HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180326Issuance Terms.pdfSE RTC EIV ED fDtHoPoryERco"o*tfir8HAR 26 AH 9: l9 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 [-!rrla An IDACORP Company c: Terri Carlock-IPUC w/attachments ON PATRICK A. HARRINGTON Corporate Secretary Ms. Jean D. Jewell Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boise, Idaho 83720 March 23,2016 Re In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for an Order Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of up to $500,000,000 of Idaho Power's First Mortgage Bonds and Debt Securities Case No. IPC-E-16-05 Dear Ms. Jewell: On March 16,2018, Idaho Power Company issued $220 million of secured Medium- Term Notes ("MTNs"), as authorized under the Commission's Order No. 33513 in the above referenced case. The MTNs were issued in the form of $220 million Idaho Power Company 4.20% First Mortgage Bonds due 2048. Enclosed for filing with the Commission in connection with the issuance of the MTNs are four copies of Pricing Supplement No. I and the Final Term Sheet for the MTNs. Please contact me at (208) 288-2878 if you have any questions regarding this filing. A. {00231602.DOC; I}P.O. Box 70 Boise,ID 83707 Telephone (208) 388-2878, Fax (208) 388-6936 p haruin gto n@ida h o pow er. c o m !D I ,C a 4248s Page I of4 42485 | d549340d424b5.htm 42485 Filed Pursuant to Rule 424(bX5) File No. 333-211475-01 CALCULATION OF REGISTRATION FEE Title of each class securities Amount of registration fee( I ) 4.20% First Bonds due 2048 s27 (l) Thefilingt-eeiscalculatedinaccordancewithRule45T(r)undertheSecuritiesActofl933,asamended. Maximum aggregate offering price $220,000.000 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgarldatal496481000 I I 931251 80808 181d549340d424b5.htm 312012018 42485 Page 2 of 4 Pricing Supplement No. I Dated March I 3, 201 8 (To Prospectus dated May 20. 2016 and Prospectus Suppl ement dated Septem b er 27 . 20 I 6) relating to First Moftgage Bonds, Secured Medium-Term Notes. Series K $220,000,000 IDAHO POWERCOMPANY 4.20oh First Mortgage Bonds due 2048 Title of Securities: Principal Amount: Price to Public: Purchasers' Discount: Proceeds to Us after Discount: Interest Rate: Original Issue Date: Original lnterest Acclual Date: Interest Payment Dates: Record Dates: Maturity Date: Redemption: Form: 4.20o/oFirst Mortgage Bonds due 2048 (the'Notes") s220,000.000 99.630y" payable in immediately available funds, plus accrued interest f'rom the Original Issue Date 0.750% 98.880% 4.20%o per annum March 16. 201 8 March 16. 20 l8 March I and September l, commencing September 1.2018 February 15 and August l5 March 1.2048 See "Optional Redemption" below Book-Entry J.P. Morgan Wells Fargo Securities BofA Merrill Lynch KeyBanc Capital Markets MUFG Securities Americas US Bancorp BNY Mellon Capital Markets, LLC https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgarldatal4964810001 l93l25l 80808 181d549340d424b5.htm 312012018 42485 Page 3 of4 Optional Redemption: We may, at our option, redeem the Notes, in rvhole at any time, or in part trom time to time, prior to the maturity date, as fbllows: . Prior to September l. 2047 . at a redemption price equal to the greater of: . l00o/o of the principal amount of the Notes to be redeemed, and . as determined by an Independent Investment Banker, the sum of the present values of the remaining scheduled payments of principal on the Notes to be redeemed and interest thereon (not including any portion of payments of interest accrued as of the date fixed tbr tedemption), discounted to the date t'ixed tbr redemption on a semi- annual basis (assuming a 360-day year consisting oftwelve 30-day months) at the Treasury Rate (as delined below), ptus 20 basis points, . On or atter September l, 2047 , at a redemption price equal to I 00% of the principal amount of the Notes to be redeemed, plus in any case intel'est accrued and unpaid on the principal amount of the Notes to be redeemed to the date tlxed tbr redemption. We rvill mail notice of any redemption at least 30 days betbre the date t'ixed fbr redemption to each registered holder of the Notes to be redeemed. "Treasury Rate" means. with respect to any date tlxed fbr redemption, the rate per annum equal to the semi-annual equivalent yield to maturity of the Comparable Treasury Issue, assuming a price tbr the Comparable Treasury Issue (expressed as a percentage of its principal amount) equal to the Comparable Treasury Price fbr such date. "Comparable Treasury Issue" means the United States Treasury security' selected by an Independent Investment Banker as having a maturif-v comparable to the remaining terrn of the Notes to be redeemed that would be used at the time of selection and in accordance with customary flnancial practice. in pricing new issues ofcorporate debt securities of comparable maturity to the remaining term of the Notes to be redeemed. ''Comparable Treasury Price" means, with respect to any date fixed tbr redemption. (a) the average of the Ref-erence Treasury Dealer Quotations fbr such date. atter excluding the highest and lowest such Retbrence Treasury Dealer Quotations for such date, or (b) if the Corporate Trustee obtains f'ewer than four such Ref'erence Treasury Dealer Quotations, the al'erage of all the quotations received. "Independent In\,estment Banker" means any one of the Ret'erence Treasury Dealers that we may appoint. "Reference Treasury Dealer Quotations" means, with respect to each Ret'erence Treasury Dealer and any date flxed for redemption, the average. as determined by the corporate trustee, of the bid and asked prices tbr the Comparable Treasury Issue (expressed in each case as a percentage ofits principal amount) quoted in ll'riting to the corporate trustee by such Ref'erence Treasury Dealer at 5:00 p.m. New York Cify time on the third business day preceding the date flxed lbr redemption. ''Reference Treasury Dealer" means each of ( I ) J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and Wells Fargo Securities. LLC, and their respective successors, unless any of them ceases to be a primary U.S. Government securities dealer in New York City (a "Primary Treasury Dealer"), in which case we will substitute another Primary Treasury Dealer and (2) any other Primary Treasury Dealers that we may select. Supplemental Plan of Distribution and Terms Agreement: We have entered into a tems agreement with the purchasers of the Notes with respect to the Notes. The purchasers are committed to take and pay for all of the Notes if any are purchased. Subject to certain conditions. each purchaser has severally agreed to purchase the principal amount of the Notes indicated in the table below: 2 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgarldatal496481000 I I 931251 80808181d549340d424b5.htm 312012018 Name J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Wells Fargo Securities, LLC KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. Merrill Lynch, Pierce. Fenner & Smith Incorporated MUFG Securities Americas [nc. U.S. Bancorp Investments. Inc. BNY Mellon Capital Markets. LLC Total Principal Amount of Notes $57.200,000 52,800,000 30,800.000 The Notes sotd by the purchasers to the public will initially be off'ered at the initial price to the public set forth on the cover of this pricing supplement. Any Notes sold by the purchasers to securities dealers may be sold at a discount liom the initial price to the public of up to 0.45% of the principal amount of the Notes. Any such securities dealers may resell any Notes purchased fiom the purchasers to certain other brokers or dealers at a discount trom the initial price to the public of up to 0.30% of the principal amount of the Notes. Some of the purchasers or their affiliates (i) parlicipate in our commercial paper program and may fiom time to time hold our commercial paper and (ii) are lenders and./or agents under our credit agreement. dated as of November 6, 2015. Interest Payment Dates: We tvill make interest payments on the Notes on March I and September I of each year, commencing September l, 2018. and at maturity. The record date fbr the March I payment of interest vuill be February l5 and the record date tbr the September I payment of interest will be August 15. Use of Proceeds: The purchasers u'ill pay the proceeds from the sale of the Notes, net of the purchasers' discount, to us in immediately available tunds. Atter our receipt of these proceeds. the Notes will be credited to the purchasers' accounts at The Depository Trust Company tiee of payment. We estimate that u'e will receive net proceeds tiom the sale of the Notes olapproximately $2 17.0 million, atter deducting all appticable discounts, including the purchasers' discount and discounted price to the public, and estimated otl-ering expenses. The expenses ofthe sale ofthe Notes. not including discounts, are estimated at 5498,000 and are payable by us. We anticipate using the net proceeds fiom the sale of theNotes to pay ator prior to maturity $130 million of our4.50% tirst mortgage bonds due March 2020 and to fund a portion of our capital requirements. Ilwe do not use the proceeds immediately, we will temporarily invest them in short-term investments. Legal Matters: Brian R. Buckham, our Senior Vice President and General Counsel, and Perkins Coie LLP, Seattle, Washington, will pass upon the validity of the Notes and other legal matters fbr us. Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, New'York, New York. u'ill pass upon the validity of the Notes fbr the purchasers listed under "Supplemental Plan of Distribution and Terms Agreement." As of February 27.2018. Mr. Buckham beneficially owned 2,664 shares of IDACORP. Inc. common stock. Mr. Buckham is acquiring additional shares of IDACORP, Inc. common stock at regular intervals through employee stock plans. 3 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgarldatal4964810001193125180808181d549340d424b5.htm 312012018 42485 Page 4 of 4 30,800.000 30,800,000 13,200,000 4,400,000 $ 220,000,000 Filed pursuant to Rule 433 Registration No. 333-21 1475-01 March 13,2018 Final Term Sheet 4.20o/o First Mortgage Bonds due 2048 (the ..Notes") Secured Medium-Term Notes. Series K IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issuer: Idaho Power Company Trade Date: March 13,2018 Original Issue Date/Settlement Date: March 16,2018, which is the third business day following the Trade Date. Under Rule 15c6-1 under the Exchange Act, trades in the secondary market generally are required to settle in two business days, unless the parties to any such trade expressly agree otherwise. Accordingly, purchasers who wish to trade the Notes on any date prior to two business days before delivery will be required to specifo an alternate settlement cycle at the time of any such trade to prevent a failed settlement. Principal Amount: $220,000,000 Price to Public: 99.630% of Principal Amount, plus accrued interest from the Original Issue Date Purchasers' Discount: 0.7 50% Interest Payment Dates: March I and September l, commencing September 1, 2018 Redemption: As specified in Pricing Supplement No. I dated March 13,2018 Make-whole Call : Prior to September 1, 2047, the greater of(i) 100% ofthe principal amount to be redeemed and (ii) an amount to be determined using a discount rate equal to the Treasury Rate plus 20 basis points Par Call: On or after September 1,2047,100% of the principal amount to be redeemed Maturity Date: March 1,2048 CUSIP:45138L8F9 Purchasers: J.P. Morgan Securities LLC ($57,200,000) Wells Fargo Securities, LLC ($52,800,000) KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. ($30,800,000) Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated ($30,800,000) MUFG Securities Americas Inc. ($30,800,000) U.S. Bancorp lnvestments, Inc. ($13,200,000) BNY Mellon Capital Markets, LLC (S4,400,000) Proceeds to the Company: 98.880% Interest Rate:4.20%:o per annum Anticipated Ratings:* Standard & Poor's Ratings Services: "AJ' Moody's Investors Service: "Al" Anticipated Use of Proceeds: To pay at or prior to maturity $ 130 million of Idaho Power Company's 4.5% First Mortgage Bonds due March 2020 and to fund a portion of Idaho Power Company's capital requirements. If Idaho Power Company does not use the net proceeds immediately, it will temporarily invest them in short- term investments. * A securities rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to review, revision, suspension or withdrawal at any time. The issuer has filed a registration statement (including a prospectus) with the SEC for the offering to which this communication relates. Before you invest, you should read the prospectus in that registration statement and other I 38524850.4 documents the issuer has Jiled with the SEC for more complete information about the issuer and this offering. You may get these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC lleb site at W:ru. Alternatively, the issuer, any underwriter or any dealer participating in the olfering will aruange to send you the prospectus if you request it by calling J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, collect at I-212-83,1-4533 or ll/ells Fargo Securities, LLC, toll free at I -800-645-375 l. I 38524850.4