HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170518Comments.pdfcffiilh. EC H IVEI) An loAEopcomp.rry r$ ttr t8 v22 LXBAD. NORDSTROilIld Gounsel toN May 18, 2017 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Strcet Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Caso No. IPGE-1623 Revised Depreciation Flates for Electric Plant-ln-SeMe ldaho Power Company's Comments in Support of Settlement Stipulation Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed forfiling in the above matterarc an originaland seven (7) copies of ldaho Power Gompanfs Comments in support of the Settlernent Stipulation filed in this matteron May 3, 2017. Very truly yours, {'r'll: :l ,,t X,*07[-u,",": Lisa D. Nordstmm LDN/I&t Enclosures LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-61 17 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I no rd strom@ id a ho oowe r. co m Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ,1 . i -,-1"1r/i-f\ ' ,'-":i', t):i I ",' i I Pli [r: 2l ' :.l/-',1 :.. ).-)1i. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES DUE TO REVISED DEPRECIATION RATES FOR ELECTRIC PLANT-IN. SERVICE CASE NO. |PC-E-16-23 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STI PULATION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Comp?Dy"), by and through its undersigned attomey, hereby submits to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") these comments in the above-captioned proceeding. ldaho Power supports the settlement stipulation submitted in this proceeding ("Settlement Stipulation") and urges the Commission to adopt the Settlement Stipulation, without modification, by June 1,2017. The Company's comments are organized as follows: Section I - provides the procedural background in the case and summarizes the Company's origina! fi ling; Section ll - details how the depreciation parameters agreed to in the prcposed Settlement Stipulation differ from Idaho Powe/s initial proposal; and Section Ill - provides the Company's support for the Settlement Stipulation. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 1 I. BACKGROUND ldaho Power updates its depreciation rates approximately every five years to reflect changes in the appropriate net salvage percentages and remaining lives of assets as circumstances change. Depreciation refers to the loss in service value not restored by current maintenance, incuned in connection with the consumption or prospective retirement of utility plant in the course of service from causes that can be reasonably anticipated or contemplated, against which the Company is not protected by insurance. Among the causes to be given consideration are wear and tear, decay, action of the elements, obsolescence, changes in the art, changes in demand, and the requirements of public authorities. Accordingly, the Company engaged Gannett Fleming Valuation and Rate Consultants, LLC ("Gannett Fleming") to conduct a depreciation study of its electric plant-in-service ("the Study") as of December 31 ,2015. On October 21, 2016,ldaho Power filed an application in this case requesting the Commission adopt revised depreciation rates for its electric plant-in-service and conespondingly adjust ldaho jurisdictional base rates with an effective date of June 1, 2017. The Company proposed no change in depreciation related to the Boardman power plant or the North Valmy power plant ("Valmy") in this proceeding, which are addressed in Case Nos. IPC-E-12-09 and IPC-E-16-24, respectively. The Study updates net salvage percentages and service life estimates for plant assets. The resulting depreciation rates are based on the straight line, remaining life method for production, transmission, distribution, and general plant accounts. As recommended by and described in the testimony of Mr. John Spanos, the Company proposed an IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 2 adjustment to the book reserve of the general plant accounts to conect the mismatch of the general plant book reserve ratio and avoid creating future disparities. The revised depreciation rates proposed by the Company were based on the results of the Study and would have resulted in an increase to annual depreciation expense in ldaho of approximately $5.5 million and would have resulted in an increase in the Company's ldaho jurisdictional revenue requirement of $6.7 million. The result of that proposed adjustment would have been an increase of 0.59 percent from current billed revenue. The Company concurently filed an application in Case No. IPC-E-16-24 asking the Commission to (1) accelerate the depreciation schedule for Valmy to allow the plant to be fully depreciated by December 31 ,2025, (2) establish a balancing account to track the incrementa! costs and benefits associated with the accelerated Valmy end-of-life date, and (3) adjust customer rates to recover the associated incremental annual levelized revenue requirement of $28.5 million with an effective date of June 1, 2017. lf approved as originally filed, the result of that proposed adjustment would have been an overall billed revenue increase of 2.51 percent. ln November 2016, the Commission issued an order providing notice of the application and setting a deadline for interventions. Order No. 33652. Subsequently, the Commission granted petitions to lntervene from the ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc. ("llPA"), Micron Technology, lnc. ("Micron"), the ldaho Conservation League ('lCL") and Siena Club, the U.S. Department of Energy and Federal Executive Agencies ("DOE'), and the lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power ("lClP"), hereinafter refened to as the "Parties." Order Nos. 33659, 33670, 33673, 33676, and 33710. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION.3 The Parties met on February 2, 2017, and April 12, 2017, for settlement discussions regarding rate issues related to the Company's depreciation rates for its electric plant-in-service. The Parties were able to reach an agreement in principle and ldaho Power filed the agreed upon Settlement Stipulation and conesponding motion to approve on May 3,2017. The Settlement Stipulation was entered into by ldaho Power, Commission Staff, llPA, Micron, DOE, and lClP, hereinafter refened to jointly as "Stipulating Parties." While ICL and Sierra Club did not wish to join the Settlement Stipulation, neither ICL nor Siena Club opposes it. !I. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION The Stipulating Parties agree that the Commission should adopt the depreciation rates set forth in Attachment 1 to the Settlement Stipulation, effective June 1, 2017, which would result in no associated change in retail rates. Attachment 2 to the Settlement Stipulation shows the depreciation groups for which the Parties' analyses produced differing results from the filed depreciation study and the final position agreed to by the Stipulating Parties following settlement discussions. The Parties agreed to: (1) 20 adjustments to ldaho Powe/s proposed curve life combination for depreciable plant and changes in average service life or dispersion curve (or both) for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission account categories in Hydraulic Production Plant, Other Production Plant, Transmission Plant, and Distribution Plant, (21 13 adjustments to ldaho Powefs proposed net salvage rates for certain depreciable plant accounts, and (3) two adjustments to the amortization periods of certain depreciable plant. The following details the changes in depreciation parameters, as compared to the Company's initia! request: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 4 Jim Bridoer Steam Production Plant o Account 311.0 - Structures and lmprovements. The Parties agree that the net salvage rate should be (9) instead of the proposed (10). o Account 312.1- Boiler Plant Equipment - Scrubberc. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 70-S1 survivor curve with a net salvage of (5) instead of the proposed 60-51 survivor curve with a net salvage of (10). o Account 312.2 - Boiler Plant Equipment - Other. The Parties agree that the net salvage rate should be (8) instead of the proposed (10). o Account 312.3 - Boiler Plant Equipment - Rail Cars. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 35-R3 survivor curve with net salvage of 10 instead of the proposed 30-R3 estimated survivor curve with zero net salvage. o Account 315.0 - Accessory Electric Equipment. The Parties agree that the net salvage rate should be (3) instead of the proposed (5). o Account 316.0 - Miscellaneous Power Plant Equipment. The Parties agree that the net salvage rate should be 2 instead of the proposed (2). Hvdraulic Production Plant o Account 331.0 - Structures and lmprovements. The Parties agree that the Company sha!! use a 120-year survivor curye life instead of the proposed 1 1S-year survivor curve life. o Account 332.1 and 332.2 - Reservoirs, Dams and Waterways. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 120-51.5 survivor curve instead of the proposed 100-54 survivor curve. a IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 5 o Account 333.0 - Water Wheels, Turbines, and Generators. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 100-R2.5 survivor curve instead of the proposed 90-S2 survivor curve. o Account 334.0 - Accessory Electric Equipment. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 65-year survivor curve life with a net salvage rate of (10) instead of the proposed S4-year survivor curve life and net salvage of (1s). o Account 336.0 - Roads, Railroads, and Bridges. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 100-R3 survivor curve instead of the proposed 85-R4 survivor curve. Other Production Plant o Account 344.0 - Generators. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a S0-year survivor curve life instead of the proposed 45-year survivor curve life. o Account 345.0 - Accessory Electric Equipment. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 55-year survivor curve life instead of the proposed 50- year survivor curve life. Transmission Plant o Account 350.2 - Land Rights and Easements. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 1OO-year survivor curve life instead of the proposed 80- year survivor curve Iife. o Account 352.0 - Structures and lmprovements. The Parties agree that the net salvage rate should be (33) instead of the proposed (35). a a IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 6 o Account 353.0 - Station Equipment. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a S2-year survivor curve life instead of the proposed S0-year survivor curve life. o Account 354.0 - Towers and Fixtures. The Parties agree that the Company shall use an 80-year survivor curve life instead of the proposed 7$-year survivor curve Iife. o Account 356.0 - Overhead Conductors and Devices. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 74-R1.5 survivor curye instead of the proposed 65- R2 survivor curve. Distribution Plant o Account 361.0 - Structures and lmprovements. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 70-R3 survivor curye instead of the proposed 70-R2.5 survivor curve. o Account 362.0 - Station Equipment. The Parties agree that the net salvage rate should be (6) instead of the proposed (10). o Account 364.0 - Poles, Towers, and Fixtures. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a S8-year survivor curve life instead of the proposed 55- year survivor curve Iife. o Account 366.0 - Underground Conduit. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 65-year survivor curve life instead of the proposed 60-year survivor curve life. o Account 367.0 - Underground Conductors and Devices. The parties agree that the net salvage rate should be (11) instead of the proposed (15). a IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 7 o Account 368.0 - Line Transformers. The Parties agree that the net salvage rate should be (7) instead of the proposed (10). o Account 369.0 - Services. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a S5-year survivor curve life instead of the prcposed S0-year survivor curve life. o Account 370.0 - Meters. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 30- year survivor curve life instead of the proposed 27-year survivor curve life. o Account 370.1 - Meters - AMI. The Parties agree that the Company shall use an 18-R1.5 survivor curve with a net salvage rate of (5) instead of the proposed 16-S1.5 survivor curve and net salvage of (10). o Account 373.2 - Street Lighting and Signal Systems. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 40-year survivor curve life instead of the proposed 35-year survivor curve life. General PIant o Account 390.11 and 390.12 - Structures and lmprovements. The Parties agree that the net salvage rate should be (3) instead of the proposed (10). o Account 397.4 - Communication Equipment - Fiber Optic. The Parties agree that the Company shall use a 1S-year amortization period instead of the proposed 1 O-year amortization period. Accounts Not Studied o Account 303 - Miscellaneous lntangible Plant. The Parties agree to a 62- month amortization period instead of the cunent 60-month amortization period. a a IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 8 As explained in Section 13 of the Settlement Stipulation, the terms of the agreement as set forth in the proposed Settlement Stipulation represent a comprcmise of the differing deprcciation methodologies, theories, and opinions presented in this case, and do not necessarily reflect an endorsement of the underlying rationale for each adjustment by any of the Stipulating Parties. The Parties in this matter that are also parties to the pending Valmy docket (Case No. IPC-E-16-24) agree or do not object to the terms set forth in the settlement stipulation filed simultaneously in that docket which includes: (1) a levelized ldaho jurisdictional revenue increase of $13.3 effective June 1,2017, (2) a balancing account to track the incremental costs and benefits associated with the accelerated Valmy endof-life date, (3) regulatory accounts, including regulatory assets, to facilitate compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, (4) a process to review the prudency of expenditures by specified dates, and (5) plant closure negotiations. lf the Valmy settlement stipulation is approved by the Commission, the amount al! ldaho customer classes pay for electric service will increase by $13.3 million which equates to an overall increase of 1.17 percent. III. IDAHO POWER'S SUPPORT FOR THE SETTLEMENT STIPULATION ldaho Power supports the Settlement Stipulation in this case because it: (1) implements depreciation rates that appropriately reflect the cost of the Company's assets over time, (2) maintains consistency with previously approved depreciation rate determination methodologies to achieve a reasonable level of stability in depreciation expense and, in tum, customer rates, (3) achieves a result that has no negative financial impact on the Company, and (4) maintains one set of depreciation records for the Company's two retail state jurisdictions to minimize accounting costs and preserve IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 9 administrative efficiencies. The 35 depreciation parameter adjustments were the result of a combination of: (1) changes agreed to as a matter of compromise, (2) changes that better align the life and curve combinations, (3) changes that keep the parameters within industry standards, (4) changes that are based on industry ranges, consultant experience, and statistical data, and (5) changes that were made for settlement purposes only. ldaho Power believes the depreciation parameters agreed to in the Settlement Stipulation represent a reasonable compromise of the differing depreciation methodologies, theories, and opinions presented in this case, and results in depreciation rates that will appropriately reflect the cost of the Company's assets over time. ln addition to depreciation parameters that result in reasonable asset lives and salvage percentages, the Stipulating Parties have agreed that the depreciation rates resulting from the Settlement Stipulation will result in no retail rate change for customers. Similarly, the Settlement Stipulation does not have a material negative financial impact on the Company, striking a balance between customer and shareowner interests. Finally, the Settlement Stipulation provides for the same depreciation rates in both retail state jurisdictions resulting in lower depreciation system costs and ad ministrative efficiencies. tv. coNcLUSroN The Company believes that the proposed Settlement Stipulation is a reasonable resolution of the issues and is in the public interest. For all the reasons presented in these comments, ldaho Power urges the Commission to adopt the Settlement IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 1O Stipulation submitted in this proceeding as filed, without modification, and to issue an order authorizing the terms of the Settlement Stipulation effective June 1,2017. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 18h day of May 2017. D Attomey for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION. 11 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 18h day of May 2017 I served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS !N SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Daphne Huang Deputy Attomey General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 Micron Technology, lnc. Thorvald A. Nelson Frederick J. Schmidt EmanuelT. Cocian Brian T. Hansen HOLLAND & HART, LLP 6380 South Fiddlers Green Circle, Suite 500 Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 Pete Bennett Micron Technology, lnc. 8000 South FederalWay Boise, ldaho 83707 ldaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, !nc. Eric L. OIsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Suite 100 P.O. Box 6119 Pocatello, ldaho 83205 Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 X Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Emai! daphne.huano@puc.idaho.gov _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail Ovemight Mai! _FAXX Email tnelson@hollandhart.com fsch m idt@hol la nd hart.com etcocian@holland hart.com bhansen@hol landhart. com klhall@ hollandhart.com kmtrease@ holland hart.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mai! _FAXX Email cbennett@micron.com tawolf@micron.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email elo@echohawk.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email tony@vankel.net IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 12 lndustrial Gustomers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27h Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 United States Department of Energy and Federal Executive Agencies Steven Porter Office of the General Gounsel (GC-76) The United States Department of Energy 1000 lndependence Avenue, SW (Room 6D-033) Washington, D.C.20585 ldaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North Sixth Street P.O. Box 844 Boise, ldaho 83701 Sierra Glub Travis Ritchie Siena Club 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300 Oakland, Califomia 94612 _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email dreadino@mindsorinq.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _FAXX Emai! steven.porter@hq.doe.oov _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail Ovemight Mail _FAXX Emai! botto@idahoconservation.oro _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail Ovemight Mail _FAXX Email travis.ritchie@sierraclub.oro l,/ '\--/1\u;.,.hil"/ ,/ot r4, Kirn6edy Tow{, Executive Assishnt IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S COMMENTS lN SUPPORT OF SETTLEMENT STIPULATION - 13