HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181227Report.pdf3Effi*o An loAcoRP company F.ECEltrLD ?fiiI i][[ 2] P]l h: 35 LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel I nordstrom@idahopower.com VIA HAND DELIVERY December 27,2018 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary !daho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 RE: Case No. IPC-E-16-32 - ldaho Power Company's Application for a Determination of Hells Canyon Complex ("HCC") Relicensing Costs through 2015 as Prudently lncurred Dear Ms. Hanian ln Order No. 34031, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approved a stipulation between ldaho Power Company ("Company"), Commission Staff, and the ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association ("llPA") (collectively referred to as "Signing Parties"), providing for interested parties to (1) collaborate on a process for filing future annual reports, including the content of the report, and (2) work to identify the detail requested to be contained within a work order description to allow for the reporting of work orders by projects specific to HCC relicensing work. The Signing Parties agreed that collaboration on both items would be completed by July 1 ,2018. On June 29,2018, ldaho Power notified the Commission that the Signing Parties needed additional time to address outstanding issues and collaborate on the content of future annual reports and work order detail, requesting a completion deadline of December 31,2018. Overthe lastfew months, the Signing Parties have prepared an outline detailing the content to be incorporated in future annual reports, which is included as Attachment 1. The outline identifies in bold font those items that will be recurring with each annual report. !t also specifies some items exclusive to the 2018 Annual Report, which is to be filed by February 28,2019, including an explanation of ldaho Power's efforts to enhance accounting records to better identify how expenditures are necessary to relicensing efforts. This initial report, as well as future annual reports, will be filed in Case No. IPC-E-16-32 in February of each year. l-. ra {1 Ms. Diane Hanian Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission December 27,2018 Page 2 ln addition to agreement on the content of future annual reports, at the request of the llPA, ldaho Power has committed to including an aggregated estimate of Hells Canyon relicensing expenditures, including the estimated rate impact as a percentage, in future versions of the "Rate lmpact Disclosure" report posted to the Company's website. lf you have any questions regarding this notification, please contact Senior Regulatory Analyst Courtney Waites at (208) 388-5612 or cwaites@idahopower.com. Sincerely, LzA, Lisa D. No 0?(ilJ,"* rdstrom LDN/KKt cc: Service List BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPG-E-16-32 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 HELLS CANYON COMPLEX RELICENSING EXPENDITURES ANNUAL REPORT OUTLINE* 1. Background a. Summary of outstanding issues prior to the Federal Energy Regulatory Gommission's ("FERC") issuance of a final licensei. Clean Water Act $ 401 certification ii. Endangered Species Act ("ESA") consultation iii. Potential revised or supplementa! National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA") analysis 2. Summary of Activities Since Last Report a. Clean Water Act $ 401 certificationi. Discussion of 2018 Application ii. Update on efforts to comply with state water quality standards so that water certifications can be issued iii. Update on negotiations between the states and ldaho Power Company on resolution of the fish passage issue b. Formal consultation under the ESA c. Final Environmental lmpact Statement, filing of any comments and/or update on supplemental NEPA analysis 3. Accounting lmprovements/Ghanges a. Detail around the improvements to the Work Order accounting processes to better track project costs b. Explanation of summary expenditures incurred since most recent prudence filing 4. Conclusion a. ldentification of any upcoming milestones b. Estimated license date *ltems in bold would be recurring with each annual report. Non-bold items may change from year-to-year based on current activity. Non-bold items listed above are envisioned to be in the first report due February 28,2019.