HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141023Helman Direct.pdf(mq 343-7s00 (208) 336{912 (Fax) McDevitt & Miller LLP Lauryerc 42) West BannockSteet P.O. Box 2fi4..83701 Boise, Idaho &3702 Octobet 23,2014 rar_nr l r" 201! 0[T 23 PH tr: 52 l'lAijr; 1-,.; .,,. , - Ul I L I T I r: S . Cr i,i ifi I tj$He[ilF. McDevitt DeanJ. $oe) Millet Via llaad Delivery JeanJewell, Secetary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. l7ashington St. Boise,Idaho 83720 Re: Sierra Club/ IPC-E-14-18 Deat Ms.Jewell: Enclosed fot filing please find the odginal and fline (9) copies of the Testimooy and exhibit of Udi Helman. One copy of the Testimony has been designated as the "Reporter's Copy." In addition, a dkk gontaining MS Wod venion of the Testimony and a PDF version of the exhibit is enclosed fot the Reportet. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kindly returo a samped copy. DJM/hh ORIGINAL Dean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Bannock Steet P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise,ID 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.33 6.6912 i o e@mcdevitt-mi11er. com Matt Vespa CA Bar #222265 (Pro Hac Vice) Sierra Club 85 Second St., 2n'l Fl. San Francisco, CA 94105 matt.vespa@iierraclub.ore Tel: 415.977.5753 Fax: 415.977 .5793 Attorneys for Sierra Club IN THE MATTER OF IDAIIO POWER COMPA}IY'S APPLICATION TO IMPLEMENT SOLAR INTEGRATION RATES AND CIIARGES. l-rf 6t- ,t t/" !1i-=.c1"- "-., "' ._1,, ) ?c,q OcT 23 PFl h: 52 il,,'.i i;_1 '' .: , ' UT lLlf iIii C{t,,.'i r i,.::i..; ii ; i' BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) cAsE NO. TPC-E-14-18 ) ) ) ) ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TJDI HELMAN ON BEHALF'OF SIERRA CLUB October 23,2014 1 Q. Please state your name, business address, and occupation. 2 A. My name is Udi Helman. My business address is 155 Jackson Street, #1306, San 3 Francisco, CA94111. I am currently an independent consultant. 4 a. Please describe you work experience. 5 A. Previously, I was ernployed by BrightSource Energy (a developer of solar thermal 6 power plants), the Califomia Independent System Operator (CAISO), and the 7 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). At the CAISO, I worked on a B major renewable integration study.l At Brightsource Energy, I spent time 9 comparing solar valuation studies, and also served, and continue to serve, on the 10 Technical Review Committee for an NREL study of comparative solar valuation. I 7t have a PhD in energy economics and systems analysis. My curriculum vitae is 72 appended hereto as Exhibit 401. 13 a. On whose behalf are you testifying in this case? 74 A. I am testifuing on behalf of Sierra Club. 15 a. What is the purpose of your testimony? t6 A. Sierra Club requested that I evaluate the Idaho Power Company's (IPC) Solar L7 Power Integration Study (henceforth, the IPC Study). Sierra Club also asked me to 18 comment on acfual experience with solar integration and the calculation of solar L9 integration costs and the extent to which it may inform solar integration costs in 20 Idaho. While I comment on the IPC Study and review the results from other solar 2t integration studies in western utilities, I have chosen to discuss in some length the 1 California ISO and GE Energy, Integration of Renewable Resources: Operational Requirements and Generation Fleet Capability at20% RPS, August 31, 2010, htp://wwwcaiso.com/Documents/Integration- RenewableResources-OperationalRequirementsandGenerationFleetCapabilityAt20PercRPS.pdf. Helman, Di 2 Siena Club L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7t 12 13 L4 15 !6 t7 1B L9 20 2L 22 23 a. A. evidence to date in the CAISO market, simply because there is some transparent data on leading indicators of actual integration costs as solar production has increased over the past two years. I also refer to a summary report jointly prepared by the CAISO and NERC on measure to prepare for wind and solar integration. However, I also stress that each power system operator needs to analyze its own system. Please summarize your testimony. The testimony will discuss aspects of the methodology in the IPC Study, including potential improvements (since I have reviewed comments by the TRC, I do not repeat all their concems). tn particular, I note results from integration studies that use a "net load" calculation of reserves needed for wind and solar integration, and observe that, while requiring more complicated statistical models, these results are likely to be lower than the method used by IPC to add the reserves calculated separately for load, wind and solar. I also note that while the use of production cost simulation is now a conventional methodology for calculating integration requirements and costs, the IPC model is not transparent, and hence more difficult to evaluate by the TRC or other third parties. To provide evidence of how other power systems are adapting operations to higher levels of wind and solar integration, I review the results from the CAISO markets. Based on my review, it appears that the procurement and market prices for frequency regulation have not increased at all despite the rapid increase in wind and solar production. [n addition, the procurement and modeled shadow prices for the real-time "flexi-ramp" constraint have actually decreasedin2}l4 despite the continued rapid increase in Helman, Di 5 Sierra Club L 2 3 4 5 6 7 B I 10 tt t2 13 74 15 76 17 1B !9 20 2t 22 23 a. A. solar production. These indicators do not suggest that integration costs will not increase in the future, but they are suggestive that the available flexibility of the CAISO resource mix and other measures taken to improve forecasting, control, visualization and optimization of available resources have limited such costs to date. There may be lessons for IPC in solar integration that do not require joining an ISO or even an EIM. Finally, I recommend that the current study results are considered to be still in draft, with IPC required to respond to the prior comments from the TRC. Also, the role of the TRC should be expanded to assist in the evaluation of integration solutions. A broader group of stakeholders and experts could be reached if there is additional transparency in study inputs, as has been evidenced in some of the processes established to evaluate renewable integration in California. What are the operational requirements and costs associated with renewable integration? Renewable integration costs are, in principle, any additional costs that a utility or buyers in a regional power market would incur due to changes in system operations to accommodate variable energy resources - wind and solar. As evaluated by IPC for use in determining avoided costs under PURPA, these costs would be net of any avoided energy and capacity costs due to renewable energy; that is, they would be a deduction from the PURPA avoided cost rate. Integration costs are controversial because they are difficult to measure, both on actual power systems and in simulations of future conditions Interestingly, recently in Califomia, integration costs have been of interest in the competition among renewable developers, Helman, Di 4 Sierra Club 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 t7 t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 1B L9 20 2L 22 particularly to higher cost but less variable renewable technologies that are interested in improving their comparative valuations in utilityprocurements (such as geothermal and concentrating solar power with thermal storage). I do not oppose calculation of integration costs using long-term simulations for planning or renewable portfolio standard (RPS) procurement purposes so that utilities can more effectively evaluate the mix of renewable and other technologies for their power systems, but I also believe that when assigning such costs explicitly to long-term contracts (as a price deduction) or even through wholesale markets, there should also be a comprehensive and reasonably transparent effort to find cost-effective integration solutions. We see this basic approach being implemented in Califomia. To date, as discussed below, the evidence in Califomia seems to be that integration costs are not yet significant, probably due to many operational and market modifications to improve flexibility, even though the power system has added about 4,500 MW of solar and 4,000 MW of wind since 2012, for a total of about 5,000 MW of solar and 6,000 MW of wind as of September 2014. When power systems reach operational limits, despite measures to improve operational flexibility, renewable energy tends to be curtailed, which is a cost borne by the developer or the off-taker depending on the type of project and the terms of particular contracts. At that point, integration costs could refer also to the lost renewable energy at contracted rates. The IPC study does not consider those costs, so I don't comment on them here in much detail. What are your views on the general framework for the Study? Helman, 5 Siena Club a. Di 3 4 As noted in Phil DeVol's testimony, the Study followed guidelines that are reflective of the current state of modeling in this area. The general framework of using a statistical model to calculate additional reserye requirements, which are then used in a production cost model to develop changes in production costs, has become fairly standard. There are a number of modeling methods that could be improved and would likely reduce the calculated integration cost within the models used. Some of these have already been noted by the TRC and are repeated in other testimony, so I will only address a few issues, such as "netting" of load, wind and solar reserve requirements, where I can provide additional information. It is worth noting that integration modeling continues to develop into more complex types of analysis that I discuss briefly below. But what has also been missing from research is validation that simulation results for future years turn out to be correct, and if not, to adjust the modeling accordingly to improve accuracy. In the past, this was because the models were evaluating conditions on power system that did not yet exist; but many power systems are catching up to, if not exceeding, the levels of wind and solar modeled in earlier integration studies. So there is the ability now to do some model validation. One can infer this from the empirical results I present from the CAISO market, which suggest that actual integration costs to date are less than might have been predicted by earlier integration modeling. What are your views on how the reserve requirements were calculated for the model? Helman, 6 Sierra Club 5 6 7 I 9 10 TL L2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 t9 20 a. 2t 22 23 Di A.Several TRC members have already criticized the method of "stacking", rather than netting, reserve requirements due to load, wind and solar.2 That is, the IPC methodology adds the reserve requirements calculated individually for variability and forecast error in load, wind and solar - which are then used in the production cost model to determine the change in production costs - rather than calculating the reserve requirement around the "net load" operating point, that is, the load minus the wind and solar in each five-minute interval modeled. In actual practice, there will be times when the three types of variability could offset each other, reducing the reserve requirement. This is shown in the CAISO 20% RPS study cited above in footnote 1, where in several figures -- o.8., Figure A-9 on page A-15 and Figure A-14 on page A-21-- the reader can see that in some hours the maximum load- following or Regulation requirements for "load + solar" or o'load * wind" are slightly lower than for "load" alone, or that "load * wind + solar" is sometimes lower than "load * wind". While conducting this kind of statistical modeling is more complicated than calculating requirernents separately for load, wind and solar, there is no question that the netting calculation should produce lower total reserves. And in fact, this is how the CAISO and other Balancing Authorities (BAs) would actually operate their systems - by forecasting the net load operating point for each dispatch interval. There is a caveat for this example - the CAISO model in question is different in several other ways from the IPC model.3 But this caveat 2 See, e.g., IPCo Response to Frist Discovery Request of Sierra Club, Request No. 12 (comments of Jobn Crider, OPUC Staff, Kurt Myers, Idaho National Lab. 3 For example, the CAISO statistical model uses a Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the interactions among large numbers of draws from load, wind and solar forecast errors, and then utilizes the maximum requirement at some threshold, e.g., the 95%opercettile of all draws in that iteration of the modeling. Helman, 7 Sierra Club 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 \t t2 13 t4 15 76 L7 18 L9 20 Di 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 L7 18 t9 ZO 21 22 23 a. A. notwithstanding, it illustrates the general impact of netting in lowering forecasted reserve requirements. Is production cost simulation an appropriate tool to use when evaluating changes in future integration costs? Yes, production cost simulation has become a primary tool in renewable integration studies because it allows for examination over long periods (e.9., one or multiple years) of scenarios with significant changes on the power system, such as high penetration of wind and solar, while representing detailed operational and transmission constraints. The production cost models also have limitations. They can be computationally intensive, thus limiting the number of runs that are feasible, particularly for larger regional systems. The results are sensitive to input assumptions, such as forecast fuel costs. As renewable integration issues become focused on sub-hourly details of power system operations, such as load-following, frequency regulation, and primary frequency response, the frontier of production cost simulation has shifted towards the capability to analyze some of these capabilities internally to the models or by coupling them with other subhourly models. In addition, there is research into representing forecast errors directly into the simulations using stochastic methods. To continue a theme raised above, it will be important to continuously validate these simulation methods to ensure that they are reflective of acfual operational and market outcomes. Is the IPC production cost model similar to those used in other studies? As stated by IPC, the production cost model is an internally developed model and hence is difficult to compare directly to other models. IPC was helpful in providing Helman, Di 8 Siena Club LI L2 13 t4 15 76 a. A. L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 LL t2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 a. A. results from the model in response to daa requests, and these results show some of the operational changes needed for solar integration. Eow do the solar integration costs in the Study compane to other solar integration studies? Given this methodological evaluatiorq the next issue is whether the resulting integration costs are comparable to those from other studies, and if so, why. As noted in Phil DeVol's testimony, the solar integration costs found in the study are comparable to those in other studies that use similar simulation methods. There are a range of methodologies and some charges are developed more transparently than others, but most appear to fall into a ftrnge of $1 - $6lNIWh, depending on the quantrty of solar modeled, with higher costs for higher quantities. Some ofthese integration cost forecasts are used for integrated resource planning studies, while others are used to adjust avoided cost rates. A PV integration study performed for NV Enerry calculated integration charges in the range of $3/MWh forthe first 150 MW of PV to about $7l[\{Wh for 1,042 MW of PV, and an additional $lilvfwh for PV curtaiLnent costs in the latter case. PacifiCorp in Utah has proposed a solar integration charge deducted from its avoided cost rate for QF contracts of $2.18iIvIWh for ftacking solar and $2.834,twh for fixed solar. APS has calculated a solar integration cost of $2.08/I\dWh for 1,038 MW of solar, and $3.04/MWh for 1,669 MW of solar. @lack & Veatch, Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Integration Cost Study, conducted for APS, 2012.) BPA has calculated an integration charge of $0.21lkW-month for 23 MW of solar. LADWP has calculated an integration of $7.64lMWh for up to 614 MW of solar. (Cited in Los Angeles Deparhnent of Water and Power, 2013 Power Integrated Resource Plan. December 16, 2013.) Tri-State has calculated a charge of $2.181N4Wh for 20 MW of solar. (Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. Integrated Resowce Plon/Electric Resotrce P/ane, November20l0.) TEP has calculated a Helnan, Di Corrected Pg.9 Sierra Club 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 L7 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 a. A. $5.20AdWh cost for the first 100 MW of solar PV, with an additional $1.10/l\dwh for each additional 100 MW. (Tucson Elechic Power. 2014 Integrated Resource Plan. April 1,2014.) However, like the IPC study, these are all models attempting to estimate future integration costs. We don't know whether these estimates are correct or incorrect for the particular systems modeled until there is more operating experience wittr wind and solar on these systems. What power systems can we look to for examples of solar integration at high penetrations? There are a number of power systems around the world that have already experianced high and increasing levels of solar generation, whether utility scale or distributed. These ftmge from island systems, such as Hawaii, to large US states, such as Califomia, and, of course, Germany. Of these, in the U.S., only Califonria also has a transparent wholesale market operated by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), which gives more insight into how market prices and costs are evolving with renewable integration. How much renewable enerry is now on the California IS0 power system, measured in the aggregate? Under the33% RPS, the Califorria load-serving entities are required to achieve 33olo renewable energy, not including hydro, by 2020. Compliance could comp earlier than2020 due to the potential for changes in financial incentives (e.g., the investment tax credit), which is leading solar projects to come on-line earlier. Of these load-serving entities, the Califonria investor-owned utilities are jtrisdictional Hetnan, Di Corrected Pg. 10 Sierra CIub a. A. t 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 7t L2 73 t4 15 L6 t7 18 L9 20 2t 22 to the Califomia Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), with the municipal utilities subject to oversight by the California Energy Commission (CEC). The CAISO market discussed below has historically covered the investor-owned utilities and some of the non-generation owning municipal utilities, accounting for a little over 80% of California load, but more recently has expanded to include the Energy Irnbalance Market (EIM). Of interest here is the expansion in solar and wind production within the CAISO footprint, and in particular solar production, which began to increase more rapidly after 2012. In20l2, the maximum actual hourly solar output on the CAISO grid was about 522MW, while the maximum actual hourly wind plus solar joint production was 2575 MW. The growth since then has been rapid. Within the CAISO footprint, in September 2014, the maximum hourly average solar production, jointlybetween PV and concentrating solar power (CSP), was 4,889 MW, and the total maximum joint solar and wind production was 6,777 MW. Under the33% RPS mandate, the final capacity of new renewable resources will be around 20,000 MW, with solar capacity expected to consist of about half of that. Hence, the CAISO market will continue to face rapid expansion in wind and solar production, and the findings on renewable integration to date, as discussed below, may not necessarily be sustained. At the same time, as also discussed below, new flexible resources may be coming on-line concurrently, making baseline measurements diffi cult. What is the experience to date at the California ISO with solar integration? Helman, l1 Sierra Club a. Di t 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 tt 72 13 L4 15 L6 17 1B t9 20 A.First, I note that I no longer work at the CAISO, and hence my observations here are based on public data and reports. Like other ISOs and RTOs, these days the CAISO is in a fairly continuous process of operational and market reforms to accommodate the increasing level of utility-scale and distributed renewable generation as well as new technologies that can support wind and solar integration, such as fast responsive storage technologies. a Recent improvements that have been publicly shared are a regulation and load-following ramping forecast tool for the systern operators, which allows them to check the ramping range in each dispatch interval up to several hours ahead. The CAISO is also evaluating three different methods for setting Regulation requirements while meeting the new NERC Balancing Authority ACE Limit (BAAL) control performance standards. Earlier, the CAISO also moved from a set hourly Regulation requirement to a variable forecast hourly Regulation requirement more consistent with actual uses of Regulation Up and Regulation Down over the operating day. As discussed below, the CAISO has also included a new "flexi-ramp" constraint in its real-time dispatch algorithms on difflerent time-frames, which allows for additional ramping capacity to be hold to account for uncertainty about "net load". In addition to these factors, the ISO control room likely has additional forecasting improvements and software and visualizationtools which assist renewable integration, but that are not necessarily public knowledge. a Some of these new capabilities are documented in "2013 Special Reliability Assessment: Maintaining Bulk Power System Reliability While Integrating Variable Energy Resources - CAISO Approach." A joint report produced by: the North American Electric Reliability Corporation and the California Independeut System Operator Corporation, November 201 3 Helman, Di t2 Sierra Club 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 \t t2 13 !4 15 t6 17 1B t9 20 2L a. A. Complementing these actions at the CAISO are a range of policies at other California state agencies and by the utilities to support renewable integration on the bulk power network, and most recently, to adapt to the new operating conditions at the distribution level caused by the penetration of distributed resources. These include adding a category of "flexible capacity''to the CPUC's resource adequacy program requirements and implementation of the State's storage mandate to load- serving entities. Since these types ofpolicies were not evaluated in the IPC Study, I do not review them here, except to note that they will also affect the rate of penetration and, indirectly, the costs of renewable integration.s What indicators of wind and solar integration costs can we observe at the California ISO? The CAISO does not specifically break out "integration costs" as a category of market costs, and in fact, this would likely be very difficult to calculate, since some of these costs are borne through non-market payments, often called "uplift". Hence, we can observe the changes in the costs of certain ancillary services and any other operating requirements or constraints that are priced transparently. However, in each case, there are caveats which are duly noted. Of these, I would include changes in frequency regulation prices, which are procured at CAISO through three separate products - Regulatio, Up, Regulation Down, and Regulation Energy Management-as well as a recent operational constraint called the "flexi-ramp" constraint, which allows for additional units to be s I use the tenn "indirectly''because policies such as the California storage mandate have goals other than immediate operational applications, such as tech:rology promotion/market tansfonnation. Hence, it would not be accurate to count the costs of meeting the storage mandate as a renewable integration cost. Helman, 13 Sierra Club t committed orredispatched to provide a wider ramping range during real-time 2 operations. 3 Q. Has the California ISO procured any additional frequency regulation over the 4 past 3 years? And have prices increased? 5 A. Frequency regulation is an ancillary service procured to balance the power systern 6 through automatic controls on intervals shorter than the dispatch intervals. ln the 7 CAISO, dispatch instructions are sent every 5 minutes, and Regulation is dispatched 8 on a 4-second basis in between those instructions to balance deviations. The 9 CAISO has both a Regulation Up product and a Regulation Down product, allowing 10 for resources to determine which direction to provide automated response.6 These LI markets procure Regulation capacity (MW) and set a price in terms of $AvIW. In a 12 series of earlier studies, the CAISO forecast that it would procure additional 13 Regulation at levels of wind and solar penetration below what is currently on the t4 CAISO power system.T However, based on the public data shown in the table 15 below, the CAISO does not seem to have procured any additional Regulation Up or 16 Regulation Down over the past three years even as wind and solar penetration has t7 increased fairly rapidly. The price of Regulation seems to have increased slightly in 18 2014 compared to 2013, but from a very low base. Moreover, the Regulation t9 clearing price was higher in previous years before the increased penetration of new 20 wind and solar, reflecting its close correlation to the price of natural gas. 6 Most other ISO markets have a combined Regulation service, where resources provide a regulating range around a set point. 7 For example, the study conducted in 2010 estimated that Regulation procurement would increase by I I - 38 %, depending on the season, for less additional wind and solar than is currently on the CAISO grid. However, since that model was deployed, further adjustments have been made to scheduling time-lines and assumed forecast errors, so these earlier estimates could be lower if the same study was repeated today.Helman, Di t4 Sierra Club Market clearing prices Regulation quantities Reg Down ($/MW)Reg Up ($/M!V)Reg Down (MW)Reg Up (MW) 2012 4.39142 5.644762 351.3854 332.9629 2013 3.254272 4.557149 323.8746 336.5561 2014 (Jan.- Sept.) 3.911s45 5.284641 329.9904 344.s816 a. A. L 2 3 4 5 How much "flexi-ramp" has the California ISO procured since implementing the constraint and how much has it cost? The CAISO established the flexi-ramp constraint in December 2071, primarily to support upward ramping requirements in the real-time market. While not initially established for purposes of variable energy generation, this constraint is commonly interpreted as an indicator of integration needs, since it could be expected that increased intra-hourly variability would require additional such reserves (sometimes called a ramping reserve). The CAISO operators can adjust the constraint to address operational needs, and the CAISO has also reviewed the performance and adjusted the minimum and maximum allowable capacity made available to minimize the effects on the energy dispatch markets. For example, the CAISO reduced the initial maximum capacity from 900 MW to 600 MW in January 2014, which has reduced the costs associated with this constraint. This adjustment also demonstrates the difficulty in discerning what is actually causing integration costs - external factors, such as increased wind and solar production, or intemal changes to system operations and optimization algorithms. Helnan, Di l5 Sierra Club 6 7 B 9 10 tt t2 13 L4 15 L5 t7 1 The average quantity and "shadow price" on the flexi-ramp constraint is shown in 2 fhe table below. What is clear is that over 2012,2013 and 2014 to date, the CAISO 3 has procuring varying amounts of flexi-ramp capacity, and that the price has also 4 varied. Most notably, the quantities and costs have decreased coincidentally with 5 increasing solar penetration in 2014. Average hourly quantity (MW) in each real-time interval forward in time 0 t5 30 45 2012 352.1875 353.7335 353.9592 354.4962 2013 480.4835 480.9865 481.2001 480.6074 2014 (Jan. to Sept.) 39s.1439 395.1988 394.9072 393.8919 Average hourly shadow price on the flexi-ramp constraint ($/IvIW) 0 15 30 45 2012 6.807843 3.065125 1.878161 1.435347 2013 6.610604 3.0st626 2.793484 2.307141 2014 (Jan. to Seot.) t.509974 1.78778 t.743549 1.694296 6 7 8 9 10 77 72 13 74 15 t6 These results are shown graphically below, but with more details on how monthly costs have varied. Note that the y-axis on the right hand side is in $millions, not $nvfw. Helman, Di t6 Sierra Club 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 $3,00 $2.s0 $2.00 $1.s0 $1.00 $0.s0 $0.00 o*t'+ot' .*f C o,d ."f "t'.."-..,f *S *.Js,-g "****9 oJ -Solar Max Production (MW) -Flexi-ramp Cost f$millions) ,/\A \I I \A 4-f\ ^ t \-Y\l\t \Lv\/\/\/\ v \./\ \ t 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 LL t2 13 t4 a. Has the frequency of negative prices increased? A. Another indicator of integration cost is overgeneration, which results from "must- take" generation (renewable and non-renewable) exceeding demand in particular intervals. Similarly to the question of reserves, there arc aran1e of operational and market adjustments that can be used to avoid or minimize overgeneration. Negative prices have been increasing in the CAISO market, and are forecast to increase in correlation to increasing renewables. However, as noted above, other corrective measures are also being developed and evaluated, such as improvements in conventional generator flexibility, increased deployrnent of energy storage, new types of flexible demand response for ramp mitigation, and adjustments to the future resource mix in the renewable portfolio, such that we can expect the frequency and. magnitude of negative prices to fluctuate over the years in response to these changes. Helman, Di t7 Sierra Club L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 7L 72 13 t4 15 t6 77 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 a. A. What do you conclude about integration costs to date in the California ISO markets? As I noted above, there are factors that I cannot control for when answering this question. However, there is no question that it is difficult to find clear trends in prices of market products and non-market costs that would be leading indicators of integration costs. This seems to indicate that the CAISO power system has been sufficiently flexible to date to integrate wind and solar without incurring significant integration costs. In other words, increased penetration of renewable resources has not resulted in increases in actual integration costs as predicted in earlier modeling. Since this finding is not what was expected a few years ago - for example, observers might have anticipated, based on the earlier CAISO integration studies, at least a few dollars of added Regulation costs - it provides a further data point from a high penetration wind and solar power systern that atreasonably high and growing penetrations on a large regional power system, solar integration does not appear to cause additional integration costs of any significance. The lesson for smaller systems is to take the operational lessons leamed from these larger systems, such as the range of operational and forecasting tools and market reforms cited in the CAISO-NERC review referenced above; moreover, theymay also provide confidence that closer integration with a larger regional market, such as an EIM, could support lower costs of integration, as evidenced by the apparently low costs of integration to date in the fairly large CAISO market. What does this review of the Study and experience elsewhere with solar integration lead you to conclude? Helman, Di 18 Sierra Club a. L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 t4 15 76 L7 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 A.First, I commend IPC for undertaking a detailed solar integration model that has provided the foundations for further analysis, and also for being forthcoming in response to data requests. Based orr the review of the Study and additional material on the experience in the CAISO (based on public data sources) I have discussed above, I support doing additional methodological review to address the modeling issues identified above, along with the modeling issues identified by the TRC, and possibly more detailed simulation of system operations than done in the current Study, along with more transparency over the results and more opportunities for the TRC or other stakeholders to recommend sensitivity analysis to reflect the adoption of operational improvements. As discussed above, there is simply a very broad and growing set of operational improvements and solutions that are being observed and evaluated in power systems around the country, and which will directly affect the integration of wind and solar resources. Status of IPC Study. With respect to the current IPC Stud5 my recommendation is that it is considered a draft document pending further review by the TRC. My understanding is that solar developers have already, or are currently negotiating contracts with IPC for Commission approval that include integration costs consistent with those estimated in the IPC study. Therefore, formal adoption of the current IPC study is not a necessary prerequisite or constraint on deployment of additional solar resources in Idaho. Instead, adoption at this time could result in precluding consideration of additional modeling sensitivities and operational solutions that could reduce actual integration costs, as observed in regions like California that are already experiencing high levels of solar penetration. Helman, Di t9 Siena Club L 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 Value of External Expert Review. Having both responded to, and participated in expert advisory committees, similar to the TRC for the IPC Study, I believe that there is a high value to such review. In the next phases of this study, the TRC should be tasked with reviewing the state-of-the-art in simulation used to calculate integration costs, but also with balancing increasing complexity of simulation with the task of finding a reasonable integration cost glven the rapid changes in system operations and technology. The TRC could also support review of low-cost operational and software solutions being used elsewhere to support renewable integration. The current thinking in Califomia and elsewhere is that operational flexibility is not necessarily in short supply on the power system if the right signals are provided. This has been demonstrated in several markets, where new ancillary service products and market pricing rapidly elicited new types of fast response capabilities from conventional generation (primarily combustion turbines), demand response and storage, and in some cases led to reductions in the quantity of ancillary services procured.8 Transparency. Another aspect of my experience at the CAISO and afterwards is the benefit of transparency about modeling to a broader group of stakeholders, including renewable project developers who need incentives to provide the capabilities needed by systern operators. As one example, the CPUC, the CAISO, and the CEC have developed a stakeholder process for evaluating renewable integration simulations under the CPUC's long-term procurement I A notable example is the PJM RegD, or "fast regulation" market. See the description and reyiew of the first year of market operations here: htp://www.pjm.cono/-/media/documents/ferc/2013-filingsl20l3l0l6-er12- 1204-004.ashx. Note that the number of resources following the RegD signal has continued to increase following this report.Helman, Di 20 Siena Club tl L2 13 1.4 15 t6 t7 1B t9 20 2L 1 planning proceeding, in which a data-base of the Califomia systern and rest of 2 WECC using public data is posted serni-annually, and is used by many parties, 3 including the national laboratories, to test operational requirements and solutions 4 using production cost models and other models - and to innovate in such modeling. 5 While there are limits to this process (notably that the actual network models used 6 by the CAISO are not being modeled), at the least it has helped to shape discussion 7 and provided a benchmark for analysis. The Califomia utilities also continue to B develop their own proprietary models, which are used in planning and procurernent. 9 a. Does this conclude your testimony? 10 A. Yes it does. Helman, Di 2t Sierra Club E. Udi Helman 155 Jackson St., Apt. 1306 San Francisco, CA 94lll Udi@HelmanAnalytics. com E)(PERIENCE Independent Consultant, energy and environmental analysis, San Francisco, CA (512013 - present). Advising companies, trade associations and research institutions on policy, regulatory and market issues as well as quantitative analysis, primarily related to valuation and integration of renewable energy and energy storage. Various current public roles and selected consulting clients:o Chairman, Market Analyics Working Group, Energy Storage Association (ESA), Washington, DC, November 2013 to present. Organize and run monthly calls as well as many complementary activities. Speakers to date from ERCOT, PJM, CPUC, CAISO and other organizations.I Initiated ESA Frequency Response Task Force and continue as co-chair. Multiple roles in aillual ESA conference, Washington, DC, June 4-6,2014o Co-char, IEEE Task Force on Storage Modeling, September 2014, ongoing. Technical consultant, EPRI Energy Storage Integration Council, ongoing.o Technical Review Committee, NREL, Valuation of concentrating solar power and other solar technologies, August 20l l to present. o Policy Advisory Commiffee, California Energy Commission/DNv-Gl project on modeling concentrating solar power with thermal storage, August 2012 onwards (project final report under review). S ome forthcoming and recent presentations :o Presenter, Recent findings in solar valuation, Center for Research into Regulated Industries (Rutgers University) 27th Anrual Westem Conference, Monterey, California, Jwe,20l4.o Panelist, "Crossing the Analytical Chasm: Moving Energy Storage Modeling from Theory to Practice, ESA 24th Annual Conference, Washington, DC, June 4-5,201.4.o Workshop Presenter, "Energy Storage 201," ESA 24th Annual Conference, Washington, DC, Jvne 4-5,20L4.r Panelist, "Status of Large-Scale Solar Projects," Platts 9th Annual California Power Markets, San Francisco, November 2013. Managing Director, Economic and Pricing Analysis, BrightSource Energy, Oakland, CA (llzOlt - 412013). Focus on the quantitative analysis of benefits of concentrating solar power (CSP) with thermal energy storage, along with corresponding state and federal regulatory and policy dimensions. Areas of analysis include valuation of energy, ancillary services, capacity, and integration costs.o Lead author for CSP Alliance paper, "Economic and Reliability Benefits of CSP with Thermal Energy Storage," August 2014, avulable at http://www.csp-al1iance.org/.o Membership on advisory groups for system modeling: E. Udi Helman October 2014 EXHIBIT 4OI Page I of5 r Policy Advisory Committee, NREL project on concentrating solar power with thermal storage with representatives from SCE, PG&E, CPUC, CEC, CAISO, SMIID, LADWP, and other entities, August 2011 to present. Organized industry sub-group to provide specific information on technology characteristics.. Policy Advisory Commiffee, Califomia Energy Commission/DNV-Gl project on modeling concentrating solar power with therrnal storage, August 2012 to present.. CAISO 33% RPS renewable integration advisory team, 2011 - present. o Directed economic benefits analysis in commercial negotiations with California IOU and municipal utilities.o Extensive dialogue with state regulators in Califonria in support of economic valuation findings. Many public presentations at state agencies, as listed below.o Primay author or lead reviewer/editor of numerous regulatory filings for BrightSource, Large-Scale Solar Association (LSA) and other collaborators before CAISO, CPUC and FERC (listed below).. Public presentations over 20ll-12 at Califonria Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), Califomia Energy Qsmmission (CEC), Califorria ISO (CAISO), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Departnent of Energy (DOE), Solar Power Intemational, Stanford University, U.C. Berkeley POWER conference 2011, Center for Research into Regulated lndustries (Rutgers University) annual Westem conference, Westem Independent Transmission Group, Westem Resource Planners, and industry trade conferences by EUCI, Platts, Infocast, and Marcus Evans. Principal, Division of Markets & Infrastructure Development, California Independent System Operator (CAISO), Folsom, CA (8/2007 to l/2011). Wide range ofprojects and roles: Re n ew able inte gr atio n stu die s Co-auttror of CAISO, "Integration of Renewable Resources: Operational Requirements and Generation Fleet Capability at 200lo RPS," August 31,2010. Numerous presentations on renewable integration analysis to CAISO stakeholders and external audiences, including many at CPUC and CEC workshops; Panelist, FERC Technical Conference,Integrating Renewable Resources into the Wholesale Electric Grid (AD09-4-000), Washington, DC, March 2,2009. Renewable transmission policy and other transmission projects CAISO representative on Califomia Transmission Policy Group (CTPG) scenario team, 2010; Lead on CAISO team on the development of the renewable energy transmission planning process, 2009-2010; Participant on CAISO team on the C3ETP transmission proposal by PG&E; development of cost-benefit analysis and valuation of Helms pumped storage plant upgrades. Numerous presentations on reform of transmission policy to CAISO stakeholders and extemal audiences, including: "Resource and transmission planning to achieve a 33% RPS in Califomia - ISO modeling tools and planning framework," FERC Technical Conference on Planning Models and Software, Washington, DC, June 10,2010. Wholesale market design to support renewable integrationo Team lead for wholesale market design changes needed to address renewable integration. Lead author on Califonria ISO, "Discussion Paper - Renewable lntegration: Market and Product Review," July 8,2010. E. Udi Helman May2014 EXHIBIT 401 Page 2 of5 o Lead author, "Comments of the Califomia Independent System Operator Corporation," Integration of Variable Energy Resources, FERC Docket No. RM10-1 1-000, Apil12,2010.o Lead author on 250 page report on ISO and RTO progress towards integration of VERs, http://www.isorro.org/site/cjhKoIZPBImE/b.4344503/k.83C1/FERC_Filings.htrn.o Organrzed2-day workshop on Wind Integration and ISOiRTO Wholesale Markets for the ISO/RTO Council, Boston, June 8-9,2009. Other roleso Lead on pricing of ISO backstop procurement of capacity from generators (equivalent to Resource Adequacy contracts), 2007-2008 and 2010 onwards; prepared review of pricing options and justification for tariff-based pricing rules.o CAISO representative on electricity sector team for California inter-agency Climate Action Team, August 2007-present; point person for ISO perspective on GHG regulation, including point of regulation design topics.o CAISO representative to Westem Climate Initiative, 2009-2010. Technical Advisory Group of the Western Climate Initiative Electricity Subcommittee, 2008-2009.o CAISO representative and contributor, inter-agency Clean California Energy Future initiative (CAISO, CPUC, CARB, CEC, CaIEPA),2009-2010. Final report on implementation posted at http://www.cacleanenergyfuture.ore/documents/CCEFImplementationPlan.pdf. Economist, Division of Policy Analysis and Rulemaking, Office of Energy Markets and Reliability, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Washington, DC (full time, lll999 to 812007; part time consultant, llll997 to l/1999). Selected projects listed below. Long-term Transmission Righ* in Organized Markets. Team lead for long-tenn transmission rights in organized markets (L1,12006 to 8/2007); team memb er (3/2005 to 1112006). Coordinator of compliance filings by RTOs and ISOs, with review responsibility for all filings and lead responsibility for Midwest ISO. Primary author of StaffPaper on Long-term Transmission Rights in Organized Markets (May 11,2005, Docket No. AD05-7-000). Midwest ISO Market Design and Market Start-up. Lead economist from late 2002 to 2007 for much of the analysis of Midwest Independent System Operator (ISO) market rules and start-up of the Day 2 market. Worked on the major order that approved the Midwest ISO market design, Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.,108 FERC fl 61,163 (TEMT II Order) (0812004\ and follow-up. Lead design of market-start safeguards which included several innovative regulatory methods that were employed to enhance market operations in the first few months and years. From 2005 to 2007, worked on a variety of orders addressing MISO market design issues, including issues in marginal loss surplus refunds, redesign of the FTR rules and introduction of long-term auction revenue rights (ARRs), and the design for a bid-based market for regulation and operating reserves and scarcity pricing. ISO-New England Market Design and Market Start-up. Lead economist from 1998 to 2002 for much of the analysis of ISO-New England market rules. Wrote initial economic policy memorandum on interim New England market rules in support of the FERC Order approving the market design and market start (85 FERC \61,379; 12/17/1998). E. Udi Helman May2014 EXHIBIT 4OI Page 3 of5 EDUCATION Ph.D. Applied Microeconomics and Systems Analysis Departneent of Geography and Environmental Engineering The Johns Hopkins University, Balt'more, Maryland (2003) PhD advisors: Benjamin Hobbs and John Boland M.A. Environmental Studies Institute of Environmental Studies/Deparhnent of Political Science University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (1989) B.A. Political Science and Biology (minor) University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (1987) SELECTED PI]BLICATIONS AND REPORTS Helman, Udi, Economic and Reliability Benefits of Large-Scale Solar Plants," Chapter in Lawrence fones (ed.), Renewable Energy lntegration: Practical Management of Variability, Uncertainty and Flexibility in Power Grids, Elsevier, 2014. Helman, Udi, and David Jacobowitz, "The Economic and Reliability Benefits of CSP with Thermal Energy Storage: Recent Studies and Research Needs," CSP Alliance Report, August 2014, available at http ://www.csp-alliance. org/. Rothleder, Mark, Helman, Udi, Clyde foutan, Tao Guo, June Xie, and Sundar Venkataraman, "Integration of wind and solar under a20Yo RPS: Stochastic simulation methods and results from Califonria ISO studies," Proceedings of the IEEE, Power Engineering Society, 20l2lEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 2217, 2012, P aper #20 I2GN/L892. (co-author) Califonria ISO,Integration of Renewable Resources: Operational Requirements and Generation Fleet Capability at2\o/o RPS, August31.,2010, available at http : //www. caiso. com/Documents/Inte Eration-RenewableResources - OperationalRequirementsandGenerationFleetCapabilityAt2OPercRP S,pdf. Helman, Udi and Benjamin F. Hobbs, "Large-Scale Market Power Modeling: Analysis of the U.S. Eastem Interconnection and Regulatory Applications," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 25, 3, 2010, pp. 1434-1448. (co-author) ISO/RTO Council White Paper,'Variable Energy Resources, System Operations and Wholesale Markets, Incorporating a Response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Notice of Inquiry on Integration of Variable Energy Resources, Docket No. RM10-11-000,'April 12,2010, http://www.isorto.ors/site/c.ihKQzPBImE/b.43445031k.83C1/FERC_Filinss.htm. Helman, Udi, Harry Singh, and Paul Sotkiewicz, "RTOs, Regional Electricity Markets, and Climate Policy," in F. P. Sioshansi, ed., Generating Electricity in a Carbon Constrained World, Academic Press,2009. E. Udi Helman May2014 EXHIBIT 4OI Page 4 of5 Helman, Udi, Benjamin F. Hobbs, and Richard P. O'Neill, "The Design of US Wholesale Energy and Ancillary Service Auction Markets: Theory and Practice," h F.P. Sioshansi, ed. Competitive El ectricity Markets : D esign, Implementation, P erformance, Elsevier, 200 8. O'Neill, Richard P., Udi Helman, Benjamin F. Hobbs, and Ross Baldick, "Independent System Operators in the USA: History, Lessons Learned, and Prospects," in F. Sioshansi and W. Pfaffenberger, Electricity Market Reform: An International Perspective, Elsevier, 2006. Helman, Udi, "Market power monitoring and mitigation in the US wholesale power malkets," Energt, 3l (6-7), pp. 877 -904, 2006. Baldick, Ross, Udi Helman, Benjamin F. Hobbs, and Richard P. O'Neill, "Design of Efficient Generation Markets, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Electric Power Systems: Engineering and Policy, 93(11), November 2005. O'Neill, Richard P., Ross Baldick, Udi Helman, Michael H. Rothkopf, and William Stewart, "Dispatchable Transmission in RTO Markets," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2},l,2005, l7l-179. IIEEE PES Technical Committee Prize Paper Award] Hobbs, Benjamin, Udi HeLnan, Suradet Jitprapaikulsarn, Sreenivas Konda, and Dominic Maratukulam, "Artificial neural networks for short-term energy forecasting: Accuracy and economic value," Neuroc omputing, 23 ( 1 998), pp. 7 l -84. Helman, Udi, Benjamin Hobbs, and John Boland. "Fishery Resource Values Used for Damage Compensation in Maryland: Assessment of Need for Revisions." Report to the Power Plant Research Program, Maryland Deparfinent of Natural Resources. Under Contract No. PR97-056- 001. January 4,1997. U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment, Fueling Reform: Energlt Technologies for the Former East Bloc. OTA-ETI-599 (Washington, DC: U.S. Govemment Printing Office, July 1994). (Udi Helman and Joy Dunkerely co-authored Ch.7) U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessmert, Energt Efficiency Technologies for Central and Eastern Europe. OTA-E-562 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1993). (authorofCh.5) E. Udi Helman May2014 EXHIBIT 401 Page 5 of5 I hereby certiff that on *" fiuyof October ,2Ol4,I caused to be served, viathe method(s) indicated below, true and correct copies of the foregoing document, upon: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washinglon Steet P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 ijewell@puc. state.id.us Kristine Sasser, Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,Idaho 83720 kris.sasser@nuc. idaho. gov Donovan E. Walker Greg Said Michael f. Youngblood Regulatory Dockets Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idatro Street P.O. Box 70 Boise,ID 83707 dwalker@idahopower. com esaid@idahopower.com myoun gblood@ idahopower. com dockets@ idahopower. com Idaho Conservation League c/o Benjamin J. Otto 710 N. 6th St. Boise,Idaho 83702 botto @ idahoconservation. org KenMiller Snake River Alliance P.O. Box l73l Boise,ID 83701 kmiller@snakeriveralliance. ore CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fa,x Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fa"x Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Fax Fed. Express Email X (J &(l (.J (J e(J I t{ i(J (J E (J tJv tl LJ x irr & Mu,r,ER LLP