HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220728Green Biennial Report 2022.pdf3Em. An DIOOIP Compenv '!t:?;- iU; Z).ii ll: I I MATTHEWT. LARKIN Revenue Requirement Senior Manager m larkin@idahooower.com July 27,2022 ELECTRONICALLY FILED Ms. Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A (83714) Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re: IPC-E-16-13 - ldaho Power Company's 2022 Green Power Program Biennial Report Dear Ms. Noriyuki: ln Order No.33570 issued in Case No. IPC-E-16-'13, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") directed ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/'or "Company") to file a biennial Green Energy Prudency Report. The enclosed report provides the information requested in Order No. 33570 and the Company's evaluation of the Green Power Program tor 2020 and2021. lf you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Regulatory Consultant Kelley Noe at (208) 388-5736. Sincerely, Matthew T. Larkin MTL:sg Enclosures 2Oa2GREEN POWER PROGRAM BIENNIAL REPORT I. PURPOSE OF STATUS REPORT ln June 2016, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Company") filed an Application with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to modiff its Schedule 62, Green Energy Purchase Program ("Program" or "Green Power Program"). The proposed modifications included: (1) replacing the existing Dollar Contribution Method with a block option and a 100 percent usage option; (2) instructing the broker for the Program to give preference to renewable energy credits ('RECs") from sources located closest to orwithin ldaho Power's service territory, when possible; (3) ldaho Power seeking Green-e certification of the RECs purchased through the broker; and (4) using up to 15 percent of the total Program funds for program marketing expenses to allow the Company to reach more customers. !n August 2016, the Commission issued Order No. 33570 approving the Company's requested changes. Additionally, in Order No. 33570 the Commission directed the Company to submit a biennial Green Energy Prudency Report which includes the following information : . Customer count under each participation option, by schedule. Monthly RECs purchased. Monthly revenue and expenses for Schedule 62o Updated costs associated with re-certiffing the RECs prior to retirement. Summary of marketing activities and expenseso Solar 4R Schools expenses. Percentage of RECs purchased within ldaho Powe/s service territoryo Monthly funds transferred to the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) from ldaho Power-owned REC purchases I!. PROGRAM DETAILS The information provided herein includes data from January 2020 through December 2021. 2022Green Power Program Biennial Report - 1 A. Customer Count by Option and Rate Schedule Table 1: GP. BLOCK OPTION 2020 R-Residential C-Commercial l-lndustrial A-Agricultural * Porticipont count is bosed on payments mode during the selected month. December 46 1,792 12 1,907 18 R-Residential C-Commercial I-lndustrial A-Agricultural * Porticipant count is bosed on poyments mode during the selected month. ROR 1 3 448 3,831 GP - 100% oPTroN A.ID c-!D R-ID R.OR A.ID c-lD t{D R.!D Total Participants* January 2 18 953 6 1 43 2 1,615 16 I 2,656., ____.i,_13 I 2,516February179175 9 2 2 35 2 1,525 March 1 20 1,U7 48 3 1,664 19 2,813 April 1 26 1,069 6 2 36 4 1,666 '|.4 2,824 2,678MayI231,000 5 2 38 3 1,590 16 June 1 24 1,067 8 2 37 3 1,655 20 2,817 July 1 25 1,109 6 2 44 3 1,661 16 2,867 August 1 28 1,152 7 2 38 2 1,670 | 15 2,915 September October 1 1 25 27 23 1,159 1,136 4 2 2 39 39 36 4 3 2 1,667 1,669 '|.,577 18 16 20 2,919 2,899 2,810 6 8November11,',141 2 December 1 30 1,282 6 2 44 4 1,770 19 3,158 GP. BLOCK OPTIONGP - 100% OPTION 2021 A{D c-lD R.!D ROR A.ID c-tD t-tD R.!D R.OR Total Participants* January 1 32 1,225 7 2 35 4 1,697 3,019 26 1,143 7 1 36 2 1,454 't6 I 2,679February1 March u 1,465 8 2 43 6 24 3,508 36 1,322 5 3 42 3 1,718 1,925 19 3,149April 1 1 May 1 35 1,225 7 1 1,580 2,898 10 3 32 46 3 6 1,859June1321,454 14 22 3,433 July 1 30 1,357 16 1 33 2 1,678 17 3,135 August 1 41 1,476 13 3 43 6 1,804 24 3,4',11 27 1,468 I 3 36 4 1,705 3,266September1 1,528 12 1 44 3 1,793 13 17 3,437October,|38 November 1 38 1,706 11 2 37 5 1,813 16 3,629 2022 Green Power Program Biennial Report - 2 While monthly participation fluctuated over the last 24 months, as of December 2021, overall participation increased by 44 percent (or 1,175 new participants) from the December 2019 totals disclosed in the previous biennial report. B. REC Purchases and Proiect Sources Table 2: REC Purchases and Costs Month January February March Year 2020 2020 ,2020 2020 202:0 2020 2020 2020 2020 ', io2o I '2020 :1020 2021 2021 2021 , 2021 , 2021 "2021 Cost $10,100.49 $9,681.67 $10,899 7e $'10,081.42 $e,152 90 $9,679.97 $10,129.94 $10,916.09 April May June July August September October November December !anuary February March April May June !rtv August Seltember October November December Total RECs Needed (MWh) 2,0:20 1,936 2,161 2,016 1,831 1,936 2,026 2,183 2,5_19 2,072 1,963 2,402 2,419 2,407 2,663 2,446 1,985 2,173 2,351 3,117 2,800 2,242 2:389 2,694 54,744 $12,s80.45 $10,359.87 $9,814.36 $12,009.47 $17,175.71 $17,089.76 $181904:24 $17,364.52 $14,096.94 $1s,429.98 2021 $16,694.01 $22,133.16 $19,883.12 $15,920.88 $16,e18 e3 $19,129.18 $336,086.52 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 I I i i Table 2 above shows the monthly RECs needed for the Program and applies the REC costl to the monthly REC need to determine the monthly cost of RECs. A monthly general ledger report shows how much revenue was collected for the Green Power Program. RECs are then purchased for the previous month based on the funds collected. 1 The cost per REC was $5 from January 2020to December 2020 and $7.10 from January 2021to December 2021 . ln March 2020, 12 of the RECs were purchased outside of the vendor contract and cost $8 each. 2022 Green Power Program Biennial Report - 3 One of the Program modifications approved by Order No. 33570 included sourcing RECs from the Northwest and giving preference to RECs from sources located closest to or within ldaho Power's service area, when possible. Table 3 below shows the project sources of RECs purchased for the Program for January 2020 through the end of 2021. Table 3: Sources of RECs Purchased for Participants 2020 Facility Name Wolverine Crge* Wolverine Creek Wolveri4e Creek Wolverine Creek Rockland \Mnd Farm Old MillSolar, LLC Orchard Ranch Solar LLC i Wggdline Sg[ar, LLC- Woodline Solar, LLC Woodline Solar, LL-C Woodline Solar, lLC Wqodline Sglqr, !_L_p Woodline Solar, LLC Tumbleweed Solar LLC 202L Fagil!ty Name Facility State !a ID ID ID ID OR ID OR OR OR OR OR OR OR wREGtE tD2 w188 w1q8 w188 RECs 1,9q0 4,000 4,752 1,874 6 111 6 580 2,401 2,176 25,063 Qqurqe , Wind Wind I Wind Wind Wind Solar Solar IPC Area I I I I L No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No w188 w2445 w5018 w5373 w5q45 w584s w5q4s w584! w_5840 w5845 w698:t Total wq'!,qQ w50't8 w5q18 wqqq w!q18 w5018 w5018 w50lq w5018 wq018 w2445 1,!21 1S33 2,100 2,200 S-9tar spler s-qlar Solar Qolar Solar sqlar WREGIS ID RECs rce-Qqu l Facility State rp OR O]t OR OR OR OR OR OR ID tPc Area Meadow Creek Wind Farm - Five_Pine Ppjgct Old MillSolar, LLC glq U[ Solar, LLC gd MillSolar, LLC Old MillSolar, LLC Qld lIill Sotaq, LLQ eld MillSglar, !!C Old MillSo[ar, L.LC Old MillSolar, LLC Old MillSolar, !LC Rockland Wind Farm 2,341 274 1,q40 896 186 863 154 930 411 108 12,500 w!ld Solar _S9lar Solar 9ql_ar Solar No No No No No No No No No No Yes Sqlar Solar Solar Solar Wind 2 The Western Renewable Energy Generation lnformation System (WREGIS) is an independent, renewable energy tracking system for the region covered by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC). WREGIS tracks renewable energy generation from units that register in the system by using verifiable data and creating renewable energy certificates for this generation. 2022 Green Power Program Biennial Report - 4 Woodline Solar, LLC w5845 725 Solar OR No Woodline Solar. LLC w5845 472 OR OR OR No Woodline Solar LLC Woodline Woodline Solar, LLC w5845 2,285 _ _ 1.q1q _2,575 _ 1,043 't,969 No w5845 No Now5845OR w5845 No Now5845 Total 29.682 Solar Solar Solar Woodline Solar LLC Woodline Solar LLC Solar Solar Solar OR OR Of the RECs purchased, all were from ldaho and Oregon, and 23 percent were from projects within ldaho Power's service area. ln both 2020 and 2021 there were no ldaho Power-owned RECs purchased for the Program, therefore no fund transfers to the PCA were required. However, outside of the Program and through the Large Renewable Energy Purchase Option ("Large Purchase Option"), ldaho Power sold Company-owned RECs to business customers. For reporting year 2020, four business customers participated in the Large Purchase Option. A total of 10,526 ldaho Power-owned RECs were purchased and $4,782.28 from these sales was transferred to the Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA'). For reporting year 2021, five business customers participated in the Large Purchase Option. A total of 20,953 ldaho Power-owned RECs were purchased and $23,123.21 trom these sales was transferred to the PCA. C. Monthly Revenue and Expenses Table 4 below shows the monthly revenues received from Schedule 62 and the actual timing of Program expenses. Please note that the expenses are inclusive of the monthly REC costs identified in Table 2, though amounts on a monthly basis will not align with Table 2 due to timing differences between the receipt of funds and actua! payments to vendors. 2022 Green Power Program Biennial Report - 5 Table 4: Program Revenue and Expenses by Month 2020 Total I $19,782.16 $11,206.16 $10,547.31 . $30,875.32 $9,779.11 $10,806.69 $11,016.80 $12,679.91 $19,356.42 $22.7il.e6, $168,102.61 Monthly Revenues )Jalg?ry $20,200.97 february $19,363.34 March* $21,789.58 April $20,162.83 Mqy $18,305.20 June $19,359.94 July $20,259.87 {uggst $21,832.18 September $25,160.90 Octoler $20,719.73 November $19,628.71 $24.018.,93 $250,802,18 l December Monthly Revenqqs Monthly Expenses January $9,287.77 February March April May June July August Oqtober November Qecember Total Monthly Expenses* January fgbruary March June September Ja1qary Fqltuqry Maryh Apt.r! May June July August Septembe October $24,191.14 $24,070.08 $26,625.69 $24,457.07 sxe,854.84 $2',1,732.37 $23,512.69 $31,173.47 $28,004.39 $22,423.77 $23,829.48 $26,942.51 I I $186.45 $12,103.07 April May r Jutl, August $1,445.70 -$1,021.45 i $101.64 $109.42 $544.41 $10,787.99 i $110.60 $110.83 $100,164.33 $16,851 . 1 I $112.229.28 Total $296,817.50 September Qctober November Decembqr lQl.1 g\arges paid l1 20!2 Total $253,723.45 *ln 2021, the REC payment schedule changed from monthly to biannually. Payment for January through June 2021 RECs occurred in November 2021. Payment for July through December 2021 RECs occurred in January 2022. D. Green-e Certification Costs As shown in Table 5 below, Green-e certification costs for 2020 totaled $23,851 .47, which included 2021 Green-e certification renewal, annualverification performed by an external auditor and participant updates to meet Green-e Energy certification requirements. 2022 Green Power Program Biennial Report - 5 Green-e certification costs in 2021 totaled $29,387.70, which included 2022 Green-e certification renewal, annual verification by an external auditor and participant updates to meet Green-e Energy certification requirements. Participant updates included new participant welcome letters with information about the Program's terms and certification, the annual prospective product content label and annua! historical product content label. The Company has provlded the spring and summer participant updates as attachments 1 through 43 and an example of a participant welcome letter as attachment 5. Approximately 78 percent of participants receive email communication for the two annual updates, which keeps the distribution cost low. Table 5: Green-e Certification Costs Green-e Certification , , E8erye!4vCi! Participant Updates_ 2020 $tz-sssoor $8,900.00 $2,055.e7 2021 $16,550.00 !9'999,99 l $3,837.70 $2e,58770l$23,8s1.47 E. Marketing Expenses ln 2Q20, Program-funded marketing expenses totaled zero percent of the tota! Program revenue ($250,802.18). ln 2021, Program-funded marketing expenses totaled 0.4 percent of the total Program revenue ($296,817.50). The decrease in funds used for marketing was the result of the increased costs for RECs, Green-e certification and in-part Solar 4R Schools. As stated in the original filing, the Company may choose to use these funds to cover the increase in Program costs rather than change the tariff price to participants. ldaho Power will continue to look for the most cost-effective methods of marketing the Program. ln2020, the marketing efforts for the Green Power Program included Marketino: . Bill inserts to customers three months of the year (approximately 950,000 total inserts)o Short video on Bigelow Tea's participation in the Green Power program - ran on social media and company homepageo Program promotion on April e-bill to celebrate Earth Month (electronic version of bill sent to approx. 147,500 customers). Window clings promoting individual participation sent to customers. Segment on KTVB channel 7; interview on Green Power program 3 As required for Green-e certification, ldaho Power provides welcome packets to each new participant and updated product content labels to all participants annually. 2022 Green Power Program Biennial Report - 7 Advertisinq reached: 40,000 impressions in quarterly ads published in the North End Neighborhood of Boise 2,048,009 impressions from online digital ads ln 2021, the marketing efforts for the Green Power Program included: Ma*etinq: . Bill inserts to customers three months of the year (approximately 910,000 total inserts). Program promotion in April e-newsletter to celebrate Earth Month (electronic version sent to approx. 5,647 customers). Window clings promoting individual participation sent to new participants. ldaho Statesman article; interview on Green Power program. Featured on a homepage card in April on the ldahopower.com website Advertisino: . 1,325,725 impressions from online digital ads. Pop-up ad in My Account (ldaho Power's online customer portal) delivering 67,087 impressions in April and 145,394 in October F. Solar 4R Schools As part of the Program design, Schedule 62 revenues are also used to support the Solar 4R Schools program (now called CE, Clean Energy Bright Futures). Solar 4R Schools (or CE), educates students about renewable energy by placing solar installations on school propefi, along with a data monitoring system, a curriculum package and teacher training. Since its inception, 22 schools throughout ldaho Power's service area have received solar PV systems through the program. ln 2020, Solar 4R Schools expenses totaled $21,722.72 for the Vallivue Middle School project that was awarded in 2019. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no schools applied for Solar 4R Schools in 2020 and only one applied in late 2021. ldaho Power plans to award up to two Solar 4R Schools project grants in 2022 and up to two more in 2023. G. Solar-Only Option !n the Company's 2016 filing, ldaho Power stated that it was investigating the addition of a solar- only option to the tariff as the Company had received informal feedback from customers that this option would be highly desirable.a ln 2018, ldaho Power increased the amount of solar in the Green Power resource mix from 3 percent to 50 percent, which allows participants to support both wind and solar energy equally.s ln response to customer requests and feedback in recent years, in December 2021, ldaho Power submitted an application with the IPUC (Case No. IPC- a Case No. IPC-E-16-13, Pengilly Dl at 14. 5 The actual mix of RECs may vary year-to-year based on market availability a a 2022 Green Power Program Biennial Report - 8 E-2140) requesting to expand Schedule 62 to include additional renewable energy options that can satisfy varying needs. The Company is currently awaiting an order in that case. Conclusion Overall, the results of the 2020 and 2021 marketing efforts were successful as evidenced by Program growth of 44 percent. While the funds available for marketing have decreased due to increasing costs in other areas, ldaho Power will continue to pursue the most-effective ways to market the Program. Lastly, ldaho Power looks forward to being able to offer additional renewable energy options for its customers. 2022 Green Power Program Biennial Report - 9 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2022 GREEN POWER REPORT ATTACHMENT 1 P.O. tOXrO aors to t3ror{7@ Green Power Program Business Participants ... I -@ g096 Basin is proud b $flDd l@l rs&abh sergy and en@urage effciercy mpiovem.n5 here rn the (onmunfty al (all5 hom. "sunaimbilq ir a key value for 9096 Baln and our gue*," 6eneral Man.ger Erad Wilsn $id, "The more l&hobErnerrs and rsiden8 commit to dean and rtreable mlgy, the more likely @ ae to achre a s6bimbh future." 2019 Green Power Totals roblP.ntdpr6,21982 G Iffl**,",19,888,083 EquiEldrt to: -- 2,943lrar-f, ErfthrY dtutudo %w . kILolW,(.ldr.l.hfrary,X@ run tlB. a.dmqfrc{5f?.rJh.ffiIIil'raf*V{.yffiryHqld.tt*!i,'tuDdq.lkft mtt AIEAI.tsmX.iidlFq3lm'lC{dUI,lhn.cdqrridfiqtd,r.c ,nodo'0r.ttd4UI,Nry.m.Inh6,h'Xfiiftot$dchrb,C, l&"rttl\ rkd.hlYrdd.hrart!tt do.rrd,rftf(ffiiker F aind'ktqBrqGtut{.r' tr(elSf,,J.fio. rdl. (n*" ldlHn h*ilry, U(d.s*tuQlffiFm,lldhd &x Uldbd, U(, Xtu hffi6@d!fu hhwu(olhhdy&ffi} flahhdrrDtqrxfuModttu^lffitrC rcEffi[Dlxm .hffiUC.AllhflryVA . hBdOfttrC' Ad6t rdknlmil . lnmlot'rS*^rtAtB 'tdMSmEk.'AUMtffi .Iffih&r?.C. 'l&h .ffilCwMM!'tryi.rrhff . tcftX@gii.Mh .ohrreEdrl.@.hhbq .h(4bl(m-Lt hll oD*khrk?d(Q']eo,drryd .NqffiYilltulh.gqftk .hh$hol(q*rldndllqftd .hftlbddrq69.ffittHytudh .h*rEdrfkr..M{M . Efs.bikArhkffiU .lffidotq.trtrffi . hftbbrrrEDdgl.tffih .tilB(dF*ka ' :m.WlddftEry .ftOikoltd.hl.dr .Ub-kttt'iry6u IL3kg.(c-'ffiGq op*tuMN(q' ffiliefot, . hilfildus.Oq/rlffi .lr6tb{i(lMtu,Goxffihrds frdb{w*ffi(@rtu .wl|MkiEtSbq. ' lr.ho[S.LGtfi.d'L&.,m* WOODiMTVAIUY+Mk . httytuhdgB'himlrodh .Ch,kryAtu,Ol. h0ds . (lldhodhh,U .AdmoFntpx. rnqer(dlfu,tGffiu(Sdhq ll#Lr C?th lodr rS6Hiilhdry' rbrlffi'hkdllffiM' rodykdnffi'tALhlfu0rr!&'h$drffi.hY{.re6. ll*trr.oi(bmu.tukh,h.l{oCd,YdMU IEIOlffi€U.Ldtskk.Ddrhffi .tuh*iuc krd.kB.xffinHlsh4ffiorFtd* XAilIA'qWtU Long-tme 6ren P(W Program Fdopant, 8096 Basin. bok a big st€p in its s&inatiity @mmitmenl thB Fa[ The n.nprof[reoeanon area s blyrnn enouqh re@ade energy to ffi [5 Btimaled ann@l energy use ol 3,592,000 kilowalt- hours (equlElent to porc6n9 abolt 325 awage homet n ldaho Pow/s reMce ars for one year, The envirsmenlal bcnofrt oflhtr ronNnhla.narqy 6 equNalsl barcdiog 2.738 bmof CO2 - @mpdable to .€movifiq 531 vehider frm the r@d, (tPA Grsnhoe 6a5 tquvalen(y Cak!lalor. The rKeation area wll pur(fue rsewable en.rgy produ(ed fr.m eff(rency -pgradeimgdsen6 ldaho Pow ha mad€ lo lhrR ol hs ldahcbaed hydrceltrti( plants, These up96d6 prod(e an erra 22000,000 k lowatt-her o, ensgy annslly. Bftaue it requi$ no addito@l water or land bEond the ex ilrng 15J153.^ d.fu&ffi thiJ ext. energy is ErtmloFo,tR. 16,208* , k\t. u t fPA 6ranho@ 6tFqw.].no2i Cakdat.N and e6td htahaP t&ap &t. a/1 x13 PRT.SORTID "AilDAiOU,3.POITAGI PAID BOISE, ID PERMtr NO,579 Bogus Basin Going looo/o Renewable ln 2020 I,,jFL,i,Si i_T"ii ri Slffi* "ffie- 93 Mini Mart, Salmon ldaho ldaho Pornrer Habitat Manaoers Work to Restore Daly CreeliIhe 93 M ni Mad n Salmon has b€n a pred family-owned busnesrforover 35 yea6 and a 6ren PNer pani(ipantls 19years. They (onsider lhemtefues to be a "one-stop shop" bygllng tpoftng gds and erying as dr €xxon fuel i.tion lor runy 01 lhe area t hunting and fEhrng enlhllasB. Th. :rvne', :as; Wolflry pridet he6€lf on beng one ol only a handful of loclry{Med buenesg n th€ ar€a. slE gys lhe s*rel to iH(e$ 6 their wllinqns to go abNand beyondfrlh cstomer eM@. Whr[ I c Wolllry! work lkrJ to tun a suc(ssful butness, they alr krDw how ,mprun1 il 6 to gNe b.d tothe ommulily they*@. T,eWolfleys donate many 5porung good lo lnalGUs. mclud'ng lhe high rdml matuien(e programs and burgsnrrE youth h*lq group!. They've ds ben ifrolwd wiih the Recrde Foundeton a nonprof[ that suppdts the healthand srenglh ot l&ho3 guiding communiy. Patu<ipating n the 6en PMr Prolram r arofter wayl'ewolfleys tuppdl ldaho and th€ ould@tt by ugng bme reneable, em6'&lre energy for ther famrly bunn6' By 9on9 100% ,€n*vable. lhe rcm- pany will edu(e ib (arbon lootpdnl by 2 mlon p@nds each Far and mture the ensgy th€y]e using 6 from wnd and ela resour(s (Sowce U.5. EPA Grenhd* Gae EquNalen(y calculalor). Erergy isn't the onty ar€a Eigelow {lexes is sri(.rnabil ]y m(6le<. Th€ company ako F(dpaB m re(ydng. (ompoiing, wdte ruBgemenl and land pre5flalDn - no mall feal .onsdering Bigelow prduces two blllon bagsoi tea per yeal Daly Creel gouth ol R(hhnd, Oregon, 6 one eEmple ol ldaho Poffi3 v6il 10 impr@ habGl in HelhCanyon. Th€ I 1,400<re Daly Creek Hebilal Managemsr Area rr'as plr(haed by lhe @mpany in 2005 to &re and mdage wildliie habilar near $e Hells Cenyon(mfJer hydroelectia pqe.r. Pnor to purchas, podrons of the (re* had b*n redu(ed to ltth me thaf, an irri9ton dilch or walering holefo, (at&. Iodry lhD nrckh ol D.ly Cr&< llov - -r. lke r d d whe. re f61 Europern .etlle^ hocleaded the area, dram by the @d wateE lhal iln$ted (rops and lNeslo<t in an otheMise (a& lands(ape. ldaho P()Ws managemntal Daly Creek IocuPt on albwlng natual 5y5teru to llounrh. Nalive planb hee recolo-ized th€ oe.t banks prcvidir€ rlEde and (@.ln 5m arcat, DaV (rek ren6t0n hat ac(eleraled wilh lhe rctum of beave6, who qeate pondi lhal benefrl both aolak and tscnrialwildlile, Mh as rative redbild Ou hab[at manrgers al5o manage@ds nnd o$.' vclc-nn.n t. bc..fn vndhf. ;rd inqts, Water (on5trvation measuret and the removal of three diveGrons have r6tored the channel lo a more mtural cond{ron, grvrg l5h a:ce5t to th€ lull length ol the (rek. hm mqear ldElffi.dlrhtr- 7 aboE.ll. tr ar. ahr.yr lind.nd@iidcda bdr a&ma6, Wcl9oth.cmrilL.Oudffihrdthay on 6l ui ah..d ot tin. if dEy rr.d help Fhling lh.k tu.| erd re1lgLdty sin. And E mk run b stln ou dddy.nd disued otueE in .ny way they n€ed." - D.ys wolfky Biqelc ruTeaGoes ld}o/oRenewable fuln Wt Cfr t hrn Aodr(t CoDElr L&, ThBlaMEpan6f DU 6,*n-eJEnerlyceniti.arcnand6p@rdedtop,t:prnt!.a.hyeat Ihe hbel rhM the.nrkiPled lourcs ot G&n Pow lor 2020. $ut rb rn$ .r.o E &. h? .dr..bisahFndh@brq,ror.l tue.ttBhrh !sqbhlsd:irr.r9.srortmthl*Er 16 -.+drhkl6hrEh r!'*rt,, ui, !i!-out[ 5!u9,! O FnflSy *El$,lF,!"fli;',;r*:::;'," :J:i:llf :lli::fi$. SaehEmati:ndsdoamraUea Solar4R Sdroob Grant s{qe lGdhnJ Sdod -. ar*r <ml h Bde sir{ ffi 1.000 rt d6ts- reiEd t 2020 sdr af tdb.& glaht 5ob 4R Sdoof h rdnhi# ry tu BonBib tn&oiMd tdrrd.lihald ed@tes studlnit abqrt 6ffit,5ffii by pbdng Flil insLlior s rdool prserty, JdE with a drb ffiladiBiyih and @irrm p.dlgE AEgy ge.satld by te s€kC. *ctla sFffi hdprp.ddprtiq idaltdt t a portim dttEid.<Ui.ily el.hE{h - @tbuti6 b fE Gm tursPDgtrtl ldaho Poeer Mr6 prcffi lo rdm$ loGted wihin ou si@ ea Througtour dr 75-year hisrory BigelM T€a h6 ben a (s*renliN {errd ot the enwonmenl. And to shwthe iamiv+ned ompany's (ommilmnt lo the planel, Brgeb, r<enlly conrm{ted to usinq 100% renewable energyfor iS Eose plant, !{hi.h slpplie5tea all overthe wgtern U.S. "We've reallyembarkdon alourneyto be as suiaoabl€ at p6!61€, and energy b a brg Frt of $a!" sid Crnd, BiqElor. lhe granddaughter of 8ig€l@ TeaS mtiaKh, Ruth Campbell Brffloq and t prcanlday president and cFo. Th.r. 100% r6rw.ble g€k e ml ar dafli<uh.r tby tomd, W€ re.dred dl !o ldaho h6, .nd rhey rud. h rc ..5y for 0s to ehicw dr g6al.- - Clndl olg.low "l alw4 sy w he one body and w he oft ta$," Cndisd. -we harto do dery1hing w @n b ry ad b€ wry caretul lo prote.l them both," Eigelow i5 JU$ one ol dozst o{ compan e5 lhat have droll€d in ldalF Power's G,een P@er ftogram, 6bk'bDdd@-ll4&H#eBaIabEr.*t.dr[a*[.d hs.rdrodil1.rt @@BMe.r!&,p,4DnFdtu[fr.ekrs,kq:nlFbrilt.*i'|@.6bh.r ! r.eer.4 ffi - ltcl b [I$E tdfu id.b!db6ddqn6trd&.'brBh.k!-!.blff.dddrhrbrlqrhk =# !',t tfr IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2022 GREEN POWER REPORT ATTACHMENT 2 ln Al$, the Grcen Forrcr Program nemrsletter hUftlistrH ldaho Poute/s dam for its path arry from coal and torard a deaner energy future. I1rc yean her, urdrc happy to r€port r rdr€ on scheduh and achieved importail milestones torard our goal. Green Power bythe Numbers We're halfway through 2020 and your Green Power participation is something to be proud of: ,"i:iilil[kil",:; 1 1,9 1 8,1 85 Comparable to: As planned, in 2019, ldaho Power ended its participation in unit 1 of the North Valmy coal plant in Nevada; we also have an agreement to exit unit 2by 2025.ln addition, the Boardman plant in Oregon is scheduled to cease coal-fired operations this year. The third and final coal plant is Jim Bridger in Wyoming, of which ldaho Power owns one-third and PacifiCorp owns two-thirds. We continue to explore options with PacifiCorp as we plan the appropri- ate end-of-life for the entire Jim Bridger plant. Based on the results of our current integrated resource plan, we exped to end participation in all coal resources within this decade. ldaho Power's coal-fired generation has decreased for six consecutive years. As recently as 2013, coal was our largest energy source at 38.8%.ln 2019, that number was 16.3o/o, clean hydropower -rmroPo,l,ER" made up 44.60/o, and COz emissions intensity levels decreased approximately 46% below our baseline year of 2005. Also in 2019, within weeks of announc ing our 100o/o clean energy goal, ldaho Power entered a 2O-year contract to buy 120 megawatts of solar energy. This clean, affordable energy will come from a large solar array planned south of Twin Falls and expected to come on-line in lale2022. Our 100% clean energy goal and long-term planning will continue COz reductions. Want to learn more about our clean energy plans? Visit idahopower. com/cleantoday. a 9,386 tons of carbon dioxide avoided 11119,-", L*11 from the road @ Clean today. Cleaner tomofrow.o IOO7" CLEAN ENERGY BY 2045. of U.S. forest absorbing COz for one year Source: U.S. EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator and eGrid database release date 7103/20. An IDACORP Company Reducing Risk in a Changing Climate Part of ldaho Power's sustainability plan looks to reduce risk in a changing climate. One of those risks - wildfires - is something ldaho Power takes seriously and prepares for year-round. Our attention to safety and reliability starts with the quality of our equipment, such as power lines, poles, substations and transform- ers. We design and build our equipment to meet or exceed industry standards (including bird-friendly line designs). We monitor the equipment's condition and work hard to main- tain it to keep it working properly. Next is vigilance and upkeep. We operate vegetation management programs and con- duct routine line inspection and maintenance. We're also developing a Wildfire Mitigation Plan. When events do occur, we work with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service to ensure a prompt response. ldaho fuwe/s Green fuwer Podluct Content Laful This label is part of our Green-e@ Energy certification and is provided to participants each year. The label shows actual sources of Green Power purchased in 2019. For a complete list of all sources in 2019, visit idahopower.com/greenpower. 10096 Green-e Enerw CerUfied Ncuf Renewables Generatlon facllltlcs' locatlon:red Enerty Re3ourc€ Mix:50% Solar,50% Wind l, These fi8ures reflect the renewables that we provided to ldaho Power's Green Power customers in 2019.2. New Renewables come from generation facilities that first began comm€rcial operation within the past 15 years. What are the Benefits of Electric Vehicles? ilatunl G.s 11,4X The average home in ldaho Powe/s seryice area uses about 950 kwh per month (ldaho Power 2018). For the averaSe home, the 100% Option would add an average 59.50 to the monthly bill to use 100 percent renewable €nergy. As an example of the Blo€k Option, the home could use 5 Blocks of green power to cover over half ofthe home's energy use for an extra 55.00 each month. For specific information about this program, contacl Idaho Power at 1-800-632-6605, greenpower@idahopowercom or idahopowercom/greenpower. Fuel savings: Mile for mile, it costs less than half to fuel an EV compared to a gas- powered vehicle. And with electricity prices among the lowest in the nation, ldaho Power makes charging EVs affordable. Better air quality: With low or no tailpipe emissions, EVs reduce air pollution. Less Maintenance: EVs have fewer moving parts and fewer fluids, resulting in lower maintenance costs. Also, most EVs come with a manufacturer warranty of up to 10 years or 100,000 miles. Performance: With instant acceleration, EVs are fun, quiet and easy to drive. Want to Leam More? Visit our website at idahopourcr.com/EV where you can: o Calculate savingse Compare carsr Learn about tax credits and incentivesr Find charging stationso Learn about providing charging stations at your business You can also email us at ev0idahopower.com. As a Green Power participant your energy comes from renewable sourles. Leam more aboutyour green power mix on tre Histodcal Product C.ontent label at left. For questions aboutthe Green Power Program, contact: ldaho Power Green Power Program P.O. Box 70 Boise ldaho 83707 phone: 1-800-632-5505 email: greenpower@idahopower.com Prefer to receine this noadetter by email instead? Send your requestto: g reen power@idahopower.com @ ,rint.d o, ,..ycled paper. @ 2020 tdaho power How docs 6rccn Powcr compar! to thc standard cncryy mix? ldaho Power's 2019 mix of resources supplylng ldaho Power customers included: Hydroelectric (44.6%1, Othet 127.7%1, Coal (16.3%), and Natural Gas & Diesel (u.4%). (Other represents purchased power and/or power originally generated from renewable facilities, includinS a small portion of renewable hydropower. ldaho Power sells its Renewable Energy Certifietes (REC) from renewable resources. The proceeds from REC sales offset power supply costs, which benefits customers by keeping prices as low as possible. Because ldaho Power does not retain the RECS, the electricity is not counted as renewable energy delivered to customers.) How is green power sold? Green Power is sold in blocks of l0O kilowatt-hours (kwh) or matches l0O percent of your ener8y (kwhl use. Hydro 44.6% Othct 27.r* Green Power is Green-eo Energy certified and meets the €nvironmental and consumer-protection standards set torth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more at Rreen-e.orf.I F."nergy IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2022 GREEN POWER REPORT ATTACHMENT 3 PO. lOX 70!N tD t!il7{D ^ION{)LIPOUI'ER GrccnPorver -(.,\,-.'::. ( irt't'r l l )r ltt ('l o ! EI PROGRAIVi r -r t ---1tttttllll 1..- --,. ,lt l= r.: I L,r qL;, ,1,,,rtr .,Loirt lirr(,,,.,.f t' ,\!, , I)rr)ij .r rt Boise Co-oo Partners with ldaho Pcnruer toGo 100% Renewable Ili foh C.q hrdlry!q.r-d fr.w hrhcrlh rrF$u.rd rErfrtfr.lh bdcotrrnfy.md nir{ loo&gucy on botmIlrO mr5.l!rtd i.orasor omr&,olr dor rd Ltffi, olldrh.la.f,r (oogrdr pa{l.r h Green Pourer Program Business Participants hd.esl m hr.doi f (dd Sdb.rh.bUI'IIEldlEr.i f I4tk t't toaScr6 rH or.llrhl5ru. l5 f.ra fh.rn r. ff.firr&.hrHrld,h. a{.rldb. a*a(firccq. ad. D-a.lrtolldlqilIedhrEh.Cni. Co.ora. lhhsrtrldod olfr. C.r* ,trdl.io I aiodc. D.crisft Ordc hc. htrLlhdt.trtffi.h&. Rrdl [a. G*.dOorD. G.riorrht?h,. GltxLrUf. G-trhrdthd[a. Gifrrr.Indmr(adil.hhE+Mhc. dr?Id&lE, kLd,Ua' Iotnff.UC. t{.qd(bUc' hekl,Ccrh'LdoddtLadx.'Idu.f(ryrdi6' IodEk(llt. ffiru. l.d.odtarirrt &.. mf,il. C'Crlrddcforirds. Ixtv*rX.*.rllaffJ'tr*Cr(W{6.H*.lr't*:-tcfi muM- 3 lli Ltardr0oG, s56.rS..dU(llur.(mymdfio$lr{tr.rtdlo. Erhd\h. i*dYL.tluiq0iolb,0i.,fitfrd{(oE rn,t!*lo.lmDdy,lnn. lrril :dl loaa. f".i uL hd. Iud&fiGktrbilrthtu&k *lh.Hrttahffi..!;nibid. kllHoh&Grdild.r. r*t$r,l5r. ]*ft*.rr{. hd.htltrrllda. h*.tifcur,r*r9. hi&rdithky,kt. hfrt{ottrrEn}dhc.&lrfrnlid,U&b b!il*F*dLfu l*.VZ UCC.3r ina, o.tratl(4. tt!d.d6 f odAe E ,lrldsr'ac UCh.dri hdTt10.,llc(6prt, (&{iil.rfb(W,lbe. Con<em for Community lthle f@sing 0 lmbq Rd5, (@p€rati6 rcrl for the ffiimbh dMlopment of @mmunilies tfu@gh poficE and programs repGd by the lMb€rs. So, it w m surpris whm the lo@l ion wanted to @mmit b dean eneqy in 2020 and 2021, A spportrr of rcMble energy lor neady M de6d€t the Boise cmp t@k tE M ilep by ircreasing its rcn# able sergy u5e b 10070. fte C@p wil ffr G stlmted 2,400 rEgMn+@B (MWh) of €mEV w (equlv&nt to preilng about 2t0 ffigE hm6 in ldaho Pffr'r sic a@) thir lrar by purdaslng 95ol" of lls relwble SHrOFOit. sEly Im sda phffi and 5% fiom wiodubi6 thurgh il ag,ffi with klahoPN and parlidpaton h the Gen Fdiler PaoEam. At b6t 90% of ttis misiotufre sergy i5 gwated in ldaho, whrb l0% might @me from other stater an the Nonlffi Thb mEh rse$le energy it equiElent to eidjng 1,890 tms of COr - (omparabh b remino 364 whids from the r@d for a y6r, according to 2020 figures from lhe U.5. Envircnmbl Protectim Agmcfs 6rsho6 66 Equival€tri6 cakuhtor 'Doflg drdfit!&,,ordrmbc6 u cmrJtyad tho utofl bryond uhr*rpbrcrnt hmo,th.Co{frtnh&' - h \lllo, Db.cbl ol lr.*drtg,!o&.lodo.r 'l'E been inipned by tfE w of s6tm eid. 'The Coop cstin6 $at tsd ad ct il emple ship.' Th* @mmitmob al{n wjth ldaho PMr's dn g@lof rc{hing l@% d.an energy W 2045. in Gem tsrt" ldaho Managg &st Llbff Protectino Birds and Providing Power 2020 Green Foruer lmoact IS.;,* 3,414G H*r*' 25,063,000 Equ}[Mto: Prevent the Spread of lnvasive N/ussels EV SPOruGHT: J&tr/ Sanitation Goes Electric ldaho Porcr @ J&M Tanspotutxh -Ku@'s watt€fiEgmil p@'ds- lE eledrified pail of B flst. ThE restly eph@d M of rhen di€*l-f@hd $nhation rud6 with elech. E6kE in ilppoft of dearer tedlnology. Eledi( rehidg are mded d€amr tedrnology, MjrE ao bilprpe em6rio' Ihey a&o h& nJherM dhs b6efils, t(fi as lss mair 0€n tElf to fu€l (wifr eBgy) @pacd b a 9a!A@6Ed EhiL. J&M Sanilation wled with ldaho Pffi whs *nninq to irotal drarging statiffi lq tlE w lru(ks. Ewn though the w t(ds will be mu(h quieEr 9dn9 throrgh your mighbohood, kkl will nil lo€ to watrh llEml ll )ou'c inteGt€d in EVs fd hme or b6n6, yil @ lhd hfdmaton atld.ltopmr.mrr. Ih6lsbd 6 pnof ar Grsd Ensg cnilk{ion .nd b prdiddlo pat(pana.*h y€4. 'Ihe laH $w 1rE entidpned rdrc ol Gr6 Porer ,q 2021. *..&M rddr.r-M.lrldmamdbBft d fiEs At ldaho PMr. our m6ffi 6 to slely pG vrde reliable, affddatle&d dean poel A5 w tcus on the 9@k, it's jmponant re nriE to be g@d 5tilards ot the wts Mment re +Ere with hilts, eag{et and othcr bir& of prey ffi rn our area. So, wtile d.hslrg tlE d<uijty dr cm {r med. E ako mrl to prdd bi.dt oI proy that sdrc 6 on N porcr pdei. HowWbmctiLrdngn @l! Our Avian Prctrdion ProgEm indudesffiu6 b ef€gruild bird5, sh 6 c!prq/s. that lish tne ,isJ d @r serv(e arca osprEs bull nssy ffi and are att xted to pMr pol6 d6e to m! and lak6. Stidi twir and ods @te@l uEd h the EE a be@m a hadd to fE bi* 6 $d 6 (a6in9 dahrge to or equipmot w€ hlfd ffiting datfcrcfor o5preys ilay tom eledrical equipmst. wele placed hundreds of n61in9 pladom eilg abde ffigiz€d wir6 q on *paatq rcrl&ri( poles m eM m& the qrgmal 6t. tl6ts are relocated wlEn thse ate m e9g6 d roung prst AdiE n* are ot mo€d il thse b an mmMt th@t to tlE d Al raplu n6t ae Ptotected bY & sal lM. ln iffi, ft ae requted b app, tq a pemit from the U.S. Fiih aod Wildile !\hlh th€* ne'ting phtfm prctect the tir&, uFy ako prctect the rcliabllity of out ,rer syrtm. R&d Me.bout Haho Po€I'i Avin Prot(tir ftogram .t ldalE9omioiy'omrboahant [Vaintainino Reliable Sefuice f6 prording ene.y fd custqntr5' hoM and b6irc! b respdding wian sre wths hits rointaining reliable *die b e inteqral pan ol wlEt re do My day. Regardles of wtEe )ou lpent yux dqF tht pas )ear -and whdhs ttEy looked famili.r or comphtety difteEnt - w lnry )eu meded to be @nected. TlEt @mit- mst to relBbdily Mai6 bday and wil Mr <hange. we tat the [ghB o 9936% of the tim thb p6l }!at s )ou @dd fcus m wfiat Galy matters. we hm a bam ol ope6b6 who ac mnitorinq the grk, 244 e@ring tou he th€ ffEgy lou need eEry hNr ol ery day when )qr fiip that ryit(h. As we onlrnu€ b pwcr thr@gh togdher, the future looks By bright. @= 3,859(o4*"L**o GD:*A8*"o #?P.;ffi' ht.., v S EPA 6t.# a @ Eq)tuM <.kubrot Th€ arrud oI b@tng se&n and the l@t dK@y ot inv6iE mlse8 in aq@dum produd de mponant reninderr thd E a{ plry a rd. in lecping th* damgnq inhd€6 M of ldaho mtffys. ldal'o Poiler wk5 witt the ldaho Shte Depamt o, Agdoltwe (ISDA) and other 5bte ageMig to prsnt nrEtjE qeggF and &b.a mu5eb lrom gaining a foothdd in $e SEke Riwi Ihey <o5l milliffi to (onrol in the loel Cdqado Riw r€gion and the Geat Laks, dd they lM lrm @ wter body to ttE Bt by hhding a rftre o boar. ltE 6DA ale le6dy found liE Eb@ m65ek ruilre m6 bak (mMly led in aq@nuN. Alttegh they are dly .bo( the 5E ol yoq thumbnail, thse hard-ireled aqutrc cdtters reprodu@ rapdly, damaging equip- m$t, such at idqalioo puflp5, boat docks md hydrehdil( dam facilitiet. The publc cn help kEp iMjE mG *8 out d @r regioot hks and ris by atMys deaning, draining and dryinq boats, taleB. paddeb@d, 6fB add rmlar itero b.{cn rrp3. And il touM an aq@riuh, Iw dlmp the bnk Mter q di$6e of m6 bah in nalural water bodi6. heio visit t.brd/i rrcn! il.@rdiil rdb h uffirddd: Hiffi. {t*). tulu.8t cd 00.*I.d MUrre a haEF{ 0mtdwrwru)d. .. d d 6&@,tuhd d! .6 dlr w E.E.,htrdbldtrye6.h.h$.6d '!d. QHnergv :*trfiffiffi#rs#x*" rd *rr. dddr^ &::'til4,.m (6l.dbbPM, a L600-612.660:. o,@Fr&S(ryr..6 (, d,F&,rdqe.@, ,g IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2022 GREEN POWER REPORT ATTAGHMENT 4 2tr1 b $e 20ft annlversary of ldaho Porc/s Green Poirer Prograrnl Ih€ pmgram was laundred in 2fl11 to ghn cusbnrer an easy, f,dle optin to trse rcrtrable eneqy and lnore dcmard and gorirdr of gr€en cnc4y r?sources. zQzlGreen Power lmpact We're halfway through 2021, and your Green Power participation is something to be proud of: ,"13i'*'u"X*1-,1-i1",?:14,093f 19 Equivalent to: MEGAWATT-HOURS (MWh) PER YEAR FOR IDAHO, OREGON AND WASHINGTON Over the years, many customers have joined the program, some for a short period and others for decades. Participants come from allwalks of life, paying a little extra to use renewable energy at their home, business, farm or large community event. When customers support the Green Power Program, they are also supporting the Solar 4R Schools education program. "We're delighted that so many of our customers participate in this program," said Customer Relations and Energy Efficiency Senior Manager Theresa Drake. "ldaho Power is proud to provide this important program that helps customers lower their carbon footprint and reach their sustainability goals." Many utilities across the U.S. have similar programs, so the combined buying power demonstrates strong support for these types of prolects. For ldaho Power's program, green power is sourced only from renewable energy facilities in ldaho, Oregon or Washington to ensure the demand is localized to our region. Since the program's launch, green power purchases have increased a whopping 784%,which clearly shows growing support for renewable energy in the Northwest. This is reflected in the yearly increase of renewable energy in ldaho, Oregon and Washington. ln 2001, these states produced a combined 88,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) of wind and solar energy. ln 2020, the total produced was over 21 million MWhs - enough to power more than 1.8 million average homesl. 'Average home in ldaho Power's service area uses about 11,800 kilowatt-hours per year. I WIND,'' soLAR sou/cej lvet Gereratron by State (lD, OR, wA) W TW ot PrdKel by Enery Source; LJ.S. Energy lnformalon Adminbtalon. 25 20 ' ., rilil16CHNFooocooccERREiI;e;?!RRREE SilmloPonER. Green Power for the Long Haul PeasleyTnnshr ad Sbrage - a modrg and storage compeny - hc senrcd the Treasure Valley hr orcr 1!10 years. StarEd in 18!X), this well-s$lbhed ommunity staple ad longtime Green Porer Prognm partkipant (20 yearsll lns manaeedtheir hsiness while leeftiman eyetoward $rstainaHlity. The company (now a division of Hansen Brothers in Seattle), focuses on being environmentally friendly and sustain- ing natural resources. Not only do they participate in the Green Power Program to promote the use of renewable energy, they also implement energy-efficient measures at their offices and warehouses. The company uses LED and motion- censored lights and recently upgraded their fleet of old diesel trucks to new versions with greater fuel efficiency and lower emissions. They compact and recycle all un-used cardboard and pack- ing supplies and are adopting electronic signing and billing technologies to reduce paper consumption. They are also looking into getting electric vehicles (EV) for their sales force and are pricing out carbon-free, electrically powered moving trucks to hopefully add to the fleet one day. Fourth-generation owner Larry Nelson said, "We take our responsibility to help protect the planet very seriously. We're committed to minimizing the impact our operations have on the environment and we strive to make environmentally friendly decisions to benefit our customers, our staff and our greater community." ldaho Povvefs 6reen Rtrer Product Content label This label is part of our Green-e@ Energy certification and is provided to participants each year. The label shows the historical sources of Green Power for 2020. 100916 Green+. Eneryy Certmed ltleul Rcneuablec Generatlon facllhles' locatlon:ldaho and Oregon Energy Rcsourcc Mir:5096 Solar, 50% Wind As a Green Forer partHpant lrour energy omes from leneut aUe sources. Leam morc aboutyour green povrrcr mix on the Hkilorkal Product Conbnt label. For questions abouttre Green Power Program, contact ldaho Power Green Power Program P.O. Box70 Boisg ldaho 83707 phone: 1-800-632-5505 emai[ greenpower@idahopor rer.com Prefer to receive this neudetter by email instead? Send your request to: green ponver0idahopovrcr.com 1. These figures reflect the renewables that we provided to ldaho Powe/s Green Power customeG in 2020.2. New Renewables come from generation facilities that first betan commercial operation within the past 15 years. How docs Grcan Powar comparc to tha stendard ancrgy mlx? ldaho Power's 2020 mix of resources supplying ldaho Power customers included: Hydroelectric (39%), Other (28.2%), coal (20.9%), and Natural Gas and Diesel (1l.9%). Green Power is sold in blocks of 100 kilowatt-hours (kwh) or matches 100% of your energy (kWh) use. The average home in ldaho Power's service area uses about 950 kwh per month (ldaho Power 2019). For the average home, the 100% Option would add an average 59.50 to the monthly bill to use 100% renewable energy. As an example of the Elock Option, the home could use 5 block of Sreen power to cover over half of the home's energy use for an extra S5.00 each month. Oilpr 2,..tN Hydro 39o/o & Diesel tt.lrrs Corl I Fnsrsv m.gx Green Power is Green-eo Ene.Ey certified and meets the environmental and consumer-protection standards set fo.th by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more at green-e.org. For specifrc rnformalion about this program, contacl ldaho Power al 1-800-632-6605, green power@idahopower.com or idahopower.com/greenpower. ; ,.I .*': :, r 'd" '-€' '- TIti*t 'z>- 2020 Historlcal Product Content labelr @ lrinted on rccyded paper.O 202t ldaho Powsr IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2022 GREEN POWER REPORT ATTACHMENT 5 =ElmloFcIll,ER" August 20,2O2L Name Address An IDACORP Company PROGRAM Dear Name, Thank you for supporting renewable wind and solar energy in the northwest by participating in ldaho Power's Green Power Program. You are part of a growing group of more than 3,700 friends, neighbors and businesses making the choice to go green! Our records show you are enrolled under our 100% Option. As a result, each month your energy use will be matched with renewable energy. Using your past 12 months' total energy use, your annual green power purchase is estimated to be comparable to: 5.89 @fr 1.35 7.66 vehicles rernoved from the road acres of U.S. fiorest absorbing COz for 1 year THESE ARE NUMBERS TO BE PROUD OF! tons of carbon dioxide a\roided Source: U.S. EPA Greenhouse Gos Equivalencies Colculotor ond eGrid dotabose 2/2j/2L Your participation also provides funding for Solar 4R Schools, a program that awards local K-12 schools with solar installations for education. Because of Green Power Program supporters like you, these schools' students learn firsthand how renewable energy works. It is a fun and engaging way to teach our next generation about sustainable energy solutions. lf you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 208-388-2790. Sincerely,This letter confirms your Green Power Program enrollment. Endosed with this letter, you'llfind infunnation on the renewable energy used to supply this program as well as the pricing; terms and conditions associated with your purchase. Thb lcttcr b ffirmdonel ody.nd tlqdrs m *don fiom Uou. Suzanne Smith, Program Specialist An DACORP Cornp3ny PROGRAM ldaho Power's Green Power Product Content Label This label is part of our Green-eo Energy certification and is provided to participants each year. The label shows the anticipated sources of Green Power tor 202L. How does Green Power compare to the standard energy mix? ldaho Powerrs 2020 mix of resources supplying ldaho Power customers included: Hydroelectric {.39%1, other (28.2Yo1, Coal (20.9%1, and Natural Gas & Diesel(11.9%). How is green power sold? Green Power is sold in blocks of 100 kilowatt-hours (kWh) or matches 100 percent of your energy (kWh) use. The average home in ldaho Powe/s service area uses about 950 kWh per month (ldaho Power 2019). For the average home, the 100% Option would add an average 59.50 to the monthly bill to use 100 percent renewable energy. As an example of the Block Option, the home could use 5 Blocks of green power to cover over half of the home's energy use for an extra $5.00 each month. fflurypPqil,ER. Hydro 39% Other 28.2% & Diesel Lt.9% I F."[r,QI'gy Green Power is Green-eo Energy certified and meets the environmental and consumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more at green-e.org. For specific information about this program, contact ldaho Power at 1-800-632-6605, greenpower@idahopower.com or @. lil)% Green-eo Energy Certified Neuf Renewables Generation facilities' location:ldaho, Oregon or Washington Energy Resource Mix:50% Solar, 50% Wind 1. These figures reflect the renewables that we plan to provide. Actual figures may vary according to resource availability. Before August 1 of next year, we will provide a Historical Product Content Label to report the actual resource mix of the green power purchased for the previous calendar year. 2. New Renewables come from generation facilities that first began commercial operation within the past 15 years. ?:OZL Prospective Product Content labell gtilloPoll,ER. AnDroonPcoilrrru PROGRAM ldaho Powe/s Prlces,Tcnns end C.oldltbns for dte Grccn Folrer Prcgnm ldaho Powe/s Green Porver b Green-eo Energy certified and meets the envlron- mental and consumer-protection standards set forft by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Green-ec Energy requlres companies offerlng certified prod- ucts to provide thelr customers with this notice of termt price and conditions. Learn more at alGsr-c.o[" Gr*o Ene!'gyCERTlFIE Who do I contact wlth questbns? The Green Power Program ls offered by ldaho Pow- er Company. You can reach us at 1 80G632-6605, greenpower@ldahopower.com or ldahopower.com,/ Sreenpower. Whatlsgrcen power? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) de- fines green power as electricity produced from solar, wlnd, geothermal, blogat blomass and low-lmpact, small hydroelectric sources. These sources represent renewable energy resources and technologles that provlde the hlghest envlronmental benefit. tMrat ls a REC? A Renarable Energy Certificate (REC) ls created when a megawatt-hour of renewable energy Is produced and delivered to the grld. RECs increase demand and drlve development of more renewable energy sources. All RECs purchased on behalf of Green Power Program customers conform to Green-e. Energy Na- tional Standard and are registered with the Westem Renalable Energy Generation lnformation System (WREGIS). Program participants support Western-re- glon-supplled renewable energy. lMrat ls the Green Porrer Prognm? The Green Power Program is a voluntary program that allows ldaho Power customers to match their elecfflc- ity use with renewable ,Esources. By purchasing green power, customers are using renewable solar and wind energy. ti,lllthe rcnewable encryy bG delhrcrcd dlrrctly b my homG? The electrlclty generated from the renewable nesources supported by the Green Power Program flows to the Northwest power-grld along with electrlclty from all other resources. lt ls not posslble to dlrect electrons through the system to a speclfic customer. By chooslng green power, you support renewable energy and help increase the renewable energy avallable to the entire system. Can buslnesecs parddprta? Absolutelyl The program ls open to any ldaho Power customer. Many buslnesses particlpate and are llsted on ldaho Porer's Green Power Program webpage under "Buslness Particlpants". Buslnesses can Joln thls program to meet sustainablllty goals, earn polnts under the LEED Green Bullding system or earn recog- nition from EPA's Green Power Partnershlp. Hry wlll I b€ bllled br nry @een Fouer Prcgrem purdnse? Your Green Power Program charge wlll be llsted as a separate llne item on your monthly ldaho Power blll. The charge ls ln addltion to your regular blll. How wlll the Grcen Porcr Prqram draryc be ekulfrdl Block Optionr S1.OO per block of 100 kllowatt-hours ofgreen power 100% Option: 1€ per 1 kilowatt-hour to match your "kWh used" from your monthly blll ii !! r!fiilI IT ll ll't !lIT a turypPCli,ER. PROGRAM Wlll thc Grcen Foupr Prqram ntc charyeorertlme? Green Power Program rates are based on current pub- lic utility commission (PUC) tariffs. Pricing is subject to change. All rate changes require approval ofthe ldaho and Oregon PUC. Customers will be notified of any price change in advance through customer communi- cations. ti,h8t othcrfuc rrillht I bc ch.r3gd? You must also pay all applicable state, federal or local taxes. Wlll my purdrase be t x dcducdHc? Participants in the Green Power Program make a physical purchase from an operating business; there- fore, purchases are nottax dcductible. Urhat b $c rcqrdrcd oontrirt hrydr? The contract is month to month. A perk of this pro- gram is its flexibility. You can change or cancelyour enrollment at any time. Can I cancel mypartldpadon? You may change or cancel your participation at any time whh no fee by calling 1-8fi)-632-6605, emailing greenpower@idahoporer.com or writing to ldaho Power, Atn: Green Power Program, PO Box 7O Boise, !D 83707. An lDACORPComp.nv Docsldrho Fourcr rmkc I proftt on the progr.m? ldaho Power does not make a profit from the program. ldaho Power uses the funds collected through the Green Poruer Program to purdtase renewable energy for the region's porver grid. For each dollar purchased, 100 kWh of green power is delivered to the grid. A portion of funds is used to support outreach and education to grow the program and for Solar 4R Schools. lirhat b Sohr tlR Sdrools? Developed by the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Solar 4R Schools educates students, teachers and the community about the science behind renewable energy technologies. The program provides hands-on activity tuides, science kits and solar panels at no cost to schools through a competitive award process. A portion of Green Power Program funds are set aside to sponsor schools in our service area. Urhat ebc can I do to oorueruG rcrrcurces and usc cnerly wbcly? For incentives and tips on wsys to seve energy and reduce your use, visit H.hopour.comhrc.