HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160913order_no_33598.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO ) CASE NO. IPC-E-16-14 APPROVE NEW TARIFF SCHEDULE 63, A ) COMMUNITY SOLAR PILOT PROGRAM ) ORDER NO. 33598 ____________ ) Office of the Secretary Service Date September 13, 2016 On June 22, 2016, Idaho Power Company filed an Application with the Commission to authorize it to implement an optional program, Schedule 63, Community Solar Pilot Program. The Commission issued a Notice of Application and Order setting a deadline for interested parties to intervene. Order No. 33552. The Commission received and granted petitions for intervention from Idaho Conservation League (ICL), Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association (IIPA), Industrial Customers of Idaho Power (ICIP), Sierra Club, Snake River Alliance (SRA), and the City of Boise. Order Nos. 33552, 33557, 33560, 33562. The Commission issued a Notice of Modified Procedure adopting the parties' agreed schedule. Order No. 33569. In keeping with that schedule, the parties convened a settlement conference on August 23, 2016, and submitted comments by September 1, 2016. The parties agreed to a second settlement conference which was held on September 9, 2016, and at which all parties attended, except for IIP A. 1 AGREEMENT TO SUSPEND SCHEDULE Staff submitted a decision memorandum to the Commission for the September 12 Decision Meeting. In the memorandum, Staff advised that the parties at the second settlement conference agreed to suspend the schedule (which includes the Company's reply deadline of September 14, 2016). The parties further agreed that Idaho Power would provide the parties with a draft settlement stipulation by September 16, 2016. If all parties do not agree and sign the stipulation by September 23, 2016, Idaho Power will submit its reply by September 30, 2016. If a settlement is reached, the Company will present an agreed motion on the settlement stipulation to the Commission. At the Decision Meeting, Staff Counsel asked that we suspend the schedule and adopt the parties' new schedule. 1 All parties received notice of both settlement conferences. Representatives from the City of Boise attended most of the second settlement conference. ORDER NO. 33598 1 COMMISSION DECISION There being agreement by all parties except IIP A, which had notice of, but did not attend the second settlement conference, we find it appropriate to suspend Idaho Power's September 14 reply deadline and adopt the modified schedule as follows: Draft Settlement Stipulation from Idaho Power to the parties by September 16, 2016 Agreed Settlement Stipulation signed by September 23, 2016 If no agreement reached, Company Reply due by September 30, 2016 Further, in order to allow adequate time for resolution of this matter through settlement, we find it appropriate to suspend the Company's proposed effective date for the proposed tariff of September 15, 2016 (Application at 12) until such time as the Commission issues its decision in this case, but no longer than five months from the service date of this Order absent a finding of good cause to further extend the effective date. Idaho Code§ 61-622(3), (4). ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Reply deadline of September 14 from Order No. 33569 is suspended. We adopt the above modified schedule. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the proposed effective date of September 15, 2016, for Tariff Schedule 63 is suspended as set forth above. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this day of September 2016. ATTEST: /J Je~h D. Jewel C~mmission Secretary ORDER NO. 33598 PAUL ERIC ANDERSON, COMMISSIONER 2