HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170724Comments (3 total).PDFDiane Holt From:janetkellamlO@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,July 22,2017 12:20 PM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Halt;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Janet Kellam Name:Janet Kellam Case Number:IPC-E-16-28 Email:janetkellamlO@gmail.com Telephone:208-726-1640 Address:P0 Box 3572/110 Board Loop Ketchum ID,83340 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Company Comment:Dear PUC: I am submitting comment for the proposed Wood River Valley redundant power line between Halley and Ketchum.Thisproposedpowerlineisunnecessarygiventhecostandspecificdetails. What I feel is a significant improvement is to rebuild the existing line with steel structures to withstand fire andavalancheproblems,and to pursue local generation,storage and distribution alternatives. Not only does this suggested approach greatly reduce the proposed expense of a redundant line,but it also protects usfromanumberofsituationsthatwouldrenderbothlinesinoperable.A good example where redundant lines wouldhavebeensubjecttosimilardamageistheJacksonHoleMountainResortfour-day power outage in February 2017 thatwascausedduetostrongvalleywindsthatdownedanumberofpolestructures. I urge for strengthening the existing system and seeking a true alternative and back up arrangement for our power in theWoodRiverValley. Sincerely, Janet Kellam Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:Mayors Office <mayorsoffice@ketchumidaho.org> Sent:Saturday,July 22,2017 3:04 PM To:Diane Holt;Matthew Evans Subject:PUBLIC COMMENT -July 26 2017 -PUC hearing KetchumAttachments:Ida ho Power Letter.docx Begin forwarded message: From:David Woodward <dcwoodwardl00(gmail.com> Subject:Redundant Power Line Date:July 6,2017 at 10:40:18 AM MDT To:<njonas(ketchumidaho.org> Nina: I am a concerned citizen living in the Wood River Valley and would like to voice my opinionregardingtheplansfortheIdahoPowerCompanytobuildasecondtransmissionlinefromHaileytoKetchum.I unfortunately will not be able to attend the upcoming hearing but havewrittenaletterencouragingthePUCtorejecttheirappeal.Ifthere is a forum for publiccomment,please make sure my letter gets included. Regards, Dave Woodward Nina Jonas,Mayor City of Ketchurn,Idaho (208)726-3841 -webtwitter--facebook 1 David Woodward P.O.Box 7680 Ketchum,ID 83340 July 4,2017 To:Idaho Public Utilities Commission Fr:David Woodward Re:Redundant Power Line I am a year around resident of Blame County,living off Broadway Run just south of St Luke’s Hospital.I am writing to voice my position that the Public UtilityCommissionrejectIdahoPowerCompany’s appeal to build a second redundant power line from Hailey to Ketchum. While I support the need for reliable power,the expenditure of $30 million to build a second line that would ultimately wind up in my rate base is not a justified orappropriateexpenditures.Past outages have not been caused by a lack of a redundant power line,and in fact,the one serious outage that occurred on December 24,2009 was the result of problems with the WDRI substation south of the proposed new line.A second line would not have prevented this outage. Virtually all of the past power outages have been short term and limited in nature and created only minor inconveniences to residents of the Wood River Valley.Part of the price of living in a rural community is the risk of occasional power outages and I would much prefer these minor disruptions to having my utility bill increased in order to pay for a second line. Instead of spending $30 million to bring in emergency power from outside the area, the PUC should consider a variety of local alternatives that could give us some levelofenergyindependencefromtheelectricalgridintheeventofacatastrophicfailure.This could consist of a combination of back-up generators,solar and natural gasfiredpowergeneration.While this alternative would not provide power at 100%capacity,it should at least allow critical services such as the hospital and localgovernmentstofunction. Of equal importance is the negative scenic impact of a second line.I am a bigproponentofmaintainingasceniccorridorforresidentsandvisitorstravelingonhighway75betweenHaileyandKetchum.In the past,I lobbied for theundergroundingofexistingpowerandcablelinesandinfactwasverydisappointed that this was not undertaken several years ago when the road bed was torn up inordertowidenthehighway.The last thing I would like to see would be a new set ofevenhigherpowerpolesandelectricalwirescrisscrossingthevalley. Please reject the IPC appeal.It is a complete waste of money and not in the best interest of those who live in the impacted area. Regards, David Woodward Diane Holt Subject:FW:Redundant Transmission Line Begin forwarded message: From:Char Roth <charrothi 3 (gmail.com> Date:July 21,2017 at 10:51:56 AM MDT To:<cami1le.christen(puc.idaho.gov> Subject:Redundant Transmission Line TO:Blame County Planning and Zoning Commission FROM:Char Roth,230 Mariposa Rd.,Hailey,Blame County resident Please deny Idaho Power’s request for a new redundant transmission line in Blame County until athird-party cost-benefit analysis of alternatives has been completed. The existing transmission line,during the past 30 years,has only had 8 outages for a minimumamountoftime.The existing line has enough capacity for future growth. Idaho Power Company has not hired a qualified third party to explore improving the northcountywithamicrogrid,back up storage,and solar,diesel,and geothermal distribution generation.These alternatives would provide emergency power for much less expense. The current cost to ratepayers would be $30 million! Please deny the proposed second transmission line &review alternative solutions which benefit our incredibly unique community. Char Roth 1