HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190201Community Solar Annual Report.pdf<Effi*. [:i-r, i:.1' 'I i,: i rrr Ir[$ * I I jl t1: t.3 An IDACORP Company LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com Re: February 1,2019 Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 Case No. IPC-E-16-14 Tariff Schedule 63, Community Solar Pilot Program ldaho Power Company's 2019 Community Solar Annual Report Dear Ms. Hanian: ln Order No. 33638, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approved a settlement stipulation that required ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Power" or "Company") to submit annual reports updating the Commission and stakeholders on a variety of items for the Community Solar Pilot Program ("Program"). The first report was filed on April 30, 2018. The Company is submitting the enclosed second annual report tor 2019 before the due date of April 30, 2019, per Advice No. 19-02 requesting a suspension of the Program (Schedule 63) due to insufficient enrollment. The report provides details on the Company's extensive marketing efforts, program enrollment statistics, subscriber characteristics, customer feedback, and the Company's communication plan to inform Participants of the Company's request to suspend the Program. Lastly, the report provides an overview of the future of an ldaho Power community solar offering. lf you have any questions regarding this tariff advice, please contact Regulatory Analyst Kelley Noe at (208) 388-5736. Sincerely, Lisa Nordstrom LDN:kkt Enclosure IDAHO POWER COMPANY' S 20'19 COMMUNITY SOLAR ANNUAL REPORT I. BACKGROUND A. lnitial Filing On June 22,2016, in response to customers who expressed interest in a community solar program, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Company") filed an application requesting that the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approve a new tariff Schedule 63, Community Solar Pilot Program ("Program"). The Company proposed to build a 500-kilowatt ("kW") single-axis tracking community solar array in southeast Boise that would allow a limited number of ldaho Power's ldaho customers the opportunity to voluntarily subscribe to the generation output. ldaho Power proposed that participating customers pay a one-time upfront Subscription Fee ("Subscription Fee") and in return receive a monthly bill credit ("Solar Energy Credit") for their designated portion of the energy produced from the array. Details of the Program as filed are provided in the following table: P Details - As Filed Petitions to intervene were filed by the ldaho Conservation League ("lCL"), the lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power, the ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc., the Snake River Alliance ("SRA'), the ldaho Sierra Club ("Sierra Club"), and the City of Boise ("Boise City"), hereafter referred to individually as a "Party" or jointly as "Parties." The Parties engaged in settlement discussions on August 23,2016, and September 8, 2016, that ultimately led to a settlement of the issues related to the Company's application, which is outlined below. B. Settlement Stipulation The Settlement Stipulation was filed on September 26, 2016, and signed by the Parties including Commission Staff. The stipulation modified the Company's initial request by the following terms: 1 Project Size 500 kw Cost of Construction $1.2 Million Shareholder Contribution 15 Percent Marketing Budget $50,000 Number of Subscriptions 1,563 Subscription Fee $740 Payment Options Upfront CheckPayment Methods Embedded energy-related costs by rate class + PCA offsetSolar Energy Credit Annual kWh's per Subscription 638 Subscription Term 25 Years I Subscription Fee. Originally proposed to be $740, the Subscription Fee was lowered to $562 to reflect three modifications, collectively referred to as the "Rate Base Amounts." (1) a reduction reflecting the net present value of the incremental difference between the Demand-Side Management Alternate Costs and the forecasted embedded cost of energy, as applied to the projected output of the project over the 25-year life of the Program, (2) removal of the cost of the smart inverters from the total project cost, and (3) a reduction reflecting the present value of the projected deferral of Transmission and Distribution investments for the 25-year life of the project, as determined by the Company's recently completed study that was presented to the Energy Efficiency Advisory Group on August 30, 2016. The Rate Base Amounts reduced total program costs by $323,000, resulting in a Subscription Fee of $562. Monthlv Fee Option. The settlement agreement expanded the payment terms and options offered to customers for their Subscription Fee payment. While customers were still allowed to pay the entire Subscription Fee upfront as initially proposed, the Company agreed to offer a "Bill Me" option through which customers would receive a billforthe entire Subscription Fee that must be paid within 30 days, allowing customers to utilize a crediUdebit card or their bank's bill pay option plus any nominal convenience fees. The Company also agreed to offer a monthly fee option to Residential Service Customers that would provide for recovery of the Subscription Fee over 24 equal monthly payments of $26.31. The monthly fee included a carrying charge and an administration charge to reflect the costs of administering this monthly option. The Parties agreed that ldaho Power should be allowed to collect 100 percent of the revenue requirement associated with the Rate Base Amounts through the Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA') mechanism or until the Company resets its base rates in a future general rate case proceeding. Additionally, ldaho Power agreed to submit an annual report updating the Commission and stakeholders on various program metrics.l The following table provides program details as agreed upon in the settlement stipulation: P Details - As Settled 1 ldaho Power's 2018 Community Solar Annual Report was filed on April 30, 2018, in Case No. IPC-E-16-14. 2 2 Project Size:500 kw Cost of Construction $1.2 Million Shareholder Contribution:15 Percent Rate Base Amount:$323,000 Marketing Budget:$50,000 Number of Subscriptions 1,563 Subscription Fee:$562 Payment Options Upfront or 24 Monthly Payments Payment Methods:Check, Debit Card, Credit Card, Bank bill pay Solar Energy Credit:Embedded energy-related costs by rate class + PCA offset Annual kWh's per Subscription: 638 Subscription Term 25 Years On October 31, 2016, the Commission issued Order No. 33638, approving the Settlement Stipulation stating: The record demonstrates that there is great interest and enthusiasm for the Company's proposed Community Solar Pilot Program. The issues raised by the parties were valid concerns that touch on the viability of the project itself. We find that the resolutions reached in the Settlement Stipulation represent fair and reasonable compromises intended to help the proposed pilot program succeed. We further find that pilot programs such as that proposed here, on a small-scale, are valuable for learning what works and what does not, to inform future projects with similar offerings.2 The Commission concluded that the stipulation is just, fair, reasonable, and in the public interest. II. PROGRAM OUTREACH AND MARKETING EFFORTS The Program was marketed utilizing a variety of strategies and tactics, including awareness marketing reaching all customers and targeted approaches reaching customers most likely to subscribe. Customers had the opportunity to learn about the Program through various forms of communication such as public relations (face-to-face), the ldaho Power website, direct mail, and social media. Several local newspapers and television stations ran stories about the Program. Additionally, stakeholder organizations promoted the Program through their various communication channels such as ICL's blog. A. Direct Mail The initial targeted direct mail letter went out in early November 2016 which included a target audience of customers meeting one of the following criteria: . Target customers living close to the array - national research shows those closer to the array have a higher propensity to buy.o Customers with a higher propensity to participate - they are pro-environment and undertake the highest number of energy conserving behaviors.. Customers with the discretionary income to make this purchase. The Company chose these criteria based on information ldaho Power knows about its Green Power participants. The Company assumed that a Community Solar participant may be similar. The initial direct mail letter was sent to over 11,000 customers. The second direct mail letter was sent in January 2017 and was sent to almost 25,000 additional customers. 3 2 Order No. 33638, p. 10 Additionally, ldaho Power included program information in a bill insert to all ldaho residential customers between December 20'tG and January 2017. ln August 2017, a "Green Choices" bill insert summarizing renewable energy and conservation options was sent to al! residential customers. Program information was also included in the September 2016 and January, February, and August 2017 Connections Newsletters that is included with bills to all customers. ln September 2017, a program ad was placed in the Energy @ Work newsletter to small business customers and an article promoting the Program as a unique and long-lasting gift for nonprofits was included in the Energy lnsights newsletter to large commercial and industrial customers. B. Direct Customer Outreach While the docket was being processed, ldaho Power had preliminary program information available on its Company website. On the Community Solar landing page customers interested in the Program could provide contact information to stay informed. lmmediately following the Commission's Order on October 31, 2016, ldaho Power began its outreach to customers by contacting the interested customers and letting them know the Program was open for enrollment. Approximately 200 customers had requested notification of program enrollment. ln February and March 2017, ldaho Power's Customer Representatives put significant effort into direct marketing by contacting business customers and informing them about the Program. Over 300 one-on-one interactions were completed as a result of this effort. Additionally, ldaho Power worked extensively with several large commercial customers and one municipality on potential large purchases for the unsubscribed portions of the afiay. Community solar presentations were given to rotary clubs, chambers, home owners associations, and trade associations. Furthermore, ldaho Power had personneland displays at events such as the Home and Garden Show, Smart Women Smart Money, ldaho Environmental Forum, and severalothertrade events. ln February 2017,ldaho Power hosted a Brown Bag lunch at its corporate headquarters and invited the public to attend to learn about the Program. C. Awareness Marketing ldaho Power utilized its internal employee and retiree communication channels, publishing an article in its all-employee newsletter and producing an informational video about the Program which was posted to ldaho Power's public YouTube channel. Additionally, ldaho Power used its social media presence on Facebook and lnstagram to post information about the Program and to answer questions from customers. Combined, ldaho Power has more than 17,000 followers on Facebook and lnstagram. ldaho Power representatives also gave interviews about the Program for local television news and local radio shows. 4 D. Allied Marketing Proponents of the Program and signers to the Settlement Stipulation (lCL, SRA, Sierra Club, and Boise City) utilized their communication channels to promote the Program. lnformation on their respective websites, social media, blog posts, and emails to members were many of the ways these groups helped promote the Program. Additionally, local media sources KTVB, ldaho Statesman, and the Boise Weekly all provided news coverage about the Program. The Company's initial email to interested customers informing them that the Program was open for enrollment was one of the biggest drivers of early subscription purchases. ln fact, almost half of the subscriptions purchased occurred in November and December 2016. Despite continued marketing efforts, program participation continued to decline after the initial batch of subscription purchases. Figure 1 below shows the number of applications received by month. Figure 1: Applications Received (November 2016 - December 2018) 65 On March 1,2017, or 120 days afterthe Commission Order, the Program was only 14 percent subscribed. Although ldaho Power reserved the right to discontinue efforts on the Program if the project was not fully subscribed within 120 days, the Company was determined to provide the best opportunity for the success of the Program so the timeframe for enrollment was extended. On June 27, 2017, ldaho Power held a stakeholder meeting at its corporate headquarters with the signors of the settlement stipulation. At this meeting, ldaho Power gave an update on the Company's efforts and then-current enrollment levels. The Company aligned with stakeholders to keep enrollment open until the end of the year and focus its efforts on larger customers who might purchase a substantial amount of the unsubscribed portion of the aray. :::.::, o o o o: o o: o: o o o o (o (o t- t. r.. Fr N l-- t. F\ 1., N t. F\ co 0o oo co co oo 0o oo oo oo oo ooddddiddHHddidddddddddddiddB 3 E€E Ee5= vB! a U E€E ae5= ry3! A 3 5 III. PROGRAM ENROLLMENT 39 26 20 10 During the Program's enrollment extension, ldaho Power continued to pursue interested large commercial customers and municipalities with the intent of gaining substantial program subscriptions. The Company has since learned that none of the large customers or municipalities that expressed prior interest would be participating in the Program. Additionally, the Company explored changing the size of the array; however, building smaller was less economical and would have caused individual subscription costs to increase substantially. The Company sent a program update to participants in July 2017, January 2018, and March 2018 explaining the timeline extension and giving the option to cancel subscriptions. Figure 2 below shows the number of participants and subscriptions cancelled from July 2017 to current. Figure 2: Subscription Cancellations 50 45 40 35 30 25 2A 15 10 5 0 44 13 t7-lIiFeb Mar Apr May I 44 11 11 Jul Aug Oct Nov Jan 20L7 7 2018 I Sum of Participants ! 5um of Subscriptions zz r3 23 zz 11 --Iil--Jun Jul Aug Nov Jan 20L9 At the height of enrollment, June 2017, there were 239 subscriptions purchased or approximately 15.3 percent of the total Program. Of those subscriptions purchased, 22 percent chose monthly payments and 78 percent chose the UpfronUBill Me option. Of those 239 subscriptions, approximately 95 percent were purchased by residential customers. The remainder of the subscriptions were purchased by large and small commercial customers. While a few participants purchased multiple subscriptions, most purchased a single subscription. As of the date of this filing, approximately 9.5 percent of the total Program is subscribed, at 148 subscriptions. 6 -- IV. SUBSCRIBER CHARACTERISTICS ln an effort to gather data about the Program participants, ldaho Power compiled the number of participants by city. The following table presents the data as of January 2019 and includes participants that have cancelled their subscriptions. Table 1: Participants by City City Blackfoot Boise Caldwell Eagle Emmett Fruitland Garden City Garden City Garden Valley Hailey Hammett Horseshoe Bend Jerome Ketchum Kimberly Kuna McCall Meridian Mountain Home Nampa Ontario Pocatello Sun Valley Twin Falls Wendell Grand Total Participants I 126 Percentage 1o/o 7Oo/o 2o/o 2o/o 1o/o 1o/o 2o/o 1o/o 1o/o 1o/o 1o/o lYo 1o/o 1o/o 1o/o 1o/o 2o/o 5% 1o/o 2o/o 2o/o 1% 1o/o 4o/o 1o/o 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 I 2 3 3 I 2 8 1 181 As evidenced in the chart, while most of the Community Solar participants were located in Boise there were program participants located throughout ldaho Power's ldaho service territory. Additionally, as a voluntary part of enrolling in the Program, the participation agreement requests that the customer indicate how they heard about the Program. Figure 3 below summarizes the responses provided by participants. 7 Figure 3: Participant Responses ldaho Conservation League IMedia Client 1%Empor,rrered Community 1?6 ?% Multiple 296 V. CUSTOMER FEEDBACK ln February and March 2017, Customer Representatives undertook a large effort to contact business customers and inform them about the Program. As described in the marketing section above, they completed over 300 one-on-one interactions with business customers. Through this effort, the customer representatives requested specific feedback during those visits. Only one percent of these customers said they were interested in the Program. The following Figure 4 summarizes the remaining business customers' feedback on why they were not interested in the Program. Fi 4: Business Customer Feedback Additionally, in March 2017,ldaho Power sent out a survey to all its Empowered Community members (over 1,000) and received a 65 percent response rate on the survey. The following question and responses are from survey responders interested in community solar: Customer Rep x9s I Other Reasons: . 0ther priorities ' Not the decision maker 'lnterested {1%} ' Wants a localarray ' Wants recognition ' Not eligible No value ta Other prefer onsite solar 10?6 ia; d W; ltler*rs [iled 1496 erxn Ccrpnnunicat on C*5tl'*Sl 7qi -J Unknown 34?6 Q: Which of the following, if any, are concerns or barriers fo subscribing to the Community So/ar Pilot? overrll cort of rubccrlptlon Mey not recover initiel cort Dont hrvr rnough informrtlon rbout th. Pliot fhr durrtion of thc *b*ripdon Oth.r Dont undrrrtend tht Pilot Thr propored *olrr rrrry b not locrlrd ne* you Unorrtein rbout tho nord for rcbr powrr The following question and responses are from survey responders not interested in community solar: Q: Which of the following, if any, describe why you are not interested in subscribing to the Community So/ar Pilot? Ovtelt cott d rubrcription M.y not rGcovar inhiel coct ttr duntian of thr rubrdlpion Thr propo*d rohr rrrry ir not locetrd n..r You Uocart.in about tho ared for roler powrr Don't undcr*trnd the Pilot Oont hrrc rnough informrtion rbout thr Pilot Srtirfird with ldrho Powrr'r curr.nt.n.rgy tourctt Othcr 9 73.2?96 55.4496 34.65X :it?616 17.8296 10.89t6 7.92116 0.9$,6 41.93)6 I re.rrx 7.3?16 6.45t6 7.3796 u.L276 f 11.9896 I zz.se* Overall, the feedback from business customers and the Empowered Community survey responses revealed that the common concerns about the Program were the cost to participate and the return on investment. VI. CUSTOMER COMMUNICATION PLAN To ensure participating customers are informed of the Company's request to suspend the offering, contemporaneous with this filing, ldaho Power wil! be contacting participants directly via phone to inform them of the decision to suspend the offering. A letter will be sent to each participant after the initial phone call to reiterate next steps. Customers who wish to have their Subscription Fees refunded immediately will receive a check in the mailwithin six weeks, otherwise refund checks will be sent to all participants upon Commission approval of this filing. lf the filing is approved, ldaho Power will update the Community Solar landing page on its website to inform customers that the Program is suspended while ldaho Power and other interested parties research alternative community solar projects. A notification sign-up mechanism will be placed on the website, so interested customers can leave their contact information, should a form of community solar move forward. VII. THE FUTURE OF AN IDAHO POWER COMMUNITY SOLAR OFFERING ldaho Power had requested that the initial offering for community solar be treated as a pilot program to allow the Company to learn about the complexities associated with offering community solar programs including customer commitment, construction, contracting, interconnection, maintenance, and billing. While lack of sufficient subscribers did not enable the Company to achieve each of these learning objectives, the Company is suspending this Program with greater knowledge about customer commitment for this type of offering. The Company believes that the terms of the Program, as agreed to in the Settlement Stipulation, were fair, and importantly minimized the impact to non-participants. ldaho Power wil! continue to look at alternative community solar projects that maintain these same principles. Through this process, the Company received valuable feedback from stakeholders throughout the enrollment timeframe and is committed to working with stakeholders and customers to determine a community solar program design that will be most successful in a future offering. The Company will keep the Commission apprised in the event that a viable option is identified in the future. 10 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 1st day of February 2019 I served a true and correct copy IDAHO POWER'S 2019 COMMUNIry SOLAR ANNUAL REPORT to the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Karl Klein Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 ldaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North Sixth Street Boise, ldaho 83702 lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc. Eric L. Olsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Suite 100 P.O. Box 6119 Pocatello, ldaho 83205 Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email karl.klein@ouc.idaho.qov _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email botto@idahoconservation.org _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX X Email peter@richardsonadams.com q reg@ richa rdsonadams. com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email dreadinq@mindsprinq.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email elo@echohawk.com Anthony Yankel 12700 Blake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email tonv@vankel.net Snake River Alliance Ken Miller, Energy Program Director Snake River Alliance 223 North Sixth Street, Suite 317 P.O. Box 1731 Boise, Idaho 83701 Sierra Club Zack Waterman Director, ldaho Sierra Club 503 West Franklin Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Michael Heckler 3606 North Prospect Way Garden City, ldaho 83714 Gity of Boise Gity Elizabeth A. Koeckeritz Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 North Capitol Boulevard P.O. Box 500 Boise, ldaho 83701-0500 _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email kmiller@snakeriveralliance.orq _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email Zack.Waterman@sierraclub.org _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email Michael.P.Heckler@qmail.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email ekoeckeritz@citvofboise.orq rly Towe Assistant o