HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170127Replacement page 16 to Spanos Exhibit 2.pdfLISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com January 27, 2017 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 RcCE!V ED 20 ll JAti 27 PM Li: 29 ,:· 1· ,J CL!C :c;v\M ISSIOt Re: Case No. IPC-E-16-23 Revised Depreciation Rates for Electric Plant-In-Service Dear Ms. Hanian: An IDACORP company Enclosed for filing is an original and 5 copies of page 16 to Exhibit No. 2 to the Direct Testimony of John J. Spanos in the above matter. This page replaces the current page 16 of Exhibit No. 2 to Mr. Spanos' testimony, which was a duplicate of the previous page. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. LDN/kkt Enclosures cc: Service List Very truly yours, ~~1).~~ Lisa D. Nordstrom Ee: f1 100 !1 90 ;ti I 80 _1 i I 70 C) C: 60 > "> ... :::, -~ :i: I en 50 -. C: ~ Cl) () ... CD 40 D.. . ~ . 30 20 I ii D> 10 ~5 I Q ""O 3 ~ g~ .., (") WO _ ..... 3 () ~fg II) ..... ::, ~ u, '< 0 z "'O c... 0 II) • • () co cn=umo (D-o ()~;o ___., Q) I -· :::0 a>S r:n[m a.en ...... z (") o,-9'o -i N"'ON· m co()w N 0 ~ ~ \ " Survivor Curve \-vJ>robabla Life Curve \. \ \ \ \ \ Average Ufa \_ \ I I ",.. I I " ' Maximum Life ' ' ' \ Probable Life ' \_ '\. -:xpectancy~ Age ~ \ Mode \. ~ ~ ~ ~ " Frequency Curve ~ V'"" ---.. ~ ~ V" ~ ~/,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V///// I//.., ., ~ 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Age In Years Figure 1. A Typical Survivor Curve and Derived Curves -r 55 60 ; . > • ... 4 l .. 3 ~ 'E 2 ~ l.