electronically, you will reduce your filing burden, save paper resources, save postage or courier charges, help keep Commission expenses to a minimum, and receive a much faster confirmation (via an email containing the docket number assigned to your facility) that the Commission has received your filing. lf you are simultaneously filing both a waiver request and a Form 556 as part of an application for Commission certification, see the "Waiver Requests" section on page 3 for more information on how to file. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice This form is approved by the Office of Management and Budget. Compliance with the information requirements established by the FERC Form No.556 is required to obtain or maintain status as a QF. See 18 C.F.R. 5 131.80 and Part 292. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The estimated burden for completing the FERC Form No. 556, including gathering and reporting information, is as follows: 3 hours for self-certification of a small power production facility, 8 hours for self-certifications of a cogeneration facility, 6 hours for an application for Commission certificatlon of a small power production facility, and 50 hours for an application for Commission certification of a cogeneration facility. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the following: lnformation Clearance Officer, Office of the Executive Director (ED-32), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, SSS First Street N.E., Washington, DC 20426 (DataClearance@ferc.gov); and Desk Officer for FERC, Office of lnformation and Regulatory Affairs, Offlce of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503 (oira submission@omb.eop.gov). lnclude the Control No. 1 902-0075 in any correspondence. FERC Form 556 Page 2 - lnstructions Electronic Filing (eFiling) To electronically file your Form 556, visit the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF and click the eFiling link. lf you are eFiling your first document, you will need to register with your name, email address, mailing address, and phone number. lf you are registering on behalf of an employer, then you will also need to provide the employer name, alternate contact name, alternate contact phone number and and alternate contact email. Once you are registered, log in to eFiling with your registered email address and the password that you created at registration. Follow the instructions. When prompted, select one of the following QF-related filing types, as appropriate, from the Electric or General filing category. Filing category Filing Type as listed in eFiling Description Electric (Fee) Application for Commission Cert. as Cogeneration QF Use to submit an application for Commission certifi cation or Commission recertification of a cogeneration facility as a QF. (Fee) Application for Commission Cert. as Small Power QF Use to submit an application for Commission certification or Commission recertification of a small power production facility as a QF. Self-Certification Notice (QF, EG, FC) Use to submit a notice of self- certification of your facility (cogeneration or small power production) as a QF. Self-Recertifi cation of Qualifying Faci lity (QF) Use to submit a notice of self- recertification of your facility (cogeneration or small power production) as a QF. Supplemental lnformation or Request Use to correct or supplement a Form 556 that was submitted with errors or omissions, or for which Commission staff has requested additional information. Do not use this filing type to report new changes to a facility or its ownership; rather, use a self- recertification or Commission recertification to report such changes. General (Fee) Petition for Declaratory Order (not under FPA Part l) Use to submit a petition for declaratory order granting a waiver of Commission QF regulations pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 55 292.204(a) (3) and/or 292.205(c). A Form 556 is not required for a petition for declaratory order unless Commisslon recertification is being requested as part ofthe petition. You will be prompted to submit your filing fee, if applicable, during the electronic submission process. Filing fees can be paid via electronic bank account debit or credit card. During the eFiling process, you will be prompted to select your file(s) for upload from your computer. FERC Form 556 Page 3 - Instructions Filing Fee No filing fee is required if you are submitting a self-certification or self-recertification of your facility as a QF pursuant to '18 c.F.R. S 292.2A7G). A filing fee is required if you are filing either of the following: ( l ) an application for Commission certification or recertification of your facility as a QF pursuant to 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.2Q7(bl, or (2) a petition for declaratory order granting waiver pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 55 292.204(a)(3) and/or 292.2051c). The current fees for applications for Commission certifications and petitions for declaratory order can be found by visiting the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.oov/OF and clicking the Fee Schedule link. You will be prompted to submit your filing fee, if applicable, during the electronic filing process described on page 2. Required Notice to Utilities and State Regulatory Authorities Pursuant to 1 8 C.F.R. S 292.207(aXii), you must provide a copy of your self-certification or request for Commission certification to the utilities with which the facility will interconnect and/or transact, as well as to the State regulatory authorities of the states in which your facility and those utilities reside. Links to information about the regulatory authorities in various states can be found by visiting the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF and clicking the Notice Requirements link. What to Expect From the Commission After You File An applicant filing a Form 556 electronically will receive an email message acknowledging receipt of the filing and showing the docket number assigned to the filing. Such email is typically sent within one business day, but may be delayed pending confirmation by the Secretary of the Commission of the contents of the filing. An applicant submitting a self-certification of QF status should expect to receive no documents from the Commission, other than the electronic acknowledgement of receipt described above. Consistent with its name, a self-certification is a certification by the applicant itse/f that the facility meets the relevant requirements for QF status, and does not involve a determinationbytheCommissionastothestatusofthefacility. Anacknowledgementofreceiptofaself-certlfication,in particular, does not represent a determination by the Commission with regard to the QF status of the facility. An applicant self-certifoing may, however, receive a rejection, revocation or deficiency letter if its application is found, during periodic compliance reviews, not to comply with the relevant requirements. An applicant submitting a request for Commission certification will receive an order either granting or denying certification of QF status, or a letter requesting additional information or rejecting the application. Pursuant to l8 C.F.R. 5 292.207(bX3), the Commission must act on an application for Commission certification within 90 days of the later of the filing date of the application or the filing date of a supplement amendment or other change to the application. Waiver Requests 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.204(aX3) allows an applicant to request a waiver to modifr the method of calculation pursuant to l8 C.F.R. S 292.204(a)(2)todetermineiftwofacilitiesareconsideredtobelocatedatthesamesite,forgoodcause. 18C.F.R.5292.205(c) allows an applicant to request waiver of the requirements of l8 C.F.R. 55 292.205(a) and (b) for operating and efficiency upon a showing that the facility will produce significant energy savings. A request for waiver of these requirements must be submitted as a petition for declaratory order, with the appropriate filing fee for a petition for declaratory order. Applicants requesting Commission recertification as part of a request for waiver of one of these requirements should electronically submit their completed Form 556 along with their petition for declaratory order, rather than filing their Form 556 as a separate request for Commission recertification. Only the filing fee for the petition for declaratory order must be paid to cover both the waiver request and the request for recertification if such requests ore mode simultoneously. 1 8 C.F.R, 5 292.203(dX2) allows an applicant to request a waiver of the Form 556 filing reguirements, for good cause. Applicants filing a petltion for declaratory order requesting a waiver under 1 8 C.F,R. S 292.2O3(d)(2) do not need to complete or submit a Form 556 with their petition. FERC Form 556 Page 4 - lnstructions Geog raph ic Coordinates lf a street address does not exist for your facility, then line 3c of the Form 556 requires you to report your facility's geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). Geographic coordinates may be obtained from several different sources. You can find links to online services that show latitude and longitude coordinates on online maps by visiting the Commission's QF webpage at www.ferc.gov/OF and clicking the Geographic Coordinates link. You may also be able to obtain your geographic coordinates from a GPS device, Google Earth (available free at htto://earth.google.com), a property survey, various engineering or construction drawings, a property deed, or a municipal or county map showing property lines. Filing Privileged Data or Critical Energy Infrastructure lnformation in a Form 556 The Commission's regulations provide procedures for applicants to either (l ) request that any information submitted with a Form 556 be given privileged treatment because the information is exempt from the mandatory public disclosure requirements of the Freedom of lnformation Act, 5 U.S.C. 5 552, and should be withheld from public disclosure; or (2) identiff any documents containing critical energy infrastructure information (CEll) as defined in 18 C.F.R. S 388.1 13 that should not be made public. lf you are seeking privileged treatment or CEll status for any data in your Form 556, then you must follow the procedures in I8 C.F.R. S 388.1 12. See www.ferc.gov/help/filing-guide/file-ceii.asp for more information. Among other things (see 18 C.F.R. S 388.1 l2 for other requirements), applicants seeking privileged treatment or CEll status for data submitted in a Form 556 must prepare and file both (1) a complete version of the Form 556 (containing the privileged and/or CEll data), and (2) a public version of the Form 556 (with the privileged and/or CEll data redacted). Applicants preparing and filing these different versions of their Form 556 must indicate below the security designation of this version of theirdocument. lfyouarenofseekingprivilegedtreatmentorCEll statusforanyofyourForm556data,thenyoushouldnot respond to any of the items on this page. Non-Public Applicant is seeking privileged treatment and/or CEll status for data contained in the Form 556 lines ! indicated below. This non-public version of the applicant's Form 556 contains all data, including the data that is redacted in the (separate) public version of the applicant's Form 556. Public (redacted): Applicant is seeking privileged treatment and/or CEll status for data contained in the Form 556 lines ! indicated below. This public version of the applicants's Form 556 contains all data except for data from the lines indicated below, which has been redacted. Privileged: lndicate below which lines of your form contain data for which you are seeking privileged treatment Crltical Energy lnfrastructure lnformation (CEll): lndicate below which lines of your form contain data for which you are seeking CEll status The eFiling process described on page 2 will allow you to identifo which versions of the electronic documents you submit are public, privileged and/or CEll. The filenames for such documents should begin with "Public", "Priv", or "CEll", as applicable, to clearly indicate the security designation of the file. Both versions of the Form 556 should be unaltered PDF copies of the Form 556, as available for download from www,ferc.gov/QF. To redact data from the public copy of the submittal, simply omit the relevant data from the Form. For numerical fields, leave the redacted fields blank. For text fields, complete as much of the field as possible, and replace the redacted portions of the field with the word "REDACTED" in brackets. Be sure to identiry above all fields which contain data for which you are seeking non-public status. The Commission is not responsible for detecting or correcting filer errors, including those errors related to security designation. lf your documents contain sensitive information, make sure they are filed using the proper security designation. FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC OMB Control # 1902-0075 Expiration 06 / 30/20"19 F o rm 5 5 6 ;:JI[i::::'.H:l?i:,'#;[],[;" s'[a'[us for a smarr Power a o 0 o o e t a Full name of applicant (legal entity on whose behalf qualifling facility status is sought for this facility) l'ranklin Elnergy Storage Two, LLC 1b Applicant street address 515 N. 27th Street 1c City Boise td State/province Ir) le Postalcode 831 02 1f Country (if not United States)tg Telephone number (208 ) 938-7901 I h Has the instant facility ever previously been certified as a QF? Yes ,[ No t_ _ I i lf yes, provide the docket number of the last known QF filing pertaining to this facility: QF r z 582 - 000 Ij Under which certification process is the applicant making this filing? 'ot Notice of self-certification ,-., Application for Commission certification (requires filing4 (see note below) U fee; see "Filing Fee" section on page 3) Note: a notice of self-certification is a notice by the applicant itself that its facility complies with the requirements for QF status. A notice of self-certification does not establish a proceeding, and the Commission does not review a notice of self-certification to verifi7 compliance. See the 'What to Expect From the Commission After You File" section on page 3 for more information. 1k What type(s) of QF status is the applicant seeking for its facility? (check all that apply) fi Qualiffing small power production facility status ! Qualiffing cogeneration facility status I I What is the purpose and expected effective date(s) of this filing? ;- i Originalcertification; facility expected to be installed by and to begin operation on 1- I Change(s) to a previously certifled facility to be effective on (identifr type(s) of change(s) below, and describe change(s) in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9) , i Name change and/or other administrative change(s) I Change in ownership I i Change(s) affecting plant equipment, fuel use, power production capacity and/or cogeneration thermal output fi Supplement or correction to a previous filing submitted on L / 26 / L'7 (describe the supplement or correction in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19) co (E E o C o (E .Uao- 1m lfanyofthefollowingthreestatementsistrue,checkthebox(es)thatdescribeyoursituationandcompletetheform to the extent possible, explaining any special circumstances in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. ,-- The instant facility complies with the Commission's QF requirements by virtue of a waiver of certain regulationsu previously granted by the Commission in an order dated (specify any other relevant waiver orders in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19) ,-.,, The instant facility would comply with the Commission's QF requirements if a petition for waiver submittedU concurrently with this application is granted The instant facility complies with the Commission's regulations, but has special circumstances, such as the fl employment of unique or innovative technologies not contemplated by the structure of this form, that make the demonstration of compliance via this form difficult or impossible (describe in Misc. section starting on p. 19) FERC Form 556 Page6-AllFacilities o 0 o e o o o (E E oc tJ(E CoU 2a Name of contact person Peter Richardson 2b Telephone number (208\ 938-7901 Which of the following describes the contact person's relationship to the applicant? (check one) ! Applicant (selfl f, Employee, owner or partner of applicant authorized to represent the applicant ! Employee of a company affiliated with the applicant authorized to represent the applicant on this matter I Lawyer, consultant, or other representative authorized to represent the applicant on this matter 2d Company or organization name (if applicant is an individual, check here and skip to line 2e) r-- Franklin Enerqy Storage Two, LLC 2e Street address (if same as Applicant, check here and skrp to line 3a)ffi 2t City 2g State/province 2h Postal code 2i Cor-rntry (if not L.lnited States) Co (Euo EC(E co IEU ECo! .E IJ(ElJ- 3a Facility name Frankl-in Energy Storage Two 3b Street address (if a street adcress does r.rot exist for the facility, check here and skip to line 3c)ffi 3c Geographic coordinates: lf you indicated that no street address exists for your facility by checking the box in line 3b, then you must specif, the latitude and longitude coordinates of the facility in degrees (to three decimal places). Use the following formula to convert to decimal degrees from degrees, minutes and seconds: decimal degrees = degrees + (minutes/60) + (seconds/3600). See the'Geographic Coordinates" section on page 4 for help. lf you provided a street address for your facllity in line 3b, then speciffing the geographic coordinates below is optional. l-l East (+) Longitude fr west(_) 114.604 degrees X trtortn (+)Latitude fr south G) 42.191 degrees 3d City (if unincorporated, check here and enter nearest city) X Jackpot 3e State/province Nevada 3f County (or check here for independent city) Twin Fa1ls 39 Country (if not United States) raa : f o)C{=\J(EtaC(\, ldentifr the electric utilities that are contemplated to transact with the facility. 4a ldentify utility interconnecting with the facility Idaho Power Company 4b ldentify utilities proviciinq wheeling servrce or check here if none ffi tlc ldentifr utilities purchasing the useful electric power output or check here if none Idaho Power Company 4d ldentify Litilities providinq srrpplernentary power, backup power, rnaintenance power, and,ior interruptrble porver service or check here rf norte X FERC Form 556 PageT - All Facilities .9 fE oo-oEC(E .+ tl (U C 3o 5a Direct ownership as of effective date or operation date: ldentify all direct owners of the facility holding at least 10 percent equity interest. For each identified owner, also (1) indicate whether that owner is an electric utility, as defined in section 3(22) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.5.C. 796(22)), or a holding company, as defined in section 1262(8) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 (42 U.S.c. 16451(8)), and (2) for owners which are electric utilities or holding companies, provide the percentage of equity interest in the facility held by that owner. lf no direct owners hold at least 10 percent equity interest in the facility, then provide the required information for the two direct owners with the largest equity interest in the facility. Electric utility or lf Yes, holding o/o equity Full legal names of direct owners company interest l) Uutl en Investments, l,l,C Yes fl Yes! Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! Yes! Yes fl Yes ! Yesf Yes! NoX NoE NoE Notr No fl Notr NoE NoE NoD NoE |; )a '.j 7 a .?a 2) 3) 4l s) 6) 7) 8) e) 10) ! Check here and contlnue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9 if additional space is needed 5b Upstream (i.e., indirect) ownership as of effective date or operation date: ldentifu all upstream (i.e., indirect) owners of the facility that both (l ) hold at least 'l 0 percent equity interest in the facility, and (2) are electric utilities, as defined in section 3(22) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(22)1, or holding companies, as defined in section 1262(8)ofthePublicUtilityHoldingCompanyActof 2005(42U.5.C.16451(8)). Alsoprovidethepercentageof equity interest in the facillty held by such owners. (Note that, because upstream owners may be subsidlaries of one another, total percent equity interest reported may exceed 100 percent.) Check here if no such upstream owners exist. [l Full legal names of electric utility or holding company upstream owners 7o equity interest 1) 2t 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) 10) a ,i: i , l: Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9 if additional space is needed 5c ldenti$r the facility operator Franklin Energy Storage Two, tLC o FERC Form 556 Page8-AllFacilities fo-c E') oCUJ 6a Describe the primary energy input: (check one main category and, if applicable, one subcategory) ! Biomass (specify) [l Renewable resources (specifu) f] Geothermal ! Landfillgas ! Hydro power- river I Fossilfuel (specify) I Manuredigestergas ! Hydropower-tidal ! Coal (notwaste) ! Municipal solid waste ! Hydro power- wave ! Fuel oil/diesel ! Sewagedigestergas ! Solar-photovoltaic ! Natural gas(notwaste) ! Wood fl Solar-thermal ,_ Otherfossilfuel I other biomass (describe on page 19) ! wind u (describe on page 19) ! waste (specifytype betow in tine 6b) g ?dT:|.f:::tj;Ji"','"" ! other (describe on pase le) 6b lf you specified ''waste" as the primary energy input in line 6a, indicate the type of waste fuel used: (check one) ! Waste fuel listed in l8 C.F.R.5 292.202(b) (specify one of the following) ! Anthracite culm produced prior to July 23, 1985 .-., Anthracite refuse that has an average heat content of 6,000 Btu or less per pound and has an average " ash content of45 percent or more ,- Bituminous coal refuse that has an average heat content of 9,500 Btu per pound or less and has an " average ash content of25 percent or more Top or bottom subbituminous coal produced on Federal lands or on lndian lands that has been ,- determined to be waste by the United States Department of the lnterior's Bureau of Land Management ' (gLnn) or that is located on non-Federal or non-lndian lands outside of BLM's jurisdiction, provided that the applicant shows that the latter coal is an extension of that determined by BLM to be waste Coal refuse produced on Federal lands or on lndian lands that has been determined to be waste by the E BLM or that is located on non- Federal or non-lndian lands outside of BLM's jurisdiction, provided that applicant shows that the latter is an extension of that determined by BLM to be waste - Lignite produced in association with the production of montan wax and lignite that becomes exposedU as a result of such a mining operation ! Gaseous fuels (except natu ral gas and synthetic Aas from coal) (describe on page 1 9) Waste natural gas from gas or oil wells (describe on page 19 how the gas meets the requirements of l8 ! C.F.R. 5 2.400 for waste natural gas; include with your filing any materials necessary to demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. 5 2.400) ! Materials that a government agency has certified for disposal by combustion (describe on page l9) fl Heat from exothermic reactions (describe on page 19) ! Residual heat (describe on page l9) E Used rubber tires ! Plastic materials I Refinery off-gas ! Petroleum coke Other waste energy input that has little or no commercial value and exists in the absence of the qualifoing f facility industry (describe in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19; include a discussion of the fuel's lack of commercial value and existence in the absence of the qualifoing facility industry) 6c Provide the average energy input, calculated on a calendar year basis, in terms of Btu/h for the following fossil fuel energy inputs, and provide the related percentage ofthe total average annual energy input to the facility (1 8 C.F.R. S 292.202U11. For any oil or natural gas fuel, use lower heating value (18 C.F.R. 5 292.202(m)1. Annual average energy Percentage oftotal Fuel for fuel annual e input o Btu/h O o/oNatural gas Oil-based fuels 0 Btu/h 0 o/o o Btu/h O o/oCoal FERC Form 556 Page9-AllFacilities sCo (E E o C =.U (tr 'i6 .9 L LJuF lndicate the maximum gross and maximum net electric power production capacity of the facility at the point(s) of delivery by completing the worksheet below. Respond to all items. lf any of the parasitic loads and/or losses identified in lines 7b through 7e are negligible, enter zero for those lines, 7a The maximum gross power production capacity at the terminals of the individual generator(s) under the most favorable anticipated design conditions 32,000 kw 7b Parasitic station power used at the facility to run equipment which is necessary and integral to the power production process (boiler feed pumps, fans/blowers, office or maintenance buildings directly related to the operation of the power generating facility, etc.). lf this facility includes non- power production processes (for instance, power consumed by a cogeneration facility's thermal host) , do not include any power consumed by the non-power production activities in your reported parasitic station power.10 kw 7c Electrical losses in interconnection transformers 434 kw 7d Electrical losses in AC/DC conversion equipment, if any 920 kw 7e Other interconnection losses in power lines or facilities (other than transformers and ACIDC conversion equipment) between the terminals of the generator(s) and the point of interconnection with the utility 5,636 kw 7f Total deductions from gross power production capacity = 7b + 7 c + 7 d + 7 e : , i...",1.', .l, kVV 79 Maximum net power production capacity =7a-7f 7h Description of facility and primary components: Describe the facility and its operation. ldentifu all boilers, heat recovery steam generators, prime movers (any mechanicalequipment driving an electric generator), electrical generators, photovoltaic solar equipment, fuel cell equipment and/or other primary power generation equipment used in the facility. Descriptions of components should include (as applicable) specifications of the nominal capacities for mechanical output, electrical output, or steam generation of the identified equipment. For each piece of equipment identified, clearly indicate how many pieces of that type of equipment are included in the plant, and which components are normally operating or norrnally in standby mode. Provide a description of how the components operate as a system. Applicants for cogeneration facilities do not need to describe operations of systems that are clearly depicted on and easily understandable from a cogeneration facility's attached mass and heat balance diagram; however, such applicants should provide any necessary description needed to understand the sequential operation of the facility depicted in their mass and heat balance diagram. lf additional space is needed, continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. The project consists of an energy storage system Qualifying Eacility providing seheduled and dispatchable efectricity in forward-looking time blocks. The energy storage system that comprises the energy storage Qualifying Facj-IiLy is designed Lo, and wil1, receive 100? of its energy input from a combination of renewabLe energy sources such as wind, so1ar, biogas, bi-omas, etc. The current initial design util-izes sofar photovoltaic (PV) modules mounted to single-axi,s t-rackers to provide the e-l-ectric energy input to the Qualifying Facility's battery storage system. The PV modules are planned to be connected in series/ parallel combinations to solar inverters, rated approximately 2.5 MV,Iac each,(subject Lo changei, The proposed efectric energy storage Qualifyinq Facility will consist of an electro-chemical batLery and will have a maximum power output capacity of 25 MWac for a sustained time period of 5 - 60 minutes. The Facility will consist of an alternating current (AC) Lo dj-rect current {DC) controlsystem, The Quafifying FaciLity will be utilized to provide the purchasing utility with pre-scheduled and dispatchable AC energy within pre-determined timeblocks. The sole source of electric power and energy provided to Lhe purchasing util,ity wifl be Lhe electro-chemical reaction givinq rise to the discharge of electric pohrer and energy by the battery. In turn, the sole direct source of energy input provided to the battery Facility will be, as described above, renewabl,e sources - FERC Form 556 Page '10 - Small Power Production Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. I292.204(al,lhe power production capacity of any small power production facility, together with the power productlon capacity of any other small power production facilities that use the same energy resource, are owned by the same person(s) or its affiliates, and are located at the same site, may not exceed 80 megawatts, To demonstrate compliance with this size limitation, or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from this size limitation under the Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production lncentives Act of '1990 (Pub. L. 101-575,104 Stat.2834 (1 990) as amended by Pub. L. 102-46, 105 Stat. 249 {199'l)), respond to lines 8a through 8e below (as applicable). 8a ldentiff any facilities with electrical generating equipment located within 1 mile of the electrical generating equipment of the instant facility, and for which any of the entities identified in lines 5a or 5b, ortheir affiliates, holds at least a 5 percent equity interest. Check here if no such facilities exist. I Facility location Root docket # Maximum net power (city or county, state) (if any) Common owner(s) production capacity l)QF-kw 2)eF-kw 3)eF-kw ' i Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 if additional space is needed 8b The Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production lncentives Act of 1990 (lncentives Act) provides exemption from the size limitations in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.204(al for certain facilities that were certified prior to 1995. Are you seeking exemptlon from the size limitations in 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.204(a) by virtue of the lncentives Act? ! Yes (continue at line 8c below) xl lto {stip lines 8c through 8e) 8c Was the original notice of self-certification or application for Commission certification of the facility filed on or before December 3I, 1994? Yes '-L No I ' 8d Did construction of the facility commence on or before December 31,1999? Yes I j wo i , a)U L(U2 4.9CPL(1]o.=Utr O-l COo.N'{= (n |E.utEs 0)U 8e lf you answered No ln line 8d, indicate whether reasonable diligence was exercised toward the completion of the facility, taking into account all factors relevant to construction? Yes i i No I . i lf you answered Yes, provide a brief narrative explanation in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 of the construction timeline (in particular, describe why construction started so long after the facility was certified) and the diligence exercised toward completion of the facility. Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. S 292.204(b), qualifying small power production facilities may use fossil fuels, in minimal amounts, for only the following purposes: ignition; start-up; testing; flame stabilization; control use; alleviation or prevention of unanticipated equipment outages; and alleviation or prevention of emergencies, directly affecting the public health, safety, or welfare, which would result from electric power outages. The amount of fossil fuels used for these purposes may not exceed 25 percent of the total energy input of the facility during the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy or any calendar year thereafter. 9a Certification of compliance with 1 8 C.F.R. S 292.204(b) with respect to uses of fossil fuel: f Applicant certifies that the facility will use fossil fuels exclusivelyfor the purposes listed above. o, i3 [- ttt o-o O-*UU!E:v,.9 :) (EUu:l .F OEu= 9b CertificationofcompliancewithlSC.F.R.S292.204(b)withrespecttoamountoffossil fuel usedannually: Applicant certifies that the amount of fossil fuel used at the facility will not, in aggregate, exceed 25 ffi percent of the total energy input of the facility during the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy or any calendar year thereafter. lnformation Required for Small Power Production Facility lf you indicated in line I k that you are seeking qualifying small power production facility status for your facility, then you must to the items on this page. Otherwise, skip 10. o o Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 5 292.2021c1, a cogeneration facility produces electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) used for industrial, commercial, heating, or cooling purposes, through the sequential useofenergy. Pursuantto18C.F.R.5292.202(sl,"sequential use"ofenergymeansthefollowing:(1)foratopping- cycle cogeneration facility, the use of reject heat from a power production process in sufficient amounts in a thermal application or process to conform to the requirements of the operating standard contained in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(a); or (2) for a bottoming-cycle cogeneration facility, the use of at least some reject heat from a thermal application or process for power production. lOa What type(s) of cogeneration technology does the facility represent? (check all that apply) ; I Topping-cycle cogeneration i I Bottoming-cycle cogeneration co (o s.0 SEotr\Jb Glt- oCu(9 l0b To help demonstrate the sequential operation of the cogeneration process, and to support compliance with other requirements such as the operating and efficiency standards, include with your filing a mass and heat balance diagram depicting average annual operating conditions. This diagram must include certain items and meet certain requirements, as described below. You must check next to the description of each requirement below to certiry that you have complied with these requirements. Check to certify compliance with indicated requirement Requirement Diagram must show orientation within system piping and/or ducts of all prime movers, heat recovery steam generators, boilers, electric generators, and condensers (as applicable), as well as any other primary equipment relevant to the cogeneration process. Any average annual values required to be reported in lines 10b, l2a, 13a, 13b, 13d, 131 t 4a, 15b, 15d and/or 15f must be computed over the anticipated hours of operation. Diagram must specify allfuel inputs by fuel type and average annual rate in Btu/h. Fuel for supplementary firing should be specified separately and clearly labeled. All specifications of fuel inputs should use lower heating values. Diagram must specifli average gross electric output in kW or MW for each generator, Diagram must specify average mechanical output (that is, any mechanical energy taken off of the shaft of the prime movers for purposes not directly related to electric power generation) in horsepower, if any. Typically, a cogeneration facility has no mechanical output. At each point for which working fluid flow conditions are required to be specified (see below), such flow condition data must include mass flow rate (in lb/h or kg/s), temperature (in "F, R,'C or K), absolute pressure (in psia or kPa) and enthalpy (in Btu/lb or k!lkg). Exception: For systems where the working fluidis liquid only (no vapor at any point in the cycle) and where the type of liquid and specific heat of that Iiquid are clearly indicated on the diagram or in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19, only mass flow rate and temperature (not pressure and enthalpy) need be specified. For reference, specific heat at standard conditions for pure liquid water is approximately 1.002 Btu/ (lb*R) or 4.1 95 U/(kg*K). Diagram must specify working fluid flow conditions at input to and output from each steam turbine or other expansion turbine or back-pressure turbine. Diagram must specifo working fluid flow conditions at delivery to and return from each thermal application. Diagram must specify working fluid flow conditions at make-up water inputs. FERC Form 556 Page l1 - Cogeneration Facilities lnformation Required for Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line 1 k that you are seeking qualiffing cogeneration facility status for your faciliry then you must respond to the items on l1 13. Otherwise, skip 11 th h 13.g q EPAct 2005 cogeneration facilities: The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) established a new section 210(n) of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), l6 USC 824a-3(n), with additional requirements for any qualifiing cogeneration facility that (l ) is seeking to sell electric energy pursuant to section 210 of PURPA and (2) was either not a cogeneration facility on August 8, 2005, or had not filed a self-certification or application for Commission certification of QF status on or before February l, 2006. These requirements were implemented by the Commission in l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d), Complete the lines below, carefully following the instructions, to demonstrate whether these additional requirements apply to your cogeneration facility and, if so, whether your facility complies with such requirements. t 1a Was your facility operating as a qualifoing cogeneration facility on or before August 8, 2005? Yes r I Uo i_ l I 1 b Was the initial filing seeking certification of your facility (whether a notice of self-certification or an application for Commission certification) filed on or before February 1,2006? Yes No: lf the answer to either line 11a or I I b is Yes, then continue at line l1c below. Otherwise, if the answers to both lines I 1a and 1 1b are No, skip to line 'l le below. l lc With respect to the design and operation of the facility, have any changes been implemented on or after February 2,2006 that affect general plantoperation, affect use ofthermal output, and/or increase net power production capacity from the plant's capacity on February 1,2006? I Yes (continue at line I 1d below) No. Your facility is not subject to the requirements of 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d) at this time. However, it may be subject to to these requirements in the future if changes are made to the facility. At such time, the applicant would need to recertiff the facility to determine eligibility. Skip lines 1 1d through 1 lj. 1 I d Does the applicant contend that the changes ldentlfied in line I 1 c are not so significant as to make the facility a 'new" cogeneration facility that would be subject to the 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(d) cogeneration requirements? Yes. Provide in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 a description of any relevant changes made to : I the facility (including the purpose of the changes) and a discussion of why the facility should not be considered a "new' cogeneration facility in light of these changes. Skip Iines 1 1e through I lj. No. Applicant stipulates to the factthat it is a "new" cogeneration facility (for purposes of determining the--l applicability of the requirements of 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d)) by virtue of modifications to the facility that were initiated on or after February 2,2006. Continue below at line 'l 1e. tle Will electricenergyfromthefacilitybesoldpursuanttosection2l0of PURPA? , , Yes. The facility is an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility. You must demonstrate compliance with l8 C.F.R. SI 292.205(dl(2) by continuing at line 1 1f below. No. Applicant certifies that energy wlll not be sold pursuant to section 210 of PURPA. Applicant also certifies its understanding that it must recertifo its facility in order to determine compliance with the requirements of l8 C.F.R. S 292.205(d) before selling energy pursuant to section 210 of PURPA in the future. Skip lines I 1f through 1lj. EE E= C(oO lJ-EC(EOL) +,c(5,ig -E t'' .88 OEtroOG.L +,f=uo-o= frd oo)f!b SHLU \J 1 1f ls the net power production capacity of your cogeneration facility, as indicated in line 79 above, less than or equalto 5,000 kw? Yes, the net power production capaclty is less than or equal to 5,000 kW. 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d[4l provides a rebuttable presumption that cogeneration facilities of 5,000 kW and smaller capacity comply with the requirements for fundamental use of the facility's energy output in 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(d)(2). Applicant certifies its understanding that, should the power production capacity of the facility increase above 5,000 kW, then the facility must be recertified to (among other things) demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d)(21. Skip lines 119 through 1 1j. No, the net power production capacity is greater than 5,000 kW. Demonstrate compliance with the. .' requirements for fundamental use of the facility's energy output in 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2) by continuing on the next page at line 1 lg. FERC Form 556 Page 12 - Cogeneration Facilities oo o g o o FERC Form 556 Page 13 - Cogeneration Facilities ao) y,'E JoE], EUtrE(E'u E,ftb€E9UCCOOcolu8'=tr 6 ,r-UYErtsLn.roxO{=N=uosalrJil CtU o Lines 1lg through 11k below guide the applicant through the process of demonstrating compliance with the requirements for "fundamental use" of the facility's energy output, 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2). Only respond to the lines on this page if the instructions on the previous page direct you to do so. Otherwise, skip this page. l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2) requires that the electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a qualifying facility to its host facility. lf you were directed on the previous page to respond to the items on this page, then your facility is an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility that is subject to this "fundamental use" requirement. The Commission's regulations provide a two.pronged approach to demonstrating compliance with the requirements forfundamental use of the facility's energy output. First, the Commission has established in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX3) a 'fundamental use test" that can be used to demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.2O5(d)(2). Under the fundamental use test, a facility is considered to comply with I 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2) if at least 50 percent of the facility's total annual energy output (including electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy output) is used for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes. Second, an applicant for a facility that does not pass the fundamental use test may provide a narrative explanation of and support for its contention that the facility nonetheless meets the requirement that the electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a qualifying facility to its host facility. Complete lines 1 1g through I 1j below to determine compliance with the fundamental use test in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX3). Complete lines 1 1 9 throug h 11j even if you do not intend to rely upon the fundamentdl use test to demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. 5 292,205(d)(2). l1g Amountofelectrical,thermal,chemical and mechanical energyoutput(netof interna generation plant losses and parasitic loads) expeaed to be used annually for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and not sold to an electric utility tu1Wh I t h Total amount of electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy expected to be sold to an electric utility &4Wh 1li Percentageoftotalannualenergyoutputexpectedtobeusedforindustrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and not sold to a utility =100*l1gl(119+1lh) 1 lj ls the response in line 1 I i greater than or equal to 50 percent? Yes. Your facility complies with 18 C.F.R. S 292.2051dX2) by virtue of passing the fundamental use test provided in 'l 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX3). Applicant certifies its understanding that, if it is to rely upon passing r , the fundamental use test as a basis for complying with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2), then the facility must comply with the fundamental use test both in the 'l 2-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy, and in all subsequent calendar years. No. Your facility does not pass the fundamental use test. lnstead, you must provide in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 a narrative explanation of and support for why your facility meets the requirement that the electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a QF to its host facility. Applicants providing a narrative explanation of why their facility should be found to comply with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d')(2) in spite of non-compliance with the fundamental use test may want to review paragraphs 47 through 61 of Order No.671 (accessible from the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF), which provide discussion of the facts and circumstances that may support their explanation. Applicant should also note that the percentage reported above will establish the standard that that facility must comply with, both for the l2-month period beginning with the date the facility first produceselectricenergy,andinallsubsequentcalendaryears.5eeOrderNo.6Tl atparagraph5l. Assuch, the applicant should make sure that it reports appropriate values on lines I 1g and 1 I h above to serve as the relevant annual standard, taking into account expected variations in production conditions. o FERC Form 556 Page 14 - Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities Information Required for Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line 1 0a that your facility represents topping<ycle cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the items on 14 and 15. Otherwise,'14 and 15. oThe thermal energy output of a topping-cycle cogeneration facility is the net energy made available to an industrial or commercial process or used in a heating or cooling application. Pursuant to sections 292.2021c1, (d) and (h) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. 59 292.202(cl, (d) and (h)), the thermal energy output of a qualiffing topping- cycle cogeneration facility must be useful. ln connection with this requirement, describe the thermal output of the topping-cycle cogeneration facility by responding to lines 12a and 12b below. 12a ldentify and describe each thermal host, and specifo the annual average rate of thermal output made available to each host for each use. For hosts with multiple uses of thermal output, provide the data for each use in separate row, Average annual rate of thermal output attributable to use (net of Name of entity (thermal host) Thermal host's relationship to facility; heat contained in process taking thermal output Thermal host's use of thermal output return or make-up water) Select tirerrrral host's relationshipr to fa<.ilityr) 5elect thermal host's use of thermal output Btul h ielect therrnal host's relationshil: to facility2l Select tirermal irost's use of thernral output Btulh Select thermal host's relationship to facrlity ) Select thermal host's Lrse of thernral output Btulh Selecl tl.rermal host's relationship to facility4) Select thermal lrost s use of therrnal output Btur'h Select thermal host's relationship to facility 5) >elect tlrernral lrosl's r.rse ot thernral output tsluilr Select Ihe'rrnal host's relatrorrship to facility 6) Select therrnal host's use of tlrerrnal output Btulh - I Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9 if additional space is needed a) U UICrl =es &E r5(EoEtt LvtO(U-c:=F:l alrtf 12b Demonstrationof usefulnessofthermal output: Ataminimum,provideabriefdescriptionofeachuseofthe thermal output identified above. ln some cases, this brief description is sufficient to demonstrate usefulness. However, if your facility's use of thermal output is not common, and/or if the usefulness of such thermal output is not reasonably clear, then you must provide additional details as necessary to demonstrate usefulness. Your application may be rejected and/or additional information may be required if an insufficient showing of usefulness is made. (Exception: lf you have previously received a Commission certification approving a specific use of thermal output related to the Instant facility, then you need only provide a brief description of that use and a reference by date and docket number to the order certifring your facility with the indicated use. Such exemption may not be used if any change creates a material deviation from the previously authorized use.) lf additional space is needed, continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. FERC Form 556 Page '15 - Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities a 6 B 6 6 ECC(o.9 EIE iu L, E-'souoigsVAorccu'6. :g 8,.E Applicants for facilities representing topping-cycle technology must demonstrate compliance with the topping- cycleoperating standard and, if applicable, efficiencystandard. Section 292.205(aX1) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(aXl )) establishes the operating standard for topping-cycle cogeneration facilities: the useful thermal energy output must be no less than 5 percent of the total energy output. Section 292.205bll2l (18 C.F.R. S 292.205(aX2)) establishes the efficiency standard for topping<ycle cogeneration facilities for which installation commenced on or after March 13, 1980: the useful power output of the facility plus one-half the useful thermal energy output must (A) be no less than 42.5 percent of the total energy input of natural gas and oil to the facility; and (B) if the useful thermal energy output is less than 15 percent of the total energy output of the facility, be no less than 45 percent of the total energy input of natural gas and oil to the facility. To demonstrate compliance with the topping-cycle operating and/or efficiency standards, or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard based on the date that installation commenced, respond to lines l3a through 131 below. lf you indicated in line 1 0a that your facility represents both topping-cycle and bottoming-cycle cogeneration technology, then respond to lines t 3a through I 3l below considering only the energy inputs and outputs attributable to the topping-cycle portion of yourfacility. Your mass and heat balance diagram must make clear which mass and energy flow values and system components are for which portion (topping or bottoming) of the cogeneration system. 13a lndicate the annual average rate of useful thermal energy output made available to the host(s), net of any heat contained in condensate return or make-up water BtLr/h 1 3b lndicate the annual average rate of net electrical energy output KW 13c Multiply line 13b by 3,412 to convert from kW to Btu/h C Btu/h t 3d lndicate the annual average rate of mechanical energy output taken directly off of the shaft of a prime mover for purposes not directly related to power production (this value is usually zero)ho 13e Multiply line 13d by 2,544to convert from hp to Btulh 0 Bttt/h I 3f lndicate the annual average rate of energy input from natural gas and oil Btui lr 139 Topping-cycleoperating value = 100 *'l3a / (13a + 13c + 13e) '|it 13h Topping-cycle efficiency value = 1 00 * (0.5*1 3a + 1 3c + I 3e) / 1 3f | \\t 13i Compliance with operating standard: ls the operating value shown in line 139 greater than or equal to SVo? 1 jYes (complies with operating standard) i- j No (does not comply with operating standard) l3j Did installation of the facility in its current form commence on or after March 'l 3, 1980? , Yes. Your facility is subject to the efficiency requirements of l8 C.F.R. S 292.205(aX2). Demonstrate compliance with the efficiency requirement by responding to line 13k or 131, as applicable, below. ' No. Your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard. Skip lines 13k and 131. l3k Cornpliance with efficiency standard (for low operating value): lf the operating value shown in line 139 is less than I5026, then indicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 13h greater than or equal to 45c/o: Yes (complies with efficiency standard) No (does not comply with efficiency standard) 131 Compliance with efficiency standard (for high operating value): lf the operating value shown in line 1 39 is greater than or equal to 1506, then indicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 13h is greater than or equalto 42.5Yo: ' Yes (complies with efficiency standard) No (does not comply with efficiency standard) FERC Form 556 Page 16 - Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities lnformation Required for Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line 10a that your facility represents bottoming<ycle cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the items on l6 and '17. Otherwise,16and l7 oThe thermal energy output of a bottoming<ycle cogeneration facility is the energy related to the process(es) from which at least some of the reJect heat ls then used for power production. Pursuant to sections 292.2021c) and (e) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. 5 292.202(c) and (e)) , the thermal energy output of a quallfiTing bottoming- cycle cogeneration facility must be useful. ln connection with this requirement, describe the process(es) from which at least some of the reject heat is used for power production by responding to lines 14a and l4b below. t4a ldentifo and describe each thermal host and each bottoming<ycle cogeneration process engaged in by each host. For hosts with multiple bottoming-cycle cogeneration processes, provide the data for each process in seporate rows' Has the energy input to Name of entity (thermal host) the thermal host been performing the process from augmented for purposes which at least some of the of increasing power reject heat is used for power Thermal host's relationship to facility; production capacity?production Thermal host's process type (if Yes, describe on p. 1 9) thermal host's relations to faci r) lect thermal host's rocess type Yes No lect thermal host's relationship to faci7) thernral host's ro(e55 Yes No thermal host's relationshi to faci3) thermal host's -j Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 'l 9 if additional space is needed o U UIo) EO-o= 5(Jm(otr- LotItt Ol^-OEc' =ot/lf 14b Demonstration of usefulness of thermal output: At a minimum, provide a brief description of each process identified above. ln some cases, this brief description is sufficient to demonstrate usefulness. However, if your facility's process is not common, and/or if the usefulness of such thermal output is not reasonably clear, then you must provide additional detalls as necessary to demonstrate usefulness. Your application may be rejected and/or additional information may be required if an insufficient showing of usefulness is made. (Exception: lf you have previously received a Commission certification approving a specific bottoming-cycle process related to the instant facility, then you need only provide a brief description of that process and a reference by date and docket number to the order certifring your facility with the indicated process. Such exemption may not be used if any material changes to the process have been made.) lf additional space is needed, continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page '19. EC $E.=(E+r=GlJSLJEElf r rL,' O(U= $ro) uCC'=O LIJ 5 r.rr 6 Applicants for facilities representing bottoming-cycle technology and for which installation commenced on or after March 13, 1990 must demonstrate compliance with the bottoming<ycle efficiency standards. Section 292.205(b) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(b)) establishes the efficiency standard for bottoming-cycle cogeneration facilities: the useful power output of the facility must be no less than 45 percent of the energy input of natural gas and oil for supplementary firing. To demonstrate compliance with the bottoming-cycle efficiency standard (if applicable), or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from this standard based on the date that installation of the facility began, respond to lines l5a through 15h below. lf you indicated in line I 0a that your facility represents both topping-cycle and bottoming-cycle cogeneration technology, then respond to lines 1 5a through I 5h below considering only the energy inputs and outputs attributable to the bottoming-cycle portion of your facility. Your mass and heat balance diagram must make clear which mass and energy flow values and system components are for which portion of the cogeneration system (topping or bottoming). 15a DidinstallationofthefacilityinitscurrentformcommenceonorafterMarchl3, 1980? .- , Yes. Your facility is subject to the efficiency requirement of l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(b). Demonstrate compliancer- | with the efficiency requirement by responding to lines 15b through 15h below. i j No. Your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard. Skip the rest of page 17. I 5b lndicate the annual average rate of net electrical energy output k\/ l5c 'Multiply line l5b by 3,412 to convert from kW to Btu/h I Btulh 15d lndicate the annual average rate of mechanical energy output taken directly off of the shaft of a prime mover for purposes not directly related to power production (this value is usually zero)hp 15e Multiply line l5d by 2,544to convert from hp to Btu/h l: Btui h l5f lndicate the annual average rate of supplementary energy input from natural gas or oil Btu rh I 59 Bottoming-cycle efficiency value = 100 * (l 5c + 1 5e) / I 5f ()i 15h Compliance with efficiency standard: lndicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 159 is greater than or equal to 45%: j Yes (complies with efficiency standard) il No (does not comply with efficiency standard) FERC Form 556 Page l7 - Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities 6 0 o o FERC Form 556 Page l8 - All Facilities Certificate of Completeness, Accuracy and Authority Applicant must certifo compliance with and understanding of filing requirements by checking next to each item below and signing atthe bottom of this section. Forms with incomplete Certificates of Completeness, Accuracy and Authority will be rejected by the Secretary of the Commlssion. Signer identified below certifies the following: (check all ltems and applicable subitems) He or she has read the filing, including any information contained in any attached documents, such as cogeneration ffi mass and heat balance diagrams, and any information contained in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19, and knows its contents. He or she has provided all of the required information for certification, and the provided information is true as stated, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief. He or she possess full power and authority to sign the filing; as required by Rule 2005(aX3) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. 5 385.2005(aX3)), he or she is one of the following: (check one) ! The person on whose behalf the filing is made ! An officer of the corporation, trust, assoclation, or other organized group on behalf of which the filing is made - An officer, agent, or employe of the governmental authority, agency, or instrumentality on behalf of which theu filing is made ,o, A representative qualified to practice before the Commission under Rule 2101 of the Commission's Rules of6 PracticeandProcedure(18C.F.R.S385.2101)andwhopossessesauthoritytosign x a He or she has reviewed all automatic calculations and agrees with their results, unless otherwise noted in the Miscellaneous section starting on page '19. He or she has provided a copy of this Form 556 and all attachments to the utilities with which the facility will interconnect and transact (see lines 4a through 4d), as well as to the regulatory authorities of the states in which the facility and those utilities reside. See the Required Notice to Public Utilities and State Regulatory Authorities section on page 3 for more information. Provide your signature, address and signature date below Rule 2005(c) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. 5 385.2005(c)) provides that persons filing their documents electronically may use typed characters representing his or her name to sign the filed documents. A person filing this document electronically should sign (by typing his or her name) ln the space provided below, Your Signature Peter J. Richardson Your address 515 N. 21Lh Street Boise, ID 83702 Date Audit Notes Commission Staff Use Only: FERC Form 556 Page l9 - All Facllitles Miscellaneous Use this space to provide any lnformation for which there was not sufficient space in the previous sections of the form to provide. For each such item of information clearly identify the line number that the information belongs to. You may also use this space to provide any additional information you believe is relevant to the certification of your facility. Your response below is not limited to one page. Additional page(s) will automatically be inserted into this form if the length of your response exceeds the space on this page. Use as many pages as you require. The original Form 556 incorrectly listed the latj-tude and longitude coordinates in Paragraph 3c as West 114.600 North 42.206. The correct latitude and longitude coordinates are West I 14.604 North 42.19L. I>- il o aII-ot{ !o IJ'(t,rf(o I F E tiU) T (DrlaY)F (\! F q EGI u?orl o dr 0qoo(r) qfi,ETN olF(o(v 14c) R (f, Fo T (D GJ IJ' CJ(oC} FJ T N(.idt trto trto C'o E} Ci oci tro oEi trtEi o E; tr,o oEi E}Ci (:lci (:, tri tr,o trto tr E; C}c;oc]trtri oo tro trd CTo oo c,ci od tr,trt tr)o trtE trE trEi oo trd tr)o tro trEi trd oo trtri c,o trtri o(:, (:l o trI Ci oE;oo E}Ei c,tro c,ci trd oo oci oe oE (fo trci E'trt tr, Ei trEi EIcl c,d E'Fst er!0r, oo trto tro fo E cIui(.1(o F c,d c,(.,G'N (I' rd(ftt(r, f(\i st tn6 s.t 0.,+6st (o ott f (El6\t tto(ri6.'ot, GII+ {f)NtbFu, (!r, rirt F(r,aoF lJ', [n Erf g, F frl, (r, F t cio(\I(o d tn FC}N(\t-J ttFrl 0')C C} t.r, oo (fo E'Ean$t \lf,F (n tr,d oo oo tr tri 'J;1o., +{E \lfU) oo Eo oo Eo oo oE;oo FF ID r.,tY) go trEi oE tro oo @o tr6 oo c,c,(f d E'E cftri .n,lq ,.'.,1O c,ci trlo oCi tro tr,o trttri cttrt tro trto trd C'o C'Ei trtri ,,1,13 od CIo o CJ C'o Bo od trd oo trto trtri C'o oo c,d oE oEi oo Eo od oo clo C}o oar o C] c,tr E'cl Eo E}d oo trEi oo o-6- oo !tlr C}Ei 'l:i:ii5 troE o tri ry u It ql#ooa&ii*4 I oo Fi to- qlEil E!'l ii,i,, Hotol II. lt oaD.t cfla\ll filHI tro (lo ga tro E(l)!)kbI) a C) cla o0l-(()Ir!>. C)c0tr{ o0 & cl O rar-o E0) oU) .q B9r.tE 0)EooF6l'=aaa9 >r lEoootits(l)o. =o)!e G)rio BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-17-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 3 FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE THREE, LLC Peter Richardson Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, tdaho 83702 peter@richardsonadams. com January 26,2017 Michael Darrington Senior Energy Contract Coordinator Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 HAND DELIVERY Re Schedule 73 Energy Sales Agreement Request, Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC Dear Mr. Darrington: Enclosed, pursuant to Idaho Power Company's ("Company") Tariff Schedule 73 ("Schedule 73") yol will find a completed Qualifuing Facility Energy Sales Agreement Application ("Application") seeking an "indicative pricing proposal" from the Company for the Franklin Energy Storage Three project. The Franklin Energy Storage Three project ("Franklin Three") is a 25 MW battery storage QF located in ldaho a few miles north of Jackpot, Nevada. In addition to the information requested on the enclosed Application, Schedule 73 separately requests additional information and documents that should accompany the Application. Each information request from Section 1 of the Contracting Procedures Part of Schedule 73 is responded to in detail below: Section l(aXi) requests a copy of the organizational structure and chan. Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC has only one member, Peter J. Richardson in his individual capacity. Robert A. Paul the non-member manager. As the organization is very 'flat' there is no organizational chart. Section l(aXiD requests a description of the "generation and other related technology." This question is addressed in detail on the enclosed FERC Form 556 at Paragraph 7(h), which fully describes the electro-chemical battery system used by Franklin Three, which has been self-certified as a QF pursuant to FERC regulations. Section l(a)(iii) requests specifics as to the "maximum design capacity, station service requirements, and the net amount of power, all in kW to be delivered to the Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC Schedule 73 Contracting hocedures Checklist Page I Company's electric system." That information is provided in detail at Paragraphs 7a through 7g on the enclosed FERC Form 556. Section l(a)(iv) requests a "schedule of estimated Qualifying Facility electric output, in an 8,760-hour electronic spreadsheet format." The electronic spreadsheet is attached to the enclosed Application. Section l(a)(v) seeks information as to whether the facility will have the ability to "respond to dispatch orders from the Company." As described at Paragraph 7h on the attached FERC Form 556, "The Facility will be utilized to provide the purchasing utility [Idaho Power] with pre-scheduled and dispatchable AC energy within pre-determined time blocks" for a sustained time period of 5-60 minutes. Section 1(a)(vi) requests a "map of the Qualifying Facility location, electrical interconnection point, and POD (identified by nearest landmark and GPS coordinates)." The enclosed Application contains the requested map and coordinates. Note that the Application requests the identity of the "Nearest City or landmark" rather than just the nearest landmark. The identity of the city of Jackpot, Nevada on the Application as the nearest city should suffice as satisfying both requirements (city and landmark) as we are unaware of a near-by physical feature of the land that would stand out as a landmark in the common usage of the term. Section l(aXvii) requests the "anticipated commencement date for delivery of electric output." As noted in Paragraph 1l on the attached FERC Form 556, Franklin Three anticipates a commercial operation date of June l, 2018. Section l(a)(viii) requests a list, and status, of acquired and outstanding permits. The project is currently working toward finalizing Conditional Use Permits with Twin F'alls Corurty. The County has already granted permits for wind, solar, and electrical substation projects on this property - no major hurdles are anticipated. All of the necessary local agencies have been engaged to provide comment and feedback on the proposed project. Building permits will be obtained prior to construction. There are currently no anticipated schedule impacts to the Q4 2019 COD due to permitting. Section l(a)(ix) requests a demonstration of the ability of the facility to obtain QF status. The attached FERC Form 556 satisfies this requirement. Section l(a)(x) requests a description of the fuel types and sources. The direct source of energy provided to Idatro Power will be the electro-chemical reaction created in the battery storage system. The battery storage system does not consume fuel. It will, however, be energized by renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass and the like. The initial plan is to utilize the ample solar resource at the site to fully energizethe battery storage system, although additional renewable energy sources will be considered and installed as necessary in the future. Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC Schedule 73 Contacting Procedures Checklist Page 2 Section l(aXxi) is currently inapplicable as Franklin Three has no plans to obtain fuel or arrange fuel transportation for the facility at this time. Should the battery system be energized with a renewable bio-fuel at some point in the future, then the project will provide ldaho Power with all the necessary fuel and transportation agreements at that time. Section l(a)(xii) is also inapplicable as the facility will be directly connected to Idaho Power's electrical system. Section l(a)(xiii) requests information as to the interconnection status of the facility. The interconnection request is pending. Section l(a)(xiv) requests the proposed contracting term and rate option. As indicated on the enclosed Application, Franklin Three is requesting a twenty year contract term and the published "Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates." Within the next ten business days and pursuant to Section l(b) please provide your written notice of any deficiencies in this request or, if there are no deficiencies, pursuant to Section l(c) please provide [daho Power's indicative pricing proposal. Very truly yours, J Counsel for Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC Cc: Donovan Walker Idaho Power Company l22t West Idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Franklin Energy Storage Tfuee, LLC Schedule 73 Contracting Procedures Checklist Page 3 ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Oriqinal Sheet No. 73-9 SCHEDULE 73 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO (Continued) QUALIFYING FACIL]TY ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT APPLICATION ldaho Power Qualifying Facility (QF) contact information Mailing Address: Physical Address: Telephone number: E-MailAddress: IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,2015 Attn: Energy Contracts, P O Box 70 Boise, lD 83702 1221 W.ldaho Street, Boise, lD 83703 208-388-6070 rallphin@idahooower. com Preamble and lnstructions All generation facilities that qualify pursuant to ldaho Power Company Schedule 73 for a QF Energy Sales Agreement and wish to sell energy from theirfacility to ldaho Power must complete the following information and submit this Application by hand delivery, mail or E-mail to ldaho Power. Upon receipt of a complete Application, ldaho Power shall process this request for a QF Energy Sales Agreement pursuant to ldaho Power Company Schedule 73. Qualifying Facility lnformation Prooosed Proiect Name of Facility:Franklin Enerov Storaoe Three Resource Type: (r.e, wind, solar, hydro, etc):Batterv Storaqe Facility Location: GPS Coordinates: W rl4.6 N 42.206 Nearest City or landmark Jackoot. Nevada Name of Facility:Franklin Enerqv Storaqe One County and State: Twin Falls Gountv. ldaho Map of Facility, including proposed interconnection point. (See Attached.l Anticipated commencement date of energy deliveries to ldaho Power: October,l. 2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 73-9 SCHEDULE 73 CoGENERATTON ANp SMALL POWER PRODUCTTON SqHEpULE - rpAHO QUALIFYING FACILITY ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT APPLICATION Facility Nameplate Capacity Rating (kW):32.000 Facility Maximum Output Capacity (kW)32.000 Station Service Requirements (kW)7.000 Facility Net Delivery to ldaho Power (kW)25.000 Facility interconnection status:Pendlno Proposed Contracting Term (cannot exceed 20 years): 20 vears Requested Rate Option (details provided in Schedule 73): Rate Option No.4. "Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates" Does the Facility have the ability to respond to dispatch orders from ldaho Power Company (Yes or No)Yes Please include the following attachments ,/ Hourly estimated energy deliveries (kW) to ldaho Power for every hour of a one year period Attached. ,/ List of acquired and outstanding Qualifying Facility permits, including a description of the status and timeline for acquisition of any outstanding permits. The oroiect b currpntlv workinq toward ftnallzino Gonditional Use Permi6 with Twin Falls Countv. The Countv has alrpadv oranted permits forwind. solar. and electrica! gubstatlon oroiects on this orooert, - no maior hurdles are anticioated. All of the neces?an, local asencies have been enqaoed to orovide comment and feedh?gk on the proposed proiect Buildlno oermits will bo obhined prior to construction. There are currentlv no anticioated schedule impacts to the Q4 20{9 COD due to oermittino. o At the minimum a FERC issued QF certificate/self-certification is required and/or evidence that Facility will be able to obtain a Qualifying Facility certificate. FERC Form 556 is attached. (Continued) IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,2015 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho / lf the Facility will require fuel be transported to the Facility (i.e. natural gas pipelines, railroad transportation, etc), evidence of ability to obtain sufficient transportation rights to operate the Facility at the stated Maximum Output Amount. N/A/ lf the Facility will not be interconnecting directly to the ldaho Power electrical system, evidence that the Facility will be able to interconnect to another utility's electrical system and evidence that the Facility will be able to obtain firm transmission rights over all required transmission providers to deliver the Facility's energy to ldaho Power. N/A Owner Information Owner / Company Name. Franklin Enerov Storaqe One. LLC Contact Person: Robert A. Pau!. Manaqer Address: 515N.m City: State: Zip: E!Sg*lS!gIg8ilZ02 Telephone: fl60) 861-l 104 E-mail: robertapaul08@qmail.com Applicant Signature I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all information provided in this Qualifying Facility Energy Sales Agreement application is true and correct. ls,l Signature Robert A. Paul Print Name IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,2015 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho DTRECTTONS TO PROrlCl SITE FROM TWIN FALT.5Fiifi@iiiy m, ncaa South on Hi6h,vay 9J hr 25 mileskqed Site is lo..ted off of Highrlay B iust South of the torv. of Rogeen, tdaho PROIECT SUMMARY Total A@agc: radB)t Sold 2: 11,450 acEnstingahinBr Adcultwal Pre*wation (A8 Pres) DEVELOPER INFORMATION Altemtive Power Develltp@t, Nor$west, LLC 515 N 27th st - Aoi*, lD t8702 (760) 8611 104 roberlapaul0f6gmdl om LEGAL DESCRJPNONiE6ffi;ffiAsth of lda.ho staE Hi8hway 93 lo(.ted in TowNhip 14 Soutt! Rn rge-15 Eusl, Sedioc 17,19,m,8d29 S, etrerurrtvr IIPOWEn DEVELOPMENT FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE - Rogersort ldaho -- Franklin Enerry Storage One LLC ---- Franklin Energy Storage Two LLC --.- Franklin Enerty Storage Three LLC -.- Franklin Energy Storage Four LLC -- Jackpot Solar Substation Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC 515 N.27fr Street Boise,Idaho 83702 (208) 938-7901 peter@richardsonadams. com January 26,20t7 Attn: Energy Contracts Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 1221 West Idatro Steet Boise,Idatro 83702 rallphin@idahopower. com Re: Notice of Self-Certification Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC Dear Mr. Allphin: Pursuant to l8 C.F.R. S 292.207(a)(ii) you are hereby provided a copy of the Notice of Self Certification filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission by Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. yours; Attorney for Franklin Energy Three, LLC FEDERALENERGYREGULATORYCOMMISSION oMBContror#1e02407s WASHINGTON, DC Expiration 06/30/201e Fo rm 5 5 6 ;:jl[i:;:::ft:l?;:.',#I:il,1;, u"'s rora smarr Power General Questions about completlng thls form should be sent to Form556@ferc,gov. lnformation about the Commission's QF program, answers to frequently asked questions about QF requirements or completing this form, and contact information for QF program staff are available at the Commission's QF website, www.ferc.gov/QF. The Commlssion's QF website also provides links to the Commission's QF regulations (18 C.F.R. 5 131 .80 and Parl292), as well as other statutes and orden pertaining to the Commission's QF program. Who Must File Any applicant seeking QF status or recertification of QF status for a generating facility with a net power production capacity (as determined in lines 7a through 79 below) greater than 1000 kW must file a self<ertification or an application for Commission certification of QF status, which includes a properly completed Form 556. Any applicant seeking QF status for a generating facility with a net power production capacity 1000 kW or less is exempt from the certification requirement, and is therefore not requlred to complete or file a Form 555. See I 8 C.F.R. E 292.203. How to Complete the Form 556 This form is intended to be completed by responding to the items in the orderthey are presented, according to the instructions given. lf you need to back-trac( you may need to clear certain responses before you will be allowed to change other responses made previously in the form. lf you experience problems, click on the nearest help button ( @ ) for assistancg or contact Commission staff at Form556@ferc,gov. Certain lines in this form will be automatically calculated based on responses to previous lines, with the relevant formulas shown. You must respond to all of the previous lines within a section before the results of an automatically calculated field will bedisplayed. lfyoudisagreewiththeresultsofanyautomaticcalculationonthisform,contactCommissionstaffat Form556@ferc.gov to discuss the discrepancy before filing. You must complete all lines in this form unless instructed otherwlse. Do not alter this form or save this form in a different format. lncomplete or altered forms, or forms saved in formats otherthan PDF, will be reJected. How to File a Completed Form 556 Applicants are required to file their Form 556 electronically through the Commission's eFiling website (see instructions on page 2). By filing electronically, you wlll reduce your filing burden, save paper resources, save postage or courier charges, help keep Commission expenses to a minimum, and receive a much faster confirmation (via an email containing the docket number assigned to your facillty) that the Commission has received your flling. lf you are simultaneously filing both a waiver request and a Form 556 as part of an application for Commission certification, see the "Waiver Requests" section on page 3 for more informatlon on how to file. Papenruork Reduction Act Notice This form is approved by the Office of Management and Budget. Compliance with the information requirements established by the FERC Form No. 556 is required to obtain or maintain status as a QF. See I 8 C.F.R. S 1 31 .80 and Part 292. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The estimated burden for completing the FERC Form No. 556, including gathering and reporting information, is as follows: 3 hours for self<ertification of a small power production facility, 8 hours for self-certifications of a cogeneration facility, 6 hours for an application for Commission certification of a small power production facility, and 50 hours for an application for Commission certification of a cogeneration facility. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the following: lnformation Clearance Officer, Office of the Executive Director (ED-32), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, SSS First Street N.E., Washington, DC2o4.26 (DataClea.fance@ferc.oov); and Desk Officer for FERC, Office of lnformation and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503 (oira submissionCoomb.eop.gov). lnclude the Control No. 1 902-0075 ln any correspondence. FERC Form 556 Page 2 - lnstructions Electronic Filing (eFiling) To electronically file your Form 556, visit the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF and click the eFiling link. lf you are eFiling your first document, you will need to register with your name, email address, malling addrest and phone number. lf you are registering on behalf of an employer, then you will also need to provide the employer name, alternate contact name, alternate contact phone number and and ahernate contact email. Once you are registered, log in to eFiling with your registered email address and the password that you created at registration. Fotlow the instructions. When prompted, select one of the followlng QF+elated filing types, as appropriate, from the Electric or General filing category. Filing category Filing Type as listed in eFiling Description Electric (Fee) Application for Commission Cert. as Cogeneration QF Use to submit an appllcation for Commission certification or Commission recertification of a cogeneration facility as a QF. (Fee) Application for Commission Cert. as Small Power QF Use to submit an application for Commission certification or Commission recertification of a small power production facllity as a QF. Self-Certiflcation Notice (QF, EG, FC) Use to submit a notice of self- certlfication of your facility (cogeneration or smalt power production) as a QF. Self-Recertification of Qualifu ing Facility (QF) Use to submit a notice of self- recertification of your facility (cogeneration or small power production) as a QF. Supplemental lnformation or Req uest Use to correct or supplement a Form 556 that was submitted with errors or omissions, or for whlch Commission staff has requested additional information. Do not use this filing type to report new changes to a facility or its ownership; rather, use a self- recertifl cation or Commission recertiflcation to report such changes. General (Fee) Petition for Declaratory Order (not under FPA Part 1) Use to submit a petition for declaratory order granting a waiver of Commission QF regulations pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 55 292.204(al (3) and/or292.205(c). A Form 556 is not required for a petition for declaratory order unless Commission recertifi cation is being requested as part ofthe petition. You will be prompted to submit your filing fee, if applicable, during the electronic submission process. Filing fees can be paid via electronic bank account debit or credlt card. During the eFiling procest you wlll be prompted to select your file(s) for upload from your computer. FERC Form 556 Page 3 - lnstructions Filing Fee No filing fee is required if you are submitting a self-certification or self-recertification of your facllity as a QF pursuant to 1 8 C.F.R. S 292.2071a1. A filing fee is required if you are filing either of the following: (1 ) an application for Commission certification or recertification of your facility as a QF pursuant to I 8 C.F.R. 5 292,207(bl, or (2) a petition for declaratory order granting waiver pursuant to 1 8 C.F.R. 55 292.204(aX3) and/or 292.205(c). The current fees for applicatlons for Commission certifications and petitlons for declaratory order can be found by vlsiting the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF and clicking the Fee Schedule link You wlll be prompted to submit your filing fee, if applicable, during the electronic filing process described on page 2. Required Notice to Utilities and State Regulatory Authorities Pursuant to l8 C.F.R. 5 292.207(aXii), you must provide a copy of your self-certification or request for Commission certification to the utilities with which the facility will interconnect and/or transact as well as to the State regulatory authorities of the states in which your facility and those utilitles reside. Link to information about the regulatory authorities in various states can be found by visiting the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF and clicking the Notice Requirements link What to Expect From the Commission After You File An applicant filing a Form 556 electronically will receive an email message acknowledging receipt of the filing and showing the docket number assigned to the filing. Such email is typically sent within one business day, but may be delayed pending confirmation by the Secretary of the Commission of the contents of the filing. An applicant submltting a self-certlfication of QF status should expect to receive no documents from the Commlssion, other than the electronic acknowledgement of receipt described above. Consistent with its name, a self-certiflcation is a certiflcation by the opplicanf itserf that the facility meets the relevant requirements for QF status, and does not lnvolve a determination by the Commission as to the status of the facility. An acknowledgement of receipt of a self-certification, in partlcular, does not represent a determination by the Commission with regard to the QF status of the facility. An applicant self-certif,ing may, however, receive a rejection, revocation or deficiency letter if its application is found, during periodic compliance reviews, not to comply wlth the relevant requirements. An applicant submitting a request for Commission certification will receive an order either granting or denying certiflcation of QF status, or a letter requesting additional information or rejecting the application. Pulsuant to 18 C.F.R. 5 292.207(bX3), the Commission must act on an application for Commission certification within 90 days of the later of the filing date of the application or the flling date of a supplement, amendment or other change to the application. Waiver Requests 18 C.F.R. 5 292.204(aX3) allows an applicant to request a waiver to modifr the method of calculation pursuant to l8 C.F.R. S 292.204(al2) to determine if two facilities are considered to be located atthe same site, for good cause. l8 C.F.R. S 292.205(cl allows an applicant to request waiver of the requirements of 18 CF.R.55 292.205(a) and (b) for operating and efficiency upon a showing that the facility will produce signlflcant energy savings. A request fot waiver of these requirements must be submitted as a petition for declarato4r order, wlth the appropriate ffllng fee for a petition for declaratory order. Applicants requesting Comnrission recertification as part of a request for waiver of one of these requirements should electronically submit their completed Form 556 along with their petition for declaratory order, rather than filing their Form 556 as a separate request for Commission recertification. Only the ffling fee for the petition for declaratory order must be paid to cover both the waiver request and the request for recertification if such requests are made simultoneously. 18 C.F.R. 5 292.203(dX2) allows an applicant to request a waiver of the Form 556 flling requirements, for good cause. Applicants flling a petition for declaratory order requesting a waiver under '18 C.F.R. 5 292.203(dX2) do not need to complete or submit a Form 556 with their petition. FERC Form 556 Page 4 - lnstructions Geographic Coordinates lf a street address does not exist foryourfacllity, then line 3c of the Form 556 requires you to repon your facility's geographic coordlnates (latitude and longitude). Geographic coordinates may be obtained from several dlfferent sources. You can ffnd llnla to online servkes that show latitude and longltude coordinates on onllne maps by vlsitlng the Commission's QF webpage at wrr,w&rs,goylQf and clicklng the Geographic Coordlnates llnk You may also be able to obtain your geographic coordinates from a GPS devlcg Google Earth (avallable free at http://earth.qoogle.com), a property survey, various engineering or construction drawings, a property deed, or a munlclpal or county map showing property lines. Filing Privileged Data or Critical Energy lnfrastructure lnformation in a Form 556 The Commission's regulations provide procedures for appllcantsto either (l) request that any information submltted with a Form 556 be given privileged treatment because the information is exempt from the mandatory public disclosure requirements of the Freedom of lnformation Act 5 U.S.C 5 552, and should be wlthheld frorn public dlsclosure; or (2) identify any documents containing critical energy infrastructure lnformatlon (CEll) as deflned in 1 8 C.F.R" 5 388.1 ! 3 that should not be made public. lf you are seeking privlleged treatment orCEll status for any data in your Form 556 then you must follow the procedures in 18 C.F.R. S 388.1 12. See iA$for more information. Among other things (see I 8 C,F.R S 388.1 l2 for other requirements). applicants seeking privlleged treatment or CEll status for data submitted in a Form 556 must prepare and file both (1) a complete version of the Form 556 (containing the prlvlhged and/or CEll data), and (2) a publlc verslon of the Form 556 (wlth the prlvlleged and/or CElldata redaaed). Applicants preparing and flllng these dlfrerent rrerslons oftheir Form 556 must lndicate below the securlty deslgnation of thls verslon of thelr document. lf you 6re not seeklng prlvlleged treatment or CEll status fur any of your Form 556 data then you should not respond to any of the items on this page. The eFiling process described on page 2 will allow you to id€ntiry which versions of the electronic do(uments you submit are public, privileged and/or CEll. The fllenames for such documents should begin with "Public", 'Priv', or'CEll', as applicabh, to clearly indicate the security designation of the file. Both versions of the Form 556 should be unahered PDF copies of the Form 556 as avallable for download from www.fetc.gov{Qt. To redact data from the publlc copy of the submittal, simply omit the relevant data from the Form. For nurnericalflelds. leave the redacted fields blank. tor text flelds, complete as much of the ffeld as possible, and replace the redacted portions of the field with the word "REDACTED' ln brackeB. Be sure to identl$ above a![ fields which contain data for which you are seeking non-public status. The Commission is not responsible for detecting or correcting filer errors, including those errors related to security designation. lf your documents contain sensitive information, make sure they are filed using the proper security designation. Non-Publiq Applicant is seeking privileged treatment and/or CEll status for data contained in the Form 556 lines fl lndicated below. This non-public version of the applicant's Form 556 contains all data, including the data that is redacted in the (separate) public version of the applicant's Form 556. Public (redacted): Applicant is seeking privileged treatment and/or CEll status for data contained in the Form 556 lines f] indicated below. Thls public version of the applicants's Form 556 contains all data except for data from the lines indicated below, which has been redacted. Privllcged: lndicate below which lines of your form contain data for which you are seeking privileged treatment Critical Energy lnfrastructure lnformaUon (CElt): lndicate below which lines of your form contain data for which you are seeking CEll status Form 556 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION oMB control * 1so2'oo7s WASHINGTON, DC Expiration 06/30/201e Certification of Qualifying Facility (QF) Status for a Small Power Production or Cogeneration Facility w a o s o q I a Full name of applicant (legal entity on whose behalf qualifying facility status is sought for this facllity) Frankl-in Energy Storage Three, LLC 1b Applicant street address 515 N. 21Lh Street 1c City Boise ld State/province ID le Postalcode 83't 02 lf Country (if not United States)1g Telephone number (208 ) 938-7901 t h Has the instant facility ever previously been certifled as a QF? Yes fi No I -l 1i lfyes,providethedocketnumberofthelastknownQFfilingpertainingtothisfacility: QFrt - 582 - 000 If Under which certification process is the applicant making thls filing? - Notice of self-certification '.-, Application for Commission certification (requires filing6 (see note below) U fee; see "Filing Fee" section on page 3) Note; a notice of self-certification is a notice by the applicant itself that its facility complies with the requirements for QF status. A notice of self-certification does not establish a proceeding, and the Commission does not review a notice of self-certification to verifr compliance. See the "What to Expect From the Commission After You File" section on page 3 for more information. I k What type(s) of QF status is the applicant seeking for its facility? (check all that apply) '! QualifiTing small power production facillty status I Qualirying cogeneration facility status I I What is the purpose and expected effective date(s) of this filing? :_ Originalcertification; facility expected to be installed by and to begin operation on ' l Change(s) to a previously certified facility to be effective on (ldentifo type(s) of change(s) below, and describe change(s) in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19) , ' i Name change and/or other administrative change(s) '- Change in ownership i Change(s) affecting plant equipment, fuel use, power production capacity and/or cogeneration thermal output f, Supplement or conection to a previous flling submitted on ! / 26 / I't (describe the supplement or correction in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9) co (\, E o tr Co (E .Uao- I m lf any of the following three statements is true, check the box(es) that describe your situation and complete the to the extent possible, explaining any special circumstances in the Miscellaneous section starting on page t 9. Ft The instant facility complies with the Commission's QF requirements by virtue of a waiver of certain regulationsu previously granted by the Commission in an order dated (speciff any other relevant waiver orders in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9) j The instant facility would comply with the Commission's QF requirements if a petition for waiver submittedu concurrently with this application is granted The instant facility complies with the Commission's regulations, but has special circumstances, such as the fl employment of unique or innovative technologies not contemplated by the structure of this form, that make the demonstration of compliance via this form difficult or impossible (describe in Misc. section starting on p. I9) FERC Form 556 Page6-AllFacilities e w 0 0 a o c .9 (E E o ;L,,lg g oU 2a Name of contact person Peter Richardson 2b Telephone number (208) 938-7901 2c Which of the following describes the contact person's relationship to the applicant? (check one) f] Applicant (selfl fl Employee, owner or partner of applicant authorized to represent the applicant f] Employee of a company affiliated with the applicant authorized to represent the applicant on this matter [l Lawyer, consultant, or other representative authorized to represent the appllcant on this matter 2d Company or organization name (if applicant is an individual, check here and skip to line 2e) - Eranklin Energy Storage Three, LLC 2e Street address (if same as Applicant, check here and skip to line 3a)[l 2f City 2g State/province 2h Postal code 2i Country (if not United States) coE TEUo .tf c(o co (uU EC0) = =.U tolJ- 3a Facility name Eranklin Energy Storage Three 3b Street address (if a street address does not exist for the facility, check here and skip to line 3c)ffi 3c Geographlccoordinates: lfyouindicatedthatnostreetaddressexistsforyourfacilitybycheckingtheboxinline3b, then you must speciff the latitude and longitude coordinates of the facility in degrees (to three decimal places). Use the following formula to convert to decimal degrees from degrees, minutes and seconds: decimal degrees = degrees + (minutes/60) + (seconds/3600). See the "Geographlc Coordinates'section on page 4 for help. lf you provided a street address for your facility in line 3b, then specifring the geographic coordinates below is optional. Lonsitude E ff:xil 114.603 desrees Lautude E HIllll -e1r"n,"", 3d Clty (lf unincorporated, check here and enter nearest cifl X Jackpot 3e State/province Nevada 3f County (or check here for independent city) i.- Twin Falls 39 Country fif not United States) tao = o)C (JorrlCtE ldentiry the electric utilities that are contemplated to transact wlth the facility tla ldentiff utility interconnecting with the facility fdaho Power Company 4b ldentify utilities providing wheeling seruice or check here rf none [l 4c ldentifiT utilities purchasing the useful electric power output or check here lf none Idaho Power Company 4d ldentify utilities prorriding supplernentary pou/er, backup power. maintenance power, and/or interruptible povrrer service or check here rf none [l FERC Form 556 Page7-AllFacilities 5a Direct ownership as of effective date or operation date: ldentiff all dlrect owners of the facility holding at least 10 percent equity interest. For each identified owner, also (1) indicate whether that owner is an electric utility, as defined in section 3(22) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C.796(22)l,or a holding company, as delined in section 126218) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16451(8)), and (2) for owners whlch are electric utilities or holding companies, provide the percentage of equity interest in the facility held by that owner. lf no direct owners hold at least 10 percent equity interest in the facility, then provide the required information for the two direct owners with the rargest equity interest in the facirity' Ehctric utility or rf yes, holding % equity Yes! Yes! Yes fl Yes fl Yes fl Yes ! ves ! Yesf, Yes! YesI _t -o 6 -*_8 _t -B _t _t I No No No No No No No No No No a D tr n ! tr tr T tr n ! Check here and continue in the Mlscellaneous section starting on page 19 ff additional space is needed 2l 3) 4t s) 6) 7l 8) el t0) Full legal names of direct owners 1) Peter J. Richardson company interest 5b Upstream (i.e., indirect) ownership as of effective date or operation date: ldentify all upstream (i.e., indirect) owners of the facility that both (1) hold at least '10 percent equity interest in the facility, and (2) are electric utilities, as defined in section 3(22) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C.796(22)), or holding companies, as defined in section 1262(8!.of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. t 6451 (8)). Also provide the percentage of equity interest in the facility held by such owners. (Note that, because upstream owners may be subsidiaries of one another, total percent equity interest reported may exceed 100 percent.) Check here if no such upstream owners exist. ffi 1) 2) 3) 4l s) 6) 7l 8) e) to) t z t t ? t t q I I Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9 if additional space is needed Full legal names of electric utility or holding company upstream owners % equity interest Co ((, uo-o ! (I, .g.C(n oC 3o 5c ldentifi the facility operator Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC 0 FERC Form 556 Page8-AllFacilities 6a Describe the primary energy input (check one main category and, if applicable, one subcategory) ! Biomass Gpecify) [l Renewable resources (specify) ! Geothermal ! Landfill gas ! Hydro power - river ! Fossil fuel (specify) I Manuredigestergas E Hydropower-tidal I Coal(notwaste) fl Municipalsolid waste ! Hydro power-wave I Fueloil/diesel ! Sewagedigestergas fl Solar-photovoltaic ! Natural gas(notwaste) ! Wood ! Solar-thermal ,_., Otherfossil fuel ! other biomass (describe on page 1 9) fl wind " (describe on page '19) ! waste (specitu type below in tine 6b) tr ?rt:fl,[::X'j#j:'r]'"" ! other (describe on pase 1e) 5b lf you specified "waste" as the primary energy input in line 6a, indicate the type of waste fuel used: (check one) ! Waste fuel listed in 18 C.F.R. S 292.2o2(bl (specifu one of the following) I Anthracite culm produced prior to July 23, 1985 ,- Anthracite refuse that has an average heat content of 6,000 Btu or less per pound and has an average - ash contentof45 percentormore ,- Bituminouscoalrefusethathasanaverageheatcontentof9,500Btuperpoundorlessandhasan - average ash content of25 percent or more Top or bottom subbituminous coal produced on Federal lands or on Indian lands that has been ,- determined to be waste by the United States Department of the lnterior's Bureau of Land Management " (BLM) or that is located on non-Federal or non-lndian lands outside of BLM's jurisdiction, provided that the applicant shows that the latter coal is an extension of that determined by BLM to be waste Coal refuse produced on Federal lands or on lndian lands that has been determined to be waste by the n BLM or that is located on non- Federal or non-lndian lands outside of BLM's jurisdiction, provided that applicant shows that the latter is an extension of that determined by BLM to be waste - Lignite produced in association with the production of montan wax and lignite that becomes exposedu as a result of such a mining operation ! Gaseous fuels (except natural gas and synthetic Aas from coal) (describe on page I 9) Waste natural gas from gas or oil wells (describe on page 19 how the gas meets the requirements of 18 E C.F.R. 5 2.400 for waste natural gas; include with your filing any materials necessary to demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. 5 2.400) fl Materials that a government agency has certified for disposal by combustion (describe on page 19) ! Heat from exothermic reactions (describe on page 19) E Residual heat (describe on page 19) E Usedrubbertires ! Plasticmaterials ! Reflneryoff-gas I Petroleumcoke Other waste energy input that has little or no commercial value and exists in the absence of the qualiffing I facility industry (describe in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 1 9; include a discussion of the fuel's lack of commercial value and existence in the absence of the qualifying facility industry) f CLC ot oClrJ 5c Provide the average energy input, calculated on a calendar year basis, in terms of Btu/h for the following fossil fuel energy inputs, and provide the related percentage ofthe total average annual energy input to the facility (18 C.F.R. 5 292.2020)1. For any oil or natural gas fuel, use lower heating value (18 C.F,R. 5 292.202(m)). Natural gas o Btu/h 0% 0 Btu/h 0%Oil-based fuels 0 Btu/h 0VoCoal Fuel fuel Annual average energy input for Percentage oftotal annual energy input FERC Form 556 Page9-AllFacilities g lndicate the maximum gross and maximum net electric power production capacity of the facility at the point(s) of delivery by completing the worksheet below. Respond to all items. lf any of the parasitic loads and/or losses identified in lines 7b through 7e are negligible, enter zero for those lines. 7a The maximum gross power production capacity at the terminals of the indivldual generator(s) under the most favorable anticipated design conditions 32 000 kw l0 7b Parasitic station power used at the facility to run equipment which is necessary and lntegral to the power production process (boiler feed pumps, fans/blowers, office or maintenance buildings direaly related to the operation of the power generating facility, etc.). lf thls facllity includes non- power production processes (for instance, power consumed by a cogeneration facility's thermal host) , do not include any power consumed by the non-power production activities in your reported parasitic station power. 434 kw 7c Electrical losses in interconnection transformers e20 kw 7d Electrical losses in AC/DC conversion equipment, if any 5 636 kw 7e Other interconnection losses in power lines or facilities (other than transformers and AC/DC conversion equipment) between the terminals of the generator(s) and the point of interconnection with the 00 ji .0 kw1 7f Total ded uctions from g ross power prod uction capacity = 7b + 7 c + 7 d + 7 e OOC. C KW 79 Maximum net power production capacity =7a - 7f Co (E E o E .t.U (E t-L E .(Jc Uo 7h Description of facility and primary components: Describe the facility and its operation. ldentifr all boilers, heat recovery steam generators, prime movers (any mechanical equipment driving an electric generator), electrical generators, photovoltaic solar equipment, fuel cell equipment and/or other primary power generation equipment used in the facility. Descriptions of components should include (as applicable) specifications of the nominal capacities for mechanical output, electrical output, or steam generation of the identified equipment. For each piece of equipment identlfied, clearly indicate how many pieces of that type of equipment are included in the plant, and which components are normally operating or normally in standby mode. Provide a description of how the components operate as a system. Applicants for cogeneration facilities do not need to describe operations of systems that are clearly depicted on and easily understandable from a cogeneration facility's attached mass and heat balance diagram; however, such applicants should provide any necessary description needed to understand thesequential operationofthefacilitydepictedintheirmassandheatbalancediagram. lfadditional spaceis needed, continue in the Mlscellaneous section starting on page 19. The project consists of an energy storage system Qualifying Facility providing scheduled and dispatchabl-e electricity in forward-Iooking time blocks. The energy storage system that comprises the energy storage Qualj.fying Facility is designed to, and wi-ll, receive 1008 of its energy input from a combination of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biogas, biomas, etc. The current initial design utilizes solar photovoltaic (PV) modules mounted to single-axis trackers to provide the electric energy input to the Qualifying Eacility's batLery stoi:age system. The PV rncdules are pl1n6sd to be connected in series/ parallel combinations to solar inverters, rated approximateLy 2.5 MWac each, (subject to change). The proposed electric energy storage Qualifying Eacility will consist of an electro-chemical battery and will- have a maximum power output capaciLy of.25 MWac for a sustained time perj-od of 5 - 60 minutes. The Facilj-ty wiIl consist of an alternating current (AC) to direcL current (DC) control system. The QuaLifying Facility will be utilized to provide the purchasing utility with pre-scheduled and dispatchabfe AC energy within pre-determined time blocks. The sole source of electric power and energy provided to the purchasing utility will be the electro-chemical reaction gj-ving rise to the di.scharge of electric poh,er and energy by the battery. In turn, the sole direct source of energy input provided to the battery Facility wiIl be, as described above, renewable sources. FERC Form 556 Page 10 - Small Power Production Pursuant to 18 C,F.R. 5 292.204(a), the power production capacity of any small power production facility, together with the power production capacity of any other small power production facilities that use the same energy resource, are owned by the same person(s) or its affiliates, and are located at the same site, may not exceed 80 megawatts. To demonstrate compliance with this size limitation, or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from this size limitation underthe Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production lncentives Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-575, 104 Stat.2834 (1990)as amendedbyPub.1.102-216, 105 Stat.249 (1991D, respondto lines 8a through 8e below (as applicable). 8a ldentify anyfacilities with electrical generating equipment located within 1 mlle of the electrical generating equipment of the instant facility, and for which any of the entities identified in lines 5a or 5b, or their affiliates, holds at least a 5 percent eguity interest. Check here if no such facilities exist. ffi Facility location Root docket # Maximum net power (city or county, state) (if any) Common owner(s) production capacity i-'l Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 if additional space is needed KW KW KW r) 2) 3) QF QF QF 8b The Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production lncentives Act of 1990 (lncentives Act) provides exemption from the size limitations in l8 C.F.R. 5 292.2M(a) for certain facilities that were certified prior to 1995. Are you seeking exemption from the size limitations in 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.204(a) by virtue of the lncentives Act? I Ves(continueatline8cbelow) X tlo(sLiplinesScthroughSe) 8c Was the original notice of self-certification or application for Commission certiftcation of the facility filed on or before December 31, 1994? Yes I ttlo ]__ Sd Did construction of the facility commence on or before December 31,1999? Yes , ' No : , oUF2 =o.b LIEo.EUtr O-tEOo.N'{= t, 19 -c oU 8o lf you answered No in line 8d, indicate whether reasonable dillgence was exercised toward the completion of the facillty, taklng lnto account all factors relevant to construction? Yes ' - No , lf you answered Yes, provide a brief narrative explanation in the Miscellaneous section stafting on pagi l9 of the construction timeline (in particular, describe why construction started so long after the facility was certified) and the diligence exercised toward completion of the facility. Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. S 292.204(b), qualifying small power production facilities may use fossil fuels, in minimal amounts, for only the following purposes: ignition; start-up; testing; flame stabilization; control use; alleviation or prevention of unanticipated equipment outages; and alleviation or prevention of emergenciel directly affectirrg the public health, safety, or welfare, which would result from electric power outages. The amount of fossil fuels used for these purposes may not exceed 25 percent ofthe total energy input of the facility during the I 2-month period beginning wlth the date the facility first produces electric energy or any calendar year thereafter. 9a Certificationofcompliancewithl8C.F.R.5292.204(b) withrespecttousesoffossil fuel: ffi Applicant certifies that the facility will use fossil fuels exclusively for the purposes listed above. O, .9UF EP +E Ot*UU :oLr,.of lEo.9f E-co.=rJ= 9b Certification of compliance with l8 C.F.R. S 292.204(b) with respect to amount of fossil fuel used annually: Applicant certifies that the arnount of fossil fuel used at the facility will not, in aggregate, exceed 25 X perc"nt of the total energy input of the facility during the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy or any calendar year thereafter. lnformation Required for Small Power Production Facility lf you indicated in line 1 k that you are seeking qualifring small power production facility status for your facility, then you must respond to the items on this Otherwise,10. 0 g FERC Form 556 Page 1l - Cogeneration Facilities Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. I292.202(cl, a cogeneration facility produces electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) used for industrial, commercial, heating, or cooling purposes, through the sequential useofenergy. Pursuanttol8C.F.R.5292.202(s),"sequential use"ofenergymeansthefollowing:(1)foratopping- cycle cogeneration facility, the use of reject heat from a power production process in sufficient amounts in a thermal application or process to conform to the requirements of the operating standard contained in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(al; or (2) for a bottoming-cycle cogeneration facility, the use of at least some reject heat from a thermal application or process for power production. 10a What type(s) of cogeneration technology does the facility represent? (check all that apply) I I Topping-cycle cogeneration | -J Bottoming-cycle cogeneration co (,(u= UEcD=otrub lEl. oCou l0b To help demonstrate the sequential operatlon of the cogeneration process, and to support compliance with other requirements such as the operating and efficiency standards, include with your flling a mass and heat balance diagram depicting average annual operatlng condltions. This diagram must include certain items and meet certain requirements, as described below. You must check next to the description of each requirement below to certiry that you have complied with these requlrements. Checkto certifiT compliance with indicated requirement Requirernent Diagram must show orientation within system piping and/or ducts of all prime movers, heat recovery steam generators, boilert electric generators, and condensers (as applicable), as well as any other primary equlpment relevant to the cogeneration process. Any average annual values required to be reported in lines I 0b, 1 2a, 1 3a, 1 3b, I 3d, 1 3l I 4a, 1 5b, 1 5d and/or 1 5f must be computed over the anticipated hours of operation. Diagram must specifr all fuel inputs by fuel type and average annual rate in Btu/h. Fuel for supplementary firing should be specified separately and clearly labeled. AII specifications of fuel inputs should use lower heating values. Diagram must speciff average gross electric output in kW or MW for each generator. Diagram must speciry average mechanical output (that it any mechanical energy taken off of the shaft of the prime movers for purposes not directly related to electric power generation) in horsepower, lf any. Typically, a cogeneration facility has no mechanical output. At each point for which working fluid flow conditions are required to be specified (see below), such flow condition data must include mass flow rate (in lb/h or kg/s), temperature (in'F, R, "C or K), absolute pressure (in psia or kPa) and enthalpy (in Btu/lb or U/kg). Exception: For systems where the working fluid ls liquid only (no vapor at any point in the cycle) and where the type of liquid and specific heat of that liquid are clearly lndicated on the diagram or in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19, only mass flow rate and temperature (not pressure and enthalpy) need be specified. For reference, specific heat at standard conditions for pure liquid water is approximately 1.002 Btu/ (lb*R) or 4.1 95 kJl(kq*K). Diagram must specifo working fluid flow conditions at input to and output from each steam turbine or other expansion turbine or back-pressure turbine. Diagram must specifo working fluid flow conditions at delivery to and return from each thermal application. Diagram must specify working fluid flow conditions at make-up water inputs. lnforrnation Required for Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line 1 k that you are seeking qualifoing cogeneration facility status for your facility, then you must respond to the items on 11 th 13. Otherwise,11 th 13. 0 o FERC Form 556 Page 12 - Cogeneration Facilities fl {, o €t o €t -tE E=+ruCtr,o lJ-EctuO'lJ {=_cs,ig E 9, ..p8 oEtrooG.! +,5fuoazfid ool(\b i,5o-xLU \.' EPAct 2005 cogeneration facilities: The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) established a new section 210(n) of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), l6 UsC 824a-3(n), with additional requirements for any qualiling cogeneration facility that (1) is seeking to sell electric energy pursuant to section 210 of PURPA and (2) was either not a cogeneratlon facility on August 8,2005, or had not filed a self-certification or application for Commission certification of QF status on or before February 1,2006. These requirements were implemented by the Commission in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d). Complete the lines below, carefully following the instructions, to demonstrate whether these additional requirements apply to your cogeneration facility and, if so, whether your facillty complies with such requirements. 1ta WasyourfacilityoperatingasaqualiffingcogenerationfacilityonorbeforeAugustS,2005? Yes,_1 Nol--j l tb Was the initial filing seeking certification of yourfacility (whether a notice of self-certification or an application for Commission certification) filed on or before February 1,2005? Yes - No ; lftheanswertoeitherlinellaorllbisYes,thencontlnueatlinellcbelow. Otherwise,iftheanswerstobothllnes 1 I a and I I b are No, skip to line I le below. I lc With respect to the design and operation of the facility, have any changes been implemented on or after February 2, 2006 that affect general plant operation, affect use ofthermal output, and/or increase net power production capacity from the plant's capacity on February 1,20067 i_ 1 Yes (continue at line 1 1d below) No, Your facility is not subject to the requirements of 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(d) at this time. However, it may be | - i subject to to these requirements in the future if changes are made to the facility. At such time, the applicant would need to recertifr the facllity to determine eligibility. Skip lines 1 I d through 1 'lj. I 1d Does the applicant contend that the changes identifled in line I 1 c are not so significant as to make the facility a "new" cogeneration facility that would be subject to the 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d) cogeneration requirements? Yes. Provlde in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 1 9 a description of any relevant changes made to i -l the facility (including the purpose of the changes) and a discussion of why the facility should not be considered a "new" cogeneration facility in light of these changes. Skip lines 11e through I lj. No. Applicant stipulates to the fact that it is a "new' cogeneration facility (for purposes of determining the-r applicabilityoftherequirementsof 18C.F.R.S292.205(d))byvirtueofrnodificationstothefacilitythatwere initiated on or after February 2,2006. Continue below at line 1 le. 1 1e Will electric energy from the facility be sold pursuant to section 21 0 of PURPA? , Yes. The facility is an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility. You must demonstrate compliance with l8 C.F.R. 5I t zgz.zos@l(2) by continuing at line 1 lf below. No. Applicant certifies that energy will not be sold pursuant to section 210 of PURPA. Applicant also certifies ,- , its understanding that it must recertifu its facility in order to determine compliance with the requirements of' 1 8 C.F.R. S 292.205(d) before selling energy pursuant to section 21 0 of PURPA in the future. Skip lines 1 'l f through 1lj. I lf ls the net power production capacity of your cogeneration facility, as indicated in line 79 above, less than or equalto 5,000 kW? Yes, the net power production capacity is less than or equalto 5,000 kW. l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX4) provides a rebuttable presumption that cogeneration facilities of 5,000 kW and smaller capacity comply with the requirements for fundamental use of the facility's energy output in I 8 C.F.R, 5 292.205(dX2). Applicant certifies lts understanding that, should the power production capacity of the facility increase above 5,000 kW, then the facility must be recertifled to (among other things) demonstrate compliance wlth 18 C.F.R. S 292.215(dl2l. Skip lines I I g through 1 1 j. No, the net power production capacity is greater than 5,000 kW. Demonstrate compliance with the requirements for fundamental use of the facility's energy output in I 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d)(2) by continuing on the next page at line 1 19. FERC Form 556 Page l3 - Cogeneration Facilities Lines 1 I g through I 1 k below guide the applicant through the process of demonstrating compliance with the requirements for 'fundamental use" of the facility's energy output. 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(dX2). Only respond to the lines on this page if the instructions on the previous page direct you to do so. Otherwise, skip this page. 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2) requires that the electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not lntended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a qualifulng facility to its host facility. lf you were directed on the previous page to respond to the items on this page, then your facility is an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility that is subject to this "fundamental use" requirement. The Commission's regulations provide a two-pronged approach to demonstrating compliance with the requirements for fundamental use of the facility's energy output. First, the Commission has established in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX3) a "fundamental use test" that can be used to demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2). Under the fundamental use test, a facility is considered to comply with l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2) if at least 50 percent of the facility's total annual energy output (including electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy output) is used for industrial, commercial, residential or institutlonal purposes. Second, an applicant for a facility that does not pass the fundamental use test may provide a narrative explanation of and support for its contention that the facility nonetheless meets the requirement that the electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facilig is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a qualifiTing facility to its host facility. Complete lines 119 through 11j below to determine compliance with the fundamental use test in lS C.F.R. 5 292.205(dl$). Complete lines 1 lg through llj even if you do not intendto rely upon the fundamentaluse test to de mon strote co mp lio nce w ith I I C.F.R. 5 292.20 5 (d) (2). thermal, chemical and mechanical energy output (net of generation plant losses and parasitic loads) expected to be used annually for industrial, commercia l, residential or institutional and not sold to an electric utility Itg Amountof MWh I I h Total amount of electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy expected to be sold to an electric fuIVVh I 1 i Percentage of total annual energy output expected to be used for ind ustrlal, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and not sold to a utility = 100* llg/(11q+ 11h)o/o !ofgE JO Eg 6UE.= €Erh€EebECoa)co) E8'=tr ilEErts lfl -rotOEmfuofeLUdcIJ o I lj ls the response in line I 1 i greater than or equal to 50 percent? Yes. Your facility complies with 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(dX2) by virtue of passing the fundamental use test provided ln 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(dX3). Applicant certifies its understanding that, if it is to rely upon passing i -l the fundamental use test as a basis for complying with 18 C.F.B. 5 292.205(dX2), then the facility must comply with the fundamental use test both in the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy, and in all subsequent calendar years. No. Your facility does not pass the fundamental use test. lnstead, you must provide in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 a narrative explanation of and support for why your facility meets the requirement that the electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutlonal purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state iaws applicable to sales of electric energy from a QF to its host facility. Applicants providing a narrative explanation o{ why their facility should be found to comply with 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2) in spite of non-compliance with the fundamental use test may want to review paragraphs 47 through 6l of Order No. 671 (accessible from the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF), which provide discussion of the facts and circumstances that may support their explanation. Applicant should also note that the percentage reported above will establish the standard that that facility must comply with, both for the l2-month period beglnning with the date the facility first produceselectricenergy,andinallsubsequentcalendaryean. SeeOrderNo.6Tlalparagraph5l. Assuch, the applicant should make sure that it reports approprlate values on lines 1 1g and 1 t h above to serve as the relevant annual standard, taking into account expected variations in production conditions. w FERC Form 556 Page l4 - Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities lnformation Required for Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line 10a that your facility represents toppang-cycle cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the items on 14and 15. Otherwise,l4 and 15. oThe thermal energy output of a topping-cycle cogeneration facility is the net energy made availabh to an industrial or commercial process or used in a heatlng or cooling application. Pursuant to sections 292.202(cl, (d) and (h) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. 55 292,202(c), (d) and (h)), the thermal energy output of a qualifring topping- cycle cogeneration facility must be useful. ln connection with this requirement, describe the thermal output of the topping-cycle cogeneration facility by responding to lines 12a and 12b below. 12a ldentify and describe each thermal host, and specify the annual average rate of thermal output made available to each host for each use. For hosts with multiple uses of thermal output, provide the data for each use ln sepdrate rows' Average annual rate of thermal output attributable to use (net of Name of entity (thermal host) Thermal host's relationship to facility; heat contained in process taking thermal output Thermal host's use of thermal output return or make-up water) to facilthermal host's relal) thermal host's use of thermal o t Btu/h thermal host's rela to facili 2) thermal host's use of thernral o t thermal host's relationship to facih 3) ect thermal host's use of thernral ou t Btu/h lect thermal host's to facil 4) thermal host's use of thernral t thermal host's to s) thermal host's use of thermal ou t Btu/h lect thermai host's rela to facili thermal host's use of thenr,al ou ,. _l Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page I9 if additional space is needed a IJ L/Iorts .=6o- it6=5-ol-(uoE(nLtnaotCF f, otAf 1 2b Demonstration of usefulness of thermal output At a minimum, provide a brief description of each use of the thermal output identified above. ln some cases, this brief descrlption is sufficient to demonstrate usefulness. However, if your facility's use of thermal output is not common, and/or if the usefulness of such thermal output is not reasonably clear, then you must provide additional details as necessary to demonstrate usefulness. Your application may be rejected and/or additional information may be required if an insufficient showing of usefulness is made. (Exception: lf you have previously received a Com mission certification approving a specific use of thermal output related to the instant facility, then you need only provide a brief description of that use and a reference by date and docket number to the order certifring your facility with the indicated use. Such exemption may not be used if any change creates a material deviation from the previously authorized use.) lf additional space is needed, continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page '19. FERC Form 556 Page 15 - Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities {, o g a 0 Applicants for facilities representing topping<ycle technology must demonstrate compliance with the topping- cycle operating standard and, if applicable, efficiency standard. Section 292.205(aX1) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. S 292.205(aXl )) establishes the operatlng standard for topping-cycle cogeneration facilities: the useful thermal energy output must be no less than 5 percent of the total energy output. Section 292.205(a)(21 (18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(aX2)) establishes the efficiency standard for topping-cycle cogeneration facilities for which installation commenced on or after March 13, 1 980: the useful power output of the facllity plus one-half the useful thermal energy output must (A) be no less than 42.5 percent ofthe total energy input of natural gas and oil to the facility;and(B) iftheuseful thermal energyoutputlslessthan l5percentofthetotal energyoutputof thefacility, benolessthan45percentofthetotal energyinputof natural gasandoil tothefacllity. Todemonstrate compliance with the topping-cycle operating and/or efflciency standards, or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard based on the date that installation commenced, respond to lines 13a through l3lbelow. lf you indicated in line 10a that your facility represents both topping-cycle and bottoming-cycle cogeneration technology, then respond to lines I 3a through I 3l below considering only the energy inputs and outputs attrlbutable to the topping-cycle portion of your facllity. Your mass and heat balance dlagram must make clear which mass and energy flow values and system components are for which portion (topping or bottoming) of the 13a lndicate the annual average rate of useful thermal energy output made available heat contained in condensate retum ornet ofto the water Btu/h I 3b lndicate the annual average rate of net electrical energy output KW 1 3c Multiply line l3b by 3,412 to convert from kW to Btu/h Btu/h l3d lndicatetheannualaveragerateofmechanicalenergyoutputtakendirectlyoff of the shaft of a prime mover for purposes not directly related to power production (this value is usually zero) t 3e Multiply line 1 3d by 2,544 to convert from hp to Btu/h Btu/h l3f lndicate the annual average rate of energy input from natural gas and oil Btu/h 139 Topping-cycle operating value = 'l 00 * 1 3a / (1 3a + 1 3c + 'l 3e) Vo I 3h Topping-cycle efficiency value = 100 * (0.5*1 3a + I 3c + 13e) / 1 3f % t 3l Compliance with operating standard: ls the operating value shown in line l39 greater than or equal to 5%? t l Yes (complies with operating standard) l-l No (does not comply with operating standard) l3i Did installation of the facility in its current form commence on or after March 1 3, 1980? Yes. Your facility is subject to the efficiency requirements of 18 C,F.R. 5 292.205(aX2). Demonstrate '-'' comptiance with the efficiency requirement by responding to line 13k or 131, as applicable, betow. r , No. Yourfacilityisexemptfromtheefficiencystandard. Skiplines l3kand i3l. t 3k Compliance with efficiency standard (for low operating value): lf the operating value shown in line 1 39 is less than 1 5%, then indicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 13h greater than or equal to 45%o: Yes (complies with efficiency standard) No (does not comply with efficiency standard) ECCr\t o PE iEuIEoq+t>/VAu)cCOo.uOEOUJ 131 Compliance with efficiency standard (for high operating value): lf the operating value shown in line 1 39 is greater than or equal to 15o/o, then indicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 13h is greater than or equal to 42.50/6:- Yes (complies with efflciency standard) ' No (does not comply with efficiency standard) FERC Form 556 Page 16 - Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities I nformation Req u i red for Botto m i n g-Cycle Cog eneration Facil ity lf you indicated ln line 10a that your facility represents bottoming-cycle cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the ltems on '16 and 17. Otherwise,15 and l7 YrThe thermal energy output of a bottomlng<ycle cogeneration facility is the energy related to the process(es) from which at least some of the reject heat is then used for power production. Pursuant to sections 292.202(c) and (e) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. S 292.202(cl and (e)), the thermal energy output of a qualifuing bottoming- cycle cogeneration facility must be useful. ln connection with this requirement, describe the process(es) from which at least some of the reject heat ls used for power production by responding to lines l4a and l4b below. l4a ldentifo and describe each thermal host and each bottoming<ycle cogeneration process engaged in by each host. For hosts with muhlple bottoming-cycle cogeneration processes, provide the data for each process rn seporate rows' Has the energy input to Name of entity (thermal host) the thermal host been performing the process from augmented fol purposes which at least some of the of increasing power reject heat is used for power Thermal host's relationship to facility; production capacity?production Thermal host's process type (if Yes, describe on p. 19) 1)Yes i- i No ,]to facilithermal host's rel thermal host's 7l to faci{ithermal host's relationsh thermal host's Yesl " No-i 3) to facrlithermal host's relationshi thermal host's Yesf; No r__., ;- I Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 if additional space is needed o U UIcn tro_o= E9Elootrrt uut-OEc' =avt = t rlb Demonstration of usefulness of thermal output At a minimum, provide a brief descrlptlon of each process identlfied above. ln some cases, this brlef description is sufficient to demonstrate usefulness. However, if your facility's process is not common , and/or if the usefulness of such thermal output is not reasonably clear, then you must provide additional details as necessary to demonstrate usefulness. Your application may be rejected and/or additlonal lnformation may be required if an insufficient showing of usefulness is made. (Exception: lf you have previously received a Commission certification approvlng a specific bottoming-cycle process related to the instant facility, then you need only provide a briefdescriptlon ofthat process and a reference by date and docket number to the order certifuing your facility with the indicated process. Such exemption may not be used if any material changes to the process have been made.) lf additional space is needed, continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. FERC Form 556 Page l7 - Bottoming{ycle Cogeneration Facilities o o 0q :o Sb.=(o|o) 8.8OYo5 .iTo)uCC'=Ut'u 5urm Applicants for facilities representing bottoming-cycle technology and for which installation commenced on or after March 'l 3, 1990 must demonstrate compliance with the bottoming-cycle efficiency standards. Section 292.205(b) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. S 292.205(b)) establishes the efficiency standard for bottoming-cycle cogeneration facilities: the useful power output of the facility must be no less than 45 percent of the energy input of natural gas and oil for supplementary firing. To demonstrate compliance with the bottomlng-cycle efficiency standard (if applicable), or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from thls standard based on the date that lnstallation of the facility began, respond to lines 15a through 15h below. lf you indicated in line 10a that yourfacility represents both topping<ycle and bottomlngxycle cogeneration technology, then respond to lines 1 5a through I 5h below considering only the energy inputs and outputs attributable to the bottoming-cycle portion of your facility. Your mass and heat balance diagram must make clear which mass and energy flow values and system components are for which portion of the cogeneration system (topping or bottoming). I 5a Did installation of the facility in its current form commence on or after March 1 3, 1980? , , Yes. Your facility is subject to the efficiency requirement of 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(b). Demonstrate compliance' with the efficiency requirement by responding to lines 15b through 15h below. i l No. Yourfacilityisexemptfromtheefficiencystandard. SkiptherestofpagelT. 15b lndicate the annual average rate ofnetelectrical energy output KW l5c Multiply line l5b by 3,412 to convert from kW to Btu/tr c Btu/h t 5d lndicate the annual average rate of mechanical energy output taken directly off of the shaft of a prime moverfor purposes not directly related to power production (this value is usually zero)hp l5e Multiply line 15d by 2,544to convert from hp to Btu/h 0 Btu/h t 5f lndicate the annual average rate of supplementary energy input from natural gas or oil Btu/h t5g Bottoming-cycle efficiencyvalue = 100 * (l5c+ 15e)/ l5f OVo t 5h Compliance with efficiency standard: lndicate below whether the efficienry value shown in line 159 is greater than or equal to 45%: ;-i Yes (complies with efficiency standard) fl No (does not comply with efficiency standard) FERC Form 556 Page l8 - All Facilities Certificate of Completeness, Accuracy and Authority Applicant must certiff compliance with and understanding of filing requirements by checking next to each item below and signing atthe bottom of this section. Forms with incomplete Certificates of Completeness, Accuracy and Authority will be reJected by the Secretary of the Commission. Slgner identifled below certifies the following: (check all items and applicable subltems) He or she has read the filing, including any information contained in any attached documents, such as cogeneration [l mass and heat balance diagrams, and any information contained in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19, and knows its contents. He or she has provlded all of the required information for certification, and the provided information ls true as stated, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief. x He or she possess full power and authorlty to sign the filing; as required by Rule 2005(aX3) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. 5 385.2cr05(a)(3)), he or she is one of the following: (check one) ! The person on whose behalf the filing is made ! An officer of the corporation, trust, association, or other organized group on behalf of which the filing is made ,- An officer, agent, or employe of the governmental authority, agency, or instrumentality on behalf of which the ' filing is made - ArepresentativequalifiedtopracticebeforetheCommissionunderRule210loftheCommission'sRulesof6 Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. 5 385.21Ol ) and who possesses authority to sign x He or she has revlewed all automatic calculations and agrees with their results, unless otherwise noted ln the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19, He or she has provided a copy of this Form 556 and all attachments to the utllities with which the facility will interconnect and transact (see lines 4a through 4d), as well as to the regulatory authorities of the states in which the facility and those utilities reside. See the Required Notice to Public Utilities and State Regulatory Authorities section on page 3 for more information, x Provide your signature, address and signature date below. Rule 2005(c) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure ('18 C.F.R. S 385.2005(c)) provides that persons flling thelr documents electronically may use typed characters representing his or her name to sign the filed documents. A person filing this document electronically should sign (by typing his or her name) in the space provided below. Your Signature Your address 515 N.27th Street Boise, ID 83702 Date Audit Notes Commission Staff Use Only: FERC Form 556 Page 19 - All Facilities Miscellaneous Use this space to provide any information for which there was not sufficlent space in the previous sections of the form to provide. For each such item of information clearly tdentify the line numberthotthe information belongsto, You may also use thls space to provide any additional information you believe is relevant to the certification of your facility. Your response below is not limited to one page. Additional page(s) wlll automatically be inserted into this form if the length of your response exceeds the space on this page. Use as many pages as you require. The original Form 556 incorrectly listed the latitude and longitude coordinates in Paragraph 3c as West 114.600 North 42.206. The correct latitude and longitude coordinates are hlest 114.603 North 42.192. q(v,ct o'lF6 ln(r,rf!et Ei $trio(r,. (! u, c-jE triB T (o 87,F q E qtrGI IDoasI @ fJanAI 0qc,o(f, u'ltro(\I (Y) Ftr, T o(\i F tf,ri(oc,iI {\t.ridt C' E; oEi trtEi tr, E; trIo oCi C'Ci oo c, E;trttri oo c,ci C}o E}d od oo oEi trdtrt Ei oo CId oo CIo Ed tfo Eo tro oo c,d trd C' CJ oEi EIo tro tr,tri od tro oo C'c,o CJ od tr tri oe o(:i oo tr!ei otri o(:,oCi CIEi oo o EJ tlde(:,oo oo oc]oo oo oo o Ci Eo c,E trFNI +NT(t o ao0)u, oo trc]c,o (f,d(Y' (oriort fD c,o E(.,EGI [ndrtrr.tf rt C\irt (o fl,to (r)sorf .Ed(t,@ ll1 rt(Eitr!!t (r) oi(oFll) N IEtt F(fi(DF 0r,EiE'r* g) Fr.r!f,rT rt stf citr(a.t(o cl:'F II' f,tr o,(\I(\I (D * (fI+c,u, Eo otri ,"lo t{e +gt (,1 oE (f trt -ifl*tl|s ++u,oo CI E, oo tr!o cftri C'ci oEi oct W .D (,., (f, o Ci cto ct(f ETci od trlEi c,o oo tr,C'C'o C'oodo Ei tro EIo Jd c,tr; cto oo tro fiilE E'EtrtriocitrEoooo(fo trEi trE c!o oo oEiEotr Ei oE oo oo oo C'E;oEi oo oo trEi tr,E;oo c,ci oo oo c,tr;o C'c;c,e tr,c;trc;C'o E'Ei olcrl# ffi*: BI nl Ec, E ilf,rl ot{ od E i*li&l@ 6 tr,c;* h{fr@ to- Ees W oatr oo 5I,-gtt.C oo a I)I n o 3I,-i o I>. 6t!la I! oo ffi .l Ft tr,of; W EoIL clolE-l t&,\tilt.l ect ,E a{ Eo* ffi, tnt oE li::- I ct? ociE ;iii*l ,- I T E E TI ! Iflt\llfilHI tro GIo qq otr (1)(.)khI) v,() GIa >'o0L.(l)triq >, o(Bl* bI)Ie ctlo car-() E C) C)a ,.Ec)-tsU oFoo=Rl '=66aP >r (ibooli trOOr t*{ O =!d*6HF&o BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-17-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 4 FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE FOUR, LLC Peter Richardson Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC 515 N. 27s Street Boise,Idatro 83702 peter@richardsonadams.com January 26,2017 Michael Darrington Senior Energy Contract Coordinator Idaho Power Company l22l West Idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 HAND DELIVERY Re Schedule 73 Energy Sales Agreement Request, Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC Dear Mr. Darrington: Enclosed, pursuant to Idaho Power Company's ("Company") Tariff Schedule 73 ("Schedule 73") you will find a completed Qualiffing Facility Energy Sales Agreement Application ("Application") seeking an "indicative pricing proposal" from the Company for the Franklin Energy Storage Four project. The Franklin Energy Storage Four project ('Franklin Four") is a 25 MW battery storage QF located in Idaho a few miles north of Jackpot, Nevada. In addition to the information requested on the enclosed Application, Schedule 73 separately requests additional information and documents that should accompany the Application. Each information request from Section I of the Contracting Procedures Part of Schedule 73 is responded to in detail below: Section l(a)(i) requests a copy ofthe organizational structure and chart. Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC has only one member, Robert A. Paul in his individual capacity. In addition to being the sole member, Robert A. Paul is also the member manager. As the organization is very'flat' there is no organizational chart. Section l(a)(ii) requests a description ofthe "generation and other related technology." This question is addressed in detail on the enclosed FERC Form 556 at Paragraph 7(h), which fully describes the electro-chemical battery system used by Franklin Four, which has been selGcertified as a QF pursuant to FERC regulations. Section l(a)(iii) requests specifics as to the "maximum design capacity, station service requirements, and the net amount of power, all in kW to be delivered to the Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC Schedule 73 Contacting Procedures Checklist Page I Company's electric system." That information is provided in detail at Paragraphs 7a through 79 on the enclosed FERC Form 556. Section l(a)(iv) requests a "schedule of estimated Qualifuing Facility electric output, in an 8,760-hour electronic spreadsheet format." The electronic spreadsheet is attached to the enclosed Application. Section l(a)(v) seeks information as to whether the facility will have the ability to "respond to dispatch orders from the Company." As described at Paragraph 7h on the attached FERC Form 556, "The Facility will be utilized to provide the purchasing utility [Idaho Power] with pre-scheduled and dispatchable AC energy within pre-determined time blocks" for a sustained time period of 5-60 minutes. Section 1(a)(vi) requests a "map of the Qualifying Facility location, electrical interconnection point, and POD (identified by nearest landmark and GPS coordinates)." The enclosed Application contains the requested map and coordinates. Note that the Application requests the identity of the "Nearest City or landmark" rather than just the nearest landmark. The identity of the city of Jackpot, Nevada on the Application as the nearest city should suffice as satisfying both requirements (city and landmark) as we are unaware of a near-by physical feature of the land that would stand out as a landmark in the common usage of the term. Section l(a)(vii) requests the "anticipated commencement date for delivery of electric output." As noted in Paragraph 1l on the attached FERC Form 556, Franklin Four anticipates a commercial operation date of June l, 2018. Section l(a)(viii) requests a list, and status, of acquired and outstanding permits. The project is currently working toward finalizing Conditional Use Permits with Twin Falls County. The County has already granted permits for wind, solar, and electrical substation projects on this property - no major hurdles are anticipated. All of the necessary local agencies have been engaged to provide comment and feedback on the proposed project. Building permits will be obtained prior to construction. There are currently no anticipated schedule impacts to the Q4 2019 COD due to permitting. Section l(a)(ix) requests a demonstration of the ability of the facility to obtain QF status. The attached FERC Form 556 satisfies this requirement. Section l(a)(x) requests a description of the fuel types and sources. The direct source of energy provided to Idaho Power will be the electro-chemical reaction created in the battery storage system. The battery storage system does not consume fuel. It will, however, be energized by renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass and the like. The initial plan is to utilize the ample solar resource at the site to fully energizethe battery storage system, although additional renewable energy sources will be considered and installed as necessary in the future. Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC Schedule 73 Contracting Procedures Checklist Page2 Section l(a)(xi) is currently inapplicable as Franklin Four has no plans to obtain fuel or arrange fuel transportation for the facility at this time. Should the battery system be energized with a renewable bio-fuel at some point in the future, then the project will provide Idaho Power with all the necessary fuel and transportation agreements at that time. Section l(a)(xii) is also inapplicable as the facility will be directly connected to Idaho Power's electrical system. Section l(a)(xiii) requests information as to the interconnection status of the facility. The interconnection request is pending. Section l(a)(xiv) requests the proposed contracting term and rate option. As indicated on the enclosed Application, Franklin Four is requesting a twenty year contract term and the published "Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates." Within the next ten business days and pursuant to Section l(b) please provide your written notice of any deficiencies in this request or, if there are no deficiencies, pursuant to Section l(c) please provide ldaho Power's indicative pricing proposal. Very truly yours, Peter J. Richardson, Counsel for Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC Cc: Donovan Walker Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC Schedule 73 Contracting Procedures Checklist Page 3 ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No" 73-9 SCHEDULE 73 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO (Continued) QUALIFYING FACILITY ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT APPLICATION ldaho Power Qualifying Facility (QF)contact information Mailing Address: Physical Address: Telephone number: E-MailAddress: IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,2015 Attn: Energy Contracts, P O Box 70 Boise, lD 83702 1221W.ldaho Street, Boise, lD 83703 208-388€070 rallphin@idahopower.com Preamble and lnstructions All generation facilities that qualify pursuant to ldaho Power Company Schedule 73 for a QF Energy Sales Agreement and wish to sell energy from theirfacility to ldaho Power must complete the following information and submit this Application by hand delivery, mail or E-mail to ldaho Power. Upon receipt of a complete Application, ldaho Power shall process this request for a QF Energy Sales Agreement pursuant to ldaho Power Company Schedule 73. Qualifying Facility lnformation Proposed Proiect Name of Facility:Franklin Enerqy Storaqe Four Resource Type: (1.e. wind, solar, hydro, etc): Batterv Storaoe Facility Location: GPS Coordinates: W 114.6 N 42.206 Nearest City or landmark: Jackpot Nevada Name of Facility: Franklin Enersv Storaqe One County and State: Twin Falls Gountv. ldaho Map of Facility, including proposed interconnection point. (See Attached.) Anticipated commencement date of energy deliveries to ldaho Power: October 1.2019 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company !.P.U.C. No, 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 73-9 SCHEDULE 73 COGENERAT]ON AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO QUALIFYING FACILITY ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT APPLICATION (Continued) Facility Nameplate Capacity Rating (kW):32.000 Facility Maximum Output Capacity (kW)32.000 Station Service Requirements (kW):7.000 Facility Net Delivery to ldaho Power (kW):25.000 Facility interconnection status: Pendinq Proposed Contracting Term (cannot exceed 20 years):.,,!Q vearc Requested Rate Option (details provided in Schedule 73):Ee@p3ig!-N9.4, "Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates" Does the Facility have the ability to respond to dispatch orders from ldaho Power Company (Yes or No):Yes Please include the following attachments: r' Hourly estimated energy deliveries (kW) to ldaho Power for every hour of a one year period Attached. { List of acquired and outstanding Qualifying Facility permits, including a description of the status and timeline for acquisition of any outstanding permits. The oroiect is currentlv worklno toward finalizinq Conditional Use Permits with Twin Falls Countv. The Countv has alreadv oranted oermits for wind. solar. and electrical subst tion proiects on this properil - no maior hurdles ar€ anticlpated. All of the necessarv local aqencbs have been enoaoed to orovide comment and fiBedback on the proposed orolect Buildinq permits will be obtalned prior to constructlon. There are currenfrv no anticipatod schsdule impacE to tho Q4 2019 COD due to oomitdnq. . At the minimum a FERC issued QF certificate/self-certification is required and/or evidence that Facility will be able to obtain a Qualifying Facility certificate. FERC Form 556 is attached. IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Etfective - January 1,2015 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho { lf the Facility will require fuel be transported to the Facility (i.e. natural gas pipelines, railroad transportation, etc), evidence of ability to obtain sufficient transportation rights to operate the Facility at the stated Maximum Output Amount. N/A/ lf the Facility will not be interconnecting directly to the ldaho Power electrical system, evidence that the Facility will be able to interconnect to another utility's electrical system and evidence that the Facility will be able to obtain firm transmission rights over all required transmission providers to deliver the Facility's energy to ldaho Power. N/A Owner lnformation Owner / Company Name: Franklin Enerov Storaoe One. LLC Contact Person: Robert A. Paul. Manaoer Address: 5{5N.m City: State: Zip: Boise. ldaho 83702 Telephone: fl601 861-1104 E-mail : robertapaul0S@qmail.com Applicant Signature I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all information provided in this Qualifying Facility Energy Sales Agreement application is true and correct. lsl Signature Robert A. Pau! Print Name IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,2015 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Rogerson, Idaho Franklin Energy Storage One LLC Franklin Energy Storage Two LLC Franklin Energy Storage Three LLC DIRECTIONS TO PROI ECT SITT FROL,IiwlFTiTE--- i1ffi HilEiEy J0, heaa South un HiShway 93 f(!r 25 miles ProiedSitc i5 loobd olf o, Highrvay 93just South of l,rc lown of Rotelq ldaho Sole 2: 11.450 a@s ASticulhrral ft e*ruation(At ttcs) DEVELOPER INFOMTION 'WEEKt-P;il---- -- All€rutive Pow€r Devekrphent, Northw€sl, LLC 5r5 N 27th5.., Bois, tD83702 (/60) 86r-fle roberl.pauloS@Bmil om ug^L-acgglrgra!'Itut g).tiun oIiild south o( Idaho SElo I0Shrvay 93loohd inTowship l4 g)uth, Rtrge 15 E.il, scdioro 17, 19, 20, .hd 29 Franklin Energy Storage Four LLC f ackpot Solar Substation Twin F6lls LOCATION Naln FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE AITEINATIVE DEVEIOPMENT Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC 515 N.27m Street Boise,Idaho 83702 (208) e38-7901 peter@richardsonadams.com January 26,2017 Attn: Energy Contracts ldaho Power Company PO Box 70 l22l West Idaho Street Boise,Idatro 83702 rallphin@idahopower. com Re: Notice of Self-Certification Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC Dear Mr. Allphin: Pursuant to l8 C.F.R. 5 292.207(a)(ii) you are hereby provided a copy of the Notice of Self Certification filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission by Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. Peter J. Richardson Attorney for Franklin Energy Four, LLC FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC OMBControl# 1902-0075 Expiration 06130/2019 Fo r m 5 5 6 F,."jlXfl:i::H:lT:,'#illY,fo" status for a Smarr Power General Questions about completing this form should be sent to Form556@ferc.9ov. lnformation about the Commission's QF program, answers to frequently asked questions about QF requlrements or completing thls form, and contact information for QF program staffare available at the Commission's QF websltg www,ferc.gov/QF. The Commission's QF webslte also provides links to the Commission's QF regulations (1 8 C.F.R. 5 I 31.80 and Part292l, as well as other statutes and orders pertaining to the Commission's QF program. Who Must File Any applicant seeking QF status or recertificatlon of QF status for a generating facility with a net power production capacity (as determined in lines 7a through 79 below) greater than 1000 kW must file a self<ertification or an appllcatlon for Commission certificatlon of QF status, which includes a properly completed Form 556. Any applicant seeking QF status for a generating facility with a net power production capacity 1000 kW or less is exempt from the certiflcation requirement, and is therefore not required to complete or file a Form 556. See 18 C.F.R. S 292.203. How to Complete the Form 556 This form is intended to be completed by responding to the ftems in the order they are presented, according to the instructions given. lf you need to back-track, you may need to clear certain responses before you will be allowed to change other responses made previously in the form. lf you experlence problems, click on the nearest help button (@ ) for assistance, orcontact Commission staff at Form556@ferc,gov. Certain lines in this form will be automatically calculated based on responses to plevious lines, with the relevant formulas shown. You must respond to all of the previous lines within a section before the results of an automatically calculated field will be displayed. lf you disagree with the results of any automatic calculation on this form, contact Commission staff at Form556oferc.gov to discuss the discrepancy before filing. You must complete all lines in this form unless instructed othenuise. Do not alter this form or save this form in a different format. lncomplete or altered forms, or forms saved in formats other than PDF, will be rejected. How to File a Completed Form 556 Applicants are required to file their Form 556 electronically through the Commission's eFlling website (see lnstructions on page 2). By filing electronically, you will reduce your filing burden, save paper resources, save postage or courier charges, help keep Commission expenses to a minimum, and receive a much faster confirmatlon (via an email containing the docket number assigned to your facility) that the Commission has received your filing. lf you are simultaneously filing both a waiver request and a Form 556 as part of an application for Commission certification, see the "Waiver Requests" section on page 3 for more information on how to file. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice This form is approved by the Office of Management and Budget. Compliance with the information requirements established by the FERC Form No. 556 is required to obtain or maintain status as a QF. See l8 C.F,R. 6 I 31.80 and Part 292. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The estimated burden for completing the FERC Form No.556, including gathering and reporting information, is as follows: 3 hours for self-certification of a small power production facility, 8 hours for self-certifications of a cogeneration facility,6 hours for an application for Commission certification of a small power production facility, and 50 hours for an application for Commission certification of a cogeneration facility. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the following: lnformation Clearance Officer, Office of the Executive Director (ED-32), Federal Energy Regulatory Cornmission, 888 First Street N.E., Washington, DC20426 (DataClearancetaferc.gov); and DeskOfflcerfor FERC, Office of lnformation and Regulatory Affalrs, Office of Management and Budget Washington, DC 20503 (oira submissionraomb.eop.gov). lnclude the Control No. 1 902-0075 in any correspondence. FERC Form 556 Page 2 - lnstructions Electronic Filing (eFiling) Io electronically file your Form 556, visltthe Commission! QF website at www.ferc.gov/OF and clickthe eFiling link. lf you are eFiling your first document, you will need to register with your name, email address, mailing address, and phone number. lfyouareregisteringonbehalfofanemployer,thenyouwill alsoneedtoprovidetheemployername,alternate contact name, alternate contact phone number and and alternate contact emall. Once you are registered, log in to eFlllng with your registered email address and the password that you created at registration. Follow the instructions. When prompted, select one of the following QF-related flling types, as appropriate, from the Electric or General filing category. Filing category Filing Type as listed in eFiling Description Electric (Fee) Application for Commission Cert. as Cogeneration QF Use to submlt an appllcatlon for Commission certifi cation or Commisslon recertlffcation of a cogeneration facilig as a QF. (Fee) Application for Commission Cert. as Small Power QF Use to submit an application for Commission certification or Commission recertification of a small power production facillty as a QF. Self-Certification Notice (QF, EG, FC) Use to submit a notice of self- certificatlon of your facility (cogeneratlon or small power production) as a QF. 5elf-Recertification of Qualifying Facility (QF) Use to submit a notice of self- recertifi cation of your facility (cogeneration or small power production) as a QF. Supplemental lnformation or Request Use to correct or supplement a Form 556 that was submitted with errors or omissions, or for which Commission staff has requested additional information. Do not use this filing type to report new changes to a facility or its ownership; rather, use a self- recertifi cation or Commission recertification to report such changes. General (Fee) Petition for Declaratory Order (not under FPA Part 1) Use to submit a petition for declaratory order granting a waiver of Commission QF regulations pursuant to l8 C.F.R. S5 292.20a(a) (3) and/or 292.205(c). A Form 556 is not required for a petition for declaratory order unless Commission recertification ls being requested as part ofthe petition. You will be prompted to submit your filing fee, if applicable, during the electronic submission process. Filing fees can be paid via electronic bank account debit or credit card. During the eFiling process, you will be prompted to select yourfile(s) for upload from your computer. FERC Form 556 Page 3 - lnstructions Filing Fee No filing fee is required if you are submitting a self-certification or self-recertification of your facility as a QF pursuant to 18 C.F.R.5 292.207(al. A filing fee ls requlred if you are flling either of the following: (l ) an application for Commission certification or recertification of your facility as a QF pursuant to 18 C.F.R. I292.2071b1, or (2) a petition for declaratory order granting waiver pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 59 292.204(a)(3) and/or 292.205(c). The cunent fees for applications for Commission certifications and petitions for declaratory order can be found by visiting the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF and clicking the Fee Schedule link, You will be prompted to submit your filing fee, if applicable, during the electronic fi ling process described on page 2. Required Notice to Utilities and State Regulatory Authorities Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 5 292.207(aXii), you must provide a copy of your self-certification or request for Commission certification to the utilities with which the facility will interconnect and/or transact, as well as to the State regulatory authorities of the states in which your facility and those utilities reside. Links to information about the regulatory authorities in various states can be found by visiting the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF and clicking the Notice Requirements link. What to Expect From the Commission After You File An applicant filing a Form 556 electronically will receive an email message acknowledging receipt of the filing and showing the docket number assigned to the filing. Such email is typically sent within one business day, but may be delayed pending confirmation by the Secretary of the Commission of the contents of the filing. An appllcant submitting a self<ertification of QF status should expect to recelve no documents from the Commission, other than the electronic acknowledgement of receipt described above. Consistent with its name, a self-certification is a certification by the opplicont itself that the facility meets the relevant requirements for QF status, and does not involve a determination by the Commission as to the status of the facility. An acknowledgement of receipt of a self-certification, in particular, does not represent a determination by the Commission with regard to the QF status of the facility. An applicant self-certifiing may, however, receive a rejection, revocation or deficiency letter if its application is found, during periodic compliance reviews, not to comply with the relevant requirements. An applicant submitting a request for Commission certification will receive an order either granting or denying certification of QF status, or a letter requesting additional information or rejecting the application. Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 5 292.207(bX3), the Commission must act on an application for Commission certification within 90 days of the later of the filing date of the application or the filing date of a supplement, amendment or other change to the application. Waiver Requests l8 C.F.R.5 292.20a(aX3) allows an applicantto requesta waiverto modirythe method of calculation pursuantto 18 C.F.R.5 292.204(a)(2)todetermineiftwofacilitiesareconsideredtobelocatedatthesamesite,forgoodcause. 18C.F.R.S292.205(c) allows an applicant to request waiver of the reguirements of 18 C.F.R. 55 292.205(a) and (b) for operating and efficiency upon a showing that the facility wlll produce significant energy savings. A request for waiver of these requirements must be submitted as a petition for declaratory order, with the approprlate flling fee for a petition for declaratory order. Applicants requesting Commlssion recertification as part of a request for waiver of one of these requirements should electronically submit their completed Form 556 along with their petition for declaratory order, rather than flling thelr Form 556 as a separate request for Commission recertification, Only the filing fee for the petition for declaratory order must be paid to cover both the waiver request and the request for recertification if such requests are made simultoneously. 18 C.F.R. S 292.203(dX2) allows an applicant to request a waiver of the Form 556 flling requirements, for good cause. Applicants filing a petition for declaratory order requesting a waiver under l8 C.F.R. S 292.203(d)(2) do not need to complete or submit a Form 556 with their petition. FERC Form 556 Page 4 - lnstructions Geog raph ic Coord inates lf a street address does not exist for your facility, then line 3c of the Form 556 requires you to report your facility's geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). Geographic coordlnates may be obtained from several different sources. You can find links to online services that show latitude and longitude coordinates on online maps byvisiting the Commlssion's QF webpage at y1yytdJte{e.gay&E and clicking the Geographic Coordinates link. You may also be able to obtain your geographic coordinates from a GPS device, Google Earth (available free at http://earth.google.c_om), a property survey, various engineering or construction drawings, a propertydeed, or a municlpal or county map showing property lines. Filing Privileged Data or Critical Energy lnfrastructure lnformation in a Form 556 The Commission's regulations provlde procedures for applicants to either (1) request that any information submitted with a Form 556 be given privileged treatment because the informatlon is exempt from the mandatory public disclosure requirements of the Freedom of lnformation Act,5 U.S.C. S 552, and should be withheld from public disclosure; or (2) identlf, any documents containing critical energy infrastructure information (CEll) as defined in l8 C.F.R. 5 388.1 1 3 that should not be made public. lf you are seeking privileged treatment or CEll status for any data in your Form 556, then you must follow the procedures in 18 C.F.R. S 388.1 12. See ranuwlerc.gov.lh-e-lly'filiog-glr"idel0lecsiiasp for more information. Among other things (see l8 C.F.R. 5 388.1 l2 for other requirements), applicants seeking privileged treatment or CEll status for data submitted in a Form 555 must prepare and file both (l) a complete version of the Fom 556 (containing the privileged and/or CEll data), and (2) a public version of the Form 556 (with the privileged and/or CEll data redacted). Applicants preparing and filing these different versions of their Form 556 must indicate below the security designation of this version of their document. lf you are not seeking privileged treatment or CEll status for any of your Form 556 data, then you should not respond to any of the items on this page. The eFiling process described on page 2 will allow you to identi$, which versions of the electronic documents you submit are public, privileged and/or CEll. The filenames for such documents should begin with "Public', "Priv", or "CEll", as applicable, to clearly indicate the security designation of the file. Both versions of the Form 556 should be unaltered PDF copies of the Form 556, as available for download from rarww.ferc.SpyfaE. To redact data from the public copy of the submittal, simply omit the relevant data from the Form. For numerical fields, leave the redacted fields blank. For text fields, complete as much of the field as possible, and replace the redacted portions of the field with the word "REDACTED' in brackets. Be sure to identiff above all fields which contain data for which you are seeking non-public status. The Commission is not responsible for detecting or correcting filer errors, including those errors related to security designation. lf your documents contain sensitive information, make sure they are filed using the proper security designation. Non-Public Applicant is seeking privileged treatment and/or CEll status for data contained in the Form 556 lines ! indicated belou This non-public version of the applicant's Form 556 contains all data, including the data that is redacted in the (separate) public version of the appllcant's Form 556. Publlc (redacted): Applicant is seeking prlvileged treatment and/or CEll status for data contained in the Form 556 lines ! indicated below. This public version of the appllcants's Form 556 contains alldata except for data from the lines indicated below, which has been redacted. Priviloged: lndicate below which lines of your form contaln data for which you are seeking privileged treatment Critical Energy lnfrastructure lnformation (CElll: lndicate below which lines of your form contain data for which you are seeking CEll status FEDERALENERGYREGULATORYCOMMISSION oMBContror# re02'0075 WASHINGToN,DCExpiration06/30120.19 Fo rm 5 5 6 ;:JlXffii::?;::l?;:f#;]Il,,to, status for a smarr Power o o e o $ o c .9P(\, E o ;o (o .9E.o. I a Full name of applicant (legal entity on whose behalf qualifying facility status is sought for this facility) Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC 1b Applicant street address 515 N. 27Lh Street I c City Boise td State/province 1D le Postalcode 83702 lf Country (if not United States)lgTelephone number (208) 938-7901 lh Hastheinstantfacilityeverpreviouslybeen certified asaQF? Yesffi lto [..l ti lfyes,providethedocketnumberofthelastknownQFfllingpertainingtothisfacility: QFrr - 582 - 000 lJ Under which certlflcatlon process is the applicant making this filing? - Notice of self<ertification ,- Application for Commission certification (requires filing6 (see note below) Ll fee; see'Filing Fee'' section on page 3) Note: a notice of self-certification is a notice by the applicant itself that its facility complies with the requirements for QF status. A notice of self-certification does not establlsh a proreeding, and the Commission doet not review a notice of self-certification to verifo compliance. See the "What to Expect Frorn the Commission After You File' section on page 3 for more information. 1k What type(s) of Qf status is the applicant seeking for its facility? (check all that apply) r! Qualifoing small power production facility status fl Qualifying cogeneration facility status 1l What is the purpose and expected effective date(s) of this filing? l-'l Original certification; facility expected to be installed by to begin operation on 1 1 Change(s) to a previously certified facility to be effective on (ldentiff type(s) of change(s) below, and describe change(s) in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 1 9) i -l Name change and/or other administrative change(s) i .i Change in ownership :j Change(s) affecting plant equipment, fuel use, power production capacity and/or cogeneratlon thermal output '! Supplement or correction to a previous flling submitled on 1 / 2 6 / Ll (describe the supplement or correction in the Miscellaneous section starting on page '19) 1m lf any of the following three statements is true, checkthe box(es) thatdescribe your situation and complete the form to the extent possible, explaining any special circumstances in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. ,- The instant facility complies with the Commission's QF requirements by virtue of a waiver of certain regulationsu previously granted by the Commission in an order dated (speciff any other relevant waiver orders in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19) ,- The instant facility would comply with the Commission's QF requirements if a petition for waiver submittedu concurrently with this application is granted The instant facility complies with the Commission's regulations, but has special circumstances, such as the I employment of unique or innovative technologies not contemplated by the structure of thls form, that make the demonstratlon of compliance via this form difficult or impossible (describe in Misc. section starting on p. '19) FERC Form 556 Page6-AllFacilities o o sJ o o o Co (E E o C UlU coU 2a Nameofcontact person Peter Richardson 2b Telephone number (208 ) 938-7901 2c Which of the following describes the contact person's relationship to the applicant? (check one) ! Applicant (selfl ! Employee, owner or partner of applicant authorized to represent the applicant I Employee of a company affiliated with the applicant authorized to represent the applicant on this matter ffi Lawyer, consultant, or other representative authorized to represent the applicant on thls matter 2d Company or organization name (if applicant is an individual, check here and skip to line 2e) I -] Frankl-in Energy Storage Four, LLC 2e Street address (if sarne as Applicani, rheck here and skip to line 3a)[ 2f City 2g State/provirrce 2h Postal code 2i Country (if not United States) co o(Jo EC(E co lEU ,F cu3 E t,(\, LL 3a Facility name Franklin Energy Storage Eour 3b Street address (if a street address does not exist for the facility, check here and skip to line 3c)[ 3c Geographic coordinates: lf you indicated that no street address exists for your facility by checking the box in line 3b, then you must speciry the latitude and longitude coordinates of the facility in degrees (to three decimal places). Use the following formula to convertto decimal degrees from degrees, minutes and seconds: decimal degrees = degrees + (minuteV60) + (seconds/3600). See the "Geographic Coordinates" section on page 4 for help. lf you provided a street address for your facility in line 3b, then speclfflng the geographic coordinates below is optional. l-l East (+)Longitude fr w"rt t_l L1-4 .602 degrees Latitude E YII['42.1-92 degrees 3d City (if unincorporated, check here and enter nearest city) [ Jackpot 3e State/province Nevada 3f County (or check here for independent city) ," ! Twin Falls 39 Country (if not United States) .A .g.= :) o)C (,,(ornC(E ldentifiT the electric utilities that are contemplated to transact with the facility tla ldentifr utility interconnecting with the facility Idaho Power Company 4b ldentify utilities providing wheeling service or check here if none [l 4c ldentifr utilities purchasing the useful electric power output or check here if none ,-- fdaho Power Company 4d ldentify utilities providing supplementary powe(, backup power, maintc,nance power, and/or interruptible power senrice or check here ifnone I FERC Form 556 PageT-AllFacilities 5a Directownershipasofeffectivedateoroperationdate: ldentiffall directownersofthefacilityholdingatleastl0 percent equity interest. For each identified owner, also (1) indicate whether that owner is an electric utility, as defined in section 3(22) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C.796(22)1, or a holding company, as defined in section 1262(8) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16451(8)), and (2) for owners which are electric utilities or holding companies, provide the percentage of equity interest in the facility held by that owner. lf no direct owners hold at least l0 percent equity interest in the facility, then provide the required lnformation for the two direct owners with the largest equity interest in the facility. Electric utility or lf Yes, holding 0,6 equity Full legal names of direct owners company interest ! Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page I 9 if additional space is needed )l 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) l0) 1) Robert A. Paut Yes[ No E _t t t I t c t t t Yes! No [l Yes[ No D Yes[ No n Yes! No E Yes fl No E Yes fl No fl Yes fl No E Yes! No n Yesfl No n 5b Upstream (i.e., indirect) ownership as of effective date or operation date: ldentiff all upstream (i.e., indirect) owners of the facility that both (1) hold at least l0 percent equity interest in the facility, and (2) are electric utilities, as defined in section 3(22) of the Federal Power Act (1 6 U.S.C. 796(22)), or holding companies, as defined in s€ction 1262(8t of the Public Utility Holding company Act of 2005 (42 u.s.c. 16451(8)). Also provide the percentage of equity interest in the facility held by such owners. (Note that because upstream owners may be subsidiaries of one another, total percent equity interest reported may exceed 100 percent.) Check here if no such upstream owners exist. [l %equity Full legal names of electric utility or holding company upstream owners interest l) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7l 8) e) 10) .-i Check here and continue in the Mlscellaneous section starting on page 1 9 if additional space is needed t t t q ? t t t I 6 Co |! oo-oEcG .9-Eta oC3o 5c ldentify the facility operator Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC g FERC Form 556 PageS-AllFacilities 6a Describe the primary energy input (check one main category and, if applicable, one subcategory) ! Biomass (specifu) [l Renewable resources (specify) ! Geothermal ! Landfill gas ! Hydro power - river I Fossil fuel (specify) I Manure digester gas I Hydro power - tidal E Coal (not waste) ! Municipalsolid waste fl Hydro power- wave ! Fueloil/dlesel ! Sewagedigestergas ! Solar-photovoltaic E Natural gas(notwaste) ! Wood ! Solar-thermal ,_ Otherfossil fuel ! other blomass (describe on page 19) E wind u (describe on page 19) ! waste (specitotype betow in tine 6b) I fr1fl|.ffi::l'l];JtT"" ! other (describe on pase Ie) 6b !f you specified "waste" as the primary energy input in line 6a, indicate the type of waste fuel used: (check one) I waste tuel listed in 18 c.F.R. 5 292.202(bt (speciff one of the following) ! Anthracite culm produced prior to July 23, 1985 ,- Anthracite refuse that has an average heat content of 6,000 Btu or less per pound and has an averageu ash content of 45 percent or more ,- Bituminouscoalrefusethathasanaverageheatcontentof9,500Btuperpoundorlessandhasan - average ash content of 25 percent or more Top or bottom subbituminous coal produced on Federal lands or on lndian lands that has been ,- determined to be waste by the United States Department of the lnterior's Bureau of Land Management " (BLM) or that is located on non-Federal or non-lndian lands outside of BLM's jurisdiction, provided that the applicant shows that the latter coal is an extension of that determined by BLM to be waste Coal refuse produced on Federal lands or on lndian lands that has been determlned to be waste by the E BLM or that is located on non- Federa! or non-lndian lands outside of BLM's jurisdiction, provided that applicant shows that the latter is an extension of that determined by BLM to be waste - Lignite produced in association with the production of montan wax and lignite that becomes exposedu as a resuh of such a mining operation ! Gaseous fuels (except natural gas and synthetic aas from coal) (describe on page l9) Waste natural gas from gas or oil wells (describe on page 19 how the gas meets the requirements of 18 E C.F.R. 5 2.2100 for waste natural gas; include with your filing any materials necessary to demonstrate compliance with l8 C.F.R. S 2.400) ! Materials that a government agency has certifled for disposal by combustion (describe on page 19) ! Heat from exothermic reactions (describe on page 19) [ Residual heat (describe on page I 9) fl Usedrubbertires E Plasticmaterials fl Refineryoff-gas ! Petroleumcoke Other waste energy input that has little or no commercial value and exists in the absence of the qualifring f] facility industry (describe in the Miscellaneous section starting on page I 9; include a discussion of the fuel's lack of commercial value and existence in the absence of the qualifuing facility industry) o-c Ol ocI.U 6c Provide the average energy input, calculated on a calendar year basis, in terms of Btu/h for the following fossil fuel energy inputs, and provide the related percentage of the total average annual energy input to the facility (18 C.F.R. 5 292.2029)). For any oil or natural gas fuel, use lower heating value (18 C.F.R. 5 292.202(m)). Annual average energy Percentage oftotal Natural gas o Btu/h 0 o/o o Btu/h 0 o/oOil-based fuels Coal 0 Btu/h AVo Fuel for fuel inannual FERC Form 556 Page9-AllFacilities o lndicate the maximum gross and maximum net electric power production capacity of the facility at the point(s) of delivery by completing the worksheet below Respond to all items. lf any of the parasitic loads and/or losses identified in lines 7b through 7e are negligible, enter zero for those lines, 7a The maximum gross power production capacity at the terminals of the individual generator(s) under the most favorable anticipated design conditions 32 000 kw 10 kw 7b Parasitic station power used at the facility to run equipment which is necessary and lntegral to the power production process (boilerfeed pumps, fans/blowert office or maintenance buildings directly related to the operation of the power generating facility, etc,). lf this facility includes non- power production processes (for instance, power consumed by a cogeneratlon facllity's thermal host) , do not include any power consumed by the non-power production activities in your reported parasitic station power. 7c Electrical losses in interconnection transformers 434 kw 7d Electrical losses in AC/DC conversion equipment, if any e20 kw 5 636 kw 7e Other interconnection losses in power lines or facilities (other than transformers and AC/DC conversion equipment) between the terminals of the generator(s) and the point of interconnection with the 7f Total deductions from gross power production capacity = 7b + 7c + 7d + 7e 00c. c kw 79 Maximum net power production capacity = 7a - 7f 25 coi. c kw Co o E o c .='o IElJ- E.gCEUa 7h Description of facility and primary components: Describe the facility and its operation. ldentifu all boilers, heat recovery steam generators, prime movers (any mechanical equipment driving an electric Aenerator), electrical generators, photovoltaic solar equipment, fuel cell equipment and/or other primary power generatlon equipment used in the facility. Descriptions of components should include (as applicable) specifications of the nominal capacities for mechanical output, electrical output, or steam generatlon of the identifled equipment. For each piece of equipment identified, clearly indicate how many pieces of that type of equipment are included in the plant, and which components are normally operating or normally in standby mode. Provide a description of how the components operate as a system. Applicants for cogeneration facilities do not need to describe operations of systems that are clearly depicted on and easily understandable from a cogeneration facility's attached mass and heat balance diagram; however, such applicants should provide any necessary description needed to understand the sequentia! operation of the facility depicted in their mass and heat balance diagram. lf additional space is needed, continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. The project consists of an energy storage system QuaLifying Eacility providing scheduled and dispatchable electrlcity in forward-Iooking time blocks. The energy storage system that comprises the energy storage Qualifying Facility is deslgned to, and will, receive l00B of its energy input from a combination of renewable energy sources such as wj.nd, soIar, biogas, biomas, etc, The currentj-nitial design utilizes solar photovoltaic (PV) modules mounted to si-ngle-axj.s trackers to provi-de the electric energy input to the Qualifying Facili[yrs battery storage system. The PV modules are planned to be connected in series/paralLe! ccmbinatj-ons to solar r-nverters, rated approximateJ-y 2.5 Mr,lac each,(subject to change). The proposed electric energy storage Qualifying Facilitywill consist of an electro-chemical battery and will have a maximum power output capacity ot 25 MWac for a susLained time period of 5 - 60 minutes. The Eacility will- consist of an afternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) conCrol system. The QuaIi-fying Eacility wilI be utilizeci to provide the purchasing utility with pre-scheduled and dispatchable AC energy within pre-determined t.ime blocks, The sole source of electric power and energy provlded to the purchasing utiLity will be the electro-chemical reaction giving rise to the discharge of electric power and energy by the battery. In turn, the sole dj-recE. source of energy input provided Eo Lhe battery Facility wiII be, as described above, renewabfe sources. FERC Form 556 Page 10 - Small Power Production Pursuant to l8 C.F.R. S 292.204(a), the power production capacity of any small power production facility, together with the power production capacity of any other small power production facilitles that use the same energy resource, are owned by the same person(s) or its affiliates, and are located at the same site, may not exceed 80 megawatts. To demonstrate compliance with this size limitation, or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from this size limitation under the Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production lncentives Act of l99O (Pub. L. 101-575, 104 Stat.2834 (1990) osamendedby Pub. L.102-45, 105 Stat.249(1991)1, respond to lines 8a through 8e below (as applicable). 8a ldentifo any facilities with electrical generating equipment located within 1 mile of the electrical generating equipment of the instant facility, and for which any of the entities identified in lines 5a or 5b, or their affiliates, holds at least a 5 percent equity interest. [-_l Check here andcontinue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9 if additional space is needed Common owner(s) 2)QF 3)QF 1) Root docket # (if any) Maximum net power production capacity KW KW KW here lf no such facllities exlst. I Facility location (city or county, state) QF*- 8b The Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production lncentives Act of 1990 (lncentives Act) provides exemption from the size limitations in I 8 C.F.R. 5 292.204(a) for certain facilities that were certified prior to 1995. Are you seeking exemption from the size limitations in 18 C.F.R. I292.204(al by virtue of the lncentives Act? ! Yes (continue at line 8c below) [ lto {st<ip lines 8c through 8e) 8< Was the original notice of self-certification or application for Commission certification of the facility filed on or before December 31, 1994? Yes I No Ij 8d Did construction of the facility commence on or before December 31 , 1 999? Yes i I No i-j oUE2 E.9C+rbEtJtr OJcoo.N{=t/.)fEa.ut E'=oU 8e lf you answered No ln line 8d, indicate whether reasonable diligence was exercised toward the completion of the facllity, taking into account all factors relevant to construction? Yes f l No [ ] lf you answered Yes, provide a brief narrative explanation in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 1 9 of the construction timeline (in particular, describe why construction started so long after the faclllty was certified) and the dlligence exercised toward completion of the facility. Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 5 292.204(b), qualifring small power production facilities may use fossil fuels, in minimal amounts, for only the following purposes: ignition; start-up; testing; flame stabilization; control use; alleviation or prevention of unanticipated equipment outages; and alleviation or prevention of emergencies, directly affecting the public health, safety, or welfare, which would result from electric power outages. The amount of fossil fuels used for these purposes may not exceed 25 percent of the total energy input of the facility during the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy or any calendar year thereafter. 9a Certification of compliance with 18 C.F.R. S 292.204(b) with respect to uses of fossil fuel: [l Applicant certifies that the facility will use fossil fuels exclusiyely for the purposes listed above. o:2Ut- I- AtrU= o-o Ur :E.o=.oo.u .= E-co.=LJ3 9b Certiflcationofcompliancewithl8C.F.R.S292.204(b)withrespecttoamountoffossilfuelusedannually: Applicant certifies that the amount of fossil fuel used at the facility will not, in aggregate, exceed 25 I percent of the total energy input of the facility during the l2-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy or any calendar year thereafter. lnformation Required for Small Power Production Facility lf you indicated in line 1k that you are seeking qualifying small power production facility status for your facility, then you must to the items on this 10. o v FERC Form 556 Page 1l - Cogeneration Facilities Pursuant to l8 C.F.R. 5 292.2021c1, a cogeneration facllity produces electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) used for industrial, commercial, heating, or cooling purposes, through the sequential useofenergy. PursuanttotSC.F.R.$292.202(s),"sequential use"ofenergymeansthefollowing:(l)foratopping- cycle cogeneration facility, the use of reject heat from a power production process in sufficient amounts ln a thermal application or process to conform to the requirements of the operating standard contained in l8 C.F.R. 5 292,205(a); or (2) for a bottoming<ycle cogeneration facility. the use of at least some reject heat from a thermal application or process for power production. lOa What type(s) of cogeneration technology does the facility represent? (check all that apply) ll Topping-cycle cogeneration 1_l Bottoming-cycle cogeneratlon Co c, g.E 9., Eotrrrb (EtF ocoL, 10b To help demonstrate the sequential operation of the cogeneration process, and to support compliance with other requlrements such as the operating and efficiency standards, include with your filing a mass and heat balance diagram depicting average annual operating conditions. This diagram must include certain items and meet certaln requirements, as described below. You must check next to the description of each requirement below to certiry that you have complied with these requirements. Checkto certifu compllance with indicated requirement Requirement I Diagram must show orientation within system piping and/or ducts of all prime moverl heat recovery steam generators, boilers, electric generators, and condensers (as applicable), as well as any other primary eguiprnent relevant to the cogeneration process. Any average annual values required to be reported in lines 1 0b, 1 2a, I 3a, 1 3b, 1 3d, 1 3f, 14a, I 5b. I 5d and/or 1 5f must be computed over the anticipated hours of operation. Dlagram must speclffall fuel inputs byfuel type and average annual rate in Btu/h. Fuel for supplementary firlng should be specified separately and clearly labeled. All speciflcations of fuel lnputs should use lower heating values. Diagram must specifr average gross electric output in kW or MW for each generator. Diagram must specifo average mechanical output (that is, any mechanical energy taken off of the shaft of the prime movers for purposes not dlrectly related to electric power generation) in horsepower, if any. Typically, a cogeneration fucility has no mechanical output. At each point for which working fluid flow conditions are required to be speciffed (see below), such flow conditaon data must lnclude mass flow rate (in lb/h or kg/s), temperature (in'F, R, "C or K), absolute pressure (ln psia or kPa) and enthalpy (ln 8tu/lb rrr kJ/kg). Exceptlon: For systems where the worklng fluid ls llquid only \no vapor at any point ln the cycle) and where the type of llquid and speciflc heat of that liquid are clearly lndicated on the diagram or in the Miscellaneous section startlng on page 19, only mass flow rate and temperature (not pressure and enthalpy) need be specified. For reference, specific heat at standard condltions for pure liquid water is approximately 1.002 Btu/ (lb*R) or 4.1 95 U/(kg*K). Diagram must specify working fluid flow conditions at input to and output from each steam turbine or other expansion turbine or back-pressure turbine. Diagram must speciff working fluid flow conditions at delivery to and return from each thermal application. Diagram must specifo working fluid flow conditions at make-up water inputs, t. I lnformation Required for Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line I k that you are seeking qualifying cogeneration facility status for your facility, then you must respond to the items on 13, Otherwise,ll h 13.t1 q o FERC Form 556 Page 12 - Cogeneration Facilities 0o q B f, €, EPAct 2005 cogeneration facilities: The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) established a new section 2l 0(n) of the Public Utllity Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), l6 USC 824a-3(n), with additional requirements for any qualifoing cogeneration facllitythat (1) is seeking to sellelectric energy pursuant to section 210 of PURPA and (2) was either not a cogeneration facility on August 8, 2005, or had not filed a self-certification or application for Commission certification of QF status on or before February 1, 2006. These requirements were implemented by the Commission in 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(d). Complete the lines below, carefully following the instructions, to demonstrate whether these additional requirements apply to your cogeneration facility and, if so, whether your facility complies with such requirements. Ita WasyourfacilityoperatingasaqualifoingcogenerationfacilityonorbeforeAugustS,2005? Yes;l Noi,ll t 1b Was the lnltial filing seeking certification of your facility (whether a notice of self-certification or an application for Commission certification) filed on or before February 1, 2006? Yes No lftheanswertoeitherlinellaorllbisYes,thencontlnueatllnellcbelow. Othenarise,iftheanswerstobothlines I I a and I I b are No, skip to line 1 1e below, I lc With respect to the design and operation of the facility, have any changes been implemented on or after February 2,2006 that affect general plant operation, affe(t use ofthermal output, and/or increase net power production capacity from the plant's capacity on February l, 2006? i_] Yes (continue at line 11d below) No. Your facility is not subject to the requirements of 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d) at this time. However, it may be r--l subject to to these requirements in the future if changes are made to the facility. At such time, the applicant would need to recertifu the facility to determine eligibility. Skip lines 1 1d through 1 lJ. I td Does the applicant contend that the changes identified in line 1 I c are not so signlficant as to make the facility a nnew' cogenention facility that would be subject to the l8 C.F.R. S 292.2O5(d) cogeneration requirements? Yes. Provide in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 a descrlption of any relevant changes made to l- _1 the facility (including the purpose of the changes) and a discussion of why the facility should not be considered a nnew" cogeneration facility in light of these changes. Skip lines 1 1 e through 'l I j. No. Appllcant stipulates to the fact that lt is a 'new" cogeneration facllity (for purposes of determining the ' -l applicability of the requirements of l8 C.F.R. S 292.205(d)) by virtue of modifications to the facility that were initiated on or after February 2,2006. Continue below at line 11e. I le Will electric energy from the facility be sold pursuant to section 210 of PUBPA? , , Yes. The facility is an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility. You must demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. St- | zgz.zosldX2) by continuing at line 1 lf below. No. Applicant certlfies that energy will not be sold pursuant to section 210 of PURPA. Applicant also certifies its understanding that it must recerti[, its faclllty ln order to determine compliance with the requirements of l8 C.F.R, S 292.205(d) before selling energy pursuant to section 210 of PURPA in the future. Skip lines 1 1f through 1lj. :--l SEJ'FE=PUC(Eo lJ-Ec.l,OEEco,iP 88.',nQ?,vOEtroOG.! +,ff,uo-AE frdoo)Nbfic<.vftE I tf ls the net power production capacity of your cogeneration facility, as indicated in line 79 above, less than or equalto 5,000 kW? Yes, the net power production capacity is less than or equal to 5,000 kW. 1 8 C.F.R. S 292.205(d)(41provides a rebuttable presumption that cogeneration facilities of 5,000 kW and smaller capacity comply with the requirements for fundamental use of the facility's energy output in l8 C.F.R. S 292.205(dX2). Applicant certifies its understandlng that, should the power production capacity of the facility increase above 5,000 kW, then the facility must be recertifled to (among other things) demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2). Sklp lines 119 through 11j. No, the net power production capacity is greater than 5,000 kW. Demonstrate compliance with the- requirements for fundamental use of the facility's energy output in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2) by continuing on the neK page at line I 1 g. FERC Form 555 Page l3 - Cogeneration Facilities E0)f qEJoEI' 6U E.tsf# tEEEebtcaoco) E8'=e rEEt- 8=O +r-NfuofauJEcuJ o Lines 1 1g through 1 1k below guide the applicant through the process of demonstrating compliance with the requirements for "fundamental use" of the facility's energy output. 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2). Only respond to the lines on this page if the instructions on the previous page direct you to do so. Otherwise, skip this page. I 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2) requires that the electrlcal, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facillty is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a qualifiing facility to its host facility. lf you were directed on the previous page to respond to the items on this page, then your facility is an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility that is subject to this "fundamental use. requirement. The Commission's regulations provide a two.pronged approach to demonstrating compliance with the requirements for fundamenta! use of the facility's energy output. First, the Commission has established in 1 8 C.F.R. S 292.205(dX3) a "fundamental use test" that can be used to demonstrate compliance with '18 C.F.R. S 292.205(dXZ). Under the fundamental use test, a facility is considered to comply with I I C.F.R. S 292.2O5(d)(21if at least 50 percent of the facility's total annual energy output (including electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy output) is used for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes. Second, an applicant for a facility that does not pass the fundamental use test may provide a narratlve explanation of and support for its contention that the facility nonetheless meets the requirement that the electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efflclency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a qualiffing facility to its host facility. Complete lines 1 1g through I lj below to determine compliance with the fundamental use test in 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(dX3). Complete lines 1 1 9 through llj even if you do not intend to rely upon the fundamental use test to demonstrate complionce with l8 C.F.R. S 292.205(d)(2). l lg Amount of electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy output (net of lnternal generation plant losses and parasitic loads) expected to be used annually for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and not sold to an electric utility MWh f t h Tota! amount of electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy expected to be sold to an electric utility MWh 1 I i Percentage of total annual energy output expected to be used for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and not sold to a utility =100*119/(1lq+1lh)O o/o I lf ls the response ln llne 1 1 i greater than or equal to 50 percent? Yes. Your facility complies with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2) by virtue of passing the fundamental use test provided in 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX3). Applicant certifies its understanding that, if it is to rely upon passing I I the fundamental use test as a basis for complying with 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(dX2), then the facility must comply with the fundamental use test both in the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility flrst produces electric energy, and in all subsequent calendar years. No. Your facility does not pass the fundamental use test. lnstead, you must provide ln the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 a narrative explanation of and support for why your facility meets the requirement that the electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a QF to its host facility. Applicants providing a narrative explanation of why their facility should be found to . , comply with l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2) in spite of non-compliance with the fundamental use test may want to review paragraphs 47 through 5'l of Order No.67'l (accessible from the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF), which provide discussion of the facts and circumstances that may support their explanation. Applicant should also note that the percentage reported above will establish the standard that that facility must comply with, both for the l2-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy, and ln all subsequent calendar years. See Order No, 671 at paragraph 51. As such, the applicant should make sure that it reports appropriate values on lines I 1g and 1 I h above to serve as the relevant annual standard, taking into account expected variations in production conditions. a FERC Form 556 Page 14 - Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities lnformation Required for Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line 10a that your facility represents topping-cycle cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the items on l4 and 15. Otherwise,l4and 15 oThe thermal energy output of a topping<ycle cogeneration facility is the net energy made available to an industrial or commercial process or used in a heating or cooling application. Pursuant to sections 292.202(cl, (d) and (h) of the Commission's regulations (1 8 C.F.R. 55 292.202(c), (d) and (h)), the thermal energy output of a qualiffing topping- cycle cogeneration facility must be useful. ln connection with this requirement, describe the thermal output of the topping<ycle cogeneration facility by responding to lines 12a and t 2b below. l2a ldentify and describe each thermal host, and specifu the annual average rate of thermal output made available to each host for each use. For hosts with multiple uses of thermal output, provide the data for each use rn seporate rows' Average annual rate of thermal output attributable to use (net of Name of entity (thermal host) Thermal host's relationship to facillty; heat contained ln process taking thermal output Thermal host's use of thermal output return or make-up water) thermal host's tor) thermal host's use of thermal Btu/h thermal host's rela to2) thermal host's use of thermal Select thermal host's rela to fac 3) 5elect thermal host's use of thermal lect thermal host's relati to faci thermal host's use of thernral ect thermal host's relations to faci s) Select thermal host's use of thernral ou lect thermal host's rela to lect thermal host's use of thermal Btu/h r..j Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9 if additional space ls needed o U UIo)t'esofoo rF(!oEulLtaAOEcF =otn f2b Demonstrationof usefulnessofthermal output Ataminimum,provideabriefdescriptionofeachuseofthe thermal output identified above. ln some cases, this brief description is sufficient to demonstrate usefulness. However, if your facility's use of thermal output is not common, andlor if the usefulness of such thermal output is not reasonably clear, then you must provide additional details as necessary to demonstrate usefulness. Your application may be rejected and/or additional information may be required if an insufficient showing of usefulness is made. (Exception: lf you have previously received a Commission certification approving a specific use of thermal output related to the instant faciliry then you need only provide a brief description of that use and a reference by date and docket number to the order certifuing your facility with the indicated use. Such exemption may not be used if any change creates a material deviation from the previously authorized use.) lf additional space is needed, continue in the Mlscellaneous section starting on page 19. FERC Form 556 Page 15 - Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities (r 0 o o tr/ Applicants for facilities representing topping-cycle technology must demonstrate compliance with the topping- cycle operating standard and, if applicable, efficiency standard. Section 292.2051a)(l) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(aXl )) establishes the operating standard fortopping-cycle cogeneration facilities: the useful thermal energy output must be no less than 5 percent of the total energy output. Section 292.205(aX2) (1 8 C.F.R. S 292.205(a)(2)) establishes the efficiency standard for topping-cycle cogeneration facilities for which installation commenced on or after March 13, 1980: the useful power output of the facility plus one-half the useful thermal energy output must (A) be no less than 42.5 percent ofthe total energy input of natural gas and oll to the facility; and (B) ifthe useful thermal energy output is less than 1 5 percent ofthe total energy output ofthe facility, benolessthan45percentof thetotal energyinputofnatural gasandoil tothefacility. Todemonstrate compliance with the topping-cycle operating andlor efficiency standards, or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard based on the date that installation commenced, respond to lines 13a through 131 below. lf you indicated in line l0a that your facility represents both topping-cycle and bottoming-cycle cogeneration technology, then respond to lines I 3a through 1 3l below considerlng only the energy inputs and outputs attributabletothetopping-cycleportionofyourfacility. Yourmassandheatbalancediagrammustmakeclear which mass and energy flow values and system components are for which portion (topping or bottoming) of the 13a lndicatetheannual averagerateofuseful thermal energyoutputmadeavailable heat contained in condensate return orto the host(s), net of water 1 3b lndicate the annual average rate of net electrical energy output KW 13c Multiply line 13b by 3,412 to convert from kW to Btu/h 13d Indicatetheannualaveragerateofmechanicalenergyoutputtakendirectlyoff of the shaft of a prime mover for purposes not directly related to power production (this value is usual zero)h 13e Multiply line l3d by 2,544to convert from hp to Btu/h 1 3f lndicate the annual average rate of energy input from natural gas and oil l3g Topping-cycle operating value = 100 t 13a /(13a + 13c + l3e) 0Yo 13h Topping-cycle efficiency value = 100 * (0.5*13a + 13c + l3e) /'l3f 13i Compliance with operating standard: ls the operatlng value shown in line 'l 39 greater than or equal to 5%? i -]Yes (complies with operating standard) 1 l No (does not comply with operating standard) l3j Did installation of the facility in its current form commence on or after March 13, 1980? ,- , Yes. Your facility is subJea to the efficlency requirements of l8 C.F.R. S 292.205(a)(2). Demonstrate ' r compliance with the efficiency requirement by responding to line 13k or 131, as applicable, below. Ll No. Your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard. Skip lines 13k and 131. l3k Compliance with efficlency standard (for low operating value): lf the operating value shown in line 139 is less than I 5%, then indicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 1 3h greater than or equal to 45%: Yes (complies with efficiency standard) No (does not comply with efficiency standard) Ecc(EO PE itru 8.8og *;x>VAo)cCO 6U &E l3l Compliance with efficiency standard (for high operating value): lf the operating value shown in line 1 39 is greater than or equal to 15%, then indicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 13h is greater than or equal to 42.50,6: iYes (complies with efficiency standard) -l No (does not comply with efficiency standard) FERC Form 556 Page I6 - Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities lnformation Required for Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line I 0a that your facility represents bottoming<ycle cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the items on 16 and 17. Otherwlse,'I 6 and 17. oThe thermal energy output of a bottoming-cycle cogeneration facllity is the energy related to the process(es) from which at least some of the reject heat is then used for power production. Pursuant to sectlons 292.202(c) and (e) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R.5 292.202(c) and (e)), the thermal energy output of a qualifying bottoming- cycle cogeneration facility must be useful. ln connection with this requirement, describe the process(es) from which at least some of the reject heat is used for power production by responding to lines 14a and 14b below. ltta ldentif and describe each thermal host and each bottoming<ycle cogeneration process engaged in by each host. For hosts with multiple bottoming-cycle cogeneration processes, provide the data for each process rn seporoterows' Has the energy input to Name of entity (thermal host) the thermal host been performing the process from augmented for purposes which at least some of the of increasing power reject heat is used for power Thermal host's relationship to facility; production capacity?production Thermal host's process type (if Yes, describe on p. 19) lect thermal host's relationshi to facil1) thermal host's Yesfj Noi j elect thermal host's relationshi to facili 2) thermal host's No l--;Yes i t thermal host's relationshi to facility3) thermal host's rocess e Yes t- I No t_j [-l Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 1 9 if additional space is needed -gu UIcD troo= E9rl(Et-CoturOrrt eOEC, =ornf 1{b Demonstrationof usefulnessofthermal output Atamlnimum,provideabriefdescriptionofeachprocess identifled above. ln some caset this brief description is sufficient to demonstrate usefulness. However, if your facility's process is not common , and/or if the usefulness of such thermal output is not reasonably clear, then you must provide additional details as necessary to demonstrate usefulness. Your application may be rejected and/or additional information may be required if an insufficient showlng of usefulness is made. (Exception: lf you have previously received a Commlsion certification approving a specific bottoming-cycle process related to the instant facility, then you need only provide a brief description of that process and a reference by date and docket number to the order certifring your facility with the indicated process. Such exernption may not be used if any material changes to the process have been made.) lf additional space is needed, continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. Applicants for facilities representing bottomingrcycle technology and for which installation commenced on or after March 13, 1990 must demonstrate compliance with the bottoming-cycle efficiency standards. Section 292.205(b) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R.5 292.205(b)) establishes the efficiency standard for bottoming-cycle cogeneration facilities: the useful power output of the facility must be no less than 45 percent of the energy input of natural gas and oil for supplementary firing. To demonstrate compliance with the bottoming-cycle efficiency standard (if applicable), or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from this standard based on the date that installation of the facillty began, respond to lines t 5a through 15h below. lf you indicated in line 1 0a that your facility represents both topping-cycle and bottoming-cycle cogeneration technology, then respond to lines 15a through l5h below considering only the energy inputs and outputs attributable to the bottoming-cycle portion of your facility. Your mass and heat balance diagram must make clear which mass and energy flow values and system components are for which portion of the cogeneration system (topping or bottoming). l5a DidinstallationofthefacilityinitscurrentformcommenceonorafterMarchl3, 1980? , , Yes. Your facility is subject to the efficiency requlrement of 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(b). Demonstrate compliance' ' with the efficiency requirement by responding to lines 15b through l5h below. L I No. Your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard. Skip the rest of page 1 7. lndicate the annual average rate of net electrlcal energy outputI KW 15c Multiply line 15b by 3,412 to convert from kW to Btu/tr Bt I 5d lndicate the annual average rate of mechanical energy output taken directly off of the shaft of a prime moverfor purposes not directly related to power production (this value is usually zerQ h 1 5e Multiply line 1 5d by 2,544 to convert from hp to Btu/h Bt 15f lndicate the annual average rate of supplementary energy input from natural gas or oil Btu/h l59 Bottoming-cycle efficiency value = 100 * (l 5c + 'l 5e) / 1 5f :oc 3E.=(o+r:(EJSL'EE ^* \J;g F*-Ol lJcc'=o LL' 5 rJ.r 6 l5h Compliance with efficiency standard: lndicate below whether the efficlency value shown in line 1 59 is greater than or equal to 45%: ;_l Yes (complies with efficiency standard) [ No (does not comply with efficiency standard) FERC Form 556 Page l7 - Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities g I s a FERC Form 556 Page 18 - All Facilities Certificate of Completeness, Accuracy and Authority Appllcant must certifr compliance with and understanding of filing requirements by checking next to each item below and signingatthebottomofthissection. FormswithlncompleteCertificatesofCompletenestAccuracyandAuthorltywill be reJected by the Secretary of the Commission. Signer identified below certifles the following: (check all items and applicable subitems) He or she has read the filing, including any information contalned in any attached documents, such as cogeneration I mass and heat balance diagrams, and any inforrnation contained in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19, and knows its contents. He or she has provided all of the required information for certification, and the provided information is true as stated, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief. He or she possess full power and authority to sign the filing; as required by Rule 2005(aX3) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. S 385.2005(aX3)), he or she is one of the following: (check one) ! The penion on whose behalf the filing is made ! An officer of the corporation, trust, association, or other organlzed group on behalf of which the filing is made - An officer, agent, or employe of the governmental authority, agency, or instrumentality on behalf of which theu filing is made - ArepresentativequalifiedtopracticebeforetheCommissionunderRule210loftheCommission'sRulesof6 Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. S 385.2101) and who possesses authority to sign x He or she has reviewed allautomatic calculations and agrees with their results, unless othennrise noted in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. He or she has provided a copy of this Form 556 and all attachments to the utilities with which the facility will interconnect and transact (see lines 4a through 4d), as well as to the regulatory authorities of the states in whlch the facility and those utilities reside. See the Required Notice to Public Utilities and State Regulatory Authorities section on page 3 for more information. Provide your signature, address and signature date below. Rule 2005(c) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (,l8 C.F.R, 5 385.2005(c)) provides that persons filing thelr documents electronically may use typed characters representing hls or her name to sign the filed documents. A person filing this document electronically should sign (by typing his or her name) in the space provided below. Your Signature Your address 515 N, 27Lh SE.reeE Boise, ID 83702 Date Audit Notes Commission Staff Use Only: FERC Form 556 Page l9 - All Facilities Miscellaneous Use thls space to provide any information for which there was not sufficient space in the previous sections of the form to provide. Foreachsuchitemof information cleorlyidentifythelinenumberthattheinformationbelongsto. Youmayalsouse this space to provide any additional information you believe is relevant to the certification of your facility. Your response below is not limited to one page. Additional page(s) wlll automatically be inserted into this form if the length of your response exceeds the space on this page. Use as many pages as you require. The original Form 556 incorrectly ]isted the latitude and longitude coordinates in Paragraph 3c as West 114.600 North 42.206. lhe correct latitude and longitude coordinates are West 114 . 602 Nortl^r 42.192. o?F(E(\I 14trl R (f, Ftr I (D F.j v)(firt(nI F atE T (D#P IK rt tn(\I 14G'CIN' @FJftAI qo6 q 0adtf\! rt(',(o Cf FT T NT (E;E (\I g) GI(\I tr, tri (3o oo CIei oEi oEiffiw3trtootritr,o oo (:ld oo CIo trto tr Ei trto trtri oo tro C'o trttri c,o oo oo oo C'triNffiBo Ei tr E; oo CI(f oo oo oo tro oo cftri oo oo C'oFE flCTN&$flo oo c, Ei oc;oo oEi trd Eo oEi CIoRW3odtrCioooe trtri otri cto tro tr E; oo a:,FGI t$t('!=m3 ocl oo (r) E ouifr)(o=ffi= tr,o o <.io(\I (E' tdo+(') F !ttri rl lncitdtf (v,tG'it (I, oln u? t Gi6t (E' @glfttln rl .\I rdtl fr)$i.DFln tl! (f,ct6* F <'i(oFll) N tttsrf g, Fll')o, rn 0l:'FF1r, Eitr't\l(o E' aitl, riNI(\t IE' t C'Ff (f) fo lII E C'Ei iflE;il c.l rtr) F 0.)'.ffi= rlnIJ'-"ffi=(:,o oo E'Ei $T(riCI oo oo C'o C'Ei F il to 0.)(f,F"lffi= tro trtEi oo oo oo oo oo oci*$11$3 oo c,Ei oe (f E; C}o Io oo '[:.HE trto trEi C}o oEi trtri oo tro trEi C}o oo oC'ifrs tro oo oci o6 c,E C' tri oo otf o Ei C' E; E'o CId oo otri*HfrIE oo E}o Eo od cltr;oB c,cf tr, E; Eo oo oci ..Jq n')!O tr,Ei-ffilil8 oo igfl.. q gI.C trtri f,$sn s,$ qoo tr,o G ,gi 4.,lr oE; w" trE E'e,F' ffi@ oIC E'ci anWg:i tro- trtr; M cI oo 'G r5 I.) trtrt ffi ,{d4 g E'Ei ;$ to- E'ciillfii oIo sIIEi o I)E EII-i o aI>-glt.E rfll\llxlGill{l clo aa 0,) Ec)c)lrh0 ao) cla >.bI)ti0,)trrqx oGIfr{ bI)tr ,h GI)o c.lr- C))€o) oa L- =o)E.!o.l Fho iict'=66aPXEhooLKoOrr!5 to)Htr!v o)fJ. U BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-17-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTAGHMENT 5 BLACK MESA ENERGY, LLC Walke Donovan Subject:RE: Black Mesa Energy pricing request- resubmitted after email bounced back From: Brian Lynch [mailto:Brian@mezzdev.coml Sent: Saturday, February tL,2Ot7 5:11 PM To: Da rrington, M ichael <M Da rrington @ ida hopowe r.com> Cc: Bria n Lynch <Brian@mezzdev.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Black Mesa Energy pricing request- resubmitted after email bounced back Please find below the requested information from Schedule 73 and completed Qualifuing Facility Energy Sales Agreement Application to receive an indicative pricing proposal for the Black Mesa Energy Storage QF Project. Please let me know if there are any questions. Each of the items from Section I of the Contracting Procedures of Schedule 73 is responded to below: o Project Name: Black Mesa Energy, LLCo Location: Black Mesa Substation, King Hill, Idaho. Organization chart: Black Mesa Energy, LLC is wholly owned by MB MezzDev,LLCo Generation technology: Black Mesa Energy is an energy storage system Qualifying Facility that provides scheduled and dispatchable electricity. The storage system will receive 100% of input energy from renewable energy sources.. Maximum Capacity & Net Power: See attached FERC QFSelf-Certification Form 556, which quantifies these amounts.o Hourly production: Attached is an 8760 of power productiono Dispatch orders: The project will provide scheduled, dispatchable power output in forward looking time intervals ranging from 5-30 minutes pending final system design. Within these intervals Idaho Power may have the ability to downward adjust the output, subject to full compensation of potential output available.. Map of QF Location: See attached.o Anticipated COD: l2/l/2019r Permitting status: Conditional Use Permit Application to Elmore County has been prepared and is being submitted. No major obstacles are anticipated. All of the necessary local agencies will be engaged to provide comment and feedback on the proposed project. Building permits will be obtained prior to construction. There are currently no anticipated schedule impacts to the Q4 2019 COD due to permitting.. QF Status: A FERC Form 556 QF Self-Certification has been submitted, see attached.o Fuel type: The energy provided to Idaho Power will be 100% from the battery storage system. The system will be charged from a renewable energy source such as wind, solar, biomass, etc. Initial designs consist of a PV solar facility to charge the system.o Fuel source: Not applicable as the battery storage will be charged from a renewable source.o Interconnection: The project has prepared an SGIA interconnection application with supporting material and to be submitted in February 2017.r Contract term and rate option: 20-year term with "Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates" Within the next ten business days and pursuant to Section 1(b) please provide your written notice of any deficiencies in this request or, if there are no deficiencies, pursuant to Section 1(c) please provide Idaho Power's indicative pricing proposal. Walker Donovan Subject RE: Black Mesa Energy pricing request From: Brian Lynch tmaitto:OrianOmez Sent: Friday, February LO,2OL7 5:35 PM To: Allphin, Randy <RAllphin@idahopower.com>; Darrington, Michael <MDarrington@idahopower.com> Subject: IEXTERNAL] Black Mesa Energy pricing request Please find below the requested information from Schedule 73 and completed Qualifiing Facility Energy Sales Agreement Application to receive an indicative pricing proposal for the Black Mesa Energy Storage QF Project. Please let me know if there are any questions. Each of the items from Section I of the Contracting Procedures of Schedule 73 is responded to below; o Project Name: Black Mesa Enerry, LLCr Location: Black Mesa Substation, King Hill, Idaho. Organization chart: Black Mesa Energy, LLC is wholly owned by MB MezzDev,LLC. Generation technology: Black Mesa Energy is an energy storage system Qualifying Facility that provides scheduled and dispatchable electricity. The storage system will receive 100% of input energy from renewable energy sources.o Maximum Capacity & Net Power: See attached FERC QFSelf-Certification Form 556, which quantifies these amounts.o Hourly production: Attached is an 8760 of power productiono Dispatch orders: The project will provide scheduled, dispatchable power output in forward looking time intervals ranging from 5-30 minutes pending final system design. Within these intervals Idaho Power may have the ability to downward adjust the output, subject to full compensation of potential output available.. Map of QF Location: See attached.o Anticipated COD: l2ll/2019o Permitting status: Conditional Use Permit Application to Elmore County has been prepared and is being submitted. No major obstacles are anticipated. All of the necessary local agencies will be engaged to provide comment and feedback on the proposed project. Building permits will be obtained prior to construction. There are currently no anticipated schedule impacts to the Q4 2019 COD due to permitting.. QF Status: A FERC Form 556 QF Self-Certification has been submitted, see attached.o Fuel type: The energy provided to Idaho Power will be 100% from the battery storage system. The system will be charged from a renewable energy source such as wind, solar, biomass, etc. Initial designs consist of a PV solar facility to charge the system.o Fuel source: Not applicable as the battery storage will be charged from a renewable source.r Interconnection: The project has prepared an SGIA interconnection application with supporting material and to be submitted in February 2017.o Contract term and rate option: 20-year term with "Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates" Within the next ten business days and pursuant to Section 1(b) please provide your written notice of any deficiencies in this request or, if there are no deficiencies, pursuant to Section l(c) please provide Idaho Power's indicative pricing proposal. 1 ldaho Power Company LP.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. 73-9 SCHEDULE 73 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO (Continued) QUALIFYING FACILITY ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT APPLICATION ldaho Power Qualifying Facility (QF) contact information Mailing Address: Physical Address: Telephone number: E-MailAddress: IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,2015 Attn: Energy Contracts, P O Box 70 Boise, lD 83702 1221W.ldaho Street, Boise, lD 83703 208-388-6070 rallphin@idahopower. com Preamble and lnstructions All generation facilities that qualiff pursuant to ldaho Power Company Schedule 73 for a QF Energy Sales Agreement and wish to sell energy from their facility to ldaho Power must complete the following information and submit this Application by hand delivery, mail or E-mail to ldaho Power. Upon receipt of a complete Application, ldaho Power shall process this request for a QF Energy Sales Agreement pursuant to ldaho Power Company Schedule 73. Qualifying Facility I nformation Proposed Proiect Name of Facility:Black Mesa Enerqv Resource Type: (i.e. wind, solar, hydro, etc): Balterv Storaoe Facility Location: GPS Coordinates: W 115.18 N 42.91 Nearest City or landmark: Glenns Ferrv. ldaho Name of Facility:Black Mesa Enerov County and State: Elmore Gountv. ldaho Map of Facility, including proposed interconnection point. (See Attached.l Anticipated commencement date of energy deliveries to ldaho Power: October 1.20',,9 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 OriqinalSheet No. 73-9 SCHEDULE 73 COGENERATION AND SMALL POWER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - IDAHO QUALIFYING FACILITY ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT APPLICATION (Continued) Facility Nameplate Capacity Rating (kW)20.000 Facility Maximum Output Capacity (kW):20.000 Station Service Requirements (kW)7.000 Facility Net Delivery to ldaho Power (kW):20.000 Facility interconnection status: Pendino Proposed Contracting Term (cannot exceed 20 years): 20 vears Requested Rate Option (details provided in Schedule 73): Rate Option No.4. "Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates" Does the Facility have the ability to respond to dispatch orders from ldaho Power Company (Yes or No):Yes Please include the following attachments: ./ Hourly estimated energy deliveries (kW) to ldaho Power for every hour of a one year period Attached. { List of acquired and outstanding Qualifying Facility permits, including a description of the status and timeline for acquisition of any outstanding permits. Conditional Use Permit Application to Elmore Gountv has been prepared and is beinq submifted. No maior obstacles are anticipated. All of the necessarv local aoencies will be enqaoed to provide comment and feedback on the proposed proiect. Buildinq permits will be obtained prior to construction. There are currentlv no anticipated schedule imoacts to the Q4 2019 COD due to permittinq. o At the minimum a FERC issued QF certificate/self-certification is required and/or evidence that Facility will be able to obtain a Qualifying Facility certificate. FERC Form 556 is attached. / lf the Facility will require fuel be transported to the Facility (i.e. naturalgas pipelines, railroad IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1, 2015 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho transportation, etc), evidence of ability to obtain sufficient transportation rights to operate the Facility at the stated Maximum Output Amount. N/A{ lf the Facility will not be interconnecting directly to the ldaho Power electrical system, evidence that the Facility will be able to interconnect to another utility's electrical system and evidence that the Facility will be able to obtain firm transmission rights over all required transmission providers to deliver the Facility's energy to ldaho Power. N/A Owner lnformation Owner / Company Name: Black Mesa Enerov. LLC Contact Person: Brian Lvnch. Manaoer Address: P.O. Box 2731 City: State: Zip: Palos Verdes. CA 90274 Telephone: 3l 0-750-7796 E-mail: brian@mezzdev.com Applicant Signature I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all information provided in this Qualifuing Facility Energy Sales Agreement application is true and correct. lsl Signature Brian Lvnch Print Name IDAHO lssued per Order No. 33197 Effective - January 1,20'15 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West ldaho Street, Boise, ldaho Form 556 FEDERALENERGYREGULATORYCOMMISSION oMBControl#1e02-007s WASHINGToN,DCExpiration06/30/2019 Certification of Qualifying Facility (QF) Status for a Small Power Production or Cogeneration Facility General Questions about completing this form should be sent to Form556@ferc.gov. lnformation about the Commission's QF program, answers to frequently asked questions about QF requirements or completing this form, and contact information for QF program staff are available at the Commission's QF website, www.ferc.gov/QF. The Commission's QF website also provides link to the Commission's QF regulations (18 C.F.R. 5 1 31 .80 and Part 2921, as well as other statutes and orders pertaining to the Commission's QF program. Who Must File Any applicant seeking QF status or recertification of QF status for a generating facility with a net power production capacity (as determined in lines 7a through 79 below) greater than 1000 kW must file a self-certification or an application for Commission certification of QF status, which includes a properly completed Form 556. Any applicant seeking QF status for a generating facility with a net power production capacity 1000 kW or less is exempt from the certification requirement, and is therefore not required to complete or file a Form 556. See l8 C.F.R. 5 292.203. How to Complete the Form 556 This form is intended to be completed by responding to the items in the order they are presented, according to the instructions given. lf you need to back-track, you may need to clear certain responses before you will be allowed to change other responses made previously in the form. lf you experience problems, click on the nearest help button ( S ) for assistance, or contact Commission staff at Form556@ferc.gov. Certain lines in this form will be automatically calculated based on responses to previous lines, with the relevant formulas shown. You must respond to all of the previous lines within a section before the results of an automatically calculated field will be displayed. lf you disagree with the results of any automatic calculation on this form, contact Commission staff at Form556@ferc.gov to discuss the discrepancy before filing. You must complete all lines in this form unless instructed otherwise. Do not alter this form or save this form in a different format. lncomplete or altered forms, or forms saved in formats other than PDF, will be rejected. How to File a Completed Form 556 Applicants are required to file their Form 556 electronically through the Commission's eFiling website (see instructions on page 2). By filing electronically, you will reduce your filing burden, save paper resources, save postage or courier charges, help keep Commission expenses to a minimum, and receive a much faster confirmation (via an email containing the docket number assigned to your facility) that the Commission has received your filing. lf you are simultaneously filing both a waiver request and a Form 556 as part of an application for Commission certification, see the "Waiver Requests" section on page 3 for more information on how to file. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice This form is approved by the Office of Management and Budget. Compliance with the information requirements established by the FERC Form No. 556 is required to obtain or maintain status as a QF. See 1 8 C.F.R. 5 131 .80 and Part 292. An agenry may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The estimated burden for completing the FERC Form No.556, including gathering and reporting information, is as follows: 3 hours for self-certification of a small power production facility, 8 hours for self-certifications of a cogeneration facility, 6 hours for an application for Commission certification of a small power production facility, and 50 hours for an application for Commission certification of a cogeneration facility. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the following: lnformation Clearance Officer, Office of the Executive Director (ED-32), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, S88 First Street N.E., Washington, DC20426 (DataClearancecaferc.gov); and Desk Officer for FERC, Office of lnformation and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503 (oira submission@omb.eop.oov). lnclude the Control No. '1902-0075 in any correspondence. FERC Form 556 Page2 - lnstructions Electronic Filing (eFiling) To electronically file your Form 556, visit the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF and click the eFiling link. lf you are eFiling your first document, you will need to register with your name, email address, mailing address, and phone number. lf you are registering on behalf of an employer, then you will also need to provide the employer name, alternate contact name, alternate contact phone number and and alternate contact email. Once you are registered, log in to eFiling with your registered email address and the password that you created at registration. Follow the instructions. When prompted, select one of the following QF-related filing types, as appropriate, from the Electric or General filing category. Filing category Filing Type as listed in eFiling Description Electric (Fee) Application for Commission Cert. as Cogeneration QF Use to submit an application for Commission certification or Commission recertification of a cogeneration facility as a QF. (Fee) Application for Commission Cert. as Small Power QF Use to submit an application for Commission certification or Commission recertification of a small power production facility as a QF. Self-Certification Notice (QF, EG, FC) Use to submit a notice of self- certifi cation of your facility (cogeneration or small power production) as a QF. Self-Recertification of Qualifyi ng Facility (QF) Use to submit a notice of self- recertification of you r facil ity (cogeneration or small power production) as a QF. Supplemental lnformation or Request Use to correct or supplement a Form 556 that was submitted with errors or omissions, or for which Commission staff has requested additional information. Do not use this filing type to report new changes to a facility or its ownership; rather, use a self- recertification or Commission recertification to report such changes. General (Fee) Petition for Declaratory Order (not under FPA Part 'l) Use to submit a petition for declaratory order granting a waiver of Commission QF regulations pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 55 292.204(a) (31 and/or 292.205(c). A Form 556 is not required for a petition for declaratory order unless Commission recertification is being requested as part of the petition. You will be prompted to submit your filing fee, if applicable, during the electronic submission process. Filing fees can be paid via electronic bank account debit or credit card. During the eFiling process, you will be prompted to select your file(s) for upload from your computer. FERC Form 556 Page 3 - lnstructions Filing Fee No filing fee is required if you are submitting a self-certification or self-recertification of your facility as a QF pursuant to 1 8 C.F.R.5 292.207(a). A filing fee is required if you are filing either of the following: (1 ) an application for Commission certification or recertification of your facility as a QF pursuant to 1 8 C.F.R. S 292.207(b), or (2) a petition for declaratory order granting waiver pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 55 292.204(a)(3) and/or 292.205(c). The current fees for applications for Commission certifications and petitions for declaratory order can be found by visiting the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF and clicking the Fee Schedule link. You will be prompted to submit your filing fee, if applicable, during the electronic filing process described on page 2. Required Notice to Utilities and State Regulatory Authorities Pursuant to l8 C.F.R. 5 292.207(a)(ii), you must provide a copy of your self-certification or request for Commission certification to the utilities with which the facility will interconnect and/or transact, as well as to the State regulatory authorities of the states in which your facility and those utilities reside. Link to information about the regulatory authorities in various states can be found by visiting the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/OF and clicking the Notice Requirements link. What to Expect From the Commission After You File An applicant filing a Form 556 electronically will receive an email message acknowledging receipt of the filing and showing the docket number assigned to the filing. Such email is typically sent within one business day, but may be delayed pending confirmation by the Secretary of the Commission of the contents of the filing. An applicant submitting a self-certification of QF status should expect to receive no documents from the Commission, other than the electronic acknowledgement of receipt described above. Consistent with its name, a self-certification is a certification by the applicant itse/f that the facility meets the relevant requirements for QF status, and does not involve a determination by the Commission as to the status of the facility. An acknowledgement of receipt of a self-certification, in particular, does not represent a determination by the Commission with regard to the QF status of the facility. An applicant self-certifying may, however, receive a rejection, revocation or deficiency letter if its application is found, during periodic compliance reviews, not to comply with the relevant requirements. An applicant submitting a request for Commission certification will receive an order either granting or denying certification of QF status, or a letter requesting additional information or rejecting the application. Pursuant to l8 C.F.R. 5 292.207(bX3), the Commission must act on an application for Commission certification within 90 days of the later of the filing date of the application or the filing date of a supplement, amendment or other change to the application. Waiver Requests 18 C.F.R. 5 292.2O4(a)(3) allows an applicant to request a waiver to modifo the method of calculation pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 5 292.2Oab)Q)todetermineiftwofacilitiesareconsideredtobelocatedatthesamesite,forgoodcause.'18C.F.R.5292.205(c) allows an applicant to request waiver of the requirements of 1 8 C.F.R. 55 292.205(a) and (b) for operating and efficiency upon a showing that the facility will produce significant energy savings. A request for waiver of these requirements must be submitted as a petition for declaratory order, with the appropriate filing fee for a petition for declaratory order. Applicants requesting Commission recertification as part of a request for waiver of one of these requirements should electronically submit their completed Form 556 along with their petition for declaratory order, rather than filing their Form 556 as a separate request for Commission recertification. Only the filing fee for the petition for declaratory order must be paid to cover both the waiver request and the request for recertification if such requests ore made simultoneously. 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.203(dX2) allows an applicant to request a waiver of the Form 556 filing requirements, for good cause. Applicants filing a petition for declaratory order requesting a waiver under 18 C.F.R. S 292.2O3(d)(2) do not need to complete or submit a Form 556 with their petition. FERC Form 556 Page 4 - lnstructions Geog raphic Coordinates lf a street address does not exist for your facility, then line 3c of the Form 556 requires you to report your facility's geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). Geographic coordinates may be obtained from several different sources. You can find links to online services that show latitude and longitude coordinates on online maps by visiting the Commission's QF webpage at www.ferc.gov/OF and clicking the Geographic Coordinates link. You may also be able to obtain your geographic coordinates from a GPS device, Google Earth (available free at http://earth.google.com), a property survey, various engineering or construction drawings, a property deed, or a municipal or county map showing property lines. Filing Privileged Data or Critical Energy !nfrastructure lnformation in a Form 556 The Commission's regulations provide procedures for applicants to either (1) request that any information submitted with a Form 556 be given privileged treatment because the information is exempt from the mandatory public disclosure requirements of the Freedom of lnformation Act, 5 U.S.C. 5 552, and should be withheld from public disclosure; or (2) identify any documents containing critical energy infrastructure information (CEll) as defined in 18 C.F.R. S 388.1 13 that should not be made public. lf you are seeking privileged treatment or CEll status for any data in your Form 556, then you must follow the procedures in 'l 8 C.F.R. 5 388.1 12. See www.ferc.gov/helplfiling-guide/file-ceii.asp for more information. Among other things (see 18 C.F.R. 5 388.1 12 for other requirements), applicants seeking privileged treatment or CEll status for data submitted in a Form 556 must prepare and file both (1 ) a complete version of the Form 556 (containing the privileged and/or CEll data), and (2) a public version of the Form 556 (with the privileged and/or CEll data redacted). Applicants preparing and filing these different versions of their Form 556 must indicate below the security designation of this version of their document. lf you are not seeking privileged treatment or CEll status for any of your Form 556 data, then you should not respond to any of the items on this page. Non-Public Applicant is seeking privileged treatment and/or CEll status for data contained in the Form 556 lines ! indicated below. This non-public version of the applicant's Form 556 contains all data, inctuding the data that is redacted in the (separate) public version of the applicant's Form 556. Public (redacted): Applicant is seeking privileged treatment and/or CEll status for data contained in the Form 556 lines ! indicated below. This public version of the applicants's Form 556 contains all data except for data from the lines indicated below, which has been redacted. Privileged: lndicate below which lines of your form contain data for which you are seeking privileged treatment Critical Energy lnfiastructure lnformation (CEll): lndicate below which lines of your form contain data for which you are seeking CEll status The eFiling process described on page 2 will allow you to identify which versions of the electronic documents you submit are public, privileged and/or CEll. The filenames for such documents should begin with "Public", "Priv", or "CEll", as applicable, to clearly indicate the security designation of the file. Both versions of the Form 556 should be unaltered PDF copies of the Form 556, as available for download from www.ferc.gov/QF. To redact data from the public copy of the submittal, simply omit the relevant data from the Form. For numerical fields, leave the redacted fields blank. For text fields, complete as much of the field as possible, and replace the redacted portions of the field with the word "REDACTED" in brackets. Be sure to identify above all fields which contain data for which you are seeking non-public status. The Commission is not responsible for detecting or correcting filer errors, including those errors related to security designation. lf your documents contain sensitive information, make sure they are filed using the proper security designation. FEDERAL ENERGY REGU LATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC OMB Control # 1902-0075 Expiration 06/30/2019 F o r m 5 56 ;:i:[il::::H:[Y:,'#::il,lQF) status for a sma, Power g w g w g w Co .E E o C Co {=(1, .L' E.o- 1a Full name of applicant (legal entity on whose behalf qualifying facility status is sought for this facility) Black Mesa Energy, LLC 1b Applicant street address P.O. Box 2731 1c City Pal-os Verdes 1d State/province CA le Postal code 9021 4 1f Country (if not United States)1g Telephone number 310-750-7796 th HastheinstantfacilityeverpreviouslybeencertifiedasaQF? Yes! No X 1i lf yes, provide the docket number of the last known QF filing pertaining to this facility: QF lj Under which certification process is the applicant making this filing? oo Notice of self-certification ,-- Application for Commission certification (requires filingK (r"" note below) U f""; see "Filing Fee" section on page 3) Note: a notice of self-certification is a notice by the applicant itself that its facility complies with the requirements for QF status. A notice of self-certification does not establish a proceeding, and the Commission does not review a notice of self-certification to veriff compliance. See the "What to Expect From the Commission After You File" section on page 3 for more information. 1k What type(s) of QF status is the applicant seeking for its facility? (check all that apply) f, Qualifying small power production facility status ! Qualifying cogeneration facility status ll What is the purpose and expected effective date(s) of this filing? f, Original certification; facility expected to be installed by 70 / I / 19 and to begin operation on 12 / 1. / 79 ! Change(s) to a previously certified facility to be effective on (identify type(s) of change(s) below, and describe change(s) in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19) ! Name change and/or other administrative change(s) ! Change in ownership I Change(s) affecting plant equipment, fuel use, power production capacity and/or cogeneration thermal output ! Supplement or correction to a previous filing submitted on (describe the supplement or correction in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9) 1m lf any of the following three statements is true, check the box(es) that describe your situation and complete the form to the extent possible, explaining any special circumstances in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. ,-- The instant facility complies with the Commission's QF requirements by virtue of a waiver of certain regulationsu previously granted by the Commission in an order dated (specify any other relevant waiver orders in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19) ,-- The instant facility would comply with the Commission's QF requirements if a petition for waiver submittedu concurrently with this application is granted The instant facility complies with the Commission's regulations, but has special circumstances, such as the ! employment of unique or innovative technologies not contemplated by the structure of this form, that make the demonstration of compliance via this form difficult or impossible (describe in Misc. section starting on p. 19) FERC Form 556 Page6-AllFacilities €x w ffi w g €e co (o E o C l.J(o CoU 2a Name of contact person Brian Lynch 2b Telephone number 310-750-7796 2c Which of the following describes the contact person's relationship to the applicant? (check one) I Applicant (selfl [ Employee, owner or partner of applicant authorized to represent the applicant I Employee of a company affiliated with the applicant authorized to represent the applicant on this matter ! Lawyer, consultant, or other representative authorized to represent the applicant on this matter 2d Company or organization name (if applicant is an individual, check here and skip to line 2e) [ Bl-ack Mesa Energy, LLC 2e Street address (if same as Applicant, check here and skip to line 3a)[ 2f City 29 State/province 2h Postal code 2i Country (if not United States) C .9 (E l.Jo Ec(\, Co (o L,, {=Co! =.U (o lJ- 3a Facility name Black Mesa Energy 3b Street address (if a street address does not exist for the facility, check here and skip to line 3c)[ 3c Geographic coordinates: lf you indicated that no street address exists for your facility by checking the box in line 3b, then you must specify the latitude and longitude coordinates of the facility in degrees (to three decimal places). Use the following formula to convert to decimal degrees from degrees, minutes and seconds: decimal degrees = degrees + (minutes/60) + (seconds/3600). See the "Geographic Coordinates" section on page 4 for help. lf you provided a street address for your facility in line 3b, then speciffing the geographic coordinates below is optional. l-l East (+) Lonsitude fr w"rit_l 115.183 degrees . X North (+)Latrtude E south (-) 42 .909 degrees 3d City (if unincorporated, check here and enter nearest city) [ G1enns Ferry 3e State/province Idaho 3f County (or check here for independent city) I Elmore 39 Country (if not United States) .no : f o)C L,,(EtiC(o F ldentify the electric utilities that are contemplated to transact with the facility 4a ldentifo utility interconnecting with the facility Idaho Power Company 4b ldentify utilities providing wheeling service or check here if none I 4c ldentify utilities purchasing the useful electric power output or check here if none I Idaho Power Company 4d ldentify utilities providing supplementary power, backup power, maintenance power, and/or interruptible power service or check here if none I FERC Form 556 PageT-AllFacilities Co {=|\, oo-oEC((, o- =tn oC =o 5a Direct ownership as of effective date or operation date: ldentiff all direct owners of the facility holding at least 1 0 percent equity interest. For each identified owner, also (l ) indicate whether that owner is an electric utility, as defined in section 3(22) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(22)), or a holding company, as defined in section 1262(8) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 1 6451 (8)), and (2) for owners which are electric utilities or holding companies, provide the percentage of equity interest in the facility held by that owner. lf no direct owners hold at least 10 percent equity interest in the facility, then provide the required information for the two direct owners with the largest equity interest in the facility. Full I names of direct owners Electric utility or lf Yes,holding 7o equitycompany interest l) Me l4ezzDev, LLC Yes! No E looz 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) 't0) Yes! Yes ! Yes f Yes I Yes ! Yes I Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! No No No No No No No No No tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr 6 _z _z q q 6 _z I _% I Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 if additional space is needed 5b Upstream (i.e., indirect) ownership as of effective date or operation date: ldentifo all upstream (i.e., indirect) owners of the facility that both (1) hold at least 10 percent equity interest in the facility, and (2) are electric utilities, as defined in section 3(22) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(22)), or holding companies, as defined in section 1262(8)ofthePublicUtilityHoldingcompanyActof2005(42u.s.c.16451(8)). Alsoprovidethepercentageof equity interest in the facility held by such owners. (Note that, because upstream owners may be subsidiaries of one another, total percent equity interest reported may exceed 100 percent.) Check here if no such upstream owners exist. I Full legal names of electric ut or holding company upstream owners % equity interest 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) '10) 6 6 9 6 3 6 I z % I Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 'l 9 if additional space is needed 5c ldentifo the facility operator Bfack Mesa Energy, LLC w FERC Form 556 Page8-AllFacilities fo-C O) oCLU 6a Describe the primary energy input: (check one main category and, if applicable, one subcategory) ! Biomass (speci$ [ Renewable resources (specify) ! Geothermal I Landfillgas ! Hydro power- river I Fossilfuel(specify) ! Manure digester gas ! Hydro power - tidal [] Coal (not waste) ! Municipal solidwaste ! Hydropower-wave ! Fuel oil/diesel ! Sewage digester gas E Solar - photovoltaic ! Natural gas (not waste) E Wood E Solar-thermal O Otherfossilfuel ! other biomass (describe on page 19) ! Wind ' (describe on page 19) fl waste (specirytype berow in rine 6b) X At:fl,[:::f#:?]"'" ! other (describe on pase 'le) 6b lfyouspecified"waste"astheprimaryenergyinputinline6a,indicatethetypeofwastefuel used:(checkone) ! Waste fuel listed in 1 8 C.F.R. S 292.2O2(b) (specify one of the following) ! Anthracite culm produced prior to July 23, 1985 a- Anthracite refuse that has an average heat content of 6,000 Btu or less per pound and has an average " ash content of 45 percent or more ,- Bituminous coal refuse that has an average heat content of 9,500 Btu per pound or less and has anu average ash content of 25 percent or more Top or bottom subbituminous coal produced on Federal lands or on lndian lands that has been ,-- determined to be waste by the United States Department of the lnterior's Bureau of Land Management " (BLM) or that is located on non-Federal or non{ndian lands outside of BLM's jurisdiction, provided that the applicant shows that the latter coal is an extension of that determined by BLM to be waste Coal refuse produced on Federal lands or on lndian lands that has been determined to be waste by the E BLM or that is located on non- Federal or non-lndian lands outside of BLM's jurisdiction, provided that applicant shows that the latter is an eKension of that determined by BLM to be waste ,-- Lignite produced in association with the production of montan wax and lignite that becomes exposed - as a result of such a mining operation ! Gaseous fuels (except natural gas and synthetic aas from coal) (describe on page 1 9) Waste natural gas from gas or oil wells (describe on page l9 how the gas meets the requirements of 18 n C.F.R. 5 2.400 for waste natural gas; include with your filing any materials necessary to demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. S 2.400) ! Materials that a government agency has certified for disposal by combustion (describe on page 19) ! Heat from exothermic reactions (describe on page 19) ! Residual heat (describe on page 19) E Used rubber tires ! Plastic materials ! Refinery off-gas ! Petroleum coke Other waste energy input that has little or no commercial value and exists in the absence of the qualifying f] facility industry (describe in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19; include a discussion of thefuel's lack of commercial value and existence in the absence of the qualifying facility industry) 5c Provide the average energy input, calculated on a calendar year basis, in terms of Btu/h for the following fossil fuel energy inputs, and provide the related percentage of the total average annual energy input to the facility (1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.2O2(j)). For any oil or natural gas fuel, use lower heating value (18 C.F.R. 5 292.202(m)). Percentage oftotal Fuel annual en input Annual average energy input for specified fuel Natural gas 0 Btu/h 0% Oil-based fuels 0 Btu/h 0Vo Coal 0 Btu/h 0 o/o co (E E o c .='o (I, LL tE .UC Uo lndicate the maximum gross and maximum net electric power production capacity of the facility at the point(s) of delivery by completing the workheet below. Respond to all items. lf any of the parasitic loads and/or losses identified in lines 7b through 7e are negligible, enter zero for those lines. 7a The maximum gross power production capacity at the terminals of the individual generator(s) under the most favorable anticipated design conditions 21,000 kw 7b Parasitic station power used at the facility to run equipment which is necessary and integral to the power production process (boiler feed pumps, fans/blowers, office or maintenance buildings directly related to the operation of the power generating facility, etc.). lf this facility includes non- power production processes (for instance, power consumed by a cogeneration facility's thermal host) , do not include any power consumed by the non-power production activities in your reported parasitic station power.10 kw 7< Electrical losses in interconnection transformers 434 kw 7d Electrical losses in AC/DC conversion equipment, if any 920 kw 7e Other interconnection losses in power lines or facilities (other than transformers and AC/DC conversion equipment) between the terminals of the generator(s) and the point of interconnection with the utility 5,636 kw 7f Total deductions from gross power production capacity =7b + 7c + 7d + 7e r-,O0O.C kW 79 Maximum net power production capacity =7v-71 20, ooo. o kw 7h Description of facility and primary components: Describe the facility and its operation. ldentify all boilers, heat recovery steam generators, prime movers (any mechanical equipment driving an electric generator), electrical generators, photovoltaic solar equipment, fuel cell equipment and/or other primary power generation equipment used in the facility. Descriptions of components should include (as applicable) specifications of the nominal capacities for mechanical output, electrical output, or steam generation of the identified equipment. For each piece of equipment identified, clearly indicate how many pieces of that type of equipment are included in the plant, and which components are normally operating or normally in standby mode. Provide a description of how the components operate as a system. Applicants for cogeneration facilities do not need to describe operations of systems that are clearly depicted on and easily understandable from a cogeneration facility's attached mass and heat balance diagram; however, such applicants should provide any necessary description needed to understand the sequential operation of the facility depicted in their mass and heat balance diagram. lf additional space is needed, continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. The project consists of an energy storage system Qualifying Eacj-lity providing scheduled and dispatchable electricity in forward-looking time blocks. The energy storage system that comprises the energy storage Qualifying Eac111ty is desj-gned to, and wi11, receive 100% of its energy input from a comblnation of renewable energy sources such as wind, so1ar, biogas, biomass, etc. The current initiaf design utifizes solar photovoltaic (PV) modules mounted to single-axis trackers to provide the electric energy input to the Qualifying Eacilityrs battery storage system. The PV modules are planned to be connected in series/ paral1e1 combinations to solar inverters, rated approximately 2.5 MWac each, (subject to change). The proposed electric energy storage Qualifying Facility will consist of an el-ectro-chemlcal battery and will have a maximum power output capacity of 20 MWac for a sustained time period of 5 - 60 minutes. The Facility will consist of an afternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) control system. The Qualifying Facility will be utilized to provide the purchasing utility with pre-schedufed and dispatchable AC energy within pre-determined time blocks. The sole source of electric power and energy provided to the purchasi-ng utility will be the electro-chemicaf reaction giving rise to the discharge of electric power and energy by the battery. In turn, the sole direct source of energy input provided to the battery Eacility wiff be, as described above, renewable sources. FERC Form 556 Page9-AllFacilities $ FERC Form 556 Page 10 - Small Power Production oTJClE2 o.9 L(Eo.=L/trtts .=O -.1coo.N'{= (/l (1,.ut E'= a) LJ Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. I292.204(a),the power production capacity of any small power production facility, together with the power production capacity of any other small power production facilities that use the same energy resource, are owned by the same person(s) or its affiliates, and are located at the same site, may not exceed 80 megawatts. To demonstrate compliance with this size limitation, or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from this size limitation under the Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production Incentives Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-575, 104 Stat.2834 (1990) asomendedby Pub. L. 10246,105 Stat.249 (19911), respond to lines 8a through 8e below (as applicable). 8a ldentify any facilities with electrical generating equipment located within I mile of the electrical generating equipment of the instant facility, and for which any of the entities identified in lines 5a or 5b, or their affiliates, holds at least a 5 percent equity interest. Check here if no such facilities exist. I Facility location (city or county, state) Root docket # (if any)Common owner(s) Maximum net power production capacity 1)QF 2)QF KW KW KW3)QF ! Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page I 9 if additional space is needed 8b The Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production lncentives Act of 1990 (lncentives Act) provides exemption from the size limitations in '18 C.F.R. I292.2M(a) for certain facilities that were certified prior to 1995. Are you seeking exemption from the size limitations in 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.204(a) by virtue of the lncentives Act? ! Yes (continue at line 8c below) X No (skip lines Scthrough 8e) 8c Was the original notice of self-certification or application for Commission certification of the facility filed on or before December 31,1994? Yes ! No E 8d DidconstructionofthefacilitycommenceonorbeforeDecember3l,lggg? YesI No E 8e lf you answered No in line 8d, indicate whether reasonable diligence was exercised toward the completion of the facility, taking into account allfactors relevant to construction? Yes I No E lf you answered Yes, provide a brief narrative explanation in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 1 9 of the construction timeline (in particular, describe why construction started so long after the facility was certified) and the diligence exercised toward completion of the facility. o9LJik9 +E L'U =E;v,.ofrooufiEL o.=LJ= Pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 5 292.204(b), qualiffing small power production facilities may use fossil fuels, in minimal amounts, for only the following purposes: ignition; start-up; testing; flame stabilization; control use; alleviation or prevention of unanticipated equipment outages; and alleviation or prevention of emergencies, directly affecting the public health, safety, or welfare, which would result from electric power outages. The amount of fossilfuels used for these purposes may not exceed 25 percent of the total energy input of the facility during the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy or any calendar year thereafter. 9a CertificationofcompliancewithlSC.F.R.S292.204(b)withrespecttousesoffossil fuel: I Applicant certifies that the facility will use fossil fuels exclusivelyfor the purposes listed above. 9b Certification of compliance with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.204(b) with respect to amount of fossil fuel used annually: Applicant certifies that the amount of fossil fuel used at the facility will not, in aggregate, exceed 25 X percent of the total energy input of the facility during the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy or any calendar year thereafter. lnformation Required for Small Power Production Facility lf you indicated in line 1k that you are seeking qualiffing small power production facility status for your facility, then you must respond to the items on this page. Otherwise, skip page 10. g g FERC Form 556 Page 1 I - Cogeneration Facilities co (E gEoZo:otrrrb fEl? oCo(9 Pursuant to 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.202(c), a cogeneration facility produces electric energy and forms of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) used for industrial, commercial, heating, or cooling purposes, through the sequential useofenergy. Pursuantto18C.F.R.5292.2O2(s),"sequential use"ofenergymeansthefollowing:(1)foratopping- cycle cogeneration facility, the use of reject heat from a power production process in sufficient amounts in a thermal application or process to conform to the requirements of the operating standard contained in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.2O5(a); or (2) for a bottoming-cycle cogeneration facility, the use of at least some reject heat from a thermal application or process for power production. l0a What type(s) of cogeneration technology does the facility represent? (check all that apply) I Topping-cycle cogeneration ! Bottoming-cycle cogeneration 10b To help demonstrate the sequential operation of the cogeneration process, and to support compliance with other requirements such as the operating and efficiency standards, include with your filing a mass and heat balance diagram depicting average annual operating conditions. This diagram must include certain items and meet certain requirements, as described below. You must check next to the description of each requirement below to certify that you have complied with these requirements. Check to certifr compliance with indicated requirement Requirement Diagram must show orientation within system piping and/or ducts of all prime movers, heat recovery steam generators, boilers, electric generators, and condensers (as applicable), as well as any other primary equipment relevant to the cogeneration process. Any average annual values required to be reported in lines 1 0b, I 2a, 1 3a, 1 3b, 1 3d, 1 3f, 14a, 1 5b, 1 5d and/or I 5f must be computed over the anticipated hours of operation. Diagram must specify all fuel inputs by fuel type and average annual rate in Btu/h. Fuel for supplementary firing should be specified separately and clearly labeled. All specifications of fuel inputs should use lower heating values. Diagram must specifu average gross electric output in kW or MW for each generator. Diagram must specify average mechanical output (that is, any mechanical energy taken off of the shaft of the prime movers for purposes not directly related to electric power generation) in horsepower,if any. Typically, a cogeneration facility has no mechanical output. At each point for which working fluid flow conditions are required to be specified (see below), such flow condition data must include mass flow rate (in lb/h or kgls), temperature (in'F, R,'C or K), absolute pressure (in psia or kPa) and enthalpy (in Btu/lb or U/kg). Exception: For systems where the working fluid is liquid only {no vapor at any point in the cycle) and where the type of liquid and specific heat of that liquid are clearly indicated on the diagram or in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19, only mass flow rate and temperature (not pressure and enthalpy) need be specified. For reference, specific heat at standard conditions for pure liquid water is approximately 1.002 Btu/ (lb*R) or 4.1 95 kJl(kg*K). Diagram must speciff working fluid flow conditions at input to and output from each steam turbine or other expansion turbine or back-pressure turbine. Diagram must specify working fluid flow conditions at delivery to and return from each thermal application. Diagram must speci! working fluid flow conditions at make-up water inputs. tr lnformation Required for Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line 1 k that you are seeking qualifoing cogeneration facility status for your facility, then you must respond to the items on 11 through 13. Otherwise, skip pages 1 l through 13.g w FERC Form 556 Page i 2 - Cogeneration Facilities o €fr o w o ff -tE o= Cro(,, LLEC(oOE .r=C(E.i8bs EJoLtro o.t E f=oo-@=frdoo)Nbt"i c o-=LU \J EPAct 2005 cogeneration facilities: The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) established a new section 210(n) of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1 978 (PURPA), l6 USC 824a-3(n), with additional requirements for any qualiffing cogeneration facility that (1) is seeking to sell electric energy pursuant to section 210 of PURPA and (2) was either not a cogeneration facility on August 8,2005, or had not filed a self-certification or application for Commission certification of QF status on or before February 1, 2006. These requirements were implemented by the Commission in 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(d). Complete the lines below, carefully following the instructions, to demonstrate whether these additional requirements apply to your cogeneration facility and, if so, whether your facility complies with such requirements. 11a Was your facility operating as a qualifying cogeneration facility on or before August 8, 2005? Yes I No E 1 1 b Was the initial filing seeking certification of your facility (whether a notice of self-certification or an application for Commission certification) filed on or before February 1,2006? Yes ! N" I lf the answer to either line 1 1a or 1 1b is Yes, then continue at line I 1c below. Othenarise, if the answers to both lines I 1a and I 1b are No, skip to line 1 I e below. 11c With respect to the design and operation of the facility, have any changes been implemented on or after February 2, 2006 that affect general plant operation, affect use ofthermal output, and/or increase net power production capacity from the plant's capacity on February 1,2006? I Yes (continue at line 11d below) No. Your facility is not subject to the requirements of 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d) at this time. However, it may be ! subject to to these requirements in the future if changes are made to the facility. At such time, the applicant would need to recertiry the facility to determine eligibility. Skip lines 1 1d through 1 I j. 1 1d Does the applicant contend that the changes identified in line 1 1 c are not so significant as to make the facility a "new" cogeneration facility that would be subject to the 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(d) cogeneration requirements? Yes. Provide in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9 a description of any relevant changes made to E thefacility(includingthepurposeofthechanges)andadiscussionofwhythefacilityshouldnotbe consldered a "new" cogeneration facility in light of these changes. Skip lines 1 1 e through 1 I j. No. Applicant stipulates to the fact that it is a "new" cogeneration facility (for purposes of determining the I applicability of the requirements of 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(d)) by virtue of modifications to the facility that were initiated on or after February 2,2006. Continue below at line 1 1e. tle Will electricenergyfromthefacilitybesoldpursuanttosection2l0of PURPA? ,---, Yes. The facility is an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility. You must demonstrate compliance with l8 C.F.R. 5| 292.2O5(d)(2) by continuing at line 1 1f below. No. Applicant certifies that energy will not be sold pursuant to section 210 of PURPA. Applicant also certifies its understanding that it must recertifo its facility in order to determine compliance with the requirements of 18C.F.R.5292.205(d)beforesellingenergypursuanttosection2l0ofPURPAinthefuture. Skiplinesllf through 11j. l lf Is the net power production capacity of your cogeneration facility, as indicated in line 79 above, less than or equalto 5,ooo kW? Yes, the net power production capacity is less than or equal to 5,000 kW. l8 C.F.R. 5 292.2O5(d)(4) provides a rebuttable presumption that cogeneration facilities of 5,000 kW and smaller capacity comply with the ,--, requirements for fundamental use of the facility's energy output in l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d)(2). Applicantu certifies its understanding that, should the power production capacity of the facility increase above 5,000 kW, then the facility must be recertified to (among other things) demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d)(2). Skip lines 1 1g through 1 1j. No, the net power production capacity is greater than 5,000 kW. Demonstrate compliance with the I requirements for fundamental use of the facility's energy output in 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(dX2) by continuing on the next page at line 1 19. FERC Form 556 Page 13 - Cogeneration Facilities aof or .-E(n .-'_ Jo EJ] EUtrE(o';- EE tEEEfibCCOOcolI-nEU'=tr BEEr+lfr toxO +r*Nfuo*etruc LU o Lines 1 1g through 1 1k below guide the applicant through the process of demonstrating compliance with the requirements for "fundamental use" of the facility's energy output. 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2). Only respond to the lines on this page if the instructions on the previous page direct you to do so. Otherwise, skip this page. 1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2) requires that the electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a qualifying facility to its host facility. lf you were directed on the previous page to respond to the items on this page, then your facility is an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility that is subject to this "fundamental use" requirement. The Commission's regulations provide a two-pronged approach to demonstrating compliance with the requirements for fundamental use of the facility's energy output. First, the Commission has established in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX3) a "fundamental use test" that can be used to demonstrate compliance with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d)(2). Under the fundamental use test, a facility is considered to comply with 18 C.F.R. S 292.205(dX2) if at least 50 percent of the facility's total annual energy output (including electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy output) is used for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes. Second, an applicant for a facility that does not pass the fundamental use test may provide a narrative explanation of and support for its contention that the facility nonetheless meets the requirement that the electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a qualifying facility to its host facility. Complete lines I 1g through I 1j below to determine compliance with the fundamental use test in l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX3). Completelinesllgthroughlljevenifyoudonotintendtorelyuponthefundamental usetestto demonstrate compliance with l8 C.F.R.5 292.205(d)(2). 1l g Amount of electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy output (net of internal generation plant losses and parasitic loads) expected to be used annually for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and not sold to an electric utility MWh 11h Total amount of electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical energy expected to be sold to an electric utility MWh 1 1 i Percentage of total annual energy output expected to be used for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and not sold to a utility =100*119/(119+11h)a o/o 1 li ls the response in line 1 1i greater than or equal to 50 percent? Yes. Your facility complies with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.2O5(d)(2) by virtue of passing the fundamental use test provided in 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX3). Applicant certifies its understanding that, if it is to rely upon passing I the fundamental use test as a basis for complying with l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(d)(2), then the facility must comply with the fundamental use test both in the 12-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy, and in all subsequent calendar years. No. Your facility does not pass the fundamental use test. lnstead, you must provide in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 a narrative explanation of and support for why your facility meets the requirement that the electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical output of an EPAct 2005 cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, commercial, residential or institutional purposes and is not intended fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable thermal energy requirements, as well as state laws applicable to sales of electric energy from a QF to its host facility. Applicants providing a narrative explanation of why their facility should be found to I comply with 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(dX2) in spite of non-compliance with the fundamental use test may want to review paragraphs 47 through 61 of Order No. 671 (accessible from the Commission's QF website at www.ferc.gov/QF), which provide discussion of the facts and circumstances that may support their explanation. Applicant should also note that the percentage reported above will establish the standard that that facility must comply with, both for the l2-month period beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy, and in all subsequent calendar years. See Order No. 671 at paragraph 51. As such, the applicant should make sure that it reports appropriate values on lines 1 1g and I t h above to serve as the relevant annual standard, taking into account expected variations in production conditions. w FERC Form 556 Page l4 - Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities lnformation Required for Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line 1 0a that your facility represents topping-rycle cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the items on 14 and I 5. Otherwise, skip l4and 15. oThe thermal energy output of a topping-cycle cogeneration facility is the net energy made available to an industria! or commercial process or used in a heating or cooling application. Pursuant to sections 292.202(c), (d) and (h) of the Commission's regulations (1 8 C.F.R. 59 292.2O2(c), (d) and (h)), tne thermal energy output of a qualiffing topping- cycle cogeneration facility must be useful. ln connection with this requirement, describe the thermal output of the topping-cycle cogeneration facility by responding to lines 12a and 'l2b below. 12a ldentify and describe each thermal host, and specifi the annual average rate of thermal output made available to each host for each use. For hosts with multiple uses of thermal output, provide the data for each use rn separate rows' Average annual rate of thermal output attributable to use (net of Name of entity (thermal host) Thermal host's relationship to facility; heat contained in process taking thermal output Thermal host's use of thermal output return or make-up water) Select thermal host's relationship to facility1) Select thermal host's use of thermal output Btu/h Select thermal host's relationship to facility 2) Btu/hSelect thermal host's use of thermal output Select thermal host's relationship to facility3) Select thermal host's use of thermal output Btu/h Select thermal host's relationship to facility4) Select thermal host's use of thermal output Btu/h Select thermal host's relationship to facilitys) Select thermal host's use of thermal output Btu/h Select thermal host's relationship to facility 6) Select thermal host's use of thermal output Btu/h ! Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19 if additional space is needed oE UIorg 'E- -oOfool- ltroE tll LtnOO-CCF f otl =12b Demonstrationof usefulnessofthermal output: Ataminimum,provideabriefdescriptionofeachuseofthe thermal output identified above. ln some cases, this brief description is sufficient to demonstrate usefulness. However, if your facility's use of thermal output is not common, and/or if the usefulness of such thermal output is not reasonably clear, then you must provide additional details as necessary to demonstrate usefulness. Your application may be rejected and/or additional information may be required if an insufficient showing of usefulness is made. (Exception: lf you have previously received a Commission certification approving a specific use of thermal output related to the instant facility, then you need only provide a brief description of that use and a reference by date and docket number to the order certifring your facility with the indicated use. Such exemption may not be used if any change creates a material deviation from the previously authorized use.) lf additional space is needed, continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. FERC Form 556 Page 15 - Topping-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities 6 o o o o ECC(o.9 E.I E iE L, 8.8oonr2tsvao)c.c .oo.u &E Applicants for facilities representing topping-cycle technology must demonstrate compliance with the topping- cycle operating standard and, if applicable, efficiency standard. Section 292.205(aXl ) of the Commission's regulations (1 8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(aXl )) establishes the operating standard for topping-cycle cogeneration facilities: the useful thermal energy output must be no less than 5 percent of the total energy output. Section292.2A5G)Q) (18 C.F.R. S 292.205(aX2)) establishes the efficiency standard for topping-cycle cogeneration facilities for which installation commenced on or after March I 3, I 980: the useful power output of the facility plus one-half the useful thermal energy output must (A) be no less than 42.5 percent of the total energy input of natural gas and oil to the facility; and (B) if the useful thermal energy output is less than I 5 percent of the total energy output of the facility, be no less than 45 percent of the total energy input of natural gas and oil to the facility. To demonstrate compliance with the topping-cycle operating andlor efficiency standards, or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard based on the date that installation commenced, respond to lines 13a through 131 below. lf you indicated in line 1 0a that your facility represents both topping-cycle and bottoming-cycle cogeneration technology, then respond to lines l3a through 131 below considering only the energy inputs and outputs attributable to the topping-cycle portion of your facility. Your mass and heat balance diagram must make clear which mass and energy flow values and system components are for which portion (topping or bottoming) of the cogeneration system. 13a lndicatetheannual averagerateofuseful thermal energyoutputmadeavailable to the host(s), net ofany heat contained in condensate return or make-up water Btu/h 1 3b lndicate the annual average rate of net electrical energy output KW t 3c Multiply line 13b by 3,412 to convert from kW to Btu/h 0 Btu/h 13d lndicate the annual average rate of mechanical energy output taken directly off of the shaft of a prime mover for purposes not directly related to power production (this value is usually zero)hp I 3e Multiply line 1 3d by 2,5441o convert from hp to Btu/h 0 Btu/h 13f lndicate the annual average rate of energy input from natural gas and oil Btu/h l39 Topping-cycle operating value = 100 * l3a / (13a + l3c + 13e) 0 o/o 13h Topping-cycleefficiencyvalue= 100* (0.5*13a + 13c+ 13e)/ l3f a o/o 13i Compliance with operating standard: ls the operating value shown in line l39 greater than or equal to 5%? ! Yes (complies with operating standard) [ No (does not comply with operating standard) 13i Did installation of the facility in its current form commence on or after March 13, 1980? .- Yes. Your facility is subject to the efficiency requirements of l8 C.F.R. 5 292.205(aX2). Demonstrateu compliance with the efficiency requirement by responding to line l3k or 'l 31, as appticable, below. E No. Your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard. Skip lines I3k and l3l. 13k Compliance with efficiency standard (for low operating value): lf the operating value shown in line 139 is less than l5%, then indicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 13h greater than or equal to 45%: ! Yes (complies with efficiency standard) ! No (does not comply with efficiency standard) 131 Compliancewithefficiencystandard(forhighoperatingvalue): lftheoperatingvalueshowninlinel39is greater than or equal to 15%, then indicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 13h is greater than or equal to 42.5Y0: ! Yes (complies with efficiency standard) f No (does not comply with efficiency standard) FERC Form 555 Page 16 - Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities lnformation Required for Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facility lf you indicated in line 10a that your facility represents bottoming-cycle cogeneration technology, then you must respond to the items on es 16 and 17. Otherwise, skip pages l6 and 17 sThe thermal energy output of a bottoming-cycle cogeneration facility is the energy related to the process(es) from which at least some of the reject heat is then used for power production. Pursuant to sections 292.202(c) and (e) of the Commission's regulations (1 8 C.F.R. I 292.2O2(c) and (e)) , the thermal energy output of a qualifying bottoming- cycle cogeneration facility must be useful. ln connection with this requirement, describe the process(es) from which at least some of the reject heat is used for power production by responding to lines l4a and l4b below. 14a ldentify and describe each thermal host and each bottoming-cycle cogeneration process engaged in by each host. For hosts with multiple bottoming-cycle cogeneration processes, provide the data for each process in seporate row, Has the energy input to Name of entity (thermal host) the thermal host been performing the process from augmented for purposes which at least some of the of increasing power reject heat is used for power Thermal host's relationship to facility; production capacity?production Thermal host's process type (if Yes, describe on p. 19) Select thermal host's relationship to facility1) Select thermal host's process type Yesf NoE Select thermal host's relationship to facility?t Select thermal host's process type Yes[ No E Select thermal host's relationship to facility3) Select thermal host's process type Yes! No E I Check here and continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page l9 if additional space is needed o! L'IOl 90-oj E9Et(Eo=tnO CJ r-c' =o(a =) l4b Demonstration of usefulness of thermal output: At a minimum, provide a brief description of each process identified above. ln some cases, this brief description is sufficient to demonstrate usefulness. However, if your facility's process is not common, and/or if the usefulness of such thermal output is not reasonably clear, then you must provide additional details as necessary to demonstrate usefulness. Your application may be rejected and/or additional information may be required if an insufficient showing of usefulness is made. (Exception: lf you have previously received a Commission certification approving a specific bottoming-cycle process related to the instant facility, then you need only provide a brief description of that process and a reference by date and docket number to the order certiffing your facility with the indicated process. Such exemption may not be used if any material changes to the process have been made.) lf additional space is needed, continue in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. FERC Form 556 Page I7 - Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facilities w 6 $ 6 Ec 3E .L(os3U=sy(Uf .}r PE'=O LLJ 6 rrro Applicants for facilities representing bottoming-cycle technology and for which installation commenced on or after March 13, 1990 must demonstrate compliance with the bottoming-cycle efficiency standards. Section 292.205(b) of the Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(b)) establishes the efficienry standard for bottoming-cycle cogeneration facilities: the useful power output of the facility must be no less than 45 percent of the energy input of natural gas and oil for supplementary firing. To demonstrate compliance with the bottoming-cycle efficiency standard (if applicable), or to demonstrate that your facility is exempt from this standard based on the date that installation of the facility began, respond to lines 1 5a through 1 5h below. lf you indicated in line 1 0a that your facility represents both topping-cycle and bottoming-cycle cogeneration technology, then respond to lines l5a through 15h below considering only the energy inputs and outputs attributable to the bottoming-cycle portion of your facility. Your mass and heat balance diagram must make clear which mass and energy flow values and system components are for which portion of the cogeneration system (topping or bottoming). 1 5a Did installation of the facility in its current form commence on or after March 1 3, I 980? .- Yes. Your facility is subject to the efficiency requirement of 18 C.F.R. 5 292.205(b). Demonstrate complianceu with the efficiency requirement by responding to lines 15b through 15h below. E No. Your facility is exempt from the efficiency standard. Skip the rest of page 17. 1 5b lndicate the annual average rate of net electrical energy output KW 15c Multiply line l5b by 3,412 to convert from kW to Btu/h o Btu/h 15d lndicate the annual average rate of mechanical energy output taken directly off of the shaft of a prime mover for purposes not directly related to power production (this value is usually zero)hp 15e Multiply line l5d by 2,544to convert from hp to Btu/h o Btu/h 15f lndicate the annual average rate of supplementary energy input from natural gas or oil Btu/h l59 Bottoming-cycle efficiency value = 100 * (l 5c + 15e) / I 5f A o/o 15h Compliance with efficiency standard: lndicate below whether the efficiency value shown in line 159 is greater than or equal to 45%: f Yes (complies with efficiency standard) ! No (does not comply with efficiency standard) FERC Form 556 Page l8 - All Facilities Certificate of Completeness, Accuracy and Authority Applicant must certifo compliance with and understanding of filing requirements by checking next to each item below and signing at the bottom of this section. Forms with incomplete Certificates of Completeness, Accuracy and Authority will be rejected by the Secretary of the Commission. Signer identified below certifies the following: (check all items and applicable subitems) He or she has read the filing, including any information contained in any attached documents, such as cogeneration I mass and heat balance diagrams, and any information contained in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19, and knows its contents. x He or she has provided all of the required information for certification, and the provided information is true as stated, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief. He or she possess full power and authority to sign the filing; as required by Rule 2005(aX3) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (1 8 C.F.R. 5 385.2005(a)(3)), he or she is one of the following: (check one) ! The person on whose behalf the filing is made I An officer of the corporation, trust, association, or other organized group on behalf of which the filing is made - An officer, agent, or employe of the governmental authority, agency, or instrumentality on behalf of which theU filing is made ,- ArepresentativequalifiedtopracticebeforetheCommissionunderRule2l0loftheCommission'sRulesof ^ Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. S 385.2101) and who possesses authorityto sign He or she has reviewed all automatic calculations and agrees with their results, unless otherwise noted in the Miscellaneous section starting on page 19. He or she has provided a copy of this Form 556 and all attachments to the utilities with which the facility will interconnect and transact (see lines 4a through 4d), as well as to the regulatory authorities of the states in which the facility and those utilities reside. See the Required Notice to Public Utilities and State Regulatory Authorities section on page 3 for more information. Provide your signature, address and signature date below. Rule 2005(c) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 C.F.R. 5 385.2005(c)) provides that persons filing their documents electronically may use typed characters representing his or her name to sign the filed documents. A person filing this document electronically should sign (by typing his or her name) in the space provided below. Your Signature Your address P.O. Box 2731 Pafos Verdes , CA 9021 4 Date Audit Notes Commission Staff Use Only: FERC Form 556 Page 19 - All Facilities Miscellaneous Use this space to provide any information for which there was not sufficient space in the previous sections of the form to provide. For each such item of information clearly identify the line number that the information belongs to. You may also use this space to provide any additional information you believe is relevant to the certification of your facility. Your response below is not limited to one page. Additional page(s) will automatically be inserted into this form if the length of your response exceeds the space on this page. Use as many pages as you require. Line 6a: The energy storage (battery) system wilf take its input from 100? renewabl-e energy sources such as wind, solar, biogas, biomass, etc. The system is designed with flexibility to most efficiently utilize the resources available at the site, at the present time as wefl as in the future. c, II,I T T a*I6I o+(o I $l l.ri (D E ll,ai q(\IrtN rytfttoN =tr i R (flg NI trld lo rnriaoN I tos Elfilnq T E'a,cl C'Ei od c,d trltri trtd trtri trE,c)Ei ctE,C}d c,d tr Ef trt Ei C}E c,ct C'd tr,ct trttrt trt trt trtri trto C'c,c,d c,Ei tro tro CI E; E' E, tr CJ cfd otri BEi trd tro C' CJ C'c,c,ci trtri trttri c,d c,d clEi trtri trd tr,d cld od cld trlE;c,d trd trd c,c,trd tro trtE,c,Ei c,ci o triN aot,t(v c,tri ctCi c,d EF CO F!t F ctci IDfti(v ',$C' F*i FttUltrt @ lctqt t\lttNrt u)NiFul ln t4rt EFlf'N!n l,,trt(r}if Ntor.tl,) r{r;r'Irl G' NNIt, rir'rt to,t Rtl m rt+BNllr' FCiGlrf H g, lft(f,(fT ll, E rl c,tri o GiCIN ctlfifi GI tro tr, E, trtd trE, F+to (n (EiFF tr!o C'd oc;trd tro trtri oct cfEi (f) 6 +CIfr, ctEi trd CIci C'd trto tro trd trd trtri oE ctB c,o tro trlE;trci c,ci oo oo tro tr tro o E; c,Ei (3 Ei o CJ EIo trto trtri clE;o(f trTo trd otri c,o tr E; oE;c,d eo trd trtCi oEi trE; EIcr oo E'd Eo tr tri c,d c,(:;(fo c,o C'o trl E;il W !o1L C'Ei M ru I- c!c;ilffiWq arC EIdMHMffiru II. trtot ffi T trd m W I tr,tri ffi ry 3{ tr C;il0 EIA c,o I 6o oEi $ tot c,d u oItr C} It E'o I,IEtI citNI 5ldt tro (tl(.) aa trlt)tooku0 tho(la hbI) 0)trE]h o G, b0tr& Cd)o caF-o .do o0 .E to E! -auoo Ci IEcorg ,t3coozH.vhoxSUm(, BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. !PC-E-17-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 6 IDAHO POWER LETTERS Klffi*. AN IDACORP COMDANY February 9,2017 Franklin Energy Storage Peter Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27ft Street Boiss ID 83702 VIA: Email Only - peter@richardsonadams.com RE: Franklin Encrgy Storage One, Two, Three, and Four Schedule 73 Enyrgy Sales Agreement Applications Mr. Richardson, Idaho Power is in receipt your Schedule 73 Energy Sales Agreement Applications ("Applications") datcd January 26,2017, for the proposed Franklin Energy Storage One, Franklin Energy Storage Two, Franklin Energy Storage Three, and Franklin Energy Storage Four projects. As of the date of this letter, the Applications are not complete due to the following: Your Applications state that the projects are seeking published avoided cost rates, Rate Option 4 - Non- Levelized Non-Fueled Rates, and a (20) twenty-year contract term. Based on the data provided with your Applications, it appears that these proposed projects may exceed l0 average-MW measured on a monthly basis. In addition, the map provided with your Applications indicates that all the projects appear to be within I mile of each other as they are all located adjacent to each other within the same square-mile. Although you state in your Applications that Facility interconnection status is "pending", it is my understanding that no Generator lnterconnection Applications have been submitted to tdaho Power for these proposed projects, nor have you identified any Point of Interconnection or Point of Delivery. However, your provided map identifies the Jackpot Solar Substation near the proposed projects. It appears that you are intending to add battery storage to the solar generation projects that you had previously submitted Schedule 73 Energy Sales Agreement applications for: Jackpot Solar North, South, East, and West. Further, the only evidence provided of the proposed Franklin energy storage projects being Quali$ing Facilities ("QFs") are the self-certification Form 556s purporting to certify non-generator storage units as PURPA QFs. Given the deficiencies identified above, it does not appear that your proposed projects qualify for Rate Option 4 - Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates and a twenty (20) year contract term. If you wish to proceed with these Applications, please supplement your Applications with additional informat,l3"t",l"lrJffifi* PO Box 70 Boise. lD 83707 Franklin Storage One, Two, Three and Four Page2 of 2 February 9,2017 eligibility for the requested rates and terms, or modi$ your Applications to request rates and terms that your proposed projects may qualifu for. Idaho Power is unable to begin any preparation of indicative pricing proposals for your proposed projects until the Application information identified above is received and the Applications have been deemed complete. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Michael Darrington Energy Contracts Leader Phone: (208)388-5946 Email: mdarrington@idahopower.com Cc: Donovan Walker (IPC) Mike Polito (tPC) Robert Paul (Franklin) KIffi*, An IDACORP Companv February 27,2017 Franklin Energy Storage Peter Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, lD 83702 VIA: Email Only- peter(@richardsonadams.com RE: RE: Franklin Energy Storage One, Two, Three and Four Energy Sales Agreement Applications Mr. Richardson, Idaho Power received your February l0,2017,letter regarding the Schedule 73 Qualifying Facility Energy Sales Agreement Applications ("Applications") for the proposed projects noted above. [n your Applications, you request a proposed contracting term of 20 years and published avoided cost Rate Option 4, Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates, and your letter contained attachme'nts with generation profiles for projects less than 10 aMW. Idaho Power does not agree that your proposcd projects are eligible for published avoided cost Rate Option 4, Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates, with a 2}-year contract term. On February 27,2017, Idaho Power filed an application to the tdaho Public Utilities Commission requesting a declaratory order that determines the contract term and avoided cost pricing methodology for which your proposed projects may be eligible. See IPUC Case No. IPC-E-I7-01. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Michael Darrington Energy Contracts Phone: (208)388-5946 Email : mdarrington@idahopower.com 1221 W. ldaho 5t. (83702) PO. 3ox 70 Boise, lD 83707 Cc: Donovan Walker SIm*. An IDACORP ComDany February 27,2017 Black Mesa Energy,LLC Brian Lynch P.O. Box 2731 Palos Verdes, CA 90274 SENT VIA: Email Only- brian@mezzdev.com SUBJECT: Black Mesa Energy,LLC Schedule 73 Energy Sales Agreernent Application Mr. Lynch, Idaho Power received your Schedule 73 Qualifuing Facility Energy Sales Agreement Application ("Application") effective February 13,2017, in which you have requested an indicative pricing proposal for the proposed 20 MW Black Mesa Energy battery storage project. In your Application, you request a proposed contracting term of 20 years and published avoided cost Rate Option 4, Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates. Idaho Power does not agree that your proposed project is eligible for published avoided cost Rate Option 4, Non-Levelized Non-Fueled Rates, with a 2o-year contract term. On February 27,20t7,Idaho Power filed an application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission requesting a deolaratory order that determines the contract term and avoided cost pricing methodology for which your proposed project may be eligible. See IPUC CaseNo. IPC-E-I7-01. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Michael Darrington Energy Contracts Phone: (208)388-5946 Email : mdarrington@idahopower.com 1221 W. ldaho 5t (81702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, lO 83707 Cc: Donovan Walker BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-17-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 7 LETTER FROM FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE ONE THROUGH FOUR, LLC Re: Peter Richardson Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC 515 N. 27u Street Boise,Idaho 83702 peter@ichardsonadam s.com February 10,2017 Michael Darrington Senior Energy Contract Coordinator Idatro Power Company l22l West Idalro Steet Boise,Idaho 83702 HAND DELTVERY Revised Qualiffing Facility Energy Sales Agreement Application Franklin Energy Storage One, LLC; Frar*lin Energy Storage Two, LLC; Franklin Energy Storage Three, LLC and Franklin Energy Storage Four, LLC Dear Mr. Darrington: Thank you for your response yesterday to the above referenced Qualifying Facility Energy Sales Agreement Applicalions ("Applications"). Yoru letter provided that "given the deficiencies" you identified in the Applications that these four projects arc not entitled to Option 4 rates and contract terms. Schedule 73 rcquired that yonr response notif, the projects of "any deficiencies." Based on that requirement, I assume the deficiencies identified in your letter are the only deficiencies you have identified. Hence once they are resolved, the projects will be able to move forward to the next step in the in the Application process which is the provision of indicative pricing proposals. Each deficiency you identify is addressed below: Ten Average-MW Measured on a Monthly Basis: You note that it "appears that these proposed projects may exceed 10 average-MW measured on a monthly basis. Based on further review of the24X7 spreadsheet that accompanied the Applications you appear to be correct. We have consulted with our engineering tearn and they confirm the spreadsheets incorrectly represented the anticipated output from the projects. Attached is a revised "Schedule of estimated Qualifiing Facility electric output in an 8,760-horx electronic spreadsheet format" for the projects. As you can see, the estimate production values are below the 10 average-Mw measued on a monthly basis threshold. In addition, I would note that the projects will be electically and mechanically designed such that they will not be physically capable of delivering more that the threshold limit. Franklin Energy Storage Defi ciency Letter Response Page I All the Projects Appear to be Within 1 Mile of Each Other: This is fire. However, there is no prohibition preventing QF projects from being located adjacent to each other. These projects are separately owned. Please reference and compare Section 5a of the previously provided FERC Form 556 for each project It is not clear from you letter ifthis is an identified "deficiency," horvever in the event you have questions regarding ownership you may also refer to the Idaho Seoetary of State's official web site to reference corpomte formation documentation. No Generator [nterconnection Applications have Been Submitted It is not clear if this is an identified "deficiency." Schedtrle 73 requires only that the project provide you with a statement of the "interconnection agreement status." The statement that such status is pending is accurate and complete. The projects are completing the intemal work necessary to prepare and submit interconnection agreement requests to Idaho Power which will be submiued shortly. Identified Point of Interconnection or Point of Delivery I believe the map that accompanied the Applications indicated the points of lnterconnection and Delivery. To clarifu any ambiguity, tle points of Interconnection and Delivery will be the Idaho Power 345 kV system on the Midpoint-Humbolt (MPSN- HMBT) transmission line that is adjacent to the projects. The exact configuration of the interconnection will have to be studied as part of the Company's Feasibility Study, System Impact Study and Facilities Study that have yet to be completed. Other QF Projects in the Area: You state that we are "intending to add battery stor4ge to the solar generation projects you had previously submitted ... applications for: Jackpot Solar North, South, East and West." This is inconect. These projects are distinct fronil" and independent of, the referenced Jackpot projects. The Frarklin projects are battery storage QFs that will utilize renewable sources of power to energize the battery systems for subsequent delivery of power and energy to Idaho Power pursuant to a pre-determined schedule. It is my understanding that the Jackpot projects are simple stand-alone solar projects. Evidence of Qualiffing Facility Status: Schedule 73 requires, as a condition to receipt of an indicative pricing proposal only that the project demonstrate "an ability to obtain Quatiffing Facility status." You state, apparently as an item of deficiency, that "Further, the only evidence provided of the Franklin energy storage projects being Qualifying Facilities ("QFs") are the self- certification Form 556s purporting to certify non'generator storage units as PURPA QFs." While it is not required for compliance with Schedule 73, these projects have submitted Form 556 at FERC certitring their QF status. Your use of the word Franklin Energl Storage Defi ciency Letter Response Page2 "purporting" to describe the Fomr 556 certification process Franklin has completed suggests that the certification is merely theoretical or meaningless. I hope that is not the case, as the Form 556s have been duly certified and accepted for filing by FERC - its execution by the attomey for Franklin is neither meaniogless nor theoretical. As you know, battery storage facilities are a class of QF recognized by FERC under PURPA. Nevertheless, as noted above, it is not even an Idaho PUC requirement that the Forrr 556 be filed in order to comply with Schedule 73. We have done so in advance of our commercial on line date as a courtesy to Idatro Power and believe that is more than sufficient for purposes of going to the next step in the Schedule 73 process, which is receipt of your indicative pricing proposal for each of the Franklin projects. I believe I have addressed all ofthe concenm you raised in yesterday's lefier. Please give me a call if you have any questions. In the meantime, we anticipate within the next ten business days and pursuant to Section l(c) of Schedule 73, receipt of Idaho Power's indicative pricing proposal. Very truly yours, J. Richardsorq Coursel for Franklin Energy Storage One, Two, Three and Fou, LLCs; Cc: Donovan Walker ldatro Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street Boise, tdaho 83702 ENC: 24X7 Production Spreadsheets Franklin Enerry Storage Defi cienry Letter Response Page 3 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSION GASE NO. IPG-E-17-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 8 MAP OF FRANKLIN ENERGY STORAGE ONE THROUGH FOUR, LLC, AND BLAGK MESA ENERGY, LLC q FzU:d -ukozd E3-TP #! z tllt6, a& 6r F zlol 3l st tro 6op (ri t{(6 oa oO.&U(6 U -Jrl li) tJi 0,ooa! ts a boLol rJJ J(c(!trtr qio : =d.:or o:6d*o!EN : ).- TF.il.s !!9; _;:6 !.q e .E E,5EhsE3o -! @( EtrtrIriz Ut'lFl q) 0.)r< F c)bo(! F. (nxbc 0)trI]txtrgL.trr E IH "SEoE2aX 6 siEVLiE Z= iqt Sxgii,;38P- s-'-tr== 33E:)qsEsiinE{ ? 2 nc - 3 F-Y5 f" 8* :Ec( ,; >= ir(L H : ii TE Bt;g-l€ E E E: 39flU::ir* fi PE EsEiF Hig$ UJ.Jo 3F c)bo(!Lo ah bo,-rC)trII cxtr(!trfrr UJJ olac obo6F.o(n bo c)trI] A =xt(gli o,<(!E iooLrq) bDo& o2 2 d{ pF5E E ulo tots aD otulz UT =Jvz x.L z IUot!U J (,gJJ : o&(E.d ,rl (.,,o'a k Lo (EIo F] at ,: ir ,: i.. 1 UGl(uE'F>dJ>\ubD(EkEE EI o s'3 tr;* rJ -roduO\ O)c.i H\t! : i,b.Etr [rl--SE'i(6 oJ x6, bDFb(uLL>6 rrl.PE?+*oft it^il et--r!6 tV U A.) ti Cr bot-r 0.) El! (6 c,) a,) }4U(d co