HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141024Corrected Pages Helman Direct.pdf(208) 335-5912 (Fa:r) (208) 34&7s00 McDevitt & Miller LLP Lauyets 420 West Bannock Steet P.O. Box 25il-83701 Boise,Idaho 83702 Octobet 24,2014 Chas. F. McDevitt DeanJ. (oe) Millet Celeste trL Millet *iF -l(trmf@i'i C)-:()-!'r =Fr - :i." i -:ic{) Via llaad Delivety JeanJeu/el, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,Idaho 83720 t\,c? oC) i-.! -t fnr\, i*:fr- -r]i3 .TJ Cr, Re:IPC-E-14-18; Sierta Club Testimony of Udi Helman Dear Ms.Jewell: After filing Mt. Helmao's Ditect Testimony yesterday I rliscoveted, due to ovetsight oo my parg oo pages 9 and 10 that citations to vadous othet integration studies were omitted. I am tansmitting the o'ig,.al and nine copies of corected pages 9 and 10 that include those ciations. Kindly teplace the eadier pages with these. Fot the convenience of the Reportet a disc q6at^ining tle cortected pages is also enclosed. I hope this oversight will not cause inconvenience to the parties. Very Truly Yours, McDevitt & MilletLLPM DJM/hh C: Party of tecord, w/enclosute, by e-mail Enclosutes L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 LL t2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 a. A. results from the model in response to daa requests, and these results show some of the operational changes needed for solar integration. Eow do the solar integration costs in the Study compane to other solar integration studies? Given this methodological evaluatiorq the next issue is whether the resulting integration costs are comparable to those from other studies, and if so, why. As noted in Phil DeVol's testimony, the solar integration costs found in the study are comparable to those in other studies that use similar simulation methods. There are a range of methodologies and some charges are developed more transparently than others, but most appear to fall into a ftrnge of $1 - $6lNIWh, depending on the quantrty of solar modeled, with higher costs for higher quantities. Some ofthese integration cost forecasts are used for integrated resource planning studies, while others are used to adjust avoided cost rates. A PV integration study performed for NV Enerry calculated integration charges in the range of $3/MWh forthe first 150 MW of PV to about $7l[\{Wh for 1,042 MW of PV, and an additional $lilvfwh for PV curtaiLnent costs in the latter case. PacifiCorp in Utah has proposed a solar integration charge deducted from its avoided cost rate for QF contracts of $2.18iIvIWh for ftacking solar and $2.834,twh for fixed solar. APS has calculated a solar integration cost of $2.08/I\dWh for 1,038 MW of solar, and $3.04/MWh for 1,669 MW of solar. @lack & Veatch, Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Integration Cost Study, conducted for APS, 2012.) BPA has calculated an integration charge of $0.21lkW-month for 23 MW of solar. LADWP has calculated an integration of $7.64lMWh for up to 614 MW of solar. (Cited in Los Angeles Deparhnent of Water and Power, 2013 Power Integrated Resource Plan. December 16, 2013.) Tri-State has calculated a charge of $2.181N4Wh for 20 MW of solar. (Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. Integrated Resowce Plon/Electric Resotrce P/ane, November20l0.) TEP has calculated a Helnan, Di Corrected Pg.9 Sierra Club 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 L7 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 a. A. $5.20AdWh cost for the first 100 MW of solar PV, with an additional $1.10/l\dwh for each additional 100 MW. (Tucson Elechic Power. 2014 Integrated Resource Plan. April 1,2014.) However, like the IPC study, these are all models attempting to estimate future integration costs. We don't know whether these estimates are correct or incorrect for the particular systems modeled until there is more operating experience wittr wind and solar on these systems. What power systems can we look to for examples of solar integration at high penetrations? There are a number of power systems around the world that have already experianced high and increasing levels of solar generation, whether utility scale or distributed. These ftmge from island systems, such as Hawaii, to large US states, such as Califomia, and, of course, Germany. Of these, in the U.S., only Califonria also has a transparent wholesale market operated by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), which gives more insight into how market prices and costs are evolving with renewable integration. How much renewable enerry is now on the California IS0 power system, measured in the aggregate? Under the33% RPS, the Califorria load-serving entities are required to achieve 33olo renewable energy, not including hydro, by 2020. Compliance could comp earlier than2020 due to the potential for changes in financial incentives (e.g., the investment tax credit), which is leading solar projects to come on-line earlier. Of these load-serving entities, the Califonria investor-owned utilities are jtrisdictional Hetnan, Di Corrected Pg. 10 Sierra CIub a. A.