HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161110Comment.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dave, Kiki Tidwell <kikitidwell@cox.net> Wednesday, November 09, 2016 12:08 PM 'Angell, Dave' 'Len Harlig'; 'Richins, Adam'; 'Kerrin McCall'; 'Aimee Christensen'; pzcounter@co.blaine.id.us; peter@richardsonadams.com; Jean Jewell; 'Laura Midgley'; Larry Wangberg; Mike Willard I think Blaine County needs real answers Let's start with the last answer on your list, which is the most critical issue to address. We are a community at the edge of the grid. In the 2009 power outage, if one did not have enough gas in the car to drive 2 hours, one couldn't leave. Both lines into Hailey failed, failing redundancy. Even with an improved King to Wood River transmission line, this could certainly happen again. We need to have a system of emergency power generation for the Blaine County so that people's lives are not at risk. As well, IPCo has had the option of investing in new technology to locate line outages more quickly, you have chosen not to do so. As per your answer 1) To bundle land costs is not necessary for assessing backup generation project costs. The cities of Ketchum and Sun Valley and Blaine County already own land on which backup generators could be sited -perhaps smaller generators per distribution line rather than one main location. Operating costs should not be bundled in project development costs, otherwise the cost of coal and gas powering your power plants should then also be included in your transmission line project costs, as we know that transmission lines do not generate power on their own. Fuel storage tanks costs are debatable as to size needed when fuel trucks can bring in fuel within 2-3 hours. As per Heating Load, all three of your methods are based on flawed assumptions. You have failed to work with the real numbers that you already have; you have the information in your records as to how much Sun Valley Company uses on peak load for Christmas for running snowmaking, lifts, and mountain lodges. I believe that you owe it to our community to be honest with us on this-share this information so that we can determine what our emergency load really is. Due to community-wide energy efficiency improvements and installations of solar, I believe that this load has come down significantly from several years ago. Sun Valley Company has installed a backup generator, as has the City of Ketchum, as have many homeowners like me -has this been entered into emergency peak load calculations? I believe fan loads from gas-fired heating are significantly less than home heating loads, and lntermountain Gas's information is vital. Line Outages -please provide all detail as to dates and times of outages. Finally, you have been unable to justify undergrounding lines in Ketchum when the two transmission lines will be within feet of each other below the Peregrine Ranch north of Hailey. How does this provide any redundancy in a fire when the two lines are side by side? If there is to be any undergrounding, it should be from Hailey to East Fork Road. How can the PUC justify the Ketchum undergrounding costs to ratepayers all over Idaho, when that cost is ten times the normal cost of transmission? It would be refreshing if you worked with us as a community to provide real, correct information rather so that people do not freeze in their homes rather than stonewalling our questions with abject negativity just because IPCo is attached to building a gold-plated transmission line project that IPCo will make money off of. KikiTidwell 1 From: Angell, Dave [mailto:DAngell@idahopower.com] Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2016 3:54 PM To: 'Kiki Tidwell' Cc: 'Len Harlig'; Richins, Adam; 'Kerrin McCall'; 'Aimee Christensen' Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] more questions I have attached responses to your questions, an updated Power Usage Distribution report and the companion report on Property Protection which I forgot to include with the last email. Have a good day, Dave From: Kiki Tidwell [mailto:kikitidwell@cox.net] Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 3:12 PM To: Angell, Dave Cc: 'Len Harlig'; Richins, Adam; 'Kerrin McCall'; 'Aimee Christensen' Subject: [EXTERNAL] more questions Dave, This illustrates what we in the county are requesting - a real bid to be installed in our county from a real installer that addresses emergency power provision. Please see attached current pricing from Vionx Energy for Diesel in Island Applications, which provide quite lower numbers. Furthermore, your entire analysis is based on a fatal flaw assumption. Please see Page A2. "The first method for determining system loading utilizes statistics to determine peak demand from annual energy usage and temperature data. According to the US Energy Information Administration, annual energy usage in the Mountain North region of the United States (which includes Idaho) can be broken down as follows: 50% heating." Using average heating for the mountain north region as a key percentage in your analysis is as flawed as if one were to use the average house price in mountain north region and say that it is indicative of an average house price in Blaine County. Your report went on further to say that you hadn't enough time to get actual numbers from lntermountain Gas. Natural gas heating is a significant part of heating in our county. I am surprised that you as professionals would base all of your assumptions on a fatal flaw. We, as ratepayers, deserve the analysis to be based on actual numbers in our county. We need a better analysis of what really makes up the peak emergency load. I believe that you provided much lower base peak load numbers to the Energy Working Group, at an average 45 MW peak load for the past 4-5 years. As well, you are focusing on winter load. How many times in the history of the line between Hailey and Ketchum has the line gone down in the winter? What is the actual percentage possibility that the line will go down due to avalanche or ice or fire in the winter? Interesting that Salmon has not seen the need for a duplicate transmission line with generators there since 1967. Finally, please address my question of how you are going to keep people from freezing to death if there is no power coming into the substation in Hailey for several days? Do you not have an obligation to provide a plan for backup emergency power in that circumstance? Kiki From: Angell, Dave [mailto:DAngell@idahopower.com] Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 1:56 PM To: 'Kiki Tidwell'; 'kikitidwell@cox.net' l Cc: 'Len Harlig'; Richins, Adam Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: Request for Third Party Review Kiki, I have attached an email failure notice. The primary information source for the estimated cost was the 2015 Lazard's Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis. We confirmed their price range with a information from Wartsila for a model SODF unit and Idaho National Laboratory feedback. The $57,000,000 price includes land, fuel storage and integration to the substation (transformers, circuit breakers and controls). There are two Salmon diesel generators. They are model MP-45s manufactured by General Motors and installed in 1967. Each unit has a capacity of 3600 kW. I really don't think a 1967 cost will be very relevant today. Dave ---------- From: Kiki Tidwell [mailto:ktinsv@cox.net] Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 9:09 AM To: 'Len Harlig' Cc: Angell, Dave Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Request for Third Party Review Dave- l do receive email at this address-could you share with the bounce back email where it showed it was rejected? You could also try kikitidwell@cox.net. The $57,000,000 you detail for a backup diesel generator seems excessively high - brand and model? What was the cost of the generator you installed at Salmon, Idaho, and its brand and model and capacity? KikiTidwell --------------- From: Len Harlig [mailto:len@lenharlig.com] Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 4:26 AM To: Kiki Tidwell Subject: FW: Request for Third Party Review Here is the bounce back e-mail Len From: Angell, Dave [mailto:DAngell@idahopower.com] Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 1:27 PM To: Len Harlig; Olmstead, Dan Subject: FW: Request for Third Party Review --------- I see that you were copied a Kiki's email. Kiki's email address is not receiving messages. -----Original Message----- From: Angell, Dave Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 01:03 PM Mountain Standard Time To: 'ktinsv@cox.net' Subject: Kiki, I have attached a letter and report in response to your August 31st email communication. Dave Angell MANAGER 3 Idaho Power I Customer Operations Planning PO Box 70 I Boise, ID I 83707 (208) 388-2701 office This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. No virus found in this message. 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