HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190228Annual Report 2018.pdf3Effi*. An IDACORP Company trEC EtVEt) Frar3f i*u i0 Pl{ t{.; LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel I nordstrom@idahopower.com VIA HAND DELIVERY February 28,2019 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE Case No. IPC-E-16-32 - ldaho Power Company's Application for a Determination of Hells Canyon Complex ("HCC") Relicensing Costs through 2015 as Prudently Incurred - Annual Report for 2018 Dear Ms. Hanian Pursuant to Order No. 34031 and the agreement between ldaho Power Company ("!daho Power"), ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") Staff, and the ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, ldaho Power submits its first annual report as set forth in the Hells Canyon Complex Relicensing Expenditures Annual Report Outline filed with the Commission in this docket on December 27,2018. lf you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Senior Regulatory Analyst Courtney Waites at (208) 388-5612 or cwaites@idahopower.com. Sincerely, X,-C.A-ru,*,*- Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN/KKI HELLS CANYON qOMPLEX RELTCENSTNG EXPENpTTURES 2018 ANNUAL REPORT February 28,2019 ln Order No.34031, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approved a Stipulation between ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company"), Commission Staff, and the ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association (collectively referred to as "Signing Parties"), providing for interested parties to (1) collaborate on a process for filing future Hells Canyon Complex ('HCC") Relicensing Expenditures annual reports, including the content of the report, and (2) work to identify the detail requested to be contained within a work order description to allow for the reporting of work orders by projects specific to HCC relicensing work. Throughout 2018, the Signing Parties collaborated on both items and reached an agreement on an outline detailing the content to be incorporated in future annual reports. The outline identified those items that will be recurring with each annual report and specified some items exclusive to the 2018 Annual Report, including an explanation of ldaho Power's efforts to enhance accounting records to better identify how expenditures are necessary to relicensing efforts. BACKGROUND The HCC, located on the Snake River where it forms the border between ldaho and Oregon, provides approximately 68 percent of ldaho Power's hydroelectric generating nameplate capacity and 32 percent of its total generating nameplate capacity. ln July 2003, the Company filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") for a new license in anticipation of the July 2005 expiration of the then-existing license. Since the expiration of that license, ldaho Power has been operating the project under annual licenses issued by FERC. The Company's efforts towards relicensing the HCC have spanned nearly three decades yet there are three issues that must be resolved in advance of a license issuance: (1) the Clean Water Act ("CWA") S 401 certification ('S 401 certification"), (2) The Endangered Species Act ("ESA') consultation, and (3) the potential for a revised supplemental National Environmental Policy Act ('NEPA') analysis. ldaho Power must receive $ 401 certification from both ldaho and Oregon. The Company has filed water quality certification applications with the states requesting that each state certify that any discharges from the project comply with applicable state water quality standards. The Company has been working with the states to identify measures that will provide reasonable assurance that discharges from the HCC will adequately address applicable water quality standards. ln the 2016 S 401 certification application process, Oregon required ldaho Power to comply with fish passage and reintroduction conditions. ldaho's water quality certification, however, provides that ldaho Power shall take no action that may result in the reintroduction or establishment of spawning populations of any fish species into ldaho's waters without consultation with and express approval of the State of ldaho. ln 2016, ldaho Power filed a petition with FERC requesting that FERC resolve the conflict between Oregon and ldaho's conditions and declare that the Federal PowerAct pre-empts the Oregon state law. FERC issued an order denying ldaho Power's petition. ldaho Power sought rehearing, which FERC denied as well. A discussion of ldaho Power's efforts in2018 to obtain $ 401 certifications is contained below. After the states issue their final $ 401 certifications, FERC will likely need to provide a supplemental NEPA analysis given the HCC final Environmental lmpact Statement was issued in 2007. Following a NEPA decision, FERC will conduct formal ESA consultation with the 1 Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Fisheries Service ('NMFS') and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service ("USFWS'). The consultation, including issuance of biological assessments will evaluate impacts the HCC may have on ESA-listed species, including bulltrout, fall Chinook salmon, and steelhead. The NMFS and USFWS, who have jurisdiction of the ESA-listed species, recommended that formal consultation under the ESA will be delayed until the S 401 certification process is completed. FERC cannot issue a license for the HCC until both states have issued water quality certifications under $ 401 of the CWA and ESA consultation on the licensing project is complete. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES IN 2018 ln February 2Ol8,ldaho Power filed with the D.C. Circuit Court an appeal of FERC's order denying ldaho Power's petition requesting FERC resolve the conflict with Oregon and ldaho with respect to the Company's $ 401 certification, which is pending. ln 2018 the governors of Oregon and ldaho continued to work to negotiate a potential resolution of the disputed issues. As of June 2018, the states had not resolved their ditferences, requiring ldaho Power to again withdraw and resubmit its $ 401 certification applications in both states. ln December 2018, the states of ldaho and Oregon, along with ldaho Power, reached a proposed settlement that requires ldaho Power to increase the number of Chinook salmon it releases each year through expanded hatchery production. Additionally, ldaho and Oregon will require ldaho Power to fund a total of $12 million of research and water quality improvements in the HCC over a 29-year period following the issuance of the license. These measures are in exchange for Oregon removing the fish passage requirement from the Oregon $ 401 certification for at least the first 20 years after final license issuance. The combined cost of the mandated water quality improvements and expanded hatchery production is $20 million over the term of the new license. ldaho and Oregon $ 401 certifications were released for public comment in December 2018. Following the public comment period, which closed in February 2019,ldaho Power anticipates the states will evaluate the comments and draft final $ 401 certifications, which must be completed by June 2019 for the current cycle. ldaho Power continues to work with ldaho and Oregon in the development of measures to provide reasonable assurance that any discharges from the HCC will comply with applicable state water quality standards so that appropriate water quality certifications can be issued for the project, and the Company continues to cooperate with the USFWS, NMFS, and FERC in an effort to address ESA concerns. ACCOUNTING DETAIL IMPROVEMENTS / CHANGES ldaho Power's request in Case No. IPC-E-16-32 included a prudence review of HCC relicensing expenditures incurred for nearly 20 years, from 1997 through December 31,2015. During their extensive review and audit of the expenditures, Commission Staff requested the Company ensure that future reviews of accounting detail better aligned the project descriptions with specific HCC relicensing activities. As part of collaborative efforts on a process for filing annual reports, the Signing Parties worked to identify the detail requested be contained within a work order description in the Company's accounting system to allow for the reporting of work orders by project specific to HCC relicensing work. All 1997 relicensing charges were written to one work order. ln 1998, the Company upgraded its accounting system whereby the work order project identification ("1D") description field allowed for more characters to better describe the work order's activity. At that time, and through the early 2000s, ldaho Power began writing separate work orders for specific types of 2 activities, but in many cases new work orders were written annually. ldaho Power's current process is to write separate work orders for specific types of activities and those work orders remain open until the work is complete. Each work order is assigned a budget lD. The budget lD allows the Company to further categorize the expenditures into broader HCC relicensing efforts. For example, the work order project lD with a description titled HCC Watershed Enhancement Program Development has a budget lD of HCC Snake River Stewardship Program ('SRSP') Development. The budget lD gives the Company the ability to quickly identify all projects associated with a specific effort, in this example, the HCC SRSP Development efforts. As part of the annual report, ldaho Power will compile a list of all budget lD and work order project lDs specific to HCC relicensing expenditures incurred over the reporting period. The Company will also identify the outstanding issue for which the expenditure is associated: $ 401 certification, ESA consultation, NEPA, or all HCC relicensing efforts. Because the reporting of detailed expenditures commences with the 2018 annual report, ldaho Power has included all expenditures incurred since December3l ,2015 -the point in which the Company's expenses covered in the prudence request in Case No. IPC-E-16-32 concluded. The summary of the HCC relicensing expenditures incurred over the reporting period is included as Attachment 1. ln addition, Attachment 2 includes a chart that summarizes all HCC relicensing expenditures incurred during the 1997 through 2018 time period. 2016 HCC Relicensinq Expenditures. As can be seen in Attachment 1, ldaho Power incurred $28.2 million in HCC relicensing expenses in 2016. With respect to activities in 2016, over half the expenditures were associated with two items: $3.5 million with the Bayha lsland research project and $3.1 million in outside legal fees. ln addition, the Company spent approximately $t.0 million each on water temperature studies for $ 401 certification and watershed enhancement program development. The largest of the expenditures, or $13.7 million, are associated with the HCC relicensing roll-up work orders which primarily contain Allowance for Funds Used During Construction ("AFUDC") for 2016. The roll-up work orders, one each for the Brownlee ($6.9 million), Hells Canyon ($4.7 million), and Oxbow dams ($2.2 million), include those costs associated with relicensing efforts that have been completed in prior years. The Bayha lsland Research Project expenditures of $3.5 million were required to develop processes for implementing ldaho Power's SRSP, including the Company's proposal and potential cost efficiencies. The SRSP is intended to address the causes of elevated water temperatures and other water quality concerns in the Snake River through a watershed-scale restoration program that will increase shade and water velocity, decrease water temperatures and aquatic algae proliferation, and provide improved habitat. ln 2016, approximately seven acres of riparian enhancement conditions were constructed and planted at Bayha lsland. The majority of the outside legal fees incurred in 2016 was for legal advice on the CWA S 401 certification for both ldaho and Oregon. ln addition, ldaho Power received counsel and support seeking and litigating the site-specific criteria, navigating the hydro-relicensing process in Oregon, advice on relicensing with an emphasis on tribal law, and guidance on water rights for the HCC. ln 2016, the Company spent approximately $960,000 on an ongoing collaborative study with the U.S. Geologic Survey and ldaho Department of Environmental Quality to understand the effects of the HCC on methyl mercury in fish. The focus in 2016 was to understand how mercury is being methylated and transported in the HCC. The study is critical to gathering scientific information to develop future mercury mitigation plans. ln addition, approximately $1.1 million of expenditures were incurred to develop an administrative and reporting application and associated 3 tools to meet the Company's commitments under the SRSP compliance management and reporting requirements. 2017 HCC Relicensinq Expenditures.Tolal 2017 HCC relicensing expenditures were $19.6 million. Similar to 2016, the majority of the activity expenditures were associated with continued work on the watershed enhancement program development and collaborative water temperature studies to understand the effects of the HCC on methyl mercury in fish. The Company incurred $3.4 million in outside legal fees in 2017 for continued legal counsel on the CWA S 401 certification for both ldaho and Oregon. As can be seen at the end of lhe 2017 expenditures, a total of $16.9 million was associated with the HCC relicensing roll-up work orders, primarily AFUDC. Finally, an adjustment of $8.1 million was made to record the reclassification of expenditures as a result of Order No. 34031, reducing the total HCC relicensing expenditure balance. 2018 HCC Relicensinq Expenditures. ldaho Power incurred approximately $28.6 million in expenses in 2018. More than $1 .5 million and $1 .2 million was spent on continued watershed enhancement program development and collaborative water temperature studies, respectively. Another $3.3 million in outside legal fees associated with legal advice on the CWA S 401 certification for both ldaho and Oregon and for relicensing matters before FERC. Also in 2018, the Company incurred expenses conducting testing of reasibility and the associated costs of converting approximately 420 acres of cultivated agricultural land from surface, gravity irrigation to pressurized sprinkler irrigation. This will reduce sediment and nutrient loading to the Snake River and is associated with ldaho Power's efforts to obtain S 401 certification. The conversion of the 420 acres of cultivated agricultural land occurred in 2018 and is a component of the approximately $t.0 million of expenses associated with the Grand View lrrigation Upgrade project. Finally, $16.7 million of the 2018 expenditures was primarily associated with AFUDC on the HCC relicensing roll-up work orders. CONCLUSION After the public comment period closes in February 2019 for the ldaho and Oregon $ 401 certifications, ldaho Power anticipates the states will evaluate the comments and draft final $ 401 certifications by June 2019 for the current cycle. ldaho Power continues to work with ldaho and Oregon in the development of measures to provide reasonable assurance that any discharges from the HCC will comply with applicable state water quality standards so that appropriate water quality certifications can be issued for the project. Likewise, ldaho Power continues to cooperate with the USFWS, NMFS, and FERC in an effort to address ESA concerns. The Company is unable to predict the timing of issuance by FERC of any license order but estimates it will occur no earlier lhan 2022. 4 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-16-32 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTAGHMENT 1 fo o3 .:o.F !@ otr o !o- o.:o':o.:o.2 Eo oo !o otr o.2 o.2 o E o.z o.z o.:o.2 o.2 o.:o.:@.:Eo oo Eo oU oo €o oo oi dl oF @roio @NN N o6N @ o @@ o oo No ooN @@or $-oo @ o .i 66@d ots d N 6a@ @ N rr o tso o@d @Ns- o N @ No o@od@ ot @ ^i 6 N N @ oooq N Fo No @Fo o $.oo €- @ oro @ oN @ Nj ro N @ooo N o o o 6NNo oo oo o 6 N o F@ oNqoo aN @_o o@ N o@N @ I @oi oro 6@ @ od@ @ 6\o o o@o o @oN oooo o N r o oo'o@ @ a odto @o@ oo'@ @ tsuiN cBo Io6o oo Go = - (9z6z !2 U6Go Go6 FdUai1(j,du.1 >;o @z 6aN< Fz U tsF Fzlo G 3< 0dz!)Aea6 =zUUE;-< E=r(,N< zIF !!Go-Ff Uezo(, G U- G @N ts Fz doU 3 FzloUGU ou I GG^ "z32OUOUHf Rel o =I G U- a;E F @ N e:fF l I do- e& F @ NN o =Fzlo s2 eaII eEUF N @ N UUotd(,zdz 9 I U & d @oN @ N FzU G(, Fz @ FFU FzloIE A=,q 4z 905+E Nt Fzu U&(9 Fzu U EU FzloUGu 6 IuG o @N N oUF F U o oz FG- siz6z 9 t - o@z!!oH(,6!9 ruO ioI @GiLzk99e c-<-6az 389)!oOE?s@z H3IBd9 (,zUoz dozIF trGUU OUs6U:TF C,-35 ou6>6;6=B=FUNF z&oFz F ldG F 3 z6zU9 & I I @N@o N (9oEd FzU UIz-zU 6UI G F 3o,9=,:>saoJin> NO FuoEo-IG U Goz 9 - 6 a oo F -IG UG o G(,dlzoF It tUtoz e(, o9AU9dN6NO F oGo-ad U GFzU Iz-z d Ff@dF oo€ N -UE U E Fz UIz-z G G z I NN 6=99FENd I e e Fz UUz-z z Gs a UGI a OFOUgd NENd Fz U z IzU G Ff@ etse EdF NI 6Gi<6U tsUNE I z F =6 U G(9 Eo oozi LZ @UN= Od NI FE d F 6 zo ozIa N@ a N c.9q'c o6I oE!f6 E@o @c,a c@ od- ooo o@ E@o @c co.9EeaI ooo o ;Jco E@o @ c)oU :U@6U99b!o 6Eco,.&3&oioo9uB; o o oG @ 3s oafeo: =aig 4C+tro:OL 6eoooo caEo o cfoI q 6 @c,aco.9oGIUI o6pxo6' co oo d I 05Uc o =co oioo @c'6co.9'6 EU :E oo oo td 6 ca EoE c o o oG E l: @c co.9oda I o oo E @ E coIEoo3uc c .9o& I N oo E 6 !o coo c E o oG iic co.9EG aI @oooo@ co oo oG coE@ o oo o oI I l*r =odxo;tc8e@6 co o otIcoEo o c oU o @II- l9uVEE9(coood@6 co't!3bs!! 3rEO@Ic-F5gu EOd+cooo.E =Ofl'r@xin6o.=d'6 o*@oa co'- .9oo-<bdEO6s!clo9>: ac. 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IPC-E -16-32 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 oc .o oE o c: E o =!.g ogf@a oE @! o o !oE Eoo EoUot oo'oNj o! Eo oo o qo f?-!c@o o@c'6ca.9a UUIcoUol aE oc.9tooo Oo ofo-tq!-cOoeoEXoo.!m>c loo.9.e -d, o(JIUoId-oo 6X:l.ud< oi o6c, oh6 m 6 6o @oa6 oo q, o 6 d€<t ororo d 00<t o 6 o $o 6o6o oo o od @ o 6€ o o6 o oroo o 6 666 \O@do+NNN o6oo N oo NT r@MN6mo@ o${no6@' ui o6on +@Ntsmoui .i oonrd.i r9$o6@nid NN@m@$mo @4@oordi F.' NOrNom ONmo@t<to mo rrri+ \tnm@ 6@m@m@@m onroo- @-NM @oooNd d@ 40rd n{<i6on6i o6 qor o si @o6.i E -o6F9U969,JG6<9 4066mr€dooslr$oo@oNoi di ri 6i ..i$@ NdNN6l m N 6 mdl $ + d Rl ""- o- MNNNtsl N O O OHl $ d 6 d Rl ^i + NdNM€l 6 6 o mdl o m @ d Rl ",' @- d@NN6l N N 6 mdl O o d Rl .i di @60r+l + + N mdl m N d Rl i 6i mr s B 5 5 Hl i :-- dl @ol : @ Hl 6ol : 606NOl N d N 6dl N d h d Rl .i .i ro6rol N 6 N mOl N 6 d Rl j .j EIsET oN6 Ol h i h Rl -i Gi rnrxn6'@l $ @ I o rOl 6 d 6 d v Rl .j di .^rN N @ N t OXl @ o m m @E;l @-No-d N i6dNO6sllh@oo oOl 6 H d d h Rl ^i d N@66Nml 6 N N mol n d o d Rl ""' 6i @NmNi9Ol hN@6iool N N @ d @Rl-- + o@or 99 8l H- dl N or 09 EI F.dt N EIS E oF @€o- @or+ @r oN 6NN o 6 o6 o N r 6i oo@- ^,,+io$oNrli.=3-= s rlE R:3 03 E;l $-dod N o @- ooN6i @ o- Et g.Ef El 't!oc! sl:r E HtEEEEigB r r ts+ riN Jaooo IAUJdfFOofr5iNx,- or =9azl!IJ JlrJ OEIJIJ- N6 oo N@N N @o CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 28th day of February 2019 I served a true and correct copy IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ANNUAL HELLS CANYON RELICENSING REPORT FOR 2018 upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, Idaho 83703 ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. Eric L. Olsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Suite 100 P.O. Box 6119 Pocatello, ldaho 83205 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXxEmail brandon.karpen@puc.idaho.oov _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email elo@echohawk.com Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email tonv@vankel.net Towell, b Assistant _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email dreadinq@mindspring.com