HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140121Petition to Intervene.pdfTeresa A. Hill lSB No.6175 K&L Gates, LLP One SW Columbia St. Suite 1900 Portland, OR 97258 Telephone : (208) 850-7 422 Fax: (503) 248-9085 Attorney for Renewoble Northwest Project and Americon Wind Energy Associotion BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO UPDATE ITS WIND TNTEGRATION RATES AND CHARGES. r;1:' !..rr;,.! .i.;; ) Case No. IPC-E-13-22 ) ) PETTTTON TO TNTERVENE ) oF RENEWABLE NORTHWEST pROJEgr AND AMERICAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION ) i:ll i.. nqi JI Li'LJJ Renewable Northwest Project ("RNP") and American Wind Energy Association ("AWEA") hereby petition the Commission for leave to intervene in the above-titled proceeding pursuant to Rules 71 through 75 of the Commission's Rule of Practice and Procedure, IDAPA ln support of this Petition, RNP and AWEA submit the following: 1. RNP is a non-profit regional advocacy group that works to facilitate the expansion of responsibly developed renewable energy resources in the Northwest. RNP's unique coalition of members includes renewable energy project developers, public and consumer interest groups, academic institutions, turbine manufacturers, and others. The common goal of RNP's members is to promote the development of a cost-effective, reliable, and clean energy system for the betterment of the Northwest economy and environment. ln furtherance of this goal, RNP monitors and actively participates in numerous forums related to the integration of wind and PETITION TO INTERVENE OF RNP AND AWEA- 1 other variable energy resources. RNP has followed the development and review of ldaho Power Company's ("ldaho Power" or the Company'') 2013 lntegrated Resource Plan and participated in other forums addressing the Wind lntegration Study that underpins the Company's Application in this proceeding. The name and address of RNP is: Renewable Northwest Project 421 SW 6th Ave, Suite 1125 Portland, OR 97204 2. AWEA is a nationaltrade organization that represents a broad range of entities with a common interest in encouraging the expansion and facilitation of wind energy resources in the United States. AWEA s members include wind turbine manufacturers, component suppliers, project developers, project owners and operators, financiers, researchers, renewable energy supporters, utilities, marketers, customers and their advocates. AWEA also monitors and actively participates in various forums on wind integration issues. AWEA's name and address is: American Wind Energy Association 1501 M Street, NW Washington, DC 3. RNP and AWEA have a direct and substantial interest in this proceeding because the Commission's implementation of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act ("PURPA") has significant impacts on investment in renewable energy in ldaho. ln addition, the Commission's review of ldaho Power's proposed charges and rates associated with integrating wind energy, and any policies adopted pursuant to such review, are likely to have significant impacts upon investment in wind generation in ldaho. Both petitioning organizations share an interest in promoting the responsible expansion of renewable energy in the Northwest, and decisions issued in this case may impact their ability to advance that interest. Moreover, certain of RNP and AWEA s members se!! the output of their wind energy facilities to ldaho Power; if the Commission approves the proposals contained in the Company's Application, such proposals PETITION TO INTERVENE OF RNP AND AWEA- 2 would have a material adverse effect upon these members' projects. Accordingly, no other party can adequately address the interests of RNP and AWEA in this proceeding. RNP and AWEA seek intervention in this proceeding with full rights of a party to, if necessary, introduce evidence, cross-examine, and participate in hearings or oral argument or otherwise present such materials as may be relevant to the Commission's decision in this matter. The exact quantity of evidence that RNP and AWEA would introduce cannot be stated at this time, but RNP and AWEA's participation will not unduly broaden the issues or cause delays. RNP and AWEA believe that the nature and complexity of the issues presented by ldaho Powe/s Application are such that they would be best examined by a technical hearing. RNP and AWEA request that the Commission schedule a technical hearing, preceded by an appropriate period of time during which the parties may conduct discovery. ln accordance with IDAPA, RNP and AWEA request that the Commission direct that service among the parties be accomplished by electronic mail for information other than that which might be deemed confidential or othennise must be hand-delivered. RNP and AWEA request that all pleadings, papers, orders, and notices be served upon: Teresa A. Hill K&L GatES, LLP One S.W. Columbia Street, Suite 1900 Portland, OR 97258 Telephone: (2081 850-7 422 Fax: (503) 248-9085 Email: Teresa.Hill@kleates.com And Dina M. Dubson Renewable Northwest Project 421SW 6th Ave, Suite 1125 Portland, OR 97204 Telephone: (5031 223-4544 Email: dina@rno.ore 4. 5. 6. PETITION TO INTERVENE OF RNP AND AWEA_ 3 WHEREFORE, RNP and AWEA respectfully nequest that the Commission grant this Petition to lntervene and authorize RNP and AWEA to participate in the above-captioned proceeding with the full rights of a forma! party. DATED this 21$ day of January,2OL4 K&L Gates, LLP ,,7W Teresa Hil! Attorneyfor RNP and AWEA PETITION TO INTERVENE OF RNP AND AWEA- 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certifli that on the 21'tday of January, 2OL4, atrue and correct copy of the foregoing PETITION TO INTERVENE OF RENEWABLE NORTHWEST PROJECT AND AMERICAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION, Case No. IPC-E-13-22,was served to: Hand Delivered Jean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,lD 83702 Bv Electronic Mail Donovan E. Walker ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 E-mail: dwal ker@ idahopower.com Julia Hilton ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 E-mail : jhilton@ idahopower.com DATED this 21't day of January,2Ot4 K&L Gates, LLP Teresa Hill Attorney for RNP and AWEA PETITION TO INTERVENE OF RNP AND AWEA- 5