HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180625Green Biennial Report 2018.pdf3Effi* An loAcoRP companyRilCIIVED ili8 JUH 25 PH trr h I LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counse! ! nordstrom@idahopower.com a !)SICN June 25,2018 ELEGTRONICALLY FILED Ms. Diane Hanian Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 rPC-E-16-13 2018 Green Energy Biennial Prudency Report Dear Ms. Hanian ln Order No. 33570 issued in Case No. IPC-E-16-13, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission directed ldaho Power Company ("Company") to file a biennial Green Energy Prudency Report. The enclosed report provides the information requested in Order No. 33570 and the Company's evaluation of the Green Power Program since the modifications were approved in 2016. lf you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Regulatory Analyst Kelley Noe at (208) 388-5736 or knoe@idahopower.com. Sincerely, Lisa Nordstrom LDN:kkt Enclosure Re 2018 GREEN POWER PROGRAM BIENNIAL PRUDENCY REPORT I. PURPOSE OF STATUS REPORT ln June 2016, ldaho Power Company ("!daho Power" or "Company") filed an Application with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to modify its Schedule 62, Green Energy Purchase Program ("Program" or "Green Power Program"). The proposed modifications included: (1) replacing the existing Dollar Contribution Method with a block option and a 100 percent usage option; (2) instructing the broker for the Program to give preference to renewable energy credits ('REC") from sources located closest to or within ldaho Power's service territory, when possible; (3) ldaho Power seeking Green-e certification of the RECs purchased through the broker; and (4) using up to 15 percent of the total Program funds for program marketing expenses to allow the Company to reach more customers. ln August 2016, the Commission issued Order No. 33570 approving the Company's requested changes. Additionally, in Order No. 33570 the Commission directed the Company to submit a biennial Green Energy Prudency Report which includes the following information : o Customer count under each participation option, by scheduleo Monthly RECs purchasedo Monthly revenue and expenses for Schedule 62. Updated costs associated with re-certifying the RECs prior to retirement. Summary of marketing activities and expenses. Solar 4R Schools expenseso Percentage of RECs purchased within ldaho Power's service territory. Monthly funds transferred to the Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") from ldaho Power-owned REC purchases II. PROGRAM DETAILS The information provided herein includes data beginning in December 2016, the month the Program modifications became effective, through December 2017. A. Customer Gount by Option and Rate Schedule Table 1: 100% Option Block Option R-C- ID t- A-ID ID R- OR R- OR C- OR December-16 January-17 February March 39 0 1 1,395 48 5 2 15 1 1 506 48 0 1 1,430 42 6 2 11 1 1,541 76 0 1 1,383 39 4 2 9 1 1 ,515 149 1 1 1,542 46 5 2 13 1 1,760 ID C- ID R- ID Page 1 Total April May June July August September October November December-17 R - Residential C - Commercial | - lndustrial A - Agricultural While monthly participation fluctuated over the last 13 months, as of December 2017 , overall participation increased by 30 percent (or 452 new participants) from December 2016. B. REC Purchases and Project Sources Table 2: REC Purchases and Costs RECs Needed (MWh) REC Cost December-16 January-17 February March April May June July August September October November December-17 Total 1,187 1,222 1,241 1,309 1,280 1,369 1,309 1,344 1,572 1,489 1,321 1,613 $5,933 $6,1 08 $6,203 $6,547 $6,399 $6,843 $6,547 $6,718 $7,860 $7,447 $6,606 $8,067 552 $z 760 17,808 $89,038 Table 2 above shows the monthly RECs needed for the Program and applies the average REC cost of $51 to the monthly REC need to calculate the monthly cost of RECs. A monthly general ledger report shows how much revenue was collected for the 1 The average cost per REC from January 2017 lo December 2017 was $5. The average REC cost was then applied to the monthly REC need to determine monthly REC expenses. 1 1 52 1,392 40 5 2 12 111 1,606 1,768187 2 1 1,510 47 5 2 13 1 1,779210 2 1 1,496 46 4 2 17 I 1,669198 2 I 1,403 44 7 2 11 1 1,991260 2 1 1,553 54 6 2 12 1 1,830317 4 1 1,441 47 3 2 14 1 1,917335 3 1 1,509 47 5 2 14 1 32931 1,509 42 4 2 12 1 1 903 377 2 2 1,509 47 5 2 13 1 1,958 Page 2 Green Power Program. RECs are then purchased for the previous month based on the funds collected. One of the Program modifications approved by Order No. 33570 included sourcing RECs from the Northwest but give preference to RECs from sources located closest to or within ldaho Power's service territory, when possible. Table 3 below shows the project sources of RECs purchased for the Program for December 2016 through the end of 2017. Table 3: Sources of RECs Purchased for Participants December 20162 2017 Facility Name WREGIS lD REGs Source Facility Location tPc Territory Camp Reed Wind Park W1875 4,881 wind ID Yes Fossil Gulch Wind Park W831 1,529 wind ID Yes Fossil Gulch Wind Park W831 1,582 wind ID Yes Fossil Gulch Wind Park W831 1,904 wind ID Yes Fossil Gulch Wind Park w831 247 wind ID Yes Golden Valley Wind Park W1862 1,434 wind ID No Grand View 2 West w5070 500 solar ID Yes Horse Butte Wind w3260 561 wind ID No Tuana Gulch Wind Park W1883 1,860 wind ID Yes Tuana Gulch Wind Park W1883 2,123 wind ID YesTotal 16,621 Of the RECs purchased, 82 percent were from projects within ldaho Power's service territory. To be consistent with ldaho Power's current REC policy, any revenue from the sale of Idaho Power-owned RECs from Schedule 62 funds will be used to offset power supply expenses as a credit to customers in the annual PCA. The REC broker for the Program, 3Degrees, verified that the RECs purchased for the Program were purchased from project developers and not ldaho Power; therefore, no fund transfers to the PCA were required. 2 The REC purchase below is for multiple months; the December 2016 REC need was 1,187 3 The Western Renewable Energy Generation lnformation System ('WREGIS') is an independent, renewable energy tracking system for the region covered by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council. WREGIS tracks renewable energy generation from units that register in the system by using verifiable data and creating renewable energy certificates for this generation. FaciliW Name WREGIS ID3 REGs Source Facility Location rPc Territory Meadow Creek Wind Farm - North Point Wind Farm W3185 4,097 wind ID No Page 3 C. Monthly Revenue and Expenses Table 4 below shows the monthly revenues received from Schedule 62 and the actual timing of Program expenses. Please note that the monthly expenses are inclusive of the monthly REC costs identified in Table 2. Table 4. Program Revenue and Expenses by Month Monthly Revenues Monthly Expenses December-16 January-17 February March April May June July August September October November December-17 Grand Total $11,966 $12,215 $12,405 $13,093 $12,799 $13,687 $13,095 $13,435 $15,720 $14,894 $13,212 $1 6,1 34 $15,521 December-16 January-17 February March April May June July August September October November December-17 Grand Total $2,500 $0 $8,528 $20,987 $19,957 $0 $6,800 $17,591 $9,077 $28,114 $11,973 $10,179 $34 077 $179,075 $168,684 D. Green-e Certification Costs Green-e certification costs totaled $19,956 for 2017. This amount includes the 2017 Green-e certification of $9,600, the annual verification performed by an external auditor'costing $6,800, and participant updates to meet Green-e Energy certification requirements costing $3,556. Participant updates included notification of the Program and certification, the prospective product content label, and historical product content label. The Company has provided the spring and summer participant updates as Attachments 1 and 2 to this report.a E. Marketing Expenses Program-funded marketing expenses totaled 15.1 percent of the total Program revenue ($178,075) from December 1,2016, through December 31,2017. To offset the slight overspend in 2017, in 2018 ldaho Power will reduce Program-funded marketing expenses commensurate with the overspend. The Company has new controls in place to ensure Program-funded marketing costs will not exceed the 15 percent marketing allowance in the future. The program specialist receives a monthly expense report to verify that charges were correctly assigned to be paid from Company funds or Program funds. A final review by the program specialist will be conducted in December of each 4 Within each participant update, the product content label is included as required by Green-e. Page 4 year to ensure Program-funded marketing does not exceed 15 percent of program revenue. Charges for each year can be reassigned in December, if necessary, before the year's general ledger is closed, which will allow adjustments to be made. ldaho Power recommends that the marketing allowance remain at 15 percent to allow the Company to continue to grow participation in the Program. The Company believes the marketing efforts were successful in 2017 as evidenced by Program growth of 30 percent compared to December 2016. ln 2017, the marketing efforts for the Green Power Program included Bill lnserts and Direct Mail: Bill inserts were sent to customers in 5 months of the year, totaling 1,830,093 bill inserts. Two direct mail solicitations reached 25,690 households. Digital and Pint Advertising: o Reached 5,000 households in the North End Neighborhood of Boise, ldahoo Achieved 100,000 impressions in the Boise Weekly.. Garnered 154,997 impressions on Facebook. Public relations efforts : Articles about the Program were included in the January and February 2017 editions of the Company's newsletter, Connections.o Press releases also promoted the articles in both newsletters. F. Solar 4R Schools As part of the Program design, Schedule 62 revenues are also used to support the Solar 4R Schools program (now called CE, Clean Energy Bright Futures). Solar 4R Schools or CE, educates students about renewable energy by placing solar installations on school property, along with a data monitoring system and a curriculum package. ln 2017, a portion of the revenue from the Green Power Program was applied toward the St. Mary's Catholic School project in Boise. Awarded in late 2016,5 this project has experienced delays due to the historic nature of the building. lt is due to be completed in 2018. Projects are also underway for Boise High School in Boise (awarded late 2016, completed 2018), Cascade School District in Cascade (awarded2017), and Trailwind Elementary in Boise (awarded 2017). s Schools in ldaho Powe/s service territory meeting the eligibility criteria may apply online to participate in the Solar 4R Schools (CE) program. Priority is given to schools without an existing or nearby Solar 4R Schools installation. Unsuccessful applicants may reapply. a a Page 5 G. Solar-Only Option ldaho Power is continuing to explore the addition of a solar-only option to the Schedule 62 tariff. The renewable sources REC blend in 2016 and 2017 was at least 97 percent wind and up to 3 percent solar. For 2018, the solar portion was increased to 50 percent for a blend of 50 percent wind and 50 percent solar. ldaho Power will continue to monitor market prices and explore the feasibility of a solar-only option for customers. III. CONCLUSION Overall, ldaho Power believes the changes made to the Green Power Program were beneficial and the results of the 2017 marketing efforts were successful as evidenced by Program grov'rth of 30 percent. ldaho Power recommends that the marketing allowance remain at 15 percent to allow for further groMh. Lastly, ldaho Power will continue to monitor market prices and explore the feasibility to add a solar-only option to the tariff. Page 6 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY 2018 GREEN POWER PROGRAM PRUDENCY REPORT ATTACHMENT 1 PROGRAM An loAcoRP companY What is Green Power? According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Green Power is a subset of renewable resources that offer the highest environmental benef it. ln2017,ldaho Powe/s Green Power Program will source 97 percent of its green powerfrom wind farms located in ldahq Oregon andWashington. Up to 3 percent will come from small solar projects. lntoming custor*rs about the Green Powx Program 2016 Brouqht Excitin to the Gre6n Power Changes Since 2001, the Green Power Program enabled thousands of our customers to purchase clean, renewable energy with an environmental impact equivalent to removing the emissions from more than 32,000 cars. Last year, ldaho Power updated the program's pricing structure allowing more choices in 2017. Customers who are enrolled under the Block Option will pay a flat monthly fee. Each dollar represents a 100 kilowatt hour (kWh) block of green power delivered to the region's power grid. Under the 100 Percent Purchase Option, customers pay an additional penny for each kWh they used that month. This makes it easier to match t00 percent of your monthly energy use with green power. ram "For more than 15 years, we have been proud to offer a choice for our customers who wish to support renewable energy," said Patti Best, ldaho Power program specialist. "With these changer, we hope to make it even easier for customers to find a participation level that meets their needs." 2015 Green Pourer Prooram by the Numbers*- 15,359,622 kWh used in Green Power has an environmental benefit of: , 2,324cars removed from the road for a year . 12,126 tons of COz avoided *Sourre: U.S. EPA Greentrotrse Gas Equiualencie Calahtat and &RlD database (Re/ease date l0l8ll5). il q t { .{ l-, C 7 -] ) a Learn more at idahopower.com/greenpower What lm Green Power Receives G reen-e Energy Certif ication[Vlv Gree Pu?chase r Have? The average customer uses 1,000 kilowatt- hours (kwh) of elrtricity each month. To match 100 percent of the average customer's electriticy with green power, it would cost $10 per month in addition to the current electricity charge. $10.00 1,000 kwh Mon$tyturd'Ge o!ffi,lffi Over a year, the Green Power generated would have an environmental benefit equivalent to: Our green power is now Green-e Energy certified. Since 1992 Green-e Energy has certified clean energy sold to consumers and businesses according to strict environmental and consumer protection standards. As a Green Power program participant, the Green-e Energy Standard assures you of the following: . You are supporting new renewable resources. , There has been no double selling: Program participants are the only ones that can claim the benefits of the renewable energy purchased. ' You are buying renewable energy beyond what is required by law or claimed against a mandate, and are helping expand tlre production of renewable energy in the U.S. ldaho hrrer's 6reen Fower Product Content Label This label is part of our Green-e Energy certification and is provided to participants each year. The label shows the sources of Green Power planned tor2017. Cars Removed from the Road COrArloided Acres of U.S. turests/ One Year +E vehkles o.7 3.4 tons acrBs 3.0 Source: U.5. EPAGreenhou* Gas Equivalerrcies Calculator and eGRID databa* (Re/ease date ./a n. 2017). ,4.@ 1 ) I A + us{e. For ,lpre inbrmatbn visl ilahopower.ccry$eenpoirar. As of No/Bmb€r 30. 2016 Green Po,ver will be ma& to cf the fullowino now rerErilrable resourcas averaged annually. yourblocks(krvh) r . r noSa 1|elr33 lalrca uL ttlauaDE Dat m ll.n Il ,foyxtS_ AcIn ngul.a mry [ry &ccotr! to ,Eolrut availlrlly.WsvillmnrrllyBFdbyoubcao,3Aufuaf Io{rl€(}c.fh0rlqmolaHltolcrlftodudcailtenat Dcl the aclul lmm nk ot rir gmn pqfi ,udEi.d. 2 . Ne Ralmblca cdrr ,Dm grn.rafhn hcilita3 ,r!t lkil bag8n aormcrcid opcrilion wihin ,ia pGt I 5 ycara. Fq €mplriron. $Ecu.Mt ldaho PoW'r rylidl mr of r*le lrp#E ldafb Pqw inolud6: HydMaqilc(47.r%):Corl {33.5S},O$c(11.2q),adNrtlnl6n17.9!6).Ih6baacim.liollh.tu lm(olld.hoPoffi'3eplly'sra tl$m pqlblio. ircluding rortal pudr& Fml mU p.(cantsgs mry not Bd 100 p.ffil dE toraidin€. F6 inlc,mlion s tha aEgV dallv.red to dr r.t l *loDr virl irahoFtr .ffi. ltalD Porct ryred hydoel.clric, @l and mtml g* 96eE{m it bat d m tle 20i f .2015 aE agr. Lmt-tempow psrdEi (PPA6| 3od PralE Lrtlty Fbgutabry Pdffi Act (PURPA) Enradi $4lh lqwr trl sc aeir..t!.dbytheltrltyp.sdofrr.tbnirb...doth.20!l-20l5.rdtg. Stro,t6frdrk lpuEh.ch.v.b-n .adnatd and a$tlncd th. ilmgr ot hr llorttwlrt Porcr fud Nlt Sysbm Mx a rwmrriad h thc St*" dwantn$on DG!6rtHt ot co{tme rrt i/sr olqdo&E fh 20 I 1 $rurgt a)'15 . Thr! drt! ts GrhEd t m oE reeEt Ena{y R.gubhry Cdili$ion Fdm 1. lll Ercag€ hom n idrho Pmrs $mo rro u$3 &out 1&)O IWh pcr mrfi Fa tp.dllc domdbn .boul th! FEdlEt ,!u conalcl l.hho Povq, 20&38&2323, geaporer(Diddlo[e.r em. ir.hqpaEr.qrvBlEnpow Grsn pox6 is 6rm EnGOy cG(licd. rrd rots tha s\irclmrtal and mrmar-p.olect*r stidr& t l lorth byt! nspoil CrrEr for R!€ouma Soldims. Lcrn npra d ffi grs{. dE. ffi Fnergy ldaho Power's 6reen Ponrer Program 2017 Prospective Product Content Label r trtr EDct c,gU(3 E)cla mm Learn more at green-e.org EI& -L- .soar loahg oregon ao{l Washing{on State .Wind s7%ld.ho, Oregon and Wastingion SLle Rene\uables M E f,lu 13 /s3 ldaho Power Launches Community Solar Pilo,t Program Launched in November 2016, ldaho Power's Community Solar Pilot Program provides a new option for our customers to support renewable energy. Under the pilot, participants and IDACORP shareowners will fund a S@-kilowatt (kW) array to be built in Boise this summer.I Here's how it wo*s: Customers purchase a subscription that entitles them to a portion of the energy generated by the array. ln retum, they get a srnall monthly bill credit for the 25-year life of the project. The credit is based on the rost of energy offset S the anay and the output of the anay. lt will be slightly higher L_|' 2I- in the sJmmerwhen dap are long and tower in the winter. The credit' for residentialcustomers wilt i be about 3.5grtWh and couple of dollan per i4 ever, it's subject to cha pnces of Pro9r?mr l4'4 1 their. To learn more, visit idahopower.com/solar 4 * solar schools Two Arravs Built -Two Arrays AwardedHow does it work? Participants buy a subscription pARnOpANTs to output from the solar array. - Pa.ticipants get a bill credit for their portion of the elecficity UTIUTY a The past year was a busy one for the Solar 4R Sdrools program. Projects were completed and teacher trainings held for the Leadore school in eastern ldaho and Community Sdrool in Ketdrum. ln Boise, St. Mary's and Boise High each were awarded a new array. Contractors are considering an awning style array for 5t. Maryt and will be exploring options for Eoise High. Both arrap will be completed in 2017. The program provides small solar arrays at sdrools, along whh data monitoring, teacher cuniculum and training. Any K-12 school in ldaho Poriver's service area can participate. Applications are accepted year round and rerriewed each April and October.lf you know a school that could benefitfrom an array, encourage them to apply at idahopower.com/ solar4rschools. ln 2009, ldaho Power established a goal to reduce its 2010-2013 resource portfolio's average COr emissions intensity to a level of 10 to '15 percent belour its 2005 emisions intensity. We achieved that goaland extended it two additional years. As of December 31, 2015, the company exceeded the extended goal with an estimated 21 percent reduction. a / generated for 25 years. Electricity flotvs to the grid. Sustainability Update liii6w?ldaho Power publishes its annual Sustainability Report each spring, tracking our progress in sustainability. We define sustainability as 'sound and enduring financial, environmental and social stewardship.' We consider it our busines plan to sustain operations into our second century. ln "Ability," our most recent report, we highlight innovative ways we have met our commitment to sustainability. From simple solutions, such as distributing more than 6,500 trees to shade and cool customer homes, to cufting-edge use of drones to safely track salmon runs on critical stretches of river, we demonstrate sustainability through a variety of low and high tech means. Community School in Ketchum I + I rilr / / SOTAR PANEIS Visit idahopower.com/sustainability to read the (urrent report PRE-SORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOIsE, ID PERMIT NO. 679HUPDATE<Et#mr" AnIt COIPComp.w P.O. BOX 70 BOISE rD 83707-0700en PROGRAM For questions, contact ldaho Power Green Power Program P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 208-388-2323 or 1 -800-2188-51 51 outside the Treasure Valley email: greenpower@idahopower.com @ ri*.0-ora.ap.p..O 201, ldaho 9o,rr. Green Power Program Business Participants BOISE/GARDEN CITY, Ada CounU Operations ' Ada CounU Paramedia. BirPrint. Bogus Easin Mountain Recreation Area. Eoise ConsumerCo-op. Eoise Detail. Bureau of Land Management National lnteragency fire Center. Companions Animal Hospital. Concordia School of Law. Dawson Taylor Coffee Roasters ' Funpath ttC. Galliard Group. GanisonPhotognphy. Henderson Corporation ' Hewlett-Pa*ad Company. ldaho Wine Merdrant ' Legacy of China LL(. LynneTolk. McKibhn & CooperArchircas. Modra Moose Coflee. Obtainium!, Oliver Russell & Associates. One Capitol Center - 0ppenheimer Development Corp. . Pacific Steel and Recycling. PerlE lransfer and Storage. Pioneer Title Company - Boise. Radio Eoise. Scot Christopher Hair Design. Technidrem Corporation. Ihe Children's School. Wells Fargo Center -0ppenheimer Development Corp.. Westside Body Works. Wide Eye Productions lnc. HAII,"EY'KETCHUM/sUT{ VALTEY. ChristyA McPherson, CPA. Flannes !aw, PLLC .0ffshorc0dysseys. PurcBodyPilates. RedflshTechnology. Roch Mourtain Hardware. Dr. Jody Stanislaw, ND. Sun Valley Ar.rto CIub IUERIDIATI'EAGI"E. Ada County Jwenile Probation Services ' Design West Architecs, Pioneer Title Company - Meridian. Real Estate lnvestment Opportunities NAMPA'CATDWEIT " Freedom Foobags. Pioneer Title Company - Caldwell, Pioneer Title Company - Nampa TwlTI FATLS. Be*mon's Gaming Paradise. CH2M HILL OMl. Magic Valley Veterinary Hospital OTHERAREAS. 93 Mini Ma*et and Sports, Salmon. AGSEED lLC, Hansen. Buffalo Beny Farm, McCall. Community Animal Hospital, Pocaello. ldaho Rural Council, Elis. lntegration and Contol Services, lnc, Sellewe Names pdned wifr pemision of bwiness ida hopower.com/green power --I'i I ll myEUYuolED r you! I an i" IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2018 GREEN POWER PROGRAM PRUDENCY REPORT ATTACHMENT 2 lnforming customers about the 6reen Power Program PROGRAM 3Iffi* Electric Vehicles are Going Far An IDACORP Company Most commuters drive less than 30 miles per day, which any electric vehicle (EV) on the market can handle easily. However; if range anxiety has been keeping you from considering an EV fear no more! Options for long-range EVs are expanding beyond Tesla. The new Chevy Bolt EV gets an estimated driving range of 238 miles. lt's available now in Oregon and Washington and is slated to be in all states by September. Other manufacturers are working rapidly on long-range EVs that will hit the market throughout the next four years. Federal tax incentives are available. To see EV options and their incentives, go to "Save Money & Fuel" at fueleconomy.gov. Thanks to your participation in the Green Power Program, the year is off to a great start. So far in2017, an average of 1,262,800 kwh of energy per month was matched with Green Power. This has the monthly environmental benefit equivalent of: AAA Trees Absorbing CO, for One Year COzAvoided 31s acres 366tons *Source: U.5. EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator and eGRID database (Re/ease date 101811 5). Solar 4R Schools energy education program? Encourage them to apply! Find the application and details at idahopower.com/ solar4Rschools. ldaho Power's Workplace Charging lncentive is back! The incentive reimburses businesses for half of the total cost, up to $250O for installing charging stations. Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. For details visit idahopovver.com/EV. The application deadline for the next Solar 4R Schools award is October lst. The program is designed to educate students about renewable energy by placing solar installations on school property. Boise High and 5t. Mary's, the two 2016 recipients, are slated to have their solar arrays built this year. Do you have a school in your community that could benef it from this renewable alsol T I Learn more at: idahopower.com/greenpower schools )I ldaho Power's Green Power Product Content Label The Green Power Program became Green-e Energy certified in December 20'16. This label is part of our Green-e Energy certification and is provided to participants each year. The label shows actual sources of Green Power purchased in December 20'16. For a complete list of all sources in 2015. go to idahopower.com/greenpower. r Close doors, windows and 'btnrus durihg; oqt of the house, and west sides of the house. When safe to do so, open windoWs at night or in the morning to . let in coo'ler air. i Use a fan instead of turning down the thermostat. Moving air can feel up to rr four degrees cooleithari still air. . Consider initalling a whole-house fan . to draw hot air out of the house. . Weather strip doors and windows to prevent losing cool air to the outside. . Avoid producing heat inside your home when it's hot outside. Do laundry, run dishwasher, etc., in the early morning and late evening hours. . Plant deciduous trees to shade your home, especially on the east and west sides of your house. Before planting trees, make sure they won't interfere with power lines once they grow to thOir full size. Going on vacation? . Turn your water heater down to the lowest temperature setting. . Turn off you're A/C or raise the temperature. Remember, if your A/C is set to 85 degrees and it's 100 degrees outside, your A/C still must provide 15 degrees of cooling. . Consolidate food to one refrigerator and unplug the spare. o Switch off computers and power strips and unplug smallappliances and electronics. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ldaho Power's 2016 Sustainability Report is published! Read the current report at idahopower.com/ sustainability. I Green Power is sld in blocks of 100 kilowatt-hours (kWh) or matches 100c/6 of your electricity usage. For more information visit idahopower.com/greenpower. ln December 2o16, Green Power was made up of the following renewable resources- Green-e Energy Certified New2 Renwables in [6reen Powerl [2016]Generation Location -Solar Oo/o N/A -Wind Loe/o ldaho Total Green-e Energy Certified New Renewables 100% 1. These fr8ures re-fled lhe renewablgthat we provided to ldaho Powe/s Green PowercustomeB in oecember 2016. 2. New Rensables come from 8eneration facilities that fi6t began commercial operation within the past 15 years. Ftr mmpanon, the current ldaho Power typiel mix of resoures supplying ldaho Porer ircludes: Hydroelectic (47.4%); Coal (33.5%), Other (11.2%), and Natural Gas (7 9%). (Othar repre$nts elec,tridty originally geneEted lrom renemble energy lacilities, howewr the a$ociated renewable aergy attributes haw ben sold off to anolher bu!€r The electricity rs null porer, and not renewable energy.) This is an estimte of the tuel mix of ldaho P$e/s supply-side resource portfolio, including market purchases. Fuel mix per@ntagB may not total 100 perHt due to ounding For informalion on the energy delivered to our retail custoreE visit idahopower.com. ldaho PMrMed hydrelecfic, @land naturalgas generalion as basd on the 2011-2015 average. Lmg-ierm porer purdra*s (PPAS) and Public Utility Regulatory Policies Acl (PURPA) @ntrac{s withknM tuel $u@s are identified by the fuel type and genection is ba*d m the 201 1-2015 aveEge. Short-tem market purcha$s have been estimated and assigned the average of the Northwest PMr Pool Not Syst€m Mix as summarized in the State of Washington Departnent of Commere Fuel Mix Discl6ureftr 2011 thpugh 2015. This data is derived fDm the FedeEl Energy Regulatory Commi$ion Fom 1. The average home in ldaho Powe/s seryice area uEs about 1000 kwh per month. Fo. specitic information abomthir product, pleare contact ldaho Power, 208-388-2323, ers9!-pS!9l@!!tqp9t!q aorr, ida hopowcr.@m/grccnpowcr. Green Power is Gren-e Energy ceftified, and meets the environmental and coosumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Centerror Resurce Solutions. Learn more at l1fvl!1llgq_ljellg. r.8l'gy9En ldaho Power's Green Power Program 2016 Historic Product Content Label 1 I Learn more at green-e.org >.'€ 3Srrc