HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170518Comments.pdf3Effii .i:i,.1i::i-) @ An toAcoRP company . :l ii, ' i3 Fii !: 2; LISAD. NORDSTROM Lead Gounsel I n ordstrom@idahooower. com May 18,2017 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-16-24 Recovery of Costs Associated with North Valmy Power Plant ldaho Power Company's Comments in Support of Settlement Stipulation Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed forfiling in the above matter are an original and seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Company's Comments in support of the Settlement Stipulation filed in this matter on May 3, 2017. Very truly yours, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN/KKt Enclosures LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-61 17 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I no rd stro m @ida hopower. co m IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO RECOVER COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE NORTH VALMY PLANT _ 4 nta rr J l'i, tl: jJ Attomey for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. |PC-E-16-24 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STI PULATION ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Company"), by and through its undersigned attorney, hereby submits to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") these comments in the above-captioned proceeding. ldaho Power supports the settlement stipulation submitted in this proceeding ("Settlement Stipulation") and urges the Commission to adopt the Settlement Stipulation, without modification, by June 1,2017. I. BACKGROUND ldaho Power is generally expected to file an updated depreciation study within five years of the Company's previous depreciation study. Consequently, ldaho Power simultaneously filed cases to revise its genera! plant-in-service depreciation rates in Case No. IPC-E-16-23 and its deprecation rates specific to the North Valmy power plant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 1 ("Valmy") in this docket effective June 1, 2017. The Company's most recent depreciation update went into effect on June 1,2012, and reflected the continued plant life for Valmy of 50 years for each unit, resulting in a retirement year of 2031for Unit 1 and 2035 for Unit 2, as established in Case No. IPC-E-08-06 (Order No. 30639). Valmy is a coal-fired power plant that consists of two units and is Iocated near Winnemucca, Nevada. Unit 1 went into service in 1981 and Unit 2 followed in 1985. ldaho Power owns 50 percenl, or 284 megawatts ("MW") (generator nameplate rating), of Valmy. NV Energy also has 50 percent ownership and is the operator of the Valmy facility. ldaho Power and NV Energy work jointly to make decisions regarding any environmental investment, plant retirement, or convercion. The plant is connected via a single 345 kilovolt transmission line to the ldaho Power control area at the Midpoint substation. ln 2013, the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada ('PUCN') approved a 2025 end-of-life date for both Unit 1 and Unit 2 for NV Energy (Docket No. 13-06002, Modified Final Order dated January 29,2014). Likewise, in its most recent depreciation study filed with the PUCN on June 6,2016, NV Energy used the same end-of-life date for both units (Docket No. 16-06008). Although no agreement has yet been reached between ldaho Power and NV Energy to shutdown one or both units, the 2025 end-of- life date cunently utilized by NV Energy provides an indication that Valmy will not be operational beyond 2025. ln recognition of these events and the 2025 Valmy closure date identified in ldaho Powe/s 2015 lntegrated Resource PIan ("lRP") prefened portfolio that was accepted for filing in Commission Order No. 33441 (Case No. IPG-E-15-19), ldaho IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS !N SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 2 Power filed an Application in this case on October 21, 2016, requesting Commission authorization to accelerate the depreciation schedule for Valmy to: (1) allow the plant to be fu!!y depreciated by December 31, 2025, (2) establish a balancing account to track the incremental costs and benefits associated with the accelerated Valmy end-of-life date, and (3) adjust customer rates to recover the associated incremental annual levelized revenue requirement of $28.5 million with an effective date of June 1, 2017. ll approved as originally filed, the result of this application would have been an overall increase of 2.51 percent. The Company concurently filed an application in Case No. IPC-E-16-23 asking the Commission to adopt revised depreciation rates for its electric plant-in-service and corespondingly adjust ldaho jurisdictional base rates, also with an effective date of June 1, 2017. The result of that proposed adjustment would have been an overall increase of 0.59 percent. ln November 2016, the Commission issued a Notice of Application and set a deadline for interventions. Order No. 33650. Subsequently, the Commission granted petitions to intervene from the ldaho lnigation Pumpers Association, lnc. (.llPA"), Micron Technology, lnc. ("Micron"), the ldaho Conservation League ("lCL") and Siena Club, the U.S. Department of Energy and Federal Executive Agencies ("DOE"), and the lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power ('lClP'), hereinafter refened to as the "Parties." Order Nos. 33660, 33671, 33672, 3367 4, and 33746. The Parties met on February 2, 2017, and April 12,2017, for settlement discussions related to Valmy. Based upon these settlement discussions, as a compromise of the respective positions of the Parties, and for other considerations as set IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 3 out in the Settlement Stipulation the Parties were able to reach an agreement in principle. Idaho Power filed the Settlement Stipulation signed by al! Parties and conesponding motion to approve on May 3,2017. II. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Idaho Power believes the terms of the agreement as set forth in the proposed Settlement Stipulation represent a reasonable compromise of the respective positions. As detailed further in the Settlement Stipulation, the Parties agree to: . An increase in the ldaho jurisdictional revenue requirement of $13.3 million, effective June 1, 2017, to recover costs associated with the accelerated depreciation of existing investments for Unit 1 and Unit 2 at Valmy to be amortized through 2028 with an assumed ldaho Power cessation of coal- fired operations at Unit 1 at the end of 2019 and Unit 2 at the end of 2025. The costs also include forecasted investments for Valmy from 2017 through 2019 for Unit 1, forecasted operation and maintenance ("O&M") cost savings, and forecasted decommissioning costs for Unit 1 and Unit 2; o Balancing accounts to track the incremental costs and benefits associated with the accelerated Valmy end-of{ife date and regulatory accounts, including regulatory assets, to facilitate compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles; and . Provisions requiring future filings with the Commission that may result in periodic adjustments to rates based upon prudence reviews of capital expenditures, true-ups of actual capital expenditures and decommissioning IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION.4 costs to forecasted costs, true-ups of O&M expense savings, and plant closure or joint ownership and operating agreement negotiations. lf the Settlement Stipulation is approved by the Commission, the amount al! ldaho customer classes pay for electric service will increase by $13.3 million which equates to an overall increase of 1.17 percent as set forth in Attachment 1 to the Settlement Stipulation. Parties to the pending depreciation docket in Case No. IPC-E-16-23 agree or do not object to the terms set forth in the settlement stipulation filed simultaneously in that docket which would result in the new depreciation rates going into effect June 1, 2017, with no associated change in retail rates. III. IDAHO POWER'S SUPPORT FOR SETTLEMENT STIPULATION ldaho Power recommends the Commission adopt the proposed Settlement Stipulation for severa! reasons. First, it recognizes and incorporates recent ldaho Power integrated resource planning efforts that will be submitted to the Gommission next month in ldaho Power's 2017 lRP. Second, the Settlement Stipulation strikes a reasonable balance between the Company's need for timely cost recovery associated with the accelerated depreciation of Valmy while mitigating the rate impact to customers. Finally, it outlines a process to review future Valmy-related expenditures and adjust rates as necessary when each unit ceases operations. A. Aliqnment with the 2017 lRP. After the Company's initial filing and at the request of multiple parties, ldaho Power performed a supplemental Valmy shutdown analysis. When last evaluated in the Company's 2015 lRP, the Company's P9 portfolio identified the retirement of Valmy Unit 1 tn 2019 and retirement of Unit 2 in 2025 as the lowest cost and least risk on a IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 5 quantitative basis. However, severa! key factors created uncertainty that prompted the Company to choose the higher cost P6(b) portfolio with retirement of both Valmy units in 2025, including: (1) consideration of Valmy and Jim Bridger coal unit early retirement, (2) the Environmenta! Protection Agency's proposed Clean Air Act Section 111(d) regulation, (3) 320 MW of solar projects contracted under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 that were as yet unbuilt, and (4) the timing of the Boardman to Hemingway transmission line. These risks have largely diminished in the two years since completion of the 2015lRP, and the Company's updated quantitative analysis continues to reflect significant cost savings related to a 2019 Valmy Unit 1 shutdown with greater assuran@ that it would not negatively impact system reliability. The Company has quantified a present value reduction in revenue requirements over time of $33 million associated with a 2019 Valmy Unit 1 shutdown date as compared to the 2015 IRP assumption that Valmy Unit 1 would operate through 2025. As such, the Company has incorporated the 2019 Valmy Unit 1 shutdown daie into its portfolio planning process that will be reflected in the upcoming 2017 lRP. As indicated in Section 11 of the Settlement Stipulation, the Parties agreed that ldaho Power will use "prudent and commercially reasonable efforts" to amend the Valmy ownership and operating agreement with co-owner NV Energy to permanently cease buming coal in Unit 1 on or before December 31,2019, and in Unit 2 on or before December 31,2025. As recently observed with natural gas and solar prices, integrated resource planning factors can change significantly in just a few years; the Company understands that it cannot unilaterally @ase participation in Valmy without regard to the potential cost and reliability impacts such changes could pose to customers. If ldaho IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 6 Power cannot cease its participation in one or both Valmy units in a "prudent or commercially reasonable" fashion because of its resour@ portfolio, market conditions, or negotiations with NV Energy, the Company will so apprise the Commission and make re@mmendations for the Commission's consideration. However, ldaho Power is optimistic that it can achieve shutdown of the Valmy units as described in the Settlement Stipulation. B. Cost Recoverv that Mitiqates Generational lneouities and Rate lmoact The annual levelized revenue requirement associated with the updated 2019 Unit 112025 Unit 2 scenario would increase to approximately $52 million as compared to the Company's filed request of $28.5 million that reflected a 2025 shutdown date for both units. ln recognition of the potential rate impact of the higher levelized revenue requirement associated wlth a 2019 shutdown date for Unit 1, the Parties agreed to the amortization of costs for both units beyond the 201912025 shutdown date to extend through 2028 to lower the resulting rate impact from approximately 4.58 percent to 1.17 percent overall. Idaho Power believes this adjustment results in reasonable rcte impacts for customers while stil! prcviding the Company with a reasonable opportunity to recover its Valmy investments. The Settlement Stipulation allows for recovery of costs associated with the accelerated depreciation and decommissioning of Valmy through 2028 for ratemaking purposes, and ldaho Power is cognizant of generational inequities that may exist when cost recovery extends past a plant's operating life. However, with respect to Valmy, generational inequities were introduced as early as 2008 when Order No. 30639 extended the depreciable life for Valmy to 50 years frcm the 37-year life established in 2003 with IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS !N SUPPORT OF SEfiLEMENT STIPULATION - 7 Order No. 29363 (IPC-E-03-07), a plant life that has now been determined to be uneconomical. ldaho Power believes a cost recovery period through 2028 for ratemaking purposes wil! mitigate the rate impact and will be a step towards better aligning the recovery of Valmy's costs with those customers benefiting from the plant's operation. The Parties also agreed to include cunent and future non-fuel O&M savings reflecting the difference between costs included in base rates and actuaUforecasted costs beginning June 1, 2017, until Valmy operation is no longer reflected in base rates. Because the Settlement Stipulation includes forecasted O&M expenditures, the Parties agree that those future expenditures should be trued-up to actual O&M savings. C. Framework for Future Prudence Reviews. Recognizing the challenges associated with reviewing expenses associated with continued operations of Valmy past 2019, the Parties worked collaboratively to create an agreement that will allow the Company the opportunity to recover costs associated with an earlier end-of{ife for Unit 1 and provide for future prudence reviews and potential rate adjustments associated with Unit 2 costs. Because the Settlement Stipulation includes estimates of future capita!, decommissioning, and O&M expenditures as part of the levelized revenue requirement, the Parties agree that those future expenditures should be timely reviewed, updated, and trued-up to ensure that ldaho Power recovers no more and no less than the revenue requirement related to its prudent expenditures to benefit customers. Sections 13 (Unit Closure Prudence Reviews and Cost Recovery), 14 (Asset Retirement Obligations), and 15 (True-up of Expenditures) of the Seftlement Stipulation set forth a regulatory framework that will allow ldaho Power to recover its prudent expenditures to operate and decommission the Valmy units. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 8 tv. coNclustoN As evidenced by the multiple requests made to revise the comment schedule, the Parties invested significant time and effort to reach the agreement set forth in this Settlement Stipulation. While the outcome is significantly different than the Company's original request, ldaho Power believes that the proposed Settlement Stipulation is a reasonable resolution of the complex issues presented in this docket and is in the public interest. For all the reasons presented in these comments, ldaho Power urges the Commission to adopt the Settlement Stipulation submitted in this proceeding as filed, without modification, and to issue an order authorizing the terms of the Settlement Stipulation effective June 1, 2017. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 18h day of May 2017. D Attomey for ldaho Power Company ]DAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 9 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 18h day of May 2017 I served a true and conect copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS lN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Camille Christen Deputy Attomey General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 Micron Technology, lnc. Thorvald A. Nelson Frederick J. Schmidt Emanuel T. Cocian Brian T. Hansen HOLLAND & HART, LLP 6380 South Fiddlers Green Gircle, Suite 500 Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 Pete Bennett Micron Technology, lnc. 8000 South FederalWay Boise, ldaho 83707 ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc. Eric L. Olsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Suite 100 P.O. Box 6119 Pocatello, ldaho 83205 Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 X Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email camille.christen@puc.idaho.oov _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email tnelson@hollandhart.com fsch midt@hol land hart. com etcocian@hol land hart. com bhansen@holland hart.com klhall@hollandhart.com kmtrease@hol land hart. com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email cbennett@micron.com tawolf@micron.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FAXX Emai! elo@echohawk.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Emai! tonv@vankel.net IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 1O ldaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North Sixth Street P.O. Box 844 Boise, ldaho 83701 Sierra Glub Travis Ritchie Siena Club 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300 Oakland, Califomia 94612 United States Department of Energy and Federal Executive Agencies Steven Porter Office of the General Counsel (GC-76) The United States Department of Energy 1000 lndependence Avenue, SW (Room 6D-033) Washington, D.C.20585 lndustrial Gustomers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27h Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 837OT Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mai! _FAXX Email botto@idahoconservation.oro _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email travis.ritchie@sierraclub.oro _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email steven.porter@hq.doe.oov _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email dreadino@mindsprino.com Ki T Executive IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 11