HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160315Aschenbrenner Exhibits.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-16-03 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ASCHENBRENNER, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 ldaho Power Company 2015 ldaho DSM Expenses and Adjustments for Prudence Filing Expenses Rlder Expanros Domand Reaponra Program lncentivrg Recorded in PCA Total ExpaNes DSH L.bor Transferrud to otM (') Enqgy Efi lciencyDqmnct ftlrsporrse R€idontlrl l/C Cool Credit Educ€tional Distributions Energy Efr cient Lighting Energy House Calls ENERGY STAR@ Hmes Norlircst Heating & Cooling Eficbncy Program/Ducfless Heat Pump Pilol' Home Energy Arjdit Program Home lmprovement Program Rebate Advantage See ya later, relrigeratoio Shade Tre€ Proiect Simple Steps, Smart Savings n * Wsatherizalion Solutions for Eligiue Customers CommerciaUlndu3trial Building Efrciency Custom Efhci.:ncy Easy Upgrades Flefeak Program lrrigrtion lrigation EmcbrEy Rervards lnhation Peak Rel,E ds s $ $ $t $ $ $ s s s $ $ 6 E $ $ $ 3 $ $ $ s $ $ s $ s s $ $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ I s E s $ $t s $ $ 3 $t $ 659,47r 432,185 't,997,292 't94,939 646,991 583,663 192,573 259,898 80,243 212,674 90,672 130,575 1,2A j47 2,r28,309 8,345,43s 4,155,406 86,445 1,714,399 I,018,139 .134,385 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 273,482 0 5,993,396 1,@3,856 432,185 1,997,292 194,939 646.99r 583,663 192,973 259,898 w,243 212,674 99,672 130,575 1,2U,147 2JzA,W 8,3.15,435 4,155,406 359,927 1,714,399 7.0fi.535 9,186 5,291 4,108 3,990 17,520 9,084 12,611 84i} 3,007 5,786 1,845 1,369 17,617 62,558 17,716 13,291 36,74 a,2g $ s $ $ $ 3 $ $ $t $ $ s 3 $ $ $ s $ $ $ $ t $ EMv Elliclmct/ttmnd ResmseToiel S 2L112755 3 6-fu.263 t 90.w.u9 Markot Trrnsformation Norllrcsl Emrcv EffEieB Aliare 2-.153.773 S 2A53.773 Residential ErErgy Etrlcicncy Education lnitiative Commercial Education Energy Effderry Dircct Prooram Overhead I 127,817 S$ 61.755 $ $ 231.713 $ Local ErEmvEffidencr Funds S - S 0$ 0$0$0$ 127,817 S 14,695 61,755 S 232 231,713 $ 23,248-3 Odref Ptuq/E,rr,s.rf, Acfrvtties Tdal t 121.285 S 0t 3E.171 lndiroct Program Exponlos Commerciaylndusf iaul nilation OvertEad Energy Etrcbncy Accouting ard Anslysis Energy Effcbncy Advisory GrDup Resk entialOrertEad S@cial A@unting Enttas Soecial Amrntim Entries GI $ $ $ 0 $ 0 t4't,066 710,564 21,976 584,299 15.&x) $ $ $ $ 0 0 0 0 $ $ $ 3 141,066 710,564 24,976 584,299 15.830 66,558 70,540 857 34,&19 lndrwl Proo,nm EJt,€rnsesTot'l t ,.17A.f31 t 1.176.74 172,7y TotalErpenr6 I 28,494,548 I 6,701,263 3 38,195,812 I 441,856 Adjustments Prbr lrcar-€nd accountirB adjustment :(b) Energy House Cals Program con€ciion Cunsnt year-end accqJntim adiLEtrnent : I.1 53 1.153 2015 Prudence Flllng Tot l I 28,495,701 S 6,70r,263 $35,r96,964 (a) Thiscolumislorillus/nlipputtr,*s. ltDpBenEttgmnlollabotcheryedloilEMalEEmryyEfriercyRihrin2OlSinsrcssoltlp2OlOamunt. TlpfirunEaDnotinduded in tlb amunts loud in lho Rkbt E,,€M'' cdw of tlis exilti| fhw arunts aB @nsbBd ptqam @ds aN aE ud lot cos/-,€,tBfrt amrldi pqryoss. (b) This Ms an ffiudiq @nsc:i@ Ffiainhp lo 2014 that w @natu in 2015 and sfould be ad&d lo Dtucl total exEn* acliw in 2015. ' nD A)cXe$ Heal Pump Pilol prq@m ,6cam paft ol lhe Heatiq e Coding Etrrciercy nogam nict-yeet 201 5.* hrclu&s 6nwwr of Hom PtducTs imnlws lrcm the end of 201 4 atd pid in 201 5. Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-16-03 C. Aschenbrenner, IPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPG.E.16.O3 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ASCHENBRENNER, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.2 ldaho Power Company 2015 Cost-Effectiveness Summary by Program, Sector, and Portfolio 2015 Benefit/Cost Tests Program/Sector Total Resource Cost (TRCI Utility Cost (ucl Participant Cost (PCn Easv Savines 2.9s 2.67 N/A Educationa I Distributions 2.60 2.05 N/A Enersv Efficient Lishtine 4.23 4.53 5.39 Enersv House Calls 2.96 2.81 N/A ENERGY STAR o Homes Northwest L.O4 2.LO 1.49 Heatine & Cooline Efficiencv Program 1.05 3.11 1.36 Home lmprovement Program o.67 1.91 1.05 Rebate Advantase 3.45 4.54 6.46 See ya later, refrigerator o 1.53 t.2t N/A Simple Steps, Smart Savings 4.83 3.37 6.62 Weatherization Assista nce fo r Qua lif ied Customers 0.43 0.54 N/A Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers 0.s0 0.45 N/A Residential Energy Efficiency Sector 2.Lt 2.tt 3.82 Building Efficiency 3.70 7.63 3.s5 Custom Efficiencv 7.77 4.03 L.37 Easv Uosrades 2.20 3.8s 2.5t Commercia/l ndustrial Energy Efficiencv Sector 2.13 4.48 1.92 lrrigation Efficiencv 3.84 5.00 3.s9 I rrisation Enerry Efficiency Sector 3.84 5.00 3.59 Enerw Efficiencv Portfolio 2.32 3.57 2.61 Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-16-03 C. Aschenbrenner, IPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-16-03 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ASCHENBRENNER, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.3 o q I ! o@>tr i!4 trd.99 !raoho H !Pqr {aE .InE ERE ELd €E9 t=d)105?oL= Eo5 !=ogii i c69 tr!) ;9vi .6,N 9.) =qmri#='i-ElqNxdtr trE=9-4.95HirE=EF = 5>afi ExYatru .: ! E x,9 vf +9E-arPX!92 EhE6 --cd9d:=U ts^F =! o sN ^.o Z- 3 g H,Ef;ad E d EEogAFo CEOEh !P-+a o9=EItQal- Cg o. tr .9 lE!l! trI E(E o0o A =vta roF{oNINF{C'N Exhibit No. 3 Case No. IPC-E-16-03 C. Aschenbrenner, IPC Page 1 of 1 €o o 6 Eouor t! an =E .E -\o IJo E EolJ t^ Eg[.o 4cB l!s UI Et! !!o Gotcootno4!trt! Eoct o oE la C' o o E tt(, o o E nt ctr{ o o E ct Io o o -E vl Et! uo L l!EEo1,6od, oiro Efc 6oI OJ uf c.9 =I) .qo6co oIf! qc Eol) co'o U dl oE 6tU(, fo- d( 0,CU o3E oz OJ EoI ed. 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