HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130909Motion to Take Official Notice.pdfPeter J. Richardson ISB # 3195 Gregory M. Adams ISB # 7454 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC ?iI I:JI.;, * , [-;i I' ? I 515 N.27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (20S) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams. com gre g@richardsonadams. com Attomeys for the J. R. Simplot Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ) CASE NO. IPC-E-13-17 APPLICATTON OF THE J. R. SIMPLOT ) COMPANY TO PURCHASE AND ) J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S ASSUME OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN ) MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL rDAHO POWER OWNED FACILITIES ) NOTICE AND OFFER INTO AND TO SET A PURCHASE PRICE ) EVIDENCE THEREFORE INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY COMES NOW the J. R. Simplot Company ("Simplot") and pursuant to Rules 262 and 263 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") and submits this Motion to Take Official Notice (Rule 262) and Offer into Evidence (Rule 263) of relevant portions of the testimony and exhibits in Case no. IPC-E-I1-08. As stated in Simplot's Reply to ldaho Power Company's ("Idaho Power" or the "Company") Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction ("Motion"): [T]he underlying testimony and order in the general rate case (Docket No. IPC-E-l l-08) are so intertwined with the issues raised by Idaho Power's Motion, Simplot is contemporaneously filing a motion for official notice of the relevant portions of the testimony to allow for it to be a part of the record in this proceeding.' t Simplot Reply at p. 2. This Commission's rule ofprocedure, at Rule 262, provides: When aparty offers in evidence any portion of a transcript, exhibit, or other record from any other proceeding before the Commission, the portion offered must be specifically described and, if admitted, will be made an exhibit. ln addition, Rule 263 allows for the Commission to take official notice of maters of common knowledge. Therefore, Simplot offers the following specifically describe portions of testimony and exhibits from ldaho Power's last general rate case proceeding in which Rule M was adopted: l. The opening colloquy and the public witness testimony of Mr. Stace Campbell, Tr. l0 - 25. Exhibit 4, the Application (deemed Petition) contains Simplot's first three Exhibits. 2. The direct (live) testimony, prefiled rebuttal testimony and cross examination testimony of Mr. Warren Kline on behalf of Idaho Power Company. Tr. 133 - 178, attached as Exhibit 5. 3. The direct (live) testimony, prefiled rebuttal testimony, cross examination testimony and Exhibit 52 of Mr. Mike Youngblood on behalf of tdaho Power Company. Tr.236 - 306, attached as Exhibit 6. 4. The direct (live) testimony, prefiled direct testimony and cross examination testimony of Mr. Del Butler on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power. Tr. 340 - 360, attached as Exhibit 7. 5. The direct (live) testimony, prefiled direct testimony, cross examination testimony and Exhibits 301 - 308 of Dr. Don Reading on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power. Tr.362 - 450, attached as Exhibits 8A and 8B. 6. The direct (live) testimony, prefiled direct testimony and cross examination testimony of Mr. Don Sturtevant on behalf of the Industrial Customers of ldaho Power. Tr. 451 J. R. STMPLOT,s MOTION FOR OFFICIAL NOTICE AND OFFER INTO EVIDENCE IPC-E-13-17 PAGE 2 - 491, attached as Exhibit 9. In order to respond to the legal issues raised by Idaho Power's Motion the Commission will need to fully understand the genesis of Rule M and Idaho Power's positions with regard to customer purchases of facilities owned by Idaho Power on the customer side of the meter. The testimony and exhibits Simplot hereby moves into the record are necessary for the Commission to make its ruling on Idaho Power's Motion and Simplot's Answer thereto. This Motion is appropriate under Rule 263(b)(1) as the existence of the testimony and exhibits offered is commonly known and beyond dispute. Further, the substance of the testimony and exhibits are not in dispute. This Motion is also appropriate under Rule 262 as the testimony and exhibits are relevant and necessary for the Commission to make an informed decision. These testimony and exhibits should be made apart of the record in this proceeding to ensure the administrative record is complete in the event of any subsequent appeal. Wherefore, Simplot respectively moves for official notice and/or the admission of Exhibits 4, 5, 6,7,8A,88 and 9 attached hereto. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this lOth day of September 2013 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC Peter J. Attorneys for J.R. Simplot Co. J. R. SIMPLOT,s MOTION FOR OFFICIAL NOTICE AND OFFER INTO EVIDENCE IPC-E-13-17 PAGE 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that the 6ff day of Septemb er 2013, copies of the foregoing Motion for Offrcial Notice and accompanying exhibits of the J. R. Simplot Company were delivered to: Jennifer M. Reinhardt-Tessmer Jean JewelLisaNordstrom Secretary Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Boise,Idaho 83702 Kris Sasser Counsel Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Idaho Boise,Idatro 83702 J. R. SIMPLOT,s MOTION FOR OFFICIAL NOTICE AND OFFER INTO EVIDENCE IPC-E-13-17 PAGE 4 EXHIBIT #4 J. R. SIMPLOTCOMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 t1 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 21- 22 23 24 25 120511mrn. txt BOISE, IDAI{O, i4ONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2011, 9:30 l. ltl. co$4MrssroNER sMrrH: Good morning, lad'ies and gentlemen. rhis is the time and place set for a hearing in rdaho public uti'lities commission case No. rPc-E-11-08. It is a'lso further identified as in the matter of the app'lication of rdaho pou,er company for authority to increase its rates and charges for electric service in rdaho. For those of you who haven't been here before, the three of us are the pub]ic utilities commission. on my left is president paul rje'l'lander, and on my right is commissioner uack Redford. r'm Marsha smith and t'm chairing this hearing. we'll begin by taking the appearances of the parties, beginning with the npplicant. MS. NORDSTROM: thank you. Good morning. My name is t-isa ttordstrom and r am representing rdaho Poiler, and seated with me is my co-counsel, Jason wi'll i ams . COMMISSIONER rhank you. Mr. otto. MR. oTTo: Good morning. rhis is aenjamin otto with the rdaho conservation teague, and with me at CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 J. R SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFTICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 rage 1" coLL@uY 1205llmrn . txt 1 the table are Nancy xirsh with the Northwest Energy 2 coalition and ren uiller from the snake River R'lliance. 3 CO.IMTSSIoNER SMITH: Thank you. 4 Mr. Howell. 5 MR. HO,'IELL: oonald ttowe'l'I, oeputy 6 Rttorney General, and tcar] rlein, Deputy Attorney 7 General, representing the comission staff today. I COIUIMISSIONER SMITH: A'l] ri ght, 9 ur. eurdy. 10 MR. PURDY: thank you. erad eurdy on 11 behalf of the community Action partnership lssociation of LZ rdaho and with me today is t,ts. Teri ottens, cAPAIrs 13 witness. L4 CO,III4ISSIONER SMfTH: Mr. Olsen? 15 MR. oLSEN: Yes, Eric olsen with the rdaho 16 trrigators Pumpers association. L7 MR. NELSoN: Good morning. rhor tte'lson 18 and rred schmidt back here with the law firm of uo'lland & 19 Hart on behalf of the ttlicron rechnologies. 20 cotr,s4ISSIONER SMITH: Mr. ni chardson. 2L MR. RICHARDSoN: Thank you, l,tadam chair. 22 Peter Richardson with the firm Richardson & o'Leary here 23 on behalf of the tndustrial customers of rdaho Power, and 24 with me are my w'itnesses Dr. Don Reading, oe1 Butler, Don 25 sturtevant, and a'lso with the lndustrial customers here CSB REPORTING 11 COLLOQUY(208) 890-5198 1 this morning is Eric Erickson with lmalgamated sugar and 2 ;im Bergan with clanbia roods. 3 COIVUVIISSIoNER REDFORD: what was the last 4 one, p'l ease? rage 2 J. R. srMpI,or coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE Prge 2 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 120511mrn. txt 5 MR. RICHARDSON: :im aergan with 6 Glanbia. 7 CO4MISSIONER SMTTH: MT. Mi.IIer. 8 MR. MILLER: fhank you, Madam Chairman. 9 Dean J. Miller with the firm Mcoevitt & Mil]er on behalf 10 of noku l,taterials, rnc. r'm here unaccompanied. 11 COMMTSSTONER SMrTH: How sad, and I notice L2 they've strategical'ly deniid you a microphone. 13 MR. MILLER: that was probably good 14 thinking on somebody's part. 15 Co[n4TSSIONER SMITH: Okay, is there anyone 16 here appearing on beha'lf of rroger? L7 MS. KYLER: Yes, that's me. 18 CoIUIMISSIONER SMITH: okay. 19 MS. KvLER: :ody u. ryler with the firm 20 goehm Kurtz & towry on behalf of rhe Kroger Company, and 2t with me is my witness Kenneth C. Higgins. 22 colm,tlssloNER SMITH: nnd us. ry'ler, could 23 you please spel'l your last name? 24 Ms. KYLER: r-y-I-e-r. 25 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: thank you. CSB REPORTING T2 COLLOQUY(208) 8eo-5198 L coin4rssroNER REDFoRD: where are you 2 from? 3 lus. KYLER: cinncinati, ohio. 4 CO,IMISSIONER REDFORD: rs that part of 5 the united states? 6 CcF,lMrSSIOlrlER SMITH: A'l'l right, the only 7 other -- that is the appearances by al'l the parties who 8 are on my Notice of parties list, except for the eage 3 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE Pege 3 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 120511mrn.txt 9 Department of rnergy. I would note that the DoE has sent 10 a letter requesting to be excused from the hearing and 11 noting their participation in the development of the L2 stipulation and its support for that, so the attorneys 13 for the Department of fnergy are excused from today's L4 hearing. 15 Before we begin with preliminary matters, 16 r believe we have one person who is a member of the L7 public who is not avai'lable to be at our pub'lic hearing 18 tonight and wishes to testify, so we will take him first, 19 wherever he is. 20 our procedure for public witness testimony 2l is you come up here, president rjeilander wi'll ask you to 22 raise your right hand and swear you 'in, and staff counsel 23 will ask you a coup'le of questions to get you on the 24 record correct'ly and then you'1l be able to give your 25 statement. CSB REPORTING 13 COLLOQUY(208) 8e0-s198 1 STACE CAMPBELL, 2 appearing as a public witness, having been du'ly sworn, 3 was examined and testified as follows: 4 5 EXAMINATION 6 7 BY MR. HOh'ELL: 8 Q eood morning, sir. cou'ld you state your I ful1 name and spe1l your last for the record, please? 10 A My name is Stace James Campbell, 11 C-a-m-p-b-e-l-.l. LZ a md mr. Campbe1l, whom are you employed eage 4 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE Page 4 OTFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 120511mrn. txt 13 by? t4 A ptccain roods, usA. 15 a and you are presenting public testimony on 16 their beha'lf tonight? L7 A Yes,Iam. 18 a or today, and please give the commission 19 your statement. 20 A okay, thank you. r'm here on beha'lf of 2L Mccain roods in concern of the rcl facility charges that 22 are tied to distribution facilities. a couple of th'ings 23 that we wanted to comment on, especial'ly to the 24 commission, is the DFrR costs associated with equipment 25 on our propert'ies in rdaho, and our concern is that the L4CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 CAMPBELLpub'li c \e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1L L2 13 L4 L5 16 facility charges aren't in line, are not actually representative of the risk for which Idaho Power faces with those, and the charges and the percentage rate for which they are bi'l'ling us at are not in line with what we would expect. r want to state some examples. lfter a pretty tough time of getting the information out of rdaho power, we were able to pul1 a report that shows that we have transformers on our property, one of which is 56 years old, has a stated value of $904. rt costs us $184 a year in facil'ity charges. tt's $10,327.3O over the 'lifetime that it's been there that we have been charged for and it could have been replaced 1L times. rhe risk for rdaho Power is very 'low, very minimal in regard to these transformers as 50 percent of our transformers are over 20 years o1d. 70 percent are Page 5 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 Pege 5 120511mrn. txt L7 over 15 years o'ld. rhe risk of failure is quite low; 18 however, we're to'ld on a repeated basis by rdaho Power 19 that those charges are there to mitigate the costs of 20 replacement and maintenance on our facilities. However, 2L in the same conversation, they discussed that they're 22 limiting their ability to support us via TsA's and are 23 reducing their scope of work that they'll provide in our 24 facility, so we question why we're billed monthly over 25 $8,900 a month, u{hy we pay over $107,157 a year in CSB REFORTING 15 CAMPBELL(208) 890-5198 Public 1 facility charges and why that is an impact of us that 2 reduces our competitive edge in the market. 3 For us to be competitive, we have to keep 4 our costs'low. rhis is a cost that we feel is an added 5 cost of the ownership of the property that resu'lts in an 6 unnecessary revenue extreme for rdaho Power that costs 7 jobs. hte have near'ly 700 direct employees at that 8 faci'lity. with this average annual charge, we could add 9 two additional emp'loyees which would reflect at least an 10 additional 1.75 in direct jobs. For us to remain 11 competitive, we have to keep our costs low. we fee'l that L2 this is an impact that needs to be'looked into by the PUc 13 and we do not agree with it. L4 COMMISSIONER SMITH: DOES thAt CONCIUdE 15 your statement? 16 THE wrrNESs: rt does. L7 Co$4MTSSIONER SMITH: Let's see if there 18 are any questions for you. 19 MR. wTLLTAMS: Yes, Madam chairman, just a 20 couple. Jason williams on behalf of rdaho Power. eage 5 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE Page 6 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 ooooOLLOC.ro!!LldP.:=(,oc=uFot.d'suO.FO'FU$Lsi!-F3Go.=uE>\OoOP>oHPt6o>POrEPOcE.F'FOG.d9FqOO'F-s'FoEd.FiL.iG,L.FoYOds96fEardouLoF-rdEqo0odooosdE6(,rtE5oEFrF!FulgOLOOnt>oc5d=iPlqF!soo CdUOT.FgLL!E2-vOiE-PPo.FP<JO=oFOE6SEJLEt:io90(tso!.u56Fi>pltsr==o9,9..ske>r.rEoqltdP-F2osF!6>o60FHLo09OLh.FEEZH =dct9r!6p.opg(,P=-o!=O!FOg62l-oFloPcuO+..O lroEELS6OCE=UAo o E o E d E o d o o < z qqo n .r o 6 > o o .t P o L H o <oO o 6 o - F L En [ 6 J H 16i E U 6 C d P nt E 3 J o uCUddOC.FCdC'TEOHOHUtsEOll!.14'E--ilcoq.F!EP>oOdEEiEU-EUProdl"8Uts6c' E j..=ioHa.;>rr2oll-6H= U -6-!d.FOqO =9F(FFYtq'F<ooq:C,6!PIiEOEXU[.r.r.rJc,<oooo<o<LJOP>XOO'FcH0-ivEosc6udo=OOd'FLl!Eo-E@EOLE!O+U!.SdorHoELdtE.i-6060Edtoo60Pu906s-at6-!600(lEU>60LpEELJSrU.rAdLOHdPOUP=E JqJ.FU-EttAfEC5 E 6(,(,r2dH6FrEOogiA6udA@60 PxP EgEild(, il dgzHoa 3a Y' oa EEEO6Ataza<2E< 5E l3rOY:dEE H N 6 { 6 lO N 6 (,1 O Fi d m * 6 @ N a CD O d N 6railF{dHdilHddNNNNHNMIhNNNNN ()zov=36;.oF>ztac 5E 6?a,Qza E<tFr EE EloOYECEE;oq H E'F'OOoEO-FoLLHOUO r 6 r! 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H P 6 y E o o gou o d e = .F L.F O E I r€i!6o6=PodY.Fo,Fui'.Ft;OuLFo9.Fd^,oEdFUO.'rOdEOO' t E o E r E E - c 6O6 nl 6 o > O O.F 6 o P.F 6N.FaO15YaDot\osL-rFUv U" X'F6LV-.Fon } J:o o Jc!LEoaoocE!=ti<EEU.FH6osuo- .L Fgoo5Po6E=dU-.uT E5 l=gFP ''lg€E8EAluo OPorLoo€P90LZHPOH6C 4l Fr6EdOloo6EE€Ud66C^f@.nPOOOoNHTUV d N 6 tt h (o N co o o Fl N m { 6 o N € 6 o d N o + 6IdJddddddTNNNNNN 1205l1mrn . txt 1 faci'lities across the globe and we have some in this 2 particular market. our facility 'is not the Iowest cost 3 within this particular reg'ion in surley. trrte have others 4 in this region that are lower cost. a Your overall bi1'ls, though? A our overall bi'l'ls? our overa'l'l bills are competitive in regard to our utilities; however, there is 8 room for improvement there. 5 6 7 9 10 you. 11 LZ nedford. 13 14 15 coMMrssroNER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank CO$4MISSIONER SMITH: Comtissioner EXAMINATION 16 BY COMMISSIONER REDFORD: 17 a Yes, sir, how long has this particular 18 p'lant that you're referencing been there? 19 20 2L 22 23 A under various ownership, it's changed hands over the years, as far as wtccain, it's been since the mid '90s; however, the faciljty was initially producing potatoes back in the 1950s. The first transformer that we have on site that is stil] under a 24 faci'lity charge was p"laced in 1955. 25 a h,hen you were doing your due CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 1 your purchase of this p1ant, did eage 9 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICI-AL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 19 dif igence for CAMPBELL (COrN)publ i c you take a Iook at or 1205l1mrn. txt2 review the tariffs of rdaho Pover that would be 3 applicable to you? 4 A r was not employed at uccain at the time 5 during that purchase; however, under due diligence on my 6 part and acquiring data, it was not clear even at that 7 time what the facility charges represented, and that 8 information 'is very hard to extract from tdaho Power. 9 A so how Iong did it take you to extract 10 that information? 11 A r.aultiple requests, and over a three-week tZ period of almost constant dai]y requests, r finally did 13 receive the data. 14 a Doesn't your invoice or your statement 15 provide a line item for facilities charges? L6 A rt provides a line item that shows a L7 sing'le dollar amount. You get a summary report that 18 breaks it down into four categories, but you do not know 19 what those assets are unless you actua'l'ly request that 20 data from rdaho Power. rhey pull a report which lists 2l the asset by its va1ue, its location, its description and 22 year of service. 23 a can you work back through the numbers that 24 you get on your invoice to gain any of that information 25 or do you have to get it directly from ldaho Power? CAMPBELL (COM)publ i cCSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 20 1 2 3 4 5 A you have to get it directly from tdaho Power. rt is not exposed on your bill or any bi'lling statement a okay, we'I1, the question r have is, 'it's my understanding that when whoever your predecessor was J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 page 10 Page l0 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 120511mrn. txt6 started using rdaho Power that the 7 facilities charges, and for special 8 it did not provide for ownership by 9 correct? schedule provided for contracts like yours, your company; is that transformer over the that been A That's my understanding is that the original ownership, which was rPPr and Atlantic and pacific corporations, the initial facility charges were laid out. From what t've been ab'le to ascertain from employees that have 40 plus years of experience at the facility and were involved in this over the years, there's never been real1y a clear description of the facility charge structure. rt's not even -- there isn't even any documentation that exists as far as when a piece of equipment is brought in what that equipment is valued at, what that facility charge is going to be. rt's a post event, so after that equipment is put in or replaced, then the evaluation of it is given to the customer, and f just verified that recently. we did place two new transformers. r did not get the DFrR report which showed that increase for 90 days. cAMPBELL (com)publ i c CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 2L HOW many times has a 2 years that you've been involved with 3 replaced? 4 5 6 7 I 9 r did investigate into that and over the years there are no recorded instances of transformer direct failures on that faci'lity, and as r stated, one of the original transformers from 1955 is still there. There have been replacements due to Ioad increases. There have been remova'ls due to load reductions, but they nage 11 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 Pagc I I 120511mrn. txt10 have not had a direct fai'lure of a transformer on that 11 facility. L2 a well, it seems to me like that's pretty 13 darn good insurance that you have, that you know very L4 we1l that in the event a transformer goes down that rdaho 15 power will be right there or within a reasonable period 16 of time to replace the transformer. Ll A r don't feel as though it's an insurance 18 policy. we don't fee'l as though it's an insurance policy 19 due to the fact that some of our transformers they don't 20 even have readily available for us and we are actually 2L required to keep a spare of our uniques on our property 22 and they GPs it there which we're paying a facility 23 charge on so that they can support a fa'ilure if it were 24 to occur. 25 rn addition to that, w'ith the rare event cSB REPoRTING 22 CAMPBELL (com)(208) 890-5198 Public 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 LZ 13 of a failure, rdaho Po{er has recently brought to 'light with this that they are no longer supporting our TsA agreements, so therefore, we are relying upon contractors to provide those services. a And these faci1ities charges are stil'l going on? - A rhe facility charges have not been affected at all. a It seems to me that there are others similar'ly situated, do you beiong to an organizat'ion that monitors things like this? A our particular fac'ility, r am the re'liability engineer for the facility and it's under my J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 eage 12 Page 12 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 12051tmrn.txtinformation-gathering and under my d'irection to feed that information to some of our corporate guidance; however, we're not a member, as we stated we're not a member, of the rest of the group that's here. trle're independent. a It just seems to me that and the question is have you approached rdaho power about maybe negot'iating out either a neuu faci'lities charge or a purchase of these facilities? A Yes. rn fact, that conversation has gone on for more than two years now and t have discussed this directly with our large power customer representative Sam eolay and h'is direct management stephen Mews. we've 23CSB REPORTING(208) 8eo-5198 J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 CAMPBELL (COM)publ i c 1 discussed it with the power quaf ity group and we have not 2 been ab'le to make any forward steps with that discussion. 3 Our facility is a mixed-use facility, I 4 should clarify that, to where McCain roods owns the 5 majority of the distribution on the facility and rdaho 6 power owns the transformers and some of the fuse cutouts 7 and a few of the structures on the property, however, 8 very 'limited. rt's a unique arrangement and we have 9 tried to obtain ownership of that, but it falls on deaf L0 ears. 11 a But nevertheless, it's in the tariff and LZ it's in the contract. r'm just wondering if you and 13 others need to make another last effort and if that L4 doesn't work out to come back to the Comm'ission and have 15 the commission make some resolve of this. t realize that 16 u'Je're not constrained for time, but we certainly want to t7 dispose of those issues that can be otherwise disposed of Page 13 Page 13 120511mrn. txt18 by the parties. would you be wilfing to enter into some 19 sort of an agreement with rdaho Pourer to negotiate with 20 the others who are simtlarly situated and if it doesn't 2l work out come back to the commission on a sing'le issue 22 case? 23 A ttty feeling 'is, sir, and the feeling of our 24 company is that we are being constrained on a very 25 regular basis by changes that Idaho Poweris making to CSB REPORTING 24 CAMPBELL (Com) (208) 890-5198 public 1 their transmission and distribution facj'lity charges to 2 our facility. we've tried this open discussion with them 3 over a two-year period and we are not having great 4 success with that and, therefore, that's why we're here 5 to show the support to the rest of the group today, and 6 we feel as though rdaho Pover just doesn't have an open 7 ear and does not wish to listen to us, so we're a'lways 8 open to any opportunity that's going to have some 9 fruitful end. 10 a fust one question more. when a 11 transformer goes down, what's the time from the time that L2 you note that the transformer has gone down unti'l the 13 time that rdaho Power is there to do the repair or L4 rep'lacement work? 15 A we haven't had a fai]ure of a transformer. 16 t couldn't tell you what that time is, sir. L7 coMMrssroNER REDFoRD: rhank you very 18 much. I appreciate you taking all your time. L9 COMMISSIoNER SMITH: We thank you for 20 appearing here and appreciate your help with the case. 2L THE WITNESS: rhank you very much. J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 eage 14 Page 14 1205l1mrn. txt22 COtfiISSIO[tlER SMrTH: rhank you. 23 (rhe witness left the stand.) 24 CO'I!4ISSIONER SMITH: e1l right, we've done 25 the appearances. Ms. Kyler, are you admitted to practice cie neponrtNe 25 cAITiIPBELL (com)(208) 890-5198 Public J. R' SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE 3{izsieia,,.u" r ' oFFICIAL Itl-ortcE, e'uoloR oFFER INTo EVIDENCE Exhibit #4 'iir&.rq:*g.d,:'d; " Pagc 15 EXHIBIT #5 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE 13 14 15 16 L7 1.8 19 20 MR. I{ILLIAMS: Madam chair, at this time we wou'ld like to call mr. warren rline to the stand. 2LJ. R. SIMPLOTEOMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE oFFrcrAL NorrcE AND/oR oFFER INTo rvmpxcf,dge Exhibit 5 120511mrn. txt 22 23 24 25 CSB REFORTING(208) E90-5198 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 nage 112 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Erhibit 5 135 DMKE (Di) rdaho Power company WARREN KLINE, produced as a trrri tness at the i nstance of the rdaho Pouer company, having been first duly sulorn, was examined and testified as follorus: DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. WILLIAftIS: a cood mornJng, Mr. rline. A cood morning. a cou'ld you please state your name and speIl your last for the record? A My. name is warren Kline, K-l-i-n-e. a ay whom are you employed and in what capacity? A r'm emp'loyed by rdaho power company in the capacity of vice president of customer operations. A Are you the same warren Kline that filed rebuttal testimony on November 16, 2011? A IAM. a nnd if r were to ask you here today under oath the same questions set forth in your prefiled testimony, would your answers be the same? A Yes, they would. Page 2 25 120511mrn. txt Do you have any corrections ora CSB REPORTING(208) 8e0-s198 136 modifications to make to your testimony? A No, I do not. MR. wrLLrAMs: Madam chair, at this time r move that the rebuttal testimony of h,arren rline be spread upon the record as if read. COMMISSIONER SMITH: If thErE iS NO objection, it is so ordered. (rhe fol'lowing prefiied rebuttal testimony of ur. warren Kline is spread upon the record.) KLINE (Di) rdaho Power company KLINE (D.i) rdaho Power company ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 1E 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING(208) 8e0-s198 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 rage 113 t37 Prge 3 1205llfirrn. txt 1 Q. Please state your name and 2 business address.. 3 A. My name is warren Kline and my business address 4 is L22L west rdaho street, Boise, rdaho. 5 Q. Are you the same warren K'line that submitted 6 direct testimony in this proceeding? 7 A. Yes, r am. 8 e. what is the purpose of your rebuttal testimony? 9 n. r will describe rdaho power company's ("rdaho 10 Power" or "company") faci'lities charge service option 11 from a customer service standpoint, particularly some of t2 the issues associated with mixed ownership of fac'i'lities 13 and with company personnel maintaining customer-owned 14 facilities. r will also respond to the characterization 15 made by the rndustrial customers of rdaho Power ("rcrP") 16 that the company's facilities charge option is an unfair L7 business practice. 18 a. what issues are you not d'iscussing in your 19 rebuttal testimony? 20 A. r am not testify'ing about any tariff language, 2L the appropriate rate or methodology for the faci'lities 22 charge buyout, or any other regu'latory or ratemaking 23 matters. company witness Mr. scott sparks wi'll testify 24 regarding the faci'lities charge rate methodology and 25 company witness Mr. Michael voungblood will test'ify j,i CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 1 J. R SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 KLINE (Di)rdaho Power company 138 eage 114 Page 4 120511mrn. txt2 regarding the facilities charge buyout option as we'l'l as 3 the regulatory and ratemaking 'issues associated with 4 facilities charges. 5 6 7 8 9 10 L1 L2 L3 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 a. please describe at a very high ]evel the purpose of the faci'lities charge. A. rhe facilities charge is a service that a'llows primary and transmission service level customers the option, when agreed to by the company, of having the e'lectrical facilities necessary to supply service beyond the company's point of delivery oruned, operated, and maintained by rdaho power in consideration of the customer paying a month'ly charge. rt is very important to note that Idaho Power provides this service at its optton to the approximate'ly 240 rdaho jurisdictional customers that have requested it. a. please describe what you nean when you say "beyond the company's point of delivery." A. rhe point of delivery is the po'int between the facilities owned by the company and the faci'lities owned by the customer. For primary and transmiss'ion customers, the point of delivery is most commonly the customer's 23 property 'li ne. 24 a. Are a'11 primary or transmi ssi on servi ce I eve'l faci'lities charge?25 customers obligated to pay a 139 KLINE, REB 1 rdaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 A. No. rhe de'livers energy to and, if necessary, voltage at which it general rule is that the company a point at the customer's 'location the transformation of power to the is to be used is the customer's eage 115J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Erhibit 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 1205lImrn. txtresponsibility. edditionally, the service provisions for facilities beyond the point of delivery detailed in Idaho Power's Schedules 9 and 19 state: At the oDtion of the comDanv. transformers andotlrer fatitities.i.nsta'llLd 66yond the.point ofnd the point ofoelivery to provide erimary or Transmission Service may be owned, operated, and maintainedbv the combanv in consideration of the customerpaying a pacilities charge to the company. customers pay a faci'lities charge only if the company is providing the faci'lities charge service. a. p'lease explain why rdaho Power provides a facilities charge service option. A. with regard to customers eligible for the facilities charge service, the customer has an initia'l choice to make. the general rule is that customers are required to own, operate, and maintain their own 2L equipment beyond the company's po'int of delivery. Both 22 historica]1y and today, some rdaho Power customers do not 23 or cannot do this for themselves; thus, they ask the 24 company for the facilities charge option to relieve them 25 from this requirement. customers request this option 140 KLINE, REB 2rdaho Power company L 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 because sometimes they do not want to expend the capital needed to J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE eage 116 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 Page 6 ,.. ) 1205I1mrn. txt 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 141 KLTNE, REB 2 rdaho Power company 1 construct the facilities and/or they may not have theexoertise in their orqanization or the ilesire to ooerate2 anll maintain the faciTities. rn these instances, iuhen the company agrees, tdaho Poh,er will provide this service.3 C. -lre tustomers ob'ligated'to take the faci]ities 4 charge service from rdaho potrler? 5 A. No. As r exp'lained above, the Company only 6 provides this service upon the request of the customer 7 and if the company agrees to provide the service. there 8 may be instances where the customer has both the capital 9 and trained personnel to fund, design, insta'll, and 10 maintain its own facilities beyond the Company's point of 11 delivery but wants to take advantage of the other L2 benefits that the facilities charge option provides. 13 a. what other benefits does the fac'ilities charge J. R. stMpl.or coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE eage 117 PageT OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 120511mrn. txtL4 option provide? 15 A. tf there is a problem with the equipment that 16 the customer is paying fac'ilities charges on, rdaho Power Ll provides 24 hours a day, 7 days a week customer service 18 for that customer. rdaho Power has an inventory of 19 equipment across its service area that can be used if 20 needed along with a fleet of trucks and trained personnel 2L ready to respond to service trouble, including emergency 22 situations. rdaho Power also has the communications 23 systems in p'lace and the dispatchers needed to dispatch 24 the crews to 25/ 142 KLTNE, REB 3rdaho Power Company r'\,t; iL/ 2/ 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 J. R. srMp,-or coMpANy's MorIoN ro rAKE eage 118 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 Page 8 l,) 120511mrn . txt 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 143 KLINE, REB 3rdaho Power company 1 respond. rn short, rdaho Power has the necessary 2 business infrastructure and it stands ready to respond 3 when cal'led upon. uany facilities charge customers p'lace 4 a high value on this service. 5 a. what leads you to believe that faci'lities 6 charge customers place a high va'lue on this service? 7 A. other than the l.R, simplot company I ("simplot"), none of the company's other approximately 9 240 facilities charge customers in rdaho have formally 10 requested a buyout option in recent memory. r believe 11 this indicates that the vast majority of the company's LZ other facilities charge customers have appreciated and 13 benefited from the company operating and providing L4 maintenance on faci'lities that they would have had to pay 15 for and maintain themselves. Thus, r believe simplot may 16 be unique, if not in a very sma'|l minority of customers, Ll who now desires to expend the financial capital and has 18 the expertise to operate and maintain its own e'lectrica'l 19 facilities. That is not to say that other customers u,ere 20 in the same position when they first requested the J. R. sIMPLor coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE eage 119 Page 9 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 12051lmrn . txt2L company to provide facilities beyond the company's point 22 of delivery. Many customers may not have been in a 23 position twenty or thirty years ago to construct, own, 24 operate, and maintain electrical facilities when they 25 were first starting out L44 KLINE, REB 4rdaho Power company 1 Therefore, the company agreed to take on that risk by 2 providing the facilities charge service. 3 Q. what is your response to rcrP's 4 characterization that the company's facilities charge is 5 an "unfair business practice"? 6 e. r strongly disagree with this characterization. 7 Both Mr. sturtevantrs and rur. autler's statements in 8 their direct testimony seem to be based on the idea that 9 if rdaho power is not wi'lling to hand over ownership of 10 all facilities to simp]ot, this is somehow an unfair 11 business practice. r disagree and think it is LZ unreasonab'le for them to expect rdaho Power to give away 13 faci'l i ti es that have va] ue L4 r think of the facilities charge as similar to 15 a rental arrangement. rf r were to rent a house for 30 16 years, r would not reasonably expect the owner of the L7 house to hand it over to me at the end of the 30 years 18 because r had "paid for it." tf t was to ask the owner 19 to sell it to me and helshe were wi'l1ing to do so, helshe 20 wou'ld requ'ire a fair price. therefore, r do not agree 2L with the characterization of the company's facilities 22 charge option as an unfa'ir business practice. As 23 explained by Mr. Youngblood, facilities charge customers 24 pay to the company an rdaho public ut'ilities J.R.srMpt,orcoMpANy,sMorroNTorAKE eage 120 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 Page l0 25 1205I1mrn,txtcommission-approved rate for providing this service. 145 KLINEI REB 4A rdaho Power company 1 Q. what are the operationa'l and safety issues 2 associated with mixed orvnership at locations where both 3 the company and the customer own facilities beyond the 4 point of delivery? 5 A. Mixed ownership presents cha'llenges for the 6 company. rf there is not an "end po'int" that makes it 7 very c'lear where rdaho Power's faci'lities end and a 8 customer's facil'it'ies begin, it creates confusion during 9 an outage and in maintenance situations regarding who is 10 responsib'le for.working on what pieces of equipment. rt 11 also creates a safety issue for company personnel who may LZ not know what a customer or a contractor for the customer 13 has been doing when working on the equipment. rn a4 addition, there are diflEerences between the ruational 15 electric Safety code that rdaho Pourer fo'l'lows and the 16 Nationa'l electric Code that the customeris required to L7 follow. These differences can result in equ'ipment that 18 is nonstandard for ldaho Power and its employees may not 19 be trained to safe'ly operate or work on this equipment. 20 a. ts it not true that the company currently has 2L some mixed-ownership locat{ons? 22 A. Yes. 23 q. How is the company proposing to handle these 24 existing mixed-ownersh'ip locations? 25 KLINE, REB 6rdaho Power Company i) L46 + J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 page 121 Pege I I 12051Imrn. txt 1 A. rn the early days of facilfties charges, the 2 company did provide its customers with a configuration 3 that sometimes al'lowed mixed-ownership faci'lities 4 installations. rn the late 1980s, the company made the 5 decision to no longer allouv mixed ownership for new 6 faci'lities charge installations. rhe company is not 7 requiring existing customers with mixed-ownership 8 'locations to make any changes at this time, However, 9 over time as opportunities arise, the company will be 10 looking for ways to address this issue at those specific 11 locations where mixed ownership exists. L2 a. Does the Company currently grant new customer 13 requests for mixed-ownership installations? t4 A. No. 15 a. what are the operationa'l and safety issues 16 associated with the company doing maintenance on a7 facilities owned by customers beyond the company's point 18 of delivery? 19 A. rdaho Power personne'l are trained on the types 20 of equipment that the company dep'loys throughout its 2L system. customers may elect to install different types 22 or brands of equipment that the company's personnel have 23 never worked on or been trained to work on. rhe result 24 wou'ld be that company personnel may not be properly 25 trained to maintain the customer's equipment. rn L47 KLINE, REB 7rdaho Power company 1 addition, the company may be asked to 2 customer 3/ J. R. srMp,-or coMpANy's MorroN To rAKf, eage L22 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 maintain a piece of Page 12 120511mrn. txt 4/ s/ 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 148 KLINE, REB 7 rdaho Power company 1 equipment that has previous'ly been mainta'ined by a 2 third-party contractor. railing to have the full 3 maintenance history on a piece of equipment can create 4 safety issues for rdaho Power's personnel. At times, 5 rdaho Powerrs crews are cal'led to an outage in difficult 6 condit'ions (e.9., midd'le of the night, severe weather, J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy'sMorIoNTorAKE eage 123 Pagel3 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 12051tunrn . txt 7 etc.). when the company arrives on the scene of an 8 outage, its personnel are often under pressure to get the 9 service restored as soon as possible. compound these 10 high stress external circumstances with the fact that the 11 company personne'l may not be properly trained or have the LZ maintenance history of a piece of customer-owned 13 equipment and the operational and safety concerns are L4 exacerbated. 15 A, can you provide some specific safety concerns 16 of company personnel doing maintenance on customer-owned L7 equipment? 18 A. Yes. rn addition to the training and 19 maintenance history information mentioned above, 20 customer-orvned facilities many times involve underground 21, cabling that may not be properly mapped. company 22 personnel may not be trained on the equipment and may not 23 know how the equipment was installed or maintained 24 because other people have been working on it. these 25 safety concerns are minimized when rdaho Power owns andmaintlins the equipment' 149 ,r"ft'I5ni"rrEoro"ni 1 Q. Does the Company have any agreements where it 2 does maintenance only of customer-owned facilities? 3 A. Yes. similar to the mixed use issue, there are 4 a handful of situat'ions where, for historical and other 5 operational reasons, the company has agreed to maintain 5 facilities owned by custemers. rhis is not the 'line of 7 business the company is in and it is migrating away from 8 this type of work. the company is migrating away from 9 this line of work over time to give its customers the 10 opportunity to find qualified electrical contractors that J. R. srMpI.or coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE rage 124 Pege 14 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 )i 12051lmrn . txt 11 wi'll be ab'le to adequate'ly perform the services for these LZ customers. However, on a go'ing forward basis, the 13 company is in the process of communicating to its L4 customers that it will not provide maintenance on 15 customer-oruned faci'lities. 16 a. ouring the course of this proceeding, has the L7 company changed its position on the sale of faci1ities 18 subject to the faci'lities charge? A. Yes. Simplot has expressed to Idaho porrrer its strong desire to have an option whereby it can acquire company-owned facilities that are subject to the facilities charge. rhe company has listened to this desire and is responding by providing Simplot the option to purchase company-owned facilities. Mr. youngblood's 25 testimony describes this option in more detai'I. 150 19 20 zt 22 23 24 r/KLINE, REB 8Ardaho Power company 1 A. why is the company changing its position with 2 regard to ownership of facilities subject to the 3 facilit'ies charge? 4 A. As the vice President of customer operations, 5 one of my primary ro'les is to make sure rdaho Power is 6 providing exceptional customer service, to the best of 7 its ability, to its customers, simplot has made it very I clear that it wants an opt'ion to own facilities currently 9 subject to the facilities charge. As a general rule, 10 rdaho power is not in the business of sel]ing company 11 owned facilities. For example, rdaho Power wou'ld never LZ agree to sel'l a distribution line to a resident'ial 13 customer, but facilities charges are different. As r L4 described ear'lier in my test'imony, initially, faci'lities J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorroN ro rAKE rage 12 5 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 12051lmrn . txt 15 charge customers have a choice-they can make the 16 investment and decision to insta]l, operate, and maintain L7 faci'lities or they can ask the company to perform this 18 service. From a customer service standpoint, the company 19 can understand simplot's position and it is now providing 20 Simplot with the option to buyout Company-owned 2L faci'li ti es. ZZ a. Does this conclude your testimony? 23 A. Yes. 24 25 151 KLINE, REB ].0rdaho Power company (rhe following proceedings were had in open hearing.) MR. WILLIAI4S: the witness is now avai lable for cross-examination. CoMMISSTONER SMITH: rhank you. Mr. Otto, do you have questions? MR. OTTO: t do not, Madam chair. coMMrssroNER sMrrH: Mr. eurdy, do you have questions? MR. PURDY: ruo, thank you. COMMISSIONER SMITH: MT. OIseN. MR. OLSEN : No, t,tadam Chai r. COIIIMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. uowell. MR. KLErN: Mr. rlein and we don't. coMMrssroNER sMrrH: wou'ld you have questi ons? MR.KLEIN: NO. eage 126 _ --,/' I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 L7 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 Prge 16 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 120511mrn. txt coMMrssroNER sMrrH: All right. Let's see, r'm going to strike out soon. Mr. Mil]er? MR. MTLLER: Over at the silent table we']l stay silent. CoMMISSIONER SMITH: okay. MS. KYLER: No questions. coMMrssroNER SMITH: No questions. WeIl, we're back to you, Mr. nichardson. CSB REFORTING L52(208) 890-s198 KLINErdaho Power company ,,1 1 MR. RTCHARDSoN: Thank you, l,tadam Chair. 2 I do have a couple of questions. 3 4 CROSS-EXAI.IINATION 5 6 BY MR. RTCHARDSON: 7 a cood morning, Mr. rline. r'm Peter 8 Richardson. I represent the tndustrial customers of 9 rdaho Power. what are your responsibilities as -- what's 10 your title again? 11 A r'm vice president of customer L2 operations. 13 a And overa11, what are your L4 responsibilities as vice president? 15 A yes, my primary responsib'ilities are r 16 have the organization that directly provides service, L7 direct services to the customer, so from the time the 1E customer calls us through the cal'l center to the time 19 that something needs to be physically done out in the 20 fie]d, those folks out there, such as linemen and 2L troublemen and such, all of those people report within J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE eage t27 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 Page 17 1205llmrn. txt 22 the same organization, that's customer operations. 23 a Do you believe that a'11 of your facilities 24 charge customers fu11y understand the terms and 25 conditions of the facilities charge service? CSB REPORTTNG(208) 890-5198 1s3 KLINErdaho Power company L A I would believe that they shou'ld 2 understand what those services are based on the fact that 3 it's described both in our ru'les that are approved by 4 this commission and also within the tariffs that are 5 approved by the commission. 6 a Let me ask it in a litt1e different way. 7 Do you be'lieve that rdaho Power has done all that it I should do or could do to ensure that its facilities 9 charge customers fu'lly understand the terms and 10 conditions of the faci'lities charge? 11 A r've been in this part bf the bus'iness for LZ a long time and t do understand that there's a'lways room 13 for tmprovement in terms of communicating with our L4 customers and we can always look for other ways based on 15 the comments that we're getting back from our customers 16 that we can fmprove that, and t am aware certainly in the L7 testimony of the witness ur. youngblood, he has in his 18 testimony described some other kinds of things that we 19 can do in terms of communicating with our customers 20 regarding facilities charges. 2L a On page 5 of your rebuttal testimony, you 22 state that, "other than the J. R. simplot company, none 23 of the Company's other approximate'ly 240 facil'ities 24 charge customers in rdaho have formally requested a 25 buyout option in recent memory." Do you see that? J. R srMpl.or coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE Page 128 Page 18 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO f,VIDENCE Exhibit 5 \) CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s1e8 154 1 a Yes. 2 Q oid you read mr. But'ler and t,lr. 3 Sturtevant's testimony on behalf of the Industrial 4 Customers? 5 A rdid. 6 a and they're with the :. R. simplot 7 Company; correct? I A Yes. 9 e rsn't it true that they did not recormend 10 a buyout option, but rather stated that they have already 11 paid for their facilities, and in the case of Mr. Butler L2 at the oon plant in Pocatello paid for them over three 13 times over, and in the case of Mr. sturtevant for simplot L4 as a whole also paid for them over three times over; in 15 other words, they aren't asking for a buyout option 16 because they believe they have bought and paid for these L7 facilities and rdaho power ought to turn title over to 18 them; correct? 19 A I'that r'm aware of, r've read the 20 testimony, r'm also aware of at least conversations I did 2L not have, but conversations between the Company and the 22 l. R. Simplot Company and r was under the impression that 23 they had truly asked for an option to buy those 24 faci'li ti es. 25 a But isn't their -- r won't put their words CSB REPORTING 155 KLINE (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company 12051Imrn . txt KLINE (X) rdaho Power company oT J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICEAND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 eage 129 Page 19 1205llmrn. txt 1 in your mouth, so I'll move on to the next question. 2 stil'l on page 5 at'line 15, you observe that simp'lot may 3 be unique, tf not in a very small minority of customers, 4 who now desires to extend the financia'l capital and has 5 the expertise to operate and maintain its own electrica'l 6 faci'lities. Nffi, when you characterize simplot as being 7 in a small minority of customers, you don't mean to imply 8 that they're a sma'l1 customer, do you? 9 A No. What I'm trying to say there is that 10 knowing the J. R. simplot company and its facilities and 11 the size of the faci'lities and the fact that they have L?. fo'lks on site and a'lso available to contract with that. 13 they probably or could have peop'le that are capable of L4 maintain'ing and operating those type of faci'lities. 15 There's a number of our customers that may not be able to 16 have the ab'i1ity to take care of their facilities. L7 a Rnd simplot is your second largest retail 18 customer, isn't it? 19 A r don't know'if it's the second'largest. 20 It's one of our larger customers. 2L a Rnd they're the s'ingle largest facilities 22 customer on your system, correct, facilities charge 23 customer; 'is that correct? 24 A r don't know that. 25 A and have other companies contacted rdaho 156 I CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 KLINE (X) Idaho Power company not aware of complaints regarding the eage 130 1 2 3 power to, if you will, complain about the faci'lities charge? A I,M Page 20 L20511mrn . txt4 facilities charge. 5 MR. RTcHARDSoN: madam chair, may r 6 approach the witness? 7 CoMMISSTONER SMITH: You may. E (Mr. Richardson approached the witness.) 9 MR. RTCHARDSoN : Madam chai r , r 'llt handi ng 10 the witness a document that r would 'like marked as 11 Exhibit 308. rhis was filed -- LZ COMMISSIONER SMITH: I believe we already 13 have a 308, Mr. nichardson. Maybe we shou'ld try 309. t4 MR. RTCHARDSoN: exhibit 309. L5 (rcrp exhibit No. 309 was marked for 16 identification.) Ll a BY MR..RICHARDSON: rhis was filed with 18 the commission on rriday by eoise state un'iversity. t 19 wonder if you wou'ld read for me -- 20 MR. wTLLTAMS: tvradam chair, can r just 2L interrupt? 22 C0{MISSIONER SMITH: You may. 23 MR. WILLIAMS: r just want to be clear, is 24 Mr. Richardson suggesting that he's representing goise 25 State University or that goise state university is a CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 L57 KLINE (X) rdaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 member of the rcrP? rtladam chai r. Mr. Kline is recei ved? COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Nichardson. MR. RTcHARDSoN: r never said either, COI"IMISSIONER SMITH: SO YOUT qUEStiON tO do you know about this letter that we just J. R SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 eage 131 Page 2l 120511mrn. txtI uR. RTCHARDSON: That's correct, Madam 9 chai r. 10 THE WITNESS: NO. 11 MR. RTCHARDSoN: I'.l1 represent that it LZ was filed wfth the commission secretary on rriday. 13 MR. wrLLrAlts: tuadam chair, if my witness L4 is going to be asked questions regarding this letter, r 15 ask that he have ample opportunity to review it. rt's 16 two pages long and it looks like it's got some pretty L7 detailed information in it. 18 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: Actual'ly, r 19 apo'logize, ur. nichardson, for having to 'interrupt your 20 cross-exam, but r have a noon conference ca'll, so r think 2L we need to break for lunch right now and come back at ZZ 1:15 which wil] allow the witness time to read the letter 23 and then we can resume with cross and r apologize. 24 MR. RICHARDSoN: thank you, Madam chair. 25 COMMISSIONER SMfTH: We're at recess until CSB REPORTING 158 KLINE (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company 1 1:15 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (t-unch recess. ) .\l J.R.srMpt,orcoMpANy'sMorIoNrorAKE eage 132 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 Prgc22 \/ 120511mrn. txtt2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 CSB REFORTING 159 KLINE (X)(208) 890-519E rdaho Power conipany J.R"sIMpLorcoMpANy'sMorIoNTorAKE nage 133 Prgc23 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Erhibit 5 120511afn. txt 1 BOTSE, TDAHO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2011, 1:15 p. M. 2 3 4 CoMMISSToNER sMrTH: Thank you, 'ladies and 5 gentlemen. r hope you're all refreshed from your noon 6 hour break. tue yuere having questions from ttr. 7 Richardson. tlrle lost our witness, Mr. Kline, so 8 l,tr. Richardson, it's back to you. 9 uR. RICHARDSoN: rhank you, Madam 10 chai rman. 11 L2 WARREN KIINE, 13 produced as a witness at the instance of the rdaho Power L4 company, having been previously duly sworn, resumed the L5 stand and was further examined and testified as follows: 16 L7 CROSS-EXAUINATION 18 19 BY MR. RICHARDSON: (Continued) 20 a Mr. Kline, we were before the lunch break ZL discussing your testimony at page 5 at line 15 where you 22 state that r be'lieve simplot maybe unique, if not in a 23 very small minority of customers in terms of their 24 concerns about the facilities charge and t had just 25 handed you what what was marked 409 -- CSB REFORTING(208) 890-5198 KLINE (X) Idaho Power Company 159 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE eaga 1 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 Page24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 120511afn. txt CoMMISSIoNER SMITH: 309. MR. RTCHARDSON: 309, thank you, Madam Chai rman. a BY MR. RTCHARDSoN: -- which is a'letter from goise State university filed on Friday in this docket and r was asking you if you wou'ld read for the record the last two paragraphs of that letter. A "rt is the univers'ity's position that the facilities charge at issue is excessive and lacks justification when applied to older equipment. Both the current charge C20.4%) and proposed revised charge (L6.97%) are excessive and more ref'lective of a consumer credit card rate of interest than a reasonab'le commercial finance charge. For example, were Boise State university to initiate a bond issuance for the construction of new facilities at the present time, it cou'ld do so at an interest rate of approximately 4.25%. Moreover, the charge is assessed in perpetuity, regardless of the depreciated value of the asset assessed, or its age. As a result, cumulative facilities charges assessed by rdaho power against the equipment on eoise state university's campus have more than doub'led the cumulative total of rdaho power' s i ni ti'a'l i nvestment i n the equi pment ($604,150.81 in initia'l investments; $1,443,774.31 in facilities charges assessed). on older transformers, CSB REFORTING(208) 890-s198 160 KLINE (X) fdaho Power Company 1 th'is discrepancy is even greater. rn the case of the 2 L947 transformer, facility charges assessed over the 'last 3 64 years have exceeded rdaho Power's investment by more 4 than 13 times ($725.35 initial investment; $9,470.17 in J.R,sIMpLorcoMpANy'sMorIoNTorAKE Page 2 Page25 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 120511afn. txt 5 cumulative faci'lity charges, with no forseeable end in 6 sight). 7 Boise state university therefore concurs 8 with the tndustrial customers of tdaho's recommendation 9 for a reasonab'le, reduced facilities charge, adjusted to 10 reflect the age and depreciated va'lue of the equipment at 11 issue, and that customers be provided the option to own LZ or purchase faci'lities charge equipment based on a fair 13 ca'lculation of the depreciated book va]ue of the assets." L4 a rhank you, Mr. t<line, and were you here in 15 the xearing Room this morning when the public witness 16 from McCain spoke? Ll A I was. 18 a were you? 19 A Yes. 20 a so do you still believe that Simplot is in 27 a very small minority or in fact unique when it comes to 22 concerns about the facilities charge? 23 A we1], we have several hundred customers 24 that are on the facilities charge and t'm unaware of very 25 many of them, with the exception of what r just read and CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s1e8 KLINE (X) Idaho Power company 1 those of those customers like simplot that are part of 2 the tndustrial customers of rdaho, that's the ones rrm 3 aware of. 4 a nnd they wou'ld in all likelihood be 5 representative of the facilities charge customers who 6 comprise the bulk of the facilities charges you recover, 7 wouldn't they? I A rdon'tknow. J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE eage 3 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 151 Page 26 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 T7 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 25 Commi ssion is on page about the service or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 IN onL2 customers rely J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 1205I1afn . txt a You state on page 6 of your testimony, beginn'ing on line 6, that you strong'ly disagree with r'lr. Sturtevant and l,,tr. Butler that the facilities charge constitutes an unfair business practice. Well, wouldn't you agree that fairness is large]y in the eye of the beho'lder? A r believe fairness would be according to those parties that are involved in valu'ing a particular service or an asset. a md ultimately isn't it for this to decide what is fair and what isn't fair? A Yes. As r stated under that question, it 6 and t stated that -- Iet's see, r talked fact that the commission had approved this approved this rate in the past. a well, do you think it is fair povuer to charge simp'lot a faci'lities charge CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s1e8 L62 KLINE (X) Idaho Power company transformer that was installed in 1945 that's 66 years ol d? A r believe that one must consider the service that we're provid'ing. hte are providing a service in addition to just supplying the equipment and thai charge encompasses all of those services. Now, rdaho power provides this at the request of the customer and we pay the -- we cover the upfront costs of both the engineering and the design of those facilities and also buy the equipment. for rdaho ona addition to that, we know that our this equ'ipment to run their p'lants and eage 4 prge27 12051lafn. txt 13 they've got to have 24-hour/7-day service, so in addition t4 to that, we cover the inventory that's made availab]e at 15 any time of the day that these customers may need some 16 equ'ipment repair. rn addition to that, we prov'ide L7 ongoing 24-hour/7 service by our folks. rf it's during 18 the day, if something breaks down, we've got people 19 available, but we've got people on call 24 hours a day, 20 seven days a week, 365 days a year to provide emergency 2L response services. 2?, rn addition to that, we have mechanisms in 23 place so that we've got our dispatch center staffed 24 24 hours a day so that they can get the information and a'lso 25 get crews d'ispatched out and, of course, like I say, we CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 163 KLrNE (x) rdaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 have crews, we have stations techs, we have troublemen that are always available to respond and get them back in service and that's what this charge is covering and r think it's very fair. a Let me ask the question a little bit differently. rhis particular transformer is 66 years old and in your facilit'ies charge, it comprises of severa'l 'line items. wou'ld you believe that it's fair for rdaho power to charge a rate of return charge on a 66-year-o1d transformer, for you to continue to earn a return on that investment for 66 years? r would 'like to refer you to my testimony it talks about, and l''ll cover the issues are you not discussing in your L3 on page 1 and L4 question, what 15 rebuttal testimony, it says, "r am not testifying about 16 any tariff language, the appropriate rate or methodology J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE eage 5 Page 28 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 1205l1afn. txt t7 for the facilities charge buyout, or any other regu'latory 18 or ratemaking matters. company witness Mr. scott sparks L9 wil'l testify regarding the facilities charge rate 20 methodology and company witness ur. uichae1 voungb'lood 2L will testify regarding the facilities charge buyout 22 option as wel1 as the regu'latory and ratemaking issues 23 associated with facilities charges." 24 a So you're saying you're not the witness 25 who can testify as to the fairness of that question? 164 KLrNE (x) Idaho Power company 15 16 CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 1 A r'm here to talk about the service that we 2 provide customers. tn fact, r will refer you to page 1 3 of my testimony, what is the purpose of your rebuttal 4 testimony,'it says, "r wi'll describe rdaho power's 5 facilities charge service option from a customer service 6 standpoint, particularly some of the issues associated 7 with mixed ownership of faci'lities and with company 8 personne'l maintaining customer-orvned facilities. r will 9 also respond to the characterization made by the 10 rndustrial customers of tdaho Power that the company's 11 faci'lities charge option is an unfair business practice." a2 a Do you keep a log of how often you're 13 ca'l'led to provide these emergency serv'ices for faci'lities L4 charge customers? A t don't keep a 1og. a You don't, know how often you've had to L7 provide these services? 18 A r believe that we could go back and look 19 at the service orders that we got from those ca'l'ls from 20 those customers and probably come up with close to what J. R. srMpLoT CoMpANy,s MoTIoN To rAKE eage 6 page 29 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 12051lafn. txt 2L we have covered. 22 a vou heard nar. campbell this morning state 23 that in over a decade at Mccain that they have never once 24 needed the services that you say you're providing? 25 A r heard him state that. CSB REPORTING 165(208) 890-s198 tr) 1 Q Rnd you don't keep a 'log, so you don't 2 know how often you need to provide these services for 3 0ther customers? 4 A could you restate your question? 5 Q You said you didn't keep a 1og of when and 6 how often you provide these services? 7 A rsaidrdon'tkeepalog. 8 Q But you're the witness test'ifying about 9 providing these services; right? 10 A Yes,ram. 11 q okay; so you didn't invest'igate to prepare LZ for your testimony how often these services are used? A r did not. a nnd you're not here to testify about how 15 they're valued or priced? KLINE (X) Idaho Power company A No. a You use an analogy, and r be1ieve it's 18 still there on page 6, yes, of a house rental situation 19 by stating, "rf r were to rent a house for 30 years, r 2A would not reasonably expect the owner of the house to 2L hand it over to me at the end of the 30 years because t 22 had 'paid for it. "' Do you see that? 13 L4 16 L7 23 24 J. R. SIMPLOT CoMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE Page 7OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit S A Yes, I dg. a Now, when you rent a house, is it Page 30 120511afn. txt 25 reasonable for the owner to te'|1 you up front what the CSB REPORTING 156 KLINE (X) (208) 890-5198 Idaho Power company 1 rent 'is goi ng to be? 2 A Yes. 3 a when you rent a house, is it reasonable 4 for you to have something up front in writing documenting 5 what all the costs are going to be? 6 A what do you mean by "aI1 the costs"? 7 Q what is it going to cost you to rent the 8 house. 9 I r agree with that, y€s. 10 a lnd when you rent a house, do you actually 11 have a choice of who you can rent it from? L2 A IdO. 13 a Rnd when you rent a house, do you have the L4 choice to move out and rent a different hourse if you're 15 not satisfied with the current rental situation? 16 A Yes. L7 a md when you rent a house, do you have the 18 option to buy one 'instead of renting? 19 A t have the option to buy perhaps not that 20 house but a different house. 2L a Now, when rdaho Po{er installs, say, a new 22 turbine at the xe'l1s canyon Dam, do you think it's fair 23 for this Commission to allow rdaho Pou,er to put the cost 24 of that turbine into rates and to earn a return, a11ow 25 fdaho Power to earn a return on it? CSB REPORTING L67 KLINE (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company I J.R.5rMpLSTCOMpANy'SMOTI6NTSTAKE eage 8 Prgc3l OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 I -, l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 r_1 t2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 J.R.STMPLOTCOMPANY'SMOTTONTOTAKE Page 9 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 1 2 1205llafn. txt A YES. a And it's fair for this comission to set retail rates such that rdaho Power can collect that return from its ratepayers; correct? A YES. a and it's also fair for the ratepayers, isn't it, to require rdaho power to depreciate the cost of that turbine over its useful life? A YES. a md it would not be fair to the ratepayers, would it, if the cost of that turbine were never depreciated for purposes of setting rates? A NO. a So when that turbine is ful'ly deprec'iated out, who has the claim to any residual value of that turbine? Do the shareholders own it or do the ratepayers own it? MR. wrLLrAMs: madam chair, r'flI going to object to that question. rt ca'l'ls for a 1ega1 conclusion. r'm a'lso concerned that this testimony or the questions Mr. nichardson are asking, which r've let him go on a little while, are gett'ing into the ratemaking and regulatory issues which the witness has specifically said he's not testifying to here today. COfIIMISSIoNER SMITH : Mr. R'i chardson . CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 168 rlrue (x) Idaho Power Company MR. RICHARDSON: stand, Madam Chairman. t'l'l let the question Page 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 1 20511afn. txt COMMISSIoNER SMITH: Thank you. BY MR. RICHARDSON: On page 7, you discuss mixed facilities. A YES. a nnd you point out there are differences in the National Electric Safety code that rdaho pou,er follows and the National Electric safety code that the consumer is required to follovu. Do you see that? A r pointed it out, but I don't think you stated 'it correct'ly, sir. a would you correct me, then? A Yes. r said that 'in addition, there are differences between the trtationa'l rlectric safety code that rdaho Power fo'llows and the National electric code that the customer is required to follow. a you're not suggesting, are you, that the J. R. simplot company doesn't have to comp-ly with the same National e]ectric Code that rdaho Power has to comply with? A the company has to comply with the National Electric safety Code. rhe :. n. Simplot Company has to comply with the ttationa1 e'lectric code. O Yourre not testifying today as an CSB REPORTTNG(208) 890-s198 169 KLrNE (x) rdaho Power company electrical eng'ineer, are you? A No, I am not. a end have you read Mr. sturtevant's testimony where he states that the simplot-caldwel'l p'lant has had mixed facilities s'ince 1945 with no incident? A t have read the testimony. eage 10 Page 33 120511afn. txt7 e Rnd do you know that Mr. sturtevant is an I engineer? 9 A Yes. 10 a At page 10 of your testimony, you note lL that during the course of this proceeding, the company L2 has changed its position on the sale of facilities L3 subject to the facilities charge. Do you see that? L4 A YEs. 15 a when did that change occur? 16 A wel'I, it says "during the course of this L7 proceeding," so it's just the 'last couple of months. 18 a rs there a specific document that the 19 company prepared expressing this new pol'icy that r could 20 look at? 2l A No. 22 a xow do you know the company has changed 23 i ts pos'ition? Because r was part of the discussion to that change. KLINE (X) Idaho Power Company :) A decide to make CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 24 25 1 Q and explain to me how that came about 2 interna'lly with the Company. what process did you follow 3 to decide to change your position on ownersh'ip? 4 MR. wrLLrAMs : l,tadam cha'i r , I 'm goi ng to 5 object on relevance. rhe fact of the matter is the 6 Company is proposing a new buyout option in its tariff. 7 How the company got there or why or the process used, r 8 don't see the relevance in that for this proceeding. I coMMrssroNER sMfTH: Mr. Richardson. 10 MR. RICHARDSoN: I''l'l change di recti ons a page lL 120511afn. txt11 litt'le, Madam chair. 72 COMMISSIoNER SMITH: Thank you. 13 a BY MR. RICHARDSoN: Do you know how long L4 the simplot company has been trying to get at least that 15 much of a concession from rdaho power? 16 A I do not knotr how 'long. L7 q es vice president of customer operations, 18 do you think it is good customer re'lations to force the 19 l. R. simplot Company to expend the time and expense of 20 participating in this proceeding to get rdaho Po$,er to 2L make that one sma'l'l concession? 22 MR. wrLLrAMs: lttadam chai r, r'm goi ng to 23 object. that's argumentative. 24 C(n'IMTSSIoNER SMITH: Mr. nichardson, I 25 believe he's correct. CSB REPORTING L7T KLINE (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Pou,er company 1 MR. RTCHARDSON: I'11 withdraw the 2 question, Madam Chair, and that's all my questions for 3 this witness. 4 COI,IMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. r hope r 5 haven't 'lost track, r think that was everyone who had the 6 opportunity. Are there questions from the commission? 7 co4MrssroNER REDFoRD: Just one question 8 or two. 9 10 EXAI4INATION 11 L2 BY COIVIIT4ISSIONER REDFORD: 13 q Do you keep an equipment 1og for a'11 L4 pieces of equ'ipment other than maybe small tools for J. R. srMpI-or coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE Rage 12 Pagc 35 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 \I i 120511afn. txt15 rdaho Power? 16 A rn terms of, 'like, the equipment that LT we've been discussing, commissioner, you know, the large 18 p'ieces of equi pment? 19 a wel'|, r would suggest that it's 20 operat'ional equipment. r don't expect you to keep a 1og 21 on a hammer. 22 A Yes, we do keep a 1og. 23 A and does it have several co'lumns on it, in 24 the 1og? 25 A r would say that it would. CSB REFORTTNG(208) 890-s198 L72 KLINE (com) rdaho Power company A erobably has an acqu'isition date? A YES. a tt would have an acquisition cost? A YES. a rt would have a maintenance 1og? A YES. q cost of the maintenance? A YES. a so when you previously testified that you 10 don't have that information, you may not have it with you 11 today, but you have that information? A YCS. a So if you had a generator or some piece of t4 equfpment that went into s'implot in 1959 or whatever it 15 is, that log would continue on each year? A Right. L7 a And it would be used for purposes of 18 deprec'iation and other th'ings, so don't you have that J.R.srMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE eage 13 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L2 13 L6 Page 36 120511afn. txt19 information readily avai'lable to you? 20 A we should be able to get it, yes. 2L a could you make that available to us, 22 please? 23 A Yes. 24 a lnd presumably, that wou'ld merely be a 25 question of mathematics, that it would demonstrate how CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s1e8 L73 KLINE (COM) rdaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 2A 2L 22 much you have into it, how much it costs to maintain it, how much it costs to replace it and so on? A YCS. a so the difference there would demonstrate how much revenue, maybe not cost but revenue, that you have into that p'iece of equipment, so that would pretty well tell the whole stery, wouldn't it? A rt would give you a good picture of it. a when could we expect that? MR. wrLLrAMs: ttadam chair, commissioner nedford, the amount of information that you're talking about is incredibly voluminous. there are, r think, a couple thousand different pieces of individual equipment. r can talk to Mr. K'line. we can try to figure something out. coMMTSSIONER REDFORD: we'l'I, you certainly have a summary, and you have column adds and subtracts. MR. WILLIAMS: fo be honest, f don't real'ly know. r'd have to talk to some of our regulatory and finance people. cs4[4rssroNER REDFoRD: tt doesn't seem J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE f,xhibit 5 Page 14 Prge 37 23 24 25 120511afn. txt reasonable to me that you wou1d simply every time your tax peop'le would want to do a depreciation calculation that they'd have to go through 2,000 pages of documents. CSB REPORTING L74 KLINE (COM)(208) 890-51-98 rdaho Power company 1 MR. WILLTAMS: r don't know. 2 COiIMISSIONER REDFORD: So you can get 3 that information when? 4 MR. WTLLTAMS: r would need to discuss 5 with our regu'latory and finance people to see if we could 6 get it and give you a timeline. 7 C$,IMISSIONER REDFORD: R WECK? I MR. I,{ILLIAMS: r don't know. 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: r think you just 10 could te'l'l us maybe tomorrow when you can provide that. 11 MR. wTLLTAMS: sur€, r will be ab'le to tZ provide the answer tomorrow. 13 Co,IMISSIONER SMITH: thank you. t4 a BY coMMISSIoNER REDFoRD: nnd T th.inK that 15 wou'ld g'ive us, you can correct me if r'm wrong, it would 16 give us some information of cost and all the other L7 figures for that piece of equipment; would you agree? 18 A Yes, r think the information that we have 19 and looking back on what we've done with that equipment 20 and when we purchased it and the records that we would 2L have on providing any kind of maintenance -- 22 coMMrssroNER REDFoRD: well, r might 23 suggest that r'm sure that it's avai'lable for tnternal 24 Revenue purposes, so that may be a start. rhank you. r 25 have no further questions. KLINE (Com) rdaho Power company CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 L75 eage 15 Page 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LL L2 13 L4 15 L5 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1205I1afn. txt COMMTSSIONER SMITH: redi rect, lrtr. t,li I I i ams? MR. WILLIAMS: ]USt Do you have any a couple, Madam Chair. REDIRECT EXAI'IIMTION BY MR. WILLIAMS: a Mr. Kline, the letter from goise State university that Mr. Richardson handed out, he indicated it had been submitted to the commission in this docket. Are you aware of whether it was submitted to the company? A r'm not aware that it was submitted. rhe date of it is oecember 2nd and whether it was mailed to us or not, I'm not aware of us receiving it at this point in time. a as the vice president of customer operations, wou'ld you be made aware by major customer service representatives whether or not the company's Iargest customers have concerns or problems with their servi ce? A' r believe most of the time, yes, r woul d. a And as vice president of customer you be wi11fn9 to agree to have theoperati ons , wou'ld CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 KLINE (Di) rdaho Power company L76 1 Company's major account representatives meet with Mccain J.R.STMpLOTCSMpANy'SMOTTONTOTAKE eage 16 pnge39 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 120511afn. txt 2 roods or BSU or simp'lot or any other large industria'l 3 customers to ta'lk about any concerns they have with their 4 service? 5 A Yes, we would. 6 MR. WILLIAMS: I have no further 7 questi ons , tttadam Chai r. 8 COIT,IMISSIONER SMITH: thank you. rhank 9 you, Mr. K'line. J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCEr Exhibit5 - Page 40 EXHIBIT #6 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE L205l1afn. txt(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company 1 EXAMINATION 2 3 av coMMIssroNER REDFoRD: 4 Q So you take a piece of equipment that has 5 no further va'lue but its scrap va1ue, do you sel'l it to a 6 scrap dealer? 7 A Yeah, we wou'ld get whatever value we could 8 out of that piece of equipment for scrap, yes. 9 a r thought you said that the ou,ner of the 10 equipment or simplot wou'ld get the value of that. 1L A we'l'|, in the charge that we wou'ld charge LZ them for that -- r think if t understand correctly, you 13 described a removal, a customer-requested remova'|. 14 a well, assume that the thing goes to L5 pieces. 16 A afa'ilure,then? L7 a Yes. 18 A e fai'lure would work as r just described 19 to Mn. trttilliams. 20 CoMMISSIONER REDFoRDT t have no further 2L questions. 22 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: Thank you for your 23 he1p, Mr. Sparks. 24 (rhe witness left the stand.) 25 MR. wrLLrAMs: tvtadam chai r, at thi s ti me csB REPORTTNG 236 SPARKS (Com)(208) 890-519E rdaho Power company J. R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICI.AL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 eage 69 Prge I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 1205l1afn. txt rdaho power would ca'll nar. uichael :. voungb'lood to the stand. MICHAEL ]. YOUNGBLOOD, produced as a witness at the instance of the tdaho Power company, having been first duly su,orn, was examined and testified as follows: DIRECT D(AMINATION BY MR. hIILLIAI'IS: A Mr. Youngb'lood, please state your name, spelling your last for the record. A My name is tutichael :. voungblood. rhe last name is spelled Y-o-u-n-g-b-1-o-o-d. a By whom are you employed and in what capacity? A t am employed by rdaho Power company as the manager of rate design. a Are you the same lJlichae'l Youngblood that filed rebuttal.testimony on november 16th, 2011, and prepared exhibit tto. 52? A Yes, I am. A Do you have any corrections or changes to make to your testimony or exhibits at this time? CsB REPORTTNG(208) 890-s198 237 YoUNGBLooD (Di) rdaho Power company A I do not. a rf r were to ask you here today under oath the same questions set forth in your rebutta'l testimony, would your answers be the same? J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 rage 70 Pege 2 120511afn. txt5 A Yes, they would. 6 rqR. wTLLTAMS: tvtadam chair, at this time t 7 move that the rebuttal testimony of uichae'l :. voungb'lood 8 be spread upon the record as if read, and that Exhibit 9 tto. 52 be marked for identification. 10 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Tf there is no 11 objection, it is so ordered. L2 (rhe following prefiled rebuttal 13 testimony of rtlr. ruichae'l Youngblood is spread upon the L4 record.) 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 YouNGBLooo (oi) rdaho Power company 1 2 business 3 A. a. Please state your name and 4 address is 5a. 6 submitted 7A, J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 My name is rtlichael :. Youngb'lood. my business 1221 tltest rdaho street, Boise, rdaho. Are you the same michael voungblood that direct testimony in this proceeding? Yes, I am. eage 71 8 9 10 11 L2 t3 14 15 16 L7 19 20 2t 22 23 24 1205uafn. txta. what is the intent of your rebuttal testimony? A. The intent of my rebutta'l testimony is to provide rdaho Power Company's ("tdaho Power" or "company") response to the pre-filed direct testlmony of Dr. Don Reading, Mr. Don Sturtevant, and Mr. De] But'ler, all witnesses for the tndustrial customers of rdaho power ("rcrP") . a. What is the scope of your rebuttal testimony? A. r wi'll respond to some of the allegations made by the witnesses from rCIP regarding the calcu'lation and 18 allocation of facilities charges, as wel] as provide testimony describing a neu/ tariff provision giving customers the option to purchase company-owned equipment installed beyond rdaho Power's point of delivery. rhe 'latter discussion is a d'irect response to requests made by lrtr. sturtevant of the J.n. simplot company ("simp1ot") who has an interest in purchasing company-owned 25 facilities. CSB REPORTING(208) 8eo-s198 239 YOUNGBLOOD (Di) Idaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 r.0 11 a. please describe the intent of the serviceorovided under a facilities charoe arranoement.' A. Rs described in more dEtail in-the nebuttal testimony of ur. warren Kline, the faci'lities charge service was origina'lly designed, and continues to provide, a service primarily to our schedule 9, Large Genera'l Service, and schedule 19, Large Power service (primary and Transmission) service level customers by provid'ing them an option whereby the company instalIs, owns, operates, and maintains electric faci'lities beyond the company's normal point of delivery. Because facilities beyond the company's point of delivery are J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 vage 72 120511afn. txtL2 solely for the purpose of meeting the electrica'l service 13 requirements of an individual customer, it is not 14 appropriate to charge any other customers for the 15 investment and maintenance of those facilities. 16 therefore, the facilities charge service was designed to L7 provide a means to charge specific customers the 18 cost-of-service related to faci'lities beyond the point of 19 delivery which are installed, owned, operated, and 20 maintained by the company. 2L a. Please describe at a hjgh 'leve'l how the 22 company's facilities charge is calculated. 23 A. rhe tdaho public utilities comm'ission 24 ("commission") approved methodology for ca'lculating the 25 facilities charge is designed to provide a levelized rate 240 /o f YOUNGBLOODI REB 1 rdaho Power company of cost recovery from individual customers us'ing the samecost comoonents that are included for similar ficilities under thb company's approved non-levelized determination of the revenue requirement. rn short, the fac'ilities charge is a levelized method for assigning costs, whereas the cost-of-service approach is a point in time methodo'logy of assigning costs on a non-leve'lized basis. Both are intended to recover, on average, the same amount of revenue over time. a, How are the fac'ilities charge revenues treated in the company's non-leve'lized determination of class-specific base rate revenue requirements? A. rn the Company's non-Ievelized determination of class-specific base rate revenue requirements, the company deterrnines the total revenue required for recovery on all distribution facilities-related 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 nage 73 Page 5 12051lafn.txt16 investments, including facilities beyond the company's L7 point of delivery, as wel1 as the associated operation 18 and maintenance expense and other administrative 19 expenses. rhis determination is made for each class of 20 customers. As part of this process, the revenues the 2L company receives from providing facilities charge 22 services are directly ass'igned as a revenue credit, or an 23 offset, to the revenue requirements of the associated 24 class of customers. As a result, any differences between 25 the non-levelized revenue requ'irement and the levelized 24L YOI'NGBLOOD, REB 2rdaho Power company 1 revenue requirement exist as intra-class subsidiesbetween those customers oavinq2 faci'lities charges and tho-se frho do not within each 3 customer class. 4 Q. please explain how the levelized revenue 5 recovery from the facilities charge methodology for an 6 individual schedu'le 19, Large Power service, customer 7 wou'ld recover the same revenue as a non-levelized I methodology used for determining the revenue requirement 9 for the Schedule 19 customer class as a whole. 10 A. the chart below provides a pictoria'l 11 representation of the two cost recovery methodologies. a2 13 L4 15 (chart contained in hard copy of transcript.) 16 L7 18 19 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 eage 74 Pagc 6 1205l1afn. txt 20 2L 22 23 24 this chart shows an ever-decreasing revenue 25 requirement associated with plant investment that 242 YoUNGBLooD, REB 4 rdaho Power company 1 depreciates over time. rhe total amount of revenue 2 recovered from either mechanism is identica'|. rhe 3 difference is in the timing of the revenue recovery. rn 4 the ear'ly years, the levelized methodology does not 5 recover the ful'l revenue requirement needed, however, in 6 the later years, the levelized methodology provides more 7 than would be required under the non-1evelized approach. I rt is important to note that the revenue requirement for 9 faci'lities charge customers is an estimate of cost the 10 company incurs to provide facilities beyond the company's 11 point of de'livery. this revenue requirement L2 determination is on'ly used to offset the costs that are 13 already being co'llected through customers' rates, in this L4 example schedu'le L9. with that said, regardless of the 15 amount of the facilities charge and the associated 16 revenue, the revenue offset treatment applied by the L7 company ensures that rdaho Power only earns its allowed LB rate of return on aI1 non-depreciated plant balances, 19 including facilities beyond the point of delivery. 20 C. How is this example applicable to the 2l determination of the facilities charge? 22 A. tt would be very comp'licated and not practical 23 to determine an individua'l revenue requirement for each J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 -- Page 75 Page 7 24 25 1205Llafn. txtand every customer who has facilities beyond the company's point of delivery. rf the company wou'ld take243 l31il3'bffi3r 85fi*,i 1 that approach, as suggested by the tctp witnesses, not 2 only would the calcu'lated facilities charge service rate 3 be different for each of the approximately 24A faci'lities 4 charge customers the company current'ly maintains in 5 ldaho, but the rate would continually change for each of 6 those customers. rn addition, when the Company's 7 investment in facilities changed due to replacement of 8 failed facilities, the individua'l's rate could change 9 again significantly, depending on their position in time 10 along the curve with regard to the recovery of 11 investment. LZ a. rf the commission were to adopt rCrp's 13 recommendation for determining an individual facilities L4 charge rate for each facilities charge customer, wou'ld 15 there be an effect to the remaining customers in the 16 class? t7 A. Yes. ls shown in the chart above, when the 18 levelized facilities charge recovery is 'less than the 19 non-levelized rate, the amount of revenue requirement 20 shortfall for the individual facilities charge customer 2l is being subsidized by the remainder of the c'lass. rn 22 the later years, when the levelized facilities charge is 23 greater than the necessary revenue requi rement at that 24 time, the facil'ities charge customer is paying back the 25 previous subsidy. these intra-c1ass subsidies are an244 l8lil8'i8fitsi lEfir*l I J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANV'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 eage 76 Page 8 120511afn.txt 1 expected and normal outcome of the'levelized approach for 2 ratemaking. Because the facilities charge revenue is an 3 offset to the revenue requirement of that customer's 4 class, dny change in s/ 6/ 7/ 8 9 10 11 L2 L3 L4 15 16 t7 t8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 245 YOUNGBLOOD, REB 5rdaho Power company 1 the facilities charge for an individual customer wou'ldpage 77 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE Page 9 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 :) 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 a. 14 tracking 15 piece of 16 proposed A. 1 individual facilities charge 2/ 3/ 4/ 5 eage'78 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Erhibit 6 120511afn . txt 2 change the amount of the revenue credit being rece'ived as an offset to the revenue requirement of the class. rhis would require that a new revenue requirement determination be made to adjust the base rates of the entire class. Thus, to adopt the recommendation of tcIP, the Company would be required to recalcu'late its revenue requirement for each customer class that has the faci'lities charge any time there is a change in the facifities charge rate for an individual customer. An approach such as this would be extremely complicated to administer and would require continual changes to the base rates of the c'lass. L7 18 facilities charge rate for each customer as r described 19 above, to track the actual depreciation levels for each 20 individual piece of equipment subject to a facilities 2L charge for ratemaking purposes wou'ld be even more 22 complicated. rhe imp'lication, as suggested by rcre 23 witness or. neading, would be to have a separate 24 facilities charge rate for each of the thousands of 25 individual pieces of equipment for each of the 240 246 what are the ratemaking issues associated with actual deprec'iation leve'ls for each individual equipment subject to the faci'lities charge, as by rcIP? while it is impractical to have an tndividua'l YOUNGBLOOD, REB 6rdaho Pover company 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1205llafn.txt 247 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I YOUNGBLOOD, REB 6Ardaho Power Company customers in rdaho. under or. neading's approach, this would mean that the company would be required to determine its revenue requirement any time a single piece of facilities charge eguipment depreciated. The end result wou'ld be an administrative nightmare and undu'ly burdensome for the company, as well as increasing the complexity of the faci'lities charge rate. a. Does the company track depreciation 'leve'ls for Page 79 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Page I I 12051lafn. txt 9 individua'l facilit'ies for any other customer class or 10 service? 11 A. No. It is a standard ratemaking pract'ice to L2 average the actua'l leve'ls of depreciation together for a 13 particular level of service or customer class and spread L4 the recovery of those costs equal'ly to all customers 15 within the class. 16 a. Does the Company believe that the facilities L7 charges proposed in this proceeding are fair, just, and 18 reasonable? 19 A. Yes. the company's proposed facilities 20 charges in this proceeding were developed under the 2L methodology approved by this commission in prior 22 proceedings and wi'll result in charges to customers that 2l are fair, just, and reasonable. 24 25 248 t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 YOUNGBLOOD, REB 7Ardaho Power company a. what is the company's response to rcrPrs suggestion that the company should s'imp1y give away fu'lly depreciated facilities to facilities charge customers? A. even if the company were to consider this proposition, which it is not, rcrP's proposa'l would not be administratively feasible. As t have described above, the company does not depreciate for ratemaking purposes individual pieces of equ'ipment separately, so determ"ination of when an individual piece of equipment was ful1y depreciated wou'ld be nearly imposs'ible. rn addition, "turn'ing over" specific pieces of equipment which are "ful1y depreciated" while leav'ing p'ieces ofpage 80 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 L9 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 12051lafn. txt equipment that are not "fully depreciated" would resu'lt in mixed ownersh'ip of facilities, wirich is contrary to the company's current policy because it creates operationa'l and safety issues, as described by rur. rline. rhe facilities charge has never been a "lease-to-own" charge, such that a customer wou'ld pay an amount for a number of years, and then have that piece of equipment given to them at no cost. rnstead, the service provided under a faci'lities charge arrangement is intended to collect additiona'l revenue that is used to offset the costs the Company incurs to own, operate, and maintain faci'lities installed beyond the company's point of de'livery that are so1e1y for the purpose of meeting theservlce requlrements or one customer youNGBLooD, REB 8 rdaho Power company a. oo existing facilities charge customers have the option today of owning and operating the'ir own electrical equipment 'in order to eliminate the facilities charge they are paying? A. yes. tn accordance with the tariff provisions, a customer may request the company to remove company-owned faci'lities beyond the company's po'int of delivery. The customer would pay the company the "non-salvable cost" of such removal, which is comprised of the tota'l depreciated costs of materia'ls, labor, and overheads of the facilities, less the difference between the sa'lvable cost of material removed, and removal labor cost including appropriate overhead costs. All faci'lities charge customers have this option today. rn fact, on August 25, 20],,L, Simplot made such a formal request to the company to provide a quote for the remova'l eage 81 \o)t I . J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 - Pagc 13 120511afn. txt t7 of company-owned faci'lities from its locat'ions. rhe 18 Company responded by inviting simplot to meet with 19 company's operational and eng'ineering personnel to 20 develop such a p1an. 2L a. Has the company proposed an option for 22 customers to purchase Company-owned facilities beyond its 23 point of delivery? 24 A. Yes. The Company is proposing in this case to 25 provide chanqes to its tariff lanquaqe that wou'ld a'l]owfaci'lities charge customers with i b[yout option.2so l3:il3'!3ff3r E5f,o",i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 a. please describe the company's proposa'l for tariff language changes in order to provide faci1ities charge customers with a buyout option, A. the Company is proposing to create a netrrl rule, nule u - raci'lities charge service, which wou'ld fu'l1y describe the Company's rules and policies for providing facilities charge services. currently, rules for facilities charges are'located in various schedules. consolidating faci'lities charge ru'les and policies into a single rule wil'l al'low the company to more efficiently manage tariff issues re'lated to facilities charge services, as wel'l as provide faci'lit'ies charge customers with more transparency related to facilities charge rules and policies. exh'ibit 52 is a copy of the company's proposed new Ru'le M. within Ru'le M, the Company describes the responsib'il'ities of the Company to provide ownership, operation, and maintenance of company-owned facilities beyond the company's point of defivery in cons'ideration of the customer paying a faci'lities charge approved by the commission. rn addition, the company haspage 82 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Page 14 120511afn. txt 2L provided a new option for customers who may request to 22 purchase company-owned facilities installed beyond the 23 point of de'livery. ls stated in the new provisions of 24 the company's proposed nule M, a1'l sa'les must be approved 25 by the Commission and meet the following provisions: 2s1 YOUNGBLOOD, REB 9 rdaho Power Company 1 rdaho code section 61-328; Z no mixed omership of facilities: 3 the customer must provide the operat'ion 4 and maintenance of a'll faci'lities installed beyond the 5 point of delivery after the sale is comp'lete; and 6 the customer must pay for the engineering 7 costs for determination of the sale, I Q. what do the provisions of rdaho code section 9 6L-328 provide? 10 A. trithin rdaho code section 61-328, it states 11 that before authorizing the sa'le of public utility owned LZ property, the commission shall find that the transaction 13 is consistent with the public interest; that the cost of L4 and rates for supp-lying service will not be increased by 15 reason of the sales transaction; and that the customer 16 who wou'ld be making the purchase has the bona fide intent L7 and financial ability to operate and maintain the 18 property purchased 19 A. now does the Company interpret the provisions 20 of rdaho code section 61-328 with regard to provid'ing 2l customers with a buyout option of company-owned 22 facilit'ies beyond the point of de'livery? 23 A. In order for the company to agree to the sale 24 of its faci'lities beyond the po'int of delivery, the rage 83 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 H Pege l5 25 120511afn. txt company would need to determine that none of its remar nr ng 252 YOUNGBLOoD, REB L2rdaho Power company customers wou'ld be adverselv imoacted bv the sale offacilities. Specifically. the tompanv foould need tofacilities. Soecificallv. the Comoanv would need to ensure that thb aporooriiie equiom'ent-is in olace atensure that the aoorooriate eouioment is in olace atooint of de'liverv'buch that nd ebuioment failure orensure tnat tne aDDroDrrate eoulDment ls ]n Dlace apoint of de'livery'buch_that nd ehuipment fallure or ina'lfunction would re9u1t in a degradation of the Company'sre'liability. and service to .its remaining cuslomers. rn L 2 3 4 those the 5 6 7 reliability and service to its remain'ino customers. Inaddition, the company would need to enslre that customerates. which may include a revenue credit from revenues addition, the Company would need to ensure that customers'ralgs, which may. inclu{e +_feyenue. credit from revenuescollected throuqh the facilities charqe. wou'ld not be adversely impacted by the sale. __rf t6eie conditions he tacllrtles cnarqe. would not beby the sale. rf t6eie conditions wereuld make a filino with the commissionmet. the-combany would make a filinq with the Commissionfor'each orobosld sale assertino thit such sale would betor each proDosed salein the publit interest.ng thit such sale would be A. Has the company determined a proposed 9 methodology for determining the sa'les price for the sale 10 of faci'lities beyond the point of delivery? 11 A. No. the company is not proposing any specific L2 pric'ing methodo'logy in this case, just the proposal to 13 change its tariffs tn order to provide L4 customers to purchase the facilities. 15 proposed tariff'language is adopted and 16 commission, and if and when a customer an option for rf the company's approved by the requests the L7 18 L9 purchase of facilities beyond the company's point of delivery, the Company would attempt to determine a mutually agreed upon price for the sale of the facilitiesprror to YOUNGBLOOD, REB L2rdaho Power company 20 2L 22 23 24 25 of J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 eage 84 253 Prge 16 120511afn. txt L brinqinq the sales transaction to the commission forappr6vaT. rf a sales price cannot be mutua'l'ly agreed2 ubbn, the company or the customer may initiat6 a o'roc6edino beforir the commission in irrder to determine the3 ippropriateness of the price. 4 Q. Are there other provisions of the new buyout 5 option the Company wishes to discuss? 6 A. Yes. rhe company's proposa'l wou'ld inc'lude the 7 provisions that there be no mixed ownership of 8 facilities. rn other words, the custofier would need to 9 purchase all of the company-owned equipment beyond the 10 point of de'livery, not just pick and choose which pieces 11 of equipment they would want to purchase. Also, rdaho LZ Power would not perform any operation or maintenance of 13 the facilities once they have been purchased. Such L4 activities wou'ld be an unregulated activity for services 15 rendered beyond the company's point of delivery, and is 16 not a part of the Company's core business practices. Ll a. rf facilities charge customers elect this new 18 tariff option and purchase company-owned faci'lities, 19 would that same customer have the option in the future to 20 sell the facilities back to the company and have the 2L company maintain and operate those facilities? 22 ?.3 24 A. No. once a customer elects th'is new tariff 25 provision and the Company sells them Company-owned 254 YOUNGBLOOD, REB 13 rdaho Pou,er company 1 facilities, the customer will be solely respons'ible for 2 maintaining and operating those facilities on a rage 85 J. R SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Page 17 120511afn.txt3 going-forward basis. 4 Q. Are you propos'ing anything e'lse which responds 5 to the issues raised by ICIP witnesses in their direct 6 testimony? 7 A. Yes. rhe witnesses for tctp expressed concern 8 over the fact that the company had no record of customers 9 requesting that the company install, own, operate, and 10 maintain electrica'l facilities beyond the company's point 11 of delivery in consideration for the payment of a t2 facilities charge. rc described earlier in my testimony 13 and in the testimony of n'tr. rline, the facilities charge L4 service is a service the company provides at the request 15 of the customer, and which the company has the discretion 16 to accept or reject provid'ing that service. that said, L7 tcrP witnesses are correct that in many instances there 18 is no written record or contract memorializing the fact 19 that the company was agreeing to provide this service on 2A behalf of the customer. Therefore, the company is 2L proposing the raci'lities charge Consent and 22 Rcknowledgement rorm which wi'|1 be signed by all 23 customers requesting to enter into a Facilities chargeServices arringement. 'rhe new form wi'll 24 25 255 YOUNGBLOOD, REB 13rdaho Povter Company 1 be a Dart of the comoany's newlv oroposed nule u and isoroviiled on oaqe thrbe trf exhiOit'Sz. rhe form is2 \ntended spettftcally on a going-forward basis for newfaci'lities charoe transactions. However. the comoanv also3 commits to comm[nicate with all of its eiistinq ficilitiescharoe customers to orovide them with the ooooitunitv to4 sion-the form and orbvide information reoarilino the -new pr6posed faci'litiei charge buyout opt'ioni5 Q. Is the Company proposing any changes to the 6 existing methodology for determining the appropriate J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Rage 86 Pege 18 7 facirities .h".g.?120511afn'txt I A. No. the commission-approved methodology that 9 the company currently uses is appropriate and fair to all 10 customers. rhe company maintains that the facilities 11 charge rate reduction that was proposed in the oirect LZ restimony of mr. scott sparks is fa'ir and reasonable. 13 The Company continues to encourage the Commission to t4 adopt its proposed revised monthly facilities charge 15 rates of 1..41 percent for customers taking Rrimary or 16 transmission Service under schedules 9 and 19. rhe L7 company is also proposing a rate of 1.41 percent for 18 customers taking transmission Serv'ice under schedule 24. 19 For customers currently paying a facilities charge z0 under schedule 15, the company continues to propose a 2L rate of 1.51 percent per month and for customers 22 currently 23/ 24/ 25/ 256 YOT'NGBLOOD, REB 15rdaho Power company 1 paying a faci'lities charge under Schedule 41, the company 2 is proposing a rate of 1.21 percent per month consistent 3 with the direct testimony provided by mr. sparks in this 4 case. 5 Q. rs it true, as Mr. sturtevant points out in his 6 direct testimony, that the Company is not proposing to 7 update the facilities charge rate for the simplot specia'l I contract, schedule 29? 9 n. No, that is not true. while the company did J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 H Page 87 Page 19 10 11 LZ 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 120511afn. txtnot specifically discuss the revised spec'ia'l contract schedule 29 in its direct testimony, the updated rate was included in the proposed schedule 29 tariff sheet submitted with the company's epplication in both Attachment No. 1 and lttachment No. 2. The proposed revised faci'lities charge rate for the special contract schedule 29 is 1.41 percent, the same reduction as is being proposed for the company's schedule 19 customers. a. Have the signing parties to the general rate case sett'lement stipulation ("stipu'lation") submitted in this proceeding agreed to any provision in the event that the commission adopts rcrp's recommendation to modify the existing facilities charge methodology such that it 23 changes the amount of revenue proposed to be recovered 24 through the fac'ilities charge? 25 257 YOUNGBLOOD, REB 16 rdaho Power company A. Yes. Raragraph 11(c) of the stipulation 2 submitted on september 23, zOL]-, in this proceeding provides that the "signing Parties agree that any revenue requirement impacts resulting from changes to the facilities charge methodology or changes in property ownership sha'll be directly assigned to schedule 19 7 customers in the form of a base rate increase or 8 reduction so that no other customer classes shall be 9 impacted by any resu'lting change." 3 4 5 6 10 a. what would be the impact of 11 the Stipulation if the company were to LZ company-owned facilities to customers 13 proposed by ICrP? this provision of give away for free, as J. R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 nage 88 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L give 22 23 24 25 l_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 L7 J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 H 120511afn. txtA. rf the company were to assign ownership of fully depreciated facilities to customers, as advocated by ICIP, the Company would experience a shortfall to its revenue requirement. Per the stipulation, the company would direct'ly assign to a'll schedule 19 customers an increase in rates to make-up for that revenue shortfa'll. a. Do you have any concerns with the proposal to away facif ities made by rcrP? A. Yes, r do. as exp'lained'in Mr. Klfne's testimony, of the Company's approximately 240 faci'lities charge customers in tdaho, simp'lot is the only facilities charge customer in recent memory that has formally 25E YouNGBLooD, REB 16a rdaho Power company requested a buyout option. r believe, as does Mr. t<line, that this indicates that the vast majority of the company's other facilities charge customers have appreciated and benefited from the company operating and prov'iding maintenance on facilities that they would have had to pay for and maintain themselves. rhe company submitted data requests to rcrp asking which of their members are actively participating in this case and whether any of their members would be willing to purchase company-owned facilities knowing that they would need to maintain those facilities once sold. The intent of these data request,s was to determine which of rcrp's members were aware that the ICIP proposal could result in a rate increase. rcrP refused to answer these questions. So, ultimately, tdaho Power has no way of knowing whether the proposa'ls made by rcre are representative of all of its members, 1et alone all of the approximately 240 eage 89 Page 2l 120511afn. txt18 facilities charge customers in rdaho. 19 a. oid the tndustrial Customers of rdaho Power 20 sign the stipu'lation in case No. rPc-E-11-08? 2l A.' Yes. Mr. Peter Richardson, tttorney for 22 tndustrial customers of rdaho Power, signed the 23 stipulation on september 21, 2011. 24 a. rs the company proposing any additional 25 commitments with regard to its facilities charge service? 259 YOUNGBLOOD, REB L7rdaho Power company 1 A. Yes. since the revenue received from 2 facilities charge customers reduces the revenue 3 requirement of the associated class, the company commits 4 to performing a review and potent'ia1 update of its 5 facilities charge rate as part of each future general 6 rate case fi'ling. rn this way, the facilities charge 7 rate wil'l be subjected to not only the company's interna'l 8 review on a regular basis as it has in the past, but will 9 be scrutinized by the commission and interested 10 intervening parties as part of the revenue requirement 11 determination. LZ A. Does this conclude your rebutta'l testimony in 13 this case? L4 A. Yes, it does. 15 16 L7 L8 19 20 2t J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 eage 90 ?a,gc22 22 23 24 25 12051lafn.txt 260 (rhe following proceedings were had 'in MR. WILLIAMS: Thank you, Madam chair. now available for cross-examination. COI4MISSIONER SMITH: MT. OttO. MR. OTTO: NO qUeStiOnS, Madam Chair. CO{MfSSIONER SMITH: Mr. eurdy. MR. PURDY: r haVe nO qUeStiOnS. rhank Ol sen. you. NO Howell or No questions. SMITH: NOW tO MT. MR. RICHARDSoN: Thank you, Madam chair. YOUNGBLOOD, REB 18rdaho Power company 1 2 open hearing.) 3 4 The witness is 5 6 7 8 9 you. 10 11 L2 L3 L4 15 questions. Ms. 16 L7 18 Mr. Klein, 19 20 2l Richardson. 22 23 24 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 H Page 91 Pege 23 25 120511afn. txt CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L '22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 + J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 26L YOUNGBLOODrdaho Power company CROSS.DGMINATION BY MR. RICHARDSON: a cood afternoont Mr. Youngblood. A Good afternoon! Mr. Richardson. a were you here when Mr. sparks testified? A I WAS. a Rnd do you recal] my 'line of questions with nltr. sparks on how often rdaho Power conducts the periodic review of the facility charge rates? A Yes, I do. a oid you hear ur. sparks refer to you as the person who informed him that such reviews take pl ace? A Yes, I did. a md di d you i n fact tel'l tlr. sparks that such reviews take place? A rhey do. rhey do periodically. a Can you tell me what that means? A periodically means just periodica'lly, so it's not necessari'ly on a fixed, set, established basis. They are done every year, every couple of years on an as-needed basis. a uow do you know when they need to be updated? what's the as-needed trigger? rage 92 262 YoUNGBLooD (x) Idaho Power Company Page24 1205llafn. txt 1 A part of the recent trigger was inquiries 2 by the rndustria1 customers and they were reviewed at 3 that time. lf interest rates change significantly, they 4 may be reviewed at that time. rf rate of returns change 5 or change differently, they wil'l be reviewed at that 6 time. 7 Q And over the last 25 years there's never 8 been an event such that you felt that the facilities 9 charge rates needed to be updated? 10 A rhat is not correct. tlrle'll, it is correct 11 that they didn't need to be updated. They were reviewed LZ over the past 25 years. 13 a t understand that. Rlso, Mr. sparks was L4 asked about sa'lvage of equipment. who at the company 15 makes the determination of the salvage value of a piece 16 of equipment? L7 A r believe it's our finance department. 18 A end t a'lso started on down a line of 19 questions with vtr. sparks wh'ich he deferred -- which 20 nltr. rline, r believe, deferred to you, so r'11 go down 2L that line and see if we can't make some progress. when 22 rdaho Power insta'l'ls a new turb'ine at ttells canyon Dam, 23 do you think it's fair for this commission to a'llow rdaho 24 Power to put the cost of that turbine into rates and to 25 earn a return on it? CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 263 YOUNGBLOOD (x) rdaho Power company A Yes, I do. a Is it fair for the commission to set 1 2 rage 93 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 E Idaho Page 25 1205l1afn. txt 3 Power's reta'il rates such that rdaho Power can in fact 4 collect that return? 5 A Yes,Ido. 6 Q ls it a'lso fair to the ratepayers of rdaho 7 Power to require that piece of equipment to depreciate 8 over its usefu'l 'life? 9 A Yes, it is. 10 a so the flip side of that question is, 11 then, it's unfair to the ratepayers to never depreciate 72 that equipment over its useful life? 13 A You're speaking about the generator or t4 turbine still? 15 a Yes. 16 A That is correct. L7 a And when that turbine is fully depreciated 18 out, who has claim to any residual value, the ratepayers 19 or the shareholders? 20 A rf it is fully depreciated out, there is 2l no residual value. 22 a rf it's depreciated out for ratemaking 23 purposes, a piece of equipment may in fact have economic 24 value after being depreciated -- 25 A tttarket val ue? CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 264 YOUNGBL@D (X) rdaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 6 a -- out; correct? A YES. a who has rightfu'l claim to that residual va1ue, the ratepayers or the shareholders? A r would say that both the ratepayers and the shareholders. rhe ratepayers have pa'id for it and Page 94 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 120511afn. txt 7 the shareholders have earned a return on that, so r'm not 8 sure who the rightful claim would be. rt's tdaho Power's 9 equi pment. 10 a Beginning on page 2 of your testimony on 11 line 14, you state that the faci'lities charge was L2 designed to provide a means to charge specific customers 13 the cost of service re'lated to facilities beyond the L4 point of delivery; correct? 15 A rhe facilities charge service was designed 16 to provide a means to charge specific customers the cost L7 of service related to fac'ilities beyond the point of 18 delivery which are installed, owned, operated, and 19 maintained by the company, correct. 20 a Now, when r hear the phrase "cost of 2l service" in re'lation to a charge that a util'ity is 22 charg'ing for a service, r natura'lly assume that it is 23 attempting to identify the actual cost to provide that 24 service; would you agree with that defin'ition? 25 A lwouldnot. 265CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 YOUNGBLOOD (X) rdaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 a How wou'ld you define cost of service? A rt says cost of service related to the faci'lities, so it's not a one-for-one recovery of cost of servi ce. a Are you not attempting to identify the cost to provide that service when you do your periodic reviews of the facilities charge rate? A No, t,lie are determining similar components, the same billing components, used to determine a non-1evelized approach as you do in eage 95 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Pe,ge27 120511afn. txt L1 ratemaking to a level'ized approach as we do in the LZ facilities charge, so we are looking at similar billing 13 components, cost components in order to determine that L4 rate. rt is not a one-for-one recovery of those 15 dol lars. 16 a But according to your own testimony, it's L7 an attempt to charge specific customers the cost of 18 service related to facilities, so yourre attempting to 19 identify the cost of service, are you not? 20 A what it is is to try to recover those 2t costs related to the faci'lities beyond the point of 22 de'livery in order to offset the costs that are being 23 recovered through base rates. 24 a can you tell me how the r. R. simplot 25 company's payment of 20 percent a year on the original CSB REPORTING 266 YOUNGBLOOD (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company 1 installed cost of a transformer that is now over 66 years 2 o'ld is in any way related to rdaho Power's cost of 3 providing that transformer to simplot? 4 A rhe 20 percent a year r'm assuming is the 5 L.7 percent facilities charge per month that is in the 6 tariff. 7 Q That's correct. 8 e rhe 1.7 percent facilities charge that is 9 in the tariff is charged on a'leve'lized basis times the 10 installed cost or initial cost of that equipment. That lf is on a pool of assets that -- would you like me to L2 describe the facilities charge methodology? 13 a please. t4 A tn the facilities charge methodo'logy, w€ rage 96 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE Page 28 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 12051lafn. txt 15 have an attempt to try to recover those costs that are 16 associated with providing a service for facilities that Ll are installed solely for specific customers beyond the 18 point of delivery of the company. e'l'l of the facilities, 19 the distribution facilities, for the Company's customers, 20 including all of those faci'lities that are beyond the 2L point of delivery, are within base rates of aI'l the 22 customers, let's say, of a part'icu'lar class, schedule 19 23 customers. 24 e'l'l of those are being recovered in the 25 rates that are determined for that class, but it's not csB REPORTTNG 267 YOUNGBLOOD (x)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I t0 LL L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 prudent to charge all of those customers for facilities that are only in place to serve a particular customer, so what the facilities charge methodology does is takes the same costs and on a leve'lized basis for'administrative purposes credits back in the determination of the revenue requirement for that c]ass, so the chart on page 4, what r was trying to demonstrate, then, is the difference between a non-Ieve'lized recovery and a 'leve'l'ized recovery. rhe non-levelized recovery mechanism is the mechanism that is used during the typical ratemaking revenue requirement and the 'levelized is what faci'lities charge customers pay. tn total, the same amount of revenue is recovered. a Letrs turn to page 4 and take a 'look at, that chart. Now, help me understand where the phrase "levelized cost recovery" comes from, because in this venue, r'il only familiar with talking about levelized rates in the puRpA context. where does this ]evelized page 97 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 - Page 29 r 205llafn. txt 19 rate concept come from? 20 A rt is another methodo'logy for rate 2L recoveryt revenue requirement. 22 a r understand that, but what's the source 23 of this? 24 A rh'is is the approved methodology by the 25 commission for the faci'lities charge. CSB REPORTING 268 YOUNGBLOOD (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho potver company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 A okay, and has the commission cal1ed it levelized cost recovery before? A t don't recall if they have or not. a okay; so possib'ly this leve'lized concept is one way of you describing this ratemaking construct to help us understand more ful1y what you're do'ing? A rt is exactly what we're trying to help you understand is how the revenue is being recovered under two different methodologies, correct. q nnd in the box on page 4, the horizontal axis, the bottom Iine there, that represents time; correct? A Correct. a Rnd each'line, vertica'l 1ine, represents a year? A It represents nothing. It's a coloring-in, just trying to show that ear'ly ofl, before the midpoint, whatever time frame that you would 'like to use, that the non-Ievelized approach recovers more than the levelized approach does, and later on in that same time period, the levelized approach would be paying back the subsidy that existed at the beginning of the Page 98 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Prge 30 120511afn. txt 23 period. 24 a we'11, I 25 it's coincidental that CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 counted the little lines there and it's the same number of years that r wi'll accept that subject -- r can count would like. 269 YOUNGBLOoD (X) rdaho Power company the faci'lities charge depreciates at, 32 years, so there's 32 lines there. A them if you a so under what you called the traditiona'l requirement ratemaking methodology, the line -- correct? base revenue non-1 evel ized A correct. a -- what happens at year 32 according to your chart? A In year 32, what do you mean by "what happens"? a We'lI, how much cost recovery is the Company entitled to at the end of that line? A If there was an asset that was implemented or installed at the very beginning of the time and nothing ever happened during that time and it was ful'ly depreciated over, as you said, the 31, 32 years, it would be fu'lly depreciated. There would be zero residual val ue. a zero cost recovery? A there wou'ld be no cost recovery, correct. a so on the non-tradit'ional Ieve'lized line, we get out to year 32, what happens then? CSB REPORTING 27O YOUNGBLOOD (X) eage 99 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Page 3l 12051lafn. txt(208) 890-51e8 rdaho Power company 1 A Exactly the same. ell the same amount of 2 revenue recovery has been recovered under the 1evelized 3 approach as it had been under the non-'leve'lized 4 approach. 5 a So in year 33, that line goes to zero as 6 we'll ? 7 A what you're saying here, r think what I you're trying to lead toward is the 3l years and saying I that after 31 years that costs are fully recovered; is 10 that what you're try'ing to -- 11 a we11, r'm just trying to understand your L2 testimony here. 13 A My testimony with regard to this chart is L4 saying that two different approaches for recovering a 15 revenue requirement are identica'l in what they recover or 16 are close to; that being the non-leve'lized approach L7 recovers the same amount of revenue recovery as the 18 levelized approach. 19 a rsn't that on'ly true if at the year 31 the 20 levelized number also goes to zero going forward? 2l A Rt whatever time frame that you would take 22 a non-'levelized approach and a levelized approach, they 23 would recover the same amount of recovery. 24 a okay, and the time frame you've chosen on 25 your chart is 31 bars, 31 years, and let's keep the 31 CSB REPORTING 27L YOUNGBLOOD (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICTAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 eage 100 Prge 32 1205llafn. txt1 years of depreciation that you've identified here and 2 extend five more bars out, so it's now 37 and the 3 non-levelized rate hits zero in year 32, what happens to 4 the levelized rate in years 33 through 37? 5 A what r think you're trying to say with 6 regard to -- r mean, r don't have a time frame on this 7 and what t have said is that it is an average expected 8 1ife and so this would be the average expected life of an I asset. rn the case of facilities charges, that 'is the 10 average expected 'life of a pool of assets, and those pool 11 of assets are determined for the faci1ities charge and it 12 wou'ld be the average expected life of the pool of assets 13 for depreciation purposes as 31 years, so that would mean 14 that assets would depreciate or cou'ld be fu'lly 15 depreciated over that period of time, but that thei r 16 expected 1ife could live well beyond that po'int in L7 time. LB a so if the average expected life is 31 or 19 32 years, if the actual life is longer in rea'lity, then 20 the levelized faci'lities charge works as a subsidy, 2L doesn't it? 22 A ri the average expected life was longer in 23 rea'lity, then it would be depreciated over a 'longer 24 period of time, and both the leve'lized and the 25 non-leve'l'ized approach wou'ld still recover the same YOUNGBLOOD (X) rdaho Power Company CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 amount of revenue. a rf the average expected life is as you represented, 32 years, and the actua'l asset was in serv'ice for longer than that time period, doesn't this eage 101 272 1 2 3 4 Page 33 120511afn. txt5 leve'lized charge work as a subsidy? 6 A r guess what you're saying is would 7 customers who have equipment that are in place for a long 8 period of time be subsidizing and the ansurer to that 9 would be yes, just as customers who have equipment in for 10 a very short period of time and it is removed are being 11 recovered. rt is an average expected life of L2 equipment. 13 q so when you state at the bottom of page 4 L4 over to the top of page 5 that your chart shows the total 15 amount of revenue recovered from either mechanism is 16 identical, that statement is not true, is it, if the 17 facilities charge equipment 'lasts 'longer than 32 years? 18 A rf the facilities charge -- actually, the 19 statement is true that the total amount of revenue 20 recovered from either mechanism is identica'|. r'm 21 showing it over the same time period. rf a non-levelized 22 approach was used for a longer period of time and a 23 levelized approach was used for the same amount of time, 24 under a levelized or a non-Ievelized approach the same 25 amount of revenue wou'ld be recovered. 273CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 YOUNGBLOOO (X) rdaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ' a and r asked you, but whenever a facilities charge facility has a 'life 'longer than your depreciation period, that statement is no longer true, is it? A nnd what r'm saying 'is if you have a p'iece of facility that is -- you're using levelized and you're trying to compare that to the non-levelized approach, you need to extend both lines. a Do you have any data on the actual average eage 102 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Page 34 120511afn.txtthe equ'ipment subject to th'is charge? A r believe the average expected 'life -- a r said actual. A t'm sorry? a rhe question was do you have any data on average life of the equipment subject to this 15 charge and you started answering the expected and that's 16 not what t asked you. A well, average 'life and average expected would term the same and that would be 31 years. 20 that many a so it would surprise you, then, to learn of these facilities are c'loser to 40 or 50 2L years o1d? 22 A rt would 23 is 31 years, that means 24 than 31 years and some 25 years, so it would not CSB REPORTING(208) 890-ste8 274 YOUNGBLOOD (x) Idaho Power Company 9 life of 10 11 L2 13 L4 the actual L7 18 life r 19 1 2 equipment 3 4 the 5 may 6 that 7 nay I not at all. rf the that some facilities average life are less a 1S A facilities are greater than 31 surpri se me at al'l . would you agree that much of simp'lot's outliving the 3I-year life? t would agree that simplot who is one of first, if not the first, facilities charge customer have equipment that has long lives, y€s. t a'lso know there may be some facilities on S'implot's site that be less than 31 years. a In your testimony you state that 9 or. neading's proposal to track actual depreciated costs 10 of facilities charge equipment would be difficult -- that 11 f t wou'ld be difficu'lt to track thousands of pieces of L2 equipment for 240 customers; do you recall that? eage 103 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 - Page 35 120511afn. txt13 A rdo. L4 q Have you thought that statement through 15 and researched what type of Excel program may be 16 available to handle those ca]culations? L7 A No! I mean no. 18 a so you haven't explored how to possibly do 19 those calculations at all? 20 A For every single piece of equipment on a 2l facilities charge, determining the date of their 22 installation, determining separate depreciable 'lives, no. 23 The Company's accounting does a group and poo'ls assets. 24 ror example, all poles are pooled together. There's a ZS depreciable life for those. There are different CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 275 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 YOUNGBLOOD (X) rdaho Power Company depreciation tab'les for different pieces of equipment. transformers may have different depreciable lives than poles or lines or switch gear. rt is just administrative]y difficu'lt, if not'inrpossible. a So isn't rdaho Power used to dea'ling with thousands of calculations and many thousands of customers in very complex ways? A Idaho Power does have billing systems that deal with hundreds of thousands of customers and provides the bills for them, yes. a How many customers does tdaho Power have? A r believe it is 450 some odd thousand residential customers. t would have to check on that for sure. a erobably pushing as many as 500,000 total eage 104 J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANV'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Page 36 12051lafn. txtL7 customers? 18 A very easily. 19 a Rnd does each and every one of those 20 500,000 customers generate a unique bill each and every 2L month? 22 A Yes, they do. 23 a nnd how many facilities charge customers 24 did you say you have? 25 A 240 facilities charge -- approx'imately 240 CSB REPORTING 276 YOUNGBLOOD (X)(208) E90-5198 rdaho Power company 'locations. 2 Q Letrs just look at, for example, schedule 3 19, the charges that you keep track of each month for 4 each customer. You have seasonal time-of-use rates. You 5 have seasona'l demand rates, summer on-peak demand 6 charges, a basic charge, a service charge, and a minimum 7 bi1'ling charge. rhat's six different charges for one I customer -- 9 A Correct. 10 a -- on schedule 19 and how many schedule 19 11 customers do you have? LZ A r believe around 136. r don't recal'l 13 right now. L4 a so in light of rdaho power's ability to 15 keep track of this seemingly unf imited amount of data on 16 500,000 customers and your sophisticated billing capacity t7 to keep track of customers, doesn't it seem to you that 18 it's not that big of a burden to keep track of 240 19 customers? 20 A No, not at all. what you're saying is tft,:Xl'-"J':3yi$ffiiXF#ll,li'"H8,*", ease 105 Pagc37 Erhibit 6 120511afn. txt2L trying to keep track of the thousands of pieces of 22 equipment for them. I did not say for those 450 or 23 500,000 customers that we have identified for every 24 single one of those customers the thousands of pieces of 25 equ'ipment that are used to deliver the service to them. CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 277 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L z2 23 24 YOUNGBLOOD (x) Idaho Power company r don't have track of each of the line mi'les, the meters for each individual customer identified. a Now, on page 4 you talk about this non-traditiona'l cost recovery mechanism for facilities charge equipment. A r did not say it was non-traditiona'1. a we'll, you characterized the non-leve'lized as traditional, so r assumed that you were differentiating the levelized from the non-levelized as bei ng non-traditiona'l . A r was differentiating levelized from non-1evelized. a you did not use the word traditional when you described non-levelized? A rrom traditional ratemaking, correct. a so that's the traditional way to do it, so levelized is what way to do it? A It is a'levelized approach. a uon-traditional? A rhe traditional ratemak'ing is for cost of service of general rates, not for faci'lities charge. What r was different'iatJng was between the non-levelized approach that is used in the traditional ratemaking like general base rates and a levelized approach. J. R. SIMPLOTCOMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 eage 106 Page 38 25 a CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 + J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICTAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 120511afn.txt And you differentiated the non-'leve'lized YOUNGBLOOD (X) rdaho Power company 278 1 as being traditional and is it not a logical conclusion, 2 therefore, to say that the levelized is 3 non-traditional? 4 A Mr. Richardson, if you would 'like to make 5 that assumption, that is fine, too. 6 a Thank you; so on page 4, you justify this 7 non-traditiona'l cost recovery mechanism for facilities 8 charge equipment from what you termed the traditiona'l 9 non-levelized depreciation? 10 A could you p'lease direct me to the line 11 that you're referring to? I'm sorry. L2 a rt's in the box on page 4 -- 13 A okay. L4 a -- non-'levelized. L5 A Yes. 16 a So you justify using the non-traditional L7 line, which is the levelized line -- 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. RiChardSON, I L9 think that's a mischaracterization of his test'imony, 20 so -- 2l MR. RICHARDSoN: Thank you, Madam chair. 22 r''l'l move on. 23 coMMIssIoNER SMITH: thank you. 24 A By MR. RTcHARDSoN: on page 8, 'line 8, you 25 talk about Dr. Reading's approach for tracking CSB REPORTING 279 YOUNGBLOOD (X)(208) 890-5198 ldaho Power company eage 107 Pnge 39 12051lafn.txt 1 depreciation levels for individual facilities; do you see 2 that? 3 A t-ine I r see the question, "Does the 4 company track depreciation levels for individual 5 facilities for any other customer class or service?" 6 a Then on line 1L, you testify that you 7 don't agree -- that the company doesn't do that because 8 it's not a standard ratemaking practice -- no, it 'is a 9 standard ratemaking practice to average the actual 1evels 10 of depreciation; do you see that? 11 A Yes. I said, "No. It is a standard L2 ratemaking practice to average the actual 'levels of 13 depreciation together for a particular level of service L4 or customer c'lass and spread the recovery of those cost,s 15 equally to all customers within the class." 16 a rs it standard ratemaking practice to L7 never depreciate utility equipment such as 18 transformers? 19 A It is not. 20 a on page 7, you express concern about 2L changing revenue requirement for a customer class when 22 changes are made to faci'lities charges forindividua'l 23 customers; do you see that? 24 A can you point me to the line, please? 25 a It starts at 'line 5. CSB REPORTING 280 YOUNGBLOOO (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company 1 A okay. 2 Q So I don't understand your concern about 3 c'lass revenue requirement in this instance when class nage 108 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE Pegc 40 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 120511afn. txt 4 revenue requirements are constantly changing, aren't 5 they, and probably never precisely perfect? 6 I class revenue requirement is determined 7 during a general rate case. 8 Q And in between general rate cases those 9 revenue requirements are constantly changing, are they 10 not? 11 A The revenue requ'irement, r think, remains LZ the same. the rates that are place are based upon that 13 revenue requirement. t4 a But the actual what's going on in the real 15 world in between general rate cases, there are changes? 16 A There are costs that are incurred. L7 a md savings that are incurred? 18 A Yes. 19 a lnd isn't that what genera'l rate cases are 20 for is to capture those changes 'in between? ZL A rhat is correct. 22 a lnd on page 8, you recite that the 23 company's proposed facilities charge is fair, just and 24 reasonab'le, 'l i ne 23 . 25 A Yes. CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 281 YoUNGBLooO (X) rdaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 J. R SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 - a were you in the room when r asked Mr. Kl'ine whether the concept of fairness is largely in the eye of the beho'lder? A I WAS. a end isn't it true that this Commission wi]l make that cal I and not us? A r believe that is correct, that the rage 109 Page 4l I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1205l1afn. txt commission wi'l'l determine whether or not the rates are fair, just and reasonable. A lnd have you read the testimonies of Nr. Butler and ur. sturtevant where they make the assertion that this rate is not fair? A I have read that testimony, those testimoni es. a so it is true that at least one of your largest customers doesn't share your belief that this is a fai r rate? A the customer, I believe that the customer is misinformed on how the rate of a facilities charge is charged and may have made an erroneous assumption on their part; neverthe'less, r believe that the rates have been determined by the Commission to be fair, just and reasonabl e. a nnd so the quest'ion was, isn't it true that at least one of your largest customers doesn't share csB REPORTTNG 282 YoUNGBLOOD (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Pori,er Company your belief that this is a fair rate? A they have stated that, yes. a and you were here this morning when llr. campbell from uccain provided public testimony? A I was. a And were you here this afternoon when we discussed the Bsu letter? A I WAS. A would you turn to page 9? At the top of that page on line 2, you are asked what is your response to rcrP's suggestion that the company should simp'ly give Page 110 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 Page 42 1205uafn.txt 12 away fully depreciated facilities; do you see that? 13 A rdo. 14 a oid you write that quest'ion? 15 A r d'id. 16 a So r 'looked and r couldn't find anywhere L7 in the rclPrs testimony of any suggestion that rdaho 18 Power give away its facilitles. can you point to that 19 for me? 20 A t do not have the testimonies of tttr. 2L sturtevant and mr. But'ler, but if I recal], and r wil] 22 paraphrase, they were saying that faci'lities that they 23 were paying a facilities charge on, by their 24 characterization, as having no value should be given to 25 them or turned over to them. YOUNGBLOOD (X) rdaho Power company CSB REPORTING(208) 8e0-5198 283 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 a wou'ld you agree that the rndustrial customers' witnesses have said that they have actually paid for the facilities several times over and that this suggests to me that they believe they have purchased the facilities? They're not asking for, as you say in your question, a give-away. A r would agree that that is what is the witnesses have characterized has happened. rhat is not what hs occurred, that they have paid for those facilities. a A1so, in that first answer on page 9, you state that "rcrP's proposal wou'ld not be administrative'ly feasible," and you go on because "the Company does not depreciate for ratemaking purposes individua'l pieces of equipment separately," and you conclude that "sopage 111 J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Pnge 43 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1205I1afn. txt determination of when an individual pidce of equipment was fully depreciated wou'ld be nearly impossible," but isn't that an impossibility of the company's otrtn making? I mean, one could figure out a system, couldn't one, by which the facilities charge equipment could be tracked in this day and age? A rt is just not the way accounting practices, generally accepted accounting principles and practices, go or in ratemaking, general ratemaking. a okay, and t was asking you about your CSB REPORTING(208) 890-51eE 284 YOUNGBLOoD (X) rdaho Pouuer company statement that it's impossible, nearly impossible, and my question wasn't about what you traditionally do, 'levelized or non-levelized, the question was could one figure out a system by which facilities charge equipment could be tracked in this day and age? A In this day and age, r am sure that a system could be created. The adminlstrative cost and administrative overhead to implement such a system, r can only guess, would be astronomical. a That's a guess? A rhat is correct. a end you haven't investigated the possibility of doing that? A No, si r. a on page 9, also on page 9, still on page 9, on line 17, you state that the facilities charge has never been a "lease-to-own" charge and you put quotes around the phrase "lease-to-own." You weren't quoting an rndustria'l customer witness, were you? eage 1L2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Pege 44 12051lafn. txt 20 A It,vasnot. 2L a so that's your phrase? 22 A Yes, that is my phrase. 23 a turning over to page 10, you cite the 24 commission to rdaho code section -- I guess it's page 1J. 25 to L2 where you cite the commission to rdaho code section CSB REPORTING(208) 8e0-s1e8 285 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 YOUNGBLOOD (X) rdaho Power company 61-328; do you see that? A rdo. a lnd as you identify several prov'isions at the top of page 12 that must be met in order for the company to sell a facility; do you see that? A I see that. What I am describing there is the Company's proposal to provide a buyout option as part of this proceeding in response in particular to Simplot company. a lnd then you're asked at line 8 on page L2, "what do the provisions of rdaho code section 61-328 provide?" lnd your answer is at line L0, "within rdaho code Section 6L-328, it states that before authorizing the sale of public utility owned property..."; do you see that? A r do, and that is correct. a So is your understanding that this first part of the code section only requires that the property be public utifity owned property? A rhat would be a legal interpretation, but it is my understanding this is with regard to public uti'lity owned property, this section of Idaho Code. a Have you read that section of the rdaho nage 113 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Page 45 1205l1afn. txt 24 code? 25 A r have. csB REPORTTNG 286 YOUNGBLOoD (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company 1 Q 5o would it surprise you to learn that the 2 test may be a little more nuanced than just.public 3 utility owned? 4 A I would defer to legal counse'|. 5 e Rnd you note at the end of that paragraph 6 that the customer who purchases the facility must have a 7 bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and 8 maintain the property; do you see that? 9 a rhe property purchased, correct. 10 a Yeah, the property purchased, that's what 11 we're talking about, so if simplot purchased that LZ 66-year-old transformer from you and thereafter decided 13 that that factory is going to be closed and didn't L4 actually use that transformer, do you think that they 15 could legally buy it from you because they wouldn't be 16 operating that purchased facility? L7 A lgain, t would probably defer on 'legal 18 counsel on that, but what r'm describing here were the 19 provisions provided in the rdaho code and it was provided 20 as one of the conditions that would need to be met under 2L the company's proposed buyout option, if approved by the 22 commission at this point in time, but it would be, r 23 think, a legal deteimination whether or not the company 24 who purchased the equipment if it was no 'longer going to 25 use that equipment would meet this qualification. CSB REPORTING 287 YOUNGBLOOD (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company nage 114 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANv's MorIoN To TAKE Pege 46 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Erhibit 6 I i 1205l1afn. txt 1 a when r was visiting with Mr. sparks, we 2 were talking about facilities that are much older than 3 your average expected 31-, 32-year life and those 4 facilities are stil'l being assessed the fu'll faci'lities 5 charge, which includes depreciation, return, €t cetera, 6 et cetera, and r think we talked about subsidies between 7 individual customers and the remaining customers in the 8 class, and we ta'lked about -- do you reca'|1 our 9 discussion about when, 'like, simplot leaves the 10 facilities charge family that the lost revenue from that 11 facilities charge payments they were making are to be L2 made up by the remaining members of the c'lass? 13 A r recall the discussion, y€s. L4 a And do you agree with nltr. Sparks that when 15 a faci'lities charge customer goes au{ay that revenue is 16 thereafter made up by rais.ing the rates of the other L7 c'lass members? 18 A The revenue lost by that faci'lities charge 19 revenue because it is used as a credit to the revenue 20 requirement determination of a particular c'lass, that 2L c'lass would need to recover that revenue, yes. 22 a okay, then in your further discussion at 23 the bottom of page 12 of the operation of section 6L-328, 24 you state starting on line 24 that the company would need 25 to determine -- and this is the company's interpretation CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 288 YOUNGBLOOD (X) Idaho Power Company 1 of the provisions J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 of this code section according to the eage L15 Page 47 12051lafn . txt2 question -- that the company would need to determine that 3 none of its remaining customers would be adversely 4 impacted by the sale of those faci'lities, and if what 5 Mr. sparks and I discussed was true and you just 6 confirmed that every time that happens those revenues 7 have to be made up by the other customer classes, how is I it possible to make that determination? I A t believe that it wou'ld be done through a 10 determination of a sales price that would be used to 11 offset any kind of tmpact to the customer or done at the L2 same time as a general rate case filing where the base 13 rates for a particular class could be adjusted L4 accordingly. 15 a So you adjust the sales price, keep the 16 remaining customer class whole for the 'lost facilities L7 charge customer? 18 A you asked how could it happen and t said 19 that might be one way. Another way would be through 20 determination at the time of a genera'l rate case. 2L a so walk me through how that r'rou'ld work on 22 the purchase price scenario. 23 A we have not determined a methodo'logy for 24 determining purchase price, but if you look at future 25 revenues that would be recovered through a facil'ities CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 289 YOUNGBLOOD (X) rdaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 charge that would now be lost and those revenues were used as a determination of the base revenue requ'i rement for a part'icu'lar c'lass, then some kind of present value analysis, r would assume, could be used to determine what that price would be. J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Page 116 Pege 48 120511afn. txt6 q so correct me if r'm not understanding you 7 proper'ly, so if simplot was going to buy their facilities 8 from you, the purchase price would not just be the 9 non-salvagable cost, but it wou'ld also include the cost 10 to make the remaining customers in the class whole, so 11 how does simplot ever get away from having to pay that? LZ A The Company's provision for a buyout 13 option proposed in this case right now in my rebuttal L4 testimony, but has not yet been approved by the 15 Commission, was that the two companies, tdaho Power 16 company and the customer, would try to mutua'l'ly agree L7 upon a purchase price and that that price would be set in 18 such a way that it would meet the provisions as stated 19 there, the rdaho code section 6L-328, no mixed ownership 20 of fac'ilities, so they cou'ld not just buy the 2l transformer, they would have to buy all the facilities on 22 their site, and the customer must provide the operation 23 and maintenance of all facilities installed beyond the 24 point of delivery and that the customer must pay for the 25 engineering costs for determination of the sale. CSB REPORTING 290 YOUNGBL@D (x) Idaho Power company(208) 8e0-s198 1 The company is not proposing at this point 2 in time any methodology at al'l for determining that 3 price. the Company is only propos'ing right now to 4 provide what it does not currently have 'in its tariffs, 5 which is a buyout option for facilities that are beyond 6 the company's point of delivery. 7 Q You mentioned on allowing simplot to 8 exercise the option to pay for removal of the facijities, t have you read Idaho Power's 'letter that's in exhibit 308 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 eage 117 Prge 49 LzO5ilafn.txt10 at pages 5 and 6 in response to simplot's request to 11 purchase its facilities charge equipment? LZ A r don't have that letter before me, but r 13 may have read it during the course of the year. 14 a wou'ld you agree with me that that 'letter 15 indicates that simplot wi1l need to pay substantial 16 expenses to even devise a p'lan to implement such removal t7 and purchase? 18 A t do not have that letter before me, but r 19 do knoutr and reca1l that there are -- that the company 20 told Simplot to go ahead and propose which ones that they 2L would want to go ahead and purchase and that they would 22 begin devi'loping a plan with simplot in how to remove 23 those facilities. There's a 'lot of things that need to 24 be taken into consideration about downtime of particular 25 plants, coordination of faci'lities, coordination of the cSB REFORTTNG 29t YOUNGBLOOD (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company 1 changeover from company-owned facilities to 2 customer-owned facilities. rt was part of the process, r 3 believe. 4 Q oid rdaho Power ever offer to sel'l simplot 5 its facilities charge equipment? 6 A rt did not. 7 Q oid you read Mr. Sturtevantls testimony on 8 that issue where he testified that rdaho Power suggested 9 that simplot would have to pay rdaho Power approximately 10 $10 million for the facilities charge equipment to be 11 sold and that these facilities have a total initial L2 i nvestment of onl y 4. 2 mi'l 1i on? 13 MR. wTLLTAMS: l,tadam chai r , r 'il goi ng to rage 118 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE Prge 50 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 120511afn. txtL4 object. rhis is way beyond the scope of mr. voungblood's 15 testimony and he's now asking him a question based on 16 some hearsay that might be in one of his own witnesses' L7 testimony. 18 ISSIONER SMITH: MT. NiChATdSON. 19 a BY MR. RTcHARDSoN: Mr. voungblood, did 20 you part'icipate in any discussions with Simplot on the ZL purchase or sale of their facilities charge equipment? 22 THE WITNESS: Is this for me to ansuler? 23 COMMISSIONER SMITH: YES. 24 THE WITNESS: I did participate, y€s. 25 a By MR. RTcHARDSoN: nnd do you recal] the 292 YOUNGBLOOD (X) rdaho Power company CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 purchase prices that were discussed? A r do recall that a purchase price was not di scussed. a nnd on page 14, line 8 in your testimony, you ta'lk about the need to prevent mixed ownership of facilities; do you see that? A rdo. a lnd do you recall that Mr. sturtevant a'lso talks about mixed ownership in his testimony and he concludes that it's not such a bad thing? A t recal'l that he did talk about mixed use. r don't reca'll whether or not he included the characterization that it was not such a bad thing or not. A But I'm confused, Mr. voungb'lood, about exactly what mixed ownership means. A Mixed ownership means facilities that are J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Page 119 Page 51 12051lafn. txt18 beyond the po'int of delivery of the company that are 19 owned both by the company and other facilities that are 20 owned by the customer and that they are intertwined. As 2L Mr. Kline stated earlier, the company desires not to have 22 mixed use faci'lities on an ongoing basis and has made 23 that determjnation some time ago, is in the process of 24 trying to remove a1l mixed use facilities. 25 trle have allowed customers where we 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s1e8 293 YOUNGBLOOO (X) Idaho Power Company currently have mixed use facilities to continue. rt is our policy not to go further into developing or increasing the number of nrixed use facilities, and it is our proposal in this case here with a buyout opt'ion that the customer would purchase al'l of the faci'lities on the site so that there's not a pick and choose and pick only the ones they want to purchase, but they would buy out all of the facilittes, the company-owned facilities, on their site. a can you describe for me a faci1ity that is on the customer's side -- an rdaho Power-owned facility on the customer's side of the meter that is subject to the faci'lities charge, what it would I'ike if it were not a mixed faci'lity? A r'm not an engineer or expert on that, but in the simp'lest form I would say a transformer. a Rnd a transformer on simplot's property is not a mixed facility? A There is a delineation or a point where from that transformer on would be all customer facilities, so from the company's point of delivery, ) : I: J. R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 eage 120 Page 52 120511afn. txt22 which typically is the property line, if the transformer 23 existed or resided on the customer's side of that 24 property'line and that is the very'last plece of rdaho 25 Power's equipment, that would not be a mixed use 294 YOUNGBLOOD (x) Idaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICI,AL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s1e8 facility. The customer would take it from that point forward. rhe difference would be on a mixed use facility where there are some, let's say a transformer and then perhaps some switch gear that is customer-owned and then perhaps some additiona'l equipment beyond the switch gear that is company-owned, that would be mixed use facilities. rhe concerns from the company point of view is safety of its personnel, maintenance of the equipment, determining which equipment is our equipment or the customer's equipment. rhere have been incidences and in fact, incidences on Simplot's facility where some equipment has been moved or removed that was company-owned and the customer removed it. lncidences like that is not something that the company wants to conti nue. A rs there a definition of that term anywhere that I can look up? A I'm not au,are of one right now, no. a who makes the cal] about whether a facility is mixed or not mixed? A rt seems fair'ly simple to me that the -- a We11, the reason I ask is you're tel'ling the customers in your proposed Rule u that if they want to purchase the facilities they have to purchase all of Page 121 Page 53 1 them, bund'le. 2 A They have to purchase all of the 3 facilities beyond the company's point of delivery, 4 correct. 5 a md then at the same time, you're offering 6 to continue to create situations where they're 7 potential'ly mixed by offering the service to new 8 customers. 9 n No, no, no. Please understand the company 10 is not proposing any new mixed use facilities at a'll. 11 a But you're still proposing to provide the L2 facilities charge service. 13 A The company is continu'ing the facilities L4 charge service as it is current'ly right now with 15 customers on facilities that are beyond the company's 16 point of delivery. L7 a night; so I've got a transformer on my 18 side of the fence and that's by definition, according to 19 you, not mixed with my other facilities, but if the 20 transformer is another 20 yards into the facility, does 2L that then become mixed? 22 A ur. nichardson, r'm not sure what the 23 difficulty is here. From the company's point of 24 delivery, any company-owned facilities beyond that point 25 that are contiguous with the company's facilities is the csB REPORTTNG 296 YOUNGBLOOD (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICI"AL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 5 Page L22 Page 54 A oOEE-Fv>od6..FPOos6!FL !EO CE-no6P->90(,6:ooouOIsPcod.FaCELPu-o6LoL-ofOLIFtE@PPEO o ct!tN9guonJ.JSE o U u6z xNB O OdoErE O p EO_ u EOB '' H LELO60!=LEOOoe![io>oEP O < oao L 6 yli: o ! {tu < . ' 15E .: T EEtr U c 9X.'- '5 .P 5Ee f;tsiE.Eza<2I ru m t B{6U9Eo-u El"6YEdEEioq 9L^>B g fl >, p p qi , I ='58-8 ,i E!.:-EEE' 5- . *EgEE-39 .:tt '.:8."o. E.' 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O 6 tr OoGr.TPlU?YPE!dOPsd66.6P Jq- f E q Y O.r t E E' LE.F 6lJ+ UE!(FEgOgtrFH.FCPsFPiOEaE|rV.rqqgl.FAOdl@E t L 0 C O o ! s O L > t ! U O P e 66I6 S O L O G 6 S f 6 O g d E d O d 6NEOPPl,06rS90E Cd|ldsltt Uv dN6t6roN€h @ N € o o d N m !: 4 @ t\ o ot o d N 6 ( 6ddddr{ildF{dd-NNNNN 120511afn. txt 9 over time, so if a customer s,igned a form, let's say a 10 customer signed the form today and that rate was 1.7 11 percent, then a customer if the commission approved the L2 request by the company to reduce that rate, at a later 13 point in time that rate would go down. If a customer is L4 different from a schedu]e 19 or a schedule 24 or a 15 schedule 15 or a 41 or special. contract customer 29, 16 there may be a different rate incurred. L7 a Do you think a customer's consent may be 18 influenced by what that rate is? 19 A The customer would be knowledgeable of 20 that rate at that point in time. 2L a Has that been your experience in the past 22 with your customers? 23 A r have not been out with the customer. r 24 cannot ta'lk to that. 25 a 0n page 19, lines 2 to 6 of your csB REPORTTNG 299 YOUNGBLOOD (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 L2 testimony, you state that the vast majority of the company's other faci'lities charge customers have apprec'iated and benefited from the company operating and providing maintenance on facilities that they would have had to pay for and maintain themselves. Do you have any evidence supporting that statement? A rhe evidence that we used to make that determination was prior to today. we were aware of only one customer out of the 240 who had issues or reasons or concerns and that was the simp'lot company. As of today, r believe we now have two other customers that may have concerns or issues. We have not talked, to my knowledge nage 1-25 J. R, STMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Page 57 120511afn. txt 13 have not talked, to those.customers and helped explain 14 what the benefits are of the facilities charge, so based 15 upon even that, three out of 240 customers, r think r 16 would sti11 say that the vast majority of the company's L7 other faci'lities charge customers have appreciated and. 18 benefited from the company operating and providing 19 maintenance on faci'lities that they wou'ld have to pay for 20 and maintain themselves. 2L a that's just based upon your assumpt'ion, 22 though? 23 A gased upon the fact that the faci1ities 24 charge has been in place for a number of years, as you 25 have stated, and that we have not heard any other csB REPORTTNG 300 YOUNGBLOOD (X)(208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company 1 complaints, yes. the companies who are paying the 2 facilities charge continue to receive the same benefit 3 that they received from the beginning. 4 MR, RTcHARDSoN: Madam chair, that's a'l'l r 5 have. rhank you, Mr. Youngblood. 6 rHE wrrNEss: Thank you. 7 COMMISSIoNER sMrTH: rhank you, Mr. 8 nichardson. Do you have questions? g coMMrssroNER REDFoRD: r only have one . 10 question. 11 L2 EXAMINATION 13 L4 BY COI4MISSIONER REDFORD: 15 a rn my 32 years of life, r've heard the 16 word levelized used in many ways, from a level forpage 126 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MortoN To TAKE Page 58 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 12051lafn.txt t7 levelizing wood to what you're talking about today, te'I1 18 rne what'levelized means. 19 A what r was trying to describe was that -- 20 a And r'm sure you did, r just didn't get 2L it. 22 A wel'I, apparent'ly not, but what t was 23 trying to describe was that the revenue that wou'ld be 24 recovered through a non-'leve'lized approach wou'ld be 25 exactly the same as one that would be recovered through a CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 301 YoUNGBLooD (x) rdaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 'levelized approach, and in saying that, that means that in a non-levelized approach, the customer would pay more in the early years, perhaps paying more -- their bill would be higher, and over the course of time, it wou'ld decrease as the investment decreases. rhe levelized methodo'logy takes al'l of those and takes the -- it creates or calcu'lates an equal payment -- a The average? A -- the average for the entire period of time, very much like, for example, your home mortgage, that is -- a t don't want to talk about that. A okay. we'll, yours is probably much smal]er than mine, unfortunately, but it is the same amount over a period of time, rather than paying more 'in the beginning of the 30-year mortgage than it is at the end. a why don't you use just the words differing faci I i t'i es charges pe r year? A ror which one? Page L27 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Pnge 59 120511afn. txt 2l A rt appears either one. 22 A tr'lhat r'm trying to describe is the fact 23 and t think this is something -- 24 coMMrssroNER REDFoRD: t understand what 25 you're talking about now, but that was just kind of a 302 YoUNGBLOoD (com) rdaho Power company CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 Quip, so you don't need to answer that. thank you. r have no further questions. EXAMINATION BY COMMISSTONER SMITH: a at the risk of making it worse, r want you to confirm what r believe t understand. A okay. a the chart on page 4 t analogize what it seemed similar to me was tax depreciation. You can either take acce'lerated or you can do straight line, but when you get to the end, yoU've paid the same amount. A rhat is correct. a end the only thing that happens if you change the time frame is that that crossover point moves. A rhat is correct. a okay; so what we have, too, then, is a pool of assets, just like any other uniform system of Accounts class and assets come in and they get depreciated over an average life and some are done and some come in, but it never goes to zero because some are always coming in. A Correct.page 128 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Page 60 120511afn . txt 25 a n'11 right; so another approach if csB REPoRTTNG 303 YOUNGBLOOD (Com) (208) 890-5198 rdaho Power company 1 customers don't 'like a facilities charge is you just ro11 2 all these costs into the revenue requirement number and 3 ca'lcu'late a base rate using the total revenue requirement 4 instead of having separate charges that then are 5 subtracted from the total revenue requirement. 6 n rt could be an approach. The concern is 7 that these are facilities that are so1e1y for the use of 8 specific customers. 9 q so what you were trying to do with the L0 facilities charge is more closely align the recovery of 11 the expense from the entity who's benefiting from it? LZ A That is correct. what all of those 13 facilities, including those facilities beyond the point 14 of delivery, so including those faci'lities that are 15 recovered under the facilities charge, all of those are 16 being recovered through base rates, and so is it prudent L7 for customers under base rates to be paying for t8 faci'lities that are only used for a particular customer. 19 The company's determinat'ion is that is not prudent and so 20 what we have done is a levelized approach to offset that 2L revenue requirement being paid by the class, so it is an 22 attempt, and it's not perfect 'in timing, but it is an 23 attempt to offset that revenue requirement determination 24 for the class. 25 a And in ratemaking, r always think of it as 304 YoUNGBLooD (com) rdaho Power company CSB REPORTING(208) 8e0-s198 I J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Erhibit 6 eage 129 Page 6l 12051lafn. txt 1 more of an art than a science and within any customer 2 rate class there's always the issue and the reality of 3 intraclass subsidies. 4 A lbsolutely. a residential customer who 5 'lives in a subdivision that is very old and has an old 6 transformer may be subsidizing a customer who is in a 7 brand new subdivision with a brand new transformer. 8 cotlMrSSrONER SMITH: Thank you. r think r 9 got it. 10 eny redirect? 11 CO{vlMrSSroNER REDF0RD: Could r have just LZ one more question? L3 conrMrssroNER sMrrH: certainly. L4 15 EXAMINATION 16 17 BY COII{MISSIONER REDFORD: a So Marshars question that an old resident 19 might be subsidizing -- 18 20 2L facilities. CSB REPORTING 22 a coMMrssroNER REDFoRD: -- may be 23 subsidizing a resident with new facilities; correct? 24 25 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: R resident with old A Correct. q when you're talking about pooling, are you 305 YOUNGBLOOD (Com) rdaho Power company(208) 8e0-5198 1 talking about pooling assets for a particular company or 2 for the company-wide assets? eage 130 J. R. srMpI-or coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE Page62 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 120511afn. txt3 e The company-urride assets of distribution 4 facilities. 5 Q okay; so that could be -- part of that 6 pooling cou'ld be the 1947 whatever and the 2012? 7 A Absolutely, and if the L947 is on the 8 books and fully depreciated, there is no value for 9 that. 10 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: No further 11 questions. r think r'm fully convinced that t'm LZ confused. 13 CO!4MrSsroNER SMrTH: Mr. williams. L4 MR. idTLLIAMS: Yes, Madam Chair, just a 15 few redirect questions. 16 L7 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 18 1.9 BY MR. WILLIAMS: 20 a ur. Youngblood, has the company used a 2L levelized ratemaking approach in depreciating its assets 22 at the nells canyon generating station? 23 A r do not believe so. 24 a so any comparison between using a 25 levelized approach that we use for a facilities charge CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 306 YoUNGBLooD (com) Idaho Power company 1 2 3 4 5 6 and how we depreciate assets at Hells canyon wou1dn't be appropri ate? A Correct. coMMrssroNER REDFoRD: well, that's because rdaho Power owns the fac'ilities; is that correct? MR. WILLIAMS: Is that for me or him? Page 131 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTTON TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 H Page 63 1205Ilafn.txt7 THE WITNESS: the Company owns all of the 8 faci'lities, including those that are being charged the 9 facilities charge. 10 coMMrssroNER REDFoRD: This is generating 11 down into a discussion, r apologize. zip it up, right? tZ a By MR. wTLLTAMS: Mr. voungb-lood, you 13 talked about this pooling of assets of 31 years, is it L4 normal to expect that some of the assets within that pool 15 will survive the 3l-year average? 15 A Absolutely. L7 A lnd is it norma'l to say that some of those 18 assets will last less than 31 yearsT 19 A Yes. 20 q lnd the facilities charge customers get 2l the same level of service for their facilities regardless 22 of the age of those facilities? 23 A Yes. 24 a Does the Company's cost to operate and 25 maintain facilities disappear once a particular asset is csB REPoRTTNG 307 YoUNGBLooD (Di)(208) 890-5198 rdaho power company 1 fully depreciated? 2 A No, the operation and maintenance expense 3 continues on. 4 Q other than the handful of special 5 contracts the company has, does the company perform 6 individual revenue requirements for individual 7 customers? I A No. I Q Are you aware of whether or not this 10 commission has approved that type of methodology? eage 132 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MortoN To rAKE Page 64 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 A r #ort#'#d,t: L2 a under the currently approved tariff on t3 file with the commission, isn't it true that simplot has 14 the option to have the company remove the facilities and 15 it can install its own faci'lities to do away with the 16 faci'l'ities charge? L7 A Yes, that is correct. 18 a md isn't it true that in this case the 19 company is providing an additional alternative wherein 20 simplot can buy out the facilities? 2L A Yes, that is correct. 22 a lnd just to be clear, as far as the 23 existing facilities charge rate, what the company is 24 proposing is a reduction to that rate, the current rate; 25 is that correct? ) CSB REPORTING 308 YOUNGBLOOD (Di)l (208) 890-5198 rdaho power Company 1 A That is correct. For all three of the 2 rates, y€s. 3 MR. WTLLIAMS: tto further questions, 4 uadam chai r. 5 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you, and thank 6 you, Mr. Youngb'lood. 7 (rhe witness left the stand.) 8 COMMISSIONER SMITH: It iS NOW MY 9 intention to go to the Kroger witness who apparent'ly 10 needs to be done today, and following that, we will go to 11 ur. nichardson's witnesses and get Mr. eut'ler on his way, L2 and then depending on how long that takes, we will fit in 13 us. uirsh, if necessary, or w'ill she be here tomorrow? L4 MR. oTT0: she's able to be here Page 133 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE Prge 65 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 120511afn. txt15 tomorrow. 16 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: Does she plan to be L7 here? 18 MR. OTTO: Yes. 19 cor$fissroNER surrlt: we1l, we']l see how 20 that goes and maybe we'l'l get you done today, and yes, we 2L are taking a break now until 3:15. 22 (Recess.) 23 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: All right, we're 24 ready to go back on the record. we'1I go to Ms. ry1er. 25 MS. KYLER: Kroger calls t<evin C. Higgins 309 YoUNGBL@D (Di) rdaho Pover company CSB REPORTING(208) 8e0-5198 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 t2 13 L4 r5 16 L7 L8 to the stand. KEVIN C. HIGGINS, produced as a witness at the instance of rhe rroger company, having been first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: DIRECT EXAMINATTON BY MS. KYLER: a Please state your full name and spe11 your last name for the record. A My name is revin c. Higgins, H-i -g-9-i -n-s . a ey whom are you employed and in what capaci ty? A I'm a principal in the firm Energy strategi es. J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 eage 134 Pege 66 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-11-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY YOUNGBLOOD, REB TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO, 52 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 Page 67 ldaho PowerCompany |.P.U.C. 1,1o.29. Tadff No. 101 Odoinal Sheet No. M-1 RUIE M FACIUTIES CHARGE SERVICE This rule applies to elpible oustomers taklng Primary or Transmlssion SeMoe under Schedules 9 and 19 or Transmlssion SoMce under Schedule 24. Eliglble Custorners may request that the Gompany design, lnetall, orn, and openate tnangbrmers and other ffilitles beyond the Poht of Delitory thgt are solely provided to me€t tre Cudome/s aeMoe rcqulrcmenb. This servlce ls pmvlded at the Customele nquest and at tre oplion of the Gompany ln erchange for the Customer paylng a monthly facllities cha6e to the Company. Prlmary and Tranembelon Servlce level Guetomers not Sking facllltles charge ssMcc are responsible fur providing the tansfornaton of poiler beyond the Polnt of Dellvery needed to mcet the Custome/s BeMoo rcqulrements. See Rule B. l. Gonroatv-Orrned Fadll0ec Bauond0re Polntof Dellvcrv Under a faollltla dtatge anangennnt, the Comparry wlll own and operetB faolll$es beyond the Point of Dellvery 0rat arc inetalled to solely benefit the Grrstomer, and the Customer wlll pay a monthly facllltles charg€ to the Company bmed on a peroenhge of the vahe of hE faollltles installed. As palt of hls anangemenl the Qrsbmer agrses to allor ldaho Porer access to the Customefs propelty to povide installatlon of faclllties, operaUon and malntenanoe, altemtlon, relocation, upgrade, converclon, and/or removal in oder b rpet the Custome/s seniice reQuircments. The Cusbmer agrcesb povide dghb-of-wayas ou0ined in Rule C. Company-oruned ftcl!ilies beyond the Point of Dolivery will be set forth ln a Disttihlion Faeilities lnvestmant Report (DFl) pulded to he G\stomer. As the Cqnpaq/s inwghpnt in facilltles beyond the Polnt of Ddlvery changes ln olderto meet the Custome/e servlce requlrements, the Company shdl notlfi the Customer of the addifrone andlor deletbns of facilities by fonrardlng to the Customer a revised DFl. The Company wlll also adlust the monthly fadlities chaqe to be paid by the Customer bmed on any increase or decrcase ln the value of the Company-owned fiacllltles resuftiqg from additlons and/or deleffons as set forttr in the rcvised DFl. Alteratlon and Fdlure ot.Gomoannr0rned F.ecllltles ln the event the Gustomer requests the Gompany to alter (rcmove, reinstall, or change) Compeny-owned faclllils beyond the Folnt of Delivery, the Custonpr ehall pay tothe Gompany the "nonsalvaUe cost' of sudr removal, relnstallation, or ohange. Non.oalvable cost a8 uged hemln is ompdsed of the btal deprechted msts of matedals, lahr, and overtreade of lhe facllltles, less the differene betuoen the salvable cosfl of material removed, and mmowl labor cost inoluding appropdab overhead costs. Falled equignent will b€ replaced by the Company ft part of provtdlng ongolng operaton and malnbnance of Company-owned facllfties lnstalled beyond the Foint of Dellvery. When a hlM piece of equipment is eplaced by the Company. the value of he fallEd piece of equlpment will be removed from the Gustomefs DFI anC replaoed wtth the value of the new plece of equlBment to calculate the Customefs monthly facilities charye. Erhlblt No. 52 Case No. IPC-E-I1-08 M. Youngblood, IPC Page I of3 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effective - Jariuary 1, 2012 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Gregory W. Said, Vice Prceident, Regulatory Affairs 1221 Wst ldaho Streeti Boise, ldaho Pege 68 ldaho PolorCompany |.P.U.G. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Orhlnal Sheet i6. i{-2 RULEM FACLmES CHARGE SERVTCE Sllo of 9omornv-Qrned Faclllfiee Custorprs paying a fadlities cfurgp may rcquest to lnstalled bepld the Polnt of Dellvery. All galEs of Commiseion and mert thE fulloadng provlslonc: ldaho Code Section 61€i18. No mbod ownershlp of facllities. A Guelomer purchaslng Companyourned facltltles lrtstalled beyord thE Polnt of Dellvery mtnt purctrase allfacllltles [st€d on the DFI fur that locatbn. The Customer must go\ride the operafion and malrGnance of all facill0ee installed beyond $e Polnt of Delivery after the sale is oomplete. The Cusftomer must pr€Fy englneering ooetE br salee detominaffons taldng greater than 16 otlmated houre of prcpanatlon. Sales debrminatlonE equal to or less than 16 esfrmated hours of prepardon will b€ U[ed to the Gmtomsr as part of the sales agreernent, or after he englrcerlrq ls ompl$d h lnshrces whep the eale ls not linetizEd. tlonthlv Fadlltlcs Gharoe Rate Effuc0ve January 1,2012, a facilides charge, as speoiFed in Sclredule 6€, willbe assessed on each facllitles drarge custome/s monthly biltng. Coment ahd Ackrowledoe Form Priorto enterlng inb a faolltfres charge amangernent, the Gustomer and Companymud agrae to and sign the Facllilies Charye Selhe Consent and Ac*nowledgement Form attached tc this rule. purchase Gompanyowned .fadlltEs facilities must be apPoved by the a. b. )4. Exhlblt No. 52 Case No. IPC-E-I1-08 M. Youngblood, IPC Page2 of 3 rDAr-to lssued per Order No. Effective - January 1,2012 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 lssued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY GregoryW. Said, Moe ftesldent, ReguhtoryAfrirt 1221 West ldaho Street, Bolse, ldaho Page 69 ldaho Power Company |.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff l,lo. 101 Orioinal Sheet No. lrl-3 By signing thb form, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Porcf) and ("Customef) hereby consent to and admoruledge the following: 1. ldaho Porprwilldeslgn, lnstall, own, and operab transfomers and otherhclllties on the Custome/s proporty whlch are beyond ldaho Porver'a Polnt of Delivery and are solely prodded to med the Custome/s serulce requirements at the folhwlng Customer location: 2. Thls seruhe is provided at the Orcbmer's requcot and at fte optlon of lddto Poupr ln erchange br the Customer payrng a monhly fadlltleE charye to ldaho Powsr as lFted in Schedule 66 of ldaho Powe/s cunent and efiedive tailff. 3. ldaho Porcr and the Customer @roe ttlat thls anangement ls provlded under the terms and oonditions of Rule M, Fadlitbs Charye Sen lce, of ldaho Pouer's cunent and effedive tartfr. IlaEd: IDAI-IO POWER COMPANY CUSTOMER RULE M FACILITIES CHARGE SERVICE ldaho Poupr@moany Facllities Chame Sarvlca Consent and Acknowledoement Form Exhibit No, 52 Case No. IPC-E-I1-08 M. Youngblood, IPG Page 3 of3 IDAHO lssued per Order No. Effedive - Janu*1 1, 2012 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 6 lesued by IDAFIO POWER COMPANY GregoryW. Said, Mce President, Reguhtory[ff46 1221Wed ldaho Sbeet, Bolse,ldaho Pagc 70 EXHIBIT #7 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 L6 L7 18 19 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 20 2t 120511afn. txt CSB REPORTTNG 339 HIGGINS (X) The Kroger company(208) 8e0-s198 DEL BUTLER, produced as a witness at the instance of the rndustrial customers of rdaho Power, having been first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. RICHARDSON: A Mr. Butler, would you please state and spe1l your name? A oel gutler, B-u-t-'l-e-r. a Rnd are you the same oel Butler who caused prefiled testimony to be filed in this docket? A I .am. a end you have no exh'ibits to your testimony, do you? A NO. a rhank you. Do you have any corrections or additions to make to your testimony this afternoon? A NO. a Mr. Butler, if I were to ask you the same Page 161 Prge I L20511afn. txt 22 questions you were asked in your 23 afternoon, would your answers be 24 A Yes, they woujd. 25 MR. RTCHARDSON: CSB REPORTING(208) 8e0-5198 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 LZ 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 prepared testimony this the same? uadam chair, r move that HIGGINS (X)the rroger company 340 the prefi1ed testimony of Mr. But'ler be spread upon the record as if it were read in full. COMMISSIOf{ER SMITH: Seeing no objection, it is so ordered. (rhe following prefiled direct testimony of ur. oe1 autler is spread upon the record.) J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE, OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 eage 162 Page 2 1205l1afn. txt CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 341 HIGGINS (X) The rroger company 1 Q. Please state your name, 2 occupation, and business address.. 3 a. My name is oel Butler, Senior Director, 4 Business Development, J.R. simplot company, 1130 west 5 ttighway 30, Pocatello, tdaho. 6 Q. Please describe you educational background. 7 A. I have a gachelors Degree in gusiness 8 Administration, from rdaho state university. 9 a. what is your work experience at the l.R. 10 simplot company? 11 A. r have worked for the l.R. simplot company for LZ 39 years. r was the Plant Manager at the oon P'lant in 13 pocatello for nine (9) years, from L998 to 2007. L4 a. what is the purpose of your testimony? 15 A. the purpose of my testimony is to provide 16 customer insight into the rdaho Power faci'lities charge Ll for equipment located on our property and express my 18 concern over what t consider to be an unfair business 19 practice. 20 a. Please explain in genera'l terms the location 2L and products produced at l.n. Simplot company's Don 22 plant, which takes service from rdaho Power as a specia'l 23 contract customer. 24 A. rhe oon plant, located in pocatello, rdaho 25 produces a fu'l'l f ine of agricu'ltural phosphate CSB REPORTING 342 BUTLER (Di) (208) 890-5198 rcrP J. R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 Rage 163 Page 3 120511afn . txt 1 fertilizer. 2 Q. How many peop'le does the oon plant emp'loy? 3 a. The plant employs 350 to 360 regular employees, 4 with seasona'l employment peaking around 450 to 500 5 workers in late spring. 6/ 7/ 8/ 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s1e8 BUTLER (Di) ICIP a.How much 343 electricity does the oon eage 164 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 P'lant rece'ive Page 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 l_1 L2 L3 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 from tdaho power a1205L'1rafr'txt A. we routinely consume approximately twenty-one (21) megawatts. a. ooes the oon plant pay rdaho power a faci'lities charge for e'lectrical distribution equipment installed and maintained beyond the point of delivery by rdaho power? A. Yes. a. what types of equipment are inc'luded 'in the tdaho Power facilities charge? A. the charge includes typical higher-voltage equipment such as transformers, switches, power po'les, and wiring. a. Cou'ld you explain your understanding of the facilities charge when you were the plant Manager at the Don Plant? A. ls t understood it at the time, whenever we needed equipment such as transformers, po1es, or switches, we would contact rdaho Power and they would provide this equ'ipment with no up-front charge. The cost of the equipment plus instal'lation would then be added to the bill as a facilities charge. rn effect, the newly installed piece of equipment would become leased equipment. rdaho Power was responsible for servicing and 344 oe'l aut'l"., ,, ,arl 1 maintaining the equipment. rf the equipment failed and 2 required replacement once again, the asset would be 3 retired, the remaining book value would be zeroed out and 4 a new faciiity charge would be estab'lished based upon the 5 cost and 'installation of the new equipment installed in J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 page 165 Prge 5 120511afn. txt6 place of the o'ld equipment. 7/ 8/ s/ 10 11 !2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 27 2? 23 24 25 345 De] gut'ler, oI 1 rCIP 1 Q. could you exp'lain your current understanding of 2 the facilities charge? 3 a. As I understand it now, once a p'iece of 4 equipment gets added to the facilities charge, we pay a 5 20.4% annual fee every year, forever. rt never gets paid 6 off and we do not have the option to pay it off. 7 Additionally, if we ever wanted to purchase our own I equjpment, tdaho Power has provided no reasonable J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 page 166 Page 6 ! i I 120511afn. txt9 opportunity for us to do this. Essentia'|1y, we have 10 choice and no options and we are stuck paying 20.4% 11 annually on an ongoing basis. L2 a. Do you know holl much the origina'l equipment 13 cost rdaho Power including 'installation? L4 A. r do, now. rhe tota'l amount for the Don P'lant 15 is $2,619,846,62. 16 a. HOw much does the Don Plant currently pay in L7 facilities charges annually for this equipment? 18 A. tlle pay $534,448.7t annua1ly. 19 a. what is the average age of the faci]it'ies 20 charge equipment at the Don P'lant? A. The average age of the rdaho Power equipment at the oon Plant is 24.5 years. we've got sixty-three (63) pieces of equipment that were 'installed in 1964, 24 forty-seven C47) years ago. r understand that rdaho 25 Power has informed us in this case that the annual rate 346 oel sutler, Dr 2ICIP 2L 22 23 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 L0 11 L2 at the oon Plant has been 20.4% since L976, and was 15% annually from 1964 to L976. For the equipment dating back to L964, we have paid $534,330 to date for equipment that cost $75,79Linstalled. t'le have paid for these sixty-three (63) items more than seven (7) times already. a. what is the total dollar amount that the oon plant has paid to rdaho Power for facilit'ies charge equipment currently installed? / / / J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE ANDiOR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 eage 167 120511afn. txt 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 oel sutler, Dr 2a ICIP 1 A. J.n. Simplot Company has been paying a 2 facilities charge at the Don plant since 1964, for the 3 past forty-seven G7) years, on equipment that was 4 instal'led as early as 1964. We have estimated, based on 5 the historic rates rdaho Power has provided to us in this 6 case, for $2.6 million in currently installed equipment, 7 we have now paid $10,027,224. rhis does not include the I time-value of money, and if we included that, the actual 9 cost would be much h'igher. 10 a. How did you become aware of the faci'lities 1.1 charge? L2 A. I have always been aware of the facilities L3 charge at the Don Plant, but the ful1 extent of this 14 unfair business practice was brought to my attention this 15 fiscal year by our corporate Energy Manager, Don 347 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 Page 168 I : II: :'\16 sturtevant.1205l1afn.txt Has Idaho Power everL7o.requested your written r.n. Simplot company to18 consent, as a plant manager at L9 install any facilities beyond 20 your p'lants? the point of delivery at 2t A. No. I have never given forma'l 22 understood the faci'lities charge equipment 23 charged an annual 20.4% fee, never be paid 24 no option to be paid off ever. 25 a.Are you aware of such consent given by any 348 oel gutler, Dr 1 other l.R. simplot company officia'ls? consent that I would be off, and have J.R. Simplot that conduct 2 3 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 A. NO. a. what insurance requirements does 4 company require of electrical contractors 5 work on its property? 6 A. The J.R. simplot company requires al1 7 contractors, electrical or othervuise, to prov'ide a $5 8 mil'lion insurance Iiability policy. e/ L0/ 11 / LZ 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 rage 169 20 2L 22 23 24 25 120511afn . txt 349 oel gut'ler, ot 3aICIP a. Does rdaho Pourer's ownership and management of electrical equ'ipment on plants owned by t.n. simplot company concern you from a liability perspective? A. lbso'lute'ly. rhe safe and reliable operation of the facil'ity could easily be impacted by the interruption of power and the liabi'lities that go along with that'loss. a. Do you think it is fair for rdaho Power to continue charging the facilities charge rate for rdaho Porer's initia'l investment made an average of 24 years ago? A. NO. a. rdaho Pou,er has offered a reduction in the annual facilities charge fron 20.4% of the init'ial investment to 17.00%. please explain your thoughts on that. A. ror the Don P'lant, we have paid for this equipment many times a'lready. simply providing a smal'l reduction 'in the rate is not fair. a. when you were responsible for the Don Plant operations, what was your understand'ing of the options prov'ided by rdaho Power's facilities charge for the customer to stop pay'ing the charge? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 eage 170 Page l0 23 24 25 I I i I j A. r betr.tffit'hTft'htJ[ were no options and that we were required to pay the facilities charge. A. what is your current understanding of simplot's 350 De] gutler, or 4 ICIP 1 options regarding the facilities charges? 2 A,. We current'ly do not have any option other than 3 to require Idaho Power to remove their facilities and 4 replace their system with our own. However, as r 5 understand it, l,ue must pay rdaho Power for the rema'ining 5 book va1ue, plus the cost to remove the facilities, minus 7 a credit 8/ s/ 10/ 11 L2 13 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 Rage 1-7L Page I I 120511afn. txt351 De] autler, ot 4IcIP 1 for the salvage value of the equipment, if any. rhis 2 would be a substantial cost and would not be a 3 financial'ly respons'ib'le alternative. 4 Q. Do you consider it fair for rdaho Power to 5 refuse to sell the equipment to you at a fairly 6 negotiated value? 7 A. No. I e. If you had the choice, how would you propose 9 rdaho Power address the problems you see with its 10 facilities charge? 11 A. we have paid for our current facflities-charge L2 equipment more than three times already at the oon plant. 13 r believe that rdaho Pou,er has already recovered its 14 initial costs and any authorized rate of return several 15 times over. nt this point, it would only be fair to 16 simply turn ownership of these facilities over to J.R. tl S'imp'lot company. 18 rn addition, I believe it is imperative that the 19 commission seriously reform the facilities charge 20 structure and stop this unfair business pract'ice. r 2L fu11y support the recommendations contained in the direct 22 testimony of or. Don neading, which would make the 23 monthly charge fair for those customers who wish to pay 24 it and wou'ld prov'ide reasonable mechanisms by which 25 customers may take over ownership of equipment on their 352 oel sutler, Dr r*l J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 eage L72 Pngc 12 l-i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 L5 16 L7 18 1_9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 12051lafn. txt own property. a. ooes this conclude your A. Yes. / / / testimony? 3s3 De1 But'ler,DI 5 rCIP 1 2 open hearing.) 3 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER TNTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 (rhe following MR. RICHARDSON: eage 173 proceedings were had in r,ladam chai r, rtlr. Butl er Prge 13 120511afn . txt 4 is availab]e for cross-examination. 5 6 Otto. 7 I 9 Nelson. 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 few. 20 2L 22 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Thank you. Mr. MR. oTTo: No questions, Madam chairman. CoMMISSIONER SMITH: All right, tlr. MR. NELSON: No questions. COITIMISSIONER SMITH: O.Isen. MR. OLSEN: No questions. CoMMISSTONER SMITH: rurdy. MR. PURDY: None. thank you. CO$4MISSIONER SMITH: TIein? MR. KLEIN: None, thanks. COMMISSIONER SMITH: On the Company. MR. wrLLrAMs: Yes, Madam chair, just a CROSS.EXAMINATION 23 BY MR. WILLIAMS: a Good afternoon , Mr. But'ler. A cood afternoon. 354 oel sutler, ot 6a ICIP 1 Q Your testimony states that you're the 2 former manager of the S'implot oon p'lant; is that 3 correct? 4 A That's correct. 5 a Rnd in what years were you the plant 6 manager? 7 A rrom 1998 to 2007. eage L74 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE Page 14 OFFICIAL NOTICE ANDiOR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 24 25 I i 1i- i I I! ! i 1205l1afn. txt 8 Q okay. trlhat does the term or phrase I "specia'l contract" mean to you in the context of your 10 electric ut'i1ity bi'lls? 11. A r don't know that it necessari'ly -- tZ MR. RTcHARDSoN: could you give me a 13 reference to the testimony? L4 MR. WILLIA!4S: I'm just asking if the 15 phrase "special contract" means anything to the witness. 16 r'm not asking about his testimony. L7 MR. RICHARDSoN: I'm just wondering where 18 in his testimony you find that. Lg MR. WILLTAMS: t'11 rephrase the question, ZO uadam chair. 2L CofI{MTSSIONER SMITH: thank you. 22 q BY MR. WILLTAMS: Are you aware that rdaho 23 power has a specia'l contract with sirnplot for the 24 electric service it provides to the oon plant? 25 A t don't know that r would characterize it CSB REPORTING 355 BUTLER (X)(208) 890-5198 rcrP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 as special. r was aware of the working agreement that we've had with Idaho Power for a number of years from working at the oon plant. a so are you aware that the most recent spec'ial contract between rdaho Power and simplot for providing electricity service to the Don plant was negotiated in 2004? A r don't know that r would characterize that there was a special contract, once again. a Are you denying that a special contract, schedule No. 29, exists between rdaho Power and simplot eage 175 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 Prge 15 120511afn . txt LZ for the oon plant? 13 A r'm not denying that there was one that L4 existed. rt's not one that r had seen. 15 a so to be c1ear, you were the p'lant manager 16 during 2004, but yet, you weren't a party for simplot's L7 side for negotiating the terms and conditions of that 18 agreement? 19 A No, r was not. 20 A so then you wouldn't be aware that that 2l special contract explicitly contains a provision whereby 22 the company agrees to provide the facilities charge 23 service and Simplot specifically agrees to pay the 24 facilities charge service? 25 A over a number of years of working within CSB REPORTING 356 BUTLER (X) ICIP(208) 890-s198 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 1L L2 13 t4 15 the facility r was arvare that there was a facilities charge. rhe exact circumstances that were and conditions around that facilities charge were never presented to me 'in writing or asked for approval or sign-off. a So I guess who at simplot, then, negotiated that agreement or wou'ld have been responsible for negotiating that agreement? A r would anticipate that the individuals back at that time may have been David Hawk would have been invo'lved in the negotiation of the contract and then someone from the senior executive staff with signing authority would have signed that particular agreement. MR. WILLIAMS: trto further questions for this witness, Madam chair. CoMMISSIONER SMITH: thank you. Do we eage 176 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 7 Page 16 1205l1afn. txt t6 have any questions from the commissioners? L7 coMurssroNen Rebrono: No. 18 COfVIMISSIONER SMITH: my redirect? 19 MR. RTCHARDSoN: t'to redirect, 20 uadam chair. 2t COMMISSIoNER SMITH: rhank you very much, 22 appreciate your being here. 23 MR. RTCHARDSoN: tqadam chair, may this 24 witness be excused? 2.5 coMMrssroNER smrrH: seeing no objection, CSB REPORTING 357 BUTLER (X)(208) 890-5198 rcrP rhic reritnacs is cyrused. 'dS,tllll"J':31'i$ilHt$SRIJ'"##3^"'""r!'r4' Exhibit 7 Page 17 iii*itis,q"r . r iiiri,.',,, EXHIBIT #8.A J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE 12051lafn. txt1 facilities subject to the facilities charge, as well as 2 the proper ]evel of the Energy efficiency Rider. My 3 testimony will address these two unresolved issues. 4 Q. Lets turn to the first section of your 5 testimony. cou'ld you please describe the currently 6 effective faci1ities charge on rdaho Power's system? 7 A. For schedule 9, 19 and special contract 8 customer schedule 29, the facilities charge currently is 9 a 20.4% annual charge, which is assessed on customers' 10 bi'lls as a 1.7% monthly charge. the charge is the 11 company's rate recovery mechanism for the company's L2/ 13/ L4/ 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 362 READING (Di) ICIP(208) 8e0-s198 1 investments in company-owned distribution facilities that 2 are on the customer's property beyond the point of 3 delivery. these facilities are usually comprised of J. R. srMplor coMpANy,s MorroN To rAKf, eage 181 page I OFFICI.AL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 L5 16 L7 18 19 20 2! 22 23 24 25 120511afn. txtpo1es, wires, transformers, switches, meters, etc., that are needed to provide power to the customer. rhe principal investment amount on which the customer is charged 20.4% annua'l1y is the tota'l of the undepreciated sum of al'l the investments the company has made in equipment currently in use at the individual customer's premises, irrespective of the year the investment was made. rn other words, the company's facilities charge imposes a 20.4% annua'l payment on the initial investment in the company-owned distribution faci'lities on the customer's property. The principal investment amount changes only when a new piece of equipment is insta'l'led or existing equipment is replaced. tf a piece of equipment is replaced, the investment amount for the original equipment 'is removed from the investment total and replaced by the cost of the new replacement equi pment .1 A. could recommendation charge? A. ASI recommend that CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 you provide an overview of your with regard to rdaho powerrs facilities will explain in more detail below, t rdaho Power's proposed revised facilities 363 READING (Di) ICIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 charge percentage of L7.00ffi should be re-calibrated to take'into account the'lower rate of return and other cost components that wi'l'l result from approva'l of the stipulat'ion in this case. t a'lso recommend that the commission require the company to calculate the monthly facilities charge using.the depreciated value of the initial investment in distribution facilities in J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Rage 182 Page2 120511afn. txtI 9 10 L1 --E- 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 / / / 1 There is no facilities chalge l,anguage of percentage'rtles cnaroe tanquaoe or oercenTaoed in tariffs for-schedu'leb L, 7, 6rcost of service study in this docketcharge amgunt contained in 15' howeVer the comoanv's cost of service studv in this dockindicates 5L28,677'(2.U6) of the total facilities charge revenue is beino collected from customers in these ratescJasses. There-is facilities charge language and the 2O.4% annual rate contained in schedu'le 24, but there is nofaci'lities revenue collected from that class. revenue is being collected from. custo4ers in these .ratg9 364 or. neading, use at a customer's premises, not rdaho Power's existing and proposed method which ignores depreciation regardless of the age of the equipment. Further, r recommend that the commission require rdaho Power to provide customers with the option to own or purchase faci'lities charge equ'ipment based on a fair ca1culation of the depreciated book va'lue of the faci]ities. Fina]ly, r recommend severa'l changes to the facilities charge tariff and recommend notices be sent to customers to provide for, and inform customers of, the charge and the ownership 1- 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 DI 2ICIP J. R. srMplor coMpANy's MorroN ro rAKE eage 183 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Page 3 120511afn. txt11 options. LZ a. How much does the company receive 'in facilities 13 charges revenue annual'ly? L4 A. lccording to the cost of service study filed in 15 the current docket, tdaho Power expects to collect 16 $6,020,018 for these faci'lities beyond the point of Ll delivery from customers for the test year. rhe following 18 pie chart displays the revenue collected from each 19 customer c'lass, 20/ 2L/ 22/ 23 24 25 365 or. neading, Dr 2aICIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 Graph 1 13 as depicted above, three-fifths of the revenue (61%) is J. R. srMp,.or coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE rage L84 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Page 4 1205L1afn. txtfrom schedule 19 customers,L4 collected is 1s/ 16/ L7/ 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 1_0 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 366 Dr. Reading, Dr with 26% com'ing from schedule 9 customers, and 9% from the J.n. simplot company special contract schedule 29 for faci'lities at their Don plant in pocatello. These three customer classes make up 96% of the total faci'lities charges col'lected. a. You stated that rdaho Power is charging Schedule 9, 19, and 29 customers for company-owned facilities beyond the point of delivery at a rate of 20.4% annua11y. How does the company derive this 20.4% rate? A. when I began investigating the derivation of the faci1ities charge amount in march 2010, r reviewed the commission's docket that discussed facilities charges. r found the most recent commission order addressing the derivation of the facilities charge was case No. u-1-006-298 in 1988. rn order 21836 in that case 3 ICIP i) J. R. srMpI,or coMpANy's MorroN ToTAKE eage 185 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Pege 5 12051lafn . txtL7 the commission stated: 18 this case was initiated by rdaho Power's App'lication 19 on August 27, L987, to implement a new'line 20 extension tariff schedu'le No. 71. By order No. 2L 2L475 issued in this case and in rdaho Power's 22 general rate case No. u'1006-265A, we added two 23 additional issues at the behest of several rdaho 24 cities: 25 (1) ere the ex'ist'ing charges in tariff schedules 367 or. neading, Dr 3ICIP 1 15 and 41 providing for L.75% month'ly rate for 2 underground/overhead costs differences in line 3 exteniion requests excessive? 4 (2) Is the existing charge in tariff Schedule 19 5 for 1.7% month'ly facilities charges excessive? 6 rhese issues were residual issues that through 7 inadvertence were unaddressed in case tto. 8 u-1006-265A. No party opposed these existing 9 charges at either the p'rehearing conference or the 10 hearing in this proceeding. The cities did not 11 / L2/ 13/ L4 15 16 L7 18 L9 20 J. R. srMplor coMpANy,s MorroN To rAKE eage 186 page 6 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A i) 120511afn . txt 2L 22 23 24 25 or. Reading, Dr 3ICIP 1 participate in either. rhe staff stated that it 2 reviewed the charges and that the charges were 3 reasonable. lccording'ly, we find that the two 4 charges in question are reasonable and 1ay th'is 5 issue to rest.2 6 rhe cities addressed the facilities charge issue in the 7 original case, however the issue appears to have been I overlooked and not litigated. there have been no orders 9 sfnce the 1987 review of the methodology, and the 10 methodo'logy and its inputs have been the same for at LL least the past 23 years.3 LZ a. please describe how the company justified the L3 20.4% annua'l rate in 1987. 74 A. rhe philosophy behind the deve'lopment of the L5 facil'ities charge is to calculate a charge to the 16 individual customer that mirrors the costs the Company L7 would incur for an equivalent investment. the charge is 18 intended to cover costs associated with the investment 19 and operation of distribution equipment on the customer's 20 property such as taxes, operations and majntenance, 2L administration and general, etc., and provide the company 22 with a fair return on its investment just like any other 23 rate based equipment. specifically, the company has 368 \ J.R.SIMPLOTCOMPANY'SMOTTONTOTAKE eage 1_87OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Page 7 24 25 determined the nine elements. 120511afn. txtfacilities charge should rab]e 1 below indicates be made up of the percentage neading, Dl 3 ICIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L speci a1 22the of 23 Agreement, the 369 Dr. levels for / / / each of the elements filed by 2 order No. 21836, case No. u-1006-298 (1988). 3 rn order No. 29576 approving the currently effective contract between Idaho Power and the J.R. Simp'lot company, the commission stated, "section 7.2 of the 2004 Agreement sets forth monthly pacil'ities charge that simplot agrees to pay for the use the company's distribution facilities. under the 2004 month'ly facifities charge remains unchanged at L.7% per month." order No. 29576, case No. rpc-E-04-14, at p.2. That order did analyze the faci'lities charge methodology. 24 J.R.srMpI,orcoMpANy,sMorroNrorAKE eage 188 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Pegr 8 25 1205l1afn. txt 370 or. Reading, Dr Power in case u-1006-298. Tab'l e 1 summary pacilities charge costs schedule 19; u-1006- 5a ICIP ll 1 rdaho 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 298 nate of Return oeprec'iati on Income taxes Property tax Other taxes 9.902% 0.560% 2.LL!n6 0.88016 0.250% 1.556% 0.L94% 0.37Y/6 20.483% Operation & Maint 4,643% Admin & General working capital Insurance rotal Monthly Rate L.7196 a. Do you know how the company calculated the rate 19 of return factor of 9.902% used in deriving the 1987 20 facilities charge from Case No. u-1006-298? 2L A. work papers filed by rdaho Powelin that case 22 indicate that 9.902% was the overall rate of return for 23 the cornpany in 1987. They assumed a capital structure of 24 50P6 debt, LM preferred stock, and 40% common stock. The 25 company used 7.976% for debt, L0.140% for preferred 5a ICIP otJ.R.srMpl,orcoMpANy'sMoTroNroTAKf, nage 199OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit t-A 37t or. neading, Dr Page 9 120511afn. txt 1 stock, and an equity return of 12.25096 for a weighted 2 cost of capital of 9.902%. 3/ 4/ 5/ 6 7 8 I 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 2'4 25 372 or. neading, Dr 6 ICIP 1 e. Has the rate of return in the facilities charge J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE eage L90 Page l0 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A :) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 120511afn. txt been 9.902% since 1987? A. Yes. the company has not updated the charge since 1987. a. Is this ca'lculation consistent with the company's authorized rates of return since 11987? A. No. rdaho Power's current weighted cost of capital is 8.18%, and it has been be'low the level used in the 1987 facilities charge calcu'lation since L994. rn fact, the rate of return component for the faci'lities charge has been higher than rdaho power's authorized rate of return since 1994. t have attached as rcrP exhibit tto. 302 rdaho Power's Response to rcrPrs production Request No. 28, wherein ldaho Power sets forth its commission-approved authorized rate of return fn genera'l rate cases since 1987. the authorized rate of return tras set at 9.t99% in 1994, 7.852% in 2002, 8.L% in 2005, 8.L% in 2007, and 8.18% in 2008. At all times since 1987, the rate of return component of the facilities charge has been 9.902%, which has exceeded rdaho Power's actual authorized rate of return for the'last 17 years, at times by as much as 2.05 percentage points. a. Has rdaho Power explained why 'it has not 'lowered the authorized rate of return in the faci'lities charge since L987? l or. neadingt Dr 6ICIP 1 A. rdaho Power's response contained in rcrP 2 Exhibit tto. 302 is that rdaho power conducted "periodic 3 validations" to verify that the facifities charge was 4 accurate. prior to this general rate case, other 5 representatives of the tctp and I met with rdaho Power toJ.R.SIMPLOTC0MPANY'SMOTIoNTOTAKE eage 191 pagelt OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE - Exhibit 8-A 373 120511afn. txt 6 discuss this charge and the failure to update the rate of 7 return since 1987. The company indicated they believed 8 that the depreciation rate was set too low at 0.560% in 9 L987, and according to the company, depreciation shou'ld 10 have been set at a straight line value for 31 years at 11 3.226% (1/3L=.03226), eccording to the Company, the LZ over-statement of the rate of return and the 13/ L4/ 1s/ L6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 7.5 374 or. neading, Dr 6 ICIP 1 understatement of the depreciation rate essent'ial'ly 2 cance'led each other out so the impact on the overall rate 3 would not change significantly. 4 q. During those meetings before this rate case, 5 did the company state the charge was stil'l accurately set 6 at 20.4% annual'ly? 7 A. rhe company did provide the rctp with an 8 updated facilities charge ca'lcu'lation based on 2009 J.R.srMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE eage 192 Paget2 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 1.2051lafn. txt 9 actual charges that wou'ld resu'lt in a faci'lities charge 10 rate that wou'ld be essential'ly the same as the one 11 calculated 23 years ago. the rab'le 2 be'low displays the LZ updated value supplied by rdaho Power prior to this rate 13 case, with the percentage differences from the t4 calculation approved 'in 1987. 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 rab'le 2 (rable contained in hard copy of transcript.) 375 or. Reading, Dr 7a ICIP 1 Q. Has the company filed for a new facilities 2 charge in thts general rate case? 3 e. Yes. The company has proposed a new faci'lities 4 charge calcu'lation, which is set s/ 6/ 7/ I 9 10 11 J.R.SIMPLOTCOMPANY'SMOTTONTOTAKE eage 193 paget3 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDf,NCE Exhibit 8-A 12051Iafn. txt L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 376 or. neading, Dr 8 \ ircrP I 1 forth in tilr. scott sparks oirect testimony and Exhibits. 2 rhe company's proposal before the commission in this case 3 is to lower the percentage rate, and it therefore appears 4 to concede that the 20,4% charge has been set too high. 5 Q. what is the company's proposed revtsion to the 6 charge in this case? 7 A. For schedule 19, the company has proposed a 8 rate of 16.92% rounded up to 17% annually, or L.4L% 9 monthly, and still proposes to assess that charge as a 10 monthly percentage of the undepreciated initial 11 investment in all distribution facilities instal]ed at an L2 individual customer's premises in the month of the 13 charge. Because the Company's charge for Schedule 9 14 cross references the charge for schedule 19, this 17% J.R.srMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE rage 194 Prgel4 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 r.8 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE PAgEOFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A costs contained in the Stipulation adopted in this case. Most importantly with regard to arriving at a fa'ir ca'lcu'lation of the monthly charge, the principal amount of the initial investment in distribution facilities must be depreciated over time as the equipment ages, just as the principal amount of any other rate based asset deprec'iates over time. Rs t will explain below, to treat the facilities charge otherwise woujd result in individua'l customers subsidizing the rest of the customer class and, depending on how the over-charge is actua'l1y credited or not credited to other customers, / / / 120511afn. txt 15 annual charge would also apply to schedule 9. rhe 16 company has also proposed to update the rate for L7 schedu'les 15 and 4I-, but those parties do not appear to 18 challenge the charge. 19 a. Are you challenging how the company derives 20 the facilities charge in th'is case? 2L A. Yes. e charge of L7% annua'lly assessed into 22 perpetuity against the initial investment 'in equipment 23 that wi'll never be amortized or deprec'iated is an 24 excessive charge. rhe percentage rate should be 25 calcu'lated based on the 'lower rate of return and other 377 or. neading, DI ICIB 195 Page 15 L2051lafn. txt 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 178 Dr. Reading, Dr IICIP 1 may even over-inf'late rdaho Power's revenues for 2 equipment that is partial'ly or whol'ly depreciated. 3 Fina'lly, r recommend that the commission allow 4 certain customers to take over ownership and control of 5 distribution facilities on their property under more fair 6 and reasonab'le terms than rdaho Power has offered to 7 date. I e. could you please exp'lain in detai'l how the 9 faci'lities charge is calculated and impacts rates? 10 A. according to work papers and discovery 11 responses the company has provided to rcrP in this case, 12 the company appears to derive the facilities charge rate 13 by using costs from distribution facilities equipment on 14 the Company's own side of the meter. The company 15 initially includes al'l of the distribution equipment, L6 including the equipment subject to the facilities charge L7 in the Company's rate base. But the Company has 18 identified the components of standard distribution 19 equipment that it believes should be ailocated to an 20 indiv'idua] customer for use of distribution facilities on 2L the customer's own property. the company has used reRc J. R. srMplor coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE eage 196 Page 16 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A \, ../ i 22 23 24 25 L 2 1 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 77 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE PAgE 197OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 1205l1afn. txt Form 1 account figures to calculate the percentage amount for each identified component that it believes it would need to recover from an individua'l customer to recover the amounts that it has placed in rate base for these 379 or. Reading, Dr 8 ICIP distribution facilities on the customer's side of the meter. rn that manner, the company ca'lculated the individual components of the facilities charge set forth in the tables above, including income taxes, property taxes, other taxes, operations and maintenance, administration and general, working capital, and insurance. Rlong with rate of return and depreciation, these components make up the company's estimated charge to the individua] customer for its use of the distribution facilities on its property. The sum of these nine components is the annua'l facilities charge rate. the product of the / / il Page l7 1205L1afn. txt or. neading, Dr 8aICIP monthly rate and the value of the initial undepreciated investment in the distribution facilities on the individua'l customer's property is the customer's month'ly facilities charge. For example, if the company's total initia'l investment in equipment in service at a customer's premises was $100,000, that customer would pay L.AL% monthly, which is $1,410.00 each month or $16,920.00 per year, for that equipment and any needed mai ntenance. once the company receives the facilit'ies charge revenue from the individua'l customer, it "credits" that revenue back to that individual customer's class in the cost of service model. rn theory, the credit thereby makes the rest of the class who'le for the distribution facilities and services already included in rate base for the whole class. The credit shou'ld direct'ly offset the cost of the distribution facilities already inc'luded in rate base for that customer c'lass. r have included rcrp exhibit uo. 303, which is the company's explanation of how this "credit" mechanism works in its Responses to rctp production Request Nos. 6, 7, 46, and 47. a. vou stated earlier that the faci'lit'ies charge does not take depreciation into account. Does the distribution equipment subject to the facilities charge depreciate in rate base? or. Reading, Dr 9 ICIP 380 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L1 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 + J. R. srMpr,or coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE eage 198 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit E-A 381 Page l8 12051Iafn. txt 1 A. Yes. rhis is the major fai1ure in the 2 rationale of the facilities charge. racilities charge 3 revenues are treated as a credit back to the customer's 4 c'lass, and hence reduce the revenue required from that 5 class when rates are set in a general rate case. As r 6 stated above, the value of the facilities charge revenue 7 and its credit back to the customer class's revenue 8 requirement should d'irectly mirror the costs a'lready 9 included in the customer class's revenue requirement for 10 that customer's distribution facilities. The Company 11 does not account for the fact that the Company 'is L2 depreciating the same equipment in rate base whi'le at the 13 same time charging individual facilities charge customers L4 for the accumulation of original, undepreciated 1s/ 16/ L7/ 1_8 19 20 ZL 22 23 24 25 382 or. neading, Dr 1 costs - irrespective of the age of the equipment. rh'is J. R. stMpLor coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE eage 199 page 19 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 9a ICIP 120511afn. txt2 means faci'lities charge customers are compensating the 3 company for a portion of rate base that has already been 4 depreciated. rn some instances, it appears that 5 equipment was fully depreciated by the time the company 6 even began utilizing the facilities charge, yet the 7 company began charging individual customers the 8 facilities charge on the ful'l initial value of the 9 completely depreciated equipment. 10 rcrP discovered this treatment only after extensive 11 discovery requests. r have included, as rcrP Exhibit 304, L2 rdaho Power's Responses to production Request Nos. 21, 13 22, 23, 24, 25, 45, 60, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, and 71. L4 rhrough these responses the company explains the lack of 15 depreciation. rhe Response to rcrP Request tto. 65 is most 16 direct - "The use of depreciated values has never been !7 approved by the Commission and the company has never used ,, 18 depreciated va'lues to calcu'late monthly faci'lities 19 charges. " 20 a. Do you think this is fair rate treatment? 2l A. No. This treatment either amounts (1) to an 22 unfa'i r subsi dy f rom i ndi vi dual faci 'l i ti es charge 23 customers to other ratepayers, or (2) if the company 'is 24 not crediting the entire amount of faci1ities charge 25 revenue back to the customer class, this treatment cou'ld 383 or. neading, Dr 9a ICIP 1 be resulting in the company being overcompensated for 2 depreciated assets. rt is not entire'ly c'lear to me what 3 the impact of the charge is on al'l customers. For 4 example, the J,R. simplot company operates its oon plant 5 under a special contract subject to its own rate class - J. R. srMplor coMpANy,s MorroN ro rAKE eage 200 Page 20 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A ii 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 z5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I J. R. SrMpLoT COMPANY'S MOTTON TO TAKE page 201OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 120511afn. txt Schedule 29. rt is not clear how the company credits back this significant faci'lities charge revenue from this customer. q. urhat is the company's just'ification for this different treatment between the individua'l customer's faci1ities charge rate and the amount included in that customer's c'lassts revenue requi rement? A. the company's just'if ication is not enti re'ly clear to me. rctp exhibit 304 / / / or. Reading, Dr 10arCIP contains their just'ification in Response to rcrP production Request No. 69(b). rhe company stated: Because the facilities charge ca1culation is based on a levelized revenue determination method and base rates are determined using a single test period method, there w'ill ajways be differences in the annual revenue requ'irements determined under each method. These tim'ing differences or 384 Page 2l 12051lafn. txt"subsidies" go in either d'irection for individua'l customers depending on the average age of the facilities subject to the facilities charge. For example, a customer with newer faci'lities will pay less in faci'lities charges than the actual annua'l revenue requirement with the rest of the customer c1ass paying the difference through their base rates. rhe opposite is true for customers with o'lder facilit'ies who pay more in facilities charges than the sing'le-year revenue requirement wou'ld suggest.4 rhis does not rea1ly explain the need for this differential treatment, or why the company cannot calculate the facilities charge based on a single test period method similar to al'l other rates. tt also appears to concede that the charge constitutes a subsidy by individua'l ratepayers whenever that individual 385 or. Reading, Dr 11 ICIP 1 customer's equipment is "older." 2 Q. Do most facilities charge customers have 3 "newer" equipment? 4 A. Not based on the evidence provided by Idaho 5 power. rdaho Power provided the average age of the 6 facilities charge equipment 'in Response to rclp 7 Production Request No. 60, which is contained in rclp E exhibit 304. The average ages'of equ'ipment for the 9 primary facilities charge customer classes are set forth 10 below: 11 / L2/ J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE eage 202 pagez2 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 9 10 L1 !2 r_3 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2! 22 23 24 25 120511afn. txt L3 14 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 386 or. Reading, Dr 1 rable 3 2 Customer Class Average Rge of equ'ipment 3 schedule 9 17 years o1d 4 schedule 19 18 years old 5 special contract 24 years o1d schedule 29 5 7 This clearly shows that on average customers do not have 8 "newer" equipment, and that individual customers are 9 being overcharged for d'istribution facilities on their 10 premises. Rs I explain below, the dol]ar weighted age of 11 the equipment is even older than these average ages for t2 the customer sites I have ana'lyzed. 13 a. what happens if a piece of facilities charge L4 equipment fai1s prior to expiration of its assumed L5 31-year depreciation schedule? J.R.SIMPLOTCOMPANY'SMOTIONTOTAKE eage 203OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A LI-a ICIP' 'l 120511afn . txt15 A. egain, this equipment does not appear to be L7 fai'ling early on average. However, ldaho power and other 18 customers do not appear to lose when equipment fails 19 ear1y. when rcrP representatives and t first met with 20 rdaho Power regarding th'is charge, rdaho Power 2L representatives stated the 'lack of depreciation in the 22 facilities charge was justified in part because ldaho 23 power wou'ld have to replace any equipment that did not 24 last for its full usefu'l 'life. rdaho power be'lieved that 25 if equipment fai'led and had to be replaced prior to the 387 or. Readins, Dr ,lii 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r_0 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 31 years assumed in the depreciat'ion schedule used in the levelized facilities charge rate, the facilities charge customer would benefit from tdaho Power replacing that piece of equipment at no additional cost to the customer. But this reasoning overlooks three important points. The 'insurance mechanisms and effect of ear'ly fai'lure of equipment are explained in the companyrs Responses to ICrP's Production Request Nos. 14, 15, 16, 18, 53, 54, 58, 70, and 73, wh'ich t have included / / J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE eage 204 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit E-A Prge24 1205l1afn. txt 20 2L 22 23 24 25 388 or. Reading, Dr 1 as rcrp exhibit tto. 305. 2 First, the facilit'ies charge customer pays for 3 "insurance" as one of the components of the faci'lities 4 charge. rdaho Power has stated in discovery that the 5 actual insurance policy, accounted for in the pERc rorm 1 6 account from which the charge is derived, does not cover 7 losses typical with facilities charge equipment. rhis is 8 demonstrated in the Company's Response to rcrPrs 9 Production Request No. 24(c), where the company stated 10 very clearly that it has never made an insurance claim 11 for facilities charge equipment. Because the insurance L2 charge to facilities charge customers includes a charge 13 for an insurance policy that does not cover facilities L4 charge losses, that facilities charge insurance revenue 15 should not be considered to be used by rdaho Power to 16 actual1y pay for the insurance policy. rnstead, those L7 payments for insurance from the facilities charge 18 customer could be considered to be used in the aggregate L9 to replace any failed equipment. 20 second, rdaho Power has also stated that the 2L replacement costs for facilities charge equ'ipment that 22 fails early are passed onto other ratepayers, including J. R. SIMPLOT CoMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE page 205 page 25 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 13 ICIP \ L20511afn. txt23 the individual faci'lities charge customer, through the 24 company's recovery under its "self-insurance" provisions. 25 rhat is, customers are rdaho Power's "self insurance," 389 or. Reading, Dr 13aICIP 1 and the customers' rates ultimately make the company 2 whole for any unrecovered expenditures associated with 3 facilities charge equipment which fails prior to the 4 company recovering its fu'|1 expenses. 5 rn addition, it can be reasonably assumed, due to 6 inflation, the cost of the equipment replaced wil'l be 7 more expensive than the older failed equipment included 8 in the total amount of undepreciated company investment. 9 rhe investment amount would 'increase, and the charges to ) L0 the faci'lities charge customer would therefore increase. 11 Thus, in the rare case that a piece of equipment LZ fai'ls before complet'ion of the assumed 3l-year f ife, the 13 company is kept whole by ratepayers "self-'insuring" Idaho L4 Power, and the other 1s/ 16/ L7/ 18 1_9 20 2L 22 23 24i 25 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE eage 206 page 26 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 13a ICIP ratepayers should be kept who'le by the payments for insurance on the facilities charge for an insurance po1icy that does not cover facilities charge equipment fai1ure. egain, those insurance payments paid by fac'iltties charge customers are credited back to reduce the revenue requirement of the customer's customer class. rn sum, the argument that the equipment might fa'i'l and have to be replaced prior to the individual customer paying for it completely through the 31-year leve1ized facilities charge rates'is simply not a justification for ignoring depreciation in the facil'ities charge. a. you stated that some of the equipment that was in rate base was fu'lly depreciated at the time the company began charging the facilities charge percentage of 2O.4% against the initial investment of the fu11y depreciated equipment. could you provide evidence of that? A. Yes. rn fact, the Company admits this is the case in Response to rcrP production Request tlos. 65, 66, and 67, contained in rcrP exhibit tto. 304. For example, rdaho power stated that the oldest piece of facl'lit'ies charge equipment for a schedu'le 19 customer was installed in 1945. That piece of equipment was 31 years old and thus presumab'ly ful]y depreciated in rate base by the time Idaho Power initiated the facilities charge for 1205l1afn . txt 390 or. neading, Dr ti 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 1_5 16 77 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 25 13a rCIP J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A eage 207 391 Dr. neading, Dr 1205L1afn. txt 1 schedule 19 in 1976. However, rdaho Power admits that it 2 used the value of the initial investment in that piece of 3 1945 equ'ipment when rdaho Po,uer first ca'lcu'lated the 4 facilities charge in 1976 and has done so ever since in 5 calculating that schedule 19 customer's month'ly 6 faci'lities charge. The same is true for a Schedu'le 9 7 customer still paying a charge calculated against the E initial investment on a piece of equipment from 1969, and 9 for the simplot special contract schedule 29 customer 10 paying for a 47 year o'ld piece of equipment. rhese items 11 should have long ago been ful1y paid off by rates, but L2 individual customers are still paying for them. 13/ L4/ ls/ 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 or. neading, DI L4 ICIP392 1 Q. Do you 2 customer with very 3 A. Yes. At J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A have any examples of an individual old faci'lities charge equipment? the request of one tctp member eage 208 Page 28 it 120511afn . txt 4 company, the J.R. Simplot company, tdaho Power completed 5 a fu'l'l audit of all of ldaho Power's equipment on 6 simp'lot's property. ls shown in craph 2 be'low the o'ldest 7 facilities charge equipment for which simplot is paying I the facilities charge dates back to immediately following 9 world h,ar rr in 1945. 10 Graph 2 11 L2 13 L4 15 (craph contained in hard copy of transcript.) 16 L7 18 19 20 2! 22 23 24 25 or. Reading, Dr 16aICIP 1 The oldest items the company is applying facil'ities 2 charges to are 66 years o1d. rhe items are a transformer 3 and switch insta'lled in 1945 at simp'lot's caldwell p1ant, 4 which is a Schedule 19 customer. As discussed above, a 5 safe assumption would be that the transformer and switch 6 have J. R. sIMpLoT coMpANy's MorroN To TAKE page 209 page 29 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 7 8 I 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 2s / / / 9 schedule 19, or, if J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 120511afn. txt not proper'ly credfted, the payments eage 210 \ ,I 394 or. Reading, Dr L7 ICIP 1 long since been ful1y depreciated and taken off rdaho 2 Power's books, y€t Simplot is currently being charged 3 20.4% annually for the origina'l cost of the transformer 4 and switch when installed in 1945. oepending on how the 5 accounting has been handled in the rate proceedings since 6 L976 when the company initiated the facilities charge for 7 Schedule 19, those payments have either been credited 8 back to subsidize the rates of other customers in 120511afn . txt 10 may have otherwise increased rdaho Power's revenues above 11 what should have been authorized. LZ a. If customers are paying for facilities 13 instal'led as early as 1945, is that when the company L4 began the facilities charge? 15 A. Apparently not. The Company has expla'ined in 16 Response to rcrPrs production Request ttos. 45 and 64, L7 which are 'included in rcrP exhibit 304, that company 18 records indicate that facilities charges have in place 19 since rebruary 1995 for schedu'le 9, lanuary 1976 for 20 schedule 19, and 1964 for one spec'ia1 contract customer. 2L The Company explained further that prior to implementing 22 the facilities charge provisions, the costs associated 23 with most customer-dedicated distribution facilities 24 installed beyond the company's po'int of de'livery were 25 'inc'luded in the company's general rate base and al'located 395 or. neading, Dr Ll ICIP 1 to the associated customer class. rhis would mean, at 2 'least for the transformer and switch installed in 1945, 3 that the J.n. Simplot company began paying facilities 4 charges based on the original cost for a piece of 5 equ'ipment that was 31 years old when the charges began in 6 1976, and for which customers had already paid for 31 7 years. 8 a. ,Do you have any information regarding the tota'l 9 amounts paid in facilities charges and the accumulated 10 original cost of the equ'ipment for any customers? 11 A. The data we have is, again, for the J.R. LZ simplot company. As shown in craph 3 13/ J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A eage 2LL Page 3l 1205LLafn. txt j/ / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L0 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorroN rorAKE eage 212 OFFICI-AL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Erhibit 8-A L4 15 16 L7 t8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Dr. Reading, DI L7 ICIP below, it is apparent that simplot has paid an amount in facilities charges several times over the cost of insta'l1ed equipment with plenty left over for fair operation and maintenance expenses. At two of simplot's plants, caldwel1 and wsr, simplot has paid in faci'lities charges more than four times the accumu'lated origina'l costs of the equipment current'ly installed. craph 3 (craph contained in hard 396 copy of transcript.) Prgc 32 L7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 r.6 t7 18 19 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCEExhibit 8-A 120511afn . txt 397 Dr. Reading, Dr 18a ICIP a. who decides whether the company can place distribution equipment on the customer's property and charge the customer the monthly faci'lities charge rate? A. Rccording to the company's tariffs, the company has the sole option to place equipment on the customer's premises. The tariffs for schedu'les 19 contains the fo1 lowi ng / / / rage 213 Pagc 33 120511afn . txt 20 2L 22 23 24 25 398 Dr. Reading, Dr 1 language: 2 At the option of the company, transformers and 3 other fac'ilities installed beyond the point of 4 De'livery to provided erimary or Transmission Service 5 may be owned, operated, and maintained by the 6 company in consideration of the Customer paying a 7 Facilities Charge to the company. 8 According to this 'language, rdaho Power can place 9 distribution facilities on a customer's premises without 10 even asking the customer for permission to enter their 11 property. edditionally, the company can refuse a t2 customer's request for the company to provide 13 distribution facilities on the customer's property even L4 if the customeris wi1'ling to pay the facilities charge. 15 a. Are you aware of whether the company obtains 16 any formal consent from customers prior to placing 17 di stri buti on fac'i 'l i ti es on thei r property and chargi ng 18 the customer for such equipment under the facilities 19 charge? zo A. r have included rcrp exhibit 306, which 27 contains ldaho Power's Responses to rcrP's production 22 Request Nos. 19, 20, 57, and 72, Those responses exp'lain J. R. srMpLor coMpANy's MorroN ro 'AKE Page 2L4 Page 34 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 19 ICIP 23 24 25 1205llafn. txt rdaho Power's position on its authority and the customerrs consent that it obtains. to summarize, rdaho Power has stated that it on'ly places faci'lities beyond 399 or. Reading, Dr 19rCIP the point of def ivery after it receives a request from a customerr but rdaho Power has not obtained written consent from customers in the form of a uniform contract or otherwise. rdaho Power believes a customer's request and the tariff itse'lf provides it with adequate legal permission'to enter onto a customerrs property and to subject the customer to the facilities charge for whatever equipment the company chooses to place there. tn 2010, rdaho Power began requesting that customers s'ign a "service Request form" indicating that the faci'lities charge wil'l be added or adjusted on a monthly potver bill. However, even this form does not contain any express explanation of the charge that would a'llow customers to / / Page 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 \4 15 16 L7 18 l_9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorroN ro TAKE eage 215 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE f,xhibit 8-A L2051lafn. txt 400 or. neading, Dr 19 ICIP 1 understand they are agreeing to pay 20.4% annua'l1y on the 2 initial investment of an asset that will never be 3 depreciated.S A'lso, rdaho Power has not stated that 'it 4 keeps any forma'l record of customer "requests" prior to 5 2010. 6 a. can customers purchase the distribution 7 facilities on their property for the remaining book value 8 in order to stop paying the charge? 9 A. rdaho Power does not appear to be allowing that 10 option at this po'int in time. r have attached rctp 1L Exhibit tto. 307, which conta'ins the company's Reponses to r \ L2IcIP,sproductionRequestNos.9,1o,11,and68onthis..-) 13 issue as we'l'l as correspondence between the ICIP t4 representatives and ldaho Power representatives in the 15 year prior to this rate case. the company a1'lowed one 16 customer - the sinclair oil company dba Sun Va11ey co. -- L7 to purchase distribution facilities at remaining book 18 value in case No. rPc-E-05-16. However, the company has :19 now taken the position that it wi'll not sell distribution i20 faci'lities to other customers. i 2L a. Are you aware of any customers who have tried 22 to take over ownership and control of a'11 distribution 23 facilities on their prem'ises and thereby stop paying the 24 charge? 25 A. Yes. As described in greater detail in rctp 401- or. Reading, Dr 19ICIP l ? J.R.srMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNrorAKE Rage 216 page36 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A ". -) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1_0 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 a7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1205l1afn. txt witness Don sturtevant's Direct restimony and evidenced in letters and emails contained in rcrP exhibit t'to. 307, there were discussions in the past year between simplot and rdaho power for the potentia'l sale of the facilities subject to the faci'lities charge. During the course of the discussions rdaho Power made the dec'ision that it would not be w'illing to sell the facilities, at any price, to the customer. rdaho power stated that the factors that went into that decision were: (1) the Company's statutory ob1'igation under t.c. 61-328 to hold other customers harm'less in se'lling utif ity owned assets; and (2) the way the company runs its business as a regulated public utility. / / / see rcrP exhibit No. 306, p.6. 402 or. Reading, Dr 1 Q. Please 2 company believes J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A explain your understand'ing of why the it cannot hold other customerrs harmless eage 2L7 page37 20a ICIP 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 L0 1L t2 13 L4 15 16 L7 r-8 L9 2A 2L 22 23 24 25 1 z 3 4 5 6 J. R. srMp,,or coMpANy,s MorroN ro rAKE Page 2LB OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 120511afn . txtin a sa'le of the assets at book value? A. According to ldaho Power, any reduction in facilities charge revenue through the sa1e or removal of the company's equipment wou'ld result in significant increases in rates for the customer class that was being credited with those specific facilities charge revenues. Because of the credit back to the customer class's revenue requirement, rdaho power beiieves that a reduction in facilities charge revenue after the sale of the facilities charge equ'ipment would result in a corresponding increase in the revenue requirement for that customer c'lass. This approach ignores the other side of the facilities charge equation. For example, should the customer purchase the facilities, the rate base and maintenance costs assigned to that customer class would be reduced because the company should remove the equipment from the revenue requirement altogether. rf the company no longer owned the faci'lities, then it would no longer incur the other costs that are used in the ca1cu1ation of the facil'ities charge. rhe charges that should no longer exist anywhere in the company's revenue requirement would include taxes, insurance, operations 403 or. Reading, Dr and maintenance, administrative and genera'I, and working capital. The customer class's revenue requirement would be "credited" with the book va1ue "sale price" paid by the individua'l customer, and the class would thereby be kept who1e. For longer lived assets discussed above dating back to 1945, the customer has pa'id for the 20a ICIP 120511afn . txt7 equipment severa'l times over and has been subsid'izing 8 other ratepayers. rf the facilities were so'ld for their 9 depreciated va'lue of zero do1'lars, the company and other 10 customers wou]d sti'lI be made whole and the associated 11 costs would cease. Basically, if the faci'lities go away LZ then al'l the costs should also go away as wel1. rf the 13 customer pays the deprec'iated book value, the two sides L4 of the equation ba'lance out and shou'ld keep a1l part'ies 15 who'le. But as r testified ear'lier, tdaho Power is 16/ L7/ 18/ 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 404 or. neading, Dr 2L ICIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 not willing to agree to this arrangement. a. uas tdaho power provided customers with any option to ever stop paying the charge once rdaho Power p'laces distribution faci'lities on the customer's property? A. rhe tariff only provides an option for the customer to pay Idaho Power to remove the fac'i]it'ies. The tariff for schedule 19 states: In the event the customer requests the company J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Page 219 Page 39 1205lIafn . txtl-0 to remove or reinsta'll or change company-owned 11 raci'lities Beyond the point of Delivery, the L2 customer shal'l pay to the company the "non-salvable 13 cost" of such remova'|, reinsta'llation or charge. L4 Non-salvable cost as used herein is comprised of the 15 total depreciated costs of materials, labor and 16 overheads of the faci'lities, less the difference 17 between the salvable cost of materia'l removed and 18 removal labor cost including appropriate overhead 19 costs. 20 a. How wou'ld that process work? 2L A. r have included rcrp Exhibit uo. 308, which 22 inc1udes the company's Response to rcrP's production 23 Request trtos. 12 and 51 and two letters regard'ing the 24 removal option. To summarize, it would be a time 25 consuming and difficult process for the customer, which 405 or. Reading, Dr ZI.a ICIP 1 would include shutting off power to the customer's 2 facilities. llthough this option has been 'in place for 3 some time now, it appears that no customers have 4 exercised this option. r am aware that l.n. simp'lot 5 company has expressed interest in exercising this option 6 to the company after the company refused to sel1 the 7 equ'ipment. The company has recently responded with an 8 out'line of a very complicated valuation process to even 9 provide the customer with an estimate of the cost of 10 remova'I. rn fact, the company suggested that J.R. 11 simplot company must pre-pay rdaho Power to even obtain a LZ removal cost estimate and removal p'lan before they can 13 even determine the cost. J. R. srMplor coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE vage 220 Page 40 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A ),l L4 15 L6 t7 1_8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 t205l1afn. txt/ / / pr. neading, Dr 21aICIP the actua'l removal process may require "multip'le project plans that reflect phased work efforts." t have included the company's letter to the attorney assisting l.R. Simp'lot company, which expla'ins the company's removal proposal in tclp exhibit rrto. 308. a. what are your thoughts on that option the company has provided? A. rt is entirely unreasonable and unnecessary. rhe customer has obviously pa'id for its equipment many times over, and rather than agree to sell the equipment or arrange some mechanism that wt1l not require interrupting service, rdaho Power is now insisting on an unnecessary removal process. rt is not even clear that rdaho Power wi'Il be able to find a use for all of the J.R. Simplot company equipment if it is removed, which would of course increase the removal cost to l.R. simplot 406 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 L3 L4 15 16 J. R. srMpt.or coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE eage ZZL OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Page 4l L205I1afn . txtt7 company. From an economist's perspective, this makes no 18 sense at a'l'l when the equipment is already being used in 19 an efficient manner. rhe company shou'ld not provide 20 removal as the only option because the Company has now 2L proved that it is an unworkable and unrealistic option. 22 there are valuab'le benefits to the customer of 23 owning its own facilities, and the company should provide 24 its customers with a rea'listic and fair opportunity for 25 such ownership. rf a customer owned the faci'lities on 4O7 or. Reading, Dr ZLa ICIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 L9 20 their property, the customer could maintain them and not be requi red to compensate rdaho Power for thei r rate of return. customers could also take advantage of any depreciation and tax benefits. A'lso, as described in ur, Don Sturtevant's testimony, there are considerations with making sure the customer is adequately insured for any accidents that may occur on its own property, which may compel certain customers to prefer to own the equipment themselves. t understand that when :.R. simplot company approached Avista utilities with very similar concerns regard'ing that company's facilities charge for a plant in washington, Avista / / J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A page 222 Prge 42 408 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKEOFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A H 1205l1afn . txt Dr. Readingr Dr 22 ICIP agreed to sell the facilities to J.R. simplot company and to reduce the facilities charge to a fair operations and maintenance level. rt is not c'lear why rdaho power cannot do the same for its customers. a. rdaho Power's proposal is to lower the facilities charge from 20.4% to L7.0eA annuaily. tltthat are your comments on that proposal? A. Updating the percentage is a good start, albeit Iong overdue. A'lso, the company's proposed facilities charge percentage would need to be reca'lculated to match the costs contained in the stipulation. ror example, the proposed facilities charge rate in the rate case filing was based on the company's current we'ighted cost of capital of 8.18%. The Stipulation specifies 7.86% rate of return on page 4. Therefore, the rate of return component would need to be adjusted downward. Rlso, the company requested a revenue 'increase of approximately $83 million; the Stipulation reduces that request by $43 million down to $34 million. The corresponding deceases in the FERC Form L accounts used to caiculate the fac'ilities charge shou'ld a'lso be updated to ensure that the charge and its credits back to each customer class closely match the va'lue of the assets contained in that eage 223 Page 43 120511afn. txt24 class's revenue requ'irement. rurther, as described 25 be'low, r recommend that the revised percentage be 409 or. neadins, Dr ,11i 1 calculated against the depreciated value of the initial 2 investment using appropriate amortization schedules 3 discussed further below. 4 T also recommend that the commission consider 5 investigating the components of the proposed charge other 6 than the 'lack of depreciation. The FERc Form 1 accounts 7 used for the ca'lcu'lation the faci1ities charges are based 8 primarily on the company's distribution system. However, 9 depending on the customer, the cost to ldaho power for 10 the facilities could vary ' ) 11 / L2/ 13/ L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 410 or. Reading, Dr 23 ICIP J. R. srMp,,or coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE eage 224 Prgc 44 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A t\ 12051Iafn. txt 1 significantly. For example, the operation & Maintenance 2 component charge in the proposed rates is 3.58% which 3 means the company is collecting $1.25 million annua'lly to 4 maintain faci'lities on the customers' properties. Because 5 these facilities are on a customer's property, in many 6 cases, they would require significantly less attention 7 than distribution systems located on public roads or in 8 rura'l areas. E time and materials charge to each 9 individua'l customer may be more appropriate than this 10 system w'ide average ca'lculation. each of the 'individua'l 11 components that make up the faci'lities charge could be L2 subject to similar ana'lysis. For customers who wish 13 rema'in on the faci'lities charge, t would recommend the 14 Commission open a docket to examine the equity of each of 15 the elements that make up the facilities charge. 16 a. what are your overall recommendations for L7 changes to the ownership opt'ions for facilities charge 18 equipment? 19 A. over a 15 year time period at an annual 20 interest rate of over 14%, the payback equals 2.5 times. 2t Thus, r propose it would be fair for the company to 22 assign ownership of facilities charge equipment to 23 existing facil'ities charge customers who have paid 24 overal'l facilities charge rates of more than 2.5 times 25 the orig'inal cost for the equipment currently installed. 4LL Dr. neading, DI 23aICIP 1 ror example, the l.R. simp'lot company has paid for theirJ.R.srMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNToTAKE page 225 page45 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 L5 16 L7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 1205l1afn. txt equipment 3.4 times, when a firrn has paid th'is many times over it wou'ld seem fair that they should be a1lowed to just assume ownersh'ip. For existing facilities charge customers who have not paid more than 2.5 tirnes the original cost, r propose that the company provide such facilities charge customers with the option to purchase the facilities at depreciated book value for each piece of equipment based the Company's Commission-approved depreciation schedu'le for that specific type of equi pment. I also recommend that the commission direct rdaho Power to implement an ownership option which a1lows the customer to take over ownership of the equipment and pays a "limited / / / or. Reading, Dr 24ICIP 1 faci'lities charge" for the Company's ongo'ing operation 2 and maintenance expense. This was the resolut'ion that 3 :.R. Simplot company reached amicab'ly with Rvista 4 ut'ilities in washington, and it would likely be useful J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Page 226 120511afn . txt 5 Idaho customers who would l'ike to have tdaho Power 6 continue to operate and maintain the equipment necessary 7 for de'livery to the customer. 8 Q. Do you have an alternative proposa'l for a 9 purchase price if the company believes it is unable to 10 calcu'late the depreciated book value for each p'iece of 11 equipment based the company's commission-approved tZ depreciat'ion schedu'le for that specific type of 13 equi prnent? L4 A. Yes. r believe that the remaining book value 15 can be approximated by ca'lculating the initial value of 16 all equipment installed at a customer's facility by an L7 appropriate depreciation schedule that would apply to a'l'l tB fac'i'l'it'ies charge equi pment. An appropri ate deprec'iation 1"9 schedule can be estimated by determining the do'llar 20 weighted age of the facilities charge equipment at actual 2L customers' premises with faci'lity charge equipment. 22 calculating the dollar weighted age of the equipment 23 provides a more accurate picture of the economic or rate 24 impact of the equipment's age than a simple average age 25 of the equipment wou'ld provide. Using data supplied by 413 or. Readins, Dr ,31i 1 the J,R. simplot company for the caidwel'l Plant and the 2 Don Plant, r developed a dol1ar weighted age of 3 faci1ities charge equipment. This first requires a ,4 simple calculation of the original cost of the equipment 5 multiplied by the age for each item. Next, t calculated 6 the percent of the total facilities charge do]lar amount 7 for each year beginning when the oldest piece of 8 equipment was insta'lled to the present. The results are J. R. srMpI,or coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE page 227 prge 47OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibir 8-A H 120511afn. txt 9 shorn 'in craphs 4 and 5 be'lout. 10/ 11 / L2/ 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 4L4 or. Reading, Dr 25ICIP 1 2 GraPh 4 3 4 5 (Graph contained in hard copy of transcript.) 6 7 8 9 10 J.RsIMpLorcoMpANy'sMortoNTorAKE Page 228 Pnge48 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Erhlbit t-A i) 1L t2 13 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 12051lafn . txt eraph 5 (Graph contained in hard copy of transcript.) 415 Dr. Reading, Dr 27 ICIP 1 As can be seen in craph 4 for the caldwell e'lant, 2 approximately half (49.2%) of the cumulative amount of 3 the dollar weighted age of the facilities charge 4 equ'ipment pre-dates !975. rn other words, from a do'l]ar 5 value perspective, half of the equipment was installed 6 prior to 1975. rhat was 30 years after the first piece of 7 equipment was installed by rdaho Power, and 36 years ago 8 from the present. For the Don plant, depicted in craph 9 5, with the first piece of equ'ipment installed in 1964, 10 60oA of the do'l1ar weighted age of the facilities charge 11 equipment predates 1986, which is 25 years ago. The L2 company uses 31 years in their ca'lculation of the 13 depreciation component of the faci'lities charge rate.J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy,sMorroNTorAKE eage 229 page49 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 1205l1afn. txt L4 However, eraphs 4 and 5 demonstrate that,, from a dollar 15 va'lue perspective, much of the equipment at these two 16 actual customer sites is wel'l beyond its 3l-year life L7 expectancy, and J.n. Simplot company has been paying for 18 much of the equipment long after it has been fully 19 depreciated in rate base. Because these do'l'lar-weighted 20 ages of much of the equipment at these representative 2\ customer sites show that the customer has already paid 22 for fu11y depreciated assets beyond rdaho Power's assumed 23 31-year life, customers shou'ld be entitled to purchase 24 the equipment at the remaining book value on a nore 25 accelerated depreciation scale than tdaho Power's assumed 41-6 or. Reading, Dr ,ll]a 1 31-year scale. 2 Each customer's facilit'ies would have a different 3 dol1ar weighted age profile, but these representative 4 customer sites demonstrate that an accurate calcu'lation 5 of remaining book value would require the company to use 6 a depreciation schedu'le far shorter than 31 years. 7 otherwise, customers will get no cred'it for their ongoing 8 payment for facilities charge equipment that has long 9 been fu11y depreciated. Thus, if rdaho Power cannot 10 ca'lculate the actual remain'ing book value, I recommend 11 for simplification and compromise that customers be LZ allowed to purchase the equipment from tdaho power at a 13 depreciated book value us'ing a 15-year straight line L4 depreciation schedule. 1s/ L6/ L7/ J.R.srMp,,orcoMpANy,sMorroNTo,AKE eage 230 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Prge 50 120511afn . txt 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 4L7 or. neading, Dr 27a ICTP 1 Q. How do you propose the Company modify the 2 facilities charge for those customers who do not want to 3 buy the equipment from the company? 4 A. r recommend that rdaho Power's proposed 5 facilities charge percentage of 17.00% annually be 6 re-calibrated for the costs contained in the stipulat'ion, 7 and going forward be adjusted consistent with genera'l I rate case results. I also propose that the re-calibrated 9 percentage amount be charged against the depreciated 10 value of the equipment usfng a L5-year straight line 11 depreciation schedule for equipment already insta'lled, L2 and the company's approved depreciation schedule for the 13 specific type of equipment for any new or replacement t4 equipment. 15 a. Do you have any other recommendations? 16 A. Yes. r recommend that the commission require . L7 rdaho Power to inform each facilities charge customer in L8 writing within 90 days informing customers of the 19 facilit'ies charge and its costs over the life of the 20 equipment and to inform them of their ownership options J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE eage 231 prgesr OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 1205lIafn. txt 2L outlined above. rhis should include a disclosure showing 22 payoff amounts at different milestones, effective 23 interest rates and other components of the charge and 24 require written consent from the customer. rhe buy-out 25 option described above should be clearly provided for in 418 Dr. neading, Dr 27aICIP 1 the tariff. Also, the tariff itself should state that a 2 customer can choose to own its own distribution 3 facilities, rather than be stated in a manner that 4 appears to provide only the company with the option to 5 decide whether to sign a customer up for the facilit'ies 6 charge. pinally, tdaho Power should alloru for a mix of 7 ownership between the company and customers on customer I property. that would allow the customer to have the 9 choice of which equipment will be owned by itself or be 10 subject to the facilities charge. 11 a. Does that conc'lude your facilities charge LZ test'imony? L3 A. Yes. L4/ 1s/ 16/ t7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 J.R.srMp,.orcoMpANy,sMorroNrorAKE page 232 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Page 52 28 ICIP 25 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1t_ 72 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 2.5 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A H 120511afn. txt 419 Dr. Reading! Dr a. You stated earlier that you would a'lso testify as to the rnergy efficiency nider percentage. could expl ai n that 'i ssue? A. The current level being collected by the Energy efficiency Rider (EE Rider) is 4.75% of a customer's base rates. rhe Company has proposed moving the recovery of approximately $11.3 million projected for three demand response programs' 'incentive payments into "normal" base rates as a net power supply expense rather than being col'lect through the EE n'ider.6 At the current leve1 of Company's sales revenue, leaving the EE Rider rate at 4.75% after removing the $11.3 mi'l1ion of demand response costs would mean rdaho Power wou'ld collect approximately $7.5 million more than the current level of overall demand side management expenditures. Even though some demand side management costs wiIl be col'lected in base rates rather than through the er Rider, the overall rate impact of rdaho power's proposa'l on customers is the same as increasing the nider by $11.3 million. rf the EE Rider is'left at 4.75%, and the demand response programs are moved to base rates, customers wou'ld be effectively paying the equiva'lent of a 6,L% EE Rider. A dollar for dollar reduction in the rider from remov'ing the $11.3 mi'l1ion demand response incentive programs wou'ld equal an EE Rider of 28 rCIP Page 53Page 233 420 or. Reading, Dr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1205llafn. txt approximately 3.8%. a, what is your recommendation for the treatment of the EE Rider in this case? A. l do'l'lar for dol'lar reduction to 3.8% may be an equitable and justifiab]e path, particu'larly since this is how t understand the commission treated nocky Mountain Powerrs EE / / / rdaho power epp'lication, rPc-E-11-08, p.6. 42L or. neading, Dr 3LICIP 1 Rider after one of J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A its conservation rage 234 programs was moved Page 54 ,, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 2S 1205l1afn. txtout of the rider.T However, the rCrP ful1y supports the commission staff's testimony and recommendation of lowering the EE Rider to 4.0%. a. ooes this conc'lude your testimony? A. Yes. 7 Order No. 32196, Case No.PAC-E-10-07, p.26. 422 or. neading, Dr 31alcrP 1 2 open hearing.) 3 (rhe following proceedings were had in MR. RTcHARDSoN: Madam chair, or. Reading 4 is now avai'lab'le for cross-examination. J.R.SIMPLOTCoMpANy'SMOTTONTOTAKE eage 235OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE - Exhibit 8-A Page 55 120511afn. txt CoMMISSTONER SMrTH: Thank you. Mr. Otto, 6 do you have questions? MR. orro: unfortunately r do not, 8 Madam Chair. rt's always fun to ta'lk to or. neading. cotwrssroNER sMrrH: Mr. tte'lson. 1.4R. NELSON: thank you. No questions of COMMISSIONER SMITH: O]SEN. MR. OLSEN: No questions, Your Honor. co[iMrssroNER sMrrH: Mr. Purdy. MR. PURDY: No questions. COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. Mi.I.IEr? MS. 9 10 11 this witness. L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 ryler? Nothing from the Staff. How about from the 18 company? 19 MR. WILLIAMS: Yes, Madam Chair, a few 20 questions for or. Reading. 2l 22 23 24 25 423 or. neading, Dr 32 ICIP 1 CROSS-DGO4INATION 2 3 BY MR. WILLIAMS: 4 a Dr. Readif,g, r'd just]ike to start on 5 page 1 of your testimony beginning on the quest'ion at 6 'line 19 and going over to the next page, you at a high 7 level describe your interpretation of the facil'ities J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy'sMorIoNTorAKE eage 236 Page56 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 1205l1afn. txt8 charge. Do you see that? I A Yes. 10 a what does simplot get in return for the 11 charge? LZ A They get the faci'lities that are on their 13 property that are owned by the company, given either all L4 of it or what's there less what they own, and they get, l-5 as one of the rdaho Power witnesses said here, they get 16 24/7 maintenance on the equipment if something shou'ld go Ll wrong. 18 a Do you know whether or not the facilities 19 charge rate includes an element for keeping back-up or 20 spare inventory that's specific to those faci'lities ?L charge customers that are paying the rate? 22 A t'm trying to think. I would have to look 23 closer within the list to knoul whether the back-ups would 24 be included. My first impression 'is they're not, but r, 25 would have to go back to the workpapers supp'lied by the 424 or. Reading, DI 1 company under, for instance, their maintenance charges to 2 see whether there was a FERC account for that that would 3 be loaded into that. I don't recall one. 4 Q Regardless, though, as part of the service 5 the company agrees to replace equipment that fails for 6 fac'ilities charge customers? , 7 A Oh, certainly, yes. 8 Q r think -- let's turn to page 12 of your 9 testimony. r think there's actua'lly a couple of places , 10 in here on page 12, beginning on'line 18, where you -- 11 r'm sorry, at'line 14 where you allege that if the J. R. SIMPLOT coMPANY's MoTIoN To TAKE eage 237 Page 57OFFICTAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibir 8-A - .. ) 32rCIP 120511afn. txttZ company is not crediting the entire amount of the 13 facilities charge revenue back to the customer c'lass, t4 this could result in the company being overcompensated. 15 Have you or any of the other simplot wr'tnesses provided 16 any evidence at all that that is indeed the case? L7 A Do you mean numerically or, r'm trying to 18 think, theoretica'lIy or methodologica1'ly? r wou'ld say 19 there's no calculation that r've made, but as t 20 understand the way ratemaking 'is done and the way 2L facilit'ies charges are, there is a mismatch between 22 what's in rate base for that particular class and the 23 level of investment that the facilities charge is 24 calculated on for the individual customer. 25 Let me explain. r think this goes back to CSB REPORTING 425 READING(208) 890-5L98 rcrP L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 1_0 11 L2 13 L4 15 commissioner smith's quest'ion that t heard her ask ear'lier and if you ask me the question when rdaho power instal'ls a p'iece of equipment or whatever for faci'lities charges, it takes that tota'l ca'lculated amount and it would be assigned to rate base, and then in the ratemaking procedure, given what we argue about in here a'll the time how the class allocations go for each one of those, then x percent of rate base would be assigned to that particular customer class. There is a mismatch in the fact that when commissioner smith was asking the question, what happens to that group or collectivity of rate base items, such as, you know, r'd have to look at a depreciation study, poles, transformers and whatever, it goes into rate base. Year after year there is a depreciation J.R.srMpLorcoMpANy,sMorroNTorAKE eage 238 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit E-A Page 58 12051lafn. txt16 calcu'lation, 3.24 percent, 2.4 percent, whatever that t7 group is, and so in effect, the total amount of rate base 18 that goes in -- that would be assigned to that particular 19 class goes down over time if there were no new 20 investment, and, of course, that's never true, there's 2L new investment, but that amount tends to go down over 22 time, and the origina'l investment amount is depreciated 23 over time, moved to the facilities charge, 24 rn the facilities charge, the original 25 cost of that investment is assigned to that part'icular CSB REPORTING 426 READING(208) 890-5198 rcrP r'l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 LZ 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 L9 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKEOFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A faci'lities charge customer. That never changes. whether you ask questions to Mr. Youngblood or rim Tatum and our negotiations supplied spreadsheets that showed on an average of 31 years or 32 years that it all comes out even. rhe difference is that original investment, whether it was made in 1955 or '76 or whatever! never changes at a'll, so the percent, this 1.7 percent or this 1.4 percent or whatever, is timesed by this cumulative amount of origina'l cost rate base over time. that says to me that the faci1ities charge customer is then pay'ing for what the equivalent is in rate base for the company, is "overpaying" and if they're overpaying, that's constitutes a subs'idy, either interc'lass or intraclass. a rhanks, 1et's move on. tt is your testimony, is it not, that rdaho Power should assign ownership of faci'lities subject to the faci'lities charge that are fu11y deprecfated? A wou'ld you repeat that, please? A rs it your testimony that rdaho Power Page 239 12051lafn. txt2A should assign ownership of facilities subject to the 2L faci'lities charge that are fully depreciated to 22 Simp]ot? 23 A Yes. 24 a would you agree with me that those fu1'ly 25 depreciated faci'lities are used and useful? CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 READING ICIP MR. RTcHARDSoN: laadam chair? COMMISSIONER SMITH: Mr. nichardson. MR. RICHARDSON: rs he asking in a 'legal sense or is he asking in a non-lega1 sense? MR. IILLTAMS: ttadam chai r, however or. Reading would wish to respond. coMMrssroNER sMrrH: Dr. Read'ing. THE wrTNEss: t wou'ld say yes, they're used and useful, and w'ithout boring the Hearing Room going back through what r just said a few minutes ago that the difference is they might be used and usefu'I, but Simplot is paying the facilities charge based on the original cost, that is different. a BY MR. WILLIAMS: t hear you loud and clear there, or. neading, so would you agree with me that fully depreciated facilities at these locations are not only used and useful, but they may have va'lue? A oh, sure, they have value, and r might add if the piece of equipment exceeds that levelization 3L-year whatever time period parallel to the way we 'look at rates, the ratepayer, in this particular case Simplot, has paid for that equipment. a So what you're asking, though, real1y, 427 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 J. R srMp.-or coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE Rage 240 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Page 60 24 25 the company owns that are va'l ue, you' re not aski ng READING (X) ICIP 1 that we simply just give those away, are you? 2 e r would say that your statement, give 'it 3 away, if the customer has paid for it, then in my mind 4 it's not giving it away. 5 Q You don't expect the company, the company 6 being rdaho power, to maintain and operate facilities for 7 free, do you? 8ANo. 9 a okay. rsn't it true, Dr. Reading, that 10 what you're proposing as part of your testimony is that 11 the company, again rdaho Power, calculate the month'ly LZ faci'lities charge using the depreciated value of the 13 initial investment in distribution facilities at each L4 customer premises that's subject to the facilit'ies 15 charge? 16 A that wou'ld to me be a fairer approach than 17 the one being current'ly used. 18 A okay; so would that mean each facilities 19 charge location wou'ld have a different rate? 20 A tt wouldn't necessarily -- define "rate." 2L tt wou1dn't necessarily have a different 1.4 percent or 22 1.7 percent or 1. whatever. what would be different is 23 rather than the tota'l accumu'lated original va'lue of that 24 equipment, no matter when it was put in and when it 25 wasn't put in, that base would change and so you would be CSB REPORTING 429 READING (X)(208) 890-5198 rcrP 120511afn. txtisn't it, that faci'lities that used and useful and which have CSB REPORTING 428(208) 890-s198 ? J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Page 24L Page 6l L20511afn. txt 1 app'lying the 1. whatever percent or we'11 argue whatever 2 percent, r don't want to give away it's over L percent, 3 that it wou'ld be charged to a -- each customer would have 4 a different base. 5 Q okay, but that different base would be 6 based upon the depreciated value of the equipment as to 7 when it was insta'lled? 8 A Correct. 9 a or. Reading, isn't what you're really just 10 talking about is vintage ratemaking, vintage pricing? 11 A You've got to tell me more. L2 q You're say'ing that each customer shou'ld 13 simply have a different rate based upon when the L4 equipment was put into serv'ice and when it was 15 depreciated? 16 MR. RTcHARDSON: ptadam chair, he didn't L7 say each customer should have a different rate. He 18 spec'ifica'l1y differentiated what he was talking about 19 there. 20 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: r think, Mr. 2L Richardson, this question attempts to get at what 22 Dr. Reading 'is proposing, so r'm going to allow it. 23 THE wrrNESS: rn my mind, and t have to 24 always do this, r'm not a lawyer, you know, if r tried to 25 make a legal decision, you'd be al1 over my case READING (X) ICIP CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 430 1 immediately, in my mind, no, it wou'ldn't be v'intage, 2 because if you look at the individual components of how J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy,s MorroN ro rAKE eage 242 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Pagc62 120511afn. txt 3 the company calculates the facilities charge, included in 4 those components are rate of return, depreciation, 5 insurance, maintenance, and in my mind, it's the 6 equiva'lent to the customer buying that equipment over 7 time and, therefore, it wouldn't be vintage ratemaking. 8 rhat fits with the concept r'm trying to explain here is 9 that the fatal flaw in my mind, a fatal flaw, is that 10 that origina'l investment amount never changes. 11 a By MR. wrLLrAMs: Dr. Reading, are you LZ aware of any other utility customers that have the option 13 to purchase faci'lities over time as part of their regular L4 ratemaking process? 15 A No, r'm not, but it wouldn't surprise me 16 if t was diligent r couldn't find some. L7 MR. wrLLrAMs: Ho further questions, l-8 t',tadam chai r. 19 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: Do we have questions 20 from the Commission? 2L COI4MISSIONER REDFORD: r just have a 22 couple of questions. 23 24 25 43LCSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 EXAMINATION BY COMMTSSIONER REDFORD: READING (x) ICIP 1 2 3 4 a rn 1958 simplot orders a 5 equipment -- J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy,sMorroNTorAKE Page 243 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A piece of Page 63 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 12051lafn. txt A YES. a -- that's covered under a tariff. A You mean rdaho power installs on simplot's property a piece of equipment that goes into the facilities charge; is that the question? that makes up the base -- a r guess maybe that's one of my problems is there are two documents, one that is already in the rdaho power tariff that says for special contracts., you will pay in addition to the cost of, the yearly cost of, whatever it is or however you purchase it that you're go'ing to pay a faci'lities charge. A You said special contract. My understanding and quick reading of the specia'l contract, there is a c'lause in there that says facilities charges wou'ld app'ly for that special contract. a okay; so at a later date there's a special contract that's a contract like you and t would know where there's signatories on both sides and then the contract terms takes care of that and includes the 432CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s1e8 1 tariff. 2 A okay. 3 Q okay? 4 A veah. 5 a You've had two sophist'icated parties 6 are certainly capable of reading the tariff and 7 understanding what facilities charges are, and then I have. the special contract and if you add those two 9 together, you have one complete transaction; right? J. R. srMp,,or coMpANy,s MorroN ro rAKE Page 244 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A READING (X) ICIP who you Page 64 120511afn . txt 10 A okay. 11 a So what's the rub here about enforcing L2 contracts other than for just and reasonable and so on, 13 what's the rub here about enforcing contracts regardless L4 of how long they have been 'in existence that provide for 15 facilities charges and for a specia'l contract? what's L6 the deal here? L7 A If r understand your question, you're 18 saying simplot signed the contract, therefore, they 19 shou'ld 'live with it; is that the essence? You're the 20 'lawyer. would that be a non-'lawyer -- 2L a No, that's pretty basic law. 22 A okay. 23 a r mean, at what point in time do you come 24 back and say we1l, wait a minute, we've gotten 32 years 25 here and we made a bad dea'l and now we want to transfer CSB REPORTING 433 READING (X)(208) 890-5198 rcrP 1 this bad deal into some sort of a give-away or a sale of 2 this equ'ipment for a nomina'l amount. r'm rea11y 3 strugg'ling with this. 4 A r wou'ld say that due to the fact that the 5 charges, be they facilities charges or the approval of 6 the special contract, whenever there is a rate case, 7 special contract customers, just like individual customer 8 classes, are subject to that rate case, what is presented 9 by each party and also what the commission decides is 10 fair and reasonab'le, so what you have that is different 11 from virtually a11 the private party contracts that I LZ know, you have the commission changing the costs and the 13 terms within that contract every time there is a rate J.R.SIMPLOTCoMPANY'SMOTIONTOTAKE Page 245 Page65 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Erhibit 8-A 120511afn . txt L4 case. 15 a we'l'I, when is a contract a contract, 16 then? Ll A we'll, commissioner, without being smart, 18 you're the lawyer. Let's see, t look at what t read on 19 the sports page and a lot of those contracts don't seem 20 like contracts to me. t would say a special contract in 2L my mind, my non-'larvyer mind here, that a special contract 22 with a regulated utility is a different thing than the 23 contract -- 24 A lt's a moving target? 25 A Yeah, and it moves and everybody 434CSB REFORTING(208) 890-s198 READING (Com) ICIP 1 understands it moves and as you move forv'lard and you see 2 different aspects in costs and return, et cetera, every 3 party within a class or the spec'ial contract customer can 4 come into the commission and say hey, whoa, that's not 5 fair, and then the commissioners say we'Il, that's fair or 6 thatrs not fair. You do thumbs up, thumbs down, cut the 7 baby in half, whatever you do. 8 a well, it just seems to me that you're in a 9 situation that no one can rely upon a contract, 10 especially if the contract has an expiration date. 11 A rguessrdidn'tunderstand. t2 a nll right, let's assume we want to put in L3 a generator at simplot and the price is $500,000 or L4 whatever and we've agreed to pay for that over a period 15 of time, and in addition to that, there's a faci'lities 16 charge and the contract lasts for five years. rs it up L7 to rdaho Power or simplot to say oh, no, no, no, 'it J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy,sMorIoNTorAKE eage 246 page66 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A ) 12051lafn. txt 18 wasn't for five years, it's for 25 years or 35 or 19 whatever? Don't you have difficulty, r mean, with 20 that? 27 A okay, and 'if this isn't responsive, get on 22 my case again. 23 q rwi'll. 24 A ror the case -- you wouldn't be shy about 25 it, r'm sure. rhe individua'l generator, whatever, for csB REPORTTNG 435 READTNG (Com)(208) 890-5L98 rcrP 1 500,000 that rdaho Power would insta'I1 on simplot's 2 property, there is no contract for that. Given the way 3 the faci'lities charge has been administrated, it would 4 s'imp1y -- rdaho Power would insta'll it. They would take 5 whatever the cumu'lative original cost investment of all 6 those faci'l'ities charges had been up to that point and 7 they would add 500,000, so now the 1.7 percent would be 8 applied to an amount that wou'ld be $500,000 higher. 9 Q well, that in my mind is quite a fiction, 10 if, you don't mind me saying, but r've always be'lieved L1 that there should be on all contracts a beginning and an LZ end and at the end, you stop. 13 A r concur with that ana]ysis and that goes 14 back to the thing that bothers me probably the most about 15 the way fac'ilities charges are being applied is that it's L6 never ending. rt's when that original piece of equipment L7 got put in at the origina'l cost. rt only ever changes'if 18 that origina'l piece of equipment stops working, then 19 rdaho Power would subtract that original cost and add 20 back in the orig'ina'l cost of the newer equipment, which 2L over time is, of course, always h'igher. J. R. SIMPLOT CoMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE eage 247 Prge 67 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 120511afn. txt 22 a and that's according to rdaho Power or 23 according to simp'lot or to this commission or who's it 24 according to? 25 A Rccording to rdaho power, the way they CSB REPORTING 436 READING (COM) (208) 890-5198 rcrP 1 administer and ca'lculate and charge the customer for the 2 facilities charge and that's why r'm here, the. lawyers 3 are here, severa'l plant managers are here. rhey say that 4 is not fair and reasonable. 5 Q over a period of time it's not? 6 n Yes. 7 Q rf you go dovn and lease a car, you 'lease 8 the car fortfive years -- 9 n correct. 10 a -- you pay a certain amount up front. 11 A Correct. LZ a end if you pay your yearly amount and if 13 the engine blows up, they replace it. 14 A Correct. 15 A uo charge for replacing it. 16 A rf it's within that leased period, L7 correct. L8 a what's the difference between that and 19 this? 20 A rhat if you leased the car and the 'lease 2L payments were calculated on x percent of what the car 22 leasing agency assumed their costs were and that 23 particular car cost $25,000, then the lease -- the 24 ana'logous the way facilities charges work, the analogous, 25 you wou'ld drive that car and you would be charged 1.7 J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE rage 248 page6E OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A I 12051lafn. txt CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 437 READTNG (com) IcIP L percent of the $25,000 for as long as it worked. rf it 2 blew up, if it died, if it did whatever, then the leasing 3 agency would give you a new car. rf that new car now had 4 a $35,000 charge, you would pay the 1.7 percent on the 5 35,000. If not, you would pay that forever; othenrvise, 6 you would be buying a lifetime auto lease with a 7 percentage charge based on the original cost of the I car. 9 Q sure, and that's in the terms and 10 conditions, isn't it? 11 A veah. LZ a Have you read one of the special contracts 13 of rdaho Power? L4 A sriefly, yeah. 15 a ooes it clearly state that in its special 16 contract? tl A No. what it says in addition, you know, 18 it says here's the special contract, the rates are based 19 on whatever. r'm not sure they even say in the contract 20 theyrl] change on every rate case. the part on 2L facilities charge, it says something as briefly as also 22 subject to facijities charges as 'listed in tariff X, Y, 23 z, whatever the app'licab'le tariff is. 24 a Putting aside contract 'law for a minute, 25 what you're suggesting to us is the possibifity that CSB REPORTTNG(208) 890-s198 s J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A READING (com) ICIP eage 249 438 Page 69 120511afn. txt 1 regardless of what's stated in the tariff and what's 2 stated in the contract, we're here to say that's just not 3 right, it's too much and we're trying to come up with 4 some sort of a different type of situation that 5 recognizes the equity of everything we're dealing with? 6 A ebso'l ute'ly, yes , si r. 7 e okay, one other question and then t''l'l 8 stop. the pooling, r understand that when I put in a new 9 generator at simplot, instead of tracking that generator, 10 'it goes i nto a pool . 11 A rt's added into the tota] amount of LZ facilities, original cost of equ'ipment for the facilities 13 for that plant. rt's just added on there. 74 a okay; so that seems to further complicate 15 the situation, because r cou'ld have a piece of equipment 16 that went bad or t wanted to get rid of or I wanted to L7 buy a new one and al'l of a sudden, instead of buying the 18 new piece of equipment and allowing it to be depreciated 19 over its 1ife, r'm now picking up a portion of the 20 charges for everything that's included in the poo1. 21 A Yes. 22 a Now is that fair? 23 A t don't think it is. 24 coMMrsSroNER REDFoRD: okay, thanks. No 25 further questions. CSB REPORTING 439 READING (COM)(208) 890-5198 rcrP 1 EXAMINATION 2 3 AY COVIMISSIONER SMITH: J.R.srMp,-orcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE Page 250 Page 70 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A a "n llTltigd#rt, , can't r et thi s 5 opportunity go by. 6 A thank you, commissioner Smith. 7 Q so you've done regulation a long time -- I A Yes. 9 Q -- on different sides. rs this the real L0 wor'ld? 11 A when t was on the staff, the commissioners 72 always asked me the hardest questions. Things haven't 13 changed. Regulation isn't the real world. Reguiation L4 is -- 15 a You don't need to characterize it, but 16 just acknowledging that it's not the real world is L7 sufficient. 1-8 A No. ,' '\ 19 a You know, this isn't a rea11y new issue. 20 rt's the same issue as when the widow calls and says r've 2L been in my house 50 years, why do t have to pay a 22 customer charge, my meter is fu11y depreciated, and we 23 all know the answer to that. 24 A Yes. 25 a md why should it be different here? CSB REPORTING 440 READING (COM)(208) 890-5198 rcrP L A es r explained a 'l'ittle while ago, the 2 faci'lities charges are based on that -- 3 e r understand the equity argument and the 4 origina'l cost. 5 e okay. 6 Q rsn't that the same thing we're doing to 7 everybody else? J.R.SIMPLoTCoMPANY'SM0TroNToTAKE eage 251 prgeTl OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 8 I 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 1_6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 2s 1205I1afn. txtA My gut te'lIs me no. a But your brain can't find an example? A vou need to give me time. a t'11 give you time while t ask my next question -- A okay. a -- which is, you know, r can't th'ink of any other circumstance where we've told a customer yeah, you're right. You've paid this rate for 50 years. Your equipment is totally deprec'iated, so it's yours. That doesn't happen, does it? A Right, r wou'ld agree with that and whether you will accept or not, my brain is working -- A cood. A -- or at least r think it's working. The difference is, is if you were a retai'l customer, your rates are made on the average rate base of a'll the other customers, a'11 right, so your meter, a new meter and an CSB REPORTING 44L READING (COM)(208) 890-5198 rcrP old meter and we do the averaging and r understand that. rn a ratemaking process, there is not this anomaly where you're charging the reta'il customer, if r would say hey, r want something, something for whatever and r will pay an extra percentage of that over time; otherwise, the difference is, is that the faci'lities charge that customers pay are back around in a rate case and credited back to that consumer class; otheruise, that's a specific spec'ial kind of a charge that is ca'lculated based on that specific customer's desires, wants, et cetera. when r'm a residentia] customer, r can \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 LL J. R. srMp,.or coMpANy,s MorroN ro rAKE lage 252 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Page72 120511afn. txt12 understand why r'm in a pool and r pay'l'ike everybody 13 else. rhe difference is r've got, you know, a mi'l'l'ion L4 dollars worth of rdaho Power's investment next to my 15 swingset, out in my pasture that my horses have to wa'lk 16 around, that the company is charging me x percent for 17 that mil'lion do'llars worth of equ'ipment, and so then 18 rdaho Power would take that amount, rol] it back under in 19 this case and credit it back to the residential c1ass, 20 and to me there is a definite difference and 2L distinction. 22 a sut would it surprise you to know that the 23 very first time that facilities charges, r think, came to 24 my attention, it actually was a residentia'l customer over 25 east of pocatel'lo who had a facilities charge on the'ir CSB REPORTING 442 READING (COM) (208) 890-s198 rcrP ',.) + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I L0 11 L2 13 t4 15 'li ne extensi on? A okay. a And so r mean, 'it was the same deal . A How was that handled, may r ask? a I th'ink we to'ld the poor woman that that was what the tariff said, but we'll have to research that, but anyway, a utility's customers, they're not out buying equipment, are they, they're buying service; ri ght? A wow, from the electric company, theyrre buying power and depending on who you are, if you're llicron, you buy service, but you pay for the whole substat'ion to get that service. a end who owns the substation after you've paid for it? J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE eage 253 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Page 73 120511afn. txt16 A well, in that particu'lar case Micron t7 does. 18 a okay, how about uoku? 19 A r'm not familiar enough with them, but if 20 they paid a whole bunch of money to put in a lot of 2L infrastructure to receive service from rdaho Power for 22 their plant, then they would orvn it. 23 q would you be surprised to learn that rdaho 24 Power owns the substation? 25 A r have too much gray hair to have things csB REPORTTNG 443 READTNG (Com)(208) 890-5198 rcrP 1 'like that surprise me. 2 a neither here nor there, and r do 3 appreciate and I do understand the percentage 'is not the 4 issue, it's the orig'inal cost is the basis against which 5 the percentage i s appi'ied. A Yes, accumulating over time forever. a r've got it. A rhank you, commissioner. CO,IMISSIONER SMITH: ThANK YOU. DO YOU 10 have redirect,, Mr. Richardson? Ll MR. RICHARDSON: lust a coup'le, t2 uadam cha'irman, with your indu'lgence. t neglected to ask 13 Dr. Reading what I consider a housekeeping question. L4 rt's not in his direct testimony, but if r cou'ld ask him. 15 16 REDIRECT EXMINATION L7 1.8 BY MR. RICHARDSON: a Dr. Reading, you were present during the i) 6 7 I 9 19 J. R. srMp.,or coMpANy,s MorroN ToTAKE eage 254 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A Page74 i) 12051lafn. txt20 settlement negot'iations of the general rate case? 2L A YES. 22 a md when the issue of facilities charges 23 was being carved out, was it your understanding that the 24 Schedule 19 facilities charge customers had agreed to 25 accept any increase in costs that are caused by CSB REPORTING 444 READING (COM)(208) 890-5198 rcrP 1 non-schedule 19 customers? 2 MR. wrLLrAMs: uadam chair, r'tn going to 3 object. This is way beyond anything in or. Reading's 4 testimony and it's actually plow'ing new ground on a new 5 i ssue. 6 Coi4MISSIONER SMrTH: Mr. Williams, I'l'l 7 certainly give you your opportunity to ask any cross-exam 8 on it, but r think or. neading's understanding of the 9 settlement is relevant. 10 THE WITNESS: rf r heard your question 11 correctly, the clause in the sett'lement applied only to t2 schedule 19 customers and changes in whatever impact 13 there would be for schedule 19 customers on1y. 74 A By MR. RTcHARDSoN: tnd you were being 15 questioned by commissioner nedford and you were asked if 16 a contract is a contract is a contract k'ind of thing, the L7 contracts on these spec'ial facilities charges reference a L8 tariff, do they not? 19 A Correct. 20 a end is it your understanding w'ith all your 2L considerable gray hair in the utility industry that 22 people signing contracts that reference a rate in a 23 tariff a'lways exirect that tariff to be changed down the J.R.sIMPLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE Page 255 page7s OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A road in rate A 1.2051Lafn. txt cases? CSB REBORTING(208) 890-s198 periodically, yes. 445 1 Q so although a contract is a contract, it's 2 not real]y a rate freeze, if you wi11, forever? 3 A rt is not a fixed rate, yes. 4 a lnd commissioner smith asked you about the 5 poor widow complaining about the charge for her meter or 6 whatever, isn't the significant difference here is that 7 the widow is in a rate pool of residential customers that 8 enjoys a depreciating rate base that if there was never 9 any addit'ions to it, it would eventually go to zero, and 10 here we have a poo1, the facilities charge customers, 1l- that do not enjoy a depreciating rate base? L2 A rf you have a situation where there is 13 essentially negligible rate base added every year, one L4 would expect that their rates would go down over time as 15 the rate base goes down over time and is not added to 16 given whatever happens to expenses. 17 COMMISSIONER SMITH: ANd iS thAt EVEN A 18 reasonable hypothesis? 1.9 THE WITNESS: I KiNd Of .- 20 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: Never mind. That's 2l rhetorical. 22 MR. RTCHARDSoN: r thought it was. 23 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: well, obviously, 24 but -- 25 THE WITNESS: r think r could probably csB REPORTTNG 446 READTNG (Com) (208) 890-5198 rcrP J.R.srMpLorcoMpANy'sMorIoNTorAKE eage 256 Page76 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 24 25 READING (com) ICIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 120511afn. txt find one somewhere, some co-op or something. COMTSSIONER SMITH: Get rea]. MR. RTCHARDSON: That's all I have, ptadam chai r. COIVIVIISSIONER REDFORD: COUId I ASK? COMMTSSIONER SMITI{: Commissioner Redford. EXAMINATION BY COVIMISSIONER REDFORD : a or. Reading, notwithstandJng everything else that we're dea'ling with in this case, the stipulation, which is quite frank'ly a remarkab'le document to an extent, it appears that we've spent a great deal of our t'ime trying to talk about a d'ispute between rdaho Power and simplot. A Yeah, r'd say that would be fair and other customers that simplot has made aware of what is actual'ly going on in the facilities charge, but essentially, yes. a Would you suggest that the most appropriate way to resolve this would be to bifurcate this issue, give rdaho Power and the other similarly situated customers and rdaho Power a further opportunity to negotiate this to come out with a just solution and if READING (Oi) ICIP CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 1 that doesn't work to bring it back to us? 2 commissioners laughing at me. J. R. stMpt.or coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE vage 257 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A 447 r see my other 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11_ L2 1_3 L4 1_5 16 17 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 12051lafn. txt CoMMISSIONER SMITH: l,ty first comment is that I think that wou'ld be a consu'ltant's dream. a By coMMrssroNER REDFoRD: r realize that. r want to be a consultant in that case, but r'm just saying that as you know, there are very few issues or disputes that aren't so tota'l1y unreasonable at least in my history or lifetime, if the stakes are h'igh enough, they haven't been able to come up with some, if not a fu'll-time, decision, at ieast some sort of a decision that hand'les the issues. A r wou'ld answer that in two ways and, commissioner sm'ith, r'll answer this straightforward if you won't call gen in Tallahassee, okay, that one reason that the tndustrial customers of rdaho Power wouldn't sign the stipu'lation unless this particular issue was carved out was that the negotiations with rdaho Power over this issue have been going on for more than two years and that the zigs and zags that have occurred, such as yeah, we'l'l sell it, no, we won't sel'l it, okay, we're going to file a tariff and sell it, that we've pushed to bring it in a rate case setting to try to get it resolved, and t personal'ly would be fearful that lf it was punted to a separate docket that it wou'ld go on and CSB REPORTING 448 READING (Oi1(208) 890-5198 rcrP 1 on forever and it may be good for consulting, but the 2 rndustria'l customers of ldaho Power and simp'lot have 3 spent a significant amount of effort and expense in 4 trying to solve this issue and it has gone around and 5 around, so the Commission can do what the commission will 6 do. t understand that this is a comp'licated issue and J.R.srMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE eage 258 page78 OFFICTAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A ', ,) 12051lafn . txt 7 you want to look at it some more, but t would not 8 recommend that. 9 Q civen the reasonab'leness of everyone in 1-0 this room, don't you think that others might say we11, 11 that's a fair resolution and we'i1 go ahead and sign the L2 stipulation and carve this out and have a time set and if 13 it's not resolved, then we've got most of the testimony L4 in? 15 A r would have -- 16 a Give it six months, then the commission L7 will answer it. 18 A veah. r would have to ask the other 19 parties. r don't know where they would be. 20 a we11, t don't think that's your charge, 2L but it certain'ly might be our charge of at least asking 22 the question, but, you know, if we don't resolve this, 23 then the st'ipu'lation is not going to get signed anyway; 24 correct? 25 A lt could get signed. sometimes the CSB REPORTING 449 READING (Di)(208) 890-5198 rcrP 1 commission approves a stipulation without al1 parties 2 sign'ing the stipulation. 3 a wel1, r think of the stature and the 4 position of the parties in this case, espec'ial'ly the true 5 parties. we could have a stipu'lation signed without some 6 of the other signing. r see that Marsha is writing notes 7 to me, so that must mean something, shut up, Redford, and I that's it, so at any rate, that's not an issue for me 9 certainly to decide right now, but r after a]l these 10 years have found that there aren't very manyJ.R.SIMPLOTCoMPANY'SMOTIoNTOTAKE eage 259 Page79 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE - Exhibit 8-A 120511afn.txt .. 11 disagreements that aren't negotiable and maybe you don't L2 feel that way, but that's the way 'it is. 13 A some aren't and thatrs why you three L4 exist. 15 COMMISSIoNER REDFORD: Okay. rhank L6 you. L7 COMMTSSTONER SMrrH: rt',s good to knor we 18 have a reason for being. 19 THE WTTNESS: YES. 20 COTUIMISSIONER SMITH: Dr. neading -- did 2L you have any more redi rect? zz MR. RTCHARDSoN: No, Madam chair. 23 COIT,IMISSIONER SMITH: okay, f just want to 24 thank you for your good-natured endurance of the 25 comnission's questions and ruminations. : csB REPORTTNG 450 READTNG (oi) ) ;(208) 890-5198 rcrP i 1 THE WITNESS: rhank you. 2 COMMISSToNER SMITH: thank you. 3 (rhe witness left the stand.) 4 co[4MrssroNER surrH: we're going to take a 5 five-minute stretch break before we go to the next 6 witness. 7 MR. Rrct{ARDsoN: May Dr. Reading be 8 excused? 9 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Tf there is no 10 object'ion, we wi'll excuse or. neading. 11 (Recess.) L2 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: All right, r believe 13 we are ready for Mr. Richardson's next witness. L4 MR. RICHARDSoN: thank you, J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy,sMorroNTorAKE rage 260 page8O OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE Exhibit 8-A EXHIBIT #8-B J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE 4'-3#D BEFORETHE IDAEO PT]BLIC UIITrIIES COMIIfiSSION CASIE NO.IPC.E.II.IIE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAEO POWER REA,DIT{G, Dtr TESTIMONT EXHBIT NO.3OI Dn Ilon Reading's Curiculum Vitre J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Pn tor tltotltior . Edrcatloi Hotctt asd dJ etdt Profo,rtio eal aed brtiacts blttoV Expcrlttct J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Dor t.lqltq Don C. Rsadlng Vlcc Prcrtdcot rod Coarulting Ecoaoniot 8.S., Eooaomlct - Uteh Surc Univcrdty M.S., Bcoooalcs - Uoiverity of Orcgoa Ooicios Dehr BpdtoqNSP Fallowrhip Bcr Johoron Aisocirtcr, Iac.: 1989 - Vicc Prridcnt 19A6 .- Conrutting Ecooomirt I&ho Publb UtlEics Cosralsrion: 19tt-86 Ecooodrc/Dilctor of Polcy end Adrnhbmtion Tcrchiag: 1980-tl Aroche kofcrrcr, lloiwnity of l{rsrii-Hilo \ 197)-80 Asochtc rad Arsimru Poftrcor, Idrho St*e Uaivcrrity )196&70 Asriloat Profruor, MEdlc Tcaac*ec Stre Uofucrdty Da tmdiqg proridce crpcrt tctdmooy ooaccmiDg Gconomic urd regulr,ory ieouc8. FIc hu eriifitd on anrq thrn 35 occrrionlbcbrt utility rqfrlqtory commircbns in Alrrkq Cdifordr, Coloredo, rtc Dirdct of C,oluabir, Hr;rii. I&ho, Ncve&! Notth Drkoe,Tcxes, Utdu \Plorning, rad \9r$iogton. Dr. Bcrdinghrr srosc d'.g30 yc.rr crpcdcncc'in drc field of ccooomicr. Hc hrr partctpcd ia rlte dcvclopmcnt of ldkc! rcflcctingcconorlc trcodg GNP growttr irEa. forctn crchengc rnr*cts,thc uoacy rupplr'.toct Eaikct bvclc,rad io0rdon Hc hrr rorlyrcd ruch public policy ircucc rs thc ninimqm rqgc, ftdcrd spcoding rad trxatioo, ud ioport/cxpottbdenccr. Dr. Rcedidg is oac offout ccooooiete providhg ycrdy forcc9*a of st tcwtc pcroood iacomc to dlc Starc of Ideho for purpolcs of estrblirhiogune pctronrl lacomc trx nte!. Ia tic fLld of telacomounicclxr, Dr. Rcding hrs providcd cxpcn tectioooy on : thc lsgucr of mngindcorg picc chotlit6rnd mcesurcd crvicc.Dr. Rcrdlng ptcpercd rstrt-tpccific rtrdy of thc prbc dr*icty of ilcmend fot bcd tCcphonc scrche io ldehoend rccco$ coaductcd acrrtch for,end dircced the ptep,trtba . of. a rcpm to thc [deho lcgfrlnurc tcgrtdiog drc otrur of tebcommuaicetbna .orgr.idoo hthct rtce. ErhtbltNo- !10! IPC.E.II4B Rcadlng ICIP Prgc I Pa,ge 2 i DUC'rrdlr Dr. Bcediogfr rErt of erpcfibcls thc lidd of ebctricpowcr inchde dcrnrnd Gorccrrdag loq.rlgc phonlng pdoc cl$tcity, urrgiadrnd rvcr+ colt Ficia& producba-rlnultloo noddng, nd ccoaoocuicnodcling.Anong hla rccnt G.tcs vrt ro cbctd€iltr dcrigr rrrdyrb for thcloductdd Cucolncrs of Iddo Poscr. Dr. f,cedi4 ir cuncad, r conruloat o thc Idrbo LqicleturCc Comraittce on Blcctric Restructldn& Sincc 1999 Dl Ecrding her bccn rffilirted vith tc Climrc Impoct Gtoup (CIG) at thc Univcnityof !?rrhingon. Hir woi vith thc CIG hrs inrolvcd rt rndyrb of 6c inprst of Globd \[roiag on thc hydo Bcilitics on thc Sode Xtuct It rlro includcr rn lacedgcion ioto vrer rrrtar ln 6e Notthrrct rnd Floddr, In edditbn hc hrr eidyacd thc cconomicE'ofrnosaukins fur eliror'alnprcted by GbbdV.roiog. /.\mong Di. &cadlqlr rcccat proieu oc r FBRC hy&oporra rclccnshg atudy Su thc Sbttootsh lrdilc Tribc) end ro rnrlyris of N othcrn Sutcr Pogcds N otth D*ota rcg dcr$ proposdr e6cting.Ltgc hdutril eu. *oactr (forJ.R. $ioplot Cobpeoy). Dr. R..dl4g bu ibo pcrfornod rorlptr fc 6c lddro Govcraods Offioc o f tho impe ct on dri N orthverc Poste (hid of vrriour p&ne to iocrcas! sdnoo rnu in &c CotrobirRiver Begh. Dr. 'Rcadiog hrt plcFcd ccbnomccb brcci*e for trc Southcec fdrho Couacl of Govcmocatr rnd thc S,csinuc hoicclion Commiuec of thc ldrho Stre tqideuuc. Hc hc! alto bccn r nombcr of atvcrrl NortLrrrt Porrcr Phnoing Couodl Sad*icd Advisory C.oumiaccc eod ver vie chdrnro of 6e Govcroodt Econouic Rcrcerch Courcilh ldrho Vbilc rt ldelro Strte Uoivcrsity, Dr. &cading pcrfomcd dcmognphic onldice uring r colon/cutvivd oodcl rad scvcnlccoaornic iotrrct rtudlt.urtag hput/ouput.o*tdr Hc hr rln povidcd apci tciiooay lodercr ooccrninglorsof iacoac rcaultiag &om uroagful dah, infury, or coploytmt dtscdohdoa, He ir bnr4a.$ r rdiui'eprofcnor of econoartq rtBolc St t Uaivcritt G&ho cconomh hirtoty, rrbro/rqiod ccooomicr rnd lebor ccooui+) Dr, Rcrd&rg hrr lcerdy complc.td r public intcrorvru rigls auufcr carc. Hc ic cucrcat[ i raeuber of thc Eolc Oty hbltc \[ot]rComukdoa; ErhibitNo'30l rPc-E.I1{8 ReadlngICIP PaSe 2 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Pnge 3 DoaC.lcriil Plrlkcctott 'Bacrgirhg ldrho", Idrho llrueOnlioc, Bolsc Sbtc Ualvcrsty, FdI2006. virw.b olicrtrte.crhr/ hlrory/lrucioaliac/&lllB06ircucr/iod arJrtto I Thc Bcononrlc hprct of fic 2@1 Sdaon Scseon to ld&o, Idabo Fth .nd Wildlifc Foundrdron, April 2003: fhc Econonic r-Frct of r Rcrtorsd Sdaoo .Firhcry ia lddro, Idsho Fbh rod Vitillfo Fouodrrion, Apd!, 1 999. Thc, Eono.lc lagact o f &clhced Filh&rg nrd &c R ctum of.Salmon FtaLiog in Idrho, tdrho Fidr rndVlldlifc Foundrioo, Sqrtcobu, 1997. rCort $rvlngr fuo Nucleer Rcsourccs Rcfonn: An'Bsonooctric ModeP (wlh E. Bry Croartrcry rnd BcoJoho:on) Sortm Enoaiclornrl, $priag 1996. AVisitorAdygir for o Birdc of Prcy Publlc Attrrcloo, Pctcgrloc Fuod, Inc., Novcmbor, 19E8. Invcerigitioa of r Apiuliadoo Retc fu ldrho lly&oetcctdc Proiccsr Id.$o Sutc Ter Goomisri,oa, Juac 1988. : "Po.tPufPAVicvr,rIaPtocccdirgoofdrcNARUC BiennidX,ctshtory f-onfctcncc, 19E3, r .r An loput-Ouqrut Anrlpir of trc Imprct fro Propored Mioiag io thc Chrllfu Arel (Ei& R Drvier). Publrc Policy Rcrerrch Ccntcr, Idrho Strtc Untvmity, Fcbnruy 19E0. Pboptdl. erl Strtlrllr A S rt Ercrtndl AadW (wi6J. Eyre, ctel).Gorcrancnt Rcscrrch hrriua pf ldrho$tetc UotvcrrLyeld thc Sothcrrtldeho Gouodlof Gottrnracatr, Aoggrt 1 975. fu&tatgGamtFttlRra n olthstdc oflkto(vitb S. Ghr4rnfirrd D, Hollry) Cerncr for Eudncer rod Bconooic trcrcorch, Eoirc Stce [Inivetrity, Junc 1975. 'A Notc oo thc Ditrbution ofFcdcrel Expcndlurer: An Int6c.t. Coaprrboo, I 933"1930 eod I 961-1965," h Tb Anrint E noaht, Vol. I(V[L No. 2 @rll 19?4), pp. 125-128. .lNcs Derl Actirity rod thc Stetr, 19311939.".In lonal { BorothHhtlyhVol. FfXUI, Dcccobct f973, pp.792-E10. Erhtbit No. 30t I IPC-E-Ir{S RcadingICIP Pege 3 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 4 3"'l BEI1ORD TEE IDAEO PUBIJC ITIILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO.IPC-r-11-08 INDUSTRIAL CIISTOMERS OF II}AEO POWER READING, DI TESIIMONY EXHIBIT NO.3O2 Idaho Powcrrs Rcrponrcg to Production Requot No. 28 Regarding Idaho Power's Authorizd Retes of Retnm Since 1987 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDf,NCE. Exhibit 8-B ,..t REQIIEST FOR PFODT[rGttOll 1{9. 2& Rsferunoe Dircd Teefinony sf Soott Sparlce, p. 41, tines l-3 (statlng that tre pitnary osl corponcnt that liae ddvsr the rcducilon tr he fadlltitrs cirqe nts h ha Rate of Ratrm, wtrictr hae decreassd slnce the la* update). (a) Pleare dmlt or dery that he Rab of Rfrrm ueed ln fire 1987 calcrdatlon fu Sdrcdule 19 vuar 9.952%. lf deny, phage ldsnW tho Rab of RstJm ueed ln 1987. (b) Plsase ldontlfy tra CommiscloR caBe numbar br all gmml rae cmss f[ed by ldaho Pows slrps 198?, and the Companfr arhorLed RS of Rstum ln eadl of ttross cess8. (o) PteesB admlt or deny that tro mte of Rdlm authodzed ln 2005 (IFBE- 05.24), Ar07 (IFGE{I7-OE), ZOG (IPGE{&1O), was less tran the Rat€ of Retum uoad b calculfietheftdfficcharge Elnce 1907. lf dony, pleateexdaln. (d) Pleage elQhin why the Company hae not updatcd the hdlilles cfiarge slnoe 1087 in llgtlrt of 0te dacma* h Rete d Rdrn oocurlng at 0te tlme of general rate calo fllrUe lleted [r (c). Hs fire Compeny been orrerchalglng for the facl[tles etrarge byfiallngto updateho dratgo pdorb nou/? RE$FONSE TO REQUEET FOR PRODITCTIOT{ NO. A: (a) The rate of rstum wed ln the 1087 calcuhtion 6r Sdretuh 19 uas 9.902 pereil, rrrfikh coraporrG b a tevplized nab of rstm of 6.0G3 petwrrt ln cunparlson, tte 20lO rated r€tum ussd h the prupooed fadmbc chargs calculallon le 6.Otg porcent, wttldi onsaponde to a lcvdtsett tete of letum of 4.8,1p€tEert as shown on psge 40 of the Dlrrct Teetimony of Mr. Spails. DAHO FO,YER COMPATTIYS RESFOITISE TO TtIE SECot{D REOUESTS FOR PRODTJCTION OF THE INDT'ETRIAI CUStrOMERS OF IDA}IO FOYI'ER. 3T Erhlblt No,302 IPC-E-Il{t Rcarllng ICIP Prge I J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 6 ,-'s (b) The Commiaclqr oaeo numbers for all genellal rde carc flhd by Haho Foueralnce 19E7 and the Gompanfs auttprized ratc of rstlm in cach of tho$ casoB alg shown ln thetatrh below. Orncnl Rfr GanYorrFfhd Gg llmfirr Rrbof Rettm rPoE44t 9.190% 2 tPcE{x}-l3 7.E5im 2m5 tPGE{tti]FGEEil E1%2W 8.1% 2Ur8 IPGE{!8-10 8.18% (c) Plmssaettr@npnfercqpmeeb(aland (b)above. (d) The Gompany lns not uFatarl the.fadllfies c{rarges sftloe 19SI beoause its perhdlc vdldaflond of the ffiirU fedllteo chaqeo did not mnant an updab rrtpn uelng the cuner{ ryprorred calculaton mgtro<lology. The response b trle Roque$ w* prcparud by Smtt D. Sparla, Senlor t. ) Rsgulabry Analy$, ldaho Powor Cornpany, in mnsuttation rlilh Jacon B. Wlliarrs, Corporirte Couneal, ldaho Porrer Gompny. IT,A}CI PO,VER GOTu|PANYS RESPOI{SE TO NE SECOND REOUESTS DusfnN OF TtlE lNDusTRlAt ct STOMERS oF lOAl{O POWER - 3a r"1grl#, Reeding'ICIP Page 2 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE Page 7 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B ,\ BEX1ORE THE II}AHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMIIfiSSION cAsE NO. IPC-8"11-08 n-rnustruAr cuffolrilERs or rDAEo PoTvER READING, DI TESTIMONY EXEIBIT NO.3O3 Idaho Powertg Responses to Produetion Requcst Nog. 6, 7, 46, and 47 Rcgtrding ldaho Power's FaciliJies Charge sCrcdit' J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Erhibit 8-B l\ Page 8 REOUBT FOR FRODUFTIOiI tO.!: Relbmnca Dlroct Tesilmony of $ott Speils, p. al (statng ttrat lhe ct0mahd r€ducton ln rwenue rccelved by the Gompqny I though lhe fadlltes char3e .uulll restilt ln increaees ln the ,Bvontrc requlramerilc br eadi qrgtomer dass hat oolhc0E hcllteg chaqe ravenue) (a) Pleaee admlt or rlery that tre Companfs f llng urbmlts hst a fr lr, JuBt and rpasnde Edlltoe drarge br Sdredule 9, 19, and 24 cugbrmrr would bo 1.41% monlhly, whlfi b a rududlon fiom he dralge currgntly ln efbct ol 1.1% monthly. lf deny, ptessoeplaln. (b) Pleara admlt or dsny that the Cornpanye filhg:sr$mltE that the rsduction ln rawnue cdbon{ tom customer ohrces ffilbrrhDlo b tttc ptoBoscd reducilon in fie hcl!0s @Ee slputs.orult in a otruspondlng irrcrease h tevsnus nguimment fur thoso customsdeEEB. lf deny, pfase dphln (c) lf the responsc to ihe (a) and (b) ls b admlt please erylah the Companfc lueffiaton. Speolfrcally, please fully explain why'e rcductlon ln Corrparfs nte of ratrm Cnce 1987 (orarfy other pdrrcilon ln any otlror conTonsnt of thq facllfre charge) ald a cor€spondlng necd b ttdue tre frcilltes charge shoulrt be oupled wlth a corrseponrllng hueeso the levenue.lequltorpnt fur tteoe cuglomer chsses. RE9FOTSE IIO REOIIEST FOR PRODlErtOlI ilO.6: (a) The Oompany'e flfrg subnrlts tM a monttrly hclllUs charp rate of 1:41 percant ls a falr, iust ard re&nable taclllUes clrarge ftr Sciredule 9, 19, anrl 24 customcrs. (b) A rpdudion ln revenrs coll€ctod fionr cuebmerchgsc at[ibutarble to thE gpBosed rsductlon ln the fadllses charges wlll reult ln a mmapondlng lrueasg in rev€nuo rrquhenont fur tlrose cu$nrer dasses. IDA}IO FOI'"ER @TiPAiIYS RE8PONSE TO II{E SECOilD REqJESIE FORPRODUSNCX{ OF ftE NDUSIRAL CI'SIONiER$ tr E'I}IO FOWER. 4 EitlbtNo303 rPC-E-Ir.08 Rtadlngr |CIP Prgc I J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOT,ION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Prge 9 mtauA b hq Cqnpanfs cost of ownhE, opentq qnd malnhlnlng lbdlites that alg solely dedlcated b thss€ cudnmers. As a rtsult, lhe nwnue rocdvd liwn these custorrsrE is apCiad as a d[ad oftd or crodtt to tlre rsrranue rcquhenrenrt fur the colrapndir6 o.ffimr da$. Bocauso 0E!c fadffior art only uced by crffimsrs subj€ct b iacllEae ctraqea I is pasonaUe b oftst the.leepoc{rt qrstomer dassae' rwenue rqulrement Thercftn, a redtdlon ln the rawnre creirit mlatad wtth fadffies c*rqeps lesrdts ln a onurgondfip lnauase in the rcvenue rsqukqment. Tte rsspgns b ttls Requed vre plryrcd by SGot D. Sffis, Senlor Regulatory Anahpt, Haho Potfler Gornpany, ln onullbfion wittr JaaOn B. Wlfiafp, Coporate Gounsel; ldatrc Ponrer Company, IT,A}O PCN,YER COMPATTITg RESPOT{sE !O THE SEOS{D RECII.ESTS FOR PffiDUOI|ON OF IHE INEt SIRIAL CUSTOITIERS OF IDAHO PCI,VER - 5 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B ErhtbltNo.303 IPC-E-Il{t Readtng ICIP Page 2 REAUEST FOR PEODUCI|ON ilQ 7: Rsleltne Dimct Tastmony of Smtt Spa*s, p. 41 (gtating hat the esfrmqted mduoflon h mvenue rsoehred W thE Comparu thrcrgh the lHll0es drarge 1fllll t€sutt in ircreass ln, the rup-Iru€ ruqdrcmsnB ftr ceofi qrstorrr c{ae th* collods frcilltl€s cherye rwemrd). (a) Does the Conpqny botow that lt ls enlUea b nrylraln re!,enrle nerfiil wlilt t"g1rd b any &Engss ln tre lhdllfim drelge eh,ulat6d ln 1987? thss the Conpany onsltlarthe lewl of facllltlao drargo setfor Schedde lg flsturrrrB h 1987 in Cas€ No. U'1q)G298 b be a 'grarffiailhemd' reto to wt{dr it ie enffiled lnb pupltultr? f mt, pleqsoExphUr O Pleme Eerflry eny otrcr r# rcoorery rnEclranism auErorized by fte @mmlegitrn $thlch albrus ttr Compary tg lnquase a q.srner dass't. rcvenue rsqukrernent eoteU b ke€p fi6 Oompany ret Ettr o nemtal rlhen lt le hir, just and reaonable to rduce EorE oomponentof thatcustrm€rdasds lab$: RESPTO}ISE TD REOTTEET FIOR PODTIgTIOI{ ]O. ?: (a) As ultt all rahe, dlaqter, ard crudlls In ldaho Fonclp hdfr, th€ Gorirpany llbeto updat€ corils perbdbally ln oderb bep all reteq chaEet, and crpdlts cunerrt rplttr the afin! @sfis hflnod bV tre Cornpany- ln fie Gonpanfs re\rorrLe rcqulprrtnt cdculdion br the dstorflfimbn of basa rS8, fulU€e drargeo ate trcated aa a iprrcnuo cmdfi. Thsrgbm, a rpdrdlon ln the rpronue crcdlt rssulte in an lnquse In the lerreiilE taqulmd fiun base rat6. The Comparry bellaros thls ls fte apploprlab rnannor ln wtrich b detornhe tls rerunln pqulrcment regardless of the yaar in whlofr thc q.rrsntty dhcflw facilitos dwge rfr wes fitemlnsd. Thg Oomparry doer not onslder the lrrrrel of fadtltlec clrarge sst br Sfiedrjo f g ctrsbmsrg !n 1987 in Ceso No. IDA}P PO,UER COIIPA{YS RESFONSE TO TIG StCOhD REQ,E9TE FORPRff'I'CTION OFTI{E II{DI,'SIRIAL OU TOMERI} OF IDA}O POT'YER.O J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFTCIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Erhlbit No.303 rBc-E-I1.08 RcdlngICIP Page 3 Prge I I $f0flL208 b bs a tnndhthered'nab b whioh t h enffiod inb pernAuny, Tttls h er&hnoed by the Cunparfs curnfi ruquolt b adJmt Ute Ecltltica draEe rate. nlq Gompany bdievso frrat I sttouH haw an opporilnlU b roowr lE prudcntly msts and eam its auilrortsed rab of mfurrn. Thb le tue wfrsther he asaodabrl mrnnue comee fium fieciffieo draqos or bace r&r. (b) fil of tre funpanys tovtnme br 'nonrmrning draqee' qdt as oonnecflon and dlgconnecfron c*rargcr re upll as field vlslt fiaru0l and serufte €€bblhhrrent'$aqos are @bd ln the sams rnannor as fadlltls duryca ln tlrc $mpanfe rtvtrile rcqulnmeril dsbrmlnaton br eadr dags. Thst b, aE tevlenuag fiom norlecrrrlng fiargre rnow up or dorn neriting mm Crarqc in tr charye anrourrts urffiqfi a oortupondirg dtflEo in @Bts,llr ruvunue luquitd frofir base rabg lo natunally edfustsd accoding[, Furlher, undsr tre Oompsn1/s Rub H, Nw Sarvlce AfrEctrrnenb and DhHbuilon Llno lnstallatbns or AlFratbns, rsuenuo oleciett fiom contlbuffi ln ald of on*uefron (flAG') an boofte.d as a dired ofhd b the oonryndng andomer dlasses' Ewnuo mqui,remenl As a reeul[ if tte GompAnfs oolledhn of CIAC-s E roilrcd lbr a parfruhr customor de88, Oren fire @gpe' Ths lesponse b U{B Requed was prcpard by Scott D. Speda, Sonbr Regulatou Analyst, ldaho Pomr Compaiy, ln oonsrlbtbn wlth Jast B. Wllhms, Corporde Counsol, [Caho Porcr Corrpany. tD l{o poutER@MpAtavs RESFoNSE TorHE gECoND REouEsrs rcR PRODUOTICN OF TtlE lI,lUlSTRlAt CU$TOMERS OF lIlAllO FOWER - 7 ErhlbttNo 3ll3 rPc-E-l1-08 Readtug ICIP Prge d J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 12 RESTTESI F9R-PB0QUGI|O}{ !O.Jl0: ln rasponse to lGlPs Requeet for Pmducfon hb. e (c) Ure Comparry Sated,'Rsvenue r'ecahnd fiom cudomers pa$ng hdlities ohaoe B dimcfry lglahd b th GompalVs cost of ormlng, oparff1g, and mahtalning fiEdti0eo thet an sohly dedlcated b thoe€ cusbmflB.' Pleeso exphln wtry a decnase ln thc cort of ownlng, onenatlng, and melnbhlng facilltla qhould causo the rrtea fDr the crnbmer dars b lncieaso. Doe ldaho Porer agrm that U{s ls countsrlnElUw to ba$c rdarneldng dndples? RESPOT{SE ,TO,BEqEBT FOR ffi@UCnOil }lo. 'f6: The @d of ouunho! oparatng, ald malnhlnlrrg all Haho Potusrhclltties, includng thom subfect tb fiadll0es clrarges, ls holuded ln the Conpanfs baae late rsvenus nqulrcment debmilnatlons. llflrmrer, ln ruogniUon 0iat ldaho Pwuen recehr€s nrvenue firom cuebnrqs firrgugh' 1 facllltleE cheqee on oeilaln tsolatod hdll0ee, the Compqry ofhets lhe Ewnue requirament that ryould othenrise be pmwred lhrough basc ratae wlth annual faciliUes drarye revenues receivsd for ttrma Ssolabd fac{il6. lf the ftcllltles charye nte vrm lnqsrtcd, thereby tncrnarlng fadlltles rcnonur, trr€ upuld traro to be an assodetsd r€ducfion in basa rates. The oppoelle ls hrn yvhen the Iacfi0es rEb ls dwuasad, c pronocd by tlre Company ln trlr case. Thc conpany does rrot agree that thls is munbrlnhltrro to bqsic rstomaklrU prlndplee, but rather the Gompany bellerns lhat ltg t sfrrent of [adll[€s c$aqe tevonue ls a[grfd trlth hsto fabmnklru prlnclplee. Tlp um of 0re mpnue llom basa ntee end the rewnrc frrom lbdiUes c{raBce ahlaF mfidcte tlre recovery of the mott cunsntly appmved cost of ouning, opetatlng, and malntahlng faclllU€t. Thb vrcuH bo tte caee regardless of the amo$t of the faoilirtlee charge rato. Ttre arpunt of ttre trcilih charge nate and 0re rssulting levelof IDAFIO FOWERCOUPAO{YS RESPONSE TO T}IE SXTH NEq.'E3TS FOR PRODUGNON OF 11{E II'IDUSTRIAL CTN}TOII,ER8 OF IOAHO POTI,ER - 2 ErhlbttNo.303 IPC-E 1148 Readlng,ICP Page 5 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibil 8-B Page 13 .,i rEvERus lnclud€d i'n a rcrpnue ruquimment caee elnply ddemin€s ths anomt d fte oonall tsv*lue requherpntr ttatille Company expe@to ollect{lun fadlltles cfrarge customene and the amount b be lscowled in base nats. The rsponoe b fih Roqued ma pmpamd W Tlnohy E. Tetrn, Senlor Manager ol Gost of SeMce, Haho Power Gompany, ln orsufirtbn yvlth Jason B. WUamq Comore Courml ldaho Potffi Gompany. IOAHO POTA'ER@MPAIWSRESPOISEilOTHESIXBI REAUESTI} . \ FOR pRoDrrsnoN oF rHE tNDuSrfiAr cugromens oF tDAuo powER - 3 IfrH:rl$J* Redlng,lCP pogp 6 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE Page 14 OFFICIAL NOTICE ANDiOR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B .) RE$TEST FOR,,PB@ttgttON ilO. fl: ln cspotne b lClPs Reqggtt for Produdlon tlo.7:(a) the @mpmy $eted,'ln the Cornpwr/s rr\reture taquhTT cdcnHlon br the deftermlndon d baoe ]ates, ftcllfles ctraEBc ara t€eted a$ a (q) Pleam erplaln why the rpnfily payment of a facffies charga E onrHered a 'credtf retrar than rewnue b llre Company eudr ae lhe nate per t-ltYh. (b) PIEsG upbln fu[y lrur I nr€venuo cr€dlf dfbrc lion other nthly rownuo the Company rwalrea fiom a qrffirs. Pbase dr ldantlff the Commlssbn orUor, pqge€Ird llne number auilhsrEtng tftie 'tgl,snus cpdH tpfinett. (a) Pleaoe emlain wtrdrrrttrerp tr a conespondirq :aetf or ohalgp b the customer chss (or all qrdorner d6s) hrlhe Gompanfs oS associqtbd ntlth fio frdllteo charW pdor to peynlent of tre lbdllflirs draEB by ttp qrsbmer and the 'ercdff b the cu$ncr daag ewruc reqdremmt calculation. Pleare frily erlplein how ttre ostr essocHed wlth md recowrsd for the facllltes charye am fia{rcd inb oach pirace of ttp cahrh[bn of pvonue rqdnmsntand base ratee. (d) Phase erehln how Sre cugbmerdass'E [srenue requkatrnt and beEo rales unuld bo afieded by a lhllure of all cusbnren ln tre dass b pay the fadlitles drage. ln that cas6, rrculd the Gompany mcowr lts osG aesodated nt l0t lfte hcilltles ofrrqlWthrcughthe custorrer daes'6 base rateo nathsr than though lndlvklud customdB' papnrilu of their ffilllb8 chargee? tf not, please elglain lrow the Company rruould r€co\,er tha co& assodated wffi ttn iecffities lelord the polnt of deliwry fbrthat cnffimsr dass. lDAllO PO,t ER COlulPAttlyS RESPCtttBE To TllE SXm REOUESTE FOR FRODUGT|oN OF'II}IE I]{DU!'IRIAL CT'S}TOMMS OF IDAHO POWER - /O ErhibttNo.303 IPC-E-I148 Rcadiog trCIP Pegc 7 J. R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 15 FESPOilSE rO RES|EST FOR pRODUGTOil ilO. {7: (a) iroriltrty flcilitios drapes an boolod m otrer rurrcnue b Up Company foi rsr,"nue requlrenrent dehrmlmffons. Reu*tun Foehrcd frorn cusmrners paylng e facllltlee charge ls applbd as a crcdt or oftet fo the agsociated cuctomer classes' baso tute rovenue regulmment Thls a@ourtlng tuafrnent h no difrlront than ]rw all 'OOnr Retrenrre" ts credlbd b thcasochbd culbmerchssos' nronue ruqtementr. (b) ldaho Porwr pr€paps its lgrerue oq,ilrenrent ln a goneral rdE oass {br fite purpose of detemlnlng the l6vbl of tuvBnue b be mllectsd throngh bate fatss. Becolse the purpe of $e tulrenue nquhement dotorilfilafron lg related b bese rale dsrrstopnant, all no0ur Rernnuer'lB appll€d as an ofrat Thb aceur,thg taatsned has boen autrorlad ln lhe,ldaho Pubtlc tltllilee CommtsElon s ('Commhslonr) approrral of prwiously fil€d coct-of{oryko modds, imltding the Companfs tad goncral rab case, IPGE-0&10, ffior l.lo - gTUz. (c) Prior to accourillng 6r thE rewnue ftrom facllltes cftarges. all cosE for the fad[tes lnstallGd beyord the Companfs polnt of dellvery arre included ln the aseocleled cu*omer dffis' roffiuo requircment Wlpn tha facfiross cftaEo E\ie]rue h applied as a reiltoue ctcdlt or ofE€t fie agcocld€d qlcftomer choees l€venue raquhement le thereby rcduoed. Pteas Eeothe Gompanfs l€sponsoto Micron's Rsqu€st No. &,3 br an exphnaton of hott tovenues arc aDplied as a qtdlt,in tha Companfe oostof- aervlce modellng; (d) lf the Company recelves levonue frorn fatllities charge cusbnrerE that ls elther reduced or etirrilneted, then the arnount of the oftet or lovanus orcdit to tho assodated cusbmer dassed rswrrue will be reduced and the owrall rcuenue lDAr-ro prowER oorilPANYs pESpgt{g! To THE SlxTtl REot ESTS FOR PRODU TON OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOIIERS OF !DAfIO POIUER . 5 Erhiblt No.303 rPc-E-l1-{18 RerdingICIP Prge I ,\ ! J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE ANDiOR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Prge 16 rqquircment fur that assocffisd cdofiier chss uill lncrwa m a rasult. ln a case ruhere all eustomers ln a dars falle'd b pay llr hclliliee chagp, tte Compny rvould rE@verall of lb oos0eaeroctsted u,lth treHlltlss draryottrrough the cu$nterdaee s baso retee as tlrop mdd bo.no ofrtet (rtranrue crcdtt) O Oe qnblier daes. See thCI tllrcd Teetlmonyof 86t D. Sperlo, p. 41, ilre Compant's lgcpomc b fie lnduofule! Cwbrners of mho Fowefg flGPl tu$rcs fo,r Ptoducton Noe. 6(b), (a), and 'lE whlch orptahr tror rududbng ln luvonue wlll rcault ln a conceponding lncracc ln rg\onue rs$drerpnt frr fts +odded qsbmer chsg The leapom to Xth Rquest t/uqs ptwand by $oot D. Sparks, Senbr nagl.febry Analyrl, Ueho Poffi Cunpmy, ln mnsuliathn rrvlh Jason B. W0hms, ConorAe Cound. ldaho Fonor Company. lDAlto FoTER GOilIPAI{YS RESFOT{gE TO THE EXIH REOUESfrS FOR PrcOUgflOlr OF THE hlDUSiltUAt Cl'STOMEftt OF IDAHO PoUUER - 6 Erhibtt No.303 IPc.E-l1{18 Reodlng,ICIP Prge9 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 17 REOITEST,,{O, }$ tlurare Ad. 460 sd eafi subqccount cr€dnEd b Eteil and any other cuebmer gruup? G;ib fr[ng l&ronms 6r sdl cr€dh, RESFOil8E fO FFdJEST ifO. &9: Tha ffi r0sp in cr€dilf€ Ac@uil 456 t€vurt.oc b cucfrorncr groups b to deocry and frmcflonalEe eaci orbmr,rrt. Ag $om on llnes ffs;Xn ol Larlrln Efilblt No. 31, eadr subacoorrrt that compdees Amunt {50|e ch3dfed aB bolng dh€ronmlorrrpdfrd, dsnan$rcffid, orenotpB/- rctebd atd ls fuiher ldeilned uith one or more of the CompsrVs oparatlng ftmdlons, sud.r'as pmduction and/or tansmlsslon. One oadr sDgocouril has bson dassffied end fundhnaltsed, e! rlroun in LarHn Extfbft ilo. 31, tre segmanbd ]Bwnuer ang l1arlsferrrd b the 'Oilrer R*€nues' sumtmry table, pmvlchd as pagp 3 of Larkln trrblt ilo. 3ll. Thls Ebb oomplhs mnmrttun AooourG 416, 451, {f}f, sltl 456 by classlllcdon ard limcilonal category ln oder b al[n the rarlous ornponenb of oach acoorrt u,th tre appopdab aloceflon fr&ru. After tlrco ttrr/onuc haye baen confriled W classflca[on and func{ional c@pry, fhey ap albcated to nte dagsse as stroun on pag€s 26 and 20 of Larkin Exhlblt flo, 30. Flnatly, clas&alocabd niwlr.Es atg summGd on llnc 18 ot Lafiln Exhlblt I{o. 35, BsMng aa a qodt b eadr clelB in the dawlopment d mal dae+cpeolft retonue rcqulmmentl. The r€lponse b ttrE fuqueat was poparcd by Matheur T. larldn, nsgulatory Anabafi ldaho PounrCompary, ln oonauhatbn wltlr Llse O. Notdsfiom, Laad Cqmrcl, ldEho PowurGorpany. IDA,HO POVYER OOTtlPAiIY'.s RESFOIEE TO THE THIRD PMDUCTION REOIEST OF IfiGRON TECIIiELOOY, !!{C. TO DAI{, PTOI YER @ttPANr. 4 EftlbltNo.3ll3 rPc-E-1l-tlE Reediug,ICIP Page l0 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit E-B Page l8 BEAORETHE IITAIIO PUBIJC IMILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO.IPC-8.11{IE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OX' IDAHO POWER READING, DI TESTIMONY E,XIIIBIT NO. iM4 Idaho Power's Retponses to Production Roquoot Nos. 21r22r23r24, i 25r 45,6A,64,65, 66 67,69, and 71 Regarding the Lack of Doprociation of f,'acllitics Charge Equipment J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFTICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 19 ) RE$JEIT FOR PRODIICIIOI f{o. 2I: R*mno D[€ct Tdnony of Sooft Sperfis, p. ES, tlnes 12-13 (shdrU hd lhe oBook lbpradallonl mmporpnl d he lbdlitssctrarge usog oa straldt Hne amrurl Aepredatondaeleb boaed on a levellarl 3I yearHe). (a) Please artmlt or rlery that the Compny doe no, ,"Orro" ffre prlndpal of ttre lnl06l lnve&nst ln hclllU€s by a depretfdon faff. lf derry, pl€aso elq,hln ]row thc Conrparry ruduoerttn ghdpal. , (b) Pbar qtlmit or dqny that the prlndple lebt on thcm€6 su$ec't to ths trclfifiss cfiarga h the sama ln ymr I c ftnordd beln pr50. lf deny. pleese cmhln. REflPgr{iE rO REOITESI FOR tFODUCnqU ilO.2r: (a) tlndor the Oorpart'e appov€d arul cftcff,B frcllltbt draqe : mffidology, the pilndpal of he lnfral irnreafunont fur a piee of equlpmut does nd drange unlees it ls rqnowd or nrplacad. l{orrevsr, the depmclathn comnonent of ttre , -), faclfrtes ctrarge reprcs€nb a dedinllg rrt hk mlue that has been convoil€d inb a lqnltasd anount bascd on a 3l-yearuaefullhb aaeumfion :(b) Pleeee eeetha Companys isponcob (a)abob. The r€Eponse b thh Request ws prepared by Saott D. Sparks, Senlor Rogulabry Analyst, ldaho Power CompanS ln consultatbn wlfi Jason B. Wffams, Corpofiato CounEql, ldaho PouBr Company. IDA}IO POWER OOiilPA]tTYg RESPOI{SE TO THE SECOI.ID REOUESTSFoRPR(DtrcTmOFmEr,lDttlTRlAtctl$'fOMERSOFIUAK)FOWER-2S ErhrbrtNo30{ rPc-E.1r-oE Reading ICIP Prge I J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 20 ;) iFA|EBT FOR PRODUGTIOil tO.,U: Rdrrunoa tlr€d TedmgW of S€Dtt Sparts, p. 38, lltea 12-13 (sffitg lhat &e "Book llepredaton' oomponent ot the facilltbs charye uses'e $abftt fne anrual deprsdatlonol as8sb bared on a lerollzad 3{ ycar beris'). Pl6se odah why anilornerr ltnuH pey an sddilonaldtaqo forfte deprccHon ln ralue d fit txrliloe Plear €Nddn ulry Oegaciahn in value of tho trcilitlos overtlme lhordd not decrsesc lhe amount arsbmon pay ormrfrne ftr us of that equlpnrtlnt. . REsFOtgE II, REa!rFFT FoR qFoOUCIIOttl.]fo.,Z2r Pleaso see he Compan/s responoo b the IrduCrlal Cu$mera of ldaho fuule/s CICIP) Rctprct for fuoducfion ttlo.21. Tho nccponoo to thte Requeot rms prrmarcrt by Sod O. $pG Senbr Regrulatory Analyct ldatp Forcr Oonpery, ln coneultatbn wllh Jason B. WUbmq Gorporao Gounsl ]daho Pwrer Company. IDAHO FO,VER OOIIPANTS RESPChISE TO TI+E SEOOND REOIIESTS FOR FRODUCf,ION OF fiE NDUSTRIAL CU TOMERS OF IDA}P 'FOWER.24 Erbtbtt No.304 IPC-E-r148 Rearlhg ICIP Prge 2 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTTON TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 2l tHOllFgT;FoR PEOflfCIPtl,{O. 4!: tutulerre Dlred Tesffinony d Scotr Spartr, P. 38, llrts 12-13 (ebtry tH tho 'Book [bp]Bc[don' oonponent of tto lHliles ctu6e urys'a dndrt lfire annualdepraclatbn of a$S bssed on a lerrctzed 31 year basls). Pbso lderfiry any natebasad aacdlbrwlrnn m Gonmbdon allows he Gommny b dralge tle gqne annual rS on the rrme pdndpal amount owr tlme RESFd{SE IO REdlEsf FpR F[trpuqnOfl 1{O -r' nnlE arc no rate' based attfr br whbh the Gsnmlsslon dlouc thc Conrpary b drarEto tre sanre anrural ra.b qn tu same pfucipal arrunt orpr time urilren the vdus of tlre ass* docrucsg owr Uilrc. Thb b abo not tfte cace u,ft fie faclldsc ctreryo. As dcmilbed bv ifr, Spadoon pagp 38 of hlebdlmony, the{hdllile drargs le calqrhmd udqg a 3l- rcar depredabb llfe aseumptbn. The reryonce b fib Rsquosf w prapand by Sodt D. Sperl€, Scidor Regnrlailory Aftny€0 ldaho Fower Oompany, ln omtilaton udth Jagon B. Willams, Corpomte Couneel; lddr Pouar Cornpany. lDAl{o Pd,YER @riPAtlYS RESFOI€E TO ftc sEooND REOUEST9 FOR PRODUCTION OFTIIE INDU$IRIAL CUSTOIIilERS OF IDAHO POWER-2E ) i ErhlbltNo.3fX IPC.E.II{t RearttngICIP Page 3 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE, Exhibit 8-B Prge22 REOUEST FOR PRODUQI|Oil t{O. 24: Rsfio,Bnce Dlled To€thony of Scott Sparts, p. gg, [nos 12-13 (rffing thd lhe 'Book Depredatlon' conporurt of the fadlilies c{rage usos'a *ebttt ltne annna! rbpnetfim of ast& bald on a lewffi 3l yeerbaslsl. (e) Phaso qghln what stapo ldaho Pourertakes lf a plece of eqripment ftlls fiorb ftcexnlnilon of 0te S1-ysardeprudaton rchedde. (b) Does the Cqltpdty luve maruhduu'E uuanlrflos on eny of thc qUtpnrent cubtcd b the fdtHc drane? (c) ltu tE Conpeny evw ffied an lnurSnoe chlm b ruphoo q${pmort aubject the facnltl€s trrargo slnco 19S7? nEsoilsE lQ nEouEsT FoR P,FDugrEl{ ilp.4: (a) tf a phce of eglfnsnt ffi pilor b fio erelraton olrtp depreclailon\ ,,'' ,) sche.lu[e, tlon il ts rernovsd lionr he qsrner's f;ecittes cirargo [nrefrnent calanlallon ard the hrrroEforoht oostB fur a roptacement piece of equlpm€nt is ad.l€rt to fio customcf e fadlltiee drarya inwsffiiont (b) The Comparry hes limlbd manufastm/s wararsec on 8omG €qutprrent arQle{ b the trdllils chaqe, sudr as fia (c) l.lo. Pleeaa ree hs Corrrpgt!/s recponse b lOlPc Requesn for Pmducilon No.1g. ThB rspongo b ftls R€slsgt war glparcd by Ss[ O. Spails, Senbr ReguHory Analy$, ldaho Power g6svlpany, h onguffiatlon Wlsr Jaeon B; Wlllhms, Corpomb Coun$l, ldatr Pffrer Oompany. IDAI{O POI'UERCoYPfftr$ RESFOhISE TO THE gEOOND REOIJESTS, FORPRODT.TCflS|OFn{EilOIX,TR|AICI,SIIOMmiOFTOAHOFOI'YER:20 ErhibrtNo.304 IPC-E-I1{S RerdngICIP ' Pege4 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE Page 23 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B REAUFSf FOR, PRm{FIIqil lP. 2E: $ronce Dirsc't T1tr1onV of Sot Spadtr, p. 38, llnes 12-13 (dilng mat tlre 'Book tbprockUon' comporp;t of the EcflUca dralge usos'E lhabht llne arnual depr€clailon d asffi bos€d on a lerlullzed 3l yearbasls'). (a) Pbase adaln il ldaho Porrcr contirues b daqo &o facllUes dtage (ttr. morrthty percootage rab nrufrlpted bytho Cqnflys lnttlal lnva*nsnt) qfi€rtho 31 yBat dep]€ddhn paftd €xplrB3. (b) For Sdrcdnles I, 19, 24 and Spechl Contrd,Ortorrrs, flease HenW the oldd pF6s of eqrdpmsnt br whhh the Compwry b dll ass*E tto rtoffily frciltlee ofiarga b a fldom€r h eadt dara. Pleeae lncdde the year the Compny pudtffid and ln&ledfhe eqdpnrrt, lha Sdterlute of fie cufrmer, and the,lnltlal coEtof fie plecg of squipment (c) Wlth rrgatd to the fles of equlpmert Uenfified In (b), ls tho Gonrparry $ll Galcttlailng the cusbmels' rpnhU facltlbo c$arge by rnultplylng the monthly Elilbe chaqe percernegp byfic Fil[al lnvo&nent? RESFOIsE To REOUE8T FOR PROnUlGnOil ilO. E (a) Undor thc fadll0a dtage povEbns, ldaho Porcr chargoc a montrty facltilsg fiargo fur equlprsrt lnsall€d bq,orid its point of delhrcry ar bng as t]r equlpmort b instat€d attd ued and uefrd. (b) For Schodute 9, th6 otde$ pb6s of equlpment (24 ln total) forwtrlch tha Compny ls arsasolrg a monthlyfaclllttes draryo Ttt p,^["*, ard ffilled ln 1969 rvlilr a aomHrcd ini[al lnrrutfinent $15,329. For Schsdule 19, ttre oldest pieoes cf equlpment (2 ln btal) ftr wlrlch ths Comparry ls asso3rlng a monthly facllltles ctrage IDAHO PCn vER @UPAttlyS REBPTONEE rO THE SECOND REOI ESTS FOR PROT'N.JCNON OF TTIE INDI.'TTTRIAL CWTOilERS OF IDAI{O POtlVER .2?ErhlbltNo.304 IPC-E-I1{8 Rerdlng ICIP Page 5 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 24 ultB purdused etd hsftalled ln t0{5wilr sr lnlllal lnvelrpntof $250. },lo ru$oners under Sdredtli.n 24alc be[q aaeassad a hcllfies chargn. lmpoilanily, wltdror a pleoe of eqdpment lblh 5 lnatt or tl6 yare a{ter lnstdlaton; the Conrpny, undrrthe i*" hc.llilbs draryr provisiona, wl[ rqlao the plcac d esrhmcftt arrd adiust qr$omsrs' ftcllties clrargp {br ths eguipment bdm rontov€d ald ttp eqrtrgnent beftq fr6lhrl (o) Yes. Pleas rge fie Gonrpsnfe raBpon$ to (a) above. fhe msOgnra b thE REqtrd rng pmperod by Sodt D. Spads, Se.rtol Rsgulatory fuialld, Haho Porcr Company, h consdtstlor rr{h Jason B. Wllhms, QEryoraE Couns-d, ldatm Fowar Cornpany. nAHO FO,VER COitpAt{yE REBpOttSE TO THE SE@trtD REOUESTIS rcR PROI'U TIoN OF TI{E ITDUSTRIAL CI,,STOMERS OF EAI{O POi'ER. 2S Exhlbtt No.30{ IP{C-D-1r{t Rcrdlng,ICIP Page 6 Prge 25J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B s!ffi= rnorrEoIPcfiwn, JASO{E.WLLIAIS Conor*bCounrdlri[lrndlFlpaqrcfrgpm Sepbmber22,2O1l I'IA I{AND DEUTERY Jesn D. J6rvstl, Secretary ldaho Publlc Utllrues Commlgshn 472 Yl/edt Washlrg&n Str€at Boise, ldaho 83720 Re: Case No.lPGE-t1-08 GensrelRate Gase IlearMs. Jorell: EndoE€d fur Rlhg arg en origlnal and one (1) copy of ldaho Poupr Companfe Corrcta Reponse tothe lndustrhl Crstorrers of ldaho Fofle/sRsqueetfurPrcdu&n No. 45 ln the .bo{6 matter. lt nas runtly dls@vgr€d lH a couple of lhe date ranggg pmvlded ln tre table ln ldalo Power @mpanfe lnitial rosponsa urere lnconed. ln. addltktn, language hae bsen added b the rerpome hr dadllcatlon. For everyone's mnwnlenoe, thewodlng lhat has b€en added ordranged fiom ldaho Powsr Compenyi lnithl neponse has been urderllned. lf you have any quesffone about thls correcned rsponio, please do not hssitate to oontac't me. Ve'ry truly yours, .) ]f.'fiSitibfr{BlmrrorqrpII6'E ll{t Readlng ICIP Prge 7 dw Jason B. Wlliams JBW:csb EnclosurBg cc: SeMce list J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 26 t1 RqlrEgT FpF PnODUgnOtl l{P. 3t: Refttene DlI"d Testltnony of Scot Spail<s, pp.34-41. (a) Hw long hs ldaho Fower dtarBcd a fecllites e*rarye lor Scfiqlulee 9, 18, ard SpsclalOonhact cudtinere? O Ploffi prorndethe morffrlyfacllltles drarye fureaclr yoarqarUblyslnce thc Gonrpany ntc b€gan ctraElru thg feflhs enargp lbr Sctrsrluhe 9, 19. and Spodal Gontrel cuatomer who have paid a fadltleo drargB. COfiREGIED nFlFQtEE rc RES|EST FQBP,BODU0TEil !No. rlt: (a) E:rlstlno Company rcorde irdlcat€ that fircUtles cfraqes harm been kr plaoe slne F€bnrary l995furSdudule 9, Janrary lg70 br Schedule 19, gnd 19O4 br one speclal@nillact- (b) Based on arnilable Company rsotda the hisbrlcal monthly facUttte draEte rafies fior Scfrdule 0, Sdradule 19; and orp speohl onUac{ q.domer are provldod ln the tabte bslow. Yqr 8cfircrktbe Sch.dilr t0 Sprchl Gonbrct l9g5 - ftseenl tB76 - P.psent 10ol-191E t97O - Prsssnt 1.796 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B 1,7% 1.28% 1.7% Tadfr and spqgld contr# ltrylsbm lrcnt inh effi ln Jenuerv l970_Whldl lgr{qpq thq monrl{v faclitos char0e leic f(om I .28 rfc$rt b I .7 oercent oer, tle ldrho FUb[c utlffies Commbsbn's Onler tlo. i23OT in Cess Nos. ttlUE-l(X, ild t:t(XF 101. IDAHO PCtrVER OOUPAI{Ys OONRECTED RESPONSE TO T}IEiiliii5miAtti,H6fuHiHi6il6-tru'iili *eouesrRonpnourcroNr,ro.45- $xbrbrtNq.3MIPGE.IT48 Resdln&ICIP Prge I Page 27 The response b ttrls Request was peparcd by Scott D. Sprks, Senlor Rqulatory Analyst, ldaho Powcr Compalry, In oonsut&rtlon wlth Jason B. Wllams, Goporaf Gounsel, ldaho Porer Gompany. I IDAHO PIO'YER COMPANT"S GORRECTED RESPONSE TO TTIE l[irj;in-rAi-ci,sririir'diioFirinib-porw'eh's REouEsr FoR pRn)ueroN No.4E - [HrI$i* Reedlng IQIP Pagc9 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Prge 28 \l RESFIf EB IBOPI GflCIE;tlO. 0e: Refource the compan3le Recponse b ICIP RequestNo.26. (a) t fhat- b the arrenge ard rnedhn age lfn pare)'of dtstlbutbn fedlltes all3talled bq/ond the pdnt of dr*h,lr ornurdy in rervlcc? Phese oqenhe the reponse by echedule or Spedal ConfrBct. (b) Whd B the avenga and medien age (in tr€ars) of dls0lbutlon faclHtlas hstatled bqond fip poffi of deliw at tre fime that tlre equipnnnt frih or ls talrsr out of ssrvlce by the Gompany? Pharc orgnntse the rerponee by edredule or S@alry : nespouse ro neouFsr rqn ?noslcmon no. co: (a) The avarAge ald medhn age (h !Ean) d dEtrlbutlon frelll0os lnstalled and qrnpntly ln sonloe boyond tre Companys polnt of dellvery br Schedule 9, Schedule lg, and one S@al Corilract qslorns Ie provlded ln the taUo beldr. lua ntr^aa UadhnA.!,. scneduleg 1l 11 Schedule 19 1E 16 SD€dalCmlrad ?A % (b) The Company does not tradt or Fcord the awrage and nedlan age (ln ,eam) of dlgtlbution hdll0ca frrgtalld beyond Ere poirt of ddlvsr at he tlrn6 tM fi€ eqr&nentfailb orletdon outof cellco byUre Cornpany. Tlp mryonge b thb Request tras prepared !y Scot D. Spadg, Senlor Regllatory Analyet, lilano Porcr Company, in coneultaton vli[r Jason B. Wlflhms, Corporats Counset, ldaho Power Compsny. IDAHO POWER OOTI,IPANTS RESFO]IISE TO THE SD{rH REOUESTS FC'R PROTX'CTION OF THE IT{)U{TTRhI GUSTOMERS OF IDA}IO POWER-z7 ErhtbitNo.304 rPc-E-Il-m Rearllng ICIP Prge 10 J. R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Erhibit 8-B Page 29 RE, AUEST FOR P.BQPtlCTQlr rc. 0{: Relsronco tte Cottlpanfe Reeponee b IOP Reque*t{o.45. (a) Ploma povlde 0re Compan/s r€mrUe denonstratng rhat the hdli[ss durge har been in place rlne 1005 ftr Sctpfule 9, 1gI8 fur Schedule 19, sld 198+ turS&eduh zeeedd ConM. Edllios bt Drd $o polnt o, ddh,ury ptur b tlmo dds br sadt odreduh. ltESpOt{sE ro RE(IE8T Ffi, FRODUCIIOil t0. C.: a) Pleasa sep the atffired PDF f,le lbr Comparry rucotds dernonsha0rU n'hon tro Hffies chaqe lrgrt m0 phoe 6r Sfidule9, Sc-ltslule 19, end Schedule z9(Spedal Contrad). b) Prbr b [rtelemcnqng @llte8 dtege prcthns, the odc assoclshd u,lth most argilonrer{edicatod dtfrlbuton fadlltbs ffited boyond the Company'e polrt d detvqy trele lncluded h $6 Compailfs gsn€r.l rS basa ard altocated b trs msodabd qr$mer dago. For gonr hrye pqrsr ucort, the Cqnp*ry had reMce- cont€cb h plae that acoouited ftrfrcfllUes indall€d beyond the Cormanfs pdnt d I /l iI ddhpry. The rcryonee fo thb Htmt was Regulabry Analys[ ldarho Pols Company. Comorme Counml ldaho Powwoompany. J. R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Npargd by Scott D. Soarlte, sonlor ln oonsultaflon uitr Jason B. Vlrifi€ilns, IDA}IO FOIJI,ER @MPAItrS RE8FC,I{SE TO TT{E SEI,ETITTI{ REQTJEST9 FCR FRODIJSIIoN OF THE INDT'BIRIAI CI'STOMERS OF II'AHO POWER . 2 EillbttNor304nc-n.trlr Rcrdtng ICIP Page 1l Page 30 lDAt{o Rott ER clsiPA}fv rP-lr.c. r{o ., rARt}? No l0l QHGII{AI s}tEI iO. 9-2 scl{ElxE9 IaEGEGEM$L$mrcE |Qonfln.dl rrqEms Frroxb r,trr ponn or oanvrnr f,OPIEIDUIIITBfiXTEilTI-MUE EFFGIEE B5-S ffi1-S At fi. opfron of ftd Corpcry. ffinrar srd s[r*lbcilllcs ffilrd bq|orld'lhi Foht ot Drhsyio Ftot l{f Prlutry orTqnflHOn Scryba rruy br s4tqd. opcotca amd mcltrHnrd by lhc Compoy kt oonldgrftn.of lhc grstfficpqfir o Foclfrc Chclgr ro rhc Cotmortf. \.) aprEUlCtrtr lea8fr 2.6ru8,- Fo!rcrfuA*rfuanl' 0.1,l)9t, Ef€offr.ntr 2Jl97C prrkWhforoflkWh >.3**B*rArL-mmr Oomeqpmod Focilh B.yEnd tr. Potrl dDrltvryxril b. rcr bft h q Dffibutlon Footlllce[vrtnrnr R.porl fodara b tp grdgrrr. A. lh. Corpan& hueclnenf h Fodffioc Lyond fiA Foht or.Dffrlrry onangcr n odr b prcrrldc fhr Ariomc/r trn loc aq$rmct$t, lhc Gsnpqry $dltdfy fic Acbrs ol ttrc odclfionslord/or &lldr of focillt by ltonmotfirg to th! C'rrdorisr o ruttrd Dlt{bullon Fscffial lnvcslmrrt fuporf. ln lho cvcnl tho Cudonrerrpqueah lhc Compsrv b rernorrc ornlrrtdl qcirqrEp Conpcrrr outtud.FocilXce W lho Poht ol D.hr.ty, thc G;brrw tro0 pgy io hc Cryoy tr'non $roHlc corl' of tr dt lurml rhsio0rdlsr or qhcfEp, Non€otvobls ost qs rlad trech b cotrrprtedditohildofttrrdcost of mqbdots,lsorond owtrsd ol ihe hoffie l€rc ltL dtrernor bcfrncntltalt obb co* OmoterU prnovcd qnd lrrmrrct l6ot sl hdrdrO egopEtr oveltrcoC coclr PolmrlclEn Wtrrc lho Criomrdr Fcnf,r Focilor b lG! ltror SS prccnt ot dcffired tly rnrormcnf tmdcr Glud bad condlfonr, thc Compcrry.mc, osst ltre kW meonrcd lq dchirrlnc lhc Bffing Ornrcma bV nnfmUhe the meewd l*Yby SO Fcrc€nf ond dvlfrre by ltp ocillrol Pmcr Fqsftr. l0tmilf CHAnG;E I?to lrffifirtf Clr@r B lhe q4n d fre Griomr. ho 8o$c.lhc Dcnrencl, thc EpEy. and lhetociltc Chqgs olrho bfryhrg shc SECOITD+EYSIVIC'E Cu*qErCncpc $S.Opcrmehrpcmorlh ladeChorac 1056 perklfl d Bsdc lood Copodty DrhqndChqgc $2J8 pr HY tc d ltW ol Donrond rDAlto klrd-Frbucy3.1995 efrahtc - fabnrry l, lttlt PqIPUC fficrNo 25880 J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B lsu6dby|DAHOrcl D. H. JoclooruVhef2l Wetf ldcrros t.D.u.c. I0. lr. TAIIFF [0. l0l sclEItrE r0 19 ,ulFor rllE srgg YSIIffi* o! tlr Gerru'r dlrtrltutlgn ryrta tn trhb, for lor.ts ftq ,50 to ti,ooo ktlmtt3 rh.r!, rottr Cenltr'l iol. idimtr Gststlng f.ctlltf.t of .aBeata ourcrtrr rnd dcrlrcd uolt 0L rlt rdJrcc,rt to ttegreltc to t sGfucd. Ud rddltlonl iorr.Urt U thr Gmry fbr nu trcn!]lrrloir' $b.trtlor, dl3t?lurtlonor tetalul ?rcllltl.r lt not natrery to srDplf Ua dmtnd scwicrr r,rd erbJ.ct to grovlllurr let fofth {nrn ElrctDlc Saflrci llrrsrcnt itttrn tln oqtltV rd Gtit[r @H*f*t- rlcctrlc scrrlc. lrnllqt to r cuttmr rt orr Drdt.. rlnr.r rII scwlcr r.gl{rd tr ttccnrtEr ls rugpllGl urdcr thls Sciattlr, rt olt! F{nt o? irltucirr ]d r:rwtrd thrurlh on! rdtcr l6t rooltc!n!! b rcrroml.'lrukdomr itrrCqyr rolnkGrtrrr, ncrtg $nnd rltalcE, illltt.ftilll, Oilllll$. rloctrtc0orlrrc o.csdlrlg 2;m0 ry arercld orlir-ruto umt. MgHIHt rt r9prortrrtlty 60 gctc rrtd rt th? dtctrrtottor uoltrg. rv.tl.bte rt tie prcffsc tc tGsttrad. lE+t-.ffi0carnrt, &crgr ud rrlgtlttt.s drrryec rt ttrr ftllntnE lrt€s 4t#-* fr for the rtrrt 2gtl lu ot ocrd2-05 pr (I for rrclr .ddltlond U of Drertd etrHffl,r pif rnt for tNrc ftrrt rul tilt pr I of thlnd6.Il rlllr pcr ll5l for tm nec 190 litt plr Ot o? orond {.10 rtlls Dtr IIll lor rll .ddltlorrl trfl- j EEI{H#fr tc sumlted t mmd.r .r prt.rrli dtitrtrrtton yolrrg. rod rtu hlnt or Elter"tl stuli!. rnfra th3 GGDmyrt lfilt! ?l!!t.DlcD rdficflrt to Eutcer's DrlDGrtr. frrnr;?orrrr lrdror otlrrhcllltlcs' Drpnd tho Polnt of D.lly.ry rnrl usrd t0 drllv.? Donr rt utlllatloo voltrgo to golntr of l'rqat th optlm 0f Utc. Corpery7. rlr he orrd, opcmtrd and allntrlncd by GuIltty ln consl*ratlor of Custnrprrlol to-oqplnl !-ftgllllfq 9.ipgr of on. ard 3reln-tsrth! prrcril (t,7fl pcr Etrtt tlEs thc CnplrvrslEyGtftrt tr}ond ttrc Polot of oclluary lllqtr Uoltrr. lrlrcolrrt (Ihen t.nlce ls trlen rt 4l ru or ahiue)$0 (f6 tht first zfl, fi of lf,rlnd0 ?f 0cr llf for arch ddlHolrr II of Dqld Dand Eet$illnatlfi -mTmffisrpplld tfiFirg th. l&co0sccrrgtu.-rlnwc pGrlod of mxlan rrl. drrleg th. FnthradJurhd fbr p9rrr frctor. Dut mt lacs than lfi [Cl (rot lecc thrn l5[i lt tficn serulcr ls supp]tad rt{4 K or $oya) !ryftffiHr mrr !t ctor ts lels ttrn 851. rs dctarrrned !, rrtoiru uiltar tctull lo.cdondltlmr. tln Cqrny oli rdturt tlre tA mrsurrd tottilslm th. fcid by tultlptytng tho mturrd flX bJr 85 rnd d{yldlog b,thc.ctlrl Dorcr f.ctor @f,L*ffi, chrrge shtt tc thc llcllltt.r drtrt plot ttr. hrthct of thc iollorlng (SI Ttu hnd ciuge for tha flrr.nt Int,lilr arrlnn 0aacd (B) lo cnount sufflcl.nt to mkr tllG otil rld En.roy Ghsry.. for sfltc! uuter ?ll. lgFtlrent,for dle lz.Dntlll D.r.lod crdlng s{th th. GrtrFnrt Enth, {url lo I 6 tlms tlle Brlrri' Hllrll:y.ll:[rd for w roti drrlng tlE t.lr of tlr lgrcrutt rd rry il'rEls or (C) Th€ nltim chrrge speclfld tn tia lgrer$rt Tlte Cslrprrv ry itqulru the fustapr to exscut0 I se| vlca rgrur:nt srelfylni i illhGr .fnlirls rnnllrl clrlrtc lhrn rculd tcprlvrd[d uid.r (1, or (ll ilri rrccc*iry to lmttttr thc CQtry's lwtttlEnt la rrrrlccfacllltl€8 r0illoiiEirO - J.nurry 26, a975 Issucd [r IUIO P0IER c0l]tt{YEffeettv. - Jrnurry ze, 1976 u ,rllcs E 8ilfE, Pllsldsttt;-a;rc ord;-,rr.'tttot -' taa6'tc*ro stnlE,-ioir+ ioitro BllHI#* Rerdlng,ICIP P'age 13 .l J, R. STMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Erhibit 8-B Page32 ,\,,) ' l6m@ soR BUPSrjr @ mlllm Am El@u ,L:ffi,H# DAM M@ filEIITT o.! @ f,(@vJ, &iE aad ector:n lffo tha yaagr of ry- 1961r, ty aadl, DctErB, B SDGIdE @@Iffi, ea lddo oouEqf qremtr.us a DiLalrt lor thc nnudnctlo of fcrtlltgtr arar DooetclJp, li$op hcrci.uefEer nfea(l to as r!frstocr;n aad. DAE BOfm 6olP!$f, an el.ectr{,c uttltty artho*tssC to do hrlaaca lD the State of lieho, hsctlaftar nderreO to as t'0qnodt, tIItsr888EIE! O.2 IlmAB, rf B giq6flot Oqla$V Daq plonearei the use d Souttrarq Idebora !fuo€Ebstc rrcts defpstta s!. for naDV ybarr Xas o;r.mtetr e l[laqt ree Fooetelllo, T&, proossehg pbosphec soot ,.a oiler to ryr3rrlr* lrhogl&ate lsrtiillrasal 4r0 at R Brqriot O4lery is lov la t&e l,rtroesE of last+rUrg I E€tr lmoda Illrst fo,r tbo proi\rotto of, vrrtroue glaaos of uoU lrhoeE&d,e tgltl-trlrosr, ltbtcb nar pLut vf:.f rcertr-e t,!c rfs€ of lBcilo9stDglry lrsgp mustE of lornr la oslpt to lroccaa ths p@qrh,btc irooL aDA tba cncqbilc lrol5r rcgnfrep*nrta at tEg plaut leve lnot=as€d. mm qxG.natoly I,OOO f,II tr L952 to ryfsqa- Bt€Lf 61800 & t[ 195e, aEa lt 19 EttcrtEtdl thal tlp rcr @nta lll.eut r:Ill lacrca,se tbq trrorcr raqrrlmetr to qgnrrlmtcly l5rO0O El; sA 0.3 II@EEAB, tu. oortrfltc0 Etoryth ehi[ ealnnrton ot tEa ptrgt .rO tDs ule and alsr€Loloct of tbs phogpbpte lost alqpalts of gq$Ucra ldeho am of rttel ,Elortsna€ to tDc @ttth aui lmalnrlty of, tbc 6oory of tha Stata of Xdato @A ths sifr&iLtsb.at of aa trdrrrtr{aL rqtc &r Elactr*o l}ortrp srry4flSeit to ttstg tJle of, busimre rile r*,crdaLly BtA ault aselst tbe ccoaqr of IildDci anO o.Is nlEtsEgg, tb3 Iitsbo Dorer coqrany Leg dgreLqled e largs ttrinrEtrial r:sta for euetorrarg nboge uaeg rlLL fe U tUe aeiglrborbood of l$rfr)O !fl ol Erhtbit No 304 IFC-E ll{tt Reedi4g,ICIP Page t{ J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Erhibit 8-B -2 - rcle ar0 are ilgpge0, Irr the 8tafie of ldabo, ta Dltrtn8, d.rah8, @sIttngr, roftn.fug or prccesefug, rfiEre such 0elfi/aty cas be uadr f,r@ tba OqnqJrlg acUtfug ISO fV tmrselgelo! ltres rdthrnrt rcgrlrt"ug aaltttloEcl qnarc for factlttlcs aUX[LleA !f tbe Oopaog; a,ntl e loe0 of the J n 6t I Piant aead0.5 @SOr, tUE lr.A of the J n 614[tot Ooryary et ltr BooateLlo rLLL ueet thcec reEulreosrta, alnca tLle Loc& rltlX bG'uicA 1n pmccgalugl ilellver;r o& bc ueile et tes GcuBanyta cd.sttlg DoB $rbrtetlm .tiltbout adltlttoDal €fi[)3lse to th6 C@pq? anil t]e rate rlIL aLA fr asvefgDr"ug rsil losterlrg the ecorrsr of, lilaho; aad. .0.6 I{EBE|8, f,he lEl*les bsEta ilasiDe to Bot f,osth cln eghDtrlsh tbe ter:ug o'ri ooailt-ttonc rradar rlrtoft pornr ra[ be cvailaDle to Gtgtmr; f,Ult, l@{8, ta oouet0sufiloa of t&e proLaea ariL tDp urfilrI beueftts hcr tba sovuaato heretua,fter eat f,orth, the trnrfrlea hlrrEy agrs as f,lo[LouE z A..tfeLe I - $am of .fisfsgp€ut- 1.!, 'l't'a or*gl,aaL tesrn of, thta agrc€&ssfr gla]ll. be fior e pertol legr.uifue oa tbp dlate of, latttal. sonrleg and €aaftg JlEs 30, lrll+, l|htoh tcrm aDaLL be autqnrtlaslly rqprud Euil st@ib0 f,or alr adiltf@al. prlo0 oC Ctvc (:) Farar uiif 'frcB lB"ar to ysaa thpleaftcu, unJ.eEc enil unti,J. cl.tbe pariy E&ELI aotfry tbe othon lroty f! rirfti.Dg aort lcas t$an tvelve (U),wtbs pstof to ally a&ih eryrt:etloa'date of lts Latastlm to tepluate tLtg agllseEt' I;2 l$s Alte of, Lultla]. scmrlce ruilar thts aSre@Est shall ba tha f,lrat day of tIst. eqtb l:l r,hlob tho OnBt@c:r f,trst .st6D:U€bcc a uaxfuu ilgpanit of lOrOO0 kl,Iormtte of porer, 'Arttcl.e 4 - bqer to be grrrrqUeaf 2.t lEe Custorcr qgrltlEs to gulohas€, rsoelrE aron Day f,or, anil tDe Coryaoy rgrBer to el{,p]\y, alr cLectrlo gerrlce rrq|rlrEa by ClrgtmEr tor tts ffihlffif;nm4' IPC-E 11-08 RerdingICIP Prgc 15 /i J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 34 . -3- Derrrrfrrtul'bg o1arotLora aBar hcatalto, Iilrto, sucb pcer anO cncrgl', tl1, to tDe s4nEt of 201000 tllorette, sba,XL be srUpttail aA !l8t:A lor et tbe rate 8et lortL l'a paragraUfi r.l, lt betrg agraed, tDat rhco tbe Grt@rio dmaa qeecib nrab lt tg 'liDc lttcotlon of t&e lra*ttcr tbat D.r anA oUprce0tag trtce vllit be a€FlcA rryro, qEltlelD!.e to Ortmorro loe! aro senrtso a3 tils !tqEt!cd'. 2.2 &c Outraet ecnrtl o! tJrlg egrc@Et tor eaob -r-q rba1l te trbc uaduu d€DeA (f.fh$atte) otr llo*er ta&ea by Cnslmor to auy aloc& b{lf-hsrq ,Et.wa1 Ourtng tle oela0ar tfuh hrt aot lEgs thsa 15rO@ Ef; provlileA. **t" Orrfag tbc Adr,alofoelrt lprtoe anbscqucot to thq 6ats otr lEttta]. terrloer thc Goqtract .lEfiErt .fc thc rcutb Bh.Il be the actrral neliuru al@al (ts$bmttr) ah!.f"!soit to firctoer ln aqy sfbce half-hmr Der{oe err rB tbe ceLcuil.a nontb. U Ooartract .luanat to,r t&e eqpllod teu- of tbts agrcuoat shall De tlb narfm Oortracb lmurt cst&J,tghsif 1! gry umtb outaiqrreot to tb€ itrate oC lrEtttal. scwt@ un,pf thLa agrumuu Artlclp III - lbfr.ltttes to be Prrovtda0 3.1 Bolrur anlt rusrigy to br .r{Dlteif berguniler try tb. Oo;nqf tg evtt}elblc to tDe Gtatosr Et l2r5o0 volta at the Oooparyts DoD Eubrtrtloa aeas SocatclJol !0aho, rltbot* adiottXoEal trrEgfuDt by the cqElr. AIt taollLttler lmlulllng anltdllng, trnarfoluatlou, rcgulatlon $adl lEut,cctiTe ilgvtcog Doac.Eaalr &a tD. &llwrZ ot Dorur an0 encr4pr at t&st !otr$ dre lastall€al 3.2 llhc Gratcriror aesnedta tbe Ooryany an0 tLe 0qrquy i,s lgrecrbb to tlrtrtl, oE, oDemtG, aDd, dedatat! tlhe fecllttles nbceaea,ry to ilEllver tbe porrr $m tb€ Don Subgtatlon to tbr Gretoucrrs I,:lBt st IE,ISOO voltr au0 tbc trqoBtlorua- tloo e$rlX,osbt r=,gltred, by Grstoerre rrtllizetIoA ogrrl;mt. CESoET agress to Pef tDe cost of sucb factllttee Enil cguttroeat tB aecoltan-Gtr r{tn tbe prr- vlelong of, larraerapb 5.1+ fDrra. l{Btetil&L aadt lator nBqEt}€d bafrond lrho aecoaiantrr temluels of traasforrerg eball te tnatr.lLed, olrued, otErBtaA, EarrtaLmo, a[O 3nl,O for by Grstgmer. ft ls unilergtooil end agreeiL that alr the rcrL lf,rfor34tQ. ErhlbltNo3M IPC-E-Ir{8 Reedlng; ICIP Page 15 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 35 -l+- by tbe 0oqany rrailer thl,a pa,ragrapD sblJ. be ln eocoillElree rrltb atrL lpcaJ. aati stcte nrles aS. regrlatfoqg Lr reEIEot to soustnrqtloa oE Eat-A tlalJ.ltlee, aail, tDc cflftr'+at uee0 eha,Ll [g gtrnir'{l Xt@s t! tle oqaayrt ttEta. 3.3 It te nnilaratoo0 adt agra€al tDst tho faaLlttlcg reEl*scll, by Ouetlcr lay vary l5m tlao to tLuc, eaA tDc 0reaay'e Lurribd la tbcge facXlitfes rrynu {bfcb oDargos bcmla Ehe.lL b6 basa, BLTIL b6 Oc6Er:rLneiL fi accor{m.oe rtth t[s Oculnnyts eolual boetreeplng aSrsto. Ihg qrt@t 1*, to pttfloa of auy cbmge tr ogl{1rneut or tmostrent, et tbe euLlcst prusEteal alata !ub.c- gucEt to aay clalg3 ta arr& egrtpcat or lnvegtaErt, Dy J,eliter fim tb€ @epy' 'to Grstsol, trbl,cL l.Ett€t' or Irrttere of potlttcatloa eaXI ecqutee Hrtblt t ruA shdl]. te e pe:t otr tiXs agreucrb, aad, crsb su$ leftce abailL sbr tDs aet lavestoent tacurrud by tDe Cqlary La faallLtlcE rEq[IJ.A to daltter lrou]r ald. erergr fu tbe Iton &rbetatlou to tLe G*atoertE pJar0. lrtlcLe J[ - Bervtce Erlealf,Loetlong lr.I !&c clcctr{c Iotur n4grl.led rual€tr tbt, ageryb dhEIJ. te ,:a tt€ torcu of three-Xhaee, alterretl,rrg ornrest et a f,ieEuenay of q6xrod.totely 60 ryobe Dcr gaso-4, s,r0 S a rmd.na]. phaoe to pbage fpterttraL:of qE)&Ed"rrfufv Jar'np volta ero€y! uader eoargoro:tr couilltlors. L.e lhc polst of ltnit:lvcqtr for Inrat a64il.1edl hreirdsr sUeI[ ba on tbe Er50O yolt stds of tlhp Cqroy'a Doa firbstatl,oa looatsd apar !oeete![o, Ida[o. I+.3 @e @apv rrf[ pisrf0e ButtabLE Dstortrg egl&ns$ fon oUtehtrg neegumE|Ebs u€qrLrllt llr @loottoa fflth BEttl@equg ulilrir titla agreeoat. oqpany aDaLL, at lta olE €4|ease, test suou uoterr^ug eq|rl mnt oace ta aaoh aaLerlar year. Artlsle V - Charggg 5.1 .[lt eJactr,lc pou€" aail eaer6r, rrB to tlp esurt berstuabovo qrecl,f,teO., ErbtbltNo.304 IPcd-l1.08 Readtng,ICIP Page 17 '. . --,/ i J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 36 \.. ) -r- !Ldj[ t rqEl.l.if .d pefl tor st tUe Cryaryrr Focatalllo o0ficc l^a aoaodt- aacs rtth th6 ,o]JoEtrg umthl3r rate: (a) Dsld, oiecEc - t1.80 p.s m of BtIUng D@aon (u) Eaeryr mry - _ _3.0 r1llr lm 8E tor atrll cnrrgr (o) EtIlLag Doau0 ,Ds Bil.Iafn8 D4arA &aXt ta tbe.0outrest lmut of ItouEs !dE.& cnrrreut rcEth cgtsbl:!.ahrc &r accoEloanct r:fttr Da,:ilgryb 2.2. (d) 1E n&flllheul qbarge -I,tt afEer tis dete of thle agreosrt, s4/ rsr or la- entirod tor or t&a (otbc tihao l.aooe tss a[il. taxBt Dtscil oa ,acru) lFUabfc W oqlary a,tle t4nacil lgor lsgtws r=€etrlrcil fto &rtcoar Derruoilcn u qp@ lotllr or uolsr aoli to alBtola! bar€ludtcr, orqm Itomr or oegr gmsratce ftr 9TEEEV oE QrrtsrLcru8its, ftctolor lhCll !Ey, ln adlttloa to tD! ohar8ps Dett.prbomr qnolf,led, aa souut ad)tlclcatto ocrBt gtrg arclr tacar paVablls Uy Aq*ry. 5.2 IlDc etntaru loEtlty qry ghstrl be an @uzt cca*1 to ierOO tloes ttsc Oolttlact .buEt tb! tDE ql:lrcA tcn of tnfe .grocoaat la ascosrlrsce v:ltb, lEsr8lqDb 2.2. ,.3 Frnr Abtor.oostEotlTo qDDargtus ot cqlrllEmt roaB38rlr to lBrstail ct aLl t!no! ao D.af unlty lnral lastor as ltoEdtblo ghetil ba Drwl0aA by Arstmt, borcver, l[ 6Bu Qrgt@rrg Ilorcs t€ator tu lom tD.! .9, IagC!& tDc Oqpry gEBII E"c tb fl8re *il uqr eLegt to Iartrll alitl-tlaEt,I. Do.nT faglor corecrttve cgtlmnt l^r, asoordauso rffi ern unicr tbs Dadrirl,ou! ot !,aragrqtb 3.3 berbd 5.\ . & aoiqslatEti.oa fo,r tDe fiaclltttca tnsfralJ.eil W tbB Corpry fa q€cor{&ce rr.tb.A*tst€ Ut, A..t*r sba,Ll Dqf to 0qlaqr eacb aotb oae and. ooe-qtartar pemot (ft*) of t0o totel coat to t&e Ooqmy as lbom lD tDe fagt letter subttttc0 tfi CqanV to Grstoer lu E*hlbtt A of t'hlo ogrrcumt. ErhibttNo.304 IPC-n-rr{E Rerding ICIP Pcge lt J. RI SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 37 -6 Ia thc 6ront 1t baecrpr D:caasarlr to rersvr tha faElltttes lnet&IleA by tn Oryeay as grurtdse by Adlole III edl rtl"ustall'or chaogp tbc flactllttlts, tbe Grstouer rhell 1ny to Oqlaov tbc oaoa-pa.lvablc costo of mcb rocrvi,t, tigLartall.oBlo or ahrtrlci rco-of"*le,cogt ea ucO !.rela ts oqu{,reil of tDe tota3. ooat o! uaterlal, laDor aail oniilssds of ,.Est€LEag tic frotltttec, laee ttrD 0l.fhmaos bctnen tls galrrablg ooet of uatsrletr ruovoC rnil, tt revr1 f$otr oort llclrritag elDDolrlata overhaaA cetts. lrutc*-qk-I.ratrutU 6.r Eueu ,qrby *ur t,ffi"* hs.mt ce tho ofrDffi Dtfiy agstrst, Jocsl daurgc on tleblXtty, exoluslva of corts au!, attemyar !cca, lcsttltirg tbo cLetag ass€rhA t, tl[s0 pcrBaos agetalt cttbpr or botL prStca to ttL! a€rleat ou, sosourt of tuJurv or (bEBb to tlcaroEl or iluqe or ibrtrir$toa of Drslrerty oeorrtlg 6 anob (hasmr$drg) party'r rL(b o! tLs af,orcretil, Ipf"Bt of 0c11rcry, ustrccs zucb raJury c {toagp analt Levc raofltcd. er@ tb3 solo acgllgpuec oC tlg otnsu ne,rty; IEgofec$, hotwsr, tiet eaob DailtV sDall be aol.cly rrstlusib!, for oltslns of a,rd, llaucnta to ttB cqfopce 8nA g3stg ftr tlrJurfea odarrrrlag !a eooagtlou rltb tD€1r {$Ioynffit or arirl,ns ont oE t.ulr rorhmts cqnnSetion irv. Arttsle Vtf - tlatvers 7.1 .A4r m,tver at anlr tloe hy elthsr pg$y of a rlgE! .trltb toql cO to augr aarbtcr a?fc&g ruilgr thta ag$€u$$, or lay f,dfun to gtso etgr aobloo trrrror{&if lor horsu,nllcr1 oDaL[ lot tc Aocnnge to bG t valter r:ltL roe3nct te ay rt&ac- qnaat Eattcr, Dor u tL. cststlllshcot of or cacent to aay prract!.ce undbr tble agre€n€nt or aa 1utcrTEttBt'toa of uqr tem or 5nrotrlclo bsrrot, EillbltNo.30{ rPc-E-I14t Reediog ICIP Page 19 .t J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Pege 38 -T- Artlqls TEII - &cocarorj anit-.flg*rrs 8.X. Ibta egr.ssct Bhatr1 fmllc to the t4€f1t of ad. be bfadfag rPsn tDe EucoBs6or6 ,a lutcrert, a86l.g!6 ann Lgal rellratutatiTss of GrEt@3! euA Oopry. Alti.clc II - (hmlgEloq .IttLrdtctton 9.1 Ebtg agrnreut, tbs rrfiee, terre aa0 prsrlsimr tralela sd tlorlth, BtrO tbe rgpesttve rtgEbg a,uit obllgatlse of tfie xlartleg Ellrd.r, +!U be arb- Jast to tb Aurr.oiEctlq e!i[ negrlatorjp artborlty of tb. Ideho hbJlc lttlXttler Omtasto asd ths LerB of thc gtBtc of, tr0sho. l:lti,Cle X:trlerd.natr.h of Eettrr Agom€Et 10.1 lhs ooqtraot bcrtrla tbe partler, datcA fiLIy 13, !ffi, 1o bslctg tcrd.nstGil or thr dgtc of frffi,al eerrlcc gst forEh fr pragragh X..2 of tbLt agreomt. I[ II.IIrEBB fl@, tfto xla,rtLae bme ocouttaa thi,r ag!9@cqt by lDctr rtalncrtiru Drcpor of,ttoera, .tIersunto duIV aftDorlzeil, o -tbc dlly auil par trrFt brar.uaDot! rrrdtt@. ar R sE[dn @@f,rr (conmnss gmr,) (oonpongm Eer,) J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B q 4- a -t(12' --z/}z:EeafA.iEb IDAM MI@ OOIPIII-Ms ExhibttNo.304 rPGE-11.{t8 Readlng ICIP Prge 20 Page 39 REOUFSI FOR ?RODllgT,h0l lrc.. Q5: Referurce the Oompanls Reaporye 0 lClP Request No. 45, atatl4g ftd the trc{lfrles drarge hao been ln place slne 1995 br Sohedub 9, {976 br Scfstub 19, and 1964 tu Sdradub zgrspedal Confrad. Ple.se rcondle thls $aternont ufflr Oompanfe Reponm b IOP Roqusst No. 26(b), $a[ing thd ttre oldatt plcce of eqr|prpnt ffilbd ftr Sche&le I ruas imtell€d in 19O9, for Sclrg(Me 19 was lnstaled in 1045, ard Compaq/a Reaponeo b lClP fuquest No. 25(c), elEtng thef ms Corrpany b dlll cdoilatlng Sre monhly facllltbs duns by mufrplytrrg the rpn$ly fecfli[es dtatgp pa@o by trs initial{nrccfittent br theee ploces of eqttlpmenl. For eltrdprnert alraady h trc ComnanfE pdss€sslon et h€ tme of comngrcomqil of ha hdftr'ac ciarge, dH he Gompany rse the valrr of the hfflal lnvetftnent or the depmcletcd rnhn of the equlprnent at lho tlnre of orrllofirment d FSPOifSE TO EEQUEST FOR PROS|CIEiI tIO. 6* The equlpnrent rugrtlfiod ln the Corpany's Response b t?re lrdusffiat Cr.ffimqs of ldatro Porre/e ('lClP') Requeet No. 26(b) nas lnstalled priorto lmplemerltadon of the fadll0c cfiargc lbr SchedrJes g ard 19. Onoe ho fadlre cfiarge provisbns ruere apporred by ths ldalp PuUIC Uinieo Oormlsshn ("Comrdsoion' or "]PUC") and implemenbd per tlre Compaq/s lailfi sfisduhe, tte lnUel rralue of thls custorner{edlcat€d equlpment was lrildudod on the assoclabd cusme/s lrhtrlbutm Facfrtbs lnrlcgffient rgport fDFf) usod to calculdc the monthlyfadlitec c{rarge. As stet€d in the Gorrpanl/a ruogonse b ElFg Rosrcst l{o. 2fa), thc equhment will mrndn on the DFI ae bng as lt ls lndalled and rred and uefrtl. !DA}(} PO'YER @IIPANTS RESFOI.ISE TO TIIE SEVET$H REOI.ESTS ftIR FROfl'GNON OF TI{E INDUSTRIAT CUST(nIET OF DAHO POIIIIER. 3 ExLlbltNo.304 rPc-E-ll.ll8 Readlng,ICIP P.age 21 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 40 For hdltlos boyond thc po[rt of dcllvery. lhat uuere ln sendce and in the Companfr pocretdon prlor b lnphmelilaflon of the frciltleg fiarye pmvlsbne, tlra Company usod fts lniUal hrnrtnem h As calcr.rlathn of the.montrly facl[U€s charge. The Conrpanfs ry DH'g droy lhe lrfrarl lmrcfnent values rreed to cahrlab eaclt ftcilUes drarge ou$mFs monfrily hdlfrs cfrarge. The rp d depredated values hac nolgr been appowrl by lhe Gommlasion and the Cornpary fras nevar qsO OepnAOO \ralu6 b calq,rhte montilylHitics draErc The ruaponse b tl'rls Rcqrsst wag prspamd by Sott D. Spails, Smlor Regulabry Anah/st, ldalp kluler Oompany, in onsultation with Jason B. Wi[hmq Corporab Counael, ldaho Fm€r Corpany. fDAIJO FO,VER @iIPAt{vg REISFOIISIE TO'TtlE S€r,ENttl REQI ESTS FOR FROOUCflON OF TllE II\DITSTRIAL CUSTOIIffiS OF lDAt0 FOWER - 4 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B ExhlbttNo.304 IPC-E 11.08 gsadlng, ICIP Prye22 Page 4l REaUEST FOR PR(DIJCIEN ..ilO. E8: Wilt mgad to fiE equhment dbqrs*d kr Requed t{o. 65, dld the Company begnn chaElng tp cudomer ln Sctrqhie I a fadliles cftaEe h 1995 basod upsr 0re inlflal lnveetmeil in a plee of qulpment frdalcd ln 19@, or did tre Cornpany uce the deptadabd vah.re of the 1969 ple6 of equlpmcnt ln lS6? Vyhd vaftra dH fte Csnpeny use and barsl on nrlrat deflrdatbn rofiedule REIFOIISE TO REQIIEST FOR FROIlllGTlOil llo. G0: Pleasa s€ ths Gonrpanfr caponseb l0lPs Requc*No. 65. The rrynre b thts Rsque$ rlas pmparad by Scott D. Spade, Senlor Regu!ffiry Anallct, ldaho Fornr Gompalry, ln conqrttdon ufrfi Jamn B. Wlllams, Goponb @tmrel, ldaho Porusr @npanf IDAHO Por,t ERCOiPAi{YS RESPONSE TO THE SArEttflH REOI ESTS- aRoDa,cnonoinrelnsusrmnlcDsrouensoFnAlopowER.E f_tBIrI#4 l Readln3rICIP Pege 23 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Prge 42 Wft tpgad b tto equlPment, dlursaa( ln tuqrnd llo. 05: (a) DH the Corrpanybegan otrarglng the cusfdmerin Schedub 19 a faciliUes drergp ln t97O bsrsd rpon the lnlthl FwHrrant h a plee d equipment :lffi|t€d ln 1e45, ordid the Compmy uge ths @ladabd value of the 1909 plsco of eqrdprnent ln 1905? (b) What wlue dts he Comparry uae sd baBod on whet deprcclaton sctpdule? Whd due b tre CqnparV rdng for ttds Sece of quhnsrt bday, the value at lnrflaltathn ln 1g46, or thc daprsd#d value when he c{raqe oomrnenced in 1g?e? (c) Plsese orphkt u,try tris plee of cqu$ment wae not fully dqredated at the frn€ Ure Gorrpsny hlliabd tF lhdlific chsge 31 yeals afur the equhmeil wae lnltlallyindalled. (d) Pbase erplaln hof,, fiB Company hae rpt orrer-recovelgd for this fidly dsp,rEdatsd acssttom the Sch€duh l9 cr&rnerdrce 1976? frEsPtoiltE ro RFerE9[ F,oR PRmusnoil ilo:67: (a) Pt€ase ceethe Corpan/a lwponeeb lOlPc Rcquert t'to. 05. (b) PlearemhoGompanys rupoffieb lClP'E Reqr.lest No.05. (c) lnddlng the dorcdated rahp of equiprnent at ho tme ttp Comparry hltlated the fiedlltl€s draEe wa rmt and arrcnilly is not, tre Commlsslorrappoved mdrodologu for catculding moilhly hdll0es drarge under0re CompaVs tatltr (d) For thb asset and otrer eosot8 irflilalled under the Conrmlesion-approrred fadllfies clrarue piln[gbns, the Conrpany has fully rcmrrusd the coet of a depruirated EAI{O FOI,YER @IiPAIWS RE$FOIITIE TO THE SEVENff REOI.ESTS FOR PRODUCTIOJ{ OFTHE INDUSIRIAI CUSTOTIERS OF IDAHO POWER.6 ErhibltNo.304 il,c-n-rroo Rcadiqg;ICIP Prge 24 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OROFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Prge 43 pteoe of eqdpttlpnt lf and ryhen it pacftm lb assumed 3t-year depuclalb llfe, ag dc!{rlbsd gn page 38 of Scot Spado testlmony and fie hrrpan/e:lesponees to lGlPs R€quost Nog. 5, 21, zl2,ard 23. lf a plece of equlpment Is ln$elled and used anrl usfrrl beyond 3l lnere, the Company orilntps,b pruvlde rarlily arralhbb utifity gradg eqlsrnent lnrrnbrles, holi, Egrporiler, ngsponse ganio€q and eledr&at fnovrbAge and.enpedanoe for kaeplrU tttat pl€ce of eqdprnont ln operaffon. ln addltor.r, the Company dlsagmes wtth fir6 characterkEtlon trst lt haE'orcr.noneied' as lhe Company drageg and oollecilr'wtrat tus been auhorted bythe Cornmisgbn. The ruspone b frls Reque* rrras pcparcd by Scdt D. Spailcs, Sanior Regulabry Analyrt, ldaho Power Cornpany, ln oongulEtlon wr'th Jamn ts. WIlhnE, CoDoraila @unrd, Hem Pousr- Compsry. IOAHO PIOWER @IIIPANTS RESPONSE TO TTIE SEVENIH REOUESTB FOR PRI'DIETICIN OF THE INDUYTHAL GI.ITITOi'ERI$ OF IDAfiIO POYVER - 7 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B ErhIbttNo3M IFC-E-Ir-it Rerdlng trCIP Page 25 Page 44 frFOtlEgT FOR PROPUF,I|OII 4ftQr Rsfercnos the Companfs Reoponse to lClP Reqrcd No. {(c), datlng that all @ds for frdll[es lnsHled bcyond the polnt of delhrcry are lndudad h ths ascodebd q.&trpr c{asoos' rciprrue Equlrumant, and wtren tlr fiaclilllec drarye rsvenue h appfied as a crcdlt or oftct, the a8sodat€d qrstomer ohssss! Fwnue ruquEment b ruduoed. (a) Whm ttu Conpany Indnrles fie@dsfrr dEtulbution hdlffiee boyold th€ polnt of delhrery ln tre rewnue nquipnrefi doea tre Conpany lre a depmciabn schedule a lt musil, fur dBtibuton Edlltles on thc Companfc sUc of the meten lnch^d€d ln 0ts r$rqrrp rqrironrnP Please explaln how depreclatlon Is conellarcd vthsn ffis beyond the polntof d$rcry ara lnduded ln tlre rcwnue requlrenrertpdor b ttre pojnt thqt lhe Compeny cndlte faollltlos ,*rqlge rcwnue back to the arsfrner dase's E\rcnuo rcqrdnment (b) lf tB arpunt of fis nmnue requlrcnrent decrtases onen dme b scount br deprc{atbn, hrl lhe pfudpel amount of $s facilfrlee drarge to th€ lndMdual custqnor does not decrpase ougr tme, pleaee exphin trorr ttre lndiyiftral farJlltles cfiatgEqrsbmer F nd$bcldizirg the ]g$of 0rsqlsbmerda8s. '(c) lf the.arrcr,mt oI the nenua rcqulrelrurt G not deqease orpr tlme b amrnt br deprdaUon of dkillllrrfbn fdih beyond tro polnt of delivery, pleape erqlaln hflthe Company b ndovsr-rcconrlrg br&prcciebd a1ats. RESPOTTISE TO REAUEST FOR PROUGIf,II{ ilO. s0: (a) Yee. When dfrnnlning rerrsnue r€quiremgnts hr bage rstas, the Compeny do€s rd klentiry ald bEat soperdely facilities indalbtt beyord the Gompat/s pohft of delhrery. That is, lhe Company usea the rame dcptsolsflon IOAHO POUI,ER COT,P.A}IYS RESPOME IU THE SEI/EIIIfH RECIUESTS FOR PRODlJC:TlOil OF THE II\DUSTRIAI CUt]TOllERtt OF IOAHO'POn ER - I ErhlbltNo.304 rPc-E-ll-0t Reedlng, ICIP Pege 26 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 45 metho&logy br all dlstlbutbn iadf,teg whfi Oebm*dng ns t€d year IsEx.n rcquirernent (b) Becauee the fiaclltle draqe cdhllatlon ls bns6d on a lewltsed tuvsnuc dsEmlnstlon mdrod ard bce lates are detemlned uslng a eingte test pedod metrod; hole nill alunyo be dlftmrrces ln ltre wrnrat rewil.p tsquluinonh dobrmlnad udor each metrod.' Tiplo tffiig dffiererrer or'subsElee' gp ln ellher dlmcflon 6r lnrtlvldual cn$mers depondftU on the avemgo Ue of lhe lbdlilee sttled to fire facf,i$ae c*raEe. For exarnple, a ousfoms rvih neuor hdlttles uuill pay less in fadlfile chargeo than thc acfrral emral rE\lerp lgqfi{BoErtf wft Up tgct of Up o.tebrn€r dass payhg tho dlfbrqroc thmudr thef baso rds. The oppodE il tue frr cn^Sorrrs un$r stOer hdtltes nilu pey more ln mffies cfiarges than he singbyeer rcwmre requllemont vrculd st4grest (c) The anpunt of tsvenuc nrquksrent debrmined ln a test year for a crsbmot dase thet ir srebb fut hd[0es chargaa decrcoes orslime b ec@uril br dapreddon of dhfibuton lUfitiea lnsfia|led boyond ho polnt of dollvsry. All turerue noelWtl fum ftcilteg durgn cuebmgs ls crEdlbd becfi to the msodahd custorns class leavlrp no chancg brovur<uorery The lesporao b frb Recrrst w prepard under lhe ffrectlon of Scott D. SpailG, Senior Regdabfy fuialyd, Eem PqflEr Compny, in quultetion vulth Jason B. Wilhilrg, Coryorab Counsel, ldaho fuwer Company. IDAHO FO,UER CC[rrPAt{YS REIIFONiE TO IHE SEVEiIH REOUESTS FOR PROEUCTION OF THE INDTFIRTAL CUSToi'ERS OF IDA}IO FCIWER. tO hhlbitNo.3ll4 tPc-E-l1-0s Rerdtn3ICIP Plgetl J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B ,l REOUEST FOB.PRODUCilOII 1().71: ReErcnce he Compan/s Reoponse b lOlP Rsquest l,lo. 68(c), SatrU that the Corrpany reoovers €sb assoddsd trdth unlnqmd amountg llleFd to falled frdllte8 drarue equlpment by booldng llrrc costs as GDeonSor and lndudm them ln crrdomer rates. ln llgIfi of thb rstpoRse. ptcaee explain lhe b* fur not allowitp br the ffitleo cherge equlpnpnt's lnlthl value b droruosc owr tme as the Pieo of egulpment depr€clatss, Pleaoe eoehin wtry the Gompalry lndudes rteprucEtbn as a poomp oomponont b he ftclfites @rge that wlll increso the amouiltta onbmer paye, mtterfian rtscnaee it REsFot{SE TO REOUEstr FOR PRODlfGflgf{,,U0. 7l: The ffities cftarge nb cdcdat'ron is bard upon e 3f-yeardcpruclatbn sctredUe which b reiedett in the ratum and dapuclatlon oomponenb of tlre mte. Deprealatqr ie a poollrp conporrent of ho fulltie ctraBe because it rellects rt in fi6 anstornerder itthe Gonpaqla recovary of ltr lnvedment in fie arstomerdedbat€d Hlltles trat lnstath, ownq opemb, and malnblne rrJnhout lncrcatho the rabs of qntlnene ln tre asocEbd cueilomer chss. The monfiU fadlltlcc ctraryo F d€slg[Fd b rcmrer all o$s assochbd r,r,ilr @ddmerd€dicsted frdlitl€o irtltsll€d be!/ond [re Oompanfs polntof d€firrorytrrough a lewltsEd oet<acovery apprcach. The reoponse to thb Ro4oqt ws pr€percd by Scofr D. Spailc, Senhr Rerylatory Analytt ldaho Fouror Grirrnpwrq, h coleutffilon wffit .lamn B. Wllams. Corporab Couwl, ldatrc Poupr Connsry. lDAlto pcni,ER coiilPAt{Ys REsProirsE To IHE SE\rEt{fH REQUESTS FOR PRODI..ETIo1{ OF IHE hIDTIOTRIAL CT'STOUERS OF IDAHO PO'VER. 12 ErilbitNo-304 rPc-E-ll{t Readlng' ICP Pege 28 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 47 BEFOBE THE IDAHO PI'BLIC UTILITIES COMhIISSION cAsE NO. TPC-E-11,08 NIIUSTRIAL CUST0MERS OT II}AEO POWER READING, DI IESTIMONY EXEIBIT NO.3IN' Idato Powerrs Rerponses to Production Request Nos. l{, 15, 16, lt, 53, 58, 7O and 73 Regarding the trnsurance and Early Failure of Fecilitier Charge Equipment J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Pege 48 RE4UESI. Fg.n PRODUCngil ilo. ft: R6rsnce DirEct leetmonV of Soott Spafis, p. 30, [neo 1$20. tbos tho lnanane canled by [t6 Gonpany oow or lndanrnlfi cuslomur fuin aoddent or krlury ascodattd wilh @nrpany- owned ftdltles lrffill€d beyod lhe Compert:/s Point of t elfi,ery? lf not doo he Corryany mal<e nsw qnlom€tp awem of the cushmofr hck oI cowmge or lndsmnlf,aatbn fortdaho Poflpr oqupmeil on lhelr propelV? BIESPOIISE IO REOIIEST FOB PFOPIFTbI{ tlO. l{: For Oompany-orured HIH6 ln$elld bcyord Up CflEanfe poertof deliuery, tre ln$rat cantcd by ttre Comparry rmuH oovsr a!ry loer lbr whlcft the Company wat deqned negligent h en acci(bnt or lnlrry. Thc raspon$ b thh Requc* vuae prepared by.Ttm Tuclor, Pnoperty arrd Csrnty Admin@r, ldaho Porer Company, at llte dir$ion of Soott D. Spado, Senbr Regutdory Amtst, ldaho Founr Company, in comulhtlon Wlth Jason B. Willhms, Corporab Ooulpl, Eatp Poner Conrpeny. DAI{O FOIVffi @tup lrlt'.S REBPOI{8E T0 THE S@ttlD REqJESTS FOR PRODUSNO{ OF T}IE INDUSTRIAI CUSTOi'ERS OF IT'.AI{O FOi'ER.15 ErhlbltNo.305 IPC-E-I1{S Rcadlng ICIP Page 1 Page 49J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFTCIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. f,xhibit 8-B REAUES|'I FOR PFODLlCTlOll t{O. !!: Rslqmnoo Dlr€ct Tetinrony of Sod Spailtc, p. 39, llna 1&19 (etatlng the pollcy ooyarB o$Xpmcnt u$loci b tho fadllths cfraryn fur'pnperty, casuafi, ad rrcilon conrp*rsaflbn'). Please Wlaln vrH 'popertf lc oownd and in u,lut ftrhion Plaase edah why ldaho Porer bellev€a REsPOrlsE Io iEolJFsT FgB PBoPlJGIlS.l ilo,l+ Ilrc popsty ovqud b the e1{pment on 0p effinp/s hclll[os draryB and tp taul8m.eryooure meted U ldatro Power orntry, opoia0ng, and malntrlnlng thlc eqJpmilt, whlch can meult ln propoty. fldrd.pary hbilfir, ard uorlop' oompqrsaton losres. ldaho Forefe prope$ lmunnoe poticy oovEm "pteprtt/ darnage tfiat reu[c tom an Innurtd aont htr do6 nd covrr Tadllty rqlmnrent costi' fficHed wlth norrial rrpar and Ear. Addltlomlty, vfrlually etl lnsumd" property lotsas.omrniru beyono the Conrpanfs pokrt of ddinerymrH fillundorldaho Pore/s mff.iruund teiedhn (dedudiHe) ard rculd be an upens incuned dir€cty Wthe Comealry. The moponse to thlq Request waa prepamd by Tlm Tudcr,,Pmpsrly and CaorJalty Addnidrfrr; ldato Furar Compary, at the dincilon of Sott D. 9parls, Senior Reguhbry Analld, Eaho Fflsr Company. h conrdE[on urttr Jaeon B. Wtliarm, Comorab Cqrneol, ldalr hrsr Company. lDAr'{O FO,lrER Gol',PANYg RESPOI{8E lOT}lE SECOND REOUEST9 FOR PRODI.,G:flON OF ITE INDI.iSTRIAI CUSIOIGR8 OF IDA}{o PO'UER - IO ) 'r/i ErhibltNo.305 rPc-E-l1-{t8 Rerding ICIP Page 2 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. [,xhibit 8-B Page 50 t,) REOIIEST FOR PRODIEIIOI{ tlo, l0: Rffirne Dllmt TssiltnorU of Smffi Speilc, p. 39, finee 1$20. Pbae pvkh a copy of the o.rttilU ry hsuran@ poll(|es) rufrrEncad, md idsffiry the pmvfslons that apply b equlpmont otlrNsd b Ote frdlltlo chaqe. RESOilSEIO REOIE$T FOR.PmUGflOil llo lG Pbaee se tre athdred qrmmarbs d lmuram prcgrems errgrW Fr pfiaca. fccfnfcaUy, 0tere arc no pmvlelons frrqt rs6r dlrlcilly'b eqrhmcnt *rbjeofi b tre lhcfrtles draqe' a8 ldaho Pomnde lneumnoa $rffim h a hrgc 'blankef pngrem fiafi trould cowr oatrtmphlc lorlsc ascodded ufilr trltd+afiy lhilllty, propcrty, and milro:'Gompensaton beceg that oouU occur at or nsar the Edltba and equhm€nt ln quedon. Mod lo$s8 fiat upuld oocurrrltr facfiHes drarge qposure rrould fall underdducfrble levrls and rrould be paU dlncflyby ldeho Forrcrrruilurtanylnsuure rtoolicry. The rceponee b thb- Rqmt wEB pmporcd by Tlm t**- Pmperty and Casualty Admhislrabr, ldaho Fower Company, at the dimcfion ol Scott D. Spafta, Sedor Reguhfury Anelys[ ldaho Fonsr Company, ln omulh[hn wltr Jason 'B. W[[arili, Co]porab Courpl, Eatp Porrer Comparry. ItrATlo FOU'ER OOIIPANTS RESFONEE TQ THE SECOND REOUESTE FC'R PRODI.ISNON OF THE NDUSITRIAL CIJSTOUERS OF DAI{O POWER - I7 Erhlbit No,305 rPc-E-lr48 ReadlngICIP Page 3 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 5l Properfi "All Rlelf Prcgnrm inoNudhXg Bolbr & tachlnery llmrd hrurd: IOA@RP end any erbcidLy, .nd IDA@RPI iribc.t in .nypartrnlilp orlolrt wrttrtu ln nhhh DACORP hes mmagamont ontnl c ownsrchlp eg now ondtubd or hordlr b aqdnd, er the m4ecdt o lnEset of cach my eppeer. IelllrUAdfiur: P.O. Box 70 Bobc, !D E8707 Crnlr: FB6ryMutd lnslmn6 CompqryFolicyflJt 1415 Pof,cy Tcm: May 1, 2010b lilay 1, 2011 ForIr: A! Rlskg ol &€d physhal lw or d.rqr indudl4g thc perila d ealthqwkc and fieod, hdndtrg boller and tmohlury, andt dlidB pltydcal thpfs. PoIcU Fmrr: PusrGencnatlon GE U2mB LknlbofLlrblflff 0 2,0(X),0m,0m PoficyLfnft tubllnrltr d llrblllty: Ttte.Ocrnpany udU'pau up b fte :fdlowlng albflrulie of llabllry ln any on9 oocurnn60. llhage rubllmf$ ao parlof, and do not serug b lnouaae, tftc lltilte ot tlablllty etixlc a Urc aggmgar fimlh of lhbffi telor: $ 200,m,q0 AmualaggltgffiEailrryda$ 200,0U1,000 AnnualqgrogabFbod$ 200,000,000 Anrualaggragab Dams end Dkeo$ a000,000,0(X) AnnudaggrBgabTRh$ 2,0(I),0(X1,000 Dmolliot,lncmescdCoctofconfruc{im$ 100,000,000 AuEmdcCovenee(g0dafrBpottngmqulnd)-Ercludc EISrFbodS {00,000.000 Valuabb Prycrs and RacordsS 1(n000,0(l0 AeunbRaaluable$ 10:000,000 Oala, Prograns or Soltrran and Conputar $&ne - ttlon Ph.yilcEl Damgoorth€d0 100,(X10,(E0 Emr&OmlsslonE$ lq.m0,S0 Mbe[nsrdUnnsnedLocatbrs-ErcludcEll0 10,0m,000 BtdgrcandTtltnebS 10,000,000 Pmbcffon ild Pleeawaton of Pnoparty - IIme Elemsnt - EdurlloTcnorlrm$ 10.000,1m Dcbds Rctnowl$ 10,000,m0 Deoontarnm0on Gct$ 20,000,000 Expedthg Expenae and Edra Epenee$ 50,00t1 t snd and Wabr Conhmlnant Clmpp, Remowl and Dlqooal $ r0,O09,mO Benbllnsrarc$ f0,m0-.000 Serulealntamrpthn - t{on-Generatlon lmtiono only - Bclud.r Eni 100,000,000 Flnetutt 025000 + E0%dlres PrcfasslonalFees lncluded ln Dofnilon of PloeeIV Gource of Conatruction$ 10,m0,000 SofiGoetS f0,000,(Xl0 TranoporEtlon .SEEATTACI{EU Erhlbtt No.305 IPC-E-rr.ot Readlng ICIP Page,f J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Erhibit 8-B Page 52 Drduodblcr: S 1,m0,000 GomUnsdallcowrqeblncftrdlngCTb,ercspt L'o'* '* ffiolt loeauons 2233 24'25'*,fi'3.33' 34 and 4l 0 100,000 Cotttepd e[ ovurage's tnoHlo equhtnattucHdl flrysicaldanagc cX ivlrn WOO,ofo Mtn PD & TE wlrd cowIagp ln CommonuoEtrr ot Prnrto Rho and lst Ttrer tl/hd Criunter 0%u,ffi 1500,000 Mln PD & TE Wrd covarago h 2td Tlct Wktd GountheS 50.000 Tmcporffion 2 tlay/$5U1,@ Mh. CornpubtSllserne - Nqt phyalcal thruge l% rldti llOOi0llo Min Tcmrism Rr#acemontut, oreptm Tranfrnrnrtzsyutt osddat. otheyo nd Yrlurton: been ompleEly nrrmd wUrln he pd 25 yeot md m$lle equhmsnt, ACt gO+y nofice of canoellatloq l0 days frr norrpeyment of prmlum E:duebm:' Bu$w lttbmpdon 'l$dear' irlmr Turffites lffitefsd or Ao+rhd {bn lncrytm ' Sffilng, craddng, affidrp, bulglng or apardon d damo and dlk6s. Spcdd Gond[ron] " E tE Eeense Cou4e rbas not apply b trs pn*rao ol ' ltplesncntpourr " ') ' Edm Elgeme Corcrage doec not app[ b lo* from porrer/ensryy tradfig or brckrlng aciluitigs 'Dafinlton of Occunurce 72 tloua for Wnrt, Ffmd, Eattrqualo ' vlidbn i,lodoe ol land/tlhhr Corileffmm loss Requlred in f S0 Deye ntlc fum;rrry d brlttttrx. b lw gtr rdlaurr' W, Pltxr$ rGtrr b yow ptirllca lw add/ftrni *T" q"rililrt rzd erctrhm llpa ltpy Wt1 To[.! hnrrrtle Veftn:Tolrl irsurrDlq Veluc: $ 4,986,21?,000 $ 1,E07,(X)0 Awntrrlfiantunt Pruiilum: $ Zli0;fl10 Tcnallilinftcrrlilwt lnchded E@tcrr*tgtu ilons ftecE Taraa TfrlAnnudPrrrfikrm: I 2,12t,@0 ntbrr$00):0.G18 EfitbftN0.305'SEEATTACHEO' IPC-E-II{IE RedlngICIP Fage 5 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibil 8-B Page 53 o et s s huI- 3 kul s !. ./ i I O!EJEEIG $ HH$*ct rEdctPi $E{i EItc EI !F Rao H E EEEEEhI agegeEg EgSEE' = ddt,td{, a 6 E ott 6 t_es.aE3.E BBBBBEE ',C'c!ao'l.i'G OOC,O& O'g- 8tE df;sG"D qqes lrl a! 0.o.a IEI 8'8d.{9E'd r\?!: =.'(r.. o 0.4 Glro G,i N 6:, N QU arIlr nIIth x ll B,E il r$$H+t Htrsfis *tqs'.oc $I ( lrt\ s E i E B.E.E.g.E-Ii eeEs.ql3 $sg3$.rrtddt.fd..r oCt R ctC'o tt3_g_8.3_E EgEBEEEB$S$Sfs a)66OAh ,. qqE E.{E58$ocJG aat, IEI ctGlc! a6*'s.EtS rdG! G''El a.I Gtr , sd'N'FCTt.f QA Rq-R!.ilrq G a I fl $ H E EEEEEiX B:T:gE:EEg EE{[fi.T'|aG}.{F F clct uto s.s.s.Ee8. ee8.s.ttro u, llil,la ro rtrr(,.ac'ail(l C.C O.D lD O' C)C}Ccrcrcril.la8-s_l68X9-t' Jlcl. SEIini Erfl FEHJ a a 8Eddr_E6s Q5 Ea;]. E t E ELat€ a ^ E ef E* iEE r EEsEEgS'l He Io=P f,E oE= Ir -nIEi$gi fI888E&E f,EI el Ff;I ItI f;sfE,Arii Ef; I dI .t S,!F rl E c E o6- +E 3f,l EErt-> $q Erhlbtt No.305 rPc-E Il-tlt Rcedi4g,ICIP Pegc 6 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 54 ,o ctss 6E P Eorlup iEq Ei$EF5 EEI t ir[iiEt EIiIIE$ rEeE$EiEgE t./ (\l ErhibtrNo 305 IFCrE-ll'08 Rearllng ICIP Pago 7 Page 55J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B alD6 o c|ss EEFEEsFEEFEEFEFEFEFH h EtuItlp FgHFigiB}}EEIitgfifi=nE E EEgt+ AOOIDO6OAOA6O J, R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B G, ErtibttNo.305 lPc-E-lr48 Rerding,ICIP Prge I Page 56 oF..ct ss T EEETFi t$rip' F({F eEEH F- ty}g}.ao E Hrlrul?' EH 3gEEt:r;I f,-$ t flr a$ HE d,E \) tl ErDlbIt No.3lXt IPC.E-II{t Rsa4ln& ICIP Page 9 Page 57J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B ErhlbitNo305 IPC-E-I1.{r8 Rcerling ICIP Prge l0 Prge 58 o ct $Nao E. E tt.s.s.EtEt -Glre ), h lrlut,!? o*o0 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B OE :ETd5iXE; XH3 -&Ftg '! flFflEgEfi C' Essl 6* (r! EJE HEqHHilddgPss E}Cc Itt!i i$l.r9q tr,l !2 E a6I sI3S9f;.q. c- Cl !: .L EB8S8SGqNq.a-tE fiSE ID O O.O.O BE EEs 6A e E G a EEE8tHddaR? ('3DA I I I I ! 6*E,E H{E$[Iloto€qtIls EIclc I 6 EEIol{s E E s H * EESB!il$ssgt'd didF <!gr5G g}J}cDOb Bs 8 Ir E.E BElltdt OA 4 E ci c qEE $tEc{dl c. OID4 t I t , o6t I i 8E$8n!qsEg{'E 88t OO''J}ID B g g.E ef;I)G' aq ( Ec 5 qqil BEIH3' iic( !I Tt\ I i$u,*r[i E BF tI I I!! Tt!tIB al .l II xf!-T I e! I {il sEg sFioat!3 TIB EEl:tlxlll ,] .t!g 6 E aJ H ExhihftNo.305 rpc+-noi Readhgr ICIP Prgc 1t J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Prge 59 o CI H h $ EbEg$EE i i E gE E khlbttNo.30S IPC-E-I1{8 ReadingICIP Page 12 J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 60 I s s 3Io*E ri $l -l {u ,til {q f; E d 8I 'l I ilcl?tG **xIr'N E-t:qc)GtG t li t iI6 H EEEEEEgI g QI Pt g Eg CD TE.EE.EE EEEEEEdtt dddoaaclt,Gt.i)c 03toJ)au qBE &ilItcr6oiit OGA Ft In E x ! $Irt 3 rl xIa at*flf,Jld sqq xt{ Jqt TII ilI t G r!**itE6.6aG.?.l il o F * E EEEEEANII gF:E:ggEEI i- EHEs-$E- {rutartNo O e' c C' R H Bg g 1) EETEsEggE.3:gl BBBEBX lDG Oc}g}g. 88$SdrEl?co'cl cI,-rt (r'Oq xI i il t a Er{ 3 EEEEE$Eig H5_$.tEg- .oroaDNF .,? E' e o. 9ILIL E E F, al EgEEEEggs.t$r Bgg88[ OAIDDOC, EqrNESactGciic$l- o..4.4 a g d E .l !g ?ttt HirEEEE,Efi ETLbE .E [{d-! ET EIxi $!eE:Itrq gE i! *iE;iI elEI EI sEiEET $E! htoI Eull!t eilF=aD. sEii ofg' S lil-fi; I.| Erhlb No.305 [PC-E-I1{lB RearllngICIP Pago 13 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKEOFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE.Exhibit 8-B Page 6l E H$EtiE E giiE*gg*E,segIH'n' E'F s *, ugE E E E * B,B, F Erhlbli Na 305 IPTC.S-!1{8 Reedag ICIP Prge 14 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 62 g N 8iE Tt Tt 'F 1r.EE Esifl E.,\ tI: i\ giE Egut5 I gt q; EEBa-$ t=EE [[Ei= ,iEEiEE *rg;$FE ErhlbttNot0li IPC-E.Ir.{18 ReertngICIP Pegc 15 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S ITOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibir 8-B MARSH m^rslt BERGTi xiotl crrYc RPCiIrEn OlJlrBw\lllAll IDAOOIP'IrsDlrsbrrlOOnnIJrDSIY ADdt 21, lll0 b A!fl 2r,2ltll Folcy Tcm .SEEATTACTIEtr ErhibltNo.305 IPOE.Il.{tE Reedng,ICIP Prge 16 )t J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B (ro {,i.: ndcunhn: -fon*Ungtrnst (A) -Imrhf Afn*nart l(B) s0 E5(),000 s0 i500,0m ffcll[] {IodPlcmimiml TRIA{oihftyqodit .Totrl t?l3150 sl2q2# tgt5l00{. t660,ofl) wfi tJtdto3 :1.4% -wL +l.Wo .t53r50 {6i4,O79 +Eto,tiD sl8,E57 sl7,014 Ertu(EloryIl' Mrrfirlf ,&i,0oo.54{ptof -7ottrf,4/0.9s0 $o,qil Chubb $u5,0@ i106,950 -716u$8,0fl1 37,130 Ae 0l5,om,0o 8150,000- $l65p0o $0,000-0ll,mo Estim.bdPnmium ontv ci[Db 3$,0m,000t l'o0opoor tA&ilimiltinitfor Ind4ordcnt Discton s9s,000 t5'333 aovErarB uuador tlunTfevulcn wifr:r Side-AFftlrirry covuagehbhdodr Aarruw.prior' uodoocrchuion*t-:quircr am6wo". CoduotE:rolutim tiggprirrermws rcftrringto afind s{irdcadmhtrc rnrledvino rrrtian Trrvdcrr s15,000,m0i 1,000,un .Adrt'tlonrl liEitftr IldaeOccOtoml s61,750 $4,250 LiIE GDEDD t \,!T!, eolidfum"r Of&rr$25kqf IdcofrJFrud orpGDtG llos ofhrEd lruChnl$ ET.EIIqEIE.SEEE8li ulEor Sr.l DIC - TImhn AltmhPflr.rair LiEilB xlm-fixxxll sltrurrru-ouJ ToulPunfro2ll09 .E83. sr185;004 Toii[EtotDz$l0 sI203.633 8difit _. - $lt l7l I .. .,.,. ,,,',,,. ',-"tslP; r ltlon- rdrilicd Page 64 \, A!@!$fmg$ Ctu3cr / Eirf,ercurc& Eon prior pr .sEEATTAC}ED' J. R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B rPGE-I1'.08 RerdlngICIP P4c 17 l. Enplqruc Otlddc pod{or Corrrete - }.Id-FoD.ProEt Otgrbfratiml [Firo 6525 l0lflQl; rc pacq*irg EodmmtNo I.5ryD-I,sei...u6 2. oltside Poidm CoTuage - PorPloEt ()lpdartioDl lrcftdlag ldrnrgoant a Arrdpg OoEriEr (Fm 66zl l@08), ODL Exuidon for tu bllowiry; trphcias qq&hg Etrdonmilt No. 2r SmrftyofEDarhmrnoc,td.(&O.I.L..Ir AllidUtifityNstemlcr lf4*villoEeoPllrrl;o HehnAlihoiloi*Vomuc;o Y.tHydnrndlkoirhFmcrmcnne:. BdqFrCo.lCory!ryr tlll(hoIBmtrLISr tWElct5ihldl,l.Qr SrmrlilouinllreoU.q : TtrH"tr^ : 3. lucndod Dcda&lm ofDlrwq Ofiieor- Sxtm W ucffnilhnr (Dlto irclub ttc(hd eorcL u pcr qiriag Edatcoat No 3;4. Oenr AtAeA TUc W Ed Tfla V Acid lteil hogrn nOErrra ncprtaqtrtirc ane Rlirmsible0ftcht Eriorrornt Fcm 651 I 5/?1107 u ptr ogtohg Gtdirlffit No. tl; 5. Crponf Emty ScrdtiesoiE foful.om(Qffid, FaorlAdoiaiitalivo ud Rmky mocoAUg; OoAAdm$Gcn 662? 9f200elWftt rtaDoot b t! aaoroorot, PGodtoS rnd Prtq Utigr$m Dda' lnUl5n - turH fttli nphsi4 crpiing GndoEco!trt No 5;6. AncodritCo&t ktulolhdormxt(Uorffilpt)-PcroEnfo Uufmcomt t{o.6tt7. An:trdldnryucdldmr ud Sarcr$i[ty- llccrnifra ClaioeEodurcoart (Pun 6173 I llUXtB) -rtra&nd frmrpbchg qpirirg EnrtoncocntNo. 7;& OuBilb hilim Omrnge - Ouddc Por{r&ftguirrtioetrchdiag }fmrguotrt or OpcrafuC eoDElthrs (Se,ha&lal Pumns rld locitimrfForn 6622 .102008) -Bco{oapoddcdfo:r tmqntf,si- SecrlityO6tmclmrncc l"ld,. RicMRiazi-NHudlilyNctvo,rt 9. Aoaadadkdtulon (KXl) herld tE Inarcdwhio[dlowor (RNm6612 SmMt - SOX Whigldlorlr carvcirclq u pcr qpiring Erdonocnt No. 9. 10. Inrurcd n huodAudod Eodmrcm (Bdcrqngy Enffirr. GEdfifi Cmuiuc) (Porn6648 7f2m8) - u pc apf,rlryEodorneocut No. l0 I l. Arrdcd Dddtim (AX2) Appliulion Eodoncim (Pun 6636 7f200t).rercbbu[ ranudodobcqe yra &gEdrcopars hstprrod ftniaee policy- a F qftftry Edsmcnt ldo. I l; ht wit e m.ycr loolr bodg 12. Andcd Ptdu Notioo kdrsion &rdmcnt (lfisruqEtt). ruorns GP[, cloro, u pa aqirhg Etrdmcuttrt I{o. 12; t3. Publis OfrrhgEaduremnnt (Fom 6630 tXXfD - Cl8fr$ oowmgp lmlldr Soction I I & 12 of tlp Saritirr Ac of 1933, ar pa aqirhg Bnitorreff i{o. 13. 14. Amded Ddaidoa of C|einEndoreoumt (tttoo*lpFrcndr dofinitrron ofChin o povidc oorrum6o fqrWcllsNoticC, upcr opffqg Eo&rrcmatNo. l{ 15. Aodcd Subro8ldm Enemcom (filg'usofit!fltrirgptiss dnuc will bc am&d 6 bc cErilffi wilh ltc @drgacitdoq ar pcr qfolng BudotmtrtNo. l5A 16. Non-Cmcctlgtim Buhmom-Mmusorf.t-Polioy ig um+uceltrHo by imr;n:r GrccPt br rm{8p€nr of pralul rud G} cucclhblc by tta innrcd m a Dio.toubds * rly tiilG-R?htcs onpidry EdorimcmNo. 16 t7. Aad Erchutur (EXO Gorm 66t4) - rhlcus excludm F{6).psil&turg to qiw cfuhgsuqfpLagy, phsirirn, 6.- ac pcrqfuing EndoncoagNo. 17l8 Anoodcd Ac4r&itioc lrikSF and Dbolrlioa Bndurcaent @07o C.rwrftlirdiol Ha:mfsarh FilLryAE0IS !oliq,: Eodmmt (Fqo6!t3 ltil0(}7). rr EodonanrNo. 18 20. turodrul.ffio rdI?JPRAof 200r, Bdrrcnm [Forn 6639 IZOE]: AEOIII mrcb ofto o pruutdc eo rborr'un:d rplior* inaraco covargn frr rn lianrrtd lorri runtdag fioo m 'd of Euiro," cd rr dcfid by thc Tcrodm Rilk hurcg Am. rr mdd (6c Edcqd AEfL m &c aano unr rod in tb rrm aonu8 c bo carcd by ofrcr cr6 oortmd by you polioy. (Eac,h of thcc boldod Er irdeGdb ec fcdal Ae rh dcftitmr oiurol ou glutt ofcorcnge tndc prr poligrf. Pbrrc lad 6b oftr orfilly. o Poliq' Folhhg Fotn kon tthtctrr e Ofisr Indcmity Policy Fom Rcv. 0l/0 l/0( er crptingr iU tr&tcpcrsFolicyPcub b&grucualupctrc cilDbilgE6rrtilicptuiuaotodebovs, inchdiogttobolowsotEult.1. Prio &Pcndiry tfffrtlmrr pcrqlfigBodomncutNo. 52. Noor&noohbbccdel{m:Prfm.d<r pcr@riq Erdmonmt}{o. I3. Tcrruirr-CcdficdAcrar p:rrirpluingEndomcntNo. 6o Conqrge frr'AotsofTmrbo"as&naratr.teTcnodmRirklurmrcc A0lqf20m, ilchditrg rubcgquoatrotr of Cogcrr eurnrat to Ac*, ic i!dtd.(t in your crgiriag polic;y. You rloutd loow rttat, €ftcdyc Novenbcr 26 2(X)2, rudcr for ail$g orrcngt, ry [olcr cauroa Uy Certiica Acts of tcnqlro could tc pu&rny rtinburcd by thc Udbd.Strerud*rftrutlrcdblbtEd.byftdadhw. Itcaddltloulmulprouiumtoprrovidcwmlcovcrrgp hr acts of Cmdm lr $10"510 *lriclt B hofidod ln dr pnminn nrbd rbova Ym may elact b haw owc,tlgc qc,ln&d ftr lo*r .ai!fog ftom uu ofiisnirlm ln rrtraiho with tho Tcrmrim Diek Insuam Act of 2CI2 aad r$acqucnt dcodonr., Atfiahcd b a lcttsr c,tich.,,ou arg rwicd o dgE 6f,&cr amt?tiog or rcjooti4 fu covcmgo ,ftr 'Aorr of Tqmrisf ({.ciEil !frrohod). llrc dccfoimto ry@ oirqiGt "Acr ofTenorird cowrlgc mut bG nrdc tyApdl2l,20l0r4. Policior Follsupri.Pqr.lmdng i! Gryirhg EndonmrNo. 4-o BIM rrill rgoo to bllos trn lnoB'a QnE lm dod AFil q 2010 imluding only cndorromt mdus: l, 2 (rrocptpu$ryh6}3.d5, q7,E(cxc+tpsnff+h09, 10, ll, [2, 13, 14, 15, 16, l? & 18.r EMriltndsllo*codorscmnnblr* 19& 20.r Yifr rcqoct oudadyiry a$ lirnitl BIM only S[ou,s ftrD b t€ cffi it tfrlcts 0ro BIM dbr]et poitrt.5. AucndDsfrdouof Cldn-rrpacpLhgBndumtNo. 26. AomdNd€ofChin-u paagirtugEndonomcorldo. ? 7 . llrrhd of nrymatl' Sido A - o pcr qirhg lu&rrcocat No, 7E. EEvo qrcd b ftlbw lLe AE(f,tl 20t6 loqrdlidon thrhold & l2 Eodh look brd( ftr dctuition of qptioa'don (rrcd rocn&d HM quo cooftdag ltir) RcocirrEd r ldetoCmilrllniooftrlb aymnofhcoimo lffityfildBw@RdrituraiatHdoriinsat(l25l$Ud0. Addidotof0dorofPryratso Amtd$cru$fffyofBrchuiuo ArsrdDcfinitkn.oflouudFrud ndDaronalPmfithduim fuseedm 15 Glaineo Hqrto R{cttf,rts, Chie,orPotmlidCtim bTtsrcErro IrycbtNdiEonaecads4lgpdudBdcco,aotrtimr TcgulmPolicyDircloorrNodcc-TmuirmRi*IlcurmcGActdAxDo t'rp mloura Fror Cor{ifiodActr of Tocrubn AEGIS: Noos EMl. pryyofudcrlyingbidcr 2. PlldtlnDol'Eml tuo byinccptin (4ilnilO) Trltnlc: l. Undglyiugpolicybindcrr 'SEE ATTACIIEII' Erhlblt No.305 rPc-E-lr-08 ReadiugICIP Page l8 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B a a CrhnlrBnrrtr '718. Fhuanr, ilirFto. toAr{dGAAmorz Plrom: @r$6!S2!90 Fu:(ztglETt888 Ibh: tueurl1?,2(l10 Fun: t(frRouker Toi SbYcMmrlh Companf t{ARgH AVIATIONFuNmbq progrenwdCHARTIS INSURAI{CE BIITIDER lrco Corqgra m tond prrh Errr, @ndbn . eld clbunrird orquob d 0$2110 Nm.dr[nd: lrhlio fuufroompenyAnd ld|ooD, lna Addrta ndhy* FotoyPolodl cairrrrA:GtrlrE: Oqlrog.G: ccurr..eocurrte.E Courrtr I: corArGGomfrtftCcilt c CurrqF;l!cqrllfrlC Gamgrt-:CqtrtrF Gi;trgro. GocrgrPr corqereAorrrgD* GorrrrgpS: corilr3.T!Oorrrotlr:CbtGglV;Oo;a:.U: Oguilg.X: tru.ddtrlilrh lrdldlP€rhd P.O.Bc70B*.,|D 09?07fl0Cl8d7a0 ammdolplsV GMOt@?rSffieuCdtcatt-tdt rt l}il fi ffid trG d6.ffi drowl.torG3 $0.40$0 ErfiOc{hutoI S.a0nohfioanup lldaumsc aCRrgct6OraFubd 0 OEhFt 10,011C0 Erdtoocurm Rreclhe GrorRdod: a quDyt l0llO.f EechocorrrplO.m0XOEroltoc.lrtrEt0ruAirf fb2tlqm Er$firnlt-ArE24fqmE{thOcerrE Dldnclib,,0,mE.!iOlq,tIlElnD.lilEr0anrno t0f,0.000 ErhOcsruro4mO[0fhoftndtelrfiIQmoEdroruruHnctih2tl0ErhrrfOflOaotmrmo (8crrcdr.ilcd:EerhNonc,lllt mbdlm.IDE ohhrlE (&ffid.d!E,lrorwM.tiltt}O,00E*ttOoccnp $Ufonn:Edrih0lqrlrirt rfL.S0Edrorrrm (t&ltmp.:ErCrOurllmbcll$i'[0 Tobl ]lanormd Ahcrdfrf,EilhIga ioaGotsqrfir.$,te ItItq Itc 3ItttI IIAtA"tA8 B.tat s I! f,rA 0 t00'o0EErkrtEgddlolGilC$Edtocourno li.lrlnumErb:RcpoltrgGruFrbr,: tC BFDIF!,0,I0tv0trlrHi10.60 Edr lrs llldnom oqtt*l[Ddrp.rh* 0Sple Edr ty6 mrur tlrrro cor!.cith. dnF,.rotIc..dlae:0,gnEdrl6 Lttrrrarrtqrltdrw*pcrld:z.sl0ltEdtl,6.Em'mEdrtil2t000Edtho.rdtdewtt ftthdlril tt oillollmiluh,l&yrOIaoErcftOcctrrno (Sdrodtrbd:aitF.A)rl!A0a0eid!o*,lrs (&LelbcE*ihr)OIa!ErfiOamp (iloomd:ElchP r0il.oIEdroo.rmrlcr (t{arffi:Eldrqsw} t0.lC0 EdrF.mn (Ptrmk)5!0,6eEdtOcaruto (Pombtsl 1BEEATTACHED 3tII 0It a 3 3t 3I Elf,lblrNo305 rfc-E-t1.r)8 Rerdlng ICIP Pege 19 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B tFtWllmtil&fnrcf lf,UiSrrrAictdt llrn d F{o!l [.lv Jdilc,lrr]o& Jlt PlIa fi Av rr,f nn cr rsrid t' frr tnt rriif rlilltldi, IldcoeE* h.fxhltirDcllI. W.rllrlEnsarw-gs, W.rlJrD[Iu[t2rnr-$aaq Itftillzll*lU-to.Uffiy-$S. truilnrcornnrLelo|i 0.0ffilrdf Cufnf if0onrl lfi.on Fir! tilnta.OotrFrfof ruuO.PAFtotFcn:qD{aEriir.lrnl: llExwrlfte! UEr0t Fo0emH...lt5&qt EzomhR.Eon[ilerCon Olglta tE2OrA D0trhr l"ffi Oolqp'O.r'E t ElgZ lta lt{, t EttB Tth'tilU, CtD{28 W.f HU lffi. 8Dc.l[o wtirlldI GLD&lEW.rth*ry(fr8r!frrtrrcrtsltld),OLD0tt.ln*,.ltrdlldhetfrhpocthrlJr!trtyrmtt eI6t - Otilr R.ffi tliGy, GLD03{. }ttaffii ol ftglnno md F*nD b F.poG .,, .,,Afpl$ fr., frru,hda,aloffil fuumrt n Ia ilfrE lJEt66Tfiulil EEtdm. Odfrd I UEIIB ilntuB**n W$.dbulrr r$ihd), tEaa8 re Erdulon, UBISBWr Erlrbn ($rioUEilaAlmrBdalcr l50J0r ttWbLrdlnr r0 wlrrr.r rlt lI]! o 6ra.It.ril.ndcy(cOolcbrlluq$Nffittolrnd'qm rrbtldn*ltDlur0h*.nlf fF h.rrruhlh.irird.nrlEt*I6ybmot thllrdtlr Dlt f.!r9olryhlrllit.tllddl[lEl ufi€lh.DntEbllrtrlor* Ih.qE UlhLdtrdbylretdnurllrori.tolndBR{rl5ollGc)nmnu ollhffi filorlh.lordldA fFf mt ToLhurltmaibtlthad.rty.g9L.U.rmmb.runl*d lilA6rr{.lrb.n fEfrt . .earFr[hattrclcr. Tolat AnnualPrrnilum: trrlrmcrotrhdn.,oxlrllti; Gimrrie .SEEATTACHEU EilibitNo.305 rPc-E-lr{r Rcadlng ICIP Page 20 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B + AEGIS' InrunnoSrndoec BINDER Junr 20, 2011 I{AII|EDINSURED: ADDRESS: Woohrn lilsrrxneded Bod& 8!+ilr. 0rVlES)cblhtrhIJSAlrc.lll Soffiwtcdumbta Sultc 500 tur0and,OR97Zlt Re:. Erasc LlaDilfr .lnerencc C[.lllil$trlRST{IADE Poffcy Assodabd Eloctla & Gal ftnrnna SgvB Llnft.d hgtbyaorti b plovideoveftgF ulder Poflcy No. X067AAlA1t lbrtheFOLICYPER|ODfiomho{stdayof Junc,20fl unillthe lddayOf June,20la bdr dap st l2:(X A.M., $an&rd TtnB, atthe addras of Ote l,lAllED INSURED. 1) nunrmUts,osa Tenrdemt3TEaS Gommh*mf4O,000 Folby PrcmlumS498,0m z',) 3)' \ RETROAGINE DATE: The lst day of Jma. ISB al lafi A.M. Slandad Tms atthe addrcpo of. / theNAItlEO INSI,JRED.A. 8.c. D.E F. G. LIMITOF LIABLTTY EAGH OCCURRENCE: t. t0,000,00tr2 $1 8,oflI,fiIo GENERAI AGGBEGATE JOINT I/ENTURE LNTT OF LIABILTTV: Fu Lhlt d UablHy $cfiorr l.(Bxgf @i/BINED PROEUCIS LhBHTY Af.lt COiTPLEIED OPERATrcNS LIABLTY AGGRECATE UMIT OF UABILITY FORTHE POLrcY PERIOD: $g,ooo,oos FAILURETO SUPPLY LIABILXTY AGGREGATE LIMIT OF LIABILITY FOR THE POUCY PERlOU s9,oo0,m0- POLLUTPN LIABI-ITYAGOREGATE LIMIT OF LIABLTTY K)RTHE POLICY PERIOD: tBD,(Xto,(xlo t EDICAL MATPRACTICE lNtlURY LIMITOF LlABltlTY EACII OCCURENCE: lg,0tto.qxF WIIJ' FIRE LIABILITY AGGREGATE UM]T OF LhBLTTY FOR THE POLIGY PERIOT} 09,lxx),000 !. SU&IrcT TO THE $18,OOO,OOO GENERAL AGGREGATE OF TI{E POLICY 4) E(CIUSIONS: As perAEGlS POLlCYturm. .SEEATTACI{E' Erblblr No.305 rBc.E-I14t Reading ICIP Page2l J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit E-B I llradorlndr Plu Ed,Rrdrabd, ru Om?:l Td@m 2Ol 5fitilo Fdnllc zfi geta8e AEGIS .nd hc AEOIS togD rc mehrd 8a&c llrb dAl&d Ecct& & bt lmurp So&r Lhbtl E()ooBrNr)lt (0rf20rr) BTNDER 5) uxoeruuNG uMtrs: A. Soo Undcdylng Llmls Sdtedub. B. if .0@,000 ary onr oeurrun notcot u'd by udulylt! fi:uencr. C. ln the srmt d iny O.AIM (c) alHry lbon any slngb O@URRENG:E uilridr ltlohn(s) two or mor€ UNDEEYING LMITS, the UNDERI-YINGI LIMITS ohal apply ln Gomb[naton. 6)Endonemenu The ftIontrg ondqrcmeilc sdlbr crctdor tflff tbo bo ttldLd b he pdlcy. l. i,lr$bar EnrEy USmy Ercfitglolr (Btmd Futtt]. Fmn ]lo. l(DE8202 (1188) 2. Enpffi ffi U-my Endolqnrtt, Fmn llo f 00€8402 (3rl f ) 8. Empbpnent Praofa U$flry Erdrbn, Forn ]tb. 190{8ABA G,(E)rl. Arilonrdle Lhblll$ Exr*don, Fmn lrlo. tlIl.ESAf (1m) 6. Dpinfion (S] lqmCabry Erlaaaneffi.Fqm No. l0Gii0ml (10/fi]) ae per oxpHqg EndL No. 5 6. Socfion n Oetrmionc Snfrsdlr t Fom ],1o. lqH,t0ml (mOO) 7. Fdurs b g+ply Exdsm Ammdauy frmernent, Fonn No, 10GM0001 (lore) as p€r wfrluEndt.nb.T 8. Addltord E:rGfIC0n EndOpqnent Forn tfo. 1Gil000l (1000) 0. Condllflon (P] ftdorusnor[, Form No. tOGM0Ull (10100] as pcr arqlrlng Endt. No. I 10. tldlrltlon (t) Endonattcnt, Fom ib. lO$Uqpf (f000) ac porspldng Endt ilo; l0Bll. Srattd Llmils En&r$mfit Form tlo. 1OGll000t (IUXD 12. Llnrlffionof USllty Endonsncr[ Fonn ],1o. IOSM0CXI{ (ffi00) 19. tblnbr ldBt vOtE milr enOoncttrent Fqm No. i0GE8{P (1ff17) 14. Tcrrcfimn Lhib srd TRIPRA dUXf, Bdusemqil. Fonn lfo. t(XlE0400 (Ulf ) 7) Mmberattp anl Vdnq $atm: nilE PIOUGY rryl[ grtlc trc I{AMED INSI REL b be a mgnber h &o @MPAt$f uilaes fiat momb.tstlp lr lupemEdsdr st any pdffi h tme, by r peilrt or amEbd 6mpany, wfrlch ls abo a mqnbsr lnthe 0OMPAII|Y. Tth POUCY rt O dlo en00o the M,ilED lllSlJRED b a vtr or any m&r suhnfilcd b the msnben of the @tlPAI$f unlae fimvmg dght ls armrrodad, d any pofirt h Umq by he rdng rlght of a parut or fiIded company. SlTerprkn Govsage: TRIPRA of 2007 (U.S. l.ocdonr Only) Terurlsm RlCt lriurance Hugram ntoiltorumon ld.d.zol? fiRIPRA) M.ndr the ptogram lbr loum yuars. lt dlnhd€8 trt dbtnoflon bduoot lbo[n od rhneotc acb d brruhm yuhle malntalnlng thccunrnthdenl*lero(05't5)am the lnrunro4ay(fSFr6)Sorctho lnsuu'e nlentlon. Ithadenethccapondllnerlrt'agg[lom[abfrtyttllotrillhn Curunty,ldoeenotnquhc lnertu! b oilerousnegpfornudeer. bhlogb4 cft$rlcatand tedologtad llsb ([{BCR). ln addlfion, tm bU mehtElns lhe curuil prog*am t[gcrd 0'100 mlllton and thc mandebry rlcor.pment laycr of $27.5 bll[on fu fuderd peymanB rpe$tU ncoqrnsdthdanes. Tho Aci t€qrtuEs that 133!6 tf Ite&nl outlaya be lpovorcd ftloug[r ffirdrt* rurh.ruc. Fhally. it provitles brsaoral etdtes of insunrp ewltabiltyffi.Ufity lbr NBCR rlshB and lbr bnorlem markct capecty. AEGIS wlll aorilXrp b ppvlde Enubm mnrage lbrthc pdffiroHc as il hes sku thB qlshal Hll was snacbd Pago2dS BINDER ln 2002, FurUrcr rS lhail alry bnotlsm Got orap pmv6ed under tro AEOIS E cess tiability Po[cy ls $IoFIt b filo $18.0fl1i0s 6qp6 lggngale of he FotlcY. Atradnd ls an hmrola lbr ho PREMIUM [rhd above, wtildr h payattle wl0rh 16 days of lho dat€ her€of, or A) qap l?onr tlp fEodm &b 6ot o, whhtlcl,er h labr. A POLIGY ruflec{ing the abovc Bms u,il bo pr"pEnd and scnt to you shorty. The pollcy prsyidoi aou3rsgE $,hkfi b dlfieioril from that prwldod by moet dpr polides. ..) | .SEEATTACflETT ErhibitNo.305 rPc-E-l1{t Rcading ICIP Prge 22 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTTON TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B IJ TTIIS BINDER SI'PERSEDES AT.{Y PRE\/IOI.ISLY ISSUED BINDER. AEOS lmunno Scrvlm, llp. lFP?!l6n08thro Frgc 3 of3 &AEGtSO AsEocltbd Ebotlc 3W.ffi. l{tmllbn, Bemuda Jue 20,2X)ll WRITLT{ STATEMENT FROII FOREIGN IN$JRER REQUIRED BY REVENUE FROCEDURE 8I-21 ilr,u='Ar"odarti L-lft e ors ruunne Sendes urrtlEdriiuudl RoDert3&lndng a0r Floor OneCtrurclr Strst P.O. BuHltt2466 )lamllbn, HIIJX BERI,IUDA ftmlum PcrM: June 1,2011 bJuna 1,?o12 Thc lnEmal RetnucSatvlcaClRflh; bsrrd Rewruc hoosduncSl-21, wlrhfretelslhet dirgdinare& end U.S. bmlten rill be mttpt fiom lab[lty fu aV umH Federal lnarmna Exche Tq fFEf')fnpoeadD!, dac0m 4$rl othc lnbrnal,Rec€nuc Oodo.or.underurllf,rg penrlunr filhcy Ecdve a dabrnenifiom alirt{n fsnrer !o fto ffict hd thc punlmr tlrey pay aru esct b U.8. llrsna tax and concanihntly3xfiril frfii FET. Thb daHmnt $[ een,e ar he debmant pmeaibed by $e lrc b *bllth tle FEfa[lqffio. AECiS hs rscelved a prMb rukrg ftom tre lnbmd Rwenle Scrulcs to tte fr€ct that I l! .ng{Ed ln a u.s. hrdc or bughraa snl unthrwrithg pEtu ffilbuhble b Euttlum! peld b I wlll be suf&d b lncqns b,t. The ndhrg aho provEcs that$fi premtmr are cxsrpt tom the FET. Thb aE b sdvlt! ytru tlut all prumlunr plild.by you to AEGIS wlth rropcdb the caplloned prsnlum porlod wll cau0tlo an lUm d cilhcfinly u$e6d hoome b AEGIS and hur an Exernpt ftqn FET. ASSOCIATED ELECIRIG & GAS INSURANCE SERI/ICES LIMITED JohnJ. Drurun Jr. Trrlunrend Goildhrllbuo[ ffinl Affiig a[r in, tu Gturrt ed. P.O. Bd HfAa56, ]htnhn HU Jq Bennub {4r 2*,2t31 AEqS rid ir.AEoEtogel,lfuoE tdfutb lihdodAsorhd EboficiG.t lns no8rld6r lJnlbrl 800r, FETL(00,200a -9AEGrSASSOCIATED ELECTRIC & GAS INSURANCE SERVIGES LIMITED UNDERLYING LIMITS SCHEDULE TlE edshXe la ailaeficd b std bmr apart d hm 6 of the D€drrcnB d POL|CY t{o. Xl6T6AlAl lfr llrb all undcrlying hErrale or adf{n$!d rgtentlom mahHned bythe NAIIEDTNSURED efiacfrrs trls l ct day of Jule, 20'l 'l d t2:01 A"M. Slanderd TIme at tte addr€ss ot tho ltlAMEO INSURED. lneudort.Itlmunrd $i,(t(lO,OOO any onc OGCURRENCE - Genenal Litslllg "SEEATTACHED' ErblbttNoS05 IPC-E-I1.08 Readlng ICIP Pagc 23 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 7l MARSH&MCLENNAN COMPANIES IDAqOlt,IltG f,fi6111yfrrrn,lt? &rLy t1 2ell rc JuLr l.+ z0l2 loucr TEmr naumn Tf,Gls]XIIBING ABGISNDNDWAL IbLrcYSonil ABGISno!j["rFffld2tm,otxrxlt AEI,III PIOULY FONM Z T(I, {lrDo{xll ' kmAnYlrmm l25.m.m 82s.m0.(x!0 hEn/DEcn f,iulanoN! -Erxeruinr.rrnson +ioaErrg nonltrNAn r r. PEnsils :loormrrs mr SBomon (ho INDAtr htrctrs Emurn Ploorexs w/ rrgrrrprr Wloxeu, Asr .SLomO(x, Aoom.rre m[ ^llr Gfl Errmr rn if plrr rrrrrIrl tn Clrreruvt thanrrrnr $ 30 t@o(p tt(n0m s0 $o 900,000 3sfl),(xx) PNroutir -hEtilflncI.fnIA $l39fsgt (Dtd.JD8s 296 noR. TRIA) s136,159f (trrurDDs.296m,TRIA) -2.5% :tr . j.:et...i/ j.: j.r".i.i.,ji-il\ij i.ir,:. @8rALIiE6(GrrB)2Al $Lras -LYc fg5Jr00J0 sl7lJ0 sl5?Joa .:r;5!6, ND(nSEUE|TS:L Erphdoo (C) tt mdcd b Frol,iih e crl but fu ccLh fitrs drd paoalticr. Covcngc b providcd rt I Sub Lidt of Si Million wttob is put of bc ortnll polisy rggrosrb-rr pc oq*ing dt *t; Ercfurion(B) il.@dd bg;o ri& edavo brdr o ltG BI/PD lod PI cxctrim fin e&inc Eultfot fuo eo dafion droy Mubgd Cbrt SrrviacProt id.rude'ld uddryof rny bmft undcrahcol6crmph.aspcrapiirg cr,lnl?;; Ancndd6iltooofcbimb hchd! hvccdgrtius by.tb DOL od PBGGU pcr crpiring codt #3; r{rcrd dtrithn ofionnod donment, Tnuto b inchdo mly 'tatunl p6rm" U!tser. This clininrB iiluc ofl&oorpb lhitbofug ctodd b ouidc corpom trdcorar pcr oryiriag df #4 & #1,[ Dilcwory pcriod .ndonomt .t 125% ofihc arirnual prmiuu. Ebctioo _!*ltl+ bihhlt ar pcr apiring cmdt #5, tut w .ith c@o o Odald fwu. Sosuilior Dodrptibb fudormot. 35(X),000 iq tho aggrcgsE ftr ro1 CLh h Chole orhprrnlod b [E IDACORPIe lhcuilicC, !s p6 oE&iagoodt #5; EPPA cxloriorn ouhnoucot prwidcr aorrogp br vlohlior oftlIP?A-upor@fudft?; Ilolction of rcwsim ofurcb csplurk urr pcr egeilg cc& #8; Nodco of Cldn or Cimnfhnccg.Bodmmat b 'lotcc.ofdrt,rnnngr u goagnl uffbl, .s pc qirbg codmcmt No. 9; Puailivo Doog:rMot FrvuaUlo Vcouo,BodFts pcs lnpiring sldt f l0 FEB E clu!fu @) nnat rddrwcbeoCfitrduc oxclrdm, rspcr ogfttngadt#ll Acquirilion, Magor rod Tcruirilion Birtt auondod to prcvido (e) 2$,rr rsia tutlhold rld Olfc.roqdddo covcagc for outarl iad rcquircd olrldiarior (o) nmndic oovcngo for eomgd pln: ar pcr c$foiDg itrdt#12 Odcr of Payus Ea& , rs paopiritrg cndt #13 Amdcd Cnooltrtim hdt*ucollrfiou rwnded to be ra*rucclt$tc by ttrc Coryany crccpt Or m4ryurnt of ptoium I ceulhblc by Ere hrurd oo a pro.nlr bmis, es pcr cxpiriag codt #15 AndEd Dofnitioo of Sporor Orgrdzalion-Definitiou (P) Sponsor Orurnirrtian Ar*rrlcr{ tr lnnlrrila lhc'trgrhho drtrrtnr in mrclrinn or 1. t. 9. t0.ll. t2. 13. Itl. 15. Erhtblt No.305'sEEArrAcHED' ff;-##, Page 24 J. R. STMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page72 slt! outsido tb lhitsd fui", rs Dcr lnBfuitrg ii& il16 16. &trrildcd Edudm @[l ) - Pdor noticc exslruba wilI ody qply c,im nepoct o a Fldwity polioy, ls pcr otpitirg ddt #l? l? . Alqdrrl Corf,t'un (A) Badt-Adr, N.d@ or Wrmdes ir ocrihd tr hdicits &B Polisy ir uou"rt*indsbtc aith tlrpoct bNrtural Pcrsol lorui& only, ro pcr eryidai codt *ttIt. IhlaimofBrohdonr, ddcrltc knomdrormdmslt liblyb givc dle o a Glrlm ost dirlosGd or ninrprcrmEd il 6c Lmg Fo'trn {ppifcrfioa(qdudm &cc mt rpgty b Rcqcwd Applicntimrl rc pcrogHng c'ndt #19. 19. Ancutod Noo"Dugtiartiou of Lfurib Eodmoorcnt ftrnrucrlpl) to nc allow mrdingb gppb tc AEOIS D&O ltudq rr pcr ttptoiEilodt #m. 20. filGabcf, Vodng Righb Eodoils@t{ pca qFLhg coe fll Polio.y dro cd&r tc Spoor Orgoirdim b s vuE tir qy mdil ailtniEd b rte ndnhffr of,tho Insrcq u.per crpfuing oodr #12 2t. OFIrld: Tsrshrlltr.ldTRIEABadonmtAEttIItl hcrbyffir b.povido &c doroorned,ryplicani Fmmqo osvagc ftr rn 1nnr$d. hd n*ulthg fon a "ct of tsmrlgrt?' crph r dcdpqd'by ec TcuuimRi*Iuumso Ar*, rs rmirdcd (fu "Fcdrral lref) ol tiE lsmEms rnd btcsrno ainouuts ac lou ourod byoftr avom covsndbyyorupolicy. (Erc[of$6c boldld tsons b dcfiod bytr Fcdcrd A.q &ose rlctnilior oqot w gru sfoowrep udcr yorn Doliftl Phrro llrd$il oftrceroftrlly (IcAEGIS Era6 for ftlt Eror) ErsrDoliry:lm2-lXX+Pcodlt Or Prhr Mrilcl Fo[ow Foira (,frf, !d.) {8 plr BpldrSGoil#I. lT02-l3ll45-TmiodonFol[nrForu ({/07 cd.) u pcr crptiry ffi#z 14.{n-B'[38.Amd bsrtrirg CbrilG & Drylctioa of pntulyfu Liritc Sdim Endt (9OB cd.,) u pcr qfiing eoff #3 lt10{0li- Not Follov Fonn sf Torminn Ercluaim (05/03 .ed) u ptr crgehSEtrdt#46. L+z-g2}t4oqliooo With Agplic$loTndoSaartim Lam(,U0aerl), arpcrergftiryd#57. !102J963{olirmc Eodononat (12105 od) ar per cryftiog cnd #6 l. 2. 3. 4. 5.\ Ooonm r:g!1-#.. lF, cfrstr b OG Af,GIS prbar, fl{rry cv;:rgr:. Atl covurlaudlrtE AEGISpolkytr h*cuduc wi66r oPirirg policy ern ChEbb l,urr ndoArry Crrrm$ Oonmtr:r Nl cwqago rudor 6, Orlib polby b h reoduoc wi6 thc qlfig policy Orn SuUoc0vll[rro AEGIS: Nmpo Chrbb:r Ury-dstyingbindcr,priortobitdi[gr thdartyingpofiry,nhavrilablo .SEEATTACHED' J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B ErhibltNo.305 rPc-E-ir-0t Reedlng ICIP Prge 25 Prge 73 MARSH&MCLENNAN COMPANIES IDAGOXP,!rc.GMnfiTLCIE C:rla.Corlrr{68raury: rtc Ctutb poUcy ftm ir ee cxplrtng. 1to20llitslfilElVlsbrtocwara0*orbotcrpaiunrgivcnilnthckracodroradpricirglcorinbelowrnzlct Chubbbrs rgcd o a4!6 rodncdon SobJcrfivltlcc Norc .gEEATTACHED'ErhibttNo,30li IP'C-E-ll{l8 Rcrdlng ICIP Pagc 25 , J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibir 8-B -Etrrrrrrnllcn-Itntrlrs.I,{T AlE]t -Iareny -Ctorpurrrllrtp.IUtDsTTTr[mBIIAIID -Uoxly(Dotf,l&CootlElltl framqqgereiferru4.grrGrrrrd i25,0m,00 $5,m.000 $E,m.mo t25ro0.0m $t0o'm0 il00,0m $oopm .32r0q000 t2t,0m,000 $t0o,om E2tmpm se',(nq@ $ri000.m tillt000,0(p fl0q000 $lo0,m0 iat00t0mstt,@0o l. 11q02.71ol (Ed. I l/20@) Po[cy Fora Ooocqd Tcq & CorOd6]G lxD2. 10@-1295 (E{ 6/20r} Iqsttc N@c o Pollcytoldar"ar q?. lq2-l6n@&$.ttrdqaioofplbyEo&rrarrat: paogp#l4- la@-?{O (l lrilm) lrLb Aocarky Edt W@ L rr pocrp cndt#l5, l{{D?g9t{Ed.'I lAffDNodocoftsqotd Scn 16 $DGrcilp6. l{,i0,}{lffilml0}Coryliioe tith lplic$lc Ttrdl Srucio trm. GinrOorcngt Sctio!l. la{2-75U, (Ed. I lizllD)fdtey lclr G&!. tccdoa.As Erp2^ l4{2-lma0.AnrdRofo ftr Spcoift lrnrhg Cl$rc{. D6 ae cdt#t.t. l'1.02-1068t (Ed.rrm0, rrmdlldddorofE4toycoro paorg odfla, l{.O8-l@4 (04r40t) Aoood Dc&iittoo of Ercortlvo Eodrlu psr oxp crad fili. I{{12,1355804f200t)PcodooProuaionActEdrmwffitBodbupgcrg iudtil46. l{{r.T{fil.{llMlllf.lAffirdDfiDithuofEEployooErdr.rporapcrdt#il7. l1-@,85n gffrUs) Amnarrion to Ic Dfuwrsd Eorlt rr pcr crg cudt t5t. t{0"t 14(8,:mGIr!hE Eptudoo lTEdrrpcc4iringcod}7'9. llr{Amf0 (lqr003) IohVetnc &ilt{8prcrp odorhmt#t 10. 1fl2.8l07(102004)-/bErd&chuiol9Endr-CorEag!do€notrpplylfnrdllocciroovqd uuilarm*elsrtpt*mr goticy otErcdbyChrbb rr pccrp ondt*g I l. l{.1p.t93- p264 Amd Sdrditn el ChoF hlryMlBl&-O intrr ho rporring dD fmr foir O dryt !o 90 dq,H DGr Grp d*10 12. l*&{9?I (l Ul@) Aocuil Sdrrpd,m 2, Lhr&b sf Lilbtliry Fd R.qtionEndt g pct otp odt#ll 13. l+{n-8925 (1mm3) Airlod V.ludoo of Saridco Butt u porcxp ar& #12 14. t+l2{ga6 (l lf20lB) Adld Exdurimr Bndus pcr ap afr-fi 3 - 15. la{n"09xr$ l2lll3} lrud EroHoo 8uilcpa cnp o&f,14 16, t{.{E l92t (l l2oll) Arud Erclrdoo &,u pcr op cadt #15 17. tiln"t93lA ({D008$mdDofrnidou ofEoptoyrhu rc pa q anb#16re l{{!.t t2 (l lrilm) Anod l)lfrnito of Sauiti6r Eadt c F {p rdt#17f9. 14{l-t933 (lt20GlAffidn olly0dcrudOoutr&itOnnwyFmd Eu& rrD.rcrp Godt#lt 20. lfiE-9145 (2fZl0{) Arlqd Ercftni.n l2@ffl)Bdonanmt- arprop cndt#l9n. l{&-n6[ @Ul0{) rlnad ltcnnliol ofOoputc $yrm Endt u pc :xp rndt 20n. U-@-g$l O/r001) Armd DGnlidon ofDiocovry anrl Exdruiol l3b u pcr cogtriog cndt 2l if €oQsatidt IDAHO POWER, COIIPAT{V lttlilum crdmrb lor Burrrntrsd Golt Fhn Perlodr 04/01/2011 - OqAtl,zOLz oo 3.rtooPollcy: 2598 Plaa: 1 '75:t9 . 8810 Elx Power Co-Noc-All ErlF & Dr Ofilce Chrlcal . $3,755,195 - 2,73W,422 -.15 $102;su s70 ) Tel Ptylofi'- 13,801,617 ilanurlPronlum Expcrtence Rlilng Modlllcluon ttendrd Prumlum Premlum Dlscount Dhoountcd Promtum Terrorism Premlum Catastnophe PEmtum IIcBS-Prcmium Ass€ssment @ 6.4Y0--,Totrl Fremlumt and Arscrrmcnts .SEEATTAC}IEU + + + - $102"586 .e2 194,380 - si?.gp?* igl,473 t36o 3380 ,-t5z6i $E7,49ti Pmnrlufi dlroouotrdtdulcFlrst $3,500 0.0ttbl{e,il $14;5fi1 10.0%]{ext $82,000 15;0{hOrer $100,000 16.5% Trnotfm pCrfirm g totat palmlll100 il.01 Ctbltrorhc Etndun - total paFoll / 100 x .01 hcnrlum rnd ratlng ?actolt wlll drrngc o[ your $tnlvrB!ry taliqe (lltr to &ose ]n €ttroct rt th* Umc. Your pollqf pn:mlum h bagld on your qrfcnt sstimrtrd pnmlum and may b6 prored for pollclcr l$usd rbf lers tjran a full ycaro adlultrd brged on rcH,]al p.yrutl'uy d.EE{fr€rtfon. ft rhf-tD0o|.l-Fc|(LFilr!B!&$ildrdh,lffirDC-E-rr{s Rceding IQIP Prge 2? J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKEOFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE.Exhibit 8-B Page 75 REOUEST FQR FRODU$IO]{ ilO. ft: Rehmnoe Dh€ct Tatlrmny of Scott Spa*s, p. 39, lines 1&,20. Pleese protrHc the lnurunoe clainp br Gorrpany-orned eqrlprnerrt aeaoclded lrlth fie hd[fis draqp f,led by the Conpeny frr eadt year ior the yeqts 1987 hroryh 20f0, orgmbd by rai. Sdlodub. REiFOffSE fO REqrEgT S PRODtIGtIOilJfO. f0: Thcro ale bchnl€Iy m'lngurancc'dslrrc rcgnrdlrB thb equlplmt a3 any bcg rlurhg that Umc franq fell wlthln Sre'sslf{neur€d deducilUe range. Hurrcwr, ldaho Forusr peys br any euotr locses dlr€olly (uilfrotfi any lmulanoo Gcorrc]y). ldaho Poualt cununt siendad propelty ilrerranoe deducilble ([e., gfi.lnsrred) b one mllEon &lhns per loae. Ihe rBspmse b hh Requ€d was propared by Tim Tudrer, Pmpefi ard Cssrnlty Adffinhffior, ldaho'Fouer Company, at thg rlircc{ion d Scot D. Spafts" Sentor. Reguhbry ArralXnt, ldaho Forner Corpany, ln cons.iltation rflr Jamn B. Wllamq Corponrtg Counssl, lddp PourrGompany. DAHO FO,YER @iIPANTS RESFoiISE TO THE SECIOND REAUESTS FOR PrcDUCTION OF THE INDT'TITRIAL CI'STOTTERS OF IoAHO FOU'ER. IO __.t I Erhlblt No.3lxi IPC-E-I14t Reedlng ICIP Pagc 28 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 76 \-' ) RFOUEST FOn PRODI|GIHN llO. t0: Rffinno thc Compmrrs Rcglorxa to lClP Roquest hb. f O (sbtlrE'vlfitaryail'lnanpd' prupe0 losaesoernlrU beyond lhe Compsrya polnt of delhory muH fal! mOer Haho Poredt sef-halrud property rrtentlon (dedrrctible) and rrould be an epansa incurrsd dlndly by the Compaql)" Pleate crglaln hor tre Conpary leworE osE as8od{.d with lts 'eef-lnqrrcd plDperurciontlon.' (a) Des fie ftrnpenyrconercrrcIr sdf-{nsulgdamountBtrorrgh nabs? (b) Hor uould the Company pas on lts unlnsumd lossss b alsbmem? For exampls, pkaso d€ecdbe tht ratemaklng t€atmnt of an unlnaurerl hllure of a piece of dlsrbutht €qulpmonton the Gonpanfe ride of tie rn€brthatfelh pdorto eryiratlon of iis rlrymhtionB$odde. (c) Haa the Colnpany aor lmplensrhd sirvdlar tmeUo€nt br a pleca of dlsU{butbn equlpmeril beyond tre polnt of delhory. Pbaee erglatr rrtrat pruronts lhe Company fiorn t€alhg.unlnsumd.Edlfries duqe dlgtdbu[on equlpment diftr€nt ftEm urilnatmd dMlbutlon e+{pmet rct s&iect b thc lhclffies drarge, RESFTOI{SE TO REAIEST FOR PROUGTT'T !IO.53: CI Yes. The Gornpany rtoovara cosb assoclated fith setf.lrrsutod amounta frrrough Commlsslon-appmrnd rabneklng prcoags. Seff-lnsuted amounts (cosb falllng belotfl the Companfi sclf,lnstrrcd ntinlmumc) pakl by the Qompany are booH ee elgonsos and lnckrded ln cugtonrer rates in the same manner thet other @pffy expensos ate raovercd (b) When disUlbrrtlon eqdpmer* falls on the Ounpanfe elde of the me0gr, lt is rdlr€d and a new piece of equlpmert is irst0llcd and beglns depreclating. Any IOA&IO POWER @MPANYS RESFOiISE TO II{E SIXIH REAUESTS FOR PROOT'CTION OF THE INDi'8TRNL ct,tlTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER- 16 Brhlblt No.305 rBC-E.Ir.,08 Rcrding,ICP Pege 29 J, R. SIMPLOTCOMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page77 ?dlrtshant in depnchillon ratos reeltry tom eilyfirilurcs or ldmmenb ls rdect€d in tho Companfe next de@atbn dudy. Dsr€datgn.strdlos aIB done on fiw-year qtdea. DeprgolalEon opcnsos ara tuooybttd 0rrough automsrs'r&r becauge thls qqqhmnt h ured to s3n€ multhle qEbrcIE and ls not Eohty dsdhatod b orlg crcfiomcr, wtilch lc the ac br eqdpnrm subject b the trdlltbs cfiamp. NoEbly" fie examph prcrrldsd frr h Oft @tast doos not tquacrt a bss br lnsunncs ftrpoaas. (c) Ycs. The Gompeny tBfr rrphoenrart of c$f,trrffit irfiurss 6r dtttdhfon equhment bclord tre Companfs polttl of drh,tsry h a slnillar manncr by adlusdng cucilonrcra' facilltho clraEee b rc!f,ed the cpst o, rcplacirU falbd equlpnrent fne Conrpany hao nd ard does nd lntfid' b tut.satr{rrsurud EdrueB drerge equlpmantdlfiercrrilyfum celf{nsrcd dhfrlhrton eqripnenilnot sLbJectb theftdllfrea chatge. Th6 ltsponse b hh R€qrrst vuac prpand by Soott D" SpartA $enlor Regulabry AnelysL ldlho Pou,er Corpany, in onsrilation wlth Jason 8. Wlllams, Corporab Counrsl, HalE Pgyuer Company. lDAl{O POWER @firlPA]lvs RESFONSE TO Il{E SDfm REOT ESIll FOR PROTN, TON OF THE I]If,,t,STRIAL GUSTOiGNS OF IDA}IO FOWER. 16 ExhibltNo.305 rPc-E-l1-,0E Reading; ICIP Poge 30 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B RFOi EBf FQF PnQOUgt-tOr ilO. r0: Rsfersnoc te Gompanfs Rapome b lClP R€qt od No. 2,(c). Ibos ths Oorpan/s lnvdnrent ln dhffiutlon lhdlttha lnsfialled beWrd the polnt of delirrory (or the deplucQtatl rralue theroof) Emain anyurhen ln the Conpanfs levslrr nqulmment f the eqdBment explree prbr b its 3l*osrdepmcffin shedde? No, Tho meponee b hl8 Requeat ruas prcparsd by Smt D. Spailrs; S€n0or Regul&ry Analyst, Haho Porer Cwnpany. ln consultatlon wlfi Jaeon e Wflfams, Gorponte Counml, ldaho Pouver Compny. ,.) IDAHO POWER EOilPENYS reSPOI.ISE TO THE SXM RECIUEST{I FOR PROT'UCTIOIII OF TTIE IiIDlJsTRtAL CUSK)MERs OF DA}K) POYYER - 25 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Erhlblt No.305 IPC-E-I14t Reeding, ICtrP Prgc 31 Page 79 REQTEST FOR PRODIG,IFN 1lO. m: H€aso dmt or deny ffi h medngo nrnh rcpreenta0ves of the IOP ln the fiall and wlnbr o1 2010 rWan irU Ore faclliles clurge, ldaho Potuor rcptrlcriletvm Sftod lhat lhe reason lha Company does not apply a deprudaton sdreduh b ho lnltal lnvsfirenft h fedni€B drarf equFment ls that ldaho Forertaltes on the risk that lt wllt haw b rWhce a precp of Eiled equlpmcnt Ebr b oqlr:athn of ltn depmdathn droduh. Fbass also adnfi ot deny that ldaho Fow€rffibd that ils lrtnrarpe polirrynould rptcowr replaement of such equlprreil. REBFOIISE TOREdlESf, FS PnOdrCf,lQll ilO. 70: Tlr @mparry oblccts b thc forrn of ttp qusetlon as il ls not a proper fuim of rcdLffii roqu€Gt per the Commlsshn's nrle& i,lotrrlffindlrg, UatE Pouer asserts thet lt uses a lerpltsptl 31- yuar rfirffit llne @mdaton sdrqtile ftn the Compan/e lnlthl lnrre$nsnf |n fadltieo cfiarp egulpmeil ldaho Forcrfurther assrls firat under fie Commlsgonappornd facilltle! ctnge pmvlebna, llp Company wlll rcplace a falled pleoa of e4ulpmant prtor to erqlrallon of lb depreqatnn $hsdule tifthout fulU teoor,€ring ttre oo* of the falled plee of equfment. lulorarcr. Ere Compalfe frsunne pollcy doas rpt apply io replaoqnent of pieoes of qripmert trat fall prbr b explnaton of thelr oeect€d useful [h ar thesa arc not consldcrsd ingurable toeees. Thls uns fudrsr disol$€d ln the Companfe rcsporne b lClPs R€qrnst t{o6. l5 and 16. The rceponse b Uils requort wac prcpqrd by Scdt D. Spark+ Senhr Regqlery Analy$, Haho Pomnr Comparry, ln ootdtatbn wlth Jason B. Wlllams, Coryomb Gounsel, ldaho Pou,Br Compeny. ftrA]ro Fon ER @MPAI{Y8 RESpOr{gE TO THE SnENTH REAUESTII FOR PRODUGTION OF T}IE INDI,SIRIAL CU8TOTERS OF IDA}IO POWER. 1I , ErhlbitNo.3ll5 rPc-E-rr{8 Readlog ICIP Poge 32 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 80 i) REOUEFf Fffi FRODrcIl9il ilO. ?il R&rcnce the Companfs Rerponse to lClP Rcq'tst l.to. 58. Please onfim that he Company ruould rscaver the uningrred cootr of such equipment Eiling priorto elplrafion of lts 31-yeardepieclatlon scfredule in ths mannordlscussed ln the Corrpanfs Reaponse b lClP Requcst t{o. S}. BESPTONSE To RESEST ,fgR PRODIEflOI{ ll0. 7t: lf a plsce of equipment under a fadfiUos ctteee tslled prior b esra[on of lts 3t-year depreo:latlon sdredule and was included in fie Companfsteetyear baae tut€s, then rcoo\rery of the unlnsured osto of tE ftild equhrpnt rror.dd o@ur through cusbmG/s rates as describsd in the ComparVs Rmponseb lGlP'a Requed t{o.63. }lorrcwr, itthe piece of equhment failed outst{s of a hst year, thon $e CompanyrvouH nd r€@\rertho full cost of the equhment as ls the case lbrallof the @mpanfs dhtrlbutlon.€qdpm€nt. The response b thb Request was pmpamd by Scott D. Spaila, Senlor Reguhbry AnalyS, Haho Powsr Company, ln consulHon rrt0r Jason B. Wllllams, Corporate Gounsel, ldaho hror Cornpany. DATED at Bolss, lddro, thb 280t day of Sepbrter 201 l. IDAI{O POUI'ER. COMPAi.IY'S RE. SPOI{SE TO THE SEVENT}I REOT'ESTS FOR PRODIJCTION OF THE hDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF DAHO POWER - l,+ExbibltNo.305 rPc-E"tr-08 Rerding; ICP Prge 33 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICI,AL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 8l BETORE THE IDAHO PTIBLIC UTITITIES CONOWSSION cAsE NO.IpC-E 1I-0E INDUSTRHT CUSTOIIMRS O[' IDAHO BOWER READING I'I IESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.3I|6 Ideho Power's Rcrponseo to Prcduction Rcquct Nos. 19,20, 5?, and i 72 Regarding Custoner Consent to the f,'ecilities Charge J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B '.../ i Prge 82 \) REdrE$f FPR PRQDl|cIPll 1{O. 13: Flslbrcrm Dlrwt Teslmony of 'Sott Sftl€, p. 35, fine 7 (dahg, :At tto optlon of tha Conrpany, frdfrlos cfiargrec rnay be oilbrcd . . . .). te the Hliles cherge oflond frr Scfrertub tO crrebrnalt, or doos thg Cunpany choose mofur ary lbdlites beyond he poht d dehnry tflfl bo ourcd by heCqnpanfl REEEpISF TO RFoITEST F,qR PRQpUCtItOil rlo. r?: As srlbd rn thc Companfstadf; lsll[os charym provbloor ars ofiarcd il fie opton of fie Conrpeny. llUhen ceMe ie f,rd egtablbhcd, Schedutc 18 onUnen en expectd b provlde frdlltlee belpnd lho pint of dclhrsry. tlowsyor, lf requsahd by the c-tnbmer, ldaho Furer my otbr b iln, oponb, and maidein su& firtIflUee wh[dl, il fficmd and aoccpt€d,rquh.efadlfrleec|rergsmthlnstodomlblhccuefunpr, The leiponse b fib R3qtlst w pmparsd by Scott D. Spelh, gentor Regul&ry Anallot, ldaho Porer Cornpeny, in mnsullalbn wftr Jacon B. W[[ams, Corponb Counge[ trhho Powen Cornpany. !OA}P POIi'ER OOTTIPANTS RESPOIEE TO'II{E SEOOND REOT.ESTS F1OR FROMrcTloN OF T}E hIDIII}TRIAL C. I'STOI{ERS OF DA}E POIIYER . 20 Erhlbft No.306 rPcJ-I1{8 Rerding ICIP Pcge I J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Prge 83 REOIIESTFOR PnpDUGIIOil ttO.2S Rclbmncelho gchodub 19 Tatffi. (a) Phase adnlt ordenythatheSfisdule tgTeffi$abc: At the opton of he Corpany, trel$rmerc and otlpr hdlfse fdrllod bq,ond he Polnt of Dellwry to ptotEd Pdmary or Ttanemlaslon SeMe may to ownod, opsntodt and mdnbhed bythe Compary h consUerdon of he Gusfumr payim a Fad[tes Chargpb the Cqnpany. (b) Please admlt or dgry llut ttp Sdrerlule lg teilff pmvldc no fitsmett .that cudorpn have the optlon h oyrr and operab sll fudffim beyond tip polnt of 0ethrcry, lf deny, pleace @h. (c) PIW pmvide ttla legal basb for the Comparry b tuqulr that lt orn faclh'lb*on thepmpe@of Sctrqlr# tO qr$nren. lf fte arrtqrnor.doo! notconeentb ttr Gompany phcJrU ad matntakrhg arch e$lprn*rt on 0re q.r$nnfs property, dm me Co pany beliero hatthetarffi gis ft fio bgalrUht to do so? th€the Comparry offiln wrlten conrent fiom curOrma b phce lbotlltlos oo the qlgbnrers' proport!8 VI|M tpe of conseril do€s tre Conpryyobtrln? REEFOTSE TO REAUEST FOR PRODUGIIOiI }IO.20: (a) ThB nrtt psragrafi of tre trdfitsr drame povlsbns ln Schedule tg Sat6s, 'At fis optlon of tr6 Gonpny, tnnslbrmeo and o[rerlslitec lnoh[ed beyond the Polnt of llellvery b plovUe Pftttry or Tranimlssion Servbe may b€ owned, opembd, and mdnhln€d by the Compny i,n ongldordon of fis Cudomer paylr€ o Facilitbs Clwge to thc Corparry,' (b) Sctredule 19 stetoE $fiat l&ho Fotrcr udl pcalbly do beyond the polnt of dolh,cry, but is not lnbnrled b addrcsr wlrat fltbrners may or rTE!, nst do wlttr their propeily. lDAl{Q POWER COilPAI{YS REBFOiEE TO HE SEOOIID RECUESTS F1OR PRODUCTPI.I OF TIIE INDUSTRIAICUSTOiTffiSOF DA,}IO FO'VER.21 I/i Erhlblt No. 306 IPGE.IIfi Rcadtng ICIP Pege 2 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 84 ,] (a) ThsG ls rc legal roquirumert that fic Company own ftcilltiss on the ptopctU of Sdrcddc 19 Ctdomone. Ai he crdonrefe rgqued, the Company, at lls optlon, may trralall Company-omnred facllitlss on tro cugtflnar glde of the polr* d dellvery. Sdtodub 19, on f,e ffd apUDvEd ry 0p Connrilssbn. glvta the Gonrpany &leopifon and the logal adtortybrb so. The .ry b trb Rorpod rm prcpered by S@[ D. Spe1&, ary Ragulabry Arulytt, ldaho Porffi @mpary, ln onsulEtlon with Jaron B. Wllhms, Coryorrb Coungsl, ldaho Fousr Gompcny. DAI{O F(II,ER @IIPAIiIYS RESFOI{SE TO NIE SECOT'D RECT,ESTS FOR pROqrCnON OF ItlE lltDt $fRlAL CUSIIII,ERS OF DAIO FWIIER . U ErhlbftNo 306 IPC.E.il-08 RerdlngICIP Prge3 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 85 REOIIEST FOR,FRODUGTION I{O. 57: RcGtpnca the Companf3 Rqonra b ICF Request tlo. 20(c). Pbase onfrm hat hc Conpany does nd obtaln vud[on eoneent - though unlbm @tfiEcl or drsmbe - fiom cusbmorc prlor to placlry facfftiea belond the polnt of defircry md slgrl4 tre crurbmer up fur fie ffilitioo draqe. lf not plsaae euobln howtho GonrparyooE|ns liloflnsd $nlren oonsrtt REQFOiISF.IO nEqrESit FOB Pm4rcltoil ]lo. c7: Besilnnins in A)10, pdor b dat{ng fadll0co lnsbnod blyond tu Gompenfs point ol delivery on a faciltics chqEp, ougbmert sign e Sgrr/ba Re$restfom lndcdrlg hat0ro hciliUes dtaqe nfll be sdded or adlushd on tHr: montty porcr Hll. Spcc[frcally, the larUuagp on the S€ndoo Rsqlot fum stabo, 'l undetdard ttr{ tre Facffiilee Clugos blfllng will be added or adfr.rsted m hs rnorttr$ pouar bill ilor the vtork odsr oonsh.rdon and nooncllla0on proooos ls cunplde.' Ttre reeponse b thb Requeot wes pr€pr€d by Scofi D. Sperlts, Scnbr neguffiry Anelylt ldolp Potitr Conpeny, in oonsufitstion wlth Jagon B. Wilhme, Corporab Gounrl, Haho Forer Company. IDN{O ForuER cOti,lPAilYS RESPOiISE TO Tlfi SlXItl REOIESTS FoR PffiUCflON OF THE INDI STFIAL CUSTOI,IERS OF IDAHO FOWER - 24 I Erhiblt No 306I[GE"ll{t RerdinJ,ICIP Prge 4 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 86 REOIEST FOR PMUGIIOU ilO.I* Rehrtne ilre Companyq Rosponse b lClP Requed tlo. 57. Phse.provt{e the lsendoe Requed Fom.' Pleme confrrrr that Us brm le nor pm,id€d b or dgmod by ulsilkrg Edlltlee,drargs orslonrerct €xogil wlth mgant b rcw equlpment ln$aH at ttrlr premlree. SPQI{SF IO nEAuESff FoR NflJcllol!, il9. 72: Plcasc aeg he {tac*rarl Pttr lltc bra opy of fis Sonhc Rlqtad Forrn. :lhe SoNlco Rsryest fumr for faollltlea chaqe qrdonrme ls slgned by narr cudomsre golng on a facllltles charge ard by orisilrg cudorncr rsqreOng abratons b eqrlpment lndaled under tho lbdlltb! cft aqe provldons. The reponse b thh Roquoot wao prspat€d W Scott D. Sparks, Senior Regulatory Analyet, ldaho Porqr Conpany, ln consulbtion vrtrr Jamn B. Wilfiams, Gorpor$ Cotrml. ldafto Por,ar Company. iJ IDAI{O Porf'ER @MPA}.IYS RESFOT{SE TO TI{E SE\/ENTH REOUESTS FOR PRODT.lCf,Io]{ OFTI{E INDTFTRNL CUSTOilERE OF IDAHO POIVER. IT ErhihltNo306 rnc-E-l1{t8 Readlng ICIP Pege 5 J. R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKEOFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE.Exhibit 8-B Page 87 $''.* UXfn ld&oPorcrcopmy h.EI'trup{liuEfl scrviooRoqrrd Dr*urarn \ -.1r1,-sgtr .}n*r.:. --- a--- - Sorrlo frquct l{llDor: 06111!t S/ct Odgrt{rrbor..$lElacnrm (NATAPP n quffiTyF: Eg- , " Evbatlixttaha.RaESeh.: RoSrlrtdn$svicotE: fnZOffREFTBy PtaorCCaUTm. GGAI{l/Olrl cltsT tt00 {6$S15 Allrtubbfrrr&lFrdllhflrrr llcwiorVoltrc No.On{ouNtuncsffrs McELocrho KWlhutad: OLPcIrr8utulmr fttlrryOtulrc I FlrrcKwDcurd SavreOIl/UG 3 PleKS, Ihoud Srv0wtrsConrtlrchlKf,,led PEdA4SiD Corrurcrnt DlpoortAmuat , ) t{,oi" rtrloll EtnryE@undrrgtoundO po rwtetr od ndid ftod !o urltht pdmouedtfrnr. ttn&crul futtcFrciliticC[rgor brllfu wrllh rddodcafuedoltlcumelyporrcrhill rftcrthowort cdccurstriifioh rnd irmciliruim proacts ir conpld, Itudalrddrdrcgrccodcctbrtin6rfunmovrboruu&rrnbillcdbosdoao*hmbdcosB R€qrrcbdcrtinBhr irrhlbrcbocd oan crtuur, utdlicttud Eo!iltly F.ci[i6!r CD!ryc b billcd brrcdm utrul rccoo&dwortqdrr costrfur&rtllb I wdry fu 6a rffirhem I havo pnldod E affiiE b thc bcrt ofuy lowbdgc I undc!tud lhtlny duogaerhc prqi*tinohdhgbuEot fmnaib; hrd,locr{m, vohhgg, m; nry rrort rnrddftional chrrga ClicmSigaurc Deb MqiorC\stnerRry.Siguam DlE ErtibltNo.306 IPGE.Tl{I Reading ICIP Page 5 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B a6t{ul Page 88 \) BF,X'ORE TIM II}AHO PTIBLIC UTILITIES COMITfiSSION CASE NO.IFC-E f1$8 NDUSTRIAL CUSTOMDRS OF IDAHO POWDR READING, DI IESTUIIONY EXHIBIT NO.3O7 I Idrho Power's Responres to Production Rcqucst Nos. 9, lO 11, and i 68, and Correspondence Regarding ldaho Power's Position on Selling X'aciliticc Charge Equipment J. R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Erhibit 8-B Page 89 REAUEST Fffi, FRODIICIEI{ t0. g: h tho Csmpary uyflllng b sall the Gompanyowned ffi bEond fi6 poirt of ddhrary b lE qldonrers d fiE depredatcd book rlafilc? [ yr!, CGo e,phfr why trb oSon b nd pmvldcd lor ln t]u Scfiedule 19 tE ltr f no, plcqr tt9hirn wlty. REsFotlSE TO nEoqEF.T FqR PrcUrSTnil ilO. s: nb. I ls ur Oompart's pollcy not b goll Cornpanyff,nod hdllfles lnstall€d beyond the polrrt of dclhnry. Ttls ro@lte to ffis fuqrH ruas pmparcd by Scoil O, Spails, Senhr Raguhbry Anatd, ldatp Fow Compqny, ln comfiffion wltr Jason B. W[hmE, Colprab Counset, ldalro Poru Conpsry. lDAl{o POIVER @tTPAltlYS RESFONSE TO THE Sffi[E REOUESTS FCR PTDUCmON OF THE rr.rOUSrRnt CUSTOi ERS On riruO pOWen - g Erhlblt No307 rBc-E-ll.0E ReedlngICP Page I J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 90 REaIIEST,FOR P.BODUC,npil ilO. l0: ls the Oompary $[hg b sell the Cornpanfionned facl[U€s be!/ond the Dolntdd$,uyto ltrorstomcra dths trkmadGt valtr? lf p, deaoe Wlaln urtry fib o@n b nd providod fur in tha Sotrodulc tg trr|fr. lfrr, plaaee euqhlnwty. RESFOT{8E IO REaUEST E9R ffillcfioil tl(t l0: tlo. lt lc the CornpenU/s pplgy not b cefl Conpmy-ounred ffiUee hddl€d bqErd ttre poffi d dolEv€ry. The roeganr b thb R.qted w prWrcd by Soott D. $pailts, Senbr Ragdery AnaW, lddto Fclinr Gonpany, h consrffatbn n[r .la$r B. Wlllams, Corporats Curru.l, ldCp fuuor Osmpary. IIAHO PG WERCCIuP trlys- rersPiONsE TO THE SSCOITII REQI ESTS FOR PRODUgflOIt OFll{E |ND|,X$IR|AL CUSTOilERS OF IOA}|O POVI'ER - 10 ErhlbttNo30T DC-n.rror Readlng,ICIP Prge 2 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 9l REAUEST F.ffi, PRgDUCnOil floJ{: Rehr€no the emat cotrt{nad in lClP Seqond Requosfs ftr Producfron Atedtmmt t. Plme erchh wfry the Company determlrud irt ould not soll Compaqprnred fecflilibg beymd thg polnt qf dellvery b J.R. girnplot Coilfqny. Please include cilplandon of boft baoc aaaerbd for ttp rledslon nd b gdl firctHea - (1I LC. S 0f €28 and (2) lhe uyay ldaho Porrer unnb b run lts bmlness ae a ngulated publb nfliU. REQPoTIE lto FEf,llEsT FoR PnQoucllot{ ilo. 11: Comryy t€pr€sorfitlve! met u,fth Don Slsrbvar,f, Energy ibrragpr, Comenaetton, Attsnstvca, & Prcnrrcment brthe J.R. Sfnpbl Corpany (slmpknt Shplofs atlornoy. Mn Gng Affirrg; and Shplofs consutffi, It&. Don Reedhg, Moe PruoUent ad ConsulthU Eonorlst, yuith Eon Jefnson Asoda!6, lrr., attrclr nqueston Dsmmb€r28, 2OlO, and agaln on Afil 11, 2011, b dlrouss tre ConUqnt/a poeltbn lEEled b fu eale of Oompanfoulrpd hrilitiee b Slmplot, At the Aptll tl, 201t, me€ff1q, ldaho Forur rcprceentr[ve etplalncd lhat it had made a bueinegs declslon &et lt was not golng to rdt Companyorrmcd frdliHes to Sfrnplot As a lugulded publb ufll$r, thc Company oper$s lb buelnege rvlthln the parunelen of the lar, its rugubbe, and lb ffifia tirltt cusfiomerg. The Gompany lc hee to meke any buslrmr decislon Go lotg as lt dooc so nlilrln thos6 psrarffiE ldaho ffi S 01-328 requiroc the ldalp Rrbllc tltlitieo CornmFshn ('Cofltrrilsslon') to affnrtse the salc of arry publc utlllU propelty lhdlrE &at tldl aale (a) ls concistentwlh the publlc lntetes$ (b)U*me co$ d a;s lutee for supplying seMce wlll not be lncrreased by twlon of sudr mnsacilott; and (c) that Ure appllcant ftr suclr acquhltlon or Uanafur har fie bona fHe lnbnt ard ffianohl capablllty to operate ard malntaln 0re tansfened property ln ttre pubtlc eervlce. ln thle lnstance, il IOAHO FO'I'EB COIPAITS REqPOiISE TO TTIE SECOiD REqESTS FORPROOIJCTION OF THE INDT,STRIAL CUSTOil|IERS OF IOA}IO FOWER- IT ErhiDirNo.3l)7 IPC-E-I1{8 Reeding ICIP Page3 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Ptge92 ,) ldeho FqDr sBrE to d$f b lot Companyowned fidnhs b Sttploq f rcud ri€€d b heraase the rswrue tuqutumil arrd nbe b powr the nrrqrue requlrermnt ior Schoduh fg cusbm3n as a lqdt of fto tanoacfnn. A[ he onduslrmr of the Apdl 11. 2011, mectlng, Slmphtr afrolnry lndi€d ltwas gofiE b sdtd a htterio Eaho Power loqu6s0ng a bnrd prlca SEh lbr he amqnt n@elery Or Slmplot b pay br ho mmovat d ConpanyouynoC hcfl[os on ]b dde dthe polnt of delhory that lnduded an anrount mcegeary thafr *Y hoH aI drer Sdrddo 19 etrffinolr twnrbre. To thb, ldalr fuiwr lras not rcdnd arry anch nqud. Rogardlas of unrdrer tre &mpany does r€oonn cnrclr a lequest, ldafrro Fafl* ha! ddornln€d trat, at thls trne, lt ls ttd ln [u buciness of se[ing thclo Upqs of Oompany{$nod facllfias t6 tlffi Bar0et, Tllo rulppm b fih Roq-ugst was prcpantl by ffi D. SFllc, tsatp Forer Conpany, and Gr€g Sald, Vlce Pngidfit of Roguley Afrhs, ldaho Fmtcr Go4any, hr wrsrlffirr *tth Jmon B. Wlhmo, Conoae Counae|, E*p Pouan Conpany. tDAt{o porreR canpmYs RE9FONIiE TO fiE SEOOiD RECtt EsTg Fon pnooucrpN oF Tt{E utDusrntAl* cu8'Iot EHt oF DA}o FcnTYER - 12 ErhibltNo.307 IPC.E.IT{E ReerilngICIP Pagc 4 page 93J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKEOFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B REOIESJ FQRfRPDU$IOil ]fO. CS: Reftrencathe Gompanfs ResRonsp b lClP Raqued i|oc.9,10, 11, and 5t. Phs€ @tfitm, decdtethe nagoneesbti66 quedbno tnt n b not the Oonpanfc policy b sel distibution fadll[os b ctptofiiers, that ln Case No. IPC,"E{5-1B the Company sold dlsfribution fadlllieo b the Sun Valley Compenylslncldr Oil Co. at depnolabd book rahp. Whet E fte @mparr1/s pollc1l,l Pbete cmhin rrfty thc Company wi$ .e[ facfiHes b one cudomer d bod( value hfi rrfrree b se[ b oficrcuctqnera at bookvulue. REBFOT{8E TO iEAUH,T FOR PRPOUGilOI{ ilo. GE: The Conpanfr resppnec b lClP Requcst J{os. 9, 10, and ll a[ deany eE $e Compe{rys pollcy that It udll not esll Companyound hullltlas lnst lled bq,ond he polnt of dethrery. The Comper$s rEsponos b lClP tlo. 5t thH hat hfie hst fi,a yeer8, one eustomer has rcqr*O ranovd of Hfths lnsll€d ba!/ond thc Conpenfs polnt oI ddlvery. IPUC Gase No. IPGE-OS-IS inrrohnd a unQue sluaton wtreroby tre Company ald Slnclalr OlCompanydlUa Sun ValteyOorrpmy(SunVallqf) mufrrally:agruedto suhnit atslnt epdication b tPt C b bansbr crbfir dlslbu0on hdlileo tom the Company b Sun ValleS lPuC appoved the han*r, concludlng ftat fie transflr would "mt cauae eny lncrease in rslos and Sun Valhy win be able b maffiln lhe aoqutrurl dletrlbrrton hdlms neoessary b saro lb t€nartts. We find tre impoved o,psnrting efticiandee senre the publlc lnbm*." IPIJG ffier tlo. 29804 at 3-,{. Thc retponse to fiE Requd rras pregared by Jaron B, Wlllams. Corpomb Counwl, ldaho Porer Compary. rDAlro pioulrER ooMpAr{v8 RESF0NSE To IHE SEVENIH REOUESTS ron Fnoousnoil oF TF|E N[rusrRrAt cusromERs oF IDAHo Polt ER - s Erblbit No.307 rPc-E-l1.0E Readlng ICIP Pagc 5 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE ANDiOR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 94 \i J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B rrcf,Amrrailrra*rrrrolll!t tt ftt Tr} lOl.lll-ltll !rs: l03.ttt.rtolp.o lr f,t tt tch. tD lrrg, . tl, N. lm $. &&r. lO as7ol Jnly.3O;2010 vtut:"s.MaildM DmnuE.We&crIdabPowCquy P.o. Bor 70 Boilc, tdeho t37O74070 duulker(Oidahoootrrcr.com B.s ldseDorrdrfrdUacbrfpfrrlrrrlp8olcrud gpGdrlGoffirct C\uho.rr DcarDqirro: I udtco bdalf of ruy.c[mt ftsldrutid C!*mrrsofldeho Pqcns ftCIP), rtgsdirgld.ho Plorrcr'i ffirlc t9 trifrftcility €hrgs, ntich fu dto imlud?d i! qpasbt ooffilrsE br pourcr salos abow lb Selodr& l g udfr limit I lcft yor a ncssage Fgdi[g {ds mffi ti: uesk, hrt ur seo{iug bb te b filty,fld ry dicd's 0@G in hrycs of Ebiug a ryccdy rEsihilim bftisnrc. Bdquun Idaho nou,rdr Sc,hdulc 19 EifiimtdEc lldliric st-TB wtioh sucs s Slto*r: FASLrIIESFBYo}{D THE PIOINT OF DE!.rVERY At thc option of ths Coryrry, tofiryrrs od otm facilitico insallod bcyond thc Poiil of Dslivcry to prcridcd Ptimy a Trmisrfon Scrviia rnry b ou'd, opcreE Btd ndE&d by ths C@pey in ooddcraim of frc 6\rsbqra prylry a Fuilities Ct BE to thc Compotry. C@DE -owncd FaciHticc Bcyud thc poid of Ddivcrysi[ ba $t ftr6 in a Diruibnnio F.ciElicl Imtsctnlot Bcport plovirdd b &e CllrtomGr. As ltc Coryrry's intcstmat in F*ilftios Bsyod tb Poin of Ddirrry ct@p! in odlr b @vidc ttc Glubtrrcr'c sarie requirtmoG, lfue Conpuy shalt nod$ the Erhlblt No.3(n tPc-E-lI-{tE Reailtng ICIP Prge 5 Page 95 Ir&.WdhJuty30,20l0 \ rue2 Ctrstmco of thc ei&lidons ud/o ddaims of facilitie by filErdirg to fic C\smct a rwiscd Diguibuion Facitities IrvceMR4otrt o reinsall or chqfc Cqlry.omad Fasl$ties Bcyud fu Poinr of Delirrqy, te Cus6mcr sffil pay to thc Cmpeuy fu 10oB' *hnbtc oo6t' of $Gh rrmord, rcinshlldim u c,hrga Non- srtrnble @* auua U.cio is coryisod of lt ffiil derud&d oors of ocid6 l&or ad owrtcrds of fts fesiffthl, lcr! thcditftrc bctxm ltc s*rSh ooc of ueid noorrod ad rooval lrtor mat including Wlpitr ovqtcd oo$$. Thocurrcmly altorizcdnodilyehfahfteraifiis*&eG. oryrny's irvcffisrtinCoryany. oumd Faciliticr Bqord the Poid of Dclivcty timcs l.? pcrccuf'- uftich dds rry to o annual clrgc of 20.{ % ofl&ho Povtr's id&linvcsm. Iniu*hl cu*omcrs do norrpally ply ofi te inrreamcot in &c facilitic+ md as mitt o in ts urifrftcy cminrr paying 20.4 % auurlly oa tLc inithl invcmmcc wi& o pnovision fu a dcprccidion of thc rnluc oftt* inrcanscd ovcr tirnG. ID onhGr uordl, for r $10,fi10 imiemat in a piccc of oquipmcm by ldrho Powr ti lgn , Itc fuge trcsrme tLc equi1n:ut.at ieerc r!0&s ils Sl0,m0 rnhn ttirty-thrue ycm larr in 20tQ u0 6cgps tLo rano 32,0{0 c[ngc ffilly in y=ar thirty-thgo as in ycr uc" .Onc of ICIP'g ncmbag J.R. $iryl* Co., nccotly oonfimcd thrt it wus hdood sti[ bcing chrgcd 20.4 Or rcsesrh a tte Comrnrission idicc rhdthis ecility chrsp rvas calcutaod rmy bcck in thc Eid-lgS(b, sd rytrurcd in Casc No. U-Iffie2$. We obtuinql Idaho powr's urcrt prycrs sryortiggihG calcnlaion in'fut crpq ad I havc orched 6c rnost us.firl pordms b tris latq. As,rou eu soe tom:lhc qd pqctr, td6o Poc,Er cabrrlecd s av@gp of its inr,€$E ili in 6c* hcilitics ou &c prs t9t5 sEd l9t6 (o page 5 af tT), rod thsn (r ttrxm on thc. mmrr,, pigF) caloulilod out rnd.sunrmcd tc pcrmlryc of several f*i[ty:rdaFd srpcits ftr$,tichldahoPowrtbclicrrcatitrascntttedoncorrcrftouctmcrs. lltogciminchd.d chu$s o fu an*mer fo dqr*idio, ilomr tucs, p6oE6ty tucs, o6E( larcs, opcouiu aod nrqlntcumm, adnlnimuirrc end gBnra'rl !rctiug cryiul md insurance, as upll as thc Corya!7's t[ca'adronizcd 9.W2 % rc of tanttn tlfulcty" Idaho Porrcr anirrcd at thc rmrul pcrccmago of 20.{t3 % oflhc initial frcility invcnnent ICIFIFcltion ICltr bGtfovcs ftd &ie ffilitics @ge of 1.? % nodly is m hlgg e frir, juEt, ud rcasoubh chlEe, and pqucstr tst ldsho Pffi alrco b rEduce the ndhly chrgc aud pr,ovide custfffi wilh fu qrim of psybg offthc ruining intrid coas of Cuapqy-ouaed frdilitics. Fir*, our rcscasch ildices trt the 1.7 % moathty 6uge cskuldcd in the mi&.1980r is sinply too bi& bGodno tLc iEDrrB have chmged ovrr tioc. Fm otuplc Idaho Pom's aitoriad ratc ofrconri ffrom its 2008 g!ilcilIiltc calo ic now mly t:lt 7o - llf|Zo/o l€ss &E itrcludpd h rhi Erhtblt No.307 rPc-E-lr{s Rerdlng ICIP Page 7 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER TNTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 96 f&. Wdtlr Jrrly 3Q 2010 Page 3 fidlitils eilgo. Ard fim lddb ndq'r 2009 Dodael Errr5r Rsguldory Co@irsion foro l, we co Ell ltit rrmud pacffigH fo qlldon d nriffincc od for.admilgdirrc and gGacr.l Ehtld dccmorc by a ml of 2.62E % frm tosG ir 6c mt Eitr lt€so it@ ttonc odl for a murl paqo chE& durllc by 3.754S ?( o rypryximly 161?8 yo unrullr, or 1.3fi % ooathly Addifionrlly, ICtrP bdicvo te dQrtciri.m cnrp b r@trmtblc. Rtgsdlc$ of ufrat thc casc rrrry blw b6 ir tta Eid-t9t0$ the Comirdon cuncofly rcqufoca ld8b Dourcr to E{rce thc fiffud of lU inru+nco by a dryesi*io frctor if tfto istrcdoom is oc fG uftich 6c CmEoE, qrs.s rcfrm. In dB uordq thc Cmisim doos not ty,tricdty allow ldaho Pourn to qhrle thc @lril rsc m thc ruc @ded stsd ffi tinp b*u$.l[c vdue of tbe irvc!6.d doctcrsei oq tilrc-; Tb exiidtrg idrtirl moility dsBe uochrnico imlrrdcs a 0.560 % @ual chr$ to lhc crrst@ frr tqrccim,uf ht it doec rot rcduce ttc Firdpat eoo t!frich fu mpili&rc[rgc is oalculAcd ovrr tinc. To hcyc susM€Es coinrrcpayiry iffiu the Lfiiel ccpftrl inscgtud - such rs Stnplot's fusifitics d*h8 hcL to t977 - lqg efrsr oFirafi,m of ttc Arccmm do&lo rdlid (be it fifuGq or tnlnty ysEB c s@o. dhcr &naim of crat ltn dAnddm) tu sfogly qiod ad udh. Abovc all, brruve, &e Qoopoy fuirld idum *rtorcr- r+tonrt cach rinc it insalls ftdlifiolsnbictmd&chelgc hrolt{cusnffi arc arrrethcyarc rlgnbgom rtlh6 isrtin to rrl mgrfry iffist @ fu fia,ihies nriiminod by &frho Pora, and cboutd dlorr cusbmilB to pEy offlho fifl vahlc b eroid autsry srrh pryucma h dbt umds, I(xP rcqucs6 er[ ctrstmErs bG inforryd oflho lcrru oftc rlharg! d tE timo lhc frcility is placod onlot dnc {tts oe. Aod lhG Compey shrM also prqvi@ ril infmn cononorr o{, a righ to of o[ of tte firll frcilitior chrrgc by payrng &wn runainiag initiat co*c rod pqring thc ConEq' a rrasoirbh &c for tG tinc and nmcrlelr to mntrtrh'Se Adidos. llcsc option:fuld bc ayeihblc fu csichg ffitiloc m cuilmpn' preofuos aEd fu frailities fut nay bc insEllsdiathafttup Cd&r On bef dICIP, I heG frd tbc is nfuld in tls Icttsr cm bo rcshrcd in a mludly rgmeh fteim, Fnd cst in r.ffr od rcaroslc hdffiEc clrryc. I rypedau yun cmidmim of ec mlttsr ud hok forquil b E*tiqg qdh pr rqsding it in iho osr fitrc. Vcrytnrlyyouq),fl1, PacrfurdmoAery ftr fic Ine$id C\umcrs of ldrho Powr Ihn Sqtsvaol, Le Sinplot Co. IhnRrding ErhlbttNo 307 IPC-E-rl{t ReadtngICIP Pege 8 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 97 -- Erhlbft No.307 IPC.E.II.{IE Reerllng ICIP Page 9 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibir 8-B rmrrmEE{}cllr*t .rrrorirrt rt ta, Iel: l!1.9t!-?l0o Fr* l0l-ltt-?lol ?.O. tu rllt Lhr, lD lt !, . trt ll, ?dr &. tot , tD t rO Docmbcr3O2010 V'bU.S.NtiIgrd,hd IbuovanE Welk IdehoFoumCqoy P.O. Box 70 Boile, Idalto &t707-fi)70 dtalkert@idahomwer.com Rs: IdrLo norc'rFrflitcr CtnrgrforlugcPtowcrendSpcchlCofrrct Qilourrl DcrDonovan: I rrlric m bdeEof rny fin's clicm, rte htuthl fuers of ldrho Poultr ("!CP} repdhg Idrho Pourcr's Sdcfulo 19 Eififidlity chgq rrti& b aho inAnhrt in Aocirl coo[rce fG poulcr salcs Sorrc tb Sctcfrle 19 tdfrlimit fisq I would li}e b ttstrl( !,uu Ed thc oftlr ld&o Powr ropucdtirrcs frrrcliryrie nysclf, Don Stficvut, trrd [h. Dm Readhg ryding ec chrye m l)ffiilrr 2S,20IO Wc ryaio l&ho Porrcr's oodimod witlingrc to attcm6t $ro* ortr th fugr6 niicd in on lc,uc b yorr drbd trrly 30, 2010. I wi[ srmdElhe *anrs of qn dimsfom rs I urdcr*aql &cn J.n Fh,4qt Corprlv nqgnFt AswDdisrrc$d,d&istne, otICIPumber-ltcJ.R SimplotCo.- isinuecod inorcrcistng th o$im of omine aU ficilitics bc!,ud tbo Boiil of Uirrury for smc or dl of is Scbdulc 19 or Spcoid Coftrot flffi dfu8 elcticrg, srkr from l&ho hwcr. Pkasc oilildcr this ktu a flnuat ,tqucs tr trc drylded bo* valrE Erho Porrr uould chzge fc SiEElot b ta&p owus*ie of facilitics bctood thc Poill of ddivcr!, d ca& of fu Siqplot PrcmisEB orredy srlicct to Idsho Powa's ficilitkr &tBE, ad plcase ugpirc tb coan tD' Siqfot lcaiou Si@t uill bc n ldng flmortial dotfsims fu thc Ht ycr in li: ooning mootrs, s rcooiving tdOo pourcfs m* iofmaim by thc cnd of Jmury 20tl is oddcat b itt d,ility to makc a dci.dm fu fu cornry pr. In ordc b m*o ttis docirioo, Sthplc uould dso Etc a cop of the Conpmy'rinruuepolicytutoovcntlpCorymyomdfrci[ticf bstDtrdthcfoiilofdelintry. edditioully,l udasud&atMr. Sunevdnqncsndtltldaho Pormofficidsooo&m ar audit of tc ftciliries inchdcd on tb fuilitics chrgc for cadr Simplot locaim, Ed lhcrcby i.tlriliry thc Page 98 \./ Mr. Dmvaf,Idkcr Dccobcr3O2010 PEgG2 pstoila plccec of oqrfoma ftr ufiich ld*o Puurcr is erradrg &c &cilitio chrrSc. Sinplot wuld likc to fnour uftco it ca Glpoc3 6t o@ctfrn ofth afrt to cnsre tld all of tho ftcititics irctudedonths Dioribution Faciliticc trve$hm Rrpots for Simplot pnmiscs rt still in frctin ltsc d Simplot trloisGs. eoc rrccirc4 Si@ot muld likc to walk thoqh.cach fscility in eady rying; idcntifring cacL piocc of oquipord udfr ra ldrho Porvcr $ptsGmdive. fmnord dlon n Trriltr.qrc h reryw b u disqudm+ Ie Porr is @dy rog1gld in mrhfuiry tto 1.7?6 noffily ftsiliticl chgc uith Wed iffirurtion frm td uld h 1986 t initidly crtqildc 0Et Pcroartrya We qccod bttros ld&o Forcfr rwpcrurtsge by eo Gd of20l0, brtyou srard u,s ry not hrc ftd crh{dq ff ilotcr nod. We looli ftnwd b sr€bg &G rccalculatd pcrEcohgE Also, u qrmodhg on Ofibcr ll, 2010, wG disquse.t 6e pmgihitity of inuituting tso rltcmstive eruElmGdBO thcCoamy.outncphip no{d cobodied b & cmtd Sc&cdnlc 19 Uifr. I&ho PosT opcssGd cffi sift a nid orumship oo&l fu ficifitics bEyCIrd fu poid of ddiwy. Ittr, fu tmd rlEorive tre dirqrsdUas I orrcoururlipnodd $hcftbytlcrustoma wttld peyldahoPuwerfstlr aarcomoAto*rnhr ofthecxi*inggquipmatuthc cu$omeds trlnislE fimncr, 6l culimcr multi be rcfruitile frr dl qcr*im qd naimnoc of fidltrGs bGJEdd fu fom of &livay, md for cquiritim ud ma@c of aay equipcntHd intlc ffure. Idaho Powr wu{dno &nry chugc sud orstm.c! e&cilitie chugc. Tbc lhird altanatiw *t discralFd ums'a hl,trid attrutiw urt;rcW ths crroomcr wqrld nr&e g Dclmcd fu tc ceital netrc oftb cqufrpn, hrthc CgW rrroutd rlilt om te equf,BruEt ed mfrIct opcruiffi ud nrire" Ite Cupuy nrntd rsrcss only a linirod &citirica e.hugp uilticfiwould Eothlrdl tlr Uptm mpurc&of thc c,hg!-ru drmm, drprccitim, md imEE tnccs. Omat dscting t& opdm *u{d tffic pry arcdrrced foililies chrp. Atorruingfrisu,Ek, !&ho Porrcrgaorl it is no loopr iffiE$ld iD oftiqg thc eirrl qdm, ht w dimsscd cur"g'lg tE lsgugp i! thG ffito *qrncty rtflcct fic $cqrd oFim. ThB smnnt Eiff logrlrge suhs, 'W ib. ryilM d tb Cryv: ih CoupEnU may om thc cqdDqcot ad asocs fu ftcilfics dEge, tnd th triff conuihi Do cxpEss dght for ee wroprl,. to elect to Gytr ud maintdn all $rcl frcilitiec u o prrrclrse Conpoyowacd ftcitities u dcprccitd book vrhr. {le apprtdde ldaho Fowrr's lrccition thrt it o,ftrs a cufiorclqrlmcrs[h oflou m dl Sc.hs&rle, 19 curbmcrs aE a Estm of Cqpany policy, but uE bcliwc ttc tuift$oulrt ruflcct tHs option. tCp ppoccs ldrto Powcr includc tlre mo{ficdims Uo*in ir qt rlE * filirry (chmgB in bold): TA(ILTJES BEYOTIID mq- POINT OF pELItfERY Ito Cubncr hlr frc trlt to om rnd mehreln rll &cilirio Bryod 6o Soht of lDdvory. e*+oOffemt+ogonfqfl\|itn wrffico coucot of tc Cur0omcn Uangforners ErtrlbttNo.307 IPC-8.1l{E Rr.dlng,ICIP Prge l0 J..R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 99 Mr. Dmovrntrldkcr Dcccnrbcr 30,2010 PegB3 ud othcr frcilidcs itrrtilld boyod tho Point of Delivcry to providcd Hinrry or Tiaurirdm S.rvioe mey be oumc( opcfiilGd, od mrimired by te Coufcnlr in mnsidcrdio.of tho Cutom prying a Frililicr Chrrgo o thc Company. Coryany.oumse Facilitics Bcyosd thc Poitrt of t}clivstr will bo rct for& in a Di*ibutim Faci[tics lwcstucot ncport pvidod o &c C\r*m. Ar thc Conpuy'a imtcsfriclt in ficili& BGJ,oEd tc Poim of Ddlvcty enm$E ir otdcr f providc the Gstoncr'c $rvie rtqufumcot$ thc Qmpany &stl m{ry the CTstoffis of lbt addfitionr od/o ddaiour of ecilitfuE by foruauding to lhc G\rsomcr a rcvirod DiOibUton Frcilitics IavestudRcput h CIc lDtrlhdo! frdX6rr hvcdnrqt Rrpo6 ttc Cornpry'ttil hM€ tG dtflrclilcd booh illnc olConpmy- onaod fidfrn€ rnd fuhdo loffce o[6G oppctuulg for l[eCtmcr 0o pur0ro dt Conprycrd fuilifa Bryocd eG Poffi of Ddhuy rt tr dqrtdrbd boo&, vrlua Thc Corpry rv[ notrrirrtcfrd[ftt Chrr& to'tr Cfodocr r{llrmrcrrhiptndor In the crcm thc Curm r@ ec Conpoyto rrloovs or rcinstrll or drryc Cmpqyoumod fd[fu Ecyfid tbp Poiut of Delivcry tvttort tr Ctrioror dq orucr,rQ of thc Frc0ffGt fu Gh*omcr rhalt pry b lhc Corymy ltG "mtr salvrble oosfl of qrch nmovrl, rtluuttGm ol cfiarlg. Nm-. $hnblc oost aE usod htrth h onprisd of tb tohl aercclatc0 oocts of Ertthls, lebor od orcrhcrdr of rhe fniElic* lccs thc diftrcrrc bctwa tlr ldvalDb cosr of rldahl morrcd ud Eoornt l$or cod irchrding appier orcdrcad cocts. We rtrno bcliwe lbd ldaho PuE Smld ccrd a lGillr b r[c mergcc of crh lugo pourur ud qpodd cffict ors@ hcolfoo tnmdy bcin8 Hlbd fu ficilitios chrgps' Ilhtrh ldrho P,ovu fully orphirc tb ctrgc, imluding e dmi6ion of fu dEgE s oompocnts ad the Ftal mu.t paymtfiom&eeuctm, Couffm Ttmk pu rgnin fsr ldebo Forlr's cominucd efrodg b wod( tower& a mnualty beocficid recohtim ofthisner. If yur harc ry qtnfim'plca* oonfiact rc. ErhibttNo.307 rBc-E-lr-0E Reedtng ICIP Page ll J. R. STMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 100 ldr.Dmovmf,tdkcr Dcenba 30,2010 .PaSG4 ,.) OqryAihnr enaacy ftr ttc Indumiol Ctms of ldio Pourr oc: hi&ll0rcofHlhoknrcrllmbaCqador Ih. DmB;rdtrB J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TOTAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B ExhlbttNo.3llT rPc.E-lr"08 lcatltng ICIP Page 12 Page l0l SEHE rnDlcfitstro0rw Dffi'AIIEWAJ(]HlrnbrCqlrl Jamnry3t,2011 GngoryM: Adamc RIOIIARDSON & OLSRY. PLLC 515 t{ortr Zen Srsd P.O. Box 7218 Bolr, ldaho SS)702 Re; J.R. Slnplqt Cmparfis Roqucst b Pufiaeo ldaho Poyrpr Gompary Factiha DmrMr. Adams: Tttr leser napode b tlre Desnbr 30, 2010, lefter sant by yuu on behalf d tre lndu&lal Qustomeo of Eaho Forrer (itGlP), arrd nura seadhry, J.R Simplot Company fiShuld), as r€ll as the faebh moe[rq we harl on Dsocnrber 27, 2010. As titrr ell of the lClP cudomea, Edto Foner vahps its builn€ss rdatonsf& uuffi Simplot ard mnb to uott u,lh fr on resolvlng any @noorns or lsgues nlated to tte eenfue Haho Fouwr ptovlrhs. That 081d, trB rccpom b nececsay b chlry klaho Potflor Oompqnyc (Id.tro Fqref) positon on oelbln mattens thd rus dts uttcd uuiU! you at thc Deerter 27, 2010, tnsotrg o llut you tuve dear erysctafibns u b wtrd ldaho Porcru,tl agrte b do h tegqdr b your rcquffi Ft{, as taSrcffi by you h your Dcsnbcr 30, Z}tO, l&r, ldaho Forcr $n pnvlde Smplol prppoldd'bqf:ouf prhes, by Sirplot plart loca0ons rcetvlry pdmary $nloe. br atr ftoit[ee owned snd opdttd by ldafto Porprthat an locabd on the Slmph alde of fte Fdnt of llcllwry. As rue ersad, ldaho Furer.rfl bc ppparod b orlier a frlr rsltd value prtoo d [E fadfltbs ae dcileq{tn€d by ldaho Fower, not tto d+redated book vdue prho. Bdt lddro Forer's qgnrlabry anO nmrre depaffienB ate buay pmpailrU thb lrftmilon, ad ldaho Fompr wifl provlde lt b yqy one ft ls oady. At tl{e t[ne, ldafip Porcrarffdpatee that it u,fll ha,B mmdtEtg avall*te b you by mil-trlanh- tn additlorf in th€ evon[ ldaho Ponsr afl€s b Bell thcre faclltee b Slmplot ldaho Pormr wlll mod llksly need b ins0all ddltloml protacton equhrnont oh trc faclffes on fiG ldaho Poruer slde of the nriler that fteds tte Slrnplot bcations. thb ddltbnal equlpnent wlll b6 noqffisry fur system megrfty and pllablllty pupoees; lr+luiin'Ui rrzr w rthrfr{llWJ307 [[ji'$gru-rroeReadlngiICIP Page 13 J. R. STMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 102 i) Grryry M. Adamg .hnury 31 , 20l l FegE 2of 3 Cuirenty, ldalp Psffi arilsfrcthat ltwlll prot He yourc{ent nittr a nron cpeclflc lht of thc r€o!!.ary ryrftem equlprtilt npgpdc by n{&ttladr r yrdl. klaho Forer wi$ lefi you krcw il it h gohg b be unable b Fuvlrh youufh sfficrttls ffimE0on or.fte pddng inbmatbn by mts-irarch. Scmnd, l&lp Fomrff do€s rpt lwe s[ocmc huenco polds nfl& ;r0omparFwmd ffil[€! bq,o]rd fie poht d &liuqy.' Uke.msd bue[wes, ldaho Pouuar ttas bmad, gsneral lhbmy polldea rrffdr cowr.wrtrus aspects of iB hrsinese. lngurlrp ldalr Fouef agahd prcperty damago, accfilgnB, anrl otrer loos. As we ryhln€d vrhen ue fnd rflft you ln Deocm[er, erdr poftie do rd ovw .agdnst oquFmenttrd must be rcplaoed fu I ?us leecfied fie eil of its uedJ [b, orbrlhe nplacomen[ of oquhrtnt fiet ffb afrer he €Srathn of ths manuHuuds wamanty. ThE, ldaho Pounr luc oormletEd lhctiles arsesstrpntt lbr tight of tre nine S[npk[ locat0m curwtty opp@ utldgr ldaho Fqil#s f*IlUe8 dtaEp hilfi povlgbns. The ases.nbril metlndology, uullch lnctrtee lbdlitlc inWrrcil leportg and mapSng by plant locetlon, urEre lemnty rcvlswod arrd apgoved by t)ron Slrndaant ai SlmRtot (ses encbsuru). ldaho Forcr antclpatea corpletry the faclftiee asseaotiant fur Ute frnal bcdon, ft€ Slrpht Pocamflo lbnn locatbr, by tte otd of Febmry. Onoe ldaho Forur complelec all the facffisc Ssemsrth, it wll m€ot witt Slmdol to dlscusq as uall at eatsblFh, a schedrde to mndtrcl physlcal, ondte e8o€sstnenb atthe Slmpld bcatong . Forrllt, Eg 8 hrglness rrer and as disomsed. ldaho Fow wl[ not mdntaln lbdlfiet boyord ldato Porus(s Folil of Delhnry thd are oryn€d by third partles, ltllorpow[ tf lda]o Porror hdffio! arc tanrfcned tp lhffi pwtles end prmved fum Haho Fourrt outrrem&, them wlfi be m oppoilrmtyforfioee ftdlltes b be rctumd b khho Poupdsq,&mforHaho Forisb ogerab and ndrfiin Rndfrrtrily, oilr Slmplot or any other omtonrr punlrares ldaho Forr€r faclltles, that ousbmer wlll be tutrolly rssponsith for opemtirq and maintrir{ng tlpco ftdll[€s on a golngrbrward basi& Any osrnstrat ffi b pnnfiree $chfad[tes Wll rut haw the abliU at aHr data b hantrr $oge fiacNfl0c bact to lrlaho Powr b mdntaln ard 'operetg. One fiangfsrrd, trlaho Folrer wlll lrarrc rc resporulbllily, or llablllU, assodabd u,tth malntalnlng ldwnffiss of hoeo lHlltbe or tsllun or offier olemtlonal 0r minbnmoe hsr&B aEdodatod wlh those lbdllb, rcr rnil ldalr Forcr be luflondlrle or lhble br arU comequenUat, spoohl, or ofier damagm, hdrding loss of productlon:and bst prof,ts, ffrat 6dd rgdt ln addltion, ln lhe ewnt ldaho Foruof agrces b sell any hdtUee locebd on lhe Smot side of the poht d tlo[very, I will ]reed approral fiorrn the ldaho Publlc lJffites Commislon ('lPUg) puruant b ldaho Godo S 0t€20 prlorto harnfsnlm 0!e fadts€g. ldam Forer wlfl llkely need your sppoil and oooperdion ln makfB 0ratfrfing$ltr flte IPUC. Flffr, s re digcusssd d lengm, hs odsmg britr hrUnrage ddrcsgtu fadfitcs cherye prwlebns ls srlfident and adequdely descrDee fte Fadmh Chaqe. As tti0t Erlrtblt No. 3l]7 rPc-E-il-08 Rerdlng ICIP Pege 14 Prge 103J. R, SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Grryry M. Ad{ns Jamnry31, AI1 any reguhed puUh rfifty, oumenhflp and msponsbifity frr eqrdpmcnt erd fuilrues be!,ond ttp rrtlffr Foht of Defilrery le, ry d*ufr, rrrffir fB qHots. Artendhg the Wm hrgrry. G propoced h your |ffi, nuy potoffial[ cau$ nrtu ptoblutB et$ antftuly t]nn lt wurld ruihrB, ard b mt nmclary. lliolsw, aa tlr atblrpy lepmseilhg tro IOP qnDnErli you era vcry wsl! amn d ldeho- Foupde[ffip*0on of SdNedule t0 a ndl u filaho Futtrs po[cy e[ou'[tg Sdtodde 19 ortonprs b purftme. otrn, ald openb ldaho FoH bcfrUes hcatod on tne clrsffinsr's lHc of hc Foh[ d D*rsy. Tlptdore, sendkq rut htblr b all IOP clffimen lnbmlng hem of thia lrfrrpffiafiOn ard pdlsy muld be rduldan and unneoglSary.. Sirmrdy,Mzil*L Domvan E. Waller DEW:csb Endosuos ErhlbttNoil0T IPC.E.U{B Ree&gICIP Pege 15 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 104 GnoAdrrm Frcm; Sent: To: Co: 8uU.GG Gtug, Wil[amq Jam pllllffirm0ldatmpotrsr.aoml llllqlnradry, April 06, 2fi I 3:6t PM GrugAdama Dm Redlng RE: Snnpbt lbcilltct disarrhn Afiar lnbmd disausslon, re h$,s deddod lhat m wuld rether dbcms the enfre bsue wttt ygurffi, as, fiom our paspecffue, thb b not abqrt pdoe. As I lharcd wl[r you ye€ilBlday, as a poltcy matbr, ltlaho Pousr h* decUed lt ie nd Solng to ss$ fte fiicifilbr b Slrpbt The ftciors that rucnt into hat daclslon arE: 1) our fi[ubry obllgathn (61€28) b hdrl dlra cugtomer hamEss in eelllrg utillty fi,nod asssts: erd 2) tlu rury rue run our hpinm a a regulated public utlll$. So while we can go owrthe buy-out piloe rncthodohgywe nn h analyzing Stonplofs taquest fiat mdhodology and the Earnanfi pnce dfimably had llt0e beadng on ldaho Porrer's decision to not sell ttosefacititos. At ttis point, debalhg lhe priao mdhodobgy re uscd as part of thie analysis would not be Brcduc{iw * it wlll not impaat $e decbion u,€ hare alrcady made. '. :fhanks, Jaaon l-cnHlhm! r lrtrlroPoncrCompary tlzclrgasro+ Eom; 6rq Aduns Imelb:Greo0dcharhonarrdoleep.onl StG WUdneslay, Apl|06,20119:16 A!,1 llDt Wllrmsr lerB: Dcr R:adrp Jaron, Thanls 6r lettint us know about tha pmUcm ldaho Power encountered ln calarla0ng the amornt that ldaho Povyer would need b cfia6e Slmpht frr entstlry faclllties, bcyord tlrc polnt of tfic meter to l{ corer the book rnlue of the fadllths, or (21 kaep the drer Sdrcdule 19 cwtomerswtrole. After dlscuss{rg tlre lsue wlth our consuhant, Ibn Readlry we wcre wondcrlng if you could please serd us ttre rrcr* Fplrs assodated wlth your investigatlon ln advance of our meerUng Morday? Ihat would enable ts to hare a more substantive discusslon. Thanksa@n : CilcgAdams Richsdsm& OT,Gry PLLC 5l5N.27lhStuocg t37V2 P.O. Bdr( 7218,8?707 Boiso,Idato Voioq: 208.9382236 EhtbttNo.307 lPGE"ll-08 Rerdlng ICIP Pagc 16 .,. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 105 Faceinilc: 20t.93 8.7904 InftrurirncomhcdinOiroho'hmicns*rgeudinoyu*mhwtomycoelnhftrtrdm0tirsmfifuti{F@gt d by&c rlbrooy/oltcutplvllopmd/o!!filcy urortpoduatdoofiba Ttbqdl tr i4rdGd@lyfu&gusr oftoindfti*halc G@ nM $orn hnhlumt dbcloau! of tlre como of tfu orll'u in 6.6 5 'nimodd rcipirns is mt iutmdGd ti oud docc mt c@sthrG a rrydvu of&c afoncy/dhot Fivf,gE md/c rlbnsy vm* poduct doctila Ttrh tuoigsim is ftirthcr corurd by lhr Elscnrmlc Coonuido Prlvry Ast I t U.S.C. S0 25 1G252 I . If yur hrvc rccfircd ftls oortl b cnur, imdi&.ly aoti& thc rcndr ofltc cnuoors rccttpt rnd defioy ftis rrnrlt afl Eyudbucotofts rmccittcrclccEonh orpired. Anydiaclmne, dliscnido, dfutihnioNt oopyhgcnso ofto cffi or hfumftn rcqcivcd ia cmc is saiotly prdibed. ltdryon. Fom: tttllhmg,llson Sultr Tudry, ADdl 05, 2011 12:25 Pl,l ltu GrqAdrmeft$€r Shplot hdllUs dbalsslon Gttg, As a tcllourup to our dlscueslon of lastvmk, ldaho Power has made a dcEmlnaliln reldrq b ttre iats of Schedule 10 hdilcs ftr Simplot. We would lll<e b invite you and rupnrsonffivct of Slmplot b mset ruih our fullte b discuss. We ould be evailable at ldaho ForGfs downtos'n ffices on either tondry, Aprll ll et ll em or Ftlden Apil f E et ll rm. Pleffie let me know if eithar of those Umes work fur you md Sknplot. lf so, I can gfuc you a oall and wa can dlscuss an agenda b mah surc rw oortr swn1thlrq that Slmplot has asked. Thanks, Jason Mr lifilnn I Corpor*e Cornrel I ldrtro Po*er Comprny 1221 Ur. ldehq Bobc, lD 837112 | t(2tr1 38 5lO{ | El Mltams0idahoroucr.com rt[tFilrrdoEryo0h iffio0tlFvdhlld,dfid.l d,C@ frEehrc r**eldoln trrorl{GdbMnS4 pr!!EttyffilEnydhdouq,oWytf drtlqcuo(io.6l&eE!iltrrit(bd&3uyrdhoohu)blIIRlctLY!R(trXE[I@.IfyotttedrC6ffiocbeu. dartuldoryd.lft *!dd.ey6.drliritrolircly,ddcbffi cHcrytu lr*yur. Erblbft No.307 rPc-E-ll{lt Rcadhg ICIP Page l7 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B \ i) BEBORE THE IDAHO PIIBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO.IRC-E-1148 NDUSIRIAL CUSIOIUERS OT' IDAEO BOTYER nEAIIING,Itr TDSTIMOIl{Y ETHIBIT NO.3O8 . Idaho Power's Reoponrec to Produc{ion Rcquot No* 12 and 51, and i Corresllondonce Reg[ding eRcmovd' of Facilitico Charge Equipment J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE oFFICIAL NortcE altDion oFFER INTo EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Pege I0? IG,OITEST FOR FODUCilOil fO. t2: Ih€6 tlre Company puvide flstonrus pa$ng the faffies charge witr any optbn b errur ctop paylng tlre fadfi0ea clraqs, and acqulrc rnd ontml thslr own aqdpmqrt on their orn pmperty? lf o, please ldeffiry thq t4guage ln thc eilcdrg or pmposed tarltr hwghting thb opUon lbr cwtomer. aid opkiln trow trb plom milts. Flrse hchfrle €rplanatlon of llr bnglh of Snrq il wotdd talo ltldto Porcr to povlde custonur n'lth a calculrllon of the ost br the cuslomer b pay tOatro pmnr b mmoro tha farilitier and stop paying the ladlitier durge. Slnce 1g8?, lrw many curlomets haw (f) hqulrod lrfio $h optlon, (2) ercdsed lhb o&n? REsOilsF TO REOT E$T FOtIlrRODUCTl9il ilOJ3r Gustomsru paylng e frdlltEe cfiarge can rE$relt that he Compary Emo\ro d of ib facfftlee locahd on ihe cu$omefs proporU. lnthls eate, tho cusmormuH no lotrgerpaya rpntHyftcillteg dtaqo frer all faolltec sbn rurnvud and all rumornl fees worc pafrl. All su&mers oan rcquct nmoyale, rsbcations, upgndes, or onverulons svltrout sps@ qdtr lrynrage ltrdlcallru that they can malte srclr a request Tho lerryfi of [m il trcdd hfto l&ho Poner to pmvldg crrsof,rqp with a cdculdon of fig cost fur [te cusbnpr to py ldalp Power b rcorow Ure lbdlfng and @ pa$ru tho hclflfi€B dtalge wlllwy baeed on tln slte onf,gra$on and fie number of fadmb bofrg lemved. Ths Compary doc not tradt the nur&er of qrfiorrrB thct luve tlqulrcd lnQ thb @m ormrdsed ttrh oflhn. The r@onse (o ttris RsquoC ms pnpnrcd by Smtt D. $padq Senbr Rsguhbry AnaW; ldaho Forcr Company, ln oonsufiaton nrllh Jason B. Wllhms, Corporate Couneel, ldetp Parnr Gompany. lDAt{O F(mrER @tlPAlrlYS RESFOI,ISE TO T}lE SCS{D REOUESTS FOR PROIXJSNSI OF fiE INDIETRIAL CUsTT'IffiRs OF IOAHO FOIVER . t 3 .\ Erhlbit No.30t IPC.E.II{8 Reedlng ICIP Prge I J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page 108 i.) REQIEBT FoR PRODlEllOil ]lO. 3t: Rtrance the Comparfs Responee b lClP Requed No. 12 (gtatirU tlnttt$mm payltU a faoiltles Gtrarge can rcqued fitail.$e Conpany rE rprle all of lh hdlfrhs hcmd on tre crntomer's properqf). Has sqy cuctorrnr evar rqlu€Eld romoral of tE fac[i[ec bq,Dnd trc point of dsffi\reVl lf yac, pbale adaln trow the Comparry lnclaased oilrer crsiomoll' 'ab6 ln thd clrcumctanoo. lf no, hae tlr @mpany syarffitd b ailqv a cu&mer mrclse the pnpval o@n ln laponre b a cusns's complatrt rqadng tre Hlltes drarge? Pleass€ililsln. RESFOilIF TO ffiQtEgT, F,OR PRQDUCIIOII -ilO. sr: (}rE crdomer has r*cnUy (lri[rln the lad fine yean) rsqueshd pmwal of fadfiUes incfialhd beyord the Compr,rfe polnt of dellrery. The roSr€st was fur rsmoval of turo tansfuimers. !f tunolnrl, tre crffimo wa golrB b ln&ll, ofln, opaate, and mdnbln ils own tmnsbmatbn. ln rcrponre b trc cuslornds requelt the Gompryry pmvldcd fie qrfirner. a coct qt& for the Grnovd. U[fnebly, the wdomer dd not purure the mnrowl and there was m impac{ on crstomqrchsg' rcvenue mqulrcmert or rates. The lesponse b thb hsqrcA ruas prepared by,S6tt D. Sgarle, Senlor Regutatory Analyst, ldelp Porpr Comparry, ln cqrqrlhtlon wltlr Jason B. Willamc, Corporae Courd, ldaho Foria Conpany. IDA}IO POIYER @MPA}IY8 RESFC'MIE TO THE SUfiH RE(UEsTS FOR PfrODiTCTtON OFTHE II{DIJSTR AL CrrsrquEtrt OF DAitO POlrrrER - 12 ErhtbftNo.fllt IPC.E-Il{t8 Readlng ICIP Pege 2 Page.l09J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE,Exhibit 8-B - f,oD.mrrc&EAr r ttot,Ilrs lt ltr Ictt tl!41&?t00 trr: l0t.!!l.7l0r[ C.O.lor?tla lotalD irru, - tlt[Zntt].!&.lD !rr02 Augrrst2S" 20ll VLA&UdleiltM DoaovanW.l&!r LiraNod*,om Icm Willims I&hoPowC@pmy P.O. Box ru Botuqldrto t37$l-fi)?0 8:: foraln S..t$rortofrffi offtcsfutrryoqQu:rtftoa J.RSiDDhtco.,prutir _\.. .) i Dcr t{r. Dmonm Walkc, }ds. tba Nqdshln, ad ffi. Jm Wiltiams: I wriu ubehEofmyf,nn'sclirnq J.R- Siqlc(hnpmy, to fmdty $qlr$ tb klso Prc povidc cort figUrca fur SiaphO currcire its'igl't rudcr the qlplidlc taift d SFcisl Coar*t to haw ldqho Pffi movo trho dstih[ion ftoi[dor g&ic.t to Idiho P,ouE 8 tollitica chlrtg a in Sefto&rhs 9, 19 ud Spocid Cmfict hcuions. SpGcifically, thc tuift edsleirlCorrurstallmrsi@6opey[rlahPourrtp"nm*alvrbhooeu'ofitlnotnlofth ftoilidcsbq@dthopointofdilirruy. Ib'Nm*alrnblcoodeis"thbtil derccidcogof qdcfik, hbqr ud ovatca& ofttc &cilities, lcss hc difrmmoc Mrrcco lho salrsbto cost of m*crial rtooved md rmrnl bc ost fualudirg apopime ovcrhad ooitsr' Plcarcaho insldcwiththcmovrtoctthc initlal invesMcnlintbc friliticcto bcrrmoved for ehloction" Plcarprsvidc a[ w*papers grypordnglhc lcmovel oostl. Simplc abo rtqrc*sftd l&ho Powr a1phfu ufifu Sinplot'sps)rnontofrcmoraal cosE, as cOna.ru in tnc'tuim asd Specisl Coilrr$ will hcrrc a rgtc impect o oilhcr crrsm,mcr in thc apflicrblo roe class. Fimlly, if ldaho Ponrcr itrsludcc additioDil pmccdm Gqr{rpoGd ioshtlad m thc ld$o Porrycr sidc of the DGEr ss prrt of rts rcmorul oocts, plaar gcDtsFly it@ir such oquipmcnt fro,ur othcr cogts fur cach locdion, rnd plcasc orylain brr &earlfB and Spccial Coffia$ as qrroted ErhlbltNo.3OE rnc-E-lr-08 Rearting ICIP Page 3 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page I l0 i.) Itr. X/dhri lft. Xqdfrtoo, Ed I&. Willimr August25,201l Pegc2 rtxnrc, dloqr for inclruim of suct cm b bc Daid by Sinplot. AffialyfoIR Stopt*Co. oc: hothreitm,JI"SirylfiCo.n nsr Rcsfu, Bcn Joenmn asgod*cs J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B ErhlbftNo.3(B rPc-E-r14t ReadngICIP Prgc { Page lll nEHDNrPOtEl- mOtoofP€OftEfrr Se$mber 13, 2011 I'IA U.S.IAIL AIID Ef,AIL Gmgory M. Adams RIG}IART}SON & OLEARY, PLLC SlS llorth 27m Street P.O. Box 7218 Bobe,ldahoE3707 Rq J.R. Slmplofs Requost br Facfitlss Removal DearMr. Adams: Thank you br your lefrer dabd Agust 25, m11, on bdralf of J.R. Simpbt Company ("Sfnpbf) and youruquest frr Haho Poner cornpany fldaho Foref or 'Companf) to prcv{de coat figurac b mnorc Haho Fovw facililbs on lhe Slnplot 'sid6 of the metor.' As you are aware, wo haw m€t wlth you and Slmplot representatlves multple tmee owr fie hst year to discnss the Companft ldaho'Rrbllc utlllths Commbsiop ('Commbslon") appmved fadltt{ec efiargos ard tlnrc prwlded you wltr &ftrll€d ffirnefion related to ttroee faofllsee ard drages. ln fiac't, ldslrc Po,yer spent ltundrcds d man-houte oldtrc{ng lhdll0es a.dtu of S[r,plde locatlonr and prwftled roporb of tloso audlt llndlnga b Simplot ldaho Fower hag aho pmvlded you wifir volumlnouo lrfomaton rslated b tis fmllHee charge in tho form of teeponcca b roquests fur producton that you haw submltted ln ldaho Fone/s pendlng general mte casa at the Commlsslon, Cao No. IPC-E-11-08. ldaho Porcrwillantruo b provlde Slmplot uffr all rdevant ffirma0on lt needs so lt can eveluate and plan for [s elec,tic tscllltic ard sorvico rpde. Your nbS rscant rsqued s€d{ng 'cost fturce'br.the rcmoval of ldaho Pouor- owned datibutlon hclll0es subF&t b the ffifiths charye ls ln ltgtlf a eubsfiatthl undertakiry. As you may be auiam. tfpre am appmxtrnatdy l,ffXl dltrBmnil pleces ofqlpmenft sprcad trrcss nine Stnpld locatlons thet aru amantly ruQfect b the fuffteq cfiarge. ln older to bb aHe b pmvHe the mqueded oost estlmete fur the mmoval of fadlltos, a epoclfic removd plan wllln€od b be rlerreloped fureactr Simplot locatlon. The laryer Slmplot loca0one ruy rcqulrc mulUple ptoject plans that rBfrect phasod uork efuits. ln oder b maintain seMoe b Slmpbt dufirg the rsnpval of Eclll0as, ldaho Porruar and Simplot uilt nsad b haro ertbnslw mordlnatlon to ensure rJi li#$IBSrFilProe rorc, ToIEGE-ll.{tr ReedlngICIP Poge 5 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B Page I 12 Grcgory M. Adamg Scptentor 13,2CI11 Page 2of 2 ftathe rernoralof Gorpanyfrclltalequipnert lrc a minirnnlan lmpad as poesible on Slmflot's busln$s opemtlona. Amrdfqly, a thrue&p appmadr ls rcqulrcd b povlde Slmplot wlth an aocumto ret quote b nmow Companysv666 hdfUes ftom Slmpht's''dde of the meter.' FhBt, ldeho Fo$!r opqsorp peinnml tril need b meet u,lUt Simplot operdons penonnd b dhcuss Slmptofs pfud[es asocialed trtlh eadt faciltty and to dewhp plans fu pmoval. For sxample, rmoval of Comparry ffillts ard mplacernclt nlh Slmplotourrd tsdllUos wlfl requln paffd or full outagea of sorrn Simptot locatbrr. Se@nd, ldaho furlerenglnealng penonnelwlll neod b despn and engher the nmoval of fufftlec ln a manner ondabnt with Slmplofs buslnees operatlOns rpo6" AonsUem wffi fie Companfs Rule H tailfi, Slmpbt ruil be rEtpongbb fur pnpayfg all erqheefrig cfiaEes assocffid 'Irdth de$rdng plans br mmoval of and charyne to tho hdlltles. Flnafly, oncs the Company oompbtee the erUtrpadrU notk necmary to derdop plam lbr Fotmyal, lt wl[ be Sle b provlde Simddudtr a oostquote. Pleaee iravo Simplot operationc pemowrel mntact Jim Hovda, an ldaho Povrer. Llaior C\.srpr Replooenla$ve b oodlnate a tlme b mod to haw fte inltlal digcr,rssion Glat€d b &vdopttg fiacill(res rcinoval plans. As you may mcall, Mr. ]iovda has paillclpated ln our meetngs,owr tte last year and ia ftmlllar uultr Shrplot'sopentbns. Afierlhls inlfral medng, ldaho Fqrcr udll be aUe to povide Strplot trrllh an eetimde lbr the t€qtlrsd prepayrnent of the englnearlng chaqn aesoclabd vriBr thehcillilc mrnoval phns ard cod quo@. &tco tho erElnsedrU chalges am paid, the Company wtl proceed wlth fto erlginedng wort rcquirerl b dewbp ttn reqr,letbd coctque br removal of th€ fuc{i0€s. Shoerely, \dm JBW:csboc: Jlm Hovda, MaJor Customer Repnsentatlrre, ldaho Power (via e-mall) Elonovan Waffre, Lced Comssl, ldsho Poruer (vla e.mall) Don Stuilevafi J.R. Slmplot Company (vla U.s. Mall) Dr. Oon Readlrg, Ben Jdrnson Assodatao (Ua U.S. Mell) ErhibttNo.308 rPc-E-l1-0E Reedtng ICIP Pogc 6 Prge I 13J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 8-B EXHIBIT #9 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER TNTO EVIDENCE I 12051lafn. txt 15 uadam chairman. rhe tndustria'l customers of rdaho Power 16 calls Don Sturtevant to the stand. L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 451 READTNG (com) ICIP 1 DON STURTEVANT, 2 produced as a witness at the instance of the rndustrial 3 customers of rdaho Power, having been first duly sworn, 4 was examined and testified as fo]lows: 5 6 DIRECT EXAMINATION 7 8 BY MR. RICHARDSON: 9 A cood afternoon, Mr. sturtevant. would you 10 state and spe'|l your name for the record, please? 11 A oonald Eugene sturtevant, JF., L? s-t-u-r-t-e-v-a-n-t. 13 a And are you the same Don Sturtevant who L4 caused prefi'led test'imony to be filed in this case? 15 A ram. 16 A end do you have any corrections or L7 additions to make to your testimony? Page 261 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE - Pnge I OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 12051lafn. txt 18 A r do not, but in the hopes of expediting 19 this, r am the one that made the code ned, so r wi]I 20 admit to that. aad movie reference to code Red, you 2L can't handle the truth. 22 a thank you. 23 CoMMISSIoNER SMITH: rhis is a sheltered 24 utility wor'ld. No one even knows what you're talking 25 about. CSB REPORTING 452 READING (COM)(208) 890-s198 rcrP 1 e By MR. RTCHARDSoN: Mr. sturtevant, if r 2 were to ask you the questions, same questions, that are 3 in your prefi'led testimony today, would your answers be 4 the same? 5 A rhey wou'ld. 6 uR. RICHARDSON: uadam chair, I move that 7 the testimony of tur. Sturtevant be spread upon the record 8 as if it were read in full. CoMMISSIONER SMITH: Seeing no objection, 10 it is so ordered. 11 (rhe folloving prefiled direct testimony L2 of Mr, Don Sturtevant is spread upon the record.) 13 L4 15 L6 t7 18 19 20 2L eage 262 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE Page2 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 ) 120511afn. txt 22 23 24 25 453 coLLoQuY 1 Q. P'lease state your name, 2 occupation, and business address.. 3 A. . My name is Don Sturtevant, Corporate Energy 4 Manager for the :.R. Simp'lot company headquartered at 999 5 n,tain street, aoise, rdaho 83702. 6 a. please describe you educational background. 7 A. I'm a registered professional engineer, 8 'licensed in the state of ldaho and a certified energy 9 Manager. r hold a aache'lor's degree in l,techanical 10 Engineering from the un'iversity of rdaho and am a Masters 11 of sus'iness Administration student at Boise state LZ University. 13 a. what is your work experience at the J.R. 14 Simplot company? 15 A. I've been the corporate Energy Manager for five 16 years, and have been with the company for the past eleven L7 years. rn my current ro1e, r work with twenty-two 18 different utilities in North America, canada, and 19 lustralia. 20 2L a. what is the purpose of your testimony? A. the purpose of my testimony is to shed light on 22 the rdaho Power racilities charge program, exp'lain the 23 effects on the J.R. simplot company, and propose a 24 solution to what t consider to be an unfair business J. R. srMpLor coMpANy,s MorroN To rAKE eage 263 Page 3 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 120511afn . txt 25 practice. :.R. simplot company is a member of the CSB REPORTING 454 COLLOQUY(208) 890-s198 1 tndustrial Customers of Idaho Poyuer (ICP), and supports 2 the rcrPrs position in this case. 3 Q. P'lease explain in genera'l terms the location 4 and products produced at l,n. simplot Company's plants 5 taking service from tdaho Power as large power or special 6 contract customers. 7 A. lile are one of rdaho power's largest customers 8 with industrial facilities located in pocatello, 9 eberdeen, Nampa, and ca]dwell. tve also have several 10 commercial facilities )11 / L2/ 13/ L4 15 16 L7 18 L9 2A 2L 22 23 24 2sj srunreverur (oi) ICIPCSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 J. R, SIMPLoT CoMPANY'S MoTIoN To TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 page 264 455 Page 4 t?120511afn . txt 1 scattered throughout the state. We are an lgriausiness 2 company and have farming and catt'le operations, produce 3 ferti'lizer, and process potatoes into frozen 4 french-fries. 5 e. How many people are employed by :.n. simplot 6 Company in the State of rdaho? 7 A. We currently employ over three thousand (3,000) I employees in rdaho. I a. How much does the :.n. Simplot company spend on 10 electricity bills to rdaho power annually? Ll- A. l.R. simplot company spends approximately $16.5 t2 million annually in rdaho Power charges. I ) 13 a. Does l.R. Simplot company pay rdaho Power a t4 facilities charge for electrica'l distribution equipment L5 installed and maintained beyond the point of delivery by 16 rdaho Power at l.R. simplot Company's plants and L7 facilities? 18 A. Yes. 19 a. cou'ld you explain your understandtng of the 20 facilities charge? 2L A. The current schedule 1-9 tariff states that at 22 rdaho Power's option, it may install and maintain 23 facilities beyond the point of delivery and charge 1.7% 24 monthly or 20.4% annually for company-owned facilities 25 beyond the point of de'livery. CSB REPORTING 456 STURTEVANT (Di)(208) 890-5198 rcrP 1 rdaho power has filed to reduce the facilities J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy,sMorIoNTorAKE eage 265 OFFICI,AL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 Page 5 L20511afn.txt2 charge to L.4L% monthly or L7.00% annually in this case 3 for schedule 19 customers, but not for special contract 4 customers. rn this context, r wou'ld 'l'ike to point out 5 that although the oon P'lant has a separate Special 6 contract executed in 2004, section 15.2 of the contract 7 specifically al'lows for changes to the schedule 29 rates, I which include the faci'lities charge rate. e/ 10/ 11 / L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 457 sruRrEvANT (Di) ICIP(208) 8e0-s198 1 e. what types of equ'ipment are inc'luded in the 2 facilities charge? 3 A. The charge covers typ'ical higher-voltage 4 equipment such as transformers, poles, wires, and rage 266 J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE Page 6 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 \) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 17 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I J. R. srMp,-or coMpANy's MorroN ro rAKE Page 267 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 120511afn. txt swi tches . a. How much does :.R. Simp'lot company current'ly pay as a facilities charge? A. llle have $4.252 mill'ion in assets for which we pay $867,426 each year. a. uow did you become aware of the facilities charge? A. r was investigating our bills and noticed the facilities charges. r began to question what the charges were for and the total amount we were paying. r was very surprised to find out that the facilities charge was so large, that it never gets paid off, and we pay 20.4% annual 1y forever. a. Has Idaho Po^,er ever requested your written consent to instali any faci'lities beyond the point of delivery at your plants? A. NO. a. Are you aware of such consent given by any other J.R. simplot company officia'ls? A. I am aware that section 10.1 0f the Don plant specia'l contract approved in 2004 grants rdaho Power 458 Don Sturtevant, DI 1- ICIP access to simplot premises for installation, removal, and maintenance of distribution facilities. t have reviewed the schedu'le 19 tariff, and it contains no provision requiring the customer to grant rdaho Power access for purposes of insta'l'ling or maintaining distribution facilities. rdaho Power formerly required customers to execute a uniform schedule 19 Service Agreement, but the version from 2001 that r have reviewed 'likew'ise prov'ides Page 7 L205l1afn. txt9no 10/ 11 / L2/ 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 459 oon sturtevant, Dr laICIP 1 provision granting the company access to customers' 2 premises for purposes of insta'lling or maintaining 3 distribution faci'lities. 4 Q. Does the schedu'le 19 tariff appear to al]ow 5 l.n. simplot €ompany as an ldaho Power customer to opt 6 out of the facilit'ies charge, and to take on the 7 responsib'ility for electrica'l distribution facilities on 8 simplot plants' property? I A. No. rhe tariff plainly states: "At the option ) 10 of the company, transformers and other facilities 11 installed beyond the Point of oelivery to provide erimary eage 268 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE Prge 8 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 L i I Lz or rransmission t"t'ftt#"#iY.t o*n.d, operated, and 13 maintained by the company in consideration of the L4 Customer pay'ing a racilities charge to the company." This 15 tariff implies the customer has no choice and it does not 16 state that the customer has the option to itse'lf own and t7 maintain the faci'lities on its property. L8 a. ooes tdaho Power's ownership and management of 19 electrical equipment on plants o,vned by :.n. simplot 20 company concern you from a liability perspective? 2L A. Absolute'ly. tn large industria'l and 22 commercial operations, safety is our highest priority. 23 a. what insurance requ'irements does l.R. simplot 24 company require of electrica'l contractors that conduct 25 work on its property? 460 Don sturtevant, Dr 1 A. We require that every contractor working at any 2 J.n. Simplot company location provide proof of $5 mil'lion 3 dol'lars in liabil'ity insurance. 4 a. Has Idaho Power provided J.R. simplot Company 5 with assurance that these simplot policies are met by 6 rdaho Power's liability coverage? 7/ 8/ e/ 10 LL L2 13 L4 15 J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy,s MorroN rorAKE page 269 prge 9 OFFICTAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 2 ICIPi) 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 120511afn . txt 461 Don sturtevant, DI 2a ICTP A. No. we asked for insurance coverage documents prior to this rate case and did not receive them. rhe attorney for the lndustria'l customers of rdaho Power was able to obtain summaries of rdaho Power's insurance polic'ies only through discovery in the general rate case. The Company stated in its Response to IcrP production Request No. 14 contained in rcrp Exhibit r.ro. 305 that "the insurance carried by the Company would cover any loss for which the company was deemed neg'ligent in an accident or injury." rt is not clear from this response, or the documents describing the Company's insurance pof icies providing in its Response to tctp production Request ruo. 16 contained 'in rcrp exhibit tto. 305, that the Company indemnifies or co-insures J.R. simplot for such negligent acts, or that the commission requires 'it to do so. the schedule 19 tariff provides no requirement for rdaho power to 'insure or indemnify customers aga'inst any eage 270 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 Page l0 ;I 120511afn. txt19 harm that may be caused to the customer or third parties 20 by rdaho Power's intentional or negligent acts re'lated to 2L distribution facilities on the customers' premises. 22 However, the Don plant specia'l contract approved in 23 2004 contains a general liability requirement, in section 24 12.1, which states: 25 each earty agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and 462 Don Sturtevant, DI 3 ICIP t ho'ld harm'less the other Party, its officers 2 directors, parent company, affiliates, subsid'iaries, 3 agents representatives, and employees against and 4 from any and al'l liabi'lity, suits, Ioss, damage 5 claims, actions, costs, and expenses of any nature, 6 including court costs and reasonable attorney's 7 fees, even if such suits or claims are completely 8 groundless, as a resu'lt of injury to or death of any 9 person or destruction, loss or damage to property 10 arising in any way in connection with, or re'lated 11 to, this Agreement, but on'ly to the extent such L2 injury to or death of any person or 13/ L4/ 15/ 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 J. R. srMpt,or coMpANy,s MorroN To rAKE Page 27t page r r OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 23 24 25 120511afn. txt 463 Don sturtevant, Dr 3 ICIP destruction, loss or damage to property is not due to the negl'igence or other breach of 1egal duty of such other Party; provided, however, that each party sha'lI be solely responsible for c'laims of and payment to its employees for injuries occurring in connection with their employment or arising out of any worker's compensation law. rn no event sha'l'l either Party be liable to the other for any i ndi rect, i nci dental , speci a1 , or consequent'ia'l damages of any character including, without limitation, damages for 'lost profits or work stoppages. a. rs this provision in the Don Plant Special contract consistent with :.n, simp]ot company's genera'l insurance requirements for contractors performing work at the plant? A. No. Even th'is provision does not expressly requ'ire r.R. simplot company's $5 million in insurance requirement r testified to above, a. Do you think it is reasonable for rdaho Power to agree to indemnify l.R. simplot at the oon p'lant but not to agree to indemnify J.R. s'implot at any of the plants taking schedu'le 19 service? A. NO. a. p'lease comment on the average age and overall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 Page 272 Page 12 tc (JH Ho 0o-U,-gd!6>do PSOL!-Lg>OirOlE=ouooo9CdOIOPEttusdd6 opos!JOLt'rGo30uOgrU!sO !dt90ooEO:LEpc6gtLP.Ft!UOEgLUd.FooooEEooS6>e>O!E>lOF=PPEorl!Er6.rdgg0PFA6t.Fa.FE!5EOOU6CFOEnGUdLrYOgeYLL9CoO$llo6FOOOEi>6LpoaL>EnIOoLLEoEaooo6ErroPiOEEO6.UEOEEeoo>o.PGtOa,nOE!r?aFFOEE>aoHtEoirE(6HOP'-6>€dEUI-O!t'ECilEd.!66|udCOOF.O<!urF>-O6O.FPFdEOL>EOEPs:(ronluodCtLF>OEL(ruooE!.r PEr! o+,LtPq C66 I$iIddr-{o F{ 6L(,H Het ucl! otIPo coa ro N o6nA LIIzEdA 2Z:-ot,z-oc EE =oat!,aZA<2q< 6E EEqz ES.OYZ!.EEioc H N mt 6 @ N E 6 O r{ N 6 + 6 rO N E Or O H N 6 + 6dddddHHHddNNNNNN s so o !:lrddt>dnr,Jhoo ootod oLEPO.FG>EO'FPcdcEO!sEcLrd'-o:>srEyoda!qEOO*O P LNU d dNeCP J UOov66do d odEU'F vOf.F OFd'X'r Udoz.odc- : s uF> i L 165 0 Ftg B Etss . o ,3o o - 6*I FdE f; EEd € EOo H o(LQzaH N d StiPU-h51Z E3.oYi + doe P o o L ! . L L tqC>O!qOL.F9qOHtll6o.-a+0rgO->UossL$.FO>tF:OH6o'lsrlSEsEoEiQEC CEgEGIPO!d.!!O6OG.oHCOO.6 C ELHL €p{rE O.U LP.FO6OL\OOOOPOEtr'FNoOgoGE€EB.FIFLOL..dHdSOyEPdFF!:OOOP'FLEEPE69Or!SL>EtrFOOOPlEt{LLoO.rdOO>O'FP$P6OdEto-6.'-llLS.Ft.rUdOE>EdLOgO.FUFOIIP6PJL>.BqdPrcloPE6uPErd$sospEOPOEEP>la-oEdNO;8.--L€O.FE>.FOEOLO.FrEO6=€EFOPEtI-6o.FH-EdPO;trOPOO-E^OOo'FIL&.F:otEO.FoP@^.FL.F.FdoEtUVNrEo@N:O-YOCoE>O>EEc6UgvvSod.F.FrEofr!EPLL.FoNq{>OdUFPOq.16OsLo-dEXgOIdc.ddOt>9O9os'F'Fqoo>E(FPEO$s-oO..s.Fo>OOd.FEPOLOP6OdLO€ =E!ElOLdtEOOdE.FEtGaq-PEo>66LPtELE>cY6O69iFOTFPSOfPHLdEL.T-rJj@OFXPU>O:6'FOiTOEE.FEP,l-PULO'Fon>rOCDO6OE.Fo-gdEEcdPnoo>c>q-ElooonSj.je.roEsoE'FE6.rP.FOoqP =EOEEU-'FEEgO.FPSddPEE-=9L6PPEaLOPguuPPOoo-od6.rEFc>COgtr = C, Oo uF E-rs.d OCo lrtsO 6c.-'l!>.!PE.FOEo9.-0LOSOOEdL@0.r6OUP-O!'TOOP.LPhEU.FN>tP66OE0'rEOo:R6.Fo!t66P.F(LP'?=CPLUd<OtF.; 6NE6OL!L.-6>!POOE.rc.FG O.F g o l- ! nr$ P 6 -! 6 E U 0N'Fs. - 6 OPE=POOOOOO.E-O 3560 6OEU,-GPG>>6OLZLLOEFLZ .F+!t-L+P=BFFg'FEE-Oo.O!6O NCOO OrFh rtuo 6r - rdlo O' gPO.OOdo. .Pu..;ddO-vPq-S>O>E < l$oCrOEo<P';P O 6 O F O L O O E O'p : G UOLPLOE^L.FE,!EYq.FLULOPd4:>.Fs+I{r=6dd.ro60OOEEO6dONOT0€EtErSEOq6I!,U.Fq'EO6V C@LH HPF! UPJ OU HN6q6qNOOOdNO+6@N€Oc,dNm*h HilFltr{dildidNNNNNN 120511afn. txt 4 simplot company premises subject to the facilities 5 charge. 6 A. Yes. The remaining book value for al'l of our 7 equipment is listed below: 8/ e/ 10/ 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 467 Don Sturtevant, 1 2 3 4 (chart contained in hard copy of transcript.) 5 6 J.R.srMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE eage 275 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE' Erhibit 9 DI 5 ICIP Page 15 120511afn . txt 7 8 9 L0 11 a. Do you think it would be fair for rdaho Power tZ to sell this equipment to you for that price? 13 A. No, I do not. t|,e have many items that are L4 much o'lder than 30 years. tle have calculated that 520 15 items at our plants are over 30 years old, which is 32l[ 16 of ai'l of our facilities charge equipment. we have paid L7 for this equipment several times already, and if we paid 18 the net book va'lue on the remaining items, we wou'ld not 1-9 get fair credit for the overpayments that we have already 20 made on equ'ipment that should have been paid off long 2L ago. overall, we have paid for the initial value of this 22 equipment more than 3.4 times already and should be given 23 ownership of al'l items today. 24 a. what is your understand'ing of the options 25 provided by rdaho Power's facilities charge for the 468 Don sturtevant, Dr I.,E 1 customer to stop paying the charge? 2 A. under the plain terms of the Schedule 19 tariff 3 and sections 4.2 and 7,3 of the 2004 Don Plant specia'l 4 contract, we may require rdaho Power to "remove" the 5 facilit'ies. But then we must pay rdaho Power for the 6 remaining depreciated value of the facil'ities plus the 7 cost to remove the facilities minus a credit for the 8 salvage value of the equipment. There is no express 9 provision allowing for purchase of facilities by the 10 customer to avoid paying remova'l J. R. srMpt,or coMpANy,s MorroN To rAKE Page 276 prge 16 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 11 / L2/ 13/ L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 10 a. Has the 11 facilities charges t2 uti'l i ti es? 13 A. Yes. At J, R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 120511afn. txt J . R. Si mpl ot company pai d si mi 'lar in other jurisdictions, or with other our othe'l'lo, washington facility, Page 277 469 Don Sturtevant, DI 7ICIP 1 costs and to avoid incurring additiona'l costs that may 2 arise if rdaho Power is unable to find a willing buyer 3 for the facilities or otherwise salvage the facilities. 4 rn other words, the faci'lities charge does not allow for 5 the customer to purchase the faci'lities from tdaho Power, 6 even if the customer has more than paid off the init'ial 7 investment and provided rdaho Power w'ith reasonab'le fees 8 to cover operation and maintenance and a reasonable 9 return. Page 17 120511afn. txt L4 Avista was charging us 21% annua'Ily, wh'ich was paid off 15 after thirty years. ulhen t 'learned of this, r 16 approached the nvista staff and requested that we be L7 al1ov'red to pay off th-is charge and get out from under the 18 exorbitant payments. rhey agreed, we paid it off, and 19 they have offered to do maintenance or repairs for us at 20 a "time and materials" rate. This is the only other 2L utility w'ith which we pay a facilit'ies-type charge. 22 a. rf :.R. Simplot company were sol'iciting 23 competitive bids from private companies to'lease and 24 manage the electrica'l facilities simi'lar to those 25 services provided by rdaho Power under the facilities 47A Don sturtevant, Dr 7ICIP 1 charge, would you consider a bid of an ongoing annua'l 2 charge of L7.00% of the initial investment to be a 3 reasonable bid for your schedule 19 facifities? How 4 about the 20.4% for the oon plant? 5 A. Not at aI'!. As you know, interest rates are 6 very 1ow. Anyone who approached us with this type of 7 financing option wou'ld not be considered. 8/ e/ 10/ 11 L2 1_3 L4 15 16 t7 J. R. srMplor coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE eage 278 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibii 9 Page l8 120511afn. txt 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 471 Don sturtevant, Dr 7a ICIP 1 Q. Has :.R. Simplot Company approached tdaho Power 2 to request that rdaho Power se'|l the facilities charge 3 equipment, or otheftvise allow J.n. simp'lot company to 4 stop paying rdaho Power for electrical equipment on l.R. 5 simp'lot company property? 6 A. Yes. rn meetings and letters in the year prior 7 to this rate case, :.n. Simplot company requested that it 8 be allowed to exercise the option to own a'11 of its I distribution facilit'ies beyond the point of delivery. rn 10 a letter from our attorney dated oecember 30, 2010, we 11 requested that tdaho Power provide the depreciated book LZ value of those facilities so that we could evaluate the 13 option of ownersh'ip. we also reguested that rdaho Power L4 prov'ide the costs by the end of January 20lL because we 15 needed the information by that time to adequately 16 eva'luate it in time for interna'l financ'ial decision L7 timelines for the next fisca'l year. 18 rdaho Power responded by letter on lanuary 31, ZALL, 19 by stating that it would provide l.R. simplot company 20 with "buy-out" prices by mid-march 2011. tt stated that J. R. srMp.,or coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE eage 279 page 19 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibir 9 L20511afn. txt 2L it wou'ld only provide such prices at the "fair market 22 value price of those facilities, not at the depreciated 23 book value price." rdaho Power a'lso indicated it would 24 need to install additional protective equipment on its 25 side of the meter if it sold these pieEes of equipment to 472 oon sturtevant, Dr 7a ICIP 1 simplot, and that it wou'ld provide the cost for that 2 equipment to us mid-t,tarch 2011 as we]l. 3 rdaho power also stated it wil'l not a]low for mixed 4 ownership, or an option whereby simplot owned the 5 equipment and paid rdaho Po/uer a limited facilities 6 charge for maintenance expenses, like the opt'ion offered 7 by evista in a simi]ar situation. these 'letters are 8 included in rctp Exhibit No. 307, attached to Dr. Don 9 neading's direct testimony. 10 a. oid rdaho Power provide such prices by 11 mi d-tlarch? L2/ 13/ L4/ 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 z4 eage 280 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 Page 20 120511afn. txt 473 Don sturtevant, Dr 8ICIP 1 A. No. rdaho Power contacted us at the end of 2 lvtarch to set up a meeting in npril 2011. prior to the 3 meeting, rdaho Pov{er's attorney sent our attorney an 4 email stating, for the first time, that rdaho Power would 5 not agree to sell the facifities to us. This email 'is 6 included in tcrp exhibit No. 307 attached to the direct 7 testimony of Dr. Don neading. at a meeting on apri'l 1l-, 8 2011, attended by our representatives, rdaho Power took I the position that it cannot sel1 facilities to simplot at 10 a fair market price w'ithout increasing the rates of other 11 schedule 19 customers. rhe price rdaho Power stated, for LZ discussion purposes only, that J.n. simp'lot would have to 13 pay rdaho Power was approximately $10 million for the 14 facilities if they were to be sold, which is over twice 15 the initial investment'in the faci'lities provided by 16 rdaho Power of $4.25 million. L7 a. ooes it seem fair to offer to se'|I the 18 faci]i ti es at over twi ce the 'i ni ti al i nvestment? 19 A. No, but rdaho Power never actually stated that 20 was an option. rhey just provided the ca'lculation of 2L what they believed we would need to pay in order to 22 purchase these faci'lities after years of paying the 23 faci'lities charge. 24 a. ooes tdaho Power's response that it cannot 25 allow for mixed ownersh'ip make sense to you? 474 Don sturtevant, Dr IICIP J.R.srMpt,orcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKf, eage 281 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 Page 2l 1205llafn. txt 1 A. Not at all. rhey cite that safety 'is the 2 reason, and we agree that safety of a'l'l emp'loyees, theirs 3 and ours, is of the most paramount concern. However, we 4 have successfully had mixed ownership of equ'ipment at our 5 caldwell facility since 1945 without incident. 6 Additionally, in conversations with other customers that 7 are paying facilities charges, they have mixed ownership 8 as well. eelow is a picture of the mixed ownership at 9 our caldwe'l'l facility: 10/ 11 / t2/ 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 475 Don Sturtevant, Dr 9 ICIP + Page 282 J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY'S MOTION TO TAKE - Prge 22 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 120511afn. txt 1 2 3 4 5 (picture contained in hard copy of transcript.) 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 ;) 1s L6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 476 oon sturtevant, Dr 10 ICIP 1 Q. Did rdaho Por,r,er ever provide J.R. Simplot 2 Company with the cost to simp1y remove the equipment J. R. sIMpLor coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE eage 283 Prge 23 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 120511afn. txt3 subject to the faci'lities charge, as expressly allowed in 4 the oon plant specia'l contract and the schedule 19 5 tariff? 6 n. we requested that cost in discovery in this 7 case, and they required us to request it outside of the 8 rate case. our attorney then sent a letter to Idaho 9 power requesting the remova'l costs. rdaho Power's 10 response letter from their attorney to our attorney, 11 contained in rcrP exhibit tto. 308 attached to Dr. Don LZ neading's direct testimony, said exercis'ing the removal 13 option may require turning the power off at our t4 facilities, thus interrupting product'ion. Removal wou'ld 15 also require l.R. simplot company to first pre-pay rdaho l-6 Power to engineer a plan to remove the faci]ities in L7 phases. r understand that the remova'l cost may increase 18 'if rdaho Power is not able to find a good sa'lvage use for 19 the equi pment. r be'li eve that th'i s compl i cated remova'l 20 process is unnecessary when we have already paid for the 2L equipment and when it is already being put to use at our 22 faci'lities. rt makes no sense to charge us to remove the Zi equipment and attempt to find some other use for it when 24 we have repeatedly paid for its full initial va'lue 25 a1 ready. 477oon sturtevant, Dr ,193 L Q. what is the current status as you understand 2 it? 3 A. J.n. Simp'lot company is still paying the 4 facilities charge at each of the plants served by rdaho 5 Power, and rdaho Power has provided no description 6 satisfactory to the l.R. simplot company of how it wou'ld J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNrorAKE eage 284 pasez4 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 12051lafn . txt7 stop paying the charge. 8 Q. If you had the choice, 9 Idaho Power address the problems 10 facilit'ies charge? 11 / L2/ 13/ L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 how would you propose you see with its 478 Don Sturtevant, Dr A. we have paid for our current facilities charge equipment more than three times already. r believe that Idaho Power has already recovered its init'ial costs and any authorized rate of return several times over. It would be fair to simply turn ownership of these faci'li ti es over to J . R. si mp'lot company. ndditionally, t believe it is imperative that the commiss'ion seriously reform the facilities charge according to the proposals and analysis contained in Dr. 11 ICTP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I J. R. srMpLor coMpANy's MorroN To rAKE eage 285 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 Page 25 120511afn. txt10 oon Reading's testt-ridny. ' i -+'ir11y support the \ 11 recommendations contained in the direct testimony of or. LZ oon Reading, which would make the monthly charge fair for 13 those customers who wish to pay it and would provide L4 reasonable mechanisms by which customers may take over 15 ownership of equipment on their own property. 16 A. Does this conc'lude your testimony? L7 A. Yes. 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 2s ') 479oon sturtevant, Dr 1laICIP 1 (rhe following proceedings were had in 2 open hearing.) 3 MR. RICHARDSoN: utadam Chair, with your 4 indulgence, r have a couple of smal'l housekeeping direct 5 questions. 6 7 DIRECT EXAMINATION 8 9 ev MR. RTcHARDSoN: (continued) 10 a Mr. Sturtevant, what's been your 11 experience with critical spare parts with this special tz facilities program? J. R. srMpt,or coMpANy's MorroN To 'AKE page 286 page26 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 csEoEdoEOFv6ao,oO-=zO PO-.6qr>!oLl.o>o(,oEcolJJ!So.llEE.NEL=PSO.FTdHUO:FPCETS>oaOYOP-LAO'-E-Oxd.EHIP-l!$toO-60Pd--to 6foo-?tsE-.FO6EE'FPllOPq.-.FLdd,FqtPsFr.P.,qtUO-F.rtr.uIIEoouo-dFoqF6FLLE<>HP5HHSF.P..6EPq-O=E6200626t ! L r. O O OOFSO6O.eCtzd,d.Fdl>=AULU'.U6EOO<EPZ-2ZZ6 0, H < E o .. o o oOJ-6HEOHOHEPTEJU>OOF6JOE.T.TOHHOOLFI^Ut/l6!d6=dlHsoHzHUlPL=E=6L6..1-6.E.=oodddPoccodot.Us==6UOEEUE(JF-n,oEr.pE oLoo.-Eo.=s=g6PELSL>,FL.?g.F0.6d'll,TOEEC>EN,EOU(JdCUO'FL'FEdOPOSELELO>=6.FOdoEB.Otr6>!LOdLEGE66OoF=l=UE= NLiHUH -E|lu-OLOHOO.FLP E.FOd>FEOEO.F6.>ouEuool!0Ldooq>dP!tdrtsEtO'--LPEE.FL5FOLoul>60vu6fL:dBOd<OLOOOHEEqT>fOPL dLLL'06.FEot@O6Oo.E.FEIUE3>OFourod06.FdOgECPEp+Lnr60P..pooEEEn--.F'Fg6PGOOEF--.r d u - g 6 0 H P16 r c o 6 E L dapPoo=6rsF! 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Eos.EE6 0!!o900uE.F.F9L66 E9dEO EOOOEOEOdEOPO (s-H<:F LOH<.FtO<L.?Z-FOH.FooPosodqPPoqo -SE.FPO6.FCoQ.FOgOLunra-L=Orl$U6rU L U !l, O L I I .F O P ! O Zil6-tcrB<OOor<OU$<CrE<O<Fns q o o o o o o (, o o tr o Fl =>EOOOo(F6.F9OCiloO .F I o 3.e P o O OO6UOEE-6PL9.FPu,FC@OdrO'rEE'FEn,>.?6YuElOlOdBH-FLO-C^P=!POPL.TE!6 COgLUEEOUEEOc)PO(r0rooor!.-o6oo6N6 P 3 cl P U P r+- + O U 6 E U U Uv O .FHc ou I:FEZo<L>EE F@E!f Foovoc oo PoE ;_s $ fg(gi6 EfIeEJooi962A : FI!tso oo-L€EUcd^l€oEotoN6Uv N dN6+6@N €Oc)dN6Sh@N@OOdN6t hdddHJdddJdNNNNNN L20511afn..txt t haven't, but I bel'ieve that's why we're approaching the 2 comm'ission to determine. 3 Q Are you aware that rdaho Powerrs 4 facilities charge methodology does conta'in a depreciation 5 expense in it? 6 e oeprec'iation is included in the 20.4 7 percent annually or the 1.7 percent month'ly. there is a 8 line item in there, as r understand it, that hasn't been 9 revisited since 1985. 10 a So the answer, just to be clear, is yes, 11 there is a depreciation expense component in the LZ facilities charge methodology? 1-3 A Yes, as I understand it from Idaho Power, t4 there's a 'listing on a line item that says depreciation. 15 Rs t understand from my studies that depieciation means 16 of something that you wou'ld pay off as a deprec-iat'ion L7 expense, as a capita'l asset. 18 a rhanks. Are you aware that rdaho Power 19 credits back 100 percent of the revenue it col1ects from 20 the facilities charge customers to the class in which the 2L customer resides? 22 A No, I'm not, but if you say so, okay. 23 a so you agree with me, then? 24 A r'm not aware that you do, but r'm not 25 that up to speed on a'l'l the rulemaking and how you CSB REPORTTNG 485 STURTEVANT (X)(208) 890-5198 rcrP 1 account for the money. we don't see any money back on 2 our bills for facil'it'ies charges, if that's what you're 3 saying. J. R. srMpI-or coMpANy's MorIoN To rAKE eage 291 Pnge 3l OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 120511afn . txt 4 e would you agree with me that as part of 5 the facilities charge servfce that rdaho Power provides 6 that S'implot receives customer service on a 7 24/7/365-day-a-year basis? 8 n Yes. 9 Q and do you believe that the operations and 10 maintenance services provided by rdaho Power's field 11 personne'l have been satisfactory? t2 A rt's been absolutely satisfactory. To the 13 level of paying 20.4 percent forever, r think that we L4 could do it ourselves much cheaper. 15 MR. WTLLIAMS: A11 right, thank you. No 16 further questions, Madam chair. L7 CoMMISSIoNER SMITH: thank you. Let's see LB if there are questions from the commissioners. 19 COMMISSIONER REDFORD: NO. 20 COMMISSTONER SMITH: NOT I. 2L Mr. R'ichardson, do you have any redirect? 22 MR, RICHARDSON: Just a coup'le, 23 wtadam chai r. 24 25 486CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 srunreveur (x) ICIP 1 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MR. RICHARDSON: 4 Q Mr. Sturtevant, Mr. Williams asked you 5 about the 24/7/365 service, overal], how valuable is that 6 to you? J. R. srMplor coMpANy,s MorroN To rAKE eage 292 Page 32 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 120511afn. txt 7 A when you're in a production facility such 8 as we are, it's extreme'ly valuab'le, but value has a 9 specific connotation with it.'would we pay a mi'l'lion L0 dollars for that or would we pay 500,000 or 100,000, so 11 itrs extremely valuable. I don't think that it's LZ necessarily priced competit'ive1y at 20.4 percent. 13 a so what was your experience as an energy L4 official for simplot with other utilities on facilities 15 charge-type services? 16 A yeah, we had the same issue with Rvista L7 uti'lities. uJe have a faci'lity over in othello, 18 washington. tlle were current'ly paying 21 percent annual 19 interest rates to them or annual rate of payment. r 20 understand it's not necessarily an interest rate, and we 2L approached the utility over there and they said 22 absolutely, you can buy this out if you want and we''ll 23 put it on your bill and they were very accommodating. 24 t,rlithin three to four months, we got it resolved to great 25 sati sfaction. CSB REPORTING 487 STURTEVANT (X)(208) 890-5198 rcrP 1 A end as an energy facilities manager for 2 simp'lot and you look at a program 'like the facilities 3 charge program that rdaho Power offers, in your v'iew, who 4 was that program designed for? 5 a tt's defin'itely, r th'ink, designed towards 6 some of the smaller people out there that may not have 7 the capital to go forward with transformers and poles and 8 wiring, so it could be a good service if it was 9 structured correctly. For us as a larger industrial 10 customer, we actually have a pretty good position within J.R.srMpLorcoMpANy'sMorIoNTorAKE eage 293 Page33 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 1205l1afn. txt 11 the community and have good access to capital and we'd t2 like to own that equ'ipment outright if we could. 13 a But you'd like to have the choice? 14 A That's right. rt's all about the 15 choice. L6 MR. RTCHARDSoN: That's al'l I have, L7 uadam chair. rhank you, Mr. sturtevant. L8 COMMISSIoNER SMITH: Thank you, Mr. 19 sturtevant. tl/e appreciate your he1p. 20 MR. RICHARDSON: May this witness be 2L excused, Madam chair? 22 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: seeing no objection, 23 the witness is excused. 24 THE WITNESS: thank you. 25 (the witness left the stand.) STURTEVANT (X)488CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 ICIP 1 MR. RICHARDSON: thank you. rhat 2 concludes the rndustria'l customers' case, Madam chair. 3 COMMISSIONER SMrTH: rhank you, Mr. 4 Richardson. 5 Mr. otto, we're ready for your witness. 6 7 NANCY HIRSH, I produced as a witness at the instance of the conservation 9 parties, having been first duly sworn, was examined and l-0 testified as follows: 11 L2 DIRECT EXAMINATION L3 L4 BY MR. OfiO: J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy,sMorroNTorAKE page 294 page34 OFFTCIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 120511afn. txt 15 A okay, could you please state your name and L6 your position for the record? t7 A Nancy Hirsh, H-'i-r-s-h. I'm the policy 18 director with the Northwest Energy coa'lition. 19 a Are you the same Nancy nirsh that filed 20 direct testimony and rebuttal testimony in this case? 27 A Yes,ram. 22 a lnd we discussed there were three 23 corrections that we found to this testimony. 24 A Yes. 25 a end the first one had to do with -- well, CSB REPORTING 489 STURTEVANT (Di)(208) 890-5198 rcrP L 'let's start with the first one that actually 2 Ms. ruordstrom brought to our attention. 3 A Yes. On page 10 of my direct testimony, 4 lines 7 and 8 where it says that -- where it starts 5 "$10,000,000" and it should say "of the back balance in 6 energy efficiency funding" instead of the "demand 7 response," and then on page 18 -- I cottlMIssIoNER SMITH: Excuse me, we need 9 that one more time. 10 THE WITNESS: Page 10. 11 CoMMISSIONER SMITH: Please read how it LZ should read right now. 13 THE WITNESS: okay. eage 10, line 7 -- 1,4 coMMrssroNER sMrrH: start with "the 15 commission. " 16 THE WITNESS: "The Commission initially t7 considered this accounting change 'in a prior case" -- 18 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Oh, I mean on line 7. J.R.STMPLOTCOMPANY'SMOTTONTOTAKE eage 295 Page35 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 i). 120511afn. txt 19 You have a "the Commission." 20 THE WITNESS: Okay. "The commission 2L authorized rdaho Power to co]lect $10,000,000 of the back 22 balance in energy efficiency funding...". 23 coMMrssroNER surrH: And strike -- 24 THE WITNESS: and strike "in demand 25 response incentives. " CSB REPORTING(208) 890-51e8 490 srunrevlrur (oi) ICIP 1 GOMMISSTONER SMITH: Okay. All right; 2 thank you. 3 rHE WITNESS: Okay, and then on page 18, 4 line 16, the word "funding" should actual'ly be "rider." 5 MR. RTCHARDSON: which l-ine is that? 6 THE WITNESS: fhat is line 16. "Funding" 7 shou1d be struck and in its place should be "rider," and 8 then the third is a clarification. Throughout my 9 testimony, r characterize that the commission's orders -- 10 cor4MrssroNER sMrrH: would you start 11 again, please? LZ THE WITNESS: In my testimony, r 13 characterize the commission's orders as saying that they \4 require the company to acqu'ire all cost-effective 15 conservation or energy efficiency, and in fact, going 16 back through some of those orders, the 'language is that L7 the Commission directs the Company to pursue a'11 18 cost-effective energy efficiency. r do believe t L9 characterize that interpretation as acquire, because 2A pursuing is good, but acquiring savings is better. t 2L think that was the intent of the commission, so that's 22 the end of my correct'ions. J.R.srMpI,orcoMpANy,sMorroNTorAKE eage 296 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9 Page 36 23 24 25 work with the there's about CSB REPORTING(208) 890-5198 ABY 4 clarifications; so 5 questions in your 6 would your answers 7 8 120511afn . txt MR. OTTO: lust on that recorder, but r have the five places where it says 'last one, r can specific -- "acquire" instead STURTEVANT (Di) ICIP that, r would move to inc'luding Exhibits 801, 802 no objection, of us. Hirsh 801- through di rect and i s spread upon the 49L 1 of "pursue." r don't th'ink it's necessary for all of us 2 to chase through that. MR. oTTO: rhank you for those with that, if r asked you the same direct and rebuttal testimony today, be the same? A YES. MR. OTTO: With 9 spread us. xirsh's testimony, 10 and 803 upon the record. 11 COMMISSIONER SMITH: Seeing LZ the prefiled direct and rebuttal testimony 13 will be spread upon the record and rxhibr'ts L4 803 will be identified. 15 (rhe fo'l low'i ng prefil ed 16 rebuttal testimony of us. Nancy xirsh t7 record.) L8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 J. R. srMpl-or coMpANy's MortoN rorAKE eage 297 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Erhibit 9 CSB REPORTING(208) 890-51e8 12051lafn. txt 492 srasn (oi) conservation Parties 1 Q. please state your name, affiliation, and 2 high'light some of your qualifications. 3 A. My name is Nancy ttirsh. since 1996, t have been 4 the policy director for the NW Energy coalition, 5 coordinating the work of the policy team in advocating 6 for investments in clean and affordable energy services. 7 The Nurl Energy Coalition is an al1iance of more than 110 8 environmental, civic and human service organizat'ions, 9 progressive uti'lities and businesses from oregon, 10 washington, rdaho, Montana, elaska and aritish Columbia. 11 h,e promote energy conservation and renewable energy , \ Lz resources, consumer and low-income protection and fish ' I 13 and wildlife restoration in the columbia River easin. L4 The coalition has 11 member organizations in ldaho, 15 including groups such as Advocates for the tiuest, rdaho 16 Rural counci'1, the Idaho conservation League, the League L7 of women voters, the Snake River el'liance, and the South 18 Central Community Action Agency. rn addition, r serve as 19 Chair of the goard of the nenewable Northurest eroject and 20 sit on rdaho power's Energy efficiency ndvisory Group. 2L ereviously, r spent twelve years in washington, D.c. 22 working for the National t,llildlife rederation and 23 Environmenta'l Rction roundation on federa'l energy po'licy 24 and electric utility issues, including providing 25 assistance to state environmental and consumer csB REPORTTNG 493 Urnsn (Oi)(208) 890-5198 conservation Parties i ? J.R.sIMpLorcoMpANy'sMorroNTorAKE eage 298 page38 OFFICIAL NOTICE AND/OR OFFER INTO EVIDENCE. Exhibit 9