HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210511Quarterly Report.pdfntmlo N!POIUER- AnDICORP@mpany1 - ;i' l\ / f/'I;1,.-L --l l l*\J :" i I D[, Q, l:.-.:.,iilllu'lt JULIA A. HILTON Deputy General Counsel ih i lton@idahopower.com / -Lr -)/ (l- May 1 1,2021 Ms. Jan Noriyuki Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re Case No. IPC-E-16-19 Deferral and Recovery of Costs Associated with Participation in Energy lmbalance Market - Califomia lndependent System Operator ('CAISO') Quarterly Energy Imbalance Market ('ElM') Benefits Assessment Report Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Pursuant to Order No. 33706 issued in Case No. IPC-E-16-19, Idaho Power Company ("ldaho Powed'or "Company") hereby submits the quarterly CAISO Westem EIM Benefits Report ("Report") for the first quarter of 2021. The Report presents CAISO's quantification of benefits associated with participation in the Western ElM. For the first quarter of 2021, CAISO estimated Western EIM gross benefits of $12.54 million for ldaho Power. The EIM has provided financial benefits to the Company, and ultimately its customers. However, as discussed in ldaho Power's prior quarterly compliance filings as well as the Company's May 24,2019, Report of EIM Benefits and Costs of Participation, CAISO's calculation of benefits for ldaho Power is overstated due to several of the modeling assumptions used in its benefit calculation. The Company developed a more precise methodology, that uses inputs specific to ldaho Power, for determining actual EIM benefits, the details of which are discussed in the Company's May 24,2019, Report of EIM Benefits and Costs of Participation. lf you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Matt Larkin, Revenue Requirement Senior Manager, at (208) 388-2461 or mlarkin@idahopower.com. Sincerely, Enclosure Julia A. Hilton e Colifornio ISO WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT First Quarter 2021 I *i..i+t-i#-rE:;','*- : I E tri il+ ii: --;:*. :i; i. i; 'r iiIIIIIIIIIII I ! ai r-r Prepared by: Market Analysis and Forecasting April 29,2021 . ";: ;sl*&Eft&eEt ii-#i&tLGdbr,;.';L;,;,,; r, n*-.:. !r:: ir: in=t:iillI*&gtsE*El}E&&tErelii*:IITIII IIII ,!j:: i:,1IIIIIIIIII 1:.1*r llrIII I I TIIIIITII ITIIITIIIIITITIIIIIIII' IIIIIIII IITIIII' WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND......... WESTERN EIM EGONOMIC BENEFITS IN Ql 2021......... CUMULATIVE ECONOMIC BENEFITS SINCE INCEPTION INTER-REGIONAL TRANSFERS................ WHEEL THROUGH TRANSFERS................. REDUCED RENEWABLE CURTAILMENT AND GHG REDUCTIONS 3 4 4 5 5 3 18 19FLEXIBLE RAMPING PROCUREMENT DIVERSITY SAVINGS. ...23 ...24APPENDIX 1 : GLOSSARY OF ABBREV|AT!ONS........ MPP/MA&F Copyright 2021 California ISO Page2ot24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT F!RST QUARTER 2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Gross benefits from EIM since November 2014 This report presents the benefits associated with participation in the Western Energy lmbalance Market (ElM). Seottle Ciry Lighr Tocomo Powu NV PociftCorpEn gy Arizm PuhlicS*vicc Morket Opeolor Colifornio ISO EIM mlity, Aclire porliciponl f Plonned EIM enky 2021 f Plonned EIM enhy 2022 ! P onned EIM onry 2023 Public Service Compony ofNew Mexico Power Portlond Generol Eleclric BANC\ Turlak \lrrigotion\' Diskicl The measured benefits of participation in the Western EIM include cost savings, increased integration of renewable energy, and improved operational efficiencies including the reduction of the need for real-time flexible reserves. This analysis demonstrates the benefit of economic dispatch in the real time market across a larger EIM footprint with more diverse resources and geography Q'l 2021Gross Benefits by Participant Q1 BENEFITS ECONOMICAL Gross benefits realized due to more efficient inter-and intra-regional dispatch in the Fifteen-Minute Market (FMM) and Real-Time Dispatch (RTD[ ENVIRONMENTAL Metric tons of COz** avoided curtailments OPERATIONAL Average reduction in flexibility reserves across the footprint Coliforniorso /t los Anqelcs Dept-oI Wdter & Power ,/ ,rU*,( )tProiecl I' Tucson Elctric Power L El Poso Elaclric Arizona Public Service BANC California ISO ldaho Power NV Energy PacifiCorp Portland General Electric Puget Sound Energy Powerex Seattle City Light Salt River Project Total (millions $) $15.01 $7.53 $8.91 $12.54 $14.14 $20.48 $8.80 $4.31 $1 .17 $2.60 $5.52 $101 .01 -ElM Quarterly Benefit Report Methodology: irlt1,:,.'r,r",,', ;,fslr-ilrri ll (.r)ili'[Jr.\.[irr.rr!: L ll\,1 Li.,rr.lrll lt{t, , 1r,]L,r:y.l di .-The GHG emission reduction reported is associated with the avoided curtailment only. The current market process and counterfactual methodology cannot differentiate the GHG emissions resulting from serving ISO load via the EIM versus dispatch that would have occurred external to the ISO without the ElM. For more details, see lliilr..t.,..l.!,,':.:trl!-D,-,i,-rt ltL,:(lrr:irtil,,r:,(-, -Liit: , .Ii,r,.r.rr!,R!i,r-,i1 i r' (ilrilrll r'/\:i.t,tiClLltSt l.tls, 1., ii MPP/MA&F Copyright 2021 California ISO Page 3 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 ' BACKGROUND The Western EIM began financially binding operation on November 1,2014 by optimizing resources across the ISO and PacifiCorp Balancing Authority Areas (BAAs). NV Energy began participating in December 2015, Arizona Public Service and Puget Sound Energy began participating in October 2016, and Portland General Electric began participating in October 2017. ldaho Power and Powerex began participating in April 2018, and the Balancing Authority of Northern California (BANC)I began participating in April 2019. Seattle City Light and Salt River Project began participating in April 2020. Most recently, three new balancing authorities began participating in the Western ElM, with the Turlock lrrigation District in March 20212 and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and Public Service Company of New Mexico in April 2021. The second phase of BANC also began participating in March 2021 as well. The Western EIM footprint now includes portions of Arizona, California, ldaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and extends to the border with Canada. I WESTERN EIM ECONOMIC BENEFITS IN Q1 2021 Table 1 shows the estimated EIM gross benefits by each region per month3. The monthly savings presented show $15.77 million for January, $61.70 million for February, and $23.54 million for March with a total estimated benefit of $101 .01 million for this quarter. The increased benefits observed on February 2021was largely driven by the extreme gas prices in mid-February that resulted in high electric energy prices. Region January February March Total APS BANC c,so tPco NVE PAC PGE ' The benefits for BANC reflects only the Sacramento Municipal Utility District through March 24 since Modesto lrrigation District, the City of Redding, the City of Roseville, and the Western Area Power Administration - Sierra Nevada Region became part of the overall BANC EIM on March 25. Benefits for BANC for March 25 through March 31 will be included in Q2-2021 benefits. 2 Benefits for TID for March 25 through March 31 will be incorporated in Q2-2021 benefits report along with the other new EIM Entities. 3 The EIM benefits reported here are calculated based on available data. lntervals without complete data are excluded in the calculation. The intervals excluded due to unavailable data are normally within a few percent of the total intervals. $1.73 $11.16 $z.tz $15.01 $1.e6 $3.+t $2.16 $7.53 $0.79 $4.80 $3.32 $8.91 $1.e3 $8.12 $2.4e $12.54 $1.36 $10.99 $1.7e $14.14 $2.53 $14.41 $3.54 $20.48 $1.64 $3.62 $3.54 $8.80 MPP/MA&F Copyright 2021 California ISO PaEe 4 ol 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 $1.62 $1.32 $4.31$1.37 $0.20 $0.62 $0.35 $1 .17 $0.80 $1.08 $o.tz $2.60 $1.87 $2.19 $5.52$1.46 $101.01$15.77 $61.70 $23.54 Region January February March Total PSE PWRX SCL SRP Total TABLE 1: Q12021benefits in millions USD I CUMULATTVE ECONOMIC BENEFITS SINCE INCEPTION Since the start of the EIM in November 2014, the cumulative economic benefits of the market have totaled $1.28 billion. The quarterly benefits have grown over time as a result of the participation of new BAAs, which results in benefits for both the individual BAA but also compounds the benefits to adjacent BAAs through additional transfers. The ISO began publishing quarterly EIM benefit reports in April 2015.4 Graph 1 illustrates the gross economic benefits of the EIM by quarter for each participating BAA. $1 40 $120 $1 00 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 Q4 01 Q2 03 04 Q1 Q2 03 04 0'1 02 03 Q4 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 n19 03 04 01 2020 ?!21 r-PSEI EPWRX -Cumulative Benelits ctC .9=6 5.Z oEoaoo 3E EI(J $1.2 $1.0 $0.8 $0.6 $0.4 $0.2 $0.0 o2 oce. I oEo6oooo ECISOt_AZPS @BANC EPACrPGEISCL ENEVPrIPCOESRP GRAPH 1: Cumulative economic benefits for each quarter by BAA I INTER.REGIONAL TRANSFERS A significant contributor to EIM benefits is transfers across balancing areas, providing access to lower cost supply, while factoring in the cost of compliance with greenhouse gas (GHG) a Prior reports are available at httos://www.westerneim.com/Paoes/AbouUQuarterlvBenefits.aspx MPP/MA&F Copyright 2021 California ISO Page 5 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 emissions regulations when energy is transferred into the lSO. As such, the transfer volumes are a good indicator of a portion of the benefits attributed to the ElM. Transfers can take place in both the 1S-Minute Market and Real-Time Dispatch (RTD). Generally, transfer limits are based on transmission and interchange rights that participating balancing authority areas make available to the ElM, with the exception of the PacifiCorp West (PACW) -lSO transfer limit and the Portland General Electric (PGE)-lSO transfer limit in RTD. These RTD transfer capacities between PACWPGE and the lSO are determined based on the allocated dynamic transfer capability driven by system operating conditions. This report does not quantify a BAA's opportunity cost that the utility considered when using its transfer rights for the ElM. Table 2 provides the 1S-minute and S-minute EIM transfer volumes with base schedule transfers excluded. The EIM entities submit inter-BAA transfers in their base schedules. The benefits quantified in this report are only attributable to the transfers that occurred through the ElM. The benefits do not include any transfers attributed to transfers submitted in the base schedules that are scheduled prior to the start of the ElM. The transfer from BAA_x to BAA1I and the transfer from BAA3 to BAA_x are separately reported. For example, if there is a 100 Megawatt-Hour (MWh) transfer during a 5-minute interval, in addition to a base transfer from ISO to NVE, it will be reported as 100 MWh from_BAA lSO to_BAA NEVP, and 0 MWh from_BAA NEVP to_BAA ISO in the opposite direction. The 1S-minute transfer volume is the result of optimization in the 1S-minute market using all bids and base schedules submitted into the ElM. The S-minute transfer volume is the result of optimization using all bids and base schedules submitted into ElM, based on unit commitments determined in the 1S-minute market optimization. The maximum transfer capacities between EIM entities are shown in Graph 2 below. Month From BAA To BAA 15min EIM transfer (15m - base) Smin EIM transfer (5m - base) AZPS CISO 123,307 91,442 AZPS NEVP 4,263 7,005 AZPS PACE 42,398 53,563 AZPS SRP 34,890 33,216 BANC CISO 2,852 1 921 clso AZPS 55,596 59,668 ctso BANC 119,M3 129,444 ctso NEVP 98,976 107,887 clso PACW 2,888 17,963 crso PGE 5,573 12,875 January MPP/MA&F copyright 2021 california lSo Page 6 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 Month From BAA To BAA 15min EIM transfer (15m - base) 5min EIM transfer (5m - base) CISO PWRX 3,584 8,892 crso SRP 41,890 45,350 IPCO NEVP 88,016 62,003 tPco PACE 36,933 41,660 IPCO PACW 19,214 17,252 tPco PSEI 0 0 tPco SCL 2,33 1 2,635 NEVP AZPS 4,426 4,336 NEVP crso 178,543 1 13,343 NEVP tPco 29,694 33,329 NEVP PACE 56,540 65,786 PACE AZPS 94,245 81,719 PACE IPCO 13,585 14,684 PACE NEVP 59,325 25,473 PACE PACW 5,329 5,129 PACE SRP 0 0 PACW ctso 64,774 64,174 PACW tPco 72,571 56,883 PACW PGE 19,346 15,434 PACW PSEI 12,406 13,029 PACW SCL 1,264 978 PGE CISO 19,675 3 PGE PACW 60,823 75,932 PGE PSEI 8,101 9,050 PGE SCL 2,500 2,215 PSEI !PCO 0 0 PSEI PACW 20,398 23,438 January MPP/MA&F Copyright 2021 California ISO PageT ol24 WESTERN ElM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 Month From BAA To BAA 15min EIM transfer (15m - base) Smin EIM transfer (5m - base) January PSEI PGE 33,678 43,859 PSE!PWRX 42,632 M,477 PSEI SCL 19,683 19,780 PWRX ctso 12,885 2 PWRX PSEI 12,824 16,396 SCL tPco 16,567 15,924 SCL PACW 10,235 12,100 SCL PGE 3,131 3,814 SCL PSE!14,477 1 4t754 SRP AZPS 10,637 17,262 SRP crso 84,613 71,852 SRP PACE 0 0 AZPS crso 81,909 57,656 AZPS NEVP 3,770 5,098 AZPS PACE 37,495 40,657 AZPS SRP 25,238 BANC CISO AZPS 9,261 6,524 crso 75,348 82,605 crso BANC 1 10,899 124,011 crso NEVP 152,899 173,994 CISO PACW 5,631 28t793 crso PGE 11,743 25,631 crso PWRX 4,861 11,562 crso SRP 50,244 54,720 lPco NEVP 63,707 49,025 tPco PACE 29,343 28,603 IPCO PACW 36,588 47,000 23,872 February MPP/MA&F copyright 2021 california lso Page 8 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 Month From BAA To BAA f Smin EIM transfer (15m - base) 5min EIM transfer (5m - base) tPco PSEI 0 0 !PCO SCL 4 796 6,057 NEVP AZPS 6,270 4,840 NEVP ctso 152,169 97,741 NEVP rPco 65,572 73,717 NEVP PACE 68,599 80,796 PACE AZPS 83,639 71,813 PACE tPco 44,639 47,745 PACE NEVP 70,667 45,781 PACE PACW 13,291 15,175 PACE SRP 0 0 PACW clso 28,947 50,228 PACW rPco 35,301 24,711 PACW PGE 36,628 37,463 PACW PSEI 25,586 30,321 PACW SCL 2,150 2,079 PGE crso 21,851 54 PGE PACW 38,512 52,492 PGE PSEI I 6 452 20,807 PGE SCL 3,557 3,737 PSEI IPCO 0 0 PSEI PACW 12,772 13,531 PSEI PGE 23,610 25,400 PSEI PWRX 29,280 30,595 PSEI SCL 24,885 25,776 PVVRX crso 9,526 25 PWRX PSEI 28,255 30,363 February MPP/MA&F Copyright 2021 California ISO Page 9 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 Month From BAA To BAA 1Smin EIM transfer (15m - base) Smin EIM transfer (5m - base) February SCL IPCO 10,925 9,107 SCL PACW 5,942 7,022 SCL PGE 2,204 2,533 SCL PSEI 9,282 11,579 SRP AZPS 6,649 8,091 SRP ctso 51,362 45,876 SRP PACE 0 0 AZPS CISO 110,552 87,281 AZPS NEVP 2,783 5,862 AZPS PACE 44,300 55,231 AZPS SRP 19,605 17,228 BANC CISO 1,614 1,899 CISO AZPS 71,716 81 ,618 ctso BANC 102,863 108,930 crso NEVP 124,067 130,005 crso PACW 4,349 34,860 crso PGE 14,628 29,398 CISO PWRX 7,210 13,196 CISO SRP 55,021 60,404 IPCO NEVP 46,498 34,112 lPco PACE 11,741 16,794 rPco PACW 21,652 24,637 lPco PSE!0 0 tPco SCL 5,829 6,649 NEVP AZPS 4,927 4,038 NEVP crso 150,523 104,732 NEVP IPCO 43,683 50,962 March MPP/MA&F copyright 2021 california lso Page 10 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 Month From BAA To BAA lSmin EIM transfer (15m - base) Smin EIM transfer (5m - base) NEVP PACE 60,510 66,649 PACE AZPS 82,949 66,239 PACE rPco 47,046 52,702 PACE NEVP 64,953 46,310 PACE PACW 22,062 27,985 PACE SRP 0 0 PACW ctso 34,999 43,842 PACW IPCO 49,229 40,992 PACW PGE 30,789 31,285 PACW PSEI 30,326 36,356 PACW SCL 2,272 2,370 PGE ctso 18,323 6 PGE PACW 45,534 57,130 PGE PSEI 17,484 24,725 PGE SCL 4,262 4,506 PSEI rPco 10,415 8,610 PSEI PACW 29,647 37,194 PSEI PGE 10,311 11,685 PSEI PWRX 27,339 28,700 PSEI SCL 23,707 26,513 PWRX CISO 12,557 1 PWRX PSEI 41,837 44,567 SCL lPco 10,430 9,349 SCL PACW 3,832 4,644 SCL PGE 2,012 2,278 SCL PSEI 15,919 17,968 SRP AZPS 8,206 12,479 March MPP/MA&F Copyright 2021 California ISO Page LI of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 Month From BAA To BAA lSmin EIM transfer (15m - base) Smin EIM transfer (5m - base) March SRP crso 84,532 74,529 SRP PACE 0 0 TABLE 2: Energy transfers (MWh) in the FMM and RTD markets for Ql 2021 tifrrdtih'c+.+mVl Pdr 24 lwsdbadJ t00 Po/rt2/lrrclrlbwrd/35-90 Eldorodo 797 Pdr 35lrcdbod,5m Pdr 35 laor, b *sdl 538 Go&r$olqrt t30 PACWbTE 320 Pdr 66 b 627 fD 296 66 b gil & Pdr 17 O-,aOOI I PSE bPACW 300 Fdov.r&, N.Gh 3,151 t 349 rA€od 230 fAPS <-> EO,l 236 l,tsd 230 fEO b f.Jl€ 3,443 l,{md 230 f,i.r}f b rSO, 3,176 Bhl rcOb PACW [Polh 751 l,sff) PCO b PACI 1,550 tr/EbFCO 262 Powc?ex <-> PSE t50 Powrcx <-> ISO r50 BAI{C <-> ISO 2,mo-4,m0 NDbEO 1,Io0 IID to BAI{C 650 h 0 eEa r&5 tr AC[Jr(rn Br :dr ad bogaje o 16r U grCfCpzXOgCf ondEt /5 qay. ' r,!i, ! il n GdbrFdyd[E5{O/rch.f mdAl rJ rilB s.llrydud B X ud mr o lur 17.ldEiftaaocd cril-dry7$l GRAPH 2: Estimated maximum transfer capacity (ElM entities operating in Ql 2021) Ilalt Ma6 ICdlEnb 60 Ip*ri.c-p lNvE-'sr !*i-o Arbaic S.ilic !lo.f-a G.rcna ecci" Ifuf, Sornd Erqgy Iu"u fmu Canrpory !P*.!arxc S.d. Ct It hr S Scf tin, Ropa I rlDrw I ArHtc Servtc€ Co.ipony ol Xsr rr,taxfo I lrrbcf lnqonon Drnict I t'loilhUhrhro trtsg't t*ryzczl1 lruro wnrnnl I fulor ElEdrk FoflEr,.rrt ?o?4 I hcuno Pursr loFyao?4 E Bdlna{lb Por€r Admtntsffii..r lary 2O2q !Icd Eecgy-Cdcrodrc'crrynz4 I El Poro Bedrt( tary 2C23t -modllec[on - hdrccltoml MPP/MA&F Copyright 2021 California ISO PaEe 12 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 I WHEEL THROUGH TRANSFERS As the footprint of the Western EIM grows, wheel-through transfers may become more common Currently, an EIM entity facilitating a wheel through receives no direct financial benefit for facilitating the wheel; only the sink and source directly benefit. As part of the Western EIM Consolidated lnitiatives stakeholder process, the lSO committed to monitoring the wheel through volumes to assess whether, after the addition of new EIM entities, there is a potential future need to pursue a market solution to address the equitable sharing of wheeling benefits. The ISO will continue to track the volume of wheelthrough transfers in the EIM market in the quarterly reports. ln order to derive the wheel-through transfers for each EIM BAA, the ISO uses the following calculation for every real-time interval dispatch: Total import summation of transfers above base transfers coming into the EIM BAA under analysis Total export: summation of all transfers above base transfers going out of the EIM BAA under analysis Net import: the maximum of zero or the difference between total imports and total exports Net export'. the maximum of zero or the difference between total exports and total imports Wheelthrough: the minimum of the EIM transfers into (total import) or EIM transfer out (total export) of a BAA for a given interval Allwheelthrough transfers are summed over both the month and the quarter. This volume reflects the totalwheel-through transfers for each EIM BAA, regardless of the potential paths used to wheel through. The net imports and exports estimated in this section reflect the overall volume of net imports and exports; in contrast, the imports and exports provided in Table 2 reflect the gross transfers between two EIM BAAs. The metric is measured as energy in MWh for each month and the conesponding calendar quarter, as shown in Tables 3 through 6 and Graphs 3 through 6. a a a MPP/MA&F copyright 2021 california lso Page 13 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT F!RsT QUARTER 2021 BAA Net Exprt Net lmport Wheell Through AZPS BANC crso tPco NEVP FACE PACW PGE PSE' PINF}( scL SRP TABLE 3: Ectlmated wheel.through transferu in Qt 202{ e EE>rBoEuJ 2,0(x),0m 1,800.000 1,600,cp0 1.4(x).0(x) 1,?00,000 1,000,m 8(D,0m 600,0m 400,0m 200,ocx) 0 II Itl AZPS BANC Cl6O IPC? NEVP PACE PACW pcE rNe( Erport rtlst Inp6t lllr.. PSEI PVIRX $CL rt,th€cl Thrcugh SRP GRAPH 3: Estlmdsd wheehthrough tranrfer ln Ql 2021 10,355 361,995 147,4&249,709 199,501 442,4ffi 391,878 58,424 161,908 153,004 89,097 83,126 129,381 8,290 229,829 234,97?321 MPP/MA&F CopyrEht 2021 celfomla ISO Pa$ t4d2'[ WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST OUARTER2O2I 1,921 12g,UA 57,113 54,217 66,802 5,20011 149,956 11,512 49,912 8,792 37,397 15,83€52,890 597 88,893 78,757 221 BAA Net E:port Net lmport Wheel-Through AZPS BANC ctso tPco NEVP PACE PACW POE PSE' PWRX sct SRP TABLE 4: Estlmated wheel-through trancferr in January 2021 7U),(x)0 000,0(x) 5(x),Om G3 = 400,0@ EDocul 300,000 200,000 100,000 ll ll I lrlrrl AZPS BANC CISO IPCO NE\P PACE PACW PGE PSEI PW,RX SCL rNet Export rNet lrport l!,thoel Through GRAPH 4: Estlmated wheel-through transferc ln January202l SRP MPP/MA&F 0 Copyrtgl"rt 2021 Caltfornla ISO Page t5o{24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 6,524 124,138 63,761 88,418 66,974 154,294 123,655 26,498 47,369 29,76661,405 26,889 38,693 3,508 53,952 78,623 15 RNA Net Export Net lmport Wheeh Through AZPS BANC c/so tPco NEVP PACE PACW PGE PSE/ PWRX SCL SRP TABLE 5: Estimated wheel-through transfers in February 2021 s B =o oc LU 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 I SRP I SCL II AZPS BANC CISO IPCO NEVP . Net Export PACE PACW PGE PSEI P\ARX rNet lmport r\Mreel Through GRAPH 5: Estimated wheel-through transfers in February 2021 MPP/MA&F copyright 2021 california lso Page 16 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 1,910 109,016 26,573 107,074 55,725 173,002 118,266 20,414 64,527 52,817 21,934 40,400 37,797 4,184 86,984 77,593 85 BAA Net Export Net lmport WheelThrough AZPS BANC c,so tPco NEVP PACE PACW PGE PSE' PWRX scL SRP TABLE 6: Estimated whee!-through transfers in March 2021 700,000 600,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 rl llr 500,000 3 = o,ocuJ I SRP I scL I AZPS BANC CISO I Net Export IPCO NEVP PACE PACW rNet lmport PGE PSEI P\A'IX lWleel Through GRAPH 6: Estimated wheel-through transfers in March 2021 MPP/MA&F 0 Copyright 2021 Glifornia ISO Page 17 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 I REDUCED RENEWABLE CURTAILMENT AND GHG REDUCTIONS The Western EIM benefit calculation includes the economic benefits that can be attributed to avoided renewable curtailment within the ISO footprint. lf not for energy transfers facilitated by the ElM, some renewable generation located within the ISO would have been curtailed via either economic or exceptional dispatch. The total avoided renewable curtailment volume in MWh for Q1 2021 was calculated to be 19,089 MWh (January) + 28,216 MWh (February) + 28,842 MWh (March) = 76,107 MWh total. There are environmental benefits of avoided renewable curtailment as well. Under the assumption that avoided renewable curtailments displace production from other resources at a default emission rate of 0.428 metric tons COz/MWh, avoided curtailments displaced an estimated 32,591 metric tons of COz for Q1 2021. Avoided renewable curtailments also may have contributed to an increased volume of renewable credits that would otherwise have been unavailable. This report does not quantify the additional value in dollars associated with this benefit. Total estimated reductions in the curtailment of renewable energy in the ISO footprint, along with the associated reductions in COz, are shown in Table 7. Year Quarter MWh Eq. Tons COz 2015 2016 2017 2018 132,9372 1 8,860 3,792 2 3,629 1,553 3 828 354 4 17,765 7,521 1 112,948 48,342 2 158,806 67,969 3 33,094 14,164 4 23,390 10,011 1 52,651 22,535 2 67,055 28,700 3 23,331 9,986 4 18,060 7,730 1 65,860 28,188 2 129,128 55,267 3 19,032 8,146 4 23,425 10,026 1 52,254 22,365 MPP/MA&F 2019 Copyright 2021 California ISO 56,897 Page 18 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 3 33,843 14,485 4 35,254 15,089 1 86,740 37,125 2 147,514 63,136 3 37,548 16,071 4 39,956 1 7 1 01 1 76,147 32,591 1,400,055 599,144 Year Quarter MWh Eq. Tons COz 2019 2020 2021 Total TABLE 7: Total reduction in curtailment of renewable energy and associated reductions in COz I FLEXIBLE RAMPING PROCUREMENT DIVERSITY SAVINGS The Western EIM facilitates procurement of flexible ramping capacity in the FMM to address variability that may occur in the RTD. Because variability across different BAAs may happen in opposite directions, the flexible ramping requirement for the entire EIM footprint can be less than the sum of individual BAA's requirements. This difference is known as flexible ramping procurement diversity savings. Starting in 2016, the ISO replaced the flexible ramping constraint with flexible ramping products that provide both upward and downward ramping. The minimum and maximum flexible ramping requirements for each BAA and for each direction are listed in Table 8. Month BAA Direction Minimum requirement Maximum requirement AZPS up 0 286 BANC up 0 59 c/so up 0 2392 lPco up 0 165 NEVP up 0 261 PACE up 0 328 PACW up 0 181 PGE up 0 253 PSE/up 0 170 PWRX up 0 291 scr up 0 45 MPP/MA&F January Copyright 2021 California ISO Page 19 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 Month BAA Direction Minimum requirement Maximum requirement January SRP up 0 180 ALL EIM up 0 2,666 AZPS down 0 230 BANC down 0 70 crso down 0 1,36 1 tPco down 0 224 NEVP down 0 339 PACE down 0 391 183PACWdown0 PGE down 0 234 PSE'down 0 158 PWRX down 0 237 sct down 0 49 SRP down 0 164 ALL EIM down 0 1,807 AZPS up 23 292 BANC up 4 59 c/so up 269 2,119 tPco up 24 165 NEVP up 16 275 PACE up 96 328 PACW up 54 1 81 PGE up M 310 PSE/up 40 162 PWRX up 78 291 SCL up 4 47 SRP up 27 180 ALL EIM up 410 2,748 AZPS down 14 229 MPP/MA&F February Copyright 2021 California ISO Page 20 of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 Month BAA Direction Minimum requirement Maximum requirement February BANC down 70 c/so down 179 1,36 1 tPco down 46 224 NEVP down 25 270 PACE down 95 363 PACW down 42 183 PGE down 42 234 PSE/down 36 158 PWRX down 77 237 scr down I 49 SRP down 26 164 ALL EIM down 217 1,807 AZPS up 28 292 BANC up 5 59 crso up 342 2,119 tPco up 36 212 NEVP up 19 275 PACE up 100 328 PACW up 66 181 PGE up 69 310 PSE/up 32 167 PWRX up 77 282 scr up 4 52 SRP up 31 1 51 ALL EIM up 421 2,748 AZPS down 28 292 BANC down 4 70 C/SO down 203 1,36 I tPco down 66 224 March MPP/MA&F Copyright 2021 California ISO Page 2L of 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 BAA Direction Minimum requirement Maximum requirement NEVP down 23 274 PACE down 98 407 PACW down 42 183 down 234PGE53 1 5 1PSE/down 33 PWRX down 77 268 sct down 4 49 SRP down 26 1 6 1 ALL EIM down 251 1,807 Table 8: Flexible ramping requirements The flexible ramping procurement diversity savings for all the intervals averaged over the month are shown in Table 9. The percentage savings is the average MW savings divided by the sum of the four individual BAA requirements. January February March Direction Average MW saving Sum of BAA requirements Percentage savrngs 50o/o Table 9: Flexible ramping procurement diversity savings in Ql 2021 Flexible ramping capacity may be used in RTD to handle uncertainties in the future interval. The RTD flexible ramping capacity is prorated to each BAA. Flexible ramping surplus MW is defined as the awarded flexible ramping capacity in RTD minus its share, and the flexible ramping surplus cost is defined as the flexible ramping surplus MW multiplied by the flexible ramping EIM-wide marginal price. A positive flexible ramping surplus MW is the capacity that a BAA provided to help other BAAs, and a negative flexible ramping surplus MW is the capacity that a BAA received from other BAAs. The EIM dispatch cost for a BAA with positive flexible ramping surplus MW is increased because some capacities are used to help other BAAs. The flexible ramping surplus cost is subtracted from the BAA's EIM dispatch cost to reflect the true dispatch cost of a BAA. Please see the Benefit Report Methodology for more details. Up Down Up Down Up Down 983 918 998 970 1,022 993 1,956 1,804 2,011 1,943 2,188 1,978 5oo/o 510/50%47o/o 5Qo/o MPP/MA&F Copyright 2021 California ISO PageZ? ot 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 I CONCLUSION Using state-ofthe-art technology to find and deliver low-cost energy to meet real-time demand, the Western EIM demonstrates that utilities can realize financial and operational benefits through increased coordination and optimization. !n addition to these benefits, the Western EIM provides significant environmental benefits through the reduction of renewable curtailments during periods of oversupply. Sharing resources across a larger geographic area reduces greenhouse gas emissions by using renewable generation that othenuise would have been turned off. The quantified environmental benefits from avoided curtailments of renewable generation trom 2015 to-date reached 599,144 metric tons of COz, roughly the equivalent of avoiding the emissions from 125,967 passenger cars driven for one year. MPP/MA&F Copyright 2021 California ISO Pagel3 ol 24 WESTERN EIM BENEFITS REPORT FIRST QUARTER 2021 APPENDIX 1: GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation APS Arizona Public Service Balanci AreaBAA BANC ctso lso E!M FMM GHG tPco MW MWh NVE PAC PACE PACW PGE PSE PWRX RTD SCL SRP TID Balanci of Northern California NV California ISO Imbalance Market Fifteen Minute Market Greenhouse Gas ldaho Power our East West Portland General Electric Sound Powerex RealTime Seattle Salt River Turlock lrrigation District MPP/MA&F Copyright 2021 California ISO Page24ol24