HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160623Angell DI.pdfRECEIVED ?ti6 -iUl{ 22 Pl{ hr 5h ,",r, iit f-Llilllc,'-: c0l;ililssloN BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSTON IN THE MATTER OE IDAHO POWER COMPANY' S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEW TARIEE SCHEDULE 63, A COMMUNTTY SOLAR PrLOT PROGRAM. CASE NO. IPC-E_16-74 IDAHO POV{ER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DAVID M. ANGELL I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o. A. O. Please state your name and business address. A. My name is Dave Ange11. My business address is 1227 [riest Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. O. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A. I am employed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") as the Planning Manager in the Customer Operations Engineering and Construction Department. Please describe your educational- background. I graduated in 1984 and 1986 from the University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, receiving a Bachel-or of Science Degree and Master of Engineering Degree in Electrical Engineering, respectively. I have provided electrical engineering instruction for both the University of Idaho and Boise State University. Most recently I instructed power system analysis at Boise State University during the 2009 spring semester. O.Pl-ease describe your work experience with Idaho Power. A. From 1986 to 1996, T was employed by fdaho Power as an engineer in both communications and protection systems. In 7996, I became the Engineering Leader of System Protection and Communications. I hel-d this position until 2004, when I transferred to Transmission and Distribution Planning. During the fall of 2006, I accepted ANGELL, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 the positions of System Planning Leader and Manager of 2 Delivery Planning. I have been managing Idaho Power's load 3 research, interconnected-transmission system, sub- 4 transmission, and distribution planning since 2A06. 5 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony in this 6 proceeding? A. The purpose of my testimony is to describe the 8 construction and operational- aspects of the Company's 9 proposed Community Solar Pilot Program ("Program"). 10 O. How is your testj-mony organized? 11 A. My testimony is organized as fol-Iows: 72 (1) I provide an overview of the project and the 13 selected location. 1,4 15 16 71 18 19 20 27 (2) I discuss the request for bid ("RFB") issued for the construction of the solar array and the resul-ts. (3) I describe the interconnection process and cost to connect the sol-ar array to Idaho Power's grid. (4) I discuss the expected energy producti-on of the facility and the l-ine losses applied to 22 that energy. 23 24 25 (5) I describe the operational benefits and the operational learning objectives of the ANGELL, Dr 2 Idaho Power Company Program. f . Comunity So].ar Froject Overview O. Please summarize the proposed project. A. The Company is proposing to build a 500 4 kilowatt ("kW") single-axis tracking solar array in 5 southeast Boise that wil-I offer Idaho Power customers in 6 Idaho the opportunity to buy electricity from a l-ocal solar 7 array. Based on the current timeline and contingent upon I Commission approval, the Company plans to have the facility 9 built and operational no l-ater than June of 2017. 10 O. Why did the Company choose to build the Sol-ar 11 array in Boi-se? 1,2 A. The Company considered multiple l-ocations 13 around its service territory and evaluated each site based 14 on price, current infrastructure, permitting, 15 constructability, access, and general impacts. Ultimately, 1,6 the land adjacent to Idaho Power's Boise Bench substation L1 was chosen to be most suitabl-e for the pilot project. 18 O. What factors drove the decj-sion to buil-d at 19 the Boise Bench substation? 20 A. The Company eval-uated each location based on 2t the factors described above to determine which location 22 would result in the l-owest cost imposed upon the project. 23 The l-ocation adjacent to the Boise Bench substation is 24 owned by the Company, is fairly flat, has limited potentlal 25 for other use, is zoned for industrial, is in close ANGELL, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 proximity to the engineering staff, and is adjacent to two 2 distribution circuits for interconnection and a substation 3 with significant communications infrastructure. This 4 location mj-nimizes the project cost by eliminating a land 5 purchase and grading, has reduced permj-t requirements, 6 requires minimal distrlbution circuit upgrades, and 7 minimizes engineer and technician travel and communications 8 infrastructure. O. What permits are required for the construction 10 of this solar array? 11 A. ldaho Power will- be responsible for securing 72 the fol-lowing permits: (1) Federal Aviation Administration 13 ("EiU\") written approval regarding potential refl-ectivity 14 and (2) a Boise City Conditional Use Permit. The FAA 15 application is currently pendlng. The Company will file 16 for the Conditional Use Permit through the City of Bolse. L7 The selected contractor has dj-scussed permitting 18 requirements with the City of Boise and they believe that 79 they will need the following permits: (1) Boise City 20 Building Permj-t, So1ar, for projects greater than $100,000 2L and 2) Bolse City Electrical Permit, Solar, wiring cost 22 greater than $10,000. 23 II. Rl'B Process and Results 24 O. Please give a high-Ieve1 overview of the 25 Company's RFB process. ANGELL, DI 4 Idaho Power Company I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 77 18 79 20 2T 22 23 24 25 A. On February 1, 2016, the Company sent an RFB to a selection of 72 potentj-al bidders for the design, procurement, and constructlon of a 500 kW single-axis tracking solar photovoltaic PV system to be built in Boj-se, Idaho on land owned by Idaho Power. The RFB included detailed technical specifications and special conditj-ons that each bidder had to incorporate into their bid proposal. The Company al-so requested that the respondents provj-de two bid alternates along with their base bid. The Company's first alternate bid was for the design, procurement, and construction of a 500 kW flxed-panel system. The second alternate bj-d was for a ful-l- site build out of the base bid. o. the RFB? How did the Company select the L2 bidders for A.The Company began compiling a list of contractors and solar PV installers by consulting with Idaho Power employees who had relevant in-field experience. The Company also included one bidder because of awareness through their participation j-n Idaho Power's long-term planning process. The Company then verified that al-l of the companies on the list were either Idaho based, or had an Idaho presence. The 72 companies that received the RFB met this condition. What were the results of the REB? ANGELL, DI 5 Idaho Power Company O. 1 A. Idaho Power held a mandatory pre-bi-d meetlng 2 on February 18, 2016, in which nine of the L2 bidders 3 attended. The RFB bids were due on March 16, 20L6. Of the 4 nine eligible bidders, the Company received a total of five 5 bids, however, only four of those bids were deemed complete 6 according to the specifications in the RFB documents. O. How was the successful contractor chosen? A. Followj-ng the issuance of the RFB, an internal 9 team conducted a thorough eval-uation of each of the bids. 10 The team specifically reviewed the proposed equipment to 11 ensure it conformed to Idaho Power's technical 1,2 specifications. Next, the team analyzed each bid based 13 upon energy cost and a risk assessment of each company to L4 determine which bid resulted in the least-cost and l-east- 15 ri-sk to Idaho Power, shareholders, and customers. 76 O. What is the cost of the solar array? t7 A. The cost estimate provided by the selected 18 contractor is $1, 158 ,"7 69. 19 O. Generally describe the equipment to be 20 i-nstalled at the site. 2L A. Based upon the technj-cal specifications in the 22 RFB, the successful contractor has proposed to install 23 1,800 Hanwha Q-cel1s 320 watt solar modules mounted on 24 Array Technologies single-axJ-s tracking mount. The Hanwha 25 Q-ce11s are German-engineered 72-ceLL solar panels which ANGELL, DI 6 fdaho Power Company t have won a number of performance competitions in real world 2 testing for kilowatt-hour (*kwh") generation versus 3 capacity installed. Array Technologies is the industry 4 leader in small to large utility scal-e tracked mountlng 5 systems. According to the manufacturer, the system 6 requires zero scheduled maintenance. The selected 7 contractor has proposed to use SolarEdge SE33.3k-US 8 inverters for the project. The So1arEdge system utilizes 9 power optimj-zers for every pair of modu1es in the array. 10 This al-lows each module in the array to perform 11 efficiently. Any shade impacts or soillng between modules L2 are limited to only the modules directly affected. 13 Accordj-ng to the information provided by the selected L4 contractor, another advantage of the SolarEdge system j-s 15 that they require less wiring compared to string inverters L6 which reduces wire losses within the array. The inverters L7 come standard with a l2-year warranty. The optimizers 18 allow for module-l-evel- monitoring. This simplifies 79 operations and maintenance expense by pinpointing any 20 troubl-e spots and a1lows for confirmation at a glance that 2! the array is performing to full- expectations. Module-Ieve1 22 monitoring can reduce costly maintenance work by displaying 23 the exact locati-on of a fai]ure in real-time. 24 O. Has the Company issued a notice to proceed to ANGELL, DI 7 Idaho Power Company 25 the selected contractor? A.No. The Company will not issue a notice to 2 proceed until the Company receives an Idaho Public 3 Utilities Commission ("Commission") order approving the 4 pilot Program, as well as sufficient program enrollment. 5 fn his testimony, Mr. Pengilly discusses the conditj-ons 6 upon which the Company will- proceed with the project. o.tr{hen does the Company anticipate commercial- 8 operation of the community solar project? A.In the RFB, the Company requested that 10 substantial completion of the project occur by May 24, 201,7 11 with a flnal completion date of June 7, 20L7. As 72 indicated above, the Company will not issue a notj-ce to 13 proceed prior to receiving a Commission order; the date of 14 such order may impact the completion dates identified in 15 the RFB. 16 L1 18 o. A. III. Interconnection Pl-ease describe the interconnection process. Every generation facility that wants to 19 connect to Idaho Power's system must submit an 20 interconnection request consistent with Idaho Power's Open 2l Access Transmission Tariff filed with the Federal Energy 22 Regulatory CommJ-ssion. The request is studied to determine 23 what, if dny, facilities are reasonably required by good 24 utility practices and the National Electri-c Safety Code to ANGELL, DI 8 Idaho Power Company I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 I4 15 16 77 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 i-nterconnect and a1low the delivery of energy from the generation facility to the Company's system. O. Did the proposed solar array have to go through the interconnectj-on process? A.Yes. Even though the proposed project will be an Idaho Power-owned resource, the Company had to foll-ow the required steps for the j-nterconnection process. o.What were the Facility Study results for the interconnection of the proposed sol-ar array? A.On April 21, 2016, the Facility Study was completed and the preliminary costs for interconnecting the community solar array are approximately $81,000. O. Are the interconnection costs included in the total project costs? A. Yes. These costs are included in the total- project costs used to calculate the Program Subscriptj-on Fee detail-ed in the testimony of Company witness Mr. Larkin. IV. E:cpected Solar Energy Production O. How was the expected energy production for the project determined? A.As part of the RFB, the Company requested that each respondent provide the monthly energy output estimate for the Typical Meteorological- Year 3 (*TMY3" an hourJ-y meteorological data set that has natural diurnal and ANGELL, DI 9 Idaho Power Company 1 seasonal variations and represent a year of typical 2 climatic condi.tions for a location over a long period of 3 time) for the first 2A1 years for each option proposed. The 4 energy output estj-mate sha1l take into account single 5 access tracking or fixed panel, inter-row shadi.g, 6 available insolation at the project site, typical weather 7 at project site, typical PV panel degradation, j-nverter 8 conversion efficiency, wiring losses, soiling losses, and 9 mismatch losses. 10 O. What is the expected energy productj-on for the 11 project based upon the criteria mentioned above? 72 A. The average annua.l- energy output provided by 13 the selected contractor is 1,031,000 kWh per year for 20 74 years. The annual output includes a stated performance 15 degradation of 0.6 percent. !6 O. How did the Company verify that the estimated l7 production was reasonabl-e for the selected location? 18 A. The Company simulated the energy production 19 using National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (*NREL") 20 PVWatts@ Calculator and NREL's System Advisor Model 27 ("SAM") . Both programs are availabl-e on NREL's website and 22 are widely used by homeowners, small building owners, ' Irrfor*.tion requested in the RFB was year Program term. Subsequently, the years based on customer feedback. based upon the premise of a 20- Company revised the term to 25 ANGELL, DI 10 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 L6 77 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o. A. installers, and manufacturers to estimate the performance of potential PV installations. o.Does the estimate of annual energy productlon from the selected contractor include line losses? A. No. The energy provided as part of the RFB is considered generation-IeveI energy. o.Shou1d line losses be included in the energy production estimate for programmatic purposes? A. Yes. Please explain why they shoul-d be inc1uded. A portion of the line losses should be included in the annual energy production to account for the delivery of the energy from the production location to the community solar subscriber. The Company determined that the typical transmission, substation, and primary distribution losses would be offset as the actual energy would be consumed by customers on the distribution feeder in close proximity to the 500 kW community solar project. However, the distribution secondary losses of 3.3 percent will not be offset by the local energy production and wil-l be included in the Program. O.Please explain how the line losses will- be incl-uded as part of the Program. A.As detailed in the testimony of Company witness Mr. Pengil1y, each program participant will receive ANGELL, DI 11 Idaho Power Company 1 their proportionate share of the tot.al energy based on 2 their 1eve1 of subscription. On a monthly basis the 3 project's total energy, as measured at the meter, will be 4 reduced by the line loss percent discussed above. The 5 resulting energy total also referred to as customer-l-evel 6 energy will be divided among the Program participants 7 commensurate wlth their level- of subscription. I Q. What is the average annual energy based on 9 expected annua1 output including line losses? 10 A. Apptying the l-ine losses discussed above of 11 3.3 percent to the average annual output of 1,031,000 kwh 12 results in 996,9'7 7 kwh per year. 13 V. Operational Learning Objectives of ttre Pi].ot Progran L4 O. What operational knowledge is to be gained by 15 offering the Communlty Solar Pilot Program as a pilot? 16 A. The Company intends for this initial offering 77 to be treated as a pilot program for a variety of 18 operational reasons. The Company expects to gain experience 19 with the following: 20 1. The power output of a s j-ngle-axis PV sol-ar 27 facility at the time of the feeder customers' coincident 22 peak demand. This will supplement the prior investj-gation 23 of the effects of solar intensity variations on 24 distribution feeder load and a1low the Company to 25 ANGELL, DI L2 Idaho Power Company 1 incorporate an appropriate on peak capacity factor in its 2 Long-term capacity planning processes. 2. The control of the inverter. The Company has 4 specified the installatj-on of a four quadrant remotely 5 configurable inverter, also known as a smart inverter. The 6 Company needs this experience in advance of integrating 7 many solar PV facilities on the distributj-on system to 8 avoid the voltage management issues that other electric 9 utilities have experienced. Thus, the inverter will be 10 configured to aid with voltage management of the 11 distribution feeder. L2 3. The monitoring requirements of PV solar and 13 how best to present the j-nformation to the Company's plant t4 dispatch and technj-cian personneJ-. 15 4. The maintenance and fail-ure rates of PV solar 76 equipment, especially the single-axis tracking system, in 77 order to determine staffing and response requirements. 18 5. The various facility issues that may cause PV 19 sol-ar facilities to underperform. This will- a1low the 20 Company to incorporate an appropriate factor in its long- 2l term planning process. 22 VI. Conc].usion 23 24 O. Please summarize your testimony. A. The Company is proposing to build a 500 kW 25 single-axis tracking solar array at the Boise Bench ANGELL, DI 13 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 1,4 15 76 77 18 79 20 21- 22 23 24 25 substation. The project will offer Idaho Power customers in Idaho the opportunity to buy electricity from a local solar array. The Company submitted an REB to determine the cost to build the array. The selected contractor was the least-cost and least-risk bid of those submitted. The pilot nature of the Program will al-Iow the Company to gain operati-ona1 experience with this kind of generation facility. The Company's anticipated operation daLe, contingent upon Commission approval, is June 2071. O. Does this conc1ude your testimony? A. Yes. ANGELL, D] L4 fdaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 l_5 16 t7 18 19 20 21, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 STATE County oF rDAHO ) )of Ada ) I, David M. testi-fy truthfully, state the following: f am employed by Manager in the Customer Construction Department this proceeding. ATTESTArIOII OE' TESTIIfi)NY ss. Angell, having been duly sworn to and based upon my personal knowledge, Idaho Power Company as the Plannj-ng Operations Engineering and and am competent to be a witness in I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of ldaho that the foregoing pre-filed testimony and exhibits are true and correct to the best of my information and belief . DATED this 22nd day of June, 20L6. David AND SWORN to M. Angell before me thj-s 22"d day ofSUBSCR]BED June, 2016. JENNIFER MAGETJfl.SEITEB NOIAHY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO ANGELL, DI 15 Idaho Power Company y PubLLc {orsiding at: l-b"J4 My commission expires:,/7/tuzt