HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161123Anderson Direct Corrected Pages 22-24.pdfJULIA A. HILTON Senior Counsel jhilton@idahopower.com November 22, 2016 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 RECE IVED Re : Case No. IPC-E-16-19 An IDACORP Company Deferral and Recovery of Costs Associated with Participation in Energy Imbalance Market -Corrected Pages 22-24 of the Direct Testimony of Kathleen Anderson Dear Ms. Jewell: In the process of preparing the response to Staff's Request No. 30 of its Second Production Request, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") discovered that the answer provided on page 22, lines 18-23 of the Direct Testimony of Kathleen Anderson is incorrect. Idaho Power regrets the confusion that this may cause and assures the Idaho Public Utilities Commission that the change in testimony has no impact on the economic analyses presented in this case or conclusions contained in Idaho Power's Application. In order to reflect this change, enclosed are 10 copies of corrected page 22 of Ms. Anderson's testimony. Because of the deletion of the majority of the answer on page 22, the pagination and line numbering changed on the subsequent pages. Therefore, 10 copies of corrected pages 23-24 showing the new pagination are also provided. Redlined copies of the change are enclosed for reference. As noted on the Certificate of Service, the corrected pages have been served on the parties in this case. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed corrected pages or this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. JAH:csb Enclosures cc: Service List (w/encls.) Very truly yours , Julia A. Hilton 1221 W. Idaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 22nd day of November 2016 I served true and correct copies of the CORRECTED PAGES 22-24 OF THE DIRECT TESTIMONY OF KATHLEEN ANDERSON upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 4 72 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 2ylh Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, Idaho 83703 Snake River Alliance Ken Miller, Energy Program Director Snake River Alliance 223 North Sixth Street, Suite 317 P.O. Box 1731 Boise, Idaho 83701 Idaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 North 6th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE _x_ Hand Delivered __ U.S.Mail __ Overnight Mail FAX _x_ Email brandon.karpen@puc.idaho.gov __ Hand Delivered _x_ U.S. Mail __ Overnight Mail FAX _x_ Email peter@richardsonadams.com greg@richardsonadams.com __ Hand Delivered X U.S. Mail __ Overnight Mail FAX _x_ Email dreading@mindspring .com __ Hand Delivered _x_ U.S. Mail __ Overnight Mail FAX _x_ Email kmiller@snakeriveralliance.org Hand Delivered _x_ U.S. Mail __ Overnight Mail FAX _x_ Email botto@idahoconservation.org 1 Q. Please describe the investments in metering 2 equipment the Company will be required to make prior to 3 participation in the western EIM. 4 A. The majority of the meters on Idaho Power's 5 generating units cannot provide the data granularity that 6 will be required for CAISO settlement purposes. The 7 Company will examine all existing meters and determine 8 whether or not they meet CAISO's requirement for providing 9 five-minute, 15-minute, or 60-minute data and update as 10 necessary. In addition, Idaho Power has identified a few 11 instrument transformers feeding these generation meters and 12 some instrument transformers at several power plant 13 locations that are not revenue quality and will need to be 14 replaced. 15 Q. Will revenue quality meters be required on 16 generation units that Idaho Power chooses not to be 17 available for dispatch in the western EIM? 18 19 A. Q. No. What is the Company's estimate of the total 20 costs of all required metering investments? 21 A. Idaho Power estimates investing approximately 22 $1.48 million in required metering equipment for 23 participation in the western EIM. 24 25 CORRECTED ANDERSON, DI 22 Idaho Power Company 1 Q. Does the benefits study performed by E3 factor 2 in the costs Idaho Power expects to incur as a participant 3 in the western EIM? 4 A. No. Company witness Mr . Tatum has performed a 5 revenue requirement analysis that describes the net impact 6 of the upfront and ongoing costs and NPSE benefits 7 associated with participation in the western EIM and the 8 Company's proposed accounting treatment of those costs . 9 10 11 12 Q. A. IV . CONCLUSION Please summarize your testimony. Idaho Power currently manages energy imbalances within its BA . However, participation in the 13 western EIM to manage supply and demand could result in 14 lower costs due to the reduction in the need for reserves 15 and the efficient use of the transmission system, while 16 also helping to reduce carbon emissions and more 17 efficiently use and integrate intermittent renewable 18 energy. Absent Idaho Power's participation in the western 19 EIM, market liquidity in the bilateral real -time market 20 will likely continue to decline and additional reserves 21 will likely need to be maintained, resulting in increased 22 NPSE for the Company's customers. It is estimated that 23 Idaho Power's participation in the western EIM would result 24 in sub-hourly dispatch cost savings of $4.1-$5.1 million 25 CORRECTED ANDERSON , DI 23 Idaho Power Company 1 per year, resulting in a lower-priced energy imbalance 2 management option. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 23 24 25 Q. A. Does this complete your testimony? Yes, it does. CORRECTED ANDERSON, DI 24 Idaho Power Company 1 Q. Please describe the investments in metering 2 equipment the Company will be required to make prior to 3 participation in the western EIM. 4 A. The majority of the meters on Idaho Power's 5 generating units cannot provide the data granularity that 6 will be required for CAISO settlement purposes. The 7 Company will examine all existing meters and determine 8 whether or not they meet CAISO's requirement for providing 9 five-minute, 15-minute, or 60-minute data and update as 10 necessary. In addition, Idaho Power has identified a few 11 instrument transformers feeding these generation meters and 12 some instrument transformers at several power plant 13 locations that are not revenue quality and will need to be 14 replaced. 15 Q. Will revenue quality meters be required on 16 generation units that Idaho Power chooses not to be 17 available for dispatch in the western EIM? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A. No .Yes. Even though Idaho Power will identify which Company owned generating units will be considered participating units and available for dispatch in the market and which will be non participating units , CAISO requires that both are able to provide interval data but at different levels of granularity . Q. What is the Company's estimate of the total 25 costs of all required metering investments? CORRECTED ANDERSON, DI 22 Idaho Power Company 1 A. Idaho Power estimates investing approximately 2 $1.48 million in required metering equipment for 3 participation in the western EIM. 4 Q. Does the benefits study performed by E3 factor 5 in the costs Idaho Power expects to incur as a participant 6 in the western EIM? 7 A. No. Company witness Mr. Tatum has performed a 8 revenue requirement analysis that describes the net impact 9 of the upfront and ongoing costs and NPSE benefits 10 associated with participation in the western EIM and the 11 Company's proposed accounting treatment of those costs. 12 13 14 15 Q. A. IV. CONCLUSION Please summarize your testimony. Idaho Power currently manages energy imbalances within its BA. However, participation in the 16 western EIM to manage supply and demand could result in 17 lower costs due to the reduction in the need for reserves 18 and the efficient use of the transmission system, while 19 also helping to reduce carbon emissions and more 20 efficiently use and integrate intermittent renewable 21 energy. Absent Idaho Power's participation in the western 22 EIM, market liquidity in the bilateral real-time market 23 will likely continue to decline and additional reserves 24 will likely need to be maintained, resulting in increased 25 NPSE for the Company's customers. It is estimated that CORRECTED ANDERSON, DI 23 Idaho Power Company 1 Idaho Power's participation in the western EIM would result 2 in sub-hourly dispatch cost savings of $4.1-$5.1 million 3 per year, resulting in a lower-priced energy imbalance 4 management option. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. Does this complete your testimony? Yes, it does. CORRECTED ANDERSON, DI 24 Idaho Power Company