HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161021Larkin Direct.pdfRECE IVED 20 ! , ~;T 2 I P 3: I / BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO RECOVER COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE NORTH VALMY POWER PLANT. CASE NO. IPC-E-16-24 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW T. LARKIN 1 Q. Please state you r name, business address , and 2 present position with Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Poweru or 4 5 A. My name is Matthew T. Larkin. My business address is 1221 West Idaho Street , Boise , Idaho 83702. 6 am employed by Idaho Power as the Revenue Requirement 7 Manager in the Regulatory Affairs Department . I 8 9 Q. A. Please describe your educational background . I received a Bachelor of Business 10 Administration degree in Finance from the University of 11 12 Oregon in 2007. In 2008 , I earned a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Oregon . I 13 have also attended electric utility ratemaking courses, 14 including the Electric Rates Advanced Course , offered by 15 the Edison Electric Institute , and Estimation of 16 Electricity Marginal Costs and Application to Pricing, 17 presented by National Economic Research Associates, Inc . 18 Q. Please describe your work experience with 19 Idaho Power. 20 A. I began my employment with Idaho Power as a 21 Regulatory Analyst I in January 2009 . As a Regulatory 22 Analyst I , I provided support for the Company's regul atory 23 activities , including compliance reporting , financial 24 analysis, and the development of revenue forecasts for 25 regulatory filings . LARKIN , DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 In January 2012, I was promoted to Regulatory 2 Anal yst II , and , i n January 2014 , I was promoted to Senior 3 Regulatory Analyst. As a Senior Regulatory Analyst , my 4 responsibi l ities expanded to include the development of 5 complex cost-related studies and the analysis of strategic 6 regulatory issues . 7 In March of 2016 , I was promoted to my current 8 position of Revenue Requirement Manager . As Revenue 9 Requirement Manager , I oversee the Company 's regulatory 10 activities related to revenue requirement , such as power 11 supply expense modeling , jurisdictional separation studies , 12 and Idaho Power 's Open Access Transmission Tariff formula 13 rate . 14 15 16 Q. A . I. OVERVIEW What is the Company requesting in this case? The Company is requesting the Idaho Pub l ic 17 Utilities Commission ("Commission") authorize Idaho Power 18 to (1) accelerate the depreciation schedule for the North 19 Valmy power plant ("Valmy") to allow the plant to be fully 20 depreciated by December 31 , 2025 , (2) establish a balancing 21 account to track the incremental costs and benefits 22 associated with the accelerated Valmy end-of -life date , and 23 (3) adjust customer rates to recover the associated 24 incremental annual levelized revenue requirement of $28 .50 25 million with an effective date of June 1, 2017 . LARKIN , DI 2 Idaho Power Company 1 2 Q. A. How is the Company's case organized? My testimony begins with a discussion of why 3 the 2025 end-of-life date for the Valrny plant is 4 appropriate and describes why the Valrny depreciation 5 schedule should be accelerated at this time. My testimony 6 then details the proposed balancing account intended to 7 recover incremental costs and benefits associated with a 8 2025 end-of-life assumption for Valrny. My testimony 9 concludes with a quantification of the proposed $28.50 10 million increase to rates with a requested effective date 11 of June 1, 2017, and a summary of why the Company's request 12 is in the public interest. 13 The direct testimony of Company witness Torn Harvey 14 discusses the prudence of investments made at Valrny that 15 have added to the associated plant balances since the 16 Company's last depreciation update became effective on June 17 1, 2012, and informs the Commission of necessary future 18 investments at the plant to ensure Valrny continues to be 19 available for reliable load service through the end of 20 2025. Mr. Harvey's testimony then presents the analysis 21 relied upon by Idaho Power to determine that the proposed 22 depreciable life at Valrny reflecting a 2025 end-of-life 23 date is appropriate. 24 25 Q. Please summarize your exhibits. LARKIN, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 A. Exhibit No. 1 illustrates the magnitude of 2 potential future revenue requirement increases that would 3 exist if the acceleration of Valmy's depreciation schedule 4 is delayed beyond the proposed effective date of June 1, 5 2017. Exhibit No. 2 details the derivation of the 6 levelized revenue requirement to be tracked in a Valmy 7 balancing account and the Idaho jurisdictional share of the 8 revenue requirement that the Company is proposing in this 9 case to include in customer rates. Exhibit No. 3 details 10 the development of the current Valmy revenue requirement 11 based upon the Company's 2011 test year filed in Case No. 12 IPC-E-11-08. 13 14 Q. II. VALMY ACCELERATED DEPRECIATION Why is the Company proposing to modify the 15 depreciable life of Valmy at this time? 16 A. Pursuant to Commission Staff's recommendation 17 in Case No. IPC-E-03-07, Idaho Power is to file an updated 18 depreciation study within five years of the Company's 19 previous depreciation study. The Company's most recent 20 update, approved by Order No. 32559 in Case No. 21 IPC-E-12-08, went into effect on June 1, 2012. Because 22 nearly five years have passed since the last update, the 23 Company began preparations in early 2016 to file a new 24 depreciation study. Through these preparations, the 25 Company identified that significant changes had occurred LARKIN, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 1 wi th regard to the economic life of the Valmy plant , 2 warranting the need for specific review separate from the 3 Company's general depreciation filing . Given the 4 requirement to file an updated depreciation study within 5 the next year, the Company believes it is appropriate to 6 consider Valmy-related issues concurrently with the 7 comprehensive depreciation study filed in Case No . IPC-E- 8 16-23. The requested effective date in both cases is June 9 1, 2017, which is five years from the effective date of the 10 Company 's last depreciation rate update . 11 Q. Why does Idaho Power believe it is appropriate 12 to address depreciation for Val my in a separate proceeding 13 rather than through the general depreciation study update 1 4 filed in Case No . IPC-E -16-23? 1 5 A. As discussed in detail in Mr . Harvey 's 16 testimony , circumstances surrounding the Valmy plant have 17 changed since the Company last updated its depreciation 18 rates in 2012 , resulting in the Company 's request for the 19 proposed accounting treatment detailed in my testimony. 20 Similar to the circumstances surrounding the Boardman plant 21 ("Boardman ") in 2012 , changing conditions have resulted in 22 an expected end -of-l ife at Valmy that is several years 23 earlier than what is currently r eflected in customer rates . 24 Given the complexity associated with the acceleration of 25 Valmy 's depreciation schedule , the Company fe l t that a LARKIN , DI 5 Idaho Power Company 1 separate proceeding was appropriate to allow for a full 2 review of the issues presented herein. 3 Q. What is Valmy's currently approved depreciable 4 life for ratemaking purposes? 5 A. Currently approved depreciation rates reflect 6 a plant life of 50 years for each unit, resulting in a 7 retirement year of 2031 for Unit 1 and 2035 for Unit 2. 8 Q. What analysis led Idaho Power to determine 9 that the end-of-life assumption for Valmy should be 10 accelerated to year-end 2025? 11 A. As detailed in the direct testimony of Mr. 12 Harvey, Idaho Power's preferred portfolio from the 2015 13 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") included the shutdown of 14 Valmy Units 1 and 2 in 2025 to coincide with the completion 15 of the Boardman to Hemingway ("B2H") transmission line. 16 addition to the 2015 IRP analysis, in 2016, Idaho Power 17 completed an assessment of the operating future of Valmy 18 with respect to economics of production and system 19 reliability. As discussed by Mr. Harvey, the assessment 20 indicates that Valmy is not expected to operate beyond In 21 2025. 22 Q. In addition to the analyses performed by Idaho 23 Power, are there any other factors that support the use of 24 2025 as the appropriate end-of-life date for Valmy? 25 LARKIN, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 A. Yes. In 2013, Idaho Power's co-owner in 2 Valmy , NV Energy, filed a request with the Public Utilities 3 Commission of Nevada ("PUCN") for a 2021 end-of-life date 4 for Unit 1 at Valmy . The request did not include a change 5 to NV Energy 's existing end-of-life date of 2025 for Unit 6 2 . Because of concerns about the increase in common costs 7 that would result from operating only one of the two units 8 beginning in 2021, the PUCN instead approved a 2025 end-of- 9 life date for both Unit 1 and Unit 2 (Docket No . 13-06002 , 10 Modified Final Order dated January 29 , 2014). Likewise , in 11 its most recent depreciation study filed with the PUCN on 12 June 6, 2016 , in Docket No . 16 -06008 , NV Energy used the 13 same end-of -life date for both units . As discussed in more 14 detail in the testimony of Mr . Harvey, the 2025 shutdown 15 date currently utilized by NV Energy provides an additional 16 indication that the Valmy plant will not be operational 1 7 beyond 2025 . 18 Q. Has Idaho Power considered utilizing an end- 19 of-life date for Valmy earlier than 2025? 20 A. Yes. As part of the 2015 IRP , Idaho Power 21 considered the impact to customers of an end -of-life at 22 both Valmy units earlier than 2025 . However , Idaho Power 's 23 analysis concluded that an end -of-li fe assumption of 2025 24 would result in net present value revenue requirement 25 savings as compared to the existing operating assumption LARKIN, DI 7 Idaho Power Company 1 while mitigating the customer rate impacts associated with 2 a 20 1 9 end-of-life. 3 Q. Please summarize why a 2025 end-of-life date 4 is appropriate for the Valmy plant . 5 A. There are multiple aspects of the current 6 circumstances surroundi ng the Valmy plant that support the 7 use of a 2025 end -of-l ife date for depreciation purposes . 8 First , Idaho Power 's 2015 IRP led to the use of a 2025 9 c l osure date for both Valmy units as part of the Company's 10 preferred portfolio , balancing the short-term rate impacts 11 of an earlier shutdown with long -term revenue requirement 12 savings . The 2025 date was further supported by the 13 assessment performed by the Company in 2016, which 14 concluded that a 2025 end -of-life date for Valmy is 15 preferable with respect to reliability and revenue 16 requirement impacts. Lastly , the currently approved 17 depreciable life util i zed by the Company's co-owner at the 18 Valmy plant, NV Energy , reflects a 2025 end-of-life date. 19 This body of evidence strongly supports the modification of 20 the existing Valmy depreciation schedule to ref l ect a 2025 21 shutdown date . 22 23 24 Q. III . BENEFITS OF ACCELERATED RECOVERY OF VALMY-RELATED COSTS Why is it beneficial to accelerate the 25 depreciation schedule at Valmy to reflect the 2025 end-of- 26 life date as requ ested? LARKIN , DI 8 Idaho Power Company 1 A. There are two primary reasons why it is 2 beneficial to accelerate Valmy's depreciation schedule at 3 this time: (1) doing so will result in the appropriate 4 matching of cost recovery with the remaining operating life 5 of the plant and (2) accelerating the deprecation schedule 6 at this time will mitigate future rate impacts associated 7 with the earlier shutdown of the plant . 8 Q. Please explain why the Company 's proposal 9 results in the appropriate matching of costs and rate 10 recovery . 11 A. For the reasons summarized above , customers 12 will continue to be served by the Valmy plant until year- 13 end 2025 , at which point the plant is no longer expected to 14 be used . By accelerating the depreciation schedule to 15 reflect a 2025 shutdown date , the recovery of Val my-re l ated 16 costs will align with the remaining operating life o f the 17 plant , resulting in cost recovery from customers who are 18 served by the plant . Without accelerating the depreciation 19 schedule to reflect the 2025 shutdown date , cost recovery 20 from customers could extend beyond the plant 's operat ing 21 life , resulting in cost recovery from future customers for 22 a p lan t that will no longer be providing service at that 23 time . 24 25 LARKIN , DI 9 Idaho Power Company 1 Q. How does the acceleration of Valmy's 2 depreciation schedule mitigate future rate impacts to 3 customers? 4 A. From a ratemaking perspective, depreciation 5 expense represents the recovery of investment in plant and 6 equipment over time. When the life of an asset is adjusted 7 to reflect an earlier retirement date, it results in a 8 shorter time period over which costs can be recovered, 9 meaning more costs must be recovered in each year to 10 provide for full recovery of the investment over its useful 11 life. Therefore, the more time that passes before the 12 depreciation schedule at Valmy is adjusted to reflect the 13 2025 retirement date, the larger the revenue requirement 14 increase will be to allow for full cost recovery. 15 Q. Have you quantified the potential customer 16 impact of delaying the acceleration of Valmy's depreciation 17 schedule beyond the requested June 1, 2017, effective date? 18 A . Yes. Exhibit No. 1 presents the impact of 19 delaying the acceleration of Valmy's depreciation schedule 20 beyond the requested June 1, 2017, effective date. As can 21 be seen in Exhibit No. 1, a delay of just 12 months would 22 result in an annual levelized revenue requirement of over 23 $30 .54 million and a delay of four years results in an 24 annual levelized revenue requirement amount of over $43 .75 25 million. LARKIN, DI 10 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 Q. IV . RECOMMENDED REGULATORY ACCOUNTING AND RATEMAKING TREATMENT Please describe the need for the Va l my 5 balancing account. 6 A. As stated above , the Company believes the 7 operating life of Valmy will end i n 2025 , earlier than the 8 current depreciable end-of -life of 2031 for Unit 1 and 2035 9 for Unit 2 . In addition to the earlier end-of -life date , 10 Valmy will also require incremental investments to maintain 11 operations prior to ultimately decommissioning the plant . 12 However , the specific timing and exact amounts of these 13 future investments are not yet known . For these reasons , 14 Idaho Power proposes the establishment of a balancing 15 account that would allow flexib i lity for the timing and 16 recovery of the remaining Valmy revenue requirement. 17 Q. Has the Commission authorized the Company to 18 implement the requested recovery treatment in any other 19 cases? 20 A . Yes . In Order No. 32457 (Case No . 21 IPC -E-11 -18), the Commission approved a cost recovery 22 approach for incremental annual costs associated with the 23 early retirement of the Boardman power plant . Idaho 24 Power 's proposal in this case mirrors the cost recovery 25 approach approved in Case No . IPC -E-11-1 8 and implemented 26 in Case No . IPC -E-12 -09 . LARKIN , DI 11 Idaho Power Company 1 Q. Please provide an overview of the Company's 2 proposed cost recovery approach for Valmy. 3 4 A. There are three types of costs the Company anticipates booking to the balancing account: (1) the 5 accelerated depreciation associated with existing Valmy 6 plant investments, ( 2) the return on the undepreciated 7 capital investments at Valmy until its end-of-life, and (3) 8 decommissioning costs related to the Valmy shutdown. Under 9 the proposed approach, the Company will replace the base 10 rate revenue recovery associated with Idaho Power's 11 existing investment in Valmy with a levelized revenue 12 requirement to be tracked in the Valmy balancing account. 13 Q. What are the benefits associated with this 14 approach? 15 A. Like the Boardman balancing account, the Valmy 16 balancing account will smooth revenue requirement impacts 17 of a 2025 Valmy shutdown over the remaining eight and a 18 half years of Valmy plant's life and allow for full 19 recovery of Valmy-related costs by its end-of-life. As 20 discussed earlier in my testimony, this will effectively 21 align the cost recovery period with the remaining operating 22 life of the plant, resulting in an appropriate matching of 23 cost recovery from customers who benefit from the plant's 24 operations while mitigating the risk of future customers 25 bearing the costs of a plant that will no longer be LARKIN, DI 12 Idaho Power Company 1 providing service . Additionally , through the proposed 2 accounting treatment, customers will pay no more or no less 3 than the actual capital -related costs of the Valmy plant 4 between the proposed effective date of June 1 , 2017 , and 5 the proposed end-of-life date in 2025 . 6 Q. Please describe the tracking of the 7 accelerated depreciation associated with existing Valmy 8 plant investments . 9 A. The proposed accounting treatment wil l result 10 in accelerated depreciation expense re l ated to all Valmy 11 plant investments as compared to current depreciation that 12 is based on a retirement date of 2031 for Unit 1 and 2035 13 for Unit 2. The Company is proposing to track and recover 14 the accelerated depreciation expense associated with 15 Valmy 's 2025 end-of-life through the Valmy balancing 16 account as quantified later in my testimony. 17 Q. Please explain the return on undepreciated 18 capital investments at Valmy that will be tracked in the 19 balancing account . 20 A. Although Valmy 's end -of-life is expected to 21 occur in 2025 , there will be required investments at the 22 plant in addition to its normal maintenance in order to 2 3 keep the plant operational until that time . The return and 24 associated depreciation expense will be tracked in the 25 balancing account . LARKIN , DI 13 Idaho Power Company 1 Q. Please describe the proposed tracking of the 2 Valmy decommissioning costs. 3 4 A. Idaho Power will incur decommissioning costs related to the Valmy 2025 end-of-life. Currently, 5 estimated decommissioning costs are accounted for as an 6 Asset Retirement Obligation ("AROu), which considers costs 7 to decommission and remove plant components, including the 8 power plant and associated ponds and material handling 9 facilities. The ARO also includes a 15 percent contingency 10 estimate and is partially offset by expected salvage 11 proceeds associated with decommissioning the plant. The 12 Company's current base rates do not include any recovery of 13 ARO related to Valmy. 14 Q. Does the Company account for the Valmy ARO 15 under Accounting Standards Codification ("ASCu) 410? 16 A. Yes. In accordance with Order No. 29414, 17 Idaho Power records (1) a regulatory asset for the 18 cumulative financial statement impact resulting from the 19 Company's implementation of ASC 410 and (2) the ongoing 20 annual differences between the ASC 410 depreciation and 21 accretion expenses and the annual depreciation expenses 22 that are currently authorized by the Commission in 23 depreciation rates and accruals. If the Commission 24 approves the Company's proposal related to Valmy 25 decommissioning costs, Idaho Power would begin collecting LARKIN, DI 14 Idaho Power Company 1 revenues to cover the existing ARO-related liabilities, as 2 well as non-ARO decommissioning costs. Therefore, Idaho 3 Power requests Valmy-related ARO balances be exempted from 4 the deferral treatment under Order No. 29414 and that 5 previously deferred amounts be amortized over the expected 6 remaining life of Valmy. 7 Q. Has the Company determined the levelized 8 revenue requirement associated with the costs proposed to 9 be tracked in the Valmy balancing account? 10 A. Yes. The annual levelized revenue requirement 11 associated with the recovery of both existing investments 12 in Valmy on an accelerated basis as well as incremental, 13 forecasted investments between August 1, 2016, and December 14 31, 2025, is $45.97 million on an Idaho jurisdictional 15 basis. Exhibit No. 2 details the development of the 16 levelized revenue requirement. 17 18 Q. A. Please explain your levelizing calculation. The levelized revenue requirement includes the 19 costs of accelerating the depreciation of the Valmy plant 20 items, the return associated with capital investments net 21 of accumulated depreciation forecasted through the 22 remaining life of Valmy, and the decommissioning costs 23 associated with Valmy's end-of-life. The levelized revenue 24 requirement was determined by calculating the present value 25 of each of the individual items and converting the values LARKIN, DI 15 Idaho Power Company 1 into a level payment stream from customers over the eight 2 and a half year recovery period beginning June 1, 2017. 3 Q. Please quantify the accelerated depreciation 4 component of the levelized revenue requirement amount. 5 A. The Company's proposal will result in 6 accelerated depreciation expense related to all Valmy plant 7 investments. As previously mentioned, concurrent with this 8 filing, Idaho Power has filed its updated depreciation 9 study in Case No. IPC-E-16-23 that incorporates Valmy's 10 2025 end-of-life date and adjusts depreciation rates 11 accordingly, anticipating a proposed change in rates 12 effective June 1, 2017. In that filing, however, the 13 Company is proposing to exclude the impacts of the 14 accelerated depreciation for Valmy and instead track these 15 incremental expenses in the Valmy balancing account 16 proposed in this case. As of July 31, 2016, the Valmy net 17 plant investment is approximately $222 million and the 18 Company estimates the net plant investment as of May 31, 19 2017, will be $217 million. The total accelerated 20 depreciation associated with the Valmy 2025 end-of-life 21 date included in the levelized revenue requirement 22 calculation is approximately $39.73 million on an Idaho 23 jurisdictional basis. 24 25 LARKIN, DI 16 Idaho Power Company 1 Q. Please quantify the revenue requirement 2 ass o ciated with the return on undepreciated capital 3 investments at Valmy . 4 A. The accelerated depreciation component of the 5 levelized revenue requirement computation includes net 6 Valmy investments as of May 31 , 2017. As explained in more 7 detail in the testimony of Mr. Harvey, Idaho Power 8 anticipates the capital expenditures made at Valmy through 9 2025 will be for routine repairs. The Idaho jurisdictional 10 levelized revenue requirement associated with expected 11 incremental investments at Valmy from August 1, 2016 , 12 through December 31 , 2025 , is $4.45 million. The Revenue 13 Requirement on Incremental Investments section of Exhibit 14 No . 2 details this computation . 15 Q. Please quantify the annual revenue requi rement 16 associated with the Valmy decommissioning costs . 17 A. Idaho Power estimated its share of the 18 decommissioning costs by applying the Company 's 50 percent 19 ownership percentage to the decommissioning study performed 20 by URS Corporation for NV Energy . The total included in 21 the Idaho jurisdictional levelized revenue requirement 22 calculation is $1 .79 million . 23 Q. What is the resulting total levelized revenue 24 requirement? 25 LARKIN , DI 17 Idaho Power Company 1 A. The levelized revenue requirement associated 2 wi th Valmy includes $39.73 million in accelerated 3 depreciation of existing investments , $4.45 million related 4 to incremental investments , and $1 .79 million in 5 decommissioning costs, for a total levelized revenue 6 requirement of $45 .97 million on an Idaho jurisdictional 7 basis . 8 Q. What is the existing revenue requirement 9 associated with Valmy that is currently included in the 10 Company's base rates? 11 A. Exhibit No. 3 details the development of the 12 $17.47 million Idaho jurisdictional share of the existing 13 revenue requirement . This amount will be replaced with the 14 levelized revenue requirement amount detailed in Exhibit 15 No . 2 . 16 Q. How does the total levelized revenue 17 requirement compare to the existing revenue requirement 18 currently in customer rates? 19 A. The total levelized revenue requirement of 20 $45.97 million less the Idaho jurisdictional share of the 21 existing revenue requirement of $17.47 million results in 22 an incremental annual levelized revenue requirement of 23 approximately $28 .50 million on an Idaho jurisdictional 24 basis . 25 LARKIN , DI 18 Idaho Power Company 1 Q. What level of return on equity ("ROE'') have 2 you incorporated into your revenue requirement 3 quantifications? 4 A. Consistent with the current treatment of 5 Boardman-related revenue requirement computations, the 6 Company proposes to use a 9 .5 percent ROE in the 7 quantification of the levelized revenue requirement for 8 Valmy . In Case No. IPC-E-11-18, the Commission agreed with 9 Commission Staff's proposal to use a 9 .5 percent ROE to 10 calculate the levelized payments for Boardman. Because the 11 regulatory treatment requested in this case mirrors that 12 applied for recovery of Boardman plant investments, the 13 Company believes it is reasonable and appropriate to apply 14 the same ROE to Valmy investments. The 9.5 percent ROE is 15 also the same level of ROE currently applied as the 16 Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credit trigger approved 17 by Order No. 32424 (Case No. IPC-E-11-22). 18 Q. How does the Company plan to administer the 19 Valmy balancing account on an annual basis? 20 A. Idaho Power is proposing to administer the 21 Valmy balancing account in the same way the Company 22 administers the Boardman balancing account. On an annual 23 basis, Idaho Power will recalculate the levelized revenue 24 requirement for Valmy based upon actual investments to date 25 and an updated forecast of future investments at the plant. LARKIN, DI 19 Idaho Power Company 1 The Company will also track (1) the monthly deviations 2 between forecasted revenue collection and actual revenue 3 collection and (2) deviations between existing levelized 4 revenue requirement calculations and updated levelized 5 revenue requirement calculations. These two tracked 6 components, along with the revised levelized revenue 7 requirement, would be reviewed annually to determine 8 whether or not a rate adjustment is needed. If the Company 9 determines that a rate adjustment is needed, a new rate 10 would be determined that would recover the newly calculated 11 levelized revenue requirement as well as provide for 12 recovery or refund of the amounts tracked in the balancing 13 account. Should the Company choose not to recommend an 14 adjustment to rates in a given year, amounts previously 15 recorded in the balancing account would remain in the 16 balancing account for future recovery or refund. Under 17 this approach, customers will pay the capital-related costs 18 of the plant until its assumed end-of-life of 2025, no more 19 and no less. 20 Q. Has Idaho Power updated the Boardman-related 21 levelized revenue requirement amounts included in customer 22 rates since the Boardman balancing account was implemented 23 in June 1, 2012? 24 A. No. Idaho Power has filed a report with the 25 Commission annually detailing the updated levelized revenue LARKIN, DI 20 Idaho Power Company 1 requirement amount based on more current investment amounts 2 and new forecast information , as well as deviations in 3 collections and changes in the levelized revenue 4 requirement amounts since 2012 . However , because the 5 difference in the annual revenue requirement amounts has 6 been quite small as a percentage of the Company's Idaho 7 jurisdictional retail revenues each year , and because any 8 such differences are tracked through the Boardman balancing 9 account, the Company has not requested to adjust base rates 10 to recover such differences . To date, the balancing 11 account approach to cost recovery associated with the early 12 shutdown of Boardman has effectively smoothed or 13 "levelized" related rate impacts to customers. 14 Q. How does the Company propose to allocate the 15 incremental annual levelized revenue requirement amount of 16 approximately $28.50 million to each class of customers? 17 A. The Company requests that the incremental 18 revenue requirement of approximately $28 .50 million be 19 recovered from all customer classes through a uniform 20 percentage increase to all base rate components except the 21 service charge. 22 Q. Has the Company prepared a schedule that 23 presents the revenue spread results for each customer class 24 under the Company 's proposed allocation methodology? 25 LARKIN, DI 21 Idaho Power Company 1 A. Yes. Attachment No. 1 to the Application 2 presents a summary of the proposed revenue impact for each 3 customer class. 4 5 6 Q. A. V. CONCLUSION Please summarize your testimony. Multiple studies support the use of 2025 as 7 the end-of-life date for the Valmy plant, including Idaho 8 Power's 2015 IRP and the 2016 analysis detailed in the 9 testimony of Mr. Harvey. In addition, the currently 10 approved depreciable life for the Company's co-owner at 11 Valmy, NV Energy, also reflects a 2025 end-of-life date. 12 Given this body of evidence, Idaho Power is proposing to 13 accelerate the depreciation schedule for the Valmy plant to 14 reflect this earlier shutdown of year-end 2025. The 15 Company's proposal will result in the appropriate matching 16 of cost recovery with the remaining operations of the 17 plant, and mitigate future rate increases that will be 18 required if Valmy's depreciable life is not updated at this 19 time. 20 Additionally, Valmy will require incremental 21 investments to maintain operations prior to ultimately 22 decommissioning the plant. However, the specific timing 23 and exact amounts of these future investments are not yet 24 known. For that reason, Idaho Power proposes the 25 establishment of a balancing account that would allow LARKIN, DI 22 Idaho Power Company 1 flexibility for the timing and recovery of the remaining 2 Valmy revenue requirement, and appropriately align the cost 3 recovery period with the remaining operational life of the 4 plant. The requested treatment is identical to the 5 currently approved methodology related to the early closure 6 of the Boardman power plant, which has proven to be an 7 effective method to provide for cost recovery while 8 smoothing out rate impacts to customers. Under the 9 proposed methodology, Idaho Power seeks approval of an 10 adjustment of $28.50 million to the Company's Idaho 11 jurisdictional revenue requirement to take place on June 1, 12 2017. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. Does this complete your testimony? Yes, it does. LARKIN, DI 23 Idaho Power Company 1 ATTESTATION OF TESTIMONY 2 3 STATE OF IDAHO 4 5 County of Ada 6 ss. 7 I, Matthew T. Larkin, having been duly sworn to 8 testify truthfully, and based upon my personal knowledge, 9 state the following: 10 I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Revenue 11 Requirement Manager in the Regulatory Affairs Department 12 and am competent to be a witness in this proceeding. 13 I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of 14 the state of Idaho that the foregoing pre-filed testimony 15 and exhibits are true and correct to the best of my 16 information and belief. 17 DATED this 21 st day of October 2016. 18 19 20 21 Matthew T. Larkin 22 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 21st day of 23 October 2016. 24 25 26 27 28 ·SD Notary for Idaho Residing at: Boise, Idaho My commission expires: 02/04 LARKIN, DI 24 Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-16-24 IDAHO POWER COMPANY LARKIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 FUTURE REVENUE REQUIREMENT INCREASES ABSENT ACCELERATION AS FILED VALMY LEVELIZED REVENUE REQUIREMENT RATE CHANGE As Filed: June 1, 2017 $ If Delayed Until: June 1, 2018 $ June 1, 2019 $ June 1, 2020 $ June 1, 2021 $ LEVELIZED REVENUE REQUIREMENT 28,497,934 30,539,150 33,528,173 37,661 ,623 43,750,797 $ $ $ $ $ INCREASE 2,041 ,216 5,030,239 9,163,689 15,252,863 Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-16-24 M. Larkin , IPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-16-24 IDAHO POWER COMPANY LARKIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 2 () Ql en CD z s:: ~ -m "'OX () -::I" "'Or Ql Ql (C .., CD ~ ..... _::, 0 --"'O ..... () . -· m CT I ;:::::.: c» z • 0 N · ~N Levelized Revenue Requirement for the Valmy Plant at May 31, 2017 Revenue Requirement On Existing Investments at May 31. 2017 Existing Accelerated 2017 48,182,681 2018 46,081,959 2019 44,205,352 2020 42,280,012 2021 40,351 ,208 2022 38,444,002 2023 36,588,245 2024 34,826,858 2025 32,851,514 Total PV Payment 363,811,831 273,860,088 41,787,659 Revenue Requirement On Incremental Investments Capital Additions & Forecast Life (years! June, 2017 1,680,976 9 January, 2018 9,140,126 8 January, 2019 6,572,775 7 January, 2020 5,301,763 6 January, 2021 3,826,243 5 January, 2022 2,981,229 4 January, 2023 2,776,522 3 January, 2024 2,500,000 2 January, 2025 500,000 1 Total PV Payment Des.ommissioning Co11§ 2025 Costs Decommissioning Costs (Estimated in 2025 dollars) 21,583,188 Total System Summary Levelized Rev Rqmt -Existing Investment Levelized Rev Rqmt -Incremental Investments Levelized Rev Rqmt -Decommissioning Costs & Salvage New Levelized Rev Rqmt (To be tracked through the balancing account) Estimated Rev Rqmt Currently in Base Rates (2011) Net Change in Levelized Rev Rqmt True-Up of Prior Year Collections True-Up of Levelized Rev Rqmt Annual Rev Rqmt. Impact to Customers Layer 2017 260,976 317,838 299,848 282,024 264,354 246,826 229,430 212,156 194,950 2,308,402 1,738,113 265,215 Payment 1,880,690 41 ,787,659 4,679,260 1,880,690 48,347,609 18,170,111 30,177,498 30,177,498 Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 1,557,288 1,871,156 1,244,266 1,760,176 1,471,134 1,153,582 1,650,281 1,379,654 1,352,751 954,673 1,541,390 1,289,085 1,264,079 1,087,611 886,586 1,433,427 1,199,359 1,176,456 1,012,817 977,542 1,047,288 1,326,325 1,110,411 1,089,803 938,779 906,643 1,112,405 1,342,010 1,220,017 1,022,185 1,004,048 865,442 836 333 1,026,780 1,365,357 507,817 12,360,059 8,716,094 7,040,720 4,859,321 3,607,105 3,186,474 2,707,367 507,817 8,948,404 6,072,362 4,723,138 3,143,103 2,251,924 1,922,153 1,579,838 287,016 1,365,416 926,567 720,692 479,599 343,616 293,297 241,064 43,795 Idaho Jurisdictional Summary Levelized Rev Rqmt -Existing Investment Levelized Rev Rqmt -Incremental Investments Levelized Rev Rqmt -Decommissioning Costs & Salvage New Levelized Rev Rqmt (To be tracked through the balancing account) Estimated Rev Rqmt Currently in Base Rates (2011) Net Change in Levelized Rev Rqmt True-Up of Prior Year Collections True-Up of Levelized Rev Rqmt Annual Rev Rqmt. Impact to Customers Total Payments 4,679,260 39,733,117 4,449,198 1,788,223 45,970,539 17,472,605 28,497,934 28,497,934 ------~-~~~ ------------------- BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-16-24 IDAHO POWER COMPANY LARKIN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 3 Idaho Power Company Summary of Revenue Requirement -Idaho Valmy: 2011 Test Year RATE BASE Electric Plant in Service Intangible Plant Production Plant Transmission Plant Distribution Plant General Plant Total Electric Plant in Service Less: Accumulated Depreciation Less: Amortization of Other Plant Net Electric Plant in Service Less: Customer Adv for Construction Less: Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes Add: Plant Held for Future Use Add: Working Capital Add: Conservation -Other Deferred Prag Add: Subsidiary Rate Base TOTAL COMBINED RATE BASE NET INCOME Operating Expenses Operation and Maintenance Expenses Depreciation Expenses Amortization of Limited Term Plant Taxes Other Than Income Regulatory Debits/Credits Provision for Deferred Income Taxes Investment Tax Credit Adjustment Current Income Taxes Total Operating Expenses Operating Income Add: IERCO Operating Income Consolidated Operating Income Authorized Rate of Return Earnings Deficiency Net-to-Gross Tax Multiplier REVENUE REQUIREMENT $ $ 327,426,389 $ 6,868,673 $ $ 1,028,151 $ 335,323,213 $ 194,167,721 $ 141,155,492 $ 54,387,522 $ 86,767,970 8,200,950 967,295 $ 4,705,764 $ (10,052,922) $ 3,821,088 $ (3,821,088) $ (3,821,088) 7.86% $ 10,641,051 1.642 $ 17,472,605 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. IPC-E-16-24 M. Larkin, IPC Page 1 of 1