HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160315Harris Direct.pdfit =f E t\/tr nI rE\-rLl I bv i,i[ llJ,il I5 PH 3: 59 l-i '. I -r Ci !'.-:l ll,.i.i..1r .J;-:r,-.:'l;i . r" ii.. ()llr..;,iirSi0N BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POV{ER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT EIXED COST ADJUSTMENT ('FCA") RATES EOR ELECTRIC SERVTCE EROM JUNE L, 20!6, THROUGH MAY 31, 201.7. CASE NO. IPC-E-16-02 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OE ZACHARY L. HARRIS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 1,4 15 16 77 18 t_9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o. A. o. A. O. Pl-ease state your name and business address. A.My name is Zachary L. Harrj-s and my business address is 1,221, West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. Power" or "Company") as a Regulatory Analyst in the Regulatory Affairs department. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Please describe your educational background. In December of 2008, I received a Bachel-or of Science degree in Accounting from Brigham Young University- Hawaii. In December of 201L, I received a Master of Science degree in Accounting from Boj-se State University. After I began my career with Idaho Power in May 201L, T attended the electric utility ratemaking course offered through New Mexico State University's Center for Public Utilities. I also attended the "Cost-of-Service Concepts and Techniquesr" as well as the "Rate Desj-gn for Electrj-c Utilities" courses offered by Electric Utility Consultants, Inc. in 2072. Tn 20L3, I attended the "El-ectrj-c Rates Advanced Course" offered by the Edj-son Electric Institute. O. Please describe your work experience with fdaho Power. A. I became employed by Idaho Power in May 20tl as a Regulatory Analyst in the Regulatory Affairs department and stil-l- retain that position. I have been the HARRTS, Dr 1 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 !4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 o. A. Company's witness regarding the annual FCA calculation and corresponding rates since 2072. Company's request to implement its annual- ECA rates in conformance with Idaho Public Utilities Commi-ssion ("Commission") Order No. 32505 (Case No. IPC-E-11-19), which approved the FCA as a permanent rate mechanism for the Residential and Small General Service customers. Specifically, my testlmony will dj-scuss three areas related to the FCA mechanism and Schedule 54, Fixed Cost Adjustment. First, I will briefly discuss the FCA mechanism itself and how the ECA amount is determined. Second, I will describe the determination of the 2075 FCA amount. Lastly, f will discuss the calculation of the FCA rates the Company is proposing to be effectj-ve June 7, 2076, through May 31, 2077. I. FIXED COST ADiN'STI'ENT MECHAIIISM What is the purpose of your testimony? The purpose of my testimony is to describe the V{hat is the purpose of the FCA mechanj-sm? The FCA is a true-up mechanism that o. A. "decouplas," or separates, biIled energy sales from revenue in order to remove the fi-nancial- disi-ncentive that exists when the Company j-nvests in demand-side management resources. Under the FCA, rates for Residential Service (Schedules 7, 3, 4, and 5) and Sma11 General Service HARRIS, DI 2 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 l_3 L4 15 t6 l7 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 (Schedule 7) customers are adjusted annually to recover or refund the difference between the leveI of fixed cost recovery authorized by the Commission in the Company's most recent general rate case and the level- of fixed cost recovery that the Company received based upon the actual billed energy sales during the previous calendar year. o.What 1eveI of incremental annual demand-side management energy efficj-ency savings did Idaho Power achi-eve in 2075? A. On a system-wide basis, Idaho Power achieved 1,62,533 megawatt-hours of incremental annual energy efficiency savings in 2015, which is a L2 percent increase from savings reported in 20L4. o.Please describe the FCA mechanism. A. Eor both the Residential and Sma11 General- Service classes, the ECA mechanism is the same. The formula used to determine the FCA amount is: ECA = (CUST x ECC) (ACTUAL X ECE) hlhere: FCA : Fixed Cost Adjustment; CUST : Average Number of Customers, by class; ECC : Eixed Cost per Customer rate, by cl-ass; ACTUAL : Actual Bil1ed kilowatt-hours (*kwh") Energy Sales, by class; and FCE : Eixed Cost per Energy rate, by cIass. HARRIS, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 1,2 13 t4 15 76 77 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 o. A. How is the ECA amount determined? The ECA amount is the difference between the Company's level of "authorized fixed cost recovery" (CUST X FCC) and the level of "actual fixed cost recovery" (ACTUAL X FCE). o.Can the ECA deferral balance be either positive or negative? A.Yes. The FCA deferral balance can be either positive or negative. If the FCA is positive, that indicates the Company's authorized level of fixed cost recovery is greater than the 1eve1 of fixed costs recovered through the energy rate. This would occur when the growth rate in actual biIled energy sal-es is less than the growth rate in customers, i.e., the use per customer has decreased. The effect woul-d be that the Company has under- col-lected its authori-zed leve1 of f ixed costs. In a similar fashion, if the ECA is negatj-ve, that indj-cates the Company's authorized fixed cost recovery amount is less than the fixed costs determined to have been recovered through the energy rate and results in a refund to customers. II. FCA DETERMINArIOII FOR CAI..E![DAR YE]AR 2015 O. Did the rates for the ECC and ECE change in HARRIS, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 201-5? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 T4 15 1,6 t1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 A.No. The ECC and ECE rates used to determine the 2015 FCA deferral balance did not change and are the same rates used to determine the 20L4 FCA deferral balance. The FCC and FCE rates were established in the Company's most recent general rate case, Case No. IPC-E-11-08, and are found in the Company's tariff under Schedule 54, Eixed Cost Adjustment. o.Were there any changes to the Fixed Cost Adjustment mechanism methodology beginni-ng in 2075? A.Yes. As a result of the settlement stipulation ("Stipulatj-on") reached in Case No. IPC-E-14-17 and approved by the Commission j-n Order No. 33295, the Company replaced weather-normalj-zed billed sales with actual bi11ed sales in the calculation to determine the actual level of fixed costs recovered. Case No. IPC-E-14- l7 was opened on July L, 20L4, to evaluate the ECA mechanism. Part of this evaluation exami,ned the use of weather-normalj-zed billed sales in the annual computation of the ECA. Parties to the Stipulation agreed that replacing weather-normalj-zed billed sales with actual billed sales was appropriate. The Commission found that replacing weather-normalized sales with actual sales will improve the FCA's accuracy by ensuring the Company only collects its actual fixed costs. Order No. 33295 at 5. The modification to the calculati-on of the actual l-evel of HARRIS, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 1 fixed costs recovered began with the determination of the 2 201,5 FCA deferral. O. Did the Stipulation result in any other 4 impacts to the 2075 FCA? A. No. Ultimately, the only change to the FCA 6 was the adjustment to the calculation of the actual leve1 7 of fixed costs recovered. However, the Stipulation also 8 clarified how the rate adjustment cap of 3 percent on 9 annual increases is to be calculated, the appropriate 10 timing of resetting the FCE and E'CC, and possible rate 11 design modification for Residential and Small General 72 Service customers. In Order No. 33295r orr page 5, the 13 Commission found that "the proposed changes in the L4 Stlpulation will result in a more accurate, clear, and 15 transparent FCA. " 16 0. How is the authorized level- of fixed cost Ll recovery derived? 18 A. The authorj-zed level of fixed cost recovery is 19 the product of the FCC and the average number of customers, 20 by class. The Company uses a prorated customer count based 2L on the number of active utility servj-ce agreements at the 22 end of each month. This approach applies the same 23 methodology that was used to determine customer counts in 24 the Company's most recent general rate case. The annual 25 HARRTS, Dr 6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 average customer count is derived by calculating the average of the 12 monthly prorated customer counts. O. How is the actual l-eveI of fixed cost recovery determined? A. In complj-ance with Order No. 33295, the actual- Ieve1 of fixed cost recovery is the product of the ECE and the actual- billed energy sales for the calendar year, measured in kwh. O. Does the Company compute a monthly FCA deferral- balance and report the estlmated monthly ECA deferral balance to the Commission? A.Yes. Although the FCA is an annual mechanism that is ultimately calculated and determined using customer counts and bil-l-ed energy sales data for the entire calendar year, to maintain compliance wj-th Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, a monthly FCA deferral- balance is estimated and recorded in the Company's accounting records. At year-end, once the annual FCA amount is determined, an adjustment is made to the sum of the previously recorded L2 monthly estimates to align with the annual FCA deferral- balance. Since 2009, the Company has continued to report the estimated monthly FCA deferral balance i-n the monthly FCA Report provided to the Commission. Exhibit No. 1 is a copy of the monthly FCA Report for calendar year 20L5. HARRIS, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 Q. What adjustments were made to the 2075 monthly 2 estimates to align these amounts with the Company's final 3 year-end 20L5 FCA deferral balance? 4 A. To align with the annual FCA amount to be 5 recorded j-n the Company's 2015 financial statements, an 6 upward adjustment of $87,283 was made for the Resj-dential 7 customer class, reflected on line 6, col-umn O of Exhibit 8 No. 1. An upward adjustment of $2,063 was made for the 9 Sma11 General- Service customer cl-ass, reflected on line 20, 10 column O of Exhibit No. 1. The total- upward adjustment for 11 both customer classes is $89,346. L2 O. What is the total amount of the ECA, not 13 includj-ng interest? 74 A. The total amount of the FCA for both the 15 Residential and Sma11 General Service customer cl-asses, not 76 includj-ng interest, is $27,7'77,602. Exhibit No. 2 shows !7 the calcul-ation for each customer cl-ass. The calculated 18 FCA deferral balance for the Residential- customer c1ass, 19 not including interest, is $26,630,910. This amount is 20 also found in Exhibit No. 1, l-ine 6, column P. The 27 calculated ECA deferral balance for the Sma1l General 22 Service customer class, not including interest, is 23 $1,146,692. This amount is also found in Exhibit No. 1, 24 l-ine 20, cofumn P. 25 HARRIS, DT 8 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 L6 L1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 O. tr'Ihat is the effect of changing the methodology to calculate the ECA using actual bi11ed saLes instead of weather-normal-ized bi11ed sal-es? A. In years when actual sales per customer are higher than weather-normal-ized sa1es, the FCA will be lower with the new methodology. In years when actual sales per customer are lower than weather-normal-ized sales, the FCA will be hlgher with the new methodology. o.What would the FCA have been had the Company used weather-normalized billed sales to calcu]ate the actual fixed costs recovered as it would have prior to Order No. 33295 rather than using actual billed sales? A.Using weather-normalized bilIed sales in the cal-culati-on of the 2015 FCA would have resulted in an PCA deferral balance of $24,833,613, not including interestr or $2,943,989 less than the ]evel of fixed cost recovery determined using actual bi11ed sal-es. This indicates that the Company's actual fixed cost recovery was lower than the l-evel of fixed cost recovery that woul-d have been calculated based on weather-normalized billed sales in 20L5. Exhibit No. 3 shows the comparison of the 2015 FCA deferral usi-ng both actual billed sales and weather- normaf ized bil]ed sales. HARRIS, DI 9 Idaho Power Company 1 Q. What is the total amount of the 2015 FCA, 2 including interest, the Company is requesting to implement 3 in rates on June L, 20L6? 4 A. The total amount of the 20L5 FCA the Company 5 is requesting to begin recovering in rates on June 7, 2076, 6 is $28,054,542.06, refl-ected on line 32, column U, of 7 Exhibit No. 4. The ECA for the Residential cl-ass is 8 $26,891,108.83 reflected on l-ine 15, column U, of Exhibit 9 No. 4. The ECA for the Small General Service Class is 10 $1,157,433.23 reflected on lj-ne 29, column U, of Exhibit 11 No. 4. Exhi-bit No. 4 shows the FCA deferra] bal-ances and L2 adjustments, plus interest, through May 2016. Exhibit No. 13 4 and Exhibit No. 1 both contain the same information as L4 the FCA Report sent to the Commission each month; however, 15 Exhibit No. 4 calculates j-nterest from January 2015 through L6 l4,ay 2016 while Exhibj-t No. 1 shows that j-nformation only !7 for the 2015 calendar year. 18 O. What is the significance of these numbers with 19 respect to the Company's recovery of its fixed costs? 20 A. Because the Residential FCA is a positive 2l number, it means that the cal-culated average use per 22 customer has decreased from the level established in the 23 Company's last general rate case. Therefore, in accordance 24 with the approved mechanism, the Residential cl-ass will 25 receive an adjustment to allow for recovery of the fixed HARRIS, DI 10 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 costs that were not recovered through actual- biI1ed energy charges during the year. The same holds true for the Smal1 General Service cl-ass, meaning that the calculated use per customer for this class has also decreased from the level established in the Company's most recent general rate case and the Company has not recovered its authorized Ievel of fixed costs based on actual bil-Ied sales for the Small General Service class. III. CALCI'I,ATION OF TEE 2016-20L7 FCA RATE O. Please descrj-be the calculatj-on of the FCA rates the Company is proposing to go into effect on June 7, 20L6. A.The ECA rates the Company proposes to go into effect on June L, 2076, were cal-culated by taking the FCA deferral bal-ances for each customer cl-ass described above and dividing by the respective class energy sal-es forecast for the June l, 20!6, through May 31, 20L7, time frame. This is the same perJ-od as the Power Cost Adjustment rate effective period. o.What has the Company determined the forecast energy sales to be for both the Residential and Small General- Service cl-asses? A. The Company's forecasted energy sales are 5,014,43L,603 kwh for the Residential class and 130,654,69'7 HARRIS, DI 11 Idaho Power Company 1 kwh for the Sma11 General Servi-ce cIass. The forecasted 2 energy sales are found in Exhibit No. 5. 3 Q. What are the corresponding ECA rates for the 4 Residential and Small- General- Service cl-asses based on a 5 combined and equal PCA rate changer dS defined in the 6 approved mechanism? 7 A. To recover the authorized leve1 of fixed 8 costs, the FCA rate for the Residential class would be 9 0.5416 cents per kWh and the corresponding rate for the 10 Sma11 General Service cl-ass would be 0.6875 cents per kwh. 11 The calculation of these rates is found in Exhibit No. 5. t2 In Order No. 32505, the Commj-ssion ordered that the ECA 13 deferral balance will conti-nue to be recovered or refunded 74 equally between the Residential and Small General- Servj-ce 15 customer classes. Order No. 32505 at 9. Because the 16 Residential and Sma]l General Service classes reduced their L7 energy consumption per customer such that the Company 18 under-collected its authorized 1evel of fixed costs as 79 established in Case No. IPC-E-11-08, each class requires a 20 rate surcharge. 2l O. What is the difference between the FCA 22 deferral balance currently in amortization and the proposed 23 FCA deferral balance? 24 A. fn this filing, the Company is proposing to 25 collect rates based on an ECA deferral balance of HARRIS, DI 72 fdaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 1,6 77 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 $28,054,542, which would be $71,,1,72,832 more than the current FCA deferral- ba1ance. In Order No. 33302, i-ssued in Case No. IPC-E-15-05, the Commission approved the total FCA deferral- bal-ance of $16,881,71,0, with rates based on that balance effective for the period June t, 20L5, through May 31, 2016. Order No. 33302 at 4. O. How is the 3 percent rate adjustment cap determined? A.As agreed to in the Stipulati-on and approved by the Commj-ssion in Order No. 33295, the Company calculates the 3 percent cap on annual increases by dividing the proposed FCA deferral change by the forecasted base rate revenue. o.Does the proposed FCA deferral- bal-ance exceed the 3 percent cap on annual- increases over base revenue? A.No, the proposed FCA deferral balance does not exceed the 3 percent cap on annual increases over base revenue. The proposed FCA deferral balance is an increase of $71,172,832 over the existj-ng FCA deferral balance. The total base revenue for the Company's test year for the Resi-dential and Smal-l- General Servi-ce customer classes is $469,627,674. The ECA i-ncrease is 2.38 percent higher than base revenue ($11,772,832/$469,627,6'14) , which is below the 3 percent cap. Exhibit No. 5 shows the determination of the percentage of the annual increase over base revenue. HARRIS, DI 13 Idaho Power Company 1 Q. Vflhat j-s the percentage change in bj-I1ed 2 revenue as measured from total bitled amounts currently 3 recovered from Residential and Small General Service 4 customers, including the current FCA? 5 A. The resulting increase of 9L1,1,72,832 the 6 Company is proposlng to collect through the ECA rates 7 effective June !, 20L6, through May 31, 2017, represents an 8 annual increase of 2.20 percent from current billed revenue 9 for the affected customer classes. The percentage change 10 in bil1ed revenue is found in Exhibit No. 6. 11 O. How will the Company incorporate the FCA L2 surcharges for the Residential- and Small General Service 13 classes on customers' biIIs? L4 A. The Company proposes to continue including the 1-5 FCA with the Annual Adjustment Mechanism line item on L6 Residential and Sma11 General Service customers' biIIs. L7 O. Does this complete your testimony? 18 A. Yes, it does. 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 HARRIS, DI 74 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 !4 15 76 l7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ATTESTAIION OF TESIIIOIIY STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. County of Ada ) I, Zachary L. Harris, having been duly sworn to testify truthfully, and based upon my personal knowledge, state the following: I am employed by Idaho Power Company as a Regulatory Analyst and am competent to be a witness in this proceeding. I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of Idaho that the foregoing pre-fi1ed direct testimony is true and correct to the best of my information and belief. DATED this 15th day of March 20L6. SUBSCRIBED AND March 201,6. SWORN to before me this 15th day of expr_res:a9c HARRIS, DI 15 Idaho Power Company Harris 1rOT.{4*(Da.D Pusutc NotAry PubI Residing a My commission r Idaho