HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170727Comments.PDFDiane Holt From:sabrinaroblin@gmail.com Sent:Thursday,July 27,2017 12:47 PM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Sabrina Roblin Name:Sabrina Roblin Case Number:IPC-E-16-28 Email:sabrinaroblin@gmail.com Telephone: Address: Halley ID,83333 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Comment:To Whom It Concerns: This letter is to follow up on the Public hearing about Idaho Power’s proposal for a $30 million dollar redundant transmission line that took place in Ketchum,ID on 7/26/17.After reading some of the research regarding the project prior to the meeting,and hearing testimony of experts at the meeting,I’ve come to the conclusion that it is a boondoggle project that benefits the power company and doesn’t truly meet the goal of increased power reliability for the community.I want to add to the testimony I gave at the hearing as follows: Key Issues Are: -Reliable power is a goal and critical need of the valley for the businesses,hospital and emergency services,and residents. -The existing power line from the Halley substation North needs some repair and upgrading My Objections to the Current Project as Proposed: -Of course Idaho Power wants this project.All it does really is replace the current line at a $30+million dollar price tag instead of approximately $9 million to run a temporary shoe-fly line while the current line is being repaired.Thus tripling the cost of repairing the line,which is good only for Idaho Power’s bottom line and stock holders.It does nothing to increase reliability (we already have 99.99%reliability with the existing line). -A transmission line is only a conduit for power.True reliability and resiliency will come from distributed power, including local power generation,not from this redundant line -This last winter we had snow fall 200%of normal.We had constant winter storms and some very high winds with no interruption of power or major damage to our existing power line. -Additional costs to us here in the valley will be: increased rates for power for all residents and businesses,degradation of the beauty of the valley which is part of the tourism appeal and economy of this area,reduced property values for homeowners along the corridor,increased EMF emissions which are scientifically proven to cause health issues. Personally - -my home will lose value and be harder to sell in future as I live on the corridor in Hailey -I will be made to pay higher prices for this boondoggle project -My health will be adversely affected by the increased EMF of an additional line Challenges: -The City of Sun Valley,the hospital and Sun Valley Corporation are putting pressure on to have this redundant line built,thinking it will increase reliability,due to a lack of understanding about this project and what is truly needed in order to create more reliability and resiliency in the power grid. 1 -Idaho Power is lobbying heavily to get this project approved at the detriment to the community What Will Increase our Power Reliability and Resiliency With a Higher Cost/Benefit Ratio: -I propose we move ahead with the alternative plan of repairing the existing line and replacing wooden pole lines with steel poles using a temporary shoe-fly line at approximately $9M -Have the hospital increase their back up generation capabilities through additional generators and solar with battery storage. -Encourage the alternative energy projects that have already started in the Valley which are bringing down the cost of electricity in the area and making us more power resilient and reliable.We have some energy experts here in the valley already spear-heading these sorts of projects and encouraging more.The business and private communities are embracing them.The cost per kilowatt hour for these projects is less than the current cost from Idaho Power which will be even more expensive after the rate hikes if the $30 M project is approved. In Summary: This project was already voted down unanimously by planning and zoning as a bad idea,I urge you to vote no on it again.It is a boondoggle project that only benefits the power company at triple the cost of what is needed,to the detriment of the beauty and financial health of the community and many of its homeowners and business owners. Please do the right thing.Don’t allow the Idaho Power Company to take advantage of this area with this project by voting no,and move us forward with the more beneficial alternative plans that will better meet our power reliability goals.Thank you for your time and attention. Sincerely, Sa brina Sabrina M.Roblin Unique Identifier: 2