HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150424Petition to Intervene.pdfTeresa A. Hill ISB No. 6175 K& Gates, LLP 222 Columbia St., Suite 1400 Portland, OR 97201 Te lephone : (208)850 -7 24 4 Fax: (503)248-9085 Attorney for EnerNOC, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION irPR 2'r PIl lll:l r '; '-; r.' I r il rl --.i r iL-1 I Case No. IPC-E-15-03 PETITION TO INTERVENE OF ENERNOC, INC. 55 TN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF NEW TARIFF SCHEDULE 82, A COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEMAND-RESPON SE PROGRAM (FLEX PEAK PROGRAM) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ENERNOC, INC. ("EnerNOC") hereby petitions the Commission for leave to intervene in the above title proceeding pursuant to Rules 7l through 75 of the Commission's rule of Practice and Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01 .072-075.In support of this Petition, EnerNoc submits the following: l. The name and address of EnerNOC, Inc. is: Melanie Gillette Director, Regulatory Affairs EnerNOC,lnc. I l5 Hazelmere Drive Folsom, CA 95630 Telephone: (9 I 6)50 1 -9573 Fax: (415)227-1645 rn gil lette@enernoc.com 2. EnerNOC's representative for the purpose of service of pleadings and other written materials is: Teresa A. Hill K& Gates, LLP 222 Columbia St., Suite 1400 Portland, OR 97201 Telephone : (208)85 0 -7 244 Fax: (503)248-9085 teresa. hi I l@klgates.com 3. EnerNOC is a leading developer and provider of clean and intelligent power solutions to commercial, institutional, and industrial costumers, as well as electric power grid operators and utilities. EnerNOC's technology-enabled demand response and energy management solutions help optimize the balance of electric supply and demand. EnerNOC serves demand response customers throughout the Northeastern United States, as well as Arizona, Australia, California, Canada, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, New Mexico, New Zealand, Oregon, the Tennessee Valley, Texas, Utah and the United Kingdom. EnerNOC maintains 398 fulltime employees in its Boise, Idaho field office. EnerNOC contracted with ldaho Power to manage the FlexPeak Management Program ("FlexPeak Program") pursuant to a February 23,2009 Demand Response Agreement ("Agreement")(as amended pursuant to Orders 31098 and 32805), under which Idaho Power provided a voluntary demand response program for its large commercial and industrial customers. On May 9,2013, the Commission issued Order No. 32805 implementing changes to the FlexPeak Program for the 2013 season. The Agreement expired in February 2014. This program served ldaho Power customers in both Oregon and Idaho. 4. On April 15, 201 5, Idaho Power submitted Redacted Reply Comments in response to the Notice of Application and Notice of Modified procedure issued in Order No. 33242 and in response to the Comments filed on April 8, 2015 by the Commission Staff, the Industrial Customers of ldaho Power (*ICIP") and the ldaho Conservation League ("lCL"). A redacted section of Idaho Power's Redacted Reply Comments found on page 6 refers to EnerNOC's 2014 Request for Proposal and EnerNOC's management of the FlexPeak Program over the last six years. 5. EnerNOC has a direct and substantial interest in this proceeding because EnerNOC managed the FlexPeak Program for the last six years and continues to provide similar services to other customers in Idaho. As mentioned above, Idaho Power's Redacted Reply Comments contains a redacted section related to EnerNOC's2014 Request for Proposal and EnerNOC's management of the FlexPeak Program; however, EnerNOC is unable to evaluate such information because it does not have access to the original copy of Idaho Power's Reply Comments. Until EnerNOC is able to obtain the redacted information, it cannot identifu the affect or evaluate the impact of such information. Further, the outcome of this proceeding and the continuation or modification of Idaho Power's demand response programs will have a direct affect on EnerNOC's future contracts. 6. EnerNOC intends to obtain an original copy of Idaho Power's Reply Comments and continue monitoring the proceedings as aparty.EnerNOC acknowledges that Idaho Power has asked the Commission to issue an Order by May 1,2015, and does not intend for this Petition to delay the proceeding. However, if necessary, EnerNOC will raise issues that are appropriate based upon the information it discovers in ldaho Power's Redacted Comments. Further, no other party can adequately address EnerNOC's interests in this proceeding. WHEREFORE, EnerNOC respectfully requests that the commission grant this Petition to Intervene and authorize EnerNOC to participate in the above-entitled proceeding with the full rights of a formal party. DATED this 24th day of April,2015. K&L Gates, LLP ,rd Teresa A. Hill Attorney for EnerNOC, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 24TH DAY OF APRIL 2015, SERVED THE FOREGOING PETITION TO INTERVEI\TE, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-I5-03, BY EMAILING AND MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: Commission Staff KARL T. KLEIN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 WEST WASHTNGTON (83702) PO BOX 83720 BOISE, tD 83720-0074 Email : karl.klien@puc.idaho. gov Idaho Power Company LISA D. NORDSTROM REGULATORY DOCKETS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE, tD 83707-0070 Email: lnordstrom@idahopower.com dockets@ idahopower.com Industrial Customers of Idaho Power PETERJ. RICHARDSON GREGORY M. ADAMS RICHARDSON ADAMS PLLC PO BOX 72r8 BOISE, ID 83702 Emai I : oeter@richardsonadams.com sre g@richardsonadam s.com DR. DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE,ID 83703 Email: dreading@mindspring.com Idaho Conseration League BENJAMTN J. OTTO IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 NoRTH 6TH STREET (83702) PO BOX 844 BOISE,ID 8370I Emai I : botto@idahoconservation.org Kate Neiman, Legal Assistant