HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170306final_order_no_33723.pdfOffice ofthe Secretary Service Date March 6,2017 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT ) APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER )CASE NO.IPC-E-16-29 COMPANY AND UNITED ELECTRIC CO-) OP FOR APPROVAL OF A CUSTOMER )ORDER NO.33723 ALLOCATION AGREEMENT ) On November 22,2016,Idaho Power Company and United Electric Co-op,Inc.filed a joint Application requesting that the Commission approve a Customer Allocation Agreement for a small part of the Idaho Power territory that borders the United Electric service territory. Application at 1 -2.The area has not previously been provided with electric service. On December 21,2016,the Commission issued a Notice of Application and Order setting an intervention deadline of January 11,2017.No parties intervened.On January 27, 2017,the Commission ordered that the case be processed by Modified Procedure and set a February 21,2017 comment deadline,and a February 28,2017 reply deadline.Staff filed timely comments and the Company notified Staff that it would not file a reply.The Application falls under the Electric Supplier Stabilization Act (ESSA),Idaho Code §6 1-332,ci seq. BACKGROUND The ESSA prohibits an electric supplier (e.g.,a utility,municipality,or co-op)from serving another electric supplier’s existing or former customers.Idaho Code §61-332B.As an exception to this general rule,the ESSA allows electric suppliers to contract for the purpose of “allocating territories,consumers,and future consumers...and designating which territories and consumers are to be served by which contracting electric supplier.”Idaho Code §61-333(1). Such contracts must be submitted to the Commission for approval.Id. Agreements reviewed under the ESSA should be approved if,after notice and opportunity for hearing,the Commission finds that the agreement conforms with the purposes of the ESSA,See Idaho Code §61-333(1)and 6l-334B(1).Section 61-332(2)states the purposes of the ESSA are to:(1)promote harmony between electric suppliers;(2)prohibit the “pirating” of consumers;(3)discourage duplication of electric facilities;(4)actively supervise the conduct of electric suppliers;and (5)stabilize service territories and consumers. ORDERNO.33723 1 THE APPLICATION Idaho Power and United Electric Co-op have agreed to the transfer of the service territory of one customer.The customer would like to install a three phase 480 volt service in order to use a pump.For Idaho Power to provide that service,it would have to rebuild approximately three quarters of a mile of transmission lines at the customer’s expense. The property is adjacent to United Electric’s service area.United Electric has three phase power located only about 300 feet from the desired pump location.For cost reasons,the customer requested that United Electric provide service to the property.In order to comply with the customer’s request,avoid duplication of facilities,and avoid the imposition of unnecessarily high line extension charges,the utilities agreed to the transfer of the territory to United Electric going forward.That agreement is now before the Commission for consideration. THE COMMENTS Commission Staff provided the only comments on this matter and provided the Commission with a thorough review of the Company’s request.Staff observed that the sole customer of the territory at issue requested the transfer because of a significant cost savings. Staff commented that the agreement furthers the ESSA’s purpose by avoiding duplication of facilities,stabilizing service territories and customers,and promoting harmony between the two neighboring utilities.Finally,Staff pointed out that the agreement avoids needless duplication of facilities and service,and potential stranded investment.Staff recommended the Commission find that the Agreement conforms to the ESSA’s purposes and grant the Application and approve the Agreement. DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has jurisdiction in this matter to “review and approve or reject contracts between ...municipalities and public utilities Idaho Code §61- 333(1).The Commission shall “approve such contracts only upon finding that the allocation of territories or consumers is in conformance with the provisions and purposes of [the ESSA].”Id. As set out in Idaho Code §6 1-332(2),the purposes of the ESSA are to:(1)promote harmony between electric suppliers;(2)prohibit the “pirating”of consumers;(3)discourage duplication of electric facilities;(4)actively supervise the conduct of electric suppliers;and (5)stabilize service territories and consumers.The ESSA further contains a requirement of ‘just compensation”in such transactions.Idaho Code §61-333B. ORDERNO.33723 2 Section 6 1-333 allows the parties to exchange customers and territory subject to Commission supervision of such transactions.The Commission has reviewed the record in this case,including the proposed agreement,We find that the proposed agreement meets the requirements of the ESSA.Accordingly,we approve the agreement. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Application to approve the proposed Customer Allocation Agreement to transfer from Idaho Power Company to United Electric Co-op,Inc.one customer and the accompanying service territory is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the exchange shall be effective upon execution of the agreement by both parties. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER.Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21)days of the service date of this Order.Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration,any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration.See Idaho Code §6 1-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise,Idaho this d day of March 2017. / PAUL KJELLANDER,PRESIDENT KRfSTINE RAPEJ-e%4MTSSIONER ERIC ANDERSON,COMMISSIONER ATTEST: ////--// Diane Hanian Commission Secretary 0:EPC-E-I 6-29bk3 ORDER NO.33723